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Sardinian-speaking villages. To many Sardinians, abandoning their language and acquiring Italian as a cultural norm represented a means through which they could distance themselves from their original group, which they perceived as marginalized and lacking in prestige, and thereby incorporate themselves into an altogether different social group. The Sardinians have been thus led to part with their language as it bore the mark of a stigmatized identity, the embodiment of a long-suffered social and political subordination in a chained society, as opposed to the social advancement granted them by embracing Italian; such social stigma went beyond the Sardinian language itself to also encompass the Sardinian-influenced accent when speaking Italian, which, unlike other accents, was equally considered uncouth and befitting criminals, or ignorance. Research on ethnolinguistic prejudice has pointed to feelings of inferiority amongst the Sardinians in relation with mainlanders and the Italian language, perceived as a symbol of continental superiority and cultural dominance. Many indigenous cultural practices were to go extinct, shifting towards other forms of socialization.
1462:"Come conseguenza dell'italianizzazione dell'isola – a partire dalla seconda metà del XVIII secolo ma con un'accelerazione dal secondo dopoguerra – si sono verificati i casi in cui, per un lungo periodo e in alcune fasce della popolazione, si è interrotta la trasmissione transgenerazionale delle varietà locali. Potremmo aggiungere che in condizioni socioeconomiche di svantaggio l'atteggiamento linguistico dei parlanti si è posto in maniera negativa nei confronti della propria lingua, la quale veniva associata ad un'immagine negativa e di ostacolo per la promozione sociale. Un gran numero di parlanti, per marcare la distanza dal gruppo sociale di appartenenza, ha piano piano abbandonato la propria lingua per servirsi della lingua dominante e identificarsi in un gruppo sociale differente e più prestigioso.» Gargiulo, Marco (2013). La politica e la storia linguistica della Sardegna raccontata dai parlanti, in Lingue e diritti. Lingua come fattore di integrazione politica e sociale, Minoranze storiche e nuove minoranze, Atti a cura di Paolo Caretti e Andrea Cardone, Accademia della Crusca, Firenze, pp. 132-133 1544:« è vero che la lingua è memoria attiva, struttura del ragionamento, cosmo delle emozioni; altrimenti tutto ciò che ci appartiene rischia di esser visto, anche e proprio a casa nostra, da noi stessi voglio dire, con gli occhi dello straniero che guarda l'esotico: e non esagero nel dire ciò, nei centri urbani e nei ceti urbanizzati si pensa alle cose della tradizione o della specificità sarda con le parole della pubblicità di un agenzia turistica. Bisogna partire dal constatare che il processo di 'desardizzazione' culturale ha trovato spunto e continua a trovare alimento nella desardizzazione linguistica, e che l'espropriazione culturale è venuta e viene a rimorchio dell'espropriazione linguistica." Virdis, Maurizio (2003). 805:, although Parini initially allowed the Greek judges to continue their work, they were ultimately replaced by an Italian Military Court based in Corfu. The "return to the Venetian order" and the Italianization as pursued by Parini were even more drastic than the Italianization policies elsewhere, as their aim was a forced and abrupt cessation of all cultural and historical ties with the old mother country. The only newspaper on the islands was the Italian language "Giornale del Popolo". By early 1942 pre-war politicians in the Ionian Islands began to protest Parini's harsh policies. Parini reacted by opening a concentration camp on the island of 500: 851:«1) Trans.: Rendere italiano; comunicare, trasfondere la cultura, i sentimenti, gli ideali, le abitudini, le leggi e il linguaggio propri degli Italiani. 2) Far assumere una forma italiana a un nome, a un vocabolo, a una struttura letteraria; adattare secondo le leggi fonetiche, morfologiche, grammaticali della lingua italiana; tradurre in italiano. 3) Intr. con la particella pronom.: Diventare italiano; uniformarsi ai modi, alle tradizioni, alle abitudini, alle leggi degli Italiani; assimilarne i sentimenti, le aspirazioni, gli ideali.» Battaglia, Salvatore (1961). 567: 1531:«Gli effetti di una italianizzazione esasperata - iniziata e voluta dai Savoia fin dal lontano 1861 con l'Unità d'Italia - riprendevano fiato e vigore, mentre il vocabolario sardo andava ormai alleggerendosi, tagliando molti di quei termini perché non più appropriati alla tecnologia emergente o perché lontani dalla dalla mentalità e dall'azione delle nuove generazioni che andavano ormai identificandosi nella lingua e nella cultura imposte dal "sistema" italiano, che ignorava la lingua e la cultura dei nostri padri.» Melis Onnis, Giovanni (2014). 1487:"...Per la più gran parte dei parlanti, la lingua sarda è sinonimo o comunque connotato di un passato misero e miserabile che si vuole dimenticare e di cui ci si vuole liberare, è il segno della subordinazione sociale e politica; la lingua di classi più che subalterne e per di più legate a modalità di vita ormai ritenuta arcaica e pertanto non desiderabile, la lingua degli antichi e dei bifolchi, della ristrettezza e della chiusura paesane contro l'apertura, nazionale e internazionale, urbana e civile." Virdis, Maurizio (2003). 1344:« 'lingua della sarda nazione' perse il valore di strumento di identificazione etnica di un popolo e della sua cultura, da codificare e valorizzare, per diventare uno dei tanti dialetti regionali subordinati alla lingua nazionale." Dettori, Antonietta, 2001. Sardo e italiano: tappe fondamentali di un complesso rapporto, in Argiolas, Mario; Serra, Roberto. Limba lingua language: lingue locali, standardizzazione e identità in Sardegna nell'era della globalizzazione, Cagliari, CUEC, p. 88 523:("Catacomb schools") were set up by the local German-speaking majority to teach children the German language. The government created incentives to encourage immigration of native Italians to South Tyrol. Several factors limited the effects of the Italian policy, namely the adverse nature of the territory (mainly mountains and valleys of difficult access), the difficulty for the Italian-speaking individuals to adapt to a completely different environment and, later on, the alliance between 666: 9223: 248: 801:
introduced with the aim to hamper trade with the rest of Greece, which was forbidden by Parini. Transportation with continental Greece was limited; in the courts, judges had to apply Italian law, and schooling followed the educational model of the Italian mainland. Greek administrative officials were replaced by Italian ones, administrative officials of non-Ionic origin were expelled, the local gendarmes were partially replaced by Italian
27: 578:, suppressing the French-speaking schools, establishing the exclusive use of the Italian language in judicial offices (Royal Decree of 15 October 1925, n. 1796), suppressing the teaching of the French language (Royal Decree 22 November 1925, n. 2191), Italianizing toponyms (ordinance of 22 July 1939) and suppressing newspapers in French. Furthermore, with Royal Decree n. 1 of 2 January 1927, Aosta Valley became the 279:), youth, social and professional Slavic organizations, and libraries ("reading rooms"), three political parties, 31 newspapers and journals, and 300 co-operatives and financial institutions had been forbidden, and specifically so later with the Law on Associations (1925), the Law on Public Demonstrations (1926) and the Law on Public Order (1926), the closure of the classical lyceum in Pazin, of the high school in 485:, with the Italianization of geographical names, streets and squares. A special office for the Adriatic lands offered loans and benefits to those willing to denationalize, and in the meantime purchased land to redistribute to former Italian combatants. Scholarships were established for Dalmatians who wanted to continue their studies in Italy and 52 Dalmatian Italians and 211 Croatians and Serbs made use of them. 1388:"Dopo pisani e genovesi si erano susseguiti aragonesi di lingua catalana, spagnoli di lingua castigliana, austriaci, piemontesi ed, infine, italiani Nonostante questi impatti linguistici, la "limba sarda" si mantiene relativamente intatta attraverso i secoli. Fino al fascismo: che vietò l'uso del sardo non solo in chiesa, ma anche in tutte le manifestazioni folkloristiche.» De Concini, Wolftraud (2003). 352: 384:, teaching in languages different from Italian was abolished. In the Julian March this meant the end of teaching in Croatian and Slovenian. Some 500 Slovene teachers, nearly half of all Slovene teachers in the Littoral region, were moved by the Italians from the area, to the interior of Italy, while Italian teachers were sent to teach Slovene children Italian. However, in 1561:"The results of the Oristano surveys seem to show that the change in the use of the two languages is taking place very quickly (), while the detailed studies of Ottava and Bonorva (Province of Sassari) show that Italianization in the countryside is hampered by the lack of social mobility and by the normative pressure of the rural Sardinian-speaking community network." 1515:"It turns out that the Italian: Sardinian dichotomy is not so much realized in the form of affective group-images, but that Italian is generally perceived as symbolizing continental superiority and cultural dominance. In her dissertation on ethnolinguistic prejudice, Diana (1981) points to the feelings of inferiority Sardinians have in relation to Italians.» 234: 712:
instead seem to identify with Italian to a higher degree than other linguistic minorities in Italy". It is estimated that around 10 to 13 percent of the young people born in Sardinia are still competent in Sardinian, and the language is currently used exclusively by 0.6% of the total population. A 2012 study conducted by the
740:. Fascist youth organizations were introduced on the islands, and the Italianization of names was encouraged by the Italian authorities. The islanders did not, however, receive full citizenship and were not required to serve in the Italian armed forces. The population was allowed to elect their own mayors. Lagos' successor, 662:, stated that Sardinian was one of the most significant barriers separating the islanders from the Italian Mainland, and only the suppression of their dialects could ensure that they might understand the governmental instructions, issued in Italian, and become properly "civilized" subjects of the Savoyard Kingdom. 800:
he vigorously began a forced Italianization policy that lasted until the end of the war. The islands passed through a phase of Italianization in all areas, from their administration to their economy. Italian was designated the islands' only official language; a new currency, the Ionian drachma, was
as the prestige language of the upper class for centuries; in this context, Italianization, while difficult at first, was intended as a cultural policy whereby the social and economic structures of the island could become increasingly intertwined with the Mainland and expressly Piedmont, where the
immediately gave way to a massive and violent Italianization of the annexed provinces: the political secretaries of the fascist party, of the after-work club, of the agricultural consortia and doctors, teachers, municipal employees, midwives were sent to administer them, immediately hated by those
According to Pietro Martini, who stood at the forefront for the cause and rose to become one of its leading exponents, the Fusion may have opened the way to "the transplant, without any reserves and obstacles, of the culture and civilization of the Italian Mainland to Sardinia, and thereby form a
that the Ionian Islands would form a separate Italian province through a de facto annexation, but the Germans would not approve it. Nevertheless, the Italian authorities continued to prepare the ground for the annexation. Finally, on 22 April 1941, after discussions between the German and Italian
was tolerated for communications within the civil administration. In the major centres, various signs written in Croatian were replaced by writings in Italian, Croatian flags, newspapers and posters were prohibited except the bilingual ones published by the Italian civil and military authorities;
Nowadays, the Sardinians are linguistically and culturally assimilated into Italian and, despite the official recognition conferred to Sardinian by the national law in 1999, according to Giulio Paulis "identify with their language to lesser degree than other linguistic minorities in Italy, and
ran, the island could rid itself of the "ancient traditional practices" which held it back, regarded as a legacy of barbarism to be disposed of at once in order to join the Mainland's economic growth; Italianization had thus become a mass phenomenon, taking roots in the hitherto predominantly
In 1926, claiming that it was restoring surnames to their original Italian form, the Italian government announced the Italianization of German, Slovene and Croat surnames. In the Province of Trieste alone, 3,000 surnames were modified and 60,000 people had their surnames amended to an
Regulations by the fascist authorities required that all kinds of signs and public notices be in Italian only. Maps, postcards and other graphic material had to show Italian place names. In September 1925, Italian became the sole permissible language in courts of law. Illegal
1471:«La tendenza che caratterizza invece molti gruppi dominati è quella di gettare a mare i segni che indicano la propria appartenenza a un'identità stigmatizzata. È quello che accade in Sardegna con la sua lingua (capp. 8-9, in questo volume)." Mongili, Alessandro (2015). 624:. The Savoyards had imposed the Italian language on Sardinia as part of a wider cultural policy designed to bind the island to the Mainland in such a way as to prevent either future attempts of political separation or curb a renewed interest on the part of 657:
ceased to be regarded as an identity marker of a specific ethnic group, and was instead lumped in with a dialectal conglomerate which, in the Mainland, had long been subordinate to the national language. The jurist Carlo Baudi di Vesme, in his 1848 essay
732:, of which the largest is Rhodos, were ruled by Italy between 1912 and 1945. After a period of military rule, civil governors were appointed in 1923 shortly after Fascists began to rule Italy and Italians were settled on the islands. The first governor, 1577:" si identificano con loro lingua meno di quanto facciano altre minoranze linguistiche esistenti in Italia, e viceversa sembrano identificarsi con l'italiano più di quanto accada per altre minoranze linguistiche d'Italia." Paulis, Giulio (2001). 399:
Slovene and Croat societies and sporting and cultural associations had to cease every activity in line with a decision of provincial Fascist secretaries dated 12 June 1927. On a specific order from the prefect of Trieste on 19 November 1928, the
444:. As a result of the repression, more than 100,000 Slovenes and Croats emigrated from Italian territory between the two world wars, the vast majority to Yugoslavia. Among the notable Slovene émigrés from Trieste were the writers 601:, signed by the representatives of the communities Alpine in defense of their particularism. A member of the resistance, Émile Chanoux, arrested by the fascist militia, was assassinated in prison on the night of 18-19 May 1944. 764:, Mussolini had expressed his wish to annex the Ionian Islands as an Italian province. After the fall of Greece in early April 1941, the Italians occupied much of the country, including the Ionians. Mussolini informed 3676: 550:
Following World War II, South Tyrol was one of the first regions to be granted autonomy on the ground of its peculiar linguistic situation; any further attempts at Italianization were formally abandoned.
languages in the administration and in the courts restricted. After March 1923 these languages were prohibited in administration, and after October 1925 in law courts, as well. In 1923, in the context of
When dealing with such a race as Slavic – inferior and barbaric – we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy. We should not be afraid of new victims. The Italian border should run across the
94: 1035:
Mezulić, Hrvoje; R. Jelić (2005) Fascism, baptiser and scorcher (O Talijanskoj upravi u Istri i Dalmaciji 1918–1943.: nasilno potalijančivanje prezimena, imena i mjesta), Dom i svijet, Zagreb,
islands. Parini's police troops arrested about 3,500 people, which were imprisoned at these three camps. The Italianization efforts in the Ionian islands ended in September 1943, after the
became compulsory in education and public life, with Greek being only an optional subject in schools. In 1937 the elected mayors were replaced by appointed loyal fascists. In 1938, the new
political society was also dissolved. Croat and Slovene financial co-operatives in Istria, which at first were absorbed by the Pula or Trieste savings banks, were gradually liquidated.
736:, encouraged intermarriage between Italian settlers and Greeks, provided scholarships for young Greeks to study in Italy and set up a Dodecanese church to limit the influence of the 7162: 760:
The cultural remnants of the Venetian period were Mussolini's pretext to incorporate the Ionian Islands into the Kingdom of Italy. Even before the outbreak of World War II and the
5385: 680:
After the end of the Second World War, efforts continued to be made to further Italianize the population, with the justification that by doing so, as the principles of the
7780: 3661: 3825: 437: 720:
found that the interviewees from Sardinia with the strongest sense of Italian identity were also those expressing the most unfavourable opinion towards Sardinian.
893:[90 Years From the Arson of the National Hall in Trieste: Arson of the National Hall or the St. Bartholomew's Night of the Triestine Slovenes and Slavs]. 1359:
Multilinguismo nello Stato-Nazione, in Contarini, Silvia; Marras, Margherita; Pias, Giuliana. L'identità sarda del XXI secolo tra globale, locale e postcoloniale
began with riots on 13 April 1920, which were organised as a retaliation for the assault on the Italian occupying troops by the local Croatian population in the
speakers. In October 1923, the use of the Italian language became mandatory (although not exclusive) on all levels of federal, provincial and local government.
