
List of EastEnders characters introduced in 2016

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4814:(Tommy French) to carry out the robbery, and it had been Oz who had taken the money and necklace and grabbed Ollie. Oz is angry at Connor for dropping his wallet and risking them being identified. Lee angrily confronts Oz, Connor and Sid, telling them his family are now terrified and he was not expecting them to be armed. Oz reminds Lee that he had planned the robbery and had no right to blame anybody else for what happened. Oz later explains that they will split the money and each get £1,255 but he refuses to give Lee his share, due to him being unable to get Whitney out of the pub as he had agreed, as she could have recognised Oz. The next day, Lee informs Oz that the police are searching the pub for fingerprints. Oz angrily tells Lee that if the police discover he was involved in the robbery, he will tell them of Lee's involvement. After two of the perpetrators are arrested for the robbery and implicate Lee, he is also arrested but is released without charge. Lee returns to work after Christmas and is shocked to see that Oz is at work as well. Oz visits the Vic, claiming to be a friend of Lee's. Mick tells Oz about the robbery, saying two people were arrested for it, and gives him a free drink. Lee angrily tells Oz to leave but he refuses, claiming that he knows that Lee will not tell the police about him due to fear of his family discovering the truth. He then demands alcohol from a surplus Mick had ordered for New Year's Eve and Lee reluctantly gives it to him. 3029:
because her friend has just come out of hospital. Paul says his grandfather has as well, so Jenny asks about his family and she is shocked to discover Paul's father, Laurie, is dead and that Pam has told him his mother never wanted him. She purchases flowers from Paul and takes them to Pam for Les. Pam says she is not welcome, but Jenny says she has changed her life and no longer wants people to control her life, including Pam. She begs Pam to let her see Paul and gives Pam her telephone number. Pam then realises that Jenny has spoken to Paul already, and when Les comes in, Pam tells Jenny to take her flowers and leave, as Paul does not need her. Les then suffers a small chest pain and Pam blames Jenny for causing stress. Jenny insists she would never mean to harm Les as he was always kind to her. Paul then arrives and demands to know who Jenny is, and assumes she is the person who has been blackmailing Les and Pam over Les's cross-dressing, though he is wrong. Paul angrily tells her to leave, threatening to call the police, but after Jenny leaves, Pam worries she will still return. Paul is later killed in a homophobic attack, never knowing that Jenny is his mother, and Jenny does not attend his funeral.
2352:). Kyle is out and the meeting is awkward because Stacey's father Brian was in a bigamous marriage with Alison until his death. Alison insists she thought Brian was single when she met him and found out only four months after he died. Stacey and Alison agree to be civil for Kyle's sake, but when Stacey says Kyle has missed his mother, she says she came to see her daughter, Sarah. Kyle arrives with flowers for Alison, and she says he looks nothing like Sarah. She struggles with the meeting, insisting that she has only daughters and Sarah was beautiful. Kyle says he did not feel beautiful; he felt wrong but now he does not. Alison says something is wrong with Kyle; he says he was born in the wrong body. Alison refuses to accept it; she had only just come to terms with Sarah being a lesbian when he announced he was transgender. Alison says it is not normal, and Stacey fails to convince her to get to know Kyle, telling her not to take Brian's actions out on Kyle. Alison says she is unable to build a relationship with Kyle, though wishes she could. She wishes him a happy life, but says he is not Sarah. She takes Kyle's flowers, says she is glad he is not on his own, and leaves. Outside, she cries. 4177:) when he also auditions. When Kathy realises Geraldine is attracted to Keith, she calls her "a sad old cow", which Geraldine does not hear. Kathy then calls Geraldine "desperate" to her face and when Kathy once more criticises her script, Geraldine throws her out. Geraldine eventually offers the part of Scrooge to Keith, praising his performance in rehearsals, despite the rest of the cast believing that he cannot act. Patrick is angry that Geraldine cut his line from the script and she challenges the cast to leave if they do not like her work. Kathy angrily accuses Geraldine of sacking people when the event is meant to be for charity, and Geraldine reveals that the money made from the show will no longer be going to a children's charity, infuriating Kathy even more. After another poor rehearsal, Kathy confronts Geraldine over her directing methods and Geraldine is angered by this and demands that the cast choose between her and Kathy. The cast side with Kathy and a furious Geraldine leaves in tears. 4818:
his probationary review, Oz catches Lee crying in a lift as he is leaving, and laughs at him. Oz attempts to take a photo of Lee on his mobile phone and calls him a "crybaby girl". Lee angrily shouts at Oz that at least he had a heart, friends, family and a wife, but Oz tells Lee he would not have any of them if they knew how spineless Lee is, claiming that he never expected Lee to steal from his family, and that Whitney would leave him when she meets a "real man". Lee eventually confesses his part in the robbery to Mick and also tells him of Oz's involvement and Mick demands Oz's address from Lee. Mick leaves the pub and returns later with blood on his knuckles, implying that he has beaten up Oz. The next day at work, Oz has a black eye and tells Lee that Mick hit him and that Lee is lucky to have a father who can fight his battles for him. Oz then suggests that they avoid each other from then on.
8946:) in a café after Pam asks to see her, wanting an explanation for Simon's actions. Pam shows Diane photographs of Paul and asks Diane questions about Simon's childhood and upbringing. Diane reveals that Simon had a normal happy childhood. Kathy reassures Diane, who feels guilty, telling her that Simon is a grown man and is responsible for his own actions. Diane admits that she is ashamed of Simon and reveals that he intends to plead not guilty at his trial, horrifying Pam. Diane refuses to convince Simon to change his mind and asks Pam if she would do the same thing if the situation was reversed. Later in the week Diane attends the gang's sentencing hearing. She tells Pam that she has changed her mind and asked Simon to plead guilty and he does so. Afterwards, Pam tells Diane that she is still unhappy despite the guilty plea. Diane is understanding and tells Pam to look after herself and leaves. 437:), she confides in Sophie, who kisses Tina. She apologises but then Tina kisses her back. They then have sex and afterwards, Sophie says Tina is not really her type and she has feelings for someone else, so Tina encourages her to find that person again but Sophie says she has changed too much. They then exchange phone numbers. Sophie talks to Kyle, saying she was in love with Sarah, but Kyle just wants to be friends and he says he does not want to "go backwards", so she asks if she is part of his past that he wants to forget, and she leaves, though Kyle wants her in his life. Sophie then texts Tina but Tina ignores her, so Sophie goes to Tina's home and tells Sonia what has happened. This results in Sonia forcing them both to leave, and outside, Sophie insults Tina. She then speaks to Kyle again, saying he should go back to Blackpool with her, and she has been talking to his mother, 8073:) visit him at home to question him further, after Ian tells them that Paul and Ben were in a relationship and Ben had not mentioned this, claiming that the attack was a random mugging; Ben does not change his statement. Rice returns Ben's mobile phone and suggests that the attack was homophobic but he denies this. Rice gives Ben her card to contact her if he has any further information. Ben later admits to Rice that he lied and that the attack was homophobic. Rice tells him that they are following up leads in the investigation. After Ben sees one of Paul's attackers driving away from the police station and reports this, he contacts Rice and she visits him at home and informs him that the suspect has been released on bail. He accuses the police of not wanting to help him because he is a 9315:) home, and Dennis notices him staring at them. Jay later meets up with Mike and gives him some of the money from the safe at the funeral home. Mike tells Jay that he owes him interest and gives him two weeks to pay the rest of the money, threatening to kill him otherwise. After Jay ignores several text messages from him, Mike spots Jay on Bridge Street and chases after him but Jay is able to get away. Later that day, Jay meets up with Mike and his gang, and reveals that he does not have the money he owes and challenges Mike to either beat him up or force Jay to work for him. Mike gives Jay cocaine and orders him to sell it within the day. The following day, Mike visits Jay at the Mitchells' house and Jay begs him for more time to obtain the money. Mike gives him until midday. After 1276:) tell Jay that Linzi's real name is Star and she is 14. Jay later meets Star, and she begs him not to end their relationship, as he is the only person who has ever treated her well; even her mother was too drunk when she was born to give her a proper name and she was named by the punters at her pub. He tells her to forget everything that has happened and she says she understands but is upset. However, when Louise catches them talking, she insults Star and Jay tells her to leave him alone. Star seeks comfort from Bex, who tells Thelma about the relationship, and Thelma goes to The Queen Victoria demanding to know who has had sex with her underage daughter, and Bex says it was Jay. Star leaves in tears and later runs away from Thelma. Jay is arrested when Thelma calls the police. 3230:) as they are hiding in a wardrobe. Simon and his gang drive Ben and Jay in their van to an industrial estate. Jay tricks Simon into opening the van doors by claiming that Ben has collapsed. They attempt to escape with Ben shoving Simon but Simon grabs Jay by the ankle and they easily overpower him and Ben. Simon offers to let Ben and Jay go if Ben agrees to stay quiet about what he saw on the night of Paul's death but Ben defiantly refuses and calls him a coward, telling him that he make sure the gang will all go to prison for what they did to Paul. Simon arms himself with a metal pole and threatens to kill Ben, telling the other gang members to take Ben to an empty warehouse for him to do so. Before they can do this, Ben's uncle 2596:), but tension rises between him and Martin during a game of charades where Shakil insults Martin and makes a sexual comment about his wife Stacey. While Sonia remains frustrated at Martin's hostile behaviour, she also disciplines Shakil for his rudeness, and the two eventually make up. Shakil later tells Bex that he wants to lose his virginity with her before his 16th birthday, which worries Bex and she admits she is not ready to have sex. Shakil and Bex finally have sex in December, but Shakil ends his relationship with Bex shortly after because their communication breaks down and he assumes she is no longer interested, leaving her devastated. In January 2017, Shakil is travelling on a bus with 4333:) in the process. He talks to Whitney about Lee's new life in Dover, and Whitney works out that he has met somebody else. He departs after giving Whitney his phone number, saying she can talk to him at any time. In May he returns and informs Whitney that Lee wants a divorce and that he has already spoken to a solicitor. Moose visits Whitney in Walford six months later. His arrival causes tension for Whitney's new boyfriend, Woody. When Moose makes a sarcastic comment about Whitney, Woody attacks him. The next day, Whitney confronts Moose and tells him she knows his real name is Wayne and makes fun of it. Finally getting the message that Whitney is not interested in him, Moose leaves Walford. 9496:(Noah Maxwell-Clarke) and demands to see Lee in his office after his shift. Haroon discovers on social media that Lee was getting married on the day he called in sick the previous week, and docks him a day's wages for doing so. The following day, Haroon criticises Lee for being at the bottom of the sales table. He orders Lee to work with Oz for the day to learn from him. When Lee loses another customer after being distracted by Oz, Haroon reminds him that he is still at the bottom of the sales board. The next day, Lee asks Haroon for an advance on his wages, but Haroon refuses. Haroon makes a further appearance when he is walking around the office when Lee angrily confronts his colleague 2356:
son, Welch said, "I think he's hopeful Alison will return and open her arms to Kyle but it's just not as simple as that. I don't think Alison really knows what to expect. She knows what's happened and the choices Kyle has made, but when Alison last saw him, he was Sarah. I think she's very nervous about seeing him. This is a big deal for both of them." Although only appearing in one episode, Welsh said she would "never say never" to appearing again, and as long as Kyle is in the series, there will be an opportunity for Alison to be. Welch dyed her hair for the role, which was her own choice instead of a wig, because "it's a little bit of a different thing".
7263:) that they will attempt to wake Jane up. Ian asks her if Jane will suffer any long-term damage from her injuries and Dr Vole tells him that they expect Jane to regain feeling in her hands and feet soon. After Jane wakes, Dr Vole performs tests to see whether Jane has regained any feeling and reassures her that she is making good progress. After Jane is able to get out of bed and use a wheelchair, Dr Vole warns her and Ian that Jane's recovery will take a lot of work and patience. She later does a physiotherapy session with Jane, and is satisfied with her progress. Ian asks her if Jane can be transferred to a specialist spinal injuries unit in Birmingham. 2012:
Stacey stops him. Later, in the pub, Andy and Jack call Kyle a feminist, so Kyle assumes Stacey has told them that he is transgender and angrily leaves. Andy realises that Kyle is transgender and tells Stacey he has no problem with it, and Stacey reveals she knows Andy is homeless, offering him the use of her shower. Martin sees Andy wearing only a towel in the flat when he speaks to Stacey on video chat, and when he returns, he tells Andy to shower elsewhere, but Andy says he knows that Martin was fired from his job and is lying to Stacey. Andy tells Stacey this, saying he assumed Martin would have told her. He babysits for Ronnie when her mother
2102:, which is where Danielle was from, Ronnie realises who Andy is. She confronts him about his true identity and being her stalker, and he angrily accuses her of causing Danielle's death. She explains that she was unaware of Danielle's true identity until shortly before her death; they talk about her fondly. Jack, who has been told Andy's true identity, finds them both and punches Andy. Roxy confronts Andy as she believes he had used her to get to Ronnie. Although he explains that he was genuinely interested in Roxy, she coldly tells him to leave, only for Ronnie to go after him as she believes he is still struggling to grieve for Danielle's death. 6505:(Sadie Shimmin) that Amelle is alive. Hilary and Amelle visit JJ and Denise, but he hides under the table. Amelle tells Denise that she has never taken drugs, and Hilary confirms that her background tests came up with nothing. She also reveals that JJ's real name is Jamie, showing her his birth certificate to prove it, and that Jordan took him away from her. Denise learns from JJ that Jordan claimed she walked out on them because she thought he was hard work, but Denise convinces him to see Amelle. When Hilary starts talking about the possibility of more frequent visits, Denise allows JJ to live with Amelle instead. Amelle leaves with JJ. 8744:) visit in hospital. Ben asks her about the possibility of donating part of his liver to Phil and how he can find out if he is a match. She explains that Phil still needs to be accepted onto the cadaveric list and have been sober for six months, and that they need to consider the risks to Ben due to the high mortality rate in liver transplants. After Phil leaves, Ben tells Dr Faraji that he is young and healthy and is adamant he wants to go through with the operation, but she tells him that there are still no guarantees and gives Ben some literature to read before he leaves. Two months later, Phil visits her again along with his wife 6017:) sees a photo of Jack and Delphine on social media with the caption "last day of freedom", and, believing Delphine is Jack's fiancée, she tells Ronnie that Jack is getting married the next day. Ronnie finds the location of the wedding and goes to stop it, but discovers that Jack is a guest at Delphine's wedding to another man, Jamie. Delphine meets Ronnie and invites her to the wedding breakfast, and Jack admits to Delphine that he still loves Ronnie. Delphine tells Ronnie to make sure she will not break Jack's heart, and to walk away if she cannot be certain she won't. It is also revealed that Delphine is Jack's former girlfriend. 9584:) to arrange his mother Sally's funeral. Jay accidentally offends Brett on the phone after Brett asks to inspect the premises and Jay assumes he is a public health inspector. When Brett arrives, Billy apologises and tells him that he knew his mother when he was growing up as he used to visit her sweet shop as a child. The next day, Brett returns to view his mother's body and discovers that her rings are missing and accuses Billy of stealing them. Jay, who had stolen the rings from Sally's body, then arrives with them and tells Brett he had them cleaned professionally, which appeases Brett and he is impressed by the gesture. 2028:), and later reveals this conversation to Ronnie. Martin later asks Andy if he can do more building work, but Andy says he is not qualified, but says that Jack has had 40 toilets delivered in error and they can sell them on and split the profits. With the help of Kyle and Stacey, they are able to steal the toilets. However, they struggle to sell them and hear the police are investigating. Later, Andy looks at newspaper articles he has collected about Ronnie. Andy manages to get the keys to Ronnie's house where he looks on Ronnie's laptop; when she quizzes him about it he explains he is looking at care homes for his father. 4771:
box. Oz is further amused when Lee asks Haroon for an advance on his wages and is turned down and continues to taunt him. Later, Oz presses the loudspeaker button on Lee's phone, revealing that he is talking to a recorded message, and laughs when Lee gets angry after losing out on another sale and rips off his headset. When Lee returns to work after calling in sick, Oz reveals that he knows Lee was lying about being ill and threatens to reveal it to Haroon, and Lee angrily shoves him. Lee later apologises to Oz, insisting it will not happen again. Oz menacingly agrees, revealing that he has cut part of Lee's jacket.
9805:) invites to audition for the local Christmas show. Keith arrives later than everyone else and states that he does not know why he is there. He reveals he works as a bricklayer and stripper, and Geraldine explains that she invited him as a "natural entertainer". Geraldine is attracted to Keith and watches him continuously during the auditions. It is then revealed that Geraldine has offered Keith the lead role of Scrooge, and she praises his performance in rehearsals even though the rest of the cast complain that his acting is terrible. When Geraldine demands the cast choose between her and 7832:), that Jane has given up her physiotherapy. Steven asks her if Jane could recover more easily at home and Marcia tells him that Jane would need a lot of support. The following day, Marcia visits Ian at home and he shows her the adaptations he wants to make to the house to accommodate Jane. He and Steven also talk her through their care plan for Jane. Ian and Jane visit her seven months later to discuss Jane's progress. She tells them that although Jane is making great progress, they can no longer afford anymore physiotherapy, but informs them that Jane could have private therapy. 781:), who also died several years previously. He shows her some photos and a locket belonging to Danielle, upsetting Ronnie. He apologises, and when she says he needs to grieve his brother, he says she is the only person who understands and tries to kiss her, but she pulls away. Tim returns to Ronnie's house when Hannah goes missing before she is due in court, but Ronnie has not seen her. Hannah is found and thanks to Ronnie attending court, the case is dropped. Tim asks Hannah to apologise to Ronnie but she insists she has not sent Ronnie the death threats she received. 5197:) are doing well in their lives and that he cannot compete with them and that he has let his family down. Karen tells Lee that he is not a bad person and convinces him that he is loved and killing himself would not make his family feel any better, and that she knows what he is going through. As Lee climbs over the wall to jump, Karen assures him that he is not alone, begs him not to give up and convinces him to take her hand before he comes down from the edge, and she hugs him. Karen takes Lee to her office and makes him a cup of tea. She gives him a card from the 1311:
because I was in Swansea performing in Jermin Productions' pantomime and I couldn't even tell my cast mates. It was extremely hard trying to explain to my friends why I was back and fore to London every week. I had to tell them I was auditioning for a different project. But I knew they would understand when they found out the real reason. Everyone was really happy for me, it's such a huge opportunity. I am loving every second of it, it's such an eye opener and learning curve." On 2 February 2016, it was revealed that Linzi would be a love interest for
9686:) about why she did an honest interview about the shop. Harry and Yolande tell her that she can have her job back but she needs to go on a training course before returning to work. When Denise protests that she does not need to do the course because of other commitments, Harry smirks at her, which angers Denise. Harry gives her a warning but Denise tells him that she is quitting her job at the Minute Mart and she storms out of the room. Yolande tells Harry that he should know when to keep his mouth shut and that he should do the course instead. 3795:) encourages Grant to tell Mark, as Mark can then make up his own mind, so Grant invites Mark to join him for a drink and a chat. Grant talks to Mark about Michelle and Tim, and Mark says he would not want a different father despite their differences, so Grant decides not to tell Mark the truth. As Mark is about to leave, he tells Sharon he worked out that Grant is his father and Sharon confirms it. However, she urges Mark not to ruin his life by getting involved with Grant. Mark then leaves to return to his mother and Tim in the United States. 9461:). Dr Phipps asks Ben why he wants to go ahead with the transplant and Ben tells him that he wants to do something good for the first time in his life. Phipps suggests that Ben is only going through with the transplant to gain Phil's approval of him and make up for mistakes he made in the past and adds that the transplant would not erase any past events. As Ben is about to leave, Phipps tells him that he is concerned for Ben's welfare if he was to go ahead with the transplant and warns him that the transplant centre would think the same thing. 8814:, Jørgen suggests that she write her own script. Jørgen later invites Denise for Christmas drinks and informs her that she is the best student in his class. Jørgen attends the performance of the Christmas Play and brings a reporter with him from the local newspaper to review the play, introducing her to Denise. Jørgen gives Denise a "B" grade for an essay she writes and tells her that he believes she could improve her grades. Denise arrives late for her next class. Jørgen tells the class that Denise gave birth to a baby boy. Denise's sister 4162:) sees how upset Geraldine is, Kathy is forced to let Geraldine continue as director. Geraldine also reveals that her former husband insisted he never wanted children and waited until Geraldine was too old to have any, then left her for a barmaid and got her pregnant, leaving Geraldine childless. Geraldine later gives Kathy a copy of the script she has written for the Christmas play. Kathy is unimpressed but Geraldine ignores her concerns. She also refuses to let Kathy and Abi work backstage, instead forcing them to audition for parts. 1727:(Arayah), but then reveals that he and Vincent have entered Claudette into the Pride of Walford Awards for her fostering, and she is a finalist. He later returns to concrete Vincent's basement, unaware that Vincent has buried Claudette under the ground, believing her to be dead. When Linford tells Vincent that the ground was uneven and there was mud on the stairs when he laid the concrete, Vincent realises that Claudette escaped. Linford and Andy later park a digger in the Square during their renovation work, and when a drunken 9856:, along with Oz, organised by Lee to pay off his debts. Connor drops his wallet during the robbery, which Lee hides. The next day, at work, Lee returns Connor's wallet to him. Oz is angry with Connor as his wallet could have identified them and he is apologetic. Lee angrily confronts Connor, Sid and Oz over the amount of violence they used in the robbery against his family who reside in the pub and the gang refuse to give Lee his share of the money. When Oz visits The Queen Vic, claiming to be a friend of Lee's, Lee's father 10043:) in for his tests, and later speaks to him about his liver transplant. He is later present when Phil signs the consent forms for the transplant with Phil assuring him that he understands the risks of the operation. After a liver is found for Phil, Dermot is present whilst Phil goes through his pre-operation tests and reassures him when he expresses concerns for the donor's family. When the liver is found not to be a suitable match for Phil and the operation cancelled, Dermot comforts Phil, his wife 2585:) wedding reception, Shakil kisses Bex, witnessed by a jealous Louise. Louise tells Bex she does not mind that she kissed Shakil, but then tells Shakil that Bex has anger problems. When Shakil kisses Bex on the cheek, Louise convinces her to "treat him mean, keep him keen", so he is confused when Bex declines his offer of a drink. Shakil thinks Bex is no longer interested so she cancels lunch with Martin to see him; when Martin finds them together, Bex is happy when Shakil calls her his girlfriend. 3992:) then arrive in a rescue attempt and the gang flee the scene. After being arrested off-screen following the abduction attempt, the gang appear at a bail hearing in court. The judge denies bail to Frankie, Tom and Neil and orders them to be remanded in custody to await trial. Frankie, Tom and Neil plead guilty to all the charges against them, for Paul's murder and kidnapping Ben and Jay. Frankie, Neil, Tom and Simon are then later sentenced each to a minimum term of 30 years in prison, off screen. 9500:(Ross-Anthony McCormack) and gives him his wallet back. When Lee returns to work after Christmas, Haroon is angry with him for being late. He stands next to Lee's work station to monitor him and demands that he makes a sale. Haroon is impressed when Lee makes a successful sales call to an elderly woman. Haroon then calls Lee into his office for a review and tells him that he has passed his probationary period by a narrow margin and orders him to improve his sales targets in the new year. 2869:, where Neville arrives. Belinda tells him she is leaving him so he blames Linda for putting ideas in Belinda's head. He offers to take her on holiday but she says he never makes her feel beautiful, they never speak and she has to start arguments to get his attention, so she does not feel loved. Mick and Linda tell Neville to leave, so Neville insults Belinda's looks, but says he took his wedding vows seriously so she should come home. Mick punches Neville and ejects him from the room. 3760:), to find them. Sharon, Ian and Phil find out nothing happened between Mark and Courtney, but Sharon and Ian book him tickets to return home. Mark explains that he feels at home in Walford and feels a connection with Courtney. When Courtney is a victim of a break-in, Mark comforts her, but is then confronted by Grant who assumes Mark is attacking her. Grant learns that Mark is Michelle's son and shares passing comments of his dislike of her; Mark shares that the feeling is mutual. 2535: 2640:
images of him on social media with the bicycle, and telling him that the gang are looking for him. When Keegan is in the toilets, Shakil tries to secretly return the bicycle. Keegan realises he has gone and sees the gang, one of whom stabs him in the neck in an alleyway, Shakil emerges, and has been stabbed in the back. Shakil tries to find help whilst wounded, but eventually collapses into a bush in the Albert Square gardens whilst Keegan is rushed to hospital by
3717:), Mark's uncle, worry about Grant learning the truth and convince Phil not to tell him, and Michelle has told Mark that Phil is lying because he is an alcoholic who hates her. However, Mark arrives at Martin's flat. Mark goes to see Phil and asks if what he said about Tim not being his real father is true, but Phil has agreed with Sharon to not reveal the truth, so he denies even speaking to Mark. Mark decides to stay in Walford to get to know his family. 1538:(Sadie Shimmin) that JJ's mother, Amelle, is alive. Amelle visits Denise and JJ, but he refuses to come out from under the table. Denise learns JJ is called Jamie and she talks to him, he says Jordan told him that Amelle left because she found him "hard work" and he is only hiding because he is scared of putting Amelle off him. Denise persuades him to see his mother, and when Hilary talks about increased contact, Denise decides JJ should live with Amelle. 2106:
Andy suggests that he and Ronnie start making up for their lost years, but she tells him to leave and that they both need to move on from Danielle's death. Ronnie assures Andy she is always there for him and gives him Danielle's locket. Stacey sees Andy leaving and asks him why he did not tell her the truth. He says he was afraid that she would tell Ronnie and then thanks her for being a friend to him and Danielle, before leaving the Square.
9670:). Later, he orders the shop to be cleaned as there have been rats, and Denise is forced to do it alone. When Harry arrives at the shop, Denise tells him the rats are there because of the bins outside the shop, not because the shop is unclean, and asks him to thank her for cleaning and admit that she did a good job; he tells her she did an adequate job and reluctantly thanks her. Harry is later on his way to visit Denise when her sister 1547:, Parish said, "He's absolutely fantastic. It's quite hard to keep that concealed. Zayden's four, he's great. He gets right into it—he sort of has a little muck around and he says 'right, we're going to do it now' and he gets into the zone." Wade said of Jordan's relationship with JJ: "Jordan hasn't been able to be the kind of dad he wants to be, but at the same time he doesn't want to give JJ the same relationship Jordan has had with 3976:
let Jay go as their argument is with him but Tom and Neil put Jay back in the van. Frankie stops Simon from attacking Ben after he taunts Simon. Frankie is shocked when Simon suggests killing Ben, claiming that he thought they were only going to scare him into keeping quiet. Frankie is reluctant to go through with it and insists that Paul's death was an accident, but Simon tells him a judge would not see it that way. Phil's brother
4113:) to referee the match and suggests allowing the next customer to come into the pub to be the referee. Geraldine sends a text message on her mobile phone and a man enters the pub and is chosen to be referee and Geraldine winks at him, indicating that the match is rigged and she is cheating. Linda throws the last dart and The Vic's team loses the game. Geraldine is smug and leaves with her team and it is only afterwards that Linda, 9678:) overhears him talking on his mobile phone about Denise. Kim gets into Harry's car and intimidates Harry into letting Denise keep her job at the Minute Mart, but when Harry sees Denise, he says nothing about this encounter. When he is ready to leave, Denise accuses him of being sneaky and says he will probably just send her a letter terminating her employment. Denise has a meeting at the Minute Mart headquarters with Harry and 1700:). The character is first mentioned in the show in the episode broadcast on 11 December 2015, and Lopez's casting in the role was announced on 14 January 2016, when it was said that he would appear in "a handful of scenes" that Lopez had already started filming. His first on-screen appearance is in the episode broadcast on 23 February 2016. He appears in seven episodes in total, with 5 May 2016 being his last. On joining 604:
home and staying in hospital voluntarily. Stacey decides to stay. Martin tries to break Stacey out of the hospital, so Dr Forde tries to stop this, and after he tells her that Stacey tried to harm herself, she insists he goes home. She then talks to Stacey about what happened, and convinces her that she is a good person despite the bad things that have happened in her life. Stacey is then transferred to another hospital.
4148:) go to audition for the Walford Christmas show, Geraldine is in charge of the auditions and tells them that there will be a talent show instead of a nativity play. Kathy is angered by this and Geraldine asks her to leave. The next day, Kathy and Geraldine meet in the café and Geraldine reveals that after Kathy left, all the other auditionees agreed with Kathy and that the Christmas show would instead be a production of 8760:). She commends Phil for staying sober for six months and says that she will refer him for assessment to the transplant list. After running some tests, she tells Phil that his liver is showing no signs of recovery and that on average, most people with livers in similar condition to Phil's do not survive for more than a year. Dr Faraji then explains that she will refer Phil to a specialist liver transplant unit. 1280:
giving evidence in court and the photos being shown. Due to mitigating factors, Jay is given a non-custodial sentence of 150 hours of unpaid work and must sign the Sex Offender Register for five years. Star's brothers brutally attack Jay and he is shunned by some of his family and the wider community because he pleaded guilty; he is branded a paedophile. Louise angrily confronts Star over causing Jay's ordeal.
398:). While Kyle is meeting her, Sophie and Ricksy discuss their friendship with Kyle, and it is revealed that she has stood by him while during an event in his life (later revealed to be his transition from female to male). After Kyle meets Stacey, he tells Sophie that she is a bit weird, and Sophie says she is proud of him and asks if he has told her his secret; he says he does not want her to know. They go to 2333: 30: 9068:) use Masood's keys to enter the house and measure up the property. Rob comes in, having seen the lights on, and Carmel and Donna attempt to hide but Rob sees them. Rob helps Carmel to move a sofa, and she flirts with him. When he asks if he can help with anything else, Carmel says his wife must be wondering where he is, to which he says he is divorced. Carmel thanks Rob for his help and he leaves. 1232:). A few days later, Jay and Linzi meet for a date, but Jay is unable to get them a table at a restaurant, so he decorates the garage where he works and they have a date there. They share a kiss but when she leaves abruptly, he assumes she does not want a second date. He is frustrated when she does not reply to his text messages. However, she later visits him at home where they are found kissing by 3302:(Amar Adatia), takes it upon himself to seek revenge on Ben's behalf and pretends to be someone offering Simon a job and arranges a meeting then brutally beats him up. Kheerat then tells a horrified Ben and Callum what he did. Several weeks later, Kheerat is arrested on suspicion of Simon's assault. However, Simon is unable to positively identify Kheerat and he is bailed pending further enquiry. 3972:) as they are hiding in a wardrobe. As they flee the scene in their van, Frankie asks Simon why they had to hurt Phil and kidnap Jay as well as they had only been intending to abduct Ben, and asks what they intend to do next as a result. He also worries that they have been seen leaving. The gang drive Ben and Jay to an industrial estate, and Frankie speculates whether Jay is Ben's new boyfriend. 4321:) with a fire extinguisher, and later flirts with her, calling Lee a loser and implying to Whitney that he has a large penis because a moose is "bigger than a donkey". When Lee is offered a job, Moose says he will plan a celebration. Moose returns for Lee's second stag party and arranges for the stags to go paintballing and hires a stripper for Lee. Moose later attends the wedding along with 2039:) inadvertently tries to sell the stolen toilets back to Jack, Martin, Stacey, Kyle and Belinda return them to the flats, breaking in as they do so. Jack then installs CCTV, meaning Andy can no longer squat there. Stacey allows him to stay in their flat for a few days. Andy finds Kyle looking at his file of newspaper articles, including a photo of Andy and Ronnie's dead daughter, 2553:), wants to meet her. However, he does not arrive and Kush realises that Shakil is lying, so he admits to Carmel that he made it up to try to reunite his parents. Carmel shouts at him to leave, but Shakil reveals he is no longer welcome at home so Carmel allows him to stay, saying he should enrol in Walford High School. He is against this until he sees his potential schoolmates, 10390:) that she is suffering from age-related Macular Degeneration. She explains to Dot that she has wet type AMD and this can be treated by having eye injections. She then tells Dot that she can start the treatment immediately but Dot refuses. Dr Goldberg then tells Dot that without the treatment she could lose her vision permanently. Two months later, she gives Dot eye injections. 2628:). As a result, Gethin resigns from his job and Louise tells Shakil everything. Bex ignores them out of embarrassment and humiliation. Shakil is further disappointed when Louise tells him that he is immature but this leads them to kiss. Bex catches them and Louise reassures her that she and Shakil have no feelings for each other. Shakil disapproves of Carmel's relationship with 9662:) works. He arrives earlier than expected and catches Denise eating food from the chiller cabinet and orders her to pay for it. When he sees that Denise is pregnant, he says he did not know about it and suspends her from the job so he can perform a risk assessment, though Denise insists she had informed the human resources department. Harry also flirts with Denise's colleague 2873:
as he still has mortgage debt to pay. Mick says this is probably a lie and Neville probably has a dodgy accountant covering up his true worth. Mick says he would tell a court about Neville's penchant for swinging and his clients would find out, so Neville agrees to giving Belinda £50,000 or going to court. She agrees and when Neville leaves, she tells Mick she can get more.
5153:) losing his temper with a payment machine. Lee shouts at Karen, claiming that he will be sacked from his job if he is late due to the machine not working, which scares her. Lee is shocked by her reaction and apologises, assuring Karen that he would not hurt her. Karen then helps Lee to get a parking ticket from the machine and reassures him that everyone has bad days. 1307:(Sydney Craven), Star offers support to Bex. Bex and Star go to Ben's 21st birthday party but Jay insists she leaves. Star tells Jay that she still has feelings for him and went to the party so she could see him again, and tells Jay that Madison, who Jay has been talking to at the party, is 15 and he therefore knew what he was doing with Star and is now doing it again. 4325:(Jack Bence), wearing his ceremonial army uniform for the occasion. Moose and Beanbag cover Lee in golden syrup and feathers before the wedding, and Moose later assures Lee that Whitney loves him. After Lee and Whitney's relationship breaks down and Lee leaves Walford, Moose returns to collect Lee's belongings from The Queen Vic, angering Whitney and Lee's father 2086:) calls her having found a news cutting about Danielle in Andy's pocket. Ronnie realises it is Andy's so confronts him, but he claims he wanted to find out the truth about Ronnie after hearing gossip and felt a connection as his mother and sister also died; Ronnie asks Andy to move back out but he unplugs the phone and turns sinister, only to be interrupted by 8830:) later approaches Jørgen and asks him if Denise is allowed to have time off. Jørgen tells Kush that Denise can have as much time off as she needs. Jørgen is later seen in the café, helping Denise revise for her exams. After hearing about Denise's collapse, Jørgen comes to Denise's house to make sure she is okay. They later go out for ice cream together. 592:(Emmanuella Cole), inform Martin that there are no mother and baby unit places, and when Martin says that Stacey will not want to stay because of this, she explains that Stacey would likely be sectioned. After this is done, Dr Forde asks Stacey about her visions of God, and Stacey confirms that she started speaking to God only after the birth of her son 4767:) to intervene and break up the fight. The following day, Haroon asks Lee to work with Oz so he can gain some tips. Lee watches as Oz makes a successful sale. After work, as Lee and Oz are leaving, Whitney arrives to surprise Lee and sees Oz, then asks to meet Lee's employees, which amuses Oz when he realises that Lee has lied to Whitney about his job. 4974:) over the theft, revealing that a man fitting his description was caught on CCTV taking part in the theft and shows him a video of him dancing after taking the tree. He asks Mick to dance, which Mick does, enabling Cole to positively identify him. He then tells Mick that if the tree is returned that night then no further action will be taken. 9399:(Sam Gittins) hires Lee a stripper, Beanbag informs Lee that he has paid for her to give him "extras". When Lee refuses to go through with it, Beanbag brands him "soft" and has sex with the stripper himself, cheating on his wife. Beanbag then attends Lee and Whitney's wedding and gives them £50 as a wedding present, which is then stolen by 9997:) begs her not to shut the kitchen down as the rat is there because the council have not emptied the bins outside and not because the hygiene in the kitchen is bad. Agnes gives her 24 hours to get rid of the rat. She visits the pub the next day and sees that the rat is gone but then discovers a leak in the ceiling. Landlord 9154:) interrupts the appointment and Katie reassures her that Ben would not be referred to a transplant centre until Phil had been sober for at least six months. Katie explains what would happen if Ben did not ahead with the transplant and talks him through the risks. Kathy then tells Katie about the deaths of Ben's grandmother 8077:, but she reveals that the suspect has an alibi and the evidence is still being processed. She leaves after telling Ben she will contact him when they have more information. Rice returns and informs Ben that the suspects' alibis had been discredited but they had fled after the police had received a tip-off that Ben and 1032:). Thelma confronts Jay as Linzi runs out, and everyone tells Thelma to go after her. Linzi accuses Thelma of being jealous, saying Jay has done nothing wrong, but Thelma calls the police and Jay is arrested. Thelma attends court when Jay pleads guilty and is sentenced to 150 hours of unpaid work and must sign the 2531:). A regular character, he made his first appearance in the episode broadcast on 4 May 2016. It was announced in April 2018 that Jafargholi would be departing the soap, with his character killed off in a teen gang culture stabbing storyline, which began on 21 May 2018. Shakil's final scenes aired on 25 May 2018. 4751:) at the call centre where Lee works. As Lee struggles with making sales, a confident Oz goads him, telling Lee that he had taken bets with their colleagues as to whether Lee would come back into work after previously calling in sick. Lee squares up to Oz when he makes a derogatory comment about Lee's wife 5217:
effectively saved his life, driven, it later transpired, by the tragedy of a young man in her own life." Lindsay added that the "scenes were difficult to watch", but said that "complemented heavily by strong writing, amazing support from the Samaritans and outstanding performances by Danny-Boy and Sally,
10204:) speaks to whilst preparing to undergo his liver transplant. He gives Phil consent forms to sign and Phil assures him that he understands the risks of the operation. Though this liver is unsuitable, Marcus appears again when Phil is admitted to hospital when another liver is found, which is suitable. 3975:
When Jay bangs on the inside of the van, Frankie worries that something has gone wrong. Jay claims that Ben has collapsed so the gang open the van doors, and Ben and Jay attempt to escape. Jay punches Frankie but Tom tackles Ben, injuring his shoulder and they are easily overpowered. Ben begs them to
Mick goes back to the house and tells Linda. They tell Neville and Belinda, both in the hot tub, that they need to leave, so Neville repeats his threat. Linda calls Neville "sick", saying he wants control over women and his relationship lacks real intimacy. Mick and Linda leave, but Belinda gets into
In March 2018, it was announced that Keegan and Shakil would be involved in a "hard hitting" knife crime storyline that "will place the Kazemis and Taylors at the heart of the show" following Keegan and Shakil being attacked in "tragic scenes" that sees their lives turned "upside down." The storyline
to try and reunite his divorced parents, but soon finds a romance of his own. Of his casting, Jafargholi said, "I'm so excited to be joining the show. I've been a fan since I was a little kid so to now be a part of something so iconic is an honour. I'm also really excited to be working with a legend
called him "the 'fit' builder pal of Linford", saying that they initially thought he was "background filler" but since he had been given more lines and befriended Ronnie, they speculated that he could be Ronnie's stalker. Andy is revealed to be the stalker in the 6 May 2016 episode. Reasons were then
praised the storyline, saying, "The performances in the exchange between Lee Carter and Karen Beckworth were highly charged", and "Sally Rogers, who first appeared as an apparently insignificant parking officer in the previous episode, also moved us incredible amounts as Karen stepped up for Lee and
When Belinda receives a letter saying Neville has filed for divorce, she meets him with Mick in the café. She asks him for half the value of their house, but he says they should take out of the marriage what they put in and he is the one who paid the mortgage. He also says he has nothing to give her
Welch's casting was announced on 24 March 2016. She said of her role: "I'm thrilled to be part of such an iconic show. I have friends in the cast and can't wait to start. It's a short stint but such a powerful role and I'm thrilled to be taking it on." Speaking of Alison's reunion with her estranged
Ronnie and Andy have a heart-to-heart about Danielle, only for Andy to try to kiss Ronnie. He instantly regrets this and says he has messed things up and that he caused Danielle's death because he encouraged her to find her birth mother. Ronnie tells him to stop blaming himself as he has been doing.
Neville is described as "successful, middle-class businessman". The BBC said of the character, "Neville has always seen himself and his wife as a cut above the rest of the Slater clan believing them to be a picture of respectability. But what really goes on behind closed doors in this couple's prim
Stacey soon realises that Andy is homeless when she sees him heading into the flats late at night. When Andy wolf-whistles at Stacey, Kyle is upset and later confronts Andy, saying it is the kind of behaviour that leads to rape. Kyle threatens violence against Andy, shaking the ladder he is on, but
with her and Lee. She tells Beanbag that Lee hates his job and asks him to speak to his boss about getting Lee a job in security with him. Beanbag admits to Lee that Whitney did this and also called him to convince him to come despite him cancelling earlier, and says that he thinks Whitney fancies
The next day at work, Oz listens as Lee makes a sale to an elderly woman, and afterwards, he tells Lee that the woman would probably lose money due to having to leave her current energy contract and pay for a new one, and jokes that she might die from shock when she realises this. After Lee passes
The following week, Oz answers a call from Whitney on Lee's mobile phone whilst Lee is making a sales call. Oz reveals that Whitney wanted to know if he had put a deposit on a flat they were looking for. Oz gloatingly tells Lee that he should have told Whitney that Lee could not afford a cardboard
Jay is interviewed by the police and the photos and video that Star sent him are found on his phone, though he had deleted them when he discovered her age. He pleads guilty, knowing that he has no defence against the photos being there and because he does not want to put Star through the ordeal of
Dr Forde meets Martin again when he visits Stacey the next week. On the day that Stacey is due for a medical review, she tells Dr Forde about a nightmare she had, but Dr Forde says this is probably just down to anxiety. At the review, Dr Forde gives Stacey the option of continuing her treatment at
pub, and later still, she visits Pam at her home, saying she is there about her son, Paul. Pam immediately ejects her from the house and tells her never to come back, slamming the door on her. The next day, she visits Paul who is working at Pam's flower stall and immediately cries, but says it is
called Andy "Enigmatic, intriguing and really quite creepy" and said viewers were "gripped with his mysterious intentions". She opined that she was enjoying his storyline but did not want Ronnie to come to harm or Roxy to be heartbroken, so hoped "Andy's game is rumbled sooner rather than later".
