
South Vietnam Air Force

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represented a sharp decline in accidents involving observation and utility aircraft; fighter and helicopter pilots flew no more safely than they had the year before. Although RVNAF flight proficiency appeared to be improving, if unevenly, some senior US Army officers had reservations about the combat effectiveness of the RVNAF, citing the inadequacies of its FACs, as well as its limited inventory of aircraft and its inability to fight at night. USAF advisers rendered more optimistic judgments, however, pointing out that the fighter and attack squadrons had performed well during the Cambodian fighting. Indeed, by year's end, the RVNAF were flying almost half the combined total of attack sorties in South Vietnam and Cambodia. Progress was being made toward early activation of more A–1 and A–37 squadrons, although the A–37 was handicapped by a combat radius of no more than 200 miles (320 km). A few F–5 pilots were undergoing training in ground controlled aerial interception, and the RVNAF was increasing the emphasis on nighttime operations. Although inability to fight at night or in bad weather remained the gravest weakness of RVNAF fliers, by late 1970, some 56 percent of the RVNAF's fighter-bomber pilots had demonstrated the ability to deliver a night attack on a target illuminated by a flareship. Also, the A–37s and A–1s were starting to receive flare dispensers of their own so that nighttime operations were no longer dependent on the few C–47s available to drop flares. Despite the growing insistence on night flying, FACs logged fewer nighttime hours than the fighter pilots. This imbalance stemmed at least in part from the fact that the U–17s and older O–1s lacked adequate instrumentation and suitable cockpit lighting for operating in darkness. To prepare the RVNAF FACs for the better equipped O–1Es and Gs that were becoming available, USAF pilots were giving nighttime familiarization flights in the right-hand seat of the
and 146 hours mastering the U–17 or the recently introduced Cessna T–41, the new liaison pilot had reported to an O–1 unit for 50 hours of additional instruction. Unfortunately, the demands of combat usually forced the veteran fliers in the unit, whose combat missions took precedence over training flights, to spread the required instruction over three to five months. Beginning in September the RVNAF demanded 110 hours in the T–41 and 35 to 70 hours in the O–1, all of it acquired before the aspiring FAC left Nha Trang AB. As a result, he arrived at his unit thoroughly familiar with the O–1 and needing only an informal and comparatively brief combat indoctrination. South Vietnamese assumption of responsibility for tactical air control, a process in which FACs, trained in South Vietnam and flying newly acquired O–1s, played a key part—moved ahead during 1970. At midyear, the RVNAF had ninety O–1 and forty U–17 observation planes organized into five active squadrons and manned by 149 pilots and 135 observers, all of them deemed fully qualified for combat. Of these 284 FACs, 44 pilots and 42 observers had demonstrated sufficient ability to control strikes by USAF as well as RVNAF aircraft. Successful control, however, remained limited in most instances to planned strikes conducted in daylight. According to US Army reports RVNAF FACs did not fly at night or in bad weather, ignored emergency requests to adjust artillery fire or carry out visual reconnaissance, and responded slowly to requests for immediate air strikes, though their work was adequate once they arrived on the scene.
airmen, technicians, and medical professionals would be needed as South Vietnamese replaced US troops at air bases, logistics centers, command posts and hospital facilities. South Vietnam's Joint General Staff agreed, increasing the projected strength of the air service to 52,171, but even this number could not ensure the self-sufficiency of the RVNAF. At best, the greater number of airmen could help the ARVN to deal with the kind of threat that existed in the spring of 1970, after the invasion of Cambodia. Under the program, the RVNAF expanded from 22 squadrons with 486 authorized aircraft in mid-1970 to 30 squadrons with 706 planes at year's end. Two additional A–37 squadrons and one of A–1s (all originally scheduled for activation in the summer of 1971) were activated, as were four new squadrons of UH–1s and, some six months ahead of schedule, the first of two planned CH–47 Chinook units. Moreover, the consolidated plan looked beyond these 1970 increases to a force of 37 squadrons by the end of June 1971, 45 squadrons a year later and 49 by 30 June 1973. The final squadron, 18 F–5E interceptors, would arrive at the end of June 1974, raising to 1,299 the authorized total of aircraft. In terms of squadrons, the RVNAF expanded by almost 30 percent during 1970, while the number of aircraft increased by not quite 50 percent.
rapidly or as easily as Thiệu seemed to think, and certainly not by merely handing the South Vietnamese deadlier but far more complex aircraft and other weapons. Compared to their American counterparts, the RVNAF lacked the technical skills necessary to make effective use of the weaponry Thiệu desired. Nor did the phase II plan, now to be accelerated, envision the South Vietnamese promptly taking on the aggregate strength of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. However desirable this might be as an ultimate goal, the Joint Chiefs of Staff did not believe that mere weapons could, in view of such problems as leadership and desertion, enable South Vietnam to take over major fighting responsibility against the current threat. A review of the Thiệu proposal by MACV resulted in a recommendation that the United States turn down almost every request. The RVNAF would have to do without F–4s and C–130s, additional VC–47 transports for high-ranking officials, coastal surveillance aircraft, and a search and rescue organization like that operated by the USAF. Thiệu's ambitious plan did, however, generate an additional $ 160 million in US military aid to improve logistics support and also produced a decision to speedup previously authorized recruiting, adding some 4,000 men to the RVNAF by June 1970.
tried instead, with US collaboration, to teach personnel already familiar with one kind of aircraft to make the transition to a more advanced type. Assignments vacated by those who retrained would go to officers that had recently learned to fly. Pilots of A–37s retrained for F–5s; O–1 pilots for the O–2 and the A–37; crews of AC–119Gs for AC–119Ks; crews of C–119s and C–123s for the C–130s; and those of C–123s for the armed C–119s. Since the C–123 squadrons would disband during 1973, they were a valuable source of pilots and crew members for transition training. The USAF Advisory Group, using teams of instructors dispatched from the United States, planned to teach a number of the South Vietnamese to take over the postwar training programs for the various types of aircraft, assisted as necessary by American civilians working under contract. In contrast to the fixed-wing aircraft, the vast increase in helicopters during Enhance and Enhance Plus required, at least for the near future, pilots trained exclusively for this type of aircraft by Army instructors in the US. Despite the emphasis on training, in February 1973, two weeks after the ceasefire took effect, the RVNAF projected a shortage of some 800 pilots or copilots, 300 for fixed-wing aircraft and the rest for helicopters.
party and a few instructors who trained the persons assigned there. The RVNAF command and control function did not issue orders to components of the Seventh Air Force, which continued to maintain a separate tactical air control center for its own aircraft. By August, the RVNAF had also taken over the four direct air support centers, one in each Corps, but the parallel structure prevailed there also, for the Seventh Air Force supplied detachments to handle strikes by its aircraft. As retention by the Seventh Air Force of control over its aircraft indicated, the RVNAF had trouble mastering the tactical air control system, but the difficulties went beyond the mechanics of operating the various centers. ARVN commanders, for example, frequently ignored the lower ranking air liaison officers assigned to help them make effective use of the aerial weapon. FACs, who directed the actual strikes, seldom remained with a particular ground unit long enough to learn its special requirements, the characteristics of the operating area, or the patterns of enemy behavior. Moreover, FACs received, at most, a smattering of night training, and some of them avoided daylight missions over heavily defended areas, on occasion falsifying reports or logs to conceal their dereliction of duty.
1736:. They believed that a squadron at Da Nang AB should meet the threat of MiG incursions over South Vietnam, if necessary launching as many as 20 air defense sorties within two hours. The study declared that the fleet of transports, though adequate for routine operations, could not sustain a maximum effort for an extended time. Better management, however, could to some extent make up the deficiency in the number of aircraft, estimated at 10 percent. The helicopter armada seemed "more than adequate to meet the projected requirement." The number of UH–1s, used by the Americans for assault operations, could safely be reduced from 842 to 640, since the ARVN would not be employing airmobile tactics. The fleet of larger CH–47s could supplement cargo-carrying, fixed-wing transports in an emergency and therefore should remain at the authorized total of 64. Fighters and attack aircraft, according to the study, fell "127 aircraft short of the computed requirement," although AC–47 and AC–119K gunships might help make up the difference. Moreover, careful scheduling of maintenance and the massing of available aircraft could ensure an adequate number of F–5s, A–1s, and A–37s to deal with the threatened invasion. 1695:
aircraft shot down (one A-37, three A-1s, one F-5A and three UH-1s). The rather low ratio of successful firings-slightly better than one out of three was attributable in large degree to effective countermeasures adopted by the RVNAF. As the SA-7 was fired, it had a distinctive flash which could often be seen from the air, followed by a characteristic smoke and vapor trail. With attack aircraft flying in pairs, one or the other of the pilots might see the missile coming and take or direct evasive action. High-energy flares were sometimes tossed out or mechanically ejected, frequently causing the missile's heat-seeker to lock on and track the flare and burst a harmless distance from the plane. Helicopter crews were also alert to watch for missiles, and in order to reduce infrared emissions, UH-1 helicopters were modified, The hot-spot on the fuselage below the main rotor was shielded and the exhaust diverted upwards by means of an elbow attached to the tailpipe. But regardless of these moderately effective measures, the new environment forced reconnaissance and attack aircraft above optimum operating altitudes and virtually eliminated the employment of large helicopter formations.
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on behalf of the Saigon government. Some of the findings dealt with the problem of gathering intelligence on PAVN activity. The panel concluded that the authorized reconnaissance force of 12 RC–47s, 32 EC–47s and seven RF–5s was adequate, but proposed that the RF–5s be divided between Da Nang and Bien Hoa, instead of concentrating at Bien Hoa, thus expanding the area covered by these short-range aircraft. Also, the RVNAF should devise tactics and countermeasures, fighter escort, for example, and flares to decoy heat-seeking antiaircraft missiles—to enable the RC–47 and EC–47 to operate in more areas strongly defended. Similarly, the review expressed confidence that the 200 authorized aircraft would meet the needs of RVNAF FACs. The U–17, judged at best a light transport and liaison plane, seemed too vulnerable for the FACs to use. The threat posed by the SA–7 missile inspired two recommendations: the training of FAC parties to direct strikes from the ground; and the use of the F–5 as a vehicle for FACs facing powerful antiaircraft defenses. The F–5E model, impressed the panel as a match for the
1670:, the manufacturer of the transport. The RC–119G, moreover, seemed unlikely to succeed as a coastal patrol craft. Although crews who flew the C–119 or C–47 could readily transition to the patrol plane, navigators remained in short supply, and the modification of just thirteen AC–119Gs proved expensive, costing more than US$ 4 million. Once the aircraft were fitted out and manned, tactical problems would arise. The enemy trawlers and junks, for which the modified gunships would search, could carry the same antiaircraft guns and SA-7 missiles that earlier had driven the planes from vigorously defended portions of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. An even more serious obstacle to self-sufficiency resulted from the short range of the F–5 and A–37, which could not carry the war much beyond South Vietnam's borders. The A–1, which it was hoped to employ with fuel-air munitions as a substitute for the B–52, suffered from decades of hard usage. The A-1s could no longer dive more steeply than 30 degrees or exceed four 988:
Communication facilities were inadequate. The RVNAF had a rudimentary reporting system and, consequently, no way to measure the results of their missions. Absence of centralized control meant that it was impossible for the RVNAF to be fully integrated into the tactical air control system the USAF advisors had installed. Both the central air operations center at Tan Son Nhut AB and its field sites, the local air support operation centers, while technically performing their primary functions of scheduling and coordinating RVNAF sorties, were actually "after the fact" agencies that did little more than schedule missions demanded by the wings. About 75 percent of all attack sorties were being flown against "free strike" targets, which meant they were outside the control of a FAC and used little or no intelligence support. The RVNAF was still being run largely at the local level and, as a result, was seldom able to respond quickly to calls for assistance from the ARVN.
called, had three principal elements: the tactical air control party, the direct air support center, and the Tactical Air Control Center. Grouped together in the tactical air control party were the forward air controllers, various radio operators and maintenance men, and the air liaison officer, who acted as air adviser to the ground commander. Like his American counterpart, the South Vietnamese air liaison officer served as focal point for all matters relating to air activities, from close support to weather reports. The direct air support center bore responsibility for fulfilling requests from the tactical air control parties for air strikes, tactical reconnaissance, or emergency airlift. Like the tactical air control parties, the centers would continue for a time to be joint operations, with the American role diminishing as South Vietnamese skills improved. Plans called for a direct air support center in conjunction with each ARVN Corps' headquarters:
scheduled for December, took shape in January 1972. The last of 24 AC–119Gs joined the RVNAF in September 1971, and in December the USAF Chief of Staff, authorized the transfer of modified AC–119Ks to replace a squadron of AC–47s. At year's end, the RVNAF had 1,041 aircraft on hand, 762 of them (roughly 70 percent) ready for combat. Organized into 41 squadrons, it included three squadrons of A–1s, five of A–37s, one of F–5s, one of AC–47s (which the AC–119Ks would eventually replace), one of AC–119Gs, 16 of helicopters (mostly UH–1s) and seven squadrons of liaison craft for FACs. It also had one reconnaissance squadron with a mix of U–6s, RF–5s and variants of the C–47. The transports units totalled one squadron of C–47s, one of C–119s, and two (soon to be three) of C–123s. A special air mission squadron that carried high-ranking passengers and a school squadron to conduct training rounded out the force.
flight accident and six flight incidents, but only a single reported combat loss. While many of these accidents stemmed from the inexperience of RVNAF pilots, the widespread absence of safety awareness and the absence of a program to instill it was making the problem difficult to correct. The USAF's advisory group, which oversaw the RVNAF's development, had been eclipsed since the large-scale USAF arrival began in 1965; and a flying safety program for the RVNAF, which had been in the plans, had fallen victim to higher priorities. Some advisory group officials complained that they were not getting top caliber people for so sensitive a mission. Few officers possessed the linguistic and cultural skills needed for the job and advisor duty was frequently viewed as inferior and undesirable compared to a more glamorous and career-enhancing tour with the Seventh Air Force.
1687:(DAO), the successor to MACV, looked at the status of military intelligence and reported a "decided drop in total usable information since the demise of MACV." The most notable decline occurred in electronic intelligence. The ancient EC–47s that located the PAVN's radio transmitters carried equipment that had become difficult to maintain after years of hard use, first by US airmen and more recently by the South Vietnamese. Ground-based intercept stations supplemented the EC–47s, but the operators lacked the experience to make timely evaluations, so that interpretations lagged an average of five days behind the message traffic with which they dealt. Photo interpretation also proved tardy at a time when the South Vietnamese were exposing more film than ever before. Indeed, the DAO brought in US photo interpreters to keep the Defense Attaché General 808:
between August and October 1960, the 1st Fighter Squadron flew 20 combat sorties, the L-19 liaison planes logged 917 combat hours, the helicopters accumulated 166 hours on operational missions and C-47s of the 1st Air Transport Group flew 32 sorties. Only five airfields were usable for AD-6 operations: no communications network served dispersed airfields: and Diem believed that air units could not operate effectively from dispersed locations distant from depot supplies. The RVNAF was oriented to the support of ARVN operations, but the ground troops gave little attention to spotting targets suitable for air strikes. About 90 percent of the ground targets were located by RVNAF observers who flew in L-19s based at the same fields as the fighters. Approval for aircraft to strike ground targets was required from Province chief, regional commander, the
1852:, the area most heavily defended by the PAVN. The RVNAF was not equipped with ECM equipment and therefore could not function in those areas. The PAVN had a secure sanctuary to stage, prepare and launch forces in all four Corps. Even if the RVNAF had ECM it is questionable whether it could have sustained operations in these high threat areas with such low-performing aircraft. The aircraft operated by the RVNAF were predicated on the assumption that a relatively permissive air environment would prevail and that these low-performing aircraft would be able to function in such an environment. It was assumed that the USAF would be reintroduced if the North Vietnamese escalated the fighting. In effect the RVNAF did not have air superiority and as a result was unable to bring the PAVN concentrations under sustained attack prior to their final offensive. 1093:(MACV)’s ambitious visual reconnaissance program. In the midst of combat, RVNAF commanders were reluctant to release men for training. With the war all around them, pilot trainees were thrown into action as soon as they became minimally qualified, leaving little time to learn instrument and night flying. As a group, the commanders operated from day to day rather than programming and training their way out of their skill shortages. Often the men resisted being sent for training since this meant leaving their home stations. The program was weakened by the low pay that forced the men to moonlight, by the family separation, and by the relatively poor facilities at training bases. The concept of preventive maintenance was alien; and the tradition of postponing maintenance until equipment broke down or failed to function continued. 1145:
attacks when the USAF finally withdrew. The impact of the move was as much psychological as it was military. The South Vietnamese were sensitive to taunts from North Vietnam that the US would not trust them with jets, and the activation of the jet squadron was an important status symbol for the southerners. The 33 pilots chosen for the 522nd Fighter Squadron, were hand picked by Ky and had trained in the US and the Philippines. They were assisted at Bien Hoa AB by a mobile team sent by the Air Training Command to teach the squadron to maintain the planes. 522nd Fighter Squadron logged 388 combat sorties in June and 436 in July. In December, they flew 527 sorties, striking enemy supply routes and supporting ground troops in South Vietnam. Their safety record during the first 6 months was excellent, with only one plane lost.
