
List of Sharpe series characters

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4344:. Perkins was from London and was an unappealing street rat who swept horse manure out of the way for pedestrians in hope of a coin. He was the second youngest of the riflemen however neither Perkins nor Rifleman Pendleton knew the day or the year of their birth. Both were young enough to not yet need to shave. Perkins was only a young rookie alongside Pendleton at the time of Havoc. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Perkins fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in Sharpe's Eagle. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Gold and also partook in Sharpe's Escape during the battle of Bussaco. He returned again in Sharpe's Fury, alongside, Sharpe, Harper, Hagman, Harris, and Slattery, however in the Battle at Barrosa it cost the life of Slattery. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro and his major role in Sharpe's Battle was he had a romantic relationship with Miranda after she was raped by the French soldiers in Grey uniform led by Brigadier-General Guy Loup. He was also accused when his green coat was missing when Juanita stole his jacket. perkins was touchy about the loss of his jacket and the loss of his armband denoting he was a chosen man, a compliment that was paid to the most reliable and best riflemen. He also survived the battle of Fuentes de Oñoro, and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. Perkins was not mentioned in the novel Sharpe's Company however he went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in Sharpe's Sword but he wasn't mentioned. He reappears in Sharpe's Skirmish in the defence of the Tormes. He survived the defence of the Alba de Tormes, and he went onto fight alongside Sharpe in Sharpe's Enemy but he wasn't mentioned at all. Perkins wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. In Sharpe's Waterloo it is noted that Rifleman Hagman is Sharpe's only remaining riflemen left from the retreat to Corunna, suggesting that Perkins did not fight at Waterloo or that he was killed prior to the battle or whether he survived the Peninsular War possibly to marry Miranda is concurrently unknown. 11684:
hunting and brought both hunters and hounds with him to Spain. He is utterly devoted to his wife Jessica, whose portrait shows a rather stern, somewhat chinless woman. Initially he wants a regular inspection of the wives attached to the South Essex, saying he wants no girls like the one he'd seen Sharpe arguing over. Sharpe, anticipating future events, named Teresa his wife. That the wedding had been private nearly 16 months previously, and that they had a seven month old daughter. He further informed the Colonel that his wife was employed outside the Regiment - as a partisan. Flustered, Windham apologized for mistaking Sharpe's wife. He then, however, fell back on accepted lore. That officers from the ranks never succeeded except in administration. Taking pains to ease Sharpe into the reality of his situation, he informs him that the captaincy he'd been hoping for had been purchased by another, and his gazette rank denied. He then sends Lieutenant Sharpe back to quartermaster duties, so that the new captain of the Light Company would not have to compete with Sharpe for the men. When Sharpe then immediately asks for the Forlorn Hope at Badajoz, Windham calls him unbalanced, that there will be vacancies a plenty after the attack. When his wife's portrait is stolen, the silver frame for it is found in Harper's kit. The furious Windham demands to know where the portrait was, but Harper, innocent of the crime, could not tell him. Windham, in his fury, breaks Harper back to private and sentences him to 100 lashes. After the intervention of Michael Hogan, Windham reduces the sentence to 60 lashes. After Badjoz, Sharpe returns Jessica Windham's portrait to him, and explains where it had been found. That Harper had been innocent. Windham, to his credit, offers Harper an apology. Harper brushed off the need by telling him a striped back was very attractive to the ladies. He returns the command of the Light Company to Sharpe after the death of the new captain.
12066:, a seventy-four-gun (third-rate) ship. Chase is married to a woman named Florence, has an unspecified number of children, and owns a small farm/estate somewhere in Devonshire. Chase is attached to the East Indian fleet, under the command of Sir Edward Pellew in Trafalgar but, having chased a French ship of the line halfway around the world in order to intercept a dangerous French politico, he finds himself under the command of Lord Nelson at Trafalgar. Needless to say, Sharpe too takes part in the battle, having been rescued by Chase after his ship was taken prize by the very third-rater that Chase was chasing. Captain Chase makes up part of the fleet that sails to Denmark, under Admiral Gambier, to help persuade the Danish to hand over their fleet for "protection" in 1807. While in Copenhagen he meets Sharpe again aiding him in his mission. Chase seems to represent the very best of the Royal Navy: he is good-natured, enthusiastic, seamanlike, possesses easy authority, and is readily accepting of Sharpe, despite Sharpe's humble origins. He is a devoted husband though he does have a weakness for gambling and has to pay off quite a large debt to Lord William Hale at the beginning of Trafalgar. He is clearly loved by his men, as attested to by one of his midshipmen, Harry Collier and his Bosun John Hopper. Chase is not a supporter of harsh discipline and dislikes flogging, though he does employ it when necessary and he is apt to reward his men generously, once giving oarsmen a double tot of rum after a stiff bout of towing in becalmed waters. 17264:, El Matarife and his brother Father Tomas Hacha are employed by Major Pierre Ducos in his plot to engineer a Franco-Spanish alliance and push the British out of Spain. El Matarife is tasked with murdering the Marques de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba, framing the murder on Major Richard Sharpe. Then, when Father Hacha kidnapped the Marques' wife, Matarife's men stood guard of the convent where she was held. Unwittingly, though, Matarife allowed Major Sharpe (going by the pseudonym Major Vaughn) into his camp. When Sharpe asked about La Marquesa, El Matarife showed him to a girl that had been savaged by his men in order to throw him off the trail. After Sharpe rescued the real La Marquesa Helene from the convent where she had been held, Matarife gave chase and tracked the two down to an inn. As the partisan was about to murder Sharpe, French forces under General Verigny arrived, liberated Helene, and took the Englishman prisoner. As Helene made her way back to France, her baggage train was ambushed by El Matarife and his men, taking her prisoner once more. As El Matarife made off with her, Sharpe spotted them and caught up, challenging Matarife to a duel with chain and long knife. Sharpe managed to cripple and blind the partisan, yet decided to let him live to confess to his treason against Spain and murder of the Marques. As a final act, Sharpe slit the partisan's throat. 16563:, Father Hacha and his brother El Matarife are roped into a plot by Major Ducos to engineer a Franco-Spanish alliance and expel the British from Spain. When the Marques de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba challenged Major Richard Sharpe to a duel over letters claiming harassment against La Marquesa, Sharpe and the Marques fought a duel. The evening after the duel, as Father Hacha attended to prayers, Matarife came in to the Marques' bedchambers and murdered the Marques. With La Marquesa a widow, the Marques' will stated that should she join the church as a nun, all her wealth would be transferred to the church and Father Hacha. Thus, as La Marquesa's baggage train made its way to France, Father Hacha engineered her kidnapping, then put her in the Convent of the Heavens with Matarife and his men standing guard. However, Major Sharpe managed to free La Marquesa and return her to French custody. At the end of the novel, after El Matarife lets loose Ducos' plot, Father Hacha is brought in to clear Sharpe's name. 3860:
at El Mirador's place, but with a stay at the town Villafranca. He stayed at Father Curtis's church for the night, but then later one night he partook in the battle at the French fortress, which resulted in the deaths of half of Col Berkeley's men and Berkeley as well. He survived but Sharpe was severely wounded. After Sharpe had recovered, Millerson partook again in attacking the fortress, and he survived the battle. He had a cameo appearance in Sharpe's Regiment but didn't get seen through the whole story, only in the beginning and the end. Millerson also appeared in Sharpe's Siege, and was there before they would head to France, where he fought in the battle of Bordeaux and survived. Rifleman Millerson also appeared in Sharpe's Mission and partook in the Battle of France.
18835:, Astrid's father Ole, a local merchant, works as a spy for the British in Copenhagen. Astrid assists Ole in his correspondence with British and Scandinavian merchants, passing on reports to the British spymaster Lord Pumphrey. Second Lieutenant Richard Sharpe seeks them out in the city, trying to escape the British turncoat Captain John Lavisser. However, reports by Lavisser about a potential assassination of the Danish King get printed in the local papers, and Ole locks Sharpe away to await Lavisser. Sharpe manages to escape, though, and saves Ole from being tortured by Lavisser's henchmen. He then meets Astrid and falls in love, the two spending several nights together. Sharpe soon contemplates deserting the army and living with her and Ole in Copenhagen. During the 12058:. Sharpe first encounters Chase in Calcutta, shortly before he is due to sail back to England to join his new regiment. The captain informs Sharpe that he is thirty-five and later gives his birthday as 21 October, which places 1769 as the year of his birth. From Devon speaking in a Devonshire accent. Chase followed in his father's footsteps by joining the Royal Navy. Given that he is a post captain at the age of thirty-five, it may be surmised that he had a moderately successful career and probably entered the service as a young adolescent. He was a highly rated midshipman, and gained the necessary experience required for the lieutenant's examination. Chase's first command was apparently a twenty-eight-gun frigate by the name of HMS 17136:. Believing the British will take the gold for themselves, El Católico and his men moved it from the Moreno family tomb to a manure pile outside the city walls. Captain Claud Hardy discovered El Católico's plan, but El Católico stabbed him in the back and buried him in the manure along with the gold. When a party led by Major Kearsey and Captain Sharpe came to recover the gold, El Católico claimed the French had taken it. During a burial at the local cemetery, Sharpe believed the gold was hidden in a freshly-covered unmarked grave. El Católico and his men proceeded to mock Sharpe when his search turned empty, only for Sergeant Harper to show up after discovering the gold stash in the manure pile. 18580:, are sent to the San Isidro Fort along the Portuguese-Spanish border to be drilled by Captain Richard Sharpe. During this time, Lord Kiely resorts to drinking and his mistress, rather than commanding his men. He is too prideful to admit fault, even when Sharpe's concerns prove correct. Kiely's mistress, Doña Juanita de Elia (a French agent working for Major Pierre Ducos), circulates counterfeit American newspapers amongst the Irish, prompting them to desert. After a devastating attack on the San Isidro by Brigadier Guy Loup, where many Portuguese allies are killed, the Compañía returned to the main British-Spanish lines. Kiely requested better treatment of his men from 3969:. He stayed at Father Curtis's church for the night, but then later one night he partook in the battle at the French fortress, which resulted in the deaths of half of Col Berkeley's men and Berkeley as well. He survived but Sharpe was severely wounded. After Sharpe had recovered, he partook again attacking the fortress and he survived the battle. He cameoed in Sharpe's Regiment but didn't get seen through the whole story, only in the start and end. Moore also appeared in Sharpe's Siege, and was there before they would head to France, partaken in the battle of Bordeaux and survived it. Rifleman Moore also appeared in Sharpe's Mission and partook in the Battle of France. 3965:
was seen later with an unnamed girlfriend at camp dancing with her for the victory of Vitoria as well. He appeared in Sharpe's Battle as well, and also took part in the Franco-Spanish Border towards where Brigadier General Loup. He also helped Lord Kiley and the Irish Company be trained before the attack, he was friends with Hagman, Bradshaw and Harris because he was often seen at times with them. He survived Loup's village along with Harper, Hagman, Harris, Bradshaw and Millerson, unfortunately Perkins was killed in the hands of Irish Company Guardsman O'Rourke. He appeared in Sharpe's Sword, and partook at El Mirador's place, but with a stay at the town
15225:, set during Christmas 1812, Pot-au-Feu's army camps out on the Galician hill-town of Adrados, slaughtering its inhabitants and taking captive two women: Lady Farthingdale (Josefina LaCosta) and Madame Dubreton (the English wife of French Colonel Michel Dubreton). Major Richard Sharpe and Colonel Dubreton parlay with Pot-au-Feu and Hakeswill to pay ransom and arrange the captives' release, but Pot-au-Feu and Hakeswill only prescribe further ransom payments to ensure the women's virtue. On Christmas Eve, the deserters celebrate and get drunk, only to wake up Christmas morning to Major Sharpe, the South Essex, the 113th Welsh Fusiliers and the 18603:. Lord Kiely blames Lady Kiely for the death of their stillborn child, and carries on with his mistress Doña Juanita de Elia while Lady Kiely looks on. Lord Kiely suffers many the same faults as his novel counterpart, but still recognizes Sharpe as an important ally. In the episode's climax, a pregnant Lady Kiely is kidnapped by Brigadier Loup, and Doña Juanita is revealed as a French traitor. Enraged, Kiely kills Doña Juanita, and leads the Real Compañía Irlandesa into battle against Loup's forces. Lord Kiely manages to break into Loup's quarters to free his wife, but is run through by Brigadier Loup, dying heroically. 6354:, during the early stages of the attack on Villafranca. Berkeley is friendly towards Sharpe, a reasonable and amiable man if occasionally overly officious. He grants parole to Philippe Leroux, who poses as a French captain. Sharpe, suspicious, attempts to convince Berkeley to revoke Leroux's parole and hold him in custody until Munro can investigate his identity. Berkeley is almost convinced by Sharpe pointing out the uniform supposedly belonging to a dead colonel fits Leroux better than the one he wears, but is fooled when Leroux, with Jack Spears acting as his advocate, claiming he could not afford a uniform that fit. 2093:, Matthew Robinson, a young rifleman from the 60th Rifles reckoned he was the best shot in the company, and like Hagman liked to grind his powder fine, and load with loose powder rather than the prepared cartridges when there was time. Upon observing Robinson's grind, Hagman commented drily, "If ye grind it too fine, it'll blow yer bloody head off, then nobody'll know who's best shot; thee or me." When Robinson later had the opportunity to act as sniper, his target survived, so Hagman backed him up and delivered a fatal shot. The two marksmen shook hands and agreed that Robinson was second best shot. 18714:
at St Jean de Luz. When a force commanded by Royal Navy Captain Horace Bampfylde attacked the Teste de Buche, Killick's crew set up defenses on a nearby ridge, driving off an attack by Bampfylde's Royal Marines. However, a ruse by Major Richard Sharpe took the Teste de Buche by surprise, and a company of the 60th Rifles under command of Captain William Frederickson forced Killick and his men to surrender. Captain Bampfylde intended to hang Killick and his crew, however quick thinking on the part of Frederickson and Sharpe saved Killick and his men, and set them free on an oath of non-aggression.
7464:. He was part of the light company commanded by originally by Major Lennox, then by Captain Leroy and finally by Sharpe, where he was flogged on Simmerson's orders for collapsing from exhaustion while on parade. He later proved his worth by being able (while still recovering from his flogging) to fire four shots a minute in Sharpe's special musket drill and surviving the battle of Talavera while assisting in capturing the Eagle. Sharpe acknowledged Dobbs' abilities by asking if he would like to join the Rifles; while Dobbs accepted Sharpe's offer, he did not appear in any other episodes. 5598:. Nicknamed 'Sweet William' by his men, Frederickson has suffered a serious facial wound which has destroyed his left eye, broken his jaw, knocked out several teeth, and caused nerve damage giving him an uncontrollable and permanently smug look. When fighting he takes out his false teeth (taken from dead French soldiers) and removes his wig and eye patch, to terrifying effect. He is however a cultured and sensitive man, with an informed knowledge of European architecture. He is of German and English descent and speaks both languages fluently, as well as competent French in 35: 12869:, Jane accompanies Rossendale to a property left for him by a recently deceased aunt and in doing so encounters Sharpe, who is in the area commanding the Scarsdale Yeomanry (ironically, a position assigned to him by Rossendale's connivance in order to keep him away from London). Jane and Rossendale seem eager to take advantage of Sir Willoughby Parfitt's schemes to bankrupt and buy out mills but fail when Sharpe exposes his methods. Afterwards, Jane tells Sharpe that Rossendale will obtain him release from his post in exchange for him leaving them alone. 14037:, Nairn worries about Sharpe's malaise in the aftermath of Teresa's death. It is Nairn who breaks up Sharpe's illegal duel with El Marques de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba and who arranges to have Sharpe's execution faked after he is accused of killing El Marques. He then despatches Sharpe and Harper to search for El Marques' widow, Helene and later gives permission for Harper to take the rest of the Chosen Men to rescue Sharpe after he is captured by Ducos. He is last seen, alongside Wellington as ever, watching the victory celebrations after the 18406:. As Leroux escaped from British custody, Curtis protected the French Colonel from civilian attack, much to the suspicion of Captain Richard Sharpe. Curtis later introduces Sharpe to la Marquesa de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba (in reality Colonel Leroux's sister Hélène). After the British assaults on the French forts surrounding Salamanca, Curtis witnessed Colonel Leroux's escape, and discovered Harper unconscious and Sharpe dying from a bullet wound inflicted by Colonel Leroux. As Sharpe was carried off to the dying ward, Curtis discovered his 2026:, he reveals that as a boy he spent a year down a coal mine in Derbyshire. He hated the mine, and was frightened from the moment he entered the shaft. He also said working girls used to come down the mine and work their trade among the men. A girl called Dwarf Babs who charged a penny, was his first woman, "And she didn't even charge me." He figured that if his father had not died about then, which had his mother moving to Handbridge to live with her sister, he'd have been there still - or dead, since life expectancy in the mines was about thirty. 12557:, where he is a private soldier in the 33rd, and a friend of Sharpe's. He returns during the Peninsular War, having accepted a commission in the Portuguese army who looked for experienced British soldiers for their junior officers. He survives Sharps' blowing up the gunpowder storage in Burgos cathedral and surrenders to the French. Later joins a Portuguese Caçadore regiment and bravely thwart an attack by Brigadier Loup, by blowing up an ammunition wagon, unfortunately killing himself in the action, saving Sharpe and his men. 15911:. While torturing information out of a priest, Leroux and his escort were chased down by the King's German Legion. Changing places with Captain Paul Delmas (whom he had killed), Leroux is captured by Captain Richard Sharpe and the South Essex Light Company. He gives his parole to the regiment's Major Joseph Ford, but later escapes pursued by Lieutenant Colonel Brian Windham. Windham fought bravely, but Leroux killed the colonel with a swift slash across the back, then received sanctuary in a French-held fort outside 17144:
Católico and join the garrison. Fearing death at the hands of El Católico and needing to deliver the gold as originally ordered, Sharpe and his men faced off against the partisans, eventually coming up against El Católico on the rooftops of the city. The partisan was a far superior swordsman, and Sharpe struggled to gain footing. Eventually, El Católico buried his rapier into Sharpe's right thigh, leaving Sharpe to slice open the Spaniard's skull, and finish him off by stabbing through the throat.
his brigade had previously massacred, looking for his lost men. He offers Sharpe safe passage in exchange for the two men held prisoner, but Sharpe - disgusted by the rape and murder in the village - instead has them executed by firing squad. An enraged Loup then swears a vendetta against Sharpe. Working with Major Pierre Ducos and Spanish agent Doña Juanita de Elia, Loup becomes part of a plot to destroy the British and Portuguese forces along the Spanish-Portuguese border and allow Marshal
12465:, but couldn't abide the Prince's incompetence. During the Battle of Waterloo he publicly insults the Prince and calls him a murderer for repeatedly ordering battalions facing cavalry to form line rather than square, calling him a "silk stocking full of shit". After his tirade, he joins Sharpe with the Prince of Wales' own Volunteers. After the Battle of Waterloo, Sharpe promotes him to captain in the Prince of Wales' own Volunteers, as nearly all the officers in the battalion were killed. 17861:, in a remote village on the Portuguese border. When Sharpe discovers that a substantial French force is approaching the village, he blackmails Farthingdale into resigning command, by threatening to reveal the nature of the fake marriage and LaCosta's former profession. With Farthingdale removed, Sharpe is able to hold the border crossing against the French until reinforcements arrive, but in the last moments of the siege, Hakeswill escapes and murders Sharpe's own wife, Teresa. 1507:, Dunnett is captured by the French in the skirmish that separates Sharpe and the fifty surviving riflemen from Sir John Moore's army. Dunnett has the misfortune to then spend the remainder of the War languishing in captivity, while the Lieutenant he despised rises through the ranks. He was given the freedom of the town of Verdun, and his captivity was not harsh, but had no money for bribes or luxuries, and he stated he'd much rather die than ever see that town again. 7228:. After Napoleon's return from Elba, D'Alembord returns to the Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers on the hope of being promoted to Major. Just prior to the Battle of Waterloo, he has a strong premonition of his death. After receiving his hoped-for promotion, he is badly injured in the fighting and has to have his leg amputated, but survives and is granted command of the battalion after Sharpe's retirement at the end of the war despite his "gammy leg." 17125:. Formerly a colonel in the Spanish Army, El Católico became a partisan leader after the French invasion of Spain. Dressed in gray and riding a black horse, he gained the nickname "El Católico" ("The Catholic") due to his practice of reciting the Latin prayer for the dead over his victims before torturing them to death. By 1810, his guerilla band was joined by another partisan group led by Cesar Moreno, and Moreno's children Ramon and Teresa. 18839:, Sharpe keeps Astrid safe and rescues her father once more from Captain Lavisser, killing the turncoat in the process. However, the destruction of Copenhagen sours relations between Denmark and Great Britain, and Ole ceases his espionage activities for the British. Furthermore, he forbids Sharpe from ever speaking to Astrid again. Sharpe returned to the Army, only after gifting Astrid some recovered gold to help rebuild the local orphanage. 7947:, he and Sharpe are hunted through the Foulness marshes by Girdwood and his fellow officers. Sharpe returns to the camp and removes Girdwood from command. Girdwood escapes and Sharpe attempts to follow his trail to evidence that will implicate Simmerson and his allies in Government. After discrediting Simmerson and saving the Battalion, Sharpe retains Girdwood as the nominal commander of the South Essex. On his first experience of battle, a 603:, and partook at El Mirador's place, but with a stay at the town Villafranca. He stayed at Father Curtis' church for the night, then later one night he partook in the battle at the French fortress, which resulted in the deaths of half of Col. Berkeley's men and Col. Berkeley himself. He survived but Sharpe was severely wounded. After Sharpe had recovered, he partook again attacking the fortress and he survived the battle. He had a cameo in 12369:
take care of the attacking British force but Sharpe and Harper manage to escape during the attack and set off the mine prematurely. Seeing his cause lost, Dodd kills Madhuvanthi and attempts to flee with the royal treasury but is confronted by Sharpe. A sword fight between the two men sees Dodd disarmed after which Sharpe forces him to sit on the throne he had coveted and skewering him through the chest with his sword, pinning him to it.
11942:. Sharpe, however, releases the Americans under an oath of non-aggression, infuriating Bampfylde. Nonetheless, Bampfylde dictates a report for the Admiralty in London over-glorifying himself and ignoring the pivotal role played by Major Sharpe. He then sent Sharpe's men and Marine Captain Palmer's forces on reconnaissance further inland and track down Killick's Americans. While Sharpe and Palmer were out, Bampfylde arranged for the 11972:
information about Major Sharpe's defeat from the Comte de Maquerre and Major Pierre Ducos (disguised as the mayor of a nearby community). While delivering his report to Wellington, Sharpe's men return to camp. Captain Palmer lists his grievances against Bampfylde in front of Wellington, assaults him, and Wellington orders Bampfyldes arrest for cowardice, desertion, and conspiracy with the enemy. He was played in the TV series by
468:. He found himself in command of fifty riflemen after Sharpe's battalion, acting as rearguard to the army, are cut down by a squadron of French regular cavalry. The small band of surviving riflemen (from the 95th Rifles) join with Spanish Major Don Blas Vivar, not realizing at first that he has his own agenda. They try to stir the Spanish in the city of Santiago de Compostela to fight for the cause of Spain against Napoleon. 16381:, where he rose to the rank of colonel. When Sharpe and Colonel McCandless try to return Madame Lucille Joubert to her husband in Pohlmann's regiment, Pohlmann gives the two men a tour of his forces, and even attempts to recruit Sharpe into Scindia's army with the promise of a lieutenancy. When McCandless is wounded by a thief hired by William Dodd, Pohlmann has the thief trampled to death by one of his elephants. At the 19466: 11197:. He is the brother-in-law of Col. Lawford's wife, Jessica, who pressures her husband to advance Slingsby's career in the South Essex (Sharpe's friend, Robert Knowles, confides that Jessica's sister was impregnated by a lover who abandoned her, and Slingsby was hastily "recruited" by her family to marry her and avoid scandal). He is assigned as second-in-command of the Light Company under Sharpe, who detests him. At 15462:. Weak and timid when physically confronted, he claims to detest ‘unnecessary violence’ and is indifferent to the suffering of others. He is despised and feared by many of his colleagues, who nonetheless obey and respect him because of the enormous influence he wields. Until his final betrayal of Napoleon, Ducos seems entirely motivated by his dedication to the ideals of the French Revolution, continuing to use the 11098:, Simmerson is found naked, staked to the ground and is saved by Sharpe, and whether it is the severe sunstroke he has suffered or an offer of genuine friendship, becomes Sharpe's ally and commands a section of musketeers during the final assault by the 3rd Native Horse. At the end of the episode, a seemingly normal Simmerson offers his gratitude to Sharpe, with the two men shaking hands before parting ways. 16770:, delivered by Sharpe's chosen men. In honor, she names the child Patrick José Hagman Harris Cooper Perkins Harper. In spite of their first child being born and Ramona already having a wedding frock picked out, Harper is hesitant about marriage due to the reactions the two would receive in Ireland, and the thought of Harper's mother rejecting the union after the death of his previous fiancée. During 15748:, Hélène (going by the Spanish Helena) takes a liking to Sharpe while her husband is away putting down a rebellion in Brazil. The two become lovers, and Helena falsely admits to being the British spy El Mirador in order to gain Sharpe's confidence and feed information to the French. When Sharpe is wounded by Colonel Leroux, Helena helps nurse him back to health. During a meeting with Father 7741:, he appears to be the senior of the two lieutenants of the South Essex that Sir Henry Simmerson brings with him (the other being his friend Berry). In the television series, his character appears to be that a slack-jawed dilettante with a weak vaccilating character and he constantly loses when gambling with Berry. forcing him to go to his uncle to help pay off his losses. He and Berry rape 97: 16066:, Loup's brigade attacks the British reserves, but is driven back by Sharpe and the Real Compañía Irlandesa. Sharpe and Loup dueled each other in the Dos Casas Stream. Both men were evenly matched, but Sharpe had the upper hand due to being taller and accustomed to dismounted fighting. In the end, Sharpe caught Loup under his sword, and drowned the Frenchman in the stream. 11916:. He is described as young, plump, and confident, but wisely backs down from confrontation with Sharpe. Afterwards, both Sharpe and Bampfylde become involved in an expedition into Bordeaux near the Bassin d'Arcachon. While Sharpe and his forces try to take the Teste de Buch fortress guarding the mouth of the Bassin d'Arcachon, Bampfylde is tasked with capturing three dozen 2015:
muttered the name "Amy," and was later surprised he had, since he had not thought of her in years. He explained she had been the rector's daughter - who did things no rector's daughter ought to do. He then recommended a poultice of spider webs, moss, and vinegar backed on brown paper and tied tight to the wound. Apparently it worked because he marched out with his company (
4083:. He is Sharpe's immediate superior and was mortally wounded during the Corunna retreat. Before he dies, he gives Sharpe his heavy cavalry sabre, hoping the men will accept Sharpe, thinking Murray favored him. Sharpe eventually manages to do this, and the two men form a bond becoming the most effective team in the battalion. When the sword Murray gave to Sharpe broke in 15763:, Helene is recruited by Major Pierre Ducos to write a letter to her husband claiming Sharpe had insulted her and the Marques, and attempted to rape her. In the following days, Sharpe and the Marques fought an illegal duel, and the Marques was murdered by Spanish partisans loyal to Ducos, leading to Sharpe's arrest and apparent execution. While traveling via coach from 4915:
described as being a trouble maker and a sullen man from Hertfordshire who never lost a chance to become drunk or vicious, but when he was sober he was a good marksmen who did not lose his head in battle. It is noted that Tarrent was the ring leader of the troublemakers which included Sims, Williamson, Donnelly, Cresacre, Gataker and once upon a time Harper.
5277:. He was killed in action being shot in the eye during the retreat (unlike in the book, where he is strangled). He is described as being nervous, unable to assert authority, and caring too much about being liked. Sharpe believed he did not possess the qualities to be sergeant. After his death, Rifleman Patrick Harper was promoted to sergeant to replace him. 17884:
become lovers, due to the presence of Teresa Moreno in the story, sometime before the couple meet in the novel continuity. Sharpe kills one of her attackers, John Berry, but not Gibbons, who is disgraced along with his Uncle, Sir Henry Simmerson, by the latter's cowardice during the Battle of Talavera. Josefina becomes attached to Captain Thomas Leroy, an
6581:, where he is transferred to the Light Company from Lawford's 9th Company as a replacement for Ensign Iliffe. Bullen's father is a judge and his brothers are barristers, but Bullen does not shine at school, so he is allowed to join the army. He is described as a tough, cheerful youngster. He proves himself to be a reliable officer. In 5743:
reduces the sentence to a beating from Sergeant Harper. Robinson is a keen rifleman and a crack shot. He boasts he is the best shot in the brigade but Hagman proves him wrong. When Sharpe asked his men their opinions before defending the fort, Robinson replied 'fight them to the death' still angered by the death of his friend Reilly.
449:. The earliest books chronologically (they were published in non-chronological order) are set in India, and chronicle Sharpe's years in the ranks and as an ensign. He is known as a dangerous man to have as an enemy; he is a skilled marksman and grows to be a good swordsman. In most of the novels he is a Rifle Officer, armed with a 13397:
and fighting ability and asks Kelly to join him and fall in with the rest of the Chosen Men to which Kelly has no hesitation. Kelly helps Sharpe and the Chosen Men fight against the band of deserters. At the end of the battle Kelly is mortally wounded by a bayonet. Before Kelly dies of his injury, Sharpe makes Kelly a Chosen Man.
3345:, he was one of the original men from the retreat to Corunna. After the death of the senior officers leaves Sharpe in charge, Jenkins was one of those willing to listen to Sharpe. Jenkins partook in the battle of St. Jones, Santiago de Compostela, and managed to survive the battle and become one of the new Chosen Men with Sharpe. 14555:
hope to attain commands such as those Wellington was given, and the only thing that truly distinguished him from other noblemen given command as a favor rather than on merit, was that he proved to have actual talent when it came to command, as did Sharpe. Because of a prominent nose, he was often called Nosey behind his back.
Sharpe and Harper, disguised as fellow recruits, can see in Charlie the makings of a good soldier, and try their best to look out for him. Weller had been promised by Havercamp that his small terrier, Buttons, would be welcome at camp, but Girdwood, who hates and fears dogs, orders it killed, earning Weller's eternal enmity.
14386:, blinded, stabbed and left for dead. He lies helpless on the field until his throat is cut by a Belgian peasant woman looting the wounded in the aftermath of the Allied victory. His death renders the note of hand given to Sharpe worthless, as he dies bankrupt and his estate has no legal call on the money stolen by Jane. 15752:, Sharpe finds out Helena is in fact Colonel Leroux's sister, and feeds her false information about Wellington's army retreating to Portugal. Helena gifts Sharpe a horse so he can rejoin the British lines, although he hadn't completely recuperated. In the end, after the British defeat Marshal Auguste de Marmont at the 18729:. Killick declined, of course, due to his non-aggression oath, but blackmail and threat of arrest from Major Ducos forced Killick to go against the oath. The morning of the attack, Killick's guns fired high, and Sharpe, recognizing Killick, surrendered the fort to him. Sharpe and his men were evacuated onto the 12767:
peacetime and prestige (promotions, living in London, knighthood). When she hears Sharpe has been arrested on suspicion of theft, she initially tries to help him but when it appears he has murdered Commandant Lassan, a man who might have given evidence against him, she sees it as license to begin an affair with
12322:. Shortly afterwards he encounters Sharpe with his mentor Colonel Hector McCandless and offers Sharpe a commission in his battalion. Sharpe is tempted to desert, but chooses instead to remain with McCandless when the Colonel is wounded during the theft of his horses by Dodd. Dodd survives Pohlmann's defeat at 15229:
taking command of their mountain fortress. Pot-au-Feu was found cowering under a tarpaulin in the fortress stables. The British force took him prisoner and handed him over to the French under Colonel Dubreton, who forces the renegade to cook Christmas dinner for the British and French officers taking
During the Napoleonic wars, Lucille married the son of a French general, a cavalry officer named Xavier Castineau. However, he soon after died in Russia, forcing Lucille to move back into the Lassan home. After Napoleon's defeat by the British, Henri also returned home and made arrangements to marry.
He worked his way through a series of promotions, but as an aristocrat, started as an officer rather than in the ranks. He did, however, earn no end of contempt from his peers. His career was only possible because of his aristocratic origins and connections. Nobody not born into the gentry could ever
only appears in the television series. A deserter under the command of Hakeswill. Kelly was a former Connaught Ranger who was wrongfully flogged and chose to desert as a consequence. Sharpe recognised Kelly from the battle of Talavera where he saw Sharpe take the Eagle. Sharpe recalls Kelly's bravery
Subsequently, Sharpe was forced to apologize to an embarrassed Lieutenant Ayers, in the company of the Provost Marshal and Colonel Williams. Sharpe's smart apology caused Ayers to agree to his own regret over the incident, to the confusion of Colonel Williams (Sharpe's Gold : Chapter 3). But the
both in the novels and television series. In the novel, he is described as "overweight, with fleshy lips" and "petulant", whereas in the TV series he is reasonably fit and, although "not exactly top-drawer" (probably meaning that he's not an upper-echelon aristocrat but actually upper-middle class or
where he was wounded in action after the French victory at Oporto. He was shot in the hip and was unable to walk. Sharpe made the decision to leave him behind believing Tarrant would slow them down. Tarrant's fate is unknown either being killed or captured by the enemy or left to die. Ned Tarrant was
and partook in the Battle of Vitoria, he was hiding in the bushes and gave Sergeant Harper his 7 barrel gun to him who also offered him a rifle, he welcomed him aboard, possibly meaning he was one of the new Chosen Men, he survived and managed to take the cannons and the Battle of Vitoria was won, he
as well, and also took part in the Franco-Spanish Border towards where Brigadier General Loup operated. He also helped Lord Kiley and the Irish Company train before the attack. He survived Loup's village along with Harper, Hagman, Harris, Moore and Bradshaw. He appeared in Sharpe's Sword, and partook
he has ten which included Harper. Hine wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Hine did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. He is described as being born in Staffordshire, over six feet tall, and popular with the other men.
and appears in nearly all the original Sharpe novels and television series. Sharpe initially thought of Hagman as being too lazy to be considered for sergeant. Although he doesn't know exactly when he was born, he is described as being between forty and fifty years old, and missing most of his teeth.
1054:. He was to have been and would have been the last of Sharpe's Chosen Men along with Harper to survive Waterloo, but plans changed when Michael Mears was called onto other films. His role-play was replaced with Richard Rutherford-Moore playing as Rifleman Moore, a new Chosen Man, who had no dialogue. 17883:
She is a widow, rather than separated and is courted in earnest by Lt. Gibbons (who, unlike his sadistic counterpart in the novels, is more of a clod), but is drawn to Sharpe, as a genuinely honorable man. When Gibbons attacks her after suborning her maids, she is protected by Sharpe but they do not
Sharpe is devastated by his loss, the more so because Teresa had caught him flirting with LaCosta only hours before her death. Meanwhile, Farthingdale returns home to England, deciding that LaCosta is too great a liability to him. When LaCosta writes, bitterly reprimanding Sharpe for his betrayal of
cavalry break through the squares at a heavy loss, and Leroux surrenders. Not accepting the surrender, Sharpe (who had survived his wounds) forces Leroux into a duel. The Frenchman is stabbed through the same spot where he shot Sharpe, and then stabbed through the neck. The Rifleman claimed Leroux's
was the French-born wife of the Marques de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba. She is described in the novels as fair-haired and fair-skinned. Although married to the Marques, she was well-known for having multiple affairs with high-ranking officers and aristocrats, and was known among the Spanish as
to sail for St Jean de la Luz. The loyalist Comte de Maquerre (secretly an agent of Major Pierre Ducos) met with Bampfylde during this time, and claimed Sharpe and the Royal Marines were defeated and captured in battle with a larger French brigade. With Sharpe's forces supposedly killed or captured,
In the television movie of the same name, but of a wildly divergent plot, it was a private Skillicorn who had the chicken, and things played out exactly the same - save that Ayers re-arrested the rifleman after the incident was over, and apparently hanged him. He then accompanied Sharpe on a mission
Simmerson is thus portrayed as the archetype of the military dilettante allowed to hold rank and responsibility in the British Army, a type which is the constant bane of professional soldiers like Sharpe. Throughout the first novel, he consistently ignores the advice of the few professional soldiers
is an officer of the South Essex Light Company in Sharpe's Eagle. Lennox was a Scotsman, who retired after returning from India. But after losing his wife, and because a pension on half pay wasn't enough, he rejoined the army as an officer of the South Essex then being raised by Sir Henry Simmerson.
Only after the murder of Knowles and Hakeswill's threat to kill his infant daughter, does Sharpe seek Hakeswill's death and even then chooses to bring him to justice within the formal structures of the British Army. He feels that Hakeswill has victimised so many people that their families deserve to
where he was killed during an ambush by the French; while trying to shout a warning to Sharpe and the rest of the rifles, he was shot in the ribs. His best friend and partner in battle Parry Jenkins felt awful about Tongue's death, however Sharpe did his best to tell Jenkins it was not his fault. In
and also partook in Sharpe's Escape during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. McDonald wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Sword, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or
At Waterloo, he and Harris rejoin Sharpe and take positions as sergeants on the Prince of Orange's roster. At the defense of La Haye Sainte, they ran out of ammunition, and in his effort to abandon the location, Orange knocked Hagman to the ground. A French infantryman then shot him in the head, and
but he wasn't mentioned at all. Finn wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Finn did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. Finn was part of the Irish contingent of Sharpe's Riflemen along with Harper, Slattery and Donnelly.
When he and Sharpe meet again at Waterloo, he is thin and worn, and is incredulous Harper had survived, expecting the man should have died long since, and calling him a rogue. He then apologizes to Sharpe, saying he had been wrong in his opinion of the man from the ranks, and that it was good to see
was attacked by a British frigate, and was forced to seek refuge in the Bassin d'Arcachon, under the guns of the Teste de Buche fort. In exchange for supplies for repairs, Killick came under the employ of the French Intelligence Officer Major Pierre Ducos, spying on British activities further south
Sharpe takes Teresa hostage to ensure the safety of his men as they escape from the partisan El Catolico. They fall in love, despite Teresa's engagement to El Catolico and form an alliance which delivers to Sharpe the Spanish gold he has been tasked to collect and grants to Teresa leadership of the
in for several months. While Sharpe recuperated, Frederickson became interested in Lucille, but when he proposed, she turned him down. Frederickson left to pursue their original investigation and Sharpe took a hand in helping Lucille on the farm. During this solitude, Sharpe learned to speak French
period, circa 1817. By now, Dodd is the effective ruler of the region, being the lover of the regent Madhuvanthi. Dodd meets Sharpe and Patrick Harper when they arrive at his fort posing as deserters and offers them places in his army until he learns their true allegiance. He has arranged a mine to
When Major Sharpe finally takes the new recruits and Col. Girdwood back with him to Spain to fill out the depleted ranks of the newly named Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, he tells the men that they may all keep dogs as pets in the ranks, making it clear who actually is in command of the Regiment.
and puts Slingsby in temporary command of the Light Company. Even Lawford quickly becomes annoyed with Slingsby, silently comparing him to a dog that barks too often, just to ensure that people are still paying attention to him. Under the pressures of his new position, Slingsby quickly breaks down,
during the battle of Bussaco. Kirby would have been involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in but he wasn't mentioned. Kirby wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Kirby
where he disagreed with Sharpe's decision to leave behind his friend Rifleman Tarrant who has been wounded and unable to walk. This left Williamson resenting Sharpe and eventually deserting. Williamson was eventually killed by Sharpe for his betrayal. Rifleman Williamson was described as a grumbler
in search of Claud Hardy, however they were too late and he was already dead. During the mission, one of Jenkins's closest friends, Rifleman Isaiah Tongue, was killed by a French sharpshooter. Jenkins blamed himself for Tongue's death and had to be reassured by Sharpe. Jenkins survived the Siege of
he offers to play valet for Sharpe, but is refused. The amused Hagman told Sharpe he was a bloody awful Major, "You have to learn to have things done for you, sir, like the nobs." That if he ate with quality, he couldn't look like a tinker. Although for himself, he could not see the point of a fork
but was unfortunately killed. He was born in Derry in Ireland. He is described in the novels as being a little evil person who could shoot straight when not drunk. Donnelly was one of the trouble makers in the company along with Sims, Gataker, Cresacre, Williamson and Tarrent though Sharpe regarded
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro and fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. Carter was described as being a Catholic, a quiet individual who was lucky. His best friend is Rifleman Matthew Dodd who he partnered in battles.
He is described as being six feet tall, having an angular, tanned face, long black hair and blue eyes. His most obvious physical characteristic is a deep scar on his right cheek, which pulls his right eye in such a way as to give his face a mocking expression when relaxed, but which disappears when
This feud breaks into the open after Gibbons and LaCosta come to blows over a game of cards; Gibbons claims that LaCosta "staked her body" on the next hand, then lost and refused to pay the debt, while LaCosta claims that she was winning and Gibbons attacked her. Sharpe steps in to protect LaCosta
While Sharpe was busy drilling the Real Compañía Irlandesa at the frontier fort of San Isidro, Loup's brigade made a night attack, slaughtering the Portuguese forces inside the fort after Sharpe refused to surrender himself. They are only driven back after Sharpe's old friend, Captain Tom Garrard,
and boots. He sported a short gray beard and his face was scarred and battle-hardened, with one bloodshot eye and the other eye milky-white. In order to combat the local partisans, Loup's men kill fifty civilians for each of his men killed by guerrillas. In April 1811, Loup met Sharpe at a village
Until he first met Sharpe his schemes were largely successful and he is well regarded by his Imperial Master who entrusted him with matters of great importance, posting him to Spain to resolve what Napoleon described as the "Spanish Ulcer". As an example of his talent he is said to have bribed the
with him where they have a violent encounter with Sharpe. She then encourages Rossendale to kill Sharpe using the confusion of battle so that they may marry. She has not told anyone that she is pregnant with Rossendale's child, an idea that appalls her. At the end of the book, she is left to await
as the new commander of the South Essex, replacing the injured Colonel William Lawford. He is described as a bluff man, not unkind, with cropped grey hair. Sharpe thought his was a face one might expect to see sitting on the bench in a county court; a knowing face, experienced. He is obsessed with
However, it can be argued that the first three incidents are not serious attempts at murder; Sharpe is aware that the Tipoo's tigers are not invariably savage after seeing Colonel Gudin stroke one some days earlier; does not give the elephant the final command needed to crush Hakeswill; and is not
6985:, there is no significant difference to Collett's character. Like Windham, he is friendly towards Sharpe but unsure how to treat an officer who rose from the ranks. He shakes hands with Sharpe when he is temporary assigned away from the battalion. He quickly picks up on Price's fondness for drink. 6967:
is described as a small man with a clipped mustache, cropped grey hair, with bowed horseman's legs, and leathery skin, but lacking his colonel's shrewdness. As a friend of the South Essex's new commanding officer, Brian Windham, he takes the vacant majority that otherwise would have gone to senior
was a Chosen Man who served in the 95th Rifles. He was born in the London slums, where he learned his trade in thieving and pick pocketing. While he has a reputation for being unintelligent and impulsive at times, he is one of the best shots, rarely missing an opportunity, whether its to leave the
Don Blas had met with rebels under a flag of truce thinking they wanted to treat with him, they had mistaken him for his Francophile brother, however, and assumed he'd be interested in a plot to free Napoleon. When they discovered their error, they held him prisoner on a remote island while their
was a cruel Spanish partisan operating around the hills of Northern Spain. His name meant "the Slaughterman", and was known to force his victims into one-sided duels where he would murder them slowly with a chain, long knife and poleaxe. He was dressed in leather under a wolfskin cloak, and had a
forces at what he thought were the only usable fords of the River Kaitna, but General Wellesley surprises him by crossing an unknown ford and flanking the Maratha forces. After the Maratha forces flee in disarray, Pohlmann re-dons his East India Company uniform and runs into Sharpe, though Sharpe
gives him command of the expeditionary force sent into Bordeaux to aid with a supposed monarchist uprising. Much like in the novel, Colonel Bampfylde's first attempts at scaling the Teste de Buch fail, Sharpe's men take the fortress, and Bampfylde later abandons the fortress after being fed false
Weller survives the remainder of the war, and appears in Sharpe's Waterloo, where he is asked by Private Clayton to watch out for his wife Sally, should he fall. When Clayton does indeed die in the final hour of the battle, Weller is as good as his word. After the battle Sharpe notices Weller and
Collett is often seen at Windham's side, organising parades for him. He loses a watch and a silver shaving mirror when Hakeswill robs the baggage train. He led half the battalion - later increased to six companies by reinforcements - in protecting engineers making a failed attempt to blow the dam
17509:. Ferragus is the brother of a corrupt Portuguese Major who both sold supplies to the French. Ferragus was killed by French musket fire during a fist fight with Sharpe. He is described as being built like a prize fighter and tattooed like a sailor as well as being broader and taller than Harper. 16555:
was a former inquisitor to the Spanish aristocracy and Spanish priest. He was a large man, much like his partisan brother El Matarife, but like the French spymaster Major Pierre Ducos, Hacha was "part spy, part policeman, and wholly politician, except that his politics were those of the Church."
