
Italian Australians

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693:"Most Italians were scattered in the countryside, on the goldfields, in the mines. As agricultural workers, fruit pickers, farmers, tobacco growers, canecutters. The distance and the lack of communication prevented them from organising themselves. Those in the cities, mainly greengrocers, market gardeners and labourers, because of the sheer lack of interest and capacity to understand the advantages that a political organisation would bring, kept themselves aloof from any active role in politics and from the people who were advocating it. Also, many migrants were seasonal workers, never stopping for long at any one place, thus making it difficult for them to take part in social or political activities". By the early 1900s, there were over 5,000 Italians in Australia in a remarkable variety of occupations. According to the 1911 Census, there were 6,719 residents who had been born in Italy. Of these, 5,543 were males, while 2,683 had become naturalised. No less than 2,600 were in Western Australia. 1136: 1262:
Lakeside. The remaining Italian workers were mainly involved in farming (250) and fishing (150). This work pattern of Italians in Western Australia did not change much with the more consistent migration flow of the late 1920s and early 1930s. During these two decades, Italian migrants to Australia continued to come from the north and central mountain areas of Italy, thus following a pattern of "temporary" migration that pushed them to look for jobs with potential quick remuneration, as mining and woodcutting could offer. Changes in such patterns, together with the Italian mass-migration program of the 1950s and 1960s, have already been examined. Hence, the different component of regional origin of Italians in Western Australia and, subsequently, since the late 1950s, a more composite geographical distribution of Italian migrants in both urban and rural areas of the state.
980:, aimed to increase the population of the country for strategically important economic and military reasons. The immigration debate in postwar Australia assumed new dimensions as official policy sought a significant increase in the number and the diversity of immigrants, and to find a place for those coming from a tired and torn Europe. The war had occasioned a shift in migration patterns, pressing the need to place a large number of people who could not return to their own countries for a wide range of reasons. This was the case of over ten million people from Central and North-eastern Europe, such as Poles, Germans, Greeks, Czechs, Yugoslavs and Slovaks. An important stage in this immigration program began with the Displaced Persons Scheme in 1947, which attracted over 170,000 displaced persons to Australia. 954:
hard in farms and cattle stations, thus gaining a favourable opinion as hard and committed workers by their Australian employers. This circumstance contributed to generate an environment more agreeable – than that before the war – for the Italian post-war migration to Australia. After World War II, the attitude of Australians towards Italians gradually began to change, with the increasing appreciation of the value of Italians in the economic development of Australia. At the same time, the Italian war experience helped to destroy many of the political and sentimental attachments that Italians had previously felt towards their country. As a consequence, the end of the war encouraged the naturalisation of many Italian migrants, who had been caught up as enemy aliens at the outbreak of the world conflict.
without family in Italy) dependent on residents abroad. In the early 1920s Italians had found that it was not difficult to enter Australia, as there were no visa requirements. The Amending Immigration Act of 1924 prohibited the entry of migrants unless they had a written guarantee completed by a sponsor, an Atto di richiamo ('Call notice'). In this case, any migrant could come to Australia free of charge. Without a sponsor, the required landing money was ten pounds until 1924 and forty since 1925. O'Connor stated: "In 1928, as the number of arrivals increased, a 'gentleman's agreement' between Italy and Australia limited the entry of Italians to no more than 2% of British arrivals, amounting to a maximum of 3,000 Italians per year".
967: 892:, an Australian who had expressed defamatory remarks about Italians in an Italian-owned hotel was knocked dead by the barman. This accident sparked the resentment of many Australian miners against Italians residing in Kalgoorlie, which culminated in two days of riots. A raging crowd of miners devastated and burnt many shops and private abodes of Italians and other Southern Europeans in Boulder and Kalgoorlie and pushed hundreds of Italian migrants to shelter in the surrounding countryside. Notwithstanding the condemnation of the fact on media, the riots did not modify the attitude of public opinion toward Italians in general. 560:. By the mid-1880s, about 50 holdings of an aggregate area of more than 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) were under occupation, and the Italian population of New Italy has increased to 250. In this respect, Lyng reported: "The land was very poor and heavily timbered and had been passed over by local settlers. However, the Italians set to work and by great industry and thrift succeeded in clearing some of the land and making it productive. ... Besides, working on their own properties the settlers were engaged in the sugar industry, in timber squaring, grass seed gathering, and other miscellaneous work". 962:"Naturalisation was the obvious first step towards their rehabilitation. The war had also broken many of the links with Italy, and in addition it was still difficult to secure a shipping passage to return there. But while the act of naturalization may have been an irrevocable step which in turn provided an incentive to become socially and culturally assimilated, field investigations show clearly that Italians retained many traits, particularly within the circle of the home, which were not "Australian". And naturalized or not, they were still not fully accepted by Australians". 518: 778:. The volume of arrivals, the proportion of settlers in the total population of Australia, and the size of Italian agglomerated settlements were trivial by international standards. Yet the establishment of fifty Italian households within a radius of five miles (8.0 km) or the employment of twenty Italians on a job were cause for alarm in Australian eyes, The "inferiority" of Italians was generally seen in racist terms as well as specifically in terms of their threatening to compete with labour of British stock because of their "primitive" way of life". 744:, an Italian career diplomat, visited most of these rural areas. Although his report on soil fertility, quality of cattle to graze, transport and accommodation for the Italian farmers was extremely positive and enthusiastic, the settlement scheme was not carried out. Again, Western Australia public opinion opposed the creation of an exclusively Italian settlement, possibly caused by a mounting anti-Italian sentiment fuelled by the outlined episodes of confrontation between the Labour movement and the cheap labour cost offered by Italian migrants. 671:(During these recent 55 years, when Italians migrated more to Australia, their moral conduct had been superior to that of the many other nationals here represented, British included. Italians are work and savings-oriented, intelligent, sober and very much sought after. The only hostility comes from the British labourers who, confident of their origin, look at their Italian competitors with a surly mood, because they are afraid—without any evidence—that Italians could work for lower wages than theirs). 1291: 904:È la dura quotidiana fatica del lavoro e la resistenza alle lotte degli Australiani che essi debbono sostenere per il prestigio di essere Italiani di Mussolini. Gli Italiani formarono quel fronte unico di resistenza che va considerato una delle piĂš belle vittorie del fascismo in terra straniera. Altra cosa è fare gl'Italiani in Italia altra è all'estero, dove chi ti dĂ  da mangiare dimentica che tu lavori per lui, e solo per questo crede di essere padrone delle tue braccia e del tuo spirito. 906:(Italians have to sustain the daily hard work and the resistance to the claims of Australians, to bear the prestige to be Italians of Mussolini. Italians formed that strong front of resistance, which can be considered one of the best victories of fascism in foreign land. One thing is to form Italians in Italy and another is abroad, where those who feed you forget that you all work for them, and just for this reason they think to be the owners of your arms and spirits). 1258:
years before, the Italian writer Capra had visited the state and reported: "L'attuale emigrazione italiana in Australia e' poca cosa, e consta quasi esclusivamente di operai per le miniere e pel taglio della legna nella parte occidentale, e di lavoratori della canna da zucchero nel Queensland". (Present Italian migration to Australia is negligible, almost exclusively limited to miners and woodcutters in the western state, and sugarcane cutters in Queensland).
2563: 918:, there was a considerable degree of segregation between Italians and Australians. As an additional reaction, a large proportion of Italians in Australia tended to defer naturalisation (which could be granted after a period of five years of residence) until they had finally established their homes in Australia. Consequently, it is not surprising that, with the outbreak of World War II, the Australian opinion of Italian migrants naturally hardened. 3757: 938: 45: 3769: 171: 1968: 716:
purpose of the test being to keep non-Europeans out of Australia, as a deterrent to unwanted immigrants. Although the test was initially to be administered in English, it was then changed to any European language, "mainly through Labour insistence". Such a firmly sustained system to select entries into Australia that it remained on the statute books until 1958, when it was replaced by a system of entry permits.
