
Glagolitic script

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7116:До конца XVIII века господствовало странное, но широко распространенное мнение, что глаголическое письмо, бывшее в употреблении в Далмации и Истрии с прилегающими островами и в приморской Хорватии, вместе с переводом священного писания, обязано своим существованием знаменитому отцу церкви св. Иерониму. Зная о нем как авторе латинской «Вульгаты», считая его же как уроженца Далмации славянином, в частности хорватом, домашняя славянская интеллигенция Далмации стала очень рано присваивать ему изобретение глаголицы, быть может, нарочно, с тем умыслом, чтобы успешнее отстаивать и письмо, и богослужение славянское от преследований и запретов со стороны римской иерархии, прикрывая авторитетным именем знаменитого латинского отца церкви свой от греков Кирилла и Мефодия унаследованный обряд. Кем впервые пущено в ход это ни на чем не основанное ученое предание об авторстве св. Иеронима по части глаголического письма и перевода св. писания, мы не знаем, но в 1248 году оно дошло уже до сведения папы Иннокентия IV. <...> Много столетий продолжалась эта вера в Иеронима как изобретателя глаголического письма, не только дома, т. е. в Далмации и Хорватии, не только в Риме, через проживавших там славян... но также и на западе. В Чехию предание занесено в XIV столетии хорватскими монахами-глаголитами, которым поверил даже император Карл IV. (Jagić 1911, pp. 51–52) 2312:, possibly with the intention of more successfully defending both Slavic writing and the Slavic holy service against prosecutions and prohibitions from Rome's hierarchy, thus using the opinion of the famous Latin Father of the Church to protect their church rituals which were inherited not from the Greeks Cyril and Methodius but unknown. We do not know who was the first to put in motion this unscientifically-based tradition about Jerome's authorship of the Glagolitic script and translation of the Holy Scripture, but in 1248 this version came to the knowledge of Pope Innocent IV. <...> The belief in Jerome as an inventor of the Glagolitic lasted many centuries, not only in his homeland, i.e. in Dalmatia and Croatia, not only in Rome, due to Slavs living there... but also in the West. In the 14th century, Croatian monks brought the legend to the Czechs, and even the Emperor Charles IV believed them. 1993:, where it survived well into the 15th century, the last manuscript with Glagolitic script dating to 1450–1452. Its use for special applications continued in some Cyrillic areas, for example in the Bologna Psalter (1230-1241), the Sinodalna 895 Menaion (1260), the RPK 312 Gospel (13th), the Karakallou Epistolary (13th), the NBKM 933 Triodion (13th), the Skopje 1511 Octoechos (13th), the BRAN 4.9.39 Miscellany (13th), the Hilandar Chrysorrhoas (13th/14th), the Mazurin 1698 Pandects (13th/14th), the Sofia Psalter (1337), the SANU 55 Epistolary (1366–1367), the RNB F.п.I.2 Psalter (14th), the Čajniče Gospel (late 14th), the Radosav Miscellany (1444–1461), the Prague NM IX.F.38 Psalter (18th) and in the initials of many manuscripts of the Prophets with Commentary dating to the late 15th and early 16th centuries from 1859:. The Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet used at that time, with some additional letters for sounds peculiar to Slavic languages (like ⟨ш⟩, ⟨ц⟩, ⟨ч⟩, ⟨ъ⟩, ⟨ь⟩, ⟨ѣ⟩), likely derived from the Glagolitic alphabet. The decision by a great assembly of notables summoned by Boris in the year 893 in favor of Cyrillic created an alphabetical difference between the two literary centres of the Bulgarian state in Pliska and Ohrid. In the western part the Glagolitic alphabet remained dominant at first. However, subsequently in the next two centuries, mostly after the fall of the 4035: 2299:. He was viewed as a "compatriot" and anachronistically as belonging to the same ethnic group; this helped the spread of the cult of the saint in Dalmatia and was later used to support the idea of the presence of Slavic communities in the Eastern Adriatic Coast from ancient times, but the legend was probably firstly introduced for other reasons, like giving a more solid religious justification for the use of this script and Slavic liturgy. The theory nevertheless gained much popularity and spread to other countries before being resolutely disproven. 105: 3230: 2772: 2601: 3173: 3632: 3902: 3530: 2884: 3387: 3063: 3639: 3487: 3286: 2838: 2701: 2652: 3438: 8694: 2485: 4210: 4162: 4029: 3794: 3687: 2941: 2547: 1471: 3117: 2332: 1483: 3966: 3740: 3579: 3344: 2430: 3853: 4259: 3006: 3041: 3273: 3160: 312: 4154: 4020: 3223: 2765: 2594: 4563: 4380: 3523: 2877: 4478: 4338: 3895: 3166: 43: 3480: 3380: 3056: 2831: 2645: 4429: 4520: 3279: 2694: 2478: 4148: 4078: 3787: 3680: 3431: 2933: 2540: 1442: 3110: 2927: 4203: 4014: 3959: 3417: 3846: 1460: 4301: 3733: 3572: 3337: 2423: 1426: 2999: 894: 5488:(strokes and incisions) – but no material evidence of the existence of any pre-Glagolitic Slavic writing system has been found, except for a few brief and vague references in old chronicles and "lives of the saints". All artifacts presented as evidence of pre-Glagolitic Slavic inscriptions have later been identified as texts in known scripts and in known non-Slavic languages, or as fakes. The well-known 2021:. As a result, vernacular impact on the liturgical language and script largely stems from Chakavian sub-dialects, although South Chakavian speakers mostly used Cyrillic, with Glagolitic only in certain parishes as a high liturgical script until a Glagolitic seminary was opened in Split in the 18th century, aside from a period of time in the parish of Kučiće-Vinišće. 6632:; "In 1886 it arrived to the Principality of Montenegro, followed by the Kingdom of Serbia in 1914, and the Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1920, but only for feast days of the main patron saints. The 1935 concordat with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia anticipated the introduction of the Slavic liturgy for all Croatian regions and throughout the entire state..." 2192:
coastal cities and islands took much longer, where the script continued to be used by the notaries of Krk into the first decade of the 19th century, with education by rural chapters on that island ensuring the survival of the script until well after their abolition by the Napoleon administration in the second decade of the 19th century.
1518:, as Glagolitic lost its dominance. In later centuries, the number of letters dropped dramatically, to fewer than 30 in modern Croatian and Czech recensions of the Church Slavic language. Twenty-four of the 41 original Glagolitic letters (see table below) probably derive from graphemes of the medieval cursive 1215:, whose promulgation of the vernacular had the effect of confining regular use of Glagolitic to a few monasteries and academic institutions, in addition to a small population of enthusiasts, whose numbers grew and shrank with the prevalence of the script in literature, but grew exponentially in pious and 2004:
The early development of the Glagolitic minuscule script alongside the increasingly square majuscule is poorly documented, but a mutual relationship evolved between the two varieties; the majuscule being used primarily for inscriptions and higher liturgical uses, and the minuscule being used in both
continued to be educated primarily in the Glagolitic script as late as the third decade of the 19th century. But without centres of education, Latin script and Italian rapidly took over, so that very little was written in the script after the third quarter of the 19th century except for ceremonial
discovered the script and established it as the original script devised by Cyril, Glagolitic gained new niche applications in certain intellectual circles, while a small number of priests fought to keep its liturgical use alive, encountering difficulties but eventually succeeding to the point that
2308:, considering him – by his own words, born on the border between Dalmatia and Pannonia (remembering that the Dalmatian borders extended well into Istria at that time) – presumed to be an Illyrian, the self-styled Slavic intellectuals in Dalmatia very early began to ascribe to him the invention of 2191:
into Croatia in the 15th and 16th centuries posed the first major existential threat to the script's survival. The Counter-Reformation, alongside other factors, led to the suppression of Glagolitic in Istria in the 16th–17th centuries as well as in the Zagreb archdiocese. The Latinisation of the
Until the end of the 18th century, a strange but widespread opinion dominated that the Glagolitic writing system, which was in use in Dalmatia and Istria along with neighboring islands, including the translation of the Holy Scripture, owe their existence to the famous church father St. Jerome.
2355:. Other letters were late creations after a Cyrillic model. It should also be noted that Ⱑ corresponds to two different Cyrillic letters (Ѣ and Я), present even in older manuscripts, and not to different later variants of the same Cyrillic letter in different times or places. 5496:
are usually considered to be a reference to a kind of property mark or alternatively fortune-telling signs. Some "Ruthenian letters" found in one version of St. Cyril's life are explainable as misspelled "Syrian letters" (in Slavic, the roots are very similar:
left the script without legal status and its last remaining centers of education were abolished, concurrent with the weakening of the script in the few remaining seminaries that used the cursive form in instruction, resulting in a rapid decline. But when the
1867:, Glagolitic gradually ceased to be used there at all. Nevertheless, particular passages or words written with the Glagolitic alphabet appeared in Bulgarian Cyrillic manuscripts till the end of the 14th century. Some students of the Ohrid academy went to 2358:
The following table lists each letter in its modern order, showing its Unicode representation, images of the letter in both the round and angular/squared variant forms, the corresponding modern Cyrillic letter, the approximate sound transcribed with the
2001:. Most later use in the Cyrillic world was for cryptographic purposes, such as in the Krushedol Miscellany (15th), the RNB F.п.I.48 Prologue (1456), the Piskarev 59 Isaac (1472), the Shchukin 511 Miscellany (1511) and the Hludov Gospel (17th/18th). 2342:
The phonetic values of many of the letters are thought to have been displaced under Cyrillic influence or to have become confused through the early spread to different dialects, so the original values are not always clear. For instance, the letter
The number of letters in the original Glagolitic alphabet is not known, but it may have been close to its presumed Greek model. The 41 letters known today include letters for non-Greek sounds, which may have been added by Saint Cyril, as well as
Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 93: "East Christian Slays used two alphabets, Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Just to confuse matters, the script devised by Cyril was probably Glagolitic, while Cyrillic—which came to predominate, emerged somewhat
would eventually resume printing Glagolitic books, very few titles were published, so the majority of Glagolitic literary works continued to be written and copied by hand well into the 18th century. Of the major European scripts, only the
published in Rome. Authorization for the use of this language was extended to some other Slavic regions between 1886 and 1935. In missals, the Glagolitic script was eventually replaced with the Latin alphabet, but the use of the
2367:, while the mostly similar Church Slavonic ones follow an approach more familiar to a generic English speaking reader. Several letters have no modern counterpart. The column for the angular variant, sometimes referred to as 1674:
banned the script and jailed 200 followers of Methodius, mostly students of the original academy. They were then dispersed or, according to some sources, sold as slaves by the Franks. However, many of them, including Saints
adopters of Istria in a bid to secure the approval of the papacy. The bid was ultimately successful, though sporadic restrictions and repressions from individual bishops continued even after its official recognition by
The epoch of traditional attribution of the script to Jerome ended probably in 1812. In modern times, only certain marginal authors share this view, usually "re-discovering" one of the already-known mediaeval sources.
6615:"The right to use the Glagolitic language at Mass with the Roman Rite has prevailed for many centuries in all the south-western Balkan countries, and has been sanctioned by long practice and by many popes..." 1529:
The source of the other consonantal letters is unknown. If they were added by Cyril, it is likely that they were taken from an alphabet used for Christian scripture. It is frequently proposed that the letters
Glagoljica I Hrvatski Glagolizam: Zbornik Radova S Meunarodnoga Znanstvenog Skupa Povodom 100 Obljetnice Staroslavenske Akademije I 50 Obljetnice Staroslavenskog Instituta, Zagreb-krk, 2.-6 Listopada 2002
1727:. Fearing growing Byzantine influence and weakening of the state, Boris viewed the introduction of the Slavic alphabet and language into church use as a way to preserve the independence of the 2045: 1166:
requirement that priests be educated at seminaries. The result was its gradual death as a written script in most of its continental range, but also the unusually late survival of medieval
Sporadic instances aside, Glagolitic survived beyond the 12th century as a primary script in Croatian lands alone, although from there a brief attempt at reintroduction was made in the
In the Middle Ages, Glagolitsa was also known as "St. Jerome's script" due to a popular mediaeval legend (created by Croatian scribes in the 13th century) ascribing its invention to
8102: 1054:, though its use declined there in the 12th century, although some manuscripts in the territory of the former retained Glagolitic inclusions for centuries. It had also spread to 1847:(commonly known as the Preslav Literary School, where the Bulgarian capital, along with the school, was transferred to in 893) – is often credited, at least by supporters of 1632:
priests. The Glagolitic alphabet, however it originated, was used between 863 and 885 for government and religious documents and books and at the Great Moravian Academy (
2076: 6104: 6807: 5136:
The Glagolitic combining letters for Glagolitic Supplement block (U+1E000–U+1E02F) was added to the Unicode Standard in June, 2016 with the release of version 9.0:
1498:, who may have created them to facilitate the introduction of Christianity. It is believed that the original letters were fitted to Slavic dialects in geographical 6557: 5523:
books and video game series. It is also featured, in various uses, in several of the point and click adventure games made by Cateia Games, a Croatian game studio.
8314: 6203: 8324: 7896: 7875: 144: 8349: 2165: 7998: 7733: 7810: 2280:(from common Slavic word "bukva" meaning "letter", and a suffix "-itsa") and "Illyrian" (presumably similar to using the same anachronistic name for the 1962:
It was believed that Glagolitsa in Croatia was present only in those areas. But, in 1992, the discovery of Glagolitic inscriptions in churches along the
1688: 7435: 1884: 298: 1871:
where the alphabet was used in the 10th and 11th centuries, along with other scripts. It is not clear whether the Glagolitic alphabet was used in the
9406: 8890: 8205: 7526: 6594: 2347:Ⱓ is thought to have perhaps originally had the sound /u/ but was displaced by the adoption of the ligature Ⱆ under the influence of later Cyrillic 9836: 9826: 9401: 1027:
scribes who incorporated some Glagolitic letters, gradually replaced Glagolitic in that region. Glagolitic remained in use alongside Latin in the
9816: 9806: 9396: 9391: 9386: 7605:
Examples of glagolitic abecedaria, numeraria and alphabet acrostics with some considerations about the original order of letters can be found in
2206: 1848: 2005:
religious and secular documents. Ignoring the problematic early Slavonian inscriptions, the use of the Glagolitic script at its peak before the
8546: 8200: 8195: 8190: 8185: 8180: 8175: 8158: 7917: 7592: 7064: 6888: 6047: 5901: 5862: 5816: 5676: 2088: 1692: 11532: 9821: 8170: 1179: 7977: 7956: 5440: 7095: 8965: 8109: 6742: 6384: 7922: 7549: 6665: 6535: 6496: 6457: 2188: 11564: 2372: 152: 8029: 7785: 7491: 7931: 2033: 12806: 8210: 2364: 10754: 6654:
The A to Z of the Orthodox Church, Michael Prokurat, Alexander Golitzin, Michael D. Peterson, Rowman & Littlefield, 2010,
Latinic translations and transliterations of the matter of the missal in this period led to its decline in the decades before
12786: 12771: 12634: 8883: 7846: 7833: 7235: 7048: 6872: 6417: 6378: 6072: 5885: 11203: 6975: 6296: 6226: 6100: 6078: 5986:
Okey, Robin (1992). "Austro-Hungarian Diplomacy and the Campaign for a Slavonic Liturgy in the Catholic Church, 1881-1914".