McCandless meets with Appah Rao behind enemy lines and learns of the Tippoo's plan to plant explosives in the space between the city's weak outer western wall and the newly built inner wall. Whilst carrying this vital information McCandless is intercepted and captured by the Tippoo's cavalry and
nearing an end, Sharpe sends Jane back to England to procure a house in the country. Disliking the idea, she instead buys an expensive and gaudy London town house and is seduced by the wealth of high society previously denied her. She also becomes disillusioned with Sharpe's lack of ambition for
under his command to attack the fortress, while Sharpe's men ambush a military convoy on the south road. However, Bampfylde's attack on the fortress is countered by American auxiliaries led by Captain Cornelius Killick in a nearby wood, leading to numerous casualties. In the end, Sharpe's forces
In the brutal conditions at the training camp under Col. Bartholomew Girdwood, however, he finds army life is not how expected it. He was the rarest of recruits, something respected by fellow undercover recruit, Richard Sharpe, a man who joined the army out of patriotism rather than desperation.
hoisted the numerous victims into the air to die by strangulation, for the amusement of the crowd, and paid little attention to the small boy struggling at the far end of the scaffold. When a heavy rainstorm scattered both executioner and crowd, Hakeswill's uncle was able to cut the boy from the
but he wasn't mentioned at all. Sims wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Sims did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. Sims was often referred to in the novels as the usual grumbler and a troublemaker along with his
as well, and also took part in the Franco-Spanish Border towards where Brigadier General Loup. He also helped Lord Kiley and the Irish Company be trained before the attack. Bradshaw was also friends with Hagman, Moore and Harris, he was often seen with them. He survived Loup's village along with
is described as squat and having a broad, scarred face, burned with gunpowder stains. He was a brutal and effective soldier. The son of a ditch digger, he rose through the ranks in the post-revolution army, to become a "General of Brigade", and one of Napoleon's most dedicated adherents, having
by the British, Dodd betrays the Indian commander and locks the gates of the inner keep against both the retreating Indian defenders and the British assault force. Newly commissioned Ensign Sharpe leads a small force over the walls and traps Dodd on the ramparts. Dodd first kills Sharpe's young
Rifleman Robinson is distraught when his friend rifleman Reilly is killed by an intruder in the camp when they are on guard duty. Robinson is later found with a local French girl. Sharpe is required to hang him by Wellington's standing orders, but when the girl says she had been willing, Sharpe
but he wasn't mentioned. Horrell went onto fight alongside Sharpe in Sharpe's Enemy but he wasn't mentioned at all. Horrell wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Horrell did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. He is
During the battle of Waterloo, after Sharpe takes command of the Prince of Wales' Own, Hagman takes a bullet through the chest and is fatally wounded. Sharpe kneels beside him, holding his hand, as the older man bleeds out. Sharpe offers to get him to the surgeons, but Hagman's last words were,
as French cavalry attacked. However, just as plans are made to transport the gold to Celorico, Sharpe finds out El Católico is in Almeida as well, and planning to retake the gold via government dispatch. Brigadier Cox, the British commander at Almeida, orders Sharpe to surrender the gold to El
where by then he had made the rank of Sergeant. By the time of the Battle of Waterloo, Huckfield had achieved the rank of Colour Sergeant Major. Huckfield was described in the novels as being educated, previously being employed as a clerk in a foundry that made iron. He was from Shropshire and
He was one of three provosts on duty in a small deserted Portuguese village. Their equipment was new, and their faces burned red, indicating that they had newly arrived on the Peninsula. After some verbal sparring with Captain Sharpe, Lieutenant Ayes and the two other Provosts went to examine
Slattery along with Sharpe, Harper, Hagman, Harris and Perkins were involved in the battle of Barrosa where Slattery was shot in the throat and died. Slattery was described as being a quiet and softly spoken man from County Wicklow. The novels also described him as a very capable rifleman who
He was seriously wounded at a skirmish outside Barca d'Avintas in Portugal, taking a ball to the chest. Sharpe refused to leave him behind, and as luck would have it, they billeted in one of the English merchant's houses for almost a month, giving Hagman the chance to heal. While delirious he
18721:, all the while Sharpe and Frederickson kept a tenuous hold on the Teste de Buche with a handful of riflemen and wounded Royal Marines. Aware of Sharpe's situation, Killick warned of an impending French attack, and hinted about a nearby stash of oyster shells, which could be burned to make 12861:, she is shown to already be disenchanted with the soldier's life that seems destined to always be Sharpe's lot and is easily seduced by the arrival of the superficially cultured poet Shellington. She appears to contemplate an affair with him in Sharpe's absence but sees through him when 12775:
when they come to Jane with a message from Sharpe, during which Jane gleefully watches as Rossendale horsewhips Harper. When Sharpe's name is cleared, Jane and Rossendale are fearful he will come looking for him, not least because Jane has withdrawn a large sum of money from his account.
Approaching Villafranca, French cannon fire causes a distraction as Leroux is being escorted away by Ensign McDonald. Leroux kills McDonald and escapes to the fort. Furious at Leroux's violation of his parole, Berkeley vows to take the fortress that night and see Leroux dead by morning.
16706:, she accompanies Sharpe, Harper, Captain D'alembord and Captain Price to England during a search for the South Essex second battalion. During her time there, she witnesses a play being held in London, and as Sharpe and Harper investigate, she stays with a few of Harper's relatives in 2072:, a noted English folk musician and composer, who arranged and sang much of the music used in the series. A number of differences exist between the character in the book and the TV character, notably that in the TV adaptation he is killed at La Haye Saint rather than at Sharpe's side. 5147:
where he accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna. He is described as being from London, educated but the worst drunkard in the company; expressed once as "educated in books and alcohol." Tongue fought in the First Battle of Porto and also partook in the Second Battle of Porto in
but he wasn't mentioned at all. Harvey wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Harvey did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. Harvey was best friends with Rifleman Cameron, with whom he partnered in battle.
but he wasn't mentioned. Smith went onto fight alongside Sharpe in Sharpe's Enemy but he wasn't mentioned at all. Smith wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Smith did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle.
4805:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Smith fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in Sharpe's Eagle. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 2048:
He can neither read nor write, but he is the best marksman among the Rifles. He was a careful and deliberate shot, precise, preferring using the finest loose powder to charge his weapon rather than the prepared cartridges. He often follows each shot with a softly spoken "got him."
15062:. In 1819, Sharpe was still living on the farm with Lucille, who had born him a second child, a daughter named Dominique. Both children carried the Lassan name. According to Henri-Patrick, Sharpe and Lucille never married formally. Probably this was because Sharpe's English wife, 11075:
Lass, but fails both times, due both to Lass's pluck, and the intervention of an Irish priest, who thrashes Simmerson in a sword fight. It is also implied that Simmerson betrayed a night attack attempted by the South Essex to the French, in the hopes that Sharpe would be killed.
14325:. Jane attempts to persuade Rossendale to murder Sharpe during the chaos of the imminent battle. When he suggests the French may kill Sharpe for them, she replies "They’ve had plenty of chances before and achieved nothing". Later that evening Sharpe and Rossendale clash at the 6361:
After spending the rest of the day at the British-allied town, Berkeley leads a night assault on the French fort. Simmerson, however, who trades with the French, warns them they are coming. Berkeley, leading from the front, is killed almost immediately with Sharpe at his side.
18415:. However, Colonel Leroux was still loose in the city, making off with a notebook containing all of the British spy network. Luckily, Sharpe was able to defeat Leroux in a duel, keeping the British spyring clandestine. Father Curtis would then make a minute appearance during 475:, Sharpe and his thirty-odd surviving riflemen are attached to the Light Company of the South Essex. It is with the South Essex, later named The Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, that Sharpe spends the rest of his army career until he attains the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 16947:, in the aftermath of a French attack on the village of Casteljada, in which her brother Ramon is tortured and she herself raped. This, in addition to the earlier rape and murder of her mother by the French, fuels her desire for revenge and led to her becoming a leader of a 13917:
and assigns him the job of rescuing Lady Farthingdale (in reality Sharpe's old flame Josefina) from a deserters' enclave at Adrados. At the climax of the novel, it is Nairn who leads the British force that comes to Sharpe's aid when he is facing a French attack at Adrados.
which serves to protect him, to a considerable extent, from the full consequences of his cowardice and military ineptitude. His considerable (inherited) wealth has allowed him to not only purchase his commission in the army, but also raise the regiment at his own expense.
6708:. He hides the fact he is one of the officers at the recruitment camp of the South Essex, a secret and brutal training camp in Foulness, run by the second battalion's commanding officer Lieutenant-Colonel Girdwood and the regiment's disgraced founder Sir Henry Simmerson. 8290:
As a result of this close encounter with death, Hakeswill was convinced that he was unkillable and protected by God and the spirit of his mother. He extended this reverence to mothers in general, "Mothers were sacred... Mothers were Obadiah Hakeswill's guardian angels"
even possibly a bastard son) far more worldly than his friend Gibbons, a far better gambler and far less scrupulous in getting what he wants. In the novel, Sharpe deliberately kills him the night before the Battle of Talavera in retaliation for his and Gibbons' rape of
where he accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna where he was wounded. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Cameron fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in
13961:, where he is injured by a canister shot. He claims he has only been hit in the leg and instructs Sharpe to lead the brigade forward. When Sharpe sees a stretcher being carried near him, he learns that he died from his wounds – the canister had also pierced his lung. 10666:. He was unable to continue as a soldier due to losing his sight and was presumably sent back home to England. Huckfield took his place as Sergeant in the light company. Read was described as a Methodist who worried about the souls of others. He never swore or drank. 5956:
was a rifleman in the 60th Royal American Rifles. He was a reliable soldier often accompanying Frederickson into battle. He was huge and tall and a good fighter. Like Frederickson he was half German, half English. In the television series he was played by Iain Glass.
was an officer in the Light Company of the South Essex. He was the son of an Essex gentleman. To begin with Sharpe had not liked Iliffe, however Iliffe proved himself in battle by showing courage after previously being sick before battle. Ensign Iliffe was killed in
12699:), Sharpe finds he is wearing a locket containing a miniature of Jane, signed "God keep you. Love, Jane" and wonders if she knows what her brother was like. (Sharpe would wear the locket himself for some time afterwards before losing it while he was a prisoner of 12876:, as in the novel, Jane travels to Belgium with John. She is shunned for being the wife of another man and when Sharpe turns up, he disgraces her at a ball, calling her a whore. Jane convinces John to kill Sharpe at Waterloo but he is killed before he can do so. 15030:
and was succeeded in his title by her older brother Henri Lassan. Her brother soon renounced his title in the face of further persecutions and later joined Napoleon's army as an officer. This left Lucille and her mother, the Dowager Countess, to run the estate.
when trying to fake illness so he did not have to march. He was friends with rifleman Robinson and partnered each other in battle. Reilly was unfortunately killed whilst on guard duty when Robinson took badly. Reilly was not mentioned by Cornwell in the novels.
to replace the experienced officers lost in the battle, and tries to impose discipline. Sharpe vows to personally flog Morris if any of the men are flogged, making him get nervous around him, and in the final battle of the war Morris is arrested for displaying
1150:. Cresacre fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Cresacre fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera where Sharpe captured a French Eagle. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida in 3523:
but he wasn't mentioned at all. Latimer wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Latimer did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. It is unknown when Latimer became a Sergeant, as in
he is reported missing while serving as Captain-General of Chile. Louisa approaches Sharpe about going to Chile to find out his fate. Sharpe assumes he is going to the new world to bring back a corpse, but the facts were much stranger than his assumptions.
but he wasn't mentioned at all. McNeill wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either McNeill did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. He is described in the novels as being a Catholic.
where Pendleton fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera. Pendleton was unfortunately killed during the battle. Pendleton was the youngest in the company being only seventeen years of age. He was a thief, pick pocket and a purse snatcher from Bristol.
to be made into a new sword for Sharpe. When the novice is about to be assaulted by Sir Henry Simmerson, Curtis steps in and duels Simmerson to submission. At the end of the episode, Father Curtis presides over the marriage of Sergeant Harper and Ramona.
15771:. Eventually, the two are captured by Helene's lover General Verigny. While Sharpe is under French custody, Helene reveals Ducos' plan to use her late husband's murder as grounds for a Franco-Spanish alliance. Helene and General Verigny depart along with 9695:
Leroy remains with the South Essex throughout his military career, rising steadily in ranks through the Peninsular Campaign. He is present at the loss of the regiment's colours at the fictional engagement at Torrecastro and at the subsequent capture of a
is a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. A former footman at a country estate, he is part of the light company commanded by Sharpe, often assisting with company bookwork. Clayton first appeared in
11322:. He is one of the officers at the recruitment camp of the South Essex, a secret and brutal training camp in Foulness, run by the second battalion's commanding officer Lieutenant-Colonel Girdwood and the regiment's disgraced founder Sir Henry Simmerson. 2257:. Over the course of the series Harper becomes one of Sharpe's closest friends and his most reliable companion (to the point where the duo privately address each other by their first names), sharing most of his exploits and rising in rank beside him to 10490:
back to England to try to find recruits to bolster the depleted regiment. He plays a part in helping Sharpe take control of the battalion's training camp and expose a plan by corrupt officers to sell the recruits to other regiments. He then returns to
when the South Essex received reinforcements. He was killed during the siege of Badajoz by a gunpowder charge detonated by Sharpe, intended to destroy a dam to allow for an easier attack on Badajoz. He was of a rich family, and was himself a viscount.
5625:. This makes Frederickson angry at Sharpe, and ends their friendship, so he ends up leaving Sharpe. A discussion between Sharpe and Harper in the lead-up to the Battle of Waterloo indicates that Sweet William has been posted to Canada to serve in the 4809:
and also partook in Sharpe's Escape during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
and also partook in Sharpe's Escape during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
and Lieutenant William Lawford to rescue McCandless and his information he is almost shot by Sharpe as the Tippoo tells Sharpe to kill McCandless to prove his loyalty. Sharpe fires but McCandless survives due to the Tippoo's use of fake gunpowder.
was a French soldier and later leader of deserted French, British, Spanish and Portuguese soldiers along the Spanish-Portuguese frontier. Based on a real-life individual, Pot-au-Feu is described is short and immensely fat, with white curly hair.
3628:. He fought in and survived the First and Second Battles of Oporto. McDonald fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in Sharpe's Eagle. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 17802:
by raping and beating LaCosta, with Berry's help. Sharpe takes revenge by killing both men in the confusion of the battlefield. LaCosta deserts Sharpe for a wealthy cavalry officer, Claude Hardy, souring Sharpe's pleasure in his capture of the
10319:. Peters wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge or Waterloo. Peters is described as a huge sensible man who was older than most. Sharpe saw Peters as a sensible man and a trust worthy reliable soldier. 9506:
During an unnecessary action against the French ordered by Simmerson, Lennox was mortally wounded, and the King's Colour was lost. As a dying request, Lennox asks Sharpe to take a French Eagle, to erase the shame of losing their own standard.
15604:, when he is in his late forties. He has adopted the surname Lassan (Lucille's maiden name), and admits that he severely disappointed his father by electing to join the French cavalry forces instead of the British Army. Wielding his father's 12834:, Jane does contract fever, rather than Sharpe merely fearing she has and is already ill when he leaves (here she visits Major-General Ross rather than Hogan, who had already left the series). When he returns he finds she recovered thanks to 8333:. Outwardly he is punctilious in his military routine and obsequious towards officers, who find him very useful for keeping order among their soldiers. Thus protected, Hakeswill is free to terrorize the soldiers in his units, forcing them to 18419:, situated in Lisbon during Christmas 1812. His identity in Salamanca had been discovered, so he was forced to relocate to Lisbon, helping out a local priest hearing confessions. When a messenger brought news of the French descending on the 18410:
in the hands of one of the College stonemasons. After Sharpe made his miraculous recovery, Father Curtis returned the rifle in good working order, and revealed to Sharpe that La Marquesa was a spy for Colonel Leroux, and that he himself was
15919:. While hiding in wait for a fresh horse, Leroux spotted Sharpe and Sergeant Harper, and a fight ensued. Harper was knocked unconscious, while Leroux's sword shattered Sharpe's saber blade, and as Leroux fled, he shot Sharpe in the stomach. 12360:
servant, Ahmed, then almost defeats Sharpe in single combat, inflicting the facial scar which becomes Sharpe's most noted feature in later novels. He is only defeated and killed after the intervention of Sharpe's companion Sergeant Lockart.
2041:, it was Hagman who was called upon to deliver the baby of a French camp follower, "Isn't the first baby I've done, sir.... I'll see her right." He is also apparently the alternate barber to Sally Clayton, cutting Sharpe's hair when needed ( 10560:
incompetent orders at Quatre Bras, Price worries that his brother, who has just joined up, is among the dead. He is last seen in the closing seconds of the episode, standing alongside Sharpe as he turns back the French advance at Waterloo.
This ambivalence at his role led to frequent rebellion against authority and a reputation as troublemaker, one of the wildest men in the army. Consequently, he was transferred from regiment to regiment, until he settled in the newly formed
he translates for Sharpe in a parley with the French. Unfortunately, Bullen is made a prisoner by the French, violating the flag of truce and angering Sharpe. It is assumed that Bullen survives the war as a French prisoner or is part of a
10556:. He talks to Sharpe and Harper and it is clear they know him quite well and that he is a veteran, possibly indicating that this is meant to be the same Harry Price from Sharpe's Company. When several soldiers are killed as a result of 14688:
is often referred to, usually as Boney, a soldiers nickname for him, but is not seen. Only once was he glimpsed by the characters of Sharpe in the television series during the wars, briefly and through the smoke of battle at Waterloo.
is in danger of being disbanded. He therefore gives Sharpe permission to take a party of four back to England to try to find reinforcements. He later greets Sharpe on his return to Spain and observes his harsh treatment of the corrupt
operation, recruiting men for the South Essex then selling them to posts overseas. Sharpe exposes him and presumably this is the end of his military career (Simmerson was (legally) crimping long before this and the historical notes to
5476:. After the convent was captured, Cross' company helped secure the building, even constructing a ramp up to the lookouts on the rooftops. His company would then take part in the defense of the Gateway against a larger French force. 10967:
to destroy a bridge that the French could use. In a minor skirmish with a French cavalry patrol, however, Simmerson's appalling judgement leads to the loss of a substantial number of men, and the loss of one of his regiment's two
Sharpe only saw Harper as a suitable replacement for Williams. It may be fair to assume that when the Rifles were drafted into the South Essex, Sharpe needed more Sergeants and as such Rifleman Latimer was suitable for the role.
6480:, while in the television series he ambushes Sharpe the night before the battle in an attempt to murder him but while taunting Sharpe is himself killed by Harper; in both cases, he is presumed to have been killed by the French. 4698:
attended Mass on a regular basis even though he was not Catholic. He previously served in the 48th Northamptonshire regiment as a servant to Captain Murray. When Murray transferred to the 95th Rifles, he took Slattery with him.
16178:. He is a cavalry Captain in the King's German Legion, and one of the few people Sharpe considers a friend. He rode a horse named Thor, so called because it "could bite a man's face off or beat an enemy down with its hooves." 11201:, after Sharpe rescues a detachment of the Light Company from one of Slingsby's blunders, Slingsby demands an apology for Sharpe using harsh language towards him. When Sharpe refuses, Lawford reluctantly reassigns Sharpe as a 7592:. He is not confident in command and relies on the support of other under-experienced senior officers, Major Micklethwaite and Major Vine, both of whom are killed in the course of the campaign. Only the timely intervention of 10452:, the son of a ship builder, but gambling debts and unwanted pregnancies with local women made his father sent him to the army, purchasing an Ensign's commission, and four years later, paid £550 to promote him to Lieutenant. 15775:
baggage train, but are intercepted by El Matarife's partisans, with Helene being held prisoner. Sharpe defeats Matarife in a duel, freeing Helene. Out of gratitude for her rescue, Helene gifted Sharpe a new telescope, and
15066:, did not predecease him and he could not afford a legal divorce. Later in 1861, Patrick-Henri Lassan, by then a lieutenant-colonel in the French Cavalry and liaison to the Union Army during the US Civil War in Cornwell's 10314:
during the battle of Bussaco. Peters was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz guarding the gates of the chapel where Teresa was being held. He and went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
1999:). He had been a poacher in Cheshire, as had been his father. When caught, he was given the choice of prison or the army. He chose the army, leaving his wife, a "God-damned sawney mouthed bitch of a sodding witch" behind ( 9286:
and, posing as deserters, are recruited into the Tipoo's army. Lawford learns to rely on and trust Sharpe's instincts and experience as a soldier to ensure the success of their mission. Unfortunately they are betrayed by
as Calvet's forces made one final attack on the Teste de Buche. Killick dropped Sharpe's forces off close to British lines, and in parting, offered Sharpe plenty of brandy should he ever visit Marblehead, Massachusetts.
16291:, Helmut was among the cavalry that saved Sharpe and the South Essex Light Company from a French Lancer attack, taught swordsmanship to Teresa Moreno, and assisted Sharpe and Harper in setting off the powder magazine in 15411:, whom he crosses out when they have been killed. He possesses a fervent hope that one day all the names in his book will be crossed out. Sharpe is already listed when their paths cross in 1812, during the events of 13136:
Although Hogan's role as spymaster requires him to be at times both ruthless and duplicitous, he is a good friend to Sharpe throughout the series, often protecting him from official censure and advancing his career.
In Sharpe's Sword, he was murdered by a Philippe Leroux, a man he thought was a paroled French officer, who then broke parole, killed his ensign and then the Colonel before escaping into the forts outside Salamanca.
Riflemen Ben Perkins appears in the TV adaptation played by Lyndon Davies. Like the Novels, Perkins is the youngest of the Sharpe's Riflemen. He appeared in all the Sharpe films until he was eventually killed off in
18725:. Use of the quicklime allowed Sharpe's men to hold off a preliminary attack by French forces under General Calvet. Afterwards, Killick was summoned by General Calvet and asked to attack the British forces with the 15795:. Her story is changed somewhat from the novels; she claims to be the daughter of a French father and English mother, she had never met Sharpe prior to the events of the episode, and her maiden name is never given. 13552:
they meet McCandless in the dungeon where McCandless helps teach Sharpe to read. McCandless later escapes with Lawford and Sharpe with the help of Sharpe's lover Mary Bickerstaff as the British attack Seringapatam.
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
where he accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Sims fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
and in its wake decides to betray the cause he has served so zealously for years. He steals the Imperial jewels and treasury, in the process implicating Sharpe in the crime and retires to the comfort of a villa in
3102:. Hobbes would have fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. He would have been with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in 2100:
There are similarities between Hagman & Joseph Almond, a 95th Riflemen who, like Hagman, was a Cheshire man, although Joseph Almond was executed at Ciudad Rodrigo for desertion and betrayal to the French side.
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
Sharpe during an operation to release hostages, but escapes to shoot and kill Teresa. Hakeswill surrenders to a French officer, Colonel Alexandre Dubreton who, disgusted by his actions, hands him back to Sharpe.
during the battle of Bussaco. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
when Sharpe's riflemen were attach to the light company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in
17271:, El Matarife was played by English actor Matthew Scurfield. During the final battle, instead of Sharpe killing Matarife, the partisan is instead shot dead by Major Mendoza, one of the Marques' staff officers. 13704:
Four years later Hakeswill is able to manipulate Morris into laying a further charge of assault against Sharpe, by knocking the Captain unconscious himself and dousing the officer with the contents of a full
11956:, had already challenged Bampfylde to a duel. During the duel, Bampfylde fired first, but his bullet missed Sharpe. Sharpe aimed at Bampfylde to kill, but instead shot Bampfylde through the buttocks. Back in 13202:. However, due to scheduling conflicts, Cox was unable to reprise the role after the first two films and Hogan's character was subsequently merged with other exploring officers from the novels, particularly 6968:
captain, Thomas Leroy. He agrees with Major Forrest's decision to leave Sharpe in temporary command of the Light Company after the arrival of Rymer, leaving Windham the job of demoting Sharpe to lieutenant.
and survived. Jenkins presumably went on to fight with Sharpe during the Defence of Tormes, where it is mentioned that only nine from the retreat to Corunna were left at this time. He may have fought in the
16726:, Harper was able to return to England, then find a fast ship to Spain on which he brought Isabella and Richard home to Ireland. Using gold stolen off the French, Harper and Isabella purchased a tavern in 13532:
to be put before the Tippoo himself. Claiming to be the fictitious Colonel Ross he hides his true mission by pretending he was out foraging. The Tippoo believes him and has McCandless thrown in the palace
10210:. Mellors wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. He was described as being one of the useless members of the light company along with private Batten. 10104:
but he wasn't mentioned. McGovern wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. McGovern was described as a strong but slow man from Scotland with children.
it is revealed that just over 30 rifleman survived the retreat to Corunna and Hine would have been one of them. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in
where he was asked to keep reloading for Hagman indicating that he may have been one of the weakest shots of Sharpe's rifleman. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in
445:, and is portrayed by the author as a "loose cannon". A highly skilled leader of light troops, he takes part in a range of historical events during the Napoleonic Wars and other conflicts, including the 12364:
The Dodd of the television series is a British deserter but makes no reference to the real Dodd's back story. The film begins with the massacre at Chasalgaon in 1803 before skipping forward to the post-
but he wasn't mentioned at all. Green wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Green did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle.
1162:. Sharpe was angered by the death of Cresacre indicating he valued the rifleman. Cresacre was described as a moaner and a grumbler. He was also one of the rifleman who was considered to be troublesome. 18241:
Mary leaves with Sharpe and William Lawford on their mission to Seringapatam to act as a translator and to escape from Captain Morris and Sergeant Hakeswill who plotted to kidnap her and sell her as a
from the Spanish. In this episode she is also seen working as an assistant to the regimental surgeon, Kenefick and her wedding to Sharpe, unlike in the books, occurs onscreen towards the beginning. In
After accompanying Sharpe on his mission to Paris in Sharpe's Assassin, Weller and Sally marry and take up employment on the Sharpe-Lassan farm in Normandy, where they are expecting their first child.
16686:, Harper saved Isabella from assault at the hands of marauding soldiers. Since then, he became her protector and lover, as she taught him Spanish and tried to transform him into a better Catholic. In 14011:. Like many of the spymasters in the series, Nairn has a somewhat uneasy relationship with Sharpe, who sees him as placing Teresa in needless danger. He is at Wellington's side during the subsequent 11960:, a Royal Navy inquiry found Bampfylde derelict in his duties for abandoning the Teste de Buch and failing to return to check on the shore party. This led Bampfylde to leave the Royal Navy for good. 10522:, set immediately afterwards, portrays him as still being a captain. He accompanies Sharpe to Paris and takes part in his battle with a rogue French battalion attempting to avenge Napoleon's defeat. 6365:
The character of Berkeley was created for the television adaptation, taking the place of Brian Windham from the novel. He survives slightly longer than Windham, who is killed during Leroux's escape.
In the TV episode Sharpe's Gold, the role of Skillicorn was portrayed by Philip Dowd. Rifleman Skillicorn was executed by hanging for the stealing of a chicken by the Provost under Lieutenant Ayres.
18043:. His passionate adherence to the rules of war bring him into frequent conflict with Sharpe, but the two men discover a mutual respect as they work and fight together in the weeks leading up to the 16200:
in 1812. While Sharpe was convalescing from his wounds, Lossow gifted a crate of stone-bottled beer. Lossow's squadron - accompanied by Sharpe, Harper, and Major Hogan - would then take part in the
15239:, Pot-au-Feu is portrayed by English actor Tony Haygarth. The portions of him cooking Christmas dinner are left out of the adaptation, instead showing him taken prisoner by French General Chaumier. 14825:, during which, Sharpe gets near him as he retreats with an Imperial Eagle. He is then sent by Napoleon to find his missing baggage and treasury, with a dozen soldiers. When they met again in the 18252:
which led to Sharpe's failure to recognize Mary at their first meeting. After being interrogated by Appah Rao, Mary is given a pistol which she then gives to Sharpe to aid in his escape from the
General Wellesley dispatches the South Essex, alongside Sharpe's Riflemen and the engineers of Major Hogan, to blow up the bridge at Valdelacasa, so as to protect the army's flank as they march.
familiar with the snake pit at Gawilghur. He is not aware at this time that Hakeswill has murdered McCandless and seems to prefer to torment the living Hakeswill with his own continued survival.
3738:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. McNeill fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in 1158:. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. Cresacre was unfortunately killed in the siege of Badajoz in 9692:
and professional, or at least competent officers, such as Leroy, Major Forrest and the regiment's only veteran officer Lennox (a captain in the novel, but a major in the television adaptation).
where he was asked to keep reloading for Hagman, maybe indicating that he was one of the weaker shots of the riflemen. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in
850:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Carter fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in 3400:. Jenkins wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Skirmish, Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge, or Waterloo. Either Jenkins did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle. 1853:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Green fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in 1625:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Finn fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera although he was not mentioned in 1278:
where he goes missing in action and separated from the group, however Bernard Cornwell never mentioned Dodd returning with the company at the end of the book however in C.S Forester's novel
8573:, a character by the name of Obidiah Hakeswill resides in the town of Redding. In the side quest to aid the sheriff, you can choose to bring Obadiah to justice for cutting up the face of a 7082:
as Sharpe's new quartermaster. Sharpe is not impressed with Collip's abilities as quartermaster, having to watch over him constantly. Collip is described as an inexperienced plump officer.
after the Battle of Talavera when Gibbons ambushes Sharpe in an attempt to kill him and steal the captured Eagle, and Sharpe takes a locket from him which contains a picture of his sister
16782:, she is accosted and nearly assaulted by one of Colonel Brand's men, only saved in the nick of time by Harper. Ramona and Patrick José eventually return to Ireland with Harper after the 12740:'s sister. Since her father was a commoner, Simmerson considers her an embarrassment and keeps her away from high society. After Sharpe puts an end to the auctions, he takes Jane back to 3238:. He partook in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro in and went to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in 9684:. During Sharpe's first mission with the South Essex, its officers quickly place themselves into one of two categories: inept, cowardly dilettantes, such as the regiment's Colonel, Sir 2752:, about his experiences during the peninsular campaign, was a major source for Cornwell's original research for the Sharpe novels (an audio version of the book was recorded by Salkey). 11797:
Sharpe's men, and he caught Private Batten with a stolen chicken. Ayers determined that Private Batten must hang and only armed intervention by Sharpe and Harper stopped it happening (
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers. He is part of the Light Company commanded by Sharpe. Gutteridge first appeared in
16046:. His men were tasked with guarding the mountain passes around the Portuguese-Spanish border. Since "Loup" is the French word for wolf, Loup's men all dressed in drab gray uniforms. 15054:
After travelling to Italy to defeat Ducos, Sharpe returned to the Lassan estate permanently. Lucille bore Sharpe a son, Patrick-Henri (named for her brother and for Sharpe's friend,
11210:. After another brief skirmish with the French in which Sharpe rescues the Light Company (again), Lawford quietly reinstates him to command, while leaving Slingsby's fate ambiguous. 8665:
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He was part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. Huckfield first appeared in
On discovering Ole's decision to turn away from the British, Lord Pumphrey ordered the execution of both Ole and Astrid. Sharpe would not discover their deaths until the events of
15439:) in retaliation for his own smashed spectacles. Sharpe is rescued by the intervention of a former lover, Helene Leroux and escapes after the accidental destruction of the castle. 12732:, an old enemy of Sharpe's. Jane herself is eking out a miserable existence in Simmerson's country house, unwillingly engaged to the battalion's arrogant and incompetent commander 9996:
His replacement, Ensign McDonald, was killed by Colonel Leroux when he broke his parole to escape to the French-held forts in Salamanca after being captured by Sharpe and his men.
was a Welsh rifleman and chosen-man that served in the 95th Rifles. He was five feet and four inches tall and he was one of the best fishers amongst the men. He was considered in
17613:. A corrupt Portuguese Major who sold supplies to the French but was eventually detained by Sharpe and his men. He is described as being tall with a carefully trimmed moustache. 11950:
Some time later, Bampfylde was shocked to find that Sharpe was alive, well, and not captured. Sharpe reprimanded Bampfylde for his cowardice, and at the start of the next novel,
and a fierce storm on the way, Bampfylde abandoned the Teste de Buch with only his wounded men inside, bombarded it with his ships' cannon, and sailed back to St Jean de la Luz.
serving under Captain Chase to whom he is very loyal. Hopper is a very able sailor which is noted in his rank of Bosun. He is a big strong fighter who is noted for his tattoos.
in the process. He had also stolen the portrait of the Colonel's wife, strangely believing it to be his mother, and constantly talks into the portrait, stored in the top of his
6927: 2079:
it was with Hagman that Sharpe made his first inroads toward connecting with his new command. He stopped to speak with the former poacher and helped him through a boggy ground.
18850:, he discovers the truth behind their passing, and came very close to murdering Pumphrey in turn, though he backs off, and keeps a wary eye on the spymaster's ploys in future. 15767:, Helene was captured by Father Hacha and forced into a nunnery. She is saved by Sharpe (on a mission from Major Michael Hogan), all the while hounded by the Spanish partisan 10298:
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. Peters first appeared in
sentiment. In the same novel he exhibits no qualms about arranging the assassination of Father Sarsfield, a nationalist Irish priest, who has been working as a French agent.
12755:, who is sick with fever and fears she has been infected. When he returns from the mission that is the main focus of the book, he finds he was mistaken, and only had a cold. 10754:
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. Roach first appeared in
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. Kirby first appeared in
8550:. His character follows a similar arc to the later novels, including his framing of Harper, attack on Teresa, desertion and eventual capture and execution. It is revealed in 18569:, resulting in her and her son emigrating to the Irish population of Spain. Kiely is described in the novels as young, with a thin, tanned face and a fine-pointed mustache. 9368:
Back in England Lawford dedicates himself to his family and political career. He is knighted and elected to parliament, seeking advancement through alliance with the ruling
1046:. Cooper was supposed to have appeared as a full-time Chosen Man and was originally going to be a long living member of Sharpe's Chosen Men, presumably to feature in either 7904:, whom he had taken his reprimand to, and Lord Simon Fenner, who promoted him to Major, and then to Lieutenant Colonel and appointed him to command Second Battalion of the 1742:. He was not considered for a promotion to sergeant as Sharpe saw him as being too fly for his own good. He may not have been one of the best shots of the riflemen, as in 16287:
cavalry, under the command of Captain Lossow. He is described as small and squat with bow-legs, but Patrick Harper claims him to be "a one-man army." During the events of
during the battle of Bussaco. McGovern would have been involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
8577:. Besides their somewhat sociopathic nature, Obadiah and Obidiah share a scar around their necks and obsession with their mothers and a belief in their own invincibility. 434:
He is a good soldier and his abilities resulted in him being commissioned as an officer on the battlefield. He overcomes class in an army where an officer's rank is often
invasion in 1808, abandoning his wife. She is, however, happy to find herself unencumbered and seeking a wealthy man to provide her with a life of luxury and excitement.
during the battle of Bussaco. Mellors would have been involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
where he was shot in the head by a sharpshooter whilst on watch at a fort. Sharpe classed Thompson as one of his four best marksmen along with Hagman, Cooper and Harris.
where Gataker fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera. Gataker was unfortunately killed at the beginning of the battle when a shell landed next to him and exploded.
he is not mentioned there and indeed their relationship is never explicitly confirmed (although it can be inferred from their shared surname and uncle in Simmerson). In
of the castle at Badajoz (in this Cornwell has borrowed the real life achievement of a Lieutenant James MacPherson). He then seeks out Teresa, but is shot and killed by
and writes poetry which glorifies the art of war. The contrast between his image of himself as a great military leader and the reality of battle leads to his breakdown.
as a Major. He is described as a deeply religious man, he is very conservative, a believer in honor, he is the rare creature: an honest man. He earns Sharpe's respect.
In both the novels and television series, Sharpe encountered many characters, some real and some fictional. Below are some of the characters mentioned in the novels by
18584:, but was rebuked and told of Doña Juanita's conspiring with the French. After the meeting, Kiely stumbled drunkenly into a church and shot himself through the head. 16690:, she helped nurse Captain Richard Sharpe back to health, her and Harper being given a considerable stipend for their troubles thanks to Hélène Leroux. At the end of 14681:
was the Emperor of France from 1799 through 1814. Under his reign, Europe was plunged into war as he attempted a campaign of conquest that was remarkably successful.
producer, whom he and Sharpe rescued during the French's retreat from Oporto. By the time of Bussaco, she has already given birth to their first child, a daughter. (
with the regiment, now known as the Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, and is promoted to captain and given command of a company after Captain Thomas is killed at the
is a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later renamed The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers. He is in the Light Company commanded by Sharpe. Batten first appeared in
which he survived. Thompson fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera where Sharpe captured a French Eagle. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida in
3222:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Horrell fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in 10518:
to escape uninjured. When Sharpe takes command of the battalion, he promotes Price to major and places him in command of the light company. Despite this, the novel
during the battle of Bussaco. He fought in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro and went on to fight with Sharpe in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz (
2848:. He fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. Harvey fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in 10997:) Simmerson, with Lord Simon Fenner, and Lieutenant Colonel Batholomew Girdwood (whom he had promoted), uses the second battalion of the South Essex in an illegal 10986:
He is mentioned in passing in the subsequent novels as having returned to England and resumed his political activities, in particular helping to implement the new
was a Sergeant in the South Essex Regiment, later The Prince of Wales Own Volunteers, as part of the Light Company commanded by Sharpe. McGovern first appeared in
who led Daulat Scindia's forces during the Battle of Assaye. However, the real Anthony Pohlmann re-joined the East India Company as a lieutenant colonel in 1804.
15915:. When the British assault the French-held forts, Leroux disguises himself as a wounded man to escape capture, and winds up in a makeshift hospital in the city's 8486:
The novels record at least four unsuccessful attempts by Sharpe and/or Harper to kill Hakeswill, which lend weight to the latter's conviction that he cannot die:
whom Sharpe later marries; in the television series, he flees after his uncle at the start of the battle and is not seen or heard of again throughout the series.
6254:, where he is caught by a provost for stealing a chicken. He is described as a useless soldier known for his grumbling and whining, and complains about Sharpe in 6061:
he leaves the 60th Rifles to join the American privateer Captain Cornelius Killick. In the television series he beats Rifleman Perkins in a shooting competition.
regiment, has matured into an able soldier, without losing his innate optimism. Vicente's admiration of Sharpe is expressed in his decision to lead a company of
16694:, Isabella and Harper were married, celebrating with a feast attended by the men of Sharpe's Light Company, and Isabella wearing a dress and veil purloined from 15455:
to face execution by firing squad; as with Hakeswill, Sharpe chooses to hand Ducos to the proper authorities for justice, rather than killing his enemy himself.
He only appeared in the novels in any noticeable way in Sharpe's Devil, when Sharpe and Harper stopped at the island of St. Helena to visit the exiled dictator.
during the battle of Bussaco. Read was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz. He was unfortunately blinded in the siege of Badajoz in
as a private soldier when Sharpe's riflemen were attached to the light company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
during the battle of Bussaco. Gutteridge was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz and went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
3499:. He fought in the First and Second Battles of Oporto, which he survived. Latimer fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera, although he was not mentioned in 8681:
during the battle of Bussaco. Huckfield was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz and went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
as one of Sharpe's many Light Company subalterns. He becomes Captain of the South Essex Light Company after Sharpe's promotion to Major. He helps Sharpe during
during the battle of Bussaco. MacLaird was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz and went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
The stories dramatise Sharpe's struggle for acceptance and respect from his fellow officers and from the men he commands. Sharpe was born a guttersnipe in the
17902:; her role in that story is taken by an original character with a similar backstory and a previous liaison with Sharpe, Lady Isabella Farthingdale, played by 16570:, Father Hacha was portrayed by English actor Nickolas Grace. In departure from the novel, Father Hacha is killed by Major Ducos when his plot falls to ruin. 2680:
He enjoys reading books, especially philosophy and is the intellectual member of the company. In the books the educated Rifleman was Isaiah Tongue, killed in
He was shocked and dismayed that anyone would so abuse the flag of truce and stated his intention to retire from service in a world he no longer understood.
at the end of the battle. Afterwards, Deron deserted from the French army and started his own army of deserting soldiers, with himself in command as Marshal
from Gibbons and his crony, John Berry. He takes her into his protection and they become lovers, but he is forced to borrow heavily from his friend, Major
to deliver a treaty from the Maratha princes to the French Government, and send weapons to continue the uprisings against the British in India. During the
15423:, particularly by defeating a surprise French invasion of Portugal in the winter of 1812, during which Sharpe had personally insulted Ducos and broken his 16742:, much to Isabella's chagrin, though her fears were soon subsided by Harper's Holy Oath to not engage in any fighting. The two are reunited at the end of 13505:
he was transferred by the company to the British Army to be promoted to colonel and chief of intelligence. A born surveyor McCandless is more familiar to
17763: 12283:
was outraged by the leniency of the sentence and demanded his dismissal, aiming to have him tried as a civilian for murder. Instead Dodd deserted to the
15085:, her maiden name was changed to Maillot. Furthermore, her husband was changed from Xavier Castineau to Xavier DuBert. However, in the original episode 7620: 18248:
While at Seringapatam Mary was separated from Sharpe and was sent to general Appah Rao's house where she burned her western clothes and switched to a
11918: 11811:
to trade rifles to the partisans for deserters in their camp. He was killed during a raid into the partisan's lair by a knife that was thrown at him.
9019:). Knowles sympathises with Sharpe when he learns that his mentor has been demoted from captain to lieutenant and promises to protect Sharpe's lover, 17877: 17683: 7939:, where he observes the new recruits being brutalised, cheated and auctioned to other, less popular regiments. When Harper intervenes to protest the 7208:, nicknamed "Dally," joins the British Army after killing a man in a duel over a woman's favours. He is of French Huguenot extraction and enters the 2097:
he died instantly. Sharpe came near tears when he heard, and attempted to assassinate Orange to prevent any more unnecessary deaths among the men.
On the afternoon of the battle, the British Heavy Brigade, Rossendale in its midst, charges to complete the rout of a French infantry attack by the
10895:. He is narrow-minded, militarily inept and cowardly; while he is not presented as a clever man, he does display a certain cunning and deviousness. 2287:
peasantry that predominated in rural Ireland at the time. Hunger and rural poverty drove him to join the British army, despite his antipathy to the
18091: 14752: 13101:
Sharpe is frequently employed (with or without his men) to carry out small scale secret operations for Hogan – for example, destroying a bridge in
11967:, Horace Bampfylde is portrayed as a young colonel, the son of an old general, although he retains many of the qualities of his novel counterpart. 10553: 10378: 5801: 11554:. Charlie Weller first appeared in Sharpe's Regiment when he was recruited into the South Essex's second battalion by Sergeant Horatio Havercamp. 10963:
The South Essex is assigned the relatively easy mission of linking up with an allied Spanish regiment and escorting Hogan to a point on the River
6160:. His consuming hatred for the French leads him to join the South Essex Light Company and fight until the French are finally driven out of Spain. 12853:
In addition to the television adaptations of the four novels she appeared in, Jane is present in two stories unique to the television series. In
9731: 9131: 6851:
during the Battle of Bussaco. Clayton is involved in the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz and goes on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in
1035: 936: 14800:
served against the Austrians, and then in Russia, surviving with his brigade intact. His demi-brigade of 2000 men was fought to a standstill by
Leroy is the last Commanding Officer of the South Essex, before its change of name to the Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, commanded by Lt. Col
13003: 5103: 597:
Harper, Hagman, Harris, Moore and Millerson, unfortunately Perkins was killed at the hands of Irish Company Guardsman O'Rourke. He appeared in
13934:. He gives his tacit approval of the behaviour but also warns Sharpe that he will arrange for Girdwood's replacement to be a hard taskmaster. 12826:
but she has not been mentioned previously and how they met before is never stated: although her brother appeared in the television version of
2003:). Sharpe wondered how he'd ever been caught since he had an uncanny ability to find his way in the dark and assumed he must have been drunk ( 15219:. He would also form an alliance with the deserting British Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill, now Colonel of a group of British deserters. During ' 12336: 10898:
In his first appearance in the novels, he is described as short, squat, and red-faced giving the impression of "a pig sitting on horseback".
centred on the character of Richard Sharpe. Cornwell's series (composed of several novels and short stories) charts Sharpe's progress in the
As Sharpe and his men left Casatejada with the Spanish gold, El Católico's men gave chase. Sharpe's company just managed to take shelter in
14307:. He is accompanied by Jane, who is snubbed by society for her affair and who suspects she may be pregnant with Rossendale's bastard child ( 14022:, Nairn's role is slightly expanded from in the novel. He realises the French have an interest in Adrados when he learns of the presence of 13732:, when he refuses to lead a detachment of troops over the wall; Sharpe knocks him unconscious, leads the assault and so takes the fortress ( 10088:
when Sharpe's riflemen were attached to the Light Company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
when Sharpe's riflemen were attached to the Light Company of the South Essex and would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
has admitted that he regrets finishing the character off, as he has struggled since to create an antagonist of equal depravity and energy.
5916: 18259:
Mary falls in love with Appah Rao's bodyguard Kunwar Singh later marrying Kunwar and Mary chooses to stay in Seringapatam after the siege.
16415:. This turns out to be what Pohlmann had intended to happen, allowing him and his servant (a secret French agent) to sail to Paris on the 10302:
when Sharpe's riflemen were attach to the light company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
when Sharpe's riflemen were attach to the light company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
when Sharpe's riflemen were attach to the Light Company of the South Essex. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
Wellington features throughout the Bernard Cornwell Sharpe novels and in the television series directed by Tom Clegg. He is portrayed by
14536: 3338:
as a candidate for Sergeant but Sharpe thought he lacked the necessary ruthlessness. He got on well with Sharpe and the rest of the men.
His first name is never revealed in the series and in fact a joke is made of this in his final scene, with Hagman asking him what it is.
he smiles, which is not too frequently. By the end of the series he has had three children and two wives, although not at the same time.
7882:'s Second Battalion and later the first Commanding Officer of the Regiment after its renaming as the "Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers." 4685:
where Slattery fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in
615:, and was there before they would head to France, partook in the battle of Bordeaux and survived it. Rifleman Bradshaw also appeared in 18828:. She is described as tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed, but dressed in black out of the memory for her deceased husband and infant son. 16710:. She eventually returns to Spain with Harper, and the two celebrate the birth of their first child in 1814: Richard Harper. After the 15047: 13954: 13516:
he has connections with many across subcontinent including Appah Rao a Hindu and former Sepoy of his who is currently a general in the
third (common-law) wife. She was aged twenty-seven in June 1815, placing 1788 as her birth date. She was born to the Lassan family of
administration. He attempts to use these contacts to extricate Sharpe from the scandals that threatens to destroy their old regiment (
7349:. He accompanied Sharpe and Harper when they broke through the French lines to capture the eagle, and was killed during the fighting. 15022:
de Lassan, a minor aristocrat in possession of a large estate house and farm fallen on hard times. Lucille herself bore the title of
13902: 4681:
where he fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. He also featured in
where he fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. He also featured in
where he fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. He also featured in
15942:, Leroux was portrayed by Patrick Fierry. In a departure from the novel set in Salamanca in 1812, the film was set in 1813 near the 14352:
for the stolen money. Ashamed of his dishonourable conduct, Rossendale determines to prove himself during the forthcoming battle at
was a British Army Provost officer, military police responsible for military discipline among British troops in Portugal and Spain.
sometime after its arrival in India in 1796. He is posted to the light company under Captain Charles Morris and there meets Private
8440:, in which Sharpe has risen to the rank of captain. He is quick to resume the vendetta, conspiring to have Sharpe's friend and ally 18581: 18388: 16723: 16386: 15947: 15777: 15436: 15212: 14527: 14300: 13906: 13694: 13065: 13034: 12835: 12280: 11968: 9884:. He died in Sharpe's arms a week later as the South Essex fought off a French attempt to break up the line of march to Pasajes in 9310: 9257: 8422: 3352:
Jenkins was one of only twenty rifleman out of the thirty-one survivors from Corunna remaining at the time. He participated in the
16204:, breaking through the French squares in pursuit of Colonel Leroux. Whether or not Lossow survived the Battle is left unanswered. 2969:
is one of the original 50 riflemen cut off from Sir John Moores army during the retreat to Corunna though he was not mentioned in
17132:, El Católico and his men guard a hoard of Spanish gold, which the British plan to recover and ship to the Spanish government in 14851:
In the television series, General Calvet's name was changed to Maurice Calvet. Two separate actors played him: Olivier Pierre in
which he survived. Tongue fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera where Sharpe captured a French Eagle. He also appeared in
2714:, as he is likely to be one of the last nine from the retreat to Corunna left at the time. He possibly fought with Sharpe at the 16181:
Sharpe and Lossow first met in 1810, Lossow recognizing Sharpe's name after the capture of the French Imperial Eagle during the
10770:. Roach was involved in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo and the Siege of Badajoz and went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in 2486:
he had grown very fat. Ironically, as Harper was not wounded throughout the Peninsular War, he is wounded for the first time in
14360: 13173:
and for many years carried around a small box of earth around with him, so that if he died he could be buried in 'Irish soil' (
15211:, Marshal Soult and Sergeant Deron share an argument over the night's supper menu, only for the eventual menu to be served to 7745:
as a way of getting back at Sharpe, and in the book he seems to guess that Sharpe killed Berry, In the novel, he is killed by
14296: 15230:
charge of the deserters. After Christmas dinner, he returned to Spain with the French forces, and was most likely executed.
