
Battle of Soissons (1918)

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2440: 2946: 423: 263: 251: 239: 227: 215: 203: 136: 2314:
southeasterly direction as they approached Maison Neuve after emerging from the forest. Approximately half of the Marines in the frontline assault failed to make the change of direction. Three of 2nd Battalion's companies wheeled too far to the south and crossed the 9th Infantry sector. It joined elements of 23rd Infantry clearing Vauxcastille which was just over the division's southern boundary in the attack zone of the French 38th Division. A group of Americans from the 5th Marines and 23rd Infantry, apparently lost, were captured around noon between Missy-aux-Bois and Soissons near the Soissons–Paris road. This group crossed the entire front of French XX Corps and a German Corps.
2283:. By noon the 2nd Battalion, 110th Grenadiers, 28th Division was isolated on the western lip of Chazelle Ravine and forced to withdraw to rally positions east of the Soissons–Paris road. The 3rd Battalion, 110th Grenadiers, 28th Division was called forward from their reserve position to defend the northern portion of the sector near Léchelle. The battalion was attacked by a mixed force assisted by armored vehicles. The attacking force tried to envelop the German position from the south in the direction of Charentigny. Short rounds from a German artillery barrage mistakenly fell on its own troops causing heavy casualties and forced the battalion to withdraw north of Buzancy. 1296: 49: 1252:
American 2nd Division found themselves experiencing the same conditions as the American 1st Division. They slogged their way forward through the Moroccan 1st Division, two French second-line divisions, a division of the 30th Corps, a Cavalry Corps, tanks, Corps and Army artillery, and all the special services supporting these troops. Having gone without sleep for 48 hours, the men would fall asleep on their feet at every halt. After one such halt, an officer in search of the missing half of his column found a horse had stepped sideways in front of a tired marine. The marine had fallen asleep with his head pressed against the horse's flank and had broken the line.
979: 1210:, commander of the American 2nd Division, complained he “found the 2nd Division entering another disorganizing secret mission … scattering its units with no information to the Division of their actual destination … Thus when the new Division Commander arrived he found a command short of artillery and trains, and no one in authority there who had any idea as to the purpose of the movements or when, if ever, the Division might expect to be brought together again”. On Tuesday night Harbord was informed by Berdoulat his division would be in the attack on Thursday at daybreak. With his division “scattered through the 1155: 443: 309: 297: 285: 273: 459: 385: 373: 363: 351: 339: 327: 149: 1256:
not told where to go.” At the announced resupply point, which Harbord expropriated from the American 1st Division, there was not enough ammunition to go around. Most of the machine guns were lost in the rear area and did not rejoin the division until 19 July. As a consequence the 5th Machine Gun Battalion received its guns the day of the battle and the 4th Machine Gun Battalion made its way into the forest without guns and ammunition. The 6th Machine Gun Battalion, although carrying guns and ammunition, did not arrive at the jump-off point in time to go over with the infantry.
180: 2192: 2358: 1214:… our Division would arrive at Marcilly, where they would be met by an unknown with orders, but I knew nothing of where they were to go … had been completely removed from the knowledge and control of its responsible Commander, and deflected by truck and by marching through France to a destination uncommunicated to any authority responsible for its supply, its safety or its efficiency in an attack thirty hours away. General Berdoulat and his people were unable to say where it would be debussed or where orders could reach it which would move it to its place in time." 1097:
personally known to be reliable, move only at night, light no fires, and to report anything and anyone suspicious. In order to confuse the Germans as to his intentions Mangin chose to keep his artillery far back from the German forward areas in what the Germans considered a defensive posture - within range of the German front lines but unable to slow the arrival of enemy replacements or reinforcements. In order to keep the Germans off guard Mangin planned to have the two American divisions rush forward to the front just before the hour of attack.
2163:. This defensive position allowed the Germans to fire into the open flank of the 28th Infantry which was attacking across their front. The Germans considered this position to be the key to defending Soissons. When the German XIII Corps was informed of the attack, it was the first to be reinforced; initially by one brigade and then three more brigades later in the day. The French 153rd Division eventually took Saconin-et-Breuil and sent a battalion to relieve the Americans. All of 2nd Battalion was back in their attack zone by 2:00 975:, Pershing reminded Foch of the discussion they had at Sarcus where he suggested a counterattack. Foch replied, “studies are being made,” but made no mention of when, where, or whether such an attack would be made. Mangin's exploratory attack was executed on 28 June. According to Mangin, it “tended to prove” the Germans would have difficulty defending their positions against a surprise attack without artillery preparation. Additionally it would offer the best chance of success for an attack on the plateaus southwest of Soissons. 433: 2113:
were out of contact to the rear. For the initial assault, 2nd Battalion served as the 28th Infantry's assault battalion with 3rd Battalion following in support and 1st Battalion held in division reserve. Initially the attack was met with little resistance. However, 28th Infantry began taking heavy fire directed at its flanks as they approached Saint Amand Farm, a strong point in the French 153rd Division's zone to their north. A portion of 2nd Battalion veered northeast and the farm was taken by 7:00
846:, “development of a proper disciplinary spirit”. This portion of the training also included small unit tactics. The training then shifted to the practice trenches the doughboys dug in their training areas. Here they were taught the intricacies of the weapons they would be using as well as solutions to tactical problems in trench warfare. When training in the practice trenches was finished, the Americans were assigned a four-week stint in a quiet French or British sector to complete their 163: 2818:
The Moroccans managed to push some units across the railroad and ended the day with their line slanted west and south of Berzy-le-Sec. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, managed to move parts of two battalions of 16th Infantry east of the railroad stopping about 600 yd (550 m) southwest of Aconin Farm. Elements of 18th Infantry, operating on the division's southern boundary, organized themselves along the railroad tracks several hundred yards/meters northeast of the Bois de Maubuée.
747:, was two-pronged, aimed at capturing Reims and its rail center, giving the Germans complete control of the Reims–Soissons rail line. This would ease a logistics crisis the Germans were facing in the Marne salient. While the Germans crossed the Marne west of Reims, the attack east of Reims was completely stopped by the evening of the first day. Faced with complete failure, the Germans called off the attack by the evening of the second day. 2200:
brigade sector became exposed. Further to the south 18th Infantry was able to keep pace with 16th Infantry. The Moroccan 1st Division, on the right flank of 18th Infantry, kept pace to the first objective but slowed to 328 ft (100 m) every 4 minutes beyond that point. As 18th Infantry pushed forward their right flank became exposed and they started taking enfilading machine gun fire from Cravançon Farm. Colonel
the northern boundary of the 5th Marine's attack zone while Chaudun was near the northern boundary of the Moroccan 1st Division's attack zone. 17th Company of 1st Battalion, part of 2nd Battalion's 55th Company (detailed with maintaining liaison between battalions), and about 20 Senegalese fighters moved with 49th Company on Chaudun. After heavy fighting, Chaudun fell to the Marines and the Senegalese fighters around 9:00
2524:. When it became apparent that the Allied attacks were extensive, the Army Group found itself without reserves to stop the allied advance. The entry also acknowledges that the Allied penetration toward Soissons put the entire German Seventh Army in danger of being cut off. By the end of the day, the Army Group issued orders to the troops south of the Marne to withdraw to the north bank during the night. 1054:, one would see an almost tree barren rolling plateau with waist-high wheat fields. Trench systems, which were the hallmark of World War I battlefields, were non-existent on this stretch of the front. The final objective, the road and rail network running south from Soissons in the Crise River valley, was about 7.5 mi (12 km) to the east and was hidden from view because of the sloping terrain. 1240:, “spent the rest of the night studying maps and preparing our attack order” with no opportunity to reconnoiter the area.” Because he had no information regarding their whereabouts, Harbord had no idea if the unit he assigned to lead the attack would arrive first or last. Also of concern was that each unit commander be assigned a definite location where he could be found if needed during the attack. 2758:
power of the front. General Command XVII was inserted in the line between XIII Corps and the XXV Reserve Corps. By the end of the second day, Army Group Crown Prince was faced with a lack of fresh forces and no more reserves to strengthen the front. Orders were issued to begin the withdrawal the night of 19/20 July along with directions for rear guard actions in the days to follow.
Montrembœuf Ferme – Bois de Mauloy toward Parcy-et-Tigny, well beyond the Americans. Because the French 38th Division threatened to envelop Vierzy the Germans were forced to vacate the town. Both brigades of the 2nd Division were ordered to move their command posts to Vierzy. After Vierzy fell, 1st Battalion pushed east to a point 1.86 mi (3 km) beyond the town.
back to the edge of the ravine, Buck noticed that the 2nd wave was lagging far behind and rushed back to start them forward. Buck recalled “they were perfectly willing but nobody had given them any command to move out.” Moving on his command, Buck then gathered up those that were left, mostly machine-gunners, and directed them to the edge of the ravine where they set up.
2404:, commander of 3rd Brigade, and his staff just past noon. Around mid-afternoon, Harbord advised Ely of the attack order for the following day. However, the start positions for the attack had not yet been captured. Ely set about getting his regimental commanders and the 5th Marines prepared to make a late afternoon attack. The plan called for the attack to start at 6:00 2558:
able to reach into the 1st Brigade sector south of 2nd Brigade. Hill 166, just west of Route 2, was another strong point the Germans used to defend the road. Beyond Route 2 lay Ploisy Ravine and the village of Berzy-le-Sec. Berzy-le-Sec was just north of the division sector and overlooked the Soissons – Château-Thierry road and the railroad in the valley of the Crise.
915:, and his staff. Recollecting the mood during dinner, Pershing commented, “It would be difficult to imagine a more depressed group of officers. They sat through the meal scarcely speaking a word.” Meeting with Foch alone after dinner, Pershing suggested an early counterattack be made against the Marne salient to which Foch replied that was what he had in mind. 949:, commander of the Armies of the North and Northeast, “I have the honor to invite your attention to the importance of the communications net at Soissons, which is used for the supply of four German divisions on the front and which constitutes at the same time the sole junction point of all the railroads available to the enemy on the Aisne and south thereof.” 2696:
Infantry into the wheat fields. The 75th Company stopped advancing when the last tank in its area took a direct hit and exploded. The 83rd and 84th Companies moved up to fill the gap between the two lead battalions; 83rd on the left and 84th on the right. The 97th and 82nd Companies remained in support behind the 84th and 83rd Companies, respectively.
fought their way across the Soissons–Paris road. Just east of the road was Cravançon Farm and beyond that was the town Chaudun. While both villages were within the northern boundary of the Moroccan 1st Division attack zone, it was the American 1st Division who took Cravançon Farm and the 5th Marines, for the most part, that took Chaudun.
to eliminate sniper fire coming from the factory and to straighten the line at the front. Liaison was maintained with the French 153rd Division on the left and the French 87th Division on the right. The line on the right of the American 1st Division remained north and west of Buzancy as they were unable to take the town.
artillery and machine-gun fire. Because the 26th Infantry, 2nd Brigade was stymied most of the day, the left flank of 16th Infantry, 1st Brigade was exposed to flanking machine gun fire. 18th Infantry could only manage an advance of about 500 yd (457 m) facing reinforced machine-gun positions.
2310:, commander of the 5th Marines, to use two assault battalions rather than the standard assault, support, reserve formation. The jump-off line for the regiment was well back in the Forêt de Retz and stretched southeast to liaise with 3rd Brigade whose jump-off line was in the fields east of the forest. 2885:
am, with the attacking forces following. However, the attack was complicated by the commander of the French 69th Division. He declared his inability to attack at so early an hour and demanded a three-hour artillery preparation. This meant that the American 1st Division had to maintain liaison with
Further south, 1st Brigade was still west of the Soissons – Château-Thierry road, straddled the ravine carrying the railroad southwest. They reached the vicinity of Bois Gérard, Visigneux, and Aconin Farm then bent its flank on an east–west line to stay in touch with 2nd Brigade. The Moroccans also
The Moroccan 1st Division attacked late in the morning before the barrage for the attack on Berzy-le-Sec got under way. The 1st Brigade of the American 1st Division moved with them. Both advances met with little resistance until they started down the bluff, at the bottom of which was the railroad.
When the fighting ended on 19 July, the American 1st Division front line faced northeast. The 28th Infantry Regiment was in Ploisy Ravine maintaining contact with the French 153rd Division. The 26th Infantry Regiment was north facing, maintaining liaison with 28th Infantry and 1st Brigade. The 1st
During the day division HQ and the division CPs remained at Beaurepaire Farm, with all subordinate HQs established in and around Vierzy. Sometime during the afternoon of 19 July, Harbord assessed the situation and decided the 2nd Division could hold where they were but could not go forward. On this
As 2nd Battalion began moving east through the wheat fields, a heavy artillery barrage opened up. The advance was slower than normal as they kept pace with the tanks they were following. As soon as they passed through the front line they began taking machine gun fire from the elevations to the east
The assembly area for the 6th Marines was southeast of Beaurepaire Farm approximately 1.55 mi (2.5 km) from the front. Battalion commanders chose a partially concealed route to the jump-off line adding another 0.6 mi (1 km) to the march. Failing to coordinate the actual jump-off
The Moroccan 1st Division mounted two attacks during the day. Working around the flanks of Chazelle-Léchelle Ravine, they were able to overcome the resistance in front of them. Coupled with the attacks of the 2nd Division on 18 July, a 1.24 mi (2 km) gap in the German lines opened between
The Soissons–Paris road (Route 2) was the first obstacle for 2nd Brigade, 1st Division. The main German defense for this sector of the road was the Vauxbuin Position, a large concentration of machine guns on the high ground in the sector of the French 153rd Division. The fire from this position was
On the left flank of the advance, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines turned northeast toward the fire following the support tanks. When the Germans fired an intense artillery barrage, the tanks reversed course and retreated through the Marines' front line with the artillery barrage following in their wake.
Early in the attack, 23rd Infantry made the turn to the southeast and proceeded in good order until they reached Vauxcastille where they met stiff resistance. With their right flank exposed, elements of both the 1st and 2nd Battalions moved into the French 38th Division attack zone while elements of
49th Company, 1st Battalion lost contact with the Moroccan 1st Division's liaison not long after breaking onto the fields of the plateau. Most of the Senegalese turned north to flank the Bois du Quesnoy while 49th Company started taking fire from Maison Neuve and Chaudun. Maison Neuve was just over
Approaching the jump-off line in standard formation, 1st Battalion double-timed the final stretch not long after the barrage started. The following 2nd Battalion deployed to its right and the understrength 3rd Battalion followed in support. The attack plan called for 5th Marines to wheel right in a
By midday, the Moroccan 1st Division had pushed forward on its own schedule but had been greatly assisted by both American divisions on its flanks. However, their attack stalled due to the Americans encroaching into their sector on both sides. By the end of the day the division withdrew slightly on
am, Colonel Conrad Babcock, commander of 28th Infantry Regiment, was conferring with the French of the 153rd Division about moving 2nd Battalion back into its own sector. However, the French 153rd Division was failing to keep abreast in the attack. This was due in large part to the southward facing
Harbord said of the experience, “All arriving units told … of the weary night ride and the arbitrary debussment at unknown points, and of the lack of information and of an inevitable dispersion as a consequence of no co-ordination of the several bus groups. They had no maps, no guides, and they were
Much of the American 2nd Division began to arrive west of the Forêt de Retz out in the open mid-morning on 17 July. Screened from enemy aircraft and balloons by dense cloud cover, they were debussed twelve to 15 mi (24 km) from their position for attack. Moving into the Forêt de Retz, the
There were two main roads which stood between the final objective and the jump off point. The Soissons – Château-Thierry road ran due south, almost perpendicular, to the line of attack. The Soissons–Paris road ran southwest far from the American 1st Division jump-off point but crossing the American
comprised roughly 28,500 men. This number included officers and was roughly twice the size of Allied and German divisions. The reasoning behind these immense divisions was twofold. First, a larger division would be able to sustain heavier losses and stay in battle longer. Secondly, there were not
After Berzy-le-Sec was taken, Buck learned that the 26th Infantry advance on the Sucrerie had been stymied and Colonel Hamilton Smith, commanding 26th Infantry, demanded 2nd Brigade reserve to assist in the assault. However, even with their assistance, 1st Brigade was unable to seize control of the
As the assault line approached Berzy-le-Sec, enemy artillery fire increased in intensity. The first wave pressed forward into a hail of machine-gun and rifle fire from well protected emplacements within the town. A battery of German 77s fired point blank at the attackers but the assault line never
Buck assigned 28th Infantry with the task of taking Berzy-le-Sec and advancing to the center of the ravine east of town. 26th Infantry was given the task of taking the Sucrerie (sugar factory). For the 28th Infantry the center of the ravine would be the railroad station while the Sucrerie was well
During the night of 19/20 July divisional artillery had been moved to forward positions to assist in the attack. The plan called for a light supporting barrage to mark a line for the troops. Colonel Conrad Babcock protested to Buck that without a heavy barrage his troops would sustain heavy losses
Rolling kitchens brought food and water forward to Ploisy during the night of 19/20 July. Six of the rolling kitchens were destroyed by artillery fire and a large number of casualties were inflicted among the men and animals of the train. German artillery fired gas and artillery shells into Ploisy
The Seventh Army reported that XIII Corps had been pushed back at Vierzy and southeast of Villers-Hélon in the direction of Parcy-et-Tigny and Villemontoire during the morning. By evening, the Allies advanced as far as the line Berzy-le-Sec – Visigneux – Charentigny – Tigny. Villemontoire was held
pm, orders were issued by 1st Division headquarters for 28th Infantry to attack simultaneously. 1st Battalion was released from reserve and led the assault. Passing through the rest of the regiment, it clung to the rolling barrage and reached the objective, just outside Berzy-le-Sec. The remnants
The Army Group German Crown Prince War Diary entry for 18 July indicates that much of the artillery for the German Ninth Army had been sent to support the Marneschutz-Reims offensive of 15 July. It also indicated the divisions composing the German Ninth Army had not been brought up to full strength
9th Infantry, reinforced with the 5th Marines, attacked in the northern sector of Vierzy Ravine and moved east. The plan called for two attacking battalions with two battalions in support on a front over a 1,000 yd (900 m) wide. From the outset the attack met with resistance on the right
am the supporting tanks caught up to the front line and circled around the farm. At about the same time elements of the 5th Marines charged out of the woods to capture Verte-Feuille Farm. 1st Battalion continued northeast, cutting across the 5th Marines attack zone into the Moroccan 1st Division's
The assigned attack zone of the 5th Marine Regiment was the northern (left) flank of the 2nd Division. Because the 6th Marine Regiment was designated as general reserve for XX Corps by Berdoulat, the 5th Marines were assigned the attack frontage of an entire brigade. This forced Lieutenant Colonel
The events surrounding the taking of Chaudun are a piece of disputed history. It involves Marines from the south, 18th Infantry soldiers from the north, and the Senegalese. According to the 18th Infantry's historian, Chaudun was taken by the regiment and turned over to the French. But Marine Corps
pm. Artillery was moved forward, food and ammunition was distributed, and telephone lines were strung. Unable to secure artillery support to suppress the heavy enfilading machine gun fire from the Vauxbin Position, 2nd Brigade was unable to advance beyond the 2nd objective. 1st Brigade was on the
While the combined force was attacking east across the ravine, Company M of 3rd Battalion had been placed in reserve near le Mont d’Arly. Here they spotted a large group of Germans emerge from a cave intending to attack the 2nd and 3rd Battalions from the rear. Two platoons from M Company fired on
Despite Foch's efforts to keep his attack secret, German documents from 11 July indicated deserters informed them of a large buildup of troops in the Forêt de Retz and of an impending large-scale attack. The Germans expected the attack would be launched south of the Aisne River with the main thrust
The first major obstacle for the 1st Division was Missy Ravine, directly in the path of 2nd Brigade. This would allow 1st Brigade to make quicker progress until it had to contend with Chazelle Ravine 2.5 mi (4.0 km) further east. The 2nd Brigade would then have to deal with Ploisy Ravine
between the two large salients created by the first three offensives. This would free men and materiel enabling a final thrust to end the war. A second objective of the offensive was to gain control of the Compiègne–Reims rail line to ease logistical problems in supplying their armies in the Marne
to Château-Thierry. As these were the main supply routes for the German forces in the Marne salient, cutting them would severely impair the Germans' ability to supply its armies defending it. This would force them to retreat and give up their gains. This battle marked the turning point of the war
is the second largest American World War I Cemetery in Europe containing 6,012 graves. The 36.5-acre site is located near Fère-en-Tardenois in the village of Seringes-et-Nesles. The headstones are aligned in long rows rising on a gentle slope from the entrance to the memorial at the far end. The
However, by the evening of 22/23 July 1918 the Allies had already achieved a decisive victory. Operation Hagen, a 39 division attack against the British sector, was cancelled on 21 July. The follow-up offensive, Operation Kursfürst, was supposed to follow Hagen with a drive to Paris but never got
Because the Scottish 15th Division was not in position to relieve the American 1st Division during the evening of 21/22 July, 1st Division remained in the line on 22 July. Although there was no significant fighting, 26th Infantry found it necessary to advance its line east of the Sucrerie in order
Before reaching the village the assault paused. Buck, who was watching the attack from the edge of Ploisy Ravine, rushed forward to see what was holding them up. Before he could reach them the assault resumed. He found out later that Cleland had been wounded but refused to be evacuated. Looking
While 2nd Battalion went north, 1st Battalion went through the town and up the east bank of the ravine to the plateau with the tanks following. Since the barrage was early the Germans knew an attack was imminent. When the Marines began their advance, they were still 1 mi (2 km) from the
For the American 1st Division, the objective for the day was to reach the line Berzy-le-Sec – Buzancy. The taking of Berzy-le-Sec was assigned to the French 153rd Division and Buzancy assigned to the Moroccan 1st Division. The rolling barrage by the 1st Artillery Brigade opened on time. However,
Although there is no record of their release from XX Corps, the 6th Marines were taken out of reserve to replace the 5th Marines on the northern flank of 2nd Division. Lieutenant Daniel Bender, regimental gas officer of the 6th Marines, moved forward with the first wave to check for toxic shells.
