
Siege of Yorktown

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1889: 1365: 1507: 1484: 522: 8989: 1453: 352: 341: 330: 319: 308: 297: 286: 275: 178: 505: 488: 465: 448: 431: 224: 208: 1262:'s redoubt on the west side of the town and redoubts 9 and 10 in the east. Cornwallis had his forces occupy the earthworks immediately surrounding the town because he had received a letter from Clinton that promised relief force of 5,000 men within a week and he wished to tighten his lines. The Americans and the French occupied the abandoned defenses and began to establish their batteries there. With the British outer defenses in their hands, allied engineers began to lay out positions for the artillery. The men improved their works and deepened their trenches. The British also worked on improving their defenses. 660: 419: 408: 397: 385: 374: 363: 1720: 192: 1198: 976: 1306:
trench. The trench was to be 2,000 yd (1,800 m) long, running from the head of Yorktown to the York River. Half of the trench was to be commanded by the French, the other half by the Americans. On the northernmost end of the French line, a support trench was dug so that they could bombard the British ships in the river. The French were ordered to distract the British with a false attack, but the British were told of the plan by a French deserter and the British artillery fire turned on the French from the Fusiliers redoubt.
63: 9503: 4213: 1121:, but his officers and Rochambeau all disagreed. Washington continued to probe the New York area until August 14, when he received a letter from de Grasse stating he was headed for Virginia with 28 warships and 3,200 soldiers, but could only remain there until October 14. De Grasse encouraged Washington to move south so they could launch a joint operation. Washington abandoned his plan to take New York, and began to prepare his army for the march south to Virginia. 1796: 570: 553: 250: 8918: 8106: 1585:
despatched to the places of their destination. Two works on the Gloucester side will be delivered at one o’clock to a detachment of French and American troops appointed to possess them. The garrison will march out at three o’clock in the afternoon; the cavalry with their swords drawn, trumpets sounding, and the infantry in the manner prescribed for the garrison of York. They are likewise to return to their encampments until they can be finally marched off.
9491: 577: 563: 546: 532: 515: 498: 481: 458: 441: 9515: 906:, engaging in tactics of deception to lead the British to believe a siege of New York was planned. De Grasse sailed from the West Indies and arrived at the Chesapeake Bay at the end of August, bringing additional troops and creating a naval blockade of Yorktown. He was transporting 500,000 silver reales collected from the Spanish subjects residents of Havana, Cuba, to fund supplies for the siege and payroll for the Continental Army. While in 1357: 1095:. Cornwallis did not pursue Lafayette. Instead, he sent raiders into central Virginia, where they attacked depots and supply convoys, before being recalled on June 20. Cornwallis then headed for Williamsburg, and Lafayette's force of now 4,500 followed him. General Clinton, in a confusing series of orders, ordered Cornwallis first to Portsmouth and then Yorktown, where he was instructed to build fortifications for a deep water port. 539: 238: 1058: 1623:
send to New York, to be permitted to sail without examination. When his despatches are ready, his Lordship engages on his part, that the ship shall be delivered to the order of the Count de Grasse, if she escapes the dangers of the sea. That she shall not carry off any public stores. Any part of the crew that may be deficient on her return, and the soldiers passengers, to be accounted for on her delivery.
667: 1609:
granted by the Count de Grasse to carry them under flags of truce to New York within ten days from this date, if possible, and they to reside in a district to be agreed upon hereafter, until they embark. The officers of the civil department of the army and navy to be included in this article. Passports to go by land to be granted to those to whom vessels cannot be furnished. Granted.
1232:, the northern end of the Chesapeake Bay, arrived, giving Washington command of an army of 7,800 Frenchmen, 3,100 militia, and 8,000 Continentals. Early on September 28, Washington led the army out of Williamsburg to surround Yorktown. The French took the positions on the left while the Americans took the position of honor on the right. Cornwallis had a chain of seven 1405: 1333:
Washington ordered that the guns fire all night so that the British could not make repairs. All of the British guns on the left were soon silenced. The British soldiers began to pitch their tents in their trenches and soldiers began to desert in large numbers. Some British ships were also damaged by cannonballs that flew across the town into the harbor.
considered to be of a more urgent nature. In 1834, the citizens of Yorktown asked Congress for the monument to be constructed, and then followed up once again in 1836, but still no action was taken. The desirability of the project was recognized in 1876 "when a memorial from the Common Council of Fredericksburg, Virginia was before Congress."
1480:(who represented the French). To make sure that nothing fell apart between the French and Americans at the last minute, Washington ordered that the French be given an equal share in every step of the surrender process. At 2:00 pm the allied army entered the British positions, with the French on the left and the Americans on the right. 1423:
the Americans with little effect. Men in the trench stood on the shoulders of their comrades to climb into the redoubt. The bayonet fight cleared the British from the redoubt and almost the entire garrison was captured, including the commander of the redoubt, Major Campbell. In the assault, the Americans lost 9 dead and 25 wounded.
parapet. The French soldiers fired back, and then charged the redoubt. The Germans charged the Frenchmen climbing over the walls but the French fired a volley, driving them back. The Hessians then took a defensive position behind some barrels but threw down their arms and surrendered when the French prepared a bayonet charge.
7441: 1602:
parole, in the proportion of one to fifty men to be allowed to reside near their respective regiments, to visit them frequently, and be witnesses of their treatment; and that their officers may receive and deliver clothing and other necessaries for them, for which passports are to be granted when applied for. Granted.
1244:. That day, Washington reconnoitered the British defenses, and decided that they could be bombarded into submission. The Americans and the French spent the night of the 28th sleeping out in the open, while work parties built bridges over the marsh. Some of the American soldiers hunted down wild hogs to eat. 2053:
Article 3 states that: "the garrison of York will march out to a place to be appointed in front of the posts, at two o'clock precisely, with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beating a British or German march. They are then to ground their arms, and return to their encampments, where they will
was signed on September 3, 1783, formally ending the war. Although the peace treaty did not happen for two years following the end of the battle, the Yorktown campaign proved to be decisive; there was no significant battle or campaign on the North American mainland after the Battle of Yorktown and in
with an iron spike). The allies were sleeping and unprepared. As the British charged Abercromby shouted "Push on my brave boys, and skin the bastards!" The British party spiked several cannons in the parallel and then spiked the guns on an unfinished redoubt. A French party came and drove them out of
1310: 1086:
With the arrival of Cornwallis and more reinforcements from New York, the British Army numbered 7,200 men. Cornwallis wanted to push Lafayette, whose force now numbered 3,000 men with the arrival of Virginia militia. On May 24, he set out after Lafayette, who withdrew from Richmond, and linked forces
Following the surrender, the American and French officers entertained the British officers to dinner. The British officers were "overwhelmed" by the civility their erstwhile foes extended to them, with some French officers offering "profuse" sympathies for the defeat, as one British officer, Captain
The hospital stores now at York and Gloucester shall be delivered for the use of the British sick and wounded. Passports will be granted for procuring them further supplies from New York, as occasion may require; and proper hospitals will be furnished for the reception of the sick and wounded of the
The general, staff, and other officers not employed as mentioned in the above articles, and who choose it, to be permitted to go on parole to Europe, to New York, or to any other American maritime posts at present in the possession of the British forces, at their own option; and proper vessels to be
At 6:30 pm, gunfire announced the diversionary attack on the Fusiliers redoubt. At other places in the line, movements were made as if preparing for an assault on Yorktown itself, which caused the British to panic. With bayonets fixed, the Americans marched towards Redoubt No. 10. Hamilton sent
surrounding them, along with muddy ditches that surrounded the redoubts at about 25 yd (23 m). Washington’s officers devised a plan in which the French would launch a diversionary attack on the Fusiliers redoubt, and then a half an hour later, the French would assault Redoubt No. 9 and the
As the allies began to put their artillery into place, the British kept up a steady fire to disrupt them. British fire increased on the 2nd and the allies suffered moderate casualties. General Washington continued to make visits to the front, despite concern shown by several of his officers over the
On September 30, the French attacked the British Fusiliers redoubt. The skirmish lasted two hours, in which the French were repulsed, suffering several casualties. On October 1, the allies learned from British deserters that, to preserve their food, the British had slaughtered hundreds of horses and
as "die deutsche Schlacht" ("the German battle"), because Germans played significant roles in all three armies, accounting for roughly one third of all forces involved. According to one estimate more than 2,500 German soldiers served at Yorktown with each of the British and French armies, and more
Five days after the battle ended, on October 24, 1781, the British fleet sent by Clinton to rescue the British army arrived. The fleet picked up several provincials who had escaped on October 18, and they informed Admiral Thomas Graves that they believed Cornwallis had surrendered. Graves picked up
The shipping and boats in the two harbours, with all their stores, guns, tackling, and apparel, shall be delivered up in their present state to an officer of the navy appointed to take possession of them, previously unloading the private property, part of which had been on board for security during
The Bonetta sloop-of-war to be equipped, and navigated by its present captain and crew, and left entirely at the disposal of Lord Cornwallis from the hour that the capitulation is signed, to receive an aid-de-camp to carry despatches to Sir Henry Clinton; and such soldiers as he may think proper to
The soldiers to be kept in Virginia, Maryland, or Pennsylvania, and as much by regiments as possible, and supplied with the same rations of provisions as are allowed to soldiers in the service of America. A field-officer from each nation, to wit, British, Anspach, and Hessian, and other officers on
The garrison of York will march out to a place to be appointed in front of the posts, at two o’clock precisely, with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beating a British or German march. They are then to ground their arms, and return to their encampments, where they will remain until they are
The British soldiers marched out and laid down their arms in between the French and American armies, while many civilians watched. At this time, the troops on the other side of the river in Gloucester also surrendered. The British soldiers had been issued new uniforms hours before the surrender and
into the redoubt. The Americans forced their way into the redoubt, falling into giant shell holes created by the preparatory bombardment. The British fire was heavy, but the Americans overwhelmed them. Someone in the front shouted, "Rush on boys! The fort's ours!" The British threw hand grenades at
After nightfall on October 6, troops moved out in stormy weather to dig the first parallel: the heavily overcast sky negated the waning full moon and shielded the massive digging operation from the eyes of British sentries. Washington ceremoniously struck several blows with his pickaxe to begin the
took Redoubt No. 10. With these defenses taken, the allies were able to finish their second parallel. With the Franco-American artillery closer and its bombardment more intense than ever, the British position began to deteriorate rapidly. Cornwallis asked for capitulation terms on October 17. After
Officers are to retain their side-arms. Both officers and soldiers to keep their private property of every kind; and no part of their baggage or papers to be at any time subject to search or inspection. The baggage and papers of officers and soldiers taken during the siege to be likewise preserved
The garrisons of York and Gloucester including the officers and seamen of his Britannic Majesty's ships, as well as other mariners, to surrender themselves prisoners of war to the combined forces of America and France. The land troops to remain prisoners to the United States, the navy to the naval
was endemic in the marshlands of eastern Virginia during the time, and Cornwallis's army suffered greatly from the disease; he estimated during the surrender that half of his army was unable to fight as a result. The Continental Army enjoyed an advantage, in that most of their members had grown up
Nos. 9 and 10. Washington ordered that all guns within range begin blasting the redoubts to weaken them for an assault that evening. Washington planned to use the cover of a moonless night to gain the element of surprise. To reinforce the darkness, he added silence, ordering that no soldier should
On the night of October 11, Washington ordered that the Americans dig a second parallel. It was 400 yd (370 m) closer to the British lines, but could not be extended to the river because the British number 9 and 10 redoubts were in the way. During the night, the British fire continued to
On October 10, the Americans spotted a large house in Yorktown. Believing that Cornwallis might be stationed there, they aimed at it and quickly destroyed it. Cornwallis sank more than a dozen of his ships in the harbor. The French began to fire at the British ships and scored a hit on the British
By October 9, all of the French and American guns were in place. Among the American guns there were three twenty-four pounders, three eighteen pounders, two eight-inch (203 mm) howitzers and six mortars, totaling fourteen guns. At 3:00 pm, the French guns opened the barrage and drove the
Five days after the British surrendered, Congress passed a resolution agreeing to erect a structure dedicated to commemorating those who participated in the battle. Construction of the monument was delayed, however, as the Confederation government had several other financial obligations that were
who had joined the British were to be rounded up by the Continental Army and placed under the supervision of armed guards in fortified positions on both sides of the York River until arrangements could be made to return them to their enslavers. Historian Gregory J. W. Urwin describes Washington's
On the morning of October 16, more allied guns were in line and the fire intensified. In desperation, Cornwallis attempted to evacuate his troops across the York River to Gloucester Point. At Gloucester Point, the troops might be able to break through the allied lines and escape into Virginia and
With the capture of Redoubts Nos. 9 and 10, Washington was able to have his artillery shell the town from three directions and the allies moved some of their artillery into the redoubts. On October 15, Cornwallis turned all of his guns onto the nearest allied position. He then ordered a storming
The French and American armies marched through Philadelphia from September 2 to 4, where the American soldiers announced they would not leave Maryland until they received one month's pay in coin, rather than in the worthless Continental paper currency. "Count de Rochambeau very readily agreed at
The French assault began at the same time, but they were halted by the abatis, which was undamaged by the artillery fire. The French began to hack at the abatis and a Hessian sentry came out and asked who was there. When there was no response, the sentry opened fire as did other Hessians on the
around to the rear of the redoubt to prevent the British from escaping. The Americans reached the redoubt and began chopping through the British wooden defenses with their axes. A British sentry called a challenge, and then fired at the Americans. The Americans responded by charging with their
across the York River, where she was scuttled to prevent capture. At 5:00 pm, the Americans opened fire. Washington fired the first gun; legend has it that this shot smashed into a table where British officers were eating. The Franco-American guns began to tear apart the British defenses.
926:. As a result of this victory, de Grasse blocked any reinforcement or escape by sea for Cornwallis and also disembarked the heavy siege guns required by the allied land forces. By late September, Washington and Rochambeau arrived, and the army and naval forces completely surrounded Cornwallis. 918:. De Grasse had planned to leave several of his warships in Santo Domingo. Saavedra promised the assistance of the Spanish Navy to protect the French merchant fleet, enabling de Grasse to sail north with all of his warships. In the beginning of September, he defeated a British fleet led by Sir 1380:
load his musket until reaching the fortifications; the advance would be made with only "cold steel." Redoubt No. 10 was near the river and held by only 70 men, while redoubt 9 was a quarter-mile inland, and was held by 120 British and Germans. Both redoubts were heavily fortified with rows of
The project was postponed once again until the battle's centennial sparked renewed enthusiasm in the resolution and prompted the government to begin building the monument in 1881 amid national support. The crowning figure was set on August 12, 1884; the structure was officially reported in a
1495:, which would allow the army to march out with flags flying, bayonets fixed, and the band playing an American or French tune as a tribute to the victors. However, Washington firmly refused to grant the British the honors that they had denied the defeated American army the year before at the 3051:
American tradition has it that the British song played was "The World Turned Upside Down." However, there was no historical record of which song or songs were played by the band. The account of it being that particular song was added to the historical record almost 100 years after the
until prevented by General O'Hara some threw down their muskets with the apparent intention of smashing them. Others wept or appeared to be drunk. In all, 8,000 soldiers, 214 artillery pieces, thousands of muskets, 24 transport ships, wagons, and horses were captured.
the allied lines and back to Yorktown. The British had been able to spike six guns, but by the morning they were all repaired. The bombardment resumed with the American and French troops engaged in competition to see who could do the most damage to the enemy defenses.
On October 7, the British saw the new allied trench just out of musket-range. Over the next two days, the allies completed the gun placements and dragged the artillery into line. The British fire began to weaken when they saw the large number of guns the allies had.
887:, disagreements arose between Washington and Rochambeau on whether to ask de Grasse for assistance in besieging New York or in military operations against a British army in Virginia. On the advice of Rochambeau, de Grasse informed them of his intent to sail to the 1247:
On September 29, Washington moved the army closer to Yorktown, and British gunners opened fire on the infantry. Throughout the day, several British cannon fired on the Americans, but there were few casualties. Fire was also exchanged between American riflemen and
1141:. Washington wanted to maintain complete secrecy of their destination. To ensure this, he sent out fake dispatches that reached Clinton revealing that the Franco-American army was going to launch an attack on New York, and that Cornwallis was not in danger. 1105:
Washington and Rochambeau discussed where to launch a joint attack. Washington believed an attack on New York was the best option, since the Americans and French now outnumbered the British defenders 3 to 1. Rochambeau disagreed, arguing the fleet in the
twenty thousand hard dollars", half of his supply of gold Spanish coins. This would be the last time the men would be paid. This strengthened French and American relations. On September 5, Washington learned of the arrival of de Grasse's fleet off the
1344:, which caught fire, and in turn set two or three other ships on fire. Cornwallis received word from Clinton that the British fleet was to depart on October 12, however Cornwallis responded by saying that he would not be able to hold out for long. 1274:
increasing enemy fire. On the night of October 2, the British opened a storm of fire to cover up the movement of the British cavalry to Gloucester where they were to escort infantrymen on a foraging party. On the 3rd, the foraging party, led by
was sent south with 1,200 men to help with the assault. However, Destouches was reluctant to dispatch many ships, and in February sent only three. After they proved ineffective, he took a larger force of eight ships in March 1781, and
1499:. Consequently, the British and Hessian troops marched with flags furled and muskets shouldered, while the band was forced to play "a British or German march." American history books recount the legend that the British band played " 1463:
On the morning of October 17, a drummer appeared, followed by an officer waving a white handkerchief. The bombardment ceased, and the officer was blindfolded and led behind the French and American lines. Negotiations began at the
The articles of capitulation, outlining the terms and conditions of surrender for officers, soldiers, military supplies, and personal property, were signed on October 19, 1781. Signatories included Washington, Rochambeau, the
led the British army onto the field. O'Hara first attempted to surrender to Rochambeau, who shook his head and pointed to Washington. O'Hara then offered his sword to Washington, who also refused and motioned to Major General
1767:, is reported to have exclaimed "Oh God, it's all over" when told of the defeat. Three months after the battle, a motion to end "further prosecution of offensive warfare on the continent of North America" - effectively a 1615:
Officers to be allowed to keep soldiers as servants, according to the common practice of the service. Servants not soldiers are not to be considered as prisoners, and are to be allowed to attend their masters. Granted.