14829:, he slapped Sharpe's face for the use of the lime. The two then joined forces to retrieve the Imperial treasury, stolen by 8246:
Hakeswill's early history is related in every novel in which he appears. He was raised by his mother, Biddy, in an unknown "
18017: 17606: 17502: 16943:
Teresa Moreno is the daughter of wealthy Spanish border landowner and one time partisan Cesar Moreno. She first appears in
16937: 16893: 16081:. Sharpe and Loup's final duel occurs inside the French hideout, with Sharpe running the Frenchman through with his blade. 15011: 14983: 14801: 14540: 14368: 14250: 13872: 13763:, refusing to take a wounded Sharpe's place in a fight, ultimately resigning his commission in disgrace rather than face a 13683: 13642: 13072: 12995: 12736:. She explains to Sharpe that her parents died when she was thirteen and she went to live with Simmerson and his wife, her 12692: 12661: 12303: 12196: 12177: 11926:, and stirring up a monarchist rebellion. Upon arrival at the Teste de Buch, Bampfylde changes strategy, instead using the 11439: 10411: 9675: 9621: 9261: 9211: 8967: 8364: 8341: 8236: 7921: 7593: 4319: 2749: 2631: 2306: 1254: 191: 12148:. He was very fond of Chase and also made a good impression on Sharpe. He was a young, enthusiastic and very able sailor. 17787: 14921: 14631: 14612: 14465: 14414: 14398: 14371:
when the enthusiasm of the British cavalrymen leads them to gallop unsupported towards the French guns. Caught by French
14183: 14164: 13981: 13025:
officers to buy commissions in the early 19th century, all other British military branches, including the engineers, the
12873: 12823: 12752: 12612: 12593: 11490: 11471: 11258: 11239: 11026: 10920: 10549: 8337:
him to avoid floggings for imaginary infractions and forcing their wives to have sex with him to protect their husbands.
7986: 7512: 7493: 6640: 6621: 3007:
Despite being a very competent and reliable rifleman, Hine is also known to be over-confident and on occasions arrogant.
2564: 1990:
is the oldest man in Sharpe's company and, over the entire course of the novels, its best marksman. Hagman is one of the
1922: 1522: 1051: 605: 16985:
the city and Sharpe is determined to be first over the wall to protect his new family. He is foiled by his bitter enemy
Cavalry. Posted to the United States by the French government as a neutral observer, he voluntarily attaches himself to
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment, later to be known as The Prince of Wales' Own Volunteers, first appearing in
18219:. Part British part Indian Mary Bickerstaff grew up in the Calcutta barracks with her British Father and Mother Aruna. 15287: 15082: 15039:, trying to prevent Lassan from revealing Ducos's own treachery to Richard Sharpe. Lucille was left alone on the farm. 14902: 14869: 14853: 14740: 14721: 14406: 14131: 14077: 14064: 13988: 13800: 12843: 11680: 11617: 11598: 10956:
among his officers, and blames the often disastrous consequences of his own blunders on them. He also displays blatant
10526: 9051: 7293: 7274: 6981: 6905: 6886: 6756: 6737: 5524: 3957: 3896: 3883: 3799: 3115: 3046: 3033: 2288: 617: 524: 16999:
Eighteen months later Teresa and her partisans are involved with Sharpe in an operation to remove a murderous gang of
14030:, he takes her dying body to Sharpe. He is present in the courtyard when Ducos attempts to force Sharpe to surrender. 11071:
by the trauma of watching her sisters tortured for information by a French spy. Simmerson tries, on two occasions, to
Simmerson proved to be a popular character with the viewers, and was brought back for several subsequent appearances.
it mentioned that Roach pimped his wife for a shilling. He would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
with the forlorn hope at the siege of Badajoz which he survived and was rewarded a laurel wreath. He then appeared in
19494: 18596: 18491: 18462:'s defeat, he was promoted to Archbishop of Armagh, likely assisted by his relationship with the Duke of Wellington. 17319: 17300: 17268: 16819: 16767: 16567: 15979: 15788: 15653: 14564: 14446: 14304: 14034: 14003:
and Sharpe criticises their performance during the attack. He is also a spymaster, as Sharpe learns when Nairn sends
13819: 12905: 11370: 11351: 9055: 7237: 7111: 5213: 5194: 5062: 4349: 4250: 4231: 4091: 4017: 3998: 3961: 3856: 2654: 2545: 2130: 2083: 2076: 1903: 1526: 1433: 1414: 1039: 895: 592: 248: 137: 78: 56: 18395:. He is described in the novels as a tall, elderly, gray-haired man, with a face filled with charity and amusement. 16189:, Lossow and his sergeant Helmut stood by as Sharpe set off the powder trail leading to the city's powder magazine. 16185:. Later, Lossow's squadron would save Sharpe and the South Essex Light Company from an attack by French Lancers. In 12351:, an old antagonist of Sharpe's, when the former deserts, making him an officer in the Cobras. When the fortress is 12302:, with raiding the British fort at Chasalgoan, where he massacres the entire garrison, with the single exception of 10649:
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment. He part of the light company commanded by Sharpe. Read first appeared in
of him before his hanging, but those memories have been eclipsed by his belief that she sent his uncle to save him.
where he fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto which he survived. In
49: 18435: 18293: 18095: 17899: 17873: 17661: 17642: 16838: 16771: 16763: 16596: 15900:-made cavalry saber. He is ruthless, working by fear, torturing his victims to death and then inscribing them with 15824: 15784: 15605: 15268: 15235: 15118: 14859: 14570: 13980:. His character is recreated as a Major (rather than a major general), who effectively fulfills the same duties as 13969: 13336: 13323: 12924: 12865:
reveals that the poem he has supposedly written about her is plagiarised and reconciles with Sharpe at the end. In
12831: 12827: 12807:, Mark Adkin claims Jane died in 1844, presumably of natural causes, but this has not been confirmed in any novel. 11964: 11840: 11022: 11018: 10822: 10803: 9757: 7461: 7400: 7387: 7357: 6394: 6350: 6296: 6283: 6005: 5986: 5894: 5875: 5842: 5779: 5766: 5739: 5676: 5663: 5621:, who rejects Frederickson's proposal of marriage before taking Sharpe as a lover, as she is carrying his child in 5614:, half are German like himself, along with a quarter from Spain, and the remainder British with one sole American. 5505: 5081: 2090: 611: 599: 405: 401: 267: 16371:
was born in Hanover, and joined the East India Company army, rising to the rank of sergeant. Before the events of
where Sharpe and Harper encounter her again while back in England investigating the apparent disappearance of the
9275:, Lawford is tasked with his rescue and chooses Sharpe to accompany him, thus saving the latter from execution by 3118:. He was killed in the Battle of Toulouse while creating an opportunity for the South Essex to attack the French. 2463:
that follow the capture of Badajoz. They subsequently marry and settle in Dublin, where they raise many children.
Along with Sharpe he is one of the principal protagonists of the series and appears in the majority of the books.
17895: 16201: 15923: 15451:. Unfortunately, he is once again bested by Sharpe, who escapes from custody, captures him and takes him back to 13914: 11741: 11722: 9043: 7900:
dismissed him on half pay, effectively ending his military career. Some 10 years later Girdwood was recruited by
7130: 4568: 4507: 4494: 3852: 3786: 2149: 1043: 914: 586: 511: 8425:, Hakeswill rejoined the British forces. At one point, he also served in the Fever Islands, where he contracted 2359:
finally provide Harper with a stability that allow him to flourish in the army. He transfers with Sharpe to the
Harper is initially an antagonist, as he leads a mutiny against Sharpe's command and conspires to murder him in
16967: 15443: 14394: 14205: 13992: 11055:
with the British Army in Spain (and reports that a court of inquiry found him innocent of losing the colour in
was a soldier in the South Essex Regiment. MacLaird would have fought with Sharpe in the Battle at Talavera in
9358: 9012: 6988:
During the assault on the breach at Badajoz, he is shot dead by one of the French defenders, grieving Windham.
3365: 361: 9046:
was abandoned when the script was revised following an injury to the actor originally cast as Richard Sharpe,
7935:, Sharpe, under an assumed identity, tracks the South Essex's recruiting parties to a secret training camp on 1285:
Matthew Dodd isn't related to William Dodd nor are they family. He never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
18086:, Sharpe's own regiment), and his adoption of many of Sharpe's personal idiosyncrasies, including carrying a 15621: 15613: 14326: 12788: 10979:, Simmerson panics and starts to withdraw the regiment, before he is ignominiously relieved from his post by 10459:, he is briefly placed in command of the light company after Sharpe is believed killed during the capture of 7962:
Girdwood is punctilious in his dress and military protocol, modelling himself on the reforming military king
7605: 2706:. He is referred to as one of Sharpe's best marksmen, along with Hagman and Thompson. Harris last appears in 2702:
and, including Harper, was one of the only two men remaining from Major Dunnett's original company, from the
17: 16063: 13957:
and Frederickson's company part of his command. He is finally given a chance to lead his men into battle at
13660:'s Light Company, replacing the more energetic and decent Captain Hughes after the latter's death from "the 12822:). Her character arc stays very close to that of the novels. She and Sharpe are familiar with each other in 9313:. Lawford is still in India at least as late as 1803, when his uncle is killed in the closing stages of the 1020: 18253: 17820:, after Hardy is murdered by a treacherous band of Spanish partisans, in 1810, Sharpe seeks out LaCosta in 15569: 15512: 15399:
to hand the keys of the garrison to the French. Ducos possesses a book listing a number of enemy officers,
14606: 14322: 14254: 14158: 13922: 13524: 13033:, promoted by seniority or merit. Unfortunately, this meant promotion was rather slow and Hogan is still a 12799:
The fate of Jane and her child is unknown, although she is referred to as still being alive at the time of
12784: 12721: 12720:, Sharpe and Harper met Jane off-page during a visit to England. She makes her full debut in the series in 11551: 11465: 11319: 11233: 11003: 10994: 10816: 10503: 10479: 9885: 9812: 9806: 9742: 9659: 9373: 9110: 9104: 7808: 7789: 7783: 6704: 6615: 17010:
Her daughter is adopted by Teresa's brother, Ramon and, as far as is known, never meets her father again.
to do his bidding wherever and whenever. He is described as young and handsome with pale eyes, wielding a
ancestry, his life before he encounters Sharpe is rather unclear. It is implied that he has spent time in
12252:, his involvement in the Sharpe novels is entirely fictional. Dodd appears in the 2006 television revival 12248:
appears in the novels set in India near the start of Sharpe's army career. Although he is based on a real
8103:. Gutteridge wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge or Waterloo. 3098:
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna though he was not mentioned in
119: 18836: 16077:. The film adaptation differs somewhat from the original novel, being set during September 1813 near the 15226: 14269: 13973: 13938: 13891: 13690:, a prolonged and agonising death sentence. Only the reluctant intervention of the regiment's commander, 13203: 13152:
he is able to warn Sharpe of the presence of a double agent and so foil plans by his French counterpart,
12759: 12717: 11938:
Bampfylde planned to have the Americans executed as pirates and Royal Navy deserters, ignoring Killick's
10429: 9936: 9917: 8433: 8307:
when she lies that she came to a church in the town of Adrados to pray for the health of her own mother.
8132: 7613: 5611: 5463: 5384: 2703: 2310: 993: 590:. He was a quiet rifleman, rarely speaking. He was often seen with Rifleman Tobias Moore. He appeared in 15470:). He has no personal friends and shows no sexual interest in women or in men, although is not entirely 14026:, his opposite number. Along with Teresa, he spies on the French positions and, after Teresa is shot by 2272: 753:, but was not mentioned. with In battle Cameron partnered fellow rifleman and friend Rifleman Harvey. 19706: 18384: 17294: 16385:, Pohlmann is given overall command of Daulat Scindia's forces. Pohlmann planned to trap Major General 15463: 15089:, the series departed from the novels' continuity and reported that she had died of fever around 1817. 15070:
reported that Lucille was still alive and well but lonely – implying that by this time Sharpe is dead.
13977: 13156:, to lure Sharpe into a trap. Thus he fulfils his obligations as a friend and officer to the very end. 12705: 11431: 11121: 11080: 11006:
reveal this is how he obtained his commission). Sharpe also snubs Simmerson by eloping with his niece,
10472: 10433: 9713: 9689: 9655: 9091: 8467:
His evil finally exposed, Hakeswill deserts from the army once again, joining a band of cross-national
7990: 7830: 5472:, Cross' company joined with Captain Frederickson's company on a mission to The Gateway of God outside 404:. He later earns the rank of Sergeant by the end of the book. He soon gains promotion to Ensign in the 14261:
in London. Rossendale is initially an ally in Major Sharpe's attempts to find missing recruits to the
of London but grew up in Yorkshire. He joined the army at an early age to avoid the penalty of crime.
18692: 18238:. Becoming a widow at age 22 she fell under the wing of Private Sharpe pushing him to be a sergeant. 17837: 17755: 16783: 16722:
until he could arrange passage for them back to Ireland. With his discharge papers signed off by the
16711: 15587: 15524: 15368:
is not revealed, though he is described as a zealous revolutionary, and his rise occurred during the
14822: 14715: 14440: 13958: 13898: 12847: 12748: 12687: 11193:. At 31, he is old for a Lieutenant, but inexperienced, having served most of his army career in the 10774:. Roach wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy, Honour, Regiment, Christmas, Siege, Revenge or Waterloo. 10464: 10456: 9793: 9558: 9539: 9437: 9418: 8955: 8299: 8151: 7929: 7671: 7652: 7646: 5010:
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
3495:. Although he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna, was he was never mentioned in 3393: 3218:
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
2723: 2262: 1849:
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in
107: 18439: 17778:. Richard Sharpe, temporarily attached to the South Essex, desires LaCosta, which fuels his growing 16653:
Richard Patricio Augustine Harper (Novels) Patrick José Hagman Harris Cooper Perkins Harper (Series)
Unfortunately, both Henri and her mother were murdered soon afterwards by thugs of French spymaster
Sally together and tells the young man he can be a sergeant if only he'd fetch Sharpe a cup of tea.
from the earlier books. He is fond of alcohol but affable and well liked by the men. He was born in
3966: 2990:
where it states that there are 20 surviving riflemen. Hine also partook in the battle of Bussaco in
Harper's growing respect – eventually deep and lasting friendship – for Sharpe and his promotion to
19140: 18087: 17816: 16944: 16813: 16175: 16109: 13950: 13110: 12846:, Jane's betrayal of Sharpe is partly motivated by his breaking a promise to not fight again after 12713: 12696: 12287:
army. Despite the offer of a seven hundred guinea reward for his capture, he was never seen again.
11799: 11735: 11716: 10940: 10859: 10759: 10755: 10689: 10655: 10483: 10307: 10199: 10093: 9869: 9670:
on the defeat of loyalist forces. In 1809, Leroy purchased a Captain's commission in the fictional
9667: 9382:, having spoken to him about Jane Sharpe and Lord John Rossendale, and claims they are "intimate". 9024: 8978: 8866: 8674: 8453: 8441: 8091: 6841: 6250: 6183: 5153: 5075: 5019: 5014:. Thompson fought in the First Battle of Oporto and also partook in the Second Battle of Oporto in 4806: 4686: 4451: 3743: 3629: 3504: 3349: 3227: 3114:. Hobbes wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Honour, Regiment, Christmas or Siege. He however featured in 3107: 2987: 2853: 2681: 2007:). Hagman was one of the very few who had not got insensibly drunk with the rest of the company in 2004: 1858: 1630: 1151: 732: 450: 43: 16399:, traveling under the pseudonym of "Baron von Dornberg". He and Sharpe sail back to Europe on the 10891:
is a recurring villain, portrayed as a stereotypical snobbish, petty and tyrannical minor English
18566: 18455: 18375: 16775: 16683: 16292: 16284: 16186: 15931: 15916: 15749: 14012: 13014: 12695:
encounters her sadistic brother Christian. After Gibbons' death (at the hands of Sharpe's friend
12279:. In 1803, he was responsible for beating a native worker to death and was fined by the company. 11079:
In the revival series, Cochrane returns as Simmerson, now an officer in the army attached to the
10948: 10538: 9705: 7893: 6972:
near Badajoz. He is killed early on during the assault on Badjoz, his neck severed by roundshot (
3369: 3353: 2741: 2445: 2385: 16790:, sitting outside the Duke of Wellington's office waiting to hear news of her husband in India. 14837:
villa. He then returned the stolen treasure to Napoleon on Elba and remained with him in exile.
and it is Price who is shot in the last minutes of the film, though his character re-appears in
He also confides to Sharpe that he married Kate Savage, the daughter and heiress of an English
18044: 18021: 16996:
only just arrive in time to prevent the crime. Teresa and Sharpe are married the next morning.
15208: 13714: 12685:) is the second wife of Richard Sharpe. She is first mentioned in the very first Sharpe novel, 10869: 10445: 9633: 9629: 9203: 9011:, but is on hand to assist Lawford when the latter is seriously injured during the storming of 8457: 8410: 8394:), falsifies a second assault charge and murders Sharpe's friend and mentor Hector McCandless ( 8330: 8284: 3624:. He would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna but was he was never mentioned in 1012: 60: 19486: 15780:, falling for her charms, had promised her and her baggage train safe passage back to France. 15042:
When Sharpe afterwards came to seek out her brother, Lucille mistakenly shot him with a large
14135:. He was badly burned in a munitions accident, and wears a leather hood to conceal his scars. 12787:
but finds herself shunned by society since she is only Rossendale's mistress. She attends the
Lawford continues in that role until early 1812, when he is gravely wounded in the assault on
During the British assault on the city, Lawford and Sharpe escape and successfully detonate a
Knowles plays a significant role in the recovery of stolen Spanish gold behind enemy lines in
Harper's wife is called Ramona and their meeting during the sack of Badajoz is not depicted.)
Harper was among a small group of Riflemen trapped behind enemy lines and led an unsuccessful
18427: 18318: 18223: 18040: 17804: 17003:, including Hakeswill, from a remote mountain village. Hakeswill escapes and murders Teresa ( 16787: 16611: 16395: 16330: 15787:, her place being filled by a young nun known as "Lass." She did appear in the adaptation of 15388: 15086: 14337: 13884: 13839: 13657: 13541: 13297: 13241: 13207: 13091: 12254: 12089: 11999: 11084: 10507: 9697: 9268: 9246: 9008: 8686:
volunteered to join the army to escape encroaching industrialisation of his native Midlands.
8498: 8378:
Although Sharpe escapes with "only" 202 of the assigned 2000 lashes after an intervention by
8280: 7948: 6308: 4244: 2658: 2558: 2377: 2086:. He was calm and cool throughout, but admitted he'd never helped a human give birth before. 2038: 1031:. He is referred to as one of Sharpe's best marksmen along with Hagman, Thompson and Harris. 1008: 908: 413: 200: 16966:
The couple are separated for over a year, until Teresa finds Sharpe in the aftermath of the
is a creation of the show's writers, since that story was largely re-vamped from the novel.
At the end of the novel, when the South Essex is positioned on the British flank during the
2244:, recruited in the early years of the 19th century into the British Army and eventually the 17775: 16970:
and reveals that she has given birth to their daughter Antonia, in the French held city of
16743: 16735: 16703: 16607: 16411:, both Pohlmann and Captain Cromwell abscond with Sharpe's collection of jewels aboard the 15364:
sometime in the 1770s, of fairly humble background. How he became involved in the world of
14459: 14308: 14262: 14177: 13946: 13931: 13926: 13768: 13740: 13733: 13589: 12768: 12733: 12728:
Second Battalion. The battalion is being used for illegal soldier auctions by Jane's uncle
12725: 12606: 12458: 12405: 12392: 12352: 12331: 12268: 12190: 11973: 11865: 11484: 11252: 10928: 10924: 10908: 10557: 10519: 10441: 9738: 9671: 9459: 9347: 9238: 9059: 8963: 8613: 8509: 8437: 8418: 8379: 7905: 7879: 7802: 7581: 7506: 7487: 7214: 7209: 7124: 6750: 6634: 6407: 6102: 2731: 2707: 2402: 2360: 2058: 2054: 1996: 1916: 1427: 1024: 476: 421: 216: 173: 18717:
After the Royal Navy abandoned the Teste de Buche, Killick's crew worked on repairing the
17849:. Sharpe is detailed to rescue "Lady Farthingdale" when she is taken hostage by a gang of 16786:, as Harper becomes a horse trader. Ramona's final appearance comes during the opening of 15051:
and the two became lovers (leading to Sharpe's permanent estrangement from Frederickson).
arrangements used by the British in the field in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
8258:'s daughter. To protect the girl's reputation, he was charged and convicted of stealing a 7924:, when he returns to England seeking reinforcements for the Regiment's First Battalion in 5617:
Frederickson is a close and loyal ally of Sharpe until the fallout over the affections of
Waterloo. Either McDonald did not fight at Waterloo or he was killed prior to the battle.
and followed Sharpe during the Invasion of France, perhaps even up to the final battle of
while there with Sharpe attempting to locate Blas Vivar, the Spaniard who rescued them in
Rifleman Dodd is a quiet individual of Sharpe's chosen men, based on C.S Forester's novel
8: 18242: 16975: 16933: 16779: 16715: 16420: 16373: 16318: 16197: 15907:
In Summer 1812, Leroux was tasked by Napoleon to uncover the identity of the British spy
15753: 15612:, losing an eye during his service, albeit rising to the rank of Chasseur Colonel in the 15596: 15281: 15067: 14896: 14817: 14734: 14575: 14481: 14410: 13813: 13748: 13710: 13433: 12866: 12854: 12772: 12171: 11952: 11910:. Sharpe first meets him at the Officer's club in St Jean de la Luz during the events of 11853: 11592: 10702: 10663: 10597: 10533:. He is given a similar role to that in the book but he is shot and apparently killed by 10487: 10437: 10342: 10246: 10128: 9989: 9930: 9911: 9717: 9709: 9386: 9378: 9362: 9351: 9291:
and thrown into prison, where Lawford teaches Sharpe to read, using a single page of the
9016: 9000: 8971: 8910: 8520: 8502: 8475:
border, led by the Frenchman, Deron, aka "Marshal Pot-au-Feu". He is captured by the now
8395: 8329:
by brutalising the lower ranks and pandering to the whims and vanity of less experienced
8029: 7963: 7913: 7601: 7220: 6973: 6899: 6880: 6829: 6731: 5622: 5607: 5603: 5518: 4737: 4098:(who is also the actual 12th Earl of Portland, Viscount Woodstock and Baron Cirenceste). 3568: 3512: 3439: 3397: 3380: 3361: 2999: 2727: 2390: 1793: 1279: 1265: 1159: 1090: 1047: 435: 18402:, Father Curtis is in danger due to Colonel Philippe Leroux discovering his identity as 17880:. Several changes were made to her history which made her a more sympathetic character. 17746:
is to married a nobleman, Duarte, who has fled to South America in the aftermath of the
14272:, as a Colonel, Rossendale takes advantage of Sharpe's arrest for theft to embark on an 8974:, quickly recognising Sharpe's abilities as a soldier and adopting him as a role model. 5738:
only appeared in the television series and was not mentioned by Cornwell in the novels.
the TV series, Tongue was played by Paul Trussell, appearing in the first two episodes,
2331: 18592: 18573: 18485: 18431: 18192: 18110: 18024:
in March 1809, when both men are cut off from their respective armies – Sharpe and his
17946: 17869: 17808: 17767: 17545: 17532: 17449: 17436: 17390: 17261: 17179: 17167: 17014: 16755: 16691: 16560: 16478: 16466: 16377:, Pohlmann deserted the East India Company and joined the forces of the Maratha Prince 16182: 16070: 16055: 16043: 15973: 15939: 15760: 15666: 15601: 15482: 15475: 15412: 15384: 15262: 15204: 15074: 14685: 14548: 14532: 14390: 14353: 14315: 13880: 13755: 13691: 13513: 13498: 13195: 13174: 13141: 13122: 13076: 12899: 12815: 12811: 12793: 12634: 12501: 12365: 12276: 11364: 11345: 11189: 11134: 10976: 10916: 10767: 10659: 10511: 10419: 10311: 10203: 10097: 10032: 9881: 9880:. MacLaird wasn't mentioned in Sharpe's Enemy but appeared at the battle of Vitoria in 9873: 9787: 9753: 9749: 9701: 9580: 9552: 9343: 9325: 9254: 9250: 9039: 8993: 8986: 8870: 8805: 8766: 8722: 8709: 8678: 8547: 8543: 8173: 8096: 7967: 7589: 7577: 7353: 7232: 7105: 7078: 7024: 7011: 6847: 6662: 6577: 6510: 6156: 6089: 5633: 5369: 5274: 5207: 5188: 5158: 5144: 5056: 5027: 5023: 5011: 5007: 4954: 4941: 4907: 4802: 4798: 4724: 4690: 4674: 4455: 4441: 4388: 4375: 4341: 4327: 4187: 4011: 3855:
when Rifleman Skillicorn was accused by provosts of stealing a chicken. He appeared in
3747: 3735: 3625: 3621: 3555: 3525: 3508: 3496: 3492: 3426: 3389: 3342: 3335: 3269: 3235: 3231: 3219: 3154: 3111: 3099: 2995: 2991: 2970: 2909: 2857: 2845: 2788: 2692: 2638: 2504: 2500: 2492: 2467: 2398: 2381: 2348: 2253: 2171: 2065: 2023: 2008: 2000: 1897: 1850: 1846: 1780: 1739: 1673: 1634: 1622: 1618: 1565: 1552: 1504: 1500: 1374: 1275: 1270: 1201: 1188: 1155: 1154:
and also partook in Sharpe's Escape during the battle of Bussaco. Cresacre featured in
1147: 1016: 997: 858: 792: 737: 719: 657: 644: 465: 446: 417: 178: 154: 8318:
The hanging left him with a thick dark scar around his neck and uncontrollable facial
friends Williamson, Tarrant, Cresacre, Donnelly, Gataker and once upon a time Harper.
2646: 1991: 19490: 18843: 18684: 18631: 18423:
River, Curtis in turn forwarded the intelligence to Lord Wellington and Major Hogan.
18416: 18399: 18380: 18306: 18287: 18212: 18144: 18131: 18055: 18048: 17933: 17858: 17791: 17655: 17636: 17397: 17313: 17200: 17140: 17004: 16989: 16832: 16747: 16730:, just off the city quays. There, Harper engaged in the sale of stolen horses. After 16699: 16687: 16679: 16592: 16193: 16122: 15818: 15745: 15647: 15578: 15467: 15428: 15369: 15354: 15221: 15199: 15131: 15112: 15059: 15027: 14915: 14826: 14805: 14780: 14625: 14258: 14038: 14027: 14019: 13794: 13698: 13668: 13576: 13486: 13420: 13211: 13199: 13170: 13130: 13126: 13114: 13106: 13102: 13087: 13061: 12946: 12918: 12858: 12800: 12587: 12554: 12488: 12348: 12249: 11912: 11834: 11611: 11198: 11088: 10944: 10903: 10797: 10771: 10763: 10650: 10584: 10534: 10496: 10468: 10316: 10303: 10299: 10233: 10207: 10195: 10141: 10101: 10089: 10085: 10019: 9877: 9865: 9761: 9727: 9722: 9680: 9533: 9431: 9412: 9330: 9302:
built into the city walls, saving many British lives and ensuring a British victory.
9288: 9085: 9032: 8897: 8862: 8858: 8792: 8682: 8670: 8666: 8600: 8565: 8551: 8491: 8372: 8293: 8145: 8126: 8100: 8086: 8082: 8016: 7956: 7940: 7665: 7346: 7287: 7268: 6853: 6835: 6589: 6471: 6388: 6256: 6196: 6058: 5999: 5980: 5888: 5869: 5637: 5618: 5599: 5546: 5499: 5468: 5410: 5373: 5316: 5303: 5162: 5149: 5015: 4911: 4854: 4841: 4811: 4682: 4678: 4600: 4574:
In the novels, the role of Skillicorn stealing a chicken is given to Private Batten.
4464: 4460: 4446: 4337: 4225: 4195: 4191: 4134: 4121: 4084: 3756: 3752: 3739: 3731: 3678: 3665: 3638: 3520: 3516: 3500: 3385: 3376: 3282: 3239: 3223: 3215: 3141: 3103: 3003: 2983: 2978: 2974: 2896: 2866: 2862: 2849: 2841: 2775: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2666: 2482: 2449: 2365: 2339: 2335: 2143: 2042: 2030: 2016: 1867: 1863: 1854: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1686: 1643: 1639: 1626: 1511:
him again; so few of the old battalion still lived, so many had died at New Orleans.
1378: 1321: 1308: 1143: 1077: 1004: 852: 846: 779: 749: 743: 726: 472: 442: 438:. Unlike many of the officers with whom he serves, Sharpe is an experienced soldier. 393: 261: 242: 18222:
After her parents' death from disease she married sergeant Jem Bickerstaff from the
Vicente is a studious and idealistic young man, who prior to the French invasion of
Loup was described in the novels as dressing all in gray with wolf-hair trim on his
Little is known of Morris's subsequent career, until 1812, when Hakeswill joins the
11442:. Trumper-Jones acts as Sharpe's legal representative when he is accused of murder. 8386:
against him for the next three years, during which he betrays Sharpe and Lawford to
He was eventually promoted to sergeant but was killed alongside his friend Sergeant
18847: 18832: 18766: 18756: 18688: 18643: 18503: 18387:, as well as Professor of Astronomy and Natural History. He served as spymaster of 18216: 18032:
Vicente with a handful of men from the Portuguese 18th (2nd Oporto) Line Infantry.
17958: 17903: 17673: 17610: 17557: 17506: 17461: 17331: 17190: 17129: 17118: 17069: 17057: 17044: 16929: 16850: 16695: 16622: 16489: 16435: 16382: 16288: 16280: 16239: 16227: 16134: 15991: 15836: 15772: 15678: 15535: 15299: 15142: 14933: 14840:
By 1820, after Napoleon's defeat and final exile, Calvet was reported as living in
soldier and statesman who was one of the leading military and political figures of
14195: 13876: 13722: 13646: 13601: 13490: 13445: 13348: 13254: 12999: 12936: 12624: 12513: 12462: 12417: 12340: 12323: 12299: 12102: 12012: 11939: 11753: 11629: 11502: 11382: 11270: 11146: 11014: 10969: 10844: 10834: 10714: 10609: 10415: 10363: 10258: 10153: 10044: 9948: 9824: 9625: 9570: 9449: 9314: 9237:
and is able, with the help of his maternal uncle, Hector McCandless, to purchase a
9207: 9121: 8922: 8817: 8625: 8562: 8536: 8304: 8240: 8163: 8041: 7820: 7742: 7683: 7584:
in the peace of 1814–1815, which he subsequently commands during the engagement at
7524: 7412: 7305: 7142: 7036: 6917: 6857:. In the novels, he is killed at the Battle of Waterloo alongside Rifleman Hagman. 6768: 6652: 6583: 6535: 6523: 6477: 6419: 6208: 6114: 6017: 5906: 5791: 5698: 5688: 5536: 5422: 5328: 5225: 5093: 4966: 4866: 4749: 4694: 4625: 4613: 4519: 4400: 4323: 4262: 4146: 4080: 4029: 3992: 3908: 3811: 3690: 3580: 3451: 3294: 3166: 3106:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but also was not mentioned in 3058: 2994:
where it is mentioned that Sharpe only has 18 riflemen left. Hine was mentioned in
2986:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but also was not mentioned in 2921: 2800: 2699: 2627: 2576: 2539: 2437: 2376:
Among the exploits he shares with Sharpe, Harper is credited with the capture of a
2315: 2161: 2124: 1934: 1805: 1698: 1577: 1496: 1445: 1408: 1333: 1258: 1213: 1102: 989: 926: 889: 804: 669: 536: 279: 212: 195: 183: 158: 113: 19474: 18846:, when he meets with Lord Pumphrey once more, claiming both died of contagion. In 18705:
While transporting a cargo of French cannon for the United States Army during the
16774:, Ramona helps nurse a wounded Sharpe back to health, and with the help of Father 15486: 15380:
of the revolutionary period. Following this he came into the service of the young
15373: 15309: 13760: 9354:
attempts to flee the field, thus once again becoming Sharpe's commanding officer.
8188: 5466:. He was burlier than his senior, Captain Frederickson, but lacked confidence. In 2373:
with great courage, a ferocious and adept soldier and natural leader of infantry.
Harper got his first taste of battle when, in 1806, he was part of the disastrous
2057:). After the Battle he is buried by Harper and Sharpe along with Sharpe's rifle ( 18231: 17910:
with LaCosta in the novel, he does sleep with Isabella Farthingdale in the film.
17771: 16431:
under the command of Captain Joel Chase, and Pohlmann is killed by a cannonball.
15927: 15756:, La Marquesa is allowed to leave Salamanca in the interest of avoiding scandal. 15567:
is Richard Sharpe and Lucille Castineau's son, born in 1814. He first appears in
14845: 14809: 14559: 14477: 14000: 13996: 13215: 13160: 13030: 13010: 12862: 12729: 12650: 11068: 10980: 10530: 10374: 9685: 9652: 9218: 9135: 8989: 7936: 7901: 7890: 7734: 7242: 7152: 2669:, written after the television adaptations, where Harris tells Sharpe he is from 1515: 1455: 166: 17865:
her secret and the destruction of her financial future, Sharpe remains unmoved.
17341: 16766:, she and Harper are already expecting their first child. That child is born in 15078: 14943: 13497:
who served with the King's Scotch Brigade McCandless had to accept a job in the
in 1809, and thereafter appears to head the British intelligence network in the
18079: 18063: 17795: 17018: 16993: 16860: 16499: 16378: 15582: 15581:. He is named for Lucille's murdered brother, Henri, and Sharpe's best friend, 15431:). In 1813 Ducos finally captures Sharpe and tortures him, destroying Sharpe's 15420: 15400: 15055: 14402: 14364: 14291:
campaign, Rossendale satisfies his desire to see active service by joining the
14265:, providing support and guidance through the social pitfalls of Court circles. 14209: 13184: 12763: 12284: 11060: 10936: 10879: 10758:
when Sharpe's riflemen were attach to the light company of the South Essex. In
9641: 9222: 9200: 9004: 8558:) - whom Sharpe initially distrusts but eventually proves to be a useful ally. 8251: 8224: 7932: 7746: 7361: 5372:
though he was not mentioned in the novel. Rifleman Williamson was mentioned in
where he was almost put under arrest for looking at Captain Slingsby funny. In
Miranda (lover and possible future wife) (Alive: novels) (television: deceased)
2674: 2474: 2370: 2327: 2280: 2241: 2234: 1028: 428: 397: 384: 19475:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA 3.0) license
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 434-435.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 385-386.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 143-144.
18442:, close to the Pyrenees. He assists Sergeant Harper, Ramona, and a young mute 11438:
in the South Essex. He is one of the handful of officers who sides with Major
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
though he was not mentioned in the novel. Rifleman Pendleton was mentioned in
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
Harper protects Isabella, a young Spanish girl, through the horrific hours of
2424: 1738:
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
is one of the original riflemen who was involved in the retreat to Corunna in
730:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but was not mentioned in 19700: 19309:
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 359-360.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 222-223.
17885: 17829: 16952: 16074: 16001: 15617: 15377: 15152: 14864: 14756: 14372: 14292: 14273: 14004: 13945:
after years as a staff officer, consisting of two English Battalions and one
13764: 13744: 13718: 13118: 12850:
when he challenges Colonel Wigram to a duel after the Colonel insulted Jane.
12347:. There he makes plans to usurp power from his Indian employers. He welcomes 12263: 12259: 12208: 11927: 11639: 11202: 10542: 10306:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 10198:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 10092:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 9868:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 9321: 9020: 8865:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 8673:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 8449: 8263: 8247: 8089:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 7897: 7597: 6839:. He also participates in the destruction of Almeida but is not mentioned in 4677:
though he was not mentioned in the novel. Rifleman Slattery was mentioned in
3742:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 3503:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 3226:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 2688: 2512:
In the Sharpe novels, Harper's middle name is given as Augustine. But in the
1857:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 1746:
he was asked to keep reloading for Hagman. Rifleman Gataker was mentioned in
1629:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida but wasn't mentioned in 352: 19447:
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 16-17.
Cornwell, B. 2006: Sharpe's Fury. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 398-399.
Cornwell, B. 2006: Sharpe's Fury. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 347-348.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Gold. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 197-198.
16992:, who plans to rape and murder Teresa. Sharpe and his close friend Sergeant 13921:
Nairn has something of a friendship with Sharpe and meets with him again in
9253:, it is probable that Lawford joins the regiment, then under the command of 8383: 5280:
In the television adaption Sergeant Williams was played by Richard Ireson.
though he was not mentioned in the novel. Rifleman Tarrant was mentioned in
He served a chief midwife for Ramona when she gave birth to Harper's son in
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 40-41.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 46-47.
18075: 16739: 15350: 15063: 15036: 14887:
Lucille Castineau, nee Lassan (novels), Lucille Castineau, nee Maillot (TV)
14830: 14288: 14277: 14023: 13529: 13188: 13187:, Hogan does not wear his pride on his sleeve, nor does he demonstrate any 13167: 13153: 13083: 12700: 12307: 11007: 10912: 9637: 9283: 8476: 8426: 8345: 8279:
scaffold "for his mother's sake". Hakeswill fled south and enlisted in the
7975: 7917: 7896:. While on patrol he became lost and was ambushed. The court of inquiry at 7757: 7750: 7693: 7604:
saves the regiment from the twin threats of the incompetent command of the
6484: 6429: 4095: 4039: 2650: 2586: 2428: 2413: 357: 162: 19372:
Cornwell, B. 1982: Sharpe's Company. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 283.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Gold. Great Britain: HarperCollins, pp. 58-59.
Cornwell, B. 1982: Sharpe's Company. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 273.
18071: 16762:, played by Colombian actress Diana Perez. In her first appearance during 15935:
Klingenthal saber as his own, along with Leroux's green cavalry overalls.
in 1808 following the British capture of the Portuguese capital after the
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 161.
Cornwell, B. 1988: Sharpe's Rifles. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 148.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 156.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 386.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 334.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 411.
Cornwell, B. 1988: Sharpe's Rifles. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 127.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 349.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 105.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 344.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 158.
18706: 18600: 18561:
was the Colonel of the Real Compañía Irlandesa. His mother had supported
18407: 18099: 18083: 17842: 15897: 15792: 15688: 15609: 15043: 15023: 14319: 14089: 13925:
to inform him that a request for reinforcements has been refused and the
13706: 13679: 13517: 12319: 11932: 11923: 11194: 10998: 9339: 9272: 9047: 8387: 8312: 8275: 7585: 5626: 2745: 2662: 2296: 2245: 1518:, who would go on to also play the Prince of Wales in Sharpe's Regiment. 856:. He also participated in the destruction of Almeida and also partook in 454: 409: 19691: 19456:
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 10.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 169.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 167.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 206.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 305.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 204.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 107.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 53.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 229.
Cornwell, B. 1988: Sharpe's Rifles. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 34.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 187.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 292.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 30.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 277.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 156.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 126.
Cornwell, B. 1988: Sharpe's Rifles. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 25.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 176.
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 76.
Cornwell, B. 1995: Sharpe's Battle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 25.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 154.
Cornwell, B. 1988: Sharpe's Rifles. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 81.
This is fully vindicated the following year, when both men fight at the
Morris makes one final appearance during the assault on the fortress at
in which Sharpe is alarmed to discover she has been visiting his friend
12565:"Jane Sharpe" redirects here. For the 17th century English midwife, see 11880:
Captain of HMS Vengeance (Novels) Expeditionary force commander (Series)
10444:, serving as Sharpe's second-in-command in the light company, replacing 8515:
Harper shooting him through a window in Badajoz, with a seven-barrelled
is a Spanish boy who acts as Sharpe's guide on his dangerous mission in
5640:. Instead of leaving Sharpe, he forgives him at the end of the episode. 4571:. Skillicorn was born in Liverpool and had a distinctive scouse accent. 19408:
Cornwell, B. 2004: Sharpe's Escape. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 7.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 17.
Cornwell, B. 2006: Sharpe's Fury. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 171.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 41.
Cornwell, B. 2006: Sharpe's Fury. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 400.
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Eagle. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 47.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 18.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 25.
Cornwell, B. 2003: Sharpe's Havoc. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 58.
18825: 18588: 18577: 18562: 18513: 18029: 17760: 17122: 15594:
The adult Henri-Patrick is a recurring character in Bernard Cornwell's
15471: 15424: 15357:
is Sharpe's most bitter and persistent enemy through the later novels.
15216: 13913:. He informs Sharpe that he has been promoted to major on the order of 13894:, where he orchestrates the assault on the fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo. 13672: 13650: 13501:
due to lack of funds for his promotion. After commanding battalions of
13069: 13026: 12566: 12339:
and has been promoted to colonel. Once again he survives defeat at the
11957: 11435: 10987: 10892: 10449: 9335: 9242: 9226: 8959: 8574: 6778: 5595: 1995:
He has "a face like a grave-digger, hair down to his shoulder blades" (
19470: 19390:
Cornwell, B. 1981: Sharpe's Gold. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 59.
Cornwell, B. 2006: Sharpe's Fury. Great Britain: HarperCollins, p. 47.
18576:, Lord Kiely and the Real Compañía Irlandesa, made up of fellow Irish 15081:. Since her brother's original actor was unable for the adaptation of 15046:, wounding Sharpe. Realising her mistake, she took him and his friend 14041:. As with Hogan, his absence from subsequent series is not explained. 8483:
Hakeswill is finally executed by firing squad, while Sharpe looks on.
is a British Army Officer in the South Essex as a Lieutenant, and Sir
but he wasn't mentioned. Latimer went on to fight alongside Sharpe in
2053:"Bugger them surgeons, Mr Sharpe." Hagman then dies in Sharpe's arms ( 1621:
however he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna in
and was one of the original men of Major Dunnett participating in the
18722: 18443: 18106: 17854: 17850: 17828:. He is happy to buy her services, despite his growing attachment to 17825: 17718: 17000: 16948: 16707: 15912: 15432: 15416: 15365: 14841: 13949:. He has Sharpe assigned to him as his chief of staff and also makes 13729: 13661: 13549: 13494: 13053: 12819: 12344: 12311: 12295: 11052: 11013:
In the first run of the television adaptations, Simmerson, played by
10932: 10506:, he is still with the regiment and, after they suffer casualties at 10460: 9299: 9230: 8569: 8555: 8468: 8414: 8403: 8363:, Hakeswill torments Sharpe, until in 1799 he conspires with Captain 8349: 8271: 7971: 7573: 3755:
but he wasn't mentioned. McNeill went onto fight alongside Sharpe in
2670: 2634:
series of novels, an alcoholic scholar who enlisted because of debt.
2420: 2069: 1944: 1503:
as Richard Sharpe's commanding officer. On the retreat to Corunna in
289: 205: 187: 18599:, Kiely has a wife - Lady Lucy Kiely - portrayed by British actress 13068:
in mapping the Portuguese border and it is here that he first meets
Cornwell uses this backstory, adding the desertion of Dodd's entire
Lawford is the South Essex's second Commanding Officer, preceded by
Rifleman Nicholas Hine never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
but he wasn't mentioned. Harvey went onto fight alongside Sharpe in
but he wasn't mentioned. Green went on to fight alongside Sharpe in
The character of Dunnett did not reappear in the film adaptation of
609:, but was seen only at the start and end. Bradshaw also appeared in 18805: 18696: 18459: 18036: 18025: 17997: 17907: 17888: 17846: 17707: 16986: 16956: 16731: 16078: 15943: 15893: 15574: 15459: 15404: 15015: 14544: 14330: 14299:, who had conducted a similarly adulterous affair with the wife of 14284: 13687: 13665: 13181: 13149: 13045: 13018: 10957: 10463:. He is involved in the action on the Portuguese/Spanish border in 9712:), but recovers to take command of the regiment after the death of 9648: 9306: 9276: 9028: 8982: 8516: 8472: 8445: 8407: 8356: 8326: 7952: 7944: 7609: 2642: 2432: 2356: 2323: 2302: 2284: 2276: 2258: 1979: 1975: 985:
column to shoot a rabbit for supper, or to eye up any pretty lady.
17133: 16928:(died 27 December 1813) is a fictional character in the novels of 15419:, as the latter thwarts several plans to change the course of the 11051:
he has renounced his military rank in favour of being a political
scheme. Girdwood is also betrothed to Simmerson's orphaned niece,
but he wasn't mentioned. Sims went onto fight alongside Sharpe in
but he would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna in
but he wasn't mentioned. Finn went onto fight alongside Sharpe in
18059: 16982: 16971: 16050: 15783:
Helene's character did not appear in the TV series adaptation of
15396: 15381: 14551:
in 1815 puts him in the first rank of Britain's military heroes.
14383: 14379: 14008: 13942: 13534: 13041: 13022: 12961:
Captain (to 1809); Major (1809-c 1814); Lieutenant Colonel (1814)
12839: 12780: 11931:
manage to take the fort via a ruse, while Captain Frederickson's
8966:. He is one of the handful of officers who sides with Lieutenant 8399: 8368: 8334: 8267: 8198: 7886: 7218:, helping Sharpe find the missing Second Battalion, and again in 5473: 5380:
Rifleman Williamson never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
2460: 416:. He is gradually promoted through the ranks, finally becoming a 19465: 15415:
and in the following months Ducos comes to regard Sharpe as his
14318:, is also serving with the Allied army, as staff officer to the 13984:
in the novels – the chief of Wellington's espionage operations.
