
Orde Wingate

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787: 1661:, Brooke wrote after his interview with Wingate in London on 4 August: "I was very interested in meeting Wingate ... I considered that the results of his form of attacks were certainly worth backing within reason ... I provided him with all the contacts in England to obtain what he wanted, and told him that on my return from Canada I would go into the whole matter with him ... to my astonishment I was informed that Winston was taking Wingate and his wife with him to Canada! It could only be as a museum piece to impress the Americans! There was no other reason to justify this move. It was sheer loss of time for Wingate and the work he had to do in England". 1167: 1035:, which other commanders felt could be better used as a standard "line" division. At first, Wingate proposed to convert the entire front into one giant Chindit mission by breaking up the whole of the Fourteenth Army into Long-Range Penetration units, presumably in the expectation that the Japanese would follow them around the Burmese jungle in an effort to wipe them out. This plan was hurriedly dropped after other commanders pointed out that the Japanese Army would simply advance and seize the air bases from which Chindit forces were supplied, requiring a defensive battle and substantial troops that the Indian Army would be unable to provide. 1368: 879: 1011: 1255: 829:
compensation. He left for Cairo and wrote an official report which was extremely critical of his commanders, fellow officers, government officials, and many others. He was also angry that his efforts had not been praised by authorities and that he had been forced to leave Abyssinia without saying farewell to Emperor Selassie. He was most concerned about British attempts to stifle Ethiopian freedom, writing that attempts to raise future rebellions amongst populations must be honest ones and should appeal to justice.
2817: 809:, and the group began to operate in February 1941. The Italians occupied Ethiopia between 1936 and 1941, and they conducted operations to "pacify" the people which killed about seven per cent of the population. There was a huge reservoir of hatred for the Italians as a result, and many Ethiopians were happy to assist Gideon Force. Wingate was temporarily promoted lieutenant colonel and put in command. He again insisted on leading from the front and accompanied his troops in the reconquest of Abyssinia. 4278: 1426:
as no other British general from that war produced such starkly polarized interpretations. The Chindit operations have been presented as either costly operations that achieved nothing or inspired operations that tied down Japanese troops that could have been used in the invasion of India. In Britain, the two opposing tendencies has been for historians to portray him either as a mentally unstable, delusional figure operating well beyond his level of competence as in official works by
that all remains in such cases be returned to the United States for final burial. Negotiations with the U.K. and other Commonwealth governments led to an agreement that when group burials contained a majority of British remains, final disposition would be determined by the British. If the majority of the remains were American, all remains in the group would be returned to the U.S. for burial. Prior consultation with family members was prohibited in either case.
751: 425:. During this period, he was able to exercise his great interest in horse riding, gaining a reputation for his skill (and great success) in point-to-point races and fox hunting, particularly for finding suitable places to cross rivers, which earned him the nickname "Otter". It was difficult for a 1920s army officer to live on his pay and Wingate, living life to the full, also gained a reputation as a late payer of his bills. 725:"'Everybody into the cars!' … . We grabbed our rifles and within a few seconds were all in the cars. Without any plan of action or preparation, with Wingate at our head, we entered the Arab part of Beit Shean, which swarmed with gang members, and began to beat and trample anyone in our path. Wingate himself went out of control, entering stores and destroying whatever was in them. An hour later we returned to Ein Harod." 1109:, a Chindit who went on to become one of "world's leading expert on countering the Mao Tse-tung technique of rural guerrilla insurgency", wrote in his autobiography that "Every time I look at the picture of General Slim and his Corps Commanders being knighted by Lord Wavell as Viceroy on the field of battle after Imphal, I see the ghost of Wingate present. He was unquestionably one of the great men of century". 50: 1039:
events on the ground resulted in cancellation of the army offensive, leaving the long-range penetration groups without a means of transporting all six brigades into Burma. Upon Wingate's return to India, he found that his mission had also been cancelled for lack of air transport. Wingate took the news bitterly, voicing disappointment to all who would listen, including Allied commanders such as Colonel
again highly critical of the army and even some of his own officers and men. He also promoted more unorthodox ideas such as the idea that British soldiers had become weak by having too easy access to doctors in civilian life. The report was again passed through back channels by Wingate's political friends in London directly to Churchill. The Prime Minister then invited Wingate to London for talks.
594: 953:. However, they found conditions very different from what their intelligence had led them to expect. The area was dry and inhospitable and criss-crossed by motor roads which the Japanese were able to use to good effect, particularly by intercepting supply drops to the Chindits. They soon began to suffer severely from exhaustion and shortages of water and food. 957:
army offensive in progress. They finally agreed to retrace their steps to the Irrawaddy, since the Japanese would not expect this, and then disperse to make attacks on the enemy as they returned to the Chindwin. By mid-March, the Japanese had three infantry divisions chasing the Chindits, who were eventually trapped inside the bend of the
on a string around his neck, which he would occasionally bite into as a snack (the reason he used to give for this was to ward off mosquitoes). He often went about without clothing. In Palestine, recruits were used to having him come out of the shower to give them orders, wearing nothing but a shower
argues that "Wingate’s ideas were flawed in many respects. For one thing, the Imperial Japanese Army did not have Western-style supply lines to disrupt, and tended to ignore logistics generally. When Special Force launched itself into Burma in March 1944, Wingate’s ideas, so enchantingly laid out for
With the losses incurred during the first long-range jungle penetration operation, many officers in the British and Indian army questioned the overall value of the Chindits. The campaign had the unintended effect of convincing the Japanese that certain sections of the Burma/India Frontier were not as
Meanwhile, he won few friends among the officer corps with his direct manner of dealing with fellow officers and superiors, along with eccentric personal habits. He would eat raw onions because he thought that they were healthy, scrub himself with a rubber brush instead of bathing, and greet visitors
Gideon Force harassed Italian forts and their supply lines with the aid of local resistance fighters, while regular army units took on the main Italian army. A small force of no more than 1,700 men took the surrender of about 20,000 Italians toward the end of the campaign. At the end of the fighting,
in April 1934) and the Sudan Survey Department, the expedition set off in January 1933. Although they did not find the oasis, Wingate saw the expedition as an opportunity to test his endurance in a very harsh physical environment, and also his organisational and leadership abilities. He concluded his
Wingate's eccentric and strong-willed personality, his reputation for being difficult, advocacy of irregular warfare and his Zionism have led to sharply opposed assessments by historians. The British historian Simon Anglim called Wingate the most controversial British general of the Second World War
as the new commander. Wavell intended that the two brigades would operate in tandem with one engaged on operations while the other trained and prepared for the next operation. However, once back in India, Wingate was promoted to acting major general and was given six brigades. This involved breaking
As a propaganda tool, the Chindit operation was used to prove to the army and those at home that the Japanese could be beaten and that British/Indian troops could successfully operate in the jungle against experienced Japanese forces. On his return, Wingate wrote an operations report in which he was
On 22 March, Eastern Army HQ ordered Wingate to withdraw his units back to India. He and his senior commanders considered a number of options to achieve this, but all were threatened by the fact that the Japanese would be able to focus their attention on destroying the Chindit force, having no major
However, his deepening direct political involvement with the Zionist cause and an incident where he spoke publicly in favour of the formation of a Jewish state during his leave in Britain, caused his superiors in Palestine to remove him from command. He was so deeply associated with political causes
Wingate was killed in an aircraft accident in March 1944. The casualty rate the Chindits suffered, especially from disease, is a continuing controversy. Wingate believed that resistance to infection could be improved by inculcating a tough mental attitude, but medical officers considered his methods
titled "AMOK" features a highly fictional take on Wingate's legacy in which his death was "a bit of a charade ... and a devilishly clever one at that". While exploring in Borneo, the Quest clan come across a mysterious valley and native village headed by Orde Wingate II, a fictionalized son of
Wingate had counted on, Cochran explained that 1st Air Commando had 150 gliders to haul supplies: "Wingate’s dark eyes widened as Phil explained that the gliders could also move a sizable force of troops. The general immediately spread a map on the floor and planned how his Chindits, airlifted deep
meeting on 17 August. Air power, radio, and recent developments in warfare would allow units to establish bases deep in enemy territory, breaching the outer defences, and extend the range of conventional forces. The leaders were impressed, and larger scale deep-penetration attacks were approved. By
rivers and actively patrolling the river banks. The force returned to India by various routes during the spring of 1943 in groups ranging from single individuals to whole columns: some directly, others via a roundabout route from China, and always harassed by the Japanese. Casualties were high, and
961:. They were unable to cross the river intact and still reach British lines, so they split into small groups to evade enemy forces. The Japanese paid great attention to preventing air resupply of Chindit columns, as well as hindering their mobility by removing boats from the Irrawaddy, Chindwin, and 1238:
United States law required the repatriation of American service members killed and temporarily buried overseas during World War II. Instances in which remains could not be individually identified were difficult when multiple nationalities were involved. In January 1947 the U.S. government proposed
Slim ordered that the operation was to go ahead. Wingate then ordered that 77 Brigade would fly into "Chowringhee". Both Cochran and Calvert objected, as "Chowringhee" was on the wrong side of the Irrawaddy and Cochran's pilots were not familiar with the layout. Eventually, "Broadway" was selected
The operations came more frequently and became more ruthless. The Arabs complained to the British about Wingate's brutality and harsh punitive methods. Even members of the field squads complained... that during the raids on Bedouin encampments Wingate would behave with extreme viciousness and fire
1121:, later stated that Operation Thursday had a significant effect on the campaign, saying "The Chindit invasion ... had a decisive effect on these operations ... they drew off the whole of 53 Division and parts of 15 Division, one regiment of which would have turned the scales at Kohima". 1080:
Wingate had forbidden continuous reconnaissance of the landing sites to avoid compromising the security of the operation, but Cochran ordered a last-minute reconnaissance flight which showed "Piccadilly" to be completely obstructed with logs. By Slim's account, Wingate became highly emotional and
In the end, a new long-range jungle penetration operation was planned, this time using all six of the brigades recently allocated to Wingate. The second long-range penetration mission was originally intended as a coordinated effort with a planned regular army offensive against northern Burma, but
by drinking water from a flower vase in a Cairo hotel while on his way back to India. Doctors were shocked as it was drummed into every serviceman that they should never use such a source as drinking water. His illness prevented him from taking a more active role in training of the new long-range
Most of Wingate's childhood was spent in England. For the first 12 years of his life, he socialised primarily with his siblings. The seven Wingate children received a Christian education that was typical for that period, and time was set aside each day for studying and memorising the Scriptures.