AC–119K, could not survive conventional antiaircraft fire, let alone radar-directed guns or heat-seeking SAMs. The A–1, though sturdy and able to carry up to four tons of bombs, lacked speed, but the fast jets like the A–37 or F–5, which might survive antiaircraft defenses, had neither the endurance nor the bomb capacity for armed reconnaissance and, because of the failure to equip and train the RVNAF for aerial refueling, could not attack targets deep within southern Laos or North Vietnam. Moreover, only the F–5E provided an effective weapon for air defense, should North Vietnam break with tradition and launch an air campaign against the South. As it coped with these weaknesses in tactical aviation and air defense, the RVNAF faced the formidable task of finding an aerial weapon with the versatility and firepower of the
2047: 1435:. As C–119 pilots began training to fly the AC-119 gunships, and men qualified in the C–47 were about to begin their transition to the newer C–123K, the two existing airlift squadrons had to carry out their usual duties while furnishing trainees for the new gunships and transports. Because of the need for more transports, the USAF advisory group and the air arm's headquarters drew up plans to hasten the activation of two C–123K squadrons, equipped with planes transferred from USAF units. The K models would commence operation by mid-1971, six months ahead of schedule. Two squadrons of C–7s, also from USAF resources in South Vietnam, would round out the projected airlift force by July 1972. This planned airlift fleet did not satisfy Ky, who argued for the addition of a squadron of C–130s. Secretary of the Air Force 1326:
centralized US model, this agency functioned as command post for strikes throughout South Vietnam, establishing priorities among competing needs and issuing daily and weekly operations orders in support of the war on the ground. RVNAF officers began serving in each component of the center, creating a parallel structure that could sustain the air war after the Americans left. Whether a tactical air control center of this type could be transplanted and flourish remained open to question, for South Vietnam's armed forces had not yet accepted the concept of centralized control over tactical aviation. The Corps' commander, though theoretically influenced by an air liaison officer, remained supreme in his fiefdom and could use the direct air support center for his own purposes, regardless of orders issued elsewhere.
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airmen were in the process of absorbing C–130 transports, RC–119 G maritime patrol craft, F–5 fighters, A–37 attack planes, as well as UH–1 and CH–47 helicopters. The ceasefire afforded a badly needed respite from major operations for the RVNAF to train the pilots, aircrews, mechanics, staff officers, clerks, and administrators necessary for effective operation. This period of comparative stability, plus continued training and logistics support from US firms under contract to the RVNAF, seemed likely to ensure progress toward self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, the aircraft recently incorporated into the RVNAF brought with them problems that impeded progress towards self-sufficiency. The war-weary C–130s, for example, required 199 civilian technicians, supplied under contract by
1906:, passing within 12 miles (19 km) of Phan Rang AB. When RVNAF reconnaissance aircraft observed the movement of the 10th Division, Phan Rang based A-37s began attacking the column, destroying six river-crossing vehicles on 10 April, five trucks on 11 April, seven trucks on 12 April and nine trucks on 13 April. On 16 April Phan Rang AB came under attack by the PAVN, the RVNAF at the base mounted numerous airstrikes on the PAVN armored column destroying vehicles, taking losses from the antiaircraft fire, but by 09:30 the PAVN had captured the base. As the base was falling an A-37 braved the PAVN fire and landed rescuing RVNAF 92nd Wing commander Colonel Le Van Thao. Of the Wing's 72 A-37s, only 24 escaped on 16 April with the rest having been shot down or abandoned. 1064:(Bien Hoa AB and Tan Son Nhut AB) and a single wing was in each of the other Corps (at Da Nang, Pleiku and Binh Thuy). There were 6 fighter squadrons with a total of 146 A-1 Skyraiders. The four H-34 helicopter squadrons and four O-1 liaison squadrons were up to strength and two of the three planned transport squadrons of C-47s were operational. This was as large a force as the country could afford, and it was deemed sufficient to defend postwar South Vietnam. Until that day arrived, the US could handle any additional requirements. Besides these tactical wings, the RVNAF had a logistics wing at Bien Hoa AB, a base support group at Pleiku AB and its Air Training Center at Nha Trang AB. The RVNAF was flying 2900 combat sorties per month in support of the ARVN. 1335: 1593:
fact that the US, without having consulted him, now stood ready to accept a settlement that would permit North Vietnamese troops to remain on South Vietnamese soil, thus legitimizing the results of the Easter Offensive. For the RVNAF Enhance Plus included 19 A–1s, 90 A–37Bs, 32 C–130s, 126 F–5s, 177 UH–1s, together with the AC–119Ks and some other types not yet delivered in Project Enhance. The plan originally called for completing Enhance Plus by 20 November, but later changes moved the deadline to 10 November and added 35 O–2 observation craft, already in South Vietnam, as replacements for the older O–1s and U–17s. The collapse of truce negotiations, which did not resume until after the
3332:(NCO) training was held at Bien Hoa AB. After two months of training, or four months for aviation cadets, the recruit was given an aptitude test and progressed to specialized technical training. From there, he was sent to one of the ARVN wings for journeymen training. Aviation cadets pursued three additional months of specialized training after completing their initial four-month training course. Some were sent to the United States for advanced pilot training while non-rated officers pursued training in South Vietnam for their non-flying assignments. This training lasted about nine months, whereupon a cadet served in an operational unit for about a year before receiving a commission as a 1806: 1703:, the national airline, lent its civilian mechanics to help with inspections. Similar delays affected maintenance of the EC–47, largely because crews failed to report equipment failures, and of the C–7, handicapped by a shortage of spare parts and trained mechanics. Almost every aircraft suffered from corrosion, the inevitable result of service in a tropical climate. During 1973, Lear Siegler launched an ambitious program of maintenance training. The instructors concentrated on the lagging UH–1 program, but teams of specialists also taught the South Vietnamese to repair corrosion and battle damage to the F–5 and A–37. Unfortunately, a shortage of spare parts hampered the training effort. 1439:, visited South Vietnam in February 1970 and was impressed with Ky's reasoning. The C-130 could carry more cargo than any of the types his nation would receive with five times the cargo capacity of a C–7 or roughly three times that of the C–123K or C–119G. A study by the USAF advisory group concluded that a combination of C–7s and C–130s could better meet the needs of the RVNAF than the planned combination of C–123s and C–7s. The C–123s, however, would soon become surplus to American needs and already were based in South Vietnam. Ease of transfer provided, for the present, a decisive argument in favor of the C-123s, and many months would pass before the RVNAF finally received C–130s. 1784: 1552: 1522:, in preparation for taking over the interdiction campaign as early as the 1972–73 dry season. However it soon became apparent that the powerful defenses of the Ho Chi Minh Trail prevented a simple and inexpensive interdiction campaign combining operations on the ground and in the air. South Vietnam had no alternative to the strategy of defending the cities and the food-producing coastal region. This task would absorb the overwhelming share of the nation's military resources, leaving nothing for long-range interdiction. No longer would North Vietnam have to divert troops to protect the roads and trails through southern Laos from air attack or ground probes. 294: 1601:
flights of helicopters and one training squadron. Besides accomplishing all of this, the project reequipped some tactical air support squadrons with O–2s, increased each UH–1 squadron from 33 helicopters to 38, and began organizing the squadron of armed C–119Gs for coastal and maritime patrol. When the RVNAF absorbed all the Enhance Plus aircraft and eliminated the recently organized C–123 squadrons in 1973, as scheduled, it would total 67 squadrons with more than 61,000 officers and men. This rapid augmentation, however, imposed strains on the supporting establishment and failed to generate the kind of air power that the US had exercised over the years.
September 1973; helicopters accounted for 62,000 of these and training craft for 1,100. Fighter-bombers or attack planes flew most of the others, but all too often they attacked from 10,000 feet (3,000 m) or higher out of respect for PAVN antiaircraft weapons. Strikes from this altitude, in the opinion of General Murray, not only "failed to contribute to productive destruction" but caused inaccuracy that actually harmed "interservice relationships." The RVNAF could not yet maintain the mixed fleet of aircraft, many of them cast-offs, they had inherited. For example, maintenance on the force of UH–1s fell behind schedule throughout 1973, even though
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the RVNAF by early 1968 was still unable to develop the concept of long-range force development. For such planning, it was still heavily reliant on the US. Major aircraft accidents, which claimed an average of 22 aircraft each month throughout 1966 and 1967, remained the biggest problem. Over 60% of these accidents were caused by pilot error on takeoffs and landings. Only eight accidents occurred during the Tet Offensive, suggesting a dramatic increase in motivation during the crisis. However apart from the peak during Tet, combat sorties averaged only 1800 per month, nine percent of total Allied sorties.
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ground operations and by July 1974 the fighter arm would have achieved satisfactory strength and skill, even though the F–5 would have to double as strike fighter and interceptor. The planned number of helicopters seemed adequate to permit airmobile operations against insurgency activity. The planned liaison units, which included FACs, and the transport squadrons did not have enough aircraft, however, and MACV acknowledged that the proposed reconnaissance force, six RF–5s, could not cover an area the size of South Vietnam. The USAF would have to compensate somehow for these obvious weaknesses.
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case unavoidable, the USAF agreed to compress the period of training in fixed-wing aircraft. The duration of the course was reduced from 42 weeks for all cadets to 40 for future fighter pilots and 38 for those destined for transport squadrons. Besides future aviators, some doctors and nurses could receive their specialized training only in the United States. Except for these fledgling pilots, the doctors and nurses, and the communications specialists trained for a time at Clark Air Base in the Philippines, policy called for transplanting courses of instruction to South Vietnam.
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line between the brave and the foolhardy." They flew with an almost suicidal disregard of basic safety procedures, even though they respected the SA–7 missile and remained reluctant to venture below 10,000 feet (3,000 m) to attack targets defended by that missile or radar-directed antiaircraft guns. Joyriding or careless taxiing, sometimes by drunken pilots, and failure to make preflight inspections cost the RVNAF, by Murray's reckoning, "the equivalent of an entire squadron of jet aircraft." Murray characterized the RVNAF as "costly, careless, and conceding air space."
1544: 3531: 2066: 832: 1566:, the RVNAF strength was 1,285 aircraft organized into 44 squadrons. Nine squadrons flew A–1s, A–37s, or F–5s, a total of 119 aircraft classified as combat-ready fighter-bombers; two squadrons operated AC–47 or AC–119G gunships, 28 of the aircraft ready for action; 17 helicopter squadrons had 367 helicopters combat-ready out of a total of 620; seven FAC squadrons flew O–1 or U–17 light aircraft, 247 operationally ready out of 303, and the remaining units carried out training, transport and reconnaissance duties. 1170: 912:(FACs). USAF planners thought originally that the training could be done in one year. However, unforeseen problems, such as the RVNAF practice of siphoning off pilots into fighter squadrons and their penchant for standing back and letting the Americans fly many of the combat missions, slowed the RVNAF's progress toward self-sufficiency. When the squadron was turned over to the RVNAF after one year, they were unable to assume the controller role; and by January 1965, the squadron was back in USAF hands. 3523: 1202:
discipline and proficiency were still showing the strains caused by traditional work habits and a shortage of personnel. The RVNAF's supply system early in 1968 was slowly digging its way out of the inundation that started two years earlier. As US aid increased from $ 15 million in 1965 to $ 264 million in 1967, the RVNAF did not have enough personnel to cope with the deluge of supplies. The result was a mountainous backlog in receiving, processing, storing and recording the new equipment.
1792: 1250: 5376: 1475: 1031:. On 14 March the RVNAF led by Kỳ participated in attacks on barracks on Hòn Gió island. The RVNAF contributed 19 sorties in March and 97 in April to attacks on North Vietnam. By the end of June seven RVNAF aircraft had been lost to North Vietnamese anti-aircraft fire, while a further eight had been damaged. With the increasingly sophisticated air defenses over North Vietnam, the RVNAF was soon reduced to operating over only a small part of southern North Vietnam, with USAF, Navy and 893: 90: 1633:, a shoulder-launched, heat-seeking SAM, in early 1972 forced a change in tactics. Although flares might fool the infrared homing device or shields screen the heat source, the surest protection against the SA–7, until flare dispensers and heat shielding became commonplace, consisted of staying out of range and bombing from 9,000–10,000 feet (2,700–3,000 m). At that altitude, even a skilled pilot found it difficult to hit a compact target with a conventional bomb. 1914:
dropped two CBU-55 bombs on PAVN positions in the town of Xuan Vinh, close to Xuân Lộc, killing about 200 PAVN soldiers. On 15 April PAVN artillery changed from shelling Xuân Lộc to Bien Hoa AB instead. In just one day, the RVNAF 3rd Air Division at Bien Hoa AB was forced to cease all operations due to continuous PAVN artillery bombardment. To continue their support of Xuân Lộc, the RVNAF mobilised the 4th Air Division at Binh Thuy AB to conduct further missions.
large expanse of South Vietnamese territory, especially in the west, on the border with Laos and Cambodia. In I Corps the RVNAF could operate freely over only a narrow strip of land along the seacoast. Accidents and hostile fire claimed 237 RVNAF aircraft in the 23 months following the ceasefire. The losses, especially the toll from preventable accidents, raised the price of equipping and training the RVNAF. Support for the RVNAF cost US$ 382 million in
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for advanced flying and technical training. Mobile training teams taught F-5 and C-119 maintenance, logistic management, and the English language inside Vietnam. The US Army was training the H-34 pilots to fly the new UH-1s; and USAF units in the country taught Vietnamese airmen control tower operations, meteorology, armament maintenance and missile handling. Between 1965 and 1968, almost 1,000 Vietnamese airmen were trained in the United States.
58: 2219: 2203: 2155: 2139: 2089: 2105: 2073: 2171: 2123: 959:, the manufacturers of the T-28, visited Bien Hoa AB and reviewed these losses and advised that the T-28 wasn't designed for the stresses it was being subjected to as a close air support aircraft. As a result, five older T-28s were retired and nine newer aircraft were borrowed by the RVNAF and operational restrictions imposed. Despite this augmentation, accidents and aircraft transfers meant that by late May the 2187: 1102: 901:
Helicopter Squadron, the 1st Liaison Squadron was redesignated the 110th Liaison Squadron and the 3rd Liaison Squadron was redesignated the 114th Liaison Squadron. Also that month the USAF opened an H-19 pilot training facility at Tan Son Nhut and by June the first RVNAF helicopter pilots had graduated. Also in January the 211th Helicopter Squadron equipped with UH-34s replaced the 1st Helicopter Squadron.
By the end of February, RVNAF A-1s and F-5s had flown over 2500 sorties, helicopters had flown over 3200 hours and transport aircraft had flown over 1000 sorties. The overall damage was moderate and casualties were light, with less than one percent of the RVNAF personnel lost, including deserters. 18 aircraft were destroyed, 11 in ground attacks. The RVNAF played an active role in the repelling the
5074: 5036: 4952: 4914: 4871: 4809: 4737: 4686: 4646: 4525: 4452: 4405: 4287: 4244: 1637:
aircraft, the RF–5A and the RC–47D, could supply it with satisfactory pictures of the battlefield. The RF–5A, though fast enough to penetrate defended areas, carried a camera that photographed too narrow a swath to be of much value in finding targets. The RC–47D, flying low and slow, provided more panoramic coverage but presented an easy target for PAVN antiaircraft gunners.
school in which American-trained South Vietnamese instructors taught the basic elements of navigation. The first of seven scheduled classes began in June 1970. In August 55 RVNAF airmen started transition training at Tan Son Nhut AB from the CH–34 helicopter to the CH–47. Maintenance men as well as flight crews received instruction from members of US Army helicopter units at
1625:, where the sturdy masonry walls proved impervious to 500-pound bombs dropped by A–37s. In this instance, the cloud of gas exploded ineffectually in the opening along the base of the wall instead of first seeping into a confined space, like a cellar or bunker, for maximum destructive effect. After the CBU–55 failed, USAF F–4s breached the barrier with 1658:
The rationale for such a large force was based on the assumption that, given time, the RVNAF would eventually develop the ability to handle such a large force and because of the provisions of the ceasefire agreement that no additional equipment could be introduced after the ceasefire, only replacements on a one-for-one basis.