Of her casting, Hickman said, "Never in a million years did I think something like this would happen to me, it has literally changed my life. The hardest thing was keeping the secret. When I found out that I had the part I just wanted to shout it out and tell everyone, but it was made even harder
2612:) back to Walford. The bus driver suffers a heart attack and crashes into the market and viaduct leaving many of the residents in danger. Shakil helps Bex and Louise out of the bus and Louise tells Bex that Shakil has saved her life. Shakil and Bex make amends but decide to stay as friends. When 10449:) neighbour. Lee takes delivery of a package addressed to Craig, opens it and pawns the virtual reality headset he finds inside. Craig later introduces himself to Lee and asks him if he has the parcel, but Lee denies having seen it. When Craig knocks on Lee's door the next day, Lee ignores him. 2854:) back to their house for dinner. Mick and Linda arrive as Belinda and Neville are arguing. Neville reveals to Mick that Belinda has a crush on him and invites him into the hot tub. After joining Neville in the hot tub, Mick feels uncomfortable when Neville reveals he is naked and suggests they 2639:
Shakil is told by a teacher that he has been invited to a music summer school because of his talent for creating electronic music, and though he initially refuses to attend, he later agrees to apply. He discovers Keegan has stolen a gang member's bicycle and insists he return it, showing Keegan
home after he has recovered from his seizure. He also says that it is too soon to know if Ollie has long-term brain damage as a result of his injury. Six months later, Mick and Linda take Ollie to see him for a check-up. Dr Suresh tells them that Ollie is making good progress and is developing
from 1987 to 1988, said of his role: "Filming these scenes was a lot of fun and it was great to work with Carli, and some other Walford residents who I can't reveal just yet! But I will say viewers won't want to miss it." Webster was seen filming on-location in April 2016 with Bright and Dyer.
and she reveals that she is an estate agent, while Masood tells her he works in communications. She leaves shortly afterwards to return to work, after they agree to meet up again that evening. Laura arrives late for her second date with Masood and tells him she wants to go to a casino, so he
1319:), with a show source saying, "As soon as they see each other, there's clearly a spark between them. They get on really well." It was speculated that Linzi would be linked to a storyline that had been previously announced for Jay, that was billed as one of the biggest storylines of 2016. The 7339:'s potential brain damage. They are not happy that Dr Mander does not initially know why they are there and he tells them that children develop at different rates and they need to wait to notice any differences in Ollie. Mick is frustrated by Dr Mander's lack of answers and angrily leaves. 2688:
through the murder of Kinsella's brother. He described knife crime still as "prevalent today" and the show has "a long tradition of tackling serious public issues" and described the knife crime storyline as "the most important the show has ever embarked on", calling the episodes "powerful,
5571:) when he collapses after coughing up blood. He tells Phil's family that he needs an urgent liver transplant, and that he will die if he continues drinking. He later tells Phil that he will need to stay sober for six months before he can be put on the transplant list. Later, Phil's cousin 6813:
withdraws a large amount of cash from his bank account. As he attempts to hail a taxi, Laura and Ozzy mug him, taking his wallet and making fun of his job as a postman. When Masood tries to stop them, Ozzy punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground. Ozzy and Laura then run off.
9544:) asks Lisa to move a flipchart out of the way, and everyone laughs as she struggles with it. Lee stands up for her but Haroon dismisses him, though Lisa quietly thanks Lee. She is later seen again talking to Oz. Oz tells her the leaderboard is showing that she is selling really well. 1534:) plan to escape from prison, Patrick questions JJ's future and Denise insists she will take care of him. Denise is horrified with and against Patrick's suggestion of giving JJ up to social services, but Patrick calls them without Denise's knowledge. Denise is told by social worker 9724:) that she and Maggie had made a pact at school that if they were both single at 40, they would run away together. Masood encourages Belinda to call Maggie, as they are both now divorced. Maggie arrives in her car and picks Belinda up and they drive off together to go travelling. 5156:
Later that day Karen sees Lee standing at the edge of the car park roof, where he appears to be contemplating suicide. Karen attempts to talk him down and he tells her that does not know how to enjoy himself and does not feel like other people. Karen then asks Lee about his wife,
6444:. Dr McKenna tells them that the outcome of Ollie's injury is too hard to predict, and that they may have to wait for his developmental milestones to find out if Ollie is brain damaged. Mick takes Ollie to see him again for another appointment, accompanied by his daughter-in-law 8143:) as the victim. McKay says they need to find Ben as he is a witness, so Ian tells McKay that Paul was Ben's boyfriend. McKay tells Phil to go home and wait for Ben to return. After Ben gives a statement to the police, claiming that the attack was a random mugging, McKay and 10118:) about his progress in keeping sober, noting that he has made positive contributions in his counselling sessions. He tells her that he is responsible for his situation, and that he started drinking because his father used to beat him and he did not want to become like him. 2172:) in the 6 June 2016 episode. Following this, it was speculated if Andy was in fact the same person as Gareth Jones, the previously known brother of Danielle, and it was said that Andy would "get more sinister" and there would be twists to the storyline. Sophie Dainty from 10088:) dietician at the hospital who tells him he will not be able to eat salt due to his liver transplant. She tells him that he will continue to be tested to see if he can go on the transplant list, but he has to want it for himself and not just for the people close to him. 5818:) to visit, and tries to encourage Stacey to breastfeed and bond with Arthur. She later suggests that Stacey is ready for a home visit. Anya later tells Stacey that the doctors are going to recommend her discharge from hospital. She accompanies Stacey to a meeting where 4523:) house where he licks their Christmas turkey, forcing them to throw it out. He then returns to Dot's doorstep, following her retirement party, so Dot takes the cat in. Thinking the stray cat she has taken in is a female, Dot names the cat Ethel after her friend 9020:) a driving lesson to help her pass her test. Vincent explains to Kim that Clive is actually a former getaway driver who has served time in prison. After the lesson, Clive tells Vincent that Kim is a terrible driver and has no chance of passing a driving test. 762:(Mia Jenkins) returns flowers that Ronnie left on Joel and Stephanie's grave, accusing Ronnie of causing their deaths, following the affair she had with Joel several years earlier. Ronnie hands Tim a cheque for £5,000 to help look after Hannah and her sisters, 5474:(Aine Garvey) to visit her, she is hostile towards Eve. Eve then sits in on Stacey's medical review, where she decides to stay in hospital voluntarily. When Stacey is transferred to another hospital, Eve goes with her and passes on Stacey's medical notes to 3798:
When Michelle returns to Walford later in the year, she tells Sharon that Mark has a girlfriend and has moved out. However, he is not speaking to Michelle because she has broken the law in Florida for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student
3270:(Hazel Ellerby), Diane asks Simon to plead guilty and he does so, pleading guilty to Paul's murder and kidnapping Ben and Jay. It is later revealed that Simon has been sentenced to a minimum term of 30 years in prison. Five years later, Pam calls Ben (now 6589:(Buckso Dhillon-Woolley) who recommend that Stacey is discharged, and Karina tells Stacey she will support her as she adjusts to life back at home. Karina later visits Stacey as she prepares a family lunch at her flat and is impressed with her progress. 3317:
called Simon and his friends "very dangerous people", "bad guys", "wicked men", "evildoers", "merciless human beings", "violent brutes" and "villains", and said Simon showed no remorse for his "unspeakable actions", calling it a "horrendous hate crime".
8085:) were going after them. Rice warns Ben not to take the law into his own hands and leaves. Rice later attends the killers' plea hearing. The following week she visits Les and Pam and informs them that the killers will be sentenced the following day. 1267:
Jay and Linzi plan a night in a hotel, and Linzi sends Jay a sexually explicit video and photos. When Jay collects Louise from school after she is in a fight, he is shocked that Louise was fighting with Linzi and she is a schoolgirl. Louise and
429:) and they both end up waitressing at the restaurant. Through Kyle and Sophie's conversation, it is revealed that they used to date when Kyle was Sarah. Sophie encourages Tina to get drunk at the event, and when Tina humiliates her girlfriend 445:) and she would take him back. Kyle says Alison will only accept him as Sarah. Sophie says she loves and misses Sarah as she cared about other people but calls Kyle selfish and says he made the wrong choice to become a man. She then leaves. 3249:
After being arrested following the abduction attempt, Simon attends a bail hearing in court. The judge denies bail to Simon and orders him to be remanded in custody to await trial. Simon protests his innocence, angering Paul's grandfather
8822:) walks in during the middle of the class where she reveals that Denise gave her baby up for adoption and takes out breast pads from Denise's handbag, humiliating Denise. When the class is over, Jørgen comforts Denise. Denise's boyfriend 1523:) realises that Patrick is deliberately distancing himself from JJ because Patrick dislikes Jordan. Claudette convinces Patrick that JJ and Jordan are his family, so Patrick enjoys his time with JJ, and eventually, they are able to stay. 3787:) killers, Mark and Grant go to find them and they bring Ben back, but leave Jay behind. Phil tells Grant that Mark is his son. Grant stops Mark and Courtney kissing but agrees that Mark is better off not knowing the truth, however, 3282:) to get Simon's address. Callum is reluctant but agrees to use his police connection under the condition that Ben does not attack Simon. However, Ben goes back on his word and plans to attack Simon. Callum appeals to Ben's father, 9200:) finds him and worries he has died, but he wakes up and Billy is relieved. Tom then talks to Billy about his wife, Rosie, who has died after 62 years of marriage. Billy comforts him and Tom is impressed, telling Billy that owner, 8310:'s (Grace) schooling. She tells them that Janet will be assessed both at school and at home and that ultimately it will be up to them to decide whether Janet stays in the school she is already in or goes to a specialist school. 8151:) visit him at home and question him further. Ben does not change his statement and gets angry when McKay asks why Ben did not reveal that he and Paul were in a relationship, telling McKay that he did not think it was relevant. 8426:) witnesses trying to get into the launderette, where she works. He later visits Dot at home, causing her to panic, and he delivers a letter addressed to her. It is subsequently revealed that Eddie is marrying Dot's old friend 8978:) for a job at a new dry cleaners that is replacing the launderette where Dot previously worked. Dot is confused by the language and terminology Jemima uses whilst questioning her. When Jemima reveals that Dot's former boss, 7637:) rings Dessie pretending to be Phil, but Dessie realises it is not him. Jay is forced to tell him that he does have a criminal record and is on the sex offender's register. Dessie leaves the pub without giving Jay the job. 784:
Baker said of his role: "It is an honour to join the hugely talented cast and production team of Britain's favourite soap" and added that he was "thrilled" to follow in the footsteps of other comedians who had appeared in
10356:. They later kiss in an alleyway. Two days later, Kush tells Roxy that Terry is married with two children and his wife separated from him because he went home drunk after he met Roxy and she worked out he cheated on her. 7591:. She remarks that Sonia is very young for taking the options, but Sonia is determined, so Dr Keyes arranges for her to see a clinical psychologist and informs her that the process would last for a period of nine months. 10059:). Sharon is angry with Dermot for getting their hopes up and he warns them that it could happen again in the future. Dermot then appears when Phil is admitted to hospital when another liver is found, which is suitable. 607:
In the character's final episode, she states that "there isn't the money to look after these women properly", referring to budget cuts to mental health services in the UK. Viewers praised this on Twitter, claiming that
8938:) comforts her in the toilets, unaware of who she is and only realises when Diane enters the courtroom and exchanges looks with Simon. Diane is distraught when Simon is refused bail. Diane later meets up with Pam and 2077:
Due to overcrowding at Stacey's flat, Andy decides to squat in Jack's new flats but Jack and Ronnie catch him using the shower. They let him move in with them, but after Ronnie sends Andy's things to the launderette,
6859:) psychiatrist who she meets to discuss her progress. She tells him that she feels positive and that breathing exercises prevent her from feeling anxious. He also discusses Stacey's new bipolar medication with her. 2648:). Shakil is later found and also taken to hospital in critical condition. Despite efforts to rescue him, he is later pronounced dead after hospital staff are unable to resuscitate him, devastating Kush and Carmel. 9100:) orders to collect some ashes, saying he will do it the next day. Billy orders him to collect the ashes, threatening to fire him if he does not, so Harry agrees. Harry then attends a farewell celebration when 8882:
due to Denise's age, 47, and explains that the risks of disabilities increase due to the age of the mother. She then tells Denise that the bridge of her baby's nose appears normal. Two years later, she gives
1288:) takes Star to her house and looks after her whilst Jay's court appearance takes place. Sonia reassures Star who feels guilty over Jay's situation. Thelma comes to collect her afterwards and takes her home. 5710:) tries to take her out of the hospital, and when Stacey is transferred to another hospital, Nurse Riviera hands Martin a letter she found, not knowing that Stacey had not intended to send it to Martin. 2689:
heart-breaking and dramatic" as well as hoping the make "it clear that knife crime destroys the lives of everyone it touches." Shakil's death was nominated for "Most Devastating Soap Death" at the 2018
5470:) to visit her. She sits in on later visits with Martin, Arthur and Shabnam, and informs them that Stacey is making good progress with her review coming up soon. When Martin brings Stacey's daughter 7874:) that she is falling behind in classes and requires extra support that the school cannot afford to give her due to a lack of funding. He recommends that they look for a specialist school for Janet. 2660:
will explore the "wide-reaching ramifications of knife crime for those for all those involved." For the storyline, the show is working alongside the Ben Kinsella Trust, which was founded by former
received complaints after the scene where Thelma refers to Jay as a "ginger nonce". A viewer objected to Thelma's choice of words stating that it was a "discriminatory reference to hair colour."
9974:) how food is stored in the fridge and is unimpressed by Tina's response, concluding that Tina does not know how to store meat properly. As a result of this, Agnes recommends the café's manager 5822:(Abigail Davies) confirms her recommendation for Stacey's discharge. She also reassures Stacey afterwards as she helps her pack her belongings. Stacey then says goodbye to Anya when she leaves. 13555: 7388:) that she had been discovered on a bus with no money or identification but had mentioned the pub, which is why the police had brought her there. Harrison leaves Sylvie with Mick and his wife 285:(Noah Maxwell-Clarke) arrived in November. However, Shakil and Andy were the only new regular characters to be introduced in 2016; both have since departed the serial. Additionally, multiple 9170:) and explains that Ben is going through with the transplant to make himself feel better about his grief. Katie arranges for Ben to see a psychologist before going to the transplant centre. 1766:), and Andy teases him about it with Jack nearly overhearing. This is Linford's last appearance. Four months later, Claudette goes to stay with Linford to cope with her problems in Walford. 11017: 2620:(Sydney Craven) bully Bex during the showcase, Shakil exposes it through the soundboard. Shakil's feelings for Bex resurface but he finds out that she has feelings for their school teacher 11284: 7549:) not to encourage her delusions. As she is leaving, Sammy tells Linda that Sylvie will not be a priority for social services as she has adequate housing and a family to take care of her. 7075:) that the tests done on a lump in her breast show no signs of cancer. She then suggests the option of Sonia having a double mastectomy to prevent any possibility of cancer in the future. 8808:) arrives drunk, so Denise takes her home, leaving Jørgen to go to the pub without her. Three months later, when Denise is asked to find a script for the Walford Players' production of 5911:) attends when he believes he has an infection from a one-night stand with a stranger. Tom tests Ben for all STIs including HIV. The following year, he is a receptionist at the clinic. 5263: 10164:) about aftercare following his liver transplant operation. Liz warns them that sometimes livers are not found in time to save patients. Sharon then tells Liz that her adoptive mother 2695:
Reader Awards; it came in third place with 17.1% of the total votes. Real-life families of knife crime victims played mourners at Shakil's funeral in the episode aired on 6 July 2018.
8982:(Lee Warner), had believed that she would want to retire, Dot becomes angry and leaves the interview. The following day, Jemima returns and informs Dot that she has not got the job. 5365:). While Kyle is meeting her, Sophie and Ricksy discuss their friendship with Kyle, and it is revealed that Ricksy did not know him during an important event in his life. They go to 2680:
for choosing to "portray the realities of knife crime" and with it still rising, "people understand its lasting impact" as "It simply destroys lives forever." Executive consultant
2066:) attempted rape, so he tells her she is free of him as he is in prison, and they kiss. Ronnie encourages Roxy to date Andy and she agrees. As she texts Andy, he is with his father, 10305:), as her birthing partner when she has not told Kim the truth about the baby's paternity. Brenda appears again when Denise goes into labour, and she delivers Denise's baby, a boy. 1248:). Linzi suggests they all go on holiday to Ibiza in the summer. Linzi and Jay go to the car lot to be alone and Jay leaves Linzi alone whilst he goes out to get condoms. A drunken 17009: 9932:) visits her to receive sleeping pills. She asks Michelle if she has had any trouble sleeping but Michelle tells her that she only came for the sleeping pills and leaves in anger. 2098:(Abbie Knowles) is missing. Andy finds her, and apologises to Ronnie, saying he just wanted time to explain, and she allows him to stay. After finding a train ticket intending for 1224:
pub, and then follows her into the café. She tells him she is waiting to take someone home, and he buys her a milkshake. They exchange numbers before Linzi leaves with her mother,
11045: 7043:
and any further treatment will only delay her death for a few months and would have considerable side-effects. He urges her to consider if she wants to stop her cancer treatment.
praised the cat, writing, "Ethel the cat continues to shine as Walford's most successful new signing. He's always on cue, and fully toilet trained. And we can't say that of every
13723: 11541: 3274:) to inform him that Simon has appealed to have his conviction overturned and has been released from prison. Ben, incensed with rage, wants revenge on Simon and asks his husband 14420: 12191: 464:
observed, "Kyle's mate Soph is a fast mover isn't she? Not many Walford newbies manage to bag themselves a job and a one-night stand in the space of a single episode. Respect!"
called them "very dangerous people", "bad guys", "wicked men", "evildoers", "merciless human beings", "violent brutes" and "villains", who committed a "horrendous hate crime".
15863: 1503:), tracks Jordan down at the squat he is living in following a visit from the police, and Jordan says that Amelle is dead from a drug overdose. Denise brings Jordan and JJ to 5644:), Judge Pickering presides over it and Douglas is Dean's defence lawyer. Dean pleads not guilty and Douglas attempts to get him bail by stating that Dean has family ties to 1704:, Lopez said, "I'm so excited to be working on EastEnders and still can't believe it! It really is a dream come true." A show source said, "Leon is only in a few episodes of 12420: 8065:) to inform them of his death. She escorts them to the mortuary to identify Paul's body and stops Les from touching him. After Ben gives a statement to the police, Rice and 6160:) escape prison. Evers asks if Denise was helping Jordan and she denies this. Evers takes Denise's phone and asks her to come to the police station for further questioning. 4827:
described Oz as a "slick call centre alpha male", a "loathsome figure", "conceited and complacent", a "bully boy" and "smug", and listed five reasons to hate the character.
Belinda has been deprived of male company since she left her scumbag husband, Neville. While she's glad to have escaped the cruel swinger, Belinda likes having a man around
15274: 4301:, played by Sam Gittins, appears in three episodes between 14 October and 4 November 2016, one on 20 March 2017, and more in November 2017. Moose is an old army friend of 1210:, appears in 16 episodes between 8 February and 27 April 2016, and again from 17 March 2017 to 21 March 2017. The character is credited as Linzi in 2016 and Star in 2017. 13667: 11500:"Charlie Baker on Twitter: "Big thanks for the EE love. Early 'Tim Reynolds' adopters will be pleased to know he pops up a few more times in the next couple of months X"" 12490: 4543:. However, she continues to call the cat Ethel and refer to him as female, and wonders if she should name him Ethel Esquire. Dot is persuaded by her step-grandchildren, 13443: 9813:) following an argument between the two women, she makes Keith side with her but after everyone else sides with Kathy, Keith joins them, leaving Geraldine devastated. 9271:
in the hope that a liaison will lead to a solution for her debt problems. Brian spends the night with Belinda but she discovers he is married and she wasted her time.
5557: 5201:
with a telephone helpline. After Lee leaves, Karen sits at her desk and cries in front of a photograph of a boy, implying that someone she knew had committed suicide.
12163: 835:
said, "there is something a little unnerving about ", called him "Tim Nice-But-Dim", said his interest in Ronnie is "weird", adding that Ronnie should not trust him.
16981: 6659: 4966:, but he reveals his warrant card and tells Linda that he is investigating the theft of the tree from outside Walford town hall. Cole then questions Linda's husband 4507:
After a while, Dot sees the cat when she is putting rubbish into her bin and initially shoos him away. However, the cat starts meowing on her window sill. He enters
1005:) a trial as well. Thelma is impressed by his good looks and agrees to offer him the job. Thelma later collects Linzi from school after Linzi gets into a fight with 1024:) tells Thelma that Linzi is in a relationship with an older man, so Thelma goes to The Queen Victoria, demanding to know who it is, as Linzi is 14. Bex says it is 9831: 6971:) accuse him of assaulting Roxy but he denies being responsible. He reveals that Roxy has something of his and threatens to kill her if it is not returned to him. 6452:). Dr McKenna tells Mick and Whitney that Ollie is reaching all his developmental milestones and that he will not need to see him again for another twelve months. 5840: 4940:, played by Victor Gardener, appears in two episodes on 19 and 25 December 2016 and two on 15 and 16 May 2017. Cole also makes a reappearance on 24 October 2019. 10532: 9186: 4539:) about her failing eyesight, he points out to Dot that Ethel is a male. Dot then decides that Ethel will be called Ethel's Little Willy after her friend's dog, 639: 10172:) died of liver failure after years of alcohol abuse and that she did not want to watch her husband die in the same way, and Liz does her best to reassure her. 7621:) has a job interview. Jay tells him about his qualifications and denies having a criminal record, and Dessie requests a reference from Jay's previous employer 6727:) pleads guilty to having sexually explicit photos of Linzi on his phone and is given a non-custodial sentence. Later, Rodney and his two brothers beat up Jay. 16894: 9952: 6468: 6418: 3853: 3848: 13499: 4591:), believe Dave is dead after finding a dead cat in the bin. When Sonia and Robbie break the news about Dave, a nurse tells her that Dave is at the hospital. 10260: 8617: 4652: 2058:) when he first meets her, and he asked her on a date but she punches him when he goes to kiss her; she admits to feeling imprisoned by her former boyfriend 13583: 3199:) of his whereabouts but she denies seeing him. Simon sees Ben and Jay and makes a phone call, telling the person he is speaking to that he had found them. 10104: 8049:) of his death. She then arranges for Phil and Ian to identify Ben's body and they discover that it is Paul instead. Rice then visits Paul's grandparents, 7313: 6791: 6533:) has been admitted. Stacey sees that Rachel is discharged but later, she returns in tears, making Stacey worry that she will not cope when she goes home. 5165:), after Lee ignores a telephone call from her on his mobile and Lee tells her that Whitney is now seeing his true nature. He tells Karen that his parents 1256:) destroys the car lot with a digger and Jay fears Linzi is trapped, but is relieved to discover she was not inside when it happened. Jay tells Linzi that 14173: 13639: 1384: 17037: 12137: 8105: 8070: 3024:
Jenny arrives in Walford and watches Pam, Paul and Les arrive after Les is discharged from hospital following a heart attack. Later, she watches Paul in
13471: 13415: 8373:) are talking to each other on the swings, and when Ben tells him he is looking for Jay. Ben later mentions that Ethan and Jerome have quit their jobs. 1961:) later hires Andy as a builder to help him convert a house he has bought into flats and he and Linford look over the property for him. Andy also saves 15177: 8793:) GCSE English Literature teacher. He praises her for doing well in the class. Afterwards, Jørgen invites Denise to come with the rest of the class to 8780: 8666:) to sell his oysters to Russell and get back to his right market pitch. Russell is then seen in this episode selling them to a customer on his stall. 7193: 5684: 2000:) are having money problems, so Andy helps Martin find work away from Walford. The next day, Andy invites himself into Stacey's home; her half-brother 14046: 12219: 9415:) to dance with him, but Jay warns him that she is 14, so Beanbag calls her "jailbait". Three months later, Whitney invites Beanbag out for drinks in 21718: 13387: 10497: 9124: 8534: 7848: 5436: 5336: 4854: 14107: 10220: 9791: 8722: 7061: 5663: 9323:) discovers Jay is dealing drugs, he insists Jay reports Mike to the police. Jay does so and later tells Phil that the police are arresting Mike. 5865:(Abigail Davies) changing her mind about discharging her and Madhu tries to reassure her. Madhu attends a meeting with Stacey along with Dr Reid, 19951: 10134: 10075: 9906: 9339: 8909: 8486: 8284: 7802: 7359: 7237: 6846: 6106:) tells that she bought her top from Bridge Street Market and that its free drinks for the first five customers who buy one to help her daughter 5622: 5498: 5099: 4690: 4251: 4062: 3884: 3392: 3222:) under the stairs in his house. Simon and Frankie search the rest of the Mitchell's house, but they do not find Louise and she and Ben's cousin 3094: 2949: 2752: 2421: 1823: 1608: 1130: 892: 669: 523: 402:
pub, and Sophie and Ricksy wait there while Kyle visits Stacey again, and when they order food, it is too salty because it has been sabotaged by
346: 14625: 13750: 15208: 10297:) a check-up and tells her that she and her unborn baby are in good health. Denise tells her that she feels she can no longer have her sister, 10283: 9883: 9648: 9086: 9038: 8167: 7504: 7462: 7131: 6941: 6605: 6033: 3843: 5877:(Denise Hoey), who decide that Stacey can return home. She then reunites Stacey with Arthur and bids her farewell as she leaves the hospital. 5372:, and Sophie and Ricksy wait there while Kyle visits Stacey again, and when they order food, it is too salty because it has been sabotaged by 15093: 8998: 6551: 5396: 4213: 15525: 14140: 4892: 4409: 3191:
and Ben reveals that it was Simon who instigated the attack. Simon later comes to Albert Square, looking for Ben and asks Ben's half-sister
829:). Following his first appearance, Baker confirmed on his Twitter account that Tim would make further appearances over the next few months. 10436: 10376: 9373: 8412: 7565: 7420: 1751:) later hires Linford as a builder to help him convert a house he has bought into flats and he and Linford look over the property for him. 15149: 3956:) when he attempts to help them, locking him under the stairs. They then search the rest of the house. They do not find Ben's half-sister 763: 716: 8682: 7091: 1992:) asks Andy how much the flats will sell for, Andy says he would not be able to afford them. Jack tells Andy that Martin and his fiancée 16093:
We couldn't help but detect a hint of flirtation between the bride and Lee's cheeky mate Moose, who soaked her with a fire extinguisher.
15121: 8650:
A man who runs the market's shellfish stall. Although not specifically named in this episode, he is mention by the new market inspector
9702: 6673:) to 150 hours of unpaid work and signing the Sex Offender Register for five years, for having sexually explicit photos of 14-year-old 2164:
Andy confirms himself to be Danielle's brother in the 23 May 2016 episode, and he is shown to be the son of Danielle's adoptive father
13695: 9864:) tells Oz about the robbery, explaining that the police arrested two men. The next day when Lee has a review at work, his supervisor 6879: 12366: 2877:
and suburban relationship? Belinda is a Slater after all, so it can't all be white picket fences..." Webster, who previously played
13528:"EastEnders spoilers: Shock new revelation about builder Andy could 'completely change' Ronnie Mitchell revenge plot, says insider" 8555:), and convinces Pam to say a final goodbye to Paul in the chapel of rest before the funeral service. She then attends the wake in 6071:) visit Geoff, so Denise can give a statement that will help get Lucas on a scheme to allow him to apply for work and more visits. 6635:) reveal he is already there. Masood is older than Jill expected so she goes to leave without meeting him, and Denise, Carmel and 3187:) use this to find an address and vow to take revenge, but are unsuccessful. Jay discovers that Simon works as an estate agent in 21713: 8357:
on their last day working before Christmas, and tells Phil that Jerome will be along later. Ethan is seen in the background when
3290:) to talk Ben out of revenge. Phil refuses at first but is able to get Ben to drop his attack, much to Callum's relief. However, 1661: 21688: 14259: 10989: 11845: 11256: 7587:), to discuss options to prevent her getting breast cancer. Sonia tells her that she wants to have both a mastectomy and an 21665: 21660: 21655: 21650: 21645: 21640: 21635: 21630: 21625: 21620: 21615: 21610: 21605: 21600: 21595: 21590: 21585: 21580: 21575: 21570: 21565: 21560: 21555: 21550: 21545: 21540: 21535: 21530: 21525: 21520: 21515: 21510: 21505: 21500: 21495: 21490: 21485: 21480: 21475: 21470: 20196: 14231: 2233: 9492:) supervisor at the call centre he is secretly working at. He is forced to break up a fight between Lee and his colleague 7541:) that Sylvie has made inappropriate sexual advances towards residents at her care home. She also tells Sylvie's daughter 21723: 19944: 8434:), and Dot attends the wedding offscreen. However, by 2022, Colin is left a widower following Eddie's death from cancer. 4803:) from attacking him before putting Ollie down and fleeing, and one of the robbers drops his wallet, which Lee picks up. 19920: 14199: 13527: 8630:) at home and gives her an enema. She visits Jane again and helps her get dressed in the morning and brushes her hair. 1937:) flirts with him. Andy and Linford later park a digger in the Square during their renovation work, and when a drunken 421:) restaurant. Sophie comes to Walford to support Kyle when the restaurant hosts the Pride of Walford Awards. She meets 14452: 1735:) gets into it, they try to stop him but Phil destroys the car lot with it. Linford then helps rescue Phil's daughter 13611: 6303:), she suggests that Stacey is ready for a home visit. She later recommends that Stacey is discharged from hospital. 5652:(Amaya Edward) lives there. Despite this, Judge Pickering remands Dean as he has failed to surrender to bail before. 4186:
described Geraldine as "the tough-talking, hard-nosed rival darts leader that rubs landlady Linda up the wrong way."
1945:) gets into it, Andy tries to stop him but Phil destroys the car lot with it. Andy then helps rescue Phil's daughter 14072: 6263:) that his injuries were caused by a blow to the head and there is a possibility he may have suffered brain damage. 16922: 9921: 4775:
pub, where Lee's family live and work, is robbed by three men armed with baseball bats, during which Lee's brother
15370: 14597: 2656:
such as Bonnie Langford. I'm having so much fun playing her son and can't wait for people to finally meet Shaki."
20512: 9308: 6917:) after she is trapped under a bus that crashes into the market and viaduct. She assures Whitney's father-in-law 5790:. She bonds with Stacey over they fact they have both worked on market stalls, and helps Stacey care for her son 4994: 3163:) murder, outside the police station after the suspect attends a police identification line-up. Paul's boyfriend 2138: 14047:"'Britain's Got Talent' star Shaheen Jafargholi, Who Sang at Michael Jackson's Funeral, Lands 'EastEnders' Role" 11472: 21673: 19937: 16923:"EastEnders viewers spot something very strange about new character involved in Christmas tree theft storyline" 16755: 11850: 9920:) an eye examination after she experiences problems with her sight. She tells Dot that she is showing signs of 6566: 6350: 5846: 5791: 5579:) takes Phil to Dr Thomas to treat his alcoholism, but he says he cannot do anything as Phil is refusing help. 5459: 3996: 3307: 2492: 593: 7161:), and asks him about it. Bobby confesses to South that he killed Lucy and South informs his superior officer 19976: 6681:) on his phone, though takes mitigating factors into a count, meaning Jay is not given a custodial sentence. 3152:, appears in six episodes between 25 July and 7 October 2016 and he appeared in one episode on 20 July 2021. 1980:
The following week, Jack draws up a contract for Andy and Linford and invites them to a karaoke night at the
The following week, Jack draws up a contract for Linford and Andy and invites them to a karaoke night at the
371:, appears in seven episodes between 4 and 19 January 2016 and four episodes between 27 April and 2 May 2016. 17: 10241:) "classy" when she repeatedly chants "losers" at the team. Later, Jimmy, who is a rugby player, approaches 6747:
Winners of Pride of Walford Awards. Aamal wins Walford's Top Teacher, and Will and Claire are colleagues of
21322: 21307: 21102: 4575:) in the launderette. He escapes again while Dot is in hospital and two of Dot's other step-grandchildren, 1962: 759: 708: 3814:
history is beyond exciting! I'm honoured to be here and can't wait for viewers to properly meet Mark Jr".
3803:(Martin Anzor). A year and a half later, Michelle leaves Walford and goes to visit Mark, who now lives in 3171:), who has failed to identify the suspect in the line-up, recognises Simon as one of Paul's attackers, so 21427: 20987: 20977: 20822: 20097: 20032: 19881: 19848: 19812: 19776: 19743: 19710: 19674: 19641: 19608: 19571: 19535: 19497: 19457: 19419: 19386: 19353: 19320: 19280: 19244: 19204: 19171: 19134: 19090: 19054: 19016: 18978: 18940: 18902: 18869: 18836: 18803: 18765: 18732: 18699: 18663: 18621: 18583: 18550: 18517: 18481: 18448: 18412: 18376: 18343: 18307: 18271: 17900: 17863: 17794: 17489: 16948: 16857: 16817: 16784: 16722: 16684: 16648: 16608: 16572: 16530: 16486: 16444: 16400: 16362: 16320: 16263: 16227: 16190: 16146: 16106: 16049: 16016: 15980: 15938: 15894: 15830: 15778: 15734: 15696: 15656: 15610: 15558: 15488: 15446: 15404: 15338: 15300: 15060: 15024: 14986: 14940: 14894: 14854: 14818: 14780: 14736: 14698: 14658: 14560: 14506: 14009: 13972: 13939: 13893: 13354: 13321: 13283: 13250: 12374: 12104: 11878: 9569: 9193: 9192:
A customer at Coker and Sons funeral home, who faints while he is waiting to arrange his wife's funeral.
9093: 8358: 8307: 8291: 8181: 7898: 7894: 7859: 7855: 7674: 6909:) visit her, she tells them that Roxy checked herself out of the hospital an hour previously. She treats 6474: 6145: 6056: 5109: 4902: 4700: 4419: 4261: 4072: 3977: 3894: 3639: 3587: 3443: 3402: 3231: 3104: 2959: 2154: 2040: 2021: 1886: 1543: 1484: 1483:, played by Zayden Kareem, appears in 14 episodes between 11 February and 4 April 2016. He is the son of 1413: 1145: 774: 234: 126: 55: 21227: 21142: 21092: 20997: 20837: 20632: 20167: 20127: 20002: 15256:
Tyler, Laura-Jane (17–23 September 2016). "The Cokers face his killers in court... Justice for Paul?".
11018:"Proud as punch! Coronation Street's Debbie Rush couldn't be happier after daughter's EastEnders debut" 10334: 8427: 7580: 6342: 5703: 5451: 5182: 5026: 4776: 4508: 3710: 3521: 3485: 3172: 2855: 2831: 2570: 2482: 2270: 1985: 1468: 1329:" but noticed that viewers had been speculating "that Linzi isn't as sweet and innocent as she seems." 735: 698: 581: 90: 12164:"EastEnders spoilers: sparks fly between Jay and newcomer Linzi – is this the start of a new romance?" 770:, but Hannah tears it up, calling it "blood money". Tim thanks Ronnie for the gesture before leaving. 50:
in 2016, by order of first appearance. All characters are introduced by the show's executive producer
21337: 21327: 21292: 21222: 21137: 21072: 21027: 20972: 20947: 20882: 20767: 20532: 20497: 20492: 20227: 18231: 18191: 18118: 18080: 18042: 18009: 17973: 17940: 17830: 17761: 17719: 17683: 17643: 17603: 17566: 17526: 17456: 17412: 17379: 17342: 17306: 17262: 17229: 17189: 17149: 17112: 17072: 17014: 15864:"EastEnders fans go nuts as Cassandra Trotter from Only Fools and Horses makes a surprise appearance" 15122:"EastEnders spoilers: Ben Mitchell tracks down and murders Paul Coker's killer after huge discovery?" 14425: 14384: 14340: 14300: 13860: 13812: 13779: 13755: 13476: 13448: 13420: 13392: 13213: 13176: 13139: 13101: 13061: 13028: 12995: 12962: 12926: 12886: 12849: 12816: 12772: 12730: 12688: 12651: 12611: 12575: 12531: 12457: 12334: 12298: 12254: 12224: 12196: 12071: 12035: 11997: 11957: 11924: 11808: 11768: 11730: 11690: 11652: 11612: 11576: 11436: 11394: 11361: 11315: 11223: 11181: 11145: 11097: 11050: 10956: 10916: 10876: 10840: 10786: 10750: 10714: 10678: 10638: 10602: 10560: 10537: 9446: 9131: 8737: 8501: 8343: 8136: 8026: 7986: 7630: 5904: 5212: 5018: 4595: 4355: 3917: 3764: 3541: 3531: 3164: 2878: 2762: 2669: 2431: 2243: 2116: 1833: 1618: 1394: 1321: 1233: 1140: 1062: 902: 679: 533: 356: 51: 10233:
for a women's darts match. Jimmy supports Harriet but their team loses. Harriet sarcastically calls
1758:. Whilst Linford and Andy talk in the café, Linford reveals that he is attracted to Jack's partner, 20762: 20602: 20587: 20562: 20477: 20287: 20157: 15275:"EastEnders: Mark Fowler Jr is HERE! Actor Ned Porteous joins the cast as Michelle and Grant's son" 14073:"Michael Jackson mimic from Britain's Got Talent who sang at star's memorial to star in EastEnders" 9061: 7469: 7427: 7286: 7216: 7138: 5521: 4359: 3619: 1672: 965:
when they host an event for "East London Lady Publicans". Thelma is already drunk, and flirts with
15178:"EastEnders spoilers: Kheerat Panesar arrested for serious assault but will he drop Callum in it?" 5221:
have got us all talking about an issue that seriously needs discussed." Shaun Kitchener from the
21683: 21287: 21132: 20807: 20722: 20487: 13556:"Which soap villain should get their comeuppance first? From EastEnders' Andy to Hollyoaks' Nico" 10994: 10442: 9838: 9525: 9485: 9380: 9163: 8923: 8855: 8548: 8112: 8018: 7970: 6756: 6582: 6300: 6248: 5870: 5772: 5649: 5479: 5346: 5146: 4978: 4744: 4302: 3925: 3810:
Of his casting, Porteous said, "Being part of two iconic families and the longest kept secret in
3780: 3156: 2998: 2978: 2322: 2165: 2067: 2005: 1974: 1868: 998: 379: 270: 210: 7255:(Eliot Carrington) and places her in a medically-induced coma. She later informs Jane's husband 981:) a job as assistant manager at her pub, the Rat and Ferret, and then leaves with her daughter, 731:, played by comedian Charlie Baker, appears in five episodes between 2 February and 4 May 2016. 21402: 20857: 20612: 20327: 20257: 9439: 9065: 7941:
An employee of Coker and Sons funeral directors. He is seen with Colin standing at the back of
7289:(Eliot Carrington) in custody after he is charged with the unlawful killing of his half-sister 5966: 3913:, played by Tom Holloway, each appear in four episodes between 5 September and 7 October 2016. 2673: 1953:) from the wreckage and, with the help of Linford and another man, drags Phil from the digger. 1697: 1520: 142: 11285:"EastEnders highlights the lack of mental health funding as Stacey Branning's story continues" 9620:
An employee at Coker and Sons Funeral Directors. He is seen with Nige standing at the back of
8516:) tells her that Phil's injuries had been caused by him falling off a ladder whilst painting. 7897:'s (Grace) learning support assistant at school who attends a meeting between Janet's parents 7701:
An employee of Coker and Sons funeral directors who removes floral wreaths from the hearse at
said in April 2016 that "Jay and Linzi have cemented themselves as Walford's latest answer to
18151: 13640:"EastEnders spoilers: Denise Welch on Kyle's reunion with mum Alison – "It's very emotional"" 8919: 6353:. Kush then asks Debs to leave. The next day she sees Kush as she is shopping on the Market. 4559:) had as a child. Dave escapes from Dot's house, but is found and returned by Dot's stepson, 3937: 3744:), not knowing she's his half-sister, and both admit that they like each other. Their cousin 3149: 3056: 3005:) mother, and it was reported that she would cause tension for Paul's paternal grandparents, 2681: 1033: 230: 16895:"EastEnders spoilers: Ben Mitchell's next victim revealed after Jack Branning arrest twist?" 13696:"EastEnders – Alison and Kyle's reunion will be 'difficult and emotional' says Denise Welch" 11499: 7430:(Eliot Carrington) to three years youth custody for the unlawful killing of his half-sister 5961:) brings to his house to help with plans to convert his basement into a flat for his mother 4342:
called Moose "Lee's cheeky mate" and speculated that Whitney would cheat on Lee with Moose.
4105:). Geraldine goads Linda before the game starts. Geraldine refuses to allow Linda's husband 3701:) handbag, who is Michelle's best friend, from Michelle addressed to his and Grant's mother 1743:) from the wreckage and, with the help of Andy and another man, drags Phil from the digger. 21432: 15182: 15154: 15126: 15098: 14598:"EastEnders spoilers: Paul Coker's MUM arrives in the square despite grandma Pam's threats" 9989:
ahead of its Polish night. When she inspects the kitchen, she sees a rat amongst the food.
9971: 8370: 7546: 7150: 6570: 5858: 5787: 5699: 5198: 5145:, appears in two episodes on 29 and 30 December 2016. She is a parking attendant, who sees 2808: 2722: 2617: 1304: 1049: 597: 426: 206: 13724:"Denise Welch reveals whether she'd return to EastEnders after tonight's guest appearance" 9872:), reveals that two of Lee's colleagues were sacked, implying that it was Connor and Sid. 8: 20617: 16266:; Director: Vito Rocco, Ian White; Writer: Jaden Clark, Sarah Hooper (16 February 2017). 14209: 4607: 2609: 2146: 14232:"EastEnders episode starring Teesside stab victim's brother 'did what it set out to do'" 10249:), who is in a wheelchair, and offers to buy her a drink, telling her she is beautiful. 5009:) as a witness and she asks him to go easy on Jack as he is still grieving for his wife 600:. Despite Stacey's pleas to see Arthur, Dr Forde sends Martin home to take care of him. 21437: 21002: 14108:"EastEnders is lining up a harrowing knife crime storyline involving Keegan and Shakil" 11542:"Who is Ronnie's stalker? We round up 9 EastEnders characters who could be the culprit" 10446: 10350: 10227: 9983: 9850: 9849:(Noah Maxwell-Clarke), who are friends with Oz. They later participate in a robbery at 9842: 9767: 9766:
The leader of a female darts team called George's Dragons from another pub who come to
9416: 9384: 9265: 9135: 8879: 8794: 8741: 8556: 8505: 8351: 8347: 8174: 8140: 7990: 7634: 7511: 7374: 7162: 6806: 6252: 6184: 6092: 5987: 5908: 5366: 5150: 4944: 4772: 4748: 4540: 4351: 4310: 4306: 4091: 3921: 3768: 3733: 3168: 3025: 2863: 2862:
their car and says she wants to leave Neville. They return to Mick and Linda's home in
2538: 2512: 2383: 1981: 1755: 1237: 1221: 1002: 962: 767: 755: 743: 712: 399: 174: 20177: 17346: 15738: 15094:"EastEnders spoilers: Huge murder twist revealed for Ben Mitchell and Callum Highway" 13217: 12421:"From Brookside to EastEnders: Leon Lopez lands guest role as Claudette's foster son" 10416: 10238: 9979: 9810: 9151: 9009: 8943: 8810: 7105:) to inform him that the coroner has ordered a post-mortem on the body of his mother 6716: 6678: 5962: 5958: 5927:) ask him if there is an appointment for Louise (credited as "clinic receptionist"). 5042:
described DC Cole as "a silver haired handsome man with a knack for solving crimes".
