
AI-assisted targeting in the Gaza Strip

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993:(a left wing Israeli news outlet) stated that to maintain military pressure, and due to political pressure to continue the war, the military would bomb the same places twice. Since then, the integration of AI tools has significantly sped up the selection of targets. In early November, the IDF stated more than 12,000 targets in Gaza had been identified by the target administration division that uses the Gospel. NPR wrote on December 14 that it was unclear how many targets from the Gospel had been acted upon, but that the Israeli military said it was currently striking as many as 250 targets a day. The bombing, too, has intensified to what the December 14 article called an astonishing pace: the Israeli military stated at the time it had struck more than 22,000 targets inside Gaza, at a daily rate more than double that of the 2021 conflict, more than 3,500 of them since the collapse of 1247:, and thoroughly examines and investigates exceptions; that a member of an organized armed group or a direct participant in hostilities is a lawful target under international humanitarian law and the policy of all law-abiding countries; that it "makes various efforts to reduce harm to civilians to the extent feasible in the operational circumstances ruling at the time of the strike"; that it chooses the proper munition in accordance with operational and humanitarian considerations; that aerial munitions without an integrated precision-guide kit are developed militaries' standard weaponry; that onboard aircraft systems used by trained pilots ensure high precision of such weapons; and that the clear majority of munitions it uses are 2190:: I mean one source recalled how, for example, in 2021 and 2014, y'know, they ran out of targets. They had nothing left to bomb. There was nothing but quality to bomb. But there was political pressure to continue the war. There was a need to continue the pressure in Gaza. So one source recalled how in 2014, they would bomb the same places twice. When you have artificial intelligence, when you have automation, when you can create so many targets, often spending, y'know, less than a minute on a target that, at the end of the day, is killing families, y'know? So, so, so that allows you to continue wars, often even for political purposes, it could be, for much longer than you could in the past. 3336:"It was a surprise that the Israelis hit a civilian neighbourhood, people are living normally, they have not fled. We did not flee Bint Jbeil, all residents are still in Bint Jbeil. We hear the bombardment and the shelling but it was still far away, the town was neutral but we were surprised that a civilian neighbourhood was hit, civilians, a groom who came from Australia to take his bride. They were spending time together along with his brother at his brother’s house, really it was a surprise for us." 3016:
claims, the IDF does not use an artificial intelligence system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist. Information systems are merely tools for analysts in the target identification process. According to IDF directives, analysts must conduct independent examinations, in which they verify that the identified targets meet the relevant definitions in accordance with international law and additional restrictions stipulated in the IDF directives.
2496:: "What we're talking about is, a policy of dropping a bomb that weighs two thousand pounds, on a home, in order to assassinate one person, okay? Now, in the past, imagine before artificial intelligence and automation, you would do that, say, for a group of very small senior leaders of Hamas, killing them and knowingly killing everybody around them when you automates that process, when you have a need to strike hundreds and thousands of targets, you can do so in a systematic way..." 6288: 6262: 6312: 3293:
nearby civilians, critical infrastructure in the vicinity, and more. Aerial munitions without an integrated precision-guide kit are standard weaponry in developed militaries worldwide. The IDF uses such munitions while employing onboard aircraft systems to calculate a specific release point to ensure a high level of precision, used by trained pilots. In any event, the clear majority of munitions used in strikes are precision-guided munitions.
6300: 1339:, as saying the war could obsolete these blurred categories and invigorate a stricter regulatory definition, significant human control, which human rights activists including Article 36 have been trying to advocate. She quoted de Roucy-Rochegonde as saying it's not known what kind of algorithm the Israeli army uses, or how the data has been aggregated, which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't lead to a life-or-death decision. 1162:
Information systems are merely one of the types of tools that help analysts gather and optimally analyze intelligence from various sources for the process of identifying military targets, and according to IDF directives, analysts must conduct independent examinations to verify the targets meet the relevant definitions in accordance with international law and the additional restrictions of the IDF directives.
human control." It's a stricter definition that some human rights activists, including the NGO Article 36, have been pushing for without much success. "The problem is that we don't know what kind of algorithm is being used , or how the data has been aggregated. It wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't a life-or-death decision at the end of it," said de Roucy-Rochegonde.
1158:. It saved a lot of time.” A source who justified the use of Lavender to help identify low-ranking targets said that in wartime there's no time to carefully go through the identification process with every target, and rather than invest manpower and time in a junior militant "you're willing to take the margin of error of using artificial intelligence." 1450:, citing unnamed experts, wrote that "AI-based decision support systems for targeting" would typically "analyse large sets of information from a range of sources, such as drone footage, intercepted communications, surveillance data," and "movements and behaviour patterns of individuals and large groups." NPR cited Blaise Misztal of the 3562:
strike is based on a variety of assessment methods and intelligence-gathering measures, in order to achieve the most accurate assessment possible, considering the relevant operational circumstances. The IDF does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage.
2584:"Look at the physical landscape of Gaza," said Richard Moyes, a researcher who heads Article 36, a group that campaigns to reduce harm from weapons. "We're seeing the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons, so to claim there's precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts." 1134:. The six said Lavender had played a central role in the war, rapidly processing data to identify potential junior operatives to target, at one point listing as many as 37,000 Palestinian men linked by AI to Hamas or PIJ. The details of Lavender's operation or how it comes to its conclusions are not included in accounts published by 1053:
killed in a strike, and according to a senior Israeli military source, operatives use a "very accurate" measurement of the rate of civilians evacuating a building shortly before a strike. “We use an algorithm to evaluate how many civilians are remaining. It gives us a green, yellow, red, like a traffic signal.”
1376:, but who's responsible if the targeting system fails, and it's impossible to trace the failure to any one mistake by one person? The NPR article went on: "Is it the analyst who accepted the AI recommendation? The programmers who made the system? The intelligence officers who gathered the training data?" 3170:"Because we usually carried out the attacks with dumb bombs, and that meant literally dropping the whole house on its occupants. But even if an attack is averted, you don't care – you immediately move on to the next target. Because of the system, the targets never end. You have another 36,000 waiting." 3501:
Another intelligence officer said that more recently in the conflict, the rate of permitted collateral damage was brought down again. But at one stage earlier in the war they were authorised to kill up to "20 uninvolved civilians" for a single operative, regardless of their rank, military importance,
Details about the specific kinds of data used to train Lavender's algorithm, or how the programme reached its conclusions, are not included in the accounts published by +972 or Local Call. However, the sources said that during the first few weeks of the war, Unit 8200 refined Lavender's algorithm and
The target division was created to address a chronic problem for the IDF: in earlier operations in Gaza, the air force repeatedly ran out of targets to strike. Since senior Hamas officials disappeared into tunnels at the start of any new offensive, sources said, systems such as the Gospel allowed the
on how this number was over 100 for top-ranking Hamas officials, with one of the sources saying there was a calculation for how many civilians could be killed for a brigade commander, how many for a battalion commander, and so on. One of the officers said that for junior militants, this number was 15
as asserting the system is being used to manufacture targets so that Israeli military forces can continue to bombard Gaza at an enormous rate, punishing the general Palestinian population. NPR noted it had not verified this; it was unclear how many targets are being generated by AI alone; but there'd
would bomb. It automatically provides a targeting recommendation to a human analyst, who decides whether to pass it along to soldiers in the field. The recommendations can be anything from individual fighters, rocket launchers, Hamas command posts, to private homes of suspected Hamas or Islamic Jihad
Finally, Khlaaf points out that the use of AI could make it more difficult to pursue accountability for those involved in the conflict. Although humans still retain the legal culpability for strikes, it's unclear who is responsible if the targeting system fails. Is it the analyst who accepted the AI
One source said that the limit on permitted civilian casualties "went up and down" over time, and at one point was as low as five. During the first week of the conflict, the source said, permission was given to kill 15 non-combatants to take out junior militants in Gaza. However, they said estimates
In earlier military operations conducted by the IDF, producing human targets was often a more labour-intensive process. Multiple sources who described target development in previous wars to the Guardian, said the decision to "incriminate" an individual, or identify them as a legitimate target, would
Lavender created a database of tens of thousands of individuals who were marked as predominantly low-ranking members of Hamas's military wing, they added. This was used alongside another AI-based decision support system, called the Gospel, which recommended buildings and structures as targets rather
Misztal's group documented one of the first trials of the Gospel, during a 2021 conflict in Gaza between Israel and the militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. According to press reports and statements from the military itself, Israel used the Gospel and other AI programs to identify likely targets
Technology does not change this fundamental truth. Often social categories and concepts are not objective, but are contested or specific to time and place. But computer vision together with algorithms are more effective in predictable environments where concepts are objective, reasonably stable, and
as saying Palestinian men linked to Hamas's military wing were considered potential targets regardless of rank or importance, and low-ranking Hamas and PLJ members would be preferentially targeted at home, with one saying the system was built to look for them in these situations when attacking would
wrote that in previous wars identifying someone as a legitimate target would be discussed and then signed off by a legal adviser, and that, after 7 October, the process was dramatically accelerated, there was pressure for more targets, and to meet the demand, the IDF came to rely heavily on Lavender
The Gospel is used by the military's target administration division (or Directorate of Targets or Targeting Directorate), which was formed in 2019 in the IDF's intelligence directorate to address the air force running out of targets to bomb, and which Kohavi described as "powered by AI capabilities"
Regarding the suitability of AIs for the task, NPR cited Heidy Khlaaf, engineering director of AI Assurance at the technology security firm Trail of Bits, as saying "AI algorithms are notoriously flawed with high error rates observed across applications that require precision, accuracy, and safety."
