
Blue Archive

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most of their land to Kaiser in the past to pay off the interest rate of their debt, until the school itself was the only land still left under Abydos ownership. Since the Student Council, which is the only organization with the authority to transfer Abydos' land, disbanded, Kaiser's only recourse to legally obtain the school is to coerce the remaining students to leave. Realizing Kaiser's real goal is not money but the entire Abydos district, the Task Force head towards the Abydos desert thanks to the information provided by Hina. Upon arrival, they discover a large military base operated by the Kaiser Private Military Company. However, the Task Force are discovered by Kaiser PMC led by the Kaiser Director. Recognizing Hoshino as the current Abydos vice-president, the Director admits Kaiser wants to take over Abydos as they're looking for a "hidden treasure" beneath the desert. The Director also threatens the Task Force to leave and not interfere with Kaiser's plans by having their monthly debt payment increase by 3000%, and Hoshino orders the Task Force to retreat. With the Task Force worried with their new problems, Sensei confronts Hoshino over her withdrawal letter. While she doesn't explain to Sensei why she is dropping out, she admits she loves Abydos Academy and will tell the truth to everyone tomorrow.
from some delinquents. Hifumi, having come to the Market to find a rare Peroro doll, is recruited by the Task Force due to her familiarity with the area. After Hifumi shows them the bank where criminals hide their illicit money, the Task Force are shocked to see a Kaiser Loans employee depositing their money to the bank. To confirm their suspicion that the debt money they paid is being used to hire the gangs attacking their school, the Task Force along with Hifumi robs the bank to get the bank's transaction records under disguise as the "Masked Swimsuit Gang". Problem Solver 68, who have come to the bank for a loan, witness the bank robbery in progress, which amazes Aru while being unaware the robbers are the Abydos students. After successfully escaping, the Task Force not only got the records but accidentally stole 100 million Yen as well. Despite Serika's suggestions they use the money they stole to pay off their debts, everyone convinces her not to as using their debt as a excuse to commit crime will make them no different from the gangs who attack them. Instead, they leave the money for Problem Solver 68, with Aru idolizing the Masked Swimsuit Gang until Kayoko points out they are actually the Task Force.
Corporation, orchestrated the events by having the school take out a loan larger than it could afford in the wake of a natural disaster, forcing the school to sell much of the Abydos District land. Kaiser Corporation hired the gangs when the Foreclosure Task Force did not give in and sell the land the Abydos High School is on. As punishment for the Foreclosure Task Force's spying, the Kaiser Corporation requests payment by the end of the week and increases the debt. Hoshino, a member of the Foreclosure Task Force, runs away and joins the Kaiser Corporation in exchange for debt forgiveness. However, she was actually tricked into allowing a mysterious organization that the Kaiser Corporation works with, Gematria, to experiment on her and her Mystic power. With the help of Problem Solver 68, a group of delinquent students from another school that the Kaiser Corporation had hired to attack Abydos High School, the Foreclosure Task Force rescues Hoshino. Later, the Foreclosure Task Force had their debt significantly reduced and they took on the role of Abydos' Student Council.
them to kill her if they ever face each other in battle. The Kaiser PMC army then attacks Abydos district. The Task Force confronts the Kaiser Director, who reveals he and Black Suit tricked Hoshino as their way of wiping off Abydos' debt is by destroying the school. Since Hoshino was the last member of the Abydos Student Council officially recognized by the General Student Council while the Task Force was never officially recognized, Kaiser can invade the now ownerless Abydos Academy unopposed. Just as the Task Force loses hope, Problem Solver 68 come to their aid and remind them of their resolve to save their school no matter the odds. With their morale restored, the Task Force and Problem Solver 68 fight and defeat Kaiser PMC, forcing them to retreat. As the Task Force vows to rescue Hoshino, Black Suit reveals to a captured Hoshino that he was using Kaiser to get her due to the power she possesses. After that, Hoshino realized she has been deceived, apologizes to everyone she felt she had failed on them before she is tied up and held captive.
contacted by Prefect Team Senior Administrator, Ako Amau. Ako apologizes for her troop's actions and didn't know Sensei was there but still demands the Task Force help them. However, Problem Solver 68 decides to help the Task Force and Kayoko calls out on Ako's lies as her true target is actually Sensei. Ako admits she orchestrated the hunt for Problem Solver 68 as an excuse to capture Sensei as she views him as an unknown threat for the upcoming peace treaty between Trinity and Gehenna. Ako orders another attack but the Task Force and Problem Solver 68 defeat them thanks to Sensei's commands. Ako is forced to stand down when Prefect Team President, Hina Sorasaki, arrives on the scene to scold Ako for not only attacking another school's territory but also doing so behind her back. As the Prefect Team retreats, Hina apologizes to Sensei and a recently arrived Hoshino for her subordinates' actions but not before telling Sensei that the Kaiser Corporation are conducting mysterious operations at the Abydos desert.
completes a commission to rescue a stolen cat, but the cat is injured in an explosion they caused, resulting in their payment being forfeited. Broke, Problem Solver 68 arrives at Shiba Seki Ramen at the same time as the Task Force and orders a single bowl of ramen to share between the four of them. Taking pity on them, Master Shiba makes an extra large bowl of ramen for them. Aru ends up befriending the Task Force members, but finds out later from her friends that the Task Force are actually their next targets. The next day, Problem Solver 68 attacks the school with a band of mercenaries, putting the Task Force on the defensive. Sensei then comes up with a plan for Shiroko to ambush Aru, which delays the attack long enough for the other mercenaries to give up when their work hours end. Problem Solver 68 is forced to retreat as the Task Force celebrates their victory. Elsewhere, two men are surprised the Task Force is giving so much resistance, which is interfering with their plans.
explore a ruined section of the Millennium District to look for a special program that can help them make their game. Instead, they find a robot girl named Aris, who develops an obsession with video games. The Game Development Club arranges for Aris to be recruited as their fourth member, steal the program from their school's vault, and be able to create their game in time and avoid dissolution. Sometime later, Aris is kidnapped by Millennium's student council president, Rio, who reveals that Aris is actually the leader of DIVI:SION, an army of hostile robots programmed to destroy Kivotos. SCHALE, the Game Development Department, and their allies stage a rescue mission and prevent Rio from dismantling Aris. Meanwhile, Aris overcomes her programming, wanting to become a hero instead of being a villain, and DIVI:SION is shut down. Aris returns to the Game Development Department while Rio resigns from her position.
move out of their office for failing to pay their rent along with Kaiser and the Prefect Team hunting them. They encounter Shiroko, who while still angry at them for blowing up Shiba Seki, she forgives them for helping them against the Prefect Team and learning they're giving the stolen bank money to Master Shiba to rebuild his restaurant and parts with them on good terms. Suspicious with recent events, Sensei asks Arona to search for information about Kaiser Corporation and Hoshino. During a meeting, Sensei and the Task Force learns Abydos District, along with the homes and buildings around the school, while were originally under Abydos Academy's jurisdiction, were secretly transferred to the Kaiser Corporation several years ago and they are now sending eviction notices to its residents. Despite their grim situation, Hoshino cheers everyone up by suggesting they take a trip to an aquarium.
