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4492:, p. 34. "They replaced the conquered countries, indigenous rulers and armies, but preserved much of their government, bureaucracy, and culture. For many in the conquered territories, it was no more than an exchange of masters, one that brought peace to peoples demoralized and disaffected by the casualties and heavy taxation that resulted from the years of Byzantine-Persian warfare. Local communities were free to continue to follow their own way of life in internal, domestic affairs. In many ways, local populations found Muslim rule more flexible and tolerant than that of Byzantium and Persia. Religious communities were free to practice their faith to worship and be governed by their religious leaders and laws in such areas as marriage, divorce, and inheritance. In exchange, they were required to pay tribute, a poll tax ( 3213:
required Jews to don peculiar garb. These outfits marked Jews as Otherly-to be shunned, despised, …and sometimes murdered… . But Jews also dressed differently in premodern Europe because their rabbis understood any emulation of non-Jews as a violation of the divine law as revealed by God to Moses atop Mount Sinai. The Five Books of Moses, after all, together called the Torah, clearly specify that Jews must adhere to a particular dress code-modesty, for example, and fringes. The very structure of the cosmos demanded nothing less. Clothing, too, served as a "fence" that protected Jews from the profanities and pollutions of the non-Jewish societies in which they dwelled. From this angle, Jews dressed distinctively as God's elect.'
not believe in Allah... (9:29) (al-'Ayyashi) The author says: In this tradition the Imam has taken the "speech" to mean behavior. We say: Do not speak to him but good; what we mean is: Do not deal with him but in a good and decent manner. This meaning will apply only if we take the word, "abrogated" in its terminological sense. But it may also be taken in its literal sense (as we shall explain under the verse: Whatever signs We abrogate or cause to be forgotten ...2:106); and in that case this verse will not be in conflict with that of the fighting. It should be pointed out that such uses of words in their literal meanings (as against their terminological ones) are not infrequent in the traditions of the Imams.
1887:"self-marriage" where a man could marry his mother, sister or daughter. According to the famous Islamic legal scholar Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (1292–1350), non-Muslims had the right to engage in such religious practices even if it offended Muslims, under the conditions that such cases not be presented to Islamic Sharia courts and that these religious minorities believed that the practice in question is permissible according to their religion. This ruling was based on the precedent that Muhammad did not forbid such self-marriages among Zoroastrians despite coming in contact with them and having knowledge of their practices. 1869:. The dhimmi communities had their own leaders, courts, personal and religious laws, and "generally speaking, Muslim tolerance of unbelievers was far better than anything available in Christendom, until the rise of secularism in the 17th century". "Muslims guaranteed freedom of worship and livelihood, provided that they remained loyal to the Muslim state and paid a poll tax". "Muslim governments appointed Christian and Jewish professionals to their bureaucracies", and thus, Christians and Jews "contributed to the making of the Islamic civilization". 1521:, "oday it is said that the dhimmi are 'excluded from the specifically Muslim privileges, but on the other hand they are excluded from the specifically Muslim duties' while (and here there are clear parallels with western public and private law treatment of aliens—Fremdenrecht, la condition de estrangers), 'or the rest, the Muslim and the dhimmi are equal in practically the whole of the law of property and of contracts and obligations'." Quoting the Qur'anic statement, "Let Christians judge according to what We have revealed in the Gospel", 1581:
few, such as Turkey, have declared themselves secular. Local and customary laws may take precedence in certain matters, as well. Islamic law is therefore polynormative, and despite several cases of regression in recent years, the trend is towards liberalization. Questions of human rights and the status of minorities cannot be generalized with regards to the Muslim world. They must instead be examined on a case-by-case basis, within specific political and cultural contexts, using perspectives drawn from the historical framework.
12116: 2863:) writes "that despite the fact that the incidence of taxation fell more heavily on a Muslim than a non-Muslim, the non-Muslim was free to enjoy equally well with every Muslim all the privileges afforded to the citizens of the state. The only privilege that was reserved for the Muslims was the seat of the caliphate, and this, because of certain religious functions attached to it, which could not naturally be discharged by a non-Muslim." Mun'im Sirry (2014), 12105: 2607: 1561:). This separation of powers served to limit the range of actions available to the ruler, who could not easily decree or reinterpret law independently and expect the continued support of the community. Through succeeding centuries and empires, the balance between the ulema and the rulers shifted and reformed, but the balance of power was never decisively changed. At the beginning of the 19th century, the 1861:
safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Muslim rule. Islamic law and custom prohibited the enslavement of free dhimmis within lands under Islamic rule. Taxation from the perspective of dhimmis who came under the Muslim rule, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes" (but much lower under the Muslim rule). They were also exempted from the
1883:. The dhimmis also served a variety of useful purposes, mostly economic, which was another point of concern to jurists. Religious minorities were free to do whatever they wished in their own homes, but could not "publicly engage in illicit sex in ways that threaten public morals". In some cases, religious practices that Muslims found repugnant were allowed. One example was the Zoroastrian practice of 1593:"was for long accepted with resignation by the Christians and with gratitude by the Jews" but the rising power of Christendom and the radical ideas of the French Revolution caused a wave of discontent among Christian dhimmis. The continuing and growing pressure from the European powers combined with pressure from Muslim reformers gradually relaxed the inequalities between Muslims and non-Muslims. 1981:". The clause of the Pact of Umar which prohibited non-Muslims from building new places of worship was historically imposed on some communities of the Ottoman Empire and ignored in other cases, at discretion of the local authorities. Although there were no laws mandating religious ghettos, this led to non-Muslim communities being clustered around existing houses of worship. 48: 1829:. He suggests this ancient document, which governed the status of religions and races in the first Islamic state, in which Jewish tribes are "placed on an equal footing with Muslims" and granted "the freedom of religion," can serve as a basis for the protection of minority rights, equality, and religious freedom in the modern Islamic state. 4116:لما نقول أهل الذمة يعني أهل ذمة الله يعني هم في عهد الله وعهد رسوله وعهد جماعة المسلمين وضمانهم، الجميع عليه أن يحميهم، فهذا هو المقصود من الكلمة. الآن يتأذى منها الكثير من أخواننا كلمة أهل الذمة، وأنا ذكرت فيما كتبت في كتبي أنني أنا لا أرى أي مانع أمام الاجتهاد الإسلامي المعاصر أن يحذف كلمة أهل الذمة هذه ونسميهم المواطنون من غير المسلمين 5266:...jurists divided the dhimma community into two major groups. The first group consists of all adult, free, sane males among the dhimma community, while the second includes all other dhimmas (i.e., women, slaves, minors, and the insane). Jurists generally agree that members of the second group are to be granted a "blanket" exemption from 1839:, advocates the inclusion of academic disciplines and Islamic society, along with traditional Islamic scholars, in an effort to reform Islamic law and address modern conditions. He speaks of remaining faithful to the higher objectives of sharia law. He posits universal rights of dignity, welfare, freedom, equality and justice in a 1243:, numerous restrictions reinforced the second-class citizen status of dhimmīs and forced their communities into ghettos. For instance, they were required to distinguish themselves from their Muslim neighbors by their dress. They were not permitted to build new churches or synagogues or repair old churches according to the 2293:
members of the dhimmi's own family. Dhimmis often took cases relating to marriage, divorce or inheritance to the Muslim courts so these cases would be decided under sharia law. Oaths sworn by dhimmis in the Muslim courts were sometimes the same as the oaths taken by Muslims, sometimes tailored to the dhimmis' beliefs.
clubs developed across the Islamic lands. There were usually several futuwwah in each town. These clubs catered to varying interests, primarily sports, and might involve distinctive manners of dress and custom. They were known for their hospitality, idealism and loyalty to the group. They often had a
and Indian subcontinent. In medieval Islamic societies, the qadi (Islamic judge) usually could not interfere in the matters of non-Muslims unless the parties voluntarily chose to be judged according to Islamic law. The dhimmi communities living in Islamic states usually had their own laws independent
Some scholars have tried compute the relative taxation on Muslims vs non-Muslims in the early Abbasid period. According to one estimate, Muslims had an average tax rate of 17–20 dirhams per person, which rose to 30 dirhams per person when in kind levies are included. Non-Muslims paid either 12, 24 or
states that the "payment of the poll tax seems to have been regular, but other obligations were inconsistently enforced and did not prevent many non-Muslims from being important political, business, and scholarly figures. In the late ninth and early tenth centuries, Jewish bankers and financiers were
The Arabs generally established garrisons outside towns in the conquered territories, and had little interaction with the local dhimmi populations for purposes other than the collection of taxes. The conquered Christian, Jewish, Mazdean and Buddhist communities were otherwise left to lead their lives
Muslim states, sects, schools of thought and individuals differ as to exactly what sharia law entails. In addition, Muslim states today utilize a spectrum of legal systems. Most states have a mixed system that implements certain aspects of sharia while acknowledging the supremacy of a constitution. A
as-Sadiq (a.s) said: "Verily Allah sent Muhammad (s.a.w.) with five swords: So (there is) a sword against a dhimmi (free non-Muslim subject of an Islamic country). Allah said: and speak to men good (words); it was revealed about the dhimmis, then it was abrogated by another verse, Fight those who do
The legal and security situation of the Jews in the Muslim world was generally better than in Christendom, because in the former, Jews were not the sole "infidels", because in comparison to the Christians, Jews were less dangerous and more loyal to the Muslim regime, and because the rapidity and the
was less uncomfortable than had been supposed. Consequently, the Eastern Christians provided perhaps less support to the Crusaders than had been expected. When the Arab East came under Ottoman rule in the 16th century, Christian populations and fortunes rebounded significantly. The Ottomans had long
that certain directives of the Quran were specific only to Muhammad against peoples of his times, besides other directives, the campaign involved asking the polytheists of Arabia for submission to Islam as a condition for exoneration and the others for jizya and submission to the political authority
Dhimmis were allowed to operate their own courts following their own legal systems. However, dhimmis frequently attended the Muslim courts in order to record property and business transactions within their own communities. Cases were taken out against Muslims, against other dhimmis and even against
were a "crushing burden for the non-Muslim peasantry who eked out a bare living in a subsistence economy." Both agree that ultimately, the additional taxation on non-Muslims was a critical factor that drove many dhimmis to leave their religion and accept Islam. However, in some regions the jizya on
A Muslim man may marry a Jewish or Christian dhimmī woman, who may keep her own religion (though her children were automatically considered Muslims and had to be raised as such), but a Muslim woman cannot marry a dhimmī man unless he converts to Islam. Dhimmīs are prohibited from converting Muslims
Generally, the Jewish people were allowed to practice their religion and live according to the laws and scriptures of their community. Furthermore, the restrictions to which they were subject were social and symbolic rather than tangible and practical in character. That is to say, these regulations
forbidding such self-marriages among Zoroastrians, despite coming into contact with Zoroastrians and knowing about this practice. Religious minorities were also free to do as they wished in their own homes, provided they did not publicly engage in illicit sexual activity in ways that could threaten
The dhimma and the jizya poll tax are no longer imposed in Muslim majority countries. In the 21st century, jizya is widely regarded as being at odds with contemporary secular conceptions of citizens' civil rights and equality before the law, although there have been occasional reports of religious
doubt the authenticity of the pact, arguing it is usually the victors and not the vanquished who impose rather than propose, the terms of peace, and that it is highly unlikely that the people who spoke no Arabic and knew nothing of Islam could draft such a document. Academic historians believe the
Muslim men could generally marry dhimmi women who are considered People of the Book, however Islamic jurists rejected the possibility any non-Muslim man might marry a Muslim woman. Bernard Lewis notes that "similar position existed under the laws of Byzantine Empire, according to which a Christian
Because the early Islamic conquests initially preserved much of the existing administrative machinery and culture, in many territories they amounted to little more than a change of rulers for the subject populations, which "brought peace to peoples demoralized and disaffected by the casualties and
According to the dhimma status system, non-Muslims must pay a poll tax in return for Muslim protection and the privilege of living in Muslim territory. Per this system, non-Muslims are exempt from military service, but they are excluded from occupying high positions that involve dealing with high
A Dhimmi is a non-Muslim subject of a state governed in accordance to sharia law. The term connotes an obligation of the state to protect the individual, including the individual's life, property, and freedom of religion and worship, and required loyalty to the empire, and a poll tax known as the
obliging non-Muslims (dhimmis) to wear distinctive marks, – buttons on their caps, patches on their sleeves, and generally honey-coloured garbs, – on their clothing in order to mark them off from members of the Muslim communities.'; ‘a twelfth century synod decreed the first of many edicts which
be exacted from non-Muslims as a condition required for jihad to cease. Islamic jurists required adult, free, healthy males among the dhimma community to pay the jizya, while exempting women, children, the elderly, slaves, those affected by mental or physical handicaps, and travelers who did not
Jews and Christians living under early Muslim rule were considered dhimmis, a status that was later also extended to other non-Muslims like Hindus and Buddhists. They were allowed to "freely practice their religion, and to enjoy a large measure of communal autonomy" and guaranteed their personal
Most of the restrictions were social and symbolic in nature, and a pattern of stricter, then more lax, enforcement developed over time. The major financial disabilities of the dhimmi were the jizya poll tax and the fact dhimmis and Muslims could not inherit from each other. That would create an
did not end with the Edict of 1856, and they remained second-class citizens at least until the end of World War I. H.E.W. Young, the British Council in Mosul, wrote in 1909, "The attitude of the Muslims toward the Christians and the Jews is that of a master towards slaves, whom he treats with a
on this hadith: "You know the gravity of sin for killing a Muslim, for its odiousness has reached the point of disbelief, and it necessitates that forever. As for killing a non-Muslim citizen , it is similarly no small matter, for the one who does it will not smell the fragrance of Paradise."
1851:. He further includes the terms "non-citizen", "foreigner", "resident" and "immigrant" in this dialogue, and challenges not only Islam, but modern civilization as a whole, to come to terms with these concepts in a meaningful way with regards to problems of racism, discrimination and oppression. 1984:
In addition to other legal limitations, dhimmis, including the Christians among them, were not considered equals to Muslims and several prohibitions were placed on them. Their testimony against Muslims was inadmissible in courts of law wherein a Muslim could be punished; this meant that their
in these courts were tailored to their beliefs. Non-Muslims were allowed to engage in certain practices (such as the consumption of alcohol and pork) that were usually forbidden by Islamic law, in point of fact, any Muslim who pours away their wine or forcibly appropriates it is liable to pay
2363:(a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).", is cited as a foundation for the right of non-Muslim citizens to live peacefully and undisturbed in an 1985:
testimony could only be considered in commercial cases. They were forbidden to carry weapons or ride atop horses and camels. Their houses could not overlook those of Muslims; and their religious practices were severely circumscribed (e.g., the ringing of church bells was strictly forbidden).
observes that the change from Byzantine to Arab rule was welcomed by many among the dhimmis who found the new yoke far lighter than the old, both in taxation and in other matters, and that some, even among the Christians of Syria and Egypt, preferred the rule of Islam to that of Byzantines.
1577:, the European powers found themselves too weakened to maintain their empires. The wide variety in forms of government, systems of law, attitudes toward modernity and interpretations of sharia are a result of the ensuing drives for independence and modernity in the Muslim world. 2216:
populations was significantly lower than the zakat, meaning dhimmi populations maintained an economic advantage. According to Cohen, taxation, from the perspective of dhimmis who came under Muslim rule, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes".
4117: 3068:
To begin with, there was no forced conversion, no choice between "Islam and the Sword". Islamic law, following a clear Quranic principle (2:256), prohibited any such things although there have been instances of forced conversion in Islamic history, these have been
scholar writes that dhimmis should be treated "in a good and decent manner". He addresses the argument that good treatment of dhimmis was abrogated by Quranic verse 9:29 by stating that, in the literal sense, this verse is not in conflict with good treatment of
school held that non-Muslims were entitled to such practices, as long as they were not presented to sharia courts and the religious minorities in question held them to be permissible. This ruling was based on the precedent that there were no records of the
militaristic aspect, purportedly for the mutual protection of the membership. These clubs commonly crossed social strata, including among their membership local notables, dhimmi and slaves – to the exclusion of those associated with the local ruler, or
4500:). In effect, this often meant lower taxes, greater local autonomy, rule by fellow Semites with closer linguistic and cultural ties than the hellenized, Greco-Roman élites of Byzantium, and greater religious freedom for Jews and indigenous Christians." 2583:, Syria, which it controlled at the time. Christians who refused to accept the dhimma contract and pay the tax were to have to either convert to Islam, leave or be executed. Wealthy Christians would have to pay half an ounce of gold, the equivalent of 2067:
would tax their Jewish subjects. The Jews were in fact civilians protected by their chieftains in and around their communities; in return they paid part of their harvest as dues, and contributed their skills and services to their patron chieftain.
Egypt, where non-Mamluk Muslims were not allowed to ride horses and camels, dhimmis were prohibited even from riding donkeys inside cities. Sometimes, Muslim rulers issued regulations requiring dhimmis to attach distinctive signs to their houses.
notes that, in contrast to Jews in Christian Europe, the "Jews in Islam were well integrated into the economic life of the larger society", and that they were allowed to practice their religion more freely than they could do in Christian Europe.
No one of the people of the dhimma should be beaten in order to exact payment of the jizya, nor made to stand in the hot sun, nor should hateful things be inflicted upon their bodies, or anything of that sort. Rather they should be treated with
Both Muslims and al-dhimmiyun struggled for the liberation of this land for more than a century and, because of the blood that was shed by both, a new order was created...In the modern state, the constitution took the place of the al-dhimmi
is illustrated in a letter ascribed to Umar I and cited by Abu Yusuf: "if we take dhimmis and share them out, what will be left for the Muslims who come after us? By God, Muslims would not find a man to talk to and profit from his labors."
was the first territory attacked and conquered by Muslims. When the Jews of Khaybar surrendered to Muhammad after a siege, Muhammad allowed them to remain in Khaybar in return for handing over to the Muslims one half their annual produce.
2004:, where in parallel to Christian sects regarded as heretical by Catholic Europe, they were not just tolerated, but where opportunities to practice faith and trade were open without restriction save for the prohibitions on proselytization. 2197:
dhimmi should be imprisoned until they pay the jizya in full. Other jurists specified that dhimmis who don't pay jizya should have their heads shaved and made to wear a dress distinctive from those dhimmis who paid the jizya and Muslims.
2132:, from very early times Muslim rulers would very often humiliate and punish dhimmis (usually Christians or Jews that refused to convert to Islam). It was official policy that dhimmis should “feel inferior and to know ‘their place". 2516:
Andrew Wheatcroft describes how some social customs such as different conceptions of dirt and cleanliness made it difficult for the religious communities to live close to each other, either under Muslim or under Christian rule.
and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture—fight until they give the jizyah willingly while they are
system by arguing that it is a system which is inappropriate in the age of nation-states and democracies. There is a range of opinions among 20th-century and contemporary Islamic theologians about whether the notion of
2718: 2000:, argues that the Jewish dhimmis living under the caliphate, while allowed fewer rights than Muslims, were still better off than in the Christian parts of Europe. Jews from other parts of Europe made their way to 4798: 2467:
Pact of Umar in the form it is known today was a product of later jurists who attributed it to Umar in order to lend greater authority to their own opinions. The similarities between the Pact of Umar and the
state interests, like being the president or prime minister of the country. In Islamic history, non-Muslims did occupy high positions, especially in matters that related to fiscal policies or tax collection.
Dhimmis are non-Muslims who live within Islamdom and have a regulated and protected status. ... In the modern period, this term has generally has occasionally been resuscitated, but it is generally obsolete.
were allowed to perform their religious rituals, they were obliged to do so in a manner not conspicuous to Muslims. Loud prayers were forbidden, as were the ringing of church bells and the blowing of the
8278: 1799:
that the main philosophy of jizya is that it is only a financial aid to those Muslims who are in the charge of safeguarding the security of the state and dhimmis' lives and properties on their behalf.
