
Days of Future Passed

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614:" about the changes between one relationship and another, using bedsheets as a metaphor. He remembers the inspiration: "I was the end of one big love affair and at the beginning of another. When you're just 20, as I was, that's quite important in your life. A girlfriend had given me white satin sheets... It was a lovely romantic gesture, and that's what I thought of it. I came home one night after a gig, and sat on the side of the bed, and a lot of these thoughts came out. I do write letters never meaning to send. I find it a cathartic thing. If I have an issue with somebody or about something, I find it easier to write it down and get it out rather than turning it over in my mind. It's a series of random thoughts and ideas from a very stoned 20-year-old young man who was desperately sad for himself over one love affair, and desperately excited by the next." Hayward continues, "I came back from a gig one night and sat on the side of my bed. I was sharing a flat with Graeme at the time. It was very early, it was almost light. The verses of the songs just came out. I took it into the rehearsal room the next day and I played it to the rest of the group. I got to the end of it and everybody was like, 'Well, it's alright.' Mike Pinder said, 'Play it again.' I played it again and he played the Mellotron line and suddenly everybody was interested. He put that sort of orchestration to it and suddenly it worked." 618:
originally written the words as lyrics for someone else to put some music to, but poetry has a rhythmic structure that makes it difficult to turn into a song, so Tony Clarke suggested recording it as a spoken word piece." In another interview, he elaborates further, "As musicians, we knew a lot about life after mid-day. But we hadn’t seen that many mornings over the years (laughs). So we were a bit blank. And I set out to write a song that covered the mornings, "Morning Glory," and as it progressed, I also did an evening part of it, which became "Late Lament," but I was intending to write the lyrics to a song. I took it in and presented to the boys and said, 'Can anybody put any music to this?' They all read it and said, 'This is fantastic but there's way too many words, you just can't sing that. You have to have spaces where they can hold a vowel and sing instead of just talk.' I went 'Oh yeah, let's see, I can cut it down.' And Tony Clarke said 'No, no, no, that is fantastic. You read it and we'll put music behind it, some strings—make it into something,' which they did. And then they sort of sidled up to me and said, 'You know, it's great, but it's a bit better with Mike's voice.' Like I was going to get upset! I was absolutely thrilled to have something on the album."
603:": "I was a little hung up with doing tempo changes in the middle of songs. If I got bored, in order to open up another door within the song, I wanted to just go to a different type of mood. In fact, "Tuesday Afternoon" was the first time we did that. I knew by then, by the time I had written "Tuesday Afternoon," that we were going to do this stage show that was based on a day in the life of one guy, even before we recorded the album. I already had "Nights in White Satin," and we were already starting to learn that and play it. But there was a gap in this story of the day, so I went down to my parents' house in the west country, and I had a dog called Tuesday at the time. Not that the dog is in the song, in any way. I smoked a little joint on the side of a field with a guitar, and that song just came out." He continues, "It was just about searching for some kind of enlightenment or some kind of religious or psychedelic experience in life. I didn't really mean it to be taken too seriously, but six months later, there it was: Our first single in America." 703:. Hayward remembers, "We got lucky. We had Decca, who had classically trained engineers, and our stuff was recorded beautifully. The engineer, Derek Varnals, and Tony Clarke had an influence on the way that our songs were presented. If you look at other things we did at the time that weren't in the Decca studios, they're much more rock 'n' roll and piano based and trying to be a little more up-front and thinking of singles. But all of the stuff that we did in Decca had a particular sound and a particular quality to it that did have that orchestral thing. They knew how to put that together. Decca was a company that was really committed to selling albums, not singles. They had a whole consumer division for stereo systems that they were trying to push. That was a big help to us in the early days because they wanted us to make beautiful stereo records that could demonstrate that stereo could be interesting for rock 'n' roll. It just happened to coincide with us going to America and the birth of FM radio. A lot of things came together. 722:. The orchestra was an ad hoc grouping of professional musicians who served as the house orchestra for Decca Records. Hayward explains, "They were just a bunch of gypsies, what they called string players in London at the time. They were made up from a few different orchestras; they were great players. But the most important thing about that was Peter Knight who orchestrated and arranged the classical parts of the record was in my opinion the greatest romantic string arranger of the era. He was an inspiration to us. His work on the album will stand forever." The orchestral parts were recorded in a single session. Hayward remembers, "The orchestra was recorded in one three-hour session — a run through and then one take. I was in the studio. I wasn't invited in to the control room. Those were the days when the artist was certainly not invited into the control room for an opinion. But I was there at the Peter Knight session, and it was quite wonderful." 471:
accosted us afterwards and told us we were the worst band he'd ever seen, and we'd ruined the night for him and his wife who’d paid £12 for a night out and had seen the dreadful Moody Blues! On the way back in the van, Graeme – who was asleep lying over the equipment at the back – suddenly woke up and said quietly, 'That guy was right. We are rubbish!' It was the moment we ditched the R&B covers, got rid of our Moody Blues suits and decided to stand or fall by our own songs. What did we have to lose?" Hayward continues, "We had been playing music that wasn't suited to our characters. We were lower middle class English boys singing about life in the deep south of the USA and it wasn't honest. As soon as we began to express our own feelings and to create our own music our fortunes changed." "Our audience was suddenly different. People started liking us for the right reasons. There was an honesty about our playing that was completely apparent."
seconds, the notes stopped. So he had to find of way of playing other notes until the spring brought it back to playing mode again. It was all pretty complicated and Mike solved this. The Mellotron had two keyboards. One was for solo playing and the other had all rhythm sections. So, Mike took all the rhythm sections off and duplicated the solo parts, so he could use two sides of the Mellotron as an instrument. That was very clever." Edge remembers, "Mike figured out to add horns, strings, bagpipes and all that sort of stuff behind it and turn it into a more natural musical instrument." The instrument's ability to reproduce orchestral string sounds in the studio and in concert paired well with Ray Thomas' flute, which he had recently adopted in place of harmonica. He explains, "I had been playing flute, so it was an ideal marriage for the flute with the strings. We decided to really do it like a classical-rock fusion, I suppose you'd call it."
they wanted to make what they called a sampler album for their new four-frequency range sound system in stereo, and they wanted to incorporate what they called a 'pop' band. They wanted us to record Dvorak's 'New World Symphony' and we said, 'Yeah, fantastic!' But we didn't tell them we were going into the studio with the conductor, Peter Knight, and record basically our stage show. That's what we did." Hayward remembers, "We said, yeah, sure we'd do it, and then, after we said yes, we went down to the pub and decided to do our own songs instead. It was a conspiracy among all us musicians who were present, and we just went into the studio and recorded our own stage show." Session engineer and longtime studio collaborator Derek Varnals confirms that neither the band nor Knight and the orchestra made any effort to record unoriginal material during the sessions.
was like a mini choir. There were a few tears shed." Lodge remembers recording the song so that each element, each instrument had its own space: "We said we've got to make it where in parts of the song, except for Justin's vocal, you can hear a pin drop. It was really important so that the bass had its own space and the acoustic guitar had its own space in the verses, nothing else was playing. So that when the Mellotron came in, you heard the dimension." The band were pleased with the results. Drummer Edge remembers, "When we recorded the song for Decca we all felt we had created something marvelous. It was quite an emotional experience to hear the finished mix of the song for the first time." He continues and compares the moment to "Fairy dust. The invisible, unknowable thing. It's just one of those songs where everything came together correctly."
instrument, chorus or orchestra. Developed by the West Midlands company Streetly Electronics in the early 1960s, the instrument served as a precursor to sampling keyboards and synthesizers. Mike Pinder, a previous employee of Streetly, used his connections to purchase one of the instruments for the group. Lodge remembers, "There was a social club at one of the factories in Birmingham, called Dunlop – 'Fort Dunlop' they manufactured tyres – and, they had one of these Mellotrons that no one could play. So we went to see them. I think Mike and I went and spoke to them and we bought it from them. It had never been played. So, Mike set about finding out how to make it work." Pinder continues, "Les Bradley of Streetly electronics gave me a call and told me that he had found me a suitable instrument at the
recording sessions a day. Like 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 5:00 and 6:00 til 10:00. You used to book your sessions, and when they were over you had to leave the studio or wait for the engineers to come back. We knew that if we wanted to make something different, we wanted 24-hour "lockout". We went to the chairman of the company and said we'd like a "lockout". And I don't think they had ever had a request for that before, but, fortunately, they agreed. And it was wonderful, because we were recording a tune a day, and as the evening came we'd relax for a while. Midnight would come and then we'd start again. As the early hours came – 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning, we realized that was a great time to be constructive and creative. It was great to be able to do that."