10972:(presented by the king and representing the regiment's honour). 9704:
in 1809. (Sharpe's Eagle), is severely injured in the breach at
Rifleman McDonald is not to be confused with Ensign McDonald in
2734:. He does not appear at Waterloo and is absent from the battle. 2283:
in 1784, one of many children born into a farming family in the
204:, a two-part adventure loosely based on his time in India, with 18235: 17821: 17790:
to pay for her room and board. Gibbons, smarting over Sharpe's
17747: 16727: 16719: 15892:
was an officer in the French Imperial Guard, tasked by Emperor
15764: 15448: 15361: 14834: 14341: 13910: 13754:
Morris, now a Major, is drafted into the South Essex after the
13697:, prevents the flogging being carried beyond the 200th stroke ( 13095: 13057: 12737: 12315: 11037:
remain faithful to the novel versions, while his appearance in
10418:. Characters named Harry Price appeared in two episodes of the 9663: 9234: 8255: 7225: 6064: 5033:
Rifleman Thompson never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
Rifleman Slattery never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
but would have accompanied Sharpe in the retreat to Corunna in
2409: 2343: 17845:
of Lt. Colonel Sir Augustus Farthingdale, a prominent British
9023:, who is trapped with her young child in the besieged city of 8554:
that he has a son - Corporal Barabbus Hakeswill (portrayed by
Rifleman Tarrant never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
Rifleman Pendleton never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
Rifleman McNeill never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
Sergeant Latimer never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
Rifleman Horrell never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
described as a good man, a sturdy labourer from the Midlands.
He is discharged from the army in 1814, but is present at the
though he was not mentioned in the novel. He was mentioned in
18447: 18420: 18227: 18102:, with which he has become expert after assiduous practice. 15452: 15408: 15019: 14349: 14345: 13506: 13502: 13145: 13049: 12741: 12291: 10964: 10492: 9292: 8874:
was described as a small man who had lost most of his teeth.
8461: 8360: 8259: 7925: 7909: 6057:
is an American rifleman from Tennessee. During the events of
2487: 2419:
Despite his ferocity in battle, where he seems to embody the
Rifleman Donnelly never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
Rifleman Cresacre never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
Ducos' exact origins are unclear. It appears he was born in
and his handful of men during the siege at Teste de Buch in
14280:, while also laying waste to Sharpe's considerable fortune. 13999:
during the attack. Like Hogan, this Nairn is a major in the
unit and Hogan's role is a good illustration of the sort of
British Naval Officer (Novels) British Army officer (Series)
Rifleman Smith never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
4087:, it was Harper who found and modified a replacement blade. 2998:
where he was involved in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro. In
as a horse dealer (many of which are stolen) and owner of a
Rifleman Gataker never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
18249: 17799: 17779: 16042:
was the commander of the Brigade Loup during the events of
long after it has been abandoned by his fellow countrymen (
12357: 11072: 9369: 8432:
Hakeswill reappears in Sharpe's life in 1812, in the novel
8319: 4471:
Rifleman Sims never appeared in the TV series adaptations.
Rifleman Harvey never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
2456: 866:
Rifleman Carter never appeared in the TV series adaptions.
in nursing Sharpe back to health, and gives Harper an old
18391:'s intelligence network in Spain, gaining the codename of 16738:, Harper planned to leave once more to sell horses to the 16584:
Isabella Harper (novels), Ramona Harper, née Gonzalez (TV)
in the United States rather than remain in France under a
and informs Sharpe that Morris is part of the garrison of
in 1799, Morris conspires with Hakeswill to frame private
9662:. As Leroy's family support the Crown, they fled first to 1874:
Rifleman Green never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
LaCosta does not appear in the television adaptations of
11207: 11064: 10960:
in favouring his nephew, Christian Gibbons, as his aide.
7979: 3403:
Parry Jenkins never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
in 1815. In the books, Harris is absent from the battle.
Rifleman Finn never appeared in the TV Series adaptions.
16718:, Harper set up Isabella and baby Richard in a house in 14808:, after Sharpe used such desperate measures as dropping 7878:
is a British Army officer, the nominal commander of the
4326:. Rifleman Ben Perkins also appeared in episodes of the 1268:
fictional character, Dodd fights along with Sharpe from
194:. The series originally ran from 1993 to 1997. In 2006, 19420: 18058:, and are again cut off together behind enemy lines in 15585:. He later appears as a boy of five in the prologue of 14512:
Commander of the British and Portuguese forces in Spain
to discuss the wounding of Sharpe's commanding officer
12062:, in which he captured a French frigate. His ship, HMS 9361:, loses his left arm and is invalided back to Britain ( 9305:
As a result of this both men are promoted, Sharpe as a
Sharpe and sells him to a corrupt merchant and finally
is a fictional character who appears in several of the
Chosen Man & Sergeant Major (highest rank achieved)
is a fictional character who appears in several of the
alongside Harper, and Harris. He made an appearance in
and discovers she has set herself up in business as a
the next day, Sharpe corners Rossendale, destroys his
9317:, but he returns at some point in the next six years. 8508:
Throwing him into a pit inhabited by venomous snakes (
2427:, Harper is a kind and gentle man, with a passion for 16678:
was the Spanish wife of Patrick Harper, described in
and the Terror that followed it. He was a protégé of
13991:, where he approaches Sharpe in the aftermath of the 13871:(first name unknown) is a fictional character in the 12747:
Jane plays only a small role in the following novel,
know that Hakeswill died after a fair legal process.
flogged and demoted and disarming Sharpe's remaining
and a troublemaker alongside his friend Ned Tarrant.
during the battle of Bussaco. Thompson was killed in
3515:). He went on to fight in the Battle of Salamanca in 2346:
against the only surviving officer – Richard Sharpe (
18458:, who did indeed serve as spymaster in Spain. After 17891:
on Simmerson's staff and another honorable soldier.
In 1814, with acute foresight Ducos anticipates the
On the eve of the regiment's deployment against the
After General Harris and General Baird send Private
12762:, sees a major change in Jane's character. With the 11059:). Simmerson takes a licentious interest in "Lass" ( 7974:
with hot pitch. He harbours irrational fears of the
as he was shown as killed in the action depicted in
Sharpe's Revenge, Sharpe's Waterloo, Sharpe's Devil
16682:as small and plump. During the chaos following the 16403:, commanded by Captain Peculiar Cromwell. When the 13941:in 1814, Nairn has finally been given command of a 13656:Morris is a lazy, venal and corrupt Captain in the 10766:. He also participated in the battle of Bussaco in 9027:. Subsequently, Knowles takes part in a successful 2601:
Chosen Man & Sergeant ( highest rank achieved )
2435:, given to him by Sharpe as a "Christmas present" ( 2022:While the company was under siege at San Isidro in 756:Cameron never appeared in the TV series adaptions. 19141:"Book Review: Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe's Company" 16062:blows up the fort's ammunition wagons. During the 15719:Luis, Marques de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba 15608:, he would go on to serve in both Austria and the 13901:, where he is in command of the British forces in 10548:However, a character named Harry Price appears in 10545:, a fate that befell Captain Knowles in the book. 9271:for the company, is captured by the forces of the 8497:Ordering an elephant trained as an executioner to 7619:In the television adaptation, he was portrayed by 3642:. He never appeared in the TV series adaptations. 3379:where he had a minor role but participated in the 3234:during the battle of Bussaco. Horrell featured in 2448:as a result of the machinations of Sharpe's enemy 441:Sharpe is described as "brilliant but wayward" in 18082:regiment (deliberately modeled after the British 17121:as a leader of a group of Spanish partisans near 15458:Ducos is described as short, his face scarred by 13109:, retrieving treasure vital to the war effort in 13037:in 1808, despite his long service and abilities. 12461:. As a lieutenant he was an aide attached to the 10455:Price has minor roles in the next few novels. In 2722:. He most likely fought with Sharpe at the final 1967:Chosen Man & Sergeant (highest rank achieved) 464:Sharpe's first command happened by misfortune in 19698: 18177:Sergeant Jem Bickerstaff (Deceased) Kunwar Singh 15703:La Marquesa de Casares el Grande y Melida Sadaba 15203:, Sergeant Deron serves as head chef to Marshal 14974:Comte de Lassan (father), Henri Lassan (brother) 14112:British Exploring Officer, Demolition Specialist 13002:, loosely based on the career of the historical 9328:and transfers to Wellesley's staff in Portugal ( 8421:. After Gawilghur was captured by Major General 8311:also hints that Hakeswill's mother was actually 6348:is the commanding officer of the South Essex in 14129:specialises in demolitions and appears only in 13879:. He was a regular on the second series of the 12144:served under Joel Chase who was Captain of HMS 9730:in 1813, leading the assault on the village of 9510:In the television adaption Lennox was a Major. 8429:, the result of which stained his skin yellow. 2384:in 1809 and storming of one of the breaches at 1514:In the television series Dunnett was played by 17906:. Ironically, although Sharpe does not commit 16436:a real-life historical figure of the same name 15058:), who was still an infant at the time of the 13713:). This plot is foiled when Sharpe is given a 13090:. This was at a time when there was no formal 12275:The real William Dodd was a lieutenant in the 10428:Price makes his first appearance in the novel 8490:Confining him in a courtyard with six tigers ( 374:Patrick-Henri Lassan (with Lucille Castineau) 19469:Some content in this article was copied from 17605:is a fictional character who features in the 17501:is a fictional character who features in the 13509:then most going on many mapping expeditions. 13075:, who is to become his friend and colleague ( 11922:to be used as a boat bridge for crossing the 10943:. He is also a distant cousin of General Sir 10923:briefly sketches Simmerson's background as a 10478:He is given a larger role in the next novel, 6483:In the television series, he is portrayed by 5383: 3110:and also partook in the battle of Bussaco in 2477:, his native tongue, in addition to English. 17257:thick beard that obscured most of his face. 16192:Lossow would re-appear during the events of 15577:while waiting for Sharpe to return from the 13686:for assault, leading to a sentence of 2,000 13671:to run the company and is easily drawn into 13105:, capturing a renegade exploring officer in 10990:, and becomes "Commissioner of the Excise". 9888:. Sharpe promoted Harper to take his place. 8452:and plots to assault her during the sack of 6065:South Essex (Prince of Wales Own Volunteers) 408:but is then transferred to the newly formed 15395:Spanish commander of the strategic city of 14812:on to the attacking forces to blind them. 14378:Rossendale is pursued by a group of French 9334:). There he is reunited with Sharpe, now a 9320:In 1809 Lawford is part of the garrison of 8546:, Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill was played by 7241:, where he was portrayed by the uncredited 2326:and fought in the opening campaigns of the 1282:he does find his way back to the regiment. 18587:Lord Kiely was portrayed by English actor 15573:as an infant, whom Lucille has brought to 14821:while leading a counter attack during the 12343:and withdraws to the mountain fortress of 8448:. He also attempts to rape Sharpe's wife, 7756:In the television series, he is played by 1034:In the TV Series adaption he is played by 621:and participated in the Battle of France. 18824:was a widow who lived with her father in 18098:usually carried by light infantry, and a 14375:, the British take appalling casualties. 13056:, before joining the British garrison in 12771:. The affair is discovered by Harper and 8340:In the early 1790s he recruits the young 2423:energy of legendary Irish heroes such as 2309:and the following year saw action at the 376:Dominique Lassan (with Lucille Castineau) 138:Learn how and when to remove this message 79:Learn how and when to remove this message 19682: 19673: 19664: 19655: 19646: 19637: 19628: 19619: 19610: 19601: 19592: 19583: 19574: 19565: 19556: 19547: 19538: 19529: 19520: 19511: 19502: 19480: 19426: 18426:Father Curtis was played by Irish actor 18191:Vincente does not feature in any of the 16778:, finally ties the knot with Harper. In 15926:, Leroux sought sanctuary in the French 14528:Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington 13548:After Sharpe and Lawford are exposed as 13140:In 1814, in the last months of the war, 11325: 9389:and succeeded by Colonel Brian Windham. 8436:, as a sergeant in the new draft of the 7224:, finding and talking to Jane Sharpe in 3002:Sharpe has 11 surviving riflemen and in 2408:He enjoys a successful second career in 42:This article includes a list of general 16955:"La Aguja", or "The Needle", after the 15492: 15478:it is said that he visits prostitutes. 14695: 14138: 13964:Nairn appears in all three episodes of 13897:He makes his first major appearance in 12649:Christian Gibbons (brother, deceased), 12318:". Dodd escapes the British capture of 10436:, a novel written after but set before 9054:the character is combined with that of 8981:and is shortly afterwards appointed as 7920:. The scheme is discovered in 1813 by, 7763: 5479: 4336:Rifleman Ben Perkins first appeared in 2973:. Rifleman Hine was first mentioned in 1057: 988:In the novels Cooper first appeared in 14: 19699: 19260: 19258: 18078:in the Portuguese Army's newly formed 16073:, Loup was portrayed by English actor 15591:, taking place in the summer of 1819. 14993:Patrick-Henri Lassan, Dominique Lassan 14224:Lord, Captain, Colonel (military rank) 10777: 2740:The character was named in tribute to 2516:TV series, it was changed to Michael. 2444:Harper is flogged during the siege of 215:and the television series directed by 19692: 19126: 19124: 19105: 19103: 19075: 19073: 19071: 19052: 19050: 19048: 19046: 19044: 19016: 19014: 19012: 16959:knife which is her weapon of choice. 16746:, and apart from another escapade in 15727:French (Novels) Anglo-French (Series) 14586: 14333:, where Sharpe humiliates his rival. 13725:and placed out of Hakeswill's power. 12306:. He is rewarded with a promotion to 11101: 9249:. As McCandless is an officer in the 7908:, a cover for an extensive financial 7572:is not a military man, but a wealthy 2034:when the good Lord gave you fingers. 1023:and went to appear in the last novel 18939: 18937: 18927: 18925: 18915: 18913: 18911: 18901: 18899: 18897: 18895: 18893: 18874: 18872: 18611: 17798:, attempts to provoke Sharpe into a 16407:is attacked by the French 74-gunner 14876: 14044: 13400: 12272:as the actual historical character. 11067:under Sharpe's protection, rendered 9756:. The character appears only in the 9376:). He is mentioned by D'Alembord in 8992:, the South Essex's senior officer ( 8106: 7626: 7248: 4079:of the 95th Rifles first appears in 2750:The Recollections of Rifleman Harris 2665:. This is contradicted in the novel 2649:or lance corporals and is played by 2240:is a large, fierce-seeming man from 1274:until being promoted to Corporal in 1042:and goes to fight with Sharpe until 112:In particular, it has problems with 90: 28: 19255: 18737: 18203: 17872:, Josefina LaCosta appears only in 17616: 16298: 15026:. Her father was killed during the 14815:They encounter each other again in 11814: 11206:getting drunk on duty with hoarded 10525:Price appears in the TV adaptation 9891: 8216:Barabbas Hakeswill (TV series only) 7085: 3121: 24: 19121: 19100: 19068: 19041: 19009: 18230:after the regiment transferred to 16573: 15798: 15791:, played by South African actress 14656:Commander of France's armed Forces 14420: 14367:. Rossendale fights well, but the 13761:cowardice in the face of the enemy 12792:the news of Rossendale's death at 11183:Lieutenant (later brevet Captain) 9862:Regimental Sergeant Major MacLaird 9065: 9042:of the Sharpe series; his role in 8382:, Hakeswill continues to pursue a 7970:, to the extent of stiffening his 5283: 4580: 2322:In 1808 the Rifles were posted to 48:it lacks sufficient corresponding 25: 19718: 18934: 18922: 18908: 18890: 18869: 18837:British bombardment of Copenhagen 18666:American Naval Officer, Privateer 17274: 16758:, Isabella's name was changed to 16434:Anthony Pohlmann was inspired by 15950:made his final push into France. 14958:Madame la Vicomtesse de Seleglise 13556: 12468: 11963:In the television series episode 11445: 10440:). He is a new lieutenant in the 10432:(although he has a small role in 8877: 6595: 2104: 1388: 869: 320:Lieutenant Colonel (highest rank) 222: 19464: 18438:, Father Curtis is stationed at 18267: 17913: 16793: 15627: 15606:Pattern 1796 heavy cavalry sword 13641:is a fictional character in the 12994:is a fictional character in the 12879: 12753:Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Hogan 12553:(Tom Garrard) first appeared in 12372: 12298:commander of the Mahratta army, 12294:company. Dodd is charged by the 12069: 11572: 11428:Lieutenant Michael Trumper-Jones 10515: 10514:, the most senior officer after 10410:is a fictional character in the 9620:is a fictional character in the 9346:Lawford is given command of the 9282:The pair infiltrate the city of 9267:When McCandless, who acts as an 7885:Girdwood served as a Captain in 6979:In the television adaptation of 5960: 5036: 4318:is a fictional character in the 3372:. Jenkins survived the assault. 3249: 2876: 1877: 1288: 1228:Corporal (highest rank achieved) 451:1796 pattern heavy cavalry sword 392:Richard Sharpe first appears in 95: 33: 19450: 19441: 19432: 19411: 19402: 19393: 19384: 19375: 19366: 19357: 19348: 19339: 19330: 19321: 19312: 19303: 19294: 19285: 19276: 19267: 19246: 19237: 19228: 19219: 19210: 19201: 19192: 19183: 19174: 19165: 19156: 19147: 19133: 19112: 19091: 19082: 19059: 19032: 19023: 19000: 18991: 18982: 18973: 18964: 17981:Portuguese Army Officer, Lawyer 17841:, taking place in 1812, as the 17267:In the TV series adaptation of 16750:, remained together in Dublin. 16446: 15242: 15233:In the TV-series adaptation of 15189:Sergeant Deron, later known as 14283:In June 1815, at the outset of 13675:and other abuses of authority. 12779:Jane accompanies Rossendale to 12560: 12151: 10947:and thus has some influence at 10907:, as commanding officer of the 10482:, where he accompanies Sharpe, 9618:Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Leroy 9513: 9474:Captain (Novels) Major (Series) 9038:Knowles does not appear in the 6860: 3863: 2726:, and may still be alive as of 2307:attempt to capture Buenos Aires 1168: 1000:and on the retreat to Corunna. 461:he has also acquired a pistol. 208:continuing his role as Sharpe. 19473:, which is licensed under the 18955: 18946: 18881: 18860: 17387:Captain-General Don Blas Vivar 17147: 17024: 14578:in all appearances afterward. 14393:, Rossendale was portrayed by 13221: 13166:Hogan is clearly proud of his 10425:, played by different actors. 10322: 8769:getting shot in the forehead. 7955:, Girdwood suffers a complete 7582:Prince of Wales Own Volunteers 7576:who purchases a commission as 7570:Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Ford 7467: 6490: 4821: 4205: 3972: 2626:is a fictional character from 1495:of the 95th Rifles appears in 486: 412:as a second lieutenant during 104:This article needs editing to 13: 1: 19485:, UK: HarperCollins, p.  18853: 18465: 18454:Father Curtis was based on a 17411: 15092: 14982:Xavier Castineau (deceased), 14314:Unfortunately, Sharpe, now a 13144:Hogan is fatally stricken by 12314:, which he christens "Dodd's 12223:Major (highest rank achieved) 11979: 8325:Hakeswill gains promotion to 7996: 7175:Major (highest rank achieved) 6368: 5636:, Frederickson was played by 4474: 2730:, though Harris is absent in 2480:Five years after Waterloo in 1140:Rifleman Christopher Cresacre 372:Antonia (with Teresa Moreno) 176:filmed the television series 18695:, and captains the American 17231:Father Tomas Hacha (brother) 17117:made his only appearance in 15213:General Sir Arthur Wellesley 15167:Sergeant, Marshal (Deserter) 14504:General, later Field Marshal 13968:s second series, comprising 13883:, in which he was played by 13875:series of novels written by 13653:in the hero's early career. 13117:and uncovering or capturing 12744:with them where they marry. 12326:taking his Cobras with him. 11776:British Army Provost Officer 9726:). He dies in action at the 9660:American War of Independence 9324:in Ireland, but purchases a 8962:in the Light Company of the 8580: 8250:" town in England, where he 7356:, his only appearance is in 7235:, his only appearance is in 5462:was a junior captain in the 4101: 3766: 3375:His final appearance was in 3364:Jenkins participated in the 2710:, but he may be alive as of 2431:. His weapon of choice is a 2369:) and serves throughout the 7: 18456:real-life historical figure 18211:first appears in the novel 17782:with the arrogant Gibbons. 17512: 17416: 16393:Pohlmann would reappear in 15953: 15387:, who was to crown himself 15077:, Lucille was portrayed by 14684:In the world of the Sharpe 14295:appropriately enough under 13932:Lieutenant-Colonel Girdwood 13881:Sharpe television programme 13664:". He relies on the brutal 13485:first appears in the novel 13194:Hogan was portrayed in the 13017:still allowed many British 11029:(1996). His appearances in 10901:Simmerson first appears in 9999: 9767: 9658:at some point prior to the 8355:In subsequent campaigns in 7949:relatively minor engagement 7360:, where he is portrayed by 6263: 5643: 5168: 4921: 4333:, played by Lyndon Davies. 3535: 2271:Patrick Harper was born in 491: 10: 19723: 19683:Cornwell, Bernard (2007), 19674:Cornwell, Bernard (2004), 19665:Cornwell, Bernard (2003), 19656:Cornwell, Bernard (2001), 19647:Cornwell, Bernard (2000), 19638:Cornwell, Bernard (1999), 19629:Cornwell, Bernard (1998), 19620:Cornwell, Bernard (1997), 19611:Cornwell, Bernard (1995), 19602:Cornwell, Bernard (1994), 19593:Cornwell, Bernard (1992), 19584:Cornwell, Bernard (1990), 19575:Cornwell, Bernard (1989), 19566:Cornwell, Bernard (1988), 19557:Cornwell, Bernard (1987), 19548:Cornwell, Bernard (1986), 19539:Cornwell, Bernard (1984), 19530:Cornwell, Bernard (1983), 19521:Cornwell, Bernard (1982), 19512:Cornwell, Bernard (1981), 19503:Cornwell, Bernard (1981), 19481:Cornwell, Bernard (2012), 18385:Irish College at Salamanca 16968:storming of Ciudad Rodrigo 16441: 16283:. He is a sergeant in the 16202:Battle of García Hernández 16064:Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro 15924:Battle of García Hernández 15600:, taking place during the 15464:French Republican Calendar 14327:Duchess of Richmond's ball 14297:Henry Paget, Lord Uxbridge 14268:However, a year later, in 13214:) and Major-General Ross ( 13013:officer — while the 12812:Sharpe's television series 12789:Duchess of Richmond's ball 12564: 12231:East India Company Officer 11691: 11213: 11081:British East India Company 10108: 9289:Sergeant Obadiah Hakeswill 8999:By early 1812 Knowles has 8303:, he protects his hostage 7199:British, of French descent 6711: 5849: 5612:60th Royal American Rifles 5385:60th Royal American Rifles 3645: 3406: 3341:Jenkins first appeared in 1653: 1021:Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro 624: 18811: 18801: 18793: 18785: 18777: 18772: 18762: 18752: 18747: 18693:Marblehead, Massachusetts 18670: 18662: 18654: 18649: 18639: 18626: 18621: 18548: 18540: 18532: 18524: 18519: 18509: 18499: 18480: 18475: 18363: 18355: 18347: 18339: 18329: 18324: 18314: 18301: 18282: 18277: 18198: 18181: 18173: 18165: 18160: 18152: 18139: 18126: 18121: 18003: 17993: 17985: 17977: 17969: 17964: 17954: 17941: 17928: 17923: 17732: 17724: 17714: 17702: 17694: 17689: 17679: 17669: 17650: 17631: 17626: 17592: 17584: 17576: 17568: 17563: 17553: 17540: 17527: 17522: 17488: 17480: 17472: 17467: 17457: 17444: 17431: 17426: 17376: 17368: 17360: 17352: 17347: 17337: 17327: 17308: 17289: 17284: 17243: 17235: 17227: 17219: 17211: 17206: 17196: 17186: 17174: 17162: 17157: 17104: 17096: 17088: 17080: 17075: 17065: 17052: 17039: 17034: 16981:The British are about to 16915: 16907: 16899: 16889: 16881: 16871: 16866: 16856: 16846: 16827: 16808: 16803: 16665: 16657: 16649: 16641: 16636: 16628: 16618: 16603: 16588: 16583: 16542: 16534: 16526: 16518: 16510: 16505: 16495: 16485: 16473: 16461: 16456: 16358: 16350: 16342: 16337: 16325: 16313: 16308: 16266: 16258: 16250: 16245: 16235: 16222: 16217: 16207: 16161: 16153: 16145: 16140: 16130: 16117: 16104: 16099: 16089: 16084: 16028: 16020: 16012: 16007: 15997: 15987: 15968: 15963: 15879: 15871: 15863: 15855: 15850: 15842: 15832: 15813: 15808: 15723: 15715: 15711:Philippe Leroux (brother) 15707: 15699: 15694: 15684: 15674: 15661: 15642: 15637: 15554: 15546: 15541: 15531: 15519: 15513:Sharpe's Waterloo (novel) 15507: 15502: 15370:French Revolution of 1789 15336: 15328: 15320: 15315: 15305: 15295: 15276: 15257: 15252: 15179: 15171: 15163: 15158: 15148: 15138: 15126: 15107: 15102: 14997: 14989: 14978: 14970: 14962: 14954: 14949: 14939: 14929: 14910: 14891: 14886: 14786: 14775: 14767: 14762: 14748: 14729: 14710: 14705: 14668: 14660: 14652: 14644: 14639: 14620: 14601: 14596: 14581: 14516: 14508: 14500: 14492: 14487: 14473: 14454: 14435: 14430: 14236: 14228: 14220: 14215: 14201: 14191: 14172: 14153: 14148: 14116: 14108: 14100: 14095: 14085: 14072: 14059: 14054: 13858: 13850: 13845: 13835: 13827: 13808: 13789: 13784: 13628: 13620: 13612: 13607: 13597: 13584: 13571: 13566: 13483:Colonel Hector McCandless 13472: 13464: 13456: 13451: 13441: 13428: 13415: 13410: 13383: 13375: 13367: 13362: 13354: 13344: 13331: 13318: 13313: 13283: 13275: 13267: 13262: 13249: 13236: 13231: 13113:, retrieving hostages in 12981: 12973: 12965: 12957: 12952: 12942: 12932: 12913: 12894: 12889: 12712:At some point in between 12668: 12657: 12645: 12640: 12630: 12620: 12601: 12582: 12577: 12540: 12532: 12524: 12519: 12509: 12496: 12483: 12478: 12444: 12436: 12428: 12423: 12413: 12400: 12387: 12382: 12262:. He also appears in the 12235: 12227: 12219: 12214: 12204: 12185: 12166: 12161: 12131: 12123: 12115: 12110: 12097: 12084: 12079: 12041: 12033: 12025: 12020: 12007: 11994: 11989: 11892: 11884: 11876: 11871: 11861: 11848: 11829: 11824: 11780: 11772: 11764: 11759: 11749: 11730: 11711: 11706: 11666: 11658: 11650: 11645: 11635: 11625: 11606: 11587: 11582: 11537: 11529: 11521: 11516: 11508: 11498: 11479: 11460: 11455: 11417: 11409: 11401: 11396: 11388: 11378: 11359: 11340: 11335: 11305: 11297: 11289: 11284: 11276: 11266: 11247: 11228: 11223: 11173: 11165: 11157: 11152: 11142: 11129: 11116: 11111: 10875: 10865: 10855: 10850: 10840: 10830: 10811: 10792: 10787: 10741: 10733: 10725: 10720: 10710: 10697: 10684: 10679: 10636: 10628: 10620: 10615: 10605: 10592: 10579: 10574: 10397: 10389: 10384: 10370: 10359: 10349: 10337: 10332: 10285: 10277: 10269: 10264: 10254: 10241: 10228: 10223: 10213: 10180: 10172: 10164: 10159: 10149: 10136: 10123: 10118: 10071: 10063: 10055: 10050: 10040: 10027: 10014: 10009: 9975: 9967: 9959: 9954: 9944: 9925: 9906: 9901: 9851: 9843: 9839:Regimental Sergeant Major 9835: 9830: 9820: 9801: 9782: 9777: 9647:Thomas Leroy was born in 9607: 9599: 9591: 9586: 9576: 9566: 9547: 9528: 9523: 9486: 9478: 9470: 9465: 9455: 9445: 9426: 9407: 9402: 9392: 9186: 9178: 9170: 9166:Hector McCandless (uncle) 9162: 9154: 9146: 9141: 9127: 9117: 9099: 9080: 9075: 8941: 8933: 8928: 8918: 8905: 8892: 8887: 8844: 8836: 8828: 8823: 8813: 8800: 8787: 8782: 8751: 8743: 8735: 8730: 8717: 8704: 8699: 8689: 8663:Colour Sergeant Huckfield 8652: 8644: 8636: 8631: 8621: 8608: 8595: 8590: 8220: 8212: 8204: 8194: 8184: 8179: 8169: 8159: 8140: 8121: 8116: 8068: 8060: 8052: 8047: 8037: 8024: 8011: 8006: 7989:, Girdwood was played by 7930:Regimental Sergeant Major 7865: 7857: 7849: 7841: 7836: 7826: 7816: 7797: 7778: 7773: 7720: 7712: 7704: 7699: 7689: 7679: 7660: 7641: 7636: 7559: 7551: 7543: 7538: 7530: 7520: 7501: 7482: 7477: 7447: 7439: 7431: 7426: 7418: 7408: 7395: 7382: 7377: 7332: 7324: 7316: 7311: 7301: 7282: 7263: 7258: 7195: 7187: 7179: 7171: 7163: 7158: 7148: 7138: 7119: 7100: 7095: 7063: 7055: 7047: 7042: 7032: 7019: 7006: 7001: 6991: 6954: 6946: 6938: 6933: 6923: 6913: 6894: 6875: 6870: 6813: 6805: 6797: 6789: 6784: 6774: 6764: 6745: 6726: 6721: 6689: 6681: 6673: 6668: 6658: 6648: 6629: 6610: 6605: 6562: 6554: 6546: 6541: 6531: 6518: 6505: 6500: 6456: 6448: 6440: 6435: 6425: 6415: 6402: 6383: 6378: 6335: 6327: 6319: 6314: 6304: 6291: 6278: 6273: 6235: 6227: 6219: 6214: 6204: 6191: 6178: 6173: 6163: 6141: 6133: 6125: 6120: 6110: 6097: 6084: 6079: 6044: 6036: 6028: 6023: 6013: 5994: 5975: 5970: 5947:Half English, half German 5943: 5935: 5927: 5922: 5912: 5902: 5883: 5864: 5859: 5828: 5820: 5812: 5807: 5797: 5787: 5774: 5761: 5756: 5746: 5725: 5717: 5709: 5704: 5694: 5684: 5671: 5658: 5653: 5585:Half English, half German 5581: 5573: 5565: 5557: 5552: 5542: 5532: 5513: 5494: 5489: 5449: 5441: 5433: 5428: 5418: 5405: 5400: 5355: 5347: 5339: 5334: 5324: 5311: 5298: 5293: 5260: 5252: 5244: 5239: 5231: 5221: 5202: 5183: 5178: 5130: 5122: 5114: 5109: 5099: 5089: 5070: 5051: 5046: 4993: 4985: 4977: 4972: 4962: 4949: 4936: 4931: 4893: 4885: 4877: 4872: 4862: 4849: 4836: 4831: 4784: 4776: 4768: 4760: 4755: 4745: 4732: 4719: 4714: 4660: 4652: 4644: 4636: 4631: 4621: 4608: 4595: 4590: 4554: 4546: 4538: 4533: 4525: 4515: 4502: 4489: 4484: 4427: 4419: 4411: 4406: 4396: 4383: 4370: 4365: 4305: 4297: 4289: 4281: 4276: 4268: 4258: 4239: 4220: 4215: 4173: 4165: 4157: 4152: 4142: 4129: 4116: 4111: 4094:, he was played by actor 4066: 4058: 4050: 4045: 4035: 4025: 4006: 3987: 3982: 3943: 3935: 3927: 3922: 3914: 3904: 3891: 3878: 3873: 3838: 3830: 3822: 3817: 3807: 3794: 3781: 3776: 3717: 3709: 3701: 3696: 3686: 3673: 3660: 3655: 3607: 3599: 3591: 3586: 3576: 3563: 3550: 3545: 3478: 3470: 3462: 3457: 3447: 3434: 3421: 3416: 3321: 3313: 3305: 3300: 3290: 3277: 3264: 3259: 3212:Rifleman Jedediah Horrell 3201: 3193: 3185: 3177: 3172: 3162: 3149: 3136: 3131: 3085: 3077: 3069: 3064: 3054: 3041: 3028: 3023: 3013: 2956: 2948: 2940: 2932: 2927: 2917: 2904: 2891: 2886: 2827: 2819: 2811: 2806: 2796: 2783: 2770: 2765: 2755: 2613: 2605: 2597: 2592: 2582: 2572: 2553: 2534: 2529: 2519: 2263:regimental sergeant major 2224: 2216: 2212:Ramona Harper (TV series) 2206: 2198: 2190: 2182: 2177: 2167: 2157: 2138: 2119: 2114: 1971: 1963: 1955: 1950: 1940: 1930: 1911: 1892: 1887: 1832: 1824: 1816: 1811: 1801: 1788: 1775: 1770: 1725: 1717: 1709: 1704: 1694: 1681: 1668: 1663: 1604: 1596: 1588: 1583: 1573: 1560: 1547: 1542: 1482: 1474: 1466: 1461: 1451: 1441: 1422: 1403: 1398: 1360: 1352: 1344: 1339: 1329: 1316: 1303: 1298: 1240: 1232: 1224: 1219: 1209: 1196: 1183: 1178: 1129: 1121: 1113: 1108: 1098: 1085: 1072: 1067: 971: 963: 955: 947: 942: 932: 922: 903: 884: 879: 831: 823: 815: 810: 800: 787: 774: 769: 759: 704: 696: 688: 680: 675: 665: 652: 639: 634: 571: 563: 555: 550: 542: 532: 519: 506: 501: 380: 368: 348: 338: 324: 316: 308: 300: 295: 285: 275: 256: 237: 232: 18606: 18544:Lady Lucy Kiely (Series) 18432:Sharpe television series 18262: 18088:1796 Heavy Cavalry Sword 18070:company in a Portuguese 18020:in the aftermath of the 16566:In the TV adaptation of 16058:to march into Portugal. 13993:attack on Ciudad Rodrigo 13774: 13303: 12142:Midshipman Harry Collier 11696: 10939:), and a colonel in the 10669: 10541:while trying to protect 9233:. He is a member of the 9217:Lawford is the son of a 8772: 8208:Biddy Hakeswill (mother) 7737:'s nephew. In the novel 7367: 7354:Sharpe television series 7343:Ensign Christopher Denny 7233:Sharpe television series 6069: 5610:. Of his company of the 5606:and passable Italian in 5390: 5366:Rifleman John Williamson 4704: 4671:Rifleman Fergus Slattery 4090:In the television movie 3918:Richard Rutherford-Moore 2338:. During the retreat to 2210:Isabella Harper (books) 1760: 747:and alongside Sharpe in 106:comply with Knowledge's 18773:In-universe information 18650:In-universe information 18567:Irish Rebellion of 1798 18520:In-universe information 18325:In-universe information 18161:In-universe information 17965:In-universe information 17759:, attaching herself to 17690:In-universe information 17580:Portuguese Army Officer 17564:In-universe information 17468:In-universe information 17348:In-universe information 17207:In-universe information 17076:In-universe information 17017:, she was portrayed by 16867:In-universe information 16734:returned from exile in 16637:In-universe information 16506:In-universe information 16427:is attacked by the HMS 16338:In-universe information 16246:In-universe information 16141:In-universe information 16008:In-universe information 15851:In-universe information 15695:In-universe information 15542:In-universe information 15316:In-universe information 15175:Soldier, chef, deserter 15159:In-universe information 14950:In-universe information 14763:In-universe information 14640:In-universe information 14488:In-universe information 14369:charge ends in disaster 14232:British Cavalry Officer 14216:In-universe information 14127:Major Septimus Pyecroft 14096:In-universe information 13987:Nairn is first seen in 13890:Nairn first appears in 13854:Soldier (Major General) 13846:In-universe information 13608:In-universe information 13452:In-universe information 13363:In-universe information 13263:In-universe information 12953:In-universe information 12641:In-universe information 12520:In-universe information 12424:In-universe information 12215:In-universe information 12111:In-universe information 12021:In-universe information 11935:capture the Americans. 11872:In-universe information 11760:In-universe information 11646:In-universe information 11548:Sergeant Charlie Weller 11517:In-universe information 11397:In-universe information 11285:In-universe information 11153:In-universe information 11083:, in the 2006 revival, 10851:In-universe information 10721:In-universe information 10616:In-universe information 10564: 10385:In-universe information 10265:In-universe information 10160:In-universe information 10051:In-universe information 9986:Ensign William Matthews 9955:In-universe information 9831:In-universe information 9674:, where he first meets 9587:In-universe information 9466:In-universe information 9225:father and raised near 9142:In-universe information 8929:In-universe information 8824:In-universe information 8731:In-universe information 8632:In-universe information 8180:In-universe information 8048:In-universe information 7959:and is invalided home. 7837:In-universe information 7700:In-universe information 7539:In-universe information 7427:In-universe information 7312:In-universe information 7159:In-universe information 7043:In-universe information 6934:In-universe information 6785:In-universe information 6669:In-universe information 6542:In-universe information 6436:In-universe information 6315:In-universe information 6215:In-universe information 6121:In-universe information 6024:In-universe information 5923:In-universe information 5808:In-universe information 5705:In-universe information 5553:In-universe information 5429:In-universe information 5335:In-universe information 5240:In-universe information 5110:In-universe information 4973:In-universe information 4873:In-universe information 4756:In-universe information 4632:In-universe information 4534:In-universe information 4407:In-universe information 4355: 4277:In-universe information 4153:In-universe information 4046:In-universe information 3923:In-universe information 3818:In-universe information 3697:In-universe information 3587:In-universe information 3458:In-universe information 3366:Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo 3301:In-universe information 3173:In-universe information 3065:In-universe information 2928:In-universe information 2807:In-universe information 2742:Benjamin Randell Harris 2657:, he claims to be from 2593:In-universe information 2178:In-universe information 1951:In-universe information 1812:In-universe information 1705:In-universe information 1584:In-universe information 1532: 1462:In-universe information 1340:In-universe information 1220:In-universe information 1109:In-universe information 982:Rifleman Francis Cooper 943:In-universe information 811:In-universe information 676:In-universe information 551:In-universe information 296:In-universe information 182:based on the novels by 63:more precise citations. 