
Saint Neot (monk)

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621: 878: 473: 648: 781:
feasted on the crops. The people ceased to go to church on Sundays, preferring to guard their crops. Neot saw this and he built a large compound of earth and granite and ordered the crows to gather in it every Sunday at the time of Liturgy: because people should hear the Word of God and because it was bad to harm the fields. The birds obeyed immediately and as long as the saint was alive they flew to the compound every Sunday and remained there till the end of the Holy Service. (There is a Roman or early British earthwork in Eynesbury connected with this miracle.)
496:. They did so, although at that time the marshy district was almost impenetrable. This event probably took place in 1003. The priory of Neotsbury, that is St Neots, was destroyed by the Danes in 1010. They were pagans and had no scruples about destroying religious relics. It is not known whether the Danes attempted the destruction of the first priory, but Young says that if they did so, the buildings were either repaired or rebuilt, since it is recorded that the bones of St Neot had been restored to the priory by 1020. 408:
essential to add prestige and status to their new priory; the objective was to attract pilgrims, and their money. This meant selecting a notable holy person as their patron, and Neot was their choice. The commercial possibilities would be even greater if some physical relics could be acquired, and legend has it that Leofric and Leofleda decided to acquire those of Neot. Legend continues that Neot's bones were stolen from Cornwall, and brought to Eynesbury where they were placed in a shrine at the priory.
516: 344:
for some time prostrate in prayer, imploring freedom from some severe disease with which he was afflicted. When he left, it was not long before the King was free of the illness. This was believed to be as a result of the holiness of the place in which his prayers had been offered. Neot seems not to have been in residence at the time of this visit by Alfred, and Whitaker says that the cure of Alfred's illness prompted Neot's adoption of the place as his residence.
333: 251: 3189: 675:, responsible for the general management of the building. The visitor knocked loudly, but he had arrived at a time when the occupants, including Neot, were taking a midday nap. Neot was eventually woken by the visitor's knocking, and went to open the door to him. It was approached from within by a step upwards, so that the lock was very high from the place where Neot could stand, and he could not reach it. 725:
liked to pray there, unobserved by others. He may have spoken his prayers while standing in the pond and washing himself. One day he was doing so, when he heard the approach of some horsemen; to avoid making contact with them, he hastened away to the dwelling where he lived, to complete his prayers. In his hurry to avoid the horsemen, he shed a sandal, and now he sent Barius to find it.
carelessness, and with indignation at the infidelity of their servant. Having armed themselves with such weapons as they could procure, they sought the fugitive among the neighbouring woods, hills and valleys. After much waste of time and fruitless labor, having obtained information respecting the road by which he had fled, a party of the principal inhabitants traced him to Eynesbury.
called a feretory. Anselm found all of Neot's bones inside, with the exception of one arm, which may have been pilfered by the Monks of Croyland. The bones were once again enclosed in the feretory, with the exception of one minor part, probably Neot's jawbone, which Anselm took with him on his return to Bec. The feretory was locked, and Anselm took the key with him as well.
324:, to seek instructions about his future. He evidently intended to withdraw further from the world, but the Pope dissuaded him from that course, and told him to return to Cornwall and to "scatter the word of God among the people". Neot returned to where he had been living and founded a monastery there, and gathered together some religious men, over whom he was made Abbot. 507:"In 1215 these pretended relics of Neot were removed by the Abbot Henry Longchamp, and were placed by an altar erected to his honor... As a proof of the futility of these claims, in 1295 Oliver Bp. of Lincoln issued a second Attestation, reciting the Testimonial of Abp. Anselm." The bones were not those of Neot, he affirmed, and Neot's remains were at St Neots. 500:
later years that Neot's remains were still at Croyland. The issue became so contentious that in 1078 or 1079 Bishop Anselm (soon afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury) visited the priory at St Neots and inspected the remains, and announced that they were indeed present there. Nevertheless the Abbot of Croyland continued to claim that his Abbey held them.
484:, and the remains lodged there, were secure. However after a few years a Danish attack on the area was anticipated, and for safety the relics, that is the remains of Neot, were transferred for safety to a place thought to be less susceptible to Danish attack. Lewina, a lady of Eynesbury and the sister of Osketul, the Abbot of Croyland (now 690:"The lock was lowered in consequence of St. Neot's distress....... Thus, what was left, as the consequence of a little alteration made, and a memorial of a little event in the life of the Saint, was shaped by the plastic imagination of devotees into the memorial of a miracle that had never been wrought." 636:, close to the area where King Alfred had hidden to escape Viking soldiers in AD 878. The jewel is made of gold with an enamel image under a rock crystal; it is thought to be the end of a pointer used to follow religious text when reading. The Old English inscription reads "Alfred ordered me to be made". 789:
The Church of St Neot stands in the village of St Neot, Cornwall. The church was built between 1425 and 1530, on a site where there had previously been an earlier church. It has a series of magnificent stained-glass windows depicting religious themes. One of them shows representations of the miracles
An angel, who loved to hover in hallowed places, and to breathe an atmosphere which was sanctified by the devotions of God's Saints, was present there invisibly and saw this thing, and he would not that such an one as St Neot should be molested even in so small a matter, so that he had sent the sleep
Later Neot fell very ill, and in despair his servant Barius decided to take two fishes out of the pond, and prepared them for Neot to eat. He boiled one and broiled (grilled) the other. When he took the cooked fish to Neot, he was alarmed, and told Barius to return them to the water instantly. He did
The next reported miracle took place at the place in Cornwall where Neot lived as a hermit, with Barius as his servant. God had placed three small fish in a pond nearby. Neot was a vegetarian, but he was told by an angel that he might take one fish daily to eat, but only one. He did so every day, and
He is thus distressed exceedingly, when at last, wonderful to be seen! the lock descends from its height to the level of his monastic sash... the lock remained thus low during a long time afterwards, for a witness to the mighty "miracle", being lowered assuredly in consequence of St. Neot's distress,
Although he had been a hermit, Neot farmed land at the monastery, and he used oxen to pull the plough. One night some thieves came and stole the oxen. There was a great herd of stags near the place and Neot ordered them to be yoked to the plough like oxen, to pull the plough. At the Saint's command,
Neot was alarmed, and anxiously inquired whence the two fishes came. Barius told his simple tale. "What hast thou done?" said the Hermit: "Lo! the favor of God deserts us; go instantly and restore these fishes to their element." While Barius was absent at the pool, Neot prostrated himself in earnest
Neot travelled from Glastonbury to live near a remote village in Cornwall; at the time the village was known as Hamstoke. The location Neot chose was surrounded by dense woodland in hilly terrain. Neot took with him one man, named Barius, as a servant. He spent seven years at this place; despite his
Neot had a wealthy neighbour, and one day his agricultural workers were bringing in the harvest on wagons. A strong wind developed, and it was so powerful that it drove the wagons and the oxen and men back to the field from which the corn had been taken. The harvest was unloaded for safety. As soon
The thieves heard of this miracle and went to Neot and asked for forgiveness, which he promptly granted to them. Realising that their life of crime was wicked, they asked to be admitted as monks, and they spent the rest of their lives in prayer. As the oxen had been returned to Neot by the thieves,
The writer Leland saw two non-bodily relics at St Neots in 1538: Neot's "interior vest" made of hair-cloth, "in the Irish manner", and a comb used by Neot, "made of a little bone of two fingers' breadth, into which were inserted small fishes' teeth, the whole having the appearance of a pike's jaw."