6964: 1876:, a historian of Islam, writes that during the era of the High Caliphate (7th–13th Centuries), zealous Shariah-minded Muslims gladly elaborated their code of symbolic restrictions on the dhimmis. 2479:
suggest that perhaps much of the Pact of Umar was borrowed from these earlier codes by later Islamic jurists. At least some of the clauses of the pact mirror the measures first introduced by the
4038:(U.S. Joint Publications Research Service 72663, 1979), pp. 22ff.; French version (from the Persian), Pour un gouvernement islamique (Paris, 1979), pp. 31ff. Another version in Hamid Algar, 1931:
Christians into contact with Orthodox Christians whose beliefs they discovered to differ from their own perhaps more than they had realized, and whose position under the rule of the Muslim
contract is an integral part of traditional Islamic law. From the 9th century AD, the power to interpret and refine law in traditional Islamic societies was in the hands of the scholars (
states, "the Christians were probably better off as dhimmis under Muslim-Arab rulers than they had been under the Byzantine Greeks." In some places, for example Egypt, the jizya was a
territorial scope of the Muslim conquests imposed upon them a reduction in persecution and a granting of better possibility for the survival of members of other faiths in their lands.
2276:. The religious laws and courts of other religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, were usually accommodated within the Islamic legal framework, as exemplified in the 5940:"Egyptian authorities recapture Islamist-held town: Morsi supporters had held Delga since his overthrow in July and unleashed a campaign of terror against Christian minority" 3325:" the overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims reject the dhimma system as ahistorical, in the sense that it is inappropriate for the age of nation-states and democracies." 2104:. By the 15th century, major parts of Northern India was ruled by Muslim rulers, mostly descended from invaders. In the 16th century, India came under the influence of the 2144:. They were also not allowed to build or repair churches and synagogues without Muslim consent. Moreover, dhimmis were not allowed to seek converts among Muslims. In the 6991: 1675:, in return for which they would profit from the protection and services of the state; they would, however, be excluded from all participation in the political process. 2112:, the first ruler of the Mughal empire, established a foothold in the north which paved the way for further expansion by his successors. Although the Mughal emperor 1326:
Madhabs only allow Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians to have dhimmi status, and they maintain that all other non-Muslims must either convert to Islam or be fought.
11855: 2393:, a formal agreement between Muhammad and all the significant tribes and families of Medina (including Muslims, Jews and pagans), declared that non-Muslims in the 4076: 11737: 11105: 5232:. Women, children, handicapped, the mentally ill, the elderly, and slaves were exempt, as were all travelers and foreigners who did not settle in Muslim lands. 1452:(Islamic judge) usually could not interfere in the matters of non-Muslims unless the parties voluntarily chose to be judged according to Islamic law, thus the 1959:
countries, they, like all other Christians and also Jews, were accorded certain freedoms. The dhimmi system in the Ottoman Empire was largely based upon the
tax paid by Muslims. The dhimmi communities living in Islamic states had their own laws independent from the Sharia law, such as the Jews who had their own
6446: 2587:
664 twice a year; middle-class Christians were to have to pay half that amount and poorer ones were to be charged one-fourth that amount. In June 2014 the
11722: 7014: 2264:
In the border provinces, dhimmis were sometimes recruited for military operations. In such cases, they were exempted from jizya for the year of service.
4496:) that entitled them to Muslim protection from outside aggression and exempted them from military service. Thus, they were called the "protected ones" ( 1413:(638 CE), which gave express liberty to the Jews living in Arabia to observe the Sabbath and to grow-out their side-locks, but required them to pay the 1464:. These courts did not cover cases that involved other religious groups, or capital offences or threats to public order. By the 18th century, however, 2572:
living there. However, in autumn of that same year Egyptian authorities were able to retake control of the town following two prior failed attempts.
11821: 2958:
gave both Hindus and Buddhists the same status as the Christians, Jews and Sabaeans of the Middle East. They were all "dhimmi" ('protected people')
There were a number of restrictions on dhimmis. In a modern sense the dhimmis would be described as second-class citizens. According to historian
1636:. It again proclaimed the principle of equality between Muslims and non-Muslims, and produced many specific reforms to this end. For example, the 6984: 1963:. The client status established the rights of the non-Muslims to property, livelihood and freedom of worship but they were in essence treated as 1714:), and it is everyone's duty to protect them, and this is what is intended by the word. At present many of our brethren are offended by the word 1936:
experience dealing with Christian and Jewish minorities, and were more tolerant towards religious minorities than the former Muslim rulers, the
8441: 6837: 6774: 6744: 6721: 4869: 4824: 1847:
Islamic (or other) society, and proposes a dialogue regarding the modern term "citizenship," although it has no clear precedent in classical
978: 6927: 5357:, p. 51. Quote: "The Christians were probably better off as dhimmis under Muslim-Arab rulers than they had been under the Byzantine Greeks." 3463: 2595:
to accept the dhimma contract and pay the jizya or convert to Islam. If they refused to accept either of the options they would be killed.
1667: 1468:
frequently attended the Ottoman Muslim courts, where cases were taken against them by Muslims, or they took cases against Muslims or other
12741: 11752: 2462:
and the conquered Jerusalem Christians in the seventh century, was another source of regulations pertaining to dhimmis. However, Western
1629: 6977: 1395: 5900: 4291: 1683:, was that his legislation allowed the theoretical possibility of non-Muslims exercising political or judicial authority over Muslims. 12152: 11826: 11742: 2755: 1872:
However, dhimmis faced social and symbolic restrictions, and a pattern of stricter, then more lax, enforcement developed over time.
1620:) was issued, building upon the 1839 edict. It came about partly as a result of pressure from and the efforts of the ambassadors of 1158:
to protect the individual's life, property, as well as freedom of religion, in exchange for loyalty to the state and payment of the
11843: 8178: 1879:
From an Islamic legal perspective, the pledge of protection granted dhimmis the freedom to practice their religion and spared them
12756: 11806: 11727: 2116:
has been described as a universalist, most Mughal emperors were oppressive of native Hindu, Buddhist and later Sikh populations.
869: 6007: 3451:
al-Misri, Ahmad ibn Naqib (edited and translated from Arabic (with commentary) by Nuh Ha Mim Keller) (1994 revised ed.), p. 603.
Muslims and Jews were sometimes partners in trade, with the Muslim taking days off on Fridays and Jews taking off on Saturdays.
have based their justification for full citizenship of non-Muslims in an Islamic states on the precedent set by Muhammad in the
11747: 10637: 6901:
Pessah Shinar: "Some remarks regarding the colours of male Jewish dress in North Africa and their Arabic-Islamic context." In:
The Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza (4 vols.)
4068: 1691: 1287:
communities were also allowed to engage in certain practices that were usually forbidden for the Muslim community, such as the
5939: 11757: 11714: 6903: 6692: 6657: 6638: 6619: 6562: 6524: 6456: 6435: 6409: 6367: 6339: 6318: 6294: 6275: 6254: 6235: 6216: 6194: 6175: 5673: 5628: 5504: 5470: 5441: 4947: 4919: 4808: 4778: 4733: 4643: 4543: 4452: 4034:
Hukuma Islamiyya, n.p. (Beirut), n.d., pp. 30ff.; Vilayat-i Faqih, n.p., n.d., pp. 35ff.; English version (from the Arabic),
3936: 3909: 3689: 3609: 3585: 3393: 3258: 3182: 3102: 2732: 2158:
important at the 'Abbasid court." The jurists and scholars of Islamic sharia law called for humane treatment of the dhimmis.
7765: 6955: 8775: 5183: 4242: 2576: 9593: 2088:, and spread Islam in Northwestern parts of India. At the end of the 12th century, the Muslims advanced quickly into the 1710:) it means that they are under the covenant of God and His Messenger and the Muslim community and their responsibility ( 1283:. These courts did not cover cases that involved religious groups outside of their own communities, or capital offences. 2408:
Non-Muslim members have equal political and cultural rights as Muslims. They will have autonomy and freedom of religion.
A similar hadith in regard to the status of the dhimmis: "Whoever wrongs one with whom a compact (treaty) has been made
857: 12736: 6857: 6821: 6511: 5846: 5819: 5591: 5308: 5221: 5158: 5102: 4600: 4312: 4273: 4101: 3980: 3339: 3145: 3061: 3034: 2986: 2947: 2905: 2876: 2768: 1746: 277: 6873:
Nicola Melis, "Lo statuto giuridico degli ebrei dell'Impero Ottomano", in M. Contu – N. Melis – G. Pinna (a cura di),
5490: 4438: 3244: 1648:
certain lordly tolerance so long as they keep their place. Any sign of pretension to equality is promptly repressed."
12751: 11609: 11563: 11223: 11217: 8990: 8689: 6123: 5068: 3420: 842: 11480: 11336: 10813: 10709: 7769: 7527: 5985: 3553: 3536: 427: 8057: 4633: 11974: 11780: 1610: 2561: 1366:
derived from a theoretical contract—"dhimma" or "residence in return for taxes". Islamic legal systems based on
484: 12746: 12039: 11587: 11485: 2588: 2427:
A precedent for the dhimma contract was established with the agreement between Muhammad and the Jews after the
2020: 1065: 999: 524: 25: 1152:
with legal protection. The word literally means "protected person", referring to the state's obligation under
12145: 11397: 11156: 10833: 9452: 8996: 6677:
Les droits et les devoirs des chrétiens dans l'état islamique et leurs conséquences sur la sécurité nationale
4163: 1756: 9304: 8184: 4229: 3105:. Quote: The laws of Muslim warfare forbid any forced conversions, and regard them as invalid if they occur. 11959: 11936: 11546: 11402: 11392: 11298: 10951: 7807: 1597: 731: 686: 313: 2591:
reported that ISIL claims to have collected jizya and fay. On 18 July 2014 ISIL ordered the Christians in
Lewis states there are varying opinions among scholars as to how much of a burden jizya was. According to
1718:, and I have stated in what I wrote in my books that I don't see anything to prevent contemporary Islamic 12351: 12061: 11926: 11732: 11500: 11293: 10670: 10159: 8410: 8401: 7095: 5966: 4592: 2935: 2248:, compared to the 11th century commentators writing when Islam was under threat both at home and abroad. 1198: 799: 3821:
Sharia and National Law in Muslim Countries: Tensions and Opportunities for Dutch and EU Foreign Policy
served to define the relationship between the two communities, and not to oppress the Jewish population.
11811: 11694: 11211: 10630: 8626: 6894:
M. Levy-Rubin: "Shurut 'Umar and its alternatives: the legal debate on the status of the dhimmis." In:
5496: 5213: 5150: 4444: 3784: 3250: 3018: 2978: 2751: 1785:, there is no concept in Islam obliging Muslims to wage war for propagation or implementation of Islam. 964: 242: 8644: 1651: 12356: 11904: 11891: 11592: 11421: 11117: 10839: 10802: 8581: 7409: 6503: 6466:
al-Qattan, Najwa (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination".
6377: 5786: 5763: 3807: 3461:
al-Qattan, Najwa (1999). "Dhimmis in the Muslim Court: Legal Autonomy and Religious Discrimination".
2664: 2632: 2244:
The early Islamic scholars took a relatively humane and practical attitude towards the collection of
1948: 1947:
However, Christians living under Islamic rule have suffered certain legal disadvantages and at times
1782: 1419:(poll-tax) annually for their protection. Muslim governments in the Indus basin readily extended the 1030: 332: 10608:
Names are sorted alphabetically. Standard form: Islamic name / Biblical name (title or relationship)
10182: 8431: 6714: 2317:"Let there be no compulsion in religion: ...", means non-Muslims should not be forced to adopt Islam 1405:
In Yemenite Jewish sources, a treaty was drafted between Muhammad and his Jewish subjects, known as
12138: 12056: 11775: 11599: 11372: 10852: 10479: 9581: 9269: 9169: 6587: 6353: 6244: 6153:
Klorman, Bat-Zion Eraqi (Fall 2007). "Muslim Society as an Alternative: Jews Converting to Islam".
6130: 5228:
Free adult males who were not afflicted by any physical or mental illness were required to pay the
4893: 4828: 2688: 2659: 2526:
minorities in conflict zones and areas subject to political instability being forced to pay jizya.
1941: 1742: 1695: 1601: 1533:
over the Muslim world has been instrumental in eliminating the restrictions and protections of the
communities were usually governed by their own laws in place of some of the laws applicable to the
874: 708: 6920:
Islamic and Christian Spain in the early Middle Ages. Thomas F. Glick: Chapter 5: Ethnic relations
Mohammad Amin Al-Midani: "La question des minorités et le statut des non-musulmans en Islam." In:
Eraqi-Klorman, Bat-Zion; Reeva Spector Simon; Michael Menachem Laskier; et al., eds. (2003).
12761: 12161: 11914: 10725: 8268: 8011: 7671: 6924: 6424: 6359: 6090:
Bravmann, Meïr M. (1966). "The ancient background of the Qur'ānic Concept Al-Ğizyatu 'an Yadin".
5610: 5350: 3577: 3385: 2868: 2847: 2825: 2222: 2024: 1399: 1276: 1265: 456: 10879: 9344: 9127: 8206: 7645: 969: 12071: 12000: 11969: 11899: 10823: 10818: 10736: 10175: 9425: 8680: 8621: 8511: 7991: 7382: 6592: 6572: 6507: 6135: 6061:(2012). "The jizya Verse (Q. 9:29): Tax Enforcement on Non-Muslims in the First Muslim State". 5414: 4910: 2390: 2100:, under Muslim rule. From these Turkic slaves would come sultans, including the founder of the 2040:, Islam has "shown more toleration than Europe towards the Jews who remained in Muslim lands." 1822: 1811: 1486: 880: 505: 432: 6796:
Friedmann, Yohanan (1998). "Classification of Unbelievers in Sunnī Muslim Law and Tradition".
Conflict and Cooperation: Zoroastrian Subalterns and Muslim Elites in Medieval Iranian Society
5868: 5836: 5809: 4719: 4091: 3164:
itself set forth rules for dress that set Jews apart from the communities in which they lived.
2939: 2929: 2297:
could marry a Jewish woman, but a Jew could not marry a Christian woman under pain of death".
12281: 12017: 11995: 10746: 10623: 9680: 9549: 9446: 8241: 8108: 7897: 7801: 7656: 7569: 7281: 7046: 6940: 6058: 5298: 5244:
Alshech, Eli (2003). "Islamic Law, Practice, and Legal Doctrine: Exempting the Poor from the
4770: 4760: 4399: 4350: 3439: 3169: 3051: 2723: 2669: 1904: 1789: 1730: 1680: 1562: 1997: 1899:
According to historians Lewis and Stillman, local Christians in Syria, Iraq, and Egypt were
were exempt from certain duties assigned specifically to Muslims if they paid the poll tax (
11674: 11581: 11526: 9702: 9297: 9181: 9163: 8312: 8138: 5905: 5780: 5757: 4335:, Edited by Aminah Beverly McCloud and Hisham Ramadan, Alta Mira Press, 2006, pp. 205–208. 4304: 3801: 3640: 2679: 2584: 2472: 2233:
48 dirhams per person, depending on their taxation category, though most probably paid 12.
1964: 1836: 1734: 1621: 1525:
writes that Islam decentralized and "communalized" law and justice. However, the classical
is appropriate for modern times, and, if so, what form it should take in an Islamic state.
1288: 947: 8231: 1124: 1080: 8: 11909: 11785: 11679: 11495: 10934: 10731: 9731: 9675: 9470: 9138: 8780: 8003: 7698: 7368: 7150: 7127: 6805: 6790:
The legal status of ḏimmī-s in the Islamic West (second/eighth-ninth/fifteenth centuries)
4725: 4237: 4196: 4149: 3636: 3506: 3408: 3327: 3198: 2889: 2774: 2674: 2089: 1900: 1840: 1781:
and for military protection as the dhimmis of the Muslims. Therefore, after Muhammad and
1767: 1522: 1343: 542: 491: 8636: 8562: 5882: 4213: 12076: 11990: 11921: 11831: 11767: 11575: 11551: 11228: 11206: 11166: 11008: 10911: 10862: 10828: 10719: 10088: 10057: 9530: 9176: 8928: 8750: 8072: 7200: 6831: 6810: 6768: 6738: 6702: 6576: 6491: 5901:"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Coptic Christians: Convert to Islam, or pay 'jizya' tax" 5856: 5620: 5614: 5459: 5378: 4863: 4017: 3488: 3378: 3223: 2992: 2955: 2925: 2549: 2468: 2237: 2180:
obligated Muslim authorities to protect dhimmis in civil and military matters. Sura 9 (
2044: 1920: 1844: 1778: 1359: 1194: 1058: 703: 445: 249: 11074: 6011: 1745:, the modern Egyptian state results from a joint Muslim-Christian campaign to end the 12051: 12046: 11951: 11941: 11931: 11604: 11490: 11442: 11285: 11196: 10899: 10889: 10884: 10874: 10869: 10702: 10544: 9736: 9721: 9657: 9116: 8842: 8427: 8326: 8104: 8084: 8077: 7143: 6853: 6817: 6688: 6653: 6634: 6615: 6598: 6558: 6520: 6495: 6483: 6452: 6431: 6405: 6363: 6335: 6329: 6314: 6290: 6271: 6265: 6250: 6231: 6212: 6204: 6190: 6171: 6141: 6119: 6078: 5842: 5815: 5669: 5657: 5624: 5587: 5500: 5466: 5437: 5304: 5217: 5154: 5098: 5064: 4943: 4915: 4804: 4774: 4729: 4639: 4596: 4539: 4448: 4346: 4308: 4206: 4097: 4053: 3976: 3932: 3905: 3685: 3660: 3605: 3581: 3492: 3480: 3416: 3389: 3335: 3285: 3254: 3178: 3141: 3098: 3057: 3030: 2982: 2943: 2901: 2872: 2764: 2728: 2542: 2488: 2480: 2428: 1932: 1880: 1687: 1662: 1566: 1518: 1456:
communities living in Islamic states usually had their own laws independent from the
1440: 1240: 722: 463: 384: 322: 220: 199: 6685:
Untersuchungen zum Status der Nichtmuslime im Osmanischen Reich des 16. Jahrhunderts
6551: 5095:
The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque: Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam
jizya, which complemented the Islamic tax paid by the Muslim subjects, called Zakat.
In 2009 it was claimed that a group of militants that referred to themselves as the
12537: 12311: 12291: 12081: 12066: 11816: 11521: 11243: 11181: 11171: 11161: 11146: 10894: 10797: 10769: 10657: 10516: 10116: 10109: 10029: 9788: 9716: 9663: 9571: 9391: 8978: 8717: 8660: 8518: 8446: 8307: 7852: 7702: 7677: 7635: 7309: 7168: 6578:
The Caliphs and their non-Muslim Subjects: a Critical Study of the Covenant of Umar
6475: 6308: 6099: 6070: 5775: 5752: 5559: 5433: 5257: 4300: 4009: 3796: 3779: 3750: 3709: 3652: 3597: 3569: 3472: 3431: 3022: 2817: 2799: 2476: 2368: 2129: 2092:. In one decade, a Muslim army led by Turkic slaves consolidated resistance around 1873: 1814:. They argue that in this charter the People of Book, have the status of citizens ( 1652:
Views of modern Islamic scholars on the status of non-Muslims in an Islamic society
1514: 389: 263: 2579:(ISIL) announced that it intended to extract jizya from Christians in the city of 1737:. Al-Awa and other Muslim scholars based this on the idea that while the previous 12583: 12444: 12268: 12007: 11704: 11649: 11449: 11135: 11095: 10984: 10940: 10714: 10306: 10067: 10023: 9153: 8837: 8539: 8451: 7932: 7755: 7603: 7286: 7250: 6969: 6959: 6949: 6931: 5144: 5058: 4962: 4897: 4586: 4277: 4233: 3926: 3899: 3679: 2691: – Treating a person or group differently because of their religious beliefs 2252: 2202: 2101: 1928: 1903:
and many may have felt better off under early Muslim rule than under that of the
1807: 1795: 1625: 1570: 1530: 1495: 1178:) but were otherwise equal under the laws of property, contract, and obligation. 1107: 1088: 1041: 591: 370: 349: 8052: 4800:
A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility
4246: 2305: 2063:(also known as aghas) in tribal Muslim societies such as the Kurdish society in 12276: 12119: 11836: 11689: 11531: 11233: 10169: 10137: 10097: 9964: 9955: 9726: 9711: 9650: 9367: 9287: 9228: 8897: 8745: 8523: 8262: 8235: 8211: 8046: 8030: 7883: 7842: 7814: 7781: 7708: 7625: 7613: 7591: 7575: 7416: 6936: 6845: 6781: 5370: 5294: 5261: 5140: 4905: 4756: 3206: 3165: 3133: 2970: 2656: – Islamic term for non-Muslims temporarily residing in Muslim-ruled lands 2285: 2273: 2154: 2077: 1908: 1273: 1202: 363: 194: 9541: 6479: 6116:
Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society
5920: 5577:
Islam, Context, Pluralism and Democracy: Classical and Modern Interpretations
4794: 4013: 3656: 3476: 2418:
Non-Muslims will not be obliged to take part in religious wars of the Muslims.
