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movements arise when there exist two groups, one privileged and other under-privileged. When the privilege-power equation is threatened by the social forces of history, "culture, skin pigmentation" and such ethnic markers become a basis to presume inferiority of the other and a pretext to manipulate the situation. Using a language of nationalism, one group tries to maintain the status quo, while the other seeks to overthrow it. In British India, states Jaffrelot, Muslim nationalism and separatism "certainly did not develop" from feelings of having been discriminated against, but their mobilisation came from "the fear of decline and marginalization" of their historic privilege among the Muslim elites in British India. They deployed Islamic cultural symbols and pressed for Perso-Arabic script-based Urdu language for their separatist and nationalist rationale, while Hindu nationalists deployed Hindu cultural symbols and pressed for the use of Indic script-based (Hindi) language – both languages nearly similar when spoken. The mutual use of identity symbols helped crystallise the other's convictions and fuel each other's fears. These identity symbols and the continued mutual use of such ideological statements fuel the nationalistic discourse in contemporary India and Pakistan. They have been and remain central to organisations such as the BJP and the
imperatives of Hindu religious doctrine", or alternatively, as another form of fundamentalism while accepting that Hinduism is a diverse collection of doctrines, is complex and is different from other religions. According to Ram-Prasad, the proponents reject these tags, viewing it to be their right and a desirable value to cherish their religious and cultural traditions. The Hindutva ideology according to Savarkar, states Ram-Prasad, is a "geography, race, and culture" based concept. However, the "geography" is not strictly territorial but is an "ancestral homeland of a people", and the "race" is not biogenetic but described as the historic descendants of the intermarriage of Aryans, native inhabitants and "different peoples" who arrived over time. So, "the ultimate category for Hindutva is culture", and this culture is "not strictly speaking religious, if by religion is meant a commitment to certain doctrines of transcendence", he states. The proponents state that in the Hindutva thought, there is a kernel of coherent and justifiable thesis about the Indian culture and history.
summarises the ideas of the Muslim leaders in British India around 1940: "there were two nations in India, Hindu and Muslim", said Jinnah, British India should be partitioned into "Pakistan and Hindustan". According to Jinnah, "the differences between Hindus and Muslims in India were not merely religious, but entirely different ways of life and thought. The two communities were distinct peoples, with different religious philosophies, social customs, literatures, and histories. For more than a thousand years, the bulk of Muslims in India had lived in a different world, in a different society, in a different philosophy and a different faith. Muslims must have a state of their own in which they would establish their own constitution and make their own laws." According to Prabhu, such ideas and rationale fuelled the Hindutva narrative for a radical exclusivist Hindu nation, and became "the apologia for the two-nation theory of the 1940s".
an attitude hostile to all persons practising any religion other than the Hindu religion ... It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasise the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticise the policy of any political party as discriminatory or intolerant." According to Jethmalani, the Supreme Court has properly explained the "true meaning" of the term, and "Hindutva is not hostility to any organised religion nor does it proclaim its superiority of any religion to another". According to him, it is unfortunate that "the communal propaganda machinery relentlessly disseminates "Hindutva" as a communal word, something that has also become embedded in the minds and language of opinion leaders, including politicians, media, civil society and the intelligentsia". The Indian lawyer
7943:, a scholar of Hinduism, Hindutva has become more than the original search for Hinduness during the Indian freedom movement, and has morphed into "Hindutva movement" in the post-Independent India. This movement – though reviled by Western and West-oriented Indian scholars – has been ongoing, according to Klostermaier, as a political ideology which "takes elements of Hindu tradition and reshapes them in the light of their own time so as to provide answers to the needs of their contemporaries." In this historical and sociological context, Hindutva is an assertion of values and a non-aberrant response to the Indic experiences and memories of Islamic conquests, Christian imperialism, and the abuses of colonialism, according to Klostermaier. 2658:, Hindutva as defined in the classic statement of its ideology, is the "culture of the Hindu race" where Hinduism is but an element and "Hindu dharma is a religion practiced by Hindus as well as Sikhs and Buddhists". The article further states, "proponents of Hindutva have sought to promote the identification of national identity with the religious and broader cultural heritage of Hindus. Measures taken to achieve this end have included attempts to 'reclaim' individuals judged to have taken up 'alien' religions, the pursuit of social, cultural and philanthropic activities designed to strengthen awareness of Hindu belonging, and direct political action through various organisations, including recognized political parties such as the 10283:, pp. 193–196: "After Independence in 1947, the RSS saw an enormous expansion in numbers of new swayamsevaks and a proliferation of disciplined and drilled shakhas. This occurred despite Gandhi’s assassination (January 30, 1948) by Nathuram Vinayak Godse, a former sevak and despite being outlawed. (p. 193) Thus, even as the RSS discretely stayed out of open politics, and continued its campaign to convert more and more people to the cause of Hindutva, its new party engaged in political combat. (p. 194) For the next two decades, the Jan Sangh followed a narrowly focused agenda. In 1971, despite softening its Hindutva voice and joining a grand alliance, it was not successful. (p. 195)" 4871:. Parallels between Hindutva and European fascism are observed in the concepts such as repeated mobilisations, appeals to a mythic past, anti-socialism and other concepts. Since Savarkar's time, the "Hindu identity" and the associated Hindutva ideology has been built upon the perceived vulnerability of Indian religions, culture and heritage from those who through "orientalist construction" have vilified them as inferior to a non-Indian religion, culture and heritage. In its nationalistic response, Hindutva has been conceived "primarily as an ethnic community" concept, states Jaffrelot, then presented as cultural nationalism, where Hinduism along with other Indian religions are but a part. 4852:" in 1922, in which he outlined his ideology and "the idea of a universal and essential Hindu identity". The term "Hindu identity" is broadly interpreted and distinguished from "ways of life and values of others". The contemporary meaning and usage of Hindutva largely derives from Savarkar's ideas, as does the post-1980s nationalism and mass political activity in India. According to Jaffrelot, Hindutva as outlined in Savarkar's writings "perfectly illustrates" an effort at identity-building through the "stigmatisation and emulation of threatening others". In particular, it was pan-Islamism and similar "Pan-isms" that he assumed made the Hindus vulnerable, as he wrote: 2729:", where Indian Muslims were pledging support to the Istanbul-based Caliph of the Ottoman Empire and to Islamic symbols, his thoughts predominantly reflect deep hostility to Islam and its followers. To Savarkar, states Jaffrelot, "Muslims were the real enemies, not the British", because their Islamic ideology posed "a threat to the real nation, namely Hindu Rashtra" in his vision. All those who reject this historic "common culture" were excluded by Savarkar. He included those who had converted to Christianity or Islam but accepted and cherished the shared Indic culture, considering them as those who can be re-integrated. 5236: 7780:(jati) and their culture (sanskriti). All Hindus claim to have in their veins the blood of the mighty race incorporated with and descended from the Vedic fathers. They created a culture – an ensemble of mythologies, legends, epic stories, philosophy, art and architecture, laws and rites, feasts and festivals. They have a special relationship to India: India is to them both a fatherland and a holy land." The Savarkar's text presents the "Hindu culture as a self-sufficient culture, not needing any input from other cultures", which is "an unhistorical, narcissistic and false account of India's past", states Parel. 9357:: "A term that first surfaces in literary form in the mid 1870s in Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's serialization of his novel Ānandamaáč­h in the journal, Bangadarshan. It was subsequently employed by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in his book Hindutva: Who is a Hindu (1923) to convey the idea of a universal and essential Hindu identity. As used by its author, and other right-wing nationalist ideologues, it is predicated on an assumed consensus about what constitutes Hindu identity and distinguishes it from the ways of life and values of other (implicitly ‘foreign’) people and traditions, especially Indian Muslims." 4878:, a scholar of Hinduism, Hindutva has not been a "static and monolithic concept", rather its meaning and "context, text and subtext has changed over time". The struggles of the colonial era and the formulation of neo-Hinduism by the early 20th century added a sense of "ethnicity" to the original "Hinduness" meaning of Hindutva. Its early formulation incorporated the racism and nationalism concepts prevalent in Europe during the first half of the 20th century, and culture was in part rationalised as a result of "shared blood and race". Savarkar and his Hindutva colleagues adopted the 7655:, a number of writers in India and outside India have variously described Hindutva as "fundamentalist" and "India's flirtation with native fascism", while others disagree. The debate on Hindutva is a matter of perspective. The Indians debate it from the perspective of their own colonial past and their contemporary issues, while the Euro-American view considers it from the global issues, their own experiences with fundamentalism in light of classic liberal and relativist positions, states Juergensmeyer. 7648:
fascism emphasised the primacy of the state, Hindutva considered the state to be a secondary. Third, while Nazism emphasised primacy of the race, the Hindutva ideology emphasised primacy of the society over race. According to Achin Vanaik, several authors have labelled Hindutva as fascist, but such a label requires "establishing a fascist minimum". Hindu nationalism, states Vanaik, is "a specific Indian manifestation of a generic phenomenon but not one that belongs to the genus of fascism".
5090:. In this period, while RSS remained "discretely out of politics", Jan Sangh, another Hindutva-ideology-based organisation, entered the political arena. The Jan Sangh had limited success in the Indian general elections between 1952 and 1971. This was, in part, because of its poor organisation and leadership; its focus on the Hindutva sentiment did not appeal to the voters, and its campaign lacked adequate social and economic themes. This was also, in part, because Congress party leaders such 5354:
of national culture (Bharatiya culture) and the Hindu nation, Hindu rashtra", states Hansen. This notion has appealed to the masses in part because it "connects meaningfully with everyday anxieties of security, a sense of disorder" in modern Indian life. The BJP has deployed the Hindutva theme in its election campaign since early 1991, as well as nominated candidates who are affiliated with organisations that support the Hindutva ideology. The campaign language of the Congress Party leader
5659: 2345: 8833:, Quote: "Savarkar had long lived abroad, and his Hindutva is a European product from its opening words on. Savarkar was not a religious man; for him, traditional religious belief and practice did not lie at the heart of Hindutva. He did, however, consider the religion's cultural traditions to be key markers of Hindutva, along with geographical attachment to the motherland and a sense of oneself as a part of a "race determined by a common origin, possessing a common blood". 7545: 2357: 741: 5079:. Nehru also appointed government commissions to investigate the assassination and related circumstances. The series of investigations by these commissions, states the political science scholar Nandini Deo, later found the RSS leadership and "the RSS innocent of a role in the assassination". The mass arrested RSS volunteers were released by the Indian courts, and the RSS has ever since used this as evidence of "being falsely accused and condemned". 22654: 5735: 805: 2836: 7663:". They describe Hindutva as a form of "revolutionary conservatism" or "ethnic absolutism". According to Thomas Hansen, Hindutva represents a "conservative revolution" in postcolonial India, and its proponents have been combining "paternalistic and xenophobic discourses" with "democratic and universalist discourses on rights and entitlements" based on "desires, anxieties and fractured subjectivities" in India. 10314:; Quote: "We have now considered the main factors which worked against the Jana Sangh's attempt to become a major party in Indian politics . It was seriously handicapped in electoral competition by the limitations of its organization and leadership, by its inability to gather support through appeals to Hindu nationalist sentiment, and by its failure to establish a broad base of social and economic interests." 22642: 2611:, holds that "even those who are not religiously Hindu but whose religions originated in India – Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs, and others – share in this historical, cultural, and national essence. Those whose religions were imported to India, meaning primarily the country’s Muslim and Christian communities, may fall within the boundaries of Hindutva only if they subsume themselves into the majority culture". 7926:
world, the Hindu religion does not claim any one God; it does not subscribe to any one dogma; it does not believe in one philosophic concept; it does not follow any one set of religious rites." Confronted with this amorphous entity, the Court concluded, “t does not appear to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any religion or creed. It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more.
2725:– "minimizes the importance of religion in his definition of Hindu", and instead emphasises an ethnic group with a shared culture and cherished geography. To Savarkar, states Jaffrelot, a Hindu is "first and foremost someone who lives in the area beyond the Indus river, between the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean". Savarkar composed his ideology in reaction to the "pan-Islamic mobilization of the 2696:, i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Savarkar restricted "Hindu nationality" to "Indian religions" in the sense that they shared a common culture and fondness for the land of their origin. Savarkar had made clear distinction between Hinduism and Hindutva, that they are not same things as Hindutva does not concern religion or rituals but the basis of India's national character. 8573:
attempting to classify Golwalkar's or Savarkar's Hindu nationalism within the typology of 'generic fascism', Nazism, racism and ethnic or cultural nationalism is the unavailability of an appropriate theoretical orientation and vocabulary for varieties of revolutionary conservatism and far-right-wing ethnic and religious absolutist movements in 'Third World' countries".
2736:". He describes Hindutva, states Bhatt, as "one of the most comprehensive and bewildering synthetic concepts known to the human tongue" and "Hindutva is not a word but a history; not only the spiritual or religious history of our people as at times it is mistaken to be by being confounded with the other cognate term Hinduism, but a history in full". 4945:. He was a part of the underground home rule and liberation movement of Indians, before getting arrested for anti-British activities. His political activities and intellectual journeys through the European publications, according to Bhatt, influenced him, his future writings and the 20th-century Hindutva ideology that emerged from his writings. 5002:) to reform the Hindu society. Village level groups met for morning and evening physical training sessions, martial training and Hindutva ideology lessons. Hedgewar kept RSS an ideologically active but an "apolitical" organisation. This practice of keeping out of national and international politics was retained by his successor 2618:, "Hindutva, translated as 'Hinduness,' refers to the ideology of Hindu nationalists, stressing the common culture of the inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent. ... Modern politicians have attempted to play down the racial and anti-Muslim aspects of Hindutva, stressing the inclusiveness of the Indian identity; but the term has 2634:) and to avoid too narrow a definition of Hinduism, which had the consequence of excluding Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains from the Hindu community. Later, Hindu-nationalist ideologues transformed the concept into a strategy to include non-Hindus, in order to widen their social base, and for political mobilization. 7925:
Sen writes, "Drawing primarily from English language sources, the Court put forward the view that Hinduism was "impossible" to define : "When we think of the Hindu religion, we find it difficult, if not impossible, to define Hindu religion or even adequately describe it. Unlike other religions in the
and a scholar of Politics and Philosophy of Religion, states that Hindutva is a form of nationalism that is expounded differently by its opponents and its proponents. The opponents of Hindutva either consider it as a fundamentalist ideology that "aims to regulate the working of civil society with the
of its times. The idea of "India as the cradle of civilization" (Voltaire, Herder, Kant, Schlegel), or as "humanity's homeland and primal philosophy" (Herder, Schlegel), or the "humanism in Hindu values" (Herder), or of Hinduism offering redemption for contemporary humanity (Schopenhauer), along with
According to Jaffrelot, the early Hindutva proponents such as Golwalkar envisioned it as an extreme form of "ethnic nationalism", but the ideology differed from fascism and Nazism in three respects. First, unlike fascism and Nazism, it did not closely associate Hindutva with its leader. Second, while
party, stated that "it seems to embody Hinduism in a Nazi form" with the recommendation that it must be ended. Similarly, in 1956, another Congress party leader compared Jana Sangh to the Nazis in Germany. After the 1940s and 1950s, a number of scholars have labelled or compared Hindutva to fascism.
promoting Hindutva ideas. It openly calls for violence against many non-Hindu minorities, especially Muslims. Hindutva pop artists defend their music as neither xenophobic nor Islamophobic, arguing it promotes truth. Popular Hindutva pop artists like Laxmi Dubey and Prem Krishnavanshi mainstream the
According to the anthropologist and South Asia Politics scholar Thomas Hansen, Hindutva in the post-Independence era has emerged as a political ideology and a populist form of Hindu nationalism. For Indian nationalists, it has subsumed "religious sentiments and public rituals into a larger discourse
had co-opted some of the key Hindutva ideology themes and fused it with socialist policies and her father's Jawaharlal Nehru Soviet-style centrally controlled economic model. The RSS continued its grassroots operations between 1947 and early 1970s, and its volunteers provided humanitarian assistance
In summary, Savarkar's Hinduism is a concept beyond the practice of religion. It encompasses India's cultural, historical, and national identity rooted in Hindu traditions and values. Hindutva is to build a strong Hindu nation, and this is the principle that holds together the customs and culture of
According to the Political Scientist Christophe Jaffrelot, in the pre-1947 period, the two nationalism and separatist movements in South Asia influenced each other. This history is an example of the Ernest Gellner theory of nationalism, states Jaffrelot. The Gellner theory states that nationalistic
In 2021, a group of North American-based scholars of South Asia formed a collective and published the Hindutva Harassment Field Manual to, they argue, answer the Hindutva threat to their academic freedom. They documented further incidents of Hindutva harassment of academics in North America, dating
Sociologists Chetan Bhatt and Parita Mukta have described difficulties in identifying Hindutva with fascism or Nazism, because of Hindutva's embrace of cultural rather than racial nationalism, its "distinctively Indian" character, and "the RSS's disavowal of the seizure of state power in preference
asked his government to come up with a strategy to prevent "religious conversions in the name of love". On 31 October, he announced that a law to curb "love jihad" would be passed by his government. The law, which also includes provisions against "unlawful religious conversion", declares a marriage
met with Mussolini and expressed a desire to replicate the fascist youth movement in India. According to Sali Augustine, the core institution of Hindutva has been the RSS. While the RSS states that Hindutva is different from Hinduism, it has been linked to religion. Therefore "cultural nationalism"
and others. Decades before he wrote his treatise on Hindutva, Savarkar was already famous in colonial India for his version of 1857 "Mutiny" history. He studied in London between 1906 and 1910. There he discussed and evolved his ideas of "what constituted a Hindu identity", made friends with Indian
O Hindus, consolidate and strengthen Hindu nationality; not to give wanton offence to any of our non-Hindu compatriots, in fact to any one in the world but in just and urgent defence of our race and land; to render it impossible for others to betray her or to subject her to unprovoked attack by any
in 1995 ruled that "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism ... it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption ... that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts
in Yagnapurushdasji (AIR 1966 SC 1127), that "Hinduism is impossible to define". The court adopted Radhakrishnan's submission that Hinduism is complex and "the theist and atheist, the sceptic and agnostic, may all be Hindus if they accept the Hindu system of culture and life". The Court judged that
word, which connotes "Hinduness", and the term first gained usage among the Bengali Indian intellectuals during the British colonial era. The term took roots in light of the description of Indic religions and the "western preconceptions about the nature of religion", which the Indian intellectuals
published in 1923 is a fundamental text of Hindutva ideology. It asserts, states Parel, India of the past to be "the creation of a racially superior people, the Aryans. They came to be known to the outside world as Hindus, the people beyond the Indus River. Their identity was created by their race
Most nationalists are organised into political, cultural and social organisations using the concept of Hindutva as a political tool. The first Hindutva organisation formed was the RSS, founded in 1925. A prominent Indian political party, the BJP, is closely associated with a group of organisations
became the prime minister of a coalition non-Congress government. This coalition did not last past 1980, and from the consequent break-up of coalition parties was founding of the Bharatiya Janata Party in April 1980. This new national political party relied on the Hindutva ideology-based rural and
in the 1980s mirrored those of Hindutva proponents. The political speeches and publications by Indian Muslim leaders have declared their "Islamic religious identity" being greater than any "political ideology or national identity". These developments, states Hansen, have helped Hindu nationalists
with press censorship, the arrests of opposition leaders, and the suspension of many fundamental human rights of Indian citizens. The abuses of Emergency triggered a mass resistance and the rapid growth of volunteers and political support to the Hindutva ideology. Indira Gandhi and her party were
Quote: "It is also argued that the distinctively Indian aspects of Hindu nationalism, and the RSS's disavowal of the seizure of state power in preference for long-term cultural labour in civil society, suggests a strong distance from both German Nazism and Italian Fascism. Part of the problem in
explained the Indian Muslims demand by asserting a cultural distinctiveness of Islam and this "constituted the rationale for a separate nation-state of ‘Pakistan’." Jinnah's speech and rationale confirmed Savarkar's beliefs and his early Hindutva's narrative. The historian Prabhu Bapu quotes and
According to sociologist Amritorupa Sen, the privileges of the upper caste and especially Brahmins have become invisible. There has been a cultural norm that Brahmins take care of the lower castes out of a moral responsibility but also out of human kindness. This creates an intrinsically unequal
passed a bill that prohibits the slaughter or sale of beef within a 5-kilometre (3.1 mi) radius of any temple. The legislation seeks to ensure that permission for slaughter is not granted to areas that are predominantly inhabited by Hindu, Jain, Sikh and other non-beef eating communities or
theories prevalent by the 1930s. In the post-independence period, states Sharma, the concept has suffered from ambiguity and its understanding aligned on "two different axes" – one of religion versus culture, another of nation versus state. In general, the Hindutva thought among many Indians has
They opposed the continuation of Urdu being used as a vernacular language as they associated it with Muslims. They felt that Urdu symbolised a foreign culture. For them, Hindi alone was the unifying factor for all the diverse forces in the country. They even wanted to make Hindi as the official
disagrees, and states that the Supreme Court in its 1995 ruling gave "Hindutva a benign meaning, calling Hindutva the same as Indianization, etc." and these were unnecessary digressions from the facts of the case, and in doing so, the court may have brought down the wall separating religion and
after independence, was a Hindu traditionalist politician who wanted to uphold Hindu values but not necessarily to the exclusion of other communities. He asked for the membership of Hindu Mahasabha to be thrown open to all communities. When this was not accepted, he resigned from the party and
calls Hindutva "almost fascist in the classical sense". He states that the Hindutva movement is based on "class support, methods and programme". According to Patnaik, Hindutva has the following fascist ingredients: "an attempt to create a unified homogeneous majority under the concept of "the
7939:, a scholar of Hinduism, the term "Hindutva" differs from "Hindu dharma". The latter term means Hinduism and its various sub-traditions, while the term Hindutva in Savarkar's ideology meant the "socio-political force to unite all Hindus against foreign influences," states Flood. According to 4895:, a feeling that their traditions and cultures were being insulted, whereby the Hindu intellectuals formulated Hindutva as a "Hindu identity" as a prelude to a national resurgence and a unified Indian nation against the "foreign invaders". The development of "religious nationalism" and the 7720:
social order" and the potential enemies of this ideology is anybody whose acts or might hinder the process of restoring the Brahminic social order. DrĂšze further claims that although Hindutva is known as a majoritarian movement, it can be best expressed as an oppressive minority movement.
5474:. The supporters of Hindutva sought to protect the native Hindu culture and traditions especially those that symbolised the Hindu culture. They believe that Indian culture is identical with the Hindu culture. These include animals, language, holy structures rivers and medicine. 2534:(OED), Hindutva is "Originally: the state or quality of being Hindu; ‘Hinduness’. Now: an ideology advocating, or movement seeking to establish, the hegemony of Hindus and Hinduism within India; Hindu nationalism." Its etymology, according to the OED, is: "from modern Sanskrit 5632:. The violence has also been condoned by the BJP politicians and used as an electoral strategy to garner support from the far-right Hindu population. The veneration of cows as deities and restrictions on meat consumption have also been used by to justify violence against 7974:
Savarkar's early writings and speeches on cultural nationalism contained an embryonic form of a two-nation theory. This embryo took a more detailed form with the Lahore Resolution of 1940 of the Muslim League, which declared, "India’s Muslims were a ‘separate nation’."
is a euphemism, states Augustine, and it is meant to mask the creation of a state with a "Hindu religious identity". According to Jaffrelot, the regional heads of the RSS have included Indians who are Hindus as well as those who belong to other Indian religions such as
7848:, resorted to "increasing attacks on numerous scholars, artists and journalists who critically analyze its politics". A number of scholars and participants withdrew from the conference following the threats they received from ultranationalists and Hindutva supporters. 5482:". However, this caused a state of tension and alarm in the non-Hindi regions. The non-Hindi regions saw it as an attempt by the north to dominate the rest of the country. Eventually, this demand was put down in order to protect the cultural diversity of the country. 4907:
into Muslim and non-Muslim nations (Pakistan and Bangladesh being Muslim-majority, and India being Hindu-majority) during the middle of the 20th century, confirmed its narrative of geographical and cultural nationalism based on Indian culture and religions. Professor
2692:). Savarkar used the words "Hindu" and "Sindhu" interchangeably. Those terms were at the foundation of his Hindutva, as geographic, cultural and ethnic concepts, and "religion did not figure in his ensemble", states Sharma. His elaboration of Hindutva included all 5436:, the constitutionally directive principle of a Uniform Civil Code covers only non-Muslims. The Uniform Civil Code is opposed by the Muslim leaders. A Uniform Civil Code that applies equally to the Muslims in India is also opposed by political parties such as the 7625:
Hindus"; a sense of grievance against past injustice; a sense of cultural superiority; an interpretation of history according to this grievance and superiority; a rejection of rational arguments against this interpretation; and an appeal to the majority based on
A number of political developments in the 1980s caused a sense of vulnerability among the Hindus in India. This was much discussed and leveraged by the Hindutva ideology organisations. These developments include the mass killing of the Hindus by the militant
The Hindutva organisations were not exclusively criticised in the 1940s by the Indian political leaders. The Muslim League was also criticised for "its creed of Islamic exclusiveness, its cult of communal hatred" and called a replica of the German
null and void if the sole intention was to "change a girl's religion" and both it and the one in Madhya Pradesh imposed sentences of up to 10 years in prison for those who broke the law. The ordinance came into effect on 28 November 2020 as the
5284:, bringing in stringent provisions against forcible conversion through marriage or allurement, with the intention of targeting "love jihad". The Karnataka state cabinet also approved an anti-conversion bill, making it a law in December 2021. 15445: 3815: 11060: 4928:, and they emerged from the colonial experiences of the Indian people in conjunction with ideas borrowed from European thinkers but thereafter debated, adapted and negotiated. These ideas included those of a nation, nationalism, race, 9482:
The party's most vociferous leader was Vinayak Damodar Savarkar who made a distinction between 'Hindu Dharma', the religion of the various traditions, and 'Hindutva', the socio-political force to unite all Hindus against foreign
Hindutva ideology has been linked to threats to academics and students, both in India and the United States. For instance, in 2011, Hindutva activists successfully led a charge to remove an essay about the multiple narratives of
2599:. Some Indians insist, however, that Hindutva is primarily a cultural term to refer to the traditional and indigenous heritage of the Indian nation-state, and they compare the relationship between Hindutva and India to that of 5276:. In December 2020, Madhya Pradesh approved an anti-conversion law similar to the Uttar Pradesh one. As of 25 November 2020, Haryana and Karnataka were still in discussion over similar ordinances. In April 2021, the 8003:
Primordialism is the belief that the deep historical and cultural roots of nations is a quasi‐objective phenomenon, by which outsiders identify individuals of an ethnic group and what contributes to how an individual forms a
According to Chetan Bhatt, the various forms of Hindu nationalism including the recent "cultural nationalist" form of Hindutva, have roots in the second half of the 19th century. These are a "dense cluster of ideologies" of
10349:(Indira Gandhi's populist slogan translated as 'out with poverty') and of Hindutva are in the first instance conceptualized as differing state strategies of co-optation, deployed by elites ..."; From Taylor & Francis 2787:
The 1966 decision has influenced how the term Hindutva has been understood in later cases, in particular the seven decisions of the Supreme Court in the 1990s that are now called the "Hindutva judgments". According to
places that fall within a 5-kilometre (3.1 mi) radius of a temple, satra and any other institution as may be prescribed by the authorities. Exemptions, however, might be granted for certain religious occasions.
11122: 10794: 5306:
to carry its ideology to various parts of the society. Prominent among them is the Vishva Hindu Parishad, which was set up in 1964 with the objective of protecting and promoting the Hindu religion. It subscribed to
According to Jaffrelot, the Sangh Parivar organisations with their Hindutva ideology have strived to impose the belief structure of the upper caste Hindus. According to Dalit rights activist and political theorist
According to Prabhu Bapu, a historian and scholar of Oriental Studies, the term and the contextual meaning of Hindutva emerged from the Indian experience in the colonial era, memories of its religious wars as the
10590: 7824:, one of India's most eminent historians, has faced repeated Hindutva-led attacks. The Hindu right has been responsible for pushback against scholars of South Asia and Hinduism based in North America, including 2589:, Hindutva is a concept of "Indian cultural, national, and religious identity". The term "conflates a geographically based religious, cultural, and national identity: a true 'Indian' is one who partakes of this 10997: 7916:
According to sociologist Aparna Devare, Savarkar distinguishes between Hindutva and Hinduism, but includes it in his definition. Savarkar wrote, "Hinduism is only a derivative, a fraction, a part of Hindutva".
is the faith of India, Ram is the foundation of India, Ram is the idea of India, Ram is the law of India. Ram is the prestige of India, Ram is the glory of India...Ram is the leader and Ram is the policy."
10929: 5380:
Address Christian and Islamic proselytisation, religious conversion practices and the arithmetic of religious communities in India; insist that Muslims and Christians accept its doctrine of equality of
10832: 8359:
the archival evidence presented by Marzia Casolari conclusively shows how much the proponents of Hindutva admired European fascism; liberally borrowed from it and this influence continues even today.
Hindutva, especially in their early stages, exemplify a process of ideological borrowing from both European fascism and a fabrication of " Vedic Hinduism " that defies the binarism of local/global.
14472: 10967: 10353:: " demonstrates how the Internal Emergency of 1975 led to increased support of groups such as the BJS and the RSS, accounting for the rise of political movements advocating Hindu nationalism – 7965:
disagreed with. This attempt to articulate what Hinduism is, coupled with emerging political and cultural beliefs, has evolved and contributed to the various meanings of the term, states Lipner.
founded a new political party in collaboration with the RSS. He understood Hinduism as a nationality rather than a community but, realising that this is not the common understanding of the term
11052: 7745:
antiquity was presumed to be valid. This fiction was used to "give sustenance to Hindu ethnic consciousness". Its strategy emulated the Muslim identity politics of the Khilafat movement after
report, there were 63 attacks in India between 2010 and mid 2017 resulting in 28 deaths, 24 of them Muslim, and 124 injuries. Most attacks occurred after Narendra Modi took office in 2014.
11221: 11182: 5478:
language of India and felt that it should be promoted at the expense of English and the other regional languages, with some Hindutva followers describing this with the slogan "Hindi-Hindu-
5159: 11492:
Jaffrelot, Christophe (2013). "Refining the moderation thesis. Two religious parties and Indian democracy: the Jana Sangh and the BJP between Hindutva radicalism and coalition politics".
10727: 3776: 13078: 9147:
Chadra Nath Basu's book Hindutva was published in 1892 by Gurudas Chatterjee. The first recorded use of the word Hindutva, at least in print, is believed to have been made in this book.
7617:, the term Hindutva has "fascist undertones". Many scholars have pointed out that early Hindutva ideologues were inspired by fascist movements in early 20th-century Italy and Germany. 12503: 9027: 11030: 9370:
The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics: 1925 to the 1990s : Strategies of Identity-building, Implantation and Mobilisation (with Special Reference to Central India)
13104: 10487: 7753:
as history. Hindutva organizations have been criticized for their belief in statements or practices that they claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the
11090: 10618: 17413: 2654:("Hinduness") ... sought to define Indian culture as a manifestation of Hindu values; this concept grew to become a major tenet of Hindu nationalist ideology." According to the 10896: 10189:
The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics: 1925 to the 1990s: Strategies of Identity-building, Implantation and Mobilisation (with Special Reference to Central India)
The Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics: 1925 to the 1990s: Strategies of Identity-building, Implantation and Mobilisation (with Special Reference to Central India)
8464:, pp. 178–220: "This essay attempts to show how — from an analytical or from an historical perspective — Hindutva is a melding of Hindu fascism and Hindu fundamentalism." 14708:
Augustine, Sali (2009). "Religion and Cultural Nationalism: Socio-Political Dynamism of Communal Violence in India". In Erich Kolig; Vivienne S. M. Angeles; Sam Wong (eds.).
11152: 5346:
represents "cultural nationalism" and its conception of "Indian nationhood", but not a religious or theocratic concept. It is "India's identity", according to the RSS Chief
11112: 10784: 9915: 14399: 13644: 5273: 2700:
A Hindu means a person who regards this land of Bharatvarsha, from the Indus to the seas as his Fater-Land as well as his Holy-Land that is the cradle land of his religion
676: 17418: 15358: 10864: 9160: 14366: 13130: 15850: 10989: 11251: 7613:
Marzia Casolari has linked the association and the borrowing of pre-World War II European nationalist ideas by early leaders of Hindutva ideology. According to the
terroristic violence. This has principally been perpetrated by or has implicated members, or alleged members, of Hindu nationalist organizations such as the RSS or
7792:, William Jones, Alexander Hamilton and others were the natural intellectual matrix for Savarkar and others to borrow and germinate their Hindu nationalist ideas. 4284: 4969:
shortly after and discussed with him methods for organising the 'Hindu nation'. Savarkar and Hedgewar discussions led in September that year to Hedgewar starting
16891: 5432:
and have sowed the seeds of divisiveness between different religious communities. Under the current laws that were enacted in 1955–56, state John Hutchinson and
13913: 17322: 14505: 10919: 4973:(RSS, lit. "National Volunteer Society") with this mission. This organisation rapidly grew to become the largest Hindu nationalist movement. However, the term 3308: 14311: 13692: 12385: 10558: 22524: 14173: 12547: 10816: 2253: 5428:, where the same law applies to all its citizens irrespective of the individual's religion. They state that differential laws based on religion violate the 15173: 13598: 18669: 17806: 11643: 3524: 2732:
According to Chetan Bhatt, a sociologist specialising in Human Rights and Indian nationalism, Savarkar "distances the idea of Hindu and of Hindutva from
12754: 5604:
religious party that maintained ties with Hindutva organisations and political parties, as they also represent Sikhism. By September 2020, SAD left the
14727: 12709: 10951: 9076: 7203: 14486: 13001: 12971: 12531: 12352: 8107:
Can God Save My Village?: A Theological Study of Identity among the Tribal People of North-East India with a Special Reference to the Kukis of Manipur
Since the mid-2010s, there has been a notable increase in violence motivated by Hindutva ideology, particularly towards Muslims, and includes acts of
15114: 14575: 12957: 12095: 7729:, "Hindutva Is Nothing But Brahminism" and that only "Dalitisation can effectively counter the danger of Brahminical fascism disguised as Hindutva". 4695: 4056: 13156: 22213: 21245: 17297: 16420: 16403: 10357:– as a response to rapid political mobilization triggered by the Emergency, and an attempt by political elites to control this to their advantage". 6899: 6508: 4827: 3475: 1505: 11299: 10500: 9259: 18103: 17408: 11205: 11174: 10441:
For various sides in the Judiciary versus the Executive authority on Indira Gandhi's government and Hindutva politicians during this period, see
10717: 19379: 15155: 3388: 2630:, "One of the main purposes behind the concept of Hindutva was to construct a collective identity to support the cause of 'Hindu-unity' (Hindu 2387: 10762: 8045:
For further elaboration on the primacy of state in fascism, see Walter Laqueur. For further elaboration on the primacy of race in Nazism, see
19862: 18428: 16969: 16295: 14769:
Frykenberg, Robert (2008). "Hindutva as a Political Religion: An Historical Perspective". In R. Griffin; R. Mallett and J. Tortorice (eds.).
