
Template talk:Did you know

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23005:“Darüber hinaus beschäftigt sich das BVerfG erstmals mit der Wirkung des allgemeinen Gleichheitssatzes (Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG) im Privatrecht.39 Eine mittelbare Drittwirkung des allgemeinen Gleichheitssatzes ist vor allem mit Blick auf die im Privatrecht geltende Privatautonomie problematisch, die es gerade erlaubt, die Vertragspartner frei auszuwählen und grds. Kontraktionszwang unterbindet - was im Umkehrschluss als Freiheit zu diskriminieren interpretiert werden kann. Das BVerfG stellt daher ausdrücklich fest, dass der allgemeine Gleich-heitssatz kein objektives Verfassungsrecht enthält, wonach Rechtsverhältnisse zwischen Privaten prinzipiell gleichheitsgerecht auszugestalten seien. Auf den konkreten Fall gewendet: Die mit dem Stadionverbot einhergehende Ungleichbehandlung des Fans gegenüber denjenigen, die das Stadion besuchen dürfen, ist nicht schon per se verfassungswidrig. Die Gleichheitsbindung privater Akteure begründet das BVerfG erst in „spezifischen Konstellationen" (§ 3 Rn. 44 f.): Ein allgemeiner Grundsatz, wonach private Vertragsbeziehungen jeweils den Rechtfertigungsanforderungen des Gleichbehandlungsgebots unterlägen, folgt demgegenüber aus Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG auch im Wege der mittelbaren Drittwirkung nicht. Gleichheitsrechtliche Anforderungen für das Verhältnis zwischen Privaten können sich aus Art. 3 Abs. 1 GG jedoch für spezifische Konstellationen erge-ben. Eine solche Konstellation liegt dem hier in Frage stehenden bundesweit gültigen Stadionverbot zugrunde. Maßgeblich für die mittelbare Drittwirkung des Gleichbehandlungsgebots ist dessen Charakter als einseitiger, auf das Hausrecht gestützter Ausschluss von Veranstaltungen, die aufgrund eigener Entscheidung der Veranstalter einem großen Publikum ohne Ansehen der Person geöffnet werden und der für die Betroffenen in erheblichem Umfang über die Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben entscheidet. Indem ein Privater eine solche Veranstaltung ins Werk setzt, erwächst ihm von Verfassungs wegen auch eine besondere rechtliche Verantwortung. Er darf seine hier aus dem Hausrecht - so wie in anderen Fällen möglicherweise aus einem Monopol oder aus struktureller Überlegenheit - resultierende Entscheidungsmacht nicht dazu nutzen, bestimmte Personen ohne sachlichen Grund von einem solchen Ereignis auszuschließen. Die Fachgerichte haben daher sicherzustellen, dass das Stadionverbot nicht willkürlich erlassen worden ist. Das BVerfG etabliert dabei Hürden aus der verwaltungsrechtlichen Dogmatik:41 Es bedarf eines sachlichen Grundes und einer Anhörung der jeweiligen Betroffenen. Das führt letztlich zu einer „situativ staatsgleichen Grundrechtsbindung privater Akteure".” 18530: 13939: 22961:
werden und müssten auf einem sachlichen Grund beruhen, entschied der Erste Senat in einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Beschluss. Für ein Stadionverbot reiche allerdings schon die Sorge, dass von einer Person die Gefahr künftiger Störungen ausgehe. Nach einem Auswärtsspiel des FC Bayern München gegen den MSV Duisburg im Jahr 2006 kam es außerhalb des Stadions zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Fangruppen. Die Polizei nahm daraufhin 50 Personen in Gewahrsam, unter ihnen der damals 16-jährige Beschwerdeführer. Gegen ihn wurde dann ein Verfahren wegen Landfriedensbruchs eingeleitet, das später wegen Geringfügigkeit eingestellt wurde. Nach der Einleitung des Ermittlungsverfahrens sprach der MSV Duisburg im Namen des Deutschen Fußballbundes (DFB) ein zweijähriges, bundesweites Stadionverbot gegen den 16-Jährigen aus. Gestützt wurde das Verbot auf die Stadion-Verbotsrichtlinien des DFB. Trotz der späteren Verfahrenseinstellung entschieden der MSV und der DFB ohne Anhörung des zur Münchener Ultra-Szene gehörenden Jugendlichen, das Verbot aufrecht zu erhalten.