Department, who was testing their grenade launcher to fire baseballs. The next day, as her fellow members play the game against another team, her twin sister, Saiba Midori, was abducted by Kosaka Wakamo, who plans to sacrifice Midori at the Tree of Life to create a new paradise where she could be together with Sensei. Momoi, with help from her friends Tendou Alice, and Hanaoka Yuzu, defeat Wakamo in a fight, but not before she destroys the Tree of Life, taking out Yuzu and Alice. Momoi finds her twin sister on a flowery field in place of the crater but freaks out upon being asked whether if she finished her story. Waking up with Midori and the Engineering Department club around her, it is revealed that Momoi was actually knocked out by the baseball and that what she was experiencing was all a dream. However, because of this event, Momoi was able to find inspiration for a new video game.
inside the base, Hoshino blames herself for all what has happened until she remembers a conversation she had with Yume about valuing her friends and classmates should be considered a miracle, and she decides to atone for her mistakes by reuniting with her friends. Just as Hoshino tries to escape, the defeated Kaiser Director activates the base's self-destruct program which causes to Hoshino to fall off a bridge until Shiroko rescues her. When Hoshino wakes up, she realizes Sensei and the Task Force saved her and thanks them for still trusting her. In the epilogue, the Prefect Team continue their job dealing with trouble making students, Hifumi attends a Peroro exhibit, Problem Solver 68 dines at the rebuilt Shiba Seki restaurant, Sensei speaks with Arona, and the Foreclosure Task Force continue their everyday school life, as an officially recognized club approved by Sensei of SCHALE.
Abydos. While Hifumi promises to help her new friends by asking Trinity's Student Council, the Tea Party, for help, Hoshino doubts it since the other powerful schools know about Abydos' debts but choose to turn a blind eye on it. The next day, despite Problem Solver 68's gaining money from the Task Force, Aru refuses to use it out of pride and plans to continue their contract with Kaiser. While having breakfast at Shiba Seki, a miscommunication between Aru and Haruka causes the latter to blow up the restaurant with a bomb. Aru is horrified of the destruction but to keep up her image as a ruthless outlaw, she claims responsibility when the Task Force minus Hoshino confronts them. Before both groups start fighting, they are suddenly attacked by artillery fire from a third party, who are revealed to be Gehenna Academy's Prefect Team.
Abydos Academy, Hoshino Takanashi, Nonomi Izayoi, Serika Kuromi, Ayane Okusora and Shiroko Sunaookami, who are also members of the Abydos Foreclosure Task Force, not only deal with desertification affecting their school, but also paying off the school's massive debts and repelling attacks by the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang. One day, Shiroko helps a man who got lost and brings him to school. The man introduces himself as Sensei of SCHALE and he has been sent by the General Student Council to help Abydos with their recent problems. As Shiroko gives a tour of the school to Sensei, the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang attack Abydos. While the Task Force at first has trouble fighting the Helmet Gang, Sensei takes command and helps the Task Force defeat and drive out the gang. Later, Sensei meets a young girl named Arona in a virtual world.
Serika does not trust him due to him being an outsider. During a meeting with the Task Force, they reveal the school owes a massive debt to Kaiser Loans due to past loans taken out to repair damage caused by constant sandstorms, which they must pay off or risk Kaiser Loans taking over the school. After the Task Force secretly follow Serika to her part time job at the Shiba Seki Ramen restaurant, Serika's boss, Master Shiba, and Shiroko tell Serika to trust Sensei. However, the Helmet Gang later kidnap Serika to use her as a hostage. Learning about her kidnapping, Sensei and the Task Force rescue Serika and destroy the tanks chasing them. Realizing he is a good person, Serika shyly thanks Sensei. Later, the Helmet Gang are defeated by another group called Problem Solver 68.
to investigate mysterious cases of Kaiser Corporation attempting to evict the residents of their district. They uncover a conspiracy where the Valkyrie Police School was secretly buying weapons from Kaiser Corporation which caused a scandal and halts Kaiser's redevelopment plans. After the events of Volume Final, General Student Council Chief of Defense Kaya attempts to overthrow the General Student Council with the help of Fox Squad, who hopes she can restore the SRT Academy. This culminates in Kaya ordering Fox Squad to destroy a train station in a staged terrorist attack, but they are thwarted by Rabbit Squad. Seeing the error of their ways, Fox Squad surrenders to SCHALE and turns over evidence that incriminates Kaya, leading to her arrest.
Prefect Team but Hoshino dodges the question. The next morning while riding to school, Shiroko sees Hoshino inside a limo. After the Task Force meeting, Shiroko confronts Hoshino and demands to know what secrets is she hiding and why was she in a limo which Hoshino tries to lie again. Shiroko then recovers a document from Hoshino's bag before Sensei and Nonomi arrive to stop the fight between the two. Nonomi tries to calm Shiroko and let Hoshino leave, telling the former that Hoshino might have a good reason for hiding a secret. Elsewhere, "Black Suit" proclaims his plan is working as he looks over a transfer contract. Later, Shiroko shows Sensei the letter in Hoshino's bag, a school withdrawal letter, which Sensei promises to investigate.
SCHALE refuses to help Nagisa and instead tries to help the Make-Up Work Club despite Nagisa's meddling. Eventually, it is revealed that the real traitor is Nagisa's friend Mika, who is working with the rogue Arius Squad from the Arius Satellite School. Arius attempts to sabotage the Eden Treaty signing, but SCHALE and the Make-Up Work Club are able to thwart their plans, forcing them to retreat. Arius Squad's leader Saori then approaches SCHALE and begs for their aid in rescuing her friend Atsuko, whom Gematria member Beatrice plans to sacrifice for a ritual. SCHALE is able to convince Arius Squad and Mika to work together to rescue Atsuko while Trinity raids Arius. Beatrice is forced to admit defeat and flees while Mika is pardoned.
is still his student since he never signed and approved her withdrawal letter. Despite his confusion on why Sensei cares about the students, Black Suit gives up and tells Sensei that Hoshino is being held at the Kaiser PMC base. With this new information, the Task Force attempt to get help from Trinity and Gehenna to attack Kaiser but both schools need some time to help. Problem Solver 68 is also unsure whether they should help them. Despite these setbacks, Sensei and the Task Force decide to proceed with their plan to rescue Hoshino, trusting that their allies will come around to help them.
attempting to overthrow the General Student Council and seize Kivotos for themselves. SCHALE, SRT Rabbit Squad, and Valkyrie are able to thwart Kaiser, but massive structures called False Sanctums begin appearing all over the city. While SCHALE organizes the majority of the students to mount a defense against the False Sanctums, they also commandeer a spaceship to attack a space station that appears to be the origin of the False Sanctums. Once on board, they discover that the masterminds are Phrenapates and Anubis,
677:, to be the advisor of SCHALE, an extrajudicial organization established by the president herself. She then proceeds to disappear, which is followed by a rise in criminal activity and military presence in the city. As Sensei helps the students, clubs, and academies of Kivotos with their various problems, the Sensei must also deal with rival schools, criminal warfare, corrupt corporations, rogue AIs, paranormal creatures, mysterious groups, and cults that threaten Kivotos. 441: 536: 31: 860:
director changed hands from Isakusan and Hwangsang to Oh Hyun-seok and 9ml respectively. Kim Yong Ha returns to head director position of the game after being in a "supervising role" for a while. While he admits that the sudden announcement of staff changes may concern the players, Yong Ha in an interview assured that the changes will not affect the game in any drastic way.