No article of capitulation to be infringed on pretence of reprisals; and if there be any doubtful expressions in it, they are to be interpreted according to the common meaning and acceptation of the words. Granted.
1850:, concurs with the 1881 centennial account by Johnston, noting simply that when Brigadier General O'Hara presented the sword to Major General Lincoln, he held it for a moment and immediately returned it to O'Hara. 1711:, and Cornwallis failed to make any effort to press the matter. "The outcry against the Tenth Article was vociferous and immediate, as Americans on both sides of the Atlantic proclaimed their sense of betrayal." 1744:
several more provincials along the coast, and they confirmed this fact. Graves sighted the French Fleet, but chose to leave because he was outnumbered by nine ships, and thus he sent the fleet back to New York.
1215:. Rochambeau (center L), Washington (center R), Marquis de La Fayette (behind Washington, R), Marquis de Saint Simon (behind Washington, L), Duke of Lauzun (L, mounted) and Comte de Ménonville (R of Washington). 946:
two days of negotiation, the surrender ceremony occurred on October 19; Cornwallis was absent from the ceremony. With the capture of more than 7,000 British soldiers, negotiations between the United States and
2991: 1556:(the senior Royal Navy officer present). Cornwallis' men were declared prisoners of war and promised good treatment in American camps, and officers were permitted to return home after taking their parole. 1905:. The artists commissioned by the Secretary of War for the monument project included Mr. R. M. Hunt (Chairman) and Mr. J. Q. A. Ward (Architect) of New York and Mr. Henry Van Brunt (Sculptor) of Boston. 895:, was eventually ordered to build a defensible deep-water port, which he began to do in Yorktown. Cornwallis' movements in Virginia were shadowed by a Continental Army force led by Marquis de Lafayette. 2961: 1647:
Proper hospitals to be furnished for the sick and wounded. They are to be attended by their own surgeons on parole; and they are to be furnished with medicines and stores from the American hospitals.
On October 19, 1881, an elaborate ceremony took place to honor the battle's centennial. U.S. naval vessels floated on Chesapeake Bay, and special markers highlighted where Washington and Lafayette's
710: 1401:, who commanded a battalion of Continental light infantry. However, Hamilton protested, saying that he was the senior officer. Washington concurred with Hamilton and gave him command of the attack. 9568: 1175:
led a fleet from New York to attack de Grasse's fleet. Graves did not realize how large the French fleet was, and neither did Cornwallis. The British fleet was defeated by de Grasse's fleet in the
The fire on Yorktown from the allies was heavier than ever as new artillery pieces joined the line. Cornwallis talked with his officers that day and they agreed that their situation was hopeless.
7151: 1539:
with malaria, and hence had acquired resistance to the disease. As malaria has a month-long incubation period, most of the French soldiers had not begun to exhibit symptoms before the surrender.
and began the bombardment. With the British defense weakened, on October 14, 1781, Washington sent two columns to attack the last major remaining British outer defenses. A French column under
6360: 1581:
At twelve o’clock this day the two redoubts on the left flank of York to be delivered, the one to a detachment of American infantry, the other to a detachment of French grenadiers. Granted.
1102:, north of New York City. Although Rochambeau had almost 40 years of warfare experience, he never challenged Washington's authority, telling Washington he had come to serve, not to command. 9405: 6927: 1877: 1740:
Samuel Graham, commented. Equally, the French aide to Rochambeau, Cromot du Bourg, noted the coolness of the British officers, particularly O'Hara, considering the defeat they had endured.
The artillery, arms, accoutrements, military chest, and public stores of every denomination, shall be delivered unimpaired to the heads of departments appointed to receive them. Granted.
2374: 9553: 1657:
Wagons to be furnished to carry the baggage of the officers attending the soldiers, and to surgeons when travelling on account of the sick, attending the hospitals at public expense.
8954: 7068: 6619: 5188: 7494: 3200: 2119: 7191: 703: 4166: 4060:
Yorktown: a compendious account of the campaign of the allied French and American forces, resulting in the surrender of Cornwallis and the close of the American revolution;
1876:, and 198th Sig Bn) and one active Regular Army Field Artillery battalion (1–5th FA) are derived from American units that participated in the Battle of Yorktown. There are 7605: 2162: 7620: 1913:
A four-day celebration to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the siege took place in Yorktown on October 16–19, 1931. It was presided over by the Governor of Virginia
The traders are to preserve their property, and to be allowed three months to dispose of or remove them; and those traders are not to be considered as prisoners of war.
7038: 3577:
The Yorktown Sesquicentennial, Proceedings of the United States Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commission, in connection with the Celebration of the Siege of Yorktown, 1781
on April 25. Richmond was about to suffer the same fate, but Lafayette arrived. The British, not wanting to engage in a major battle, withdrew to Petersburg on May 10.
7536: 7435: 1632:
The traders will be allowed to dispose of their effects, the allied army having the right of preemption. The traders to be considered as prisoners of war upon parole.
and miners worked, putting strips of pine on the wet sand to mark the path of the trenches. The main/ initial movements of this battle were walking and riding horses.
423: 8347: 4872: 2044:), Gimat, and Colonel Laurens commanded the three (of six) battalions of light infantry in Lafayette's Light Division that participated in the assault on redoubt 10. 696: 5129: 2983: 6751: 6365: 3273: 3152: 1638:
Natives or inhabitants of different parts of this country, at present in York or Gloucester, are not to be punished on account of having joined the British army.
1158:. De Grasse debarked his French troops to join Lafayette, and then sent his empty transports to pick up the American troops. Washington made a visit to his home, 9558: 1595:
It is understood that any property obviously belonging to the inhabitants of these States, in the possession of the garrison, shall be subject to be reclaimed.
land in the old line; Cornwallis did not suspect that a new parallel was being dug. By morning of the 12th, the allied troops were in position on the new line.
9288: 9137: 8586: 7588: 7504: 1079:. He immediately assumed command, as Phillips had recently died of a fever. Cornwallis had not received permission to abandon the Carolinas from his superior, 2953: 1011: 9259: 8947: 7521: 7043: 6648: 6118: 5586: 5433: 3458: 1800: 1019: 833: 378: 125: 9264: 5783: 4463: 1763:
to report the victory to Congress. After a difficult journey, he arrived in Philadelphia, which celebrated for several days. The British Prime Minister,
9083: 8977: 5576: 9242: 9142: 8543: 7398: 6250: 5193: 5183: 3094: 1444:
then march to New York. One wave of boats made it across, but a squall hit when they returned to take more soldiers, making the evacuation impossible.
993: 841: 77: 3579: 9210: 9147: 7370: 6330: 5198: 4159: 1983:
Following the German spelling reform of the early 20th century, the town of Cassel became Kassel, long after the dissolution of Hesse-Kassel itself.
Americans Redoubt No. 10. Redoubt No. 9 would be assaulted by 400 French regular soldiers of the Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment under the command of the
9294: 9200: 8940: 7571: 7359: 7161: 3019:
Cornwallis surrendered his entire force of seven thousand men on October 19, 1781, as his band appropriately played "The World Turn'd Upside Down."
5086: 8538: 7900: 7660: 7499: 7484: 6856: 5702: 5208: 1549: 892: 9563: 8199: 7531: 7516: 7114: 6577: 6320: 1888: 1768: 1553: 526: 3889: 3540: 8578: 7828: 7690: 6545: 6535: 5596: 3544: 769: 5556: 8601: 8354: 8164: 8143: 6848: 6604: 6522: 4152: 1992:
Hostilities continued at sea, mainly between British and Franco-Spanish fleets in the Caribbean, culminating in the British victory in the
1080: 8533: 7556: 7474: 6883: 6493: 6355: 6279: 5768: 5707: 1072: 845: 557: 435: 3518: 7645: 7320: 6833: 6310: 6016: 5219: 4564: 1947: 1039:. Destouches withdrew due to the damage sustained to his fleet, leaving Arbuthnot and the British fleet in control of the bay's mouth. 6108: 4096: 3492: 1266:
thrown them on the beach. In the American camp, thousands of trees were cut down to provide wood for earthworks. Preparations for the
9543: 9467: 8670: 8220: 7509: 7489: 6828: 6184: 5591: 4892: 4815: 3196: 2103: 1130: 1065: 675: 17: 4130: 1842:
There is a belief that General Cornwallis's sword, surrendered by Charles O'Hara after the battle, is to this day on display at the
659: 8370: 7677: 7257: 6966: 6878: 6873: 6350: 5536: 5102: 4529: 4456: 829: 1386: 934: 9445: 9397: 8963: 8466: 8171: 8031: 7048: 7008: 6910: 6861: 6513: 5895: 5581: 1942: 1873: 1869: 1043: 825: 367: 2741: 8896: 8553: 7598: 7252: 7237: 6315: 6098: 5773: 5163: 4942: 1390: 8548: 8189: 7808: 7781: 6793: 6274: 5566: 4821: 4514: 2445: 2113: 1473: 4139: 8623: 8591: 7446: 7384: 7312: 7242: 7078: 6818: 6572: 6560: 6430: 5793: 4780: 1748: 1469: 509: 1707:
George Washington refused to accept the Tenth Article of the Yorktown Articles of Capitulation, which granted immunity to
1133:" to Yorktown led by Washington and Rochambeau began. 7,000 soldiers (4,000 French and 3,000 American) began the march in 30:
This article is about the battle during the American Revolutionary War. For the battle during the American Civil War, see
9353: 8617: 7990: 7954: 7895: 7885: 7176: 6425: 6305: 6128: 5571: 5561: 5551: 4449: 4175: 3144: 3039: 2078: 1506: 9254: 7833: 7786: 7771: 7561: 7551: 7391: 7139: 7003: 6400: 5788: 5763: 5697: 5622: 5546: 4877: 4539: 4524: 4259: 4077: 3959: 3932: 3913: 3800: 3754: 3735: 3716: 3695: 3662: 3611: 3265: 1952: 1828: 1364: 1083:, but he believed that Virginia would be easier to capture, feeling that it would approve of an invading British army. 891:, where Cornwallis had taken command of the army. Cornwallis, at first given confusing orders by his superior officer, 9179: 8612: 8332: 7766: 6866: 6452: 6196: 5347: 4003:. Translated by Burgoyne, Bruce E. from the 1913 Bayreuth edition by W. Baron von Waldenfels (1st ed.). Norman: 3882:"Bankrolling the Battle of Yorktown: Gold and silver from Havana enabled Washington's troops to trap Lord Cornwallis" 2403: 2010: 1922: 1902: 958: 85: 6103: 1831:, made his first public speech as president. Also present were descendants of Lafayette, Rochambeau, de Grasse, and 1808: 884: 837: 412: 9439: 8456: 8136: 8008: 7665: 7541: 7134: 6900: 6643: 6420: 6370: 6340: 6325: 6179: 5825: 5287: 5227: 5168: 1465: 3450: 9330: 8799: 8250: 7479: 7307: 7144: 7033: 7028: 7023: 7018: 7013: 6843: 6486: 6435: 5742: 5732: 5722: 4519: 4410: 1523:, his second-in-command. The surrender finally took place when Lincoln accepted the sword of Cornwallis' deputy. 1514:
Cornwallis refused to attend the surrender ceremony, claiming that he had an illness. Instead, Brigadier General
1172: 919: 911: 754: 8558: 389: 9088: 9003: 8776: 8502: 8337: 7930: 7863: 7682: 7625: 7593: 7469: 7302: 7129: 6915: 6905: 6768: 6516: 6335: 5423: 5387: 5124: 4648: 4346: 4012: 3867: 3781: 3643: 3635: 1708: 1483: 1477: 1398: 229: 8988: 7813: 8816: 8568: 8528: 8523: 8375: 8260: 8178: 7890: 7873: 7635: 7343: 7232: 7201: 7083: 6658: 6614: 5986: 5945: 5277: 4911: 4827: 4800: 1832: 1452: 1432: 1076: 492: 323: 9099: 7109: 3086: 902:
during the summer of 1781. When word of de Grasse's decision arrived, both armies began moving south toward
9324: 9230: 9215: 8787: 8490: 8265: 8051: 7655: 7546: 7405: 7351: 7327: 7296: 6895: 6380: 6201: 4810: 4551: 4004: 1500: 879:. Following the arrival of dispatches from France that included the possibility of support from the French 242: 68: 3841: 3576: 1752:
action as " his faithful Continentals—the men credited with winning American independence—into an army of
1397:. There was a brief dispute as to who should lead the attack on Redoubt No. 10. Lafayette named his aide, 1114:
was going to sail to the American coast, where easier options than attacking New York could be attempted.
9016: 8921: 8836: 8804: 8629: 8461: 8215: 8129: 7719: 7695: 7377: 7093: 6961: 6624: 6539: 6410: 5778: 5727: 5478: 5357: 5237: 5071: 4857: 4598: 4285: 1764: 6113: 5428: 9548: 9481: 9115: 8109: 7966: 7936: 7838: 7526: 7335: 6971: 6549: 6479: 6415: 5840: 5692: 5494: 4837: 4688: 4633: 4472: 4305: 4295: 3383: 3378: 1854: 852: 115: 54: 6123: 5855: 4119: 1456:
Overview of the capitulation of the British army at Yorktown, with the blockade of the French squadron
9538: 9093: 8781: 8711: 8687: 8596: 8472: 8255: 7978: 7727: 7456: 7222: 6746: 6592: 6582: 6174: 6164: 6046: 5468: 5453: 5267: 5158: 5107: 4952: 4902: 4749: 4613: 4557: 4331: 4300: 4275: 4232: 3422:
Department of the Army, Lineage and Honors, 116th Infantry. Reproduced in Sawicki 1981, pp. 227–229.
Department of the Army, Lineage and Honors, 113th Infantry. Reproduced in Sawicki 1981, pp. 221–223.
Department of the Army, Lineage and Honors, 175th Infantry. Reproduced in Sawicki 1982, pp. 343–345.
9051: 8884: 8860: 8386: 8232: 7960: 7823: 7703: 7566: 7211: 6587: 5463: 5448: 5397: 5372: 5342: 5262: 5252: 5063: 4425: 4385: 3881: 1772: 1510:
Surrender of Cornwallis. At Yorktown, VA, Oct. 1781, Nathaniel Currier. D'Amour Museum of Fine Arts
1192: 1176: 1166: 989: 947: 923: 784: 774: 739: 521: 258: 213: 31: 3304: 2006: 1857:
and its partners have preserved 49 battlefield acres outside of the national park as of mid-2023.
9078: 9073: 8743: 8719: 8660: 8563: 7735: 7630: 7451: 7426: 6993: 6823: 6813: 6756: 6390: 5950: 5617: 5504: 5247: 4842: 4739: 4643: 4571: 3224: 1476:(who represented the British) and Lieutenant Colonel Laurens (who represented the Americans) and 1018:, in July 1780 with a fleet transporting 5,500 soldiers, was encouraged by Washington and French 254: 9173: 7818: 7186: 5076: 1846:. However, U.S. National Park Service historian Jerome Green, in his 2005 history of the siege, 9433: 9110: 9041: 9031: 8854: 8771: 8644: 8507: 8391: 8342: 7581: 7576: 7364: 7181: 7171: 6976: 6440: 6169: 5737: 5499: 4962: 4932: 4504: 4415: 4400: 4290: 1783: 1180: 1099: 951: 859:, and led to the surrender of General Cornwallis and the capture of both him and his army. The 759: 2079:
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, "Extracts from the Journal of Lieutenant John Bell Tilden"
bayonets towards the redoubt. They hacked through the abatis, crossed a ditch and climbed the
9495: 9413: 9026: 8902: 8652: 8495: 8226: 7848: 7421: 7206: 7073: 6922: 6890: 6685: 6670: 6405: 6190: 5900: 5712: 5407: 5362: 5327: 5257: 5242: 5178: 4927: 4867: 4744: 4405: 4248: 3514: 2395: 1993: 1779: 1326: 1237: 1134: 1061: 1015: 1179:
on September 5, and forced to fall back to New York. On September 14, Washington arrived in
863:'s victory at Yorktown prompted the British government to negotiate an end to the conflict. 9507: 9390: 9300: 9220: 9185: 9067: 9011: 8878: 8866: 8766: 8736: 8411: 8406: 7948: 7942: 7749: 7461: 6988: 6942: 6803: 6680: 6675: 6255: 6206: 5307: 5302: 5292: 5038: 4790: 4785: 4534: 4420: 4390: 4201: 3488: 1914: 1719: 1051: 1028: 1023: 1003: 915: 764: 744: 8932: 3587:, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1932, Retrieved on April 17, 2018. 3561: 8: 9345: 8872: 8811: 8792: 8401: 8307: 8282: 8061: 7868: 7711: 7275: 7166: 6949: 6729: 6707: 6702: 6663: 6447: 6093: 5850: 5473: 5352: 5332: 5317: 5297: 5282: 5053: 4852: 4582: 4486: 4395: 4336: 4127: 4047: 1724: 1496: 1283: 1197: 1047: 749: 1252: 1236:
and batteries linked by earthworks along with batteries that covered the narrows of the
9462: 9385: 9361: 9282: 9248: 9036: 8732: 8727: 8416: 8312: 8275: 8207: 8152: 8071: 8014: 7984: 7743: 7610: 7416: 7411: 7285: 7270: 7227: 7216: 6954: 6932: 6695: 6385: 6345: 5915: 5870: 5392: 5382: 5312: 4775: 4638: 4608: 4321: 4280: 4270: 4265: 3828: 3681: 1964: 1926: 1728: 1394: 1279: 1010:, defeating the defending militia, from January 5–7 before falling back to Portsmouth. 1007: 942: 813: 312: 119: 4144: 1224:
On September 26, transports with artillery, siege tools, and some French infantry and
to move his fleet south, and launch a joint land-naval attack on Arnold's troops. The
975: 9377: 9337: 9235: 8890: 8848: 8703: 8396: 8319: 8292: 7972: 7924: 7918: 7910: 7858: 7650: 7615: 6937: 6712: 6653: 6597: 6502: 6036: 5996: 5820: 5528: 5377: 5337: 5322: 5272: 5203: 5173: 5030: 4989: 4195: 4189: 4088: 4073: 4058: 4026: 4018: 4008: 3978: 3971: 3955: 3938: 3928: 3909: 3863: 3856: 3796: 3777: 3760: 3750: 3731: 3712: 3691: 3668: 3658: 3639: 3607: 2745: 2441: 2399: 2109: 1921:
along with French representatives. The event included the official dedication of the
1824: 1804: 1732: 1515: 1338: 1313: 1293:
By October 5, Washington was almost ready to open the first parallel. That night the
1290:. The British cavalry quickly retreated behind their defensive lines, losing 50 men. 1287: 1275: 1249: 1146: 1111: 1088: 1032: 970: 821: 720: 473: 469: 452: 418: 407: 401: 396: 384: 373: 362: 334: 279: 197: 50: 3706: 1435:
to attack the allied lines and spike the American and French cannon (i.e., plug the
9425: 9271: 8639: 8485: 8439: 8081: 8041: 7803: 7791: 7672: 7640: 7265: 6808: 6781: 6609: 6564: 6529: 6375: 6061: 6026: 5935: 5920: 5905: 5865: 5677: 5367: 5048: 5043: 4957: 4882: 4832: 4734: 4623: 4618: 4380: 4253: 4227: 4070:
In the Hurricane's Eye: The Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown
3851: 2417: 2380: 1520: 1241: 1229: 1150: 1118: 860: 817: 734: 290: 89: 81: 3145:"Malarial mosquitoes helped defeat British in battle that ended Revolutionary War" 812:, began September 28, 1781, and ended on October 19, 1781, at exactly 10:30 am in 576: 562: 545: 531: 514: 497: 480: 457: 440: 9519: 9277: 9190: 9120: 8842: 8828: 8761: 8679: 8002: 7880: 7776: 7196: 6734: 6636: 6631: 6395: 5940: 5880: 5845: 5835: 5232: 5153: 5081: 5026: 4937: 4906: 4862: 4795: 4754: 4714: 4703: 4673: 4364: 4326: 4134: 4034: 3583: 3031: 2409: 999: 3819:
Idzerda, Stanley (Autumn 1981). "Indispensable Allies: The French at Yorktown".