14611: 12293: 5195: 4912:
has argued that Hindu nationalism further grew because of the religious divisions between Hindus and Muslims that were fomented by post-1947
4844:, Basu's usage of the word was to merely portray a traditional Hindu cultural view in contrary to the formation of the political ideology by 771: 14432: 12511: 9018: 20885: 14080: 10520: 6953: 6948: 6943: 6938: 4061: 2248: 13621: 11866:"The paradox of the BJP's stance towards external economic liberalisation: why a Hindu nationalist party furthered globalisation in India" 11020: 7994:
associated with the Hindutva ideology, according to Jean-Luc Racine, a scholar of nationalisms and separatisms with a focus on South Asia.
21927: 21282: 15183:
Hansen, Thomas Blom; Roy, Srirupa, eds. (2022). Saffron Republic: Hindu Nationalism and State Power in India. Cambridge University Press.
12055: 5514: 4031: 3617: 3133: 14667: 12127: 11086: 9131: 22679: 21348: 18747: 17289: 11349: 3293: 954: 13652: 9855: 8844: 7697:
magazine, wrote of "an urgent need to build up moral and spiritual forces to counter any fallout from an expected Shudra revolution".
to be patronised instead, claiming that it is more culturally rooted. Hindutva opposition to Urdu coincides with a desire to spread a
2626:, "Hindutva encapsulates the cultural justification of Hindu nationalism, a 'Hinduness' allegedly shared by all Hindus." According to 21277: 17317: 10886: 10095: 7575: 5547:
that advocate Hindutva. They collectively refer to themselves as the "Sangh Parivar" or family of associations, and include the RSS,
4913: 21240: 17451: 15836: 11273: 10646: 7764:
writes that Hindutva separatism seeks to depart from the "philosophical, cultural and civilization mores of the country, including
6964: 5883: 5163: 3215: 3103: 14148: 11369: 11144: 5580:
Political parties that are independent from the Sangh Parivar's influence but that also espouse the Hindutva ideology include the
5320: 22487: 18675: 17799: 15495: 2226: 13053: 10671: 5371:
Political representation of Hindu nationalists, and in some cases exclusivist interests of the Hindus and Indic-centered culture
22674: 21733: 21073: 15742: 15250: 11739:
Internationale Schulbuchforschung (Textbook Controversies in India and Pakistan / Schulbuchkontroversen in Indien und Pakistan)
6969: 6924: 5198:
also stated to provide 5 acres (20,000 m) for creation of a mosque on another part of the land. The land was given to the
4796: 3480: 3225: 3053: 3038: 3033: 2863: 12428: 10854: 22729: 18793: 15277: 15223: 15205: 15106: 14881: 14802: 14780: 14717: 14294: 14232: 14202: 13792: 13761: 13734: 13667: 13581: 13350: 13254: 13227: 13200: 12671:"Encountering Hindutva, interrogating religious nationalism and (En)gendering a Hindu patriarchy in India's nuclear policies" 12465: 12277: 12183: 12039: 12009: 11942: 11848: 11823: 11798: 11773: 11721: 11696: 11671: 11585: 11544: 11473: 10432: 10405: 10378: 10338: 10307: 10265: 10197: 10051: 10005: 9898: 9839: 9812: 9780: 9753: 9733: 9701: 9571: 9509: 9475: 9448: 9378: 9346: 9242: 9114: 9055: 9001: 8957: 8930: 8883: 8826: 8796: 8711: 8657: 8626: 8527: 8491: 8352: 8315: 8247: 8213: 8155: 8115: 8089: 7626: 6783: 3367: 3298: 3018: 14549: 5678:
in India. Many vigilante groups say they feel "empowered" by the victory of the Hindu nationalist BJP in the 2014 election.
22719: 22346: 21289: 20675: 18312: 16396: 15737: 14473:"For more than five years, I have received hate mail from Hindu nationalists almost every single day - Dr. Audrey Truschke" 12481: 12199: 10147: 9185:
Gopal, Sangita (1 July 2003). "Hindu Buying/Hindu Being: Hindutva Online and the Commodity Logic of Cultural Nationalism".
The agendas of Hindutva though strong on the issues of self - identity and self - definition, have tended to be separatist.
stance. He further claims "The Hindutva project is a lifeboat for the upper castes in so far as it promises to restore the
6934: 6723: 6631: 4820: 3837: 3108: 2922: 2063: 1790: 1762: 12235: 11243: 7783:
The premises of early Hindu nationalist thought, states Chetan Bhatt, reflected the colonial era European scholarship and
7318: 5960: 5688:
Many BJP states have passed laws against cattle slaughter such as Gujarat. On 6 June 2017, Uttar Pradesh's Chief Minister
21623: 18467: 18096: 13702: 12878:
Radha Sarkar. "Sacred Slaughter: An Analysis of Historical, Communal, and Constitutional Aspects of Beef Bans in India".
6877: 5374: 4497: 4153: 4066: 3957: 3607: 3425: 3043: 3028: 2784:
Hinduism historically has had an "inclusive nature" and it may "broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more".
2574:, in the same senses (Middle Persian hindƫg, denoting a person from India), apparently formed already in Old Persian ... 1247: 19707: 5335:. The VHP and the BJP utilised these developments to push forward a militant Hindutva nationalist agenda leading to the 5267:", and it is widely considered to be an Islamophobic conspiracy theory. In September 2020, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister 21046: 20665: 19372: 17994: 17792: 17594: 17342: 17176: 15639: 15553: 15404: 15321: 15150: 14927: 14862: 14824: 14759: 13976: 7081: 6528: 5567: 5441: 5399:
Replace "pseudo-secularism" with "true secularism", the latter being the Western style separation of religion and state
4051: 3507: 2380: 2133: 2003: 19137: 15382: 14633: 9740:; For additional context on the two-nation theory history based on Hindu-Muslim cultural conflicts and the partition: 9294: 21178: 20420: 19855: 18762: 17480: 16115: 15707: 15649: 15351: 15348: 15307: 15292: 15259: 15238: 15167: 15091: 15054: 15046: 14900: 13876: 13606: 11440: 11413: 10454: 9639: 9421: 9316: 9277: 6768: 6478: 6468: 4917: 3681: 3512: 2974: 2952: 2238: 2138: 764: 520: 21056: 21051: 21017: 12897: 12809: 11865: 7741:
According to Jaffrelot, the Hindutva ideology has roots in an era where the fiction in ancient Indian mythology and
has reported that there has been a surge in such violence since 2015. The surge is attributed to the recent rise in
2078: 2053: 1931: 20369: 18807: 18177: 18140: 18009: 17953: 16571: 15420: 7832:. Under BJP leadership, the Indian state has been accused of monitoring scholars and denying some research access. 6813: 6798: 5010:
states "the RSS was explicitly influenced by European fascist movements, its leading politicians regularly praised
4896: 4450: 4279: 4173: 3612: 3502: 2554:, according to the OED is: "Partly a borrowing from Hindi and Urdu. Partly a borrowing from Persian. Etymons: Urdu 2265: 21041: 14593: 1973: 22684: 21947: 18292: 16389: 15763: 12728: 8129:
Hindutva is a political ideology that does not necessarily represent the view of the majority of Hindus in India.
7228: 6929: 6698: 5653: 5281: 5076: 5031: 5030:
In parallel to the RSS, Savarkar, after his release from the colonial prison, joined and became the president of
4813: 4026: 3519: 3263: 3058: 1017: 15086:, ed. Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994), pp. 617–652. ( 7135: 6181: 5666:
There has been a rise in the number of incidents of cow vigilantism since the election of a BJP majority in the
movies in recent years, claiming that they use too much Urdu and are anti-Hindu; some activists have called for
2570:, originally denoting a person from India, now specifically a follower of Hinduism, and its etymon (ii) Persian 2507:. Some analysts dispute the identification of Hindutva with fascism, and suggest Hindutva is an extreme form of 681: 22724: 22709: 22694: 22689: 22499: 19235: 18355: 18089: 17907: 16596: 11603:"The power of persuasion: Hindutva, Christianity, and the discourse of religion and culture in Northeast India" 8546:
Chetan Bhatt; Parita Mukta (May 2000). "Hindutva in the West: Mapping the Antinomies of Diaspora Nationalism".
7709: 6688: 6131: 3118: 2775:
and its relationship with Hinduism has been a part of several court cases in India. In 1966, the Chief Justice
61: 22208: 21763: 11602: 10471:"Parliament approves Resolution to repeal Article 370; paves way to truly integrate J&K with Indian Union" 7099: 3273: 1560: 22714: 22549: 22371: 21146: 21112: 20016: 19365: 15119: 15067: 15062: 13326: 12762: 12642: 12609: 12318: 11630: 10623: 9354: 7841: 7799: 7749:, and borrowed political concepts from the West – mainly German. Hindutva organizations treat events in 7568: 7360: 5920: 5908: 5693: 4727: 4435: 3098: 2373: 2204: 21095: 14340: 14042: 13892: 9073: 5402:
Decentralize and reform the Indian economy, end the socialist, centrally-planned, state-owned economic model
21942: 21919: 19848: 19789: 19388: 19296: 18664: 18487: 18473: 18040: 17916: 17444: 17302: 17024: 16791: 14985: 13532: 12524: 12411: 9742:
Venkat Dhulipala (2015). "Ch. Introduction; Nationalists, Communalists and the 1937 Provincial Elections".
6621: 5754: 5605: 5327:
coupled with the expulsion of Hindus from Bangladesh, the Congress-led government's pro-Muslim bias in the
5303: 5143: 5139: 3984: 3932: 2853: 757: 21798: 21648: 14594:"Under fire from Hindu nationalist groups, U.S.-based scholars of South Asia worry about academic freedom" 14458: 12979: 7262: 6216: 4996:
Hedgewar's RSS not only propagated Hindutva ideology, it developed a grassroots organizational structure (
1412: 22739: 22578: 22118: 21957: 21723: 20513: 20153: 20023: 19969: 19764: 19325: 19215: 18947: 18835: 18599: 18578: 17861: 17763: 17347: 15702: 15525: 15488: 12911: 7108: 6852: 6274: 6066: 4970: 4638: 4482: 3887: 3470: 3408: 2469: 2302: 2118: 1515: 899: 626: 546: 13932: 7294: 6359: 5328: 22699: 22632: 22329: 21932: 21833: 21188: 20685: 20210: 19934: 19894: 18991: 18731: 18688: 18279: 18172: 17837: 17132: 15894: 15697: 13386:
Sen, Satadru (2 October 2015). "Fascism Without Fascists? A Comparative Look at Hindutva and Zionism".
7469: 6830: 6803: 6653: 6638: 6518: 5854: 5593: 5498: 5332: 5096: 4747: 3492: 3153: 2868: 2672: 1921: 1745: 1267: 864: 819: 713: 611: 21028: 15439: 14312:"At Rutgers, and Beyond, Scholars Are Under Attack For Their Critique of India's Far-Right Government" 10521:"India: Court rules in favor of Hindus over Ayodhya temple-mosque dispute | DW | 09.11.2019" 6882: 2639: 22173: 21718: 21272: 21225: 20906: 20474: 20437: 20215: 19142: 18402: 18055: 18035: 18030: 18025: 17620: 17583: 17542: 17403: 17019: 16317: 16305: 13629: 7489: 6626: 6369: 6028: 5670:
in 2014. The frequency and severity of cow vigilante violence has been described as "unprecedented".
5471: 5463: 5171: 4078: 3892: 3781: 3661: 3315: 3283: 2932: 2858: 2530: 1956: 1911: 1407: 440: 372: 253: 20138: 19072: 15041:, ed. Hans–Georg Betz and Stefan Immerfall (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998), pp. 219–232. ( 14834:
Graham, B. D. (1968), "Syama Prasad Mookerjee and the communalist alternative", in D. A. Low (ed.),
According to some opinion writers, Hindutva shows ethno-nationalism and hyper-militarism similar to
7238: 7172: 4981:(Hindu nation), with one RSS publication stating, "it became evident that Hindus were the nation in 2706: 365: 22494: 22183: 21193: 21022: 20379: 20230: 20225: 20126: 19949: 19899: 19320: 19302: 19291: 18554: 18462: 18434: 17520: 17127: 16691: 16686: 16042: 15986: 15906: 11880:
Priya Chacko (2019). "Marketizing Hindutva: The state, society, and markets in Hindu nationalism".
10752: 9026:. South Asia Institute, Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg. pp. 15–16. 8900: 8176: 7876: 7609: 7561: 7494: 7419: 7407: 6825: 6773: 6740: 6683: 6673: 6648: 6643: 6389: 5871: 5859: 5764: 5437: 4845: 4344: 4232: 4073: 3842: 3766: 3589: 3544: 3398: 3278: 3253: 3183: 3113: 2989: 2647: 2465: 2233: 2073: 2048: 1968: 1480: 1337: 1059: 879: 849: 824: 295: 290: 17: 22277: 18243: 14506:"'Targeted by hate': Audrey Truschke on why she helped write a 'Hindutva Harassment Field Manual'" 11737:
Basabi Khan Banerjee (2007). "West Bengal History Textbooks and the Indian Textbook Controversy".
Creating a New Medina: State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India
9269: 9106: 8145: 6289: 6176: 22444: 22083: 21633: 21492: 21358: 20702: 20697: 20415: 20361: 20166: 19652: 19286: 18508: 17851: 17474: 17437: 17362: 17044: 16856: 16826: 16776: 16696: 16332: 16135: 16017: 15644: 15634: 14400:"In the battle over India's history, Hindu nationalists square off against a respected historian" 14061: 13449: 12784: 10563: 7795: 7464: 7306: 6959: 6728: 6498: 6488: 6086: 5561: 5555: 4643: 4623: 4477: 4467: 4425: 4041: 3882: 3731: 3726: 3696: 3691: 3634: 3569: 3554: 3487: 3460: 3445: 2819: 2171: 1993: 1655: 1257: 1128: 964: 494: 22048: 20976: 20797: 20444: 20339: 14088: 12670: 8675: 8584: 8208:. Book collections on Project MUSE. University of Pennsylvania Press, Incorporated. p. 34. 7086: 5384:
Implement social justice, reservations and rural Indic interests according to the Hindutva model
5235: 3671: 22734: 22544: 22143: 21937: 21873: 21853: 21678: 21603: 21557: 21316: 21121: 20934: 20861: 20849: 20787: 20587: 20528: 20277: 20247: 20184: 20176: 20061: 19959: 19944: 19809: 19511: 18963: 18928: 18693: 18248: 17999: 17675: 17504: 17372: 17087: 16821: 16412: 16027: 15729: 15692: 15587: 15541: 15481: 11072: 7355: 7196: 6820: 6550: 6284: 6013: 5864: 5467: 5339:
movement. The BJP officially adopted Hindutva as its ideology in its 1989 Palampur resolution.
5297: 5183: 5043: 4742: 4715: 4705: 4163: 4143: 4006: 3877: 3761: 3706: 3676: 3656: 3584: 3564: 3539: 3534: 3529: 3440: 3403: 3376: 3347: 3342: 3268: 2917: 2907: 2793: 2780: 2659: 2477: 2317: 2123: 2108: 2098: 2093: 2028: 1988: 1961: 1941: 1936: 1490: 1437: 1422: 1252: 1189: 922: 889: 874: 601: 591: 15473: 13808:
Achin Vanaik (1994). "Situating Threat of Hindu Nationalism: Problems with Fascist Paradigm".
Ahmad, Aijaz (1993). "Fascism and National Culture: Reading Gramsci in the Days of Hindutva".
Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh
Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh
Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh
12059: 10299:
Hindu Nationalism and Indian Politics: The Origins and Development of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh
9465: 8873: 8701: 8643: 8266: 8233: 8079: 7120: 5692:
directed the state police to take action against cow slaughter and cattle smuggling under the
22509: 22391: 22193: 21888: 21527: 21326: 21215: 20952: 20842: 20780: 20456: 20220: 20111: 20069: 19929: 19924: 19904: 19700: 19446: 19330: 18846: 18800: 18559: 18501: 18297: 18268: 18065: 18060: 17957: 17867: 17568: 17377: 17367: 17192: 16811: 16796: 16746: 16337: 15805: 15687: 15629: 15624: 15597: 15592: 15570: 14174:"From dissing Darwin to yogic farming: A short history of the BJP's brush with pseudoscience" 12455: 10470: 8513: 8203: 7761: 7024: 6708: 6678: 6429: 6236: 6191: 6171: 5955: 5573: 5494: 5293: 5167: 5103: 5055:, he chose "Bharatiya" instead of "Hindu" to name the new party, which came to be called the 4710: 4670: 4603: 4492: 4440: 4359: 4108: 3872: 3771: 3746: 3741: 3721: 3716: 3711: 3651: 3599: 3559: 3465: 3435: 3325: 2927: 2473: 2038: 2033: 2018: 1287: 1164: 932: 859: 854: 829: 788: 651: 394: 389: 315: 258: 209: 21643: 15039:
The New Politics of the Right: Neo–Populist Parties and Movements in Established Democracies
13995: 12031:
The Politics of Personal Law in South Asia: Identity, Nationalism and the Uniform Civil Code
11355: 11053:"MP approves 'love Jihad' law; up to 10 years of jail, Rs 1 lakh fine for forced conversion" 10591:"Ram Mandir verdict: Supreme Court verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case: Highlights" 7250: 5519:
Hindutva is the guiding ideology of the RSS and its affiliated family of organisations, the
2546: : see Hindu n.) + classical Sanskrit -tva, suffix forming abstract nouns, after Hindi 22597: 22467: 22248: 21061: 20964: 20854: 20624: 20546: 20304: 19919: 19657: 19463: 19436: 19037: 18907: 18494: 18228: 18187: 18112: 18004: 17877: 17702: 17660: 17615: 17352: 17202: 17102: 16999: 16579: 16428: 16238: 16083: 15940: 15888: 15810: 15800: 15758: 15602: 15547: 15339: 14850: 13131:"Assam bans sale of beef within 5 km radius of any temple, passes Cattle Preservation Bill" 12137: 12105: 11056: 10568: 8271: 7717: 7692: 7688: 7680: 7269: 7157: 7071: 6974: 6788: 6404: 6186: 6023: 6018: 5903: 5893: 5155: 5133: 5108: 5056: 5047: 4581: 4093: 3967: 3786: 3666: 3624: 3574: 3549: 3357: 3320: 3048: 2902: 2718: 2492: 2324: 2211: 2083: 1785: 1630: 844: 576: 484: 445: 435: 399: 360: 310: 273: 231: 214: 187: 86: 36: 11300:"Like UP law, Karnataka anti-conversion Bill addresses right wing demands on 'love jihad'" 10084: 7177: 8: 22609: 22573: 22312: 22285: 22258: 21738: 21673: 21338: 21333: 21203: 21141: 20690: 20403: 20099: 20074: 19964: 19939: 19909: 19769: 19506: 19451: 19253: 19195: 18934: 18742: 18637: 18593: 18457: 18447: 18423: 18418: 18307: 18253: 18238: 18213: 17922: 17892: 17887: 17847: 17697: 17531: 16959: 16919: 16904: 16881: 16816: 16661: 16656: 16440: 16078: 14531: 13944: 11764:
Christophe Jaffrelot (2009). "Ayodhya, the Babri Masjid, and the Ramjanmabhumi Dispute".
Gregory, Derek; Johnston, Ron; Pratt, Geraldine; Watts, Michael; Whatmore, Sarah (2011),
7976: 7891: 7637: 7400: 7338: 7313: 6842: 6835: 6582: 5804: 5789: 5667: 5597: 5527:(followers of Hindutva) believe that they represent the well-being of Dharmic religions: 5459: 5429: 5083: 4900: 4757: 4618: 4237: 4133: 4113: 3902: 3810: 3756: 3736: 3701: 3594: 3381: 3178: 2349: 2297: 2270: 1728: 1703: 1625: 1332: 944: 939: 894: 869: 834: 698: 661: 656: 641: 450: 404: 325: 194: 20287: 16140: 14772:
The Sacred in Twentieth-Century Politics: Essays in Honour of Professor Stanley G. Payne
13677: 13079:"Life term for killing cows, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani says want 'vegetarian' Gujarat" 11568:
Christopher Jaffrelot (2009). "Conversion and the Arithmetic of Religious Communities".
6269: 6126: 804: 22588: 22561: 22539: 22529: 22482: 22396: 22386: 22376: 22158: 22043: 21952: 21838: 21818: 21497: 21426: 21208: 21134: 21129: 20866: 20819: 20680: 20432: 20408: 20046: 19914: 19824: 19456: 19431: 19421: 19416: 19404: 19315: 19243: 19210: 19167: 19162: 18869: 18709: 18683: 18583: 18564: 18530: 18516: 18322: 18273: 18258: 18233: 17974: 17948: 17902: 17872: 17842: 17687: 17588: 17514: 16934: 16851: 16831: 16681: 16631: 16626: 16559: 16458: 16160: 16052: 15682: 15607: 15211: 15034: 14969: 14696: 14023: 13817: 13513: 13430: 13403: 13307: 13279: 12857: 12710:"Hindutva terror cases: NIA on the backfoot as apex court questions complicity charges" 12690: 12651: 12618: 12585: 12132: 11975: 11958:
Bhatt, Chetan (2000). "Dharmo rakshati rakshitah : Hindutva movements in the UK".
11907: 11746: 11635: 11550: 11509: 11025: 10924: 10789: 10595: 9935: 9672: 9607: 9542: 9210: 8754: 8563: 8444: 7940: 7885: 7844:
noted that Hindutva, described as a "majoritarian ideological doctrine" different from
7652: 7429: 7350: 7333: 7167: 7044: 6887: 6793: 6339: 5985: 5940: 5671: 5421: 5415: 5316: 5124:
urban grassroots organisations that had rapidly grown across India from the mid-1970s.
5116: 4982: 4904: 4522: 4517: 4507: 4455: 4445: 4420: 4354: 4312: 4222: 4217: 4212: 4118: 3393: 2748: 2721:, a political scientist specialising in South Asia, Savarkar – declaring himself as an 2307: 2221: 2113: 2058: 1660: 1570: 1427: 1133: 1037: 839: 616: 489: 428: 423: 345: 330: 319: 278: 248: 236: 219: 199: 169: 22253: 20814: 18570: 18452: 13421:
Casolari, Marzia (2000). "Hindutva's Foreign Tie-Up in the 1930s: Archival Evidence".
As of November 2020, "love jihad" is a term not recognized by the Indian legal system.
Textbook revision and educating Indian youth in the Hindutva version of Indian history
4848:. Savarkar, a right-wing nationalist and Indian freedom activist, wrote a book titled 2043: 22704: 22504: 22381: 22317: 22233: 22113: 22093: 22063: 22033: 22023: 21998: 21993: 21808: 21793: 21778: 21748: 21653: 21583: 21470: 21343: 21230: 20924: 20631: 20556: 20242: 20094: 19974: 19536: 19426: 19399: 19200: 19147: 19092: 19030: 19001: 18942: 18888: 18825: 18815: 18772: 18757: 18642: 18622: 18612: 18481: 18442: 18223: 18205: 18192: 18050: 17938: 17912: 17692: 17398: 17307: 17265: 17137: 17092: 17082: 17039: 17009: 16984: 16939: 16924: 16871: 16781: 16771: 16731: 16706: 16701: 16666: 16521: 16268: 15826: 15400: 15344: 15317: 15303: 15288: 15273: 15255: 15234: 15219: 15201: 15163: 15146: 15102: 15087: 15050: 15042: 15009: 14923: 14906: 14896: 14877: 14858: 14839: 14820: 14798: 14776: 14755: 14735: 14713: 14641: 14407: 14374: 14290: 14228: 14198: 14129: 14027: 14015: 13958: 13872: 13788: 13757: 13730: 13577: 13552: 13548: 13517: 13505: 13407: 13372: 13346: 13250: 13223: 13196: 13164: 13026: 12938: 12861: 12840:
Javnost - the Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture
12694: 12461: 12360: 12326: 12273: 12243: 12207: 12179: 12035: 12005: 11979: 11938: 11911: 11844: 11819: 11794: 11769: 11717: 11692: 11667: 11639: 11581: 11554: 11540: 11513: 11469: 11436: 11409: 11377: 11213: 10959: 10824: 10540: 10450: 10428: 10401: 10374: 10334: 10303: 10261: 10193: 10143: 10047: 10001: 9939: 9894: 9835: 9808: 9776: 9749: 9729: 9697: 9635: 9567: 9546: 9505: 9471: 9444: 9417: 9374: 9342: 9312: 9273: 9238: 9214: 9202: 9110: 9051: 8997: 8953: 8926: 8879: 8822: 8792: 8707: 8653: 8622: 8567: 8523: 8487: 8404: 8348: 8311: 8243: 8209: 8151: 8111: 8085: 7754: 7676: 7589: 7412: 7395: 7208: 7039: 7019: 7007: 6808: 6718: 6663: 6448: 6384: 6246: 6136: 6033: 5829: 5794: 5675: 5453: 5260: 5099:, victims of war and violence, and helped disaster victims to resettle economically. 5087: 4868: 4789: 4700: 4628: 4613: 4396: 4339: 4138: 4046: 3937: 3857: 3686: 2957: 2744: 2726: 2579: 2512: 2500: 2488: 2457: 2260: 2243: 2103: 1733: 1635: 1580: 1565: 1550: 1540: 1500: 1495: 1387: 1292: 1282: 1277: 1237: 949: 904: 596: 581: 556: 411: 377: 355: 263: 241: 226: 204: 136: 111: 106: 15434: 15082:, ‘The Function of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh: To Define the Hindu Nation’, in 14793:(2007) . "We, or our Nationhood Defined (Extracts)". In Christophe Jaffrelot (ed.). 14487:"Historian Audrey Truschke faces threats, Rutgers University extends support to her" 10350: 9997:
Liberation and Purity: Race, New Religious Movements and the Ethics of Postmodernity
9298: 8922:
Liberation and Purity: Race, New Religious Movements and the Ethics of Postmodernity
7274: 7094: 6226: 6201: 2792:, an Indian lawyer and a former president of its Supreme Court Bar Association, the 22439: 22434: 22295: 22178: 22148: 22123: 22058: 22053: 22028: 21988: 21828: 21753: 21708: 21628: 21588: 21512: 21264: 20900: 20871: 20809: 20804: 20772: 20767: 20755: 20750: 20574: 20469: 20011: 19732: 19722: 19695: 19664: 19558: 19521: 19337: 19258: 19248: 19132: 19127: 19006: 18923: 18820: 18782: 18546: 18413: 18348: 18317: 18287: 18164: 18134: 18045: 17882: 17857: 17722: 17650: 17536: 17110: 17004: 16989: 16806: 16756: 16751: 16716: 16676: 16446: 16349: 16170: 15784: 15449: 14961: 14937: 14262: 14119: 14007: 13948: 13847: 13544: 13495: 13487: 13395: 13368: 13338: 13299: 12847: 12682: 11967: 11930: 11897: 11889: 11625: 11617: 11573: 11532: 11501: 11461: 10859: 10757: 10449:. Princeton University Press. pp. 189–197 with footnotes, context: Chapter 7. 10296:
Bruce Desmond Graham (2007). "The Jana Sangh in electoral politics, 1951 to 1967".
9954: 9927: 9772:
Hindu Mahasabha in Colonial North India, 1915-1930: Constructing Nation and History
Hindu Mahasabha in Colonial North India, 1915-1930: Constructing Nation and History
Hindu Mahasabha in Colonial North India, 1915-1930: Constructing Nation and History
9664: 9599: 9534: 9304: 9265: 9198: 9194: 9102: 8746: 8555: 8436: 8394: 8384: 8014: 7953: 7817: 7484: 7474: 7051: 6894: 6763: 6733: 6409: 6329: 6294: 6279: 6146: 6111: 5970: 5913: 5779: 5769: 5718: 5433: 5405:
Represent the diaspora and its Indic cultural interests in the international forums
5277: 5199: 5068: 5015: 4879: 4841: 4752: 4737: 4665: 4586: 4556: 4371: 4207: 3907: 3455: 3450: 3288: 3173: 2760: 2406: 2216: 2166: 2161: 2128: 2013: 2008: 1983: 1978: 1926: 1916: 1645: 1600: 1595: 1575: 1447: 1322: 1262: 1086: 666: 566: 551: 541: 504: 499: 350: 76: 22365: 22073: 21823: 20824: 20493: 20268: 18767: 13491: 13399: 12852: 12835: 11621: 8389: 8372: 6334: 6101: 5311:
ideology, which came to mean in its hands political Hinduism and Hindu militancy.
voted out of power in 1977. The Hindutva ideology-based Jan Sangh members such as
2088: 2068: 1998: 1530: 1372: 22658: 22646: 22614: 22290: 22238: 22138: 22128: 22018: 21983: 21883: 21868: 21803: 21758: 21598: 21517: 21487: 21392: 21353: 21220: 20986: 20612: 20374: 20325: 19993: 19829: 19727: 19486: 18971: 18777: 18607: 18588: 18522: 18302: 17563: 17239: 17181: 17150: 16949: 16876: 16736: 16721: 16646: 16526: 16516: 16327: 16310: 16073: 16032: 15958: 15900: 15882: 15454: 15412: 15386: 15138: 14790: 14770: 14284: 14222: 14192: 13866: 13782: 13751: 13724: 13571: 13244: 13217: 13190: 12535: 12294:"Is the Hindu Nationalist 'Boycott Bollywood' Campaign Impacting the Box Office?" 12029: 11999: 11661: 11505: 11430: 11403: 10920:"UP clears 'love jihad' law: 10-year jail, cancelling marriage if for conversion" 10505: 10444: 10422: 10395: 10368: 10328: 10297: 10255: 10187: 10041: 9995: 9888: 9829: 9802: 9770: 9743: 9723: 9691: 9629: 9561: 9438: 9411: 9394: 9368: 9336: 9232: 9080: 9045: 8947: 8920: 8816: 8786: 8616: 8517: 8481: 8342: 8305: 8239: 8105: 7833: 7829: 7789: 7750: 7621: 7604: 7549: 7459: 7424: 7390: 7287: 7223: 7218: 7152: 7029: 6778: 6394: 6319: 6309: 6304: 6264: 6211: 6161: 6156: 6071: 5995: 5980: 5925: 5749: 5689: 5619: 5589: 5581: 5390: 5336: 5268: 5211: 5191: 5003: 4892: 4767: 4675: 4571: 4512: 4364: 4349: 4329: 4294: 4001: 3912: 3847: 3629: 3579: 3352: 3198: 2752: 2693: 2361: 1951: 1946: 1708: 1555: 1545: 1535: 1525: 1520: 1457: 1397: 1377: 1327: 1297: 1242: 1154: 1149: 1123: 998: 959: 745: 671: 571: 340: 335: 300: 268: 131: 81: 71: 66: 22263: 22163: 21703: 20648: 20033: 19984: 14701:
The Brotherhood in Saffron: The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Hindu Revivalism
13475: 12489: 10990:"UP Governor Anandiben Patel gives assent to ordinance on 'unlawful conversion'" 10619:"Modi becomes first PM to visit Ram Janmabhoomi, Hanumangarhi temple in Ayodhya" 9502:
Indian Religions: Renaissance and Renewal - The Spalding Papers on Indic Studies
Culture and Belonging in Divided Societies: Contestation and Symbolic Landscapes
6609: 6166: 6151: 5734: 2023: 1680: 1357: 22519: 22462: 22406: 22339: 22223: 22198: 22168: 22133: 22068: 22013: 22008: 22003: 21728: 21698: 21683: 21618: 21593: 21552: 21416: 20732: 20551: 20501: 20393: 20351: 20194: 19615: 19595: 19590: 19578: 19157: 19056: 18918: 18880: 18703: 18540: 18373: 18363: 18342: 18153: 17773: 17717: 17707: 17500: 17460: 17255: 17186: 17049: 16994: 16944: 16909: 16836: 16801: 16786: 16464: 16452: 16155: 16088: 16057: 16007: 15964: 15912: 15831: 15670: 15079: 14981: 14949: 13778: 10722: 10525: 8046: 7897: 7519: 7479: 7328: 7323: 7186: 7076: 7056: 6658: 6587: 6424: 6374: 6364: 6344: 6241: 6106: 6091: 6081: 5990: 5849: 5834: 5759: 5697: 5629: 5248: 5112: 5072: 4954: 4762: 4720: 4690: 4680: 4598: 4591: 4576: 4566: 4386: 4322: 4264: 4259: 4244: 4021: 4016: 4011: 3897: 3832: 3330: 3303: 3143: 2827: 2789: 2776: 2285: 2199: 2181: 1755: 1685: 1675: 1670: 1605: 1485: 1312: 1302: 1272: 1217: 1184: 1027: 561: 283: 121: 21773: 19310: 14266: 14011: 13342: 13105:"Cattle smuggling, slaughter in UP now punishable under National Security Act" 12785:"Why the BJP Won't – and Can't – Give Up on Hindutva as an Electoral Strategy" 12686: 12605:"Pawns In, Patrons Still Out: Understanding the Phenomenon of Hindutva Terror" 11893: 9668: 9603: 9295:"'Majority ethnic' claims and authoritarian nationalism: the case of Hindutva" 8750: 7712:
and ensuing events helped to reduce this challenge and reunified Hindus on an
The Hindutva ideology of organisations such as RSS have long been compared to
6379: 6096: 22668: 22568: 22401: 22203: 22153: 22103: 22038: 21898: 21893: 21858: 21848: 21783: 21693: 21638: 21613: 21475: 21411: 20606: 20427: 19799: 19759: 19647: 19551: 19473: 19112: 19105: 19067: 18830: 18698: 18659: 18647: 18535: 18368: 18327: 18263: 18148: 18070: 17727: 17670: 17655: 17610: 17334: 17260: 17247: 17072: 17029: 16914: 16866: 16846: 16841: 16711: 16585: 16546: 16541: 16482: 16476: 16470: 16290: 16285: 16280: 16233: 16213: 16188: 16150: 16145: 16130: 16125: 16022: 16012: 16002: 15952: 15865: 15779: 15665: 15504: 15392: 15373: 15363: 15334: 14910: 14812: 14747: 14645: 14411: 14378: 14133: 14111: 14019: 13962: 13556: 13509: 13168: 12364: 12330: 12247: 12211: 11381: 11217: 11117: 10963: 10828: 10135: 9538: 9206: 8477: 8408: 8338: 7894: â€“ Political ideology advocating traditional values and power structures 7825: 7821: 7772: 7726: 7705: 7660: 7509: 7372: 7140: 7014: 6872: 6862: 6857: 6847: 6758: 6592: 6221: 6196: 6141: 6116: 6076: 6051: 5930: 5814: 5774: 5520: 5510: 5425: 5347: 5244: 5215: 5203: 5120: 5091: 5007: 4925: 4909: 4888: 4875: 4774: 4381: 4317: 4302: 4158: 4123: 4103: 3974: 3917: 3852: 3220: 3123: 2798: 2756: 2722: 2676:, Hindutva is an inclusive term of everything Indic. The three essentials of 2481: 2292: 1665: 1585: 1510: 1452: 1442: 1432: 1392: 1382: 1352: 1317: 1111: 1022: 586: 477: 116: 96: 91: 20189: 19077: 17784: 15460: 15231:
Religion, power & violence: expression of politics in contemporary times
14739: 14612:"US Conference on Hindu Nationalism marred by death threats to participants" 14367:"Historians protest as Delhi University purges Ramayana essay from syllabus" 12081: 11971: 11330: 10393: 8614: 8559: 7701: 5584:, Prafull Goradia's Akhil Bharatiya Jana Sangh, and the Marathi nationalist 5222:
was completed and inaugurated by Prime Minister Modi. In a speech he said, "
1800: 1091: 22534: 22514: 22472: 22302: 22243: 22188: 22108: 22088: 22078: 21863: 21843: 21813: 21713: 21668: 21663: 21608: 21562: 21537: 21401: 20969: 20918: 20760: 20464: 20316: 20143: 20132: 20051: 20006: 19871: 19546: 19531: 19526: 19342: 19221: 19205: 18996: 18986: 18854: 18627: 17768: 17732: 17712: 17682: 17645: 17547: 17496: 17357: 17270: 17234: 17207: 17197: 17077: 16766: 16726: 16651: 16641: 16636: 16621: 16604: 16531: 16434: 16203: 16198: 16120: 15981: 15946: 15677: 15580: 15377: 15097:
Gold, Daniel, "Organised Hinduisms: From Vedic Truths to Hindu Nation" in:
13953: 13851: 11768:. Princeton University Press. pp. 279–281, 289–294, context: 279–298. 9504:. Equinox. pp. 16–18, 3–27, also see comments of Anna King at p. xii. 7857: 7713: 7529: 7504: 7499: 7454: 7002: 6994: 6919: 6867: 6703: 6668: 6577: 6414: 6324: 6314: 6299: 6121: 5965: 5809: 5490: 5355: 5019: 5011: 4608: 4487: 4307: 4274: 4254: 4178: 4168: 4148: 4128: 3751: 3644: 3639: 3362: 3337: 3188: 3128: 3093: 3063: 2508: 2499:
in the classical sense", adhering to a concept of homogenised majority and
2275: 1828: 1780: 1713: 1650: 1620: 1590: 1417: 1362: 1342: 1227: 1194: 1174: 1032: 1007: 796: 708: 536: 159: 126: 101: 20332: 14732:
Shri Guruji: The Man and His Mission, On the Occasion of His 51st Birthday
14576:"Death threats sent to participants of US conference on Hindu nationalism" 13914:"Rise of Hindutva has enabled a counter-revolution against Mandal's gains" 11934: 11577: 11536: 11465: 10446:
The Wheel of Law: India's Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context
9308: 5658: 5146:
and state based BJP governments have pushed parts of the Hindutva agenda.