The Task Force finds proof from the bank's records that Kaiser Loans has been hiring the gangs attacking their school by funding them using the debt money they have been paying. Shiroko suspects the Kaiser Corporation, Kaiser Loans' parent company, is involved and that they have much bigger plans for
SCHALE receives a request from Nagisa at Trinity General School to help root out a traitor who threatens to disrupt the signing of the Eden Treaty between Trinity and Gehenna Academy. Nagisa had already gathered all the suspected traitors in the Make-Up Work Club, whom she plans to have all expelled.
Their total revenue until October 2023 has reached over $ 400 million for all their versions. The Japanese version of the game contributed 75% of it. In August 2023, the game recorded $ 19 million for the Japanese version, and $ 4 million for their global version, the total revenue was $ 24 million.
doujinshi. As her own work recently became much more popular, with the anime adaptation finished airing a week before the event, her activity attracted a lot of fans to line up at her booth. This prompted the organiser to move her booth outside the hall to avoid congestion and her booth quickly sold
Sensei has a meeting with Black Suit face to face. Black Suit reveals just like Sensei, he isn't from Kivotos and is part of an organization called Gematria, who research and discover the secrets of Kivotos. Black Suit invites Sensei to join Gematria but he refuses as he wants to save Hoshino as she
Inside a train, a bleeding girl asks a mysterious man for his help to avert disaster. At the academy city of Kivotos, the city is still recovering from the chaos following the disappearance of their leader, the General Student Council President. At the Abydos District, the five remaining students of
On November 11, 2022, Nexon updated the ratings of the worldwide version of the game to "Mature" from the original "Teen" rating, while released a separate "Teen"-rated version of the game, particularly due to its rating issues in Korea. The "Teen" rating version has some content changes compared to
SCHALE is sent to suppress Rabbit Squad, who are protesting the closure of SRT Special Academy. SCHALE decides to try and assist the Rabbit Squad, but they are initially distrustful. Rabbit Squad eventually comes to trust SCHALE after they assist in saving their camp from a rainstorm, and they begin
first, using over-leveled characters and automated gameplay to contextualize the narrative as opposed to locking off story behind constant level barriers as seen in other gacha games, while also using events to add extra context to the story, with many released after Volume F completely adopting the
of Kivotos by the president of the General Student Council, an extrajudicial committee governing the schools. Following her sudden disappearance, criminal activity rises around Kivotos and the player is tasked by the remaining members of the council to resolve issues that crop up and help search for
is published by Ichijinsha under its DNA Media Comics label with its first volume releases on October 5, 2022. The first volume contains various designs concepts and profile of the characters and other related art materials throughout the first year events of the game, as well as guest artworks and
Sensei and the Task Force find a letter written by Hoshino including her withdrawal letter, where she reveals in order to save Abydos Academy, she agreed to drop out and join Kaiser PMC in exchange for Kaiser wiping out their debts, and apologizes to everyone for not telling them personally and ask
Hoshino remembers her past when she was a cynical student and Yume, Hoshino's senior and Abydos' student council president, still believed they could bring back the school to its glory days much to Hoshino's ire. In the present, the Task Force learns the previous Abydos Student Council legally sold
Sensei and the Task Force head to the Aquarium where they enjoy watching the animals on display there including getting a group photo taken by Yuuka Hayase and Noa Ushio from Millennium Science School. During their trip, Shiroko confronts Hoshino over where she actually was during the attack by the
In a flashback, a mysterious black suited man proposes to Hoshino "an offer she can't refuse". In the present, while punishing Ako by making her write a thousand apology letters, Hina reveals Hoshino was once an elite student feared by Gehenna in the past. Elsewhere, Problem Solver 68 are forced to
The Prefect Team forces, led by Iori Shiromi and Chinatsu Hinomiya, demand the handover of Problem Solver 68 as they are wanted Gehenna students but the Task Force refuses since the Prefect Team launched an unprovoked attack and invaded their territory. Sensei intervenes to stop the fighting and is
Sensing a connection between the gangs attacking Abydos with illegal weapons and Kaiser Loans only taking cash to pay their debts, Sensei and the Task Force head to the black market where criminals sell their illegal wares. While there, Shiroko rescues a Trinity General student named Hifumi Ajitani
According to an interview in Taiwan in December 2023, PD Kim Yong Ha explains that they have planned ahead for two years and is expecting a 15-years minimum of development with their approach. He also said that for the time being, they are focusing on remediating crash issues that commonly happened
products for the game alone. This is a spike of increase from 446 circles for their Winter 2022 event (C101). Due to its reception, the game moves from the general net social games section to their own section in the Winter 2023 Comiket (C103) onwards, with genre code 336. The numbers twinfolds to
and battle initiates when they interact with an enemy or vice versa. In combat, Strikers march along a straight path and occasionally encounter groups of enemies. They also fire automatic attacks and can hide behind objects to decrease their chances of getting hit. Specials do not engage in direct
Sensei commands the Task Force as they assault and breach the Kaiser PMC Base. The Kaiser Director orders all of his forces to attack the Task Force but they are defeated by the timely arrival of Hifumi and Trinity's artillery force, the Prefect Team, and Problem Solver 68. As the Task Force head
Sensei and the Task Force hold a meeting to brainstorm ways to make money to pay off the school's debt, but fail to come up with anything sensible or legal. Meanwhile, the mercenary group Problem Solver 68 consisting of Aru Rikuhachima, Mutsuki Asagi, Kayoko Onikata and Haruka Igusa, successfully
In a flashback, Sensei helps retake Sanctum Tower and is given the Shittim Chest tablet by Vice President Rin Nanagami. Accessing the tablet, Sensei meets Arona who introduces herself as the Shittim Chest's A.I. Operating System. Back in the present, despite Sensei helping defeat the Helmet Gang,
The main story is divided into several Volumes, which focus on a specific group in their respective school, in which each volume is also divided into chapters that tell a relatively complete story on their own. There are currently five story volumes, the first four of which lead up to the story's
The global version received censorship in some of their scenes in comparison of their Japanese version. In response to this, chief developer PD Kim Yong Ha stated that they needed to abide by "external requests" to be able to market their game in other regions, apologizing to the players for not
has licensed the series in Asia-Pacific (except Australia and New Zealand) and is streaming it on Ani-One Asia YouTube channel. The anime is also released in North America through its official English channel on YouTube. All Blu-rays were sold with English, Korean, Chinese and Japanese subtitles
pre-registrations are open on the same day. A closed beta test is done between June and July 2023, and on August 3, 2023, the game finally went live in China as an open beta. The Chinese version is published by Yostar and includes Chinese voice dub for the characters, including the main stories.
