
Acorn Electron

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it offered two cartridge slots and a Centronics print port alongside four ROM sockets. Priced at £49.95, the unit was mostly compatible with cartridges designed for the Plus 1 although one reviewer reported physical issues with some expansion cartridges, suggesting some manufacturing inconsistencies given other users' more positive experiences, but indicated that it was still "worth considering as an alternative to the Plus 1". One review reported that the Cumana Electron Filing System cartridge had an edge connector that would not physically fit inside the slot in the Rombox Plus unit; this along with a perceived lack of robustness of the case being their only major reservations about the product. The product's support for utilising 8 KB RAM devices as a printer buffer, with buffer management provided by the built-in EPROM, was noted as a particular advantage over the Plus 1.
schools". The introduction of the Electron was seen as potentially leading to competition between Acorn's different models within the schools market rather than creating a broader audience for them, although the potential for more computers in schools, giving more "hands-on" experience for students, was welcomed. Nevertheless, reviewers anticipated that the Electron would sell well at the lower end of the market, with projected sales of 100,000 units by Christmas 1983, helped by the Electron's software compatibility with the BBC Micro and the already established reputation of its predecessor. With parents potentially being convinced of the Electron's educational value, some reviewers foresaw a conflict between parents and "discerning children", the latter merely wanting to play games and preferring models with sound and graphics capabilities more appropriate for gaming.
John Wike of Jafa Systems. Available as a kit or in assembled form, it could even be adapted to connect directly to the Electron's expansion connector, thus avoiding the need to even have a Plus 1 expansion, although this would require the user to find other solutions for attaching peripherals. The implementation of the interface between the Electron and second processor was said to adhere closely to Acorn's recommendations, noting that any hardware or software compatibility issues were likely to be the fault of other vendors not similarly adhering to Acorn's guidelines. PMS supplied Acorn's Hi-BASIC with the E2P, permitting the use of as much as 44 KB of the second processor's RAM with BASIC programs. The company also made a version of Computer Concepts' Wordwise Plus available for the E2P, priced at £39.95.
service aimed to improve and speed up communications within hospitals so that patients could be treated and discharged more quickly, and to facilitate transfers of information to doctors and health workers outside hospitals, with communications taking place over conventional telephone lines. The service was to be introduced in the Hammersmith and Fulham district health authority, with installation starting at Charing Cross Hospital. The Electron was said to be particularly suitable for deployment in this application in that it had a "large expansion bus", ostensibly making the machine amenable to the necessary adaptations required for the role, together with its "price, and the fact it has a real keyboard". As a Healthnet terminal, the M2105 was intended to support the exchange of forms, letters and memos.
kind of ROM expansion unit was needed to hold the driver/utilities ROM. It used software to ensure that the SAA5050 was fed with the correct character data. A software ROM would put the machine into a two-colour, 40-column graphics mode (thus providing one byte per character), and as the ULA read display data from memory in the usual fashion, the SAA5050 would listen to the data it was reading and produce a Mode 7 interpretation of the same information, this being achieved by fitting a board on top of the ULA connecting to its pins. When necessary the hardware would switch between the conventional Electron graphics output and the Mode 7 output being produced by the add-on, feeding it to the Electron's built-in video output sockets via the red, green and blue lines on the motherboard.
designed to prevent this from occurring. Pushing down on the metal cover to reseat the ULA was normally sufficient to rectify these issues. Issue 5 and 6 boards utilized a different ULA type, this being known as the Aberdeen ULA (as opposed to the earlier Ferranti ULA) which was mounted on a board that was directly soldered to the main board, with the chip being covered by epoxy resin "insulating material". This arrangement dispensed with the 68-pin socket, and this new type of ULA was expected to be "less prone to failure". This type of ULA was also used on the German release of the Electron mainboard which is designated by the marking "GERMAN ELECTRON Issue 1" on the mainboard rather than just "ELECTRON" as for the UK model.
also provided eight sideways ROM sockets and was intended to sit under the Electron itself. The unit was connected via cabling to the expansion edge connector and included its own power supply, and other drives including switchable 40/80 track drives offering up to 400 KB capacity were dealer-supplied options. Although the product was meant to be on sale at the Acorn User Show in August 1984, and had been advertised, it was "discontinued" in early 1985 before getting to market, with a Pace representative indicating that prohibitive pricing of the 8271 chips (each at "over £80 at times") had left the company considering a re-launch of the product should the pricing situation become more favourable.
an extended model offered one cartridge port and a printer port with the two bundled cartridges for £36.95; the full model offered two cartridge ports, printer port and the bundled cartridges for £39.95. Various board upgrade options were also offered between the variants, with the product being described mainly as a vehicle to expose the bundled software packages to as many as 150,000 owners of the estimated 200,000 Electrons in the UK who "have not yet been able to acquire or use View or Viewsheet". The lack of casing was considered the most significant disadvantage, with the absence of the analogue port deemed less critical due to a general lack of support for joysticks in many games.
1046:, priced at £25, supplied on a ROM cartridge that rendered the Mode 7 display in a low-resolution, 8-colour graphics mode. Although cheap and effective in enabling use of some software that only used official operating system routines for text output, this solution proved very slow because the Electron had to be placed into the high-bandwidth Mode 2 display to be able to show eight colours at once. In doing so, the CPU spent a lot of time drawing representations of Mode 7 characters and graphics that in a hardware solution would be achieved without any demand on the CPU. It also used up 20 KB of RAM for the graphics display rather than the 1000 bytes of a hardware Mode 7. 1676:. Turtle Graphics was a cassette-based product, available alongside Forth, Lisp and S-Pascal amongst the first titles released for the Electron, featuring a subset of Logo focused on the interactive aspects of the language. Acornsoft Logo was provided on ROM cartridge and offered a vocabulary of over 200 commands as part of a more comprehensive implementation of the language, exposing its list processing foundations. Turtle Graphics was substantially cheaper than Logo: by 1987, the former had been reportedly discounted to under £3 whereas the latter cost "less than £30". Unlike other Acornsoft language products, however, Logo was supplied with "two thick manuals". 1075:
port and power supply. However, the Electron models provided both display and reception capabilities, doing so by routing either the RGB or UHF signals (depending on the model) through the unit in order to introduce the Mode 7 output produced by the unit, also connecting via a cartridge. The Teletext display capabilities in the Electron models exceeded those of the BBC Micro, with one reviewer noting that the enhanced capabilities permitted "black text on a coloured background, something I've always wanted to do on my Beeb". The UHF model of the Electron adapter also supported overlaying of Teletext onto video and framing of video.
about 10 or 11 A4 pages of text. In Mode 3, providing an 80-column, 25-line display occupying 16 KB, around 6 or 7 A4 pages of text could be retained in memory. Acorn's Plus 3 disc system reduced this workspace by a further 4 KB. However, documents could be broken up into sections to be processed individually by View. Operation in the 80-column Mode 0 and Mode 3 was reported as being "sometimes slow" due to the Electron's hardware architecture, but View supported horizontal scrolling across documents, permitting the use of a 40-column mode to edit wider documents.
737: 1310: 297:, with an estimated 200,000 to 250,000 machines sold over its entire commercial lifespan. With production effectively discontinued by Acorn as early as 1985, and with the machine offered in bundles with games and expansions, later being substantially discounted by retailers, a revival in demand for the Electron supported a market for software and expansions without Acorn's involvement, with its market for games also helping to sustain the continued viability of games production for the BBC Micro. 1058:
worked around this by duplicating the data intended for a Mode 7 display in memory. Although this produced a Mode 7 that had less of an impact upon CPU performance than a software solution, gave the same visual quality as the BBC Micro, and supported direct access to Mode 7 screen addresses as well as accesses via operating system routines, it still used 10 KB of memory for the display and reduced the amount of readily-usable application memory (as indicated by HIMEM) by another 6 KB.
505:, it did sell in sufficient numbers to ensure that new software titles from established producers were being produced right up until the early 1990s, with mainstream publications dedicated to the machine having effectively supported it for five years beyond the point at which Acorn's own support had ceased. One reviewer concluded that even at this point in 1990, "Electron owners wishing to upgrade their machine will find themselves better served now than at any time in the machine’s history." 427:'s London branches had inventory. Ultimately, manufacturing in Malaysia ceased with the anticipated but unspecified number of units having been produced, this having been originally reported as 100,000 units. Acorn's marketing manager, Tom Hohenberg, admitted in early 1984 that "a lot of the trouble stemmed from the ULA" in getting production to the desired levels, but that such difficulties had been resolved, although Acorn faced an order backlog of almost a quarter of a million units. 540: 306: 914:
to 31 files per disc. However, 8 KB of on-board static RAM was used as workspace for the filing system, keeping PAGE at &E00. An extra ROM socket was provided for a user-fitted sideways ROM, and being a 1770-based interface, it was reported that Acorn's ADFS could be used instead, although since it was not aware of the additional RAM, PAGE would be raised to &1D00 as it would be when using Acorn's Plus 3. The interface was priced at £69.55 plus VAT.
assessment made from the perspective of an established games author evaluating trustworthy publishers for aspiring authors. Commercial considerations motivated authors to make their games available for the Electron due to its importance in sales terms, representing "around half of the Acorn market", with it being regarded as "almost compulsory for any mainstream game" to have an Electron version "unless your game is a state-of-the-art masterpiece", with
being supplied on a ROM chip, it could also not be readily added to the Electron without appropriate expansions. Available from Permanent Memory Systems, producers of the E2P-6502 cartridge, the Electron version of the software was the Hi-Wordwise Plus variant, supplied on disc instead of ROM, and designed to run on the second processor and to use the expanded memory provided in that environment. The program used the Electron's 40-column Mode 6 display.
general filing system mechanisms, documents could be loaded from and saved to cassette or disc, although disc users could also use commands that took advantage of that faster, random-access medium. Cassette-based operation was still regarded as "perfectly feasible" since the software itself did not need to be loaded, with loading and saving operations in View achieving about 800 words per minute and in ViewSheet achieving around 200 cells per minute.
29: 871: 693:
sideways RAM banks to the system. Write protect functionality was supported to prevent certain ROM software from attempting to overwrite itself if stored in RAM. The cartridge board itself was priced at around £30, with a case costing £5 extra, and an optional 32 KB RAM adding another £20. Support for the E00 ADFS offered by PRES for that company's AP3 disc system was indicated as an application for the sideways RAM.
had previously necessitated the writing of a file (ZYSYSHELP) as a workaround, and switching off the text cursor during disc compaction which had previously caused disc corruption (since the disc data would be processed using screen memory during this operation, and the cursor would modify that data when blinking). The ROM image was supplied on disc for £17.19, whereas a bundle of the ROM and ABR cartridge was £50.95.
717:, Solidisk, Advanced Computer Products and Slogger all offered disc interfaces for the Electron. Unlike disc systems on the BBC Micro and the Acorn Plus 3, many of the systems released for the Electron did not claim RAM workspace (and raise the PAGE variable affecting applications above the default of &E00), making it easier to use cassette-based software transferred to disc and to run larger programs from disc. 1729:, a database. Starword provided separate command and editing modes familiar from Acornsoft's View, also supporting 132-column documents and horizontal scrolling for the editing of such wider documents. Along with other operations familiar from View, such as search and replace functions, block-based editing, and control over text justification, it had built-in support for customising documents for output using a 1139:, with driver software provided on cassette. The supplied software supported the definition of spoken words built up from the allophones – these allophones or sounds being stored in the expansion's own ROM – and for catalogues of words to be created and saved. A program was supplied that extended BASIC to allow the use of the synthesiser in user programs. The expansion used the 1917:. Superior's role in games publishing for the Acorn machines expanded in 1986 when the company acquired the right to use the Acornsoft brand, leading to the co-branding of games and compilations released by the company and the re-release of existing Acornsoft titles with this branding, Elite among them. The company would subsequently release another "masterpiece" with bundled novella - the 1988 game 1457:
hardware capabilities as standard. However, it was possible to take advantage of the characteristics of interrupts that were provided, permitting palette changes after the top 100 lines of each display frame, thus facilitating the blanking of either the top 100 or bottom 156 lines of the display. Many games took advantage of this, gaining storage by leaving non-graphical data in the disabled area.
551:, priced at £59.90. The analogue interface was normally used for joysticks, although trackball and graphics tablet devices were available, and the parallel interface was typically used to connect a printer. Game ROM cartridges would boot automatically. Languages in paged ROM cartridges would take precedence over BASIC. (The slot at the front of the interface took priority if both were populated.) 896:&E00, a non-hierarchical catalogue, ten-character filenames, with a format not directly compatible with either of Acorn's DFS or ADFS. The interface itself cost £149.95 when originally announced, but settled at around £115.95 including VAT, also being offered in a promotional bundle with a 5¼-inch drive for £224.15 including VAT. Later pricing put the interface at £74.95 including VAT. 514:
boards. For instance, First Byte Computers developed an interface and software which allowed a "switched" joystick to be used with the majority of software titles. This interface became very popular and was sold by W.H. Smiths, Boots, Comet and hundreds of independent computer dealers, selling as many as 23,000 units over a two-year period, helped by a bundling agreement with Dixons.
system to allow activation of Mode 7 as a genuine screen mode and to provide extra commands and to support keyboard shortcuts used on the BBC Micro to emit Teletext control sequences. To support the output of both the Mode 7 display and the existing video output, a lead connected the Electron's RGB output to the expansion, with the expansion providing only RF (television) output.
462:, together with technical similarities between the Electron (particularly when expanded in the form of the Merlin M2105) and the Communicator, may also have driven rumours of an updated Electron model. A more substantial emphasis on the "home, music and hobby sectors" came with the appointment of a dedicated marketing manager in 1989 following the launch of the BBC A3000 in the 555:
programs into main memory in exactly the same way as if it were loading from tape. This meant that programs did not need to be modified for their new memory location and could be written in BASIC but gave no execution speed benefits. Six ROM cartridge titles were announced for the launch of the Plus 1: three arcade games, one adventure game, one educational title, and the
machine. Thus, expansions offering a single function, such as joystick ports or a printer port, would need to be disconnected if other capabilities were needed, and then reconnected later. Consequently, multi-function expansions offering a combination of different capabilities offered a significant degree of convenience as well as avoiding wear on the expansion connector.