4260: 3601: 3160: 30:
A leaflet from the period of Fascist Italianization prohibiting singing or speaking in the "Slavic language" in the streets and public places of Dignano (now
8829: 673:
However, it was not until the rise of fascism that Sardinian was actively banned and/or excluded from any residual cultural activities to enforce a thorough
9398: 1161: 2383: 8645: 8292: 2597: 9413: 8844: 7157: 9549: 9260: 3374: 554:
In the 21st century, just over 100 years after the Italian annexation of the region, 64% of the population of South Tyrol speak German as their
1130: 1074:"La musa istriana ha chiamato Foiba degno posto di sepoltura per chi nella provincia d'Istria minaccia le caratteristiche nazionali dell'Istria" 8091: 3354: 8570: 8086: 3369: 3166: 2745: 1647: 9393: 1054: 9622: 9082: 8910: 8905: 8900: 8895: 7212: 3349: 873: 708:
Italians. This process has been slower to take hold in the countryside than in the main cities, where it has become most evident instead.
8160: 6612: 4861: 4579: 3052: 7222: 4559: 4120: 9554: 477:
cultural and sporting societies dissolved, the Roman salute imposed, some Italian surnames restored. We also proceeded, as already in
10049: 9300: 4589: 4270: 3815: 3656: 3072: 1504: 677:
to Italian. According to Guido Melis, the resulting assimilation created "an intergenerational rift that could no longer be healed".
345: 890: 10064: 8921: 7629: 6481: 4881: 4472: 3987: 1999: 3475: 589:
A secret society was organized in the region for the defense of the Aosta Valley identity and the use of the French language, the
2735: 940: 769:
rulers, Hitler agreed that Italy could proceed with a de facto annexation of the islands. Thus on 10 August 1941 the islands of
9780: 8926: 8881: 8427: 8312: 7278: 7182: 4624: 4345: 4320: 4175: 4110: 3766: 3344: 3329: 2927: 1026:
Regio decreto legge 10 Gennaio 1926, n. 17: Restituzione in forma italiana dei cognomi delle famiglie della provincia di Trento
3935: 8819: 8753: 4931: 4761: 3500: 3359: 2988: 1285: 1251: 9366: 8891: 8076: 8061: 7836: 6304: 4886: 4340: 3751: 3701: 3429: 2503: 2076: 10034: 9253: 8834: 8676: 8560: 8392: 8041: 6898: 4891: 4736: 4599: 4574: 4405: 4375: 3761: 3696: 3470: 3364: 3176: 503:
Ethnic distribution South Tyrol Census 1880. In green German majority, in blue Ladin majority and in red Italian majority
1095: 10069: 8758: 8550: 8220: 7760: 7649: 7172: 6978: 4980: 4866: 4420: 4395: 4215: 4185: 4115: 3726: 3681: 3666: 3631: 3583: 3186: 2835: 2645: 2261: 1769: 1752: 1719: 1697: 1672: 8575: 1237: 951:] (in Italian). Instituto storico della Resistenca e dell'Età Contemporanea in Provincia di Lucca. pp. 12–13. 294:. Many Slovene-owned shops and buildings were destroyed during the riots, which culminated in the burning down of the 8712: 8377: 8016: 7202: 7192: 6476: 4594: 4554: 4325: 4300: 4240: 3893: 3529: 2720: 1837: 1804: 1040: 975: 7969: 3940: 891:"90 let od požiga Narodnega doma v Trstu: Požig Narodnega doma ali šentjernejska noč tržaških Slovencev in Slovanov" 308:
praised this action as a "masterpiece of the Triestine fascism". Two years later he became prime minister of Italy.
10059: 9901: 9847: 9136: 8778: 8671: 8382: 4804: 4584: 4305: 3883: 3716: 3424: 3384: 3171: 3097: 3092: 2602: 412: 8170: 8886: 8472: 8272: 7806: 7775: 7498: 6763: 6632: 4876: 4663: 4519: 4499: 4482: 3925: 3888: 3686: 3578: 3057: 2973: 2413: 1794: 547:, this agreement was never fully implemented and most ethnic Germans remained or returned at the end of the war. 8011: 8006: 6314: 3930: 2315: 178: 10054: 10029: 9246: 8555: 8237: 8180: 7881: 7876: 7197: 7102: 6863: 6597: 6461: 5565: 4741: 4195: 3691: 3495: 3379: 2740: 4087: 2279: 9510: 9295: 9094: 8412: 8195: 7675: 7167: 6517: 4766: 4492: 3646: 3259: 3082: 2545: 2036: 2024: 1583:
Limba lingua language: lingue locali, standardizzazione e identità in Sardegna nell'era della globalizzazione
838: 494: 472:
whose jobs they took away. Italian was imposed as a compulsory language for officials and teachers, although
emerged in 1927. It co-ordinated the Slovene resistance against Fascist Italy until its dismantlement by the
158: 8727: 1665:
Il nuovo ordine mediterraneo : le politiche di occupazione dell'Italia fascista in Europa (1940 - 1943)
1618: 10019: 9758: 8215: 8081: 7939: 7906: 7328: 7112: 5855: 4985: 4941: 4916: 4834: 4814: 4220: 4130: 4125: 4027: 4022: 4017: 3788: 3736: 3711: 3389: 3226: 3201: 3144: 2850: 2592: 1882: 528: 276: 9919: 8397: 8071: 7018: 6778: 6309: 6294: 5475: 5239: 2447: 9961: 9498: 9344: 8332: 8205: 8200: 7916: 7599: 7308: 7137: 6421: 4839: 4751: 4688: 4636: 4564: 4335: 4265: 3945: 3741: 3556: 3309: 2922: 2730: 2288: 1293:
Table 1 — Declarations of which language group belong to/affiliated to — Population Census 2011
1216: 594: 291: 6808: 3848: 2479: 2388: 300:("National Home"), the community hall of the Triestine Slovenes, by a group of Italian Fascists, led by 10024: 9906: 9067: 8959: 8452: 7856: 7242: 7132: 6728: 5840: 5360: 4936: 4921: 4846: 4824: 4819: 4756: 4477: 4439: 4295: 4275: 4250: 4047: 4012: 4007: 3731: 3534: 3460: 3419: 3284: 3181: 3129: 3017: 2810: 2750: 2670: 1224:
South Tyrol in Figures 2008", Provincial Statistics Institute of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol
7028: 6284: 6173: 3641: 620:, which at the time already controlled a number of other states in the Italian mainland, most notably 10044: 10039: 8407: 8036: 7871: 7619: 7217: 6416: 5940: 4901: 4731: 4683: 4678: 4569: 4400: 4360: 4255: 4057: 4002: 3997: 3449: 3394: 3339: 3304: 3236: 3149: 3102: 3037: 2993: 2147: 1127: 464: 145:
to force cultural and ethnic assimilation of the native populations living, primarily, in the former
5219: 2423: 2352: 10074: 9669: 9520: 9455: 9383: 8717: 8467: 8442: 8337: 8322: 8135: 7984: 7866: 7826: 7765: 7639: 7413: 6627: 6329: 5960: 5703: 5662: 5264: 4911: 4791: 4721: 4668: 4619: 4449: 4390: 4290: 4280: 4245: 4235: 4230: 4170: 4135: 3975: 3873: 3706: 3671: 3334: 3289: 3206: 3191: 3011: 2840: 2612: 1987: 1952: 1892: 621: 7558: 6953: 5505: 5355: 5153: 1644: 9651: 9602: 9042: 8916: 8210: 8066: 8056: 7974: 7609: 7298: 7237: 7117: 7097: 6853: 6672: 6112: 5036: 4809: 4225: 4210: 3982: 3970: 3455: 3324: 3221: 2892: 2867: 2820: 2715: 2491: 1113: 1051: 717: 389: 189:. The program was later extended to areas annexed during World War II, affecting Slovenes in the 9795: 7408: 6557: 6324: 2266: 225:, had already undergone cultural and linguistic Italianization starting from an earlier period. 9941: 9305: 8748: 8580: 8362: 8252: 8051: 8021: 7999: 7964: 7954: 7949: 7841: 7691: 7568: 7368: 6738: 6617: 6466: 5820: 5657: 5606: 5510: 4871: 4856: 4651: 4434: 4370: 4180: 4160: 4140: 4072: 4062: 4032: 3965: 3950: 3853: 3820: 3480: 3414: 3314: 3246: 3139: 3087: 3024: 2944: 2902: 2845: 2755: 2695: 2540: 2376: 2132: 2081: 1243: 870: 818: 741: 713: 408: 272: 6968: 6813: 6274: 6147: 4415: 2300: 1223: 9738: 9701: 9657: 9269: 9198: 9025: 8514: 8457: 8417: 8357: 8327: 8155: 7929: 7493: 7488: 7463: 7453: 7443: 7318: 7147: 6943: 6908: 6818: 6768: 6712: 6662: 6657: 6577: 6248: 5930: 5611: 5450: 4851: 4829: 4781: 4726: 4716: 4673: 4514: 4385: 4365: 4285: 4145: 3878: 3800: 3783: 3721: 3651: 3636: 3490: 2949: 2917: 2912: 2872: 2862: 2795: 2725: 2690: 2665: 2214: 2071: 1830: 963: 737: 429: 190: 138: 115: 7313: 6253: 5415: 3513: 2435: 9978: 9946: 8969: 8931: 8788: 8763: 8565: 8122: 8118: 8031: 7959: 7846: 7770: 7696: 7634: 7523: 7458: 7343: 7142: 7013: 7008: 6773: 6319: 6258: 5667: 4799: 4693: 4529: 4524: 4315: 4190: 3805: 3626: 3465: 3279: 3211: 3196: 2907: 2897: 2857: 2785: 2765: 2675: 2655: 2454: 2337: 2142: 2137: 2019: 2009: 681: 632:, theretofore extraneous to Italian and its cultural sphere, had been previously roofed by 499: 9193: 7363: 6933: 6279: 5112: 3915: 2357: 8: 9983: 9956: 9361: 9354: 8793: 8140: 8026: 7891: 7886: 7831: 7654: 7644: 7584: 7398: 7393: 6893: 6707: 6572: 6365: 6289: 6243: 6223: 6178: 6005: 5975: 5845: 5688: 5632: 5249: 5209: 5122: 5102: 5000: 4614: 4549: 4509: 3810: 3795: 3773: 3485: 3299: 3266: 3134: 3124: 2882: 2760: 2523: 2498: 1932: 1917: 914: 906: 749: 468: 425:
those places suitable for burial of enemies of the national characteristics of Istria".
6873: 6086: 5214: 3992: 3920: 3903: 9634: 9322: 9015: 8768: 7989: 7896: 7801: 7670: 7594: 7508: 7503: 7428: 7288: 7258: 7232: 7227: 7152: 7127: 7038: 6868: 6798: 6692: 6687: 6682: 6507: 6203: 5698: 5596: 5132: 3551: 3539: 2815: 2800: 2535: 2518: 2347: 2229: 2106: 2056: 654: 650: 642: 457: 449: 356: 6823: 6071: 5279: 3031: 994: 275:. Following the annexation of the March by Italy, 400 cultural, sporting (for example 9973: 9936: 9587: 9151: 9057: 8798: 8524: 7934: 7716: 7711: 7513: 7378: 7323: 7303: 7177: 7122: 6828: 6607: 6532: 6400: 6137: 6081: 6051: 5990: 5910: 5815: 5754: 5693: 5560: 5455: 5435: 5269: 5229: 5066: 4926: 4896: 4771: 4544: 4457: 4310: 4102: 4052: 4042: 4037: 3910: 3898: 3863: 3840: 3606: 3593: 3294: 3042: 3003: 2780: 2770: 2393: 2224: 2209: 2197: 2152: 1962: 1922: 1800: 1748: 1693: 1668: 1546:
La lingua sarda oggi: bilinguismo, problemi di identità culturale e realtà scolastica
La lingua sarda oggi: bilinguismo, problemi di identità culturale e realtà scolastica
1247: 1036: 971: 761: 697: 693: 653:, determined the conventional moment wherefrom, according to Antonietta Dettori, the 579: 520: 441: 368: 264: 69: 8477: 7533: 7023: 6993: 6743: 5460: 5400: 5254: 5097: 3858: 2459: 2274: 910: 700:
spoken by fewer and fewer Sardinian families, the majority of whom have turned into
566: 9951: 9879: 9811: 9607: 9215: 9052: 8839: 8783: 8707: 8529: 7614: 7473: 7003: 6958: 6878: 6858: 6843: 6833: 6788: 6567: 6497: 6426: 6390: 6385: 6299: 6228: 6208: 6183: 6117: 5955: 5935: 5925: 5905: 5890: 5759: 5744: 5683: 5591: 5550: 5520: 5500: 5465: 5440: 5330: 5320: 5107: 5076: 4995: 4711: 4641: 4150: 3273: 3252: 3077: 3062: 2635: 2236: 2091: 2029: 1907: 1897: 1823: 1327:
single civil family under a Father better than a King, the great Charles Albert". (
814: 745: 633: 629: 381: 372: 332: 305: 301: 252: 142: 134: 130: 85: 64: 56: 7994: 6056: 5515: 5031: 2710: 9998: 9913: 9891: 9874: 9681: 9646: 9487: 9477: 9433: 9428: 9327: 9290: 9227: 9047: 8732: 8247: 7944: 7924: 7438: 7383: 7107: 6963: 6803: 6758: 6642: 6602: 6582: 6547: 6456: 6350: 6238: 6188: 6107: 6010: 6000: 5970: 5965: 5950: 5870: 5850: 5830: 5789: 5779: 5749: 5729: 5724: 5642: 5540: 5395: 5370: 5325: 4906: 4539: 4082: 4077: 3960: 3955: 3616: 3611: 3573: 3545: 3435: 2805: 2685: 2680: 2660: 2622: 2472: 2408: 2403: 2332: 2219: 2116: 2101: 2041: 1877: 1690:
Mussolini Unleashed, 1939-1941: Politics and Strategy in Fascist Italy's Last War
1651: 1373: 1134: 1099: 1079: 1058: 877: 705: 512: 445: 385: 377: 327:. I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians. 146: 126: 98: 77: 8098: 7478: 6076: 5570: 5350: 5224: 5127: 5117: 3506: 233: 9988: 9886: 9869: 9785: 9765: 9733: 9686: 9676: 9629: 9617: 9576: 9571: 9537: 9505: 9467: 9438: 9423: 9373: 9349: 9280: 9168: 9146: 9062: 8697: 8492: 8447: 8437: 8432: 8262: 8242: 8232: 8165: 8130: 8046: 7816: 7701: 7589: 7293: 7053: 6928: 6913: 6888: 6697: 6637: 6562: 6527: 6471: 6395: 6355: 6345: 6218: 6020: 5945: 5880: 5875: 5860: 5805: 5739: 5647: 5637: 5555: 5530: 5480: 5410: 5375: 5335: 5294: 5284: 5259: 5183: 5178: 5168: 4990: 4776: 4504: 4487: 4380: 4355: 3561: 3524: 3399: 3319: 3241: 3119: 2877: 2630: 2607: 2513: 2508: 2366: 2256: 2241: 2111: 1982: 1967: 1887: 701: 674: 638: 617: 555: 473: 210: 202: 174: 154: 106: 7528: 5244: 5188: 5071: 5056: 10013: 9968: 9896: 9837: 9770: 9753: 9728: 9723: 9718: 9713: 9708: 9691: 9664: 9597: 9581: 9566: 9561: 9515: 9493: 9482: 9472: 9462: 9445: 9388: 9378: 9312: 9126: 9077: 8824: 8692: 8487: 8422: 8317: 8257: 8225: 8103: 7563: 7553: 7423: 7043: 6988: 6948: 6923: 6903: 6848: 6783: 6753: 6748: 6733: 6652: 6647: 6592: 6587: 6502: 6451: 6360: 6233: 6132: 6102: 6066: 5995: 5915: 5865: 5825: 5784: 5774: 5764: 5652: 5601: 5586: 5545: 5535: 5495: 5485: 5425: 5345: 5234: 5193: 5163: 5148: 5061: 5046: 5041: 5026: 4604: 4467: 4155: 3830: 3409: 3216: 3067: 2937: 2887: 2830: 2775: 2557: 2320: 2204: 2046: 1942: 1902: 1869: 1193: 1177: 1092: 646: 536: 16:
Spread of Italian culture and language, either by integration or assimilation
7273: 6938: 6838: 1331:
Sull'unione civile della Sardegna colla Liguria, col Piemonte e colla Savoia
641:, performed with an assimilationist intent and politically analogous to the 9842: 9821: 9790: 9775: 9748: 9743: 9696: 9641: 9592: 9544: 9532: 9450: 9418: 9408: 9403: 9285: 9141: 9121: 9116: 9111: 9101: 9037: 9032: 8981: 8876: 8814: 8507: 8502: 8462: 8307: 8282: 8277: 8145: 7979: 7706: 7092: 7048: 6998: 6973: 6918: 6883: 6793: 6552: 6522: 6446: 6441: 6436: 6431: 6380: 6370: 6193: 5985: 5900: 5895: 5885: 5810: 5719: 5627: 5525: 5470: 5445: 5390: 5274: 5092: 5051: 4746: 4631: 3756: 3519: 3231: 2983: 2978: 2959: 2932: 2700: 2192: 2184: 2086: 1937: 793: 765: 575: 544: 540: 532: 524: 478: 453: 324: 316: 283:(1918), the closure of the 488 Slovene and Croat primary schools followed. 268: 194: 186: 170: 7468: 6046: 570:
Linguistic map of north-western Italy, of which the Aosta Valley is a part
or stay in Italy and become fully Italianized. Because of the outbreak of
9993: 9816: 9612: 9317: 9183: 9173: 9131: 8988: 8773: 8722: 8596: 8534: 8372: 8347: 8175: 8150: 8108: 7811: 7785: 7624: 7538: 7283: 7263: 6983: 6622: 6213: 6168: 6127: 6041: 6015: 5920: 5835: 5769: 5734: 5490: 5430: 5405: 5365: 5340: 5299: 5289: 5158: 5021: 4534: 4462: 4092: 4067: 3621: 3154: 3107: 2954: 2650: 2528: 2467: 2442: 2430: 2014: 1977: 1927: 1796:
Fascism's European Empire: Italian Occupation During the Second World War
802: 665: 508: 482: 296: 239: 150: 45: 26: 20: 9238: 9222: 8342: 7358: 6142: 9178: 8974: 8702: 8482: 8287: 8185: 7901: 7861: 7433: 7403: 7348: 7187: 7033: 6667: 6542: 6537: 6198: 6152: 6122: 5980: 5420: 5380: 5315: 5173: 5005: 4656: 4646: 4609: 4205: 3746: 3677:
Hungarian National Socialist Agricultural Labourers' and Workers' Party
3113: 3047: 2705: 2640: 2418: 2305: 2246: 2096: 2061: 2004: 1912: 1767: 1745:
The untold history of Greek collaboration with Nazi Germany (1941–1944)
1717: 1565:
Kontaktlinguistik / Contact Linguistics / Linguistique de contact, v. 2
and some minor islands were officially annexed by Italy as part of the
774: 733: 729: 40: 320: 9337: 9332: 9161: 9072: 9005: 8964: 8497: 8402: 8387: 8267: 8190: 7755: 7518: 7483: 7448: 7268: 6677: 6512: 6375: 6061: 3567: 2825: 2790: 2251: 1947: 778: 417: 247: 182: 7418: 4410: 1416:
Guido Melis, La Sardegna contemporanea, in Manlio Brigaglia (1982).