630:" and "Peak Hour". Hearing the final BBC mix of "Nights in White Satin" heightened the band's excitement for the song and their new material. Hayward remembers, "A long time before we recorded it for Decca, we recorded it for the BBC. We recorded it and weren't invited into the control room to listen to it back. And then in our van on the way to a gig we listened to it, because it was on a program called Saturday Club — on a Saturday, of course — and we were going up the motorway and we heard it on the radio. And we pulled the car over, or the van, over to the side of the road, and we said, 'Hey, maybe there's something in that song,' because there was something about it, it sounded really good. We hadn't realised until we'd heard it back ourselves." 734:(Decca's North American arm), however, thought it would be a strong seller in the US, so it was agreed to release the album as recorded. Hayward remembers, "When we played the finished product to all these old directors at Decca, which is a fine, upstanding old English music firm, they said, 'This isn't Dvorak,' and we said, 'No, but this is what it is.' We had one ally there, and he really stood up for us; he said, 'I think it could be quite interesting,' and besides, we had made a stereo demonstration record--it just wasn't Dvorak. So eventually we got enough of them to believe in it to put it out, and it was an instant hit." 463:
Deep South. It was OK, but it was incongruous, getting us nowhere, and, in the end, we had no money, no nothing. When I came into the band as a songwriter in early 1966, Mike was the only one in the band who was writing, and the songs we were writing together were nothing like anything we were doing in our live act. And then, literally one day, we said we've got to do something entirely different. So we decided to write our own material and do only our own songs." New singer and bassist John Lodge continues, "We hadn't been to America. That was the amazing problem because, before we made
up for about three minutes? I think I've written a song.'" He continues, "That's where I basically wrote it. I got the main part, the rock and roll part of it, from there. And worked out the bass part. But I really wanted to do something different in the song. That's why I broke it into a cathedral choir-type part in the middle. So it could build back up into a rock and roll song. One part of it would go up-tempo and then it stops and becomes really really quiet with the organ sounds and then it starts again rock and roll."
511:, so that was going to be an impossible act to follow. But when he found the mellotron suddenly my songs worked, you know. When I played the other guys 'Nights in White Satin' they weren't that impressed until Mike went on the mellotron and then everyone was kind of interested. (laughs). Because it really started to hang together from the mellotron." Edge reflects on three distinct developments that drove the band's change in sound and creative development: "I think it was three different forces coming together. One was 559:
in the life of Everyman, with original songs relating to different parts of the day performed in chronological order, introduced and interspersed with orchestral music. Considering that all five members of the group wrote material for the album prior to the concept being established, it's remarkable how seamless the execution of it was." Pinder explains the desire for a cohesive theme, "I had always wanted to create something that was conceptual. I loved the works of
692:, London beginning with "Dawn Is a Feeling" on 18 October and concluding on the 27th, with mixing complete by 3 November. "Nights in White Satin" was recorded prior to the rest of the album, on 8 October. Lodge recalls, "It took all of seven days. So, it took one whole week to record Days of Future Passed." Thomas remembers, "We were recording one and two songs a day, which we were used to doing. Because you got no time at all in the studio in those days." 539:" and the second consisting of newly written original songs. Lodge says, "We loved playing together. It was really good. It was exciting when it was our own songs, we weren't playing a song someone had written for us. So every part of every song we'd invented ourselves. We wanted to play each part exactly right and new and like no one else had ever played that particular part to a song before. That was exciting about 981: 976: 971: 966: 961: 889: 884: 879: 874: 869: 853: 848: 843: 838: 833: 43: 98: 711:
these orchestral arrangements. We'd edited all the tapes to be the right length, and they just played live in the gaps." Pinder recalls, "We were not there when the orchestra parts were done. But we had a wonderful group listening session after they added their contributions. We loved what they had done."
The group recorded and mixed their sessions first, then passed the finished tapes over to Knight for arranging and recording the orchestral interludes. Hayward explains, "It took us five days to finish, and, after each day we'd send them down to the orchestra's conductor, Peter Knight, and he'd write
Eager to capitalize on the opportunity for studio time, and confident in the quality of their newly written material, the band agreed to the label's plan and then quietly decided to record their live set of original songs instead. John Lodge remembers, "The Decca Record company approached us and said
Lodge explains the theme of "(Evening) Time to Get Away": "It's really about, if you can achieve something every day, it doesn't matter how small it is, it just gives you that energy to carry on and have an enjoyable life. Concerning "The Sun Set" and "Twilight Time", Lodge remembers, "We were trying
Though the instrument could prove fickle in concert, Pinder's experience allowed him to overcome any challenges. He explains, "I knew how they were built. I knew how to put the Mellotron together and how to take it apart." Lodge continues, "It was basically tape loops on every note and after every 12
The album cover was designed by David Anstey and was commissioned for the album. Hayward remembers, "He was just thrown this idea, and we met him in a pub and told him about our songs, and he knocked that out, and they used it. It was reduced in scale from David Anstey’s original picture." The cover
The group held a playback session attended by the group, Decca executives and various associates in a dimly lit recording studio. Lodge remembers the moment: "After the playback session finished and the studio lights came on once more the smiles on our faces said it all. We knew we had been right to
The whimsical "Another Morning" was written by flautist Ray Thomas. Lodge remembers, "He sang me the song. Ray plays flute and harmonica. He doesn't play any chordal instruments. And so I remember him singing the song to me. And I remember getting the guitar out and playing it with him in the house.
and embrace the feeling that society was approaching a new sense of enlightmentment, a new spirituality. Lodge remembers the song as a step in a new direction for the group, and for Pinder's songwriting: "I would think it was like an awakening for him as well. He wanted to be a creative writer. Mike
stereo—not just remastered later in stereo, like the Beatles—but actually recorded with a wide stereo sound, everything in its proper stereo place. Stereo then was confined to classical music and they wanted to demonstrate stereo could be as interesting for rock and roll as it was with classical."
Bassist John Lodge remembers the inspiration for "Peak Hour": "I wrote "Peak Hour" in the back of a truck. We were coming back from a gig and the rhythm of the wheels on the tarmac were giving a very strong rhythm. I was pounding my foot on the floor and I said to Graeme, 'Could you keep this tempo
Graeme Edge remembers, "We designed a stage show which was going to be '24 hours': daylight 12 and night 12, and we had "Tuesday Afternoon" and "Nights" and I think "Peak Hour" all written for that." Lodge continues, "Ultimately, it was agreed that the record would be a concept album tracking a day
Hayward reflects on the overall impact of the Mellotron on the band's music: "Mike and the mellotron made my songs work. That's the simplest way I can put it. When he was playing piano it was difficult for me to try and find something that Moody Blues would be percussive on the piano and that would
One particular concert experience gave the band new resolve and drove the band to make a clean break with their past style. Justin Hayward remembers, "We were getting dwindling crowds and decreasing money. It all came to a head when we did a show in Stockton during March 1967. We were so bad, a fan
One memorable moment was the recording of the background vocals on "Nights in White Satin". Thomas remembers, "When we did "Nights in White Satin", the four of us got 'round a mic and sang in harmony. And then Tony said, 'Let's do another take.' He was doubling it up! When I heard the playback, it
In a departure from usual practice, the band was able to book the studio during the sessions for entire days at a time, instead of intermittent sessions. The extended sessions facilitated their work, allowing the group to record late into the night. Lodge explains: "At the time, studios of three
was mentioned or thought about. So we had those two times of the day and the idea, then it was just a question of grubbing different times of the day to write about; it was quite frivolous, really ... nothing really too serious. I just put my hand up for the afternoon. So I ended up with "Tuesday
The addition of Lodge and Hayward brought two additional songwriters into the group, allowing the band to pursue a new creative direction. New singer and guitarist Justin Hayward explains, "We were originally a rhythm-and-blues band, wearing blue suits and singing about people and problems in the
459:, who had put out an advert for a new bandmember of his own. Thomas remembers, "He'd advertised in the local musical press and found somebody. I was having a drink with him in a club, and he said, 'I've got a load of replies in my office; if you want to go through them, you're more than welcome." 645:
for classical recordings, and hoped to capture the pop market in the same way, by interweaving classical recordings with the group's interpretation of the same music. Hayward remembers, "They were launching a label called the Deramic Sound System later to become Deram and every recording was in
The album opens with the Graeme Edge poem "Morning Glory" and concludes with his "Late Lament". Edge remembers, "I'd written both those pieces of verse because the 'Morning' section appeared rather empty when we first heard it. The latter part of the poem seemed a perfect end to the record. I'd
organ and that didn't work and then Mike said, 'You know, I used to work for a company called Mellotron and they invented this machine that sort of simulates strings.' So we went in search of one." The Mellotron is a keyboard instrument where each key plays a tape loop of a recording of another
stick to our principles and record our own music." The Moody Blues did not play any of the music to Decca executives until it was complete. Upon the first play, they were disappointed with the result as it was not the Dvorak arrangements they expected. Walt Maguire, representative for
467:, we were singing songs that originated in America and, having never been there, it seemed like a really strange thing to do – sing about a country or an environment I had no first-hand knowledge of. That's why we said, 'OK, let's write about English blues. Let's write about us.'" 649:
For the demonstration record, Knight and the group were asked to record unoriginal material to demonstrate the new stereo technology, incorporating both orchestral and popular music. Band members remember being asked by the label to record an album incorporating elements of
cites it as one of the essential albums of 1967 and finds it "closer to high-art pomp than psychedelia. But there is a sharp pop discretion to the writing and a trippy romanticism in the mirroring effect of the strings and Mike Pinder's Mellotron."
in its entirety in August 1978, which was used for reissues between 1978 and 2017. Some compilations, however, continued to use the original 1967 stereo mix for certain songs. The album's original mix was eventually released in its entirety on
378:. These changes, combined with a shift away from R&B covers toward original compositions and a thematic concept, helped define the band's sound for the next several albums and earned the group new critical and commercial success. 772:
The mono version (Deram DE-16012) was pressed in a limited quantity as it was released during the "phase-out" of mono LP releases by the major record companies, thus it is an often-sought item amongst record collectors.
wrote "Dawn Is a Feeling" and Hayward wrote "Nights in White Satin", which served as early bookends for the concept. Hayward explains, "Nights In White Satin" had been recorded quite a long time before it was for
and classical music along with an orchestra. Instead, the album features original compositions expressing the day in a life of an everyday person, interspersed with orchestral interludes arranged and conducted by
543:, creating something that no one else ever created before. That gave a great feeling." Lodge continues, "We went to a little village in Mouscron to start writing our own songs and we wrote a lot of songs before 676:
to play Dvorák's New World Symphony. We said that's going to sound bloody awful. One minute they're listening to "Blue Suede Shoes" and then the next minute to the symphony and us playing someone else."