26147: 12655:. In the section "Selected publications", the last three entries need either the ISBN number added, or a reference, or removed from that list. Otherwise, the referencing is fine. The article is neutral. Earwig is clean. With regards to the hook fact, you quote “but the protagonist does have a lot in common with me in terms of temperament.” (you need to use square quote marks, by the way, not curly ones), you need to point me to where it says that in the source as I can't see it. The hook is interesting (to me, at least). Should others have issues with interestingness, there are certainly plenty of other good hooks possible. I won't be able to sign off on the image, I'm afraid. It says that it's supplied by the subject (ok, fine, she could have used a tripod, however unlikely that is, though) but the uploader is not the subject. It therefore needs to go through the 10542: 2123:
found some success and even appreciation from the patients. Whether or not it could be considered a "cure" by some rigid criteria (marketing + newspaper hype typically tends to moderate exaggeration), at least some people clearly felt that their stuttering was significantly ameliorated and their life was thereby improved. But I can understand your skepticism about promoting a controversial and probably now illegal medical treatment from the Knowledge front page. I could try to come up with an alternative hook, but making a not-bland one about Lee's map projection work might require adding a bit more detail about that topic to the article / hunting for more sources: I know some things I personally appreciate about Lee's work, but I'm not sure if there's a good secondary source voicing those comments. –
17367: 2061:
the British Army. . . . To stumble even the slightest bit was to provoke his fury. Not only would he yell at us (and, from six inches away, splatter us with spit), but he'd grab us by the shirt or the scruff of the collar and shake us out of our stammering softness,' Jezer writes. The doctor seemed to think that spontaneous speech was women's talk. Men . . . wouldn't squander their power with idle chatter. We were to be silent unless we had something important, manly, to say.' Lord, lord. And it all amounted, of course, to nothing. The Jersey doc could bully patients into brief stutter-free performances. Marty's parents wanted badly to believe he was cured. His father died in that belief. Marty's not cured, and lives with the fact that he never will be.
10548: 26108: 25764: 8643: 22096: 1915:
him saying the date and time, not stammering – i.e. just saying one simple sentence, not an ability to fluently speak without stammering. (The news article author presumably listened to this recording.) Then he stayed for another few weeks with Kerr to work on it, and by the time he left he considered himself cured with only a slight occasional stammer remaining. I don't think the claimed "cure" here was ever perfect, but Kerr really did have a stammering clinic in Jersey for decades, apparently with significant success, with people coming from all over the world to work with him. After 1955 Kerr's clinic was hosted in this funny boat-shaped building in Jersey called
22003: 21665:. And for what it's worth, I made a bit of an informal survey about this on Discord, and the three editors who responded said they didn't know who Thorpe is. Note that my thoughts about the hook are independent of the survey; in fact, I made the survey because I wanted to know if American editors might find the hook interesting and to check my own thoughts. As for the nomination itself, the safest option here is probably to try a completely different angle. While ALT1 is arguably a better option, as you said, it loses some of the punch with the additional context. Thorpe is no Lionel Messi or Michael Jordan to warrant the angle, methinks. 7422:). The hook, however, focuses on the real-life stuff about the character. As for his death, it is correct that his death had never been officially confirmed by the military, but his kidnapping was denounced by the family and other organizations shortly after April 1977, and informed by Cadena Informativa on September 1977. It's all in reference 1. A bit off-topic for this article (better suited for HGO's biography, or the second part), but clearly not a situation that Ediciones Record didn't know. They may be in the dark about the details, but not about their star writer being missing and reported kidnapped by the military. 