Despite foreknowledge of the attack, the Germans were overwhelmed by its magnitude. By noon, the entire front of the German Ninth Army south of the Aisne and the right of the German Seventh Army had been pushed back to the line Vauxbuin – Missy-aux-Bois – Chaudun – Vierzy – east of Villers-Hélon –
Although 3rd Battalion was supposed to be in regimental reserve, Lieutenant Ladislav Janda, commander of Company M, noticed his company was advancing with the first wave as 1st and 2nd Battalion veered off to the left while other troops were approaching from the right. While Janda kept his company
and an attached Senegalese battalion were to advance north of the Bois de l’Equippe. Two Senegalese battalions, in liaison with the 5th Marines, passed south along the Route Quesnoy through the Bois de Quesnoy. The Legionnaires came up a bit late but eventually made contact with 18th Infantry and
1st Brigade advanced eastward to the intermediate objective, the line La Glaux Tillieul – La Glaux, behind a rolling barrage advancing at the rate of 328 ft (100 m) every two minutes. Because their advance was not slowed by ravines, the left flank of the 16th Infantry on the north of the
On 12 July, Pétain issued instruction No. 14546 to the generals of the Group of Armies of the Reserve and the Group of Armies of the Center to make immediate preparations for an attack. He stated, "The minimum advantage gained should be to deprive the enemy of the use of the Soissons communication
The 1st Division Battlefield Monument was erected by the 1st Division. It is located west of Buzancy on the Soissons – Château-Thiery road. The monument consists of a concrete plinth containing the names of the dead engraved on bronze plates. The plinth is surmounted by an eagle carved of stone
With their primary supply route to the Marne Salient cut and the rail hub in Soissons within range of Allied artillery, the Germans would be hard pressed to maintain their armies within the salient. Faced with the prospect of having their forces in the Marne Salient trapped the Germans had little
Priority was given to removing the wounded from the field and burying the dead. German aircraft spent the day flying low and strafing available targets. German artillery was active in shelling the front lines as well as firing counter-battery missions. During the afternoon, advance parties from
am the Germans were driven across the Soissons – Château-Thierry road south of Villemontoire. Short-firing artillery hampered the German defenses and counterattacks as Buzancy changed hands several times during the day. The German 5th Division arrived mid-afternoon with orders to retake the high
Buck spent the night of 20/21 July going from shell hole to fox hole along the front line to explain the attack order for that day. Each commander was given a copy of a sketch map outlining the area of attack. The attack was to be made in three waves with the first wave to be led by Sorenson and
pm barrage, they tried to enter Berzy-le-Sec by going through the trees bordering Ploisy Ravine and entering the town from the north. They reached the outskirts of Berzy-le-Sec, but withering machine gun fire made it impractical to enter the town until after dark. At the same time a battalion of
and portions of the 34th Division were all that remained on the front line. The remainder of the 34th Division was in Soissons, several miles/km from the front. The 211th Division was split, with part of the division northeast of Soissons and the remainder supporting the 46th Reserve Division in
The American 2nd Division attack on 19 July had reached a point where it could not be supported by artillery unless the artillery was moved forward. Under the existing conditions it was not considered advisable. The attack was held up on the right from the direction of Parcy-Tigny which had been
am, it was reported that the advance line was about 0.6 mi (1 km) east of the old front line but taking heavy direct artillery fire and flanking machine gun fire. Ten minutes later 83rd and 84th Companies both reported 60% casualties. In response 82nd Company, and later elements of HQ
pm the Germans took possession of Villemontoire, which had been abandoned by panicky German troops. During the evening, the Moroccans flanked the German position from the south along the western edge of the Villemontoire Ravine. Together with German artillery short rounds the Germans were driven
to their south. Sandwiched between the two American divisions was the Moroccan 1st Division. Two French divisions were held in reserve. 40 squadrons of the French 1st Air Division were attached to the French Tenth Army to provide air support. However, the orders given to the aviators indicate
pm the division began to move eastward through the forest along trails cratered with shell holes. Soon after, a thunderstorm began turning the trails into a quagmire. Compelled to march off the trail and aided only by flashes of lightning, the infantry moved forward hanging onto the equipment of
Owing to the importance of possessing Berzy-le-Sec and the failure of the French 153rd Division to take it, Mangin changed the divisional boundary between the French 153rd Division and the American 1st Division. The task of taking and holding Berzy-le-Sec was given to the American 1st Division.
By the end of the day, the single line of communications to the German front line in the salient was in effective range of Allied artillery. Coupled with the threat against the rear of the forces holding the salient, the decision was made to withdraw by echelon while strengthening the resistance
Lieutenant Mason took over as commander of what was left of 84th Company. He led his men across open space to take an elevated strong point (Hill 160) which was about 600 yd (550 m) north of Tigny. This position was the furthest advance by the American 2nd Division in the battle, some
1st Battalion advanced with the tanks which were dispersed at 50 yd (46 m) intervals. The tanks drew most of the artillery fire from German guns positioned about 4,000 yd (3,660 m) to the east. The Marines advanced steadily as they passed through the forward foxholes of 23rd
Acting on orders issued around noon, the German infantry withdrew all along the front of 1st Brigade and that of the Moroccan 1st Division allowing the regiments of the 1st Brigade to gain ground by the end of the day. The advance was still a slog as the Germans stubbornly defended the area with
While the fight for Vauxcastille was playing out all afternoon, the Germans reoccupied Vierzy and fiercely defended the town. 23rd Infantry with 2nd Battalion on the left and 1st Battalion on the right (each with parts of 3rd Battalion and some men from 9th Infantry intermingled) attacked around
am, Company M had seized control of Beaurepaire Farm on the southern boundary of 9th Infantry's attack zone, just as the rolling barrage passed the farm. While rounding up the surviving Germans a stray platoon from Company I arrived. In taking the farm, Company M lost about forty percent of its
Once Chaudun was taken, the Marine battalions reassembled and worked their way back into their sector. They halted at the northern end of Vierzy Ravine which was their second objective. The ravine ran completely across the entire front of the 2nd Division from Maison Neuve at the northern end to
The attack began with a rolling barrage, advancing at a rate of 328 ft (100 m) every two minutes, across the entire front with the infantry rushing forward to gain the barrage. Both the 26th and 28th Infantry Regiments went into the attack without grenades and their ammunition carriers
Just prior to the start of the assault, the Germans in the zone of attack of the American 1st Division, 2nd Brigade and that of the French 153rd Division to their north fired a weak counter barrage. Deserting or captured soldiers from the French 153rd had warned the 11th Bavarian Division of the
was also to be established. Beginning on the evening 12 July, artillery of the Ninth Army began firing on points of assembly and routes of approach in order to interfere as much as possible with Allied preparations. It was also reported that Allied infantry columns were spotted moving east from
The 2nd Division Battlefield Marker is near the Soissons–Paris road about 1 mi (1.6 km) west of Beaurepaire Farm. The marker is a concrete boulder about 3 ft (0.91 m) in diameter with the 2nd Division insignia engraved in bronze upon it. In close proximity is an additional
The memorial is a curving colonnade flanked at the ends by a chapel and a map room. It is made of rose-colored sandstone with white trim. The chapel contains an altar of carved stone. The Walls of the Missing contains the engraved names of 241 soldiers. Rosettes mark the names of individuals
To the north of the American 1st Division sector the city of Soissons sits in the northeast corner of a long, high plateau. Traveling south through the Crise River Valley are four elevated positions overlooking Soissons and its approaches. Montaigne de Paris overlooks and controls the southern
opposite slope where the gun emplacements were located. The German gun crews had retreated through the wheat field beyond the ravine. Pausing for a short while to recover, Company M continued its advance to a point about 500 yd (457 m) north-northeast of Vierzy; reaching there by 9:20
am, respectively. 1st Battalion led the 9th Infantry attack with 2nd Battalion following in support and 3rd Battalion in reserve. Because the Marines on their left were a few minutes late and the supporting tanks had not arrived on time, 9th Infantry began taking flanking machine-gun fire from
When two companies of 2nd Battalion attempted to cross the ravine they were met with withering machine-gun fire from Saconin-et-Breuil and artillery fire from Breuil. A second attempt saw them advance another 300 yd (274 m) while taking heavy casualties. Of the five French tanks that
mm field guns), and the French 11th and 12th Tank Groups (light tanks). The artillery of the French 58th Division and the French 288th Field Artillery Regiment as well as the French 11th and 12th Tank Groups (heavy tanks) were attached to the American 2nd Division. Attached to the Moroccan 1st
Foch's desire was to achieve surprise of time and place. In order to achieve this, unusual precautions were taken limiting all information regarding the attack to the high command. On 14 July Fayolle issued a memorandum ordering the entire Group of Armies of the Reserve not to trust anyone not
The left flank of the 2nd Brigade line extended to where the French 153rd Division was supposed to be but they had not advanced that far. The Germans had 28th Infantry pinned down with enfilading fire from their exposed left flank and long range machine-gun fire from the hills beyond the Crise
A few minutes before the attack began, German artillery opened up with a counter-barrage. Sorenson was struck in the left hip by a shell fragment while going over the attack plan with Buck one last time. Sorenson had to be carried away and Buck placed the first wave under Lieutenant John R.D.
am Mangin forwarded the following instructions from Foch for continuing the attack on 20 July. “The battle now in progress must aim at the destruction of the enemy forces south of the Aisne and the Vesle … It will be continued by: The Tenth Army covered by the Aisne and subsequently the Vesle,
am on the northern flank of the division with 2nd Battalion in support and 1st Battalion in division reserve. As the assault moved forward, they received withering fire from across the road and the northern flank. After several attempts to cross the road 28th Infantry was forced to dig in and
The 23rd Infantry Regiment had the southernmost attack zone in XX Corps with the French 38th Division on its right flank. 2nd Battalion was the attack battalion for 23rd Infantry with 1st Battalion in support and 3rd Battalion in reserve. To ensure his battalion made the attack on time, Major
At dawn on 23 July, the Scottish 15th Division continued the attack eastward. The artillery of the American 1st Division remained in place for support. Due to difficulty locating the infantry front line the rolling barrage was too far advanced to offer sufficient protection to the assaulting
were taken out of reserve to replace them on the northern flank of the division attack zone. The French 38th Division operating in the sector south of the 2nd Division attacked in a northeastern direction in the vicinity of Tigny. These attacks caused the Germans to designate the Soissons –
pm, a battalion of Moroccan troops and 15 tanks supported the attack in conjunction with heavy machine gun and artillery fire. Adding to the confusion was the French 38th Division of XXX Corps. Operating in the sector south of 2nd Division, they were attacking to the north and east on a line
Soon after leaving Beaurepaire Farm, Company M began taking artillery and machine-gun fire from across Vierzy Ravine. The company had halted at the edge of the ravine when they were hit with tear gas. Plunging down the slope, what remained of Company M crossed the ravine and scrambled up the
Well north of the division boundary, 2nd Battalion was now directly in front of Missy Ravine, which the French 153rd Division was told by Mangin to avoid. On the western edge of the ravine was the village of le Mont d’Arly. At the bottom of the ravine and further north into the French 153rd
is roughly parallel to Montaigne de Paris and approximately 1.86 mi (3 km) west of the Crise River. Berzy-le-Sec sits on the third elevated position and spills down into the valley where both the railroad and the highway run. Looking north from this position, one can actually see
960:. Mangin replied on 20 June with a summary plan for offensive operations to seize the plateau southwest of Soissons. From here long-range guns could subject the bridges and railroad network to a methodical and intensive bombardment. He stressed the importance of possession of the ridge of 2129:, was on the southeastern lip of the ravine in the sector of 26th Infantry. The Germans had artillery, machine guns, and infantry emplacements throughout the ravine as well as artillery on the eastern bank. Across the bottom of the western edge of the ravine was a swamp with footbridges. 1243:
Harbord and his staff set out after dawn to locate his division to distribute orders and prepare it for the coming attack. They were able to locate Bowley and his artillery brigade near the Carrefour de Nemours but were unable to locate any of Harbord's other commanders or units. Colonel
793:, said there was enough American ammunition to support a regimental attack for about nine hours. In the aviation section there were 55 training airplanes all obsolete. Of the 65 officers and about 1000 men there were 35 officers who could fly, five of whom were combat ready. Because 2150:
pm. Twenty officers and about 500 soldiers were captured along with trench mortars and machine guns. Later in the day, another large group of German medical personnel were discovered in the same cave. These were put to work in a common aid station treating wounded from both sides.
basis Harbord requested XX Corps relieve 2nd Division and continue the attack using a second line division passing through the front line of the American 2nd Division. The request for relief was approved by Mangin. Word of impending relief reached the forward elements at about 9:00
1248:, commander of the 23rd Infantry Regiment, was first to arrive with part of his command. After receiving his orders, Malone was ordered to send selected officers to locate the remainder of the division, inform them of their area of concentration and the location of Division HQ. 2204:
sent an element of 18th Infantry into the Moroccan 1st Division's zone to deal with the problem. Shortly thereafter, Cravançon Farm was in American hands. Both the 16th and 18th Infantry Regiments were far enough south of the machine guns at Vauxbuin to be out of range and by
1.7 mi (2.7 km) beyond Missy Ravine. The 2nd Division would have to struggle with two arms of Vierzy Ravine, one of which cut completely across their sector. This meant that both the 1st and 2nd Divisions would have to contend with at least one ravine before the
facing northeast to block the southern outlets of the Crise River. The French 153rd Division was tasked with capturing Berzy-le-Sec and the Moroccan 1st Division was assigned the taking of Buzancy. 1st Division spent the afternoon preparing to go on the attack again at
pm, only 20 officers and 415 men could be accounted for. There was no facility for getting any but the walking wounded out of the fields between the front line and the battalion Command Post. It was impossible to move from one position to another without drawing fire.
am. While still under heavy machine-gun fire, the men formed a consolidated line 300 yd (274 m) east of Breuil. Having lost all of its officers, 2nd Battalion was reorganized into five small platoons plus a machine gun platoon, each commanded by a sergeant.
the second wave following in support. The third wave was made up mostly of machine gunners who were directed to set up at the edge of Ploisy Ravine. While Buck was explaining the attack orders to his commanders, the Germans were reinforcing their position with the
3rd Battalion were sent forward piecemeal. 23rd Infantry surrounded Vauxcastille and, after heavy fighting, the Germans were driven from the town. A large number of the Germans who fled Vauxcastille hid in the nearby caves but were captured later in the afternoon.
2259:, 2nd Division. While it was one of only three French Divisions which still had twelve battalions, it had been fighting over the same ground since May and was well below strength. At the start of the attack, the division was supported by 48 Schneider tanks. The 2136:
The commanders of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions decided they needed to combine forces to reach the eastern edge of the ravine. Wading elsewhere through the waist deep swamp, the combined force made it up the eastern bank of Missy Ravine and captured all the guns by
net." That same day Pétain issued instructions for an offensive whose purpose was to reduce the Marne salient. This would entail utilizing the French Tenth and Sixth Armies against the western flank of the salient, and the Fifth Army on the eastern flank. The
pm. Late in the afternoon Mangin, Bullard and Pershing arrived and insisted on the necessity of capturing Berzy-le-Sec. Orders were issued to renew the attack the next morning. The orders also indicated that the American 1st Division would be relieved by the
After stubborn German resistance and ferocious fighting, Soissons eventually fell to the Allies on 2 August 1918. When the Aisne-Marne campaign officially ended on 6 August 1918, the front ran on a straight line along the Vesle River from Soissons to Reims.
Having lost ground and most of their artillery that morning, the Germans rushed all available reserves to the area. Defensive positions bristling with machine guns were set up west of the Soissons – Château-Thierry road roughly along the line Soissons –
689:, the main supply line for the British force. Although successful in pushing the British back, Michael was unsuccessful in separating the French and British armies while Georgette was checked north of Hazebrouck and failed to cut the British supply line. 1263:
battalions who were also lost. Once the two Marine battalions were set on the right trails Malone double-timed his battalion toward the front the last 1 mi (1.6 km) and had to run the last 984 ft (300 m) to gain the rolling barrage.
Sucrerie. By the end of the day the 2nd Brigade line ran from the heights north of Berzy-le-Sec, along the Soissons – Château-Thierry road south of the Sucrerie while 1st Brigade pushed east of the road stopping in the woods west of Buzancy Château.
Soissons. The Noyant Plateau is east of Berzy-le-Sec and, although it sits at a higher elevation, the road and railway cannot be secured from this plateau. Possession of Berzy-le-Sec is the key to controlling the valley because it neutralizes both.
am. Diagrams accompanying the report show defending units east of the town and west of the railroad and highway. Yet neither French nor American troops reported getting anywhere near the town that morning and 28th Infantry did not attack until
By 16 July 1918, there were 26 American divisions in various states of readiness in France. Seven fully trained divisions were either in the line or near the Marne salient. There were five partially trained divisions in quiet sectors south of
934:, indicating the military situation in the Marne salient had become bleak with the French line giving way and the seven divisions occupying that portion of the front losing almost all their materiel and a large percentage of their personnel. 2431:
In the southern portion of the division sector, some elements of 23rd Infantry and attached Marines approached Vierzy in the morning, causing most of the German defenders to flee. But because the fight for Vauxcastille lasted until almost
By contrast, the Moroccan 1st Division had been holding this section of the front and was familiar with the terrain. Their movement leading up to the attack consisted of pulling in their flanks to make room for the two American divisions.
to confer with General Mangin who confirmed the orders. He then had Bowley send the brigade to a point in the Forêt de Retz. At the same time the division trains and transports were ordered to concentrate under cover in the vicinity of
On the night of 17 July, Colonel LaRoy Upton, commander of the 9th Infantry Regiment, managed to get all but two of his companies through the Forêt de Retz and into position before midnight. Companies L and M were not in position until
issued his order deploying the regiment. As with the 5th Marines the previous day, Lee used two attack battalions placing 1st Battalion on the right flank and 2nd Battalion on the left flank, with 3rd Battalion following in support.
am. In order to address this situation, 1st Brigade was sent forward in liaison with the French 87th Division. In addition they retired their left to protect their flank which was also covered by intense supporting artillery fire.
1037:, commander of the Group of Armies of the Reserve, ordering him to “suspend the Mangin operation in order to enable me to send your reserves into the battle south of the Marne.” The message also ordered the return of the American 926:. During the two-day meeting there was a heated discussion over the shipment of American troops with both the British and French demanding that only infantry and machine gun units be shipped. On 3 June, Pershing sent a cable to 2740:
The Ninth Army morning report revealed the dire straits in which they found themselves. In their center, the XXXIX Reserve Corps reported that the 241st Division and the Bavarian 11th Division were all but annihilated. The
When the barrage passed, the Marines cleared out the defensive positions and continued east. These same defensive positions had been holding up the Moroccan attack. The German southern flank was now completely exposed.
The following is a list of the major units which were in place at the start of the battle 18 July 1918. In all cases divisions are listed north to south (left to right when looking at a map from the Allied perspective).
to the American 2nd Division. Within 2 1/2 hours Foch brusquely rescinded the suspension of the Mangin operation declaring “there can be no question at all of slowing up and less so of stopping the Mangin preparations."
