
Real Humans

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house. Bea meets with Niska, who tells her that the vital final part of the Eischer code stored as audio information in Leo's "bio brain", and in an ironic twist, while they talk, they drive right past the stricken Leo without recognising him, and the next morning Leo is found and taken to hospital. After reading a bible Asa has given him, Gordon discusses his spiritual aspirations with her, but Flash upsets Eva when she sees a photo of Eva and Asa's wedding and abuses her as a "homo freak". Lennart attends an art class, where he meets a vivacious older lady. When the doctors discover Leo's hybrid nature, the intelligence agency takes him into custody and begin interrogating him. Niska forces Flash to apologise to Eva for her insult. At E-HURB headquarters, Ove examines the remains of Max, who has been destroyed in the explosion. When Bea arrives, she gives Ove the robot-shaped USB stick with the copy of the Eischer code, ostensibly as a birthday present. When Ove leaves the lab, Bea uses a taser to destroy Max's brain, but then Ove returns unexpectedly and discovers Bea recharging, and with her cover now blown she is forced to overpower Ove and escape. Therese and Pilar abandon their lawsuit after they learn that the defence team will insist that Rick and Bo are checked for illegal modifications. Lennart suffers a heart attack, but he is saved by Vera. Following a series of confrontations with Eva, Gordon and Niska, Flash leaves the group. Bea meets with Roger and gains his confidence by pretending she has just ended an abusive relationship, and that she has romantic feelings for him. At the hospital, Lennart is told that his insurance includes the right to have a digital "clone" made of his personality, which can be installed into a Hubot in the event of his death. When Roger and Bea return home, they discover that Malte is beginning to crack, and he threatens them with a gun. Tobbe breaks down and confesses to Hans about his feelings for Mimi. Disturbed by the Hubots' continued presence, Eva tries to call the police, but she is stopped by Niska, who threatens to kill her, and Eva runs away in terror. Gordon attends a church service but he is thrown out of the church by the enraged congregation, so he rejoins the other Hubots, and they flee.
Eischer Code does not exist, and Inger is forced to acquiesce to the government's sanitised version of the events surrounding Leo's imprisonment and death. On her way home, Inger witnesses the effect of the virus first-hand, when a Hubot violently malfunctions on a train. Flash starts a relationship with a human named Douglas, but it gets off to a rocky start when Douglas' ex-wife arrives. A pair of railway maintenance workers find Bea's inactive body in a railway tunnel, where she had fallen after being shot by the agent, but when they reactivate her, she brutally slays them both and escapes. Roger, now jobless, spots a "help wanted" ad for a new business. Silas is released from prison after serving time for the extortion attempt and reunites with Jonas. They return to Silas' workshop to find Odi still waiting for them. Bea visits Ove's home in search of the USB stick, but Ove's wife recognises Bea, so she kills Ove's wife and son to avoid detection. Jonas introduces Silas to his new business, Hub Battle Land, a battle simulation game where humans compete against Hubots, and Silas puts Odi to work as the receptionist. Kevin becomes more involved with the Real Humans group, for whom Eva is also now working, and Kevin is attracted to one of the girls in the group. Jonas purchases a Hubot clone of himself, and sets up a computer lab in the basement of Hub Battle Land. He reveals to Silas that he has obtained the damaged Niska hard-drive, containing the incomplete version of the code, and has managed to retrieve some of the data, and he asks Silas for his help in reconstructing the Code. Mimi asks Tobbe to test her in case she is infected, and he finds she is clear of the virus, but when she returns to her room, Bea is waiting for her. Bea asks for the last part of the code, but Mimi lies and says she doesn't have it. Bea then makes Mimi repeat a series of phrases which apparently activate her "affirmative pursuit", overriding her initial resistance to Bea's declaration that Hubots are destined to rule the world.
Hubots are refused entry to a club, Therese and Pilar hire Inger to act for them in suing the club. Lennart returns to the forest but cannot find Odi, who has wandered away and become lost. Leo continues searching for Mimi in the Hubot underworld, but he collapses again, and we see that the entry site for his charger cord is injured and bleeding. He experiences another flashback to his childhood - Mimi had rescued him from drowning, but he is taken to hospital in a critical condition. Roger tracks down Therese at her new apartment, but they argue, and Roger again loses control and hits Therese. Inger's boss Henning agrees to let her take on Pilar and Therese's case. After Pilar suggests that she can have Bo reprogrammed, Therese visits the same black-market Hubot sex shop where Leo is working. Leo reprograms Rick, removing his Asimov constraints, and enhancing his sexual functions. Roger meets again with Malte and Bea; he learns of Malte's violent outlook, his stash of weapons, and his plan to bomb the Hub-Market, but when Bea leaves the room, it is revealed that she is actually another of the freed Hubots, in disguise. Later Bea secretly meets with Niska to discuss their plans. Leo, now armed with a pistol, tracks Mimi to Silas' workshop and demands to know where Mimi has been taken. Enraged, he suddenly draws his gun and kills Silas' associate, Jim, in cold blood, but he is then seized by Silas' Hubot assistant, who strangles and apparently kills him. As he loses consciousness, there is another flashback to his childhood - after being told that Leo's condition is hopeless, David begs the doctors to save Leo's life with Hubot implants, but they refuse, so David takes Leo away to perform the operation himself.
and his wife. In the struggle, two of the Hubots are damaged and one of them, Mimi, is seized and taken away by Silas, a black-market Hubot dealer, who has been tracking them in hopes of capturing and selling them. The remaining Hubots, led by a human, Leo Eischer, includes Niska, Fred, Gordon, Flash, Marylyn and Max. Leo instructs the Hubots to hide out at a nearby church, then he leaves with Max to search for Mimi. In his absence, Niska assumes leadership and instructs the others to head for the church, but after they leave she returns to the farm and murders the couple to stop them talking. In the nearby city, Hans Engmann goes to buy a new Hubot for his widowed father-in-law Lennart, to replace Lennart's outdated hubot, Odi. Jonas, the Hub-Market manager (who is in league with Silas) pressures Hans into buying an expensive nurse/housekeeper model, Vera, and clinches the deal by offering Hans an additional free Hubot - Mimi, who has been reprogrammed by Silas and now has no memory of her past life. Hans' lawyer wife Inger reluctantly agrees to try the Hubot, whom they name Anita. Inger insists that Anita be treated as a part of the family, youngest daughter Sofia sees her as a friend, but teenage son Tobias ("Tobbe") soon develops an attraction to Anita. The Engmann's neighbour, Roger, who lives with his partner Therese and stepson Kevin, is resentful of the introduction of Hubots at his workplace, and is further alienated by Therese's handsome Hubot trainer/companion, Rick. The lonely Lennart balks at handing over Odi to be destroyed at a Hubot disposal facility, so he takes him home and hides him in his basement. Later, frustrated by Vera's controlling manner, Lennart secretly reactivates Odi.