12730: 12511: 12022: 11849: 11699: 11238: 11201: 11176: 11013: 10164: 9876: 9799: 9776: 9221: 8631: 8587: 8528: 8494: 8418: 8317: 8251: 7893: 7862: 7597: 7545: 6785: 6602: 6487: 6419: 6349: 6304: 6209:
Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition
6145: 6082: 6037: 5486: 4967:
Jewish Subjects and their tribal chieftains in Kurdistan: A Study in Survival
4901: 4889: 4766: 4434: 3664: 3484: 3415:(Selected Studies), editor: Menahem Ben-Sasson, Jerusalem 1983, pp. 288–299. 3240: 3209: 3194: 3026: 2364: 2314: 2226: 2217: 2105: 2052: 2007: 1916: 1912: 1832: 1803: 1676: 1371: 1236: 1232:, might be required to accept Islam, pay the jizya, be exiled, or be killed. 1149: 1051: 113: 12423: 8949: 8555: 7723: 6530: 6103: 5060:
The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization. 3 vols
4267: 3095:
Understanding Islam and the Muslims: The Muslim Family Islam and World Peace
1702:, which has an estimated audience of 35 to 60 million viewers: "When we say 1573:
that included the domination of most of the Muslim lands. At the end of the
Madhabs generally allow non-Muslims to have dhimmi status. In contrast, the
12193: 12109: 12034: 11684: 11536: 11414: 11130: 10979: 10964: 10678: 10260: 10017: 9603: 9536: 9202: 9159: 8851: 8832: 8827: 8616: 8572: 8067: 7652: 7565: 7319: 7234: 7217: 7109: 7036: 6049:
Al-Hibri, Azizah Y. (2003). "An Islamic Perspective on Domestic Violence".
Political Islam, Citizenship, and Minorities: The Future of Arab Christians
3557: 3540: 3301:(ed. and trans. Nuh Ha Mim Keller), pp. 977, 986. Amana Publications, 1994. 3174: 2653: 2612: 2455: 2449: 2337: 2085: 2081: 2060: 2037: 1994:
heavy taxation that resulted from the years of Byzantine-Persian warfare".
1960: 1672: 1574: 1375: 1244: 680: 671: 648: 600: 477: 356: 298: 8755: 8273: 7619: 6074: 5208:
Mirza, Mahan; Gerhard Bowering; Patricia Crone; et al., eds. (2013).
4878:, Princeton University Press (1995), pp. xvii–xviii (Cohen's translation). 2996: 2358: 2336:
has served to justify the tolerated position accorded to the followers of
under severe penalties, while Muslims are encouraged to convert dhimmīs.
1132: 1118: 1096: 12702: 12565: 12334: 12321: 12248: 11661: 11151: 11059: 10959: 10846: 10450: 10243: 9998: 9940: 9929: 9563: 9523: 9464: 9330: 9319: 9315: 8857: 8770: 8765: 7353: 5535:
Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 161; Friedmann (2003), p. 161; Lewis (1984), p. 27.
4210: 3513:. International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations. p. 180. 3436:
The Venture of Islam Conscience and History in a World Civilization Vol 2
3186: 3010: 2463: 2185: 2048: 1679:
remarks about Khomeini that one of his main grievances against the Shah,
1633: 1280: 789: 148: 8146: 7948: 7375: 6889:
La religion est-elle un obstacle à l'application des droits de l'homme?.
2623: – Characterization of the status of non-Muslims under Islamic rule 2324: 2289:
from the Sharia law, such as the Jews who had their own Halakha courts.
applied this term to all Non-Muslims living in Muslim lands outside the
12667: 12547: 12253: 12228: 12203: 11964: 11046: 11003: 10974: 9979: 9859: 9763: 9754: 9338: 8985: 8938: 8822: 8503: 8256: 7329: 6875:
Ebraismo e rapporti con le culture del Mediterraneo nei secoli XVIII–XX
Dalla penna al mouse. Gli strumenti di diffusione del concetto di ğihād
6393: 5921:"Two Christians Murdered in Egypt for Refusing to Pay Jizya to Muslims" 4021: 3997: 3624: 2638: 2620: 2415:
and share the cost of war. There is to be no treachery between the two.
2333: 2321: 2281: 2153:
incentive to convert if someone from the family had already converted.
2001: 1978: 1760: 1658: 1410: 1391: 1355: 1351: 1319: 1186: 418: 10275: 8035: 7996: 7336: 7159: 6937:
Islamic Teaching On Dhimmi Status Creates An Atmosphere Of Intolerance
summary of pp. 62–66. See p. 62 (2nd paragraph), p. 65 (3rd paragraph)
and lays on him a burden beyond his strength, I will be his accuser."
argued the concept of dhimmi must be re-interpreted in the context of
regarding which non-Muslims can pay jizya and have dhimmi status. The
12573: 12519: 12488: 12449: 11669: 11100: 11042: 10989: 10857: 10538: 10528: 10216: 9668: 9479: 9405: 9251: 9039: 8908: 8609: 8593: 7938: 7585: 7273: 7222: 7086: 5583: 4503: 3190: 2897: 2345: 2330: 2277: 2194: 2117: 2064: 1506: 1423:
status to the Hindus and Buddhists of India. Eventually, the largest
1387: 1020: 284: 257: 12657: 10233: 6919: 4914:. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 227–231. 3973:
Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001
The phrase "Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.", from
specifically was inclined towards a highly fundamentalist approach.
1818:) rather than dhimmis, sharing equal rights and duties with Muslims. 12301: 12218: 12198: 12170: 12012: 11508: 11366: 11318: 11112: 11018: 10969: 10697: 10440: 10280: 10265: 9554: 9236: 9076: 9065: 9058: 8847: 8695: 8674: 8302: 8196: 8121: 7796: 7461: 7423: 7229: 5665: 5207: 3304: 2538: 2181: 1924: 1866: 1498: 1478: 1461: 1383: 1347: 1269: 1218: 1210: 958: 915: 817: 129: 12130: 6866:
Nicola Melis, "Il concetto di ğihād", in P. Manduchi (a cura di),
6184: 5563: 4635:
Islam and the Blackamerican: Looking Toward the Third Resurrection
Definition of jizyah, its rate and who has to pay it – Islam Guide
after occupying some of their homes and kidnapping a Sikh leader.
12683: 12639: 12628: 12591: 12501: 12465: 12367: 12213: 12027: 11623: 11311: 11191: 11069: 11064: 11051: 11035: 11028: 11023: 10755: 10506: 10301: 9805: 9618: 9575: 9504: 9499: 9436: 9371: 9357: 9259: 8914: 8903: 8702: 8665: 8395: 8339: 8245: 7856: 7828: 7681: 7639: 7555: 7492: 7443: 7364: 6965:
Jihad, the Arab Conquests and the Position of Non-Muslim Subjects
Infidels: A History of the Conflict between Christendom and Islam
5834: 4224: 3778:
The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World edited by
The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World edited by
3375: 2626: 2530: 2501: 2494: 2484: 2436: 2341: 1974: 1719: 1640:
tax was abolished and non-Muslims were allowed to join the army.
1510: 1490: 1424: 1379: 1323: 1307: 1229: 1214: 1206: 1190: 936: 824: 772: 569: 270: 122: 67: 4762:
The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response
4288: 4272:, Grand Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi, p. 10, vol. 2, on verse 9:29 4040:
Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini
Legal Traditions of the World&: Sustainable Diversity in Law
in wearing caps typical of Greek youths. The first of the other
2255:, rules as follows regarding the manner of collecting the jizya 1749:. In modern-day Egypt, he argues, the constitution replaces the 1279:
allowed its various dhimmi communities to rule themselves under
12688: 12652: 12596: 12555: 12529: 12496: 12479: 12390: 12361: 12348: 12329: 12296: 12286: 12243: 12186: 11541: 11474: 11435: 11352: 11265: 11186: 11088: 10998: 10929: 10924: 10691: 10615: 10549: 10424: 10296: 10211: 10130: 10072: 9888: 9882: 9588: 9414: 9399: 9196: 9148: 9085: 9053: 8966: 8811: 8707: 8455: 8436: 8331: 8297: 7942: 7911: 7888: 7759: 7667: 7559: 7431: 7267: 7210: 7190: 7132: 7119: 7104: 2694: 2644: 2432: 2211: 2145: 2141: 2097: 2093: 1969: 1937: 1884: 1546: 1315: 1311: 1252: 1154: 922: 697: 690: 547: 470: 102: 57: 9296:(The valley on the 'righthand' side of the Valley of Tuwa and 4148:
Quran 9:29—"Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the
The Yemenites – History, Communal Organization, Spiritual Life
2697: – Type of identifying mark in historic Islamic societies 2327:
has been used as a "proof-text for pluralism and coexistence".
compensation. Some Islamic theologians held that Zoroastrian "
12715: 12647: 12623: 12382: 12258: 12208: 11790: 11615: 11569: 11557: 11359: 11345: 11304: 11081: 10919: 10776: 10762: 10683: 10646: 10470: 10125: 10102: 10080: 9870: 9864: 9834: 9516: 9418: 9241: 9214: 9190: 9100: 8971: 8883: 8655: 8604: 8567: 8473: 8191: 8174: 7903: 7846: 7818: 7741: 7727: 7712: 7688: 7662: 7629: 7607: 7579: 7503: 7473: 7466: 7457: 7448: 7297: 7255: 7050: 7001: 4201: 3621: 3202: 3161: 3117:
Islamic Societies to the Nineteenth Century: A Global History
2592: 2580: 2569: 2557: 2553: 2412: 2394: 2306:
Quranic verses as a basis for Islamic policies toward dhimmis
2171: 2113: 2109: 1956: 1862: 1825:
as a way forward for Islamic states in his 2006 paper titled
1772: 1615: 1557: 1436: 1432: 1415: 1335: 1261: 1228:
while others, depending on the different rulings of the four
1166: 1160: 1145: 1014: 1007: 929: 908: 901: 887: 831: 765: 758: 751: 739: 637: 626: 580: 536: 411: 402: 395: 215: 208: 189: 168: 95: 88: 76: 6426:
Israel and Ishmael : Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations
The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in Modern Times
Cahen, Claude. "Djizya (i)". In P.J. Bearman; Th. Bianquis;
12710: 12418: 12413: 12306: 11456: 11428: 11378: 11325: 11270: 10783: 10270: 10194: 9825: 9608: 9281: 9070: 8960: 8944: 8489: 8201: 7907: 7866: 7737: 7692: 7549: 7398: 7302: 5967:"Al-Qaeda Rebels in Syria Tell Christians to Pay Up or Die" 5662:ʾĀthar al-ḥarb fī l-fiqh al-Islāmī : dirāsah muqārinah 4093:
The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising
Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity in Law
2507: 2459: 1848: 1448: 1428: 1182: 894: 810: 778: 609: 558: 498: 338: 177: 159: 141: 33: 6944: 4205:, Chapter: The Islamic Law of Jihad, Dar ul-Ishraq, 2001. 4167: 4162: 3517: 1632:, whose respective countries were needed as allies in the 1358:, Jews and Christians have traditionally been considered " 12428: 10460: 9854: 9636: 7040: 4485: 4483: 4345:
Khan, Ali (17 November 2006). "The Medina Constitution".
Understanding Islamic Law: From Classical to Contemporary
The Empire of the Great Mughals: History, Art and Culture
The importance of dhimmis as a source of revenue for the
47: 6882:
Trattato sulla guerra. Il Kitāb al-ğihād di Molla Hüsrev
6008:"Iraqi Christians flee after Isis issue Mosul ultimatum" 5807: 2272:
Religious pluralism existed in medieval Islamic law and
6557:. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America. 5838:
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought
The Princeton encyclopedia of Islamic political thought
4571: 4569: 2684:
Pages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets
Pages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets
Non-Muslims will take up arms against the enemy of the
9131:('The Sandy Plains,' or 'the Wind-curved Sand-hills') 6753:
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages.
6380:(1979). "Jews Under Muslim Rule: The Case Of Persia". 4480: 3706:
The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World
3604:(3rd ed.). New York: Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1342:
law distinguishes between Muslims, followers of other
Historically, dhimmi status was originally applied to
In Ishmael's house: a History of Jews in Muslim Lands
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Conscience and History in a World Civilization Vol. 1
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
4717: 4713: 4711: 4584: 4440:
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages
1540: 9829:(literally 'The Pilgrimage', the Greater Pilgrimage) 6513:
War and Peace in Islam: The Uses and Abuses of Jihad
A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide
Conscience and History in a World Civilization Vol 2
5399: 5397: 4566: 4559: 4557: 4555: 4473: 4471: 4118:
Transcript of the 5-6-2008 "Sharia and Life" episode
Conscience and History in a World Civilization Vol 3
The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists
The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists
2602: 2499:
During the Middle Ages, local associations known as
The jurist Abu Yusuf, the chief judge of the caliph
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Scriptural Polemics: The Qur'an and Other Religions
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(2005). 2165: 1616: 1598:Ottoman Reform Edict of 1856 1485:, should also be tolerated. 1268:was allowed to have its own 7: 12352:Great and abominable church 9667:(Flood of the Great Dam of 7988:Adam's immediate relatives 6648:Wheatcroft, Andrew (2003). 6382:The Wiener Library Bulletin 6063:Journal of Qur'anic Studies 5465:. Oxford University Press. 5093:Sidney H. Griffith (2010). 4632:Sherman A. Jackson (2005). 4593:University of Chicago Press 4534:Heather J. Sharkey (2012). 4042:(Berkeley, 1981), pp. 45ff. 2936:University of Chicago Press 2598: 2359: 1747:British occupation of Egypt 1729:Another Egyptian Islamist, 1144:) is a historical term for 1133: 1125: 1119: 1097: 1081: 10: 12778: 11877: 9874:('Remembrance', including 9520:(literally 'The Barrier') 8548:('Companions of the Wood') 8437:Companions of the Elephant 8386:People of the Burnt Garden 8361: 7750:('Companion of the Whale') 7346:('The Trustworthy Spirit') 5497:Princeton University Press 5262:10.1163/156851903770227584 5214:Princeton University Press 5151:Cambridge University Press 5045:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 5032:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 5019:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 5006:The Venture of Islam Vol 2 4993:The Venture of Islam Vol 2 4980:The Venture of Islam Vol 2 4874:Quoted in Mark R. Cohen's 4676:The Venture of Islam Vol 1 4445:Princeton University Press 4164:Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i 3785:Cambridge University Press 3765:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 3736:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 3723:The Venture of Islam Vol 3 3334:. HarperOne. p. 214. 3284:(edited and translated by 3251:Princeton University Press 3082:Cambridge University Press 3019:Cambridge University Press 2979:Princeton University Press 2861:La civilisation des Arabes 2752:Mohammad Taqi al-Modarresi 2447: 2397:had the following rights: 2169: 1757:Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i 1741:condition result from the 1722:from discarding this word 1544: 1266:Jewish community of Medina 12737:Islam and other religions 12701: 12676: 12637: 12616: 12609: 12582: 12564: 12546: 12528: 12510: 12487: 12478: 12458: 12437: 12406: 12399: 12381: 12343: 12320: 12267: 12236: 12227: 12169: 12098: 11983: 11950: 11890: 11886: 11872: 11799: 11766: 11738:Geography and cartography 11713: 11660: 11656: 11640: 11466: 11388: 11335: 11284: 11280: 11256: 11126: 10950: 10910: 10793: 10745: 10669: 10665: 10654: 10603: 10562: 10490: 10413: 10374: 10323: 10289: 10253: 10226: 10148: 10141:('Mother of the Book(s)') 10056: 10050: 10045: 10011: 9845: 9816: 9785: 9767:(The Sabbath or Saturday) 9745: 9693: 9689: 9642: 9631: 9492: 9381: 9328: 9268: 9113: 9061:, literally 'The Garden') 9031: 9020: 8950:Qissis (Christian priest) 8866: 8802: 8729: 8653: 8484: 8371: 8367: 8356: 8288: 8224: 8155: 8094: 7981: 7977: 7966: 7925: 7876: 7779: 7538: 7534: 7521: 7484: 7441: 7396: 7248: 7179: 7077: 7070: 7066: 7032: 7021: 7008: 7000:People and things in the 6908:24/2000, pp. 380–395 6877:, Giuntina, Firenze 2003. 