A century later, the subsequent Abbot of Croyland continued to claim that the remains were with him there, but widespread doubts were expressed and the chest which was claimed to contain Neot's remains was opened. It was found to contain a skull, the collar bones, the shoulder blades, some bones of
He is likely to have been given an Anglo-Saxon name by his parents, but this is not recorded. The word neophyte was commonly used at the time for individuals who had newly undertaken religious vows, and Gorham speculates that he might have been called "Neophytus", the Latin form of neophyte, at the
Once a great multitude of crows began to eat the crops and everything they could from the fields, damaging them greatly. People watched over their fields from Monday to Saturday and scared the crows away. However on Sunday the people went to church and the crows took advantage of their absence and
One day Neot was singing the psalms at the spring, when a doe was being chased by a huntsman's dogs. She came in terror to Neot and lay down at his feet, and by her anxious paintings implored his aid. The pursuing dogs wished to tear her into pieces, and approaching, they showed the signs of their
There is a natural spring a short distance to the west of the church in the Cornish village of St Neot. It is likely that this was the spring habitually used by Neot himself. It formed a small pond at the time, and Neot seems to have bathed in the pond. At the time it was a secluded spot, and Neot
Once again doubts surfaced about whether Neot's bones were indeed at St Neots Priory, and in 1078 or 1079 the Abbot of Bec came to St Neots to verify the matter. This was in fact Anselm, who had been appointed to the post of Abbot in 1078. Anselm examined the shrine, which was a portable container
The chapel at the Priory was soon consecrated in the presence of Ethelwolde, Bishop of Winchester, Æscwin, Bishop of Lincoln, Brithnod, Abbot of Ely, Earl Ægelwin, Ædric Pope, Ædelm Polga and many others. Earl Alric and Lady Ethelfleda entreated Abbot Brithnod and Bishop Æscwin that the foundation
The official Warden of Neot's shrine secretly decamped from Cornwall with the treasure with which he had been entrusted. He left Neot-Stoke on St Andrew's day, 30 November, he reached Eynesbury on 7 December. Neot's remains were kept in the residence of Earl Alric at Eynesbury for a short time, as
Whitaker had written that "When Neot died he was buried at the monastery. About sixty years after his death, about the year 936, his remains were taken inside, at first to a side-chapel, and then to the nave, while much of the monastery and the accompanying church were demolished and rebuilt." but
is said to have been a frequent visitor to Hamstoke (or Neotstoke) where Neot had withdrawn from his celebrity status at Glastonbury. In the year 867, Alfred was on a hunting expedition in the area; he turned aside to the Church at Ham-Stoke, where St Guerir was in residence. Alfred remained there
Contemporary records of Neot's life are scarce, and in many cases vague and self-contradictory. There are four surviving manuscripts which purport to describe his life, and writers in the last few centuries have arrived at different conclusions from them. The writer Asser was contemporaneous with
When peace was restored and Danish incursions were no longer expected, Neot's remains were transferred back to St Neots, where some rebuilding had taken place. The fame and attraction provided by possession of the remains of a saint were so powerful that the monks of Croyland falsely insisted in
Having refreshed his spirit by a participation of the emblems of his Saviour's death, like a faithful shepherd he addressed his own little flock. He exhorted them to live in peace, and spoke much of the means by which the salvation of the soul might be promoted. He then committed his soul to the
While Neot was absent from the spring, a fox was passing and discovered the lost shoe, and picked it up and ran off with it. "In order that the Saint might not be scandalized by so mean a thing, the fox was miraculously cast into a deep sleep, and died, having the thongs of the shoe in his vile
The figure depicted on the jewel was believed to be Saint Neot, and for that reason was adopted as the emblem for the Cambridgeshire town of St Neots. Neot is thought to have carried a palm before King Alfred's soldiers as they went into battle, and the figure seems to be holding a palm. Later
He was admired for his literary attainments by the other monks; and he was known for his humility and religious devotion. In addition to the religious observances prescribed by the monastery, he often awoke in the middle of the night and went to the chapel secretly to pray, in the disguise of a
In the meantime, the inhabitants of Neot-Stoke, having understood that the Warden was missing, and having suspected the fraud, flocked to the Shrine of their Saint to inspect the sacred Chest. On finding that their invaluable treasure was gone, they were filled with self-reproach at their own
About the year 975 a priory was founded in Eynesbury, close to the River Great Ouse in what is now Huntingdonshire. A nobleman and landowner named Leofric (alternatively Earl Alric) and his wife Leofleda (alternatively Countess Ethelfleda) were the creators of the priory on their land. It was
Neot's wish to do his additional devotional prayer privately shows that he wanted to avoid deriving pleasure from the approval of others. As Gorham puts it, "Under a strong feeling of the danger of popular applause, he determined to retire from this public station, and to lead the life of an
wish to avoid public attention, the tiny community of Hamstoke became known as Neotstoke or Neot-stow during this time. He lived as if he was a novice in religion; he macerated his body by fastings, by watchings, by prayers, because he had not lived hitherto in any hermitical strictness.
were in local control, and sent word to the Abbey of Bec, in Normandy, for monks to be sent; St Neots Priory became subject to the French Abbey. This took place about 1080 and was a most important step, for Bec was one of the leading intellectual and cultural centres of northern Europe.
He was buried in the Church which he himself had built, upon the site of the more ancient Chapel dedicated to St Guerir. Seven years later, a larger and more appropriate building had been made by the monks of Neotstoke, and Neot's body was reinterred at the north side of the altar.
prayer, till his servant returned with the intelligence that the fishes were disporting in the water as usual. He again went to the well (continues this fabulous narrative), and took only one fish; which the Hermit had no sooner tasted, than he was restored to perfect health!
With the monasteries being dissolved, and the Roman Catholic observances now being disparaged, the remains of Neot seem to have lost their significance. The Priory of St Neots was already in a poor physical condition, and when its associated lands were given by Henry VIII to
50: 383:
That was the date of his death and his "principal festival"; "Afterwards his festival was observed on October 28th, the day of the translation of his relics from Cornwall into Huntingdonshire, and he is still venerated on that day in the calendar of the Universal Church.