12796: 6638: 2056: 2018: 1011:
to spread Christianity there. After the deaths of Cyril and Methodius, their disciples were expelled and they moved to the
Molitve za puk što se pivaju preko svete mise po župama Dalmacije: prevedene iz Rimskoga misala: s dozvolom crkovne vlasti
10640: 8952: 8238: 6802: 2155: 329: 17: 9176: 7763: 6621: 6564: 2274:
at that time, which gives rise to the name "Slovenish" for the alphabet. Some other, rarer, names for this alphabet are
2215:, their order of development, and influence on each other has been a matter of great study, controversy, and dispute in 8539: 6329: 2041: 6200: 6152: 2098: 12776: 12741: 12402: 12388: 12358: 11497: 8017: 7620: 7411: 6784: 6736: 6529: 6490: 6451: 5726: 5609: 5113: 2115: 1028: 983:. It is generally agreed that it was created in the 9th century for the purpose of translating liturgical texts into 959: 7080:"The "Making" of a National Saint: Reflections on the Formation of the Cult of Saint Jerome in the Eastern Adriatic" 6346:"Atlas of Endangered Alphabets: Indigenous and minority writing systems, and the people who are trying to save them" 12791: 12620: 11337: 10734: 8876: 8217: 8153: 7276: 5577: 5567: 2145: 2068: 1791:
granted the Croatians of southern Dalmatia the unique privilege of using their own language and this script in the
to restrict spreading and reading Christian services in languages other than Latin or Greek. Around the same time,
1155: 734: 9181: 7715:
L. Niederle, "Slovanské starožitnosti" (Slavic antiquities), III 2, 735; citation can be found in Vajs 1932, p. 4.
11060: 10321: 8165: 7725: 5572: 2037: 1000: 598: 280: 7911: 5544: 2242:
from the names of its first two letters, on the same model as "alpha" + "beta" (the same name can also refer to
12627: 11193: 10832: 7951: 7311: 6712: 6690: 6659: 3261:. In squared glagolitic it was eventually replaced by a Latin/Cyrillic like form, partly due to its complexity 2125: 2084: 2080: 2060: 740: 7626: 6583:"OTPIS INOCENTA IV. SENJSKOM BISKUPU (1248.) POD PATRONATOM SV. JERONIMA I. Senjski privilegij iz godine 1248" 1601:
use letters with a numerical value assigned to each based on their native alphabetic order. This differs from
11302: 10827: 9885: 8810: 8532: 8498: 7971: 7890: 6177:
Fučić, Branko (21 September 1971). "Najstariji glagoljski natpisi" [Oldest Glagolitic Inscriptions].
2135: 1751:
From there, the students travelled to other places and spread the use of their alphabet. Students of the two
580: 10164: 7427: 12801: 12781: 12613: 12592: 9880: 9655: 9171: 8947: 8850: 7943: 5477: 1708: 418: 8448: 4579: 4575: 4532: 4490: 4441: 4392: 4350: 4313: 4271: 4228: 4224: 4172: 4090: 4046: 3976: 3916: 3863: 3808: 3804: 3750: 3697: 3649: 3593: 3540: 3497: 3448: 3397: 3354: 3304: 3300: 3240: 3191: 3187: 3127: 3085: 3081: 3020: 3016: 2959: 2955: 2894: 2848: 2782: 2723: 2662: 2615: 2557: 2495: 2440: 294: 290: 12493: 12472: 11152: 11147: 10842: 10744: 9266: 8957: 8400: 7514: 6582: 1955: 1578:Ϫ. However, Cubberley suggests that if a single prototype were presumed, the most likely source would be 8034: 6127:"Slavic languages | List, Definition, Origin, Map, Tree, History, & Number of Speakers | Britannica" 1506:). The words of that language could not be easily written by using either the Greek or Latin alphabets. 1300:
In the languages now spoken in the places where Glagolitic script was once used, the script is known as
1158:, and the only active printing press with a Glagolitic type was confiscated, leading to a shift towards 12746: 12560: 11157: 10724: 10137: 9198: 8359: 8095: 4723: 4700: 2050: 1495: 988: 78: 9890: 9208: 7821: 12756: 10810: 10532: 10085: 9672: 6931:"Knjiga Оpćena, matica crikvena – stara matična knjiga župe Kučiće-Vinišće, djelo župnika glagoljaša" 2292: 804: 7129:), Venice, 1812 mentions the version as a fact of science (see Jagić 1911, p. 52; Vajs 1932, p. 23). 5743: 12310: 12296: 11601: 10184: 9987: 9203: 8473: 6903: 5770: 4034: 3229: 2771: 2600: 2402: 2064: 1892: 1659:
and it's clergy, persecuted the students of Cyril and Methodius, imprisoned and expelled them from
104: 11915: 9331: 3172: 2032:
Bishoprics by size of 16th century Glagolitic inscriptional corpus (in letters). "Other" includes
1787:), where the squared variant arose and where Glagolitic remained in use for a long time. In 1248, 12761: 12599: 11627: 10584: 10261: 10240: 10120: 10100: 9932: 9603: 9507: 8984: 8942: 8899: 8641: 8488: 8299: 7901: 7880: 3901: 3529: 2883: 2212: 1772: 1740: 1220: 1067: 1032: 1020: 1016: 342: 325: 7404:
Cadmean Letters: The Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean and Further West Before 1400 B.C
6763:Велчева, Б. Късната българска глаголица. Кирило-Методиевски студии, кн. 12, София, 1999, 87–152. 3631: 3386: 3062: 2103: 752: 12766: 11317: 10256: 10246: 10179: 9689: 9122: 8309: 8294: 8003: 7079: 6031: 3638: 3486: 3285: 2837: 2700: 2651: 1978:, and some others), showing that use of the Glagolitic alphabet was spread from Slavonia also. 1860: 1844: 1764: 1728: 1696: 1147: 1089:
in addition to its use as a secular script in parts of its range, which at times extended into
1071: 1012: 276: 132: 6774: 6726: 6680: 6407: 6368: 4379: 3437: 2484: 1903:
In Croatia, from the 12th century, Glagolitic inscriptions appeared mostly in littoral areas:
12701: 12606: 12395: 12344: 11804: 11726: 11490: 11429: 11414: 10983: 10862: 10604: 10564: 10296: 9972: 9156: 9144: 9117: 9102: 8601: 8369: 7857: 7384: 6662: 6519: 6480: 6441: 5597: 5143: 4704: 4209: 4161: 4104: 4028: 3793: 3686: 3116: 2940: 2546: 2170: 2006: 1994: 1776: 1736: 877: 11409: 10614: 7815: 6702: 6345: 4477: 4337: 12465: 12216: 11893: 11389: 11044: 11008: 10413: 10336: 10169: 9917: 9907: 9746: 9729: 9045: 8631: 8354: 8289: 3965: 3739: 3578: 3343: 2806: 2429: 2335: 2243: 1625: 1511: 1503: 1216: 672: 353: 170: 6321: 6314: 4428: 3852: 8: 11292: 11188: 10910: 10433: 9139: 8857: 8748: 8671: 8508: 8344: 8329: 8304: 8137: 7826:
A Historical Outline of Literary Croatian and The Glagolitic Heritage of Croatian Culture
7700: 5800: 5556: 5489: 3272: 3159: 2946: 2454: 2396: 2368: 1768: 1700: 1598: 1365: 1319: 1258: 1191: 1151: 1129:. These had little effect on the vitality of the script, which evolved from its original 984: 685: 487: 437: 180: 120: 9455: 8524: 8483: 8082: 7868: 7461: 5655:
Miltenov, Yavor (2021). "Свидетелства за прехода глаголица – кирилица през Х–XIII век".
Inverse of I/Izhey, possibly for cemetery in the abbreviation of "Ἰησοῦς" "Jesus"- "ΙΣ"
1872: 12751: 12451: 12428: 12062: 11951: 11941: 11833: 11776: 11762: 11719: 11424: 11307: 11142: 11034: 10993: 10947: 10942: 10837: 10819: 10487: 10418: 10383: 10331: 10144: 10132: 9543: 9465: 9366: 8921: 8820: 8786: 8753: 8723: 8683: 8596: 8560: 8556: 8463: 8443: 8319: 8284: 8132: 7586: 7268: 7058: 6882: 6041: 5995: 5895: 5856: 5810: 5670: 3005: 2810: 2227:
A once common belief was that the Glagolitic was created or used in the 4th century by
1945: 1583: 1499: 1447: 1351: 1315: 1135: 1051: 898: 716: 626: 381: 11684: 11342: 8513: 8438: 8049: 7928: 7863: 5658:Шьствоуѭ нꙑнѣ по слѣдоу оучителю. Сборник в чест на проф. д.ф.н. Анна-Мария Тотоманова 2291:(342–429). The legend was partly based on the saint's place of birth on the border of 12574: 12567: 12303: 12289: 12201: 12090: 12000: 11979: 11958: 11886: 11818: 11677: 11635: 11587: 11322: 11312: 10957: 10952: 10857: 10852: 10759: 10714: 10537: 10517: 10507: 10497: 10492: 10428: 10423: 10351: 10286: 10271: 10216: 10159: 10095: 10053: 9895: 9781: 9704: 9220: 9215: 9092: 8758: 8611: 8591: 8493: 8453: 8428: 8269: 8013: 7947: 7838: 7829: 7616: 7483: 7407: 7376: 7260: 7231: 7044: 6946: 6868: 6845: 6780: 6732: 6708: 6686: 6655: 6525: 6486: 6447: 6413: 6374: 6325: 6068: 5928: 5881: 5722: 5605: 4066:. The rod-shaped "štapić" variant is probably derived from the apostrophe character. 3222: 2764: 2593: 2464: 2363:, the name, and suggestions for its origin. The Old Church Slavonic names follow the 2281: 2197:
purposes, and soon very few could read the cursive script apart from a few scholars.
1998: 1953:, and it is considered one of the most beautiful Croatian Glagolitic books. The 1483 1752: 1621: 1602: 1579: 1409: 1333: 1249: 1175: 798: 666: 412: 8061: 6126: 4562: 4153: 4019: 12708: 12646: 12539: 12500: 12486: 12444: 12319: 12265: 12246: 12180: 12172: 12158: 12151: 12076: 11872: 11847: 11783: 11755: 11670: 11656: 11573: 11546: 11483: 11394: 11297: 11119: 10962: 10589: 10569: 10559: 10554: 10438: 10194: 10127: 10115: 10080: 10075: 10058: 9997: 9962: 9922: 9724: 9719: 9667: 9618: 9502: 9436: 9376: 9326: 9271: 9188: 9166: 9151: 9097: 9087: 9021: 8718: 8693: 8659: 8654: 8621: 8364: 8274: 7473: 7087: 6938: 6837: 6682:
The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire, Oxford History of the Christian Church
6305: 3799: 3745: 3522: 2876: 2738: 2525: 2517: 1986: 1971: 1864: 1788: 1756: 1720: 1680: 1470: 1452: 1405: 1337: 1323: 1163: 1150:
left the script without most of its continental population, and as a result of the
1140: 1126: 1116:
Its authorship by Cyril was forgotten, having been replaced with an attribution to
1102: 915: 817: 728: 702: 690: 660: 632: 618: 507: 499: 12546: 11741: 11367: 11018: 10388: 8478: 8405: 7726:"Wiedźmiński alfabet – o czym informują nas plakaty w grze Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon?" 7676: 7478: 3894: 3165: 2331: 2246:
and in some modern languages it simply means "alphabet" in general). The Slavs of
1482: 12532: 12224: 12165: 12111: 12104: 12083: 12069: 12053: 12031: 11986: 11879: 11854: 11826: 11811: 11734: 11712: 11705: 11663: 11623: 11594: 11282: 11252: 11075: 10998: 10764: 10694: 10599: 10547: 10527: 10463: 10453: 10443: 10408: 10373: 10368: 10363: 10276: 10231: 10226: 10110: 10105: 9952: 9942: 9796: 9761: 9756: 9736: 9630: 9588: 9528: 9411: 9381: 9291: 9251: 9193: 9127: 9107: 9055: 9038: 9026: 8802: 8777: 8636: 8581: 8264: 8055: 7935: 7651: 7388: 6965: 6811: 6669: 6642: 6625: 6300: 6293: 6271: 6230: 6223: 6207: 6062: 5561: 3942: 3479: 3379: 3319: 3055: 2830: 2799: 2644: 2610: 1876: 1852: 1829: 1804: 1704: 1676: 1656: 1591: 1572: 1564: 1519: 1395: 1385: 1195: 1110: 1086: 1063: 792: 786: 780: 654: 638: 609: 592: 390: 124: 116: 10729: 9912: 8503: 8233: 8072: 6707:, Cambridge Medieval Textbooks, Florin Curta, Cambridge University Press, 2006, 6633: 5148: 4519: 3278: 2693: 2477: 1430: 867: 424: 260: 12669: 12553: 12437: 12417: 12326: 12194: 12125: 12024: 11972: 11965: 11797: 11790: 11769: 11748: 11649: 11642: 11449: 11404: 11332: 11327: 11178: 11162: 11137: 11080: 11070: 11065: 10905: 10779: 10739: 10709: 10655: 10650: 10645: 10619: 10594: 10542: 10482: 10448: 10398: 10346: 10311: 10266: 10236: 10189: 10149: 10048: 10002: 9957: 9875: 9811: 9766: 9751: 9714: 9694: 9662: 9650: 9598: 9593: 9583: 9573: 9568: 9485: 9470: 9460: 9426: 9416: 9361: 9346: 9311: 9161: 9065: 9013: 8903: 8738: 8606: 8458: 8423: 8384: 8379: 8334: 8279: 7143: 6309: 5632: 5627: 4728: 4258: 4147: 4077: 3971: 3907: 3858: 3786: 3679: 3430: 3109: 2932: 2909: 2777: 2677: 2539: 2216: 2072: 1880: 1833: 1812: 1732: 1724: 1716: 1712: 1644: 1606: 1605:, which inherited their numeric value from the corresponding Greek letter (see 1523: 1375: 1294: 1200: 1047: 1036: 1024: 902: 722: 710: 644: 560: 534: 527: 403: 252: 185: 175: 136: 10879: 8433: 8067: 7364: 7091: 6033:
Rimski misal slověnskim jezikom prěsv. G. N. Urbana papi VIII povelěnjem izdan
5715:"Preliminary Remarks on the Old Church Slavonic Psalterium Demetrii Sinaitici" 4202: 4013: 2338:
shown in (from left) round, angular, and cursive versions of Glagolitic script
1923:; in Dalmatia, on the islands of Zadar, but there were also findings in inner 1170:
for the reproduction of Glagolitic texts in isolated areas like the island of