4528: 4350:"Ethel's Little Willy" and "Dave (EastEnders)" redirect here. You may be looking for 4150: 4137: 3965: 3737: 3725: 3475: 3223: 2121:
speculated as to why Andy would stalk Ronnie, including that he is the secret son of
1926: 1724: 1720: 1693: 1645: 1551:. The heart is there and he's trying to do the very best he can with what he's got." 1516: 1296: 1207: 1092: 986: 822: 790: 450: 138: 114: 13444:"EastEnders spoilers: Ronnie Mitchell's stalker Andy the builder is Kat Moon's son?" 12397:"EastEnders newcomer Joivan Wade tells us all about what's in store for Jordan...". 11046:"Coronation Street Debbie Rush's daughter is in EastEnders – but can you guess who?" 9716:), who sends Belinda a birthday card with her telephone number in it. Belinda tells 6643:) tell her that Masood is a good person and ask her to stay, but she leaves anyway. 6231:
after he is hospitalised, following a seizure in his cot. She tells Ollie's parents
21317: 21032: 20727: 20482: 20472: 20432: 20352: 20237: 14174:"EastEnders spoilers: Double stabbing horror as soap tackles knife crime storyline" 13472:"EastEnders spoilers: Ronnie Mitchell's stalker is revealed but what happens next?" 13416:"EastEnders spoilers: Ronnie Mitchell's stalker is revealed but what happens next?" 10190: 9760: 9536:'s (Noah Maxwell-Clarke) at the call centre. During a work meeting, the supervisor 8701: 7401: 6708: 5924: 5462:. Eve meets Martin again when he visits Stacey the following week, and also allows 4500:), who first appears in October 2016, where he is seen sniffing around the bins in 4145: 2566: 2550: 1715:, telling Claudette he is there for the first birthday party of his foster brother 1273: 1245: 1229: 1021: 955: 862: 122: 13751:"EastEnders Spoilers: Cast films a devastating funeral after shock stabbing death" 13668:"Former Coronation Street star Denise Welch joins EastEnders as Kyle Slater's mum" 13584:"EastEnders Andy Flynn leaving as Ronnie Mitchell revenge plot comes to shock end" 9453:) has an assessment with as he prepares to donate part of his liver to his father 3948:). Off screen, Frankie enters their house with Simon and they attack Ben's father 2074:), also Danielle's adoptive father, and tells him he is getting closer to Ronnie. 21347: 21312: 21157: 21017: 21007: 20982: 20967: 20927: 20777: 20757: 20662: 20622: 20567: 20537: 20427: 20222: 20092: 20057: 20047: 14626:"EastEnders spoilers: Paul's mum Jenny arrives – but will he realise who she is?" 10843:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: Natalie Mitchell, Colin Wyatt (27 April 2016). 10298: 10157: 10056: 9963: 9925: 9709: 9679: 9671: 9581: 9408: 9404: 9300: 9257: 9159: 9049: 9013: 9005: 8979: 8884: 8815: 8805: 8753: 8689: 8655: 8509: 8463: 8431: 8189: 8082: 8074: 7706: 7662: 7618: 7576: 7397: 7215:) needs an operation on her spine following a violent assault by her adopted son 7110: 7072: 7028: 6964: 6952: 6948: 6902: 6898: 6894: 6852: 6752: 6724: 6670: 6624: 6558: 6526: 6486: 6485:(Zayden Kareem), who Jordan has claimed to have died from a drug overdose. After 6334: 6288: 6192: 6188: 6064: 6006: 6002: 5954: 5912: 5850: 5799: 5779: 5691: 5576: 5572: 5443: 5411: 5377: 5358: 5014: 5010: 4580: 4568: 4532: 4170: 4155: 4126: 3957: 3945: 3776: 3745: 3706: 3662: 3647: 3579: 3561: 3549: 3453: 3429: 3291: 3192: 3184: 2815: 2811:
and appears in three episodes from 9 to 12 May 2016 and another on 14 June 2016.
added that "the brutal reality" of knife crime was "brought home" to everyone at
2665: 2593: 2554: 2520: 2345: 2091: 2032: 2013: 1993: 1970: 1966: 1946: 1930: 1922: 1763: 1759: 1736: 1716: 1708:
and it's quite a small part, but everyone is really excited to have him on set."
1656: 1508: 1316: 1285: 1257: 1217: 1041: 1029: 1006: 826: 773:
Tim later returns, saying he has something for Ronnie from Joel and her daughter
751: 747: 573: 566: 493: 434: 407: 391: 242: 194: 182: 106: 86: 74: 16725:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Alex Straker, Robert Butler (5 January 2017). 12491:"Goodbye Linford! EastEnders star Leon Lopez reveals his last episode has aired" 4806:
The following week it is revealed that Lee arranged for Oz and their colleagues
2858:. Mick declines but Neville threatens Mick with CCTV footage of him and Johnny. 21422: 21412: 21367: 21297: 21252: 21242: 21207: 21202: 21187: 21172: 21167: 21107: 21012: 20992: 20902: 20792: 20782: 20772: 20752: 20712: 20687: 20667: 20627: 20557: 20507: 20467: 20452: 20437: 20402: 20382: 20357: 20347: 20342: 20137: 20132: 20077: 20067: 20017: 17042: 16533:; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: Spenser Frearson (5 December 2016). 15209:"EastEnders spoilers: Paul Coker's killers face court date with surprise twist" 12399: 12220:"EastEnders viewers are speculating over what Jay's girlfriend Linzi is hiding" 12138:"Meet the Swansea panto star who's landed the role of a lifetime in EastEnders" 10508: 10474: 10330: 10201: 10145: 10115: 10085: 10040: 9990: 9958:
An Environmental Health officer who visits the café following a complaint from
9802: 9663: 9529: 9489: 9458: 9320: 9289: 9155: 9143: 8863: 8859: 8827: 8733: 8497: 8339: 8299: 8132: 8038: 7906: 7867: 7768: 7732: 7702: 7670: 7658: 7626: 7170: 7106: 7102: 7024: 6910: 6490: 6445: 6330: 6281: 6068: 6010: 5807: 5743: 5633: 5603: 5599: 5568: 5467: 5463: 5407: 5296: 5274: 5223: 5158: 5002: 4998: 4982: 4959: 4752: 4584: 4548: 4536: 4174: 4090:
Geraldine is the leader of a female darts team from The Feathers pub who go to
4084: 4032: 3953: 3800: 3702: 3690: 3591: 3553: 3503: 3499: 3287: 3275: 3219: 2791: 2528: 2169: 2142: 2126: 2071: 2063: 1942: 1732: 1512: 1458: 1326: 1253: 970: 818: 814: 806: 274: 266: 190: 19851:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Gillian Richmond (26 December 2016). 19713:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Richard Davidson (17 February 2017). 10789:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Andrew Rattenbury (11 January 2016). 9092:
An employee at Coker and Sons Funeral Directors, who disobeys the new manager
7404:) for a breach of the peace after she chains herself to the community centre. 6627:) drink onto her. She tells Carmel that she is meeting Masood, and Carmel and 4985:) on suspicion of conspiracy to commit robbery. Five months later, he arrests 3736:), whom seems envious of Mark's popularity with women. Mark takes a liking to 21707: 21342: 21247: 21197: 21192: 21182: 21177: 21022: 20952: 20937: 20922: 20917: 20912: 20817: 20802: 20797: 20787: 20642: 20607: 20572: 20502: 20422: 20397: 20392: 20387: 20377: 20367: 20152: 20107: 20062: 20012: 19207:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (24 August 2017). 17010:"How Lee Carter depression story has been EastEnders biggest triumph of late" 16899: 13700: 11261: 10504: 10470: 10342: 10302: 10197: 10141: 10111: 10081: 10036: 10010: 10005:) assures her that the ceiling will be fixed. The following year, she visits 9929: 9721: 9683: 9675: 9625: 9573: 9454: 9392: 9316: 9304: 9197: 9139: 9097: 9057: 9045: 9017: 8888: 8867: 8819: 8801: 8729: 8659: 8651: 8493: 8467: 8459: 8362: 8335: 8295: 8148: 8128: 8124: 8046: 8034: 8011: 7946: 7902: 7863: 7829: 7821: 7772: 7736: 7678: 7666: 7622: 7538: 7522: 7518: 7477: 7435: 7393: 7370: 7366: 7332: 7294: 7260: 7204: 7166: 7158: 7098: 7032: 6992: 6968: 6956: 6914: 6906: 6886: 6802: 6640: 6620: 6616: 6502: 6449: 6437: 6390: 6244: 6196: 6153: 6130: 6103: 6040: 5994: 5897: 5739: 5731: 5637: 5564: 5509: 5471: 5403: 5315: 5278: 5178: 5162: 4986: 4963: 4955: 4788: 4756: 4572: 4560: 4552: 4524: 4516: 4501: 4318: 4118: 4102: 3949: 3757: 3728:), who is the aunt of Michelle, Mark and Martin, and makes fast friends with 3686: 3682: 3678: 3674: 3655: 3603: 3583: 3513: 3489: 3283: 3246:) arrive in an attempt to rescue them and Simon and the gang flee the scene. 3215: 2851: 2839: 2613: 2578: 2516: 2468: 2150: 2134: 2051: 2017: 1984:. However, Andy does not arrive and Jack tells Ronnie he is dogsitting. When 1954: 1938: 1934: 1744: 1728: 1548: 1535: 1527: 1504: 1443: 1433: 1300: 1292: 1249: 994: 802: 794: 739: 418: 246: 178: 170: 94: 19889: 19852: 19816: 19780: 19747: 19746:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Leo Richardson (21 February 2017). 19714: 19678: 19645: 19612: 19579: 19539: 19501: 19461: 19423: 19390: 19357: 19324: 19284: 19248: 19208: 19175: 19142: 19094: 19058: 19020: 18982: 18944: 18906: 18873: 18840: 18807: 18769: 18736: 18703: 18667: 18629: 18587: 18554: 18521: 18485: 18452: 18416: 18380: 18347: 18311: 18275: 18239: 18195: 18155: 18122: 18084: 18046: 18013: 17977: 17944: 17904: 17871: 17834: 17798: 17765: 17727: 17687: 17651: 17607: 17574: 17534: 17497: 17460: 17416: 17383: 17350: 17310: 17270: 17233: 17193: 17153: 17120: 17080: 16952: 16865: 16825: 16788: 16726: 16688: 16652: 16612: 16611:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Leo Richardson (27 December 2016). 16576: 16534: 16494: 16448: 16404: 16366: 16324: 16267: 16231: 16198: 16150: 16114: 16057: 16020: 15984: 15946: 15902: 15834: 15782: 15742: 15700: 15660: 15614: 15562: 15561:; Director: Rebecca Gatward; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (16 September 2016). 15496: 15454: 15408: 15342: 15304: 15064: 15028: 14990: 14948: 14902: 14858: 14822: 14784: 14740: 14702: 14662: 14568: 14514: 14388: 14344: 14304: 14017: 13980: 13943: 13901: 13864: 13816: 13783: 13358: 13325: 13287: 13254: 13221: 13184: 13147: 13105: 13069: 13032: 12999: 12966: 12930: 12890: 12857: 12820: 12780: 12738: 12692: 12659: 12615: 12579: 12539: 12461: 12338: 12302: 12258: 12108: 12075: 12039: 12001: 11961: 11928: 11890: 11816: 11776: 11734: 11694: 11656: 11616: 11580: 11526: 11444: 11402: 11365: 11319: 11227: 11185: 11149: 11105: 10960: 10920: 10880: 10844: 10790: 10754: 10718: 10682: 10646: 10606: 10568: 7169:). He is present when Bobby is questioned about Lucy's murder by Keeble and 3807:, and Vicki to reconnect with them. She later decides to stay in Australia. 153:) all made their first appearances in February. March saw Linford's friend, 21678: 21352: 21332: 21237: 21232: 21152: 21117: 21082: 21052: 21042: 21037: 20957: 20932: 20897: 20867: 20842: 20827: 20697: 20677: 20637: 20597: 20592: 20552: 20547: 20522: 20447: 20407: 20372: 20362: 20337: 20322: 20317: 20277: 20272: 20262: 20252: 20217: 20162: 20142: 20122: 20022: 19992: 19885: 18625: 17903:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (26 January 2017). 17867: 17723: 17493: 17309:; Director: Penelope Shales; Writer: Christopher Reason (28 January 2016). 17152:; Director: Penelope Shales; Writer: Christopher Reason (26 January 2016). 16861: 16821: 16490: 16194: 15898: 15833:; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: Pete Lawson (29 November 2016). 15492: 15450: 15375: 14602: 14564: 14510: 14013: 13976: 13532: 13065: 12776: 12734: 12655: 11101: 10642: 10564: 10383: 10353: 10294: 10246: 10230: 10169: 10161: 10153: 10149: 10048: 10044: 9986: 9913: 9869: 9853: 9770: 9717: 9713: 9659: 9621: 9541: 9479: 9419: 9412: 9388: 9350: 9268: 9261: 9233: 9205: 9105: 9053: 8971: 8964: 8875: 8797: 8790: 8757: 8749: 8745: 8693: 8627: 8597: 8567: 8559: 8513: 8500:) after he collapses after being assaulted by a gang who kidnapped his son 8455: 8419: 8354: 8265: 8221: 8193: 8180:. He and his friend ask if they serve organic food, and then he interrupts 8177: 8054: 7942: 7825: 7813: 7588: 7572: 7534: 7514: 7485: 7443: 7389: 7377: 7336: 7328: 7279: 7248: 7212: 7174: 7146: 7141:(Eliot Carrington) after he is arrested for assaulting his adoptive mother 7068: 7040: 6856: 6809: 6798: 6748: 6632: 6612: 6562: 6530: 6498: 6441: 6433: 6394: 6386: 6338: 6292: 6256: 6240: 6228: 6200: 6141: 6107: 6099: 6095: 6052: 5998: 5916: 5854: 5811: 5795: 5783: 5751: 5747: 5695: 5517: 5447: 5415: 5369: 5362: 5311: 5190: 5174: 5142: 5069: 5038: 4990: 4951: 4947: 4792: 4784: 4764: 4599: 4588: 4576: 4564: 4544: 4520: 4493: 4314: 4159: 4141: 4114: 4098: 3989: 3961: 3792: 3749: 3698: 3694: 3635: 3471: 3433: 3362: 3299: 3255: 3243: 3196: 3018: 2866: 2847: 2819: 2629: 2625: 2621: 2605: 2601: 2589: 2582: 2558: 2496: 2349: 2337: 2326: 2314: 2221: 2211: 2184:
is on 8 August 2016 at the conclusion of the storyline he was created for.
2158: 2095: 2079: 2044: 2036: 2020:) arrives. Andy listens in on Glenda's telephone conversation with her son 1997: 1958: 1950: 1748: 1740: 1500: 1281: 1261: 1241: 1037: 1010: 990: 974: 798: 778: 577: 442: 430: 395: 254: 198: 166: 78: 18310:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Josh Freedman Berthoud (15 July 2016). 14478:
White, Kate (29 October – 4 November 2016). "Does Belinda fancy Masood?".
10919:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Christopher Reason (29 April 2016). 10533:"EastEnders boss Dominic Treadwell-Collins quits after two and half years" 8922:) mother who attends a bail hearing when he is charged with the murder of 6009:). Delphine produces her wedding dress, but prevents Jack from seeing it. 2534: 21417: 21407: 21392: 21387: 21362: 21357: 21262: 21257: 21217: 21162: 21147: 21047: 20942: 20907: 20892: 20877: 20862: 20847: 20832: 20812: 20747: 20742: 20707: 20702: 20672: 20657: 20652: 20527: 20462: 20457: 20442: 20417: 20297: 20282: 20267: 20242: 20172: 20147: 20117: 20082: 20072: 20027: 20007: 19987: 18235: 17116: 16986: 16297: 16110: 16087: 16053: 15258: 15238: 15150:"EastEnders spoilers: Callum Highway faces prison after a violent attack" 14944: 14898: 14630: 14480: 14204: 13728: 13672: 13644: 13616: 13560: 13504: 12929:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Richard Davidson (20 May 2016). 12853: 12495: 12425: 12168: 11886: 11546: 11440: 11398: 11289: 11074: 11022: 10879:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (28 April 2016). 10346: 10326: 10234: 10165: 9998: 9994: 9975: 9967: 9857: 9806: 9667: 9562: 9312: 9167: 9147: 8939: 8935: 8927: 8823: 8663: 8552: 8544: 8366: 8303: 8116: 8062: 8022: 7982: 7974: 7910: 7871: 7764: 7725: 7607: 7542: 7526: 7381: 7320: 7252: 6996: 6960: 6918: 6890: 6478: 6425: 6378: 6326: 6232: 6221: 6149: 6060: 6014: 5803: 5735: 5641: 5504:
The headmistress at St. Bartholomew's independent school, who meets with
5342: 5303: 5282: 5206: 5166: 5006: 4967: 4823: 4796: 4615: 4556: 4338: 4326: 4133: 4106: 4001: 3969: 3929: 3784: 3741: 3721: 3666: 3651: 3615: 3599: 3595: 3565: 3557: 3517: 3337: 3313: 3263: 3227: 3160: 3010: 3002: 2994: 2919: 2888: 2843: 2823: 2691: 2641: 2546: 2524: 2478: 2458: 2318: 2288: 2173: 2055: 2025: 2001: 1907: 1793: 1488: 1045: 966: 831: 460: 455: 422: 375: 222: 214: 186: 158: 130: 62: 19929: 19500:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Andrew Rattenbury (17 October 2016). 19460:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (30 September 2016). 19093:; Director: Rebecca Gatward; Writer: Katie Douglas (13 September 2016). 19019:; Director: Rebecca Gatward; Writer: Katie Douglas (12 September 2016). 18735:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Matt Evans (23 February 2017). 18451:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (10 October 2016). 15983:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (4 November 2016). 15407:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (2 September 2016). 15371:"EastEnders' Mark Fowler to stay in Walford to 'get to know his family'" 14857:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (1 September 2016). 12337:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Carey Andrews (31 March 2016). 12038:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Carey Andrews (29 March 2016). 5380:). They later leave when Kyle says things with Stacey were complicated. 2838:). They are returning Neville and Belinda's koi carp that Mick's father 410:). They leave later when Kyle says things with Stacey were complicated. 21442: 21397: 21382: 21302: 21277: 21272: 21267: 21097: 21087: 21062: 21057: 20962: 20887: 20852: 20737: 20717: 20692: 20647: 20542: 20517: 20412: 20332: 20312: 20307: 20292: 20232: 20212: 20087: 20052: 20037: 19961: 19924: 19893: 19856: 19820: 19784: 19779:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (13 January 2017). 19751: 19718: 19682: 19649: 19616: 19583: 19575: 19543: 19505: 19465: 19427: 19394: 19361: 19328: 19288: 19252: 19212: 19179: 19146: 19138: 19098: 19062: 19024: 18986: 18948: 18910: 18877: 18844: 18811: 18773: 18740: 18707: 18671: 18633: 18591: 18586:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Alex Straker (26 September 2016). 18558: 18525: 18489: 18456: 18420: 18384: 18351: 18315: 18279: 18243: 18199: 18159: 18126: 18088: 18050: 18017: 17981: 17948: 17908: 17875: 17838: 17833:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Alison Fisher (1 April 2016). 17802: 17769: 17731: 17691: 17655: 17647: 17611: 17578: 17570: 17538: 17530: 17501: 17464: 17420: 17387: 17354: 17314: 17274: 17266: 17237: 17197: 17157: 17124: 17084: 17076: 17038:"EastEnders: Danny-Boy Hatchard and Sally Rogers hailed for rooftop ep" 16956: 16869: 16829: 16792: 16730: 16692: 16656: 16616: 16580: 16538: 16498: 16452: 16408: 16370: 16328: 16271: 16235: 16202: 16154: 16118: 16061: 16024: 15988: 15950: 15942: 15906: 15838: 15786: 15746: 15704: 15664: 15618: 15566: 15500: 15458: 15412: 15346: 15308: 15068: 15032: 14994: 14989:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Carey Andrews (19 September 2016). 14952: 14906: 14862: 14826: 14788: 14744: 14706: 14666: 14572: 14518: 14392: 14348: 14308: 14021: 13984: 13947: 13905: 13897: 13868: 13820: 13787: 13362: 13329: 13291: 13258: 13225: 13188: 13180: 13151: 13143: 13109: 13073: 13036: 13003: 12970: 12934: 12894: 12861: 12824: 12784: 12742: 12696: 12663: 12619: 12583: 12543: 12535: 12465: 12342: 12306: 12262: 12192:"Is Linzi linked to Jay Brown's 'biggest storyline yet' on EastEnders?" 12112: 12079: 12043: 12005: 11965: 11932: 11894: 11882: 11820: 11812: 11780: 11772: 11738: 11698: 11660: 11620: 11584: 11448: 11406: 11369: 11323: 11231: 11189: 11153: 11109: 10964: 10959:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Christopher Reason (2 May 2016). 10924: 10884: 10848: 10794: 10758: 10722: 10686: 10650: 10610: 10572: 10387: 10290: 10242: 10013:) fish and chip shop after a complaint of rats, but finds no evidence. 10002: 9959: 9917: 9861: 9655: 9450: 9346: 9229: 8975: 8871: 8786: 8697: 8623: 8593: 8423: 8261: 8217: 8030: 7809: 7530: 7481: 7473: 7439: 7431: 7385: 7324: 7290: 7244: 7208: 7154: 7153:
with intent, but then overhears Bobby claiming he hurt his half-sister
7142: 7036: 7017: 6922: 6697: 6628: 6494: 6429: 6382: 6371: 6260: 6236: 6137: 6111: 6048: 5950: 5920: 5815: 5629: 5513: 5373: 5354: 5307: 5270: 5194: 5186: 5170: 5022: 4971: 4907: 4800: 4780: 4603: 4497: 4469: 4330: 4122: 4110: 3788: 3670: 3611: 3575: 3545: 3271: 3188: 3176: 3155:
Simon is first seen greeting a friend who was arrested on suspicion of
3109: 2835: 2827: 2645: 2597: 2562: 2130: 2083: 2059: 1918: 1689: 1578: 1496: 1447: 1269: 1017: 978: 810: 403: 368: 316: 150: 70: 46: 18943:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Pete Lawson (29 September 2016). 18666:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Peter Mattessi (3 November 2016). 18484:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Peter Mattessi (18 August 2017). 17382:; Director: Lee Salisbury; Writer: Kathrine Smith (25 February 2016). 16787:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (19 December 2016). 15659:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (11 November 2016). 15613:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (10 November 2016). 14421:"EastEnders Spoilers: Gary Webster returns 29 years later as a Slater" 12460:; Director: Lee Salisbury; Writer: Peter Mattessi (23 February 2016). 11318:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Laura Poliakoff (2 February 2016). 11257:"EastEnders makes dig at mental health funding cuts in latest episode" 11226:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Mark Stevenson (19 February 2016). 11148:; Director: Lee Salisbury; Writer: Peter Mattessi (22 February 2016). 21372: 21282: 21122: 21112: 21077: 21067: 20872: 20732: 20682: 20582: 20577: 20302: 20102: 20042: 19997: 19815:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Wendy Granditer (9 December 2016). 18702:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (15 December 2016). 18553:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: Spenser Frearson (26 August 2016). 18520:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Kathrine Smith (18 August 2016). 18274:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Pete Lawson (22 September 2017). 17797:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Colin Wyatt (22 September 2016). 16982:"EastEnders: Where you have seen Lee Carter's guardian angel before?" 16230:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Kathrine Smith (17 January 2017). 15063:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: Pete Lawson (11 October 2016). 14821:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Mark Stevenson (29 August 2016). 12998:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Andrew Rattenbury (2 June 2016). 12889:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: Sarah Phelps (17 May 2016). 11184:; Director: Penelope Shales; Writer: Julia Honour (25 January 2016). 10338: 10052: 10006: 9577: 9400: 9296: 9201: 9101: 8931: 8849: 8563: 8540: 8185: 8120: 8078: 8058: 8050: 8042: 7978: 7817: 7614: 7584: 7256: 7200: 6720: 6666: 6636: 6346: 6157: 6044: 5849:'s primary nurse at a psychiatric hospital in Essex where his mother 5707: 5505: 5455: 5030: 4512: 3981: 3941: 3804: 3772: 3753: 3714: 3658:). He appears in 13 episodes between 11 August and 9 September 2016. 3643: 3607: 3279: 3259: 3251: 3235: 3180: 3014: 3006: 2633: 2574: 2087: 2047:), together. When Kyle asks who she is, Andy says she is his sister. 1989: 1531: 1312: 1213: 1025: 585: 414: 238: 102: 19323:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (22 December 2016). 18194:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Christopher Reason (4 July 2016). 15781:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (28 November 2016). 13500:"EastEnders catch-up: Danielle Jones's adoptive father Andy returns" 13388:"EastEnders spoilers: Is newcomer Andy Ronnie's mysterious stalker?" 12691:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Richard Davidson (22 April 2016). 11960:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Sarah Hooper (18 February 2016). 10681:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Sumerah Srivastav (6 January 2016). 4154:, and Geraldine puts Kathy in charge of directing it. However, when 569:, appears in four episodes between 22 January and 22 February 2016. 21127: 20247: 20207: 19356:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (2 February 2017). 19283:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Katie Douglas (8 December 2016). 18839:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Gillian Richmond (3 April 2017). 16575:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Katie Douglas (6 December 2016). 15699:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Matt Evans (15 November 2016). 12000:; Director: Lee Salisbury; Writer: Davey Jones (25 February 2016). 11927:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Alex Straker (12 February 2016). 4740:, played by Noah Maxwell-Clarke, first appears on 7 November 2016. 3295: 2122: 742:), who has been killed in a speedboat accident along with his wife 19677:; Director: Jane Ashmore; Writer: Pete Lawson (28 February 2017). 19538:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Jessica Lea (21 October 2016). 18981:; Director: John Greening; Writer: Jessica Lea (20 October 2016). 18415:; Director: Dominic Keavey; Writer: Jaden Clark (30 August 2016). 18121:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (17 June 2016). 18083:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Peter Mattessi (31 May 2016). 18045:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Peter Mattessi (30 May 2016). 17232:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Pete Lawson (5 February 2016). 17192:; Director: Neil Alderton; Writer: Pete Lawson (1 February 2016). 12614:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Mark Stevenson (11 April 2016). 10414:
who attends the first night of the Walford Players' production of
7251:) in hospital after she is violently assaulted by her adopted son 6619:) after arranging it on a dating website. On arriving, she knocks 3311:
described Simon as an "openly racist thug". Laura-Jane Tyler from
called Neville Belinda's "scumbag husband" and a "cruel swinger".
Shakil arrives in Walford to tell Carmel that her former husband,
958:, appears in eight episodes between 8 February and 27 April 2016. 21377: 20112: 19903: 19866: 19830: 19794: 19761: 19728: 19692: 19659: 19644:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Katie Douglas (31 January 2017). 19626: 19593: 19553: 19515: 19475: 19437: 19404: 19371: 19338: 19298: 19262: 19247:; Director: Afia Nkrumah; Writer: Pete Lawson (1 December 2016). 19222: 19189: 19174:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Robert Butler (21 November 2016). 19156: 19108: 19072: 19034: 18996: 18958: 18920: 18887: 18854: 18821: 18806:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (23 December 2016). 18783: 18768:; Director: Thomas Hescott; Writer: Julia Honour (6 March 2017). 18750: 18717: 18681: 18643: 18601: 18568: 18535: 18499: 18466: 18430: 18394: 18361: 18325: 18289: 18253: 18209: 18169: 18154:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Matt Evans (14 December 2017). 18136: 18098: 18060: 18027: 17991: 17958: 17918: 17885: 17848: 17812: 17779: 17741: 17701: 17665: 17621: 17606:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Jaden Clark (14 March 2016). 17588: 17548: 17511: 17474: 17430: 17397: 17364: 17324: 17284: 17247: 17207: 17167: 17134: 17094: 16966: 16879: 16839: 16802: 16740: 16702: 16666: 16626: 16590: 16548: 16508: 16462: 16447:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: Sarah Hooper (25 November 2016). 16418: 16380: 16338: 16281: 16245: 16212: 16164: 16149:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (24 December 2016). 16128: 16071: 16034: 15998: 15960: 15916: 15848: 15796: 15756: 15714: 15674: 15628: 15576: 15510: 15468: 15422: 15356: 15318: 15078: 15042: 15004: 14962: 14916: 14872: 14836: 14798: 14783:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Leo Richardson (7 October 2016). 14754: 14716: 14676: 14582: 14528: 14402: 14358: 14318: 14031: 13994: 13957: 13942:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: Sarah Hooper (25 August 2016). 13915: 13878: 13830: 13815:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Paul Quiney (10 June 2016). 13797: 13372: 13339: 13301: 13268: 13235: 13198: 13161: 13119: 13104:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (21 June 2016). 13083: 13046: 13013: 12980: 12944: 12904: 12871: 12834: 12794: 12752: 12706: 12673: 12629: 12593: 12553: 12475: 12352: 12316: 12301:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Jaden Clark (10 March 2016). 12272: 12122: 12107:; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Jonny O'Neill (21 March 2017). 12089: 12053: 12015: 11975: 11942: 11904: 11830: 11790: 11748: 11708: 11670: 11630: 11615:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Colin Wyatt (9 February 2016). 11594: 11579:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Colin Wyatt (8 February 2016). 11504: 11458: 11416: 11379: 11333: 11241: 11199: 11163: 11119: 10974: 10934: 10894: 10858: 10804: 10768: 10732: 10696: 10660: 10620: 10605:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Leo Richardson (4 January 2016). 10582: 9568:
Brett is a customer at Coker and Sons funeral directors who asks
9387:) who attends Lee's stag party. When Beanbag meets Lee's fiancée 8196:) to join him and his friend, but Grant tells him to "back off". 5645: 3214:(Tom Holloway) and they kidnap Ben and Jay and lock Ben's father 3113: 2652: 2588:
Shakil is eventually invited to have lunch with Bex, Martin, and
Alison arrives at the flat where Kyle lives with his half-sister
2099: 2008:) wonders about his intentions, though Stacey seems not to mind. 1712: 1264:) tried to kiss him so Linzi warns Louise to stay away from Jay. 387: 40:
The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the
19611:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Lauren Klee (10 February 2017). 19422:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Gillian Richmond (29 May 2017). 18346:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Laura Poliakoff (21 July 2016). 16687:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Colin Wyatt (3 January 2017). 16085:
Tyler, Laura-Jane (22–28 October 2016). "For better or worse?".
15526:"EastEnders: Mark Fowler Jr makes a surprise arrival in Walford" 15236:
Tyler, Laura-Jane (3–9 September 2016). "Grant to the rescue!".
14387:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Katie Douglas (14 June 2016). 14141:"EastEnders to tackle knife crime in hard-hitting new storyline" 13863:; Director: David Tucker; Writer: Katie Douglas (16 June 2016). 13782:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: Colin Wyatt (9 June 2016). 13031:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: Alex Straker (3 June 2016). 11655:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Cat Jones (11 February 2016). 7657:
An employee of Coker and Sons funeral directors who is carrying
During Kathy's audition, Geraldine spends all her time watching
3752:) tells Sharon about them, prompting her and Michelle's cousin, 3179:) photographs his car's number plate as he drives away. Ben and 18379:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Leo Richardson (26 July 2016). 17976:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Carey Andrews (26 May 2016). 17764:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Paul Quiney (24 March 2016). 17686:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Leo Richardson (15 March 2016). 16951:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Lauren Klee (30 December 2016). 16651:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Lauren Klee (29 December 2016). 16365:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Davey Jones (14 November 2016). 16295:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (21–27 January 2017). "Hits & Misses!".
16019:; Director: Audrey Cooke; Writer: Paul Quiney (20 March 2017). 14739:; Director: John Dower; Writer: Leo Richardson (25 July 2016). 13324:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Lauren Klee (5 August 2016). 13286:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Lauren Klee (4 August 2016). 12257:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Jesse O'Mahoney (4 April 2016). 12074:; Director: Mickey Jones; Writer: Pete Lawson (14 April 2016). 11733:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Maya Sondhi (19 April 2016). 9012:) who he pays to pose as a driving instructor to give his wife 8870:) go to see for a baby scan at the hospital. After they leave, 4313:
pub for Lee's stag party. He accidentally sprays Lee's fiancée
described them as "openly racist thugs". Laura-Jane Tyler from
2332: 19389:; Director: Jennie Darnell; Writer: Lauren Klee (4 May 2017). 19057:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Lauren Klee (3 October 2016). 18012:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Dana Fainaru (27 May 2016). 16403:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Matt Evans (17 November 2016). 16323:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Liz Lake (7 November 2016). 15341:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Maya Sondhi (12 August 2016). 15303:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Paul Quiney (11 August 2016). 15027:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Lauren Klee (4 October 2016). 14701:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Carey Andrews (19 July 2016). 14661:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Carey Andrews (18 July 2016). 14254: 14252: 14134: 14132: 14130: 14128: 11693:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: Matt Evans (18 April 2016). 10753:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Lauren Klee (7 January 2016). 10717:; Director: David Moor; Writer: Lauren Klee (7 January 2016). 5778:
The primary nurse at a psychiatric hospital in Essex to which
5357:) and another friend, when Kyle wants to meet his half-sister 2846:) had stolen. The next day, Belinda invites Mick and his wife 258: 18872:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Jessica Lea (10 April 2017). 17459:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Katie Douglas (7 April 2016). 17415:; Director: Ian White; Writer: David McManus (5 April 2016). 13357:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Pete Lawson (8 August 2016). 12578:; Director: Ian White; Writer: Katie Douglas (8 April 2016). 11846:"Jay Brown's storyline causes EastEnders viewers to complain" 11364:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: Leo Richardson (4 May 2016). 9138:) visits to discuss donating part of his liver to his father 8342:) garage, who are both seen various times there. Phil's son, 7472:'s (Eliot Carrington) sentencing for killing his half-sister 5754:) with a letter informing her that he has filed for divorce. 5458:) there are no mother and baby places for Stacey and her son 5210:
called Karen Lee's "guardian angel". Duncan Lindsay from the
4759:) after seeing Lee's photo of her, causing their supervisor, 3932:) in a homophobic assault. Along with the other gang member, 1055: 997:) contacts Thelma and gets her boyfriend and Nancy's brother 29: 17943:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (24 May 2016). 13253:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Liz Lake (2 August 2016). 12965:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: Matt Evans (23 May 2016). 12403:. No. 369. 27 February – 11 March 2016. pp. 28–29. 9395:), he remarks that Lee is "punching above his weight". When 8135:) for wrongly identifying Ian's half-brother and Phil's son 7480:) and causing grievous bodily harm upon his adoptive mother 7438:) and causing grievous bodily harm upon his adoptive mother 6805:) meets on an online date matching service. He meets her in 6349:) when they come to talk to Kush about his and Stacey's son 4783:) is hit in the face, a necklace is taken from Lee's mother 3817: 1965:(Mia Jenkins) from being hit by a car whilst she is holding 1036:
for five years. Afterwards, Thelma collects Linzi and tells
21212: 14249: 14125: 5539:
A woman who works at St. Bartholomew's independent school.
4169:(Daniel Attwell) and does not pay attention to Kathy or to 3916:
Frankie, Neil and Tom are members of the gang who attacked
18905:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Rob Gittins (11 May 2017). 14343:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Lauren Klee (12 May 2016). 14303:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Jaden Clark (10 May 2016). 14200:"Emmerdale wins big at the Digital Spy Reader Awards 2018" 14167: 14165: 14163: 14161: 11072:
Tyler, Laura-Jayne (7–13 May 2016). "Hits & misses!".
8547:) sister. She arrives for the funeral of her great-nephew 6611:
A woman who arrives at Beale's restaurant for a date with
5524:(Eliot Carrington), when Bobby is enrolled at the school. 3677:. Michelle is unable to attend the funeral of her father, 588:) convinces her to go to hospital. She and her colleague, 19899: 19862: 19826: 19790: 19757: 19724: 19688: 19655: 19622: 19589: 19549: 19511: 19471: 19433: 19400: 19367: 19334: 19294: 19258: 19218: 19185: 19152: 19104: 19068: 19030: 18992: 18954: 18916: 18883: 18850: 18817: 18779: 18746: 18713: 18677: 18639: 18597: 18564: 18531: 18495: 18462: 18426: 18390: 18357: 18321: 18285: 18249: 18205: 18165: 18132: 18094: 18056: 18023: 17987: 17954: 17914: 17881: 17844: 17808: 17775: 17737: 17697: 17661: 17617: 17584: 17544: 17507: 17470: 17426: 17393: 17360: 17320: 17280: 17243: 17203: 17163: 17130: 17090: 16962: 16875: 16835: 16798: 16736: 16698: 16662: 16622: 16586: 16544: 16504: 16458: 16414: 16376: 16334: 16277: 16241: 16208: 16160: 16124: 16067: 16030: 15994: 15956: 15912: 15844: 15792: 15752: 15710: 15670: 15624: 15572: 15506: 15464: 15418: 15352: 15314: 15074: 15038: 15000: 14958: 14912: 14868: 14832: 14794: 14750: 14712: 14672: 14578: 14524: 14456: 14398: 14354: 14314: 14267: 14101: 14099: 14097: 14095: 14093: 14027: 13990: 13953: 13911: 13874: 13826: 13793: 13588: 13368: 13335: 13297: 13264: 13231: 13194: 13157: 13115: 13079: 13042: 13009: 12976: 12940: 12900: 12867: 12830: 12819:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: Lauren Klee (9 May 2016). 12790: 12748: 12702: 12669: 12625: 12589: 12549: 12471: 12348: 12312: 12268: 12118: 12085: 12049: 12011: 11971: 11938: 11900: 11826: 11786: 11744: 11704: 11666: 11626: 11590: 11454: 11412: 11375: 11329: 11237: 11195: 11159: 11115: 10970: 10930: 10890: 10854: 10800: 10764: 10728: 10692: 10656: 10616: 10578: 4182: 4095: 3661:
Mark is born off-screen in 1996 after his parents have a
Simon returns with the rest of the gang who killed Paul,
2997:, appears in two episodes on 11 and 12 July 2016. She is 2814:
Neville is first seen when he arrives home with his wife
2569:). Bex is annoyed when Louise flirts with Shakil, and at 1910:, appears in 35 episodes from 17 March to 8 August 2016. 41: 10990:"Debbie Rush's daughter Poppy is starring in EastEnders" 4977:
Cole visits The Queen Vic on Christmas Day, and arrests
4958:) assumes he is from the council and thanks him for the 413:
Eventually, Kyle moves in with Stacey and gets a job at
15251: 15249: 15231: 15229: 14158: 13612:"EastEnders airs Andy Flynn's final scenes – Spoilers!" 9982:) attend a training course in food hygiene. She visits 8350:), who also works at the garage, buys Ethan a drink in 5861:. Stacey later talks to Madhu about the possibility of 14090: 9423:
him. Lee is annoyed that Whitney flirts with Beanbag.