Local media in Lebanon says an Israeli war plane fired a missile at a number of homes in Lebanon's Bint Jbei area. A missile strike killed 27-year-old Ibraham Bazzi, his brother Ali Bazzi and Ibrahim's wife Shorouk Hammond. Ms Hammoud had recently acquired an Australian visa and she and her husband
Two sources said that during the early weeks of the war they were permitted to kill 15 or 20 civilians during airstrikes on low-ranking militants. Attacks on such targets were typically carried out using unguided munitions known as "dumb bombs", the sources said, destroying entire homes and killing
In the weeks after the Hamas-led 7 October assault on southern Israel, in which Palestinian militants killed nearly 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped about 240 people, the sources said there was a decision to treat Palestinian men linked to Hamas's military wing as potential targets, regardless of their
for each target, that such assessments are made individually, not categorically, that the EDF doesn't carry out strikes when the collateral damage is excessive relative to the military advantage, and that the IDF outright rejects the claim regarding any policy to kill tens of thousands of people in
wrote that when a strike was authorized on private homes of those identified as Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, target researchers knew in advance the expected number of civilians killed, each target had a file containing a collateral damage score stipulating how many civilians were likely to be
In principle, the combination of a computer's speed to identify opportunities and a human's judgment to evaluate them can enable more precise attacks and fewer civilian casualties. Israeli military and media have emphasized the minimized harm to non-combatants. Richard Moyes, researcher and head of
Once a recommendation is accepted another AI, Fire Factory, cuts assembling the attack down from hours to minutes by calculating munition loads, prioritizing and assigning targets to aircraft and drones, and proposing a schedule, according to a pre-war Bloomberg article that described such AI tools
In this regard, the IDF reviews targets before strikes and chooses the proper munition in accordance with operational and humanitarian considerations, taking into account an assessment of the relevant structural and geographical features of the target, the target's environment, possible effects on
The process of identifying military targets in the IDF consists of various types of tools and methods, including information management tools, which are used in order to help the intelligence analysts to gather and optimally analyze the intelligence, obtained from a variety of sources. Contrary to
According to Kochavi, "once this machine was activated" in Israel's 11-day war with Hamas in May 2021 it generated 100 targets a day. "To put that into perspective, in the past we would produce 50 targets in Gaza per year. Now, this machine produces 100 targets a single day, with 50% of them being
In recent months, Israel has been issuing near-daily warnings to Iran over its uranium enrichment, vowing it will not allow the country to obtain nuclear weapons under any circumstances. Should the two enter into a military confrontation, the IDF anticipates that Iranian proxies in Gaza, Syria and
Although it's not known exactly what data the Gospel uses to make its suggestions, it likely comes from a wide variety of different sources. The list includes things like cell phone messages, satellite imagery, drone footage and even seismic sensors, according to Blaise Misztal, vice president for
The statement went on to say the "system" in question is not a system, nor a list of confirmed military operatives eligible to attack, only a database to cross-reference intelligence sources in order to produce up-to-date layers of information on the military operatives of terrorist organizations.
These tools include the Gospel, an AI which automatically reviews surveillance data looking for buildings, equipment and people thought to belong to the enemy, and upon finding them, recommends bombing targets to a human analyst who may then decide whether to pass it along to the field. Another is
Mimran adds that, under pressure, analysts will be more likely to accept the AI's targeting recommendations, regardless of whether they are correct. Targeting officers may be tempted to think that "life will be much easier if we flow with the machine and accept its advice and recommendations," he
Experts in international humanitarian law who spoke to the Guardian expressed alarm at accounts of the IDF accepting and pre-authorising collateral damage ratios as high as 20 civilians, particularly for lower-ranking militants. They said militaries must assess proportionality for each individual
When it came to targeting low-ranking Hamas and PIJ suspects, they said, the preference was to attack when they were believed to be at home. "We were not interested in killing operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity," one said. "It's much easier to
Their accounts were shared exclusively with the Guardian in advance of publication. All six said that Lavender had played a central role in the war, processing masses of data to rapidly identify potential "junior" operatives to target. Four of the sources said that, at one stage early in the war,
NPR has not independently verified those claims, and it's unclear how many targets are currently being generated by AI alone. But there has been a substantial increase in targeting, according to the Israeli military's own numbers. In the 2021 conflict, Israel said it struck 1,500 targets in Gaza,
The pace is astonishing: In the wake of the brutal attacks by Hamas-led militants on October 7, Israeli forces have struck more than 22,000 targets inside Gaza, a small strip of land along the Mediterranean coast. Just since the temporary truce broke down on December 1, Israel's Air Force has hit
The Israeli military did not respond directly to NPR's inquiries about the Gospel. In the November 2 post, it said the system allows the military to "produce targets for precise attacks on infrastructures associated with Hamas, while causing great damage to the enemy and minimal harm to those not
The secret to machine learning is generalization. The goal is to generalize the output function so that it works on data beyond the training set. For example, consider a spam filter. Your dictionary contains 100,000 words (actually a small dictionary). A limited training dataset of 4,000 or 5,000
Militaries and soldiers frame their decision-making through what is called the "OODA loop" (for observe, orient, decide, act). A faster OODA loop can help you outmanoeuvre your enemy. The goal is to avoid slowing down decisions through excessive deliberation, and instead to match the accelerating
Laure de Roucy-Rochegonde, also a researcher at IFRI and the author of a thesis on the regulation of autonomous weapons systems, said the specifics of the war between Israel and Hamas could render these blurred categories obsolete and reinvigorate another regulatory concept, that of "significant
Automated weapons today fall into two main categories: Fully-automated lethal weapons systems, of which there are no real examples on the market, and lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs), which in principle allow humans to have control. The vast majority of Western military powers – and Israel, with
For each target, IDF procedures require conducting an individual assessment of the anticipated military advantage and collateral damage expected. Such assessments are not made categorically in relation to the approval of individual strikes. The assessment of the collateral damage expected from a
Such a strategy risked higher numbers of civilian casualties, and the sources said the IDF imposed pre-authorised limits on the number of civilians it deemed acceptable to kill in a strike aimed at a single Hamas militant. The ratio was said to have changed over time, and varied according to the
Though the military won't comment on specific operations, officials say that it now uses an AI recommendation system that can crunch huge amounts of data to select targets for air strikes. Ensuing raids can then be rapidly assembled with another artificial intelligence model called Fire Factory,
Precisely what forms of data are ingested into the Gospel is not known. But experts said AI-based decision support systems for targeting would typically analyse large sets of information from a range of sources, such as drone footage, intercepted communications, surveillance data and information
who's previously worked with the government on targeting, added that pressure will make analysts more likely to accept the AI's targeting recommendations, whether they are correct, and they may be tempted to make life easier for themselves by going along with the machine's recommendations, which
it generated 100 targets a day, with half of them being attacked, in contrast with 50 targets in Gaza per year beforehand. Approximately 200 targets came from the Gospel out of the 1,500 targets Israel struck in Gaza in the war, including both static and moving targets according to the military.
Contrary to Hamas, the IDF is committed to international law and acts accordingly. As such, the IDF directs its strikes only towards military targets and military operatives and carries out strikes in accordance with the rules of proportionality and precautions in attacks. Exceptional incidents
A former senior Israeli military source told the Guardian that operatives use a "very accurate" measurement of the rate of civilians evacuating a building shortly before a strike. "We use an algorithm to evaluate how many civilians are remaining. It gives us a green, yellow, red, like a traffic
Israel's military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, "around the clock" airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, but he added: "We are not being
The "system" your questions refer to is not a system, but simply a database whose purpose is to cross-reference intelligence sources, in order to produce up-to-date layers of information on the military operatives of terrorist organizations. This is not a list of confirmed military operatives
The Gospel is actually one of several AI programs being used by Israeli intelligence, according to Tal Mimran, a lecturer at Hebrew University in Jerusalem who has worked for the Israeli government on targeting during previous military operations. Other AI systems aggregate vast quantities of
Some claim machine learning enables greater precision in targeting, which makes it easier to avoid harming innocent people and using a proportional amount of force. However, the idea of more precise targeting of airstrikes has not been successful in the past, as the high toll of declared and
A brief blog post by the Israeli military on November 2 lays out how the Gospel is being used in the current conflict. According to the post, the military's Directorate of Targets is using the Gospel to rapidly produce targets based on the latest intelligence. The system provides a targeting
at the start of an offensive, systems such as the Gospel have allowed the IDF to locate and attack a much larger pool of more junior Hamas operatives. It cited an official who worked on targeting decisions in previous Gaza operations as saying that while the homes of junior Hamas members had
According to international humanitarian law, a person who is identified as a member of an organized armed group (like the Hamas' military wing), or a person who directly participates in hostilities, is considered a lawful target. This legal rule is reflected in the policy of all law-abiding
One official, who worked on targeting decisions in previous Gaza operations, said the IDF had not previously targeted the homes of junior Hamas members for bombings. They said they believed that had changed for the present conflict, with the houses of suspected Hamas operatives now targeted
The IDF issued a statement that some of the claims portrayed are baseless while others reflect a flawed understanding of IDF directives and international law, and that the IDF does not use an AI system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist.
AI-based tools like Fire Factory are tailored for such a scenario, according to IDF officials. "What used to take hours now takes minutes, with a few more minutes for human review," said Col. Uri, who heads the army's digital transformation unit "With the same amount of people, we do much
Suchman observed that the huge volume of targets is likely putting pressure on the human reviewers, saying that "in the face of this kind of acceleration, those reviews become more and more constrained in terms of what kind of judgment people can actually exercise." Tal Mimran, lecturer at
Some of the claims portrayed in your questions are baseless in fact, while others reflect a flawed understanding of IDF directives and international law. Following the murderous attack by the Hamas terror organization on October 7, the IDF has been operating to dismantle Hamas' military
3167:"You don't want to waste expensive bombs on unimportant people – it's very expensive for the country and there's a shortage ," one intelligence officer said. Another said the principal question they were faced with was whether the "collateral damage" to civilians allowed for an attack. 1631:
Multiple sources familiar with the IDF's targeting processes confirmed the existence of the Gospel to +972/Local Call, saying it had been used to produce automated recommendations for attacking targets, such as the private homes of individuals suspected of being Hamas or Islamic Jihad
Moyes, of Article 36, said that when relying on tools such as the Gospel, a commander "is handed a list of targets a computer has generated" and they "don't necessarily know how the list has been created or have the ability to adequately interrogate and question the targeting
The testimony from the six intelligence officers, all who have been involved in using AI systems to identify Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) targets in the war, was given to the journalist Yuval Abraham for a report published by the Israeli-Palestinian publication
Another source, who justified the use of Lavender to help identify low-ranking targets, said that "when it comes to a junior militant, you don't want to invest manpower and time in it". They said that in wartime there was insufficient time to carefully "incriminate every
A report by the Israeli publication +972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call asserts that the system is being used to manufacture targets so that Israeli military forces can continue to bombard Gaza at an enormous rate, punishing the general Palestinian
cited Moyes as saying a commander who's handed a computer-generated list of targets may not know how the list was generated or be able to question the targeting recommendations, and is in danger of losing the ability to meaningfully consider the risk of civilian harm.