6 (AP6): an internal RAM and ROM board for the Plus 1 providing six sockets that could be freely used for ROM, EPROM and RAM devices. Installation of the AP6 unit required some modifications to the Plus 1, undertaken either by the user or by PRES, and the product could also be enhanced with the Advanced Plus 7 offering battery-backed RAM support for two 16 KB banks.
1289:), delivering a maximum transfer rate to or from RAM of one byte per 2 MHz cycle. In generating the video signal, the ULA is able to take advantage of this 2 MHz bandwidth when producing the picture for the high-bandwidth screen modes. Due to signalling constraints, the CPU can only access RAM at 1 MHz, even when it is not competing with the video system. 1062:
display capabilities for those applications that needed them, instead of using Mode 7 as a way of economising with regard to memory usage, and to do so at a reasonable price. In this latter regard, the Mark 2 model was available as a kit costing £25 or as an assembled product (requiring some soldering) costing £49, with a fitting service available for £10.
late 1987, the product was made possible by an agreement between ACP and Acorn to license the ADFS software. As with many disc interfaces for the Electron, since the interface provided a connector for the drive, this made it possible to connect a 5¼" floppy disc drive (more common amongst BBC Micro owners) or the more typical 3½-inch drive.
own production of the unit had ceased in November 1985. The Advanced Plus 2 (AP2) ROM was later sold by PRES as a replacement ROM for the Plus 1, of whose 8 KB utility ROM only 3 KB had been used, thus providing an opportunity for a more comprehensive ROM to be developed. The AP2 added ROM management commands familiar from the
1718:, on 3.5-inch diskette for use with the Electron upgraded with the Plus 3 expansion. The product provided a suite of programs for the creation, maintenance and analysis of structured data files, visualising records using a card index user interface metaphor, and supporting sorting and searching operations on the stored data. 423:, including units made for Acorn for the BBC Micro). By October 1983, Acorn had received orders for more than 150,000 units, but had production targets of only 25,000 a month before Christmas, meaning that the existing backlog would take more than six months to fulfil. Demand for the Electron was high but only two of 1948: 923:
40-track discs on 80-track drives plus support for Slogger's tape-to-disc conversion products, and reported as offering "virtual 100 per cent 8271 emulation" for compatibility with traditional DFS software. The SEDFS ROM was also available separately for existing Cumana interface owners, priced at £24.95.
being noted as a broadly similar package to View. Compatibility with the same programs on the BBC Micro made a complete Electron-based system an attractive, low-cost, entry-level word processing and spreadsheet system. However, View's printing support was criticised as inadequate without the use of a
languages, and a handful of other educational and productivity titles. Acorn's decision to provide the Electron with a degree of compatibility with the BBC Micro meant that a number of titles already available for the older machine could be expected to run on its new machine, with only minor cosmetic
Business Systems as the BT Merlin M2105 Communications Terminal, being previewed by British Telecom at the Communications '84 show. This consisted of a rebadged Electron plus a large expansion unit containing 32 KB of battery-backed RAM (making up 64 KB of RAM in total), up to 64 KB of
The Jafa interfaces did not provide a Teletext or Viewdata reception capability, but the Mark 2 was explicitly stated to work in conjunction with the Morley Electronics Teletext Adapter. Meanwhile, the manual for the Mark 2 noted that the product would provide the functionality of a Viewdata terminal
The disadvantage to this system is that while the SAA5050 would expect to be repeatedly fed the same 40 bytes of data for every display scanline of each character row, the ULA would read a different set of 40 bytes for every display scanline in order to produce a full graphics display. A software ROM
A further refinement of the hardware solution was introduced in 1989 with the Mode 7 Mark 2 Display Unit, which retained the SAA5050 character generator but omitted the 6845 display controller, and was fitted internally in the Electron itself instead of being housed in an external unit, although some
display. The omission of this display mode was remarkable because it had a very low memory requirement (just 1000 bytes) and many BBC programs used it to maximise available memory for program code and data while also providing a colourful 40-column textual display with simple low-resolution graphical
The Slogger and Elektuur Turbo boards were born out of a hack initially devised at Acorn. By shadowing the lowest 8 KB of RAM with a static RAM chip outside of reach of the ULA, the CPU could always access it at 2 MHz. The tradeoff was that the screen could not be located in that 8 KB.
The direct origins of the Slogger product appear to be a board designed by Andyk Limited, announced as the Fast Electron Board in late 1985 with a price of £29.99, whereas the Elektuur modification was described in an article in Dutch Electronics magazine Elektuur and intended for users to perform at
In 1989, the Advanced Plus 3 Mark 2 was launched, offering a double-sided drive in place of the single-sided drive previously offered. This meant that the storage capacity of each disc was increased from the 320 KB of the original Plus 3 to 640 KB (this being supported by ADFS on the Master
Designed and produced by Baildon Electronics and sold by PRES, the Advanced Plus 3 (AP3) was a Plus 1 cartridge interface using the WD1770 controller, supplied with Acorn's ADFS and a single-sided 3½-inch disc drive for £99 plus VAT, offering equivalent functionality to the Acorn Plus 3. Announced in
Following on from Slogger's earlier Rombox product – an expansion similar in profile to the Plus 1 but offering eight ROM sockets and propagating the expansion connector to other units – the Rombox Plus was positioned more directly as a competitor to the Plus 1 in that
After Acorn's change of focus away from the Electron, and with a shortage of Plus 1 units available to purchase, Advanced Computer Products secured the rights to manufacture the unit under licence from Acorn, obtaining the injection moulds and tooling, thus restarting production in 1987 after Acorn's
Such cartridge support enabled the Electron to provide the same functionality as that offered by the expansion ROM slots under the keyboard and on the bottom-left of the BBC Micro B keyboard. However, the need to use cartridge sockets for other peripherals encouraged PRES to develop the Advanced Plus
Although Acorn had based its expansion into the United States on the BBC Micro, the company did have plans to introduce the Electron at a later time, with Chris Curry having indicated "a very heavy push overseas" involving both the BBC Micro and Electron. A model for the US market was described in an
followed on as an alternative to, as opposed to a direct successor of, the earlier Starstore product by requiring a disc-based system and permitting databases to be as large as the amount of free space on any given disc. Its user interface was improved over the earlier product, offering pop-up menus
Starstore, also available on ROM, provided a database management suite primarily aimed at users of cassette storage, with databases being entirely resident in RAM. It supported database definition, data editing, searching, sorting and printing activities. Various features complemented Starword, such
When using View in Mode 6, providing a 40-column, 25-line display occupying 8 KB of memory, around 20 KB of RAM was available to cassette-based systems or to disc-based systems using products such as the Cumana Floppy Disc System that also maintained PAGE at &E00, this corresponding to
chip to trigger interrupts at certain points in the update of each display frame, using these events to change the palette and potentially switching all colours to black, thus blanking regions of the screen and hiding non-graphical data that had been stored in screen memory, the Electron lacked such
The composite video output provides a greyscale image on the standard machine, but an internal modification allows a colour image to be produced, albeit with a degradation in picture quality. Acorn ostensibly intended the composite output to be a high-quality output for monochrome monitors, with the
employs one or two sets of eight 16-kilobit devices, with the RAM running at twice the speed (4 MHz) of the CPU (2 MHz), allowing the video system (screen refresh) and CPU memory accesses to be interleaved, with each accessor able to transfer bytes at 2 MHz. The RAM access limitations
When the ULA is consuming all of the RAM bandwidth during the active portion of a display line, the CPU is unable to access the RAM. (The Electron uses the Synertek variant of the 6502 processor as that allowed the clock to be stopped for this 40 microsecond period.) In other modes the CPU and video
The edge connector on the rear of the Electron exposes all address and data bus lines from the CPU, including the upper eight bits of the address bus, in contrast to the limited selection available via the BBC Micro's expansion ports, with the One Megahertz Bus as the principal mechanism for general
Announced in early 1986, the Advanced Plus 4 (AP4) from Advanced Computer Products was a cartridge-based interface employing the WD1770 controller and featuring ACP's 1770 DFS product, providing compatibility with Acorn's DFS from the BBC Micro and thereby supporting seven-character filenames and up
Originally reported in mid-1985 as a collaboration between Acorn and Pace Micro Technology, but launched in early 1986, Pace offered a communications product consisting of a RS423 cartridge, bundled with a Nightingale modem and Tellstar communications software, offered at a discounted price of £145.
The Plus 1 needed memory page &D for its workspace, and the unit added some processing overhead when enabled, both of these things causing issues with the loading and running of software, particularly cassette-based games. To disable the Plus 1, after pressing BREAK, the following commands could
The cartridge slots provided additional control lines (compared to the lines available via the edge connector on the rear of the Electron) to ease implementation of ROM cartridges. Acorn described the hardware extension possibilities in promotional literature, giving an RS423 cartridge as an example
Access to ROM occurred at 2 MHz until RAM access was required, so theoretically programs released on ROM could run up to twice as fast as those released on tape or disc. Despite this, all of the games released on ROM were packaged as ROM filing system cartridges, from which the micro would load
Production difficulties at Astec in Malaysia delayed the machine's introduction, forcing Acorn to look to other manufacturers such as AB Electronics in Wales and Wongs in Hong Kong (an original equipment manufacturer making over 30 million circuit boards a year, along with power supplies and plastic
While its speed was acceptable compared to its immediate competition, the Electron was, however, rather slower than the BBC Micro with one review noting that games designed for the BBC Micro ran "at less than half the speed, with very significant effects on their appeal". The reduced performance can
in August 1983, and the machine was indeed launched at the event. The company expected to ship the Electron before Christmas, and sell 100,000 by February 1984. The price at launch - £199 - remained unchanged from that stated in an announcement earlier in the year, with the machine's nickname within
also emphasised the Electron's role as being "designed to compete with the Spectrum... to get the starting price very low, but not preclude expansion in the long term." In order to reduce component costs, and to prevent cloning, the company reduced the number of chips in the Electron from the 102 on
With the launch of the Plus 1, Acornsoft Lisp was also made available on cartridge. This Lisp implementation provided only the "bare essentials" of a Lisp system that "a small micro such as the Electron" could hope to be able to support. However, with the interpreter and initialised workspace being
for direct execution. ISO Pascal had Oxford Pascal as a direct competitor offering a range of features differentiating it from Acornsoft's product, notably a compiler that could produce a stand-alone "relocatable 6502 machine-code file". Acornsoft later released the ISO Pascal Stand Alone Generator
are blank and are not based on the contents of RAM. If 16 scanlines of continuous graphical data are written to a character-block-aligned portion of the screen then they will appear as a continuous block in most modes but in the two non-continuous modes they will be displayed as two blocks of eight
RAM" and 96 KB of ROM, although this particular composition of RAM is apparently contradicted by the RAM devices present on surviving M2105 machines. However, the earlier Chain variant of the board does appear to provide only 16 KB of static RAM using two HM6264LP-15 chips, also providing
In 1986, Permanent Memory Systems (PMS) announced a second processor product for the Electron, the PMS-E2P, as a self-contained cartridge for use with the Plus 1 containing a second 2 MHz 6502A processor plus 64 KB of RAM, priced at £89. This was based on a product originally developed by
Morley Electronics produced a Teletext Adaptor expansion for the BBC Micro and the Electron. Since the BBC Micro has the Mode 7 display capability, the model aimed at the BBC Micro merely provided the content reception capability needed to receive and decode Teletext signals, connecting to the user
Towards the end of the Electron's commercial lifetime, the Turbo-Driver and Master RAM Boards were offered already fitted to new Electrons in an attempt to increase sales. For a time, Jafa Systems manufactured their own equivalent of the Master RAM Board in order to support their own product range.
in addition to the existing 32 KB, thus giving 64 KB in total. So-called "legally written software", this being software using the operating system calls and not writing directly to the screen, could function without significant modification, making substantially more memory available for
Early in 1985, Cumana released a cartridge-based interface providing support for double-density storage, a real-time clock and calendar for timestamping of files, and a spare ROM socket for user-fitted sideways ROMs. The filing system used was Cumana's own QFS, supporting 89 files per disc, PAGE at
The first disc interface to be announced for the Electron was Pace's Le Box in 1984, offering a single-sided 100 KB floppy drive controlled by the 8271 controller and accessed using the Amcom Disc Filing System, with pricing at £299 plus VAT including the drive or around £199 without. The unit
In mid-1989, Software Bargains announced an expansion providing different levels of Plus 1 functionality, offered as a bare printed circuit board without casing and in three different variants: the basic model offered one cartridge port and was bundled with View and Viewsheet cartridges for £29.95;
sockets, or the software would be loaded from ROM image files (typically provided on disk) into RAM devices fitted in such sockets. Such RAM could potentially be powered by a battery and thus be able to retain its contents when the computer itself was powered off. Both such arrangements exposed the
Acorn's own expansion strategy was led by the Plus 1 which offered a combination of ports and cartridge connectors, followed by the Plus 3 disc drive unit, but by early 1986 the more general range of expansions had broadened to include floppy drive and RS423 interfaces, Teletext adapters, and other
and software, at a retail price of £99.95. This deal, from the perspective of a year later, apparently played a significant part in helping to reduce Acorn's unsold inventory from a value of £18 million to around £7.9 million, and in combination with "streamlining corporate activities and
As the company increased production during 1984, however, the British home computer market greatly weakened. Hohenberg later noted that after the 1983 Christmas season, Electron deliveries had increased to meet a demand that was no longer there, with the market having "completely dried up". Acorn's
By 1988, the "big three" full-price games publishers for the Acorn 8-bit market were identified as Superior Software, Audiogenic (ASL) and Tynesoft, with Top Ten and Alternative Software being the significant budget publishers, and other "strong contenders" being Godax, Mandarin and Bug Byte, this
product for the BBC Micro and launched in early 1985, was made available for use with the Electron expanded with the E2P-6502 second processor cartridge. The original Wordwise product was incompatible with the Electron due to its use of Mode 7 (the BBC Micro's 40-column Teletext display mode), and
The adoption of an Acorn product in this role was perhaps also unusual in that much of BT's Merlin range of this era had been supplied by ICL, notably the M2226 small business computer and M3300 "communicating word processor". Nevertheless, the M2105 offered interoperability with other BT products
Hybrid Technology's Music 5000 was adapted and released by PRES for use with the 1 MHz bus of the Advanced Plus 5 expansion, with the Music 5000 itself priced at £113.85. The only functional differences between the Electron adaptation and the original BBC Micro unit involved the use of Mode 6
Originally announced in 1987 by Project Expansions to be priced at around £40, the Sound Expansion cartridge could be fitted in a Plus 1 (or compatible) slot and provide sound output equivalent to that of the BBC Micro, with Superior Software's Speech bundled as a "limited offer". A product of the
screen for a representation of Mode 7 used to prepare the eventual visual output. However, the program did not support direct access to Mode 7 memory locations. The author noted that a Mode 2 version would have been possible but would have required a redesigned character set and "too much memory".