1146:, commander of the French Sixth Army, with the caveat the barrage not precede the French Tenth Army jump-off. At noon on 17 July 1918, Pétain approved Fayolle's recommendations and set 18 July 1918 as the attack date. 890:
in the British sector. An additional five divisions were in training areas, two divisions were in depots, and two divisions just arrived. Of these divisions Pershing believed he had 17 divisions ready for service.
they were firing in support of the assumed jump-off line which had not been reached. Also, the rolling barrage was not the expected wall of fire as it was limited to one gun per 82 ft (25 m) per minute.
salient. While the Germans in the center of the attack were able to cross the Matz River (about 7 mi (11 km) from their starting point), the attack failed to achieve either of the two main objectives.
am, the American 1st Division captured both objectives Foch had hoped for by the end of the day. Berdoulat, wishing to exploit his early success, issued orders for the American 1st Division to reach the line
To slow the advance, the German 46th Reserve Division was ordered to advance southward across the Aisne River and prepare defenses in the hills east of Buzancy. In addition, the 211th Division, currently in
its northern flank to connect with the 18th Infantry just north of Chaudun. On its southern flank they advanced southeastward to connect with the 5th Marines holding the southern edge of Léchelle Ravine.
stating that Mangin recommended there be no preparatory barrage prior to the attack of the French Tenth Army so as to achieve complete surprise. The telegram further recommended the attack begin at 4:35
1065:. Villages, consisting of buildings constructed of sturdy stone masonry, were within and near the edges of these ravines. Substantial caves had been carved out to quarry the stone for the villages. 2326:
Vauxcastille at the southern end. At the bottom of the ravine near Vauxcastille, the ravine ran due east to the town of Vierzy. Beyond Vierzy was the line which represented the XX Corps objective.
Malone had two of his battalions in place before the attack but was informed by one of his staff his third battalion was missing. In the rain and darkness he located the missing battalion, plus two
2079: 1359: 1324: 2268:
historians reject the 18th Infantry version claiming “the town was taken by Company A, 5th Marines, with some hangers-on, none of whom were from the 1st Division.” The statement published by the
am, 2nd Brigade had taken Berzy-le-Sec with the Germans retreating across the Crise River. 2nd Brigade pursued the fleeing Germans but stopped at the western bank of the Crise River. By 10:15
of 2nd and 3rd Battalions were placed in support of 1st Battalion but were soon moved forward on the left flank to plug the gap between 1st Division and the slow-moving French 153rd Division.
am, the Moroccan 1st Division, aided by tanks, mounted an attack toward the Rapière at the southern edge of the Villemontoire Ravine. The German defenses collapsed and ran to the rear past
am. They advanced about 0.62 mi (1 km) east of Missy-aux-Bois before being pinned down just west of the Soissons–Paris road by machine gun fire from the eastern side of the road.
entrenchments in the division's zone of attack. These entrenchments followed favorable terrain with a series of strong points which dominated the plateau running southwest from the town of
am and there was no way to signal division HQ if the town was captured. As a result, Sorenson and his men were ordered to fall back to Ploisy while the 28th Infantry dug in for the night.
In an effort to strengthen their defenses south of the Aisne, the Germans placed artillery batteries in the German 241st Division sector assuring artillery enfilade fire to the south. The
ground east of Charentigny. While the attack failed to accomplish the objective, the German 5th Division managed to wrest control of Buzancy from the French for the remainder of the day.
pm, 23rd Infantry was not able to move forward in force. The Germans finally gave up Vauxcastille when the town was surrounded by 1st and 2nd Battalion and French tanks east of the town.
493: 1142:
am behind a rolling barrage. The French Sixth Army, just to the south, would require a preparation barrage lasting one half hour. Fayolle left the start time of the barrage to General
was pushed forward to reinforce the French 153rd Division. This was done to advance their attack to protect the left flank of 2nd Brigade, 1st Division as they attacked Berzy-le-Sec.
am was ten minutes late in arriving and the attack commenced without it. As the first wave made its way across the wheat fields, German artillery and machine guns opened up on them.
2026: 2485:
not yet in the line were placed at the disposal of the German Ninth Army. Also, XIII Corps, under command of General Oskar von Watter, was placed under orders of the Seventh Army.
2034: 658:
on the Western Front. The Germans realized their only remaining chance for victory on the Western Front was to defeat the Allies before the United States could be fully deployed.
7863: 2708:
am, Lee reported 1st Battalion was held up about 300 yd (274 m) west of Tigny with no French troops on the right flank. He also stated casualties were 30% and growing.
The attack outlined in Tenth Army Order 301 was a “continuation of the attack for the purpose of gaining the objectives announced for 18 July. The attack will be launched at 4:00
The following day Pétain stated the attack should be launched the morning of 18 July while stressing the necessity of secrecy. On 14 July both the American 1st Division and the
7878: 2651:
am. The 1st Battalion, 2nd Engineers and the 4th Machine Gun Battalion were designated as the division reserve. Twenty-eight French tanks were assigned to support the attack.
appropriated more than $ 300,000,000 in August 1916 for naval expansion and construction began on some small craft. The same Congress passed an act in June 1916 reorganize the
8062: 2986:
During the night of 22/23 July the Scottish 15th Division and the remainder of the French 69th Division moved forward to relieve what was left of the American 1st Division.
says “the town, in the zone of the Moroccan division, was captured on July 18 in an attack in which the 2nd Division participated. The attack was launched from the south."
2247:. New artillery was placed on the hills overlooking the Soissons – Château-Thierry road 3 mi (4.8 km) from the front and fresh machine gun units were brought up. 2750:
and the 14th Divisions remained on the north bank of the Aisne. The transfer of XIII Corps from Ninth Army to Seventh Army was completed during the evening of 18/19 July.
While bent over examining a dud shell he was shot in the buttocks, injuring his spine. Bender dispatched a field message to the rear: "No gas. Shot in the ass. Bender."
8505: 2830:
the 26th Infantry followed the barrage and attacked due east from the ravine bluff south of town. This attack quickly foundered due to devastating German artillery fire.
1117: 8510: 2874:
During the night of 20/21 July, the Moroccan 1st Division was relieved by the French 87th Division on the right flank of 1st Brigade, 1st Division. A regiment of the
While visiting with Berdoulat on 16 July, Berdoulat's operations officer offered to write the battle orders for the American 2nd Division. Again on 17 July, while in
1154: 835:
enough experienced officers to command or fill staff positions. By making the divisions larger there would be fewer divisions requiring fewer commanders and staffs.
7960: 2209:
am both regiments had crossed the Soissons–Paris road. Both regiments reformed and advanced through the Chaudun Position to take the wheat fields north of Chaudun.
marker indicating the farthest advance of the German Army in 1918. The 2nd Division jump-off line was at right angles to the road near the location of the marker.
7597: 6768: 486: 8039: 2923:
east of the railroad and the Soissons – Château-Thierry road. This would place Berzy-le-Sec firmly in control of the Allies with a view of Soissons due north.
By mid-morning both the 9th Infantry and 23rd Infantry commanders moved their command posts forward to Beaurepaire Farm. They were joined by Brigadier General
8067: 6581: 2424:
front. After advancing about 1 mi (1.6 km), the attack ran into heavy enfilading machine-gun fire from Léchelle Woods and Ravine on the left flank.
Divisions were brought up to support the XIII Corps. The 28th Division was concentrated on the south bank of the Aisne. Finally, the artillery of the German
8255: 7982: 7674: 6639: 2927:
Cleland who was next in command. Lieutenant James H. Donaldson led Company B on the left flank and Lieutenant Bill Warren led Company D on the right flank.
reported to Harbord as being in French hands. Also, the left the flank was threatened as the Moroccan 1st Division had not advanced as far as Charentigny.
8362: 8490: 8270: 8025: 479: 3042:
when Donovan's battalion was sent to lead the day's attack. He died near Muercy Farm which is across the road and stream from the Oise-Aisne Cemetery.
The American 1st Division attack plan for 21 July was the same as the one for the previous day with the addition of a rolling barrage commencing at 4:45
were added to the Seventh Army reserves. Troops were told that falling back was out of the question and the line must be held under all contingencies.
American divisions arriving in France were made up mostly of raw recruits augmented by regulars who had never fired a Springfield rifle. Upon arrival,
forces. But until the U.S. actually entered the war nothing had been done to carry it out. Little if any action was taken to increase the size of the
8525: 8265: 7955: 7906: 7821: 823:
Based on the recommendations put forth by the General Organization Project of 10 July 1917, also known as the Graves Project, combined with input from
By the end of the Spring Offensive the German Army had occupied two vast salients on the Western Front. One salient was in the British sector between
pm, 1.2 mi (2 km) short of its objective. The French 58th Colonial Division was moved up from XX Corps reserve on the night of 19/20 July.
8500: 8109: 1225:. Harbord refused both sets of orders stating later, “If I had accepted either orders and disaster had occurred, what would have been my position?” 1166:
on 16 July and spent the entire day under cover of the woods to avoid detection by German aircraft. On 17 July, the division moved to the area near
1011:. At the very least the action of the French Fifth and Sixth Armies would result in preventing enemy reserves from moving against the main attack. 8495: 633:
or peace offensive). The primary objective of the attack was to cut both the Soissons – Château-Thierry road and the railroad running south from
7950: 7315: 6272: 1038: 1112:
in early July. On 12 July, less than six days before the start of the attack, both the 1st and 2nd Divisions were assigned to the newly formed
2nd Division right at the jump-off point. These roadways were the principal lines of communication for the German troops in the Marne salient.
cemetery is divided into four plots by wide paths lined by trees and beds of roses. At the intersection is a circular plaza and the flagpole.
their left almost immediately. 1st Battalion turned left to face the fire and fought their way north toward Verte-Feuille Farm. At about 5:45
1754: 6746: 2866:. On XX Corps' southern flank the French 58th Division completed its relief of the American 2nd Division and planned its attack for 21 July. 2844:
Although Berzy-le-Sec was not taken on 20 July, records of the German 65th Infantry Brigade reported the town was not in German hands at 11:00
The German 20th Division launched a counterattack late in the afternoon causing the Moroccans to give up some of their earlier gains. By 6:45
am. and halted halfway to Missy-aux-Bois. The regiment continued eastward and took Missy-aux-Bois on the southern lip of Missy Ravine by 9:00
6808: 2783:
Brigade front line ran from the edge of Ploisy Ravine and extended south near Chazelle where they connected with the Moroccan 1st Division.
by the 20th Division after a successful counter-attack recaptured the town. Seventh Army losses were exceedingly high in men and materiel.
2071:, inflicted 25% casualties on the 3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry, 1st Division which was designated as the support battalion for the advance. 8010: 7940: 7579: 6798: 6709: 968:
should be conducted. That same day Mangin submitted a plan of action for an exploratory attack to take some high ground west of Soissons.
681:, were aimed at the British armies. The objectives were to separate the British and French forces, to push the British armies back to the 2639:
The French XX Corps liaison officer delivering the attack orders for 19 July was unable to locate the 2nd Division headquarters until 2:00
8034: 6932: 6386: 3029:
since recovered and identified. The map room contains an engraved wall map outlining the military operations in the region during 1918.
610: 432: 168: 842:
were subjected to a training regimen which began with a heavy dose of physical conditioning and drilling with emphasis on, as stated by
rifles on hand, about 400 light field guns, 150 heavy field guns, and fewer than 1,500 machine guns of four non-interchangeable types.
6609: 2779:, its right at Fère-en-Tardenois. The Sixth Army, supporting the advance of the Tenth Army and moving its left to Fère-en-Tardenois.” 1621: 1221:, General Albert Daugan, commander of the Moroccan 1st Division, offered Harbord battle orders prepared by his chief of staff, Colonel 3007:
beyond the preliminary planning stage. Germany never regained the initiative and would be on the defensive until the end of the war.
6939: 3021: 899:
On the evening of 30 May 1918, three days after the start of the Blucher-York offensive, General Pershing, Commander-in-chief of the
6247: 3038:, a noted American poet, is buried here. He was shot in the head by a sniper on 30 July 1918 after volunteering to accompany Major 6591: 567: 8260: 8192: 8030: 8017: 7974: 7883: 7609: 7418: 7325: 7227: 6985: 6632: 2875: 2863: 2260: 2255:
The attack zone of the Moroccan 1st Division was on the right flank of the 18th Infantry, 1st Division and the left flank of the
1369:, commander of the German Ninth Army, sent orders to his corps commanders to establish lines of resistance with strong points at 1315:
was assigned the sector in the center. In addition, four divisions were held in Army reserve while a fifth division was held in
it split with one branch turning southwest to Paris in the 2nd Division zone of attack. A second branch continued south through
to compel the French to move some of their reserves eastward away from the British. This would be accomplished by attacking the
8384: 8374: 8242: 1109: 964:
stating “it is on the heights of Villers-Hélon, and not in the low ground at Longpont Brook, that the defense of the forest of
81: 1319:
reserve in the Ninth Army sector. XIII Corps was south of the Aisne River. XXXIX Reserve Corps straddled the Aisne with the
766:. The second was in the French sector from just west of Reims in the east to Noyon in the west and south to Château-Thierry. 8530: 8156: 8090: 7927: 7806: 7479: 6505: 6361: 6039: 6016: 5994: 5952: 5909: 5890: 5864: 5845: 5826: 5807: 5766: 5747: 2747: 2505: 1351: 1335: 1015: 938: 8331: 7751: 6543: 6049: 5785: 2900: 2501: 2482: 2269: 2945: 774:
When the American Army entered the war in 1917, it was in a woeful state of unpreparedness. It had approximately 285,000
8102: 7061: 6566: 6227: 2087: 1312: 1183:
Paquette's order of transfer included orders for the 2nd Field Artillery Brigade of the American 2nd Division to move to
8316: 2125:. Directly across from le Mont d’Arly, on the eastern lip of the ravine, was the village of Breuil. A fourth village, 1101: 8301: 7591: 7000: 6758: 1135: 862:
and saw their first action. Prior to being committed to battle, Pershing had his men train at the division level with
crossing flat, open ground under heavy artillery and enfilading machine-gun fire. However, the plan was not altered.
8176: 7870: 7686: 6965: 6436: 6149: 2855: 2091: 2361:
La Verte-Feuille Farm after its capture by the 2nd Infantry Division (United States) on the morning of 18 July 1918.
The railroad ran south from Soissons in the Crise River valley paralleling the Soissons – Château-Thierry road. At
7428: 7363: 6401: 2672: 2619:
off the position. However, by the end of the day the Germans were able to restore their defense of Villemontoire.
2439: 1284:
on the Eastern Front to the Western Front. On 23 June, the Ninth Army was assigned the sector to the left of the
8427: 8232: 8212: 7999: 7935: 7758: 7627: 6538: 6458: 6396: 2825:
1st Lieutenant Soren C. Sorenson was put in charge of three 6-man infiltration squads. Attacking behind the 2:00
time with the artillery, the Marines moved out from the assembly area when the rolling barrage commenced at 6::30
1320: 7099: 6184: 991:
would carry out the main attack against the Soissons communication network. In support of the main attack, the
8227: 8222: 8217: 8207: 7901: 6553: 6528: 6426: 1308: 931: 2810:, commanding officer of 2nd Brigade, for use in the attack on Berzy-le-Sec. The attack was scheduled for 2:00 2680:
front line and about 2.5 mi (4 km) from their objective - the western edge of the Bois de Concrois.
The American 1st Division was assigned to the northernmost attack zone in the French XX Corps sector with the
Troops of the 16th Infantry rest near Berzy le Sec, France, 17 Jul 1918 the day before the attack at Soissons.
8540: 8202: 8197: 8161: 8095: 7987: 7833: 7423: 7275: 6813: 6741: 6672: 6441: 6411: 6406: 2513: 2509: 2489: 1355: 1343: 1339: 1122: 900: 6281: 48: 8151: 7778: 7718: 7615: 7520: 7290: 7076: 6780: 6619: 6518: 2742: 2094:
and the northern flank of the German VIII Corps in the German Seventh Army also came under artillery fire.
1759: 1347: 539: 343: 2133:
ventured down the slopes of the ravine, three were destroyed by artillery fire and two sank in the swamp.
8389: 7826: 7811: 7669: 7621: 7393: 6944: 6818: 6731: 6726: 6495: 6483: 6478: 1963: 782: 651: 598: 544: 36: 8535: 7005: 2833:
Babcock arranged with Buck to make a night infiltration. This was subsequently canceled at around 11:00
8369: 8326: 7603: 7368: 7353: 7255: 7124: 6692: 6604: 6561: 6301: 2488:
As the situation continued to deteriorate in the afternoon, Army Group German Crown Prince ordered the
1260: 1085: 1033:, succeeded in getting seven divisions across the Marne. In response Pétain sent a message to General 813: 744: 554: 32: 3051:
atop a pedestal. On the pedestal is a wreathed replica of the 1st Division shoulder sleeve insignia.
Division were the French 4th Tank Group and the French 29th Field Artillery Regiment (truck-carried 75
Attached to the American 1st Division were the French 253rd Field Artillery Regiment (truck-carried 75
During the evening of the 16/17 July, Harbord and his staff went to the headquarters of Major General
8520: 8311: 8079: 7663: 7651: 7413: 7398: 7119: 7010: 6704: 6682: 6431: 6421: 6354: 2083: 1304: 1285: 1113: 693: 529: 7265: 2862:
crossed the railroad and entered Bois Gérard. They were relieved on the night of 20/21 July by the
protect its open left flank. All of the tanks supporting the regiment were soon put out of action.
was brought up to shore up the sector boundary between the XXXIX Reserve Corps and XIII Corps. The
8515: 8286: 7773: 7763: 7692: 7645: 7633: 7573: 7388: 7383: 7305: 6714: 6687: 6391: 6321: 2416:
pm, with the tanks to join the attack as soon as possible. The attack eventually commenced at 7:00
1686: 1289: 1277: 1030: 978: 912: 678: 524: 1116:
which was attached to the French Sixth Army in the same order. Fayolle's Chief of Staff, General
8485: 8357: 8349: 8291: 8051: 7746: 7509: 7343: 7338: 7270: 7129: 7114: 7109: 7089: 6970: 6847: 2800: 2033:
to their north. The American 2nd Division was assigned to the southernmost attack zone with the
2030: 1859: 1507: 1237: 1188: 1026: 662: 647: 619: 503: 7310: 2983:
the French and British relief forces arrived in Berzy-le-Sec to plan the relief for that night.
Ruins of the church of Berzy-le-Sec in 1918. Photograph by Raoul Berthele, Archive of Toulouse.
took the 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry from division reserve. He placed it under the command of
transportation arteries into and out of Soissons. The high ground west of Vauxbuin and west of
8124: 7848: 7783: 7639: 7373: 7300: 7250: 7235: 7217: 7190: 7104: 7071: 6736: 6697: 6677: 6488: 6381: 2201: 1105: 1100:
The 1st and 2nd Divisions were in need of replacements after their engagements at Cantigny and
809: 534: 2581:
am but were halted by fire from the front and the Vauxbuin Position. It also attacked at 5:30
d’Arly Fechet had his men double-time the last few hundred yards/meters to the jump off line.
1163: 661:
Beginning on 21 March 1918 the Germans launched a series of five offensives known as the 1918
8114: 7768: 7657: 7433: 7403: 7333: 7280: 7202: 7170: 7144: 7094: 7025: 6927: 6880: 6664: 6533: 6416: 2577:
The 26th Infantry was able to cross the Soissons–Paris road during the morning attack at 4:30
972: 655: 422: 262: 250: 238: 226: 214: 202: 141: 75: 2930:
A fire for destruction preparation was supposed to be laid on Berzy-le-Sec beginning at 5:30
8464: 8379: 7066: 7040: 6990: 6347: 923: 301: 7015: 2776: 1394: 1077: 1057:
Cutting across the plateau were a series of four deep, swampy, formidable ravines; Missy,
965: 8: 8446: 7585: 7449: 7408: 7285: 7245: 7240: 7185: 6868: 6862: 6763: 2628: 2585:
pm and was able to advance 1.86 mi (3 km), assisting in the capture of Ploisy.