2984:"Surrender of the British General Cornwallis to the Americans, October 19, 1781" 9225: 9152: 9105: 8634: 8444: 8302: 8297: 8287: 8076: 8066: 8046: 7796: 7280: 7088: 6776: 5991: 5885: 4887: 4719: 4708: 4653: 4628: 4341: 2739:
NASA Eclipse Website – Phases of the Moon 1700–1799; accessed October 4, 2009;
1918: 1861: 1820: 1760: 1492: 1205: 1155: 1036: 888: 356: 62: 1369: 1267: 1117:
In early July, Washington suggested an attack be made at the northern part of
On March 26, Arnold was joined by 2,300 troops under command of Major General
930: 9532: 9305: 8607: 8477: 8270: 8036: 7843: 6998: 6741: 6289: 6056: 6041: 6031: 6011: 5960: 5930: 5925: 5860: 5687: 5541: 4947: 4805: 4603: 4441: 3764: 3687: 3672: 2041: 1930: 1753: 1138: 1092: 1075:
arrived at Petersburg with 1,500 men after suffering heavy casualties at the
907: 899: 876: 856: 183: 140: 127: 73: 4030: 3942: 2421: 2384: 9021: 7996: 7853: 7290: 7156: 7124: 6761: 6690: 6284: 6001: 5981: 5955: 5875: 5682: 5627: 5612: 5458: 5443: 5438: 4967: 4897: 4698: 4683: 4577: 4545: 4038: 2370: 1957: 1901:
communication as complete on January 5, 1885, and currently resides within
1816: 1414: 1225: 1159: 872: 4212: 2413: 1908: 6724: 6051: 6006: 5910: 5830: 5717: 5117: 5112: 3982: 1843: 1795: 1107: 880: 345: 3832: 8324: 8095: 8056: 7119: 6983: 6211: 5976: 5890: 5758: 4770: 4729: 4509: 1836: 1731:, a 1783 medallion minted in Paris and designed there by US Ambassador 1436: 301: 1787:
March 1782, "the British Parliament had agreed to cease hostilities."
This article cannot be assented to, being altogether of civil resort.
Cornwallis pulled back from all of his outer defenses, except for the
Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution
8121: 6088: 4847: 4693: 4114: 2054:
remain until they are dispatched to the places of their destination."
Done in the Trenches before Yorktown, in Virginia, October 19, 1781.
1309: 1046:, who took command of the combined forces. Phillips resumed raiding, 8179:
Delegate to the Congress of the Confederation (1782–1783, 1788–1789)
6471: 4109: 3556:"General Information on the Yorktown Sesquicentennial Celebration". 1747:
On October 25, Washington issued an order which stipulated that all
By October 14, the trenches were within 150 yd (140 m) of
1356: 688: 9369: 8695: 6021: 4678: 3440:
Department of the Army, Lineage and Honors, 198th Signal Battalion.
1259: 903: 875:
to help their American allies fight the British troops controlling
Spain and the Independence of the United States: An Intrinsic Gift
1811:, commemorating 150th anniversary of the victory at Yorktown, 1781 7152:
Longfellow House–Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site
4724: 3708:
Almost a miracle: the American victory in the War of Independence
1535: 1419: 1376: 1294: 1233: 957:
The battlegrounds are preserved and interpreted today as part of
938: 929:
After initial preparations, the Americans and French built their
Sieges of the American Revolutionary War involving Great Britain
4022: 2954:"George Washington on General Cornwallis' Surrender at Yorktown" 816:. It was a decisive victory by a combined force of the American 1487:
The surrender of Lord Cornwallis, October 19, 1781, at Yorktown
1381: 1057: 1029:
fought a tactically inconclusive battle with the British fleet
From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776
1835:. To close the ceremony, Arthur gave an order to salute the 1404: 851:
The siege of Yorktown was the last major land battle of the
8962: 8348:"Report on a Plan for the Further Support of Public Credit" 4128:
The Role of the Spanish and Cubans in the Siege of Yorktown
The Yorktown Campaign and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781
The Yorktown Campaign and the Surrender of Cornwallis, 1781
visited Yorktown in 1981 for the bicentennial celebration.
Sieges of the American Revolutionary War involving France
8451: 4873:
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
party of 350 British troops under the command of Colonel
8th Senior Officer of the United States Army (1799–1800)
The Yorktown Campaign (George Washington's Mount Vernon)
The diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution
1552:(on behalf of the French Navy), Cornwallis, and Captain 4174: 1909:
Yorktown sesquicentennial and bicentennial celebrations
than 3,000 German Americans were in Washington's army.
4484: 941:
No. 9 and an American column under Lieutenant Colonel
9479: 3774:
The Guns of Independence: The Siege of Yorktown, 1781
Washington's relations with the Iroquois Confederacy
3093:. Alabama Society, Sons of the American Revolution. 2389: 9084:
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,
1860:The siege of Yorktown is also known in some German 7399:General George Washington Resigning His Commission 3970: 3855: 3266:"The Yorktown Tragedy: Washington's Slave Roundup" 3236:Fleming, Beat the Last Drum: The Siege of Yorktown 1002:sailed from New York with 1,500 British troops to 994:Southern theater of the American Revolutionary War 9211:List of places named for the Marquis de Lafayette 2097: 2095: 2093: 2091: 2031:The pitch dark of a new moon occurred October 17. 1677:Done at Yorktown, in Virginia, October 19, 1781. 1098:On July 6, the French and American armies met at 9530: 7360:George Washington and the Revolutionary War Door 2988:The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History 1880:with lineages that go back to the colonial era. 1137:, while the rest remained behind to protect the 3175:1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created 2440:. New York City: Riverhead Books. p. 229. 898:The French and American armies united north of 871:In 1780, about 5,500 French soldiers landed in 204: 174: 8201:A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress 7436:George Washington Taking the Salute at Trenton 6804:Initiated, co-wrote, 1769 Virginia Association 6321:Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War 4471: 3886:MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History 2771: 2518: 2088: 1823:, sworn in only thirty days before, following 983: 979:A plan of the Battle of Yorktown drawn in 1875 8948: 8467:Advisor, George Washington's Farewell Address 8137: 6487: 4457: 4160: 4090:A military journal of the American Revolution 3655:Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika 3545:United States Army Center of Military History 3451:"1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery Regiment" 2764: 2762: 1759:After the British surrender, Washington sent 1569:army of his Most Christian Majesty. Granted. 704: 8355:Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures 4110:Yorktown Battlefield (National Park Service) 3747:The Battle of Yorktown, 1781: a reassessment 3517:. National Park Service. February 26, 2015. 3071: 3069: 3012: 2939: 2937: 2935: 2933: 2864: 2862: 2860: 2858: 2785: 2783: 2712: 2710: 2463: 2461: 2459: 2457: 2338: 2336: 2334: 2324: 2322: 2312: 2310: 2246: 2244: 2242: 2240: 2238: 2236: 2226: 2224: 2194: 1883: 6857:1788–89 United States presidential election 5434:Washington's crossing of the Delaware River 3925:Yorktown 1781: the World Turned Upside Down 2887: 2885: 2883: 2839: 2837: 2835: 2825: 2823: 2821: 2811: 2809: 2807: 2797: 2795: 2726: 2724: 2722: 2700: 2698: 2696: 2694: 2666: 2664: 2654: 2652: 2642: 2640: 2638: 2628: 2626: 2616: 2614: 2595: 2593: 2574: 2572: 2544: 2542: 2532: 2530: 2502: 2500: 2178: 2176: 2174: 2172: 2148: 2146: 2144: 2142: 2140: 2138: 2136: 1542: 220: 9559:Sieges of the Anglo-French War (1778–1783) 8955: 8941: 8144: 8130: 6494: 6480: 6311:African Americans in the Revolutionary War 4565:Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness 4464: 4450: 4167: 4153: 4121:The French Army in the American Revolution 4001:A Hessian Diary of the American Revolution 3491:. National Park Service. August 21, 2015. 2759: 1948:List of American Revolutionary War battles 1775:. Lord North and his government resigned. 1697:En mon nom & celui du Comte de Grasse. 1491:The British had asked for the traditional 1351: 836:and a French naval force commanded by the 711: 697: 61: 8172:1st Secretary of the Treasury (1789–1795) 7829:Washington–Rochambeau Revolutionary Route 7572:Washington and Jefferson National Forests 7303:Washington Monument (Boonsboro, Maryland) 4067: 4063:. New York, Fords, Howard, & Hulbert. 3922: 3066: 2930: 2855: 2780: 2707: 2454: 2331: 2319: 2307: 2233: 2221: 2040:Hamilton (through his subordinate, Major 1702: 1468:on October 18 between Lieutenant Colonel 1389:and redoubt 10 would be assaulted by 400 1050:, then burning the tobacco warehouses at 770:Washington–Rochambeau Revolutionary Route 666: 474: 8371:New York Provincial Company of Artillery 8221:Delegate, 1787 Constitutional Convention 6967:United States Capitol cornerstone laying 6829:Chairman, 1787 Constitutional Convention 4045: 3968: 3879: 3814:. W. W. Norton & Company Paperbacks. 3744: 3711:. New York: Oxford University Press US. 3620: 3264:Urwin, Gregory J. W. (19 October 2021). 3013:Kennedy, David; Cohen, Lizabeth (2015). 2880: 2832: 2818: 2804: 2792: 2719: 2691: 2661: 2649: 2635: 2623: 2611: 2590: 2569: 2539: 2527: 2497: 2369: 2185: 2169: 2133: 2005:Conserved in the Galerie des Batailles, 1887: 1799:US Postage Stamp, 1931 issue, depicting 1794: 1782:where they remained stationed until the 1718: 1505: 1482: 1451: 1403: 1363: 1355: 1308: 1196: 1056: 974: 844:commanded by British Lieutenant General 188: 9446:Michel du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette 9398:Lafayette in the Somewhat United States 9138:1824–25 Grand Tour of the United States 8964:Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 7157:Ford Mansion, Washington's headquarters 7049:John Rutledge Supreme Court nominations 6834:George Washington's political evolution 4086: 3818: 3809: 3790: 3725: 3704: 3142: 3084: 2438:Lafayette in the Somewhat United States 1943:Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down) 922:that came to relieve Cornwallis at the 14: 9531: 8151: 7939:(step-granddaughter, adopted daughter) 7238:Electoral history of George Washington 6316:Dogs in the American Revolutionary War 4056: 3908:. American Political Biography Press. 3903: 3850: 3771: 3657:(in German). Hamburg: Severus Verlag. 3652: 3629: 3521:from the original on February 24, 2020 3495:from the original on February 24, 2020 3483: 3481: 3479: 3477: 3475: 3305:"Chronology of Events After The Siege" 3155:from the original on November 11, 2012 2994:from the original on February 22, 2016 2964:from the original on December 15, 2015 2435: 2101: 1660:They are to be furnished if possible. 27:1781 American Revolutionary War battle 9564:York County in the American Civil War 8936: 8125: 7901:Attempted theft of Washington's skull 7782:Founding Fathers of the United States 6605:Washington in the American Revolution 6501: 6475: 6228: 6153: 6081: 5652: 4988: 4822:Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania 4483: 4445: 4148: 4115:Articles of Capitulation at Yorktown. 3998: 3954:. Dumfries, VA: Wyvern Publications. 3862:. New York: Random House Paperbacks. 3795:. New York: Oxford University Press. 3679: 3601: 3263: 2009:, France. A copy is displayed at the 718: 692: 8592:Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House 7557:Washington Masonic National Memorial 7385:General George Washington at Trenton 7243:Post-presidency of George Washington 6819:Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture 6610:Commander-in-chief, Continental Army 6431:Daughters of the American Revolution 6229: 4781:Declaration of Rights and Grievances 3969:Wickwire, Franklin and Mary (1970). 3604:A History of the American Revolution 2379:, Nathan Hale and Gray & Bowen, 2105:Almanac of American Military History 2022:The moon had been full on October 2. 1530: 1503:", but the story may be apocryphal. 1447: 1219: 1124: 8333:"First Report on the Public Credit" 8216:Delegate, 1786 Annapolis Convention 7896:George Washington Memorial Building 6962:Presidential Succession Act of 1792 6426:Children of the American Revolution 6306:Timeline of the American Revolution 4176:Virginia in the American Revolution 3507: 3472: 3143:McNeill, J. R. (October 18, 2010). 3087:"Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown" 2388:, vol. XI, pp. 464–465n. See also 1368:The storming of Redoubt No. 10, by 24: 9265:Lafayette Square Historic District 9255:Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C. 7562:George Washington Memorial Parkway 7552:Washington University in St. Louis 5087:European allies of King George III 4943:British credit crisis of 1772–1773 4878:Committee of Secret Correspondence 4540:No taxation without representation 4260:Give me liberty, or give me death! 4052:. New York, Harper & Brothers. 3991: 3973:Cornwallis: The American Adventure 3276:from the original on 20 March 2022 3270:Journal of the American Revolution 3097:from the original on March 6, 2017 3085:Manning, Jack (October 19, 2016). 2958:The American Revolution, 1763–1783 2742:"NASA – Moon Phases: 1701 to 1800" 1953:List of George Washington articles 1560:Articles of Capitulation, Yorktown 1048:defeating the militia at Blandford 25: 9580: 8613:Hamilton Grange National Memorial 8256:Revenue Marine (U.S. Coast Guard) 6752:Resignation as commander-in-chief 6453:Museum of the American Revolution 4103: 3952:Infantry Regiments of the US Army 3880:Mitchell, Barbara (Spring 2007). 3874:General George Washington Lengel. 3839: 3564:. September 18, 1931. p. 13. 