9188: 9156: 9106: 9020: 9010: 8993: 8601: 8367: 8297: 7604: 7338: 6036: 4165: 2371: 2310: 2295: 2051: 1993: 1957: 610: 598: 583: 396:
Italian-sounding form. First or given names were also Italianized.
360: 222: 214: 198: 1473:
Topologie postcoloniali. Innovazione e modernizzazione in Sardegna
A Land on the Threshold. South Tyrolean Transformations, 1915–2015
48:), and threatening the use of "persuasive methods" in enforcement. 8519: 7388: 7353: 7333: 7163:
An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus
The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia
6702: 4703: 4350: 3778: 3404: 2486: 1846: 810: 782: 689: 539:
living in the province. They either had to opt for emigration to
magazine, a Fascist publication, that "The Istrian muse named as
This expressed a common Fascist opinion against the Croatian and
287: 280: 206: 35: 31: 865: 863: 861: 157:
in 1915; this process was mainly conducted during the period of
8998: 8666: 8661: 8606: 8352: 8302: 7821: 7548: 7543: 7373: 7207: 4429: 4330: 4200: 3868: 2550: 2398: 2325: 2066: 256: 218: 213:). On the other hand, other indigenous communities, such as in 1630:
Gianmario Demuro; Francesco Mola (2013). Ilenia Ruggiu (ed.).
1629: 1579:
Il sardo unificato e la teoria della panificazione linguistica
La Sardegna. La geografia, la storia, l'arte e la letteratura.
PUŞCARIU, Sextil. Studii istroromâne. Vol. II, București: 1926
7851: 3441: 2968: 1634:. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore. pp. 38–39. 1516: 858: 797: 770: 625: 422: 7781:
National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise
1235: 744:, embarked on a forced Italianization campaign in 1936. The 628:. In fact, the complex linguistic composition of the native 3826:
Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit
1972: 1505:
For Sardinian language, (almost) all work is yet to be done
943:[The Eastern Border: One Land, Multiple Exoduses]. 806: 614: 433: 351: 336: 1815: 1273:
South Tyrol: A Minority Conflict of the Twentieth Century
880:, Italian Historical Society Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, p. 4 3662:
German National Socialist Workers' Party (Czechoslovakia)
1667:(1. ed.). Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. p. 586. 1567:. Berlin & New-York: Walter de Gruyter. p. 1379. 367:
Italian teachers were assigned to schools and the use of
1713: 1711: 1709: 1390:
Gli altri d'Italia: minoranze linguistiche allo specchio
995:" – Izseljevanje iz Primorske med obema vojnama" 4261:
National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement
Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists
in 1941. At the time, some TIGR ex-members joined the
Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia
1706: 1608:
Silanus diventa la capitale dei vocabolari dialettali
1562: 1375:
Considerazioni politiche ed economiche sulla Sardegna
Considerazioni politiche ed economiche sulla Sardegna
1371: 1267: 1265: 1263: 841:. Dizionario della Lingua Italiana Sabatini Coletti. 228: 949:
The Istrian, Dalmatian and Rijeka Refugees in Lucca
836:"Processo di assimilazione alla cultura italiana." 209:-speaking regions of the western Alps (such as the 173:, the affected people were the German-speaking and 164: 120: 535:and Benito Mussolini determined the status of the 141:. It is also known for a process organized by the 1260: 883: 286:The period of violent persecution of Slovenes in 149:territories that were transferred to Italy after 10011: 7158:Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics 1774:. Rome: Italian Ministry of Defense. p. 370 1768:Commissione Italiana di Storia Militare (1993). 1724:. Rome: Italian Ministry of Defense. p. 370 1718:Commissione Italiana di Storia Militare (1993). 938: 934: 932: 1606:Piras, Luciano, 05/02/2019, La Nuova Sardegna, 1594:Coretti, Paolo, 04/11/2010, La Nuova Sardegna, 1550:Convegno dalla lingua materna al plurilinguismo 1519:Bilingualism and Linguistic Conflict in Romance 1493:Convegno dalla lingua materna al plurilinguismo 1198:Storia d'Italia nella guerra fascista 1940-1943 1182:Storia d'Italia nella guerra fascista 1940-1943 1157: 1155: 688:Within a few generations Sardinian, as well as 593:, whose founder was Anselme Réan, as well as a 3355:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 1328: 941:"Il confine orientale: una terra, molti esodi" 465:Italian annexation of Dalmatia in World War II 9254: 3167:Finnish National Socialist Labor Organisation 1831: 945:Gli esuli istriani, dalmati e fiumani a Lucca 929: 895: 271:) was occupied by the Italian Army after the 8979: 7213:Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World 3375:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 3350:National Socialist Movement (United Kingdom) 1645:Aegeannet, The Dodecanese under Italian Rule 1152: 905:] (in Slovenian). 2010. pp. 14–15. 582:including also part of the Italian-speaking 205:and, to a lesser extent, to the French- and 8161:Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists 3161:Fédération d'action nationale et européenne 1742: 1692:. Cambridge University Press. p. 140. 1356: 789:(Great Community of the New Roman Empire). 9261: 9247: 8646:Herero and Nama genocide and the Holocaust 8571:National Socialist German Students' League 8092:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls) 7223:A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century 4121:Bulgarian National Socialist Workers Party 3370:National Socialist Workers' Party (Sweden) 2746:National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party 1838: 1824: 1447: 1429: 1420:1. Cagliari: Edizioni Della Torre. p. 132. 1401: 1311: 1166:L'Italia e il confine orientale, 1866-2006 1093: 961: 939:Sestani, Armando, ed. (10 February 2012). 243:("National Home") in Trieste, 13 July 1920 9268: 8087:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys) 4271:National Socialist Patriotic Organisation 3816:United Hungarian National Socialist Party 3657:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 3073:British League of Ex-Servicemen and Women 1687: 1632:Identità e autonomia in Sardegna e Scozia 1392:, Pergine Valsugana: Comune, pp. 195-196. 259:in 1910, per the Austro-Hungarian census. 7630:Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal 4473:Canadian Association for Free Expression 3988:Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista 3053:Breton Social-National Workers' Movement 1378:. Dalla Stamperia Reale. pp. 49–51. 1352: 1350: 809:, to which two more camps were added on 787:Grande Communità del Nuovo Impero Romano 664: 565: 507:In 1919, at the time of its annexation, 498: 363:in 1910, per the Austro-Hungarian census 350: 246: 232: 153:in exchange for Italy having joined the 25: 1792: 1771:L'Italia in Guerra – Il Terzo Anno 1942 1721:L'Italia in Guerra - Il Terzo Anno 1942 1662: 1656: 1443: 1441: 1011: 853:Grande dizionario della lingua italiana 10012: 8313:Hungarian National Defence Association 7183:Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals 4625:Christian Party (United States, 1930s) 4346:Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 4321:Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 4176:Front of National Revolutionary Action 4111:Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights 3767:National Socialist Working Association 3345:National Socialist Movement (UK, 1962) 3330:National Socialist Dutch Workers Party 2928:Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana 1581:, in Argiolas, Mario; Serra, Roberto, 1517:Rebecca Posner, John N. Green (1993). 1168:, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007, pagina 213 964:"Antislavismo, razzismo di frontiera?" 637:Kingdom's central power lay. The 1847 9242: 8948: 8865: 8820:Nazi crimes against the Polish nation 8754:November 1932 German federal election 8627: 7737: 7074: 4962: 4932:La Resistencia Dios, Patria y Familia 4762:National Socialist Party of Australia 3476:Parti Communautaire National-Européen 3360:National Socialist Movement of Norway 2574: 2173: 1857: 1819: 1347: 1236:Georg Grote, Hannes Obermair (2017). 1226:, Bozen/Bolzano 2007, p. 19, Table 11 723: 63: 8062:National Youth Organisation (Greece) 7837:Francisco Franco National Foundation 4887:National Socialist Movement of Chile 3702:National Democratic Party of Germany 1533:Fueddariu sardu campidanesu-italianu 1438: 989: 987: 8677:Armenian genocide and the Holocaust 8561:Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas 8042:National Socialist Liberation Front 4892:National Universitary Concentration 4737:Australian National Socialist Party 4575:National Socialist Liberation Front 4406:Union of Bulgarian National Legions 3936:Falange Española de las JONS (1976) 3762:National Socialist Freedom Movement 3697:National Democratic Party (Austria) 3471:Organisation of National Socialists 3365:National Socialist Union of Finland 1361:. Nuoro: Il Maestrale. p. 158. 411:, the minister for public works in 311:In September 1920, Mussolini said: 13: 8949: 8759:March 1933 German federal election 8551:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 8221:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 7761:Chamber of Fasces and Corporations 7650:Tag der Freiheit: Unsere Wehrmacht 7173:The Last Will of a Russian Fascist 4867:National Fascist Party (Argentina) 4421:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 4216:Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 4116:Bosnian Movement of National Pride 3682:Hungarian National Socialist Party 3632:Christian National Socialist Front 3584:World Union of National Socialists 3501:Patriotic People's Movement (1993) 3187:French National-Collectivist Party 2836:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 2736:Nasyonal Aktivite ve Zinde İnkişaf 2646:Azerbaijan National Democrat Party 762:Greek-Italian 1940-1941 Winter War 169:Between 1922 and the beginning of 14: 10086: 8017:Korean National Youth Association 7738: 7203:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 4595:Nationalist Front (United States) 4555:National Alliance (United States) 4326:The Other Russia of E. V. Limonov 4241:National-Christian Defense League 3752:Greater German People's Community 3530:Scottish Democratic Fascist Party 2721:Korean National Youth Association 1793:Rodogno, Davide (3 August 2006). 1596:Per salvare i segni dell'identità 1521:. De Gruyter Mouton. p. 279. 984: 755: 380:prepared by the fascist minister 229:Istria, Julian March and Dalmatia 185:, and Slovenes and Croats in the 10050:Contemporary history of Slovenia 9221: 8779:1934 Montreux Fascist conference 8383:National Socialism / White Power 4805:Argentine Anticommunist Alliance 4376:Russian Women's Fascist Movement 4306:National Socialism / White Power 3717:National Movement of Switzerland 3177:Finnish-Socialist Workers' Party 2603:Muslim Association of the Lictor 1619:ISTAT, lingue e dialetti, tavole 792:As soon as the fascist governor 752:were introduced to the islands. 728:The twelve major islands of the 597:which led to the Declaration of 165:Regions and populations affected 10065:History of the Slovene Littoral 8576:Sindicato Español Universitario 7807:Agrarian Trade Union Federation 7776:Italian Nationalist Association 4877:Nationalist Liberation Alliance 4664:Revolutionary Mexicanist Action 4520:Fascist League of North America 4483:Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform 4103:Eastern and Southeastern Europe 3889:Fasci Italiani di Combattimento 3687:Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten 2974:Syrian Social Nationalist Party 1786: 1761: 1736: 1681: 1638: 1623: 1612: 1600: 1588: 1571: 1555: 1538: 1535:, Domus de Janas, Presentazione 1525: 1509: 1498: 1481: 1465: 1456: 1450:La Sardegna e i sardi nel tempo 1432:La Sardegna e i sardi nel tempo 1423: 1410: 1404:La Sardegna e i sardi nel tempo 1395: 1382: 1365: 1338: 1320: 1314:La Sardegna e i sardi nel tempo 1305: 1278: 1229: 1203: 1187: 1171: 1139: 1118: 1104: 1083: 1063: 1045: 1029: 855:, UTET, Torino, V. VIII, p.625. 