Niska continue to communicate secretly about their plans via an internet dating site. The intelligence officer meets Ove and orders him to surrender all of E-HURB's files on the Hubot murders. Odi, now in Silas' possession, is re-programmed to recognise Silas as his owner. Asa and Eva argue over hiding the Hubots, while the Hubots themselves argue over whether they should leave, or wait for Leo. Silas orders his Hubots to dismember and dispose of the bodies of Jim and Leo, but then discovers that Leo is a hybrid, and is still alive. Therese and Rick go shopping, but Rick begins to show that he now has a will of his own. Mathilde questions Anita/Mimi about her past, and discovers an alternate 'unknown' operating system in her software - when she reactivates it, Mimi regains her full memory and identity as a freed Hubot. Silas orders his Hubots to kill and dismember Leo, but while he is berating Leo he reveals that he sold Mimi to Jonas' Hub-Market. Just as the Hubots are about to start their grisly task, Jonas arrives unexpectedly, and Leo is able to escape. Bea, who has been 'squatting' in an unoccupied apartment, copies the Eischer code onto a USB stick. Leo reunites with Max and goes to the Hub-Market, where he confronts Jonas, forcing him to reveal that Mimi was sold to the Engmanns. While they are talking, Malte and Roger arrive at the Hub-Market and plant the bomb, which explodes just after Leo leaves the building. Mimi tells Mathilde that the 'tattoo' on her arm means she is one of the 'children' of David Eischer, whom she calls "our liberator".
the disgust of Kevin, who leaves to reunite with Roger. The secret service has analyzed Inger's recording of her conversation with Leo and decide to abduct Mimi. Inger meets Mimi's personality and hands her Leo's message. Leo's doctor resolves to spring him out of prison and fakes the surveillance video feed into the director's office. The director demands Leo's secret code and threatens him with death. It is revealed that the code is the final sequence of the program that gives David's children their special abilities, which he gave to Leo alone to protect it from disclosure. Tobias is diagnosed by his therapist as being trans-human-sexual. Therese sells Rick to Silas in an attempt to win back Kevin. Inger and Hans quarrel about her commitment to hubot rights. Mimi disappears from the Engmans' home. Niska and Bea bribe Ola for information about Leo's location, but afterwards, rather than kill Ola, Bea shoots Niska.
herself. Surveillance cameras help the intelligence agent to catch up to Mimi and Leo in the underground railway tunnel, where they are hiding. Leo begs Mimi to help him die, but the agent arrives before she has finished, and Mimi is forced to flee. While the agent pursues Mimi, Bea arrives to find Leo, asking him to whisper the final part of the code to her. She then shoots him dead, perhaps at his request, but we don't know whether or not he gave her the code. At that moment the intelligence agent arrives back and confronts Bea. She offers to give him the hard drive containing the main part of the code, drops it to distract him, and whilst the agent's guard is down she draws her pistol and they exchange gunfire. The agent is killed and Bea damaged. Bea sees the hard drive was damaged in the fight, apparently beyond repair, so she drops it and vanishes.
248:. As of 2013, the series has been sold to about 50 countries, including Australia, France, Germany, and South Korea. A second season of ten episodes premiered on SVT1 in October 2013. In April 2013 it was announced that Lars Lundström was writing a third series, but as of August 2014, SVT is yet to officially announce whether the series will be renewed for a third season. As of November 2014, Lundström said in an interview with Festival Court MĂ©trange, "We have planned for a third season, we have written a whole outline and some scripts, but right now it's in decision making, if it's going to happen or not, because we have problem to fund the budget money. In a couple of weeks, maximum a month, we know, but I'm sorry to say, I'm not very optimistic.". 1071:
presence, but Roger's resentment of Hubots grows. During an argument, he hits Therese, who immediately packs up and leaves with Kevin. Meanwhile, Leo leaves Max to venture into the sordid underworld of the Hubot sex trade in search of Mimi. The fugitive Hubots, still on the run, are pursued by E-Hub, and Niska again shows her ruthlessness by killing a police dog that is tracking them. Leo collapses in the toilets of the Hubot sex club, and we discover that he is in fact a human/Hubot hybrid. Therese and Inger dine with Therese's friend Pilar, whose relationship with her Hubot, Bo, has moved to a more intimate level. Leo recovers, and reunites with Max, while the other Hubots reach the church, where they are discovered recharging by the pastor.
humans, hubots are usually easy for humans to recognise as they have bright flawless skin, glossy hair and unnaturally bright (usually very blue or very green) eyes. All Hubots also have a USB-like port, in either the back of the neck or in their lower back, which is used for programming and data. The button to activate or de-power a hubot is located under the left armpit, as is a standard wall plug cord for recharging purposes. Hubots require only electricity to survive and must recharge regularly, during which they enter a sleep-like state. Hubot skin feels similar to human skin and is kept at normal human body temperature, but beneath the skin are metal components and a blue fluid/lubricant known as HubFluid.
ardent anti-Hubot activist, as well as Bea, the E-HURB officer, who has apparently infiltrated the group. As Mimi becomes part of the Engmann family, Tobbe's attraction to her continues to grow. Bea and Ove, still tracking the renegade Hubots, visit Asa's house, but when Bea investigates the attic and sees Niska, she says nothing to Ove about their presence. Lennart evades Vera, and slips out of the house to take Odi on a fishing trip. As the episode ends Leo experiences another flashback to the crucial event of his childhood - the drowning of his mother, his own near death, and his rescue by Mimi.