4610:) that she believes Dave is their missing cat, Lucky. 596:, so Dr Forde concludes that Stacey is suffering from 10035:
An alcohol liaison officer at the hospital who calls
5746:) lawyer, who is present when Phil presents his wife 3720:
Mark is quick to join the market with Phil's ex-wife
3693:) contacts Mark after finding a letter in his wife's 386:(Joel Phillimore) and another friend, they arrive in 281:(Sam Gittins) arrived in October and Lee's colleague 15246: 15226: 6493:) contacts social services when Jordan is arrested, 4791:), the lead robber grabs Lee's 18-month-old brother 4551:(Henri Charles), to rename the cat Dave after a pet 746:(Claire Lubert). Tim meets Joel's former girlfriend 233:), one of Paul's killers. August saw the arrival of 14447: 14445: 14443: 10226:A mother and son from a pub, The Bull, who come to 7525:) living arrangements. She tells Sylvie's grandson 6557:A support worker at the psychiatric hospital where 5181:) have a perfect relationship and that his brother 4094:pub for a tournament against The Vic's team led by 2636:), so chooses to stay with his father temporarily. 8696:) beauty salon, Elysium, and gives a treatment to 14414: 14412: 5636:) has his plea hearing for the attempted rape of 3258:) who calls him a liar. After Paul's grandmother 209:) all made their first appearances in May, while 21705: 14440: 12367:"EastEnders' Denise takes on daunting storyline" 8878:) visits Renu for her scan. Renu runs tests for 8290:A representative for Walford Council who visits 6001:) from Walford after he visits his former wife, 2153:), or that he is connected to Ronnie's daughter 1921:) who helps him with work on his foster brother 1291:Following an incident when an explicit photo of 21460: 10511:) a blood test following his liver transplant. 9744:A client at Coker and Son's Funeral Directors. 7097:A police family liaison officer who meets with 6573:. Karina attends a meeting with her colleagues 5227:called Karen's second episode "heartbreaking". 3673:), who the father is, before emigrating to the 15262:. Vol. 2016, no. 37. pp. 10–11. 15202: 15200: 14409: 11104:; Writer: Richard Davidson (22 January 2016). 10567:; Writer: Richard Davidson (19 January 2016). 10477:), who is in hospital for a liver transplant. 10140:A transplant co-ordinator at the hospital who 9654:The new area manager of the Minute Mart where 7858:'s (Grace) school. He informs Janet's parents 7681:) tells Dhal to allow Phil to take his place. 3709:), who has since died, about Mark. Sharon and 448:Rush's performance was praised by her mother, 19945: 19578:; Writer: Laura Poliakoff (25 October 2016). 14012:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: 13975:; Director: Toby Frow, Richard Lynn; Writer: 11872: 11870: 11868: 8111:A police officer investigating the murder of 7816:) at the hospital. She tells Jane's husband, 6893:) after she is assaulted. When Roxy's sister 4628: 1061:The actress Lorraine Stanley went on to play 17336: 17334: 17300: 17298: 17296: 17294: 15242:. Vol. 2016, no. 35. pp. 4–6. 8970:A human resources consultant who interviews 8017:A police officer investigating the death of 6525:A patient at the psychiatric hospital where 6287:A doctor at the psychiatric care unit where 5349:) flatmate, who comes to Walford with Kyle, 4129:) discover that The Feathers' team cheated. 2340:dyed her hair for the role of Alison Slater. 2109: 989:). After Nancy has a trial at Thelma's pub, 19842: 19840: 19704: 19702: 19565: 19563: 19529: 19527: 19525: 19491: 19489: 19487: 19485: 19451: 19449: 19447: 19314: 19312: 19310: 19308: 19128: 19126: 19124: 19122: 19120: 19118: 19084: 19082: 19010: 19008: 19006: 18972: 18970: 18968: 18934: 18932: 18930: 18797: 18795: 18793: 18693: 18691: 18615: 18613: 18611: 18511: 18509: 18442: 18440: 18406: 18404: 18337: 18335: 18301: 18299: 18265: 18263: 18112: 18110: 18108: 18074: 18072: 18070: 18003: 18001: 17934: 17932: 17930: 17928: 17870:; Writer: Natalie Mitchell (17 July 2017). 17755: 17753: 17751: 17713: 17711: 17677: 17675: 17106: 17104: 17066: 17064: 17062: 17060: 16851: 16849: 16778: 16776: 16642: 16640: 16638: 16636: 16602: 16600: 16489:; Director: Penelope Shales-Slyne; Writer: 16438: 16436: 16434: 16432: 16430: 16428: 16394: 16392: 16390: 16356: 16354: 16352: 16350: 16348: 16257: 16255: 16184: 16182: 16180: 16178: 16176: 16174: 16140: 16138: 16091:. Vol. 2016, no. 42. p. 11. 16010: 16008: 15932: 15930: 15928: 15926: 15888: 15886: 15884: 15824: 15822: 15820: 15818: 15816: 15814: 15812: 15810: 15808: 15806: 15772: 15770: 15768: 15766: 15728: 15726: 15724: 15690: 15688: 15686: 15684: 15650: 15648: 15646: 15644: 15642: 15640: 15638: 15604: 15602: 15600: 15598: 15596: 15594: 15592: 15590: 15588: 15586: 15552: 15550: 15548: 15546: 15332: 15330: 15328: 15197: 15054: 15052: 14980: 14978: 14976: 14974: 14972: 14812: 14810: 14808: 14730: 14728: 14726: 14692: 14690: 14688: 14686: 14652: 14650: 14648: 14554: 14552: 14550: 14548: 14546: 14544: 14542: 14540: 14538: 14500: 14498: 14496: 14494: 14484:. Vol. 2016, no. 43. p. 17. 14378: 14376: 14374: 14372: 14370: 14368: 14334: 14332: 14330: 14328: 14294: 14292: 14290: 14288: 14286: 14284: 12525: 12523: 12521: 12519: 12517: 12515: 12513: 12292: 12290: 12288: 12286: 12284: 12282: 11991: 11989: 11987: 11985: 11430: 11428: 11426: 10987: 9303:) owes money to. Mike watches as Jay takes 9208:), had left the undertakers in good hands. 6187:) husband. Their wedding is interrupted by 5794:when he is brought in to stay. Anya allows 5450:) mental health, and informs her boyfriend 1526:When Jordan is arrested by the police over 19952: 19938: 19806: 19804: 19274: 19272: 19238: 19236: 19234: 19232: 19048: 19046: 19044: 18894: 18657: 18655: 18653: 18225: 18223: 18221: 18219: 18185: 18183: 18181: 18179: 17824: 17822: 17637: 17635: 17633: 17631: 17560: 17558: 17450: 17448: 17446: 17444: 17442: 17440: 17223: 17221: 17219: 17217: 17183: 17181: 17179: 17177: 16716: 16714: 16712: 16678: 16676: 16566: 16564: 16562: 16560: 16558: 16524: 16522: 16520: 16518: 16480: 16478: 16476: 16474: 16472: 16314: 16312: 16310: 16308: 15974: 15972: 15970: 15482: 15480: 15478: 15440: 15438: 15436: 15434: 15432: 15398: 15396: 15394: 15206: 15018: 15016: 15014: 14934: 14932: 14930: 14928: 14926: 14888: 14886: 14884: 14882: 14848: 14846: 14774: 14772: 14770: 14768: 14766: 14764: 13933: 13931: 13929: 13927: 13925: 13854: 13852: 13850: 13848: 13846: 13844: 13842: 13840: 13133: 13131: 13129: 13095: 13093: 12956: 12954: 12920: 12918: 12916: 12914: 12605: 12603: 12451: 12449: 12447: 12445: 12443: 12414: 12412: 12410: 12328: 12326: 12096: 12065: 12063: 12029: 12027: 12025: 11918: 11916: 11914: 11865: 11802: 11800: 11762: 11760: 11758: 11724: 11722: 11720: 11718: 11684: 11682: 11680: 11646: 11644: 11642: 11640: 11217: 11215: 11213: 11211: 11209: 11175: 11173: 11139: 11137: 11135: 11133: 11131: 11129: 11091: 11089: 11087: 11085: 10910: 10908: 10906: 10904: 10870: 10868: 10834: 8188:) as he is about to order. Barney invites 6333:) in his flat. They are caught kissing by 5690:A nurse at the psychiatric hospital where 3685:), when she gives birth to Mark. In 2016, 3298:), still grieving the loss of his brother 2541:portrayed Shakil Kazemi from 2016 to 2018. 612:had helped raise awareness of this issue. 390:when Kyle decides to meet his half-sister 19959: 17650:; Writer: Dare Aiyegbayo (4 March 2016). 17371: 17331: 17291: 17115:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: 17035: 16921:Anisiobi, John James (20 December 2016). 16193:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: 15945:; Writer: Paul Quiney (28 October 2016). 15147: 15119: 15091: 13315: 13313: 13311: 12852:; Director: Michael Owen Morris; Writer: 12810: 12808: 12806: 12804: 12766: 12764: 12762: 12724: 12722: 12720: 12718: 12716: 12645: 12643: 12641: 12639: 12569: 12567: 12565: 12563: 12248: 12246: 12244: 12242: 11606: 11604: 11570: 11568: 11566: 11564: 11355: 11353: 11351: 11349: 11347: 11345: 11343: 11309: 11307: 11254: 10950: 10948: 10946: 10944: 10832: 10830: 10828: 10826: 10824: 10822: 10820: 10818: 10816: 10814: 10780: 10778: 10744: 10742: 10708: 10706: 9445:A psychiatrist at the hospital with whom 8658:) in the previous episode when she tells 3818:Frankie Byrne, Neil Crossley and Tom Eden 3021:) and that Paul may not know who she is. 2672:from 2001 to 2004, after her brother was 2317:, is the mother of transgender character 458:, on Twitter. While Laura-Jayne Tyler of 21719:Television characters introduced in 2016 19837: 19768: 19735: 19699: 19666: 19633: 19600: 19560: 19522: 19482: 19444: 19411: 19305: 19196: 19163: 19115: 19079: 19003: 18965: 18927: 18861: 18790: 18724: 18688: 18608: 18575: 18542: 18506: 18473: 18437: 18401: 18368: 18332: 18296: 18260: 18143: 18105: 18067: 18034: 17998: 17965: 17925: 17892: 17855: 17786: 17748: 17708: 17672: 17595: 17481: 17254: 17141: 17101: 17057: 16940: 16920: 16846: 16809: 16773: 16633: 16597: 16425: 16387: 16345: 16252: 16219: 16171: 16135: 16098: 16041: 16005: 15923: 15881: 15803: 15763: 15721: 15681: 15635: 15583: 15543: 15325: 15292: 15049: 14969: 14805: 14723: 14683: 14645: 14535: 14491: 14365: 14325: 14281: 14197: 14191: 14001: 13964: 13721: 13665: 13497: 12510: 12488: 12418: 12279: 11982: 11423: 10672: 10670: 10632: 10630: 10596: 10594: 10592: 6578: 6296: 6047:) is incarcerated. Lucas's former wife, 5866: 5475: 2533: 2331: 572:Dr Forde is a psychiatrist who assesses 28: 19873: 19801: 19378: 19345: 19269: 19229: 19041: 18828: 18757: 18650: 18216: 18176: 17819: 17628: 17555: 17518: 17437: 17404: 17214: 17174: 17007: 16892: 16709: 16673: 16555: 16515: 16469: 16305: 15967: 15475: 15429: 15391: 15011: 14923: 14879: 14843: 14761: 14171: 14070: 14044: 13922: 13885: 13837: 13804: 13469: 13441: 13413: 13205: 13168: 13126: 13090: 12951: 12911: 12878: 12841: 12680: 12600: 12440: 12407: 12323: 12060: 12022: 11949: 11911: 11797: 11755: 11715: 11677: 11637: 11206: 11170: 11126: 11082: 10901: 10865: 7579:) meets, along with her former husband 6295:) is staying. Along with her colleague 4594:When seeing a missing poster for Dave, 2651:It was reported that Shakil arrives in 14: 21706: 19975: 18624:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 16893:Manning, Charlotte (24 October 2019). 15897:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 15861: 15523: 15207:Rattenbury, Jack (13 September 2016). 15175: 14453:"Gary Webster to play Neville Peacock" 14418: 14229: 14138: 14105: 13771: 13581: 13553: 13525: 13385: 13346: 13308: 13275: 13242: 13216:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 13179:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 13142:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 13053: 13020: 12987: 12801: 12759: 12733:; Director: Sophie Lifschutz; Writer: 12713: 12636: 12560: 12239: 12217: 12189: 11843: 11601: 11561: 11539: 11479:. The UK Comedy Guide. 2 February 2016 11386: 11340: 11304: 11282: 11043: 11015: 10941: 10811: 10775: 10739: 10703: 10552: 10530: 8470:) salsa show in the community centre. 6586: 6180: 5786:) is transferred after suffering with 4567:). Dave escapes again and is found by 4087:, first appears on 16 September 2016. 3332:character introduced in 2016. For the 961:Thelma is a pub landlady who comes to 21459: 20195: 20194: 19974: 19933: 19137:; Director: Rebecca Gatward; Writer: 17573:; Writer: Matt Evans (3 March 2016). 17533:; Writer: Matt Evans (1 March 2016). 17384:"Episode dated 25/02/2016 (part 2/2)" 17351:"Episode dated 28/01/2016 (part 2/2)" 17345:; Director: Penelope Shales; Writer: 17311:"Episode dated 28/01/2016 (part 1/2)" 17036:Kitchener, Shaun (30 December 2016). 16824:; Writer: Colin Wyatt (15 May 2017). 16753: 16294: 16084: 15272: 15255: 15235: 14623: 14595: 14477: 13693: 13637: 13609: 13064:; Director: Laurence Wilson; Writer: 12161: 12109:"Episode dated 21/03/2017 (part 1/2)" 12002:"Episode dated 25/02/2016 (part 1/2)" 11891:"Episode dated 17/03/2017 (part 2/2)" 11497: 11255:Kitchener, Shaun (22 February 2016). 11071: 10988:Fitzpatrick, Katie (7 January 2016). 10667: 10627: 10589: 9924:and refers her to an eye specialist. 9798: 8025:). She initially believes Paul to be 6991:A customer who buys fresh crabs from 6574: 6152:) is arrested for helping his father 5862: 5819: 1495:(Sophia Brown). Jordan's stepmother, 1492: 1423: 262: 17008:Lindsay, Duncan (30 December 2016). 16979: 16756:"5 reasons to hate Oz on EastEnders" 16109:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 12419:Kilkelly, Daniel (14 January 2016). 12135: 11439:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 11397:; Director: Lance Kneeshaw; Writer: 8066: 7199:A surgeon at the hospital who tells 7149:). South charges Bobby with causing 6195:), who assumes Delphine is marrying 5702:. She assists when Stacey's partner 4613:In May 2017, Laura-Jayne Tyler from 3266:) has a meeting with Simon's mother 218: 202: 17265:; Director: John Greening; Writer: 15862:Harris, Niomi (16 September 2016). 15148:Patterson, Stephen (19 July 2021). 14563:; Director: John Greening; Writer: 14509:; Director: John Greening; Writer: 14198:Robinson, Abby (28 December 2018). 12540:"Episode dated 17/03/2016 (part 1)" 12303:"Episode dated 10/03/2016 (part 2)" 11445:"Episode dated 10/03/2016 (part 1)" 11283:Dainty, Sophie (23 February 2016). 7023:A doctor at the hospital who tells 6377:A doctor at the hospital who tells 4008: 3665:. Michelle only tells her brother, 2676:. Kinsella said that she "commend" 24: 18234:; Director: John Howlett; Writer: 17722:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 17492:; Director: Richard Lynn; Writer: 16864:; Writer: Liz Lake (16 May 2017). 15524:Rajani, Deepika (11 August 2016). 15120:Patterson, Stephen (9 July 2021). 15092:Patterson, Stephen (5 July 2021). 14139:Hughes, Jonathon (22 March 2018). 13896:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: 11811:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: 11771:; Director: Nic Phillips; Writer: 11527:"BBC One – EastEnders, 08/03/2016" 11498:Baker, Charlie (2 February 2016). 8144: 7914: 6711:) sons and brother of 14-year-old 6481:) former girlfriend and mother of 5946: 5874: 5698:) is staying after suffering from 5045: 4943:He is a police officer who visits 3729: 3336:character introduced in 1985, see 3207: 3203: 2895: 2698: 1914: 1913:Andy is introduced as a friend of 1299:) results in Bex being bullied by 438: 162: 146: 25: 21735: 19914: 19884:; Director: Waris Islam; Writer: 16980:Harp, Justin (30 December 2016). 16754:Brown, David (11 November 2016). 14172:Lindsay, Duncan (22 March 2018). 14071:Methven, Nicola (15 April 2016). 13666:Fletcher, Harry (24 March 2016). 11016:Dainty, Sophie (6 January 2016). 9865: 9537: 9497: 8915: 6925:) that his "wife" in safe hands. 6704: 6398:normally for a child of his age. 6039:The governor of the prison where 5442:A psychiatric nurse who assesses 4807: 4760: 4623:actor we've met over the years." 4166: 3933: 3267: 3133: 2329:, first broadcast on 3 May 2016. 1515:) struggles to bond with JJ, and 1225: 1191: 1181: 1065:a year later, in a regular role. 929: 383: 226: 118: 98: 17081:"Episode dated 01/01/2016 (2/2)" 17029: 17001: 16973: 16914: 16886: 16747: 16288: 16078: 15855: 15737:; Director: Rick Platt; Writer: 15517: 15363: 15266: 15176:Kitson, Calli (13 August 2021). 15169: 15141: 15113: 15085: 14617: 14589: 14471: 14223: 14106:Dainty, Sophie (22 March 2018). 14064: 14038: 13498:Kilkelly, Daniel (6 June 2016). 12775:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 12654:; Director: Steve Finn; Writer: 12162:Brown, David (2 February 2016). 11844:Sahota, Jasmin (30 April 2016). 11473:"Charlie Baker joins EastEnders" 10755:"Episode dated 07/01/2016 (2/2)" 10719:"Episode dated 07/01/2016 (1/2)" 10641:; Director: David Moor; Writer: 10531:Duncan, Amy (18 February 2016). 10420:to review it for the newspaper. 10148:) speaks to along with his wife 9922:age-related macular degeneration 8891:) a baby scan after she faints. 7969:A market trader who is asked by 7285:A Youth Court judge who remands 7137:A police officer who interviews 6712: 6674: 5350: 3985: 3825:Frankie Byrne, Neil Crossley and 3239: 2359: 2187: 1554: 982: 939: 250: 110: 82: 66: 17075:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: 16052:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: 15491:; Director: Ian White; Writer: 15449:; Director: Ian White; Writer: 15273:Brown, David (11 August 2016). 14943:; Director: Ian White; Writer: 14897:; Director: Ian White; Writer: 14045:Bagwell, Matt (15 April 2016). 13743: 13722:Kilkelly, Daniel (3 May 2016). 13715: 13687: 13659: 13631: 13603: 13582:Harris, Niomi (2 August 2016). 13575: 13547: 13519: 13491: 13463: 13435: 13407: 13379: 12534:; Director: Toby Frow; Writer: 12489:Kilkelly, Daniel (5 May 2016). 12482: 12390: 12359: 12211: 12190:Duncan, Amy (2 February 2016). 12183: 12155: 12136:Rees, Mark (27 February 2016). 12129: 11837: 11540:Dainty, Sophie (6 April 2016). 11533: 11519: 11491: 11465: 11276: 11248: 11065: 11037: 11009: 10981: 9060:) old house. Later, Carmel and 8688:A nail technician who works at 7985:) stall away and is thanked by 7665:) coffin, but when Peggy's son 7380:. He informs Sylvie's grandson 6955:) house looking for her sister 6482: 6393:) that they can take their son 6136:A police officer who questions 5903:A doctor at an STI clinic that 5017:). Two years later, he arrests 4811: 4719:Customer service representative 3032: 2830:) in their garden with his son 838: 615: 154: 134: 21714:Lists of EastEnders characters 14260:"Belinda Peacock (nee Slater)" 13694:Kelly, Helen (26 April 2016). 13610:Brown, David (8 August 2016). 13554:Dainty, Sophie (7 June 2016). 13470:Lindsay, Duncan (6 May 2016). 13442:Lindsay, Duncan (7 May 2016). 13414:Lindsay, Duncan (6 May 2016). 11044:Duncan, Amy (7 January 2016). 10524: 9837:Two call-centre colleagues of 9052:) when she wants to move into 8570:) of not being there for her. 7913:) and the deputy headteacher, 4531:). During a conversation with 3909:, played by Chris Waller, and 3323: 2604:), Bex, Louise and new friend 2094:) saying that Roxy's daughter 1068: 469: 292: 289:appeared throughout the year. 13: 1: 13526:Walker, Danny (7 June 2016). 13386:Duncan, Amy (14 April 2016). 10517: 9846: 9533: 9493: 7760: 7731:A police officer who arrests 7468:The prosecution barrister at 6424:A doctor at the hospital who 5410:) mistakes for his daughter, 5269:A police officer who arrests 4810:(Ross-Anthony McCormack) and 4492:) is a stray cat taken in by 3211: 1769: 1332: 589: 374:Sophie is the best friend of 282: 225:) arrived in July along with 21308:Celestine and Etta Tavernier 14624:Brown, David (3 July 2016). 14230:Robson, Dave (8 July 2018). 12218:Duncan, Amy (6 April 2016). 9130:A hepatology consultant who 8622:A district nurse who visits 8306:) to discuss their daughter 7365:A police officer who brings 6501:) learns from social worker 6364:24 March 2016 – 11 June 2019 5277:) for the attempted rape of 4830: 4322: 1507:. Denise's surrogate father 7: 21461:Lists of characters by year 13638:Brown, David (2 May 2016). 8033:) and informs Ben's father 7510:A social worker who visits 5402:A schoolgirl who a drunken 5036:John James Anisiobi of the 5025:) for various crimes after 3924:) and killed his boyfriend 2180:Andy's final appearance in 1929:) basement. Vincent's wife 1220:) bumps into Linzi outside 286: 10: 21740: 21724:2016 in British television 19890:"Episode dated 07/07/2017" 19853:"Episode dated 26/12/2016" 19817:"Episode dated 09/12/2016" 19781:"Episode dated 13/01/2017" 19748:"Episode dated 21/02/2017" 19715:"Episode dated 17/02/2017" 19679:"Episode dated 28/02/2017" 19646:"Episode dated 31/01/2017" 19613:"Episode dated 10/02/2017" 19580:"Episode dated 25/10/2016" 19540:"Episode dated 21/10/2016" 19502:"Episode dated 17/10/2016" 19462:"Episode dated 30/09/2016" 19424:"Episode dated 29/05/2017" 19391:"Episode dated 04/05/2017" 19358:"Episode dated 02/02/2017" 19325:"Episode dated 22/12/2016" 19285:"Episode dated 08/12/2016" 19249:"Episode dated 01/12/2016" 19209:"Episode dated 24/08/2017" 19176:"Episode dated 21/11/2016" 19143:"Episode dated 15/09/2016" 19095:"Episode dated 13/09/2016" 19059:"Episode dated 03/10/2016" 19021:"Episode dated 12/09/2016" 18983:"Episode dated 20/10/2016" 18945:"Episode dated 29/09/2016" 18907:"Episode dated 11/05/2017" 18874:"Episode dated 10/04/2017" 18841:"Episode dated 03/04/2017" 18808:"Episode dated 23/12/2016" 18737:"Episode dated 23/02/2017" 18704:"Episode dated 15/12/2016" 18668:"Episode dated 03/11/2016" 18630:"Episode dated 13/10/2016" 18588:"Episode dated 26/09/2016" 18555:"Episode dated 26/08/2016" 18522:"Episode dated 18/08/2016" 18486:"Episode dated 18/08/2017" 18453:"Episode dated 10/10/2016" 18417:"Episode dated 30/08/2016" 18381:"Episode dated 26/07/2016" 18348:"Episode dated 21/07/2016" 18312:"Episode dated 15/07/2016" 18276:"Episode dated 22/09/2017" 18240:"Episode dated 08/07/2016" 18196:"Episode dated 04/07/2016" 18156:"Episode dated 14/12/2017" 18123:"Episode dated 17/06/2016" 18085:"Episode dated 31/05/2016" 18047:"Episode dated 30/05/2016" 18014:"Episode dated 27/05/2016" 17978:"Episode dated 26/05/2016" 17945:"Episode dated 24/05/2016" 17905:"Episode dated 26/01/2017" 17872:"Episode dated 17/07/2017" 17835:"Episode dated 01/04/2016" 17799:"Episode dated 22/09/2016" 17766:"Episode dated 24/03/2016" 17728:"Episode dated 22/03/2016" 17688:"Episode dated 15/03/2016" 17652:"Episode dated 04/03/2016" 17608:"Episode dated 14/03/2016" 17575:"Episode dated 03/03/2016" 17535:"Episode dated 01/03/2016" 17498:"Episode dated 15/06/2017" 17461:"Episode dated 07/04/2016" 17417:"Episode dated 05/04/2016" 17271:"Episode dated 15/02/2016" 17234:"Episode dated 05/02/2016" 17194:"Episode dated 01/02/2016" 17154:"Episode dated 26/01/2016" 17121:"Episode dated 15/01/2016" 16953:"Episode dated 30/12/2016" 16866:"Episode dated 16/05/2017" 16826:"Episode dated 15/05/2017" 16789:"Episode dated 19/12/2016" 16727:"Episode dated 05/01/2017" 16689:"Episode dated 03/01/2017" 16653:"Episode dated 29/12/2016" 16613:"Episode dated 27/12/2016" 16577:"Episode dated 06/12/2016" 16535:"Episode dated 05/12/2016" 16495:"Episode dated 02/12/2016" 16449:"Episode dated 25/11/2016" 16405:"Episode dated 17/11/2016" 16367:"Episode dated 14/11/2016" 16325:"Episode dated 07/11/2016" 16268:"Episode dated 16/02/2017" 16232:"Episode dated 17/01/2017" 16199:"Episode dated 25/12/2016" 16151:"Episode dated 24/12/2016" 16115:"Episode dated 31/10/2016" 16058:"Episode dated 11/05/2017" 16021:"Episode dated 20/03/2017" 15985:"Episode dated 04/11/2016" 15947:"Episode dated 28/10/2016" 15903:"Episode dated 14/10/2016" 15835:"Episode dated 29/11/2016" 15783:"Episode dated 28/11/2016" 15743:"Episode dated 22/11/2016" 15701:"Episode dated 15/11/2016" 15661:"Episode dated 11/11/2016" 15615:"Episode dated 10/11/2016" 15563:"Episode dated 16/09/2016" 15497:"Episode dated 09/09/2016" 15455:"Episode dated 08/09/2016" 15409:"Episode dated 02/09/2016" 15343:"Episode dated 12/08/2016" 15305:"Episode dated 11/08/2016" 15065:"Episode dated 11/10/2016" 15029:"Episode dated 04/10/2016" 14991:"Episode dated 19/09/2016" 14949:"Episode dated 06/09/2016" 14903:"Episode dated 05/09/2016" 14859:"Episode dated 01/09/2016" 14823:"Episode dated 29/08/2016" 14785:"Episode dated 07/10/2016" 14741:"Episode dated 25/07/2016" 14703:"Episode dated 19/07/2016" 14663:"Episode dated 18/07/2016" 14569:"Episode dated 12/07/2016" 14515:"Episode dated 11/07/2016" 14419:Duncan, Amy (2 May 2016). 14389:"Episode dated 14/06/2016" 14345:"Episode dated 12/05/2016" 14305:"Episode dated 10/05/2016" 14018:"Episode dated 24/01/2017" 13981:"Episode dated 23/01/2017" 13944:"Episode dated 25/08/2016" 13902:"Episode dated 23/08/2016" 13865:"Episode dated 16/06/2016" 13817:"Episode dated 10/06/2016" 13784:"Episode dated 09/06/2016" 13359:"Episode dated 08/08/2016" 13326:"Episode dated 05/08/2016" 13288:"Episode dated 04/08/2016" 13255:"Episode dated 02/08/2016" 13222:"Episode dated 27/06/2016" 13185:"Episode dated 24/06/2016" 13148:"Episode dated 23/06/2016" 13106:"Episode dated 21/06/2016" 13070:"Episode dated 06/06/2016" 13033:"Episode dated 03/06/2016" 13000:"Episode dated 02/06/2016" 12967:"Episode dated 23/05/2016" 12931:"Episode dated 20/05/2016" 12891:"Episode dated 17/05/2016" 12858:"Episode dated 16/05/2016" 12821:"Episode dated 09/05/2016" 12781:"Episode dated 06/05/2016" 12739:"Episode dated 03/05/2016" 12693:"Episode dated 22/04/2016" 12660:"Episode dated 05/05/2016" 12616:"Episode dated 11/04/2016" 12580:"Episode dated 08/04/2016" 12462:"Episode dated 23/02/2016" 12339:"Episode dated 31/03/2016" 12259:"Episode dated 04/04/2016" 12076:"Episode dated 14/04/2016" 12040:"Episode dated 29/03/2016" 11962:"Episode dated 18/02/2016" 11929:"Episode dated 12/02/2016" 11817:"Episode dated 26/04/2016" 11777:"Episode dated 25/04/2016" 11735:"Episode dated 19/04/2016" 11695:"Episode dated 18/04/2016" 11657:"Episode dated 11/02/2016" 11617:"Episode dated 09/02/2016" 11581:"Episode dated 08/02/2016" 11403:"Episode dated 08/03/2016" 11366:"Episode dated 04/05/2016" 11320:"Episode dated 02/02/2016" 11228:"Episode dated 19/02/2016" 11186:"Episode dated 25/01/2016" 11150:"Episode dated 22/02/2016" 11106:"Episode dated 22/01/2016" 11078:. No. 18. p. 98. 10961:"Episode dated 02/05/2016" 10921:"Episode dated 29/04/2016" 10881:"Episode dated 28/04/2016" 10845:"Episode dated 27/04/2016" 10791:"Episode dated 11/01/2016" 10683:"Episode dated 06/01/2016" 10647:"Episode dated 05/01/2016" 10607:"Episode dated 04/01/2016" 10569:"Episode dated 19/01/2016" 10480: 10452: 10423: 10393: 10359: 10308: 10266: 10252: 10207: 10175: 10121: 10091: 10062: 10016: 9935: 9889: 9776: 9747: 9727: 9689: 9631: 9599: 9587: 9547: 9503: 9464: 9426: 9396: 9356: 9326: 9274: 9239: 9211: 9173: 9111: 9108:) retires and moves away. 9071: 9044:An estate agent who meets 9023: 8985: 8949: 8894: 8833: 8763: 8715:15 September – 21 November 8707: 8669: 8633: 8603: 8573: 8562:and accuses Pam's husband 8519: 8473: 8437: 8397: 8376: 8313: 8271: 8245: 8227: 8199: 8154: 8088: 7996: 7952: 7920: 7877: 7854:The deputy headteacher of 7835: 7785: 7778: 7742: 7712: 7684: 7640: 7594: 7571:A hospital consultant who 7552: 7491: 7449: 7407: 7342: 7300: 7266: 7222: 7180: 7116: 7078: 7046: 7002: 6974: 6928: 6862: 6833: 6816: 6776: 6769: 6762: 6730: 6719:), who attends court when 6684: 6646: 6592: 6565:) is staying with her son 6536: 6508: 6455: 6440:) talk to about their son 6401: 6356: 6306: 6266: 6206: 6163: 6117: 6074: 6020: 5972: 5930: 5880: 5825: 5757: 5713: 5669: 5655: 5609: 5582: 5542: 5527: 5485: 5421: 5383: 5321: 5302:The registrar who marries 5288: 5250: 5236: 4349: 3905:, played by Leon Tennant, 3328:This section is about the 3327: 2822:) one night. Belinda sees 2523:) and youngest brother of 1052:) what happened in court. 278: 161:), arrive. Kyle's mother, 21689:Characters from spin-offs 21466: 21455: 20203: 20190: 19983: 19970: 18770:"Episode dated 6/03/2017" 18232:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 18192:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 18119:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 18081:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 18043:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 18010:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17974:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17941:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17831:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17762:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17720:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17684:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17644:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17604:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17567:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17527:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17457:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17413:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17380:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17343:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17307:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17263:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17230:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17190:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17150:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17113:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 17073:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 16301:. No. 3. p. 98. 14385:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 14341:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 14301:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13861:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13813:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13780:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13214:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13177:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13140:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13102:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13062:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 13029:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12996:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12963:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12927:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12887:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12850:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12817:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12773:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12731:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12689:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12652:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12612:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12576:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12532:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12458:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12335:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12299:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12255:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12072:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 12036:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11998:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11958:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11925:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11809:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11769:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11731:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11691:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11653:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11613:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11577:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11437:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11395:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11362:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11316:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11224:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11182:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11146:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 11098:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10957:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10917:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10877:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10841:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10787:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10751:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10715:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10679:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10639:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10603:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10561:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 10481: 10453: 10424: 10394: 10382:A doctor who confirms to 10360: 10309: 10267: 10253: 10225: 10213: 10208: 10176: 10122: 10092: 10063: 10024:29 November – 25 December 10017: 9936: 9890: 9876: 9836: 9822: 9817: 9777: 9748: 9728: 9690: 9632: 9600: 9588: 9567: 9553: 9548: 9504: 9465: 9427: 9357: 9327: 9275: 9240: 9212: 9174: 9112: 9072: 9024: 8986: 8950: 8895: 8834: 8764: 8708: 8670: 8634: 8604: 8574: 8520: 8474: 8438: 8398: 8377: 8333: 8314: 8272: 8246: 8228: 8200: 8155: 8089: 7997: 7953: 7921: 7878: 7836: 7786: 7779: 7758: 7753: 7748: 7743: 7713: 7685: 7641: 7613:A garage owner with whom 7595: 7553: 7492: 7450: 7408: 7343: 7301: 7267: 7223: 7181: 7117: 7079: 7047: 7003: 6975: 6963:). Ronnie and her mother 6929: 6863: 6834: 6817: 6796: 6777: 6770: 6763: 6746: 6741: 6736: 6731: 6685: 6647: 6593: 6537: 6509: 6456: 6402: 6357: 6307: 6267: 6207: 6164: 6118: 6075: 6021: 5973: 5931: 5881: 5826: 5758: 5714: 5670: 5656: 5627: 5615: 5610: 5583: 5543: 5528: 5491: 5486: 5422: 5384: 5322: 5289: 5256: 5251: 5246: 5243: 5240: 5237: 5230: 5124: 5119: 5115: 5105: 5095: 5085: 5075: 5065: 5057: 5052: 4923: 4918: 4914: 4898: 4888: 4878: 4868: 4860: 4850: 4842: 4837: 4715: 4710: 4706: 4696: 4686: 4676: 4666: 4658: 4648: 4640: 4635: 4602:) reveals to her husband 4465: 4442: 4437: 4433: 4425: 4415: 4405: 4397: 4387: 4379: 4371: 4366: 4276: 4271: 4267: 4257: 4247: 4237: 4227: 4219: 4209: 4201: 4196: 4068: 4058: 4048: 4038: 4028: 4020: 4015: 3890: 3880: 3870: 3860: 3839: 3831: 3824: 3571: 3537: 3527: 3509: 3495: 3481: 3467: 3459: 3449: 3439: 3425: 3417: 3412: 3408: 3398: 3388: 3378: 3368: 3358: 3350: 3345: 3129: 3124: 3120: 3100: 3090: 3080: 3070: 3062: 3052: 3044: 3039: 2974: 2969: 2965: 2955: 2945: 2935: 2925: 2915: 2907: 2902: 2787: 2777: 2772: 2768: 2763:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 2758: 2748: 2738: 2728: 2718: 2710: 2705: 2488: 2474: 2464: 2454: 2446: 2441: 2437: 2432:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 2427: 2417: 2407: 2397: 2389: 2379: 2371: 2366: 2294: 2284: 2276: 2266: 2258: 2253: 2249: 2244:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 2239: 2229: 2217: 2207: 2199: 2194: 2110:Development and reception 1882: 1874: 1864: 1856: 1848: 1843: 1839: 1834:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 1829: 1819: 1809: 1799: 1789: 1781: 1776: 1668: 1652: 1641: 1633: 1628: 1624: 1619:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 1614: 1604: 1594: 1584: 1574: 1566: 1561: 1464: 1454: 1439: 1429: 1419: 1409: 1404: 1400: 1395:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 1390: 1380: 1370: 1360: 1352: 1344: 1339: 1187: 1177: 1169: 1161: 1156: 1152: 1141:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 1136: 1126: 1116: 1106: 1098: 1088: 1080: 1075: 1013:) and is angry with her. 935: 925: 917: 912: 908: 903:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 898: 888: 878: 868: 858: 850: 845: 704: 694: 689: 685: 680:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 675: 665: 655: 645: 635: 627: 622: 548: 543: 539: 534:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 529: 519: 509: 499: 489: 481: 476: 357:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 352: 342: 332: 322: 312: 304: 299: 52:Dominic Treadwell-Collins 20563:Bruno and Luisa di Marco 12142:South Wales Evening Post 9824:25 November – 5 December 9472:7 November – 29 December 9282:21 October – 15 November 8902:19 September – 7 October 8611:12 September – 3 October 8581:8 September – 20 October 8454:A woman who dances with 7759:Two police officers who 6665:The judge who sentences 5612:Judge Rosemary Pickering 5558:Daniel Llewelyn-Williams 5429:22 January – 22 February 4189: 2280:Brian Slater (backstory) 758:, after Joel's daughter 269:) arrived in September, 89:) were both introduced. 