3365: 3197:"Mount Vernon, essay and outline" 3017:. Cengage Learning. p. 153. 2011:Colonial National Historical Park 1923:Colonial National Historical Park 1903:Colonial National Historical Park 959:Colonial National Historical Park 9544:Battles of the Yorktown Campaign 9513: 9501: 9489: 9440:Georges Washington de La Fayette 8987: 8917: 8916: 8338:"Second Report on Public Credit" 8105: 8104: 7886:Mount Vernon Ladies' Association 7666:Mount Rushmore Anniversary coins 7371:Washington Crossing the Delaware 6809:Initiated, 1774 Fairfax Resolves 6644:New York and New Jersey campaign 6341:Continental Currency dollar coin 6326:Women in the American Revolution 4211: 4123:at the John Carter Brown Library 4093:. Boston, Cottons & Barnard. 3568: 3549: 3543:of the siege republished by the 3533: 3443: 3434: 3425: 3416: 3407: 3398: 3371: 3091:The American Patriotic Chronicle 1868:Four Army National Guard units ( 1723:The victory at Yorktown and the 1286:'s Virginia militia, led by the 1087:with those under the command of 665: 658: 575: 568: 561: 551: 544: 537: 530: 520: 513: 503: 496: 486: 479: 463: 456: 446: 439: 429: 417: 406: 395: 383: 372: 361: 350: 339: 328: 317: 306: 295: 284: 273: 248: 236: 222: 206: 190: 176: 9331:Lafayette (We Hear You Calling) 8800:"American System" economic plan 8251:First Bank of the United States 7392:Washington at Verplanck's Point 7308:Washington Monument (Baltimore) 7177:President's House, Philadelphia 7014:State of the Union Address 1790 6436:Sons of the American Revolution 4281:Formation of Ethiopian Regiment 4271:Formation of Culpeper Minutemen 3892:from the original on 2016-08-11 3840:Johnston, Henry Phelps (1881). 3594: 3461:from the original on 2012-04-18 3359: 3350: 3341: 3332: 3323: 3297: 3288: 3257: 3248: 3239: 3230: 3214: 3203:from the original on 2020-09-20 3189: 3180: 3167: 3136: 3127: 3118: 3109: 3078: 3057: 3042:from the original on 2017-07-16 3024: 3006: 2976: 2946: 2921: 2912: 2903: 2894: 2871: 2846: 2733: 2682: 2673: 2602: 2581: 2560: 2551: 2509: 2488: 2479: 2470: 2429: 2363: 2354: 2345: 2298: 2289: 2280: 2271: 2262: 2253: 2212: 2203: 2122:from the original on 2022-10-19 2047: 2034: 2025: 2016: 1999: 1917:and attended by then President 912:Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis 104:September 28 – October 19, 1781 8777:American Philosophical Society 8602:Alexander Hamilton High School 7931:George Washington Parke Custis 7864:American Philosophical Society 7626:America the Beautiful quarters 7470:George Washington on Horseback 7422:The Washington Family portrait 6769:Washington Before Boston Medal 6517:President of the United States 6336:Continental currency banknotes 5424:Staten Island Peace Conference 4347:Virginia Declaration of Rights 3636:University of New Mexico Press 2155: 2072: 1986: 1977: 1878:thirty current U.S. Army units 1399:Jean-Joseph Sourbader de Gimat 1300: 13: 1: 9373:(1997 documentary miniseries) 7661:250th Anniversary half dollar 7621:D.C. and territories quarters 7442:Reception at Trenton painting 7233:Washington and Lee University 7202:James River and Kanawha Canal 7044:Federal judicial appointments 6659:Battle of the Assunpink Creek 6154: 5130:German supporters of Congress 4828:Massachusetts Circular Letter 4068:Philbrick, Nathaniel (2018). 4057:Patton, Jacob Harris (1882). 3999:Döhla, Johann Conrad (1990). 3810:Hibbert, Christopher (2002). 3749:. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 3683:The Campaign that Won America 2390:Richard N. Rosenfeld (1997). 2060: 2013:Visitors' Center in Yorktown. 1778:Washington moved his army to 1278:, went out but collided with 1209: 1077:Battle of Guilford Courthouse 1020:Lieutenant General Rochambeau 607:: 10,800 men and 29 warships 324:Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben 9231:Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania 9216:Fayetteville, North Carolina 9180:Château de la Grange-Bléneau 8788:New York Manumission Society 8266:Hamiltonian economic program 7933:(step-grandson, adopted son) 7547:George Washington University 7406:Surrender of Lord Cornwallis 7297:The Apotheosis of Washington 6896:Cabinet of the United States 6824:1785 Mount Vernon Conference 4811:Committees of correspondence 4411:Battle of Spencer's Ordinary 4005:University of Oklahoma Press 3977:. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 3949: 3730:. New York: The Dial Press. 3625:. Gareth Stevens Publishing. 2065: 1967:ships named after the battle 1714: 1501:The World Turn'd Upside Down 1393:troops under the command of 1186: 69:Surrender of Lord Cornwallis 7: 9089:Women's March on Versailles 8837:Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton 8630:Hamilton Heights, Manhattan 8462:Pacificus-Helvidius Debates 7378:The Passage of the Delaware 7172:Second Presidential Mansion 6540:Second Continental Congress 6448:Charters of Freedom Rotunda 5653: 5479:Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783 5464:Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1781 5238:Capture of Fort Ticonderoga 4893:Declaration of Independence 4858:Second Continental Congress 4046:Johnston, Henry P. (1881). 3923:Morrissey, Brendan (1997). 3791:Herring, George C. (2011). 3776:. New York: Savas Beattie. 3606:. New York: Da Capo Press. 3515:"Yorktown Victory Monument" 3489:"Yorktown Victory Monument" 1936: 984:Franco-American cooperation 866: 600:3,100 militia (not engaged) 10: 9585: 9325:1825 Samuel Morse painting 9116:War of the First Coalition 8544:Columbia University statue 7967:Elizabeth Washington Lewis 7594:Washington–Franklin Issues 7167:First Presidential Mansion 6972:Proclamation of Neutrality 6874:1792 presidential election 6550:First Continental Congress 6528:Commander-in-Chief of the 6523:Senior Officer of the Army 6331:Financial costs of the war 4838:First Continental Congress 4689:Royal Proclamation of 1763 4634:Second Rockingham ministry 4473:American Revolutionary War 4306:Fourth Virginia Convention 4296:Second Virginia Convention 3950:Sawicki, James A. (1981). 3772:Greene, Jerome A. (2005). 3630:Chávez, Thomas E. (2002). 3384:American Battlefield Trust 1855:American Battlefield Trust 1360:Storming of Redoubt No. 10 1190: 1164: 1162:, on his way to Yorktown. 987: 968: 964: 853:American Revolutionary War 574:Johann von Seybothen  55:American Revolutionary War 29: 9468:Honorary U.S. citizenship 9455: 9424: 9317: 9199: 9166: 9130: 9060: 8996: 8985: 8970: 8912: 8827: 8754: 8699:(1997 documentary series) 8669: 8597:Alexander Hamilton Bridge 8577: 8516: 8503:Relationship with slavery 8473:Society of the Cincinnati 8471:President General of the 8452:Founder, Bank of New York 8440:Founder, Federalist Party 8432: 8363: 8241: 8188: 8159: 8090: 8024: 7909: 7759: 7729:The War that Made America 7457:Princeton Battle Monument 7251: 7223:Society of the Cincinnati 7221:President General of the 7102: 7059: 7004:Thanksgiving Proclamation 6911:Secretary of the Treasury 6842: 6792: 6620:Washington's headquarters 6593:Battle of the Monongahela 6559: 6509: 6298: 6267: 6243: 6239: 6224: 6185:Constitutional Convention 6165:Society of the Cincinnati 6160: 6149: 6074: 5969: 5813: 5806: 5751: 5670: 5663: 5659: 5648: 5605: 5527: 5513: 5487: 5454:Carlisle Peace Commission 5416: 5288:Siege of Fort Ticonderoga 5217: 5142: 5095: 5062: 5025: 5018: 5014: 4984: 4953:Hutchinson letters affair 4920: 4903:Articles of Confederation 4763: 4750:Proclamation of Rebellion 4662: 4614:First Rockingham ministry 4591: 4558:All men are created equal 4497: 4493: 4479: 4373: 4357: 4332:Fifth Virginia Convention 4327:Formation of Lee's Legion 4314: 4301:Third Virginia Convention 4241: 4233:First Virginia Convention 4220: 4209: 4182: 3904:Reeves, Thomas C (1975). 3858:General George Washington 3558:Daily Press, Newport News 2108:. ABC-CLIO. p. 369. 1892:Yorktown Victory Monument 1884:Yorktown Victory Monument 1790: 1408:Storming of Redoubt No. 9 730: 653: 647:326–595 wounded prisoners 634: 583: 265: 168: 96: 60: 48: 43: 18:Battle of Yorktown (1781) 9381:(2002 television series) 9289:Lafayette College statue 9052:Franco-American alliance 8861:James Alexander Hamilton 8491:Hamilton–Reynolds affair 8343:"Report On Manufactures" 8233:New York Circular Letter 7961:Augustine Washington Jr. 7721:Turn: Washington's Spies 7567:George Washington Bridge 7212:Congressional Gold Medal 6891:Title of "Mr. President" 6625:office and sleeping tent 6588:Battle of Fort Necessity 5449:Entry of France into war 5064:Kingdom of Great Britain 4426:Battle of the Chesapeake 4386:Skirmish at Waters Creek 4286:Battle of Kemp's Landing 4097:Articles of capitulation 3846:. Harper & Brothers. 3726:Fleming, Thomas (1970). 3705:Ferling, John E (2007). 3220:Skemp, Shiela L. (1990) 2102:Tucker, Spencer (2013). 1971: 1848:The Guns of Independence 1773:British House of Commons 1543:Articles of capitulation 1193:Yorktown order of battle 1177:Battle of the Chesapeake 1167:Battle of the Chesapeake 990:Franco-American alliance 950:began, resulting in the 924:Battle of the Chesapeake 679:Location within Virginia 612:: 19,800 (fewer engaged) 558:August Voit von Salzburg 543:Matthias von Fuchs  32:Siege of Yorktown (1862) 9354:La Révolution française 9079:National Guard (France) 9074:Estates General of 1789 8661:Trinity Church Cemetery 8587:Boyhood home and museum 8011:(2nd great-grandfather) 7631:American Women quarters 7537:Washington, D.C. statue 7452:Trenton Battle Monument 7428:Washington at Princeton 7120:Ferry Farm boyhood home 6994:Slave Trade Act of 1794 6928:Oath Administration Act 6814:Continental Association 6757:Badge of Military Merit 6649:Delaware River crossing 6180:Ratification Day (1784) 5505:Second Anglo-Mysore War 5189:Northern after Saratoga 5169:New York and New Jersey 4843:Continental Association 4740:Conciliatory Resolution 4599:Pitt–Newcastle ministry 4572:Consent of the governed 4087:Thacher, James (1827). 3745:Grainger, John (2005). 3653:Cronau, Rudolf (2010). 3621:Anderson, Dale (2004). 3311:. National Park Service 3225:Oxford University Press 3032:"Cornwallis' Surrender" 2960:. Library of Congress. 1819:were placed. President 1352:Assault on the redoubts 952:Treaty of Paris of 1783 160:Franco-American victory 9434:Adrienne de La Fayette 9111:Champ de Mars massacre 9042:Battle of Green Spring 9032:Battle of Rhode Island 8897:Alexander Hamilton Jr. 8855:Alexander Hamilton Jr. 8772:American Enlightenment 8707:(2002 animated series) 7577:Washington Square Park 7365:Revolutionary War Door 7182:Germantown White House 7084:Washington and slavery 6977:Neutrality Act of 1794 6441:Sons of the Revolution 6170:Treaty of Paris (1783) 5500:Fourth Anglo-Dutch War 5495:Cherokee–American wars 5108:Franco-American Treaty 4963:Philadelphia Tea Party 4933:Treaty of Paris (1763) 4912:Confederation Congress 4505:American Enlightenment 4416:Battle of Green Spring 4291:Battle of Great Bridge 4276:Dunmore's Proclamation 3623:The Battle of Yorktown 3574:Bland, Schuyler Otis, 3539:1931 Army War College 3379:"Yorktown Battlefield" 2436:Vowell, Sarah (2015). 1925:, which also includes 1893: 1812: 1736: 1703:Article 10 controversy 1693:Le Comte de Rochambeau 1511: 1488: 1457: 1409: 1372: 1361: 1317: 1216: 1181:Williamsburg, Virginia 1068: 998:On December 20, 1780, 980: 824:with support from the 820:troops led by General 266:Commanders and leaders 72:, an 1820 portrait by 9176:(birthplace and home) 9100:Fête de la Fédération 9027:Battle of Barren Hill 8903:Allan McLane Hamilton 8620:(Columbia University) 8497:Rutgers v. Waddington 8480:New-York Evening Post 8457:Bank of North America 8227:The Federalist Papers 7891:Mount Vernon replicas 7849:General of the Armies 7824:Washington's Crossing 7656:Washington half eagle 7286:Washington's Birthday 7207:Mountain Road Lottery 7074:The Washington Papers 6923:Judiciary Act of 1789 6686:Battle of White Marsh 6671:Philadelphia campaign 6578:French and Indian War 6386:Washington's Birthday 6191:The Federalist Papers 6175:Evacuation Day (1783) 5228:Lexington and Concord 4928:French and Indian War 4868:Olive Branch Petition 4406:Raid on Point of Fork 4249:Fincastle Resolutions 3680:Davis, Burke (2007). 3560:. Newport, Virginia: 3036:Visiting 2007:Château de Versailles 1994:Battle of the Saintes 1891: 1798: 1780:New Windsor, New York 1722: 1509: 1486: 1455: 1407: 1367: 1359: 1312: 1200: 1135:Newport, Rhode Island 1062:National Park Service 1060: 1016:Newport, Rhode Island 978: 935:Vicomte de Deux-Ponts 910:, de Grasse met with 810:surrender at Yorktown 635:Casualties and losses 141:37.23083°N 76.50250°W 9301:Lafayette Escadrille 9243:New York City statue 9221:Lafayette, Louisiana 9186:Lafayette Land Grant 9174:Château de Chavaniac 9143:New York City parade 9068:Assembly of Notables 9017:Battle of Gloucester 9012:Battle of Brandywine 9004:French frigate  8879:Eliza Hamilton Holly 8867:John Church Hamilton 8767:Age of Enlightenment 8539:U.S. Treasury statue 8261:U.S. Customs Service 7949:Mary Ball Washington 7943:Augustine Washington 7937:Eleanor Parke Custis 7814:Cherry-tree anecdote 7697:A More Perfect Union 7646:Silver bullion coins 7505:New York City statue 7069:Presidential library 6943:Militia Acts of 1792 6884:Reception at Trenton 6681:Battle of Germantown 6676:Battle of Brandywine 6391:Jefferson's Birthday 6381:Pulaski Memorial Day 5388:Guilford Court House 5039:Continental Congress 4816:Committees of safety 4791:Daughters of Liberty 4786:Virginia Association 4535:Rights of Englishmen 4391:Battle of Cape Henry 4202:Virginia Association 4007:. pp. 163–174. 