18789:Ole Skovgaard (father) 18683:appeared in the novel 18528:Colonel, Earl of Kiely 18351:Priest, Professor, Spy 18045:second Battle of Porto 18022:first Battle of Oporto 16936:and the first wife of 16698:wagon train after the 15875:Hélène Leroux (sister) 15525:Sharpe's Devil (novel) 15209:Second Battle of Porto 14543:. His victory against 13715:battlefield commission 13493:. An aging, religious 12726:South Essex Regiment's 12054:is the captain of HMS 12029:Captain of HMS Pucelle 11906:is the captain of HMS 10558:the Prince of Orange's 10467:and is present at the 9752:, Leroy was played by 9056:Lieutenant Harry Price 8952:Captain Robert Knowles 8458:Captain Robert Knowles 7602:Major Peter d'Alembord 7206:Major Peter D'Alembord 6700:Captain Philip Carline 6055:Rifleman Thomas Taylor 5141:Rifleman Isaiah Tongue 3332:Rifleman Parry Jenkins 2967:Rifleman Nicholas Hine 2468:television adaptations 1988:Rifleman Daniel Hagman 1371:Rifleman Sean Donnelly 1038:. He first appears in 1027:during the Defense of 1015:. He also appeared in 1013:Second Battle of Porto 18224:33rd Regiment of Foot 18041:University of Coimbra 17835:LaCosta reappears in 17805:French Imperial Eagle 17753:She first appears in 17742:Portuguese by birth, 16530:El Matarife (brother) 15741:(The Golden Whore). 15389:Emperor of the French 15018:. Her father was the 14338:battle of Quatre Bras 14033:In his last episode, 13658:33rd Regiment of Foot 13525:Siege of Seringapatam 13512:Speaking many native 13159:Hogan is addicted to 13092:military intelligence 13082:Hogan is promoted to 12335:Dodd has allied with 12127:British Naval Officer 12037:British Naval Officer 11902:In the novel series, 11677:Colonel Brian Windham 11326:Michael Trumper-Jones 9698:French Imperial Eagle 9247:33rd Regiment of Foot 9009:45th Regiment of Foot 8344:into the 33rd from a 8281:33rd Regiment of Foot 7191:Protestant (Huguenot) 6845:and also partakes in 6467:Lieutenant John Berry 4689:and also appeared in 3954:Rifleman Tobias Moore 3507:; he also partook in 2698:He first appeared in 2473:Harper speaks fluent 2378:French Imperial Eagle 1251:Rifleman Matthew Dodd 402:33rd Regiment of Foot 17776:South Essex Regiment 16285:King's German Legion 15932:King's German Legion 15565:Henri-Patrick Lassan 15503:Henri-Patrick Lassan 15493:Henri-Patrick Lassan 15485:Ducos was played by 15227:60th Royal Americans 15048:William Frederickson 14797:Jean-Baptiste Calvet 14706:Jean-Baptiste Calvet 14696:Jean-Baptiste Calvet 14537:19th-century Britain 14431:Sir Arthur Wellesley 14303:'s younger brother, 14263:South Essex Regiment 14247:Lord John Rossendale 14139:Lord John Rossendale 13947:Highlander battalion 13927:South Essex Regiment 13741:South Essex Regiment 13639:Major Charles Morris 13624:British Army Officer 13468:British Army Officer 13148:. Even in his final 13064:. He is employed by 12998:series of novels by 12969:British Army Officer 12814:, Jane is played by 12805:The Sharpe Companion 12769:Lord John Rossendale 12758:The following book, 12734:Bartholomew Girdwood 11974:Christopher Villiers 11866:Christopher Villiers 11807:matter was dropped. 11434:as an inexperienced 11087:and its 2008 sequel 10929:Member of Parliament 10925:Justice of the Peace 10909:South Essex Regiment 10658:and also partook in 10442:South Essex Regiment 10310:and also partook in 10202:and also partook in 10096:and also partook in 9872:and also partook in 9739:Bartholomew Girdwood 9688:and his nephew, Lt. 9672:South Essex Regiment 9628:. He is an American 9624:series of novels by 9603:British Army Officer 9482:British Army Officer 9348:South Essex Regiment 9326:lieutenant colonelcy 9264:for the first time. 9158:British Army Officer 8964:South Essex Regiment 8958:as an inexperienced 8937:British Army Officer 8869:and also partook in 8677:and also partook in 8438:South Essex Regiment 8380:Sir Arthur Wellesley 8270:. On the day of his 8095:and also partook in 7922:Major Richard Sharpe 7906:South Essex Regiment 7880:South Essex Regiment 7876:Bartholomew Girdwood 7853:British Army Officer 7774:Bartholomew Girdwood 7764:Bartholomew Girdwood 7716:British Army Officer 7555:British Army Officer 7210:South Essex Regiment 7183:British Army Officer 5592:William Frederickson 5490:William Frederickson 5480:William Frederickson 5464:60th Royal Americans 5022:and also partook in 4904:Rifleman Ned Tarrant 4454:and also partook in 4316:Rifleman Ben Perkins 3746:and also partook in 3230:and also partook in 2856:and also partook in 2704:Battle of Copenhagen 2499:Harper is played by 2361:South Essex Regiment 2330:, at the Battles of 2311:Battle of Copenhagen 2238:Patrick 'Pat' Harper 1633:and also partook in 1493:Major Warren Dunnett 1068:Christopher Cresacre 1058:Christopher Cresacre 994:Battle of Copenhagen 736:and also partook in 19687:, UK: HarperCollins 19678:, UK: HarperCollins 19669:, UK: HarperCollins 19660:, UK: HarperCollins 19651:, UK: HarperCollins 19642:, UK: HarperCollins 19633:, UK: HarperCollins 19624:, UK: HarperCollins 19615:, UK: HarperCollins 19606:, UK: HarperCollins 19597:, UK: HarperCollins 19588:, UK: HarperCollins 19579:, UK: HarperCollins 19570:, UK: HarperCollins 19561:, UK: HarperCollins 19552:, UK: HarperCollins 19543:, UK: HarperCollins 19534:, UK: HarperCollins 19525:, UK: HarperCollins 19516:, UK: HarperCollins 19507:, UK: HarperCollins 18742:Fictional character 18616:Fictional character 18559:Lord Benedict Kiely 18476:Lord Benedict Kiely 18470:Fictional character 18272:Fictional character 18116:Fictional character 17918:Fictional character 17832:, his future wife. 17774:, commander of the 17698:"Lady Farthingdale" 17621:Fictional character 17517:Fictional character 17421:Fictional character 17356:Count of Mouromorto 17279:Fictional character 17152:Fictional character 17029:Fictional character 16932:. She is a Spanish 16798:Fictional character 16578:Fictional character 16451:Fictional character 16421:Battle of Trafalgar 16303:Fictional character 16212:Fictional character 16198:Battle of Salamanca 16094:Fictional character 15958:Fictional character 15803:Fictional character 15754:Battle of Salamanca 15632:Fictional character 15597:Starbuck Chronicles 15497:Fictional character 15247:Fictional character 15097:Fictional character 15068:Starbuck Chronicles 14881:Fictional character 14700:Fictional character 14591:Fictional character 14539:, serving twice as 14425:Fictional character 14395:Alexander Armstrong 14253:'s path in 1813 in 14206:Alexander Armstrong 14143:Fictional character 14049:Fictional character 13972:and adaptations of 13869:Major-General Nairn 13779:Fictional character 13561:Fictional character 13405:Fictional character 13308:Fictional character 13226:Fictional character 13204:Major-General Nairn 12884:Fictional character 12572:Fictional character 12473:Fictional character 12377:Fictional character 12156:Fictional character 12074:Fictional character 11984:Fictional character 11819:Fictional character 11701:Fictional character 11577:Fictional character 11450:Fictional character 11330:Fictional character 11218:Fictional character 11106:Fictional character 10782:Fictional character 10778:Sir Henry Simmerson 10674:Fictional character 10569:Fictional character 10539:storming of Badajoz 10414:stories written by 10327:Fictional character 10218:Fictional character 10113:Fictional character 10004:Fictional character 9896:Fictional character 9772:Fictional character 9718:Battle of Salamanca 9716:shortly before the 9518:Fictional character 9397:Fictional character 9387:Sir Henry Simmerson 9352:Sir Henry Simmerson 9350:when its commander 9206:and a character in 9197:Sir William Lawford 9070:Fictional character 8972:Sir Henry Simmerson 8882:Fictional character 8777:Fictional character 8694:Fictional character 8585:Fictional character 8111:Fictional character 8001:Fictional character 7964:Frederick the Great 7928:. With the help of 7902:Sir Henry Simmerson 7768:Fictional character 7631:Fictional character 7472:Fictional character 7372:Fictional character 7253:Fictional character 7090:Fictional character 6996:Fictional character 6865:Fictional character 6716:Fictional character 6600:Fictional character 6495:Fictional character 6373:Fictional character 6268:Fictional character 6168:Fictional character 6074:Fictional character 5965:Fictional character 5854:Fictional character 5751:Fictional character 5648:Fictional character 5484:Fictional character 5395:Fictional character 5288:Fictional character 5173:Fictional character 5041:Fictional character 4926:Fictional character 4826:Fictional character 4709:Fictional character 4585:Fictional character 4565:Rifleman Skillicorn 4479:Fictional character 4360:Fictional character 4322:stories written by 4210:Fictional character 4106:Fictional character 4077:Captain John Murray 3977:Fictional character 3868:Fictional character 3771:Fictional character 3650:Fictional character 3540:Fictional character 3411:Fictional character 3381:Battle of Salamanca 3254:Fictional character 3126:Fictional character 3018:Fictional character 2881:Fictional character 2760:Fictional character 2718:and presumably the 2524:Fictional character 2246:95th Rifle Regiment 2109:Fictional character 1882:Fictional character 1765:Fictional character 1658:Fictional character 1537:Fictional character 1393:Fictional character 1382:him as a good man. 1293:Fictional character 1280:Death to the French 1266:Death to the French 1173:Fictional character 1062:Fictional character 874:Fictional character 764:Fictional character 629:Fictional character 496:Fictional character 227:Fictional character 120:improve the content 19649:Sharpe's Trafalgar 19604:Sharpe's Christmas 18565:during the failed 18226:who later died of 18169:Camp Follower/Wife 18028:from the British, 17809:Battle of Talavera 17768:Lieutenant Colonel 17728:Duarte (estranged) 17405:plots played out. 17035:Joaquím Jovellanos 16788:Sharpe's Challenge 16784:Battle of Toulouse 16724:Duke of Wellington 16712:Battle of Toulouse 16612:Sharpe's Challenge 16553:Father Tomas Hacha 16396:Sharpe's Trafalgar 16387:Arthur Wellesley's 16331:Sharpe's Trafalgar 16183:Battle of Talavera 16038:Brigadier General 15904:(Leroux did this) 15602:American Civil War 15385:Napoleon Bonaparte 15205:Jean-de-Dieu Soult 15191:Marshal Pot-au-Feu 15087:Sharpe's Challenge 15073:In the Carlton UK 14686:Napoleon Bonaparte 14679:Napoleon Bonaparte 14597:Napoleon Bonaparte 14587:Napoleon Bonaparte 14549:Battle of Waterloo 14466:Sharpe's Challenge 14389:In the Carlton UK 14316:lieutenant colonel 13756:Battle of Waterloo 13692:Lieutenant Colonel 13649:and a significant 13520:of Mysore's army. 13499:East India Company 13298:Sharpe's Trafalgar 13296:first appeared in 13242:Sharpe's Trafalgar 13198:by Scottish actor 13142:Lieutenant Colonel 12816:Abigail Cruttenden 12635:Abigail Cruttenden 12457:first appeared in 12277:East India Company 12255:Sharpe's Challenge 12197:Sharpe's Challenge 12178:Sharpe's Challenge 12090:Sharpe's Trafalgar 12052:Captain Joel Chase 12000:Sharpe's Trafalgar 11969:General Wellington 11550:first appeared in 11318:first appeared in 11185:Cornelius Slingsby 11112:Cornelius Slingsby 11102:Cornelius Slingsby 11085:Sharpe's Challenge 10977:Battle of Talavera 10535:Sergeant Hakeswill 9720:in the same year ( 9702:Battle of Talavera 9595:Lieutenant Colonel 9344:Battle of Talavera 9255:Lieutenant Colonel 9251:East India Company 9150:Lieutenant Colonel 8548:Pete Postlethwaite 8264:sentenced to death 8252:sexually assaulted 8174:Pete Postlethwaite 8079:Private Gutteridge 7845:Lieutenant Colonel 7590:Battle of Waterloo 7578:lieutenant colonel 7547:Lieutenant Colonel 7345:first appeared in 7076:first appeared in 6965:Major Jack Collett 6702:first appeared in 6575:first appeared in 6573:Ensign Jack Bullen 5841:first appeared in 5143:first appeared in 5006:first appeared in 4797:first appeared in 4245:Sharpe's Christmas 4184:Rifleman Pendleton 3956:first appeared in 3851:first appeared in 3849:Rifleman Millerson 3730:first appeared in 3620:first appeared in 3491:first appeared in 3214:first appeared in 2840:first appeared in 2724:Battle of Toulouse 2693:Battle of Waterloo 2645:, one of Sharpe's 2559:Sharpe's Christmas 2399:Battle of Waterloo 2382:Battle of Talavera 2289:British in Ireland 2275:, an agricultural 2039:Sharpe's Christmas 1845:first appeared in 1617:first appeared in 1142:first appeared in 909:Sharpe's Christmas 844:first appeared in 717:first appeared in 584:first appeared in 447:Battle of Waterloo 418:lieutenant colonel 414:Sharpe's Trafalgar 201:Sharpe's Challenge 155:historical fiction 19707:Sharpe characters 19640:Sharpe's Fortress 19586:Sharpe's Waterloo 19550:Sharpe's Regiment 19143:. 6 January 2012. 18819: 18818: 18681:Cornelius Killick 18678: 18677: 18622:Cornelius Killick 18612:Cornelius Killick 18593:television series 18556: 18555: 18371: 18370: 18243:forced prostitute 18189: 18188: 18056:Battle of Bussaco 18016:first encounters 18011: 18010: 17859:Obadiah Hakeswill 17764:Christian Gibbons 17740: 17739: 17600: 17599: 17588:Ferragus Ferreira 17496: 17495: 17427:Farragus Ferreira 17389:first appears in 17384: 17383: 17251: 17250: 17201:Matthew Scurfield 17112: 17111: 16990:Obadiah Hakeswill 16923: 16922: 16756:television series 16744:Sharpe's Assassin 16736:Sharpe's Waterloo 16704:Sharpe's Regiment 16700:Battle of Vitoria 16673: 16672: 16608:Sharpe's Waterloo 16550: 16549: 16366: 16365: 16354:Soldier, Turncoat 16346:Sergeant, Colonel 16279:first appears in 16274: 16273: 16174:first appears in 16169: 16168: 16071:television series 16036: 16035: 16016:Brigadier General 15940:television series 15887: 15886: 15731: 15730: 15579:Waterloo Campaign 15570:Sharpe's Waterloo 15562: 15561: 15355:Obadiah Hakeswill 15344: 15343: 15187: 15186: 15060:Waterloo Campaign 15008:Lucille Castineau 15005: 15004: 14922:Sharpe's Waterloo 14877:Lucille Castineau 14827:Kingdom of Naples 14794: 14793: 14781:Brigadier General 14676: 14675: 14664:Emperor of France 14632:Sharpe's Waterloo 14613:Sharpe's Waterloo 14607:Sharpe's Waterloo 14524: 14523: 14460:Sharpe's Waterloo 14415:Sharpe's Waterloo 14399:Sharpe's Regiment 14309:Sharpe's Waterloo 14259:the Prince Regent 14257:as a courtier to 14255:Sharpe's Regiment 14244: 14243: 14184:Sharpe's Waterloo 14178:Sharpe's Waterloo 14165:Sharpe's Regiment 14159:Sharpe's Regiment 14124: 14123: 14055:Septimus Pyecroft 14045:Septimus Pyecroft 14039:Battle of Vitoria 14013:attack on Badajoz 13923:Sharpe's Regiment 13915:the Prince Regent 13866: 13865: 13769:Sharpe's Assassin 13734:Sharpe's Fortress 13669:Obidiah Hakeswill 13636: 13635: 13590:Sharpe's Assassin 13480: 13479: 13411:Hector McCandless 13401:Hector McCandless 13391: 13390: 13379:Soldier, Deserter 13291: 13290: 13210:), Mungo Monroe ( 13088:Iberian Peninsula 13062:Battle of Vimeiro 12989: 12988: 12874:Sharpe's Waterloo 12824:Sharpe's Regiment 12785:Sharpe's Waterloo 12722:Sharpe's Regiment 12676: 12675: 12613:Sharpe's Waterloo 12607:Sharpe's Waterloo 12594:Sharpe's Regiment 12548: 12547: 12459:Sharpe's Waterloo 12452: 12451: 12406:Sharpe's Waterloo 12393:Sharpe's Waterloo 12349:Obadiah Hakeswill 12332:Sharpe's Fortress 12310:and command of a 12250:historical figure 12243: 12242: 12191:Sharpe's Fortress 12139: 12138: 12049: 12048: 11900: 11899: 11788: 11787: 11679:first appears in 11674: 11673: 11552:Sharpe's Regiment 11545: 11544: 11491:Sharpe's Regiment 11485:Sharpe's Waterloo 11472:Sharpe's Regiment 11466:Sharpe's Regiment 11430:first appears in 11425: 11424: 11320:Sharpe's Regiment 11313: 11312: 11259:Sharpe's Regiment 11253:Sharpe's Waterloo 11240:Sharpe's Regiment 11234:Sharpe's Regiment 11181: 11180: 11027:Sharpe's Regiment 11004:Sharpe's Regiment 10995:Sharpe's Regiment 10945:Banastre Tarleton 10917:Talavera Campaign 10885: 10884: 10817:Sharpe's Regiment 10749: 10748: 10644: 10643: 10550:Sharpe's Waterloo 10520:Sharpe's Assassin 10504:Sharpe's Waterloo 10497:Battle of Nivelle 10480:Sharpe's Regiment 10469:Battle of Vitoria 10423:television series 10405: 10404: 10354:Sharpe's Assassin 10293: 10292: 10188: 10187: 10082:Sergeant McGovern 10079: 10078: 9983: 9982: 9886:Sharpe's Regiment 9859: 9858: 9813:Sharpe's Regiment 9807:Sharpe's Regiment 9743:Sharpe's Regiment 9728:Battle of Vitoria 9690:Christian Gibbons 9615: 9614: 9494: 9493: 9374:Sharpe's Regiment 9269:exploring officer 9194: 9193: 9111:Sharpe's Regiment 9105:Sharpe's Regiment 9060:Sharpe's Waterloo 9033:Obadiah Hakeswill 8970:in his feud with 8954:first appears in 8949: 8948: 8852: 8851: 8759: 8758: 8660: 8659: 8614:Sharpe's Waterloo 8566:role playing game 8510:Sharpe's Fortress 8419:Sharpe's Fortress 8233:Obadiah Hakeswill 8230: 8229: 8117:Obadiah Hakeswill 8107:Obadiah Hakeswill 8076: 8075: 7941:summary execution 7894:rebellion of 1798 7873: 7872: 7809:Sharpe's Regiment 7803:Sharpe's Regiment 7790:Sharpe's Regiment 7784:Sharpe's Regiment 7731:Christian Gibbons 7728: 7727: 7637:Christian Gibbons 7627:Christian Gibbons 7608:and an attack by 7567: 7566: 7513:Sharpe's Waterloo 7507:Sharpe's Waterloo 7494:Sharpe's Waterloo 7488:Sharpe's Waterloo 7455: 7454: 7340: 7339: 7259:Christopher Denny 7249:Christopher Denny 7215:Sharpe's Regiment 7203: 7202: 7125:Sharpe's Waterloo 7071: 7070: 6962: 6961: 6821: 6820: 6751:Sharpe's Waterloo 6705:Sharpe's Regiment 6697: 6696: 6641:Sharpe's Regiment 6635:Sharpe's Waterloo 6622:Sharpe's Regiment 6616:Sharpe's Regiment 6590:prisoner exchange 6570: 6569: 6469:only appeared in 6464: 6463: 6408:Sharpe's Waterloo 6343: 6342: 6243: 6242: 6149: 6148: 6103:Sharpe's Regiment 6052: 6051: 5951: 5950: 5836: 5835: 5736:Rifleman Robinson 5733: 5732: 5638:Philip Whitchurch 5634:Sharpe adaptation 5619:Lucille Castineau 5589: 5588: 5547:Philip Whitchurch 5457: 5456: 5363: 5362: 5271:Sergeant Williams 5268: 5267: 5138: 5137: 5004:Rifleman Thompson 5001: 5000: 4901: 4900: 4792: 4791: 4668: 4667: 4562: 4561: 4435: 4434: 4331:television series 4313: 4312: 4181: 4180: 4074: 4073: 3951: 3950: 3846: 3845: 3725: 3724: 3618:Rifleman McDonald 3615: 3614: 3486: 3485: 3386:Battle of Vitoria 3329: 3328: 3209: 3208: 3093: 3092: 2964: 2963: 2835: 2834: 2732:Sharpe's Waterloo 2720:Battle of Nivelle 2716:Battle of Vitoria 2708:Sharpe's Skirmish 2621: 2620: 2565:Sharpe's Waterloo 2450:Obadiah Hakeswill 2403:Sharpe's Waterloo 2232: 2231: 2068:he was played by 2059:Sharpe's Assassin 2055:Sharpe's Waterloo 1997:Sharpe's Skirmish 1985: 1984: 1923:Sharpe's Waterloo 1917:Sharpe's Waterloo 1840: 1839: 1733: 1732: 1612: 1611: 1523:Sharpe's Waterloo 1490: 1489: 1428:Sharpe's Waterloo 1368: 1367: 1248: 1247: 1137: 1136: 1052:Sharpe's Waterloo 1025:Sharpe's Skirmish 1009:victory at Oporto 979: 978: 839: 838: 712: 711: 606:Sharpe's Regiment 582:Rifleman Bradshaw 579: 578: 477:Sharpe's Waterloo 459:Sharpe's Waterloo 422:Sharpe's Waterloo 390: 389: 362:Lucille Castineau 344:Prostitute mother 148: 147: 140: 89: 88: 81: 16:(Redirected from 19714: 19688: 19679: 19670: 19661: 19652: 19643: 19634: 19631:Sharpe's Triumph 19625: 19616: 19607: 19598: 19589: 19580: 19577:Sharpe's Revenge 19571: 19562: 19553: 19544: 19535: 19526: 19523:Sharpe's Company 19517: 19508: 19499: 19468: 19457: 19454: 19448: 19445: 19439: 19436: 19430: 19424: 19418: 19415: 19409: 19406: 19400: 19397: 19391: 19388: 19382: 19379: 19373: 19370: 19364: 19361: 19355: 19352: 19346: 19343: 19337: 19334: 19328: 19325: 19319: 19316: 19310: 19307: 19301: 19298: 19292: 19289: 19283: 19280: 19274: 19271: 19265: 19262: 19253: 19250: 19244: 19241: 19235: 19232: 19226: 19223: 19217: 19214: 19208: 19205: 19199: 19196: 19190: 19187: 19181: 19178: 19172: 19169: 19163: 19160: 19154: 19151: 19145: 19144: 19137: 19131: 19128: 19119: 19116: 19110: 19107: 19098: 19095: 19089: 19086: 19080: 19077: 19066: 19063: 19057: 19054: 19039: 19036: 19030: 19027: 19021: 19018: 19007: 19004: 18998: 18995: 18989: 18986: 18980: 18977: 18971: 18968: 18962: 18959: 18953: 18950: 18944: 18941: 18932: 18929: 18920: 18917: 18906: 18903: 18888: 18885: 18879: 18876: 18867: 18864: 18822:Astrid Skovgaard 18767:Bernard Cornwell 18753:First appearance 18748:Astrid Skovgaard 18745: 18744: 18738:Astrid Skovgaard 18691:. He hails from 18689:Bernard Cornwell 18644:Bernard Cornwell 18627:First appearance 18619: 18618: 18504:Bernard Cornwell 18481:First appearance 18473: 18472: 18283:First appearance 18275: 18274: 18217:Bernard Cornwell 18209:Mary Bickerstaff 18204:Mary Bickerstaff 18156:Bernard Cornwell 18127:First appearance 18122:Mary Bickerstaff 18119: 18118: 17959:Bernard Cornwell 17929:First appearance 17921: 17920: 17904:Elizabeth Hurley 17853:led by Sharpe's 17766:, the nephew of 17744:Josefina LaCosta 17674:Bernard Cornwell 17632:First appearance 17627:Josefina LaCosta 17624: 17623: 17617:Josefina LaCosta 17611:Bernard Cornwell 17558:Bernard Cornwell 17528:First appearance 17520: 17519: 17507:Bernard Cornwell 17462:Bernard Cornwell 17432:First appearance 17424: 17423: 17332:Bernard Cornwell 17290:First appearance 17282: 17281: 17191:Bernard Cornwell 17163:First appearance 17155: 17154: 17070:Bernard Cornwell 17040:First appearance 17032: 17031: 16976:Sharpe's Company 16951:force, with the 16930:Bernard Cornwell 16851:Bernard Cornwell 16809:First appearance 16801: 16800: 16780:Sharpe's Mission 16740:Anglo-Dutch Army 16716:Sharpe's Revenge 16684:Siege of Badajoz 16623:Bernard Cornwell 16589:First appearance 16581: 16580: 16490:Bernard Cornwell 16462:First appearance 16454: 16453: 16383:Battle of Assaye 16374:Sharpe's Triumph 16369:Anthony Pohlmann 16319:Sharpe's Triumph 16314:First appearance 16309:Anthony Pohlmann 16306: 16305: 16299:Anthony Pohlmann 16240:Bernard Cornwell 16223:First appearance 16215: 16214: 16135:Bernard Cornwell 16105:First appearance 16097: 16096: 15992:Bernard Cornwell 15969:First appearance 15961: 15960: 15928:infantry squares 15837:Bernard Cornwell 15814:First appearance 15806: 15805: 15679:Bernard Cornwell 15643:First appearance 15635: 15634: 15536:Bernard Cornwell 15508:First appearance 15500: 15499: 15444:fall of Napoleon 15378:secret policeman 15376:, the notorious 15300:Bernard Cornwell 15288:Sharpe's Revenge 15282:Sharpe's Revenge 15258:First appearance 15250: 15249: 15143:Bernard Cornwell 15108:First appearance 15100: 15099: 15083:Sharpe's Revenge 15012:Richard Sharpe's 14934:Bernard Cornwell 14903:Sharpe's Revenge 14897:Sharpe's Revenge 14892:First appearance 14884: 14883: 14870:Sharpe's Revenge 14854:Sharpe's Mission 14818:Sharpe's Revenge 14741:Sharpe's Revenge 14735:Sharpe's Revenge 14722:Sharpe's Mission 14711:First appearance 14703: 14702: 14602:First appearance 14594: 14593: 14436:First appearance 14428: 14427: 14411:Sharpe's Justice 14407:Sharpe's Revenge 14323:Prince of Orange 14270:Sharpe's Revenge 14196:Bernard Cornwell 14154:First appearance 14146: 14145: 14132:Sharpe's Mission 14078:Sharpe's Mission 14065:Sharpe's Mission 14060:First appearance 14052: 14051: 13989:Sharpe's Company 13974:Sharpe's Company 13939:Sharpe's Revenge 13892:Sharpe's Company 13877:Bernard Cornwell 13831:Bernard Cornwell 13814:Sharpe's Revenge 13801:Sharpe's Company 13790:First appearance 13782: 13781: 13749:Sharpe's Company 13723:Battle of Assaye 13711:Sharpe's Triumph 13695:Arthur Wellesley 13647:Bernard Cornwell 13602:Bernard Cornwell 13572:First appearance 13564: 13563: 13514:Indian languages 13491:Bernard Cornwell 13446:Bernard Cornwell 13434:Sharpe's Triumph 13416:First appearance 13408: 13407: 13349:Bernard Cornwell 13319:First appearance 13311: 13310: 13237:First appearance 13229: 13228: 13180:However, unlike 13066:Arthur Wellesley 13000:Bernard Cornwell 12937:Bernard Cornwell 12895:First appearance 12887: 12886: 12867:Sharpe's Justice 12855:Sharpe's Mission 12844:Sharpe's Revenge 12773:Peter D'Alembord 12760:Sharpe's Revenge 12718:Sharpe's Company 12625:Bernard Cornwell 12583:First appearance 12575: 12574: 12514:Bernard Cornwell 12484:First appearance 12476: 12475: 12463:Prince of Orange 12418:Bernard Cornwell 12388:First appearance 12380: 12379: 12341:Battle of Argaum 12300:Anthony Pohlmann 12281:Arthur Wellesley 12172:Sharpe's Triumph 12167:First appearance 12159: 12158: 12085:First appearance 12077: 12076: 11995:First appearance 11987: 11986: 11953:Sharpe's Revenge 11940:letter of marque 11904:Horace Bampfylde 11854:Sharpe's Revenge 11830:First appearance 11825:Horace Bampfylde 11822: 11821: 11815:Horace Bampfylde 11791:Lieutenant Ayers 11712:First appearance 11704: 11703: 11681:Sharpe's Company 11630:Bernard Cornwell 11618:Sharpe's Company 11599:Sharpe's Company 11593:Sharpe's Company 11588:First appearance 11580: 11579: 11503:Bernard Cornwell 11461:First appearance 11453: 11452: 11383:Bernard Cornwell 11341:First appearance 11333: 11332: 11271:Bernard Cornwell 11229:First appearance 11221: 11220: 11147:Bernard Cornwell 11117:First appearance 11109: 11108: 11015:Michael Cochrane 10845:Michael Cochrane 10835:Bernard Cornwell 10793:First appearance 10785: 10784: 10715:Bernard Cornwell 10703:Sharpe's Company 10685:First appearance 10677: 10676: 10664:Sharpe's Company 10610:Bernard Cornwell 10598:Sharpe's Company 10580:First appearance 10572: 10571: 10527:Sharpe's Company 10438:Sharpe's Company 10430:Sharpe's Company 10416:Bernard Cornwell 10364:Bernard Cornwell 10343:Sharpe's Company 10338:First appearance 10330: 10329: 10259:Bernard Cornwell 10247:Sharpe's Company 10229:First appearance 10221: 10220: 10154:Bernard Cornwell 10129:Sharpe's Company 10124:First appearance 10116: 10115: 10045:Bernard Cornwell 10015:First appearance 10007: 10006: 9990:Sharpe's Company 9949:Bernard Cornwell 9937:Sharpe's Company 9931:Sharpe's Company 9918:Sharpe's Company 9912:Sharpe's Company 9907:First appearance 9902:William Matthews 9899: 9898: 9892:William Matthews 9825:Bernard Cornwell 9783:First appearance 9775: 9774: 9710:Sharpe's Company 9706:Siege of Badajoz 9626:Bernard Cornwell 9571:Bernard Cornwell 9529:First appearance 9521: 9520: 9450:Bernard Cornwell 9408:First appearance 9400: 9399: 9379:Sharpe's Revenge 9363:Sharpe's Company 9315:Battle of Assaye 9258:Arthur Wellesley 9208:Bernard Cornwell 9122:Bernard Cornwell 9081:First appearance 9073: 9072: 9052:Sharpe's Company 9017:Sharpe's Company 8923:Bernard Cornwell 8911:Sharpe's Company 8893:First appearance 8885: 8884: 8818:Bernard Cornwell 8788:First appearance 8780: 8779: 8705:First appearance 8697: 8696: 8626:Bernard Cornwell 8596:First appearance 8588: 8587: 8563:post-apocalyptic 8537:Bernard Cornwell 8521:Sharpe's Company 8503:Sharpe's Triumph 8434:Sharpe's Company 8423:Arthur Wellesley 8396:Sharpe's Triumph 8305:Josefina LaCosta 8241:Bernard Cornwell 8164:Bernard Cornwell 8133:Sharpe's Company 8122:First appearance 8114: 8113: 8042:Bernard Cornwell 8030:Sharpe's Company 8012:First appearance 8004: 8003: 7957:mental breakdown 7821:Bernard Cornwell 7779:First appearance 7771: 7770: 7743:Josefina LaCosta 7684:Bernard Cornwell 7642:First appearance 7634: 7633: 7621:Shaughan Seymour 7606:Prince of Orange 7534:Shaughan Seymour 7525:Bernard Cornwell 7483:First appearance 7475: 7474: 7413:Bernard Cornwell 7383:First appearance 7375: 7374: 7306:Bernard Cornwell 7294:Sharpe's Company 7275:Sharpe's Company 7264:First appearance 7256: 7255: 7221:Sharpe's Revenge 7143:Bernard Cornwell 7101:First appearance 7096:Peter D'Alembord 7093: 7092: 7086:Peter D'Alembord 7037:Bernard Cornwell 7007:First appearance 6999: 6998: 6982:Sharpe's Company 6974:Sharpe's Company 6918:Bernard Cornwell 6906:Sharpe's Company 6900:Sharpe's Company 6887:Sharpe's Company 6881:Sharpe's Company 6876:First appearance 6868: 6867: 6830:Sharpe's Company 6769:Bernard Cornwell 6757:Sharpe's Company 6738:Sharpe's Company 6732:Sharpe's Company 6727:First appearance 6719: 6718: 6653:Bernard Cornwell 6611:First appearance 6603: 6602: 6536:Bernard Cornwell 6506:First appearance 6498: 6497: 6478:Josefina LaCosta 6420:Bernard Cornwell 6384:First appearance 6376: 6375: 6346:Colonel Berkeley 6279:First appearance 6271: 6270: 6209:Bernard Cornwell 6179:First appearance 6171: 6170: 6115:Bernard Cornwell 6085:First appearance 6077: 6076: 6018:Bernard Cornwell 5976:First appearance 5968: 5967: 5954:Sergeant Rossner 5907:Bernard Cornwell 5865:First appearance 5857: 5856: 5792:Bernard Cornwell 5762:First appearance 5754: 5753: 5699:Danny Cunningham 5689:Bernard Cornwell 5659:First appearance 5651: 5650: 5623:Sharpe's Revenge 5608:Sharpe's Revenge 5604:Sharpe's Revenge 5537:Bernard Cornwell 5525:Sharpe's Revenge 5519:Sharpe's Revenge 5495:First appearance 5487: 5486: 5423:Bernard Cornwell 5406:First appearance 5398: 5397: 5329:Bernard Cornwell 5299:First appearance 5291: 5290: 5226:Bernard Cornwell 5184:First appearance 5176: 5175: 5094:Bernard Cornwell 5052:First appearance 5044: 5043: 4967:Bernard Cornwell 4937:First appearance 4929: 4928: 4867:Bernard Cornwell 4837:First appearance 4829: 4828: 4750:Bernard Cornwell 4738:Sharpe's Company 4720:First appearance 4712: 4711: 4626:Bernard Cornwell 4596:First appearance 4588: 4587: 4520:Bernard Cornwell 4490:First appearance 4482: 4481: 4401:Bernard Cornwell 4371:First appearance 4363: 4362: 4324:Bernard Cornwell 4263:Bernard Cornwell 4221:First appearance 4213: 4212: 4147:Bernard Cornwell 4117:First appearance 4109: 4108: 4030:Bernard Cornwell 3988:First appearance 3980: 3979: 3958:Sharpe's Company 3909:Bernard Cornwell 3897:Sharpe's Mission 3884:Sharpe's Company 3879:First appearance 3871: 3870: 3812:Bernard Cornwell 3800:Sharpe's Mission 3782:First appearance 3774: 3773: 3728:Rifleman McNeill 3691:Bernard Cornwell 3661:First appearance 3653: 3652: 3581:Bernard Cornwell 3569:Sharpe's Company 3551:First appearance 3543: 3542: 3513:Sharpe's Company 3489:Sergeant Latimer 3452:Bernard Cornwell 3440:Sharpe's Company 3422:First appearance 3414: 3413: 3398:Sharpe's Revenge 3370:Siege of Badajoz 3362:Sharpe's Company 3354:Siege of Almeida 3295:Bernard Cornwell 3265:First appearance 3257: 3256: 3167:Bernard Cornwell 3137:First appearance 3132:Jebediah Horrell 3129: 3128: 3122:Jedediah Horrell 3116:Sharpe's Revenge 3059:Bernard Cornwell 3047:Sharpe's Revenge 3034:Sharpe's Revenge 3029:First appearance 3021: 3020: 3000:Sharpe's Company 2922:Bernard Cornwell 2892:First appearance 2884: 2883: 2801:Bernard Cornwell 2771:First appearance 2763: 2762: 2748:, whose memoir, 2728:Sharpe's Revenge 2628:Bernard Cornwell 2577:Bernard Cornwell 2535:First appearance 2527: 2526: 2391:Sharpe's Company 2242:Donegal, Ireland 2162:Bernard Cornwell 2120:First appearance 2112: 2111: 1935:Bernard Cornwell 1893:First appearance 1885: 1884: 1806:Bernard Cornwell 1794:Sharpe's Company 1776:First appearance 1768: 1767: 1736:Rifleman Gataker 1699:Bernard Cornwell 1669:First appearance 1661: 1660: 1578:Bernard Cornwell 1548:First appearance 1540: 1539: 1446:Bernard Cornwell 1404:First appearance 1396: 1395: 1334:Bernard Cornwell 1304:First appearance 1296: 1295: 1259:Bernard Cornwell 1214:Bernard Cornwell 1184:First appearance 1176: 1175: 1160:Sharpe's Company 1103:Bernard Cornwell 1091:Sharpe's Company 1073:First appearance 1065: 1064: 1048:Sharpe's Mission 927:Bernard Cornwell 885:First appearance 877: 876: 805:Bernard Cornwell 775:First appearance 767: 766: 715:Rifleman Cameron 670:Bernard Cornwell 640:First appearance 632: 631: 618:Sharpe's Mission 537:Bernard Cornwell 525:Sharpe's Mission 507:First appearance 499: 498: 355:a.k.a. La Aguja 280:Bernard Cornwell 238:First appearance 230: 229: 213:Bernard Cornwell 184:Bernard Cornwell 159:Bernard Cornwell 143: 136: 132: 129: 123: 114:MOS:CONTRACTIONS 99: 98: 91: 84: 77: 73: 70: 64: 59:this article by 50:inline citations 37: 36: 29: 21: 19722: 19721: 19717: 19716: 19715: 19713: 19712: 19711: 19697: 19696: 19676:Sharpe's Escape 19613:Sharpe's Battle 19568:Sharpe's Rifles 19497: 19471:the Sharpe Wiki 19461: 19460: 19455: 19451: 19446: 19442: 19437: 19433: 19425: 19421: 19416: 19412: 19407: 19403: 19398: 19394: 19389: 19385: 19380: 19376: 19371: 19367: 19362: 19358: 19353: 19349: 19344: 19340: 19335: 19331: 19326: 19322: 19317: 19313: 19308: 19304: 19299: 19295: 19290: 19286: 19281: 19277: 19272: 19268: 19263: 19256: 19251: 19247: 19242: 19238: 19233: 19229: 19224: 19220: 19215: 19211: 19206: 19202: 19197: 19193: 19188: 19184: 19179: 19175: 19170: 19166: 19161: 19157: 19152: 19148: 19139: 19138: 19134: 19129: 19122: 19117: 19113: 19108: 19101: 19096: 19092: 19087: 19083: 19078: 19069: 19064: 19060: 19055: 19042: 19037: 19033: 19028: 19024: 19019: 19010: 19005: 19001: 18996: 18992: 18987: 18983: 18978: 18974: 18969: 18965: 18960: 18956: 18951: 18947: 18942: 18935: 18930: 18923: 18918: 18909: 18904: 18891: 18886: 18882: 18877: 18870: 18865: 18861: 18856: 18797:Nils (deceased) 18743: 18740: 18617: 18614: 18609: 18597:Sharpe's Battle 18582:Lord Wellington 18574:Sharpe's Battle 18492:Sharpe's Battle 18486:Sharpe's Battle 18471: 18468: 18389:Lord Wellington 18302:Last appearance 18273: 18270: 18265: 18206: 18201: 18140:Last appearance 18117: 18111:Sharpe's Escape 18090:instead of the 18062:. Vicente, now 18039:studied law at 17947:Sharpe's Escape 17942:Last appearance 17919: 17916: 17878:Katia Caballero 17772:Henry Simmerson 17684:Katia Caballero 17651:Last appearance 17622: 17619: 17546:Sharpe's Escape 17541:Last appearance 17533:Sharpe's Escape 17518: 17515: 17450:Sharpe's Escape 17445:Last appearance 17437:Sharpe's Escape 17422: 17419: 17414: 17391:Sharpe's Rifles 17320:Sharpe's Rifles 17309:Last appearance 17301:Sharpe's Rifles 17295:Sharpe's Rifles 17280: 17277: 17269:Sharpe's Honour 17262:Sharpe's Honour 17180:Sharpe's Honour 17175:Last appearance 17168:Sharpe's Honour 17153: 17150: 17053:Last appearance 17030: 17027: 16828:Last appearance 16820:Sharpe's Rifles 16799: 16796: 16768:Sharpe's Honour 16760:Ramona Gonzalez 16753: 16692:Sharpe's Honour 16676:Isabella Harper 16604:Last appearance 16579: 16576: 16574:Isabella Harper 16568:Sharpe's Honour 16561:Sharpe's Honour 16479:Sharpe's Honour 16474:Last appearance 16467:Sharpe's Honour 16452: 16449: 16444: 16326:Last appearance 16304: 16301: 16213: 16210: 16118:Last appearance 16095: 16092: 16087: 16044:Sharpe's Battle 16024:Cavalry officer 15980:Sharpe's Battle 15974:Sharpe's Battle 15959: 15956: 15948:Lord Wellington 15930:. However, the 15890:Philippe Leroux 15809:Philippe Leroux 15804: 15801: 15799:Philippe Leroux 15789:Sharpe's Honour 15778:Lord Wellington 15761:Sharpe's Honour 15667:Sharpe's Honour 15662:Last appearance 15654:Sharpe's Honour 15633: 15630: 15520:Last appearance 15498: 15495: 15476:Sharpe's Battle 15413:Sharpe's Battle 15277:Last appearance 15263:Sharpe's Battle 15248: 15245: 15127:Last appearance 15098: 15095: 14911:Last appearance 14882: 14879: 14730:Last appearance 14701: 14698: 14621:Last appearance 14592: 14589: 14584: 14565:Sharpe's Rifles 14560:David Troughton 14478:David Troughton 14455:Last appearance 14447:Sharpe's Rifles 14426: 14423: 14421:Lord Wellington 14348:and extracts a 14276:with his wife, 14173:Last appearance 14149:John Rossendale 14144: 14141: 14073:Last appearance 14050: 14047: 14035:Sharpe's Honour 14001:Royal Engineers 13997:Colonel Lawford 13978:Sharpe's Honour 13937:By the time of 13820:Sharpe's Honour 13809:Last appearance 13780: 13777: 13585:Last appearance 13562: 13559: 13429:Last appearance 13406: 13403: 13332:Last appearance 13309: 13306: 13250:Last appearance 13227: 13224: 13216:James Laurenson 13175:Sharpe's Battle 13123:Sharpe's Battle 13077:Sharpe's Rifles 13031:Royal Artillery 13015:Purchase System 13011:Royal Engineers 13004:Colquhoun