21684:The Banned band members 10995:Manchester Evening News 9307:(Freddie Phillips) and 8492:A paramedic who treats 7824:) and his adoptive son 5857:) is being treated for 5347:Riley Carter Millington 5120:In-universe information 4919:In-universe information 4711:In-universe information 4438:In-universe information 4345: 4272:In-universe information 3995:Jack Rattenbury of the 3940:), they kidnap Ben and 3413:In-universe information 3305:Jack Rattenbury of the 3125:In-universe information 2970:In-universe information 2773:In-universe information 2442:In-universe information 2323:Riley Carter Millington 2254:In-universe information 2006:Riley Carter Millington 1975:Matthew Mitchell-Cotton 1844:In-universe information 1629:In-universe information 1405:In-universe information 1157:In-universe information 913:In-universe information 690:In-universe information 544:In-universe information 380:Riley Carter Millington 18150:Executive Consultant: 9832:Ross Anthony-McCormack 8930:). Paul's grandmother 7426:A judge who sentences 5841:Buckso Dhillon-Woolley 5418:). Beth insults Phil. 2542: 2341: 2129:), has connections to 1541:Speaking of Kareem on 734:Tim is the brother of 729:Timothy "Tim" Reynolds 257:). The rest of Paul's 37: 20513:Charlie Cotton (2014) 20508:Charlie Cotton (1986) 19141:(15 September 2016). 10110:A nurse who talks to 8334:Mechanics working at 7067:A doctor who informs 6797:Laura is a woman who 6569:after suffering with 5993:A woman who collects 5945:A man who works with 5833:23 February – 8 April 5765:22 February – 8 April 5550:28 January – 10 March 5076:First appearance 4869:First appearance 4795:to stop Lee's father 4743:Oz is a colleague of 4667:First appearance 4484:(also briefly called 4388:First appearance 4228:First appearance 4039:First appearance 3861:First appearance 3369:First appearance 3071:First appearance 2926:First appearance 2729:First appearance 2537: 2398:First appearance 2335: 2031:When Stacey's cousin 1800:First appearance 1692:, is a foster son of 1585:First appearance 1361:First appearance 1240:) and his girlfriend 1107:First appearance 1034:Sex Offender Register 869:First appearance 646:First appearance 580:) when her boyfriend 500:First appearance 323:First appearance 32: 21679:Dickens Hill inmates 21433:James Willmott-Brown 19880:Executive Producer: 19847:Executive Producer: 19811:Executive Producer: 19775:Executive Producer: 19742:Executive Producer: 19709:Executive Producer: 19673:Executive Producer: 19640:Executive Producer: 19607:Executive Producer: 19570:Executive Producer: 19534:Executive Producer: 19496:Executive Producer: 19456:Executive Producer: 19418:Executive Producer: 19385:Executive Producer: 19352:Executive Producer: 19319:Executive Producer: 19279:Executive Producer: 19243:Executive Producer: 19203:Executive Producer: 19170:Executive Producer: 19133:Executive Producer: 19089:Executive Producer: 19053:Executive Producer: 19015:Executive Producer: 18977:Executive Producer: 18939:Executive Producer: 18901:Executive Producer: 18868:Executive Producer: 18835:Executive Producer: 18802:Executive Producer: 18764:Executive Producer: 18731:Executive Producer: 18698:Executive Producer: 18662:Executive Producer: 18620:Executive Producer: 18582:Executive Producer: 18549:Executive Producer: 18516:Executive Producer: 18480:Executive Producer: 18447:Executive Producer: 18411:Executive Producer: 18375:Executive Producer: 18342:Executive Producer: 18306:Executive Producer: 18270:Executive Producer: 18230:Executive Producer: 18190:Executive Producer: 18117:Executive Producer: 18079:Executive Producer: 18041:Executive Producer: 18008:Executive Producer: 17972:Executive Producer: 17939:Executive Producer: 17899:Executive Producer: 17862:Executive Producer: 17829:Executive Producer: 17793:Executive Producer: 17760:Executive Producer: 17718:Executive Producer: 17682:Executive Producer: 17642:Executive Producer: 17602:Executive Producer: 17565:Executive Producer: 17525:Executive Producer: 17488:Executive Producer: 17455:Executive Producer: 17411:Executive Producer: 17378:Executive Producer: 17341:Executive Producer: 17305:Executive Producer: 17269:(15 February 2016). 17261:Executive Producer: 17228:Executive Producer: 17188:Executive Producer: 17148:Executive Producer: 17111:Executive Producer: 17071:Executive Producer: 16947:Executive Producer: 16856:Executive Producer: 16816:Executive Producer: 16783:Executive Producer: 16721:Executive Producer: 16683:Executive Producer: 16647:Executive Producer: 16607:Executive Producer: 16571:Executive Producer: 16529:Executive Producer: 16485:Executive Producer: 16443:Executive Producer: 16399:Executive Producer: 16361:Executive Producer: 16319:Executive Producer: 16262:Executive Producer: 16226:Executive Producer: 16197:(25 December 2016). 16189:Executive Producer: 16145:Executive Producer: 16105:Executive Producer: 16048:Executive Producer: 16015:Executive Producer: 15979:Executive Producer: 15937:Executive Producer: 15893:Executive Producer: 15829:Executive Producer: 15777:Executive Producer: 15741:(22 November 2016). 15733:Executive Producer: 15695:Executive Producer: 15655:Executive Producer: 15609:Executive Producer: 15557:Executive Producer: 15495:(9 September 2016). 15487:Executive Producer: 15453:(8 September 2016). 15445:Executive Producer: 15403:Executive Producer: 15337:Executive Producer: 15299:Executive Producer: 15059:Executive Producer: 15023:Executive Producer: 14985:Executive Producer: 14947:(6 September 2016). 14939:Executive Producer: 14901:(5 September 2016). 14893:Executive Producer: 14853:Executive Producer: 14817:Executive Producer: 14779:Executive Producer: 14735:Executive Producer: 14697:Executive Producer: 14657:Executive Producer: 14559:Executive Producer: 14505:Executive Producer: 14383:Executive Producer: 14339:Executive Producer: 14299:Executive Producer: 14008:Executive Producer: 13971:Executive Producer: 13938:Executive Producer: 13892:Executive Producer: 13859:Executive Producer: 13811:Executive Producer: 13778:Executive Producer: 13353:Executive Producer: 13320:Executive Producer: 13282:Executive Producer: 13249:Executive Producer: 13212:Executive Producer: 13175:Executive Producer: 13138:Executive Producer: 13100:Executive Producer: 13060:Executive Producer: 13027:Executive Producer: 12994:Executive Producer: 12961:Executive Producer: 12925:Executive Producer: 12885:Executive Producer: 12848:Executive Producer: 12815:Executive Producer: 12771:Executive Producer: 12729:Executive Producer: 12687:Executive Producer: 12650:Executive Producer: 12610:Executive Producer: 12574:Executive Producer: 12530:Executive Producer: 12456:Executive Producer: 12333:Executive Producer: 12297:Executive Producer: 12253:Executive Producer: 12103:Executive Producer: 12070:Executive Producer: 12034:Executive Producer: 11996:Executive Producer: 11956:Executive Producer: 11923:Executive Producer: 11877:Executive Producer: 11807:Executive Producer: 11767:Executive Producer: 11729:Executive Producer: 11689:Executive Producer: 11651:Executive Producer: 11611:Executive Producer: 11575:Executive Producer: 11435:Executive Producer: 11393:Executive Producer: 11360:Executive Producer: 11314:Executive Producer: 11222:Executive Producer: 11180:Executive Producer: 11144:Executive Producer: 11096:Executive Producer: 10955:Executive Producer: 10915:Executive Producer: 10875:Executive Producer: 10839:Executive Producer: 10785:Executive Producer: 10749:Executive Producer: 10713:Executive Producer: 10677:Executive Producer: 10637:Executive Producer: 10601:Executive Producer: 10559:Executive Producer: 10483:Nurse Teresa Brookes 10469:A nurse who assists 10289:A midwife who gives 10178:Marcus Greaves-Smith 10156:) and his daughter, 9972:Luisa Bradshaw-White 8841:16 September 2016 – 8371:Luisa Bradshaw-White 8119:). He apologises to 8004:18 July – 10 October 7808:A doctor who treats 7767:) tells to look for 7673:) asks to carry it, 7547:Luisa Bradshaw-White 7410:Judge Harriet Steele 7396:). He later arrests 7319:A doctor visited by 7243:A doctor who treats 7219:(Eliot Carrington). 7151:grievous bodily harm 6759:(Tristram Summers). 6571:postpartum psychosis 6419:Richard Brimblecombe 6325:A woman who is with 6227:A doctor who treats 6114:) with her new job. 5859:postpartum psychosis 5788:postpartum psychosis 5700:postpartum psychosis 5563:A doctor who treats 5086:Last appearance 4879:Last appearance 4677:Last appearance 4547:(Abbie Knowles) and 4452:Ethel's Little Willy 4398:Last appearance 4336:Laura-Jane Tyler of 4238:Last appearance 4049:Last appearance 3871:Last appearance 3572:Other relatives 3379:Last appearance 3081:Last appearance 2936:Last appearance 2739:Last appearance 2616:(Seraphina Beh) and 2408:Last appearance 1810:Last appearance 1642:Adoptive mother 1595:Last appearance 1371:Last appearance 1303:(Seraphina Beh) and 1117:Last appearance 1050:Luisa Bradshaw-White 879:Last appearance 656:Last appearance 598:postpartum psychosis 510:Last appearance 427:Luisa Bradshaw-White 333:Last appearance 137:(Zayden Kareem) and 81:) psychiatric nurse 18628:(13 October 2016). 17349:(28 January 2016). 17119:(15 January 2016). 16493:(2 December 2016). 16113:(31 October 2016). 15901:(14 October 2016). 14210:Hearst Magazines UK 14051:The Huffington Post 14016:(24 January 2017). 13979:(23 January 2017). 9912:A doctor who gives 9228:A nurse who visits 8728:A hepatologist who 8592:A nurse who visits 8522:Miriam "Mim" Crabbe 8508:). Phil's daughter 8260:A nurse who visits 8216:A nurse who visits 8041:) and half-brother 7917:(Simon Tcherniak). 7345:PC Anthony Harrison 6947:A man who comes to 6885:A nurse who treats 6579:Nurse Anya Barowski 6297:Nurse Anya Barowski 5867:Nurse Anya Barowski 5760:Nurse Anya Barowski 5672:Nurse Rosie Riviera 5476:Nurse Anya Barowski 4653:Noah Maxwell-Clarke 4608:Christopher Timothy 3779:) are kidnapped by 3210:(Chris Waller) and 2325:). She appeared in 1711:Linford arrives in 217:) estranged mother 54:, or his successor 21003:Little Mo Mitchell 20533:Tom "Rocky" Cotton 19977:Present characters 17079:(1 January 2016). 13900:(23 August 2016). 12378:. 12 February 2016 10645:(5 January 2016). 10503:A nurse who gives 10447:Danny-Boy Hatchard 10351:The Queen Victoria 10228:The Queen Victoria 10105:Doreene Blackstock 10065:Christine Allinson 9984:The Queen Victoria 9851:The Queen Victoria 9843:Danny-Boy Hatchard 9768:The Queen Victoria 9417:The Queen Victoria 9385:Danny-Boy Hatchard 9379:An army friend of 9345:A carer who takes 9295:A drug dealer who 9266:The Queen Victoria 9256:A City banker who 8795:The Queen Victoria 8771:15 September 2016– 8766:Jørgen Christensen 8557:The Queen Victoria 8352:The Queen Victoria 8175:The Queen Victoria 7512:The Queen Victoria 7375:The Queen Victoria 7335:) about their son 7163:DI Samantha Keeble 6807:The Queen Victoria 6792:Tallulah Sheffield 6577:(Abigail Davies), 6253:Danny-Boy Hatchard 6185:Emmanuelle Bouaziz 6093:The Queen Victoria 5988:Emmanuelle Bouaziz 5367:The Queen Victoria 5151:Danny-Boy Hatchard 5128:Car park attendant 5106:Introduced by 4945:The Queen Victoria 4910:and Jon Sen (2019) 4899:Introduced by 4773:The Queen Victoria 4749:Danny-Boy Hatchard 4697:Introduced by 4416:Introduced by 4311:The Queen Victoria 4309:), who arrives at 4307:Danny-Boy Hatchard 4258:Introduced by 4092:The Queen Victoria 4069:Introduced by 3891:Introduced by 3734:Shaheen Jafargholi 3538:First cousins 3399:Introduced by 3101:Introduced by 3026:The Queen Victoria 2956:Introduced by 2864:The Queen Victoria 2759:Introduced by 2543: 2539:Shaheen Jafargholi 2513:Shaheen Jafargholi 2428:Introduced by 2384:Shaheen Jafargholi 2342: 2240:Introduced by 1982:Queen Victoria Pub 1830:Introduced by 1756:Queen Victoria Pub 1615:Introduced by 1481:Jamie "JJ" Johnson 1465:First cousins 1391:Introduced by 1222:The Queen Victoria 1204:Star "Linzi" Bragg 1137:Introduced by 1003:Danny-Boy Hatchard 963:The Queen Victoria 899:Introduced by 768:Annabelle Reynolds 756:The Queen Victoria 744:Stephanie Reynolds 713:Annabelle Reynolds 676:Introduced by 530:Introduced by 400:The Queen Victoria 382:), and along with 353:Introduced by 175:Shaheen Jafargholi 117:), Linzi's mother 38: 21701: 21700: 21697: 21696: 21451: 21450: 20197:Former characters 20186: 20185: 20178:Priya Nandra-Hart 17726:(22 March 2016). 17347:Gavin James Bower 15739:Gavin James Bower 14596:Greenwood, Carl. 13218:Gavin James Bower 12538:(17 March 2016). 11889:(17 March 2017). 11815:(26 April 2016). 11775:(25 April 2016). 11443:(10 March 2016). 10515: 10514: 10488:26 December 2016– 10417:A Christmas Carol 10410:A woman from the 10239:Gillian Taylforth 9980:Gillian Taylforth 9943:28 November 2016– 9897:25 November 2016– 9811:Gillian Taylforth 9708:An old friend of 9639:11 November 2016– 9609:22 September 2017 9607:10 November 2016– 9511:10 November 2016– 9366:10 February 2017 9152:Gillian Taylforth 9010:Richard Blackwood 8944:Gillian Taylforth 8811:A Christmas Carol 8242:A market trader. 8106:James Weber Brown 8071:James Weber Brown 7930:22 September 2017 7269:Judge Evelyn Heap 7171:DS Cameron Bryant 6865:Nurse Olivia Song 6717:Amy-Leigh Hickman 6679:Amy-Leigh Hickman 6649:Judge Lionel Hale 6587:Nurse Madhu Singh 6181:Delphine Rousseau 5975:Delphine Rousseau 5963:Claudette Hubbard 5959:Richard Blackwood 5888:25 February 2016– 5828:Nurse Madhu Singh 5730:The assistant to 5606:) pharmacy boss. 5204:Justin Harp from 5136: 5135: 5132: 5131: 5066:Portrayed by 4993:) for assaulting 4935: 4934: 4931: 4930: 4893:Former; recurring 4851:Portrayed by 4727: 4726: 4723: 4722: 4691:Former; recurring 4680:Episode 5419/5420 4649:Portrayed by 4529:Gretchen Franklin 4479: 4478: 4475: 4474: 4410:Former; recurring 4288: 4287: 4284: 4283: 4252:Former; recurring 4210:Portrayed by 4151:A Christmas Carol 4138:Gillian Taylforth 4078: 4077: 4063:Former; recurring 4044:16 September 2016 4029:Portrayed by 3966:Courtney Mitchell 3900: 3899: 3885:Former; recurring 3840:Portrayed by 3738:Courtney Mitchell 3726:Gillian Taylforth 3629: 3628: 3625: 3624: 3476:Courtney Mitchell 3393:Former; recurring 3359:Portrayed by 3224:Courtney Mitchell 3143: 3142: 3139: 3138: 3095:Former; recurring 3053:Portrayed by 2988: 2987: 2984: 2983: 2916:Portrayed by 2802: 2801: 2798: 2797: 2753:Former; recurring 2719:Portrayed by 2618:Alexandra D'Costa 2506: 2505: 2502: 2501: 2401:Episode 5277/5278 2380:Portrayed by 2308: 2307: 2304: 2303: 2208:Portrayed by 2050:Andy flirts with 1927:Richard Blackwood 1897: 1896: 1893: 1892: 1790:Portrayed by 1725:Pearl Fox-Hubbard 1721:Richard Blackwood 1694:Claudette Hubbard 1683: 1682: 1679: 1678: 1646:Claudette Hubbard 1609:Former; recurring 1575:Portrayed by 1517:Claudette Hubbard 1478: 1477: 1474: 1473: 1385:Former; recurring 1353:Portrayed by 1305:Alexandra D'Costa 1297:Shaheen Jafargoli 1208:Amy-Leigh Hickman 1201: 1200: 1197: 1196: 1131:Former; recurring 1093:Amy-Leigh Hickman 1089:Portrayed by 987:Amy-Leigh Hickman 949: 948: 945: 944: 893:Former; recurring 882:Episode 5271/5272 859:Portrayed by 823:Richard Blackwood 726: 725: 722: 721: 670:Former; recurring 659:Episode 5277/5278 636:Portrayed by 560: 559: 556: 555: 524:Former; recurring 490:Portrayed by 451:Coronation Street 362: 361: 347:Former; recurring 313:Portrayed by 185:) and brother of 139:Claudette Hubbard 115:Amy-Leigh Hickman 101:(Charlie Baker), 16:(Redirected from 21731: 21457: 21456: 21318:Hattie Tavernier 21033:Tiffany Mitchell 20728:Christine Hewitt 20483:Christian Clarke 20473:Lorna Cartwright 20433:Kelvin Carpenter 20353:Bradley Branning 20238:Chantelle Atkins 20192: 20191: 19972: 19971: 19954: 19947: 19940: 19931: 19930: 19908: 19907: 19877: 19871: 19870: 19844: 19835: 19834: 19808: 19799: 19798: 19772: 19766: 19765: 19739: 19733: 19732: 19706: 19697: 19696: 19670: 19664: 19663: 19637: 19631: 19630: 19604: 19598: 19597: 19567: 19558: 19557: 19531: 19520: 19519: 19493: 19480: 19479: 19453: 19442: 19441: 19415: 19409: 19408: 19382: 19376: 19375: 19349: 19343: 19342: 19316: 19303: 19302: 19276: 19267: 19266: 19240: 19227: 19226: 19200: 19194: 19193: 19167: 19161: 19160: 19130: 19113: 19112: 19086: 19077: 19076: 19050: 19039: 19038: 19012: 19001: 19000: 18974: 18963: 18962: 18936: 18925: 18924: 18898: 18892: 18891: 18865: 18859: 18858: 18832: 18826: 18825: 18799: 18788: 18787: 18761: 18755: 18754: 18728: 18722: 18721: 18695: 18686: 18685: 18659: 18648: 18647: 18617: 18606: 18605: 18579: 18573: 18572: 18546: 18540: 18539: 18513: 18504: 18503: 18477: 18471: 18470: 18444: 18435: 18434: 18408: 18399: 18398: 18372: 18366: 18365: 18339: 18330: 18329: 18303: 18294: 18293: 18267: 18258: 18257: 18227: 18214: 18213: 18187: 18174: 18173: 18147: 18141: 18140: 18114: 18103: 18102: 18076: 18065: 18064: 18038: 18032: 18031: 18005: 17996: 17995: 17969: 17963: 17962: 17936: 17923: 17922: 17896: 17890: 17889: 17859: 17853: 17852: 17826: 17817: 17816: 17790: 17784: 17783: 17757: 17746: 17745: 17715: 17706: 17705: 17679: 17670: 17669: 17639: 17626: 17625: 17599: 17593: 17592: 17562: 17553: 17552: 17522: 17516: 17515: 17496:(15 June 2017). 17485: 17479: 17478: 17452: 17435: 17434: 17408: 17402: 17401: 17375: 17369: 17368: 17338: 17329: 17328: 17302: 17289: 17288: 17258: 17252: 17251: 17225: 17212: 17211: 17185: 17172: 17171: 17145: 17139: 17138: 17108: 17099: 17098: 17068: 17055: 17054: 17052: 17050: 17033: 17027: 17026: 17024: 17022: 17005: 16999: 16998: 16996: 16994: 16977: 16971: 16970: 16944: 16938: 16937: 16935: 16933: 16918: 16912: 16911: 16909: 16907: 16890: 16884: 16883: 16853: 16844: 16843: 16813: 16807: 16806: 16780: 16771: 16770: 16768: 16766: 16751: 16745: 16744: 16718: 16707: 16706: 16680: 16671: 16670: 16644: 16631: 16630: 16604: 16595: 16594: 16568: 16553: 16552: 16526: 16513: 16512: 16482: 16467: 16466: 16440: 16423: 16422: 16396: 16385: 16384: 16358: 16343: 16342: 16316: 16303: 16302: 16292: 16286: 16285: 16259: 16250: 16249: 16223: 16217: 16216: 16186: 16169: 16168: 16142: 16133: 16132: 16102: 16096: 16095: 16082: 16076: 16075: 16045: 16039: 16038: 16012: 16003: 16002: 15976: 15965: 15964: 15934: 15921: 15920: 15890: 15879: 15878: 15876: 15874: 15859: 15853: 15852: 15826: 15801: 15800: 15774: 15761: 15760: 15730: 15719: 15718: 15692: 15679: 15678: 15652: 15633: 15632: 15606: 15581: 15580: 15554: 15541: 15540: 15538: 15536: 15521: 15515: 15514: 15484: 15473: 15472: 15442: 15427: 15426: 15400: 15389: 15388: 15386: 15384: 15379:. 12 August 2016 15367: 15361: 15360: 15334: 15323: 15322: 15296: 15290: 15289: 15287: 15285: 15270: 15264: 15263: 15253: 15244: 15243: 15233: 15224: 15223: 15221: 15219: 15204: 15195: 15194: 15192: 15190: 15173: 15167: 15166: 15164: 15162: 15145: 15139: 15138: 15136: 15134: 15117: 15111: 15110: 15108: 15106: 15089: 15083: 15082: 15056: 15047: 15046: 15020: 15009: 15008: 14982: 14967: 14966: 14936: 14921: 14920: 14890: 14877: 14876: 14850: 14841: 14840: 14814: 14803: 14802: 14776: 14759: 14758: 14732: 14721: 14720: 14694: 14681: 14680: 14654: 14643: 14642: 14640: 14638: 14621: 14615: 14614: 14612: 14610: 14593: 14587: 14586: 14567:(12 July 2016). 14556: 14533: 14532: 14513:(11 July 2016). 14502: 14489: 14488: 14475: 14469: 14468: 14466: 14464: 14449: 14438: 14437: 14435: 14433: 14416: 14407: 14406: 14380: 14363: 14362: 14336: 14323: 14322: 14296: 14279: 14278: 14276: 14274: 14256: 14247: 14246: 14244: 14242: 14227: 14221: 14220: 14218: 14216: 14195: 14189: 14188: 14186: 14184: 14169: 14156: 14155: 14153: 14151: 14136: 14123: 14122: 14120: 14118: 14103: 14088: 14087: 14085: 14083: 14068: 14062: 14061: 14059: 14057: 14042: 14036: 14035: 14005: 13999: 13998: 13968: 13962: 13961: 13935: 13920: 13919: 13889: 13883: 13882: 13856: 13835: 13834: 13808: 13802: 13801: 13775: 13769: 13768: 13766: 13764: 13747: 13741: 13740: 13738: 13736: 13719: 13713: 13712: 13710: 13708: 13691: 13685: 13684: 13682: 13680: 13663: 13657: 13656: 13654: 13652: 13635: 13629: 13628: 13626: 13624: 13607: 13601: 13600: 13598: 13596: 13579: 13573: 13572: 13570: 13568: 13551: 13545: 13544: 13542: 13540: 13523: 13517: 13516: 13514: 13512: 13495: 13489: 13488: 13486: 13484: 13467: 13461: 13460: 13458: 13456: 13439: 13433: 13432: 13430: 13428: 13411: 13405: 13404: 13402: 13400: 13383: 13377: 13376: 13350: 13344: 13343: 13317: 13306: 13305: 13279: 13273: 13272: 13246: 13240: 13239: 13220:(27 June 2016). 13209: 13203: 13202: 13183:(24 June 2016). 13172: 13166: 13165: 13146:(23 June 2016). 13135: 13124: 13123: 13097: 13088: 13087: 13057: 13051: 13050: 13024: 13018: 13017: 12991: 12985: 12984: 12958: 12949: 12948: 12922: 12909: 12908: 12882: 12876: 12875: 12845: 12839: 12838: 12812: 12799: 12798: 12768: 12757: 12756: 12726: 12711: 12710: 12684: 12678: 12677: 12647: 12634: 12633: 12607: 12598: 12597: 12571: 12558: 12557: 12527: 12508: 12507: 12505: 12503: 12486: 12480: 12479: 12453: 12438: 12437: 12435: 12433: 12416: 12405: 12404: 12394: 12388: 12387: 12385: 12383: 12371: 12363: 12357: 12356: 12330: 12321: 12320: 12294: 12277: 12276: 12250: 12237: 12236: 12234: 12232: 12215: 12209: 12208: 12206: 12204: 12187: 12181: 12180: 12178: 12176: 12159: 12153: 12152: 12150: 12148: 12133: 12127: 12126: 12100: 12094: 12093: 12067: 12058: 12057: 12031: 12020: 12019: 11993: 11980: 11979: 11953: 11947: 11946: 11920: 11909: 11908: 11874: 11863: 11862: 11860: 11858: 11841: 11835: 11834: 11804: 11795: 11794: 11764: 11753: 11752: 11726: 11713: 11712: 11686: 11675: 11674: 11648: 11635: 11634: 11608: 11599: 11598: 11572: 11559: 11558: 11556: 11554: 11537: 11531: 11530: 11523: 11517: 11516: 11514: 11512: 11495: 11489: 11488: 11486: 11484: 11469: 11463: 11462: 11432: 11421: 11420: 11401:(8 March 2016). 11390: 11384: 11383: 11357: 11338: 11337: 11311: 11302: 11301: 11299: 11297: 11280: 11274: 11273: 11271: 11269: 11252: 11246: 11245: 11219: 11204: 11203: 11177: 11168: 11167: 11141: 11124: 11123: 11093: 11080: 11079: 11069: 11063: 11062: 11060: 11058: 11041: 11035: 11034: 11032: 11030: 11013: 11007: 11006: 11004: 11002: 10985: 10979: 10978: 10952: 10939: 10938: 10912: 10899: 10898: 10872: 10863: 10862: 10836: 10809: 10808: 10782: 10773: 10772: 10746: 10737: 10736: 10710: 10701: 10700: 10674: 10665: 10664: 10634: 10625: 10624: 10598: 10587: 10586: 10556: 10550: 10549: 10547: 10545: 10528: 10500: 10493: 10484: 10466: 10461: 10456: 10439: 10432: 10427: 10426:Craig Washington 10407: 10402: 10397: 10379: 10372: 10369:17 February 2017 10367:9 December 2016– 10363: 10362:Dr Leah Goldberg 10322: 10317: 10312: 10286: 10279: 10274:6 December 2016– 10270: 10263: 10256: 10223: 10216: 10211: 10193: 10191:Dominic Jephcott 10186: 10179: 10137: 10130: 10125: 10107: 10100: 10095: 10078: 10071: 10066: 10032: 10031:Geoffrey Newland 10027: 10020: 9955: 9948: 9939: 9909: 9902: 9893: 9886: 9879: 9834: 9827: 9820: 9799:Geraldine Clough 9794: 9787: 9780: 9763: 9761:Linette Beaumont 9756: 9751: 9741: 9736: 9731: 9705: 9698: 9693: 9651: 9644: 9635: 9617: 9612: 9603: 9596: 9591: 9565: 9558: 9551: 9521: 9516: 9507: 9482: 9475: 9468: 9442: 9435: 9430: 9429:Dr Joshua Phipps 9407:). Beanbag asks 9376: 9369: 9364:28 October 2016– 9360: 9342: 9335: 9330: 9292: 9285: 9278: 9253: 9248: 9243: 9225: 9220: 9215: 9189: 9182: 9177: 9162:) and boyfriend 9146:). Ben's mother 9127: 9120: 9115: 9089: 9082: 9075: 9041: 9034: 9027: 9026:Estate Agent Rob 9001: 8994: 8989: 8967: 8960: 8953: 8912: 8905: 8898: 8846: 8837: 8800:for drinks when 8783: 8781:Christopher Dane 8776: 8767: 8725: 8718: 8711: 8710:Dr Avizeh Faraji 8702:Jasmine Armfield 8685: 8678: 8673: 8647: 8642: 8637: 8614: 8607: 8589: 8584: 8577: 8537: 8530: 8523: 8489: 8482: 8477: 8451: 8446: 8441: 8415: 8408: 8401: 8394: 8389: 8380: 8331: 8326: 8323:23 February 2017 8317: 8287: 8280: 8275: 8254: 8249: 8236: 8231: 8213: 8208: 8203: 8170: 8163: 8158: 8108: 8101: 8092: 8014: 8007: 8000: 7993:) for doing so. 7966: 7961: 7956: 7938: 7933: 7924: 7891: 7886: 7881: 7851: 7844: 7839: 7805: 7798: 7795:16 February 2017 7789: 7782: 7756: 7751: 7746: 7728: 7721: 7716: 7698: 7693: 7688: 7654: 7649: 7644: 7610: 7603: 7598: 7568: 7561: 7556: 7555:Dr Melissa Keyes 7507: 7500: 7495: 7465: 7458: 7453: 7423: 7416: 7411: 7402:Jacqueline Jossa 7362: 7355: 7352:14 December 2017 7346: 7316: 7309: 7304: 7282: 7275: 7270: 7240: 7233: 7230:27 May – 21 June 7226: 7207:) that his wife 7196: 7194:Phillip Edgerley 7189: 7184: 7134: 7127: 7120: 7094: 7087: 7082: 7064: 7057: 7050: 7020: 7013: 7006: 6988: 6983: 6978: 6944: 6937: 6932: 6882: 6875: 6866: 6849: 6842: 6837: 6830: 6825: 6820: 6794: 6787: 6784:29 April – 2 May 6780: 6773: 6766: 6744: 6739: 6734: 6709:Lorraine Stanley 6700: 6693: 6688: 6662: 6655: 6650: 6608: 6601: 6596: 6575:Dr Patricia Reid 6554: 6547: 6540: 6522: 6517: 6512: 6471: 6464: 6459: 6458:Amelle Ellington 6421: 6414: 6405: 6374: 6367: 6360: 6359:Dr Vikram Suresh 6322: 6317: 6310: 6284: 6277: 6274:17 March–7 April 6270: 6269:Dr Patricia Reid 6224: 6217: 6210: 6177: 6172: 6167: 6133: 6126: 6121: 6088: 6083: 6078: 6036: 6029: 6024: 5990: 5983: 5976: 5939: 5934: 5925:Jasmine Armfield 5900: 5893: 5884: 5863:Dr Patricia Reid 5843: 5836: 5829: 5820:Dr Patricia Reid 5775: 5768: 5761: 5727: 5722: 5717: 5687: 5685:Criselda Cabitac 5680: 5673: 5666: 5659: 5648:as his daughter 5625: 5618: 5613: 5596: 5591: 5586: 5560: 5553: 5546: 5536: 5531: 5501: 5494: 5489: 5488:Dr Joanne Bourne 5439: 5432: 5425: 5399: 5392: 5387: 5339: 5332: 5325: 5299: 5292: 5266: 5259: 5254: 5235: 5234: 5117: 5116: 5091:30 December 2016 5081:29 December 2016 5050: 5049: 5001:). He questions 4916: 4915: 4874:19 December 2016 4835: 4834: 4708: 4707: 4636:Osman "Oz" Bolat 4633: 4632: 4629:Osman "Oz" Bolat 4435: 4434: 4364: 4363: 4269: 4268: 4243:24 November 2017 4194: 4193: 4180:Niomi Harris of 4146:Lorna Fitzgerald 4081:Geraldine Clough 4054:29 November 2016 4016:Geraldine Clough 4013: 4012: 4009:Geraldine Clough 3866:5 September 2016 3822: 3821: 3638:, is the son of 3410: 3409: 3384:9 September 2016 3343: 3342: 3206:(Leon Tennant), 3122: 3121: 3037: 3036: 2967: 2966: 2900: 2899: 2770: 2769: 2703: 2702: 2674:stabbed to death 2567:Jasmine Armfield 2551:Selva Rasalingam 2515:, is the son of 2439: 2438: 2364: 2363: 2251: 2250: 2192: 2191: 1841: 1840: 1774: 1773: 1626: 1625: 1590:23 February 2016 1559: 1558: 1493:Amelle Ellington 1424:Amelle Ellington 1402: 1401: 1366:11 February 2016 1337: 1336: 1274:Jasmine Armfield 1246:Lorna Fitzgerald 1230:Lorraine Stanley 1154: 1153: 1073: 1072: 1022:Jasmine Armfield 956:Lorraine Stanley 910: 909: 863:Lorraine Stanley 843: 842: 687: 686: 620: 619: 541: 540: 515:22 February 2016 474: 473: 297: 296: 287:minor characters 263:Geraldine Clough 123:Lorraine Stanley 109:) love interest 65:'s close friend 21: 21739: 21738: 21734: 21733: 21732: 21730: 21729: 21728: 21704: 21703: 21702: 21693: 21674:Flaherty family 21462: 21447: 21348:Anthony Trueman 21323:Jules Tavernier 21313:Clyde Tavernier 21158:Kheerat Panesar 21018:Ronnie Mitchell 21008:Louise Mitchell 20983:Glenda Mitchell 20968:Archie Mitchell 20928:Josie McFarlane 20778:Blossom Jackson 20758:Vincent Hubbard 20663:Michelle Fowler 20623:Ferreira family 20568:Gianni di Marco 20538:Stella Crawford 20428:Tiffany Butcher 20223:Della Alexander 20199: 20182: 20093:Lauren Branning 20058:Yolande Trueman 20048:Patrick Trueman 19979: 19966: 19958: 19917: 19912: 19911: 19888:(7 July 2017). 19879: 19878: 19874: 19846: 19845: 19838: 19810: 19809: 19802: 19774: 19773: 19769: 19741: 19740: 19736: 19708: 19707: 19700: 19672: 19671: 19667: 19639: 19638: 19634: 19606: 19605: 19601: 19569: 19568: 19561: 19533: 19532: 19523: 19495: 19494: 19483: 19455: 19454: 19445: 19417: 19416: 19412: 19384: 19383: 19379: 19351: 19350: 19346: 19318: 19317: 19306: 19278: 19277: 19270: 19242: 19241: 19230: 19202: 19201: 19197: 19169: 19168: 19164: 19132: 19131: 19116: 19088: 19087: 19080: 19052: 19051: 19042: 19014: 19013: 19004: 18976: 18975: 18966: 18938: 18937: 18928: 18900: 18899: 18895: 18867: 18866: 18862: 18834: 18833: 18829: 18801: 18800: 18791: 18763: 18762: 18758: 18730: 18729: 18725: 18697: 18696: 18689: 18661: 18660: 18651: 18619: 18618: 18609: 18581: 18580: 18576: 18548: 18547: 18543: 18515: 18514: 18507: 18479: 18478: 18474: 18446: 18445: 18438: 18410: 18409: 18402: 18374: 18373: 18369: 18341: 18340: 18333: 18305: 18304: 18297: 18269: 18268: 18261: 18238:(8 July 2016). 18229: 18228: 18217: 18189: 18188: 18177: 18149: 18148: 18144: 18116: 18115: 18106: 18078: 18077: 18068: 18040: 18039: 18035: 18007: 18006: 17999: 17971: 17970: 17966: 17938: 17937: 17926: 17898: 17897: 17893: 17861: 17860: 17856: 17828: 17827: 17820: 17792: 17791: 17787: 17759: 17758: 17749: 17717: 17716: 17709: 17681: 17680: 17673: 17641: 17640: 17629: 17601: 17600: 17596: 17564: 17563: 17556: 17524: 17523: 17519: 17487: 17486: 17482: 17454: 17453: 17438: 17410: 17409: 17405: 17377: 17376: 17372: 17340: 17339: 17332: 17304: 17303: 17292: 17260: 17259: 17255: 17227: 17226: 17215: 17187: 17186: 17175: 17147: 17146: 17142: 17110: 17109: 17102: 17070: 17069: 17058: 17048: 17046: 17034: 17030: 17020: 17018: 17006: 17002: 16992: 16990: 16978: 16974: 16946: 16945: 16941: 16931: 16929: 16919: 16915: 16905: 16903: 16891: 16887: 16855: 16854: 16847: 16815: 16814: 16810: 16782: 16781: 16774: 16764: 16762: 16752: 16748: 16720: 16719: 16710: 16682: 16681: 16674: 16646: 16645: 16634: 16606: 16605: 16598: 16570: 16569: 16556: 16528: 16527: 16516: 16484: 16483: 16470: 16442: 16441: 16426: 16398: 16397: 16388: 16360: 16359: 16346: 16318: 16317: 16306: 16293: 16289: 16261: 16260: 16253: 16225: 16224: 16220: 16188: 16187: 16172: 16144: 16143: 16136: 16104: 16103: 16099: 16083: 16079: 16056:(11 May 2017). 16047: 16046: 16042: 16014: 16013: 16006: 15978: 15977: 15968: 15936: 15935: 15924: 15892: 15891: 15882: 15872: 15870: 15860: 15856: 15828: 15827: 15804: 15776: 15775: 15764: 15732: 15731: 15722: 15694: 15693: 15682: 15654: 15653: 15636: 15608: 15607: 15584: 15556: 15555: 15544: 15534: 15532: 15522: 15518: 15486: 15485: 15476: 15444: 15443: 15430: 15402: 15401: 15392: 15382: 15380: 15369: 15368: 15364: 15336: 15335: 15326: 15298: 15297: 15293: 15283: 15281: 15271: 15267: 15254: 15247: 15234: 15227: 15217: 15215: 15205: 15198: 15188: 15186: 15174: 15170: 15160: 15158: 15146: 15142: 15132: 15130: 15118: 15114: 15104: 15102: 15090: 15086: 15058: 15057: 15050: 15022: 15021: 15012: 14984: 14983: 14970: 14938: 14937: 14924: 14892: 14891: 14880: 14852: 14851: 14844: 14816: 14815: 14806: 14778: 14777: 14762: 14734: 14733: 14724: 14696: 14695: 14684: 14656: 14655: 14646: 14636: 14634: 14622: 14618: 14608: 14606: 14594: 14590: 14558: 14557: 14536: 14504: 14503: 14492: 14476: 14472: 14462: 14460: 14451: 14450: 14441: 14431: 14429: 14417: 14410: 14382: 14381: 14366: 14338: 14337: 14326: 14298: 14297: 14282: 14272: 14270: 14258: 14257: 14250: 14240: 14238: 14228: 14224: 14214: 14212: 14196: 14192: 14182: 14180: 14170: 14159: 14149: 14147: 14137: 14126: 14116: 14114: 14104: 14091: 14081: 14079: 14069: 14065: 14055: 14053: 14043: 14039: 14007: 14006: 14002: 13970: 13969: 13965: 13937: 13936: 13923: 13891: 13890: 13886: 13858: 13857: 13838: 13810: 13809: 13805: 13777: 13776: 13772: 13762: 13760: 13759:. 27 April 2018 13749: 13748: 13744: 13734: 13732: 13720: 13716: 13706: 13704: 13692: 13688: 13678: 13676: 13664: 13660: 13650: 13648: 13636: 13632: 13622: 13620: 13608: 13604: 13594: 13592: 13580: 13576: 13566: 13564: 13552: 13548: 13538: 13536: 13524: 13520: 13510: 13508: 13496: 13492: 13482: 13480: 13468: 13464: 13454: 13452: 13440: 13436: 13426: 13424: 13412: 13408: 13398: 13396: 13384: 13380: 13352: 13351: 13347: 13319: 13318: 13309: 13281: 13280: 13276: 13248: 13247: 13243: 13211: 13210: 13206: 13174: 13173: 13169: 13137: 13136: 13127: 13099: 13098: 13091: 13068:(6 June 2016). 13059: 13058: 13054: 13026: 13025: 13021: 12993: 12992: 12988: 12960: 12959: 12952: 12924: 12923: 12912: 12884: 12883: 12879: 12856:(16 May 2016). 