The city is ruled by the General Student Council (GSC), a federal committee led by a President, who governs the city from the Sanctum Tower with access to every student's register. Despite the GSC having the main authority within Kivotos, many of the schools operate and lead their districts with
In Millenium Science School, Game Development Department club member Saiba Momoi, overwhelmed by her lack of ideas as their deadline approaches, decides to go out for a walk, when she was invited to participate in a baseball game after catching the baseball and throwing back at the Engineering
The lineup change of the development team happened in 2024 which saw Byeong-lim Park, once the co-director for the Japanese version of the game left the team to handle a new project alongside two other founding members, Cha Min-seo and Im Jong-gyu. Positions such as main scenario writer and art
versions of the Sensei and Shiroko respectively working for a greater power called the Chroma. SCHALE is able to defeat Phrenapates and Anubis, and they follow Phrenapates' last request to rescue Anubis as the space station explodes. With the destruction of the space station, the False Sanctums
SCHALE receives a request from the Game Development Department at the Millennium Science School to try and prevent their club from being disbanded due to having less than four members and failing to produce a video game per their club's stated purpose. The Game Development Department decides to
1718 circles in C103 and expands to 1922 circles in C104. It was reported that some prominent staff like chief developer PD Kim Yong Ha and sound composer Mitsukiyo also visited the booths in the events and met the artists as a form of support. Based on a December 16, 2023 survey conducted by
Worried about a prophecy predicting Kivotos' doom, SCHALE sends a warning to General Student Council Vice President Rin, who tries to organize a meeting. However, other members of the General Student Council censure Rin under the belief she is overstepping her authority, which leads to Kaiser
Abydos High School is in deep debt, and its five remaining students have formed the Foreclosure Task Force. They have been fighting off gangs attacking the school for a long time, and ask SCHALE for help. They investigate and eventually learn that the company the school is in debt to, Kaiser
Students from numerous academies across Kivotos visit the large shopping mall, where a summer sale is taking place. As they went shopping, several turret robots suddenly went rogue and terrorizes the shoppers. The students arm themselves and successfully fought against the robots to restore
A Simplified Chinese version of the game for China release has been revealed in works in March 2023, as the Chinese authority released a statement regarding passing of the games to be played in the country. The game website later went live alongside the first preview on March 31, 2023, with
of up to six members (two "Specials" and four "Strikers") to participate in various military campaigns with. Students' strengths can be enhanced in various ways, such as by increasing their levels, weapons, armor and skills. More students can be recruited through the gacha system using
A worldwide version of the game was announced in August 2021, surpassing one million pre-registrations ahead of its release. The version, which includes English as well as Korean, Traditional Chinese and Thai language support was released on November 8 of the same year by Nexon.
visual novel format if not an alternative form of interactive fiction. New chapters of the main volumes are serialized every 3 to 6 months, with a new and rerun event story every month. Events older than 2 years since debut are added permanently to the Event Recap.
was released on July 16, 2022, as a special 9-minute animation for its summer events and half-anniversary event, featuring Abydos High, Allied Hyakkiyako, Trinity General, and Gehenna Academy students on their quest of preparing for their summer activities.
While originally criticized due to lack of content and various in-game bugs that hampered the initial experience, the game has marked spikes in popularity later on with their improvements, with it now enjoying a huge successful fanbase especially in the
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Other themes used in the game are "Kagayaki Summer Days" and "Our Quest", which are used in their short animation titles and sung by various voice actors of the game, "Memories of Kindness", the theme for Volume F ending sung by Kano in Japanese and
The game was first introduced by Nexon Games (formerly NAT Games) and Yostar by its initial name, Project MX. The announcement, alongside the first promotion video and arts was released in February 2020. Yostar announced the mobile game and held
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The anime adapts the two, pre-volume F chapters of the "Countermeasures Committee/Foreclosure Task Force" arc, with the cast reprising their roles from the game. It premiered on April 7, with its final episode aired on June 23. on
virtually autonomous independence with almost every school district having a rich, long lasting history to them, with the three most powerful schools being Millennium Science School, Trinity General School, and Gehenna Academy.
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with human levels of intelligence and individuality. Due to possessing Halos, humans can resist and survive serious injuries like gunshots and explosions, and only human would be killed through destroying a Halo.
and support them from the backlines instead. The player has generally no control over battles with the exception of using students' skills that cost a regenerable currency to use. Students and enemies both have
1816:) has been announced in production during the live stream on October 20, 2023, focusing on the characters from the group Game Development Department. Asato Mizu illustrated the manga and began serialization on 3711: 1847:
is selected as the worldwide version theme song of the game, with separate versions of Korean and English is used for Korea version and rest of the regions respectively. For Chinese version, "Blue Canvas" by
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has been considered one of their most-grossing games in their quarterly financial report, with remarkably being one of the dominant contributors of revenue in Japan in their Q2 Financial Report 2023.
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is another short animation title, featuring the Game Development Department (GDD) from Millenium Science School. The title was released on November 22, 2022, with a duration of around 9 minutes.
first climactic volume titled "Volume F" that ties those initial volumes together as the first overarching story arc closes and allows future volumes afterwards to exist and evolve, narratively.
2896: 657:, which include subraces ranging from the common human to resembling angels, demons, elves and kemonomimi retaining lesser features of various animal races such as ears and tails, intelligent 2272: 3952: 1945:
The game also has attracted some well-known manga artists and animators to become a fan and also produces fan arts for the game. One of the most notable is Aki Hamaji, the author of
1721:, consisting of various short story comic from various artists, has been announced in production on July 24, 2021, and the first volume of the comic is released on July 26, 2021, by 3781: 1929:, with the data for its C102 event in Summer 2023 showing the game had the highest number of circles participating in the general net social games section, with 894 circles selling 833:
for the Android version in July 2020, where it is now known by its current name as Blue Archive. Initially scheduled to be released in 2020, it was later moved to February 4, 2021.
628:-based attacks and defenses, which determine their strengths and weaknesses. Students get rescued by a helicopter and cannot participate in later battles if they lose all of their 4182: 3976: 3944: 3030: 2740: 4306: 3073: 1008:
and Yamagishi overseeing series scripts, Shunji Maki serving as assistant director, and Hiromitsu Hagiwara designing the characters and serving as chief animation director.
3647:"Here is a letter from PD Kim Yong-ha regarding the revision of the Aris scenario production. We will continue to do our best to provide satisfying service to every Sensei" 2605: 906:
was initially scheduled to be released on July 23, 2023, but was confirmed on a December 24 livestream session that it was ultimately cancelled due to quality issues.
for its Korean and English versions. Younha also sings "Thanks to", which is a special theme song for its 1.5 anniversary event in South Korea in English and Korean.
in the game, with reason being their 3D model has becoming more complex as the time goes. He also said that there is no plan for any PC version of the game for now.