561: 65:[italjaniddzatˈtsjoːne] 9083:of Poles during the Partitions 8556:Avanguardia Giovanile Fascista 8238:Fasci di Azione Rivoluzionaria 7970:Gioventù Italiana del Littorio 7877:National Popular Consciousness 4493:Parti national social chrétien 4196:Greek National Socialist Party 3966:National Fascist Party (Italy) 3941:Falange Española Independiente 3894:Fascio d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 3692:Liechtenstein Homeland Service 3380:National Socialists of Finland 3004:Northern / Northwestern Europe 2741:National Socialism Association 1799:. Cambridge University Press. 1563:Rosita Rinler Shjerve (1997). 1052:A Historical Outline Of Istria 1020: 955: 845: 830: 488: 1: 8672:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 8413:Russian National Unity (2000) 8196:Combat Terrorist Organization 8077:Patriotic/Eureka Youth League 7168:Kokutairon and Pure Socialism 4767:Progressive Nationalist Party 4585:National States' Rights Party 3884:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 3172:Finnish People's Organisation 3098:British People's Party (2005) 3093:British People's Party (1939) 3083:British National Party (1960) 2575: 1372:Carlo Baudi di Vesme (1848). 1333:. Cagliari: Timon. p. 4. 970:(in Italian). Il Saggiatore. 869:Cresciani, Gianfranco (2004) 824: 495:Italianization of South Tyrol 9843:Romanization of the writings 8892:Fascist movements by country 8473:Ukrainian People's Militsiya 8216:Croatian National Resistance 8082:Union of Fascist Little Ones 8012:Juventudes de Acción Popular 8007:Jeunesse Populaire Française 7940:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 7907:Russian Fascist Organization 7499:Revue d'histoire du fascisme 4942:Tacuara Nationalist Movement 4917:Popular Representation Party 4882:National Liberation Movement 4835:Brazilian Integralist Action 4815:Argentine Nationalist Action 4500:Fascism in the United States 4221:Lithuanian Nationalist Union 4131:Croatian National Resistance 4126:Croatian Liberation Movement 4028:National Union (Italy, 1923) 4023:National Front (Spain, 2006) 4018:National Front (Spain, 1986) 3931:Falange Española de las JONS 3737:National Union (Switzerland) 3727:National Radical Camp (1993) 3712:National Front (Switzerland) 3390:National Union (Netherlands) 3227:International Third Position 3202:General Dutch Fascist League 3145:English National Association 2851:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 2593:Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging 2174: 1883:Aestheticization of politics 1743:Vallianatos, Markos (2014). 1434:. Arkadia. pp. 215–216. 1147:Guerra e catastrofe d'Italia 574:Fascism tried to Italianize 529:South Tyrol Option Agreement 511:was inhabited by almost 90% 237:Fascists burn the Slovenian 7: 9962:Forced religious conversion 8628: 8333:Jewish Defense Organization 8206:Corpul Muncitoresc Legionar 8201:Confederation of the Nation 7882:People's Party Our Slovakia 7600:The Daughter of the Samurai 7309:Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 7138:The Fourth Political Theory 7113:Did Six Million Really Die? 4840:Brazilian Integralist Front 4752:National Action (Australia) 4689:Nationalist Front of Mexico 4637:Traditionalist Worker Party 4580:National Socialist Movement 4565:Nationalist Social Club-131 4088:Unidad Falangista Montañesa 3946:Falangist Movement of Spain 3742:Nationalist Front (Germany) 3496:Patriotic People's Movement 2923:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 2731:Liberal Party (South Korea) 1845: 604: 121: 10: 10091: 10035:Ethnic cleansing in Europe 9068:F-scale (personality test) 8960:Authoritarian conservatism 8453:Sudetendeutsches Freikorps 4963: 4922:Popular Socialist Vanguard 4847:Falangism in Latin America 4825:Bolivian Socialist Falange 4820:Argentine Patriotic League 4757:National Socialist Network 4560:National Renaissance Party 4478:Canadian Union of Fascists 4296:National Renaissance Front 4276:National Socialist Society 4251:National Fascist Community 4048:Republican Social Movement 4013:National Democracy (Spain) 4008:National Democracy (Italy) 3926:Falange Española Auténtica 3732:National Revival of Poland 3647:Free German Workers' Party 3535:Scottish Protestant League 3461:Order of Flemish Militants 3420:Nordic Resistance Movement 3285:National Alliance (Sweden) 3260:Mouvement d'Action Civique 2811:Rastriya Prajatantra Party 2751:Nationalist Movement Party 1858: 1242:. Oxford, Bern, New York: 1200:, Mondadori; pagg. 404-405 962:Verginella, Marta (2011). 527:and Italy: under the 1939 492: 388:(it: Valdarsa) the use of 18: 10070:Linguistic discrimination 9929: 9920:Vergangenheitsbewältigung 9862: 9830: 9805:Assimilation by religions 9804: 9276: 9211: 8955: 8944: 8872: 8866: 8861: 8807: 8741: 8685: 8654: 8638: 8634: 8623: 8589: 8543: 8408:Russian Imperial Movement 8398:Ostmärkische Sturmscharen 8378:National Republican Guard 8117: 8072:Österreichisches Jungvolk 8037:National League of Sweden 7915: 7872:National Policy Institute 7794: 7748: 7744: 7733: 7684: 7663: 7577: 7251: 7243:Who Are the Mind Benders? 7218:Protestantische Rompilger 7085: 7081: 7075: 7070: 6721: 6490: 6409: 6338: 6267: 6161: 6095: 6029: 5798: 5712: 5676: 5620: 5579: 5308: 5202: 5141: 5085: 5014: 4973: 4969: 4958: 4902:Patriot Front (Argentina) 4790: 4732:Australian Defence League 4702: 4684:National Synarchist Union 4679:National Pro Patria Party 4570:National Socialist Legion 4448: 4361:Russian Imperial Movement 4256:National Fascist Movement 4101: 4058:Sammarinese Fascist Party 4003:National Alliance July 18 3998:National Alliance (Spain) 3839: 3592: 3395:National Union (Portugal) 3340:National Socialist League 3305:National League of Sweden 3237:Lalli Alliance of Finland 3150:European Liberation Front 3103:British Union of Fascists 3038:Black Front (Netherlands) 3002: 2621: 2585: 2581: 2570: 2504:Syrian Social Nationalism 2180: 2169: 2125: 1868: 1864: 1853: 796:had installed himself on 378:the organic school reform 177:-speaking populations of 137:by way of integration or 110: 9831:Assimilation by writings 9137:Red–green–brown alliance 8718:Italian economic battles 8468:Ukrainian Insurgent Army 8338:Kataeb Regulatory Forces 8136:Albanian Fascist Militia 7985:Faith and Beauty Society 7867:National Party of Europe 7827:European Social Movement 7766:Grand Council of Fascism 7640:The Siege of the Alcazar 4912:Popular Freedom Alliance 4722:Australia First Movement 4669:Mexican Democratic Party 4620:Silver Legion of America 4301:National Salvation Front 4291:National Romanian Fascio 4281:National Social Movement 4246:National Christian Party 4236:National Bolshevik Party 4231:National Bolshevik Front 4171:For the Native Language! 4136:Croatian Party of Rights 3976:Republican Fascist Party 3874:Democratic Fascist Party 3707:National Front (Hungary) 3672:Hungarian National Front 3430:Norwegian Defence League 3335:National Socialist Front 3290:National Corporate Party 3207:Greater Britain Movement 3192:French Nationalist Party 3058:British Democratic Party 3012:Academic Karelia Society 2841:Bharatiya Gau Raksha Dal 2613:Young Egypt Party (1933) 1953:Economic interventionism 1747:. p. 74. 1688:MacGregor, Knox (1986). 1663:Rodogno, Davide (2003). 1585:, Cagliari, CUEC, p. 16) 1271:Steininger, Rolf (2003) 1222:Oscar Benvenuto (ed.): " 392:was allowed after 1923. 19:Not to be confused with 10060:History of the Slovenes 9043:Conservative Revolution 8887:British fascist parties 8728:28 May 1926 coup d'état 8428:Serbian Volunteer Corps 8211:Croatian Defence Forces 8067:Opera Nazionale Balilla 8057:National Youth Alliance 8047:National Youth (Sweden) 7975:Great Japan Youth Party 7610:Europa: The Last Battle 7299:La Conquista del Estado 7238:A Warning to the Hindus 7118:The Doctrine of Fascism 7103:The Culture of Critique 7098:La Conquista del Estado 4810:Argentine Fascist Party 4266:National Party – Greeks 4226:National Agrarian Party 3983:Italian Social Movement 3971:Italian Social Republic 3642:Eidgenössische Sammlung 3456:Official National Front 3325:National Socialist Bloc 3222:Imperial Fascist League 3130:Clerical People's Party 2994:Wang Jingwei Kuomintang 2893:Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh 2868:Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh 2821:Religious Zionist Party 2716:Korea Nationalist Party 1452:. Arkadia. p. 216. 1406:. Arkadia. p. 204. 1329:Pietro Martini (1847). 1316:. Arkadia. p. 143. 609:In 1720, the island of 558:and everyday language. 390:Istro-Rumanian language 161:between 1922 and 1943. 9942:Cultural globalization 8980: 8749:March of the Iron Will 8052:National Youth (Italy) 8000:League of German Girls 7955:Fascist Union of Youth 7950:Ethiopian Lictor Youth 7842:Friends of New Germany 7692:Art of the Third Reich 7569:Wochenspruch der NSDAP 4872:National Fascist Union 4857:Iron Guard (Argentina) 4652:White Aryan Resistance 4435:Yugoslav Radical Union 4371:Russian National Unity 4141:Crusade of Romanianism 4068:Struggle of the People 4063:Spanish Military Union 4033:National Union (Spain) 3854:Albanian Fascist Party 3821:Volksdeutsche Bewegung 3579:White Aryan Resistance 3481:Party of Finnish Labor 3415:The Nordic Realm Party 3315:National Popular Rally 3247:League of Saint George 3182:Flemish National Union 3140:English Defence League 3088:British National Party 3025:Autonome Nationalisten 2945:Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram 2903:Muslim Rashtriya Manch 2846:Bharatiya Janata Party 2756:Nationalist Task Party 2377:Revisionist Maximalism 2082:Social interventionism 1275:, Routledge, pp. 23-24 1211:Empire on the Adriatic 896: 871:Clash of civilisations 819:armistice of Cassibile 742:Cesare Maria De Vecchi 714:University of Cagliari 670: 571: 504: 409:Giuseppe Cobolli Gigli 364: 342: 292:11 July Split incident 273:Armistice with Austria 260: 244: 102: 89: 81: 73: 60: 49: 10055:20th century in Italy 10030:Cultural assimilation 9270:Cultural assimilation 9199:Women in Nazi Germany 9026:Identitarian movement 8515:Weerbaarheidsafdeling 8458:Terror Against Terror 8328:Jewish Defense League 8288:Greenshirts (Romania) 7930:Albanian Lictor Youth 7635:Der Sieg des Glaubens 7559:Völkischer Beobachter 7454:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 7444:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 7319:La Difesa della Razza 4852:Female Peronist Party 4830:Brazilian Integralism 4782:United Patriots Front 4727:Australia First Party 4717:Antipodean Resistance 4674:Mexican Fascist Party 4391:Slovak People's Party 4386:Serbian Radical Party 4366:Russian Fascist Party 4286:National Radical Camp 4186:German People's Party 4146:Ethnic National Union 3879:European Nation State 3801:Socialist Reich Party 3784:Positive Christianity 3722:National Radical Camp 3652:German Faith Movement 3637:Deutsche Reichspartei 3622:Black Front (Germany) 3491:Patriotic Alternative 3385:National Syndicalists 3018:Ailtirí na hAiséirghe 2950:Vishva Hindu Parishad 2918:Rashtriya Sikh Sangat 2913:Rashtra Sevika Samiti 2873:Bharat Vikas Parishad 2863:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 2796:Progress Party (Iran) 2691:Jewish National Front 2666:Concordia Association 2072:Reactionary modernism 1184:, Mondadori; pag. 404 1149:,volume I, pagina 233 738:Greek Orthodox Church 668: 569: 502: 452:, the legal theorist 438:Fascist secret police 430:militant anti-Fascist 354: 348:in the Julian March. 