2466: 2256: 1869: 1245: 1236:
on the northern edge of the Forêt de Retz. Here Harbord and his chief of staff, Colonel
1167: 919: 871: 831: 728: 8399: 8406: 8321: 7680: 7544: 7526: 7491: 7455: 7295: 7260: 7212: 7197: 7084: 7035: 6874: 6833: 6513: 6028: 5962: 5879: 5684: 3039: 2669: 1802: 1229: 988: 957: 942: 817: 798: 786: 377: 2995:
troops. Suffering heavy casualties, the Scottish 15th Division made little progress.
am, Allied artillery fire was directed at the German Ninth Army in the sectors of the
946: 870:
in offensive maneuvers. The purpose of this portion of the training was to emphasize
717: 219: 8439: 8433: 8394: 8296: 8129: 7712: 7567: 7550: 7358: 7180: 7160: 6995: 6980: 6910: 6898: 6599: 6576: 6523: 6266: 6145: 6128: 6111: 6091: 6074: 6057: 6035: 6012: 5990: 5970: 5948: 5931: 5924: 5905: 5886: 5874: 5860: 5841: 5822: 5803: 5781: 5762: 5743: 5726: 5709: 5692: 2804: 2715:
3rd Battalion, 6th Marines had started the day with 36 officers and 850 men. By 8:00
2633: 2401: 2366:
on course, he received word the troops on his right were from 23rd Infantry. By 5:15
2244: 2122: 1772: 1457: 1382: 1366: 1000: 992: 867: 843: 775: 736: 701: 674: 517: 355: 289: 7497: 7467: 7461: 7378: 7207: 7175: 7165: 6904: 6828: 6823: 6751: 6571: 6471: 6168: 6103: 6004: 5982: 5795: 2807: 2240: 1748: 1303:
Three corps, each consisting of three divisions, were assigned to the Ninth Army.
1073: 1019: 851: 827: 705: 389: 331: 313: 277: 255: 2934:
am but the barrage never happened. The rolling barrage which was planned for 8:30
1374: 1295: 1127:, sent a telegram two days later attaching both divisions to Mangin's Tenth Army. 1034: 961: 231: 8306: 8146: 7485: 7045: 7020: 6719: 6627: 6466: 2962:
am, they were in control of the railroad and had achieved their final objective.
am where they occupied abandoned German foxholes. They remained there until 4:00
1906: 1292:
which was, from the German perspective, the right shoulder of the Marne Salient.
1192: 927: 882:
in the French sector and another five partially trained in quiet sectors between
training. Here they became accustomed to life at the front. They went out into
824: 682: 613:
assistance) and the German armies, the battle was part of the much larger Allied
590: 549: 1108:, respectively. Both divisions were brought to full strength with men from the 8139: 8119: 7790: 7503: 7348: 7139: 7030: 6886: 6790: 6773: 5720: 5703: 5497: 5434: 5381: 5369: 5243: 5207: 4889: 4617: 4525: 4510: 4300: 4288: 4271: 4256: 4244: 4220: 3928: 3916: 3880: 3787: 3775: 3760: 3745: 3733: 3721: 3709: 3664: 3652: 3640: 3628: 3616: 3191: 3167: 2604: 2412:
pm. Ely then ordered the infantry to attack when ready but not later than 6:00
2222: 2126: 1429: 1233: 1197: 1051: 953: 908: 847: 802: 755: 243: 207: 5696: 1346:
was brought up in support of the XXXIX Reserve Corps south of the Aisne. The
8479: 8250: 7538: 7532: 6975: 6892: 6803: 5974: 5935: 5919: 2797: 2478: 2280: 1614: 1514: 1207: 1204: 1143: 1004: 794: 779: 721: 606: 458: 442: 384: 372: 362: 350: 338: 326: 308: 296: 284: 272: 185: 154: 96: 83: 6061: 2146:
the Germans and drove them back into the cave where they held out until 4:00
was placed in support of the XXXIX Reserve Corps north of the Aisne and the
1170:, approximately 8 mi (12.9 km) from their jump-off point. At 9:00 638:
as the Germans would be on the defensive for the remainder of the conflict.
7700: 7134: 6132: 6115: 6095: 6078: 5757:
Setzekorn, Eric B.; Center of Military History, United States Army (2018).
5730: 5713: 3035: 2307: 2218: 2068: 1577: 1222: 763: 716:. This attack, while succeeding in pushing the French Sixth Army south to 2536:
am with the assistance of tanks under the same condition as for 18 July.”
471: 7911: 7816: 7514: 6949: 6370: 2796:
After a meeting to coordinate his attack with the French 153rd Division,
2521: 1442: 1080:
to Château-Thierry and also served as a principal line of communication.
859: 650:
on 3 March 1918 freed 42 German divisions which had been fighting on the
602: 40: 2357: 1218: 3141: 2788: 2712:
700 yd (640 m) short of the Soissons – Château-Thierry road.
pm but the French tank commander said he could not be ready before 7:00
1316: 1184: 855: 686: 1299:
Disposition of German Forces for the attack on the Marne 15 July 1918.
would attack the eastern flank of the salient along both banks of the
759: 7706: 7473: 6125:
History of Military Mobilization in the United States Army, 1775-1945
Due to the heavy casualties sustained by 5th Marines on 18 July, the
am. The artillery fire, which was concentrated on the crossroads at
863: 6048: 5661: 5649: 5623: 4937: 4739: 4688: 4581: 4542: 7966: 5756: 3080: 3032: 2692:
pm while taking continuous artillery, machine gun, and rifle fire.
2493: 2160: 839: 709: 634: 3096:
Administrative control only of American units in French Tenth Army
am preceded the ground attack of the French 87th Division at 6:00
2470: 1386: 1370: 1362:
in VII Corps was transferred to the German 28th Division sector.
1281: 1018:
were transferred to the French Tenth Army XX Corps under General
Allied plan of attack at Soissons for the morning of 18 July 1918
801:, it lacked the tonnage to transport men and materiel across the 5725:. Vol. 5. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 5708:. Vol. 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 2643:
am. This delay caused the attack, originally scheduled for 4:00
16th Infantry Regiment digging in north of Chaudun, 18 July 1918
On 19 June 1918, prior to the start of the fifth offensive, the
6171:. a multimedia history of world war one. n.d 5881:
The War to End All Wars: The American Experience in World War I
2497: 2236: 1390: 1062: 1058: 904: 879: 790: 6339: 2837:
pm because an intense artillery barrage was scheduled for 4:45
26th Infantry Regiment had taken their first objective by 5:30
8134: 6069:
Lanza, Conrad H.; The General Service Schools (U.S.) (1923).
To the south, a heavy artillery preparation beginning at 4:30
2504:, were made available to the Seventh Army. In addition, the 1378: 1211: 1008: 996: 887: 883: 751: 732: 713: 697: 5691:. New York, Evanston, London: Harper & Row, Publishers. 2569:
Informed that the French 153rd Division would attack at 5:30
731:, was an attempt by the Germans to straighten the line from 6127:. Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, U.S. Army. 6073:. Fort Leavenworth, KS: The General Service Schools Press. 3148: 3146: 3144: 2890:
am and the French 153rd Division which would attack at 8:30
2191: 769: 605:. Waged from 18 to 22 July 1918 between the French (with 6142:
The United States in the First World War: An Encyclopedia
The German Offensive of July 15, 1918 (Marne Source Book)
6056:. Washington, DC: Center of Military History, U.S. Army. 5721:
United States Army, Center of Military History (1992b) .
United States Army, Center of Military History (1992a) .
in sufficient quantities to alter the course of the war.
6208: 3853: 3330: 3328: 3303: 3301: 3299: 918:
On Saturday, 1 June, Pershing attended a meeting of the
never recovered from the great loss in ships during its
724:, failed to draw French reserves away from the British. 5947:. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Military. 5904:. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword Military. 5780:. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press. 2038:
they were there principally to provide reconnaissance.
is a river about 30 mi (48 km) to the south.
With the German Guns: Four Years on the Western Front
4410: 4408: 3325: 3296: 2322:
am while other Marine elements cleared Maison Neuve.
1381:. A second line of resistance with strong points at 6319: 5498:
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
4061: 4059: 4057: 3929:
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992a
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992a
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992a
United States Army, Center of Military History 1992b
3045: 2886:
the French 87th Division which was attacking at 4:45
and the German XIII Corps. The entire front of the
Battles of World War I involving the United Kingdom
5493: 5491: 5489: 4521: 4519: 3813: 3811: 3552: 3550: 3513: 3511: 2561:
3rd Battalion, 28th Infantry led the attack at 4:00
2496:and the 9th Division to the valley of the Vesle to 1471:
General Gabriel Alexandre Paquette, Chief of Staff
1187:during the night of 14/15 July. Brigadier General 952:Foch's letter to Pétain eventually reached General 854:to listen for enemy activity, became familiar with 654:, providing a temporary numeric advantage over the 8511:Battles of World War I involving the United States 6030:The Remains of Company D: A Story of The Great War 6027: 5969:. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company. 5923: 5878: 4405: 3798: 3796: 3771: 3769: 3054: 6326:International Encyclopedia of the First World War 6306:International Encyclopedia of the First World War 6286:International Encyclopedia of the First World War 6167: 6011:. Vol. 2. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books. 5989:. Vol. 1. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books. 4655: 4653: 4628: 4626: 4284: 4282: 4280: 4267: 4265: 4144: 4142: 4054: 3876: 3874: 3163: 3161: 3124: 2767:Ravine along with intermittent machine-gun fire. 1586:Marching Regiment of the Foreign Legion, R.M.L.E. 1338:was brought up in support of the VII Corps. The 1007:with its right flank on the heights south of the 617:counter-offensive. It followed the final German 8477: 6299: 6123:Kreidberg, Marvin A.; Henry, Merton G. (1989) . 5486: 4516: 4105: 4103: 4101: 3808: 3681: 3679: 3677: 3675: 3673: 3547: 3508: 2761: 2053: 1162:The American 1st Division was bivouacked in the 159: 7316:Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers 6209:"Terrific Storm Aided Allies In The Surprise". 5885:. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. 5776:Johnson, Douglas V.; Hillman, Rolfe L. (1999). 5645: 5643: 5547: 5545: 5254: 5252: 5107: 5105: 3793: 3766: 3015: 2775:aiming at the capture of the plateaus north of 1765:Major General Count Schulenburg, Chief of Staff 1393:, and the west edge of the Bois de Mauloy near 6279: 6252:American Expeditionary Force: Doughboys in WWI 6122: 5775: 5723:United States Army in the World War: 1917-1919 5706:United States Army in the World War: 1917-1919 5689:The Doughboys: The Story of the AEF, 1917-1919 5599: 5587: 5551: 5536: 5524: 5508: 5506: 5447: 5445: 5443: 5422: 5357: 5345: 5333: 5321: 5305: 5303: 5270: 5258: 5231: 5219: 5135: 5111: 5096: 5084: 5072: 5060: 5048: 5036: 5024: 5012: 5000: 4988: 4984: 4982: 4973: 4961: 4949: 4925: 4901: 4802: 4790: 4778: 4774: 4772: 4763: 4751: 4727: 4715: 4711: 4709: 4700: 4684: 4682: 4680: 4671: 4659: 4650: 4644: 4632: 4623: 4605: 4593: 4566: 4554: 4498: 4486: 4474: 4450: 4414: 4399: 4375: 4363: 4327: 4277: 4262: 4139: 4092: 4076: 4074: 4065: 3964: 3892: 3871: 3865: 3841: 3829: 3802: 3502: 3158: 2973: 2869: 2527: 2261:1st RMLE (Foreign Legion Provisional Regiment) 1778:Lieutenant Colonel von Esebeck, Chief of Staff 1134:am on 16 July, Fayolle sent a telegram to the 820:and no action was taken to equip or train it. 646:The Russian withdrawal from the war after the 6355: 5859:. Vol. 4. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, LLC. 5857:Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History 5840:. Vol. 3. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, LLC. 5838:Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History 5821:. Vol. 2. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, LLC. 5819:Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History 5802:. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, LLC. 5800:Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History 4813: 4811: 4098: 3756: 3754: 3670: 3262: 3260: 2858:after the attack was successfully completed. 487: 6213:. Associated Press. 19 July 1918. p. 3. 5640: 5542: 5464: 5462: 5460: 5406: 5404: 5402: 5249: 5102: 4311: 4309: 2520:and many of the men were suffering from the 1697:General Hippolyte-Alphonse Penet, Commanding 1307:was assigned the right flank of the sector, 7799: 6271:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 6187:. American Battle Monuments Commission. n.d 5503: 5440: 5300: 4979: 4769: 4706: 4677: 4577: 4575: 4538: 4536: 4534: 4071: 501: 8491:Battles of the Western Front (World War I) 6362: 6348: 6245: 6054:American Armies and Battlefields in Europe 5967:Personalities and Reminiscences of the War 4808: 3751: 3257: 2622: 2597: 2543: 1500:General Pierre Émile Berdoulat, Commanding 1486:General Gustave Paul Lacapelle, Commanding 1088:encountered the Chazelle-Léchelle Ravine. 587:Battle of the Soissonnais and of the Ourcq 494: 480: 53:American heavy artillery at Soissons, 1918 47: 8526:United States Marine Corps in World War I 6003: 5981: 5683: 5662:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 5650:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 5624:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 5457: 5399: 4938:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 4913: 4740:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 4689:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 4582:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 4543:American Battle Monuments Commission 1938 4306: 4109: 3697: 3685: 3604: 3592: 3568: 3556: 3541: 3529: 3478: 3466: 3454: 3442: 3430: 3418: 3406: 3382: 3251: 3239: 3215: 3090: 2382: 2170: 2107: 1732: 1410: 8501:Battles of World War I involving Germany 7598:Revolutions and interventions in Hungary 6225: 6144:. New York; London: Garland Publishing. 5899: 5854: 5835: 5816: 5794: 5611: 4572: 4531: 3334: 3307: 3266: 3152: 3120: 3118: 2944: 2668:am, from the railway station in Vierzy, 2636:highway as the next defensive position. 2438: 2356: 2334: 2290: 2250: 2190: 2097: 1331:directed against the German XIII Corps. 1294: 1153: 977: 8496:Battles of World War I involving France 7975:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 6085: 5961: 5918: 5873: 5742:. London: Arcturus Publishing Limited. 5147: 5123: 4462: 4339: 4121: 4080: 4048: 4036: 4024: 4012: 4000: 3988: 3976: 3940: 3904: 3817: 3580: 3517: 2231:third objective just north of Buzancy. 770:Building and Training the American Army 8478: 6139: 6025: 5575: 5563: 5512: 5480: 5451: 5309: 5294: 5282: 5195: 4438: 4351: 3952: 3490: 3179: 3135: 2492:forward in the valley of the Aisne to 2300: 1822:General Theodor von Watter, Commanding 1480:Colonel Émile Hergault, Chief of Staff 1175:the man ahead to maintain the column. 743:The fifth and final spring offensive, 7928:Austro-Hungarian occupation of Serbia 7271:Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) 6343: 6169:"The Second Battle of the Marne,1918" 6090:. New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co. 6068: 5930:. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 5926:The American Army In France 1917-1919 5737: 5183: 5171: 5159: 4877: 4865: 4853: 4841: 4829: 4817: 4315: 4232: 4208: 4196: 4184: 4172: 4160: 4148: 4133: 3203: 3115: 2704:Company, were sent forward. By 11:45 2295: 1784:General Wilhelm von Woyna, Commanding 1477:General Charles E. Mangin, Commanding 1323:positioned on the south bank and the 1311:was assigned the left flank, and the 595:Bataille du Soissoinais et de L'Ourcq 475: 8332:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 6320:Julie d'Andurain (9 November 2015). 6183: 6102: 6050:American Battle Monuments Commission 6034:. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. 5942: 5635: 5468: 5410: 5393: 4426: 4387: 3394: 3370: 3358: 3346: 3319: 3290: 3278: 3227: 3079:is the area surrounding the city of 2684:and north. They advanced until 9:30 2270:American Battle Monuments Commission 1760:Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst 1453:General John J. Pershing, Commanding 937:Two weeks later, 14 June, after the 8261:Ottomans against the Triple Entente 7062:Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 6300:Martin T. Olliff (8 October 2014). 2999:choice but to give up their gains. 