A USAF team visiting South Vietnam noted "The high level approval required for on-call fighter strikes, along with poor communications and procedures for requesting strikes, builds in excessive delays for efficient use of tactical air effort. This is particularly true in view of the hit-and-run guerrilla tactics of the
1578:(ECM) and supporting forces, were necessary to penetrate and operate in such defenses. These types of defenses had to be neutralized with a high degree of survivability. This was the reason why it was necessary to pull the RVNAF out of the high threat areas and use USAF aircraft to handle these targets. 1939:
Some RVNAF aircraft did stay to continue to fight the advancing PAVN however. One AC-119K gunship from the 821st Attack Squadron had spent the night of 28/29 April dropping flares and firing on the approaching PAVN. At dawn on 29 April two A-1 Skyraiders began patrolling the perimeter of Tan Son Nhut
defending Phù Cát Air Base abandoned their positions and by afternoon the base was under attack by VC who were held back by the base security forces. With more VC gathering for renewed attacks, the base commander contacted the 92nd Air Wing at Phan Rang AB for help. The Wing commander, Colonel Le Van
In August 1974, the DAO recommended a substantial reduction in RVNAF training in the United States in order to save costs. 318 crew in training would return to Vietnam between August and December 1974, while 347 crew would stay to complete their training. By November 1974, RVNAF flying hours had been
and T-41 trainers and using just one type for FACs. He also would encourage commanders to choose the cheaper-to-operate A–37 over the F–5 whenever such a choice was possible. To reduce combat losses, he suggested fitting some A–37s and F–5s with radar homing and warning gear to alert pilots that they
Enhance Plus increased the inventory of the RVNAF by some 595 aircraft, excluding about 30 of the helicopters intended for a postwar truce surveillance agency. To absorb this influx, the RVNAF by mid-1973 organized eight additional fighter or attack squadrons, two transport squadrons, 14 squadrons or
beginning on 23 May the US began the supply of additional equipment to South Vietnam to make up losses suffered in the Easter Offensive. For the RVNAF this initially comprised five F–5As, 48 A–37s and 32 UH–1s to be delivered by 1 August. For the remainder of the year the US Army would deliver CH–47s
The Easter Offensive showed that the ARVN could not defeat the PAVN without continuous and massive air support. The basic assumption surrounding the expansion of the RVNAF was its ability to provide close air support to the ARVN under permissive conditions. For this reason the RVNAF was not given the
Certain kinds of training simply could not be given in South Vietnam. Facilities did not yet exist for the 1,900 aviators (1,500 of them helicopter pilots) who completed undergraduate pilot training in the US during the 18 months ending in December 1970. Since travel outside South Vietnam was in this
at Binh Thuy AB. Each of these centers would keep in contact by radio, telephone, or teletype with the subordinate tactical air control parties and with the Tactical Air Control Center at Tan Son Nhut AB. The Tactical Air Control Center served as nerve center of the Vietnamized system. In the tightly
helicopters already scheduled for delivery, would enable the RVNAF to conduct operations in South Vietnam similar to those conducted by the air forces of both the United States and South Vietnam in 1964/5. The AC–47 and AC–119 gunship force were believed sufficient for base defense and the support of
began on 31 January, 55 percent of the RVNAF's personnel were on leave, many in rural areas that had been isolated by VC infiltration. Within 72 hours, 90 percent of the force was back on the job. Helicopters, operating with fewer aircraft, flew more than half their normal monthly number of missions.
There was some basis for the claim that the US did not trust the Vietnamese with jets, but not for the reasons implied above. The RVNAF's safety record with conventional aircraft had been poor. Since 1962 they had lost 287 planes, more than half of them (153) to accidents. In 1967, the force suffered
Attempts by the USAF to wean the ARVN off reliance on USAF FACs were making slow progress. ARVN commanders seldom trusted the RVNAF and wanted USAF FACs who could command jet fighters rather than their own controllers who could not. In many ways they were justified, as the RVNAF controllers were slow
On 1 June 1957, the US assumed full responsibility for training and equipping the RVNAF as the French withdrew their training missions. At this time, the RVNAF had 85 aircraft and four squadrons: one of F-8Fs, one of C-47s and two of L-19s. No squadron was combat-ready. Total RVNAF personnel numbered
French instructors for pilots and mechanics remained in South Vietnam until late 1956, and transferred 69 F8Fs to the RVNAF, which throughout the late 1950s were the main strike aircraft. In May 1956, by agreement with the South Vietnamese government, the USAF assumed some training and administrative
In January 1955, planning for the RVNAF began, building on the Vietnamese air force that the French had established in 1950. As of January 1955, the RVNAF consisted of 3,434 men, with plans to organize them into two liaison squadrons and one air transport squadron. France retained a contract to train
In 1974, as a result of budget cuts, RVNAF squadrons were reduced from 66 to 56; no replacements were ordered for 162 destroyed aircraft; flying hours, contractor support, and supply levels were further reduced; and 224 aircraft were placed in storage, among them all 61 remaining A-1 Skyraiders, all
on 27 January 1973, the RVNAF had 2075 aircraft of 25 different types. It had reached a strength of 65 squadrons and 61,417 personnel. The rate of expansion was more than the RVNAF could absorb and it was obvious that it could not operate this size air force with so many different types of aircraft.
Despite its use of EC–47s to intercept radio signals and locate transmitters in the field, the RVNAF depended heavily on photo reconnaissance for discovering and pinpointing targets. A Vietnamized photo interpretation center functioned at Tan Son Nhut AB, but neither of the available camera-equipped
The training of pilots and crews to fly the aircraft provided by Enhance Plus proceeded on the principle that instruction in the US soon would merely supplement that given in South Vietnam. To cope with the additional aircraft, the RVNAF no longer waited for trainees to emerge from the pipeline, but
On 1 January, the 5th Air Division was activated at Tan Son Nhut AB. This newest air division did not support the ARVN within a particular region. Instead, it was an outgrowth of the 33nd Wing, which flew transports, gunships and special mission aircraft everywhere in South Vietnam. Since so many of
gunship and three A–1 squadrons receiving jet-powered A–37s. These changes increased by some 41 percent the authorized number of aircraft. However, as it became apparent that US forces would start withdrawing from South Vietnam MACV revised the plan to expand the RVNAF by a further 16 squadrons, all
Training remained the number one priority and the hardest to accomplish. Trying to fight while modernizing, RVNAF commanders were reluctant to assign their personnel to training, which meant losing them from combat. The RVNAF still relied principally on US units in both Vietnam and the United States
The RVNAF 2311th Air Group, later to become an Air Wing, and the 311th Air Division were also stationed at Bien Hoa AB and the base supported the greatest number of air combat units than any other in South Vietnam. Following the final withdrawal of US forces from South Vietnam in February 1973, Bien
In January 1965, the 62nd Tactical Wing and 516th Fighter Squadron, equipped with A-1H Skyraiders deployed to Nha Trang AB from Pleiku AB while a new runway was built at Pleiku. Also that month the 1141st Observation Squadron moved to Pleiku AB from Da Nang AB. Pleiku AB was then managed by the 92nd
In June 1964, the 116th Liaison Squadron equipped with O-1s was activated at Nha Trang AB. Also that month the RVNAF formed the 23rd Tactical Wing at Bien Hoa AB incorporating the 514th, 518th and the 112th Liaison Squadron. The 520th Fighter Squadron would be activated at Bien Hoa AB in October and
In January 1963, the 1st Transport Squadron was redesignated the 413rd Air Transport Squadron and the 2nd Transport Squadron was redesignated the 415th Air Transport Squadron. The 1st Fighter Squadron was redesignated the 514th Fighter Squadron. The 2nd Helicopter Squadron was redesignated the 213th
and sometimes Diem himself. As a final guarantee against bombing mistakes that might hurt the government's image, politically cleared and technically competent observers had to mark approved targets before air strikes could be launched against them - a rule of engagement reportedly directed by Diem.
from 9–21 April RVNAF support enabled the ARVN troops there to hold on. RVNAF helicopters brought in supplies and reinforcements and evacuated wounded. RVNAF fighter-bombers from Bien Hoa AB flew between 80 and 120 combat sorties per day to support the defenders. At 14:00 on 12 April an RVNAF C-130
Although the mid-1974 assessment of the force structure generally approved of the composition of the RVNAF, the former Defense Attaché General Murray warned in October of serious failings that could erode the ability of the RVNAF to control the air. At times, Murray said, pilots crossed "the narrow
Command examined the structure of the RVNAF and offered specific recommendations to help it repulse an invasion like the Easter Offensive of 1972. Even though public and Congressional support for South Vietnam was diminishing, the study reflected a tacit assumption that US air power would intervene
Although pilots of helicopters, fighters, or transports and their variants, including gunships, learned to fly in the US, training for liaison or observation craft went forward in South Vietnam. This curriculum also underwent time-saving revision. Formerly, after 299 hours of training on the ground
The need to acquire some fluency in English before starting certain training courses remained an obstacle to many potential RVNAF aviators or technicians. Indeed, the USAF advisors came to conclude that it had been a mistake to make proficiency in English the key to advanced training. In retrospect
gunship, as 50 RVNAF pilots, half of them experienced in the C–119G transport and the others fresh from flight training in the US, joined recent graduates of navigator school in forming the nucleus of the AC–119G crews. Flight mechanics and searchlight operators would learn their specialties in the
gunship unit, and three liaison squadrons equipped with planes suitable for use by FACs. The new plan would double the current number of RVNAF squadrons, more than double the total number of aircraft, and increase personnel to 32,600. MACV believed that these additions, plus the F–5 and A–37 strike
The RVNAF was a rapidly maturing force, flying one-fourth of all the strike sorties in South Vietnam and was on its way to becoming a modern, effective jet age fighting force. However the ARVN was not making full use of the RVNAF's resources. Preoccupied as it was with immediate, day-to-day combat,
had been convinced to allow the RVNAF to have the F-5s on the grounds that the jets had proved themselves to be good close air support vehicles, that they posed no threat to North Vietnam and therefore did not signal escalation, and that they would permit the RVNAF to defend the country against air
By mid-1964, the RVNAF had grown to thirteen squadrons; four fighter, four observation, three helicopter and two C-47 transport. The RVNAF followed the USAF practice of organizing the squadrons into wings, with one wing located in each of the four Corps' tactical zones at Binh Thuy AB, Tan Son Nhut
The AD-6s and H-34s had no immediate impact on operations. The high aircraft out-of-commission rates stemmed from poor maintenance and supply at Bien Hoa AB. Also to blame was the long pipeline time for processing spare parts requisitions through USAF logistic channels to Army and Navy sources. Yet
era. It eventually grew into the world's fourth largest air force at the height of its power, in 1974, just behind the Soviet Union, the USA, and the People's Republic of China. Other sources state that VNAF was the sixth largest air force in the world, just behind the Soviet Union, the USA, China,
at 2,500 feet (760 m) until Maj. Trương Phùng, one of the two Skyraider pilots was shot down, presumably by an SA-7. At 07:00 the AC-119K "Tinh Long" flew by Lt. Trang van Thanh was firing on PAVN to the east of Tan Son Nhut when it was hit by a SA-7 missile, and fell in flames to the ground.
and Nha Trang AB on 2 April, however most of the flyable aircraft of the RVNAF 2nd Air Division had already moved south to Phan Rang AB. On the morning of 3 April 1975 the RVNAF at Phan Rang launched a heliborne operation comprising more than 40 UH-1s and six CH-47s escorted by A-37s to rescue the
to investigate the maintenance standards within the RVNAF. US maintenance personnel advised Behr that RVNAF mechanics never flushed helicopter engines with water and solvent every 25 flying hours as recommended and did not undertake other routine preventive maintenance. By late 1971 more than half
launched the Consolidated Improvement and Modernization Program which called for a South Vietnamese military establishment totaling 1.1 million in June 1973, with the RVNAF expanding to 46,998 officers and men. During December 1970, however, the USAF advisory group became concerned that additional
transports. If South Vietnam received these aircraft and the other weapons he sought, the nation would have the means to play a more nearly decisive role in the struggle against the combined forces of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. However the Joint Chiefs did not believe it could be attained as
passes, ground looping on landing, colliding in midair, taxiing into a fence, landing with the gear up, losing control on takeoff, nosing over after stopping an aircraft too quickly and running off the runway. In August, there were 10 major flight accidents, a single major ground accident, a minor
squadron that was then being considered. The RVNAF never officially took control of the aircraft, and, after accidents and other problems, including apparent claims by RVNAF pilots that the B-57 was beyond their physical capabilities, the program was terminated in April 1966, and the aircraft were
operating from Da Nang AB were nominally transferred to the RVNAF becoming their first jet aircraft. Six Vietnamese pilots had already been checked out in the B-57B, and there were fifteen more with jet training, along with about forty mechanics. These pilots could join in strikes against the Viet
In addition to RVNAF negligence, PAVN air defenses took a steady toll. By June 1974, the PAVN had launched 136 SA–7s, costing an estimated US$ 680,000, and downed 23 aircraft worth perhaps US$ 12 million. Antiaircraft weapons proved so deadly that they, in effect, gained control of the air over a
Amid the remarkable increase in PAVN antiaircraft strength in South Vietnam the gravest threat to RVNAF planes, particularly in the southern pan of the country was the SA-7 missile. From the ceasefire until the end of June, there were 22 reported SA-7 attacks on RVNAF aircraft, resulting in eight
In October, as Operation Enhance neared completion, the Nixon administration approved another infusion of equipment, Operation Enhance Plus. This served two purposes: to rush war material to South Vietnam before a ceasefire imposed restrictions on military assistance and to reconcile Thiệu to the
The tactical air control system underwent Vietnamization in 1971. In June, the RVNAF assumed complete responsibility for assigning targets to their aircraft, selecting ordnance and scheduling strikes. The US presence at the Vietnamized command and control center now consisted of a two-man liaison
Vietnamization did not include aerial interdiction of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, so the program for modernization of the RVNAF did not provide them with the weapons necessary to interdict the PAVN supply lines. The armed forces of South Vietnam would have to conduct interdiction on the ground. During
In July, the RVNAF had received the first two of six RF–5 reconnaissance planes. In mid-August, RVNAF technicians processed and interpreted film from these aircraft, thus foreshadowing Vietnamization of aerial reconnaissance. The remaining four RF–5s arrived in time for the reconnaissance unit to
The RVNAF faced high costs and long delays in obtaining from schools overseas navigators for the reconnaissance, gunship or transport versions of the C–119G and C–47. To avoid reliance on courses taught in English in the United States, the USAF advisory group helped establish at Tan Son Nhut AB a
On 31 March, a USAF mobile training team arrived in South Vietnam to begin teaching, in collaboration with Army aviators, the tactical use of the UH–1 fitted out as a gunship. On 29 May 29, before the second class of 32 students had graduated, the RVNAF mounted its first helicopter assault. Eight
who observed that, although several young field grade officers were showing promise as good leaders, "daily siestas and weekend slackening of effort is still a way of life." Pilots, lacking training and confidence, refused to fly at night and would not use their helicopters for medical evacuation
the RVNAF flew over 200 sorties, destroying five PAVN tanks, no aircraft were lost in the air, but three A-37s at Pleiku were destroyed by 122 mm rockets on 11 March when the PAVN rocketed the base. The commander of the 6th Air Division at Pleiku, was given 48 hours to evacuate the base, 64
in pulling out. These limitations increased the vulnerability of the airplane to ground fire, but against weak antiaircraft defenses the A–1 could accurately deliver a heavy load of bombs. The C–47 also remained a useful weapon. Indeed, when faced with the prospect of losing the C–47 flareships
By the time the cease-fire went into effect, the RVNAF had received the benefits of Project Enhance Plus, a final American push to strengthen the armed forces before the peace settlement restricted the flow of equipment to replacing, on a one-for-one basis, items already in the inventory. RVNAF
Serious problems soon surfaced within the RVNAF, mostly because of the frenzied expansion. The RVNAF now totaled 65,000 officers and enlisted men, but half of them were undergoing some form of training to qualify them for new assignments. Nevertheless, the RVNAF flew over 81,000 sorties during
The first squadron of C–123s, organized in April, received its aircraft in May. The delay reflected the extensive maintenance the transports required after heavy usage flying men and cargo to staging areas for Operation Lam Son 719. A second squadron commenced operation in July, and the third,
Increased cockpit time resulted in safer flying. The accident rate for 1970 throughout all of South Vietnam declined by some 20 percent from the previous year, but the lower ratio of 11.4 accidents per 100,000 flying hours remained roughly 2.5 times the USAF figure. The improvement during 1970
During the latter half of 1969, the USAF began transferring its O–1E FACs to the RVNAF as newer aircraft replaced them as part of the gradual transfer of control of the entire tactical air control system to the RVNAF. The direct air request network, as the Vietnamized control system came to be
Thao organised a flight of 40 A-37s and they carried out a night attack on the base perimeter successfully breaking up the attack. On the morning of 31 March, the 2nd Air Division evacuated the base taking 32 aircraft, but abandoning a further 50; the PAVN/VC occupied the base that afternoon.