With his new glider landing option, Wingate decided to proceed into Burma anyway. The character of the 1944 operations differed from those of 1943 in that they aimed to establish fortified bases in Burma out of which the Chindits would conduct offensive patrol and blocking operations. A similar
When it came time for Wingate to run the gauntlet, for allegedly having returned a horse to the stables too late, he walked up to the senior student at the head of the gauntlet, stared at him and dared him to strike. The senior refused. Wingate moved to the next senior and did the same; he too
as a side-effect if taken in high dosages. Wingate was already depressed by the official response to his Abyssinian command, and he was also sick with malaria; he attempted suicide by stabbing himself in the neck. Only prompt action by another officer saved him, and he was sent to Britain to
as a day boy. He did not board at the school nor did he participate in the activities of a public school education. Instead, he was kept busy at home by his parents, who encouraged their children to tackle challenging projects which fostered independent thought, initiative and self-reliance.
on 4 June 1941, Wingate was removed from command of the dismantled Gideon Force and his rank reduced to that of major. During the campaign, he was irritated that British authorities ignored a request for decorations for his men. They also obstructed his efforts to obtain back pay and other
mercilessly. Wingate believed in the principle of surprise in punishment, which was designed to confine the gangs to their villages. More than once he had lined rioters up in a row and shot them in cold blood. Wingate did not try to justify himself; weapons and war cannot be pure.
were close to winning in the Pacific, Wingate decided to lie low and live out the rest of his life peacefully in the valley, and so faked the plane crash leading to his apparent demise. In order to protect the valley from intruders, he created the identity of the Amok, a savage
The General Wingate School, on the western city limit of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, commemorates Orde Wingate's contribution (along with the Gideon Force and the Ethiopian Patriots) to the liberation of Ethiopia in 1941, following the defeat of the Italian forces in that country.
Wingate employed various forms of torture against the Arabs, some non-lethal. Wingate would force sand into villagers' mouths until they vomited. In one case, when Arab saboteurs had caused an oil leak, he took all the men from an Arab village and threw them into a pool of
and attempted to toughen up the men by having them camp in the Indian jungle during the rainy season. This proved disastrous, as the result was a very high sickness rate among the men. In one battalion, 70 per cent of the men went absent from duty due to illness, while a
calling him "quite mad, and perhaps a sadist, too" and a war criminal. Oren has accused Segev of maligning Wingate, arguing that Segev has "edited" accounts by contemporaries to imply that Wingate was present at incidents in Palestine when he was in London at the time.
Once all the Chindit brigades (less one which remained in India) had marched or flown into Burma, they established base areas and drop zones behind Japanese lines. By fortunate timing, the Japanese launched an invasion of India around the same time. By forcing several
in March 1942, and he was ordered to organise guerrilla units to fight behind Japanese lines. However, the precipitate collapse of Allied defences in Burma forestalled further planning, and he flew back to India in April where he began to promote his ideas for jungle
early in his army career in India; at the age of 46, after wooing her for 20 years, he married (Mary) Ethel (1867–1943), the oldest daughter of the Orde Browne family, who were also Plymouth Brethren. His father retired from the army two years after Wingate was born.
663:(SNSs), armed groups formed of British and Haganah volunteers. The Jewish Agency helped pay salaries and other costs of the Haganah personnel. The SNSs were regarded as "well-oiled killing machines", while another British official called them "just thuggery really". 640:, who fought in this area, and used it himself as a military base. He formulated the idea of raising small assault units of British-led Jewish commandos armed with grenades and light infantry small arms to combat the Arab revolt. Wingate took his idea personally to 932:
The original 1943 Chindit operation was supposed to be a coordinated plan with the field army, but the Army's offensive into Burma was cancelled. Wingate then persuaded Wavell to let him proceed into Burma anyway, arguing the need to disrupt any Japanese attack on
as the adjutant of the 71st (West Riding) Field Brigade, a Territorial Army unit of the Royal Artillery, with the temporary rank of captain. He was promoted to the substantive rank of captain on 16 May 1936, and vacated his appointment as adjutant on 8 September.
2802: 332:, although the offensive into India by the Japanese may have occurred because Wingate's first operation had demonstrated the possibility of moving through the jungle. In practice, both Japanese and British forces suffered severe supply problems and malnutrition. 576:
and was heavily involved in retraining, as British artillery units were being mechanised. On the sea voyage from Egypt he met Lorna Moncrieff Patterson, who was 16 years old and travelling with her mother. They were married two years later, on 24 January 1935.
in Palestine that his superiors considered him compromised as an intelligence officer in the country. He was promoting his own agenda rather than that of the army or the government. In May 1939, he was transferred to Britain. Wingate became a hero of the
On 24 March 1944, Wingate flew to assess the situations in three Chindit-held bases in Burma. On his return, he agreed to allow two British war correspondents' request for a lift even though the pilot protested that the plane was overloaded. Flying from
536:). He was never happier than when in the bush with his unit, but when at HQ in Khartoum, he antagonised the other officers with his aggressive and argumentative personality. He was granted the local rank of captain in the regular army on 16 April 1930. 1043:
of the 1st Air Commando Group, which proved to be a blessing in disguise. Cochran told Wingate that cancelling the long-range mission was unnecessary; only a limited amount of aerial transport would be needed since, in addition to the light planes and
on the villagers. This included killing innocent Arabs who happened to be in the village but were not involve in blowing up the pipeline. In another instance, the SNS went into a village, lined up all the male villagers and shot every eighth man.
to his tent while completely naked. Wavell's political connections and patronage protected him from closer scrutiny, for he admired Wingate's work in the Abyssinian campaign, but Wingate remained the regimental gadfly always ready to flout the
began. He repeatedly made proposals to the army and government for the creation of a Jewish army in Palestine which would rule over the area and its Arab population in the name of the British. His friend Wavell was commander-in-chief of
soon after this and sought treatment from a local doctor instead of army medical staff because he was afraid that the illness would give his detractors a further excuse to undermine him. This doctor gave him a large supply of the drug
1285:. The battalions that took part are listed on the sides, with non-infantry units mentioned by their parent formations. The rear of the monument is dedicated to Orde Wingate, and also mentions his contributions to the state of Israel. 986:, an ardent proponent of commando operations, was, in particular, complimentary toward the Chindits and their accomplishments. The Japanese subsequently admitted that the Chindits had disrupted their plans for the first half of 1943. 786: 716:
in 1938. In September 1938, after a rebel mine killed the Jewish leader of Ein Harod settlement, Chaim Sturman, Wingate let out a "cry, more a scream than an order" and carried out a reprisal operation on the Arab quarter of
insisted that the operation had been betrayed, and that the Japanese would have set up ambushes on the other two landing sites. He passed the responsibility for ordering the operation to proceed or to be cancelled to Slim.
since you do not even know the elementary use of bayonets when attacking dirty Arabs: how can you put your left foot in front?" But the brutal tactics proved effective in quelling the uprising, and Wingate was awarded the
or on "Broadway", but Calvert's brigade soon made the landing ground fit to take aircraft, and sent the success signal. It was later found that the logs on "Piccadilly" had been laid there to dry by Burmese teak loggers.
2810: 1345:, Zimbabwe is named after the general and there are photographs of him in the Clubhouse. The club was set up to accommodate Jewish and Catholic members since The Royal Harare Golf Club in the past did not admit either. 1077:(the commander of 77 Brigade) and Cochran waited at an airfield in India for 77 Brigade to fly into "Piccadilly", an incident occurred which Wingate's critics later claimed to show his lack of firmness or balance. 4343: 405:
of senior students, all of whom wielded a knotted towel which was used to hit the accused on his journey along the line. On reaching the end, the first-year would then be thrown into an icy-cold cistern of water.
after a regular Army career in the Royal Artillery and became the regiment's commanding officer and later regimental colonel. He died in 2000 at the age of 56, and was survived by his wife and two daughters.
1541:. The programme was made on a limited budget with reduced or stylised settings. It did not attempt to tell the complete story of his life, but presented key episodes in a non-linear way, mainly his time in 1611:
the true man. It is explained that during the course of the Second World War, Wingate had come across the valley and befriended the people indigenous to it. Finished with the war and knowing that the
and Woodburn Kirby or alternatively as a visionary, a leader of men noted for his audacity, courage and toughness as in works by Charles Rolo, Bernard Fergusson, Wilfred Burchett, and Leonard Mosley.
In a tribute to Wingate, Churchill called him "one of the most brilliant and courageous figures of the second world war ... a man of genius who might well have become also a man of destiny".
1399:, Winston Churchill's personal physician, wrote in his diaries that " seemed to me hardly sane – in medical jargon a borderline case." Likewise, referring to Churchill's meeting with Wingate in 861:
to enquire if there were any chance of employing Wingate in the Far East. Wingate was far from pleased with his posting as a "supernumerary major without staff grading", but he left Britain for
In June 1927, with Cousin Rex's encouragement, Wingate obtained six months' leave in order to mount an expedition in the Sudan. Rex had suggested that he travel via Cairo and then try to obtain
by Christopher Sykes. In Ethiopia, Wingate is remembered as liberator from the Italian occupation. In Israel, Wingate's role in creating and leading the SNS, which became the prototype of the
Wavell was intrigued by Wingate's theories and gave him the (Indian) 77th Infantry Brigade, from which he created a jungle long-range penetration unit. 77 Brigade was eventually named the
argued that special forces in general had an overall negative effect on the prosecution of war by separating the best-trained and most committed troops from the main army. However, Sir
328:'s attention with a self-reliant aggressive philosophy of war, and was given resources to stage a large-scale operation. The last Chindit campaign may have determined the outcome of the 452:
between 1899 and 1916 and high commissioner of Egypt from 1917 to 1919, had a considerable influence on Wingate's career. He gave him a positive interest in Middle East affairs and in
ordered Indonesian units to carry out 'Wingate' actions by penetrating into enemy lines and setting up pockets of resistance during the closing stages of the revolution in 1948.
units. "Never ask favours", he recalled from his long association with Wavell, "but tell people if they care to help they can come along, that you yourself are going anyway".
Brooke wrote on 17 August: "Quite a good meeting at which I produced Wingate who gave a first class talk of his ideas and of his views on the running of the Burma campaign".
4418: 1464:
by Avraham Akavia. By contrast, Palestinian historians portrayed Wingate very negatively as a thuggish fanatic who terrorized Palestinian villages during the Arab Revolt.