313: 250: 236: 191:Province of Ljubljana 29: 9979:Internal colonialism 9947:Cultural imperialism 9623:Northern Afghanistan 8789:4th of August Regime 8566:German Student Union 8186:Blueshirts (Ireland) 8032:Nationale Jeugdstorm 7960:Frente de Juventudes 7847:German American Bund 7771:Imperial Way Faction 7697:Fascist architecture 7409:Münchener Beobachter 7344:La France au travail 7143:Hitlers Zweites Buch 4800:Agrarian Labor Party 4694:Order of Nine Angles 4530:Goyim Defense League 4525:German American Bund 4316:Order of Nine Angles 3849:ADÑ–Spanish Identity 3806:Sudeten German Party 3627:Bund Deutscher Osten 3466:Order of Nine Angles 3280:National Action (UK) 3212:Groupe Collaboration 3197:French Popular Party 2908:Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas 2898:Jammu Praja Parishad 2858:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 2786:Palestine Arab Party 2766:Nation Party of Iran 2656:Black Dragon Society 2348:Reform bureaucratism 2143:Fascism and ideology 2010:National syndicalism 1893:Anti-intellectualism 1477:Indicible è il sardo 1357:Naomi Wells (2012). 766:General Carlo Geloso 682:modernization theory 456:, and the architect 10020:History of Dalmatia 9984:Jewish assimilation 9957:Forced assimilation 9490:or Castilianization 9228:Politics portal 8794:Anti-Comintern Pact 8181:Blueshirts (Canada) 8141:Atomwaffen Division 8027:Mocidade Portuguesa 7892:Republic (Slovakia) 7887:Popular Force Party 7832:Finnish Realm Union 7655:Triumph of the Will 7645:Lo squadrone bianco 7394:Kansallissosialisti 7279:The American Review 4937:Revolutionary Union 4615:Rise Above Movement 4550:League of the South 4510:American Nazi Party 4416:Ustaše in Australia 3951:Freethinkers' Party 3796:The Right (Germany) 3667:German Social Union 3486:Party of the Swedes 3300:National Front (UK) 3267:Mouvement Franciste 3135:Dutch Fascist Union 2989:Turkish Union Party 2883:Hindu Makkal Katchi 2761:National Will Party 2524:National Bolshevism 2480:Romanianism/Stelism 1933:Cult of personality 1918:Class collaboration 1448:Omar Onnis (2015). 1430:Omar Onnis (2015). 1402:Omar Onnis (2015). 1312:Omar Onnis (2015). 1286:"astat info Nr. 38" 750:Italian Racial Laws 669:Sardinian languages 469:Giuseppe Bastianini 339:, 20 September 1920 267:(later renamed the 179:Trentino-Alto Adige 125:) is the spread of 9603:Montenegrinization 9016:Alt-right pipeline 8927:Speeches by Hitler 8882:Books about Hitler 8769:Austrian Civil War 8713:Aventine Secession 7990:Deutsches Jungvolk 7897:Resistance Records 7802:Adelaide Institute 7504:Das Schwarze Korps 7489:Il Popolo d'Italia 7429:Neue Anthropologie 7314:Das Deutsche Mädel 7233:The Turner Diaries 7153:Impeachment of Man 7128:For My Legionaries 6979:Riva-Agüero y Osma 5841:Torrente Ballester 4351:Ratniks (Bulgaria) 4336:Patriotic Alliance 3552:Third Way (France) 3514:Phalange Française 3043:Blood & Honour 2816:Reform bureaucrats 2801:Philippine Falange 2519:National-anarchism 2230:Christian Identity 2057:Proletarian nation 1650:2011-07-21 at the 1133:2009-02-07 at the 1098:2012-03-03 at the 1057:2008-01-11 at the 917:on 14 October 2012 903:The Littoral Daily 876:2020-05-06 at the 839:"Italianizzazione" 724:Dodecanese islands 671: 655:Sardinian language 572: 505: 365: 357:Dalmatian Italians 261: 245: 221:and the island of 50: 10025:History of Istria 10007: 10006: 9974:Identity politics 9937:Cultural genocide 9858: 9857: 9588:Macedonianization 9236: 9235: 9207: 9206: 9194:Völkisch movement 9152:Scientific racism 9117:Para/semi-fascism 9058:Fascist mysticism 9053:Fascist (epithet) 8940: 8939: 8857: 8856: 8853: 8852: 8799:Spanish Civil War 8619: 8618: 8615: 8614: 8525:Westland New Post 7935:Arab Lictor Youth 7729: 7728: 7725: 7724: 7717:Nazism and cinema 7712:Nazi architecture 7379:Hrvatski Domobran 7364:Gioventù Fascista 7324:Eleftheros Kosmos 7304:The Daily Stormer 7178:Manifesto of Race 7123:Fascist Manifesto 7066: 7065: 7062: 7061: 6310:Giménez Caballero 5541:Strasser (Gregor) 4986:Campbell (Graeme) 4954: 4953: 4950: 4949: 4927:Republican League 4897:New Triumph Party 4772:Reclaim Australia 4590:National Vanguard 4545:LaRouche movement 4458:Fascism in Canada 4311:Occupy Pedophilia 4053:The Right (Italy) 4043:New Force (Spain) 4038:New Force (Italy) 3916:Falange Auténtica 3911:La Falange (1999) 3864:Brothers of Italy 3789:German Christians 3607:Arrow Cross Party 3450:L'Œuvre Française 3310:Nationalist Party 3295:National Fascisti 2781:Pan-Iranist Party 2771:New Life Movement 2566: 2565: 2514:Third Positionism 2280:L'Œuvre Française 2198:Orthodox Peronism 2165: 2164: 2161: 2160: 2148:Fascism worldwide 1963:Heroic capitalism 1253:978-3-0343-2240-9 1246:. pp. 417+. 1162:Marina Cattaruzza 1072:, vol. IX, 1927: 897:Primorski dnevnik 698:minority language 696:, would become a 595:partisan activity 580:province of Aosta 521:Katakombenschulen 442:Slovene Partisans 335:, speech held in 265:Austrian Littoral 119: 38:). Signed by the 10082: 10045:Culture of Italy 10040:Italian language 9952:Dominant culture 9930:Related concepts 9892:De-russification 9880:De-stalinization 9875:De-communization 9812:Christianization 9802: 9801: 9654:or Latinization 9608:Norwegianization 9584:or Hungarization 9558: 9399:Colombianization 9301:Native Americans 9263: 9256: 9249: 9240: 9239: 9226: 9225: 8985: 8946: 8945: 8863: 8862: 8840:Nuremberg Trials 8784:Romani Holocaust 8708:Beer Hall Putsch 8636: 8635: 8625: 8624: 8530:Yokusan Sonendan 7746: 7745: 7735: 7734: 7676:Ethnic Cleansing 7615:The Great Appeal 7585:L'Armata Azzurra 7474:Parole der Woche 7193:My Autobiography 7083: 7082: 7072: 7071: 6295:Fernández-Cuesta 5881:Ciano (Galeazzo) 5876:Ciano (Costanzo) 4971: 4970: 4960: 4959: 4712:Action Zealandia 4642:Vanguard America 4151:Eurasia Movement 3993:Juntas Españolas 3921:Falange Española 3904:Sección Femenina 3274:Nasjonal Samling 3253:Les Identitaires 3125:Centre Party '86 3078:British Movement 3063:British Fascists 2636:Al-Muthanna Club 2583: 2582: 2572: 2571: 2171: 2170: 2092:State capitalism 2077:Social Darwinism 1908:Authoritarianism 1898:Anti-materialism 1866: 1865: 1855: 1854: 1840: 1833: 1826: 1817: 1816: 1811: 1810: 1790: 1784: 1783: 1781: 1779: 1765: 1759: 1758: 1740: 1734: 1733: 1731: 1729: 1715: 1704: 1703: 1685: 1679: 1678: 1660: 1654: 1642: 1636: 1635: 1627: 1621: 1616: 1610: 1604: 1598: 1592: 1586: 1575: 1569: 1568: 1559: 1553: 1542: 1536: 1529: 1523: 1522: 1513: 1507: 1502: 1496: 1485: 1479: 1469: 1463: 1460: 1454: 1453: 1445: 1436: 1435: 1427: 1421: 1414: 1408: 1407: 1399: 1393: 1386: 1380: 1379: 1369: 1363: 1362: 1354: 1345: 1342: 1336: 1334: 1324: 1318: 1317: 1309: 1303: 1302: 1300: 1299: 1290: 1282: 1276: 1269: 1258: 1257: 1233: 1227: 1220: 1214: 1207: 1201: 1191: 1185: 1175: 1169: 1159: 1150: 1143: 1137: 1126: 1122: 1116: 1112: 1108: 1102: 1091: 1087: 1081: 1078: 1067: 1061: 1049: 1043: 1033: 1027: 1024: 1018: 1015: 1009: 1008: 1006: 1005: 991: 982: 981: 959: 953: 952: 936: 927: 926: 924: 922: 913:. Archived from 899: 887: 881: 867: 856: 849: 843: 842: 834: 746:Italian language 591:Ligue valdôtaine 415:Italy, wrote in 382:Giovanni Gentile 346:Slovene minority 340: 333:Benito Mussolini 306:Benito Mussolini 302:Francesco Giunta 253:Istrian Italians 201:, Greeks in the 193:, and Croats in 147:Austro-Hungarian 143:Kingdom of Italy 124: 114: 112: 97: 90:poitaljančevanje 67: 61:italianizzazione 10090: 10089: 10085: 10084: 10083: 10081: 10080: 10079: 10075:Language policy 10010: 10009: 10008: 10003: 9999:Monoculturalism 9925: 9914:De-sinicization 9887:De-nazification 9863:Opposite trends 9854: 9826: 9800: 9682:Sanskritization 9647:Romanianization 9613:Pakistanization 9552: 9488:Hispanicization 9478:Hawaiianization 9434:Europeanization 9429:Estonianization 9384:Canadianization 9291:Americanization 9272: 9267: 9237: 9232: 9220: 9203: 9048:Europe a Nation 8951: 8936: 8917:Nazi ideologues 8868: 8849: 8803: 8737: 8733:Libyan genocide 8681: 8650: 8630: 8611: 8585: 8539: 8248:Falange Militia 8113: 7945:Blue-and-Blacks 7925:Adler und Falke 7911: 7790: 7740: 7721: 7680: 7659: 7573: 7439:Het Nieuwe Volk 7384:Je suis partout 7247: 7077: 7058: 6944:Phibunsongkhram 6717: 6486: 6452:Mosley (Oswald) 6405: 6334: 6315:Primo de Rivera 6263: 6157: 6091: 6025: 5794: 5708: 5672: 5616: 5575: 5546:Strasser (Otto) 5304: 5198: 5137: 5081: 5010: 4981:Campbell (Eric) 4965: 4946: 4907:Popular Dignity 4786: 4698: 4540:Identity Evropa 4444: 4097: 4083:Tricolour Flame 4078:Terza Posizione 3961:Italian fascism 3956:Imperium Europa 3841:Southern Europe 3835: 3617:Austrian Nazism 3612:Artgemeinschaft 3588: 3546:Terre et Peuple 3436:Nouvelle Droite 3425:Northern League 3032:Bases Autónomas 2998: 2806:Rastakhiz Party 2686:Iran-e-No Party 2681:Hindu Mahasabha 2661:Brit HaBirionim 2617: 2577: 2562: 2492:Neo-Eurasianism 2473:Neo-Legionarism 2176: 2157: 2121: 2117:Totalitarianism 2102:Supercapitalism 2042:One-party state 1878:Actual idealism 1860: 1849: 1844: 1814: 1807: 1791: 1787: 1777: 1775: 1766: 1762: 1755: 1741: 1737: 1727: 1725: 1716: 1707: 1700: 1686: 1682: 1675: 1661: 1657: 1652:Wayback Machine 1643: 1639: 1628: 1624: 1617: 1613: 1605: 1601: 1593: 1589: 1576: 1572: 1560: 1556: 1552:, Gorizia, 5-6. 1543: 1539: 1530: 1526: 1514: 1510: 1503: 1499: 1486: 1482: 1470: 1466: 1461: 1457: 1446: 1439: 1428: 1424: 1415: 1411: 1400: 1396: 1387: 1383: 1370: 1366: 1355: 1348: 1343: 1339: 1325: 1321: 1310: 1306: 1297: 1295: 1288: 1284: 1283: 1279: 1270: 1261: 1254: 1234: 1230: 1221: 1217: 1208: 1204: 1192: 1188: 1176: 1172: 1160: 1153: 1144: 1140: 1135:Wayback Machine 1124: 1123: 1119: 1110: 1109: 1105: 1100:Wayback Machine 1089: 1088: 1084: 1076: 1068: 1064: 1059:Wayback Machine 1050: 1046: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1021: 1016: 1012: 1003: 1001: 993: 992: 985: 978: 960: 956: 937: 930: 920: 918: 889: 888: 884: 878:Wayback Machine 868: 859: 850: 846: 837: 835: 831: 827: 758: 726: 694:Catalan dialect 607: 564: 497: 491: 446:Vladimir Bartol 341: 331: 231: 167: 127:Italian culture 103:Italianisierung 93: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 10088: 10078: 10077: 10072: 10067: 10062: 10057: 10052: 10047: 10042: 10037: 10032: 10027: 10022: 10005: 10004: 10002: 10001: 9996: 9991: 9989:Language shift 9986: 9981: 9976: 9971: 9966: 9965: 9964: 9954: 9949: 9944: 9939: 9933: 9931: 9927: 9926: 9924: 9923: 9916: 9911: 9910: 9909: 9904: 9899: 9889: 9884: 9883: 9882: 9872: 9870:De-arabization 9866: 9864: 9860: 9859: 9856: 9855: 9853: 9852: 9851: 9850: 9840: 9834: 9832: 9828: 9827: 9825: 9824: 9819: 9814: 9808: 9806: 9799: 9798: 9796:Zairianization 9793: 9788: 9786:Westernization 9783: 9781:Vietnamization 9778: 9773: 9768: 9766:Turkmenization 9763: 9762: 9761: 9751: 9746: 9741: 9736: 9734:Talibanization 9731: 9726: 9721: 9716: 9711: 9706: 9705: 9704: 9694: 9689: 9687:Serbianization 9684: 9679: 9677:Saffronization 9674: 9673: 9672: 9662: 9661: 9660: 9649: 9644: 9639: 9638: 9637: 9630:Persianization 9627: 9626: 9625: 9618:Pashtunization 9615: 9610: 9605: 9600: 9595: 9590: 9585: 9579: 9577:Lithuanization 9574: 9572:Latvianization 9569: 9564: 9559: 9547: 9542: 9541: 9540: 9538:Japanification 9530: 9528:Italianization 9525: 9524: 9523: 9513: 9508: 9506:Indigenization 9503: 9502: 9501: 9491: 9485: 9480: 9475: 9470: 9468:Georgification 9465: 9460: 9459: 9458: 9448: 9443: 9442: 9441: 9439:Westernization 9431: 9426: 9424:Dutchification 9421: 9416: 