Announced in early 1986, the Slogger Turbo-Driver was a professionally fitted upgrade priced at £42. The board itself plugged into the CPU and BASIC ROM sockets on the main circuit board of the Electron, which merely involved removing socketed components on very early Electron models, but required
The SEDFS was later bundled with Slogger's own cartridge-based interface and a 40/80-track switchable drive offering up to 400 KB storage per disc, with the bundle taking the Pegasus 400 name, introduced as part of a sales tour towards the end of 1987. This package of interface and drive cost
PRES later released a version of ADFS with support for PAGE at &E00, this being achieved by using RAM provided by the Advanced Battery Backed RAM (ABR) cartridge. This version also fixed two notable bugs in Acorn's ADFS, eliminating unreliability when accessing the first tracks on a disc which
Alongside announcements of Acorn's then-unreleased Plus 1, Solidisk previewed a General Purpose Interface for the Electron in early 1984 offering a Centronics printer port, switched joystick port, user port, sideways ROM sockets, and mini-cartridge sockets supported by the 6522 versatile interface
The deal effectively brought to an end Acorn's interest in the Electron and the lower-cost end of the home computing market, but empowered third-party suppliers whose "inventiveness and initiative" was noted as being in contrast with Acorn's lack of interest in the product and the "false promises"
Reviews were generally favourable, starting with positive impressions based on the physical design of the computer, with one reviewer noting, "The Electron is beautifully designed and built — quite a shock compared to the BBC. Its designer case will look great on the coffee table." Praise was also
In addition to the early releases, Forth and Lisp, Acornsoft released the Pascal subset, S-Pascal, on cassette and followed up with an ISO Pascal implementation on ROM cartridge, the latter providing two 16 KB ROMs containing a program editor and a Pascal compiler producing intermediate code
Despite Acorn's withdrawal from the Electron peripheral market, Baildon Electronics developed the Advanced Plus 5 (AP5) expansion, featuring Tube, 1 MHz bus and user port interfaces, which plugged into a Plus 1 cartridge socket. This provided a sufficient level of compatibility that both the
However, with users increasingly able to rely on expansions such as the Slogger Master RAM board to provide more memory, and with this combination of expansions acknowledged throughout the user manual, the emphasis of the Mode 7 Simulator and Mark 2 Display Unit was arguably to deliver the actual
A conceptually similar predecessor to the software-based simulator was published by Electron User in early 1987, offering a monochrome Mode 4 simulation of the Teletext display, using the lower 25 character lines of the screen to show the Teletext output, reserving several lines at the top of the
Despite Acorn themselves effectively shelving the Electron in 1985, games continued to be developed and released by professional software houses until the early 1990s. There were around 1,400 games released for the Acorn Electron, several thousand extra public domain titles were released on disc
ViewSheet could also operate in different display modes, with spreadsheets of approximately 1600 cells being editable in Mode 6 and around 800 cells in Mode 3. A windowing system was provided that permitted ten different views of a spreadsheet to be displayed on screen at once, and recalculation
Acornsoft Forth, aiming for compliance with the Forth-79 standard, was regarded as "an excellent implementation of the language". It saw competition from Skywave Software's Multi-Forth 83 which was delivered on a ROM chip, supported the Forth-83 standard, and provided a multitasking environment.
This generic product combination of the Electron and accompanying expansion was apparently known as the Chain during development, itself having a different board layout, with British Telecom having intended the M2105 to be a product supporting access to an online service known as Healthnet. This
In mid-1985, Solidisk released a cartridge-based interface with support for single and double density storage and providing Acorn DFS and ADFS compatibility, 16 KB of on-board sideways RAM, and a connector for a Winchester hard drive. The cartridge itself cost £59, with a bundle including a
Since the Electron provided only a selection of video output ports, a cassette port and the expansion connector, a range of additional expansions were produced to offer ports and connections to various peripherals. The first expansions were largely joystick and printer interfaces or sideways ROM
for speech synthesis. The speech synthesis was used for the "voice response" function which answered incoming voice calls by playing a synthesised message to the caller. The components chosen and the capabilities provided (excluding speech synthesis) are broadly similar to those featured by the
character generator to replicate the main elements of the BBC Micro's Teletext display solution. This only used 1 KB of memory for the display, with the expansion listening to display memory write accesses and buffering the data in its own memory. A ROM was included to extend the operating
Applications could not directly address video memory in shadow mode without modification, so it was incompatible with most games, although there is no inherent reason why a game could not be written to function in shadow mode. A switch mounted through the case switched between normal, turbo and
to rescue the company by taking a 49.30% ownership stake. Renewed efforts were made to sell the machine, bundling it with Acorn's own expansions and software, such as one package adding the Plus 1 expansion, joysticks and a ROM cartridge game to the base machine for a total price of £219. Acorn
Despite some uncertainty about Acorn's target demographic for the Electron, some noted the potential for the machine in education given its robustness, but also given its price, noting that the high price of BBC Model B machines seemed "rarely justified by their actual practical applications in
to reduce cost. Due to needing two accesses to the memory instead of one to fetch each byte, along with contention with the video hardware also needing access, reading or writing RAM was much slower than on the BBC Micro. Reviewers were also disappointed by the single-channel sound, noting that
as its display. Several expansions were made available to provide many of the capabilities omitted from the BBC Micro. Acorn introduced a general-purpose expansion unit, the Plus 1, offering analogue joystick and parallel ports, together with cartridge slots into which ROM cartridges, providing
spreadsheet applications, familiar from the BBC Micro, were released on ROM cartridge for use with the Electron expanded with a Plus 1, priced at £49.50 each. By running directly from ROM, these applications were able to dedicate all of the machine's available RAM to their documents, and using
switches from a non-continuous to a continuous graphics mode part way down the display. By using the palette to mask the top area of the display and taking care about when it changes mode it can shift the continuous graphics at the bottom of the display down in two pixel increments because the
CPUs. Over time, the thermal heating and cooling could cause the ULA to rise slightly out of its socket just enough to cause the machine to start exhibiting 'hanging' or other startup-failure issues, such as a continuous 'startup beep'. This was despite a metal cover, and locking-bar mechanism
Since the Electron's expansion connector was the basis of practically all external hardware expansions for the machine, unless an expansion propagated this connector to others, as was done by the Acorn Plus 3, the capabilities of any given expansion would limit the capabilities of the expanded
Healthnet is useful in hospitals and the National Health Service as a communications and information system. It transmits forms, letters and memos over the telephone as well as extracting data from the transmitted forms and turning it into clinical management information. Healthnet uses M2105
Slogger, an established producer of expansions and a reseller of other disc systems, introduced the Electron Disc System in early 1987, priced at £74.95, featuring the Cumana Floppy Disc System interface, which was combined with an Acorn-compatible DFS, SEDFS, having the capability of reading
Jafa Systems announced an RS423 cartridge in late 1989 to "fill a two year gap in the market", offering a serial connector compatible with the BBC Micro together with an on-board socket for 8 KB or 16 KB EPROM devices or for 32 KB RAM, the latter being configured to present two
Repair note: If the internal power-supply connector, used to power the existing internal 3.5-inch drive is damaged, and requires replacement, then the original AMP 800-930 4-pin connector, which was already in short supply during the original production run, may be replaced with a Molex 5264
In early 1989, Slogger announced its "remote expansion" (RX) system for the Electron, providing a separate case with power supply to house expansions and disc drives, able to support the weight of a monitor or television. Intended for the RX system, the Plus 2 offered two ROM cartridge slots
Reviewers also welcomed the machine's excellent graphics compared to its rivals, noting that "the graphics are much more flexible and the maximum resolution is many times that of the Spectrum's". The provision of screen modes supporting 80 columns of readable text and graphics resolutions of
of microcomputers with fewer BBC Micro-style ports and a similar expansion connector to that used by the Electron – with the home audience specifically in mind. Indeed, prior to its release, the Master Compact had been perceived as the successor to the Electron. Superficial
A significant selling point for the Electron was its built-in BBC BASIC interpreter, providing a degree of familiarity from the BBC Micro along with a level of compatibility with the earlier machine. However, as had been the case with the BBC Micro, support for other languages was quickly
florists network in the UK for over a decade. Used mostly for sending messages, despite providing support for other applications, limited availability of the product led Interflora to look for alternatives after five years, although users appeared to be happy with the product as it was.
mode was considered regrettable. Although valued for its low memory usage characteristics in the BBC Micro, one reviewer considered the absence of a "software simulation of a teletext screen" to be a "lazy omission" even if it would have to be "awfully slow and take up piles of memory".
games to the machine, a reduction in hardware features useful for controlling or presenting content on the screen, developers often discovered creative workarounds to deliver commercially successful products, making the business of writing conversions a viable one for some developers.
second processor products from Acorn were shown to work, providing a Tube implementation that was "as faithful as you can get", with it also being noted that the Electron being available for as little as £50 at that point in its commercial lifespan was a "very cheap way of getting a
same name and with similar functionality was subsequently sold by Complex Software for around £55, employing its own adjustable speaker in the cartridge unit. Superior Software had announced a version of Speech for the unexpanded Acorn Electron in 1986, but this was never released.
493:. Having been envisaged as the basis of a portable computer with "a very strong emphasis on communications" during its development, supporting both modem and Econet interfaces, the BT Merlin M2105 product subsequently combined the Electron with communications functionality, and the 329:
responded that in the third quarter of that year Acorn would release a new £120–150 computer which "will probably be called the Electron", a form of "miniaturised BBC Micro", having 32 KB of RAM and 32 KB of ROM, with "higher resolution graphics than those offered by the Spectrum".
Launched in late 1984 for a price of £229, the Acorn Plus 3 was a hardware module that connected independently of the Plus 1 and provided a "self contained disc interface and 3.5 inch single sided disc drive" offering over 300 KB of storage per disc using the newly introduced
The hardware specifications of the M2105, observed from manufactured units, include the 6502 CPU (SY6502 or R6502), ULA and 32 KB of dynamic RAM fitted in the Electron main unit, plus 32 KB of static RAM, two 6522 VIA devices for interfacing, AM2910PC modem, SCN2681A
In order to keep track of its position within the display, the Electron maintains an internal display address counter. The same counter is used in both the continuous and non-continuous graphics modes and switching modes mid-frame does not cause any adjustment to the counter.
1433: 1546:. But if set to a frequency outside the human audible range then the ear can't perceive the square wave, only the difference between the speaker being switched on and off. This gives the effect of a simple toggle speaker similar to that seen in the 48 KB Sinclair 431:
Christmas 1984 sales were greatly below expectations and by March 1985 the company had reduced the Electron's price to £129. With the company's unsuccessful expansion into the United States abandoned, Acorn's financial situation had deteriorated sufficiently to prompt
346:" would be the "dominant factor" in any pre-Christmas release. As the end of the year approached, the machine itself was pictured in press reports. With the ULA not ready for "main production", however, the launch of the Electron was to be delayed until the spring. 1701:
operations were reported to be "around ten seconds for quite a large model". Reviewers considered the View and ViewSheet applications to be "professional" and to "compare well with similar software sold for much more expensive machines" such as the IBM PC, with
imposed by the Electron's ULA therefore reduce the effective CPU speed by as much as a factor of four relative to the BBC Micro in the more demanding display modes, and as much as a factor of two otherwise. Byte transfers from ROM occur at 2 MHz, however.
series, support for various sideways RAM products from PRES, disc formatting and verification utilities for different ADFS versions, a command to disable the Plus 1 entirely, and improvements that made tape loading more reliable in "high memory" screen modes.
committed to supporting the machine "until the end of 1986", continuing to supply it (as the Merlin M2105) to British Telecom as part of the Healthnet communications system, with small-scale manufacturing continuing while existing stocks were being run down.
for the Electron, requiring a DFS-compatible disc system, two spare ROM sockets, a mouse, and a suitable user port expansion, with Slogger producing its own user port expansion cartridge. Competing with these products but requiring only a disc system, AVP's
The filing system used by the ROM cartridge system is in fact the *ROM filing system (RFS) as used on the Beeb, making it a simple task for commercial establishments to blow their own cartridge ROMs. *CAT, LOAD and CHAIN are all available with the
desoldering work and therefore benefited from a fitting service for later units. The performance benefit of fitting the board was to make some programs, particularly those running in the high bandwidth modes (0 to 3), run up to three times faster.
342:(ULA). Reports during the second half of 1982 indicated a potential December release, with Curry providing qualified confirmation of such plans, together with an accurate depiction of the machine's form and capabilities, noting that the "massive 973:
BASIC, View, Viewsheet, language ROMs and many other applications. By providing extra storage this modification also allowed some games and applications intended for the BBC Micro to function on the Electron despite the lack of a native Mode 7.
compatible with the Plus 1, three ROM sockets, and RS423 and user port capabilities. One application of the user port was to connect a mouse, utilised by Slogger's version of the Stop Press desktop publishing package by Advanced Memory Systems.
for the display and the reduced performance of the Electron imposing some limitations on processing in programs written for the system, although this was not thought to prevent most programs for the system from working on the Electron version.
927:£130. The precise DFS variant used by the Pegasus 400 system kept PAGE at &E00 and introduced "typeahead" support, permitting keystroke buffering during disc activity on systems with the Turbo-Driver or Master RAM Board fitted and enabled. 1733:
function. Available on ROM for fitting to a ROM expansion such as Slogger's Rombox or inside a separately purchased ROM cartridge, and reportedly developed specifically for the Electron, Starword was considered "comprehensive and powerful".
loaded from cassette into RAM in the earlier release, one stated advantage of the ROM version was the availability of more memory for use by programs, with the immediacy of a Lisp system provided as a language ROM being an implicit benefit.