2042: 929:. Between 1940 and 1945, most of those who had not been naturalised before the war's outbreak were considered "enemy aliens", and therefore either interned or subjected to close watch, with respect to personal movements and area of employment. There were many cases of Italian-Australians who had taken out Australian citizenship also being interned. This was particularly the case in northern Queensland. 1187: 1179: 869: 911:
proportion of them (20,064) were male. Many Italian male migrants, who had in fact left Italy for Australia during the late 1920s and early 1930s, were joined by wives, working-age sons, daughters, brothers and sisters in the late 1930s. This pattern can be interpreted as a "defence" from both the perceived hostile Australia environment and the political turmoil of pre-war Italy.
1003:(1952). They also introduced a system of personal nominations and guarantees, opened to Italians, to permit families separated by the war to come together again. In addition, the Australian and Italian governments negotiated a scheme of recruitment and assisted passages, which became fully effective in 1952. As extensively outlined by MacDonald, the 1012:
1950s and 1960s had planned to settle permanently in Australia. Within these two decades, the number of Italians who came to Australia was so high that their number increased tenfold. Between June 1949 and July 2000, Italy was the second most common birthplace for immigrant arrivals to Australia after United Kingdom and Ireland.
478:. Unfortunately, the number of Italians who joined the Victorian gold mines is obscure, and until 1871 Italians did not receive a special place in any Australian census figures. By 1881, the first year of census figures on Italian migrants in all States, there were 521 Italians (representing 0.066% of the total population) in 1677: 676: 762:
immigrants in any one year to about 41,000 (calculated as 3% of the number of Italians residing in the United States in 1910). Furthermore, in 1924, the figures related to the entry of Italians were cut almost to zero, as they were meant to represent the 2% of the Italian component in the United States in 1890.
During WWII, more than 18,000 Italian prisoners-of-war were sent to internment camps throughout Australia. Together with the interned "enemy aliens", after 1942 a large number of them were employed in inland farms without much surveillance. Many prisoners of war and Italian-Australian interned worked
about the high emigration figures of the mid-1920s pushed the Fascist government's decision in 1927 to stop all migration to overseas countries, with rarely permitted exceptions, apart from female and minor close relatives (under-age sons, unmarried daughters of any age, parents and unmarried sisters
Such severe restrictions meant that part of the great post-war stream of migrants from Italy was progressively diverted to Australia. Nevertheless, the way Italian migrants were conceived by Australian society was not going to change after its perception had formed in the early 1900s. With respect to
Frictions between the established Australian working class and the newcomers suggest that, during periods of economic crisis and unemployment, immigration acted as a "tool of division and attack" by international capitalism to working class organisations. There were Italians in occupations other than
The Labour Movement was against Italian immigration to all areas, and particularly to these industries, inasmuch as it swelled the labour market and increased competition, thereby putting employers in the enviable position of being able to pick and choose and giving employees who wanted to labour and
Conversely, in Australian cities, the Italian village or the region of origin have been significant in the formation of separate settlements or neighbourhood groupings of Italians. The way in which a population "subgroup" is distributed across an area is of importance because not only can it tell us
Nevertheless, the Australia Census of 1933 claimed that 26,756 (against the 8,000 of 1921) were born in Italy. Since that year, Italy-born residents in Australia began to represent the first non-English speaking ethnic group of the country, replacing Germans and Chinese. Notwithstanding, a very high
A few years later, Italians were again the subject of public discussion in Western Australia. The gold rush of the early 1890s in Western Australia and the subsequent labour disputes at the mines had belatedly attracted Italians in large number, both from Victoria and Italy itself. Most of them were
The number of Italians who arrived in Australia remained small during the whole of the nineteenth century. The voyage was costly and complex, as no direct shipping link existed between the two countries until the late 1890s. The length of the voyage was over two months before the opening of the Suez
and wrote the only complete eye-witness account of the uprising. This migration of northern Italian middle class professionals to Australia was spurred by the persecution from Austrian authorities – who controlled most of the northern regions of Italy until 1860 – especially after the failure of the
Italians had arrived in Australia in consistent numbers all through the 1920s and 1930s, regardless of the internal and external factors affecting either their departure or their stay in Australia. Entry conditions of Italian migrants became stricter in countries of more popular destinations as the
claimed that Italians would work harder than the Kanakas for lower pay and take away work from Australians, and over 8,000 Queenslanders signed a petition requesting the project to be cancelled. Nonetheless, more Italian migrants arrived and soon nominated friends and relatives still in Italy. They
Italians have been arriving in Australia in a limited number since before the first fleet. Two individuals of Italian descent served on board the Endeavour when Captain James Cook arrived in Australia in 1770. Giuseppe Tuzi was among the convicts transported to Australia by the British in the First
Italian Australians constitute the sixth largest ancestry group in Australia, and one of the largest groups in the global Italian diaspora. At the 2021 census, 1,108,364 Australian residents nominated Italian ancestry (whether alone or in combination with another ancestry), representing 4.4% of the
Settler arrivals by birthplace data not available prior to 1959. For the period July 1949 to June 1959, Permanent and Long Term Arrivals by Country of Last Residence have been included as a proxy for this data. ... in the period immediately after World War II, there were large numbers of displaced
Since the mid-1950s, the Italian flow of migrants to Australia assumed a sort of mass migration. Either nominated by relatives in Australia as a major component, or as assisted migrants, a notable number of migrants left Italy for Australia. Unlike the pre-war movement, most of the migrants of the
certainly grew out of the country's policy of industrial development. Although there had been a significant industrial growth in Italy before the war, the devastation wrought by the conflict left the structure in ruins. This factor and the return of Italian soldiers from the war fronts generated a
As previously stated with respect to the temporary migration of Tuscan migrants, Italians worked hard, and most saved steadily, by a simple a primitive mode of life, to buy land either in hospitable Australian urban areas or in the Italian community of origin. They were clearly "the better men for
With particular reference to Western Australia, as previously stated, Italians began to arrive in more notable number after the discovery of gold in the Eastern Goldfields, in the early 1890s. The Australian Census of 1911 records the presence of over 2,000 Italians in Western Australia. Only two
On a smaller scale, but through similar patterns, other large communities of Italians were formed, since the first notable arrival of Italians of the 1920s and 1930s, in Adelaide, Perth and in minor cities of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Most first-generation Italian migrants came to
Italians are well represented in every Australian state, territory, town and region. At the 2021 census, states with the largest numbers of persons nominating Italian ancestry were Victoria (384,688), New South Wales (301,829), Queensland (152,571), Western Australia (137,255) and South Australia
While Italians in Australia were less than 2,000, they tended to increase, because they were attracted by the easy possibility to settle in areas capable of intense agricultural exploitation. In this regard, it must be borne in mind again that in the early 1880s Italy was facing a strong economic
is relatively few, with the exception of a notable distribution of Italians in Northern Queensland, as Hempel has described in her research on post-war settlement of Italian immigrants in this state. This circumstance is a consequence of the migration patterns followed by Italians in the earlier
This attitude was also present in other English speaking countries, as Porter reported for Canada. In his classical study of Italians in North Queensland, Douglass suggests other factors affecting such racist attitudes, and reports a summary of the Commonwealth Parliamentary debate of 1927: "The
As the Restriction Act passed into legislation, there was some confusion as to whether Italians should be let into the country or kept out by means of the "Dictation test" provisions, as stated into the Act. The Act did not specify a translation but rather a dictation in a European language, the
Together with the entry restrictions adopted by the United States, another factor that increased Italian emigration in the early 1920s was the rise of Fascism in Italy in 1922. Gradually, the arrays of migrants became formed also by a minor component of political opponents to Fascism, generally
Although the Australian attitude towards Italians was not friendly, since the early 1920s Italian migrants began to arrive in Australia in notable numbers. While the Australian Census of 1921 recorded 8,135 Italians residing in the country, during the years 1922–1925 another 15,000 arrived and,