In December 1949, the remains of Wingate and the other victims of the airplane crash were removed from Imphal Military Cemetery. On November 10, 1950, they were buried at
4423: 4368: 1410: 1069:
transport aircraft. Three landing sites, codenamed "Piccadilly", "Broadway" and "Chowringhee" were selected. On the evening of 5 March as Wingate, Lieutenant General
929:; he grew a beard in the jungle and allowed his men to do the same. Nevertheless, he won plaudits by his outstanding courage and leadership in the face of the enemy. 1065:
Wingate planned that part of 77 Brigade would land by glider in Burma and prepare airstrips into which 111 Brigade and the remainder of 77 Brigade would be flown by
While Wingate was still in Burma, Wavell had ordered the formation of 111 Brigade, known as the "Leopards", along the lines of the 77 Brigade. He selected Brigadier
4227: 805:
who defeated a large force with a tiny band of men. Wingate invited a number of veterans of the Haganah SNS to join him, with the blessing of Ethiopia's Emperor
4191: 4363: 4328: 4308: 1812: 410:
refused. In turn, each senior declined to strike; coming to the end of the line, Wingate walked to the cistern and dived straight into the icy-cold water.
in northeast India, killing all passengers aboard, including Wingate, who died an acting major general. In place of Wingate, Brigadier (later Lt.-Gen.)
3025: 783:(SOE) force composed of British, Sudanese, and Ethiopian soldiers. At Khartoum, he and Tony Simonds joined Mission 101 controlled by London and Cairo. 471:. Sending his luggage ahead of him, Wingate set off in September 1927 by bicycle, travelling first through France and Germany before making his way to 1417:
in 1966 that he considered Wingate to have "been mentally unbalanced and that the best thing he ever did was to get killed in a plane crash in 1944."
3723: 979:, began planning a 1944 offensive into India to capture the Imphal Plain and Kohima, in order to better defend Burma from future Allied offensives. 975:
impassable as they previously believed, thus altering their strategic plans. As one consequence, the overall Japanese Army commander in Burma, Gen.
949:. The force met with initial success in putting one of the main railways in Burma out of action, then Wingate led them deep into Burma and over the 4201: 1002:
now, a war-substantive lieutenant-colonel and temporary brigadier, Wingate was promoted to the rank of acting major general on 18 September 1943.
battalion was reduced from 750 men to 500. Many of the men were replaced in September 1942 by new drafts of personnel from elsewhere in the army.
4378: 4358: 1485: 1214: 4323: 703:
Wingate disliked Arabs, once shouting at Haganah fighters after a June 1938 attack on a village on the border between Mandatory Palestine and
4178: 4257: 2849: 4413: 4318: 436:
officers at the centre, who found him insufferable; he frequently challenged the instructors, as a demonstration of his rebellious nature.
wrote that, "Wingate proved a short-lived protégé: closer acquaintance caused Churchill to realise that he was too mad for high command."
The commingled remains of Wingate and the eight men who died with him were interred at Arlington National Cemetery on November 10, 1950.
along their line of march, the Chindit columns were able to disrupt the Japanese offensive, diverting troops from the battles in India.
4408: 982:
In London, the Chindits and their exploits were viewed as a success after the long string of Allied disasters in the Far East theatre.
2374: 1806: 494:
In April 1928, his application to transfer to the SDF came through and he was posted to the East Arab Corps, serving in the area of
858: 2969: 1231:. It was officially announced on April 30, 1947, that the remains had been taken from the original burial site and reinterred at 1209:
The remains of the crew and passengers of the B-25 were initially buried in a common grave close to the crash site 40 miles from
1032: 1792:
Wingate Pasha: The Life of General Sir Francis Reginald Wingate 1861–1953, R. J. M. Pugh, Pen & Sword Military, 2011, p. 236
Wingate trained, commanded and accompanied them on their patrols. The units frequently ambushed Arab saboteurs who attacked oil
To commemorate Wingate's great assistance to the Zionist cause, Israel's National Centre for Physical Education and Sport, the
790: 3088: 2997: 1492:" published in 1963. Orde Jonathan Wingate was a son born six weeks after his death, Lt Col Orde Jonathan Wingate, joined the 4393: 4204:
Transcript of a lecture given by Trevor Royle in Edinburgh on 17 September 2002 for "The Second World War Experience Centre".
4068: 3934: 3799: 3631: 3556: 3515: 3120: 2231: 397:'s officers' training school. For committing a minor offence against the rules, a first-year student would be subjected to a 1360:. As conventional defensive tactics failed to make up for the technological advantage held by the Dutch, Indonesian General 1194:. The British victims were Wingate and his aide, Captain George H. Borrow, and two London war correspondents, Stuart Emeny ( 4373: 4313: 3424: 3398: 2290:"Terror in Galilee: British-Jewish Collaboration and the Special Night Squads in Palestine during the Arab Revolt, 1938–39" 1278: 825: 618: 322: 213: 204: 17: 613:
in Palestine as being a religious duty, and immediately put himself into absolute alliance with Jewish political leaders.
4333: 1651: 3732:. Washington D.C.: Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army. Library of Congress# 76-600575. Archived from 314:, Wingate was given increasing latitude to put his ideas into practice during the Second World War. He created units in 4348: 4112: 3534: 1606: 1338:, London, where other members of the Orde Browne family are buried. There is a memorial in Charterhouse School Chapel. 1224: 937:
as well as to gauge the utility of long-range jungle penetration operations, and Wavell eventually gave his consent to
Wingate was an exponent of unconventional military thinking and the value of surprise tactics. Wingate was a dedicated
4388: 4188: 4153: 4134: 4015: 3975: 3841: 3818: 3786: 3712: 3612: 3584: 3452: 3410: 1745: 641: 311: 73: 1449:, has made him a national hero, a man celebrated for his Zionism and courage, in the words of the Israeli historian 1174:
Five of the nine killed in the airplane crash were members of the American flight crew: Lieutenant Brian F. Hodges,
4261: 3098: 1384:. For instance, he often wore an alarm clock around his wrist, which would go off at times, and had raw onions and 386: 674:, raiding border villages the attackers had used as bases. In these raids, Wingate's men sometimes imposed severe 539:
At the end of his tour, Wingate mounted a short expedition into the Libyan desert to investigate the lost army of
4338: 3985: 1484:
Orde Wingate's wife was Lorna Patterson who was the daughter of Walter Edward Moncrieff Paterson and the violist
1396: 1070: 4403: 4353: 4207: 4089: 4044: 3348: 1353: 263: 158: 36: 3912:
Sullivan, Barry (1999). "More than meets the eye: the Ethiopian War and the Origins of the Second World War".
4383: 1202: 581: 460:
in London and passed out of the course, which lasted from October 1926 to March 1927, with a mark of 85/100.
771:, and he invited him to Sudan to begin operations against Italian occupation forces in Ethiopia. He created 4246: 3733: 1493: 1166: 1106: 780: 682:
These methods were criticised by Zionist leaders as well as Wingate's British superiors. Israeli historian
3727: 821:
that May. Wingate was mentioned in dispatches in April 1941 and was awarded a bar to his DSO in December.
1243: 1175: 817:
which had advanced from Kenya in the south, and they accompanied the emperor in his triumphant return to
713: 271: 230: 119: 4398: 4268: 3871: 3420: 3331: 1509: 552: 457: 4241: 2769: 721:, near the explosion. He ordered "the killing of every Arab discovered in the vicinity of the raid." 429: 3498: 3480:
Anglim, Simon (2015). "Orde Wingate and the British Army, 1922–1944". London: Routledge: 1–2, 91–92.
2289: 4235: 1349: 998: 103: 2650: 1717: 243: 3729:
Crisis Fleeting. Original Reports on Military Medicine in India and Burma in the Second World War
2860: 1381: 1054: 994: 238: 3926: 3833: 3772: 1612: 1446: 1187: 1151: 1139: 892: 671: 533: 1367: 4282: 4212: 3791: 3485: 1453:
a "heroic, larger-than-life figure to whom the Jewish people owed a deep and enduring debt".
1324: 1219: 1066: 926: 675: 524:
In March 1930, Wingate was given command of a company of 300 soldiers with the local rank of
ritual named "running". This ritual consisted of the first-year being stripped and forced to
4222: 3767: 2187: 2167: 2147: 2092: 2036: 1941: 1897: 1704: 1691: 1158:. Command of Lentaigne's 111 Brigade in Burma was assigned to Lt. Col. J.R. 'Jumbo' Morris. 878: 4303: 4298: 4231: 3944: 3305: 3070: 2127: 1538: 1389:
cap, and continuing to scrub himself with a shower brush. Sometimes Wingate would eat only
660: 628:
Wingate became politically involved with a number of Zionist leaders, and became an ardent
606: 449: 414: 402: 307: 1281:
headquarters in London. The facade commemorates the Chindits and the four men awarded the
8: 4104: 3471:
Anglim, Simon (2009). "Major General Orde Wingate's Chindit Operations in World War II".
1562: 1274: 1232: 1154:
forces. He flew out of Burma to assume command as Japanese forces began their assault on
1010: 945:
on 12 February 1943 with the Chindits organised into eight separate columns to cross the
842: 764: 602: 468: 373: 303: 4061:
Bare Feet and Bandoliers: Wingate, Sandford, the Patriots and the Liberation of Ethiopia
3875: 356:). His father, Colonel George Wingate (1852–1936), had become a committed member of the 3950: 3674: 3666: 3002: 2655: 2192: 2172: 2152: 2132: 2097: 2041: 1946: 1902: 1722: 1709: 1696: 1582: 1542: 667: 614: 248: 99: 3923:
Make for the Hills: The Autobiography of the world's leading Counter Insurgency Expert
3168: 4149: 4130: 4108: 4085: 4064: 4040: 4021: 4011: 4005: 3971: 3930: 3900: 3881: 3859: 3837: 3814: 3795: 3708: 3678: 3658: 3627: 3608: 3598: 3580: 3552: 3530: 3511: 3448: 3406: 3357: 2952:
Associated Press (10 November 1950). "Remains of Gen. Wingate are Reburied in U.S.".