291:" protocols that prevent them from harming humans. However, some hubots have been modified beyond the legal protocols to function as lovers or bodyguards. Such practices are illegal in Sweden and those who modify the programming of the hubots are known as "home-brewers". A small, low-funded branch of the police is set up to investigate hubot related crimes, known as E-HURB. Hubot-human sexual activity is taboo but not uncommon and many hubots are programmed for limited sexual activity. Those who pursue sexual relationships with hubots are derisively called "Hubbies". 315: 304: 276:), function as servants, workers, companions, and even illicitly as sexual partners, with different models having specific features designed for their distinctive roles. While some people embrace this new technology, others are disturbed by it. A far-right political movement, the "real humans", arises in opposition to the encroachment of hubots upon human society. Some members use the derogatory term " 1574:
Therese wants to move to the more liberal Holland, but first she wants to try to convince Kevin to come along, so she visits him at the Real Humans Youth Camp. Tobias, Betty and Matilda decide to program David’s code into Lennart, with no idea of the consequences. Douglas and Florentine are placed on
Douglas and Florentine plan their wedding, and Claes can't help interfering. Back at the Engmans’, Lennart’s clone is increasingly obstinate, in particular towards Hans, who is starting to lose patience. Mimi is hired at the law firm, but not everyone likes having a hubot as a colleague. The conflict
Florentine’s future is being settled in court and Mimi, wracked with the virus, is called as a witness. Then, an unexpected person from her past appears in the courtroom. Kevin and a group of Real Humans Youths decide to go to Hub Battle Land to destroy hubots. Meanwhile, Rick, who is armed, aims to
Bea and Cloette have finally located David’s clone, but the brain is missing. They continue their search while Tobias and Matilda investigate the code on the USB drive. A segment is missing and Matilda suspects that Mimi knows more than she lets on. When Roger is sent out to pick up a hubot, he's in
Alerted by Malte's mother, special forces await him in his flat, but he hides in the cellar instead, where he is murdered by Niska. Bea describes her vision of the future with hubots as immortal and eventually only race, and offers Roger to join them. Therese is concerned about a despondent Rick, to
An elderly man driving home hits a pedestrian, then discovers that it is a "Hubot", one of a population of intelligent, lifelike humanoid robots that are now commonplace in society. Seeing a group of Hubots approaching, the man panics and returns to his farm, but the Hubots follow, capturing the man
Mimi's condition is getting worse; the Engmans discover something about her past. In an attempt to destroy Florentine, Petra turns to the police and the Real Humans; Claes and Inger fight hard to save her. Jonas continues his plan to transfer his consciousness into his clone, but to succeed, Silas
In the wake of the Hub-Market bombing, Jonas has survived, but he is horribly burned. Malte calls the media to claim responsibility in the name of the "Real Humans Liberation Front". Leo almost makes it to the Engmann home, but in his weakened state he collapses in the street, only metres from the
Lennart's escapade ends badly when Odi drives recklessly, bringing the police in pursuit. When Odi runs the car off the road, a panicked Lennart sends Odi off to hide in the forest, and Lennart is arrested for dangerous driving. Therese, Rick, Pilar and Bo go on a couples' night-out, but after the
Bea continues searching for the code that makes machines human. In her search for the scientist David Eischer’s clone, she seeks out David’s mother. Tobias struggles with his transhuman sexuality, as his heart still longs for Mimi. The Engman family receives a package containing their Granddad’s
The story picks up six months after Leo's death: Tobbe's inadvertent opening of the Eischer Code has released the incomplete code onto the internet, where it acts like a malware virus, infecting Hubots and causing serious malfunctions. Inger meets with a government official, who asserts that the
Therese and Rick's romance blossoms, but Kevin is alienated by their behaviour. A mysterious government intelligence agent visits Jonas, and interrogates him about the "freed" Hubots, and the rumour that Leo's father, David Eischer, created a programming code that gives Hubots free will. Bea and
The episode opens with a flashback to Leo's childhood, involving his father David, and several of the Hubots, including Niska and Fred. In the present, Ove and Bea, officers of the Hubot crime task force E-HURB, investigate the murders of the elderly couple. The Engmanns learn to adapt to Mimi's
Hubots are usually programmed to recognise and obey their owner and can learn skills and pick up knowledge through observation of humans. Hubots have begun to replace human workers in many industries, especially in the performance of repetitive tasks. Though they are designed to closely resemble
At the church, Niska convinces Asa, the pastor, to hide them in her attic, but Asa's partner Eva is suspicious of their presence. Leo and Max continue their search for Mimi. The increasingly alienated Roger attends a meeting of a radical anti-Hubot group, "Real Humans", where he meets Malte, an
Further, those hubots reprogrammed by original hubot creator David Eischer have started to develop feelings, desires and their own goals, attaining an apparent capacity for free will and independence from humans. Their code is designed to integrate and balance various emotions simultaneously as
Bea and Niska meet with Ove, bribing him to obtain his security pass so they can rescue Leo, but the meeting ends unexpectedly when Bea shoots Niska in the head, destroying her brain. Flash leaves the group, disguises herself as a human and resolves to meet a human man and forge a new life for
1776:. The second season started airing in October 2016. The third season started airing in May 2018 (UK) and June 2018 (US). In May 2019, Channel 4 announced that the series had been cancelled. 295:
opposed to the one-emotion-at-a time code that standard hubots have. They are still often naĂŻve and unworldly and sometimes fail to understand the nuances of complex human behaviour.
480:, a free hubot with a past closely tied to Leo's. She has been posing as a human named Beatrice Novak, working as both a detective with E-HURB and an anti-hubot activist. 1540:
for an unpleasant reunion. Florentine’s dream is about to come true - she's finally going to marry her Douglas. But perhaps human life is not all it's cracked up to be.