1435:Armies of the North and Northeast: 1365:On the evening of 11 July, General 696:, was a diversionary thrust toward 13: 7001:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 5671: 2500:. Both divisions, as well as the 1592:12th Malagazy Tirailleurs Regiment 1438:General Philipe Pétain, Commanding 1425:Marshal Ferdinand Foch, Commanding 1401: 407:At least 234,000 men, 210 aircraft 14: 8552: 6280:Jared M. Tracy (8 October 2014). 6219: 3046:1st Division Battlefield Monument 2354:sector to fight at Maison Neuve. 1682:Major General Bullard, Commanding 1679:American III Corps: (In reserve) 1600:7th Algerian Tirailleurs Regiment 1573:General Albert Daugan, Commanding 1468:General Émile Fayolle, Commanding 685:and to cut the rail line through 7364:Second Battle of the Piave River 6986:Russian invasion of East Prussia 5655: 5629: 5617: 5605: 5593: 5581: 5569: 5557: 5530: 5518: 5474: 5428: 5416: 5387: 5375: 5363: 5351: 5339: 5327: 5315: 5288: 5276: 5264: 5237: 5225: 5213: 5201: 5189: 5177: 5165: 5153: 5141: 5129: 5117: 5090: 5078: 5066: 5054: 5042: 5030: 5018: 5006: 4994: 4967: 4955: 4943: 4931: 4919: 4907: 4895: 4883: 4871: 4859: 4847: 4835: 4823: 4796: 4784: 4757: 4745: 4733: 4721: 4694: 4665: 4638: 4611: 4599: 4587: 4560: 4548: 4504: 4492: 4480: 4468: 4456: 4444: 4432: 4420: 4393: 4381: 4369: 4357: 2735: 2588: 2548: 2459: 1465:Group of Armies of the Reserve: 457: 441: 431: 421: 383: 371: 361: 349: 337: 325: 307: 295: 283: 271: 261: 249: 237: 225: 213: 201: 178: 161: 147: 134: 8428:Arrest of a Suspect in Sarajevo 7628:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 6369: 6009:My Experiences In The World War 5987:My Experiences In The World War 4345: 4333: 4321: 4294: 4250: 4238: 4226: 4214: 4202: 4190: 4178: 4166: 4154: 4127: 4115: 4086: 4042: 4030: 4018: 4006: 3994: 3982: 3970: 3958: 3946: 3934: 3922: 3910: 3898: 3886: 3859: 3847: 3835: 3823: 3781: 3739: 3727: 3715: 3703: 3691: 3658: 3646: 3634: 3622: 3610: 3598: 3586: 3574: 3562: 3535: 3523: 3496: 3484: 3472: 3460: 3448: 3436: 3424: 3412: 3400: 3388: 3376: 3364: 3352: 3340: 3313: 3284: 3272: 3245: 3233: 3221: 3055:2nd Division Battlefield Marker 1450:American General Headquarters: 1178: 1149: 971:On 23 June, at a conference in 404:At least 345,000 men, 478 tanks 16:World War I battle in July 1918 8251:Austria-Hungary against Serbia 8110:Deportations from East Prussia 7907:1915 typhus epidemic in Serbia 6185:"Oise-Aisne American Cemetery" 6140:Venzon, Anne Cipriano (1995). 6110:. San Antonio, TX: Naylor Co. 3209: 3197: 3185: 3173: 3129: 3070: 2654: 2329: 2186: 2102: 1755:Army Group German Crown Prince 1271: 1091: 673:). The first two offensives, 1: 8162:Ukrainian Canadian internment 6201: 5761:. Madison & Adams Press. 3103: 2989: 2762:Day 3: Saturday, 20 July 1918 2647:am, to be pushed back to 7:00 2082:on the southern flank of the 2059:impending attack between 4:00 2054:Day 1: Thursday, 18 July 1918 2020: 1925:Bavarian 6th Reserve Division 1911:German 10th Landwehr Division 1888:General Roderich von Schoeler 1664:17th Field Artillery Regiment 1661:15th Field Artillery Regiment 1658:12th Field Artillery Regiment 1191:went ahead of the brigade to 901:American Expeditionary Forces 720:and the northern bank of the 641: 8531:Wilhelm, German Crown Prince 8317:Sazonov–Paléologue Agreement 7616:Estonian War of Independence 7291:Southern Palestine offensive 5759:The U.S. Army in World War I 5738:Evans, Martin Marix (2017). 5186:, pp. 637–638, 640, 646 3854:New York Times, 19 July 1918 3108: 3016:Oise-Aisne American Cemetery 3010: 2395: 1880:German 78th Reserve Division 1845:German 47th Reserve Division 1828:German 14th Reserve Division 1808:German 53rd Reserve Division 1747:First Quartermaster-General 1655:2nd Field Artillery Brigade 1557:7th Field Artillery Regiment 1554:6th Field Artillery Regiment 1551:5th Field Artillery Regiment 1548:1st Field Artillery Brigade 1373:, Beaurepaire Farm, west of 1336:German 46th Reserve Division 874:rather than trench warfare. 7: 8271:USA against Austria-Hungary 7670:Turkish War of Independence 7622:Latvian War of Independence 7354:Treaty of Bucharest of 1918 6945:Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo 6160: 6086:Harbord, James G. (1931) . 5900:Sulzbach, Herbert (2012) . 5855:Zabecki, David T. (2014d). 5836:Zabecki, David T. (2014c). 5817:Zabecki, David T. (2014b). 5740:1918: The Year of Victories 2974:Day 5: Monday, 22 July 1918 2870:Day 4: Sunday, 21 July 1918 2528:Day 2: Friday, 19 July 1918 2465:Villers-le-Petit – Chouy – 1964:Eberhard Graf von Schmettow 1136:French General Headquarters 894: 830:and his staff, an American 625:Operation Marneschutz-Reims 10: 8557: 8354:Treaties of Brest-Litovsk 7902:1899–1923 cholera pandemic 7369:Second Battle of the Marne 7256:Second battle of the Aisne 7125:Second Battle of Champagne 6966:German invasion of Belgium 6282:"Summerall, Charles Pelot" 5600:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5588:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5552:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5537:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5525:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5423:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5358:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5346:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5334:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5322:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5271:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5259:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5232:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5220:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5136:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5112:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5097:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5085:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5073:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5061:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5049:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5037:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5025:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5013:Johnson & Hillman 1999 5001:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4989:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4974:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4962:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4950:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4926:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4902:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4803:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4791:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4779:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4764:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4752:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4728:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4716:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4701:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4672:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4660:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4645:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4633:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4606:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4594:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4567:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4555:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4499:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4487:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4475:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4451:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4415:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4400:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4376:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4364:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4328:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4093:Johnson & Hillman 1999 4066:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3965:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3893:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3866:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3842:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3830:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3803:Johnson & Hillman 1999 3503:Kreidberg & Henry 1989 2088:German XXXIX Reserve Corps 2086:, the entire front of the 1985:General Kurt von dem Borne 1891:German 4th Ersatz Division 1749:Erich Friedrich Ludendorff 1118:Gabriel Alexandre Paquette 1045: 995:would attack south of the 33:Second Battle of the Marne 8460: 8419: 8340: 8279: 8241: 8185: 8174: 8135:Assyrian genocide (Sayfo) 8078: 8050: 7998: 7920: 7894: 7846: 7739: 7732: 7664:Irish War of Independence 7560: 7442: 7414:Armistice of Villa Giusti 7399:Battle of Vittorio Veneto 7324: 7226: 7153: 7054: 7011:First Battle of the Marne 6958: 6920: 6855: 6846: 6789: 6663: 6652: 6618: 6590: 6552: 6504: 6457: 6450: 6377: 6108:Memories of Peace and War 6026:Nelson, James C. (2009). 1991:103rd Division (only 1/3) 1977:103rd Division (only 2/3) 1942:General Richard von Conta 1922:General Georg von Wichura 1672:4th Machine Gun Battalion 1667:2nd Trench Mortar Battery 1650:6th Machine Gun Battalion 1636:5th Machine Gun Battalion 1565:1st Machine Gun Battalion 1560:1st Trench Mortar Battery 1543:3rd Machine Gun Battalion 1529:2nd Machine Gun Battalion 1061:, Chazelle-Lechelle, and 844:General William L. Sibert 789:of the British forces in 583:Battle of Soissons (1918) 513: 411: 398: 191: 124: 57: 46: 30: 25: 8287:Constantinople Agreement 7580:Armenian–Azerbaijani War 7443:Co-belligerent conflicts 7419:Second Romanian campaign 7389:Third Transjordan attack 7100:Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 7006:Battle of Grand Couronné 5676: 3063: 2092:German XXV Reserve Corps 1711:General Prax, Commanding 1687:Alfred William Bjornstad 1589:Russian Legion Battalion 945:, Foch wrote to General 913:Supreme Allied Commander 8350:Modus vivendi of Acroma 8302:Bulgaria–Germany treaty 7610:Greater Poland Uprising 7510:National Protection War 7394:Meuse–Argonne offensive 7344:German spring offensive 7339:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 7115:Siege of Novogeorgievsk 7090:Second Battle of Artois 6971:Battle of the Frontiers 6088:Leaves From A War Diary 3736:, pp. 235–237, 244 2607:and Charentigny by 1:00 1508:Charles Pelot Summerall 954:Charles Emmanuel Mangin 648:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 505:German spring offensive 8375:Paris Peace Conference 8363:Ukraine–Central Powers 8157:Massacres of Albanians 8125:Late Ottoman genocides 7932:Bulgarian occupations 7640:Third Anglo-Afghan War 7604:Hungarian–Romanian War 7429:Naval Victory Bulletin 7424:Armistice with Germany 7374:Hundred Days Offensive 7301:Battle of La Malmaison 7251:Second battle of Arras 7218:Battle of Transylvania 7072:Second Battle of Ypres 6940:Sarajevo assassination 6829:South African Republic 5943:Pitt, Barrie (2003) . n.d. 2950: 2856:Scottish 15th Division 2481:, and elements of the 2443: 2383:23rd Infantry Regiment 2362: 2196: 2171:26th Infantry Regiment 2108:28th Infantry Regiment 1971:Bavarian 12th Division 1877:Bavarian 10th Division 1814:Bavarian 11th Division 1738:German order of battle 1733:German order of battle 1633:23rd Infantry Regiment 1610:American 2nd Division 1570:Moroccan 1st Division 1540:28th Infantry Regiment 1537:26th Infantry Regiment 1526:18th Infantry Regiment 1523:16th Infantry Regiment 1503:American 1st Division 1416:Allied order of battle 1411:Allied order of battle 1321:Bavarian 11th Division 1300: 1159: 1050:Looking east from the 1039:2nd Division artillery 1020:Pierre Emile Berdoulat 983: 903:in France, stopped at 727:The fourth offensive, 594: 192:Commanders and leaders 8385:Treaty of St. Germain 8358:Russia–Central Powers 8312:Sykes–Picot Agreement 8140:Pontic Greek genocide 8115:Destruction of Kalisz 8091:Eastern Mediterranean 7652:Polish–Lithuanian War 7434:Armistice of Belgrade 7404:Armistice of Salonica 7334:Operation Faustschlag 7281:Third Battle of Oituz 7203:Baranovichi offensive 7171:Lake Naroch offensive 7145:Battle of Robat Karim 7120:Vistula–Bug offensive 7095:Battles of the Isonzo 7026:First Battle of Ypres 6302:"Bullard, Robert Lee" 6232:First Division Museum 2948: 2623:American 2nd Division 2598:Moroccan 1st Division 2544:American 1st Division 2506:51st Reserve Division 2442: 2360: 2335:9th Infantry Regiment 2291:American 2nd Division 2251:Moroccan 1st Division 2194: 2098:American 1st Division 2080:German 202nd Division 2027:French 153rd Division 1951:10th Reserve Division 1897:German 201st Division 1831:German 115th Division 1811:German 241st Division 1793:German 202nd Division 1790:German 211th Division 1787:German 223rd Division 1714:French 128th Division 1630:9th Infantry Regiment 1627:3rd Infantry Brigade 1597:2nd Moroccan Brigade 1583:1st Moroccan Brigade 1534:2nd Infantry Brigade 1520:1st Infantry Brigade 1492:French 153rd Division 1325:German 241st Division 1298: 1288:and the right of the 1280:was transferred from 1157: 1086:Moroccan 1st Division 1016:American 2nd Division 981: 939:American 1st Division 907:to meet with General 692:The third offensive, 597:)) was fought on the 412:Casualties and losses 8541:Paris in World War I 8380:Treaty of Versailles 8096:Mount Lebanon famine 8011:in the United States 7979:Russian occupations 7693:Turkish–Armenian War 7634:Polish–Ukrainian War 7574:Ukrainian–Soviet War 7521:Central Asian Revolt 7311:Armistice of Focșani 7041:Battle of Sarikamish 6991:Battle of Tannenberg 6387:Military engagements 2901:German 46th Division 2876:French 69th Division 2864:French 87th Division 2801:Charles P. Summerall 2502:19th Ersatz Division 2483:3rd Reserve Division 2121:Division sector was 2035:French 38th Division 1914:German 36th Division 1902:XXIII Reserve Corps 1894:German 87th Division 1874:German 40th Division 1855:German Seventh Army 1848:German 23rd Division 1842:German 34th Division 1839:German 14th Division 1825:German 42nd Division 1798:XXXIX Reserve Corps 1717:French 41st Division 1703:French 48th Division 1700:French 38th Division 1489:French 69th Division 1344:German 34th Division 1340:German 14th Division 1025:On 15 July, General 344:Crown Prince Wilhelm 302:Charles P. Summerall 8447:They shall not pass 8370:Treaty of Bucharest 8327:Treaty of Bucharest 8266:USA against Germany 8243:Declarations of war 7947:German occupations 7860:British casualties 7719:Soviet–Georgian War 7646:Egyptian Revolution 7586:Armeno-Georgian War 7450:Somaliland campaign 7409:Armistice of Mudros 7286:Battle of Caporetto 7276:Battle of Mărășești 7246:Zimmermann telegram 7241:February Revolution 7186:Battle of the Somme 7110:Bug-Narew Offensive 7085:Battle of Gallipoli 7077:Sinking of the RMS 6869:Scramble for Africa 6863:Franco-Prussian War 6519:Sinai and Palestine (n.d.). 