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have been released individually as promotional material of the game. Both titles were produced by Yostar Pictures, and released in their official YouTube channels.
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keeping his promises. Censorship efforts at the time have since been reversed with the introduction of two separately rated versions in their Global version.
4311: 2242: 2104: 3712:"Anime game fans got so angry about a nudity-related age rating they brought down South Korea's 'festering and rotting' game rating agency for corruption" 3299: 4316: 3532: 2829: 2929: 4446: 3936: 863:
Nexon reported the game has announced Korean voice dubs were added to Blue Archive Global version starting on July 23, 2024, on its 3.5th anniversary.
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Blue Archive has won an award from market research firm Sensor Tower for best storytelling, beating out other contemporary competitions such as
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is used as the main theme song for the Japanese version of the game, with the single is released on March 31, 2021. "Target for love" by
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players lauching a petition calling for the rating board's investigation prior, which allegedly instigated Lee Sang-Heon of the
starting on October 14, 2022, with Kaede Nogiwa as the artist. The first volume of the manga has been released on June 8, 2023.
was announced on January 22, 2023. The series is produced by Yostar Pictures and CANDYBOX and directed by Daigo Yamagishi, with
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staff interviews. The second volume which covers materials from the second year of the game was released on December 19, 2023.
of Kivotos, which was established by the union of thousands of academies. The citizens of Kivotos are composed of three races:
3246: 1687:
The game has released several official print media such as anthology comics, spinoff manga series and official artwork books.
4336: 596: 4396: 4233: 3968: 3217: 3185: 3153: 3091: 2552: 2035: 1879:, Karut and Nor. Other composers do periodically contribute to its tracks such as Aiobahn for the collaboration event with 3680: 3453: 3423: 2167:"Blue Archive, the highly anticipated anime RPG with over one million pre-registrations, has launched on Android and iOS" 1826:
manga website on December 31, 2023. The first volume of the manga has been published by Gangan Comics on June 12, 2024.
4411: 4043: 2355: 2332: 2302: 4371: 4346: 4341: 4059: 3750: 2453: 575: 3113: 4321: 3623: 3393: 3363: 3007: 2973: 2873: 2806: 2232: 2094: 4461: 4291: 4027: 2897:"TV Tokyo Launches New Sunday Night Anime Programming Block Starting With Blue Archive The Animation on April 7" 1706: 620: 557: 4075: 3563: 801: 689:
Contrary to most gacha games on the market, the vast majority of Blue Archive's main story is presented as a
553: 4356: 4099: 3912: 3838: 3585: 3513: 2388: 1935: 1892:
with first volume released on March 24, 2022. The latest volume, Vol. 5, was released on January 21, 2024.
1881: 4091: 3861: 2166: 673:
Before the events of the game, the GSC President summons the player character, a teacher referred to as
2421: 592: 491: 228: 2030:
700 million (US$ 500,000) in taxpayer money. A few presses claimed this is an indirect result of
4381: 4281: 1976: 629: 2454:"Early Notice About the Addition of the Teen Version and Raising the Age Rating of the Existing App" 1956:
out just noon of the first day of the event. She continued her involvement in the next Comiket with
4190: 3928: 3920: 2514: 1806: 1764: 4406: 4123: 1874: 1774:), focusing on the characters from the group Problem Solver 68. The manga is released monthly by 546: 191: 165: 119: 2199: 4241: 3854: 882: 445: 375: 4376: 4225: 4083: 4386: 4351: 4115: 3834: 3650: 1733: 96: 86: 3646: 3508: 3329: 2699: 1942:
within Japan has an average age of 24 years, and a male-to-female ratio that skews 80:20.
8: 4286: 3031:"Ani-One Asia Reveals Kaiju No. 8, Blue Archive, 6 Other Anime for Spring 2024 Streaming" 625: 612: 216: 152: 2667: 2635: 2582: 223: 4366: 4361: 4198: 4067: 3992: 3035: 2934: 2901: 2834: 2735: 2135: 196: 3475: 4401: 4174: 4107: 3960: 3389: 3359: 3268: 3002: 2968: 2868: 2801: 2265:"Project MX - New waifu mobile game for Japan and South Korea announced by NAT Games" 1982: 1797: 1755: 1636: 1585: 1534: 1481: 1436: 1426: 1375: 1324: 1273: 1222: 1167: 1116: 1061: 483: 459: 379: 2762: 2483: 3239: 2027: 1970: 1947: 1907: 848:
In October 2023, Nexon announced that the Global version would be available in the
605: 475: 183: 3824: 1074: 1005: 517:
The player and protagonist is a Sensei who was summoned from outside the academic
303: 4331: 4035: 1960:
doujinshi and has also contributed to some official promotional art of the game.
601: 467: 3207: 3175: 3143: 3087: 2544: 2200:"Blue Archive celebrating half year anniversary with an abundance of free gifts" 2095:"Blue Archive's upcoming update features new story events, characters, and more" 4249: 4142: 3064:"Blue Archive The Animation Gets English Subtitled YouTube Release in May 2024" 1911: 805:
disappear, Kivotos begins to rebuild, and Anubis leaves to begin a fresh start.
498:, first in Japan by Yostar and worldwide later that year by Nexon. The game is 346: 3445: 3415: 4270: 3878: 1839:
A few songs have been used throughout the game versions. "Clear Morning", by
1822: 1737: 1016:
as part of their new unnamed Sunday midnight anime block and other networks.
2763:"【ブルアカ】テレビアニメ『ブルーアーカイブ The Animation』が制作決定。ナビゲーターでおなじみのアロナが描かれたティザービジュアルも解禁" 2324: 2294: 2204: 2171: 2099: 849: 690: 499: 201: 3742: 2461: 3068: 1919: 1817: 490:(formerly NAT Games), a subsidiary of Nexon. It was released in 2021 for 211: 428: 3846: 3615: 3385: 3355: 3213: 3181: 3149: 3114:"蔚藍檔案 - ▎出版預告! 老師,聽說蔚藍檔案官方美術集確定會出版中文版本了! #BlueArchive #蔚藍檔案 | Facebook" 2995: 2961: 2861: 2794: 2672: 2640: 2426: 2393: 2360: 2237: 1844: 1722: 650: 560: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 518: 503: 367: 342: 30: 2131:"Yostar Pictures Animates Blue Archive Game's 1.5th Anniversary Short" 1785: 4019: 3812: 1930: 1840: 1775: 1017: 830: 352: 123: 3416:"【コミケC102】最大手サークル数の覇権ゲームが決まる!ブルアカ894ウマ娘804アイマス688Fate656東方648艦これ602" 2668:"「ブルアカ」,水着姿の限定生徒ウイ,ヒナタ,ハナコが7月24日より順次登場。アニメの続報や新作グッズなども発表された生放送をレポート" 2515:"[Update] Blue Archive Galaxy Store Pre-Registration Event!" 2038:
to demand Korean National Audit to inspect the board independently.