Grant 12914:Last appearance 12906:Sharpe's Rifles 12900:Sharpe's Rifles 12885: 12882: 12838:acquiring some 12730:Henry Simmerson 12706:Sharpe's Honour 12651:Henry Simmerson 12602:Last appearance 12573: 12570: 12563: 12502:Sharpe's Battle 12497:Last appearance 12474: 12471: 12401:Last appearance 12378: 12375: 12258:, portrayed by 12186:Last appearance 12157: 12154: 12098:Last appearance 12075: 12072: 12008:Last appearance 11985: 11982: 11849:Last appearance 11820: 11817: 11731:Last appearance 11702: 11699: 11694: 11662:British Officer 11607:Last appearance 11578: 11575: 11480:Last appearance 11451: 11448: 11432:Sharpe's Honour 11392:Benjamin Soames 11371:Sharpe's Honour 11365:Sharpe's Honour 11360:Last appearance 11352:Sharpe's Honour 11346:Sharpe's Honour 11331: 11328: 11280:Tristram Wymark 11248:Last appearance 11219: 11216: 11190:Sharpe's Escape 11135:Sharpe's Escape 11130:Last appearance 11122:Sharpe's Escape 11107: 11104: 10981:William Lawford 10889:Henry Simmerson 10812:Last appearance 10788:Henry Simmerson 10783: 10780: 10768:Sharpe's Escape 10698:Last appearance 10675: 10672: 10660:Sharpe's Escape 10593:Last appearance 10570: 10567: 10531:Scott Cleverdon 10473:Sharpe's Honour 10434:Sharpe's Battle 10377: 10375:Scott Cleverdon 10350:Last appearance 10328: 10325: 10312:Sharpe's Escape 10242:Last appearance 10219: 10216: 10204:Sharpe's Escape 10191:Private Mellors 10137:Last appearance 10114: 10111: 10098:Sharpe's Escape 10033:Sharpe's Honour 10028:Last appearance 10005: 10002: 9926:Last appearance 9897: 9894: 9882:Sharpe's Honour 9874:Sharpe's Escape 9802:Last appearance 9788:Sharpe's Honour 9773: 9770: 9754:Gavan O'Herlihy 9714:Colonel Windham 9686:Henry Simmerson 9581:Gavan O'Herlihy 9553:Sharpe's Honour 9548:Last appearance 9519: 9516: 9427:Last appearance 9398: 9395: 9199:is a fictional 9136:Benedict Taylor 9100:Last appearance 9092:Sharpe's Rifles 9076:William Lawford 9071: 9068: 9066:William Lawford 8994:Sharpe's Escape 8990:William Lawford 8906:Last appearance 8883: 8880: 8871:Sharpe's Escape 8806:Sharpe's Escape 8801:Last appearance 8778: 8775: 8767:Sharpe's Escape 8747:British Officer 8723:Sharpe's Escape 8718:Last appearance 8710:Sharpe's Escape 8695: 8692: 8679:Sharpe's Escape 8640:Colour Sergeant 8609:Last appearance 8586: 8583: 8561:In the popular 8367:to have Sharpe 8141:Last appearance 8112: 8109: 8097:Sharpe's Escape 8025:Last appearance 8002: 7999: 7937:Foulness Island 7798:Last appearance 7769: 7766: 7735:Henry Simmerson 7661:Last appearance 7632: 7629: 7596:and his fellow 7502:Last appearance 7473: 7470: 7396:Last appearance 7373: 7370: 7283:Last appearance 7254: 7251: 7243:Edward Atterton 7238:Sharpe's Honour 7153:Edward Atterton 7131:Sharpe's Honour 7120:Last appearance 7112:Sharpe's Honour 7106:Sharpe's Honour 7091: 7088: 7079:Sharpe's Honour 7025:Sharpe's Honour 7020:Last appearance 7012:Sharpe's Honour 6997: 6994: 6950:British Officer 6895:Last appearance 6866: 6863: 6848:Sharpe's Escape 6824:Private Clayton 6746:Last appearance 6717: 6714: 6630:Last appearance 6601: 6598: 6578:Sharpe's Escape 6519:Last appearance 6511:Sharpe's Escape 6496: 6493: 6403:Last appearance 6374: 6371: 6331:British Officer 6292:Last appearance 6269: 6266: 6192:Last appearance 6169: 6166: 6157:Sharpe's Honour 6098:Last appearance 6090:Sharpe's Honour 6075: 6072: 6067: 6040:Sailor, Soldier 5995:Last appearance 5966: 5963: 5884:Last appearance 5855: 5852: 5839:Rifleman Reilly 5775:Last appearance 5752: 5749: 5672:Last appearance 5649: 5646: 5561:"Sweet William" 5514:Last appearance 5485: 5482: 5396: 5393: 5388: 5370:Sharpe's Rifles 5312:Last appearance 5289: 5286: 5284:John Williamson 5275:Sharpe's Rifles 5214:Sharpe's Rifles 5208:Sharpe's Rifles 5203:Last appearance 5195:Sharpe's Rifles 5189:Sharpe's Rifles 5174: 5171: 5159:Sharpe's Rifles 5145:Sharpe's Rifles 5071:Last appearance 5063:Sharpe's Rifles 5057:Sharpe's Rifles 5042: 5039: 5028:Sharpe's Battle 5024:Sharpe's Escape 5012:Sharpe's Rifles 5008:Sharpe's Battle 4955:Sharpe's Battle 4950:Last appearance 4942:Sharpe's Battle 4927: 4924: 4908:Sharpe's Rifles 4850:Last appearance 4827: 4824: 4803:Sharpe's Rifles 4799:Sharpe's Battle 4733:Last appearance 4725:Sharpe's Battle 4710: 4707: 4691:Sharpe's Escape 4675:Sharpe's Rifles 4609:Last appearance 4591:Fergus Slattery 4586: 4583: 4581:Fergus Slattery 4503:Last appearance 4480: 4477: 4456:Sharpe's Escape 4442:Sharpe's Rifles 4389:Sharpe's Escape 4384:Last appearance 4376:Sharpe's Rifles 4361: 4358: 4350:Sharpe's Battle 4342:Sharpe's Rifles 4251:Sharpe's Battle 4240:Last appearance 4232:Sharpe's Rifles 4211: 4208: 4188:Sharpe's Rifles 4130:Last appearance 4107: 4104: 4092:Sharpe's Rifles 4062:British Officer 4018:Sharpe's Rifles 4012:Sharpe's Rifles 4007:Last appearance 3999:Sharpe's Rifles 3978: 3975: 3962:Sharpe's Honour 3892:Last appearance 3869: 3866: 3857:Sharpe's Battle 3795:Last appearance 3772: 3769: 3748:Sharpe's Escape 3736:Sharpe's Rifles 3674:Last appearance 3651: 3648: 3626:Sharpe's Rifles 3622:Sharpe's Battle 3564:Last appearance 3556:Sharpe's Battle 3541: 3538: 3526:Sharpe's Rifles 3509:Sharpe's Escape 3497:Sharpe's Rifles 3493:Sharpe's Battle 3435:Last appearance 3427:Sharpe's Battle 3412: 3409: 3390:Sharpe's Honour 3343:Sharpe's Rifles 3336:Sharpe's Rifles 3278:Last appearance 3270:Sharpe's Rifles 3255: 3252: 3236:Sharpe's Battle 3232:Sharpe's Escape 3220:Sharpe's Rifles 3155:Sharpe's Battle 3150:Last appearance 3127: 3124: 3112:Sharpe's Escape 3100:Sharpe's Rifles 3096:Rifleman Hobbes 3042:Last appearance 3019: 3016: 2996:Sharpe's Battle 2992:Sharpe's Escape 2971:Sharpe's Rifles 2910:Sharpe's Battle 2905:Last appearance 2882: 2879: 2858:Sharpe's Escape 2846:Sharpe's Rifles 2838:Rifleman Harvey 2789:Sharpe's Escape 2784:Last appearance 2761: 2758: 2655:Sharpe's Rifles 2624:Rifleman Harris 2554:Last appearance 2546:Sharpe's Rifles 2525: 2522: 2501:Daragh O'Malley 2493:Sharpe's Rifles 2401:as a civilian ( 2349:Sharpe's Rifles 2254:Sharpe's Rifles 2211: 2172:Daragh O'Malley 2139:Last appearance 2131:Sharpe's Rifles 2110: 2107: 2084:Sharpe's Honour 2077:Sharpe's Rifles 2024:Sharpe's Battle 2009:Sharpe's Rifles 2001:Sharpe's Rifles 1912:Last appearance 1904:Sharpe's Rifles 1898:Sharpe's Rifles 1883: 1880: 1851:Sharpe's Rifles 1847:Sharpe's Battle 1789:Last appearance 1781:Sharpe's Battle 1766: 1763: 1740:Sharpe's Rifles 1682:Last appearance 1674:Sharpe's Rifles 1659: 1656: 1635:Sharpe's Escape 1623:Sharpe's Rifles 1619:Sharpe's Battle 1566:Sharpe's Battle 1561:Last appearance 1553:Sharpe's Battle 1538: 1535: 1527:Sharpe's Rifles 1516:Julian Fellowes 1505:Sharpe's Rifles 1501:Sharpe's Rifles 1478:British Officer 1456:Julian Fellowes 1434:Sharpe's Rifles 1423:Last appearance 1415:Sharpe's Rifles 1394: 1391: 1375:Sharpe's Rifles 1317:Last appearance 1294: 1291: 1276:Sharpe's Escape 1271:Sharpe's Rifles 1202:Sharpe's Escape 1197:Last appearance 1189:Sharpe's Rifles 1174: 1171: 1156:Sharpe's Battle 1148:Sharpe's Rifles 1086:Last appearance 1063: 1060: 1040:Sharpe's Rifles 1017:Sharpe's Battle 1003:He featured in 998:Sharpe's Rifles 904:Last appearance 896:Sharpe's Rifles 875: 872: 859:Sharpe's Escape 842:Rifleman Carter 793:Sharpe's Escape 788:Last appearance 765: 762: 738:Sharpe's Escape 720:Sharpe's Rifles 658:Sharpe's Rifles 653:Last appearance 645:Sharpe's Rifles 630: 627: 593:Sharpe's Battle 520:Last appearance 497: 494: 489: 466:Sharpe's Rifles 375: 373: 360: 356: 343: 342:Unknown father 333: 331: 329: 257:Last appearance 249:Sharpe's Rifles 228: 225: 167:Napoleonic Wars 153:is a series of 144: 133: 127: 124: 117: 108:Manual of Style 100: 96: 85: 74: 68: 65: 55:Please help to 54: 38: 34: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 19720: 19710: 19709: 19695: 19694: 19689: 19680: 19671: 19667:Sharpe's Havoc 19662: 19653: 19644: 19635: 19626: 19622:Sharpe's Tiger 19617: 19608: 19599: 19595:Sharpe's Devil 19590: 19581: 19572: 19563: 19559:Sharpe's Siege 19554: 19545: 19541:Sharpe's Enemy 19536: 19532:Sharpe's Sword 19527: 19518: 19509: 19505:Sharpe's Eagle 19500: 19495: 19478: 19459: 19458: 19449: 19440: 19431: 19429:, p. 472. 19419: 19410: 19401: 19392: 19383: 19374: 19365: 19356: 19347: 19338: 19329: 19320: 19311: 19302: 19293: 19284: 19275: 19266: 19254: 19245: 19236: 19227: 19218: 19209: 19200: 19191: 19182: 19173: 19164: 19155: 19146: 19132: 19120: 19111: 19099: 19090: 19081: 19067: 19058: 19040: 19031: 19022: 19008: 18999: 18990: 18981: 18972: 18963: 18954: 18945: 18933: 18921: 18907: 18889: 18880: 18868: 18858: 18857: 18855: 18852: 18844:Sharpe's Havoc 18817: 18816: 18813: 18809: 18808: 18803: 18799: 18798: 18795: 18791: 18790: 18787: 18783: 18782: 18779: 18775: 18774: 18770: 18769: 18764: 18760: 18759: 18754: 18750: 18749: 18741: 18739: 18736: 18685:Sharpe's Siege 18676: 18675: 18672: 18668: 18667: 18664: 18660: 18659: 18656: 18652: 18651: 18647: 18646: 18641: 18637: 18636: 18632:Sharpe's Siege 18628: 18624: 18623: 18615: 18613: 18610: 18608: 18605: 18554: 18553: 18550: 18546: 18545: 18542: 18538: 18537: 18534: 18530: 18529: 18526: 18522: 18521: 18517: 18516: 18511: 18507: 18506: 18501: 18497: 18496: 18482: 18478: 18477: 18469: 18467: 18464: 18436:Sharpe's Sword 18417:Sharpe's Enemy 18400:Sharpe's Sword 18376:Patrick Curtis 18369: 18368: 18365: 18361: 18360: 18359:Roman Catholic 18357: 18353: 18352: 18349: 18345: 18344: 18341: 18337: 18336: 18331: 18327: 18326: 18322: 18321: 18316: 18312: 18311: 18307:Sharpe's Enemy 18303: 18299: 18298: 18294:Sharpe's Sword 18288:Sharpe's Sword 18284: 18280: 18279: 18278:Patrick Curtis 18271: 18269: 18266: 18264: 18261: 18213:Sharpe's Tiger 18205: 18202: 18200: 18197: 18193:TV adaptations 18187: 18186: 18185:Indian/British 18183: 18179: 18178: 18175: 18171: 18170: 18167: 18163: 18162: 18158: 18157: 18154: 18150: 18149: 18145:Sharpe's Tiger 18141: 18137: 18136: 18132:Sharpe's Tiger 18128: 18124: 18123: 18115: 18080:light infantry 18049:Sharpe's Havoc 18018:Richard Sharpe 18009: 18008: 18005: 18001: 18000: 17995: 17991: 17990: 17987: 17983: 17982: 17979: 17975: 17974: 17971: 17967: 17966: 17962: 17961: 17956: 17952: 17951: 17943: 17939: 17938: 17934:Sharpe's Havoc 17930: 17926: 17925: 17917: 17915: 17912: 17900:Sharpe's Enemy 17874:Sharpe's Eagle 17838:Sharpe's Enemy 17756:Sharpe's Eagle 17738: 17737: 17734: 17730: 17729: 17726: 17722: 17721: 17716: 17712: 17711: 17704: 17700: 17699: 17696: 17692: 17691: 17687: 17686: 17681: 17677: 17676: 17671: 17667: 17666: 17662:Sharpe's Eagle 17656:Sharpe's Enemy 17652: 17648: 17647: 17643:Sharpe's Eagle 17637:Sharpe's Eagle 17633: 17629: 17628: 17620: 17618: 17615: 17607:Richard Sharpe 17603:Major Ferreira 17598: 17597: 17594: 17590: 17589: 17586: 17582: 17581: 17578: 17574: 17573: 17570: 17566: 17565: 17561: 17560: 17555: 17551: 17550: 17542: 17538: 17537: 17529: 17525: 17524: 17516: 17514: 17511: 17503:Richard Sharpe 17494: 17493: 17490: 17486: 17485: 17484:Major Ferreira 17482: 17478: 17477: 17474: 17470: 17469: 17465: 17464: 17459: 17455: 17454: 17446: 17442: 17441: 17433: 17429: 17428: 17420: 17418: 17415: 17413: 17410: 17398:Sharpe's Devil 17382: 17381: 17378: 17374: 17373: 17370: 17366: 17365: 17362: 17358: 17357: 17354: 17350: 17349: 17345: 17344: 17339: 17335: 17334: 17329: 17325: 17324: 17314:Sharpe's Devil 17310: 17306: 17305: 17291: 17287: 17286: 17285:Don Blas Vivar 17278: 17276: 17275:Don Blas Vivar 17273: 17249: 17248: 17245: 17241: 17240: 17237: 17233: 17232: 17229: 17225: 17224: 17221: 17217: 17216: 17213: 17209: 17208: 17204: 17203: 17198: 17194: 17193: 17188: 17184: 17183: 17176: 17172: 17171: 17164: 17160: 17159: 17151: 17149: 17146: 17110: 17109: 17106: 17102: 17101: 17098: 17094: 17093: 17090: 17086: 17085: 17082: 17078: 17077: 17073: 17072: 17067: 17063: 17062: 17054: 17050: 17049: 17041: 17037: 17036: 17028: 17026: 17023: 17019:Assumpta Serna 17015:TV adaptations 17005:Sharpe's Enemy 16994:Patrick Harper 16938:Richard Sharpe 16921: 16920: 16917: 16913: 16912: 16909: 16905: 16904: 16901: 16897: 16896: 16894:Richard Sharpe 16891: 16887: 16886: 16883: 16879: 16878: 16873: 16869: 16868: 16864: 16863: 16861:Assumpta Serna 16858: 16854: 16853: 16848: 16844: 16843: 16839:Sharpe's Enemy 16833:Sharpe's Enemy 16829: 16825: 16824: 16810: 16806: 16805: 16797: 16795: 16792: 16776:Patrick Curtis 16772:Sharpe's Sword 16764:Sharpe's Enemy 16748:Sharpe's Devil 16688:Sharpe's Sword 16680:Sharpe's Sword 16671: 16670: 16667: 16663: 16662: 16659: 16655: 16654: 16651: 16647: 16646: 16645:Patrick Harper 16643: 16639: 16638: 16634: 16633: 16630: 16626: 16625: 16620: 16616: 16615: 16605: 16601: 16600: 16597:Sharpe's Enemy 16593:Sharpe's Sword 16590: 16586: 16585: 16577: 16575: 16572: 16548: 16547: 16544: 16540: 16539: 16536: 16532: 16531: 16528: 16524: 16523: 16520: 16516: 16515: 16512: 16508: 16507: 16503: 16502: 16500:Nickolas Grace 16497: 16493: 16492: 16487: 16483: 16482: 16475: 16471: 16470: 16463: 16459: 16458: 16450: 16448: 16445: 16443: 16440: 16379:Daulat Scindia 16364: 16363: 16360: 16356: 16355: 16352: 16348: 16347: 16344: 16340: 16339: 16335: 16334: 16327: 16323: 16322: 16315: 16311: 16310: 16302: 16300: 16297: 16272: 16271: 16268: 16264: 16263: 16260: 16256: 16255: 16252: 16248: 16247: 16243: 16242: 16237: 16233: 16232: 16224: 16220: 16219: 16211: 16209: 16206: 16194:Sharpe's Sword 16172:Captain Lossow 16167: 16166: 16163: 16159: 16158: 16155: 16151: 16150: 16147: 16143: 16142: 16138: 16137: 16132: 16128: 16127: 16123:Sharpe's Sword 16119: 16115: 16114: 16106: 16102: 16101: 16093: 16091: 16088: 16086: 16083: 16034: 16033: 16030: 16026: 16025: 16022: 16018: 16017: 16014: 16010: 16009: 16005: 16004: 15999: 15995: 15994: 15989: 15985: 15984: 15970: 15966: 15965: 15957: 15955: 15952: 15885: 15884: 15881: 15877: 15876: 15873: 15869: 15868: 15865: 15861: 15860: 15857: 15853: 15852: 15848: 15847: 15846:Patrick Fierry 15844: 15840: 15839: 15834: 15830: 15829: 15825:Sharpe's Sword 15819:Sharpe's Sword 15815: 15811: 15810: 15802: 15800: 15797: 15785:Sharpe's Sword 15750:Patrick Curtis 15746:Sharpe's Sword 15739:La Puta Dorada 15729: 15728: 15725: 15721: 15720: 15717: 15713: 15712: 15709: 15705: 15704: 15701: 15697: 15696: 15692: 15691: 15686: 15682: 15681: 15676: 15672: 15671: 15663: 15659: 15658: 15648:Sharpe's Sword 15644: 15640: 15639: 15631: 15629: 15626: 15614:Imperial Guard 15588:Sharpe's Devil 15583:Patrick Harper 15560: 15559: 15556: 15552: 15551: 15548: 15544: 15543: 15539: 15538: 15533: 15529: 15528: 15521: 15517: 15516: 15509: 15505: 15504: 15496: 15494: 15491: 15483:TV adaptations 15468:Sharpe's Enemy 15429:Sharpe's Enemy 15353:and alongside 15342: 15341: 15338: 15334: 15333: 15330: 15326: 15325: 15322: 15318: 15317: 15313: 15312: 15307: 15303: 15302: 15297: 15293: 15292: 15278: 15274: 15273: 15269:Sharpe's Enemy 15259: 15255: 15254: 15246: 15244: 15241: 15236:Sharpe's Enemy 15222:Sharpe's Enemy 15200:Sharpe's Havoc 15185: 15184: 15181: 15177: 15176: 15173: 15169: 15168: 15165: 15161: 15160: 15156: 15155: 15150: 15146: 15145: 15140: 15136: 15135: 15132:Sharpe's Enemy 15128: 15124: 15123: 15119:Sharpe's Enemy 15113:Sharpe's Havoc 15109: 15105: 15104: 15103:Sergeant Deron 15096: 15094: 15091: 15056:Patrick Harper 15003: 15002: 14999: 14995: 14994: 14991: 14987: 14986: 14984:Richard Sharpe 14980: 14976: 14975: 14972: 14968: 14967: 14964: 14960: 14959: 14956: 14952: 14951: 14947: 14946: 14941: 14937: 14936: 14931: 14927: 14926: 14916:Sharpe's Devil 14912: 14908: 14907: 14893: 14889: 14888: 14880: 14878: 14875: 14860:Sharpe's Siege 14806:Sharpe's Siege 14802:Richard Sharpe 14792: 14791: 14788: 14784: 14783: 14777: 14773: 14772: 14769: 14765: 14764: 14760: 14759: 14753:Olivier Pierre 14750: 14746: 14745: 14731: 14727: 14726: 14716:Sharpe's Siege 14712: 14708: 14707: 14699: 14697: 14694: 14674: 14673: 14670: 14666: 14665: 14662: 14658: 14657: 14654: 14650: 14649: 14646: 14642: 14641: 14637: 14636: 14626:Sharpe's Devil 14622: 14618: 14617: 14603: 14599: 14598: 14590: 14588: 14585: 14583: 14580: 14571:Sharpe's Eagle 14541:Prime Minister 14522: 14521: 14518: 14514: 14513: 14510: 14506: 14505: 14502: 14498: 14497: 14494: 14490: 14489: 14485: 14484: 14475: 14471: 14470: 14456: 14452: 14451: 14441:Sharpe's Tiger 14437: 14433: 14432: 14424: 14422: 14419: 14403:Alexis Denisof 14365:La Haye Sainte 14251:Richard Sharpe 14249:first crosses 14242: 14241: 14238: 14234: 14233: 14230: 14226: 14225: 14222: 14218: 14217: 14213: 14212: 14210:Alexis Denisof 14203: 14199: 14198: 14193: 14189: 14188: 14174: 14170: 14169: 14155: 14151: 14150: 14142: 14140: 14137: 14122: 14121: 14118: 14114: 14113: 14110: 14106: 14105: 14102: 14098: 14097: 14093: 14092: 14087: 14083: 14082: 14074: 14070: 14069: 14061: 14057: 14056: 14048: 14046: 14043: 14020:Sharpe's Enemy 13970:Sharpe's Enemy 13899:Sharpe's Enemy 13864: 13863: 13860: 13856: 13855: 13852: 13848: 13847: 13843: 13842: 13837: 13833: 13832: 13829: 13825: 13824: 13810: 13806: 13805: 13795:Sharpe's Enemy 13791: 13787: 13786: 13778: 13776: 13773: 13699:Sharpe's Tiger 13684:Richard Sharpe 13643:Richard Sharpe 13634: 13633: 13630: 13626: 13625: 13622: 13618: 13617: 13614: 13610: 13609: 13605: 13604: 13599: 13595: 13594: 13586: 13582: 13581: 13577:Sharpe's Tiger 13573: 13569: 13568: 13567:Charles Morris 13560: 13558: 13557:Charles Morris 13555: 13487:Sharpe's Tiger 13478: 13477: 13474: 13470: 13469: 13466: 13462: 13461: 13458: 13454: 13453: 13449: 13448: 13443: 13439: 13438: 13430: 13426: 13425: 13421:Sharpe's Tiger 13417: 13413: 13412: 13404: 13402: 13399: 13389: 13388: 13385: 13381: 13380: 13377: 13373: 13372: 13369: 13365: 13364: 13360: 13359: 13356: 13352: 13351: 13346: 13342: 13341: 13337:Sharpe's Enemy 13333: 13329: 13328: 13324:Sharpe's Enemy 13320: 13316: 13315: 13307: 13305: 13302: 13289: 13288: 13285: 13281: 13280: 13277: 13273: 13272: 13269: 13265: 13264: 13260: 13259: 13251: 13247: 13246: 13238: 13234: 13233: 13225: 13223: 13220: 13196:TV adaptations 13185:Patrick Harper 13131:Sharpe's Siege 13127:Sharpe's Sword 13115:Sharpe's Enemy 13107:Sharpe's Havoc 13103:Sharpe's Eagle 13073:Richard Sharpe 12987: 12986: 12983: 12979: 12978: 12975: 12971: 12970: 12967: 12963: 12962: 12959: 12955: 12954: 12950: 12949: 12944: 12940: 12939: 12934: 12930: 12929: 12925:Sharpe's Eagle 12919:Sharpe's Siege 12915: 12911: 12910: 12896: 12892: 12891: 12883: 12881: 12878: 12859:Sharpe's Siege 12832:Sharpe's Siege 12828:Sharpe's Eagle 12818:(then wife of 12803:. In his book 12801:Sharpe's Devil 12764:Peninsular War 12749:Sharpe's Siege 12697:Patrick Harper 12688:Sharpe's Eagle 12674: 12673: 12670: 12666: 12665: 12662:Richard Sharpe 12659: 12655: 12654: 12647: 12643: 12642: 12638: 12637: 12632: 12628: 12627: 12622: 12618: 12617: 12603: 12599: 12598: 12588:Sharpe's Eagle 12584: 12580: 12579: 12571: 12562: 12559: 12555:Sharpe's Tiger 12551:Thomas Garrard 12546: 12545: 12542: 12538: 12537: 12534: 12530: 12529: 12526: 12522: 12521: 12517: 12516: 12511: 12507: 12506: 12498: 12494: 12493: 12489:Sharpe's Tiger 12485: 12481: 12480: 12479:Thomas Garrard 12472: 12470: 12469:Thomas Garrard 12467: 12450: 12449: 12446: 12442: 12441: 12438: 12434: 12433: 12430: 12426: 12425: 12421: 12420: 12415: 12411: 12410: 12402: 12398: 12397: 12389: 12385: 12384: 12376: 12374: 12371: 12304:Richard Sharpe 12241: 12240: 12237: 12233: 12232: 12229: 12225: 12224: 12221: 12217: 12216: 12212: 12211: 12206: 12202: 12201: 12187: 12183: 12182: 12168: 12164: 12163: 12155: 12153: 12150: 12137: 12136: 12133: 12129: 12128: 12125: 12121: 12120: 12117: 12113: 12112: 12108: 12107: 12099: 12095: 12094: 12086: 12082: 12081: 12073: 12071: 12068: 12047: 12046: 12043: 12039: 12038: 12035: 12031: 12030: 12027: 12023: 12022: 12018: 12017: 12009: 12005: 12004: 11996: 11992: 11991: 11983: 11981: 11978: 11965:Sharpe's Siege 11913:Sharpe's Siege 11898: 11897: 11894: 11890: 11889: 11886: 11882: 11881: 11878: 11874: 11873: 11869: 11868: 11863: 11859: 11858: 11850: 11846: 11845: 11841:Sharpe's Siege 11835:Sharpe's Siege 11831: 11827: 11826: 11818: 11816: 11813: 11786: 11785: 11782: 11778: 11777: 11774: 11770: 11769: 11766: 11762: 11761: 11757: 11756: 11751: 11747: 11746: 11732: 11728: 11727: 11713: 11709: 11708: 11700: 11698: 11695: 11693: 11690: 11672: 11671: 11668: 11664: 11663: 11660: 11656: 11655: 11652: 11648: 11647: 11643: 11642: 11637: 11633: 11632: 11627: 11623: 11622: 11612:Sharpe's Sword 11608: 11604: 11603: 11589: 11585: 11584: 11576: 11574: 11571: 11543: 11542: 11539: 11535: 11534: 11531: 11527: 11526: 11523: 11519: 11518: 11514: 11513: 11512:Steve Chambers 11510: 11506: 11505: 11500: 11496: 11495: 11481: 11477: 11476: 11462: 11458: 11457: 11456:Charlie Weller 11449: 11447: 11446:Charlie Weller 11444: 11440:Richard Sharpe 11423: 11422: 11419: 11415: 11414: 11411: 11407: 11406: 11403: 11399: 11398: 11394: 11393: 11390: 11386: 11385: 11380: 11376: 11375: 11361: 11357: 11356: 11342: 11338: 11337: 11329: 11327: 11324: 11311: 11310: 11307: 11303: 11302: 11299: 11295: 11294: 11291: 11287: 11286: 11282: 11281: 11278: 11274: 11273: 11268: 11264: 11263: 11249: 11245: 11244: 11230: 11226: 11225: 11217: 11215: 11212: 11179: 11178: 11175: 11171: 11170: 11167: 11163: 11162: 11159: 11155: 11154: 11150: 11149: 11144: 11140: 11139: 11131: 11127: 11126: 11118: 11114: 11113: 11105: 11103: 11100: 11089:Sharpe's Peril 11061:Emily Mortimer 11023:Sharpe's Sword 11019:Sharpe's Eagle 10937:rotten borough 10904:Sharpe's Eagle 10883: 10882: 10877: 10873: 10872: 10867: 10863: 10862: 10857: 10853: 10852: 10848: 10847: 10842: 10838: 10837: 10832: 10828: 10827: 10823:Sharpe's Peril 10813: 10809: 10808: 10804:Sharpe's Eagle 10798:Sharpe's Eagle 10794: 10790: 10789: 10781: 10779: 10776: 10772:Sharpe's Sword 10764:Sharpe's Eagle 10747: 10746: 10743: 10739: 10738: 10735: 10731: 10730: 10727: 10723: 10722: 10718: 10717: 10712: 10708: 10707: 10699: 10695: 10694: 10686: 10682: 10681: 10673: 10671: 10668: 10651:Sharpe's Eagle 10642: 10641: 10638: 10634: 10633: 10630: 10626: 10625: 10622: 10618: 10617: 10613: 10612: 10607: 10603: 10602: 10594: 10590: 10589: 10585:Sharpe's Eagle 10581: 10577: 10576: 10568: 10566: 10563: 10554:Nicholas Irons 10465:Sharpe's Enemy 10457:Sharpe's Sword 10446:Robert Knowles 10412:Richard Sharpe 10403: 10402: 10399: 10395: 10394: 10391: 10387: 10386: 10382: 10381: 10379:Nicholas Irons 10372: 10368: 10367: 10361: 10357: 10356: 10351: 10347: 10346: 10339: 10335: 10334: 10326: 10324: 10321: 10317:Sharpe's Sword 10304:Sharpe's Eagle 10300:Sharpe's Eagle 10296:Private Peters 10291: 10290: 10287: 10283: 10282: 10279: 10275: 10274: 10271: 10267: 10266: 10262: 10261: 10256: 10252: 10251: 10243: 10239: 10238: 10234:Sharpe's Eagle 10230: 10226: 10225: 10217: 10215: 10212: 10208:Sharpe's Sword 10196:Sharpe's Eagle 10186: 10185: 10182: 10178: 10177: 10174: 10170: 10169: 10166: 10162: 10161: 10157: 10156: 10151: 10147: 10146: 10142:Sharpe's Sword 10138: 10134: 10133: 10125: 10121: 10120: 10112: 10110: 10107: 10102:Sharpe's Sword 10090:Sharpe's Eagle 10086:Sharpe's Eagle 10077: 10076: 10073: 10069: 10068: 10065: 10061: 10060: 10057: 10053: 10052: 10048: 10047: 10042: 10038: 10037: 10029: 10025: 10024: 10020:Sharpe's Eagle 10016: 10012: 10011: 10003: 10001: 9998: 9981: 9980: 9977: 9973: 9972: 9969: 9965: 9964: 9961: 9957: 9956: 9952: 9951: 9946: 9942: 9941: 9927: 9923: 9922: 9908: 9904: 9903: 9895: 9893: 9890: 9878:Sharpe's Sword 9866:Sharpe's Eagle 9857: 9856: 9853: 9849: 9848: 9845: 9841: 9840: 9837: 9833: 9832: 9828: 9827: 9822: 9818: 9817: 9803: 9799: 9798: 9794:Sharpe's Sword 9784: 9780: 9779: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9762:Sharpe's Eagle 9750:TV Adaptations 9723:Sharpe's Sword 9681:Sharpe's Eagle 9676:Richard Sharpe 9656:planter family 9642:Peninsular War 9632:serving as an 9622:Richard Sharpe 9613: 9612: 9609: 9605: 9604: 9601: 9597: 9596: 9593: 9589: 9588: 9584: 9583: 9578: 9574: 9573: 9568: 9564: 9563: 9559:Sharpe's Eagle 9549: 9545: 9544: 9540:Sharpe's Eagle 9534:Sharpe's Eagle 9530: 9526: 9525: 9517: 9515: 9512: 9497:Captain Lennox 9492: 9491: 9488: 9484: 9483: 9480: 9476: 9475: 9472: 9468: 9467: 9463: 9462: 9457: 9453: 9452: 9447: 9443: 9442: 9438:Sharpe's Eagle 9432:Sharpe's Eagle 9428: 9424: 9423: 9419:Sharpe's Eagle 9413:Sharpe's Eagle 9409: 9405: 9404: 9396: 9394: 9391: 9359:Ciudad Rodrigo 9331:Sharpe's Eagle 9192: 9191: 9190:Anglo-Scottish 9188: 9184: 9183: 9180: 9176: 9175: 9172: 9168: 9167: 9164: 9160: 9159: 9156: 9152: 9151: 9148: 9144: 9143: 9139: 9138: 9129: 9125: 9124: 9119: 9115: 9114: 9101: 9097: 9096: 9086:Sharpe's Tiger 9082: 9078: 9077: 9069: 9067: 9064: 9040:TV adaptations 9013:Ciudad Rodrigo 8968:Richard Sharpe 8956:Sharpe's Eagle 8947: 8946: 8943: 8939: 8938: 8935: 8931: 8930: 8926: 8925: 8920: 8916: 8915: 8907: 8903: 8902: 8898:Sharpe's Eagle 8894: 8890: 8889: 8888:Robert Knowles 8881: 8879: 8878:Robert Knowles 8876: 8863:Sharpe's Eagle 8859:Sharpe's Eagle 8850: 8849: 8846: 8842: 8841: 8838: 8834: 8833: 8830: 8826: 8825: 8821: 8820: 8815: 8811: 8810: 8802: 8798: 8797: 8793:Sharpe's Eagle 8789: 8785: 8784: 8776: 8774: 8771: 8757: 8756: 8753: 8749: 8748: 8745: 8741: 8740: 8737: 8733: 8732: 8728: 8727: 8719: 8715: 8714: 8706: 8702: 8701: 8693: 8691: 8688: 8683:Sharpe's Sword 8671:Sharpe's Eagle 8667:Sharpe's Eagle 8658: 8657: 8654: 8650: 8649: 8646: 8642: 8641: 8638: 8634: 8633: 8629: 8628: 8623: 8619: 8618: 8610: 8606: 8605: 8601:Sharpe's Eagle 8597: 8593: 8592: 8584: 8582: 8579: 8552:Sharpe's Peril 8544:TV adaptations 8525: 8524: 8513: 8506: 8495: 8492:Sharpe's Tiger 8442:Patrick Harper 8392:Sharpe's Tiger 8373:Sharpe's Tiger 8365:Charles Morris 8342:Richard Sharpe 8309:Sharpe's Enemy 8300:Sharpe's Enemy 8294:Sharpe's Tiger 8228: 8227: 8222: 8218: 8217: 8214: 8210: 8209: 8206: 8202: 8201: 8196: 8192: 8191: 8186: 8182: 8181: 8177: 8176: 8171: 8167: 8166: 8161: 8157: 8156: 8152:Sharpe's Enemy 8146:Sharpe's Enemy 8142: 8138: 8137: 8127:Sharpe's Tiger 8123: 8119: 8118: 8110: 8108: 8105: 8101:Sharpe's Sword 8087:Sharpe's Eagle 8083:Sharpe's Eagle 8074: 8073: 8070: 8066: 8065: 8062: 8058: 8057: 8054: 8050: 8049: 8045: 8044: 8039: 8035: 8034: 8026: 8022: 8021: 8017:Sharpe's Eagle 8013: 8009: 8008: 8000: 7998: 7995: 7933:Patrick Harper 7871: 7870: 7867: 7863: 7862: 7859: 7855: 7854: 7851: 7847: 7846: 7843: 7839: 7838: 7834: 7833: 7828: 7824: 7823: 7818: 7814: 7813: 7799: 7795: 7794: 7780: 7776: 7775: 7767: 7765: 7762: 7747:Patrick Harper 7739:Sharpe's Eagle 7726: 7725: 7722: 7718: 7717: 7714: 7710: 7709: 7706: 7702: 7701: 7697: 7696: 7691: 7687: 7686: 7681: 7677: 7676: 7672:Sharpe's Eagle 7666:Sharpe's Eagle 7662: 7658: 7657: 7653:Sharpe's Eagle 7647:Sharpe's Eagle 7643: 7639: 7638: 7630: 7628: 7625: 7614:Imperial Guard 7594:Richard Sharpe 7565: 7564: 7561: 7557: 7556: 7553: 7549: 7548: 7545: 7541: 7540: 7536: 7535: 7532: 7528: 7527: 7522: 7518: 7517: 7503: 7499: 7498: 7484: 7480: 7479: 7471: 7469: 7466: 7462:Sharpe's Eagle 7453: 7452: 7449: 7445: 7444: 7441: 7437: 7436: 7433: 7429: 7428: 7424: 7423: 7420: 7416: 7415: 7410: 7406: 7405: 7401:Sharpe's Eagle 7397: 7393: 7392: 7388:Sharpe's Eagle 7384: 7380: 7379: 7371: 7369: 7366: 7362:Nolan Hemmings 7358:Sharpe's Eagle 7347:Sharpe's Eagle 7338: 7337: 7334: 7330: 7329: 7326: 7322: 7321: 7318: 7314: 7313: 7309: 7308: 7303: 7299: 7298: 7288:Sharpe's Eagle 7284: 7280: 7279: 7269:Sharpe's Eagle 7265: 7261: 7260: 7252: 7250: 7247: 7201: 7200: 7197: 7193: 7192: 7189: 7185: 7184: 7181: 7177: 7176: 7173: 7169: 7168: 7165: 7161: 7160: 7156: 7155: 7150: 7146: 7145: 7140: 7136: 7135: 7121: 7117: 7116: 7102: 7098: 7097: 7089: 7087: 7084: 7069: 7068: 7065: 7061: 7060: 7057: 7053: 7052: 7049: 7045: 7044: 7040: 7039: 7034: 7030: 7029: 7021: 7017: 7016: 7008: 7004: 7003: 6995: 6993: 6990: 6960: 6959: 6956: 6952: 6951: 6948: 6944: 6943: 6940: 6936: 6935: 6931: 6930: 6925: 6921: 6920: 6915: 6911: 6910: 6896: 6892: 6891: 6877: 6873: 6872: 6864: 6862: 6859: 6854:Sharpe's Sword 6836:Sharpe's Eagle 6819: 6818: 6815: 6811: 6810: 6807: 6803: 6802: 6799: 6795: 6794: 6791: 6787: 6786: 6782: 6781: 6776: 6772: 6771: 6766: 6762: 6761: 6747: 6743: 6742: 6728: 6724: 6723: 6715: 6713: 6710: 6695: 6694: 6691: 6687: 6686: 6683: 6679: 6678: 6675: 6671: 6670: 6666: 6665: 6660: 6656: 6655: 6650: 6646: 6645: 6631: 6627: 6626: 6612: 6608: 6607: 6606:Philip Carline 6599: 6597: 6596:Philip Carline 6594: 6568: 6567: 6564: 6560: 6559: 6556: 6552: 6551: 6548: 6544: 6543: 6539: 6538: 6533: 6529: 6528: 6520: 6516: 6515: 6507: 6503: 6502: 6494: 6492: 6489: 6472:Sharpe's Eagle 6462: 6461: 6458: 6454: 6453: 6450: 6446: 6445: 6442: 6438: 6437: 6433: 6432: 6427: 6423: 6422: 6417: 6413: 6412: 6404: 6400: 6399: 6395:Sharpe's Eagle 6389:Sharpe's Eagle 6385: 6381: 6380: 6372: 6370: 6367: 6351:Sharpe's Sword 6341: 6340: 6337: 6333: 6332: 6329: 6325: 6324: 6321: 6317: 6316: 6312: 6311: 6306: 6302: 6301: 6297:Sharpe's Sword 6293: 6289: 6288: 6284:Sharpe's Sword 6280: 6276: 6275: 6267: 6265: 6262: 6257:Sharpe's Sword 6246:Private Batten 6241: 6240: 6237: 6233: 6232: 6229: 6225: 6224: 6221: 6217: 6216: 6212: 6211: 6206: 6202: 6201: 6197:Sharpe's Sword 6193: 6189: 6188: 6180: 6176: 6175: 6167: 6165: 6162: 6147: 6146: 6143: 6139: 6138: 6137:Guide, Soldier 6135: 6131: 6130: 6127: 6123: 6122: 6118: 6117: 6112: 6108: 6107: 6099: 6095: 6094: 6086: 6082: 6081: 6073: 6071: 6068: 6066: 6063: 6059:Sharpe's Siege 6050: 6049: 6046: 6042: 6041: 6038: 6034: 6033: 6030: 6026: 6025: 6021: 6020: 6015: 6011: 6010: 6006:Sharpe's Enemy 6000:Sharpe's Siege 5996: 5992: 5991: 5987:Sharpe's Enemy 5981:Sharpe's Enemy 5977: 5973: 5972: 5964: 5962: 5959: 5949: 5948: 5945: 5941: 5940: 5937: 5933: 5932: 5929: 5925: 5924: 5920: 5919: 5914: 5910: 5909: 5904: 5900: 5899: 5895:Sharpe's Enemy 5889:Sharpe's Siege 5885: 5881: 5880: 5876:Sharpe's Enemy 5870:Sharpe's Enemy 5866: 5862: 5861: 5853: 5851: 5848: 5843:Sharpe's Siege 5834: 5833: 5830: 5826: 5825: 5822: 5818: 5817: 5814: 5810: 5809: 5805: 5804: 5802:J. D. Kelleher 5799: 5795: 5794: 5789: 5785: 5784: 5780:Sharpe's Siege 5776: 5772: 5771: 5767:Sharpe's Siege 5763: 5759: 5758: 5750: 5748: 5745: 5740:Sharpe's Siege 5731: 5730: 5727: 5723: 5722: 5719: 5715: 5714: 5711: 5707: 5706: 5702: 5701: 5696: 5692: 5691: 5686: 5682: 5681: 5677:Sharpe's Siege 5673: 5669: 5668: 5664:Sharpe's Siege 5660: 5656: 5655: 5647: 5645: 5642: 5600:Sharpe's Siege 5587: 5586: 5583: 5579: 5578: 5575: 5571: 5570: 5567: 5563: 5562: 5559: 5555: 5554: 5550: 5549: 5544: 5540: 5539: 5534: 5530: 5529: 5515: 5511: 5510: 5506:Sharpe's Enemy 5500:Sharpe's Enemy 5496: 5492: 5491: 5483: 5481: 5478: 5469:Sharpe's Enemy 5455: 5454: 5451: 5447: 5446: 5443: 5439: 5438: 5435: 5431: 5430: 5426: 5425: 5420: 5416: 5415: 5411:Sharpe's Enemy 5407: 5403: 5402: 5394: 5392: 5389: 5387: 5382: 5374:Sharpe's Havoc 5361: 5360: 5357: 5353: 5352: 5349: 5345: 5344: 5341: 5337: 5336: 5332: 5331: 5326: 5322: 5321: 5317:Sharpe's Havoc 5313: 5309: 5308: 5304:Sharpe's Havoc 5300: 5296: 5295: 5287: 5285: 5282: 5266: 5265: 5262: 5258: 5257: 5254: 5250: 5249: 5246: 5242: 5241: 5237: 5236: 5235:Richard Ireson 5233: 5229: 5228: 5223: 5219: 5218: 5204: 5200: 5199: 5185: 5181: 5180: 5172: 5170: 5167: 5163:Sharpe's Eagle 5150:Sharpe's Havoc 5136: 5135: 5132: 5128: 5127: 5124: 5120: 5119: 5116: 5112: 5111: 5107: 5106: 5101: 5097: 5096: 5091: 5087: 5086: 5082:Sharpe's Eagle 5072: 5068: 5067: 5053: 5049: 5048: 5040: 5038: 5035: 5016:Sharpe's Havoc 4999: 4998: 4995: 4991: 4990: 4987: 4983: 4982: 4979: 4975: 4974: 4970: 4969: 4964: 4960: 4959: 4951: 4947: 4946: 4938: 4934: 4933: 4925: 4923: 4920: 4912:Sharpe's Havoc 4899: 4898: 4895: 4891: 4890: 4887: 4883: 4882: 4879: 4875: 4874: 4870: 4869: 4864: 4860: 4859: 4855:Sharpe's Havoc 4851: 4847: 4846: 4842:Sharpe's Havoc 4838: 4834: 4833: 4825: 4823: 4820: 4812:Sharpe's Sword 4795:Rifleman Smith 4790: 4789: 4786: 4782: 4781: 4778: 4774: 4773: 4770: 4766: 4765: 4762: 4758: 4757: 4753: 4752: 4747: 4743: 4742: 4734: 4730: 4729: 4721: 4717: 4716: 4708: 4706: 4703: 4683:Sharpe's Eagle 4679:Sharpe's Havoc 4666: 4665: 4662: 4658: 4657: 4654: 4650: 4649: 4646: 4642: 4641: 4638: 4634: 4633: 4629: 4628: 4623: 4619: 4618: 4610: 4606: 4605: 4601:Sharpe's Havoc 4597: 4593: 4592: 4584: 4582: 4579: 4560: 4559: 4556: 4552: 4551: 4548: 4544: 4543: 4540: 4536: 4535: 4531: 4530: 4527: 4523: 4522: 4517: 4513: 4512: 4504: 4500: 4499: 4491: 4487: 4486: 4478: 4476: 4473: 4465:Sharpe's Enemy 4461:Sharpe's Sword 4447:Sharpe's Eagle 4433: 4432: 4429: 4425: 4424: 4421: 4417: 4416: 4413: 4409: 4408: 4404: 4403: 4398: 4394: 4393: 4385: 4381: 4380: 4372: 4368: 4367: 4359: 4357: 4354: 4338:Sharpe's Havoc 4320:Richard Sharpe 4311: 4310: 4307: 4303: 4302: 4299: 4295: 4294: 4291: 4287: 4286: 4283: 4279: 4278: 4274: 4273: 4270: 4266: 4265: 4260: 4256: 4255: 4241: 4237: 4236: 4226:Sharpe's Havoc 4222: 4218: 4217: 4209: 4207: 4204: 4196:Sharpe's Eagle 4192:Sharpe's Havoc 4179: 4178: 4175: 4171: 4170: 4167: 4163: 4162: 4159: 4155: 4154: 4150: 4149: 4144: 4140: 4139: 4135:Sharpe's Eagle 4131: 4127: 4126: 4122:Sharpe's Havoc 4118: 4114: 4113: 4105: 4103: 4100: 4085:Sharpe's Sword 4072: 4071: 4068: 4064: 4063: 4060: 4056: 4055: 4052: 4048: 4047: 4043: 4042: 4037: 4033: 4032: 4027: 4023: 4022: 4008: 4004: 4003: 3989: 3985: 3984: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3949: 3948: 3945: 3941: 3940: 3937: 3933: 3932: 3929: 3925: 3924: 3920: 3919: 3916: 3912: 3911: 3906: 3902: 3901: 3893: 3889: 3888: 3880: 3876: 3875: 3867: 3865: 3862: 3844: 3843: 3840: 3836: 3835: 3832: 3828: 3827: 3824: 3820: 3819: 3815: 3814: 3809: 3805: 3804: 3796: 3792: 3791: 3783: 3779: 3778: 3770: 3768: 3765: 3757:Sharpe's Enemy 3753:Sharpe's Sword 3740:Sharpe's Eagle 3732:Sharpe's Havoc 3723: 3722: 3719: 3715: 3714: 3711: 3707: 3706: 3703: 3699: 3698: 3694: 3693: 3688: 3684: 3683: 3679:Sharpe's Havoc 3675: 3671: 3670: 3666:Sharpe's Havoc 3662: 3658: 3657: 3649: 3647: 3644: 3639:Sharpe's Sword 3613: 3612: 3609: 3605: 3604: 3601: 3597: 3596: 3593: 3589: 3588: 3584: 3583: 3578: 3574: 3573: 3565: 3561: 3560: 3552: 3548: 3547: 3539: 3537: 3534: 3521:Sharpe's Enemy 3517:Sharpe's Sword 3501:Sharpe's Eagle 3484: 3483: 3480: 3476: 3475: 3472: 3468: 3467: 3464: 3460: 3459: 3455: 3454: 3449: 3445: 3444: 3436: 3432: 3431: 3423: 3419: 3418: 3410: 3408: 3405: 3377:Sharpe's Sword 3327: 3326: 3323: 3319: 3318: 3315: 3311: 3310: 3307: 3303: 3302: 3298: 3297: 3292: 3288: 3287: 3283:Sharpe's Sword 3279: 3275: 3274: 3266: 3262: 3261: 3253: 3251: 3248: 3240:Sharpe's Sword 3224:Sharpe's Eagle 3216:Sharpe's Eagle 3207: 3206: 3203: 3199: 3198: 3195: 3191: 3190: 3187: 3183: 3182: 3179: 3175: 3174: 3170: 3169: 3164: 3160: 3159: 3151: 3147: 3146: 3142:Sharpe's Eagle 3138: 3134: 3133: 3125: 3123: 3120: 3104:Sharpe's Eagle 3091: 3090: 3087: 3083: 3082: 3079: 3075: 3074: 3071: 3067: 3066: 3062: 3061: 3056: 3052: 3051: 3043: 3039: 3038: 3030: 3026: 3025: 3017: 3015: 3012: 3004:Sharpe's Enemy 2984:Sharpe's Eagle 2979:Sharpe's Eagle 2975:Sharpe's Havoc 2962: 2961: 2958: 2954: 2953: 2950: 2946: 2945: 2942: 2938: 2937: 2934: 2930: 2929: 2925: 2924: 2919: 2915: 2914: 2906: 2902: 2901: 2897:Sharpe's Havoc 2893: 2889: 2888: 2880: 2878: 2875: 2867:Sharpe's Enemy 2863:Sharpe's Sword 2850:Sharpe's Eagle 2842:Sharpe's Eagle 2833: 2832: 2829: 2825: 2824: 2821: 2817: 2816: 2813: 2809: 2808: 2804: 2803: 2798: 2794: 2793: 2785: 2781: 2780: 2776:Sharpe's Eagle 2772: 2768: 2767: 2759: 2757: 2754: 2712:Sharpe's Enemy 2675:Samuel Johnson 2667:Sharpe's Havoc 2619: 2618: 2615: 2611: 2610: 2607: 2603: 2602: 2599: 2595: 2594: 2590: 2589: 2584: 2580: 2579: 2574: 2570: 2569: 2555: 2551: 2550: 2536: 2532: 2531: 2523: 2521: 2518: 2483:Sharpe's Devil 2371:Peninsular War 2366:Sharpe's Eagle 2328:Peninsular War 2281:County Donegal 2235:Sergeant Major 2230: 2229: 2226: 2222: 2221: 2218: 2214: 2213: 2208: 2204: 2203: 2200: 2196: 2195: 2192: 2188: 2187: 2184: 2180: 2179: 2175: 2174: 2169: 2165: 2164: 2159: 2155: 2154: 2150:Sharpe's Peril 2144:Sharpe's Devil 2140: 2136: 2135: 2121: 2117: 2116: 2115:Patrick Harper 2108: 2106: 2105:Patrick Harper 2103: 2091:Sharpe's Siege 2066:TV adaptations 2043:Sharpe's Havoc 2031:Sharpe's Enemy 2017:Sharpe's Havoc 1983: 1982: 1973: 1969: 1968: 1965: 1961: 1960: 1957: 1953: 1952: 1948: 1947: 1942: 1938: 1937: 1932: 1928: 1927: 1913: 1909: 1908: 1894: 1890: 1889: 1881: 1879: 1876: 1868:Sharpe's Enemy 1864:Sharpe's Sword 1855:Sharpe's Eagle 1843:Rifleman Green 1838: 1837: 1834: 1830: 1829: 1826: 1822: 1821: 1818: 1814: 1813: 1809: 1808: 1803: 1799: 1798: 1790: 1786: 1785: 1777: 1773: 1772: 1764: 1762: 1759: 1752:Sharpe's Eagle 1748:Sharpe's Havoc 1744:Sharpe's Eagle 1731: 1730: 1727: 1723: 1722: 1719: 1715: 1714: 1711: 1707: 1706: 1702: 1701: 1696: 