The huge volume of targets is also likely putting pressure on the humans asked to review them, says Suchman. "In the face of this kind of acceleration, those reviews become more and more constrained in terms of what kind of judgment people can actually exercise," she
According to +972 and Local Call, the IDF judged it permissible to kill more than 100 civilians in attacks on a top-ranking Hamas officials. "We had a calculation for how many for the brigade commander, how many for a battalion commander, and so on," one source
1142:, but after a sample of the list was found to have a 90% accuracy rate, the IDF approved Lavender's sweeping use for recommending targets. According to the officers it was used alongside the Gospel, which targeted buildings and structures instead of individuals. 1550:
intelligence data and classify it. The final system is the Gospel, which makes a targeting recommendation to a human analyst. Those targets could be anything from individual fighters, to equipment like rocket launchers, or facilities such as Hamas command posts.
In recent years, the target division has helped the IDF build a database of what sources said was between 30,000 and 40,000 suspected militants. Systems such as the Gospel, they said, had played a critical role in building lists of individuals authorised to be
2153:: "Now, sources that I've spoken to that have operated the Gospel and have served in that center they said the use of artificial intelligence is being incr- increasing trend in the military because in the past, the military ran out of targets in 2014 and 2021. 3062:
Dr Marta Bo, a researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, said that even when "humans are in the loop" there is a risk they develop "automation bias" and "over-rely on systems which come to have too much influence over complex human
934:, where an AI is tasked with identifying commonalities in vast amounts of data (e.g. scans of cancerous tissue, photos of a facial expression, surveillance of Hamas members identified by human analysts), then looking for those commonalities in new material. 1388:, said he was “deeply troubled” by reports that Israel used artificial intelligence in its military campaign in Gaza, saying the practice puts civilians at risk and blurs accountability. Speaking about the Lavender system, Marc Owen Jones, a professor at 1404:, stated, "Corporate America Big Tech is actually aligned with many of the Israeli military’s actions. The fact that AI systems are being used indicates there’s a lack of regard by the Israeli state. Everybody knows these AI systems will make mistakes." 3199:
According to conflict experts, if Israel has been using dumb bombs to flatten the homes of thousands of Palestinians who were linked, with the assistance of AI, to militant groups in Gaza, that could help explain the shockingly high death toll in the
wrote that if Israel has been using dumb bombs to flatten the homes of thousands of Palestinians who were linked with AI assistance to militant groups in Gaza, it could help explain what the newspaper called the shockingly high death toll of the war.
identified an issue, stating the system had data on what was a target, but lacked data on what wasn't. The system depends entirely on training data, and intel that human analysts had examined and deemed didn't constitute a target had been discarded,
3738: 2913:
In the weeks and months after 7 October, this model for approving strikes on human targets was dramatically accelerated, according to the sources. As the IDF's bombardment of Gaza intensified, they said, commanders demanded a continuous pipeline of
as saying the data likely comes from a wide variety of sources, including such things as cellphone messages, satellite imagery, drone footage and seismic sensors. The data is aggregated and classified by other AI systems before being fed into the
1023:, characterized this as enabling the systematization of dropping a 2000 lb bomb into a home to kill one person and everybody around them, something that had previously been done to a very small group of senior Hamas leaders. NPR cited a report by 1805:
Machine learning relies on algorithms to analyze huge datasets. Currently, machine learning can't provide the sort of AI that the movies present. Even the best algorithms can't think, feel, present any form of self-awareness, or exercise free
The Israeli military's bombing campaign in Gaza used a previously undisclosed AI-powered database that at one stage identified 37,000 potential targets based on their apparent links to Hamas, according to intelligence sources involved in the
According to posts on the Israeli military's website, the Gospel was developed by Israel's signals intelligence branch, known as Unit 8200. The system is relatively new — one of the earliest mentions was a top innovation award that it won in
wrote it'd helped the IDF build a database of between 30,000 and 40,000 suspected militants in recent years, and that systems such as the Gospel had played a critical role in building lists of individuals authorized to be assassinated.
5432: 720: 948:'s Strategic and Defence Studies Centre wrote AIs are "more effective in predictable environments where concepts are objective, reasonably stable, and internally consistent." She contrasted this with telling the difference between a 1596:
The post states that the targeting division is able to send these targets to the IAF and navy, and directly to ground forces via an app known as "Pillar of Fire," which commanders carry on military-issued smartphones and other
913:, head of the IDF until 2023, stated that the system could produce 100 bombing targets in Gaza a day, with real-time recommendations which ones to attack, where human analysts might produce 50 a year. A lecturer interviewed by 2714:
But it was not without its problems. The after-action report by Misztal's group noted that, while the AI had plenty of training data for what constituted a target, it lacked data on things that human analysts had decided were
5427: 5034: 3129:
The testimonies published by +972 and Local Call may explain how such a western military with such advanced capabilities, with weapons that can conduct highly surgical strikes, has conducted a war with such a vast human
2917:"We were constantly being pressured: 'Bring us more targets.' They really shouted at us," said one intelligence officer. "We were told: now we have to fuck up Hamas, no matter what the cost. Whatever you can, you bomb." 2569:
In the IDF's brief statement about its target division, a senior official said the unit "produces precise attacks on infrastructure associated with Hamas while inflicting great damage to the enemy and minimal harm to
Artificial intelligences, despite the name, are not capable of thought or consciousness. Instead, they are machines developed to automate tasks humans accomplish with intelligence through other means. The Gospel uses
4515: 405: 2711:
such as rocket launchers. The system was used to identify static targets as well as moving targets as they appeared on the battlefield. According to press reports, it identified around 200 targets in the conflict.
2072:"The nature of AI systems is to provide outcomes based on statistical and probabilistic inferences and correlations from historical data, and not any type of reasoning, factual evidence, or 'causation,'" she says. 5411: 3612: 6170: 2875:
After randomly sampling and cross-checking its predictions, the unit concluded Lavender had achieved a 90% accuracy rate, the sources said, leading the IDF to approve its sweeping use as a target recommendation
585: 1335:, which in principle allow human control, and that this division allows Israel to claim the Gospel falls on the side of the more appropriate use of force. She cited Laure de Roucy-Rochegonde, a researcher at 4348: 2068:
But critics question whether the Gospel and other associated AI systems are in fact performing as the military claims. Khlaaf notes that artificial intelligence depends entirely on training data to make its
Machine learning algorithms learn through data. They learn by seeking patterns in huge piles of data, and their success is contingent on the data's quality and quantity. They make recommendations based on
1396:, a United Nations special rapporteur, stated that if reports about Israel's use of AI were true, then "many Israeli strikes in Gaza would constitute the war crimes of launching disproportionate attacks". 5264: 1708:
tempo of war. So the use of AI is potentially justified on the basis it can interpret and synthesise huge amounts of data, processing it and delivering outputs at rates that far surpass human cognition.
The IDF's response to the publication of the testimonies said that unlike Hamas, it is committed to international law and only strikes military targets and military operatives, does so in accordance to
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that when a strike was authorised on the private homes of individuals identified as Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, target researchers knew in advance the number of civilians expected to be killed.
2336: 2296: 2051: 1935: 1767: 1653: 1576: 1536: 6234: 5027: 2480: 2174: 2137: 1498: 3070:"There is a danger," he added, "that as humans come to rely on these systems they become cogs in a mechanised process and lose the ability to consider the risk of civilian harm in a meaningful way." 3289:
As for the manner of carrying out the strikes – the IDF makes various efforts to reduce harm to civilians to the extent feasible in the operational circumstances ruling at the time of the strike.
2979:"So you're willing to take the margin of error of using artificial intelligence, risking collateral damage and civilians dying, and risking attacking by mistake, and to live with it," they added. 2517: 2004: 1830: 1729: 1694: 1289:
on the first week of the war, and at one point was as low as five. Another said it had been as high as 20 uninvolved civilians for one operative, regardless of rank, military importance, or age.
and Ibrahim Bazzi (27), and Ibrahim's wife Shorouq Hammond. The brothers are both Australian citizens, Ali lived locally but Ibrahim was visiting from Sydney to bring his wife home to Australia.
5488: 4005: 2354:
approximately 200 of which came from the Gospel. Since October 7, the military says it has struck more than 22,000 targets inside Gaza — a daily rate more than double that of the 2021 conflict.
1230:, destroying entire homes and killing everyone there, with one saying you don't want to waste expensive bombs that are in short supply on unimportant people. Citing unnamed conflict experts, 1983:
The system is called the Gospel. And basically, it takes an enormous quantity of surveillance data, crunches it all together and makes recommendations about where the military should strike.
4988: 2266:
However a short statement on the IDF website claimed it was using an AI-based system called Habsora (the Gospel, in English) in the war against Hamas to "produce targets at a fast pace".