5685:Stallings, Laurence 5652:, pp. 521, 522 5372:, pp. 319, 321 5174:, pp. 628, 636 4856:, pp. 599, 601 4015:, pp. 318, 320 3040:"Wild Bill" Donovan 3022:Oise-Aisne Cemetery 2467:Neuilly-Saint-Front 2301:5th Marine Regiment 2005:German 6th Division 2002:Army Group Reserve 1919:VIII Reserve Corps 1870:Arnold von Winckler 1647:6th Marine Regiment 1644:5th Marine Regiment 1641:4th Marine Brigade 1603:8th Zouave Regiment 1474:French Tenth Army: 1377:, and the hills of 1352:German 47th Reserve 1348:German 6th Division 1327:on the north bank. 1313:XXXIX Reserve Corps 1144:Jean Marie Degoutte 1031:German Seventh Army 1029:, commander of the 956:, commander of the 920:Supreme War Council 627:(also known as the 585:(also known as the 562:Associated articles 93: /  8407:Treaty of Lausanne 8322:Paris Economy Pact 8256:UK against Germany 8186:Entry into the war 8152:Urkun (Kyrgyzstan) 7871:Ottoman casualties 7681:Franco-Turkish War 7561:Post-War conflicts 7545:Russian Revolution 7527:Invasion of Darfur 7492:Kelantan rebellion 7480:Kurdish rebellions 7456:Mexican Revolution 7296:October Revolution 7261:Kerensky offensive 7236:Capture of Baghdad 7213:Monastir offensive 7198:Brusilov offensive 7036:Battle of Kolubara 6875:Russo-Japanese War 6211:The New York Times 5963:Bullard, Robert L. 5945:1918: The Last Act 5875:Coffman, Edward M. 5614:, pp. 965–966 5590:, pp. 140–141 5578:, pp. 237–238 5483:, pp. 229–230 5297:, pp. 227–228 5273:, pp. 117–118 5246:, pp. 319–320 5234:, pp. 115–117 5198:, pp. 220–224 5138:, pp. 109–111 5126:, pp. 335–336 5099:, pp. 108–109 5075:, pp. 106–107 5063:, pp. 105–106 5039:, pp. 103–105 5003:, pp. 101–102 4880:, pp. 622–623 4868:, pp. 601–602 4620:, pp. 204–205 4465:, pp. 233–244 4390:, pp. 189–190 4247:, pp. 664–665 4235:, pp. 267–268 4223:, pp. 219–220 4187:, pp. 370–372 4175:, pp. 369–370 4151:, pp. 141–142 4051:, pp. 323–324 4027:, pp. 321–322 3943:, pp. 325–326 3919:, pp. 237–238 3724:, pp. 235–236 3667:, pp. 225–226 3643:, pp. 224–225 3505:, pp. 299–300 3337:, pp. 827–829 3310:, pp. 944–945 3281:, pp. 141–142 3269:, pp. 250–252 2951: 2670:Lieutenant Colonel 2451:pm. At about 7:15 2444: 2363: 2296:4th Marine Brigade 2197: 1954:2nd Guard Division 1934:1st Guard Division 1865:XXV Reserve Corps 1803:Hermann von Staabs 1768:German Ninth Army 1694:French XXX Corps: 1685:Brigadier General 1301: 1164:Forêt de Compiègne 1160: 1114:American III Corps 984: 787:Commander-in-chief 463:168,000 casualties 378:Hermann von Staabs 97:49.3817°N 3.3236°E 26:Battle of Soissons 8473: 8472: 8456: 8455: 8440:The Golden Virgin 8434:Mutilated victory 8415: 8414: 8395:Treaty of Trianon 8390:Treaty of Neuilly 8297:Damascus Protocol 8170: 8169: 8130:Armenian genocide 8087:Allied blockades 8059:Belgian refugees 7842: 7841: 7752:Strategic bombing 7728: 7727: 7713:Franco-Syrian War 7687:Greco-Turkish War 7675:Anglo-Turkish War 7658:Polish–Soviet War 7592:German Revolution 7568:Russian Civil War 7551:Finnish Civil War 7384:Battle of Megiddo 7359:Battle of Goychay 7306:Battle of Cambrai 7266:Battle of Mărăști 7181:Battle of Jutland 7161:Erzurum offensive 7016:Siege of Przemyśl 6996:Siege of Tsingtao 6981:Battle of Galicia 6911:Second Balkan War 6899:Italo-Turkish War 6856:Pre-War conflicts 6842: 6841: 6732:Portuguese Empire 6648: 6647: 6610:German New Guinea 6592:Asian and Pacific 6322:"Mangin, Charles" 6226:FDMuseum (n.d.). 6104:Buck, Beaumont B. 6041:978-1-4299-4034-4 6018:978-1-78289-128-4 6005:Pershing, John J. 5996:978-1-78289-127-7 5983:Pershing, John J. 5954:978-1-4738-3476-7 5920:Harbord, James G. 5911:978-1-84884-864-1 5892:978-0-81310-955-8 5866:978-1-59884-980-6 5847:978-1-59884-980-6 5828:978-1-59884-980-6 5809:978-1-59884-980-6 5796:Zabecki, David T. 5768:978-80-268-8211-4 5749:978-1-78828-427-1 3832:, pp. 13, 40 3230:, pp. 47, 50 2805:Brigadier General 2777:Fère-en-Tardenois 2634:Hartennes-et-Taux 2245:Hartennes-et-Taux 2123:Saconin-et-Breuil 1982:VI Reserve Corps 1959:V Bavarian Corps 1939:IV Reserve Corps 1773:Johannes von Eben 1708:French XI Corps: 1497:French XX Corps: 1458:James W. McAndrew 1383:Saconin-et-Breuil 1367:Johannes von Eben 1278:German Ninth Army 1230:Robert L. Bullard 1078:Oulchy-le-Château 1001:French Fifth Army 993:French Sixth Army 989:French Tenth Army 966:Villers-Cotterêts 958:French Tenth Army 858:, fought off the 745:Marneschutz-Reims 702:French Sixth Army 576: 575: 470: 469: 447:11,259 casualties 437:13,000 casualties 427:95,000 casualties 367:Wilhelm von Woyna 356:Johannes von Eben 290:Robert L. Bullard 244:Charles E. Mangin 120: 119: 8548: 8521:July 1918 events 8400:Treaty of Sèvres 8292:Treaty of London 8183: 8182: 7961:Northeast France 7892: 7891: 7864:Parliamentarians 7797: 7796: 7759:Chemical weapons 7737: 7736: 7498:Senussi campaign 7468:Muscat rebellion 7462:Maritz rebellion 7379:Vardar offensive 7208:Battle of Romani 7176:Battle of Asiago 7166:Battle of Verdun 7130:Kosovo offensive 6905:First Balkan War 6853: 6852: 6752:Russian Republic 6661: 6660: 6455: 6454: 6397:Economic history 6364: 6357: 6350: 6341: 6340: 6336: 6334: 6332: 6316: 6314: 6312: 6296: 6294: 6292: 6276: 6270: 6262: 6260: 6258: 6242: 6240: 6238: 6214: 6196: 6194: 6192: 6180: 6178: 6176: 6155: 6136: 6119: 6099: 6082: 6065: 6045: 6033: 6022: 6000: 5978: 5958: 5939: 5929: 5915: 5896: 5884: 5870: 5851: 5832: 5813: 5791: 5787:978-089096-893-2 5772: 5753: 5734: 5717: 5700: 5665: 5659: 5653: 5647: 5638: 5633: 5627: 5621: 5615: 5609: 5603: 5597: 5591: 5585: 5579: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5555: 5549: 5540: 5534: 5528: 5522: 5516: 5510: 5501: 5495: 5484: 5478: 5472: 5466: 5455: 5449: 5438: 5432: 5426: 5420: 5414: 5408: 5397: 5391: 5385: 5379: 5373: 5367: 5361: 5355: 5349: 5343: 5337: 5331: 5325: 5319: 5313: 5307: 5298: 5292: 5286: 5280: 5274: 5268: 5262: 5256: 5247: 5241: 5235: 5229: 5223: 5217: 5211: 5205: 5199: 5193: 5187: 5181: 5175: 5169: 5163: 5157: 5151: 5145: 5139: 5133: 5127: 5121: 5115: 5109: 5100: 5094: 5088: 5082: 5076: 5070: 5064: 5058: 5052: 5046: 5040: 5034: 5028: 5022: 5016: 5010: 5004: 4998: 4992: 4986: 4977: 4976:, pp. 96–99 4971: 4965: 4959: 4953: 4947: 4941: 4940:, pp. 84–85 4935: 4929: 4928:, pp. 92–93 4923: 4917: 4911: 4905: 4899: 4893: 4887: 4881: 4875: 4869: 4863: 4857: 4851: 4845: 4839: 4833: 4827: 4821: 4815: 4806: 4805:, pp. 82–84 4800: 4794: 4788: 4782: 4776: 4767: 4766:, pp. 76–78 4761: 4755: 4754:, pp. 73–74 4749: 4743: 4737: 4731: 4725: 4719: 4713: 4704: 4703:, pp. 67–68 4698: 4692: 4691:, pp. 87–88 4686: 4675: 4669: 4663: 4662:, pp. 64–65 4657: 4648: 4642: 4636: 4635:, pp. 62–63 4630: 4621: 4615: 4609: 4603: 4597: 4596:, pp. 53–55 4591: 4585: 4579: 4570: 4564: 4558: 4557:, pp. 53–54 4552: 4546: 4540: 4529: 4523: 4514: 4508: 4502: 4501:, pp. 51–52 4496: 4490: 4489:, pp. 50–51 4484: 4478: 4477:, pp. 49–50 4472: 4466: 4460: 4454: 4453:, pp. 47–48 4448: 4442: 4436: 4430: 4424: 4418: 4412: 4403: 4402:, pp. 46–47 4397: 4391: 4385: 4379: 4373: 4367: 4361: 4355: 4349: 4343: 4337: 4331: 4325: 4319: 4313: 4304: 4298: 4292: 4286: 4275: 4269: 4260: 4254: 4248: 4242: 4236: 4230: 4224: 4218: 4212: 4206: 4200: 4194: 4188: 4182: 4176: 4170: 4164: 4158: 4152: 4146: 4137: 4131: 4125: 4119: 4113: 4107: 4096: 4090: 4084: 4078: 4069: 4063: 4052: 4046: 4040: 4034: 4028: 4022: 4016: 4010: 4004: 3998: 3992: 3986: 3980: 3974: 3968: 3967:, pp. 42–44 3962: 3956: 3950: 3944: 3938: 3932: 3926: 3920: 3914: 3908: 3902: 3896: 3895:, pp. 17–19 3890: 3884: 3878: 3869: 3863: 3857: 3851: 3845: 3844:, pp. 12–13 3839: 3833: 3827: 3821: 3815: 3806: 3800: 3791: 3785: 3779: 3773: 3764: 3758: 3749: 3743: 3737: 3731: 3725: 3719: 3713: 3707: 3701: 3695: 3689: 3683: 3668: 3662: 3656: 3650: 3644: 3638: 3632: 3626: 3620: 3614: 3608: 3602: 3596: 3590: 3584: 3578: 3572: 3566: 3560: 3554: 3545: 3539: 3533: 3527: 3521: 3515: 3506: 3500: 3494: 3488: 3482: 3476: 3470: 3464: 3458: 3452: 3446: 3440: 3434: 3433:, pp. 40–41 3428: 3422: 3416: 3410: 3404: 3398: 3392: 3386: 3380: 3374: 3368: 3362: 3356: 3350: 3344: 3338: 3332: 3323: 3317: 3311: 3305: 3294: 3288: 3282: 3276: 3270: 3264: 3255: 3254:, pp. 77–78 3249: 3243: 3237: 3231: 3225: 3219: 3213: 3207: 3201: 3195: 3189: 3183: 3177: 3171: 3165: 3156: 3150: 3139: 3133: 3127: 3122: 3097: 3094: 3088: 3074: 2961: 2957: 2937: 2933: 2917: 2913: 2909: 2893: 2889: 2884: 2852: 2847: 2840: 2836: 2828: 2813: 2773: 2727: 2718: 2707: 2702: 2691: 2687: 2667: 2663: 2650: 2646: 2642: 2617: 2610: 2584: 2580: 2572: 2564: 2535: 2454: 2450: 2435: 2419: 2415: 2411: 2407: 2378: 2369: 2352: 2347: 2343: 2321: 2278: 2241:Noyant-et-Aconin 2229: 2215: 2208: 2182: 2178: 2166: 2157: 2149: 2140: 2116: 2084:German VII Corps 2077: 2066: 2062: 2050:mm field guns). 2049: 2044: 1858:Colonel General 1689:, Chief of Staff 1624:, Chief of Staff 1580:, Chief of Staff 1517:, Chief of Staff 1483:French I Corps: 1460:, Chief of Staff 1445:, Chief of Staff 1432:, Chief of Staff 1398:Taillefontaine. 1212:Aisne Department 1208:James G. Harbord 1189:Albert J. Bowley 1173: 1141: 1133: 1126: 1074:Noyant-et-Aconin 932:Secretary of War 828:John J. Pershing 783:Sir Douglas Haig 706:Chemin des Dames 663:Spring Offensive 620:Spring Offensive 603:World War I 540:Montdidier-Noyon 508: 506: 496: 489: 482: 473: 472: 462: 461: 446: 445: 436: 435: 426: 425: 390:Oskar von Watter 388: 387: 376: 375: 366: 365: 354: 353: 342: 341: 332:Erich Ludendorff 330: 329: 314:James G. Harbord 312: 311: 300: 299: 288: 287: 278:John J. Pershing 276: 275: 266: 265: 256:Pierre Berdoulat 254: 253: 242: 241: 230: 229: 218: 217: 206: 205: 184: 182: 181: 171: 167: 165: 164: 153: 151: 150: 140: 138: 137: 108: 107: 105: 104: 103: 98: 94: 91: 90: 89: 86: 59: 58: 51: 23: 22: 8556: 8555: 8551: 8550: 8549: 8547: 8546: 8545: 8536:Philippe Pétain 8516:Battles in 1918 8476: 8475: 8474: 8469: 8452: 8411: 8343: 8336: 8307:Treaty of Darin 8275: 8237: 8193:Austria-Hungary 8179: 8166: 8147:Rape of Belgium 8074: 8046: 7994: 7988:Western Armenia 7983:Eastern Galicia 7916: 7890: 7854: 7853:Civilian impact 7852: 7838: 7795: 7724: 7556: 7486:Ovambo Uprising 7438: 7320: 7222: 7149: 7067:Battle of Łomża 7050: 7046:Christmas truce 7021:Race to the Sea 6954: 6916: 6838: 6809:Austria-Hungary 6785: 6720:Empire of Japan 6657: 6655: 6644: 6628:U-boat campaign 6614: 6586: 6548: 6500: 6446: 6427:Popular culture 6373: 6368: 6330: 6328: 6310: 6308: 6290: 6288: 6264: 6263: 6256: 6254: 6236: 6234: 6222: 6217: 6204: 6199: 6190: 6188: 6174: 6172: 6163: 6158: 6152: 6042: 6019: 5997: 5955: 5912: 5893: 5867: 5848: 5829: 5810: 5788: 5769: 5750: 5679: 5674: 5672:General sources 5669: 5668: 5660: 5656: 5648: 5641: 5634: 5630: 5622: 5618: 5610: 5606: 5598: 5594: 5586: 5582: 5574: 5570: 5562: 5558: 5550: 5543: 5535: 5531: 5523: 5519: 5511: 5504: 5496: 5487: 5479: 5475: 5467: 5458: 5450: 5441: 5433: 5429: 5421: 5417: 5409: 5400: 5392: 5388: 5380: 5376: 5368: 5364: 5356: 5352: 5344: 5340: 5332: 5328: 5320: 5316: 5308: 5301: 5293: 5289: 5281: 5277: 5269: 5265: 5257: 5250: 5242: 5238: 5230: 5226: 5218: 5214: 5206: 5202: 5194: 5190: 5182: 5178: 5170: 5166: 5158: 5154: 5146: 5142: 5134: 5130: 5122: 5118: 5110: 5103: 5095: 5091: 5083: 5079: 5071: 5067: 5059: 5055: 5047: 5043: 5035: 5031: 5023: 5019: 5011: 5007: 4999: 4995: 4987: 4980: 4972: 4968: 4960: 4956: 4948: 4944: 4936: 4932: 4924: 4920: 4912: 4908: 4900: 4896: 4888: 4884: 4876: 4872: 4864: 4860: 4852: 4848: 4840: 4836: 4828: 4824: 4816: 4809: 4801: 4797: 4789: 4785: 4777: 4770: 4762: 4758: 4750: 4746: 4738: 4734: 4726: 4722: 4714: 4707: 4699: 4695: 4687: 4678: 4670: 4666: 4658: 4651: 4643: 4639: 4631: 4624: 4616: 4612: 4604: 4600: 4592: 4588: 4580: 4573: 4565: 4561: 4553: 4549: 4541: 4532: 4524: 4517: 4509: 4505: 4497: 4493: 4485: 4481: 4473: 4469: 4461: 4457: 4449: 4445: 4437: 4433: 4425: 4421: 4413: 4406: 4398: 4394: 4386: 4382: 4374: 4370: 4362: 4358: 4350: 4346: 4338: 4334: 4326: 4322: 4314: 4307: 4299: 4295: 4287: 4278: 4270: 4263: 4255: 4251: 4243: 4239: 4231: 4227: 4219: 4215: 4207: 4203: 4195: 4191: 4183: 4179: 4171: 4167: 4159: 4155: 4147: 4140: 4132: 4128: 4120: 4116: 4108: 4099: 4091: 4087: 4079: 4072: 4064: 4055: 4047: 4043: 4035: 4031: 4023: 4019: 4011: 4007: 3999: 3995: 3987: 3983: 3975: 3971: 3963: 3959: 3951: 3947: 3939: 3935: 3927: 3923: 3915: 3911: 3903: 3899: 3891: 3887: 3879: 3872: 3864: 3860: 3852: 3848: 3840: 3836: 3828: 3824: 3816: 3809: 3801: 3794: 3786: 3782: 3774: 3767: 3759: 3752: 3744: 3740: 3732: 3728: 3720: 3716: 3708: 3704: 3696: 3692: 3684: 3671: 3663: 3659: 3651: 3647: 3639: 3635: 3627: 3623: 3615: 3611: 3603: 3599: 3591: 3587: 3579: 3575: 3567: 3563: 3555: 3548: 3540: 3536: 3528: 3524: 3516: 3509: 3501: 3497: 3489: 3485: 3477: 3473: 3465: 3461: 3453: 3449: 3441: 3437: 3429: 3425: 3417: 3413: 3405: 3401: 3393: 3389: 3381: 3377: 3369: 3365: 3357: 3353: 3345: 3341: 3333: 3326: 3318: 3314: 3306: 3297: 3289: 3285: 3277: 3273: 3265: 3258: 3250: 3246: 3238: 3234: 3226: 3222: 3214: 3210: 3202: 3198: 3190: 3186: 3178: 3174: 3166: 3159: 3151: 3142: 3134: 3130: 3123: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3100: 3095: 3091: 3075: 3071: 3066: 3057: 3048: 3018: 3013: 2992: 2976: 2959: 2955: 2954:broke. By 9:15 2935: 2931: 2915: 2911: 2907: 2891: 2887: 2882: 2872: 2850: 2845: 2838: 2834: 2826: 2811: 2771: 2764: 2738: 2725: 2716: 2705: 2700: 2689: 2685: 2665: 2661: 2657: 2648: 2644: 2640: 2625: 2615: 2608: 2600: 2591: 2582: 2578: 2570: 2562: 2551: 2546: 2533: 2530: 2462: 2452: 2448: 2433: 2417: 2413: 2409: 2405: 2398: 2385: 2376: 2367: 2350: 2345: 2341: 2337: 2332: 2319: 2303: 2298: 2293: 2276: 2253: 2227: 2213: 2206: 2189: 2180: 2176: 2173: 2164: 2155: 2147: 2138: 2114: 2110: 2105: 2100: 2075: 2064: 2060: 2056: 2047: 2042: 2023: 2018: 2017: 2016: 1907:Hugo von Kathen 1744:German Armies: 1739: 1735: 1730: 1729: 1728: 1422:Allied Armies: 1417: 1413: 1404: 1402:Order of battle 1395:St. Rémy-Blanzy 1286:Eighteenth Army 1274: 1203:In his memoirs 1181: 1171: 1152: 1139: 1131: 1120: 1102:Château-Thierry 1094: 1048: 947:Philippe Pétain 897: 772: 718:Château-Thierry 683:English Channel 671:Kaiser’s Battle 644: 579: 578: 577: 572: 568:Order of Battle 559: 545:3rd Morlancourt 509: 504: 502: 500: 466: 456: 450: 440: 430: 420: 394: 382: 370: 360: 348: 336: 324: 318: 306: 294: 282: 270: 260: 248: 236: 224: 220:Philippe Pétain 212: 200: 179: 177: 174: 162: 160: 148: 146: 135: 133: 102:49.3817; 3.3236 101: 99: 95: 92: 87: 84: 82: 80: 79: 78: 65:18–22 July 1918 52: 17: 12: 11: 5: 8554: 8544: 8543: 8538: 8533: 8528: 8523: 8518: 8513: 8508: 8503: 8498: 8493: 8488: 8486:1918 in France 8471: 8470: 8468: 8467: 8461: 8458: 8457: 8454: 8453: 8451: 8450: 8443: 8436: 8431: 8423: 8421: 8417: 8416: 8413: 8412: 8410: 8409: 8404: 8403: 8402: 8397: 8392: 8387: 8382: 8372: 8367: 8366: 8365: 8360: 8352: 8346: 8344: 8342:Peace treaties 8341: 8338: 8337: 8335: 8334: 8329: 8324: 8319: 8314: 8309: 8304: 8299: 8294: 8289: 8283: 8281: 8277: 8276: 8274: 8273: 8268: 8263: 8258: 8253: 8247: 8245: 8239: 8238: 8236: 8235: 8230: 8228:United Kingdom 8225: 8220: 8218:Ottoman Empire 8215: 8210: 8205: 8200: 8195: 8189: 8187: 8180: 8175: 8172: 8171: 8168: 8167: 8165: 8164: 8159: 8154: 8149: 8144: 8143: 8142: 8137: 8132: 8122: 8120:Sack of Dinant 8117: 8112: 8107: 8106: 8105: 8100: 8099: 8098: 8084: 8082: 8076: 8075: 8073: 8072: 8071: 8070: 8068:United Kingdom 8065: 8056: 8054: 8048: 8047: 8045: 8044: 8043: 8042: 8037: 8028: 8022:POW locations 8020: 8015: 8014: 8013: 8004: 8002: 7996: 7995: 7993: 7992: 7991: 7990: 7985: 7977: 7972: 7971: 7970: 7963: 7958: 7953: 7945: 7944: 7943: 7938: 7930: 7924: 7922: 7918: 7917: 7915: 7914: 7909: 7904: 7898: 7896: 7889: 7888: 7887: 7886: 7881: 7873: 7868: 7867: 7866: 7857: 7855: 7847: 7844: 7843: 7840: 7839: 7837: 7836: 7831: 7830: 7829: 7822:United Kingdom 7819: 7817:Ottoman Empire 7814: 7809: 7803: 7801: 7794: 7793: 7791:Trench warfare 7788: 7787: 7786: 7776: 7771: 7766: 7761: 7756: 7755: 7754: 7743: 7741: 7734: 7730: 7729: 7726: 7725: 7723: 7722: 7716: 7710: 7704: 7698: 7697: 7696: 7690: 7684: 7678: 7667: 7661: 7655: 7649: 7643: 7637: 7631: 7625: 7619: 7613: 7607: 7601: 7595: 7589: 7583: 7577: 7571: 7564: 7562: 7558: 7557: 7555: 7554: 7548: 7542: 7536: 7530: 7524: 7518: 7512: 7507: 7504:Volta-Bani War 7501: 7495: 7489: 7483: 7477: 7471: 7465: 7459: 7453: 7446: 7444: 7440: 7439: 7437: 7436: 7431: 7426: 7421: 7416: 7411: 7406: 7401: 7396: 7391: 7386: 7381: 7376: 7371: 7366: 7361: 7356: 7351: 7349:Zeebrugge Raid 7346: 7341: 7336: 7330: 7328: 7322: 7321: 7319: 7318: 7313: 7308: 7303: 7298: 7293: 7288: 7283: 7278: 7273: 7268: 7263: 7258: 7253: 7248: 7243: 7238: 7232: 7230: 7224: 7223: 7221: 7220: 7215: 7210: 7205: 7200: 7195: 7194: 7193: 7183: 7178: 7173: 7168: 7163: 7157: 7155: 7151: 7150: 7148: 7147: 7142: 7140:Battle of Loos 7137: 7132: 7127: 7122: 7117: 7112: 7107: 7102: 7097: 7092: 7087: 7082: 7074: 7069: 7064: 7058: 7056: 7052: 7051: 7049: 7048: 7043: 7038: 7033: 7031:Black Sea raid 7028: 7023: 7018: 7013: 7008: 7003: 6998: 6993: 6988: 6983: 6978: 6973: 6968: 6962: 6960: 6956: 6955: 6953: 6952: 6947: 6942: 6937: 6936: 6935: 6933:Historiography 6924: 6922: 6918: 6917: 6915: 6914: 6908: 6902: 6896: 6890: 6887:Bosnian Crisis 6884: 6881:Tangier Crisis 6878: 6872: 6866: 6859: 6857: 6850: 6844: 6843: 6840: 6839: 6837: 6836: 6831: 6826: 6821: 6816: 6814:Ottoman Empire 6811: 6806: 6801: 6795: 6793: 6791:Central Powers 6787: 6786: 6784: 