12847: 12846: 12842: 12814: 12813: 12802: 12770: 12769: 12760: 12728: 12727: 12714: 12686: 12685: 12681: 12649: 12648: 12637: 12609: 12608: 12601: 12573: 12572: 12561: 12529: 12528: 12511: 12501: 12499: 12487: 12483: 12455: 12454: 12441: 12431: 12429: 12417: 12408: 12396: 12395: 12391: 12381: 12379: 12369: 12365: 12364: 12360: 12332: 12331: 12324: 12296: 12295: 12280: 12252: 12251: 12240: 12230: 12228: 12216: 12212: 12202: 12200: 12188: 12184: 12174: 12172: 12160: 12156: 12146: 12144: 12134: 12130: 12102: 12101: 12097: 12069: 12068: 12061: 12033: 12032: 12023: 11995: 11994: 11983: 11955: 11954: 11950: 11922: 11921: 11912: 11876: 11875: 11866: 11856: 11854: 11842: 11838: 11806: 11805: 11798: 11766: 11765: 11756: 11728: 11727: 11716: 11688: 11687: 11678: 11650: 11649: 11638: 11610: 11609: 11602: 11574: 11573: 11562: 11552: 11550: 11538: 11534: 11525: 11524: 11520: 11510: 11508: 11496: 11492: 11482: 11480: 11471: 11470: 11466: 11434: 11433: 11424: 11392: 11391: 11387: 11359: 11358: 11341: 11313: 11312: 11305: 11295: 11293: 11281: 11277: 11267: 11265: 11253: 11249: 11221: 11220: 11207: 11179: 11178: 11171: 11143: 11142: 11127: 11095: 11094: 11083: 11070: 11066: 11056: 11054: 11042: 11038: 11028: 11026: 11014: 11010: 11000: 10998: 10986: 10982: 10954: 10953: 10942: 10914: 10913: 10902: 10874: 10873: 10866: 10838: 10837: 10812: 10784: 10783: 10776: 10748: 10747: 10740: 10712: 10711: 10704: 10676: 10675: 10668: 10636: 10635: 10628: 10600: 10599: 10590: 10558: 10557: 10553: 10543: 10541: 10529: 10525: 10520: 10498:Kirsty Woodward 10496: 10491: 10489: 10487: 10482: 10464: 10459: 10454: 10435: 10430: 10425: 10412:Walford Gazette 10405: 10400: 10395: 10375: 10370: 10368: 10366: 10361: 10320: 10315: 10310: 10299:Kim Fox-Hubbard 10282: 10277: 10276:13 January 2017 10275: 10273: 10268: 10259: 10254: 10219: 10214: 10210:Harriet Summers 10209: 10189: 10184: 10182: 10177: 10158:Louise Mitchell 10150:Sharon Mitchell 10133: 10128: 10123: 10103: 10098: 10093: 10074: 10069: 10064: 10057:Jamie Borthwick 10045:Sharon Mitchell 10030: 10025: 10023: 10018: 9964:Annette Badland 9953:Margaréta Szabó 9951: 9946: 9944: 9942: 9937: 9926:Michelle Fowler 9905: 9900: 9898: 9896: 9892:Dr Anjali Mitra 9891: 9882: 9877: 9830: 9825: 9823: 9818: 9790: 9785: 9783: 9778: 9759: 9754: 9749: 9739: 9734: 9729: 9710:Belinda Peacock 9701: 9696: 9691: 9680:Yolande Trueman 9672:Kim Fox-Hubbard 9647: 9642: 9640: 9638: 9633: 9615: 9610: 9608: 9606: 9601: 9594: 9589: 9582:Jamie Borthwick 9561: 9556: 9554: 9549: 9524:A colleague of 9519: 9514: 9513:5 January 2017 9512: 9510: 9505: 9478: 9473: 9471: 9466: 9438: 9433: 9428: 9409:Louise Mitchell 9405:Jamie Borthwick 9372: 9367: 9365: 9363: 9358: 9338: 9333: 9329:Kacey Broderick 9328: 9301:Jamie Borthwick 9288: 9283: 9281: 9276: 9258:Belinda Peacock 9251: 9246: 9241: 9223: 9218: 9213: 9185: 9180: 9175: 9160:Barbara Windsor 9125:Lesley Harcourt 9123: 9118: 9113: 9085: 9080: 9078: 9073: 9050:Bonnie Langford 9037: 9032: 9030: 9025: 9014:Kim Fox-Hubbard 9006:Vincent Hubbard 8997: 8992: 8987: 8980:Mr Papadopolous 8963: 8958: 8957:29–30 September 8956: 8952:Jemima Benjamin 8951: 8908: 8903: 8901: 8896: 8885:Kim Fox-Hubbard 8880:Down's syndrome 8844: 8842: 8840: 8835: 8816:Kim Fox-Hubbard 8806:Bonnie Langford 8779: 8774: 8772: 8770: 8765: 8754:Louise Mitchell 8752:) and daughter 8746:Sharon Mitchell 8721: 8716: 8714: 8709: 8690:Belinda Peacock 8681: 8676: 8671: 8656:Bonnie Langford 8645: 8640: 8635: 8612: 8610: 8605: 8587: 8582: 8580: 8575: 8535:Helen Cotterill 8533: 8528: 8526: 8521: 8510:Louise Mitchell 8485: 8480: 8475: 8464:Kim Fox-Hubbard 8449: 8444: 8439: 8432:Michael Cashman 8411: 8406: 8404: 8399: 8392: 8387: 8385: 8384:26 August 2016– 8383: 8378: 8329: 8324: 8322: 8321:26 August 2016– 8320: 8315: 8283: 8278: 8273: 8252: 8247: 8234: 8229: 8211: 8206: 8201: 8190:Belinda Peacock 8166: 8161: 8156: 8104: 8099: 8097: 8095: 8091:DI Graeme McKay 8090: 8083:Jamie Borthwick 8067:DI Graeme McKay 8010: 8005: 8003: 7998: 7964: 7959: 7954: 7936: 7931: 7929: 7927: 7922: 7889: 7884: 7879: 7849:Simon Tcherniak 7847: 7842: 7837: 7801: 7796: 7794: 7792: 7787: 7780: 7754: 7749: 7744: 7724: 7719: 7714: 7707:Barbara Windsor 7696: 7691: 7686: 7663:Barbara Windsor 7652: 7647: 7642: 7619:Jamie Borthwick 7606: 7601: 7596: 7577:Natalie Cassidy 7564: 7559: 7554: 7533:) and his wife 7503: 7498: 7494:Sammy Broomhill 7493: 7488:) with intent. 7461: 7456: 7451: 7446:) with intent. 7419: 7414: 7409: 7398:Lauren Branning 7358: 7353: 7351: 7349: 7344: 7312: 7307: 7302: 7278: 7273: 7268: 7236: 7231: 7229: 7224: 7192: 7187: 7182: 7130: 7125: 7123: 7119:DS Howard South 7118: 7111:Barbara Windsor 7090: 7085: 7080: 7073:Natalie Cassidy 7060: 7055: 7053: 7048: 7029:Barbara Windsor 7016: 7011: 7009: 7004: 6986: 6981: 6976: 6965:Glenda Mitchell 6953:Samantha Womack 6949:Ronnie Mitchell 6940: 6935: 6930: 6903:Glenda Mitchell 6899:Samantha Womack 6895:Ronnie Mitchell 6878: 6873: 6871: 6869: 6864: 6853:Stacey Branning 6845: 6840: 6835: 6829:Gareth Berliner 6828: 6823: 6818: 6790: 6785: 6783: 6778: 6771: 6764: 6753:Natalie Cassidy 6742: 6737: 6732: 6725:Jamie Borthwick 6696: 6691: 6686: 6671:Jamie Borthwick 6660:Patrick Pearson 6658: 6653: 6648: 6625:Bonnie Langford 6604: 6599: 6594: 6559:Stacey Branning 6550: 6545: 6543: 6538: 6527:Stacey Branning 6520: 6515: 6510: 6487:Patrick Trueman 6467: 6462: 6457: 6417: 6412: 6410: 6408: 6404:Dr Owen McKenna 6403: 6370: 6365: 6363: 6358: 6335:Stacey Branning 6320: 6315: 6313: 6308: 6289:Stacey Branning 6280: 6275: 6273: 6268: 6247:), his brother 6220: 6215: 6213: 6208: 6193:Samantha Womack 6189:Ronnie Mitchell 6175: 6170: 6165: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6086: 6081: 6076: 6065:Patrick Trueman 6032: 6027: 6023:Geoff Golightly 6022: 6007:Samantha Womack 6003:Ronnie Mitchell 5986: 5981: 5979: 5974: 5955:Vincent Hubbard 5937: 5932: 5913:Louise Mitchell 5896: 5891: 5889: 5887: 5882: 5851:Stacey Branning 5839: 5834: 5832: 5827: 5800:Natalie Cassidy 5780:Stacey Branning 5771: 5766: 5764: 5759: 5748:Sharon Mitchell 5725: 5720: 5715: 5692:Stacey Branning 5683: 5678: 5676: 5671: 5662: 5657: 5621: 5616: 5611: 5594: 5589: 5584: 5577:Samantha Womack 5573:Ronnie Mitchell 5556: 5551: 5549: 5544: 5534: 5529: 5497: 5492: 5487: 5444:Stacey Branning 5437:Emmanuella Cole 5435: 5430: 5428: 5423: 5412:Louise Mitchell 5395: 5390: 5385: 5378:Annette Badland 5359:Stacey Branning 5337:Joel Phillimore 5335: 5330: 5328: 5323: 5295: 5290: 5264:Sharon Lawrence 5262: 5257: 5253:PC Amanda Brent 5252: 5233: 5139:Karen Beckworth 5090: 5080: 5053:Karen Beckworth 5048: 5046:Karen Beckworth 5033:) reports him. 5015:Samantha Womack 5011:Ronnie Branning 4906: 4884:24 October 2019 4883: 4873: 4864:2016–2017, 2019 4855:Victor Gardener 4833: 4821:David Brown of 4681: 4672:7 November 2016 4671: 4631: 4581:Natalie Cassidy 4569:Michelle Fowler 4533:Patrick Trueman 4461: 4393:31 October 2016 4392: 4362: 4348: 4280:Soldier Barman 4242: 4233:14 October 2016 4232: 4192: 4171:Patrick Trueman 4156:Belinda Peacock 4127:Annette Badland 4053: 4043: 4011: 3958:Louise Mitchell 3946:Jamie Borthwick 3875: 3865: 3852: 3847: 3826: 3820: 3777:Jamie Borthwick 3746:Louise Mitchell 3707:Barbara Windsor 3695:Sharon Mitchell 3663:one-night stand 3648:Michelle Fowler 3618: 3614: 3610: 3606: 3602: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3580:Ronnie Mitchell 3578: 3564: 3562:Raymond Dawkins 3560: 3556: 3552: 3550:Louise Mitchell 3548: 3544: 3520: 3516: 3502: 3488: 3474: 3454:Michelle Fowler 3421:Mark Fowler Jnr 3383: 3373: 3341: 3326: 3292:Kheerat Panesar 3193:Louise Mitchell 3185:Jamie Borthwick 3108: 3085: 3075: 3035: 2991:Jenny Rawlinson 2940: 2930: 2903:Jenny Rawlinson 2898: 2896:Jenny Rawlinson 2816:Belinda Peacock 2805:Neville Peacock 2782: 2743: 2733: 2706:Neville Peacock 2701: 2699:Neville Peacock 2666:Brooke Kinsella 2594:Natalie Cassidy 2555:Louise Mitchell 2521:Bonnie Langford 2495: 2481: 2422:Former; regular 2412: 2402: 2362: 2346:Stacey Branning 2299: 2224: 2218:Appears in 2190: 2112: 2092:Jamie Borthwick 2033:Belinda Peacock 2014:Glenda Mitchell 1994:Stacey Branning 1971:Samantha Womack 1967:Ronnie Mitchell 1963:Hannah Reynolds 1947:Louise Mitchell 1931:Kim Fox-Hubbard 1923:Vincent Hubbard 1824:Former; regular 1814: 1804: 1772: 1764:Samantha Womack 1760:Ronnie Mitchell 1737:Louise Mitchell 1717:Vincent Hubbard 1660: 1657:Vincent Hubbard 1599: 1589: 1557: 1509:Patrick Trueman 1446: 1375: 1365: 1335: 1317:Jamie Borthwick 1286:Natalie Cassidy 1258:Louise Mitchell 1218:Jamie Borthwick 1144: 1121: 1112:8 February 2016 1111: 1071: 1042:Natalie Cassidy 1030:Jamie Borthwick 1016:Linzi's friend 1007:Louise Mitchell 883: 874:8 February 2016 873: 841: 827:Vincent Hubbard 760:Hannah Reynolds 752:Samantha Womack 748:Ronnie Mitchell 715: 711: 709:Hannah Reynolds 660: 651:2 February 2016 650: 618: 574:Stacey Branning 567:Carolyn Pickles 514: 505:22 January 2016 504: 494:Carolyn Pickles 472: 435:Natalie Cassidy 408:Annette Badland 392:Stacey Branning 337: 327: 295: 243:Michelle Fowler 219:Jenny Rawlinson 195:Belinda Peacock 183:Bonnie Langford 107:Jamie Borthwick 87:Carolyn Pickles 83:Dr. Delia Forde 75:Stacey Branning 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 21737: 21727: 21726: 21721: 21716: 21699: 21698: 21695: 21694: 21692: 21691: 21686: 21681: 21676: 21669: 21668: 21663: 21658: 21653: 21648: 21643: 21638: 21633: 21628: 21623: 21618: 21613: 21608: 21603: 21598: 21593: 21588: 21583: 21578: 21573: 21568: 21563: 21558: 21553: 21548: 21543: 21538: 21533: 21528: 21523: 21518: 21513: 21508: 21503: 21498: 21493: 21488: 21483: 21478: 21473: 21467: 21464: 21463: 21453: 21452: 21449: 21448: 21446: 21445: 21440: 21435: 21430: 21428:Cindy Williams 21425: 21423:Debbie Wilkins 21420: 21415: 21413:Lorraine Wicks 21410: 21405: 21400: 21395: 21390: 21385: 21380: 21375: 21370: 21368:Chrissie Watts 21365: 21360: 21355: 21350: 21345: 21340: 21335: 21330: 21325: 21320: 21315: 21310: 21305: 21300: 21298:Gavin Sullivan 21295: 21290: 21285: 21280: 21275: 21270: 21265: 21260: 21255: 21253:Charlie Slater 21250: 21245: 21243:Lydia Simmonds 21240: 21235: 21230: 21225: 21220: 21215: 21210: 21208:Binnie Roberts 21205: 21203:Dennis Rickman 21200: 21195: 21190: 21188:Louise Raymond 21185: 21180: 21175: 21173:Frankie Pierre 21170: 21168:Minty Peterson 21165: 21160: 21155: 21150: 21145: 21140: 21135: 21130: 21125: 21120: 21115: 21110: 21108:Mercy Olubunmi 21105: 21100: 21095: 21090: 21085: 21080: 21075: 21070: 21065: 21060: 21055: 21050: 21045: 21040: 21035: 21030: 21025: 21020: 21015: 21013:Peggy Mitchell 21010: 21005: 21000: 20995: 20993:Jamie Mitchell 20990: 20988:Grant Mitchell 20985: 20980: 20978:Danny Mitchell 20975: 20970: 20965: 20960: 20955: 20950: 20945: 20940: 20935: 20930: 20925: 20920: 20915: 20910: 20905: 20903:Shabnam Masood 20900: 20895: 20890: 20885: 20880: 20875: 20870: 20865: 20860: 20855: 20850: 20845: 20840: 20835: 20830: 20825: 20823:Danielle Jones 20820: 20815: 20810: 20805: 20800: 20795: 20793:Robbie Jackson 20790: 20785: 20783:Carmel Jackson 20780: 20775: 20773:Billie Jackson 20770: 20765: 20760: 20755: 20753:Lofty Holloway 20750: 20745: 20740: 20735: 20730: 20725: 20720: 20715: 20713:Dexter Hartman 20710: 20705: 20700: 20695: 20690: 20688:Joanne Francis 20685: 20680: 20675: 20670: 20668:Pauline Fowler 20665: 20660: 20655: 20650: 20645: 20640: 20635: 20630: 20628:Conor Flaherty 20625: 20620: 20615: 20610: 20605: 20600: 20595: 20590: 20585: 20580: 20575: 20570: 20565: 20560: 20558:Beppe di Marco 20555: 20550: 20545: 20540: 20535: 20530: 20525: 20520: 20515: 20510: 20505: 20500: 20495: 20490: 20485: 20480: 20475: 20470: 20468:Zsa Zsa Carter 20465: 20460: 20455: 20453:Shirley Carter 20450: 20445: 20440: 20438:Tony Carpenter 20435: 20430: 20425: 20420: 20415: 20410: 20405: 20403:Janine Butcher 20400: 20395: 20390: 20385: 20383:Tanya Branning 20380: 20375: 20370: 20365: 20360: 20358:Derek Branning 20355: 20350: 20348:April Branning 20345: 20343:Alice Branning 20340: 20335: 20330: 20325: 20320: 20315: 20310: 20305: 20300: 20295: 20290: 20285: 20280: 20275: 20270: 20265: 20260: 20255: 20250: 20245: 20240: 20235: 20230: 20225: 20220: 20215: 20210: 20204: 20201: 20200: 20188: 20187: 20184: 20183: 20181: 20180: 20175: 20170: 20165: 20160: 20155: 20150: 20145: 20140: 20138:Callum Highway 20135: 20133:Elaine Peacock 20130: 20125: 20120: 20115: 20110: 20105: 20100: 20098:Janet Mitchell 20095: 20090: 20085: 20080: 20078:Honey Mitchell 20075: 20070: 20068:Freddie Slater 20065: 20060: 20055: 20050: 20045: 20040: 20035: 20033:Billy Mitchell 20030: 20025: 20020: 20018:Bianca Jackson 20015: 20010: 20005: 20000: 19995: 19990: 19984: 19981: 19980: 19968: 19967: 19957: 19956: 19949: 19942: 19934: 19928: 19927: 19916: 19915:External links 19913: 19910: 19909: 19872: 19836: 19800: 19767: 19734: 19698: 19665: 19632: 19599: 19559: 19521: 19481: 19443: 19410: 19377: 19344: 19304: 19268: 19228: 19195: 19162: 19114: 19078: 19040: 19002: 18964: 18926: 18893: 18860: 18827: 18789: 18756: 18723: 18687: 18649: 18607: 18574: 18541: 18505: 18472: 18436: 18400: 18367: 18331: 18295: 18259: 18215: 18175: 18142: 18104: 18066: 18033: 17997: 17964: 17924: 17891: 17854: 17818: 17785: 17747: 17707: 17671: 17627: 17594: 17554: 17517: 17480: 17436: 17403: 17370: 17330: 17290: 17253: 17213: 17173: 17140: 17100: 17056: 17043:Sunday Express 17028: 17000: 16972: 16939: 16913: 16885: 16845: 16808: 16772: 16746: 16708: 16672: 16632: 16596: 16554: 16514: 16468: 16424: 16386: 16344: 16304: 16287: 16251: 16218: 16170: 16134: 16097: 16077: 16040: 16004: 15966: 15922: 15880: 15854: 15802: 15762: 15720: 15680: 15634: 15582: 15542: 15516: 15474: 15428: 15390: 15362: 15324: 15291: 15265: 15245: 15225: 15196: 15168: 15140: 15112: 15084: 15048: 15010: 14968: 14922: 14878: 14842: 14804: 14760: 14722: 14682: 14644: 14616: 14588: 14534: 14490: 14470: 14439: 14408: 14364: 14324: 14280: 14248: 14222: 14190: 14157: 14124: 14089: 14063: 14037: 14000: 13963: 13921: 13884: 13836: 13803: 13770: 13742: 13714: 13686: 13658: 13630: 13602: 13574: 13546: 13518: 13490: 13462: 13434: 13406: 13378: 13345: 13307: 13274: 13241: 13204: 13167: 13125: 13089: 13052: 13019: 12986: 12950: 12910: 12877: 12840: 12800: 12779:(6 May 2016). 12758: 12737:(3 May 2016). 12712: 12679: 12658:(5 May 2016). 12635: 12599: 12559: 12509: 12481: 12439: 12406: 12400:All About Soap 12389: 12358: 12322: 12278: 12238: 12210: 12182: 12154: 12128: 12095: 12059: 12021: 11981: 11948: 11910: 11864: 11836: 11796: 11754: 11714: 11676: 11636: 11600: 11560: 11532: 11518: 11490: 11464: 11422: 11385: 11339: 11303: 11275: 11247: 11205: 11169: 11125: 11081: 11064: 11036: 11008: 10980: 10940: 10900: 10864: 10810: 10774: 10738: 10702: 10666: 10626: 10588: 10551: 10522: 10521: 10519: 10516: 10513: 10512: 10509:Steve McFadden 10501: 10494: 10485: 10479: 10478: 10475:Steve McFadden 10467: 10462: 10457: 10451: 10450: 10440: 10433: 10428: 10422: 10421: 10408: 10403: 10398: 10392: 10391: 10380: 10373: 10364: 10358: 10357: 10331:Davood Ghadami 10323: 10318: 10313: 10307: 10306: 10287: 10280: 10271: 10265: 10264: 10257: 10251: 10250: 10235:Kathy Sullivan 10224: 10221:Tracy Forsythe 10217: 10212: 10206: 10205: 10202:Steve McFadden 10194: 10187: 10180: 10174: 10173: 10146:Steve McFadden 10138: 10131: 10126: 10120: 10119: 10116:Steve McFadden 10108: 10101: 10096: 10090: 10089: 10086:Steve McFadden 10079: 10072: 10067: 10061: 10060: 10041:Steve McFadden 10033: 10028: 10021: 10015: 10014: 9991:Shirley Carter 9976:Kathy Sullivan 9956: 9949: 9940: 9934: 9933: 9910: 9903: 9894: 9888: 9887: 9880: 9874: 9873: 9835: 9828: 9821: 9815: 9814: 9807:Kathy Sullivan 9803:Gwyneth Strong 9795: 9792:Daniel Attwell 9788: 9784:22–29 November 9781: 9775: 9774: 9764: 9757: 9752: 9750:Cherish Hylton 9746: 9745: 9742: 9737: 9732: 9726: 9725: 9706: 9699: 9694: 9688: 9687: 9664:Honey Mitchell 9652: 9645: 9636: 9630: 9629: 9618: 9613: 9604: 9598: 9597: 9592: 9586: 9585: 9570:Billy Mitchell 9566: 9559: 9555:10–11 November 9552: 9546: 9545: 9530:Danny Hatchard 9522: 9517: 9508: 9502: 9501: 9490:Danny Hatchard 9483: 9476: 9469: 9463: 9462: 9459:Steve McFadden 9443: 9440:Robert Perkins 9436: 9431: 9425: 9424: 9377: 9370: 9361: 9355: 9354: 9343: 9336: 9331: 9325: 9324: 9321:Steve McFadden 9309:Dennis Rickman 9293: 9290:Bailey Patrick 9286: 9279: 9273: 9272: 9264:) chats to in 9254: 9249: 9244: 9238: 9237: 9226: 9221: 9216: 9210: 9209: 9194:Billy Mitchell 9190: 9183: 9178: 9172: 9171: 9156:Peggy Mitchell 9148:Kathy Sullivan 9144:Steve McFadden 9128: 9121: 9116: 9114:Katie Wagstaff 9110: 9109: 9094:Billy Mitchell 9090: 9083: 9076: 9070: 9069: 9042: 9035: 9028: 9022: 9021: 9002: 8995: 8990: 8984: 8983: 8968: 8961: 8954: 8948: 8947: 8940:Kathy Sullivan 8913: 8906: 8899: 8893: 8892: 8864:Whitney Carter 8860:Danny Hatchard 8852: 8847: 8838: 8832: 8831: 8828:Davood Ghadami 8784: 8777: 8773:24 August 2017 8768: 8762: 8761: 8734:Steve McFadden 8726: 8723:Shanaya Rafaat 8719: 8712: 8706: 8705: 8686: 8679: 8674: 8668: 8667: 8648: 8643: 8638: 8632: 8631: 8620: 8615: 8608: 8602: 8601: 8590: 8585: 8578: 8572: 8571: 8538: 8531: 8524: 8518: 8517: 8498:Steve McFadden 8490: 8483: 8478: 8476:Claire Raymond 8472: 8471: 8452: 8447: 8442: 8436: 8435: 8416: 8409: 8402: 8396: 8395: 8390: 8381: 8375: 8374: 8359:Billy Mitchell 8340:Steve McFadden 8332: 8327: 8318: 8312: 8311: 8308:Janet Mitchell 8300:Honey Mitchell 8288: 8281: 8276: 8270: 8269: 8258: 8255: 8250: 8244: 8243: 8240: 8237: 8232: 8226: 8225: 8214: 8209: 8204: 8198: 8197: 8182:Grant Mitchell 8171: 8164: 8159: 8153: 8152: 8133:Steve McFadden 8109: 8102: 8098:18 August 2017 8093: 8087: 8086: 8039:Steve McFadden 8015: 8008: 8001: 7995: 7994: 7967: 7962: 7957: 7951: 7950: 7939: 7934: 7925: 7919: 7918: 7907:Honey Mitchell 7895:Janet Mitchell 7892: 7887: 7882: 7876: 7875: 7868:Honey Mitchell 7856:Janet Mitchell 7852: 7845: 7840: 7834: 7833: 7806: 7799: 7790: 7788:Marcia Drabble 7784: 7783: 7777: 7776: 7769:Gavin Sullivan 7757: 7752: 7747: 7741: 7740: 7733:Gavin Sullivan 7729: 7722: 7717: 7711: 7710: 7703:Peggy Mitchell 7699: 7694: 7689: 7683: 7682: 7675:Billy Mitchell 7671:Steve McFadden 7659:Peggy Mitchell 7655: 7650: 7645: 7639: 7638: 7629:). Phil's son 7627:Steve McFadden 7611: 7604: 7599: 7593: 7592: 7569: 7562: 7557: 7551: 7550: 7508: 7501: 7496: 7490: 7489: 7466: 7459: 7454: 7448: 7447: 7424: 7417: 7412: 7406: 7405: 7363: 7356: 7347: 7341: 7340: 7317: 7310: 7305: 7303:Dr Glen Mander 7299: 7298: 7283: 7276: 7271: 7265: 7264: 7241: 7234: 7227: 7225:Dr Sandra Vole 7221: 7220: 7197: 7190: 7185: 7179: 7178: 7135: 7128: 7121: 7115: 7114: 7107:Peggy Mitchell 7103:Steve McFadden 7095: 7088: 7083: 7077: 7076: 7065: 7062:Juliet Howland 7058: 7051: 7045: 7044: 7025:Peggy Mitchell 7021: 7014: 7007: 7005:Dr Adam Gorman 7001: 7000: 6999:) fish stall. 6989: 6984: 6979: 6973: 6972: 6945: 6938: 6933: 6927: 6926: 6911:Whitney Carter 6883: 6876: 6867: 6861: 6860: 6850: 6843: 6838: 6836:Marc Zuccaroli 6832: 6831: 6826: 6821: 6815: 6814: 6795: 6788: 6781: 6775: 6774: 6768: 6767: 6761: 6760: 6745: 6740: 6735: 6729: 6728: 6701: 6694: 6689: 6683: 6682: 6663: 6656: 6651: 6645: 6644: 6609: 6602: 6597: 6591: 6590: 6555: 6548: 6541: 6535: 6534: 6523: 6518: 6513: 6507: 6506: 6491:Rudolph Walker 6475:Jordan Johnson 6472: 6465: 6460: 6454: 6453: 6446:Whitney Carter 6422: 6415: 6411:3 January 2017 6406: 6400: 6399: 6375: 6368: 6361: 6355: 6354: 6331:Davood Ghadami 6323: 6318: 6311: 6305: 6304: 6285: 6282:Abigail Davies 6278: 6271: 6265: 6264: 6225: 6218: 6211: 6205: 6204: 6178: 6173: 6168: 6162: 6161: 6146:Jordan Johnson 6134: 6127: 6122: 6116: 6115: 6091:A customer in 6089: 6084: 6079: 6073: 6072: 6069:Rudolph Walker 6057:Jordan Johnson 6037: 6030: 6025: 6019: 6018: 6011:Honey Mitchell 5991: 5984: 5977: 5971: 5970: 5943: 5940: 5935: 5929: 5928: 5901: 5894: 5885: 5879: 5878: 5844: 5837: 5830: 5824: 5823: 5808:Davood Ghadami 5776: 5769: 5762: 5756: 5755: 5744:Steve McFadden 5728: 5723: 5718: 5712: 5711: 5688: 5681: 5677:19–22 February 5674: 5668: 5667: 5664:Howard Corlett 5660: 5654: 5653: 5634:Matt Di Angelo 5626: 5619: 5614: 5608: 5607: 5604:Rakhee Thakrar 5600:Shabnam Kazemi 5597: 5592: 5587: 5581: 5580: 5569:Steve McFadden 5561: 5554: 5547: 5545:Dr Rhys Thomas 5541: 5540: 5537: 5532: 5526: 5525: 5502: 5495: 5490: 5484: 5483: 5468:Rakhee Thakrar 5464:Shabnam Kazemi 5440: 5433: 5426: 5420: 5419: 5408:Steve McFadden 5400: 5393: 5388: 5382: 5381: 5340: 5333: 5326: 5320: 5319: 5300: 5297:Natasha Gordon 5293: 5287: 5286: 5275:Matt Di Angelo 5267: 5260: 5255: 5249: 5248: 5247:Circumstances 5245: 5242: 5239: 5232: 5229: 5224:Sunday Express 5159:Whitney Carter 5134: 5133: 5130: 5129: 5126: 5122: 5121: 5113: 5112: 5107: 5103: 5102: 5097: 5096:Classification 5093: 5092: 5087: 5083: 5082: 5077: 5073: 5072: 5067: 5063: 5062: 5055: 5054: 5047: 5044: 5003:Honey Mitchell 4999:Declan Bennett 4995:Charlie Cotton 4983:Danny Hatchard 4960:Christmas tree 4933: 4932: 4929: 4928: 4927:Police officer 4925: 4921: 4920: 4912: 4911: 4900: 4896: 4895: 4890: 4889:Classification 4886: 4885: 4880: 4876: 4875: 4870: 4866: 4865: 4862: 4858: 4857: 4852: 4848: 4847: 4840: 4839: 4832: 4829: 4753:Whitney Carter 4725: 4724: 4721: 4720: 4717: 4713: 4712: 4704: 4703: 4698: 4694: 4693: 4688: 4687:Classification 4684: 4683: 4682:5 January 2017 4678: 4674: 4673: 4668: 4664: 4663: 4660: 4656: 4655: 4650: 4646: 4645: 4638: 4637: 4630: 4627: 4585:Robbie Jackson 4549:Ricky Mitchell 4537:Rudolph Walker 4477: 4476: 4473: 4472: 4467: 4463: 4462: 4460: 4459: 4456: 4453: 4450: 4446: 4444: 4440: 4439: 4431: 4430: 4427: 4423: 4422: 4417: 4413: 4412: 4407: 4406:Classification 4403: 4402: 4399: 4395: 4394: 4389: 4385: 4384: 4381: 4377: 4376: 4369: 4368: 4347: 4344: 4286: 4285: 4282: 4281: 4278: 4274: 4273: 4265: 4264: 4259: 4255: 4254: 4249: 4248:Classification 4245: 4244: 4239: 4235: 4234: 4229: 4225: 4224: 4221: 4217: 4216: 4211: 4207: 4206: 4199: 4198: 4191: 4188: 4175:Rudolph Walker 4134:Kathy Sullivan 4085:Gwyneth Strong 4076: 4075: 4070: 4066: 4065: 4060: 4059:Classification 4056: 4055: 4050: 4046: 4045: 4040: 4036: 4035: 4033:Gwyneth Strong 4030: 4026: 4025: 4018: 4017: 4010: 4007: 3984:) and his son 3954:Steve McFadden 3898: 3897: 3892: 3888: 3887: 3882: 3881:Classification 3878: 3877: 3876:7 October 2016 3872: 3868: 3867: 3862: 3858: 3857: 3841: 3837: 3836: 3829: 3828: 3819: 3816: 3801:Preston Cooper 3722:Kathy Sullivan 3703:Peggy Mitchell 3691:Steve McFadden 3640:Grant Mitchell 3627: 3626: 3623: 3622: 3592:Jamie Mitchell 3588:Billy Mitchell 3573: 3569: 3568: 3554:Ricky Branning 3539: 3535: 3534: 3529: 3525: 3524: 3511: 3507: 3506: 3504:Pauline Fowler 3500:Peggy Mitchell 3497: 3493: 3492: 3483: 3479: 3478: 3469: 3465: 3464: 3461: 3457: 3456: 3451: 3447: 3446: 3444:Grant Mitchell 3441: 3437: 3436: 3427: 3423: 3422: 3419: 3415: 3414: 3406: 3405: 3400: 3396: 3395: 3390: 3389:Classification 3386: 3385: 3380: 3376: 3375: 3374:11 August 2016 3370: 3366: 3365: 3360: 3356: 3355: 3348: 3347: 3325: 3322: 3288:Steve McFadden 3276:Callum Highway 3232:Grant Mitchell 3220:Steve McFadden 3141: 3140: 3137: 3136: 3131: 3127: 3126: 3118: 3117: 3102: 3098: 3097: 3092: 3091:Classification 3088: 3087: 3082: 3078: 3077: 3072: 3068: 3067: 3064: 3060: 3059: 3054: 3050: 3049: 3042: 3041: 3034: 3031: 2986: 2985: 2982: 2981: 2976: 2972: 2971: 2963: 2962: 2957: 2953: 2952: 2947: 2946:Classification 2943: 2942: 2937: 2933: 2932: 2927: 2923: 2922: 2917: 2913: 2912: 2905: 2904: 2897: 2894: 2800: 2799: 2796: 2795: 2792:Belinda Slater 2789: 2785: 2784: 2779: 2775: 2774: 2766: 2765: 2760: 2756: 2755: 2750: 2749:Classification 2746: 2745: 2740: 2736: 2735: 2730: 2726: 2725: 2720: 2716: 2715: 2708: 2707: 2700: 2697: 2529:Davood Ghadami 2504: 2503: 2500: 2499: 2490: 2486: 2485: 2476: 2472: 2471: 2466: 2462: 2461: 2456: 2452: 2451: 2448: 2444: 2443: 2435: 2434: 2429: 2425: 2424: 2419: 2418:Classification 2415: 2414: 2409: 2405: 2404: 2399: 2395: 2394: 2391: 2387: 2386: 2381: 2377: 2376: 2369: 2368: 2361: 2358: 2306: 2305: 2302: 2301: 2300:Siobhan Slater 2298:Shannon Slater 2296: 2292: 2291: 2286: 2282: 2281: 2278: 2274: 2273: 2268: 2264: 2263: 2260: 2256: 2255: 2247: 2246: 2241: 2237: 2236: 2231: 2230:Classification 2227: 2226: 2219: 2215: 2214: 2209: 2205: 2204: 2197: 2196: 2189: 2186: 2170:Aneirin Hughes 2155:Danielle Jones 2143:Declan Bennett 2139:Charlie Cotton 2127:Jessie Wallace 2111: 2108: 2072:Aneirin Hughes 2064:Matt Di Angelo 2041:Danielle Jones 2022:Danny Mitchell 1943:Steve McFadden 1895: 1894: 1891: 1890: 1887:Danielle Jones 1884: 1880: 1879: 1876: 1872: 1871: 1866: 1862: 1861: 1858: 1854: 1853: 1850: 1846: 1845: 1837: 1836: 1831: 1827: 1826: 1821: 1820:Classification 1817: 1816: 1811: 1807: 1806: 1801: 1797: 1796: 1791: 1787: 1786: 1779: 1778: 1771: 1768: 1733:Steve McFadden 1681: 1680: 1677: 1676: 1670: 1666: 1665: 1654: 1650: 1649: 1643: 1639: 1638: 1635: 1631: 1630: 1622: 1621: 1616: 1612: 1611: 1606: 1605:Classification 1602: 1601: 1596: 1592: 1591: 1586: 1582: 1581: 1576: 1572: 1571: 1564: 1563: 1556: 1553: 1513:Rudolph Walker 1485:Jordan Johnson 1476: 1475: 1472: 1471: 1466: 1462: 1461: 1459:Chelsea Atkins 1456: 1452: 1451: 1448:Denise Johnson 1441: 1437: 1436: 1431: 1427: 1426: 1421: 1417: 1416: 1414:Jordan Johnson 1411: 1407: 1406: 1398: 1397: 1392: 1388: 1387: 1382: 1381:Classification 1378: 1377: 1372: 1368: 1367: 1362: 1358: 1357: 1354: 1350: 1349: 1342: 1341: 1334: 1331: 1327:Posh and Becks 1254:Steve McFadden 1199: 1198: 1195: 1194: 1189: 1185: 1184: 1179: 1175: 1174: 1171: 1167: 1166: 1163: 1159: 1158: 1150: 1149: 1138: 1134: 1133: 1128: 1127:Classification 1124: 1123: 1118: 1114: 1113: 1108: 1104: 1103: 1100: 1096: 1095: 1090: 1086: 1085: 1078: 1077: 1070: 1067: 973:). She offers 971:Davood Ghadami 947: 946: 943: 942: 937: 933: 932: 927: 923: 922: 919: 915: 914: 906: 905: 900: 896: 895: 890: 889:Classification 886: 885: 880: 876: 875: 870: 866: 865: 860: 856: 855: 848: 847: 840: 837: 819:Terry Spraggan 815:Terry Alderton 807:Josie Lawrence 775:Danielle Jones 764:Molly Reynolds 724: 723: 720: 719: 717:Molly Reynolds 706: 702: 701: 696: 692: 691: 683: 682: 677: 673: 672: 667: 666:Classification 663: 662: 657: 653: 652: 647: 643: 642: 637: 633: 632: 625: 624: 617: 614: 563:Dr Delia Forde 558: 557: 554: 553: 550: 546: 545: 537: 536: 531: 527: 526: 521: 520:Classification 517: 516: 511: 507: 506: 501: 497: 496: 491: 487: 486: 479: 478: 477:Dr Delia Forde 471: 468: 360: 359: 354: 350: 349: 344: 343:Classification 340: 339: 334: 330: 329: 328:4 January 2016 324: 320: 319: 314: 310: 309: 302: 301: 294: 291: 275:Danny Hatchard 267:Gwyneth Strong 235:Grant Mitchell 191:Davood Ghadami 177:), the son of 127:Jordan Johnson 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 21736: 21725: 21722: 21720: 21717: 21715: 21712: 21711: 21709: 21690: 21687: 21685: 21682: 21680: 21677: 21675: 21671: 21670: 21667: 21664: 21662: 21659: 21657: 21654: 21652: 21649: 21647: 21644: 21642: 21639: 21637: 21634: 21632: 21629: 21627: 21624: 21622: 21619: 21617: 21614: 21612: 21609: 21607: 21604: 21602: 21599: 21597: 21594: 21592: 21589: 21587: 21584: 21582: 21579: 21577: 21574: 21572: 21569: 21567: 21564: 21562: 21559: 21557: 21554: 21552: 21549: 21547: 21544: 21542: 21539: 21537: 21534: 21532: 21529: 21527: 21524: 21522: 21519: 21517: 21514: 21512: 21509: 21507: 21504: 21502: 21499: 21497: 21494: 21492: 21489: 21487: 21484: 21482: 21479: 21477: 21474: 21472: 21469: 21468: 21465: 21458: 21454: 21444: 21441: 21439: 21436: 21434: 21431: 21429: 21426: 21424: 21421: 21419: 21416: 21414: 21411: 21409: 21406: 21404: 21401: 21399: 21396: 21394: 21391: 21389: 21386: 21384: 21381: 21379: 21376: 21374: 21371: 21369: 21366: 21364: 21361: 21359: 21356: 21354: 21351: 21349: 21346: 21344: 21343:Heather Trott 21341: 21339: 21336: 21334: 21331: 21329: 21326: 21324: 21321: 21319: 21316: 21314: 21311: 21309: 21306: 21304: 21301: 21299: 21296: 21294: 21291: 21289: 21286: 21284: 21281: 21279: 21276: 21274: 21271: 21269: 21266: 21264: 21261: 21259: 21256: 21254: 21251: 21249: 21248:Ethel Skinner 21246: 21244: 21241: 21239: 21236: 21234: 21231: 21229: 21228:Colin Russell 21226: 21224: 21221: 21219: 21216: 21214: 21211: 21209: 21206: 21204: 21201: 21199: 21198:Terry Raymond 21196: 21194: 21193:Simon Raymond 21191: 21189: 21186: 21184: 21183:Irene Raymond 21181: 21179: 21178:Paul Priestly 21176: 21174: 21171: 21169: 21166: 21164: 21161: 21159: 21156: 21154: 21151: 21149: 21146: 21144: 21143:George Palmer 21141: 21139: 21136: 21134: 21131: 21129: 21126: 21124: 21121: 21119: 21116: 21114: 21111: 21109: 21106: 21104: 21101: 21099: 21096: 21094: 21093:Trevor Morgan 21091: 21089: 21086: 21084: 21081: 21079: 21076: 21074: 21071: 21069: 21066: 21064: 21061: 21059: 21056: 21054: 21051: 21049: 21046: 21044: 21041: 21039: 21036: 21034: 21031: 21029: 21026: 21024: 21023:Roxy Mitchell 21021: 21019: 21016: 21014: 21011: 21009: 21006: 21004: 21001: 20999: 20998:Kate Mitchell 20996: 20994: 20991: 20989: 20986: 20984: 20981: 20979: 20976: 20974: 20971: 20969: 20966: 20964: 20961: 20959: 20956: 20954: 20953:Mickey Miller 20951: 20949: 20946: 20944: 20941: 20939: 20938:Darren Miller 20936: 20934: 20931: 20929: 20926: 20924: 20923:Lilly Mattock 20921: 20919: 20918:Zainab Masood 20916: 20914: 20913:Tamwar Masood 20911: 20909: 20906: 20904: 20901: 20899: 20896: 20894: 20891: 20889: 20886: 20884: 20881: 20879: 20876: 20874: 20871: 20869: 20866: 20864: 20861: 20859: 20856: 20854: 20851: 20849: 20846: 20844: 20841: 20839: 20838:Sanjay Kapoor 20836: 20834: 20831: 20829: 20826: 20824: 20821: 20819: 20818:Lucas Johnson 20816: 20814: 20811: 20809: 20806: 20804: 20803:Saeed Jeffery 20801: 20799: 20798:Naima Jeffery 20796: 20794: 20791: 20789: 20788:Carol Jackson 20786: 20784: 20781: 20779: 20776: 20774: 20771: 20769: 20766: 20764: 20761: 20759: 20756: 20754: 20751: 20749: 20746: 20744: 20741: 20739: 20736: 20734: 20731: 20729: 20726: 20724: 20721: 20719: 20716: 20714: 20711: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20701: 20699: 20696: 20694: 20691: 20689: 20686: 20684: 20681: 20679: 20676: 20674: 20671: 20669: 20666: 20664: 20661: 20659: 20656: 20654: 20651: 20649: 20646: 20644: 20643:Arthur Fowler 20641: 20639: 20636: 20634: 20633:Mary Flaherty 20631: 20629: 20626: 20624: 20621: 20619: 20616: 20614: 20611: 20609: 20608:Natalie Evans 20606: 20604: 20601: 20599: 20596: 20594: 20591: 20589: 20586: 20584: 20581: 20579: 20576: 20574: 20573:Rosa di Marco 20571: 20569: 20566: 20564: 20561: 20559: 20556: 20554: 20551: 20549: 20546: 20544: 20541: 20539: 20536: 20534: 20531: 20529: 20526: 20524: 20521: 20519: 20516: 20514: 20511: 20509: 20506: 20504: 20503:Ashley Cotton 20501: 20499: 20496: 20494: 20491: 20489: 20486: 20484: 20481: 20479: 20476: 20474: 20471: 20469: 20466: 20464: 20461: 20459: 20456: 20454: 20451: 20449: 20446: 20444: 20441: 20439: 20436: 20434: 20431: 20429: 20426: 20424: 20423:Ricky Butcher 20421: 20419: 20416: 20414: 20411: 20409: 20406: 20404: 20401: 20399: 20398:Frank Butcher 20396: 20394: 20393:Diane Butcher 20391: 20389: 20388:Aidan Brosnan 20386: 20384: 20381: 20379: 20378:Suzy Branning 20376: 20374: 20371: 20369: 20368:Joey Branning 20366: 20364: 20361: 20359: 20356: 20354: 20351: 20349: 20346: 20344: 20341: 20339: 20336: 20334: 20331: 20329: 20326: 20324: 20321: 20319: 20316: 20314: 20311: 20309: 20306: 20304: 20301: 20299: 20296: 20294: 20291: 20289: 20286: 20284: 20281: 20279: 20276: 20274: 20271: 20269: 20266: 20264: 20261: 20259: 20256: 20254: 20251: 20249: 20246: 20244: 20241: 20239: 20236: 20234: 20231: 20229: 20226: 20224: 20221: 20219: 20216: 20214: 20211: 20209: 20206: 20205: 20202: 20198: 20193: 20189: 20179: 20176: 20174: 20171: 20169: 20168:George Knight 20166: 20164: 20161: 20159: 20156: 20154: 20153:Harvey Monroe 20151: 20149: 20146: 20144: 20141: 20139: 20136: 20134: 20131: 20129: 20128:Johnny Carter 20126: 20124: 20121: 20119: 20116: 20114: 20111: 20109: 20108:Jack Branning 20106: 20104: 20101: 20099: 20096: 20094: 20091: 20089: 20086: 20084: 20081: 20079: 20076: 20074: 20071: 20069: 20066: 20064: 20063:Stacey Slater 20061: 20059: 20056: 20054: 20051: 20049: 20046: 20044: 20041: 20039: 20036: 20034: 20031: 20029: 20026: 20024: 20021: 20019: 20016: 20014: 20013:Phil Mitchell 20011: 20009: 20006: 20004: 20003:Martin Fowler 20001: 19999: 19996: 19994: 19991: 19989: 19986: 19985: 19982: 19978: 19973: 19969: 19964: 19963: 19955: 19950: 19948: 19943: 19941: 19936: 19935: 19932: 19926: 19922: 19921:Shakil Kazemi 19919: 19918: 19905: 19901: 19897: 19896: 19891: 19887: 19883: 19882:Sean O'Connor 19876: 19868: 19864: 19860: 19859: 19854: 19850: 19849:Sean O'Connor 19843: 19841: 19832: 19828: 19824: 19823: 19818: 19814: 19813:Sean O'Connor 19807: 19805: 19796: 19792: 19788: 19787: 19782: 19778: 19777:Sean O'Connor 19771: 19763: 19759: 19755: 19754: 19749: 19745: 19744:Sean O'Connor 19738: 19730: 19726: 19722: 19721: 19716: 19712: 19711:Sean O'Connor 19705: 19703: 19694: 19690: 19686: 19685: 19680: 19676: 19675:Sean O'Connor 19669: 19661: 19657: 19653: 19652: 19647: 19643: 19642:Sean O'Connor 19636: 19628: 19624: 19620: 19619: 19614: 19610: 19609:Sean O'Connor 19603: 19595: 19591: 19587: 19586: 19581: 19577: 19573: 19572:Sean O'Connor 19566: 19564: 19555: 19551: 19547: 19546: 19541: 19537: 19536:Sean O'Connor 19530: 19528: 19526: 19517: 19513: 19509: 19508: 19503: 19499: 19498:Sean O'Connor 19492: 19490: 19488: 19486: 19477: 19473: 19469: 19468: 19463: 19459: 19458:Sean O'Connor 19452: 19450: 19448: 19439: 19435: 19431: 19430: 19425: 19421: 19420:Sean O'Connor 19414: 19406: 19402: 19398: 19397: 19392: 19388: 19387:Sean O'Connor 19381: 19373: 19369: 19365: 19364: 19359: 19355: 19354:Sean O'Connor 19348: 19340: 19336: 19332: 19331: 19326: 19322: 19321:Sean O'Connor 19315: 19313: 19311: 19309: 19300: 19296: 19292: 19291: 19286: 19282: 19281:Sean O'Connor 19275: 19273: 19264: 19260: 19256: 19255: 19250: 19246: 19245:Sean O'Connor 19239: 19237: 19235: 19233: 19224: 19220: 19216: 19215: 19210: 19206: 19205:Sean O'Connor 19199: 19191: 19187: 19183: 19182: 19177: 19173: 19172:Sean O'Connor 19166: 19158: 19154: 19150: 19149: 19144: 19140: 19136: 19135:Sean O'Connor 19129: 19127: 19125: 19123: 19121: 19119: 19110: 19106: 19102: 19101: 19096: 19092: 19091:Sean O'Connor 19085: 19083: 19074: 19070: 19066: 19065: 19060: 19056: 19055:Sean O'Connor 19049: 19047: 19045: 19036: 19032: 19028: 19027: 19022: 19018: 19017:Sean O'Connor 19011: 19009: 19007: 18998: 18994: 18990: 18989: 18984: 18980: 18979:Sean O'Connor 18973: 18971: 18969: 18960: 18956: 18952: 18951: 18946: 18942: 18941:Sean O'Connor 18935: 18933: 18931: 18922: 18918: 18914: 18913: 18908: 18904: 18903:Sean O'Connor 18897: 18889: 18885: 18881: 18880: 18875: 18871: 18870:Sean O'Connor 18864: 18856: 18852: 18848: 18847: 18842: 18838: 18837:Sean O'Connor 18831: 18823: 18819: 18815: 18814: 18809: 18805: 18804:Sean O'Connor 18798: 18796: 18794: 18785: 18781: 18777: 18776: 18771: 18767: 18766:Sean O'Connor 18760: 18752: 18748: 18744: 18743: 18738: 18734: 18733:Sean O'Connor 18727: 18719: 18715: 18711: 18710: 18705: 18701: 18700:Sean O'Connor 18694: 18692: 18683: 18679: 18675: 18674: 18669: 18665: 18664:Sean O'Connor 18658: 18656: 18654: 18645: 18641: 18637: 18636: 18631: 18627: 18623: 18622:Sean O'Connor 18616: 18614: 