
List of Rurouni Kenshin characters

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style, so that he could give Sanosuke a strong opponent and increase Sanosuke's power at the same time. Watsuki had no model for Anji's personality, but pictured him as being similar to Shinsengumi lieutenant Shimada Kai due to the "manly air." He also said that Anji is his second attempt at "manly intelligence," following the "failed" Isurugi Raijūta. Anji's visual model originates from the lead vocalist of a punk band called Angie, and his name originates from the band's as well. Watsuki said that their bandannas on shaved heads and the black makeup under the eyes looks "cool" but still gives an impression suggesting intelligence. Instead, he intended to give Anji a "power-fighter" design but settled for "macho". Although the reader response to Anji's story was mostly positive, looking back on it Watsuki said he was an immature writer then. Watsuki planned to have more to Anji's story, but with five weeks' worth of material, he had to significantly cut it down so it would not interrupt the flow of the fighting; he originally planned to have Anji's heart momentarily stop due to the "Mastery of Three Layers." The author assesses that if one reads into the story deeply enough, one can see that Anji's "rampage" to the dark side was stopped. Still, his soul has yet to be "saved." Watsuki said that while he had nothing specific about Anji's later adventures, they were slowly coming to him and he might write it down if the chance presents itself. Anji came in tenth place in the series' second character popularity poll.
4016:. In 1866, Shikijō infiltrated Edo Castle to gather information about an upcoming battle and was defeated by the thirteen-year-old Shinomori Aoshi, who created the scars covering Shikijō's body. Aoshi gave Shikijō a chance to join the Oniwabanshū and gain strength using their training methods and medicines. Shikijō received no prosperous government job offers because he was a traitor. Shikijō is mainly a hand-to-hand fighter but he also swings around a large ball and chain. He fights Sagara Sanosuke at Takeda Kanryū's mansion and is defeated. He is the first to die at Kanryū's hand, protecting Aoshi from the Gatling gun. Watsuki said that he modeled Shikijō after Sanosuke by giving Shikijō the same philosophy, strength, and personality. By putting them on opposite sides Watsuki intended to illustrate the differences between the two factions. Watsuki created Shikijō as a complete villain, but said that the "noble manner" of his death made the character "a pretty cool guy." The author used no specific model for Shikijō's design; giving him many muscles as the character is a "power fighter," but feeling that Shikijō was not sufficiently "strange-enough looking," Watsuki added scars and "superhero-like exaggerated musculature." 3516:, the Chōshū are near ruin so Katsura Kogorō tells Kenshin to lay-low in a farm village and bring Tomoe to better blend in. Kenshin reveals to Tomoe that he does not want it only for appearance sake, and the two get married. When Enishi arrives to tell his sister that the Yaminobu operation to kill Kenshin is nigh, she sends him away, and subsequently reveals her past to Kenshin (but not about the current conspiracy). The following morning, Tomoe leaves Kenshin to meet with the Yaminobu in the hopes of misleading them and saving his life, only to find that she was nothing but a pawn in their plans, and ended up being used as bait to draw him in for the kill. In the middle of Kenshin's duel with the leader of the Yaminobu, Tomoe throws herself between them. With his senses impaired, Kenshin is unable to see her until it is too late, and delivers a fatal blow to his opponent and to her with the same slash of his sword. The little sword she was holding falls from her hand and gives Kenshin the second part of his cross-shaped scar. A gravestone for Tomoe was erected in a Kyoto temple, where Kenshin also left her diaries. 4248:, is a former samurai who became rich by selling swords to Europeans. Yutarō feels that his father's actions degrade him and wants to show him how a true samurai lives by the sword. The Tsukayama family was deceived by Isurugi Raijūta, who faked a robbery so the Tsukayama family would pay him to teach Yutarō how to use swords. Yutarō trains at Kamiya dojo a little and becomes Myōjin Yahiko's rival, the two gaining a mutual desire to become better than the other. When Raijūta initiates a failed sneak attack on Kenshin's group, he accidentally slices Yutarō's right arm so that the nerves are severed, therefore making Yutarō unable to hold a sword with that hand. Yuzaemon takes Yutarō to Germany to get medical treatment. Before he leaves, however, Yahiko confronts him, scorns his sulking, and tells him that he can overcome his sorrow by working to be better than he imagined Raijuta to be. Yutaro responds that he will never stop practicing swordsmanship and his left arm is still enough to become great. At the end of the series, Yutarō's name is listed as one of the acting instructors of the 2204:. Watsuki used ideas from assistants to create many of the Juppongatana and Kamatari was one he seized immediately. Still, when coming up with the specifics, the concept "just wasn't coming together." In the beginning, some of his ideas were "male-appearing on the surface, but personality-wise, will be feminine," "A very erotic and seductive, womanly appearance from the outside, but a manly man on the inside," and "a big macho gay guy." But a friend of Watsuki's suggested making Kamatari "just a 'pretty girl' type," leading to the solidification of the character. Watsuki planned for Kamatari to have a "light-hearted and cheerful" personality, but found complications when a "more serious side" began to emerge, leading him to feel some regret with the outcome; he admitted that one of his bad habits is to cross the fine line between "serious" and "depressing". Watsuki added that the next time he uses the character, he would try to "keep his outlook sunny" while not compromising the "essential self." Watsuki used 3943:
to be an Oniwabanshū. Thus he is extremely loyal to Aoshi, giving his life to allow Kenshin enough time to retrieve his sword to defeat Kanryū and save Aoshi. His arms have horizontal stripes painted on them, which gives them the appearance of being shorter than they actually are, thus luring opponents into a false sense of security regarding distance of attacks. He also wears steel gauntlets beneath his gloves, which help him to block attacks from other weapons. These gauntlets contain retractable steel claws, which he will resort to as a sort of trump card. Han'nya is also the master of disguise within the group; he gained his ability by removing all his prominent facial features, which is why he wears the demonic mask on his face. Han'nya burned his lips, cut off his ears and nose, and crushed his cheekbones so he could disguise himself as any individual. After the Bakumatsu, Han'nya received no prosperous government job offers because of his appearance.
3054:("Spider Man"), not the American version, so he has similar roots as Han'nya. Because the "freaks" theme did not go so well with Han'nya, Yatsume is Watsuki's second attempt at it. But the author said he was utterly defeated, citing Saitō as the biggest reason; any character turns into a weakling in front of Saitō, just like Usui did. Watsuki said that the body shaping is one of the ideas he likes, but seems a little unfitting for a shonen manga. Because body deformation is a sensitive issue, he had to be careful how he dealt with it, which might have detracted from the storyline as a whole. He stated that there would be no further attempts at the freaks theme because he believes that there needs to be more "positive themes" in shonen manga; but will still use it in terms of design. Watsuki admitted that the design model is all "jumbled up." The silhouette version of Yatsume, seen before his full reveal, was modeled after the "bandana mask version" of 2752:, to control his puppets can also be used as a weapon as they are sharp enough to cut flesh and break bone. Gein just wants to test out his creations and needs to be around men of battle to do it since, according to him, the forefront of technology is always in battle. This is also the reason why Gein joined Shishio. During the attack on Kamiya dojo, Gein fights Kenshin by operating a new version of Iwanbō. For Enishi's Jinchū he creates a corpse doll of Kaoru to fool Kenshin into thinking she had been killed by Enishi, he considers this his masterpiece. Having completed his job, Enishi and Woo Heishin both decide to have Gein killed during his return boat ride to Tokyo, but Gein easily kills the large group of martial artists who attack him. When retrieving his Kaoru doll from the graveyard, he runs into a trap set by Aoshi, who knew that the corpse was a fake. Aoshi kills Gein after having him divulge where the real Kaoru is. 1676:, is a teenage boy who is Shishio's right-hand man and the strongest of the Juppongatana. He is noted in the series for always smiling and lacks any emotion but "comfort," making him impossible to read. He has been with Shishio the longest and is the most trusted member of the Juppongatana, having met Shishio when he was a small boy. He had witnessed Shishio brutally killing police officers, but Shishio ordered him to keep him in a safe house and provide for him instead of killing him. Days pass and Sōjirō tended to him and explained his situation with his abusive relatives. Shishio then explained his creed of survival of the fittest and gives him his sword. When Sōjirō is caught harboring Shishio in his family's rice silo, his older relatives try to kill him, thinking they can pin it on Shishio. As a result, Sōjirō kills them in self-defense and goes off with Shishio to become his protege. 2805:, is a large one-armed man and member of the Six Comrades. While shown to be a relatively selfless person when first introduced, his nature is later distorted until he reaches the point of insanity. During the Battle of Toba–Fushimi in the Bakumatsu, Kujiranami's right arm was cut off by Kenshin. Kujiranami requested that Kenshin kill him since he did not want to live to see an era where wars are fought with guns instead of swords, absent of skill and soul. However, Kenshin refused, saying that he did not want to kill any more than he needed to and that Kujiranami should live in the new era. Already feeling that he had been robbed of a warrior's pride and era, being robbed of a warrior's death was the last straw for Kujiranami. Since then he vowed to kill Kenshin for dishonoring him and joined the Six Comrades to get his revenge. Enishi gave Kujiranami an 3705:
a "testament" of the "wrong thinking of a previous age" and gave her a manner that contrasts with Yahiko's "acts-before-he-thinks" manner. Her design model originated from a popular "planet-themed" anime series, particularly its character symbolized by the "ringed-planet." As Tsubame is "an average girl" the author decided that her hair should either be in a bowl cut or in pigtails, and after watching that anime he decided on a bowl cut. In the final chapter Watsuki designed Tsubame to look "as cute as possible" since he wanted a story where she was the heroine. Her new waitress outfit, which looks like a maid outfit, was going to be for his next work, but because the maid style was already being overdone at the time, he decided to include it in a work before it went out of style. Tsubame's name originates from places where Watsuki lived in
1901:'s last sword, Chō intimidates Arai Seikū's wife into revealing its location; the blade was offered to a temple. Because he takes Seikū's son Iori with him, Kenshin fights Chō even though his sakabatō is broken. After hearing him talk of the new era, Seikū entrusts Kenshin with his father's last sword. Despite assuming the sword to be a normal one, Kenshin is forced to use it to stop Chō; only to learn that it is another sakabatō. After Shishio's death, Chō, who was given a full pardon in exchange for information, pays Kenshin and his friends a visit to inform them of what has happened to the members of the Juppongatana before going to work under Saitō as a spy and informant. He later appears several times in the Jinchū arc investigating or relaying information about Enishi. In the anime, Chō later appears when he tries to attack 1240:." But somehow, he became "a total fake" who became "a smaller and smaller man" as the story progressed, until he was "defeated by a single blow—ending almost as a villain." The author concluded that designing and developing Raijūta taught him "quite a bit," and he wanted to give Raijūta "peace" in future stories, but added "then again...this guy—! Sigh." Raijūta's appearance was originally based on an American superhero comic book character, but as the story progressed, his appearance and personality "deteriorated." Because he had difficulty with "the complicated details" in the Oniwabanshū story arc, Watsuki gave Raijūta a relatively simple outfit with only one design flourish, the black feathers, which turned out to be difficult to draw. Watsuki concluded that the development of Raijūta taught him a lot about character design. 1468:. She became reviled at the Japanese government's refusal to compensate the newly emancipated prostitutes due to it regarding them as equivalent to livestock. She serves as Kenshin, Saitō and Sanosuke's guide through Shishio's maze-like hideout, taking them from each duel to avoid traps. She is often concerned about Shishio and his medical state. When Shishio's body becomes overheated in his fight with Kenshin, she runs in between them and pleads with Kenshin to end the duel. Still, Shishio runs her through with his sword, mortally wounding her and injuring the unguarded Kenshin. Knowing that she has finally been of use to Shishio in his most important battle, she dies happy and released from her former frustration for not being able to fight next to him. She is then seen with Shishio and Hōji in hell. 4447:
did not give Tsunan "interesting" qualities, so he added the "fake artist" trait. Due to exhaustion and scheduling issues, the arc became three chapters instead of the planned four and Watsuki said some parts did not get fully developed as a result. The author expressed a desire to use Tsunan at a later point in the series since he is the sole character with a "mass media" connection and therefore could have further uses. Despite the fact that Tsunan is "a little depressing," Watsuki likes Tsunan's "straightforward personality." Tsunan had no design model. Due to a lack of time Watsuki adapted an earlier concept of a man with dreadlocks, which "to my surprise, turned out to be just right." After making some "tweaks" the design assembled "quickly," with the
parents. Kenshin defeats Senkaku, Shishio's man in charge of the village, and Shishio and his forces leave. Eiji tries to kill the unconscious Senkaku with a sword, but Saitō stops him so the police can question Senkaku. When Eiji insists that Senkaku needs to be killed for his family's honor, Kenshin tells him that his dead family wants him to be happy, not for him to kill someone. Saitō arranges for his wife, Tokio (時尾), to care for Eiji in the near future. Watsuki created Eiji between the tragedy in Shingetsu village and the concept of a new beginning, and with the main theme of revenge. In retrospect, the author said that the plot pulled Eiji around and therefore could not develop as a character. Watsuki felt the design looked too similar to Yahiko.
4782:. For the last ten years Yamagata has looked for his former comrade Kenshin. When he finally finds him he asks Kenshin to stop carrying a sword and join him and other former comrades, but is turned down. In the anime, he appears again as the assassination target of a corrupt politician, Takuma Hashizume, but thanks to Kenshin, he was saved and Hashizume was arrested. Later in the anime, he alerts Kenshin about an assassination attempt led by Ukyo Inagi. Yamagata also plays an important role in the anime's Feng Shui arc assisting Kawaji and Tsunan with stopping the plot to destroy the Circle of Eternity. Watsuki said that he could not get his version of Yamagata to resemble surviving photographs of the real Yamagata. He is portrayed by 4584:
famous women's manga involving babies." Watsuki said that he created the father and mother "on the spot." Watsuki felt that Seikū's design in the end "kind of" looked similar to Takeda Kanryū, and so concluded that the design "didn't turn out quite right." But admitted that he also initially thought Azusa was "not quite right" until changing his mind, feeling "she's a really good character." The author added that he found it "refreshing" that Azusa is the first female character he designed who shows her entire forehead. Watsuki was planning to have Seikū's family reappear later in the Kyoto arc with Yahiko as the lead character in the story. Iori tied with Jin-e for eighteenth place in the series' second character popularity poll.
2813:'s home. During the attack on Kamiya dojo, he is taken down by Saitō and arrested, but later goes berserk in his jail cell and breaks out. He gets the upgraded weapon he received from Enishi, a grenade launcher, and goes on a rampage in Tokyo searching for Kenshin. Yahiko is the only one around to fight Kujiranami at the time and manages to hold him off until Kenshin arrives and cuts off his grenade launcher, which returns his sanity. Afterwards Yahiko manages to convince Kujiranami that his hatred for a fellow samurai is wrong and has done nothing for him except lead him down the wrong path. Moved to tears by Yahiko's words, Kujiranami accepts that he was wrong, apologizes to Kenshin and turns himself back into the police. 4522:'s first unit. As a child soldier underneath Sōzō, Sanosuke looked up to him greatly; hence he took Sōzō's family name as his own and became Sagara Sanosuke. Supporters of the revolution, the Sekihō Army traveled the countryside spreading news about the upcoming change of regime, such as tax cuts. The Meiji government could not keep the promise and so used the Sekihō Army as scapegoats, denouncing them as a "false army." Sōzō was decapitated when he reported to the commanding general and his head was placed on a platform in a cage for all to see, haunting Sanosuke for many years and causing his embitterment towards the Meiji government. In the anime, Sōzō died of fatal gunshot wounds while protecting Sanosuke. 4999:
Kaoru but Shura did not accept that because of her belief that the Kairyu do not harm woman or children, so she took Kenshin to free Kaoru. Due to Shura's strictness and honor-bound rules, along with the fact that she is a woman, she became very unpopular amongst the crew, with the exception of two, Sarujiro and Iwazo. As a result, the rest of them chose Ginjo, one member who allied with an opium dealer (Senbonya Yohei) they once robbed, as their new leader, and attempted to kill Shura in mutiny after adding firearms in their dealings. Shura returned, and with the help of Kenshin, defeated her wayward crew, and with Sarujiro and Iwazo, she left to the sea, as they were still criminals. Shura fought with a
could not form any words. Still, an editor commented that Senkaku "is not a wild animal" during a meeting, so Watsuki scrapped this idea. Senkaku had no model for his personality, and after the scrapping of the inarticulation trait he became "pretty much just muscle-head small fry." Senkaku's design originates from the design of the four Abukuma priests, a group of minor antagonists. Watsuki had no attachment towards the four bald priests, but felt that the cone-shaped head design was "a waste for an unimportant character." So he instead used that design for Senkaku, who Watsuki said turned out to be unimportant also. In retrospect Watsuki felt that the Coneheads may have influenced him in a
2989:, whom he had competitive killing sprees with. In reality Otowa joined the fight just for pleasure. Otowa attacks Chief Uramura's house as part of the Jinchū campaign while Inui simultaneously attacks Maekawa dojo. Otowa later fights Myōjin Yahiko during the attack on Kamiya dojo. He comes close to killing Yahiko with a few of his weapons, but Yahiko eventually defeats him. As Otowa goes down he has a crazed smile on his face as he could not believe his defeat at the hands of someone not even half his age;. However, Sanosuke notes Otowa was not in peak form because he feared Kenshin's abilities and thought of fleeing after the duel with Yahiko. Otowa is arrested by the police afterwards. 2584:, is a member of the Juppongatana and a giant. Considered a freak by everyone around him, one day he was attacked and almost killed but Saizuchi found him and took him in. The gentle, depressed Fuji was in an ideal state for Saizuchi to manipulate his emotions and turn him into an unbelievable fighter. Saizuchi keeps telling Fuji that he owes him for saving his life and uses that to control him. Fuji is easily defeated by Hiko Seijūrō, who acknowledges Fuji's samurai soul and was the first to look at Fuji as someone other than a monster. Pardoned for his crimes, the Meiji government assigns Fuji to Hokkaidō to develop land and act as a defending fighter during times of war. 4260:
Raijūta's enemies, as aspects of his youth. Watsuki said that Yutarō is one of the "good guys" but because he was "brought down a bit" by the author's "most disgraceful character" (Raijūta) he may not have been developed "to his full extent." Yutarō's design is also the opposite of Yahiko. Watsuki initially had difficulty with his hair, but once he got used to it, it became easy and he enjoyed drawing it. He also had difficulty in compensating for Yutarō's black-less design on the page, which if he was not careful, would go all white. Yutarō came in eighth place in the series' first character popularity poll.
2597:, after Watsuki saw the film. He wondered if it would "even be interesting" for Kenshin to fight a giant, but could not let it go and so decided to have Fuji fight Hiko instead. Watsuki revealed that he and his editor both had doubts about actually doing it because Fuji was so big, but friends and assistants told him it would be fun and he was pleased that it seemed to have paid off. Fuji also utilized inspiration from what Watsuki was told is a Finnish folktale called "Frost Giant", in which a monster-like giant is revealed to have a heart. The design was inspired by the first 3113:, who are skilled in various fighting styles. In exchange for being allowed to use the organization's resources for his personal Jinchū campaign, Enishi agreed to hand over total control of it to Heishin. After receiving control, Heishin tries to have the Sū-shin take Enishi's revenge by killing Kenshin. But all four are defeated by Kenshin's comrades, while Heishin is beaten up by Enishi. He later recovers and begins shooting with dual revolvers, managing to wound Kenshin before being beaten up by Enishi again, but just when Enishi is about to kill Heishin, Kenshin stops him. 3855:
Yahiko. He is gunned down by Kanryū's Gatling gun trying to help save Aoshi. In the anime only, one of his darts jams Kanryū's Gatling gun. Watsuki stated that Beshimi was "largely created on-the-spot" and does not have a motif. He said that without a personality set for him, the character turned out "kind of timid." Not originally intended to be a standalone character, Beshimi became shorter than Kenshin to add variety to the Oniwabanshū. Watsuki said that Beshimi's shortness and timidness gave him a group of fans who wrote to him calling the character "cute."
1589:, is Shishio's second-in-command. He used to be an official in the Meiji government but lost faith in it when he saw no one in the government worthy of leading the country. He abandoned his position in the government and eventually met Shishio. Hōji envisions Japan as a mighty power led by Shishio, ruling with the principles of basic animal survival. Although he is not proficient in any fighting style, he is a cunning organizer and possesses formidable leadership qualities. He manages to acquire firearms on the black market and purchases the gigantic 3749:. He becomes a friend of Kenshin's and often informs him of local disturbances like when he requests assistance in stopping Udō Jin-e. During the Jinchū arc, Uramura's house is attacked and destroyed by Otowa and Kujiranami as part of Enishi's plan to strike at the places in Tokyo most important to Kenshin; but Uramura and his family are saved by Kenshin. As a favor to Kenshin, he deliberately points the police in the wrong direction when they attempt to arrest Sanosuke towards the end of the series. In the anime adaptation he is named "Chief Muraki" 3117:
anything." The author felt that chapters flew by and he was unable to set Heishin's personality, so he became "this pathetic creature." Even though Heishin was his favorite "#2," he became an unattractive character and Watsuki regretted how he turned out. Heishin also had no design model; he was designed around the time of the Tomoe chapters when Watsuki was aiming for originality and creating characters that did not obviously look like any other. Heishin was designed to be "heavy" on black to contrast with the "whiteness" of Enishi.
little boy. Watsuki felt that the story was a little unsatisfactory because he was tired from the previous storyline and therefore unable to concentrate. In retrospect, he said he should have chosen either Uki or Ōta and made it only a three-person family. However, the author said that illustrating the family was fun and that he liked challenging himself with a whole family. Watsuki had no models for the visual designs of the characters. Kamishimoemon originated from a concept of an aged Sanosuke that was considered for the final
named them the "Four Stars", but changed it to the "Four Gods" and individually named them after the four godly beasts. He realized this and tried to fix the dialogue but it "got weird" and the fights were not as glamorous as he had hoped. This made him realize how important it is to decide the scenes and plot in advance. The Sū-shin had no design models either; it was simply an easy to draw design and making them quadruplets in Chinese clothes without any tone. Although you can tell them apart by their head tattoos and weapons.