2885: 2309: 2227: 1517: 1335: 1289: 1191: 1179: 1142:
in which he was flying crashed into jungle-covered hills in the present-day state of
983: 850: 742:, who trained under him and claimed that Wingate had "taught us everything we know." 629: 357: 325: 321:
At a time when Britain was in need of morale-boosting generalship, Wingate attracted
299: 3527:
The Emperor of the United States of America and Other Magnificent British Eccentrics
The two most popular Israeli books about Wingate, both written by SNS veterans were
Soon after Wingate arrived, Churchill decided to take him and his wife along to the
He was promoted to lieutenant on 29 August 1925. In 1926, Wingate was posted to the
3650: 2954: 2301: 1817: 1598: 1501: 1270: 1228: 1147: 759: 445: 353: 329: 315: 292: 208: 4127:
The Burma Road: the epic story of one of World War II's most remarkable endeavours
3463: 2915: 2305: 1829: 1586:, a reference is made to the "Orde Wingate Forest", which is located in Israel at 4195: 4122: 4079: 1572: 1427: 1254: 1118: 1074: 976: 950: 814: 573: 453: 422: 394: 255: 178: 4101:
Orde Wingate: Unconventional Warrior: From the 1920s to the Twenty-First Century
3654: 1821: 1577: 1513: 1505: 1468: 1282: 1196: 1095: 1040: 946: 913: 873: 806: 794: 708: 656: 476: 385:
After four years, Wingate left Charterhouse and in 1921 he was accepted at the
288: 218: 165: 3138: 886:
Wingate was appointed colonel once more by General Wavell upon arrival in the
4292: 3894: 3662: 3361: 3333:
There was a Man of Genius : Letters to my Grandson Orde Jonathan Wingate
3053: 2463: 2313: 1490:
There was a Man of Genius : Letters to my Grandson Orde Jonathan Wingate
1361: 1312: 1183: 1135: 1027: 853:
through his political supporters in London, and Secretary of State for India
776: 648: 4025: 3781: 4037:
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict.
4032: 3863: 3851: 3641:
Mead, Peter W. (January 1979). "Orde Wingate and the Official Historians".
3604: 3594: 3544: 2974: 1587: 1450: 1404: 1348:
The deep-penetration tactics pioneered by the Chindits were adopted by the
1102: 958: 882:
Wingate after his return from operations in Japanese-occupied Burma in 1943
772: 683: 655:, the Jewish armed group. In June 1938, the new British commander, General 610: 601:
In September 1936, Wingate was assigned to a staff officer position in the
569: 280: 193: 140: 3904: 3885: 2224:
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict
1737: 4189:
Correspondence Archive between Orde and Lorna Wingate, and Chaim Weizmann
3750: 1654: 1641:
The quote is part of Amatziya Cohen's recollection of Wingate's tutelage.
Attempts to achieve a balance between the opposing views of Wingate were
1414: 1357: 1045: 818: 739: 735: 540: 81: 77: 3687: 3312:, Canberra: National Centre of Biography, Australian National University 1117:
Churchill, rapidly proved unworkable." However, the Japanese commander,
instead. The landings were initially a failure, as many gliders crashed
997:. There, Wingate explained his ideas of deep penetration warfare to the 750: 4251: 1309: 758:
Wingate was the commander of an anti-aircraft unit in Britain when the
480: 464: 4217: 3670: 3051:
Associated Press (18 April 1947). "Party Finds Body of Gen. Wingate".
Wingate and the men of Gideon Force linked with the force of Lt. Gen.
306:, he set up a joint British–Jewish counter-insurgency unit called the 2774: 1567: 1557: 1472: 1301: 934: 854: 697: 633: 544: 369: 275: 234: 49: 4344:
British military personnel of the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine
A fictionalised version of Wingate called "P.P. Malcolm" appears in
Regarding Operation Thursday, historian Raymond Callahan, author of
into the jungle, could fan out from there and fight the Japanese".
962: 899: 887: 838: 527: 514: 503: 499: 495: 488: 418: 390: 345: 344:
Wingate, the eldest of three sons, was born on 26 February 1903 at
284: 188: 69: 1593:"Wingate and Chindits" is an episode of the documentary TV series 3093: 2803:"The Strange Case of the Prime Minister and the Fighting Prophet" 1783:
Bodyguard of Lies, Anthony Cave Brown, Harper and Row, 1975, p. 8
1621: 1297: 1259: 1143: 1101:
The value of Wingate's Chindits has been disputed. Field Marshal
strategy would be used by the French in Indochina years later at
1019: 904: 862: 833: 704: 652: 548: 507: 456:. As a result, Wingate applied to take a course in Arabic at the 433: 398: 107: 3916:. By Taylor, A.J.P.; et al. London: Routledge. p. 188. 2226:. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 172–173. 647:
After Wavell gave his permission, Wingate convinced the Zionist
432:, where he excelled, much to the chagrin of the majority of the 287:
deep-penetration missions in Japanese-held territory during the
1400: 1385: 1342: 1210: 1155: 1131: 1005: 942: 918: 802: 731: 718: 637: 593: 518: 349: 966:
the force lost approximately one-third of its total strength.
448:, a retired army general who had been governor-general of the 4183: 3473:
Historical Case Study for the Operating Without a Net Project
1617: 1546: 1390: 1316: 909: 857:
contacted Wavell, Commander-in-Chief in India commanding the
768: 644:, who was then the commander of British forces in Palestine. 511: 484: 472: 1488:. Alice Ivy Hay wrote a biography of her son-in-law titled " 902:, a corrupted version of a mythical Burmese lion called the 874:
Chindits and the first long-range jungle penetration mission
A memorial to Wingate at the New Charterhouse School Chapel
622: 3223: 1018:
After his meeting with Allied leaders, Wingate contracted
2416: 2344: 1549:. Foster reprised his role as Wingate in a 1982 TV movie 1530: 1320: 734:(the Jewish Community), and was loved by leaders such as 588: 352:
in Kumaon, India, into a military family (cousins of the
3880:. Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company. 3285: 3240: 3238: 2245: 2243: 1516:, was his uncle. His sister was missionary and linguist 3255: 3253: 3211: 3187: 2750: 2392: 1767: 1765: 1763: 568:
On his return to the UK in 1933, Wingate was posted to
Fire in the Night: Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia and Zion
2782: 555:(the findings of the expedition were published in the 4266: 4081:
The Imperial War Museum Book of War Behind Enemy Line
3235: 3199: 2903: 2829: 2663: 2332: 2320: 2255: 2240: 1296:, מכון וינגייט) was named after him. A square in the 908:. By August 1942, he had set up a training centre at 3624:
The Burma Campaign - Disaster Into Triumph 1942 - 45
3250: 2970:"Two War Correspondents Killed with General Wingate" 1760: 849:
A highly edited version of his report was passed to
Victims of aviation accidents or incidents in India
2702: 2356: 636:, because he felt familiar with the biblical judge 4424:Victims of aviation accidents or incidents in 1944 3943: 3375: 3347: 2990: 2921: 1816:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 2004. 1805: 617:guerrillas had at the time of his arrival begun a 580:From 13 January 1935, Wingate was seconded to the 4369:Graduates of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich 3149: 2380: 1807:"Wingate, Orde Charles (1903–1944), army officer" 517:. He changed the method of regular patrolling to 4290: 3914:The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered 3050: 2951: 2507:, vol. I, p. 10; MRD Foot, SOE (1984) pp. 214–15 2294:The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 1624:creature based on an Indonesian guardian spirit. 1223:reported that the grave had been located by the 801:Gideon force was named after the biblical judge 707:, "I think you are all totally ignorant in your 279:(26 February 1903 – 24 March 1944) was a senior 3990:Churchill: Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran 2468:SOE, The Special Operations Executive 1940–1946 1800: 1798: 1537:, based on his life, in which he was played by 3705:Wingate, his relevance to contemporary warfare 3401:(2001). Alex Danchev and Daniel Todman (ed.). 