Neot but his work on Alfred the Great and available in translation throws only limited light on Neot. A so-called "interpolation" is associated with Asser's work; this was written by a different, anonymous writer, and this too is of limited value. The work entitled
as the rich man heard of the event, he considered it as a warning, sent for his sin. He hastened to the saint and begged pardon, and made a perpetual donation of money to the tenants of the saint, apparently liberating them from further obligation to work for him.
No sooner were the remains of Neot safely deposited at Eynesbury, than Earl Alric raised over them a Chapel, and converted the palace of Earl Elfrid into a Monastery which was dedicated to the Saint... In honor of the Saint the name of the place was changed to
took place and the priory and monastery at St Neots were probably destroyed. No further report is made of the location of Neot's remains to this day. He is remembered by the names of the town of St Neots and the Cornish village of St Neot; the parish church of
11. One of the robbers (who were terrified by the report of the foregoing miracle) bringing back the oxen to Neot, in consequence of whose instructions out of the book he is reading to him, the thief and his companions become monks, and enter the convent...
Young remarks that no-one knows what happened to the bones of St Neot after the Dissolution. They may have been seized and destroyed by King Henry's commissioners, who were ordered to remove all relics and other "superstitious" items from religious houses.
would have their protection, and that they would furnish it with monks. This was agreed to, and a Benedictine foundation was created, monks being sent from Ely and Thorney. Some land was given to the foundation, most of which was at Waresley and Gamlingay.
808:, as was his daily wont, with his feet immersed in his favourite well, rescues a doe from her hunter, who, struck with awe at the miracle which has preserved her from his dogs, is delivering up his horn to the saint, and afterwards turns monk himself... 415:
the Priory had not yet been constructed. The year of this event seems not to have been recorded, but must have been several years after Neot's death in 877 AD and well before the presumed destruction of the Eynesbury priory by the Danes in 1010 AD.
4. Neot receiving instructions from an angel, respecting three fishes which he shows him in his well. These instructions were, that so long as he took one, and only one, of the fishes for his daily food, the supply should never be diminished...
the stags all left their pasture and came to bow their necks under the yoke. They were yoked to the plough and pulled it every day. They returned to their usual pastures in the evening, but came back every morning for another day of ploughing.
Restoration of the stolen property having been in vain demanded, their rage became excessive. From bribes and threats, they were about to proceed to violence; and blood would have been shed, had not the royal authority interposed to quell this
After his journey to Rome and his return to Neotstoke, Neot now remained there for the rest of his life. In the year 877 he became ill with a progressive illness described as "langour" and sensing the approach of death, he took the
In a footnote on page 46, Gorham says that the name Neot-Stoke was only adopted after Neot's death. A possible explanation is that the name Neotstoke was used by pilgrims going to see him, but was only adopted by local people
A derivative of this fable developed later: there is supposed to be a stone opposite the south porch; Neot stood on it and threw the key towards the door; the key found its way into the keyhole and opened the door for him.
531:. This huge change of governance was accompanied by changes in religious authority, and the Priory of St Neots was seized by Gilbert Earl of Owe. The local monks were ejected and French monks installed. The son of Gilbert, 198:), and in order to increase the lucrative visits of pilgrims, Neot's remains were abstracted from Cornwall without permission, and lodged at Eynesbury. The anticipated public attention followed, and the district around the 347:
Later, when Neot was installed as Abbot, Alfred made several visits. Neot is said to have repeatedly rebuked the King for his unbridled ambition. He warned that Alfred might expect greater misfortunes from the Danish
6. Barius, anxious to suit his sick master’s taste, has here taken two fishes from the well, (which is seen behind with the third fish in it) and is boiling one in a vessel, and broiling the other on a gridiron...
he commanded the stags to return to their natural life, but their progeny bore a mark recording the event, "a ring of white like a yoke about their necks, and on that part of the neck which used to bear the yoke."
2. Neot kneeling, taking the vows as monk. The abbot, with the crosier in his hand, reading the vows to him, whilst a monk is covering his head with a cowl. Another monk, in a white dress, bears the holy oil...
fury in the loudness of their barking. However, when they saw the doe at the feet of St Neot, they ran away, as if they had been struck with a stick or a spear, and Neot commanded the doe to depart in safety.
266:. Neot's father was named Ethelwulph. In early life he was under pressure to become a soldier, but when he was old enough, he devoted himself instead to a religious life. As a young man therefore, he became a 796:
1. Neot resigning his crown to his younger brother, who is kneeling to receive it; whilst two attendants stand behind. In the background of this and all the other compartments, is seen his monastery...
St Neot's well is located a short distance to the west of the church at St Neot, Cornwall. Hope, writing in 1893, sais that "It was arched over by General Carlyon, having fallen in many years ago."
The huntsman was a noble gentleman; he went to Neot in submission and asked his advice on how he should conduct his life; and on Neot's instruction he too became a monk and joined the monastery.
In 1113 Rohaïs, now a widow, gave all her farmlands ("her entire manor") to the priory and its monks. In 1409 the Priory was removed from the control of the French Abbey in a process called
and monastery became known as St Neots: that is the name of the chief town there now. Controversy arose later as to whether Neot's remains were truly at the Priory, but this was confirmed by
Several writers believe the location to have been near the present-day Waitrose supermarket, but Young believes it was near the crossroads formed by Cambridge Street and Huntingdon Street.
8. Barius, sent back by the saint, in alarm at his having transgressed the angel's instructions, throwing the two fish again into the well, where they are immediately restored to life...
studies suggested that it depicts Christ, or alternatively the abstract idea of insight, inspired by the reading of religious works. The jewel is now part of the collection in the
601:. In 1589 the stones in the ruins of the Priory were used for construction of the new bridge over the nearby River Great Ouse. No trace of the existence of the buildings remained. 460:, on the north side of the present-day town of St Neots. The priory was located in the space between the present-day Priory Lane and Tan Yard, on the bank of the River Great Ouse. 581:(or Suppression of the Monasteries), in which the lands and property of monasteries were appropriated to the state. There were about 900 religious houses in England at the time. 684:
Whitaker asserts that in reality, Neot fetched an iron stool, enabling him to reach the lock, and left it there for later use. This is how the lock "lowered" for Neot to reach.
The monastery that Neot had founded declined in importance after his death, and in fact the lands were later seized by the Earl of Morton. It is likely that in the reign of
There is no record of the fate of the shrine (feretory) of St Neot. The jawbone of Neot, taken by Anselm to Bec, was last recorded there in 1680, and it too has been lost.
monastery by monks who noticed his application to religiosity. In time, this might have been abbreviated to "Neotus", the Latin form of the name by which we know him now.