535: 4051: 3953:
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town
1951:, who participates in the C101 event with her own circle producing 1013: 371: 3300:"Aharen-san wa Hakarenai's Asato Mizu Launches Blue Archive Manga" 2026:
and was found to be guilty in June 2023 for embezzlement worth of
440: 4001:
Blue Archive: The Great Adventure of Game Development Department!
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? Days of Goddess
3774:"South Korean game regulatory agency investigated for corruption" 3666: 3480: 2930:"Blue Archive Anime's Promo Video Reveals More Cast, April Debut" 2830:"Blue Archive Anime Reveals Director, Studio, 1st 2 Cast Members" 2767: 2055: 1926: 1794:
Blue Archive: The Great Adventure of Game Development Department!
615: 429:
Blue Archive: The Great Adventure of Game Development Department!
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
1857: 1849: 1725:. The manga has been released up to Volume 3 on July 25, 2023. 3533:"Bocchi the Rock! Manga Creator's Loner Experience at Comiket" 3945:
I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
Information is taken from the ending credits of each episode.
1915: 997: 852:
for Samsung phones. This version was released on October 31.
507: 487: 264: 246: 109: 105: 68: 3977:
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
3681:"Blue Archive Will Split into Separately Age-Rated versions" 1868:
The original soundtracks of the game are composed mostly by
3800: 2356:"Blue Archive Release Date Set for February 2021 in Japan" 3506: 495: 232: 4044:
Shin Denyūden Kakumei-hen Ochita Kuroi Yūsha no Densetsu
A series of artwork compilation book of the game titled
1811: 1769: 1630: 1579: 1528: 1475: 1420: 1369: 1318: 1267: 1216: 1161: 1110: 1055: 52: 4307:
Animated television series set in fictional countries
2233:"Blue Archive Characters are Packed with Personality" 421: 1158:"Rest Assured and Leave it to Us, Problem Solver 68" 1787:
The Great Adventure of Game Development Department!
1743: 1052:"Abydos High School, Abydos Foreclosure Task Force" 3586:"ブルーアーカイブが2023年に大幅成長、前年同期比2倍以上の収益とダウンロード数を世界市場で記録" 1888:The official soundtracks in sets of albums titled 506:mechanics as a means to obtain new characters. An 3985:You Were Experienced, I Was Not: Our Dating Story 3330:"やや"太もも"を強調するアングル!? 「ブルアカ」の新たなコミカライズよりユウカのイラスト公開" 2389:"Blue Archive Official English Version Announced" 1690: 4268: 3507:Ayase Hirashima; Eri Hatano (February 2, 2024). 3446:"C101サークル数 ウマ娘728 ホロライブ620 艦これ654 東方596 デレマス474" 1895: 4452:Video games featuring non-playable protagonists 2014:In October 2022, the South Korea rating board, 1623: 1572: 1521: 1468: 1413: 1362: 1311: 1260: 1209: 1154: 1103: 1048: 2636:"「ブルーアーカイブ」"夏のブルアカらいぶ!1.5周年記念すぺしゃる!"を7月16日に配信" 1752:Blue Archive: Problem Solver 68 Business Diary 976: 950: 924: 422:Blue Archive: Problem Solver 68 Business Diary 42: 4422:Television series about intelligence agencies 3862: 3709: 2160: 2158: 989: 823: 4312:Anime television series based on video games 3644: 2022:from 15+ to 18+ . GRAC was later audited by 1163:Benriya Shikkusutii-Eito ni Omakase Kudasai! 595:that allows the player to form and mobilize 3332:(in Japanese). Impress. December 24, 2023. 2731:"Blue Archive Smartphone RPG Gets TV Anime" 680: 4317:Anime and manga set in fictional countries 3869: 3855: 3356:"「ブルーアーカイブ」を水あさとがコミカライズ、ピンチのゲーム開発部にあの人が協力" 2422:"Blue Archive Global Release is Next Week" 2155: 2068: 2066: 2064: 876: 29: 4447:Video games featuring female protagonists 4207:The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague 2581:(in Korean). May 28, 2024. Archived from 2386: 576:Learn how and when to remove this message 3876: 3029:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (April 2, 2024). 2963:アニメ「ブルーアーカイブ」は4月放送、青春の1ページを切り取ったティザーPV公開 2928:Hodgkins, Crystalyn (January 20, 2024). 2927: 2828:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (July 24, 2023). 2164: 2092: 2016:Game Rating and Administration Committee 4143:Mushoku Tensei: Eris Sharpens Her Fangs 3743:"[국감22] 수년째 15세 이용 게임 돌연 청불 등급" 3722:from the original on September 26, 2023 3574:from the original on February 28, 2024. 3564:"Sensor Tower APAC Awards 2023 Winners" 3521:from the original on February 22, 2024. 3061: 2894: 2796:ゲームアプリ「ブルーアーカイブ」がTVアニメ化、ティザービジュアルにアロナの姿 2197: 2061: 2024:Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism 1863: 1813:Blue Archive Game Kaihatsubu Daibouken! 4457:Video games set in fictional countries 4269: 3771: 3657:from the original on December 16, 2021 3543:from the original on December 31, 2022 3456:from the original on December 30, 2022 3336:from the original on December 24, 2023 3249:from the original on December 23, 2022 3028: 2827: 2710:from the original on December 24, 2023 2680:from the original on December 25, 2023 2555:from the original on December 13, 2023 2335:from the original on December 11, 2020 2305:from the original on September 8, 2020 2245:from the original on November 24, 2021 2124: 2122: 1925:The game has been a recent big hit at 3850: 3784:from the original on January 5, 2024. 3753:from the original on October 13, 2022 3626:from the original on October 10, 2023 3596:from the original on December 7, 2023 3396:from the original on January 25, 2021 3220:from the original on January 20, 2024 3188:from the original on January 28, 2022 3124:from the original on February 7, 2024 2976:from the original on January 20, 2024 2942:from the original on January 20, 2024 2863:アニメ「ブルーアーカイブ」シロコ&アロナのキャラ設定画公開 監督は山岸大悟 2809:from the original on January 22, 2023 2775:from the original on January 22, 2023 2743:from the original on January 22, 2023 2603: 2545:"《蔚藍檔案》研發團隊來台分享營運心路歷程 透露今年營收大幅成長關鍵因素" 2525:from the original on October 28, 2023 2434:from the original on November 2, 2021 2387:Hashimoto, Kazuma (August 18, 2021). 