6729:Choksy, Jamsheed (1997). 6683:Binswanger, Karl (1977). 6549:Stillman, Norman (1979). 6480:10.1017/S0020743800055501 6270:. 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(2002). 6110:Bosworth, C. E. 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Tel Aviv. p. 36. 4575:Lewis (1984) pp. 49–51. 4174:(in Arabic and English) 4090:Gilbert Achcar (2013). 3925:Lewis, Bernard (1984). 3898:Lewis, Bernard (1984). 3678:Lewis, Bernard (1984). 3578:Oxford University Press 3386:Oxford University Press 3050:Michael Bonner (2008). 2869:Oxford University Press 2848:Oxford University Press 2826:Oxford University Press 2025:Hayim Hillel Ben-Sasson 1988: 1827:The Medina Constitution 1571:European world hegemony 1386:, as seen in the early 12072:Persecution of Muslims 11970:List of former Muslims 10819:Succession to Muhammad 10092:(Scroll(s) of Abraham) 10084:(The Book of Muhammad) 9594:Cave of Seven Sleepers 9417:, literally 'Place of 9305:Al-Buqʿah Al-Mubārakah 8681:Companions of the Rass 8582:Companions of Muhammad 8428:Companions of the Cave 7363:Angel of the Trumpet ( 6930:8 January 2009 at the 6687:(in German). München. 6610:Waines, David (2003). 6593:Encyclopaedia of Islam 6430:. Palgrave Macmillan. 6226:Goddard, Hugh (2000). 6136:Encyclopaedia of Islam 6059:Abdel-Haleem, Muhammad 5680:Quote: «» Translation: 5415:Encyclopaedia of Islam 5323:Stillman (1979), p. 28 4911:Encyclopaedia of Islam 4232:13 August 2006 at the 4002:Middle Eastern Studies 3971:Morris, Benny (2001). 3961:Lapidus (2002), p. 495 3952:Lapidus (1988), p. 599 2800:"Definition of DHIMMI" 2575:In February 2014, the 2560:immediately following 2391:Constitution of Medina 2385:Constitution of Medina 2262: 2045:medieval Islamic world 2034: 2017: 1955:system implemented in 1845:culturally pluralistic 1823:Constitution of Medina 1812:Constitution of Medina 1665:indicates in his book 1487:Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya 1193:, who are considered " 12747:Religion and politics 11856:Conversion to mosques 11723:Alchemy and chemistry 10333:(literally 'lamps'): 10246:statue) of Israelites 10179:(Casket of Shekhinah) 9681:Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 9528:(Black Stone) & 9308:('The Blessed Place') 8776:Daughters of Muhammad 8766:Household of Muhammad 8742:Household of Abraham 8590:(literally 'Helpers') 8045:Disciples (including 7705:the son of Zechariah) 7294:(Honourable Scribes) 7282:Bearers of the Throne 6679:, thèse de doctorat. 6155:Jewish Social Studies 6075:10.3366/jqs.2012.0056 6042:Muhammad and the Jews 5341:Klorman (2007), p. 94 4400:Encyclopedia of Islam 3511:Introduction to Islam 3440:University of Chicago 2956:Muhammad Ibn Al Qasem 2724:Encyclopedia of Islam 2670:Persecution of Hindus 2556:occupied the town of 2268:Administration of law 2257: 2029: 2012: 1965:second-class citizens 1919:of the Christians of 1790:Naser Makarem Shirazi 1731:Mohammad Salim al-Awa 1681:Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 1569:introduced an era of 1563:Industrial Revolution 1429:Islamic jurisprudence 1370:law incorporated the 1330:The "Dhimma contract" 1281:separate legal courts 34:Islamic jurisprudence 12365:(Society of Friends) 11582:Ma malakat aymanukum 11157:Association football 11056:Moderate Kharijites 10113:(Scroll(s) of Moses) 9991:Qabl ṭulūʿ ash-Shams 9708:('the Confederates') 9696:military expeditions 9471:The Prophet's Mosque 9429:('The Sacred Grove') 9225:(Station of Abraham) 9040:Al-Arḍ Al-Muqaddasah 8716:('Companions of the 8515:(Sodom and Gomorrah) 8507:(Children of Israel) 8202:Moses' sister-in-law 8181:, who adopted Moses) 8124:, Qatafir or Qittin) 8103:Brothers (including 7849:He who spoke to God) 7172:(she-camel) of Ṣāliḥ 7144:sleepers of the cave 7112:) of the Abyssinians 6958:1 April 2001 at the 6763:(in French). Beirut. 6310:The Arabs in History 6166:Cohen, Mark (1995). 5906:The Washington Times 5781:The Venture of Islam 5766:, 1961, pp. 126–127. 5758:The Venture of Islam 5586:. pp. 124–125. 5403:Lewis (1984), p. 15. 5173:Lewis (1984), p. 16. 5153:. pp. 155–156. 4938:Cohen, Mark (1995). 4728:. pp. 185–186. 4678:, 1958, pp. 227–229. 4134:. pp. 160–161. 3810:, 1961, pp. 384–386. 3802:The Venture of Islam 3787:, 1996, pp. 103–111. 3767:, 1961, pp. 366–367. 3738:, 1961, pp. 176–177. 3725:, 1961, pp. 105–108. 3637:Hamidullah, Muhammad 3507:Hamidullah, Muhammad 3328:Abou El Fadl, Khaled 2890:Abou El Fadl, Khaled 2828:. pp. 218–219. 2680:Persecution of Sikhs 2477:Eastern Roman Empire 2072:Hindus and Buddhists 1837:University of Oxford 1735:Egyptian nationalism 1694:, has stated in his 1407:kitāb ḏimmat al-nabi 9732:Expedition of Tabuk 9676:Farewell Pilgrimage 9426:Al-Mashʿar Al-Ḥarām 9345:Munzalanm-Mubārakan 9164:Al-Mashʿar Al-Ḥarām 9139:Iram of the Pillars 8442:People of al-Ukhdūd 8394:(Companions of the 7853:Ibrāhīm Khalīlullāh 7120:Domesticated donkey 7090:(cow) of Israelites 6675:Nabil Luka Babawi: 6388:(New series 49/50). 5212:. Princeton, N.J.: 4831:on 9 November 2005. 4726:Infobase Publishing 4563:Lewis (1984), p. 26 4477:Lewis (1984), p. 27 4385:Lewis (2002), p. 92 4249:on 15 November 2006 4243:"March_Content2002" 4238:Al-Mawrid Institute 4197:Javed Ahmed Ghamidi 3819:Otto, Jan Michiel. 3409:Shelomo Dov Goitein 3313:, pp. 240–241. 3199:Abrahamic religions 3185:pp. 47, xv, 24:'At 2675:Persecution of Jews 1768:Javed Ahmad Ghamidi 1523:Muhammad Hamidullah 1396:Indian subcontinent 1344:Abrahamic religions 1264:. For example, the 1235:During the rule of 12077:Quran and miracles 11991:Criticism of Islam 11695:Geometric patterns 11547:Gender segregation 11118:Non-denominational 10187:Trumpet of Israfil 9933:('The Late-Night') 9800:Ash-Shahr Al-Ḥarām 9546:(Cave of the Bull) 9531:Al-Hijr of Isma'il 9443:Al-Masjid Al-Ḥarām 9135:Iram dhāt al-ʿImād 9120:(excluding Madyan) 9043:('The Holy Land') 8991:Meccan polytheists 8929:People of the Book 8787:Household of Salih 8762:Household of Moses 8710:(people of Ṣāliḥ) 8411:Disciples of Jesus 8383:People of Paradise 8175:Āsiyá bint Muzāḥim 8064:People of Solomon 8024:People of Abraham 8004:Believer of Ya-Sin 7972:People of Prophets 7670:(Jethro, Reuel or 7477:('Rebellious one') 7201:Beast of the Earth 6792:(Turnhoult, 2013). 6573:Tritton, Arthur S. 6506:; Ibrahim, Kalin; 6205:Friedmann, Yohanan 5867:has generic name ( 5658:al-Zuḥaylī, Wahbah 5623:. pp. 98–99. 5549:Lewis (1984) p. 13 5379:Palgrave Macmillan 5034:, 1961, pp. 65–67. 5021:, 1961, pp. 24–25. 4424:Lewis (2002) p. 57 4036:Islamic Government 3888:, 2008, pp. 37–39. 2926:Annemarie Schimmel 2842:H. Patrick Glenn, 2550:Muslim Brotherhood 2348:under Muslim rule. 2238:Rashidun Caliphate 2102:sultanate of Delhi 1998:María Rosa Menocal 1905:Byzantine Orthodox 1881:forced conversions 1856:Dhimmi communities 1779:capital punishment 1690:, chairman of the 1589:The status of the 1360:People of the Book 1195:People of the Book 687:Gender segregation 250:Islamic leadership 12724: 12723: 12697: 12696: 12605: 12604: 12474: 12473: 12377: 12376: 12128: 12127: 12094: 12093: 12090: 12089: 12062:Domestic violence 12052:Islamic terrorism 12047:Islamic extremism 11868: 11867: 11864: 11863: 11636: 11635: 11632: 11631: 11422:Marriage contract 11252: 11251: 11212:Political aspects 10941:Story of Prophets 10710:Prophets of Islam 10613: 10612: 10599: 10598: 10572:(Water or fluid) 10558: 10557: 10545:Sidrat al-Muntahā 10389:(Garlic or wheat) 10319: 10318: 10315: 10314: 10041: 10040: 10037: 10036: 9983:('The Afternoon') 9974:('The Afternoon') 9904:('The Mornings') 9737:Conquest of Mecca 9722:Battle of Khaybar 9658:Event of Mubahala 9654:(Night of Decree) 9627: 9626: 9582:Bilād ar-Rāfidayn 9525:Al-Ḥajar al-Aswad 9488: 9487: 9480:Salat (Synagogue) 9433:Al-Masjid Al-Aqṣā 9284:Al-Muqaddas Ṭuwan 9117:Arabian Peninsula 9092:Majmaʿ al-Baḥrayn 9016: 9015: 9012: 9011: 9008: 9007: 8798: 8797: 8794: 8793: 8746:Brothers of Yūsuf 8617:Children of Ayyub 8610:Wife of Abu Lahab 8568:People of Fir'aun 8559:(People of Jonah) 8533:People of Shuaib 8519:People of Ibrahim 8452:People of Yathrib 8352: 8351: 8348: 8347: 8327:Nebuchadnezzar II 8220: 8219: 7962: 7961: 7958: 7957: 7921: 7920: 7790:and Strong Will') 7517: 7516: 7513: 7512: 7392: 7391: 7332:(Gabriel, chief) 7244: 7243: 6694:978-3-87828-108-5 6659:978-0-14-025738-0 6652:. Penguin Books. 6640:978-0-87950-001-6 6621:978-0-521-53906-7 6564:978-1-82760-198-4 6526:978-1-903682-83-8 6458:978-0-06-054164-4 6437:978-0-312-22228-4 6411:978-1-85964-140-8 6369:978-0-19-511233-7 6350:Esposito, John L. 6341:978-0-691-00807-3 6331:The Jews of Islam 6320:978-0-19-280310-8 6296:978-0-521-77933-3 6277:978-0-300-10603-9 6256:978-0-231-10796-9 6237:978-1-56663-340-6 6218:978-0-521-82703-4 6196:978-1-86064-285-2 6177:978-0-691-01082-3 5675:978-1-57547-453-3 5630:978-0-9551888-9-3 5506:978-0-691-01082-3 5472:978-0-19-513991-4 5443:978-90-411-0241-6 4949:978-0-691-01082-3 4921:978-90-04-07026-4 4896:; E. van Donzel; 4843:The Jews of Islam 4810:978-0-8050-7932-6 4780:978-0-06-019840-4 4735:978-1-4381-1025-7 4645:978-0-19-518081-7 4545:978-1-4443-4454-7 4454:978-0-691-01082-3 4054:The Jews of Islam 3938:978-0-691-00807-3 3928:The Jews of Islam 3911:978-0-691-00807-3 3901:The Jews of Islam 3691:978-0-691-00807-3 3681:The Jews of Islam 3610:978-0-19-920541-7 3598:Glenn, H. Patrick 3586:978-0-19-920541-7 3570:Glenn, H. Patrick 3524:Abdel-Haleem 2012 3395:978-0-19-513991-4 3286:Nuh Ha Mim Keller 3260:978-0-691-01082-3 3183:978-0-857-85209-0 3103:978-1-887752-47-3 2818:Glenn, H. Patrick 2763:. Enlight Press. 2757:The Laws of Islam 2734:978-1-4381-2696-8 2429:Battle of Khaybar 2423:Khaybar agreement 2061:tribal chieftains 1933:Fatimid Caliphate 1923:. The subsequent 1901:non-Chalcedonians 1794:Selection of the 1759:, a 20th-century 1688:Yusuf al-Qaradawi 1663:Ruhollah Khomeini 1661:Muslim Ayatollah 1614: 1567:French Revolution 1531:Western influence 1519:McGill University 1472:. Oaths sworn by 1462:rabbinical courts 1108:[ˈðimmiː] 1076: 1075: 990: 989: 848: 847: 662: 661: 515: 514: 440: 439: 233: 232: 12769: 12614: 12613: 12538:Grave worshipper 12485: 12484: 12404: 12403: 12372: 12366: 12360: 12357:Latter-Day Saint 12312:Whore of Babylon 12292:Mackerel snapper 12234: 12233: 12190: 12155: 12148: 12141: 12132: 12131: 12118: 12117: 12110:Islam portal 12108: 12107: 12106: 11888: 11887: 11880: 11874: 11873: 11715:Medieval science 11658: 11657: 11648: 11642: 11641: 11299:Economic history 11282: 11281: 11258: 11257: 11244:Islam by country 11029:Bektashi Alevism 10667: 10666: 10658:Outline of Islam 10640: 10633: 10626: 10617: 10616: 10499:Plants of Sheba 10411: 10410: 10254:Of Noah's people 10224: 10223: 10192: 10191: 10183:Throne of Bilqis 10176:Tābūt as-Sakīnah 10117:Tablets of Stone 10047: 10046: 10030:First Pilgrimage 9846:Times for prayer 9789:Islamic calendar 9717:Battle of Hunayn 9691: 9690: 9633: 9632: 9572:Bayt al-Muqaddas 9111: 9110: 9022: 9021: 8781:Muhammad's wives 8756:Progeny of Imran 8638:Yaʾjūj wa Maʾjūj 8540:People of Madyan 8482: 8481: 8471: 8470: 8369: 8368: 8358: 8357: 8092: 8091: 8058:Zechariah's wife 8042:People of Jesus 8031:Ishmael's mother 7979: 7978: 7968: 7967: 7777: 7776: 7718:Isrāʾīl (Israel) 7703:John the Baptist 7536: 7535: 7523: 7522: 7316: 7315: 7310:Munkar and Nakir 7075: 7074: 7068: 7067: 7023: 7022: 7010: 7009: 6994: 6987: 6980: 6971: 6970: 6863: 6841: 6835: 6827: 6815: 6801: 6778: 6772: 6764: 6751:Mark. R. Cohen: 6748: 6742: 6734: 6725: 6718: 6712: 6708: 6706: 6698: 6663: 6644: 6625: 6606: 6582: 6568: 6556: 6545: 6543: 6541: 6535: 6529:. Archived from 6518: 6499: 6462: 6441: 6429: 6415: 6389: 6373: 6345: 6324: 6300: 6281: 6260: 6241: 6222: 6200: 6181: 6162: 6149: 6107: 6086: 6054: 6045: 6024: 6023: 6021: 6019: 6004: 5998: 5997: 5995: 5993: 5984:Caris, Charlie. 5981: 5975: 5974: 5962: 5956: 5955: 5953: 5951: 5946:. Minya province 5935: 5929: 5928: 5917: 5911: 5910: 5897: 5891: 5890: 5879: 5873: 5872: 5866: 5862: 5860: 5852: 5832: 5826: 5825: 5805: 5799: 5796: 5790: 5776:Marshall Hodgson 5773: 5767: 5753:Marshall Hodgson 5750: 5744: 5741: 5735: 5732: 5726: 5723: 5717: 5714: 5708: 5705: 5699: 5696: 5690: 5687: 5681: 5679: 5654: 5648: 5643:Majid Khadduri: 5641: 5635: 5634: 5607: 5598: 5597: 5572: 5566: 5560:Sahih al-Bukhari 5556: 5550: 5547: 5536: 5533: 5527: 5526:al-Qattan (1999) 5524: 5518: 5517: 5515: 5513: 5483: 5477: 5476: 5464: 5454: 5448: 5447: 5434:Brill Publishers 5425: 5419: 5410: 5404: 5401: 5392: 5389: 5383: 5382: 5367: 5358: 5348: 5342: 5339: 5333: 5330: 5324: 5321: 5315: 5314: 5291: 5285: 5282: 5273: 5272: 5241: 5235: 5234: 5205: 5199: 5198: 5196: 5194: 5180: 5174: 5171: 5165: 5164: 5137: 5131: 5124: 5118: 5115: 5109: 5108: 5090: 5084: 5081: 5075: 5074: 5054: 5048: 5041: 5035: 5028: 5022: 5015: 5009: 5002: 4996: 4989: 4983: 4976: 4970: 4960: 4954: 4953: 4935: 4926: 4925: 4892:; Th. Bianquis; 4885: 4879: 4873: 4867: 4859: 4851: 4845: 4839: 4833: 4832: 4827:. Archived from 4821: 4815: 4814: 4791: 4785: 4784: 4753: 4747: 4746: 4744: 4742: 4715: 4706: 4703: 4697: 4694: 4688: 4685: 4679: 4672: 4666: 4663: 4657: 4656: 4654: 4652: 4629: 4623: 4620: 4614: 4613: 4611: 4609: 4582: 4576: 4573: 4564: 4561: 4550: 4549: 4531: 4514: 4507: 4501: 4487: 4478: 4475: 4466: 4465: 4463: 4461: 4431: 4425: 4422: 4413: 4412:Lewis 1984 p. 18 4410: 4404: 4395: 4386: 4383: 4377: 4374: 4368: 4363:Ramadan, Tariq, 4361: 4355: 4354: 4342: 4336: 4325: 4319: 4318: 4294: 4286: 4280: 4265: 4259: 4258: 4256: 4254: 4245:. Archived from 4221: 4215: 4194: 4188: 4187: 4181: 4179: 4160: 4154: 4146: 4140: 4139: 4127: 4121: 4114: 4108: 4107: 4087: 4081: 4080: 4064: 4058: 4049: 4043: 4032: 4026: 4025: 3993: 3987: 3986: 3968: 3962: 3959: 3953: 3950: 3944: 3942: 3922: 3916: 3915: 3895: 3889: 3882: 3876: 3869: 3863: 3856: 3850: 3843: 3837: 3836:, 2008, pp. 8–9. 