12735: 12676: 12525: 12458: 12381: 12351: 12209: 12187: 12118: 12014: 11993: 11840: 11698: 11616: 11609: 11580: 11539: 11454: 11444: 11439: 11226: 10920: 10579: 10522: 10174: 9947: 9831: 9786: 9741: 9709: 9558: 9475: 9448: 9421: 9351: 9336: 9321: 9276: 9033: 8834: 8728: 8713: 8586: 8576: 8243: 7982: 7961: 7755: 7487: 7380: 7264: 6950: 6849: 6616: 5932: 5484: 4308: 4219: 3991: 3958: 3692: 3644: 3588: 3535: 3492: 3443: 3392: 3291: 3235: 3178: 3122: 2981: 2950: 2889: 2718: 2710: 2657: 2606: 2552: 2490: 2247: 1684: 1660: 1617: 1553: 1184: 1008: 855: 746: 243: 9495: 5663:
Evidence for the Glagolitic-Cyrillic Transition Through the X-XIII Centuries
5401: 4300: 3845: 3732: 3571: 3336: 2926: 2422: 2317:
Jagić, Vatroslav, Glagolitica. Würdigung neuentdeckter Fragmente. Wien, 1890
12132: 12097: 12038: 11525: 11287: 11183: 11096: 10988: 10889: 10699: 10512: 10477: 10458: 10393: 10281: 10043: 9967: 9776: 9771: 9682: 9677: 9613: 9553: 9533: 9490: 9480: 9431: 9316: 9296: 9286: 9134: 9112: 9070: 8868: 8827: 8815: 8763: 8743: 8468: 8374: 8248: 4912: 3663: 3584: 3463: 3349: 3040: 3011: 2714: 2706: 2510: 2435: 1950: 1888: 1629: 1613: 1475: 1159: 1040: 996: 758: 552: 546: 493: 476: 53: 10341: 8841: 6014: 5970: 5846: 5411: 4632:) varies from source to source, as does the order of the various forms of 1936: 566: 12715: 12479: 12410: 11691: 11382: 11242: 11003: 10847: 10704: 10609: 10378: 10306: 10291: 10199: 9992: 9902: 9801: 9791: 9645: 9608: 9563: 9548: 9523: 9443: 9371: 9356: 9060: 8616: 8339: 8077: 7352:] (in Bulgarian). Sofia, Bulgaria: Народна Просвета. pp. 29, 30. 5519: 5482:
A hypothetical pre-Glagolitic writing system is typically referred to as
5071: 4918: 3412: 3322: 3255: 2998: 2741: 2211:
The exact nature of relationship between the Glagolitic alphabet and the
1975: 1856: 1652: 1640:, found in the 19th century in Jerusalem, was dated to the 10th century. 1637: 1121: 1004: 540: 91: 49: 7272: 7252: 6930: 6832:[Old Czech Literary Monuments and Croatian Angular Glagolitic]. 4939: 4667:
The Proto-Slavic language did not have the phoneme /f/, and the letters
1636:) founded by the missionaries, where their followers were educated. The 11372: 11347: 10915: 10358: 9848: 9843: 9699: 9640: 9281: 8733: 8678: 7854:
Paleographic Methods Used in Dating Cyrillic and Glagolitic Manuscripts
5999: 5258: 5077: 4924: 2288: 2228: 2193: 1982: 1840: 1800: 1792: 1760: 1648: 1616:, who were later canonized as Saints Cyril and Methodius, were sent to 1212: 1117: 845: 828: 574: 148: 5098: 4942: 1487: 12683: 12662: 12655: 11434: 11271: 10967: 10934: 10769: 10660: 10209: 9937: 9853: 9578: 8792: 7786:"Designs of Croatian national sides of euro and cent coins presented" 7230:. New Haven, CT/London, UK: Yale University Press. pp. 168–172. 5537: 5532: 5083: 4167: 4041: 2371:, is not complete as some of the letters were not used following the 2235: 2014: 2010: 1441: 1240: 1059: 513: 209: 140: 128: 11377: 8087: 8044: 8039: 7566: 7299: 6373:. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 178–182. 5714: 5694:[Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Glagolitic Epigraphy]. 5656: 5389: 5101: 4936: 4821: 1920: 1839:
At the end of the 9th century, one of these students of Methodius –
1106: 42: 11399: 11362: 11357: 11237: 11198: 11039: 10798: 10683: 10574: 10316: 10204: 10154: 10025: 9538: 9341: 9301: 9082: 9075: 8926: 8782: 8626: 7992: 7608: 7005:] (in Croatian). Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 6829: 3416: 2814: 2360: 2296: 2267: 2263: 2251: 1967: 1940: 1820: 1816: 1784: 1515: 1459: 1224: 1098: 1094: 1082: 980: 861: 834: 369: 286: 67: 11419: 5406: 5283: 5278: 5241: 5226: 5095: 4980: 4903: 1425: 11506: 11013: 10884: 10774: 10749: 10635: 10472: 10326: 10301: 10070: 9977: 9625: 9239: 9050: 8770: 8708: 5352: 5318: 5303: 5268: 5248: 4909: 4710: 4570: 4362: 3772: 3035: 2974: 2576: 2305: 2259: 2255: 1963: 1908: 1868: 1780: 1771:. This led to the establishment of the two literary schools: the 1671: 1587: 1278: 225: 7084:
Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage
Fontes historici liturgiae glagolito-romanae a 13 ad 19 saeculum
5328: 5313: 5308: 5293: 5236: 5231: 5062: 1883:. Another use of Glagolitic is presumed in now southern Poland ( 1445:
The first page of the Gospel of Mark from the 10th–11th century
12507: 10251: 10063: 9982: 9927: 9635: 9306: 6942: 6841: 5416: 5377: 5372: 5362: 5342: 5333: 5273: 5253: 5221: 5216: 5068: 4933: 4930: 4921: 4836: 4833: 4809: 4800: 4683:) were used for transcribing words of Greek origin, and so was 3206: 1990: 1928: 1904: 1824: 1167: 1090: 1075: 1055: 893: 519: 465: 459: 7017: 5947: 5916: 5691: 5357: 5347: 5323: 5298: 5211: 4883: 4859: 4850: 4827: 4815: 1281:, around the 14th century, and was derived from the word 10874: 10869: 10719: 10502: 10403: 10090: 9001: 7462:""Бывают странные сближенья…": греческий юпсилон и глаголица" 6918:. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: 191–219. 6830:"Staročeské literární památky a charvátská hranatá hlaholice" 6685:, J. M. Hussey, Andrew Louth, Oxford University Press, 2010, 5785:. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: 191–219. 5517:
Glagolitic script is the writing system used in the world of
5396: 5384: 5092: 5089: 5080: 4995: 4992: 4968: 4959: 4865: 4856: 4853: 4844: 4812: 4806: 4803: 4546: 4242: 3877: 3068: 2748: 2630: 2457: 1815:), actually extended to all Croatian lands, mostly along the 1808: 1667: 1559: 772: 766: 7253:"Glagolica: An iconic script for visual evangelic preaching" 5263: 5042: 5018: 5009: 4986: 4974: 4927: 4900: 4897: 4889: 4877: 4868: 4830: 4818: 4797: 4794: 1703:
to teach and instruct the future clergy of the state in the
11352: 11247: 5950:[The Profile of the Glagolites of Krk in History]. 5024: 5015: 5012: 5003: 4971: 4965: 4962: 4886: 4880: 4871: 4862: 4847: 4791: 4527: 4085: 3911: 3142: 3072: 1932: 1924: 1916: 1796: 1490:
parish's baptismal register, by the cleric Nicholas in 1817
992: 933: 7365:"Glagolitic script as a manifestation of sacred knowledge" 6865:
Alma mater Pragensis. Studie k počátkům Univerzity Karlovy
5086: 5059: 5056: 5048: 5036: 5027: 4989: 4977: 4956: 4953: 4915: 4906: 4874: 4613:) also can be written as digraphs, in two separate parts. 4266: 1836:
continued, until replaced by modern vernacular languages.
The creation of the characters is popularly attributed to
8554: 6904:"Кирилски ръкописи с глаголически вписвания (Част пръва)" 5771:"Кирилски ръкописи с глаголически вписвания (Част пръва)" 5527: 5451: 5045: 5039: 5030: 5021: 5006: 4950: 4824: 4485: 4436: 4387: 4345: 4215: 3555: 3295: 3182: 3076: 2843: 1912: 1434: 1171: 948: 942: 930: 927: 921: 8012:. Hrvatsko književno društvo sv. Jeronima, Zagreb 1994. 7375:(online ed.). Firenze University Press: 7–27, 358. 6906:[Cyrillic Manuscripts with Glagolitic portions] 5773:[Cyrillic Manuscripts with Glagolitic portions] 5540:
and cultures, seems to be based upon Glagolitic script.
5471: 5124: 5074: 5065: 5033: 4713:
Standard in March 2005 with the release of version 4.1.
2231:, hence the alphabet was sometimes named "Hieronymian". 1767:
on Balkans and were received and accepted officially by
1735:. As a result of Boris' measures, two academies, one in 1628:, who wanted to weaken the dependence of his country on 7228:
The Dawn of Slavic: An introduction to Slavic philology
Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950–1300,
6153:"Alphabet - Cyrillic, Glagolitic, Scripts | Britannica" 5602:
The Dawn of Slavic: An Introduction to Slavic Philology
4983: 1855:, which almost entirely replaced Glagolitic during the 7455: 7453: 5880:. Folia Protestantica Croatica (in Croatian). Zagreb. 5746:[On the Glagolitic Inscription from Konavle] 3718: 2572: 1755:
who were expelled from Great Moravia in 886, notably
1261: 1031:
and alongside Cyrillic until the 14th century in the
960: 951: 918: 7517:[Ductus of the types of Glagolitic script]. 5536:, Athian script, the written language of the Athian 945: 939: 924: 285:. For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see 7567:"Osnovni procesi konstituiranja ustavne glagoljice" 7450: 6521:
Interaction and Isolation in Late Byzantine Culture
4716:The Unicode block for Glagolitic is U+2C00–U+2C5F. 936: 6409:An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches 6313: 5706: 2222: 2013:dialect at the time, in addition to some adjacent 1139:form, in addition to a cursive form developed for 7968:Abecedarium palaeoslovenicum in usum glagolitarum 6728:East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000–1500 6273:East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000–1500 6054: 5692:"Kulturno-povijesni vidovi glagoljske epigrafike" 5604:, New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 179, 1514:added in the 12th century under the influence of 1478:attributed the Glagolitic script to Saint Jerome. 1219:circles in the years leading up to and following 12733: 7226:Schenker, Alexander M. (1995). "Early writing". 6704:Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1250 6224:Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500–1250 2009:corresponded roughly to the area that spoke the 1959:was the first printed Croatian Glagolitic book. 1799:, permission to use the Glagolitic liturgy (the 1586:, which Cyril learned during his journey to the 1355: 299:IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters 7706:; Preslav 895, Bulgaria; Oldest manuscript 1348 7125:P. Solarić's "Букварь славенскiй трiазбучный" ( 7041:ⰒⰑⰒⰋⰔ ⰃⰎⰀⰃⰑⰎⰌⰔⰍⰋⰘ ⰍⰑⰄⰅⰍⰔⰀ ⰈⰀⰄⰀⰓⰔⰍⰅ ⰐⰀⰄⰁⰋⰔⰍⰖⰒⰋⰌⰅ 6731:. University of Washington Press. p. 146. 6482:The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity 6360: 6006: 5762: 2207:Relationship of Cyrillic and Glagolitic scripts 1341: 1301: 1190:In the early 19th century, the policies of the 1101:, in addition to 14th-15th century exclaves in 1085:without interruption into the 20th century for 1074:prelates, and allowed it to entrench itself in 7018:"Ekonomsko-socijalno stanje krčkih glagoljaša" 6821: 6276:, University of Washington Press, 1994, p. 144 6061:Corbett, Greville G.; Comrie, Bernard (2003). 5545:1 euro cent, 2 euro cent and 5 euro cent coins 1898: 1851:, for the "creation" or wider adoption of the 1795:liturgy. Formally granted to bishop Philip of 1463:The first page of the Gospel of John from the 1327: 1252: 11491: 8884: 8540: 8103: 8083:A simple 7-bit Squared Glagolitic font (.ttf) 8064:– links to a Unicode Glagolitic font, Dilyana 7142:, XXXIX, sv. 9–10, 1931, refers to a work of 6990: 6895: 6304: 6060: 5939: 5917:"Tiskane glagoljske knjige krčkih glagoljaša" 5908: 1399: 8898: 8848: 8839: 8825: 8768: 7220: 7218: 7216: 7214: 7212: 7210: 7208: 7206: 7204: 7202: 7200: 7198: 7196: 7194: 7192: 7190: 7188: 7186: 7184: 7182: 7180: 7178: 7176: 7174: 7172: 7009: 6922: 6288: 6286: 6284: 6282: 5869: 5838: 5794: 5792: 5665:] (in Bulgarian). Sofia. pp. 35–49. 5648: 5622: 5620: 5463:Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points 1389: 1379: 1162:and Cyrillic literacy when coupled with the 7944:Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 7170: 7168: 7166: 7164: 7162: 7160: 7158: 7156: 7154: 7152: 7043:(in Church Slavic) (2nd ed.). Zagreb. 7003:Glagolitic Manuscripts of the Island of Krk 6856: 6412:. Cambridge University Press. p. 151. 6366: 5968: 5735: 1369: 1243: 11498: 11484: 8891: 8877: 8547: 8533: 8110: 8096: 8050:Glagolitic alphabet. Alternative encoding. 7591:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 7300:"On the origin of the Glagolitic alphabet" 7063:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6887:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6580: 6517: 6234:, Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 125 6067:. Milton Park, UK: Routledge. p. 29. 