5528: 1661:
product for the BBC Micro and Master series, permitting the generation of executable programs embedding "sections of the interpreter" required by each program, with such executables being subject to various licensing restrictions.
In practice the operating system ROMs always put the screen into the top 20 KB and as a result this probably only broke compatibility with around 2% of software. Speeding up the low portion of memory is particularly useful on
command. Later products such as the PRES E00 ADFS remedied the memory demands of the ADFS, along with other issues suffered by the software as delivered with the Plus 3. If using the Plus 3 in screen modes 0–3, the pseudo-variable
database program specifically for the Electron, but the software was reported as being compatible, albeit with function key combinations different to those documented for the BBC Micro. However, Acornsoft did release a product,
Released in 1987 at a price of £89, the Mode 7 Mark 1 Display Unit was a separate unit "about the size, shape and colour of the Plus One or a Slogger ROMbox" that connected to the Electron's expansion connector and featured a
1506:, released on a compilation by Superior Software, exploits a division in the way the Electron handles its display – of the seven available graphics modes, two are configured so that the final two of every ten 967:
Introduced at around the start of 1987 and priced at £64.95 fitted or £54.95 as a kit, the Master RAM Board offered the familiar turbo mode from the Slogger Turbo-Driver alongside a shadow mode providing 32 KB of static
756:-compatible connector and their own power supply. The original Electron edge connector was repeated on the back of the Plus 3, allowing the Plus 1 or other compatible expansion to be connected in conjunction with the Plus 3. 500:
The availability of the Electron at discounted prices from 1985 onwards led to increased demand for third-party software and expansions for the machine. While it may not have been as popular as the Spectrum, Commodore 64 or
cited as such BBC Micro exclusives. Although the Electron imposed additional technical constraints on authors accustomed to the BBC Micro, some authors were able to use this to their creative advantage. For instance, of
Text modes are provided using display modes with the appropriate horizontal resolution (320 or 640 pixels), with each character row being 8 pixels high, and with 2 blank display lines being introduced between character
monitor output, 160×256 (4 or 16 colours), 320×256 (2 or 4 colours), 640×256 (2 colours), 320×200 (2 colours – spaced display with two blank horizontal lines following every 8 pixel lines), 640×200 (2 colours – spaced
An official application note described a similar set of commands to "remove the Plus One completely from the address map disabling the Centronics and A/D ports (additionally disabling the RS423 cartridge if fitted)".
The additions follow the style and numbering system of the Plus-1 printer, joystick and cartridge software interface. The disk system is the Plus-3, Econet comes with the Plus-2, and the modem connection will be the
1285:(64 K×1 bit), sharing the RAM between the CPU and the video signal generation (or screen refresh) performed by the ULA itself. Two accesses have to be made to the RAM to get each byte (albeit with a single 646:
To support connectivity, Acorn announced a Plus 2 network interface with availability scheduled for early 1985, together with a RS423 cartridge for the Plus 1. Neither of these products were delivered as announced.
1449:, the Electron was constrained by limited memory resources. Of the 32 KB RAM, 3½ KB was allocated to the OS at startup and at least 10 KB was taken up by the display buffer in contiguous display modes. 1259:
purpose expansion on the BBC Micro only providing the lower eight bits of the address bus. In addition, various control signals provided by the CPU and ULA are exposed via the Electron's expansion connector.
The additional facilities of the AP5 alongside the Tube interface permitted various expansions for the BBC Micro to be made available for the Electron. These included the Hybrid Music 5000 and the AMX Mouse.
software, or other kinds of hardware expansions, such as disc interfaces, could be inserted. Acorn also produced a dedicated disc expansion, the Plus 3, featuring a disc controller and 3.5-inch floppy drive.
issues occurring when running some titles. Of the Acornsoft languages, the existing Forth and Lisp language releases worked on the Electron (these being re-released specially for the machine), together with
based recreations of the Acorn Electron hardware: ElectronFPGA for the Papilio Duo hardware and the Acorn-Electron core for the FPGA Arcade "Replay" board. In addition, an implementation of the ULA for the
Jafa Systems provided a number of solutions to remedy the absence of a Teletext display capability. Morley Electronics instead chose to offer an expansion combining the display and reception capabilities.
Acorn did demonstrate a prototype "Tube" interface for the Electron alongside the Plus 3 interface at the Compec exhibition in November 1984, although this was never brought to market directly by Acorn.
capabilities, allowing ROM- or EPROM-based software to be accessed to provide languages, utilities and applications. ROM or EPROM devices containing the software could be physically inserted into empty
Additional peripheral cartridges were produced by companies such as Advanced Computer Products (and subsequently PRES) whose Advanced ROM Adaptor (ARA) and Advanced Sideways RAM (ASR) products provided
By autumn, retailers appeared eager to discount the computer, with prices in stores as low as £100, reportedly less than the distributor prices of the summer months. As the Christmas season approached,
Such display capabilities, desirable in their own right on low-memory computers, were also desirable for delivering content through low-bandwidth communications channels such as that from Teletext and
In late 1984, Sir Computers announced a Mode 7 adapter unit that plugged into the Electron's expansion connector. Unfortunately, Sir Computers ceased trading before the product was brought to market.
that required Pascal run-time routines to be loaded. As a more minimal implementation, S-Pascal made use of the machine's built-in BASIC program editing facilities and provided a compiler generating
before its launch.) Because the WD1770 is capable of single-density mode and uses the same IBM360-derived floppy disc format as the Intel 8271 found in the BBC Micro, it was also possible to use the
403:, but this model was never produced. The Electron was distributed in various other markets and was reviewed by home computing publications in countries such as Norway, West Germany, and New Zealand. 1102:
machine". Some differences in the memory map of the Electron meant that BBC Micro software would need modifications to work on the Electron with AP5. The price of the unit in late 1986 was £66.70.
2152:(C) 1983 Acorn Computers Ltd. Thanks are due to the following contributors to the development of the Electron (among others too numerous to mention):- Bob Austin, Astec, Harry Barman, Paul Bond, 2143:
The operating system ROM locations 0xFC00-0xFFFF contain the details of some members of the Electron's design team, these differing somewhat from those listed in the corresponding message in the
1875:, already an established BBC Micro games publisher, also entered the Electron market at a relatively early stage, offering ten initial titles either converted from the BBC Micro, in the case of 1498:
Although programs can alter the position of the screen in memory, the non-linear format of the display means that vertical scrolling can only be done in blocks of 8 pixels without further work.
key in combination with other keys labelled with BASIC keywords. However, unlike the Spectrum, this method of rapid keyword entry is optional, and keywords can be entered manually if preferred.
British Telecom had the Healthnet terminal on show. This is an Electron with a custom-made expansion box, and it is intended for use where a lot of form-filling is done at many separate sites.
5519: 832:, that was designed to power the Plus 3, in addition to the Electron and the Plus 1 interface as well. This replaced the original cream-coloured "wall wart" style power supply, designed to 1005:
services. However, access to such services can be considered to be a separate capability, and the BBC Micro needed to be upgraded to complement its display capability with the Teletext or
8117: 8890:
The Electron is widely misquoted as operating at 1.79 MHz after measurements derived from speed testing against the 2 MHz BBC Micro for various pieces of 'common software'.
8964: 1460:
Other games would simply load non-graphical data into the display and leave it visible as regions of apparently randomly coloured pixels. One notable example is Superior Software's
7974: 391:"BBC-style music" and its "imitations of various musical instruments" would not be possible, the latter due to the inability of the sound system to vary the amplitude of sounds. 369:
key with various letter keys was also welcomed as a helpful aid to prevent typing errors by "most users", while "touch typists" were still able to type out the keywords in full.
being comparable. In one review, the keyboard was even regarded as better than the one in the BBC Micro. The provision of rapid BASIC keyword entry though the combination of the
chip would have been more than that of doubling the four 64 Kbit DRAM chips to give 8-bit RAM access, fixing both the modest memory and poor performance issues of the Electron.
capability. This interface did not make it to market. However, an Econet interface was produced by Barson Computers in Australia and possibly other individuals and businesses.
The Plus 3 reset PAGE to &1D00, reducing the amount of free RAM available to the user. The ADFS system could be temporarily disabled (and PAGE reset to &E00) via the
Expansion manufacturers Advanced Computer Products and Slogger both made solutions available based on products from Advanced Memory Systems. ACP released a bundle of the
The addition of the Plus 1 added a number of new *FX or OSBYTE calls that allowed the OS to read values from the analogue interface and write to the parallel interface.
adapter (VIA) chip. The Plus 1 itself was released in mid-1984, introducing the influential cartridge format for expansions ultimately used by several other companies.
1631:, plus a number of other titles were also established as being compatible prior to launch. Various applications in Acornsoft's View suite, together with the languages 7296:
the range of address bus signals available on the Electron edge connector is greater than is available on the BBC Micro with its collection of connectors and sockets.
7705:"The program overspill appears as a fluctuating patterned strip at the bottom of the screen", said Payne, "It is the only way it could be released on the Electron". 4251: 2382: 1582:
theme tune, to play endlessly rather than loading the game properly (Pugwash being a pirate). On the Electron version of Frak!, the tune was the main theme from "
7586: 1766:
software for use with its Advanced Plus 5 expansion, also requiring a DFS-compatible disc system. Slogger produced a version of the desktop publishing package
1247:, cassette input/output, timers and sound generation – was replicated using a single customised ULA chip designed by Acorn in conjunction with 8957: 7466: 1471:
was a hardware possibility, the limited memory forced most applications to do all their drawing directly to the visible screen, often resulting in graphical
5259: 325:'s potential to hurt sales of the BBC Micro, priced at £125 for the 16K model compared to around twice that price for the 16K BBC Model A, Acorn co-founder 1368:
Graphics modes: 160×256 pixels (20×32 characters) in 4 or 16 colours, 320×256 (40×32 characters) in 2 or 4 colours, 640×256 (80x32 characters) in 2 colours
321:, executives believed that the company needed a less-expensive computer for the mass market. In May 1982, when asked about the recently announced Sinclair 1542:
The speaker can be programmatically switched on or off at any time but is permanently attached to a hardware counter so is normally only able to output a
9212: 9207: 9202: 9197: 7623: 1189:
Initially trialled in a six-month pilot at 50 florists, with the intention of rolling out to all 2,500 members of the UK network, these were used by the
2312: 561:
language implementation, the latter being a genuine language ROM that "takes the place of the BASIC ROM" and is instantly available when switching on.
Although the Electron presented challenges to developers in terms of the amount of memory available to programs and, particularly for those writing or
9321: 7352:
In fact, the Electron has more potential for expansion than a BBC Micro. Why? Because all necessary system buses come out on the expansion connector.
They figure that if the public wants Electrons, and more than 250,000 have been sold so far, then the time may be ripe to bring out an enhanced model
8950: 2197:
Additionally, the last bytes of both the BASIC ROM and the Plus 3 interface's ADFS v1.0 ROM include the word "Roger", thought to be a reference to
9316: 8108: 1944:
it was noted that the "Electron version is more popular, and considered better than the BBC version because it has a screen designer included".
9222: 4431: 7279: 821:
The Plus 3 included an uprated square black power supply unit with mains cord, manufactured by STC, designed and manufactured in England to
Andyk announced an RS423 cartridge for the Plus 1 providing a serial port, alongside other products, in late 1985. It was priced at £34.99.
9246: 7540: 1123:
Despite the Electron having only limited sound generation capabilities, few expansions were offered to overcome the machine's limitations.
7965: 1131:
Advertised in late 1985, the Voxbox by Millsgrade Limited was an expansion connecting to the Electron's expansion connector that provided
Conscious of the relatively high price of the Mark 1 unit, John Wike of Jafa devised and, at the end of 1988, introduced a software-based
would be thrown off, as the interrupts were disabled during disk access in these modes. The screen would also blank during disc accesses.
A buffered databus and the lower 8 bits of the address bus are connected to this socket together with a series of useful control signals.
6538: 2792: 2177: 4285: 8909:
In this source, the "lines" appear to refer to character lines or multiples of 8 pixels, yielding 104 and 152 pixel lines respectively.
The hardware specification according to official documentation, combined with more technical documentation and analysis is as follows:
communications facilities, text editing and text messaging functions. The complete product included a monitor and dot-matrix printer.
system were offered for the Electron. Reliability issues were described with the Phloopy, and the product was apparently short-lived.
4316: 2068:
through Public Domain libraries. Notable enterprises which produced discs of such software are BBC PD, EUG (Electron User Group) and
Acorn's philosophy is to aim the Compact at the home environment with parents buying a computer that their children can 'grow' into.
1891:, also a significant publisher for the BBC Micro, routinely released games for both machines, notably a licensed version of Atari's 2454: 2399: 1441:
is an example of a game where the developers left non-graphical data visible in the display buffer to gain additional memory space.
7743: 752:
An expansion connector for a second 3.5- or 5.25-inch drive was also provided by the unit, with such drives needing to provide a
6326: 7408: 7386: 7237: 5118:
With PAGE the same as the tape system – unlike the BBC DFS – tape to disc transfer is easy...
4242: 2373: 1286: 361:
forthcoming for the Electron's keyboard which was regarded as being better than most of its low-cost peers, with only the
2181: 270:. Announced in 1982 for a possible release the same year, it was eventually introduced on 25 August 1983 priced at £199. 8612: 8481: 8454: 8401: 8374: 8347: 8320: 8267: 8237: 8173: 8146: 8079: 8052: 8000: 7833: 7803: 6749: 6722: 6561: 6429: 6280: 6253: 6226: 6172: 6140: 6003: 5954: 5928: 5875: 5818: 5765: 5736: 5606: 5580: 5553: 5285: 5210: 5157: 5046: 4939: 4914: 4694: 4641: 4567: 4540: 4513: 4396: 4370: 4343: 4153: 4126: 4100: 4073: 3965: 3663: 3636: 3609: 3498: 1235:
an extra 16 KB of dynamic RAM using eight MK4516-15 chips, suggesting that the product evolved during development.