2653:, they are the primary antagonist group of the Jinchū arc. Rather than simply kill Kenshin, they decide they must make him recognize his past crimes first. The group agreed to disband then and whoever gets to Kenshin first gets to kill him. Because many of the Juppongatana were characters that were "hard to hate," Watsuki wanted to make the five comrades (excluding Enishi) in this storyline as "scum-like" as possible. But because he created villains with no ideals or beliefs, it wasn't easy to portray them as an enjoyable read. 1636:) it "strummed the chords of heart," and ideas came one after another until Hōji became one of his favorite characters. Watsuki stated that Hōji's character design is "100% original" to him and that it is one of which he is the most confident. Watsuki added that the one aspect he did not like about Hōji is his costume; he had wanted to make it more like the "European style authentic" to the period but could not find any resources. The author revealed that by the end of the Kyoto arc, Hōji would become "a pretty cool guy." 2773:." Gein's obsession with functional and physical beauty comes from the author's own. Gein had no model in terms of physical design; his costume mixes the outfits worn by stage crew and a skull mark from his "necromancer" image. This minimal "highlights" outfit was a successful experiment for Watsuki's next work where he hoped to have fewer highlights to save time. Gein ranked eighth in the "Who is Kenshin's Biggest Rival?" poll. In the first live-action film, Gein appears as one of Kanryū's men and is portrayed by 2531:. Watsuki said that the large size of Director-General Luchi's head would "freak me out." Watsuki commented that Luchi's design was "efficient" since one could tell that he was brilliant at one glance. Watsuki felt that of all the Juppongatana, Saizuchi got the "short end of the stick" since the character did not have a chance to fully display what his "massive brain could do." He described this as the "Senkaku Effect," where the characters with the "best noggins" are not used to their "full potential." 3894:
never drawn a figure like that before, he went through several designs until he found one he could draw comfortably and repeatedly. Watsuki decided to give Hyottoko the ability to breathe fire, because he felt it would be natural for an "onmitsu" to be "flashy." Looking back, the author saw the character as somewhat out of place and "not really organic" to his world. According to Watsuki Hyottoko's fire breathing and Kenshin's sword spinning method to defeat it received criticism from fans, authors of
1912:. An assistant from Kansai checked Chō's accent, but Watsuki had it "broken down" so that everyone from Japan can understand it; meaning Chō's Kansai accent differs from the actual one. Watsuki created Chō's basic design when he was 20 years old; originally designed to be a space alien. While Watsuki did not use the alien aspect, he said the "horse-headed monkey-face" was "hard to throw out completely," so he used it for Chō. The original design had black, "messy" hair swept back, but he gave Chō a " 3409:. His imposing looks, unrivaled fighting prowess and inflated ego are trademarks of his character. Years ago, Seijūrō rescued a young boy named Shinta from a gang of bandits, took him under his wing and gave him the name "Kenshin". He intended for the boy to one day succeed him as master of his deadly art, but the two severed ties when Kenshin abandoned his training in order to serve the Ishin Shishi. Fifteen years later, Kenshin seeks out Seijūrō and begs him to teach him the final technique of 2411:
the author portrayed Version One as a very mysterious character, but the design kept changing and he became a "weird, but likable personality." Version Two was not intended to appear, but because Gein broke Version One, Watsuki had to "cut and paste" and later utilized this in the story. Version Three had to fight Kenshin and therefore was made into a "powerful suit." After all this, the author reflected that he seems to have gotten carried away, making Iwanbō feel out of place in the
4063:, was a member of the Oniwabanshū during the Bakumatsu. Sent to Kyoto to set up an information network, the Aoi-Ya inn became his headquarters. Although old, Okina still possesses a quick mind and knows all that goes on in Kyoto as the old intelligence network is still active. Okina was expected to become the next leader of the Oniwabanshū but refused the position, saying that it was the time for the younger generation, and recommended Aoshi. He uses his network to help Kenshin find 3504:. He was killed by Kenshin in 1864 in Kyoto, but not before injuring him with the first half of his cross-shaped scar. Around six months later, Kenshin sticks up for Tomoe against two Aizu samurai in a pub. Later when she tries to thank him, she witnesses him kill an assassin sent to kill him. She faints, though Kenshin knows he should kill her for being a witness, he can not bring himself to do so and takes her to his room at an inn housing his fellow 2512:. Saizuchi's talents lie not in battle-abilities, but his proficient use of words. Having taken Fuji in after he was nearly killed, Saizuchi reminds Fuji that he has to repay him. During the Juppongatana's attack of Aoi-Ya, Saizuchi attempts to destroy the morale of the Oniwabanshū by giving a speech as to why it is impossible for them to defeat Fuji and himself. Saizuchi is knocked unconscious when Fuji's left arm falls on him upon being defeated by 3047:
clan, which he blames on the Ishin Shishi and Kenshin. Before he can fight Kenshin however, he ends up fighting Saitō instead and is brutally maimed in defeat, despite having managed to outmaneuver the man's trademark attack once. Kenshin stops Saitō from killing him and offers to let Yatsume fight him if he still wants to after healing, but suggests that he go up north and use his abilities to help his clan. He is arrested by the police afterwards.
3599:. She is Yahiko and Tsubame's boss, and Sanosuke owes her a seemingly large sum of money in which interest is accounted for. She tries to push the relationship between Kenshin and Kaoru since it seemed it to her that it was not working. The Akabeko is destroyed by Kujiranami Hyōgo at the start of the Six Comrades' revenge against Kenshin, but it is re-opened at a temporary located soon after. She has an identical twin sister named Sekihara Sae 2395:, is a fat oaf and one of the Juppongatana sent to attack Aoi-Ya. He fights using small blades worn on his fingertips and his large body; his skin is too thick to cut. He is very stupid and says very little. Despite defeating four members of the Kyoto Oniwabanshū by himself, Iwanbō flees when Henya and Kamatari are defeated. After Shishio's defeat, Chō remarks that Iwanbō is too stupid to do anything on his own. Iwanbō is later shown to be a 8939: 3804:, they are Shinomori Aoshi, Han'nya, Shikijō, Hyottoko, Beshimi, Okina, Misao, and the others at the Aoi-Ya. Aoshi's group is referred as the Tokyo Group, while Misao and Okina's squad is known as the Kyoto Group. After the Bakumatsu, of all of the Oniwabanshū members, only Aoshi received job offers from government agencies, such as army intelligence and protection services of political leaders; Aoshi instead chose not to abandon his men. 4580:
peaceful life in the Meiji era and does not want to make anymore weapons. Wanting Shakkū's final sword, Sawagejō Chō kidnaps Iori and uses him as a hostage until Azusa reveals that it was offered to the Hakusan Shrine as a "godsword." With Kenshin about to lose to Chō without a sword, Seikū entrusts his father's last sword to Kenshin, who immediately uses it to defeat Chō; to everyone's surprise the sword is also a sakabatō.
feels that Ōkubo, who had been demonized during his time period, is an example of what a politician should be and needs more appreciation from the population. For his design, Watsuki wanted to use portrait photographs of Ōkubo, but could not find them. So he tried using a statue as a model, but believes that the final product does not look at all similar to the statue. In retrospect he believes that the character resembles
4137:. Watsuki said that while he was careful to not make Okina look too similar to his influence, his assistants guessed the design model right away. He expressed disappointment with Okina's hair; he intended for it to stand up when Okina is very angry, making him resemble "Sally's dad from the anime." Because of a lack of available pages, Watsuki concluded "this hasn't ended up coming across too well." He is portrayed by 851:. Having escaped jail, the Hiruma Brothers appear again, hiring Sanosuke to fight Kenshin and planning to use a gun to kill a weakened Kenshin. When Kenshin defeats Sanosuke, he stops Kihei's bullet dead on the guard of his sword. When the brothers try to attack Kaoru and Yahiko, Sanosuke defeats Gohei and Kenshin injures Kihei into submission. Later in the series, they are employed as bodyguards by 2044:. Still, the plot went in a different direction, with Usui fighting and dying at the hands of Saitō. Watsuki stated that the Terminator-like character he did not use would show up after the Kyoto arc. The author said he regretted creating Usui like he regretted creating Raijūta, but that Usui became more popular and therefore "that must also mean" Usui is stronger. The model for Usui's design is 4443:
Kenshin buries his bombs, Tsukioka stops painting and starts his own newspaper to report the government's wrongdoings. However, he still makes bombs solely as protection and gave several to Sanosuke just before he followed Kenshin to Kyoto. In the anime series, he becomes a valuable source of information for Kenshin and Sanosuke, serving as their intelligence source during the Feng Shui arc.
4632:, died around two years after the birth of Ōta due to a cold. Uki became protective of her little brother because Sanosuke left them and because her mother died, so she was afraid of losing other family members. As a result, Ōta was sheltered. After learning about Sanosuke's deeds Ōta becomes willing to fight. At the end of the series, Ōta's name is listed as a student at Kaoru's dojo. 5054:, and to make the Holy Land, after his parents were killed for their beliefs, when Christians were persecuted during the Shogunate. He mastered "God Speed" by the age of 14, and according to Kenshin, had surpassed even God Speed. His followers believe that he is the "Son of God". Some of his "miracles" were really just due to his education in Western Medicine, and other sciences. 3538: 533:, and a skilled swordsman who his comrades highly respect. After he is defeated by Himura Kenshin and his comrades are killed, he becomes obsessed with killing Kenshin to earn the title of "the strongest" for the pride of the Oniwabanshū. He raised Makimachi Misao, the granddaughter of the previous Okashira, under his protection as a member of the Oniwabanshū. 867:
broken thumb and an expulsion. Gohei tries to take over the Kamiya dojo in the story, but Kenshin prevents him from doing so. Gohei hires Sanosuke to defeat Kenshin, but this fails. Later, he hires the Kisaki brothers to defeat Kenshin. Though they almost succeed, the brothers are beaten and Yahiko sends Gohei limping away after kicking him in the genitals.
provokes Sano into attacking him with the Mastery of Two Layers again and is defeated as a result with both of his gauntlets destroyed. After being taken down, Inui vows to kill Sano next time and Sano welcomes him to try but warns him that he will not win as long as he wears the gauntlets to cover his weakness. Banjin is arrested by the police afterwards.
2894:. Kangetsu was also the design model for the character, specifically the version of Kangetsu that appears at the end of the game. Watsuki said that because a lot of different concepts went into Inui, he looks weird, which the author greatly regrets. He also regrets him looking too much like Kangetsu, and vowed that this would be the last time he uses 1076:, Jin-e found employment under the corrupt, power-hungry businessman, Takeda Kanryū. While sent to assassinate Takani Megumi, Jin-e crosses paths with Kenshin and recognizes him. As Kenshin and Sanosuke deal with Kanryū, Jin-e captures Kaoru and paralyzes her lungs to force Kenshin into a duel that ultimately leads to his suicide. He is portrayed by 466:" and in the manga vixen ears appear whenever she indulges in her sense of humor), but helps Kaoru come to terms with her feelings towards Kenshin. She is loyal to her friends and is always there to heal their wounds, especially Sanosuke, whom she often cautions about fighting. At the end of the series, she leaves Tokyo to open a clinic in Aizu. 2167:
his crimes, the government hopes to use Kamatari as a foreign spy under the guise of an exchange student, but his sadness over Shishio's death has him contemplating suicide. So Chō lies to Kamatari, claiming that Shishio wanted the Juppongatana to live and spread his story to prevent the government from rewriting it in the event of their loss.
Shishio's strength, even throwing away a gun he had hidden after Shishio and Kenshin's fight surpasses Shishio's fifteen-minute time limit. He is in utter disbelief when Shishio finally loses upon bursting into flames and destroys Shishio's hideout in an attempt to kill Kenshin and company rather than accept his master's defeat. He is saved by
1052:, Jin-e is one of the assassins hired by Takeda Kanryū to kill Kenshin. His kidnapping of Kaoru and fight with Kenshin are similar with some differences. He has holes in both hands from when Kenshin pierced them during the Bakumatsu, where he now inserts hilt-less swords to fight. Watsuki said that many of the changes he made to Jin-e in 285:
the killings he once committed as an assassin. He meets a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru in Tokyo, who invites him to live in her dojo despite learning about Kenshin's past. Throughout the series, Kenshin begins to establish relationships with many people, including ex-enemies, while dealing with his fair share of foes, new and old.
3038:. As a result, Yatsume's limbs are about 1.5 times as long as normal, with the notable exception of his left arm, which is twice as long and equipped with metal claws. His teeth have also been sharpened into fangs from a young age, although his long tongue is natural. Fifteen years earlier, Yatsume took up fighting and joined the 394:, he became a fighter-for-hire to calm his anger by fighting. During his introduction in the series, he encounters the wanderer Himura Kenshin, who easily defeats him and can convince him to stop his mercenary work and instead start protecting people. Sanosuke becomes Kenshin's best friend and his partner in most of their fights. 737:, the Yaminobu lost status and were reduced to working as mercenaries for hire. Kubota was hired to Shishio's faction and later trailed Ashitaro to retrieve Shishio's sword. Despite her fear of Kenshin after learning that he killed his Yukishiro Tomoe in during the Bakumatsu, she is surprised to find well-meaning the former 3950:"; intending for his face to be deformed because a person stepped on it while he was still in his mother's womb. Other people would have treated Han'nya like a monster and therefore he would have lived alone in the mountains until Aoshi finds him. Han'nya would join the Oniwabanshū, becoming a tragic figure who finds his 41: 2221:. The large chain-scythe that Kamatari uses exists in real life, but Watsuki made the blade larger to give it "a real super-impact look" and noted that it is not intended to be used in the way that Kamatari does. Kamatari came in sixteenth place in the series' second character popularity poll and tenth in the third. 2407:' attack on Kamiya dojo. This version has unrestricted detachable joints, allowing every limb to move in any direction, and anti-piercing armor of woven steel protecting Gein inside. It is defeated when Kenshin lodges debris in its internal gears to stop its offense, and then destroyed by his strongest technique. 4256:
who plans to overthrow the Meiji government. During a scuffle one of Raijūta's men accidentally hits Yutarō, causing him to fall into the ocean. After Kenshin rescues him Yutaro gets to know Kenshin's group. In a similar manner Raijūta injures Yutarō's right arm, and Yutarō goes to Germany for medical treatment.
3971:. The design model for Han'nya was a human skeleton. His left and right eyes being two different shapes and sizes originates from the elephant man concept. Watsuki said that Han'nya is not a character one would describe as "evil." Han'nya came in fourteenth place in the series' third character popularity poll. 1497:
making them appear "cute," but also by making them "seductive, or even evil." He added that, since Yumi had a "sexed-up body," botching even one line could make the character appear "downright indecent." Watsuki stated that in this way, Yumi taught him the importance of skillful sketching. She is portrayed by
1277:, a corrupt politician. Because Arundo is jealous that Shibumi orders Saitō Hajime to kill Kenshin, Saitō allows Arundo to have the job, knowing he stands no chance. Arundo ambushes Kenshin and tries to use a chain to immobilize Kenshin but is ultimately defeated. Arundo discovers that Saitō is allied with 5113:
faith. She is shot as she protects the Dutch consul, who can save her townspeople, and refuses to be treated in the hope that the people she cares for will be saved. She dies in Sanosuke's arms after telling him her real name. Shogo promises to make her dreams of a land of equality and peace a reality.
ever since she was a child (which she perhaps obtained from her mother, who suffered the same illness). She is often seen accompanied by Shozo, a childhood friend whom she and her brother saved from persecution. Magdalia is a devout Christian and believes in everything that her brother says and does,
chapter. He described Uki as just a "modern, easy to draw type." Ōta is a "typical Watsuki image" of a weak child from a rural area who has cheeks with circle marks. Watsuki intended for designs that would be drawn quickly, but found it difficult and as they evolved he decided that he needed to study
Watsuki said that he always had some idea of what Sanosuke's family would be like, and therefore formed the Higashidani family along those concepts. Kamishimoemon is what Sanosuke will be like when he is older, Uki is very "lively" and protective of others, and Ōta is the opposite of Sanosuke, a weak
volume two, but repeated that leaving it out was not an option. With no actual historic photographs of Sōzō to use as a design, the character became popular "in the eyes (and hearts) of female readers." Sagara came in sixth place in the series' first character popularity poll and eleventh in both the
painter. Like Sanosuke, he was a child soldier of the Sekihō Army. For the past ten years he has cursed the Meiji government and created a cache of grenades to blow up the department of internal affairs. He recruits Sanosuke and they embark on their terrorist attack, but are stopped by Kenshin. After
with Ōkubo being thought of as "sly" and "cunning." The author expressed disappointment in this and instead stated that while Ōkubo was indeed a strategist during the Bakumatsu, he was ethical during the Meiji era and did not try to enrich himself personally through politics (like Saigō did). Watsuki
Watsuki had no particular model for Okina's personality; Okina is his image of an "old soldier." Okina, a "gentle, run-down-at-the-seams" elderly man, summons his powers and corrects the younger generation when it is confused or does something wrong. Watsuki supposes that a bit of the character Kohei
is a skilled martial artist and was the master of intelligence for the Edo Castle Oniwabanshū. In the poor village he was born in, it is common to abandon a child at birth to reduce the number of people to feed. Han'nya survived and wandered around like an animal until Aoshi found him and trained him
is the large and fat member of the Oniwabanshū. A mid-ranked omnitsu, Hyottoko breathes fire at his opponents by means of a large oil bag he keeps stored in his stomach with a nozzle coming out of his mouth, that he ignites by using his false teeth of flint. Hyottoko received no prosperous government
is the smallest of the Oniwabanshū and uses his stealth to compensate for his lack of strength. A cunning, but bottom-ranked onmitsu, Beshimi received no prosperous government job offers because of his physical competency in only one skill. His favorite weapons are spiral darts, with which he poisons
Watsuki said that he did not have a specific model for Tsubame's personality. The storyline was created to act as a bridge to the Raijūta one and to give Yahiko the spotlight. The concept of "a young girl being a young man's motivation to act" introduced her as the heroine. The author used Tsubame as
character does not directly fight but instead invents machines to help his team members, so Watsuki wanted a character who held a support role in the Juppongatana. At first Hōji was just an individual who was surprised a lot, but Watsuki realized that would "get awfully dull." When he decided to look
1228:. Kenshin realizes that despite all his talk of the killing sword, Raijūta has never actually killed anyone himself and is a fraud. Kenshin defeats him, but Raijūta picks up Yahiko and threatens to kill him. When Raijūta is confronted with the choice of actually killing someone, Kenshin explains what 870:
Watsuki described the creation of the brothers as a "direct function of the story." Watsuki wanted "interesting villains to start things off with a bang" and made one "brainy" and the other "wild." He decided that the story involving the two coming together was taking "too many" pages, so he made the
to repay the debt he had presumably owed, as his parents died before they could repay it. When Himura Kenshin rescues him, he decides to grow up to be just like Kenshin. But because of his strong beliefs, Kenshin will not teach the sword style he had learned. Therefore, Kenshin arranges for Yahiko to
is the daughter of the former leader of the Kairyu Pirates, who were poor villagers dedicated to robbing only from the corrupted wealthy people. After her father's death, she succeeded him in leader, and continued his legacy of robbing only the corrupt. During one raid, some pirates wanted to kidnap
In the anime Yutarō's father, a well-known swordsman, is dead. Yutarō, who had inherited a lot of money after his parents died, wishes to learn swordsmanship to become as skilled as his father. When he sees Kenshin, he demands lessons on how to use a sword, but Kenshin refuses. Yutarō finds Raijūta,
is the second-in-command of Enishi's black market organization that smuggles weapons from Shanghai to Japan. While Enishi likes to rule from action and fear, Heishin rules from careful planning, and this balance is what allowed their organization to grow so fast. He possesses no true fighting skills
Watsuki had no personality model for Otowa and made him cruel because he is a shadow instrument user, which he notes resulted in him being like Kanryū. The author wanted to make him more cunning and sadistic, but said Otowa was not developed satisfactorily due to his own incompetence. Otowa's design
Originally considered for the Juppongatana, Inui started as a "camouflage costume character." Then he was going to have army style hand-to-hand combat, but when it was questioned whether or not such a thing existed in this time period, he changed to being a combined martial-arts user, with gauntlets
and, as a result, began to expose more and more of Yumi's cleavage and shoulders, "eventually increasing the sexiness by about 120%." Admitting that he has always had trouble drawing women, Watsuki stated that drawing Yumi taught him that he could have fun while drawing female characters not just by
Watsuki stated, "this character's only there to get beat up." Appearing to aid story development, Arundo does not have much personality aside from arrogance (Watsuki's favorite personality trait for villains). Watsuki believes that he could not make Arundo's chain-scythe appear like real chains. The
one-shot. Kanryū wears white since Watsuki felt that "between Kenshin and Aoshi, there was too much black already." Watsuki felt that since he emphasized Megumi and the Oniwabanshū, Kanryū never became the character he intended, which "was a bit of a letdown." The historical Takeda Kanryūsai is well
who was raised by the Oniwabanshū. She traveled to Tokyo searching for Shinomori Aoshi whom she is in love with. She wishes to learn what happened to Aoshi and his comrades and follows Kenshin to Kyoto, hoping to meet him again. When she learns of how Aoshi has become evil and obsessed with revenge,
one-shot, Megumi, Kaoru, and Yahiko were siblings. Despite this version and her final version in the main series being so different, Watsuki said they have the same spirit and are not so unalike. Although he admitted the one-shot's version of Megumi had a "lighter quality" because of her small role,
is a politician in the Army Ministry and a former member of the Ishin Shishi. Tani is wealthy, pompous and self-centered. Kurogasa marks him as an assassination target, but Kenshin and Sanosuke successfully defend Tani. Later in the series, Tani and Sanosuke get into an altercation; Tani, the uncle
knowledge (the name Hyottoko is formed by the kanji for "Fire" and "Man"), he created a fire-breather. The creator made Hyottoko fat since he wanted the Oniwabanshū to represent several shapes and sizes and because the character would have a bag of oil in his stomach. Watsuki said that since he had
Watsuki described the addition of the Oniwabanshū as a "last minute" choice. When the author first discussed the "Megumi arc" with his editor, the editor replied that "having a swordsman of Kenshin's caliber fighting a group of punk-thugs still coming into their first facial hair mi-i-ight not make
paintings. He said that Tae was his first character to evolve in this manner and he would like it to continue to surprise himself. The author said he used "no thought" while creating Tae, including a lack of planning in her character design, which originates from a rejected model for Kenshin with a
The Sū-shin had no personality models and were created simply to "fill out the numbers." As the story advanced towards Kenshin's final battle, Watsuki realized that the other characters would have no "glamour" and created the Sū-shin on the spot. Because they were "irresponsibly made," he initially
simultaneously attacks Chief Uramura's house. During the encounter, Sanosuke wrecks one of his gauntlets with the Mastery of Two Layers. After receiving a pair of upgraded gauntlets from Enishi, the "Neo-Invulnerable Gauntlets", he fights Sano again during the attack on Kamiya dojo. In the end Inui
The idea for a one-handed fighter originates from Iba Hachirō, a swordsman from the Bakumatsu. Watsuki originally planned to make Enishi one-handed, but after considering the problems involving a one-handed swordsman facing the skilled Kenshin and deciding that "boss fights" should simply involve a
Following having a "giant" in the Juppongatana (Fuji), Iwanbō was created as a "full body costume." Although Watsuki admitted he might have included too many elements from the Kyoto arc in the Jinchū arc, he said he enjoyed the character of Iwanbō. Because he had to hide that it was just a costume,
Yumi was initially designed to be an attractive accessory for Shishio, as Watsuki believed a villain ought to have a "temptress" or two nearby. He was surprised to see her develop into such a love-driven character. In commenting on her death, the author stated that he saw Yumi's happiness following
that has a structure in which the blade and ridge are struck in the opposite direction to a regular katana, so if it is used normally, it will always be in a ridged state and will have much less killing power. Kenshin wanders the country offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for
having clashing personalities. Her most prized possession is her mother's holy medallion which is lost and eventually returned to her by Sanosuke. She comes to respect him and wishes that she had met someone like him earlier in life so that she could have had a more open heart to those outside her
The corrupt secretary of the senate who employs assassins to eliminate rivals in order to further his own career. He employs Udō Jin-e, Akamatsu Arundo, and Saitō Hajime. Shibumi orders Saitō to kill Kenshin, not knowing that Saitō is in actuality allied to Ōkubo Toshimichi. After Saitō appears at
style. Kaoru occasionally trains/teaches at his dojo, which has increased the school's enrollment numbers. Isurugi Raijūta appears at Maekawa's dojo and defeats him in a match, but Kenshin prevents Raijūta from mortally wounding Maekawa and burning the dojo sign. However, it is stated that Maekawa
Watsuki said that Tsunan originated from a fake advertisement within the series, labeled "Mysterious Artist Appears." When he decided to do the extra Sanosuke chapters he created a "comrade from the Sekihō Army — lone explosive expert plotting overthrow of the government." But felt that this alone
Watsuki said that "stupid" was Kenji's personality model, and described him as equivalent to Arai Iori. The author said that Kenji exists solely to be the son of Kenshin and Kaoru, and even though the character was "cliché", he felt that Kenji had to appear. The author said that he is not "twisted
lookalike, with the only unique feature being her black pupils. The author said he did not realize that because cool beauties do not show emotion, once she revealed her true feelings in the end, she becomes a completely different character. He also pointed out that her death is the same as Yumi's.