1692: 1691: 1687:Sharpe's Eagle 1683: 1679: 1678: 1670: 1666: 1665: 1657: 1655: 1652: 1644:Sharpe's Enemy 1640:Sharpe's Sword 1627:Sharpe's Eagle 1610: 1609: 1606: 1602: 1601: 1598: 1594: 1593: 1590: 1586: 1585: 1581: 1580: 1575: 1571: 1570: 1562: 1558: 1557: 1549: 1545: 1544: 1536: 1534: 1531: 1488: 1487: 1484: 1480: 1479: 1476: 1472: 1471: 1468: 1464: 1463: 1459: 1458: 1453: 1449: 1448: 1443: 1439: 1438: 1424: 1420: 1419: 1405: 1401: 1400: 1392: 1390: 1389:Warren Dunnett 1387: 1379:Sharpe's Havoc 1366: 1365: 1362: 1358: 1357: 1354: 1350: 1349: 1346: 1342: 1341: 1337: 1336: 1331: 1327: 1326: 1322:Sharpe's Havoc 1318: 1314: 1313: 1309:Sharpe's Havoc 1305: 1301: 1300: 1292: 1290: 1287: 1246: 1245: 1242: 1238: 1237: 1234: 1230: 1229: 1226: 1222: 1221: 1217: 1216: 1211: 1207: 1206: 1198: 1194: 1193: 1185: 1181: 1180: 1172: 1170: 1167: 1144:Sharpe's Havoc 1135: 1134: 1131: 1127: 1126: 1123: 1119: 1118: 1115: 1111: 1110: 1106: 1105: 1100: 1096: 1095: 1087: 1083: 1082: 1078:Sharpe's Havoc 1074: 1070: 1069: 1061: 1059: 1056: 1005:Sharpe's Havoc 977: 976: 973: 969: 968: 965: 961: 960: 957: 953: 952: 949: 945: 944: 940: 939: 934: 930: 929: 924: 920: 919: 905: 901: 900: 886: 882: 881: 880:Francis Cooper 873: 871: 870:Francis Cooper 868: 853:Sharpe's Eagle 847:Sharpe's Havoc 837: 836: 833: 829: 828: 825: 821: 820: 817: 813: 812: 808: 807: 802: 798: 797: 789: 785: 784: 780:Sharpe's Havoc 776: 772: 771: 763: 761: 758: 750:Sharpe's Enemy 744:Sharpe's Sword 727:Sharpe's Eagle 710: 709: 706: 702: 701: 698: 694: 693: 690: 686: 685: 682: 678: 677: 673: 672: 667: 663: 662: 654: 650: 649: 641: 637: 636: 628: 626: 623: 612:Sharpe's Siege 600:Sharpe's Sword 577: 576: 573: 569: 568: 565: 561: 560: 557: 553: 552: 548: 547: 544: 540: 539: 534: 530: 529: 521: 517: 516: 508: 504: 503: 495: 493: 490: 488: 485: 473:Sharpe's Eagle 457:, although by 443:Sharpe's Sword 394:Sharpe's Tiger 388: 387: 382: 378: 377: 370: 366: 365: 350: 346: 345: 340: 336: 335: 326: 322: 321: 318: 314: 313: 310: 306: 305: 302: 298: 297: 293: 292: 287: 283: 282: 277: 273: 272: 268:Sharpe's Peril 262:Sharpe's Devil 258: 254: 253: 243:Sharpe's Tiger 239: 235: 234: 233:Richard Sharpe 226: 224: 223:Richard Sharpe 221: 192:Richard Sharpe 146: 145: 103: 101: 94: 87: 86: 41: 39: 32: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 19719: 19708: 19705: 19704: 19702: 19693: 19690: 19686: 19685:Sharpe's Fury 19681: 19677: 19672: 19668: 19663: 19659: 19658:Sharpe's Prey 19654: 19650: 19645: 19641: 19636: 19632: 19627: 19623: 19618: 19614: 19609: 19605: 19600: 19596: 19591: 19587: 19582: 19578: 19573: 19569: 19564: 19560: 19555: 19551: 19546: 19542: 19537: 19533: 19528: 19524: 19519: 19515: 19514:Sharpe's Gold 19510: 19506: 19501: 19498: 19496:9780007454723 19492: 19488: 19484: 19479: 19476: 19472: 19467: 19463: 19462: 19453: 19444: 19435: 19428: 19427:Cornwell 2012 19423: 19414: 19405: 19396: 19387: 19378: 19369: 19360: 19351: 19342: 19333: 19324: 19315: 19306: 19297: 19288: 19279: 19270: 19261: 19259: 19249: 19240: 19231: 19222: 19213: 19204: 19195: 19186: 19177: 19168: 19159: 19150: 19142: 19136: 19127: 19125: 19115: 19106: 19104: 19094: 19085: 19076: 19074: 19072: 19062: 19053: 19051: 19049: 19047: 19045: 19035: 19026: 19017: 19015: 19013: 19003: 18994: 18985: 18976: 18967: 18958: 18949: 18940: 18938: 18928: 18926: 18916: 18914: 18912: 18902: 18900: 18898: 18896: 18894: 18884: 18875: 18873: 18863: 18859: 18851: 18849: 18848:Sharpe's Fury 18845: 18840: 18838: 18834: 18833:Sharpe's Prey 18829: 18827: 18823: 18814: 18810: 18807: 18804: 18800: 18796: 18792: 18788: 18784: 18780: 18776: 18771: 18768: 18765: 18761: 18758: 18757:Sharpe's Prey 18755: 18751: 18746: 18735: 18732: 18728: 18724: 18720: 18715: 18712: 18708: 18703: 18701: 18698: 18694: 18690: 18686: 18682: 18673: 18669: 18665: 18661: 18657: 18653: 18648: 18645: 18642: 18638: 18634: 18633: 18629: 18625: 18620: 18604: 18602: 18598: 18594: 18590: 18585: 18583: 18579: 18575: 18570: 18568: 18564: 18560: 18551: 18547: 18543: 18539: 18535: 18531: 18527: 18523: 18518: 18515: 18512: 18508: 18505: 18502: 18498: 18494: 18493: 18488: 18487: 18483: 18479: 18474: 18463: 18461: 18457: 18452: 18449: 18445: 18441: 18437: 18433: 18429: 18428:John Kavanagh 18424: 18422: 18418: 18414: 18409: 18405: 18401: 18396: 18394: 18390: 18386: 18382: 18378: 18377: 18366: 18362: 18358: 18354: 18350: 18346: 18342: 18338: 18335: 18332: 18328: 18323: 18320: 18319:John Kavanagh 18317: 18313: 18309: 18308: 18304: 18300: 18296: 18295: 18290: 18289: 18285: 18281: 18276: 18268:Father Curtis 18260: 18257: 18255: 18251: 18246: 18244: 18239: 18237: 18233: 18229: 18225: 18220: 18218: 18214: 18210: 18196: 18194: 18184: 18180: 18176: 18172: 18168: 18164: 18159: 18155: 18151: 18147: 18146: 18142: 18138: 18134: 18133: 18129: 18125: 18120: 18114: 18112: 18108: 18103: 18101: 18097: 18093: 18092:lighter sword 18089: 18085: 18081: 18077: 18076:sharpshooters 18073: 18069: 18065: 18061: 18057: 18052: 18050: 18046: 18042: 18038: 18033: 18031: 18027: 18023: 18019: 18015: 18014:Jorge Vicente 18006: 18002: 17999: 17996: 17992: 17988: 17984: 17980: 17976: 17972: 17968: 17963: 17960: 17957: 17953: 17949: 17948: 17944: 17940: 17936: 17935: 17931: 17927: 17924:Jorge Vicente 17922: 17914:Jorge Vicente 17911: 17909: 17905: 17901: 17897: 17896:Sharpe's Gold 17892: 17890: 17887: 17881: 17879: 17875: 17871: 17870:TV adaptation 17866: 17862: 17860: 17856: 17852: 17848: 17844: 17843:supposed wife 17840: 17839: 17833: 17831: 17830:Teresa Moreno 17827: 17823: 17819: 17818: 17817:Sharpe's Gold 17812: 17810: 17807:, during the 17806: 17801: 17797: 17794:promotion to 17793: 17789: 17788:Michael Hogan 17783: 17781: 17777: 17773: 17769: 17765: 17762: 17758: 17757: 17751: 17749: 17745: 17735: 17731: 17727: 17723: 17720: 17717: 17713: 17709: 17705: 17701: 17697: 17693: 17688: 17685: 17682: 17678: 17675: 17672: 17668: 17664: 17663: 17658: 17657: 17653: 17649: 17645: 17644: 17639: 17638: 17634: 17630: 17625: 17614: 17612: 17608: 17604: 17595: 17591: 17587: 17583: 17579: 17575: 17571: 17567: 17562: 17559: 17556: 17552: 17548: 17547: 17543: 17539: 17535: 17534: 17530: 17526: 17521: 17510: 17508: 17504: 17500: 17491: 17487: 17483: 17479: 17475: 17471: 17466: 17463: 17460: 17456: 17452: 17451: 17447: 17443: 17439: 17438: 17434: 17430: 17425: 17409: 17406: 17402: 17399: 17394: 17392: 17388: 17379: 17375: 17371: 17367: 17363: 17359: 17355: 17351: 17346: 17343: 17340: 17336: 17333: 17330: 17326: 17322: 17321: 17316: 17315: 17311: 17307: 17303: 17302: 17297: 17296: 17292: 17288: 17283: 17272: 17270: 17265: 17263: 17258: 17255: 17246: 17242: 17238: 17234: 17230: 17226: 17222: 17218: 17214: 17210: 17205: 17202: 17199: 17195: 17192: 17189: 17185: 17182: 17181: 17177: 17173: 17170: 17169: 17165: 17161: 17156: 17145: 17142: 17137: 17135: 17131: 17130:Sharpe's Gold 17126: 17124: 17120: 17119:Sharpe's Gold 17116: 17107: 17103: 17099: 17095: 17091: 17087: 17083: 17079: 17074: 17071: 17068: 17064: 17060: 17059: 17058:Sharpe's Gold 17055: 17051: 17047: 17046: 17045:Sharpe's Gold 17042: 17038: 17033: 17022: 17020: 17016: 17011: 17008: 17006: 17002: 16997: 16995: 16991: 16988: 16984: 16979: 16977: 16973: 16969: 16964: 16960: 16958: 16954: 16953:nom de guerre 16950: 16946: 16945:Sharpe's Gold 16941: 16939: 16935: 16931: 16927: 16926:Teresa Moreno 16918: 16914: 16910: 16906: 16902: 16898: 16895: 16892: 16888: 16884: 16880: 16877: 16874: 16870: 16865: 16862: 16859: 16855: 16852: 16849: 16845: 16841: 16840: 16835: 16834: 16830: 16826: 16822: 16821: 16816: 16815: 16814:Sharpe's Gold 16811: 16807: 16804:Teresa Moreno 16802: 16794:Teresa Moreno 16791: 16789: 16785: 16781: 16777: 16773: 16769: 16765: 16761: 16757: 16751: 16749: 16745: 16741: 16737: 16733: 16729: 16725: 16721: 16717: 16713: 16709: 16705: 16701: 16697: 16696:King Joseph's 16693: 16689: 16685: 16681: 16677: 16668: 16664: 16660: 16656: 16652: 16648: 16644: 16640: 16635: 16631: 16627: 16624: 16621: 16617: 16613: 16609: 16606: 16602: 16598: 16594: 16591: 16587: 16582: 16571: 16569: 16564: 16562: 16557: 16554: 16545: 16541: 16537: 16533: 16529: 16525: 16521: 16517: 16513: 16509: 16504: 16501: 16498: 16494: 16491: 16488: 16484: 16481: 16480: 16476: 16472: 16469: 16468: 16464: 16460: 16455: 16439: 16437: 16432: 16430: 16426: 16422: 16418: 16414: 16410: 16406: 16402: 16398: 16397: 16391: 16390:lets him go. 16388: 16384: 16380: 16376: 16375: 16370: 16361: 16357: 16353: 16349: 16345: 16341: 16336: 16333: 16332: 16328: 16324: 16321: 16320: 16316: 16312: 16307: 16296: 16294: 16290: 16289:Sharpe's Gold 16286: 16282: 16281:Sharpe's Gold 16278: 16269: 16265: 16261: 16257: 16253: 16249: 16244: 16241: 16238: 16234: 16230: 16229: 16228:Sharpe's Gold 16225: 16221: 16216: 16205: 16203: 16199: 16196:, during the 16195: 16190: 16188: 16184: 16179: 16177: 16176:Sharpe's Gold 16173: 16164: 16160: 16156: 16152: 16148: 16144: 16139: 16136: 16133: 16129: 16125: 16124: 16120: 16116: 16112: 16111: 16110:Sharpe's Gold 16107: 16103: 16098: 16082: 16080: 16076: 16075:Oliver Cotton 16072: 16067: 16065: 16059: 16057: 16056:André Masséna 16052: 16047: 16045: 16041: 16031: 16027: 16023: 16019: 16015: 16011: 16006: 16003: 16002:Oliver Cotton 16000: 15996: 15993: 15990: 15986: 15982: 15981: 15976: 15975: 15971: 15967: 15962: 15951: 15949: 15945: 15941: 15936: 15933: 15929: 15925: 15920: 15918: 15917:Irish College 15914: 15910: 15905: 15903: 15902:Leroux fecit. 15899: 15895: 15891: 15882: 15878: 15874: 15870: 15866: 15862: 15858: 15854: 15849: 15845: 15841: 15838: 15835: 15831: 15827: 15826: 15821: 15820: 15816: 15812: 15807: 15796: 15794: 15790: 15786: 15781: 15779: 15774: 15773:King Joseph's 15770: 15766: 15762: 15757: 15755: 15751: 15747: 15742: 15740: 15735: 15734:Hélène Leroux 15726: 15722: 15718: 15714: 15710: 15706: 15702: 15698: 15693: 15690: 15687: 15683: 15680: 15677: 15673: 15669: 15668: 15664: 15660: 15656: 15655: 15650: 15649: 15645: 15641: 15638:Hélène Leroux 15636: 15628:Hélène Leroux 15625: 15623: 15619: 15618:J.E.B. Stuart 15615: 15611: 15607: 15603: 15599: 15598: 15592: 15590: 15589: 15584: 15580: 15576: 15572: 15571: 15566: 15557: 15553: 15549: 15545: 15540: 15537: 15534: 15530: 15527: 15526: 15522: 15518: 15515: 15514: 15510: 15506: 15501: 15490: 15488: 15487:Féodor Atkine 15484: 15479: 15477: 15473: 15469: 15465: 15461: 15456: 15454: 15450: 15445: 15440: 15438: 15435:(a gift from 15434: 15430: 15426: 15422: 15418: 15414: 15410: 15406: 15402: 15398: 15392: 15390: 15386: 15383: 15379: 15375: 15374:Joseph Fouché 15371: 15367: 15363: 15358: 15356: 15352: 15348: 15339: 15335: 15331: 15327: 15323: 15319: 15314: 15311: 15310:Féodor Atkine 15308: 15304: 15301: 15298: 15294: 15290: 15289: 15284: 15283: 15279: 15275: 15271: 15270: 15265: 15264: 15260: 15256: 15251: 15240: 15238: 15237: 15231: 15228: 15224: 15223: 15218: 15214: 15210: 15207:. During the 15206: 15202: 15201: 15195: 15192: 15182: 15178: 15174: 15170: 15166: 15162: 15157: 15154: 15153:Tony Haygarth 15151: 15147: 15144: 15141: 15137: 15134: 15133: 15129: 15125: 15121: 15120: 15115: 15114: 15110: 15106: 15101: 15090: 15088: 15084: 15080: 15076: 15071: 15069: 15065: 15061: 15057: 15052: 15049: 15045: 15040: 15038: 15032: 15029: 15025: 15021: 15017: 15013: 15009: 15000: 14996: 14992: 14988: 14985: 14981: 14977: 14973: 14969: 14965: 14961: 14957: 14953: 14948: 14945: 14942: 14938: 14935: 14932: 14928: 14924: 14923: 14918: 14917: 14913: 14909: 14905: 14904: 14899: 14898: 14894: 14890: 14885: 14874: 14872: 14871: 14866: 14865:John Benfield 14862: 14861: 14856: 14855: 14849: 14847: 14843: 14838: 14836: 14832: 14828: 14824: 14820: 14819: 14813: 14811: 14807: 14803: 14798: 14789: 14785: 14782: 14778: 14774: 14770: 14766: 14761: 14758: 14757:John Benfield 14754: 14751: 14747: 14743: 14742: 14737: 14736: 14732: 14728: 14724: 14723: 14718: 14717: 14713: 14709: 14704: 14693: 14690: 14687: 14682: 14680: 14671: 14667: 14663: 14659: 14655: 14651: 14647: 14643: 14638: 14634: 14633: 14628: 14627: 14623: 14619: 14615: 14614: 14609: 14608: 14604: 14600: 14595: 14579: 14577: 14573: 14572: 14567: 14566: 14561: 14556: 14552: 14550: 14546: 14542: 14538: 14534: 14530: 14529: 14519: 14515: 14511: 14507: 14503: 14499: 14495: 14491: 14486: 14483: 14479: 14476: 14472: 14468: 14467: 14462: 14461: 14457: 14453: 14449: 14448: 14443: 14442: 14438: 14434: 14429: 14418: 14416: 14412: 14408: 14404: 14400: 14396: 14392: 14391:TV adaptation 14387: 14385: 14381: 14376: 14374: 14373:light cavalry 14370: 14366: 14362: 14361:Comte d'Erlon 14357: 14355: 14351: 14347: 14343: 14339: 14334: 14332: 14328: 14324: 14321: 14317: 14312: 14310: 14306: 14302: 14298: 14294: 14293:heavy cavalry 14290: 14286: 14281: 14279: 14275: 14271: 14266: 14264: 14260: 14256: 14252: 14248: 14239: 14235: 14231: 14227: 14223: 14219: 14214: 14211: 14207: 14204: 14200: 14197: 14194: 14190: 14186: 14185: 14180: 14179: 14175: 14171: 14167: 14166: 14161: 14160: 14156: 14152: 14147: 14136: 14134: 14133: 14128: 14119: 14115: 14111: 14107: 14103: 14099: 14094: 14091: 14088: 14084: 14080: 14079: 14075: 14071: 14067: 14066: 14062: 14058: 14053: 14042: 14040: 14036: 14031: 14029: 14025: 14021: 14016: 14014: 14010: 14006: 14002: 13998: 13994: 13990: 13985: 13983: 13979: 13975: 13971: 13967: 13962: 13960: 13956: 13952: 13948: 13944: 13940: 13935: 13933: 13928: 13924: 13919: 13916: 13912: 13908: 13904: 13900: 13895: 13893: 13888: 13886: 13885:Michael Byrne 13882: 13878: 13874: 13870: 13861: 13857: 13853: 13849: 13844: 13841: 13840:Michael Byrne 13838: 13834: 13830: 13826: 13822: 13821: 13816: 13815: 13811: 13807: 13803: 13802: 13797: 13796: 13792: 13788: 13783: 13772: 13770: 13766: 13765:court martial 13762: 13757: 13752: 13750: 13746: 13745:Dublin Castle 13742: 13737: 13735: 13731: 13726: 13724: 13720: 13716: 13712: 13708: 13702: 13700: 13696: 13693: 13689: 13685: 13681: 13676: 13674: 13670: 13667: 13663: 13659: 13654: 13652: 13648: 13644: 13640: 13631: 13627: 13623: 13619: 13615: 13611: 13606: 13603: 13600: 13596: 13592: 13591: 13587: 13583: 13579: 13578: 13574: 13570: 13565: 13554: 13551: 13546: 13543: 13538: 13536: 13531: 13526: 13523:Prior to the 13521: 13519: 13515: 13510: 13508: 13504: 13500: 13496: 13492: 13488: 13484: 13475: 13471: 13467: 13463: 13459: 13455: 13450: 13447: 13444: 13440: 13436: 13435: 13431: 13427: 13423: 13422: 13418: 13414: 13409: 13398: 13395: 13394:Private Kelly 13386: 13382: 13378: 13374: 13370: 13366: 13361: 13357: 13353: 13350: 13347: 13343: 13339: 13338: 13334: 13330: 13326: 13325: 13321: 13317: 13312: 13301: 13299: 13295: 13286: 13282: 13278: 13274: 13270: 13266: 13261: 13257: 13256: 13255:Sharpe's Prey 13252: 13248: 13244: 13243: 13239: 13235: 13230: 13219: 13217: 13213: 13209: 13208:Michael Byrne 13205: 13201: 13197: 13192: 13190: 13186: 13183: 13178: 13176: 13172: 13169: 13164: 13162: 13157: 13155: 13151: 13147: 13143: 13138: 13134: 13132: 13128: 13124: 13120: 13116: 13112: 13111:Sharpe's Gold 13108: 13104: 13099: 13097: 13093: 13089: 13085: 13080: 13078: 13074: 13071: 13067: 13063: 13059: 13055: 13051: 13047: 13043: 13038: 13036: 13032: 13028: 13024: 13020: 13016: 13012: 13007: 13005: 13001: 12997: 12993: 12992:Michael Hogan 12984: 12980: 12976: 12972: 12968: 12964: 12960: 12956: 12951: 12948: 12945: 12941: 12938: 12935: 12931: 12927: 12926: 12921: 12920: 12916: 12912: 12908: 12907: 12902: 12901: 12897: 12893: 12890:Michael Hogan 12888: 12880:Michael Hogan 12877: 12875: 12870: 12868: 12864: 12860: 12856: 12851: 12849: 12845: 12841: 12837: 12833: 12829: 12825: 12821: 12817: 12813: 12808: 12806: 12802: 12797: 12795: 12790: 12786: 12782: 12777: 12774: 12770: 12765: 12761: 12756: 12754: 12750: 12745: 12743: 12739: 12735: 12731: 12727: 12723: 12719: 12715: 12714:Sharpe's Gold 12710: 12708: 12707: 12702: 12698: 12694: 12690: 12689: 12684: 12680: 12671: 12667: 12663: 12660: 12656: 12652: 12648: 12644: 12639: 12636: 12633: 12629: 12626: 12623: 12619: 12615: 12614: 12609: 12608: 12604: 12600: 12596: 12595: 12590: 12589: 12585: 12581: 12576: 12568: 12558: 12556: 12552: 12543: 12539: 12535: 12531: 12527: 12523: 12518: 12515: 12512: 12508: 12504: 12503: 12499: 12495: 12491: 12490: 12486: 12482: 12477: 12466: 12464: 12460: 12456: 12455:Simon Doggett 12447: 12443: 12439: 12435: 12431: 12427: 12422: 12419: 12416: 12412: 12408: 12407: 12403: 12399: 12395: 12394: 12390: 12386: 12383:Simon Doggett 12381: 12373:Simon Doggett 12370: 12367: 12362: 12359: 12354: 12350: 12346: 12342: 12338: 12334: 12333: 12327: 12325: 12321: 12317: 12313: 12309: 12305: 12301: 12297: 12293: 12288: 12286: 12282: 12278: 12273: 12271: 12270: 12265: 12264:Simon Scarrow 12261: 12260:Toby Stephens 12257: 12256: 12251: 12247: 12238: 12234: 12230: 12226: 12222: 12218: 12213: 12210: 12209:Toby Stephens 12207: 12203: 12199: 12198: 12193: 12192: 12188: 12184: 12180: 12179: 12174: 12173: 12169: 12165: 12160: 12149: 12147: 12143: 12134: 12130: 12126: 12122: 12118: 12114: 12109: 12105: 12104: 12103:Sharpe's Prey 12100: 12096: 12092: 12091: 12087: 12083: 12080:Harry Collier 12078: 12070:Harry Collier 12067: 12065: 12061: 12057: 12053: 12044: 12040: 12036: 12032: 12028: 12024: 12019: 12015: 12014: 12013:Sharpe's Prey 12010: 12006: 12002: 12001: 11997: 11993: 11988: 11977: 11975: 11970: 11966: 11961: 11959: 11955: 11954: 11948: 11945: 11944:chasse-marées 11941: 11936: 11934: 11929: 11928:Royal Marines 11925: 11921: 11920: 11919:chasee-marées 11915: 11914: 11909: 11905: 11895: 11891: 11887: 11883: 11879: 11875: 11870: 11867: 11864: 11860: 11856: 11855: 11851: 11847: 11843: 11842: 11837: 11836: 11832: 11828: 11823: 11812: 11808: 11804: 11802: 11801: 11800:Sharpe's Gold 11794: 11792: 11783: 11779: 11775: 11771: 11767: 11763: 11758: 11755: 11752: 11748: 11744: 11743: 11742:Sharpe's Gold 11738: 11737: 11736:Sharpe's Gold 11733: 11729: 11725: 11724: 11723:Sharpe's Gold 11719: 11718: 11717:Sharpe's Gold 11714: 11710: 11705: 11689: 11685: 11682: 11678: 11669: 11665: 11661: 11657: 11653: 11649: 11644: 11641: 11640:Clive Francis 11638: 11634: 11631: 11628: 11624: 11620: 11619: 11614: 11613: 11609: 11605: 11601: 11600: 11595: 11594: 11590: 11586: 11583:Brian Windham 11581: 11573:Brian Windham 11570: 11567: 11563: 11559: 11555: 11553: 11549: 11540: 11536: 11532: 11528: 11524: 11520: 11515: 11511: 11507: 11504: 11501: 11497: 11493: 11492: 11487: 11486: 11482: 11478: 11474: 11473: 11468: 11467: 11463: 11459: 11454: 11443: 11441: 11437: 11433: 11429: 11420: 11416: 11412: 11408: 11404: 11400: 11395: 11391: 11387: 11384: 11381: 11377: 11373: 11372: 11367: 11366: 11362: 11358: 11354: 11353: 11348: 11347: 11343: 11339: 11336:Trumper-Jones 11334: 11323: 11321: 11317: 11316:Captain Smith 11308: 11304: 11300: 11296: 11292: 11288: 11283: 11279: 11275: 11272: 11269: 11265: 11261: 11260: 11255: 11254: 11250: 11246: 11242: 11241: 11236: 11235: 11231: 11227: 11222: 11211: 11209: 11204: 11203:quartermaster 11200: 11196: 11192: 11191: 11186: 11176: 11172: 11168: 11164: 11160: 11156: 11151: 11148: 11145: 11141: 11137: 11136: 11132: 11128: 11124: 11123: 11119: 11115: 11110: 11099: 11097: 11092: 11090: 11086: 11082: 11077: 11074: 11070: 11066: 11062: 11058: 11054: 11050: 11045: 11042: 11040: 11036: 11032: 11028: 11024: 11020: 11017:, appears in 11016: 11011: 11009: 11005: 11000: 10996: 10991: 10989: 10984: 10982: 10978: 10973: 10971: 10966: 10961: 10959: 10953: 10950: 10946: 10942: 10938: 10934: 10930: 10926: 10922: 10921:Michael Hogan 10918: 10915:, during the 10914: 10910: 10906: 10905: 10899: 10896: 10894: 10890: 10881: 10878: 10874: 10871: 10868: 10864: 10861: 10858: 10854: 10849: 10846: 10843: 10839: 10836: 10833: 10829: 10825: 10824: 10819: 10818: 10814: 10810: 10806: 10805: 10800: 10799: 10795: 10791: 10786: 10775: 10773: 10769: 10765: 10761: 10760:Sharpe's Gold 10757: 10756:Sharpe's Gold 10753: 10752:Private Roach 10744: 10740: 10736: 10732: 10728: 10724: 10719: 10716: 10713: 10709: 10705: 10704: 10700: 10696: 10692: 10691: 10690:Sharpe's Gold 10687: 10683: 10678: 10667: 10665: 10661: 10657: 10656:Sharpe's Gold 10652: 10648: 10647:Sergeant Read 10639: 10635: 10631: 10627: 10623: 10619: 10614: 10611: 10608: 10604: 10600: 10599: 10595: 10591: 10587: 10586: 10582: 10578: 10573: 10562: 10559: 10555: 10551: 10546: 10544: 10540: 10536: 10532: 10528: 10523: 10521: 10517: 10513: 10509: 10505: 10500: 10498: 10494: 10489: 10485: 10481: 10476: 10474: 10470: 10466: 10462: 10458: 10453: 10451: 10447: 10443: 10439: 10435: 10431: 10426: 10424: 10422: 10417: 10413: 10409: 10400: 10396: 10392: 10388: 10383: 10380: 10376: 10373: 10369: 10365: 10362: 10358: 10355: 10352: 10348: 10345: 10344: 10340: 10336: 10331: 10320: 10318: 10313: 10309: 10308:Sharpe's Gold 10305: 10301: 10297: 10288: 10284: 10280: 10276: 10272: 10268: 10263: 10260: 10257: 10253: 10249: 10248: 10244: 10240: 10236: 10235: 10231: 10227: 10222: 10211: 10209: 10205: 10201: 10200:Sharpe's Gold 10197: 10192: 10183: 10179: 10175: 10171: 10167: 10163: 10158: 10155: 10152: 10148: 10144: 10143: 10139: 10135: 10131: 10130: 10126: 10122: 10117: 10106: 10103: 10099: 10095: 10094:Sharpe's Gold 10091: 10087: 10083: 10074: 10070: 10066: 10062: 10058: 10054: 10049: 10046: 10043: 10039: 10035: 10034: 10030: 10026: 10022: 10021: 10017: 10013: 10008: 9997: 9994: 9991: 9987: 9978: 9974: 9970: 9966: 9962: 9958: 9953: 9950: 9947: 9943: 9939: 9938: 9933: 9932: 9928: 9924: 9920: 9919: 9914: 9913: 9909: 9905: 9900: 9889: 9887: 9883: 9879: 9875: 9871: 9870:Sharpe's Gold 9867: 9863: 9854: 9850: 9846: 9842: 9838: 9834: 9829: 9826: 9823: 9819: 9815: 9814: 9809: 9808: 9804: 9800: 9796: 9795: 9790: 9789: 9785: 9781: 9776: 9765: 9763: 9759: 9758:episode based 9755: 9751: 9746: 9744: 9740: 9735: 9733: 9732:Gamarra-Mayor 9729: 9725: 9724: 9719: 9715: 9711: 9707: 9703: 9699: 9693: 9691: 9687: 9683: 9682: 9678:in the novel 9677: 9673: 9669: 9665: 9661: 9657: 9654: 9650: 9645: 9643: 9639: 9635: 9631: 9627: 9623: 9619: 9610: 9606: 9602: 9598: 9594: 9590: 9585: 9582: 9579: 9575: 9572: 9569: 9565: 9561: 9560: 9555: 9554: 9550: 9546: 9542: 9541: 9536: 9535: 9531: 9527: 9522: 9511: 9508: 9504: 9501: 9498: 9489: 9485: 9481: 9477: 9473: 9469: 9464: 9461: 9458: 9454: 9451: 9448: 9444: 9440: 9439: 9434: 9433: 9429: 9425: 9421: 9420: 9415: 9414: 9410: 9406: 9401: 9390: 9388: 9383: 9381: 9380: 9375: 9371: 9366: 9364: 9360: 9355: 9353: 9349: 9345: 9342:. During the 9341: 9337: 9333: 9332: 9327: 9323: 9322:Dublin Castle 9318: 9316: 9312: 9309:, Lawford as 9308: 9303: 9301: 9296: 9294: 9290: 9285: 9280: 9278: 9274: 9270: 9265: 9263: 9259: 9256: 9252: 9248: 9244: 9240: 9236: 9232: 9228: 9224: 9220: 9215: 9213: 9209: 9205: 9202: 9198: 9189: 9185: 9181: 9177: 9173: 9169: 9165: 9161: 9157: 9153: 9149: 9145: 9140: 9137: 9133: 9132:Martin Jacobs 9130: 9126: 9123: 9120: 9116: 9113: 9112: 9107: 9106: 9102: 9098: 9094: 9093: 9088: 9087: 9083: 9079: 9074: 9063: 9061: 9057: 9053: 9049: 9045: 9044:Sharpe's Gold 9041: 9036: 9034: 9030: 9026: 9022: 9021:Teresa Moreno 9018: 9014: 9010: 9006: 9002: 8997: 8995: 8991: 8988: 8984: 8980: 8979:Sharpe's Gold 8975: 8973: 8969: 8965: 8961: 8957: 8953: 8944: 8940: 8936: 8932: 8927: 8924: 8921: 8917: 8913: 8912: 8908: 8904: 8900: 8899: 8895: 8891: 8886: 8875: 8872: 8868: 8867:Sharpe's Gold 8864: 8860: 8856: 8855:Private Kirby 8847: 8843: 8839: 8835: 8831: 8827: 8822: 8819: 8816: 8812: 8808: 8807: 8803: 8799: 8795: 8794: 8790: 8786: 8781: 8770: 8768: 8763: 8762:Ensign Iliffe 8754: 8750: 8746: 8742: 8738: 8734: 8729: 8725: 8724: 8720: 8716: 8712: 8711: 8707: 8703: 8698: 8687: 8684: 8680: 8676: 8675:Sharpe's Gold 8672: 8668: 8664: 8655: 8651: 8647: 8643: 8639: 8635: 8630: 8627: 8624: 8620: 8616: 8615: 8611: 8607: 8603: 8602: 8598: 8594: 8589: 8578: 8576: 8572: 8571: 8567: 8564: 8559: 8557: 8553: 8549: 8545: 8540: 8538: 8533: 8529: 8522: 8518: 8514: 8511: 8507: 8504: 8500: 8496: 8493: 8489: 8488: 8487: 8484: 8481: 8478: 8474: 8470: 8465: 8463: 8459: 8455: 8451: 8450:Teresa Moreno 8447: 8443: 8439: 8435: 8430: 8428: 8424: 8420: 8416: 8412: 8409: 8405: 8401: 8397: 8393: 8389: 8385: 8381: 8376: 8374: 8370: 8366: 8362: 8358: 8353: 8351: 8347: 8343: 8338: 8336: 8332: 8328: 8323: 8321: 8316: 8314: 8310: 8306: 8302: 8301: 8296: 8295: 8288: 8286: 8282: 8277: 8273: 8269: 8265: 8261: 8257: 8253: 8249: 8244: 8242: 8238: 8234: 8226: 8223: 8219: 8215: 8211: 8207: 8203: 8200: 8197: 8193: 8190: 8187: 8183: 8178: 8175: 8172: 8168: 8165: 8162: 8158: 8154: 8153: 8148: 8147: 8143: 8139: 8135: 8134: 8129: 8128: 8124: 8120: 8115: 8104: 8102: 8098: 8094: 8093: 8092:Sharpe's Gold 8088: 8084: 8080: 8071: 8067: 8063: 8059: 8055: 8051: 8046: 8043: 8040: 8036: 8032: 8031: 8027: 8023: 8019: 8018: 8014: 8010: 8005: 7994: 7992: 7988: 7983: 7981: 7977: 7973: 7969: 7965: 7960: 7958: 7954: 7950: 7946: 7942: 7938: 7934: 7931: 7927: 7923: 7919: 7915: 7911: 7907: 7903: 7899: 7898:Dublin Castle 7895: 7892: 7888: 7883: 7881: 7877: 7868: 7864: 7860: 7856: 7852: 7848: 7844: 7840: 7835: 7832: 7829: 7825: 7822: 7819: 7815: 7811: 7810: 7805: 7804: 7800: 7796: 7792: 7791: 7786: 7785: 7781: 7777: 7772: 7761: 7759: 7754: 7752: 7748: 7744: 7740: 7736: 7732: 7723: 7719: 7715: 7711: 7707: 7703: 7698: 7695: 7692: 7688: 7685: 7682: 7678: 7674: 7673: 7668: 7667: 7663: 7659: 7655: 7654: 7649: 7648: 7644: 7640: 7635: 7624: 7622: 7617: 7615: 7611: 7607: 7603: 7599: 7595: 7591: 7587: 7583: 7579: 7575: 7571: 7562: 7558: 7554: 7550: 7546: 7542: 7537: 7533: 7529: 7526: 7523: 7519: 7515: 7514: 7509: 7508: 7504: 7500: 7496: 7495: 7490: 7489: 7485: 7481: 7476: 7465: 7463: 7459: 7458:Private Dobbs 7450: 7446: 7442: 7438: 7434: 7430: 7425: 7421: 7417: 7414: 7411: 7407: 7403: 7402: 7398: 7394: 7390: 7389: 7385: 7381: 7376: 7365: 7363: 7359: 7355: 7350: 7348: 7344: 7335: 7331: 7327: 7323: 7319: 7315: 7310: 7307: 7304: 7300: 7296: 7295: 7290: 7289: 7285: 7281: 7277: 7276: 7271: 7270: 7266: 7262: 7257: 7246: 7244: 7240: 7239: 7234: 7229: 7227: 7223: 7222: 7217: 7216: 7211: 7207: 7198: 7194: 7190: 7186: 7182: 7178: 7174: 7170: 7166: 7162: 7157: 7154: 7151: 7147: 7144: 7141: 7137: 7133: 7132: 7127: 7126: 7122: 7118: 7114: 7113: 7108: 7107: 7103: 7099: 7094: 7083: 7081: 7080: 7075: 7074:Ensign Collip 7066: 7062: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7046: 7041: 7038: 7035: 7031: 7027: 7026: 7022: 7018: 7014: 7013: 7009: 7005: 7000: 6989: 6986: 6984: 6983: 6977: 6975: 6969: 6966: 6957: 6953: 6949: 6945: 6941: 6937: 6932: 6929: 6928:Robert Morgan 6926: 6922: 6919: 6916: 6912: 6908: 6907: 6902: 6901: 6897: 6893: 6889: 6888: 6883: 6882: 6878: 6874: 6869: 6858: 6856: 6855: 6850: 6849: 6844: 6843: 6842:Sharpe's Gold 6838: 6837: 6832: 6831: 6825: 6816: 6812: 6809:Sally Clayton 6808: 6804: 6800: 6796: 6792: 6788: 6783: 6780: 6777: 6773: 6770: 6767: 6763: 6759: 6758: 6753: 6752: 6748: 6744: 6740: 6739: 6734: 6733: 6729: 6725: 6720: 6709: 6707: 6706: 6701: 6692: 6688: 6684: 6680: 6676: 6672: 6667: 6664: 6661: 6657: 6654: 6651: 6647: 6643: 6642: 6637: 6636: 6632: 6628: 6624: 6623: 6618: 6617: 6613: 6609: 6604: 6593: 6591: 6586: 6585: 6584:Sharpe's Fury 6580: 6579: 6574: 6565: 6561: 6557: 6553: 6549: 6545: 6540: 6537: 6534: 6530: 6526: 6525: 6524:Sharpe's Fury 6521: 6517: 6513: 6512: 6508: 6504: 6499: 6488: 6486: 6481: 6479: 6474: 6473: 6468: 6459: 6455: 6451: 6447: 6443: 6439: 6434: 6431: 6428: 6424: 6421: 6418: 6414: 6410: 6409: 6405: 6401: 6397: 6396: 6391: 6390: 6386: 6382: 6377: 6366: 6363: 6359: 6355: 6353: 6352: 6347: 6338: 6334: 6330: 6326: 6322: 6318: 6313: 6310: 6309:Stephen Moore 6307: 6303: 6299: 6298: 6294: 6290: 6286: 6285: 6281: 6277: 6272: 6261: 6259: 6258: 6253: 6252: 6251:Sharpe's Gold 6247: 6238: 6234: 6230: 6226: 6222: 6218: 6213: 6210: 6207: 6203: 6199: 6198: 6194: 6190: 6186: 6185: 6184:Sharpe's Gold 6181: 6177: 6172: 6161: 6159: 6158: 6153: 6152:Private Angel 6144: 6140: 6136: 6132: 6128: 6124: 6119: 6116: 6113: 6109: 6105: 6104: 6100: 6096: 6092: 6091: 6087: 6083: 6078: 6062: 6060: 6056: 6047: 6043: 6039: 6035: 6031: 6027: 6022: 6019: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6007: 6002: 6001: 5997: 5993: 5989: 5988: 5983: 5982: 5978: 5974: 5971:Thomas Taylor 5969: 5961:Thomas Taylor 5958: 5955: 5946: 5942: 5938: 5934: 5930: 5926: 5921: 5918: 5915: 5911: 5908: 5905: 5901: 5897: 5896: 5891: 5890: 5886: 5882: 5878: 5877: 5872: 5871: 5867: 5863: 5858: 5847: 5844: 5840: 5831: 5827: 5823: 5819: 5815: 5811: 5806: 5803: 5800: 5796: 5793: 5790: 5786: 5782: 5781: 5777: 5773: 5769: 5768: 5764: 5760: 5755: 5744: 5741: 5737: 5728: 5724: 5720: 5716: 5712: 5708: 5703: 5700: 5697: 5693: 5690: 5687: 5683: 5679: 5678: 5674: 5670: 5666: 5665: 5661: 5657: 5652: 5641: 5639: 5635: 5630: 5628: 5624: 5620: 5615: 5613: 5609: 5605: 5601: 5597: 5593: 5584: 5580: 5576: 5572: 5568: 5564: 5560: 5556: 5551: 5548: 5545: 5541: 5538: 5535: 5531: 5527: 5526: 5521: 5520: 5516: 5512: 5508: 5507: 5502: 5501: 5497: 5493: 5488: 5477: 5475: 5471: 5470: 5465: 5461: 5460:Captain Cross 5452: 5448: 5444: 5440: 5436: 5432: 5427: 5424: 5421: 5417: 5413: 5412: 5408: 5404: 5399: 5386: 5381: 5378: 5375: 5371: 5367: 5358: 5354: 5350: 5346: 5342: 5338: 5333: 5330: 5327: 5323: 5319: 5318: 5314: 5310: 5306: 5305: 5301: 5297: 5292: 5281: 5278: 5276: 5272: 5263: 5259: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5238: 5234: 5230: 5227: 5224: 5220: 5216: 5215: 5210: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5197: 5196: 5191: 5190: 5186: 5182: 5177: 5166: 5164: 5160: 5155: 5154:Sharpe's Gold 5151: 5146: 5142: 5133: 5129: 5125: 5121: 5117: 5113: 5108: 5105: 5102: 5098: 5095: 5092: 5088: 5084: 5083: 5078: 5077: 5076:Sharpe's Gold 5073: 5069: 5065: 5064: 5059: 5058: 5054: 5050: 5047:Isaiah Tongue 5045: 5037:Isaiah Tongue 5034: 5031: 5029: 5025: 5021: 5020:Sharpe's Gold 5017: 5013: 5009: 5005: 4996: 4992: 4988: 4984: 4980: 4976: 4971: 4968: 4965: 4961: 4957: 4956: 4952: 4948: 4944: 4943: 4939: 4935: 4930: 4919: 4916: 4913: 4909: 4905: 4896: 4892: 4888: 4884: 4880: 4876: 4871: 4868: 4865: 4861: 4857: 4856: 4852: 4848: 4844: 4843: 4839: 4835: 4830: 4819: 4816: 4813: 4808: 4807:Sharpe's Gold 4804: 4800: 4796: 4787: 4783: 4779: 4775: 4771: 4767: 4763: 4759: 4754: 4751: 4748: 4744: 4740: 4739: 4735: 4731: 4727: 4726: 4722: 4718: 4713: 4702: 4699: 4696: 4695:Sharpe's Fury 4692: 4688: 4687:Sharpe's Gold 4684: 4680: 4676: 4672: 4663: 4659: 4655: 4651: 4647: 4643: 4639: 4635: 4630: 4627: 4624: 4620: 4616: 4615: 4614:Sharpe's Fury 4611: 4607: 4603: 4602: 4598: 4594: 4589: 4578: 4575: 4572: 4570: 4569:Sharpe's Gold 4566: 4557: 4553: 4549: 4545: 4541: 4537: 4532: 4528: 4524: 4521: 4518: 4514: 4510: 4509: 4508:Sharpe's Gold 4505: 4501: 4497: 4496: 4495:Sharpe's Gold 4492: 4488: 4483: 4472: 4469: 4466: 4462: 4457: 4453: 4452:Sharpe's Gold 4448: 4443: 4439: 4438:Rifleman Sims 4430: 4426: 4422: 4418: 4414: 4410: 4405: 4402: 4399: 4395: 4391: 4390: 4386: 4382: 4378: 4377: 4373: 4369: 4364: 4353: 4351: 4345: 4343: 4339: 4334: 4332: 4330: 4325: 4321: 4317: 4308: 4304: 4300: 4296: 4292: 4288: 4284: 4280: 4275: 4272:Lyndon Davies 4271: 4267: 4264: 4261: 4257: 4253: 4252: 4247: 4246: 4242: 4238: 4234: 4233: 4228: 4227: 4223: 4219: 4214: 4203: 4200: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4185: 4176: 4172: 4168: 4164: 4160: 4156: 4151: 4148: 4145: 4141: 4137: 4136: 4132: 4128: 4124: 4123: 4119: 4115: 4110: 4099: 4097: 4093: 4088: 4086: 4082: 4081:Sharpe's Prey 4078: 4069: 4065: 4061: 4057: 4053: 4049: 4044: 4041: 4038: 4034: 4031: 4028: 4024: 4020: 4019: 4014: 4013: 4009: 4005: 4001: 4000: 3995: 3994: 3993:Sharpe's Prey 3990: 3986: 3981: 3970: 3968: 3963: 3959: 3955: 3946: 3942: 3938: 3934: 3930: 3926: 3921: 3917: 3913: 3910: 3907: 3903: 3899: 3898: 3894: 3890: 3886: 3885: 3881: 3877: 3872: 3861: 3858: 3854: 3853:Sharpe's Gold 3850: 3841: 3837: 3833: 3829: 3825: 3821: 3816: 3813: 3810: 3806: 3802: 3801: 3797: 3793: 3789: 3788: 3787:Sharpe's Gold 3784: 3780: 3775: 3764: 3761: 3758: 3754: 3749: 3745: 3744:Sharpe's Gold 3741: 3737: 3733: 3729: 3720: 3716: 3712: 3708: 3704: 3700: 3695: 3692: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3680: 3676: 3672: 3668: 3667: 3663: 3659: 3656:Nicholas Hine 3654: 3643: 3641: 3640: 3634: 3631: 3630:Sharpe's Gold 3627: 3623: 3619: 3610: 3606: 3602: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3585: 3582: 3579: 3575: 3571: 3570: 3566: 3562: 3558: 3557: 3553: 3549: 3544: 3533: 3530: 3527: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3505:Sharpe's Gold 3502: 3498: 3494: 3490: 3481: 3477: 3473: 3469: 3465: 3461: 3456: 3453: 3450: 3446: 3442: 3441: 3437: 3433: 3429: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3415: 3404: 3401: 3399: 3395: 3391: 3387: 3382: 3378: 3373: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3358: 3355: 3351: 3350:Sharpe's Gold 3346: 3344: 3339: 3337: 3333: 3324: 3320: 3316: 3312: 3308: 3304: 3299: 3296: 3293: 3289: 3285: 3284: 3280: 3276: 3272: 3271: 3267: 3263: 3260:Parry Jenkins 3258: 3250:Parry Jenkins 3247: 3244: 3241: 3237: 3233: 3229: 3228:Sharpe's Gold 3225: 3221: 3217: 3213: 3204: 3200: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3184: 3180: 3176: 3171: 3168: 3165: 3161: 3157: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3144: 3143: 3139: 3135: 3130: 3119: 3117: 3113: 3109: 3108:Sharpe's Gold 3105: 3101: 3097: 3088: 3084: 3080: 3076: 3072: 3068: 3063: 3060: 3057: 3053: 3049: 3048: 3044: 3040: 3036: 3035: 3031: 3027: 3022: 3011: 3008: 3005: 3001: 2997: 2993: 2989: 2988:Sharpe's Gold 2985: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2968: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2943: 2939: 2935: 2931: 2926: 2923: 2920: 2916: 2912: 2911: 2907: 2903: 2899: 2898: 2894: 2890: 2887:Nicholas Hine 2885: 2877:Nicholas Hine 2874: 2871: 2868: 2864: 2859: 2855: 2854:Sharpe's Gold 2851: 2847: 2843: 2839: 2830: 2826: 2822: 2818: 2814: 2810: 2805: 2802: 2799: 2795: 2791: 2790: 2786: 2782: 2778: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2764: 2753: 2751: 2747: 2743: 2738: 2735: 2733: 2729: 2725: 2721: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2700:Sharpe's Prey 2696: 2694: 2690: 2689:Daniel Hagman 2685: 2683: 2682:Sharpe's Gold 2678: 2676: 2672: 2668: 2664: 2660: 2656: 2652: 2648: 2644: 2640: 2635: 2633: 2629: 2625: 2616: 2612: 2608: 2604: 2600: 2596: 2591: 2588: 2585: 2581: 2578: 2575: 2571: 2567: 2566: 2561: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2548: 2547: 2542: 2541: 2540:Sharpe's Prey 2537: 2533: 2528: 2517: 2515: 2510: 2508: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2495: 2494: 2489: 2485: 2484: 2478: 2476: 2471: 2469: 2464: 2462: 2458: 2453: 2451: 2447: 2442: 2440: 2439: 2438:Sharpe's Gold 2434: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2417: 2415: 2411: 2406: 2404: 2400: 2395: 2393: 2392: 2387: 2383: 2379: 2374: 2372: 2368: 2367: 2362: 2358: 2353: 2351: 2350: 2345: 2341: 2337: 2333: 2329: 2325: 2320: 2318: 2317: 2316:Sharpe's Prey 2312: 2308: 2304: 2300: 2298: 2292: 2290: 2286: 2282: 2278: 2274: 2269: 2266: 2264: 2260: 2256: 2255: 2249: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2236: 2227: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2209: 2205: 2201: 2197: 2193: 2189: 2185: 2181: 2176: 2173: 2170: 2166: 2163: 2160: 2156: 2152: 2151: 2146: 2145: 2141: 2137: 2133: 2132: 2127: 2126: 2125:Sharpe's Prey 2122: 2118: 2113: 2102: 2098: 2094: 2092: 2087: 2085: 2080: 2078: 2073: 2071: 2067: 2062: 2060: 2056: 2050: 2046: 2044: 2040: 2035: 2032: 2027: 2025: 2020: 2018: 2012: 2010: 2006: 2005:Sharpe's Gold 2002: 1998: 1993: 1989: 1981: 1977: 1974: 1970: 1966: 1962: 1958: 1954: 1949: 1946: 1943: 1939: 1936: 1933: 1929: 1925: 1924: 1919: 1918: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1905: 1900: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1888:Daniel Hagman 1886: 1878:Daniel Hagman 1875: 1872: 1869: 1865: 1860: 1859:Sharpe's Gold 1856: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1835: 1831: 1827: 1823: 1819: 1815: 1810: 1807: 1804: 1800: 1796: 1795: 1791: 1787: 1783: 1782: 1778: 1774: 1769: 1758: 1755: 1753: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1737: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1703: 1700: 1697: 1693: 1689: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1676: 1675: 1671: 1667: 1662: 1651: 1648: 1645: 1641: 1636: 1632: 1631:Sharpe's Gold 1628: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1615:Rifleman Finn 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1591: 1587: 1582: 1579: 1576: 1572: 1568: 1567: 1563: 1559: 1555: 1554: 1550: 1546: 1541: 1530: 1528: 1524: 1519: 1517: 1512: 1508: 1506: 1502: 1498: 1497:Sharpe's Prey 1494: 1485: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1465: 1460: 1457: 1454: 1450: 1447: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1435: 