6783: 6778: 6777: 6776: 6774:British Empire 6769:United Kingdom 6766: 6761: 6756: 6755: 6754: 6749: 6747:Russian Empire 6739: 6734: 6729: 6724: 6723: 6722: 6712: 6707: 6702: 6701: 6700: 6690: 6685: 6680: 6675: 6669: 6667: 6665:Entente Powers 6658: 6653: 6650: 6649: 6646: 6645: 6643: 6642: 6637: 6636: 6635: 6633:North Atlantic 6624: 6622: 6616: 6615: 6613: 6612: 6607: 6602: 6596: 6594: 6588: 6587: 6585: 6584: 6579: 6574: 6569: 6564: 6558: 6556: 6550: 6549: 6547: 6546: 6544:Central Arabia 6541: 6536: 6531: 6526: 6521: 6516: 6510: 6508: 6506:Middle Eastern 6502: 6501: 6499: 6498: 6493: 6492: 6491: 6481: 6476: 6475: 6474: 6463: 6461: 6452: 6448: 6447: 6445: 6444: 6439: 6434: 6429: 6424: 6419: 6414: 6409: 6407:Historiography 6404: 6399: 6394: 6389: 6384: 6378: 6375: 6374: 6367: 6366: 6359: 6352: 6344: 6338: 6337: 6317: 6297: 6277: 6243: 6221: 6220:External links 6218: 6216: 6215: 6205: 6203: 6200: 6198: 6197: 6181: 6164: 6162: 6159: 6157: 6156: 6150: 6137: 6120: 6100: 6083: 6066: 6046: 6040: 6023: 6017: 6001: 5995: 5979: 5959: 5953: 5940: 5916: 5910: 5897: 5891: 5871: 5865: 5852: 5846: 5833: 5827: 5814: 5808: 5792: 5786: 5778:Soissons: 1918 5773: 5767: 5754: 5748: 5735: 5718: 5701: 5680: 5678: 5675: 5673: 5670: 5667: 5666: 5654: 5639: 5628: 5616: 5604: 5592: 5580: 5568: 5556: 5541: 5529: 5517: 5502: 5485: 5473: 5456: 5439: 5427: 5415: 5398: 5386: 5374: 5362: 5350: 5338: 5326: 5314: 5299: 5287: 5275: 5263: 5248: 5236: 5224: 5212: 5200: 5188: 5176: 5164: 5152: 5140: 5128: 5116: 5101: 5089: 5077: 5065: 5053: 5041: 5029: 5017: 5005: 4993: 4978: 4966: 4954: 4942: 4930: 4918: 4914:Stallings 1963 4906: 4894: 4882: 4870: 4858: 4846: 4834: 4822: 4807: 4795: 4783: 4768: 4756: 4744: 4732: 4720: 4705: 4693: 4676: 4664: 4649: 4637: 4622: 4610: 4598: 4586: 4571: 4559: 4547: 4530: 4515: 4503: 4491: 4479: 4467: 4455: 4443: 4431: 4419: 4404: 4392: 4380: 4368: 4356: 4344: 4332: 4320: 4305: 4293: 4291:, pp. 278 4276: 4261: 4249: 4237: 4225: 4213: 4201: 4189: 4177: 4165: 4153: 4138: 4126: 4114: 4110:Stallings 1963 4097: 4085: 4070: 4053: 4041: 4029: 4017: 4005: 3993: 3981: 3969: 3957: 3945: 3933: 3921: 3909: 3897: 3885: 3870: 3858: 3846: 3834: 3822: 3807: 3792: 3780: 3765: 3750: 3738: 3726: 3714: 3702: 3698:Pershing 2013b 3690: 3686:Stallings 1963 3669: 3657: 3645: 3633: 3621: 3609: 3605:Pershing 2013b 3597: 3593:Pershing 2013b 3585: 3573: 3569:Stallings 1963 3561: 3557:Pershing 2013b 3546: 3542:Pershing 2013b 3534: 3530:Pershing 2013a 3522: 3507: 3495: 3483: 3479:Stallings 1963 3471: 3467:Pershing 2013b 3459: 3455:Pershing 2013b 3447: 3443:Pershing 2013a 3435: 3431:Pershing 2013a 3423: 3419:Stallings 1963 3411: 3407:Pershing 2013a 3399: 3387: 3383:Stallings 1963 3375: 3363: 3351: 3339: 3324: 3312: 3295: 3283: 3271: 3256: 3252:Stallings 1963 3244: 3240:Stallings 1963 3232: 3220: 3216:Pershing 2013a 3208: 3196: 3184: 3172: 3157: 3140: 3128: 3113: 3112: 3110: 3107: 3105: 3102: 3099: 3098: 3089: 3068: 3067: 3065: 3062: 3056: 3053: 3047: 3044: 3017: 3014: 3012: 3009: 2991: 2988: 2975: 2972: 2871: 2868: 2763: 2760: 2737: 2734: 2656: 2653: 2624: 2621: 2605:Parcy-et-Tigny 2599: 2596: 2590: 2587: 2550: 2547: 2545: 2542: 2529: 2526: 2461: 2458: 2397: 2394: 2384: 2381: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2302: 2299: 2297: 2294: 2292: 2289: 2252: 2249: 2188: 2185: 2172: 2169: 2127:Missy-aux-Bois 2109: 2106: 2104: 2101: 2099: 2096: 2055: 2052: 2031:French I Corps 2022: 2019: 2015: 2014: 2013: 2012: 2011: 2010: 2009: 2008: 2007: 2006: 2000: 1999: 1998: 1995: 1992: 1989: 1988:123rd Division 1986: 1980: 1979: 1978: 1975: 1972: 1969: 1968:195th Division 1966: 1957: 1956: 1955: 1952: 1949: 1948:113th Division 1946: 1943: 1937: 1936: 1935: 1932: 1931:200th Division 1929: 1926: 1923: 1917: 1916: 1915: 1912: 1909: 1900: 1899: 1898: 1895: 1892: 1889: 1883: 1882: 1881: 1878: 1875: 1872: 1863: 1853: 1852: 1851: 1850: 1849: 1846: 1843: 1840: 1834: 1833: 1832: 1829: 1826: 1823: 1817: 1816: 1815: 1812: 1809: 1806: 1796: 1795: 1794: 1791: 1788: 1785: 1779: 1776: 1766: 1763: 1752: 1741: 1740: 1737: 1736: 1734: 1731: 1727: 1726: 1725: 1724: 1723: 1722: 1721: 1720: 1719: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1706: 1705: 1704: 1701: 1698: 1692: 1691: 1690: 1683: 1677: 1676: 1675: 1674: 1673: 1670: 1669: 1668: 1665: 1662: 1659: 1653: 1652: 1651: 1648: 1645: 1639: 1638: 1637: 1634: 1631: 1625: 1618: 1613:Major General 1608: 1607: 1606: 1605: 1604: 1601: 1595: 1594: 1593: 1590: 1587: 1581: 1574: 1568: 1567: 1566: 1563: 1562: 1561: 1558: 1555: 1552: 1546: 1545: 1544: 1541: 1538: 1532: 1531: 1530: 1527: 1524: 1518: 1511: 1506:Major General 1501: 1495: 1494: 1493: 1490: 1487: 1481: 1478: 1472: 1469: 1463: 1462: 1461: 1456:Major General 1454: 1448: 1447: 1446: 1439: 1433: 1430:Maxime Weygand 1426: 1419: 1418: 1415: 1414: 1412: 1409: 1403: 1400: 1360:211th Division 1273: 1270: 1246:Paul B. Malone 1234:Taillefontaine 1198:Lizy-sur-Ourcq 1180: 1177: 1151: 1148: 1093: 1090: 1047: 1044: 909:Ferdinand Foch 896: 893: 848:trench warfare 771: 768: 708:ridge between 667:Kaiserschlacht 643: 640: 574: 573: 571: 570: 558: 557: 552: 547: 542: 537: 532: 527: 522: 514: 511: 510: 499: 498: 491: 484: 476: 468: 467: 465: 464: 453: 451: 449: 448: 438: 428: 417: 414: 413: 409: 408: 405: 401: 400: 396: 395: 393: 392: 380: 368: 358: 346: 334: 321: 319: 317: 316: 304: 292: 280: 268: 258: 246: 234: 222: 210: 208:Ferdinand Foch 197: 194: 193: 189: 188: 175: 173: 172: 169:United Kingdom 157: 144: 130: 127: 126: 122: 121: 118: 117: 116:Allied victory 114: 110: 109: 73: 71: 67: 66: 63: 55: 54: 44: 43: 28: 27: 21: 20: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8553: 8542: 8539: 8537: 8534: 8532: 8529: 8527: 8524: 8522: 8519: 8517: 8514: 8512: 8509: 8507: 8504: 8502: 8499: 8497: 8494: 8492: 8489: 8487: 8484: 8483: 8481: 8466: 8463: 8462: 8459: 8449: 8448: 8444: 8442: 8441: 8437: 8435: 8432: 8430: 8429: 8425: 8424: 8422: 8418: 8408: 8405: 8401: 8398: 8396: 8393: 8391: 8388: 8386: 8383: 8381: 8378: 8377: 8376: 8373: 8371: 8368: 8364: 8361: 8359: 8356: 8355: 8353: 8351: 8348: 8347: 8345: 8339: 8333: 8330: 8328: 8325: 8323: 8320: 8318: 8315: 8313: 8310: 8308: 8305: 8303: 8300: 8298: 8295: 8293: 8290: 8288: 8285: 8284: 8282: 8278: 8272: 8269: 8267: 8264: 8262: 8259: 8257: 8254: 8252: 8249: 8248: 8246: 8244: 8240: 8234: 8233:United States 8231: 8229: 8226: 8224: 8221: 8219: 8216: 8214: 8211: 8209: 8206: 8204: 8201: 8199: 8196: 8194: 8191: 8190: 8188: 8184: 8181: 8178: 8173: 8163: 8160: 8158: 8155: 8153: 8150: 8148: 8145: 8141: 8138: 8136: 8133: 8131: 8128: 8127: 8126: 8123: 8121: 8118: 8116: 8113: 8111: 8108: 8104: 8101: 8097: 8094: 8093: 8092: 8089: 8088: 8086: 8085: 8083: 8081: 8077: 8069: 8066: 8064: 8061: 8060: 8058: 8057: 8055: 8053: 8049: 8041: 8038: 8036: 8032: 8029: 8027: 8024: 8023: 8021: 8019: 8016: 8012: 8009: 8008: 8006: 8005: 8003: 8001: 7997: 7989: 7986: 7984: 7981: 7980: 7978: 7976: 7973: 7969: 7968: 7964: 7962: 7959: 7957: 7954: 7952: 7949: 7948: 7946: 7942: 7939: 7937: 7934: 7933: 7931: 7929: 7926: 7925: 7923: 7919: 7913: 7910: 7908: 7905: 7903: 7900: 7899: 7897: 7893: 7885: 7882: 7880: 7877: 7876: 7874: 7872: 7869: 7865: 7862: 7861: 7859: 7858: 7856: 7850: 7845: 7835: 7834:United States 7832: 7828: 7825: 7824: 7823: 7820: 7818: 7815: 7813: 7810: 7808: 7805: 7804: 7802: 7798: 7792: 7789: 7785: 7784:Convoy system 7782: 7781: 7780: 7779:Naval warfare 7777: 7775: 7772: 7770: 7767: 7765: 7762: 7760: 7757: 7753: 7750: 7749: 7748: 7745: 7744: 7742: 7738: 7735: 7731: 7720: 7717: 7714: 7711: 7708: 7705: 7702: 7699: 7694: 7691: 7688: 7685: 7682: 7679: 7676: 7673: 7672: 7671: 7668: 7665: 7662: 7659: 7656: 7653: 7650: 7647: 7644: 7641: 7638: 7635: 7632: 7629: 7626: 7623: 7620: 7617: 7614: 7611: 7608: 7605: 7602: 7599: 7596: 7593: 7590: 7587: 7584: 7581: 7578: 7575: 7572: 7569: 7566: 7565: 7563: 7559: 7552: 7549: 7546: 7543: 7540: 7539:Kaocen revolt 7537: 7534: 7533:Easter Rising 7531: 7528: 7525: 7522: 7519: 7516: 7513: 7511: 7508: 7505: 7502: 7499: 7496: 7493: 7490: 7487: 7484: 7481: 7478: 7475: 7472: 7469: 7466: 7463: 7460: 7457: 7454: 7451: 7448: 7447: 7445: 7441: 7435: 7432: 7430: 7427: 7425: 7422: 7420: 7417: 7415: 7412: 7410: 7407: 7405: 7402: 7400: 7397: 7395: 7392: 7390: 7387: 7385: 7382: 7380: 7377: 7375: 7372: 7370: 7367: 7365: 7362: 7360: 7357: 7355: 7352: 7350: 7347: 7345: 7342: 7340: 7337: 7335: 7332: 7331: 7329: 7327: 7323: 7317: 7314: 7312: 7309: 7307: 7304: 7302: 7299: 7297: 7294: 7292: 7289: 7287: 7284: 7282: 7279: 7277: 7274: 7272: 7269: 7267: 7264: 7262: 7259: 7257: 7254: 7252: 7249: 7247: 7244: 7242: 7239: 7237: 7234: 7233: 7231: 7229: 7225: 7219: 7216: 7214: 7211: 7209: 7206: 7204: 7201: 7199: 7196: 7192: 7189: 7188: 7187: 7184: 7182: 7179: 7177: 7174: 7172: 7169: 7167: 7164: 7162: 7159: 7158: 7156: 7152: 7146: 7143: 7141: 7138: 7136: 7133: 7131: 7128: 7126: 7123: 7121: 7118: 7116: 7113: 7111: 7108: 7106: 7105:Great Retreat 7103: 7101: 7098: 7096: 7093: 7091: 7088: 7086: 7083: 7081: 7080: 7075: 7073: 7070: 7068: 7065: 7063: 7060: 7059: 7057: 7053: 7047: 7044: 7042: 7039: 7037: 7034: 7032: 7029: 7027: 7024: 7022: 7019: 7017: 7014: 7012: 7009: 7007: 7004: 7002: 6999: 6997: 6994: 6992: 6989: 6987: 6984: 6982: 6979: 6977: 6976:Battle of Cer 6974: 6972: 6969: 6967: 6964: 6963: 6961: 6957: 6951: 6948: 6946: 6943: 6941: 6938: 6934: 6931: 6930: 6929: 6926: 6925: 6923: 6919: 6912: 6909: 6906: 6903: 6900: 6897: 6894: 6893:Agadir Crisis 6891: 6888: 6885: 6882: 6879: 6876: 6873: 6870: 6867: 6864: 6861: 6860: 6858: 6854: 6851: 6849: 6845: 6835: 6832: 6830: 6827: 6825: 6822: 6820: 6817: 6815: 6812: 6810: 6807: 6805: 6802: 6800: 6797: 6796: 6794: 6792: 6788: 6782: 6781:United States 6779: 6775: 6772: 6771: 6770: 6767: 6765: 6762: 6760: 6757: 6753: 6750: 6748: 6745: 6744: 6743: 6740: 6738: 6735: 6733: 6730: 6728: 6725: 6721: 6718: 6717: 6716: 6713: 6711: 6708: 6706: 6703: 6699: 6698:French Empire 6696: 6695: 6694: 6691: 6689: 6686: 6684: 6681: 6679: 6676: 6674: 6671: 6670: 6668: 6666: 6662: 6659: 6651: 6641: 6640:Mediterranean 6638: 6634: 6631: 6630: 6629: 6626: 6625: 6623: 6621: 6620:Naval warfare 6617: 6611: 6608: 6606: 6603: 6601: 6598: 6597: 6595: 6593: 6589: 6583: 6580: 6578: 6575: 6573: 6570: 6568: 6565: 6563: 6560: 6559: 6557: 6555: 6551: 6545: 6542: 6540: 6537: 6535: 6532: 6530: 6527: 6525: 6522: 6520: 6517: 6515: 6512: 6511: 6509: 6507: 6503: 6497: 6496:Italian Front 6494: 6490: 6487: 6486: 6485: 6484:Eastern Front 6482: 6480: 6479:Western Front 6477: 6473: 6470: 6469: 6468: 6465: 6464: 6462: 6460: 6456: 6453: 6449: 6443: 6440: 6438: 6437:Puppet states 6435: 6433: 6430: 6428: 6425: 6423: 6420: 6418: 6415: 6413: 6410: 6408: 6405: 6403: 6400: 6398: 6395: 6393: 6390: 6388: 6385: 6383: 6380: 6379: 6376: 6372: 6365: 6360: 6358: 6353: 6351: 6346: 6345: 6342: 6327: 6323: 6318: 6307: 6303: 6298: 6287: 6283: 6278: 6274: 6268: 6253: 6249: 6244: 6233: 6229: 6228:"World War I" 6224: 6223: 6212: 6207: 6206: 6186: 6182: 6170: 6166: 6165: 6153: 6151:9780815333531 6147: 6143: 6138: 6134: 6130: 6126: 6121: 6117: 6113: 6109: 6105: 6101: 6097: 6093: 6089: 6084: 6080: 6076: 6072: 6067: 6063: 6059: 6055: 6051: 6047: 6043: 6037: 6032: 6031: 6024: 6020: 6014: 6010: 6006: 6002: 5998: 5992: 5988: 5984: 5980: 5976: 5972: 5968: 5964: 5960: 5956: 5950: 5946: 5941: 5937: 5933: 5928: 5927: 5921: 5917: 5913: 5907: 5903: 5898: 5894: 5888: 5883: 5882: 5876: 5872: 5868: 5862: 5858: 5853: 5849: 5843: 5839: 5834: 5830: 5824: 5820: 5815: 5811: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5793: 5789: 5783: 5779: 5774: 5770: 5764: 5760: 5755: 5751: 5745: 5741: 5736: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5719: 5715: 5711: 5707: 5702: 5698: 5694: 5690: 5686: 5682: 5681: 5663: 5658: 5651: 5646: 5644: 5637: 5632: 5626:, p. 462 5625: 5620: 5613: 5612:Zabecki 2014c 5608: 5602:, p. 141 5601: 5596: 5589: 5584: 5577: 5572: 5566:, p. 237 5565: 5560: 5554:, p. 137 5553: 5548: 5546: 5539:, p. 135 5538: 5533: 5527:, p. 134 5526: 5521: 5515:, p. 235 5514: 5509: 5507: 5500:, p. 327 5499: 5494: 5492: 5490: 5482: 5477: 5471:, p. 206 5470: 5465: 5463: 5461: 5454:, p. 229 5453: 5448: 5446: 5444: 5437:, p. 317 5436: 5431: 5425:, p. 130 5424: 5419: 5413:, p. 205 5412: 5407: 5405: 5403: 5396:, p. 203 5395: 5390: 5384:, p. 326 5383: 5378: 5371: 5366: 5360:, p. 129 5359: 5354: 5348:, p. 126 5347: 5342: 5336:, p. 121 5335: 5330: 5324:, p. 120 5323: 5318: 5312:, p. 228 5311: 5306: 5304: 5296: 5291: 5285:, p. 226 5284: 5279: 5272: 5267: 5261:, p. 117 5260: 5255: 5253: 5245: 5240: 5233: 5228: 5222:, p. 115 5221: 5216: 5210:, p. 250 5209: 5204: 5197: 5192: 5185: 5180: 5173: 5168: 5162:, p. 624 5161: 5156: 5150:, p. 328 5149: 5144: 5137: 5132: 5125: 5120: 5114:, p. 109 5113: 5108: 5106: 5098: 5093: 5087:, p. 107 5086: 5081: 5074: 5069: 5062: 5057: 5051:, p. 105 5050: 5045: 5038: 5033: 5027:, p. 103 5026: 5021: 5015:, p. 102 5014: 5009: 5002: 4997: 4990: 4985: 4983: 4975: 4970: 4963: 4958: 4951: 4946: 4939: 4934: 4927: 4922: 4916:, p. 148 4915: 4910: 4904:, p. 104 4903: 4898: 4892:, p. 280 4891: 4886: 4879: 4874: 4867: 4862: 4855: 4850: 4844:, p. 604 4843: 4838: 4832:, p. 596 4831: 4826: 4820:, p. 602 4819: 4814: 4812: 4804: 4799: 4792: 4787: 4780: 4775: 4773: 4765: 4760: 4753: 4748: 4741: 4736: 4729: 4724: 4717: 4712: 4710: 4702: 4697: 4690: 4685: 4683: 4681: 4673: 4668: 4661: 4656: 4654: 4646: 4641: 4634: 4629: 4627: 4619: 4614: 4607: 4602: 4595: 4590: 4583: 4578: 4576: 4568: 4563: 4556: 4551: 4544: 4539: 4537: 4535: 4528:, p. 325 4527: 4522: 4520: 4513:, p. 296 4512: 4507: 4500: 4495: 4488: 4483: 4476: 4471: 4464: 4459: 4452: 4447: 4441:, p. 186 4440: 4435: 4429:, p. 190 4428: 4423: 4416: 4411: 4409: 4401: 4396: 4389: 4384: 4377: 4372: 4365: 4360: 4354:, p. 174 4353: 4348: 4342:, p. 238 4341: 4336: 4329: 4324: 4318:, p. 594 4317: 4312: 4310: 4303:, p. 222 4302: 4297: 4290: 4285: 4283: 4281: 4274:, p. 277 4273: 4268: 4266: 4259:, p. 247 4258: 4253: 4246: 4241: 4234: 4229: 4222: 4217: 4211:, p. 400 4210: 4205: 4199:, p. 388 4198: 4193: 4186: 4181: 4174: 4169: 4163:, p. 268 4162: 4157: 4150: 4145: 4143: 4135: 4130: 4124:, p. 237 4123: 4118: 4112:, p. 147 4111: 4106: 4104: 4102: 4094: 4089: 4083:, p. 324 4082: 4077: 4075: 4067: 4062: 4060: 4058: 4050: 4045: 4039:, p. 322 4038: 4033: 4026: 4021: 4014: 4009: 4003:, p. 317 4002: 3997: 3991:, p. 315 3990: 3985: 3979:, p. 311 3978: 3973: 3966: 3961: 3955:, p. 171 3954: 3949: 3942: 3937: 3931:, p. 245 3930: 3925: 3918: 3913: 3907:, p. 235 3906: 3901: 3894: 3889: 3882: 3877: 3875: 3867: 3862: 3855: 3850: 3843: 3838: 3831: 3826: 3820:, p. 320 3819: 3814: 3812: 3804: 3799: 3797: 3790:, p. 242 3789: 3784: 3778:, p. 241 3777: 3772: 3770: 3763:, p. 240 3762: 3757: 3755: 3748:, p. 239 3747: 3742: 3735: 3730: 3723: 3718: 3712:, p. 232 3711: 3706: 3700:, p. 116 3699: 3694: 3688:, p. 142 3687: 3682: 3680: 3678: 3676: 3674: 3666: 3661: 3655:, p. 225 3654: 3649: 3642: 3637: 3630: 3625: 3619:, p. 223 3618: 3613: 3606: 3601: 3594: 3589: 3583:, p. 307 3582: 3577: 3571:, p. 141 3570: 3565: 3558: 3553: 3551: 3544:, p. 147 3543: 3538: 3532:, p. 372 3531: 3526: 3520:, p. 160 3519: 3514: 3512: 3504: 3499: 3492: 3487: 3480: 3475: 3468: 3463: 3456: 3451: 3444: 3439: 3432: 3427: 3420: 3415: 3408: 3403: 3397:, p. 146 3396: 3391: 3384: 3379: 3373:, p. 187 3372: 3367: 3361:, p. 184 3360: 3355: 3349:, p. 173 3348: 3343: 3336: 3335:Zabecki 2014b 3331: 3329: 3322:, p. 165 3321: 3316: 3309: 3308:Zabecki 2014c 3304: 3302: 3300: 3293:, p. 164 3292: 3287: 3280: 3275: 3268: 3267:Zabecki 2014a 3263: 3261: 3253: 3248: 3241: 3236: 3229: 3224: 3218:, p. 244 3217: 3212: 3205: 3200: 3193: 3188: 3182:, p. 182 3181: 3176: 3170:, p. 218 3169: 3164: 3162: 3154: 3153:Zabecki 2014a 3149: 3147: 3145: 3138:, p. 566 3137: 3132: 3126: 3121: 3119: 3114: 3093: 3086: 3082: 3078: 3077:Le Soissonais 3073: 3069: 3061: 3052: 3043: 3041: 3037: 3034: 3030: 3026: 3023: 3008: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2987: 2984: 2980: 2971: 2967: 2963: 2947: 2943: 2939: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2904: 2902: 2896: 2879: 2877: 2867: 2865: 2859: 2857: 2842: 2831: 2823: 2819: 2815: 2809: 2808:Beaumont Buck 2806: 2802: 2799: 2798:Major General 2793: 2790: 2784: 2780: 2778: 2768: 2759: 2755: 2751: 