2587: 3010: 411:
The priory structure was wooden, located in what is now St Neots, but at that time was considered to be part of Eynesbury. The locality already had a small population.
are said to have taken place involving him. Neot died on 31 July 877. His remains were kept at the monastery he had founded, and they attracted considerable numbers of
1992: 2582: 2336: 852:
Along the bottom of the window runs the following inscription (in Latin): At the cost of the young men of this parish of St. Neot, who erected this window, A.D. 1528.
3000: 2838: 2426: 885:
There are no physical remains known of St Neot. He is remembered by the name of the large town of St Neots in Cambridgeshire and the village of St Neot in Cornwall.
10. A man and boy ploughing the ground with four stags, which, at the saint’s prayers, came and offered themselves tamely to the yoke, in lieu of the stolen oxen...
2351: 2391: 2592: 584:
St Neots Priory was surrendered to the King on 21 December 1539. There were a prior and seven monks in residence. The Priory had no further religious activity.
3105: 2416: 737:
of death upon the fox, and Barius when he came there found him dead —- arrested at the instant of his theft —- yet holding the thongs of the shoe in his mouth.
2541: 2158: 2087: 2082: 2077: 2381: 2361: 2376: 2224: 938:
Whitaker says that Neot was the brother of King Alfred, but this is not generally supported. Whitaker had committed himself with the title of his book.
in some less frequented spot". An anchoret (or anchorite) is someone who retires from ordinary life, and lives in seclusion for religious reasons.
2717: 418:
Stevenson in reviewing the work of other historians states in passing, "The date of the transference was, however, not 974, but about 1000."
He did so, and because of his devotional qualities, he became famous, and attracted large numbers of pilgrims, and with them money. A number of
2295: 1858: 2511: 2183: 915:
is so-called only because the writer Leland met with a copy of the work at the priory of St Neots, and hence bestowed upon it the title
2446: 2310: 2052: 2027: 2466: 2471: 370:
mercy of the Almighty, and (stretching forth his hands towards heaven) breathed out his spirit in the midst of psalmody and prayers.
3005: 2188: 1064:
Some writers say that he did so immersed up to his neck, but this is not supported by serious sources, and hardly seems plausible.
3110: 899:
There is a holy well dedicated to Neot about half a mile north of Poundstock church. A well house was constructed there in 1914.
2980: 2737: 3229: 732:
A writer in the Catholic Layman tells us that an angel was involved: when the fox saw the shoe and decided to take it away:
Neot is said to have been involved in several miraculous events, although these are not universally supported as accurate.
2602: 3239: 886: 729:
mouth." Barius found the shoe and took it to Neot, who made him promise never to tell the story during Neot's lifetime.
889:, Cornwall, was dedicated to him from medieval times until 1970, when it reverted to its original dedication to Saint 793:
Grylls describes them in detail; writing in 1844 he says that "they have all been restored as they originally stood":
1803: 1609: 1324: 1303: 1095:
The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St Neot's in Huntingdonshire and of St. Neot's in the County of Cornwall
594: 816:
5. The saint, sick in his bed, ordering his servant Barius to bring him one of the fish for his dinner, as usual...
3219: 1851: 1055:"Vile" seems a strong word; at the time when this was written, foxes were considered to be wicked, cunning and sly. 655:
A mosaic based on the design of the jewel is inset into the pavement of the Market Square in the town of St Neots.
sided with Leofric and Leofleda, and actually sent soldiers to ensure that the Cornishmen went home, empty-handed.
in the following mornings Neot found that there were still three fish: the fish that had been taken was restored.
1097:, Harding, Mavor and Lepard, London, 1824, pages 22 to 26; apostrophes in the town names are printed in the book. 710:
The language of Gorham, translating an ancient manuscript, is more poetic; when Barius brought him the two fish:
Gorham thinks that, afterwards, the door lock was permanently lowered by the more worldly agency of a carpenter:
Neot was small of stature: four feet tall. An important visitor arrived at Glastonbury church, of which Neot was
1982: 966:
The monastery was referred to at the time as a convent; the word referred to holy establishments for either sex.
2521: 2386: 578: 560: 226: 115: 569:
brought about a rupture between the church in England and the Roman Catholic religion, resulting in the first
3234: 3214: 2285: 2265: 848:, or holy-water sprinkle, in his right hand, and his staff, surmounted by the triple cross, in the left... 160:. He preferred to perform his religious devotions privately, and he later went to live an isolated life in 1987: 620: 2812: 1844: 2577: 285:
penitent, returning at dawn to continue the ordinary monastic routine. In due course he was admitted to
3224: 3179: 3120: 2853: 1867: 2990: 577:
and rejecting the authority of the Pope. From 1536 Henry instituted a series of processes called the
472: 191: 2955: 2341: 877: 861:
Neot is venerated in the Orthodox church. His saint's day in that church is there is 31 July in the
2970: 2072: 551:. An Englishman, Edward Salisbury was appointed Prior, and only English monks were to be admitted. 300:
It was while he was at Glastonbury that the miracle of the door lock, described below, took place.
2985: 2960: 2331: 1338:
Asser’s Life of King Alfred Together with the Annals of Saint Neots Erroneously Ascribed to Asser
3015: 2833: 2722: 2702: 2692: 2677: 2280: 1783:
Asser's Life of King Alfred together with the Annals of Saint Neots erroneously ascribed to Asser
1757: 90: 2123: 2002: 2878: 2863: 2697: 2572: 2461: 2366: 2229: 492:. She sent a message to Osketul asking him to come with a force of monks to take the relics to 352:) invasions. Alfred had failed, Neot said, to attend to his people's complaints and petitions. 235: 3130: 3045: 2777: 2622: 2607: 2516: 2431: 1906: 647: 528: 396: 297:
from all parts of the country, who went to Glastonbury to receive the benefit of his wisdom.
82: 2597: 2562: 2346: 2255: 3209: 3135: 3065: 2919: 2858: 2707: 2421: 2209: 2047: 598: 532: 203: 168:. His wisdom and religious dedication earned him admiration from the monks. He visited the 2950: 2945: 2260: 1728: 8: 3055: 2893: 2501: 2411: 2406: 2042: 2037: 1921: 1891: 399:
the building was demolished entirely. No trace of it remains, nor is the location known.
2965: 2567: 2326: 3161: 3050: 3025: 2898: 2712: 2612: 2506: 2371: 2017: 1941: 1012: 866: 436: 124: 86: 1834:, vol. 17, edited by David Dumville and Michael Lapidge, D S Brewer, Cambridge, 1985. 3151: 3070: 2732: 2496: 2168: 2032: 2022: 1799: 1605: 1320: 1299: 975:
Guerir's name is spelt in many different ways by different writers, including Gueryr.
In this Knowledge article, archaic spellings have been retained in quoted passages.