1844: 779: 2018: 624: 566: 376: 2250: 2225: 1951: 715: 395: 357: 607: 2235: 140: 560:, Roger, neighbour of the Engmans, husband of Therese and adoptive father to Kevin. He is a temperamental warehouse worker, and skeptical of hubots. 533: 496: 2280: 344: 331: 2275: 806: 450: 408: 229:
workers and servants are widespread. The series follows the resulting emotional effects on two families as well as the trials of a group of
2265: 2245: 2089: 1992: 823: 678: 641: 1818: 2230: 2255: 1798:, produced by Endemol Shine China and Croton Media. The series began airing on Chinese broadcaster Tencent on February 19, 2021. 863:
Note: Most actors playing hubots appear in multiple roles in the series (usually non-speaking) as other copies of the same model.
Camilla Larsson, Therese, unhappy wife of Roger, mother of Kevin, and attracted to her hubot trainer. She is a friend of Inger's.
582:, Rick, Therese's hubot, who has special (illegal) programming allowing greater empathy and simulated emotion than most hubots 1852: 1505:
between Real Humans and the Transhumans grows increasingly antagonistic. Sooner or later everyone will have to choose sides.
clone. Meanwhile, at Hub Battle Land, Silas works to get the business off the ground and Roger arrives for a job interview.
1966: 793:, a hubot (handyman model) who assists Leo, and whom Leo has partially liberated from the restrictions of his programming 2082: 2240: 1699:
do all that he can to defend Hub Battle Land from humans and Bea gets Roger involved in the search for the code.
2270: 739:(in season two), estranged mother of Jonas; an anti-technology recluse with a past connection to David Eischer 2260: 2173: 2166: 2159: 2152: 2145: 2138: 2131: 2124: 2075: 1769: 424:, Anita, a hubot that Hans purchases for the family; she has a hidden personality the family discovers ( 2062: 1735: 1896: 1575:
a three-year waiting list for adoption, but Florentine has no desire to wait - she wants a child now.
2202: 2108: 1785: 1715:
Charlie Jane Anders called the program "startlingly beautiful", disturbing and "creepy as hell".
2019:"AMC & C4 Sci-Fi Drama 'Humans' To Be Remade In China Via Endemol Shine & Croton Media" 784: 288: 604:, Leo's father and the programmer who created the code that allows hubots to attain free will. 1664:
must do him a great service. Jonas begins to doubt David's clone after a disclosure from Bea.
597: 446: 629: 571: 381: 1822: 658: 8: 1993:"Humans season 3: Air date, cast, trailer, AMC, spoilers and everything you need to know" 796: 720: 579: 400: 362: 277: 155: 135: 612: 2099: 1744: 752: 513: 215: 193: 2057: 538: 530:, a hubot with free will; in season two, forms an intimate relationship with a human. 523: 501: 370: 1757: 850: 705: 349: 336: 207: 840: 389: 1918:"The Weekend Australian – Review – Real Humans". The Australian. 8 December 2012. 811: 742: 473: 455: 413: 307: 257: 226: 218: 36: 225:
series set in an alternative near-future version of Sweden where consumer-level
1929: 1717: 732: 695: 668: 483: 438: 421: 241: 1874: 557: 418:, Vera, a less genial hubot designed to look after Lennart's health in old age 392:, Lennart Sollberg, Inger's father who lives alone with his hubot companion(s) 318: 2219: 1739: 1721:
called it "the best science fiction to hit the small screen in a long time".
828: 683: 240:
on 22 January 2012. The series was written by Lars Lundström and directed by
762: 470:, David Eischer's main hubot assistant, de facto leader of the "free" hubots 1791: 646: 1848: 287:
Hubots are also programmed to be docile. They obey a set of rules called "
The story takes place in a version of present-day Sweden where the use of
265: 233:
who have attained free will and want their freedom from human ownership.
2051: 1734:
The rights to an English-language version of the programme were sold to
692:, the pastor and wife to Eva. She believes the hubots won't harm anyone. 463: 245: 56: 847:, a hubot Silas and his partner have hacked to act as a security guard 1773: 1749: 367:, Matilda Engman, the eldest Engman child, who works in a supermarket 2046: 1897:"This Swedish TV show about an abducted sex robot is creepy as hell" 1952:"Humans: Channel 4 and AMC's sci-fi drama releases its first image" 314: 303: 1881: 1765: 490:, a hubot with free will that seems to have feelings for Leo 373:, Tobias Engman (nicknamed "Tobbe"), a teenage school student 230: 222: 32: 237: 1738:, and the format rights and international distribution to 1711:
The first season of the program received glowing reviews.