All compositions originally credited to "Redwave-Knight", except "Dawn Is a Feeling", "Forever Afternoon (Tuesday)", "The Sunset" and "Nights in White Satin". ('Redwave' is an alias of Justin Hayward.)
478:. Lodge remembers, "When we sort of got together in 1966, we were trying to find the right keyboard for Mike. We tried the piano and it wasn't really what we wanted in the sound. Then we tried a 1089:
On "Another Morning" Ray Thomas's double vocals are spread left and right in the stereo channel. The flute interlude is also played twice towards the end of the song before the orchestral segue.
cites the album as an essential progressive rock record and opines that its use of the Mellotron, a tape replay keyboard, made it a "signature" element of the genre. An influential work of the
3899: 2742: 2600: 2427: 1995: 575:"Nights In White Satin" and "Dawn Is A Feeling" were the two key songs that gave us the idea of the story of a day in the life of one guy, and that's what our stage show was about before 3412: 2169: 607:
to make sure that every song on the album had a different aspect. That was the most important thing. That every song on the album, no one could say, 'Oh, that sounds like that.'"
4250: 3113: 3306: 4577: 2462: 499:
tyre factory social club. I went to see it and I just had to have it. At three hundred pounds, instead of the usual three thousand pounds, the instrument was a steal."
660:. Thomas explains, "They wanted a demonstration disc made for all the salesmen to try and sell Deramic Sound and we could never get any studio time. We were developing 4688: 4222: 3561: 1010:', but their music is constantly marred by one of the most startlingly saccharine conceptions of 'beauty' and 'mysticism' that any rock group has ever affected." 1058:
editor Bruce Eder calls the album "one of the defining documents of the blossoming psychedelic era, and one of the most enduringly popular albums of its era".
After the orchestral intro, "Dawn Is a Feeling" begins more abruptly, and there is less echo on Mike Pinder's vocal on the bridge, making it more prominent.
features a painted collage of various time-related images inspired by the album's songs, including an hourglass, a sunset, moon phases and mounted knights.
to write new material and embark on a Belgian tour. Their shows typically consisted of two sets, the first consisting of rhythm and blues covers including "
4683: 3652: 2291: 515:, the producer. The other was the Mellotron, which Mike Pinder was playing. And the other was Justin Hayward joining the band, because he didn't come the 4678: 4612: 3939: 2794: 2604: 1110:
At the beginning of "Nights in White Satin", as the orchestral prelude ends, there is one less beat of time before the rhythm section starts in.
division. The company was eager to demonstrate their latest recording techniques, which were named "Deramic Sound". Decca had experimented with
4440: 4282: 2266: 3422: 3622: 3079: 2514: 2401: 2375: 4120: 783:
open-reel tape in 1977. This master was also used for a 2001 dts 5.1 channel audio CD release and again for a two-disc Deluxe Edition
435:", but by late 1966, they had run into financial difficulties and personnel changes, and decided to change creative course. Guitarist 4005: 3903: 1690: 3731:"Show 49 - The British are Coming! The British are Coming!: With an emphasis on Donovan, the Bee Gees and the Who. [Part 6]" 3174: 3027: 2540: 2488: 2340: 2117: 2055: 1113:
Some of the strings near the end of "Nights in White Satin" (before "Late Lament") are out of sync with the main body of the song.
3298: 588:
wrote fabulous songs. There's something special about the morning. And I think that was the dawning of the Moody Blues, really."
Mike Pinder's "Dawn is a Feeling" opens the concept with a sense of optimism. Its lyrics acknowledge the spirit of the ongoing
4303: 4134: 1645: 1095:
The bridges to "(Evening) Time to Get Away" have John Lodge singing alone; all the backing vocals on that part have been lost.
4296: 3516: 2820: 2720: 1801: 1774: 3863: 3200: 1910: 563:. I wanted to have our albums on people's shelves...albums that people would want to collect, and play in their entirety." 413:", caused the album to become a top ten US hit by 1972. It has since been listed among the most important albums of 1967 by 4561: 4516: 4356: 4229: 1447:"(Evening) Time to Get Away" is unlisted on original pressings, but has since been added to all subsequent track listings. 1016:
magazine dismissed it as "a ponderous mound of thought-jello." However, the album has since received acclaim; for example,
The album represents a significant creative turning point for the band. The album is their first with guitarist and singer
28: 4649: 3962: 1030:
as "an English rock group strangling itself in conceptual goo" — included it in its list of the essential albums of 1967.
4530: 2898: 4331: 3484: 2846: 4482: 4317: 4190: 3792: 2923: 1107:
The backing vocals on "Twilight Time" are heard through the entire song instead of only coming in at certain points.
4468: 4197: 3053: 2975: 2872: 2314: 2143: 2091: 1936: 1738: 1098:
The end of "(Evening) Time to Get Away" is missing a Mellotron part and only repeats twice, instead of three times.
4708: 4412: 4289: 4162: 2566: 2170:"The Moody Blues Justin Hayward and the Incredible Saga of their "Days Of Future Passed" album | Cave Hollywood" 1101:"The Sun Set" is missing some piano parts, percussion parts, and the reverb on "through the night" is different. 53: 4703: 4243: 3609: 3001: 2694: 2292:"Concert Preview/Interview: John Lodge of the Moody Blues on Reprising "Days of Future Passed" - The Arts Fuse" 447:, former bandmate and friend of Ray Thomas to join the group on bass. The band would find guitarist and singer 2021: 4713: 4693: 4509: 3998: 3885: 1669: 1524: 1306: 3377: 754:
was released on 10 November 1967 in the UK and arrived in the US in March 1968. It reached number 27 in the
4454: 4324: 656: 2668: 592:
Ray has got this wonderful smiley attitude to life. It's a childlike look on life, which is really nice."
The album was a moderate success upon release, but steady FM radio airplay and the success of hit single "
4566: 4447: 4310: 4113: 4106: 1051: 714:
The orchestral interludes were recorded during a single session on 3 November, and were performed by the
555:, we dedicated the songwriting to exactly that album. And everything we did before was just left alone. 431:
band, and had achieved commercial success in late 1964/early 1965 with the UK No.1 and US Top 10 single "
254: 2637: 4698: 4257: 3148: 2949: 2768: 1962: 340: 3808: 3840: 3266: 1509: 715: 673: 403: 343:
and others as one of the earliest albums of the progressive rock genre and one of rock music's first
3824: 3707: 2451:
Chambers, Casey. Interview - John Lodge (The Moody Blues). June 25, 2021. The College Crowd Digs Me.
Moerman, Mark J. "Michael Pinder: One Step into the Light". Higher and Higher. Issue 3. Autumn 1984.
gave the album an unenthusiastic review, writing "The Moody Blues have matured considerably since '
3991: 3225: 4275: 4236: 4092: 3828: 3587: 3244: 2721:"An Exclusive Interview with Moody Blues Legend Ray Thomas … Ironically on a "Tuesday Afternoon"" 1603: 1503: 1166: 719: 700: 399: 236: 4523: 4426: 4169: 3780: 2463:"The Moody Blues' Justin Hayward on "Tuesday Afternoon," "Gemini Dream," new songs: Gimme Five" 696: 512: 367: 211: 60: 4631: 3978: 3951: 3874: 1791: 651: 4433: 4370: 4155: 4127: 4054: 3892: 3730: 3630: 3453: 1764: 1470: 1393: 1248: 669: 627: 611: 444: 410: 359: 289: 3351: 4673: 4496: 4489: 4405: 3848: 3328: 3271: 3239: 8: 4654: 4502: 4475: 4398: 4183: 3967: 1869: 1012: 516: 97: 21: 3755: 3528: 1793:
The Album: A Guide to Pop Music's Most Provocative, Influential, and Important Creations
4363: 642: 520: 382: 3856: 2743:"Moody Blues return to desert to launch 'Days of Future Passed' 50th anniversary tour" 2428:"Moody Blues return to desert to launch 'Days of Future Passed' 50th anniversary tour" 2240: 2215: 1996:"Moody Blues return to desert to launch 'Days of Future Passed' 50th anniversary tour" 1896: 4591: 4571: 4384: 4377: 3788: 3605: 1797: 1770: 1574: 1534: 1092:
The orchestral intro "Lunch Break" goes on about 15 seconds longer before fading out.