9306: 8585: 8559: 8533: 8507: 8293: 8026: 7912: 7859: 7717: 7688: 7044: 7018: 6937: 6860: 6696: 6617: 6591: 6511: 6485: 6459: 6351: 6114: 5901: 5848: 5791: 5710: 5684: 5658: 5632: 5493: 5464: 5438: 5412: 5315: 5130: 5101: 5020: 4965: 4888: 4862: 4723: 4667: 4611: 4486: 4046: 4017: 3991: 3913: 3887: 3861: 3808: 3782: 3694: 3553: 3471: 3445: 3419: 3393: 3367: 3341: 3296: 3270: 3244: 3218: 3060: 2996: 2515: 2344: 1215: 724:, were reportedly under development by expansion suppliers such as Solidisk, and finished products such as the Phloopy 7364: 1789:
Of the twelve software titles announced by Acornsoft for the Electron at the machine's launch, six were games titles:
and so it is common for software to put any variables involved in time-critical sections of program into that region.
drive controller by the ADFS. (The Plus 3 had been rumoured to offer Acorn's DFS and to feature a 8272 double-density
8937: 7577: 4829: 281:
that had the correct sockets. It was capable of bitmapped graphics, and could use either a television set, a colour (
3166: 2887: 349:
By June 1983, with the planned March release having passed, the launch of the Electron had been rescheduled for the
9233: 7457: 5183: 3112: 2573: 5250: 905:
double-sided, double-density, 3½-inch drive costing £200. A 20 MB hard drive was offered at a price of £805.
reducing overheads", had helped to reduce Acorn's losses from over £20 million to less than £3 million.
2157: 334: 9118: 7614: 7345: 7317: 5227:
Some versions of the Plus 3 allow both sides of the disc to be used, allowing 640k of information to be stored.
3033: 2710: 1639:, were reported as being compatible with the Electron, as were some titles from BBC Soft and other developers. 1251:, albeit with only one sound channel instead of three (and one noise channel), and without the character-based 2944: 2301: 338:
the BBC Micro's motherboard to "something like 12 to 14 chips" with most functionality on a single 2,400-gate
246:, to provide many of the features of that more expensive machine at a price more competitive with that of the 7662: 6403: 2855: 2127: 2018: 1636: 818:
key-combination, if the !BOOT file was present on the disk. This behaviour was the same as on the BBC Micro.
2828: 1775:
offered a rudimentary desktop publishing solution, utilising the computer's high-resolution Mode 0 display.
The product documentation indicates a specification with 48 KB of RAM plus 16 KB of "non volatile
made to its users. However, Acorn subsequently released the Master Compact – a model in the
BASIC prompt after switch-on or hard reset (soft reset was similar but did not contain the Acorn trademark).
6915: 3192: 2762: 2632: 1976: 1952: 1784: 1615: 1282: 853:
Part no: 0865,010; input 240 V AC/50 Hz 50 W; output 21 V AC/1.75 A/36.75 W:
3323: 1974:. There were also many popular games officially converted to the Electron from arcade machines (including 8664: 6088: 4460: 2603: 2185: 1673: 956: 746: 486: 7253: 701:
Slogger provided an RS423 interface as an option for its own Plus 2 expansion, announced in early 1989.
9103: 9012: 7640: 7513: 6828: 6377: 547:
The Acorn Plus 1 added two ROM cartridge slots, an analogue interface (supporting four channels) and a
was described as "unrivalled by every machine up to the BBC Model B itself", although the absence of a
8878: 8211: 5685:"Solidisk EFS combines disc upgrade, 16K sideways RAM and a socket for the Winchester for only £59.00" 2116:
and Clock Signal feature support for the Electron. Electron software is predominantly archived in the
be attributed to the use of a 4-bit wide memory system instead of the 8-bit wide memory system of the
6644: 2547: 2180:, Tony Mann, Peter Miller, Trevor Morris, Steve Parsons, Robin Pain, Glyn Phillips, Brian Robertson, 2060: 2036: 1968:, a good range of games were available for the Electron including popular multi-format games such as 1522:
internal display counter is not incremented on blank scanlines during non-continuous graphics modes.
Sound: 1 channel of sound, 7 octaves; built-in speaker. Software emulation of noise channel supported
1140: 8638: 7886: 6992: 6199: 6054: 3835: 3139: 9301: 8992: 8826: 8427: 7939: 6886: 6802: 6775: 5072: 4994: 4778: 4749: 4422: 4213: 4180: 3939: 3720: 3579: 2970: 2917: 2486: 1841:. Acornsoft would continue to release games including those based on existing arcade games such as 7776: 3753: 3524: 3086: 2736: 2684: 2658: 2243: 9311: 9157: 9074: 6032: 1919: 1531: 1437: 1321: 1175: 343: 339: 120: 1721:
Slogger, an established provider of expansions, also produced productivity applications such as
Colours: 8 colours (TTL combinations of RGB primaries) + 8 flashing versions of the same colours
9123: 8997: 7967:
A Choice of Programming Languages for the British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer System
1988: 1843: 1808: 725: 570: 274: 6546: 485:
first appeared as features of Electron expansion units, including ROM cartridge slots and the
6966: 5388: 5341: 4940:"Now YOU - and your Electron - can enter the exciting, ever-changing world of telecomputing!" 4293: 2054: 2048: 1994: 1982: 1536: 5363: 1610:
A range of titles were made available on cassette at the launch of the Electron through the
7172: 7134: 7104: 7070: 1892: 1837:- were among the six ROM cartridge titles available at launch, together with the adventure 1791: 1461: 1391: 1350: 1182:, and the speech generator previously offered for the BBC Micro. The ROM firmware provided 575: 255: 218: 158: 144: 7491: 7430: 1337:
when accessing ROM and 1 MHz when accessing RAM. The CPU is also periodically halted.
The keyboard includes a form of quick keyword input, similar to that used on the Sinclair
8: 1907: 1897: 1583: 1476: 1453: 1417: 720:
Low-cost alternatives to disc systems, briefly made fashionable by press coverage of the
243: 2425: 9192: 9069: 6670: 2006: 1865: 1684:
Acornsoft made a number of applications available for the Electron. In early 1985, the
For Issue 1–4 motherboards, the ULA had an issue similar to those experienced by other
1224: 969: 768: 494: 490: 459: 286: 7751: 6317: 2184:, David Seal, Kim Spence-Jones, Graham Tebby, Jon Thackray, Topexpress, Chris Turner, 736: 9256: 9128: 9090: 7341: 7313: 7184: 7146: 3039: 3029: 2132: 2117: 2093: 2081: 1960:
Although not as well supported by the biggest software publishers as rivals like the
1888: 1653: 1244: 823: 787: 445: 2269: 9098: 8853: 1956:
is an example of a popular arcade game officially ported to the Electron (US Gold).
1813: 1472: 1359: 1136: 714: 482: 463: 259: 165: 136: 107: 8808: 5581:"The Cumana floppy disc system for the Electron: It's an impressive piece of work" 1309: 1202:
such as the QWERTYphone which was able to receive messages from the M2105 and the
749:(ADFS). The Plus 3 was also reportedly produced with a double-sided drive fitted. 8973: 7209: 4804: 2205: 2153: 1579: 1563: 1403: 1170: 1035: 764: 667:
The Acorn Plus 4 interface was due to provide a modem communications capability.
314: 179: 49: 39: 2188:, John Umney, Alex van Someren, Geoff Vincent, Adrian Warner, Robin Williamson, 1243:
Much of the core functionality of the BBC Micro – the video and
Part no: 0201,113; input 220/240 V AC/50 Hz; output 19 V AC/0.737 A/14 W:
9186: 9179: 9043: 8793: 5980: 2169: 2030: 2000: 1587: 557: 326: 294: 80: 1672:
Acornsoft provided two products offering different degrees of support for the
For a short period, the Electron was reportedly the best selling micro in the
9295: 9035: 7188: 7150: 4541:"Using all the Plus 1's slots? The Rombox gives you room for eight more ROMs" 2217: 2198: 2189: 2012: 1468: 1395: 1031: 989:
One of the features of the BBC Micro that was absent in the Electron was the
721: 441: 357:
Acorn - the "Elk" - also being reported publicly for perhaps the first time.
278: 239: 99: 91: 52: 7242:. Vol. 2. British Telecom Business Systems. June 1985. pp. 54, 78. 3043: 539: 305: 9266: 9048: 8772: 2165: 2069: 1961: 1657: 1399: 1293:
accesses are interleaved with each accessor acquiring bytes at 1 MHz.
1203: 175: 2406:. Vol. 3, no. 5. Database Publications. February 1986. p. 7 1947: 1825:. When the Plus 1 expansion was launched in 1984, three of these titles - 1627:
and Microtext (which remained BBC-only releases). Games such as Chess and
ROM resident in four sockets (making up to 96 KB of ROM in total), a
9241: 9113: 8798: – Acorn Electron core for the FPGA Arcade "Replay" board 3023: 2173: 2120: 1970: 1965: 1872: 1800: 1547: 1543: 1281:
The ULA mediates access to 32 KB of addressable RAM using four 4164
1271: 753: 502: 322: 247: 207: 203: 95: 7465:(Technical report). Acorn Computers Limited. October 1984. p. 246. 1371:
Text modes: 40x25 characters in 2 colours, 80x25 characters in 2 colours
9271: 9261: 9079: 9053: 8927: 8712: 8285: 2105: 1730: 1665:
Future availability of Multi-Forth 83 on ROM cartridge was advertised.
1591: 1345: 1263: 1190: 607: 478: 454: 420: 350: 8578: 1424:
RGB output being the preferred high-quality output for colour images.
9217: 9058: 8987: 6033:"Andy's guide to using BBC software on a 64K modified Acorn Electron" 4430:(Technical report). Acorn Computers Limited. 6 July 1992. p. 2. 2144: 2042: 1913: 1611: 1595: 1507: 1502: 1481: 1446: 1334: 1297: 1132: 1094: 949: 548: 387: 318: 267: 263: 235: 140: 132: 112: 28: 1648:
forthcoming, facilitated by the common heritage of the two systems.
6768: 6585: 6583: 5390:
Acorn Electron Disc Drive Connector – Internal Memo
2161: 1848: 1751: 1702: 1599: 1578:
would cause a pseudo-polyphonic rendition of Trumpet Hornpipe, the
turns the Electron's one channel output into a digital speaker for
Although programs running on the BBC Micro could use the machine's
1363: 1354: 1341: 1325: 1252: 1248: 1002: 990: 945: 432: 424: 378: 251: 162: 155: 125: 8942: 8750: 1887:(due to differences in the screen handling between the machines). 870: 810:
key combination. Disks could also be booted from via the standard
acquired the remaining Electron inventory to sell, bundled with a
9108: 9007: 9002: 8932: 8734: 7905: 2936: 2711:"First glimpse of Acorn's Electron - the 32K £150 Spectrum rival" 1856: 1628: 1219: 1183: 1006: 497:
developed such concepts further, introducing networking support.
470: 8922: 8473: 8019: 6580: 2168:, David Gale, Andrew Gordon, Martyn Gilbert, Lawrence Hardwick, 1432: 9251: 9173: 8777: 8690: 2024: 1574: 917: 760: 656: 362: 8393: 7452: 7450: 7448: 5277: 4424:
Acorn Electron Plus One: Disabling the Centronics and A/D Port
2822: 2820: 2818: 2816: 2814: 1227:
which was another product of Acorn's custom systems division.
8420: 8366: 7827: 7825: 7771: 7769: 7710: 7308:
Bray, Andrew C.; Dickens, Adrian C.; Holmes, Mark A. (1983).
4635: 4633: 4606: 4604: 4308: 2109: 2097: 2089: 2085: 1632: 1568: 1179: 593:*FX163,128,1 ?&212=&D6 ?&213=&F1 ?&2AC=0 416: 412: 234:
inside Acorn and beyond) was a lower-cost alternative to the
8339: 8312: 5149: 4593:
Fifield, Matthew; Webb, Mark (October 1986). "Dynamic Duo".
4586: 9276: 9017: 8631: 8552: 8261: 8259: 8231: 8229: 8227: 8225: 8140: 8138: 8045: 7445: 5123: 3689: 3687: 3685: 3628: 3603: 3601: 2811: 2703: 2113: 1624: 1619: 1511:
scanlines, separated in the middle by two blank scanlines.
1414: 1387: 1328: 1231: 1211: 1099: 128: 8783: – Acorn Electron core for the Papilio Duo 8657: 8526: 7852: 7822: 7766: 4822: 4630: 4601: 4335: 3546: 2604:"Acorn's would-be ZX Spectrum killer, the Electron, is 30" 2541: 2539: 2537: 2296: 2294: 2292: 2290: 1614:
publishing arm of Acorn, including a number of games, the
The double-density drive of the Plus 3 was driven using a
8604: 8500: 7992: 7681: 7173:"QWERTYphone - A Low-Cost Integrated Voice/Data Terminal" 5202: 4275:
Electron Advanced User Guide – Appendix E
3655: 2101: 1895:
in 1985, but also successful original titles such as the
1407: 1386:
I/O ports: Expansion port, tape recorder connector (1200
adapters to receive such over-the-air or online content.
Several features that would later be associated with the
408: 282: 183: 8819: 8256: 8222: 8165: 8135: 8110:
Masterpieces of Software from Acornsoft for the Electron
8071: 7801: 7795: 6618:"Speakout with the speech synthesiser for your Electron" 6319:
Jafa Systems User Guide for the Mode 7 Mk 2 Display Unit
4920:. Vol. 3, no. 5. February 1986. pp. 11–13 4559: 4532: 4041: 4039: 3682: 3598: 3464: 2881: 2879: 2877: 2627: 2625: 8446: 7931: 7878: 7834:"Try S-Pascal and get rid of those spaghetti junctions" 6794: 6553: 5760: 5758: 5096: 5094: 4010: 2786: 2784: 2534: 2287: 1493: 277:
via a supplied cable that connected it to any standard
7655: 7506: 7336:
Dickens, Adrian C.; Holmes, Mark A. (September 1984).