The aircraft that arrived in late 1972 failed to correct glaring weaknesses in the RVNAF's ability to wage aerial warfare. The RVNAF had no aircraft capable of attacking the Ho Chi Minh Trail or comparably defended PAVN lines of supply and communication. The most modern gunship, the lumbering
By the end of 1964, however, the combat sortie rate suffered as some key units were diverted from tactical operations and placed on "coup alert" during the seemingly endless political changes in Saigon. Still missing from the RVNAF were some of the basic elements of an effective combat force.
The RVNAF's maintenance record was improving. Between 1965 and 1968, it integrated six new types of aircraft and showed that it could maintain them. Its maintenance depot, however, was unable to handle all crash and battle damage repairs, much of which was done by US contractors. Maintenance
Basic requirements for service in the RVNAF was to be a Vietnamese citizen; at least age 17; minimum age 25 for flight training; no criminal record; the equivalent of a U.S. 9th grade education for airmen; 11th grade for those entering pilot training or a 12th grade for non-rated officer.
In December 1963, the 716th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron was activated at Tan Son Nhut AB, equipped with C-47s and T-28s. The squadron would be inactivated in June 1964 and its mission assumed by the 2nd Air Division, while its pilots formed the 520th Fighter Squadron at Bien Hoa AB.
administration a plan for changing the target date for completion of the RVNAF Phase II expansion from July 1974 to July 1972. In April 1969, the Department of Defense issued instructions to accelerate the Phase II improvement and modernization plan as recommended by the Joint Chiefs.
In late 1968, MACV proposed its Phase I plan to prepare the RVNAF to assume a greater share of responsibility for fighting the war. The plan called for the addition of four UH–1H helicopter squadrons (124 helicopters) to the 20 squadron RVNAF. There would also be modernization:
it would appear wiser to have trained US instructors to speak Vietnamese at the outset. During early 1970, 55 percent of the RVNAF airmen selected to learn English for further training in the US were failing the language course, almost three times the anticipated failure rate.
734:, "his main military requirement is ground forces. Diem is convinced that because of the poor visibility of low cloud cover prevailing through most of the year, it would be difficult if not impossible to give adequate air support to the ground forces." During a briefing at 1285:, Thiệu had ideas of his own about the kind of weapons his armed forces required, he offered a plan of his own for modernizing the military services, asking for what the Joint Chiefs of Staff termed appreciable quantities of sophisticated and costly equipment, including 1406:
north of Saigon. This training program produced the RVNAF's first CH–47 squadron, which was formally activated on 30 September 1970. Preparations had already begun to create a second CH-47 squadron. Tan Son Nhut AB was also the focal point for training on the AC-119G
The expansion and effectiveness of the RVNAF was hampered by numerous factors. Its commander, Ky, pulled his best people with him into the government, leaving to the American advisors the task of training replacements. The difficulties of that were noted by
1491:, an ARVN operation to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, the RVNAF flew 5,500 sorties mostly by helicopters, a tiny fraction of the 160,000 sorties flown by US Army helicopters, showing that the operation would have been impossible without US support. 1752:. The RVNAF also required the services of 1,540 employees of contractors, compared with 723 for the ARVN and 61 for the Navy. Of 466 civilian employees of the US government assigned to aid the South Vietnamese armed forces, 202 worked with the RVNAF. 1067:
USAF advisors were turning from expanding to modernizing the RVNAF. Plans were taking shape in December for modernization over the next three years. Two of the six fighter squadrons would gradually convert to F-5s, the H-34s would give way to newer
in III Corps was protected by radar-directed AAA and SA-7 missiles. The RVNAF lost 28 aircraft to SAMs between 28 January 1973 and 31 December 1974. As a result of these defenses, a policy was in effect limiting RVNAF flights above Huế and west of
In January 1964, 33rd Tactical Wing was established at Tan Son Nhut AB and it assumed control of all RVNAF units at the base. Also that month the 41st Tactical Wing was established at Da Nang AB and assumed control of all RVNAF units at the base.
In September 1963, the USAF opened a training center at Nha Trang AB equipped with L-19s. RVNAF flight crews would undergo one month of preflight training followed by three months of primary flight training with a total of 80 flying hours.
which evacuated 27 A-37s, 3 CH-47s, 25 F-5Es and 45 UH-1Hs from U-Tapao Air Base on 5 May 1975. 54 ex-RVNAF aircraft were transferred to the Thai Government, these comprised: one A-37, 17 C-47, one F-5B, 12 O-1, 14 U-17 and nine UH-1H.
3343:(WAFC) was formed to fill non-combat duties beginning in December 1965. Women were assigned to RVNAF wings, Headquarters, the Air Logistics Wing, performing duties as personnel specialists, secretaries and other administrative roles. 1597:, caused the possible signing of a peace agreement to recede beyond 1 January 1973, and eased the pressure for prompt completion. Reflecting the changing circumstances, the last items in Enhance Plus did not arrive until 10 December. 1366:. The RVNAF established the 72nd Tactical Wing at Pleiku AB with the 530th Fighter Squadron equipped with A-1 Skyraiders, along with two UH-1H helicopter assault squadrons (229th, 235th) and the 118th Liaison Squadron, with O-1 and 3320:
Unlike the ARVN, the RVNAF was an all-volunteer service, remaining so until its demise in 1975. The RVNAF recruiting center was located at Tan Son Nhut AB. Recruits were given a screening test, followed by a physical examination.
On 18 March 1964, the newly formed 518th Fighter Squadron began operations from Bien Hoa AB with an original strength of 10 A-1Hs, it would grow to 25 aircraft authorized. The RVNAF pilots were trained by crews from the US Navy's
1133:. This was the first step in the unfolding of the program that would see four of the six RVNAF fighter squadrons gradually convert from A-1s to jets. Besides the F-5s for the 522nd, three of the other squadrons were to receive 1683:. Weyand decided, however, that the electronic reconnaissance mission took precedence over flare-dropping, which could be done by AC–119s. Despite the emphasis on using the converted C–47s for intercepting radio traffic, the 1981: 1943:
Despite sporadic artillery and rocket fire, Binh Thuy AB remained operational throughout 29 April and on the morning of 30 April 1975 Binh Thuy-based A-37s carried out the last known air strike of the war destroying two
By May 1969, the full complement of 54 A-37B jets was on hand and assigned to the 524th, 520th, and 516th Fighter Squadrons. The first A-37 squadron was declared operationally ready in March 1969, the last one in July.
32 major aircraft accidents for every 100,000 hours it compared to the USAF's accident rate of 7.4. In July alone, the RVNAF had 18 mishaps with its conventional planes, 12 the result of pilot mistakes hitting trees on
1997: 1218:
of which would be in service by July 1974. Besides an additional five helicopter squadrons, for a total augmentation of nine, phase II called for three new squadrons of A–37s, four of transports (all but one flying
In March 1970, the USAF began handing the Pleiku AB over to the RVNAF and this transfer was completed by the end of 1970. Pleiku AB was one of the two operating bases of the RVNAF 6th Air Division, the other being
in April until the end of 1970, the RVNAF flew some 9,600 attack sorties in Cambodia, compared to 14,600 by US airmen. Besides flying interdiction missions, the RVNAF delivered close air support for both ARVN and
to equip two squadrons by September. The USAF would accelerate the delivery of 14 RC-47s, 23 AC-119K gunships, 23 EC-47s, 28 C-7 transports and 14 C-119Gs modified for coastal fire support and maritime patrol.
In mid-December 1961, the USAF began delivery of 30 T-28A/B Trojans to the RVNAF. The 2nd Fighter Squadron equipped with T-28A/B Trojans was formed at Nha Trang AB. In late 1961 four USAF T-28 pilots from
Murray suggested some basic remedies to correct the failings he described. Besides an emphasis on flight safety, he proposed reducing costs by consolidating the RVNAF inventory, perhaps eliminating the
At dawn on 29 April the RVNAF began to haphazardly depart Tan Son Nhut Air Base as A-37s, F-5s, C-7s, C-119s and C-130s departed for Thailand while UH-1s took off in search of the ships of the US Navy
1574:(SAM) environment augmented by heavy concentrations of radar-directed AAA fire. From experience in North Vietnam and in the Easter Offensive it was obvious that high performance aircraft, backed up by 1617:, which the A–1 or A–37 could deliver by parachute, and the pallet-load of high explosive, and sometimes oil or gasoline, parachuted from a transport like the C–130. The RVNAF received some of the 1964:
248 RVNAF aircraft were flown out of South Vietnam to Thailand during the collapse; of these 142 aircraft were removed from Thailand by United States Navy ships, including 101 aircraft aboard the
Grandolini, Albert (January 1991). ""Criquet" sur le Mekong: L'aviation militaire en Indochine, de 1951 à 1957" ["Cricket" over the Mekong: Military Aviation in Indochina, 1951 to 1957].
US before teaming up with the pilots, copilots, and navigators already training at Tan Son Nhut AB. Once brought together, each crew received a final indoctrination, then reported to the USAF's
With American units leaving the country, the RVNAF transport fleet was greatly increased at Tan Son Nhut AB. The RVNAF 33rd and 53rd Tactical Wings were established flying C-123s, C-47s and
The PAVN captured 877 RVNAF aircraft and helicopters including 73 F-5s, 113 A-37s, 36 A-1s, 40 C-119s, 36 AC-47s, 430 UH-1s and 36 CH-47s, some of which were put into service by the VPAF.
In December 1962, the 293rd Helicopter Squadron was activated at Tan Son Nhut AB, it was inactivated in August 1964. Also that month Pleiku AB was activated by the RVNAF as Air Base 62.
2046: 1483:
the aircraft flown by this division, the AC-47, VC–47 executive transport and RC–47, were variants of the basic C–47, the RVNAF centralized these disparate operations in one division.
the RVNAF 1st Air Division commander was ordered to evacuate all flyable aircraft from Da Nang AB, 130 aircraft would be evacuated while some 180, including 33 A-37s, were abandoned.
1629:. The RVNAF, lacking laser-guided bombs, had to achieve the necessary accuracy with ordinary munitions, which required attacks at low altitude. However, the PAVN introduction of the 1518:
From 1–7 December, RVNAF A–37s flew 49 sorties against PAVN transportation targets on the exit routes from the Ho Chi Minh Trail just inside the western border with Laos as part of
3340: 1281:
and discussed both the withdrawal of US forces and the arming and training of South Vietnamese to take over a greater share of the fighting. Although amenable to the idea of
6026: 1827:
As the PAVN moved more air defense forces into South Vietnam, the RVNAF had a decreasing capability to strike PAVN forces and their supply lines. By March 1975 the PAVN had
By the end of 1965, there were 13,000 men and 359 planes in the RVNAF, numbers that would not change substantially until the 1970s. Of the five tactical wings, two were in
Following an unexplained crash in August 1960, Diem grounded all the obsolete F8Fs of the 1st Fighter Squadron and in September asked for jets to replace them. However the
3477: 3414: 844:
were sent to Nha Trang AB to train RVNAF crews. The 2nd Fighter Squadron became fully operational in mid-1962. It was renamed the 516th Fighter Squadron in January 1963.
to Kỳ at Bien Hoa AB. These aircraft would be used by the RVNAF to form the 522nd Fighter Squadron, their first jet squadron with training support provided by the USAF
6031: 1936:, commander of the RVNAF, and 30 of his staff arrived at the DAO Compound, demanding evacuation. This signified the complete loss of command and control of the RVNAF. 3855:
at least 45 that landed on US ships were pushed overboard to make room for more helicopters to land. 54 flown to Thailand, 45 shipped to US, 9 donated to Thailand
3428: 3384: 6036: 708:
On 1 June 1956, the RVNAF's 1st Fighter Squadron (redesignated the 514th Fighter Squadron in January 1963) was formed at Bien Hoa Air Base with 25 F8F Bearcats.
On 1 June 1957, the RVNAF 1st Helicopter Squadron was established at Tan Son Nhut AB without equipment. It operated with the French Air Force unit serving the
1724: 5342: 804:
to replace the worn out H-19s of the 1st Helicopter Squadron. They were airlifted to Saigon without renovation, four in December and the others soon after.
transports. Major improvements were envisioned for the FAC program, the air defense net, and in the realm of communications, which was particularly weak.
5116: 4005:
who risked his life to rescue four Americans in a downed chopper while he was on a different mission. For his actions he was awarded the United States
746:, Diem explained that the South Vietnamese believed that the Indochina war had shown that "it was difficult to use air effectively in this country." 5655: 869: 633:
armed light transports to the inventory of this Vietnamese air arm. Vietnamese pilot trainees began to be sent to France for more advanced training.
1684: 1126: 711:
In June 1956, the 2nd Transport Squadron equipped with C-47s was established at Tan Son Nhut AB and the RVNAF established its headquarters there.
1187: 629:, and the following year two army co-operation squadrons began missions flying the Morane 500 Criquet. In 1954, the French allocated a number of 5566: 4369: 6011: 4099: 1183: 739: 17: 3919:
abandoned with some flown to Thailand At least one that landed on a US ship was pushed overboard to make room for more helicopters to land.
missions in the face of enemy action. Liaison pilots were assigned for only two weeks and then moved away to another province, undercutting
5992: 5670: 3499: 884:
In late 1962, the RVNAF formed the 716th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron initially equipped with two C-45 photo-reconnaissance aircraft.
The Cambodian Campaign gave unexpected impetus to the modernization and improvement of South Vietnam's armed forces. US Defense Secretary
In October 1964, the RVNAF 520th Fighter Squadron equipped with A-1Hs was formed at Bien Hoa AB, however due to delays in construction of
5304: 4006: 1374:
troop-carrying UH–1s, another serving as a command post, and three others equipped as gunships successfully landed a small force near
By the end of December 1970, RVNAF security police had assumed full responsibility for protecting Nha Trang and Binh Thuy Air Bases.
trainers replacing some of the older U–17s, four H–34 squadrons converting to UH–1Hs, a C–47 transport squadron reequipping with the
1119: 4664: 5520: 4234: 2031: 2016: 1948:
of the PAVN 10th Division as they attempted to attack Tan Son Nhut AB. After the announcement of the surrender of South Vietnam by
it was only in December that they were able to start deploying a five aircraft detachment daily from Bien Hoa AB to Binh Thuy AB.
equipped with 23 O-1 Bird Dogs and 44 pilots was activated at Bien Hoa AB, with the aim of training RVNAF pilots and observers as
5660: 4275: 1917:
On 28 April at 18:06 three A-37s piloted by former RVNAF pilots who had defected to the VPAF at the fall of Danang, dropped six
5863: 597:
officially requested that the French help set up a Vietnamese military air arm. Pressure was maintained with the assistance of
3817: 3328:
If a volunteer met all the qualifications, the recruit was then sent to basic training at the ARVN training base at Lam Song.
5494: 5372: 2065: 671:
On 7 July 1955, the RVNAF took over the Nha Trang Training Center and formed the 1st and 2nd Liaison Squadrons equipped with
just over 4,000. At this time the role of the RVNAF "was basically to support the ground forces." The RVNAF was part of the
The 412st Transport Squadron formed at Phù Cát AB in 1970 operating C-7As inherited from the 537th Troop Carrier Squadron.
1090: 761: 5675: 5489: 5426: 5380: 1582: 1538: 1443:
begin functioning on 15 October. At year's end the RVNAF possessed the nucleus of a tactical air intelligence operation.
553: 143: 6021: 5898: 5665: 5650: 5545: 4763: 3509:
In April 1975 some 1,100 aircraft were absorbed into the Vietnam People's Air Force with the collapse of South Vietnam.
1622: 1302: 1138: 905: 793: 3744: 1161:
Hoa remained a major RVNAF base hosting the headquarters of the RVNAF 3rd Air Division and the Air Logistics Command.
5333: 5147: 5027: 4989: 4905: 4862: 4800: 4677: 4637: 4516: 4481: 4443: 4382: 4083: 3804: 2480: 1432: 1334: 679: 660:
was established at Tan Son Nhut. The RVNAF also had a special missions squadron at the base equipped with 3 C-47s, 3
The US Air Force in Southeast Asia and the Vietnam War A Narrative Chronology Volume I: The Early Years through 1959
1028: 930:
In February 1964, the 516th Fighter Squadron equipped with 15 A-1 Skyraiders moved to Da Nang AB from Nha Trang AB.
6041: 4022: 3048: 1953: 1922: 1864: 1358:
In 1970, the RVNAF units at Da Nang AB were reorganized as the First Air Division with responsibility for I Corps.