On 17 November 2017 this original mix was made available for the first time on CD as
600: 532: 302: 4537: 4215: 3489: 1861: 1833: 1034: 952: 763: 665: 428: 328: 162: 152: 633:
In October, the group were granted studio time to record a demonstration disc for
4636: 4584: 4391: 4141: 4014: 3956: 3458: 1599: 1528: 1018: 932: 755: 332: 223: 204: 110: 3687: 3137:
Powell, Mark. Liner notes essay, 2006 Days of Future Passed SACD Deluxe Edition.
Powell, Mark. Liner notes essay, 2006 Days of Future Passed SACD Deluxe Edition.
Powell, Mark. Liner notes essay, 2006 Days of Future Passed SACD Deluxe Edition.
Powell, Mark. Liner notes essay, 2006 Days of Future Passed SACD Deluxe Edition.
Powell, Mark. Liner notes essay, 2006 Days of Future Passed SACD Deluxe Edition.
that was recorded live in Toronto on 13 July 2017 with a full orchestra backup.
4544: 4419: 4148: 4047: 2190: 1587: 1464: 1212: 1082:
The ways in which the later mix departs most noticeably from the original are:
784: 731: 689: 584: 448: 351: 272: 3080:"Backtrack by Track: John Lodge of the Moody Blues on "Days of Future Passed"" 2515:"Backtrack by Track: John Lodge of the Moody Blues on "Days of Future Passed"" 2402:"Backtrack by Track: John Lodge of the Moody Blues on "Days of Future Passed"" 2376:"Backtrack by Track: John Lodge of the Moody Blues on "Days of Future Passed"" 474:
One prominent element of the group's new musical direction was the use of the
366:. The album is also their first to feature longtime producer and collaborator 4667: 4617: 4075: 4067: 3944: 3417: 1874: 1615: 1002: 908: 762:
play of "Nights in White Satin", and eventually peaked at number 2 on the US
685: 638: 634: 496: 479: 440: 415: 390: 386: 363: 344: 336: 197: 137: 1895:
Progressive Rock Spotlight. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
route. So his feel for chord structure was just that little bit different."
be interesting. And particularly because Mike had already played, you know,
4461: 3900:"American album certifications – The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed" 3881: 3867: 3864:"Canadian album certifications – The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed" 3520: 2267:"Remembering The Moody Blues' Graeme Edge: Talking 'Days Of Future Passed'" 1865: 1654: 1076: 1042: 1038: 989: 780: 487: 192: 3882:"British album certifications – The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed" 2638:"Sound On Sound (Classic Tracks: The Moody Blues "Nights In White Satin")" 4062: 4033: 4026: 3449: 1492: 1476: 1181: 1170: 1047: 626:
In the summer of 1967, the group made several BBC appearances, debuting "
567: 456: 452: 436: 371: 355: 167: 145: 2022:"The Moody Blues: "We partied with Hendrix, Keith Moon, The Beatles..."" 1825: 4176: 4040: 3921: 3386: 3299:"The Moody Blues Days of Future Passed 50TH Anniversary Deluxe Edition" 3114:"Moody Blues drummer Graeme Edge recalls Britain's magical music scene" 1539: 1486: 1229: 897: 551:
dictated its own album, really. When we knew what we wanted to do with
Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture
3240:"Moody Blues | Full Official Chart History | Official Charts Company" 1480: 560: 483: 475: 394: 375: 1104:"Twilight Time" begins more abruptly after the orchestral interlude. 3352:"Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed (Surround Sound Album Review)" 1829: 1766:
Mountains Come Out of the Sky: The Illustrated History of Prog Rock
1055: 825: 759: 157: 3983: 3175:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 3028:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 2541:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 2489:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 2341:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 2118:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 2056:"Revisit The Moody Blues' landmark album, 'Days of Future Passed'" 3926: 3692: 2601:"Moody Blues drummer Graeme Edge interviewed | EntertainmentTell" 758:. In the US, it was a steady seller in the late 1960s, helped by 491: 3787:(illustrated ed.). St Ives, N.S.W.: Australian Chart Book. 4632:"How the Moody Blues' Nights in White Satin became a standard," 4349: 3952:"How the Moody Blues' Nights in White Satin became a standard," 3834: 3524: 1007: 536: 508: 432: 4643: 3547: 3545: 3413:"The Moody Blues: Days of Future Passed : Music Reviews" 1071: 1066:
In July 1978, it was discovered that the UK master tapes for
105: 4613:"The Moody Blues’ ‘Nights in White Satin’: An Oral History," 4578:
Justin Hayward and Friends Sing the Moody Blues Classic Hits
3940:"The Moody Blues’ ‘Nights in White Satin’: An Oral History," 3653:"Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed Original Mix question" 3205:
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
3002:"Justin Hayward Talks Moody Blues' 'Days of Future Passed'" 2899:"Conversations with The Moody Blues' Justin Hayward | News" 2795:"The Moody Blues' 'Nights in White Satin': An Oral History" 2695:"Justin Hayward Talks Moody Blues' 'Days of Future Passed'" 2545:
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Goldmine Magazine: Record Collector & Music Memorabilia
Days of Future Passed - The Moody Blues | Album | AllMusic
3542: 3462:. Vol. 20, no. 1. Vibe/Spin Ventures. p. 48 4223:
A Night at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra
3201:"Moody Blues 'Days of Future Passed' doesn't get its due" 1911:"Moody Blues 'Days of Future Passed' doesn't get its due" 68: 1739:"The Moody Blues - Days of Future Passed (staff review)" 64: 2924:"Grateful Web Interview: John Lodge of The Moody Blues" 2821:"The Making Of… The Moody Blues' Nights In White Satin" 2567:"Always Looking West: An Interview with Justin Hayward" 672:" and stuff like that, and wanted Peter Knight and the 4650:"The Moody Blues' most iconic album hits a milestone," 3963:"The Moody Blues' most iconic album hits a milestone," 3293: 3291: 3289: 1826:"allmusic ((( Days of Future Passed > Overview )))" 1041:
remarks that the band "created an entire genre here."
Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone.
had deteriorated. As a result of this, the album was
Days of Future Passed 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
393:. The label had requested the group record covers of 4624: 1033:
Music writers cite the album as an early example of
cited it as a classic of progressive rock. By 2007,
as a stage show. They wanted us to play tunes like "
4605: 3286: 1897:
443:left the group to pursue other interests, allowing 580:Afternoon," and Ray Thomas wrote "Twilight Time." 2847:"An Interview With John Lodge Of The Moody Blues" 1644: 4689:Albums produced by Tony Clarke (record producer) 4665: 1860: 1789: 1706:Shipments figures based on certification alone. 684:Recording sessions for the album took place at 4283:Voices in the Sky: The Best of The Moody Blues 3054:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 2976:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 2873:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 2315:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 2144:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 2092:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 1937:"Moody Blues' Ray Thomas: His Final Interview" 830: 3999: 3267:"The Moody Blues – Chart History | Billboard" 3149:"Moody Blues Look to Future, Recall the Past" 2950:"Moody Blues Look to Future, Recall the Past" 2769:"Moody Blues Look to Future, Recall the Past" 1963:"Moody Blues Look to Future, Recall the Past" 63:. Consider transferring direct quotations to 1736: 958: 866: 4684:Albums conducted by Peter Knight (composer) 4441:I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band) 3510: 3508: 1762: 1548:David Anstey – cover design, cover painting 1061: 4679:Albums arranged by Peter Knight (composer) 4006: 3992: 1819: 1817: 1815: 1813: 96: 3904:Recording Industry Association of America 3444: 3442: 3440: 3406: 3404: 3809:"RPM Top 100 Albums - November 18, 1972" 3505: 3479: 3477: 3259: 3232: 3077: 2512: 2399: 2373: 2167: 2019: 796:The Moody Blues Days of Future Past Live 699:, engineer Derek Varnals, and conductor 531:In October 1966, the group relocated to 4251:Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970 3818: 2792: 2669:"50 Years Ago: Moody Blues Broke Rules" 1810: 381:The album was recorded to showcase the 4666: scan of album art painting 3448: 3437: 3410: 3401: 3375: 3198: 3146: 2947: 2766: 2663: 2661: 2659: 2657: 2655: 2632: 2630: 2628: 2626: 2624: 2622: 2564: 2460: 2264: 1960: 1908: 1856: 1854: 1852: 1850: 1399:"Late Lament / Resolvement" (unlisted) 327:is the second studio album by English 4121:To Our Children's Children's Children 3987: 3615: 3474: 3309:from the original on 30 December 2017 3172: 3025: 2999: 2818: 2692: 2538: 2486: 2338: 2241:"John Lodge on Days Of Future Passed" 2216:"John Lodge on Days Of Future Passed" 2115: 1989: 1987: 1985: 1983: 1431: 1386: 1345: 1298: 1260: 1241: 1222: 1202: 1151: 811: 695:The band worked with record producer 427:The Moody Blues had started out as a 370:and the first to feature keyboardist 54:too many or overly lengthy quotations 3779: 3722: 3688:"Discogs entry for artist 'Redwave'" 3676:(Media notes). Deram. 1967. SML 707. 3551:Mojo Magazine, February 2019, pg. 43 3514: 3147:Arnold, Thomas K. (31 August 1990). 3051: 2973: 2948:Arnold, Thomas K. (31 August 1990). 2870: 2844: 2767:Arnold, Thomas K. (31 August 1990). 2312: 2168:Kubernik, Harvey (1 November 2013). 2141: 2089: 1961:Arnold, Thomas K. (31 August 1990). 1934: 1732: 1730: 1728: 1551:Steven Fallone – digital remastering 36: 29:Days of Future Past (disambiguation) 16:1967 studio album by The Moody Blues 4013: 3773: 3349: 2896: 2740: 2718: 2652: 2619: 2425: 2191:"The Moody Blues: Band of Brothers" 2020:Domelast, Malcolm (25 April 2020). 1993: 1847: 1542:– executive production, liner notes 832: 335:, released on 10 November 1967, by 13: 4332:An Introduction to The Moody Blues 3627:Travelling Eternity Road's WebTalk 3199:Prince, Patrick (18 August 2010). 1980: 1909:Prince, Patrick (18 August 2010). 1545:Michael Dacre-Barclay - production 14: 4725: 4517:I Know You're Out There Somewhere 4357:I Don't Want to Go On Without You 3914: 3078:Beviglia, Jim (7 December 2017). 3000:Elsas, Dennis (14 October 2023). 2693:Elsas, Dennis (14 October 2023). 2513:Beviglia, Jim (7 December 2017). 2461:DeRiso, Nick (21 February 2013). 2400:Beviglia, Jim (7 December 2017). 2374:Beviglia, Jim (7 December 2017). 1870:"The 40 Essential Albums of 1967" 1725: 1629: 1026:— which had originally described 960: 868: 3841:"The Moody Blues Chart History ( 3728: 3376:Sawdey, Evan (23 October 2008). 3173:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 3026:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 2845:Daly, Andrew (23 October 2023). 2793:Runtagh, Jordan (9 April 2018). 2565:Martel, Andy (8 February 2013). 2539:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 2487:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 2339:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 2116:staff, Goldmine (12 June 2012). 1823: 1763:Will Romano (1 September 2010). 1117: 979: 974: 969: 964: 959: 887: 882: 877: 872: 867: 851: 846: 841: 836: 831: 41: 3825:"Official Albums Chart Top 100" 3801: 3785:Australian Chart Book 1970–1992 3748: 3700: 3680: 3666: 3645: 3594: 3580: 3554: 3485:"Review: Days of Future Passed" 3411:Miller, Jim (7 December 1968). 3369: 3343: 3321: 3218: 3192: 3166: 3140: 3131: 3106: 3097: 3071: 3045: 3019: 2993: 2967: 2941: 2916: 2890: 2864: 2838: 2812: 2786: 2760: 2734: 2712: 2686: 2603:. 24 March 2014. Archived from 2593: 2584: 2558: 2532: 2506: 2480: 2454: 2445: 2419: 2393: 2367: 2358: 2332: 2306: 2284: 2265:Sexton, Paul (9 January 2022). 2258: 2233: 2208: 2183: 2161: 2135: 2109: 2083: 2074: 2048: 2039: 2013: 4135:Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1954: 1928: 1902: 1889: 1783: 1769:. Backbeat Books. p. 34. 1756: 1737:SowingSeason (11 March 2011). 1280: 1226:"The Morning: Another Morning" 1133: 737: 509:the greatest piano single ever 1: 3886:British Phonographic Industry 3853:. Retrieved 5 February 2022. 3831:. Retrieved 17 January 2023. 3629:. 9 June 2010. Archived from 3623:"/9/10 Derek Varnals Q&A" 3562:"50 Essential Albums of 1967" 3052:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 2974:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 2871:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 2313:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 2142:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 2090:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 1935:Kopp, Bill (4 January 2024). 1718: 1515: 1510:The London Festival Orchestra 422: 1622: 1608: 1450: 1312:"(Evening) Time to Get Away" 1307:Forever Afternoon (Tuesday?) 801: 621: 7: 4311:The Best of The Moody Blues 4114:On the Threshold of a Dream 4107:In Search of the Lost Chord 3604:. Oxford University Press. 295:Released: 10 November 1967 255:In Search of the Lost Chord 10: 4730: 4258:Days of Future Passed Live 4244:Live at the BBC: 1967-1970 3329:"Days of Future Past Live" 2819:Uncut (21 November 2014). 1506:– conducting, arrangements 1161:"Morning Glory" (unlisted) 746: 526: 341:Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 18: 4658:, retrieved May 20, 2023' 4621:, retrieved May 20, 2023' 4554: 4341: 4267: 4207: 4084: 4021: 3517:"The Moody Blues Reviews" 2719:Here, Classic Rock; Now. 1796:. ABC-CLIO. p. 117. 1703: 1688: 1667: 1652: 1641: 1638: 1613: 1598: 1584: 1572: 1565: 1562: 1555: 1403:Hayward, Edge and Knight 1293: 1290: 1287: 1284: 1279: 1206:"Dawn: Dawn Is a Feeling" 1146: 1143: 1140: 1137: 1132: 819: 816: 779:was issued as a discrete 716:London Festival Orchestra 674:London Festival Orchestra 599:Hayward recalls writing " 404:London Festival Orchestra 316: 282: 271: 267: 230: 222: 203: 191: 175: 144: 133: 125: 117: 104: 95: 90: 4448:Steppin' in a Slide Zone 1790:James E. Perone (2012). 