18612: 18603: 18599: 18595: 18594: 18589: 18585: 18584:Sean O'Connor 18578: 18570: 18566: 18562: 18561: 18556: 18552: 18551:Sean O'Connor 18545: 18537: 18533: 18529: 18528: 18523: 18519: 18518:Sean O'Connor 18512: 18510: 18501: 18497: 18493: 18492: 18487: 18483: 18482:Sean O'Connor 18476: 18468: 18464: 18460: 18459: 18454: 18450: 18449:Sean O'Connor 18443: 18441: 18432: 18428: 18424: 18423: 18418: 18414: 18413:Sean O'Connor 18407: 18405: 18396: 18392: 18388: 18387: 18382: 18378: 18377:Sean O'Connor 18371: 18363: 18359: 18355: 18354: 18349: 18345: 18344:Sean O'Connor 18338: 18336: 18327: 18323: 18319: 18318: 18313: 18309: 18308:Sean O'Connor 18302: 18300: 18291: 18287: 18283: 18282: 18277: 18273: 18272:Sean O'Connor 18266: 18264: 18255: 18251: 18247: 18246: 18241: 18237: 18233: 18226: 18224: 18222: 18220: 18211: 18207: 18203: 18202: 18197: 18193: 18186: 18184: 18182: 18180: 18171: 18167: 18163: 18162: 18157: 18153: 18146: 18138: 18134: 18130: 18129: 18124: 18120: 18113: 18111: 18109: 18100: 18096: 18092: 18091: 18086: 18082: 18075: 18073: 18071: 18062: 18058: 18054: 18053: 18048: 18044: 18037: 18029: 18025: 18021: 18020: 18015: 18011: 18004: 18002: 17993: 17989: 17985: 17984: 17979: 17975: 17968: 17960: 17956: 17952: 17951: 17946: 17942: 17935: 17933: 17931: 17929: 17920: 17916: 17912: 17911: 17906: 17902: 17901:Sean O'Connor 17895: 17887: 17883: 17879: 17878: 17873: 17869: 17865: 17864:Sean O'Connor 17858: 17850: 17846: 17842: 17841: 17836: 17832: 17825: 17823: 17814: 17810: 17806: 17805: 17800: 17796: 17795:Sean O'Connor 17789: 17781: 17777: 17773: 17772: 17767: 17763: 17756: 17754: 17752: 17743: 17739: 17735: 17734: 17729: 17725: 17721: 17714: 17712: 17703: 17699: 17695: 17694: 17689: 17685: 17678: 17676: 17667: 17663: 17659: 17658: 17653: 17649: 17645: 17638: 17636: 17634: 17632: 17623: 17619: 17615: 17614: 17609: 17605: 17598: 17590: 17586: 17582: 17581: 17576: 17572: 17568: 17561: 17559: 17550: 17546: 17542: 17541: 17536: 17532: 17528: 17521: 17513: 17509: 17505: 17504: 17499: 17495: 17491: 17490:Sean O'Connor 17484: 17476: 17472: 17468: 17467: 17462: 17458: 17451: 17449: 17447: 17445: 17443: 17441: 17432: 17428: 17424: 17423: 17418: 17414: 17407: 17399: 17395: 17391: 17390: 17385: 17381: 17374: 17366: 17362: 17358: 17357: 17352: 17348: 17344: 17337: 17335: 17326: 17322: 17318: 17317: 17312: 17308: 17301: 17299: 17297: 17295: 17286: 17282: 17278: 17277: 17272: 17268: 17264: 17257: 17249: 17245: 17241: 17240: 17235: 17231: 17224: 17222: 17220: 17218: 17209: 17205: 17201: 17200: 17195: 17191: 17184: 17182: 17180: 17178: 17169: 17165: 17161: 17160: 17155: 17151: 17144: 17136: 17132: 17128: 17127: 17122: 17118: 17114: 17107: 17105: 17096: 17092: 17088: 17087: 17082: 17078: 17074: 17067: 17065: 17063: 17061: 17045: 17044: 17039: 17032: 17017: 17016: 17011: 17004: 16989: 16988: 16983: 16976: 16968: 16964: 16960: 16959: 16954: 16950: 16949:Sean O'Connor 16943: 16928: 16924: 16917: 16902: 16901: 16900:Daily Express 16896: 16889: 16881: 16877: 16873: 16872: 16867: 16863: 16859: 16858:Sean O'Connor 16852: 16850: 16841: 16837: 16833: 16832: 16827: 16823: 16819: 16818:Sean O'Connor 16812: 16804: 16800: 16796: 16795: 16790: 16786: 16785:Sean O'Connor 16779: 16777: 16761: 16757: 16750: 16742: 16738: 16734: 16733: 16728: 16724: 16723:Sean O'Connor 16717: 16715: 16713: 16704: 16700: 16696: 16695: 16690: 16686: 16685:Sean O'Connor 16679: 16677: 16668: 16664: 16660: 16659: 16654: 16650: 16649:Sean O'Connor 16643: 16641: 16639: 16637: 16628: 16624: 16620: 16619: 16614: 16610: 16609:Sean O'Connor 16603: 16601: 16592: 16588: 16584: 16583: 16578: 16574: 16573:Sean O'Connor 16567: 16565: 16563: 16561: 16559: 16550: 16546: 16542: 16541: 16536: 16532: 16531:Sean O'Connor 16525: 16523: 16521: 16519: 16510: 16506: 16502: 16501: 16496: 16492: 16488: 16487:Sean O'Connor 16481: 16479: 16477: 16475: 16473: 16464: 16460: 16456: 16455: 16450: 16446: 16445:Sean O'Connor 16439: 16437: 16435: 16433: 16431: 16429: 16420: 16416: 16412: 16411: 16406: 16402: 16401:Sean O'Connor 16395: 16393: 16391: 16382: 16378: 16374: 16373: 16368: 16364: 16363:Sean O'Connor 16357: 16355: 16353: 16351: 16349: 16340: 16336: 16332: 16331: 16326: 16322: 16321:Sean O'Connor 16315: 16313: 16311: 16309: 16300: 16299: 16291: 16283: 16279: 16275: 16274: 16269: 16265: 16264:Sean O'Connor 16258: 16256: 16247: 16243: 16239: 16238: 16233: 16229: 16228:Sean O'Connor 16222: 16214: 16210: 16206: 16205: 16200: 16196: 16192: 16191:Sean O'Connor 16185: 16183: 16181: 16179: 16177: 16175: 16166: 16162: 16158: 16157: 16152: 16148: 16147:Sean O'Connor 16141: 16139: 16130: 16126: 16122: 16121: 16116: 16112: 16108: 16107:Sean O'Connor 16101: 16094: 16090: 16089: 16081: 16073: 16069: 16065: 16064: 16059: 16055: 16051: 16050:Sean O'Connor 16044: 16036: 16032: 16028: 16027: 16022: 16018: 16017:Sean O'Connor 16011: 16009: 16000: 15996: 15992: 15991: 15986: 15982: 15981:Sean O'Connor 15975: 15973: 15971: 15962: 15958: 15954: 15953: 15948: 15944: 15940: 15939:Sean O'Connor 15933: 15931: 15929: 15927: 15918: 15914: 15910: 15909: 15904: 15900: 15896: 15895:Sean O'Connor 15889: 15887: 15885: 15869: 15865: 15858: 15850: 15846: 15842: 15841: 15836: 15832: 15831:Sean O'Connor 15825: 15823: 15821: 15819: 15817: 15815: 15813: 15811: 15809: 15807: 15798: 15794: 15790: 15789: 15784: 15780: 15779:Sean O'Connor 15773: 15771: 15769: 15767: 15758: 15754: 15750: 15749: 15744: 15740: 15736: 15735:Sean O'Connor 15729: 15727: 15725: 15716: 15712: 15708: 15707: 15702: 15698: 15697:Sean O'Connor 15691: 15689: 15687: 15685: 15676: 15672: 15668: 15667: 15662: 15658: 15657:Sean O'Connor 15651: 15649: 15647: 15645: 15643: 15641: 15639: 15630: 15626: 15622: 15621: 15616: 15612: 15611:Sean O'Connor 15605: 15603: 15601: 15599: 15597: 15595: 15593: 15591: 15589: 15587: 15578: 15574: 15570: 15569: 15564: 15560: 15559:Sean O'Connor 15553: 15551: 15549: 15547: 15531: 15527: 15520: 15512: 15508: 15504: 15503: 15498: 15494: 15490: 15489:Sean O'Connor 15483: 15481: 15479: 15470: 15466: 15462: 15461: 15456: 15452: 15448: 15447:Sean O'Connor 15441: 15439: 15437: 15435: 15433: 15424: 15420: 15416: 15415: 15410: 15406: 15405:Sean O'Connor 15399: 15397: 15395: 15378: 15377: 15372: 15366: 15358: 15354: 15350: 15349: 15344: 15340: 15339:Sean O'Connor 15333: 15331: 15329: 15320: 15316: 15312: 15311: 15306: 15302: 15301:Sean O'Connor 15295: 15280: 15276: 15269: 15261: 15260: 15252: 15250: 15241: 15240: 15232: 15230: 15214: 15210: 15203: 15201: 15185: 15184: 15179: 15172: 15157: 15156: 15151: 15144: 15129: 15128: 15123: 15116: 15101: 15100: 15095: 15088: 15080: 15076: 15072: 15071: 15066: 15062: 15061:Sean O'Connor 15055: 15053: 15044: 15040: 15036: 15035: 15030: 15026: 15025:Sean O'Connor 15019: 15017: 15015: 15006: 15002: 14998: 14997: 14992: 14988: 14987:Sean O'Connor 14981: 14979: 14977: 14975: 14973: 14964: 14960: 14956: 14955: 14950: 14946: 14942: 14941:Sean O'Connor 14935: 14933: 14931: 14929: 14927: 14918: 14914: 14910: 14909: 14904: 14900: 14896: 14895:Sean O'Connor 14889: 14887: 14885: 14883: 14874: 14870: 14866: 14865: 14860: 14856: 14855:Sean O'Connor 14849: 14847: 14838: 14834: 14830: 14829: 14824: 14820: 14819:Sean O'Connor 14813: 14811: 14809: 14800: 14796: 14792: 14791: 14786: 14782: 14781:Sean O'Connor 14775: 14773: 14771: 14769: 14767: 14765: 14756: 14752: 14748: 14747: 14742: 14738: 14737:Sean O'Connor 14731: 14729: 14727: 14718: 14714: 14710: 14709: 14704: 14700: 14699:Sean O'Connor 14693: 14691: 14689: 14687: 14678: 14674: 14670: 14669: 14664: 14660: 14659:Sean O'Connor 14653: 14651: 14649: 14633: 14632: 14627: 14620: 14605: 14604: 14599: 14592: 14584: 14580: 14576: 14575: 14570: 14566: 14562: 14561:Sean O'Connor 14555: 14553: 14551: 14549: 14547: 14545: 14543: 14541: 14539: 14530: 14526: 14522: 14521: 14516: 14512: 14508: 14507:Sean O'Connor 14501: 14499: 14497: 14495: 14487: 14483: 14482: 14474: 14458: 14454: 14448: 14446: 14444: 14428: 14427: 14422: 14415: 14413: 14404: 14400: 14396: 14395: 14390: 14386: 14379: 14377: 14375: 14373: 14371: 14369: 14360: 14356: 14352: 14351: 14346: 14342: 14335: 14333: 14331: 14329: 14320: 14316: 14312: 14311: 14306: 14302: 14295: 14293: 14291: 14289: 14287: 14285: 14269: 14265: 14261: 14255: 14253: 14237: 14236:Teesside Live 14233: 14226: 14211: 14207: 14206: 14201: 14194: 14179: 14175: 14168: 14166: 14164: 14162: 14146: 14142: 14135: 14133: 14131: 14129: 14113: 14109: 14102: 14100: 14098: 14096: 14094: 14078: 14074: 14067: 14052: 14048: 14041: 14033: 14029: 14025: 14024: 14019: 14015: 14011: 14010:Sean O'Connor 14004: 13996: 13992: 13988: 13987: 13982: 13978: 13974: 13973:Sean O'Connor 13967: 13959: 13955: 13951: 13950: 13945: 13941: 13940:Sean O'Connor 13934: 13932: 13930: 13928: 13926: 13917: 13913: 13909: 13908: 13903: 13899: 13895: 13894:Sean O'Connor 13888: 13880: 13876: 13872: 13871: 13866: 13862: 13855: 13853: 13851: 13849: 13847: 13845: 13843: 13841: 13832: 13828: 13824: 13823: 13818: 13814: 13807: 13799: 13795: 13791: 13790: 13785: 13781: 13774: 13758: 13757: 13752: 13746: 13731: 13730: 13725: 13718: 13703: 13702: 13701:Daily Express 13697: 13690: 13675: 13674: 13669: 13662: 13647: 13646: 13641: 13634: 13619: 13618: 13613: 13606: 13591: 13590: 13585: 13578: 13563: 13562: 13557: 13550: 13535: 13534: 13529: 13522: 13507: 13506: 13501: 13494: 13479: 13478: 13473: 13466: 13451: 13450: 13445: 13438: 13423: 13422: 13417: 13410: 13395: 13394: 13389: 13382: 13374: 13370: 13366: 13365: 13360: 13356: 13355:Sean O'Connor 13349: 13341: 13337: 13333: 13332: 13327: 13323: 13322:Sean O'Connor 13316: 13314: 13312: 13303: 13299: 13295: 13294: 13289: 13285: 13284:Sean O'Connor 13278: 13270: 13266: 13262: 13261: 13256: 13252: 13251:Sean O'Connor 13245: 13237: 13233: 13229: 13228: 13223: 13219: 13215: 13208: 13200: 13196: 13192: 13191: 13186: 13182: 13178: 13171: 13163: 13159: 13155: 13154: 13149: 13145: 13141: 13134: 13132: 13130: 13121: 13117: 13113: 13112: 13107: 13103: 13096: 13094: 13085: 13081: 13077: 13076: 13071: 13067: 13063: 13056: 13048: 13044: 13040: 13039: 13034: 13030: 13023: 13015: 13011: 13007: 13006: 13001: 12997: 12990: 12982: 12978: 12974: 12973: 12968: 12964: 12957: 12955: 12946: 12942: 12938: 12937: 12932: 12928: 12921: 12919: 12917: 12915: 12906: 12902: 12898: 12897: 12892: 12888: 12881: 12873: 12869: 12865: 12864: 12859: 12855: 12851: 12844: 12836: 12832: 12828: 12827: 12822: 12818: 12811: 12809: 12807: 12805: 12796: 12792: 12788: 12787: 12782: 12778: 12774: 12767: 12765: 12763: 12754: 12750: 12746: 12745: 12740: 12736: 12732: 12725: 12723: 12721: 12719: 12717: 12708: 12704: 12700: 12699: 12694: 12690: 12683: 12675: 12671: 12667: 12666: 12661: 12657: 12653: 12646: 12644: 12642: 12640: 12631: 12627: 12623: 12622: 12617: 12613: 12606: 12604: 12595: 12591: 12587: 12586: 12581: 12577: 12570: 12568: 12566: 12564: 12555: 12551: 12547: 12546: 12541: 12537: 12533: 12526: 12524: 12522: 12520: 12518: 12516: 12514: 12498: 12497: 12492: 12485: 12477: 12473: 12469: 12468: 12463: 12459: 12452: 12450: 12448: 12446: 12444: 12428: 12427: 12422: 12415: 12413: 12411: 12402: 12401: 12393: 12377: 12376: 12368: 12362: 12354: 12350: 12346: 12345: 12340: 12336: 12329: 12327: 12318: 12314: 12310: 12309: 12304: 12300: 12293: 12291: 12289: 12287: 12285: 12283: 12274: 12270: 12266: 12265: 12260: 12256: 12249: 12247: 12245: 12243: 12227: 12226: 12221: 12214: 12199: 12198: 12193: 12186: 12171: 12170: 12165: 12158: 12143: 12139: 12132: 12124: 12120: 12116: 12115: 12110: 12106: 12105:Sean O'Connor 12099: 12091: 12087: 12083: 12082: 12077: 12073: 12066: 12064: 12055: 12051: 12047: 12046: 12041: 12037: 12030: 12028: 12026: 12017: 12013: 12009: 12008: 12003: 11999: 11992: 11990: 11988: 11986: 11977: 11973: 11969: 11968: 11963: 11959: 11952: 11944: 11940: 11936: 11935: 11930: 11926: 11919: 11917: 11915: 11906: 11902: 11898: 11897: 11892: 11888: 11884: 11880: 11879:Sean O'Connor 11873: 11871: 11869: 11853: 11852: 11847: 11840: 11832: 11828: 11824: 11823: 11818: 11814: 11810: 11803: 11801: 11792: 11788: 11784: 11783: 11778: 11774: 11770: 11763: 11761: 11759: 11750: 11746: 11742: 11741: 11736: 11732: 11725: 11723: 11721: 11719: 11710: 11706: 11702: 11701: 11696: 11692: 11685: 11683: 11681: 11672: 11668: 11664: 11663: 11658: 11654: 11647: 11645: 11643: 11641: 11632: 11628: 11624: 11623: 11618: 11614: 11607: 11605: 11596: 11592: 11588: 11587: 11582: 11578: 11571: 11569: 11567: 11565: 11549: 11548: 11543: 11536: 11528: 11522: 11507: 11506: 11501: 11494: 11478: 11474: 11468: 11460: 11456: 11452: 11451: 11446: 11442: 11438: 11431: 11429: 11427: 11418: 11414: 11410: 11409: 11404: 11400: 11396: 11389: 11381: 11377: 11373: 11372: 11367: 11363: 11356: 11354: 11352: 11350: 11348: 11346: 11344: 11335: 11331: 11327: 11326: 11321: 11317: 11310: 11308: 11292: 11291: 11286: 11279: 11264: 11263: 11262:Daily Express 11258: 11251: 11243: 11239: 11235: 11234: 11229: 11225: 11218: 11216: 11214: 11212: 11210: 11201: 11197: 11193: 11192: 11187: 11183: 11176: 11174: 11165: 11161: 11157: 11156: 11151: 11147: 11140: 11138: 11136: 11134: 11132: 11130: 11121: 11117: 11113: 11112: 11107: 11103: 11099: 11092: 11090: 11088: 11086: 11077: 11076: 11068: 11053: 11052: 11047: 11040: 11025: 11024: 11019: 11012: 10997: 10996: 10991: 10984: 10976: 10972: 10968: 10967: 10962: 10958: 10951: 10949: 10947: 10945: 10936: 10932: 10928: 10927: 10922: 10918: 10911: 10909: 10907: 10905: 10896: 10892: 10888: 10887: 10882: 10878: 10871: 10869: 10860: 10856: 10852: 10851: 10846: 10842: 10835: 10833: 10831: 10829: 10827: 10825: 10823: 10821: 10819: 10817: 10815: 10806: 10802: 10798: 10797: 10792: 10788: 10781: 10779: 10770: 10766: 10762: 10761: 10756: 10752: 10745: 10743: 10734: 10730: 10726: 10725: 10720: 10716: 10709: 10707: 10698: 10694: 10690: 10689: 10684: 10680: 10673: 10671: 10662: 10658: 10654: 10653: 10648: 10644: 10640: 10633: 10631: 10622: 10618: 10614: 10613: 10608: 10604: 10597: 10595: 10593: 10584: 10580: 10576: 10575: 10570: 10566: 10562: 10555: 10540: 10539: 10534: 10527: 10523: 10510: 10506: 10505:Phil Mitchell 10502: 10499: 10495: 10486: 10476: 10472: 10471:Phil Mitchell 10468: 10463: 10458: 10448: 10444: 10441: 10438: 10434: 10429: 10419: 10418: 10413: 10409: 10404: 10399: 10389: 10385: 10381: 10378: 10374: 10365: 10355: 10352: 10348: 10344: 10343:Roxy Mitchell 10340: 10336: 10335:Martin Fowler 10332: 10328: 10324: 10319: 10314: 10304: 10303:Tameka Empson 10300: 10296: 10292: 10288: 10285: 10281: 10272: 10262: 10258: 10255:Jimmy Summers 10248: 10244: 10240: 10236: 10232: 10229: 10222: 10218: 10203: 10199: 10198:Phil Mitchell 10196:A doctor who 10195: 10192: 10188: 10183:1–25 December 10181: 10171: 10167: 10163: 10159: 10155: 10151: 10147: 10143: 10142:Phil Mitchell 10139: 10136: 10135:Annette Flynn 10132: 10127: 10117: 10113: 10112:Phil Mitchell 10109: 10106: 10102: 10097: 10087: 10083: 10082:Phil Mitchell 10080: 10077: 10076:Suzann McLean 10073: 10068: 10058: 10054: 10050: 10046: 10042: 10038: 10037:Phil Mitchell 10034: 10029: 10022: 10019:Dermot Haynes 10012: 10011:Adam Woodyatt 10008: 10004: 10000: 9996: 9992: 9988: 9985: 9981: 9977: 9973: 9969: 9965: 9961: 9957: 9954: 9950: 9945:11 June 2018 9941: 9931: 9930:Jenna Russell 9927: 9923: 9919: 9915: 9911: 9908: 9907:Krupa Pattani 9904: 9899:17 March 2017 9895: 9885: 9881: 9875: 9871: 9867: 9863: 9859: 9855: 9852: 9848: 9844: 9840: 9833: 9829: 9816: 9812: 9808: 9804: 9800: 9796: 9793: 9789: 9782: 9773:for a match. 9772: 9769: 9765: 9762: 9758: 9753: 9743: 9738: 9733: 9723: 9722:Nitin Ganatra 9719: 9715: 9711: 9707: 9704: 9700: 9695: 9692:Maggie O'Shea 9685: 9684:Angela Wynter 9681: 9677: 9676:Tameka Empson 9673: 9669: 9665: 9661: 9657: 9653: 9650: 9646: 9641:20 March 2017 9637: 9634:Harry Beckett 9627: 9626:Aaron Sidwell 9623: 9619: 9614: 9605: 9593: 9590:Sally Simpson 9583: 9579: 9575: 9574:Perry Fenwick 9571: 9564: 9560: 9550:Brett Simpson 9543: 9539: 9535: 9531: 9527: 9523: 9518: 9509: 9499: 9495: 9491: 9487: 9484: 9481: 9477: 9470: 9460: 9456: 9455:Phil Mitchell 9452: 9448: 9444: 9441: 9437: 9432: 9421: 9418: 9414: 9410: 9406: 9402: 9398: 9394: 9393:Shona McGarty 9390: 9386: 9382: 9378: 9375: 9371: 9362: 9352: 9348: 9344: 9341: 9340:Mica Williams 9337: 9332: 9322: 9318: 9317:Phil Mitchell 9314: 9310: 9306: 9305:Will Mitchell 9302: 9298: 9294: 9291: 9287: 9280: 9270: 9267: 9263: 9259: 9255: 9250: 9245: 9235: 9231: 9227: 9222: 9217: 9207: 9203: 9199: 9198:Perry Fenwick 9195: 9191: 9188: 9187:Alan Thompson 9184: 9179: 9169: 9165: 9161: 9157: 9153: 9149: 9145: 9141: 9140:Phil Mitchell 9137: 9133: 9129: 9126: 9122: 9117: 9107: 9103: 9099: 9098:Perry Fenwick 9095: 9091: 9088: 9084: 9079:13–14 October 9077: 9067: 9063: 9059: 9058:Nitin Ganatra 9055: 9051: 9047: 9046:Carmel Kazemi 9043: 9040: 9036: 9029: 9019: 9018:Tameka Empson 9015: 9011: 9007: 9003: 9000: 8996: 8991: 8981: 8977: 8973: 8969: 8966: 8962: 8955: 8945: 8941: 8937: 8933: 8929: 8925: 8921: 8917: 8914: 8911: 8910:Hazel Ellerby 8907: 8900: 8890: 8889:Tameka Empson 8886: 8881: 8877: 8873: 8869: 8868:Shona McGarty 8865: 8861: 8857: 8853: 8851: 8848: 8839: 8829: 8825: 8821: 8820:Tameka Empson 8817: 8813: 8812: 8807: 8803: 8802:Carmel Kazemi 8799: 8796: 8792: 8788: 8785: 8782: 8778: 8775:(10 episodes) 8769: 8759: 8755: 8751: 8747: 8743: 8739: 8735: 8731: 8730:Phil Mitchell 8727: 8724: 8720: 8713: 8703: 8699: 8695: 8691: 8687: 8684: 8680: 8675: 8665: 8661: 8660:Buster Briggs 8657: 8653: 8652:Carmel Kazemi 8649: 8644: 8639: 8629: 8625: 8621: 8619: 8616: 8609: 8599: 8595: 8591: 8586: 8579: 8569: 8565: 8561: 8558: 8554: 8550: 8546: 8542: 8539: 8536: 8532: 8527:8–9 September 8525: 8515: 8511: 8507: 8503: 8499: 8495: 8494:Phil Mitchell 8491: 8488: 8487:Chiron Miller 8484: 8479: 8469: 8468:Tameka Empson 8465: 8461: 8460:Nitin Ganatra 8457: 8453: 8448: 8443: 8433: 8429: 8428:Colin Russell 8425: 8421: 8417: 8414: 8410: 8403: 8391: 8386:10 April 2017 8382: 8372: 8368: 8364: 8363:Perry Fenwick 8360: 8356: 8353: 8349: 8345: 8341: 8337: 8336:Phil Mitchell 8328: 8319: 8309: 8305: 8301: 8297: 8296:Perry Fenwick 8293: 8289: 8286: 8285:Vinny Dhillon 8282: 8277: 8274:Irma Fletcher 8267: 8263: 8259: 8256: 8251: 8241: 8238: 8233: 8223: 8219: 8215: 8210: 8205: 8195: 8191: 8187: 8183: 8179: 8176: 8172: 8169: 8165: 8160: 8150: 8149:Martina Laird 8146: 8145:DC Angie Rice 8142: 8138: 8134: 8130: 8129:Phil Mitchell 8126: 8125:Adam Woodyatt 8122: 8118: 8114: 8110: 8107: 8103: 8096:19 July 2016– 8094: 8084: 8080: 8076: 8072: 8068: 8064: 8060: 8056: 8052: 8048: 8047:Adam Woodyatt 8044: 8040: 8036: 8035:Phil Mitchell 8032: 8028: 8024: 8020: 8016: 8013: 8012:Martina Laird 8009: 8002: 7999:DC Angie Rice 7992: 7988: 7984: 7980: 7976: 7972: 7968: 7963: 7958: 7948: 7947:Aaron Sidwell 7944: 7940: 7935: 7928:12 July 2016– 7926: 7916: 7915:Chris Hancock 7912: 7908: 7904: 7903:Perry Fenwick 7900: 7896: 7893: 7888: 7883: 7873: 7869: 7865: 7864:Perry Fenwick 7861: 7857: 7853: 7850: 7846: 7841: 7838:Chris Hancock 7831: 7830:Aaron Sidwell 7827: 7823: 7822:Adam Woodyatt 7819: 7815: 7811: 7807: 7804: 7803:Sarah Belcher 7800: 7793:11 July 2016– 7791: 7774: 7773:Paul Nicholas 7770: 7766: 7762: 7738: 7737:Paul Nicholas 7734: 7730: 7727: 7723: 7718: 7708: 7704: 7700: 7695: 7690: 7680: 7679:Perry Fenwick 7676: 7672: 7668: 7667:Phil Mitchell 7664: 7660: 7656: 7651: 7646: 7636: 7632: 7628: 7624: 7623:Phil Mitchell 7620: 7616: 7612: 7609: 7605: 7600: 7590: 7586: 7582: 7581:Martin Fowler 7578: 7574: 7570: 7567: 7563: 7558: 7548: 7544: 7540: 7539:Kellie Bright 7536: 7532: 7528: 7524: 7523:Linda Marlowe 7520: 7519:Sylvie Carter 7516: 7513: 7509: 7506: 7502: 7497: 7487: 7483: 7479: 7478:Hetti Bywater 7475: 7471: 7467: 7464: 7460: 7455: 7452:Chris Worwood 7445: 7441: 7437: 7436:Hetti Bywater 7433: 7429: 7425: 7422: 7418: 7413: 7403: 7399: 7395: 7394:Kellie Bright 7391: 7387: 7383: 7379: 7376: 7372: 7371:Linda Marlowe 7368: 7367:Sylvie Carter 7364: 7361: 7360:Maxwell Tyler 7357: 7350:14 June 2016– 7348: 7338: 7334: 7333:Kellie Bright 7330: 7326: 7322: 7318: 7315: 7311: 7306: 7296: 7295:Hetti Bywater 7292: 7288: 7284: 7281: 7277: 7272: 7262: 7261:Adam Woodyatt 7258: 7254: 7250: 7246: 7242: 7239: 7238:Badria Timimi 7235: 7228: 7218: 7214: 7210: 7206: 7205:Adam Woodyatt 7202: 7198: 7195: 7191: 7186: 7176: 7172: 7168: 7167:Alison Newman 7164: 7160: 7159:Hetti Bywater 7156: 7152: 7148: 7144: 7140: 7136: 7133: 7129: 7122: 7112: 7108: 7104: 7100: 7099:Phil Mitchell 7096: 7093: 7089: 7084: 7074: 7070: 7066: 7063: 7059: 7052: 7049:Dr Ruth Myers 7042: 7038: 7034: 7033:breast cancer 7030: 7026: 7022: 7019: 7015: 7008: 6998: 6994: 6993:Buster Briggs 6990: 6985: 6980: 6970: 6969:Glynis Barber 6966: 6962: 6958: 6957:Roxy Mitchell 6954: 6950: 6946: 6943: 6939: 6934: 6924: 6920: 6916: 6915:Shona McGarty 6912: 6908: 6907:Glynis Barber 6904: 6901:) and mother 6900: 6896: 6892: 6888: 6887:Roxy Mitchell 6884: 6881: 6877: 6868: 6858: 6854: 6851: 6848: 6847:Clive Hayward 6844: 6839: 6827: 6822: 6819:Ozzy Fletcher 6811: 6808: 6804: 6803:Nitin Ganatra 6800: 6793: 6789: 6782: 6758: 6754: 6750: 6726: 6722: 6718: 6714: 6710: 6706: 6702: 6699: 6695: 6690: 6680: 6676: 6672: 6668: 6664: 6661: 6657: 6652: 6642: 6641:Adam Woodyatt 6638: 6634: 6630: 6626: 6622: 6621:Carmel Kazemi 6618: 6617:Nitin Ganatra 6614: 6610: 6607: 6603: 6598: 6588: 6584: 6583:Jade Williams 6580: 6576: 6572: 6568: 6567:Arthur Fowler 6564: 6560: 6556: 6553: 6549: 6542: 6539:Karina Salmon 6532: 6528: 6524: 6519: 6514: 6504: 6503:Hilary Taylor 6500: 6496: 6492: 6488: 6484: 6480: 6476: 6473: 6470: 6466: 6461: 6451: 6450:Shona McGarty 6447: 6443: 6439: 6438:Kellie Bright 6435: 6431: 6427: 6423: 6420: 6416: 6409:1 April 2016– 6407: 6396: 6392: 6391:Kellie Bright 6388: 6384: 6380: 6376: 6373: 6369: 6362: 6352: 6351:Arthur Fowler 6348: 6344: 6343:Martin Fowler 6340: 6336: 6332: 6328: 6324: 6319: 6312: 6302: 6301:Jade Williams 6298: 6294: 6290: 6286: 6283: 6279: 6272: 6262: 6258: 6255:) and sister 6254: 6250: 6246: 6245:Kellie Bright 6242: 6238: 6234: 6230: 6226: 6223: 6219: 6212: 6209:Dr Janice May 6202: 6198: 6197:Jack Branning 6194: 6190: 6186: 6182: 6179: 6174: 6169: 6159: 6155: 6154:Lucas Johnson 6151: 6147: 6143: 6139: 6135: 6132: 6131:Iain Fletcher 6128: 6123: 6120:DS Tony Evers 6113: 6109: 6105: 6104:Kellie Bright 6101: 6097: 6094: 6090: 6085: 6080: 6070: 6066: 6062: 6058: 6054: 6050: 6046: 6042: 6041:Lucas Johnson 6038: 6035: 6031: 6026: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6004: 6000: 5996: 5995:Jack Branning 5992: 5989: 5985: 5978: 5968: 5964: 5960: 5956: 5952: 5948: 5947:Linford Short 5944: 5941: 5936: 5926: 5922: 5918: 5914: 5910: 5906: 5902: 5899: 5898:David Paisley 5895: 5886: 5876: 5875:Karina Salmon 5872: 5871:Jade Williams 5868: 5864: 5860: 5856: 5852: 5848: 5847:Arthur Fowler 5845: 5842: 5838: 5831: 5821: 5817: 5813: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5793: 5792:Arthur Fowler 5789: 5785: 5781: 5777: 5774: 5773:Jade Williams 5770: 5767:(11 episodes) 5763: 5753: 5749: 5745: 5741: 5740:Phil Mitchell 5737: 5733: 5732:Ritchie Scott 5729: 5724: 5719: 5709: 5705: 5704:Martin Fowler 5701: 5697: 5693: 5689: 5686: 5682: 5675: 5665: 5661: 5651: 5647: 5643: 5639: 5638:Roxy Mitchell 5635: 5631: 5624: 5623:Lynne Verrall 5620: 5605: 5601: 5598: 5593: 5588: 5578: 5574: 5570: 5566: 5565:Phil Mitchell 5562: 5559: 5555: 5548: 5538: 5533: 5523: 5519: 5515: 5511: 5510:Adam Woodyatt 5507: 5503: 5500: 5499:Jane Cunliffe 5496: 5481: 5480:Jade Williams 5477: 5473: 5472:Lily Branning 5469: 5465: 5461: 5460:Arthur Fowler 5457: 5453: 5452:Martin Fowler 5449: 5445: 5441: 5438: 5434: 5431:(11 episodes) 5427: 5417: 5413: 5409: 5405: 5404:Phil Mitchell 5401: 5398: 5394: 5389: 5379: 5375: 5371: 5368: 5364: 5360: 5356: 5352: 5348: 5344: 5341: 5338: 5334: 5327: 5317: 5316:Kellie Bright 5313: 5309: 5305: 5301: 5298: 5294: 5284: 5280: 5279:Roxy Mitchell 5276: 5272: 5268: 5265: 5261: 5228: 5226: 5225: 5220: 5215: 5214: 5209: 5208: 5202: 5200: 5196: 5192: 5189:) and sister 5188: 5184: 5180: 5179:Kellie Bright 5176: 5172: 5168: 5164: 5163:Shona McGarty 5160: 5154: 5152: 5148: 5144: 5140: 5127: 5123: 5118: 5114: 5111: 5110:Sean O'Connor 5108: 5104: 5101: 5100:Former; guest 5098: 5094: 5088: 5084: 5078: 5074: 5071: 5068: 5064: 5060: 5056: 5051: 5043: 5041: 5040: 5034: 5032: 5028: 5027:Martin Fowler 5024: 5020: 5016: 5012: 5008: 5004: 5000: 4996: 4992: 4988: 4987:Jack Branning 4984: 4980: 4975: 4973: 4969: 4965: 4964:Albert Square 4961: 4957: 4956:Kellie Bright 4953: 4949: 4946: 4941: 4939: 4926: 4922: 4917: 4913: 4909: 4904: 4903:Sean O'Connor 4901: 4897: 4894: 4891: 4887: 4881: 4877: 4871: 4867: 4863: 4859: 4856: 4853: 4849: 4845: 4841: 4836: 4828: 4826: 4825: 4819: 4815: 4813: 4809: 4804: 4802: 4798: 4794: 4790: 4789:Kellie Bright 4786: 4782: 4778: 4777:Johnny Carter 4774: 4768: 4766: 4762: 4758: 4757:Shona McGarty 4754: 4750: 4746: 4741: 4739: 4735: 4731: 4718: 4714: 4709: 4705: 4702: 4701:Sean O'Connor 4699: 4695: 4692: 4689: 4685: 4679: 4675: 4669: 4665: 4661: 4657: 4654: 4651: 4647: 4643: 4639: 4634: 4626: 4624: 4622: 4618: 4617: 4611: 4609: 4605: 4601: 4597: 4592: 4590: 4586: 4582: 4578: 4574: 4573:Jenna Russell 4570: 4566: 4562: 4561:Jack Branning 4558: 4554: 4553:Roxy Mitchell 4550: 4546: 4542: 4538: 4534: 4530: 4526: 4525:Ethel Skinner 4522: 4518: 4517:Stacey Fowler 4514: 4510: 4509:Martin Fowler 4505: 4503: 4502:Albert Square 4499: 4495: 4491: 4490:Ethel Esquire 4487: 4483: 4471: 4468: 4464: 4457: 4455:Ethel Esquire 4454: 4451: 4448: 4447: 4445: 4441: 4436: 4432: 4428: 4424: 4421: 4420:Sean O'Connor 4418: 4414: 4411: 4408: 4404: 4400: 4396: 4390: 4386: 4382: 4378: 4374: 4370: 4365: 4361: 4357: 4353: 4343: 4341: 4340: 4334: 4332: 4328: 4324: 4320: 4319:Shona McGarty 4316: 4312: 4308: 4304: 4300: 4296: 4292: 4279: 4275: 4270: 4266: 4263: 4262:Sean O'Connor 4260: 4256: 4253: 4250: 4246: 4240: 4236: 4230: 4226: 4222: 4218: 4215: 4212: 4208: 4204: 4200: 4195: 4187: 4185: 4184: 4178: 4176: 4172: 4168: 4163: 4161: 4157: 4153: 4152: 4147: 4143: 4139: 4135: 4130: 4128: 4124: 4120: 4119:Shona McGarty 4116: 4112: 4108: 4104: 4103:Kellie Bright 4100: 4097: 4093: 4088: 4086: 4082: 4074: 4073:Sean O'Connor 4071: 4067: 4064: 4061: 4057: 4051: 4047: 4041: 4037: 4034: 4031: 4027: 4023: 4019: 4014: 4006: 4004: 4003: 3998: 3993: 3991: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3973: 3971: 3967: 3964:) and cousin 3963: 3959: 3955: 3951: 3950:Phil Mitchell 3947: 3943: 3939: 3935: 3931: 3927: 3923: 3919: 3914: 3912: 3908: 3907:Neil Crossley 3904: 3903:Frankie Byrne 3896: 3895:Sean O'Connor 3893: 3889: 3886: 3883: 3879: 3873: 3869: 3863: 3859: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3842: 3838: 3834: 3830: 3823: 3815: 3813: 3808: 3806: 3802: 3796: 3794: 3790: 3786: 3782: 3778: 3774: 3770: 3766: 3761: 3759: 3758:Adam Woodyatt 3755: 3751: 3747: 3743: 3739: 3735: 3731: 3730:Shakil Kazemi 3727: 3723: 3718: 3716: 3712: 3711:Martin Fowler 3708: 3704: 3700: 3696: 3692: 3688: 3687:Phil Mitchell 3684: 3683:Bill Treacher 3680: 3679:Arthur Fowler 3676: 3675:United States 3672: 3668: 3664: 3659: 3657: 3656:Jenna Russell 3653: 3649: 3645: 3641: 3637: 3633: 3621: 3617: 3613: 3609: 3605: 3604:Charli Slater 3601: 3597: 3593: 3589: 3585: 3584:Roxy Mitchell 3581: 3577: 3574: 3570: 3567: 3563: 3559: 3555: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3540: 3536: 3533: 3530: 3526: 3523: 3522:Martin Fowler 3519: 3515: 3514:Phil Mitchell 3512: 3508: 3505: 3501: 3498: 3494: 3491: 3490:Arthur Fowler 3487: 3486:Eric Mitchell 3484: 3480: 3477: 3473: 3470: 3466: 3462: 3458: 3455: 3452: 3448: 3445: 3442: 3438: 3435: 3431: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3416: 3411: 3407: 3404: 3403:Sean O'Connor 3401: 3397: 3394: 3391: 3387: 3381: 3377: 3371: 3367: 3364: 3361: 3357: 3353: 3349: 3344: 3339: 3335: 3331: 3321: 3319: 3316: 3315: 3310: 3309: 3303: 3301: 3297: 3293: 3289: 3285: 3284:Phil Mitchell 3281: 3277: 3273: 3269: 3265: 3261: 3257: 3253: 3247: 3245: 3241: 3238:) and cousin 3237: 3233: 3229: 3225: 3221: 3217: 3216:Phil Mitchell 3213: 3209: 3208:Neil Crossley 3205: 3204:Frankie Byrne 3200: 3198: 3194: 3190: 3186: 3182: 3178: 3174: 3173:Johnny Carter 3170: 3166: 3162: 3158: 3153: 3151: 3147: 3135: 3132: 3128: 3123: 3119: 3115: 3111: 3106: 3105:Sean O'Connor 3103: 3099: 3096: 3093: 3089: 3083: 3079: 3073: 3069: 3065: 3061: 3058: 3055: 3051: 3047: 3043: 3038: 3030: 3027: 3022: 3020: 3016: 3012: 3008: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2980: 2977: 2973: 2968: 2964: 2961: 2960:Sean O'Connor 2958: 2954: 2951: 2950:Former; guest 2948: 2944: 2938: 2934: 2928: 2924: 2921: 2918: 2914: 2910: 2906: 2901: 2893: 2891: 2890: 2884: 2880: 2874: 2870: 2868: 2865: 2859: 2857: 2853: 2852:Kellie Bright 2849: 2845: 2841: 2840:Buster Briggs 2837: 2833: 2832:Johnny Carter 2829: 2825: 2821: 2817: 2812: 2810: 2807:is played by 2806: 2793: 2790: 2786: 2780: 2776: 2771: 2767: 2764: 2761: 2757: 2754: 2751: 2747: 2741: 2737: 2731: 2727: 2724: 2721: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2704: 2696: 2694: 2693: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2668:, who played 2667: 2663: 2657: 2654: 2649: 2647: 2643: 2637: 2635: 2631: 2627: 2623: 2619: 2615: 2614:Madison Drake 2611: 2607: 2603: 2599: 2595: 2591: 2586: 2584: 2580: 2579:Stacey Fowler 2576: 2572: 2568: 2564: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2548: 2540: 2536: 2532: 2530: 2526: 2522: 2518: 2517:Carmel Kazemi 2514: 2510: 2509:Shakil Kazemi 2498: 2494: 2493:Arthur Fowler 2491: 2487: 2484: 2483:Darius Kazemi 2480: 2477: 2473: 2470: 2469:Carmel Kazemi 2467: 2463: 2460: 2457: 2453: 2449: 2445: 2440: 2436: 2433: 2430: 2426: 2423: 2420: 2416: 2410: 2406: 2400: 2396: 2392: 2388: 2385: 2382: 2378: 2374: 2370: 2367:Shakil Kazemi 2365: 2360:Shakil Kazemi 2357: 2353: 2351: 2347: 2339: 2334: 2330: 2328: 2324: 2320: 2316: 2312: 2311:Alison Slater 2297: 2293: 2290: 2287: 2283: 2279: 2275: 2272: 2269: 2265: 2262:B&B owner 2261: 2257: 2252: 2248: 2245: 2242: 2238: 2235: 2234:Former; guest 2232: 2228: 2223: 2220: 2216: 2213: 2210: 2206: 2202: 2198: 2195:Alison Slater 2193: 2188:Alison Slater 2185: 2183: 2178: 2175: 2171: 2167: 2162: 2160: 2156: 2152: 2151:Ricky Norwood 2148: 2144: 2140: 2136: 2135:Daniel Coonan 2132: 2128: 2124: 2119: 2118: 2107: 2103: 2101: 2097: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2075: 2073: 2069: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2052:Roxy Mitchell 2048: 2046: 2042: 2038: 2034: 2029: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2018:Glynis Barber 2015: 2009: 2007: 2003: 1999: 1995: 1991: 1987: 1986:Martin Fowler 1983: 1978: 1977:in her arms. 1976: 1972: 1968: 1964: 1960: 1956: 1955:Jack Branning 1952: 1948: 1944: 1940: 1939:Phil Mitchell 1936: 1935:Tameka Empson 1932: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1915:Linford Short 1911: 1909: 1906:), played by 1905: 1901: 1888: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1873: 1870: 1867: 1863: 1859: 1855: 1851: 1847: 1842: 1838: 1835: 1832: 1828: 1825: 1822: 1818: 1815:8 August 2016 1812: 1808: 1805:17 March 2016 1802: 1798: 1795: 1792: 1788: 1784: 1780: 1775: 1767: 1765: 1761: 1757: 1752: 1750: 1746: 1745:Jack Branning 1742: 1738: 1734: 1730: 1729:Phil Mitchell 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1709: 1707: 1703: 1699: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1686:Linford Short 1674: 1671: 1667: 1663: 1658: 1655: 1651: 1647: 1644: 1640: 1636: 1632: 1627: 1623: 1620: 1617: 1613: 1610: 1607: 1603: 1598:Episode 5279 1597: 1593: 1587: 1583: 1580: 1577: 1573: 1569: 1565: 1562:Linford Short 1560: 1555:Linford Short 1552: 1550: 1546: 1545: 1539: 1537: 1536:Hilary Taylor 1533: 1529: 1528:Lucas Johnson 1524: 1522: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1505:Albert Square 1502: 1498: 1494: 1490: 1486: 1482: 1470: 1469:Jordan Atkins 1467: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1445: 1444:Trina Johnson 1442: 1438: 1435: 1434:Lucas Johnson 1432: 1428: 1425: 1422: 1418: 1415: 1412: 1408: 1403: 1399: 1396: 1393: 1389: 1386: 1383: 1379: 1373: 1369: 1363: 1359: 1356:Zayden Kareem 1355: 1351: 1347: 1343: 1338: 1330: 1328: 1324: 1323: 1318: 1314: 1308: 1306: 1302: 1301:Madison Drake 1298: 1294: 1293:Shakil Kazemi 1289: 1287: 1283: 1277: 1275: 1271: 1265: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1250:Phil Mitchell 1247: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1215: 1211: 1209: 1205: 1193: 1190: 1186: 1183: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1168: 1164: 1160: 1155: 1151: 1147: 1146:Sean O'Connor 1142: 1139: 1135: 1132: 1129: 1125: 1122:21 March 2017 1119: 1115: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1094: 1091: 1087: 1083: 1079: 1074: 1066: 1064: 1059: 1057: 1053: 1051: 1047: 1043: 1039: 1035: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1014: 1012: 1008: 1004: 1000: 996: 995:Shona McGarty 992: 988: 984: 980: 976: 972: 968: 964: 959: 957: 953: 941: 938: 934: 931: 928: 924: 920: 916: 911: 907: 904: 901: 897: 894: 891: 887: 884:27 April 2016 881: 877: 871: 867: 864: 861: 857: 853: 849: 844: 836: 834: 833: 828: 824: 820: 816: 812: 808: 804: 803:Andrew Cotton 800: 796: 795:Frank Butcher 792: 788: 782: 780: 776: 771: 769: 765: 761: 757: 753: 749: 745: 741: 740:Cavan Clerkin 737: 736:Joel Reynolds 732: 730: 718: 714: 710: 707: 703: 700: 699:Joel Reynolds 697: 693: 688: 684: 681: 678: 674: 671: 668: 664: 658: 654: 648: 644: 641: 640:Charlie Baker 638: 634: 630: 626: 621: 613: 611: 605: 601: 599: 595: 594:Arthur Fowler 591: 587: 583: 582:Martin Fowler 579: 575: 570: 568: 564: 551: 547: 542: 538: 535: 532: 528: 525: 522: 518: 512: 508: 502: 498: 495: 492: 488: 484: 480: 475: 467: 465: 463: 462: 457: 453: 452: 446: 444: 440: 439:Alison Slater 436: 432: 428: 424: 420: 419:Adam Woodyatt 416: 411: 409: 405: 401: 397: 393: 389: 385: 381: 377: 372: 370: 366: 358: 355: 351: 348: 345: 341: 335: 331: 325: 321: 318: 315: 311: 307: 303: 298: 290: 288: 284: 280: 276: 272: 268: 264: 260: 256: 252: 248: 247:Jenna Russell 244: 240: 236: 232: 228: 224: 220: 216: 212: 208: 204: 200: 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 179:Carmel Kazemi 176: 172: 171:Shakil Kazemi 168: 164: 163:Alison Slater 160: 156: 152: 148: 147:Linford Short 145:) foster son 144: 140: 136: 132: 128: 124: 120: 116: 112: 108: 104: 100: 96: 95:Cavan Clerkin 92: 91:Joel Reynolds 88: 84: 80: 76: 72: 68: 64: 59: 57: 56:Sean O'Connor 53: 49: 48: 43: 35: 31: 27: 19: 18:Shakil Kazemi 21353:Paul Trueman 21338:Kelly Taylor 21333:Keanu Taylor 21328:Karen Taylor 21293:Dan Sullivan 21238:Trevor Short 21233:Mandy Salter 21223:Matthew Rose 21153:Jags Panesar 21138:Annie Palmer 21118:Mehmet Osman 21103:Andy O'Brien 21083:Spencer Moon 21073:Michael Moon 21053:Anthony Moon 21043:Aaron Monroe 21038:Vinnie Monks 21028:Sam Mitchell 20973:Ben Mitchell 20958:Rosie Miller 20948:Keith Miller 20933:Poppy Meadow 20898:Amira Masood 20883:Jill Marsden 20868:Donna Ludlow 20843:Karim family 20828:Naomi Julien 20768:Alan Jackson 20698:Vanessa Gold 20678:Vicki Fowler 20638:Fred Fonseca 20598:Nellie Ellis 20593:Steve Elliot 20553:Whitney Dean 20548:Rainie Cross 20523:Dotty Cotton 20498:Julie Cooper 20493:Richard Cole 20448:Nancy Carter 20408:Liam Butcher 20373:Max Branning 20363:Jim Branning 20338:Abi Branning 20323:Polly Becker 20318:Steven Beale 20278:Laurie Bates 20273:Debbie Bates 20263:Geoff Barnes 20253:Keegan Baker 20228:Johnny Allen 20218:Masood Ahmed 20163:Nish Panesar 20143:Suki Panesar 20123:Linda Carter 20023:Sonia Fowler 19993:Sharon Watts 19960: 19894: 19886:Daran Little 19875: 19857: 19821: 19785: 19770: 19752: 19737: 19719: 19683: 19668: 19650: 19635: 19617: 19602: 19584: 19574:; Director: 19544: 19506: 19466: 19428: 19413: 19395: 19380: 19362: 19347: 19329: 19289: 19253: 19213: 19198: 19180: 19165: 19147: 19099: 19063: 19025: 18987: 18949: 18911: 18896: 18878: 18863: 18845: 18830: 18812: 18774: 18759: 18741: 18726: 18708: 18672: 18634: 18626:Daran Little 18592: 18577: 18559: 18544: 18526: 18490: 18475: 18457: 18421: 18385: 18370: 18352: 18316: 18280: 18244: 18200: 18160: 18145: 18127: 18089: 18051: 18036: 18018: 17982: 17967: 17949: 17909: 17894: 17876: 17868:Karl Neilson 17866:; Director: 17857: 17839: 17803: 17788: 17770: 17732: 17724:Daran Little 17692: 17656: 17646:; Director: 17612: 17597: 17579: 17569:; Director: 17539: 17529:; Director: 17520: 17502: 17494:Daran Little 17483: 17465: 17421: 17406: 17388: 17373: 17355: 17315: 17275: 17256: 17238: 17198: 17158: 17143: 17125: 17085: 17047:. Retrieved 17041: 17031: 17019:. Retrieved 17013: 17003: 16991:. Retrieved 16985: 16975: 16957: 16942: 16930:. Retrieved 16927:Irish Mirror 16926: 16916: 16904:. Retrieved 16898: 16888: 16870: 16862:Karl Neilson 16860:; Director: 16830: 16822:Karl Neilson 16820:; Director: 16811: 16793: 16763:. Retrieved 16759: 16749: 16731: 16693: 16657: 16617: 16581: 16539: 16499: 16491:Daran Little 16453: 16409: 16371: 16329: 16296: 16290: 16272: 16236: 16221: 16203: 16195:Daran Little 16155: 16119: 16100: 16092: 16086: 16080: 16062: 16043: 16025: 15989: 15951: 15941:; Director: 15907: 15899:Daran Little 15873:16 September 15871:. Retrieved 15867: 15857: 15839: 15787: 15747: 15705: 15665: 15619: 15567: 15533:. Retrieved 15529: 15519: 15501: 15493:Daran Little 15459: 15451:Daran Little 15413: 15381:. Retrieved 15376:Daily Mirror 15374: 15365: 15347: 15309: 15294: 15282:. Retrieved 15278: 15268: 15257: 15237: 15218:13 September 15216:. Retrieved 15212: 15187:. Retrieved 15181: 15171: 15159:. Retrieved 15153: 15143: 15131:. Retrieved 15125: 15115: 15103:. Retrieved 15097: 15087: 15069: 15033: 14995: 14953: 14907: 14863: 14827: 14789: 14745: 14707: 14667: 14635:. Retrieved 14629: 14619: 14607:. Retrieved 14603:Daily Mirror 14601: 14591: 14573: 14565:Daran Little 14519: 14511:Daran Little 14485: 14479: 14473: 14461:. Retrieved 14459:. 