4942: 4857:
of those "Pan-isms" that are struggling forth from continent to continent.
22556: 22477: 22449: 22429: 22334: 22098: 21878: 21768: 21743: 21658: 21547: 21532: 21522: 21465: 21460: 21438: 21421: 21406: 21385: 21380: 21001: 20995: 20942: 20712: 20654: 20568: 20541: 20398: 20386: 20309: 20294: 20089: 19954: 19754: 19717: 19712: 19642: 19563: 19541: 19491: 19468: 19228: 19087: 18981: 18864: 18654: 18632: 18617: 18182: 18158: 17897: 17815: 17758: 17665: 17627: 17525: 17312: 17229: 17142: 17097: 17067: 17034: 16979: 16929: 16899: 16861: 16741: 16551: 16536: 16511: 16494: 16381: 16322: 16263: 16223: 16218: 16165: 15575: 15193: 15037:, "Bharatiya Janata Party: Searching for the Hindu Nationalist Face", In 14253:
Ram-Prasad, C. (1993). "Hindutva ideology: Extracting the fundamentals".
12836:"Vigilante Publics: Orientalism, Modernity and Hindutva Fascism in India" 12548:"Punjab's Akali Dal Quits BJP-Led Alliance Over Controversial Farm Bills" 8869: 7936: 7784: 7746: 7683:
in government and public university jobs to a significant portion of the
7672: 7630: 7524: 7514: 7343: 7282: 7257: 7245: 6713: 6555: 6419: 6349: 6061: 6056: 5898: 5844: 5799: 5548: 4937: 4933: 4502: 4462: 4430: 4289: 4249: 4083: 3996: 3947: 3922: 3822: 3497: 3210: 3193: 3148: 3068: 2176: 2156: 1883: 1851: 1750: 1640: 1402: 1367: 1347: 1232: 1179: 1169: 1159: 1106: 1101: 1096: 1069: 1054: 1012: 991: 986: 884: 631: 621: 460: 44: 15368:
Decolonizing the Hindu Mind: Ideological Development of Hindu Revivalism
15101:, eds. M. E. Marty, R. S. Appleby, University of Chicago Press (1994), 13753:
Fascism: A Reader's Guide : Analyses, Interpretations, Bibliography
12655: 12622: 12604: 12589: 12573: 12386:"Explained: The #BoycottBollywood trend, and its impact on the industry" 12353:"Bollywood under siege as rightwing social media boycotts start to bite" 12096:"Shiv Sena attacks Narendra Modi government on Kashmir, Hindutva issues" 12082:"Uniform civil code will divide the country on communal lines: Congress" 11750: 10701: 7544: 5149: 2356: 740: 21978: 21973: 21688: 21542: 21507: 21448: 21365: 21066: 20947: 20481: 20041: 19814: 19774: 19744: 19630: 19610: 19501: 19357: 19119: 19020: 18976: 18337: 18332: 18081: 17753: 17510: 17155: 16954: 16761: 16300: 16228: 16047: 16037: 15188:
Slouching Towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics
15013: 14973: 14843: 14124: 13821: 13500: 13434: 13311: 13283: 12637: 12058:. Press Trust of India. 15 April 2006. Archived from 11902: 11660:
Jacob De Roover; Sarah Clarehout (2014). Rosalind I. J. Hackett (ed.).
11113:"Madhya Pradesh to take ordinance route to enforce anti-conversion law" 10887:"'Love jihad': Madhya Pradesh proposes 10-year jail term in draft bill" 9931: 9676: 9611: 8758: 8448: 8399: 7863: 7233: 7125: 7061: 6616: 6599: 6567: 6560: 6458: 6399: 6231: 6206: 5975: 5945: 5888: 5784: 5264: 5263:
from Hinduism to Islam through marriage. Hindutva advocates call this "
5219: 5187: 4998: 4784: 4779: 4660: 4655: 4551: 4527: 4376: 4269: 4227: 4183: 3991: 3979: 3952: 3942: 3862: 3237: 3232: 3203: 3138: 2979: 2504: 2280: 1866: 1810: 1475: 1307: 1222: 1143: 1074: 971: 725: 693: 646: 305: 174: 164: 154: 19152: 5359:
spread essentialist constructions per contemporary Hindutva ideology.
was not used to describe the ideology of the new organisation; it was
22583: 22218: 21567: 21502: 21321: 21235: 21198: 21156: 21084: 20832: 20722: 20707: 20619: 20595: 20518: 20346: 20252: 20001: 19804: 19749: 19739: 19674: 19669: 19625: 19516: 19496: 19082: 18378: 17573: 17488: 16488: 16208: 16193: 15143:
In the Belly of the Beast: The Hindu Supremacist RSS and BJP of India
12100: 11663:
Proselytization Revisited: Rights Talk, Free Markets and Culture Wars
10891: 10753:"After MP, Haryana Says a Committee Will Draft Anti-'Love Jihad' Law" 10696:
Gupta, Charu, “Hindu Women, Muslim Men: Love Jihad and Conversions.”
Sharma, Arvind (2002). "On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva".
Sharma, Arvind (2002). "On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva".
Sharma, Arvind (2002). "On Hindu, Hindustan, Hinduism and Hindutva".
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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations
7449: 7066: 7034: 6354: 5819: 5637: 5625: 5585: 5479: 5256: 4966: 4685: 4633: 4334: 3927: 3013: 2456:) is a political ideology encompassing the cultural justification of 2312: 1878: 1873: 1846: 1805: 1795: 1740: 1610: 1199: 1138: 1044: 927: 606: 14965: 13645:"Why India's Hindu nationalists worship Israel's nation-state model" 13303: 13270:
Sarkar, Sumit (1 January 1993). "The Fascism of the Sangh Parivar".
13002:"Gujarat to punish cow slaughter with 14-year jail – Times of India" 12958:"Cow-Saving Vigilantes Are a Sign of Rising Political Risk in India" 11274:"Karnataka state cabinet approves anti-conversion 'love jihad' bill" 11145:"'Love jihad': Madhya Pradesh Cabinet approves anti-conversion bill" 10302:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 196–198, context: Chapter 7. 9856:"Muqtedar Khan on Why Religious Nationalism Is Poisoning South Asia" 8440: 6604: 5071:
banned the RSS and arrested more than 200,000 RSS volunteers, after
22653: 22324: 21453: 21250: 21161: 20912: 20792: 20727: 20637: 20563: 20536: 20299: 20161: 20079: 19794: 19784: 19779: 19635: 19605: 19585: 19441: 19411: 18956: 18859: 18840: 18383: 18218: 18198: 17748: 17014: 16671: 16358: 16353: 16258: 15115:"Hindutva's hidden agenda: why women fear religious fundamentalism" 12429:"Why does India's Hindu right-wing hate the Urdu language so much?" 11925:
Christophe Jaffrelot (2009). "The Diaspora and Hindu Nationalism".
Rethinking Ethnicity : Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities
9132:"Hindutva and idea that 'Hindus are in danger' were born in Bengal" 8818:
The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence, and India's Future
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The Clash Within: Democracy, Religious Violence and India's Future
Hindutva and Violence: V. D. Savarkar and the Politics of History
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Political Mobilisation and Democracy in India: States of Emergency
Bauman, Chad (2008). "Indian Religions: Renaissance and Renewal".
is one such example who remains frequent target of their threats.
Hindutva ideology is also described to be separatist in its form.
gained national prominence, and the Hindutva ideology sympathiser
22228: 21788: 21443: 21375: 21166: 21034: 20958: 20643: 20600: 20507: 20120: 20084: 19819: 19679: 19620: 19568: 19025: 19012: 18874: 18752: 17429: 16368: 16363: 13868:
The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
10501:"Ayodhya: India's top court gives Hindus site claimed by Muslims" 9972:
Deepa Reddy (2003). "Review: Hindu Nationalism by Chetan Bhatt".
The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
The Saffron Wave: Democracy and Hindu Nationalism in Modern India
7684: 7615:
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations
7602:. An editorial published on 4 February 1948, for example, in the 7595: 7301: 6693: 6572: 5726: 5682: 5540: 5532: 5252: 5207: 5024: 3088: 2984: 2964: 2937: 2912: 2835: 2707:
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Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations
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student groups as well as non-Indian groups such as the
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Hindu Nationalism: Origins, Ideologies and Modern Myths
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The Indian Marxist economist and political commentator
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Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance
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Hispanic and Latino conservatism in the United States
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Indian states that prohibit forced conversions (2022)
Abrogation of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir
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Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Hinditva - Who is a Hindu,
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Relations between the Catholic Church and the state
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Nationalism: Critical Concepts in Political Science
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Jacobsohn (2003). 8899:Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. 7855: 7710:Babri Masjid's destruction 7587: 6831:Marco Polo Bridge Incident 6804:Second Italo-Ethiopian War 6639:Canadian Union of Fascists 6519:Foundations of Geopolitics 5651: 5644:, and lower-caste Hindus. 5617: 5594:Maharashtra Navnirman Sena 5508: 5451: 5413: 5291: 5218:. On 22 January 2024, the 5142:with the BJP winning, the 5131: 5097:partition of British India 4905:partition of British India 4748:Social model of disability 3154:Discrimination against men 2805: 2622:undertones." 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Flood (1996). 8680:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 8560:10.1080/014198700328935 7840:back to the 1990s. The 7796:Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad 7465:Extremism of the centre 6930:British fascist parties 6784:German election of 1932 6729:Great Japan Youth Party 6499:The Doctrine of Fascism 6489:La Conquista del Estado 5562:Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh 5556:Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh 4955:Keshav Baliram Hedgewar 4624:Internalized oppression 4478:Fighting Discrimination 4468:Fat acceptance movement 4426:Anti-discrimination law 4052:Native American mascots 2640:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 2350:Conservatism portal 2172:Conservative liberalism 1018:Family as a state model 22685:Bharatiya Janata Party 21938:Identity and Democracy 21391: 20480: 20443: 20385: 20338: 20324: 20315: 20286: 19138:Hindu environmentalism 18964:Revisionist Maximalism 18443:Christian anti-Zionism 18429:Christian anti-Masonry 18249:Religious anti-Zionism 18244:Religious anti-Masonry 18000:Gorkha Janmukti Morcha 17676:Template:Ethnocentrism 17626: 17505:Chinese exceptionalism 17487: 17373:Swadeshi Jagaran Manch 17088:Syed Shahnawaz Hussain 17061:national spokespersons 16972:deputy chief ministers 16822:Hriday Narayan Dikshit 16597:Deputy prime ministers 16413:Bharatiya Janata Party 16028:Prabhakar Balwant Dani 15794:News and communication 15730:Swadeshi Jagaran Manch 15693:Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram 15588:Muslim Rashtriya Manch 15542:Bharatiya Janata Party 15300:Hinduism and Modernity 15063:"A latter day fascism" 13954:10.26812/caste.v1i1.44 13852:10.1006/reli.1996.0010 13327:"Hindutva and Fascism" 12268:Graham, Bruce (1990). 10327:Vernon Hewitt (2007). 9914:Coakley, John (2017). 9560:Julius Lipner (2012). 9335:W. 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Johnson (2010). 9293:Bhatt, Chetan (2004). 8946:Aparna Devare (2013). 7689:Other Backward Classes 7197:Revisionist Maximalism 6821:Battle of Cable Street 6551:National Fascist Party 5663: 5468:1998 Wandhama massacre 5298:Bharatiya Janata Party 5240: 5231:Forced conversion bans 5184:Supreme Court of India 5154:On 5 August 2019, the 5044:Syama Prasad Mukherjee 4865: 4743:Social identity threat 4716:Reverse discrimination 4706:Racial color blindness 4164:Violence against women 4144:Sex-selective abortion 2794:Supreme Court of India 2781:Supreme Court of India 2767:Supreme Court of India 2711: 2660:Bharatiya Janata Party 2478:Bharatiya Janata Party 997: 602:Gender and nationalism 22725:Right-wing ideologies 22710:Islamophobia in India 22695:Criticism of Hinduism 22690:Conservatism in India 22598:Small-c conservatives 22510:Counter-revolutionary 22500:Conservative feminism 22392:Counter-Enlightenment 22347:Traditionalist School 19331:Creativity (religion) 19186:Buddhism and politics 19057:Hinduism and politics 18748:Human Rights in Islam 18665:Political Catholicism 18571:Christian peacemaking 18560:Christian nationalism 18502:Positive Christianity 18453:Christian corporatism 18298:Religious segregation 18269:Religious nationalism 18066:Self-Respect Movement 18061:Punjabi Suba movement 17569:Religious exclusivism 17378:Vishva Hindu Parishad 17368:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 17335:Related organisations 17193:Dushyant Kumar Gautam 17121:Gopal Krishna Agarwal 16812:Trivendra Singh Rawat 16797:Bhagat Singh Koshyari 16747:D. V. Sadananda Gowda 16338:Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam 15717:Think tank affiliates 15688:Bharat Vikas Parishad 15630:Rashtra Sevika Samiti 15625:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 15598:Hindu Jagarana Vedike 15593:Rashtriya Sikh Sangat 15571:Vishva Hindu Parishad 15180:(Albany: SUNY, 2022). 14851:Jaffrelot, Christophe 14221:Chetan Bhatt (2001). 14118:(in French) (24/25). 13531:Reddy, Deepa (2011). 13480:Patterns of Prejudice 13367:(8). Wiley: 439–451. 11935:10.2307/j.ctt7s415.25 11578:10.2307/j.ctt7s415.18 11537:10.2307/j.ctt7s415.16 11466:10.2307/j.ctt7s415.15 10793:. 18 September 2020. 10624:The Financial Express 10120:Bharat Prakashan 1955 9994:Chetan Bhatt (1997). 9887:Chetan Bhatt (2001). 9533:(2). Brill: 343–347. 9309:10.4324/9780203563397 9303:. London: Routledge. 9231:Chetan Bhatt (2001). 8919:Chetan Bhatt (1997). 8514:Siddharth Varadarajan 8377:Patterns of Prejudice 7762:Siddharth Varadarajan 6741:Slovak People's Party 6709:Russian Fascist Party 6679:National Radical Camp 5956:Reactionary modernism 5694:National Security Act 5661: 5652:Further information: 5608:over the farms bill. 5574:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 5294:Vishva Hindu Parishad 5238: 5132:Further information: 4854: 4711:Religious intolerance 4671:Political correctness 4493:Intersex human rights 4441:Cultural assimilation 4109:Religious persecution 3873:Disability hate crime 3640:Jewish / Antisemitism 2739:Savarkar's notion of 2698: 2474:Vishva Hindu Parishad 2249:Hispanic conservatism 2239:Conservative feminism 1763:Traditionalist School 652:National indifference 22715:Political ideologies 22468:Anti-gender movement 22372:Bourbon Restauration 20625:National Catholicism 20340:RĂ©volution nationale 20305:Integral nationalism 19389:Political ideologies 19321:Neopaganist feminism 19216:Buddhist nationalism 19038:World Agudath Israel 18908:Judaism and politics 18768:Islamic anti-Zionism 18763:Islamic anti-Masonry 18495:National Catholicism 18303:Religious separatism 18229:Organized secularism 18188:Engaged Spirituality 18113:Religion in politics 18005:Jathika Hela Urumaya 17703:Planetary chauvinism 17353:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 17223:national secretaries 17203:Kailash Vijayvargiya 17103:Rajeev Chandrasekhar 17000:Keshav Prasad Maurya 16580:Atal Bihari Vajpayee 16429:Atal Bihari Vajpayee 16328:Anti-minoritarianism 16239:Swaraj Prakash Gupta 16084:Madhukar Rao Bhagwat 15961:(President of India) 15941:Atal Bihari Vajpayee 15811:Vishwa Samvad Kendra 15759:Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas 15603:Dharm Jagaran Samiti 15548:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 15316:, CRC Press (2006), 15312:Webb, Adam Kempton, 15298:Smith, David James, 15283:Sharma, Jyotirmaya, 14876:. Orient Blackswan. 14666:Rehbar, Quratulain. 14475:. 15 September 2021. 13705:on 30 December 2023. 13680:on 30 December 2023. 13632:on 29 December 2023. 13609:on 30 December 2023. 12410:McCartney, Patrick. 12242:. 12 February 2015. 12138:Press Trust of India 12106:Press Trust of India 12084:. Rediff on the Net. 11882:Modern Asian Studies 11181:. 27 December 2020. 11151:. 26 December 2020. 11121:. 28 December 2020. 11059:. 27 December 2020. 11057:Press Trust of India 10996:. 28 November 2020. 10958:. 24 November 2020. 10895:. 26 November 2020. 10863:. 24 November 2020. 10761:. 18 November 2020. 10569:Press Trust of India 10254:Nandini Deo (2015). 9974:American Ethnologist 9953:Tina Reuter (2012). 9769:Prabhu Bapu (2013). 9722:Prabhu Bapu (2013). 9690:Prabhu Bapu (2012). 9399:. 1999. p. 712. 9017:Ronojoy Sen (2006). 8992:Ronojoy Sen (2007). 7671:When Prime Minister 7475:Fascist as an insult 7168:Reform bureaucratism 6024:Fascism and ideology 5894:National syndicalism 5765:Anti-intellectualism 5501:Hindi across India. 5342:The BJP claims that 5202:. On 5 August 2019, 5109:Atal Bihari Vajpayee 5057:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 4094:Political repression 3059:Anti-left handedness 3049:Anti-intellectualism 2719:Christophe Jaffrelot 2493:right-wing extremism 2325:Small-c conservative 2212:Anti-gender movement 577:Cultural nationalism 446:National syndicalist 22610:Conservatism portal 22574:Right-wing politics 22313:Jewish conservatism 22286:Christian democracy 21533:Social institutions 21339:Collective identity 21334:Class collaboration 21142:Clerico-nationalism 20691:Muscular liberalism 20024:Neoauthoritarianism 19507:Christian democracy 19254:Humanistic Buddhism 18929:Jewish anti-Zionism 18743:Hui pan-nationalism 18638:Liberation theology 18594:Christian socialism 18458:Christian democracy 18448:Christian communism 18419:Christian anarchism 18308:Religious socialism 18254:Religious communism 18239:Religious anarchism 18214:Freedom of religion 17698:Particle chauvinism 17532:Thai exceptionalism 17419:Rajya Sabha members 17170:general secretaries 17124:Iqbal Singh Lalpura 16960:Pushkar Singh Dhami 16920:Bhupendrabhai Patel 16905:Himanta Biswa Sarma 16882:Himanta Biswa Sarma 16817:Gulab Chand Kataria 16662:Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi 16657:Ravi Shankar Prasad 16441:Murli Manohar Joshi 16345:Dharma-Dhamma unity 16079:K. N. Govindacharya 15927:Other Major figures 15370:. Rupa, Delhi 2001. 15212:Nussbaum, Martha C. 15174:Chaturvedi, Vinayak 15109:, pp. 531–593. 15035:Andersen, Walter K. 14697:Andersen, Walter K. 14598:The Washington Post 14556:. 10 September 2021 13945:Brandeis University 13920:. 10 February 2021. 13450:"What is Hindutva?" 12636:Bidwai, P. (2008). 12603:Gatade, S. (2014). 12492:on 5 November 2004. 12206:. 3 February 2010. 10241:, pp. 193–196. 10218:, pp. 350–352. 10163:. SAGE. p. 38. 10161:Hindutva and Dalits 9598:(1): 20–24, 26–29. 9085:The Sunday Guardian 8337:Chaitanya Krishna, 8267:"The Hindutva road" 8202:Ross, M.H. (2012). 7977:Mohammed Ali Jinnah 7892:Social conservatism 7638:Revisionist Zionism 7550:Politics portal 7339:National Bolshevism 7295:Romanianism/Stelism 6883:Downfall in Germany 6843:Anti-Comintern Pact 6836:Japanese war crimes 5805:Cult of personality 5790:Class collaboration 5668:Parliament of India 5598:Shiromani Akali Dal 5570:, a students' union 5495:South Indian cinema 5430:Indian Constitution 5363:Concepts and issues 5304:Indian Independence 5168:Indian Constitution 5156:Modi administration 5084:South Asian Studies 4901:Indian subcontinent 4619:Historical eugenics 4134:Segregation academy 4114:Religious terrorism 3903:Enemy of the people 3811:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 3299:Jehovah's Witnesses 3179:Perpetual foreigner 2747:. It was a form of 2505:separatist ideology 2362:Politics portal 2298:Right-wing politics 1729:Jewish conservatism 1704:Christian democracy 1170:Social institutions 945:Collective identity 940:Class collaboration 746:Politics portal 699:Right-wing populism 657:Nationalism studies 22740:Ethnic nationalism 22530:LGBTQ conservatism 22483:Black conservatism 22397:German Romanticism 22387:Conservative Order 22377:Congress of Vienna 21953:Muslim Brotherhood 21799:CorrĂȘa de Oliveira 21498:Organized religion 21427:Complementarianism 20514:National Democracy 19422:Political spectrum 19316:Khalistan movement 19244:Buddhist socialism 19211:Buddhist modernism 19168:Uniform civil code 18870:Political quietism 18732:Islam and politics 18710:Neo-ultramontanism 18684:Sphere sovereignty 18584:Christian republic 18565:Christian pacifism 18531:Christian humanism 18517:Christian feminism 18323:Secular liberalism 18274:Religious pacifism 18259:Religious humanism 18234:Political religion 17688:HIV exceptionalism 17589:Unification Church 17481:Cultural Exception 16935:Mohan Charan Majhi 16852:Banwarilal Purohit 16832:Bandaru Dattatreya 16682:Sarbananda Sonowal 16632:Nirmala Sitharaman 16627:Bhavurao Deshpande 16560:A. P. Abdullakutty 16459:Jana Krishnamurthi 15947:Lal Krishna Advani 15683:Vivekananda Kendra 15608:Hindu Rashtra Sena 15080:Embree, Ainslie T. 14754:. Voice of India. 14638:The New York Times 14125:10.4000/samaj.6636 13983:. 3 February 2022. 13918:The Indian Express 13163:. 14 August 2021. 13083:The Indian Express 13006:The Times of India 12733:The Indian Express 12669:Das, Runa (2006). 12530:, 19 January 1999 12390:The Indian Express 12133:The Indian Express 12062:on 13 January 2012 11304:The Indian Express 11248:The Indian Express 11026:The Indian Express 10925:The Indian Express 10790:The Economic Times 10596:The Times of India 10547:. 9 November 2019. 10509:. 9 November 2019. 9932:10.1111/nana.12349 9187:South Asian Review 9083:, Ram Jethmalani, 8745:(1): 22–23, 1–36. 8275:. 4 December 2004. 7941:Klaus Klostermaier 7886:Indian nationalism 7820:history syllabus. 7818:Delhi University's 7733:social structure. 7653:Mark Juergensmeyer 7334:National-anarchism 7045:Christian Identity 6970:Speeches by Hitler 6925:Books about Hitler 6888:Surrender of Japan 6814:Unification Decree 6794:Austrian Civil War 6769:Aventine Secession 5941:Proletarian nation 5672:Human Rights Watch 5664: 5564:, a workers' union 5422:Uniform Civil Code 5416:Uniform Civil Code 5410:Uniform Civil Code 5333:the Rushdie affair 5317:Khalistan movement 5261:forced conversions 5241: 5117:Lal Krishna Advani 4918:military conflicts 4523:Social integration 4518:Self-determination 4508:Racial integration 4456:Diversity training 4446:Cultural pluralism 4421:Affirmative action 4313:Racial segregation 4223:Crime of apartheid 4119:Religious violence 3604:Indigenous people 2975:Sexual orientation 2749:ethnic nationalism 2562:. from (i) Hindi 2222:Black conservatism 2151:Related ideologies 1741:Theravada Buddhism 1134:Organised religion 1038:Complementarianism 617:Imagined community 451:National Bolshevik 170:Self-determination 22700:Hindu nationalism 22628: 22627: 22622: 22621: 22505:Conservative wave 22458: 22457: 22382:Concert of Europe 22318:Religious Zionism 22272: 22271: 21907: 21906: 21344:Cultural heritage 21317:Ancestral worship 21298: 21297: 21259: 21258: 21107: 21106: 20925:Orthodox Peronism 20880: 20879: 20380:Historical School 20263: 20262: 19838: 19837: 19537:Constitutionalism 19400:The Establishment 19355: 19354: 19351: 19350: 19305: 19267: 19266: 19238: 19231: 19224: 19201:Buddhist feminism 19176: 19175: 19148:Indigenous Aryans 19143:Integral humanism 19122: 19115: 19108: 19101: 19093:Hindu nationalism 19046: 19045: 19015: 19002:Jewish secularism 18966: 18959: 18943:Jewish Autonomism 18937: 18897: 18896: 18889:Two-nation theory 18883: 18849: 18826:Islamic socialism 18810: 18803: 18796: 18773:Islamic democracy 18758:Islamic anarchism 18721: 18720: 18712: 18678: 18643:Maronite politics 18623:Dominion Theology 18613:Christian Zionism 18602: 18573: 18549: 18525: 18511: 18504: 18497: 18490: 18482:Christian fascism 18476: 18437: 18392: 18391: 18358: 18351: 18282: 18224:Identity politics 18208: 18206:Womanist theology 18201: 18193:Feminist theology 18167: 18143: 18079: 18078: 18051:Pakistan Movement 17983: 17982: 17782: 17781: 17693:Carbon chauvinism 17616:God's Own Country 17427: 17426: 17409:Electoral history 17404:Integral humanism 17399:Hindu nationalism 17308:BJP Mahila Morcha 17266:Om Prakash Dhurve 17138:Aparajita Sarangi 17093:Rajiv Pratap Rudy 17083:Sudhanshu Trivedi 17040:Prem Chand Bairwa 17010:Vijay Kumar Sinha 16985:Devendra Fadnavis 16940:Bhajan Lal Sharma 16925:Nayab Singh Saini 16872:B. S. Yediyurappa 16782:Ram Prakash Gupta 16772:Devendra Fadnavis 16732:Prem Kumar Dhumal 16707:Sahib Singh Verma 16702:Madan Lal Khurana 16667:Sushil Kumar Modi 16582:(1996; 1998–2004) 16522:Radha Mohan Singh 16379: 16378: 16318:Integral humanism 16269:Hindu nationalism 16259:Cultural Hinduism 16247: 16246: 16097: 16096: 15996:Senior affiliates 15922: 15921: 15845: 15844: 15827:Samskrita Bharati 15278:978-0-19-921270-5 15268:Ruthven, Malise, 15224:978-0-674-03059-6 15206:978-81-8400-095-5 15107:978-0-226-50878-8 14984:(13 March 2004). 14938:Pandey, Gyanendra 14883:978-81-250-2476-7 14804:978-0-691-13097-2 14782:978-0-230-24163-3 14719:978-90-8964-127-4 14296:978-0-470-99868-7 14234:978-1-85973-343-1 14204:978-0-521-86715-3 14091:on 12 August 2020 14062:"Age of unreason" 14000:Current Sociology 13816:(28): 1729–1748. 13794:978-0-521-47711-6 13763:978-0-520-03642-0 13736:978-0-231-10335-0 13583:978-1-4008-2803-6 13352:978-1-78560-295-5 13256:978-0-521-05374-7 13229:978-0-521-05374-7 13202:978-0-521-05374-7 12982:on 9 October 2020 12514:on 28 April 2013. 12467:978-1-4008-2803-6 12435:. 