1245:"Lunch Break: Peak Hour" 1062:Original and later mixes 1037:music. Bill Holdship of 385:recording techniques of 61:summarize the quotations 20:Not to be confused with 4276:This Is The Moody Blues 4237:Lovely to See You: Live 4093:The Magnificent Moodies 3932:Histories of the album: 3829:Official Charts Company 3756:"Days Of Future Passed" 3591:, July 2010, Issue 146. 339:. It has been cited by 237:The Magnificent Moodies 129:9 May – 3 November 1967 4709:The Moody Blues albums 4640:retrieved May 20, 2023 4524:Here Comes the Weekend 4510:The Other Side of Life 4427:The Story in Your Eyes 4170:The Other Side of Life 3600:Macan, Edward. (1996). 573:Days of Future Passed. 308:Released: 19 July 1968 277:Days of Future Passed 4704:Symphonic rock albums 4371:Nights in White Satin 4156:Long Distance Voyager 4128:A Question of Balance 4100:Days of Future Passed 3922:Days of Future Passed 3674:Days of Future Passed 3493:. London. p. 120 3454:"Essential Prog Rock" 3380:Days of Future Passed 2673:Ultimate Classic Rock 1483:, vocals, spoken word 1394:Nights in White Satin 1068:Days of Future Passed 1052:counterculture period 1028:Days of Future Passed 777:Days of Future Passed 752:Days of Future Passed 670:Rock Around the Clock 662:Days of Future Passed 628:Nights in White Satin 612:Nights in White Satin 577:Days of Future Passed 553:Days of Future Passed 549:Days of Future Passed 545:Days of Future Passed 541:Days of Future Passed 465:Days of Future Passed 411:Nights in White Satin 402:and performed by the 324:Days of Future Passed 290:Nights in White Satin 246:Days of Future Passed 216:Michael Dacre-Barclay 91:Days of Future Passed 4714:1960s concept albums 4694:Deram Records albums 4490:Sitting at the Wheel 4406:Watching and Waiting 807:Professional ratings 27:For other uses, see 4503:Your Wildest Dreams 4476:Talking Out of Turn 4399:Never Comes the Day 4184:Keys of the Kingdom 3735:UNT Digital Library 3531:on 16 December 2012 1635: 1573:Australian Albums ( 1417:Pinder (recitation) 1412:Hayward and Pinder 1276: 1188:Pinder (recitation) 1129: 808: 519:route, he came the 22:Days of Future Past 4434:Isn't Life Strange 3929:(list of releases) 3378:"The Moody Blues: 3356:Music Box Magazine 3305:. 5 October 2017. 3058:Best Classic Bands 3006:Best Classic Bands 2980:Best Classic Bands 2877:Best Classic Bands 2699:Best Classic Bands 2640:. 2319:Best Classic Bands 2148:Best Classic Bands 2096:Best Classic Bands 1941:Best Classic Bands 1634: 1563:Chart (1967–1972) 1367:Pinder and Thomas 1358:Pinder and Thomas 1326:Hayward and Lodge 1317:Hayward and Lodge 1274: 1127: 1079:in November 2017. 1000:Upon its release, 806: 643:stereophonic sound 4699:Proto-prog albums 4611:Runtagh, Jordan: 4601: 4600: 4572:Threshold Records 4385:Voices in the Sky 4378:Tuesday Afternoon 3729:John, Gilliland. 3153:Los Angeles Times 2954:Los Angeles Times 2897:Hayward, Justin. 2773:Los Angeles Times 1967:Los Angeles Times 1862:Christgau, Robert 1803:978-0-313-37906-2 1776:978-1-61713-375-6 1716: 1715: 1711: 1707: 1678: 1627: 1626: 1585:Canadian Albums ( 1575:Kent Music Report 1441: 1440: 1270: 1269: 1155:"The Day Begins" 998: 997: 794:. Also released 787:release in 2006. 601:Tuesday Afternoon 533:Mouscron, Belgium 320: 319: 303:Tuesday Afternoon 263: 262: 86: 85: 4721: 4659: 4647: 4641: 4628: 4622: 4609: 4555:Related articles 4538:Say It with Love 4008: 4001: 3994: 3985: 3984: 3908: 3907: 3896: 3890: 3889: 3878: 3872: 3871: 3860: 3854: 3838: 3832: 3822: 3816: 3815: 3813: 3805: 3799: 3798: 3777: 3771: 3770: 3768: 3766: 3752: 3746: 3745: 3743: 3741: 3726: 3720: 3719: 3718: 3716: 3704: 3698: 3697: 3684: 3678: 3677: 3670: 3664: 3663: 3661: 3659: 3649: 3643: 3642: 3640: 3638: 3633:on 14 April 2011 3619: 3613: 3598: 3592: 3584: 3578: 3577: 3575: 3573: 3558: 3552: 3549: 3540: 3539: 3537: 3536: 3527:. Archived from 3515:Holdship, Bill. 3512: 3503: 3502: 3500: 3498: 3481: 3472: 3471: 3469: 3467: 3452:(January 2004). 3446: 3435: 3434: 3432: 3430: 3421:. Archived from 3408: 3399: 3398: 3396: 3394: 3373: 3367: 3366: 3364: 3362: 3347: 3341: 3340: 3338: 3336: 3325: 3319: 3318: 3316: 3314: 3295: 3284: 3283: 3281: 3279: 3263: 3257: 3256: 3254: 3252: 3236: 3230: 3229: 3228:. 23 March 1968. 3222: 3216: 3215: 3213: 3211: 3196: 3190: 3189: 3187: 3185: 3170: 3164: 3163: 3161: 3159: 3144: 3138: 3135: 3129: 3128: 3126: 3124: 3110: 3104: 3101: 3095: 3094: 3092: 3090: 3075: 3069: 3068: 3066: 3064: 3049: 3043: 3042: 3040: 3038: 3023: 3017: 3016: 3014: 3012: 2997: 2991: 2990: 2988: 2986: 2971: 2965: 2964: 2962: 2960: 2945: 2939: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2920: 2914: 2913: 2911: 2909: 2894: 2888: 2887: 2885: 2883: 2868: 2862: 2861: 2859: 2857: 2842: 2836: 2835: 2833: 2831: 2816: 2810: 2809: 2807: 2805: 2790: 2784: 2783: 2781: 2779: 2764: 2758: 2757: 2755: 2753: 2741:Fessier, Bruce. 2738: 2732: 2731: 2729: 2727: 2716: 2710: 2709: 2707: 2705: 2690: 2684: 2683: 2681: 2679: 2665: 2650: 2649: 2647: 2645: 2634: 2617: 2616: 2614: 2612: 2607:on 24 March 2014 2597: 2591: 2588: 2582: 2581: 2579: 2577: 2562: 2556: 2555: 2553: 2551: 2536: 2530: 2529: 2527: 2525: 2510: 2504: 2503: 2501: 2499: 2484: 2478: 2477: 2475: 2473: 2458: 2452: 2449: 2443: 2442: 2440: 2438: 2426:Fessier, Bruce. 2423: 2417: 2416: 2414: 2412: 2397: 2391: 2390: 2388: 2386: 2371: 2365: 2362: 2356: 2355: 2353: 2351: 2336: 2330: 2329: 2327: 2325: 2310: 2304: 2303: 2301: 2299: 2288: 2282: 2281: 2279: 2277: 2262: 2256: 2255: 2253: 2251: 2245:The Strange Brew 2237: 2231: 2230: 2228: 2226: 2220:The Strange Brew 2212: 2206: 2205: 2203: 2201: 2187: 2181: 2180: 2178: 2176: 2165: 2159: 2158: 2156: 2154: 2139: 2133: 2132: 2130: 2128: 2113: 2107: 2106: 2104: 2102: 2087: 2081: 2078: 2072: 2071: 2069: 2067: 2052: 2046: 2043: 2037: 2036: 2034: 2032: 2017: 2011: 2010: 2008: 2006: 1994:Fessier, Bruce. 1991: 1978: 1977: 1975: 1973: 1958: 1952: 1951: 1949: 1947: 1932: 1926: 1925: 1923: 1921: 1906: 1900: 1893: 1887: 1886: 1884: 1882: 1868:(12 July 2007). 1858: 1845: 1844: 1842: 1840: 1834:Rovi Corporation 1821: 1808: 1807: 1787: 1781: 1780: 1760: 1754: 1753: 1751: 1749: 1734: 1709: 1705: 1676:release of 1993 1674: 1668:United Kingdom ( 1636: 1633: 1560: 1559: 1533:Derek Varnals – 1467:– vocals, guitar 1434: 1302:"The Afternoon" 1282: 1277: 1273: 1263: 1158:"The Day Begins" 1135: 1130: 1126: 1035:progressive rock 984: 983: 982: 978: 977: 973: 972: 968: 967: 963: 962: 892: 891: 890: 886: 885: 881: 880: 876: 875: 871: 870: 856: 855: 854: 850: 849: 845: 844: 840: 839: 835: 834: 809: 805: 666:Blue Suede Shoes 637:'s newly formed 429:rhythm and blues 329:progressive rock 309: 306: 296: 293: 232: 231: 187: 186: 182: 163:psychedelic rock 153:Progressive rock 121:10 November 1967 100: 88: 87: 81: 78: 72: 45: 44: 37: 32: 25: 4729: 4728: 4724: 4723: 4722: 4720: 4719: 4718: 4664: 4663: 4662: 4648: 4644: 4637:Financial Times 4634:April 9, 2018, 4630:Hann, Michael: 4629: 4625: 4615:April 9, 2018, 4610: 4606: 4602: 4597: 4585:Moody Bluegrass 4550: 4392:Ride My See-Saw 4364:Life's Not Life 4337: 4263: 4216:Caught Live + 5 4203: 4142:Seventh Sojourn 4080: 4017: 4015:The Moody Blues 4012: 3957:Financial Times 3954:April 9, 2018, 3942:April 9, 2018, 3917: 3912: 3911: 3898: 