3821:The Wilson Quarterly 3602:Alden, John (1969). 3309:Yorktown Battlefield 3015:The American Pageant 1915:John Garland Pollard 1769:no confidence motion 1667:the siege. Granted. 1316:firing the first gun 1035:at the mouth of the 1024:Marquis de Lafayette 1004:Portsmouth, Virginia 916:Charles III of Spain 826:Marquis de Lafayette 804:, also known as the 676:class=notpageimage| 649:7,416–7,685 captured 597:5,900 regular troops 368:Marquis de Lafayette 9148:Philadelphia parade 8997:American Revolution 8873:William S. Hamilton 8812:American Revolution 8793:African Free School 8559:U.S. postage stamps 8534:Central Park statue 8308:Coinage Act of 1792 8283:Funding Act of 1790 8005:(great-grandfather) 7991:Lawrence Washington 7955:Lawrence Washington 7869:American Revolution 7713:We Fight to Be Free 7678:Cultural depictions 7589:U.S. Postage stamps 7542:West Point monument 7527:Philadelphia statue 7412:Unfinished portrait 7276:Washington Monument 7145:Woodlawn Plantation 6950:Coinage Act of 1792 6879:Second inauguration 6730:Newburgh Conspiracy 6708:Sullivan Expedition 6703:Battles of Saratoga 6664:Battle of Princeton 5519:colony or location) 5474:Newburgh Conspiracy 5333:Sullivan Expedition 4853:Provincial Congress 4644:Fox–North coalition 4583:Settler colonialism 4530:Freedom of religion 4487:American Revolution 4401:Action at Osborne's 4396:Battle of Blandford 4337:Augusta Declaration 3812:Redcoats and Rebels 3728:The Perils of Peace 3404:Cronau, pp. 243–244 3149:The Washington Post 2200:Greene, pp. 307–308 2163:"Siege of Yorktown" 1996:the following year. 1725:American Revolution 1592:for them. Granted. 1497:siege of Charleston 1478:Marquis de Noailles 1413:Lieutenant Colonel 1387:Count of Deux-Ponts 1171:In August, Admiral 1129:On August 19, the " 914:, an agent of King 834:Comte de Rochambeau 424:Comté de Deux-Ponts 379:Comte de Rochambeau 146:37.23083; -76.50250 137: /  9463:Order of Lafayette 9362:Jefferson in Paris 9295:Los Angeles statue 9283:Lafayette Memorial 9249:LaFayette Fountain 9037:Battle of Monmouth 8712:Alexander Hamilton 8688:Alexander Hamilton 8655:Alexander Hamilton 8647:Alexander Hamilton 8508:Burr–Hamilton duel 8276:Compromise of 1790 8209:The Farmer Refuted 8153:Alexander Hamilton 8072:Christopher Sheels 8015:Bushrod Washington 7985:Charles Washington 7979:John A. Washington 7834:1751 Barbados trip 7723:(2014–2017 series) 7611:Washington quarter 7522:Perth Amboy statue 7510:Wall Street statue 7490:Mexico City statue 7417:Lansdowne portrait 7228:Washington College 7217:Thanks of Congress 7140:Whiskey distillery 6955:United States Mint 6933:Nonintercourse Act 6901:Secretary of State 6862:First inauguration 6696:Battle of Monmouth 6421:Semiquincentennial 6346:Libertas Americana 4776:Stamp Act Congress 4666:Acts of Parliament 4639:Shelburne ministry 4609:Grenville ministry 4322:Burning of Norfolk 4266:Gunpowder Incident 4133:2013-04-21 at the 3927:. London: Osprey. 3582:2022-10-19 at the 2396:St. Martin's Press 1927:Historic Jamestown 1894: 1813: 1737: 1729:Libertas Americana 1695:Le Comte de Barras 1512: 1489: 1458: 1410: 1395:Alexander Hamilton 1373: 1362: 1318: 1217: 1073:Charles Cornwallis 1069: 1012:Admiral Destouches 1006:. He first raided 981: 943:Alexander Hamilton 846:Charles Cornwallis 832:troops led by the 814:Yorktown, Virginia 806:Battle of Yorktown 755:Spencer's Ordinary 624:: Fewer than 3,000 593:: 8,000–9,000 men 436:Charles Cornwallis 313:Alexander Hamilton 120:Yorktown, Virginia 9549:Conflicts in 1781 9477: 9476: 9417:(2024 miniseries) 9236:Lafayette College 9182:(home and museum) 9061:French Revolution 9047:Siege of Yorktown 8930: 8929: 8891:Schuyler Hamilton 8849:Angelica Hamilton 8747:(2020 miniseries) 8723:(2008 miniseries) 8524:Trumbull portrait 8422:Siege of Yorktown 8320:Whiskey Rebellion 8293:Bank Bill of 1791 8119: 8118: 7973:Samuel Washington 7925:John Parke Custis 7919:Martha Washington 7859:American Foxhound 7739:(2020 miniseries) 7731:(2006 miniseries) 7684:George Washington 7651:Washington nickel 7636:Washington dollar 7616:50 State Quarters 7599:1932 bicentennial 7495:Morristown statue 7353:George Washington 7345:George Washington 7337:George Washington 7329:George Washington 7314:George Washington 6989:Pinckney's Treaty 6938:Whiskey Rebellion 6718:Siege of Yorktown 6713:Yorktown campaign 6654:Battle of Trenton 6598:Forbes Expedition 6565:Revolutionary War 6503:George Washington 6469: 6468: 6465: 6464: 6461: 6460: 6220: 6219: 6207:Shays's Rebellion 6145: 6144: 6141: 6140: 6137: 6136: 6070: 6069: 6037:Richard Henry Lee 5802: 5801: 5644: 5643: 5640: 5639: 5636: 5635: 5488:Related conflicts 5358:Connecticut Farms 5138: 5137: 5031:Thirteen Colonies 4980: 4979: 4976: 4975: 4439: 4438: 4431:Siege of Yorktown 4421:Francisco's Fight 4196:Virginia Resolves 3173:Mann, Charles C. 2447:978-1-59463-174-0 2115:978-1-59884-530-3 1733:Benjamin Franklin 1691:George Washington 1531:Effect of disease 1448:British surrender 1433:Robert Abercromby 1288:Marquis de Choisy 1276:Banastre Tarleton 1220:Initial movements 1202:Siège de Yorktown 1173:Sir Thomas Graves 1149:to supply at the 1125:March to Virginia 1112:Admiral de Grasse 1089:Baron von Steuben 1033:Marriot Arbuthnot 1014:, who arrived in 971:Yorktown campaign 822:George Washington 802:siege of Yorktown 795: 794: 722:Yorktown campaign 687: 686: 493:Robert Abercromby 470:Banastre Tarleton 402:Marquis de Choisy 280:George Washington 164: 163: 51:Yorktown campaign 44:Siege of Yorktown 16:(Redirected from 9576: 9539:1781 in Virginia 9518: 9517: 9516: 9506: 9505: 9504: 9494: 9493: 9492: 9485: 9272:Lafayette dollar 8991: 8971:Principal author 8957: 8950: 8943: 8934: 8933: 8920: 8919: 8640:Hamilton College 8486:Hamilton College 8181: 8174: 8167: 8146: 8139: 8132: 8123: 8122: 8108: 8107: 8082:Harry Washington 8042:Caroline Branham 7804:Virginia dynasty 7792:Federalist Party 7772:List of articles 7686:(1984 miniseries 7673:Mount Washington 7641:Lafayette dollar 7480:Baltimore statue 7271:Washington state 7266:Washington, D.C. 7009:Farewell Address 6916:Secretary of War 6906:Attorney General 6530:Continental Army 6496: 6489: 6482: 6473: 6472: 6411:Sesquicentennial 6371:Independence Day 6275:Founding Fathers 6241: 6240: 6226: 6225: 6151: 6150: 6079: 6078: 5811: 5810: 5668: 5667: 5661: 5660: 5650: 5649: 5525: 5524: 5520: 5348:Cape St. Vincent 5023: 5022: 5016: 5015: 4986: 4985: 4958:Boston Tea Party 4883:Halifax Resolves 4833:Suffolk Resolves 4624:Grafton ministry 4619:Chatham ministry 4515:Colonial history 4495: 4494: 4481: 4480: 4466: 4459: 4452: 4443: 4442: 4381:Raid on Richmond 4254:Augusta Resolves 4228:Fairfax Resolves 4215: 4169: 4162: 4155: 4146: 4145: 4094: 4083: 4064: 4053: 4042: 3986: 3976: 3965: 3946: 3919: 3900: 3898: 3897: 3876: 3861: 3847: 3836: 3815: 3806: 3787: 3768: 3741: 3722: 3701: 3676: 3649: 3626: 3617: 3588: 3572: 3566: 3565: 3553: 3547: 3537: 3531: 3530: 3528: 3526: 3511: 3505: 3504: 3502: 3500: 3485: 3470: 3469: 3467: 3466: 3447: 3441: 3438: 3432: 3429: 3423: 3420: 3414: 3411: 3405: 3402: 3396: 3395: 3393: 3391: 3375: 3369: 3363: 3357: 3354: 3348: 3345: 3339: 3336: 3330: 3327: 3321: 3320: 3318: 3316: 3301: 3295: 3292: 3286: 3285: 3283: 3281: 3261: 3255: 3252: 3246: 3243: 3237: 3234: 3228: 3222:William Franklin 3218: 3212: 3211: 3209: 3208: 3193: 3187: 3186:Morrissey, p. 73 3184: 3178: 3171: 3165: 3164: 3162: 3160: 3140: 3134: 3131: 3125: 3122: 3116: 3113: 3107: 3106: 3104: 3102: 3082: 3076: 3073: 3064: 3061: 3055: 3054: 3048: 3047: 3028: 3022: 3021: 3010: 3004: 3003: 3001: 2999: 2980: 2974: 2973: 2971: 2969: 2950: 2944: 2941: 2928: 2925: 2919: 2916: 2910: 2907: 2901: 2898: 2892: 2889: 2878: 2875: 2869: 2866: 2853: 2850: 2844: 2841: 2830: 2827: 2816: 2813: 2802: 2799: 2790: 2787: 2778: 2775: 2769: 2766: 2757: 2756: 2754: 2753: 2744:. Archived from 2737: 2731: 2728: 2717: 2714: 2705: 2702: 2689: 2686: 2680: 2677: 2671: 2668: 2659: 2656: 2647: 2644: 2633: 2630: 2621: 2618: 2609: 2606: 2600: 2597: 2588: 2585: 2579: 2576: 2567: 2564: 2558: 2555: 2549: 2546: 2537: 2534: 2525: 2522: 2516: 2513: 2507: 2504: 2495: 2492: 2486: 2483: 2477: 2474: 2468: 2465: 2452: 2451: 2433: 2427: 2425: 2387: 2367: 2361: 2358: 2352: 2349: 2343: 2340: 2329: 2326: 2317: 2314: 2305: 2302: 2296: 2293: 2287: 2284: 2278: 2277:Wickwire, p. 340 2275: 2269: 2266: 2260: 2257: 2251: 2248: 2231: 2228: 2219: 2216: 2210: 2207: 2201: 2198: 2192: 2189: 2183: 2180: 2167: 2166: 2159: 2153: 2150: 2131: 2130: 2128: 2127: 2099: 2086: 2076: 2055: 2051: 2045: 2038: 2032: 2029: 2023: 2020: 2014: 2003: 1997: 1990: 1984: 1981: 1963:, for a list of 1862:historiographies 1771:- passed in the 1727:were honored in 1683:Thomas Symonds. 1521:Benjamin Lincoln 1325:British frigate 1242:Gloucester Point 1214: 1211: 1131:celebrated march 1119:Manhattan Island 1044:William Phillips 861:Continental Army 818:Continental Army 725: 723: 713: 706: 699: 690: 689: 669: 668: 662: 579: 573: 572: 571: 565: 556: 555: 554: 548: 542: 541: 540: 534: 525: 524: 517: 508: 507: 506: 500: 491: 490: 489: 483: 476: 468: 467: 466: 460: 451: 450: 449: 443: 434: 433: 432: 422: 421: 411: 410: 400: 399: 390:Comte d'Aboville 388: 387: 377: 376: 366: 365: 355: 354: 353: 344: 343: 342: 333: 332: 331: 322: 321: 320: 311: 310: 309: 300: 299: 298: 291:Benjamin Lincoln 289: 288: 287: 278: 277: 276: 261: 253: 252: 251: 241: 240: 239: 232: 228: 226: 225: 216: 212: 210: 209: 200: 196: 194: 193: 186: 182: 180: 179: 152: 151: 149: 148: 147: 142: 138: 135: 134: 133: 130: 98: 97: 90:Continental Army 82:Benjamin Lincoln 80:surrendering to 65: 41: 40: 21: 9584: 9583: 9579: 9578: 9577: 9575: 9574: 9573: 9529: 9528: 9524: 9514: 9512: 9502: 9500: 9490: 9488: 9480: 9478: 9473: 9451: 9420: 9389:(2015 musical, 9313: 9278:Mount Lafayette 9202: 9195: 9191:Picpus Cemetery 9162: 9126: 9121:July Revolution 9094:Society of 1789 9056: 8992: 8983: 8966: 8961: 8931: 8926: 8908: 8885:Philip Hamilton 8843:Philip Hamilton 8823: 8805:American School 8762:Founders Online 8750: 8671:Popular culture 8665: 8573: 8512: 8428: 8364:Military career 8359: 8243: 8237: 8192:founding events 8191: 8184: 8177: 8170: 8163: 8155: 8150: 8120: 8115: 8086: 8020: 8003:John Washington 7905: 7881:Betsy Ross flag 7777:Founders Online 7755: 7532:Portland statue 7255: 7247: 7197:Potomac Company 7162:Hasbrouck House 7098: 7079:Religious views 7061: 7055: 6867:inaugural bible 6846: 6838: 6796:founding events 6795: 6788: 6735:Newburgh letter 6725:Culper Spy Ring 6637:Siege of Boston 6632:Boston campaign 6583:Jumonville Glen 6573:Military career 6563: 6561:Military career 6555: 6505: 6500: 6470: 6457: 6396:Von Steuben Day 6294: 6263: 6235: 6216: 6156: 6133: 6075:Colonial allies 6066: 5965: 5798: 5759:King George III 5747: 5655: 5632: 5601: 5521: 5518: 5516: 5509: 5483: 5412: 5393:Lochry's Defeat 5278:Assunpink Creek 5268:Fort Washington 5213: 5147: 5145: 5134: 5125:Hortalez et Cie 5096:Colonial allies 5091: 5058: 5027:United Colonies 5010: 4972: 4938:Boston Massacre 4916: 4907:Perpetual Union 4863:United Colonies 4796:Sons of Liberty 4759: 4667: 4665: 4664:Related British 4658: 4587: 4489: 4485:Origins of the 4475: 4470: 4440: 4435: 4369: 4365:Chesapeake raid 4353: 4310: 4237: 4216: 4207: 4178: 4173: 4135:Wayback Machine 4106: 4101: 4080: 4015: 3994: 3992:Further reading 3989: 3962: 3935: 3916: 3895: 3893: 3870: 3803: 3784: 3757: 3738: 3719: 3698: 3665: 3646: 3634:. Albuquerque: 3614: 3597: 3592: 3591: 3584:Wayback Machine 3573: 3569: 3555: 3554: 3550: 3538: 3534: 3524: 3522: 3513: 3512: 3508: 3498: 3496: 3487: 3486: 3473: 3464: 3462: 3449: 3448: 3444: 3439: 3435: 3430: 3426: 3421: 3417: 3412: 3408: 3403: 3399: 3389: 3387: 3377: 3376: 3372: 3364: 3360: 3355: 3351: 3346: 3342: 3337: 3333: 3328: 3324: 3314: 3312: 3303: 3302: 3298: 3293: 3289: 3279: 3277: 3262: 3258: 3253: 3249: 3244: 3240: 3235: 3231: 3219: 3215: 3206: 3204: 3195: 3194: 3190: 3185: 3181: 3172: 3168: 3158: 3156: 3141: 3137: 3132: 3128: 3123: 3119: 3114: 3110: 3100: 3098: 3083: 3079: 3074: 3067: 3062: 3058: 3045: 3043: 3030: 3029: 3025: 3011: 3007: 2997: 2995: 2982: 2981: 2977: 2967: 2965: 2952: 2951: 2947: 2942: 2931: 2926: 2922: 2917: 2913: 2908: 2904: 2899: 2895: 2890: 2881: 2876: 2872: 2867: 2856: 2851: 2847: 2842: 2833: 2828: 2819: 2814: 2805: 2800: 2793: 2788: 2781: 2776: 2772: 2767: 2760: 2751: 2749: 2740: 2738: 2734: 2729: 2720: 2715: 2708: 2703: 2692: 2687: 2683: 2678: 2674: 2669: 2662: 2657: 2650: 2645: 2636: 2631: 2624: 2619: 2612: 2607: 2603: 2598: 2591: 2586: 2582: 2577: 2570: 2565: 2561: 2556: 2552: 2547: 2540: 2535: 2528: 2523: 2519: 2514: 2510: 2505: 2498: 2493: 2489: 2484: 2480: 2475: 2471: 2466: 2455: 2448: 2434: 2430: 2406: 2392:American Aurora 2368: 2364: 2359: 2355: 2350: 2346: 2341: 2332: 2327: 2320: 2315: 2308: 2303: 2299: 2294: 2290: 2286:Grainger, p. 44 2285: 2281: 2276: 2272: 2267: 2263: 2259:Ferling, p. 510 2258: 2254: 2249: 2234: 2229: 2222: 2217: 2213: 2208: 2204: 2199: 2195: 2190: 2186: 2181: 2170: 2161: 2160: 2156: 2151: 2134: 2125: 2123: 2116: 2100: 2089: 2077: 2073: 2068: 2063: 2058: 2052: 2048: 2039: 2035: 2030: 2026: 2021: 2017: 2004: 2000: 1991: 1987: 1982: 1978: 1974: 1939: 1911: 1886: 1793: 1784:Treaty of Paris 1749:fugitive slaves 1717: 1705: 1700: 1696: 1694: 1692: 1682: 1651:two garrisons. 