2067: 1967:"AMC, Channel 4 Renew Sci-Fi Drama 'Humans' for Season 2" 1712: 857:, a hubot taking care of David Eischer's diseased mother 1761: 1753: 1845:"Export-success for SVT's Sci-Fi enterprise (Swedish)" 675:, a thief, trafficker and illegal modifier of hubots 576:, Kevin, Therese's son, and an anti-hubot activist. 1748:, the English-language version debuted in 2015 on 879: 759:– Father of Douglas and owner of Inger's law firm 2217: 432: 1837: 1669: 1634: 1607: 1580: 1545: 1510: 1475: 1448: 1413: 1378: 1305: 1729: 1270: 1243: 1216: 1181: 1146: 1111: 1076: 1041: 1006: 665:, owner of the hubot retail store Hubot Market 2083: 1813: 1811: 1794:would be head writer on a Chinese version of 405:, Odi, Lennart's much beloved hubot companion 702:, the vicar's wife who is not fond of hubots 386:, Sofia Engman, the youngest Engman daughter 1964: 2090: 2076: 1808: 882: 803:, Therese's hubot (personal trainer model) 655:, Therese's best friend who works at a gym 551: 2251:Television series by Reveille Productions 2226:Swedish science fiction television series 729:, Inger Engman's colleague at the lawfirm 586: 2236:Sveriges Television original programming 1821:. Sveriges Television AB. Archived from 313: 302: 2116: 1990: 935: 712:, Inger Engman's manager at the lawfirm 260:is commonplace. The androids, known as 2281:2014 Swedish television series endings 2218: 1984: 1958: 16:2012 Swedish science fiction TV series 2276:2012 Swedish television series debuts 2071: 2016: 1779: 1342: 931: 895: 876: 899: 749:, Florentine's husband in season two 325: 2266:Alternate history television series 2246:Television series set in the future 2063:Facts on season two (NordicFantasy) 1944: 341:, Inger Engman, a mother and lawyer 13: 1965:Barraclough, Leo (July 31, 2015). 1790:On 25 July 2018, it was announced 1679:Christian Eklöw, Christopher Panov 1644:Christian Eklöw, Christopher Panov 1617:Christian Eklöw, Christopher Panov 970: 14: 2292: 2040: 1083:"The Lord Shall Be Our Companion" 638:, a volatile anti-hubot activist 2231:Swedish drama television series 2010: 1930:"Kudos to remake 'Real Humans'" 449:, 10-year-old Leo is played by 2256:Television shows set in Sweden 1922: 1911: 1889: 1867: 1357: 1350: 985: 978: 621:, a male detective with E-HURB 354:, Hans Engman, Inger's husband 98: 87: 1: 2017:White, Peter (25 July 2018). 1801: 433:The Children of David Eischer 298: 1991:Ashurst, Sam (May 2, 2018). 1876:Lars LUNDSTROM(at 3:45-4:10) 1706: 7: 1932:. Variety. 21 November 2011 1736:Kudos Film & Television 1730:English-language adaptation 868: 491: 425: 10: 2297: 2097: 1954:. Digital Spy. 2015-01-10. 1899:. 12 January 2012 1783: 1724: 1526:30 December 2013 1491:22 December 2013 1464:15 December 2013 1232:26 February 2012 1197:19 February 2012 1162:12 February 2012 251: 2187: 2107: 1696: 1685:2 February 2014 1675: 1661: 1650:26 January 2014 1640: 1623:19 January 2014 1613: 1596:12 January 2014 1586: 1572: 1551: 1537: 1516: 1502: 1481: 1454: 1440: 1429:8 December 2013 1419: 1405: 1394:1 December 2013 1384: 1373: 1370: 1367: 1364: 1356: 1349: 1332: 1311: 1297: 1276: 1249: 1222: 1208: 1187: 1173: 1152: 1138: 1127:5 February 2012 1117: 1103: 1092:29 January 2012 1082: 1068: 1057:22 January 2012 1047: 1033: 1022:22 January 2012 1012: 1001: 998: 995: 992: 984: 977: 956:2 February 2014 946:1 December 2013 945: 942: 910:22 January 2012 909: 906: 890: 887: 773: 591: 510:, a hubot with free will. 192: 187: 162: 151: 146: 131: 123: 113: 108: 97: 86: 78: 70: 62: 50: 42: 28: 21: 1561:5 January 2014 547:, a hubot with free will 520:, a hubot with free will 1786:Humans (2021 TV series) 1321:18 March 2012 1286:11 March 2012 1013:"Break In, Break Loose" 920:18 March 2012 552:The Engmans' Neighbours 492:(see also Anita, above) 2241:Androids in television 1259:4 March 2012 587:Other major characters 322: 311: 280:" to refer to hubots. 211: 2271:Fiction about malware 598:Thomas W. Gabrielsson 317: 306: 2261:Hard science fiction 1855:on 27 September 2013 1825:on February 24, 2012 426:see also Mimi, below 132:Production companies 1118:"Semi-Human Rights" 797:Johannes Bah Kuhnke 780:Christopher Wagelin 580:Johannes Bah Kuhnke 156:Sveriges Television 136:Sveriges Television 114:Executive producers 2023:Deadline Hollywood 1885:. 6 November 2014. 