3897: 3893: 3880: 3879: 3875: 3862: 3861: 3857: 3839: 3835: 3823: 3819: 3811: 3807: 3806: 3802: 3795: 3778: 3774: 3764: 3762: 3760:albumlinernotes 3754: 3753: 3749: 3739: 3737: 3727: 3723: 3714: 3712: 3706: 3705: 3701: 3686: 3685: 3681: 3672: 3671: 3667: 3657: 3655: 3651: 3650: 3646: 3636: 3634: 3621: 3620: 3616: 3599: 3595: 3585: 3581: 3571: 3569: 3560: 3559: 3555: 3550: 3543: 3534: 3532: 3513: 3506: 3496: 3494: 3483: 3482: 3475: 3465: 3463: 3447: 3438: 3428: 3426: 3409: 3402: 3392: 3390: 3374: 3370: 3360: 3358: 3350:Metzger, John. 3348: 3344: 3334: 3332: 3327: 3326: 3322: 3312: 3310: 3303:The Moody Blues 3297: 3296: 3287: 3277: 3275: 3265: 3264: 3260: 3250: 3248: 3245:Official Charts 3238: 3237: 3233: 3224: 3223: 3219: 3209: 3207: 3197: 3193: 3183: 3181: 3171: 3167: 3157: 3155: 3145: 3141: 3136: 3132: 3122: 3120: 3112: 3111: 3107: 3102: 3098: 3088: 3086: 3076: 3072: 3062: 3060: 3050: 3046: 3036: 3034: 3024: 3020: 3010: 3008: 2998: 2994: 2984: 2982: 2972: 2968: 2958: 2956: 2946: 2942: 2932: 2930: 2922: 2921: 2917: 2907: 2905: 2895: 2891: 2881: 2879: 2869: 2865: 2855: 2853: 2843: 2839: 2829: 2827: 2817: 2813: 2803: 2801: 2791: 2787: 2777: 2775: 2765: 2761: 2751: 2749: 2739: 2735: 2725: 2723: 2717: 2713: 2703: 2701: 2691: 2687: 2677: 2675: 2667: 2666: 2653: 2643: 2641: 2636: 2635: 2620: 2610: 2608: 2599: 2598: 2594: 2589: 2585: 2575: 2573: 2571:The Moody Blues 2563: 2559: 2549: 2547: 2537: 2533: 2523: 2521: 2511: 2507: 2497: 2495: 2485: 2481: 2471: 2469: 2467:Something Else! 2459: 2455: 2450: 2446: 2436: 2434: 2424: 2420: 2410: 2408: 2398: 2394: 2384: 2382: 2372: 2368: 2363: 2359: 2349: 2347: 2337: 2333: 2323: 2321: 2311: 2307: 2297: 2295: 2294:. 28 April 2024 2290: 2289: 2285: 2275: 2273: 2271:uDiscover Music 2263: 2259: 2249: 2247: 2239: 2238: 2234: 2224: 2222: 2214: 2213: 2209: 2199: 2197: 2189: 2188: 2184: 2174: 2172: 2166: 2162: 2152: 2150: 2140: 2136: 2126: 2124: 2114: 2110: 2100: 2098: 2088: 2084: 2079: 2075: 2065: 2063: 2054: 2053: 2049: 2044: 2040: 2030: 2028: 2018: 2014: 2004: 2002: 1992: 1981: 1971: 1969: 1959: 1955: 1945: 1943: 1933: 1929: 1919: 1917: 1907: 1903: 1894: 1890: 1880: 1878: 1859: 1848: 1838: 1836: 1822: 1811: 1804: 1788: 1784: 1777: 1761: 1757: 1747: 1745: 1735: 1726: 1721: 1708: 1689:United States ( 1673: 1646:Certified units 1632: 1567: 1558: 1518: 1489:– flute, vocals 1459:The Moody Blues 1453: 1442: 1432: 1408:Edge and Knight 1354:"Twilight Time" 1271: 1261: 1120: 1064: 980: 975: 970: 965: 888: 883: 878: 873: 852: 847: 842: 837: 804: 756:UK Albums Chart 749: 740: 624: 610:Hayward wrote " 529: 425: 389:' new imprint, 333:the Moody Blues 312: 307: 300: 299: 294: 287: 286: 258: 249: 240: 224:The Moody Blues 184: 180: 179: 113: 111:the Moody Blues 82: 76: 73: 67:or excerpts to 58: 46: 42: 33: 26: 19: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4727: 4717: 4716: 4711: 4706: 4701: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4681: 4676: 4661: 4660: 4642: 4623: 4603: 4599: 4598: 4596: 4595: 4588: 4581: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4558: 4556: 4552: 4551: 4549: 4548: 4545:English Sunset 4541: 4534: 4527: 4520: 4513: 4506: 4499: 4493: 4486: 4479: 4472: 4465: 4458: 4451: 4444: 4437: 4430: 4423: 4420:Melancholy Man 4416: 4409: 4402: 4395: 4388: 4381: 4374: 4367: 4360: 4353: 4345: 4343: 4339: 4338: 4336: 4335: 4328: 4321: 4314: 4307: 4304:Time Traveller 4300: 4293: 4286: 4279: 4271: 4269: 4265: 4264: 4262: 4261: 4254: 4247: 4240: 4233: 4226: 4219: 4211: 4209: 4205: 4204: 4202: 4201: 4194: 4187: 4180: 4173: 4166: 4159: 4152: 4145: 4138: 4131: 4124: 4117: 4110: 4103: 4096: 4088: 4086: 4082: 4081: 4079: 4078: 4073: 4070: 4065: 4059: 4058: 4051: 4048:Justin Hayward 4044: 4037: 4030: 4022: 4019: 4018: 4011: 4010: 4003: 3996: 3988: 3982: 3981: 3975: 3974: 3973: 3972: 3960: 3949: 3934: 3933: 3930: 3916: 3915:External links 3913: 3910: 3909: 3891: 3873: 3855: 3833: 3817: 3800: 3793: 3772: 3747: 3721: 3699: 3679: 3665: 3644: 3614: 3593: 3579: 3553: 3541: 3504: 3473: 3436: 3425:on 6 June 2008 3400: 3368: 3342: 3331:. 1 March 2018 3320: 3285: 3258: 3231: 3217: 3191: 3165: 3139: 3130: 3105: 3096: 3070: 3044: 3018: 2992: 2966: 2940: 2915: 2903:Justin Hayward 2889: 2863: 2837: 2811: 2785: 2759: 2747:The Desert Sun 2733: 2711: 2685: 2651: 2618: 2592: 2583: 2557: 2531: 2505: 2479: 2453: 2444: 2432:The Desert Sun 2418: 2392: 2366: 2357: 2331: 2305: 2283: 2257: 2232: 2207: 2182: 2160: 2134: 2108: 2082: 2073: 2062:. 12 June 2012 2047: 2038: 2012: 2000:The Desert Sun 1979: 1953: 1927: 1901: 1888: 1846: 1809: 1802: 1782: 1775: 1755: 1723: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1714: 1713: 1701: 1700: 1697: 1694: 1686: 1685: 1682: 1679: 1665: 1664: 1661: 1658: 1650: 1649: 1643: 1640: 1631: 1630:Certifications 1628: 1625: 1624: 1621: 1611: 1610: 1607: 1596: 1595: 1592: 1582: 1581: 1578: 1570: 1569: 1564: 1557: 1554: 1553: 1552: 1549: 1546: 1543: 1537: 1531: 1517: 1514: 1513: 1512: 1507: 1497: 1496: 1490: 1484: 1474: 1473:– bass, vocals 1468: 1465:Justin Hayward 1461: 1460: 1452: 1449: 1439: 1438: 1435: 1429: 1428: 1427: 1424: 1419: 1418: 1415: 1410: 1409: 1406: 1401: 1400: 1397: 1388: 1384: 1383: 1382: 1379: 1374: 1373: 1370: 1365: 1364: 1361: 1356: 1355: 1352: 1347: 1343: 1342: 1341: 1338: 1333: 1332: 1329: 1324: 1323: 1320: 1315: 1314: 1313: 1310: 1300: 1296: 1295: 1292: 1289: 1286: 1283: 1272: 1268: 1267: 1264: 1258: 1257: 1254: 1251: 1246: 1243: 1239: 1238: 1235: 1232: 1227: 1224: 1220: 1219: 1216: 1213:Justin Hayward 1210: 1207: 1204: 1200: 1199: 1198: 1195: 1190: 1189: 1186: 1179: 1178: 1175: 1164: 1163: 1162: 1159: 1153: 1149: 1148: 1145: 1142: 1139: 1136: 1125: 1119: 1116: 1115: 1114: 1111: 1108: 1105: 1102: 1099: 1096: 1093: 1090: 1087: 1063: 1060: 996: 995: 992: 986: 985: 956: 948: 947: 944: 940: 939: 936: 928: 927: 924: 917: 916: 913: 904: 903: 900: 894: 893: 864: 858: 857: 828: 822: 821: 818: 814: 813: 803: 800: 748: 745: 739: 736: 732:London Records 690:West Hampstead 657:Symphony No. 9 652:Antonín Dvořák 623: 620: 585:Summer of Love 528: 525: 449:Justin Hayward 424: 421: 352:Justin Hayward 345:concept albums 318: 317: 314: 313: 311: 310: 297: 283: 280: 279: 269: 268: 265: 264: 261: 260: 251: 242: 228: 227: 220: 219: 218: 217: 214: 207: 201: 200: 195: 189: 188: 177: 173: 172: 171: 170: 165: 160: 155: 148: 142: 141: 135: 131: 130: 127: 123: 122: 119: 115: 114: 109: 102: 101: 93: 92: 84: 83: 49: 47: 40: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4726: 4715: 4712: 4710: 4707: 4705: 4702: 4700: 4697: 4695: 4692: 4690: 4687: 4685: 4682: 4680: 4677: 4675: 4672: 4671: 4669: 4657: 4656: 4652:Sep 5, 2017, 4651: 4646: 4639: 4638: 4633: 4627: 4620: 4619: 4618:Rolling Stone 4614: 4608: 4604: 4594: 4593: 4589: 4587: 4586: 4582: 4580: 4579: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4568: 4565: 4563: 4560: 4559: 4557: 4553: 4546: 4542: 4539: 4535: 4532: 4528: 4525: 4521: 4518: 4514: 4511: 4507: 4504: 4500: 4498: 4497:Running Water 4494: 4491: 4487: 4484: 4480: 4477: 4473: 4470: 4466: 4463: 4459: 4456: 4452: 4449: 4445: 4442: 4438: 4435: 4431: 4428: 4424: 4421: 