26 October 2021 12416:Himāl South Asian 12279:978-0-521-05952-7 12185:978-93-80607-04-7 12041:978-1-136-70511-3 12011:978-0-415-20112-4 11944:978-1-4008-2803-6 11927:Hindu Nationalism 11850:978-1-4008-2803-6 11841:Hindu Nationalism 11825:978-1-4008-2803-6 11816:Hindu Nationalism 11800:978-1-4008-2803-6 11791:Hindu Nationalism 11775:978-1-4008-2803-6 11766:Hindu Nationalism 11723:978-1-4008-2803-6 11698:978-1-4008-2803-6 11689:Hindu Nationalism 11673:978-1-317-49109-5 11587:978-1-4008-2803-6 11570:Hindu Nationalism 11546:978-1-4008-2803-6 11529:Hindu Nationalism 11475:978-1-4008-2803-6 11458:Hindu Nationalism 11358:on 31 August 2014 10678:. 22 January 2024 10599:. 9 November 2019 10571:. 16 October 2019 10434:978-1-4008-2803-6 10407:978-0-275-96832-8 10380:978-1-317-96821-4 10340:978-1-134-09762-3 10309:978-0-521-05374-7 10267:978-1-317-53067-1 10199:978-0-14-024602-5 10176:, pp. 69–70. 10053:978-1-4008-2803-6 10007:978-1-85728-423-2 9955:"Ethnic Conflict" 9900:978-1-85973-343-1 9841:978-1-84277-117-4 9814:978-1-84277-117-4 9782:978-0-415-67165-1 9755:978-1-316-25838-5 9735:978-0-415-67165-1 9703:978-1-136-25500-7 9573:978-1-135-24060-8 9511:978-1-845-53169-0 9477:978-0-521-43878-0 9450:978-0-14-024602-5 9380:978-0-14-024602-5 9348:978-0-19-861026-7 9244:978-1-85973-343-1 9165:Open The Magazine 9116:978-0-19-567829-1 9057:978-1-351-37530-6 9003:978-1-932728-57-6 8975:, pp. 12–13. 8959:978-1-136-19708-6 8932:978-1-85728-423-2 8885:978-81-87496-13-7 8828:978-0-674-04156-1 8798:978-1-4008-2803-6 8713:978-1-135-18978-5 8659:978-1-135-35575-3 8652:, pp. 215–, 8628:978-0-87779-044-0 8529:978-0-14-302901-4 8493:978-0-7391-0137-7 8354:978-81-7827-067-8 8317:978-1-56072-674-6 8249:978-93-5150-231-9 8215:978-0-8122-0350-9 8157:978-1-4443-5995-4 8117:978-1-78368-981-1 8091:978-0-19-254584-8 7755:scientific method 7677:Mandal Commission 7590:Hindu nationalism 7586: 7585: 7100:L'ƒuvre Française 7008:Orthodox Peronism 6878:Downfall in Italy 6809:Spanish Civil War 6719:Arrow Cross Party 6664:FET y de las JONS 6449:Fascist Manifesto 6029:Fascism worldwide 5830:Heroic capitalism 5676:Hindu nationalism 5614:Hindutva violence 5472:Jammu and Kashmir 5460:Indian government 5454:Muscular Hinduism 5426:citizens of India 5375:Jammu and Kashmir 5172:Jammu and Kashmir 5088:independent India 4838: 4837: 4701:Racism by country 4629:Intersectionality 4614:Heteronormativity 4397:Voter suppression 4139:Sexual harassment 3938:Forced conversion 3858:Cultural genocide 3503:African Americans 3309:post–Cold War era 3294:Eastern Orthodoxy 3044:Anti-drug addicts 3039:Anti-homelessness 2958:Scientific racism 2745:Hindu nationalism 2727:Khilafat movement 2670:For Savarkar, in 2614:According to the 2580:Achaemenid empire 2528:According to the 2513:ethno-nationalism 2501:cultural hegemony 2495:, and as "almost 2458:Hindu nationalism 2398: 2397: 2261:LGBT conservatism 2244:Conservative wave 1906:National variants 1775:Personal variants 1734:Religious Zionism 950:Cultural heritage 923:Ancestral worship 782: 781: 597:Gastronationalism 582:Diaspora politics 557:Banal nationalism 16:(Redirected from 22747: 22657: 22656: 22645: 22644: 22643: 22636: 22579:Authoritarianism 22440:Communitarianism 22435:Clerical fascism 22420: 22419: 22296:Theoconservatism 21916: 21915: 21719:Kuehnelt-Leddihn 21528:Social hierarchy 21513:Private property 21396: 21307: 21306: 21118: 21117: 20901:Federal Peronism 20891: 20890: 20575:Pochvennichestvo 20552:Black-hundredism 20485: 20470:Historical Right 20448: 20390: 20343: 20329: 20320: 20291: 20288:Action Française 20274: 20273: 19990: 19989: 19885: 19884: 19865: 19858: 19851: 19842: 19841: 19765:Internationalism 19696:Authoritarianism 19665:Social democracy 19559:Environmentalism 19522:Communitarianism 19382: 19375: 19368: 19359: 19358: 19338:Personality cult 19301: 19273: 19272: 19259:Secular Buddhism 19249:Engaged Buddhism 19234: 19227: 19220: 19182: 19181: 19133:Hindu revivalism 19128:Hindu revolution 19118: 19111: 19104: 19097: 19052: 19051: 19011: 19007:Jewish socialism 18962: 18955: 18948:Jewish democracy 18933: 18924:Jewish anarchism 18903: 18902: 18879: 18845: 18821:Islamic republic 18816:Islamic pacifism 18806: 18799: 18792: 18783:Islamic feminism 18727: 18726: 18708: 18674: 18598: 18569: 18547:Evangelical left 18545: 18521: 18507: 18500: 18493: 18486: 18472: 18433: 18414:Blaine Amendment 18398: 18397: 18354: 18349:Secular religion 18347: 18318:Secular humanism 18288:Religious police 18278: 18204: 18197: 18165:Clerical fascism 18163: 18139: 18135:Anti-clericalism 18125:General concepts 18121: 18120: 18106: 18099: 18092: 18083: 18082: 18046:Kashmir conflict 17917:Sri Lankan Tamil 17828: 17827: 17809: 17802: 17795: 17786: 17785: 17723:Phallogocentrism 17651:Anthropocentrism 17631: 17537:Hangul supremacy 17492: 17454: 17447: 17440: 17431: 17430: 17323:State Presidents 17111:Syed Zafar Islam 17005:Samrat Chaudhary 16990:Yanthungo Patton 16807:Ramesh Pokhriyal 16757:Sunder Lal Patwa 16752:Jagadish Shettar 16717:Manohar Parrikar 16677:Suvendu Adhikari 16447:Kushabhau Thakre 16421:Party presidents 16406: 16399: 16392: 16383: 16382: 16171:Suresh Chavhanke 16141:François Gautier 16106: 16105: 15975:Freedom fighters 15931: 15930: 15856: 15855: 15785:Hindu Aikya Vedi 15752:Project specific 15723:India Foundation 15516: 15515: 15498: 15491: 15484: 15475: 15474: 15462: 15461: 15450:Internet Archive 15265: 15244: 15186:Desai, Radhika. 15139:Banerjee, Partha 15128: 15076: 15017: 15000: 14998: 14996: 14977: 14954:Social Scientist 14945: 14933: 14914: 14887: 14868: 14846: 14830: 14808: 14791:Golwalkar, M. S. 14786: 14765: 14743: 14728:Bharat Prakashan 14723: 14704: 14683: 14682: 14680: 14678: 14663: 14657: 14656: 14654: 14652: 14629: 14620: 14619: 14616:The Siasat Daily 14608: 14602: 14601: 14590: 14584: 14583: 14572: 14566: 14565: 14563: 14561: 14546: 14540: 14539: 14527: 14521: 14520: 14518: 14516: 14501: 14495: 14494: 14483: 14477: 14476: 14469: 14463: 14462: 14454: 14448: 14447: 14445: 14443: 14429: 14423: 14422: 14420: 14418: 14396: 14390: 14389: 14387: 14385: 14362: 14356: 14355: 14353: 14351: 14336: 14327: 14326: 14324: 14322: 14307: 14301: 14300: 14280: 14271: 14270: 14250: 14239: 14238: 14218: 14209: 14208: 14188: 14182: 14181: 14169: 14163: 14162: 14161: 14159: 14144: 14138: 14137: 14127: 14107: 14101: 14100: 14098: 14096: 14087:. Archived from 14076: 14070: 14069: 14057: 14051: 14050: 14043:"Science circus" 14038: 14032: 14031: 13991: 13985: 13984: 13973: 13967: 13966: 13956: 13928: 13922: 13921: 13910: 13901: 13900: 13889: 13883: 13882: 13862: 13856: 13855: 13835: 13826: 13825: 13805: 13799: 13798: 13774: 13768: 13767: 13747: 13741: 13740: 13720: 13707: 13706: 13701:. Archived from 13688: 13682: 13681: 13676:. Archived from 13663: 13657: 13656: 13655:on 28 July 2023. 13651:. Archived from 13640: 13634: 13633: 13628:. Archived from 13617: 13611: 13610: 13605:. Archived from 13594: 13588: 13587: 13567: 13561: 13560: 13537:Religion Compass 13528: 13522: 13521: 13503: 13471: 13465: 13464: 13462: 13460: 13445: 13439: 13438: 13418: 13412: 13411: 13383: 13377: 13376: 13361:Religion Compass 13356: 13322: 13316: 13315: 13292:Social Scientist 13287: 13267: 13261: 13260: 13240: 13234: 13233: 13213: 13207: 13206: 13186: 13180: 13179: 13177: 13175: 13153: 13147: 13146: 13144: 13142: 13137:. 14 August 2021 13127: 13121: 13120: 13118: 13116: 13101: 13095: 13094: 13092: 13090: 13075: 13069: 13068: 13066: 13064: 13049: 13043: 13042: 13040: 13038: 13023: 13017: 13016: 13014: 13012: 12998: 12992: 12991: 12989: 12987: 12968: 12962: 12961: 12953: 12947: 12946: 12937:Biswas, Soutik. 12934: 12928: 12927: 12925: 12923: 12908: 12902: 12901: 12900:. 27 April 2017. 12894: 12888: 12887: 12875: 12866: 12865: 12855: 12831: 12825: 12824: 12822: 12820: 12806: 12800: 12799: 12797: 12795: 12781: 12775: 12774: 12772: 12770: 12761:. Archived from 12755:"Saffron terror" 12750: 12744: 12743: 12741: 12739: 12724: 12718: 12717: 12705: 12699: 12698: 12666: 12660: 12659: 12633: 12627: 12626: 12600: 12594: 12593: 12569: 12563: 12562: 12560: 12558: 12544: 12538: 12522: 12516: 12515: 12500: 12494: 12493: 12486:Yahoo News India 12478: 12472: 12471: 12451: 12445: 12444: 12442: 12440: 12425: 12419: 12408: 12402: 12401: 12399: 12397: 12392:. 27 August 2022 12382: 12376: 12375: 12373: 12371: 12348: 12342: 12341: 12339: 12337: 12315: 12309: 12308: 12306: 12304: 12290: 12284: 12283: 12265: 12259: 12258: 12256: 12254: 12232: 12223: 12222: 12220: 12218: 12196: 12190: 12189: 12171: 12165: 12164: 12156: 12150: 12149: 12147: 12145: 12124: 12118: 12117: 12115: 12113: 12092: 12086: 12085: 12078: 12072: 12071: 12069: 12067: 12052: 12046: 12045: 12025: 12016: 12015: 11995: 11984: 11983: 11955: 11949: 11948: 11922: 11916: 11915: 11905: 11876: 11870: 11861: 11855: 11854: 11836: 11830: 11829: 11811: 11805: 11804: 11786: 11780: 11779: 11761: 11755: 11754: 11734: 11728: 11727: 11709: 11703: 11702: 11684: 11678: 11677: 11657: 11651: 11650: 11648: 11633: 11607: 11598: 11592: 11591: 11565: 11559: 11558: 11524: 11518: 11517: 11489: 11480: 11479: 11453: 11447: 11446: 11426: 11420: 11419: 11399: 11386: 11385: 11376:. 21 July 2013. 11366: 11360: 11359: 11346: 11340: 11334: 11328: 11322: 11316: 11315: 11313: 11311: 11296: 11290: 11289: 11287: 11285: 11278:The Siasat Daily 11270: 11264: 11263: 11261: 11259: 11250:. 2 April 2021. 11240: 11234: 11233: 11231: 11229: 11201: 11195: 11194: 11192: 11190: 11171: 11165: 11164: 11162: 11160: 11141: 11135: 11134: 11132: 11130: 11109: 11103: 11102: 11100: 11098: 11083: 11077: 11076: 11070: 11068: 11049: 11043: 11042: 11040: 11038: 11016: 11010: 11009: 11007: 11005: 10986: 10980: 10979: 10977: 10975: 10948: 10942: 10941: 10939: 10937: 10915: 10909: 10908: 10906: 10904: 10883: 10877: 10876: 10874: 10872: 10860:The Wire (India) 10851: 10845: 10844: 10842: 10840: 10813: 10807: 10806: 10804: 10802: 10781: 10775: 10774: 10772: 10770: 10758:The Wire (India) 10749: 10740: 10739: 10737: 10735: 10713: 10704: 10694: 10688: 10687: 10685: 10683: 10668: 10662: 10661: 10659: 10657: 10643: 10637: 10636: 10634: 10632: 10615: 10609: 10608: 10606: 10604: 10587: 10581: 10580: 10578: 10576: 10555: 10549: 10548: 10537: 10531: 10530: 10517: 10511: 10510: 10497: 10491: 10485: 10479: 10478: 10467: 10461: 10460: 10438: 10418: 10412: 10411: 10391: 10385: 10384: 10364: 10358: 10344: 10324: 10315: 10313: 10293: 10284: 10278: 10272: 10271: 10251: 10242: 10236: 10219: 10213: 10204: 10203: 10183: 10177: 10171: 10165: 10164: 10156: 10150: 10148:978-0-52551183-0 10133: 10127: 10117: 10111: 10110: 10108: 10106: 10100: 10089: 10080: 10074: 10064: 10058: 10057: 10037: 10024: 10018: 10012: 10011: 9991: 9982: 9981: 9969: 9963: 9962: 9950: 9944: 9943: 9911: 9905: 9904: 9884: 9871: 9870: 9868: 9866: 9852: 9846: 9845: 9825: 9819: 9818: 9798: 9787: 9786: 9766: 9760: 9759: 9739: 9719: 9708: 9707: 9687: 9681: 9680: 9652: 9646: 9645: 9625: 9616: 9615: 9587: 9578: 9577: 9557: 9551: 9550: 9522: 9516: 9515: 9497: 9486: 9485: 9461: 9455: 9454: 9434: 9428: 9427: 9407: 9401: 9400: 9391: 9385: 9384: 9364: 9358: 9352: 9332: 9323: 9322: 9290: 9284: 9283: 9255: 9249: 9248: 9228: 9219: 9218: 9182: 9176: 9175: 9173: 9171: 9156: 9150: 9149: 9144: 9142: 9127: 9121: 9120: 9094: 9088: 9071: 9062: 9061: 9041: 9035: 9034: 9032: 9025: 9014: 9008: 9007: 8989: 8976: 8970: 8964: 8963: 8943: 8937: 8936: 8916: 8907: 8906: 8896: 8890: 8889: 8866: 8860: 8859: 8857: 8855: 8840: 8834: 8832: 8812: 8803: 8802: 8782: 8763: 8762: 8734: 8717: 8716: 8697: 8691: 8690: 8688: 8686: 8672: 8663: 8662: 8639: 8633: 8632: 8612: 8601: 8600: 8599: 8597: 8587: 8580: 8574: 8571: 8543: 8534: 8533: 8510: 8501: 8500: 8474: 8465: 8459: 8453: 8452: 8429:Social Scientist 8424: 8413: 8412: 8402: 8392: 8368: 8362: 8361: 8334: 8325: 8324: 8301: 8292: 8286: 8277: 8276: 8263: 8254: 8253: 8229: 8220: 8219: 8199: 8193: 8192: 8191: 8189: 8179: 8172: 8161: 8160: 8141: 8132: 8131: 8126: 8124: 8101: 8095: 8094: 8075: 8050: 8043: 8037: 8033: 8027: 8024: 8018: 8015:Giuseppe Mazzini 8011: 8005: 8001: 7995: 7987: 7981: 7972: 7966: 7950: 7944: 7933: 7927: 7923: 7917: 7914: 7882: 7578: 7571: 7564: 7548: 7547: 6895:Nuremberg trials 6764:Beer Hall Putsch 6734:Yokusan Sonendan 6654:Fatherland Front 6534: 6524: 6514: 6504: 6494: 6484: 6474: 6469:My Autobiography 6464: 6454: 5971:State capitalism 5961:Social Darwinism 5780:Authoritarianism 5770:Anti-materialism 5737: 5714: 5713: 5434:Anthony D. Smith 5319:, the influx of 5278:Gujarat Assembly 5200:Sunni Waqf Board 5162:, granted under 5160:limited autonomy 5069:Jawaharlal Nehru 4880:social Darwinism 4869:European fascism 4863: 4842:Chandranath Basu 4830: 4823: 4816: 4753:Social privilege 4738:Social exclusion 4666:Police brutality 4587:Multiculturalism 4557:Amatonormativity 4372:Social exclusion 4208:Age of candidacy 4002:Homeless dumping 3908:Ethnic cleansing 2838: 2815: 2814: 2761:Anthony D. Smith 2709: 2684:), common race ( 2645: 2598: 2592: 2524:Tertiary sources 2489:European fascism 2455: 2452: 2449: 2446: 2443: 2440: 2439: 2436: 2435: 2432: 2429: 2426: 2423: 2420: 2417: 2414: 2411: 2390: 2383: 2376: 2360: 2359: 2348: 2347: 2346: 2303:Authoritarianism 2254:in United States 2217:Anti-immigration 2167:Communitarianism 2162:Clerical fascism 1408:Kuehnelt-Leddihn 1165:Social hierarchy 1087:Moral absolutism 1002: 807: 784: 783: 774: 767: 760: 744: 743: 685: 667:Plurinationalism 627:Internationalism 567:Communitarianism 552:Anti-imperialism 542:Anti-nationalism 531:Related concepts 32: 31: 21: 22755: 22754: 22750: 22749: 22748: 22746: 22745: 22744: 22665: 22664: 22663: 22651: 22641: 22639: 22631: 22629: 22624: 22623: 22618: 22615:Politics portal 22602: 22454: 22411: 22357: 22351: 22291:Christian right 22268: 22194:Prat de la Riba 21962: 21903: 21572: 21518:Public morality 21488:Ordered liberty 21393:Noblesse oblige 21354:Culture of life 21349:Cultural values 21294: 21255: 21180: 21173: 21103: 21006: 20981: 20929: 20876: 20739: 20667: 20660: 20613:Carlo-francoism 20582: 20523: 20488: 20451: 20438:State Socialism 20356: 20326:Nouvelle Droite 20259: 20199: 20171: 20148: 20106: 20056: 20028: 19979: 19880: 19874: 19869: 19839: 19834: 19830:Totalitarianism 19684: 19487:Accelerationism 19478: 19391: 19386: 19356: 19347: 19278: 19263: 19187: 19172: 19088:Hindu modernism 19059: 19042: 18987:Jewish pacifism 18972:Jewish feminism 18952:Jewish fascism 18910: 18893: 18836:Islamic Zionism 18778:Islamic fascism 18734: 18717: 18608:Christian state 18589:Christian right 18523:Mormon feminism 18405: 18388: 18173:Confessionalism 18126: 18115: 18110: 18080: 18075: 18014: 17979: 17963: 17927: 17819: 17813: 17783: 17778: 17737: 17634: 17599: 17564:Religiocentrism 17552: 17463: 17458: 17428: 17423: 17382: 17329: 17290:Political wings 17284: 17278:Vijaya Rahatkar 17240:Bishweswar Tudu 17222: 17216: 17182:Bhupender Yadav 17169: 17163: 17151:Mmhonlumo Kikon 17060: 17054: 17025:Rajendra Shukla 16971: 16964: 16950:Yogi Adityanath 16886: 16877:Yogi Adityanath 16792:Nityanand Swami 16737:Babulal Marandi 16722:Keshubhai Patel 16647:Anandiben Patel 16610: 16591: 16572:Prime ministers 16566: 16527:Baijayant Panda 16517:Vasundhara Raje 16500: 16415: 16410: 16380: 16375: 16311:Sanskritisation 16243: 16177: 16093: 16074:Giriraj Kishore 16062: 16033:Praveen Togadia 15991: 15970: 15959:Ram Nath Kovind 15918: 15901:M. S. Golwalkar 15883:K. S. Sudarshan 15871: 15851:Sarsanghchalaks 15841: 15815: 15789: 15773:Region specific 15768: 15747: 15712: 15654: 15612: 15559: 15535:Political party 15530: 15507: 15502: 15467: 15431: 15426: 15387:Wayback Machine 15262: 15241: 15025: 15023:Further reading 15020: 14994: 14992: 14982:Panikkar, K. N. 14966:10.2307/3517629 14950:Panikkar, K. N. 14930: 14903: 14884: 14865: 14827: 14805: 14783: 14762: 14720: 14691: 14689:General sources 14686: 14676: 14674: 14664: 14660: 14650: 14648: 14630: 14623: 14610: 14609: 14605: 14592: 14591: 14587: 14574: 14573: 14569: 14559: 14557: 14548: 14547: 14543: 14528: 14524: 14514: 14512: 14502: 14498: 14485: 14484: 14480: 14471: 14470: 14466: 14455: 14451: 14441: 14439: 14431: 14430: 14426: 14416: 14414: 14404:Washington Post 14398: 14397: 14393: 14383: 14381: 14363: 14359: 14349: 14347: 14337: 14330: 14320: 14318: 14308: 14304: 14297: 14281: 14274: 14251: 14242: 14235: 14219: 14212: 14205: 14189: 14185: 14170: 14166: 14157: 14155: 14145: 14141: 14108: 14104: 14094: 14092: 14077: 14073: 14058: 14054: 14039: 14035: 13992: 13988: 13975: 13974: 13970: 13929: 13925: 13912: 13911: 13904: 13891: 13890: 13886: 13879: 13863: 13859: 13836: 13829: 13806: 13802: 13795: 13775: 13771: 13764: 13748: 13744: 13737: 13721: 13710: 13689: 13685: 13664: 13660: 13641: 13637: 13618: 13614: 13595: 13591: 13584: 13568: 13564: 13529: 13525: 13472: 13468: 13458: 13456: 13446: 13442: 13419: 13415: 13384: 13380: 13357: 13353: 13323: 13319: 13304:10.2307/3517630 13288: 13268: 13264: 13257: 13241: 13237: 13230: 13214: 13210: 13203: 13187: 13183: 13173: 13171: 13155: 13154: 13150: 13140: 13138: 13129: 13128: 13124: 13114: 13112: 13109:Hindustan Times 13103: 13102: 13098: 13088: 13086: 13077: 13076: 13072: 13062: 13060: 13052:Langa, Mahesh. 13050: 13046: 13036: 13034: 13033:. 31 March 2017 13025: 13024: 13020: 13010: 13008: 13000: 12999: 12995: 12985: 12983: 12970: 12969: 12965: 12954: 12950: 12935: 12931: 12921: 12919: 12910: 12909: 12905: 12896: 12895: 12891: 12876: 12869: 12832: 12828: 12818: 12816: 12808: 12807: 12803: 12793: 12791: 12783: 12782: 12778: 12768: 12766: 12751: 12747: 12737: 12735: 12725: 12721: 12706: 12702: 12667: 12663: 12634: 12630: 12601: 12597: 12570: 12566: 12556: 12554: 12546: 12545: 12541: 12536:Wayback Machine 12523: 12519: 12508:Hindustan Times 12502: 12501: 12497: 12480: 12479: 12475: 12468: 12452: 12448: 12438: 12436: 12427: 12426: 12422: 12409: 12405: 12395: 12393: 12384: 12383: 12379: 12369: 12367: 12349: 12345: 12335: 12333: 12317: 12316: 12312: 12302: 12300: 12292: 12291: 12287: 12280: 12266: 12262: 12252: 12250: 12234: 12233: 12226: 12216: 12214: 12198: 12197: 12193: 12186: 12172: 12168: 12157: 12153: 12143: 12141: 12140:. 24 April 2015 12126: 12125: 12121: 12111: 12109: 12108:. 16 March 2015 12094: 12093: 12089: 12080: 12079: 12075: 12065: 12063: 12054: 12053: 12049: 12042: 12026: 12019: 12012: 11996: 11987: 11956: 11952: 11945: 11923: 11919: 11878: 11868: 11862: 11858: 11851: 11837: 11833: 11826: 11812: 11808: 11801: 11787: 11783: 11776: 11762: 11758: 11735: 11731: 11724: 11710: 11706: 11699: 11685: 11681: 11674: 11658: 11654: 11646: 11605: 11599: 11595: 11588: 11566: 11562: 11547: 11525: 11521: 11494:Democratization 11490: 11483: 11476: 11454: 11450: 11443: 11427: 11423: 11416: 11400: 11389: 11368: 11367: 11363: 11348: 11347: 11343: 11335: 11331: 11327:, pp. 3–4. 11323: 11319: 11309: 11307: 11298: 11297: 11293: 11283: 11281: 11272: 11271: 11267: 11257: 11255: 11242: 11241: 11237: 11227: 11225: 11202: 11198: 11188: 11186: 11179:Hindustan Times 11173: 11172: 11168: 11158: 11156: 11143: 11142: 11138: 11128: 11126: 11111: 11110: 11106: 11096: 11094: 11085: 11084: 11080: 11066: 11064: 11051: 11050: 11046: 11036: 11034: 11017: 11013: 11003: 11001: 10988: 10987: 10983: 10973: 10971: 10950: 10949: 10945: 10935: 10933: 10916: 10912: 10902: 10900: 10885: 10884: 10880: 10870: 10868: 10853: 10852: 10848: 10838: 10836: 10815: 10814: 10810: 10800: 10798: 10783: 10782: 10778: 10768: 10766: 10751: 10750: 10743: 10733: 10731: 10714: 10707: 10695: 10691: 10681: 10679: 10676:Hindustan Times 10670: 10669: 10665: 10655: 10653: 10645: 10644: 10640: 10630: 10628: 10627:. 5 August 2020 10617: 10616: 10612: 10602: 10600: 10589: 10588: 10584: 10574: 10572: 10557: 10556: 10552: 10539: 10538: 10534: 10519: 10518: 10514: 10499: 10498: 10494: 10486: 10482: 10469: 10468: 10464: 10457: 10440: 10435: 10419: 10415: 10408: 10392: 10388: 10381: 10365: 10361: 10341: 10325: 10318: 10310: 10294: 10287: 10281:Frykenberg 2008 10279: 10275: 10268: 10252: 10245: 10239:Frykenberg 2008 10237: 10222: 10214: 10207: 10200: 10184: 10180: 10172: 10168: 10157: 10153: 10134: 10130: 10118: 10114: 10104: 10102: 10098: 10092:Economic Weekly 10087: 10081: 10077: 10065: 10061: 10054: 10038: 10027: 10019: 10015: 10008: 9992: 9985: 9970: 9966: 9951: 9947: 9912: 9908: 9901: 9885: 9874: 9864: 9862: 9854: 9853: 9849: 9842: 9826: 9822: 9815: 9799: 9790: 9783: 9767: 9763: 9756: 9736: 9720: 9711: 9704: 9688: 9684: 9653: 9649: 9642: 9626: 9619: 9588: 9581: 9574: 9558: 9554: 9523: 9519: 9512: 9498: 9489: 9478: 9462: 9458: 9451: 9435: 9431: 9424: 9408: 9404: 9393: 9392: 9388: 9381: 9365: 9361: 9349: 9333: 9326: 9319: 9291: 9287: 9280: 9256: 9252: 9245: 9229: 9222: 9183: 9179: 9169: 9167: 9157: 9153: 9140: 9138: 9128: 9124: 9117: 9095: 9091: 9081:Wayback Machine 9072: 9065: 9058: 9042: 9038: 9030: 9023: 9015: 9011: 9004: 8990: 8979: 8971: 8967: 8960: 8944: 8940: 8933: 8917: 8910: 8897: 8893: 8886: 8867: 8863: 8853: 8851: 8849:Telegraph India 8841: 8837: 8829: 8813: 8806: 8799: 8783: 8766: 8735: 8720: 8714: 8698: 8694: 8684: 8682: 8674: 8673: 8666: 8660: 8640: 8636: 8629: 8613: 8604: 8595: 8593: 8582: 8581: 8577: 8544: 8537: 8530: 8511: 8504: 8494: 8475: 8468: 8462:Frykenberg 2008 8460: 8456: 8441:10.2307/3517631 8425: 8416: 8369: 8365: 8355: 8335: 8328: 8318: 8302: 8295: 8287: 8280: 8265: 8264: 8257: 8250: 8242:. p. 109. 8240:SAGE Publishing 8230: 8223: 8216: 8200: 8196: 8187: 8185: 8174: 8173: 8164: 8158: 8142: 8135: 8122: 8120: 8118: 8102: 8098: 8092: 8076: 8067: 8063: 8058: 8053: 8044: 8040: 8034: 8030: 8025: 8021: 8012: 8008: 8002: 7998: 7988: 7984: 7973: 7969: 7951: 7947: 7934: 7930: 7924: 7920: 7915: 7911: 7907: 7880: 7873: 7860: 7854: 7834:Audrey Truschke 7830:Sheldon Pollock 7809: 7790:Charles Wilkins 7751:Hindu mythology 7739: 7669: 7622:Prabhat Patnaik 7605:National Herald 7592: 7582: 7542: 7535: 7534: 7460:Culture of fear 7445: 7437: 7436: 7386: 7378: 7377: 7307:Neo-Eurasianism 7288:Neo-Legionarism 6990: 6982: 6981: 6980: 6979: 6960:Nazi ideologues 6913: 6905: 6904: 6779:Mukden Incident 6754: 6746: 6745: 6546: 6538: 6537: 6532: 6522: 6512: 6502: 6492: 6482: 6472: 6462: 6452: 6443: 6435: 6434: 6260: 6252: 6251: 6182:Primo de Rivera 6047: 6039: 6038: 6009: 6001: 6000: 5996:Totalitarianism 5981:Supercapitalism 5926:One-party state 5855:Interventionism 5750:Actual idealism 5745: 5712: 5707: 5690:Yogi Adityanath 5681:According to a 5656: 5650: 5648:Cow vigilantism 5622: 5620:Hindu terrorism 5616: 5590:Shiv Sena (UBT) 5582:Hindu Mahasabha 5517: 5509:Main articles: 5507: 5456: 5450: 5442:Communist Party 5418: 5412: 5365: 5337:Ram Janmabhoomi 5300: 5290: 5269:Yogi Adityanath 5233: 5212:Ram Janmabhoomi 5180: 5178:Ayodhya dispute 5152: 5136: 5130: 5065: 5004:M. S. Golwalkar 4951: 4893:proselytisation 4864: 4861: 4834: 4805: 4804: 4803: 4802: 4801: 4676:Polyculturalism 4572:Civil liberties 4544: 4536: 4535: 4534: 4533: 4532: 4513:Reappropriation 4413: 4412:Countermeasures 4405: 4404: 4403: 4402: 4401: 4330:Racial steering 4296:Numerus clausus 4200: 4192: 4191: 4190: 4189: 4188: 3913:Ethnic conflict 3848:Corrective rape 3803: 3795: 3794: 3793: 3792: 3791: 3428: 3417: 3416: 3415: 3414: 3413: 3368:minority Muslim 3256: 3246: 3245: 3244: 3243: 3242: 3134:HIV/AIDS stigma 3006: 2998: 2997: 2996: 2995: 2994: 2943:Mental disorder 2885: 2877: 2876: 2875: 2874: 2873: 2846: 2813: 2808: 2769: 2753:Clifford Geertz 2710: 2704: 2694:Indic religions 2668: 2643: 2596: 2590: 2526: 2521: 2453: 2450: 2447: 2444: 2408: 2404: 2394: 2354: 2344: 2342: 2335: 2334: 2195: 2187: 2186: 2152: 2144: 2143: 1907: 1899: 1898: 1776: 1768: 1767: 1709:Christian right 1699: 1691: 1690: 1471: 1463: 1462: 1213: 1205: 1204: 1155:Public morality 1150:Property rights 1124:Ordered liberty 999:Noblesse oblige 960:Culture of life 955:Cultural values 918: 910: 909: 815: 778: 738: 731: 730: 679: 572:Cosmopolitanism 532: 524: 523: 518: 510: 509: 190: 180: 179: 150: 142: 141: 57: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 22753: 22743: 22742: 22737: 22732: 22727: 22722: 22717: 22712: 22707: 22702: 22697: 22692: 22687: 22682: 22677: 22662: 22661: 22649: 22626: 22625: 22620: 22619: 22617: 22612: 22607: 22604: 22603: 22601: 22600: 22595: 22594: 22593: 22592: 22591: 22581: 22571: 22566: 22565: 22564: 22554: 22553: 22552: 22547: 22537: 22532: 22527: 22522: 22520:Ethnopluralism 22517: 22512: 22507: 22502: 22497: 22492: 22491: 22490: 22480: 22475: 22470: 22465: 22463:Anti-communism 22459: 22456: 22455: 22453: 22452: 22447: 22442: 22437: 22432: 22426: 22424: 22417: 22413: 22412: 22410: 22409: 22407:Ultra-royalism 22404: 22399: 22394: 22389: 22384: 22379: 22374: 22369: 22361: 22359: 22353: 22352: 22350: 22349: 22344: 22343: 22342: 22340:Ultramontanism 22337: 22327: 22322: 22321: 22320: 22310: 22305: 22300: 22299: 22298: 22288: 22282: 22280: 22274: 22273: 22270: 22269: 22267: 22266: 22261: 22256: 22251: 22246: 22241: 22236: 22231: 22226: 22221: 22216: 22211: 22206: 22201: 22196: 22191: 22186: 22181: 22176: 22171: 22166: 22161: 22156: 22151: 22146: 22141: 22136: 22131: 22126: 22121: 22116: 22111: 22106: 22101: 22096: 22091: 22086: 22081: 22076: 22071: 22066: 22061: 22056: 22051: 22046: 22041: 22036: 22031: 22026: 