6046:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6012: 5900:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5878:Stipan Konzul i "Biblijski zavod" u Urachu 5861:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5815:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5675:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 5441: 5114: 1070:afforded it refuge from the opposition of 103: 41: 7477: 7459: 7362: 7343: 7032: 6827: 6804:"Glagoljaška baština u Slavonskom Kobašu" 6370:Numerical Notation: A Comparative History 6320:. Oxford University Press, Inc. pp.  6279: 6217: 6215: 6023: 5979: 5823: 5789: 5712: 5683: 5617: 4709:The Glagolitic alphabet was added to the 4289:below; /jo/ was not possible at the time 2373:Croatian recension of Old Church Slavonic 1970:totally changed the picture (churches in 1763:, brought the Glagolitic alphabet to the 1154:its use was restricted in Istria and the 7460:Kuznetsov, Anatoly Mikhailovich (2012). 7250: 7225: 7149: 6996: 6901: 6776:The Making of Central and Eastern Europe 6261:University of Chicago Press, 1995, p. 40 5768: 5721:. Studia Judaeoslavica. pp. 21–88. 5654: 5596: 5459: 2330: 1481: 1469: 1458: 1440: 1424: 1078:, spreading from there to nearby lands. 892: 7525:. Zagreb: Staroslavenski institut: 33. 7015: 6963: 6928: 6772: 6443:Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe 5945: 5914: 5875: 5844: 5741: 2304:Knowing him as the author of the Latin 1746: 330:question marks, boxes, or other symbols 14: 12734: 7512: 7401: 6862: 6724: 6212: 5962: 5948:"Profil krčkog glagoljaša u prošlosti" 5149:Official Unicode Consortium code chart 4729:Official Unicode Consortium code chart 1081:It survived there and as far south as 446: 12635:American Printing House for the Blind 12411:International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) 12063:Devanagari (Hindi / Marathi / Nepali) 11479: 11269: 11224: 11117: 10796: 10681: 10023: 9237: 8999: 8982: 8872: 8528: 8117: 8091: 7847:Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 7677:"Unicode® 9.0 Versioned Charts Index" 7646: 7644: 7606: 7564: 7547: 7339: 7337: 7335: 7333: 7331: 7329: 6974:] (in Croatian). Zagreb: Merkur. 6478: 6439: 6405: 6399: 6176: 5988:The Slavonic and East European Review 5829: 5798: 5689: 5512: 5472:Pre-Glagolitic Slavic writing systems 4705:Glagolitic Supplement (Unicode block) 4640:). Correspondence between Glagolitic 2024: 1985:area in the 14th century through the 1230: 11118: 7297: 7077: 7038: 6221:Florin Curta & Paul Stephenson, 6199:, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 6103:[Croatian language portal]. 6029: 5985: 5713:Gau, Melanie; Miklas, Heinz (2000). 2189:Ottoman Empire's repeated incursions 1709:adoption of Christianity in Bulgaria 1437:, conventionally dated to about 1100 289:. For the distinction between , 11505: 7736:from the original on 27 August 2018 7629:from the original on 17 August 2021 7609:"The glagolitic alphabet as a text" 7494:from the original on 3 October 2020 7438:from the original on 3 October 2020 7314:from the original on 7 October 2021 7279:from the original on 3 October 2020 4282:Unknown: Hypothetical component of 3937:; perhaps non-final form of Hebrew 3368:Unknown, possibly half of Ot/Omega 2200: 1666:In 886, an East Frankish bishop of 1277:is speculated to have developed in 1019:, which developed gradually in the 1003:were sent by the Byzantine Emperor 24: 11225: 7766:from the original on 1 August 2020 7641: 7548:Peţan, Aurora (13 November 1994). 7529:from the original on 14 April 2021 7515:"Duktus tipaua glagoljskoga pisma" 7326: 7098:from the original on 14 April 2021 6978:from the original on 14 April 2021 6779:. University of Washington Press. 6745:from the original on 14 April 2021 6460:from the original on 1 August 2020 6387:from the original on 1 August 2020 6107:from the original on 22 April 2021 6081:from the original on 20 April 2021 5744:"О глагољском натпису из Конавала" 3411:Possibly a variant of early Greek 3034:Possibly mimicking the shape of a 2326: 1486:The final Glagolitic entry in the 1314:, depending on which language) in 1270:), meaning "utterance" or "word". 1223:, and again more broadly with the 25: 12818: 8062:The Budapest Glagolitic Fragments 8030:Glagolitic text entry application 8023: 6259:The History and Power of Writing, 1711:in 865, religious ceremonies and 1655:, following the interests of the 8692: 6635:The Croatian Glagolitic Heritage 6597:from the original on 24 May 2021 6538:from the original on 23 May 2020 6499:from the original on 23 May 2020 6440:Price, Glanville (18 May 2000). 5805:. Prague, Krk, Zadar, Ljubljana. 5578:List of Glagolitic printed works 5568:Lists of Glagolitic inscriptions 4561: 4518: 4476: 4427: 4378: 4336: 4299: 4257: 4208: 4201: 4160: 4152: 4146: 4076: 4033: 4027: 4018: 4012: 3964: 3957: 3900: 3893: 3851: 3844: 3792: 3785: 3738: 3731: 3685: 3678: 3637: 3630: 3577: 3570: 3528: 3521: 3485: 3478: 3436: 3429: 3415: 3385: 3378: 3342: 3335: 3284: 3277: 3271: 3228: 3221: 3171: 3164: 3158: 3115: 3108: 3061: 3054: 3039: 3004: 2997: 2939: 2931: 2925: 2882: 2875: 2836: 2829: 2770: 2763: 2699: 2692: 2650: 2643: 2599: 2592: 2545: 2538: 2483: 2476: 2428: 2421: 1297:in Old Church Slavonic liturgy. 1109:, and a 16th century exclave in 914: 310: 11270: 7778: 7748: 7718: 7709: 7694: 7669: 7599: 7571:B'lgari i H'rvati prez vekovete 7558: 7541: 7506: 7428:"Wiener slawistischer Almanach" 7420: 7395: 7356: 7291: 7244: 7132: 7119: 7110: 7071: 6957: 6793: 6766: 6757: 6718: 6696: 6674: 6648: 6609: 6574: 6550: 6511: 6472: 6433: 6338: 6264: 6251: 6237: 6189: 6170: 6145: 6119: 6093: 5573:Lists of Glagolitic manuscripts 4501:Ligature of unknown letter and 4368:, also used to denote nasality 3554:Perhaps from crossbar of Greek 2223:Versions of authorship and name 1911:, and Kvarner islands, notably 1879:, but it was certainly used in 1433:, found in the 19th century on 360: 281:International Phonetic Alphabet 8964:Languages by writing system / 8010:Crtice iz povijesti glagoljice 7569:. In Božilova, Rumjana (ed.). 7298:Jung, Hakyung (January 2013). 6999:Glagoljski rukopisi otoka Krka 6818:, News from February 25, 2007. 6197:A Reference Grammar of Russian 5832:Uvod u glagoljsku paleografiju 5590: 5429: 5427: 5425: 5423: 5421: 5394: 5382: 5340: 5338: 5246: 3771:and its mirror image or Greek 2862:Unknown, possibly Armenian ja 1582:. Other proposals include the 1187:is comparable in this regard. 1046:Glagolitic also spread to the 13: 1: 12807:History of Macedonia (region) 12403:Gardner–Salinas braille codes 12359:Gardner–Salinas braille codes 10797: 10682: 10024: 8811:Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting 8325:Interpretation of the Passion 7989:Rukověť hlaholské paleografie 7804: 7551:Plăcile de plumb de la Sinaia 7479:10.15388/SlavViln.2012.2.1207 7251:Ilievski, Petar H.R. (2002). 6912:Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 6587:Croatica Christiana Periodica 6518:Rosenqvist, Jan Olof (2004). 6367:Chrisomalis, Stephen (2010). 5952:Croatica Christiana Periodica 5921:Croatica Christiana Periodica 5779:Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 5719:The Bible in Slavic Tradition 5696:Croatica Christiana Periodica 5583: 1949:from 1404 was illuminated in 1843:, one of the founders of the 979:) is the oldest known Slavic 837: 820: 807: 675: 468: 427: 12787:Old Church Slavonic language 12772:Medieval history of Bulgaria 12614:National Braille Association 12593:Braille Institute of America 12311:Two-cell Chinese (Shuangpin) 9238: 8851:Vereinfachte Ausgangsschrift 7869:Gramatika jezika hèrvatskoga 7406:. Eisenbrauns. p. 119. 7127:Three-alphabet Slavic Primer 6997:Štefanić, Vjekoslav (1960). 6013:Pavlinović, Mihovil (1913). 5478:Pre-Christian Slavic writing 2908:Possibly a variant of Greek 1987:Emmaus Benedictine Monastery 1551:were taken from the letters 1502:specifically (the Byzantine 1062:, from which it reached the 274: This article contains 27:Oldest known Slavic alphabet 7: 12797:Cultural history of Croatia 12494:Refreshable braille display 12473:Optical braille recognition 12070:Bengali (Bangla / Assamese) 11602:Chinese (mainland Mandarin) 10745:New Epoch Notation Painting 8401:Missale Romanum Glagolitice 8073:Ancient Scripts: Glagolitic 7908:Tragom hrvatskog glagolizma 7615:. Staroslavenski Institut. 7344:Ikonomova, Zhivka (1987). 6828:Pacnerova, Ludmila (2008). 6816:Slavonskobrodska televizija 6316:The World's Writing Systems 5550: 2626:speak (past or imperative) 1956:Missale Romanum Glagolitice 1899:Survival and use in Croatia 1474:In a book printed in 1591, 1208:in the early 20th century. 444: 79:Saint Cyril of Thessalonica 10: 12823: 12561:Thakur Vishva Narain Singh 9000: 8360:Ohrid Glagolitic fragments 8045:Croatian Glagolitic Script 8040:Croatian Glagolitic Script 7607:Veder, William R. (2004). 7257:Illinois Classical Studies 7138:For example, K. Šegvić in 6863:Šmahel, František (2016). 6581:Kraft Soić, Vanda (2016). 6479:Parry, Ken (10 May 2010). 5475: 5455:As of Unicode version 16.0 5433: 5141: 5128:As of Unicode version 16.0 5106: 4721: 4701:Glagolitic (Unicode block) 4698: 4694: 4241:Possibly epigraphic Greek 2365:scientific transliteration 2204: 1935:river, and even as far as 1496:Saints Cyril and Methodius 1420: 1415: 12693: 12644: 12584: 12517: 12427: 12373: 12336: 12297:Mainland Chinese Mandarin 12276: 12257: 12238: 12143: 12049: 12010: 11937: 11864: 11563: 11556: 11517: 11475: 11278: 11265: 11233: 11220: 11171: 11130: 11126: 11113: 11089: 11053: 11027: 10976: 10933: 10898: 10818: 10811:Chinese family of scripts 10809: 10805: 10792: 10690: 10677: 10628: 10036: 10032: 10019: 9881:Boyd's syllabic shorthand 9868: 9516: 9259: 9250: 9246: 9233: 9008: 8995: 8991: 8983: 8978: 8966:by first written accounts 8935: 8914: 8910: 8801: 8701: 8690: 8567: 8414: 8393: 8257: 8226: 8146: 8125: 7852:Fullerton, Sharon Golke: 7756:"About Us – Cateia Games" 7363:Uspenskij, Boris (2013). 7146:. (see Vajs 1932, p. 23). 7016:Bolonić, Mihovil (1976). 6967:Hrvatska glagolska knjiga 6773:Dvornik, Francis (1994). 6485:. John Wiley & Sons. 6101:"Hrvatski jezični portal" 5969:Prodan, Ivo (1900–1904). 5946:Bolonić, Mihovil (1980). 5915:Bolonić, Mihovil (1980). 5848:Hrvatska glagolska knjiga 5742:Tomović, Gordana (2005). Unabridged 4691:) for the Greek upsilon. 4185:Possibly modification of 4059:Possibly modification of 3994: 3938: 3880: 3145: 2744: 2521: 2513: 2509:Unknown, possibly Hebrew 2460: 1699:and were commissioned by 1624:at the request of Prince 1597:For writing numbers, the 1356: 1342: 1302: 1262: 272: 241: 231: 224: 220:, ​Glagolitic 208: 203: 163: 158: 112: 97: 84: 74: 62: 40: 34: 12777:Obsolete writing systems 12742:Church Slavonic language 12284:Chinese semi-syllabaries 11547:Unicode braille patterns 11533:International uniformity 9988:Thomas Natural Shorthand 7972:Staroslavenska akademija 7872:. A. Jakić, Zagreb 1864. 7828:. Erasmus, Zagreb 2008. 7573:. Sofija. pp. 31–42 7345: 6972:Croatian Glagolitic Book 6964:Strohal, Rudolf (1915). 6929:Kovačić, Slavko (2010). 6902:Miltenov, Yavor (2009). 6725:Sedlar, Jean W. (1994). 5845:Strohal, Rudolf (2015). 5769:Miltenov, Yavor (2009). 4605:) and three out of four 3941:‎); possibly from 2795:(2nd plural imperative) 2575:, cursive Greek upsilon 2219:since the 19th century. 1719:by clergy sent from the 332: instead of letters. 12792:9th century in Bulgaria 12621:Blindness organizations 12600:Braille Without Borders 12389:Canadian currency marks 12011:Egyptian lineage family 11194:Southwest Paleohispanic 8300:Fragmenta Vindobonensia 8056:The Glagolitic alphabet 7513:Čunčić, Marica (1999). 