4417: 4414: 4410: 4407: 4403: 4400: 4396: 4393: 4389: 4386: 4382: 4379: 4375: 4372: 4368: 4365: 4361: 4358: 4354: 4351: 4347: 4346: 4344: 4340: 4334: 4333: 4329: 4327: 4326: 4322: 4320: 4319: 4315: 4313: 4312: 4308: 4306: 4305: 4301: 4299: 4298: 4297:Greatest Hits 4294: 4292: 4291: 4287: 4285: 4284: 4280: 4278: 4277: 4273: 4272: 4270: 4266: 4260: 4259: 4255: 4253: 4252: 4248: 4246: 4245: 4241: 4239: 4238: 4234: 4232: 4231: 4227: 4225: 4224: 4220: 4218: 4217: 4213: 4212: 4210: 4206: 4200: 4199: 4195: 4193: 4192: 4191:Strange Times 4188: 4186: 4185: 4181: 4179: 4178: 4174: 4172: 4171: 4167: 4165: 4164: 4160: 4158: 4157: 4153: 4151: 4150: 4146: 4144: 4143: 4139: 4137: 4136: 4132: 4130: 4129: 4125: 4123: 4122: 4118: 4116: 4115: 4111: 4109: 4108: 4104: 4102: 4101: 4097: 4095: 4094: 4090: 4089: 4087: 4085:Studio albums 4083: 4077: 4076:Patrick Moraz 4074: 4071: 4069: 4068:Clint Warwick 4066: 4064: 4061: 4060: 4057: 4056: 4052: 4050: 4049: 4045: 4043: 4042: 4038: 4036: 4035: 4031: 4029: 4028: 4024: 4023: 4020: 4016: 4009: 4004: 4002: 3997: 3995: 3990: 3989: 3986: 3980: 3977: 3976: 3971: 3969: 3965:Sep 5, 2017, 3964: 3961: 3959: 3958: 3953: 3950: 3947: 3946: 3945:Rolling Stone 3941: 3938: 3937: 3936: 3935: 3931: 3928: 3924: 3923: 3919: 3918: 3905: 3901: 3895: 3887: 3883: 3877: 3869: 3865: 3859: 3852: 3851: 3846: 3844: 3837: 3830: 3826: 3821: 3810: 3804: 3796: 3794:0-646-11917-6 3790: 3786: 3782: 3776: 3761: 3757: 3751: 3736: 3732: 3725: 3711: 3710: 3703: 3695: 3694: 3689: 3683: 3675: 3669: 3654: 3648: 3632: 3628: 3624: 3618: 3611: 3607: 3603: 3597: 3590: 3589: 3583: 3567: 3566:Rolling Stone 3563: 3557: 3548: 3546: 3530: 3526: 3522: 3518: 3511: 3509: 3492: 3491: 3486: 3480: 3478: 3461: 3460: 3455: 3451: 3445: 3443: 3441: 3424: 3420: 3419: 3418:Rolling Stone 3414: 3407: 3405: 3389: 3388: 3383: 3382:| PopMatters" 3381: 3372: 3357: 3353: 3346: 3330: 3324: 3308: 3304: 3300: 3294: 3292: 3290: 3274: 3273: 3268: 3262: 3247: 3246: 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1898: 1892: 1877: 1876: 1875:Rolling Stone 1871: 1867: 1866:Fricke, David 1863: 1857: 1855: 1853: 1851: 1835: 1831: 1827: 1824:Eder, Bruce. 1820: 1818: 1816: 1814: 1805: 1799: 1795: 1794: 1786: 1778: 1772: 1768: 1767: 1759: 1744: 1740: 1733: 1731: 1729: 1724: 1712: 1702: 1698: 1695: 1692: 1687: 1683: 1680: 1677: 1671: 1666: 1662: 1659: 1656: 1651: 1647: 1642:Certification 1637: 1620: 1618: 1612: 1605: 1601: 1597: 1593: 1590: 1589: 1583: 1579: 1576: 1571: 1561: 1550: 1547: 1544: 1541: 1538: 1536: 1532: 1530: 1526: 1523: 1522: 1521: 1511: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1501: 1500: 1494: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1482: 1478: 1475: 1472: 1469: 1466: 1463: 1462: 1458: 1457: 1456: 1448: 1446: 1436: 1433:Total length: 1430: 1425: 1422: 1420: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1407: 1404: 1402: 1398: 1395: 1391: 1389: 1385: 1380: 1377: 1375: 1371: 1368: 1366: 1362: 1359: 1357: 1353: 1350: 1348: 1344: 1339: 1336: 1334: 1330: 1327: 1325: 1321: 1318: 1316: 1311: 1308: 1304: 1303: 1301: 1297: 1278: 1265: 1262:Total length: 1259: 1255: 1252: 1250: 1247: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1233: 1231: 1228: 1225: 1221: 1217: 1214: 1211: 1208: 1205: 1201: 1196: 1193: 1191: 1187: 1184: 1183: 1180: 1176: 1173: 1172: 1168: 1165: 1160: 1157: 1156: 1154: 1150: 1131: 1124: 1118:Track listing 1112: 1109: 1106: 1103: 1100: 1097: 1094: 1091: 1088: 1085: 1084: 1083: 1080: 1078: 1073: 1069: 1059: 1057: 1053: 1049: 1044: 1040: 1036: 1031: 1029: 1025: 1024:Rolling Stone 1021: 1020: 1015: 1014: 1009: 1005: 1004: 1003:Rolling Stone 993: 991: 988: 987: 957: 955: 954: 950: 949: 945: 942: 941: 937: 935: 934: 930: 929: 925: 922: 921:Rolling Stone 919: 918: 914: 911: 910: 909:Rolling Stone 906: 905: 901: 899: 896: 895: 865: 863: 862:The Music Box 860: 859: 829: 827: 824: 823: 815: 812:Review scores 810: 799: 797: 793: 788: 786: 782: 778: 774: 770: 768: 766: 761: 757: 753: 744: 735: 733: 727: 723: 721: 718:conducted by 717: 712: 708: 704: 702: 698: 693: 691: 687: 686:Decca Studios 682: 678: 675: 671: 667: 663: 659: 658: 653: 647: 644: 640: 639:Deram Records 636: 631: 629: 619: 615: 613: 608: 604: 602: 597: 593: 589: 586: 581: 578: 574: 569: 564: 562: 556: 554: 550: 546: 542: 538: 534: 524: 522: 518: 517:rock 'n' roll 514: 510: 504: 500: 498: 493: 490:. We tried a 489: 485: 481: 480:Hammond organ 477: 472: 468: 466: 460: 458: 454: 450: 446: 442: 441:Clint Warwick 438: 434: 430: 420: 418: 417: 416:Rolling Stone 412: 407: 405: 401: 396: 392: 388: 387:Decca Records 384: 379: 377: 373: 369: 365: 364:Clint Warwick 361: 357: 353: 348: 346: 342: 338: 337:Deram Records 334: 330: 326: 325: 315: 304: 298: 291: 285: 284: 281: 278: 274: 270: 266: 257: 256: 252: 248: 247: 243: 239: 238: 234: 233: 229: 225: 221: 215: 213: 210: 209: 208: 206: 202: 199: 196: 194: 190: 178: 174: 169: 166: 164: 161: 159: 156: 154: 151: 150: 149: 147: 143: 139: 136: 132: 128: 124: 120: 116: 112: 107: 103: 99: 94: 89: 80: 70: 66: 62: 56: 55: 50:This article 48: 39: 38: 35: 30: 23: 4653: 4645: 4635: 4626: 4616: 4607: 4590: 4583: 4576: 4562:Band members 4531:No More Lies 4462:Gemini Dream 4330: 4323: 4316: 4309: 4302: 4295: 4288: 4281: 4274: 4268:Compilations 4256: 4249: 4242: 4235: 4230:Hall of Fame 4228: 4221: 4214: 4196: 4189: 4182: 4175: 4168: 4161: 4154: 4147: 4140: 4133: 4126: 4119: 4112: 4105: 4099: 4098: 4091: 4053: 4046: 4039: 4032: 4025: 3966: 3955: 3943: 3920: 3894: 3876: 3868:Music Canada 3858: 3849: 3842: 3836: 3820: 3803: 3784: 3775: 3763:. Retrieved 3759: 3750: 3738:. Retrieved 3734: 3724: 3713:, retrieved 3708: 3702: 3691: 3682: 3673: 3668: 3656:. Retrieved 3647: 3635:. Retrieved 3631:the original 3626: 3617: 3601: 3596: 3588:Classic Rock 3586: 3582: 3570:. Retrieved 3565: 3556: 3533:. Retrieved 3529:the original 3521:Yahoo! Music 3495:. Retrieved 3488: 3464:. Retrieved 3457: 3450:Hermes, Will 3427:. Retrieved 3423:the original 3416: 3391:. Retrieved 3385: 3379: 3371: 3359:. Retrieved 3355: 3345: 3333:. Retrieved 3323: 3311:. Retrieved 3302: 3276:. Retrieved 3270: 3261: 3249:. Retrieved 3243: 3234: 3220: 3208:. Retrieved 3204: 3194: 3182:. Retrieved 3178: 3168: 3156:. Retrieved 3152: 3142: 3133: 3121:. Retrieved 3117: 3108: 3099: 3087:. Retrieved 3084:CultureSonar 3083: 3073: 3061:. Retrieved 3057: 3047: 3035:. Retrieved 3031: 3021: 3009:. Retrieved 3005: 2995: 2983:. Retrieved 2979: 2969: 2957:. Retrieved 2953: 2943: 2931:. Retrieved 2928:Grateful Web 2927: 2918: 2906:. Retrieved 2902: 2892: 2880:. 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Days of Future Past
Days of Future Past (disambiguation)
too many or overly lengthy quotations
summarize the quotations

Studio album
the Moody Blues
Progressive rock
art rock
psychedelic rock
baroque pop
Tony Clarke
The Moody Blues
The Magnificent Moodies
In Search of the Lost Chord
Nights in White Satin
Tuesday Afternoon
progressive rock
the Moody Blues
Deram Records
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
concept albums

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