9414:Cypriotization 9411: 9406: 9401: 9396: 9391: 9386: 9381: 9376: 9374:Bosniakization 9371: 9370: 9369: 9359: 9358: 9357: 9350:Belarusization 9347: 9345:Araucanization 9342: 9341: 9340: 9335: 9330: 9325: 9315: 9310: 9309: 9308: 9303: 9298: 9288: 9283: 9281:Africanization 9277: 9274: 9273: 9266: 9265: 9258: 9251: 9243: 9234: 9233: 9231: 9230: 9218: 9212: 9209: 9208: 9205: 9204: 9202: 9201: 9196: 9191: 9186: 9181: 9176: 9171: 9169:Social fascism 9166: 9165: 9164: 9159: 9149: 9147:Sansepolcrismo 9144: 9139: 9134: 9129: 9124: 9119: 9114: 9109: 9104: 9099: 9098: 9097: 9095:of South Tyrol 9090:Italianization 9087: 9086: 9085: 9075: 9070: 9065: 9063:Feudal fascism 9060: 9055: 9050: 9045: 9040: 9035: 9030: 9029: 9028: 9023: 9018: 9013: 9003: 9002: 9001: 8996: 8991: 8986: 8977: 8972: 8967: 8956: 8953: 8952: 8950:Related topics 8942: 8941: 8938: 8937: 8935: 8934: 8929: 8924: 8919: 8914: 8908: 8903: 8898: 8889: 8884: 8879: 8873: 8870: 8869: 8859: 8858: 8855: 8854: 8851: 8850: 8848: 8847: 8842: 8837: 8832: 8827: 8822: 8817: 8811: 8809: 8805: 8804: 8802: 8801: 8796: 8791: 8786: 8781: 8776: 8771: 8766: 8761: 8756: 8751: 8745: 8743: 8739: 8738: 8736: 8735: 8730: 8725: 8720: 8715: 8710: 8705: 8700: 8698:Corfu incident 8695: 8689: 8687: 8683: 8682: 8680: 8679: 8674: 8669: 8664: 8658: 8656: 8652: 8651: 8649: 8648: 8642: 8640: 8632: 8631: 8621: 8620: 8617: 8616: 8613: 8612: 8610: 8609: 8604: 8599: 8593: 8591: 8587: 8586: 8584: 8583: 8581:Student Action 8578: 8573: 8568: 8563: 8558: 8553: 8547: 8545: 8541: 8540: 8538: 8537: 8532: 8527: 8522: 8517: 8512: 8511: 8510: 8500: 8495: 8493:Walloon Legion 8490: 8485: 8480: 8478:Ustaše Militia 8475: 8470: 8465: 8460: 8455: 8450: 8448:Sturmabteilung 8445: 8440: 8438:Sich Battalion 8435: 8430: 8425: 8420: 8415: 8410: 8405: 8400: 8395: 8390: 8385: 8380: 8375: 8370: 8365: 8360: 8355: 8350: 8345: 8340: 8335: 8330: 8325: 8320: 8315: 8310: 8305: 8300: 8295: 8290: 8285: 8280: 8275: 8270: 8265: 8263:Flemish Legion 8260: 8255: 8250: 8245: 8243:Falange Armata 8240: 8235: 8233:Einsatzgruppen 8230: 8229: 8228: 8218: 8213: 8208: 8203: 8198: 8193: 8188: 8183: 8178: 8173: 8168: 8166:Black Brigades 8163: 8158: 8153: 8148: 8143: 8138: 8133: 8131:Abhinav Bharat 8127: 8125: 8115: 8114: 8112: 8111: 8106: 8101: 8096: 8095: 8094: 8089: 8079: 8074: 8069: 8064: 8059: 8054: 8049: 8044: 8039: 8034: 8029: 8024: 8019: 8014: 8009: 8004: 8003: 8002: 7997: 7992: 7987: 7977: 7972: 7967: 7962: 7957: 7952: 7947: 7942: 7937: 7932: 7927: 7921: 7919: 7913: 7912: 7910: 7909: 7904: 7899: 7894: 7889: 7884: 7879: 7874: 7869: 7864: 7859: 7854: 7849: 7844: 7839: 7834: 7829: 7824: 7819: 7817:Casuals United 7814: 7809: 7804: 7798: 7796: 7792: 7791: 7789: 7788: 7783: 7778: 7773: 7768: 7763: 7758: 7752: 7750: 7742: 7741: 7731: 7730: 7727: 7726: 7723: 7722: 7720: 7719: 7714: 7709: 7704: 7702:Heroic realism 7699: 7694: 7688: 7686: 7685:Related topics 7682: 7681: 7679: 7678: 7673: 7667: 7665: 7661: 7660: 7658: 7657: 7652: 7647: 7642: 7637: 7632: 7627: 7622: 7617: 7612: 7607: 7602: 7597: 7592: 7587: 7581: 7579: 7575: 7574: 7572: 7571: 7566: 7561: 7556: 7551: 7546: 7541: 7536: 7534:Türkische Post 7531: 7526: 7521: 7516: 7511: 7506: 7501: 7496: 7491: 7486: 7481: 7476: 7471: 7466: 7461: 7456: 7451: 7446: 7441: 7436: 7431: 7426: 7421: 7416: 7411: 7406: 7401: 7396: 7391: 7386: 7381: 7376: 7371: 7366: 7361: 7356: 7351: 7346: 7341: 7336: 7331: 7326: 7321: 7316: 7311: 7306: 7301: 7296: 7294:The Blackshirt 7291: 7286: 7281: 7276: 7271: 7266: 7261: 7255: 7253: 7249: 7248: 7246: 7245: 7240: 7235: 7230: 7225: 7220: 7215: 7210: 7205: 7200: 7195: 7190: 7185: 7180: 7175: 7170: 7165: 7160: 7155: 7150: 7145: 7140: 7135: 7130: 7125: 7120: 7115: 7110: 7105: 7100: 7095: 7089: 7087: 7079: 7078: 7068: 7067: 7064: 7063: 7060: 7059: 7057: 7056: 7051: 7046: 7041: 7036: 7031: 7026: 7021: 7016: 7011: 7006: 7001: 6996: 6991: 6986: 6981: 6976: 6971: 6966: 6961: 6956: 6951: 6946: 6941: 6936: 6931: 6926: 6921: 6916: 6911: 6906: 6901: 6896: 6891: 6886: 6881: 6876: 6871: 6866: 6861: 6856: 6851: 6846: 6841: 6836: 6831: 6826: 6821: 6816: 6811: 6806: 6801: 6796: 6791: 6786: 6781: 6776: 6771: 6769:Castillo Armas 6766: 6761: 6756: 6751: 6746: 6741: 6736: 6731: 6725: 6723: 6719: 6718: 6716: 6715: 6710: 6705: 6700: 6695: 6690: 6685: 6680: 6675: 6670: 6665: 6660: 6655: 6650: 6645: 6640: 6635: 6630: 6625: 6620: 6615: 6610: 6605: 6600: 6595: 6590: 6585: 6580: 6575: 6570: 6565: 6560: 6555: 6550: 6545: 6540: 6535: 6530: 6525: 6520: 6515: 6510: 6505: 6500: 6494: 6492: 6488: 6487: 6485: 6484: 6479: 6474: 6469: 6464: 6459: 6454: 6449: 6447:Mosley (Diana) 6444: 6439: 6434: 6429: 6424: 6419: 6413: 6411: 6410:United Kingdom 6407: 6406: 6404: 6403: 6398: 6393: 6388: 6383: 6378: 6373: 6368: 6363: 6358: 6353: 6348: 6342: 6340: 6336: 6335: 6333: 6332: 6327: 6322: 6317: 6312: 6307: 6302: 6297: 6292: 6290:Carrero Blanco 6287: 6282: 6277: 6271: 6269: 6265: 6264: 6262: 6261: 6256: 6251: 6246: 6241: 6236: 6231: 6226: 6221: 6216: 6211: 6206: 6201: 6196: 6191: 6186: 6181: 6176: 6171: 6165: 6163: 6159: 6158: 6156: 6155: 6150: 6145: 6140: 6135: 6130: 6125: 6120: 6115: 6110: 6105: 6099: 6097: 6093: 6092: 6090: 6089: 6084: 6079: 6074: 6069: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6044: 6039: 6033: 6031: 6027: 6026: 6024: 6023: 6018: 6013: 6008: 6003: 5998: 5993: 5988: 5983: 5978: 5973: 5968: 5963: 5958: 5953: 5948: 5943: 5938: 5933: 5928: 5923: 5918: 5913: 5908: 5903: 5898: 5893: 5888: 5883: 5878: 5873: 5868: 5863: 5858: 5853: 5848: 5843: 5838: 5833: 5828: 5823: 5818: 5813: 5808: 5802: 5800: 5796: 5795: 5793: 5792: 5787: 5782: 5777: 5772: 5767: 5762: 5757: 5752: 5747: 5742: 5737: 5732: 5727: 5722: 5716: 5714: 5710: 5709: 5707: 5706: 5701: 5696: 5691: 5686: 5680: 5678: 5674: 5673: 5671: 5670: 5665: 5660: 5655: 5650: 5645: 5640: 5635: 5630: 5624: 5622: 5618: 5617: 5615: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5589: 5583: 5581: 5577: 5576: 5574: 5573: 5568: 5563: 5558: 5553: 5548: 5543: 5538: 5533: 5528: 5523: 5518: 5513: 5508: 5503: 5498: 5493: 5488: 5483: 5478: 5473: 5468: 5463: 5458: 5453: 5448: 5443: 5438: 5433: 5428: 5423: 5418: 5413: 5408: 5403: 5398: 5393: 5388: 5383: 5378: 5373: 5368: 5363: 5358: 5353: 5348: 5343: 5338: 5333: 5328: 5323: 5318: 5312: 5310: 5306: 5305: 5303: 5302: 5297: 5292: 5287: 5282: 5277: 5272: 5267: 5262: 5257: 5252: 5247: 5242: 5237: 5232: 5227: 5222: 5220:Benoist-Méchin 5217: 5212: 5206: 5204: 5200: 5199: 5197: 5196: 5191: 5186: 5181: 5176: 5171: 5166: 5161: 5156: 5151: 5145: 5143: 5139: 5138: 5136: 5135: 5130: 5125: 5120: 5115: 5110: 5105: 5100: 5095: 5089: 5087: 5083: 5082: 5080: 5079: 5074: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5054: 5049: 5044: 5039: 5034: 5029: 5024: 5018: 5016: 5012: 5011: 5009: 5008: 5003: 4998: 4993: 4988: 4983: 4977: 4975: 4967: 4966: 4956: 4955: 4952: 4951: 4948: 4947: 4945: 4944: 4939: 4934: 4929: 4924: 4919: 4914: 4909: 4904: 4899: 4894: 4889: 4884: 4879: 4874: 4869: 4864: 4859: 4854: 4849: 4844: 4843: 4842: 4837: 4827: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4807: 4802: 4796: 4794: 4788: 4787: 4785: 4784: 4779: 4777:True Blue Crew 4774: 4769: 4764: 4759: 4754: 4749: 4744: 4739: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4719: 4714: 4708: 4706: 4700: 4699: 4697: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4681: 4676: 4671: 4666: 4661: 4660: 4659: 4654: 4649: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4629: 4628: 4627: 4617: 4612: 4607: 4602: 4597: 4592: 4587: 4582: 4577: 4572: 4567: 4562: 4557: 4552: 4547: 4542: 4537: 4532: 4527: 4522: 4517: 4512: 4507: 4505:American Front 4497: 4496: 4495: 4490: 4488:Heritage Front 4485: 4480: 4475: 4470: 4465: 4454: 4452: 4446: 4445: 4443: 4442: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4426: 4425: 4424: 4423: 4408: 4403: 4398: 4393: 4388: 4383: 4381:Serbian Action 4378: 4373: 4368: 4363: 4358: 4356:Romanian Front 4353: 4348: 4343: 4341:People's Party 4338: 4333: 4328: 4323: 4318: 4313: 4308: 4303: 4298: 4293: 4288: 4283: 4278: 4273: 4268: 4263: 4258: 4253: 4248: 4243: 4238: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4218: 4213: 4208: 4203: 4198: 4193: 4188: 4183: 4178: 4173: 4168: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4143: 4138: 4133: 4128: 4123: 4118: 4113: 4107: 4105: 4099: 4098: 4096: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4073:Student Action 4070: 4065: 4060: 4055: 4050: 4045: 4040: 4035: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3979: 3978: 3973: 3968: 3958: 3953: 3948: 3943: 3938: 3933: 3928: 3923: 3918: 3913: 3908: 3907: 3906: 3896: 3891: 3886: 3881: 3876: 3871: 3866: 3861: 3859:Balli Kombëtar 3856: 3851: 3845: 3843: 3837: 3836: 3834: 3833: 3828: 3823: 3818: 3813: 3811:The Third Path 3808: 3803: 3798: 3793: 3792: 3791: 3781: 3776: 3771: 3770: 3769: 3764: 3759: 3754: 3744: 3739: 3734: 3729: 3724: 3719: 3714: 3709: 3704: 3699: 3694: 3689: 3684: 3679: 3674: 3669: 3664: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3644: 3639: 3634: 3629: 3624: 3619: 3614: 3609: 3604: 3598: 3596: 3594:Central Europe 3590: 3589: 3587: 3586: 3581: 3576: 3571: 3564: 3562:Union Movement 3559: 3557:Third Way (UK) 3554: 3549: 3542: 3537: 3532: 3527: 3525:Rising Finland 3522: 3517: 3510: 3503: 3498: 3493: 3488: 3483: 3478: 3473: 3468: 3463: 3458: 3453: 3446: 3445: 3444: 3432: 3427: 3422: 3417: 3412: 3407: 3402: 3397: 3392: 3387: 3382: 3377: 3372: 3367: 3362: 3357: 3352: 3347: 3342: 3337: 3332: 3327: 3322: 3320:National Rally 3317: 3312: 3307: 3302: 3297: 3292: 3287: 3282: 3277: 3270: 3263: 3256: 3249: 3244: 3242:Lapua Movement 3239: 3234: 3229: 3224: 3219: 3214: 3209: 3204: 3199: 3194: 3189: 3184: 3179: 3174: 3169: 3164: 3157: 3152: 3147: 3142: 3137: 3132: 3127: 3122: 3120:Casuals United 3117: 3110: 3105: 3100: 3095: 3090: 3085: 3080: 3075: 3070: 3065: 3060: 3055: 3050: 3045: 3040: 3035: 3028: 3021: 3014: 3008: 3006: 3000: 2999: 2997: 2996: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2976: 2971: 2966: 2965: 2964: 2963: 2962: 2957: 2947: 2942: 2941: 2940: 2935: 2930: 2920: 2915: 2910: 2905: 2900: 2895: 2890: 2885: 2880: 2878:Ekal Vidyalaya 2875: 2870: 2865: 2860: 2855: 2854: 2853: 2843: 2838: 2828: 2823: 2818: 2813: 2808: 2803: 2798: 2793: 2788: 2783: 2778: 2773: 2768: 2763: 2758: 2753: 2748: 2743: 2738: 2733: 2728: 2723: 2718: 2713: 2708: 2703: 2698: 2693: 2688: 2683: 2678: 2673: 2668: 2663: 2658: 2653: 2648: 2643: 2638: 2633: 2631:Abhinav Bharat 2627: 2625: 2619: 2618: 2616: 2615: 2610: 2608:Ossewabrandwag 2605: 2600: 2595: 2589: 2587: 2579: 2578: 2568: 2567: 2564: 2563: 2561: 2560: 2555: 2554: 2553: 2548: 2543: 2533: 2532: 2531: 2526: 2521: 2511: 2506: 2501: 2496: 2495: 2494: 2484: 2483: 2482: 2477: 2476: 2475: 2462: 2457: 2452: 2451: 2450: 2440: 2439: 2438: 2433: 2428: 2427: 2426: 2416: 2411: 2406: 2396: 2391: 2386: 2381: 2380: 2379: 2374: 2364: 2363: 2362: 2361: 2360: 2350: 2342: 2341: 2340: 2330: 2329: 2328: 2318: 2313: 2308: 2303: 2298: 2293: 2292: 2291: 2286: 2285: 2284: 2283: 2282: 2277: 2271:Neo-Pétainism 2264: 2254: 2249: 2244: 2239: 2234: 2233: 2232: 2222: 2217: 2212: 2207: 2202: 2201: 2200: 2195: 2187: 2181: 2178: 2177: 2167: 2166: 2163: 2162: 2159: 2158: 2156: 2155: 2150: 2145: 2140: 2135: 2129: 2127: 2123: 2122: 2120: 2119: 2114: 2112:Third Position 2109: 2104: 2099: 2094: 2089: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2044: 2039: 2034: 2033: 2032: 2027: 2022: 2012: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1990: 1985: 1983:Indoctrination 1980: 1975: 1970: 1968:Heroic realism 1965: 1960: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1940: 1935: 1930: 1925: 1920: 1915: 1910: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1890: 