who was killed by Kenshin fifteen years ago. Inui does not seek to avenge his master's death, whom he calls a loser, but is using it as an excuse to fight and prove how powerful he is. He likes to boast about being invincible and undefeated, but Sano figures out that Banjin is full of himself from
during the Megumi arc as part of the Oniwabanshū. Still, that story was "not as well-planned as it otherwise might have been," so the chance was lost and Henya had to become one of the Juppongatana. It was originally planned for Henya to engage in a mid-air battle with Kenshin. Still, Watsuki felt
makes use of his broken scythe by twirling the blade and chain rapidly like the blade of a helicopter. Kaoru and Misao defeat Kamatari in a two-on-one battle. He then tries to commit suicide with a needle, but Misao knocks him unconscious, preventing him from driving it into his neck. Pardoned for
pretty popular." Because he also enjoyed drawing Chō, the author felt it would be "a waste" to "finish off" Chō after the conclusion of the Iori story and therefore had him reappear at later points. But in "a bit more of a neutral position" since Watsuki felt it would be strange for Chō to "become
technique, which delivers two hits within 1/75 of a second, allowing him to smash rocks with his limbs. Upon meeting Sagara Sanosuke in a forest, he teaches him his secret technique, without realizing Sanosuke is allied with Kenshin. Although Anji is a master of the technique, his later fight with
and then surrenders himself to the police, not for penance but to use the trial to project Shishio's ideals and plans. However, he is never given a trial and, although he was offered a government job should he pledge loyalty to it, Hōji commits suicide in his cell; using his blood to write a final
Gohei is the only brother to appear in the first anime series and is more intelligent than his manga counterpart. He is a former student at the Kamiya dojo. Still, when Gohei insisted on using swords for killing and then unsuccessfully attacked the master of the dojo, Kaoru's father, he received a
was the swordsmith who made Kenshin's sakabatō. Kenshin seeks Shakkū out in Kyoto for a replacement and learns he is dead, but that his son is still alive and learned everything he knew. With his sakabatō broken, Kenshin asks Seikū to make a new sword, but Seikū refuses because he wants to live a
that their bodies had battle potential. But the Yaminobu were defeated by Kenshin and the Shogunate defeated by the Ishin Shishi. Yatsume wants revenge on Kenshin to uphold the laws of his clan (which state that anyone who sees a member of their clan must be killed) and for the misfortunes of his
The overall model for Saizuchi is a villainous elf who tricks the giant in what Watsuki was told is a Finnish folktale called "Frost Giant"; he combined that with an "image of a giant-robot pilot." Originally Watsuki planned for Okina to fight Saizuchi, but he cut the concept because he wanted to
Usui originated from a chat Watsuki had with one of his assistants who proposed a blind swordsman. Although originally not interested in the idea, Watsuki decided to go with it after discussing the Shingan ability that read people's emotions by listening to their heartbeat and pulse. The original
Originally, Senkaku was one of the Juppongatana, so Watsuki put a lot of effort into his creation. But since Shishio and Sōjirō were present and Kenshin needed to go to Kyoto, he decided to make Senkaku a "violent village despot." Originally the author had Senkaku as an experimental character who
and has high speed, contrary to his size. However, this proves to be his undoing, as Kenshin defeats Senkaku in a battle by using the gigantic size to stress out Senkaku's limits, causing his leg to break. The police take Senkaku away, in which Saitō notes he would most likely be executed. In the
Watsuki said that he had "lots of different things in my mind" when he created the family, but that he forgot many of them. He said that Iori symbolizes peace, Seikū demonstrates selfishness demonstrated by fathers, and Azusa "uh... holds it all together?" Iori's design originated from "a fairly
is a young boy from Shingetsu village who wants to take revenge against Shishio's forces for killing his brother and parents. Saitō Hajime sent Eiji's brother to Shingetsu to investigate the incidents there, hoping that he would not raise suspicion; his cover was blown, and he failed to save his
is a very shy and soft-spoken waitress at Tae's restaurant who becomes Yahiko's sweetheart. The former samurai her family worked for forces her to help him rob the Akabeko until he is defeated by Yahiko. When Himura Kenshin enters a deep depression after the supposed death of Kamiya Kaoru at the
Although a historical figure, Watsuki's own mental image of Sagara Sōzō ended up taking precedence; according to the author, Sōzō genuinely wanted equality for Japan's people. With him being depicted within the framework of Sanosuke's memories, Sōzō ends up being glorified in the story. Watsuki
perfume) to find his purpose to stand again rather than listen to his friends telling him to avenge Kaoru, who mean well but lack the insight to realize what Kenshin's inner conflict is. He is then revealed to be the father of Yukishiro Tomoe and Enishi. He is aware that Tomoe has died and that
in fighting, saying "Only in the Oniwabanshū am I able to live as a human being." Watsuki and his editor discussed how this could be interpreted meaning "the shape of one's destiny is determined by how one is born" and whether or not this would be appropriate for a young men's magazine. Watsuki
one-shot. However, he had difficulty determining Anji's backstory and whether he would be a friend or foe, so he put Anji in "storage" until his ultimate introduction. Having determined that Sanosuke needed to become more powerful, Watsuki introduced Anji as a counterpart to Sanosuke's fighting
is the son of Kamiya Kaoru and Himura Kenshin that appears in the last chapter of the manga as a young child. Although he bears an uncanny resemblance to Kenshin, he is more fond of his mother and less caring towards his father (he has a habit of pulling Kenshin's hair). He also appears in the
by Takeshi Obata; Watsuki wanted to work with the concept of a "monstrous character who's still somehow good looking," which Watsuki says Dogura Magura is "the epitome of." The author admitted that due to the "tight" schedule of the Fuji chapters, he had insufficient time to revise the design,
without anyone knowing. Hōji's plan with the Rengoku fails when Sanosuke blows it up with bombs. Hōji disagrees with Shishio using the Juppongatana to fight Himura Kenshin, believing they might lose, putting their actual goal to overthrow the government in jeopardy. But he strongly believes in
Watsuki had no model for Heishin. He created him after his editor told Watsuki that he needed to put more depth into the black market weapons organization. Since the organization was made simply to explain Enishi's finances, Watsuki believed that the addition of Heishin "didn't seem to change
as the design model for Megumi. Her story arc has "redemption for her crimes" as its theme, and the author wanted to express Kenshin's determination through Megumi. Megumi came in fourteenth place in the series' second character popularity poll, and fifteenth in the third. She is portrayed by
Watsuki created Yutarō as Yahiko's rival with no real model; while they both want to be stronger, their desires come the complete opposite places. He gave Yutarō the traits of admiring Kaoru, an older woman, and Kenshin's strength but made him unable to "be honest" about it because they were
Even though the plot for the "remembrance episodes" was already set before serialization started, which was three and a half years before her debut, Watsuki had no model for Tomoe other than a "super beautiful woman whose intent was unclear" or put simply "cool beauty." He said she became an
on a ship to the Americas. He is revealed to be half-Japanese with blond hair and suspected to be the son of a prostitute to foreigners. While travelling with Kenshin's group to Hakodate, he forms a friendly relationship with Takeda Kanryu based on their similar interests with business. Like
volume four, Watsuki felt disappointed as she did not turn out nearly the way he wanted. However, because she is entertaining to draw and is the only woman Kaoru can interact with, he planned to have Megumi frequently appear as a secondary character. Watsuki's used the young grandmother from
truly entails; the weight of the lives you have taken "dragging you to hell." Raijūta's confidence breaks down and he can no longer wield a sword again. In the first anime, Raijūta is depicted as an actual murderer, ruthlessly killing the thugs he hired to con his way into Yutarō's fortune.
in the live-action films), the second son of another similarly ranked family. Despite her happiness at the arrangement, she is unable to express her emotions openly (hence her keeping diaries to record her inner thoughts and emotions). This reticence left Kiyosato unaware of her thoughts,
2624: 461:
for the past three years. After being freed and stopped from committing suicide by Kenshin and Sanosuke, she becomes a doctor to atone for her past misdeeds. She has a wicked sense of humor and enjoys flirting with Kenshin to make Kaoru jealous (both Kaoru and Sanosuke refer to her as a
2825:, one of Watsuki's favorite villains. He felt that Apocalypse's lips are "quite interesting," so he gave Kujiranami similar lips. Another theme used is "macho middle age fatness," which the author enjoyed depicting. Kujiranami ranked tenth in the "Who is Kenshin's Biggest Rival?" poll. 3768: 6891:"Super late to announce but I'm proud to be part of the reboot of the legendary Rurouni Kenshin as the English voice of Megumi!!! 💜 Much love to @AtlasTalent, @staleybud, @mummynyan & @BangZoom!PS I do not support the actions of the author and have donated to @ChildRescueCo 🙏" 3441:. As one of his favorite characters, Watsuki wanted to use Hiko more often, but because he is more powerful than Kenshin, it was too difficult to find a place to use him in the story. Hiko came in ninth place in the series' second character popularity poll and eighth in the third. 7255:"I have fond memories of growing up watching "Samurai Equis" as a kid. Thrilled to join the cast of Rurouni Kenshin as the voice of Jine Udo! Few things are as fun as playing such an unhinged character. Thank you @BangZoom @mummynyan @aniplexUSA for entrusting me with the role!" 7174:"Oh hey announcement time! I've been having a blast voicing Hiruma Gohei in the new @rurounikenshin! He's such a big, scary, bearded doofus. And of course a master of disguise. 👀 All the love to @BangZoom's awesome team, @mummynyan, @aniplexUSA and @staleybud for having me on!" 4526:
debated whether to include the Sekihō Army Incident due to its obscurity. But because he believed that it exposed the truths and lies of the Meiji Restoration, he decided to include it. He did say that the series' popularity fell to its lowest point during this storyline, as of
and Hiko Seijūrō. When Aoshi allows Shishio's men to attack Aoi-Ya, Okina challenges him to a duel for forgetting the dignity of the Oniwabanshū and becoming just another killer. Okina tends to like drinking games and pretty girls. He is often assisted by fellow ex-Oniwabanshū
sword versus a sword, he made Kujiranami one-handed instead. Kujiranami would be the Terminator-like character that Watsuki initially planned for Usui, but the idea was scrapped again due to him and his assistants being exhausted at the time. The design model for Kujiranami is
1159: 996:
self. Though he assumes his old mindset and crushes Jin-e's right elbow, ending his life as a swordsman, Kenshin stops himself from killing when Kaoru calls out. Though spared, Jin-e stabs himself in the heart, so the police will not discover who his government employer is.
2759:, who made lampshades and chairs out of corpses, combined with the puppet master required by the story. Watsuki suggested Gein might have been one of the most popular of the Six Comrades based on the many negative comments he got when he unveiled his face, like he did with 2212:
as the visual model for Kamatari's face; but colored the hair black, exposed more of the forehead, and had the back of Kamatari's hair "flip out as I've seen so many high-schoolers do these days." Watsuki found that the character's triangular silhouette has influences from
3307:. Fudōsawa hires Sanosuke to fight the farmer, but Sanosuke realizes that Kamishimoemon is his father and that his family is being forced into poverty by Fudōsawa. Sanosuke defeats Fudōsawa's army of 200 men single-handedly and injures Fudōsawa, breaking six of his ribs. 3901:, and personal friends. The author described Hyottoko as the guy who makes a big entrance and "then gets just as spectacularly beaten," who is "ridiculously confident" and "a bit of an idiot", but said that this is just the "natural evolution of the character, I guess." 3237:, a wielder of dual-katana chained at their hilts was the assassin Kenshin killed in front of Tomoe. Finally setting their plan into action in December 1864, they send Enishi to contact Tomoe and leave a note luring Kenshin to their "Binding Forest." Kenshin kills Nakajō 847:, a former dojo in a neighboring town that has become a gathering spot for gamblers and rogues, as their base of operations. When Kaoru begins to discover the truth, the brothers attempt to kill her, but Kenshin easily defeats them after revealing himself to be the real 4322:, to inform Kenshin that Shishio Makoto has amassed an army and plots to overthrow the government. He asks Kenshin to go to Kyoto and kill Shishio for the sake of the country. Returning a week later for Kenshin's answer, Ōkubo is assassinated by Seta Sōjirō with seven 1741:
and member of the Juppongatana. Anji is the third strongest and most merciful of the Juppongatana and has agreed with Shishio that Anji shall decide whether someone lives or dies. He fights alongside Shishio to destroy the Meiji government who did nothing to stop the
created a "skull-like riff on Eva #1" and Watsuki added the biting of his helmet's anchor rope feature, finishing Fuji's helmet face. Watsuki tried "very hard" to keep the body from being too similar to the Eva. Fuji's actual face originates from Dogura Magura in
with a private army of about 60 men plus the Oniwabanshū led by Shinomori Aoshi. Takeda is the head of an opium dealing business where he forces Takani Megumi to create a stronger and fast-working recipe called "Spider's Web" in a scheme to gain a foothold in the
1013:-crazy" and not merely "crazy-acting." Although both the character and story were difficult, Watsuki said it was worth it as Jin-e was the fan-favorite bad guy. He summarized Jin-e as, in a sense, the only character to defeat Kenshin even though he did not defeat 1530:. Watsuki said that several of his assistants suggested ideas for the Juppongatana and that many of the characters grew out of these ideas. In Watsuki's original concept, except for Sōjirō none of the Juppongatana were intended to be "lookers." The author added 888:!" for Gohei. Watsuki stated that, unlike the faces of Kenshin and other characters, the faces of Kihei and Gohei are of basic shapes and therefore the two were easy to draw as a result. He said that he became fonder of the brothers as his deadlines approached. 3525:
Watsuki said he not only regretted what he made her into, but was also "disgusted with himself." He said he did enjoy the first half when she was a cool beauty and would like to bring her back in a different work. In the live action films, she is portrayed by
swordsman and because of the addition of "manliness." At the time, Watsuki said that he was fascinated by images of "manliness" and that Hiko is one of the first characters to reflect this fascination. His cloak originates from the American comic book series
Watsuki based Geezer off of an empty milk can who is a character in "Now go, Robot!," a story by Makoto Ōishi. The motif of the entire plotline involving Kenshin in the Fallen Village is based on that same story, with it also taking influence from the comic
is a member of the Six Comrades who hides himself from the others, such as by hiding in the ceiling. A member of a famous gold mining clan, family tradition led them to elongate the limbs of their members using metal rings to help them mine better via "Body
1750:. Though he is a "fallen priest," who feels no shame in violating the directives of Buddha, he still wishes to save the world, but believes in doing so by killing those who are evil to save the pure. Over ten years he developed the "Mastery of Two Layers" 3812:
or shinobi; Watsuki does not like using the word "ninja" as he feels that using it "like that" is "cheesy"), and added details as publication progressed. He did purposely want a variety of shapes and temperaments for the various Oniwabanshū characters.
2931:, is member number five of the Six Comrades and an effeminate-looking user of assassin's weapons or "Instruments of the Shadows". He says he has thirteen hidden weapons all over his body, but only four are shown in the series. The first is Baika Chūzen 1008:
of the Bakumatsu, but admitted that his design looks even less like his counterpart than Kenshin's looks like his. He was designed to be a "murderous ogre", the "polar opposite of Kenshin." The author described Jin-e as a "complicated fellow" who is
2272:, is a member of the Juppongatana sent to attack Aoi-Ya. He wears a black cloth over his mouth and what looks like a black robe, but turns out to be a glider shaped like bat wings folded around his body. His battle technique is called Fire Flight 4165:
is a friendly old man who resides within the Fallen Village. When Kenshin falls into a deep depression after he believes that he had failed to protect Kaoru from being killed by Enishi, Geezer gently persuades Kenshin (partly through the use of
for the Ishin Shishi. When the new Meiji government discovered Shishio's insatiable lust for power, they attempted to kill him and lit his body on fire. But he survived and has gathered an army to exact his revenge and overthrow the government.
4187:. Watsuki used no design model for Geezer. He was created simply based on the attributes; homeless, "an unusual personality," and not easily showing his true thoughts. Afterwards, Watsuki noticed that Geezer was very similar to Grandpa Bob in 2738:
in the Middle Ages. He creates puppet-like suits out of human corpses, most notably the Iwanbō series. Gein is an older man, yet he is remarkably strong due to controlling his heavy puppets for so long. The diamond-edged steel wires he uses,
1994:. In a fight against Shishio, he was blinded in both eyes and has trained to take revenge ever since. Usui and Shishio made a deal upon him joining the Juppongatana; Usui can try to kill Shishio anytime he gets the chance. A native of the 3744:
is the police chief. Because their first meeting is during a disturbance caused by his subordinates, he decides not to pursue Kenshin for illegally carrying a sword and also learns that Kenshin is a good person despite his reputation as
3413:. The master accepts after learning that Kenshin has spent a decade working for the weak and atoning for his sins. Seijūrō later appears when he assists the Kyoto branch of the Oniwabanshū by defeating the giant Fuji. He is portrayed by 3257:, a large axe-wielder who binds his vision in another. Yatsume Mumyōi fights alongside Sumita but flees injured and vowing revenge; he later joins Enishi in the Six Comrades. With his senses impaired, Kenshin fights the leader Tatsumi 4815:
was closing the dojo because of the loss. Later, Inui Banjin and Gein attack the dojo, but their bomb only partially destroys it thanks to Sanosuke. Maekawa does not blame Kenshin, but decides to retire and choose a young successor.
321:, damaging her school's reputation. The real Battōsai, now wandering pacifist Himura Kenshin, saves Kaoru from this murderous impostor. Kaoru invites Kenshin to stay at her dojo as she notes that he is a gentle person instead of a 2135:
and loves Shishio deeply. But knows that he will never be loved like Yumi, with whom he has a rivalry, nor will he ever become as talented as Sōjirō. Kamatari is one of the Juppongatana sent to attack Aoi-Ya. He uses a very heavy
corresponding to "end", equivalent to "Omega", which is the last letter of the Greek alphabet - also related to the Christian concept of Alpha and Omega). Arundo's use of chains also parallels Omega Red's carbonadium tentacles.
hands of Yukishiro Enishi, Tsubame pleads for Kenshin to help Yahiko fight back against one of Enishi's abandoned allies. Tsubame and Yahiko become a couple, and Watsuki mentioned in his notes that they had a son, Myōjin Shinya
Layers" and Anji drops to his knees when Sanosuke points out that the orphans' souls do not care about his mission to save the world, they only want him to be happy. After Shishio's death, Anji chooses to serve 25 years in a
of Fudōsawa, supports his nephew taking over Sanosuke's hometown. After Sanosuke defeats Fudōsawa and his army, he goes to Tani's residence, defeating the Hiruma brothers, who act as Tani's bodyguards, before injuring Tani.
maintain the balance of the story and because his "inner story-editor" asked him if anyone would really like to see "two old codgers" fight each other. The design model is Director-General Luchi of the Akuda Republic from
2078:, so he started over. Despite Usui's final look originating from several different sources, Watsuki believed "it came out pretty well." Usui came in seventeenth place in the second character popularity poll of the series. 2898:
as a design. However, Watsuki said he likes Inui quite a bit, and would like to create more of these "stupid types" in his next work. In the first live-action film, Inui appears as one of Kanryū's men and is portrayed by
job offers because he had competency in one skill. Hyottoko dies while charging for Kanryū as an unsuccessful decoy for Beshimi. Watsuki said he had no particular motif while designing Hyottoko; using his rudimentary
hearing that lets him hear another's a heartbeat, muscle contractions and bone friction thus enabling him to read their emotions and physical position. Usui dies when his body is ripped in half by Saitō's attack.
message detailing his disgust with the regime: "The world is dead to me. I go to serve my lord in Hell." In Hell, Hōji is reunited with Shishio and vows to continue following him in his new quest to conquer Hell.
style, Jin-e was a member of the Shinsengumi during the Bakumatsu. But when he was about to be disciplined for killing people he was not supposed to, he escaped and switched sides to the Ishin Shishi and became a
and correctly identifies its weakness as the blind spot created by extending the right hand as a counterweight. But Saitō defeats him with the move regardless by using his right hand to grab Seiryū by the mouth.
Kenshin was her husband. Geezer is last seen with the broken Enishi in the Fallen Village; father and son remark that each other looks familiar, though it is left unknown whether either knows their connection.
8451: 2981:, six long piercing tentacle-like appendages worn on his torso. His battle tactic is to outwit the opponent and catch them off guard with his hidden weapons as opposed to simply overpowering them. Otowa is a 3180:
fights using two swords and prides himself on being able to mimic his opponents moves. He perfectly mimics Aoshi's dual sword attacks and is even faster than him, but Aoshi defeats him using martial arts.
6764: 3151:, and each versed in a different form of combat. Heishin tries to have the Sū-shin take Enishi's revenge by killing Kenshin, but Kenshin's friends take them on so he can save his energy for Enishi. Seiryū 992:. When Kenshin stops him from killing Tani Jūsanrō, Jin-e makes Kenshin his next target. Believing the new repenting Kenshin to be soft and weak, Jin-e kidnaps Kaoru Kamiya to enrage Kenshin into his old 3955:
decided a change needed to be made and said that for him Han'nya was a difficult character as it made him aware of the responsibilities of writing for young people. Han'nya's personality is derived from
Watsuki originally created Tae as a plot convenience during Sanosuke's first appearance and he intended for Kaoru to patronize a restaurant operated by "a good friend." Tae's personality originates from
were a group of assassins who were called the "Oniwabanshū of the West" and planned to kill Kenshin. They used Yukishiro Tomoe to get close to him and become his weakness. One of their members, Murakami
fights using his fists and spiked knuckle blades and prides himself on simply attacking. Although he delivers a lot of blows, Sanosuke defeats Byakko as his attacks are too weak to do any damage. Genbu
characters; the family name is given first, followed by the given name. For real people living in modern-day Japan (the author and the voice actors), the western order (family name given last) is used.
1526:, they are the primary antagonist group of the Kyoto arc. Although he does not officially join them, Aoshi works with the Juppongatana in order to fight Kenshin again, even allowing them to attack 2292:
to lift himself into flight and attack from above with a blade on his arm before blowing himself back into the air. The power of flight is harnessed thanks to Henya starving himself to extreme
2330:. The author intended for Henya to be "monster-like" since none of the Juppongatana aside from Sōjirō were supposed to be "lookers." Watsuki reported that some people felt that Henya was " 3639:
prototype Kenshin hairstyle colored black and a "softer, female" face. Tae has no lipstick so she would be easily distinguished from Megumi. Watsuki originally intended for Tae to have a
2062:, Taopaipai made "a strong impression." As for the "eyeball-covered costume," Watsuki originally planned to give Usui a plain "tribal" outfit, but scratched that idea after seeing the " 4899:
and moves Kenshin to the front lines in order to use him to protect the revolutionaries and the new era, instead of to destroy the old one. He is portrayed by Ichirōta Miyagawa in the
7231: 7045: 2300:
door blown up by Henya's dynamite and attacking him from above. Henya is pardoned for his crimes and used as an army spy in Asia by the government because of his aviation abilities.