25082: 12129: 15061: 23424:, review follows: article moved to mainspace on 23 September and exceeds minimum length; article is well written and cited inline throughout; I don't have access to all of the sources but they look to be reliable and I didn't find any issues with overly close paraphrasing on a spotcheck of ones I could access; for the image do you have any evidence it was taken by a serving US military person, other than the setting of it? Its immediate source is a US newspaper. Hook is interesting but the nickname is only mentioned in the lead and that it was awarded for "his insistence on being on the front lines" isn't mentioned. 26680: 24105: 21142: 17723: 27488: 24957: 22854:
for what"? Carrying genocide? But that is not clear from the short quote about Pope Urban in the 11th century and then... Martin Luther? Did Luther called or tried to justify some genocide? I'd ask for that section to be expanded, clearly stating who said what, and in particular, who might have tried to justify genocide. The second paragraph in that section is more clear, and perhaps an ALT2 about "Genocide in the Hebrew Bible being used by Israeli leaders to justify their actions in the Israel-Hamas war" might be fine, and would probably draw more views too. --
27660:, it says John Edward Long was a physician, then goes on to say "Long served as secretary of the provisional government from May 25, 1844 to June 21, 1846. … He served in that position until he was drowned while fording the Clackamas River." In the next paragraph, the source says Frederick Prigg was a physician, then says "Prigg was appointed secretary of the provisional government to succeed Long … He fell to his death from a bluff into the Willamette River at Oregon City in October 1849." The same events are covered in Footnote 74 on p.36 of Bancroft’s 16273: 22290: 24347: 24328: 17625: 17617: 7087:, Washington Post: "For years, when unidentified bodies were recovered in the county, they were buried, at times in unmarked graves. Mr. Canales and other activists helped push for the enforcement of a Texas law mandating that unidentified remains undergo DNA testing, and championed the exhumation of unidentified bodies from the county cemetery... The effort led to a horrifying revelation when researchers exhuming a mass burial site at the cemetery found remains “in trash bags, shopping bags, body bags, or no containers at all,”" 27009: 5506: 1805:, 11 Dec 1950, , "When Mr L. P. Lee read in a Jersey newspaper that Mr William C. Kerr, M.A., of St Helier, had discovered a cure for stammering he decided to get a year's leave of absence from the Lands and Survey Department and to work his way to England. ¶ Lee had been stammering all his life and he felt that Mr Kerr could help him. He worked as engineer’s steward in the Trojan Star, arrived in England on November 13 and 18 minutes after seeing Mr Kerr on November 18 he was speaking normally. ¶ 23659: 9563:, the supporting footnote should be at the latest at the end of the sentence supporting the hook fact, which in this case is the DSCH signature aspect. ALT2 is a rather complicated hook so I'm rather disinclined to approve it. My preferred hook is actually ALT1; however, the article does not actually seem to back it up. The article is unclear if the String Quartet was even started, or if it was started but simply unfinished: if it was the former, then ALT1 is accurate. To be sure, I'm pinging 9765:
worth, it's probably more likely that Shostakovich never went beyond working through the quartet in his mind. By 1974, his neuro-muscular disorder had made writing extremely difficult and exhausting for him. Consider that he had not even begun to work on the Fifteenth Quartet on April 11, 1974. (Meyer's visit and questioning may have been the catalyst to finally get work on that going: his first extant sketches are dated April 13.) The penmanship in the autograph copy of his last work, the
14952: 23511: 22511: 23279: 18469: 18279: 16204: 15556: 13726: 13304: 13143: 12416: 11471: 10065: 8398: 5256: 4664: 4160: 3925: 2742: 25604:
ALT0 is interesting and checks out. I have made some copyedits to it, most notably changing the word "tutor" (an Oxford-ism, which has a different meaning at Cambridge) to "teacher" (the Cambridge-ism would be "supervisor", but that might be a little opaque). There are a couple of easy MoS fixes (dashes, capitalisation in references, removing page numbers from books listed as his works, three dots for ellipsis) which would be advisable before it hits the main page. QPQ
18869: 21855: 23417: 22693: 20125: 18037: 10449: 8054: 4797: 2993: 463: 17097: 5744: 19400: 19256: 18404: 18214: 12047: 11604: 9257: 4753: 1875: 1381: 1364: 19477:, the old rule where QPQs must be provided within a week of the nomination has been phased out. Instead, QPQs should be provided at the time of the nomination, and any nomination that does not immediately provide a QPQ is liable for closure. Doing the QPQs "later this week" is no longer sufficient: they have to be given at the time of the nomination, and you must provide them as soon as possible if you do not want your nominations to be closed. 20082: 5209: 2899: 2631: 1376: 1359: 9460:(July 2024): "Shostakovich had apparently intended to make a mathematical version of his DSCH signature in the key sequence of his quartets. Given that the musically logical sequence of keys indicated that if the composer had lived to complete a sixteenth quartet, it would have been in B major, this meant that the major key quartets of DSCH would all have been on the quartets whose numbers were perfect squares, namely 4, 9, 1, and 16". 16442: 456: 12480: 32: 3270: 24339: 24311: 24303: 24274: 24254: 24243: 24214: 24203: 24015: 24007: 23978: 23958: 23947: 23918: 23907: 17600: 17580: 17569: 17540: 17529: 15714: 15706: 15677: 15657: 15646: 15617: 15606: 14187: 14134: 14117: 14097: 14086: 14052: 14041: 13125: 13108: 13088: 13077: 13048: 13037: 11778: 11756: 11736: 11707: 11696: 10400: 10392: 10363: 10343: 10332: 10303: 10292: 7387: 7379: 7362: 7342: 7331: 7302: 7291: 5953: 5945: 5934: 5909: 5887: 5867: 5838: 5827: 5642: 5616: 5596: 5585: 5556: 5545: 5115: 5098: 5078: 5067: 5038: 5027: 4315: 4293: 4273: 4262: 4245: 4234: 3282: 3230: 3219: 3202: 3191: 25600: 22850: 21568: 20241: 15481: 12640: 9555: 9135: 7832: 6606: 5364: 3578: 2393: 15764: 14793: 9835:
but as you said there's ambiguity if sketches or work was made. If they did, it technically did exist, if in an unfinished/unreleased state. Even if not, one could argue that it did exist as a concept if not as a composition that was at least attempted, so the hook is too vague and ambiguous. Even if it were to be approved, I can see it going to WP:ERRORS and/or WT:DYK before being pulled.
14855: 25021:. He's been there forever and as you can see in his profile, he has responsibility for the archives of the Robert McDougall Art Gallery. When Tim says that they (the gallery) own the copyright, and he's happy to release it under a free license, he knows exactly what he's doing. Tim works quite a bit with Wikipedians (that's how I've met him before) and he has his head around copyright. 9233:, please be aware that the Guild of Copy Editors is taking over three months to complete most requests, and DYK has a two-month limit for a nomination to be approved. Regrettably, unless the article is adequately copyedited in the next month or so (prior to the Guild getting to it), the nomination will not pass. You will also want to address the hook issue now rather than delaying. 26278:: "When Christophe Derennes, now general manager of Ubisoft Montreal, moved with his family to the Quebec metropolis in 1997, he was far from suspecting that, 25 years later, the studio in the Mile End district would become the largest in the world, with 4,000 employees. Ubisoft Montreal has occupied the offices of the Peck Building since its beginnings in the Quebec metropolis." 7836:
confused why for some rows, the citations are in different columns. Ex. Most entries in 'term' have references, but occasionally entries in others have referneces too. This is messy, and I'd suggest adding a new column 'sources' or such and moving references there, IF they are supporting all claims in the row. But there are cleary some rows with no citations (ex. Sangoma). --
general in Jerusalem between 2009 and 2013. He takes as an example the Old City of Gaza, which, like much of the north of the enclave, is now a vast field of ruins. "It wasn't just a site, it was also the heart of today's city. The hammam and the Pacha's Palace were extremely popular places. The museum also served as a place of education for schoolchildren," explained Tadié.