In questi ultimi cinquantacinque anni, in cui l'Italiano emigrò piÚ numeroso in Australia, la sua condotta morale è superiore a quella delle altre nazionalità che qui sono rappresentate, l'inglese compreso. Amante del lavoro, del risparmio, intelligente, sobrio, è sempre ricercatissimo: l'unico
In 1883, a commercial Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy was signed, allowing Italian subjects freedom of entry, travel and residence, and the rights to acquire and own property and to carry on business activities. This Agreement certainly favoured the arrival in Australia of many more
better than the "pale" English migrant. As the job opportunities attracted so many British people to the colonies to be employed in agriculture, certainly the Italian peasant, accustomed to be a hard-worker, "frugal and sober", would be a very good immigrant for the Australia soil. Many Italian
Capra details the professional distribution of Italians. Over two-thirds all Italians were employed either in mines or in the mine-related woodcutting industry (respectively about 400 and 800), both in the gold districts of Gwalia, Day Down, Coolgardie and Cue, and the forests of Karrawong and
In the 1930s, the Australian community maintained a perception of cultural inferiority of Italians that owed much to longer-term racial conceptions and which were confirmed by the lifestyle of the migrants. As observed by Bertola in his study of the riots, racism towards Italians lay in "their
acted as an element of reaction and defence to the Australian environment. By the early 1930s, even Italian diplomatic activity in Australia—as a direct expression of the Fascist government—became more incisive and oriented to make more and more Fascist proselytes among Italians. Migrants were
Popular agitation was prompted mainly by growing unemployment; even Italians had begun to write home about it. Italians, however, could still be readily employed, often in preference to other workmen, because of the contract system of employment. They had the virtue of comparative docility and
This was the umpteenth episode that without doubt pushed the notable number of Italians now working and residing in Australia to sympathise with Fascism and devote to the narrow circle of the Italian associations and the close relations of the family. In the late 1930s, a Fascist traveller to
to curtail its immigration flow—which had reached a high number in the years immediately before the war—and Canada enacted similar legislation two years later. In 1921, United States policy became even stricter, with the establishment of a quota system that limited the total intake of Italian
Nella maggior parte dei casi l'operaio (italiano) vive sotto la tenda, cosÏ chiunque non sia dedito all'ubriachezza (cosa troppo comune in questi paesi, ma non fra i nostri connazionali) può facilmente risparmiare la metà del suo salario. I nostri italiani, economi per eccellenza, risparmiano
Through the 1840s and 1850s, the number of Italian migrants of peasant background who came for economic reasons increased. Nevertheless, they did not come from the landless, poverty-stricken agricultural working class but from rural families with at least sufficient means to pay their fare to
in 1932 were more drastic and aimed at more effectively controlling the entry of "white aliens" into Australia. The amendment extended the landing permit system to all categories of immigrants, while before was applicable only to immigrants with a maintenance guarantee. The goal was to limit
United States, and Italian Fascist authorities tightened the departure of migrants. At the same time, in Australia, the attitude towards Italians had been hostile to their settlements and work patterns. In addition, Australia, like the United States and most western countries, was hit by the
in working sectors where labourers were not exclusively Anglo-Celtic, anti-Italian sentiments gathered momentum in the United States in the early 1900s, in the wake of Italian mass migration. Such attitudes also flourished in Australia, as it has been reported with respect to the Queensland
Nevertheless, a new attempt to found an Italian colony in Western Australia took place in 1906, when the western state offered to host about 100 Italian peasant families to settle in the south-western rural corner of Western Australia. A delegation of a few northern Italian farmers led by
728:', which were not exclusively Australian terms. As reported: "Such concepts combined to produce in Europe a suspicion that the traditional European supremacy around the globe was coming to an end. In Australia that eventually was seen as, or made to appear, a more immediate threatening". 1007:
process, eased by the personal nomination scheme, seemed to be more flexible than the administrative machinery of the bilateral program. Personal nominees had a guarantee of assistance and contacts at their arrival in Australia, to help migrants to evaluate all employment possibilities.
and other Australian ports were refused admission under the provisions of the Act. These latter cases might be indicative of the fact that Western Australia shared the xenophobia of the rest of the world. The reaction was certainly associated with the so-called "Awakening of Asia" and
At the 2021 census, 1,108,364 people nominated Italian ancestry (whether alone or in combination with another ancestry), representing 4.4% of the Australian population. The 2021 census found that 163,326 were born in Italy. In 2021, there were 228,042 Australian residents who spoke
in the sugarcane industry and mining. In Western Australia, fishing was next in popularity, followed by the usual urban pursuits now associated with Italians of peasant origin, such as market gardening, the keeping of restaurants and wine shops and the sale of fruit and vegetables.
Even in the Italian literature of the 1890s and early 1900s on travel reports and descriptions of Australia, there are notes about these frictions. The Italian Geographical Society (Societa' Geografica Italiana) reported as follows about the few Italian settlements in Australia:
Sugarcane activities in Queensland and mining in Western Australia—where most of the Italians were employed—became the targets of the Labour movement. As O'Connor reports in his work on the first Italian settlements, when Italians began to compete with Britons for work on the
As Cresciani has explained in his comprehensive study of Italian settlements in the early decades of the twentieth century, it was the small size and the type of the Italian settlement that also worked against a wider involvement of Italian migrants with organised labour.
were now being deported. While employment was guaranteed, wages were low and fixed. The deciding factor in the whole matter was the plight of the sugar industry: docile gang labour was essential, and the "frugal" Italian peasants were perfectly suited for such employment.
At the end of 1947, only 21% of the Italians residing in Australia were not yet naturalised. Many of those becoming naturalised in the late 1940s did so to allay the suspicion caused by the war. Borrie wrote in his fundamental work on the assimilation of Italians in
immigrants from competing in the local labour market to the detriment of the local unemployed. At the same time, the power to apply the dictation test was still available for up to five years to restrict the landing of an immigrant whose admission was not desired.
660:(In the great majority of cases, Italian labourers live in tents, so, whoever does not get drunk (which is such a common habit in this country, except amongst Italians) can easily save up to half his wage. Our Italians, extremely thrifty, save even more than that). 461:
and Naples no more than once a month. Therefore, other overseas destinations such as the United States and the Latin American countries proved much more attractive, thus allowing the establishment of migration patterns more quickly and drawing far greater numbers.
Italian migration to Australia increased markedly only after heavy restrictions were placed on Italians' entry to the United States. More than two million Italian migrants entered the United States from the start of the 20th century to the outbreak of the
contrasto che talvolta incontra è quello dell'operaio inglese, che, forte della sua origine, si fa preferire e guarda al suo concorrente con viso arcigno, temendo, senza alcun fondamento, che l'Italiano si presti a lavori per salari inferiori ai proprii.
a great deal about the pattern of life of that group, but it is also crucial in any planning of service delivering to such a community. The Italian community has very distinctive patterns of distribution that differentiate it from the total population.
brought to north Queensland since the mid-nineteenth century as exploitable labour for the sugarcane plantations. Until the early 1890s, Italians had been practically an unknown—although very modest—quantity in Queensland. As a result of the new
of the 1850s attracted thousands of Italians and Swiss Italians to Australia. The drain on the labour supply occasioned by the gold rush caused Australia to also seek workmen from Europe for land use and the development of cultivation, both in
Since the early 1880s, due to the socioeconomic situation in Italy and the abundant opportunities to settle in Australia as farmers, skilled or semi-skilled artisans and labourers, the number of Italians who left for Australia increased.
As the level of immigration from Italy dropped significantly after the 1970s, the Australian population born in Italy is ageing and in decline. Most Italian Australians are the Australian-born descendants of Italian immigrants.
The explosion of numbers saw more than 20,000 Italians arrive in Australia in 2012–13 on temporary visas, exceeding the number of Italians that arrived in 1950–51 during the previous migration boom following World War Two.