3830: 3824: 3817: 3811: 3797:Marshall Hodgson 3794: 3788: 3780:Francis Robinson 3774: 3768: 3761: 3755: 3751:Francis Robinson 3745: 3739: 3732: 3726: 3719: 3713: 3710:Francis Robinson 3704:Basim Musallam, 3702: 3696: 3695: 3675: 3669: 3668: 3633: 3627: 3619: 3613: 3595: 3589: 3567: 3561: 3550: 3544: 3533: 3527: 3521: 3515: 3514: 3503: 3497: 3496: 3458: 3452: 3449: 3443: 3432:Marshall Hodgson 3429: 3423: 3406: 3400: 3399: 3383: 3373: 3367: 3364:Weeramantry 1997 3361: 3355: 3352: 3346: 3345: 3323: 3314: 3308: 3302: 3295: 3289: 3278: 3272: 3271: 3269: 3267: 3237: 3228: 3227: 3220: 3214: 3158: 3152: 3151: 3130: 3121: 3120: 3115:Ira M. Lapidus. 3112: 3106: 3091: 3085: 3078: 3072: 3071: 3047: 3041: 3040: 3007: 3001: 3000: 2967: 2961: 2960: 2922: 2916: 2915: 2886: 2880: 2857: 2851: 2840: 2834: 2833: 2814: 2808: 2807: 2796: 2790: 2789: 2787: 2785: 2780:on 2 August 2019 2779: 2773:. Archived from 2762: 2748: 2742: 2741: 2714: 2685: 2650: 2615: 2610: 2609: 2608: 2487:or by the early 2431:, an oasis near 2369:Sahih al-Bukhari 2362: 2322:Surah Al-Kafirun 2188:stipulates that 2130:Marshall Hodgson 2084:had invaded the 1874:Marshall Hodgson 1743:Islamic conquest 1619: 1609: 1607: 1575:Second World War 1515:H. Patrick Glenn 1262:Muslim community 1199:Islamic theology 1143: 1142: 1136: 1128: 1122: 1116: 1115: 1110: 1105: 1100: 1094: 1084: 1068: 1061: 1054: 1031:Prisoners of war 1026: 984: 979:Comparison with 863: 862: 728: 727: 655: 644: 633: 616: 606: 597: 587: 576: 565: 554: 530: 529: 442: 441: 319: 318: 278:Wilayat al-faqih 264:Majlis-ash-Shura 63: 62: 50: 21: 20: 12777: 12776: 12772: 12771: 12770: 12768: 12767: 12766: 12727: 12726: 12725: 12720: 12693: 12672: 12633: 12601: 12578: 12560: 12542: 12524: 12506: 12470: 12454: 12445:Self-hating Jew 12433: 12395: 12373: 12370: 12364: 12354: 12339: 12316: 12263: 12223: 12184: 12165: 12159: 12129: 12124: 12104: 12102: 12086: 12008:Cultural Muslim 11979: 11946: 11892:Other religions 11882: 11878: 11860: 11795: 11762: 11709: 11652: 11650:Islamic studies 11646: 11628: 11462: 11407: 11384: 11331: 11276: 11275: 11248: 11197:Moral teachings 11140: 11122: 11096:Nation of Islam 11009:Twelver Shi'ism 10946: 10912:Religious texts 10906: 10824:Early conquests 10807: 10789: 10741: 10661: 10650: 10644: 10614: 10609: 10595: 10554: 10492: 10486: 10409: 10370: 10325: 10311: 10285: 10249: 10222: 10196: 10195:Mentioned idols 10190: 10152: 10150: 10144: 10089:Ṣuḥuf-i Ibrāhīm 10052: 10033: 10024:Laylat al-Mabit 10007: 9959:('The Evening') 9948:Dulūk ash-Shams 9916:('The Morning') 9910:('The Morning') 9847: 9841: 9812: 9787: 9781: 9770:Days of battles 9741: 9695: 9685: 9646:Incident of Ifk 9638: 9623: 9614:Palestine River 9484: 9453:Masjid al-Dirar 9383: 9377: 9324: 9272: 9264: 9119: 9115: 9109: 9046:'Blessed' Land' 9027: 9004: 8868: 8862: 8843:Umayyad Dynasty 8804: 8790: 8751:Lot's daughters 8735: 8734:('People of the 8733: 8725: 8677:(people of Hud) 8663: 8649: 8641:(Gog and Magog) 8524:People of Ilyas 8477: 8475: 8469: 8402:Jesus' apostles 8379:Aṣḥāb al-Jannah 8363: 8344: 8290: 8284: 8248:of Moses' time) 8216: 8192:Wise, pious man 8179:Wife of Pharaoh 8171:Imraʾat Firʿawn 8158:Aaron and Moses 8157: 8151: 8107:(Benjamin) and 8096: 8090: 8008:Family of Noah 7973: 7954: 7917: 7872: 7843:Mūsā Kalīmullāh 7789: 7787: 7785: 7775: 7701:ibn Zakariyyā ( 7530: 7509: 7480: 7437: 7388: 7350:Ar-Rūḥ al-Qudus 7340:('The Spirit') 7314: 7292:Kirāman Kātibīn 7287:Harut and Marut 7264:Angels of Hell 7240: 7175: 7062: 7028: 7017: 7004: 6998: 6960:Wayback Machine 6950:Bernard Lewis, 6932:Wayback Machine 6916: 6911: 6860: 6846:Gilbert, Martin 6829: 6828: 6824: 6766: 6765: 6736: 6735: 6719: 6710: 6709: 6700: 6699: 6695: 6671: 6669:Further reading 6666: 6660: 6641: 6622: 6565: 6539: 6537: 6533: 6527: 6516: 6459: 6438: 6412: 6370: 6342: 6321: 6297: 6278: 6257: 6238: 6219: 6197: 6178: 6032: 6027: 6017: 6015: 6014:on 24 July 2014 6006: 6005: 6001: 5991: 5989: 5982: 5978: 5963: 5959: 5949: 5947: 5936: 5932: 5919: 5918: 5914: 5899: 5898: 5894: 5881: 5880: 5876: 5864: 5863: 5854: 5853: 5849: 5833: 5829: 5822: 5806: 5802: 5797: 5793: 5789:, 1961, p. 302. 5774: 5770: 5751: 5747: 5742: 5738: 5733: 5729: 5724: 5720: 5715: 5711: 5706: 5702: 5697: 5693: 5688: 5684: 5676: 5655: 5651: 5642: 5638: 5631: 5608: 5601: 5594: 5573: 5569: 5557: 5553: 5548: 5539: 5534: 5530: 5525: 5521: 5511: 5509: 5507: 5484: 5480: 5473: 5455: 5451: 5444: 5436:. p. 138. 5426: 5422: 5411: 5407: 5402: 5395: 5390: 5386: 5368: 5361: 5349: 5345: 5340: 5336: 5331: 5327: 5322: 5318: 5311: 5292: 5288: 5283: 5276: 5242: 5238: 5224: 5216:. p. 283. 5206: 5202: 5192: 5190: 5182: 5181: 5177: 5172: 5168: 5161: 5141:Lapidus, Ira M. 5138: 5134: 5125: 5121: 5116: 5112: 5105: 5091: 5087: 5082: 5078: 5071: 5055: 5051: 5042: 5038: 5029: 5025: 5016: 5012: 5008:, 1961, p. 278. 5003: 4999: 4995:, 1961, p. 276. 4990: 4986: 4982:, 1961, p. 275. 4977: 4973: 4963:Mordechai Zaken 4961: 4957: 4950: 4936: 4929: 4922: 4898:W. P. Heinrichs 4886: 4882: 4861: 4860: 4852: 4848: 4840: 4836: 4823: 4822: 4818: 4811: 4792: 4788: 4781: 4757:Balakian, Peter 4754: 4750: 4740: 4738: 4736: 4716: 4709: 4704: 4700: 4695: 4691: 4686: 4682: 4673: 4669: 4665:Jackson, p. 144 4664: 4660: 4650: 4648: 4646: 4630: 4626: 4621: 4617: 4607: 4605: 4603: 4595:. p. 448. 4583: 4579: 4574: 4567: 4562: 4553: 4546: 4532: 4517: 4508: 4504: 4488: 4481: 4476: 4469: 4459: 4457: 4455: 4432: 4428: 4423: 4416: 4411: 4407: 4403:, Jizya article 4396: 4389: 4384: 4380: 4375: 4371: 4362: 4358: 4343: 4339: 4326: 4322: 4315: 4287: 4283: 4278:Wayback Machine 4266: 4262: 4252: 4250: 4241: 4234:Wayback Machine 4222: 4218: 4195: 4191: 4177: 4175: 4161: 4157: 4147: 4143: 4128: 4124: 4120:, 4115: 4111: 4104: 4088: 4084: 4065: 4061: 4051:Bernard Lewis, 4050: 4046: 4033: 4029: 3998:"Mosul in 1909" 3994: 3990: 3983: 3969: 3965: 3960: 3956: 3951: 3947: 3939: 3923: 3919: 3912: 3896: 3892: 3883: 3879: 3875:, 2008, p. 18. 3870: 3866: 3857: 3853: 3844: 3840: 3831: 3827: 3818: 3814: 3795: 3791: 3775: 3771: 3762: 3758: 3746: 3742: 3733: 3729: 3720: 3716: 3703: 3699: 3692: 3676: 3672: 3634: 3630: 3620: 3616: 3596: 3592: 3568: 3564: 3551: 3547: 3534: 3530: 3522: 3518: 3504: 3500: 3459: 3455: 3450: 3446: 3442:, 1958, p. 278. 3430: 3426: 3407: 3403: 3396: 3374: 3370: 3362: 3358: 3353: 3349: 3342: 3324: 3317: 3309: 3305: 3296: 3292: 3279: 3275: 3265: 3263: 3261: 3238: 3231: 3222: 3221: 3217: 3159: 3155: 3148: 3134:Khadduri, Majid 3131: 3124: 3113: 3109: 3092: 3088: 3079: 3075: 3064: 3048: 3044: 3037: 3021:. p. 327. 3008: 3004: 2989: 2968: 2964: 2950: 2923: 2919: 2908: 2900:. p. 204. 2887: 2883: 2858: 2854: 2850:, 2007, p. 219. 2841: 2837: 2815: 2811: 2798: 2797: 2793: 2783: 2781: 2777: 2771: 2760: 2749: 2745: 2735: 2715: 2708: 2704: 2683: 2648: 2611: 2606: 2604: 2601: 2523: 2521:In modern times 2497: 2473:Justinian Codes 2452: 2446: 2425: 2387: 2355: 2331:Surah Al-Baqara 2308: 2303: 2270: 2253:Harun al-Rashid 2223:Montgomery Watt 2203:Norman Stillman 2176:Payment of the 2174: 2168: 2126: 2074: 1991: 1917:come to the aid 1897: 1867:Halakhic courts 1858: 1808:Tarek El-Bishry 1796:Tafsir Nemooneh 1700:Sharia and Life 1654: 1602:Ottoman Turkish 1587: 1549: 1543: 1502:public morals. 1496:Islamic prophet 1332: 1270:Halakhic courts 1111:, collectively 1103: 1072: 1042:Islamic studies 1036: 1035: 1024: 1002: 992: 991: 977: 974: 942: 860: 850: 849: 837: 785: 725: 715: 714: 713: 674: 664: 663: 653: 642: 632:(discretionary) 631: 614: 604: 595: 592:Mofsed-e-filarz 585: 574: 563: 552: 527: 517: 516: 511: 424: 376: 344: 316: 306: 305: 304: 245: 235: 234: 229: 137: 136: 108: 60: 35: 17: 12: 11: 5: 12775: 12765: 12764: 12762:Social history 12759: 12754: 12749: 12744: 12739: 12722: 12721: 12719: 12718: 12713: 12707: 12705: 12699: 12698: 12695: 12694: 12692: 12691: 12686: 12680: 12678: 12674: 12673: 12671: 12670: 12665: 12660: 12655: 12650: 12644: 12642: 12635: 12634: 12632: 12631: 12626: 12620: 12618: 12611: 12607: 12606: 12603: 12602: 12600: 12599: 12594: 12588: 12586: 12580: 12579: 12577: 12576: 12570: 12568: 12562: 12561: 12559: 12558: 12552: 12550: 12544: 12543: 12541: 12540: 12534: 12532: 12526: 12525: 12523: 12522: 12516: 12514: 12508: 12507: 12505: 12504: 12499: 12493: 12491: 12482: 12476: 12475: 12472: 12471: 12469: 12468: 12462: 12460: 12456: 12455: 12453: 12452: 12447: 12441: 12439: 12435: 12434: 12432: 12431: 12426: 12421: 12416: 12410: 12408: 12401: 12397: 12396: 12394: 12393: 12387: 12385: 12379: 12378: 12375: 12374: 12347: 12345: 12341: 12340: 12338: 12337: 12332: 12326: 12324: 12318: 12317: 12315: 12314: 12309: 12304: 12299: 12294: 12289: 12284: 12279: 12277:Creeping Jesus 12273: 12271: 12265: 12264: 12262: 12261: 12256: 12251: 12246: 12240: 12238: 12231: 12225: 12224: 12222: 12221: 12216: 12211: 12206: 12201: 12196: 12191: 12179: 12175: 12173: 12167: 12166: 12158: 12157: 12150: 12143: 12135: 12126: 12125: 12123: 12122: 12112: 12099: 12096: 12095: 12092: 12091: 12088: 12087: 12085: 12084: 12079: 12074: 12069: 12064: 12059: 12054: 12049: 12044: 12043: 12042: 12032: 12031: 12030: 12025: 12020: 12010: 12005: 12004: 12003: 11998: 11987: 11985: 11984:Related topics 11981: 11980: 11978: 11977: 11972: 11967: 11962: 11956: 11954: 11948: 11947: 11945: 11944: 11939: 11934: 11929: 11924: 11919: 11918: 11917: 11912: 11907: 11896: 11894: 11884: 11883: 11870: 11869: 11866: 11865: 11862: 11861: 11859: 11858: 11853: 11846: 11841: 11840: 11839: 11829: 11824: 11819: 11814: 11809: 11803: 11801: 11797: 11796: 11794: 11793: 11788: 11783: 11778: 11772: 11770: 11764: 11763: 11761: 11760: 11755: 11750: 11745: 11740: 11735: 11730: 11725: 11719: 11717: 11711: 11710: 11708: 11707: 11702: 11697: 11692: 11687: 11682: 11677: 11672: 11666: 11664: 11654: 11653: 11638: 11637: 11634: 11633: 11630: 11629: 11627: 11626: 11621: 11620: 11619: 11607: 11605:Sources of law 11602: 11597: 11596: 11595: 11585: 11578: 11573: 11566: 11561: 11554: 11549: 11544: 11539: 11534: 11529: 11524: 11519: 11512: 11505: 11504: 11503: 11498: 11493: 11483: 11478: 11470: 11468: 11464: 11463: 11461: 11460: 11453: 11446: 11439: 11432: 11425: 11418: 11410: 11408: 11406: 11405: 11400: 11395: 11389: 11386: 11385: 11383: 11382: 11375: 11370: 11363: 11356: 11349: 11341: 11339: 11333: 11332: 11330: 11329: 11322: 11315: 11308: 11301: 11296: 11290: 11288: 11278: 11277: 11274: 11273: 11268: 11262: 11254: 11253: 11250: 11249: 11247: 11246: 11241: 11236: 11231: 11229:Social welfare 11226: 11221: 11214: 11209: 11204: 11199: 11194: 11189: 11184: 11179: 11174: 11169: 11164: 11159: 11154: 11149: 11143: 11141: 11139: 11138: 11133: 11127: 11124: 11123: 11121: 11120: 11115: 11110: 11109: 11108: 11098: 11093: 11092: 11091: 11086: 11085: 11084: 11079: 11078: 11077: 11072: 11067: 11054: 11040: 11039: 11038: 11033: 11032: 11031: 11021: 11016: 11011: 11001: 10996: 10995: 10994: 10993: 10992: 10982: 10977: 10972: 10967: 10956: 10954: 10948: 10947: 10945: 10944: 10937: 10932: 10927: 10922: 10916: 10914: 10908: 10907: 10905: 10904: 10903: 10902: 10897: 10892: 10887: 10882: 10877: 10872: 10867: 10855: 10850: 10843: 10836: 10834:Historiography 10831: 10826: 10821: 10816: 10810: 10808: 10806: 10805: 10800: 10794: 10791: 10790: 10788: 10787: 10780: 10773: 10766: 10759: 10751: 10749: 10743: 10742: 10740: 10739: 10734: 10729: 10722: 10717: 10712: 10707: 10706: 10705: 10695: 10688: 10687: 10686: 10675: 10673: 10663: 10662: 10655: 10652: 10651: 10643: 10642: 10635: 10628: 10620: 10611: 10610: 10604: 10601: 10600: 10597: 10596: 10594: 10593: 10587: 10586: 10585: 10584:(River or sea) 10579: 10566: 10564: 10560: 10559: 10556: 10555: 10553: 10552: 10547: 10542: 10532: 10522: 10521: 10520: 10510: 10496: 10494: 10488: 10487: 10485: 10484: 10483: 10482: 10474: 10464: 10454: 10444: 10434: 10428: 10417: 10415: 10408: 10402: 10396: 10390: 10384: 10378: 10376: 10372: 10371: 10369: 10368: 10367: 10366: 10354: 10353: 10352: 10340: 10329: 10327: 10321: 10320: 10317: 10316: 10313: 10312: 10310: 10309: 10304: 10299: 10293: 10291: 10287: 10286: 10284: 10283: 10278: 10273: 10268: 10263: 10257: 10255: 10251: 10250: 10248: 10247: 10236: 10230: 10228: 10221: 10220: 10204: 10200: 10198: 10189: 10188: 10185: 10180: 10172: 10167: 10162: 10156: 10154: 10146: 10145: 10143: 10142: 10134: 10121: 10120: 10119: 10114: 10093: 10085: 10076: 10062: 10060: 10054: 10053: 10043: 10042: 10039: 10038: 10035: 10034: 10032: 10027: 10020: 10015: 10013: 10009: 10008: 10006: 10005: 10004: 10003: 9988: 9987: 9986: 9985: 9984: 9975: 9960: 9945: 9936: 9935: 9934: 9924:('The Night') 9919: 9918: 9917: 9911: 9899: 9880:('Praising'), 9851: 9849: 9848:or remembrance 9843: 9842: 9840: 9839: 9830: 9820: 9818: 9814: 9813: 9811: 9810: 9809: 9808: 9803: 9793: 9791: 9783: 9782: 9780: 9779: 9774: 9771: 9768: 9759: 9749: 9747: 9743: 9742: 9740: 9739: 9734: 9729: 9727:Battle of Uhud 9724: 9719: 9714: 9712:Battle of Badr 9709: 9699: 9697: 9687: 9686: 9684: 9683: 9678: 9672: 9660: 9655: 9651:Laylat al-Qadr 9647: 9643: 9640: 9639: 9629: 9628: 9625: 9624: 9622: 9621: 9615: 9612: 9606: 9601: 9596: 9591: 9586: 9578: 9569: 9566: 9561: 9560: 9559: 9558: 9557: 9552: 9547: 9543:Ghār ath-Thawr 9539: 9534: 9509: 9508: 9507: 9496: 9494: 9490: 9489: 9486: 9485: 9483: 9482: 9477: 9476: 9475: 9474: 9473: 9468: 9455: 9450: 9440: 9430: 9408: 9403: 9396: 9387: 9385: 9379: 9378: 9376: 9375: 9366:('Township of 9361: 9351: 9350: 9349: 9335: 9333: 9326: 9325: 9323: 9322: 9313: 9312: 9311: 9310: 9309: 9294:Al-Wādil-Ayman 9288:Valley of Tuwa 9276: 9274: 9266: 9265: 9263: 9262: 9257: 9256: 9255: 9233: 9232: 9231: 9229:Safa and Marwa 9226: 9218: 9208: 9199: 9184: 9179: 9174: 9166: 9157: 9144: 9143: 9142: 9123: 9121: 9108: 9107: 9104: 9094: 9089: 9079: 9077:Door of Hittah 9074: 9062: 9049: 9048: 9047: 9035: 9033: 9029: 9028: 9018: 9017: 9014: 9013: 9010: 9009: 9006: 9005: 9003: 9002: 9001: 9000: 8994: 8983: 8982: 8981: 8976: 8975: 8974: 8969: 8954: 8953: 8952: 8947: 8922: 8921: 8920: 8912: 8900: 8892: 8891: 8890: 8880: 8877:Ahl al-Dhimmah 8872: 8870: 8864: 8863: 8861: 8860: 8854: 8845: 8840: 8838:Iranian people 8835: 8830: 8825: 8820: 8814: 8808: 8806: 8800: 8799: 8796: 8795: 8792: 8791: 8789: 8788: 8785: 8784: 8783: 8778: 8773: 8763: 8760: 8759: 8758: 8753: 8748: 8739: 8737: 8727: 8726: 8724: 8723: 8722: 8721: 8705: 8700: 8699: 8698: 8683: 8678: 8671: 8669: 8651: 8650: 8648: 8647: 8642: 8634: 8629: 8624: 8619: 8614: 8613: 8612: 8601: 8600: 8599: 8598: 8597: 8591: 8578:Aṣḥāb Muḥammad 8570: 8565: 8560: 8551: 8550: 8549: 8546:Aṣḥāb al-Aykah 8543: 8531: 8526: 8521: 8516: 8508: 8500: 8492: 8485: 8479: 8468: 8467: 8466:Nation of Noah 8464: 8458: 8449: 8444: 8439: 8434: 8421: 8416: 8415: 