5054: 4387: 1593:"This isn't just an automatic system," Misztal emphasizes. "If it thinks it finds something that could be a potential target, that's flagged then for an intelligence analyst to review." 210: 4924: 1413: 1209: 1019:
previously not been targeted for bombing, the official believes the houses of suspected Hamas operatives were now targeted regardless of rank. In the France 24 interview Abraham, of
5465: 1850:
The probabilities are based on pattern-matching. If a person has enough similarities to other people labelled as an enemy combatant, they too may be labelled a combatant themselves.
Lebanon would retaliate, setting the stage for the first serious multi-front conflict for Israel since a surprise attack by Egypt and Syria 50 years ago sparked the Yom Kippur War.
6228: 4763: 3379: 3046: 2669:
In an interview published before the war, he said it was "a machine that produces vast amounts of data more effectively than any human, and translates it into targets for attack".
2653: 2605: 2556: 2378: 2247: 2211: 2098: 1900: 1618: 654: 119: 5472: 5153: 4520: 4277: 3985: 385: 732: 3763: 5224: 5161: 5118: 4202: 3841: 2666:
Aviv Kochavi, who served as the head of the IDF until January, has said the target division is "powered by AI capabilities" and includes hundreds of officers and soldiers.
358: 78: 5254: 3604: 4798: 4272: 2459:
which uses data about military-approved targets to calculate munition loads, prioritize and assign thousands of targets to aircraft and drones, and propose a schedule.
42: 5204: 5108: 940:
Recommendations are based on pattern-matching. A person with enough similarities to other people labeled as enemy combatants may be labelled a combatant themselves.
215: 3446: 1879:
word combinations must create a generalized function that can then find spam in the 2^100,000 combinations that the function will see when working with actual data.
quoted one source: “I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage, and do dozens of them every day. I had zero added-value as a human, apart from being a
3574: 3544: 3472: 3272: 3242: 3212: 2994: 2920:
To meet this demand, the IDF came to rely heavily on Lavender to generate a database of individuals judged to have the characteristics of a PIJ or Hamas militant.
4758: 1188:
have criticized the use of such AI systems along ethical and legal lines, arguing that they violate basic principles of international humanitarian law, such as
6382: 5987: 5166: 4783: 4731: 4452: 4149: 742: 415: 346: 3688: 3352: 5086: 4853: 4778: 4244: 3646: 2774: 2689: 2328: 2288: 2043: 1927: 1759: 1645: 1568: 1528: 762: 685: 2472: 2166: 2129: 1490: 959:
Khlaaf went on to point out that such a system's decisions depend entirely on the data it's trained on, and are not based on reasoning, factual evidence or
5249: 5113: 4995: 4890: 4880: 799: 747: 695: 6357: 5401: 5386: 5376: 5303: 5259: 5194: 5091: 5078: 4773: 4070: 779: 767: 312: 2509: 1996: 1822: 1721: 1686: 5308: 5296: 5005: 4080: 737: 3418: 1336: 1321: 2021:
Moreover, the difference between a combatant and a civilian is rarely self-evident. Even humans frequently cannot tell who is and is not a combatant.
1451: 1392:
stated, "Let’s be clear: This is an AI-assisted genocide, and going forward, there needs to be a call for a moratorium on the use of AI in the war".
1070: 1949:
policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, a group that facilitates military cooperation between Israel and the United States.
According to the testimonies, the IDF imposed pre-authorised limits on how many civilians it permitted killing in order to kill one Hamas militant.
6372: 6031: 4946: 4768: 4487: 4392: 4353: 3713: 3404: 1348: 1193: 882: 114: 1464:
It's well-known in the field that an AI imitating the decisions of humans may imitate their mistakes and prejudices, resulting in what's known as
6332: 5406: 5396: 5391: 5381: 5274: 5138: 5064: 4846: 3311: 2719:
targets. The Israeli military hadn't collected the target data its analysts had discarded, and as a result the system's training had been biased.
1670:, a former head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. Using AI to assist with targeting has the potential to give commanders an enormous edge. 317: 2629:
Each target, they said, had a file containing a collateral damage score that stipulated how many civilians were likely to be killed in a strike.
2442: 2408: 6362: 5450: 5049: 4973: 4085: 3806: 715: 710: 678: 649: 590: 322: 35: 6036: 5103: 4726: 4000: 629: 410: 5333: 5199: 5187: 5182: 4885: 4302: 4139: 3331: 1015: 774: 497: 353: 307: 5338: 5318: 5059: 4963: 4951: 4941: 4934: 4465: 1179: 1175: 1038:
the NGO Article 36, pointed to "the widespread flattening of an urban area with heavy explosive weapons" to question these claims, while
784: 644: 634: 3038: 2645: 2597: 2548: 2370: 2239: 2203: 2090: 1892: 1610: 1355:
risk "automation bias": overreliance on systems, giving those systems too much influence over decisions that need to be made by humans.
What information the Gospel uses is not known, but it is thought to combine surveillance data from diverse sources in enormous amounts.
6223: 5123: 5010: 5000: 4788: 4104: 997:
on December 1. Early in the offensive the head of the Air Force stated his forces only struck military targets, but added: "We are not
789: 339: 4598: 4460: 4222: 28: 5096: 6367: 5291: 4978: 4363: 4307: 4124: 4097: 727: 690: 659: 447: 442: 5508: 5229: 5039: 4819: 4129: 4114: 700: 624: 467: 427: 3059:
For some experts who research AI and international humanitarian law, an acceleration of this kind raises a number of concerns.
4377: 4192: 2260:
In early November, the IDF said "more than 12,000" targets in Gaza had been identified by its target administration division.
1871: 1843:
How does the system produce these targets? It does so through probabilistic reasoning offered by machine learning algorithms.
1798: 514: 502: 173: 1240: 5797: 5209: 3826: 2573:
The precision of strikes recommended by the "AI target bank" has been emphasised in multiple reports in Israeli media. The
66: 3626:
Habsora – now claim to have opted for LAWs and can therefore claim to be on the more appropriate side of the use of force.
4919: 4911: 4610: 4590: 4402: 3969: 3831: 3515: 3183: 3147: 3113: 3083: 2959: 2933: 2893: 2855: 2809: 673: 639: 600: 105: 71: 1970: 1061:
Kohavi compared the target division using the Gospel to a machine and stated that once the machine was activated in the
4162: 4026: 3799: 2577:
daily newspaper reported that the unit "makes sure as far as possible there will be no harm to non-involved civilians".
811: 300: 178: 131: 3498:
of civilian casualties were imprecise, as it was not possible to know definitively how many people were in a building.
Critics have argued the use of these AI tools puts civilians at risk, blurs accountability, and results in militarily
5787: 5343: 4897: 4793: 4543: 4343: 4134: 4058: 531: 492: 4282: 4092: 3928: 1062: 976: 607: 334: 231: 3672:
says. But it could create a "whole new level of problems" if the machine is systematically misidentifying targets.
6342: 6337: 5128: 5022: 4873: 4829: 4753: 4477: 4297: 4212: 3933: 3852: 994: 757: 612: 400: 363: 224: 85: 2722:"It's been two years since then, so it's something that, hopefully, they've been able to rectify," Misztal says. 2530:
In principle, machine learning systems may enable more precisely targeted attacks and fewer civilian casualties.
5762: 5708: 4700: 4667: 4631: 4500: 4322: 4287: 4119: 1360: 1185: 945: 886: 752: 472: 437: 390: 161: 3676:
recommendation? The programmers who made the system? The intelligence officers who gathered the training data?
wrote that automated weapons are divided into fully automated systems, which aren't really on the market, and
6265: 6180: 5802: 5241: 4695: 4679: 4564: 4551: 4538: 4510: 4495: 4444: 4429: 4317: 4157: 3792: 794: 578: 539: 526: 462: 327: 124: 3260:
countries, including the IDF's legal practice and policy, which did not change during the course of the war.
claimed Ali as one of their fighters, and also included the civilian family members in a Hezbollah funeral.
6377: 5812: 5323: 5133: 4556: 4472: 4397: 4227: 3591:
The IDF outright rejects the claim regarding any policy to kill tens of thousands of people in their homes.
1389: 544: 373: 6217: 6186: 5214: 4254: 3423: 1226:
be much easier. Two of the sources said attacks on low-ranking militants were typically carried out with
198: 3447:"Military-style funeral held for Australian 'Hezbollah fighter' killed by Israeli air strike in Lebanon" 3353:"Australian man and his brother killed in Lebanon after building hit by Israeli air strike, family says" 2734: 6352: 6347: 6278: 6005: 5867: 5862: 5596: 4824: 4672: 4505: 4239: 2842:
Lavender listed as many as 37,000 Palestinian men who had been linked by the AI system to Hamas or PIL.
1248: 1104: 573: 203: 1590:
recommendation for a human analyst who then decides whether to pass it along to soldiers in the field.
could create a "whole new level of problems" if the machine is systematically misidentifying targets.
6192: 6158: 5857: 5678: 4814: 4414: 2263:
The activities of the division, formed in 2019 in the IDF's intelligence directorate, are classified.
1332: 1296:
The IDF's response said that IDF procedures require assessing the anticipated military advantage and
875: 855: 5977: 5807: 5143: 4868: 4841: 4641: 4312: 4187: 4177: 1673:"You're going to make decisions faster than your opponent, that's really what it's about," he says. 1418: 487: 477: 452: 5962: 4705: 4217: 1293:
wrote that experts in international humanitarian law who spoke to the newspaper expressed alarm.
1155: 906: 847: 804: 565: 457: 368: 1372:
Khlaaf noted the difficulty of pursuing accountability when AIs are involved. Humans retain the
4956: 4662: 4569: 4234: 4167: 4011: 3871: 821: 432: 243: 6292: 6085: 6070: 5882: 5616: 5611: 5219: 4657: 4604: 4424: 4249: 4182: 4172: 4038: 1666:
Algorithms can sift through mounds of intelligence data far faster than human analysts, says
for a database of individuals judged to have the characteristics of a PIJ or Hamas militant.