3399:Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Viscount Alan Brooke 1471:have taken a critical picture of Wingate with 1073:(the commander of Fourteenth Army), Brigadier 563: 413:In 1923, Wingate received his Royal Artillery 4364:Companions of the Distinguished Service Order 4329:British Army personnel killed in World War II 4309:Anti-Palestinian sentiment in the Middle East 2692: 2690: 2597: 2595: 2593: 2205: 2203: 754:Orde Wingate enters Addis Ababa on horseback. 525: 4003: 2847: 1795: 1597:first presented in the United States on the 1006:Second long-range jungle penetration mission 745: 609:. From his arrival he saw the creation of a 417:and was posted to the 5th Medium Brigade at 310:. Under the patronage of the area commander 3965: 3946:Video: Campaign in Burma, 1944/04/24 (1944) 3549:Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord, 1940–45 3464:"The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met" 3229: 2659:(Supplement). 1 October 1943. p. 4397. 2580: 2578: 2576: 2527: 2525: 2110: 2108: 1983: 1981: 1880: 1878: 621:against both British mandate officials and 483:. From Genoa he took a boat to Egypt. From 3813:. Cassel & Company. pp. 190–191. 3462:Allison, John (Maj. Gen.) (22 July 2011). 3397: 3083: 3081: 2687: 2637: 2625: 2590: 2200: 1853: 1851: 1726:(Supplement). 3 August 1943. p. 3522. 339: 252:(Supplement). 28 March 1941. p. 1872. 48: 4254:The Geographical Journal, 83(4), 281–308. 3626:. London, United Kingdom: Vintage Books. 3276: 3274: 3272: 3270: 3268: 3068:"Wingate's Body Moved to Army Cemetery". 2947: 2945: 1334:A memorial stone in his honour stands in 1271:memorial to Orde Wingate and the Chindits 1190:; and Staff Sergeant Vernon A. McIninch, 4077: 4058: 3920: 3911: 3543: 3524: 3303: 3217: 3193: 2788: 2649: 2573: 2522: 2398: 2186: 2166: 2146: 2126: 2105: 2091: 2035: 1978: 1940: 1896: 1875: 1716: 1703: 1690: 1657:was astonished at this decision. In his 1366: 1323:football club formed in London in 1946, 1253: 1165: 1009: 969: 877: 785: 749: 592: 242: 4121: 3721: 3593: 3574: 3461: 3078: 2936: 2720: 2708: 2696: 2613: 2601: 2567: 2491: 2221: 2209: 1848: 1813:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 632:himself. He always returned to Kibbutz 14: 4379:People educated at Charterhouse School 4359:Burials at Arlington National Cemetery 4291: 4143: 4098: 4063:. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military. 3984: 3892: 3827: 3808: 3621: 3565: 3505: 3479: 3470: 3291: 3265: 3259: 3244: 3205: 2942: 2909: 2835: 2823: 2669: 2628:, p. 436 entry for 4 August 1943. 2584: 2555: 2543: 2531: 2516: 2479: 2446: 2434: 2422: 2410: 2350: 2338: 2326: 2287: 2261: 2249: 2114: 2079: 2067: 2055: 2023: 2011: 1999: 1987: 1972: 1960: 1928: 1916: 1884: 1869: 1857: 1842: 1771: 1182:; Technical Sergeant James W. Hickey, 589:Palestine and the Special Night Squads 560:service in the Sudan on 2 April 1933. 547:, and to search for the lost oasis of 283:officer known for his creation of the 4324:British Army generals of World War II 4167:. Ohio: The World Publishing Company. 4162: 4039:Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 3870: 3780: 3766:Owens, Mackubin Thomas (7 May 2004). 3765: 3685: 3442: 3419: 3381: 3336:(First ed.). London N. Spearman. 3155: 3044: 3018: 2886:"Death of Major-General Orde Wingate" 2681: 2386: 2362: 2283: 2281: 2279: 1523: 1060: 27:British WWII Army general (1903-1944) 4202:Major General Orde Wingate 1903–1944 4054:. London: George G. Harrap & Co. 4049: 4004:Bierman, John; Smith, Colin (1999). 3850: 3748: 3702: 3640: 3551:. London: HarperPress. p. 388. 3280: 3089:"General Wingate (Reburial, U.S.A.)" 2800: 2756: 2744: 2732: 1308:), also bears his name, as does the 1186:; Technical Sergeant Frank Sadoski, 1150:was appointed to overall command of 779:, the British commander in Sudan, a 659:, gave his permission to create the 380: 336:unsuited to a tropical environment. 4414:Military personnel of British India 4319:Alumni of SOAS University of London 3568:Britain's Pacification of Palestine 3329: 1748:from the original on 1 January 2021 1742:United Service Institution of India 1566:, while he also appears in another 1533:produced a three-part drama called 1258:Orde Wingate Square in Jerusalem's 506:, where the SDF patrolled to catch 439: 24: 4213:Biography of Orde Charles Wingate 4179:Abi Moriya, "Orde Charles Wingate" 3997: 3310:Australian Dictionary of Biography 2276: 1700:. 13 September 1938. p. 5831. 1607:The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1178:; Lieutenant Stephen A. Wanderer, 795:Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I 551:. Supported by equipment from the 25: 4435: 4409:Recipients of the MacGregor Medal 4172: 3899:. New York: The Greystone Press. 3787:The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine 3751:"Orde Wingate: Friend Under Fire" 3724:"Book 4: With Wingate's Chindits" 3688:"Orde Wingate (TV Series 1976– )" 3330:Hay, Alice Ivy (1 January 1963). 2288:Hughes, Matthew (8 August 2015). 2045:. 25 November 1930. p. 7502. 1713:. 26 December 1941. p. 7332. 1420: 1375: 74:United Provinces of Agra and Oudh 4276: 4262:University of Manchester Library 3340: 3323: 3297: 3099:Parliament of the United Kingdom 2196:. 3 November 1936. p. 7025. 1462:Orde Wingate: His Life and Works 1273:stands on the north side of the 1249: 1229:U.S. Graves Registration Service 686:wrote about Wingate's brutality. 205:1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine 4247:British Army Officers 1939−1945 3649:(1). Sage Publications: 55–82. 3643:Journal of Contemporary History 3306:"Alice Ivy Wigmore (1895–1982)" 3304:Bolton, G. C.; Morant, Andrew, 3161: 3131: 3113: 3061: 2962: 2930: 2878: 2841: 2794: 2770:"Obituary: Sir Robert Thompson" 2762: 2738: 2726: 2714: 2675: 2643: 2631: 2619: 2607: 2561: 2549: 2537: 2510: 2497: 2485: 2473: 2452: 2440: 2428: 2404: 2368: 2267: 2215: 2180: 2160: 2156:. 2 October 1936. p. 6277. 2140: 2136:. 10 January 1936. p. 234. 2120: 2085: 2073: 2061: 2049: 2029: 2017: 2005: 1993: 1966: 1954: 1950:. 28 August 1925. p. 5699. 1934: 1922: 1910: 1906:. 31 August 1923. p. 5910. 1890: 1664: 1644: 1635: 1435:Orde Wingate and the Historians 543:, mentioned in the writings of 444:Wingate's father's cousin, Sir 4184:Orde Charles Wingate 1903–1944 3529:. Routledge & Kegan Paul. 3121:"Wingate a Genius – Churchill" 1863: 1836: 1786: 1777: 1730: 1684: 1595:Narrow Escapes of World War II 1380:Wingate was known for various 1354:Indonesian National Revolution 1327:was also named in his honour. 1225:Imperial War Graves Commission 797:, and Wingate in Dambacha Fort 13: 1: 4198:Shapell Manuscript Foundation 3921:Thompson, Sir Robert (1989). 3749:Oren, Michael (Winter 2001). 3391: 2458:Wingate quoted in J. Mulgan, 2306:10.1080/03086534.2015.1083220 2176:. 10 July 1936. p. 4419. 2101:. 25 July 1933. p. 4964. 1467:In recent years, the Israeli 1014:Wingate with Chindit leaders. 368:In 1916, his family moved to 4394:Sudan Defence Force officers 4078:Thompson, Julian F. (2001). 3966:van Creveld, Martin (2004). 3726:. In Stone, James H. (ed.). 3525:Caufield, Catherine (1981). 2850:"The 1st Air Commando Group" 1830:UK public library membership 1677: 1628: 1494:Honourable Artillery Company 781:Special Operations Executive 603:British Mandate of Palestine 7: 4374:Guerrilla warfare theorists 4314:British Army major generals 4163:Sykes, Christopher (1959). 3992:. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 3970:. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 3834:Cassell Military Paperbacks 3686:Meyer, Aaron (4 May 2017). 3425:"Wingate of the Gideonites" 3127:. 13 March 1951. p. 3. 1244:Arlington National Cemetery 1176:Spartanburg, South Carolina 564:Return to the UK, 1933–1936 557:Royal Geographical Magazine 231:Distinguished Service Order 120:Arlington National Cemetery 10: 4440: 4334:British Christian Zionists 4144:Taylor, Thomas H. (1988). 4010:. New York: Random House. 3655:10.1177/002200947901400103 1114:Churchill and His Generals 553:Royal Geographical Society 458:School of Oriental Studies 4349:British Plymouth Brethren 4208:Orde Wingate – The Friend 4165:Orde Wingate, A Biography 4148:. New York: McGraw Hill. 4059:Shirreff, David (2009) . 4050:Rolo, Charles J. (1944). 