As of the 2006 census, 162,107 (81.4%) speak Italian at home. Proficiency in English was self-described by census respondents as very well by 28%, well by 32%, 21% not well (18% didn't state or said not applicable).
immigrants had extensive knowledge of Mediterranean-style farming techniques, which were better suited to cultivating Australia's harsh interior than the Northern-European methods in use previous to their arrival.
invited to become members of the fascist political organisations of Australia, to come to fascist meetings and eventually to return to Italy, to consent to serve in the Italian armed forces, both in view of the
stage of their settlement in Queensland, during the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s, when the sugarcane industry and its related possibility of quick earnings attracted more "temporary" migrants in the countryside.
estimated that there were 30,000 Australian citizens resident in Italy. These are likely to be largely returned Italian emigrants with Australian citizenship, and their Italian-Australian children.
of Italians, especially in Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia. The concern in Queensland was that Italians would somehow join forces with an invading Japanese force and constitute a
1858: 2837: 786:. Regardless of its veracity, it could be applied to only a minority of the new arrivals since, by Italian Government estimates, fully two-fifths of its emigrants to Australia were from the 814:
peasants of the northern Italian regions, who chose Australia as their destination. In his study on Italian migration to South Australia, O'Connor even reports on the presence, in 1926, in
and the allied Pacific Island Labourers Act. The goal was to ensure the White Australia policy by controlling entry into Australia and—by the latter—repatriating coloured labour from the
Between the period of 1947 to 1971, Australia's Italy-born numbered 289,476 and most Italian migrants came from Sicily, Calabria and Veneto and settled in metropolitan areas.
1761: 896:
apparent willingness to be used in efforts to drive down wages and conditions, and their inability to transcend the boundaries that separated them from the host culture".
In recent years, Australia has been witnessing a new wave of migration from Italy in numbers not seen in half a century, as thousands flee the economic hardship in Italy.
2810: 3197: 2594: 641:, "had become a greater pest in the United States than the coloured races". In other words, during the 1890s, a political and social alliance was formed between the 505:, who visited Italy in the 1870s and 1880s, admitted the convenience of having a larger intake of Italian workers into Australia. Bedford stated that Italians would 2963: 2800: 2795: 2780: 2674: 774:
was stopped by the new federal government in 1902. This put Italians at the bottom of the Australian "racial totem pole", just above other Southern Europeans and
3688: 3596: 3128: 3074: 2941: 2894: 2589: 1366: 3591: 3564: 3539: 3499: 3111: 3069: 3064: 3059: 3054: 3012: 2997: 2785: 2750: 2694: 2649: 2614: 2584: 3232: 3212: 3116: 3007: 2948: 2887: 2669: 2634: 2629: 2619: 2579: 1550: 3736: 1605: 3683: 3655: 3630: 3581: 3175: 3148: 3096: 2654: 1710: 611:
temperance and the ability to work in the hottest of weather; consequently, they were sought after by contractors, a few of whom were Italians themselves.
3601: 3121: 2968: 1869: 1865: 1279: 757:, whereas only about twelve thousand Italians had entered Australia in the same period. In 1917, while war was still on, the United States introduced a 572:
1891 was the year in Queensland in which over 300 peasants from northern Italy were scheduled to arrive, as the first contingent to replace over 60,000
3635: 3576: 2904: 532:
In 1881, over 200 foreign immigrants, of whom a considerable number were Italians from Northern Italy, arrived in Sydney. They were the survivors from
2914: 2512: 1135: 831: 1812: 606:
unskilled and therefore usually employed on the surface of the mines, or cutting, loading and carting wood nearby. Pyke so described the situation:
1798: 1139:
People with Italian ancestry as a percentage of the population in Australia divided geographically by statistical local area, as of the 2011 census
slowly acquired a large number of sugar-cane plantations and gradually set up thriving Italian communities in north Queensland around the towns of
1659: 649:
working class to react to Italian immigrants, with particular reference to northern and central Italian workers who lowered the level of wages.
3789: 2081: 428:
and other colonies already in the 1840s, and 1841s, many of whom had participated in the defeated revolts against the despotic rulers of
As of 2016, there were 120,791 registered Italian citizens (including those with dual citizenship) living in Australia according to the
1956: 1844: 1427: 2168: 1678:"Australian election 2022: Anthony Albanese due for speech; Scott Morrison concedes and stands down as Liberal leader – live updates" 250: 1230:, its equivalent in Sydney, were made up of several groups from geographically very circumscribed areas of Italy. Migrants from the 1414: 1124: 109: 2740: 1167: 888:
The economic depression ignited another social tension which fanned into racial hatred again in 1934. In the gold-mining city of
81: 3794: 2465: 2173: 1371: 1218:
As Burnley reports in his study on Italian absorption in urban Australia, some Italian concentrations in the inner suburbs of
2735: 2505: 2076: 1116: 420:
in many European cities in the 1840s and 1850s. As stated by D'Aprano in his work on the first Italian migrants in Victoria:
2226: 1926: 88: 62: 664:
Among the many observations about his journey to Australia, the Italian priest and writer, Giuseppe Capra, notes in 1909:
2378: 2309: 1934: 712:. The concept was meant to safeguard the social "white" purity and protect wage standards against cheap coloured labour. 457:
Canal. Italian migrants who intended to leave for Australia had to use German shipping lines that called at the ports of
2346: 17: 1743: 984: 977: 128: 95: 2498: 1101: 880: 705: 1721: 1612: 1152: 3732: 1554: 766:
this attitude, MacDonald wrote: "Italian immigration became the largest non-British movement after the entry of
77: 2416: 2363: 2247: 1949: 343: 66: 3705: 2138: 889: 862: 630: 966: 2439: 2242: 720: 590: 310: 2521: 1819: 1376: 1361: 1227: 996: 850: 525: 450: 482:, and 947 (0.10%) in Victoria, of whom one-third were in Melbourne and the rest were in the goldfields. 3747: 3640: 2679: 1896: 619:
The early 1890s is a turning point in the Australian attitude toward Italian immigration. Pyke stated:
557: 262: 176: 2987: 2684: 2006: 1942: 1780: 1238:
have formed the main Italian community core of Leichhardt, as well as Sicilians from the Province of
Most Australian residents born in Italy are now concentrated in Melbourne (73,799), Sydney (44,562),
549: 254: 494:
just 10. Such figures, from Australian sources, correspond to similar figures from Italian sources.
3257: 1381: 1356: 1203: 390: 294: 3693: 3676: 3544: 3404: 3180: 3017: 2882: 2877: 2552: 1223: 758: 697: 646: 642: 102: 55: 1493:
Pesman, R 1983, "Australian visitors to Italy in the nineteenth century", in G Cresciani (ed.),
had to consider after it opened in 1901 was immigration. Later that year, the Attorney-General,
3419: 3394: 3389: 3304: 3222: 3185: 3049: 2825: 2815: 2775: 2709: 2547: 2539: 2423: 2021: 1611:. Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. October 2001. p. 25. Archived from 775: 732: 578: 339: 327: 217: 198: 2562: 548:
Protectorate. Many of them took up a conditional purchase farm of 16 hectares (40 acres) near
3519: 3469: 3409: 3374: 3369: 3314: 3143: 3133: 3106: 2953: 2936: 2921: 2820: 2765: 2755: 2745: 2689: 2659: 2609: 2599: 2158: 1329: 782:
image of the Italian was nourished by the stereotype of the southerner, and particularly the
599: 208: 3645: 3625: 3571: 3529: 3504: 3494: 3429: 3344: 3319: 3294: 3282: 3252: 3244: 3138: 3081: 3022: 2992: 2872: 2832: 2805: 2730: 2725: 2664: 2644: 2624: 2604: 2098: 2001: 1908: 1431: 1346: 991:
By the early 1950s, Australian authorities negotiated formal migration agreements with the
541: 31: 3698: 1964: 1254:
Australia by the nomination of a close relative or a friend, as forms of chain migration.
crisis, which was going to push a hundred thousand Italians to seek a better life abroad.
8: 3715: 3650: 3620: 3611: 3606: 3524: 3509: 3459: 3454: 3449: 3439: 3434: 3399: 3384: 3354: 3324: 3309: 3299: 3267: 3262: 3163: 3158: 3101: 3027: 2975: 2926: 2899: 2865: 2790: 2760: 2704: 2699: 2571: 2321: 2296: 2269: 2252: 2216: 2148: 2143: 2123: 2118: 2113: 2031: 1639:
persons whose country of last residence was not necessarily the same as their birthplace.