1550:Comte de Barras 1545: 1533: 1450: 1354: 1303: 1280:Lauzun's Legion 1222: 1212: 1195: 1189: 1169: 1127: 1000:Benedict Arnold 996: 988:Main articles: 986: 973: 967: 885:Comte de Grasse 869: 838:Comte de Grasse 798: 797: 796: 791: 785:order of battle 726: 721: 719: 717: 683: 682: 681: 680: 678: 672: 671: 670: 648: 646: 641: 626: 625: 569: 567: 566: 552: 550: 549: 538: 536: 535: 519: 518: 504: 502: 501: 487: 485: 484: 464: 462: 461: 447: 445: 444: 430: 428: 416: 415: 413:Comte de Grasse 405: 404: 394: 392: 382: 381: 371: 370: 360: 359: 351: 349: 348: 340: 338: 337: 329: 327: 326: 318: 316: 315: 307: 305: 304: 296: 294: 293: 285: 283: 282: 274: 272: 249: 247: 246: 245: 237: 235: 223: 221: 207: 205: 191: 189: 187: 177: 175: 145: 143: 139: 136: 131: 128: 126: 124: 123: 122: 105: 66: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 9582: 9572: 9571: 9566: 9561: 9556: 9551: 9546: 9541: 9523: 9522: 9510: 9498: 9496:British Empire 9475: 9474: 9472: 9471: 9465: 9459: 9457: 9453: 9452: 9450: 9449: 9443: 9437: 9430: 9428: 9422: 9421: 9419: 9418: 9410: 9402: 9394: 9382: 9378:Liberty's Kids 9374: 9366: 9358: 9350: 9342: 9334: 9327: 9321: 9319: 9315: 9314: 9312: 9311: 9303: 9298: 9292: 9286: 9280: 9275: 9269: 9268: 9267: 9262: 9252: 9246: 9240: 9239: 9238: 9233: 9228: 9226:Fort Lafayette 9223: 9218: 9207: 9205: 9197: 9196: 9194: 9193: 9188: 9183: 9177: 9170: 9168: 9164: 9163: 9161: 9160: 9159: 9158: 9150: 9145: 9134: 9132: 9128: 9127: 9125: 9124: 9118: 9113: 9108: 9106:Day of Daggers 9103: 9096: 9091: 9086: 9081: 9076: 9071: 9064: 9062: 9058: 9057: 9055: 9054: 9049: 9044: 9039: 9034: 9029: 9024: 9019: 9014: 9009: 9000: 8998: 8994: 8993: 8986: 8984: 8982: 8981: 8974: 8972: 8968: 8967: 8960: 8959: 8952: 8945: 8937: 8928: 8927: 8925: 8924: 8913: 8910: 8909: 8907: 8906: 8900: 8894: 8888: 8882: 8876: 8870: 8864: 8858: 8852: 8846: 8840: 8833: 8831: 8825: 8824: 8822: 8821: 8820: 8819: 8809: 8808: 8807: 8797: 8796: 8795: 8785: 8779: 8774: 8769: 8764: 8758: 8756: 8752: 8751: 8749: 8748: 8740: 8724: 8716: 8708: 8704:Liberty's Kids 8700: 8692: 8684: 8675: 8673: 8667: 8666: 8664: 8663: 8658: 8650: 8642: 8637: 8635:Hamilton, Ohio 8632: 8627: 8621: 8615: 8610: 8605: 8599: 8594: 8589: 8583: 8581: 8575: 8574: 8572: 8571: 8569:U.S. $ 10 bill 8566: 8561: 8556: 8554:Chicago statue 8551: 8546: 8541: 8536: 8531: 8526: 8520: 8518: 8514: 8513: 8511: 8510: 8505: 8500: 8493: 8488: 8483: 8475: 8469: 8464: 8459: 8454: 8449: 8448: 8447: 8445:Federalist Era 8436: 8434: 8430: 8429: 8427: 8426: 8425: 8424: 8419: 8414: 8409: 8404: 8399: 8394: 8389: 8387:Harlem Heights 8381: 8373: 8367: 8365: 8361: 8360: 8358: 8357: 8352: 8351: 8350: 8345: 8340: 8335: 8327: 8322: 8317: 8316: 8315: 8305: 8303:Tariff of 1792 8300: 8298:Tariff of 1791 8295: 8290: 8288:Tariff of 1790 8285: 8280: 8279: 8278: 8268: 8263: 8258: 8253: 8247: 8245: 8239: 8238: 8236: 8235: 8230: 8223: 8218: 8213: 8205: 8196: 8194: 8186: 8185: 8183: 8182: 8175: 8168: 8160: 8157: 8156: 8149: 8148: 8141: 8134: 8126: 8117: 8116: 8114: 8113: 8100: 8099: 8091: 8088: 8087: 8085: 8084: 8079: 8077:Deborah Squash 8074: 8069: 8067:Hercules Posey 8064: 8059: 8054: 8049: 8047:William Costin 8044: 8039: 8034: 8028: 8026: 8022: 8021: 8019: 8018: 8012: 8006: 8000: 7994: 7988: 7982: 7976: 7970: 7964: 7963:(half-brother) 7958: 7957:(half-brother) 7952: 7946: 7940: 7934: 7928: 7922: 7915: 7913: 7907: 7906: 7904: 7903: 7898: 7893: 7888: 7883: 7878: 7877: 7876: 7866: 7861: 7856: 7851: 7846: 7841: 7836: 7831: 7826: 7821: 7816: 7811: 7806: 7801: 7800: 7799: 7797:Federalist Era 7789: 7784: 7779: 7774: 7769: 7763: 7761: 7757: 7756: 7754: 7753: 7741: 7733: 7725: 7717: 7709: 7701: 7693: 7688: 7680: 7675: 7670: 7669: 7668: 7663: 7658: 7653: 7648: 7643: 7638: 7633: 7628: 7623: 7618: 7613: 7603: 7602: 7601: 7596: 7586: 7585: 7584: 7574: 7569: 7564: 7559: 7554: 7549: 7544: 7539: 7534: 7529: 7524: 7519: 7514: 7513: 7512: 7502: 7497: 7492: 7487: 7482: 7477: 7472: 7467: 7459: 7454: 7449: 7444: 7439: 7432: 7424: 7419: 7414: 7409: 7402: 7395: 7388: 7381: 7374: 7367: 7362: 7357: 7349: 7341: 7333: 7325: 7324: 7323: 7310: 7305: 7300: 7293: 7288: 7283: 7281:Mount Rushmore 7278: 7273: 7268: 7262: 7260: 7249: 7248: 7246: 7245: 7240: 7235: 7230: 7225: 7219: 7214: 7209: 7204: 7199: 7194: 7189: 7184: 7179: 7174: 7169: 7164: 7159: 7154: 7149: 7148: 7147: 7142: 7137: 7132: 7122: 7117: 7112: 7106: 7104: 7103:Life and homes 7100: 7099: 7097: 7096: 7091: 7089:Town Destroyer 7086: 7081: 7076: 7071: 7065: 7063: 7057: 7056: 7054: 7053: 7052: 7051: 7041: 7036: 7031: 7026: 7021: 7016: 7011: 7006: 7001: 6996: 6991: 6986: 6981: 6980: 6979: 6969: 6964: 6959: 6958: 6957: 6947: 6946: 6945: 6935: 6930: 6925: 6920: 6919: 6918: 6913: 6908: 6903: 6893: 6888: 6887: 6886: 6876: 6871: 6870: 6869: 6859: 6853: 6851: 6840: 6839: 6837: 6836: 6831: 6826: 6821: 6816: 6811: 6806: 6800: 6798: 6790: 6789: 6787: 6786: 6785: 6784: 6779: 6771: 6766: 6765: 6764: 6754: 6749: 6747:Evacuation Day 6744: 6739: 6738: 6737: 6727: 6722: 6721: 6720: 6710: 6705: 6700: 6699: 6698: 6693: 6688: 6683: 6678: 6668: 6667: 6666: 6661: 6656: 6651: 6641: 6640: 6639: 6629: 6628: 6627: 6617: 6612: 6607: 6602: 6601: 6600: 6595: 6590: 6585: 6575: 6569: 6567: 6557: 6556: 6554: 6553: 6543: 6533: 6526: 6520: 6510: 6507: 6506: 6499: 6498: 6491: 6484: 6476: 6467: 6466: 6463: 6462: 6459: 6458: 6456: 6455: 6450: 6445: 6444: 6443: 6438: 6433: 6428: 6423: 6418: 6413: 6408: 6403: 6401:Minor holidays 6398: 6393: 6388: 6383: 6378: 6373: 6368: 6363: 6358: 6348: 6343: 6338: 6333: 6328: 6323: 6318: 6313: 6308: 6302: 6300: 6296: 6295: 6293: 6292: 6287: 6282: 6277: 6271: 6269: 6265: 6264: 6262: 6261: 6253: 6247: 6245: 6237: 6236: 6234: 6233: 6232:Related topics 6222: 6221: 6218: 6217: 6215: 6214: 6209: 6204: 6202:Bill of Rights 6199: 6194: 6187: 6182: 6177: 6172: 6167: 6161: 6158: 6157: 6147: 6146: 6143: 6142: 6139: 6138: 6135: 6134: 6132: 6131: 6126: 6121: 6116: 6111: 6106: 6101: 6096: 6091: 6085: 6083: 6076: 6072: 6071: 6068: 6067: 6065: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6044: 6039: 6034: 6029: 6024: 6019: 6014: 6009: 6004: 5999: 5994: 5989: 5984: 5979: 5973: 5971: 5967: 5966: 5964: 5963: 5958: 5953: 5948: 5943: 5938: 5933: 5928: 5923: 5918: 5913: 5908: 5903: 5898: 5893: 5888: 5883: 5878: 5873: 5868: 5863: 5858: 5853: 5848: 5843: 5838: 5833: 5828: 5823: 5817: 5815: 5808: 5804: 5803: 5800: 5799: 5797: 5796: 5791: 5786: 5781: 5776: 5771: 5766: 5761: 5755: 5753: 5749: 5748: 5746: 5745: 5740: 5735: 5730: 5725: 5720: 5715: 5710: 5705: 5700: 5695: 5690: 5685: 5680: 5674: 5672: 5665: 5657: 5656: 5646: 5645: 5642: 5641: 5638: 5637: 5634: 5633: 5631: 5630: 5625: 5620: 5615: 5609: 5607: 5606:Loyal colonies 5603: 5602: 5600: 5599: 5594: 5592:South Carolina 5589: 5584: 5579: 5577:North Carolina 5574: 5569: 5564: 5559: 5554: 5549: 5544: 5539: 5533: 5531: 5529:Rebel colonies 5522: 5514: 5511: 5510: 5508: 5507: 5502: 5497: 5491: 5489: 5485: 5484: 5482: 5481: 5476: 5471: 5469:Sint Eustatius 5466: 5461: 5456: 5451: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5429:"First Salute" 5426: 5420: 5418: 5414: 5413: 5411: 5410: 5405: 5400: 5395: 5390: 5385: 5380: 5375: 5373:Kings Mountain 5370: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5330: 5325: 5320: 5315: 5310: 5305: 5300: 5295: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5275: 5270: 5265: 5263:Harlem Heights 5260: 5255: 5253:Valcour Island 5250: 5245: 5240: 5235: 5230: 5224: 5222: 5215: 5214: 5212: 5211: 5206: 5201: 5196: 5191: 5186: 5181: 5176: 5171: 5166: 5161: 5156: 5150: 5148: 5143: 5140: 5139: 5136: 5135: 5133: 5132: 5127: 5122: 5121: 5120: 5115: 5110: 5099: 5097: 5093: 5092: 5090: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5074: 5068: 5066: 5060: 5059: 5057: 5056: 5051: 5046: 5041: 5035: 5033: 5020: 5012: 5011: 5009: 5008: 5005: 5002: 4999: 4996: 4993: 4982: 4981: 4978: 4977: 4974: 4973: 4971: 4970: 4965: 4960: 4955: 4950: 4945: 4940: 4935: 4930: 4924: 4922: 4918: 4917: 4915: 4914: 4909: 4900: 4895: 4890: 4888:Lee Resolution 4885: 4880: 4875: 4870: 4865: 4860: 4855: 4850: 4845: 4840: 4835: 4830: 4825: 4818: 4813: 4808: 4806:Black Patriots 4803: 4798: 4793: 4788: 4783: 4778: 4773: 4767: 4765: 4761: 4760: 4758: 4757: 4752: 4747: 4742: 4737: 4732: 4727: 4722: 4717: 4712: 4706: 4701: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4681: 4676: 4670: 4668: 4663: 4660: 4659: 4657: 4656: 4654:Black Loyalist 4651: 4646: 4641: 4636: 4631: 4629:North ministry 4626: 4621: 4616: 4611: 4606: 4601: 4595: 4593: 4589: 4588: 4586: 4585: 4580: 4575: 4568: 4561: 4554: 4549: 4542: 4537: 4532: 4527: 4522: 4517: 4512: 4507: 4501: 4499: 4491: 4490: 4477: 4476: 4469: 4468: 4461: 4454: 4446: 4437: 4436: 4434: 4433: 4428: 4423: 4418: 4413: 4408: 4403: 4398: 4393: 4388: 4383: 4377: 4375: 4371: 4370: 4368: 4367: 4361: 4359: 4355: 4354: 4352: 4351: 4350: 4349: 4344: 4342:Lee Resolution 4339: 4329: 4324: 4318: 4316: 4312: 4311: 4309: 4308: 4303: 4298: 4293: 4288: 4283: 4278: 4273: 4268: 4263: 4256: 4251: 4245: 4243: 4239: 4238: 4236: 4235: 4230: 4224: 4222: 4218: 4217: 4210: 4208: 4206: 4205: 4199: 4193: 4190:Parson's Cause 4186: 4184: 4180: 4179: 4172: 4171: 4164: 4157: 4149: 4143: 4142: 4137: 4125: 4117: 4112: 4105: 4104:External links 4102: 4100: 4099: 4084: 4079:978-0525426769 4078: 4065: 4054: 4043: 4013: 3995: 3993: 3990: 3988: 3987: 3966: 3961:978-0960240432 3960: 3947: 3934:978-1855326880 3933: 3920: 3915:978-0945707035 3914: 3906:Gentleman Boss 3901: 3877: 3868: 3852:Lengel, Edward 3848: 3837: 3827:(4): 166–177. 3816: 3807: 3802:978-0199765539 3801: 3788: 3782: 3769: 3756:978-1843831372 3755: 3742: 3737:978-0061139116 3736: 3723: 3718:978-0195181210 3717: 3702: 3697:978-0836853933 3696: 3677: 3664:978-3942382311 3663: 3650: 3644: 3627: 3618: 3613:978-0306803666 3612: 3598: 3596: 3593: 3590: 3589: 3567: 3548: 3532: 3506: 3471: 3442: 3433: 3424: 3415: 3406: 3397: 3370: 3366:Johnston, 1881 3358: 3349: 3347:Idzerda p. 176 3340: 3338:Fleming p. 312 3331: 3329:Fleming p. 194 3322: 3296: 3287: 3256: 3247: 3238: 3229: 3213: 3188: 3179: 3177:. Knopf: 2011 3166: 3135: 3133:Hibbert p. 330 3126: 3117: 3108: 3077: 3065: 3056: 3023: 3005: 2975: 2945: 2929: 2920: 2911: 2902: 2893: 2879: 2870: 2854: 2845: 2831: 2817: 2803: 2791: 2779: 2770: 2758: 2732: 2718: 2706: 2690: 2681: 2672: 2660: 2648: 2634: 2622: 2610: 2601: 2589: 2580: 2568: 2559: 2550: 2538: 2526: 2517: 2508: 2496: 2487: 2478: 2469: 2453: 2446: 2428: 2404: 2362: 2353: 2344: 2330: 2318: 2306: 2297: 2288: 2279: 2270: 2261: 2252: 2232: 2220: 2218:Mitchell p. 23 2211: 2202: 2193: 2191:Greene, p. 307 2184: 2168: 2154: 2132: 2114: 2087: 2070: 2069: 2067: 2064: 2062: 2059: 2057: 2056: 2046: 2033: 2024: 2015: 1998: 1985: 1975: 1973: 1970: 1969: 1968: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1938: 1935: 1919:Herbert Hoover 1910: 1907: 1885: 1882: 1825:James Garfield 1821:Chester Arthur 1792: 1789: 1761:Tench Tilghman 1754:slave catchers 1716: 1713: 1704: 1701: 1563: 1554:Thomas Symonds 1544: 1541: 1532: 1529: 1516:Charles O'Hara 1474:Alexander Ross 1449: 1446: 1391:light infantry 1353: 1350: 1302: 1299: 1221: 1218: 1206:Auguste Couder 1188: 1185: 1165:Main article: 1156:Virginia Capes 1126: 1123: 1037:Chesapeake Bay 985: 982: 969:Main article: 966: 963: 931:first parallel 889:Chesapeake Bay 868: 865: 793: 792: 790: 789: 788: 787: 777: 772: 767: 762: 757: 752: 747: 742: 737: 731: 728: 727: 716: 715: 708: 701: 693: 685: 684: 674: 673: 664: 663: 657: 656: 655: 654: 651: 650: 645:142–309 killed 643: 637: 636: 632: 631: 613: 602: 601: 598: 586: 585: 581: 580: 527:Thomas Symonds 453:Charles O'Hara 426: 357:Henry Dearborn 268: 267: 263: 262: 234: 233: 201: 171: 170: 166: 165: 162: 161: 158: 154: 153: 114: 112: 108: 107: 106:(3 weeks) 102: 94: 93: 76:depicting the 58: 57: 46: 45: 39: 38: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 9581: 9570: 9567: 9565: 9562: 9560: 9557: 9555: 9552: 9550: 9547: 9545: 9542: 9540: 9537: 9536: 9534: 9527: 9521: 9511: 9509: 9508:United States 9499: 9497: 9487: 9486: 9483: 9469: 9466: 9464: 9461: 9460: 9458: 9454: 9447: 9444: 9441: 9438: 9435: 9432: 9431: 9429: 9427: 9423: 9416: 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8951: 8946: 8944: 8939: 8938: 8935: 8923: 8915: 8914: 8911: 8904: 8901: 8898: 8895: 8892: 8889: 8886: 8883: 8880: 8877: 8874: 8871: 8868: 8865: 8862: 8859: 8856: 8853: 8850: 8847: 8844: 8841: 8838: 8835: 8834: 8832: 8830: 8826: 8818: 8815: 8814: 8813: 8810: 8806: 8803: 8802: 8801: 8798: 8794: 8791: 8790: 8789: 8786: 8783: 8780: 8778: 8775: 8773: 8770: 8768: 8765: 8763: 8760: 8759: 8757: 8753: 8746: 8745: 8741: 8738: 8734: 8730: 8729: 8725: 8722: 8721: 8717: 8714: 8713: 8709: 8706: 8705: 8701: 8698: 8697: 8693: 8690: 8689: 8685: 8682: 8681: 8677: 8676: 8674: 8672: 8668: 8662: 8659: 8657: 8656: 8651: 8649: 8648: 8643: 8641: 8638: 8636: 8633: 8631: 8628: 8625: 8624:Hamilton Hall 8622: 8619: 8618:Hamilton Hall 8616: 8614: 8611: 8609: 8608:Fort Hamilton 8606: 8604:(Los Angeles) 8603: 8600: 8598: 8595: 8593: 8590: 8588: 8585: 8584: 8582: 8580: 8576: 8570: 8567: 8565: 8562: 8560: 8557: 8555: 8552: 8550: 8549:Boston statue 8547: 8545: 8542: 8540: 8537: 8535: 8532: 8530: 8529:Ceracchi bust 8527: 8525: 8522: 8521: 8519: 8515: 8509: 8506: 8504: 8501: 8499: 8498: 8494: 8492: 8489: 8487: 8484: 8482: 8481: 8476: 8474: 8470: 8468: 8465: 8463: 8460: 8458: 8455: 8453: 8450: 8446: 8443: 8442: 8441: 8438: 8437: 8435: 8431: 8423: 8420: 8418: 8415: 8413: 8410: 8408: 8405: 8403: 8400: 8398: 8395: 8393: 8390: 8388: 8385: 8384: 8382: 8380: 8379: 8376:Washington's 8374: 8372: 8369: 8368: 8366: 8362: 8356: 8353: 8349: 8346: 8344: 8341: 8339: 8336: 8334: 8331: 8330: 8328: 8326: 8323: 8321: 8318: 8314: 8311: 8310: 8309: 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8294: 8291: 8289: 8286: 8284: 8281: 8277: 8274: 8273: 8272: 8271:Residence Act 