14195: 14156: 14142: 14060: 13133: 11769: 11724: 7395: 5900: 5855: 5633: 5123: 4323: 4301: 3290: 3264: 3250: 9760:
is even more fleeting. I've looked through the various books by Sofia Khentova, Shostakovich's official biographer, including her massive two-volume biography, which is far more exhausting in detail than any current English language books on the composer. It mentions various obscure odds-and-ends and aborted projects—but no String Quartet No. 16. Derek C. Hulme's
stammering was scarier than speaking, he could cure you. We had to stand bolt upright, speaking slowly and if we stammered he hit us. Slapped round the face punched in the stomach, smacked in the back of the head. I ordered soup one night and I stammered and he dunked my head in the bowl. But after three days I was speaking for the first time in my life.'
7116:, CBC: "He spent much of the last decade of his life travelling along the U.S. southern border to place and refill large barrels of water for those making the dangerous — and often deadly — journey across the arid desert to the U.S... The South Texas Human Rights Center estimates he placed nearly 200 of these water stations across seven counties..." 1950:
at a college and who had been most sceptical was “astounded” at the change. Mr L. P. Lee told the Press Association: “I am thoroughly happy about the cure. I know that whenever I want to I can speak normally and I could even make a public speech now.” Only a slight occasional stammer is noticeable -in his speech and he counted rapidly up to 20.
14845: 7489:, in all likelihood, dead by the time the comic was published. However, he seems never to have been officially declared dead, only presumed dead. It seems like splitting hairs, but it's the kind of thing other editors may potentially bring up once the hook goes live. So best to address it now by modifying the ALT with the qualifier "probably". — 12648:. Either you find sources or you must remove those details. I noticed a mixture of British and American English; settle on one (personally, I would use British English but it's entirely up to you). The list of print media at the end of the section "Life and career" should all be shown in italic font. Same with the newspaper's part of the title 2223:
syllable; for example, I-am-a-u-ni-ver-si-ty stu-dent. The individual is told to stand in a ram-rod straight fashion with his head up high. Unfortunately, such a manner of speech, though technically fluent, does not meet the expectations for normal speech in North America. Its effects have been described as mechanical, stilted, and artificial.
of the old city. Many buildings were heavily damaged by Israeli rockets during April 2002. A project was carried out by UNDP and funded by the Japanese government to rebuild the houses. Then in December of 2003, many houses were again damaged during Israeli military activity. This kept recurring: buildings were repaired and then damaged.
25564:"Caesar had a hand in the careers of literally scores of young men (and through his supervision of Newnham and Girton geographers, young women) who were to go on to lead the subject in many British and Commonwealth universities. Dubbed irreverently "Caesar's Praetorian Guard", they came together in 1970 to write a festschrift volume" 25525:"Caesar had a hand in the careers of literally scores of young men (and through his supervision of Newnham and Girton geographers, young women) who were to go on to lead the subject in many British and Commonwealth universities. Dubbed irreverently "Caesar's Praetorian Guard", they came together in 1970 to write a festschrift volume" 11877:. I have added multiple sources to back almost all the claims made in the article, including the hook and have removed most of the sources you mentioned. If you're still skeptical, I would request that you leave it to an editor/reviewer who is familiar with evaluating E-sports sources/sources that aren't from mainstream news media. 26356:- London Gazette, 1959 'Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 21st July 1959, and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 5th August 1959, I, WALTER CAMPBELL-SMITH ... Retired Civil Servant .. abandoned the surname of Smith. —Dated the 6th day of August 1959. W. Campbell-Smith, formerly Walter Campbell Smith. 