1463: 1306: 1296: 1247: 946: 845: 466: 444:, Rome and other cities. They came to Australia to seek a better and more efficient life. 417: 1278:
Italian Australians have a low rate of return migration to Italy. In December 2001, the
Fleet. Another early notable arrival, for his participation in Australian politics, was
3720: 3710: 3671: 3586: 3559: 3554: 3534: 3444: 3424: 3414: 3359: 3349: 3334: 3168: 3153: 3091: 3086: 3042: 3032: 3002: 2980: 2860: 2855: 2639: 2388: 2274: 2262: 2185: 2178: 2108: 2066: 2056: 1239: 731:
Fuelled both by the British-European feeling of loss of supremacy and the fears of the
537: 286: 274: 258: 3737:
Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016
2284: 1428:"Origins: History of immigration from Italy - Immigration Museum, Melbourne Australia" 900:
Australia so describes the life and work of Italians in the Western Australian mines:
517: 3549: 3514: 3364: 3339: 3329: 3287: 3277: 3272: 3227: 3217: 3202: 3190: 3037: 2958: 2931: 2909: 2847: 2770: 2393: 2336: 2289: 2279: 2221: 2211: 2206: 2190: 2163: 2153: 2133: 2093: 2071: 2061: 2026: 2011: 1996: 1991: 1986: 1838: 1792: 1317: 1219: 679: 545: 491: 408: 335: 331: 3761: 3489: 3464: 3207: 2329: 2304: 2257: 2128: 2088: 1972: 1351: 1145: 1112: 1105: 970: 949:, a memorial to the Italian prisoners of war held in the region during World War II 838: 810:
again, a similar number of Italians reached Australia during the period 1926–1930.
521: 502: 386: 375: 355: 282: 159: 2444: 3615: 2316: 2016: 1250:, a local government authority of Melbourne now containing over 10,000 Italians. 1120: 1004: 754: 741: 709: 595: 553: 479: 471: 412: 180: 1903: 976:
Conversely, after the war experience, the Australian government embarked on the
2481: 2373: 2341: 2103: 1231: 988:
surplus of population which turned to emigration as an alternative to poverty.
872: 533: 1445: 1290: 624:
needed work, the opportunity of paying for employment and accepting low wages.
Australian population. The 2021 census found that 171,520 were born in Italy.
3783: 2368: 2356: 2351: 701: 675: 783: 3773: 2460: 1682: 1108:
was elected, becoming Australia's first Prime Minister of Italian descent.
926: 915: 854: 725: 306: 2490: 1744:"Riepilogo estero - Risultati Referendum Costituzionale – 4 dicembre 2016" 1536:
Capra, G 1936, 'Una Razza destinata a scomparire? Aborigeni d'Australia',
2531: 1311: 1155:, 95% of Italian born Australians recorded their religion as Christian. 992: 767: 1779:
Statistics, c=AU; o=Commonwealth of Australia; ou=Australian Bureau of.
Even Australian legislation was changed consequently. Amendments to the
922: 823: 638: 483: 475: 1859:"Estimates of Australian Citizens Living Overseas as at December 2001" 1897:
Spunti e ricerche; rivista d'italianistica Academic Scholarly Journal
1322: 819: 425: 393:
is prominent among Italian Australians who use the Italian language.
363: 230: 937: 44: 1660:"Economic disaster prompts spike in Italian migration to Australia" 1482:
From Goldrush to Federation: Italian Pioneers in Victoria 1850–1900
1207: 1199: 932: 815: 803: 791: 487: 371: 323: 246: 242: 1206:(18,815). Unlike other groups, the number of Italians residing in 1243: 1235: 1000: 868: 795: 582: 573: 506: 441: 2041: 921:
The entry of Italy into the war was followed by the large-scale
170: 1470:. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. 865:, which caused a serious recession during the following years. 799: 787: 771: 634: 433: 429: 234: 1186: 1178: 411:
who in 1853 participated with other miners in the uprising of
1705: 1703: 1701: 1577:
Enemy Aliens: The Internment of Italian Migrants in Australia
1551:"More People Imperative: 4. "White Alien" Immigration Policy" 458: 437: 367: 238: 3733:
Reflecting a Nation: Stories from the 2011 Census, 2012–2013
goldfields, the Parliament was warned that they, along with
1285: 827: 719:
Nevertheless, in the early 1900s, some Italians calling at
In 2021, there were 228,042 Australian residents who spoke
1698: 1511:. Australian Institute of Policy and Science. p. 109. 453:
from Northern Italy migrated to the Victorian goldfields.
1526:. Australian Institute of Policy and Science. p. 43. 1234:
of Sicily, and from a few communities of the Province of
An Outline History of Italian Immigration into Australia
One of the most significant policy matters that the new
List of Italian association football clubs in Australia
Note this period covers 11 years rather than a decade.
Some Reflections on Italian Immigration into Australia
Australia. Furthermore, in the late 1850s, some 2,000
3745: 1636:
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs:
1592:, Greenhouse Publications, Richmond (Victoria), p.220 747: 1901: 1606:"Immigration: Federation to Century's End 1901–2000" 1190:
One dot denotes 100 Italy born Melbourne residents.
69:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 736:sugar-cane industry and Western Australian mines. 1924: 3781: 1711:"2914.0.55.002 2006 Census Ethnic Media Package" 1182:One dot denotes 100 Italy born Sydney residents. 933:Post-war mass migration to Australia, 1946–1970s 567: 1666:. 28 November 2014 – via 1600: 1598: 1151:According to 2006 census data released by the 501:In addition, even Australian travellers, like 2506: 1950: 704:, introduced and passed into legislation the 366:-born citizens who are fully or partially of 151: 1797:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 1410: 1408: 1406: 1404: 1402: 1400: 1398: 1396: 1173: 2520: 1595: 1521: 1506: 790:and another two-fifths were drawn from the 2513: 2499: 1957: 1943: 1590:Buongiorno Australia. Our Italian Heritage 169: 1393: 129:Learn how and when to remove this message 1289: 1286:Film on Italian immigration to Australia 1185: 1177: 1134: 965: 936: 867: 674: 516: 378:, or Italian-born people in Australia. 1868:data). 14 February 2001. Archived from 1718:Census Dictionary, 2006 ( 2901.0) 1168:Italian constitutional referendum, 2016 544:, which later became part of Germany's 486:had 250 Italians, South Australia 141, 14: 3782: 2466:List of Italian-American neighborhoods 1843:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 1778: 1762:"2021 Census data. Cultural diversity" 1372:List of Italian-Australian communities 853:(1936) and, later, at the outbreak of 374:who emigrated to Australia during the 27:Australian citizens of Italian descent 2494: 1938: 1495:The Australians and Italian migration 3790:Australian people of Italian descent 2736:Caribbean and West Indian Australian 1127:(CLP). Both are of Italian descent. 