2749: 2746:Belleu. The 2744: 2733: 2729: 2721: 2713: 2709: 2697: 2693: 2681: 2677: 2674: 2671: 2652: 2637: 2635: 2630: 2620: 2612: 2606: 2595: 2586: 2575: 2567: 2559: 2555: 2541: 2537: 2525: 2523: 2517: 2515: 2514:33rd Division 2511: 2510:10th Division 2507: 2503: 2499: 2495: 2491: 2490:20th Division 2486: 2484: 2480: 2474: 2472: 2468: 2457: 2441: 2437: 2429: 2425: 2421: 2403: 2393: 2389: 2380: 2372: 2359: 2355: 2327: 2323: 2315: 2311: 2309: 2288: 2284: 2282: 2281:Villemontoire 2273: 2271: 2265: 2262: 2258: 2248: 2246: 2242: 2238: 2232: 2224: 2220: 2210: 2203: 2193: 2184: 2168: 2162: 2152: 2143: 2134: 2130: 2128: 2124: 2118: 2095: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2072: 2070: 2051: 2039: 2036: 2032: 2028: 2004: 2003: 2001: 1997:88th Division 1996: 1994:50th Division 1993: 1990: 1987: 1984: 1983: 1981: 1976: 1974:22nd Division 1973: 1970: 1967: 1965: 1961: 1960: 1958: 1953: 1950: 1947: 1945:37th Division 1944: 1941: 1940: 1938: 1933: 1930: 1928:23rd Division 1927: 1924: 1921: 1920: 1918: 1913: 1910: 1908: 1904: 1903: 1901: 1896: 1893: 1890: 1887: 1886: 1884: 1879: 1876: 1873: 1871: 1867: 1866: 1864: 1861: 1860:Max von Boehn 1857: 1856: 1854: 1847: 1844: 1841: 1838: 1837: 1836:Army Reserve 1835: 1830: 1827: 1824: 1821: 1820: 1818: 1813: 1810: 1807: 1804: 1800: 1799: 1797: 1792: 1789: 1786: 1783: 1782: 1780: 1777: 1774: 1770: 1769: 1767: 1764: 1761: 1758: 1757: 1756: 1753: 1750: 1746: 1745: 1743: 1742: 1716: 1713: 1710: 1709: 1707: 1702: 1699: 1696: 1695: 1693: 1688: 1684: 1681: 1680: 1678: 1671: 1666: 1663: 1660: 1657: 1656: 1654: 1649: 1646: 1643: 1642: 1640: 1635: 1632: 1629: 1628: 1626: 1623: 1622:Preston Brown 1619: 1616: 1615:James Harbord 1612: 1611: 1609: 1602: 1599: 1598: 1596: 1591: 1588: 1585: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1575: 1572: 1571: 1569: 1564: 1559: 1556: 1553: 1550: 1549: 1547: 1542: 1539: 1536: 1535: 1533: 1528: 1525: 1522: 1521: 1519: 1516: 1515:Campbell King 1512: 1509: 1505: 1504: 1502: 1499: 1498: 1496: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1484: 1482: 1479: 1476: 1475: 1473: 1470: 1467: 1466: 1464: 1459: 1455: 1452: 1451: 1449: 1444: 1440: 1437: 1436: 1434: 1431: 1427: 1424: 1423: 1421: 1420: 1408: 1399: 1396: 1392: 1388: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1375:Villers-Hélon 1372: 1368: 1363: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1337: 1332: 1328: 1326: 1322: 1318: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1297: 1293: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1269: 1265: 1262: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1247: 1241: 1239: 1238:Preston Brown 1235: 1231: 1226: 1224: 1220: 1215: 1213: 1209: 1206: 1205:Major General 1201: 1199: 1194: 1190: 1186: 1176: 1169: 1168:Mortefontaine 1165: 1156: 1147: 1145: 1137: 1128: 1124: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1110:41st Division 1107: 1103: 1098: 1089: 1087: 1081: 1079: 1075: 1070: 1066: 1064: 1060: 1055: 1053: 1052:Forêt de Retz 1043: 1040: 1036: 1035:Émile Fayolle 1032: 1028: 1027:Max von Boehn 1023: 1021: 1017: 1012: 1010: 1006: 1002: 998: 994: 990: 980: 976: 974: 969: 967: 963: 962:Villers-Hélon 959: 955: 950: 948: 944: 940: 935: 933: 929: 925: 921: 916: 914: 910: 906: 902: 892: 889: 885: 881: 875: 873: 869: 865: 861: 857: 853: 852:no man's land 849: 845: 841: 836: 833: 829: 826: 821: 819: 815: 814:U.S. Military 811: 810:U.S. Congress 806: 804: 800: 796: 792: 788: 784: 781: 780:Field Marshal 777: 767: 765: 761: 757: 753: 748: 746: 741: 738: 734: 730: 725: 723: 719: 715: 711: 707: 703: 699: 695: 694:Blücher-Yorck 690: 688: 684: 680: 676: 672: 668: 664: 659: 657: 653: 652:Eastern Front 649: 639: 636: 632: 631: 626: 622: 621: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 599:Western Front 596: 592: 588: 584: 569: 566: 565: 564: 563: 556: 553: 551: 548: 546: 543: 541: 538: 536: 533: 531: 528: 526: 523: 521: 520: 516: 515: 512: 507: 497: 492: 490: 485: 483: 478: 477: 474: 460: 455: 454: 452: 444: 439: 434: 429: 424: 419: 418: 416: 415: 410: 406: 403: 402: 397: 391: 386: 381: 379: 374: 369: 364: 359: 357: 352: 347: 345: 340: 335: 333: 328: 323: 322: 320: 315: 310: 305: 303: 298: 293: 291: 286: 281: 279: 274: 269: 267:Albert Daugan 264: 259: 257: 252: 247: 245: 240: 235: 233: 232:Émile Fayolle 228: 223: 221: 216: 211: 209: 204: 199: 198: 196: 195: 190: 187: 186:German Empire 176: 170: 158: 156: 155:United States 145: 143: 132: 131: 129: 128: 123: 115: 112: 111: 106: 77: 74:Northeastern 72: 69: 68: 64: 61: 60: 56: 50: 45: 42: 38: 37:Western Front 34: 29: 24: 19: 8445: 8438: 8426: 8033: / 7965: 7800:Conscription 7764:Cryptography 7701:Iraqi Revolt 7135:Siege of Kut 7078: 6656:participants 6605:German Samoa 6539:South Arabia 6329:. Retrieved 6325: 6309:. Retrieved 6305: 6289:. Retrieved 6285: 6255:. Retrieved 6251: 6235:. Retrieved 6231: 6210: 6189:. Retrieved 6173:. Retrieved 6141: 6124: 6107: 6087: 6070: 6053: 6029: 6008: 5986: 5966: 5944: 5925: 5901: 5880: 5856: 5837: 5818: 5799: 5777: 5758: 5739: 5722: 5705: 5688: 5664:, p. 91 5657: 5631: 5619: 5607: 5595: 5583: 5571: 5559: 5532: 5520: 5476: 5430: 5418: 5389: 5377: 5365: 5353: 5341: 5329: 5317: 5290: 5278: 5266: 5239: 5227: 5215: 5203: 5191: 5179: 5167: 5155: 5148:Harbord 1931 5143: 5131: 5124:Harbord 1936 5119: 5092: 5080: 5068: 5056: 5044: 5032: 5020: 5008: 4996: 4991:, p. 99 4969: 4964:, p. 94 4957: 4952:, p. 93 4945: 4933: 4921: 4909: 4897: 4885: 4873: 4861: 4849: 4837: 4825: 4798: 4793:, p. 82 4786: 4781:, p. 80 4759: 4747: 4742:, p. 88 4735: 4730:, p. 68 4723: 4718:, p. 70 4696: 4674:, p. 66 4667: 4647:, p. 64 4640: 4613: 4608:, p. 56 4601: 4589: 4584:, p. 87 4569:, p. 54 4562: 4550: 4545:, p. 85 4506: 4494: 4482: 4470: 4463:Bullard 1925 4458: 4446: 4434: 4422: 4417:, p. 47 4395: 4383: 4378:, p. 46 4371: 4366:, p. 44 4359: 4347: 4340:Coffman 2014 4335: 4330:, p. 42 4323: 4296: 4252: 4240: 4228: 4216: 4204: 4192: 4180: 4168: 4156: 4136:, p. 82 4129: 4122:Coffman 2014 4117: 4095:, p. 61 4088: 4081:Harbord 1936 4068:, p. 62 4049:Harbord 1936 4044: 4037:Harbord 1936 4032: 4025:Harbord 1936 4020: 4013:Harbord 1936 4008: 4001:Harbord 1936 3996: 3989:Harbord 1936 3984: 3977:Harbord 1936 3972: 3960: 3948: 3941:Harbord 1936 3936: 3924: 3912: 3905:Coffman 2014 3900: 3888: 3883:, p. 28 3868:, p. 40 3861: 3849: 3837: 3825: 3818:Harbord 1936 3805:, p. 12 3783: 3741: 3729: 3717: 3705: 3693: 3660: 3648: 3636: 3631:, p. 27 3624: 3612: 3607:, p. 83 3600: 3595:, p. 73 3588: 3581:Harbord 1936 3576: 3564: 3559:, p. 67 3537: 3525: 3518:Coffman 2014 3498: 3493:, p. 39 3486: 3481:, p. 33 3474: 3469:, p. 23 3462: 3457:, p. 24 3450: 3445:, p. 88 3438: 3426: 3421:, p. 25 3414: 3409:, p. 40 3402: 3390: 3385:, p. 43 3378: 3366: 3354: 3342: 3315: 3286: 3274: 3247: 3242:, p. 77 3235: 3223: 3211: 3206:, p. 14 3199: 3194:, p. 30 3187: 3175: 3155:, p. 29 3131: 3092: 3084: 3076: 3072: 3058: 3049: 3036:Joyce Kilmer 3031: 3027: 3019: 3005: 3001: 2997: 2993: 2985: 2981: 2977: 2968: 2964: 2952: 2940: 2929: 2925: 2921: 2914:am. By 6:45 2905: 2897: 2880: 2873: 2860: 2843: 2832: 2824: 2820: 2816: 2794: 2785: 2781: 2769: 2765: 2756: 2752: 2748:53rd Reserve 2743:8th Division 2739: 2730: 2722: 2714: 2710: 2698: 2694: 2682: 2678: 2664:am. At 8:15 2658: 2638: 2626: 2613: 2601: 2592: 2576: 2568: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2538: 2531: 2518: 2487: 2475: 2463: 2445: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2399: 2390: 2386: 2373: 2364: 2338: 2324: 2316: 2312: 2308:Logan Feland 2304: 2285: 2274: 2266: 2254: 2233: 2219:Berzy-le-Sec 2211: 2202:Frank Parker 2198: 2174: 2153: 2144: 2135: 2131: 2119: 2111: 2073: 2057: 2040: 2024: 1862:, Commanding 1805:, Commanding 1775:, Commanding 1762:, Commanding 1751:, Commanding 1617:, Commanding 1578:Henri Giraud 1510:, Commanding 1405: 1364: 1333: 1329: 1302: 1290:Seventh Army 1275: 1266: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1242: 1227: 1223:Henri Giraud 1216: 1202: 1182: 1179:2nd Division 1161: 1150:1st Division 1129: 1106:Belleau Wood 1099: 1095: 1082: 1071: 1067: 1056: 1049: 1024: 1013: 985: 970: 951: 936: 928:Newton Baker 917: 898: 876: 872:open warfare 837: 822: 807: 773: 756:Scarpe River 749: 742: 726: 691: 670: 666: 660: 645: 630:Friedensturm 629: 628: 624: 618: 614: 586: 582: 580: 561: 560: 535:Belleau Wood 518: 125:Belligerents 31:Part of the 18: 8063:Netherlands 8040:Switzerland 7921:Occupations 7912:Spanish flu 7689:(1919–1922) 7683:(1918–1921) 7677:(1918–1923) 7666:(1919–1921) 7660:(1919–1921) 7654:(1919–1920) 7630:(1918–1920) 7624:(1918–1920) 7618:(1918–1920) 7600:(1918–1920) 7582:(1918–1920) 7576:(1917–1921) 7570:(1917–1921) 7517:(1916-1918) 7515:Arab Revolt 7506:(1915–1917) 7500:(1915–1917) 7488:(1914-1917) 7482:(1914–1917) 7476:(1914–1921) 7470:(1913–1920) 7458:(1910–1920) 7452:(1900–1920) 6950:July Crisis 6871:(1880–1914) 6534:Mesopotamia 6412:Home fronts 6371:World War I 6331:25 November 6311:25 November 6291:25 November 6257:25 November 6237:25 November 6175:25 November 5576:Nelson 2009 5564:Nelson 2009 5513:Nelson 2009 5481:Nelson 2009 5452:Nelson 2009 5310:Nelson 2009 5295:Nelson 2009 5283:Nelson 2009 5196:Nelson 2009 4439:Nelson 2009 4352:Nelson 2009 3953:Nelson 2009 3856:, p. 3 3491:Nelson 2009 3180:Nelson 2009 3136:Venzon 1995 2736:German Army 2655:6th Marines 2629:6th Marines 2589:1st Brigade 2549:2nd Brigade 2522:Spanish flu 2460:German Army 2344:am and 3:00 2330:3rd Brigade 2275:About 10:00 2257:5th Marines 2187:1st Brigade 2103:2nd Brigade 2063:am and 5:00 1885:VIII Corps 1819:XIII Corps 1443:Edmond Buat 1272:German Army 1121: [ 1092:Preparation 1009:Vesle River 1005:Ardre River 999:while the 997:Ourcq River 860:trench rats 776:Springfield 722:Marne River 615:Aisne-Marne 100: / 41:World War I 8480:Categories 8280:Agreements 8080:War crimes 7956:Luxembourg 7849:Casualties 6727:Montenegro 6562:South West 6442:Technology 6432:Propaganda 6422:Opposition 6248:"Build Up" 6202:Newspapers 6007:(2013b) . 5985:(2013a) . 5697:1014200224 5184:Lanza 1923 5172:Lanza 1923 5160:Lanza 1923 4878:Lanza 1923 4866:Lanza 1923 4854:Lanza 1923 4842:Lanza 1923 4830:Lanza 1923 4818:Lanza 1923 4316:Lanza 1923 4233:Lanza 1923 4209:Lanza 1923 4197:Lanza 1923 4185:Lanza 1923 4173:Lanza 1923 4161:Lanza 1923 4149:Lanza 1923 4134:Lanza 1923 3204:Evans 2017 3104:References 2990:Conclusion 2789:Courmelles 2473:– Breuil. 2402:Hanson Ely 2371:strength. 2021:The Battle 1781:VII Corps 1317:Army Group 1309:XIII Corps 924:Versailles 764:Oise River 737:Montdidier 704:along the 687:Hazebrouck 642:Background 85:49°22′54″N 8177:Diplomacy 7884:Olympians 7807:Australia 7774:Logistics 7707:Vlora War 7636:(1918–19) 7612:(1918–19) 7606:(1918–19) 7594:(1918–19) 7541:(1916–17) 7523:(1916–17) 7474:Zaian War 7464:(1914–15) 7191:first day 7079:Lusitania 6907:(1912–13) 6901:(1911–12) 6889:(1908–09) 6883:(1905–06) 6865:(1870–71) 6654:Principal 6514:Gallipoli 6417:Memorials 6402:Geography 6392:Aftermath 6191:23 August 5975:560301609 5936:238838905 5877:(2014) . 5798:(2014a). 5636:ABMC n.d. 5469:Buck 1935 5411:Buck 1935 5394:Buck 1935 4427:Pitt 2003 4388:Pitt 2003 3395:Pitt 2003 3371:Pitt 2003 3359:Pitt 2003 3347:Pitt 2003 3320:Pitt 2003 3291:Pitt 2003 3279:Pitt 2003 3228:Pitt 2003 3109:Citations 3011:Monuments 2673:Harry Lee 2396:Afternoon 1305:VII Corps 1193:Chantilly 864:artillery 856:body lice 840:doughboys 818:U.S. Army 799:Civil War 729:Gneisenau 679:Georgette 555:2nd Marne 530:3rd Aisne 88:3°19′25″E 8465:Category 8052:Refugees 8018:Italians 8007:Germans 7967:Ober Ost 7747:Aviation 6848:Timeline 6819:Bulgaria 6600:Tsingtao 6577:Togoland 6524:Caucasus 6459:European 6451:Theatres 6267:cite web 6161:Websites 6106:(1935). 6062:32412473 6052:(1938). 5965:(1925). 5922:(1936). 5687:(1963). 3081:Soissons 2699:At 10:30 2494:Sermoise 2212:By 11:00 2161:Vauxbuin 2154:By 11:00 1962:General 1905:General 1868:General 1801:General 1771:General 1620:Colonel 1576:Colonel 1513:Colonel 1441:General 1428:General 1219:Vivières 973:Chaumont 943:Cantigny 895:Planning 868:aviation 832:division 803:Atlantic 710:Soissons 635:Soissons 607:American 399:Strength 70:Location 8203:Germany 8103:Germany 8031:Germany 7951:Belgium 7936:Albania 7895:Disease 7875:Sports 7827:Ireland 7740:Warfare 7733:Aspects 6928:Origins 6921:Prelude 6824:Senussi 6804:Germany 6799:Leaders 6737:Romania 6678:Belgium 6673:Leaders 6572:Kamerun 6554:African 6489:Romania 6467:Balkans 6382:Outline 6133:2284429 6116:2456103 6096:3057351 6079:8710415 5731:1303020 5714:1303020 3085:L'Ourcq 2966:River. 2770:At 2:30 2471:Macogny 2223:Buzancy 2074:At 4:35 2029:of the 1387:Chaudun 1371:Pernant 1282:Romania 1046:Terrain 825:General 795:America 762:on the 760:La Fère 754:on the 675:Michael 611:British 601:during 519:Michael 8223:Russia 8198:France 8026:Canada 7941:Serbia 7812:Canada 7769:Horses 7721:(1921) 7715:(1920) 7709:(1920) 7703:(1920) 7695:(1920) 7648:(1919) 7642:(1919) 7588:(1918) 7553:(1918) 7547:(1917) 7535:(1916) 7529:(1916) 7494:(1915) 6913:(1913) 6895:(1911) 6877:(1905) 6834:Darfur 6759:Serbia 6742:Russia 6705:Greece 6693:France 6683:Brazil 6529:Persia 6472:Serbia 6148:  6131:  6114:  6094:  6077:  6060:  6038:  6015:  5993:  5973:  5951:  5934:  5908:  5889:  5863:  5844:  5825:  5806:  5784:  5765:  5746:  5729:  5712:  5695:  2960:  2956:  2936:  2932:  2916:  2912:  2908:  2892:  2888:  2883:  2851:  2846:  2839:  2835:  2827:  2812:  2772:  2726:  2717:  2706:  2701:  2690:  2686:  2666:  2662:  2649:  2645:  2641:  2616:  2609:  2583:  2579:  2571:  2563:  2534:  2508:, the 2498:Fismes 2479:Vrigny 2453:  2449:  2434:  2418:  2414:  2410:  2406:  2377:  2368:  2351:  2346:  2342:  2320:  2277:  2237:Belleu 2228:  2214:  2207:  2181:  2177:  2165:  2156:  2148:  2139:  2115:  2076:  2065:  2061:  2048:  2043:  1391:Vierzy 1261:Marine 1172:  1140:  1132:  1063:Vierzy 1059:Ploisy 905:Sarcus 880:Verdun 791:France 656:Allies 591:French 183:  166:  152:  142:France 139:  113:Result 76:France 8420:Other 8213:Japan 8208:Italy 8035:camps 7879:Rugby 6715:Japan 6710:Italy 6688:China 6582:North 5677:Books 3064:Notes 2069:Cutry 1379:Chouy 1130:At 11 1125:] 941:took 888:Arras 884:Ypres 752:Arras 733:Noyon 714:Reims 698:Paris 665:, or 550:Hamel 8000:POWs 7326:1918 7228:1917 7154:1916 7055:1915 6959:1914 6764:Siam 6567:East 6333:2019 6313:2019 6293:2019 6273:link 6259:2019 6239:2019 6193:2019 6177:2019 6146:ISBN 6129:OCLC 6112:OCLC 6092:OCLC 6075:OCLC 6058:OCLC 6036:ISBN 6013:ISBN 5991:ISBN 5971:OCLC 5949:ISBN 5932:OCLC 5906:ISBN 5887:ISBN 5861:ISBN 5842:ISBN 5823:ISBN 5804:ISBN 5782:ISBN 5763:ISBN 5744:ISBN 5727:OCLC 5710:OCLC 5693:OCLC 3033:Sgt. 3020:The 2849:2:00 2814:pm. 2611:pm. 2512:and 2447:6:30 2432:6:00 2420:pm. 2379:am. 2340:4:15 2226:5:00 2205:8:30 2167:pm. 2137:9:30 2117:am. 1356:28th 1354:and 1185:Betz 886:and 866:and 808:The 758:and 712:and 677:and 609:and 581:The 62:Date 1232:in 922:in 735:to 525:Lys 39:of 8482:: 6324:. 6304:. 6284:. 6269:}} 6265:{{ 6250:. 6230:. 5642:^ 5544:^ 5505:^ 5488:^ 5459:^ 5442:^ 5401:^ 5302:^ 5251:^ 5104:^ 4981:^ 4810:^ 4771:^ 4708:^ 4679:^ 4652:^ 4625:^ 4574:^ 4533:^ 4518:^ 4407:^ 4308:^ 4279:^ 4264:^ 4141:^ 4100:^ 4073:^ 4056:^ 3873:^ 3810:^ 3795:^ 3768:^ 3753:^ 3672:^ 3549:^ 3510:^ 3327:^ 3298:^ 3259:^ 3160:^ 3143:^ 3117:^ 3083:. 2903:. 2469:– 2243:– 2239:– 2221:– 1389:, 1385:, 1200:. 1123:fr 1104:– 1022:. 930:, 911:, 785:, 623:, 593:: 35:, 7851:/ 6363:e 6356:t 6349:v 6335:. 6315:. 6295:. 6275:) 6261:. 6241:. 6195:. 6179:. 6154:. 6135:. 6118:. 6098:. 6081:. 6064:. 6044:. 6021:. 5999:. 5977:. 5957:. 5938:. 5914:. 5895:. 5869:. 5850:. 5831:. 5812:. 5790:. 5771:. 5752:. 5733:. 5716:. 5699:. 669:( 589:( 495:e 488:t 481:v


Second Battle of the Marne
Western Front
World War I

49°22′54″N 3°19′25″E / 49.3817°N 3.3236°E / 49.3817; 3.3236
United States
United Kingdom
German Empire
French Third Republic
Ferdinand Foch
French Third Republic
Philippe Pétain
French Third Republic
Émile Fayolle
French Third Republic
Charles E. Mangin
French Third Republic
Pierre Berdoulat
French Third Republic
United States
John J. Pershing
United States
Robert L. Bullard
United States
Charles P. Summerall
United States
James G. Harbord
German Empire

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