2368:from the original on January 27, 2021 2275:from the original on January 20, 2021 2179:from the original on November 9, 2021 2165:Botadkar, Tanish (November 9, 2021). 1728:Another anthology comic series named 1057:Abidos Kōtōgakkō Haikō Taisaku Iinkai 4442:Video games developed in South Korea 4432:Video games about parallel universes 3691:from the original on October 8, 2022 3366:from the original on January 9, 2024 3310:from the original on January 2, 2024 2997:アニメ「ブルーアーカイブ」テレ東系列で4月7日23時45分に放送スタート 2419: 2401:from the original on August 18, 2021 2353: 2230: 2107:from the original on August 25, 2022 2093:Botadkar, Tanish (August 25, 2022). 2018:(GRAC), increased the age rating of 1771:Blue Archive Benriya 68 Gyōmu Nisshi 1730:Blue Archive Dengeki Anthology Comic 1000:television series adaptation titled 558:adding citations to reliable sources 529: 510:television series adaptation titled 4277:2024 anime television series debuts 3740: 3734: 3645:Blue Archive (December 16, 2021). 3561: 3297: 3156:from the original on August 4, 2021 3094:from the original on August 8, 2022 3010:from the original on March 12, 2024 2909:from the original on March 11, 2024 2728: 2325:"Yostar新作『ブルーアーカイブ』のリリース時期が来年初頭に変更" 2212:from the original on April 27, 2022 2128: 2119: 1712: 980:"2.5th Anniversary Short Animation" 928:"1.5th Anniversary Short Animation" 13: 3509:"今、本当に推されている「人」「作品」が分かる 最旬"推し"新潮流" 3488:from the original on July 22, 2023 3452:(in Japanese). December 30, 2022. 3426:from the original on June 12, 2023 3076:from the original on May 23, 2024. 3043:from the original on April 2, 2024 2895:Cayanan, Joanna (March 11, 2024). 2876:from the original on July 23, 2023 2842:from the original on July 24, 2023 2648:from the original on July 11, 2022 2494:from the original on June 19, 2023 2331:(in Japanese). December 12, 2020. 2198:Derrick, Connor (April 27, 2022). 2143:from the original on July 16, 2022 2054:All English titles are taken from 1852:is used as a regional theme song. 790:SCHALE and General Student Council 645:Set on a planet similar to Earth, 619:combat but increase the Strikers' 14: 4473: 4417:Tactical role-playing video games 4327:Comics set in fictional countries 4234:My Ex-Boyfriend Loves Boys' Love! 4060:Chronicles of the Going Home Club 3969:How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer 3792: 3279:from the original on May 12, 2023 2972:(in Japanese). January 20, 2024. 2805:(in Japanese). January 22, 2023. 2771:(in Japanese). January 22, 2023. 2700:"「ブルアカ」、2.5周年ショートアニメーションの制作中止が決定" 2231:Lada, Jenni (November 24, 2021). 1890:Blue Archive Original Soundtrack, 904:2.5th Anniversary Short Animation 890:1.5th Anniversary Short Animation 604:, which may be purchased through 255: 131: 16:2021 video game and its franchise 4302:Android (operating system) games 3386:"小倉唯、13枚目のシングルは「ブルーアーカイブ」テーマソング" 2512: 2420:Lada, Jenni (November 2, 2021). 2005: 1745:Problem Solver 68 Business Diary 1717:An anthology comic series named 534: 439: 4392:Science fiction anime and manga 4297:Action role-playing video games 4028:Daily Lives of High School Boys 3765: 3703: 3673: 3638: 3608: 3578: 3555: 3525: 3500: 3468: 3438: 3408: 3378: 3348: 3322: 3291: 3275:(in Japanese). April 10, 2023. 3261: 3232: 3200: 3168: 3136: 3106: 3080: 3055: 3022: 3006:(in Japanese). March 12, 2024. 2988: 2954: 2921: 2888: 2854: 2821: 2787: 2755: 2722: 2692: 2660: 2628: 2597: 2567: 2537: 2506: 2476: 2446: 2413: 2380: 2048: 661:citizens of various races, and 545:needs additional citations for 514:aired from April to June 2024. 4437:Video games developed in Japan 3710:Joshua Wolens (July 6, 2023). 3562:Loo, Nan (February 28, 2024). 3422:(in Japanese). June 10, 2023. 3298:Tai, Anita (January 2, 2024). 3062:Chapman, Paul (May 22, 2024). 2872:(in Japanese). July 24, 2023. 2729:Loo, Egan (January 22, 2023). 2676:(in Japanese). July 23, 2023. 2644:(in Japanese). July 23, 2023. 2347: 2317: 2301:(in Japanese). July 17, 2020. 2287: 2257: 2224: 2191: 2086: 1834: 1705:The book is also published in 1699:Blue Archive Official Artworks 1692:Blue Archive Official Artworks 1682: 1631: 1580: 1529: 1476: 1472:"Heading to the Abydos Desert" 1421: 1370: 1319: 1268: 1217: 1162: 1111: 1056: 1027: 912: 1: 4427:TV Tokyo original programming 4076:Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless 3772:Morris, Iwan (July 5, 2023). 2575:"넥슨게임즈 INSIDE : 네이버 블로그" 2079: 1900: 1896:Cultural impact and reception 1792:Another spinoff manga titled 1525:"The Only Place That Matters" 611:The units are mobilized on a 4337:Espionage in anime and manga 4100:Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle 2490:(in Korean). June 16, 2023. 1882:A Certain Scientific Railgun 1719:Blue Archive Anthology Comic 1366:"I Can Only Move Forward..." 649:takes place in the academic 7: 4397:Science fiction video games 4092:Chivalry of a Failed Knight 4036:Material Puzzle: Zero Kreuz 2612:(in Korean). Archived from 2484:"이제는 중국으로, '블루 아카이브' 中 CBT" 2129:Loo, Egan (July 16, 2022). 1963: 1812: 1770: 1740:label on February 3, 2023. 1576:"Because She is my Student" 957:November 22, 2022 525: 53: 10: 4478: 2295:"Yostar新作RPG『ブルーアーカイブ』発表!" 1989: 1213:"The Masked Swimsuit Gang" 1002:Blue Archive The Animation 991:Blue Archive the Animation 824:Development and production 640: 593:tactical role-playing game 512:Blue Archive The Animation 446:Anime and manga portal 283:Blue Archive The Animation 4412:Single-player video games 4217: 4166: 4157: 4134: 4011: 3913:Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun 3896: 3887: 3245:(in Japanese). Kadokawa. 3209:ブルーアーカイブ コミックアンソロジー VOL.3 3177:ブルーアーカイブ コミックアンソロジー VOL.2 3145:ブルーアーカイブ コミックアンソロジー VOL.1 2606:"7/23(화) 한국어 음성 출시 사전 안내" 2354:SATO (January 27, 2021). 