8414: 8399: 8389: 8388: 8387: 8384: 8375: 8373: 8365: 8364: 8354: 8353: 8350: 8349: 8346: 8345: 8343: 8342: 8337: 8334: 8329: 8324: 8321: 8318:Caleb or Kaleb 8315: 8310: 8305: 8300: 8294: 8292: 8286: 8285: 8283: 8282: 8276: 8271: 8266: 8260: 8254: 8249: 8239: 8228: 8226: 8222: 8221: 8218: 8217: 8215: 8214: 8209: 8204: 8199: 8194: 8189: 8188: 8187: 8182: 8168: 8161: 8159: 8153: 8152: 8150: 8149: 8144: 8143: 8142: 8131: 8125: 8112: 8100: 8098: 8089: 8088: 8082: 8081: 8080: 8075: 8073:Queen of Sheba 8070: 8062: 8061: 8060: 8055: 8050: 8040: 8039: 8038: 8036:Isaac's mother 8033: 8028: 8022: 8019: 8018: 8017: 8014: 8006: 8001: 8000: 7999: 7994: 7985: 7983: 7975: 7974: 7964: 7963: 7960: 7959: 7956: 7955: 7953: 7952: 7949:Yūshaʿ ibn Nūn 7946: 7936: 7929: 7927: 7923: 7922: 7919: 7918: 7916: 7915: 7901: 7891: 7886: 7880: 7878: 7877:Debatable ones 7874: 7873: 7871: 7870: 7860: 7859:Friend of God) 7850: 7840: 7839: 7838: 7832: 7812: 7811: 7810: 7804: 7793: 7791: 7786:('Those of the 7774: 7773: 7763: 7753: 7752: 7751: 7745: 7721: 7720: 7719: 7706: 7696: 7685: 7675: 7665: 7660: 7650: 7649: 7648: 7633: 7623: 7617: 7611: 7601: 7595: 7589: 7583: 7573: 7563: 7553: 7542: 7540: 7532: 7531: 7519: 7518: 7515: 7514: 7511: 7510: 7508: 7507: 7500: 7488: 7486: 7482: 7481: 7479: 7478: 7470: 7454: 7452: 7439: 7438: 7436: 7435: 7428: 7420: 7413: 7405: 7403: 7394: 7393: 7390: 7389: 7387: 7386: 7380: 7372: 7361: 7360: 7359: 7358: 7357: 7347: 7344:Ar-Rūḥ al-Amīn 7326: 7324: 7313: 7312: 7307: 7306: 7305: 7300: 7289: 7284: 7279: 7278: 7277: 7270: 7261: 7259: 7246: 7245: 7242: 7241: 7239: 7238: 7226: 7214: 7204: 7194: 7183: 7181: 7177: 7176: 7174: 7173: 7164: 7155: 7146: 7136: 7123: 7113: 7100: 7091: 7081: 7079: 7072: 7064: 7063: 7061: 7060: 7059: 7058: 7033: 7030: 7029: 7019: 7018: 7006: 7005: 6997: 6996: 6989: 6982: 6974: 6968: 6967: 6962: 6947: 6934: 6922: 6915: 6914:External links 6912: 6910: 6909: 6899: 6892: 6885: 6880:Nicola Melis, 6878: 6871: 6864: 6859:978-0300167153 6858: 6842: 6823:978-0520018679 6822: 6806:Goitein, S. D. 6802: 6793: 6782:Maribel Fierro 6779: 6756: 6749: 6726: 6711:|journal= 6693: 6680: 6672: 6670: 6667: 6665: 6664: 6658: 6645: 6639: 6626: 6620: 6607: 6583: 6569: 6563: 6546: 6536:on 9 July 2017 6525: 6504:Ghazi Muhammad 6500: 6474:(3): 429–444. 6463: 6457: 6442: 6436: 6420:Parfitt, Tudor 6416: 6410: 6390: 6378:Littman, David 6374: 6368: 6346: 6340: 6325: 6319: 6305:Lewis, Bernard 6301: 6295: 6282: 6276: 6261: 6255: 6242: 6236: 6223: 6217: 6201: 6195: 6182: 6176: 6163: 6150: 6126: 6108: 6087: 6055: 6046: 6038:Ahmad, Barakat 6033: 6031: 6028: 6026: 6025: 5999: 5976: 5957: 5930: 5912: 5892: 5874: 5848:978-0691134840 5847: 5827: 5821:978-0801445712 5820: 5800: 5791: 5768: 5745: 5736: 5727: 5718: 5709: 5700: 5691: 5682: 5674: 5649: 5636: 5629: 5599: 5593:978-1138800304 5592: 5567: 5551: 5537: 5528: 5519: 5505: 5499:. p. 74. 5478: 5471: 5449: 5442: 5420: 5412:"Djizya (i)", 5405: 5393: 5384: 5371:Richard Bonney 5359: 5343: 5334: 5325: 5316: 5310:978-1859641590 5309: 5295:Ibrahim Oweiss 5286: 5274: 5256:(3): 348–375. 5236: 5223:978-0691134840 5222: 5200: 5175: 5166: 5160:978-0521514309 5159: 5132: 5119: 5110: 5104:978-0691146287 5103: 5085: 5076: 5069: 5049: 5047:, 1961, p. 60. 5036: 5023: 5010: 4997: 4984: 4971: 4955: 4948: 4927: 4920: 4904:; Ch. Pellat; 4880: 4846: 4834: 4816: 4809: 4786: 4779: 4748: 4734: 4707: 4698: 4689: 4680: 4667: 4658: 4644: 4624: 4615: 4602:978-0226346830 4601: 4577: 4565: 4551: 4544: 4515: 4502: 4479: 4467: 4453: 4447:. p. 74. 4426: 4414: 4405: 4387: 4378: 4369: 4356: 4337: 4320: 4314:978-0195305135 4313: 4281: 4260: 4216: 4189: 4155: 4141: 4122: 4109: 4103:978-0520956544 4102: 4082: 4059: 4044: 4027: 4008:(2): 229–235. 3988: 3982:978-0679744757 3981: 3963: 3954: 3945: 3937: 3917: 3910: 3890: 3877: 3864: 3862:, 2008, p. 10. 3851: 3849:, 2008, p. 29. 3838: 3825: 3812: 3789: 3776:Sarah Ansari, 3769: 3756: 3747:Sarah Ansari, 3740: 3727: 3714: 3697: 3690: 3670: 3628: 3614: 3590: 3588:. pp. 217–219. 3562: 3545: 3528: 3516: 3498: 3471:(3): 429–444. 3453: 3444: 3424: 3401: 3394: 3368: 3356: 3347: 3341:978-0061189036 3340: 3315: 3303: 3290: 3273: 3259: 3253:. p. 74. 3241:Cohen, Mark R. 3229: 3224:"Pact of Umar" 3215: 3207:Abbasid caliph 3166:Eric Silverman 3153: 3147:978-1616190484 3146: 3122: 3119:. p. 345. 3107: 3086: 3073: 3063:978-1400827381 3062: 3042: 3036:978-0511815300 3035: 3011:Wael B. Hallaq 3002: 2988:978-0691138381 2987: 2981:. p. 89. 2971:Michael Bonner 2962: 2954:The conqueror 2949:978-1861891853 2948: 2917: 2907:978-0061189036 2906: 2881: 2877:978-0199359363 2852: 2835: 2809: 2791: 2770:978-0994240989 2769: 2743: 2733: 2705: 2703: 2700: 2699: 2698: 2692: 2686: 2677: 2672: 2667: 2662: 2657: 2651: 2642: 2636: 2630: 2624: 2617: 2616: 2600: 2597: 2543:Sikh community 2522: 2519: 2496: 2493: 2448:Main article: 2445: 2442: 2424: 2421: 2420: 2419: 2416: 2409: 2406: 2401:The security ( 2386: 2383: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2349: 2328: 2318: 2307: 2304: 2302: 2301:Relevant texts 2299: 2286:Ottoman Empire 2269: 2266: 2170:Main article: 2167: 2164: 2155:Ira M. Lapidus 2125: 2122: 2073: 2070: 1990: 1987: 1929:Roman Catholic 1909:Constantinople 1896: 1893: 1857: 1854: 1853: 1852: 1830: 1819: 1800: 1786: 1783:his companions 1765: 1754: 1727: 1684: 1653: 1650: 1630:United Kingdom 1617:Hatt-i Humayan 1586: 1583: 1545:Main article: 1542: 1539: 1479:self-marriages 1400:Ottoman Millet 1374:and courts of 1372:religious laws 1354:religions. As 1331: 1328: 1241:Abbasid Caliph 1120:ʾahl aḏ-ḏimmah 1074: 1073: 1071: 1070: 1063: 1056: 1048: 1045: 1044: 1038: 1037: 1034: 1033: 1028: 1018: 1011: 1003: 998: 997: 994: 993: 988: 987: 986: 985: 973: 972: 967: 962: 954: 951: 950: 944: 943: 941: 940: 933: 926: 919: 912: 905: 898: 891: 884: 877: 872: 866: 861: 856: 855: 852: 851: 846: 845: 839: 838: 836: 835: 828: 821: 814: 806: 803: 802: 796: 795: 794: 793: 784: 783: 769: 762: 755: 747: 744: 743: 735: 734: 726: 721: 720: 717: 716: 712: 711: 706: 701: 694: 684: 676: 675: 670: 669: 666: 665: 660: 659: 658: 657: 654:(compensation) 646: 635: 621: 620: 619: 618: 607: 598: 589: 578: 567: 556: 545: 540: 528: 523: 522: 519: 518: 513: 512: 510: 509: 502: 495: 488: 481: 474: 467: 460: 452: 449: 448: 438: 437: 436: 435: 430: 423: 422: 415: 408: 407: 406: 399: 387: 381: 378: 377: 375: 374: 367: 360: 353: 345: 343: 342: 335: 329: 326: 325: 317: 312: 311: 308: 307: 303: 302: 295: 288: 281: 274: 267: 260: 254: 253: 252: 246: 241: 240: 237: 236: 231: 230: 228: 227: 212: 205: 197: 185: 182: 181: 173: 172: 164: 163: 155: 154: 153: 152: 145: 138: 135: 134: 126: 117: 111: 107: 106: 99: 92: 84: 81: 80: 72: 71: 61: 56: 55: 52: 51: 43: 42: 30: 29: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12774: 12763: 12760: 12758: 12755: 12753: 12750: 12748: 12745: 12743: 12740: 12738: 12735: 12734: 12732: 12717: 12714: 12712: 12709: 12708: 12706: 12704: 12700: 12690: 12687: 12685: 12682: 12681: 12679: 12675: 12669: 12666: 12664: 12661: 12659: 12656: 12654: 12651: 12649: 12646: 12645: 12643: 12641: 12636: 12630: 12627: 12625: 12622: 12621: 12619: 12615: 12612: 12610:Non-believers 12608: 12598: 12595: 12593: 12590: 12589: 12587: 12585: 12581: 12575: 12572: 12571: 12569: 12567: 12563: 12557: 12554: 12553: 12551: 12549: 12545: 12539: 12536: 12535: 12533: 12531: 12527: 12521: 12518: 12517: 12515: 12513: 12509: 12503: 12500: 12498: 12495: 12494: 12492: 12490: 12486: 12483: 12481: 12477: 12467: 12464: 12463: 12461: 12457: 12451: 12448: 12446: 12443: 12442: 12440: 12436: 12430: 12427: 12425: 12422: 12420: 12417: 12415: 12412: 12411: 12409: 12405: 12402: 12398: 12392: 12389: 12388: 12386: 12384: 12380: 12369: 12363: 12358: 12353: 12350: 12346: 12342: 12336: 12333: 12331: 12328: 12327: 12325: 12323: 12319: 12313: 12310: 12308: 12305: 12303: 12300: 12298: 12295: 12293: 12290: 12288: 12285: 12283: 12280: 12278: 12275: 12274: 12272: 12270: 12266: 12260: 12257: 12255: 12252: 12250: 12247: 12245: 12242: 12241: 12239: 12235: 12232: 12230: 12226: 12220: 12217: 12215: 12212: 12210: 12207: 12205: 12202: 12200: 12197: 12195: 12192: 12188: 12183: 12180: 12177: 12176: 12174: 12172: 12168: 12163: 12156: 12151: 12149: 12144: 12142: 12137: 12136: 12133: 12121: 12113: 12111: 12101: 12100: 12097: 12083: 12080: 12078: 12075: 12073: 12070: 12068: 12065: 12063: 12060: 12058: 12055: 12053: 12050: 12048: 12045: 12041: 12038: 12037: 12036: 12033: 12029: 12026: 12024: 12023:Post-Islamism 12021: 12019: 12016: 12015: 12014: 12011: 12009: 12006: 12002: 11999: 11997: 11994: 11993: 11992: 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11590: 11589: 11586: 11584: 11583: 11579: 11577: 11574: 11572: 11571: 11567: 11565: 11562: 11560: 11559: 11555: 11553: 11550: 11548: 11545: 11543: 11540: 11538: 11535: 11533: 11530: 11528: 11525: 11523: 11520: 11518: 11517: 11513: 11511: 11510: 11506: 11502: 11501:Death penalty 11499: 11497: 11494: 11492: 11489: 11488: 11487: 11484: 11482: 11479: 11477: 11476: 11472: 11471: 11469: 11467:Other aspects 11465: 11459: 11458: 11454: 11452: 11451: 11447: 11445: 11444: 11440: 11438: 11437: 11433: 11431: 11430: 11426: 11424: 11423: 11419: 11417: 11416: 11412: 11411: 11409: 11404: 11401: 11399: 11396: 11394: 11391: 11390: 11387: 11381: 11380: 11376: 11374: 11371: 11369: 11368: 11364: 11362: 11361: 11357: 11355: 11354: 11350: 11348: 11347: 11343: 11342: 11340: 11338: 11334: 11328: 11327: 11323: 11321: 11320: 11316: 11314: 11313: 11309: 11307: 11306: 11302: 11300: 11297: 11295: 11292: 11291: 11289: 11287: 11283: 11279: 11272: 11271:Jurisprudence 11269: 11267: 11264: 11263: 11259: 11255: 11245: 11242: 11240: 11237: 11235: 11232: 11230: 11227: 11225: 11222: 11220: 11219: 11215: 11213: 11210: 11208: 11205: 11203: 11200: 11198: 11195: 11193: 11190: 11188: 11185: 11183: 11180: 11178: 11175: 11173: 11170: 11168: 11165: 11163: 11160: 11158: 11155: 11153: 11150: 11148: 11145: 11144: 11142: 11137: 11134: 11132: 11129: 11128: 11125: 11119: 11116: 11114: 11111: 11107: 11104: 11103: 11102: 11099: 11097: 11094: 11090: 11087: 11083: 11080: 11076: 11073: 11071: 11068: 11066: 11063: 11062: 11061: 11058: 11057: 11055: 11053: 11050: 11049: 11048: 11044: 11041: 11037: 11034: 11030: 11027: 11026: 11025: 11022: 11020: 11017: 11015: 11012: 11010: 11007: 11006: 11005: 11002: 11000: 10997: 10991: 10988: 10987: 10986: 10983: 10981: 10978: 10976: 10973: 10971: 10968: 10966: 10963: 10962: 10961: 10958: 10957: 10955: 10953: 10952:Denominations 10949: 10943: 10942: 10938: 10936: 10933: 10931: 10928: 10926: 10923: 10921: 10918: 10917: 10915: 10913: 10909: 10901: 10898: 10896: 10893: 10891: 10888: 10886: 10883: 10881: 10878: 10876: 10873: 10871: 10868: 10866: 10865: 10861: 10860: 10859: 10856: 10854: 10851: 10849: 10848: 10844: 10842: 10841: 10837: 10835: 10832: 10830: 10827: 10825: 10822: 10820: 10817: 10815: 10812: 10811: 10809: 10804: 10801: 10799: 10796: 10795: 10792: 10786: 10785: 10781: 10779: 10778: 10774: 10772: 10771: 10767: 10765: 10764: 10760: 10758: 10757: 10753: 10752: 10750: 10748: 10744: 10738: 10737:Holiest sites 10735: 10733: 10732:Judgement Day 10730: 10728: 10727: 10723: 10721: 10718: 10716: 10713: 10711: 10708: 10704: 10701: 10700: 10699: 10696: 10694: 10693: 10689: 10685: 10682: 10681: 10680: 10677: 10676: 10674: 10672: 10668: 10664: 10660: 10659: 10653: 10648: 10641: 10636: 10634: 10629: 10627: 10622: 10621: 10618: 10607: 10602: 10591: 10588: 10583: 10580: 10577: 10574: 10573: 10571: 10568: 10567: 10565: 10561: 10551: 10548: 10546: 10543: 10540: 10536: 10533: 10530: 10526: 10523: 10518: 10514: 10511: 10508: 10504: 10501: 10500: 10498: 10497: 10495: 10491:Bushes, trees 10489: 10481: 10478: 10477: 10475: 10472: 10468: 10465: 10462: 10458: 10455: 10452: 10448: 10445: 10442: 10438: 10435: 10432: 10429: 10426: 10422: 10419: 10418: 10416: 10412: 10406: 10403: 10400: 10397: 10394: 10391: 10388: 10385: 10382: 10379: 10377: 10373: 10364: 10361: 10360: 10358: 10355: 10350: 10347: 10346: 10344: 10341: 10338: 10335: 10334: 10332: 10328: 10322: 10308: 10305: 10303: 10300: 10298: 10295: 10294: 10292: 10288: 10282: 10279: 10277: 10274: 10272: 10269: 10267: 10264: 10262: 10259: 10258: 10256: 10252: 10245: 10241: 10237: 10235: 10232: 10231: 10229: 10227:Of Israelites 10225: 10218: 10214: 10213: 10208: 10205: 10202: 10201: 10199: 10197:(cult images) 10193: 10186: 10184: 10181: 10178: 10177: 10173: 10171: 10170:Staff of Musa 10168: 10166: 10163: 10161: 10158: 10157: 10155: 10147: 10140: 10139: 10135: 10132: 10128: 10127: 10122: 10118: 10115: 10112: 10111: 10107: 10106: 10104: 10100: 10099: 10094: 10091: 10090: 10086: 10083: 10082: 10077: 10074: 10070: 10069: 10064: 10063: 10061: 10059: 10055: 10048: 10044: 10031: 10028: 10026: 10025: 10021: 10019: 10016: 10014: 10010: 10001: 10000: 9995: 9994: 9992: 9989: 9982: 9981: 9976: 9973: 9970: 9969: 9967: 9966: 9961: 9958: 9957: 9952: 9951: 9949: 9946: 9943: 9942: 9937: 9932: 9931: 9926: 9925: 9923: 9920: 9915: 9912: 9909: 9906: 9905: 9903: 9900: 9897: 9894: 9893: 9891: 9890: 9885: 9884: 9879: 9878: 9873: 9872: 9867: 9866: 9861: 9857: 9856: 9850: 9844: 9837: 9836: 9831: 9828: 9827: 9822: 9821: 9819: 9815: 9807: 9804: 9801: 9798: 9797: 9795: 9794: 9792: 9790: 9786:Months of the 9784: 9778: 9775: 9772: 9769: 9766: 9765: 9760: 9757: 9756: 9751: 9750: 9748: 9744: 9738: 9735: 9733: 9730: 9728: 9725: 9723: 9720: 9718: 9715: 9713: 9710: 9707: 9706: 9701: 9700: 9698: 9692: 9688: 9682: 9679: 9677: 9673: 9670: 9666: 9665: 9664:Sayl al-ʿArim 9661: 9659: 9656: 9653: 9652: 9648: 9645: 9644: 9641: 9634: 9630: 9620: 9616: 9613: 9610: 9607: 9605: 9602: 9600: 9597: 9595: 9592: 9590: 9587: 9585:(Mesopotamia) 9584: 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9122: 9118: 9112: 9105: 9102: 9098: 9095: 9093: 9090: 9087: 9083: 9080: 9078: 9075: 9072: 9068: 9067: 9063: 9060: 9056: 9055: 9050: 9045: 9044: 9042: 9041: 9037: 9036: 9034: 9030: 9023: 9019: 8998: 8995: 8992: 8989: 8988: 8987: 8984: 8980: 8977: 8973: 8972:Rabbani/Rabbi 8970: 8968: 8965: 8964: 8962: 8958: 8955: 8951: 8948: 8946: 8943: 8942: 8940: 8936: 8933: 8932: 8930: 8926: 8923: 8918: 8917: 8916: 8913: 8910: 8906: 8905: 8901: 8899: 8896: 8893: 8888: 8887: 8886: 8885: 8881: 8879: 8878: 8874: 8873: 8871: 8865: 8859: 8855: 8853: 8849: 8846: 8844: 8841: 8839: 8836: 8834: 8831: 8829: 8826: 8824: 8821: 8818: 8815: 8813: 8810: 8809: 8807: 8801: 8786: 8782: 8779: 8777: 8774: 8772: 8769: 8768: 8767: 8764: 8761: 8757: 8754: 8752: 8749: 8747: 8744: 8743: 8741: 8740: 8738: 8732: 8728: 8719: 8715: 8714:Aṣḥāb al-Ḥijr 8712: 8711: 8709: 8706: 8704: 8701: 