7402:Bernal, Martin (1990). 7092:10.13138/2039-2362/1795 7086:. Supplementi 07/2018. 6524:. Bloomsbury Academic. 5876:Jembrih, Alojz (2007). 5543:It is also featured on 2629:Possibly cursive Greek 2213:Early Cyrillic alphabet 1823:had several Glagolitic 1773:Preslav Literary School 1522:but have been given an 1221:Independence of Croatia 1068:Investiture Controversy 1039:, and later mainly for 1033:Second Bulgarian Empire 1021:Preslav Literary School 1017:Early Cyrillic alphabet 343:History of the alphabet 277:phonetic transcriptions 11938:Russian lineage family 11338:Great Lakes Algonquian 10247:Greco-Iberian alphabet 10180:Gabelsberger shorthand 9123:Inscriptional Parthian 8849: 8840: 8826: 8769: 8295:Euchologium Sinaiticum 8035:Glagolitic manuscripts 7927:, Sylvia Richter, and 7350:Old Bulgarian language 6294:"The Slavic Alphabets" 6292:Paul Cubberley (1996) 6064:The Slavonic Languages 5690:Fučić, Branko (1981). 5598:Schenker, Alexander M. 4123:), followed by either 2351:, mirroring the Greek 2339: 2320: 1861:First Bulgarian Empire 1845:Pliska Literary School 1765:First Bulgarian Empire 1697:First Bulgarian Empire 1634:Veľkomoravské učilište 1612:The two brothers from 1491: 1479: 1467: 1456: 1438: 1400: 1390: 1380: 1370: 1328: 1253: 1244: 1013:First Bulgarian Empire 905: 735:Great Lakes Algonquian 318:This article contains 48:Samples of text from " 12702:Accessible publishing 12628:Schools for the blind 12607:Japan Braille Library 12396:Computer Braille Code 12050:Indian lineage family 11430:Old Persian cuneiform 10297:Carolingian minuscule 9103:Ancient North Arabian 8370:Psalterium Sinaiticum 7858:Ohio State University 7704:An Account of Letters 7565:Žagar, Mateo (2003). 6630:Catholic Encyclopedia 5830:Žagar, Mateo (2013). 5494:strokes and incisions 5144:Glagolitic Supplement 3876:Final form of Hebrew 2579:or an inverted dobro 2568:(you/he/she/it) knew 2334: 2301: 2007:Croatian-Ottoman wars 1849:glagolitic precedence 1777:Ohrid Literary School 1504:theme of Thessalonica 1485: 1473: 1462: 1444: 1428: 999:. He and his brother 896: 419:Ancient South Arabian 12466:Mountbatten Brailler 11821:(largely reassigned) 11604:(largely reassigned) 11153:Southeastern Iberian 11148:Northeastern Iberian 9046:Egyptian hieroglyphs 8355:Missal of duke Novak 7912:Kršćanska sadašnjost 7466:Slavistica Vilnensis 7039:Kero, Pavao (2015). 6867:(in Czech). Prague. 6836:(in Czech). Zagreb. 6030:Vajs, Josef (1927). 5799:Jelić, Luka (1906). 1747:Spread of the script 1520:Greek small alphabet 354:Egyptian hieroglyphs 171:Egyptian hieroglyphs 12802:History of Dalmatia 12782:Western calligraphy 12418:Nemeth braille code 12204:(reassigned vowels) 11729:(extended to 8-dot) 11303:Canadian Aboriginal 11189:Khitan small script 10911:Khitan large script 10101:Coorgi–Cox alphabet 8749:Technical lettering 8474:Pavel Jozef Šafárik 8345:Law code of Vinodol 8330:Istrian Demarcation 8310:Greblo's quaresimal 8305:Glagolita Clozianus 8138:Glagolitic numerals 7887:Hrvatska glagoljica 7701:Chernorizets Hrabar 7346:Старобългарски език 7078:Ivić, Ines (2018). 6570:on 4 November 2020. 6558:"Crkva u Hrvatskoj" 6257:Henri-Jean Martin, 5972:Borba za glagoljicu 5557:Glagolitic numerals 5547:minted in Croatia. 5490:Chernorizets Hrabar 3251:think (2nd plural) 2807:astrological symbol 2673:kindness/good/well 2455:Phoenician alphabet 2369:Croatian Glagolitic 2017:regions within the 1769:Boris I of Bulgaria 1701:Boris I of Bulgaria 1599:Glagolitic numerals 1293:)", meaning to say 1285:, literally "verb ( 1259:Old Church Slavonic 1192:First French Empire 1152:Counter-Reformation 985:Old Church Slavonic 581:Canadian Aboriginal 121:Old Church Slavonic 101:Left-to-right  18:Glagolitic alphabet 12452:Braille translator 12429:Braille technology 12405:(science; GS8/GS6) 12374:Symbols in braille 12304:Taiwanese Mandarin 11819:Taiwanese Mandarin 11425:Nwagu Aneke script 10977:Other logosyllabic 10899:Chinese-influenced 10838:Oracle bone script 10820:Chinese characters 10755:Ojibwe Hieroglyphs 10145:Eclectic shorthand 10133:Duployan shorthand 10086:Caucasian Albanian 9886:Canadian syllabics 8922:History of writing 8821:Getty-Dubay Italic 8787:Ukrainian skoropys 8444:George of Slavonia 8350:Mihanović Fragment 8285:Codex Zographensis 8133:Angular Glagolitic 7934:2017-10-04 at the 7843:Glagoljski natpisi 7259:. 27–28: 153–164. 7022:Bogoslovska smotra 6810:2007-06-14 at the 6668:2021-04-12 at the 6645:, Marko Japundzić. 6641:2007-08-10 at the 6624:2016-03-03 at the 6406:Binns, J. (2002). 6348:. 26 November 2018 6299:2012-10-29 at the 6229:2017-10-19 at the 6206:2021-04-14 at the 5752:ИⰔⰕⰑⰓⰋⰌⰔⰍⰋ ⰝⰀⰔⰑⰒⰋⰔ 5513:In popular culture 3551:solid/hard/surely 3459:speak!/pronounce! 2905:Earth/ground/soil 2798:Unknown, possibly 2340: 2181: Other (7.5%) 2025:Decline in Croatia 1715:were conducted in 1584:Samaritan alphabet 1492: 1480: 1468: 1465:Codex Zographensis 1457: 1448:Codex Zographensis 1439: 1231:Name and etymology 1136:Angular Glagolitic 1131:Rounded Glagolitic 1052:Kingdom of Bohemia 1029:Kingdom of Croatia 906: 805:Caucasian Albanian 12747:Glagolitic script 12729: 12728: 12725: 12724: 12647:tactile alphabets 12575:William Bell Wait 12568:Sabriye Tenberken 12369: 12368: 12234: 12233: 12219:(Japanese vowels) 12017:-mediated scripts 11944:-mediated scripts 11471: 11470: 11467: 11466: 11463: 11462: 11323:Ditema tsa Dinoko 11261: 11260: 11216: 11215: 11212: 11211: 11109: 11108: 11105: 11104: 10929: 10928: 10788: 10787: 10673: 10672: 10669: 10668: 10015: 10014: 10011: 10010: 9864: 9863: 9229: 9228: 9216:Teeline Shorthand 8974: 8973: 8866: 8865: 8522: 8521: 8315:Gršković fragment 8290:Dimitri's Psalter 8270:Bojana Palimpsest 8119:Glagolitic script 7891:Hrvatska uzdanica 7834:978-953-6132-80-5 7788:. 4 February 2022 7237:978-0-300-05846-8 7050:978-953-331-073-2 6874:978-80-246-3203-2 6419:978-0-521-66738-8 6380:978-1-139-48533-3 6306:Daniels, Peter T. 6195:Alan Timberlake, 6133:. 2 November 2023 6074:978-1-136-86137-6 5887:978-953-7307-11-0 5469: 5468: 5134: 5133: 4595: 4594: 3662:Variant of Greek 2747:‎ or Greek 2465:sign of the cross 2411:Origin proposals 2336:The Lord's Prayer 2282:Illyrian (Slavic) 1803:conducted in the 1622:Byzantine emperor 1603:Cyrillic numerals 1176:Zadar Archipelago 1168:scribal tradition 1156:Diocese of Zagreb 1148:Ottoman conquests 910:Glagolitic script 901:with text of the 891: 890: 431: 5th c. BCE 326:rendering support 306: 305: 57: 16:(Redirected from 12814: 12757:Medieval scripts 12718: 12711: 12709:Braille literacy 12704: 12686: 12679: 12672: 12665: 12658: 12637: 12630: 12623: 12616: 12609: 12602: 12595: 12577: 12570: 12563: 12556: 12549: 12542: 12535: 12528: 12510: 12503: 12501:Slate and stylus 12496: 12489: 12487:Perkins Brailler 12482: 12475: 12468: 12461: 12454: 12447: 12445:Braille embosser 12440: 12420: 12413: 12406: 12398: 12391: 12384: 12362: 12354: 12347: 12329: 12322: 12313: 12306: 12299: 12292: 12285: 12269: 12266:American Braille 12250: 12247:Algerian Braille 12227: 12220: 12212: 12205: 12197: 12190: 12183: 12176: 12168: 12161: 12154: 12136: 12128: 12121: 12114: 12107: 12100: 12093: 12086: 12079: 12072: 12065: 12042: 12034: 12027: 12003: 11996: 11989: 11982: 11975: 11968: 11961: 11954: 11928: 11923: 11918: 11911: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11889: 11882: 11875: 11862: 11861: 11857: 11850: 11843: 11836: 11829: 11822: 11814: 11807: 11800: 11793: 11786: 11779: 11772: 11765: 11758: 11751: 11744: 11737: 11730: 11722: 11715: 11708: 11701: 11694: 11687: 11680: 11673: 11666: 11659: 11652: 11645: 11638: 11631: 11619: 11612: 11605: 11597: 11590: 11583: 11576: 11561: 11560: 11549: 11542: 11535: 11528: 11511: 11500: 11493: 11486: 11477: 11476: 11267: 11266: 11222: 11221: 11128: 11127: 11120:Semi-syllabaries 11115: 11114: 10816: 10815: 10807: 10806: 10794: 10793: 10679: 10678: 10034: 10033: 10021: 10020: 9923:Japanese Braille 9508:Zanabazar square 9377:Nepalese scripts 9267:Bengali–Assamese 9257: 9256: 9248: 9247: 9235: 9234: 9152:Pitman shorthand 8997: 8996: 8993: 8992: 8980: 8979: 8912: 8911: 8893: 8886: 8879: 8870: 8869: 8854: 8845: 8831: 8803:Teaching scripts 8774: 8696: 8655:Serbian Cyrillic 8549: 8542: 8535: 8526: 8525: 8484:Rafael Levaković 8365:Ohrid epistolary 8275:Codex Assemanius 8239:Župa inscription 8112: 8105: 8098: 8089: 8088: 8068:Glagolitic Fonts 8007: 7986: 7965: 7929:Velizar Sadovski 7926: 7905: 7897:Japundžić, Marko 7884: 7876:Japundžić, Marko 7864:Jagić, Vatroslav 7860:, Columbus 1971. 7819: 7811:Franolić, Branko 7798: 7797: 7795: 7793: 7782: 7776: 7775: 7773: 7771: 7752: 7746: 7745: 7743: 7741: 7722: 7716: 7713: 7707: 7698: 7692: 7691: 7689: 7687: 7673: 7667: 7666: 7664: 7662: 7648: 7639: 7638: 7636: 7634: 7603: 7597: 7596: 7590: 7582: 7580: 7578: 7562: 7556: 7555: 7545: 7539: 7538: 7536: 7534: 7510: 7504: 7503: 7501: 7499: 7481: 7457: 7448: 7447: 7445: 7443: 7424: 7418: 7417: 7399: 7393: 7392: 7369:Studi Slavistici 7360: 7354: 7353: 7341: 7324: 7323: 7321: 7319: 7295: 7289: 7288: 7286: 7284: 7248: 7242: 7241: 7222: 7147: 7140:Nastavni vjesnik 7136: 7130: 7123: 7117: 7114: 7108: 7107: 7105: 7103: 7075: 7069: 7068: 7062: 7054: 7036: 7030: 7029: 7013: 7007: 7006: 6994: 6988: 6987: 6985: 6983: 6961: 6955: 6954: 6926: 6920: 6919: 6914:(in Bulgarian). 6909: 6899: 6893: 6892: 6886: 6878: 6860: 6854: 6853: 6825: 6819: 6801: 6797: 6791: 6790: 6770: 6764: 6761: 6755: 6754: 6752: 6750: 6722: 6716: 6700: 6694: 6678: 6672: 6652: 6646: 6613: 6607: 6606: 6604: 6602: 6578: 6572: 6571: 6569: 6563:. Archived from 6562: 6554: 6548: 6547: 6545: 6543: 6515: 6509: 6508: 6506: 6504: 6476: 6470: 6469: 6467: 6465: 6437: 6431: 6430: 6428: 6426: 6403: 6397: 6396: 6394: 6392: 6364: 6358: 6357: 6355: 6353: 6342: 6336: 6335: 6319: 6290: 6277: 6268: 6262: 6255: 6249: 6243:Simon Franklin, 6241: 6235: 6219: 6210: 6193: 6187: 6186: 6174: 6168: 6167: 6165: 6163: 6149: 6143: 6142: 6140: 6138: 6123: 6117: 6116: 6114: 6112: 6097: 6091: 6090: 6088: 6086: 6058: 6052: 6051: 6045: 6037: 6027: 6021: 6020: 6010: 6004: 6003: 5983: 5977: 5976: 5975:. Vol. 1–2. 5966: 5960: 5959: 5943: 5937: 5936: 5912: 5906: 5905: 5899: 5891: 5873: 5867: 5866: 5860: 5852: 5842: 5836: 5835: 5827: 5821: 5820: 5814: 5806: 5796: 5787: 5786: 5781:(in Bulgarian). 5776: 5766: 5760: 5759: 5749: 5739: 5733: 5732: 5710: 5704: 5703: 5687: 5681: 5680: 5674: 5666: 5652: 5646: 5645: 5643: 5641: 5624: 5615: 5614: 5594: 5462: 5454: 5443: 5419: 5414: 5409: 5404: 5399: 5392: 5387: 5380: 5375: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5336: 5331: 5326: 5321: 5316: 5311: 5306: 5301: 5296: 5286: 5281: 5276: 5271: 5266: 5261: 5256: 5251: 5244: 5239: 5234: 5229: 5224: 5219: 5214: 5139: 5138: 5127: 5116: 4719: 4718: 4690: 4682: 4674: 4656:) with Cyrillic 4655: 4647: 4639: 4631: 4623: 4612: 4604: 4597:In older texts, 4581: 4577: 4565: 4558: 4551: 4534: 4522: 4515: 4507: 4492: 4480: 4473: 4465: 4458: 4443: 4431: 4424: 4416: 4409: 4394: 4382: 4375: 4367: 4352: 4340: 4333: 4315: 4303: 4296: 4288: 4273: 4261: 4254: 4247: 4230: 4226: 4212: 4205: 4198: 4191: 4174: 4164: 4157: 4156: 4150: 4142: 4130: 4122: 4114: 4092: 4080: 4073: 4065: 4048: 4038: 4037: 4031: 4023: 4022: 4016: 4008: 4004: 3996: 3978: 3968: 3961: 3954: 3947: 3940: 3936: 3918: 3904: 3897: 3890: 3882: 3865: 3855: 3848: 3841: 3834: 3827: 3810: 3806: 3796: 3789: 3782: 3770: 3752: 3742: 3735: 3728: 3716: 3699: 3689: 3682: 3675: 3668: 3651: 3641: 3634: 3627: 3620: 3613: 3595: 3581: 3574: 3567: 3560: 3542: 3532: 3525: 3518: 3499: 3489: 3482: 3475: 3468: 3450: 3440: 3433: 3426: 3419: 3399: 3389: 3382: 3375: 3356: 3346: 3339: 3332: 3306: 3302: 3288: 3281: 3275: 3268: 3260: 3242: 3232: 3225: 3218: 3211: 3193: 3189: 3175: 3168: 3162: 3155: 3147: 3129: 3119: 3112: 3105: 3087: 3083: 3065: 3058: 3051: 3043: 3022: 3018: 3008: 3001: 2994: 2987: 2979: 2961: 2957: 2943: 2936: 2935: 2929: 2921: 2914: 2896: 2886: 2879: 2872: 2865: 2850: 2840: 2833: 2826: 2819: 2804: 2784: 2774: 2767: 2760: 2753: 2746: 2725: 2703: 2696: 2689: 2682: 2664: 2654: 2647: 2640: 2617: 2603: 2596: 2589: 2582: 2559: 2549: 2542: 2535: 2523: 2515: 2497: 2487: 2480: 2473: 2462: 2442: 2432: 2425: 2418: 2378: 2377: 2318: 2201:Academic debates 2180: 2174: 2163: 2153: 2143: 2133: 2123: 2113: 2107: 2096: 2054: 2019:Zagreb bishopric 1972:Brodski Drenovac 1885:Duchy of Vistula 1789:Pope Innocent IV 1757:Clement of Ohrid 1743:, were founded. 