2972:- ALT0 is basically "a cinematographer drew inspiration from people" combined with the seemingly unrelated "a cinematographer likes not using studios", ALT1 is "Cinematographer uses time-authentic film" and ALT2 is "Cinematographer got a degree, moved to Asia from LA for jobs". Feel free to disagree, up to the promoter 27777:) "The five-foot nine-inch forward broke the Southern Division basketball scoring record for a single game when he tallied 38 points in leading his team to a 90-67 triumph over Stanford Saturday night. Sheldrake’s total also broke the UCLA school record held Jointly by Don Barksdale and Bill O’Brien, with 30 points." ( 25017:: The article was written by Manymanydogs; I merely did a bit of tidying up. A very nice piece of work and the hook would go rather well with the striking image. It's worth talking about the painting's copyright status because this may well come up. The uploader's user name is "TimJonesCAGTPoW" and that would be 18529: 2176:? If I'm outvoted on the sourcing, I'll accept the consensus. Regarding an article on Kerr, I will likely pass on it, but appreciate the suggestion. If you decide to write him up, something I found limited information on but must have been a huge deal is that he apparently was an early speech therapist for 4495:“This is about creating a culture of civic engagement, not just during the election season. We want people to understand the political landscape and be involved on and off the clock,” said Ms. Bennett, a Jackson State University graduate who wanted to be a physics teacher before turning to civic activism. 6947: 24038:
I like ALT0 but I think we could improve it a little. I recommend stating that they physically moved "the building" instead of "it" because it was the shocker that pulled me in and even though it's grammatically correct I didn't fully believe it. I also recommend removing the details of the month and
Thanks for the heads up. I am not very happy with this change. I've always done my QPQs on time, with submission (and I've done hundreds of them), but just recently someone translated a bunch of my articles form pl wiki without heads up, and I am trying to rescue some of them for DYKs within the time
Thanks, ALT1 looks good to me; I've added a source already cited in the article at that sentence (in the body). She had some other "firsts" (first and only president representing a territory, first female deputy president, and I thought first female whip though I'm not finding a source on that right
To say Taiwanese Canadian actress Karena Lam has a packed calendar is an understatement. This year, she replaces Aaron Kwok as the ambassador of the Hong Kong International Film Festival which will take place from March 28 to April 8—becoming the second woman to be offered this position since actress
12044:. Note it's not just the stuff Earwig highlights in red; it's the whole paragraph with trivial word substitutions, which is the definition of close paraphrasing. Normally this wouldn't be enough to reject the nom outright, but given all the other problems that have been found by multiple reviewers, 9834:
ALT1 is actually the sticking point here. The accuracy of the hook depends on how one interprets "there is no String Quartet No. 16." If one means "it was never made", yes it's accurate. If one means "it never existed", then exactly what "exist" means is the issue. The finished product doesn't exist,
has an entire appendix devoted to such works. Again, no mention of this quartet. I've also not been able to find mention of it in the various Russian language sources in my personal library or in Levon Akopyan's editorial notes in the ongoing New Collected Works Edition of the quartets. For what it's
New enough and long enough. QPQ present. AGF on German-language sourcing. Reasonably exciting hook for the subject. Suggestions for promoter: add "of Liechtenstein" after "cabinet" in the hook to provide a geographic clue to readers. Also skeptical if "second" needs to be capitalized in running text.
Mr Kerr said: “When I was a student at Glasgow University 16 years ago I had. to write a thesis on philosophy. In doing so I came across a psychological discovery. From this I discovered the cause and then the cure of stammering.” “Its taken me a long time and I’ve had to contend with a good deal of
Mr Kerr took a recording of Lee stammering the date and time before instructing him. He took a second recording 18 minutes later with Lee now stating the date and time without stammering. Lee stayed with Mr Kerr for a fortnight and when he returned to London his brother Mr M. G. Lee, who is teaching
Maybe you can think of a better phrasing for a hook (or we could come up with an alternate hook not having to do with the stammer). The claim from the news article is that Kerr recorded Lee saying the date and time when he first arrived, stammering, and then 18 minutes later took another recording of
The old city of Nablus has suffered, probably more than any other Palestinian city, from the massive invasion by Israeli forces during the second uprising which started in 2000. Many restoration projects were previously completed by the municipality but unfortunately destroyed by the Israeli bombing
25179:(他曾极力推动成立上海博物馆,后来还把重金购得的稀世珍品——晋朝王献之的《鸭头丸帖》真迹,慨然捐献给了上海博物馆。; "He had strongly promoted the establishment of the Shanghai Museum, and later donated the rare treasure he had purchased at a high price, the original copy of the "Duck Head Pills" by Wang Xianzhi of the Jin Dynasty, to the Shanghai Museum.") 22853:
I'll take a stab at this. I trust Buidhe to be the subject expert and do good research, but I concur that the section on "Justification for violence" here is a bit underdeveloped for the hooks proposed. I can't find the text of the article clearly confirming ALT0. As for ALT1, I'd ask "justification
Source: "Neuendorff considers Prölsz's Law of Re-entry (that no character shall leave the stage and immediately re-enter if the scene is meanwhile supposed to have changed) at some length, and finds it of the greatest influence upon dramatic construction. It accounts for the many scenes beginning or
Source: Pirouzian et al. (2020), pg. 2: "The addition of the sugar particles promoted the formation of polymorphs with lower melting points. It was suggested that the sugar acted as a heterogeneous nucleation agent, prolonging the nucleation and growth of cocoa butter crystals since foreign surfaces
But the hook states that the reasons for the disproportionality is the curiae system, which is arguably something different from FPTP dynamics. The curia system would be very weird present-day, to explicitly discriminate in favour of the wealthiest. There are some alternate takes on the on the hook,
first went viral for a song on TikTok, where she had begun to upload videos to cope with her grief?". Maybe Gigi Perez could use ALT1, and Sailor Song could use ALT0, if it is possible to add two DYKs with one nomination? Also, since I'm new, if anyone wanted to double-check my copyvio checking that
I also don't think this paragraph is an issue -- there does seem to be a debate over whether a few eSports sources are reliable, but that doesn't mean other things start being more of a problem than they would be otherwise. The Knowledge paragraph is written somewhat differently, even if it says the
Looking over ALT1 again, I'm thinking that perhaps this is simply a semantic debate. Because there really is no "String Quartet No. 16" insofar as there is no published score or any kind of tangible media directly related to it that is available. Even Meyer's derivative work is only based on his own
the project regarding the Sixteenth ". Neither of the articles cited specifically details how much progress, if any, Shostakovich had made on this work at this point or ever. My copy of Meyer's monograph on the composer (in the Spanish translation) is also of no help; his mention of the work therein
Draft published on 30 August, so this was nominated within required time. Hooks are fine (I think ALT0 is the best). But the problem is that much of the article is unreferenced. While only one sentence of prose needs a citation, half if not more entries in the tables do not have citations. I am also
Or the 'doctor of something or other who lived on the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel,' who sent Marty's father a written promise that he'd effect a cure 'in a fortnight.' So off to Jersey flew Marty, to confront a sergeant- major type whose idea was 'to toughen us up as if we were recruits in
Source: "Polly’s Pies will hop back in time this week as the a local comfort food and pie chain ... Her grandfather, Eddie Sheldrake, co-founded the chain with his brother Don with their first restaurant in Fullerton in 1968 after they decided to expand from being Kentucky Fried Chicken franchisees
is such a fascinating person. If you have time, I suggest you watch her opening speech at the Oxford Union debate, which is linked from the source above. And if you want to be in for a treat, wach David Lange's speech (second-to-last speaker) – an absolute stunner of a performance. Almost every New
Source: "In recognition of her demonstrated leadership skills, she was elected during the 63rd General Assembly to the position of Assistant Minority Leader of the Democratic House. Franklin is the first African-American to hold such a leadership position in either major political party in Iowa." -
Source: Although all eight were described as "Alien" companies, the originals were formed from the sons of foreign nationals, however from 1918 actual foreign nationals were used to form three companies , see eg: "the Director of Labour in France was informed that all Russians and other aliens whom
Again, this is not comparable to the issues from FPTP or STV electoral systems. Here was a case where an electoral system was explicitly designed to give a absolute majority to the wealthiest sections of society, with the explicit and publicly stated goal of ensuring a stable conservative majority.
Yes the objection to ALT1 may seem like semantics, but semantics are actually taken seriously at DYK and can result in hooks getting pulled. Many of the issues raised at WT:DYK or WP:ERRORS are ultimately semantics, but given how much the project wants hooks to be accurate, semantics are important.