8697: 8694: 8693: 8691: 8687: 8684: 8682: 8679: 8676: 8673: 8672: 8670: 8667: 8662: 8658: 8657: 8652: 8646: 8643: 8640: 8639: 8635: 8633: 8630: 8628: 8625: 8623: 8620: 8618: 8615: 8611: 8608: 8607: 8606: 8602: 8595: 8592: 8589: 8586: 8585: 8583: 8579: 8576: 8575: 8574: 8571: 8569: 8566: 8564: 8561: 8558: 8557: 8552: 8547: 8544: 8541: 8538: 8535: 8534: 8532: 8530: 8529:People of Nuh 8527: 8525: 8522: 8520: 8517: 8514: 8513: 8509: 8506: 8505: 8501: 8498: 8497: 8493: 8491: 8487: 8486: 8483: 8480: 8472: 8465: 8462: 8459: 8457: 8453: 8450: 8448: 8445: 8443: 8440: 8438: 8435: 8433: 8429: 8425: 8422: 8420: 8417: 8412: 8408: 8405: 8404: 8403: 8400: 8397: 8393: 8392:Aṣḥāb as-Sabt 8390: 8385: 8382: 8381: 8380: 8377: 8376: 8374: 8370: 8366: 8359: 8355: 8341: 8338: 8335: 8333: 8330: 8328: 8325: 8322: 8319: 8316: 8314: 8311: 8309: 8308:Bal'am/Balaam 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8295: 8293: 8291:not specified 8287: 8280: 8277: 8275: 8272: 8270: 8267: 8264: 8261: 8258: 8255: 8253: 8250: 8247: 8243: 8240: 8237: 8233: 8230: 8229: 8227: 8223: 8213: 8210: 8208: 8205: 8203: 8200: 8198: 8195: 8193: 8190: 8186: 8183: 8180: 8176: 8172: 8169: 8166: 8165: 8163: 8162: 8160: 8154: 8148: 8145: 8140: 8136: 8132: 8129: 8126: 8123: 8119: 8116: 8115: 8113: 8110: 8106: 8102: 8101: 8099: 8093: 8086: 8083: 8079: 8076: 8074: 8071: 8069: 8066: 8065: 8063: 8059: 8056: 8054: 8053:Mary's mother 8051: 8048: 8044: 8043: 8041: 8037: 8034: 8032: 8029: 8026: 8025: 8023: 8020: 8015: 8013: 8012:Father Lamech 8010: 8009: 8007: 8005: 8002: 7998: 7995: 7993: 7990: 7989: 7987: 7986: 7984: 7980: 7976: 7969: 7965: 7950: 7947: 7944: 7940: 7937: 7934: 7931: 7930: 7928: 7924: 7913: 7909: 7905: 7902: 7899: 7895: 7892: 7890: 7887: 7885: 7882: 7881: 7879: 7875: 7868: 7864: 7861: 7858: 7854: 7851: 7848: 7844: 7841: 7837:(Son of Mary) 7836: 7833: 7830: 7826: 7823: 7822: 7820: 7816: 7813: 7809: 7805: 7803: 7800: 7799: 7798: 7795: 7794: 7792: 7784: 7783: 7778: 7771: 7767: 7764: 7762:son of Jacob) 7761: 7757: 7754: 7749: 7746: 7743: 7739: 7735: 7732: 7731: 7729: 7725: 7722: 7717: 7716: 7714: 7710: 7707: 7704: 7700: 7697: 7694: 7690: 7686: 7684:son of David) 7683: 7679: 7676: 7673: 7669: 7666: 7664: 7661: 7658: 7654: 7651: 7647: 7644: 7643: 7641: 7637: 7634: 7631: 7627: 7624: 7621: 7618: 7615: 7612: 7609: 7605: 7602: 7599: 7596: 7593: 7590: 7587: 7584: 7581: 7577: 7574: 7571: 7567: 7564: 7561: 7557: 7554: 7551: 7547: 7544: 7543: 7541: 7537: 7533: 7529: 7524: 7520: 7506: 7505: 7501: 7499: 7495: 7494: 7490: 7489: 7487: 7483: 7476: 7475: 7471: 7468: 7465:(the (chief) 7464: 7463: 7459: 7456: 7455: 7453: 7450: 7446: 7445: 7440: 7434: 7433: 7429: 7426: 7425: 7421: 7419: 7418: 7414: 7412: 7411: 7407: 7406: 7404: 7401: 7400: 7395: 7384: 7381: 7378: 7377: 7373: 7370: 7366: 7362: 7355: 7351: 7348: 7345: 7342: 7341: 7339: 7338: 7334: 7333: 7331: 7328: 7327: 7325: 7323: 7322: 7317: 7311: 7308: 7304: 7301: 7299: 7296: 7295: 7293: 7290: 7288: 7285: 7283: 7280: 7276: 7275: 7271: 7269: 7266: 7265: 7263: 7262: 7260: 7257: 7253: 7252: 7247: 7236: 7232: 7231: 7227: 7224: 7220: 7219: 7215: 7212: 7208: 7205: 7202: 7198: 7197:Dābbat al-Arḍ 7195: 7192: 7188: 7185: 7184: 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Bosworth 6584: 6580: 6579: 6574: 6570: 6566: 6560: 6555: 6554: 6547: 6532: 6528: 6522: 6515: 6514: 6509: 6505: 6501: 6497: 6493: 6489: 6485: 6481: 6477: 6473: 6469: 6464: 6460: 6454: 6450: 6449: 6443: 6439: 6433: 6428: 6427: 6421: 6417: 6413: 6407: 6403: 6399: 6395: 6391: 6387: 6383: 6379: 6375: 6371: 6365: 6361: 6357: 6356: 6351: 6347: 6343: 6337: 6333: 6332: 6326: 6322: 6316: 6312: 6311: 6306: 6302: 6298: 6292: 6288: 6283: 6279: 6273: 6269: 6268: 6262: 6258: 6252: 6248: 6243: 6239: 6233: 6229: 6224: 6220: 6214: 6210: 6206: 6202: 6198: 6192: 6188: 6183: 6179: 6173: 6169: 6164: 6160: 6156: 6151: 6147: 6143: 6139: 6137: 6132: 6131:C.E. Bosworth 6127: 6125: 6124:0-8419-0520-7 6121: 6117: 6113: 6109: 6105: 6101: 6097: 6093: 6088: 6084: 6080: 6076: 6072: 6068: 6064: 6060: 6056: 6052: 6047: 6043: 6039: 6035: 6034: 6013: 6009: 6003: 5987: 5980: 5972: 5968: 5965:Baker, Aryn. 5961: 5945: 5941: 5934: 5926: 5922: 5916: 5908: 5907: 5902: 5896: 5888: 5884: 5878: 5870: 5865:|author= 5858: 5850: 5844: 5840: 5839: 5831: 5823: 5817: 5813: 5812: 5804: 5795: 5788: 5784: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5765: 5761: 5759: 5754: 5749: 5740: 5731: 5722: 5713: 5704: 5695: 5686: 5677: 5671: 5667: 5663: 5659: 5653: 5646: 5640: 5632: 5626: 5622: 5618: 5617: 5612: 5606: 5604: 5595: 5589: 5585: 5581: 5578: 5571: 5565: 5562: 5561: 5555: 5546: 5544: 5542: 5532: 5523: 5508: 5502: 5498: 5494: 5493: 5488: 5487:Mark R. Cohen 5482: 5474: 5468: 5463: 5462: 5453: 5445: 5439: 5435: 5431: 5424: 5417: 5416: 5409: 5400: 5398: 5388: 5381:. p. 84. 5380: 5376: 5372: 5366: 5364: 5356: 5352: 5347: 5338: 5329: 5320: 5312: 5306: 5302: 5301: 5296: 5290: 5281: 5279: 5271: 5269: 5263: 5259: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5240: 5233: 5231: 5225: 5219: 5215: 5211: 5204: 5189: 5185: 5179: 5170: 5162: 5156: 5152: 5148: 5147: 5142: 5136: 5129: 5123: 5114: 5106: 5100: 5096: 5089: 5080: 5072: 5070:9780226346861 5066: 5062: 5061: 5053: 5046: 5040: 5033: 5027: 5020: 5014: 5007: 5001: 4994: 4988: 4981: 4975: 4968: 4964: 4959: 4951: 4945: 4941: 4934: 4932: 4923: 4917: 4913: 4912: 4907: 4903: 4899: 4895: 4894:C.E. Bosworth 4891: 4890:P. J. Bearman 4884: 4877: 4871: 4865: 4857: 4850: 4844: 4838: 4830: 4826: 4820: 4812: 4806: 4802: 4801: 4796: 4790: 4782: 4776: 4772: 4768: 4767:HarperCollins 4764: 4763: 4758: 4752: 4737: 4731: 4727: 4723: 4722: 4714: 4712: 4702: 4693: 4684: 4677: 4671: 4662: 4647: 4641: 4637: 4636: 4628: 4619: 4604: 4598: 4594: 4590: 4589: 4581: 4572: 4570: 4560: 4558: 4556: 4547: 4541: 4537: 4530: 4528: 4526: 4524: 4522: 4520: 4512: 4506: 4499: 4495: 4491: 4490:Esposito 1998 4486: 4484: 4474: 4472: 4456: 4450: 4446: 4442: 4441: 4436: 4435:Mark R. Cohen 4430: 4421: 4419: 4409: 4402: 4401: 4397:Cl. 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1455: 1451: 1450: 1444: 1442: 1438: 1434: 1430: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1417: 1412: 1408: 1403: 1401: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1385: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1337: 1327: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1309: 1304: 1302: 1297: 1292: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1278: 1277:millet system 1275: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1254: 1248: 1246: 1242: 1238: 1237:al-Mutawakkil 1233: 1231: 1227: 1222: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1188: 1184: 1179: 1177: 1173: 1169: 1168: 1163: 1162: 1157: 1156: 1151: 1150:Islamic state 1148:living in an 1147: 1137: 1135: 1129: 1127: 1121: 1109: 1101: 1099: 1090: 1086: 1085: 1083: 1069: 1064: 1062: 1057: 1055: 1050: 1049: 1047: 1046: 1043: 1040: 1039: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1017: 1016: 1012: 1010: 1009: 1005: 1004: 1001: 996: 995: 983: 982: 976: 975: 971: 968: 966: 963: 961: 960: 956: 955: 953: 952: 949: 946: 945: 939: 938: 934: 932: 931: 927: 925: 924: 920: 918: 917: 913: 911: 910: 906: 904: 903: 899: 897: 896: 892: 890: 889: 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10761: 10754: 10747:Five Pillars 10724: 10690: 10679:God in Islam 10656: 10605: 10589: 10581: 10575: 10569: 10534: 10524: 10512: 10502: 10476:In Paradise 10466: 10456: 10446: 10436: 10430: 10420: 10404: 10401:(Plant stem) 10398: 10392: 10386: 10380: 10375:Plant matter 10362: 10356: 10348: 10342: 10336: 10330: 10239: 10210: 10206: 10174: 10138:Umm al-Kitāb 10136: 10123: 10110:Ṣuḥuf-i-Mūsā 10108: 10095: 10087: 10078: 10065: 10022: 10018:Ghadir Khumm 10002:('The Dawn') 9996: 9990: 9977: 9971: 9962: 9953: 9947: 9944:('The Noon') 9938: 9927: 9921: 9913: 9907: 9901: 9895: 9887: 9881: 9875: 9869: 9863: 9853: 9832: 9823: 9773:Days of Hajj 9761: 9758:(The Friday) 9752: 9704: 9662: 9649: 9617:Paradise of 9604:Jordan River 9599:Dār an-Nadwa 9598: 9580: 9542: 9537:Cave of Hira 9529: 9524: 9514: 9461:Masjid Qubāʾ 9460: 9442: 9432: 9424: 9410: 9398: 9390: 9364:Qaryat Yūnus 9363: 9353: 9343: 9303: 9293: 9279: 9270:Sinai Region 9252:Dam of Sheba 9247: 9235: 9220: 9210: 9201: 9186: 9168: 9146: 9134: 9126: 9096: 9091: 9081: 9064: 9051: 9038: 8956: 8934: 8925:Ahl al-Kitāb 8924: 8902: 8898:Zoroastrians 8894: 8889:disbelievers 8882: 8876: 8875: 8833:Banu Qurayza 8828:Banu Qaynuqa 8817:Ahl as-Suffa 8816: 8730: 8713: 8685: 8654: 8637: 8622:Sons of Adam 8577: 8553: 8545: 8536: 8510: 8504:Banī Isrāʾīl 8502: 8495: 8460: 8423: 8406: 8391: 8378: 8323:Luqman's son 8170: 8134: 8127: 8117: 8021:Luqman's son 7992:Martyred son 7884:Dhūl-Qarnain 7834: 7824: 7788:Perseverance 7780: 7758:ibn Ya‘qūb ( 7748:Ṣāḥib al-Ḥūt 7747: 7736:('He of the 7733: 7646:Dhabih Ullah 7502: 7497: 7491: 7472: 7460: 7442: 7430: 7422: 7415: 7408: 7397: 7376:Malakul-Mawt 7374: 7349: 7343: 7335: 7320: 7291: 7272: 7249: 7228: 7216: 7206: 7196: 7186: 7167: 7158: 7149: 7139: 7135:) of Solomon 7126: 7115: 7103: 7094: 7085: 7054: 6951: 6902: 6895: 6888: 6881: 6874: 6867: 6849: 6811: 6797: 6789: 6760: 6752: 6730: 6684: 6676: 6649: 6630: 6611: 6591: 6577: 6552: 6538:. Retrieved 6531:the original 6512: 6471: 6467: 6447: 6425: 6401: 6397: 6385: 6381: 6354: 6330: 6309: 6286: 6266: 6246: 6227: 6208: 6186: 6167: 6158: 6154: 6134: 6115: 6111: 6095: 6091: 6069:(2): 72–89. 6066: 6062: 6050: 6041: 6016:. Retrieved 6012:the original 6002: 5990:. Retrieved 5979: 5970: 5960: 5950:20 September 5948:. Retrieved 5944:The Guardian 5943: 5933: 5924: 5915: 5904: 5895: 5886: 5877: 5837: 5830: 5810: 5803: 5794: 5779: 5771: 5756: 5748: 5739: 5730: 5721: 5712: 5703: 5694: 5685: 5661: 5652: 5644: 5639: 5615: 5580: 5576: 5570: 5558: 5554: 5531: 5522: 5510:. Retrieved 5491: 5481: 5460: 5452: 5429: 5423: 5413: 5408: 5387: 5374: 5354: 5346: 5337: 5328: 5319: 5299: 5289: 5267: 5265: 5253: 5249: 5245: 5239: 5229: 5227: 5209: 5203: 5191:. Retrieved 5187: 5178: 5169: 5145: 5135: 5127: 5122: 5113: 5094: 5088: 5079: 5059: 5052: 5044: 5039: 5031: 5026: 5018: 5013: 5005: 5000: 4992: 4987: 4979: 4974: 4966: 4958: 4939: 4909: 4883: 4875: 4855: 4849: 4842: 4837: 4829:the original 4819: 4799: 4795:Akçam, Taner 4789: 4765:. New York: 4761: 4751: 4739:. Retrieved 4720: 4701: 4692: 4683: 4675: 4670: 4661: 4649:. Retrieved 4634: 4627: 4622:Lewis (1984) 4618: 4606:. Retrieved 4587: 4580: 4535: 4510: 4505: 4497: 4493: 4458:. Retrieved 4439: 4429: 4408: 4398: 4381: 4372: 4364: 4359: 4340: 4332: 4328: 4323: 4296: 4284: 4268: 4263: 4251:. Retrieved 4247:the original 4225: 4219: 4200: 4192: 4183: 4176:. Retrieved 4171: 4158: 4144: 4135: 4131: 4125: 4112: 4092: 4085: 4072: 4062: 4052: 4047: 4039: 4035: 4030: 4005: 4001: 3991: 3972: 3966: 3957: 3948: 3927: 3920: 3900: 3893: 3885: 3880: 3872: 3867: 3859: 3854: 3846: 3841: 3833: 3828: 3820: 3815: 3800: 3792: 3777: 3772: 3764: 3759: 3748: 3743: 3735: 3730: 3722: 3717: 3708:, edited by 3705: 3700: 3680: 3673: 3648: 3644: 3631: 3617: 3601: 3593: 3573: 3565: 3558:Google Books 3548: 3541:Google Books 3531: 3519: 3510: 3501: 3468: 3462: 3456: 3447: 3435: 3427: 3412: 3404: 3379: 3371: 3359: 3350: 3331: 3306: 3298: 3293: 3281: 3276: 3264:. Retrieved 3245: 3218: 3170: 3156: 3137: 3116: 3110: 3094: 3089: 3081: 3076: 3069:exceptional. 3067: 3052: 3045: 3014: 3005: 2974: 2965: 2953: 2930: 2920: 2911: 2893: 2884: 2864: 2860: 2855: 2843: 2838: 2829: 2821: 2812: 2803: 2794: 2782:. Retrieved 2775:the original 2756: 2746: 2738: 2722: 2613:Islam portal 2574: 2565: 2547: 2534: 2533:imposed the 2528: 2524: 2515: 2512: 2500: 2498: 2464:orientalists 2456:Pact of Umar 2453: 2450:Pact of Umar 2444:Pact of Umar 2426: 2402: 2388: 2379: 2377: 2372:Fayd al-Bari 2371: 2356: 2338:Christianity 2309: 2295: 2291: 2271: 2263: 2258: 2250: 2245: 2243: 2235: 2231: 2210: 2206: 2200: 2189: 2177: 2175: 2160: 2151: 2136: 2134: 2127: 2124:Restrictions 2090:Ganges Plain 2086:Indic plains 2082:Central Asia 2075: 2058: 2042: 2038:Claude Cahen 2035: 2030: 2018: 2013: 2006: 1996: 1992: 1983: 1968: 1961:Pact of Umar 1952: 1946: 1898: 1889: 1878: 1871: 1859: 1826: 1815: 1793: 1771: 1750: 1738: 1723: 1715: 1711: 1707: 1703: 1699: 1666: 1657:The Iranian 1644: 1642: 1637: 1595: 1590: 1588: 1579: 1556: 1552: 1550: 1534: 1526: 1504: 1482: 1473: 1469: 1465: 1457: 1453: 1447: 1445: 1435:surrounding 1420: 1414: 1406: 1404: 1367: 1363: 1352:polytheistic 1339: 1333: 1305: 1300: 1295: 1293: 1284: 1257: 1251: 1249: 1245:Pact of Umar 1239:, the tenth 1234: 1225: 1223: 1203:Zoroastrians 1180: 1175: 1171: 1165: 1159: 1153: 1131: 1117: 1095: 1079: 1078: 1077: 1021: 1013: 1006: 980: 957: 935: 928: 921: 914: 907: 900: 893: 886: 879: 830: 823: 816: 809: 788: 777: 771: 764: 757: 750: 738: 696: 679: 649: 638: 627: 610: 605:("sedition") 586:("mischief") 581: 570: 559: 548: 535: 506:Masturbation 504: 497: 490: 483: 476: 469: 462: 455: 417: 410: 401: 394: 369: 362: 355: 348: 337: 297: 291: 290: 283: 276: 269: 262: 222: 214: 207: 200: 188: 176: 167: 158: 147: 140: 128: 121: 112: 101: 94: 87: 75: 66: 37: 18: 12335:Holy Roller 12322:Protestants 12249:Jesus freak 11905:Catholicism 11800:Other areas 11791:Theological 11786:Eschatology 11743:Mathematics 11680:Calligraphy 11610:Theological 11564:Inheritance 11481:Cleanliness 10853:Shi'a Imams 10847:Ahl al-Bayt 10451:Pomegranate 10351:(The Earth) 10244:golden calf 9817:Pilgrimages 9550:Hudaybiyyah 9465:Quba Mosque 9419:Prostration 9370:,' that is 9331:Mesopotamia 9320:Mount Tabor 9316:Mount Sinai 9298:Mount Sinai 9248:ʿArim Sabaʾ 8986:Polytheists 8736:Household') 8731:Ahl al-Bayt 8688:(People of 8686:Qawm Tubbaʿ 8632:Wife of Lut 8627:Wife of Nuh 8478:or families 8476:ethnicities 8197:Moses' wife 7680:ibn Dāwūd ( 7462:ash-Shayṭān 7354:Holy Spirit 7180:Non-related 6808:(1967–71). 6733:. New York. 6018:30 December 5193:16 December 5126:Al-Tabari, 4769:. pp.  4327:Khan, Ali, 4292:"Democracy" 4226:Renaissance 3195:Hellenizing 3187:2 Maccabees 2784:22 December 1949:persecution 1911:. In 1095, 1891:as before. 1841:religiously 1634:Crimean War 1433:sacred area 1356:monotheists 1146:non-Muslims 843:Inheritance 790:Bayt al-mal 149:Nafl prayer 12731:Categories 12677:Non-Jewish 12668:Jahiliyyah 12424:Żydokomuna 12254:Nicodemite 12229:Christians 12204:Jahiliyyah 11965:Ex-Muslims 11850:Shu'ubiyya 11844:Psychology 11832:Literature 11822:Inventions 11768:Philosophy 11576:Leadership 11552:Honorifics 11207:Philosophy 11014:Isma'ilism 10975:Maturidism 10858:Caliphates 10829:Golden Age 10720:Revelation 10345:(Planets) 10339:(The Moon) 10290:Of Quraysh 10165:Noah's Ark 10058:Holy books 9902:Al-Ghuduww 9896:Al-ʿAshiyy 9860:Invocation 9852:Times for 9703:Battle of 9694:Battles or 9286:(The Holy 9152:(formerly 9099:(Mainland 8909:Hypocrites 8856:People of 8823:Banu Nadir 8803:Implicitly 8645:Son of Nuh 8603:People of 8537:Ahl Madyan 8512:Muʾtafikāt 8432:Al-Raqaim? 