1137:, the Shinsengumi's Fifth Unit captain. He said that there was no actual model in terms of design. He described Takeda Kanryū as a "carryover" of Nishiwaki, a character in the first 3420:
Watsuki had no personality model for Hiko; when he imagined who the "Master" would be, the character initially became "this arrogant, twisted guy." The design model for the Hiko in
is the character of the same name from his one-shot manga "Crescent Moon of the Warring States," but Watsuki also added some influences from Hiken Majin Hajerun in Takeshi Obata's
by purchasing modern Western weapons. Managing to recapture Megumi, Kanryū finds himself over his head when Kenshin arrives at his manor and defeats Aoshi. He resorts to using a
in Watsuki's first "Rurouni" story. As the story progressed Watsuki found himself adding additional details such as her family name, her status as the daughter of the owner of
2588: 1472:
Shishio everywhere, including hell. Watsuki had no particular personality model for Yumi. Still, the character is essentially a version of Ogin, a character played by actress
Ishin Shishi. He asks her to promise to forget what she saw and leave, but instead she starts to work at the inn and the two develop feelings for one another. Following the
3432:, the author simplified the design, such as changing the hair to make it easier to draw. Watsuki said that Hiko's body became "more macho" because he is a different kind of 816:
collapsed in front of the dojo, and Kaoru took him in, becoming a kind of a live-in apprentice and gaining Kaoru's trust while trying to persuade her to sell the dojo. Gohei
2734:, while Enishi was still in Shanghai. However, Gein does not actually seek revenge against Kenshin. He is the last remaining descendant of a family who mastered the art of 1037:
adapted the Jin-e story. Watsuki stated that for Jin-e, he wanted a voice actor with a "mature and cool voice" and not one with a "high voice." The character is voiced by
is a bloodthirsty, camouflage-wearing, hand-to-hand fighter and member number four of the Six Comrades. Inui wears gauntlets on his wrists called "Invulnerable Gauntlets"
1863:, Chō has a very calm and relaxed exterior and keeps typically one eye closed when talking, only opening both eyes when excited in the heat of battle. He speaks with an 1746:
which resulted in the destruction of his home and the deaths of the five orphaned children he cared for in his temple, who came from families who were killed during the
known for being homosexual. Watsuki considered making Kanryū homosexual, but dropped the idea as he felt it would "unnecessarily complicate things." He is portrayed by
325:. As the series continues, Kaoru develops strong romantic feelings for Kenshin, who is constantly haunted by his past deeds and believes he does not deserve happiness. 8441: 4124:
is in Okina. The author said that he likes Okina since as a character he was able to "tie up loose ends." Okina's design model is Tokijirō Kaizō from Takeshi Obata's
1986:, is a member of the Juppongatana. Equal to Sōjirō in strength, he is the member most feared by Shishio. Before the revolution, he was a swordsman working for the 1542:, had not been used to his full potential, in retrospect he wondered if having six or seven members of the organization would have been sufficient instead of ten. 878: 3201:
fights with what looks like a staff but is actually a retractable six-jointed mace and prides himself on his battle strategy. He is defeated when Yahiko uses the
6754: 1281:. When Arundo, fearing for his safety, decides to cut ties with Shibumi and flee to Shanghai, Saitō appears and decapitates Arundo with a strike from his sword. 2459:. Version Three's full-body tattoo was added to give him the look of a "battling tribe" from an undeveloped world, but Watsuki said it does not look that good. 8695: 2985:
individual who enjoys killing people for fun and is not above targeting women and children. Otowa seeks Kenshin's death in revenge for the death of his friend
873: 8888: 8629: 3076:
also!," which he referred to as digging his own grave. The gold-mining clan backstory was added after the fact, but Yatsume still stuck out from the period.
are a group of ten elite assassins founded and commanded by Shishio Makoto to assassinate Meiji government officials upon their planned revolution. Based in
1486:. Having designed Yumi on the spot with the intention of her being sexy, Watsuki had no specific design model. But halfway through, Watsuki became a fan of 668:
member of Shishio Makoto's faction, which planned to take over Japan before disbanding when their leader died five years ago. He possesses Shishio's sword,
1367:. The author felt regret about Senkaku; what he regretted most was how he could not use Senkaku's special technique "Piercing Head-Butt" in the storyline. 1344:'s brother and parents after learning that the boys were plotting to escape the village. He claims to have killed 99 people. Senkaku fights with a pair of 7573: 5287:("judgment from the heavens"), and therefore they were fond of the word. Enishi believes that if the heavens will not judge Kenshin, he will give Kenshin 4126: 2072:. He originally planned to make Usui a "handsome, long-haired type." Still, when he saw a rough sketch of the concept, it looked too much like Ukyō from 485: 5103:, is Shogo Amakusa's younger sister. She serves as a holy mother to their crowd of followers and a teacher to the young children. She has suffered from 614:
she decides to take over his title as "Okashira" and tries to forget him, but she can not. Kenshin promises that he will bring Aoshi back to her again.
Watsuki had no particular model for Chō's personality, but said that if he had to give one, it would be the stereotyped depictions of people from the
9062: 60:
has the large picture at the top-right, and Shishio has the large picture at the bottom-left. The top row includes, from left to right, Shiro, Okon,
shooting at everyone, killing the members of the Oniwabanshū. After his weapon runs out of bullets, Kanryū is beaten and taken into police custody.
8700: 4008:
is the musclebound hand-to-hand fighter of the Oniwabanshū and was keeper of the Edo Castle gate. Prior to joining the Oniwabanshū, Shikijō was an
did not work out, proving that the original version is perfect. Giving Jin-e a motive to attack Kenshin, lost some of his madness; leaving out the
672:, but due to his propensity for entering uncontrolled fits of rage, Kenshin asks him not to draw it. Ashitaro's given name was formerly written as 2296:; he is so light that the constant uplift from the explosions can easily keep him in the air with the wings. Yahiko defeats Henya by gliding on a 569:
during the Bakumatsu. He has a long-standing rivalry with Kenshin and firmly believes in "Swift Death to Evil." He goes by the name of Fujita Gorō
prologue. He and Inoue were inspired by buddy films with Watsuki remembering the ideal designs needed for the protagonists to be likable citing
7877: 2063: 1916:" quality to give the character more impact as the first Juppongatana member shown. Despite being a villain, Chō was a popular character with 1150:, Watsuki did not plan on making any drastic changes to Kanryū but was inspired to after seeing Kagawa's "fanatical" performance in the film. 8913: 6706: 2677:
is the mastermind, financier and member number one of the Six Comrades, and the primary antagonist of the Jinchū arc. The younger brother of
6867: 1363: 9323: 7221: 7035: 3808:
for the most epic of manga." To solve this, Watsuki modified the real and historic Oniwabanshū to make them onmitsu (what are now known as
2593: 975:
for hire in Kyoto. He now appears as a man dressed in a long kimono with a long scarf and straw hat. He has a unique technique to project
7150: 474:
he, therefore, gave her a more "earthy quality" in the main serial so she could make an impression. By the time of the publication of
197:, in defeating a criminal, he is invited by her to stay at her dojo. During his stay in Tokyo, Kenshin befriends new people including 8991: 2153:, where the scythe is whipped over his head and the chain forms a sphere, therefore creating both an offensive and defensive attack. 706:
is a 16-year-old boy who grew up in the Westernized portion of Japan. He was jailed in Tokyo for three months for attempting to be a
7427: 3165:-like weapon and prides himself on being able to determine his opponents moves and conquer them. He lets himself be hit by Saitō's 2694:
style, which was derived from Japanese kenjutsu. He is the head of a black market weapons smuggling organization that he runs with
Sanosuke's father and younger siblings in Shinshū, who he left ten years before the series. His father, Higashidani Kamishimoemon
character's design originates from a superhuman soldier in an American comic book who has a name similar to Arundo's, that being
221:. He also encounters old and new enemies whose ambitions cause Kenshin to return to fighting, this time to protect the innocent. 3267:, a hand-to-hand fighter. Although Tatsumi has the advantage, he is killed by Kenshin when Tomoe jumps in between them. I'izuka 3072:. After being told by various people to "do Spider-Man, or to do Spawn and such," Watsuki got agitated and said "I'll throw in 2320:
technique, so Yahiko became his opponent instead. Henya's design model was a bat with a streamlined head and "a little bit" of
660:, he survived by stealing crops and foraging the mountains. Although claiming to have served five years in a Tokyo prison for 8318: 7341: 7010: 6972: 6657: 6645: 6610: 6598: 6561: 6549: 6512: 6500: 6462: 6450: 6412: 6400: 6363: 6351: 6315: 6303: 6267: 6255: 6219: 6207: 6171: 6159: 6122: 6110: 6074: 6062: 6027: 6015: 5980: 5968: 5921: 5886: 5874: 5839: 5827: 5792: 5780: 5745: 5733: 5698: 5686: 5650: 5638: 5603: 5591: 5557: 5545: 5511: 5499: 5467: 5455: 5422: 5410: 5378: 5366: 3303:, former sumo wrestler, and nephew of Tani Jūsanrō. The only obstacle preventing him from taking over the town is the farmer 4678:
is the doctor who takes Megumi as his live-in assistant. In the anime he appears more often and has two grandchildren, Ayame
1064:; and the change in his skin tone to make him odder, made keeping the tone of the entire story consistent difficult. In the 9097: 3304: 2951:, a paralyzing mist generated by dropping two small cubes into water. The third is a jar of iron powder, Bishamon's Powder 2605:. The face originated from Eva #2, but Watsuki's assistants believed the design looked too similar. So his then-assistant 1925:
friendly with Kenshin and the others." Chō ranked ninth in the "Who is Kenshin's Biggest Rival?" poll. He is portrayed by
9328: 9181: 9086: 4131: 490: 8786: 8191: 7507: 6736: 7115: 7081: 4844:
Shibumi's place and kills Arundo, Shibumi begs for his life and offers money to Saitō; Saitō refuses and kills Shibumi.
is a war orphan raised by the Yaminobu but claims to be a pacifist. Following their failure to kill Kenshin during the
that can deflect any attack, even bullets, due to their angled design, and despite their thinness. Inui is skilled in
9040: 7377: 5933: 2681:, Enishi seeks revenge against Kenshin for killing his sister fifteen years earlier. In China, he taught himself the 2649:
are a group of six men who each seek revenge against Himura Kenshin for their own reasons. Financed and conceived by
634: 9282: 542: 69: 9215: 9150: 9119: 9057: 9033: 9020: 423: 409: 8880: 8621: 8121: 7669: 3959:, a member of the Shinsengumi. Some readers proposed that Han'nya had a handsome face under his mask, was Aoshi's 2516:. Pardoned for his crimes, Saizuchi uses his gifts of persuasion for the Foreign Ministry in secret negotiations. 1391:
is the leader of the Juppongatana and the primary antagonist of the Kyoto arc. Shishio was Kenshin's successor as
is a swordsman dissatisfied with the current state of swordsmanship who travels around Japan shutting down modern
3073: 3042:
in order to support his clan, who had fallen on hard times due to depleted gold mines, by hoping to prove to the
duo as brothers instead of being "circumstantially related." He used a manager and director from Takeshi Obata's
4602:, is a farmer adept at fighting with his fists and who has fended off Fudōsawa from taking over the village. Uki 9164: 9143: 9111: 7565: 5241: 4908: 4335: 2041: 1931: 4758:
Voiced by: Seiji Mizutani (1996 series; first voice), Hari Kaneko (1996 series; second voice) (Japanese);
accent. He possesses quite a collection of rare and unusual swords, including; a double-bladed blade known as
8984: 8706: 8287:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (54) Himura Kenji and the rest of the 15th Year of Meiji,"
4952: 3647:
vet the dialog, but Watsuki ultimately rejected the idea after he felt the concept was becoming too strange.
3492: 3339: 2982: 362:
by Kamiya Kaoru. As the series progresses, Yahiko becomes skilled at swordsmanship and faces many opponents.
8509:""Our leader's orders are absolute!" You can hear me as Han'nya of the Oniwaban Group in #RurouniKenshin 👹" 4301:, is the chief of the department of internal affairs, making him the most powerful man in Japan. One of the 2439:
were also incorporated, making him "cuter." The design model for Version Three was the comic book character
who oppresses Shingetsu village, which after two years has been abandoned by the government. Senkaku killed
9229: 9026: 8478:"Announcement! New role: BESHIMI in "Rorouni Kenshin"! So excited. Watch episodes now on @Crunchyroll 😃🙌" 806:
are crooks who scheme to take ownership of Kaoru's dojo. After Kaoru's father died, the elder brother Kihei
3247:, a warrior who uses hidden weapons and successfully binds Kenshin's hearing with an explosion, and Sumita 2890:
added for uniqueness. His personality is that of a "very lively idiot" and is taken from Kazama Kazuki in
9104: 4387:
enough" to place "negative elements in the ideal family." Kenji's character design is "a small Kenshin."
414: 4309:, who supported the restoration of imperial power. Ōkubo appears, accompanied by superintendent general 9208: 9157: 7142:夏アニメ『るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚-』比留間喜兵衛役・チョーさん&比留間伍兵衛役・高木 渉さんメールインタビュー【連載第3回】|やられてもやられても今もまだしぶとく生きてそうなところに魅力を感じますね 6740: 1937: 1073: 2040:
plan was to have Usui fight Kenshin right after he fought Chō - chasing him down in the city like the
in the drama. Jin-e came in tenth place in the series' first character popularity poll, and tied with
warriors that now hold positions in the government or economy for the past ten years. A master of the
in the Sony English dub.) At the end of the Bakumatsu, he becomes a wandering samurai, now wielding a
9222: 4275: 3723:(1996 series), Shinobu Matsumoto (2023 series) (Japanese); Bob Papenbrook (1996 series) (English) 1099: 391: 2321: 1045:
for eighteenth in the second. He also ranked seventh in the "Who is Kenshin's Biggest Rival?" poll.
Nobuhiro Watsuki created Megumi as a "mature woman" but had no specific model in mind. In the first
9077: 9072: 9067: 8977: 8091:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (51) Sū-shin (Four Stars), Sū-shin (Four Gods),"
7881: 4279: 2432: 1236:
Watsuki intended for Raijūta to be the opposite of Kenshin, "intelligently macho and a believer of
8910: 6714: 6859: 3951: 2068: 884:
sumo manga as a model for Kihei and a character he found in a magazine that made him think "Ooh,
17: 3919:(2023 series) (Japanese); Tom Wyner (1996 series), Jallen K. Cassell (2023 series) (English) 1021:, the main character from a Shinsengumi manga released around 14–15 years before the release of 9194: 9136: 8944: 4980: 4900: 1065: 7140: 656:, Watsuki created Ashitaro in order to have him act more like him during early years. Born in 4402: 4220: 3487:
was the wife of Himura Kenshin and biological sister of Yukishiro Enishi. The daughter of an
3055: 2428: 1169: 457:. When the doctor was killed, she was forced to make the new opium for corrupt industrialist 178: 2941:, a small six-barreled arrow-launcher worn on his left wrist. The second is the Kasui Busuen 1462: 9236: 8782: 8512: 8481: 8240: 8187: 7258: 7177: 6894: 6890: 4836: 4660: 4117: 3832: 3148: 2335: 1817: 1220:
stronger than any martial art or European firepower. He is accompanied by his "apprentice"
region. She became the assistant to a Tokyo physician who had created a deadly new form of
The Tokyo Oniwabanshū, (Clockwise from top right): Shikijō, Han'nya, Beshimi, and Hyottoko
Five of the Six Comrades; clockwise from top: Kujiranami, Yatsume, Banjin, Gein, and Otowa
volume two in Japan. Jin-e's laugh, the "uhu-hu-hu," is from the character Ukon played by
8: 9201: 8508: 5000: 4323: 4271: 3916: 3500:
and—thinking that he needed to please her with greater accomplishments—made him join the
3063: 2818: 741:
has become and decides to assist him in his journey to Hakodate and find Kaoru's father.
8477: 8234: 7417: 4298: 1629: 1615:
Watsuki stated that most of the overall concept for Hōji originates from a character in
1134: 8446: 7226: 7040: 6759: 4885: 4302: 4031: 3706: 3505: 3501: 3043: 2598: 2311:
in the modern era. Watsuki revealed that he originally planned to introduce Henya as a
1783: 1695: 657: 218: 8969: 4238:
is a young boy and Isurugi Raijūta's "apprentice." Yutarō's father, Tsukayama Yuzaemon
are Woo Heishin's personal bodyguards. They are identical quadruplets named after the
2997:-ish" villain who wore a lot of lipstick. The six-pronged accessory was borrowed from 8314: 8116: 7623:, Brazilian Volume 13 (correspondent to the first half of original vol.7). JBC. p.66. 7373: 7337: 7173: 7110: 7076: 7006: 6968: 6653: 6641: 6606: 6594: 6557: 6545: 6508: 6496: 6458: 6446: 6408: 6396: 6359: 6347: 6311: 6299: 6263: 6251: 6215: 6203: 6167: 6155: 6118: 6106: 6070: 6058: 6023: 6011: 5976: 5964: 5929: 5917: 5882: 5870: 5835: 5823: 5788: 5776: 5741: 5729: 5694: 5682: 5646: 5634: 5599: 5587: 5553: 5541: 5507: 5495: 5463: 5451: 5418: 5406: 5374: 5362: 5007:, and has great agility and reflexes. She might have developed feelings for Kenshin. 4955:, but died two years later without seeing the Revolution succeed. He is portrayed by 4944: 4342: 4310: 3866: 3720: 3414: 2455: 2449: 2175: 1498: 1487: 1026: 163: 61: 8961: 4330: 2542: 1255: 1038: 9302: 9287: 9006: 8827: 8749: 8727: 8581: 7945: 7923: 7901: 7853: 7831: 7809: 7787: 7765: 7740: 7715: 7690: 7616: 7594: 7254: 5317: 5195: 4869: 4775: 4515: 3828: 3709:. Tsubame came in fifteenth place in the series' second character popularity poll. 3509: 3300: 2877:
wearing the gauntlets and that he only fights people weaker than him. Inui attacks
2872:, which is an amalgamation of various styles of martial arts. He is the student of 2806: 2730:. Gein was tasked with assembling the Six Comrades and acquiring them a mansion in 2662: 2650: 2546: 1813: 1743: 1645: 1590: 1350: 1318: 1224:, whose rich family funds his campaign. His signature technique is the vacuum-wave 761: 155: 151: 117: 9267: 8159:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (41) Yukishiro (Himura) Tomoe,"
3323: 2403:. Gein uses the new Iwanbō Version Three, Savage Mode to fight Kenshin during the 644:
as an example. The first chapter had little hints about Ashitaro being related to
334: 313:. All of its students leave when many people are killed by someone claiming to be 198: 85: 9297: 9277: 9272: 9001: 8917: 8832: 8754: 8732: 8586: 8564: 8542: 8415: 8391: 8365: 8350: 8335: 7950: 7928: 7906: 7858: 7836: 7814: 7792: 7770: 7745: 7720: 7695: 7634: 7599: 7450: 7202:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (4) Hiruma Kihei & Gohei,"
6924: 5264: 5109: 5065: 5018: 4904: 4803: 4763: 4709: 4338: 4216: 4189: 4027: 3982: 3956: 3513: 3496: 2998: 2735: 2396: 2093: 2074: 1251: 1143: 1095: 907: 640: 588: 510: 371: 206: 146: 89: 81: 73: 4778:, is the general of the Japanese Army's ground troops and former general of the 4656: 2508:, is a member of the Juppongatana and a cunning elder who manipulates the giant 2170:
The concept for Kamatari originated from a play on words by Watsuki's assistant
2014:- as a shield to deflect attacks and block the enemy's vision. He possesses the 1077: 1061: 562: 419: 9292: 9257: 8921: 8562:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (11) Oniwabanshū ● Shikijō,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (10) Oniwabanshū ● Han'nya,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (9) Oniwabanshū ● Hyottoko,"
6710: 4881: 4759: 4398: 4194: 4013: 3947: 3870: 3658: 3640: 3552: 3526: 3469: 2903:. In the fourth film, his equivalent Inui Tenmon is portrayed by Joey Iwanaga. 2726:, is a member of the Six Comrades and the puppeteer behind Juppongatana member 2606: 2474: 2470: 2355: 2340: 2131:
member of the Juppongatana. A biological man with a feminine appearance, he is
2089: 2055: 1995: 1952: 1821: 1687: 1407: 1376: 1337: 269: 235: 170: 57: 49: 40: 8442:"New Rurouni Kenshin Anime's Promo Video Reveals Cast for Oniwabanshū Members" 8389:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (8) Oniwabanshū ● Beshimi,"
4212: 3776: 3281:
sends Shishio Makoto to kill I'izuka, having discovered his true affiliation.
1216:, a league composed only of the strongest swordsman in order to create a pure 9317: 8772: 8473: 8230: 8177: 7664: 7495: 5167: 4956: 4928: 4861: 4341:, another historical figure that Watsuki has respect for. He is portrayed by 4208: 4179: 3836: 3824: 3666: 3662: 3644: 3560: 3343: 3005:. Watsuki said that he feels Otowa is one of his better designed characters. 2420: 2416: 2026: 1926: 1909: 1691: 1177: 1123: 1118: 1018: 765: 757: 661: 649: 480: 30: 8849:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (50) Higashidani Family,"
TVアニメ『るろうに剣心』にて 三条燕ちゃんの声を担当させて頂きます! 燕ちゃんと一緒に剣心さんや弥彦君を精一杯応援していこうと思いますっ☺️🙌🏻✨
7103: 7069: 5255: 5245:". The term refers to an assassin and translates as "manslayer". Within the 2809:
to replace his missing arm which Kujiranami uses to blow up the Akabeko and
9262: 5217: 5104: 5051: 4888: 4832: 4496: 4306: 3548: 3134: 3099: 2764: 2171: 2128: 2010: 2000: 1553: 1492: 1173: 1091: 954: 294: 186: 159: 65: 8667:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (22) Ōkubo Toshimichi,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (17) Tsukayama Yutarō,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (49) Kujiranami Hyōgo,"
5145: 4976: 4947:, was the second in command of the Chōshū Ishin Shishi and founder of the 4519: 2415:
universe. The design models for Version One (and Two) were the characters
character gave him a "hint" for the story but not Hōji's personality. The
1482: 1001: 387: 210: 9187: 7528:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (16) Isurugi Raijūta,"
5069: 4951:, which initially recruited Kenshin. He led the Chōshū to victory in the 4698:. In the Sony English dub the "g" in Gensai is pronounced as a "soft" g. 4652: 4492: 4462: 4410: 4184: 4168: 3990: 3986: 3912: 3556: 3521: 2528: 2050: 1787: 1633: 1358: 1127: 911: 899: 566: 8057:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (46) Yatsume Mumyōi,"
6755:"New Rurouni Kenshin Anime Reveals 3rd Promo Video, 2 More Cast Members" 4451:
and the "oddly patterned" jacket added to give him "artist-y" clothing.
who help run the Aoi-Ya, and look after Misao. He fights wielding steel
3895: 2774: 2303:
Henya was modeled after Matsubayashi Henyasai, a swordsman in the early
2140:-like weapon with a chain and a ball on end. His special techniques are 1775: 1072:
style for horrific acts. Having acquired Kenshin's old katana after the
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (15) Sanjō Tsubame,"
8109: 7657: 7448:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (12) Takeda Kanryū,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (13) Takani Megumi,"
5047: 4783: 4406: 4356: 4138: 3797: 3793: 3491:
retainer to the Shōgun, Tomoe was engaged to Kiyosato Akira (voiced by
3452: 3277:
was their spy in the Ishin Shishi. After Kenshin defeats the Yaminobu,
3068: 2994: 2900: 2334:
too good-looking," so he made his body "super-emaciated." He said that
2326: 2308: 2304: 2293: 2132: 2032: 1747: 1523: 1473: 1411: 427: 354: 8952: 8212:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (18) Sekihara Tae,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (32) Hiko Seijūrō,"
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "Character/Production Anecdotes Part 56 -People of
3579: 3021:, note: "Mumyōi" means "nameless", meaning he has no known given name) 8854: 8837: 8815: 8759: 8737: 8672: 8655: 8608: 8591: 8569: 8547: 8420: 8396: 8370: 8310: 8292: 8271: 8217: 8164: 8147: 8096: 8079: 8074:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (52) Woo Heishin,"
8062: 8045: 8040:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (44) Inui Banjin,"
8028: 8011: 7994: 7989:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (45) Otowa Hyōko,"
7973: 7955: 7933: 7911: 7863: 7841: 7819: 7797: 7775: 7750: 7725: 7700: 7639: 7604: 7533: 7455: 7404: 7369: 7333: 7309: 7291: 7207: 7002: 6964: 6929: 6692: 5336: 5260: 5004: 4713: 4439: 3961: 3635: 3035: 2232: 2205: 2045: 1913: 1864: 1458: 1295: 734: 182: 8810:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (5) Sagara Sōzō,"
8774:『るろうに剣心』5話感想。土龍閃はカットされたけど、左之助の過去をじっくり描く良回だった。そして刃衛を演じるのがあの人と判明してヤバい! 4891:
and one of the three great revolutionaries. He assigns Kenshin as a
3873:(2023 series) (Japanese); Bob Papenbrook (1996 series) (English) 2623: 632:
is an orphaned 16-year-old boy just released from prison during the
498: 7926:. "The Secret Life of Characters (43) Iwanbō (Versions One-Three," 5325: 4948: 4779: 4448: 3967: 3767: 3347: 3162: 2731: 2359: 2289: 2214: 2005: 1779: 1217: 1199:
dojos by force. He plans to revive the old style of swordsmanship (
1034: 915: 707: 605: 405: 8938: 8685: 8584:. "The Secret Life of Characters (31) Okina (Kashiwazaki Nenji)," 8179:『るろうに剣心』4話感想。八代拓さん演じる斬左の斬馬刀を使ったアクションが豪快で息を呑む。赤べこの妙さんの声は能登麻美子さんで癒やし 7286:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (7) Udō Jin-e,"
2297: 1060:
for being "too supernatural", diminished the excitement unique to
8524: 8493: 8363:"The Secret Life of Characters (13) Okashira ● Shinomori Aoshi," 8252: 7948:. "The Secret Life of Characters (38) Fuji (Real Name Unknown)," 7834:. "The Secret Life of Characters (28) Amendment: Yūkyūzan Anji," 7632:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (25) Senkaku,"
7270: 7189: 6906: 3898: 3596: 3390: 2756: 826:, the younger brother, is a former samurai who falsely uses the " 648:
with the second one expanding it more. Since the young character
463: 350: 202: 8603:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (48) Geezer,"
3701:, who he considered using in a story idea, though he never did. 2307:
who possessed "avoidance techniques," which would now be called
readers; Watsuki said that characters with Kansai dialects are "
prison. Five years later, Anji was transferred out of prison to
1158: 4380: 4379:, where he is about four years old and is seen training with a 3935: 3537: 2769: 2763:. He wanted to "challenge a good-looking masked character like 2191:
is a slang word for homosexual, while the word for a scythe is
2137: 1987: 1258:(2023 series) (Japanese); Tom Wyner (1996 series) (English) 1196: 953:, is a deranged serial killer who has been hunting down former 856: 281: 169:
The story begins in 1878 and follows a pacifist wanderer named
Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "The Secret Life of Characters (47) Gein,"
in Kyoto. Katsura later has Shishio Makoto succeed Kenshin as
779: 8305:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2005). "Interview with Nobuhiro Watsuki".