3925:. Pen and Sword. p.  3877:Orde Wingate: A Biography 1479: 1161: 746:Ethiopia and Gideon Force 597:Orde Wingate in Palestine 469:Sudan Defence Force (SDF) 430:Army School of Equitation 226: 200: 184: 174: 164: 154: 146: 134: 126: 114: 88: 56: 47: 34: 4389:Royal Artillery officers 4258:Orde Wingate Collections 4242:Generals of World War II 4236:University of Manchester 4228:Orde Wingate collections 3830:Wingate and the Chindits 3577:Burma: The Forgotten War 3566:Hughes, Matthew (2019). 3466:. 3169:"General Wingate School" 3026:"Rites for Gen. Wingate" 1439:Wingate and the Chindits 1411:Field Marshal Montgomery 1350:Indonesian National Army 1233:Imphal Military Cemetery 1124: 999:Combined Chiefs of Staff 912:near Saugor district in 868: 859:South-East Asian Theatre 106:, British India (now in 4223:Nadav Man, "The Friend" 3986:Wilson, Charles McMoran 3893:Thomas, Lowell (1951). 3828:Rooney, David (2000) . 3707:. New Delhi: Sterling. 3579:. London: John Murray. 3506:Beevor, Antony (2012). 1500:He was also related to 1458:In the Path of Fighters 1134:to Lalaghat, the USAAF 941:. Wingate set out from 372:where Wingate attended 340:Childhood and education 239:Mentioned in Despatches 4339:British mass murderers 4252:"In Search of Zerzura" 4099:Anglim, Simon (2023). 3809:Rooney, David (1999). 3773:National Review Online 3722:Officer, W.J. (1969). 3703:Nath, Prithvi (1990). 3622:McLynn, Frank (2010). 3600:The Road Past Mandalay 3493:Cite journal requires 3445:Burma: The longest War 3173:General Wingate School 2998:"Wingate's Body Found" 2222:Kessler, Oren (2023). 1822:10.1093/ref:odnb/36978 1447:Israeli Defense Forces 1372: 1263: 1220:The Calcutta Statesman 1188:Freeman Spur, Illinois 1171: 1140:1st Air Commando Group 1015: 893:long-range penetration 883: 798: 755: 727: 693: 676:collective punishments 672:Iraq Petroleum Company 651:and the leadership of 598: 526: 387:Royal Military Academy 323:British Prime Minister 4404:Burma in World War II 4354:British war criminals 4129:. London: Pan Books. 3792:Oneworld Publications 3575:Latimer, Jon (2004). 3443:Allen, Louis (1984). 3403:War Diaries 1939–1945 3349:"Lt-Col Orde Wingate" 2801:Callahan, Raymond E. 2460:Report on Experiences 1370: 1325:Wingate Football Club 1257: 1217:. On April 18, 1947, 1200:) and Stanley Wills ( 1169: 1013: 970:After-battle analysis 881: 865:on 27 February 1942. 826:East African Campaign 789: 753: 723: 688: 596: 214:East African Campaign 147:Years of service 4384:People from Nainital 4232:John Rylands Library 3508:The Second World War 3071:The Winnipeg Tribune 2813:on 19 February 2014. 2807:The Churchill Centre 2273:Kaniuk, 2001, p. 19. 1551:A Woman Called Golda 1460:by Israel Carmi and 1441:by David Rooney and 1213:, in the village of 841:, which can produce 824:With the end of the 661:Special Night Squads 607:intelligence officer 415:officer's commission 308:Special Night Squads 267:Orde Charles Wingate 18:Charles Orde Wingate 4105:Pen and Sword Books 3858:. London: Cassell. 3856:Defeat into Victory 3447:. Dent Publishing. 3356:. 3 November 2000. 3354:The Daily Telegraph 2857:Cochran's Commandos 2759:, pp. 546–549. 2425:, pp. 190–191. 1576:. Additionally, in 1341:Wingate Golf Club, 1279:Ministry of Defence 1275:Victoria Embankment 1031:up the experienced 939:Operation Longcloth 832:Wingate contracted 765:Middle East Command 619:campaign of attacks 304:Mandatory Palestine 4194:8 May 2014 at the 3951:Universal Newsreel 3872:Sykes, Christopher 3811:Military Mavericks 3768:"Wingate's Wisdom" 3736:on 3 December 2010 3510:. Back Bay Books. 3429:The Palestine Post 3139:"Chindit Memorial" 3032:. 11 November 1950 3030:The New York Times 3003:The New York Times 2939:, pp. 217–220 2923:Universal Newsreel 2848:Dale K. Robinson. 2656:The London Gazette 2353:, p. 287-288. 2193:The London Gazette 2173:The London Gazette 2153:The London Gazette 2133:The London Gazette 2098:The London Gazette 2042:The London Gazette 1947:The London Gazette 1903:The London Gazette 1723:The London Gazette 1710:The London Gazette 1697:The London Gazette 1524:In popular culture 1373: 1304:, Wingate Square ( 1264: 1172: 1061:Operation Thursday 1016: 927:King's Regulations 884: 799: 756: 599: 502:on the borders of 249:The London Gazette 4399:Wingate Institute 4070:978-1-84884-029-4 4052:Wingate's Raiders 3936:978-0-85052-761-2 3801:978-1-85168-467-0 3633:978-0-099-55178-2 3558:978-0-00-726367-7 3517:978-0-316-02374-0 3405:. Phoenix Press. 3294:, pp. 91–92. 3125:The Straits Times 3101:. 5 December 1950 2570:, pp. 134–35 2233:978-1-5381-4880-8 1828:(Subscription or 1738:"MacGregor Medal" 1518:Rachel O. Wingate 1510:Governor of Malta 1336:Charlton Cemetery 1300:neighbourhood of 1290:Wingate Institute 1192:Purcell, Oklahoma 1180:Hamilton, Montana 995:Quebec Conference 984:Winston Churchill 851:Winston Churchill 630:Christian Zionist 381:Early army career 358:Plymouth Brethren 326:Winston Churchill 300:Christian Zionist 261: 260: 16:(Redirected from 4431: 4281: 4280: 4279: 4272: 4168: 4159: 4140: 4123:Webster, Donovan 4118: 4095: 4074: 4055: 4029: 3993: 3981: 3962: 3960: 3958: 3940: 3917: 3908: 3896:Back to Mandalay 3889: 3867: 3847: 3824: 3805: 3777: 3762: 3760: 3758: 3745: 3743: 3741: 3718: 3699: 3697: 3695: 3682: 3637: 3618: 3590: 3571: 3562: 3540: 3521: 3502: 3496: 3491: 3489: 3481: 3476: 3467: 3458: 3439: 3437: 3435: 3423:(9 April 1944). 3416: 3385: 3379: 3373: 3372: 3370: 3368: 3351: 3344: 3338: 3337: 3327: 3321: 3320: 3319: 3317: 3301: 3295: 3289: 3283: 3278: 3263: 3257: 3248: 3242: 3233: 3230:van Creveld 2004 3227: 3221: 3215: 3209: 3203: 3197: 3191: 3185: 3184: 3182: 3180: 3165: 3159: 3153: 3147: 3146: 3135: 3129: 3128: 3117: 3111: 3110: 3108: 3106: 3085: 3076: 3075: 3074:. 30 April 1947. 3065: 3059: 3058: 3048: 3042: 3041: 3039: 3037: 3022: 3016: 3015: 3013: 3011: 2994: 2988: 2987: 2985: 2983: 2966: 2960: 2959: 2955:The Joplin Globe 2949: 2940: 2934: 2928: 2919: 2913: 2907: 2901: 2900: 2898: 2896: 2882: 2876: 2875: 2873: 2871: 2865: 2859:. Archived from 2854: 2845: 2839: 2833: 2827: 2821: 2815: 2814: 2809:. Archived from 2798: 2792: 2786: 2780: 2779: 2766: 2760: 2754: 2748: 2742: 2736: 2730: 2724: 2718: 2712: 2706: 2700: 2694: 2685: 2679: 2673: 2667: 2661: 2660: 2647: 2641: 2635: 2629: 2623: 2617: 2611: 2605: 2599: 2588: 2582: 2571: 2565: 2559: 2553: 2547: 2541: 2535: 2529: 2520: 2519:, pp. 79–80 2514: 2508: 2501: 2495: 2489: 2483: 2477: 2471: 2456: 2450: 2444: 2438: 2432: 2426: 2420: 2414: 2408: 2402: 2396: 2390: 2384: 2378: 2377:, Jonathan Fenby 2372: 2366: 2360: 2354: 2348: 2342: 2336: 2330: 2324: 2318: 2317: 2285: 2274: 2271: 2265: 2259: 2253: 2247: 2238: 2237: 2219: 2213: 2207: 2198: 2197: 2184: 2178: 2177: 2164: 2158: 2157: 2144: 2138: 2137: 2124: 2118: 2112: 2103: 2102: 2089: 2083: 2077: 2071: 2065: 2059: 2053: 2047: 2046: 2033: 2027: 2021: 2015: 2014:, pp. 22–23 2009: 2003: 1997: 1991: 1985: 1976: 1975:, pp. 20–21 1970: 1964: 1958: 1952: 1951: 1938: 1932: 1926: 1920: 1914: 1908: 1907: 1894: 1888: 1882: 1873: 1867: 1861: 1855: 1846: 1840: 1834: 1833: 1825: 1809: 1802: 1793: 1790: 1784: 1781: 1775: 1769: 1758: 1757: 1755: 1753: 1734: 1728: 1727: 1714: 1701: 1688: 1671: 1668: 1662: 1648: 1642: 1639: 1599:Military Channel 1502:Reginald Wingate 1148:Walter Lentaigne 760:Second World War 642:Archibald Wavell 615:Palestinian Arab 605:, and became an 582:Territorial Army 531: 487:he travelled to 446:Reginald Wingate 440:Sudan, 1928–1933 354:Wingate baronets 330:Battle of Kohima 312:Archibald Wavell 293:Second World War 278: 253: 209:Second World War 136: 95: 67:26 February 1903 66: 64: 52: 32: 31: 21: 4439: 4438: 4434: 4433: 4432: 4430: 4429: 4428: 4289: 4288: 4287: 4277: 4275: 4267: 4196:Wayback Machine 4175: 4156: 4137: 4115: 4092: 4071: 4018: 4000: 3998:Further reading 3978: 3956: 3954: 3937: 3844: 3821: 3802: 3756: 3754: 3739: 3737: 3715: 3693: 3691: 3634: 3615: 3587: 3559: 3537: 3518: 3494: 3492: 3483: 3482: 3455: 3433: 3431: 3413: 3394: 3389: 3388: 3380: 3376: 3366: 3364: 3346: 3345: 3341: 3328: 3324: 3315: 3313: 3302: 3298: 3290: 3286: 3279: 3266: 3258: 3251: 3247:, pp. 1–2. 3243: 3236: 3228: 3224: 3216: 3212: 3204: 3200: 3192: 3188: 3178: 3176: 3167: 3166: 3162: 3154: 3150: 3137: 3136: 3132: 3119: 3118: 3114: 3104: 3102: 3087: 3086: 3079: 3067: 3066: 3062: 3049: 3045: 3035: 3033: 3024: 3023: 3019: 3009: 3007: 3006:. 