8269: 8267: 8264: 8262: 8259: 8257: 8254: 8252: 8249: 8248: 8246: 8240: 8234: 8231: 8229: 8228: 8224: 8222: 8219: 8217: 8214: 8212: 8210: 8206: 8204: 8202: 8198: 8197: 8195: 8193: 8190:United States 8187: 8180: 8176: 8173: 8169: 8166: 8162: 8161: 8158: 8154: 8147: 8142: 8140: 8135: 8133: 8128: 8127: 8124: 8112: 8111: 8102: 8101: 8098: 8097: 8093: 8092: 8089: 8083: 8080: 8078: 8075: 8073: 8070: 8068: 8065: 8063: 8060: 8058: 8055: 8053: 8052:Sarah Johnson 8050: 8048: 8045: 8043: 8040: 8038: 8035: 8033: 8030: 8029: 8027: 8023: 8016: 8013: 8010: 8007: 8004: 8001: 7999:(grandmother) 7998: 7995: 7993:(grandfather) 7992: 7989: 7986: 7983: 7980: 7977: 7974: 7971: 7968: 7965: 7962: 7959: 7956: 7953: 7950: 7947: 7944: 7941: 7938: 7935: 7932: 7929: 7926: 7923: 7920: 7917: 7916: 7914: 7912: 7908: 7902: 7899: 7897: 7894: 7892: 7889: 7887: 7884: 7882: 7879: 7875: 7872: 7871: 7870: 7867: 7865: 7862: 7860: 7857: 7855: 7852: 7850: 7847: 7845: 7844:Syng inkstand 7842: 7840: 7837: 7835: 7832: 7830: 7827: 7825: 7822: 7820: 7817: 7815: 7812: 7810: 7807: 7805: 7802: 7798: 7795: 7794: 7793: 7790: 7788: 7787:Republicanism 7785: 7783: 7780: 7778: 7775: 7773: 7770: 7768: 7765: 7764: 7762: 7758: 7751: 7747: 7746: 7742: 7740: 7738: 7734: 7732: 7730: 7726: 7724: 7722: 7718: 7716: 7714: 7710: 7708: 7706: 7702: 7700: 7698: 7694: 7692: 7689: 7687: 7685: 7681: 7679: 7676: 7674: 7671: 7667: 7664: 7662: 7659: 7657: 7654: 7652: 7649: 7647: 7644: 7642: 7639: 7637: 7634: 7632: 7629: 7627: 7624: 7622: 7619: 7617: 7614: 7612: 7609: 7608: 7607: 7604: 7600: 7597: 7595: 7592: 7591: 7590: 7587: 7583: 7580: 7579: 7578: 7575: 7573: 7570: 7568: 7565: 7563: 7560: 7558: 7555: 7553: 7550: 7548: 7545: 7543: 7540: 7538: 7535: 7533: 7530: 7528: 7525: 7523: 7520: 7518: 7515: 7511: 7508: 7507: 7506: 7503: 7501: 7500:Newark statue 7498: 7496: 7493: 7491: 7488: 7486: 7485:Boston statue 7483: 7481: 7478: 7476: 7475:Austin statue 7473: 7471: 7468: 7466: 7464: 7463:Point of View 7460: 7458: 7455: 7453: 7450: 7448: 7445: 7443: 7440: 7438: 7437: 7433: 7431: 7429: 7425: 7423: 7420: 7418: 7415: 7413: 7410: 7408: 7407: 7403: 7401: 7400: 7396: 7394: 7393: 7389: 7387: 7386: 7382: 7380: 7379: 7375: 7373: 7372: 7368: 7366: 7363: 7361: 7358: 7356: 7354: 7350: 7348: 7346: 7342: 7340: 7338: 7334: 7332: 7330: 7326: 7322: 7319: 7318: 7317: 7315: 7311: 7309: 7306: 7304: 7301: 7299: 7298: 7294: 7292: 7289: 7287: 7284: 7282: 7279: 7277: 7274: 7272: 7269: 7267: 7264: 7263: 7261: 7259: 7254: 7250: 7244: 7241: 7239: 7236: 7234: 7231: 7229: 7226: 7224: 7220: 7218: 7215: 7213: 7210: 7208: 7205: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7193: 7190: 7188: 7187:Custis estate 7185: 7183: 7180: 7178: 7175: 7173: 7170: 7168: 7165: 7163: 7160: 7158: 7155: 7153: 7150: 7146: 7143: 7141: 7138: 7136: 7133: 7131: 7128: 7127: 7126: 7123: 7121: 7118: 7116: 7113: 7111: 7108: 7107: 7105: 7101: 7095: 7092: 7090: 7087: 7085: 7082: 7080: 7077: 7075: 7072: 7070: 7067: 7066: 7064: 7058: 7050: 7047: 7046: 7045: 7042: 7040: 7037: 7035: 7032: 7030: 7027: 7025: 7022: 7020: 7017: 7015: 7012: 7010: 7007: 7005: 7002: 7000: 6999:Residence Act 6997: 6995: 6992: 6990: 6987: 6985: 6982: 6978: 6975: 6974: 6973: 6970: 6968: 6965: 6963: 6960: 6956: 6953: 6952: 6951: 6948: 6944: 6941: 6940: 6939: 6936: 6934: 6931: 6929: 6926: 6924: 6921: 6917: 6914: 6912: 6909: 6907: 6904: 6902: 6899: 6898: 6897: 6894: 6892: 6889: 6885: 6882: 6881: 6880: 6877: 6875: 6872: 6868: 6865: 6864: 6863: 6860: 6858: 6855: 6854: 6852: 6850: 6845: 6841: 6835: 6832: 6830: 6827: 6825: 6822: 6820: 6817: 6815: 6812: 6810: 6807: 6805: 6802: 6801: 6799: 6797: 6791: 6783: 6780: 6778: 6775: 6774: 6772: 6770: 6767: 6763: 6760: 6759: 6758: 6755: 6753: 6750: 6748: 6745: 6743: 6742:Asgill Affair 6740: 6736: 6733: 6732: 6731: 6728: 6726: 6723: 6719: 6716: 6715: 6714: 6711: 6709: 6706: 6704: 6701: 6697: 6694: 6692: 6689: 6687: 6684: 6682: 6679: 6677: 6674: 6673: 6672: 6669: 6665: 6662: 6660: 6657: 6655: 6652: 6650: 6647: 6646: 6645: 6642: 6638: 6635: 6634: 6633: 6630: 6626: 6623: 6622: 6621: 6618: 6616: 6615:Aides-de-camp 6613: 6611: 6608: 6606: 6603: 6599: 6596: 6594: 6591: 6589: 6586: 6584: 6581: 6580: 6579: 6576: 6574: 6571: 6570: 6568: 6566: 6562: 6558: 6551: 6547: 6544: 6541: 6537: 6534: 6531: 6527: 6524: 6521: 6518: 6515: 6512: 6511: 6508: 6504: 6497: 6492: 6490: 6485: 6483: 6478: 6477: 6474: 6454: 6451: 6449: 6446: 6442: 6439: 6437: 6434: 6432: 6429: 6427: 6424: 6422: 6419: 6417: 6414: 6412: 6409: 6407: 6404: 6402: 6399: 6397: 6394: 6392: 6389: 6387: 6384: 6382: 6379: 6377: 6376:Patriots' Day 6374: 6372: 6369: 6367: 6364: 6362: 6359: 6357: 6354: 6353: 6352: 6351:Commemoration 6349: 6347: 6344: 6342: 6339: 6337: 6334: 6332: 6329: 6327: 6324: 6322: 6319: 6317: 6314: 6312: 6309: 6307: 6304: 6303: 6301: 6297: 6291: 6290:Yankee Doodle 6288: 6286: 6283: 6281: 6278: 6276: 6273: 6272: 6270: 6266: 6260: 6259: 6254: 6252: 6249: 6248: 6246: 6242: 6238: 6231: 6230: 6227: 6223: 6213: 6210: 6208: 6205: 6203: 6200: 6198: 6195: 6193: 6192: 6188: 6186: 6183: 6181: 6178: 6176: 6173: 6171: 6168: 6166: 6163: 6162: 6159: 6152: 6148: 6130: 6127: 6125: 6122: 6120: 6119:de Rochambeau 6117: 6115: 6112: 6110: 6107: 6105: 6102: 6100: 6097: 6095: 6092: 6090: 6087: 6086: 6084: 6080: 6077: 6073: 6063: 6060: 6058: 6055: 6053: 6050: 6048: 6045: 6043: 6040: 6038: 6035: 6033: 6030: 6028: 6025: 6023: 6020: 6018: 6015: 6013: 6010: 6008: 6005: 6003: 6000: 5998: 5995: 5993: 5990: 5988: 5985: 5983: 5980: 5978: 5975: 5974: 5972: 5968: 5962: 5959: 5957: 5954: 5952: 5949: 5947: 5944: 5942: 5939: 5937: 5934: 5932: 5929: 5927: 5924: 5922: 5919: 5917: 5914: 5912: 5909: 5907: 5904: 5902: 5899: 5897: 5894: 5892: 5889: 5887: 5884: 5882: 5879: 5877: 5874: 5872: 5869: 5867: 5864: 5862: 5859: 5857: 5854: 5852: 5849: 5847: 5844: 5842: 5839: 5837: 5834: 5832: 5829: 5827: 5824: 5822: 5819: 5818: 5816: 5812: 5809: 5805: 5795: 5792: 5790: 5787: 5785: 5782: 5780: 5777: 5775: 5772: 5770: 5767: 5765: 5762: 5760: 5757: 5756: 5754: 5750: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5736: 5734: 5731: 5729: 5726: 5724: 5721: 5719: 5716: 5714: 5711: 5709: 5706: 5704: 5701: 5699: 5696: 5694: 5691: 5689: 5686: 5684: 5681: 5679: 5676: 5675: 5673: 5669: 5666: 5662: 5658: 5651: 5647: 5629: 5626: 5624: 5621: 5619: 5616: 5614: 5611: 5610: 5608: 5604: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5588: 5585: 5583: 5580: 5578: 5575: 5573: 5570: 5568: 5565: 5563: 5562:New Hampshire 5560: 5558: 5557:Massachusetts 5555: 5553: 5550: 5548: 5545: 5543: 5540: 5538: 5535: 5534: 5532: 5530: 5526: 5523: 5512: 5506: 5503: 5501: 5498: 5496: 5493: 5492: 5490: 5486: 5480: 5477: 5475: 5472: 5470: 5467: 5465: 5462: 5460: 5457: 5455: 5452: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5435: 5432: 5430: 5427: 5425: 5422: 5421: 5419: 5415: 5409: 5406: 5404: 5401: 5399: 5396: 5394: 5391: 5389: 5386: 5384: 5381: 5379: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5369: 5366: 5364: 5361: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5349: 5346: 5344: 5341: 5339: 5336: 5334: 5331: 5329: 5326: 5324: 5321: 5319: 5316: 5314: 5311: 5309: 5306: 5304: 5301: 5299: 5296: 5294: 5291: 5289: 5286: 5284: 5281: 5279: 5276: 5274: 5271: 5269: 5266: 5264: 5261: 5259: 5256: 5254: 5251: 5249: 5246: 5244: 5241: 5239: 5236: 5234: 5231: 5229: 5226: 5225: 5223: 5221: 5216: 5210: 5209:Naval battles 5207: 5205: 5202: 5200: 5197: 5195: 5192: 5190: 5187: 5185: 5182: 5180: 5177: 5175: 5172: 5170: 5167: 5165: 5162: 5160: 5157: 5155: 5152: 5151: 5149: 5144:Campaigns and 5141: 5131: 5128: 5126: 5123: 5119: 5116: 5114: 5111: 5109: 5106: 5105: 5104: 5101: 5100: 5098: 5094: 5088: 5085: 5083: 5080: 5078: 5075: 5073: 5070: 5069: 5067: 5065: 5061: 5055: 5052: 5050: 5047: 5045: 5042: 5040: 5037: 5036: 5034: 5032: 5028: 5024: 5021: 5017: 5013: 5006: 5003: 5000: 4997: 4994: 4991: 4990: 4987: 4983: 4969: 4966: 4964: 4961: 4959: 4956: 4954: 4951: 4949: 4948:Gaspee affair 4946: 4944: 4941: 4939: 4936: 4934: 4931: 4929: 4926: 4925: 4923: 4919: 4913: 4910: 4908: 4904: 4901: 4899: 4896: 4894: 4891: 4889: 4886: 4884: 4881: 4879: 4876: 4874: 4871: 4869: 4866: 4864: 4861: 4859: 4856: 4854: 4851: 4849: 4846: 4844: 4841: 4839: 4836: 4834: 4831: 4829: 4826: 4824: 4823: 4819: 4817: 4814: 4812: 4809: 4807: 4804: 4802: 4799: 4797: 4794: 4792: 4789: 4787: 4784: 4782: 4779: 4777: 4774: 4772: 4769: 4768: 4766: 4762: 4756: 4753: 4751: 4748: 4746: 4743: 4741: 4738: 4736: 4733: 4731: 4728: 4726: 4723: 4721: 4718: 4716: 4713: 4710: 4707: 4705: 4702: 4700: 4697: 4695: 4692: 4690: 4687: 4685: 4682: 4680: 4677: 4675: 4672: 4671: 4669: 4661: 4655: 4652: 4650: 4647: 4645: 4642: 4640: 4637: 4635: 4632: 4630: 4627: 4625: 4622: 4620: 4617: 4615: 4612: 4610: 4607: 4605: 4604:Bute ministry 4602: 4600: 4597: 4596: 4594: 4590: 4584: 4581: 4579: 4576: 4573: 4569: 4566: 4562: 4559: 4555: 4553: 4552:Spirit of '76 4550: 4548: 4547: 4543: 4541: 4538: 4536: 4533: 4531: 4528: 4526: 4525:Republicanism 4523: 4521: 4518: 4516: 4513: 4511: 4508: 4506: 4503: 4502: 4500: 4496: 4492: 4488: 4482: 4478: 4474: 4467: 4462: 4460: 4455: 4453: 4448: 4447: 4444: 4432: 4429: 4427: 4424: 4422: 4419: 4417: 4414: 4412: 4409: 4407: 4404: 4402: 4399: 4397: 4394: 4392: 4389: 4387: 4384: 4382: 4379: 4378: 4376: 4372: 4366: 4363: 4362: 4360: 4356: 4348: 4345: 4343: 4340: 4338: 4335: 4334: 4333: 4330: 4328: 4325: 4323: 4320: 4319: 4317: 4313: 4307: 4304: 4302: 4299: 4297: 4294: 4292: 4289: 4287: 4284: 4282: 4279: 4277: 4274: 4272: 4269: 4267: 4264: 4261: 4257: 4255: 4252: 4250: 4247: 4246: 4244: 4240: 4234: 4231: 4229: 4226: 4225: 4223: 4219: 4214: 4203: 4200: 4197: 4194: 4191: 4188: 4187: 4185: 4181: 4177: 4170: 4165: 4163: 4158: 4156: 4151: 4150: 4147: 4141: 4138: 4136: 4132: 4129: 4126: 4124: 4122: 4118: 4116: 4113: 4111: 4108: 4107: 4098: 4092: 4091: 4085: 4081: 4075: 4071: 4066: 4062: 4061: 4055: 4051: 4050: 4044: 4040: 4036: 4032: 4028: 4024: 4020: 4016: 4010: 4006: 4002: 3997: 3996: 3984: 3980: 3975: 3974: 3967: 3963: 3957: 3953: 3948: 3944: 3940: 3936: 3930: 3926: 3921: 3917: 3911: 3907: 3902: 3891: 3887: 3883: 3878: 3875: 3871: 3865: 3860: 3859: 3853: 3849: 3845: 3844: 3838: 3834: 3830: 3826: 3822: 3817: 3813: 3808: 3804: 3798: 3794: 3789: 3785: 3779: 3775: 3770: 3766: 3762: 3758: 3752: 3748: 3743: 3739: 3733: 3729: 3724: 3720: 3714: 3710: 3709: 3703: 3699: 3693: 3689: 3688:HarperCollins 3685: 3684: 3678: 3674: 3670: 3666: 3660: 3656: 3651: 3647: 3641: 3637: 3633: 3628: 3624: 3619: 3615: 3609: 3605: 3600: 3599: 3586: 3585: 3581: 3578: 3571: 3563: 3559: 3552: 3546: 3542: 3536: 3520: 3516: 3510: 3494: 3490: 3484: 3482: 3480: 3478: 3476: 3460: 3456: 3452: 3446: 3437: 3428: 3419: 3410: 3401: 3386: 3385: 3380: 3374: 3367: 3362: 3356:Reeves p. 253 3353: 3344: 3335: 3326: 3310: 3306: 3300: 3294:Fleming p. 21 3291: 3275: 3271: 3267: 3260: 3254:Fleming p. 35 3251: 3245:Fleming p. 34 3242: 3233: 3226: 3223: 3217: 3202: 3198: 3192: 3183: 3176: 3170: 3154: 3150: 3146: 3139: 3130: 3121: 3112: 3096: 3092: 3088: 3081: 3075:Lengel p. 343 3072: 3070: 3060: 3053: 3041: 3037: 3033: 3027: 3020: 3016: 3009: 2993: 2989: 2985: 2979: 2963: 2959: 2955: 2949: 2943:Lengel p. 342 2940: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2927:Fleming p. 16 2924: 2915: 2906: 2897: 2888: 2886: 2884: 2874: 2868:Lengel p. 341 2865: 2863: 2861: 2859: 2849: 2840: 2838: 2836: 2826: 2824: 2822: 2812: 2810: 2808: 2798: 2796: 2789:Lengel p. 340 2786: 2784: 2777:Davis p. 225. 2774: 2768:Lengel p. 339 2765: 2763: 2748:on 2009-10-04 2747: 2743: 2736: 2727: 2725: 2723: 2716:Lengel p. 338 2713: 2711: 2701: 2699: 2697: 2695: 2685: 2676: 2667: 2665: 2655: 2653: 2643: 2641: 2639: 2629: 2627: 2617: 2615: 2605: 2596: 2594: 2584: 2575: 2573: 2563: 2554: 2545: 2543: 2533: 2531: 2521: 2512: 2503: 2501: 2491: 2482: 2473: 2467:Lengel p. 336 2464: 2462: 2460: 2458: 2449: 2443: 2439: 2432: 2423: 2419: 2415: 2411: 2407: 2405:0-312-15052-0 2401: 2397: 2393: 2386: 2382: 2378: 2377: 2372: 2366: 2357: 2348: 2342:Lengel p. 335 2339: 2337: 2335: 2328:Lengel p. 333 2325: 2323: 2316:Lengel p. 332 2313: 2311: 2301: 2292: 2283: 2274: 2268:Lengel p. 331 2265: 2256: 2250:Lengel p. 329 2247: 2245: 2243: 2241: 2239: 2237: 2230:Lengel p. 328 2227: 2225: 2215: 2209:Chávez p. 225 2206: 2197: 2188: 2182:Lengel p. 330 2179: 2177: 2175: 2173: 2164: 2158: 2152:Lengel p. 337 2149: 2147: 2145: 2143: 2141: 2139: 2137: 2121: 2117: 2111: 2107: 2106: 2098: 2096: 2094: 2092: 2084: 2080: 2075: 2071: 2050: 2043: 2042:Nicholas Fish 2037: 2028: 2019: 2012: 2008: 2002: 1995: 1989: 1980: 1976: 1966: 1962: 1961: 1956: 1954: 1951: 1949: 1946: 1944: 1941: 1940: 1934: 1932: 1931:Ronald Reagan 1929:. President 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1906: 1904: 1898: 1890: 1881: 1879: 1875: 1872:, 116th Inf, 1871: 1866: 1863: 1858: 1856: 1851: 1849: 1845: 1840: 1838: 1834: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1818: 1810: 1806: 1802: 1797: 1788: 1785: 1781: 1776: 1774: 1770: 1766: 1762: 1757: 1755: 1750: 1745: 1741: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1721: 1712: 1710: 1699: 1698: 1688: 1685: 1684: 1678: 1675: 1672: 1668: 1665: 1664:Article XIII. 1661: 1658: 1656: 1652: 1648: 1646: 1642: 1639: 1637: 1633: 1630: 1628: 1624: 1621: 1620:Article VIII. 1617: 1614: 1610: 1607: 1603: 1600: 1596: 1593: 1590: 1586: 1582: 1580: 1576: 1574: 1570: 1567: 1562: 1561: 1557: 1555: 1551: 1540: 1537: 1528: 1524: 1522: 1517: 1508: 1504: 1502: 1498: 1494: 1493:honors of war 1485: 1481: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1470:Thomas Dundas 1467: 1461: 1454: 1445: 1441: 1438: 1434: 