7246: 6918:. 16 January 2008 6855: 6853: 6821: 6478: 6453: 6451: 6166: 6164: 6162: 5703: 5512: 5488: 5486: 5457: 5309: 5307: 5176: 4505: 4362: 4145: 3827: 3777: 3775: 3055: 3053: 2339: 2337: 2335: 2333: 623: 8592:. Vol. 3, no. 12. September 1986. p. 6 6689: 6272: 6191: 6082: 6080: 6078: 6076: 4857: 4855: 4718: 4716: 4686: 4036: 3984: 3560:. Vol. 3, no. 12. September 1986. p. 5 3426:. Vol. 2, no. 12. September 1985. p. 5 3185: 3158: 2989: 2874: 2755: 2622: 2566: 2510: 2508: 2418: 2238: 2236: 2234: 2160:, 6502 designers, Jeremy Dion, Tim Dobson, Joe Dunn, 2080:
Several emulators of the machine exist: ElectrEm for
1557: 948:
derived machines because that processor has a faster
An Acorn Electron with Plus 1 expansion unit attached
The Electron was able to save and load programs onto
8205: 8203: 8201: 8199: 8197: 8195: 7585:. Acorn Computers Limited. January 1987. p. 7. 7232: 7230: 7037: 6930: 6504: 5947: 5920: 5755: 5729: 5677: 5633:"Electron Double Density Disk Interface Super Saver" 5599: 5546: 5431: 5405: 5334: 5091: 5013: 4946:. Vol. 3, no. 5. February 1986. p. 55 4660: 4454: 4452: 4389: 4092: 4065: 3906: 3490: 2781: 2449: 2447: 1923:- as well as numerous conversions and compilations. 862:
50-37-5043 "Mini-SPOX" connector as an alternative.
8540:. Vol. 1, no. 5. February 1984. p. 8 7695:. Vol. 3, no. 5. February 1986. p. 8 7532: 7271: 7011: 6850: 6741: 6729:. Vol. 5, no. 4. January 1988. p. 54 6715: 6610: 6492:. Vol. 4, no. 3. December 1986. p. 5 6448: 6421: 6245: 6218: 6159: 6133: 6107: 5995: 5908:. Vol. 3, no. 5. February 1986. p. 9 5894: 5867: 5855:. Vol. 5, no. 3. December 1987. p. 6 5841: 5810: 5784: 5651: 5639:. Vol. 3, no. 4. January 1986. p. 10 5625: 5572: 5483: 5304: 5039: 4989: 4987: 4972:. Vol. 7, no. 2. November 1989. p. 6 4958: 4932: 4907: 4881: 4869:. Vol. 3, no. 3. December 1985. p. 9 4403:. Vol. 2, no. 1. October 1984. p. 61 4208: 4206: 4127:"The Electron and the Plus 1 - made for each other" 4119: 4053:. Vol. 1, no. 5. February 1984. p. 8 4024:. Vol. 1, no. 5. February 1984. p. 7 3972:. Vol. 3, no. 8. May 1986. pp. 36–37 3958: 3880: 3854: 3801: 3772: 3478:. Vol. 3, no. 9. June 1986. pp. 5, 7 3452:. Vol. 3, no. 2. November 1985. p. 5 3386: 3334: 3251:. Vol. 1, no. 2. November 1983. p. 3 3237: 3211: 3105: 3067:. Vol. 2, no. 5. February 1985. p. 7 3050: 2330: 2262: 489:, a hierarchical improvement to the BBC's original 8739:- JavaScript browser based Acorn Electron emulator 6910: 6908: 6703:. Vol. 5, no. 1. October 1987. p. 5 6624:. Vol. 3, no. 1. October 1985. p. 2 6073: 5445:. Vol. 5, no. 1. October 1987. p. 5 5419:. Vol. 5, no. 1. October 1987. p. 4 4895:. Vol. 2, no. 11. August 1985. p. 5 4852: 4773: 4771: 4713: 4674:. Vol. 6, no. 11. August 1989. p. 5 4479: 4074:"One way to have designs in the palm of your hand" 3748: 3746: 3744: 3742: 3438: 3412: 3360: 3289: 3263: 3131: 2963: 2911: 2909: 2847: 2505: 2481: 2479: 2231: 2220:, the most popular Acorn Electron focused magazine 740:Acorn Plus 3, showing the connector and disc drive 8879:the MAME source code emulating the Mark 1 adapter 8192: 7669:. Vol. 1, no. 4. March 1984. p. 16 7310:The Advanced User Guide for the BBC Microcomputer 7307: 7239:BT Merlin User Guide for M2105 Messaging Terminal 7227: 7202: 6344: 5961:. Vol. 3, no. 10. July 1986. p. 24 5772:. Vol. 4, no. 7. April 1987. p. 74 4797: 4449: 2444: 2392: 771:with an alternate ROM, such as the ACP 1770 DFS. 696: 9293: 8080:"Lisp, the language that strikes like lightning" 7919:. Vol. 2, no. 6. March 1985. p. 4 7724:. Vol. 6, no. 6. March 1989. p. 5 7357: 7097: 7063: 6985: 6518:. Vol. 3, no. 10. July 1986. p. 6 6046: 5902:"Upgrade 'boosts Electron's speed 100 per cent'" 5798:. Vol. 4, no. 7. April 1987. p. 5 5743:. Vol. 3, no. 9. June 1986. p. 19 5717:. Vol. 3, no. 6. March 1986. p. 5 5711:"Interface opens up software range for Electron" 5065: 4984: 4493:. Vol. 4, no. 6. March 1987. p. 5 4203: 4018:"The expanding Electron - that's the next stage" 3998:. Vol. 1, no. 10. July 1984. p. 8 3932: 3815:. Vol. 7, no. 10. July 1990. p. 6 3789:. Vol. 7, no. 10. July 1990. p. 6 3713: 3400:. Vol. 2, no. 7. April 1985. p. 5 3394:"Electron not to be axed - and that is official" 3374:. Vol. 2, no. 7. April 1985. p. 5 3348:. Vol. 2, no. 6. March 1985. p. 5 3079: 3003:. Vol. 1, no. 6. March 1984. p. 9 2597: 2595: 2351:. Vol. 1, no. 10. July 1984. p. 7 1109: 930: 641: 8103: 8101: 8053:"What the Acorn Electron has been waiting for!" 7312:. Cambridge Microcomputer Centre. p. 437. 7135:"First Electronics Office Products from Merlin" 6961: 6959: 6905: 6663: 6636: 6052: 6027: 6025: 5554:"It's great being two-faced and twice as dense" 4768: 4742: 4639: 4237: 4235: 4172: 3868:. Vol. 1, no. 9. June 1984. p. 8 3739: 3701:. Vol. 7, no. 9. June 1990. p. 7 3572: 3517: 2906: 2729: 2677: 2651: 2476: 2461:. Vol. 3, no. 9. June 1986. p. 5 1169:An unusual variant of the Electron was sold by 687: 8928:Acorn Electron tape archive - playUEF@8bitkick 8801: 8566:. Vol. 2, no. 8. May 1985. p. 6 8348:"The WP system with some tricks up its sleeve" 7777:"Acornsoft will release 12 tapes for Electron" 7338:The Advanced User Guide for the Acorn Electron 5471:. Vol. 6, no. 8. May 1989. p. 5 5356: 5108:. Vol. 3, no. 8. May 1986. p. 7 3920:. Vol. 3, no. 8. May 1986. p. 5 3894:. Vol. 1, no. 8. May 1984. p. 7 3643:. Vol. 3, no. 11. pp. 40–41, 43 2886:Brain, Keith; Brain, Steven (25 August 1983). 2522:. Vol. 3, no. 8. May 1986. p. 5 1380:Keyboard: 56 key "full travel QWERTY keyboard" 1078: 655:The Acorn Plus 2 interface was due to provide 518:fundamental enhancements to the base machine. 8958: 7958: 7538: 7484: 7335: 7164: 5819:"DFS upgrade with BBC compatability [ 4863:"New board gives Electron speed of BBC Micro" 4568:"Plug-in power: An alternative to the Plus 1" 4244:Electron Plus 1: New Dimensions in Capability 2592: 2375:Electron Plus 3: New dimensions in capability 2345:"Expansion unit arrives - and it's official!" 2204:The case was designed by industrial designer 2126:There are also two known publicly documented 2004:) and other home computer systems (including 1883:, or "completely re-written", in the case of 874:The PRES Advanced Plus 3 with a 3½-inch drive 579:software in the same sideways memory region. 8098: 7492:"Image: electron_issue6.jpg, (350 × 220 px)" 7431:"Image: electron_issue4.jpg, (350 × 221 px)" 7423: 7340:. Adder Publishing, Cambridge. p. 207. 7254:"BT Merlin M2105 Expansion box circuitboard" 7127: 6956: 6370: 6022: 4232: 3315: 1146: 984: 918:Slogger Electron Disc System and Pegasus 400 890: 713:Following on from Acorn's Plus 3 interface, 678: 521: 7633: 6312: 6310: 6308: 6306: 6304: 6302: 5393:(Technical report). Acorn Computers Limited 5380: 5368:(Technical report). Acorn Computers Limited 5342:"Plus 3 Disc Unit Mains Adaptor (36 watts)" 5245: 5243: 5241: 5239: 5237: 5235: 4592: 4415: 4278: 3554:"Electron's big brother is due any day now" 2176:, Paul Jephcot, Brian Jones, Chris Jordan, 2112:) emulator, and the multi-system emulators 962: 632: 8965: 8951: 8645:. December 1988. pp. 143–145, 147–148 7736: 7609: 7607: 7401: 7277: 5935:. Vol. 3, no. 10. pp. 22–23 4612:"Breakthrough boosts Electron's prospects" 3021: 3015: 2885: 1475:or visible redraw. A notable exception is 1118: 27: 8713:"Elkulator - The Acorn Electron emulator" 8619:. Vol. 6, no. 7. pp. 17–18 8452: 8428:"DIY command system boosts Wordwise chip" 8265: 8235: 8171: 8144: 8077: 7998: 7831: 7802:Slogger Advanced Systems (January 1986). 7622:. Acorn Computers Limited. pp. 5–8. 7379: 7365:"Image: 102688877.lg.jpg, (500 × 359 px)" 7019:"Electron to speed up NHS communications" 6756:. Vol. 7, no. 8. pp. 34–35 6559: 6545:. Vol. 3, no. 3. Archived from 6436:. Vol. 4, no. 3. pp. 67–68 6287:. Vol. 4, no. 4. pp. 26–27 6224: 6010:. Vol. 4, no. 4. pp. 59–60 6001: 5926: 5882:. Vol. 6, no. 4. pp. 25–26 5873: 5829:. Vol. 5, no. 9. pp. 56–57 5313: 5283: 5258:. Acorn Computers Limited. October 1984. 4995:"Pace first with drive link for Electron" 4889:"Communications pack opens door to world" 4750:"Electron gets microdrives in Plus 3 box" 4724:"Electron disc drive - and it's official" 4692: 4565: 4538: 4341: 4314: 4151: 4071: 3888:"...and add-ons are on the increase, too" 3670:. Vol. 5, no. 8. pp. 46–48 3616:. Vol. 5, no. 4. pp. 32–33 3505:. Vol. 5, no. 8. pp. 55–56 3496: 1656:that would then be assembled, generating 1554:uses this to output 1-bit audio samples. 1066:if combined with Jafa's RS423 cartridge. 9322:Computers designed in the United Kingdom 8399: 8372: 8345: 7937: 7884: 7689:"Danes help produce new Electron titles" 6747: 6589: 6466:. Vol. 6, no. 1. pp. 8–10 6299: 5232: 4214:"Six-pack send-off for Electron ROM box" 3634: 3342:"Acorn slashes price of Electron by £70" 2915: 2790: 2311:. October 1982. pp. 62–63, 69, 71. 2156:, Ben Bridgewater, Cambridge, John Cox, 1946: 1566:, illegal copies of Aardvark Software's 1525: 1431: 1394:for data encoding, via a 7-pin circular 1308: 1238: 869: 735: 670: 538: 304: 8508:"Acornsoft launches new cult adventure" 8479: 7604: 7409:"Image: DSCF3055.JPG, (1600 × 1200 px)" 7387:"Image: DSCF3052.JPG, (1600 × 1200 px)" 7071:"A prescription for healthy management" 6642: 5737:"Disc drive compatibility at long last" 5073:"New DFS in Plus 3 add-on for Electron" 4915:"Electron shall speak unto Electron..." 4397:"Your Micro Power games and the Plus 1" 3368:"New-look Acorn attacks on four fronts" 2368: 2366: 1750:, developed from the company's earlier 600: 9317:Computer-related introductions in 1983 9294: 8001:"Open up a whole new world with Forth" 7748:Acorn Electron Technical Documentation 7718:"Firetrack speeds in for the Electron" 7572: 7570: 7568: 7566: 7564: 7562: 7177:British Telecommunications Engineering 7170: 7139:British Telecommunications Engineering 6776:"Electron discounts revitalise market" 6251: 6197: 5816: 5578: 5208: 4547:. Vol. 2, no. 11. p. 53 3833: 3661: 2381:. Acorn Computers Limited. p. 2. 1859:), as well as original titles such as 857:: Electron+Plus3, Electron+Plus3+Plus1 614: 508: 8946: 8610: 8560:"Electron Tempest hits new high spot" 8318: 8291: 7744:"Vertical bipixel hardware scrolling" 7329: 7301: 6800: 6536: 6486:"Now Electron can have its own mouse" 6460:"They're playing your tune, Electron" 6457: 6278: 6086: 5521:Acorn Electron - Disc Drive Interface 5386: 5322:. Vol. 5, no. 11. p. 9 5292:. Vol. 3, no. 5. p. 54 5217:. Vol. 2, no. 6. p. 35 5155: 4574:. Vol. 4, no. 2. p. 55 4511: 4458: 4368: 4286:"Archive Catalogue Details: ACP/PRES" 4178: 4107:. Vol. 3, no. 6. p. 36 4098: 4080:. Vol. 3, no. 1. p. 22 3607: 3525:"Acorn gives birth to Master Compact" 3297:"Production problems still dog Acorn" 3164: 3137: 3093:. September 1984. pp. 6–7, 36–37 3061:"American operation takes a £6m blow" 2942: 2826: 2545: 1069: 458:similarities between the Compact and 7629:from the original on 9 October 2022. 