595: 482: 378: 236: 136: 6126: 5967: 5459: 5358: 4109: 3815: 1914:
drawn from monitoring the movements and behaviour patterns of individuals and large groups.
1667: 1043: 918: 843: 839: 422: 183: 166: 52: 1029: 8: 5284: 4929: 4434: 4419: 4409: 4048: 1074: 151: 1385: 1326: 897:
Israel uses an AI system dubbed "Habsora", "the Gospel", to determine which targets the
6148: 5892: 5767: 5663: 5535: 4968: 4858: 4043: 3949: 3913: 3881: 3647:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 3575:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 3545:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 3473:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 3398: 3273:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 3243:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 3213:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 2995:"Israel Defence Forces' response to claims about use of 'Lavender' AI database in Gaza" 2775:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 2690:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 2510:"Israel's AI can produce 100 bombing targets a day in Gaza. Is this the future of war?" 2329:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 2289:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 2044:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1997:"Israel's AI can produce 100 bombing targets a day in Gaza. Is this the future of war?" 1963:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1928:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1823:"Israel's AI can produce 100 bombing targets a day in Gaza. Is this the future of war?" 1760:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1722:"Israel's AI can produce 100 bombing targets a day in Gaza. Is this the future of war?" 1687:"Israel's AI can produce 100 bombing targets a day in Gaza. Is this the future of war?" 1646:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1569:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1529:"Israel is using an AI system to find targets in Gaza. Experts say it's just the start" 1189: 283: 253: 156: 141: 90: 2747: 850:
to rapidly and automatically perform much of the process of determining what to bomb.
6164: 5942: 5937: 5741: 5668: 5575: 5428:
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory
5313: 4983: 4834: 3903: 3898: 1867: 1794: 1397: 1352: 1297: 1244: 1197: 898: 859: 826: 666: 552: 268: 263: 146: 6316: 5957: 5912: 5897: 5847: 5827: 5792: 5328: 5044: 3990: 3954: 2574: 1465: 1079: 931: 705: 95: 6106: 6000: 5952: 5932: 5887: 5723: 5658: 4863: 4615: 4053: 3918: 3893: 3876: 1091:
and including hundreds of officers of soldiers. In addition to its wartime role,
998: 960: 273: 258: 248: 193: 3689:"UN chief 'deeply troubled' by reports Israel using AI to identify Gaza targets" 3380:"Australian killed in Lebanon strike was Hezbollah fighter, militant group says" 3134:
bomb a family's home. The system is built to look for them in these situations."
6246: 6240: 6210: 6153: 6111: 6015: 5995: 5877: 5872: 5817: 5777: 5746: 5693: 5653: 5560: 5353: 4530: 4292: 3995: 3959: 3339: 1428: 989: 521: 395: 100: 4349:
Destruction of cultural heritage during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip
3516:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 3184:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 3148:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 3114:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 3084:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 2960:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 2934:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 2894:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 2856:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 2810:"'The machine did it coldly': Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets" 6326: 6304: 6175: 5822: 5772: 5718: 5683: 5673: 5621: 5606: 5601: 5550: 5540: 5530: 4636: 4358: 3908: 3739:"'AI-assisted genocide': Israel reportedly used database for Gaza kill lists" 3714:"'AI-assisted genocide': Israel reportedly used database for Gaza kill lists" 1962: 1423: 1227: 1046:, described the bombing as "aimed at maximum devastation of the Gaza Strip". 984: 972: 953: 507: 278: 6171:
Attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria during the Israel–Hamas war
6116: 6065: 5947: 5907: 5902: 5842: 5837: 5832: 5782: 5698: 5626: 5545: 3964: 3923: 3886: 1039: 1010: 293: 288: 1034:
been a substantial increase in targeting, with an enormous civilian toll.
6203: 6080: 5852: 5713: 5703: 5688: 5591: 5570: 5555: 4721: 1373: 1254:
Family homes were also hit in Southern Lebanon, in a residential area of
910: 188: 1816: 1814: 1082:. The vice president expressed his hopes this had since been rectified. 6197: 6121: 6090: 6075: 5972: 1255: 557: 5028:
United States complicity in Israeli war crimes in the Israel–Hamas war
IDF to locate and attack a much larger pool of more junior operatives.
1988: 6010: 5015: 2735:
1811: 1271: 1265: 1100: 980: 949: 3039:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2748:"IDF possesses Matrix-like capabilities, ex-Israeli army chief says" 2646:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2598:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2549:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2371:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2240:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2204:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 2091:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 1893:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 1611:"'The Gospel': how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza" 5565: 3784: 3605:"Israel's use of AI in bombings raises questions over rules of war" 2473:"Understanding how Israel uses 'Gospel' AI system in Gaza bombings" 2167:"Understanding how Israel uses 'Gospel' AI system in Gaza bombings" 2130:"Understanding how Israel uses 'Gospel' AI system in Gaza bombings" 2018:
undeclared civilian casualties from the global war on terror shows.
1491:"Understanding how Israel uses 'Gospel' AI system in Gaza bombings" 1393: 1119: 870:" which lists tens of thousands of Palestinian men linked by AI to 867: 20: 2989: 2987: 1414:
Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance
The killing of the wife, daughter, and infant son of Mohammed Deif
as tailored for a military confrontation and proxy war with Iran.
Palestinian sports during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip
2443:"Israel Quietly Embeds AI Systems in Deadly Military Operations" 2409:"Israel Quietly Embeds AI Systems in Deadly Military Operations" 3037:
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
2984: 2644:
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
Davies, Harry; McKernan, Bethan; Sabbagh, Dan (December 2023).
1122:, according to six intelligence officers' testimonies given to 851: 16:
Use of AI by the Israel Defense Forces in the Israel–Hamas war
2801: 917:
estimated these figures as 50–100 targets in 300 days for 20
871: 2542: 2540: 2538: 3764:"Big Tech 'basically complicit' in civilian deaths in Gaza" 3312:"Australian man, his wife and brother killed in air strike" 1401: 2402: 2400: 1217:
cited the intelligence officers' testimonies published by
Options for a policy regarding Gaza's civilian population
3305: 3303: 3301: 2535: 914: 3265: 1014:
noted is that since senior Hamas leaders disappear into
Defense for Children International – Palestine v. Biden
2397: 4453:
Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus
3419:"Australian reportedly killed in Lebanon by airstrike" 3298: 6276: 3036: 2643: 2595: 2546: 2368: 2237: 2201: 2088: 1890: 1608: 5467:
Legal Consequences of Israeli Policies and Practices
be discussed and then signed off by a legal adviser.
The toll on Palestinian civilians has been enormous.
1678: 921:, and 200 targets within 10–12 days for the Gospel. 878:, and which is also used for target recommendation. 4774:
International recognition of the State of Palestine
3439: 3378:Ireland, Latika Bourke, Olivia (28 December 2023). 2639: 2637: 1176:
War crimes in the Israel–Hamas war § By Israel