8407:Ḥawāriyyūn 8289:Implied or 8234:(possibly 8164:Egyptians 8156:People of 8114:Egyptians 7935:(Jeremiah) 7835:Ibn Maryam 7588:(Ezekiel?) 7427:(Asmodeus) 7321:Muqarrabun 7057:(Generous) 7027:Non-humans 7015:Characters 6786:John Tolan 6394:Al-Mawardi 6098:(3): 307. 6030:References 5017:MHodgson, 4906:J. Schacht 4073:Yahoo News 3297:Al-Misri, 3280:Al-Misri, 2997:j.ctt7sg8f 2938:. p.  2867:, p. 179. 2639:Ger toshav 2621:Dhimmitude 2539:Pakistan's 2469:Theodosian 2282:Al-Andalus 2002:al-Andalus 1979:unbeliever 1895:Christians 1885:incestuous 1792:states in 1696:Al Jazeera 1606:خط همايونى 1537:contract. 1511:Jewish law 1398:, and the 1392:al-Andalus 1376:Christians 1272:, and the 1187:Christians 704:Honorifics 553:(gambling) 12574:Bakriyyah 12520:Batiniyya 12512:Isma'ilis 12450:Misnagdim 12438:Reformers 12269:Catholics 12171:Buddhists 12162:Religious 12082:Symbolism 12040:Incidents 12018:Criticism 11910:Mormonism 11807:Astrology 11733:Cosmology 11728:Astronomy 11670:Arabesque 11537:Etiquette 11496:Blasphemy 11286:Economics 11101:Ahmadiyya 11043:Muhakkima 10990:Wahhabism 10980:Mu'tazili 10965:Ash'arism 10539:Date palm 10529:Palm tree 10517:Lote-tree 10493:or plants 10437:Qith-thāʾ 10365:(The Sun) 10363:Ash-Shams 10324:Celestial 10217:False god 10153:or beings 10151:of people 10133:of David) 10075:of Jesus) 9908:Al-Bukrah 9671:in Sheba) 9449:of Mecca) 9406:Monastery 9384:locations 9382:Religious 9339:Al-Jūdiyy 9032:Mentioned 9026:Locations 8939:Christian 8919:Believers 8904:Munāfiqūn 8867:Religious 8805:mentioned 8718:Stoneland 8594:Muhajirun 8372:Mentioned 8274:Abū Lahab 8269:As-Sāmirī 8259:(Goliath) 8225:Evil ones 8139:Zulaykhah 8095:People of 7982:Good ones 7782:Ulul-ʿAzm 7770:Zechariah 7766:Zakariyyā 7586:Dhūl-Kifl 7539:Mentioned 7385:(Michael) 7274:Zabāniyah 7251:Malāʾikah 7223:Honey bee 6939:from the 6832:cite book 6769:cite book 6739:cite book 6713:ignored ( 6703:cite book 6603:1573-3912 6496:159763960 6488:0020-7438 6146:1573-3912 6083:1465-3591 5857:cite book 5584:Routledge 5083:Karsh 29. 5043:Hodgson, 5030:Hodgson, 5004:Hodgson, 4991:Hodgson, 4978:Hodgson, 4864:cite book 4674:Hodgson, 4253:5 October 4178:1 January 4153:humbled." 4137:contract. 3763:Hodgson, 3734:Hodgson, 3721:Hodgson, 3665:0266-6952 3612:. p. 219. 3493:159763960 3485:0020-7438 3191:Maccabees 2898:HarperOne 2654:Musta'min 2541:minority 2491:caliphs. 2346:Sabianism 2278:Caliphate 2260:leniency. 2195:Abu Yusuf 2166:Jizya tax 2135:Although 2118:Aurangzeb 2065:Kurdistan 2027:, notes: 1921:Palestine 1816:muwatinun 1753:contract. 1611:romanized 1388:caliphate 1334:Based on 1219:Buddhists 1114:أهل الذمة 1022:Istijarah 672:Etiquette 615:(stoning) 543:Blasphemy 258:Caliphate 243:Political 12302:Romanist 12199:Hinayana 12178:Butprast 12120:Category 12013:Islamism 11996:Muhammad 11952:Apostasy 11927:Hinduism 11817:Feminism 11748:Medicine 11588:Military 11542:Gambling 11491:Apostasy 11486:Criminal 11398:Marriage 11367:Tayammum 11319:Murabaha 11192:Madrasas 11182:Holidays 11172:Clothing 11167:Children 11162:Calendar 11113:Quranism 11047:Khawarij 11019:Alawites 10970:Atharism 10864:Rashidun 10703:In Islam 10698:Muhammad 10527:(Tender 10507:Tamarisk 10441:Cucumber 10359:(Stars) 10337:Al-Qamar 10302:Al-ʿUzzā 10149:Objects 9963:Qabl al- 9914:Aṣ-Ṣabāḥ 9777:Doomsday 9705:al-Aḥzāb 9395:(Church) 9128:Al-Aḥqāf 9066:Jahannam 9059:Paradise 8666:Bedouins 8461:Qawm Lūṭ 8303:Abu Bakr 8133:Wife of 8122:Potiphar 8105:Binyāmin 7825:Al-Masīḥ 7797:Muḥammad 7734:Dhūn-Nūn 7678:Sulaymān 7616:(Elijah) 7528:Prophets 7444:Shayāṭīn 7402:(Genies) 7230:Qaswarah 7211:Wild ass 7189:(Female 7187:ʿAnkabūt 7110:elephant 6956:Archived 6928:Archived 6848:(2010). 6575:(1930). 6510:(2013). 6422:(2000). 6396:(2000). 6352:(1998). 6307:(2002). 6207:(2003). 6040:(1979). 5666:Damascus 5660:(1998). 5647:, p. 175 5613:(2011). 5512:10 April 5489:(1995). 5373:(2004). 5297:(2003). 5270:payment. 5184:"Dhimmi" 5143:(2014). 4902:B. Lewis 4797:(2006). 4759:(2003). 4741:15 April 4651:10 April 4460:10 April 4437:(1995). 4274:Archived 4230:Archived 4211:52901690 4150:Last Day 4077:Archived 3651:(1): 9. 3639:(1986). 3600:(2007). 3572:(2007). 3509:(1970). 3330:(2007). 3266:10 April 3243:(1995). 3177:, 2013 3136:(2010). 3013:(2009). 2973:(2008). 2928:(2004). 2892:(2007). 2820:(2007). 2754:(2016). 2719:"dhimmi" 2599:See also 2186:verse 29 2182:At-Tawba 2010:states: 1927:brought 1925:Crusades 1764:dhimmis. 1698:program 1673:poll tax 1628:and the 1565:and the 1499:Muhammad 1402:system. 1308:Madhhabs 1230:Madhhabs 1025:(asylum) 1000:Military 959:Dhabihah 916:Tayammum 818:Murabaha 723:Economic 525:Criminal 464:Abortion 428:Adoption 385:Polygyny 333:Contract 323:Marriage 195:clothing 130:Tahajjud 26:a series 24:Part of 12684:Shegetz 12640:Muslims 12629:Infidel 12617:General 12592:Takfiri 12584:Salafis 12502:Qadiani 12489:Ahmadis 12480:Muslims 12466:Marrano 12459:Cryptos 12407:General 12368:Shakers 12237:General 12214:Infidel 12194:Heathen 12187:Muslims 12067:Nursing 12028:Qutbism 11942:Sikhism 11937:Judaism 11932:Jainism 11922:Druzism 11758:Physics 11705:Pottery 11690:Gardens 11685:Carpets 11600:Slavery 11522:Divorce 11509:Dhabiĥa 11337:Hygiene 11312:Takaful 11294:Banking 11224:Science 11218:Qurbani 11187:Mosques 11147:Animals 11136:Culture 11070:Nukkari 11065:Azzabas 11052:Azariqa 11036:Zaydism 11024:Alevism 10900:Ottoman 10890:Almohad 10885:Fatimid 10880:Córdoba 10875:Abbasid 10870:Umayyad 10803:Leaders 10798:History 10756:Shahada 10671:Beliefs 10592:(Drink) 10578:(River) 10563:Liquids 10395:(Shoot) 10383:(Onion) 10343:Kawākib 10331:Maṣābīḥ 10276:Yaghūth 10012:Implied 9972:Al-Aṣīl 9922:Al-Layl 9806:Ramaḍān 9755:Jumuʿah 9619:Shaddad 9511:Arabia 9505:Antakya 9500:Antioch 9493:Implied 9437:Al-Aqsa 9372:Nineveh 9358:Babylon 9203:Ḥaraman 9173:(Hegra) 9170:Al-Ḥijr 9160:ʿArafāt 9154:Yathrib 9149:Madīnah 8979:Sabians 8915:Muslims 8884:Kāfirūn 8852:Khazraj 8703:Quraysh 8474:Tribes, 8396:Sabbath 8340:Shaddad 8313:Barṣīṣā 8246:Pharaoh 8242:Firʿawn 7939:Ṣamūʾīl 7926:Implied 7857:Abraham 7829:Messiah 7682:Solomon 7668:Shuʿayb 7640:Ishmael 7636:Ismāʿīl 7600:(Eber?) 7594:(Aaron) 7556:Al-Yasa 7493:Ghilmān 7369:Raphael 7365:Isrāfīl 7128:hud-hud 7078:Related 7071:Animals 6943:of the 6898:30/2005 6788:, eds, 6092:Arabica 4771:25, 445 4022:4282373 3084:. p. 53 2627:Gentile 2531:Taliban 2502:futuwwa 2489:Abbasid 2485:Umar II 2483:caliph 2481:Umayyad 2475:of the 2437:Khaybar 2360:muʿāhid 2342:Judaism 2137:dhimmis 2106:Mughals 1975:infidel 1970:gavours 1938:Mamluks 1724:dhimmis 1720:ijtihad 1716:dhimmis 1704:dhimmis 1645:dhimmis 1626:Austria 1613::  1491:Hanbali 1336:Quranic 1324:Hanbali 1320:Shafi'i 1274:Ottoman 1191:Sabians 1134:muʿāhid 1126:dhimmah 981:kashrut 965:Alcohol 948:Dietary 937:Istinja 881:Taharah 858:Hygiene 825:Takaful 800:Banking 776: ( 773:Sadaqah 732:History 571:Hirabah 485:Hygiene 419:Kafa'ah 390:Divorce 271:Imamate 219: ( 193: ( 123:Tarawih 89:Raka'ah 68:Shahada 12689:Shiksa 12663:Dhimmi 12658:Zindīq 12653:Giaour 12597:Wahabi 12566:Sunnis 12556:Rafida 12497:Mirzai 12391:Malaun 12383:Hindus 12362:Quaker 12349:Mormon 12330:Fundie 12297:Papist 12287:Fenian 12244:Giaour 12182:Dhimmi 11879:  11837:poetry 11647:  11532:Ethics 11516:Dhimmi 11475:Baligh 11436:Mahram 11393:Family 11373:Toilet 11353:Miswak 11106:Lahori 11089:Najdat 10985:Salafi 10935:Seerah 10930:Tafsir 10925:Hadith 10895:Sokoto 10840:Sahaba 10715:Angels 10692:Tawhid 10649:topics 10590:Sharāb 10550:Zaqqūm 10467:Zaytūn 10447:Rummān 10433:(Herb) 10425:Lentil 10414:Fruits 10407:(Seed) 10349:Al-Arḍ 10326:bodies 10297:Al-Lāt 10212:Ṭāghūt 10203:'Ansāb 10131:Psalms 10098:Tawrāt 10081:Qurʾān 10073:Gospel 9965:Ghurūb 9930:ʿIshāʾ 9889:Tasbīḥ 9883:Takbīr 9877:Taḥmīd 9669:Ma'rib 9589:Canaan 9576:'Ariha 9574:& 9415:Mosque 9411:Masjid 9400:Miḥrāb 9211:Kaʿbah 9205:Āminan 9197:Bakkah 9187:Makkah 9182:Ḥunayn 9114:In the 9086:Midian 9082:Madyan 9054:Jannah 8935:Naṣārā 8869:groups 8812:Amalek 8708:Thamūd 8496:Ar-Rūm 8456:Medina 8362:Groups 8332:Nimrod 8298:Abraha 8212:Sister 8207:Mother 8147:Mother 8109:Simeon 8097:Joseph 8078:Vizier 8068:Mother 7943:Samuel 7933:Irmiyā 7912:Gideon 7894:Maryam 7889:Luqmān 7806:Other 7760:Joseph 7709:Yaʿqūb 7620:ʿImrān 7560:Elisha 7498:Wildān 7485:Others 7449:Demons 7417:ʿIfrīt 7383:Mīkāil 7352:('The 7337:Ar-Rūḥ 7330:Jibrīl 7256:Angels 7191:spider 7151:namlah 7133:hoopoe 7087:baqara 7039:('The 6856:  6820:  6691:  6656:  6637:  6618:  6601:  6595:Online 6561:  6540:21 May 6523:  6494:  6486:  6455:  6434:  6408:  6366:  6338:  6317:  6293:  6274:  6253:  6234:  6215:  6193:  6174:  6144:  6138:Online 6122:  6081:  5992:1 July 5845:  5818:  5672:  5627:  5590:  5503:  5469:  5440:  5418:Online 5307:  5220:  5157:  5101:  5067:  4946:  4918:  4807:  4777:  4732:  4642:  4608:7 July 4599:  4542:  4498:dhimmi 4451:  4351:945458 4349:  4311:  4209:  4100:  4020:  3979:  3935:  3908:  3884:Otto, 3871:Otto, 3858:Otto, 3845:Otto, 3832:Otto, 3688:  3663:  3608:  3584:  3554:p. 145 3537:p. 144 3491:  3483:  3419:  3392:  3338:  3257:  3181:  3144:  3101:  3060:  3033:  2995:  2985:  2946:  2904:  2875:  2767:  2731:  2695:Zunnar 2645:Jizyah 2433:Medina 2403:dhimma 2353:Hadith 2344:, and 2274:ethics 2212:kharaj 2146:Mamluk 2142:shofar 2098:Bengal 2094:Lahore 1977:" or " 1957:Muslim 1953:dhimmi 1751:dhimma 1739:dhimma 1622:France 1591:dhimmi 1553:dhimma 1547:Sharia 1535:dhimma 1527:dhimma 1483:sharia 1474:dhimmi 1470:dhimmi 1466:dhimmi 1458:sharia 1454:dhimmi 1441:Arabia 1425:school 1421:dhimmi 1384:Hindus 1382:, and 1368:sharia 1364:dhimmi 1348:Pagans 1346:, and 1340:sharia 1316:Maliki 1312:Hanafi 1301:dhimma 1296:dhimma 1285:Dhimmi 1258:dhimmi 1256:, the 1253:Sharia 1250:Under 1226:jizyah 1217:, and 1211:Hindus 1189:, and 1172:Dhimmi 1155:sharia 1089:Arabic 1082:Dhimmī 923:Miswak 875:Toilet 870:Sexual 709:Toilet 698:Mahram 691:Purdah 652:  641:  630:  613:  603:  594:  584:  573:  562:  551:  549:Maisir 471:Baligh 446:Sexual 371:Mut‘ah 357:Halala 350:Misyar 314:Family 292:Dhimmi 285:Bay'ah 201:Mut'ah 103:Turbah 58:Ritual 12648:Kafir 12624:Pagan 12548:Shias 12530:Sufis 12344:Other 12282:Dogan 12259:Kafir 12219:Pagan 12209:Kafir 12185:(non- 12164:slurs 12001:Quran 11881:Other 11776:Early 11700:Music 11616:Kalam 11570:Jizya 11558:Hudud 11443:Nikah 11360:Najis 11346:Ghusl 11305:Sukuk 11234:Women 11202:Music 11177:Flags 11082:Sufri 11075:Wahbi 11060:Ibadi 10960:Sunni 10920:Quran 10777:Zakat 10763:Salah 10726:Qadar 10684:Allah 10647:Islam 10606:Note: 10535:Nakhl 10525:Līnah 10471:Olive 10421:ʿAdas 10393:Shaṭʾ 10381:Baṣal 10357:Nujūm 10307:Manāt 10281:Yaʿūq 10266:Suwāʿ 10234:Baʿal 10129:(The 10126:Zabūr 10103:Torah 10101:(The 10071:(The 10068:Injīl 10051:Other 9956:Masāʾ 9871:Dhikr 9865:Ṣalāh 9855:Duʿāʾ 9835:Umrah 9611:River 9555:Ta'if 9517:Ḥijāz 9445:(The 9392:Bayʿa 9368:Jonah 9354:Bābil 9242:Sheba 9237:Sabaʾ 9215:Kaaba 9191:Mecca 9101:Egypt 8957:Yahūd 8895:Majūs 8690:Tubba 8661:Arabs 8656:Aʿrāb 8605:Mecca 8588:Anṣār 8556:Yūnus 8554:Qawm 8263:Qārūn 8257:Jālūt 8252:Hāmān 8236:Terah 8135:ʿAzīz 8128:Malik 8118:ʿAzīz 8047:Peter 7904:Ṭālūt 7847:Moses 7827:(The 7819:Jesus 7802:Aḥmad 7756:Yūsuf 7742:Whale 7728:Jonah 7724:Yūnus 7713:Jacob 7699:Yaḥyā 7689:Uzair 7672:Hobab 7663:Ṣāliḥ 7630:Isaac 7626:Isḥāq 7614:Ilyās 7608:Enoch 7604:Idrīs 7592:Hārūn 7580:David 7576:Dāwūd 7566:Ayyūb 7474:Mārid 7467:Devil 7458:Iblīs 7432:Qarīn 7424:Sakhr 7298:Raqib 7268:Mālik 7207:Ḥimār 7169:nāqat 7116:Ḥimār 7096:dhiʾb 7055:Karīm 7051:Allah 7047:Names 7037:Allāh 7002:Quran 6800:(22). 6534:(PDF) 6517:(PDF) 6492:S2CID 6386:XXXII 5268:jizya 5246:Jizya 5230:jizya 4494:jizya 4202:Mizan 4018:JSTOR 3622:Quran 3556:(via 3539:(via 3489:S2CID 3203:Islam 3162:Torah 2993:JSTOR 2778:(PDF) 2761:(PDF) 2702:Notes 2593:Mosul 2581:Raqqa 2570:Copts 2566:jizya 2558:Dalga 2554:Egypt 2535:jizya 2413:Ummah 2395:Ummah 2325:109:6 2246:jizya 2218:Lewis 2207:jizya 2190:jizya 2178:jizya 2172:Jizya 2114:Akbar 2110:Babur 2078:Turks 1942:Egypt 1863:zakat 1773:Mizan 1712:ḍamān 1659:Shi'a 1638:jizya 1558:ulama 1507:Roman 1437:Mecca 1416:jizya 1411:Hijra 1215:Jains 1207:Sikhs 1197:" in 1176:jizya 1167:zakat 1161:jizya 1141:معاهد 1098:ḏimmī 1015:Hudna 1008:Jihad 930:Najis 909:Ghusl 902:Masah 888:Ihram 832:Sukuk 766:Khums 759:Nisab 752:Jizya 740:Zakat 639:Qisas 628:Tazir 601:Fitna 582:Fasad 537:Hudud 457:Awrah 412:Iddah 403:Zihar 396:Khula 216:Umrah 209:Tawaf 190:Ihram 169:Zakat 96:Qibla 77:Salah 12711:Gabr 12638:Non- 12419:Zhyd 12414:Kike 12400:Jews 12307:Taig 11662:Arts 11593:POWs 11527:Diet 11457:Zina 11429:Mahr 11415:Haya 11379:Wudu 11326:Riba 11239:LGBT 11131:Life 11004:Shia 10999:Sufi 10784:Hajj 10770:Sawm 10582:Yamm 10576:Nahr 10513:Sidr 10503:Athl 10431:Baql 10405:Zarʿ 10271:Wadd 10261:Nasr 10240:ʿijl 10238:The 10209:and 10207:Jibt 9999:Fajr 9980:ʿAṣr 9941:Ẓuhr 9886:and 9868:and 9862:'), 9833:Al-ʿ 9826:Ḥajj 9764:Sabt 9746:Days 9674:The 9609:Nile 9564:Ayla 9260:Rass 9177:Badr 9162:and 9097:Miṣr 9071:Hell 8961:Jews 8858:Quba 8850:and 8490:Ajam 8430:and 8232:Āzar 8177:the 8085:Zayd 7997:Wife 7908:Saul 7898:Mary 7867:Noah 7815:ʿĪsā 7740:(or 7738:Fish 7693:Ezra 7550:Adam 7546:Ādam 7410:Jann 7399:Jinn 7303:Atid 7235:Lion 7218:Naḥl 7166:The 7157:The 7148:The 7140:kalb 7138:The 7125:The 7102:The 7093:The 7084:The 6854:ISBN 6838:link 6818:ISBN 6784:and 6775:link 6745:link 6722:link 6715:help 6689:ISBN 6654:ISBN 6635:ISBN 6616:ISBN 6599:ISSN 6559:ISBN 6542:2016 6521:ISBN 6484:ISSN 6453:ISBN 6432:ISBN 6406:ISBN 6364:ISBN 6336:ISBN 6315:ISBN 6291:ISBN 6272:ISBN 6251:ISBN 6232:ISBN 6213:ISBN 6191:ISBN 6172:ISBN 6161:(1). 6142:ISSN 6120:ISBN 6079:ISSN 6020:2014 5994:2014 5971:Time 5952:2013 5869:help 5843:ISBN 5816:ISBN 5670:ISBN 5625:ISBN 5588:ISBN 5564:6914 5514:2010 5501:ISBN 5467:ISBN 5438:ISBN 5305:ISBN 5218:ISBN 5195:2021 5155:ISBN 5099:ISBN 5065:ISBN 4944:ISBN 4916:ISBN 4870:link 4805:ISBN 4775:ISBN 4743:2016 4730:ISBN 4653:2010 4640:ISBN 4610:2012 4597:ISBN 4540:ISBN 4462:2010 4449:ISBN 4347:SSRN 4309:ISBN 4255:2006 4207:OCLC 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a series
Islamic jurisprudence

Sunnah prayer
Nafl prayer
and Hajj
Islamic leadership
Wilayat al-faqih

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