7502: 4712:(1996 series), Yasuhiro Mamiya (2023 series) (Japanese); 4109: 3890: 3809: 2316:
that Kenshin had become too strong after learning the secret
2312: 1881: 1860: 1859:, is a swordsman and member of the Juppongatana. A native of 1734: 1453: 1287: 665: 610: 454: 194: 190: 141: 1998:, Usui fights using a short spear with a weighted end - the 5046:, was taught Hiten Mitsurugi by his uncle. Shogo is also a 3389:
and Kenshin's swordsmanship instructor, who now works as a
2440: 2059: 1738: 1552:
Voiced by: Hiroshi Takahashi (1996 series) (Japanese);
450: 7036:"Live-Action Rurouni Kenshin Sequels Cast Okina, Sawagejō" 5116: 4329:
Watsuki feels that many Japanese people have bias towards
8806: 8804: 3946:
Watsuki was originally going to base Han'nya off of the "
3488: 3385:
is the thirteenth and current master of the 300-year-old
2525: 1345: 8730:. "The Secret Life of Characters (19) Tsukioka Tsunan," 7597:. "The Secret Life of Characters (20) Akamatsu Arundo," 4461:
Voiced by: Naomi Matamura (1996 series) (Japanese);
2961:, used in conjunction with his magnetic Bishamon's Sword 8999: 8830:. "The Secret Life of Characters (30) Seikū's Family," 7904:. "The Secret Life of Characters (37) Honjō Kamatari," 7768:. "The Secret Life of Characters (39) Elder Saizuchi," 2231:
Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (1996 series) (Japanese);
Voiced by: Tetsuo Komura (1996 series) (Japanese);
976: 8801: 7812:. "The Secret Life of Characters (28) Yūkyūzan Anji," 7790:. "The Secret Life of Characters (33) Sadojima Hōji," 7693:. "The Secret Life of Characters (40) Komagata Yumi," 1951:
Voiced by: Shō Ryūzanji (1996 series) (Japanese);
toward people, hypnotizing them with his eyes via the
8752:. "The Secret Life of Characters (27) Mishima Eiji," 7856:. "The Secret Life of Characters (29) Sawagejō Chō," 7743:. "The Secret Life of Characters (36) Hariwa Henya," 4539:
The Arai Family consists of the blacksmith Arai Seikū
8934: 8881:"Aritomo Yamagata Voice – Rurouni Kenshin (TV Show)" 8622:"Yutaro Tsukayama Voice – Rurouni Kenshin (TV Show)" 7718:. "The Secret Life of Characters (35) Uonuma Usui," 1769:
Sanosuke ends when Sanosuke creates the "Mastery of
is the instructor of a kendo school in Tokyo called
3205:secret technique and ultimately destroys his mace. 2058:; Watsuki said that as the first villain to defeat 1162:
Isurugi Raijūta (left) and Tsukayama Yutarō (right)
863:. Sanosuke easily beats them up on both occasions. 8409: 8407: 8405: 7968:Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "Glossary of the Restoration". 7135: 7133: 6888: 6687:Watsuki, Nobuhiro. "Glossary of the Restoration". 449:comes from a famous family of physicians from the 8821: 8506: 8385: 8383: 8381: 8379: 7668:(in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. September 16, 2024. 7222:"New Rurouni Kenshin Anime Casts Tomokazu Sugita" 1793:Watsuki developed Anji before the publication of 1068:, Jin-e is the principal antagonist who uses the 9315: 8860: 8120:(in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. December 15, 2023. 7761: 7759: 7652: 7650: 7648: 3299:is a yakuza trying to take over a small town in 8402: 7736: 7734: 7560: 7558: 7556: 7554: 7552: 7550: 7548: 7546: 7544: 7542: 7323: 7321: 7319: 7171: 7130: 7114:(in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. December 2, 2016. 7080:(in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. December 2, 2016. 6992: 6990: 6988: 6986: 6984: 6954: 6952: 6950: 6948: 6946: 6944: 6942: 6940: 6938: 6854: 6852: 6850: 6848: 6846: 6844: 6842: 6840: 6838: 6836: 6834: 6832: 6830: 6828: 6826: 6824: 6822: 6820: 6818: 6816: 6814: 6812: 6810: 6808: 6806: 6804: 6802: 5333:Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 5184: 5134: 5086: 4158: 3933: 3737: 3694: 3609:who runs the family's original restaurant, the 3402: 3376: 3093: 2852: 2640: 2615:resulting in "an essentially unoriginal face." 2577: 2501: 2386: 2281: 2265: 2249: 2120: 1979: 1884:he keeps hidden wrapped around his waist named 1852: 1759: 1726: 1669: 1580: 1442: 932: 797: 8536: 8534: 8472: 8435: 8433: 8431: 8429: 8376: 8283: 8281: 7490: 7488: 7486: 7484: 7391: 7389: 7364:Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2006). "Act 237: Quarrel". 6800: 6798: 6796: 6794: 6792: 6790: 6788: 6786: 6784: 6782: 5206: 5178: 5156: 5128: 5096: 5080: 5039: 5029: 4991: 4917: 4872:(2023 series) (Japanese); Corey M. Gagne ( 4850: 4821: 4792: 4748: 4724: 4691: 4681: 4671: 4625: 4615: 4605: 4595: 4572: 4562: 4552: 4542: 4507: 4473: 4431: 4421: 4367: 4315: 4290: 4241: 4231: 4152: 4101: 4091: 4081: 4071: 4056: 4046: 4001: 3927: 3881: 3847: 3781: 3752: 3731: 3688: 3677: 3615: 3602: 3588: 3571: 3480: 3396: 3370: 3292: 3270: 3260: 3250: 3240: 3230: 3220: 3194: 3184: 3173: 3154: 3128: 3087: 3027: 3016: 2974: 2964: 2954: 2944: 2934: 2924: 2914: 2865: 2846: 2836: 2798: 2788: 2745: 2719: 2709: 2687: 2670: 2634: 2571: 2561: 2495: 2485: 2380: 2370: 2275: 2259: 2243: 2197: 2184: 2159: 2146: 2114: 2104: 2020: 1973: 1963: 1890: 1873: 1846: 1836: 1753: 1720: 1710: 1663: 1653: 1599: 1574: 1564: 1515: 1451:, is Shishio's lover. She was the most famous 1436: 1426: 1384: 1329: 1266: 1209: 1188: 1110: 1000:Watsuki intended for the motif of Jin-e to be 985: 963: 946: 926: 840: 834:names to commit murders. The brothers use the 819: 809: 791: 726: 699: 682: 674: 625: 596: 572: 554: 518: 442: 379: 342: 302: 257: 243: 8985: 7756: 7645: 7482: 7480: 7478: 7476: 7474: 7472: 7470: 7468: 7466: 7464: 6743:. August 8, 2007. Retrieved on July 22, 2009. 6699: 4963: 3541:Sekihara Tae (right) and Sanjō Tsubame (left) 1786:), reuniting with former Juppongatana member 1349:anime, he manages to escape and is killed by 8955:, which includes profiles of the characters 8721: 7895: 7731: 7539: 7359: 7357: 7355: 7353: 7316: 6981: 6935: 4622:is his younger brother. Their mother, Naname 1812:Voiced by: Shinichi Fukumoto (1996 series), 1628:at Hōji as Shishio's "Number Two" man (like 772:dub), Jason Marnocha (2023 series) (English) 434:), Jennifer Sun Bell (2023 series) (English) 166:who interact with the fictional characters. 8531: 8426: 8278: 7684: 7386: 7030: 7028: 7026: 7024: 7022: 6860:"Rurouni Kenshin (2000) – English Dub Cast" 6779: 4766:(1996 series; second voice), Bill Harwell ( 4491:Voiced by: Hidehiro Kikuchi (1996 series), 1619:, whose name sounds similar to Hōji's; the 664:, it is suspected to have been for being a 565:, was the leader of the third squad of the 173:, who was previously an assassin known as " 8992: 8978: 8911:Rurouni Kenshin TV Series Season Three Box 8558: 8556: 8206: 7461: 6729: 6707:"Rurouni Kenshin TV Series Season One Box" 2447:, a small booklet included in an issue of 8229: 7659:「るろうに剣心」駒形由美役は戸松遥、羽多野渉・岡本信彦は十本刀に PVなど一挙解禁 7350: 7252: 5263:adopted professional names; for instance 5017:Voiced by: Junichi Inoue (Japanese); 2587:The idea for a giant originated from the 1782:by its Kendo instructor Sugimura Yoshie ( 1538:at a later point. When Watsuki felt that 250:is a former legendary assassin known as " 92:. The third row has, from left to right, 8507:Cassell, Jalen K. (December 17, 2023). 7985: 7983: 7939: 7096: 7019: 6918: 6916: 6889:Sun Bell, Jennifer (January 30, 2024). 6752: 5303: 3766: 3536: 2622: 1157: 756:Voiced by: Tetsuo Komura (1996 series), 680:("evil child"), before he changed it to 205:family who starts training under Kaoru, 39: 8553: 8439: 8304: 8136: 7847: 7711: 7709: 7672:from the original on September 16, 2024 7363: 7327: 6996: 6958: 2443:, specifically the version that was on 1799:Rurouni: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 1797:; he appears as an extra in the second 1139:Rurouni: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 471:Rurouni: Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 14: 9316: 8124:from the original on December 14, 2023 7576:from the original on December 15, 2023 7566:"Rurouni Kenshin (2000) Japanese Cast" 7282: 7280: 7172:Marnocha, Jason (November 16, 2023). 7064: 7062: 6753:Hodgkins, Crystalyn (March 25, 2023). 3582:) restaurant owned by her father, the 1406:Voiced by: Kanako Irie (1996 series), 1203:, "swords that bring death") with the 390:. When the group was destroyed by the 8973: 8891:from the original on October 28, 2023 8687:「神演出」「良改変」アニオリ展開が見逃せない「見ないと損!」な夏アニメ3選 7980: 7880:. Mania Entertainment. Archived from 7510:from the original on January 28, 2024 7219: 7084:from the original on December 8, 2022 6913: 5253:" refers to someone who has mastered 4587: 4409:(child, 2023 series) (Japanese); 4223:(1996 series; second voice) (English) 3965:(such as his twin brother), or was a 3278: 2881:as part of the Jinchū campaign while 2878: 1361:commercial, and the Giant Soldier in 1278: 1274: 1221: 579:and works as a Meiji police officer. 162:, several of the characters are real 8709:from the original on August 31, 2023 8632:from the original on January 5, 2022 8454:from the original on August 23, 2023 8111:「るろうに剣心」最終話に志々雄真実・瀬田宗次郎ら登場、キャストも明らかに 7706: 7430:from the original on August 29, 2023 7234:from the original on August 11, 2023 6870:from the original on October 3, 2022 4359: (Japanese); Joey Hood (English) 3578:is the manager of the beef hot pot ( 3393:under the alias "Ni'itsu Kakunoshin" 2678: 1133:Watsuki modeled Takeda Kanryū after 859:in Sanosuke's hometown, and then by 617: 9324:Lists of anime and manga characters 8789:from the original on August 4, 2023 8440:Cayanan, Joanna (August 23, 2023). 8194:from the original on August 4, 2023 7967: 7875: 7303: 7277: 7153:from the original on August 4, 2023 7118:from the original on March 26, 2023 7059: 6767:from the original on March 25, 2023 6686: 5631:In the 11th Year of Meiji, May 14th 4735: 4263: 4200: 3350:(1996 series; Sony dub), Joe York ( 3346:(1996 series; Media Blasters dub), 3310: 2780: 2755:Gein originated from serial killer 2656: 1698:(1996 series), Lowell Bartholomee ( 1531: 1146:in the first live-action film. For 764:(1996 series; Media Blasters dub), 353:family who was forced to work as a 121: 24: 7506:(in Japanese). September 1, 2023. 7497:「るろうに剣心」声優一覧│新アニメの全キャスト46人を網羅&随時更新 6627:Vol. 28 (ch. 248–255):  6578:Vol. 27 (ch. 238–247):  6529:Vol. 26 (ch. 228–237):  6480:Vol. 25 (ch. 218–227):  6429:Vol. 24 (ch. 207–217):  6380:Vol. 23 (ch. 197–206):  6331:Vol. 22 (ch. 187–196):  6284:Vol. 21 (ch. 178–186):  6235:Vol. 20 (ch. 168–177):  6188:Vol. 19 (ch. 159–167):  6139:Vol. 18 (ch. 149–158):  6090:Vol. 17 (ch. 139–148):  6043:Vol. 16 (ch. 130–138):  5996:Vol. 15 (ch. 121–129):  5949:Vol. 14 (ch. 112–120):  5902:Vol. 13 (ch. 103–111):  4945:historical figure of the same name 4882:historical figure of the same name 4776:historical figure of the same name 4516:historical figure of the same name 4390: 4299:historical figure of the same name 3627: 3444: 2810: 2594:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 2549:(1996 series), Lowell Bartolomee ( 1902: 1608: 1478:Mitokōmon Gaiden: Kagerō Ninpō-Chō 1364:Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1243: 1153: 749: 582: 563:historical figure of the same name 504: 458: 365: 214: 201:, a young child descendant from a 125: 97: 93: 76:. The second row has Kuro, Omasu, 44:Several of the main characters of 25: 9340: 8930: 5855:Vol. 12 (ch. 94–102):  3459:) (Japanese); Rebecca Davis ( 3149:four symbols of Chinese astrology 3008: 2993:model was a previously rejected " 2513: 2404: 2081: 1370: 1341: 1017:. Jin-e's outfit originates from 860: 229: 129: 105: 8962:Anime website character profiles 8937: 7878:"Anime Expo 2002: Friday Report" 7253:Yea, Yong (November 14, 2023). 6737:Samurai X A Killer Without Mercy 6674: 5808:Vol. 11 (ch. 85–93):  5761:Vol. 10 (ch. 76–84):  5538:The State of Meiji Swordsmanship 5057: 5010: 4935:) (Japanese); Jason Phelps ( 4064: 3712: 3650: 2882: 2760: 2695: 2568:, also known as "Destroying Yan" 2492:, also known as "Destroying Yin" 2344:was also a reference for Henya. 1898: 1679: 1660:, also known as "Heaven's Sword" 1545: 1527: 1461:and took pride in it, until the 1414:(1996 series), Claire Hamilton ( 1399: 1083: 1042: 652:already matured in the original 530: 430:(1996 series), Rebeca Robinson ( 397: 328: 101: 53: 8903: 8873: 8843: 8765: 8743: 8678: 8661: 8644: 8614: 8597: 8575: 8500: 8466: 8357: 8342: 8339:anime. (Media Blasters version) 8327: 8298: 8259: 8223: 8170: 8153: 8102: 8085: 8068: 8051: 8034: 8017: 8000: 7961: 7917: 7869: 7825: 7803: 7781: 7626: 7610: 7588: 7522: 7442: 7410: 7297: 7246: 7220:Mateo, Alex (August 10, 2023). 7213: 7196: 7165: 7048:from the original on 2018-03-05 6605:(in Japanese). September 1999. 6358:(in Japanese). September 1998. 5881:(in Japanese). September 1996. 5714:Vol. 9 (ch. 67–75):  5667:Vol. 8 (ch. 58–66):  5618:Vol. 7 (ch. 48–57):  5573:Vol. 6 (ch. 40–47):  5526:Vol. 5 (ch. 31–39):  5481:Vol. 4 (ch. 23–30):  5438:Vol. 3 (ch. 16–22):  5373:(in Japanese). September 1994. 5324:(in Japanese). 28 vols. Tokyo: 5274: 4701: 4644: 4454: 4348: 4326:samurai taking responsibility. 3532: 3315: 2921:, the "Human Shadow Instrument" 2618: 2224: 1805: 1504: 718: 711:Ashitarō, Aran was inspired by 536: 288: 224: 213:cadet who enjoys fighting, and 7149:(in Japanese). July 21, 2023. 6882: 6746: 6680: 6652:(in Japanese). November 1999. 6457:(in Japanese). February 1999. 6407:(in Japanese). November 1998. 6214:(in Japanese). February 1998. 6166:(in Japanese). December 1997. 5928:(in Japanese). December 1996. 5740:(in Japanese). February 1996. 5693:(in Japanese). December 1995. 5462:(in Japanese). February 1995. 5417:(in Japanese). December 1994. 5391:Vol. 2 (ch. 7–15):  5359:Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 5233: 4835:(1996 series) (Japanese); 4659:(2023 series) (Japanese); 4612:is his younger sister, and Ōta 4534: 4495:(2023 series) (Japanese); 4484: 4336:President of the United States 4278:(2023 series) (Japanese); 4215:(2023 series) (Japanese); 4030:(1996 series) (Japanese); 3989:(2023 series) (Japanese); 3831:(2023 series) (Japanese); 3762: 3665:(2023 series) (Japanese); 3643:and had an assistant from the 3559:(2023 series) (Japanese); 3342:(2023 series) (Japanese); 3145:, "Four Stars" or "Four Gods") 3079: 2906: 2828: 2545:(1996 series) (Japanese); 2473:(1996 series) (Japanese); 2399:controlled from the inside by 2358:(1996 series) (Japanese); 2111:, also known as "Great Scythe" 2092:(1996 series) (Japanese); 1944: 1932:Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno 1843:, also known as "Sword Hunter" 1816:(2023 series) (Japanese); 1694:(2023 series) (Japanese); 1639: 1410:(2023 series) (Japanese); 1176:(2023 series) (Japanese); 1098:(2023 series) (Japanese); 910:(2023 series) (Japanese); 760:(2023 series) (Japanese); 744: 13: 1: 8924:. Retrieved on July 15, 2009. 6117:(in Japanese). October 1997. 5773:Mitsurugi, Master and Student 5645:(in Japanese). October 1995. 5350:Vol. 1 (ch. 1–6):  5298: 4768:Samurai X: The Motion Picture 3039: 2986: 2873: 1970:, also known as "Blind Sword" 1717:, also known as "Bright King" 1571:, also known as "All-knowing" 1539: 852: 691: 217:, a doctor involved with the 133: 7401:Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration 7397:Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration 5598:(in Japanese). August 1995. 5291:, his own brand of judgment. 5118:Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration 4762:(1996 series; first voice), 4219:(1996 series; first voice), 4034:(1996 series), Marty Fleck ( 4012:for the Ishin Shishi in the 3796:from the shadows during the 3110: 1148:Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration 1050:Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration 891: 7: 6636: 6635: 6634: 6633: 6632: 6631: 6630: 6629: 6628: 6589: 6588: 6587: 6586: 6585: 6584: 6583: 6582: 6581: 6580: 6579: 6540: 6539: 6538: 6537: 6536: 6535: 6534: 6533: 6532: 6531: 6530: 6507:(in Japanese). April 1999. 6491: 6490: 6489: 6488: 6487: 6486: 6485: 6484: 6483: 6482: 6481: 6441: 6440: 6439: 6438: 6437: 6436: 6435: 6434: 6433: 6432: 6431: 6430: 6391: 6390: 6389: 6388: 6387: 6386: 6385: 6384: 6383: 6382: 6381: 6342: 6341: 6340: 6339: 6338: 6337: 6336: 6335: 6334: 6333: 6332: 6294: 6293: 6292: 6291: 6290: 6289: 6288: 6287: 6286: 6285: 6246: 6245: 6244: 6243: 6242: 6241: 6240: 6239: 6238: 6237: 6236: 6198: 6197: 6196: 6195: 6194: 6193: 6192: 6191: 6190: 6189: 6152:Do You Still Bear the Scar? 6150: 6149: 6148: 6147: 6146: 6145: 6144: 6143: 6142: 6141: 6140: 6101: 6100: 6099: 6098: 6097: 6096: 6095: 6094: 6093: 6092: 6091: 6053: 6052: 6051: 6050: 6049: 6048: 6047: 6046: 6045: 6044: 6008:The Great Man vs. The Giant 6006: 6005: 6004: 6003: 6002: 6001: 6000: 5999: 5998: 5997: 5975:(in Japanese). March 1997. 5959: 5958: 5957: 5956: 5955: 5954: 5953: 5952: 5951: 5950: 5912: 5911: 5910: 5909: 5908: 5907: 5906: 5905: 5904: 5903: 5865: 5864: 5863: 5856: 5809: 5787:(in Japanese). April 1996. 5762: 5506:(in Japanese). April 1995. 5185: 5135: 5087: 5003:that can disconnect into a 4559:, and their infant son Iori 4303:three great revolutionaries 4159: 3934: 3858: 3738: 3695: 3403: 3377: 3284: 3212: 3094: 2853: 2727: 2641: 2578: 2502: 2462: 2387: 2282: 2266: 2250: 2121: 1980: 1853: 1760: 1727: 1670: 1581: 1443: 1433:, also known as "Caretaker" 933: 798: 113: 10: 9345: 9329:Rurouni Kenshin characters 8783:Kadokawa Game Linkage Inc. 8188:Kadokawa Game Linkage Inc. 7970:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 25 7876:Tei, Andrew (2005-07-05). 