3032: 3030: 3028: 2084: 2082: 2080: 1272:Allegations of pre-authorised civilian kill limits 1169: 743:List of journalists killed in the Israel–Hamas war 4807: 4779:Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip (2023–present) 3345: 3230:undergo thorough examinations and investigations. 1452:Jewish Institute for National Security of America 1071:Jewish Institute for National Security of America 858:, which in previous wars had been limited by the 686:Human shields in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 6324: 3514:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 3182:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 3146:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 3112:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 3082:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2958:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2932:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2892:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2854:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2808:McKernan, Bethan; Davies, Harry (3 April 2024). 2634: 2065:involved," according to an unnamed spokesperson. 1349:Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 586:Attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan 5275:March for the Republic and Against Antisemitism 5139:Proposed Israeli resettlement of the Gaza Strip 4847:Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip 3025: 2233: 2231: 2229: 2121: 2077: 1861: 1788: 1522: 1520: 1518: 1516: 1337:Institut français des relations internationales 1203: 3513: 3181: 3145: 3111: 3081: 2957: 2931: 2891: 2853: 2807: 2158: 1866:. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 1793:. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 1562: 1560: 1558: 738:Killing of journalists in the Israel–Hamas war 5433:War crimes and crimes against humanity report 3991:Allegations of involvement of UNRWA employees 3800: 3640: 3638: 2037: 2035: 2033: 1753: 1751: 1749: 1747: 721:War crimes and crimes against humanity report 36: 6032:Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 5334:National March on Washington: Free Palestine 4354:Environmental impact of the Israel–Hamas war 3403:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2226: 1513: 971:The IAF ran out of targets to strike in the 5230:2024 University of Texas at Austin stabbing 5060:Israeli torture in the occupied territories 4732:Alon Shamriz, Yotam Haim, and Samer Talalka 3411: 3371: 2322: 2320: 2318: 1862:Mueller, John Paul; Massaron, Luca (2016). 1789:Mueller, John Paul; Massaron, Luca (2016). 1555: 924: 6224:Israeli demolition of Palestinian property 3807: 3793: 3635: 3328:Ibrahim were planning a life in Australia. 2683: 2681: 2507: 2282: 2280: 2278: 2030: 1994: 1820: 1744: 1719: 1684: 43: 29: 6383:Israeli–Palestinian conflict legal issues 1637: 1304: 963:, but solely on statistical probability. 956:, which even humans frequently can't do. 5097:September 2024 Israel ceasefire protests 5077: 4273:Airstrikes on municipal services in Gaza 2315: 909:far faster than humans. Retired Lt Gen. 308:Bombing of the Gaza Strip (2023–present) 6373:Applications of artificial intelligence 4308:World Central Kitchen aid convoy attack 3377: 2678: 2618:Multiple sources told the Guardian and 2275: 1180:Gaza humanitarian crisis (2023–present) 6358:Airstrikes during the Israel–Hamas war 6325: 5055:Cemetery destruction and necroviolence 4789:Queer advocacy in the Israel–Hamas war 2745: 2508:Baggiarini, Bianca (8 December 2023). 2440: 2406: 1995:Baggiarini, Bianca (8 December 2023). 1821:Baggiarini, Bianca (8 December 2023). 1720:Baggiarini, Bianca (8 December 2023). 1685:Baggiarini, Bianca (8 December 2023). 6363:Aerial bombing operations and battles 5065:Proposed Israeli resettlement of Gaza 3788: 3657:from the original on 20 February 2024 3615:from the original on 20 February 2024 3602: 3309: 2785:from the original on 20 February 2024 2700:from the original on 20 February 2024 2520:from the original on 20 February 2024 2483:from the original on 20 February 2024 2339:from the original on 20 February 2024 2299:from the original on 20 February 2024 2177:from the original on 20 February 2024 2140:from the original on 20 February 2024 2054:from the original on 20 February 2024 2007:from the original on 20 February 2024 1973:from the original on 20 February 2024 1938:from the original on 20 February 2024 1833:from the original on 20 February 2024 1770:from the original on 20 February 2024 1732:from the original on 20 February 2024 1697:from the original on 20 February 2024 1656:from the original on 20 February 2024 1579:from the original on 20 February 2024 1539:from the original on 20 February 2024 1501:from the original on 20 February 2024 416:IDF killing of hostages in Shuja'iyya 24: 5210:2023 Nicosia Israeli embassy bombing 5035:Sexual violence against Palestinians 3814: 3644: 3049:from the original on 2 December 2023 2772: 2687: 2656:from the original on 2 December 2023 2608:from the original on 2 December 2023 2559:from the original on 2 December 2023 2381:from the original on 2 December 2023 2326: 2286: 2250:from the original on 2 December 2023 2214:from the original on 2 December 2023 2101:from the original on 2 December 2023 2041: 1925: 1903:from the original on 2 December 2023 1757: 1643: 1621:from the original on 2 December 2023 1566: 1526: 748:Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel 591:Iranian airstrikes in Iraq and Syria 50: 4920:Calls for the destruction of Israel 4611:Hostages and Missing Families Forum 4403:April 2024 Israeli settler rampages 4388:Israeli incursions in the West Bank 4098:Al-Shati and Tuffah dual airstrikes 3603:Elise, Vincent (15 December 2023). 2470: 2164: 2127: 1960: 1488: 1200:between combatants and civilians.. 944:Bianca Baggiarini, lecturer at the 211:Israeli incursions in the West Bank 13: 6333:Gaza Strip in the Israel–Hamas war 4820:Background to the Israel–Hamas war 1384:United Nations Secretary-General, 1118:defined Lavender as an AI-powered 301:Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip 179:Insurgency in the North Gaza Strip 132:Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip 14: 6394: 5344:Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell 5124:Arab–Islamic extraordinary summit 4303:Palestinians evacuating Gaza City 1367: 6310: 6298: 6286: 6261: 6260: 5134:Cancellation of the 2023 MTV EMA 4006:Sexual and gender-based violence 3310:Dyett, Greg (28 December 2023). 2441:Newman, Marissa (16 July 2023). 2407:Newman, Marissa (16 July 2023). 1347:Dr. Marta Bo, researcher at the 608:Assassination of Saleh al-Arouri 406:Attack on journalists in Lebanon 5129:Hurmat-e-Masjid Aqsa Conference 5023:Palestinian genocide accusation 4874:Israeli disengagement from Gaza 4830:Palestinian freedom of movement 4478:Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh 4393:2024 Israeli military operation 4298:Kuwait Roundabout mass killings 4213:Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion 3756: 3731: 3706: 3681: 3596: 3567: 3537: 3507: 3465: 3235: 3205: 3175: 3139: 3105: 3075: 2951: 2925: 2885: 2847: 2834:and the Hebrew-language outlet 2766: 2739: 2727: 2589: 2501: 2471:Lee, Gavin (12 December 2023). 2464: 2434: 2362: 2195: 2165:Lee, Gavin (12 December 2023). 2128:Lee, Gavin (12 December 2023). 1954: 1919: 1884: 1855: 1489:Lee, Gavin (12 December 2023). 1458: 1441: 1170:Ethical and legal ramifications 1085: 613:Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh 225:2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 86:2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 6368:Airstrikes conducted by Israel 4501:September 2024 Lebanon strikes 4120:Nuseirat refugee camp massacre 3970:Israeli female tank crew fight 2872:tweaked its search parameters. 1782: 1713: 1602: 1482: 1361:Hebrew University in Jerusalem 1186:international humanitarian law 946:Australian National University 887:international humanitarian law 812:Qatar and the Israel–Hamas war 601:Al-Asad Airbase missile attack 106:Israeli female tank crew fight 1: 6181:Central Archives of Gaza City 4680:Rescue of Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi 4565:2024 Israeli strikes on Yemen 4552:2024 missile strikes in Yemen 4539:Operation Prosperity Guardian 4511:Assassination of Ibrahim Aqil 4496:2024 Lebanon pager explosions 4430:Israeli incursions in Tulkarm 4318:13 July 2024 al-Mawasi attack 4283:Engineer's Building airstrike 1864:Machine Learning For Dummies® 1791:Machine Learning For Dummies® 1475: 892: 733:Executions and assassinations 579:2024 Israeli strikes on Yemen 527:Operation Prosperity Guardian 5324:March on Washington for Gaza 5006:Violence against journalists 4398:Killing of Benjamin Achimeir 2746:Leshem, Ron (30 June 2023). 