22021: 22016: 22011: 22006: 22001: 21996: 21991: 21986: 21981: 21976: 21970: 21968: 21964: 21963: 21961: 21960: 21955: 21950: 21945: 21940: 21935: 21930: 21924: 21922: 21913: 21909: 21908: 21905: 21904: 21902: 21901: 21896: 21891: 21886: 21881: 21876: 21871: 21866: 21861: 21856: 21851: 21846: 21841: 21836: 21831: 21826: 21821: 21816: 21811: 21806: 21801: 21796: 21791: 21786: 21781: 21776: 21771: 21766: 21761: 21756: 21751: 21746: 21741: 21736: 21731: 21726: 21721: 21716: 21711: 21706: 21701: 21696: 21691: 21686: 21681: 21676: 21671: 21666: 21661: 21656: 21651: 21646: 21641: 21636: 21631: 21626: 21621: 21616: 21611: 21606: 21601: 21596: 21591: 21586: 21580: 21578: 21574: 21573: 21571: 21570: 21565: 21560: 21555: 21553:State religion 21550: 21545: 21540: 21535: 21530: 21525: 21520: 21515: 21510: 21505: 21500: 21495: 21490: 21485: 21484: 21483: 21478: 21473: 21463: 21458: 21457: 21456: 21446: 21441: 21436: 21431: 21430: 21429: 21419: 21417:Fundamentalism 21414: 21409: 21404: 21399: 21398: 21397: 21388: 21383: 21373: 21368: 21363: 21362: 21361: 21351: 21346: 21341: 21336: 21331: 21330: 21329: 21319: 21313: 21311: 21304: 21300: 21299: 21296: 21295: 21293: 21292: 21287: 21286: 21285: 21283:National Right 21280: 21269: 21267: 21261: 21260: 21257: 21256: 21254: 21253: 21248: 21246:Traditionalist 21243: 21238: 21233: 21228: 21223: 21218: 21213: 21212: 21211: 21206: 21201: 21191: 21185: 21183: 21175: 21174: 21172: 21171: 21170: 21169: 21164: 21159: 21149: 21144: 21139: 21138: 21137: 21126: 21124: 21115: 21109: 21108: 21105: 21104: 21102: 21101: 21100: 21099: 21096:Perezjimenismo 21089: 21088: 21087: 21079: 21078: 21077: 21069: 21059: 21054: 21049: 21044: 21039: 21038: 21037: 21032: 21020: 21014: 21012: 21008: 21007: 21005: 21004: 20999: 20991: 20989: 20983: 20982: 20980: 20979: 20974: 20973: 20972: 20962: 20955: 20950: 20945: 20939: 20937: 20931: 20930: 20928: 20927: 20922: 20915: 20910: 20903: 20897: 20895: 20888: 20882: 20881: 20878: 20877: 20875: 20874: 20869: 20864: 20859: 20858: 20857: 20847: 20846: 20845: 20837: 20836: 20835: 20827: 20822: 20817: 20812: 20807: 20802: 20801: 20800: 20795: 20785: 20784: 20783: 20775: 20770: 20765: 20764: 20763: 20753: 20747: 20745: 20741: 20740: 20738: 20737: 20736: 20735: 20730: 20725: 20715: 20710: 20705: 20700: 20695: 20694: 20693: 20683: 20678: 20672: 20670: 20662: 20661: 20659: 20658: 20651: 20649:Neocatholicism 20646: 20641: 20634: 20629: 20628: 20627: 20617: 20616: 20615: 20610: 20598: 20592: 20590: 20584: 20583: 20581: 20580: 20579: 20578: 20566: 20561: 20560: 20559: 20554: 20544: 20539: 20533: 20531: 20525: 20524: 20522: 20521: 20516: 20511: 20504: 20502:Golden Liberty 20498: 20496: 20490: 20489: 20487: 20486: 20477: 20472: 20467: 20461: 20459: 20453: 20452: 20450: 20449: 20440: 20435: 20430: 20425: 20424: 20423: 20413: 20412: 20411: 20406: 20396: 20394:Ordoliberalism 20391: 20382: 20377: 20372: 20366: 20364: 20358: 20357: 20355: 20354: 20352:Ultra-royalism 20349: 20344: 20335: 20330: 20321: 20312: 20307: 20302: 20297: 20292: 20282: 20280: 20271: 20265: 20264: 20261: 20260: 20258: 20257: 20256: 20255: 20245: 20240: 20239: 20238: 20228: 20223: 20218: 20213: 20207: 20205: 20201: 20200: 20198: 20197: 20195:Neo-Ottomanism 20192: 20187: 20181: 20179: 20173: 20172: 20170: 20169: 20164: 20158: 20156: 20150: 20149: 20147: 20146: 20141: 20136: 20129: 20124: 20116: 20114: 20108: 20107: 20105: 20104: 20103: 20102: 20097: 20092: 20082: 20077: 20072: 20070:Fundamentalist 20066: 20064: 20058: 20057: 20055: 20054: 20049: 20044: 20038: 20036: 20030: 20029: 20027: 20026: 20021: 20020: 20019: 20014: 20004: 19998: 19996: 19987: 19981: 19980: 19978: 19977: 19972: 19970:Traditionalist 19967: 19962: 19957: 19952: 19947: 19942: 19937: 19932: 19927: 19922: 19917: 19912: 19907: 19902: 19897: 19891: 19889: 19882: 19876: 19875: 19868: 19867: 19860: 19853: 19845: 19836: 19835: 19833: 19832: 19827: 19822: 19817: 19812: 19807: 19802: 19797: 19792: 19787: 19782: 19777: 19772: 19767: 19762: 19757: 19752: 19747: 19742: 19737: 19736: 19735: 19730: 19725: 19715: 19710: 19705: 19704: 19703: 19692: 19690: 19686: 19685: 19683: 19682: 19677: 19672: 19667: 19662: 19661: 19660: 19655: 19645: 19640: 19639: 19638: 19628: 19623: 19618: 19616:Libertarianism 19613: 19608: 19603: 19598: 19593: 19591:Fundamentalism 19588: 19583: 19582: 19581: 19579:Third Position 19576: 19566: 19561: 19556: 19555: 19554: 19544: 19539: 19534: 19529: 19524: 19519: 19514: 19509: 19504: 19499: 19494: 19489: 19483: 19480: 19479: 19477: 19476: 19471: 19466: 19461: 19460: 19459: 19454: 19449: 19444: 19439: 19434: 19429: 19419: 19414: 19409: 19408: 19407: 19396: 19393: 19392: 19385: 19384: 19377: 19370: 19362: 19353: 19352: 19349: 19348: 19346: 19345: 19340: 19335: 19334: 19333: 19323: 19318: 19313: 19308: 19307: 19306: 19294: 19289: 19283: 19280: 19279: 19269: 19268: 19265: 19264: 19262: 19261: 19256: 19251: 19246: 19241: 19240: 19239: 19232: 19225: 19213: 19208: 19203: 19198: 19192: 19189: 19188: 19178: 19177: 19174: 19173: 19171: 19170: 19165: 19160: 19158:Saffronisation 19155: 19150: 19145: 19140: 19135: 19130: 19125: 19124: 19123: 19116: 19109: 19102: 19090: 19085: 19080: 19075: 19073:Hindu feminism 19070: 19064: 19061: 19060: 19048: 19047: 19044: 19043: 19041: 19040: 19035: 19034: 19033: 19023: 19018: 19017: 19016: 19004: 18999: 18994: 18989: 18984: 18979: 18974: 18969: 18968: 18967: 18960: 18950: 18945: 18940: 18939: 18938: 18926: 18921: 18919:Halachic state 18915: 18912: 18911: 18899: 18898: 18895: 18894: 18892: 18891: 18886: 18885: 18884: 18881:Talibanization 18872: 18867: 18862: 18857: 18852: 18851: 18850: 18838: 18833: 18828: 18823: 18818: 18813: 18812: 18811: 18804: 18797: 18785: 18780: 18775: 18770: 18765: 18760: 18755: 18750: 18745: 18739: 18736: 18735: 18723: 18722: 18719: 18718: 18716: 18715: 18714: 18713: 18704:Ultramontanism 18701: 18696: 18694:Temporal power 18691: 18686: 18681: 18680: 18679: 18667: 18662: 18657: 18652: 18651: 18650: 18640: 18635: 18630: 18625: 18620: 18615: 18610: 18605: 18604: 18603: 18591: 18586: 18581: 18576: 18575: 18574: 18562: 18557: 18552: 18551: 18550: 18541:Christian left 18538: 18533: 18528: 18527: 18526: 18514: 18513: 18512: 18505: 18498: 18491: 18479: 18478: 18477: 18465: 18460: 18455: 18450: 18445: 18440: 18439: 18438: 18426: 18421: 18416: 18410: 18407: 18406: 18394: 18393: 18390: 18389: 18387: 18386: 18381: 18376: 18374:State religion 18371: 18366: 18364:Spiritual left 18361: 18360: 18359: 18352: 18343:Secularization 18340: 18335: 18330: 18325: 18320: 18315: 18310: 18305: 18300: 18295: 18290: 18285: 18284: 18283: 18271: 18266: 18261: 18256: 18251: 18246: 18241: 18236: 18231: 18226: 18221: 18216: 18211: 18210: 18209: 18202: 18190: 18185: 18180: 18175: 18170: 18169: 18168: 18156: 18154:Civil religion 18151: 18146: 18145: 18144: 18131: 18128: 18127: 18117: 18116: 18109: 18108: 18101: 18094: 18086: 18077: 18076: 18074: 18073: 18068: 18063: 18058: 18053: 18048: 18043: 18038: 18033: 18028: 18022: 18020: 18016: 18015: 18013: 18012: 18007: 18002: 17997: 17991: 17989: 17985: 17984: 17981: 17980: 17978: 17977: 17971: 17969: 17965: 17964: 17962: 17961: 17951: 17946: 17935: 17933: 17929: 17928: 17926: 17925: 17920: 17910: 17905: 17900: 17895: 17890: 17885: 17880: 17875: 17870: 17865: 17855: 17845: 17840: 17834: 17832: 17825: 17821: 17820: 17812: 17811: 17804: 17797: 17789: 17780: 17779: 17777: 17776: 17774:Technocentrism 17771: 17766: 17761: 17756: 17751: 17745: 17743: 17739: 17738: 17736: 17735: 17730: 17725: 17720: 17718:Phallocentrism 17715: 17710: 17708:Sentiocentrism 17705: 17700: 17695: 17690: 17685: 17680: 17679: 17678: 17668: 17663: 17658: 17653: 17648: 17642: 17640: 17636: 17635: 17633: 17632: 17623: 17621:Middle Kingdom 17618: 17613: 17607: 17605: 17601: 17600: 17598: 17597: 17592: 17586: 17581: 17576: 17571: 17566: 17560: 17558: 17554: 17553: 17551: 17550: 17545: 17540: 17534: 17529: 17523: 17518: 17513:(Europe & 17508: 17501:Han chauvinism 17494: 17484: 17478: 17471: 17469: 17465: 17464: 17461:Exceptionalism 17457: 17456: 17449: 17442: 17434: 17425: 17424: 17422: 17421: 17416: 17411: 17406: 17401: 17396: 17390: 17388: 17384: 17383: 17381: 17380: 17375: 17370: 17365: 17360: 17355: 17350: 17345: 17339: 17337: 17331: 17330: 17328: 17327: 17326: 17325: 17315: 17310: 17305: 17300: 17294: 17292: 17286: 17285: 17283: 17282: 17279: 17276: 17275:Narendra Singh 17273: 17268: 17263: 17258: 17256:Harish Dwivedi 17253: 17250: 17245: 17242: 17237: 17232: 17226: 17224: 17218: 17217: 17215: 17214: 17211: 17210:(Organisation) 17205: 17200: 17195: 17190: 17189:(Organisation) 17187:B. L. Santhosh 17184: 17179: 17173: 17171: 17165: 17164: 17162: 17161: 17158: 17153: 17148: 17145: 17140: 17135: 17130: 17125: 17122: 17119: 17116: 17113: 17108: 17105: 17100: 17095: 17090: 17085: 17080: 17075: 17070: 17064: 17062: 17056: 17055: 17053: 17052: 17050:Pravati Parida 17047: 17042: 17037: 17032: 17027: 17022: 17017: 17012: 17007: 17002: 16997: 16995:Brajesh Pathak 16992: 16987: 16982: 16976: 16974: 16966: 16965: 16963: 16962: 16957: 16952: 16947: 16945:N. Biren Singh 16942: 16937: 16932: 16927: 16922: 16917: 16912: 16910:Vishnu Deo Sai 16907: 16902: 16896: 16894: 16888: 16887: 16885: 16884: 16879: 16874: 16869: 16864: 16859: 16854: 16849: 16844: 16839: 16837:Draupadi Murmu 16834: 16829: 16824: 16819: 16814: 16809: 16804: 16802:B. C. Khanduri 16799: 16794: 16789: 16787:Jagdambika Pal 16784: 16779: 16774: 16769: 16764: 16759: 16754: 16749: 16744: 16739: 16734: 16729: 16724: 16719: 16714: 16709: 16704: 16699: 16694: 16689: 16684: 16679: 16674: 16669: 16664: 16659: 16654: 16649: 16644: 16639: 16634: 16629: 16624: 16618: 16616: 16612: 16611: 16609: 16608: 16601: 16599: 16593: 16592: 16590: 16589: 16588:(2014–present) 16583: 16576: 16574: 16568: 16567: 16565: 16564: 16562: 16557: 16554: 16549: 16544: 16539: 16534: 16529: 16524: 16519: 16514: 16508: 16506: 16502: 16501: 16499: 16498: 16497:(2020–present) 16492: 16486: 16480: 16474: 16468: 16465:Venkaiah Naidu 16462: 16456: 16453:Bangaru Laxman 16450: 16444: 16438: 16432: 16425: 16423: 16417: 16416: 16409: 16408: 16401: 16394: 16386: 16377: 16376: 16374: 16373: 16372: 16371: 16366: 16361: 16356: 16342: 16341: 16340: 16335: 16330: 16325: 16315: 16314: 16313: 16308: 16303: 16298: 16293: 16288: 16278: 16277: 16276: 16271: 16266: 16255: 16253: 16249: 16248: 16245: 16244: 16242: 16241: 16236: 16231: 16226: 16221: 16216: 16211: 16206: 16201: 16196: 16191: 16185: 16183: 16179: 16178: 16176: 16175: 16174: 16173: 16168: 16163: 16158: 16156:Rajiv Malhotra 16153: 16148: 16143: 16138: 16133: 16128: 16123: 16112: 16110: 16103: 16099: 16098: 16095: 16094: 16092: 16091: 16089:Swami Karpatri 16086: 16081: 16076: 16070: 16068: 16064: 16063: 16061: 16060: 16058:Sambhaji Bhide 16055: 16050: 16045: 16040: 16035: 16030: 16025: 16020: 16015: 16010: 16008:Babasaheb Apte 16005: 15999: 15997: 15993: 15992: 15990: 15989: 15984: 15978: 15976: 15972: 15971: 15969: 15968: 15965:Venkaiah Naidu 15962: 15956: 15950: 15944: 15937: 15935: 15928: 15924: 15923: 15920: 15919: 15917: 15916: 15913:K. B. Hedgewar 15910: 15904: 15898: 15892: 15889:Rajendra Singh 15886: 15879: 15877: 15873: 15872: 15870: 15869: 15868:(2009–present) 15862: 15860: 15853: 15847: 15846: 15843: 15842: 15840: 15839: 15834: 15832:Kreeda Bharati 15829: 15823: 15821: 15817: 15816: 15814: 15813: 15808: 15803: 15797: 15795: 15791: 15790: 15788: 15787: 15782: 15776: 15774: 15770: 15769: 15767: 15766: 15761: 15755: 15753: 15749: 15748: 15746: 15745: 15740: 15735: 15732: 15727: 15724: 15720: 15718: 15714: 15713: 15711: 15710: 15705: 15700: 15695: 15690: 15685: 15680: 15675: 15674: 15673: 15671:Ekal Vidyalaya 15662: 15660: 15656: 15655: 15653: 15652: 15647: 15642: 15637: 15632: 15627: 15623:Farmers wing: 15620: 15618: 15614: 15613: 15611: 15610: 15605: 15600: 15595: 15590: 15585: 15584: 15583: 15578: 15567: 15565: 15561: 15560: 15558: 15557: 15551: 15545: 15544:(1980-present) 15538: 15536: 15532: 15531: 15529: 15528: 15522: 15520: 15513: 15509: 15508: 15501: 15500: 15493: 15486: 15478: 15472: 15469: 15468: 15459: 15458: 15452: 15443: 15430: 15429:External links 15427: 15425: 15424: 15417: 15408: 15405:978-8185990484 15393:Goel, Sita Ram 15390: 15374:Goel, Sita Ram 15371: 15364:Elst, Koenraad 15361: 15359:Asianet review 15335:Elst, Koenraad 15331: 15330: 15326: 15325: 15322:978-0415953139 15310: 15296: 15281: 15266: 15260: 15245: 15239: 15226: 15209: 15191: 15184: 15181: 15171: 15153: 15151:978-8120205048 15135: 15134: 15130: 15129: 15110: 15095: 15077: 15058: 15031: 15030: 15026: 15024: 15021: 15019: 15018: 15001: 14978: 14960:(3/4): 24–31. 14946: 14934: 14929:978-8131734650 14928: 14915: 14901: 14888: 14882: 14869: 14864:978-1850653011 14863: 14847: 14831: 14826:978-0836405668 14825: 14813:Goyal, Des Raj 14809: 14803: 14787: 14781: 14766: 14761:978-8185990477 14760: 14748:Elst, Koenraad 14744: 14724: 14718: 14705: 14692: 14690: 14687: 14685: 14684: 14658: 14621: 14603: 14585: 14567: 14541: 14522: 14496: 14478: 14464: 14449: 14424: 14391: 14357: 14328: 14302: 14295: 14272: 14261:(3): 285–309. 14240: 14233: 14210: 14203: 14183: 14164: 14139: 14102: 14071: 14052: 14033: 14006:(5): 834–852. 13986: 13968: 13923: 13902: 13884: 13877: 13857: 13846:(2): 129–135. 13827: 13800: 13793: 13779:Richard Bessel 13769: 13762: 13742: 13735: 13708: 13683: 13658: 13635: 13612: 13589: 13582: 13562: 13543:(8): 427–438. 13523: 13486:(3): 215–237. 13466: 13440: 13429:(4): 218–228. 13413: 13394:(4): 690–711. 13378: 13351: 13317: 13298:(3/4): 32–68. 13278:(5): 163–167. 13262: 13255: 13235: 13228: 13208: 13201: 13181: 13148: 13122: 13096: 13085:. 1 April 2017 13070: 13044: 13018: 12993: 12963: 12948: 12929: 12903: 12889: 12867: 12846:(4): 333–350. 12826: 12801: 12776: 12765:on 26 May 2019 12745: 12719: 12700: 12681:(3): 370–393. 12661: 12628: 12595: 12564: 12539: 12528:Indian Express 12517: 12495: 12473: 12466: 12446: 12420: 12403: 12377: 12343: 12310: 12285: 12278: 12260: 12224: 12191: 12184: 12166: 12151: 12119: 12087: 12073: 12047: 12040: 12017: 12010: 11985: 11966:(3): 559–593. 11950: 11943: 11917: 11856: 11849: 11831: 11824: 11806: 11799: 11781: 11774: 11756: 11745:(4): 355–374. 11729: 11722: 11704: 11697: 11679: 11672: 11652: 11593: 11586: 11560: 11545: 11519: 11500:(5): 876–894. 11481: 11474: 11448: 11441: 11421: 11414: 11387: 11361: 11341: 11337:Jaffrelot 1996 11329: 11317: 11291: 11265: 11235: 11196: 11166: 11136: 11104: 11089:. Al Jazeera. 11078: 11073:Business Today 11044: 11011: 10981: 10943: 10910: 10878: 10846: 10808: 10776: 10741: 10723:Bloomberg News 10705: 10689: 10663: 10638: 10610: 10582: 10550: 10532: 10526:Deutsche Welle 10512: 10492: 10480: 10462: 10455: 10433: 10413: 10406: 10386: 10379: 10359: 10339: 10316: 10308: 10285: 10273: 10266: 10243: 10220: 10205: 10198: 10178: 10174:Augustine 2009 10166: 10151: 10136:Stanley, Jason 10128: 10112: 10075: 10071:Jaffrelot 1996 10059: 10052: 10025: 10013: 10006: 9983: 9964: 9945: 9906: 9899: 9872: 9847: 9840: 9820: 9813: 9788: 9781: 9761: 9754: 9734: 9709: 9702: 9682: 9647: 9640: 9617: 9579: 9572: 9552: 9517: 9510: 9487: 9476: 9456: 9449: 9429: 9422: 9402: 9386: 9379: 9359: 9347: 9324: 9317: 9285: 9278: 9250: 9243: 9220: 9193:(1): 161–179. 9177: 9151: 9122: 9115: 9089: 9087:, 5 March 2015 9063: 9056: 9036: 9009: 9002: 8977: 8973:Jaffrelot 1996 8965: 8958: 8938: 8931: 8908: 8891: 8884: 8861: 8835: 8827: 8804: 8797: 8764: 8718: 8712: 8692: 8664: 8658: 8634: 8627: 8602: 8575: 8554:(3): 407–441. 8535: 8528: 8502: 8492: 8466: 8454: 8435:(3/4): 69–77. 8414: 8383:(3): 215–237. 8363: 8353: 8326: 8316: 8293: 8291:, p. 324. 8278: 8255: 8248: 8221: 8214: 8194: 8177:"Hindutva, n." 8162: 8156: 8133: 8116: 8096: 8090: 8064: 8062: 8059: 8057: 8054: 8052: 8051: 8047:Richard Bessel 8038: 8028: 8019: 8006: 8004:self-identity. 7996: 7982: 7967: 7945: 7928: 7918: 7908: 7906: 7903: 7902: 7901: 7898:Saffronisation 7895: 7889: 7883: 7872: 7869: 7856:Main article: 7853: 7850: 7808: 7805: 7738: 7735: 7668: 7667:Upper casteism 7665: 7584: 7583: 7581: 7580: 7573: 7566: 7558: 7555: 7554: 7553: 7552: 7537: 7536: 7533: 7532: 7527: 7522: 7520:Social fascism 7517: 7512: 7507: 7502: 7497: 7492: 7487: 7482: 7480:Feudal fascism 7477: 7472: 7467: 7462: 7457: 7452: 7446: 7444:Related topics 7443: 7442: 7439: 7438: 7435: 7434: 7433: 7432: 7427: 7417: 7416: 7415: 7405: 7404: 7403: 7393: 7387: 7384: 7383: 7380: 7379: 7376: 7375: 7370: 7369: 7368: 7363: 7358: 7348: 7347: 7346: 7341: 7336: 7329:Third Position 7326: 7321: 7316: 7311: 7310: 7309: 7299: 7298: 7297: 7292: 7291: 7290: 7277: 7272: 7267: 7266: 7265: 7255: 7254: 7253: 7248: 7243: 7242: 7241: 7231: 7226: 7221: 7211: 7206: 7201: 7200: 7199: 7194: 7184: 7183: 7182: 7181: 7180: 7170: 7162: 7161: 7160: 7150: 7149: 7148: 7138: 7133: 7128: 7123: 7118: 7113: 7112: 7111: 7106: 7105: 7104: 7103: 7102: 7097: 7091:Neo-PĂ©tainism 7084: 7074: 7069: 7064: 7059: 7054: 7049: 7048: 7047: 7037: 7032: 7027: 7022: 7017: 7012: 7011: 7010: 7005: 6997: 6991: 6988: 6987: 6984: 6983: 6978: 6977: 6972: 6967: 6962: 6957: 6951: 6946: 6941: 6932: 6927: 6922: 6916: 6915: 6914: 6911: 6910: 6907: 6906: 6903: 6902: 6897: 6892: 6891: 6890: 6885: 6880: 6875: 6865: 6860: 6855: 6850: 6845: 6840: 6839: 6838: 6833: 6823: 6818: 6817: 6816: 6806: 6801: 6796: 6791: 6786: 6781: 6776: 6771: 6766: 6761: 6755: 6752: 6751: 6748: 6747: 6744: 6743: 6738: 6737: 6736: 6731: 6721: 6716: 6711: 6706: 6701: 6696: 6691: 6686: 6681: 6676: 6671: 6666: 6661: 6659:FE de las JONS 6656: 6651: 6646: 6641: 6636: 6635: 6634: 6624: 6619: 6614: 6613: 6612: 6602: 6597: 6596: 6595: 6590: 6585: 6580: 6575: 6565: 6564: 6563: 6558: 6547: 6544: 6543: 6540: 6539: 6536: 6535: 6525: 6515: 6505: 6495: 6485: 6475: 6465: 6455: 6444: 6441: 6440: 6437: 6436: 6433: 6432: 6427: 6422: 6417: 6412: 6407: 6402: 6397: 6392: 6387: 6382: 6377: 6372: 6367: 6362: 6360:von Liebenfels 6357: 6352: 6347: 6342: 6337: 6332: 6327: 6322: 6317: 6312: 6307: 6302: 6297: 6292: 6287: 6282: 6277: 6272: 6267: 6261: 6258: 6257: 6254: 6253: 6250: 6249: 6244: 6239: 6234: 6229: 6224: 6219: 6214: 6209: 6204: 6199: 6194: 6189: 6184: 6179: 6174: 6169: 6164: 6159: 6154: 6149: 6144: 6139: 6134: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6109: 6104: 6099: 6094: 6089: 6084: 6079: 6074: 6069: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6048: 6045: 6044: 6041: 6040: 6037: 6036: 6031: 6026: 6021: 6016: 6010: 6007: 6006: 6003: 6002: 5999: 5998: 5993: 5991:Third Position 5988: 5983: 5978: 5973: 5968: 5963: 5958: 5953: 5948: 5943: 5938: 5933: 5928: 5923: 5918: 5917: 5916: 5911: 5906: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5881: 5874: 5869: 5868: 5867: 5862: 5852: 5850:Indoctrination 5847: 5842: 5837: 5835:Heroic realism 5832: 5827: 5822: 5817: 5812: 5807: 5802: 5797: 5792: 5787: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5760:Anti-communism 5757: 5752: 5746: 5743: 5742: 5739: 5738: 5730: 5729: 5723: 5722: 5711: 5708: 5706: 5703: 5698:Assam Assembly 5649: 5646: 5630:Abhinav Bharat 5618:Main article: 5615: 5612: 5578: 5577: 5571: 5565: 5559: 5523:. In general, 5506: 5503: 5449: 5446: 5414:Main article: 5411: 5408: 5407: 5406: 5403: 5400: 5397: 5394: 5388: 5385: 5382: 5378: 5372: 5364: 5361: 5329:Shah Bano case 5289: 5286: 5249:Madhya Pradesh 5232: 5229: 5179: 5176: 5151: 5148: 5129: 5126: 5113:Brij Lal Varma 5073:Nathuram Godse 5064: 5061: 4950: 4947: 4859: 4836: 4835: 4833: 4832: 4825: 4818: 4810: 4807: 4806: 4800: 4799: 4794: 4793: 4792: 4782: 4777: 4772: 4771: 4770: 4765: 4760: 4750: 4745: 4740: 4735: 4730: 4725: 4724: 4723: 4721:Reverse racism 4713: 4708: 4703: 4698: 4693: 4691:Prisoner abuse 4688: 4683: 4681:Power distance 4678: 4673: 4668: 4663: 4658: 4653: 4648: 4647: 4646: 4636: 4631: 4626: 4621: 4616: 4611: 4606: 4601: 4599:Ethnic penalty 4596: 4595: 4594: 4592:Neurodiversity 4589: 4579: 4577:Dehumanization 4574: 4569: 4567:Cisnormativity 4564: 4559: 4554: 4548: 4547: 4546: 4545: 4543:Related topics 4542: 4541: 4538: 4537: 4531: 4530: 4525: 4520: 4515: 4510: 4505: 4500: 4495: 4490: 4485: 4480: 4475: 4470: 4465: 4460: 4459: 4458: 4448: 4443: 4438: 4433: 4428: 4423: 4417: 4416: 4415: 4414: 4411: 4410: 4407: 4406: 4400: 4399: 4394: 4389: 4387:State religion 4384: 4379: 4374: 4369: 4368: 4367: 4362: 4357: 4352: 4342: 4337: 4332: 4327: 4326: 4325: 4323:Nuremberg Laws 4320: 4310: 4305: 4300: 4292: 4287: 4282: 4277: 4272: 4267: 4265:Ghetto benches 4262: 4260:Gerrymandering 4257: 4252: 4247: 4245:Gender pay gap 4242: 4241: 4240: 4235: 4225: 4220: 4215: 4210: 4204: 4203: 4202: 4201: 4198: 4197: 4194: 4193: 4187: 4186: 4181: 4176: 4171: 4166: 4161: 4156: 4151: 4146: 4141: 4136: 4131: 4126: 4121: 4116: 4111: 4106: 4101: 4096: 4091: 4086: 4081: 4076: 4071: 4070: 4069: 4064: 4059: 4049: 4044: 4039: 4034: 4029: 4024: 4022:Lavender scare 4019: 4017:Kill Haole Day 4014: 4012:Indian rolling 4009: 4004: 3999: 3994: 3989: 3988: 3987: 3977: 3972: 3971: 3970: 3960: 3955: 3950: 3945: 3940: 3935: 3930: 3925: 3920: 3915: 3910: 3905: 3900: 3898:Eliminationism 3895: 3890: 3885: 3880: 3875: 3870: 3865: 3860: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3833:Cancel culture 3830: 3825: 3820: 3819: 3818: 3807: 3806: 3805: 3804: 3802:Manifestations 3801: 3800: 3797: 3796: 3790: 3789: 3784: 3779: 3774: 3769: 3764: 3759: 3754: 3749: 3744: 3739: 3734: 3729: 3724: 3719: 3714: 3709: 3704: 3699: 3694: 3689: 3684: 3682:Middle Eastern 3679: 3674: 3669: 3664: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3648: 3647: 3637: 3632: 3627: 3622: 3621: 3620: 3615: 3610: 3602: 3597: 3592: 3587: 3582: 3577: 3572: 3567: 3562: 3557: 3552: 3547: 3542: 3537: 3532: 3527: 3522: 3517: 3516: 3515: 3510: 3505: 3495: 3490: 3485: 3484: 3483: 3478: 3473: 3463: 3458: 3453: 3448: 3443: 3438: 3432: 3431: 3430: 3429: 3423: 3422: 3419: 3418: 3412: 3411: 3409:Zoroastrianism 3406: 3401: 3396: 3391: 3386: 3385: 3384: 3374: 3373: 3372: 3371: 3370: 3365: 3360: 3355: 3350: 3335: 3334: 3333: 3331:Untouchability 3328: 3318: 3313: 3312: 3311: 3306: 3301: 3296: 3291: 3281: 3276: 3271: 3266: 3260: 3259: 3258: 3257: 3252: 3251: 3248: 3247: 3241: 3240: 3235: 3230: 3229: 3228: 3223: 3218: 3208: 3207: 3206: 3201: 3191: 3186: 3181: 3176: 3171: 3166: 3161: 3156: 3151: 3146: 3144:Leprosy stigma 3141: 3136: 3131: 3126: 3121: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3091: 3086: 3081: 3076: 3071: 3066: 3061: 3056: 3051: 3046: 3041: 3036: 3031: 3026: 3021: 3016: 3010: 3009: 3008: 3007: 3004: 3003: 3000: 2999: 2993: 2992: 2987: 2982: 2977: 2972: 2967: 2962: 2961: 2960: 2955: 2945: 2940: 2935: 2930: 2925: 2920: 2915: 2910: 2905: 2900: 2895: 2889: 2888: 2887: 2886: 2883: 2882: 2879: 2878: 2872: 2871: 2866: 2861: 2856: 2850: 2849: 2848: 2847: 2844: 2843: 2840: 2839: 2831: 2830: 2828:Discrimination 2824: 2823: 2812: 2809: 2807: 2804: 2790:Ram Jethmalani 2779:wrote for the 2777:Gajendragadkar 2768: 2765: 2702: 2667: 2664: 2525: 2522: 2520: 2517: 2396: 2395: 2393: 2392: 2385: 2378: 2370: 2367: 2366: 2365: 2364: 2352: 2337: 2336: 2333: 2332: 2327: 2322: 2321: 2320: 2315: 2310: 2305: 2295: 2290: 2289: 2288: 2286:Patriarchalism 2278: 2273: 2268: 2263: 2258: 2257: 2256: 2246: 2241: 2236: 2231: 2230: 2229: 2219: 2214: 2209: 2208: 2207: 2200:Anti-communism 2196: 2194:Related topics 2193: 2192: 2189: 2188: 2185: 2184: 2182:Ordoliberalism 2179: 2174: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2153: 2150: 2149: 2146: 2145: 2142: 2141: 2136: 2134:United Kingdom 2131: 2126: 2121: 2116: 2111: 2106: 2101: 2096: 2091: 2086: 2081: 2076: 2071: 2066: 2061: 2056: 2051: 2046: 2041: 2036: 2031: 2026: 2021: 2016: 2011: 2006: 2001: 1996: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1971: 1966: 1965: 1964: 1959: 1949: 1944: 1939: 1934: 1929: 1924: 1919: 1914: 1908: 1905: 1904: 1901: 1900: 1897: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1870: 1869: 1859: 1854: 1849: 1844: 1839: 1832: 1825: 1818: 1813: 1808: 1803: 1798: 1793: 1788: 1783: 1777: 1774: 1773: 1770: 1769: 1766: 1765: 1760: 1759: 1758: 1756:Ultramontanism 1753: 1743: 1738: 1737: 1736: 1726: 1721: 1716: 1711: 1706: 1700: 1697: 1696: 1693: 1692: 1689: 1688: 1683: 1678: 1673: 1668: 1663: 1658: 1653: 1648: 1643: 1638: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1578: 1573: 1568: 1563: 1558: 1553: 1548: 1543: 1538: 1533: 1528: 1523: 1518: 1513: 1508: 1503: 1498: 1493: 1488: 1483: 1478: 1472: 1469: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1461: 1460: 1455: 1450: 1445: 1440: 1435: 1430: 1425: 1420: 1415: 1410: 1405: 1400: 1395: 1390: 1385: 1380: 1375: 1370: 1365: 1360: 1355: 1350: 1345: 1340: 1335: 1330: 1325: 1320: 1315: 1310: 1305: 1300: 1295: 1290: 1285: 1280: 1275: 1270: 1265: 1260: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1230: 1225: 1220: 1214: 1211: 1210: 1207: 1206: 1203: 1202: 1197: 1192: 1187: 1185:State religion 1182: 1177: 1172: 1167: 1162: 1157: 1152: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1126: 1121: 1120: 1119: 1114: 1104: 1099: 1094: 1089: 1084: 1083: 1082: 1072: 1067: 1062: 1057: 1052: 1047: 1042: 1041: 1040: 1030: 1028:Fundamentalism 1025: 1020: 1015: 1010: 1005: 1004: 1003: 994: 989: 979: 974: 969: 968: 967: 957: 952: 947: 