574: 570: 234:
in Cornwall was also dedicated to him until 1970. The parish church in St Neot has a
165: 157: 105: 20: 2940: 2138: 1046:
Usually referred to as a "cell" but this usage is unfamiliar to many modern readers.
so, and as soon as the fish reached the water they revived and began to swim about.
3075: 2888: 2868: 2762: 2617: 2441: 2107: 641: 457: 340: 254:
St Neot, as depicted on a stained-glass window at the village of St Neot, Cornwall
3060: 2782: 2747: 2637: 2270: 2193: 2067: 2057: 862: 841: 524: 215: 110: 1836: 402: 332: 2727: 2662: 2557: 2356: 2219: 2163: 536: 515: 493: 19:
This article is about the ninth century monk. For the village in Cornwall, see
1997: 3203: 3193: 2092: 1961: 1951: 1926: 1716:
Descriptive Sketch of the windows of St. Neot Church in Cornwall as Restored
Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources
1298:, Phillimore and Co Ltd, Chichester, 1978, reprinted with corrections 1984, 2848: 2652: 2396: 1881: 1546: 984:
Tebbutt calls them Leofric and Leoflaed, and the settlement Ernulph's Bury.
134: 1573:
Whitaker, quoting and translating Ramsay's Latin text of the 12th century.
1251:, in Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1902-1903, page 354 2456: 2012: 1896: 845: 286: 277:
Abbey, about the middle of the ninth century. He was extremely studious.
274: 214:, which was the superior institution to Eynesbury and St Neots after the 195: 2975: 2914: 2234: 1703: 3095: 2742: 2632: 2436: 2250: 566: 548: 489: 250: 231: 222: 3115: 2531: 1236: 830:
9. A thief driving away the saint's oxen from before the monastery...
of the Abbey. The fame of his scholarship and devotion attracted many
3020: 2802: 2687: 2672: 2647: 2451: 2401: 2275: 2128: 1146:, published by John Joseph Stockdale, London, 1809, pages 108 and 109 1144:
The Life of Saint Neot, the Oldest of All the Brothers to King Alfred
672: 362: 310: 290: 239: 207: 173: 823:
7. Barius bringing the two fishes on a dish to his master in bed...
3156: 3090: 3035: 3030: 2883: 2797: 2792: 2772: 2682: 2642: 2526: 2486: 2481: 2476: 2305: 2300: 2290: 2178: 2102: 2097: 1966: 890: 633: 629: 485: 481: 380:
However Skeat gives his day as October 28. and Saunders explains:
211: 161: 24: 3100: 947:
Various writers have spelt this Fidulf, Eldulf, Edulph and Adulph.
royal house, in the first half of the ninth century, somewhere in
3125: 3080: 3040: 2995: 2843: 2817: 2807: 2787: 2657: 2536: 1916: 1911: 805: 349: 294: 184: 180: 2924: 2873: 2752: 2491: 2214: 2173: 2133: 1901: 1886: 267: 263: 259: 199: 99: 60: 1758:
1340:, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1904, Stevenson's Note 66, page cii 784: 527:
took place in 1066, and England became subject to the rule of
The chapel and monastery were located on the east bank of the
3166: 2767: 2007: 1956: 1936: 1931: 844:
blessings who wears the papal crown and robes, and holds the
Eynesbury Priory founded and Neot's remains transferred there
152:. Born in the first half of the ninth century, he lived as a 36: 1727:
Cornish Historic Churches Trust: Poundstock, St Winwaloe at
49: 3085: 2757: 2667: 2627: 2062: 1641:, in the Catholic Layman (periodical), 17 June 1858 page 64 510: 321: 270: 169: 153: 149: 64: 488:), arranged for the relics to be taken to her property at 775: 1772:; the original manuscript was destroyed by fire in 1722 1729:
Both wells may be seen by a simple search on Youtube.
When seven years had passed, Neot visited the Pope in
3177: 1828:
The Annals of St Neots with Vita Primi Sancti Neoti
1264:, Simkin, Marsahll & Co, London, 1888, page 187 392:Gorham, writing later, decidedly contradicts that. 1832:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition 680:continuing lowered long after St. Neot was gone... 1866: 554: 3201: 1296:St. Neots: the History of a Huntingdonshire Town 1741:The Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England 1702:, in Orthodox Christianity, 13 August 2015, at 336:Alfred the Great as imagined by George S Stuart 1746: 377:31 July is widely quoted as his Saint's Day. 1852: 1560: 1558: 1556: 1554: 1319:, Phillimore & Co Ltd, Chichester, 1996, 1138: 1136: 754: 741: 480:It appeared that the future of the Priory at 1809: 1504: 1502: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1404: 1386: 1281: 1279: 1267: 1213: 1211: 1209: 1207: 1195: 1188: 1186: 1158: 785:Stained-glass window depicting the miracles 1859: 1845: 1775: 1718:, Nettleton, Plymouth, 1844, pages 8 to 11 1680: 1662: 1644: 1585: 1551: 1516: 1514: 1149: 1133: 1126: 1124: 1105: 1103: 1033:Gorham's spelling; the modern spelling is 856: 719: 573:, making Henry supreme authority over the 218:. Anselm took Neot's jawbone back to Bec. 48: 1536: 1357: 1355: 1330: 1262:Legends and Traditions of Huntingdonshire 905: 697: 258:Neot was born into a minor branch of the 1721: 1671: 1653: 1623: 1614: 1594: 1576: 1547: 1533:, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1901, page 29 1499: 1490: 1481: 1463: 1449: 1431: 1422: 1395: 1377: 1343: 1288: 1276: 1254: 1220: 1204: 1183: 876: 646: 628:The Alfred Jewel was found in 1693 near 619: 519:The Abbey of Notre-Dame in Bec, Normandy 514: 511:Adoption of the Priory by a French Abbey 471: 467: 331: 249: 190:About 975 AD a monastery was founded at 1708: 1694: 1692: 1511: 1472: 1440: 1413: 1368: 1121: 1112: 1100: 1087: 624:King Alfred’s Jewel—front, enamel, back 327: 172:in Rome, who instructed him to found a 3202: 1798:, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1983, 1788: 1632: 1567: 1352: 1172: 1170: 865:, which is 13 August according in the 776:The crows respect the Sabbath services 23:. For the town in Cambridgeshire, see 1840: 1762: 1704: 1531:The Alfred Jewel: an Historical Essay 1523: 1309: 1241: 1229: 1024:Anselm was actually Italian by birth. 