1888:Anti-communism 1885: 1880: 1874: 1872: 1862: 1861: 1851: 1850: 1843: 1842: 1835: 1828: 1820: 1813: 1812: 1805: 1785: 1760: 1754:978-1304845795 1753: 1735: 1705: 1699:978-0521338356 1698: 1680: 1674:978-8833914329 1673: 1655: 1637: 1622: 1611: 1599: 1587: 1570: 1554: 1537: 1524: 1508: 1497: 1480: 1464: 1455: 1437: 1422: 1409: 1394: 1381: 1364: 1346: 1337: 1319: 1304: 1277: 1259: 1252: 1228: 1215: 1202: 1186: 1170: 1151: 1138: 1117: 1103: 1082: 1062: 1044: 1028: 1019: 1010: 983: 976: 954: 928: 882: 857: 844: 828: 826: 823: 757: 756:Ionian Islands 754: 725: 722: 639:Perfect Fusion 618:House of Savoy 606: 603: 563: 560: 493:Main article: 490: 487: 474:Serbo-Croatian 355:Proportion of 329: 251:Proportion of 230: 227: 203:Ionian islands 166: 163: 155:Triple Entente 82:italianisation 74:talijanizacija 53:Italianization 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10087: 10076: 10073: 10071: 10068: 10066: 10063: 10061: 10058: 10056: 10053: 10051: 10048: 10046: 10043: 10041: 10038: 10036: 10033: 10031: 10028: 10026: 10023: 10021: 10018: 10017: 10015: 10000: 9997: 9995: 9992: 9990: 9987: 9985: 9982: 9980: 9977: 9975: 9972: 9970: 9969:Globalization 9967: 9963: 9960: 9959: 9958: 9955: 9953: 9950: 9948: 9945: 9943: 9940: 9938: 9935: 9934: 9932: 9928: 9922: 9921: 9917: 9915: 9912: 9908: 9905: 9903: 9900: 9898: 9897:Korenizatsiia 9895: 9894: 9893: 9890: 9888: 9885: 9881: 9878: 9877: 9876: 9873: 9871: 9868: 9867: 9865: 9861: 9849: 9846: 9845: 9844: 9841: 9839: 9838:Cyrillization 9836: 9835: 9833: 9829: 9823: 9820: 9818: 9815: 9813: 9810: 9809: 9807: 9803: 9797: 9794: 9792: 9789: 9787: 9784: 9782: 9779: 9777: 9774: 9772: 9771:Ukrainization 9769: 9767: 9764: 9760: 9757: 9756: 9755: 9754:Turkification 9752: 9750: 9747: 9745: 9742: 9740: 9739:Taiwanization 9737: 9735: 9732: 9730: 9729:Swedification 9727: 9725: 9724:Swahilization 9722: 9720: 9719:Sovietization 9717: 9715: 9714:Slovakization 9712: 9710: 9709:Slavicization 9707: 9703: 9700: 9699: 9698: 9695: 9693: 9692:Sinhalization 9690: 9688: 9685: 9683: 9680: 9678: 9675: 9671: 9668: 9667: 9666: 9665:Russification 9663: 9659: 9656: 9655: 9653: 9650: 9648: 9645: 9643: 9640: 9636: 9633: 9632: 9631: 9628: 9624: 9621: 9620: 9619: 9616: 9614: 9611: 9609: 9606: 9604: 9601: 9599: 9598:Mongolization 9596: 9594: 9591: 9589: 9586: 9583: 9582:Magyarization 9580: 9578: 9575: 9573: 9570: 9568: 9567:Kurdification 9565: 9563: 9562:Koreanization 9560: 9556: 9551: 9550:Kazakhization 9548: 9546: 9543: 9539: 9536: 9535: 9534: 9531: 9529: 9526: 9522: 9519: 9518: 9517: 9516:Israelization 9514: 9512: 9509: 9507: 9504: 9500: 9497: 9496: 9495: 9494:Indianization 9492: 9489: 9486: 9484: 9483:Hellenization 9481: 9479: 9476: 9474: 9473:Germanization 9471: 9469: 9466: 9464: 9463:Gaelicization 9461: 9457: 9454: 9453: 9452: 9449: 9447: 9446:Finnicization 9444: 9440: 9437: 9436: 9435: 9432: 9430: 9427: 9425: 9422: 9420: 9417: 9415: 9412: 9410: 9407: 9405: 9402: 9400: 9397: 9395: 9394:Chilenization 9392: 9390: 9389:Celticization 9387: 9385: 9382: 9380: 9379:Bulgarization 9377: 9375: 9372: 9368: 9365: 9364: 9363: 9362:Bengalization 9360: 9356: 9353: 9352: 9351: 9348: 9346: 9343: 9339: 9336: 9334: 9331: 9329: 9326: 9324: 9321: 9320: 9319: 9316: 9314: 9313:Anglicization 9311: 9307: 9304: 9302: 9299: 9297: 9294: 9293: 9292: 9289: 9287: 9284: 9282: 9279: 9278: 9275: 9271: 9264: 9259: 9257: 9252: 9250: 9245: 9244: 9241: 9229: 9224: 9219: 9217: 9214: 9213: 9210: 9200: 9197: 9195: 9192: 9190: 9187: 9185: 9182: 9180: 9177: 9175: 9172: 9170: 9167: 9163: 9160: 9158: 9155: 9154: 9153: 9150: 9148: 9145: 9143: 9140: 9138: 9135: 9133: 9130: 9128: 9127:Proto-fascism 9125: 9123: 9120: 9118: 9115: 9113: 9110: 9108: 9105: 9103: 9100: 9096: 9093: 9092: 9091: 9088: 9084: 9081: 9080: 9079: 9078:Germanisation 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9054: 9051: 9049: 9046: 9044: 9041: 9039: 9036: 9034: 9031: 9027: 9024: 9022: 9019: 9017: 9014: 9012: 9009: 9008: 9007: 9004: 9000: 8997: 8995: 8992: 8990: 8987: 8984: 8983: 8978: 8976: 8973: 8971: 8968: 8966: 8963: 8962: 8961: 8958: 8957: 8954: 8947: 8943: 8933: 8930: 8928: 8925: 8923: 8920: 8918: 8915: 8912: 8909: 8907: 8904: 8902: 8899: 8897: 8893: 8890: 8888: 8885: 8883: 8880: 8878: 8877:Anti-fascists 8875: 8874: 8871: 8864: 8860: 8846: 8843: 8841: 8838: 8836: 8833: 8831: 8828: 8826: 8825:The Holocaust 8823: 8821: 8818: 8816: 8813: 8812: 8810: 8806: 8800: 8797: 8795: 8792: 8790: 8787: 8785: 8782: 8780: 8777: 8775: 8772: 8770: 8767: 8765: 8762: 8760: 8757: 8755: 8752: 8750: 8747: 8746: 8744: 8740: 8734: 8731: 8729: 8726: 8724: 8721: 8719: 8716: 8714: 8711: 8709: 8706: 8704: 8701: 8699: 8696: 8694: 8693:March on Rome 8691: 8690: 8688: 8684: 8678: 8675: 8673: 8670: 8668: 8665: 8663: 8660: 8659: 8657: 8653: 8647: 8644: 8643: 8641: 8637: 8633: 8626: 8622: 8608: 8605: 8603: 8600: 8598: 8595: 8594: 8592: 8590:International 8588: 8582: 8579: 8577: 8574: 8572: 8569: 8567: 8564: 8562: 8559: 8557: 8554: 8552: 8549: 8548: 8546: 8542: 8536: 8533: 8531: 8528: 8526: 8523: 8521: 8518: 8516: 8513: 8509: 8506: 8505: 8504: 8501: 8499: 8496: 8494: 8491: 8489: 8488:Walloon Guard 8486: 8484: 8481: 8479: 8476: 8474: 8471: 8469: 8466: 8464: 8461: 8459: 8456: 8454: 8451: 8449: 8446: 8444: 8443:Silver Shirts 8441: 8439: 8436: 8434: 8431: 8429: 8426: 8424: 8423:Schutzstaffel 8421: 8419: 8416: 8414: 8411: 8409: 8406: 8404: 8401: 8399: 8396: 8394: 8391: 8389: 8386: 8384: 8381: 8379: 8376: 8374: 8371: 8369: 8366: 8364: 8361: 8359: 8356: 8354: 8351: 8349: 8346: 8344: 8341: 8339: 8336: 8334: 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2652: 2649: 2647: 2644: 2642: 2639: 2637: 2634: 2632: 2629: 2628: 2626: 2624: 2620: 2614: 2611: 2609: 2606: 2604: 2601: 2599: 2596: 2594: 2591: 2590: 2588: 2584: 2580: 2573: 2569: 2559: 2556: 2552: 2549: 2547: 2544: 2542: 2539: 2538: 2537: 2534: 2530: 2527: 2525: 2522: 2520: 2517: 2516: 2515: 2512: 2510: 2507: 2505: 2502: 2500: 2497: 2493: 2490: 2489: 2488: 2485: 2481: 2478: 2474: 2471: 2470: 2469: 2466: 2465: 2463: 2461: 2458: 2456: 2453: 2449: 2446: 2445: 2444: 2441: 2437: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2425: 2422: 2421: 2420: 2417: 2415: 2412: 2410: 2407: 2405: 2402: 2401: 2400: 2397: 2395: 2392: 2390: 2387: 2385: 2382: 2378: 2375: 2373: 2370: 2369: 2368: 2365: 2359: 2356: 2355: 2354: 2351: 2349: 2346: 2345: 2343: 2339: 2336: 2335: 2334: 2331: 2327: 2324: 2323: 2322: 2319: 2317: 2314: 2312: 2309: 2307: 2304: 2302: 2299: 2297: 2294: 2290: 2287: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2272: 2270: 2269: 2268: 2265: 2263: 2260: 2259: 2258: 2255: 2253: 2250: 2248: 2245: 2243: 2240: 2238: 2235: 2231: 2228: 2227: 2226: 2223: 2221: 2218: 2216: 2213: 2211: 2208: 2206: 2203: 2199: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2190: 2188: 2186: 2183: 2182: 2179: 2172: 2168: 2154: 2151: 2149: 2146: 2144: 2141: 2139: 2136: 2134: 2131: 2130: 2128: 2124: 2118: 2115: 2113: 2110: 2108: 2105: 2103: 2100: 2098: 2095: 2093: 2090: 2088: 2085: 2083: 2080: 2078: 2075: 2073: 2070: 2068: 2065: 2063: 2060: 2058: 2055: 2053: 2050: 2048: 2047:Perpetual war 2045: 2043: 2040: 2038: 2035: 2031: 2028: 2026: 2023: 2021: 2018: 2017: 2016: 2013: 2011: 2008: 2006: 2003: 2001: 1998: 1996: 1995: 1991: 1989: 1988:Irrationalism 1986: 1984: 1981: 1979: 1976: 1974: 1971: 1969: 1966: 1964: 1961: 1959: 1956: 1954: 1951: 1949: 1946: 1944: 1943:Direct action 1941: 1939: 1936: 1934: 1931: 1929: 1926: 1924: 1921: 1919: 1916: 1914: 1911: 1909: 1906: 1904: 1903:Anti-pacifism 1901: 1899: 1896: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1886: 1884: 1881: 1879: 1876: 1875: 1873: 1871: 1867: 1863: 1856: 1852: 1848: 1841: 1836: 1834: 1829: 1827: 1822: 1821: 1818: 1808: 1806:9780521845151 1802: 1798: 1797: 1789: 1773: 1772: 1764: 1756: 1750: 1746: 1739: 1723: 1722: 1714: 1712: 1710: 1701: 1695: 1691: 1684: 1676: 1670: 1666: 1659: 1653: 1649: 1646: 1641: 1633: 1626: 1620: 1615: 1609: 1603: 1597: 1591: 1584: 1580: 1574: 1566: 1558: 1551: 1547: 1541: 1534: 1528: 1520: 1512: 1506: 1501: 1495:, Gorizia, 4. 1494: 1490: 1484: 1478: 1474: 1468: 1459: 1451: 1444: 1442: 1433: 1426: 1419: 1413: 1405: 1398: 1391: 1385: 1377: 1376: 1368: 1360: 1353: 1351: 1341: 1332: 1323: 1315: 1308: 1294: 1287: 1281: 1274: 1268: 1266: 1264: 1255: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1240: 1232: 1225: 1219: 1212: 1206: 1199: 1195: 1194:Giorgio Bocca 1190: 1183: 1179: 1178:Giorgio Bocca 1174: 1167: 1163: 1158: 1156: 1148: 1142: 1136: 1132: 1129: 1121: 1115: 1107: 1101: 1097: 1094: 1086: 1080: 1075: 1071: 1066: 1060: 1056: 1053: 1048: 1042: 1041:953-238-012-4 1038: 1032: 1023: 1014: 1000: 996: 990: 988: 979: 977:9788865761069 973: 969: 965: 958: 950: 946: 942: 935: 933: 916: 912: 908: 904: 900: 898: 892: 886: 879: 875: 872: 866: 864: 862: 854: 848: 840: 833: 829: 822: 820: 816: 812: 808: 804: 799: 795: 790: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 767: 763: 753: 751: 747: 743: 739: 735: 731: 721: 719: 715: 709: 707: 703: 699: 695: 691: 686: 683: 678: 676: 667: 663: 661: 656: 652: 648: 644: 643:Acts of Union 640: 635: 631: 627: 623: 619: 616: 613:was ceded to 612: 602: 600: 596: 592: 587: 585: 581: 577: 568: 559: 557: 552: 548: 546: 542: 538: 537:German people 534: 530: 526: 522: 516: 514: 510: 501: 496: 486: 484: 480: 475: 470: 466: 461: 459: 458:Viktor Sulčič 455: 451: 450:Josip Ribičič 447: 443: 439: 435: 432:organization 431: 426: 424: 420: 419: 414: 410: 405: 403: 397: 393: 391: 387: 383: 379: 374: 370: 362: 358: 353: 349: 347: 338: 334: 328: 326: 322: 318: 312: 309: 307: 303: 299: 298: 293: 289: 284: 282: 278: 274: 270: 266: 258: 254: 249: 242: 241: 235: 226: 224: 220: 216: 212: 208: 204: 200: 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 162: 160: 156: 152: 148: 144: 140: 136: 132: 128: 123: 117: 108: 104: 100: 96: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 66: 62: 58: 54: 47: 43: 42: 37: 33: 28: 22: 21:Italicization 9918: 9902:Latinization 9848:Soviet Union 9822:Islamization 9791:Wolofization 9776:Uzbekization 9749:Thaification 9744:Tamilization 9697:Sinicization 9652:Romanization 9642:Polonization 9593:Malayization 9545:Javanization 9533:Japanization 9527: 9511:Indonezation 9451:Francization 9419:Czechization 9409:Croatization 9404:Creolization 9286:Albanization 9142:Roman salute 9122:Post-fascism 9112:Neosocialism 9102:Japanization 9089: 9038:Berlusconism 9033:Anti-fascism 8982:Maurrassisme 8932:SS personnel 8922:Nazi leaders 8845:Tokyo Trials 8835:End in Italy 8815:World War II 8764:Enabling Act 8508:Rusich Group 8503:Wagner Group 8308:Hlinka Guard 8283:Hitler Youth 8278:Hilfspolizei 8171:Black Legion 8146:Azov Brigade 8119:Paramilitary 8099:Ustaše Youth 7980:Hitler Youth 7707:Hindutva pop 7479:Le Pays Réel 7329:The European 7093:1776 Returns 6729:Arana Osorio 6366:Klyachkivsky 6285:Bilbao Eguía 6254:Stojadinović 5612:Papadopoulos 5361:Falkenhausen 5077:van de Wiele 4862:Nacionalismo 4747:Lads Society 4742:Centre Party 4396:Steel Shield 4181:German Party 3757:Nazi Germany 3566: 3544: 3520:Rexist Party 3512: 3507:Pērkonkrusts 3505: 3448: 3434: 3272: 3265: 3258: 3251: 3232:Jeune Nation 3159: 3112: 3030: 3023: 3016: 2984:Tsagaan Khas 2960:Durga Vahini 2933:Seva Bharati 2701:Kataeb Party 2338:Intransigent 2275:Jeune Nation 2193:Nacionalismo 2087:Social order 2025:Palingenetic 1992: 1938:Dictatorship 1923:Conspiracism 1795: 1788: 1776:. Retrieved 1770: 1763: 1744: 1738: 1726:. Retrieved 1720: 1689: 1683: 1664: 1658: 1640: 1631: 1625: 1614: 1607: 1602: 1595: 1590: 1582: 1578: 1573: 1564: 1557: 1549: 1545: 1540: 1532: 1527: 1518: 1511: 1500: 1492: 1488: 1483: 1476: 1475:, Chapt. 