1428: 1424: 1421: 1416: 1406: 1402: 1400: 1396: 1392: 1388: 1383: 1378: 1371: 1366: 1358: 1349: 1345: 1343: 1342: 1334: 1331: 1330: 1322: 1315: 1311: 1307: 1298: 1296: 1291: 1289: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1271: 1269: 1263: 1261: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1245: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1207: 1203: 1199: 1194: 1184: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1168: 1163: 1161: 1157: 1152: 1148: 1142: 1140: 1139:Hudson Valley 1136: 1132: 1122: 1120: 1115: 1113: 1109: 1103: 1101: 1096: 1094: 1093:Anthony Wayne 1090: 1084: 1082: 1081:Henry Clinton 1078: 1074: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1055: 1053: 1049: 1045: 1040: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1009: 1005: 1001: 995: 991: 977: 972: 962: 960: 955: 953: 949: 948:Great Britain 944: 940: 936: 932: 927: 925: 921: 920:Thomas Graves 917: 913: 909: 908:Santo Domingo 905: 901: 900:New York City 896: 894: 893:Henry Clinton 890: 886: 883:fleet of the 882: 878: 877:New York City 874: 864: 862: 858: 857:North America 854: 849: 847: 843: 839: 835: 831: 827: 823: 819: 815: 811: 807: 803: 786: 783: 782: 781: 778: 776: 773: 771: 768: 766: 763: 761: 758: 756: 753: 751: 748: 746: 743: 741: 738: 736: 733: 732: 729: 724: 714: 709: 707: 702: 700: 695: 694: 691: 677: 661: 652: 644: 639: 638: 633: 629: 623: 620: 618: 614: 611: 608: 606: 599: 596: 595: 594: 592: 588: 587: 582: 578: 564: 559: 547: 533: 528: 523: 516: 511: 510:Thomas Dundas 499: 494: 482: 477: 471: 459: 454: 442: 437: 427: 425: 420: 414: 409: 403: 398: 393: 391: 386: 380: 375: 369: 364: 358: 347: 336: 335:Thomas Nelson 325: 314: 303: 292: 281: 270: 269: 264: 260: 256: 244: 231: 219: 218: 217: 215: 214:Great Britain 202: 199: 185: 184:United States 173: 172: 167: 159: 156: 155: 150: 121: 117: 113: 110: 109: 103: 100: 99: 95: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 74:John Trumbull 71: 70: 64: 59: 56: 52: 47: 42: 37: 33: 19: 9525: 9412: 9404: 9396: 9384: 9376: 9368: 9360: 9352: 9346:Valley Forge 9344: 9336: 9307: 9154: 9131:Other events 9098: 9046: 9022:Valley Forge 9005: 8782:Liberty Hall 8742: 8733:2015 musical 8726: 8718: 8710: 8702: 8694: 8686: 8678: 8654: 8646: 8496: 8479: 8433:Other events 8421: 8392:White Plains 8378:aide-de-camp 8377: 8244:the Treasury 8242:Secretary of 8225: 8208: 8200: 8103: 8096:John Adams → 8094: 8009:George Reade 7997:Mildred Gale 7854:Conway Cabal 7809:Coat of arms 7767:Bibliography 7744: 7736: 7728: 7720: 7712: 7705:The Crossing 7704: 7696: 7691:1986 sequel) 7683: 7517:Paris statue 7462: 7434: 7427: 7404: 7397: 7390: 7383: 7376: 7369: 7352: 7344: 7336: 7328: 7321:plaster copy 7313: 7295: 7291:Purple Heart 7125:Mount Vernon 7062:public image 6762:Purple Heart 6717: 6691:Valley Forge 6416:Bicentennial 6299:Other topics 6285:Liberty Tree 6257: 6197:Constitution 6189: 6094:Beaumarchais 5982:Samuel Adams 5733:William Howe 5728:Richard Howe 5628:West Florida 5613:East Florida 5587:Rhode Island 5582:Pennsylvania 5515:Involvement 5459:Gordon Riots 5444:Valley Forge 5439:Conway Cabal 5417:Other events 5402: 5179:Philadelphia 5077:British Army 4968:Powder Alarm 4898:Model Treaty 4820: 4578:Expansionism 4546:Common Sense 4544: 4430: 4120: 4095:See search: 4089: 4069: 4059: 4048: 4000: 3972: 3951: 3924: 3905: 3894:. Retrieved 3885: 3873: 3857: 3842: 3824: 3820: 3811: 3792: 3773: 3746: 3727: 3707: 3686:. New York: 3682: 3654: 3631: 3622: 3603: 3595:Bibliography 3575: 3570: 3557: 3551: 3535: 3525:February 24, 3523:. Retrieved 3509: 3499:February 24, 3497:. Retrieved 3463:. Retrieved 3454: 3445: 3436: 3427: 3418: 3409: 3400: 3388:. Retrieved 3382: 3373: 3361: 3352: 3343: 3334: 3325: 3313:. Retrieved 3308: 3299: 3290: 3278:. Retrieved 3269: 3259: 3250: 3241: 3232: 3221: 3216: 3205:. Retrieved 3191: 3182: 3174: 3169: 3157:. Retrieved 3148: 3138: 3129: 3124:Davis p. 268 3120: 3115:Davis p. 267 3111: 3099:. Retrieved 3090: 3080: 3063:Davis p. 265 3059: 3050: 3044:. Retrieved 3035: 3026: 3018: 3014: 3008: 2998:February 26, 2996:. Retrieved 2987: 2978: 2968:December 16, 2966:. Retrieved 2957: 2948: 2923: 2918:Davis p. 255 2914: 2909:Davis p. 237 2905: 2900:Davis p. 236 2896: 2891:Davis p. 235 2877:Davis p. 234 2873: 2852:Davis p. 232 2848: 2843:Davis p. 230 2829:Davis p. 229 2815:Davis p. 228 2801:Davis p. 227 2773: 2750:. Retrieved 2746:the original 2735: 2730:Davis p. 225 2704:Davis p. 224 2688:Davis p. 222 2684: 2679:Davis p. 221 2675: 2670:Davis p. 219 2658:Davis p. 218 2646:Davis p. 217 2632:Davis p. 216 2620:Davis p. 215 2608:Davis p. 214 2604: 2599:Davis p. 208 2587:Davis p. 207 2583: 2578:Davis p. 205 2566:Davis p. 204 2562: 2557:Davis p. 203 2553: 2548:Davis p. 202 2536:Davis p. 199 2524:Lengelp. 337 2520: 2515:Davis p. 197 2511: 2506:Davis p. 195 2494:Davis p. 194 2490: 2485:Davis p. 193 2481: 2476:Davis p. 189 2472: 2437: 2431: 2391: 2375: 2371:Jared Sparks 2365: 2356: 2347: 2300: 2291: 2282: 2273: 2264: 2255: 2214: 2205: 2196: 2187: 2157: 2124:. Retrieved 2104: 2082: 2074: 2049: 2036: 2027: 2018: 2001: 1988: 1979: 1959: 1912: 1899: 1895: 1867: 1859: 1852: 1847: 1841: 1837:British flag 1814: 1777: 1758: 1746: 1742: 1738: 1706: 1690: 1689: 1686: 1680: 1679: 1676: 1671:Article XIV. 1670: 1669: 1663: 1662: 1659: 1655:Article XII. 1654: 1653: 1649: 1644: 1643: 1640: 1635: 1634: 1631: 1626: 1625: 1619: 1618: 1613:Article VII. 1612: 1611: 1605: 1604: 1598: 1597: 1594: 1588: 1587: 1583: 1579:Article III. 1578: 1577: 1572: 1571: 1565: 1564: 1559: 1558: 1546: 1534: 1525: 1513: 1490: 1462: 1459: 1442: 1429: 1425: 1415:John Laurens 1411: 1374: 1346: 1340: 1335: 1328: 1323: 1319: 1304: 1292: 1272: 1270:also began. 1264: 1257: 1246: 1226:shock troops 1223: 1201: 1170: 1160:Mount Vernon 1143: 1128: 1116: 1104: 1100:White Plains 1097: 1085: 1070: 1041: 997: 956: 928: 897: 873:Rhode Island 870: 850: 842:British Army 809: 805: 801: 799: 779: 760:Green Spring 740:Waters Creek 627: 621: 616: 615: 609: 604: 603: 590: 589: 271: 243:Hesse-Kassel 203: 169:Belligerents 67: 49:Part of the 36: 9409:(2021 book) 9401:(2015 book) 9365:(1995 film) 9357:(1989 film) 9349:(1975 film) 9341:(1961 film) 9260:1891 statue 8715:(2004 book) 8691:(1931 film) 8683:(1917 play) 8062:William Lee 7715:(2006 film) 7707:(2000 film) 7699:(1989 film) 7347:(Greenough) 6532:(1775–1783) 6525:(1798–1799) 6519:(1789–1797) 6062:Witherspoon 5946:von Steuben 5901:Charles Lee 5618:Nova Scotia 5537:Connecticut 5408:The Saintes 5363:Springfield 5328:Stony Point 5258:Long Island 5243:Bunker Hill 5164:Nova Scotia 4755:Prohibitory 4745:Restraining 4735:Intolerable 4715:Declaratory 3159:October 31, 2360:Davis p. 36 2351:Davis p. 21 2304:Davis p. 14 1844:White House 1709:provincials 1645:Article XI. 1627:Article IX. 1606:Article VI. 1589:Article IV. 1573:Article II. 1466:Moore House 1370:Eugène Lami 1301:Bombardment 1284:John Mercer 1230:Head of Elk 1213: 1836 1151:Head of Elk 1108:West Indies 1071:On May 20, 1064:map of the 881:West Indies 830:French Army 642:301 wounded 346:Moses Hazen 144: / 88:(left) and 84:flanked by 9533:Categories 9338:La Fayette 9201:Honors and 9155:Brandywine 8905:(grandson) 8899:(grandson) 8893:(grandson) 8881:(daughter) 8851:(daughter) 8744:Washington 8720:John Adams 8564:Greenbacks 8517:Depictions 8412:Germantown 8407:Brandywine 8325:Jay Treaty 8057:Oney Judge 7819:River Farm 7737:Washington 7355:(Trumbull) 7331:(Ceracchi) 7258:depictions 7115:Birthplace 7110:Early life 6984:Jay Treaty 6844:Presidency 6794:Other U.S. 6406:Centennial 6361:television 6212:Jay Treaty 6109:de Guichen 6017:Huntington 5977:John Adams 5916:Montgomery 5821:Washington 5784:Rockingham 5769:Barrington 5738:Knyphausen 5708:Cornwallis 5567:New Jersey 5398:Chesapeake 5353:Charleston 5308:Germantown 5303:Brandywine 5293:Bennington 5082:Royal Navy 5072:Parliament 5019:Combatants 4992:Combatants 4771:Loyal Nine 4704:Quartering 4674:Navigation 4520:Liberalism 4510:John Locke 4498:Philosophy 4072:. Viking. 4014:0806122544 3896:2016-06-11 3869:0812969502 3783:1932714057 3645:082632794X 3465:2012-02-29 3315:19 October 3207:2020-09-06 3046:2017-03-05 2752:2009-10-04 2422:Q108713137 2385:Q108716907 2295:Davis p. 3 2126:2020-10-03 2061:References 1817:siege guns 1805:Washington 1801:Rochambeau 1765:Lord North 1681:Cornwallis 1636:Article X. 1599:Article V. 1566:Article I. 1472:and Major 1437:touch hole 1329:Guadeloupe 1314:Washington 1238:York River 1191:See also: 1052:Petersburg 775:Chesapeake 745:Cape Henry 302:Henry Knox 132:76°30′09″W 129:37°13′51″N 116:Gloucester 9391:2020 film 9308:Lafayette 9306:USS  9203:memorials 9153:USS  8737:2020 film 8579:Memorials 8478:Founder, 8402:Princeton 8313:U.S. Mint 7987:(brother) 7981:(brother) 7975:(brother) 7927:(stepson) 7465:sculpture 7430:paintings 7253:Memorials 7135:Gristmill 7060:Views and 6849:timeline) 6280:Diplomacy 6268:Political 6251:Prisoners 6155:Aftermath 6129:Vergennes 6104:de Grasse 6099:d'Estaing 6089:Louis XVI 6027:Jefferson 5992:Dickinson 5936:St. Clair 5921:Nicholson 5896:Lafayette 5856:Duportail 5826:Alexander 5794:Shelburne 5678:Arbuthnot 5517:(by  5383:Pensacola 5343:Gibraltar 5318:St. Lucia 5283:Princeton 4995:Campaigns 4848:Minutemen 4764:Colonials 4720:Townshend 4649:Loyalists 4592:Royalists 3888:: 16–24. 3765:232006312 3673:649506358 2426:, p. 416. 2066:Citations 1965:U.S. Navy 1958:USS  1874:175th Inf 1870:113th Inf 1809:de Grasse 1715:Aftermath 1339:HMS  1327:HMS  1187:The siege 1066:W3R Route 840:over the 765:Francisco 750:Blandford 640:88 killed 630:: 8-9,000 591:Americans 230:Loyalists 9520:Virginia 9448:(father) 9414:Franklin 9386:Hamilton 9370:Liberty! 9006:Hermione 8922:Category 8817:patriots 8728:Hamilton 8696:Liberty! 8680:Hamilton 8417:Monmouth 8383:Battles 8329:Reports 8110:Category 8017:(nephew) 7969:(sister) 7951:(mother) 7945:(father) 7874:patriots 7839:Category 7745:Hamilton 7606:Currency 7339:(Canova) 7316:(Houdon) 6782:Blueskin 6546:Delegate 6536:Delegate 6244:Military 5997:Franklin 5970:Civilian 5951:Sullivan 5941:Schuyler 5871:Hamilton 5846:Claghorn 5814:Military 5807:Colonial 5789:Sandwich 5752:Civilian 5698:Carleton 5693:Campbell 5688:Burgoyne 5671:Military 5597:Virginia 5572:New York 5552:Maryland 5542:Delaware 5403:Yorktown 5338:Savannah 5313:Monmouth 5298:Saratoga 5204:Yorktown 5194:Southern 5184:Northern 5174:Saratoga 5146:theaters 5007:Colonies 4998:Theaters 4801:Patriots 4711:up i.p.o 4699:Currency 4684:Molasses 4131:Archived 4039:2203241M 4031:44961155 4023:89025029 3943:39028166 3890:Archived 3854:(2005). 3833:40256531 3580:Archived 3519:Archived 3493:Archived 3459:Archived 3390:June 19, 3368:, p. 156 3274:Archived 3201:Archived 3153:Archived 3101:March 5, 3095:Archived 3040:Archived 2992:Archived 2962:Archived 2418:Wikidata 2381:Wikidata 2120:Archived 1960:Yorktown 1937:See also 1268:parallel 1260:Fusilier 1234:redoubts 1008:Richmond 904:Virginia 867:Overview 808:and the 780:Yorktown 735:Richmond 619:: 5,000 584:Strength 259:Bayreuth 111:Location 9482:Portals 9456:Related 8755:Related 8626:(Salem) 8397:Trenton 7760:Related 7447:Statues 7130:Fishery 7039:Cabinet 6773:Horses 6548:to the 6538:to the 6366:theater 6124:Suffren 6114:Luzerne 6032:Laurens 6002:Hancock 5987:Carroll 5906:Lincoln 5886:de Kalb 5876:Hopkins 5774:Germain 5764:Amherst 5703:Clinton 5664:British 5654:Leaders 5547:Georgia 5378:Cowpens 5323:Grenada 5273:Trenton 5220:battles 5199:Western 5054:Marines 5001:Battles 3541:history 3280:10 June 2414:992228M 2373:(ed.), 1833:Steuben 1536:Malaria 1420:parapet 1377:Redoubt 1295:sappers 1250:Hessian 1147:Chester 965:Prelude 939:Redoubt 617:British 478:)  472: ( 255:Ansbach 78:British 53:of the 9470:(2002) 9436:(wife) 9426:Family 9318:Legacy 9297:(1937) 9291:(1921) 9285:(1917) 9274:(1899) 9251:(1887) 9245:(1876) 9123:(1830) 9070:(1787) 8980:(1789) 8839:(wife) 8829:Family 8784:(N.J.) 8211:(1775) 8203:(1774) 8025:Slaves 7921:(wife) 7911:Family 7094:Legacy 6777:Nelson 6552:(1774) 6542:(1775) 6258:Turtle 6082:French 6052:Revere 6047:Morris 6042:McKean 6007:Hanson 5931:Rodney 5926:Putnam 5911:Mercer 5866:Greene 5836:Arnold 5743:Rodney 5723:Graves 5713:Fraser 5623:Quebec 5368:Camden 5248:Quebec 5233:Boston 5218:Major 5159:Quebec 5154:Boston 5103:France 5004:Events 4921:Events 4730:Quebec 4204:(1769) 4198:(1765) 4192:(1763) 4076:  4037:  4029:  4021:  4011:  3981:  3958:  3941:  3931:  3912:  3866:  3831:  3799:  3780:  3763:  3753:  3734:  3715:  3694:  3671:  3661:  3642:  3610:  3227:p. 253 3052:event. 2444:  2420:  2412:  2402:  2383:  2112:  1807:, and 1791:Legacy 1382:abatis 1341:Charon 1282:, and 1253:Jägers 1110:under 622:German 605:French 560:  529:  512:  495:  455:  438:  227:  211:  198:France 195:  181:  157:Result 92:troops 86:French 9442:(son) 8887:(son) 8875:(son) 8869:(son) 8863:(son) 8857:(son) 8845:(son) 8037:Betty 6012:Henry 5961:Wayne 5881:Jones 5861:Gates 5851:Clark 5841:Barry 5831:Allen 5779:North 5683:Brant 4709:Stamp 4694:Sugar 4183:Early 3983:62690 3829:JSTOR 2085:p. 60 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Battle of Yorktown (1781)
Siege of Yorktown (1862)
Yorktown campaign
American Revolutionary War

Surrender of Lord Cornwallis
John Trumbull
Benjamin Lincoln
Continental Army
Yorktown, Virginia
37°13′51″N 76°30′09″W / 37.23083°N 76.50250°W / 37.23083; -76.50250
United States
Great Britain
George Washington
Benjamin Lincoln
Henry Knox
Alexander Hamilton
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben
Thomas Nelson
Moses Hazen
Henry Dearborn
Kingdom of France

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