18 April 1947 2996: 2995: 2991: 2981: 2979: 2968: 2967: 2963: 2950: 2943: 2935: 2931: 2920: 2916: 2908: 2904: 2894: 2892: 2884: 2883: 2879: 2869: 2867: 2866:on 22 June 2011 2863: 2852: 2846: 2842: 2834: 2830: 2822: 2818: 2799: 2795: 2787: 2783: 2768: 2767: 2763: 2755: 2751: 2743: 2739: 2731: 2727: 2719: 2715: 2707: 2703: 2695: 2688: 2680: 2676: 2668: 2664: 2648: 2644: 2638:Alanbrooke 2001 2636: 2632: 2626:Alanbrooke 2001 2624: 2620: 2612: 2608: 2600: 2591: 2583: 2574: 2566: 2562: 2554: 2550: 2542: 2538: 2530: 2523: 2515: 2511: 2502: 2498: 2490: 2486: 2478: 2474: 2457: 2453: 2445: 2441: 2433: 2429: 2421: 2417: 2409: 2405: 2397: 2393: 2385: 2381: 2373: 2369: 2361: 2357: 2349: 2345: 2337: 2333: 2325: 2321: 2286: 2277: 2272: 2268: 2260: 2256: 2248: 2241: 2234: 2220: 2216: 2208: 2201: 2185: 2181: 2165: 2161: 2145: 2141: 2125: 2121: 2113: 2106: 2090: 2086: 2078: 2074: 2066: 2062: 2054: 2050: 2034: 2030: 2022: 2018: 2010: 2006: 1998: 1994: 1986: 1979: 1971: 1967: 1959: 1955: 1939: 1935: 1927: 1923: 1915: 1911: 1895: 1891: 1883: 1876: 1868: 1864: 1856: 1849: 1841: 1837: 1827: 1804: 1803: 1796: 1791: 1787: 1782: 1778: 1770: 1761: 1751: 1749: 1736: 1735: 1731: 1689: 1685: 1680: 1675: 1674: 1669: 1665: 1649: 1645: 1640: 1636: 1631: 1526: 1482: 1437:by Peter Mead, 1428:I.S.O. Playfair 1423: 1378: 1252: 1164: 1127: 1119:Mutaguchi Renya 1107:Robert Thompson 1096:pitched battles 1075:Michael Calvert 1063: 1023:jungle forces. 1008: 977:Masakazu Kawabe 972: 951:Irrawaddy River 876: 871: 815:Alan Cunningham 791:Daniel Sandford 748: 591: 574:Salisbury Plain 566: 442: 423:Salisbury Plain 395:Royal Artillery 383: 342: 270: 256:MacGregor Medal 254: 237: 207: 192: 179:Royal Artillery 122: 97: 93: 68: 62: 60: 43: 40: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 4437: 4427: 4426: 4421: 4416: 4411: 4406: 4401: 4396: 4391: 4386: 4381: 4376: 4371: 4366: 4361: 4356: 4351: 4346: 4341: 4336: 4331: 4326: 4321: 4316: 4311: 4306: 4301: 4286: 4285: 4283:United Kingdom 4265: 4264: 4255: 4249: 4244: 4239: 4225: 4220: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4199: 4186: 4181: 4174: 4173:External links 4171: 4170: 4169: 4160: 4154: 4141: 4135: 4119: 4114:978-1783462186 4113: 4096: 4090: 4075: 4069: 4056: 4047: 4030: 4016: 3999: 3996: 3995: 3994: 3982: 3976: 3963: 3941: 3935: 3918: 3909: 3890: 3868: 3848: 3842: 3825: 3819: 3806: 3800: 3778: 3763: 3753:. 3746: 3719: 3713: 3700: 3683: 3638: 3632: 3619: 3613: 3591: 3585: 3572: 3563: 3557: 3541: 3536:978-0710009579 3535: 3522: 3516: 3503: 3495:|journal= 3477: 3468: 3459: 3453: 3440: 3417: 3411: 3393: 3390: 3387: 3386: 3374: 3339: 3322: 3296: 3284: 3264: 3249: 3234: 3232:, p. 115. 3222: 3220:, p. 388. 3210: 3208:, p. 115. 3198: 3196:, p. 213. 3186: 3160: 3148: 3130: 3112: 3077: 3060: 3043: 3017: 2989: 2978:. 3 April 1944 2961: 2941: 2929: 2914: 2912:, p. 124. 2902: 2877: 2840: 2838:, p. 557. 2828: 2816: 2793: 2781: 2778:. 20 May 1992. 2761: 2749: 2737: 2725: 2713: 2701: 2686: 2674: 2672:, p. 178. 2662: 2642: 2640:, p. 443. 2630: 2618: 2606: 2589: 2572: 2560: 2548: 2536: 2521: 2509: 2496: 2484: 2472: 2451: 2439: 2427: 2415: 2403: 2401:, p. 188. 2391: 2379: 2367: 2355: 2343: 2341:, p. 288. 2331: 2329:, p. 287. 2319: 2300:(4): 590–610. 2275: 2266: 2264:, p. 286. 2254: 2252:, p. 283. 2239: 2232: 2214: 2199: 2179: 2159: 2139: 2119: 2104: 2084: 2072: 2060: 2048: 2028: 2016: 2004: 1992: 1977: 1965: 1953: 1933: 1921: 1909: 1889: 1874: 1862: 1847: 1835: 1794: 1785: 1776: 1774:, p. 282. 1759: 1729: 1682: 1681: 1679: 1676: 1673: 1672: 1663: 1643: 1633: 1632: 1630: 1627: 1626: 1625: 1604:An episode of 1602: 1591: 1578:James Michener 1554: 1545:but including 1525: 1522: 1514:William Dobbie 1506:Ronald Wingate 1481: 1478: 1469:New Historians 1422: 1421:Historiography 1419: 1382:eccentricities 1377: 1376:Eccentricities 1374: 1294:Machon Wingate 1283:Victoria Cross 1262:neighbourhood. 1251: 1248: 1197:News Chronicle 1163: 1160: 1138:bomber of the 1126: 1123: 1062: 1059: 1041:Philip Cochran 1007: 1004: 971: 968: 947:Chindwin river 914:Madhya Pradesh 875: 872: 870: 867: 807:Haile Selassie 747: 744: 709:Ramat Yochanan 590: 587: 565: 562: 479:, Austria and 477:Czechoslovakia 441: 438: 403:run a gauntlet 382: 379: 341: 338: 289:Burma Campaign 259: 258: 228: 224: 223: 222: 221: 219:Burma Campaign 216: 202: 198: 197: 186: 182: 181: 176: 172: 171: 168: 166:Service number 162: 161: 156: 152: 151: 148: 144: 143: 138: 132: 131: 130:United Kingdom 128: 124: 123: 118: 116: 112: 111: 96:(aged 41) 90: 86: 85: 58: 54: 53: 45: 44: 41: 35: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4436: 4425: 4422: 4420: 4417: 4415: 4412: 4410: 4407: 4405: 4402: 4400: 4397: 4395: 4392: 4390: 4387: 4385: 4382: 4380: 4377: 4375: 4372: 4370: 4367: 4365: 4362: 4360: 4357: 4355: 4352: 4350: 4347: 4345: 4342: 4340: 4337: 4335: 4332: 4330: 4327: 4325: 4322: 4320: 4317: 4315: 4312: 4310: 4307: 4305: 4302: 4300: 4297: 4296: 4294: 4284: 4274: 4273: 4270: 4263: 4259: 4256: 4253: 4250: 4248: 4245: 4243: 4240: 4237: 4233: 4229: 4226: 4224: 4221: 4219: 4216: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4203: 4200: 4197: 4193: 4190: 4187: 4185: 4182: 4180: 4177: 4176: 4166: 4161: 4157: 4155:0-07-063192-1 4151: 4147: 4142: 4138: 4136:0-330-42703-2 4132: 4128: 4124: 4120: 4116: 4110: 4106: 4102: 4097: 4093: 4087: 4083: 4082: 4076: 4072: 4066: 4062: 4057: 4053: 4048: 4046: 4042: 4038: 4034: 4033:Kessler, Oren 4031: 4027: 4023: 4019: 4017:0-375-50061-8 4013: 4009: 4008: 4002: 4001: 3991: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3977:0-297-84669-8 3973: 3969: 3964: 3952: 3948: 3947: 3942: 3938: 3932: 3928: 3924: 3919: 3915: 3910: 3906: 3902: 3898: 3897: 3891: 3887: 3883: 3879: 3878: 3873: 3869: 3865: 3861: 3857: 3853: 3852:Slim, William 3849: 3845: 3843:0-304-35452-X 3839: 3835: 3831: 3826: 3822: 3820:0-304-35679-4 3816: 3812: 3807: 3803: 3797: 3793: 3789: 3788: 3783: 3779: 3775: 3774: 3769: 3764: 3752: 3747: 3735: 3731: 3730: 3725: 3720: 3716: 3714:81-207-1165-3 3710: 3706: 3701: 3689: 3684: 3680: 3676: 3672: 3668: 3664: 3660: 3656: 3652: 3648: 3644: 3639: 3635: 3629: 3625: 3620: 3616: 3614:0-553-12662-8 3610: 3606: 3602: 3601: 3596: 3595:Masters, John 3592: 3588: 3586:0-7195-6575-8 3582: 3578: 3573: 3569: 3564: 3560: 3554: 3550: 3546: 3545:Hastings, Max 3542: 3538: 3532: 3528: 3523: 3519: 3513: 3509: 3504: 3500: 3487: 3478: 3474: 3469: 3465: 3460: 3456: 3454:0-460-02474-4 3450: 3446: 3441: 3430: 3426: 3422: 3421:Allen, W.E.D. 3418: 3414: 3412:1-84212-526-5 3408: 3404: 3400: 3396: 3395: 3383: 3378: 3363: 3359: 3355: 3350: 3343: 3335: 3334: 3326: 3311: 3307: 3300: 3293: 3288: 3282: 3277: 3275: 3273: 3271: 3269: 3261: 3256: 3254: 3246: 3241: 3239: 3231: 3226: 3219: 3218:Hastings 2009 3214: 3207: 3202: 3195: 3194:Caufield 1981 3190: 3174: 3170: 3164: 3157: 3152: 3144: 3140: 3134: 3126: 3122: 3116: 3100: 3096: 3095: 3090: 3084: 3082: 3073: 3072: 3064: 3056: 3055: 3054:Tulsa Tribune 3047: 3031: 3027: 3021: 3005: 3004: 2999: 2993: 2977: 2976: 2971: 2965: 2957: 2956: 2948: 2946: 2938: 2933: 2926: 2924: 2918: 2911: 2906: 2891: 2887: 2881: 2862: 2858: 2851: 2844: 2837: 2832: 2825: 2820: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2797: 2791:, p. 76. 2790: 2789:Thompson 1989 2785: 2777: 2776: 2771: 2765: 2758: 2753: 2747:, p. 261 2746: 2741: 2735:, p. 257 2734: 2729: 2723:, p. 170 2722: 2717: 2710: 2705: 2699:, p. 163 2698: 2693: 2691: 2684:, p. 319 2683: 2678: 2671: 2666: 2658: 2657: 2652: 2646: 2639: 2634: 2627: 2622: 2616:, p. 155 2615: 2610: 2604:, p. 135 2603: 2598: 2596: 2594: 2586: 2581: 2579: 2577: 2569: 2564: 2557: 2552: 2545: 2540: 2533: 2528: 2526: 2518: 2513: 2506: 2505:The Deceivers 2500: 2494:, p. 164 2493: 2488: 2481: 2476: 2469: 2465: 2464:M. R. D. Foot 2461: 2455: 2448: 2443: 2436: 2431: 2424: 2419: 2412: 2407: 2400: 2399:Sullivan 1999 2395: 2388: 2383: 2376: 2371: 2365:, p. 16. 