6427: 6396: 6170: 5973: 5102:"School plumps for mobile Electrons" 3946:. February 1985. pp. 47, 49, 51 3472:"Electron sales saved Acorn's bacon" 2853: 2388:from the original on 9 October 2022. 2363: 1494:Firetrack: smooth vertical scrolling 1333:Clock rate: variable. CPU runs at 2 1155: 1126: 8972: 8851: 8665:"Programmer Profile: Peter Johnson" 8455:"Directing, doodling and designing" 8172:Waddilove, Roland (November 1987). 8123:from the original on 9 October 2022 8078:Waddilove, Roland (February 1985). 7980:from the original on 9 October 2022 7592:from the original on 9 October 2022 7559: 7472:from the original on 9 October 2022 6723:"'2' New Products for the Electron" 6332:from the original on 9 October 2022 5929:"Putting Electron into turbo-drive" 5792:"Disc power gives Electron a boost" 5534:from the original on 9 October 2022 5284:Waddilove, Roland (February 1986). 5265:from the original on 9 October 2022 4566:Waddilove, Roland (November 1986). 4487:"Plus 1 going back into production" 4437:from the original on 9 October 2022 4315:Waddilove, Roland (February 1987). 4257:from the original on 9 October 2022 4152:Waddilove, Roland (November 1984). 4101:"Try a tablet for pixel resolution" 3321: 2318:from the original on 9 October 2022 624:Slogger Remote Expansion and Plus 2 13: 8373:Richards, David (September 1986). 8236:Waddilove, Roland (October 1985). 8145:Waddilove, Roland (October 1987). 7999:Waddilove, Roland (October 1984). 7045:"BT sign Electron boards contract" 6938:"Flower folk like their Electrons" 6562:"High speed – and memory to match" 6560:Waddilove, Roland (October 1986). 5874:Waddilove, Roland (January 1989). 4693:Waddilove, Roland (October 1989). 4072:Waddilove, Roland (October 1985). 4047:"Piggyback interface for Electron" 1706:companion printer driver program. 1558:Frak! and Zalaga: Polyphonic music 1087: 950:addressing for the first 256 bytes 908: 865: 704: 565:of this capability of the Plus 1. 14: 9333: 8916: 8748: 8400:Richards, David (November 1986). 8209: 7885:Williams, Simon (December 1984). 6916:"Chris's Acorns: BT Merlin M2105" 6225:Waddilove, Roland (August 1987). 5387:Ashby, Simon (7 September 1984). 5314:Waddilove, Roland (August 1988). 4805:"Acorn Electron Econet Interface" 4668:"Business boost for the Electron" 4640:Slogger Limited (February 1989). 4539:Waddilove, Roland (August 1985). 3914:"Electron boom creates more jobs" 3635:Jacobsen, Michael (August 1986). 3324:"Retroinspection: Acorn Electron" 3199:. 10 November 1983. pp. 1, 5 3087:"Vi presenterer BBC jr. Electron" 2916:Beverley, Paul (September 1983). 2639:. 1 September 1983. pp. 1, 5 2601: 2516:"Electron boom creates more jobs" 2244:"Electron set for battle at £199" 2208:of Cambridge Product Design Ltd. 1602:to achieve the necessary chords. 195:Ferranti Semiconductor Custom ULA 16:Personal computer sold in Britain 8903: 8893: 8884: 8871: 8845: 8786: 8765: 8742: 8727: 8705: 8683: 8480:Boswell, Julie (February 1989). 8375:"Making the most of your memory" 8266:Waddilove, Roland (March 1987). 7832:Waddilove, Roland (March 1985). 7750:. 15 August 2003. Archived from 6879: 6530: 5607:"Disc power at a new low price!" 5047:"Le Box Electron Disc Interface" 3165:Kelly, David (1 December 1983). 3119:. September 1984. pp. 18–22 3022:Cryer, Neil; Cryer, Pat (1983). 2791:Phillips, Max (25 August 1983). 2685:"Electron to use add-on modules" 2135:series has been made available. 1016: 407:housings, for companies such as 8715:. 8238:"With a View to meatier output" 7860:"BBC's Pascal for the Electron" 7539:Peters, Nigel (November 1983). 6861:"Say it with Electron flowers!" 6002:Pritchard, Joe (January 1987). 5927:Waddilove, Roland (July 1986). 5413:"PRES announce Advanced Plus 3" 4342:Waddilove, Roland (June 1987). 4269: 3025:The Acorn Guide to the Electron 2943:Maude, Neville (October 1983). 2763:"The Electron cometh... slowly" 2659:"Acorn drops hints on Electron" 1679: 1164: 1024: 899: 836:and manufactured in Hong Kong. 731: 662: 650: 534: 401:The Acorn Guide to the Electron 8586:"Acorn-Superior software deal" 8453:McLachlan, Alan (April 1987). 8346:Richards, David (April 1986). 7804:"ROMs that work with Electron" 7171:Durkin, G. M. (January 1987). 6829:"Radio cell option for micros" 6590:Turnbull, Steve (March 1987). 6053:Emblem, Bernard (April 1987). 5527:. Cumana Limited. March 1985. 5252:The Electron Plus 3 User Guide 5211:"...and then there was Plus 3" 5184:"New Acorn products at Compec" 4514:"More power under your bonnet" 3992:"Expansion bus 'no weak link'" 3834:Emblem, Bernard (April 1990). 3695:"Conversions are his business" 3499:"The micro that outgrew Acorn" 3330:. No. 57. pp. 36–41. 3140:"Cut-down BBC for about $ 800" 2827:Cryer, Neil (September 1983). 2633:"Electron launched... at last" 2138: 1709:Acornsoft did not release its 1413:Power supply: External PSU, 19 1141:General Instrument SP0256A-AL2 697:Slogger Plus 2 RS423 interface 1: 8671:. August 1987. pp. 35–36 7938:Williams, Simon (July 1985). 7367:. 6279:Nixon, Robin (January 1987). 5849:"Slogging around the country" 5494:"Disc drive battle is joined" 5190:. 22 November 1984. p. 5 5156:Woods, Barry (January 1990). 3608:Blake, Kevin (January 1988). 3193:"Acorn shoots itself in foot" 2574:"Sinclair Spectrum stuns BBC" 2546:Scott, Peter (October 1988). 2426:"Olivetti cash revives Acorn" 2224: 2019:The Way of the Exploding Fist 1743:and cursor-based navigation. 1383:Dimensions: 16×34×6.5 cm 1110:PMS Electron Second Processor 931:Slogger/Elektuur Turbo boards 642:Communications and networking 8833:. September 1983. p. 29 8319:Bibby, Pete (January 1986). 6643:Edwards, Dave (March 2006). 6428:Cook, Mike (December 1986). 6352:"Add-ons boost for Electron" 6281:"Go Mode 7 the software way" 6252:Cusack, Stephen (May 1989). 6198:Emblem, Bernard (May 1988). 5209:Peters, Nigel (March 1985). 5053:. September 1984. p. 49 5001:. September 1984. p. 10 4966:"Add-ons boost for Electron" 4459:Grace, Clive (August 1987). 4133:. September 1984. p. 48 3245:"Production rate is doubled" 2918:"Speed - The Big Difference" 2862:. pp. 160–163, 165, 167 2854:Mann, Steve (October 1983). 2455:"Is a new model on its way?" 2104:, ElkJS is a browser-based ( 2075: 1785:List of Acorn Electron games 1642: 688:Jafa Systems RS423 cartridge 7: 8827:"The Elk's 'MOS' Roll Call" 8434:. February 1985. p. 11 8268:"Take a rom with a View..." 8174:"Recursion and palindromes" 7973:. Acorn Computers Limited. 7278:Cook, Mike (October 1983). 6748:Davidson, Pete (May 1990). 6697:"Electron gets Micro sound" 6537:Grace, Clive (April 1986). 6458:Waugh, Ian (October 1988). 6087:Waugh, Ian (October 1986). 5691:. August 1985. pp. 8–9 5579:Peters, Nigel (July 1985). 4695:"An offer you can't refuse" 4250:. Acorn Computers Limited. 4099:Nixon, Robin (March 1986). 3809:"It's goodbye - and hello!" 3586:. September 1989. p. 7 2717:. December 1982. p. 21 2665:. September 1982. p. 3 2211: 1738:as mail merge integration. 1605: 1304: 1079:Second Processor expansions 747:Advanced Disc Filing System 487:Advanced Disc Filing System 10: 9338: 8514:. November 1984. p. 7 8402:"Friendly – and foolproof" 8292:Nixon, Chris (June 1988). 8059:. October 1984. p. 20 6384:. January 1985. p. 24 6358:. November 1989. p. 6 6004:"Ramming home more memory" 5817:Smiddy, Mark (June 1987). 5500:. February 1985. p. 6 5021:"Le Box puts discs on tap" 4730:. November 1984. p. 5 4512:Nixon, Chris (July 1988). 4344:"Keep your memories fresh" 4179:Smith, Bruce (July 1984). 3721:"BBC micro upgrade likely" 3497:Dunkerley, T. (May 1988). 2977:. November 1983. p. 7 2971:"US quashes launch doubts" 2743:. November 1982. p. 4 1877:Escape from Moonbase Alpha 1782: 1178:, an RS423 serial port, a 847:: Electron, Electron+Plus1 300: 9307:6502-based home computers 9231: 9166: 9150: 9141: 9088: 9033: 9026: 8980: 8611:Revis, Jon (April 1989). 8534:"'Top ten' take the lead" 8033:. October 1984. p. 6 8027:"Go Forth and multitask!" 7866:. January 1985. p. 5 7641:"Acorn Electron Hardware" 6809:. pp. 55, 57, 59, 61 6121:. October 1984. p. 6 6115:"Mode 7 for the Electron" 5316:"Improving on perfection" 5137:. January 1985. p. 6 5131:"Phloopy speeds the load" 5027:. October 1984. p. 7 4830:"Electron wins its spurs" 4756:. October 1984. p. 9 4618:. January 1989. p. 5 4371:"More room for your roms" 4369:Nixon, Chris (May 1988). 3783:"E-Type draws the crowds" 3662:Oakden, Tony (May 1988). 3531:. October 1986. p. 7 3446:"Dixons in pre-Xmas coup" 3138:Forer, Pip (April 1984). 2737:"Electron launch delayed" 2691:. October 1982. p. 3 2432:. 30 July 1985. p. 1 2172:, John Herbert, Hitachi, 1821:, and the combined title 1674:Logo programming language 1488: 1427: 1313:Acorn ALF03 Data Recorder 1147:Sound Expansion cartridge 985:Mode 7 display expansions 891:Cumana Floppy Disc System 790:and dismounted using the 786:Disks had to be manually 679:Pace Tellstar/Nightingale 522:Multi-function expansions 214: 199: 191: 171: 150: 119: 106: 87: 76: 58: 45: 35: 26: 8864: 8854:"A History of BBC BASIC" 7946:. pp. 65, 67, 69–70 7783:. August 1983. p. 6 6801:Waugh, Ian (June 1988). 6171:Leah, Tony (July 1989). 5665:. August 1985. p. 6 5188:Popular Computing Weekly 3754:"Healthy link for Acorn" 3197:Popular Computing Weekly 3171:Popular Computing Weekly 2892:Popular Computing Weekly 2769:. 2 June 1983. p. 1 2767:Popular Computing Weekly 2637:Popular Computing Weekly 2578:Popular Computing Weekly 1778: 1725:, a word processor, and 1398:), aerial TV connector ( 963:Slogger Master RAM Board 955:The cost of the 64 Kbit 633:Software Bargains Plus 1 549:Centronics parallel port 8693:. 7579:Electron Service Manual 7514:"German Acorn Electron" 7109:British Telecom Journal 7075:British Telecom Journal 6999:. May 1985. p. 127 6867:. March 1985. p. 5 6782:. April 1986. p. 9 6254:"The software solution" 6147:. July 1986. p. 48 5659:"Add-on for the Plus 1" 5613:. July 1985. p. 52 5560:. July 1985. p. 45 5079:. March 1985. p. 9 4785:. June 1986. p. 45 3842:. pp. 114–115, 117 3727:. March 1985. p. 9 3610:"I must have been mad!" 3303:. April 1984. p. 5 2997:"US release next year?" 2860:Personal Computer World 2580:. 6 May 1982. p. 5 1176:Centronics printer port 1143:speech synthesis chip. 1119:Sound system expansions 1034:display controller and 798:commands, or using the 340:Uncommitted Logic Array 8938:Electron MODE 7 Photos 8482:"Hold the front page!" 7541:"Electron v. Spectrum" 7025:. June 1984. p. 7 6835:. July 1984. p. 9 6325:. JAFA Systems. 1989. 5955:"The Elk Turbo-Driver" 4834:Personal Computer News 4220:. June 1984. p. 9 3760:. June 1984. p. 7 3580:"New BBC home service" 3113:"Very British, Indeed" 2888:"How does it compare?" 