1729:Bulgarian Empire 1721:Byzantine Empire 1550: 1543: 1536: 1453:Zograf Monastery 1403: 1393: 1383: 1373: 1359: 1358: 1345: 1344: 1331: 1305: 1304: 1265: 1264: 1256: 1247: 1127:Pope Innocent IV 974: 967: 963: 958: 957: 954: 953: 950: 947: 944: 941: 938: 935: 932: 929: 926: 923: 920: 897:A page from the 842: 839: 825: 822: 812: 809: 680: 677: 614: 613: 473: 470: 449: 432: 429: 408: 407: 386: 385: 374: 373: 362: 358: 357: 337: 336: 314: 313: 302: 296: 292: 265: 264:Glag. Supplement 257: 219: 216: 133:Littoral Slovene 125:local recensions 108: 107: 47: 45: 32: 31: 21: 12822: 12821: 12817: 12816: 12815: 12813: 12812: 12811: 12732: 12731: 12730: 12721: 12714: 12707: 12700: 12689: 12682: 12675: 12668: 12661: 12654: 12640: 12633: 12626: 12619: 12612: 12605: 12598: 12591: 12580: 12573: 12566: 12559: 12552: 12545: 12538: 12533:Charles Barbier 12531: 12524: 12513: 12506: 12499: 12492: 12485: 12478: 12471: 12464: 12457: 12450: 12443: 12436: 12423: 12416: 12409: 12401: 12394: 12387: 12380: 12365: 12357: 12350: 12343: 12332: 12325: 12318: 12309: 12302: 12295: 12288: 12283: 12272: 12264: 12258:Frequency-based 12253: 12245: 12230: 12223: 12215: 12208: 12200: 12193: 12186: 12179: 12171: 12164: 12157: 12150: 12139: 12131: 12124: 12117: 12110: 12103: 12096: 12089: 12082: 12075: 12068: 12061: 12054:Bharati Braille 12051: 12045: 12037: 12030: 12023: 12012: 12006: 11999: 11992: 11985: 11978: 11971: 11964: 11957: 11950: 11939: 11933: 11926: 11921: 11914: 11909: 11904: 11899: 11892: 11885: 11878: 11871: 11860: 11853: 11846: 11839: 11832: 11825: 11817: 11810: 11803: 11796: 11789: 11782: 11775: 11768: 11761: 11754: 11747: 11740: 11733: 11725: 11718: 11711: 11704: 11697: 11690: 11683: 11676: 11669: 11662: 11655: 11648: 11641: 11634: 11628:Unified English 11622: 11615: 11608: 11600: 11593: 11586: 11579: 11572: 11557:Braille scripts 11552: 11545: 11538: 11531: 11524: 11513: 11509: 11504: 11459: 11274: 11257: 11253:Stokoe notation 11229: 11208: 11167: 11122: 11101: 11085: 11049: 11028:Logoconsonantal 11023: 10972: 10925: 10894: 10801: 10784: 10765:Siglas poveiras 10686: 10665: 10624: 10528:Younger Futhark 10232:Gregg shorthand 10028: 10007: 9860: 9512: 9242: 9225: 9004: 8987: 8970: 8943:Writing systems 8931: 8906: 8904:writing systems 8897: 8867: 8862: 8797: 8778:Russian cursive 8697: 8688: 8569: 8563: 8553: 8523: 8518: 8514:Vatroslav Jagić 8449:Ivan Kukuljević 8439:Josef Dobrovský 8416: 8410: 8389: 8320:Hrvoje's Missal 8265:Bitola triodion 8253: 8222: 8142: 8121: 8116: 8058:at 8026: 8001: 7999:Žubrinić, Darko 7980: 7959: 7946:, Vienna 2000. 7936:Wayback Machine 7920: 7899: 7878: 7813: 7807: 7802: 7801: 7791: 7789: 7784: 7783: 7779: 7769: 7767: 7754: 7753: 7749: 7739: 7737: 7724: 7723: 7719: 7714: 7710: 7699: 7695: 7685: 7683: 7675: 7674: 7670: 7660: 7658: 7652:"Unicode 4.1.0" 7650: 7649: 7642: 7632: 7630: 7623: 7604: 7600: 7584: 7583: 7576: 7574: 7563: 7559: 7546: 7542: 7532: 7530: 7521:(in Croatian). 7511: 7507: 7497: 7495: 7458: 7451: 7441: 7439: 7426: 7425: 7421: 7414: 7400: 7396: 7361: 7357: 7347: 7342: 7327: 7317: 7315: 7296: 7292: 7282: 7280: 7249: 7245: 7238: 7224: 7223: 7150: 7137: 7133: 7124: 7120: 7115: 7111: 7101: 7099: 7076: 7072: 7056: 7055: 7051: 7037: 7033: 7014: 7010: 6995: 6991: 6981: 6979: 6962: 6958: 6937:(60): 477–504. 6927: 6923: 6907: 6900: 6896: 6880: 6879: 6875: 6861: 6857: 6826: 6822: 6812:Wayback Machine 6799: 6798: 6794: 6787: 6771: 6767: 6762: 6758: 6748: 6746: 6739: 6723: 6719: 6701: 6697: 6679: 6675: 6670:Wayback Machine 6653: 6649: 6643:Wayback Machine 6626:Wayback Machine 6614: 6610: 6600: 6598: 6579: 6575: 6567: 6560: 6556: 6555: 6551: 6541: 6539: 6532: 6516: 6512: 6502: 6500: 6493: 6477: 6473: 6463: 6461: 6454: 6438: 6434: 6424: 6422: 6420: 6404: 6400: 6390: 6388: 6381: 6365: 6361: 6351: 6349: 6344: 6343: 6339: 6332: 6312:, eds. (1996). 6310:Bright, William 6301:Wayback Machine 6291: 6280: 6270:Jean W. Sedlar, 6269: 6265: 6256: 6252: 6242: 6238: 6231:Wayback Machine 6220: 6213: 6208:Wayback Machine 6194: 6190: 6181:(in Croatian). 6175: 6171: 6161: 6159: 6151: 6150: 6146: 6136: 6134: 6125: 6124: 6120: 6110: 6108: 6099: 6098: 6094: 6084: 6082: 6075: 6059: 6055: 6039: 6038: 6028: 6024: 6019:(3rd ed.). 6011: 6007: 5984: 5980: 5967: 5963: 5954:(in Croatian). 5944: 5940: 5913: 5909: 5893: 5892: 5888: 5874: 5870: 5854: 5853: 5843: 5839: 5828: 5824: 5808: 5807: 5797: 5790: 5774: 5767: 5763: 5747: 5740: 5736: 5729: 5711: 5707: 5698:(in Croatian). 5688: 5684: 5668: 5667: 5653: 5649: 5639: 5637: 5626: 5625: 5618: 5612: 5595: 5591: 5586: 5562:Glagolitic Mass 5553: 5515: 5480: 5474: 5447: 5417: 5412: 5407: 5402: 5397: 5390: 5385: 5378: 5373: 5363: 5358: 5353: 5348: 5343: 5334: 5329: 5324: 5319: 5314: 5309: 5304: 5299: 5294: 5284: 5279: 5274: 5269: 5264: 5259: 5254: 5249: 5242: 5237: 5232: 5227: 5222: 5217: 5212: 5147: 5120: 4727: 4707: 4699:Main articles: 4697: 4688: 4680: 4672: 4653: 4645: 4637: 4629: 4621: 4610: 4602: 4556: 4549: 4513: 4505: 4471: 4463: 4456: 4422: 4414: 4407: 4373: 4365: 4331: 4294: 4286: 4252: 4245: 4196: 4189: 4145: 4140: 4128: 4120: 4112: 4071: 4063: 4026: 4011: 4006: 4002: 3997:‎‎ 3952: 3945: 3934: 3888: 3839: 3832: 3825: 3780: 3768: 3726: 3714: 3673: 3666: 3625: 3618: 3611: 3565: 3558: 3516: 3473: 3466: 3462:Possibly Greek 3424: 3408:calmness/peace 3373: 3330: 3320:minuscule Greek 3266: 3258: 3216: 3209: 3205:Possibly Greek 3153: 3148:‎‎ 3103: 3049: 2992: 2985: 2977: 2973:Possibly Greek 2924: 2919: 2912: 2870: 2863: 2824: 2817: 2802: 2794: 2758: 2751: 2687: 2680: 2638: 2587: 2580: 2571:Possibly Latin 2533: 2471: 2463:‎ or the 2416: 2329: 2327:Characteristics 2319: 2316: 2225: 2209: 2203: 2185: 2184: 2183: 2182: 2178: 2176: 2168: 2161: 2159: 2151: 2149: 2141: 2139: 2131: 2129: 2121: 2119: 2111: 2109: 2101: 2094: 2048: 2027: 1946:Hrvoje's Missal 1901: 1891:state) and the 1877:Wendish Crusade 1873:Duchy of Kopnik 1853:Cyrillic script 1830:Slavic language 1805:Slavic language 1779:. Some went to 1749: 1731:from Byzantine 1705:Slavic language 1657:Frankish Empire 1565:Hebrew alphabet 1548: 1541: 1534: 1451:, found in the 1423: 1418: 1332:(глагољица) in 1233: 1196:Austrian Empire 1180:Propaganda Fide 1178:. Although the 1087:Church Slavonic 1064:March of Verona 1001:Saint Methodius 972: 965: 961: 917: 913: 887: 886: 885: 840: 823: 810: 678: 607: 606: 483: 482: 471: 430: 401: 400: 379: 378: 367: 366: 351: 350: 345: 335: 334: 333: 324:Without proper 315: 311: 273: 268: 263: 261:U+1E000–U+1E02F 255: 246: 234: 217: 214: 199: 166: 159:Related scripts 102: 90:862/863 to the 87: 70: 58: 36: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 12820: 12810: 12809: 12804: 12799: 12794: 12789: 12784: 12779: 12774: 12769: 12764: 12762:Slavic culture 12759: 12754: 12749: 12744: 12727: 12726: 12723: 12722: 12720: 12719: 12712: 12705: 12697: 12695: 12694:Related topics 12691: 12690: 12688: 12687: 12680: 12673: 12670:New York Point 12666: 12659: 12651: 12649: 12642: 12641: 12639: 12638: 12631: 12624: 12617: 12610: 12603: 12596: 12588: 12586: 12582: 12581: 12579: 12578: 12571: 12564: 12557: 12554:Harris Mowbray 12550: 12543: 12536: 12529: 12521: 12519: 12515: 12514: 12512: 12511: 12504: 12497: 12490: 12483: 12476: 12469: 12462: 12455: 12448: 12441: 12438:Braille e-book 12433: 12431: 12425: 12424: 12422: 12421: 12414: 12407: 12399: 12392: 12385: 12377: 12375: 12371: 12370: 12367: 12366: 12364: 12363: 12355: 12348: 12340: 12338: 12334: 12333: 12331: 12330: 12323: 12316: 12315: 12314: 12307: 12300: 12293: 12280: 12278: 12274: 12273: 12271: 12270: 12261: 12259: 12255: 12254: 12252: 12251: 12242: 12240: 12236: 12235: 12232: 12231: 12229: 12228: 12221: 12213: 12206: 12198: 12191: 12184: 12177: 12169: 12162: 12155: 12147: 12145: 12141: 12140: 12138: 12137: 12129: 12122: 12115: 12108: 12101: 12094: 12087: 12080: 12073: 12066: 12058: 12056: 12047: 12046: 12044: 12043: 12035: 12028: 12020: 12018: 12008: 12007: 12005: 12004: 11997: 11990: 11983: 11976: 11969: 11962: 11955: 11947: 11945: 11935: 11934: 11932: 11931: 11930: 11929: 11924: 11919: 11912: 11907: 11902: 11890: 11883: 11876: 11868: 11866: 11859: 11858: 11851: 11844: 11837: 11830: 11823: 11815: 11808: 11801: 11794: 11787: 11780: 11773: 11766: 11759: 11752: 11745: 11738: 11731: 11723: 11716: 11709: 11702: 11695: 11688: 11681: 11674: 11667: 11660: 11653: 11646: 11639: 11632: 11620: 11613: 11606: 11598: 11591: 11584: 11577: 11569: 11567: 11565:French-ordered 11558: 11554: 11553: 11551: 11550: 11543: 11536: 11529: 11521: 11519: 11515: 11514: 11503: 11502: 11495: 11488: 11480: 11473: 11472: 11469: 11468: 11465: 11464: 11461: 11460: 11458: 11457: 11452: 11447: 11442: 11437: 11432: 11427: 11422: 11417: 11412: 11407: 11405:Linear Elamite 11402: 11397: 11392: 11387: 11386: 11385: 11380: 11375: 11370: 11365: 11360: 11350: 11345: 11340: 11335: 11330: 11325: 11320: 11315: 11310: 11305: 11300: 11295: 11290: 11285: 11279: 11276: 11275: 11263: 11262: 11259: 11258: 11256: 11255: 11250: 11245: 11240: 11234: 11231: 11230: 11227:Sign languages 11218: 11217: 11214: 11213: 11210: 11209: 11207: 11206: 11204:Quốc Âm Tân Tự 11201: 11196: 11191: 11186: 11181: 11179:Espanca script 11175: 11173: 11169: 11168: 11166: 11165: 11160: 11155: 11150: 11145: 11140: 11138:Linear Elamite 11134: 11132: 11124: 11123: 11111: 11110: 11107: 11106: 11103: 11102: 11100: 11099: 11093: 11091: 11087: 11086: 11084: 11083: 11078: 11073: 11068: 11063: 11057: 11055: 11051: 11050: 11048: 11047: 11042: 11037: 11031: 11029: 11025: 11024: 11022: 11021: 11019:Yi (Classical) 11016: 11011: 11006: 11001: 10996: 10991: 10986: 10980: 10978: 10974: 10973: 10971: 10970: 10965: 10960: 10955: 10950: 10945: 10939: 10937: 10931: 10930: 10927: 10926: 10924: 10923: 10918: 10913: 10908: 10902: 10900: 10896: 10895: 10893: 10892: 10887: 10882: 10877: 10872: 10867: 10866: 10865: 10860: 10855: 10845: 10843:Bronze scripts 10840: 10835: 10830: 10824: 10822: 10813: 10803: 10802: 10790: 10789: 10786: 10785: 10783: 10782: 10777: 10772: 10767: 10762: 10757: 10752: 10747: 10742: 10737: 10732: 10727: 10722: 10717: 10712: 10707: 10702: 10697: 10691: 10688: 10687: 10675: 10674: 10671: 10670: 10667: 10666: 10664: 10663: 10658: 10656:Flag semaphore 10653: 10651:New York Point 10648: 10646:Telegraph code 10643: 10641:Maritime flags 10638: 10632: 10630: 10626: 10625: 10623: 10622: 10617: 10612: 10607: 10602: 10597: 10595:Visible Speech 10592: 10587: 10582: 10577: 10572: 10567: 10565:Sorang Sompeng 10562: 10557: 10552: 10551: 10550: 10545: 10540: 10535: 10530: 10525: 10520: 10515: 10510: 10500: 10495: 10490: 10485: 10480: 10475: 10470: 10469: 10468: 10467: 10466: 10461: 10456: 10451: 10449:Galik alphabet 10446: 10431: 10426: 10421: 10416: 10411: 10406: 10401: 10396: 10391: 10386: 10381: 10376: 10371: 10366: 10361: 10356: 10355: 10354: 10349: 10347:Tironian notes 10344: 10339: 10334: 10329: 10324: 10319: 10314: 10309: 10304: 10299: 10294: 10289: 10279: 10274: 10269: 10264: 10259: 10254: 10249: 10244: 10234: 10229: 10224: 10219: 10214: 10213: 10212: 10207: 10202: 10192: 10190:Garay alphabet 10187: 10182: 10177: 10172: 10167: 10162: 10157: 10152: 10147: 10142: 10141: 10140: 10130: 10125: 