2 May 2016 14430:. Retrieved 14424: 14393: 14349: 14309: 14271:. Retrieved 14263: 14239:. Retrieved 14235: 14225: 14213:. Retrieved 14203: 14193: 14181:. Retrieved 14177: 14148:. Retrieved 14144: 14115:. Retrieved 14111: 14080:. Retrieved 14076: 14066: 14054:. Retrieved 14050: 14040: 14022: 14014:Daran Little 14003: 13985: 13977:Daran Little 13966: 13948: 13906: 13887: 13869: 13821: 13806: 13788: 13773: 13761:. Retrieved 13754: 13745: 13733:. Retrieved 13727: 13717: 13705:. Retrieved 13699: 13689: 13677:. Retrieved 13671: 13661: 13649:. Retrieved 13643: 13633: 13621:. Retrieved 13615: 13605: 13593:. Retrieved 13587: 13577: 13565:. Retrieved 13559: 13549: 13537:. Retrieved 13533:Daily Mirror 13531: 13521: 13509:. Retrieved 13503: 13493: 13481:. Retrieved 13475: 13465: 13453:. Retrieved 13447: 13437: 13425:. Retrieved 13419: 13409: 13397:. Retrieved 13391: 13381: 13363: 13348: 13330: 13292: 13277: 13259: 13244: 13226: 13207: 13189: 13170: 13152: 13110: 13074: 13066:Daran Little 13055: 13037: 13022: 13004: 12989: 12971: 12935: 12895: 12880: 12862: 12843: 12825: 12785: 12777:Daran Little 12743: 12735:Daran Little 12697: 12682: 12664: 12656:Daran Little 12620: 12584: 12544: 12500:. Retrieved 12494: 12484: 12466: 12430:. Retrieved 12424: 12398: 12392: 12380:. Retrieved 12375:This Morning 12373: 12361: 12343: 12307: 12263: 12229:. Retrieved 12223: 12213: 12201:. Retrieved 12195: 12185: 12173:. Retrieved 12167: 12157: 12145:. Retrieved 12141: 12131: 12113: 12098: 12080: 12044: 12006: 11966: 11951: 11933: 11895: 11881:; Director: 11855:. Retrieved 11849: 11839: 11821: 11781: 11739: 11699: 11661: 11621: 11585: 11551:. Retrieved 11545: 11535: 11521: 11509:. Retrieved 11503: 11493: 11481:. Retrieved 11476: 11467: 11449: 11407: 11388: 11370: 11324: 11294:. Retrieved 11288: 11278: 11266:. Retrieved 11260: 11250: 11232: 11190: 11154: 11110: 11102:Karl Neilson 11100:; Director: 11073: 11067: 11055:. Retrieved 11049: 11039: 11027:. Retrieved 11021: 11011: 10999:. Retrieved 10993: 10983: 10965: 10925: 10885: 10849: 10795: 10759: 10723: 10687: 10651: 10643:Daran Little 10611: 10573: 10565:Karl Neilson 10563:; Director: 10554: 10542:. Retrieved 10536: 10526: 10492:(2 episodes) 10415: 10411: 10384:Dot Branning 10371:(2 episodes) 10354:public house 10325:A friend of 10295:Diane Parish 10284:Donna Berlin 10278:(2 episodes) 10247:Laurie Brett 10231:public house 10185:(2 episodes) 10170:Anita Dobson 10162:Tilly Keeper 10154:Letitia Dean 10124:Liz Herdsman 10094:Bella Okafor 10049:Letitia Dean 10026:(4 episodes) 9987:public house 9966:). She asks 9947:(4 episodes) 9914:Dot Branning 9901:(2 episodes) 9884:Tommy French 9870:Silas Carson 9866:Haroon Zaman 9854:public house 9826:(3 episodes) 9819:Connor Parry 9786:(3 episodes) 9779:Keith Howard 9771:public house 9730:Mrs Phillips 9718:Masood Ahmed 9714:Carli Norris 9660:Diane Parish 9649:Mark Bagnall 9643:(5 episodes) 9622:Steven Beale 9611:(2 episodes) 9557:(2 episodes) 9542:Silas Carson 9538:Haroon Zaman 9515:(2 episodes) 9498:Connor Parry 9480:Silas Carson 9474:(6 episodes) 9467:Haroon Zaman 9447:Ben Mitchell 9420:public house 9413:Tilly Keeper 9389:Whitney Dean 9368:(3 episodes) 9353:) shopping. 9351:Laurie Brett 9284:(4 episodes) 9269:public house 9262:Carli Norris 9234:Laurie Brett 9206:Roger Sloman 9132:Ben Mitchell 9106:Roger Sloman 9087:Matt Weyland 9081:(2 episodes) 9066:Lisa Hammond 9054:Masood Ahmed 9039:Cameron Jack 9033:(2 episodes) 9004:A friend of 8993:30 September 8988:Clive Morris 8972:Dot Branning 8965:Emily Bowker 8959:(2 episodes) 8916:Simon Atmore 8904:(3 episodes) 8897:Diane Atmore 8876:Diane Parish 8854:A nurse who 8845:(2 episodes) 8843:12 June 2018 8809: 8798:public house 8791:Diane Parish 8758:Tilly Keeper 8750:Letitia Dean 8738:Ben Mitchell 8717:(2 episodes) 8694:Carli Norris 8677:15 September 8672:Mia Holloway 8641:13 September 8628:Laurie Brett 8613:(2 episodes) 8606:Maggie Young 8598:Laurie Brett 8583:(4 episodes) 8568:Roger Sloman 8560:public house 8529:(2 episodes) 8514:Tilly Keeper 8502:Ben Mitchell 8456:Masood Ahmed 8420:Dot Branning 8407:(2 episodes) 8405:29–30 August 8388:(9 episodes) 8355:public house 8344:Ben Mitchell 8325:(8 episodes) 8266:Laurie Brett 8222:Laurie Brett 8194:Carli Norris 8178:public house 8168:Scott Wickes 8137:Ben Mitchell 8100:(3 episodes) 8055:Roger Sloman 8027:Ben Mitchell 8006:(8 episodes) 7987:Ben Mitchell 7943:Steven Beale 7932:(2 episodes) 7826:Steven Beale 7814:Laurie Brett 7797:(3 episodes) 7631:Ben Mitchell 7589:oophorectomy 7573:Sonia Fowler 7535:Linda Carter 7515:public house 7505:Helen Keeley 7486:Laurie Brett 7463:Sophie Duval 7444:Laurie Brett 7390:Linda Carter 7378:public house 7354:(3 episodes) 7329:Linda Carter 7280:Lucy Fleming 7249:Laurie Brett 7232:(5 episodes) 7213:Laurie Brett 7183:Stefan Weber 7175:Glen Wallace 7147:Laurie Brett 7132:Paul Stocker 7126:(2 episodes) 7069:Sonia Fowler 7056:(2 episodes) 7012:(2 episodes) 6942:Andy Gillies 6874:(3 episodes) 6872:17 July 2017 6857:Lacey Turner 6810:public house 6799:Masood Ahmed 6786:(2 episodes) 6749:Sonia Fowler 6733:Aamal Rahman 6705:Thelma Bragg 6687:Rodney Bragg 6633:Diane Parish 6613:Masood Ahmed 6606:Elly Condron 6563:Lacey Turner 6546:(2 episodes) 6531:Lacey Turner 6499:Diane Parish 6469:Sophia Brown 6442:Ollie Carter 6434:Linda Carter 6413:(2 episodes) 6395:Ollie Carter 6387:Linda Carter 6366:(4 episodes) 6339:Lacey Turner 6316:(2 episodes) 6293:Lacey Turner 6276:(2 episodes) 6257:Nancy Carter 6241:Linda Carter 6229:Ollie Carter 6216:(2 episodes) 6201:Scott Maslen 6142:Diane Parish 6108:Nancy Carter 6100:Linda Carter 6096:public house 6053:Diane Parish 6034:Tim Chipping 5999:Scott Maslen 5982:(3 episodes) 5967:Ellen Thomas 5917:Tilly Keeper 5905:Ben Mitchell 5892:(2 episodes) 5890:15 June 2017 5855:Lacey Turner 5835:(3 episodes) 5812:Dot Branning 5796:Sonia Fowler 5784:Lacey Turner 5752:Letitia Dean 5696:Lacey Turner 5679:(2 episodes) 5658:Douglas Cant 5552:(3 episodes) 5518:Laurie Brett 5512:), his wife 5448:Lacey Turner 5416:Tilly Keeper 5370:public house 5363:Lacey Turner 5331:(6 episodes) 5329:4–11 January 5324:Ricksy Hicks 5312:Linda Carter 5222: 5218: 5211: 5205: 5203: 5175:Linda Carter 5155: 5143:Sally Rogers 5141:, played by 5138: 5137: 5089:Episode 5414 5079:Episode 5413 5070:Sally Rogers 5058: 5039:Daily Mirror 5037: 5035: 5019:Ben Mitchell 4991:Scott Maslen 4976: 4952:Linda Carter 4948:public house 4942: 4938:DC Fred Cole 4937: 4936: 4882:Episode 6012 4872:Episode 5404 4843: 4838:DC Fred Cole 4822: 4820: 4816: 4808:Connor Parry 4805: 4793:Ollie Carter 4785:Linda Carter 4769: 4765:Silas Carson 4761:Haroon Zaman 4742: 4737: 4733: 4729: 4728: 4670:Episode 5381 4641: 4625: 4620: 4614: 4612: 4600:Maggie Steed 4596:Joyce Murray 4593: 4589:Dean Gaffney 4577:Sonia Fowler 4565:Scott Maslen 4545:Amy Mitchell 4521:Lacey Turner 4506: 4494:Dot Branning 4489: 4485: 4481: 4480: 4391:Episode 5377 4372: 4356:Dave Roberts 4337: 4335: 4315:Whitney Dean 4298: 4294: 4290: 4289: 4241:Episode 5604 4231:Episode 5352 4202: 4181: 4179: 4167:Keith Howard 4164: 4160:Carli Norris 4149: 4142:Abi Branning 4131: 4115:Whitney Dean 4099:Linda Carter 4089: 4083:, played by 4080: 4079: 4052:Episode 5393 4042:Episode 5352 4021: 4000: 3994: 3990:Ned Porteous 3974: 3962:Tilly Keeper 3934:Simon Atmore 3918:Ben Mitchell 3915: 3910: 3906: 3902: 3901: 3874:Episode 5364 3864:Episode 5345 3854:Tom Holloway 3849:Chris Waller 3844:Leon Tennant 3832: 3811: 3809: 3797: 3793:Laurie Brett 3765:Ben Mitchell 3762: 3750:Tilly Keeper 3719: 3699:Letitia Dean 3660: 3636:Ned Porteous 3634:, played by 3631: 3630: 3542:Ben Mitchell 3532:Sam Mitchell 3496:Grandmothers 3482:Grandfathers 3472:Vicki Fowler 3468:Half-sisters 3382:Episode 5348 3372:Episode 5331 3363:Ned Porteous 3351: 3333: 3329: 3320: 3312: 3306: 3304: 3300:Jags Panesar 3268:Diane Atmore 3256:Roger Sloman 3248: 3244:Ned Porteous 3201: 3197:Tilly Keeper 3165:Ben Mitchell 3154: 3148:, played by 3146:Simon Atmore 3145: 3144: 3134:Diane Atmore 3086:20 July 2021 3084:Episode 6310 3076:25 July 2016 3074:Episode 5321 3045: 3040:Simon Atmore 3033:Simon Atmore 3023: 3019:Roger Sloman 2993:, played by 2990: 2989: 2941:12 July 2016 2939:Episode 5314 2931:11 July 2016 2929:Episode 5313 2908: 2887: 2882: 2879:Graham Clark 2875: 2871: 2867:public house 2860: 2848:Linda Carter 2820:Carli Norris 2813: 2809:Gary Webster 2804: 2803: 2794:(until 2016) 2781:Estate agent 2744:14 June 2016 2742:Episode 5301 2732:Episode 5281 2723:Gary Webster 2711: 2690: 2685: 2677: 2670:Kelly Taylor 2661: 2658: 2650: 2638: 2630:Max Branning 2626:Cerith Flinn 2622:Gethin Pryce 2606:Keegan Baker 2602:Diane Parish 2590:Sonia Fowler 2587: 2583:Lacey Turner 2559:Tilly Keeper 2544: 2511:, played by 2508: 2507: 2497:Zaair Kazemi 2411:Episode 5713 2372: 2354: 2350:Lacey Turner 2343: 2338:Denise Welch 2327:episode 5276 2315:Denise Welch 2313:, played by 2310: 2309: 2222:Episode 5276 2212:Denise Welch 2200: 2181: 2179: 2163: 2159:Lauren Crace 2115: 2113: 2104: 2096:Amy Mitchell 2080:Dot Branning 2076: 2049: 2045:Lauren Crace 2037:Carli Norris 2030: 2010: 1998:Lacey Turner 1979: 1959:Scott Maslen 1951:Tilly Keeper 1912: 1904:Gareth Jones 1903: 1899: 1898: 1878:Lizzie Jones 1852:Gareth Jones 1813:Episode 5329 1803:Episode 5247 1782: 1753: 1749:Scott Maslen 1741:Tilly Keeper 1710: 1705: 1701: 1698:Ellen Thomas 1688:, played by 1685: 1684: 1588:Episode 5234 1567: 1544:This Morning 1542: 1540: 1525: 1521:Ellen Thomas 1501:Diane Parish 1480: 1479: 1440:Grandmothers 1430:Grandfathers 1376:4 April 2016 1374:Episode 5257 1364:Episode 5227 1345: 1320: 1309: 1290: 1282:Sonia Fowler 1278: 1266: 1262:Tilly Keeper 1242:Abi Branning 1234:Ben Mitchell 1226:Thelma Bragg 1212: 1206:, played by 1203: 1202: 1192:Rodney Bragg 1182:Thelma Bragg 1120:Episode 5462 1110:Episode 5225 1081: 1063:Karen Taylor 1060: 1054: 1038:Sonia Fowler 1015: 1011:Tilly Keeper 991:Whitney Dean 975:Nancy Carter 960: 954:, played by 952:Thelma Bragg 951: 950: 930:Rodney Bragg 921:Pub landlady 872:Episode 5225 851: 846:Thelma Bragg 839:Thelma Bragg 830: 799:Ricky Grover 789:, including 786: 783: 779:Lauren Crace 772: 733: 728: 727: 649:Episode 5222 628: 623:Tim Reynolds 616:Tim Reynolds 609: 606: 602: 578:Lacey Turner 571: 565:, played by 562: 561: 552:Psychiatrist 513:Episode 5233 503:Episode 5216 482: 466: 459: 449: 447: 443:Denise Welch 431:Sonia Fowler 412: 396:Lacey Turner 384:Ricksy Hicks 373: 367:, played by 364: 363: 336:Episode 5275 326:Episode 5204 305: 255:Ned Porteous 227:Simon Atmore 207:Gary Webster 199:Carli Norris 167:Denise Welch 165:, played by 143:Ellen Thomas 119:Thelma Bragg 99:Tim Reynolds 79:Lacey Turner 61:In January, 60: 45: 39: 33: 26: 21418:Simon Wicks 21408:Kevin Wicks 21393:David Wicks 21388:Carly Wicks 21363:Angie Watts 21358:Owen Turner 21263:Sean Slater 21258:Kyle Slater 21218:Willy Roper 21163:Lola Pearce 21148:Ash Panesar 21048:Dana Monroe 20943:Demi Miller 20908:Syed Masood 20893:Afia Masood 20878:Ryan Malloy 20863:Harold Legg 20848:Kush Kazemi 20833:Gita Kapoor 20813:Greg Jessop 20763:Andy Hunter 20748:Lynne Hobbs 20743:Garry Hobbs 20708:Nina Harris 20703:Marge Green 20673:Ruth Fowler 20658:Mark Fowler 20653:Lisa Fowler 20603:Barry Evans 20588:Huw Edwards 20528:Nick Cotton 20478:Barry Clark 20463:Tina Carter 20458:Stan Carter 20443:Mick Carter 20418:Pat Butcher 20298:Laura Beale 20288:Bobby Beale 20283:Nigel Bates 20268:Clare Bates 20243:Gray Atkins 20173:Anna Knight 20158:Ravi Gulati 20148:Zack Hudson 20118:Lily Slater 20083:Chelsea Fox 20073:Jean Slater 20028:Peter Beale 20008:Cindy Beale 19988:Kathy Beale 18236:Rob Gittins 17117:Rob Gittins 16987:Digital Spy 16932:20 December 16765:11 November 16760:Radio Times 16298:Inside Soap 16111:Rob Gittins 16088:Inside Soap 16054:Rob Gittins 15279:Radio Times 15259:Inside Soap 15239:Inside Soap 14945:Rob Gittins 14899:Rob Gittins 14631:Radio Times 14481:Inside Soap 14215:31 December 14205:Digital Spy 14145:Radio Times 14112:Digital Spy 13729:Digital Spy 13673:Digital Spy 13645:Radio Times 13617:Radio Times 13561:Digital Spy 13505:Digital Spy 12854:Rob Gittins 12496:Digital Spy 12426:Digital Spy 12382:12 February 12169:Radio Times 11887:Rob Gittins 11547:Digital Spy 11441:Rob Gittins 11399:Rob Gittins 11296:23 February 11290:Digital Spy 11268:23 February 11075:Inside Soap 11023:Digital Spy 10544:18 February 10490:7 July 2017 10460:25 December 10431:23 December 10401:22 December 10349:) meets at 10347:Rita Simons 10327:Kush Kazemi 10269:Brenda Kane 10261:Harry Neale 10166:Angie Watts 10129:29 November 10099:29 November 10070:29 November 9999:Mick Carter 9995:Linda Henry 9968:Tina Carter 9938:Agnes Novak 9858:Mick Carter 9755:17 November 9735:14 November 9697:11 November 9668:Emma Barton 9628:) funeral. 9563:Steve North 9313:Bleu Landau 9277:Mike Rendon 9236:) at home. 9176:Tom Eastman 9168:Jonny Labey 9062:Donna Yates 9031:3–4 October 8999:Julian Bird 8936:Lin Blakley 8928:Jonny Labey 8836:Renu Jussun 8824:Kush Kazemi 8664:Karl Howman 8618:Robyn Lewis 8600:) at home. 8553:Jonny Labey 8545:Lin Blakley 8481:6 September 8445:2 September 8400:Eddie Tsang 8367:Tina Carter 8304:Emma Barton 8268:) at home. 8257:Uncredited 8239:Uncredited 8224:) at home. 8117:Jonny Labey 8063:Lin Blakley 8023:Jonny Labey 7983:Lin Blakley 7975:Jonny Labey 7949:) funeral. 7911:Emma Barton 7872:Emma Barton 7765:Neil Linpow 7726:Neil Linpow 7709:) funeral. 7608:Ben Onwukwe 7597:Dessie Dunn 7543:Tina Carter 7527:Mick Carter 7470:Bobby Beale 7428:Bobby Beale 7382:Mick Carter 7321:Mick Carter 7287:Bobby Beale 7253:Bobby Beale 7217:Bobby Beale 7139:Bobby Beale 7081:Andrea Pugh 7031:) that her 6997:Karl Howman 6961:Rita Simons 6931:Stuart Ashe 6919:Mick Carter 6891:Rita Simons 6870:4 May 2016– 6779:Laura Crowe 6713:Linzi Bragg 6675:Linzi Bragg 6595:Jill Hanson 6552:Denise Hoey 6479:Joivan Wade 6426:Mick Carter 6379:Mick Carter 6327:Kush Kazemi 6314:22–24 March 6233:Mick Carter 6222:Emily Joyce 6214:15–17 March 6150:Joivan Wade 6061:Joivan Wade 6055:), his son 6015:Emma Barton 5942:Uncredited 5883:Tom Edwards 5804:Kush Kazemi 5736:Sian Webber 5721:19 February 5642:Rita Simons 5522:Bobby Beale 5397:Georgia May 5386:Beth Graham 5351:Sophie Dodd 5343:Kyle Slater 5304:Mick Carter 5283:Rita Simons 5207:Digital Spy 5007:Emma Barton 4968:Mick Carter 4950:. Landlady 4824:Radio Times 4797:Mick Carter 4616:Inside Soap 4557:Rita Simons 4443:Other names 4360:Dave Carter 4339:Inside Soap 4327:Mick Carter 4214:Sam Gittins 4107:Mick Carter 4002:Inside Soap 3986:Mark Fowler 3970:Alice Nokes 3930:Jonny Labey 3785:Jonny Labey 3742:Alice Nokes 3667:Mark Fowler 3652:Susan Tully 3632:Mark Fowler 3620:Bobby Beale 3616:Peter Beale 3600:Lexi Pearce 3596:Lola Pearce 3566:Albie Watts 3558:Hope Fowler 3518:Mark Fowler 3463:Tim Andrews 3418:Other names 3346:Mark Fowler 3338:Mark Fowler 3324:Mark Fowler 3314:Inside Soap 3264:Lin Blakley 3240:Mark Fowler 3228:Alice Nokes 3161:Jonny Labey 3011:Lin Blakley 3003:Jonny Labey 2995:Amy Marston 2920:Amy Marston 2889:Inside Soap 2844:Karl Howman 2824:Mick Carter 2692:Digital Spy 2642:Mick Carter 2610:Zack Morris 2547:Umar Kazemi 2525:Kush Kazemi 2479:Kush Kazemi 2459:Umar Kazemi 2413:25 May 2018 2319:Kyle Slater 2289:Kyle Slater 2174:Digital Spy 2056:Rita Simons 2026:Liam Bergin 2002:Kyle Slater 1908:Jack Derges 1902:(real name 1849:Other names 1794:Jack Derges 1723:) daughter 1673:Donna Yates 1489:Joivan Wade 1340:JJ Johnson 1162:Other names 1076:Linzi Bragg 1069:Linzi Bragg 1046:Tina Carter 983:Linzi Bragg 967:Kush Kazemi 940:Linzi Bragg 832:Digital Spy 470:Delia Forde 461:Inside Soap 456:Debbie Rush 423:Tina Carter 376:Kyle Slater 365:Sophie Dodd 300:Sophie Dodd 293:Sophie Dodd 251:Mark Fowler 223:Amy Marston 215:Jonny Labey 187:Kush Kazemi 159:Jack Derges 131:Joivan Wade 111:Linzi Bragg 67:Sophie Dodd 63:Kyle Slater 44:soap opera 21708:Categories 21443:May Wright 21398:Dean Wicks 21383:Carl White 21303:Dawn Swann 21288:Mary Smith 21278:Babe Smith 21273:Leon Small 21268:Zoe Slater 21133:Steve Owen 21098:Rod Norman 21088:Tyler Moon 21063:Eddie Moon 21058:Danny Moon 20963:Rob Minter 20888:Mila Marwa 20853:Yusef Khan 20808:Al Jenkins 20738:Tony Hills 20723:Alex Healy 20718:Julie Haye 20693:Jodie Gold 20648:Bex Fowler 20543:Cora Cross 20518:Dot Cotton 20488:Paul Coker 20413:Mo Butcher 20333:Manda Best 20313:Pete Beale 20308:Lucy Beale 20293:Jane Beale 20233:Ruby Allen 20213:Iqra Ahmed 20088:Denise Fox 20053:Alfie Moon 20038:Kat Slater 19965:characters 19962:EastEnders 19925:BBC Online 19895:EastEnders 19858:EastEnders 19822:EastEnders 19786:EastEnders 19753:EastEnders 19720:EastEnders 19684:EastEnders 19651:EastEnders 19618:EastEnders 19585:EastEnders 19576:Kate Saxon 19545:EastEnders 19507:EastEnders 19467:EastEnders 19429:EastEnders 19396:EastEnders 19363:EastEnders 19330:EastEnders 19290:EastEnders 19254:EastEnders 19214:EastEnders 19181:EastEnders 19148:EastEnders 19139:Anya Reiss 19100:EastEnders 19064:EastEnders 19026:EastEnders 18988:EastEnders 18950:EastEnders 18912:EastEnders 18879:EastEnders 18846:EastEnders 18813:EastEnders 18775:EastEnders 18742:EastEnders 18709:EastEnders 18673:EastEnders 18635:EastEnders 18593:EastEnders 18560:EastEnders 18527:EastEnders 18491:EastEnders 18458:EastEnders 18422:EastEnders 18386:EastEnders 18353:EastEnders 18317:EastEnders 18281:EastEnders 18245:EastEnders 18201:EastEnders 18161:EastEnders 18152:John Yorke 18128:EastEnders 18090:EastEnders 18052:EastEnders 18019:EastEnders 17983:EastEnders 17950:EastEnders 17910:EastEnders 17877:EastEnders 17840:EastEnders 17804:EastEnders 17771:EastEnders 17733:EastEnders 17693:EastEnders 17657:EastEnders 17648:Kate Saxon 17613:EastEnders 17580:EastEnders 17571:Kate Saxon 17540:EastEnders 17531:Kate Saxon 17503:EastEnders 17466:EastEnders 17422:EastEnders 17389:EastEnders 17356:EastEnders 17316:EastEnders 17276:EastEnders 17267:Anya Reiss 17239:EastEnders 17199:EastEnders 17159:EastEnders 17126:EastEnders 17086:EastEnders 17077:Anya Reiss 16958:EastEnders 16871:EastEnders 16831:EastEnders 16794:EastEnders 16732:EastEnders 16694:EastEnders 16658:EastEnders 16618:EastEnders 16582:EastEnders 16540:EastEnders 16500:EastEnders 16454:EastEnders 16410:EastEnders 16372:EastEnders 16330:EastEnders 16273:EastEnders 16237:EastEnders 16204:EastEnders 16156:EastEnders 16120:EastEnders 16063:EastEnders 16026:EastEnders 15990:EastEnders 15952:EastEnders 15943:Kate Saxon 15908:EastEnders 15840:EastEnders 15788:EastEnders 15748:EastEnders 15706:EastEnders 15666:EastEnders 15620:EastEnders 15568:EastEnders 15502:EastEnders 15460:EastEnders 15414:EastEnders 15348:EastEnders 15310:EastEnders 15213:Daily Star 15070:EastEnders 15034:EastEnders 14996:EastEnders 14954:EastEnders 14908:EastEnders 14864:EastEnders 14828:EastEnders 14790:EastEnders 14746:EastEnders 14708:EastEnders 14668:EastEnders 14574:EastEnders 14520:EastEnders 14394:EastEnders 14350:EastEnders 14310:EastEnders 14264:EastEnders 14077:The Mirror 14023:EastEnders 13986:EastEnders 13949:EastEnders 13907:EastEnders 13898:Anya Reiss 13870:EastEnders 13822:EastEnders 13789:EastEnders 13364:EastEnders 13331:EastEnders 13293:EastEnders 13260:EastEnders 13227:EastEnders 13190:EastEnders 13181:Anya Reiss 13153:EastEnders 13144:Anya Reiss 13111:EastEnders 13075:EastEnders 13038:EastEnders 13005:EastEnders 12972:EastEnders 12936:EastEnders 12896:EastEnders 12863:EastEnders 12826:EastEnders 12786:EastEnders 12744:EastEnders 12698:EastEnders 12665:EastEnders 12621:EastEnders 12585:EastEnders 12545:EastEnders 12536:Jeff Povey 12467:EastEnders 12432:15 January 12344:EastEnders 12308:EastEnders 12264:EastEnders 12203:2 February 12175:2 February 12114:EastEnders 12081:EastEnders 12045:EastEnders 12007:EastEnders 11967:EastEnders 11934:EastEnders 11896:EastEnders 11885:; Writer: 11883:Kate Saxon 11851:Daily Star 11822:EastEnders 11813:Anya Reiss 11782:EastEnders 11773:Anya Reiss 11740:EastEnders 11700:EastEnders 11662:EastEnders 11622:EastEnders 11586:EastEnders 11511:3 February 11483:3 February 11450:EastEnders 11408:EastEnders 11371:EastEnders 11325:EastEnders 11233:EastEnders 11191:EastEnders 11155:EastEnders 11111:EastEnders 11057:11 January 11029:11 January 11001:11 January 10966:EastEnders 10926:EastEnders 10886:EastEnders 10850:EastEnders 10796:EastEnders 10760:EastEnders 10724:EastEnders 10688:EastEnders 10652:EastEnders 10612:EastEnders 10574:EastEnders 10518:References 10465:Uncredited 10443:Lee Carter 10437:David Ajao 10406:Uncredited 10388:June Brown 10377:Cate Hamer 10321:Uncredited 10316:6 December 10291:Denise Fox 10243:Jane Beale 10215:2 December 10003:Danny Dyer 9960:Babe Smith 9918:June Brown 9878:Sid Yexley 9862:Danny Dyer 9839:Lee Carter 9797:A man who 9740:Uncredited 9656:Denise Fox 9616:Uncredited 9595:Uncredited 9526:Lee Carter 9520:Uncredited 9486:Lee Carter 9451:Harry Reid 9434:3 November 9381:Lee Carter 9374:Jack Bence 9347:Jane Beale 9334:25 October 9252:Uncredited 9247:20 October 9230:Jane Beale 9224:Uncredited 9219:20 October 9181:17 October 9164:Paul Coker 9136:Harry Reid 9119:17 October 8976:June Brown 8924:Paul Coker 8920:Tom Palmer 8872:Denise Fox 8787:Denise Fox 8742:Harry Reid 8698:Bex Fowler 8646:Uncredited 8624:Jane Beale 8594:Jane Beale 8588:Uncredited 8549:Paul Coker 8506:Harry Reid 8450:Uncredited 8424:June Brown 8418:A man who 8413:Kevin Shen 8393:Uncredited 8348:Harry Reid 8330:Uncredited 8262:Jane Beale 8218:Jane Beale 8212:Uncredited 8141:Harry Reid 8113:Paul Coker 8031:Harry Reid 8019:Paul Coker 7991:Harry Reid 7977:) to pack 7971:Paul Coker 7965:Uncredited 7937:Uncredited 7890:Uncredited 7810:Jane Beale 7755:Uncredited 7697:Uncredited 7653:Uncredited 7635:Harry Reid 7566:Gina Issac 7531:Danny Dyer 7517:to assess 7482:Jane Beale 7474:Lucy Beale 7440:Jane Beale 7432:Lucy Beale 7421:Jenny Howe 7386:Danny Dyer 7325:Danny Dyer 7314:Ian Hughes 7291:Lucy Beale 7245:Jane Beale 7209:Jane Beale 7155:Lucy Beale 7143:Jane Beale 7018:Ian Gelder 6987:Uncredited 6923:Danny Dyer 6757:Tom Pepper 6743:Uncredited 6698:Rhys Yates 6629:Denise Fox 6544:7–14 April 6521:Uncredited 6495:Denise Fox 6483:JJ Johnson 6430:Danny Dyer 6383:Danny Dyer 6372:Raj Ghatak 6321:Uncredited 6261:Maddy Hill 6249:Lee Carter 6237:Danny Dyer 6176:Uncredited 6138:Denise Fox 6112:Maddy Hill 6087:Uncredited 6049:Denise Fox 5980:3–14 March 5951:Leon Lopez 5921:Bex Fowler 5909:Harry Reid 5816:June Brown 5726:Uncredited 5650:Jade Green 5630:Dean Wicks 5617:5 February 5595:Uncredited 5590:1 February 5535:Uncredited 5520:) and son 5514:Jane Beale 5493:28 January 5391:15 January 5374:Babe Smith 5355:Poppy Rush 5308:Danny Dyer 5291:Kay Breeze 5271:Dean Wicks 5238:Character 5219:EastEnders 5199:Samaritans 5195:Maddy Hill 5187:Ted Reilly 5171:Danny Dyer 5147:Lee Carter 5125:Occupation 5059:EastEnders 5023:Max Bowden 4979:Lee Carter 4972:Danny Dyer 4924:Occupation 4908:Kate Oates 4844:EastEnders 4812:Sid Yexley 4801:Danny Dyer 4781:Ted Reilly 4745:Lee Carter 4716:Occupation 4642:EastEnders 4621:EastEnders 4604:Ted Murray 4498:June Brown 4470:Dot Cotton 4373:EastEnders 4331:Danny Dyer 4303:Lee Carter 4277:Occupation 4203:EastEnders 4123:Babe Smith 4111:Danny Dyer 4022:EastEnders 3997:Daily Star 3938:Tom Palmer 3926:Paul Coker 3922:Harry Reid 3833:EastEnders 3812:EastEnders 3789:Jane Beale 3781:Paul Coker 3769:Harry Reid 3671:Todd Carty 3612:Lucy Beale 3576:Sal Martin 3546:Bex Fowler 3460:Stepfather 3352:EastEnders 3334:EastEnders 3330:EastEnders 3308:Daily Star 3272:Max Bowden 3189:Shoreditch 3177:Ted Reilly 3169:Harry Reid 3157:Paul Coker 3150:Tom Palmer 3110:Kate Oates 3066:2016, 2021 3057:Tom Palmer 3046:EastEnders 2999:Paul Coker 2979:Paul Coker 2909:EastEnders 2883:EastEnders 2836:Ted Reilly 2828:Danny Dyer 2778:Occupation 2734:9 May 2016 2712:EastEnders 2686:EastEnders 2682:John Yorke 2678:EastEnders 2662:EastEnders 2646:Danny Dyer 2598:Denise Fox 2563:Bex Fowler 2447:Occupation 2403:4 May 2016 2373:EastEnders 2259:Occupation 2225:3 May 2016 2201:EastEnders 2182:EastEnders 2166:Andy Jones 2131:Carl White 2084:June Brown 2068:Andy Jones 2060:Dean Wicks 1919:Leon Lopez 1900:Andy Flynn 1889:(adoptive) 1869:Andy Jones 1857:Occupation 1783:EastEnders 1777:Andy Flynn 1770:Andy Flynn 1706:EastEnders 1702:EastEnders 1690:Leon Lopez 1634:Occupation 1600:5 May 2016 1579:Leon Lopez 1568:EastEnders 1497:Denise Fox 1450:(adoptive) 1346:EastEnders 1333:JJ Johnson 1270:Bex Fowler 1238:Harry Reid 1170:Occupation 1165:Star Bragg 1082:EastEnders 1018:Bex Fowler 999:Lee Carter 979:Maddy Hill 918:Occupation 852:EastEnders 811:Manda Best 787:EastEnders 661:4 May 2016 629:EastEnders 610:EastEnders 549:Occupation 483:EastEnders 404:Babe Smith 369:Poppy Rush 338:2 May 2016 317:Poppy Rush 306:EastEnders 277:) friend, 271:Lee Carter 231:Tom Palmer 211:Paul Coker 201:) husband 155:Andy Flynn 151:Leon Lopez 135:JJ Johnson 97:) brother 71:Poppy Rush 47:EastEnders 34:EastEnders 21403:Joe Wicks 21373:Den Watts 21283:Gus Smith 21123:Sue Osman 21113:Ali Osman 21078:Nana Moon 21068:Jake Moon 20873:Joe Macer 20858:Tony King 20733:Ted Hills 20683:Libby Fox 20613:Roy Evans 20583:Jase Dyer 20578:Ray Dixon 20328:Adam Best 20303:Lou Beale 20258:Tom Banks 20103:Jay Brown 20043:Mo Harris 19998:Ian Beale 17049:1 January 17021:1 January 16993:1 January 15535:11 August 15383:12 August 15284:11 August 15189:17 August 13623:10 August 10455:Nurse Amy 10339:James Bye 10053:Jay Brown 10007:Ian Beale 9578:Jay Brown 9401:Jay Brown 9297:Jay Brown 9202:Les Coker 9102:Les Coker 8932:Pam Coker 8850:Sukh Ojla 8683:Alix Ross 8564:Les Coker 8541:Pam Coker 8279:25 August 8253:25 August 8235:18 August 8207:12 August 8186:Ross Kemp 8173:A man in 8121:Ian Beale 8079:Jay Brown 8059:Pam Coker 8043:Ian Beale 7979:Pam Coker 7818:Ian Beale 7615:Jay Brown 7585:James Bye 7257:Ian Beale 7201:Ian Beale 7124:24–26 May 7092:Lia Burge 7054:10–12 May 7010:10–12 May 6721:Jay Brown 6667:Jay Brown 6637:Ian Beale 6347:James Bye 6158:Don Gilet 6045:Don Gilet 5708:James Bye 5585:Mr Gopang 5506:Ian Beale 5456:James Bye 5258:1 January 5061:character 5031:James Bye 4846:character 4831:Fred Cole 4662:2016–2017 4644:character 4513:James Bye 4383:2016–2018 4375:character 4223:2016–2017 4205:character 4024:character 3982:Ross Kemp 3942:Jay Brown 3846:(Frankie) 3835:character 3805:Australia 3773:Jay Brown 3754:Ian Beale 3715:James Bye 3644:Ross Kemp 3608:Ian Beale 3354:character 3280:Tony Clay 3260:Pam Coker 3252:Les Coker 3236:Ross Kemp 3181:Jay Brown 3048:character 3015:Les Coker 3007:Pam Coker 2911:character 2856:wife swap 2714:character 2634:Jake Wood 2575:James Bye 2393:2016–2018 2375:character 2295:Daughters 2203:character 2088:Jay Brown 1990:James Bye 1785:character 1570:character 1532:Don Gilet 1348:character 1313:Jay Brown 1214:Jay Brown 1102:2016–2017 1084:character 1026:Jay Brown 936:Daughters 854:character 791:Mike Reid 631:character 586:James Bye 485:character 415:Ian Beale 308:character 239:Ross Kemp 103:Jay Brown 21672:Others: 21128:Mel Owen 20248:Aunt Sal 20208:AJ Ahmed 14183:23 March 14150:23 March 14117:23 March 14082:15 April 14056:15 April 13763:27 April 13707:26 April 13679:25 March 13595:5 August 13399:14 April 11857:30 April 9847:Oz Bolat 9703:Zee Asha 9534:Oz Bolat 9494:Oz Bolat 8162:5 August 8075:Mitchell 7761:PC Adams 7715:PC Adams 7687:Big Nige 6738:27 April 6692:27 April 6654:27 April 6600:19 April 6171:10 March 6144:) after 6125:10 March 5424:Eve Igwe 5241:Date(s) 4861:Duration 4659:Duration 4466:Owner(s) 4380:Duration 4220:Duration 4096:landlady 3911:Tom Eden 3827:Tom Eden 3430:Mitchell 3296:Jaz Deol 3212:Tom Eden 3063:Duration 2783:Salesman 2664:actress 2475:Brothers 2390:Duration 2336:Actress 2123:Kat Moon 1675:(foster) 1664:(foster) 1659:(foster) 1653:Brothers 1648:(foster) 1188:Brothers 1099:Duration 695:Brothers 590:Eve Igwe 454:actress 283:Oz Bolat 21378:Wellard 20113:Kim Fox 19904:BBC One 19867:BBC One 19831:BBC One 19795:BBC One 19762:BBC One 19729:BBC One 19693:BBC One 19660:BBC One 19627:BBC One 19594:BBC One 19554:BBC One 19516:BBC One 19476:BBC One 19438:BBC One 19405:BBC One 19372:BBC One 19339:BBC One 19299:BBC One 19263:BBC One 19223:BBC One 19190:BBC One 19157:BBC One 19109:BBC One 19073:BBC One 19035:BBC One 18997:BBC One 18959:BBC One 18921:BBC One 18888:BBC One 18855:BBC One 18822:BBC One 18784:BBC One 18751:BBC 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259:killers 203:Neville 193:), and 20618:Fatboy 15105:9 July 14637:3 July 14609:3 July 14241:5 June 13567:9 June 13539:7 June 13511:6 June 13483:6 June 13455:6 June 11529:. BBC. 10333:) and 10051:) and 9845:) and 9576:) and 9532:) and 8862:) and 8736:) and 8576:Gloria 8365:) and 8316:Jerome 8298:) and 8202:Hannah 8157:Barney 8127:) and 8057:) and 7905:) and 7866:) and 7781:Martin 7750:8 July 7720:8 July 7692:4 July 7648:4 July 7327:) and 7274:31 May 7188:24 May 7086:20 May 7037:spread 6977:Elaine 6772:Claire 6755:) and 6585:) and 6511:Rachel 6432:) and 6385:) and 6341:) and 6239:) and 6098:, who 6063:) and 5919:) and 5873:) and 5810:) and 5310:) and 5244:Actor 5231:Others 5183:Johnny 5173:) and 4905:(2016) 4583:) and 4515:) and 4299:Parker 4140:) and 4121:) and 3851:(Neil) 3771:) and 3646:) and 3510:Uncles 3450:Mother 3440:Father 3434:Fowler 3426:Family 3130:Mother 3116:(2021) 3112:& 3107:(2016) 3013:) and 2577:) and 2571:Martin 2561:) and 2465:Mother 2455:Father 2271:Slater 2267:Family 2147:Fatboy 1973:) son 1875:Mother 1865:Father 1491:) and 1420:Mother 1410:Father 1178:Mother 1148:(2017) 1143:(2016) 1044:) and 821:) and 705:Nieces 249:) son 241:) and 133:) son 73:) and 21438:Willy 17015:Metro 15183:Metro 15155:Metro 15127:Metro 15099:Metro 14463:2 May 14432:2 May 14426:Metro 14178:Metro 13756:Metro 13735:3 May 13477:Metro 13449:Metro 13427:7 May 13421:Metro 13393:Metro 12502:5 May 12225:Metro 12197:Metro 11051:Metro 10538:Metro 10396:Kelly 10311:Terry 9602:Colin 9397:Moose 9242:Brian 9214:Megan 9074:Harry 8462:) at 8379:Ethan 8292:Billy 7899:Billy 7860:Billy 7745:Chris 7373:) to 7337:Ollie 7041:brain 6982:6 May 6936:5 May 6841:3 May 6824:2 May 6166:Jamie 5716:Penny 5628:When 5213:Metro 5191:Nancy 4738:Bolat 4730:Osman 4541:Willy 4486:Ethel 4458:Lucky 4449:Ethel 4358:, or 4352:Willy 4295:Moose 4291:Wayne 4197:Moose 4190:Moose 4132:When 3978:Grant 3856:(Tom) 3763:When 3528:Aunts 2145:) or 2117:Metro 1549:Lucas 1455:Aunts 1322:Metro 1056:Ofcom 754:) in 279:Moose 21666:2024 21661:2023 21656:2022 21651:2021 21646:2020 21641:2019 21636:2018 21631:2017 21626:2016 21621:2015 21616:2014 21611:2013 21606:2012 21601:2011 21596:2010 21591:2009 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Shakil Kazemi

Dominic Treadwell-Collins
Sean O'Connor
Kyle Slater
Sophie Dodd
Poppy Rush
Stacey Branning
Lacey Turner
Dr. Delia Forde
Carolyn Pickles
Joel Reynolds
Cavan Clerkin
Tim Reynolds
Jay Brown
Jamie Borthwick
Linzi Bragg
Amy-Leigh Hickman
Thelma Bragg
Lorraine Stanley
Jordan Johnson
Joivan Wade
JJ Johnson
Claudette Hubbard
Ellen Thomas
Linford Short
Leon Lopez
Andy Flynn

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