1286: 955:
killing both crewmen and on 9 April another T-28 lost a wing during a strafing run and crashed. Two officials from
In October 1959, the 2nd Liaison Squadron equipped with L-19 Bird Dogs moved to Tan Son Nhut AB from Nha Trang AB.
750: 728: 693:(renamed Da Nang Air Base) to the RVNAF. In November 1955, the RVNAF 1st Liaison Squadron moved to Da Nang AB from 686:, 35 C-47s and 60 L-19s. In June 1956 the US provided a further 32 C-47s and 25 F-8Fs to the RVNAF under the MDAP. 5321: 861: 661: 5535: 5515: 4017: 1871: 716: 5833: 1137:
as soon as the planes were tested in South Vietnam. The two remaining squadrons would continue to fly the A-1s.
5530: 5364: 5100: 4835: 4728: 3847: 2452: 2314: 1309:
gunships were used to form the 817th Combat Squadron which became operational at Tan Son Nhut AB on 31 August.
in their A-1 Skyraiders in an attempt to kill Diệm. Three palace staff died and 30 were injured in the attack.
841: 826: 4787: 4715: 4503: 4430: 4055:, USAF pilots sent to Vietnam in 1962 and 1963, to assist the RVNAF in military airlift and transport missions 3461: 1933: 239: 6016: 5868: 5484: 5479: 5474: 5469: 5464: 3733: 2297: 2236: 1805: 1729: 1073: 35: 4626:
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia: The War in South Vietnam Air War over South Vietnam 1968–1975
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia: The War in South Vietnam The Years of the Offensive 1965–1968
3792: 5838: 5459: 5454: 5449: 5444: 5439: 5434: 4304:
Grandolini, Albert (July–August 1997). "Indo-Chinese Fighting 'Cats: Grumman's Superb Bearcat in Vietnam".
4027: 1855:
On 9/10 March a PAVN bombardment of Pleiku AB destroyed an O-1, a CH-47 and ten UH-1s. During the four-day
1413: 1130: 4505:
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia: Development and Employment of Fixed-Wing Gunships 1962–1972
3769: 1551: 672: 5928: 5848: 5733: 5246: 5166: 3663: 1387: 963:
had only eight T-28s left but these were retired on 30 May and replaced by more capable A-1E Skyraiders.
960: 782: 705:
began in 1957 to organize the RVNAF into a model of the USAF when the French training contracts expired.
5958: 5893: 1783: 1274: 617:. In late 1951, the French Air Force established the South Vietnamese 312th Special Mission Squadron at 5918: 5680: 5302:
USS Midway photos from Operation frequent Wind and transport of ex-RVNAF aircraft from Thailand to Guam
3971: 3042: 1879: 1849: 1844: 1610: 1032: 5883: 5878: 3581: 1645: 5908: 5873: 5818: 5728: 5409: 5404: 3561: 1925:
destroying several aircraft. RVNAF F-5s took off in pursuit, but were unable to intercept the A-37s.
1575: 1061: 1020: 719:(ARVN), not a separate service. In meetings in Washington D.C. in May 1957, South Vietnamese premier 665: 461: 5948: 5056: 4934: 3911: 1910: 293: 5525: 5416: 5399: 4624: 4388: 4012: 3781: 3329: 3264: 1832: 1749: 1503: 1322: 1318: 1219: 1024: 682:(MDAP), the United States equipped the fledgling RVNAF with aircraft turned over by the French: 28 622: 598: 5963: 5923: 5843: 4892: 1525:
By the end of 1971, Vietnamization of the air war formed a mosaic of progress and disappointment.
In mid-1962, the 2nd Fighter Squadron at Nha Trang AB began detaching six aircraft to Da Nang AB.
5713: 5550: 5394: 3860: 3756: 2961: 2460: 2365: 1895: 1888: 1816: 1778: 1733: 1594: 1589:
By the end of October, the RVNAF had activated 51 squadrons and actual strength stood at 52,400.
1519: 1314: 1290: 956: 952: 909: 743: 630: 573: 453: 311: 5913: 5828: 5221: 4052: 2348: 1856: 1571: 1502:
on 23 February 1971 was attributed by US sources to mechanical failure and this led journalist
1436: 1350: 1013: 996: 771: 267: 5973: 5943: 5888: 5748: 5738: 5301: 778:
prohibited the introduction of jets into the country, so instead the F8Fs were replaced by ex
602: 5933: 5823: 5783: 5627: 5617: 4852: 4047: 3951: 3617: 3568: 3012: 2996: 2745: 2555: 2495: 2487: 2226: 1839:
was by now a major supply and staging area protected by SA-2s. All of the border area around
1774: 1488: 1469: 1363: 1207: 1134: 1041:
In August 1965, the 524th Fighter Squadron equipped with A-1s was activated at Nha Trang AB.
In May 1965, the 522nd Fighter Squadron equipped with A-1s was activated at Tan Son Nhut AB.
1009: 657: 618: 392: 154: 563:
The RVNAF began with a few hand-picked men chosen to fly alongside French pilots during the
255: 5953: 5938: 5778: 5773: 4042: 3900: 3639: 2647: 1836: 1667: 1457: 1231: 1211: 1045: 724: 702: 385: 279: 5903: 5768: 5753: 933:
In March 1964, the US decided to reequip all RVNAF fighter squadrons with A-1 Skyraiders.
8: 5858: 5798: 5718: 4037: 3712: 3670: 3084: 3060: 2456: 2331: 1680: 1654: 1495: 1085: 809: 775: 683: 557: 525: 477: 457: 206: 5968: 5853: 5808: 5788: 4217: 3514: 1748:
1974, excluding the cost of munitions, more than the combined cost for the ARVN and the
1613:. The Nixon administration sought to substitute a powerful bomb for the B-52, providing 649:
became the RVNAF's logistics support base when the French evacuated their main depot at
5763: 5743: 5708: 5612: 5607: 5592: 5571: 5357: 3924: 3836: 2874: 2865: 2660: 2601: 2592: 2511: 2209: 2161: 2145: 2095: 1965: 1887:
remnants of the ARVN 2nd, 5th and 6th Airborne Battalions that had been cut off at the
1796: 1720: 1614: 1382: 1069: 1057:
In December, the 217th Helicopter Squadron moved from Tan Son Nhut AB to Binh Thuy AB.
Cong; and later they, along with the mechanics, could form the nucleus of a Vietnamese
977: 941: 801: 789: 779: 731: 626: 420: 350: 5803: 1543: 594: 5703: 5685: 5587: 5277: 5143: 5096: 5023: 4985: 4901: 4858: 4831: 4796: 4759: 4724: 4673: 4633: 4512: 4477: 4439: 4378: 4309: 4226: 4079: 3931: 3647: 3333: 2704: 2280: 2112: 2079: 1757: 1676: 1403: 1258: 1081: 760:
In October 1958, it was announced that the RVNAF's retired F8Fs would be replaced by
646: 210: 5723: 3605: 3530: 1499: 1019:
On 2 March 1965, 20 RVNAF A-1s from Da Nang AB participated in the first attacks of
On 15 March 1964, the RVNAF established a Tactical Wing Headquarters at Da Nang AB.
5978: 5632: 5602: 5020:
USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series Volume IV Monograph 6: Last Flight from Saigon
3448: 3400: 3206: 3129: 2444: 2435: 2177: 2129: 1563: 1534: 1375: 1223: 1122: 690: 614: 610: 564: 364: 331: 231: 5758: 3764: 1449:
In November 1970, Sóc Trăng Airfield was handed over to the RVNAF by the US Army.
1016:, all of the aircraft were hit by anti-aircraft fire, but only one was shot down. 857:
from late 1961 and this force was later increased to 4 A-1s and a C-47 flareship.
5793: 5622: 5337: 5325: 5308: 4717:
USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series Volume III, The Vietnamese Air Force 1951–75
4073: 4032: 3160: 3151: 2193: 1945: 1141: 854: 831: 785:
with the first six arriving in September and a further 25 delivered by May 1961.
533: 401: 380: 306: 1169: 1157:
On 7 May 1967, a VC attack on Binh Thuy AB destroyed four A-1Hs and two UH-34s.
France and West Germany. It is an often neglected chapter of the history of the
5313: 4666:
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia 1961-1973, An Illustrated Account
3274: 3114: 3094: 3024: 2008: 1949: 1688: 1282: 1244: 754: 577: 489: 485: 481: 448: 433: 323: 1005:
Base Support Group and the base was used as a staging and emergency airfield.
6005: 5597: 5375: 5350: 5281: 5078: 5040: 4956: 4918: 4875: 4813: 4741: 4690: 4650: 4529: 4456: 4409: 4313: 4291: 4248: 3998: 3880: 3573: 3443: 2735: 2627: 2531: 1929: 1791: 1630: 1278: 1270: 1249: 1178: 966:
In March 1964, Air Base 62 at Pleiku AB became the RVNAF 62nd Tactical Wing.
865: 797: 720: 606: 501: 497: 409: 343: 319: 235: 31: 1474: 4002: 3691: 3594: 3522: 3368: 3020: 2828: 2570: 1899: 1663: 1559:
Phan Rang AB was progressively handed over to the RVNAF in March–May 1972.
1394: 1050: 892: 735: 493: 469: 405: 397: 373: 327: 227: 5330: 5093:
Vietnam in Military Statistics: A History of the Indochina Wars, 1772-1991
were transferred to the RVNAF at Tan Son Nhut AB. On 2 July 1969, 5 AC-47
In October 1963, the 518th Fighter Squadron was activated at Bien Hoa AB.
In September 1962, the 12th Air Base Squadron was formed at Nha Trang AB.
In October 1961, the 2nd Helicopter Squadron was activated at Da Nang AB.
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia: The Advisory Years to 1965
3284: 1745: 1700: 1110:
in mastering the techniques of strike control and visual reconnaissance.
569: 473: 465: 437: 429: 369: 357: 315: 202: 115: 111: 3511:
Approximately 175 aircraft were flown to Thailand before the surrender.
1679:, Chief of the Joint General Staff, protested to MACV commander General 850:
In December 1961, the 3rd Liaison Squadron was activated at Da Nang AB.
5540: 5318: 3829: 2007:
transporting 101 ex-RVNAF aircraft from Thailand to Guam following the
1828: 1367: 753:
and in April 1958 with the departure of the French it inherited its 10
441: 413: 1716:
and AC-119 gunships, all 31 O-2 observation planes and 31 UH-1 Hueys.
for the last phase of gunship training, five routine combat missions.
1342: 4789:
The War against Trucks Aerial Interdiction in Southern Laos 1968-1972
1883: 1675:
slated for conversion to intercept the PAVN's radio traffic, General
In May, the 217th Helicopter Squadron was established at Da Nang AB.
814: 549: 425: 57: 5813: 5117:"Remember that time we forgot a navy and had to go back and get it?" 1882:
in March 1975, PAVN forces pursued the ARVN to the coast, capturing
On 4 January 1969, the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented the outgoing
The untold story of the last defenders of Saigon: AC-119K Tinh Long
F-5A of the 538th Fighter Squadron and an A-1 at Da Nang AB in 1973
the RVNAF helicopter fleet was grounded due to maintenance issues.
Arrival of ex-RVNAF aircraft in Guam and their subsequent disposal
RVNAF C-130A burns at Tan Son Nhut after rocket attack on 29 April
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
1671: 1626: 723:
gave his reasons for deemphasizing the RVNAF, advising President
694: 625:
liaison aircraft. In March 1952, a training school was set up at
5161: 5159: 4230: 1101: 3809: 2422: 1903: 1840: 1618: 1150: 656:
On 1 July 1955, the RVNAF 1st Transport Squadron equipped with
338: 158: 5156: 1761:
were being tracked by radar-controlled antiaircraft weapons.
A-37B Dragonfly of the 548th Fighter Squadron at Phan Rang AB
650: 5216: 5214: 5212: 5210: 5208: 5206: 5204: 4828:
The Vietnam Experience South Vietnam on Trial: Mid-1970–1972
aircraft were abandoned with little effort to destroy them.
5295: 5202: 5200: 5198: 5196: 5194: 5192: 5190: 5188: 5186: 5184: 1918: 1902:
and moved along Route 450 to join up with Route 11 to take
This article is about the air force of the former country
Gradual Failure: The Air War over North Vietnam 1965–1966
First Air Force commander. Was promoted from Lieutenant.
415th Transport Squadron C-47A at Tan Son Nhut AB in 1972
The RVNAF 1st Fighter Squadron staged AD-6 Skyraiders at
5241: 5239: 5224:. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. 2017 5181: 860:
On 27 February 1962, two RVNAF pilots Second Lieutenant
In late 1960, in order to support the operations of the
in Thailand, often carrying three or even four people.
forward air controller/light reconnaissance aircraft.
580:; many of its members emigrated to the United States. 5236: 2052:
Ex-RVNAF A-37s and Hueys on a pier at Naval Base Guam
and at least one of the C-47 squadrons would receive
Military units and formations disestablished in 1975
An O-1A of the 112th Liaison Squadron at Bien Hoa AB
Commander of the 4th Air Division at the same time.