2036:Democratic Party of Korea 1977:Goddess of Victory: Nikke 1801: 1759: 1672: 1640: 1626: 1615: 1589: 1575: 1564: 1538: 1530:Yui'itsu Imi no Aru Basho 1524: 1513: 1485: 1471: 1460: 1430: 1416: 1405: 1379: 1365: 1354: 1328: 1314: 1303: 1277: 1263: 1252: 1226: 1212: 1201: 1171: 1157: 1146: 1120: 1107:"I Don't Approve of You!" 1106: 1095: 1065: 1051: 1043: 1040: 1037: 1034: 1031: 1026: 1021:imbedded on their discs. 979: 968: 953: 942: 927: 919: 916: 911: 814:Allied Hyakkiyako Academy 797: 778: 759: 740: 733:Millennium Science School 721: 705: 702: 699: 479: 471: 463: 437: 412: 407: 399: 385: 363: 333: 323: 315: 296: 288: 281: 276: 238: 222: 210: 182: 151: 143: 95: 85: 80: 61: 43: 40: 28: 23: 4372:Military anime and manga 4347:Free-to-play video games 4342:Fiction about government 3929:Rooming with a Gamer Gal 3741:진명갑 (October 13, 2022). 3241: 3208: 3176: 3144: 3088:"ブルーアーカイブ オフィシャルアートワークス" 2996: 2962: 2862: 2795: 2041: 1829: 1241:April 28, 2024 1190:April 21, 2024 1135:April 14, 2024 871: 866: 793:Where All Miracles Begin 774:The Rabbit of Caerbannog 681:Volumes and storytelling 635: 35:Key visual of the series 4322:Bandai Namco franchises 4124:The Gender of Mona Lisa 3476:"コミックマーケット103ジャンルコード一覧" 3240:"KADOKAWA Corporation" 3120:(in Chinese (Taiwan)). 2551:(in Chinese (Taiwan)). 1750:A spinoff manga titled 1661:June 23, 2024 1604:June 16, 2024 1581:Watashi no Seito Dakara 1269:Tomodachi Nanka Ja Nai! 1084:April 7, 2024 954:"Beautiful Day Dreamer" 931:July 16, 2022 883:original net animations 877:Original net animations 736:Clockwork Flower Pavane 277:Anime television series 4462:War in anime and manga 4292:Action anime and manga 4242:I Think Our Son Is Gay 3835:Blue Archive's channel 3825:Official anime website 1802:ブルーアーカイブ ゲーム開発部だいぼうけん! 1553:June 9, 2024 1502:June 2, 2024 1449:May 26, 2024 1394:May 19, 2024 1371:Mae ni Susumu shika... 1343:May 12, 2024 1315:"Gehenna Prefect Team" 1112:Watashi wa Mitome Nai! 1041:Storyboarded by  841:the original release. 752:Trinity General School 717:Foreclosure Task Force 4226:One Room of Happiness 4191:Mr. Villain's Day Off 4084:The Morose Mononokean 3362:. December 31, 2023. 3242:ブルーアーカイブ 電撃コミックアンソロジー 2706:. December 24, 2023. 2271:. February 18, 2020. 1709:and Korean by Nexon. 1292:May 5, 2024 897:Beautiful Day Dreamer 3539:. November 3, 2023. 3392:. January 25, 2021. 3269:"ブルーアーカイブ 便利屋68業務日誌" 2464:on November 25, 2022 1998:According to Nexon, 1936:Nikkei Entertainment 1864:Original soundtracks 1734:Kadokawa Corporation 554:improve this article 4357:Gangan Online manga 4116:Adachi to Shimamura 3921:Mahōjin Guru Guru 2 3687:. October 8, 2022. 2058:channel on YouTube. 1780:Comic Bushiroad Web 1707:Traditional Chinese 1320:Gehena Fūuki Iinkai 1264:"We're not Friends" 771:SRT Special Academy 626:rock-paper-scissors 4199:Play It Cool, Guys 4068:Day Break Illusion 3537:Anime News Network 3514:Nikkei Cross Trend 3304:Anime News Network 3036:Anime News Network 2935:Anime News Network 2902:Anime News Network 2835:Anime News Network 2736:Anime News Network 2604:Community, Nexon. 2136:Anime News Network 1760:ブルーアーカイブ 便利屋68業務日誌 1629:Transliteration: " 1578:Transliteration: " 1527:Transliteration: " 1497:Takafumi Hoshikawa 1474:Transliteration: " 1444:Terushige Watanabe 1419:Transliteration: " 1368:Transliteration: " 1317:Transliteration: " 1266:Transliteration: " 1218:Fukumen Mizugi Dan 1215:Transliteration: " 1177:Hisanori Kobayashi 1160:Transliteration: " 1109:Transliteration: " 1054:Transliteration: " 1035:Directed by  802:alternate universe 714:Abydos High School 197:Real-time strategy 4264: 4263: 4260: 4259: 4175:A Man and His Cat 4153: 4152: 4108:Nameless Asterism 3961:My Happy Marriage 1983:Honkai: Star Rail 1938:, the fanbase of 1810: 1778:in their website 1768: 1738:Dengeki Comics EX 1680: 1679: 1437:Katsushi Sakurabi 1044:Original air date 1038:Written by  987: 986: 920:Original air date 831:closed beta tests 821: 820: 586: 585: 578: 484:role-playing game 451: 450: 4469: 4382:Nexon franchises 4282:2021 video games 4164: 4163: 3894: 3893: 3871: 3864: 3857: 3848: 3847: 3843: 3831: 3828: 3827: 3819: 3816: 3815: 3813:Official website 3807: 3804: 3803: 3801:Official website 3786: 3785: 3769: 3763: 3762: 3760: 3758: 3738: 3732: 3731: 3729: 3727: 3707: 3701: 3700: 3698: 3696: 3677: 3671: 3670: 3664: 3662: 3642: 3636: 3635: 3633: 3631: 3612: 3606: 3605: 3603: 3601: 3582: 3576: 3575: 3559: 3553: 3552: 3550: 3548: 3529: 3523: 3522: 3504: 3498: 3497: 3495: 3493: 3472: 3466: 3465: 3463: 3461: 3442: 3436: 3435: 3433: 3431: 3412: 3406: 3405: 3403: 3401: 3382: 3376: 3375: 3373: 3371: 3352: 3346: 3345: 3343: 3341: 3326: 3320: 3319: 3317: 3315: 3295: 3289: 3288: 3286: 3284: 3265: 3259: 3258: 3256: 3254: 3236: 3230: 3229: 3227: 3225: 3204: 3198: 3197: 3195: 3193: 3172: 3166: 3165: 3163: 3161: 3140: 3134: 3133: 3131: 3129: 3110: 3104: 3103: 3101: 3099: 3084: 3078: 3077: 3059: 3053: 3052: 3050: 3048: 3026: 3020: 3019: 3017: 3015: 2992: 2986: 2985: 2983: 2981: 2958: 2952: 2951: 2949: 2947: 2925: 2919: 2918: 2916: 2914: 2892: 2886: 2885: 2883: 2881: 2858: 2852: 2851: 2849: 2847: 2825: 2819: 2818: 2816: 2814: 2791: 2785: 2784: 2782: 2780: 2759: 2753: 2752: 2750: 2748: 2726: 2720: 2719: 2717: 2715: 2696: 2690: 2689: 2687: 2685: 2664: 2658: 2657: 2655: 2653: 2632: 2626: 2625: 2623: 2621: 2616:on July 18, 2024 2601: 2595: 2594: 2592: 2590: 2571: 2565: 2564: 2562: 2560: 2541: 2535: 2534: 2532: 2530: 2510: 2504: 2503: 2501: 2499: 2480: 2474: 2473: 2471: 2469: 2460:. 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Nexon Games
Music by
Real-time strategy
Visual novel
Hiroshi Ōnogi
TV Tokyo

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.