7366:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 26 7328:Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2004). 6999:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 16 6997:Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2005). 6961:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 14 6959:Watsuki, Nobuhiro (2005). 6556:(in Japanese). July 1999. 6393:Sin, Judgement, Acceptance 6310:(in Japanese). July 1998. 6069:(in Japanese). June 1997. 5862: 5861: 5860: 5859: 5858: 5857: 5834:(in Japanese). June 1996. 5818: 5817: 5816: 5815: 5814: 5813: 5812: 5811: 5810: 5771: 5770: 5769: 5768: 5767: 5766: 5765: 5764: 5763: 5724: 5723: 5722: 5721: 5720: 5719: 5718: 5717: 5716: 5715: 5677: 5676: 5675: 5674: 5673: 5672: 5671: 5670: 5669: 5668: 5629: 5628: 5627: 5626: 5625: 5624: 5623: 5622: 5621: 5620: 5619: 5582: 5581: 5580: 5579: 5578: 5577: 5576: 5575: 5574: 5552:(in Japanese). June 1995. 5536: 5535: 5534: 5533: 5532: 5531: 5530: 5529: 5528: 5527: 5490: 5489: 5488: 5487: 5486: 5485: 5484: 5483: 5482: 5446: 5445: 5444: 5443: 5442: 5441: 5440: 5439: 5401: 5400: 5399: 5398: 5397: 5396: 5392: 5351: 5335:. 28 vols. San Francisco: 4964:1996 anime-only characters 4345:in the live-action films. 4141:in the live-action films. 3974: 3904: 3816: 3428:. When Hiko was placed in 3417:in the live-action films. 3120: 2971:. The last is the Rikudōko 2716:, the "Artist of Karakuri" 2660: 1938:Rurouni Kenshin: The Final 1643: 1374: 1310: 1117:is a cunning money-minded 1033:. The third volume of the 586: 540: 508: 501:in the live-action films. 386:is a former member of the 369: 332: 292: 233: 158:. Set in Japan during the 77: 28: 9248: 9223:Mighty Long Fall/Decision 9174: 9128: 9050: 9013: 8354:anime. (Japanese version) 7330:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 8 7306:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 5 6689:Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 3 6262:(in Japanese). May 1998. 6022:(in Japanese). May 1997. 5395: 5394: 5393: 5357: 5356: 5355: 5354: 5353: 5352: 5207: 5179: 5157: 5129: 5097: 5081: 5050:, and sought revenge for 5040: 5030: 4992: 4953:Second Chōshū Subjugation 4918: 4851: 4822: 4793: 4749: 4725: 4692: 4682: 4672: 4626: 4616: 4606: 4596: 4573: 4563: 4553: 4543: 4518:, was the captain of the 4508: 4474: 4432: 4422: 4368: 4316: 4305:, he was a leader of the 4291: 4252:dojo, along with Yahiko. 4242: 4232: 4153: 4144: 4102: 4092: 4082: 4072: 4057: 4047: 4002: 3928: 3882: 3848: 3782: 3753: 3732: 3689: 3678: 3616: 3603: 3589: 3572: 3481: 3397: 3371: 3305:Higashidani Kamishimoemon 3293: 3271: 3261: 3251: 3241: 3231: 3221: 3195: 3185: 3174: 3155: 3129: 3088: 3028: 3017: 2975: 2965: 2955: 2945: 2935: 2925: 2915: 2866: 2847: 2837: 2799: 2789: 2746: 2720: 2710: 2688: 2671: 2635: 2572: 2562: 2509: 2496: 2486: 2400: 2381: 2371: 2347: 2276: 2260: 2256:, known as the "Flighted" 2244: 2198: 2185: 2160: 2147: 2115: 2105: 2021: 1974: 1964: 1905:but is soundly defeated. 1891: 1880:and his favorite, a thin 1874: 1847: 1837: 1754: 1721: 1711: 1664: 1654: 1600: 1575: 1565: 1535: 1516: 1437: 1427: 1385: 1330: 1267: 1210: 1189: 1111: 1029:in the television series 990:, "One Side of the Soul") 986: 964: 947: 927: 841: 820: 810: 792: 727: 700: 683: 675: 626: 597: 573: 555: 519: 443: 380: 343: 303: 258: 244: 150:features a large cast of 109: 8773: 8686: 8307:Rurouni Kenshin Profiles 8235: 8178: 8110: 7658: 7496: 7418: 7141: 7104: 7070: 5226: 4968: 4959:in the live-action film. 4884:, was the leader of the 4786:in the live-action film. 4019: 3634:, and her collecting of 3003:X-Men: Age of Apocalypse 715:to be an appealing duo. 8885:Behind The Voice Actors 8626:Behind The Voice Actors 7570:Behind The Voice Actors 6864:Behind The Voice Actors 6103:The Age Decides the Man 5820:Overture to Destruction 5259:. Assassins during the 5108:which leads to her and 4839:(1996 series) (English) 4716:(1996 series) (English) 4663:(1996 series) (English) 4641:images of real people. 4569:. Seikū's father Shakkū 4499:(1996 series) (English) 4465:(1996 series) (English) 4413:(1996 series) (English) 4282:(1996 series) (English) 3993:(1996 series) (English) 3839:(2023 series) (English) 3792:or spies who protected 3669:(1996 series) (English) 3563:(1996 series) (English) 2701: 2603:Neon Genesis Evangelion 2534: 2477:(1996 series) (English) 2362:(1996 series) (English) 2235:(1996 series) (English) 2210:Neon Genesis Evangelion 2096:(1996 series) (English) 2069:Neon Genesis Evangelion 1955:(1996 series) (English) 1556:(1996 series) (English) 1321:(1996 series) (English) 1180:(1996 series) (English) 1102:(1996 series) (English) 918:(2023 series) (English) 266:Battousai the Manslayer 9195:The Fourth Avenue Cafe 8945:Anime and manga portal 6344:Battle on Three Fronts 5036:, real name Mutō Shōgo 4981:Mary Elizabeth McGlynn 4909:fifth live-action film 4901:first live-action film 4112:to block sword blows. 3772: 3542: 3109:and is guarded by the 2628: 2522:Purin Purin Monogatari 2377:, also known as "Ogre" 1501:in live-action films. 1480:, a spinoff series of 1163: 1074:Battle of Toba–Fushimi 1066:first live-action film 688:("tomorrow's child"). 317:and a practitioner of 274:Battousai: The Slasher 272:English anime dub, as 189:, the instructor of a 185:period. After helping 137: 29:This article uses the 9209:1/3 no Junjō na Kanjō 5093:, real name Mutō Sayo 4053:, also known as Okina 3770: 3540: 3378:Hiko Seijūrō Jūsandai 2861:Jutsushiki Muteki-ryū 2626: 1214:, "Old School Style") 1161: 116:. The bottom row has 43: 9237:Broken Heart of Gold 9098:Trust & Betrayal 8953:Manga kanzenban page 8696:Mediavague Co., ltd. 8476:(December 6, 2023). 7419:キャストコメント 武田観柳役 真殿光昭 7071:「明日郎」で初めてデジタル作画を実践投入 7005:. pp. 106–107. 5867:The Great Kyoto Fire 5679:On the East Sea Road 4937:Trust & Betrayal 4933:Trust & Betrayal 4874:Trust & Betrayal 4866:Trust & Betrayal 3833:Derek Stephen Prince 3461:Trust & Betrayal 3457:Trust & Betrayal 3352:Trust & Betrayal 3328:Trust & Betrayal 3050:Yatsume's model was 2031:, which is actually 1818:Derek Stephen Prince 1520:, lit. "Ten Swords") 874:Chikarabito Densetsu 349:is an orphan from a 152:fictional characters 33:order for fictional 8870:(Sony English dub). 8705:. August 24, 2023. 8233:(October 5, 2023). 7304:Watsuki, Nobuhiro. 6296:And So, Time Passed 5331:Watsuki, Nobuhiro. 5186:Esupirāru Rotashion 5001:three-section staff 4324:Ishikawa Prefecture 4272:Yoshisada Sakaguchi 3434:Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū 3411:Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū 3387:Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū 3354:), James Brownlee ( 2795:, the "Weapon Body" 2318:Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū 2288:, in which he uses 2004:- to attack, and a 1882:long flexible sword 1744:anti-Buddhist purge 1302:meaning "red", and 788:The Hiruma Brothers 768:(1996 series; Sony 9088:The Motion Picture 8916:2009-08-23 at the 8447:Anime News Network 7227:Anime News Network 7041:Anime News Network 6967:. pp. 28–29. 6760:Anime News Network 6154:. September 2005. 5344:Individual volumes 5153:Asahiyama Dankichi 4810:The master of the 4588:Higashidani Family 4531:second and third. 4375:follow-up chapter 4250:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 4032:Michael McConnohie 3773: 3543: 3502:Kyoto Mimawarigumi 3203:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 3044:Tokugawa shogunate 2629: 2427:. But elements of 1897:. Having heard of 1784:Nagakura Shinpachi 1696:Michael McConnohie 1273:is a mercenary of 1170:Ryūnosuke Ōbayashi 1164: 1070:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 832:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 658:Niigata Prefecture 426:) (Japanese); 360:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 319:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 311:Kamiya Kasshin-ryū 219:illegal drug trade 177:" working for the 164:historical figures 138: 9311: 9310: 9129:Live-action films 8828:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 8750:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 8728:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 8582:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 8320:978-1-4215-0160-4 7946:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7924:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7902:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7854:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7832:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7810:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7788:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7766:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7741:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7716:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7691:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7617:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7595:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 7343:978-1-5911-6563-7 7012:978-1-5911-6854-6 6974:978-1-5911-6767-9 6658:978-4-08-872782-0 6646:978-1-4215-0675-3 6611:978-4-08-872758-5 6599:978-1-4215-0674-6 6562:978-4-08-872732-5 6550:978-1-4215-0673-9 6513:978-4-08-872696-0 6501:978-1-4215-0407-0 6463:978-4-08-872668-7 6451:978-1-4215-0338-7 6443:The End of Dreams 6413:978-4-08-872626-7 6401:978-1-4215-0276-2 6395:. February 2006. 6364:978-4-08-872601-4 6352:978-1-4215-0196-3 6316:978-4-08-872574-1 6304:978-1-4215-0082-9 6298:. December 2005. 6268:978-4-08-872551-2 6256:978-1-4215-0064-5 6250:. November 2005. 6220:978-4-08-872515-4 6208:978-1-5911-6927-7 6200:Shades of Reality 6172:978-4-08-872298-6 6160:978-1-5911-6959-8 6123:978-4-08-872297-9 6111:978-1-5911-6876-8 6075:978-4-08-872296-2 6063:978-1-5911-6854-6 6028:978-4-08-872295-5 6016:978-1-5911-6810-2 5981:978-4-08-872284-9 5969:978-1-5911-6767-9 5922:978-1-5911-6713-6 5914:A Beautiful Night 5887:978-4-08-872282-5 5875:978-1-5911-6712-9 5840:978-4-08-872281-8 5828:978-1-5911-6709-9 5822:. February 2005. 5793:978-4-08-871510-0 5781:978-1-5911-6703-7 5746:978-4-08-871509-4 5734:978-1-5911-6669-6 5728:. December 2004. 5699:978-4-08-871508-7 5687:978-1-5911-6563-7 5681:. November 2004. 5651:978-4-08-871507-0 5639:978-1-5911-6357-2 5604:978-4-08-871506-3 5592:978-1-5911-6356-5 5558:978-4-08-871505-6 5546:978-1-5911-6320-6 5512:978-4-08-871504-9 5500:978-1-5911-6251-3 5468:978-4-08-871503-2 5456:978-1-5911-6250-6 5423:978-4-08-871500-1 5411:978-1-5911-6249-0 5405:. November 2003. 5379:978-4-08-871499-8 5367:978-1-5911-6220-9 5322:るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- 5318:Watsuki, Nobuhiro 5068: (Japanese); 4979: (Japanese); 4914:Takasugi Shinsaku 4377:Yahiko's Sakabatō 4343:Kazufumi Miyazawa 4311:Kawaji Toshiyoshi 4276:Takashi Matsuyama 4127:Cyborg Jii-chan G 4043:Kashiwazaki Nenji 3747:Hitokiri Battōsai 3721:Sukekiyo Kameyama 3426:Arabian Lamp-Lamp 3415:Masaharu Fukuyama 3404:Niitsu Kakunoshin 3367:Hiko Seijūrō XIII 2612:Arabian Lamp-Lamp 2456:Age of Apocalypse 2064:spider-like angel 1895:, "The Thin One") 1634:Shokatsuryō Kōmei 1499:Maryjun Takahashi 1488:Morrigan Aensland 994:Hitokiri Battōsai 939:, also known as " 849:Hitokiri Battōsai 828:Hitokiri Battōsai 622:Hasegawa Ashitarō 618:Hasegawa Ashitarō 529:or leader of the 486:Cyborg Jii-chan G 315:Hitokiri Battōsai 252:Hitokiri Battōsai 175:Hitokiri Battōsai 48:, the faction of 16:(Redirected from 9336: 9303:Yukishiro Enishi 9202:It's Gonna Rain! 9041:The Hokkaido Arc 9007:Nobuhiro Watsuki 8994: 8987: 8980: 8971: 8970: 8966: 8958: 8947: 8942: 8941: 8925: 8907: 8901: 8900: 8898: 8896: 8877: 8871: 8864: 8858: 8847: 8841: 8825: 8819: 8808: 8799: 8798: 8796: 8794: 8785:August 4, 2023. 8769: 8763: 8747: 8741: 8725: 8719: 8718: 8716: 8714: 8704: 8682: 8676: 8665: 8659: 8648: 8642: 8641: 8639: 8637: 8618: 8612: 8601: 8595: 8579: 8573: 8560: 8551: 8538: 8529: 8528: 8522: 8520: 8504: 8498: 8497: 8491: 8489: 8470: 8464: 8463: 8461: 8459: 8437: 8424: 8411: 8400: 8387: 8374: 8361: 8355: 8346: 8340: 8331: 8325: 8324: 8302: 8296: 8285: 8276: 8263: 8257: 8256: 8250: 8248: 8227: 8221: 8210: 8204: 8203: 8201: 8199: 8174: 8168: 8157: 8151: 8140: 8134: 8133: 8131: 8129: 8106: 8100: 8089: 8083: 8072: 8066: 8055: 8049: 8038: 8032: 8021: 8015: 8004: 7998: 7987: 7978: 7977: 7965: 7959: 7943: 7937: 7921: 7915: 7899: 7893: 7892: 7890: 7889: 7873: 7867: 7851: 7845: 7829: 7823: 7807: 7801: 7785: 7779: 7763: 7754: 7738: 7729: 7713: 7704: 7688: 7682: 7681: 7679: 7677: 7654: 7643: 7630: 7624: 7614: 7608: 7592: 7586: 7585: 7583: 7581: 7562: 7537: 7526: 7520: 7519: 7517: 7515: 7492: 7459: 7446: 7440: 7439: 7437: 7435: 7414: 7408: 7393: 7384: 7383: 7361: 7348: 7347: 7336:. pp. 8–9. 7325: 7314: 7313: 7301: 7295: 7284: 7275: 7274: 7268: 7266: 7250: 7244: 7243: 7241: 7239: 7217: 7211: 7200: 7194: 7193: 7187: 7185: 7169: 7163: 7162: 7160: 7158: 7137: 7128: 7127: 7125: 7123: 7100: 7094: 7093: 7091: 7089: 7066: 7057: 7056: 7054: 7053: 7032: 7017: 7016: 6994: 6979: 6978: 6956: 6933: 6920: 6911: 6910: 6904: 6902: 6886: 6880: 6879: 6877: 6875: 6856: 6777: 6776: 6774: 6772: 6750: 6744: 6733: 6727: 6726: 6724: 6722: 6717:on July 14, 2011 6713:. Archived from 6703: 6697: 6696: 6684: 6669: 6668: 6667: 6666: 6665: 6664: 6663: 6662: 6661: 6638:Toward a New Era 6624: 6623: 6622: 6621: 6620: 6619: 6618: 6617: 6616: 6615: 6614: 6575: 6574: 6573: 6572: 6571: 6570: 6569: 6568: 6567: 6566: 6565: 6526: 6525: 6524: 6523: 6522: 6521: 6520: 6519: 6518: 6517: 6516: 6477: 6476: 6475: 6474: 6473: 6472: 6471: 6470: 6469: 6468: 6467: 6466: 6426: 6425: 6424: 6423: 6422: 6421: 6420: 6419: 6418: 6417: 6416: 6377: 6376: 6375: 6374: 6373: 6372: 6371: 6370: 6369: 6368: 6367: 6346:. January 2006. 6328: 6327: 6326: 6325: 6324: 6323: 6322: 6321: 6320: 6319: 6281: 6280: 6279: 6278: 6277: 6276: 6275: 6274: 6273: 6272: 6271: 6232: 6231: 6230: 6229: 6228: 6227: 6226: 6225: 6224: 6223: 6202:. October 2005. 6185: 6184: 6183: 6182: 6181: 6180: 6179: 6178: 6177: 6176: 6175: 6136: 6135: 6134: 6133: 6132: 6131: 6130: 6129: 6128: 6127: 6126: 6087: 6086: 6085: 6084: 6083: 6082: 6081: 6080: 6079: 6078: 6040: 6039: 6038: 6037: 6036: 6035: 6034: 6033: 6032: 6031: 5993: 5992: 5991: 5990: 5989: 5988: 5987: 5986: 5985: 5984: 5946: 5945: 5944: 5943: 5942: 5941: 5940: 5939: 5938: 5937: 5899: 5898: 5897: 5896: 5895: 5894: 5893: 5892: 5891: 5890: 5852: 5851: 5850: 5849: 5848: 5847: 5846: 5845: 5844: 5843: 5805: 5804: 5803: 5802: 5801: 5800: 5799: 5798: 5797: 5796: 5775:. January 2005. 5758: 5757: 5756: 5755: 5754: 5753: 5752: 5751: 5750: 5749: 5726:Arrival in Kyoto 5711: 5710: 5709: 5708: 5707: 5706: 5705: 5704: 5703: 5702: 5664: 5663: 5662: 5661: 5660: 5659: 5658: 5657: 5656: 5655: 5654: 5633:. October 2004. 5615: 5614: 5613: 5612: 5611: 5610: 5609: 5608: 5607: 5570: 5569: 5568: 5567: 5566: 5565: 5564: 5563: 5562: 5561: 5523: 5522: 5521: 5520: 5519: 5518: 5517: 5516: 5515: 5492:Dual Conclusions 5478: 5477: 5476: 5475: 5474: 5473: 5472: 5471: 5450:. January 2004. 5435: 5434: 5433: 5432: 5431: 5430: 5429: 5428: 5427: 5426: 5403:The Two Hitokiri 5388: 5387: 5386: 5385: 5384: 5383: 5382: 5361:. October 2003. 