2797:Personal Computer News 2302:"Chris Curry of Acorn" 2250:. July 1983. p. 5 2194: 1957: 1442: 1390:CUTS variation on the 1342:Ferranti Semiconductor 1314: 875: 741: 544: 310: 83:199 (circa £800 today) 64:; 41 years ago 8613:"The new masterpiece" 8116:. Acornsoft Limited. 7940:"Pleasures of Pascal" 7663:"Colour Video Output" 7145:(2): 132. July 1983. 7115:(2): 34–35. July 1983 7081:(3): 49. October 1987 7051:. May 1984. p. 8 6944:. May 1989. p. 5 6893:. 6645:"Voxbox (Millsgrade)" 6430:"Any port in a storm" 3277:. May 1984. p. 7 3225:. May 1984. p. 8 2493:. May 1985. p. 9 2487:"Electron marches on" 2430:Home Computing Weekly 2150: 1950: 1526:Exile: sampled speech 1435: 1312: 1274:, through use of the 1239:Technical information 873: 739: 671:Andyk RS423 cartridge 542: 308: 266:II together with the 9151:8-bit microcomputers 9142:Derivatives, clones, 8933:Acorn Electron World 8809:"JamSoftElectronULA" 8212:"View and Viewsheet" 7459:Information Volume 1 7280:"Expanding Electron" 7105:"Computer wizardry!" 6993:"Acorn reviews ABCs" 6891:Acorn Electron World 6512:"More speed, memory" 6408:Acorn Electron World 6200:"Electron a la Mode" 5365:0201 DETAIL DRAWINGS 4290:Acorn Electron World 3271:"Deliveries improve" 2835:. pp. 56–57, 59 2274:Acorn Electron World 2270:"The Acorn Electron" 1823:Draughts and Reversi 1392:Kansas City standard 601:Further developments 571:sideways ROM and RAM 242:, also developed by 8294:"A dab-hand's view" 7494:. 7433:. 7411:. 7389:. 6750:"Eloquent Electron" 6649:Electron User Group 5981:"kupers_electron_6" 4642:"A.M.S. Stop Press" 4597:. pp. 106–107. 3167:"Go east young man" 2949:Practical Computing 2793:"Electronic theory" 2309:Practical Computing 2178:Computer Laboratory 1746:Computer Concepts' 1688:word processor and 1600:fast note-switching 722:Sinclair Microdrive 615:Slogger Rombox Plus 509:Hardware expansions 244:Acorn Computers Ltd 62:25 August 1983 23: 7754:on 6 February 2006 6973:. 23 February 2013 6967:"BT M2105 Version" 6141:"Teletext adapter" 6061:. pp. 146–147 5876:"Driving hardware" 5465:"It's the Plus 3+" 4317:"Cartridge survey" 4181:"Expansion Factor" 3862:"Hardware galore!" 3836:"Sum of the Parts" 3420:"Great sale is on" 2400:"Spectrum Toppled" 2007:Impossible Mission 1958: 1443: 1315: 1225:Acorn Communicator 1070:Morley Electronics 876: 769:Disc Filing System 742: 545: 495:Acorn Communicator 491:Disc Filing System 460:Acorn Communicator 311: 287:monochrome monitor 77:Introductory price 21: 9289: 9288: 9285: 9284: 9208:RiscStation R7500 9137: 9136: 9075:Business Computer 8981:Operating systems 8669:A&B Computing 8147:"Turtle graphics" 6671:"Voxbox Question" 6543:A&B Computing 6404:"Advanced Plus 5" 6227:"Teletext on tap" 6093:A&B Computing 6055:"Slogging it out" 4595:A&B Computing 4465:A&B Computing 4461:"Electron Plus 5" 4350:. pp. 37, 39 3966:"Hardware Survey" 3940:"Electron Extras" 3322:Goodwin, Stuart. 3028:. Penguin Books. 2829:"Review Electron" 1901:series of games, 1889:Superior Software 1839:Countdown to Doom 1654:assembly language 1598:was achieved via 1562:As part of their 1296:In contrast, the 1245:memory controller 1156:Hybrid Music 5000 1127:Millsgrade Voxbox 446:cassette recorder 333:Acorn co-founder 224: 223: 9329: 9158:Prodest PC 128 S 9148: 9147: 9124:Network Computer 9099:Archimedes range 9031: 9030: 8967: 8960: 8953: 8944: 8943: 8923:Stairway To Hell 8910: 8907: 8901: 8897: 8891: 8888: 8882: 8875: 8858: 8857: 8849: 8843: 8842: 8840: 8838: 8823: 8817: 8816: 8805: 8799: 8797: 8794:"Acorn-Electron" 8790: 8784: 8782: 8769: 8763: 8762: 8760: 8758: 8746: 8740: 8738: 8731: 8725: 8724: 8722: 8720: 8709: 8703: 8702: 8700: 8698: 8687: 8681: 8680: 8678: 8676: 8661: 8655: 8654: 8652: 8650: 8635: 8629: 8628: 8626: 8624: 8608: 8602: 8601: 8599: 8597: 8582: 8576: 8575: 8573: 8571: 8556: 8550: 8549: 8547: 8545: 8530: 8524: 8523: 8521: 8519: 8504: 8498: 8497: 8495: 8493: 8488:. pp. 24–25 8477: 8471: 8470: 8468: 8466: 8450: 8444: 8443: 8441: 8439: 8424: 8418: 8417: 8415: 8413: 8397: 8391: 8390: 8388: 8386: 8370: 8364: 8363: 8361: 8359: 8343: 8337: 8336: 8334: 8332: 8327:. pp. 11–14 8316: 8310: 8309: 8307: 8305: 8289: 8283: 8282: 8280: 8278: 8273:. pp. 24–26 8263: 8254: 8253: 8251: 8249: 8233: 8220: 8219: 8207: 8190: 8189: 8187: 8185: 8180:. pp. 42–43 8169: 8163: 8162: 8160: 8158: 8153:. pp. 42–43 8142: 8133: 8132: 8130: 8128: 8122: 8115: 8105: 8096: 8095: 8093: 8091: 8075: 8069: 8068: 8066: 8064: 8049: 8043: 8042: 8040: 8038: 8023: 8017: 8016: 8014: 8012: 7996: 7990: 7989: 7987: 7985: 7979: 7972: 7962: 7956: 7955: 7953: 7951: 7935: 7929: 7928: 7926: 7924: 7909: 7903: 7902: 7900: 7898: 7882: 7876: 7875: 7873: 7871: 7856: 7850: 7849: 7847: 7845: 7840:. pp. 11–12 7829: 7820: 7819: 7817: 7815: 7799: 7793: 7792: 7790: 7788: 7773: 7764: 7763: 7761: 7759: 7740: 7734: 7733: 7731: 7729: 7714: 7708: 7707: 7702: 7700: 7685: 7679: 7678: 7676: 7674: 7659: 7653: 7652: 7650: 7648: 7643:. 7637: 7631: 7630: 7628: 7621: 7611: 7602: 7601: 7599: 7597: 7591: 7584: 7574: 7557: 7556: 7554: 7552: 7547:. pp. 10–12 7536: 7530: 7529: 7527: 7525: 7510: 7504: 7503: 7501: 7499: 7488: 7482: 7481: 7479: 7477: 7471: 7464: 7454: 7443: 7442: 7440: 7438: 7427: 7421: 7420: 7418: 7416: 7405: 7399: 7398: 7396: 7394: 7383: 7377: 7376: 7374: 7372: 7361: 7355: 7354: 7333: 7327: 7326: 7305: 7299: 7298: 7293: 7291: 7275: 7269: 7268: 7266: 7264: 7250: 7244: 7243: 7234: 7225: 7224: 7222: 7220: 7206: 7200: 7199: 7197: 7195: 7168: 7162: 7161: 7159: 7157: 7131: 7125: 7124: 7122: 7120: 7101: 7095: 7094: 7088: 7086: 7067: 7061: 7060: 7058: 7056: 7041: 7035: 7034: 7032: 7030: 7015: 7009: 7008: 7006: 7004: 6989: 6983: 6982: 6980: 6978: 6963: 6954: 6953: 6951: 6949: 6934: 6928: 6927: 6925: 6923: 6912: 6903: 6902: 6900: 6898: 6883: 6877: 6876: 6874: 6872: 6857: 6848: 6847: 6842: 6840: 6825: 6819: 6818: 6816: 6814: 6803:"Know the Score" 6798: 6792: 6791: 6789: 6787: 6772: 6766: 6765: 6763: 6761: 6745: 6739: 6738: 6736: 6734: 6719: 6713: 6712: 6710: 6708: 6693: 6687: 6686: 6684: 6682: 6667: 6661: 6660: 6658: 6656: 6640: 6634: 6633: 6631: 6629: 6614: 6608: 6607: 6605: 6603: 6598:. pp. 10–12 6587: 6578: 6577: 6575: 6573: 6568:. pp. 55–56 6557: 6551: 6550: 6534: 6528: 6527: 6525: 6523: 6508: 6502: 6501: 6499: 6497: 6482: 6476: 6475: 6473: 6471: 6455: 6446: 6445: 6443: 6441: 6425: 6419: 6418: 6416: 6414: 6400: 6394: 6393: 6391: 6389: 6374: 6368: 6367: 6365: 6363: 6348: 6342: 6341: 6339: 6337: 6331: 6324: 6314: 6297: 6296: 6294: 6292: 6276: 6270: 6269: 6267: 6265: 6260:. pp. 37–38 6249: 6243: 6242: 6240: 6238: 6222: 6216: 6215: 6213: 6211: 6195: 6189: 6188: 6186: 6184: 6179:. pp. 18–19 6168: 6157: 6156: 6154: 6152: 6137: 6131: 6130: 6128: 6126: 6111: 6105: 6104: 6102: 6100: 6095:. pp. 90–91 6084: 6071: 6070: 6068: 6066: 6050: 6044: 6043: 6041: 6039: 6029: 6020: 6019: 6017: 6015: 5999: 5993: 5992: 5990: 5988: 5977: 5971: 5970: 5968: 5966: 5951: 5945: 5944: 5942: 5940: 5924: 5918: 5917: 5915: 5913: 5898: 5892: 5891: 5889: 5887: 5871: 5865: 5864: 5862: 5860: 5845: 5839: 5838: 5836: 5834: 5814: 5808: 5807: 5805: 5803: 5788: 5782: 5781: 5779: 5777: 5762: 5753: 5752: 5750: 5748: 5733: 5727: 5726: 5724: 5722: 5707: 5701: 5700: 5698: 5696: 5681: 5675: 5674: 5672: 5670: 5655: 5649: 5648: 5646: 5644: 5629: 5623: 5622: 5620: 5618: 5603: 5597: 5596: 5594: 5592: 5576: 5570: 5569: 5567: 5565: 5550: 5544: 5543: 5541: 5539: 5533: 5526: 5516: 5510: 5509: 5507: 5505: 5490: 5481: 5480: 5478: 5476: 5461: 5455: 5454: 5452: 5450: 5439:"Plus 3 upgrade" 5435: 5429: 5428: 5426: 5424: 5409: 5403: 5402: 5400: 5398: 5384: 5378: 5377: 5375: 5373: 5360: 5354: 5353: 5351: 5349: 5344:. 4 October 1984 5338: 5332: 5331: 5329: 5327: 5311: 5302: 5301: 5299: 5297: 5281: 5275: 5274: 5272: 5270: 5264: 5257: 5247: 5230: 5229: 5224: 5222: 5206: 5200: 5199: 5197: 5195: 5180: 5174: 5173: 5171: 5169: 5158:"Time Warp 1985" 5153: 5147: 5146: 5144: 5142: 5127: 5121: 5120: 5115: 5113: 5098: 5089: 5088: 5086: 5084: 5069: 5063: 5062: 5060: 5058: 5043: 5037: 5036: 5034: 5032: 5017: 5011: 5010: 5008: 5006: 4991: 4982: 4981: 4979: 4977: 4962: 4956: 4955: 4953: 4951: 4936: 4930: 4929: 4927: 4925: 4911: 4905: 4904: 4902: 4900: 4885: 4879: 4878: 4876: 4874: 4859: 4850: 4849: 4843: 4841: 4826: 4820: 4819: 4817: 4815: 4801: 4795: 4794: 4792: 4790: 4779:"Minus a Plus 2" 4775: 4766: 4765: 4763: 4761: 4746: 4740: 4739: 4737: 4735: 4720: 4711: 4710: 4708: 4706: 4690: 4684: 4683: 4681: 4679: 4664: 4658: 4657: 4655: 4653: 4637: 4628: 4627: 4625: 4623: 4608: 4599: 4598: 4590: 4584: 4583: 4581: 4579: 4563: 4557: 4556: 4554: 4552: 4536: 4530: 4529: 4527: 4525: 4509: 4503: 4502: 4500: 4498: 4483: 4477: 4476: 4474: 4472: 4467:. pp. 68–70 4456: 4447: 4446: 4444: 4442: 4436: 4429: 4419: 4413: 4412: 4410: 4408: 4393: 4387: 4386: 4384: 4382: 4366: 4360: 4359: 4357: 4355: 4339: 4333: 4332: 4330: 4328: 4312: 4306: 4305: 4303: 4301: 4292:. 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Retrieved 8830: 8821: 8812: 8803: 8788: 8776: 8767: 8755:. Retrieved 8744: 8729: 8717:. Retrieved 8707: 8695:. Retrieved 8685: 8675:22 September 8673:. Retrieved 8668: 8659: 8647:. Retrieved 8642: 8633: 8621:. Retrieved 8616: 8606: 8594:. Retrieved 8589: 8580: 8568:. Retrieved 8563: 8554: 8542:. Retrieved 8537: 8528: 8516:. Retrieved 8511: 8502: 8490:. Retrieved 8485: 8475: 8463:. Retrieved 8461:. p. 23 8458: 8448: 8436:. Retrieved 8431: 8422: 8410:. Retrieved 8408:. p. 21 8405: 8395: 8383:. Retrieved 8381:. p. 57 8378: 8368: 8356:. Retrieved 8354:. p. 26 8351: 8341: 8329:. Retrieved 8324: 8314: 8302:. Retrieved 8297: 8287: 8275:. Retrieved 8270: 8246:. Retrieved 8244:. p. 41 8241: 8215: 8184:24 September 8182:. Retrieved 8177: 8167: 8157:24 September 8155:. Retrieved 8150: 8125:. Retrieved 8109: 8088:. Retrieved 8086:. p. 12 8083: 8073: 8061:. Retrieved 8056: 8047: 8035:. Retrieved 8030: 8021: 8009:. Retrieved 8007:. p. 55 8004: 7994: 7984:29 September 7982:. Retrieved 7966: 7960: 7950:23 September 7948:. Retrieved 7943: 7933: 7921:. Retrieved 7916: 7907: 7895:. Retrieved 7890: 7880: 7868:. Retrieved 7863: 7854: 7842:. Retrieved 7837: 7812:. Retrieved 7810:. p. 69 7807: 7797: 7785:. Retrieved 7780: 7756:. Retrieved 7752:the original 7747: 7738: 7726:. Retrieved 7721: 7712: 7704: 7697:. Retrieved 7692: 7683: 7671:. Retrieved 7666: 7657: 7647:17 September 7645:. Retrieved 7635: 7615: 7594:. Retrieved 7578: 7549:. Retrieved 7544: 7534: 7522:. Retrieved 7520:. 2 May 2014 7517: 7508: 7498:17 September 7496:. Retrieved 7486: 7474:. Retrieved 7458: 7437:17 September 7435:. Retrieved 7425: 7415:17 September 7413:. Retrieved 7403: 7393:17 September 7391:. Retrieved 7381: 7371:17 September 7369:. Retrieved 7359: 7351: 7337: 7331: 7323: 7309: 7303: 7295: 7288:. Retrieved 7286:. p. 12 7283: 7273: 7261:. Retrieved 7257: 7248: 7238: 7217:. Retrieved 7213: 7204: 7192:. Retrieved 7180: 7176: 7166: 7154:. Retrieved 7142: 7138: 7129: 7117:. 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