53rd Tactical Wing C-130A at Tan Son Nhut AB in 1972
UH-1D on an air assault mission in the Mekong Delta
4854:The United States Army in Vietnam Engineers at War 4303: 1494:The crash of the helicopter carrying ARVN General 6032:Military units and formations established in 1955 4900:. United States Army Center of Military History. 4857:. Center of Military History United States Army. 1691:informed of the military situation in the South. 1621:fuel-air devices in time to try them against the 1338:421st Transport Squadron C-123 at Tan Son Nhut AB 1014:retaliatory raid against North Vietnamese targets 6003: 2358: 2341: 2324: 2307: 2290: 2273: 2259: 1952:the pilots flew their stripped down aircraft to 4940:. Commander in Chief Pacific. 25 September 1975 4825: 6037:Military units and formations of South Vietnam 4982:Black April: The fall of South Vietnam 1973–75 4075:Flying Dragons: The South Vietnamese Air Force 5358: 4428: 2218: 1184:Tet Offensive attack on Tan Son Nhut Air Base 1000:B-57B loaned to the RVNAF at Da Nang AB, 1965 740:Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force 689:On 19 September 1955, the French turned over 5993:South Vietnamese military ranks and insignia 5062:. Commander in Chief Pacific. 7 October 1976 5051: 5049: 4929: 4927: 4830:. Boston Publishing Company. pp. 61–2. 3500:South Vietnamese military ranks and insignia 1570:type of aircraft to be able to operate in a 896:A-1 Skyraiders of the 520th Fighter Squadron 4826:Fulghum, David; Maitland, Terrence (1984). 4723:. Office of Air Force History. p. 68. 4363: 4361: 4359: 4357: 4355: 4353: 4351: 4349: 4347: 4345: 4343: 3315: 1891:successfully evacuating over 800 soldiers. 1878:Following the defeat of ARVN forces in the 951:T-28 lost a wing during a bombing run near 576:(USAF). It was dissolved in 1975 after the 176:Tổ Quốc — Không Gian ("Fatherland — Space") 5365: 5351: 5271: 5090: 4709: 4707: 4705: 4703: 4701: 4699: 4474:VNAF: South Vietnamese Air Force 1945-1975 4341: 4339: 4337: 4335: 4333: 4331: 4329: 4327: 4325: 4323: 4269: 4267: 4265: 4263: 4261: 4259: 4257: 4211: 4209: 4207: 4205: 4203: 4201: 4199: 4197: 4195: 4193: 4191: 4189: 4187: 4185: 4183: 4181: 4179: 4177: 4175: 4173: 4171: 4169: 4167: 4165: 4163: 4161: 4159: 4157: 4155: 4153: 4151: 4149: 4147: 4145: 4143: 4141: 4139: 4137: 4135: 4133: 4131: 3389:Lieutenant Colonel (1956), Colonel (1957) 3379:Titled "Chief of Staff of the Air Force". 2202: 2154: 2138: 2088: 1795:RVNAF Hueys and a CH-47 Chinook arrive at 1666:, plus two technical representatives from 56: 5137: 5046: 4924: 4795:. Air Force History and Museums Program. 4632:. Air Force History and Museums Program. 4618: 4616: 4614: 4612: 4610: 4608: 4606: 4604: 4602: 4600: 4598: 4596: 4594: 4592: 4590: 4588: 4586: 4584: 4582: 4580: 4578: 4576: 4574: 4572: 4570: 4568: 4566: 4564: 4562: 4560: 4558: 4497: 4495: 4493: 4438:. Air Force History and Museums Program. 4297: 4129: 4127: 4125: 4123: 4121: 4119: 4117: 4115: 4113: 4111: 3466:Major General, Lieutenant General (1974) 2104: 2072: 1923:RVNAF flightline at Tan Son Nhut Air Base 1317:Direct Air Support Center at Da Nang AB, 1173:CH-34C lifts a battle-damaged O-1 in 1968 5521:Civilian Irregular Defense Group program 5013: 5011: 5009: 5007: 5005: 5003: 5001: 4975: 4973: 4971: 4969: 4967: 4965: 4886: 4884: 4556: 4554: 4552: 4550: 4548: 4546: 4544: 4542: 4540: 4538: 4367: 4283:. Air Force History and Museums Program. 4273: 4104:. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1973. 3529: 3521: 3513: 2302:Several squadrons and at least 2 groups 2170: 2122: 1815: 1809:RVNAF Huey is pushed overboard from USS 1804: 1790: 1782: 1644: 1550: 1542: 1473: 1349: 1341: 1333: 1248: 1168: 1100: 995: 891: 830: 796:secured approval for the shipment of 11 62:Emblem of the South Vietnamese air force 27:Military branch active from 1955 to 1975 4894:Vietnam from Cease Fire to Capitulation 4781: 4779: 4777: 4775: 4713: 4696: 4501: 4467: 4465: 4320: 4254: 4215: 2186: 1054:returned to their original USAF units. 34:. For Vietnam's current air force, see 14: 6004: 4890: 4753: 4662: 4656: 4490: 4108: 4078:. Schiffer Publishing, Limited. 2005. 3658:abandoned with some flown to Thailand 3589:abandoned with some flown to Thailand 1932:offshore. At 08:00 Lieutenant General 572:as they operated in the shadow of the 5346: 5017: 4998: 4979: 4962: 4881: 4850: 4844: 4785: 4622: 4535: 4471: 4424: 4422: 4420: 4418: 3493: 3252: 2254:No. of subordinate units or aircraft 1321:at Pleiku AB, III at Bien Hoa AB and 1035:aircraft conducting most operations. 738:for a group of leaders that included 32:"Republic of Vietnam" (South Vietnam) 6012:1955 establishments in South Vietnam 5142:. Osprey Publishing. pp. 80–1. 5119:. Vietnam Magazine. 29 December 2018 4772: 4462: 3728:abandoned with 14 flown to Thailand 3707:abandoned with 17 flown to Thailand 3339:Women also served in the RVNAF. The 1831:coverage of I Corps as far south as 1091:Military Assistance Command, Vietnam 1012:led RVNAF A-1s from Da Nang AB on a 1008:On 8 February 1965, RVNAF commander 4984:. Encounter Books. pp. 225–7. 4240:from the original on July 23, 2020. 1623:PAVN-held citadel at Quang Tri City 1539:Operations Enhance and Enhance Plus 560:(South Vietnam) from 1955 to 1975. 554:Republic of Vietnam Military Forces 530:Không lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa, KLVNCH 144:Republic of Vietnam Military Forces 24: 5265: 4415: 3255:(Trung Tâm Huấn Luyện Không Quân) 1139:United States Secretary of Defense 906:19th Tactical Air Support Squadron 794:Military Assistance Advisory Group 25: 6053: 5289: 1765:reduced from 672,000 to 345,500. 680:Mutual Defense Assistance Program 538:Force aérienne vietnamienne, FAVN 5374: 5072: 5034: 5022:. US Government PrintingOffice. 4950: 4912: 4869: 4807: 4735: 4684: 4644: 4523: 4476:. Squadron/Signal Publications. 4450: 4403: 4285: 4242: 4023:Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps 3472:Formerly Chief of General Staff 2217: 2201: 2185: 2169: 2153: 2137: 2121: 2103: 2087: 2071: 2064: 2045: 2030: 2015: 1996: 1980: 1719:In mid-1974, USAF headquarters, 1127:10th Fighter Squadron (Commando) 1105:C-47s at Tan Son Nhut AB in 1966 751:International Control Commission 540:) (sometimes referred to as the 292: 278: 266: 254: 137: 88: 5167:"World Air Forces 1975 pg. 314" 5140:MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War 5131: 5109: 5084: 4819: 4758:. Hellgate Press. p. 397. 4747: 4672:. Office of Air Force History. 4511:. Office of Air Force History. 4377:. Office of Air Force History. 4308:. No. 70. pp. 12–21. 4225:. Office of Air Force History. 4018:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 3009:314th Special Mission Squadron 2057: 1870:On the morning of 30 March the 1390:and provided other assistance. 1303:3rd Special Operations Squadron 717:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 701:roles of the RVNAF. Teams from 556:, the official military of the 5057:"CINCPAC Command History 1975" 4935:"CINCPAC Command History 1974" 4092: 4066: 3057:720th Reconnaissance Squadron 3039:716th Reconnaissance Squadron 2492:718th Reconnaissance Squadron 2453:Morane-Saulnier MS.500 Criquet 2376: 2037:Ex-RVNAF Hueys on deck of USS 2022:Ex-RVNAF A-37s on deck of USS 1685:Defense Attaché Office, Saigon 1125:presented the 20 F-5As of the 984:AB, Pleiku AB and Da Nang AB. 870:bombed the Independence Palace 827:Farm Gate (military operation) 588: 13: 1: 4429:Van Staaveren, Jacob (2002). 4059: 3436:1963 Nov–1964 Jan (3 months) 3346: 2391: 518:Republic of Vietnam Air Force 185:Không quân Việt Nam hành khúc 44:Republic of Vietnam Air Force 18:Republic of Vietnam Air Force 5249:. Flightglobal Insight. 1971 5169:. Flightglobal Insight. 1975 5091:Clodfelter, Micheal (1995). 4028:Vietnamese Airborne Division 3310: 2336:Several flights or sections 1959: 1414:14th Special Operations Wing 887: 820: 636: 125:63,000 personnel (at height) 7: 5095:. McFarland & Company. 3992: 3504: 3227:259A Helicopter Detachment 3190:259B Helicopter Detachment 3001:259G Helicopter Detachment 2979:259I Helicopter Detachment 2903:259H Helicopter Detachment 2802:259E Helicopter Detachment 2665:259B Helicopter Detachment 2636:259C Helicopter Detachment 1991:s at U-Tapao, 29 April 1975 1520:Operation Commando Hunt VII 1297:On 30 June 1969, all AC-47 1269:On 8 June 1969, Presidents 1188:attack on Bien Hoa Air Base 50:Không lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa 10: 6058: 5276:(in French) (255): 50–59. 5222:"Peace Research Institute" 5138:Toperczer, Istvan (2001). 4274:Williams, Kenneth (2019). 4007:Distinguished Flying Cross 3497: 3373:Lieutenant Colonel (ARVN) 3341:Women's Armed Forces Corps 3219:243rd Helicopter Squadron 3211:241st Helicopter Squadron 3185:235th Helicopter Squadron 3177:229th Helicopter Squadron 3143: 3073:259th Helicopter Squadron 2983: 2971:227th Helicopter Squadron 2966:225th Helicopter Squadron 2953:211th Helicopter Squadron 2895:255th Helicopter Squadron 2887:249th Helicopter Squadron 2879:217th Helicopter Squadron 2857: 2797:251st Helicopter Squadron 2789:245th Helicopter Squadron 2781:237th Helicopter Squadron 2776:231st Helicopter Squadron 2771:223rd Helicopter Squadron 2763:221st Helicopter Squadron 2696: 2624:219th Helicopter Squadron 2616:215th Helicopter Squadron 2538:257th Helicopter Squadron 2528:247th Helicopter Squadron 2523:239th Helicopter Squadron 2518:233rd Helicopter Squadron 2508:213th Helicopter Squadron 2427: 2414: 1863:On 27 March with the PAVN 1772: 1730:Vietnam People's Air Force 1712:52 C-7 Caribous, 34 AC-47 1576:Electronic countermeasures 1532: 1467: 1381:From the beginning of the 1242: 1044:In August 1965, four USAF 1033:United States Marine Corps 904:On 19 June 1963, the USAF 824: 678:In August 1955, under the 583: 127:2,075 aircraft (at height) 36:Vietnam People's Air Force 29: 6022:Military of South Vietnam 5987: 5694: 5641: 5580: 5559: 5503: 5425: 5387: 5381:Military of South Vietnam 3923: 3828: 3805:de Havilland Canada DHC-4 3662: 3560: 3293:Engineering Tactical Wing 3292: 3257: 3240:431st Transport Squadron 3234: 3232:429th Transport Squadron 3221: 3205: 3202: 3179: 3159: 3156: 3128: 3121:437th Transport Squadron 3113: 3111:435th Transport Squadron 3106:425th Transport Squadron 3101:423rd Transport Squadron 3093: 3091:421st Transport Squadron 3081:413th Transport Squadron 3069: 3066: 3031:415th Transport Squadron 2995: 2992: 2960: 2955: 2946: 2931: 2916: 2910: 2907: 2897: 2873: 2870: 2847: 2809: 2806: 2791: 2765: 2759: 2756: 2744: 2712: 2709: 2683: 2678: 2656: 2600: 2597: 2584: 2554: 2548: 2545: 2510: 2504: 2501: 2477:427th Transport Squadron 2443: 2440: 1921:250 lb bombs on the 1865:having surrounded Da Nang 1021:Operation Rolling Thunder 961:1st Air Commando Squadron 447: 419: 391: 379: 363: 349: 337: 305: 300: 286: 274: 262: 250: 245: 221: 216: 198: 190: 180: 172: 164: 150: 131: 121: 107: 99: 83: 75: 67: 55: 48: 43: 5298:Pictures, stories, Forum 4891:Le Gro, William (1985). 4756:Where we were in Vietnam 4754:Kelley, Michael (2002). 4216:Futrell, Robert (1981). 4013:Republic of Vietnam Navy 3330:Non-commissioned officer 3316:Recruitment and training 3281:920th Training Squadron 3271:918th Training Squadron 3261:912th Training Squadron 1750:Republic of Vietnam Navy 868:flying from Bien Hoa AB 599:Vietnamese National Army 168:KLVNCH (VNAF in English) 6042:South Vietnam Air Force 5551:Combined Action Program 5319:RVNAF veterans homepage 5247:"World Air Forces 1971" 4786:Nalty, Bernard (2005). 4623:Nalty, Bernard (2000). 4368:Schlight, John (1999). 3245:532nd Fighter Squadron 3195:530th Fighter Squadron 3165:118th Liaison Squadron 2942:546th Fighter Squadron 2937:526th Fighter Squadron 2929:520th Fighter Squadron 2924:122nd Liaison Squadron 2914:116th Liaison Squadron 2853:544th Fighter Squadron 2845:542nd Fighter Squadron 2835:540th Fighter Squadron 2823:536th Fighter Squadron 2813:522nd Fighter Squadron 2752:518th Fighter Squadron 2742:514th Fighter Squadron 2728:124th Liaison Squadron 2716:112th Liaison Squadron 2692:548th Fighter Squadron 2687:534th Fighter Squadron 2676:524th Fighter Squadron 2606:114th Liaison Squadron 2577:550th Fighter Squadron 2567:538th Fighter Squadron 2562:528th Fighter Squadron 2552:516th Fighter Squadron 2467:120th Liaison Squadron 2461:Cessna U-17A/B Skywagon 2449:110th Liaison Squadron 2418:(Bộ Tư Lệnh Không Quân) 2248:Unit Name in Vietnamese 1779:Operation Frequent Wind 1768: 1706: 1640: 1528: 1463: 1329: 1238: 1164: 1113: 1096: 991: 957:North American Aviation 910:Forward air controllers 744:Nathan Farragut Twining 631:Dassault MD.315 Flamant 593:In March 1949, Emperor 574:United States Air Force 514:South Vietnam Air Force 454:Dassault MD 315 Flamant 5018:Tobin, Thomas (1978). 4980:Veith, George (2012). 4851:Trass, Adrian (2000). 4502:Ballard, Jack (1982). 