1780:Chinese adaptation 1343:Series 2 (2013–14) 753:Lars-Erik Berenett 528:Flash / Florentine 445:, David's son (in 323: 312: 2213: 2212: 2183: 2182: 1704: 1703: 1374:Original air date 1340: 1339: 1002:Original air date 967: 966: 659:MĂĄns Nathanaelson 567:Fredrik Silbersky 524:Josephine Alhanko 377:Aline Palmstierna 326:The Engman Family 199: 198: 79:Original language 71:Country of origin 2288: 2206:(Chinese remake) 2114: 2113: 2092: 2085: 2078: 2069: 2068: 2047:Swedish TV (SVT) 2034: 2033: 2031: 2029: 2014: 2008: 2007: 2005: 2003: 1988: 1982: 1981: 1979: 1977: 1962: 1956: 1955: 1948: 1942: 1941: 1939: 1937: 1926: 1920: 1919: 1915: 1909: 1908: 1906: 1904: 1893: 1887: 1886: 1871: 1865: 1864: 1862: 1860: 1851:. Archived from 1841: 1835: 1834: 1832: 1830: 1815: 1692: 1690: 1657: 1655: 1630: 1628: 1603: 1601: 1568: 1566: 1533: 1531: 1498: 1496: 1471: 1469: 1436: 1434: 1401: 1399: 1359: 1352: 1347: 1346: 1328: 1326: 1293: 1291: 1266: 1264: 1239: 1237: 1204: 1202: 1169: 1167: 1153:"Power at Heart" 1134: 1132: 1099: 1097: 1064: 1062: 1029: 1027: 987: 980: 975: 974: 963: 961: 953: 951: 940: 939: 938: 927: 925: 917: 915: 904: 903: 902: 883:Originally aired 874: 873: 851:Louise Peterhoff 832: 815: 788: 724: 716:Niklas Jarneheim 706:Shebly Niavarani 687: 650: 633: 616: 575: 542: 505: 493: 459: 427: 417: 404: 396:Alexander Stocks 385: 366: 358:Natalie Minnevik 353: 340: 236:It premiered on 183: 181: 173: 171: 147:Original release 100: 89: 19: 18: 2296: 2295: 2291: 2290: 2289: 2287: 2286: 2285: 2216: 2215: 2214: 2209: 2179: 2103: 2096: 2043: 2038: 2037: 2027: 2025: 2015: 2011: 2001: 1999: 1989: 1985: 1975: 1973: 1963: 1959: 1950: 1949: 1945: 1935: 1933: 1928: 1927: 1923: 1917: 1916: 1912: 1902: 1900: 1895: 1894: 1890: 1873: 1872: 1868: 1858: 1856: 1843: 1842: 1838: 1828: 1826: 1817: 1816: 1809: 1804: 1788: 1782: 1732: 1727: 1709: 1700: 1688: 1686: 1665: 1653: 1651: 1626: 1624: 1599: 1597: 1576: 1564: 1562: 1541: 1529: 1527: 1506: 1494: 1492: 1467: 1465: 1444: 1432: 1430: 1409: 1397: 1395: 1361: 1353: 1345: 1336: 1324: 1322: 1301: 1289: 1287: 1262: 1260: 1235: 1233: 1212: 1200: 1198: 1177: 1165: 1163: 1142: 1130: 1128: 1107: 1095: 1093: 1072: 1060: 1058: 1037: 1025: 1023: 989: 981: 973: 971:Series 1 (2012) 968: 959: 957: 949: 947: 934: 933: 932: 923: 921: 913: 911: 898: 897: 896: 871: 826: 820:, Pilar's hubot 809: 782: 776: 747:Douglas JarmĂ©us 743:Alexander Karim 718: 681: 644: 627: 625:Jimmy Lindström 610: 594: 589: 569: 554: 536: 499: 474:Marie Robertson 453: 435: 411: 398: 379: 360: 347: 334: 328: 321:who plays Roger 308:Marie Robertson 301: 254: 219:science fiction 179: 177: 176:2 February 2014 175: 169: 167: 166:22 January 2012 141:Matador Film AB 139: 118: 66:Rikard BorggĂĄrd 55: 37:Science fiction 35: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2294: 2284: 2283: 2278: 2273: 2268: 2263: 2258: 2253: 2248: 2243: 2238: 2233: 2228: 2211: 2210: 2208: 2207: 2199: 2191: 2189: 2185: 2184: 2181: 2180: 2178: 2177: 2170: 2163: 2156: 2149: 2142: 2135: 2128: 2120: 2118: 2111: 2105: 2104: 2095: 2094: 2087: 2080: 2072: 2066: 2065: 2060: 2053:Ă„kta människor 2049: 2042: 2041:External links 2039: 2036: 2035: 2009: 1983: 1957: 1943: 1921: 1910: 1888: 1866: 1836: 1806: 1805: 1803: 1800: 1784:Main article: 1781: 1778: 1731: 1728: 1726: 1723: 1718:The Australian 1708: 1705: 1702: 1701: 1697: 1694: 1693: 1683: 1682:Lars Lundström 1680: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1667: 1666: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1648: 1647:Lars Lundström 1645: 1642: 1639: 1636: 1632: 1631: 1621: 1620:Lars Lundström 1618: 1615: 1612: 1609: 1605: 1604: 1594: 1593:Lars Lundström 1591: 1590:Kristina Humle 1588: 1585: 1582: 1578: 1577: 1573: 1570: 1569: 1559: 1558:Lars Lundström 1556: 1555:Harald Hamrell 1553: 1550: 1547: 1543: 1542: 1538: 1535: 1534: 1524: 1523:Lars Lundström 1521: 1520:Harald Hamrell 1518: 1515: 1512: 1508: 1507: 1503: 1500: 1499: 1489: 1488:Lars Lundström 1486: 1485:Harald Hamrell 1483: 1480: 1477: 1473: 1472: 1462: 1461:Lars Lundström 1459: 1458:Harald Hamrell 1456: 1453: 1450: 1446: 1445: 1441: 1438: 1437: 1427: 1426:Lars Lundström 1424: 1423:Harald Hamrell 1421: 1418: 1415: 1411: 1410: 1406: 1403: 1402: 1392: 1391:Lars Lundström 1389: 1388:Harald Hamrell 1386: 1383: 1380: 1376: 1375: 1372: 1369: 1366: 1363: 1355: 1344: 1341: 1338: 1337: 1333: 1330: 1329: 1319: 1318:Lars Lundström 1316: 1315:Harald Hamrell 1313: 1310: 1307: 1303: 1302: 1298: 1295: 1294: 1284: 1283:Lars Lundström 1281: 1280:Harald Hamrell 1278: 1275: 1272: 1268: 1267: 1257: 1256:Lars Lundström 1254: 1251: 1248: 1245: 1241: 1240: 1230: 1229:Lars Lundström 1227: 1224: 1221: 1218: 1214: 1213: 1209: 1206: 1205: 1195: 1194:Lars Lundström 1192: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1179: 1178: 1174: 1171: 1170: 1160: 1159:Lars Lundström 1157: 1154: 1151: 1148: 1144: 1143: 1139: 1136: 1135: 1125: 1124:Lars Lundström 1122: 1121:Harald Hamrell 1119: 