1430: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1416: 1411: 1410: 1409:Sharpe's Prey 1406: 1402: 1399:Warren Dunnet 1397: 1386: 1383: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1363: 1359: 1355: 1351: 1347: 1343: 1338: 1335: 1332: 1328: 1324: 1323: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1310: 1306: 1302: 1299:Sean Donnelly 1297: 1289:Sean Donnelly 1286: 1283: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1272: 1267: 1262: 1260: 1256: 1252: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1218: 1215: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1177: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1152:Sharpe's Gold 1149: 1145: 1141: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1120: 1116: 1112: 1107: 1104: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1092: 1088: 1084: 1080: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1066: 1055: 1053: 1049: 1045: 1044:Sharpe's Gold 1041: 1037: 1036:Michael Mears 1032: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1006: 1001: 999: 995: 991: 990:Sharpe's Prey 986: 983: 974: 970: 966: 962: 958: 954: 950: 946: 941: 938: 937:Michael Mears 935: 931: 928: 925: 921: 917: 916: 915:Sharpe's Gold 911: 910: 906: 902: 898: 897: 892: 891: 890:Sharpe's Prey 887: 883: 878: 867: 864: 861: 860: 855: 854: 849: 848: 843: 834: 830: 826: 822: 818: 814: 809: 806: 803: 799: 795: 794: 790: 786: 782: 781: 777: 773: 768: 757: 754: 752: 751: 746: 745: 739: 735: 734: 733:Sharpe's Gold 729: 728: 722: 721: 716: 707: 703: 699: 695: 691: 687: 683: 679: 674: 671: 668: 664: 660: 659: 655: 651: 647: 646: 642: 638: 633: 622: 620: 619: 614: 613: 608: 607: 602: 601: 595: 594: 589: 588: 587:Sharpe's Gold 583: 574: 570: 566: 562: 558: 554: 549: 545: 541: 538: 535: 531: 527: 526: 522: 518: 514: 513: 512:Sharpe's Gold 509: 505: 500: 484: 480: 478: 474: 469: 467: 462: 460: 456: 452: 448: 444: 439: 437: 432: 430: 425: 423: 419: 415: 411: 407: 406:74th Regiment 403: 399: 395: 386: 383: 379: 371: 367: 363: 359: 354: 353:Teresa Moreno 351: 347: 341: 337: 327: 323: 319: 315: 312:Dick, Sharpie 311: 307: 303: 299: 294: 291: 288: 284: 281: 278: 274: 270: 269: 264: 263: 259: 255: 251: 250: 245: 244: 240: 236: 231: 220: 218: 214: 209: 207: 203: 202: 197: 193: 189: 185: 181: 180: 175: 170: 168: 164: 160: 156: 152: 142: 139: 131: 128:November 2021 121: 115: 111: 109: 102: 93: 92: 83: 80: 72: 62: 58: 52: 51: 45: 40: 31: 30: 27: 19: 18:Daniel Hagman 19684: 19675: 19666: 19657: 19648: 19639: 19630: 19621: 19612: 19603: 19594: 19585: 19576: 19567: 19558: 19549: 19540: 19531: 19522: 19513: 19504: 19482: 19452: 19443: 19434: 19422: 19413: 19404: 19395: 19386: 19377: 19368: 19359: 19350: 19341: 19332: 19323: 19314: 19305: 19296: 19287: 19278: 19269: 19248: 19239: 19230: 19221: 19212: 19203: 19194: 19185: 19176: 19167: 19158: 19149: 19135: 19114: 19093: 19084: 19061: 19034: 19025: 19002: 18993: 18984: 18975: 18966: 18957: 18948: 18883: 18862: 18841: 18830: 18821: 18820: 18730: 18726: 18718: 18716: 18710: 18704: 18699: 18680: 18679: 18630: 18586: 18571: 18558: 18557: 18510:Portrayed by 18490: 18484: 18453: 18425: 18412: 18403: 18397: 18392: 18373: 18372: 18333: 18315:Portrayed by 18305: 18292: 18286: 18258: 18247: 18240: 18221: 18208: 18207: 18190: 18143: 18130: 18104: 18096:curved sabre 18067: 18053: 18034: 18013: 18012: 17945: 17932: 17893: 17882: 17876:, played by 17867: 17863: 17836: 17834: 17815: 17813: 17784: 17754: 17752: 17743: 17741: 17680:Portrayed by 17660: 17654: 17641: 17635: 17602: 17601: 17544: 17531: 17498: 17497: 17448: 17435: 17407: 17403: 17395: 17386: 17385: 17342:Simón Andreu 17338:Portrayed by 17318: 17312: 17299: 17293: 17266: 17259: 17253: 17252: 17197:Portrayed by 17178: 17166: 17138: 17127: 17114: 17113: 17056: 17043: 17012: 17009: 16998: 16980: 16965: 16961: 16942: 16925: 16924: 16875: 16857:Portrayed by 16837: 16831: 16818: 16812: 16759: 16752: 16675: 16674: 16629:Portrayed by 16565: 16558: 16552: 16551: 16496:Portrayed by 16477: 16465: 16447:Father Hacha 16433: 16428: 16424: 16416: 16412: 16408: 16404: 16400: 16394: 16392: 16372: 16368: 16367: 16329: 16317: 16276: 16275: 16226: 16191: 16180: 16171: 16170: 16121: 16108: 16068: 16060: 16048: 16039: 16037: 15998:Portrayed by 15978: 15972: 15937: 15921: 15908: 15906: 15901: 15889: 15888: 15843:Portrayed by 15823: 15817: 15782: 15768: 15758: 15743: 15738: 15733: 15732: 15685:Portrayed by 15665: 15652: 15646: 15595: 15593: 15586: 15568: 15564: 15563: 15523: 15511: 15480: 15457: 15441: 15421:war in Spain 15393: 15359: 15351:secret agent 15349:is a French 15347:Pierre Ducos 15346: 15345: 15306:Portrayed by 15286: 15280: 15267: 15261: 15253:Pierre Ducos 15243:Pierre Ducos 15234: 15232: 15220: 15198: 15196: 15190: 15188: 15149:Portrayed by 15130: 15117: 15111: 15079:Cécile Paoli 15072: 15064:Jane Gibbons 15053: 15041: 15037:Pierre Ducos 15033: 15007: 15006: 14944:Cécile Paoli 14940:Portrayed by 14920: 14914: 14901: 14895: 14868: 14858: 14852: 14850: 14839: 14831:Pierre Ducos 14816: 14814: 14796: 14795: 14749:Portrayed by 14739: 14733: 14720: 14714: 14691: 14683: 14678: 14677: 14630: 14624: 14611: 14605: 14569: 14563: 14557: 14553: 14526: 14525: 14474:Portrayed by 14464: 14458: 14445: 14439: 14388: 14377: 14358: 14350:note of hand 14335: 14313: 14289:Hundred Days 14282: 14267: 14246: 14245: 14202:Portrayed by 14182: 14176: 14163: 14157: 14130: 14126: 14125: 14086:Portrayed by 14076: 14063: 14032: 14024:Pierre Ducos 14017: 13986: 13965: 13963: 13955:Frederickson 13936: 13920: 13896: 13889: 13868: 13867: 13836:Portrayed by 13818: 13812: 13799: 13793: 13753: 13747:in Ireland ( 13738: 13727: 13721:, after the 13703: 13680:Tipoo Sultan 13677: 13655: 13638: 13637: 13588: 13575: 13547: 13539: 13530:Seringapatam 13522: 13511: 13482: 13481: 13432: 13419: 13393: 13392: 13358:Morgan Jones 13355:Portrayed by 13335: 13322: 13293: 13292: 13253: 13240: 13193: 13189:anti-English 13179: 13165: 13158: 13154:Pierre Ducos 13139: 13135: 13100: 13081: 13044:of presumed 13039: 13008: 12991: 12990: 12943:Portrayed by 12923: 12917: 12904: 12898: 12871: 12857:, set after 12852: 12809: 12804: 12798: 12778: 12757: 12746: 12711: 12704: 12686: 12682: 12679:Jane Gibbons 12678: 12677: 12631:Portrayed by 12611: 12605: 12592: 12586: 12578:Jane Gibbons 12561:Jane Gibbons 12550: 12549: 12500: 12487: 12454: 12453: 12404: 12391: 12363: 12330: 12328: 12289: 12274: 12269:The Generals 12267: 12253: 12246:William Dodd 12245: 12244: 12205:Portrayed by 12195: 12189: 12176: 12170: 12162:William Dodd 12152:William Dodd 12145: 12141: 12140: 12101: 12088: 12063: 12059: 12055: 12051: 12050: 12011: 11998: 11962: 11951: 11949: 11943: 11937: 11917: 11911: 11907: 11903: 11901: 11862:Portrayed by 11852: 11839: 11833: 11809: 11805: 11798: 11795: 11790: 11789: 11750:Portrayed by 11740: 11734: 11721: 11715: 11686: 11676: 11675: 11636:Portrayed by 11616: 11610: 11597: 11591: 11568: 11564: 11560: 11556: 11547: 11546: 11509:Portrayed by 11489: 11483: 11470: 11464: 11427: 11426: 11389:Portrayed by 11369: 11363: 11350: 11344: 11315: 11314: 11277:Portrayed by 11257: 11251: 11238: 11232: 11188: 11187:appeared in 11184: 11182: 11133: 11120: 11095: 11093: 11078: 11063:), a novice 11056: 11048: 11046: 11043: 11038: 11034: 11030: 11012: 11008:Jane Gibbons 10992: 10985: 10974: 10962: 10954: 10949:Horse Guards 10913:British Army 10902: 10900: 10897: 10888: 10887:Colonel Sir 10886: 10841:Portrayed by 10821: 10815: 10802: 10796: 10751: 10750: 10701: 10688: 10646: 10645: 10596: 10583: 10552:, played by 10547: 10529:, played by 10524: 10516:Colonel Ford 10501: 10477: 10454: 10427: 10420: 10407: 10406: 10371:Portrayed by 10353: 10341: 10295: 10294: 10245: 10232: 10190: 10189: 10140: 10127: 10081: 10080: 10031: 10018: 9995: 9988:appeared in 9985: 9984: 9935: 9929: 9916: 9910: 9861: 9860: 9811: 9805: 9792: 9786: 9747: 9736: 9721: 9694: 9679: 9666:and then to 9653:gentry class 9646: 9638:British Army 9617: 9616: 9577:Portrayed by 9557: 9551: 9538: 9532: 9524:Thomas Leroy 9514:Thomas Leroy 9509: 9505: 9502: 9496: 9495: 9460:David Ashton 9456:Portrayed by 9436: 9430: 9417: 9411: 9384: 9377: 9367: 9356: 9329: 9319: 9304: 9297: 9284:Seringapatam 9281: 9273:Tipoo Sultan 9266: 9216: 9196: 9195: 9128:Portrayed by 9109: 9103: 9090: 9084: 9037: 8998: 8976: 8951: 8950: 8909: 8896: 8854: 8853: 8804: 8791: 8761: 8760: 8721: 8708: 8662: 8661: 8612: 8599: 8568: 8560: 8541: 8534: 8530: 8526: 8485: 8482: 8466: 8456:, murdering 8431: 8427:Yellow fever 8411:William Dodd 8406:to join the 8398:). He later 8391: 8388:Tipoo Sultan 8377: 8354: 8346:public house 8339: 8324: 8317: 8308: 8298: 8292: 8289: 8245: 8232: 8231: 8170:Portrayed by 8150: 8144: 8131: 8125: 8090: 8078: 8077: 8028: 8015: 7991:Mark Lambert 7984: 7961: 7918:Jane Gibbons 7891:United Irish 7884: 7875: 7874: 7831:Mark Lambert 7827:Portrayed by 7807: 7801: 7788: 7782: 7758:Neil Dudgeon 7755: 7751:Jane Gibbons 7738: 7730: 7729: 7694:Neil Dudgeon 7690:Portrayed by 7670: 7664: 7651: 7645: 7618: 7569: 7568: 7531:Portrayed by 7511: 7505: 7492: 7486: 7457: 7456: 7419:Portrayed by 7399: 7386: 7351: 7342: 7341: 7292: 7286: 7273: 7267: 7236: 7230: 7219: 7213: 7205: 7204: 7149:Portrayed by 7129: 7123: 7110: 7104: 7077: 7073: 7072: 7023: 7010: 6987: 6980: 6978: 6970: 6964: 6963: 6924:Portrayed by 6904: 6898: 6885: 6879: 6871:Jack Collett 6861:Jack Collett 6852: 6846: 6840: 6834: 6828: 6823: 6822: 6775:Portrayed by 6755: 6749: 6736: 6730: 6703: 6699: 6698: 6659:Portrayed by 6639: 6633: 6620: 6614: 6582: 6576: 6572: 6571: 6522: 6509: 6485:Daniel Craig 6482: 6470: 6466: 6465: 6430:Daniel Craig 6426:Portrayed by 6406: 6393: 6387: 6364: 6360: 6356: 6349: 6345: 6344: 6305:Portrayed by 6295: 6282: 6255: 6249: 6245: 6244: 6195: 6182: 6155: 6151: 6150: 6101: 6088: 6054: 6053: 6004: 5998: 5985: 5979: 5953: 5952: 5913:Portrayed by 5893: 5887: 5874: 5868: 5838: 5837: 5798:Portrayed by 5778: 5765: 5735: 5734: 5695:Portrayed by 5675: 5662: 5631: 5616: 5591: 5590: 5577:Army Officer 5543:Portrayed by 5523: 5517: 5504: 5498: 5467: 5459: 5458: 5445:Army Officer 5409: 5379: 5365: 5364: 5315: 5302: 5279: 5270: 5269: 5232:Portrayed by 5212: 5206: 5193: 5187: 5140: 5139: 5104:Paul Trussel 5100:Portrayed by 5080: 5074: 5061: 5055: 5032: 5003: 5002: 4953: 4940: 4917: 4903: 4902: 4853: 4840: 4817: 4794: 4793: 4736: 4723: 4700: 4670: 4669: 4612: 4599: 4576: 4573: 4564: 4563: 4526:Portrayed by 4506: 4493: 4470: 4440:appeared in 4437: 4436: 4387: 4374: 4346: 4335: 4328: 4315: 4314: 4269:Portrayed by 4249: 4243: 4230: 4224: 4201: 4183: 4182: 4133: 4120: 4089: 4076: 4075: 4040:Tim Bentinck 4036:Portrayed by 4016: 4010: 3997: 3991: 3953: 3952: 3915:Portrayed by 3895: 3882: 3874:Tobias Moore 3864:Tobias Moore 3848: 3847: 3798: 3785: 3762: 3727: 3726: 3677: 3664: 3637: 3635: 3617: 3616: 3567: 3554: 3531: 3488: 3487: 3438: 3425: 3402: 3374: 3359: 3347: 3340: 3331: 3330: 3281: 3268: 3245: 3211: 3210: 3153: 3140: 3095: 3094: 3045: 3032: 3009: 2966: 2965: 2908: 2895: 2872: 2837: 2836: 2787: 2774: 2739: 2736: 2697: 2686: 2679: 2677:came from". 2651:Jason Salkey 2636: 2623: 2622: 2587:Jason Salkey 2583:Portrayed by 2563: 2557: 2544: 2538: 2513: 2511: 2505: 2498: 2491: 2481: 2479: 2472: 2465: 2454: 2443: 2436: 2429:birdwatching 2418: 2414:public house 2407: 2396: 2389: 2375: 2364: 2354: 2347: 2321: 2314: 2301: 2293: 2270: 2267: 2252: 2250: 2237: 2233: 2168:Portrayed by 2148: 2142: 2129: 2123: 2099: 2095: 2088: 2081: 2074: 2063: 2051: 2047: 2036: 2028: 2021: 2013: 1987: 1986: 1941:Portrayed by 1921: 1915: 1902: 1896: 1873: 1842: 1841: 1792: 1779: 1756: 1735: 1734: 1685: 1672: 1649: 1614: 1613: 1564: 1551: 1520: 1513: 1509: 1499:and then in 1492: 1491: 1452:Portrayed by 1432: 1426: 1413: 1407: 1384: 1370: 1369: 1320: 1307: 1284: 1269: 1263: 1250: 1249: 1200: 1187: 1179:Matthew Dodd 1169:Matthew Dodd 1164: 1139: 1138: 1089: 1076: 1033: 1002: 987: 981: 980: 933:Portrayed by 913: 907: 894: 888: 865: 857: 851: 845: 841: 840: 791: 778: 755: 748: 742: 731: 725: 718: 714: 713: 656: 643: 616: 610: 604: 598: 591: 585: 581: 580: 546:Will Whitlam 543:Portrayed by 523: 510: 481: 470: 463: 458: 440: 433: 426: 391: 364:(common law) 358:Jane Gibbons 286:Portrayed by 266: 260: 247: 241: 210: 199: 177: 171: 163:British Army 150: 149: 134: 125: 118:Please help 105: 75: 66: 47: 26: 18812:Nationality 18707:War of 1812 18671:Nationality 18601:Allie Byrne 18578:expatriates 18549:Nationality 18440:Villafranca 18408:Baker rifle 18364:Nationality 18182:Nationality 18100:Baker rifle 18084:95th Rifles 18004:Nationality 17989:Kate Savage 17733:Nationality 17593:Nationality 17489:Nationality 17377:Nationality 17254:El Matarife 17244:Nationality 17215:El Matarife 17158:El Matarife 17148:El Matarife 17115:El Católico 17105:Nationality 17084:El Católico 17025:El Católico 16963:partisans. 16916:Nationality 16666:Nationality 16632:Diana Perez 16543:Nationality 16457:Tomas Hacha 16359:Nationality 16267:Nationality 16162:Nationality 16029:Nationality 15983:(TV Series) 15922:During the 15898:Klingenthal 15880:Nationality 15828:(TV Series) 15793:Alice Krige 15769:El Matarife 15724:Nationality 15689:Alice Krige 15622:Confederate 15610:Crimean War 15555:Nationality 15337:Nationality 15180:Nationality 15044:blunderbuss 14998:Nationality 14787:Nationality 14669:Nationality 14576:Hugh Fraser 14533:Anglo-Irish 14517:Nationality 14482:Hugh Fraser 14237:Nationality 14117:Nationality 14090:Nigel Betts 13859:Nationality 13707:chamber pot 13629:Nationality 13473:Nationality 13384:Nationality 13294:John Hopper 13284:Nationality 13232:John Hopper 13222:John Hopper 13009:Hogan is a 12982:Nationality 12691:, in which 12669:Nationality 12664:(separated) 12541:Nationality 12445:Nationality 12337:Manu Bappoo 12320:Ahmednuggur 12236:Nationality 12132:Nationality 12042:Nationality 11933:60th Rifles 11924:Adour River 11893:Nationality 11781:Nationality 11667:Nationality 11538:Nationality 11418:Nationality 11306:Nationality 11195:East Indies 11174:Nationality 11025:(1995) and 10876:Nationality 10742:Nationality 10637:Nationality 10537:during the 10508:Quatre Bras 10408:Harry Price 10398:Nationality 10333:Harry Price 10323:Harry Price 10286:Nationality 10181:Nationality 10072:Nationality 9976:Nationality 9852:Nationality 9640:during the 9608:Nationality 9487:Nationality 9340:95th Rifles 9221:mother and 9187:Nationality 9048:Paul McGann 8942:Nationality 8845:Nationality 8752:Nationality 8653:Nationality 8499:trample him 8285:drummer boy 8221:Nationality 8069:Nationality 7987:TV adaption 7889:during the 7866:Nationality 7721:Nationality 7588:and at the 7586:Quatre Bras 7560:Nationality 7478:Joseph Ford 7468:Joseph Ford 7448:Nationality 7422:Paul Bigley 7333:Nationality 7196:Nationality 7064:Nationality 6955:Nationality 6814:Nationality 6690:Nationality 6563:Nationality 6501:Jack Bullen 6491:Jack Bullen 6457:Nationality 6336:Nationality 6236:Nationality 6142:Nationality 6045:Nationality 5944:Nationality 5829:Nationality 5726:Nationality 5627:War of 1812 5594:comes from 5582:Nationality 5450:Nationality 5356:Nationality 5261:Nationality 5131:Nationality 4994:Nationality 4894:Nationality 4832:Ned Tarrant 4822:Ned Tarrant 4785:Nationality 4661:Nationality 4567:appears in 4555:Nationality 4529:Philip Dowd 4428:Nationality 4306:Nationality 4216:Ben Perkins 4206:Ben Perkins 4174:Nationality 4096:Tim Betinck 4067:Nationality 3983:John Murray 3973:John Murray 3967:Villafranca 3944:Nationality 3839:Nationality 3718:Nationality 3608:Nationality 3479:Nationality 3322:Nationality 3202:Nationality 3086:Nationality 2957:Nationality 2828:Nationality 2746:95th Rifles 2663:Oxfordshire 2614:Nationality 2509:TV series. 2425:Cú Chulainn 2297:95th Rifles 2225:Nationality 1833:Nationality 1726:Nationality 1605:Nationality 1483:Nationality 1361:Nationality 1241:Nationality 1130:Nationality 1019:during the 1007:during the 972:Nationality 832:Nationality 705:Nationality 572:Nationality 487:95th Rifles 455:Baker rifle 410:95th Rifles 381:Nationality 304:Dick Vaughn 165:during the 157:stories by 61:introducing 18854:References 18826:Copenhagen 18778:Occupation 18763:Created by 18663:Occupation 18640:Created by 18589:Jason Durr 18563:Wolfe Tone 18533:Occupation 18514:Jason Durr 18500:Created by 18466:Lord Kiely 18413:El Mirador 18404:El Mirador 18393:El Mirador 18348:Occupation 18334:El Mirador 18166:Occupation 18153:Created by 18030:Lieutenant 18007:Portuguese 17978:Occupation 17955:Created by 17761:Lieutenant 17715:Occupation 17670:Created by 17609:novels by 17596:Portuguese 17577:Occupation 17554:Created by 17505:novels by 17492:Portuguese 17473:Occupation 17458:Created by 17412:Portuguese 17361:Occupation 17328:Created by 17220:Occupation 17187:Created by 17123:Casatejada 17089:Occupation 17066:Created by 16882:Occupation 16847:Created by 16619:Created by 16522:Inquisitor 16519:Occupation 16486:Created by 16362:Hanoverian 16351:Occupation 16262:Cavalryman 16259:Occupation 16236:Created by 16154:Occupation 16131:Created by 16021:Occupation 15988:Created by 15909:El Mirador 15864:Occupation 15833:Created by 15675:Created by 15547:Occupation 15532:Created by 15437:Wellington 15425:spectacles 15405:Portuguese 15329:Occupation 15296:Created by 15217:Pot-au-Feu 15172:Occupation 15139:Created by 15093:Pot-au-Feu 15028:Revolution 15024:Vicomtesse 14963:Occupation 14930:Created by 14835:Neapolitan 14776:Occupation 14661:Occupation 14509:Occupation 14301:Wellington 14229:Occupation 14192:Created by 14109:Occupation 13907:Wellington 13851:Occupation 13828:Created by 13673:peculation 13651:antagonist 13645:novels by 13621:Occupation 13598:Created by 13465:Occupation 13442:Created by 13376:Occupation 13371:Chosen Man 13345:Created by 13276:Occupation 13070:Lieutenant 13027:Royal Navy 12966:Occupation 12933:Created by 12836:Wellington 12621:Created by 12567:Jane Sharp 12533:Occupation 12510:Created by 12437:Occupation 12414:Created by 12228:Occupation 12124:Occupation 12119:Midshipman 12034:Occupation 11990:Joel Chase 11980:Joel Chase 11958:Portsmouth 11885:Occupation 11773:Occupation 11768:Lieutenant 11659:Occupation 11626:Created by 11530:Occupation 11499:Created by 11436:lieutenant 11410:Occupation 11405:Lieutenant 11379:Created by 11298:Occupation 11267:Created by 11166:Occupation 11143:Created by 10993:In 1813, ( 10988:income tax 10919:. Captain 10893:aristocrat 10866:Occupation 10831:Created by 10734:Occupation 10711:Created by 10629:Occupation 10606:Created by 10488:D'Alembord 10450:Portsmouth 10390:Occupation 10360:Created by 10278:Occupation 10255:Created by 10173:Occupation 10150:Created by 10064:Occupation 10041:Created by 9968:Occupation 9945:Created by 9844:Occupation 9821:Created by 9708:in 1812, ( 9600:Occupation 9567:Created by 9479:Occupation 9446:Created by 9336:lieutenant 9243:lieutenant 9239:commission 9227:Portsmouth 9182:Protestant 9155:Occupation 9118:Created by 8987:Lt Colonel 8960:lieutenant 8934:Occupation 8919:Created by 8837:Occupation 8814:Created by 8744:Occupation 8645:Occupation 8622:Created by 8575:prostitute 8473:Portuguese 8371:to death ( 8266:by public 8195:Occupation 8160:Created by 8061:Occupation 8038:Created by 8007:Gutteridge 7997:Gutteridge 7861:Protestant 7850:Occupation 7817:Created by 7713:Occupation 7708:Lieutenant 7680:Created by 7552:Occupation 7521:Created by 7440:Occupation 7409:Created by 7325:Occupation 7302:Created by 7180:Occupation 7139:Created by 7056:Occupation 7033:Created by 6947:Occupation 6914:Created by 6798:Occupation 6779:Peter Gunn 6765:Created by 6682:Occupation 6663:Adam James 6649:Created by 6555:Occupation 6532:Created by 6449:Occupation 6444:Lieutenant 6416:Created by 6379:John Berry 6369:John Berry 6328:Occupation 6228:Occupation 6205:Created by 6134:Occupation 6111:Created by 6037:Occupation 6014:Created by 5936:Occupation 5917:Iain Glass 5903:Created by 5821:Occupation 5788:Created by 5718:Occupation 5685:Created by 5596:Westphalia 5574:Occupation 5533:Created by 5442:Occupation 5419:Created by 5348:Occupation 5325:Created by 5294:Williamson 5253:Occupation 5222:Created by 5123:Occupation 5118:Chosen Man 5090:Created by 4986:Occupation 4963:Created by 4886:Occupation 4863:Created by 4777:Occupation 4746:Created by 4653:Occupation 4622:Created by 4547:Occupation 4516:Created by 4485:Skillicorn 4475:Skillicorn 4420:Occupation 4397:Created by 4290:Occupation 4285:Chosen Man 4259:Created by 4166:Occupation 4143:Created by 4059:Occupation 4026:Created by 3936:Occupation 3931:Chosen Man 3905:Created by 3831:Occupation 3808:Created by 3710:Occupation 3687:Created by 3600:Occupation 3577:Created by 3471:Occupation 3448:Created by 3314:Occupation 3309:Chosen Man 3291:Created by 3194:Occupation 3163:Created by 3078:Occupation 3055:Created by 2949:Occupation 2918:Created by 2820:Occupation 2797:Created by 2647:Chosen Men 2641:, he is a 2606:Occupation 2573:Created by 2273:Tangaveane 2199:Occupation 2158:Created by 1992:Chosen Men 1972:Occupation 1931:Created by 1825:Occupation 1802:Created by 1718:Occupation 1695:Created by 1597:Occupation 1574:Created by 1475:Occupation 1442:Created by 1353:Occupation 1330:Created by 1233:Occupation 1210:Created by 1122:Occupation 1099:Created by 964:Occupation 959:Chosen Man 923:Created by 824:Occupation 801:Created by 697:Occupation 666:Created by 564:Occupation 559:Chosen Man 533:Created by 325:Occupation 276:Created by 198:premiered 44:references 18723:quicklime 18489:(Novels) 18434:. During 18291:(Novels) 18107:port wine 18072:caçadores 17851:deserters 17826:courtesan 17719:Courtesan 17659:(Novels) 17640:(Novels) 17317:(Novels) 17298:(Novels) 17001:deserters 16949:guerrilla 16836:(Novels) 16817:(Novels) 16708:Southwark 16610:(Novels) 16595:(Novels) 15977:(Novels) 15913:Salamanca 15822:(Novels) 15651:(Novels) 15624:cavalry. 15433:telescope 15391:in 1804. 15366:espionage 15285:(Novels) 15266:(Novels) 15116:(Novels) 15075:TV series 14919:(Novels) 14900:(Novels) 14842:Louisiana 14833:, from a 14738:(Novels) 14719:(Novels) 14629:(Novels) 14610:(Novels) 14574:, and by 14463:(Novels) 14444:(Novels) 14181:(Novels) 14162:(Novels) 14028:Hakeswill 13817:(Novels) 13798:(Novels) 13730:Gawilghur 13528:taken to 13495:Calvinist 13212:Hugh Ross 13200:Brian Cox 13121:spies in 13054:Gibraltar 12947:Brian Cox 12922:(Novels) 12903:(Novels) 12820:Sean Bean 12610:(Novels) 12591:(Novels) 12345:Gawilghur 12312:battalion 12296:mercenary 12194:(Novels) 12175:(Novels) 11908:Vengeance 11838:(Novels) 11739:(Novels) 11720:(Novels) 11615:(Novels) 11596:(Novels) 11488:(Novels) 11469:(Novels) 11368:(Novels) 11349:(Novels) 11256:(Novels) 11237:(Novels) 11053:commissar 10933:Paglesham 10820:(Novels) 10801:(Novels) 10461:Salamanca 9934:(Novels) 9915:(Novels) 9810:(Novels) 9791:(Novels) 9556:(Novels) 9537:(Novels) 9435:(Novels) 9416:(Novels) 9231:Hampshire 9108:(Novels) 9089:(Novels) 9005:captaincy 9001:purchased 8591:Huckfield 8581:Huckfield 8570:Fallout 2 8556:Amit Behl 8469:deserters 8415:Gawilghur 8350:Sheffield 8297:) and in 8272:execution 8239:books by 8149:(Novels) 8130:(Novels) 7972:moustache 7806:(Novels) 7787:(Novels) 7669:(Novels) 7650:(Novels) 7600:veteran, 7598:Peninsula 7574:landowner 7510:(Novels) 7491:(Novels) 7291:(Novels) 7272:(Novels) 7128:(Novels) 7109:(Novels) 6903:(Novels) 6884:(Novels) 6754:(Novels) 6735:(Novels) 6638:(Novels) 6619:(Novels) 6392:(Novels) 6003:(Novels) 5984:(Novels) 5892:(Novels) 5873:(Novels) 5522:(Novels) 5503:(Novels) 5211:(Novels) 5192:(Novels) 5079:(Novels) 5060:(Novels) 4248:(Novels) 4229:(Novels) 4112:Pendleton 4102:Pendleton 4015:(Novels) 3996:(Novels) 3777:Millerson 3767:Millerson 3357:Almeida. 2744:, of the 2673:, "where 2671:Lichfield 2639:TV series 2562:(Novels) 2543:(Novels) 2421:berserker 2388:in 1812 ( 2186:Harps/Pat 2147:(Novels) 2128:(Novels) 2070:John Tams 1945:John Tams 1920:(Novels) 1901:(Novels) 1431:(Novels) 1412:(Novels) 1257:books by 912:(Novels) 893:(Novels) 429:rookeries 290:Sean Bean 265:(Novels) 246:(Novels) 217:Tom Clegg 206:Sean Bean 188:Sean Bean 186:starring 174:Tom Clegg 172:Director 69:July 2017 19701:Category 18806:Lutheran 18802:Religion 18697:schooner 18674:American 18635:(Novels) 18495:(Series) 18460:Napoleon 18379:was the 18356:Religion 18310:(Novels) 18297:(Series) 18148:(Novels) 18135:(Novels) 18068:atirador 18037:Portugal 18026:riflemen 17998:Catholic 17994:Religion 17950:(Novels) 17937:(Novels) 17908:adultery 17889:Loyalist 17886:American 17847:diplomat 17708:Countess 17665:(Series) 17646:(Series) 17549:(Novels) 17536:(Novels) 17523:Ferreira 17513:Ferreira 17499:Ferragus 17476:Civilian 17453:(Novels) 17440:(Novels) 17417:Ferragus 17372:Catholic 17369:Religion 17364:Partisan 17323:(Series) 17304:(Series) 17239:Catholic 17236:Religion 17223:Partisan 17100:Catholic 17097:Religion 17092:Partisan 17061:(Novels) 17048:(Novels) 16987:Sergeant 16957:stiletto 16934:partisan 16911:Catholic 16908:Religion 16900:Children 16885:Partisan 16876:La Aguja 16842:(Series) 16823:(Series) 16732:Napoleon 16661:Catholic 16658:Religion 16650:Children 16614:(Series) 16599:(Series) 16538:Catholic 16535:Religion 16425:Revenant 16417:Revenant 16413:Revenant 16409:Revenant 16405:Calliope 16401:Calliope 16254:Sergeant 16231:(Novels) 16126:(Novels) 16113:(Novels) 16079:Pyrenees 16040:Guy Loup 15964:Guy Loup 15954:Guy Loup 15944:Pyrenees 15894:Napoleon 15670:(Novels) 15657:(Series) 15575:Brussels 15474:, as in 15460:smallpox 15291:(Series) 15272:(Series) 15122:(Series) 15016:Normandy 14990:Children 14925:(Series) 14906:(Series) 14823:Toulouse 14779:Soldier 14744:(Series) 14725:(Series) 14645:Nickname 14635:(Series) 14616:(Series) 14545:Napoleon 14493:Nickname 14469:(Series) 14450:(Series) 14354:Waterloo 14331:Brussels 14285:Napoleon 14187:(Series) 14168:(Series) 14081:(Series) 14068:(Series) 13959:Toulouse 13862:Scottish 13823:(Series) 13804:(Series) 13666:Sergeant 13593:(Novels) 13580:(Novels) 13476:Scottish 13437:(Novels) 13424:(Novels) 13340:(Series) 13327:(Series) 13258:(Novels) 13245:(Novels) 13182:Sergeant 13171:heritage 13163:taking. 13150:delirium 13046:Catholic 13040:Born in 13029:and the 13019:infantry 12977:Catholic 12974:Religion 12928:(Series) 12909:(Series) 12848:Toulouse 12794:Waterloo 12616:(Series) 12597:(Series) 12505:(Novels) 12492:(Novels) 12409:(Novels) 12396:(Novels) 12366:Waterloo 12200:(Series) 12181:(Series) 12106:(Novels) 12093:(Novels) 12060:Spritely 12016:(Novels) 12003:(Novels) 11857:(Novels) 11844:(Series) 11754:Ian Shaw 11745:(Series) 11726:(Series) 11621:(Series) 11602:(Series) 11525:Sergeant 11494:(Series) 11475:(Series) 11374:(Series) 11355:(Series) 11262:(Series) 11243:(Series) 11138:(Novels) 11125:(Novels) 11035:Regiment 11021:(1993), 10999:crimping 10958:nepotism 10826:(Series) 10807:(Series) 10706:(Novels) 10693:(Novels) 10624:Sergeant 10601:(Novels) 10588:(Novels) 10512:Waterloo 10366:(Series) 10250:(Novels) 10237:(Novels) 10145:(Novels) 10132:(Novels) 10075:Scottish 10059:Sergeant 10036:(Novels) 10023:(Novels) 10010:McGovern 10000:McGovern 9940:(Series) 9921:(Series) 9855:Scottish 9816:(Series) 9797:(Series) 9778:MacLaird 9768:MacLaird 9649:Virginia 9630:Loyalist 9611:American 9562:(Series) 9543:(Series) 9490:Scottish 9441:(Series) 9422:(Series) 9307:sergeant 9277:flogging 9219:Scottish 9179:Religion 9095:(Series) 9029:escalade 8983:Adjutant 8914:(Novels) 8901:(Novels) 8809:(Novels) 8796:(Novels) 8726:(Novels) 8713:(Novels) 8617:(Novels) 8604:(Novels) 8517:Nock gun 8446:riflemen 8408:turncoat 8384:vendetta 8357:Flanders 8331:officers 8327:sergeant 8213:Children 8189:Sergeant 8155:(Series) 8136:(Series) 8033:(Novels) 8020:(Novels) 7953:Pyrenees 7945:deserter 7914:crimping 7858:Religion 7812:(Series) 7793:(Series) 7675:(Series) 7656:(Series) 7610:Napoleon 7516:(Series) 7497:(Series) 7404:(Series) 7391:(Series) 7297:(Series) 7278:(Series) 7188:Religion 7164:Nickname 7134:(Series) 7115:(Series) 7028:(Novels) 7015:(Novels) 6909:(Series) 6890:(Series) 6760:(Series) 6741:(Series) 6644:(Series) 6625:(Series) 6527:(Novels) 6514:(Novels) 6411:(Novels) 6398:(Series) 6300:(Series) 6287:(Series) 6274:Berkeley 6264:Berkeley 6200:(Novels) 6187:(Novels) 6106:(Novels) 6093:(Novels) 6048:American 6032:Rifleman 6009:(Series) 5990:(Series) 5931:Sergeant 5898:(Series) 5879:(Series) 5816:Rifleman 5783:(Series) 5770:(Series) 5713:Rifleman 5680:(Series) 5667:(Series) 5654:Robinson 5644:Robinson 5558:Nickname 5528:(Series) 5509:(Series) 5414:(Novels) 5343:Rifleman 5320:(Novels) 5307:(Novels) 5248:Sergeant 5217:(Series) 5198:(Series) 5179:Williams 5169:Williams 5085:(Series) 5066:(Series) 4981:Rifleman 4958:(Novels) 4945:(Novels) 4932:Thompson 4922:Thompson 4881:Rifleman 4858:(Novels) 4845:(Novels) 4772:Rifleman 4761:Nickname 4741:(Novels) 4728:(Novels) 4648:Rifleman 4637:Nickname 4617:(Novels) 4604:(Novels) 4542:Rifleman 4511:(Series) 4498:(Series) 4415:Rifleman 4392:(Novels) 4379:(Novels) 4254:(Series) 4235:(Series) 4161:Rifleman 4138:(Novels) 4125:(Novels) 4021:(Series) 4002:(Series) 3900:(Series) 3887:(Series) 3826:Rifleman 3803:(Series) 3790:(Series) 3721:Scottish 3705:Rifleman 3682:(Novels) 3669:(Novels) 3611:Scottish 3595:Rifleman 3572:(Novels) 3559:(Novels) 3546:McDonald 3536:McDonald 3466:Sergeant 3443:(Novels) 3430:(Novels) 3394:Toulouse 3368:and the 3286:(Novels) 3273:(Novels) 3189:Rifleman 3178:Nickname 3158:(Novels) 3145:(Novels) 3073:Rifleman 3050:(Series) 3037:(Series) 2944:Rifleman 2933:Nickname 2913:(novels) 2900:(novels) 2815:Rifleman 2792:(Novels) 2779:(Novels) 2659:Wheatley 2643:rifleman 2609:Rifleman 2568:(Series) 2549:(Series) 2466:(In the 2433:Nock gun 2357:sergeant 2324:Portugal 2303:Rifleman 2285:Catholic 2277:townland 2259:sergeant 2220:Catholic 2217:Religion 2183:Nickname 2153:(Series) 2134:(Series) 1980:Rifleman 1956:Nickname 1926:(Series) 1907:(Series) 1820:Rifleman 1797:(Novels) 1784:(Novels) 1713:Rifleman 1690:(Novels) 1677:(Novels) 1592:Rifleman 1569:(Novels) 1556:(Novels) 1437:(Series) 1418:(Series) 1348:Rifleman 1325:(Novels) 1312:(Novels) 1205:(Novels) 1192:(Novels) 1117:Rifleman 1094:(Novels) 1081:(Novels) 1011:and the 948:Nickname 918:(Series) 899:(Series) 819:Rifleman 796:(Novels) 783:(Novels) 692:Rifleman 681:Nickname 661:(Novels) 648:(Novels) 528:(Series) 515:(Series) 502:Bradshaw 492:Bradshaw 369:Children 334:Rifleman 330:Soldier 309:Nickname 271:(Series) 252:(Series) 18731:Thuella 18727:Thuella 18719:Thuella 18711:Thuella 18700:Thuella 18658:Captain 18591:in the 18536:Soldier 18430:in the 18383:of the 18374:Father 18174:Spouses 18066:of the 18064:captain 18060:Coimbra 17973:Captain 17868:In the 17855:nemesis 17796:captain 17736:English 17380:Spanish 17247:Spanish 17141:Almeida 17108:Spanish 17013:In the 16983:besiege 16972:Badajoz 16919:Spanish 16903:Antonia 16754:In the 16720:Pasajes 16669:Spanish 16546:Spanish 16442:Spanish 16429:Pucelle 16293:Almeida 16187:Almeida 16157:Officer 16149:Captain 16069:In the 16051:pelisse 15938:In the 15867:Soldier 15859:Colonel 15744:During 15550:Soldier 15481:In the 15472:asexual 15417:nemesis 15409:Spanish 15401:British 15397:Badajoz 15382:General 14846:Bourbon 14771:General 14547:at the 14531:was an 14520:British 14401:and by 14384:hussars 14380:lancers 14336:At the 14240:British 14120:British 14009:Badajoz 13966:Sharpe' 13943:brigade 13905:whilst 13903:Frenada 13632:English 13535:dungeon 13460:Colonel 13387:English 13287:English 13042:Ireland 13035:captain 13023:cavalry 12840:quinine 12810:In the 12781:Belgium 12681:(later 12672:English 12653:(uncle) 12544:English 12536:Soldier 12528:Captain 12448:English 12440:Officer 12432:Captain 12353:stormed 12285:Maratha 12239:English 12146:Pucelle 12135:English 12064:Pucelle 12056:Pucelle 12045:English 11896:English 11784:English 11692:British 11670:English 11654:Colonel 11541:English 11533:Soldier 11421:English 11413:Officer 11309:English 11301:Officer 11293:Captain 11199:Bussaco 11177:English 11169:Officer 11161:Captain 10970:colours 10941:Militia 10911:of the 10880:English 10870:Officer 10860:Colonel 10745:English 10737:Soldier 10729:Private 10640:English 10632:Soldier 10401:English 10393:Soldier 10289:English 10281:Soldier 10273:Private 10184:English 10176:Soldier 10168:Private 10119:Mellors 10109:Mellors 10067:Soldier 9979:English 9971:Officer 9847:Soldier 9748:In the 9700:at the 9668:Britain 9636:in the 9634:officer 9338:in the 9311:captain 9245:in the 9223:English 9214:books. 9204:officer 9201:British 9174:Jessica 9025:Badajoz 8945:British 8848:English 8840:Soldier 8832:Private 8755:English 8656:English 8648:Soldier 8542:In the 8535:Author 8471:on the 8454:Badajoz 8404:deserts 8400:kidnaps 8369:flogged 8313:abusive 8276:hangman 8268:hanging 8225:English 8199:Soldier 8072:English 8064:Soldier 8056:Private 7985:In the 7978:and of 7968:Prussia 7951:in the 7887:Ireland 7869:British 7724:British 7580:of the 7563:British 7451:English 7443:Soldier 7435:Private 7352:In the 7336:English 7328:Officer 7231:In the 7167:"Dally" 7067:English 7059:Officer 6958:English 6817:English 6801:Soldier 6793:Private 6722:Clayton 6712:Clayton 6693:English 6685:Officer 6677:Captain 6566:English 6558:Officer 6460:English 6452:Officer 6339:English 6323:Colonel 6239:English 6231:Soldier 6223:Private 6145:Spanish 6129:Private 5939:Soldier 5860:Rossner 5850:Rossner 5824:Soldier 5729:English 5721:Soldier 5632:In the 5569:Captain 5474:Adrados 5453:English 5437:Captain 5359:English 5351:Soldier 5264:English 5256:Soldier 5134:English 5126:Soldier 4997:English 4989:Soldier 4897:English 4889:Soldier 4788:English 4780:Soldier 4656:Soldier 4558:English 4550:Soldier 4431:English 4423:Soldier 4309:English 4293:Soldier 4177:English 4169:Soldier 4070:English 4054:Captain 3947:English 3939:Soldier 3842:English 3834:Soldier 3713:Soldier 3646:McNeill 3603:Soldier 3482:English 3474:Soldier 3417:Latimer 3407:Latimer 3317:Soldier 3205:English 3197:Soldier 3089:English 3081:Soldier 2960:English 2952:Soldier 2831:English 2823:Soldier 2691:at the 2637:In the 2617:English 2503:in the 2461:looting 2446:Badajoz 2386:Badajoz 2380:at the 2340:Corunna 2336:Vimeiro 2202:Soldier 2064:In the 1976:Poacher 1836:English 1828:Soldier 1729:English 1721:Soldier 1664:Gataker 1654:Gataker 1600:Soldier 1486:English 1356:Soldier 1244:English 1236:Soldier 1133:English 1125:Soldier 975:English 967:Soldier 835:English 827:Soldier 708:English 700:Soldier 635:Cameron 625:Cameron 575:English 567:Soldier 400:in the 398:private 385:English 332:Farmer 57:improve 19493:  18815:Danish 18794:Spouse 18786:Family 18541:Spouse 18444:novice 18381:rector 18343:Father 18236:Madras 18232:Mysore 18199:Indian 17986:Spouse 17822:Lisbon 17792:brevet 17748:French 17725:Spouse 17585:Family 17481:Family 17228:Family 16890:Spouse 16728:Dublin 16642:Spouse 16527:Family 16514:Father 16423:, the 16277:Helmut 16270:German 16218:Helmut 16208:Helmut 16165:German 16100:Lossow 16090:Lossow 16085:German 16032:French 15883:French 15872:Family 15765:Burgos 15716:Spouse 15708:Family 15558:French 15449:Naples 15362:France 15340:French 15183:French 15001:French 14979:Spouse 14971:Family 14966:Farmer 14863:, and 14848:king. 14790:French 14672:French 14582:French 14342:pistol 14274:affair 14005:Teresa 13951:Harper 13911:Lisbon 13909:is in 13873:Sharpe 13719:ensign 13688:lashes 13542:Sharpe 13518:Tippoo 13503:Sepoys 13279:Sailor 13119:French 13096:ad hoc 13058:Lisbon 12996:Sharpe 12863:Harris 12738:mother 12693:Sharpe 12683:Sharpe 12658:Spouse 12646:Family 12324:Assaye 12316:Cobras 12266:novel 10543:Teresa 10484:Harper 10421:Sharpe 10224:Peters 10214:Peters 9963:Ensign 9664:Canada 9403:Lennox 9393:Lennox 9262:Sharpe 9235:gentry 9212:Sharpe 9171:Spouse 9163:Family 8739:Ensign 8700:Iliffe 8690:Iliffe 8274:, the 8256:parson 8237:Sharpe 8205:Family 7320:Ensign 7226:London 7051:Ensign 7002:Collip 6992:Collip 6806:Spouse 6550:Ensign 6174:Batten 6164:Batten 5757:Reilly 5747:Reilly 4764:Smithy 4640:Slatts 4329:Sharpe 4298:Spouse 3396:as of 3024:Hobbes 3014:Hobbes 2766:Harvey 2756:Harvey 2632:Sharpe 2530:Harris 2520:Harris 2514:Sharpe 2506:Sharpe 2410:Dublin 2344:mutiny 2332:Roliça 2207:Spouse 1255:Sharpe 1029:Tormes 770:Carter 760:Carter 436:bought 349:Spouse 339:Family 328:Thief 179:Sharpe 151:Sharpe 46:, but 18655:Title 18607:Other 18595:. 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Daniel Hagman
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historical fiction
Bernard Cornwell
British Army
Napoleonic Wars
Tom Clegg
Bernard Cornwell
Sean Bean
Richard Sharpe
Sharpe's Challenge
Sean Bean
Bernard Cornwell
Tom Clegg
Sharpe's Tiger
Sharpe's Rifles
Sharpe's Devil
Sharpe's Peril
Bernard Cornwell
Sean Bean

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