4101:Dept. Of the Air Force 3535: 3527: 3519: 3139:821st Attack Squadron 3126:819th Attack Squadron 3052:RF-5A Freedom Fighter 2826:F-5A/B Freedom Fighter 2818:RF-5A Freedom Fighter 2816:F-5A/B Freedom Fighter 2644:817th Attack Squadron 2571:F-5A/B Freedom Fighter 2359: 2342: 2325: 2308: 2291: 2274: 2260: 1857:Battle of Ban Me Thuot 1824: 1813: 1802: 1788: 1650: 1572:Surface-to-air missile 1556: 1548: 1479: 1437:Robert C. Seamans, Jr. 1355: 1347: 1339: 1301:gunships of D Flight, 1254: 1174: 1106: 1001: 897: 836: 642:the RVNAF until 1957. 537: 529: 5864:Nguyễn Phước Vĩnh Lộc 5274:Le Fana de l'Aviation 4663:Berger, Carl (1984). 3533: 3525: 3517: 3295:(Không Đoàn Tân Trang 2848:F-5A Freedom Fighter 2261:Bộ tư lệnh không quân 2227:Tan Son Nhut Air Base 1894:On 10 April the PAVN 1819: 1808: 1794: 1786: 1775:1975 Spring Offensive 1648: 1554: 1546: 1533:Further information: 1489:Operation Lam Son 719 1477: 1470:Operation Lam Son 719 1468:Further information: 1353: 1346:U-17A at Nha Trang AB 1345: 1337: 1252: 1243:Further information: 1172: 1104: 1025:Vietnam People's Navy 999: 895: 864:and First Lieutenant 834: 825:Further information: 619:Tan Son Nhat Airfield 155:Tan Son Nhut Air Base 6017:Disbanded air forces 4043:Royal Thai Air Force 3908:transport / utility 3888:utility / transport 3868:utility / transport 3720:transport / utility 3699:transport / utility 2838:F-5A Freedom Fighter 2251:Unit Name in English 2237:class=notpageimage| 1668:Lockheed Corporation 1562:At the start of the 1498:and photojournalist 1131:Air Training Command 1118:On 1 June 1967, the 973:join the 23rd Wing. 725:Dwight D. Eisenhower 703:Clark Air Force Base 605:, who had flown the 386:Republic RC-3 Seabee 4714:Lavalle, A (1985). 4472:Mesko, Jim (1987). 4038:Royal Lao Air Force 3972:North American T-28 3433:Colonel (1963 Nov) 3253:Air Training Center 3203:82nd Tactical Wing 3157:72nd Tactical Wing 3085:C-119 Flying Boxcar 3067:53rd Tactical Wing 2993:33rd Tactical Wing 2947:84th Tactical Wing 2908:74th Tactical Wing 2871:64rd Tactical Wing 2807:63rd Tactical Wing 2757:43rd Tactical Wing 2710:23rd Tactical Wing 2657:92nd Tactical Wing 2598:62nd Tactical Wing 2546:61st Tactical Wing 2502:51st Tactical Wing 2457:Cessna O-1 Bird Dog 2441:41st Tactical Wing 1725:Air Force Logistics 1681:Frederick C. Weyand 1653:By the time of the 1086:Joseph Harold Moore 842:Operation Farm Gate 810:Joint General Staff 776:First Indochina War 558:Republic of Vietnam 207:Cambodian Civil War 5988:Ranks and insignia 5546:Presidential Guard 5336:2013-07-26 at the 5324:2017-04-20 at the 5307:2013-11-06 at the 3536: 3528: 3520: 3494:Ranks and insignia 2410:Aircraft Operated 2210:Soc Trang Airfield 2162:Phan Rang Air Base 2146:Nha Trang Air Base 2096:Binh Thuy Air Base 1911:Battle of Xuân Lộc 1825: 1814: 1803: 1789: 1721:Pacific Air Forces 1651: 1627:laser-guided bombs 1615:fuel-air munitions 1557: 1549: 1480: 1383:Cambodian Campaign 1356: 1348: 1340: 1255: 1175: 1107: 1084:commander General 1002: 978:Binh Thuy Air Base 953:Sóc Trăng Airfield 898: 837: 802:United States Army 780:United States Navy 732:John Foster Dulles 729:Secretary of State 627:Nha Trang Air Base 623:Morane 500 Criquet 5999: 5998: 5909:Nguyễn Viết Thanh 5869:Nguyễn Trọng Luật 5560:ARVN Sub-branches 3990: 3989: 3491: 3490: 3334:second lieutenant 3308: 3307: 2919:U-17A/B Skywagon 2723:U-17A/B Skywagon 2611:U-17A/B Skywagon 2472:U-17A/B Skywagon 2374: 2373: 2113:Cam Ranh Air Base 2080:Bien Hoa Air Base 1880:Central Highlands 1843:, Pleiku and the 1820:O-1 lands on USS 1595:Christmas Bombing 1583:Operation Enhance 1404:Phu Loi Base Camp 1082:Seventh Air Force 647:Bien Hoa Air Base 542:Vietnam Air Force 516:, officially the 507: 506: 211:Laotian Civil War 194:1 July (VNAF Day) 16:(Redirected from 6049: 5959:Trần Thiện Khiêm 5954:Trần Thanh Phong 5939:Phan Trọng Chinh 5914:Nguyễn Vĩnh Nghi 5894:Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 5874:Nguyễn Văn Chuân 5834:Nguyễn Đức Thắng 5829:Nguyễn Chánh Thi 5819:Ngô Quang Trưởng 5379: 5378: 5367: 5360: 5353: 5344: 5343: 5296:CanhThep website 5285: 5259: 5258: 5256: 5254: 5243: 5234: 5233: 5231: 5229: 5218: 5179: 5178: 5176: 5174: 5163: 5154: 5153: 5135: 5129: 5128: 5126: 5124: 5113: 5107: 5106: 5088: 5082: 5076: 5075: 5071: 5069: 5067: 5061: 5053: 5044: 5038: 5037: 5033: 5015: 4996: 4995: 4977: 4960: 4954: 4953: 4949: 4947: 4945: 4939: 4931: 4922: 4916: 4915: 4911: 4899: 4888: 4879: 4873: 4872: 4868: 4848: 4842: 4841: 4823: 4817: 4811: 4810: 4806: 4794: 4783: 4770: 4769: 4751: 4745: 4739: 4738: 4734: 4722: 4711: 4694: 4688: 4687: 4683: 4671: 4660: 4654: 4648: 4647: 4643: 4631: 4620: 4533: 4527: 4526: 4522: 4510: 4499: 4488: 4487: 4469: 4460: 4454: 4453: 4449: 4437: 4426: 4413: 4407: 4406: 4402: 4400: 4399: 4393: 4387:. Archived from 4376: 4365: 4318: 4317: 4301: 4295: 4289: 4288: 4284: 4282: 4271: 4252: 4246: 4245: 4241: 4239: 4224: 4213: 4106: 4105: 4096: 4090: 4089: 4070: 3925:Trainer aircraft 3765:tactical airlift 3538: 3537: 3518:A T-28 in flight 3449:Air Vice-Marshal 3401:Nguyễn Xuân Vinh 3351: 3350: 3248:A-37B Dragonfly 3170:U-17A/B Skywagon 3145:6th Air Division 3016:U-17A/B Skywagon 2985:5th Air Division 2932:A-37B Dragonfly 2859:4th Air Division 2733:U-17A/B Skywagon 2698:3rd Air Division 2679:A-37B Dragonfly 2586:2nd Air Division 2580:A-37B Dragonfly 2429:1st Air Division 2392: 2389: 2388: 2384: 2362: 2345: 2328: 2311: 2294: 2277: 2263: 2245: 2244: 2229: 2221: 2220: 2205: 2204: 2189: 2188: 2178:Phu Cat Air Base 2173: 2172: 2157: 2156: 2141: 2140: 2130:Da Nang Air Base 2125: 2124: 2115: 2107: 2106: 2091: 2090: 2075: 2074: 2068: 2049: 2034: 2019: 2000: 1984: 1954:U-Tapao Air Base 1564:Easter Offensive 1535:Easter Offensive 1388:Cambodian troops 1364:Phù Cát Air Base 1275:Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 1123:Ellsworth Bunker 691:Tourane Airfield 645:On 1 June 1955, 615:Second World War 611:French Air Force 565:State of Vietnam 296: 282: 270: 258: 232:Nguyễn Xuân Vinh 146: 142: 141: 140: 94: 92: 91: 60: 41: 40: 21: 6057: 6056: 6052: 6051: 6050: 6048: 6047: 6046: 6002: 6001: 6000: 5995: 5983: 5974:Trần Quang Khôi 5944:Phan Xuân Nhuận 5929:Phạm Quốc Thuần 5899:Nguyễn Văn Toàn 5889:Nguyễn Văn Minh 5884:Nguyễn Văn Mạnh 5879:Nguyễn Văn Hiếu 5859:Nguyễn Khoa Nam 5849:Nguyễn Hữu Hạnh 5839:Nguyễn Hợp Đoàn 5779:Lê Nguyên Khang 5696: 5690: 5643: 5637: 5576: 5555: 5536:Regional Forces 5499: 5421: 5383: 5373: 5371: 5338:Wayback Machine 5326:Wayback Machine 5309:Wayback Machine 5292: 5268: 5266:Further reading 5263: 5262: 5252: 5250: 5245: 5244: 5237: 5227: 5225: 5220: 5219: 5182: 5172: 5170: 5165: 5164: 5157: 5150: 5136: 5132: 5122: 5120: 5115: 5114: 5110: 5103: 5089: 5085: 5073: 5065: 5063: 5059: 5055: 5054: 5047: 5035: 5030: 5016: 4999: 4992: 4978: 4963: 4951: 4943: 4941: 4937: 4933: 4932: 4925: 4913: 4908: 4897: 4889: 4882: 4870: 4865: 4849: 4845: 4838: 4824: 4820: 4808: 4803: 4792: 4784: 4773: 4766: 4752: 4748: 4736: 4731: 4720: 4712: 4697: 4685: 4680: 4669: 4661: 4657: 4645: 4640: 4629: 4621: 4536: 4524: 4519: 4508: 4500: 4491: 4484: 4470: 4463: 4451: 4446: 4435: 4427: 4416: 4404: 4397: 4395: 4391: 4385: 4374: 4366: 4321: 4302: 4298: 4286: 4280: 4272: 4255: 4243: 4237: 4222: 4214: 4109: 4098: 4097: 4093: 4086: 4072: 4071: 4067: 4062: 4033:Khmer Air Force 3995: 3734:Fairchild C-119 3562:Combat Aircraft 3510: 3507: 3502: 3496: 3349: 3318: 3313: 3296: 3294: 3287: 3254: 3172:O-2A Skymaster 3171: 3169: 3149: 3146: 3051: 3047: 3045: 3023: 3019: 3017: 3015: 2989: 2986: 2918: 2863: 2860: 2839: 2827: 2817: 2734: 2732: 2722: 2720: 2702: 2699: 2630: 2610: 2590: 2587: 2556:A-37B Dragonfly 2471: 2459: 2455: 2433: 2430: 2420: 2417: 2390: 2386: 2382: 2380: 2379: 2243: 2242: 2241: 2240:RVNAF air bases 2239: 2233: 2232: 2231: 2230: 2225: 2222: 2214: 2213: 2212: 2206: 2198: 2197: 2196: 2194:Pleiku Air Base 2190: 2182: 2181: 2180: 2174: 2166: 2165: 2164: 2158: 2150: 2149: 2148: 2142: 2134: 2133: 2132: 2126: 2118: 2117: 2116: 2111: 2108: 2100: 2099: 2098: 2092: 2084: 2083: 2082: 2076: 2060: 2053: 2050: 2041: 2035: 2026: 2020: 2011: 2001: 1992: 1985: 1962: 1872:Regional Forces 1781: 1771: 1709: 1643: 1541: 1531: 1472: 1466: 1332: 1247: 1241: 1220:C-123 Providers 1167: 1142:Robert McNamara 1135:A-37 Dragonflys 1116: 1099: 1046:B-57B Canberras 1023:, striking the 994: 947:On 24 March, a 890: 855:Pleiku Air Base 829: 823: 783:AD-6 Skyraiders 774:that ended the 762:T-28A/B Trojans 639: 603:Nguyễn Văn Hinh 591: 586: 510: 352: 288: 238: 234: 230: 223: 209: 205: 138: 136: 135: 126: 114: 89: 87: 63: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6055: 6045: 6044: 6039: 6034: 6029: 6024: 6019: 6014: 5997: 5996: 5991: 5989: 5985: 5984: 5982: 5981: 5976: 5971: 5966: 5961: 5956: 5951: 5946: 5941: 5936: 5931: 5926: 5921: 5919:Phạm Ngọc Thảo 5916: 5911: 5906: 5901: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5881: 5876: 5871: 5866: 5861: 5856: 5851: 5846: 5841: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5821: 5816: 5811: 5806: 5801: 5796: 5791: 5786: 5781: 5776: 5771: 5766: 5761: 5756: 5751: 5749:Hoàng Xuân Lãm 5746: 5741: 5739:Dương Văn Minh 5736: 5731: 5726: 5721: 5716: 5714:Đặng Văn Quang 5711: 5709:Chung Tấn Cang 5706: 5700: 5698: 5692: 5691: 5689: 5688: 5683: 5678: 5673: 5671:September 1964 5668: 5663: 5658: 5653: 5647: 5645: 5639: 5638: 5636: 5635: 5630: 5625: 5620: 5615: 5610: 5605: 5600: 5595: 5590: 5584: 5582: 5578: 5577: 5575: 5574: 5569: 5567:Special Forces 5563: 5561: 5557: 5556: 5554: 5553: 5548: 5543: 5538: 5533: 5531:Popular Forces 5528: 5523: 5518: 5513: 5507: 5505: 5501: 5500: 5498: 5497: 5492: 5487: 5482: 5477: 5472: 5467: 5462: 5457: 5452: 5447: 5442: 5437: 5431: 5429: 5423: 5422: 5420: 5419: 5414: 5413: 5412: 5402: 5397: 5391: 5389: 5385: 5384: 5370: 5369: 5362: 5355: 5347: 5341: 5340: 5328: 5316: 5311: 5299: 5291: 5290:External links 5288: 5287: 5286: 5267: 5264: 5261: 5260: 5235: 5180: 5155: 5148: 5130: 5108: 5101: 5083: 5045: 5028: 4997: 4990: 4961: 4923: 4906: 4880: 4863: 4843: 4836: 4818: 4801: 4771: 4765:978-1555716257 4764: 4746: 4729: 4695: 4678: 4655: 4638: 4534: 4517: 4489: 4482: 4461: 4444: 4414: 4383: 4319: 4306:Air Enthusiast 4296: 4253: 4107: 4091: 4084: 4064: 4063: 4061: 4058: 4057: 4056: 4050: 4045: 4040: 4035: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4015: 4010: 3994: 3991: 3988: 3987: 3985: 3982: 3980: 3977: 3976:United States 3974: 3968: 3967: 3965: 3962: 3960: 3957: 3956:United States 3954: 3948: 3947: 3945: 3942: 3940: 3937: 3936:United States 3934: 3928: 3927: 3921: 3920: 3917: 3914: 3909: 3906: 3905:United States 3903: 3897: 3896: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3886: 3885:United States 3883: 3877: 3876: 3874: 3871: 3869: 3866: 3865:United States 3863: 3857: 3856: 3853: 3850: 3845: 3842: 3841:United States 3839: 3833: 3832: 3826: 3825: 3823: 3820: 3815: 3812: 3807: 3801: 3800: 3798: 3795: 3790: 3787: 3786:United States 3784: 3782:C-123 Provider 3778: 3777: 3775: 3772: 3767: 3762: 3761:United States 3759: 3757:C-130 Hercules 3753: 3752: 3750: 3747: 3742: 3739: 3738:United States 3736: 3730: 3729: 3726: 3723: 3721: 3718: 3717:United States 3715: 3709: 3708: 3705: 3702: 3700: 3697: 3696:United States 3694: 3688: 3687: 3684: 3681: 3679: 3676: 3675:United States 3673: 3667: 3666: 3660: 3659: 3656: 3653: 3651: 3645: 3644:United States 3642: 3636: 3635: 3632: 3629: 3626: 3623: 3622:United States 3620: 3618:A-37 Dragonfly 3614: 3613: 3611: 3608: 3603: 3600: 3599:United States 3597: 3591: 3590: 3587: 3584: 3579: 3576: 3571: 3565: 3564: 3558: 3557: 3554: 3551: 3548: 3545: 3542: 3506: 3503: 3498:Main article: 3495: 3492: 3489: 3488: 3485: 3482: 3480: 3478:Nguyễn Hữu Tần 3474: 3473: 3470: 3467: 3464: 3458: 3457: 3455: 3452: 3446: 3440: 3439: 3437: 3434: 3431: 3425: 3424: 3422: 3419: 3417: 3415:Huỳnh Hữu Hiền 3411: 3410: 3408: 3405: 3403: 3397: 3396: 3393: 3390: 3387: 3381: 3380: 3377: 3374: 3371: 3365: 3364: 3361: 3358: 3355: 3348: 3345: 3317: 3314: 3312: 3309: 3306: 3305: 3303: 3301: 3298: 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2808: 2804: 2803: 2799: 2798: 2794: 2793: 2790: 2786: 2785: 2784:CH-47 Chinook 2782: 2778: 2777: 2773: 2772: 2768: 2767: 2764: 2761: 2758: 2754: 2753: 2749: 2748: 2743: 2739: 2738: 2736:O-2A Skymaster 2729: 2725: 2724: 2719:MS 500 Criquet 2717: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2694: 2693: 2689: 2688: 2685: 2681: 2680: 2677: 2674: 2670: 2669: 2666: 2663: 2658: 2654: 2653: 2645: 2641: 2640: 2637: 2633: 2632: 2625: 2621: 2620: 2617: 2613: 2612: 2607: 2604: 2599: 2596: 2582: 2581: 2578: 2574: 2573: 2568: 2564: 2563: 2559: 2558: 2553: 2550: 2547: 2543: 2542: 2539: 2535: 2534: 2529: 2525: 2524: 2520: 2519: 2515: 2514: 2509: 2506: 2503: 2499: 2498: 2493: 2490: 2484: 2483: 2478: 2474: 2473: 2468: 2464: 2463: 2450: 2447: 2442: 2439: 2426: 2412: 2411: 2408: 2405: 2402: 2399: 2396: 2378: 2375: 2372: 2371: 2368: 2363: 2355: 2354: 2351: 2346: 2338: 2337: 2334: 2329: 2321: 2320: 2317: 2312: 2304: 2303: 2300: 2295: 2287: 2286: 2283: 2278: 2270: 2269: 2267: 2264: 2256: 2255: 2252: 2249: 2235: 2234: 2224: 2223: 2216: 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Murray 1642: 1639: 1530: 1527: 1500:François Sully 1465: 1462: 1458:O–2A Skymaster 1331: 1328: 1291:C–130 Hercules 1283:Vietnamization 1245:Vietnamization 