225:Regions with significant populations 67:adding citations to reliable sources 38: 1931:L'emigrazione italiana in Australia 1273: 1070:Percentage of immigrants from Italy 24: 1468:Australian Dictionary of Biography 1246:have formed a large contingent in 798:regions. Only one-fifth were from 748:Growth of the community, 1921–1945 556:at what was subsequently known as 25: 3806: 2482:Italian colonies or protectorates 1890: 822:"subversive" from the village of 424:We find some Italian artisans in 3767: 3755: 2561: 2040: 1966: 1464:"Carboni, Raffaello (1817–1875)" 851:Italian war campaign of Ethiopia 706:Immigration Restriction Act 1901 507:adjust to the Australian climate 401: 43: 1851: 1805: 1772: 1754: 1736: 1722:Australian Bureau of Statistics 1670: 1652: 1643: 1630: 1582: 1569: 1543: 1153:Australian Bureau of Statistics 1130: 1088: 54:needs additional citations for 1781:"Redirect to Census data page" 1530: 1515: 1500: 1487: 1474: 1456: 1438: 1430:. 30 July 2008. Archived from 1420: 370:descent, whose ancestors were 13: 1: 3795:Italian diaspora in Australia 1902:Gianfranco Cresciani (2008). 1280:Department of Foreign Affairs 1036:Immigrant arrivals from Italy 890:Kalgoorlie, Western Australia 568:In working society, 1890–1920 978:'Populate or Perish' program 7: 2741:Hispanic and Latin American 1538:Le Vie d'Italia e del mondo 1377:Swiss Italians of Australia 1362:List of Italian Australians 1340: 881:Immigration Restriction Act 863:economic Depression of 1929 526:Prime Minister of Australia 451:Swiss Italians of Australia 10: 3811: 2838:Trinidadian and Tobagonian 2478:ancient Italian migrations 1925:Pierpaolo Gandini (1996). 1265: 1123:is the Northern Territory 826:, in the Tuscan Island of 396: 29: 3729: 3664: 3478: 3243: 2846: 2718: 2570: 2559: 2538: 2528: 2474: 2453: 2432: 2404: 2235: 2199: 2049: 2038: 1979: 1174:Geographical distribution 591:Australian Workers' Union 322: 317: 305: 300: 273: 268: 229: 224: 193: 188: 168: 149: 2530:Ancestral background of 2440:Istrian–Dalmatian exodus 1864:. Southern Cross Group ( 1497:, Franco Angeli, Milano. 1387: 1382:Immigration to Australia 1357:Italo-Australian Dialect 1115:is the Queensland state 1053:Total immigrant arrivals 554:Northern Rivers District 536:'s ill-fated attempt at 391:Italo-Australian dialect 295:Italo-Australian dialect 30:Not to be confused with 2553:Torres Strait Islanders 2522:Ancestry of Australians 698:Parliament of Australia 658:talvolta anche di piĂš. 647:Anglo-Celtic Australian 643:Australian Labour Party 2548:Aboriginal Australians 1588:Robert Pascoe (1987), 1484:, INT Press, Melbourne 1415:Community profile 2021 1301: 1294:A scene from the film 1191: 1183: 1140: 1031:July 1970 – June 1980 973: 964: 950: 914:Until the outbreak of 908: 875: 733:Australian Labor Party 682: 673: 662: 626: 613: 579:White Australia policy 540:, Nouvelle France, in 529: 446: 359: 340:Italian South Africans 328:Italian New Zealanders 183:(list of family names) 152: 2476:local ethnic Italians 1579:, Connor Court, 2006. 1330:Underbelly (series 1) 1293: 1189: 1181: 1138: 1102:2022 federal election 1028:July 1959 – June 1970 1025:July 1949 – June 1959 1022:July 1949 – June 2000 969: 960: 940: 902: 871: 678: 666: 655: 621: 608: 520: 422: 318:Related ethnic groups 209:Australian population 78:"Italian Australians" 2227:United Arab Emirates 1921:(Italians in Sydney) 1909:Dictionary of Sydney 1522:N.O.P. Pyke (1946). 1507:N.O.P. Pyke (1948). 1347:European Australians 1310:(1971), directed by 63:improve this article 32:Australians in Italy 2532:Australian citizens 1825:on 20 December 2016 1557:on 9 September 2006 1446:"Raffaello Carboni" 1307:A Girl in Australia 1297:A Girl in Australia 1242:and the Commune of 947:Murchison, Victoria 846:Italian nationalism 467:Victorian gold rush 352:Italian Australians 146: 145:Italian Australians 3716:South Sea Islander 2179:Sicilian Americans 2109:Dominican Republic 1618:on 4 December 2010 1480:D'Aprano, C 1995, 1302: 1226:of Melbourne, and 1222:, the traditional 1192: 1184: 1141: 974: 951: 876: 683: 530: 465:Nevertheless, the 275:Australian English 144: 18:Italian Australian 3743: 3742: 3706:Papua New Guinean 2488: 2487: 1117:Opposition Leader 1086: 1085: 985:postwar migration 680:Natalie Imbruglia 538:founding a colony 492:Western Australia 409:Raffaello Carboni 360:italo-australiani 349: 348: 336:Italian Canadians 332:Italian Americans 153:Italo-australiani 139: 138: 131: 113: 16:(Redirected from 3802: 3772: 3771: 3770: 3760: 3759: 3758: 3751: 2565: 2515: 2508: 2501: 2492: 2491: 2044: 1973:Italian diaspora 1971: 1970: 1969: 1959: 1952: 1945: 1936: 1935: 1930: 1920: 1918: 1916: 1885: 1884: 1882: 1880: 1874: 1863: 1855: 1849: 1848: 1842: 1834: 1832: 1830: 1824: 1818:. Archived from 1817: 1809: 1803: 1802: 1796: 1788: 1776: 1770: 1769: 1758: 1752: 1751: 1748:la 1740: 1734: 1733: 1731: 1729: 1715: 1714:(Excel download) 1707: 1696: 1695: 1693: 1691: 1674: 1668: 1667: 1656: 1650: 1647: 1641: 1634: 1628: 1627: 1625: 1623: 1617: 1616:(pdf (64 pages)) 1610: 1602: 1593: 1586: 1580: 1573: 1567: 1566: 1564: 1562: 1553:. Archived from 1547: 1541: 1534: 1528: 1527: 1519: 1513: 1512: 1504: 1498: 1491: 1485: 1478: 1472: 1471: 1460: 1454: 1453: 1442: 1436: 1435: 1434:on 30 July 2008. 1424: 1418: 1412: 1352:Italian diaspora 1274:Return migration 1113:David Crisafulli 1106:Anthony Albanese 1020:No. of arrivals 1015: 1014: 971:Daniel Ricciardo 839:Benito Mussolini 616:the worse job". 