5292: 5278: 5272: 5237: 5220: 5212: 5210: 5209: 5198: 5196:Shin-ichiro Miki 5190: 5188: 5182: 5181: 5175:Espiral Rotation 5170: 5162: 5160: 5159: 5148: 5140: 5138: 5132: 5131: 5102: 5100: 5099: 5092: 5090: 5084: 5083: 5073: 5045: 5043: 5042: 5035: 5033: 5032: 5022: 4997: 4995: 4994: 4984: 4940: 4923: 4921: 4920: 4877: 4870:Kenichi Suzumura 4856: 4854: 4853: 4840: 4827: 4825: 4824: 4807: 4798: 4796: 4795: 4789:Maekawa Miyauchi 4771: 4754: 4752: 4751: 4745: 4744: 4743:Yamagata Aritomo 4736:Minor characters 4730: 4728: 4727: 4717: 4697: 4695: 4694: 4687: 4685: 4684: 4677: 4675: 4674: 4664: 4631: 4629: 4628: 4621: 4619: 4618: 4611: 4609: 4608: 4601: 4599: 4598: 4578: 4576: 4575: 4568: 4566: 4565: 4558: 4556: 4555: 4549:, his wife Azusa 4548: 4546: 4545: 4513: 4511: 4510: 4500: 4479: 4477: 4476: 4466: 4437: 4435: 4434: 4428:, born Katsuhiro 4427: 4425: 4424: 4414: 4403:Yūichirō Umehara 4373: 4371: 4370: 4360: 4321: 4319: 4318: 4296: 4294: 4293: 4287:Ōkubo Toshimichi 4283: 4264:Ōkubo Toshimichi 4247: 4245: 4244: 4237: 4235: 4234: 4228:Tsukayama Yutarō 4224: 4201:Tsukayama Yutarō 4164: 4162: 4156: 4155: 4135: 4107: 4105: 4104: 4097: 4095: 4094: 4087: 4085: 4084: 4077: 4075: 4074: 4062: 4060: 4059: 4052: 4050: 4049: 4039: 4007: 4005: 4004: 3994: 3941: 3939: 3931: 3930: 3920: 3887: 3885: 3884: 3874: 3853: 3851: 3850: 3840: 3829:Hiroyuki Yoshino 3787: 3785: 3784: 3758: 3756: 3755: 3743: 3741: 3735: 3734: 3724: 3700: 3698: 3692: 3691: 3683: 3681: 3680: 3670: 3621: 3619: 3618: 3608: 3606: 3605: 3594: 3592: 3591: 3577: 3575: 3574: 3564: 3514:Kinmon incidents 3486: 3484: 3483: 3473: 3464: 3408: 3406: 3400: 3399: 3384: 3383: 3380: 3374: 3373: 3363: 3358:), Andrew Love ( 3311:Other characters 3298: 3296: 3295: 3276: 3274: 3273: 3266: 3264: 3263: 3256: 3254: 3253: 3246: 3244: 3243: 3236: 3234: 3233: 3226: 3224: 3223: 3200: 3198: 3197: 3190: 3188: 3187: 3179: 3177: 3176: 3160: 3158: 3157: 3146: 3132: 3131: 3107: 3097: 3091: 3090: 3033: 3031: 3030: 3022: 3020: 3019: 2980: 2978: 2977: 2970: 2968: 2967: 2960: 2958: 2957: 2950: 2948: 2947: 2940: 2938: 2937: 2930: 2928: 2927: 2920: 2918: 2917: 2871: 2869: 2868: 2858: 2856: 2850: 2849: 2842: 2840: 2839: 2807:Armstrong cannon 2804: 2802: 2801: 2794: 2792: 2791: 2785:Kujiranami Hyōgo 2781:Kujiranami Hyōgo 2751: 2749: 2748: 2725: 2723: 2722: 2715: 2713: 2712: 2693: 2691: 2690: 2676: 2674: 2673: 2667:Yukishiro Enishi 2663:Yukishiro Enishi 2657:Yukishiro Enishi 2651:Yukishiro Enishi 2648: 2647: 2644: 2642:Rokunin no Dōshi 2638: 2637: 2631:The Six Comrades 2583: 2581: 2575: 2574: 2567: 2565: 2564: 2554: 2547:Beau Billingslea 2507: 2505: 2499: 2498: 2491: 2489: 2488: 2478: 2394: 2393: 2390: 2384: 2383: 2376: 2374: 2373: 2363: 2287: 2285: 2279: 2278: 2271: 2269: 2263: 2262: 2255: 2253: 2247: 2246: 2236: 2203: 2201: 2200: 2190: 2188: 2187: 2165: 2163: 2162: 2152: 2150: 2149: 2126: 2124: 2118: 2117: 2110: 2108: 2107: 2097: 2030: 2024: 2023: 1985: 1983: 1977: 1976: 1969: 1967: 1966: 1956: 1896: 1894: 1893: 1879: 1877: 1876: 1858: 1856: 1850: 1849: 1842: 1840: 1839: 1829: 1814:Nobuhiko Okamoto 1767: 1766: 1763: 1757: 1756: 1732: 1730: 1724: 1723: 1716: 1714: 1713: 1703: 1675: 1673: 1667: 1666: 1659: 1657: 1656: 1630:Hijikata Toshizō 1605: 1603: 1602: 1591:ironclad warship 1588: 1587: 1584: 1578: 1577: 1570: 1568: 1567: 1557: 1521: 1519: 1518: 1450: 1449: 1446: 1440: 1439: 1432: 1430: 1429: 1419: 1390: 1388: 1387: 1335: 1333: 1332: 1322: 1319:Beau Billingslea 1293: 1279:Ōkubo Toshimichi 1272: 1270: 1269: 1259: 1222:Tsukayama Yutarō 1215: 1213: 1212: 1194: 1192: 1191: 1181: 1135:Takeda Kanryūsai 1116: 1114: 1113: 1103: 991: 989: 988: 969: 967: 966: 952: 950: 949: 938: 936: 930: 929: 919: 882: 846: 844: 843: 825: 823: 822: 815: 813: 812: 805: 804: 801: 795: 794: 783: 773: 762:Beau Billingslea 732: 730: 729: 713:Ushio & Tora 705: 703: 702: 687: 686: 685: 679: 678: 677: 641:Ushio & Tora 631: 629: 628: 602: 600: 599: 578: 576: 575: 560: 558: 557: 524: 522: 521: 494: 448: 446: 445: 435: 392:Meiji government 385: 383: 382: 348: 346: 345: 308: 306: 305: 263: 261: 260: 249: 247: 246: 156:Nobuhiro Watsuki 52:, and the Kyoto 21: 9344: 9343: 9339: 9338: 9337: 9335: 9334: 9333: 9314: 9313: 9312: 9307: 9298:Makimachi Misao 9278:Shinomori Aoshi 9273:Sagara Sanosuke 9244: 9170: 9151:The Legend Ends 9137:Rurouni Kenshin 9124: 9046: 9034:Master of Flame 9009: 9002:Rurouni Kenshin 8998: 8964: 8956: 8943: 8936: 8933: 8928: 8918:Wayback Machine 8908: 8904: 8894: 8892: 8879: 8878: 8874: 8865: 8861: 8851:Rurouni Kenshin 8848: 8844: 8833:Rurouni Kenshin 8826: 8822: 8812:Rurouni Kenshin 8809: 8802: 8792: 8790: 8781:(in Japanese). 8775: 8771: 8770: 8766: 8755:Rurouni Kenshin 8748: 8744: 8733:Rurouni Kenshin 8726: 8722: 8712: 8710: 8698: 8694:(in Japanese). 8688: 8684: 8683: 8679: 8669:Rurouni Kenshin 8666: 8662: 8652:Rurouni Kenshin 8649: 8645: 8635: 8633: 8620: 8619: 8615: 8605:Rurouni Kenshin 8602: 8598: 8587:Rurouni Kenshin 8580: 8576: 8565:Rurouni Kenshin 8561: 8554: 8543:Rurouni Kenshin 8539: 8532: 8518: 8516: 8505: 8501: 8487: 8485: 8474:Beacock, Brian 8471: 8467: 8457: 8455: 8438: 8427: 8416:Rurouni Kenshin 8412: 8403: 8392:Rurouni Kenshin 8388: 8377: 8366:Rurouni Kenshin 8362: 8358: 8351:Rurouni Kenshin 8347: 8343: 8336:Rurouni Kenshin 8332: 8328: 8321: 8303: 8299: 8289:Rurouni Kenshin 8286: 8279: 8267:Rurouni Kenshin 8264: 8260: 8246: 8244: 8237: 8228: 8224: 8214:Rurouni Kenshin 8211: 8207: 8197: 8195: 8190:July 29, 2023. 8180: 8176: 8175: 8171: 8161:Rurouni Kenshin 8158: 8154: 8144:Rurouni Kenshin 8141: 8137: 8127: 8125: 8112: 8108: 8107: 8103: 8093:Rurouni Kenshin 8090: 8086: 8076:Rurouni Kenshin 8073: 8069: 8059:Rurouni Kenshin 8056: 8052: 8042:Rurouni Kenshin 8039: 8035: 8025:Rurouni Kenshin 8022: 8018: 8008:Rurouni Kenshin 8005: 8001: 7991:Rurouni Kenshin 7988: 7981: 7966: 7962: 7951:Rurouni Kenshin 7944: 7940: 7929:Rurouni Kenshin 7922: 7918: 7907:Rurouni Kenshin 7900: 7896: 7887: 7885: 7874: 7870: 7859:Rurouni Kenshin 7852: 7848: 7837:Rurouni Kenshin 7830: 7826: 7815:Rurouni Kenshin 7808: 7804: 7793:Rurouni Kenshin 7786: 7782: 7771:Rurouni Kenshin 7764: 7757: 7746:Rurouni Kenshin 7739: 7732: 7721:Rurouni Kenshin 7714: 7707: 7696:Rurouni Kenshin 7689: 7685: 7675: 7673: 7660: 7656: 7655: 7646: 7635:Rurouni Kenshin 7631: 7627: 7615: 7611: 7600:Rurouni Kenshin 7593: 7589: 7579: 7577: 7564: 7563: 7540: 7530:Rurouni Kenshin 7527: 7523: 7513: 7511: 7498: 7494: 7493: 7462: 7451:Rurouni Kenshin 7447: 7443: 7433: 7431: 7426:(in Japanese). 7420: 7416: 7415: 7411: 7394: 7387: 7380: 7362: 7351: 7344: 7326: 7317: 7302: 7298: 7288:Rurouni Kenshin 7285: 7278: 7264: 7262: 7251: 7247: 7237: 7235: 7218: 7214: 7204:Rurouni Kenshin 7201: 7197: 7183: 7181: 7170: 7166: 7156: 7154: 7143: 7139: 7138: 7131: 7121: 7119: 7106: 7105:剣心の人生の終わらせ方が見えた 7102: 7101: 7097: 7087: 7085: 7072: 7068: 7067: 7060: 7051: 7049: 7034: 7033: 7020: 7013: 6995: 6982: 6975: 6957: 6936: 6925:Rurouni Kenshin 6921: 6914: 6900: 6898: 6887: 6883: 6873: 6871: 6858: 6857: 6780: 6770: 6768: 6751: 6747: 6734: 6730: 6720: 6718: 6705: 6704: 6700: 6685: 6681: 6677: 6672: 6105:. August 2005. 5961:The Time is Now 5586:. August 2004. 5448:A Reason to Act 5309: 5305:Rurouni Kenshin 5301: 5296: 5295: 5279: 5275: 5269:Hitokiri Gensai 5265:Kawakami Gensai 5247:Rurouni Kenshin 5238: 5234: 5229: 5215: 5204: 5193: 5176: 5165: 5154: 5143: 5126: 5122: 5110:Sanosuke Sagara 5094: 5078: 5066:Hiroko Kasahara 5063: 5060: 5037: 5027: 5019:Crispin Freeman 5016: 5013: 4989: 4974: 4971: 4966: 4926: 4915: 4905:Issey Takahashi 4859: 4848: 4830: 4819: 4804:Masaki Terasoma 4801: 4790: 4764:Crispin Freeman 4757: 4746: 4742: 4741: 4738: 4722: 4710:Koichi Kitamura 4707: 4704: 4689: 4679: 4669: 4655:(1996 series), 4650: 4647: 4638:Rurouni Kenshin 4623: 4613: 4603: 4593: 4590: 4570: 4560: 4550: 4540: 4537: 4528:Rurouni Kenshin 4514:, based on the 4505: 4490: 4487: 4471: 4460: 4457: 4438:, is a popular 4429: 4419: 4418:Tsukioka Tsunan 4405:(2023 series), 4401:(1996 series), 4396: 4393: 4391:Tsukioka Tsunan 4365: 4354: 4351: 4339:Abraham Lincoln 4313: 4297:, based on the 4288: 4274:(1996 series), 4269: 4266: 4239: 4229: 4217:Michael Lindsay 4211:(1996 series), 4206: 4203: 4190:Hareluya II Boy 4150: 4147: 4129: 4122:Kenkyaku Shōbai 4118:Shōtarō Ikenami 4099: 4089: 4079: 4069: 4054: 4044: 4028:Koichi Kitamura 4025: 4022: 3999: 3985:(1996 series), 3983:Kazuhiro Nakata 3980: 3977: 3957:Yamazaki Susumu 3925: 3915:(1996 series), 3910: 3907: 3879: 3869:(1996 series), 3864: 3861: 3845: 3835:(1996 series), 3827:(1996 series), 3822: 3819: 3802:Rurouni Kenshin 3779: 3765: 3750: 3729: 3718: 3715: 3686: 3675: 3661:(1996 series), 3656: 3653: 3613: 3600: 3586: 3569: 3555:(1996 series), 3546: 3535: 3497:Masataka Kubota 3495:; portrayed by 3493:Tetsuya Iwanaga 3478: 3477:Yukishiro Tomoe 3467: 3450: 3447: 3445:Yukishiro Tomoe 3430:Rurouni Kenshin 3422:Rurouni Kenshin 3394: 3381: 3368: 3340:Yuichi Nakamura 3321: 3318: 3313: 3290: 3287: 3268: 3258: 3248: 3238: 3228: 3218: 3215: 3192: 3182: 3171: 3161:fights using a 3152: 3126: 3123: 3085: 3082: 3025: 3014: 3011: 2972: 2962: 2952: 2942: 2932: 2922: 2912: 2909: 2896:Samurai Spirits 2892:Samurai Shodown 2863: 2844: 2834: 2831: 2796: 2786: 2783: 2743: 2717: 2707: 2704: 2685: 2679:Yukishiro Tomoe 2668: 2665: 2659: 2645: 2632: 2621: 2569: 2559: 2540: 2537: 2493: 2483: 2468: 2465: 2453:in relation to 2413:Rurouni Kenshin 2397:karakuri puppet 2391: 2378: 2368: 2353: 2350: 2273: 2257: 2241: 2230: 2227: 2195: 2182: 2157: 2144: 2112: 2102: 2094:Melodee Spevack 2087: 2084: 2075:Samurai Spirits 2018: 1971: 1961: 1950: 1947: 1918:Rurouni Kenshin 1888: 1871: 1844: 1834: 1820:(1996 series), 1811: 1808: 1795:Rurouni Kenshin 1764: 1761:Futae no Kiwami 1751: 1737:, is a warrior 1718: 1708: 1690:(1996 series), 1685: 1682: 1661: 1651: 1648: 1642: 1597: 1585: 1572: 1562: 1551: 1548: 1513: 1507: 1447: 1434: 1424: 1405: 1402: 1382: 1379: 1373: 1336:is a minion of 1327: 1316: 1313: 1291: 1264: 1263:Akamatsu Arundo 1254:(1996 series), 1252:Kazuhiro Nakata 1249: 1246: 1244:Akamatsu Arundo 1207: 1186: 1185:Isurugi Raijūta 1172:(1996 series), 1167: 1156: 1154:Isurugi Raijūta 1144:Teruyuki Kagawa 1108: 1096:Mitsuaki Madono 1094:(1996 series), 1089: 1086: 1023:Rurouni Kenshin 983: 961: 944: 924: 914:(1996 series), 908:Tomokazu Sugita 897: 894: 876: 838: 817: 807: 802: 789: 777: 755: 752: 750:Hiruma Brothers 747: 724: 721: 697: 694: 681: 673: 654:Rurouni Kenshin 646:Rurouni Kenshin 623: 620: 594: 593:Makimachi Misao 591: 589:Makimachi Misao 585: 583:Makimachi Misao 570: 561:, based on the 552: 549: 545:Rurouni Kenshin 539: 516: 515:Shinomori Aoshi 513: 511:Shinomori Aoshi 507: 505:Shinomori Aoshi 488: 476:Rurouni Kenshin 440: 403: 400: 377: 376:Sagara Sanosuke 374: 372:Sagara Sanosuke 368: 366:Sagara Sanosuke 340: 337: 331: 300: 297: 291: 255: 241: 238: 232: 227: 207:Sagara Sanosuke 147:Rurouni Kenshin 46:Rurouni Kenshin 38: 35:Rurouni Kenshin 31:Japanese naming 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 9342: 9332: 9331: 9326: 9309: 9308: 9306: 9305: 9300: 9295: 9293:Shishio Makoto 9290: 9285: 9280: 9275: 9270: 9265: 9260: 9258:Himura Kenshin 9254: 9252: 9246: 9245: 9243: 9242: 9241: 9240: 9233: 9226: 9219: 9212: 9205: 9198: 9191: 9178: 9176: 9172: 9171: 9169: 9168: 9161: 9154: 9147: 9140: 9132: 9130: 9126: 9125: 9123: 9122: 9117: 9116: 9115: 9108: 9101: 9091: 9084: 9083: 9082: 9081: 9080: 9075: 9070: 9054: 9052: 9048: 9047: 9045: 9044: 9037: 9030: 9023: 9017: 9015: 9011: 9010: 8997: 8996: 8989: 8982: 8974: 8968: 8967: 8959: 8949: 8948: 8932: 8931:External links 8929: 8927: 8926: 8922:Media Blasters 8902: 8872: 8859: 8842: 8820: 8800: 8779:Dengeki Online 8764: 8742: 8720: 8677: 8660: 8643: 8613: 8596: 8574: 8552: 8530: 8499: 8465: 8425: 8401: 8375: 8356: 8341: 8326: 8319: 8297: 8277: 8258: 8222: 8205: 8184:Dengeki Online 8169: 8152: 8135: 8101: 8084: 8067: 8050: 8033: 8016: 7999: 7979: 7976:. p. 188. 7960: 7938: 7916: 7894: 7868: 7846: 7824: 7802: 7780: 7755: 7730: 7705: 7683: 7644: 7625: 7621:Ruroni Kenshin 7609: 7587: 7538: 7521: 7460: 7441: 7409: 7385: 7378: 7349: 7342: 7315: 7296: 7276: 7245: 7212: 7195: 7164: 7129: 7095: 7058: 7044:. 2013-08-04. 7018: 7011: 6980: 6973: 6934: 6912: 6881: 6778: 6745: 6728: 6711:Media Blasters 6698: 6695:. p. 190. 6678: 6676: 6673: 6671: 6670: 6625: 6576: 6527: 6495:. April 2006. 6478: 6445:. March 2006. 6427: 6378: 6329: 6282: 6233: 6186: 6137: 6088: 6041: 5994: 5947: 5916:. April 2005. 5900: 5869:. March 2005. 5853: 5806: 5759: 5712: 5665: 5616: 5571: 5524: 5494:. April 2004. 5479: 5436: 5389: 5347: 5341: 5340: 5329: 5308: 5302: 5300: 5297: 5294: 5293: 5273: 5231: 5230: 5228: 5225: 5224: 5223: 5221: 5213: 5201: 5199: 5191: 5173: 5171: 5163: 5151: 5149: 5141: 5125:Elder Peaberry 5121: 5115: 5075: 5074: 5059: 5056: 5024: 5023: 5012: 5009: 4986: 4985: 4970: 4967: 4965: 4962: 4961: 4960: 4941: 4924: 4912: 4878: 4857: 4847:Katsura Kogorō 4845: 4841: 4828: 4816: 4808: 4799: 4787: 4772: 4760:Simon Prescott 4755: 4737: 4734: 4719: 4718: 4703: 4700: 4666: 4665: 4646: 4643: 4589: 4586: 4536: 4533: 4502: 4501: 4486: 4483: 4468: 4467: 4456: 4453: 4416: 4415: 4399:Hiroshi Yanaka 4392: 4389: 4362: 4361: 4350: 4347: 4331:Saigō Takamori 4285: 4284: 4265: 4262: 4226: 4225: 4202: 4199: 4195:Haruto Umezawa 4146: 4143: 4041: 4040: 4021: 4018: 4014:Satsuma Domain 3996: 3995: 3976: 3973: 3922: 3921: 3917:Ryōtarō Okiayu 3906: 3903: 3876: 3875: 3871:Fukushi Ochiai 3860: 3857: 3842: 3841: 3818: 3815: 3764: 3761: 3739:Uramura-shochō 3726: 3725: 3714: 3711: 3696:Myōjin Shin'ya 3672: 3671: 3659:Yuri Shiratori 3652: 3649: 3641:Kansai dialect 3566: 3565: 3553:Sumi Shimamoto 3534: 3531: 3527:Kasumi Arimura 3475: 3474: 3470:Kasumi Arimura 3468:Portrayed by: 3465: 3446: 3443: 3365: 3364: 3326:(1996 series, 3317: 3314: 3312: 3309: 3286: 3283: 3279:Katsura Kogorō 3214: 3211: 3122: 3119: 3081: 3078: 3013:Yatsume Mumyōi 3010: 3009:Yatsume Mumyōi 3007: 2908: 2905: 2830: 2827: 2782: 2779: 2703: 2700: 2661:Main article: 2658: 2655: 2620: 2617: 2607:Hiroyuki Takei 2556: 2555: 2543:Unshō Ishizuka 2536: 2533: 2480: 2479: 2475:Paul St. Peter 2471:Ikuo Nishikawa 2464: 2461: 2437:Vampire Hunter 2365: 2364: 2356:Norito Yashima 2349: 2346: 2238: 2237: 2226: 2223: 2219:Vampire Hunter 2155:Benten Mawashi 2101:Honjō Kamatari 2099: 2098: 2090:Junko Takeuchi 2083: 2082:Honjō Kamatari 2080: 2056:Akira Toriyama 1996:Ryukyu Islands 1958: 1957: 1953:Jamieson Price 1946: 1943: 1831: 1830: 1822:David Matranga 1807: 1804: 1705: 1704: 1688:Yasuyoshi Hara 1681: 1678: 1644:Main article: 1641: 1638: 1604:, "Purgatory") 1559: 1558: 1547: 1544: 1506: 1503: 1493:Vampire Hunter 1421: 1420: 1408:Haruka Tomatsu 1401: 1398: 1381:Shishio Makoto 1377:Shishio Makoto 1375:Main article: 1372: 1371:Shishio Makoto 1369: 1346:knuckle blades 1338:Shishio Makoto 1324: 1323: 1312: 1309: 1261: 1260: 1256:Ryōta Takeuchi 1245: 1242: 1183: 1182: 1155: 1152: 1105: 1104: 1085: 1082: 1039:Unshō Ishizuka 951:, "Black Hat") 921: 920: 902:(1996 series, 893: 890: 786: 785: 775: 751: 748: 746: 743: 720: 717: 693: 690: 619: 616: 587:Main article: 584: 581: 543:Saitō Hajime ( 541:Main article: 538: 535: 509:Main article: 506: 503: 437: 436: 399: 396: 370:Main article: 367: 364: 358:be trained in 333:Main article: 330: 327: 293:Main article: 290: 287: 270:Media Blasters 240:Himura Kenshin 236:Himura Kenshin 234:Main article: 231: 230:Himura Kenshin 228: 226: 223: 171:Himura Kenshin 50:Shishio Makoto 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 9341: 9330: 9327: 9325: 9322: 9321: 9319: 9304: 9301: 9299: 9296: 9294: 9291: 9289: 9286: 9284: 9281: 9279: 9276: 9274: 9271: 9269: 9268:Myōjin Yahiko 9266: 9264: 9261: 9259: 9256: 9255: 9253: 9251: 9247: 9238: 9234: 9231: 9227: 9224: 9220: 9217: 9216:The Beginning 9213: 9210: 9206: 9203: 9199: 9196: 9192: 9189: 9185: 9184: 9183: 9180: 9179: 9177: 9173: 9167: 9166: 9165:The Beginning 9162: 9160: 9159: 9155: 9153: 9152: 9148: 9146: 9145: 9144:Kyoto Inferno 9141: 9139: 9138: 9134: 9133: 9131: 9127: 9121: 9118: 9114: 9113: 9112:New Kyoto Arc 9109: 9107: 9106: 9102: 9100: 9099: 9095: 9094: 9092: 9090: 9089: 9085: 9079: 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9065: 9064: 9061: 9060: 9059: 9056: 9055: 9053: 9049: 9043: 9042: 9038: 9036: 9035: 9031: 9029: 9028: 9024: 9022: 9019: 9018: 9016: 9012: 9008: 9004: 9003: 8995: 8990: 8988: 8983: 8981: 8976: 8975: 8972: 8965:(in Japanese) 8963: 8960: 8957:(in Japanese) 8954: 8951: 8950: 8946: 8940: 8935: 8923: 8919: 8915: 8912: 8906: 8890: 8886: 8882: 8876: 8869: 8863: 8856: 8852: 8846: 8839: 8835: 8834: 8829: 8824: 8817: 8813: 8807: 8805: 8788: 8784: 8780: 8776: 8768: 8761: 8757: 8756: 8751: 8746: 8739: 8735: 8734: 8729: 8724: 8713:September 12, 8708: 8702: 8697: 8693: 8689: 8681: 8674: 8670: 8664: 8657: 8653: 8647: 8631: 8627: 8623: 8617: 8610: 8606: 8600: 8593: 8589: 8588: 8583: 8578: 8571: 8567: 8566: 8559: 8557: 8549: 8545: 8544: 8537: 8535: 8526: 8514: 8510: 8503: 8495: 8483: 8479: 8475: 8469: 8453: 8449: 8448: 8443: 8436: 8434: 8432: 8430: 8422: 8418: 8417: 8410: 8408: 8406: 8398: 8394: 8393: 8386: 8384: 8382: 8380: 8372: 8368: 8367: 8360: 8353: 8352: 8345: 8338: 8337: 8330: 8322: 8316: 8312: 8308: 8301: 8294: 8290: 8284: 8282: 8274: 8273: 8268: 8262: 8254: 8242: 8238: 8232: 8226: 8219: 8215: 8209: 8193: 8189: 8185: 8181: 8173: 8166: 8162: 8156: 8149: 8145: 8139: 8123: 8119: 8118: 8117:Comic Natalie 8113: 8105: 8098: 8094: 8088: 8081: 8077: 8071: 8064: 8060: 8054: 8047: 8043: 8037: 8030: 8026: 8020: 8013: 8009: 8003: 7996: 7992: 7986: 7984: 7975: 7971: 7964: 7957: 7953: 7952: 7947: 7942: 7935: 7931: 7930: 7925: 7920: 7913: 7909: 7908: 7903: 7898: 7884:on 2008-07-27 7883: 7879: 7872: 7865: 7861: 7860: 7855: 7850: 7843: 7839: 7838: 7833: 7828: 7821: 7817: 7816: 7811: 7806: 7799: 7795: 7794: 7789: 7784: 7777: 7773: 7772: 7767: 7762: 7760: 7752: 7748: 7747: 7742: 7737: 7735: 7727: 7723: 7722: 7717: 7712: 7710: 7702: 7698: 7697: 7692: 7687: 7676:September 16, 7671: 7667: 7666: 7665:Comic Natalie 7661: 7653: 7651: 7649: 7641: 7637: 7636: 7629: 7622: 7618: 7613: 7606: 7602: 7601: 7596: 7591: 7575: 7571: 7567: 7561: 7559: 7557: 7555: 7553: 7551: 7549: 7547: 7545: 7543: 7535: 7531: 7525: 7509: 7505: 7504: 7499: 7491: 7489: 7487: 7485: 7483: 7481: 7479: 7477: 7475: 7473: 7471: 7469: 7467: 7465: 7457: 7453: 7452: 7445: 7429: 7425: 7421: 7413: 7406: 7402: 7398: 7392: 7390: 7381: 7379:1-4215-0673-4 7375: 7371: 7367: 7360: 7358: 7356: 7354: 7345: 7339: 7335: 7331: 7324: 7322: 7320: 7312:. p. 15. 7311: 7307: 7300: 7293: 7289: 7283: 7281: 7272: 7260: 7256: 7249: 7233: 7229: 7228: 7223: 7216: 7209: 7205: 7199: 7191: 7179: 7175: 7168: 7152: 7148: 7147:Animate Times 7144: 7136: 7134: 7117: 7113: 7112: 7111:Comic Natalie 7107: 7099: 7083: 7079: 7078: 7077:Comic Natalie 7073: 7065: 7063: 7047: 7043: 7042: 7037: 7031: 7029: 7027: 7025: 7023: 7014: 7008: 7004: 7000: 6993: 6991: 6989: 6987: 6985: 6976: 6970: 6966: 6962: 6955: 6953: 6951: 6949: 6947: 6945: 6943: 6941: 6939: 6931: 6927: 6926: 6919: 6917: 6908: 6896: 6892: 6885: 6869: 6865: 6861: 6855: 6853: 6851: 6849: 6847: 6845: 6843: 6841: 6839: 6837: 6835: 6833: 6831: 6829: 6827: 6825: 6823: 6821: 6819: 6817: 6815: 6813: 6811: 6809: 6807: 6805: 6803: 6801: 6799: 6797: 6795: 6793: 6791: 6789: 6787: 6785: 6783: 6766: 6762: 6761: 6756: 6749: 6742: 6738: 6732: 6716: 6712: 6708: 6702: 6694: 6690: 6683: 6679: 6675:Other sources 6659: 6655: 6651: 6647: 6643: 6640:. July 2006. 