1116: 1113: 1109: 1108: 1104: 1101: 1100: 1090: 1089:Lars Lundström 1087: 1086:Harald Hamrell 1084: 1081: 1078: 1074: 1073: 1069: 1066: 1065: 1055: 1054:Lars Lundström 1052: 1051:Harald Hamrell 1049: 1048:"Trust No One" 1046: 1043: 1039: 1038: 1034: 1031: 1030: 1020: 1019:Lars Lundström 1017: 1016:Harald Hamrell 1014: 1011: 1008: 1004: 1003: 1000: 997: 994: 991: 983: 972: 969: 965: 964: 954: 944: 941: 929: 928: 918: 908: 905: 893: 892: 889: 885: 884: 881: 878: 872: 870: 867: 866: 865: 859: 858: 848: 838: 837:, Jonas' hubot 821: 804: 794: 775: 772: 771: 770: 769:, hubot expert 760: 750: 740: 733:Karin Bertling 730: 713: 703: 696:Ellen Mattsson 693: 676: 669:Peter Viitanen 666: 656: 639: 636:Malte Koljonen 622: 605: 593: 590: 588: 585: 584: 583: 577: 564: 561: 553: 550: 549: 548: 534:Saunet Sparell 531: 521: 511: 497:David Lenneman 494: 484:Lisette Pagler 481: 478:Beatrice "Bea" 471: 461: 439:Andreas Wilson 434: 431: 430: 429: 422:Lisette Pagler 419: 406: 393: 387: 374: 371:KĂĄre Hedebrant 368: 355: 342: 327: 324: 300: 297: 253: 250: 242:Harald Hamrell 227:humanoid robot 212:Ă„kta människor 197: 196: 190: 189: 185: 184: 164: 160: 159: 153: 149: 148: 144: 143: 133: 129: 128: 125: 121: 120: 115: 111: 110: 106: 105: 102: 95: 94: 91: 84: 83: 80: 76: 75: 72: 68: 67: 64: 60: 59: 54:Harald Hamrell 52: 48: 47: 46:Lars Lundström 44: 40: 39: 30: 26: 25: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2293: 2282: 2279: 2277: 2274: 2272: 2269: 2267: 2264: 2262: 2259: 2257: 2254: 2252: 2249: 2247: 2244: 2242: 2239: 2237: 2234: 2232: 2229: 2227: 2224: 2223: 2221: 2205: 2204: 2200: 2198: 2197: 2193: 2192: 2190: 2186: 2175: 2171: 2168: 2164: 2161: 2157: 2154: 2150: 2147: 2143: 2140: 2136: 2133: 2129: 2126: 2122: 2121: 2119: 2115: 2112: 2110: 2106: 2102: 2101: 2093: 2088: 2086: 2081: 2079: 2074: 2073: 2070: 2064: 2061: 2059: 2055: 2054: 2050: 2048: 2045: 2044: 2024: 2020: 2013: 1998: 1994: 1987: 1972: 1968: 1961: 1953: 1947: 1931: 1925: 1914: 1898: 1892: 1884: 1883: 1878: 1877: 1870: 1854: 1850: 1846: 1840: 1824: 1820: 1819:"Real Humans" 1814: 1812: 1807: 1799: 1797: 1793: 1787: 1777: 1775: 1771: 1767: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1747: 1746: 1741: 1740:Shine Limited 1737: 1722: 1720: 1719: 1714: 1695: 1684: 1681: 1678: 1672: 1668: 1660: 1649: 1646: 1643: 1637: 1633: 1622: 1619: 1616: 1610: 1606: 1595: 1592: 1589: 1583: 1579: 1571: 1560: 1557: 1554: 1548: 1544: 1536: 1525: 1522: 1519: 1513: 1509: 1501: 1490: 1487: 1484: 1478: 1474: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1451: 1447: 1439: 1428: 1425: 1422: 1416: 1412: 1404: 1393: 1390: 1387: 1381: 1377: 1348: 1331: 1320: 1317: 1314: 1308: 1304: 1296: 1285: 1282: 1279: 1273: 1269: 1258: 1255: 1252: 1246: 1242: 1231: 1228: 1225: 1219: 1215: 1207: 1196: 1193: 1190: 1184: 1180: 1172: 1161: 1158: 1155: 1149: 1145: 1137: 1126: 1123: 1120: 1114: 1110: 1102: 1091: 1088: 1085: 1079: 1075: 1067: 1056: 1053: 1050: 1044: 1040: 1032: 1021: 1018: 1015: 1009: 1005: 976: 955: 937: 930: 919: 901: 894: 886: 875: 864: 861: 860: 856: 852: 849: 846: 842: 841:Jonas Malmsjö 839: 836: 830: 825: 822: 819: 813: 808: 805: 802: 798: 795: 792: 786: 781: 778: 777: 768: 764: 761: 758: 757:Claes JarmĂ©us 754: 751: 748: 744: 741: 738: 734: 731: 728: 722: 717: 714: 711: 707: 704: 701: 697: 694: 691: 685: 680: 677: 674: 670: 667: 664: 660: 657: 654: 648: 643: 640: 637: 631: 626: 623: 620: 614: 609: 608:Ola Wahlström 606: 603: 602:David Eischer 599: 596: 595: 581: 578: 573: 568: 565: 562: 559: 556: 555: 546: 540: 535: 532: 529: 525: 522: 519: 515: 514:AndrĂ© Sjöberg 512: 509: 503: 498: 495: 489: 485: 482: 479: 475: 472: 469: 465: 462: 457: 452: 448: 444: 440: 437: 436: 423: 420: 415: 410: 407: 402: 397: 394: 391: 390:Sten Elfström 388: 383: 378: 375: 372: 369: 364: 359: 356: 351: 346: 345:Johan Paulsen 343: 338: 333: 332:Pia Halvorsen 330: 329: 320: 316: 310:who plays Bea 309: 305: 296: 292: 290: 285: 281: 279: 275: 271: 267: 263: 259: 249: 247: 243: 239: 234: 232: 228: 224: 220: 217: 213: 209: 205: 204: 195: 191: 186: 165: 161: 157: 154: 150: 145: 142: 137: 134: 130: 126: 122: 119:Henrik Widman 116: 112: 107: 103: 96: 92: 85: 81: 77: 73: 69: 65: 61: 58: 53: 49: 45: 41: 38: 34: 31: 27: 24: 20: 2201: 2195: 2194: 2098: 2052: 2026:. Retrieved 2022: 2012: 2000:. Retrieved 1996: 1986: 1974:. Retrieved 1970: 1960: 1946: 1934:. Retrieved 1924: 1913: 1901:. Retrieved 1891: 1880: 1875: 1869: 1857:. Retrieved 1853:the original 1839: 1827:. Retrieved 1823:the original 1795: 1792:Roland Moore 1789: 1743: 1733: 1716: 1710: 1676:"Episode 10" 1250:"Make Haste" 1223:"Blind