2364: 2359: 2352: 2347: 2340: 2335: 2328: 2323: 2315: 2311: 2307: 2303: 2299: 2295: 2291: 2284: 2282: 2280: 2270: 2263: 2258: 2251: 2246: 2244: 2235: 2229: 2225: 2218: 2212:, p. 161 2211: 2206: 2204: 2195: 2194: 2189: 2183: 2175: 2174: 2169: 2163: 2155: 2154: 2149: 2143: 2135: 2134: 2129: 2123: 2116: 2111: 2109: 2100: 2099: 2094: 2088: 2081: 2076: 2069: 2064: 2057: 2052: 2044: 2043: 2038: 2032: 2025: 2020: 2013: 2008: 2001: 1996: 1989: 1984: 1982: 1974: 1969: 1962: 1957: 1949: 1948: 1943: 1937: 1930: 1925: 1918: 1913: 1905: 1904: 1899: 1893: 1886: 1881: 1879: 1871: 1866: 1859: 1854: 1852: 1844: 1839: 1831: 1823: 1819: 1815: 1814: 1808: 1801: 1799: 1789: 1780: 1773: 1768: 1766: 1764: 1747: 1743: 1739: 1733: 1725: 1724: 1719: 1712: 1711: 1706: 1699: 1698: 1693: 1687: 1683: 1667: 1660: 1656: 1653: 1647: 1638: 1634: 1623: 1619: 1614: 1613:Allied Powers 1609: 1608: 1603: 1600: 1596: 1592: 1589: 1585: 1584: 1579: 1575: 1574: 1569: 1565: 1564: 1559: 1555: 1552: 1548: 1544: 1540: 1536: 1532: 1529:In 1976, the 1528: 1527: 1521: 1519: 1515: 1511: 1507: 1503: 1498: 1495: 1491: 1487: 1486:Alice Ivy Hay 1477: 1474: 1470: 1465: 1463: 1459: 1454: 1452: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1431: 1429: 1418: 1416: 1412: 1408: 1406: 1402: 1398: 1394: 1392: 1387: 1383: 1369: 1365: 1363: 1362:A.H. Nasution 1359: 1355: 1351: 1346: 1344: 1339: 1337: 1332: 1328: 1326: 1322: 1318: 1314: 1313:youth village 1311: 1307: 1306:Kikar Wingate 1303: 1299: 1295: 1291: 1286: 1284: 1280: 1276: 1272: 1267: 1261: 1256: 1250:Commemoration 1247: 1245: 1240: 1236: 1234: 1230: 1226: 1222: 1221: 1216: 1212: 1207: 1205: 1204: 1199: 1198: 1193: 1189: 1185: 1184:Dallas, Texas 1181: 1177: 1168: 1159: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1141: 1137: 1136:B-25 Mitchell 1133: 1122: 1120: 1115: 1110: 1108: 1104: 1099: 1097: 1091: 1088: 1082: 1078: 1076: 1072: 1068: 1058: 1056: 1055:Dien Bien Phu 1050: 1047: 1042: 1036: 1034: 1033:70th Division 1029: 1028:Joe Lentaigne 1024: 1021: 1012: 1003: 1000: 996: 991: 987: 985: 980: 978: 967: 964: 960: 954: 952: 948: 944: 940: 936: 930: 928: 922: 920: 915: 911: 907: 906: 901: 896: 894: 889: 880: 866: 864: 860: 856: 852: 847: 844: 840: 835: 830: 827: 822: 820: 816: 810: 808: 804: 796: 792: 788: 784: 782: 778: 777:William Platt 774: 770: 766: 761: 752: 743: 741: 737: 733: 726: 722: 720: 715: 710: 706: 701: 699: 692: 687: 685: 680: 677: 673: 669: 664: 662: 658: 654: 650: 649:Jewish Agency 645: 643: 639: 635: 631: 626: 625:communities. 624: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 595: 586: 583: 578: 575: 571: 561: 558: 554: 550: 546: 542: 537: 535: 530: 529: 522: 520: 516: 513: 509: 505: 501: 497: 492: 490: 486: 482: 478: 474: 470: 466: 461: 459: 455: 451: 447: 437: 435: 431: 426: 424: 420: 416: 411: 407: 404: 400: 396: 392: 388: 378: 375: 371: 366: 362: 359: 355: 351: 347: 337: 333: 331: 327: 324: 319: 317: 313: 309: 305: 301: 296: 294: 290: 286: 282: 277: 273: 268: 265: 264:Major General 257: 251: 250: 245: 240: 236: 232: 229: 225: 220: 217: 215: 212: 211: 210: 206: 203: 199: 195: 190: 187: 183: 180: 177: 173: 169: 167: 163: 160: 159:Major General 157: 153: 149: 145: 142: 139: 133: 129: 125: 121: 117: 113: 109: 105: 104:Manipur State 101: 92:24 March 1944 91: 87: 83: 79: 78:British India 75: 71: 59: 55: 51: 46: 38: 37:Major General 33: 30: 19: 4218:The Chindits 4164: 4145: 4126: 4100: 4084:. Brasseys. 4080: 4060: 4051: 4036: 4006: 3989: 3967: 3955:. Retrieved 3945: 3922: 3913: 3895: 3876: 3855: 3829: 3810: 3785: 3771: 3755:. Retrieved 3738:. Retrieved 3734:the original 3728: 3704: 3692:. Retrieved 3646: 3642: 3623: 3605:Bantam Books 3599: 3576: 3567: 3548: 3526: 3507: 3486:cite journal 3472: 3444: 3432:. Retrieved 3428: 3402: 3377: 3365:. Retrieved 3353: 3342: 3332: 3325: 3314:, retrieved 3309: 3299: 3287: 3262:, p. 2. 3225: 3213: 3201: 3189: 3177:. Retrieved 3175:. 8 May 1955 3172: 3163: 3151: 3142: 3133: 3124: 3115: 3103:. Retrieved 3092: 3069: 3063: 3052: 3046: 3034:. Retrieved 3029: 3020: 3008:. Retrieved 3001: 2992: 2980:. Retrieved 2975:The Guardian 2973: 2964: 2953: 2937:Masters 1979 2932: 2922: 2917: 2905: 2893:. Retrieved 2889: 2880: 2868:. Retrieved 2861:the original 2856: 2843: 2831: 2819: 2811:the original 2806: 2796: 2784: 2773: 2764: 2752: 2740: 2728: 2721:Masters 1979 2716: 2709:Allison 2011 2704: 2697:Masters 1979 2677: 2665: 2654: 2645: 2633: 2621: 2614:Masters 1979 2609: 2602:Masters 1979 2587:, p. 99 2568:Masters 1979 2563: 2558:, p. 91 2551: 2546:, p. 88 2539: 2534:, p. 81 2512: 2504: 2499: 2492:Masters 1979 2487: 2482:, p. 77 2475: 2470:(1984), p. 9 2467: 2459: 2454: 2449:, p. 76 2442: 2437:, p. 75 2430: 2418: 2413:, p. 73 2406: 2394: 2382: 2370: 2358: 2346: 2334: 2322: 2297: 2293: 2269: 2257: 2223: 2217: 2210:Masters 1979 2191: 2182: 2171: 2162: 2151: 2142: 2131: 2122: 2117:, p. 27 2096: 2087: 2082:, p. 26 2075: 2070:, p. 25 2063: 2058:, p. 24 2051: 2040: 2031: 2026:, p. 23 2019: 2007: 2002:, p. 22 1995: 1990:, p. 21 1968: 1963:, p. 20 1956: 1945: 1936: 1931:, p. 19 1924: 1919:, p. 18 1912: 1901: 1892: 1887:, p. 17 1872:, p. 15 1865: 1860:, p. 14 1845:, p. 13 1838: 1811: 1788: 1779: 1750:. Retrieved 1741: 1732: 1721: 1708: 1695: 1686: 1666: 1658: 1646: 1637: 1605: 1594: 1588:Mount Gilboa 1581: 1571: 1561: 1550: 1539:Barry Foster 1535:Orde Wingate 1534: 1499: 1489: 1483: 1466: 1461: 1457: 1455: 1451:Michael Oren 1443:Orde Wingate 1442: 1438: 1434: 1432: 1424: 1409: 1405:Max Hastings 1395: 1393:and onions. 1379: 1356:against the 1347: 1340: 1333: 1329: 1305: 1293: 1287: 1268: 1265: 1241: 1237: 1218: 1208: 1203:Daily Herald 1201: 1195: 1173: 1128: 1113: 1111: 1103:William Slim 1100: 1092: 1086: 1083: 1079: 1064: 1051: 1046:C-47 Dakotas 1037: 1025: 1017: 992: 988: 981: 973: 959:Shweli River 955: 938: 931: 923: 903: 897: 885: 848: 846:recuperate. 831: 823: 811: 800: 773:Gideon Force 757: 728: 724: 702: 694: 689: 684:Yoram Kaniuk 681: 665: 646: 627: 611:Jewish State 600: 579: 567: 556: 538: 523: 510:traders and 493: 462: 443: 427: 412: 408: 384: 374:Charterhouse 367: 363: 343: 334: 320: 297: 281:British Army 266: 262: 247: 201:Battles/wars 194:Gideon Force 141:British Army 94:(1944-03-24) 42:Orde Wingate 29: 4304:1944 deaths 4299:1903 births 4146:Born of War 3968:Moshe Dayan 3957:22 February 3782:Pappé, Ilan 3292:Anglim 2015 3260:Anglim 2015 3245:Anglim 2015 3206:Wilson 1966 2910:Rooney 2000 2836:Beevor 2012 2826:, p. . 2824:Anglim 2009 2670:McLynn 2010 2651:"No. 36194" 2585:Rooney 2000 2556:Rooney 2000 2544:Rooney 2000 2532:Rooney 2000 2517:Rooney 2000 2480:Rooney 2000 2462:(1947) and 2447:Rooney 2000 2435:Rooney 2000 2423:Rooney 1999 2411:Rooney 2000 2351:Hughes 2019 2339:Hughes 2019 2327:Hughes 2019 2262:Hughes 2019 2250:Hughes 2019 2188:"No. 34337" 2168:"No. 34303" 2148:"No. 34328" 2128:"No. 34241" 2115:Rooney 2000 2093:"No. 33963" 2080:Rooney 2000 2068:Rooney 2000 2056:Rooney 2000 2037:"No. 33664" 2024:Rooney 2000 2012:Rooney 2000 2000:Rooney 2000 1988:Rooney 2000 1973:Rooney 2000 1961:Rooney 2000 1942:"No. 33079" 1929:Rooney 2000 1917:Rooney 2000 1898:"No. 32858" 1885:Rooney 2000 1870:Rooney 2000 1858:Rooney 2000 1843:Rooney 2000 1772:Hughes 2019 1752:13 February 1718:"No. 36120" 1705:"No. 35396" 1692:"No. 34551" 1659:War Diaries 1655:Alan Brooke 1415:Moshe Dayan 1358:Netherlands 1352:during the 819:Addis Ababa 740:Moshe Dayan 736:Zvi Brenner 318:and Burma. 244:"No. 35120" 82:Uttarakhand 4293:Categories 4091:157488381X 4045:1538148803 3832:. London: 3790:. Oxford: 3757:25 October 3434:10 January 3392:References 3382:Meyer 2017 3156:Owens 2004 3105:16 October 3036:16 October 3010:16 October 2982:15 October 2682:Allen 1984 2387:Allen 1944 2363:Pappé 2006 1832:required.) 1583:The Source 1397:Lord Moran 1310:Yemin Orde 843:depression 481:Yugoslavia 465:secondment 127:Allegiance 63:1903-02-26 4125:(2005) . 3679:159876741 3663:0022-0094 3362:0307-1235 3281:Oren 2001 2870:15 August 2775:The Times 2757:Slim 1956 2745:Slim 1956 2733:Slim 1956 2503:T. 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Charles Orde Wingate
Major General

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh
British India
Manipur State
Arlington National Cemetery
British Army
Major General
Service number
Royal Artillery
Gideon Force
1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine
Second World War
East African Campaign
Burma Campaign
Distinguished Service Order
Two Bars
Mentioned in Despatches
"No. 35120"
The London Gazette
MacGregor Medal
Major General
Two Bars

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