666: 1754:The Holy Well of St Neot, Poundstock 1733: 1689: 766: 587: 303: 16:9th-century Christian monk and saint 1237: 1167: 615: 442: 238:window depicting the miracles. His 13: 1822: 1794:Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge, 1604:, Bossiney Books, St Teath, 1984, 1249:The Place-Names of Huntingdonshire 148:(died 31 July 877) was an English 14: 3251: 421:Returning to events at the time: 3187: 2568:Æbbe "the Younger" of Coldingham 887:St Winwaloe's Church, Poundstock 881:St Winwaloe's Church, Poundstock 504:the thorax, and the leg bones. 476:View of St Neot Church, Cornwall 3111:Hwita of Whitchurch Canonicorum 1785:, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1904 1067: 1058: 1049: 1040: 1027: 1018: 1005: 996: 987: 978: 969: 960: 355: 2563:Æbbe "the Elder" of Coldingham 1639:Ecclesiastical Miracles No. II 1235:Catholic Saints Info: Neot at 950: 941: 932: 579:Dissolution of the Monasteries 561:Dissolution of the Monasteries 555:Dissolution of the monasteries 227:Dissolution of the Monasteries 164:, near the village now called 1: 1868:Saints of Anglo-Saxon England 1080: 840:12. Neot kneeling to receive 245: 3230:9th-century Christian saints 2286:Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet 1752:Discover Christian England: 194:(in what is now the town of 7: 2743:Eosterwine of Monkwearmouth 2251:Æbbe of Thanet (Domne Eafe) 1410:Whitaker, pages 280 and 281 1178:Histoire de l'Abbaye du Bec 917:Chronicon Fani Sancti Neoti 658: 10: 3256: 3240:Burials in Huntingdonshire 2854:Florentius of Peterborough 2673:Ceolfrith of Monkwearmouth 1700:Venerable Neot of Cornwall 1164:Whitaker, pages 123 to 125 755:Hunting dogs were repelled 742:The deer pulled the plough 558: 206:, the Prior of the French 18: 3144: 3011:Beorhthelm of Shaftesbury 2933: 2907: 2826: 2793:Sigfrith of Monkwearmouth 2550: 2402:Cyneswith of Peterborough 2319: 2243: 2202: 2147: 2116: 1988:Æthelburh of Faremoutiers 1983:Æthelberht of East Anglia 1975: 1874: 1668:Whitaker, pages 59 and 60 1564:Whitaker, pages 42 to 46. 1073:Formerly Huntingdonshire. 872: 221:During the reign of King 133: 123: 96: 78: 70: 59: 47: 34: 3096:Frithestan of Winchester 3081:Earmund of Stoke Fleming 2648:Billfrith of Lindisfarne 2603:Æthelwold of Lindisfarne 2512:Regenhere of Northampton 2073:Sigeberht of East Anglia 2028:Cuthbald of Peterborough 1686:Whitaker, pages 64 to 66 1650:Whitaker, pages 51 to 54 1602:100 Years on Bodmin Moor 1591:Whitaker, pages 47 to 50 1180:, Évreux, 1901, page 453 922: 571:Act of Supremacy of 1534 374:He died on 31 July 877. 289:, and later he was made 208:Abbey of our Lady of Bec 3220:Medieval Cornish saints 3167:Urith of Chittlehampton 3121:Margaret of Dunfermline 3016:Beornstan of Winchester 3001:Benignus of Glastonbury 2991:Æthelwold of Winchester 2981:Æthelnoth of Canterbury 2839:Firmin of North Crawley 2834:Augustine of Canterbury 2723:Eardwulf of Northumbria 2703:Eadfrith of Lindisfarne 2693:Eadberht of Lindisfarne 2678:Ceolwulf of Northumbria 2588:Æthelgyth of Coldingham 2427:Eadweard of Maugersbury 2281:Deusdedit of Canterbury 2276:Berhtwald of Canterbury 1677:Gorham, pages 35 and 36 1659:Gorham, pages 36 and 37 1629:Gorham, pages 34 and 35 1620:Gorham, pages 32 and 33 1383:Gorham, pages 53 and 54 1365:, St Neots Museum, 2018 1349:Gorham, pages 52 and 53 1192:Gorham, pages 37 and 38 1118:Gorham, pages 31 and 32 1109:Gorham, pages 27 and 28 857:Eastern Orthodox Church 720:A fox stole Neot's shoe 91:Eastern Orthodox Church 3157:Juthwara of Sherbourne 3126:Swithhun of Winchester 3066:Eadweard the Confessor 2976:Æthelgar of Canterbury 2956:Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury 2899:Theodore of Canterbury 2884:Mellitus of Canterbury 2879:Laurence of Canterbury 2864:Honorius of Canterbury 2708:Eadwine of Northumbria 2698:Eadfrith of Leominster 2578:Ælfwald of Northumbria 2462:Frithuwold of Chertsey 2397:Cynehelm of Winchcombe 2392:Cyneburh of Gloucester 2367:Beorhthelm of Stafford 2342:Æthelmod of Leominster 2306:Nothhelm of Canterbury 2291:Eanswith of Folkestone 2230:Indract of Glastonbury 2053:Hiurmine of Blythburgh 2033:Eadmund of East Anglia 1952:Patrick of Glastonbury 1582:Gorham, pages 30 to 32 1508:Gorham, pages 89 to 92 1469:Gorham, pages 63 to 68 1437:Gorham, pages 61 to 63 1428:Gorham, pages 56 to 58 1361:Liz Davies (curator), 1285:Gorham, pages 48 to 52 1260:W H Bernard Saunders, 1130:Gorham, pages 28 to 30 906:The Annals of St Neots 882: 854: 739: 717: 698:The perpetual fishpond 682: 652: 625: 520: 477: 454: 434: 428: 372: 337: 255: 236:medieval stained glass 