Love" 862: 854: 844: 834: 817: 807:Rennie Mirro 800: 790: 766: 756: 746: 737:Niska Boberg 736: 726: 709: 699: 689: 672: 663:Jonas Boberg 662: 652: 635: 618: 601: 544: 527: 517: 507: 487: 477: 467: 451:Romeo Altera 442: 409:Anki Larsson 293: 286: 282: 273: 269: 261: 255: 235: 214:) is a 2012 202: 201: 200: 124:Running time 117:Stefan Baron 22: 2196:Real Humans 1997:Digital Spy 1641:"Episode 9" 1614:"Episode 8" 1587:"Episode 7" 1552:"Episode 6" 1517:"Episode 5" 1482:"Episode 4" 1455:"Episode 3" 1420:"Episode 2" 1385:"Episode 1" 1368:Directed by 996:Directed by 888:First aired 827: [ 810: [ 783: [ 719: [ 682: [ 645: [ 628: [ 611: [ 570: [ 558:Leif AndrĂ©e 537: [ 500: [ 454: [ 443:Leo Eischer 412: [ 399: [ 380: [ 361: [ 348: [ 335: [ 319:Leif AndrĂ©e 266:portmanteau 203:Real Humans 101:of episodes 51:Directed by 23:Real Humans 2220:Categories 1802:References 1689:2014-02-02 1654:2014-01-26 1627:2014-01-19 1600:2014-01-12 1565:2014-01-05 1530:2013-12-30 1495:2013-12-22 1468:2013-12-15 1433:2013-12-08 1398:2013-12-01 1371:Written by 1325:2012-03-18 1312:"The Code" 1290:2012-03-11 1277:"Heritage" 1263:2012-03-04 1253:Levan Akin 1236:2012-02-26 1226:Levan Akin 1201:2012-02-19 1191:Levan Akin 1166:2012-02-12 1156:Levan Akin 1131:2012-02-05 1096:2012-01-29 1061:2012-01-22 1026:2012-01-22 999:Written by 960:2014-02-02 950:2013-12-01 924:2012-03-18 914:2012-01-22 891:Last aired 824:Dan Ekdahl 763:Emil AlmĂ©n 679:Sofia Bach 447:flashbacks 299:Characters 272:man and ro 246:Levan Akin 180:2014-02-02 170:2012-01-22 127:60 minutes 109:Production 90:of seasons 57:Levan Akin 43:Created by 2174:Episode 8 2167:Episode 7 2160:Episode 6 2153:Episode 5 2146:Episode 4 2139:Episode 3 2132:Episode 2 2125:Episode 1 2028:6 January 1849:ResumĂ©.se 1774:Australia 1768:, and on 1750:Channel 4 1742:. Called 1707:Reception 1188:"Sly Leo" 642:Anna Sise 2117:Series 1 2109:Episodes 1859:15 April 880:Episodes 869:Episodes 619:Ove Holm 464:Eva Röse 258:androids 63:Composer 2188:Related 1976:31 July 1971:Variety 1936:2 March 1882:YouTube 1829:2 March 1760:in the 1752:in the 1725:Remakes 1687: ( 1652: ( 1625: ( 1598: ( 1563: ( 1528: ( 1493: ( 1466: ( 1431: ( 1396: ( 1354:overall 1323: ( 1288: ( 1261: ( 1234: ( 1199: ( 1164: ( 1129: ( 1094: ( 1059: ( 1024: ( 982:overall 958: ( 948: ( 922: ( 912: ( 855:Cloette 710:Henning 545:Marylyn 278:Pacmans 252:Setting 216:Swedish 208:Swedish 188:Related 178: ( 174: â€“ 168: ( 163:Release 152:Network 82:Swedish 2203:Humans 2100:Humans 2002:18 May 1903:6 June 1796:Humans 1766:Canada 1745:Humans 1362:series 990:series 877:Series 845:Luther 835:Arnold 774:Hubots 727:Magnus 592:Humans 518:Gordon 289:Asimov 262:hubots 231:robots 194:Humans 74:Sweden 1756:, on 1713:Io9's 1365:Title 993:Title 831:] 814:] 787:] 767:Einar 723:] 686:] 673:Silas 653:Pilar 649:] 632:] 615:] 574:] 541:] 504:] 468:Niska 458:] 416:] 403:] 384:] 365:] 352:] 339:] 238:SVT 1 223:drama 158:(SVT) 138:(SVT) 33:Drama 29:Genre 2058:IMDb 2030:2019 2004:2018 1978:2015 1938:2012 1905:2013 1861:2013 1831:2012 1764:and 801:Rick 508:Fred 488:Mimi 244:and 2056:at 1772:in 1770:ABC 1758:AMC 1358:No. 1351:No. 986:No. 979:No. 791:Max 700:Eva 690:Ă…sa 274:bot 268:of 99:No. 88:No. 2222:: 2021:. 1995:. 1969:. 1879:. 1847:. 1810:^ 1762:US 1754:UK 1673:10 1670:20 1635:19 1608:18 1581:17 1546:16 1511:15 1476:14 1449:13 1414:12 1379:11 1360:in 1309:10 1306:10 988:in 943:10 907:10 853:– 843:, 833:, 829:sv 818:Bo 816:, 812:sv 799:, 789:, 785:sv 765:– 755:– 745:– 735:, 725:, 721:sv 708:, 698:, 688:, 684:sv 671:, 661:, 651:, 647:sv 634:, 630:sv 617:, 613:sv 600:, 572:sv 543:, 539:sv 526:, 516:, 506:, 502:sv 486:, 476:, 466:, 456:sv 441:, 428:). 414:sv 401:sv 382:sv 363:sv 350:sv 337:sv 270:hu 210:: 104:20 2176:" 2172:" 2169:" 2165:" 2162:" 2158:" 2155:" 2151:" 2148:" 2144:" 2141:" 2137:" 2134:" 2130:" 2127:" 2123:" 2091:e 2084:t 2077:v 2032:. 2006:. 1980:. 1940:. 1907:. 1863:. 1833:. 1691:) 1656:) 1638:9 1629:) 1611:8 1602:) 1584:7 1567:) 1549:6 1532:) 1514:5 1497:) 1479:4 1470:) 1452:3 1435:) 1417:2 1400:) 1382:1 1327:) 1292:) 1274:9 1271:9 1265:) 1247:8 1244:8 1238:) 1220:7 1217:7 1203:) 1185:6 1182:6 1168:) 1150:5 1147:5 1133:) 1115:4 1112:4 1098:) 1080:3 1077:3 1063:) 1045:2 1042:2 1028:) 1010:1 1007:1 962:) 952:) 936:2 926:) 916:) 900:1 460:) 264:( 221:/ 206:( 182:) 172:) 93:2


Science fiction
Levan Akin
Sveriges Television
Matador Film AB
Sveriges Television
science fiction
humanoid robot
Harald Hamrell
Levan Akin

Marie Robertson

Leif Andrée
Pia Halvorsen
Johan Paulsen
Natalie Minnevik

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