10124: 10123: 10118: 10108: 10103: 10098: 10093: 10088: 10083: 10078: 10073: 10068: 10067: 10066: 10056: 10051: 10046: 10040: 10038: 10030: 10029: 10017: 10016: 10013: 10012: 10009: 10008: 10006: 10005: 10000: 9995: 9990: 9985: 9980: 9975: 9973:Sorang Sompeng 9970: 9965: 9960: 9955: 9950: 9945: 9940: 9935: 9930: 9925: 9920: 9915: 9910: 9905: 9900: 9899: 9898: 9896:Déné syllabics 9893: 9883: 9878: 9872: 9870: 9866: 9865: 9862: 9861: 9859: 9858: 9857: 9856: 9851: 9841: 9840: 9839: 9834: 9829: 9824: 9819: 9814: 9809: 9799: 9794: 9789: 9784: 9779: 9774: 9769: 9764: 9759: 9754: 9749: 9744: 9739: 9734: 9733: 9732: 9722: 9717: 9712: 9707: 9702: 9697: 9692: 9687: 9686: 9685: 9680: 9670: 9665: 9660: 9659: 9658: 9648: 9643: 9638: 9633: 9628: 9623: 9622: 9621: 9611: 9606: 9601: 9596: 9591: 9586: 9581: 9576: 9571: 9566: 9561: 9556: 9551: 9546: 9541: 9536: 9531: 9526: 9520: 9518: 9514: 9513: 9511: 9510: 9505: 9500: 9499: 9498: 9493: 9483: 9478: 9473: 9468: 9463: 9458: 9453: 9452: 9451: 9441: 9440: 9439: 9434: 9429: 9424: 9419: 9414: 9409: 9404: 9399: 9394: 9389: 9384: 9374: 9369: 9364: 9359: 9354: 9349: 9344: 9339: 9334: 9329: 9324: 9319: 9314: 9309: 9304: 9299: 9294: 9289: 9284: 9279: 9274: 9269: 9263: 9261: 9254: 9244: 9243: 9231: 9230: 9227: 9226: 9224: 9223: 9218: 9213: 9212: 9211: 9206: 9201: 9191: 9186: 9185: 9184: 9179: 9169: 9164: 9159: 9157:Proto-Sinaitic 9154: 9149: 9148: 9147: 9137: 9132: 9131: 9130: 9125: 9120: 9115: 9105: 9100: 9095: 9090: 9085: 9080: 9079: 9078: 9073: 9068: 9063: 9053: 9048: 9043: 9042: 9041: 9031: 9030: 9029: 9018: 9017: 9009: 9006: 9005: 8989: 8988: 8976: 8975: 8972: 8971: 8969: 8968: 8962: 8961: 8960: 8955: 8950: 8939: 8937: 8933: 8932: 8930: 8929: 8924: 8918: 8916: 8908: 8907: 8896: 8895: 8888: 8881: 8873: 8864: 8863: 8861: 8860: 8855: 8846: 8837: 8832: 8823: 8818: 8813: 8807: 8805: 8799: 8798: 8796: 8795: 8790: 8780: 8775: 8766: 8761: 8756: 8751: 8746: 8741: 8736: 8731: 8726: 8721: 8716: 8711: 8705: 8703: 8699: 8698: 8691: 8689: 8687: 8686: 8681: 8676: 8675: 8674: 8664: 8663: 8662: 8652: 8651: 8650: 8647: 8642:Early Cyrillic 8639: 8634: 8629: 8624: 8619: 8614: 8609: 8607:Insular script 8604: 8599: 8594: 8589: 8584: 8579: 8573: 8571: 8565: 8564: 8552: 8551: 8544: 8537: 8529: 8520: 8519: 8517: 8516: 8511: 8509:Václav Vondrák 8506: 8501: 8496: 8491: 8489:Stjepan Konzul 8486: 8481: 8476: 8471: 8466: 8461: 8459:Jernej Kopitar 8456: 8451: 8446: 8441: 8436: 8431: 8426: 8424:Antun Dalmatin 8420: 8418: 8412: 8411: 8409: 8408: 8403: 8397: 8395: 8391: 8390: 8388: 8387: 8385:Vrbnik Statute 8382: 8380:Rila fragments 8377: 8372: 8367: 8362: 8357: 8352: 8347: 8342: 8337: 8335:Kastav Statute 8332: 8327: 8322: 8317: 8312: 8307: 8302: 8297: 8292: 8287: 8282: 8280:Codex Marianus 8277: 8272: 8267: 8261: 8259: 8255: 8254: 8252: 8251: 8246: 8241: 8236: 8230: 8228: 8224: 8223: 8221: 8220: 8215: 8214: 8213: 8208: 8203: 8198: 8193: 8188: 8183: 8178: 8173: 8163: 8162: 8161: 8150: 8148: 8144: 8143: 8141: 8140: 8135: 8129: 8127: 8123: 8122: 8115: 8114: 8107: 8100: 8092: 8086: 8085: 8080: 8075: 8070: 8065: 8059: 8053: 8047: 8042: 8037: 8032: 8025: 8024:External links 8022: 8021: 8020: 7996: 7995:, Prague 1932. 7975: 7954: 7915: 7914:, Zagreb 1995. 7894: 7893:, Zagreb 1998. 7873: 7861: 7850: 7849:, Zagreb 1982. 7836: 7806: 7803: 7800: 7799: 7777: 7747: 7717: 7708: 7693: 7668: 7640: 7621: 7598: 7557: 7540: 7505: 7468:(in Russian). 7449: 7419: 7412: 7394: 7355: 7325: 7290: 7243: 7236: 7148: 7144:Rabanus Maurus 7131: 7118: 7109: 7070: 7049: 7031: 7008: 6989: 6956: 6921: 6894: 6873: 6855: 6820: 6792: 6785: 6765: 6756: 6737: 6717: 6715:, pp. 221–222. 6695: 6673: 6647: 6608: 6573: 6549: 6530: 6510: 6491: 6471: 6452: 6432: 6418: 6398: 6379: 6359: 6337: 6331:978-0195079937 6330: 6278: 6263: 6250: 6236: 6211: 6188: 6169: 6144: 6118: 6092: 6073: 6053: 6022: 6005: 5994:(2): 258–283. 5978: 5961: 5938: 5907: 5886: 5868: 5837: 5834:. Vol. 1. 5822: 5788: 5761: 5754:(in Serbian). 5734: 5727: 5705: 5682: 5647: 5616: 5610: 5588: 5587: 5585: 5582: 5581: 5580: 5575: 5570: 5565: 5559: 5552: 5549: 5514: 5511: 5476:Main article: 5473: 5470: 5467: 5466: 5465: 5464: 5456: 5446: 5445: 5437: 5431: 5430: 5428: 5426: 5424: 5422: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5405: 5400: 5395: 5393: 5388: 5383: 5381: 5376: 5371: 5367: 5366: 5361: 5356: 5351: 5346: 5341: 5339: 5337: 5332: 5327: 5322: 5317: 5312: 5307: 5302: 5297: 5292: 5288: 5287: 5282: 5277: 5272: 5267: 5262: 5257: 5252: 5247: 5245: 5240: 5235: 5230: 5225: 5220: 5215: 5210: 5206: 5205: 5202: 5199: 5196: 5193: 5190: 5187: 5184: 5181: 5178: 5175: 5172: 5169: 5166: 5163: 5160: 5157: 5153: 5152: 5132: 5131: 5130: 5129: 5119: 5118: 5110: 5104: 5103: 5100: 5097: 5094: 5091: 5088: 5085: 5082: 5079: 5076: 5073: 5070: 5067: 5064: 5061: 5058: 5055: 5051: 5050: 5047: 5044: 5041: 5038: 5035: 5032: 5029: 5026: 5023: 5020: 5017: 5014: 5011: 5008: 5005: 5002: 4998: 4997: 4994: 4991: 4988: 4985: 4982: 4979: 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556: 550: 544: 517: 505: 504: 503: 484: 481: 480: 474: 463: 457: 456: 455: 454: 453: 452: 451: 435: 434: 433: 416: 404:Proto-Sinaitic 398: 397: 396: 395: 394: 347: 346: 341: 340: 328:, you may see 316: 309: 308: 307: 304: 303: 297:⟩, see 270: 269: 267: 266: 258: 249: 247: 242: 239: 238: 235: 232: 229: 228: 222: 221: 212: 206: 205: 201: 200: 198: 197: 196: 195: 194: 193: 192: 191: 176:Proto-Sinaitic 169: 167: 165:Parent systems 164: 161: 160: 156: 155: 137:Serbo-Croatian 114: 110: 109: 99: 95: 94: 88: 85: 82: 81: 76: 72: 71: 66: 64: 60: 59: 46: 38: 37: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12819: 12808: 12805: 12803: 12800: 12798: 12795: 12793: 12790: 12788: 12785: 12783: 12780: 12778: 12775: 12773: 12770: 12768: 12767:Great Moravia 12765: 12763: 12760: 12758: 12755: 12753: 12750: 12748: 12745: 12743: 12740: 12739: 12737: 12717: 12713: 12710: 12706: 12703: 12699: 12698: 12696: 12692: 12685: 12681: 12678: 12677:Night writing 12674: 12671: 12667: 12664: 12660: 12657: 12653: 12652: 12650: 12648: 12643: 12636: 12632: 12629: 12625: 12622: 12618: 12615: 12611: 12608: 12604: 12601: 12597: 12594: 12590: 12589: 12587: 12585:Organisations 12583: 12576: 12572: 12569: 12565: 12562: 12558: 12555: 12551: 12548: 12547:Valentin Haüy 12544: 12541: 12537: 12534: 12530: 12527: 12526:Louis Braille 12523: 12522: 12520: 12516: 12509: 12505: 12502: 12498: 12495: 12491: 12488: 12484: 12481: 12477: 12474: 12470: 12467: 12463: 12460: 12459:Braille watch 12456: 12453: 12449: 12446: 12442: 12439: 12435: 12434: 12432: 12430: 12426: 12419: 12415: 12412: 12408: 12404: 12400: 12397: 12393: 12390: 12386: 12383: 12382:Braille music 12379: 12378: 12376: 12372: 12360: 12356: 12353: 12349: 12346: 12345:Luxembourgish 12342: 12341: 12339: 12335: 12328: 12324: 12321: 12317: 12312: 12308: 12305: 12301: 12298: 12294: 12291: 12287: 12286: 12282: 12281: 12279: 12275: 12267: 12263: 12262: 12260: 12256: 12248: 12244: 12243: 12241: 12237: 12226: 12222: 12218: 12214: 12211: 12207: 12203: 12199: 12196: 12192: 12189: 12185: 12182: 12178: 12174: 12170: 12167: 12163: 12160: 12156: 12153: 12149: 12148: 12146: 12144:Other scripts 12142: 12134: 12130: 12127: 12123: 12120: 12116: 12113: 12109: 12106: 12102: 12099: 12095: 12092: 12088: 12085: 12081: 12078: 12074: 12071: 12067: 12064: 12060: 12059: 12057: 12055: 12048: 12040: 12036: 12033: 12029: 12026: 12022: 12021: 12019: 12016: 12009: 12002: 11998: 11995: 11991: 11988: 11984: 11981: 11977: 11974: 11970: 11967: 11963: 11960: 11956: 11953: 11949: 11948: 11946: 11943: 11936: 11925: 11920: 11917: 11916:Northern Sámi 11913: 11908: 11903: 11898: 11897: 11895: 11891: 11888: 11884: 11881: 11877: 11874: 11870: 11869: 11867: 11865:Nordic family 11863: 11856: 11852: 11849: 11845: 11842: 11838: 11835: 11831: 11828: 11824: 11820: 11816: 11813: 11809: 11806: 11805:South African 11802: 11799: 11795: 11792: 11788: 11785: 11781: 11778: 11774: 11771: 11767: 11764: 11760: 11757: 11753: 11750: 11746: 11743: 11739: 11736: 11732: 11728: 11727:Luxembourgish 11724: 11721: 11717: 11714: 11710: 11707: 11703: 11700: 11696: 11693: 11689: 11686: 11682: 11679: 11675: 11672: 11668: 11665: 11661: 11658: 11654: 11651: 11647: 11644: 11640: 11637: 11633: 11629: 11625: 11621: 11618: 11614: 11611: 11607: 11603: 11599: 11596: 11592: 11589: 11585: 11582: 11578: 11575: 11571: 11570: 11568: 11566: 11562: 11559: 11555: 11548: 11544: 11541: 11540:ASCII braille 11537: 11534: 11530: 11527: 11523: 11522: 11520: 11516: 11508: 11501: 11496: 11494: 11489: 11487: 11482: 11481: 11478: 11474: 11456: 11453: 11451: 11448: 11446: 11443: 11441: 11438: 11436: 11433: 11431: 11428: 11426: 11423: 11421: 11418: 11416: 11413: 11411: 11408: 11406: 11403: 11401: 11398: 11396: 11393: 11391: 11388: 11384: 11381: 11379: 11376: 11374: 11371: 11369: 11366: 11364: 11361: 11359: 11356: 11355: 11354: 11351: 11349: 11346: 11344: 11341: 11339: 11336: 11334: 11331: 11329: 11326: 11324: 11321: 11319: 11316: 11314: 11311: 11309: 11306: 11304: 11301: 11299: 11296: 11294: 11291: 11289: 11286: 11284: 11281: 11280: 11277: 11273: 11268: 11264: 11254: 11251: 11249: 11246: 11244: 11241: 11239: 11236: 11235: 11232: 11228: 11223: 11219: 11205: 11202: 11200: 11197: 11195: 11192: 11190: 11187: 11185: 11182: 11180: 11177: 11176: 11174: 11170: 11164: 11161: 11159: 11156: 11154: 11151: 11149: 11146: 11144: 11141: 11139: 11136: 11135: 11133: 11129: 11125: 11121: 11116: 11112: 11098: 11095: 11094: 11092: 11088: 11082: 11079: 11077: 11074: 11072: 11071:Attic (Greek) 11069: 11067: 11064: 11062: 11059: 11058: 11056: 11052: 11046: 11043: 11041: 11038: 11036: 11033: 11032: 11030: 11026: 11020: 11017: 11015: 11012: 11010: 11009:Proto-Elamite 11007: 11005: 11002: 11000: 10997: 10995: 10992: 10990: 10987: 10985: 10982: 10981: 10979: 10975: 10969: 10966: 10964: 10961: 10959: 10956: 10954: 10951: 10949: 10946: 10944: 10941: 10940: 10938: 10936: 10932: 10922: 10919: 10917: 10914: 10912: 10909: 10907: 10904: 10903: 10901: 10897: 10891: 10888: 10886: 10883: 10881: 10878: 10876: 10873: 10871: 10868: 10864: 10861: 10859: 10856: 10854: 10851: 10850: 10849: 10846: 10844: 10841: 10839: 10836: 10834: 10831: 10829: 10826: 10825: 10823: 10821: 10817: 10814: 10812: 10808: 10804: 10800: 10795: 10791: 10781: 10778: 10776: 10773: 10771: 10768: 10766: 10763: 10761: 10758: 10756: 10753: 10751: 10748: 10746: 10743: 10741: 10738: 10736: 10733: 10731: 10728: 10726: 10723: 10721: 10718: 10716: 10713: 10711: 10708: 10706: 10703: 10701: 10698: 10696: 10693: 10692: 10689: 10685: 10680: 10676: 10662: 10659: 10657: 10654: 10652: 10649: 10647: 10644: 10642: 10639: 10637: 10634: 10633: 10631: 10627: 10621: 10618: 10616: 10613: 10611: 10608: 10606: 10603: 10601: 10598: 10596: 10593: 10591: 10588: 10586: 10583: 10581: 10578: 10576: 10573: 10571: 10568: 10566: 10563: 10561: 10558: 10556: 10553: 10549: 10546: 10544: 10541: 10539: 10536: 10534: 10531: 10529: 10526: 10524: 10523:Elder Futhark 10521: 10519: 10516: 10514: 10511: 10509: 10506: 10505: 10504: 10501: 10499: 10496: 10494: 10491: 10489: 10486: 10484: 10481: 10479: 10476: 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Retrieved 6340: 6315: 6272: 6266: 6258: 6253: 6244: 6239: 6222: 6196: 6191: 6182: 6178: 6172: 6160:. Retrieved 6156: 6147: 6135:. Retrieved 6130: 6121: 6109:. Retrieved 6095: 6083:. Retrieved 6063: 6056: 6032: 6025: 6015: 6008: 5991: 5987: 5981: 5971: 5964: 5958:(6): 96–115. 5955: 5951: 5941: 5924: 5920: 5910: 5877: 5871: 5847: 5840: 5831: 5825: 5801: 5782: 5778: 5764: 5755: 5751: 5737: 5718: 5708: 5699: 5695: 5685: 5662: 5657: 5650: 5638:. Retrieved 5631: 5628:"glagolitic" 5601: 5592: 5564:(by Janáček) 5542: 5531: 5526:In the 2023 5525: 5518: 5516: 5506: 5502: 5498: 5493: 5483: 5481: 5460: 5452: 5434: 5142: 5135: 5125: 5107: 4722: 4715: 4708: 4684: 4676: 4668: 4666: 4664:is unknown. 