3131:Wulfsige of Sherborne 3056:Eadgyth of Polesworth 3046:Eadburh of Winchester 3041:Dunstan of Canterbury 2986:Æthelwine of Athelney 2966:Ælfheah of Winchester 2961:Ælfheah of Canterbury 2925:Lewina of Bishopstone 2915:Cuthflæd of Lyminster 2859:Hadrian of Canterbury 2844:Birinus of Dorchester 2783:Oswine of Northumbria 2778:Oswald of Northumbria 2623:Balthere of Tyningham 2608:Alchhild of Middleham 2583:Æthelburh of Hackness 2517:Rumbold of Buckingham 2457:Frithuswith of Oxford 2432:Ealdgyth of Stortford 2417:Eadburh of Southwell 2337:Æthelberht of Bedford 2332:Ælfthryth of Crowland 2271:Albinus of Canterbury 2235:Maildub of Malmesbury 2179:Grimbald of St Bertin 1907:Congar of Congresbury 1897:Branwalator of Milton 1770:King Alfred the Great 1247:Professor W W Skeat, 1002:Edgar died in 975 AD. 880: 850: 804:3. Neot, reading his 790:connected with Neot. 734: 712: 677: 650: 623: 529:William the Conqueror 518: 475: 468:Removal of the relics 449: 429: 423: 397:William the Conqueror 367: 335: 253: 83:Roman Catholic Church 3136:Wulfthryth of Wilton 3106:Humbert of Stokenham 3036:Cwenburh of Wimborne 3021:Beornwald of Bampton 2996:Aldhelm of Sherborne 2920:Cuthmann of Steyning 2874:Justus of Canterbury 2688:Dryhthelm of Melrose 2643:Bercthun of Beverley 2452:Frithuric of Breedon 2437:Earconwald of London 2422:Eadgyth of Aylesbury 2352:Æthelwynn of Sodbury 2296:Eormengyth of Thanet 2210:Aidan of Lindisfarne 2129:Hildelith of Barking 2124:Æthelburh of Barking 2048:Herefrith of Thorney 2003:Æthelwine of Lindsey 1937:Melorius of Amesbury 595:Sir Richard Williams 533:Richard fitz Gilbert 328:King Alfred's visits 139:Patron saint of Fish 3235:Burials in Cornwall 3215:Angelic visionaries 3101:Hædde of Winchester 3071:Eadweard the Martyr 3031:Cuthburh of Wimborn 2971:Æthelflæd of Romsey 2894:Peter of Canterbury 2773:Osthryth of Bardney 2663:Ceadda of Lichfield 2542:Wulfhild of Barking 2527:Werburgh of Chester 2502:Oswald of Worcester 2492:Milred of Worcester 2477:Mildburh of Wenlock 2467:Hæmma of Leominster 2412:Eadburh of Pershore 2407:Eadburh of Bicester 2194:Wulfram of Grantham 2184:Monegunda of Watton 2093:Walstan of Bawburgh 2083:Torthred of Thorney 2043:Guthlac of Crowland 1993:Æthelflæd of Ramsey 1932:Judoc of Winchester 1922:Elfin of Warrington 1892:Brannoc of Braunton 3162:Rumbold of Mechlin 3026:Centwine of Wessex 3006:Beocca of Chertsey 2808:Wilfrith of Hexham 2803:Wihtberht of Ripon 2713:Ealdberht of Ripon 2683:Cuthbert of Durham 2613:Alchmund of Hexham 2598:Æthelwold of Farne 2593:Æthelsige of Ripon 2507:Osburh of Coventry 2487:Mildrith of Thanet 2447:Freomund of Mercia 2387:Cyneburh of Castor 2372:Coenwulf of Mercia 2347:Æthelred of Mercia 2311:Sigeburh of Thanet 2301:Mildrith of Thanet 2261:Æthelburh of Kent 2256:Æthelberht of Kent 2203:Irish and Scottish 2159:Balthild of Romsey 2078:Tancred of Thorney 2018:Botwulf of Thorney 2008:Athwulf of Thorney 1998:Æthelthryth of Ely 1967:Sativola of Exeter 1957:Rumon of Tavistock 1942:Nectan of Hartland 1917:Decuman of Watchet 1815:Stevenson, page 98 1714:Rev Henry Grylls, 1392:Whitaker, page 278 1273:Whitaker, page 208 1201:Whitaker, page 274 1155:Whitaker, page 112 1013:Henry de Longchamp 913:Annals of St Neots 883: 867:Gregorian calendar 667:The high door lock 653: 626: 521: 478: 338: 256: 87:Anglican Communion 3225:West Saxon saints 3175: 3174: 3152:Arilda of Oldbury 3116:Mærwynn of Romsey 3061:Eadgyth of Wilton 3051:Eadgar of England 2951:Ælfgifu of Exeter 2946:Ælfgar of Selwood 2798:Tatberht of Ripon 2733:Ecgberht of Ripon 2668:Cedd of Lichfield 2573:Ælfflæd of Whitby 2537:Wigstan of Repton 2497:Oda of Canterbury 2382:Credan of Evesham 2362:Beonna of Breedon 2215:Boisil of Melrose 2189:Odwulf of Evesham 2038:Eadnoth of Ramsey 2023:Cissa of Crowland 1912:Dachuna of Bodmin 1887:Barloc of Norbury 1743:, Cambridge, 1893 767:The powerful wind 588:Relics of St Neot 575:Church of England 304:Becoming a hermit 158:Glastonbury Abbey 143: 142: 106:St Neot, Cornwall 79:Venerated in 21:St Neot, Cornwall 3247: 3192: 3191: 3190: 3183: 3086:Edor of Chertsey 3076:Eadwold of Cerne 2941:Æbbe of Abingdon 2889:Paulinus of York 2869:James the Deacon 2818:Wilgils of Ripon 2788:Sicgred of Ripon 2763:John of Beverley 2658:Botwine of Ripon 2633:Bega of Copeland 2618:Alkmund of Derby 2442:Egwin of Evesham 2377:Cotta of Breedon 2327:Ælfnoth of Stowe 2266:Æthelred of Kent 2225:Ultan the Scribe 2174:Helier of Jersey 2108:Wulfric of Holme 2013:Blida of Martham 1947:Neot of Cornwall 1902:Credan of Bodmin 1882:Aldate of Oxford 1861: 1854: 1847: 1838: 1837: 1816: 1813: 1807: 1792: 1786: 1779: 1773: 1766: 1760: 1750: 1744: 1737: 1731: 1725: 1719: 1712: 1706: 1696: 1687: 1684: 1678: 1675: 1669: 1666: 1660: 1657: 1651: 1648: 1642: 1636: 1630: 1627: 1621: 1618: 1612: 1598: 1592: 1589: 1583: 1580: 1574: 1571: 1565: 1562: 1549: 1543:The Alfred Jewel 1540: 1534: 1527: 1521: 1518: 1509: 1506: 1497: 1494: 1488: 1485: 1479: 1476: 1470: 1467: 1461: 1458: 1447: 1444: 1438: 1435: 1429: 1426: 1420: 1417: 1411: 1408: 1402: 1399: 1393: 1390: 1384: 1381: 1375: 1372: 1366: 1363:Who was St Neot? 1359: 1350: 1347: 1341: 1334: 1328: 1313: 1307: 1292: 1286: 1283: 1274: 