1240: 1237: 1166: 1163: 1115: 1112: 1098: 1095: 993: 990: 889: 886: 822: 819: 798:H-34C Choctaws 772:Geneva Accords 658:C-47 Skytrains 638: 635: 621:equipped with 590: 587: 585: 582: 578:Fall of Saigon 508: 505: 504: 462:Aero Commander 451: 445: 444: 423: 417: 416: 402:MS 500 Criquet 395: 393:Reconnaissance 389: 388: 383: 377: 376: 367: 361: 360: 355: 347: 346: 341: 335: 334: 312:MD 315 Flamant 309: 303: 302: 301:Aircraft flown 298: 297: 290: 284: 283: 276: 272: 271: 264: 260: 259: 252: 248: 247: 243: 242: 225: 219: 218: 214: 213: 200: 196: 195: 192: 188: 187: 182: 178: 177: 174: 170: 169: 166: 162: 161: 152: 148: 147: 133: 129: 128: 123: 119: 118: 109: 105: 104: 101: 97: 96: 85: 81: 80: 77: 73: 72: 69: 65: 64: 61: 53: 52: 46: 45: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6054: 6043: 6040: 6038: 6035: 6033: 6030: 6028: 6025: 6023: 6020: 6018: 6015: 6013: 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3183: 3176: 3175: 3167: 3164: 3162: 3153: 3148: 3142: 3138: 3137: 3134: 3133: 3125: 3124: 3120: 3119: 3116: 3110: 3109: 3105: 3104: 3100: 3099: 3096: 3090: 3089: 3086: 3083: 3080: 3079: 3075: 3072: 3070:Tan Son Nhut 3065: 3062: 3059: 3056: 3055: 3050: 3044: 3041: 3038: 3037: 3033: 3030: 3029: 3026: 3022: 3014: 3011: 3008: 3007: 3003: 3000: 2998: 2988: 2982: 2978: 2975: 2974: 2970: 2969: 2965: 2963: 2959: 2952: 2949: 2945: 2941: 2940: 2936: 2935: 2928: 2927: 2923: 2922: 2913: 2906: 2902: 2901: 2894: 2893: 2889: 2886: 2885: 2881: 2878: 2876: 2867: 2862: 2856: 2852: 2851: 2844: 2843: 2837: 2834: 2833: 2830: 2829:F-5E Tiger II 2825: 2822: 2821: 2815: 2812: 2805: 2801: 2800: 2796: 2795: 2788: 2787: 2783: 2780: 2779: 2775: 2774: 2770: 2769: 2762: 2755: 2751: 2750: 2747: 2746:A-1 Skyraider 2741: 2740: 2737: 2730: 2727: 2726: 2718: 2715: 2706: 2701: 2695: 2691: 2690: 2686: 2682: 2675: 2672: 2671: 2667: 2664: 2662: 2659: 2655: 2652: 2651: 2646: 2643: 2642: 2638: 2635: 2634: 2629: 2626: 2623: 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1935: 1934:Trần Văn Minh 1931: 1930:Task Force 76 1926: 1924: 1920: 1915: 1912: 1907: 1905: 1901: 1897: 1896:10th Division 1892: 1890: 1885: 1881: 1876: 1873: 1868: 1866: 1861: 1858: 1853: 1851: 1846: 1845:Parrot's Beak 1842: 1838: 1834: 1830: 1823: 1818: 1812: 1807: 1801: 1800: 1793: 1785: 1780: 1776: 1766: 1762: 1759: 1753: 1751: 1747: 1741: 1737: 1735: 1731: 1726: 1722: 1717: 1715: 1704: 1702: 1696: 1692: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1678: 1673: 1669: 1665: 1659: 1656: 1647: 1638: 1634: 1632: 1628: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1612: 1606: 1602: 1598: 1596: 1590: 1587: 1584: 1579: 1577: 1573: 1567: 1565: 1560: 1553: 1545: 1540: 1536: 1526: 1523: 1521: 1516: 1512: 1508: 1505: 1501: 1497: 1492: 1490: 1484: 1478:UH-1H gunship 1476: 1471: 1461: 1459: 1453: 1450: 1447: 1444: 1440: 1438: 1434: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1415: 1410: 1405: 1399: 1396: 1391: 1389: 1384: 1379: 1377: 1371: 1369: 1365: 1359: 1352: 1344: 1336: 1327: 1324: 1320: 1316: 1310: 1308: 1304: 1300: 1295: 1292: 1289:fighters and 1288: 1284: 1280: 1279:Midway Island 1276: 1272: 1271:Richard Nixon 1267: 1263: 1260: 1251: 1246: 1236: 1233: 1232:CH–47 Chinook 1230:aircraft and 1228: 1227: 1221: 1216: 1215: 1209: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1189: 1185: 1180: 1179:Tet Offensive 1171: 1162: 1158: 1155: 1152: 1146: 1143: 1140: 1136: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1121: 1120:US Ambassador 1111: 1103: 1094: 1092: 1087: 1083: 1077: 1075: 1071: 1065: 1063: 1058: 1055: 1052: 1047: 1042: 1039: 1036: 1034: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1017: 1015: 1011: 1010:Nguyễn Cao Kỳ 1006: 998: 989: 985: 981: 979: 974: 970: 967: 964: 962: 958: 954: 950: 945: 943: 937: 934: 931: 928: 924: 920: 917: 913: 911: 907: 902: 894: 885: 882: 879: 876: 873: 871: 867: 866:Phạm Phú Quốc 863: 862:Nguyễn Văn Cử 858: 856: 851: 848: 845: 843: 833: 828: 818: 816: 811: 805: 803: 799: 795: 791: 786: 784: 781: 777: 773: 768: 765: 763: 758: 757:helicopters. 756: 752: 747: 745: 741: 737: 733: 730: 726: 722: 721:Ngo Dinh Diem 718: 712: 709: 706: 704: 698: 696: 692: 687: 685: 681: 676: 674: 669: 667: 663: 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5809:Mai Hữu Xuân 5784:Lê Nguyên Vỹ 5769:Lâm Văn Phát 5729:Dư Quốc Đống 5704:Cao Văn Viên 5666:January 1964 5644:and mutinies 5628:Tan Son Nhut 5510: 5273: 5251:. Retrieved 5226:. Retrieved 5171:. Retrieved 5139: 5133: 5121:. Retrieved 5111: 5092: 5086: 5064:. Retrieved 5019: 4981: 4942:. Retrieved 4893: 4853: 4846: 4827: 4821: 4788: 4755: 4749: 4716: 4665: 4658: 4625: 4504: 4473: 4431: 4396:. Retrieved 4389:the original 4370: 4305: 4299: 4276: 4218: 4100: 4094: 4074: 4068: 4053:Dirty thirty 3901:Boeing CH-47 3713:Cessna U-17A 3692:Douglas C-47 3678:observation 3671:O-1 Bird Dog 3640:AC-47 Spooky 3595:Northrop F-5 3526:UH-1D "Huey" 3508: 3369:Nguyễn Khánh 3338: 3327: 3323: 3319: 3235:C-7 Caribou 3168:O-1 Bird Dog 3144: 3131: 3043:T-28A Trojan 2997:Tan Son Nhut 2984: 2917:O-1 Bird Dog 2858: 2731:O-1 Bird Dog 2721:O-1 Bird Dog 2697: 2649: 2628:H-34 Choctaw 2609:O-1 Bird Dog 2585: 2488:Tan Son Nhut 2470:O-1 Bird Dog 2428: 2415: 2281:Air division 2058:Organization 2038: 2023: 2004: 1988: 1974: 1967: 1963: 1942: 1938: 1927: 1916: 1908: 1900:Cam Ranh Bay 1893: 1877: 1869: 1862: 1854: 1826: 1821: 1810: 1798: 1763: 1754: 1742: 1738: 1718: 1713: 1710: 1697: 1693: 1677:Cao Văn Viên 1664:Lear Siegler 1660: 1652: 1635: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1591: 1588: 1580: 1568: 1561: 1558: 1524: 1517: 1513: 1509: 1493: 1485: 1481: 1454: 1451: 1448: 1445: 1441: 1433:C-7 Caribous 1430: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1408: 1400: 1395:Melvin Laird 1392: 1380: 1378:, Cambodia. 1372: 1360: 1357: 1311: 1306: 1298: 1296: 1268: 1264: 1256: 1225: 1213: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1176: 1159: 1156: 1147: 1117: 1108: 1078: 1066: 1059: 1056: 1043: 1040: 1037: 1018: 1007: 1003: 986: 982: 975: 971: 968: 965: 948: 946: 938: 935: 932: 929: 925: 921: 918: 914: 903: 899: 883: 880: 877: 874: 859: 852: 849: 846: 838: 835:T-28 Trojans 806: 790:ARVN Rangers 787: 769: 766: 759: 748: 736:The Pentagon 713: 710: 707: 699: 688: 684:F8F Bearcats 677: 670: 655: 644: 640: 592: 562: 545: 541: 521: 517: 513: 511: 406:O-1 Bird Dog 228:Nguyễn Khánh 184: 132:Part of 49: 5979:Vũ Văn Giai 5799:Lữ Mộng Lan 5789:Lê Văn Hưng 5774:Lê Minh Đảo 5253:24 November 5228:30 November 5173:24 November 4048:Air America 3952:Cessna T-41 3932:Cessna T-37 3553:In service 3429:Đỗ Khắc Mai 3385:Trần Văn Hổ 3147:(Sư Đoàn 6) 3049:U-6A Beaver 2987:(Sư Đoàn 5) 2861:(Sư Đoàn 4) 2700:(Sư Đoàn 3) 2588:(Sư Đoàn 2) 2481:C-7 Caribou 2431:(Sư Đoàn 1) 2416:Air Command 2377:RVNAF units 2266:Air command 1909:During the 1889:M'Đrăk Pass 1746:Fiscal year 1701:Air Vietnam 1504:Edward Behr 1287:F–4 Phantom 613:during the 589:Antecedents 570:Vietnam War 548:), was the 474:C-7 Caribou 370:F8F Bearcat 203:Vietnam War 199:Engagements 165:Nickname(s) 151:Garrison/HQ 116:Air warfare 112:Air defense 6006:Categories 5804:Lý Tòng Bá 5794:Lê Văn Kim 5719:Đỗ Cao Trí 5541:Junk Force 5102:0786400277 4837:0939526107 4730:0912799285 4398:2019-05-15 4060:References 3830:Helicopter 3814:transport 3789:transport 3741:transport 3686:abandoned 3634:abandoned 3469:1965–1975 3454:1963–1965 3421:1962–1963 3407:1958–1962 3392:1956–1957 3347:Commanders 3288:UH-1 Huey 3265:T-6G Texan 3258:Nha Trang 2976:Binh Thuy 2950:Binh Thuy 2911:Binh Thuy 2684:Phan Rang 2673:Nha Trang 2292:Không đoàn 1946:T-54 tanks 1773:See also: 1496:Đỗ Cao Trí 526:Vietnamese 374:F-5A/B/C/E 351:Electronic 224:commanders 217:Commanders 5613:Phan Rang 5608:Nha Trang 5593:Binh Thuy 5581:Air bases 5511:Air Force 5427:Divisions 5282:0757-4169 4314:0143-5450 3837:Bell UH-1 3664:Transport 3650:/ attack 3541:Aircraft 3311:Personnel 3300:Bien Hoa 3297:Chế Tạo) 2990:(Saigon) 2962:Soc Trang 2875:Binh Thuy 2866:Binh Thuy 2810:Bien Hoa 2760:Bien Hoa 2713:Bien Hoa 2661:Phan Rang 2602:Nha Trang 2593:Nha Trang 2407:Squadron 2398:Division 2309:Liên đoàn 2285:2+ wings 1989:Skyraider 1987:VNAF A-1 1966:USS  1960:Aftermath 1884:Nha Trang 1833:Quang Tri 1797:USS  1655:ceasefire 1376:Prey Veng 1177:When the 1062:III Corps 1029:Quảng Khê 949:Farm Gate 888:1963-1964 821:1961-1962 815:Viet Cong 800:from the 637:1955-1960 609:with the 601:Lt. Col. 449:Transport 332:AC-119G/K 287:Fin Flash 275:Fin Flash 103:Air force 76:Disbanded 5697:officers 5598:Cam Ranh 5588:Bien Hoa 5504:Branches 5495:Airborne 5334:Archived 5322:Archived 5305:Archived 5123:18 March 4235:Archived 4231:80024547 3993:See also 3979:trainer 3959:trainer 3939:trainer 3844:utility 3793:C-123B/K 3602:fighter 3550:Variant 3505:Aircraft 3130:AC-119G 2705:Bien Hoa 2549:Da Nang 2505:Da Nang 2395:Command 2360:Phi tuần 2332:Squadron 2326:Phi đoàn 1837:Khe Sanh 1723:and the 1224:AC-119G 1186:and the 1027:base at 742:General 664:and one 289:(type 2) 246:Insignia 173:Motto(s) 5695:Notable 5633:Tuy Hoa 5618:Phù Cát 5603:Da Nang 5572:Rangers 3625:attack 3578:attack 3544:Origin 3451:(1965) 3207:Phu Cat 2648:AC-47D 2445:Da Nang 2436:Da Nang 2366:Section 2343:Phi đội 2275:Sư đoàn 1850:Route 1 1732:(VPAF) 1714:Spookys 1277:met on 1259:Johnson 817:(VC)." 595:Bảo Đại 584:History 552:of the 421:Trainer 365:Fighter 353:warfare 263:Roundel 222:Notable 84:Country 68:Founded 5814:Ngô Du 5724:Đỗ Mậu 5623:Pleiku 5490:Marine 5280:  5146:  5099:  5066:13 May 5026:  4988:  4944:14 May 4904:  4861:  4834:  4799:  4762:  4727:  4676:  4636:  4515:  4480:  4442:  4381:  4312:  4229:  4082:  3912:CH-47A 3810:Canada 3770:C-130B 3745:C-119G 3628:A-37B 3606:F-5A/E 3556:Notes 3363:Notes 3360:Dates 3161:Pleiku 3152:Pleiku 3132:Shadow 3115:C-130A 3061:RC-119 3046:EC-47D 3004:UH-1H 2650:Spooky 2423:Saigon 2381:": --> 2349:Flight 2039:Midway 2024:Midway 2005:Midway 1968:Midway 1841:Kontum 1822:Midway 1811:Midway 1799:Midway 1734:MiG–21 1619:CBU-55 1581:Under 1409:Shadow 1307:Spooky 1299:Spooky 1226:Shadow 1222:), an 1214:Spooky 1212:AC-47 1151:Napalm 942:VA-152 792:, the 534:French 381:Patrol 339:Bomber 307:Attack 159:Saigon 93:  5388:Corps 5060:(PDF) 4938:(PDF) 4898:(PDF) 4793:(PDF) 4721:(PDF) 4670:(PDF) 4630:(PDF) 4509:(PDF) 4436:(PDF) 4392:(PDF) 4375:(PDF) 4281:(PDF) 4238:(PDF) 4223:(PDF) 4003:Major 3848:UH-1H 3547:Type 3484:1975 3376:1955 3357:Rank 3354:Name 3222:UH-1 3180:UH-1 3076:UH-1 3034:C-47 3021:DC-6B 2956:UH-1 2898:UH-1 2882:UH-1 2792:UH-1 2766:UH-1 2668:UH-1 2639:UH-1 2631:UH-1 2619:UH-1 2541:UH-1 2404:Base 2401:Wing 2315:Group 1904:Dalat 1898:left 1074:C-119 1070:UH-1s 673:L-19s 662:C-45s 651:Hanoi 522:RVNAF 502:CH-47 486:C-130 482:C-123 478:C-119 398:RF-5A 358:EC-47 328:AC-47 181:March 5686:1966 5681:1965 5661:1963 5656:1962 5651:1960 5526:Navy 5516:Army 5278:ISSN 5255:2017 5230:2017 5175:2017 5144:ISBN 5125:2019 5097:ISBN 5068:2019 5024:ISBN 4986:ISBN 4946:2019 4902:ISBN 4859:ISBN 4832:ISBN 4797:ISBN 4760:ISBN 4725:ISBN 4674:ISBN 4634:ISBN 4513:ISBN 4478:ISBN 4440:ISBN 4379:ISBN 4310:ISSN 4227:LCCN 4080:ISBN 3893:223 3852:355 3818:C-7A 3725:100 3704:140 3683:319 3631:254 3610:191 3586:313 3582:A-1E 3285:T-37 3018:UH-1 3013:C-47 2512:UH-1 2383:edit 2298:Wing 2003:USS 1919:Mk81 1829:SA-2 1777:and 1769:1975 1758:T-37 1707:1974 1641:1973 1631:SA–7 1611:B–52 1537:and 1529:1972 1464:1971 1368:U-17 1330:1970 1273:and 1239:1969 1208:T–41 1165:1968 1114:1967 1097:1966 992:1965 755:H-19 727:and 666:L-26 546:VNAF 512:The 498:UH-1 494:H-34 490:H-19 470:DC-6 466:C-47 458:C-45 442:H-13 438:T-37 434:T-41 430:T-28 414:U-17 324:A-37 316:T-28 251:Flag 122:Size 108:Role 100:Type 79:1975 71:1955 5410:CMD 5405:III 3984:75 3964:42 3944:24 3916:70 3873:11 3822:55 3797:54 3774:34 3749:90 3655:23 3648:CAS 1051:F-5 695:Huế 544:or 492:, 426:T-6 320:A-1 6008:: 5485:25 5480:23 5475:22 5470:21 5465:18 5417:IV 5400:II 5238:^ 5183:^ 5158:^ 5048:^ 5000:^ 4964:^ 4926:^ 4883:^ 4774:^ 4698:^ 4537:^ 4492:^ 4464:^ 4417:^ 4322:^ 4256:^ 4233:. 4110:^ 3336:. 3154:) 2868:) 2707:) 2595:) 2438:) 2425:) 1835:. 1672:Gs 1460:. 1323:IV 1319:II 1190:. 944:. 764:. 697:. 675:. 668:. 653:. 536:: 532:; 528:: 524:; 500:, 496:, 488:, 484:, 480:, 476:, 472:, 468:, 464:, 460:, 456:, 440:, 436:, 432:, 428:, 412:, 408:, 404:, 400:, 372:, 330:, 326:, 322:, 318:, 314:, 157:, 5460:9 5455:7 5450:5 5445:3 5440:2 5435:1 5395:I 5366:e 5359:t 5352:v 5284:. 5257:. 5232:. 5177:. 5152:. 5127:. 5105:. 5081:. 5070:. 5043:. 5032:. 4994:. 4959:. 4948:. 4921:. 4910:. 4878:. 4867:. 4840:. 4816:. 4805:. 4768:. 4744:. 4733:. 4693:. 4682:. 4653:. 4642:. 4532:. 4521:. 4486:. 4459:. 4448:. 4412:. 4401:. 4316:. 4294:. 4251:. 4088:. 4009:. 3150:( 2864:( 2703:( 2591:( 2434:( 2421:( 2387:] 1315:I 520:( 38:. 20:)


Republic of Vietnam Air Force
"Republic of Vietnam" (South Vietnam)
Vietnam People's Air Force

Air defense
Air warfare
Republic of Vietnam Military Forces
Tan Son Nhut Air Base
Vietnam War
Cambodian Civil War
Laotian Civil War
Nguyễn Khánh
Nguyễn Xuân Vinh
Nguyễn Cao Kỳ
Trần Văn Minh

MD 315 Flamant
B-57 Canberra

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