942: 937: 936: 935: 925: 919: 916: 915: 912: 911: 908: 907: 902: 900:Traditionalist 897: 892: 887: 882: 877: 872: 867: 862: 857: 852: 847: 842: 837: 832: 827: 822: 816: 813: 812: 809: 808: 800: 799: 793: 792: 780: 779: 777: 776: 769: 762: 754: 751: 750: 749: 748: 733: 732: 729: 728: 723: 718: 717: 716: 714:in Catholicism 706: 701: 696: 691: 686: 674: 669: 664: 659: 654: 649: 644: 639: 634: 629: 624: 619: 614: 609: 604: 599: 594: 589: 584: 579: 574: 569: 564: 562:Civil religion 559: 554: 549: 544: 539: 533: 530: 529: 526: 525: 519: 516: 515: 512: 511: 508: 507: 502: 497: 492: 487: 482: 481: 480: 475: 474: 473: 468: 463: 453: 448: 438: 433: 432: 431: 426: 421: 420: 419: 409: 408: 407: 402: 387: 386: 385: 380: 375: 370: 369: 368: 358: 353: 343: 338: 333: 328: 323: 313: 308: 303: 298: 293: 288: 287: 286: 284:Ethnopluralism 276: 271: 266: 261: 256: 251: 246: 245: 244: 239: 234: 224: 223: 222: 212: 207: 202: 197: 191: 186: 185: 182: 181: 178: 177: 172: 167: 162: 157: 151: 148: 147: 144: 143: 140: 139: 134: 129: 124: 119: 114: 109: 104: 99: 94: 89: 84: 79: 74: 69: 64: 58: 52: 51: 48: 47: 41: 40: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 22752: 22741: 22738: 22736: 22735:Sangh Parivar 22733: 22731: 22728: 22726: 22723: 22721: 22718: 22716: 22713: 22711: 22708: 22706: 22703: 22701: 22698: 22696: 22693: 22691: 22688: 22686: 22683: 22681: 22678: 22676: 22673: 22672: 22670: 22660: 22655: 22650: 22648: 22638: 22637: 22634: 22616: 22613: 22611: 22608: 22605: 22599: 22596: 22590: 22587: 22586: 22585: 22582: 22580: 22577: 22576: 22575: 22572: 22570: 22569:Right realism 22567: 22563: 22560: 22559: 22558: 22555: 22551: 22550:United States 22548: 22546: 22543: 22542: 22541: 22540:Radical right 22538: 22536: 22533: 22531: 22528: 22526: 22523: 22521: 22518: 22516: 22513: 22511: 22508: 22506: 22503: 22501: 22498: 22496: 22493: 22489: 22488:United States 22486: 22485: 22484: 22481: 22479: 22476: 22474: 22471: 22469: 22466: 22464: 22461: 22460: 22451: 22448: 22446: 22443: 22441: 22438: 22436: 22433: 22431: 22428: 22427: 22425: 22421: 22418: 22414: 22408: 22405: 22403: 22402:Holy Alliance 22400: 22398: 22395: 22393: 22390: 22388: 22385: 22383: 22380: 22378: 22375: 22373: 22370: 22368: 22367: 22366:Ancien rĂ©gime 22363: 22362: 22360: 22354: 22348: 22345: 22341: 22338: 22336: 22333: 22332: 22331: 22328: 22326: 22323: 22319: 22316: 22315: 22314: 22311: 22309: 22306: 22304: 22301: 22297: 22294: 22293: 22292: 22289: 22287: 22284: 22283: 22281: 22279: 22275: 22265: 22262: 22260: 22257: 22255: 22252: 22250: 22247: 22245: 22242: 22240: 22237: 22235: 22232: 22230: 22227: 22225: 22222: 22220: 22217: 22215: 22212: 22210: 22207: 22205: 22202: 22200: 22197: 22195: 22192: 22190: 22187: 22185: 22182: 22180: 22177: 22175: 22174:PĂ©rez JimĂ©nez 22172: 22170: 22167: 22165: 22162: 22160: 22157: 22155: 22152: 22150: 22147: 22145: 22142: 22140: 22137: 22135: 22132: 22130: 22127: 22125: 22122: 22120: 22117: 22115: 22112: 22110: 22107: 22105: 22102: 22100: 22097: 22095: 22092: 22090: 22087: 22085: 22082: 22080: 22077: 22075: 22072: 22070: 22067: 22065: 22062: 22060: 22057: 22055: 22052: 22050: 22047: 22045: 22042: 22040: 22037: 22035: 22032: 22030: 22027: 22025: 22022: 22020: 22017: 22015: 22012: 22010: 22007: 22005: 22002: 22000: 21997: 21995: 21992: 21990: 21987: 21985: 21982: 21980: 21977: 21975: 21972: 21971: 21969: 21965: 21959: 21956: 21954: 21951: 21949: 21946: 21944: 21941: 21939: 21936: 21934: 21931: 21929: 21926: 21925: 21923: 21921: 21920:Organisations 21917: 21914: 21910: 21900: 21897: 21895: 21892: 21890: 21887: 21885: 21882: 21880: 21877: 21875: 21872: 21870: 21867: 21865: 21862: 21860: 21857: 21855: 21852: 21850: 21847: 21845: 21842: 21840: 21837: 21835: 21832: 21830: 21827: 21825: 21822: 21820: 21817: 21815: 21812: 21810: 21807: 21805: 21802: 21800: 21797: 21795: 21792: 21790: 21787: 21785: 21782: 21780: 21777: 21775: 21772: 21770: 21767: 21765: 21762: 21760: 21757: 21755: 21752: 21750: 21747: 21745: 21742: 21740: 21737: 21735: 21732: 21730: 21727: 21725: 21722: 21720: 21717: 21715: 21712: 21710: 21707: 21705: 21702: 21700: 21697: 21695: 21692: 21690: 21687: 21685: 21682: 21680: 21677: 21675: 21672: 21670: 21667: 21665: 21662: 21660: 21657: 21655: 21652: 21650: 21647: 21645: 21642: 21640: 21637: 21635: 21632: 21630: 21627: 21625: 21624:Chateaubriand 21622: 21620: 21617: 21615: 21612: 21610: 21607: 21605: 21602: 21600: 21597: 21595: 21592: 21590: 21587: 21585: 21582: 21581: 21579: 21577:Intellectuals 21575: 21569: 21566: 21564: 21561: 21559: 21556: 21554: 21551: 21549: 21546: 21544: 21541: 21539: 21536: 21534: 21531: 21529: 21526: 21524: 21521: 21519: 21516: 21514: 21511: 21509: 21506: 21504: 21501: 21499: 21496: 21494: 21491: 21489: 21486: 21482: 21479: 21477: 21474: 21472: 21469: 21468: 21467: 21464: 21462: 21459: 21455: 21452: 21451: 21450: 21447: 21445: 21442: 21440: 21437: 21435: 21432: 21428: 21425: 21424: 21423: 21420: 21418: 21415: 21413: 21412:Family values 21410: 21408: 21405: 21403: 21402:Ethical order 21400: 21395: 21394: 21389: 21387: 21384: 21382: 21379: 21378: 21377: 21374: 21372: 21369: 21367: 21364: 21360: 21357: 21356: 21355: 21352: 21350: 21347: 21345: 21342: 21340: 21337: 21335: 21332: 21328: 21325: 21324: 21323: 21320: 21318: 21315: 21314: 21312: 21308: 21305: 21301: 21291: 21288: 21284: 21281: 21279: 21276: 21275: 21274: 21271: 21270: 21268: 21266: 21262: 21252: 21249: 21247: 21244: 21242: 21239: 21237: 21234: 21232: 21229: 21227: 21224: 21222: 21219: 21217: 21214: 21210: 21207: 21205: 21202: 21200: 21197: 21196: 21195: 21192: 21190: 21189:Compassionate 21187: 21186: 21184: 21182: 21176: 21168: 21165: 21163: 21160: 21158: 21155: 21154: 21153: 21150: 21148: 21145: 21143: 21140: 21136: 21133: 21132: 21131: 21128: 21127: 21125: 21123: 21119: 21116: 21114: 21113:North America 21110: 21098: 21097: 21093: 21092: 21090: 21086: 21083: 21082: 21080: 21076: 21075: 21070: 21068: 21065: 21064: 21063: 21060: 21058: 21055: 21053: 21050: 21048: 21045: 21043: 21040: 21036: 21033: 21031: 21030: 21026: 21025: 21024: 21021: 21019: 21016: 21015: 21013: 21009: 21003: 21000: 20998: 20997: 20993: 20992: 20990: 20988: 20984: 20978: 20975: 20971: 20968: 20967: 20966: 20963: 20961: 20960: 20956: 20954: 20951: 20949: 20946: 20944: 20941: 20940: 20938: 20936: 20932: 20926: 20923: 20921: 20920: 20916: 20914: 20911: 20909: 20908: 20904: 20902: 20899: 20898: 20896: 20892: 20889: 20887: 20886:Latin America 20883: 20873: 20870: 20868: 20865: 20863: 20860: 20856: 20853: 20852: 20851: 20848: 20844: 20841: 20840: 20838: 20834: 20831: 20830: 20828: 20826: 20823: 20821: 20818: 20816: 20813: 20811: 20808: 20806: 20803: 20799: 20796: 20794: 20791: 20790: 20789: 20786: 20782: 20779: 20778: 20776: 20774: 20771: 20769: 20766: 20762: 20759: 20758: 20757: 20754: 20752: 20749: 20748: 20746: 20742: 20734: 20731: 20729: 20726: 20724: 20721: 20720: 20719: 20716: 20714: 20711: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20703:One-nationism 20701: 20699: 20696: 20692: 20689: 20688: 20687: 20686:Compassionate 20684: 20682: 20679: 20677: 20674: 20673: 20671: 20669: 20663: 20657: 20656: 20652: 20650: 20647: 20645: 20642: 20640: 20639: 20635: 20633: 20630: 20626: 20623: 20622: 20621: 20618: 20614: 20611: 20609: 20608: 20607:Carloctavismo 20604: 20603: 20602: 20599: 20597: 20594: 20593: 20591: 20589: 20585: 20577: 20576: 20572: 20571: 20570: 20567: 20565: 20562: 20558: 20555: 20553: 20550: 20549: 20548: 20545: 20543: 20540: 20538: 20535: 20534: 20532: 20530: 20526: 20520: 20517: 20515: 20512: 20510: 20509: 20505: 20503: 20500: 20499: 20497: 20495: 20491: 20484: 20483: 20478: 20476: 20473: 20471: 20468: 20466: 20463: 20462: 20460: 20458: 20454: 20447: 20446: 20441: 20439: 20436: 20434: 20431: 20429: 20428:Ritter School 20426: 20422: 20419: 20418: 20417: 20416:Revolutionary 20414: 20410: 20407: 20405: 20402: 20401: 20400: 20397: 20395: 20392: 20389: 20388: 20383: 20381: 20378: 20376: 20373: 20371: 20368: 20367: 20365: 20363: 20359: 20353: 20350: 20348: 20345: 20342: 20341: 20336: 20334: 20331: 20328: 20327: 20322: 20319: 20318: 20313: 20311: 20308: 20306: 20303: 20301: 20298: 20296: 20293: 20290: 20289: 20284: 20283: 20281: 20279: 20275: 20272: 20270: 20266: 20254: 20251: 20250: 20249: 20246: 20244: 20241: 20237: 20234: 20233: 20232: 20229: 20227: 20224: 20222: 20219: 20217: 20214: 20212: 20209: 20208: 20206: 20202: 20196: 20193: 20191: 20188: 20186: 20183: 20182: 20180: 20178: 20174: 20168: 20165: 20163: 20160: 20159: 20157: 20155: 20151: 20145: 20142: 20140: 20139:Shƍwa Statism 20137: 20135: 20134: 20130: 20128: 20125: 20123: 20122: 20118: 20117: 20115: 20113: 20109: 20101: 20098: 20096: 20093: 20091: 20088: 20087: 20086: 20083: 20081: 20078: 20076: 20073: 20071: 20068: 20067: 20065: 20063: 20059: 20053: 20050: 20048: 20045: 20043: 20040: 20039: 20037: 20035: 20031: 20025: 20022: 20018: 20015: 20013: 20010: 20009: 20008: 20005: 20003: 20000: 19999: 19997: 19995: 19991: 19988: 19986: 19982: 19976: 19973: 19971: 19968: 19966: 19963: 19961: 19958: 19956: 19953: 19951: 19948: 19946: 19943: 19941: 19938: 19936: 19935:Paternalistic 19933: 19931: 19928: 19926: 19923: 19921: 19918: 19916: 19913: 19911: 19908: 19906: 19903: 19901: 19898: 19896: 19895:Authoritarian 19893: 19892: 19890: 19888:International 19886: 19883: 19877: 19873: 19866: 19861: 19859: 19854: 19852: 19847: 19846: 19843: 19831: 19828: 19826: 19823: 19821: 19818: 19816: 19813: 19811: 19808: 19806: 19803: 19801: 19800:Progressivism 19798: 19796: 19793: 19791: 19788: 19786: 19783: 19781: 19778: 19776: 19773: 19771: 19768: 19766: 19763: 19761: 19760:Individualism 19758: 19756: 19753: 19751: 19748: 19746: 19743: 19741: 19738: 19734: 19731: 19729: 19726: 19724: 19721: 19720: 19719: 19716: 19714: 19711: 19709: 19706: 19702: 19699: 19698: 19697: 19694: 19693: 19691: 19687: 19681: 19678: 19676: 19673: 19671: 19668: 19666: 19663: 19659: 19656: 19654: 19651: 19650: 19649: 19648:Republicanism 19646: 19644: 19641: 19637: 19634: 19633: 19632: 19629: 19627: 19624: 19622: 19619: 19617: 19614: 19612: 19609: 19607: 19604: 19602: 19599: 19597: 19594: 19592: 19589: 19587: 19584: 19580: 19577: 19575: 19572: 19571: 19570: 19567: 19565: 19562: 19560: 19557: 19553: 19552:Social credit 19550: 19549: 19548: 19545: 19543: 19540: 19538: 19535: 19533: 19530: 19528: 19525: 19523: 19520: 19518: 19515: 19513: 19510: 19508: 19505: 19503: 19500: 19498: 19495: 19493: 19490: 19488: 19485: 19484: 19481: 19475: 19474:Revolutionary 19472: 19470: 19467: 19465: 19462: 19458: 19455: 19453: 19450: 19448: 19445: 19443: 19440: 19438: 19435: 19433: 19430: 19428: 19425: 19424: 19423: 19420: 19418: 19415: 19413: 19410: 19406: 19403: 19402: 19401: 19398: 19397: 19394: 19390: 19383: 19378: 19376: 19371: 19369: 19364: 19363: 19360: 19344: 19341: 19339: 19336: 19332: 19329: 19328: 19327: 19324: 19322: 19319: 19317: 19314: 19312: 19309: 19304: 19300: 19299: 19298: 19297:Imperial cult 19295: 19293: 19290: 19288: 19285: 19284: 19281: 19274: 19270: 19260: 19257: 19255: 19252: 19250: 19247: 19245: 19242: 19237: 19233: 19230: 19226: 19223: 19219: 19218: 19217: 19214: 19212: 19209: 19207: 19204: 19202: 19199: 19197: 19194: 19193: 19190: 19183: 19179: 19169: 19166: 19164: 19161: 19159: 19156: 19154: 19151: 19149: 19146: 19144: 19141: 19139: 19136: 19134: 19131: 19129: 19126: 19121: 19117: 19114: 19113:Panun Kashmir 19110: 19107: 19106:Hindu Rashtra 19103: 19100: 19096: 19095: 19094: 19091: 19089: 19086: 19084: 19081: 19079: 19076: 19074: 19071: 19069: 19068:Akhand Bharat 19066: 19065: 19062: 19058: 19053: 19049: 19039: 19036: 19032: 19029: 19028: 19027: 19024: 19022: 19019: 19014: 19010: 19009: 19008: 19005: 19003: 19000: 18998: 18995: 18993: 18990: 18988: 18985: 18983: 18980: 18978: 18975: 18973: 18970: 18965: 18961: 18958: 18954: 18953: 18951: 18949: 18946: 18944: 18941: 18936: 18932: 18931: 18930: 18927: 18925: 18922: 18920: 18917: 18916: 18913: 18909: 18904: 18900: 18890: 18887: 18882: 18878: 18877: 18876: 18873: 18871: 18868: 18866: 18863: 18861: 18858: 18856: 18853: 18848: 18844: 18843: 18842: 18839: 18837: 18834: 18832: 18831:Islamic state 18829: 18827: 18824: 18822: 18819: 18817: 18814: 18809: 18808:In South Asia 18805: 18802: 18798: 18795: 18791: 18790: 18789: 18786: 18784: 18781: 18779: 18776: 18774: 18771: 18769: 18766: 18764: 18761: 18759: 18756: 18754: 18751: 18749: 18746: 18744: 18741: 18740: 18737: 18733: 18728: 18724: 18711: 18707: 18706: 18705: 18702: 18700: 18699:Theodemocracy 18697: 18695: 18692: 18690: 18687: 18685: 18682: 18677: 18673: 18672: 18671: 18668: 18666: 18663: 18661: 18660:Pillarisation 18658: 18656: 18653: 18649: 18648:Phoenicianism 18646: 18645: 18644: 18641: 18639: 18636: 18634: 18631: 18629: 18626: 18624: 18621: 18619: 18616: 18614: 18611: 18609: 18606: 18601: 18597: 18596: 18595: 18592: 18590: 18587: 18585: 18582: 18580: 18577: 18572: 18568: 18567: 18566: 18563: 18561: 18558: 18556: 18553: 18548: 18544: 18543: 18542: 18539: 18537: 18536:Christian law 18534: 18532: 18529: 18524: 18520: 18519: 18518: 18515: 18510: 18506: 18503: 18499: 18496: 18492: 18489: 18485: 18484: 18483: 18480: 18475: 18471: 18470: 18469: 18466: 18464: 18461: 18459: 18456: 18454: 18451: 18449: 18446: 18444: 18441: 18436: 18432: 18431: 18430: 18427: 18425: 18422: 18420: 18417: 18415: 18412: 18411: 18408: 18404: 18399: 18395: 18385: 18382: 18380: 18377: 18375: 18372: 18370: 18369:State atheism 18367: 18365: 18362: 18357: 18353: 18350: 18346: 18345: 18344: 18341: 18339: 18336: 18334: 18331: 18329: 18328:Secular state 18326: 18324: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18314: 18311: 18309: 18306: 18304: 18301: 18299: 18296: 18294: 18291: 18289: 18286: 18281: 18277: 18276: 18275: 18272: 18270: 18267: 18265: 18264:Religious law 18262: 18260: 18257: 18255: 18252: 18250: 18247: 18245: 18242: 18240: 18237: 18235: 18232: 18230: 18227: 18225: 18222: 18220: 18217: 18215: 18212: 18207: 18203: 18200: 18196: 18195: 18194: 18191: 18189: 18186: 18184: 18181: 18179: 18176: 18174: 18171: 18166: 18162: 18161: 18160: 18157: 18155: 18152: 18150: 18149:Caesaropapism 18147: 18142: 18138: 18137: 18136: 18133: 18132: 18129: 18122: 18118: 18114: 18107: 18102: 18100: 18095: 18093: 18088: 18087: 18084: 18072: 18071:Urdu movement 18069: 18067: 18064: 18062: 18059: 18057: 18054: 18052: 18049: 18047: 18044: 18042: 18039: 18037: 18034: 18032: 18029: 18027: 18024: 18023: 18021: 18017: 18011: 18008: 18006: 18003: 18001: 17998: 17996: 17993: 17992: 17990: 17988:Organisations 17986: 17976: 17973: 17972: 17970: 17966: 17959: 17955: 17952: 17950: 17947: 17944: 17940: 17937: 17936: 17934: 17930: 17924: 17921: 17918: 17914: 17911: 17909: 17906: 17904: 17901: 17899: 17896: 17894: 17891: 17889: 17886: 17884: 17881: 17879: 17876: 17874: 17871: 17869: 17866: 17863: 17859: 17856: 17853: 17849: 17846: 17844: 17841: 17839: 17836: 17835: 17833: 17829: 17826: 17822: 17818:in South Asia 17817: 17810: 17805: 17803: 17798: 17796: 17791: 17790: 17787: 17775: 17772: 17770: 17767: 17765: 17764:Particularism 17762: 17760: 17757: 17755: 17752: 17750: 17747: 17746: 17744: 17740: 17734: 17731: 17729: 17728:Phonocentrism 17726: 17724: 17721: 17719: 17716: 17714: 17711: 17709: 17706: 17704: 17701: 17699: 17696: 17694: 17691: 17689: 17686: 17684: 17681: 17677: 17674: 17673: 17672: 17671:Ethnocentrism 17669: 17667: 17664: 17662: 17659: 17657: 17656:Androcentrism 17654: 17652: 17649: 17647: 17644: 17643: 17641: 17637: 17630: 17629: 17624: 17622: 17619: 17617: 17614: 17612: 17611:Chosen people 17609: 17608: 17606: 17602: 17596: 17593: 17590: 17587: 17585: 17582: 17580: 17577: 17575: 17572: 17570: 17567: 17565: 17562: 17561: 17559: 17555: 17549: 17546: 17544: 17541: 17538: 17535: 17533: 17530: 17528:(Philippines) 17527: 17524: 17522: 17519: 17516: 17512: 17509: 17506: 17502: 17498: 17495: 17491: 17490: 17485: 17482: 17479: 17476: 17473: 17472: 17470: 17466: 17462: 17455: 17450: 17448: 17443: 17441: 17436: 17435: 17432: 17420: 17417: 17415: 17412: 17410: 17407: 17405: 17402: 17400: 17397: 17395: 17392: 17391: 17389: 17385: 17379: 17376: 17374: 17371: 17369: 17366: 17364: 17361: 17359: 17356: 17354: 17351: 17349: 17346: 17344: 17341: 17340: 17338: 17336: 17332: 17324: 17321: 17320: 17319: 17316: 17314: 17311: 17309: 17306: 17304: 17301: 17299: 17296: 17295: 17293: 17291: 17287: 17280: 17277: 17274: 17272: 17269: 17267: 17264: 17262: 17261:Pankaja Munde 17259: 17257: 17254: 17251: 17249: 17248:Sunil Deodhar 17246: 17243: 17241: 17238: 17236: 17233: 17231: 17228: 17227: 17225: 17219: 17212: 17209: 17206: 17204: 17201: 17199: 17196: 17194: 17191: 17188: 17185: 17183: 17180: 17178: 17175: 17174: 17172: 17166: 17159: 17157: 17154: 17152: 17149: 17146: 17144: 17141: 17139: 17136: 17134: 17131: 17129: 17126: 17123: 17120: 17117: 17114: 17112: 17109: 17107:Gaurav Bhatia 17106: 17104: 17101: 17099: 17096: 17094: 17091: 17089: 17086: 17084: 17081: 17079: 17076: 17074: 17073:Sanjay Mayukh 17071: 17069: 17066: 17065: 17063: 17057: 17051: 17048: 17046: 17043: 17041: 17038: 17036: 17033: 17031: 17030:Jagdish Devda 17028: 17026: 17023: 17021: 17018: 17016: 17013: 17011: 17008: 17006: 17003: 17001: 16998: 16996: 16993: 16991: 16988: 16986: 16983: 16981: 16978: 16977: 16975: 16973: 16967: 16961: 16958: 16956: 16953: 16951: 16948: 16946: 16943: 16941: 16938: 16936: 16933: 16931: 16928: 16926: 16923: 16921: 16918: 16916: 16915:Pramod Sawant 16913: 16911: 16908: 16906: 16903: 16901: 16898: 16897: 16895: 16893: 16889: 16883: 16880: 16878: 16875: 16873: 16870: 16868: 16867:Suresh Prabhu 16865: 16863: 16860: 16858: 16855: 16853: 16850: 16848: 16847:Kalraj Mishra 16845: 16843: 16842:Vajubhai Vala 16840: 16838: 16835: 16833: 16830: 16828: 16825: 16823: 16820: 16818: 16815: 16813: 16810: 16808: 16805: 16803: 16800: 16798: 16795: 16793: 16790: 16788: 16785: 16783: 16780: 16778: 16775: 16773: 16770: 16768: 16765: 16763: 16760: 16758: 16755: 16753: 16750: 16748: 16745: 16743: 16740: 16738: 16735: 16733: 16730: 16728: 16725: 16723: 16720: 16718: 16715: 16713: 16712:Sushma Swaraj 16710: 16708: 16705: 16703: 16700: 16698: 16695: 16693: 16690: 16688: 16685: 16683: 16680: 16678: 16675: 16673: 16670: 16668: 16665: 16663: 16660: 16658: 16655: 16653: 16650: 16648: 16645: 16643: 16640: 16638: 16635: 16633: 16630: 16628: 16625: 16623: 16620: 16619: 16617: 16613: 16606: 16603: 16602: 16600: 16598: 16594: 16587: 16586:Narendra Modi 16584: 16581: 16578: 16577: 16575: 16573: 16569: 16563: 16561: 16558: 16555: 16553: 16550: 16548: 16547:Bharti Shiyal 16545: 16543: 16542:Annpurna Devi 16540: 16538: 16535: 16533: 16530: 16528: 16525: 16523: 16520: 16518: 16515: 16513: 16510: 16509: 16507: 16503: 16496: 16493: 16490: 16487: 16484: 16483:Rajnath Singh 16481: 16478: 16477:Nitin Gadkari 16475: 16472: 16471:Rajnath Singh 16469: 16466: 16463: 16460: 16457: 16454: 16451: 16448: 16445: 16442: 16439: 16436: 16433: 16430: 16427: 16426: 16424: 16422: 16418: 16414: 16407: 16402: 16400: 16395: 16393: 16388: 16387: 16384: 16370: 16367: 16365: 16362: 16360: 16357: 16355: 16351: 16348: 16347: 16346: 16343: 16339: 16336: 16334: 16331: 16329: 16326: 16324: 16321: 16320: 16319: 16316: 16312: 16309: 16307: 16304: 16302: 16299: 16297: 16294: 16292: 16291:Indianisation 16289: 16287: 16286:Akhand Bharat 16284: 16283: 16282: 16281:Greater India 16279: 16275: 16272: 16270: 16267: 16265: 16262: 16261: 16260: 16257: 16256: 16254: 16250: 16240: 16237: 16235: 16234:Sita Ram Goel 16232: 16230: 16227: 16225: 16222: 16220: 16217: 16215: 16214:N. S. Rajaram 16212: 16210: 16207: 16205: 16202: 16200: 16197: 16195: 16192: 16190: 16189:Balraj Madhok 16187: 16186: 16184: 16180: 16172: 16169: 16167: 16164: 16162: 16159: 16157: 16154: 16152: 16151:Michel Danino 16149: 16147: 16146:Koenraad Elst 16144: 16142: 16139: 16137: 16134: 16132: 16131:D. P. Agrawal 16129: 16127: 16126:David Frawley 16124: 16122: 16119: 16118: 16117: 16114: 16113: 16111: 16107: 16104: 16100: 16090: 16087: 16085: 16082: 16080: 16077: 16075: 16072: 16071: 16069: 16065: 16059: 16056: 16054: 16051: 16049: 16046: 16044: 16041: 16039: 16036: 16034: 16031: 16029: 16026: 16024: 16023:Eknath Ranade 16021: 16019: 16016: 16014: 16013:Bal Thackeray 16011: 16009: 16006: 16004: 16003:Ashok Singhal 16001: 16000: 15998: 15994: 15988: 15985: 15983: 15980: 15979: 15977: 15973: 15966: 15963: 15960: 15957: 15954: 15953:Narendra Modi 15951: 15948: 15945: 15942: 15939: 15938: 15936: 15934:Head of state 15932: 15929: 15925: 15914: 15911: 15908: 15905: 15902: 15899: 15896: 15893: 15890: 15887: 15884: 15881: 15880: 15878: 15874: 15867: 15866:Mohan Bhagwat 15864: 15863: 15861: 15857: 15854: 15852: 15848: 15838: 15835: 15833: 15830: 15828: 15825: 15824: 15822: 15818: 15812: 15809: 15807: 15804: 15802: 15799: 15798: 15796: 15792: 15786: 15783: 15781: 15780:Hindu Munnani 15778: 15777: 15775: 15771: 15765: 15762: 15760: 15757: 15756: 15754: 15750: 15744: 15741: 15739: 15736: 15733: 15731: 15728: 15725: 15722: 15721: 15719: 15715: 15709: 15706: 15704: 15701: 15699: 15696: 15694: 15691: 15689: 15686: 15684: 15681: 15679: 15676: 15672: 15669: 15668: 15667: 15666:Vidya Bharati 15664: 15663: 15661: 15657: 15651: 15648: 15646: 15643: 15641: 15638: 15636: 15633: 15631: 15628: 15626: 15622: 15621: 15619: 15615: 15609: 15606: 15604: 15601: 15599: 15596: 15594: 15591: 15589: 15586: 15582: 15579: 15577: 15574: 15573: 15572: 15569: 15568: 15566: 15562: 15555: 15552: 15549: 15546: 15543: 15540: 15539: 15537: 15533: 15527: 15524: 15523: 15521: 15517: 15514: 15512:Organisations 15510: 15506: 15499: 15494: 15492: 15487: 15485: 15480: 15479: 15476: 15470: 15463: 15456: 15453: 15451: 15447: 15444: 15442: 15441: 15436: 15433: 15432: 15422: 15418: 15415: 15414: 15409: 15406: 15402: 15398: 15394: 15391: 15388: 15384: 15381: 15380: 15375: 15372: 15369: 15365: 15362: 15360: 15356: 15354: 15350: 15349:81-85990-69-7 15346: 15342: 15341: 15336: 15333: 15332: 15328: 15327: 15323: 15319: 15315: 15311: 15309: 15308:0-631-20862-3 15305: 15301: 15297: 15294: 15293:0-670-04990-5 15290: 15286: 15282: 15279: 15275: 15271: 15267: 15263: 15261:9780670090303 15257: 15253: 15252: 15246: 15242: 15240:9780761933380 15236: 15232: 15227: 15225: 15221: 15217: 15213: 15210: 15207: 15203: 15199: 15195: 15192: 15189: 15185: 15182: 15179: 15175: 15172: 15169: 15168:1-85973-348-4 15165: 15161: 15157: 15156:Bhatt, Chetan 15154: 15152: 15148: 15144: 15140: 15137: 15136: 15132: 15131: 15126: 15122: 15121: 15116: 15111: 15108: 15104: 15100: 15096: 15093: 15092:0-226-50885-4 15089: 15085: 15081: 15078: 15074: 15070: 15069: 15064: 15059: 15056: 15055:0-312-21338-7 15052: 15048: 15047:0-312-21134-1 15044: 15040: 15036: 15033: 15032: 15028: 15027: 15015: 15011: 15007: 15002: 14991: 14987: 14983: 14979: 14975: 14971: 14967: 14963: 14959: 14955: 14951: 14947: 14943: 14939: 14935: 14931: 14925: 14921: 14916: 14912: 14908: 14904: 14902:9780861321827 14898: 14894: 14893:Veer Savarkar 14889: 14885: 14879: 14875: 14870: 14866: 14860: 14856: 14852: 14848: 14845: 14841: 14837: 14832: 14828: 14822: 14818: 14814: 14810: 14806: 14800: 14796: 14792: 14788: 14784: 14778: 14774: 14773: 14767: 14763: 14757: 14753: 14749: 14745: 14741: 14737: 14733: 14729: 14725: 14721: 14715: 14711: 14706: 14702: 14698: 14694: 14693: 14673: 14669: 14662: 14647: 14643: 14639: 14635: 14628: 14626: 14617: 14613: 14607: 14599: 14595: 14589: 14581: 14577: 14571: 14555: 14551: 14545: 14537: 14533: 14526: 14511: 14507: 14500: 14492: 14488: 14482: 14474: 14468: 14461:. The Nation. 