1271: 1265: 1258: 1252: 1245: 1239: 1233: 1227: 1224: 1218: 1215: 1202: 1199: 1193: 1190: 1181: 1174: 1165: 1162: 1156: 1153: 1147: 1140: 1131: 1128: 1119: 1116: 1110: 1107: 1098: 1091: 1074: 1071: 1065: 1062: 1056: 1053: 1047: 1044: 1038: 1031: 1025: 1022: 1016: 1009: 1003: 1000: 994: 991: 985: 982: 976: 973: 967: 964: 958: 954: 948: 945: 939: 936: 642:Ashmolean Museum 616:The Alfred Jewel 458:River Great Ouse 443:Eynesbury Priory 102: 52: 32: 31: 3255: 3254: 3250: 3249: 3248: 3246: 3245: 3244: 3200: 3199: 3198: 3188: 3186: 3178: 3176: 3171: 3140: 2929: 2903: 2822: 2768:Osana of Howden 2748:Hilda of Whitby 2638:Benedict Biscop 2546: 2522:Tibba of Ryhall 2315: 2239: 2198: 2169:Felix of Dommoc 2151: 2149: 2143: 2139:Sæbbi of London 2112: 2103:Wihtburh of Ely 2088:Tova of Thorney 2068:Seaxburh of Ely 2063:Pega of Peakirk 2058:Huna of Thorney 1971: 1875:British / Welsh 1870: 1865: 1825: 1823:Further reading 1820: 1819: 1814: 1810: 1793: 1789: 1781:W H Stevenson, 1780: 1776: 1767: 1763: 1751: 1747: 1738: 1734: 1726: 1722: 1713: 1709: 1697: 1690: 1685: 1681: 1676: 1672: 1667: 1663: 1658: 1654: 1649: 1645: 1637: 1633: 1628: 1624: 1619: 1615: 1599: 1595: 1590: 1586: 1581: 1577: 1572: 1568: 1563: 1552: 1541: 1537: 1528: 1524: 1519: 1512: 1507: 1500: 1496:Gorham, page 87 1495: 1491: 1487:Gorham, page 84 1486: 1482: 1477: 1473: 1468: 1464: 1460:Tebbutt, page 9 1459: 1450: 1445: 1441: 1436: 1432: 1427: 1423: 1418: 1414: 1409: 1405: 1401:Gorham, page 60 1400: 1396: 1391: 1387: 1382: 1378: 1373: 1369: 1360: 1353: 1348: 1344: 1336:W H Stevenson, 1335: 1331: 1314: 1310: 1306:, pages 7 and 8 1293: 1289: 1284: 1277: 1272: 1268: 1259: 1255: 1246: 1242: 1234: 1230: 1226:Gorham, page 44 1225: 1221: 1217:Gorham, page 46 1216: 1205: 1200: 1196: 1191: 1184: 1175: 1168: 1163: 1159: 1154: 1150: 1142:John Whitaker, 1141: 1134: 1129: 1122: 1117: 1113: 1108: 1101: 1092: 1088: 1083: 1078: 1077: 1072: 1068: 1063: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1045: 1041: 1032: 1028: 1023: 1019: 1010: 1006: 1001: 997: 992: 988: 983: 979: 974: 970: 965: 961: 955: 951: 946: 942: 937: 933: 925: 908: 875: 863:Julian calendar 859: 829: 815: 787: 778: 769: 757: 744: 722: 700: 669: 661: 618: 590: 563: 557: 525:Norman Conquest 513: 470: 445: 405: 358: 330: 306: 248: 216:Norman Conquest 111:St Neots Priory 109: 97: 89: 85: 55: 43: 40: 39: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 3253: 3243: 3242: 3237: 3232: 3227: 3222: 3217: 3212: 3197: 3196: 3173: 3172: 3170: 3169: 3164: 3159: 3154: 3148: 3146: 3145:Unclear origin 3142: 3141: 3139: 3138: 3133: 3128: 3123: 3118: 3113: 3108: 3103: 3098: 3093: 3088: 3083: 3078: 3073: 3068: 3063: 3058: 3053: 3048: 3043: 3038: 3033: 3028: 3023: 3018: 3013: 3008: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2983: 2978: 2973: 2968: 2963: 2958: 2953: 2948: 2943: 2937: 2935: 2931: 2930: 2928: 2927: 2922: 2917: 2911: 2909: 2905: 2904: 2902: 2901: 2896: 2891: 2886: 2881: 2876: 2871: 2866: 2861: 2856: 2851: 2846: 2841: 2836: 2830: 2828: 2824: 2823: 2821: 2820: 2815: 2810: 2805: 2800: 2795: 2790: 2785: 2780: 2775: 2770: 2765: 2760: 2758:Iwig of Wilton 2755: 2750: 2745: 2740: 2735: 2730: 2728:Eata of Hexham 2725: 2720: 2715: 2710: 2705: 2700: 2695: 2690: 2685: 2680: 2675: 2670: 2665: 2660: 2655: 2650: 2645: 2640: 2635: 2630: 2628:Beda of Jarrow 2625: 2620: 2615: 2610: 2605: 2600: 2595: 2590: 2585: 2580: 2575: 2570: 2565: 2560: 2558:Acca of Hexham 2554: 2552: 2548: 2547: 2545: 2544: 2539: 2534: 2529: 2524: 2519: 2514: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2494: 2489: 2484: 2479: 2474: 2469: 2464: 2459: 2454: 2449: 2444: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2409: 2404: 2399: 2394: 2389: 2384: 2379: 2374: 2369: 2364: 2359: 2357:Aldwyn of Coln 2354: 2349: 2344: 2339: 2334: 2329: 2323: 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page 21 1439: 1430: 1421: 1419:Young, page 19 1412: 1403: 1394: 1385: 1376: 1374:Young, page 23 1367: 1351: 1342: 1329: 1308: 1287: 1275: 1266: 1253: 1240: 1228: 1219: 1203: 1194: 1182: 1166: 1157: 1148: 1132: 1120: 1111: 1099: 1085: 1084: 1082: 1079: 1076: 1075: 1066: 1057: 1048: 1039: 1035:Hinchingbrooke 1026: 1017: 1004: 995: 986: 977: 968: 959: 949: 940: 930: 929: 924: 921: 907: 904: 874: 871: 858: 855: 786: 783: 777: 774: 768: 765: 756: 753: 743: 740: 721: 718: 699: 696: 668: 665: 660: 657: 651:St Neot mosaic 617: 614: 589: 586: 559:Main article: 556: 553: 512: 509: 494:Croyland Abbey 469: 466: 444: 441: 404: 401: 363:holy communion 357: 354: 329: 326: 305: 302: 247: 244: 141: 140: 137: 131: 130: 127: 121: 120: 103: 94: 93: 80: 76: 75: 72: 68: 67: 57: 56: 53: 45: 44: 41: 35: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3252: 3241: 3238: 3236: 3233: 3231: 3228: 3226: 3223: 3221: 3218: 3216: 3213: 3211: 3208: 3207: 3205: 3195: 3185: 3184: 3181: 3168: 3165: 3163: 3160: 3158: 3155: 3153: 3150: 3149: 3147: 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St Neot, Cornwall
St Neots

Roman Catholic Church
Anglican Communion
Eastern Orthodox Church
St Neot, Cornwall
St Neots Priory
Glastonbury Abbey
St Neot
Saint Neots
Abbey of our Lady of Bec

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