1390:Hamad Bin Khalifa University 1379: 1342: 1204:Allegations of bombing homes 1099:The Gospel was developed by 966: 354:Palestinians evacuating Gaza 7: 5215:Killing of Wadea al-Fayoume 5188:Riots in the North Caucasus 4925:Israeli government response 4255:Nasser Hospital mass graves 3424:Australian Financial Review 1407: 1351:, noted that the humans in 1184:Experts in ethics, AI, and 1110: 1056: 1027:and its sister publication 983:, investigative journalist 10: 6399: 4947:Environment impact in Gaza 4886:Palestinian tunnel warfare 4881:Palestinian rocket attacks 4825:Blockade of the Gaza Strip 4764:Effect on children in Gaza 4506:2024 Haret Hreik airstrike 4457:Iranian strikes in Israel 4278:Attacks on religious sites 4240:Kamal Adwan Hospital siege 1207: 1173: 1105:Israeli Intelligence Corps 574:2024 Tel Aviv drone attack 386:Attacks on religious sites 6256: 6193:From the river to the sea 6159:Al Qarara Cultural Museum 6139: 6099: 6058: 6049: 6024: 5986: 5925: 5755: 5732: 5646: 5639: 5584: 5523: 5516: 5507: 5481: 5443: 5420: 5369: 5297:Humanitarian aid blockade 5240: 5175: 5152: 5119:Islamic Summit Conference 4910: 4744: 4714: 4688: 4650: 4624: 4599:Hostage–prisoner exchange 4589: 4529: 4488:Israel–Hezbollah conflict 4486: 4443: 4376: 4344:Bombing of the Gaza Strip 4331: 4265: 4245:Killing of health workers 4201: 4148: 4069: 4025: 3978: 3942: 3864: 3851: 3840: 3822: 3384:The Sydney Morning Herald 1333:lethal autonomous weapons 1145:Citing multiple sources, 885:violence in violation of 876:Palestinian Islamic Jihad 866:Lavender, an "AI-powered 856:bombing of the Gaza Strip 854:has greatly expanded the 540:Operation Poseidon Archer 115:Israel–Hezbollah conflict 62: 5225:Vermont student shooting 5144:2024 Beijing Declaration 4996:Israeli public diplomacy 4869:Israeli settler violence 3490:seniority of the target. 1434: 1419:Lethal autonomous weapon 1042:, professor emeritus at 925:Technological background 862:running out of targets. 696:Israeli public diplomacy 691:Israeli blockade of Gaza 645:Gaza humanitarian crisis 5963:Mushtaq Talib Al-Saeedi 4473:Israeli strikes on Iran 4218:Al-Shifa Hospital siege 3986:Allegations of genocide 3334:(Mayor of Bint Jbeil): 1316:In an opinion piece in 1258:. Killing two brothers 848:artificial intelligence 805:Killing of Aysenur Eygi 753:Wider regional conflict 6343:2024 in the Gaza Strip 6338:2023 in the Gaza Strip 5788:Nahida and Samar Anton 5452:South Africa v. Israel 4957:Gaza Strip evacuations 4784:Israeli interrogations 4516:Attacks on journalists 4235:Gaza Strip mass graves 4135:Deir el-Balah (August) 4012:Screams Before Silence 3934:Psyduck music festival 2310:more than 3,500 sites. 2025:internally consistent. 1305:Limits of human review 822:Gaza Strip mass graves 716:South Africa v. Israel 216:Operation Summer Camps 6086:Inbal Rabin-Lieberman 6071:Rachel Goldberg-Polin 5454:(Genocide Convention) 5220:Death of Paul Kessler 5167:UK support for Israel 5162:US support for Israel 5087:Calls for a ceasefire 4979:Premature baby crisis 4815:Arab–Israeli conflict 4658:Operation Golden Hand 4605:Kidnapped from Israel 4521:Lebanese displacement 4425:Tower 22 drone attack 4339:AI-assisted targeting 4250:Nasser Hospital siege 4140:Al-Mawasi (September) 979:. In an interview on 919:intelligence officers 817:AI-assisted targeting 763:Calls for a ceasefire 596:Tower 22 drone attack 498:Al-Mawasi (September) 364:Al-Ahli Arab Hospital 335:Al-Shati refugee camp 237:Killing of Shani Louk 6127:Mustafa Moien Ayyash 5968:Mohammad Reza Zahedi 5460:Nicaragua v. Germany 5359:2024 Faizabad sit-in 5092:Three-phase proposal 4842:Gaza–Israel conflict 4727:Hersh Goldberg-Polin 4445:Iran–Israel conflict 4415:Givat Shaul shooting 4223:alleged military use 4110:Tel al-Sultan attack 3865:Attacks on civilians 3164:all their occupants. 1044:Lancaster University 844:Israel Defense Force 768:Three-phase proposal 232:Re'im music festival 79:Military engagements 6378:Targeting (warfare) 5763:Tawfic Abdel Jabbar 5285:2023 Bitung clashes 5250:University campuses 5195:Anti-Palestinianism 4974:Healthcare collapse 4964:Humanitarian crisis 4930:Israeli war cabinet 4891:anti-tunnel barrier 4435:2024 Jaffa shooting 4420:Majdal Shams attack 4410:Lehi Street bombing 4313:9 July 2024 attacks 4228:ambulance airstrike 3929:Nova music festival 3100:rank or importance. 3020:eligible to attack. 2116:regardless of rank. 1075:after action report 800:university campuses 780:Anti-Palestinianism 650:Healthcare collapse 453:9 July 2024 attacks 448:Al-Shati and Tuffah 6149:Ahmed Abdel Khalek 5893:Rashad Abu Sakhila 5768:Majed Abu Maraheel 5664:Abdul Fatah Dukhan 5536:Yitzhak Ben-Bashat 4989:Societal breakdown 4969:Gaza floating pier 4859:Israeli settlement 4808:Historical context 4668:Nuseirat operation 4544:Attacks on the MV 4163:Shadia Abu Ghazala 4150:Attacks on schools 3453:. 28 December 2023 3427:. 27 December 2023 3359:. 27 December 2023 1190:military necessity 566:Attacks on the MV 558:Sinking of the MV 532:Attacks on the MV 328:Al-Fakhoora school 6353:Conflicts in 2024 6348:Conflicts in 2023 6274: 6273: 6165:All Eyes on Rafah 6135: 6134: 6045: 6044: 5943:Waibhav Anil Kale 5938:Ali Hussein Barji 5921: 5920: 5863:Yazan al-Kafarneh 5813:David Ben Avraham 5742:Fouad Abu Butihan 5669:Mohammed Dababish 5635: 5634: 5576:Yonatan Steinberg 5503: 5502: 5499: 5498: 5314:Artists4Ceasefire 5205:Violent incidents 5109:University donors 5104:Diplomatic impact 4906: 4905: 4835:Israeli apartheid 4740: 4739: 4585: 4584: 4581: 4580: 4372: 4371: 4205:health facilities 4021: 4020: 3645:Brumfiel, Geoff. 3067:recommendations". 2880:than individuals. 2773:Brumfiel, Geoff. 2688:Brumfiel, Geoff. 2327:Brumfiel, Geoff. 2287:Brumfiel, Geoff. 2042:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1926:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1873:978-1-119-24551-3 1800:978-1-119-24551-3 1758:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1644:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1567:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1527:Brumfiel, Geoff. 1400:, a professor at 1398:Ramesh Srinivasan 1353:human-in-the-loop 1298:collateral damage 1156:stamp of approval 899:Israeli Air Force 860:Israeli Air Force 835: 834: 827:All Eyes on Rafah 679:Prisoner exchange 630:Diplomatic impact 553:Operation Aspides 488:Al-Tabaeen school 473:Khan Yunis (July) 401:Kuwait Roundabout 369:Al-Shifa Hospital 359:Health facilities 167:Shuja'iyya ambush 6390: 6315: 6314: 6313: 6303: 6302: 6301: 6291: 6290: 6289: 6282: 6264: 6263: 6056: 6055: 5958:Sadegh Omidzadeh 5913:Talal Abu Zarifa 5898:Omar Abu Shawish 5848:Ihab al-Ghussein 5828:Mohamed al-Dalou 5803:Mohammed Barakat 5793:Ibrahim al-Astal 5709:Jamila al-Shanti 5644: 5643: 5521: 5520: 5514: 5513: 5412:A/RES/ES-10/L.31 5329:March for Israel 5150: 5149: 5075: 5074: 4805: 4804: 4769:Humanitarian aid 4701:Yarden Roman-Gat 4622: 4621: 4441: 4440: 4125:Al-Mawasi (June) 4067: 4066: 3862: 3861: 3849: 3848: 3816:Israel–Hamas war 3809: 3802: 3795: 3786: 3785: 3779: 3778: 3776: 3774: 3760: 3754: 3753: 3751: 3749: 3735: 3729: 3728: 3726: 3724: 3710: 3704: 3703: 3701: 3700: 3685: 3679: 3678: 3664: 3662: 3642: 3633: 3632: 3622: 3620: 3600: 3594: 3593: 3588: 3586: 3571: 3565: 3564: 3558: 3556: 3541: 3535: 3534: 3528: 3526: 3511: 3505: 3504: 3486: 3484: 3469: 3463: 3462: 3460: 3458: 3443: 3437: 3436: 3434: 3432: 3415: 3409: 3408: 3402: 3394: 3392: 3390: 3375: 3369: 3368: 3366: 3364: 3349: 3343: 3338:(translation by 3330: 3324: 3322: 3307: 3296: 3295: 3286: 3284: 3269: 3263: 3262: 3256: 3254: 3239: 3233: 3232: 3226: 3224: 3209: 3203: 3202: 3196: 3194: 3179: 3173: 3172: 3160: 3158: 3143: 3137: 3136: 3126: 3124: 3109: 3103: 3102: 3096: 3094: 3079: 3073: 3072: 3056: 3054: 3034: 3023: 3022: 3008: 3006: 2991: 2982: 2981: 2972: 2970: 2955: 2949: 2948: 2946: 2944: 2929: 2923: 2922: 2906: 2904: 2889: 2883: 2882: 2868: 2866: 2851: 2845: 2844: 2822: 2820: 2805: 2799: 2798: 2792: 2790: 2770: 2764: 2762: 2760: 2758: 2743: 2737: 2731: 2725: 2724: 2707: 2705: 2685: 2676: 2675: 2663: 2661: 2641: 2632: 2631: 2615: 2613: 2593: 2587: 2586: 2575:Yedioth Ahronoth 2570:non-combatants". 2566: 2564: 2544: 2533: 2532: 2527: 2525: 2514:The Conversation 2505: 2499: 2498: 2490: 2488: 2468: 2462: 2461: 2455: 2453: 2438: 2432: 2431: 2421: 2419: 2404: 2395: 2394: 2388: 2386: 2366: 2360: 2359: 2346: 2344: 2324: 2313: 2312: 2306: 2304: 2284: 2273: 2272: 2257: 2255: 2235: 2224: 2223: 2221: 2219: 2199: 2193: 2192: 2184: 2182: 2162: 2156: 2155: 2147: 2145: 2125: 2119: 2118: 2108: 2106: 2086: 2075: 2074: 2061: 2059: 2039: 2028: 2027: 2014: 2012: 2001:The Conversation 1992: 1986: 1985: 1980: 1978: 1961:Inskeep, Steve. 