522:Anthony Albanese 503:Randolph Bedford 376:Italian diaspora 287:Italian dialects 189:Total population 173: 163: 155: 147: 143: 134: 127: 123: 120: 114: 112: 71: 47: 39: 21: 3810: 3809: 3805: 3804: 3803: 3801: 3800: 3799: 3780: 3779: 3778: 3768: 3766: 3756: 3754: 3746: 3744: 3739: 3725: 3660: 3482: 3480: 3474: 3239: 2842: 2714: 2566: 2557: 2534: 2524: 2519: 2489: 2484: 2479: 2477: 2470: 2449: 2428: 2400: 2231: 2195: 2045: 2036: 1975: 1967: 1965: 1963: 1914: 1912: 1893: 1888: 1878: 1876: 1875:on 20 July 2008 1872: 1861: 1857: 1856: 1852: 1836: 1835: 1828: 1826: 1822: 1815: 1813:"Archived copy" 1811: 1810: 1806: 1790: 1789: 1777: 1773: 1760: 1759: 1755: 1742: 1741: 1737: 1727: 1725: 1713: 1709: 1708: 1699: 1689: 1687: 1676: 1675: 1671: 1658: 1657: 1653: 1648: 1644: 1635: 1631: 1621: 1619: 1615: 1608: 1604: 1603: 1596: 1587: 1583: 1574: 1570: 1560: 1558: 1549: 1548: 1544: 1535: 1531: 1520: 1516: 1505: 1501: 1492: 1488: 1479: 1475: 1462: 1461: 1457: 1444: 1443: 1439: 1426: 1425: 1421: 1413: 1394: 1390: 1343: 1337: 1288: 1276: 1268: 1176: 1133: 1121:Lia Finocchiaro 1091: 1021: 1005:chain migration 935: 905: 837:The concern of 832:Giacomo Argenti 818:of a dangerous 794:, Lombardy and 755:First World War 750: 742:Leopoldo Zunini 710:Pacific Islands 670: 659: 570: 480:New South Wales 472:New South Wales 413:Eureka Stockade 404: 399: 344:Italian British 309:(predominantly 253: 212: 202: 184: 181:New South Wales 164: 157: 142: 135: 124: 118: 115: 72: 70: 60: 48: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3808: 3798: 3797: 3792: 3777: 3776: 3764: 3741: 3740: 3730: 3727: 3726: 3724: 3723: 3718: 3713: 3708: 3703: 3702: 3701: 3691: 3686: 3681: 3680: 3679: 3668: 3666: 3662: 3661: 3659: 3658: 3653: 3648: 3643: 3641:South Sudanese 3638: 3633: 3628: 3623: 3618: 3609: 3604: 3599: 3594: 3589: 3584: 3579: 3574: 3569: 3568: 3567: 3562: 3557: 3552: 3547: 3542: 3537: 3532: 3527: 3522: 3517: 3512: 3507: 3502: 3497: 3486: 3484: 3476: 3475: 3473: 3472: 3467: 3462: 3457: 3452: 3447: 3442: 3437: 3432: 3427: 3422: 3417: 3412: 3407: 3402: 3397: 3392: 3387: 3382: 3377: 3372: 3367: 3362: 3357: 3352: 3347: 3342: 3337: 3332: 3327: 3322: 3317: 3312: 3307: 3302: 3297: 3292: 3291: 3290: 3285: 3280: 3278:Northern Irish 3275: 3270: 3265: 3255: 3249: 3247: 3241: 3240: 3238: 3237: 3236: 3235: 3230: 3220: 3215: 3210: 3205: 3200: 3195: 3194: 3193: 3183: 3178: 3173: 3172: 3171: 3166: 3161: 3156: 3151: 3141: 3136: 3131: 3126: 3125: 3124: 3119: 3114: 3104: 3099: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3078: 3077: 3072: 3067: 3062: 3057: 3047: 3046: 3045: 3040: 3035: 3030: 3025: 3020: 3015: 3010: 3000: 2995: 2990: 2985: 2984: 2983: 2978: 2973: 2972: 2971: 2966: 2964:Fuzhou/Hokchiu 2961: 2951: 2946: 2945: 2944: 2934: 2924: 2919: 2918: 2917: 2912: 2907: 2897: 2892: 2891: 2890: 2880: 2875: 2870: 2869: 2868: 2863: 2852: 2850: 2844: 2843: 2841: 2840: 2835: 2830: 2829: 2828: 2823: 2818: 2813: 2808: 2803: 2798: 2793: 2788: 2783: 2778: 2773: 2768: 2763: 2758: 2753: 2748: 2738: 2733: 2728: 2722: 2720: 2716: 2715: 2713: 2712: 2707: 2702: 2697: 2692: 2687: 2682: 2680:Sierra Leonean 2677: 2672: 2667: 2662: 2657: 2652: 2647: 2642: 2637: 2632: 2627: 2622: 2617: 2612: 2607: 2602: 2597: 2592: 2587: 2582: 2576: 2574: 2568: 2567: 2560: 2558: 2556: 2555: 2550: 2544: 2542: 2536: 2535: 2529: 2526: 2525: 2518: 2517: 2510: 2503: 2495: 2486: 2485: 2475: 2472: 2471: 2469: 2468: 2463: 2457: 2455: 2451: 2450: 2448: 2447: 2442: 2436: 2434: 2430: 2429: 2427: 2426: 2421: 2420: 2419: 2408: 2406: 2402: 2401: 2399: 2398: 2397: 2396: 2391: 2383: 2382: 2381: 2376: 2371: 2364:United Kingdom 2361: 2360: 2359: 2354: 2344: 2339: 2334: 2333: 2332: 2324: 2319: 2314: 2313: 2312: 2307: 2299: 2294: 2293: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2272: 2267: 2266: 2265: 2260: 2250: 2245: 2239: 2237: 2233: 2232: 2230: 2229: 2224: 2219: 2214: 2209: 2203: 2201: 2197: 2196: 2194: 2193: 2188: 2183: 2182: 2181: 2176: 2171: 2161: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2141: 2136: 2131: 2126: 2121: 2116: 2111: 2106: 2101: 2096: 2091: 2086: 2085: 2084: 2079: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2053: 2051: 2047: 2046: 2039: 2037: 2035: 2034: 2029: 2024: 2019: 2014: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1989: 1983: 1981: 1977: 1976: 1962: 1961: 1954: 1947: 1939: 1933: 1932: 1922: 1899: 1892: 1891:External links 1889: 1887: 1886: 1850: 1804: 1771: 1753: 1735: 1724:. 27 June 2007 1697: 1669: 1651: 1642: 1629: 1594: 1581: 1568: 1542: 1529: 1514: 1499: 1486: 1473: 1455: 1437: 1419: 1391: 1389: 1386: 1385: 1384: 1379: 1374: 1369: 1364: 1359: 1354: 1349: 1342: 1339: 1335: 1334: 1326: 1318:Love's Brother 1314: 1287: 1284: 1275: 1272: 1267: 1264: 1232:Lipari Islands 1224:'Little Italy' 1175: 1172: 1132: 1129: 1125:Chief Minister 1090: 1087: 1084: 1083: 1080: 1077: 1074: 1071: 1067: 1066: 1063: 1060: 1057: 1054: 1050: 1049: 1046: 1043: 1040: 1037: 1033: 1032: 1029: 1026: 1023: 1018: 934: 931: 873:Mark Bresciano 749: 746: 569: 566: 534:Marquis de Ray 403: 400: 398: 395: 347: 346: 320: 319: 315: 314: 311:Roman Catholic 303: 302: 298: 297: 271: 270: 266: 265: 227: 226: 222: 221: 197:(by ancestry, 191: 190: 186: 185: 174: 166: 165: 150: 140: 137: 136: 51: 49: 42: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3807: 3796: 3793: 3791: 3788: 3787: 3785: 3775: 3765: 3763: 3753: 3752: 3749: 3738: 3734: 3731:according to 3728: 3722: 3719: 3717: 3714: 3712: 3709: 3707: 3704: 3700: 3697: 3696: 3695: 3694:New Zealander 3692: 3690: 3687: 3685: 3682: 3678: 3675: 3674: 3673: 3670: 3669: 3667: 3663: 3657: 3654: 3652: 3649: 3647: 3644: 3642: 3639: 3637: 3634: 3632: 3629: 3627: 3624: 3622: 3619: 3617: 3613: 3610: 3608: 3605: 3603: 3600: 3598: 3595: 3593: 3590: 3588: 3585: 3583: 3580: 3578: 3575: 3573: 3570: 3566: 3563: 3561: 3558: 3556: 3553: 3551: 3548: 3546: 3543: 3541: 3538: 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Retrieved 1555:the original 1545: 1537: 1532: 1523: 1517: 1508: 1502: 1494: 1489: 1481: 1476: 1467: 1458: 1449: 1440: 1432:the original 1422: 1336: 1328: 1316: 1305: 1295: 1277: 1269: 1260: 1256: 1252: 1217: 1213: 1197: 1193: 1165: 1161: 1157: 1150: 1142: 1131:Demographics 1110: 1099: 1095: 1092: 1089:21st century 1010: 990: 982: 975: 961: 956: 952: 942: 927:fifth column 920: 916:World War II 913: 909: 903: 898: 894: 887: 879: 877: 859: 855:World War II 844: 836: 812: 808: 780: 764: 759:Literacy Act 751: 738: 730: 726:Yellow Peril 718: 714: 695: 692: 688: 684: 667: 663: 656: 651: 627: 622: 618: 614: 609: 604: 588: 571: 562: 531: 512: 500: 496: 464: 455: 447: 423: 405: 384: 380: 351: 350: 307:Christianity 290: 278: 249:, and other 213: 204: 194: 175:Memorial in 141:Ethnic group 125: 116: 106: 99: 92: 85: 73: 61:Please help 56:verification 53: 36: 3677:Indo-Fijian 3545:Palestinian 3479:Middle East 3405:Montenegrin 3181:Singaporean 3018:Indo-Fijian 2883:Bangladeshi 2878:Azerbaijani 2595:Cameroonian 2424:New Zealand 2347:Switzerland 2169:before 1880 2159:Puerto Rico 2119:El Salvador 1561:19 December 1312:Luigi Zampa 1195:(103,914). 