14460: 14453: 14438: 14434: 14428: 14413: 14409: 14405: 14401: 14395: 14380: 14376: 14372: 14368: 14361: 14346: 14342: 14335: 14333: 14317: 14313: 14306: 14298: 14292: 14288: 14287: 14279: 14277: 14268: 14264: 14260: 14256: 14249: 14247: 14245: 14236: 14230: 14226: 14225: 14217: 14215: 14206: 14200: 14196: 14195: 14187: 14179: 14175: 14168: 14154: 14150: 14143: 14135: 14131: 14126: 14121: 14117: 14113: 14106: 14090: 14086: 14082: 14075: 14067: 14063: 14056: 14048: 14044: 14037: 14029: 14025: 14021: 14017: 14013: 14009: 14005: 14001: 13997: 13990: 13982: 13978: 13972: 13964: 13960: 13955: 13950: 13946: 13942: 13938: 13934: 13927: 13919: 13915: 13909: 13907: 13898: 13894: 13888: 13880: 13878:1-4008-2305-6 13874: 13870: 13869: 13861: 13853: 13849: 13845: 13841: 13834: 13832: 13823: 13819: 13815: 13811: 13804: 13796: 13790: 13786: 13785: 13780: 13773: 13765: 13759: 13755: 13754: 13746: 13738: 13732: 13728: 13727: 13719: 13717: 13715: 13713: 13704: 13700: 13696: 13695: 13687: 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Noorani 8333: 8331: 8323: 8319: 8313: 8309: 8308: 8300: 8298: 8290: 8285: 8283: 8274: 8273: 8268: 8262: 8260: 8251: 8245: 8241: 8237: 8236: 8228: 8226: 8217: 8211: 8207: 8206: 8198: 8183: 8178: 8171: 8169: 8167: 8159: 8153: 8149: 8148: 8140: 8138: 8130: 8119: 8113: 8109: 8108: 8100: 8093: 8087: 8083: 8082: 8074: 8072: 8070: 8065: 8048: 8042: 8032: 8023: 8016: 8010: 8000: 7993: 7992:Sangh Parivar 7986: 7978: 7971: 7963: 7959: 7955: 7954:Julius Lipner 7952:According to 7949: 7942: 7938: 7935:According to 7932: 7922: 7913: 7909: 7899: 7896: 7893: 7890: 7887: 7884: 7878: 7875: 7874: 7868: 7865: 7859: 7849: 7847: 7843: 7837: 7835: 7831: 7827: 7826:Wendy Doniger 7823: 7822:Romila Thapar 7819: 7815: 7804: 7801: 7797: 7793: 7791: 7786: 7781: 7778: 7774: 7773:Anthony Parel 7771:According to 7769: 7767: 7763: 7758: 7756: 7752: 7748: 7744: 7734: 7730: 7728: 7727:Kancha Ilaiah 7722: 7719: 7715: 7711: 7707: 7703: 7698: 7696: 7695: 7690: 7686: 7682: 7678: 7675:launched the 7674: 7664: 7662: 7661:civil society 7656: 7654: 7651:According to 7649: 7645: 7643: 7639: 7634: 7632: 7628: 7623: 7618: 7616: 7611: 7607: 7606: 7601: 7597: 7591: 7579: 7574: 7572: 7567: 7565: 7560: 7559: 7557: 7556: 7551: 7546: 7541: 7540: 7539: 7538: 7531: 7528: 7526: 7523: 7521: 7518: 7516: 7513: 7511: 7510:Proto-fascism 7508: 7506: 7503: 7501: 7498: 7496: 7493: 7491: 7488: 7486: 7483: 7481: 7478: 7476: 7473: 7471: 7468: 7466: 7463: 7461: 7458: 7456: 7453: 7451: 7448: 7447: 7441: 7440: 7431: 7428: 7426: 7423: 7422: 7421: 7420:South America 7418: 7414: 7411: 7410: 7409: 7408:North America 7406: 7402: 7399: 7398: 7397: 7394: 7392: 7389: 7388: 7382: 7381: 7374: 7371: 7367: 7364: 7362: 7359: 7357: 7354: 7353: 7352: 7349: 7345: 7342: 7340: 7337: 7335: 7332: 7331: 7330: 7327: 7325: 7322: 7320: 7317: 7315: 7312: 7308: 7305: 7304: 7303: 7300: 7296: 7293: 7289: 7286: 7285: 7284: 7281: 7280: 7278: 7276: 7273: 7271: 7268: 7264: 7261: 7260: 7259: 7256: 7252: 7249: 7247: 7244: 7240: 7237: 7236: 7235: 7232: 7230: 7227: 7225: 7222: 7220: 7217: 7216: 7215: 7212: 7210: 7207: 7205: 7202: 7198: 7195: 7193: 7190: 7189: 7188: 7185: 7179: 7176: 7175: 7174: 7171: 7169: 7166: 7165: 7163: 7159: 7156: 7155: 7154: 7151: 7147: 7144: 7143: 7142: 7139: 7137: 7134: 7132: 7129: 7127: 7124: 7122: 7119: 7117: 7114: 7110: 7107: 7101: 7098: 7096: 7093: 7092: 7090: 7089: 7088: 7085: 7083: 7080: 7079: 7078: 7075: 7073: 7070: 7068: 7065: 7063: 7060: 7058: 7055: 7053: 7050: 7046: 7043: 7042: 7041: 7038: 7036: 7033: 7031: 7028: 7026: 7023: 7021: 7018: 7016: 7013: 7009: 7006: 7004: 7001: 7000: 6998: 6996: 6993: 6992: 6986: 6985: 6976: 6973: 6971: 6968: 6966: 6963: 6961: 6958: 6955: 6952: 6950: 6947: 6945: 6942: 6940: 6936: 6933: 6931: 6928: 6926: 6923: 6921: 6920:Anti-fascists 6918: 6917: 6909: 6908: 6901: 6898: 6896: 6893: 6889: 6886: 6884: 6881: 6879: 6876: 6874: 6873:The Holocaust 6871: 6870: 6869: 6866: 6864: 6863:Peasant March 6861: 6859: 6858:Pact of Steel 6856: 6854: 6851: 6849: 6848:Kristallnacht 6846: 6844: 6841: 6837: 6834: 6832: 6829: 6828: 6827: 6824: 6822: 6819: 6815: 6812: 6811: 6810: 6807: 6805: 6802: 6800: 6797: 6795: 6792: 6790: 6787: 6785: 6782: 6780: 6777: 6775: 6772: 6770: 6767: 6765: 6762: 6760: 6759:March on Rome 6757: 6756: 6750: 6749: 6742: 6739: 6735: 6732: 6730: 6727: 6726: 6725: 6722: 6720: 6717: 6715: 6712: 6710: 6707: 6705: 6702: 6700: 6697: 6695: 6692: 6690: 6687: 6685: 6682: 6680: 6677: 6675: 6672: 6670: 6667: 6665: 6662: 6660: 6657: 6655: 6652: 6650: 6647: 6645: 6642: 6640: 6637: 6633: 6630: 6629: 6628: 6625: 6623: 6620: 6618: 6615: 6611: 6608: 6607: 6606: 6603: 6601: 6598: 6594: 6591: 6589: 6586: 6584: 6581: 6579: 6576: 6574: 6571: 6570: 6569: 6566: 6562: 6559: 6557: 6554: 6553: 6552: 6549: 6548: 6545:Organizations 6542: 6541: 6531: 6530: 6526: 6521: 6520: 6516: 6511: 6510: 6506: 6500: 6496: 6491: 6490: 6486: 6481: 6480: 6476: 6471: 6470: 6466: 6461: 6460: 6456: 6450: 6446: 6445: 6439: 6438: 6431: 6428: 6426: 6423: 6421: 6418: 6416: 6413: 6411: 6408: 6406: 6403: 6401: 6398: 6396: 6393: 6391: 6388: 6386: 6383: 6381: 6378: 6376: 6373: 6371: 6368: 6366: 6363: 6361: 6358: 6356: 6353: 6351: 6348: 6346: 6343: 6341: 6338: 6336: 6333: 6331: 6328: 6326: 6323: 6321: 6318: 6316: 6313: 6311: 6308: 6306: 6303: 6301: 6298: 6296: 6293: 6291: 6288: 6286: 6283: 6281: 6278: 6276: 6273: 6271: 6268: 6266: 6263: 6262: 6259:Intellectuals 6256: 6255: 6248: 6245: 6243: 6240: 6238: 6235: 6233: 6230: 6228: 6225: 6223: 6220: 6218: 6215: 6213: 6210: 6208: 6205: 6203: 6200: 6198: 6195: 6193: 6190: 6188: 6185: 6183: 6180: 6178: 6175: 6173: 6170: 6168: 6165: 6163: 6160: 6158: 6155: 6153: 6150: 6148: 6145: 6143: 6140: 6138: 6135: 6133: 6130: 6128: 6125: 6123: 6120: 6118: 6115: 6113: 6110: 6108: 6105: 6103: 6100: 6098: 6095: 6093: 6090: 6088: 6085: 6083: 6080: 6078: 6075: 6073: 6070: 6068: 6065: 6063: 6060: 6058: 6055: 6053: 6050: 6049: 6043: 6042: 6035: 6032: 6030: 6027: 6025: 6022: 6020: 6017: 6015: 6012: 6011: 6005: 6004: 5997: 5994: 5992: 5989: 5987: 5984: 5982: 5979: 5977: 5974: 5972: 5969: 5967: 5964: 5962: 5959: 5957: 5954: 5952: 5949: 5947: 5944: 5942: 5939: 5937: 5934: 5932: 5931:Perpetual war 5929: 5927: 5924: 5922: 5919: 5915: 5912: 5910: 5907: 5905: 5902: 5901: 5900: 5897: 5895: 5892: 5890: 5887: 5885: 5882: 5880: 5879: 5875: 5873: 5872:Irrationalism 5870: 5866: 5863: 5861: 5858: 5857: 5856: 5853: 5851: 5848: 5846: 5843: 5841: 5838: 5836: 5833: 5831: 5828: 5826: 5823: 5821: 5818: 5816: 5815:Direct action 5813: 5811: 5808: 5806: 5803: 5801: 5798: 5796: 5793: 5791: 5788: 5786: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5776: 5775:Anti-pacifism 5773: 5771: 5768: 5766: 5763: 5761: 5758: 5756: 5753: 5751: 5748: 5747: 5741: 5740: 5736: 5732: 5731: 5728: 5725: 5724: 5720: 5716: 5715: 5702: 5699: 5695: 5691: 5686: 5684: 5679: 5677: 5673: 5669: 5660: 5655: 5645: 5643: 5639: 5635: 5631: 5627: 5621: 5611: 5609: 5607: 5603: 5599: 5595: 5591: 5587: 5583: 5575: 5572: 5569: 5566: 5563: 5560: 5557: 5554: 5553: 5552: 5550: 5544: 5542: 5538: 5534: 5530: 5526: 5525:Hindutvavadis 5522: 5521:Sangh Parivar 5516: 5512: 5511:Sangh Parivar 5505:Organisations 5502: 5500: 5496: 5492: 5488: 5483: 5481: 5475: 5473: 5469: 5465: 5461: 5455: 5445: 5443: 5439: 5435: 5431: 5427: 5423: 5417: 5404: 5401: 5398: 5395: 5392: 5389: 5386: 5383: 5379: 5376: 5373: 5370: 5369: 5368: 5360: 5357: 5351: 5349: 5348:Mohan Bhagwat 5345: 5340: 5338: 5334: 5330: 5326: 5322: 5318: 5312: 5310: 5305: 5299: 5295: 5285: 5283: 5279: 5275: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5254: 5250: 5246: 5245:Uttar Pradesh 5237: 5228: 5225: 5221: 5217: 5216:Hanuman Garhi 5213: 5209: 5205: 5204:Narendra Modi 5201: 5197: 5193: 5189: 5185: 5175: 5173: 5169: 5165: 5161: 5157: 5147: 5145: 5141: 5135: 5125: 5122: 5121:Morarji Desai 5118: 5114: 5110: 5105: 5100: 5098: 5093: 5092:Indira Gandhi 5089: 5085: 5080: 5078: 5074: 5070: 5060: 5058: 5054: 5049: 5045: 5041: 5040:Hindu Rashtra 5037: 5033: 5028: 5026: 5021: 5017: 5013: 5009: 5008:Jason Stanley 5005: 5001: 5000: 4994: 4992: 4988: 4984: 4980: 4979:Hindu Rashtra 4976: 4972: 4968: 4964: 4960: 4956: 4946: 4944: 4939: 4935: 4931: 4927: 4926:primordialism 4921: 4919: 4915: 4911: 4910:Muqtedar Khan 4906: 4902: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4889:Mughal Empire 4884: 4881: 4877: 4876:Arvind Sharma 4874:According to 4872: 4870: 4858: 4853: 4851: 4847: 4843: 4831: 4826: 4824: 4819: 4817: 4812: 4811: 4809: 4808: 4798: 4795: 4791: 4788: 4787: 4786: 4783: 4781: 4778: 4776: 4775:Social stigma 4773: 4769: 4766: 4764: 4761: 4759: 4756: 4755: 4754: 4751: 4749: 4746: 4744: 4741: 4739: 4736: 4734: 4731: 4729: 4726: 4722: 4719: 4718: 4717: 4714: 4712: 4709: 4707: 4704: 4702: 4699: 4697: 4694: 4692: 4689: 4687: 4684: 4682: 4679: 4677: 4674: 4672: 4669: 4667: 4664: 4662: 4659: 4657: 4654: 4652: 4649: 4645: 4642: 4641: 4640: 4637: 4635: 4632: 4630: 4627: 4625: 4622: 4620: 4617: 4615: 4612: 4610: 4607: 4605: 4602: 4600: 4597: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4584: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4568: 4565: 4563: 4560: 4558: 4555: 4553: 4550: 4549: 4540: 4539: 4529: 4526: 4524: 4521: 4519: 4516: 4514: 4511: 4509: 4506: 4504: 4501: 4499: 4496: 4494: 4491: 4489: 4486: 4484: 4481: 4479: 4476: 4474: 4471: 4469: 4466: 4464: 4461: 4457: 4454: 4453: 4452: 4449: 4447: 4444: 4442: 4439: 4437: 4434: 4432: 4429: 4427: 4424: 4422: 4419: 4418: 4409: 4408: 4398: 4395: 4393: 4390: 4388: 4385: 4383: 4382:State atheism 4380: 4378: 4375: 4373: 4370: 4366: 4363: 4361: 4358: 4356: 4353: 4351: 4348: 4347: 4346: 4343: 4341: 4338: 4336: 4333: 4331: 4328: 4324: 4321: 4319: 4318:Jim Crow laws 4316: 4315: 4314: 4311: 4309: 4306: 4304: 4303:One-drop rule 4301: 4299: 4297: 4293: 4291: 4288: 4286: 4283: 4281: 4278: 4276: 4273: 4271: 4268: 4266: 4263: 4261: 4258: 4256: 4253: 4251: 4248: 4246: 4243: 4239: 4236: 4234: 4231: 4230: 4229: 4226: 4224: 4221: 4219: 4218:Blood quantum 4216: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4205: 4196: 4195: 4185: 4182: 4180: 4177: 4175: 4172: 4170: 4167: 4165: 4162: 4160: 4159:Victimisation 4157: 4155: 4154:Trans bashing 4152: 4150: 4147: 4145: 4142: 4140: 4137: 4135: 4132: 4130: 4127: 4125: 4124:Religious war 4122: 4120: 4117: 4115: 4112: 4110: 4107: 4105: 4104:Racialization 4102: 4100: 4097: 4095: 4092: 4090: 4087: 4085: 4082: 4080: 4077: 4075: 4072: 4068: 4065: 4063: 4060: 4058: 4055: 4054: 4053: 4050: 4048: 4045: 4043: 4040: 4038: 4035: 4033: 4030: 4028: 4025: 4023: 4020: 4018: 4015: 4013: 4010: 4008: 4005: 4003: 4000: 3998: 3995: 3993: 3990: 3986: 3983: 3982: 3981: 3978: 3976: 3975:Glass ceiling 3973: 3969: 3966: 3965: 3964: 3961: 3959: 3956: 3954: 3951: 3949: 3946: 3944: 3941: 3939: 3936: 3934: 3931: 3929: 3926: 3924: 3921: 3919: 3918:Ethnic hatred 3916: 3914: 3911: 3909: 3906: 3904: 3901: 3899: 3896: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3886: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3876: 3874: 3871: 3869: 3866: 3864: 3861: 3859: 3856: 3854: 3853:Counter-jihad 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3829: 3826: 3824: 3821: 3817: 3814: 3813: 3812: 3809: 3808: 3799: 3798: 3788: 3785: 3783: 3780: 3778: 3775: 3773: 3770: 3768: 3765: 3763: 3760: 3758: 3755: 3753: 3750: 3748: 3745: 3743: 3740: 3738: 3735: 3733: 3730: 3728: 3725: 3723: 3720: 3718: 3715: 3713: 3710: 3708: 3705: 3703: 3700: 3698: 3695: 3693: 3690: 3688: 3685: 3683: 3680: 3678: 3675: 3673: 3670: 3668: 3665: 3663: 3660: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3646: 3643: 3642: 3641: 3638: 3636: 3633: 3631: 3628: 3626: 3623: 3619: 3618:United States 3616: 3614: 3611: 3609: 3606: 3605: 3603: 3601: 3598: 3596: 3593: 3591: 3588: 3586: 3583: 3581: 3578: 3576: 3573: 3571: 3568: 3566: 3563: 3561: 3558: 3556: 3553: 3551: 3548: 3546: 3543: 3541: 3538: 3536: 3533: 3531: 3528: 3526: 3523: 3521: 3518: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3506: 3504: 3501: 3500: 3499: 3496: 3494: 3491: 3489: 3486: 3482: 3481:United States 3479: 3477: 3474: 3472: 3469: 3468: 3467: 3464: 3462: 3459: 3457: 3454: 3452: 3449: 3447: 3444: 3442: 3439: 3437: 3434: 3433: 3427: 3421: 3420: 3410: 3407: 3405: 3402: 3400: 3397: 3395: 3394:Protestantism 3392: 3390: 3387: 3383: 3380: 3379: 3378: 3375: 3369: 3366: 3364: 3361: 3359: 3356: 3354: 3351: 3349: 3346: 3345: 3344: 3341: 3340: 3339: 3336: 3332: 3329: 3327: 3324: 3323: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3314: 3310: 3307: 3305: 3304:LDS or Mormon 3302: 3300: 3297: 3295: 3292: 3290: 3287: 3286: 3285: 3282: 3280: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3270: 3267: 3265: 3262: 3261: 3255: 3250: 3249: 3239: 3236: 3234: 3231: 3227: 3224: 3222: 3221:Transmisogyny 3219: 3217: 3214: 3213: 3212: 3209: 3205: 3202: 3200: 3197: 3196: 3195: 3192: 3190: 3187: 3185: 3182: 3180: 3177: 3175: 3172: 3170: 3167: 3165: 3162: 3160: 3157: 3155: 3152: 3150: 3147: 3145: 3142: 3140: 3137: 3135: 3132: 3130: 3127: 3125: 3124:Gerontophobia 3122: 3120: 3117: 3115: 3112: 3110: 3107: 3105: 3102: 3100: 3097: 3095: 3092: 3090: 3087: 3085: 3082: 3080: 3077: 3075: 3072: 3070: 3067: 3065: 3062: 3060: 3057: 3055: 3054:Anti-intersex 3052: 3050: 3047: 3045: 3042: 3040: 3037: 3035: 3032: 3030: 3029:Anti-albinism 3027: 3025: 3022: 3020: 3017: 3015: 3012: 3011: 3002: 3001: 2991: 2988: 2986: 2983: 2981: 2978: 2976: 2973: 2971: 2968: 2966: 2963: 2959: 2956: 2954: 2951: 2950: 2949: 2946: 2944: 2941: 2939: 2936: 2934: 2931: 2929: 2926: 2924: 2921: 2919: 2916: 2914: 2911: 2909: 2906: 2904: 2901: 2899: 2896: 2894: 2891: 2890: 2881: 2880: 2870: 2867: 2865: 2862: 2860: 2857: 2855: 2854:Institutional 2852: 2851: 2842: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2832: 2829: 2826: 2825: 2821: 2817: 2816: 2803: 2800: 2799:Abdul Noorani 2795: 2791: 2785: 2782: 2778: 2774: 2764: 2762: 2758: 2757:Lloyd Fallers 2754: 2750: 2746: 2742: 2737: 2735: 2730: 2728: 2724: 2720: 2717:According to 2715: 2708: 2701: 2697: 2695: 2691: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2674: 2663: 2661: 2657: 2653: 2649: 2642: 2641: 2637:According to 2635: 2633: 2629: 2625: 2621: 2617: 2612: 2610: 2606: 2602: 2595: 2588: 2585:According to 2583: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2549: 2545: 2541: 2537: 2533: 2532: 2516: 2514: 2510: 2506: 2502: 2498: 2494: 2490: 2485: 2483: 2482:Sangh Parivar 2479: 2475: 2471: 2467: 2463: 2459: 2438: 2402: 2391: 2386: 2384: 2379: 2377: 2372: 2371: 2369: 2368: 2363: 2358: 2353: 2351: 2341: 2340: 2339: 2338: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2323: 2319: 2316: 2314: 2311: 2309: 2306: 2304: 2301: 2300: 2299: 2296: 2294: 2293:Right realism 2291: 2287: 2284: 2283: 2282: 2279: 2277: 2274: 2272: 2269: 2267: 2264: 2262: 2259: 2255: 2252: 2251: 2250: 2247: 2245: 2242: 2240: 2237: 2235: 2232: 2228: 2227:United States 2225: 2224: 2223: 2220: 2218: 2215: 2213: 2210: 2206: 2203: 2202: 2201: 2198: 2197: 2191: 2190: 2183: 2180: 2178: 2175: 2173: 2170: 2168: 2165: 2163: 2160: 2158: 2155: 2154: 2148: 2147: 2140: 2139:United States 2137: 2135: 2132: 2130: 2127: 2125: 2122: 2120: 2117: 2115: 2112: 2110: 2107: 2105: 2102: 2100: 2097: 2095: 2092: 2090: 2087: 2085: 2082: 2080: 2077: 2075: 2072: 2070: 2067: 2065: 2062: 2060: 2057: 2055: 2052: 2050: 2047: 2045: 2042: 2040: 2037: 2035: 2032: 2030: 2027: 2025: 2022: 2020: 2017: 2015: 2012: 2010: 2007: 2005: 2002: 2000: 1997: 1995: 1992: 1990: 1987: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1977: 1975: 1972: 1970: 1967: 1963: 1960: 1958: 1955: 1954: 1953: 1950: 1948: 1945: 1943: 1940: 1938: 1935: 1933: 1930: 1928: 1925: 1923: 1920: 1918: 1915: 1913: 1910: 1909: 1903: 1902: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1868: 1865: 1864: 1863: 1860: 1858: 1855: 1853: 1850: 1848: 1845: 1843: 1840: 1838: 1837: 1833: 1831: 1830: 1826: 1824: 1823: 1819: 1817: 1814: 1812: 1809: 1807: 1804: 1802: 1799: 1797: 1794: 1792: 1789: 1787: 1784: 1782: 1779: 1778: 1772: 1771: 1764: 1761: 1757: 1754: 1752: 1749: 1748: 1747: 1744: 1742: 1739: 1735: 1732: 1731: 1730: 1727: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1715: 1712: 1710: 1707: 1705: 1702: 1701: 1695: 1694: 1687: 1684: 1682: 1679: 1677: 1674: 1672: 1669: 1667: 1664: 1662: 1659: 1657: 1654: 1652: 1649: 1647: 1644: 1642: 1639: 1637: 1634: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1622: 1619: 1617: 1614: 1612: 1609: 1607: 1604: 1602: 1599: 1597: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1577: 1574: 1572: 1569: 1567: 1564: 1562: 1559: 1557: 1554: 1552: 1549: 1547: 1544: 1542: 1539: 1537: 1534: 1532: 1529: 1527: 1524: 1522: 1519: 1517: 1514: 1512: 1509: 1507: 1504: 1502: 1499: 1497: 1494: 1492: 1489: 1487: 1484: 1482: 1479: 1477: 1474: 1473: 1467: 1466: 1459: 1456: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1444: 1441: 1439: 1436: 1434: 1431: 1429: 1426: 1424: 1421: 1419: 1416: 1414: 1411: 1409: 1406: 1404: 1401: 1399: 1396: 1394: 1391: 1389: 1386: 1384: 1381: 1379: 1376: 1374: 1371: 1369: 1366: 1364: 1361: 1359: 1356: 1354: 1351: 1349: 1346: 1344: 1341: 1339: 1336: 1334: 1331: 1329: 1326: 1324: 1321: 1319: 1316: 1314: 1311: 1309: 1306: 1304: 1301: 1299: 1296: 1294: 1291: 1289: 1286: 1284: 1281: 1279: 1276: 1274: 1271: 1269: 1266: 1264: 1261: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1249: 1248:Chateaubriand 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1224: 1221: 1219: 1216: 1215: 1212:Intellectuals 1209: 1208: 1201: 1198: 1196: 1193: 1191: 1188: 1186: 1183: 1181: 1178: 1176: 1173: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1151: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1130: 1127: 1125: 1122: 1118: 1115: 1113: 1110: 1109: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1100: 1098: 1095: 1093: 1090: 1088: 1085: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1076: 1073: 1071: 1068: 1066: 1063: 1061: 1060:Law and order 1058: 1056: 1053: 1051: 1048: 1046: 1043: 1039: 1036: 1035: 1034: 1031: 1029: 1026: 1024: 1023:Family values 1021: 1019: 1016: 1014: 1011: 1009: 1008:Ethical order 1006: 1001: 1000: 995: 993: 990: 988: 985: 984: 983: 980: 978: 975: 973: 970: 966: 963: 962: 961: 958: 956: 953: 951: 948: 946: 943: 941: 938: 934: 931: 930: 929: 926: 924: 921: 920: 914: 913: 906: 903: 901: 898: 896: 893: 891: 888: 886: 883: 881: 878: 876: 873: 871: 868: 866: 865:Paternalistic 863: 861: 858: 856: 853: 851: 848: 846: 843: 841: 838: 836: 833: 831: 828: 826: 823: 821: 820:Authoritarian 818: 817: 811: 810: 806: 802: 801: 798: 795: 794: 790: 786: 785: 775: 770: 768: 763: 761: 756: 755: 753: 752: 747: 742: 737: 736: 735: 734: 727: 724: 722: 719: 715: 712: 711: 710: 707: 705: 702: 700: 697: 695: 692: 690: 687: 683: 678: 675: 673: 670: 668: 665: 663: 660: 658: 655: 653: 650: 648: 645: 643: 640: 638: 635: 633: 630: 628: 625: 623: 620: 618: 615: 613: 610: 608: 605: 603: 600: 598: 595: 593: 590: 588: 587:Ethnocentrism 585: 583: 580: 578: 575: 573: 570: 568: 565: 563: 560: 558: 555: 553: 550: 548: 545: 543: 540: 538: 535: 534: 528: 527: 522: 517:Organizations 514: 513: 506: 503: 501: 498: 496: 493: 491: 490:Technological 488: 486: 483: 479: 478:Ethnocacerism 476: 472: 469: 467: 464: 462: 459: 458: 457: 454: 452: 449: 447: 444: 443: 442: 441:Revolutionary 439: 437: 434: 430: 427: 425: 422: 418: 415: 414: 413: 410: 406: 403: 401: 398: 397: 396: 393: 392: 391: 388: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 367: 364: 363: 362: 359: 357: 354: 352: 349: 348: 347: 344: 342: 339: 337: 334: 332: 329: 327: 324: 321: 317: 314: 312: 309: 307: 304: 302: 299: 297: 294: 292: 289: 285: 282: 281: 280: 277: 275: 272: 270: 267: 265: 262: 260: 257: 255: 252: 250: 247: 243: 240: 238: 235: 233: 230: 229: 228: 225: 221: 218: 217: 216: 213: 211: 208: 206: 203: 201: 198: 196: 193: 192: 189: 184: 183: 176: 173: 171: 168: 166: 163: 161: 158: 156: 153: 152: 146: 145: 138: 135: 133: 130: 128: 125: 123: 120: 118: 115: 113: 110: 108: 105: 103: 100: 98: 95: 93: 90: 88: 85: 83: 80: 78: 75: 73: 70: 68: 65: 63: 60: 59: 55: 50: 49: 46: 43: 42: 38: 34: 33: 30: 19: 22535:Para-fascism 22515:Elite theory 22473:Anti-Masonry 22364: 22307: 22303:Confucianism 22079:John Paul II 21854:Solzhenitsyn 21563:Subsidiarity 21538:Social order 21278:Centre Right 21094: 21072: 21027: 20994: 20970:Patrianovism 20957: 20919:Nacionalismo 20917: 20905: 20653: 20636: 20605: 20573: 20506: 20465:Berlusconism 20404:Cameralistic 20317:Maurrassisme 20144:State Shinto 20133:Nippon Kaigi 20131: 20119: 20007:Confucianism 19872:Conservatism 19708:Collectivism 19600: 19547:Distributism 19532:Conservatism 19527:Confucianism 19447:Centre-right 19343:State Shinto 19303:Ancient Rome 19222:969 Movement 19206:Buddhist law 19098: 18997:Jewish right 18855:Islamization 18689:Subsidiarity 18676:In Argentina 18628:Febronianism 17942: 17769:Theocentrism 17733:Xenocentrism 17713:Logocentrism 17683:Gynocentrism 17646:Allocentrism 17578: 17548:Fifth Empire 17497:Sinocentrism 17393: 17358:Janata Party 17271:Anupam Hazra 17252:Arvind Menon 17235:Vinod Sonkar 17208:Shiv Prakash 17198:Dilip Saikia 17160:K. K. Sharma 17115:Tom Vadakkan 17078:Sambit Patra 17020:Vijay Sharma 16767:Babulal Gaur 16727:Shanta Kumar 16652:Smriti Irani 16642:Kalyan Singh 16637:Piyush Goyal 16622:Arun Jaitley 16605:L. K. Advani 16532:Raghubar Das 16435:L. K. Advani 16273: 16204:K. D. Sethna 16199:Girilal Jain 16121:Arun Shourie 16116:Bibliography 16053:Suresh Joshi 15678:Seva Bharati 15581:Durga Vahini 15438: 15411: 15396: 15378: 15367: 15352: 15338: 15313: 15299: 15284: 15269: 15249: 15230: 15215: 15197: 15194:Nanda, Meera 15187: 15177: 15159: 15142: 15124: 15118: 15098: 15083: 15072: 15066: 15038: 15005: 14993:. Retrieved 14989: 14957: 14953: 14941: 14919: 14892: 14873: 14854: 14835: 14816: 14794: 14771: 14751: 14731: 14709: 14700: 14675:. Retrieved 14671: 14661: 14649:. Retrieved 14637: 14615: 14606: 14597: 14588: 14580:The Guardian 14579: 14570: 14560:11 September 14558:. Retrieved 14553: 14544: 14535: 14525: 14513:. Retrieved 14509: 14499: 14490: 14481: 14467: 14452: 14440:. Retrieved 14436: 14427: 14415:. Retrieved 14403: 14394: 14382:. Retrieved 14370: 14360: 14348:. Retrieved 14344: 14319:. Retrieved 14315: 14305: 14285: 14258: 14254: 14223: 14193: 14186: 14177: 14167: 14156:, retrieved 14152: 14142: 14115: 14105: 14093:. Retrieved 14089:the original 14084: 14074: 14065: 14055: 14046: 14036: 14003: 13999: 13989: 13981:Outlookindia 13980: 13971: 13940: 13936: 13926: 13917: 13896: 13887: 13867: 13860: 13843: 13839: 13813: 13809: 13803: 13783: 13772: 13752: 13745: 13725: 13703:the original 13698: 13693: 13686: 13678:the original 13671: 13661: 13653:the original 13648: 13638: 13630:the original 13625: 13615: 13607:the original 13602: 13592: 13572: 13565: 13540: 13536: 13526: 13483: 13479: 13469: 13457:. Retrieved 13453: 13443: 13426: 13422: 13416: 13391: 13387: 13381: 13364: 13360: 13334: 13330: 13320: 13295: 13291: 13275: 13271: 13265: 13245: 13238: 13218: 13211: 13191: 13184: 13172:. Retrieved 13160: 13151: 13139:. Retrieved 13134: 13125: 13113:. Retrieved 13108: 13099: 13087:. Retrieved 13082: 13073: 13061:. Retrieved 13057: 13047: 13035:. Retrieved 13030: 13021: 13009:. Retrieved 13005: 12996: 12984:. Retrieved 12980:the original 12975: 12966: 12951: 12942: 12932: 12920:. Retrieved 12915: 12906: 12892: 12883: 12879: 12843: 12839: 12829: 12817:. Retrieved 12813: 12804: 12792:. Retrieved 12788: 12779: 12767:. Retrieved 12763:the original 12758: 12748: 12736:. Retrieved 12732: 12722: 12713: 12703: 12678: 12674: 12664: 12647: 12641: 12631: 12614: 12608: 12598: 12584:(4): 15–20. 12581: 12577: 12567: 12557:26 September 12555:. Retrieved 12551: 12542: 12527: 12520: 12512:the original 12507: 12498: 12490:the original 12485: 12476: 12456: 12449: 12437:. Retrieved 12432: 12423: 12415: 12406: 12394:. Retrieved 12389: 12380: 12368:. Retrieved 12357:The Guardian 12356: 12346: 12334:. Retrieved 12322: 12313: 12301:. Retrieved 12297: 12288: 12269: 12263: 12251:. Retrieved 12239: 12215:. Retrieved 12203: 12194: 12175: 12169: 12160: 12154: 12142:. Retrieved 12131: 12122: 12110:. Retrieved 12099: 12090: 12076: 12064:. Retrieved 12060:the original 12050: 12030: 12000: 11963: 11959: 11953: 11926: 11920: 11885: 11881: 11872: 11859: 11840: 11834: 11815: 11809: 11790: 11784: 11765: 11759: 11742: 11738: 11732: 11713: 11707: 11688: 11682: 11662: 11655: 11613: 11609: 11596: 11569: 11563: 11528: 11522: 11497: 11493: 11457: 11451: 11431: 11424: 11404: 11373: 11364: 11356:the original 11350: 11344: 11332: 11320: 11308:. Retrieved 11303: 11294: 11282:. Retrieved 11277: 11268: 11256:. Retrieved 11247: 11238: 11226:. Retrieved 11209: 11199: 11187:. Retrieved 11178: 11169: 11157:. Retrieved 11148: 11139: 11127:. Retrieved 11116: 11107: 11095:. Retrieved 11081: 11071:– via 11065:. Retrieved 11047: 11035:. Retrieved 11024: 11014: 11002:. Retrieved 10993: 10984: 10972:. Retrieved 10955: 10946: 10934:. Retrieved 10923: 10913: 10901:. Retrieved 10890: 10881: 10869:. Retrieved 10858: 10849: 10839:19 September 10837:. Retrieved 10820: 10811: 10801:19 September 10799:. Retrieved 10788: 10779: 10767:. Retrieved 10756: 10732:. Retrieved 10721: 10697: 10692: 10680:. Retrieved 10675: 10666: 10654:. Retrieved 10650: 10641: 10629:. Retrieved 10622: 10613: 10601:. Retrieved 10594: 10585: 10573:. Retrieved 10562: 10553: 10544: 10535: 10524: 10515: 10504: 10495: 10483: 10474: 10465: 10445: 10423: 10416: 10396: 10389: 10369: 10362: 10354: 10347:garibi hatao 10346: 10329: 10298: 10276: 10256: 10188: 10181: 10169: 10160: 10154: 10139: 10131: 10126:, p. 58 10115: 10103:. Retrieved 10091: 10085:"The R.S.S." 10078: 10073:, p. 33 10062: 10042: 10016: 9996: 9977: 9973: 9967: 9958: 9948: 9923: 9919: 9909: 9889: 9863:. Retrieved 9859: 9850: 9830: 9823: 9803: 9771: 9764: 9744: 9724: 9692: 9685: 9663:(1): 26–27. 9660: 9656: 9650: 9630: 9595: 9591: 9562: 9555: 9530: 9526: 9520: 9501: 9481: 9466: 9459: 9439: 9432: 9412: 9405: 9395: 9389: 9369: 9362: 9337: 9299: 9288: 9260: 9253: 9233: 9190: 9186: 9180: 9168:. Retrieved 9164: 9154: 9146: 9139:. Retrieved 9135: 9125: 9098: 9092: 9084: 9046: 9039: 9019: 9012: 8993: 8968: 8948: 8941: 8921: 8901: 8894: 8874: 8864: 8852:. Retrieved 8848: 8838: 8817: 8787: 8742: 8738: 8702: 8695: 8683:. Retrieved 8679: 8644: 8637: 8617: 8594:, retrieved 8589: 8578: 8551: 8547: 8518: 8497: 8482: 8457: 8432: 8428: 8380: 8376: 8366: 8358: 8343: 8321: 8306: 8289:Krishna 2011 8270: 8234: 8204: 8197: 8186:, retrieved 8181: 8146: 8128: 8121:. Retrieved 8106: 8099: 8080: 8041: 8031: 8022: 8009: 7999: 7991: 7985: 7970: 7957: 7948: 7931: 7921: 7912: 7861: 7858:Hindutva pop 7852:Hindutva pop 7838: 7810: 7794: 7782: 7776: 7770: 7759: 7740: 7731: 7723: 7706:upper castes 7699: 7693: 7681:reservations 7670: 7657: 7650: 7646: 7635: 7619: 7614: 7603: 7593: 7530:Uyoku dantai 7505:Post-fascism 7500:Para-fascism 7455:Anti-fascism 7385:By continent 7158:Intransigent 7115: 7095:Jeune Nation 7003:Nacionalismo 6975:SS personnel 6965:Nazi leaders 6868:World War II 6789:Enabling Act 6704:Rexist Party 6669:Kataeb Party 6610:UstaĆĄe Youth 6578:Hitler Youth 6527: 6517: 6507: 6487: 6477: 6467: 6457: 5966:Social order 5909:Palingenetic 5876: 5810:Dictatorship 5795:Conspiracism 5687: 5680: 5665: 5623: 5610: 5579: 5545: 5524: 5518: 5499:Sanskritised 5484: 5476: 5457: 5424:for all the 5419: 5366: 5356:Rajiv Gandhi 5352: 5343: 5341: 5313: 5308: 5301: 5280:amended the 5242: 5181: 5153: 5137: 5101: 5081: 5066: 5052: 5039: 5035: 5029: 5020:B. S. Moonje 4997: 4995: 4991:Rashtriyatva 4990: 4986: 4978: 4974: 4962: 4952: 4922: 4920:with India. 