1: 1472: 1467: 1458: 1449: 1431: 1425: 1417: 1412: 1403: 1397: 1389: 1384: 1374: 1367: 1358: 1340: 1330: 1322: 1313: 1307: 1296:. Retrieved 1292: 1280: 1272: 1238: 1231: 1218: 1210: 1205: 1197: 1189: 1181: 1173: 1165: 1146: 1145:G. Zanussi, 1141: 1125:(in Italian) 1120: 1111:(in Italian) 1106: 1090:(in Serbian) 1085: 1077:(in Serbian) 1073: 1069: 1065: 1047: 1031: 1022: 1013: 1002:. Retrieved 998: 967: 957: 948: 944: 919:. Retrieved 915:the original 902: 894: 885: 852: 847: 832: 794:Piero Parini 791: 786: 759: 727: 710: 706:monocultural 687: 679: 672: 659: 608: 590: 588: 576:Aosta Valley 573: 562:Aosta Valley 553: 549: 545:World War II 533:Adolf Hitler 517: 506: 479:Julian March 462: 454:Boris Furlan 428:The Slovene 427: 416: 406: 401: 398: 394: 366: 343: 325:Dinaric Alps 321:Monte Nevoso 317:Brenner Pass 314: 310: 295: 285: 269:Julian March 262: 238: 211:Aosta valley 197:and coastal 195:Gorski Kotar 187:Julian March 171:World War II 168: 159:Fascist rule 139:assimilation 52: 51: 39: 9994:Melting pot 9817:Judaization 9553: [ 9318:Arabization 9184:Szeged Idea 9174:Sorelianism 9132:Red fascism 8989:Pinochetism 8774:July Putsch 8723:Le Faisceau 8597:Axis powers 8535:Youth Front 8373:Mano Blanca 8348:Legion Wasa 8273:Gold Shirts 8176:Blackshirts 8151:Bajrang Dal 8109:Youth Front 7812:The Britons 7786:Quadrumvirs 7595:Condottieri 7539:Der Umbruch 7529:Der Stürmer 7369:Golden Dawn 7284:Der Angriff 7264:Ajan Suunta 7252:Periodicals 7019:Starhemberg 7004:Schuschnigg 6859:al-Husseini 6739:D'Aubuisson 6548:Frankhouser 6508:Auernheimer 6422:Chamberlain 6259:Zhirinovsky 5704:Teymourtash 5699:Pezeshkpour 5694:Monshizadeh 5506:Renthe-Fink 5265:La Rochelle 4535:Hammerskins 4463:Aryan Guard 4191:Golden Dawn 4093:Youth Front 3155:Le Faisceau 3108:The Britons 2955:Bajrang Dal 2671:Grey Wolves 2651:Azure Party 2546:Revisionism 2529:Nazi-Maoism 2499:Syndicalist 2468:Legionarism 2431:Strasserism 2384:LaRoucheism 2358:Restoration 2133:Definitions 2015:Nationalism 2000:Masculinity 1978:Imperialism 1928:Corporatism 1870:Core tenets 921:28 February 803:Carabinieri 702:monolingual 509:South Tyrol 489:South Tyrol 483:South Tyrol 463:During the 297:Narodni dom 263:The former 240:Narodni dom 151:World War I 122:Italopoíisi 111:Ιταλοποίηση 46:blackshirts 10014:Categories 9759:placenames 9499:placenames 9367:placenames 9296:immigrants 9179:Synarchism 8975:Khomeinism 8703:Acerbo Law 8483:Volkssport 8463:Third Klan 8293:Greyshirts 7965:Al-Futuwwa 7902:Right Club 7862:Mladorossi 7464:Panchjanya 7434:Neues Volk 7404:Masada2000 7349:Fritt Folk 7274:El Alcázar 7188:Mein Kampf 7086:Literature 6854:al-Husayni 6819:al-Gaylani 6708:Vonsyatsky 6427:Chesterton 6386:Shukhevych 6249:Rodzaevsky 6138:Manoilescu 5846:Bastianini 5821:D'Annunzio 5780:Natan-Zada 5592:Kasidiaris 5511:Ribbentrop 5466:Ludendorff 5270:Lagardelle 5230:Brasillach 4657:Wotansvolk 4647:Volksfront 4632:Third Klan 4610:Proud Boys 4515:Creativity 4206:Iron Guard 3747:Nazi Party 3114:La Cagoule 3048:Blueshirts 2706:Kenkokukai 2641:Aria Party 2598:Greyshirts 2455:Pan-Turkic 2419:Neo-Nazism 2189:Argentine 2107:Syncretism 2097:Statolatry 2062:Propaganda 2005:Militarism 1913:Chauvinism 1778:5 November 1728:5 November 1548:, cit. in 1491:, cit. in 1298:2012-06-12 1244:Peter Lang 1213:, pag. 116 1004:2020-04-08 825:References 775:Cephalonia 734:Mario Lago 730:Dodecanese 386:Šušnjevica 41:Squadristi 9635:societies 9323:Armenians 9162:Nordicism 9073:Garveyism 9006:Alt-right 8970:Francoism 8965:Chiangism 8498:Waffen-SS 8403:Rodobrana 8393:The Order 8388:New Guard 8323:Iron Wolf 8268:Frontbann 8191:Column 88 8123:terrorist 7756:Ahnenerbe 7524:Spearhead 7519:Siniristi 7494:Das Reich 7484:Der Pimpf 7469:Panzerbär 7459:Organiser 7449:Novopress 7414:Nash Put' 7054:Weinstein 6869:Linderman 6809:Ďurčanský 6613:MacDonald 6608:Lindbergh 6482:Wellesley 6472:Southgate 6457:Pankhurst 6396:Tyahnybok 6280:Bau Nolla 6244:Prokhanov 6229:Milchakov 6209:Kuryokhin 6184:Borovikov 6179:Barkashov 6174:Astroŭski 6108:Bacaloglu 6103:Antonescu 6052:Hashimoto 5956:Mussolini 5941:Marinetti 5936:Malaparte 5891:Corradini 5755:Greenberg 5745:Goldstein 5658:Mukherjee 5643:Golwalkar 5587:Dragoumis 5551:Streicher 5521:Rosenberg 5451:Klintzsch 5331:Berchtold 5250:Déroulède 5184:Somersalo 5108:Kvaternik 5103:Kraljević 5098:Francetić 4974:Australia 4600:The Order 3774:New Order 3568:Verdinaso 3400:New Party 2826:Sakurakai 2791:Patrol 36 2576:Movements 2536:Uruguayan 2464:Romanian 2414:Hitlerism 2344:Japanese 2301:Hungarism 2289:Valoisism 2267:Pétainism 2262:Doriotism 2252:Falangism 2225:Christian 2215:Brazilian 2210:Banderism 2153:Symbolism 2138:Economics 1948:Dirigisme 1070:Gerarchia 815:Lazaretto 779:Zakynthos 718:Edinburgh 630:islanders 418:Gerarchia 407:In 1927, 183:Friulians 116:romanized 95:‹See Tfd› 9456:Brussels 9216:Category 9189:Trumpism 9157:Aryanism 9107:Morenazi 9021:Alt-tech 9011:Alt-lite 8994:Putinism 8602:NSDAP/AO 8368:Makapili 8343:Lăncieri 8298:Heimwehr 8156:The Base 7857:The Link 7795:Activist 7605:Erbkrank 7359:Gândirea 7339:Fashizmi 7108:Defiance 7044:Vikernes 6964:Quisling 6949:Planetta 6934:Piasecki 6899:Martínez 6834:Gustloff 6814:Frashëri 6799:Dollfuss 6789:Coughlin 6764:Carrasco 6673:Rockwell 6653:Patsalos 6603:LaRouche 6578:Invictus 6568:Heimbach 6401:Vitrenko 6351:Biletsky 6239:Prilepin 6204:Kaminski 6113:Codreanu 6087:Sasakawa 6072:Matsuoka 6006:Sarfatti 5991:Ridruejo 5976:Pavolini 5966:Panunzio 5961:Olivetti 5951:Morgagni 5926:Graziani 5911:Giuriati 5831:Badoglio 5750:Gopstein 5730:Ben-Gvir 5684:Forouhar 5668:Vajpayee 5663:Savarkar 5648:Hedgewar 5556:Terboven 5536:Skorzeny 5481:Niekisch 5436:Heydrich 5396:Goebbels 5326:Baeumler 5215:Bardèche 5194:Varjonen 5179:Simojoki 5133:Servatzy 5047:Eriksson 5032:Degrelle 5027:Declercq 4991:Cottrell 4166:Format18 3779:Nipsters 3540:Stormers 3405:Nipsters 2558:Ustašism 2409:Esoteric 2404:Austrian 2394:Mystical 2372:Kahanism 2311:Ilminism 2296:Hindutva 2237:Clerical 2205:Austrian 2175:Variants 2052:Populism 2020:Integral 1994:Machismo 1958:Eugenics 1648:Archived 1209:Burgwy, 1131:Archived 1096:Archived 1055:Archived 911:11683661 874:Archived 645:between 622:Piedmont 611:Sardinia 605:Sardinia 599:Chivasso 584:Canavese 369:Croatian 361:Dalmatia 330:—  323:and the 223:Sardinia 215:Lombardy 199:Dalmatia 135:identity 131:language 70:Croatian 9907:Ukraine 9670:Finland 9328:Berbers 8894: ( 8629:History 8544:Student 8520:Werwolf 8433:Sicarii 8363:Levente 8022:Levente 7590:Bengasi 7399:Limonka 7389:Kangura 7354:Fronten 7334:Fashist 7198:My Life 7039:Tsankov 7024:Szálasi 6994:Salgado 6969:Ramírez 6929:Pfrimer 6924:Noreika 6904:McInnes 6879:Lugones 6844:Hamidov 6804:O'Duffy 6784:Clausen 6774:Celmiņš 6759:Caetano 6754:Bushati 6744:Bahçeli 6688:Spencer 6648:Nordean 6643:Mullins 6638:Minadeo 6623:Metzger 6593:Kessler 6553:Fuentes 6533:Dilling 6528:Collins 6498:Abascal 6477:Tyndall 6462:Pearson 6432:Griffin 6417:Beckett 6391:Stetsko 6381:Samchuk 6361:Gubarev 6356:Dontsov 6346:Bandera 6339:Ukraine 6219:Limonov 6148:Ogoranu 6128:Gigurtu 6118:Crainic 6096:Romania 6016:Spirito 6011:Soffici 6001:Rossoni 5946:Michels 5906:Gentile 5866:Boselli 5851:Bianchi 5811:Alfieri 5760:Ha'ivri 5740:Eliyahu 5725:Ben-Ari 5720:Ahimeir 5689:Kashani 5597:Koryzis 5566:Krosigk 5561:Thadden 5531:Schreck 5526:Schmitt 5496:Reitsch 5471:Maurice 5441:Himmler 5416:Günther 5411:Greiser 5386:Franz V 5376:Forster 5346:Brunner 5309:Germany 5285:Rebatet 5154:Isotalo 5149:Helanen 5142:Finland 5123:Pavičić 5118:Pavelić 5113:Luburić 5086:Croatia 5067:Severen 5052:Hermans 5015:Belgium 4704:Oceania 4401:Svoboda 4161:Falanga 3899:Falange 2979:Tōhōkai 2541:Marzism 2487:Russian 2448:Finnish 2436:Swedish 2424:Russian 2389:Latvian 2353:Statism 2333:Italian 2321:Islamic 2220:British 2037:New Man 1973:Heroism 1847:Fascism 968:Aut aut 811:Othonoi 783:Lefkada 690:Alghero 651:Ireland 647:Britain 634:Spanish 541:Germany 525:Germany 413:fascist 402:Edinost 373:Slovene 288:Trieste 281:Volosko 219:Venetia 207:Arpitan 118::  86:Slovene 57:Italian 36:Croatia 32:Vodnjan 9333:Blacks 8999:Ziaism 8667:Fascio 8662:Arditi 8607:ODESSA 8353:Lehava 8303:Hirden 7822:DeVlag 7671:Allach 7549:Vlajka 7544:Vairas 7514:Signal 7419:Nástup 7374:Hamaas 7289:Arriba 7269:L'Alba 7259:Action 7208:OPROP! 7148:Hunter 7009:Šešelj 6999:Sayigh 6989:Saadeh 6984:Rupnik 6919:Mohler 6914:Miklas 6894:Madero 6874:Ljotić 6849:Hlinka 6829:Gömbös 6824:Genoud 6749:Blythe 6734:Arcand 6713:Yockey 6698:Tarrio 6663:Pierce 6658:Pelley 6628:Miller 6563:Graves 6503:Anglin 6467:Ramsay 6437:Jordan 6300:Franco 6275:Arrese 6194:Dugina 6162:Russia 6077:Nonaka 6067:Kodama 5971:Papini 5921:Grandi 5871:Bottai 5816:Ambris 5806:Acerbo 5790:Yeivin 5775:Marzel 5770:Kahane 5765:Heruti 5713:Israel 5628:Advani 5580:Greece 5571:Zündel 5516:Rieger 5486:Ploetz 5476:Müller 5461:Kühnen 5446:Hitler 5426:Heiden 5401:Göring 5391:Gesche 5351:Bühler 5336:Berger 5321:Andrae 5295:Valois 5280:Pétain 5260:Doriot 5235:Bucard 5225:Béraud 5210:Augier 5203:France 5169:Kosola 5164:Konkka 5159:Kalsta 5072:Streel 5062:Poulet 5057:Lagrou 5006:Saleam 4964:People 4430:Vlajka 4411:Ustaše 4331:Pamyat 4201:Hosank 3869:CEDADE 3574:Vigrid 2586:Africa 2551:Sosism 2509:Techno 2460:Rexism 2399:Nazism 2367:Jewish 2326:Ziaism 2257:French 2242:Crypto 2126:Topics 2067:Racism 1859:Themes 1803:  1751:  1696:  1671:  1250:  1039:  974:  909:  907:COBISS 615:Alpine 513:German 257:Istria 99:German 78:French 9702:Tibet 9658:names 9557:] 9521:names 9306:names 8867:Lists 8808:1940s 8742:1930s 8686:1920s 8655:1910s 8639:1900s 7917:Youth 7852:GRECE 7664:Other 7228:Siege 7076:Works 6954:Preto 6939:Perón 6884:Lukov 6839:Hácha 6779:Cerro 6722:Other 6693:Strom 6683:Smith 6678:Rubin 6668:Pound 6633:Mills 6618:Mason 6588:Joyce 6583:Jones 6558:Garza 6543:Enoch 6523:Carto 6518:Black 6513:Biggs 6442:Leese 6376:Rebet 6371:Lebed 6320:Ramos 6268:Spain 6234:Oktan 6214:Letov 6199:Ilyin 6189:Dugin 6082:Ōkawa 6057:Honjō 6042:Araki 6030:Japan 6021:Volpi 5996:Rocco 5986:Ricci 5981:Rauti 5931:Guidi 5901:Freda 5896:Evola 5886:Cogni 5836:Balbo 5826:Azara 5799:Italy 5785:Stern 5735:Eldad 5638:Godse 5621:India 5602:Lagos 5501:Remer 5421:Hanke 5381:Frank 5371:Feder 5366:Hocke 5356:Darré 5316:Abetz 5290:Myatt 5275:Laval 5189:Törni 5128:Rover 5093:Boban 5042:Elias 5037:Denis 5001:Mills 4996:Groot 4211:LEPEN 3442:GRECE 2969:SUMKA 2316:Irish 2030:Ultra 1289:(PDF) 947:[ 901:[ 798:Corfu 771:Corfu 675:shift 626:Spain 556:first 423:Foibe 277:Sokol 175:Ladin 107:Greek 9355:soft 9338:Jews 8358:Lehi 8253:FEAR 8121:and 7625:Raza 7578:Film 7049:Wang 7034:Tiso 6974:Rhee 6959:Puyi 6889:Mach 6794:Devi 6598:Lane 6573:Hall 6538:Duke 6169:Aijo 6153:Sima 6143:Moța 6133:Goga 6123:Cuza 6062:Kita 6037:Akao 5916:Gozi 5861:Bono 5856:Boni 5677:Iran 5653:Modi 5633:Bose 5491:Rahn 5456:Kuhn 5431:Hess 5406:Graf 5341:Best 5300:Vial 5255:Dior 5245:Déat 5174:Orko 5022:Daye 4440:ZBOR 2726:Lehi 2696:Kach 2623:Asia 2306:Hutu 2185:Arab 1801:ISBN 1780:2016 1749:ISBN 1730:2016 1694:ISBN 1669:ISBN 1248:ISBN 1037:ISBN 972:ISBN 923:2012 813:and 807:Paxi 716:and 704:and 649:and 481:and 448:and 434:TIGR 371:and 337:Pola 133:and 8911:U-Z 8906:N-T 8901:G-M 8896:A-F 8418:S14 6864:Lee 6703:Unz 6047:Chō 2443:Neo 2247:Eco 692:'s 460:. 359:in 255:in 10016:: 9555:ru 1708:^ 1440:^ 1349:^ 1291:. 1262:^ 1196:, 1180:, 1164:, 1154:^ 997:. 986:^ 966:. 931:^ 860:^ 821:. 781:, 777:, 773:, 586:. 531:, 467:, 319:, 304:. 217:, 181:, 129:, 113:, 109:: 105:; 101:: 92:; 88:: 84:; 80:: 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‹See Tfd›
Italian culture
Kingdom of Italy
World War I
Triple Entente
Fascist rule
World War II
Trentino-Alto Adige
Julian March
Province of Ljubljana

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