1111:As of 2024 993:Netherlands 768:Melanesians 542:New Ireland 251:urban areas 216:(by birth, 3784:Categories 3689:Ni-Vanuatu 3420:Portuguese 3395:Macedonian 3390:Lithuanian 3305:Belarusian 3223:Vietnamese 3186:Sri Lankan 3050:Indonesian 2826:Venezuelan 2816:Salvadoran 2801:Paraguayan 2796:Panamanian 2781:Guatemalan 2776:Ecuadorian 2710:Zimbabwean 2675:Senegalese 2540:Indigenous 2310:Dodecanese 2099:Costa Rica 1927:"Antipodi" 1904:"Italians" 1829:7 December 1228:Leichhardt 1119:(LNP) and 958:Australia: 923:internment 824:Capoliveri 776:Aborigines 639:Hungarians 631:Kalgoorlie 564:Italians. 546:New Guinea 528:since 2022 484:Queensland 476:Queensland 436:, Venice, 364:Australian 89:newspapers 3762:Australia 3520:Jordanian 3470:Ukrainian 3410:Norwegian 3375:Icelandic 3370:Hungarian 3315:Bulgarian 3144:Pakistani 3134:Mongolian 3129:Maldivian 3107:Malaysian 3075:Sundanese 2954:Taiwanese 2942:Cantonese 2937:Hong Kong 2922:Cambodian 2895:Bhutanese 2821:Uruguayan 2766:Colombian 2756:Brazilian 2746:Argentine 2690:Tanzanian 2660:Mauritian 2610:Ethiopian 2600:Congolese 2590:Burundian 2417:Melbourne 2412:Australia 2379:Gibraltar 2326:Slovenia 2191:Venezuela 2124:Guatemala 2057:Argentina 1915:4 October 1540:, 6 June. 1323:Jan Sardi 1248:Brunswick 1148:at home. 1062:1,445,356 1059:1,253,083 1056:5,640,638 820:anarchist 721:Fremantle 600:Innisfail 558:New Italy 426:Melbourne 269:Languages 263:New Italy 231:Melbourne 195:1,108,364 177:New Italy 3646:Sudanese 3626:Mandaean 3592:Chaldean 3572:Assyrian 3565:Tunisian 3540:Moroccan 3530:Lebanese 3505:Egyptian 3500:Bahraini 3495:Algerian 3430:Romanian 3345:Estonian 3320:Croatian 3295:Austrian 3283:Scottish 3253:Albanian 3112:Bruneian 3082:Japanese 3070:Madurese 3065:Javanese 3060:Balinese 3055:Acehnese 3023:Malayali 3013:Gujarati 2998:Georgian 2993:Filipino 2873:Armenian 2833:Jamaican 2806:Peruvian 2786:Honduran 2751:Bolivian 2731:Canadian 2726:American 2719:Americas 2695:Togolese 2665:Nigerian 2650:Malawian 2645:Liberian 2625:Ghanaian 2615:Gabonese 2605:Eritrean 2585:Beninese 2385:Ukraine 2369:Scotland 2263:Dalmatia 2149:Paraguay 2134:Honduras 2094:Colombia 2077:Montreal 2050:Americas 2032:Zimbabwe 2002:Ethiopia 1839:cite web 1793:cite web 1664:ABC News 1341:See also 1208:Brisbane 1200:Adelaide 1065:956,769 995:(1951), 983:Italy's 816:Adelaide 804:Calabria 792:Piedmont 784:Sicilian 645:and the 550:Woodburn 488:Tasmania 372:Italians 324:Italians 301:Religion 255:Griffith 247:Brisbane 243:Adelaide 3748:Portals 3665:Oceania 3651:Turkish 3621:Kurdish 3612:Israeli 3607:Iranian 3525:Kuwaiti 3510:Emirati 3460:Swedish 3455:Spanish 3450:Slovene 3440:Serbian 3435:Russian 3400:Maltese 3385:Latvian 3380:Italian 3355:Finnish 3325:Cypriot 3310:Bosnian 3300:Belgian 3268:English 3263:Cornish 3213:Turkmen 3164:Punjabi 3159:Pashtun 3117:Kadazan 3102:Laotian 3028:Punjabi 3008:Bengali 2976:Tibetan 2927:Chinese 2900:Burmese 2888:Bengali 2866:Pashtun 2791:Mexican 2761:Chilean 2705:Zambian 2700:Ugandan 2670:Rwandan 2635:Ivorian 2630:Guinean 2620:Gambian 2580:Angolan 2480:former 2405:Oceania 2357:Grisons 2322:Romania 2301:Greece 2297:Germany 2280:Corsica 2270:Finland 2253:Croatia 2248:Belgium 2243:Albania 2217:Lebanon 2186:Uruguay 2174:by city 2114:Ecuador 2082:Toronto 2062:Bolivia 2027:Tunisia 2017:Somalia 2012:Morocco 1997:Eritrea 1987:Algeria 1879:15 July 1728:14 July 1622:21 July 1266:Origins 1244:Vizzini 1236:Vicenza 1220:Carlton 1146:Italian 1100:At the 1048:28,800 1045:150,669 1042:201,428 1039:390,810 1001:Austria 997:Germany 943:ossario 796:Tuscany 583:Kanakas 574:Kanakas 552:in the 490:11 and 442:Bologna 418:revolts 397:History 387:Italian 368:Italian 356:Italian 283:Italian 214:171,520 207:of the 160:Italian 103:scholar 3721:Tongan 3711:Samoan 3684:Niuean 3672:Fijian 3656:Yezidi 3631:Nubian 3616:Jewish 3597:Darfur 3587:Coptic 3582:Berber 3560:Syrian 3555:Somali 3535:Libyan 3445:Slovak 3425:Romani 3415:Polish 3360:German 3350:French 3335:Danish 3245:Europe 3176:Pathan 3169:Sindhi 3154:Hazara 3149:Baloch 3139:Nepali 3097:Kyrgyz 3092:Korean 3087:Kazakh 3043:Telugu 3033:Sindhi 3003:Indian 2981:Uyghur 2861:Hazara 2856:Afghan 2655:Malian 2640:Kenyan 2572:Africa 2433:Exodus 2389:Crimea 2352:Ticino 2342:Sweden 2330:Istria 2275:France 2258:Istria 2236:Europe 2222:Turkey 2144:Panama 2139:Mexico 2072:Canada 2067:Brazil 1980:Africa 1690:21 May 1333:(2008) 1325:(2004) 1300:(1971) 1240:Ragusa 830:, one 800:Sicily 788:Veneto 772:Asians 635:Greeks 581:, the 434:Naples 430:Modena 362:) are 291:· 289:  279:· 277:  259:Ingham 235:Sydney 156:  105:  98:  91:  84:  76:  3774:Italy 3699:Māori 3602:Dinka 3550:Saudi 3515:Iraqi 3465:Swiss 3365:Greek 3340:Dutch 3330:Czech 3288:Welsh 3273:Irish 3228:Hmong 3218:Uzbek 3203:Tatar 3198:Tajik 3191:Tamil 3122:Temoq 3038:Tamil 2969:Hoklo 2959:Hakka 2932:Hmong 2910:Karen 2771:Cuban 2394:Odesa 2374:Wales 2337:Spain 2317:Malta 2305:Corfu 2290:Savoy 2212:Japan 2207:India 2129:Haiti 2089:Chile 2007:Libya 1992:Egypt 1873:(PDF) 1862:(PDF) 1823:(PDF) 1816:(PDF) 1609:(PDF) 1388:Notes 1204:Perth 1082:3.0% 1079:10.4% 1076:16.1% 459:Genoa 438:Milan 293: 281: 239:Perth 110:JSTOR 96:books 3735:and 3636:Nuer 3577:Bari 3490:Arab 3233:Mien 3208:Thai 2949:Mien 2905:Chin 2848:Asia 2285:Nice 2200:Asia 2154:Peru 2104:Cuba 1917:2015 1881:2008 1866:DFAT 1845:link 1831:2016 1799:link 1730:2008 1692:2022 1624:2008 1563:2006 1073:6.9% 999:and 941:The 828:Elba 802:and 770:and 637:and 598:and 589:The 474:and 285:and 218:2021 205:4.4% 199:2021 82:news 3481:and 2915:Mon 1321:by 945:at 806:". 596:Ayr 65:by 3786:: 1906:. 1841:}} 1837:{{ 1795:}} 1791:{{ 1783:. 1764:. 1746:. 1720:. 1716:. 1700:^ 1680:. 1662:. 1597:^ 1466:. 1448:. 1395:^ 1170:. 1104:, 857:. 834:. 602:. 524:, 440:, 432:, 358:: 342:, 338:, 334:, 330:, 326:, 261:, 257:, 245:, 241:, 237:, 233:, 211:) 179:, 3750:: 3614:/ 2514:e 2507:t 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Italian Australian
Australians in Italy

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New Italy
New South Wales
Australian population
urban areas
New Italy
Australian English

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