4885: 4873: 4866: 4855: 4849: 4839: 4609:Gender-blind 4488:Human rights 4308:Racial quota 4295: 4275:Jewish quota 4255:Gerontocracy 4250:Gender roles 4228:Disabilities 4213:Blood purity 4179:Wife selling 4169:White flight 4149:Slut-shaming 4129:Scapegoating 4047:Murder music 3702:Palestinians 3645:Anti-Zionism 3513:South Africa 3498:Black people 3476:South Africa 3284:Christianity 3274:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 3189:Sectarianism 3129:Heterosexism 3094:Ephebiphobia 3064:Anti-Masonry 2923:Hair texture 2786: 2772: 2770: 2740: 2738: 2731: 2716: 2712: 2699: 2689: 2685: 2681: 2677: 2671: 2669: 2655: 2651: 2638: 2636: 2631: 2627: 2623: 2615: 2613: 2608: 2593: 2586: 2584: 2575: 2571: 2567: 2563: 2559: 2555: 2551: 2547: 2543: 2542:(from Hindi 2539: 2535: 2529: 2527: 2509:conservatism 2487:Inspired by 2486: 2400: 2399: 2276:Para-fascism 2205:White Terror 1834: 1829:Maurrassisme 1827: 1820: 1781:Berlusconism 1718: 1714:Confucianism 1423:Solzhenitsyn 1413:GĂłmez DĂĄvila 1195:Subsidiarity 1175:Social order 1033:Gender roles 797:Conservatism 709:Subsidiarity 537:Anationalism 416: 296:Expansionist 160:Independence 29: 22557:Reactionary 22478:Aristocracy 22450:Corporatism 22430:Agrarianism 22335:Integralism 22029:Diefenbaker 21967:Politicians 21889:Tocqueville 21604:Buckley Jr. 21558:Stewardship 21548:Sovereignty 21523:Rule of law 21471:Conventions 21461:Nationalism 21439:Imperialism 21422:Gender role 21407:Familialism 21386:Meritocracy 21381:Aristocracy 21327:Traditional 21290:New Zealand 21194:Libertarian 21002:Pinochetism 20996:Gremialismo 20953:Integralism 20943:Bolsonarism 20907:Maurrasismo 20867:Switzerland 20820:Netherlands 20713:Thatcherism 20655:Noucentisme 20569:Slavophilia 20542:Eurasianism 20433:Romanticism 20399:Prussianism 20387:Neue Rechte 20295:Bonapartism 20154:South Korea 20100:Revisionist 20052:Principlist 19955:Reactionary 19950:Progressive 19900:Corporatist 19810:Regionalism 19755:Imperialism 19718:Culturalism 19713:Colonialism 19643:Nationalism 19564:Familialism 19542:Corporatism 19512:Communalism 19492:Agrarianism 19469:Reactionary 19437:Centre-left 19311:GottglĂ€ubig 19229:Nichirenism 18982:Jewish left 18865:Petro-Islam 18801:In Pakistan 18655:Papal state 18633:Gallicanism 18618:Cisalpinism 18183:Divine rule 18159:Clericalism 17968:Territorial 17852:Bangladeshi 17816:Nationalism 17759:Supremacist 17666:Ecocentrism 17661:Biocentrism 17628:Sui generis 17526:Pinoy pride 17318:State Units 17313:BJP IT Cell 17281:Alka Gurjar 17244:Satya Kumar 17230:Vinod Tawde 17213:Tarun Chugh 17147:Guruprakash 17143:Heena Gavit 17128:R. P. Singh 17118:Sanju Verma 17098:Nalin Kohli 17068:Anil Baluni 17035:Diya Kumari 16980:Chowna Mein 16930:Mohan Yadav 16900:Pema Khandu 16862:Manoj Sinha 16742:Arjun Munda 16692:Dilip Ghosh 16607:(2002–2004) 16556:M. Chuba Ao 16552:D. K. Aruna 16537:Rekha Verma 16512:Raman Singh 16495:J. P. Nadda 16491:(2014–2020) 16449:(1998–2000) 16264:Bharat Mata 16224:Rajiv Dixit 16219:Raj Krishna 16166:Subhash Kak 15909:(1930–1931) 15903:(1940–1973) 15897:(1973–1994) 15891:(1994–2000) 15885:(2000–2009) 15576:Bajrang Dal 15556:(1948-1971) 15550:(1951-1977) 14995:20 February 14350:6 September 14095:29 December 13947:: 229–236. 13897:The Caravan 13501:10852/77740 12769:16 December 12738:17 November 12144:18 February 12112:18 February 12066:25 February 11903:2440/117274 11189:29 December 11159:29 December 11129:29 December 11097:29 December 11067:13 February 11037:13 February 10974:25 November 10936:27 November 10903:27 November 10871:25 November 10769:25 November 10734:25 November 10216:Graham 1968 9141:23 December 8870:A G Noorani 8596:17 November 8585:"Hindu, n." 8400:10852/84144 8188:17 November 7937:Gavin Flood 7785:Orientalism 7747:World War I 7718:Brahminical 7714:anti-Muslim 7679:to broaden 7673:V. P. Singh 7631:masculinity 7525:Supremacism 7515:Red fascism 7361:Revisionism 7344:Nazi-Maoism 7314:Syndicalist 7283:Legionarism 7246:Strasserism 7204:LaRoucheism 7178:Restoration 6714:Axis powers 6556:Blackshirts 6380:Nihal Atsız 6340:de Gobineau 6275:Chamberlain 6247:Van Severen 6217:Starhemberg 6137:Monshizadeh 6046:Politicians 6014:Definitions 5899:Nationalism 5884:Masculinity 5845:Imperialism 5800:Corporatism 5600:(SAD) is a 5549:Bajrang Dal 5331:as well as 5164:Article 370 4938:Romanticism 4934:Orientalism 4503:Nonviolence 4498:LGBT rights 4463:Empowerment 4431:Anti-racism 4345:Segregation 4290:No kid zone 4084:Persecution 3997:Hate speech 3948:Gay bashing 3923:Ethnic joke 3878:Dog whistle 3823:Blood libel 3493:Azerbaijani 3389:Neopaganism 3382:Persecution 3343:Persecution 3326:Persecution 3289:Catholicism 3269:Exclusivism 3211:Transphobia 3194:Supremacism 3149:Lesbophobia 3069:Aporophobia 3034:Anti-autism 2869:Taste-based 2864:Statistical 2802:politics". 2714:this land. 2646:article on 2519:Definitions 2472:(RSS), the 2177:Corporatism 2157:Agrarianism 2119:South Korea 2114:Switzerland 2064:New Zealand 2059:Netherlands 1884:Thatcherism 1852:Pinochetism 1751:Integralism 1470:Politicians 1288:Tocqueville 1253:Czartoryski 1190:Stewardship 1180:Sovereignty 1160:Rule of law 1102:Natural law 1097:Nationalism 1070:Maternalism 1055:Imperialism 1013:Familialism 992:Meritocracy 987:Aristocracy 933:Traditional 885:Reactionary 880:Progressive 850:Libertarian 825:Corporatist 680: [ 632:Irredentism 622:Imperialism 495:Territorial 461:Legionarism 149:Core values 45:Nationalism 22669:Categories 22423:Ideologies 22358:background 22356:Historical 22144:Metternich 22119:Mannerheim 21994:Berlusconi 21724:La Mennais 21654:Dostoevsky 21629:Chesterton 21543:Solidarity 21508:Patriotism 21493:Organicism 21449:Monarchism 21366:Discipline 21310:Principles 21303:Philosophy 21091:Venezuela 21067:Fujimorism 20965:Monarchist 20948:Coronelism 20855:Monarchist 20843:Monarchist 20815:Luxembourg 20781:Monarchist 20676:Cameronism 20547:Monarchist 20482:Sanfedismo 20310:Legitimism 20211:Bangladesh 20190:Erdoğanism 20185:Democratic 20047:Monarchist 20042:Khomeinism 19825:Syncretism 19815:Separatism 19775:Militarism 19745:Federalism 19631:Monarchism 19611:Liberalism 19502:Capitalism 19452:Right-wing 19153:Rama Rajya 19120:Bangabhumi 19021:Poale Zion 18977:Jewish law 18794:by country 18788:Sharia law 18338:Secularity 18333:Secularism 17824:Ideologies 17754:Chauvinism 17511:Third Rome 17177:Arun Singh 17156:Raju Bista 16955:Manik Saha 16762:Uma Bharti 16301:Indosphere 16252:Philosophy 16229:Ram Swarup 16048:S. S. Apte 16038:Ram Madhav 15806:Panchjanya 15519:Foundation 15395:(editor): 15014:B0006F4Y1A 14844:B0000CO7K5 14532:"Timeline" 14158:14 October 12439:29 October 12396:27 October 12370:27 October 12336:27 October 12303:27 October 12253:29 October 12217:29 October 11325:Katju 2013 11310:22 January 11284:22 January 11004:1 December 10682:24 January 10656:24 January 10651:Al Jazeera 10124:Goyal 1979 10105:26 October 9483:influences 9170:29 October 8056:References 7864:Indian pop 7702:Jean DrĂšze 7588:See also: 7270:Pan-Turkic 7234:Neo-Nazism 6999:Argentine 6617:Blueshirts 6600:Iron Guard 6568:Nazi Party 6561:Squadrismo 6459:Mein Kampf 6442:Literature 6295:De Benoist 6285:D'Annunzio 6280:Chesterton 6192:Rodzaevsky 6132:von MarĂ©es 6067:BöszörmĂ©ny 5986:Syncretism 5976:Statolatry 5946:Propaganda 5889:Militarism 5785:Chauvinism 5744:Principles 5638:Christians 5452:See also: 5292:See also: 5265:love jihad 5220:Ram Mandir 5188:Ram Mandir 5138:Since the 4785:Stereotype 4780:Speciesism 4661:Oppression 4656:Oikophobia 4552:Allophilia 4528:Toleration 4377:Sodomy law 4270:Internment 4184:Witch-hunt 4062:Blackhawks 3992:Hate group 3980:Hate crime 3953:Gendercide 3943:Freak show 3933:Excellence 3893:Employment 3863:Defamation 3782:Vietnamese 3777:Venezuelan 3662:Lithuanian 3316:Falun Gong 3238:Xenophobia 3233:Vegaphobia 3216:Non-binary 3174:Pedophobia 3139:Homophobia 2953:Skin color 2913:Disability 2884:Attributes 2859:Structural 2594:Hindu-ness 2558:, Persian 2451:Hindu-ness 2281:Patriarchy 2044:Luxembourg 1922:Bangladesh 1867:Khomeinism 1811:Fujimorism 1801:Erdoğanism 1791:Cameronism 1551:De Gasperi 1516:Mannerheim 1491:Metternich 1333:Jabotinsky 1323:Chesterton 1293:Dostoevsky 1144:Patriotism 1129:Organicism 1075:Monarchism 972:Discipline 917:Principles 726:Xenophobia 694:Revanchism 647:Militarism 306:Indigenism 301:Homosexual 269:Ecological 175:Solidarity 165:Patriotism 155:Allegiance 22254:de Valera 22214:Salisbury 22159:Netanyahu 22114:Macdonald 22084:KaczyƄski 22064:de Gaulle 22024:Churchill 22004:Bolsonaro 21989:Andreotti 21829:Santayana 21794:Oakeshott 21754:Mansfield 21634:Coleridge 21584:Bainville 21568:Tradition 21503:Orthodoxy 21322:Authority 21273:Australia 21236:Reaganism 21226:Old Right 21209:Tea Party 21199:Fusionism 21085:Herrerism 21047:Guatemala 20894:Argentina 20833:Miguelist 20829:Portugal 20708:Powellism 20632:Integrism 20620:Francoism 20596:Alfonsism 20519:Sarmatism 20409:Socialist 20347:Sarkozysm 20333:OrlĂ©anism 20253:Chiangism 20243:Singapore 20216:Hong Kong 20167:New Right 20095:Religious 20002:Chiangism 19960:Religious 19945:Pragmatic 19881:by region 19805:Reformism 19790:Pluralism 19750:Globalism 19740:Extremism 19675:Third Way 19670:Socialism 19653:Classical 19626:Masculism 19517:Communism 19497:Anarchism 19457:Far-right 19432:Left-wing 19083:Hindu law 19031:Religious 18847:Criticism 18435:Papal ban 18379:Theocracy 17958:Pakistani 17949:Khalistan 17932:Religious 17908:Sinhalese 17868:Dravidian 17574:Feeneyism 17557:Religious 17493:(Germany) 17489:Sonderweg 16489:Amit Shah 16485:(2013–14) 16479:(2009–13) 16473:(2006–09) 16467:(2002–04) 16461:(2001–02) 16455:(2000–01) 16443:(1991–93) 16431:(1980–86) 16209:K. S. Lal 16194:Dharampal 16161:Ram Gopal 16067:Activists 15801:Organiser 14990:Frontline 14911:221231727 14646:0362-4331 14515:28 August 14412:0190-8286 14379:0971-751X 14371:The Hindu 14316:Gothamist 14153:Frontline 14134:1960-6060 14085:Frontline 14066:Frontline 14047:Frontline 14028:250151238 14020:0011-3921 13963:2639-4928 13557:1749-8171 13518:221839031 13510:0031-322X 13408:147386523 13174:14 August 13169:0971-751X 13161:The Hindu 13141:14 August 13058:The Hindu 12862:149962714 12695:142800345 12365:0261-3077 12331:0013-0613 12248:0971-751X 12240:The Hindu 12212:0971-751X 12204:The Hindu 12101:DNA India 11980:144085595 11912:149588748 11714:Education 11640:151354081 11555:248925346 11514:144174913 11382:0971-751X 11374:The Hindu 11218:0971-751X 11210:The Hindu 10964:0971-751X 10956:The Hindu 10829:0971-751X 10821:The Hindu 10067:Keer 1988 9980:(1): 170. 9940:149288553 9865:27 August 9547:142656106 9215:158146106 9207:0275-9527 8650:Routledge 8568:143287533 8409:0031-322X 8272:Frontline 8061:Citations 7814:Ramayanas 7768:itself". 7694:Organiser 7450:Alt-right 7351:Uruguayan 7279:Romanian 7229:Hitlerism 7164:Japanese 7121:Hungarism 7109:Valoisism 7087:PĂ©tainism 7082:Doriotism 7072:Francoism 7067:Falangism 7040:Christian 7035:Chiangism 7025:Brazilian 7020:Banderism 6410:Rosenberg 6370:Marinetti 6345:Haushofer 6147:Mussolini 6034:Symbolism 6019:Economics 5820:Dirigisme 5626:extremist 5586:Shiv Sena 5491:Bollywood 5487:boycotted 5480:Hindustan 5381:religions 5257:Karnataka 5104:Emergency 5016:Mussolini 4985:and that 4967:Ratnagiri 4943:Sinn FĂ©in 4758:Christian 4686:Prejudice 4634:Masculism 4582:Diversity 4360:religious 4335:Redlining 3928:Ethnocide 3888:Education 3767:Ukrainian 3697:Pakistani 3687:Mongolian 3608:Australia 3590:Hungarian 3545:Colombian 3525:Bulgarian 3399:Rastafari 3348:Ahmadiyya 3254:Religious 3226:Trans men 3184:Pregnancy 3119:Gayphobia 3114:Fatphobia 3019:Acephobia 3014:Arophobia 2990:Viewpoint 2690:sanskriti 2632:Sanghatan 2566:and Urdu 2104:Singapore 2004:Guatemala 1957:Hong Kong 1912:Australia 1879:Sarkozysm 1874:Reaganism 1847:Powellism 1806:Francoism 1796:Chiangism 1676:Bolsonaro 1661:Netanyahu 1656:KaczyƄski 1566:De Gaulle 1541:Churchill 1506:Salisbury 1448:Mansfield 1428:Koselleck 1388:Oakeshott 1258:Coleridge 1200:Tradition 1139:Orthodoxy 1045:Historism 928:Authority 890:Religious 875:Pragmatic 607:Globalism 592:Francoism 395:Christian 390:Religious 316:Left-wing 259:Corporate 249:Communist 210:Bourgeois 200:Anarchist 22705:Hindutva 22659:Religion 22647:Hinduism 22589:European 22325:Islamism 22308:Hindutva 22278:Religion 22249:Vajpayee 22239:Trujillo 22234:Thatcher 22224:Stolypin 22179:Pinochet 22094:Khomeini 22089:Khamenei 22059:Fujimori 22044:Dollfuss 22034:Disraeli 21999:Bismarck 21984:Adenauer 21912:Politics 21899:Voegelin 21869:Spengler 21839:Schlegel 21804:Peterson 21764:MenĂ©ndez 21739:Leontiev 21709:Karamzin 21684:Hitchens 21454:Royalism 21359:Pro-Life 21251:Trumpism 21216:Movement 21135:Trumpism 21130:Populism 21081:Uruguay 21074:Odriismo 21023:Colombia 20977:Populism 20913:Menemism 20839:Romania 20798:Populist 20793:Metaxism 20777:Georgia 20638:Mellismo 20564:Putinism 20537:Duginism 20445:Völkisch 20375:Hegelian 20370:Agrarian 20300:Gaullism 20231:Pakistan 20226:Malaysia 20162:Ilminism 20080:Kahanism 19940:Populist 19930:National 19925:Moderate 19905:Cultural 19795:Populism 19785:Pacifism 19780:Nihilism 19770:Localism 19689:See also 19636:Royalism 19606:Islamism 19601:Hindutva 19586:Feminism 19442:Centrism 19427:Far-left 19417:Moderate 19412:Hardline 19099:Hindutva 19078:Gandhism 18957:Kahanism 18860:Khilafat 18841:Islamism 18384:Theonomy 18219:Humanism 18199:Thealogy 17943:Hindutva 17878:Kashmiri 17862:Bodoland 17838:Assamese 17749:Jingoism 17579:Hindutva 17483:(France) 17468:National 17394:Hindutva 17015:Arun Sao 16672:Ram Naik 16359:Buddhism 16354:Hinduism 16274:Hindutva 15435:Hindutva 15413:Hindutva 15383:Archived 15029:Articles 14853:(1996). 14815:(1979). 14750:(1997). 14740:24593952 14730:(1955). 13840:Religion 13135:Zee News 13031:BBC News 12943:BBC News 12789:The Wire 12656:40278200 12623:24479356 12590:26918077 12532:Archived 11751:43056795 11644:Archived 11610:Religion 11252:Archived 11222:Archived 11183:Archived 11153:Archived 11123:Archived 11091:Archived 11061:Archived 11031:Archived 10998:Archived 10968:Archived 10930:Archived 10897:Archived 10865:Archived 10833:Archived 10795:Archived 10763:Archived 10728:Archived 10631:23 April 10603:23 April 10575:23 April 10545:BBC News 10355:Hindutva 10138:(2018). 10096:Archived 9136:ThePrint 9077:Archived 9028:Archived 8872:(2000). 8854:30 March 8516:(2002). 8480:(2000). 8341:(2003). 7962:Sanskrit 7958:Hindutva 7871:See also 7846:Hinduism 7766:Hinduism 7642:Kahanism 7485:Futurism 7401:Bulgaria 7373:UstaĆĄism 7224:Esoteric 7219:Austrian 7209:Mystical 7192:Kahanism 7131:Ilminism 7116:Hindutva 7052:Clerical 7015:Austrian 6989:Variants 6632:Stewards 6395:Panunzio 6390:Olivetti 6365:von List 6270:BardĂšche 6265:Baeumler 6222:Strasser 6162:Quisling 6102:Degrelle 6087:Codreanu 5936:Populism 5904:Integral 5878:Machismo 5860:Economic 5825:Eugenics 5719:a series 5717:Part of 5592:and the 5537:Buddhism 5529:Hinduism 5489:several 5440:and the 5344:Hindutva 5309:Hindutva 5036:Hindutva 4987:Hindutva 4975:Hindutva 4963:Hindutva 4949:Adoption 4930:Aryanism 4903:for the 4860:—  4797:The talk 4733:Snobbery 4651:Net bias 4473:Feminism 4392:Ugly law 4233:Catholic 4199:Policies 4042:Mortgage 4037:Lynching 3968:examples 3963:Genocide 3883:Economic 3868:Democide 3828:Bullying 3732:Scottish 3727:Romanian 3692:Nigerian 3635:Japanese 3570:Georgian 3555:Filipino 3488:Assyrian 3461:Armenian 3451:American 3446:Albanian 3426:national 3404:Yazidism 3321:Hinduism 3279:Buddhism 3169:Nepotism 3164:Misogyny 3159:Misandry 3084:Clannism 3079:Biphobia 3024:Adultism 2933:Language 2820:a series 2818:Part of 2811:Ideology 2773:Hindutva 2741:Hindutva 2734:Hinduism 2703:—  2678:Hindutva 2666:Savarkar 2662:(BJP)." 2652:Hindutva 2548:hindupan 2536:hindutva 2401:Hindutva 2271:Nativism 2074:Pakistan 2049:Malaysia 1969:Colombia 1889:Trumpism 1857:Putinism 1842:Metaxism 1836:Mellismo 1816:Gaullism 1786:Bukelism 1724:Islamism 1719:Hindutva 1698:Religion 1646:Fujimori 1636:Thatcher 1631:Vajpayee 1596:Pinochet 1581:Khomeini 1571:Dollfuss 1546:Adenauer 1501:Bismarck 1496:Disraeli 1458:Peterson 1398:Lefebvre 1383:Voegelin 1353:Mannheim 1338:Savarkar 1328:Spengler 1263:Karamzin 1092:Natalism 1080:Royalism 965:Pro-Life 870:Populist 860:National 855:Moderate 830:Cultural 814:Variants 789:a series 787:Part of 721:Trumpism 662:Nativism 642:Localism 637:Jingoism 485:Romantic 436:Resource 417:Hindutva 405:Clerical 400:Catholic 361:Japanese 320:populism 311:Integral 291:European 274:Economic 232:American 215:Business 137:Treasure 112:Language 107:Identity 37:a series 35:Part of 18:Hinduist 22633:Portals 22416:Related 22264:Zemmour 22229:Suharto 22209:Salazar 22139:Metaxas 22134:Menzies 22129:Maurras 22049:Erdoğan 22039:Dmowski 22014:Canning 22009:GW Bush 21879:Strauss 21849:Scruton 21844:Schmitt 21834:Savigny 21819:Rivarol 21789:Novalis 21759:Maurras 21749:Maistre 21734:Le Play 21699:Johnson 21619:Carlyle 21614:Burnham 21589:Barruel 21476:Customs 21444:Loyalty 21376:Elitism 21265:Oceania 21152:Toryism 21062:Peruvia 21035:Uribism 21029:Rojismo 20959:Janismo 20872:Ukraine 20810:Iceland 20805:Hungary 20773:Finland 20768:Denmark 20756:Belgium 20751:Austria 20718:Toryism 20668:Kingdom 20644:Maurism 20601:Carlism 20557:Tsarism 20508:Kaczyzm 20362:Germany 20121:Minzoku 20085:Zionism 19920:Liberal 19879:Schools 19820:Statism 19680:Zionism 19621:Marxism 19569:Fascism 19464:Radical 19163:Shuddhi 19026:Zionism 19013:Bundism 18935:Haredim 18875:Taliban 18753:Imamate 18600:In Utah 17923:Tripuri 17898:Saraiki 17893:Punjabi 17888:Pashtun 17848:Bengali 17742:Related 17591:(Korea) 17539:(Korea) 17507:(China) 17221:Current 17168:Current 17059:Current 16970:Current 16369:Sikhism 16364:Jainism 16306:Mandala 16109:Present 16102:Authors 15859:Present 15448:at the 15437:at the 14974:3517629 14530:SASAC. 14442:11 July 14417:11 July 14384:11 July 14321:21 July 13822:4401457 13781:(ed.). 13459:11 July 13435:4408848 13312:3517630 13284:4399339 13089:2 April 13063:2 April 13037:2 April 13011:2 April 12986:29 June 12976:Reuters 12916:Reuters 12819:27 July 12794:27 July 12418:(2014). 10351:summary 9677:3270470 9612:3270470 8759:3270470 8449:3517631 7685:Shudras 7596:fascism 7470:F-scale 7430:Uruguay 7356:Marzism 7302:Russian 7263:Finnish 7251:Swedish 7239:Russian 7173:Statism 7153:Italian 7141:Islamic 7030:British 6937: ( 6753:History 6694:Ratniks 6573:Gestapo 6420:Spirito 6415:Schmitt 6375:Michels 6330:Gentile 6227:SzĂĄlasi 6212:Starace 6202:Salgado 6167:Pavelić 6157:O'Duffy 6092:Darnand 5921:New Man 5840:Heroism 5727:Fascism 5683:Reuters 5634:Muslims 5541:Jainism 5533:Sikhism 5391:Ayodhya 5253:Haryana 5208:Ayodhya 5196:verdict 5190:on the 5166:of the 5025:Jainism 4999:shakhas 4916:in and 4604:Figleaf 4007:Housing 3762:Turkish 3707:Pashtun 3677:Mexican 3657:Kurdish 3630:Italian 3580:Haitian 3565:Finnish 3540:Chinese 3535:Chechen 3530:Catalan 3520:Bengali 3441:African 3424:Ethnic/ 3377:Judaism 3363:Sunnism 3353:Shi'ism 3264:Atheism 3089:Elitism 2980:Species 2918:Genetic 2908:Dialect 2806:History 2723:atheist 2682:rashtra 2620:Fascist 2601:Zionism 2497:fascist 2445:  2330:Toryism 2318:Radical 2129:Ukraine 2014:Iceland 2009:Hungary 1994:Germany 1984:Finland 1979:Denmark 1927:Belgium 1917:Austria 1862:Qutbism 1822:Janismo 1616:Suharto 1561:Salazar 1536:Metaxas 1526:Maurras 1521:Baldwin 1511:Dmowski 1486:Canning 1453:Scruton 1438:Buckley 1433:Mishima 1393:Burnham 1368:Strauss 1343:Schmitt 1273:Carlyle 1268:Savigny 1238:Maistre 1218:Johnson 1112:Customs 1065:Loyalty 982:Elitism 845:Liberal 456:Fascism 383:Zionism 326:Musical 220:Welfare 195:African 77:Colours 56:forming 22545:Europe 22204:Reagan 22189:Powell 22149:Mobutu 22124:Marcos 22104:Le Pen 22074:Horthy 22069:Harper 22054:Franco 22019:Chiang 21894:Uvarov 21859:Sowell 21784:Nisbet 21779:Newman 21774:MĂŒller 21729:Le Bon 21704:JĂŒnger 21679:Haller 21669:Fardid 21649:DĂĄvila 21644:CortĂ©s 21599:Bonald 21594:Belloc 21434:Honour 21241:Social 21181:States 21179:United 21147:Social 21122:Canada 21071:  21057:Panama 21052:Mexico 21018:Belize 20935:Brazil 20862:Sweden 20850:Serbia 20825:Norway 20788:Greece 20761:Rexism 20733:Social 20666:United 20529:Russia 20494:Poland 20278:France 20269:Europe 20248:Taiwan 20236:Ziaism 20177:Turkey 20075:Jewish 20062:Israel 19965:Social 19910:Fiscal 19658:Modern 19574:Nazism 18019:Events 17975:Indian 17954:Muslim 17903:Sindhi 17873:Meitei 17843:Baloch 17831:Ethnic 17515:Russia 17387:Others 15820:Others 15403:  15355:review 15347:  15320:  15306:  15291:  15276:  15258:  15237:  15222:  15204:  15166:  15149:  15105:  15090:  15053:  15045:  15012:  14972:  14926:  14909:  14899:  14880:  14861:  14842:  14823:  14801:  14779:  14758:  14738:  14716:  14644:  14491:Scroll 14410:  14377:  14293:  14231:  14201:  14132:  14026:  14018:  13961:  13875:  13820:  13791:  13760:  13733:  13673:972mag 13580:  13555:  13516:  13508:  13433:  13406:  13349:  13337:(53). 13310:  13282:  13253:  13226:  13199:  13167:  13115:8 June 12922:6 July 12860:  12693:  12654:  12621:  12588:  12464:  12433:Quartz 12363:  12329:  12276:  12246:  12210:  12182:  12038:  12008:  11978:  11941:  11910:  11847:  11822:  11797:  11772:  11749:  11720:  11695:  11670:  11638:  11584:  11553:  11543:  11512:  11472:  11439:  11412:  11380:  11258:6 June 11228:6 June 11216:  10962:  10827:  10453:  10431:  10404:  10377:  10337:  10306:  10264:  10196:  10146:  10050:  10004:  9938:  9897:  9838:  9811:  9779:  9752:  9732:  9700:  9675:  9638:  9610:  9570:  9545:  9508:  9474:  9447:  9420:  9377:  9345:  9315:  9276:  9241:  9213:  9205:  9113:  9054:  9000:  8956:  8929:  8882:  8825:  8795:  8757:  8710:  8656:  8625:  8566:  8526:  8490:  8447:  8407:  8351:  8314:  8246:  8212:  8154:  8114:  8088:  8036:Nazis. 7600:Nazism 7413:Canada 7396:Europe 7366:Sosism 7324:Techno 7275:Rexism 7214:Nazism 7187:Jewish 7146:Ziaism 7077:French 7057:Crypto 6605:UstaĆĄe 6533:(2001) 6523:(1997) 6513:(1948) 6503:(1932) 6493:(1931) 6483:(1930) 6473:(1928) 6463:(1925) 6453:(1919) 6430:Yockey 6425:Valois 6310:Eckart 6242:Valois 6237:TĂŒrkeƟ 6197:Saadeh 6172:Pelley 6152:Nakano 6142:Mosley 6127:Ljotić 6122:Hitler 6112:Franco 6107:Doriot 6077:Bucard 6072:Bottai 6052:Arcand 6008:Topics 5951:Racism 5865:Social 5642:Dalits 5596:. The 5539:, and 5194:. The 5063:Growth 5012:Hitler 4983:Bharat 4959:Nagpur 4897:demand 4790:threat 4644:autism 4365:sexual 4355:racial 4238:Jewish 4089:Pogrom 4067:Chiefs 4057:Braves 3772:Uyghur 3747:Somali 3742:Slavic 3722:Romani 3717:Quebec 3712:Polish 3652:Korean 3613:Canada 3600:Indian 3585:Hazara 3560:Fulani 3471:France 3436:Afghan 3358:Sufism 3074:Audism 3005:Social 2928:Height 2644:'s 2605:Israel 2266:NatCon 2124:Turkey 2109:Sweden 2099:Serbia 2094:Russia 2089:Poland 2079:Panama 2069:Norway 2054:Mexico 2029:Israel 1999:Greece 1989:France 1962:Taiwan 1942:Canada 1937:Brazil 1932:Belize 1894:Ziaism 1686:Meloni 1601:Marcos 1591:Powell 1586:Reagan 1576:Franco 1556:Chiang 1531:Horthy 1443:Sowell 1378:Freyre 1358:JĂŒnger 1313:Belloc 1308:Nordau 1303:Le Bon 1283:Newman 1243:Bonald 1148:  1050:Honour 895:Social 835:Fiscal 689:Racism 505:Ultra- 500:Trans- 471:Rexism 466:Nazism 424:Muslim 373:Korean 346:Racial 331:Mystic 279:Ethnic 264:Cyber- 237:French 132:Symbol 87:Father 82:Emblem 72:Church 67:Anthem 54:Nation 22244:Trump 22219:Smith 22199:Putin 22164:OrbĂĄn 21979:Adams 21884:Taine 21874:Stahl 21864:Spann 21824:Röpke 21814:Renan 21809:Ranke 21744:Lewis 21694:Iorga 21674:Gentz 21664:Evola 21659:Eliot 21639:Comte 21609:Burke 21481:Mores 21466:Norms 21231:Paleo 21204:Paleo 21011:Other 20987:Chile 20744:Other 20681:Civic 20588:Spain 20457:Italy 20421:Young 20221:India 20204:Other 20112:Japan 19994:China 19975:Ultra 19915:Green 19733:Multi 19723:Inter 19596:Green 19277:Other 17939:Hindu 17913:Tamil 17639:Other 17604:Terms 17477:(USA) 15133:Books 14970:JSTOR 14677:3 May 14651:3 May 14024:S2CID 13943:(1). 13818:JSTOR 13514:S2CID 13431:JSTOR 13404:S2CID 13308:JSTOR 13280:JSTOR 12858:S2CID 12759:Himal 12691:S2CID 12652:JSTOR 12619:JSTOR 12586:JSTOR 11976:S2CID 11908:S2CID 11869:(PDF) 11747:JSTOR 11647:(PDF) 11636:S2CID 11606:(PDF) 11551:S2CID 11510:S2CID 10702:JSTOR 10099:(PDF) 10088:(PDF) 9936:S2CID 9673:JSTOR 9657:Numen 9608:JSTOR 9592:Numen 9543:S2CID 9527:Numen 9355:Quote 9211:S2CID 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Nationalism in the Middle Ages

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