4661: 4657: 4649: 4641: 4633: 4625: 4617: 4615: 4606: 4598: 4596: 4502: 4460: 4453: 4452:Ligature of 4411: 4404: 4403:Ligature of 4283: 4186: 4132: 4124: 4116: 4108: 4060: 3931: 3930:(similar to 3829: 3822: 3821:Ligature of 3765: 3764:Ligature of 3711: 3710:(similar to 3615: 3608: 3607:Ligature of 3508:word/speech 2800:Coptic janja 2357: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2341: 2321: 2309: 2302: 2286: 2276: 2275: 2271: 2270:were called 2239: 2238:been called 2234:It has also 2233: 2226: 2210: 2186: 2031: 2003: 1980: 1961: 1954: 1944: 1907:, Primorje, 1902: 1889:White Croats 1838: 1750: 1723:, using the 1707:. After the 1665: 1642: 1633: 1614:Thessaloniki 1611: 1596: 1575: 1568: 1558: 1552: 1545: 1538: 1531: 1528: 1508: 1493: 1476:Angelo Rocca 1464: 1446: 1431:Baška tablet 1361: 1347: 1311: 1307: 1299: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1274: 1272: 1267: 1245:glagoliticus 1236: 1234: 1210: 1205: 1189: 1145: 1134: 1130: 1115: 1080: 1045: 997:Thessalonica 976: 909: 907: 899:Zograf Codex 868:Neo-Tifinagh 864:4th century 858:10th c. BCE 737:19th century 669:6th century 641:4th century 608: 563:7th century 547:Dhives Akuru 537:4th century 526: 496:10th c. BCE 494:Paleo-Hebrew 490:12th c. BCE 440:12th c. BCE 409:19th c. BCE 402: 380: 375:32nd c. BCE 368: 352: 319: 317: 293:and ⟨ 275: 54:Reims Gospel 29: 12716:RoboBraille 12540:Róża Czacka 12480:Perforation 12277:Independent 12175:(Bhutanese) 11910:Greenlandic 11581:Azerbaijani 11383:Jindai moji 11272:Syllabaries 11243:SignWriting 11143:Celtiberian 11045:Hieroglyphs 10848:Seal script 10833:Traditional 10705:Blissymbols 10610:Warang Citi 10585:Tolong Siki 10538:Marcomannic 10518:Dalecarlian 10508:Anglo-Saxon 10488:Pau Cin Hau 10379:Medefaidrin 10332:Merovingian 10292:Blackletter 10200:Asomtavruli 9993:Warang Citi 9802:Ulu scripts 9747:New Tai Lue 9690:Mon–Burmese 9544:Bhattiprolu 9372:Nandinagari 9199:ʾEsṭrangēlā 8958:constructed 8754:Copperplate 8617:Blackletter 8602:Carolingian 8597:Merovingian 8557:handwritten 8434:Frane Bulić 8340:Kiev Missal 8258:Manuscripts 8166:Manuscripts 8002: [ 7981: [ 7978:Vajs, Josef 7974:, Krk 1917. 7960: [ 7957:Vajs, Josef 7940:Glagolitica 7921: [ 7900: [ 7879: [ 7822:Mateo Žagar 7814: [ 7792:2 September 7533:27 February 7310:: 105–130. 6982:12 December 6391:28 December 6352:16 November 6162:17 November 6137:17 November 5927:(5): 1–40. 5520:The Witcher 3816:Shta/Shcha 2813:♓︎, 2524:‎ or 2284:language). 2169: [ 2102: [ 2049: [ 1983:West Slavic 1881:Kievan Rus' 1875:before the 1857:Middle Ages 1819:coast. The 1807:instead of 1739:and one in 1653:Svatopluk I 1638:Kiev Missal 1348:hlaholytsia 1239:comes from 1217:nationalist 1122:Benedictine 1048:Kievan Rus' 1005:Michael III 989:Saint Cyril 795:3rd century 789:3rd century 775:4th century 769:2nd century 725:7th c. BCE 719:8th c. BCE 713:8th c. BCE 705:2nd century 663:2nd c. BCE 657:2nd c. BCE 635:2nd c. BCE 621:4th century 615:3rd c. BCE 595:3rd c. BCE 549:6th century 543:4th century 522:3rd c. BCE 510:8th c. BCE 472: 1601 421:9th c. BCE 415:15th c. BCE 387:7th c. BCE 145:Old Slovene 92:Middle Ages 86:Time period 63:Script type 50:Kiev Missal 12736:Categories 12268:(obsolete) 12249:(obsolete) 12041:(Pakistan) 11952:Belarusian 11834:Vietnamese 11777:Portuguese 11763:Philippine 11720:Lithuanian 11373:Hentaigana 11368:Man'yōgana 10828:Simplified 10715:Ersu Shaba 10629:Non-linear 10434:Old Uyghur 10424:Old Permic 10419:Old Italic 10352:Visigothic 10287:Beneventan 10222:Glagolitic 10185:Gadabuursi 9849:Kolezhuthu 9844:Vatteluttu 9782:Tanchangya 9705:Saurashtra 9282:Devanagari 9140:Phoenician 9093:Manichaean 8759:Spencerian 8679:Court hand 8667:Glagolitic 8612:Beneventan 8592:Visigothic 8147:Catalogues 7952:3700128959 7805:Literature 7519:Filologija 7389:1550519312 7102:20 January 6943:10.31745/s 6842:10.31745/s 6713:0521815398 6691:0191614882 6660:0810876027 6185:: 227–254. 5584:References 4724:Glagolitic 4638:Ⱔ, Ⱗ, Ⱘ, Ⱙ 4107:of either 4103:Ligature; 3758:Ot, Omega 3717:and Latin 3096:tree/wood 2734:is/exists 2310:glagolitsa 2289:St. Jerome 2229:St. Jerome 2194:Novitiates 1865:Byzantines 1841:Saint Naum 1811:, not the 1801:Roman Rite 1793:Roman Rite 1761:Saint Naum 1649:papal bull 1524:ornamental 1366:Belarusian 1362:hlaholitsa 1329:glagoljica 1320:Macedonian 1308:glagolitsa 1283:glagoljati 1275:glagolitsa 1254:glagoljica 1237:glagolitic 1213:Vatican II 1201:Slavicists 1164:Tridentine 1143:purposes. 1118:St. Jerome 1072:Latin rite 1066:where the 1043:purposes. 1007:in 863 to 977:glagolitsa 880:7th c. BCE 846:Old Permic 841: 940 829:Glagolitic 824: 430 811: 420 783:5th c. BCE 686:Old Uyghur 679: 650 667:Old Turkic 629:2nd c. BCE 575:Devanagari 516:3rd c. BCE 502:6th c. BCE 488:Phoenician 438:Phoenician 393:3rd c. BCE 320:Glagolitic 256:Glagolitic 237:Glagolitic 190:Glagolitic 181:Phoenician 149:Old Slovak 35:Glagolitic 12752:Alphabets 12684:Vibratese 12663:Moon type 12656:Decapoint 12337:Eight-dot 12290:Cantonese 12239:Reordered 12202:Inuktitut 12091:Malayalam 12001:Ukrainian 11980:Mongolian 11959:Bulgarian 11922:Norwegian 11887:Icelandic 11678:Hungarian 11636:Esperanto 11588:Cantonese 11172:Redundant 10984:Anatolian 10935:Cuneiform 10863:bird-worm 10799:Logograms 10770:Testerian 10684:Ideograms 10661:Moon type 10548:Staveless 10439:Mongolian 10384:Molodtsov 10342:Sütterlin 10210:Mkhedruli 10076:Bassa Vah 10026:Alphabets 9998:Mwangwego 9963:Mwangwego 9938:Kharosthi 9891:Blackfoot 9854:Malayanma 9725:Sundanese 9720:Sukhothai 9668:Malayalam 9619:Khom Thai 9579:Goykanadi 9503:Tocharian 9456:ʼPhags-pa 9327:Khudabadi 9272:Bhaiksuki 9167:Samaritan 9098:Nabataean 8953:inventors 8842:Sütterlin 8816:D'Nealian 8793:Shorthand 8739:Secretary 8719:Johannine 8684:Lombardic 8660:Bosančica 8649:Poluustav 8559:European 8555:Types of 8201:1800–1899 8196:1700–1799 8191:1600–1699 8186:1500–1599 8181:1400–1499 8176:1200–1399 7740:26 August 7661:2 January 7587:cite book 7577:3 January 7498:26 August 7488:2351-6895 7442:26 August 7381:1824-7601 7318:26 August 7283:26 August 7265:0363-1923 7059:cite book 6951:0583-6255 6883:cite book 6850:0583-6255 6693:, p. 100. 6446:. Wiley. 6425:16 August 6042:cite book 5933:0350-7823 5896:cite book 5857:cite book 5851:. Zagreb. 5811:cite book 5671:cite book 5538:continent 5533:Forspoken 5418:𞀪 5413:𞀩 5408:𞀨 5403:𞀧 5398:𞀦 5391:𞀤 5386:𞀣 5379:𞀡 5374:𞀠 5364:𞀟 5359:𞀞 5354:𞀝 5349:𞀜 5344:𞀛 5335:𞀘 5330:𞀗 5325:𞀖 5320:𞀕 5315:𞀔 5310:𞀓 5305:𞀒 5300:𞀑 5295:𞀐 5285:𞀏 5280:𞀎 5275:𞀍 5270:𞀌 5265:𞀋 5260:𞀊 5255:𞀉 5250:𞀈 5243:𞀆 5238:𞀅 5233:𞀄 5228:𞀃 5223:𞀂 5218:𞀁 5213:𞀀 4054:Yer, Yor 3604:teaching 3365:he, that 3318:Possibly 2980:or Greek 2920:Ⰹ, Ⰺ 2902:Zeml(j)a 2793:life/live 2739:Samaritan 2737:Possibly 2526:Samaritan 2516:‎, 2390:Cyrillic 2015:Kajkavian 2011:Chakavian 1966:river in 1937:Međimurje 1647:issued a 1626:Rastislav 1563:צ of the 1512:ligatures 1500:Macedonia 1401:glagolica 1391:głagolica 1381:hlaholika 1371:hlaholice 1357:глаголіца 1352:Ukrainian 1343:глаголиця 1316:Bulgarian 1312:glagolica 1303:глаголица 1289:) using ( 1273:The name 1241:Neo-Latin 1235:The word 1204:its area 1060:Zachlumia 973:ⰳⰾⰰⰳⱁⰾⰻⱌⰰ 741:Blackfoot 691:Mongolian 633:Nabataean 627:Palmyrene 567:ʼPhags-pa 514:Kharosthi 500:Samaritan 210:ISO 15924 204:ISO 15924 153:Old Croat 141:Old Czech 129:Chakavian 117:Byzantine 113:Languages 98:Direction 12320:Japanese 12181:Georgian 12173:Dzongkha 12159:Armenian 12077:Gujarati 11942:Cyrillic 11873:Estonian 11848:Yugoslav 11784:Romanian 11756:Nigerian 11671:Hawaiian 11657:Ghanaian 11574:Albanian 11435:Sumerian 11400:Linear B 11363:Katakana 11358:Hiragana 11308:Cherokee 11238:ASLwrite 11199:Bopomofo 11054:Numerals 11040:Hieratic 10999:Isthmian 10968:Sumerian 10948:Assyrian 10943:Akkadian 10600:Vithkuqi 10575:Tifinagh 10543:Medieval 10498:Pisidian 10493:Phrygian 10464:Vagindra 10409:Ol Chiki 10317:Interlac 10272:Kayah Li 10262:Jenticha 10217:Veso Bey 10205:Nuskhuri 10195:Georgian 10165:Formosan 10160:Etruscan 10155:Enochian 10111:Cyrillic 10096:Coelbren 10054:Armenian 9953:Meroitic 9943:Mandombe 9933:Jenticha 9797:Tigalari 9762:Tai Viet 9757:Tai Tham 9737:Tagbanwa 9589:Javanese 9539:Baybayin 9529:Balinese 9517:Southern 9412:Pracalit 9407:Pachumol 9382:Bhujimol 9342:Mahajani 9302:Gurmukhi 9292:Gujarati 9260:Northern 9240:Abugidas 9221:Ugaritic 9209:Maḏnḥāyā 9083:Tifinagh 9076:Solitreo 9014:Numerals 8927:Grapheme 8915:Overview 8783:Skoropis 8724:Humanist 8714:Chancery 8632:Georgian 8627:Bastarda 8171:900–1199 7932:Archived 7770:10 March 7764:Archived 7734:Archived 7633:22 March 7627:Archived 7527:Archived 7492:Archived 7472:: 7–14. 7436:Archived 7385:ProQuest 7312:Archived 7277:Archived 7273:23065457 7096:Archived 6976:Archived 6808:Archived 6743:Archived 6666:Archived 6639:Archived 6622:Archived 6618:Dalmatia 6595:Archived 6536:Archived 6497:Archived 6458:Archived 6385:Archived 6297:Archived 6227:Archived 6204:Archived 6111:22 April 6105:Archived 6085:20 April 6079:Archived 5758:: 23–32. 5640:21 April 5600:(1995), 5551:See also 5509:), etc. 5370:U+1E02x 5291:U+1E01x 5209:U+1E00x 4587:Izhitsa 4326:Unknown 4236:Yat, Ya 3883:‎ 3813:Šta/Šča 3248:Mislete 3245:Myslite 3028:I/izhey 2815:Tifinagh 2790:Zhivete 2623:Glagoli 2620:Glagoli 2506:letters 2408:Meaning 2387:Angular 2381:Unicode 2315:—  2297:Pannonia 2293:Dalmatia 2277:Bukvitsa 2268:Slavonia 2264:Slovenia 2252:Slovakia 2244:Cyrillic 2065:Aquileia 2042:Novigrad 1968:Slavonia 1941:Slovenia 1895:region. 1821:Holy See 1817:Adriatic 1785:Dalmatia 1775:and the 1753:apostles 1643:In 885, 1580:Armenian 1526:design. 1516:Cyrillic 1334:Croatian 1250:Croatian 1225:Internet 1206:expanded 1174:and the 1146:But the 1099:Carniola 1095:Slavonia 1083:Dalmatia 1050:and the 1035:and the 981:alphabet 862:Tifinagh 835:Cyrillic 818:Georgian 799:Armenian 717:Etruscan 413:Ugaritic 391:Meroitic 370:Hieratic 291:/ / 287:Help:IPA 68:Alphabet 12225:Tibetan 12166:Burmese 12152:Amharic 12135:(India) 12112:Sinhala 12105:Punjabi 12084:Kannada 12032:Persian 11987:Russian 11927:Swedish 11905:Finnish 11880:Faroese 11855:Zambian 11827:Turkish 11812:Spanish 11735:Maltese 11713:Latvian 11706:Italian 11685:Iñupiaq 11664:Guarani 11624:English 11595:Catalan 11512:⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑ 11507:Braille 11390:Kikakui 11328:Eskayan 11313:Cypriot 11163:Dunging 11035:Demotic 11014:Tenevil 10958:Hittite 10953:Elamite 10906:Jurchen 10885:Sawndip 10880:Chữ Nôm 10780:Zapotec 10775:Yerkish 10750:Nsibidi 10735:Miꞌkmaw 10725:Isotype 10695:Adinkra 10636:Braille 10620:Zaghawa 10590:Vellara 10570:Sunuwar 10560:Sidetic 10555:Shavian 10483:Osmanya 10473:Ol Onal 10327:Kurrent 10312:Insular 10302:Fraktur 10277:Klingon 10267:Kaddare 10241:Archaic 10150:Elbasan 10138:Chinook 10128:Deseret 10116:Bosnian 10071:Avoiuli 10059:Avestan 10049:Ariyaka 9978:Tengwar 9876:Bharati 9837:Serawai 9827:Pasemah 9812:Lampung 9767:Lai Tay 9752:Tai Noi 9715:Sinhala 9695:Pallava 9663:Makasar 9651:Lontara 9626:Kulitan 9599:Kannada 9594:Kadamba 9584:Hanunoo 9574:Grantha 9569:Fakkham 9486:Tibetan 9471:Soyombo 9466:Siddhaṃ 9461:Sharada 9437:Litumol 9427:Tirhuta 9417:Ranjana 9402:Kvemmol 9362:Multani 9347:Marchen 9312:Kalinga 9252:Brahmic 9189:Sogdian 9128:Psalter 9108:Pahlavi 9088:Mandaic 9066:Cursive 9051:Elymaic 9022:Aramaic 8771:Kurrent 8744:Library 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Glagolitic alphabet

Kiev Missal
Reims Gospel
Saint Cyril of Thessalonica
Middle Ages
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Old Slovene
Old Slovak
Old Croat
Egyptian hieroglyphs
ISO 15924
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International Phonetic Alphabet

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