1958: 1952: 1951: 1945: 1943: 1923: 1917: 1916: 1910: 1908: 1888: 1882: 1881: 1859: 1853: 1852: 1840: 1838: 1827:The Conversation 1818: 1809: 1808: 1786: 1780: 1779: 1777: 1775: 1755: 1742: 1741: 1739: 1737: 1726:The Conversation 1717: 1711: 1710: 1704: 1702: 1691:The Conversation 1682: 1676: 1675: 1663: 1661: 1641: 1635: 1634: 1628: 1626: 1606: 1600: 1599: 1586: 1584: 1564: 1553: 1552: 1546: 1544: 1524: 1511: 1510: 1508: 1506: 1486: 1469: 1466:algorithmic bias 1462: 1456: 1445: 1386:Antonio Guterres 1330: 1263: 1262: 1249:precision-guided 1130:and shared with 1008:One change that 932:machine learning 883:disproportionate 840:Israel–Hamas war 660:Premature babies 463:Al-Mawasi (July) 443:Al-Mawasi (June) 125:Pager explosions 57: 55: 54:Israel–Hamas war 45: 38: 31: 22: 21: 6398: 6397: 6393: 6392: 6391: 6389: 6388: 6387: 6323: 6322: 6321: 6311: 6309: 6299: 6297: 6287: 6285: 6277: 6275: 6270: 6252: 6187:Bearing Witness 6141: 6131: 6107:Wael Al-Dahdouh 6095: 6051: 6041: 6020: 6006:Ismail al-Ghoul 6001:Samer Abu Daqqa 5982: 5953:Wissam al-Tawil 5933:Saleh al-Arouri 5917: 5888:Mohammed Shabir 5868:Mohammad Khdour 5751: 5734: 5728: 5724:Faiq Al-Mabhouh 5659:Saleh al-Arouri 5631: 5597:Yuval Castleman 5580: 5524:Security forces 5495: 5477: 5473:Arrest warrants 5439: 5416: 5365: 5236: 5171: 5148: 5073: 4942:Economic impact 4935:Mass detentions 4902: 4864:Israeli outpost 4803: 4746: 4736: 4710: 4684: 4646: 4620: 4616:Hostages Square 4577: 4570:Attacks on the 4546:Maersk Hangzhou 4525: 4482: 4439: 4379: 4368: 4327: 4261: 4204: 4197: 4144: 4130:Al-Shati (July) 4115:Al-Mawasi (May) 4072: 4065: 4030: 4028: 4017: 3974: 3938: 3856: 3854: 3843: 3836: 3818: 3813: 3783: 3782: 3772: 3770: 3762: 3761: 3757: 3747: 3745: 3737: 3736: 3732: 3722: 3720: 3712: 3711: 3707: 3698: 3696: 3687: 3686: 3682: 3674: 3673: 3670: 3669: 3660: 3658: 3643: 3636: 3628: 3627: 3618: 3616: 3601: 3597: 3584: 3582: 3573: 3572: 3568: 3554: 3552: 3543: 3542: 3538: 3524: 3522: 3512: 3508: 3500: 3499: 3496: 3495: 3492: 3491: 3482: 3480: 3471: 3470: 3466: 3456: 3454: 3445: 3444: 3440: 3430: 3428: 3417: 3416: 3412: 3396: 3395: 3388: 3386: 3376: 3372: 3362: 3360: 3351: 3350: 3346: 3320: 3318: 3308: 3299: 3291: 3290: 3282: 3280: 3271: 3270: 3266: 3252: 3250: 3241: 3240: 3236: 3222: 3220: 3211: 3210: 3206: 3192: 3190: 3180: 3176: 3169: 3168: 3166: 3165: 3156: 3154: 3144: 3140: 3132: 3131: 3122: 3120: 3110: 3106: 3092: 3090: 3080: 3076: 3069: 3068: 3065: 3064: 3061: 3060: 3052: 3050: 3035: 3026: 3018: 3017: 3014: 3013: 3004: 3002: 2993: 2992: 2985: 2978: 2977: 2968: 2966: 2956: 2952: 2942: 2940: 2930: 2926: 2919: 2918: 2916: 2915: 2912: 2911: 2902: 2900: 2890: 2886: 2878: 2877: 2874: 2873: 2864: 2862: 2852: 2848: 2840: 2839: 2828: 2827: 2818: 2816: 2806: 2802: 2788: 2786: 2771: 2767: 2756: 2754: 2744: 2740: 2732: 2728: 2721: 2720: 2713: 2712: 2703: 2701: 2686: 2679: 2671: 2670: 2668: 2667: 2659: 2657: 2642: 2635: 2628: 2627: 2611: 2609: 2594: 2590: 2583: 2582: 2579: 2578: 2572: 2571: 2562: 2560: 2545: 2536: 2523: 2521: 2506: 2502: 2486: 2484: 2469: 2465: 2451: 2449: 2439: 2435: 2427: 2426: 2417: 2415: 2405: 2398: 2384: 2382: 2367: 2363: 2356: 2355: 2352: 2351: 2342: 2340: 2325: 2316: 2302: 2300: 2285: 2276: 2268: 2267: 2265: 2264: 2262: 2261: 2253: 2251: 2236: 2227: 2217: 2215: 2200: 2196: 2180: 2178: 2163: 2159: 2143: 2141: 2126: 2122: 2114: 2113: 2104: 2102: 2087: 2078: 2071: 2070: 2067: 2066: 2057: 2055: 2040: 2031: 2023: 2022: 2020: 2019: 2010: 2008: 1993: 1989: 1976: 1974: 1959: 1955: 1941: 1939: 1924: 1920: 1906: 1904: 1889: 1885: 1874: 1860: 1856: 1849: 1848: 1845: 1844: 1836: 1834: 1819: 1812: 1801: 1787: 1783: 1773: 1771: 1756: 1745: 1735: 1733: 1718: 1714: 1700: 1698: 1683: 1679: 1672: 1671: 1659: 1657: 1642: 1638: 1624: 1622: 1607: 1603: 1595: 1594: 1592: 1591: 1582: 1580: 1565: 1556: 1542: 1540: 1525: 1514: 1504: 1502: 1487: 1483: 1478: 1473: 1472: 1463: 1459: 1446: 1442: 1437: 1410: 1382: 1370: 1345: 1324: 1307: 1274: 1261:Ali Ahmed Bazzi 1260: 1259: 1241:proportionality 1212: 1206: 1194:proportionality 1182: 1172: 1113: 1088: 1063:war of May 2021 1059: 969: 927: 905:AI can process 895: 846:(IDF) has used 838:As part of the 836: 831: 785:Mass detentions 635:Economic impact 534:Maersk Hangzhou 503:Al-Jawni school 468:Al-Shati (July) 433:Al-Sardi school 428:Al-Mawasi (May) 379:Nasser Hospital 194:Rafah offensive 58: 53: 51: 49: 17: 12: 11: 5: 6396: 6386: 6385: 6380: 6375: 6370: 6365: 6360: 6355: 6350: 6345: 6340: 6335: 6320: 6319: 6307: 6295: 6293:Current events 6272: 6271: 6269: 6268: 6257: 6254: 6253: 6251: 6250: 6243: 6241:Project Nimbus 6238: 6231: 6226: 6221: 6214: 6207: 6200: 6195: 6190: 6183: 6178: 6173: 6168: 6161: 6156: 6154:Al-Saqqa House 6151: 6145: 6143: 6137: 6136: 6133: 6132: 6130: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6112:Plestia Alaqad 6109: 6103: 6101: 6097: 6096: 6094: 6093: 6088: 6083: 6078: 6073: 6068: 6062: 6060: 6053: 6047: 6046: 6043: 6042: 6040: 6039: 6034: 6028: 6026: 6025:General topics 6022: 6021: 6019: 6018: 6016:Belal Jadallah 6013: 6008: 6003: 5998: 5996:Issam Abdallah 5992: 5990: 5984: 5983: 5981: 5980: 5975: 5970: 5965: 5960: 5955: 5950: 5945: 5940: 5935: 5929: 5927: 5923: 5922: 5919: 5918: 5916: 5915: 5910: 5905: 5900: 5895: 5890: 5885: 5880: 5878:Ibrahim Qusaya 5875: 5873:Hani Al-Masdar 5870: 5865: 5860: 5858:Sidra Hassouna 5855: 5850: 5845: 5840: 5835: 5830: 5825: 5820: 5818:Adnan al-Bursh 5815: 5810: 5805: 5800: 5795: 5790: 5785: 5780: 5778:Refaat Alareer 5775: 5770: 5765: 5759: 5757: 5753: 5752: 5750: 5749: 5747:Jihad Shehadeh 5744: 5738: 5736: 5730: 5729: 5727: 5726: 5721: 5716: 5711: 5706: 5701: 5696: 5694:Fursan Khalifa 5691: 5686: 5681: 5679:Ahmed Ghandour 5676: 5671: 5666: 5661: 5656: 5654:Ismail Haniyeh 5650: 5648: 5641: 5637: 5636: 5633: 5632: 5630: 5629: 5624: 5619: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5588: 5586: 5582: 5581: 5579: 5578: 5573: 5568: 5563: 5561:Yitzhar Hofman 5558: 5553: 5548: 5543: 5538: 5533: 5527: 5525: 5518: 5511: 5505: 5504: 5501: 5500: 5497: 5496: 5494: 5493: 5485: 5483: 5479: 5478: 5476: 5475: 5470: 5463: 5456: 5447: 5445: 5441: 5440: 5438: 5437: 5436: 5435: 5424: 5422: 5418: 5417: 5415: 5414: 5409: 5404: 5402:A/RES/ES-10/23 5399: 5394: 5389: 5387:A/RES/ES-10/22 5384: 5379: 5377:A/RES/ES-10/21 5373: 5371: 5370:UN resolutions 5367: 5366: 5364: 5363: 5362: 5361: 5356: 5354:D-Chowk Dharna 5348: 5347: 5346: 5341: 5336: 5331: 5326: 5321: 5316: 5306: 5304:United Kingdom 5301: 5300: 5299: 5289: 5288: 5287: 5279: 5278: 5277: 5269: 5268: 5267: 5262: 5257: 5246: 5244: 5238: 5237: 5235: 5234: 5233: 5232: 5227: 5222: 5217: 5212: 5202: 5197: 5192: 5191: 5190: 5179: 5177: 5176:Discrimination 5173: 5172: 5170: 5169: 5164: 5158: 5156: 5147: 5146: 5141: 5136: 5131: 5126: 5121: 5116: 5114:European Union 5111: 5106: 5101: 5100: 5099: 5094: 5083: 5081: 5072: 5071: 5070: 5069: 5068: 5067: 5062: 5057: 5047: 5037: 5032: 5031: 5030: 5020: 5019: 5018: 5013: 5011:Misinformation 5008: 5001:Media coverage 4998: 4993: 4992: 4991: 4986: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4961: 4960: 4959: 4949: 4944: 4939: 4938: 4937: 4932: 4922: 4916: 4914: 4908: 4907: 4904: 4903: 4901: 4900: 4895: 4894: 4893: 4883: 4878: 4877: 4876: 4871: 4866: 4856: 4851: 4850: 4849: 4839: 4838: 4837: 4832: 4822: 4817: 4811: 4809: 4802: 4801: 4796: 4791: 4786: 4781: 4776: 4771: 4766: 4761: 4756: 4750: 4748: 4742: 4741: 4738: 4737: 4735: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4718: 4716: 4712: 4711: 4709: 4708: 4703: 4698: 4692: 4690: 4686: 4685: 4683: 4682: 4677: 4676: 4675: 4665: 4660: 4654: 4652: 4648: 4647: 4645: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4628: 4626: 4619: 4618: 4613: 4608: 4601: 4595: 4593: 4587: 4586: 4583: 4582: 4579: 4578: 4576: 4575: 4567: 4562: 4560:missile strike 4554: 4549: 4541: 4535: 4533: 4531:Red Sea crisis 4527: 4526: 4524: 4523: 4518: 4513: 4508: 4503: 4498: 4492: 4490: 4484: 4483: 4481: 4480: 4475: 4470: 4469: 4468: 4463: 4455: 4449: 4447: 4438: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4422: 4417: 4412: 4407: 4406: 4405: 4400: 4395: 4384: 4382: 4374: 4373: 4370: 4369: 4367: 4366: 4361: 4356: 4351: 4346: 4341: 4335: 4333: 4332:General topics 4329: 4328: 4326: 4325: 4320: 4315: 4310: 4305: 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Israel–Hamas war
Military engagements
2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel
Israeli female tank crew fight
Israel–Hezbollah conflict
Pager explosions
Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip
Beit Hanoun
Gaza City
Khan Yunis
Shuja'iyya ambush
Shuja'iyya II
Insurgency in the North Gaza Strip
Rafah offensive
Khan Yunis II
Khan Yunis III

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