6639: 6626: 6612: 6608: 6604: 6600: 6596: 6593:. June 2006. 6592: 6577: 6563: 6559: 6555: 6551: 6547: 6543: 6528: 6514: 6510: 6506: 6502: 6498: 6494: 6479: 6464: 6460: 6456: 6452: 6448: 6444: 6428: 6414: 6410: 6406: 6402: 6398: 6394: 6379: 6365: 6361: 6357: 6353: 6349: 6345: 6330: 6317: 6313: 6309: 6305: 6301: 6297: 6283: 6269: 6265: 6261: 6257: 6253: 6249: 6234: 6221: 6217: 6213: 6209: 6205: 6201: 6187: 6173: 6169: 6165: 6161: 6157: 6153: 6138: 6124: 6120: 6116: 6112: 6108: 6104: 6089: 6076: 6072: 6068: 6064: 6060: 6057:. July 2005. 6056: 6042: 6029: 6025: 6021: 6017: 6013: 6009: 5995: 5982: 5978: 5974: 5970: 5966: 5962: 5948: 5935: 5934:4-08-872283-3 5931: 5927: 5923: 5919: 5915: 5901: 5888: 5884: 5880: 5876: 5872: 5868: 5854: 5841: 5837: 5833: 5829: 5825: 5821: 5807: 5794: 5790: 5786: 5782: 5778: 5774: 5760: 5747: 5743: 5739: 5735: 5731: 5727: 5713: 5700: 5696: 5692: 5688: 5684: 5680: 5666: 5652: 5648: 5644: 5640: 5636: 5632: 5617: 5605: 5601: 5597: 5593: 5589: 5585: 5572: 5559: 5555: 5551: 5547: 5543: 5540:. June 2004. 5539: 5525: 5513: 5509: 5505: 5501: 5497: 5493: 5480: 5469: 5465: 5461: 5457: 5453: 5449: 5437: 5424: 5420: 5416: 5412: 5408: 5404: 5390: 5380: 5376: 5372: 5368: 5364: 5360: 5349: 5348: 5346: 5345: 5338: 5334: 5330: 5327: 5323: 5319: 5316: 5315: 5314: 5313: 5312:Entire series 5306: 5290: 5286: 5282: 5277: 5270: 5267:was known as 5266: 5262: 5258: 5257: 5252: 5248: 5244: 5243: 5236: 5232: 5222: 5219: 5214: 5202: 5200: 5197: 5192: 5187: 5174: 5172: 5169: 5168:Tomoaki Maeno 5164: 5152: 5150: 5147: 5142: 5137: 5124: 5123: 5119: 5114: 5111: 5106: 5089: 5077:Lady Magdalia 5071: 5067: 5062: 5061: 5058:Lady Magdalia 5055: 5053: 5049: 5026:Amakusa Shōgo 5020: 5015: 5014: 5011:Amakusa Shōgo 5008: 5006: 5002: 4982: 4978: 4973: 4972: 4958: 4957:Masanobu Ando 4954: 4950: 4946: 4943:Based on the 4942: 4938: 4934: 4930: 4929:Wataru Takagi 4925: 4913: 4910: 4906: 4902: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4887: 4883: 4880:Based on the 4879: 4875: 4871: 4867: 4863: 4862:Tomokazu Seki 4858: 4846: 4842: 4838: 4834: 4829: 4817: 4813: 4809: 4806:(2023 series) 4805: 4800: 4788: 4785: 4781: 4777: 4774:Based on the 4773: 4769: 4765: 4761: 4756: 4740: 4739: 4733: 4715: 4711: 4706: 4705: 4699: 4662: 4658: 4654: 4649: 4648: 4642: 4639: 4633: 4585: 4581: 4532: 4529: 4523: 4521: 4517: 4498: 4494: 4489: 4488: 4482: 4464: 4459: 4458: 4452: 4450: 4444: 4441: 4412: 4408: 4404: 4400: 4395: 4394: 4388: 4384: 4382: 4378: 4358: 4353: 4352: 4346: 4344: 4340: 4337: 4332: 4327: 4325: 4312: 4308: 4304: 4300: 4281: 4277: 4273: 4268: 4267: 4261: 4257: 4253: 4251: 4222: 4221:Brian Donovan 4218: 4214: 4210: 4209:Mayumi Tanaka 4205: 4204: 4198: 4196: 4192: 4191: 4186: 4182: 4181: 4180:Silver Surfer 4174: 4171: 4170: 4161: 4142: 4140: 4136: 4133: 4128: 4123: 4119: 4113: 4111: 4066: 4037: 4036:New Kyoto Arc 4033: 4029: 4024: 4023: 4017: 4015: 4011: 3992: 3988: 3984: 3979: 3978: 3972: 3970: 3969: 3964: 3963: 3958: 3953: 3952:raison d'être 3949: 3944: 3938: 3937: 3918: 3914: 3909: 3908: 3902: 3900: 3897: 3892: 3872: 3868: 3863: 3862: 3856: 3838: 3837:Brian Beacock 3834: 3830: 3826: 3825:Taiki Matsuno 3821: 3820: 3814: 3811: 3805: 3803: 3799: 3795: 3791: 3778: 3769: 3760: 3748: 3740: 3728:Chief Uramura 3722: 3717: 3716: 3713:Chief Uramura 3710: 3708: 3702: 3697: 3674:Sanjō Tsubame 3668: 3667:Michelle Ruff 3664: 3660: 3655: 3654: 3651:Sanjō Tsubame 3648: 3646: 3645:Kansai region 3642: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3628:Kamiya Megumi 3623: 3612: 3598: 3585: 3581: 3562: 3561:Michelle Ruff 3558: 3554: 3550: 3545: 3544: 3539: 3530: 3528: 3523: 3517: 3515: 3511: 3507: 3503: 3498: 3494: 3490: 3472:(live-action) 3471: 3466: 3462: 3458: 3454: 3449: 3448: 3442: 3440: 3435: 3431: 3427: 3423: 3418: 3416: 3412: 3405: 3392: 3388: 3379: 3361: 3360:New Kyoto Arc 3357: 3353: 3349: 3345: 3344:Richard Epcar 3341: 3337: 3336:New Kyoto Arc 3333: 3329: 3325: 3324:Shūichi Ikeda 3320: 3319: 3308: 3306: 3302: 3282: 3280: 3210: 3206: 3204: 3168: 3164: 3150: 3144: 3140: 3136: 3118: 3114: 3112: 3105: 3101: 3096: 3077: 3075: 3071: 3070: 3065: 3061: 3057: 3053: 3048: 3045: 3041: 3037: 3034:; similar to 3006: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2990: 2988: 2984: 2904: 2902: 2897: 2893: 2887: 2884: 2880: 2875: 2862: 2855: 2826: 2824: 2820: 2814: 2812: 2811:Chief Uramura 2808: 2778: 2776: 2772: 2771: 2766: 2762: 2758: 2753: 2742: 2737: 2733: 2729: 2699: 2697: 2684: 2680: 2664: 2654: 2652: 2643: 2625: 2616: 2613: 2608: 2604: 2600: 2596: 2595: 2590: 2585: 2580: 2552: 2551:New Kyoto Arc 2548: 2544: 2539: 2538: 2532: 2530: 2527: 2523: 2517: 2515: 2511: 2504: 2476: 2472: 2467: 2466: 2460: 2458: 2457: 2452: 2451: 2446: 2442: 2438: 2434: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2414: 2408: 2406: 2402: 2398: 2389: 2361: 2357: 2352: 2351: 2345: 2343: 2342: 2337: 2333: 2329: 2328: 2323: 2319: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2301: 2299: 2295: 2291: 2284: 2268: 2252: 2251:Kariwa Hen'ya 2234: 2229: 2228: 2222: 2220: 2216: 2211: 2207: 2194: 2181: 2177: 2173: 2168: 2156: 2143: 2142:Midare Benten 2139: 2134: 2130: 2129:crossdressing 2123: 2095: 2091: 2086: 2085: 2079: 2077: 2076: 2071: 2070: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2052: 2047: 2043: 2037: 2034: 2028: 2017: 2013: 2012: 2007: 2003: 2002: 1997: 1993: 1989: 1982: 1954: 1949: 1948: 1942: 1940: 1939: 1934: 1933: 1928: 1927:Ryosuke Miura 1923: 1919: 1915: 1911: 1910:Kansai region 1906: 1904: 1900: 1887: 1883: 1878:, "Repeater") 1870: 1866: 1862: 1855: 1827: 1826:New Kyoto Arc 1823: 1819: 1815: 1810: 1809: 1803: 1800: 1796: 1791: 1789: 1785: 1781: 1777: 1772: 1762: 1749: 1745: 1740: 1736: 1729: 1707:Yūkyūzan Anji 1701: 1700:New Kyoto Arc 1697: 1693: 1692:Wataru Hatano 1689: 1684: 1683: 1680:Yūkyūzan Anji 1677: 1672: 1647: 1637: 1635: 1631: 1626: 1622: 1618: 1613: 1610: 1596: 1592: 1583: 1561:Sadojima Hōji 1555: 1550: 1549: 1546:Sadojima Hōji 1543: 1541: 1537: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1512: 1502: 1500: 1495: 1494: 1489: 1485: 1484: 1479: 1475: 1469: 1467: 1465: 1460: 1456: 1455: 1445: 1423:Komagata Yumi 1417: 1416:New Kyoto Arc 1413: 1409: 1404: 1403: 1400:Komagata Yumi 1397: 1394: 1378: 1368: 1366: 1365: 1360: 1354: 1352: 1347: 1343: 1339: 1320: 1315: 1314: 1308: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1290: 1289: 1282: 1280: 1276: 1257: 1253: 1248: 1247: 1241: 1239: 1234: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1179: 1178:Richard Epcar 1175: 1171: 1166: 1165: 1160: 1151: 1149: 1145: 1140: 1136: 1131: 1129: 1125: 1124:arms industry 1120: 1119:industrialist 1107:Takeda Kanryū 1101: 1097: 1093: 1088: 1087: 1084:Takeda Kanryū 1081: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1046: 1044: 1040: 1036: 1032: 1031:Kenka-ya Ukon 1028: 1024: 1020: 1019:Serizawa Kamo 1016: 1012: 1007: 1003: 998: 995: 982: 978: 974: 960: 959:Nikaidō Heihō 956: 942: 935: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 896: 895: 889: 887: 883: 880: 875: 868: 864: 862: 858: 854: 850: 837: 833: 829: 800: 799:Hiruma Kyōdai 782:(2023 series) 781: 776: 771: 767: 766:Richard Epcar 763: 759: 758:Wataru Takagi 754: 753: 742: 740: 736: 716: 714: 709: 689: 671: 667: 663: 662:dine and dash 659: 655: 651: 650:Myojin Yahiko 647: 643: 642: 637: 636: 615: 612: 608: 607: 590: 580: 568: 564: 548: 546: 534: 532: 528: 512: 502: 500: 495: 492: 487: 482: 481:Takeshi Obata 477: 472: 467: 465: 460: 459:Takeda Kanryū 456: 452: 439:Takani Megumi 433: 429: 425: 421: 417: 416: 411: 407: 402: 401: 398:Takani Megumi 395: 393: 389: 373: 363: 361: 356: 352: 339:Myōjin Yahiko 336: 335:Myōjin Yahiko 329:Myōjin Yahiko 326: 324: 320: 316: 312: 296: 286: 283: 279: 275: 271: 267: 264:(rendered as 253: 237: 222: 220: 216: 215:Takani Megumi 212: 208: 204: 200: 199:Myōjin Yahiko 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 167: 165: 161: 157: 153: 149: 148: 143: 135: 131: 127: 123: 119: 115: 111: 107: 103: 99: 95: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 67: 63: 59: 55: 51: 47: 42: 36: 32: 27: 19: 9283:Saitō Hajime 9263:Kamiya Kaoru 9249: 9163: 9156: 9149: 9142: 9135: 9110: 9103: 9096: 9087: 9039: 9032: 9025: 9000: 8905: 8893:. Retrieved 8884: 8875: 8867: 8862: 8850: 8845: 8831: 8823: 8811: 8791:. Retrieved 8778: 8767: 8753: 8745: 8731: 8723: 8711:. Retrieved 8691: 8680: 8668: 8663: 8651: 8646: 8634:. Retrieved 8625: 8616: 8604: 8599: 8585: 8577: 8563: 8541: 8523:– via 8519:December 18, 8517:. Retrieved 8502: 8492:– via 8486:. Retrieved 8468: 8456:. Retrieved 8445: 8414: 8390: 8364: 8359: 8349: 8344: 8334: 8329: 8306: 8300: 8288: 8270: 8266: 8261: 8251:– via 8245:. Retrieved 8225: 8213: 8208: 8196:. Retrieved 8183: 8172: 8160: 8155: 8143: 8138: 8128:December 14, 8126:. Retrieved 8115: 8104: 8092: 8087: 8075: 8070: 8058: 8053: 8041: 8036: 8024: 8019: 8007: 8002: 7990: 7969: 7963: 7949: 7941: 7927: 7919: 7905: 7897: 7886:. Retrieved 7882:the original 7871: 7857: 7849: 7835: 7827: 7813: 7805: 7791: 7783: 7769: 7744: 7719: 7694: 7686: 7674:. Retrieved 7663: 7633: 7628: 7620: 7612: 7598: 7590: 7580:November 30, 7578:. Retrieved 7569: 7529: 7524: 7514:September 2, 7512:. Retrieved 7501: 7449: 7444: 7432:. Retrieved 7423: 7412: 7400: 7396: 7365: 7329: 7305: 7299: 7287: 7269:– via 7265:November 14, 7263:. Retrieved 7248: 7236:. Retrieved 7225: 7215: 7203: 7198: 7188:– via 7184:November 16, 7182:. Retrieved 7167: 7155:. Retrieved 7146: 7120:. Retrieved 7109: 7098: 7086:. Retrieved 7075: 7050:. Retrieved 7039: 6998: 6960: 6923: 6905:– via 6899:. Retrieved 6884: 6872:. Retrieved 6863: 6769:. Retrieved 6758: 6748: 6731: 6719:. Retrieved 6715:the original 6701: 6688: 6682: 6649: 6637: 6602: 6590: 6553: 6544:. May 2006. 6542:A Man's Back 6541: 6504: 6492: 6454: 6442: 6404: 6392: 6355: 6343: 6307: 6295: 6259: 6247: 6211: 6199: 6163: 6151: 6114: 6102: 6066: 6054: 6019: 6010:. May 2005. 6007: 5972: 5963:. May 2005. 5960: 5925: 5913: 5878: 5866: 5831: 5819: 5784: 5772: 5737: 5725: 5690: 5678: 5642: 5630: 5595: 5583: 5549: 5537: 5503: 5491: 5459: 5447: 5414: 5402: 5370: 5358: 5343: 5342: 5339:, 2003–2006. 5332: 5328:, 1994–1999. 5321: 5311: 5310: 5304: 5288: 5284: 5283:believed in 5280: 5276: 5268: 5254: 5250: 5246: 5240: 5235: 5218:Naomi Kusumi 5203:Ishizu Deian 5180:エスピラール・ロタシオン 5136:Erudā Pīberī 5117: 5076: 5052:Christianity 5025: 4987: 4936: 4932: 4896: 4892: 4889:Ishin Shishi 4873: 4865: 4837:Steve Kramer 4833:Masaru Ikeda 4811: 4767: 4721:Tani Jūsanrō 4720: 4702:Tani Jūsanrō 4668:Oguni Gensai 4667: 4661:Steve Kramer 4657:Yōhei Tadano 4645:Oguni Gensai 4637: 4634: 4591: 4582: 4538: 4527: 4524: 4503: 4497:Steve Cannon 4470:Mishima Eiji 4469: 4455:Mishima Eiji 4445: 4417: 4385: 4376: 4364:Himura Kenji 4363: 4349:Himura Kenji 4328: 4307:Satsuma clan 4286: 4258: 4254: 4249: 4227: 4188: 4178: 4175: 4167: 4148: 4125: 4121: 4114: 4042: 4035: 4009: 3997: 3966: 3960: 3948:Elephant Man 3945: 3923: 3877: 3867:Shōzō Iizuka 3843: 3806: 3801: 3789: 3774: 3746: 3727: 3703: 3673: 3631: 3624: 3610: 3583: 3568:Sekihara Tae 3567: 3551:(drama CD), 3549:Michiko Neya 3533:Sekihara Tae 3518: 3476: 3460: 3456: 3438: 3433: 3429: 3425: 3421: 3419: 3410: 3386: 3366: 3359: 3355: 3351: 3335: 3331: 3327: 3316:Hiko Seijūrō 3288: 3217:The Yaminobu 3216: 3207: 3202: 3166: 3142: 3138: 3135:Hanyu Pinyin 3124: 3115: 3103: 3100:Hanyu Pinyin 3083: 3067: 3059: 3051: 3049: 3012: 3002: 2999:Mr. Sinister 2991: 2910: 2895: 2891: 2888: 2879:Maekawa dojo 2860: 2854:Muteki Tekkō 2832: 2822: 2815: 2784: 2768: 2754: 2740: 2705: 2682: 2666: 2630: 2619:Six Comrades 2611: 2602: 2592: 2586: 2557: 2550: 2521: 2518: 2514:Hiko Seijūrō 2481: 2454: 2448: 2444: 2436: 2424: 2412: 2409: 2405:Six Comrades 2366: 2339: 2331: 2325: 2317: 2302: 2240:Kariwa Henya 2239: 2225:Kariwa Henya 2218: 2209: 2192: 2179: 2172:Eiichiro Oda 2169: 2154: 2141: 2100: 2073: 2067: 2049: 2038: 2015: 2009: 2008:shell - the 1999: 1991: 1959: 1936: 1930: 1921: 1917: 1907: 1885: 1868: 1833:Sawagejō Chō 1832: 1825: 1806:Sawagejō Chō 1798: 1794: 1792: 1790:on the way. 1770: 1706: 1699: 1649: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1614: 1594: 1560: 1554:David Mallow 1511:Juppongatana 1510: 1508: 1505:Juppongatana 1491: 1481: 1477: 1470: 1463: 1452: 1422: 1415: 1392: 1380: 1362: 1355: 1342:Mishima Eiji 1325: 1303: 1299: 1286: 1283: 1262: 1238:satsujin-ken 1237: 1235: 1230:satsujin-ken 1229: 1225: 1204: 1201:satsujin-ken 1200: 1184: 1174:Kenta Miyake 1147: 1138: 1132: 1106: 1092:Nobuo Tobita 1078:Kōji Kikkawa 1069: 1062:shōnen manga 1058:Shin no Ippō 1057: 1053: 1049: 1047: 1030: 1027:Ryōtarō Sugi 1022: 1014: 1010: 1005: 999: 993: 981:Shin no Ippō 980: 972: 958: 955:Ishin Shishi 940: 922: 903: 885: 872: 869: 865: 861:Tani Jūsanrō 848: 835: 831: 827: 787: 769: 738: 723:Kubota Asahi 722: 719:Kubota Asahi 712: 695: 669: 653: 645: 639: 635:Hokkaido Arc 633: 621: 604: 592: 551:Saitō Hajime 550: 544: 537:Saitō Hajime 526: 514: 484: 475: 470: 468: 438: 431: 420:Saori Ōnishi 413: 375: 359: 338: 322: 318: 314: 310: 299:Kamiya Kaoru 298: 295:Kamiya Kaoru 289:Kamiya Kaoru 277: 273: 265: 251: 239: 225:Protagonists 187:Kamiya Kaoru 179:Ishin Shishi 174: 168: 160:Meiji period 145: 139: 45: 34: 26: 9288:Seta Sōjirō 9182:Soundtracks 9120:2023 series 9058:1996 series 9027:Restoration 8895:October 28, 8866:Episode 5, 8853:Volume 26. 8836:Volume 10. 8699: [ 8636:October 28, 8607:Volume 25. 8590:Volume 11. 8488:December 6, 8348:Episode 21 8333:Episode 21 8291:Volume 28. 8163:Volume 21. 8146:Volume 12. 8095:Volume 27. 8078:Volume 27. 8061:Volume 23. 8044:Volume 22. 8027:Volume 25. 8010:Volume 24. 7993:Volume 22. 7954:Volume 15. 7932:Volume 22. 7910:Volume 15. 7862:Volume 10. 7840:Volume 13. 7796:Volume 13. 7774:Volume 15. 7749:Volume 15. 7724:Volume 14. 7699:Volume 17. 7503:Abema Times 7407:. 142, 174. 6901:January 31, 6874:October 28, 6248:Remembrance 5216:Voiced by: 5194:Voiced by: 5166:Voiced by: 5144:Voiced by: 5105:consumption 5070:Lia Sargent 5064:Voiced by: 5005:chain-staff 4975:Voiced by: 4939:) (English) 4927:Voiced by: 4876:) (English) 4860:Voiced by: 4831:Voiced by: 4812:Chūetsu-ryū 4802:Voiced by: 4770:) (English) 4708:Voiced by: 4653:Yoku Shioya 4651:Voiced by: 4535:Arai Family 4520:Sekihō Army 4504:Sagara Sōzō 4493:Daisuke Ono 4485:Sagara Sōzō 4463:Joshua Seth 4411:Kim Strauss 4397:Voiced by: 4355:Voiced by: 4270:Voiced by: 4213:Yūko Sanpei 4207:Voiced by: 4130: [ 4038:) (English) 4026:Voiced by: 3991:Dean Elliot 3987:Tetsu Inada 3981:Voiced by: 3913:Akio Nojima 3911:Voiced by: 3865:Voiced by: 3823:Voiced by: 3777:Oniwabanshū 3763:Oniwabanshū 3719:Voiced by: 3657:Voiced by: 3557:Mamiko Noto 3547:Voiced by: 3463:) (English) 3451:Voiced by: 3362:) (English) 3322:Voiced by: 3125:The Sū-shin 3084:Woo Heishin 3080:Woo Heishin 2911:Otowa Hyōko 2907:Otowa Hyōko 2883:Otowa Hyōko 2833:Inui Banjin 2829:Inui Banjin 2696:Woo Heishin 2589:God Warrior 2553:) (English) 2541:Voiced by: 2529:puppet show 2469:Voiced by: 2354:Voiced by: 2088:Voiced by: 2051:Dragon Ball 1990:as an anti- 1960:Uonuma Usui 1945:Uonuma Usui 1899:Arai Shakkū 1828:) (English) 1788:Seta Sojiro 1702:) (English) 1686:Voiced by: 1650:Seta Sōjirō 1646:Seta Sōjirō 1640:Seta Sōjirō 1418:) (English) 1359:Sega Saturn 1351:Seta Sōjirō 1250:Voiced by: 1168:Voiced by: 1128:Gatling gun 1100:John Snyder 1090:Voiced by: 1054:Restoration 912:Dave Mallow 900:Akio Otsuka 898:Voiced by: 877: [ 778:Voiced by: 745:Antagonists 603:is a young 567:Shinsengumi 531:Oniwabanshū 489: [ 424:2023 series 410:1996 series 404:Voiced by: 388:Sekihō Army 211:Sekihō Army 209:, a former 181:during the 154:created by 54:Oniwabanshū 9318:Categories 9250:Characters 9105:Reflection 8814:Volume 2. 8758:Volume 9. 8736:Volume 6. 8671:Volume 7. 8654:Volume 6. 8568:Volume 4. 8546:Volume 4. 8458:August 23, 8419:Volume 3. 8395:Volume 3. 8369:Volume 4. 8269:Volume 5. 8247:October 5, 8231:Ōno, Yūko 8216:Volume 6. 7888:2018-03-04 7818:Volume 9. 7638:Volume 9. 7603:Volume 7. 7532:Volume 6. 7454:Volume 4. 7434:August 29, 7403:Volume 2. 7290:Volume 2. 7238:August 11, 7206:Volume 1. 7052:2018-03-04 6928:Volume 4. 6591:The Answer 6164:十字傷はまだ有るか? 6055:Providence 5643:明治十一年五月十四日 5584:No Worries 5299:References 5256:battōjutsu 5249:universe " 5130:エルダー・ピーベリー 5120:characters 4784:Eiji Okuda 4688:and Suzume 4407:Mariya Ise 4357:Yuki Kaida 4280:Doug Stone 4139:Min Tanaka 4088:, Masukami 4065:Arai Seikū 3798:Edo period 3794:Edo Castle 3622:in Kyoto. 3453:Junko Iwao 3372:比古 清十郎 十三代 3356:Reflection 3332:Reflection 3104:Wú Hēixīng 3069:Spider-Man 3052:kumo otoko 3036:neck rings 2995:drag queen 2901:Genki Sudo 2819:Apocalypse 2327:Cyborg 009 2322:Cyborg 002 2309:acrobatics 2305:Edo period 2294:emaciation 2283:Hiku Happa 2233:Dan Martin 2133:homosexual 2042:Terminator 2033:superhuman 2027:mind's eye 1748:Boshin War 1735:Fudō Myō-ō 1582:Hyakushiki 1524:Mount Hiei 1474:Kaoru Yumi 1412:Wendee Lee 1205:Shinko-ryū 1004:, the top 904:Reflection 696:Inoue Aran 692:Inoue Aran 432:Reflection 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Japanese naming

Shishio Makoto
Rurouni Kenshin
fictional characters
Nobuhiro Watsuki
Meiji period

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