Arekia Bennett was a physics and chemistry major at a Mississippi university when she tuned into local and regional politics. “As a young woman in the Deep South, I started to understand that there were so many issues I cared about, like control over my own body, that were intrinsically tied to the
Looking at the article, I notice that the lead is too short, being just one sentence, and there's just a generic section title of "Biography" which isn't helpful to the reader. So, some copy-editing still seems needed. I'll keep a tab open and make a pass through it myself to see if that helps or
I can well imagine that some patients might consider adopting a method like this to be inadequate while others might think it beneficial (compared to an alternative of being unable or barely able to speak in many contexts due to a heavy stutter or associated anxiety) despite some obvious drawbacks.
Thanks for your research. Kerr's record does sound a lot more mixed than the couple other sources I found in my quick internet skim. I don't think it's a "miracle" if an aggressive (perhaps to the point of abusive) method was sometimes a complete failure and even source of trauma but also sometimes
It was after his mother died when he was 15 that his dad found a "miracle cure" at an unusual school in Jersey. 'I was basically "cured" by being beaten up. I went to a school run by a man called Bill Kerr. He maintained stammering was a fear of words and if he could make your brain understand that
Note: Articles intended to be held for special occasion dates should be nominated within seven days of creation, start of expansion, or promotion to Good Article status. The nomination should be made at least one week prior to the occasion date, to allow time for reviews and promotions through the
I was initially very confused by this nomination: the link in the first hook went to the wrong Michael Chisholm! Article is new enough and long enough, and well sourced. I'm not sure that ALT1 is really eligible, as the article is specifically about Chisholm rather than the "praetorian guard", but
Source: "Almost the only “rule” in London theater that was still faithfully followed was the one we now call, for convenience, the law of reentry . Thus, in Richard II, John of Gaunt makes an abrupt and awkward departure purely to be able to take part in a vital scene that follows." — Shakespeare:
Article is new enough and long enough. The sources do seem to suggest the subject exists. The article seems sourced and presentable. The proposed hook seems quite bland, stating only that a historical card game exists. It doesn't even convey the fun concept of the liberum veto I assume the game is
Although a "first" hook (a kind of hook that has been discouraged on DYK as of late), it is one that should be relatively easy to verify/support and thus not as an exceptional of a claim as most other "first" hooks. In addition, it's the highlight of her career, but more importantly, probably more
Not a full review, but the interesting thing about the article is the fact that Jewish dairy restaurants even exist in the first place, considering kosher laws. I'd suggest proposing hooks that focus specifically on that aspect, as least as possible options for the promoter, as the mere concept of
Regarding the clarity of image, I selected precisely because it had symbolism that was readable even at 100px. I don't think we'd expect people to read the fine print, but in 100px the number 5 is clearly visible (5 times) and the largest text is readable ('vote for our list'). The designer of the
Completely rephrasing the paragraph would unnecessarily lengthen/ complicate it further. And the words on the this earwig report are team names which can only be rearranged. I believe the only issue was with sourcing, which has already been addressed. The other reviewers simply improved the Alt 2
Could ALT1 possibly work? The wording is also slightly more ambiguous than the other ALTs, which unequivocally state that the work does not exist at all. There really is no "String Quartet No. 16" insofar as a published piece of music is concerned, but the wording of ALT1 doesn't rule out the fact
Sou um pouco crítica em relação ao desporto de alta competição em Cabo Verde, talvez por não ter estado sempre cá e ter tido outra vivência do que é o desporto de alta competição./I am a bit critical of top-level sports in Cape Verde, perhaps because I haven't been here all the time and have had a
Now a patron of the British Stammering Association, he says he is indebted to Kerr for teaching him tricks which have helped him forge a career as a sports pundit, appearing on television and radio. "He taught us how to use words, and how to know when someone's using speech to intimidate you. So I
Because asserting that a treatment worked once doesn't require asserting that it works in general; it's entirely possible that this story is true, whether by luck of the draw or complete coincidence, but Kerr is in general a charlatan. It's a narrow interpretation of MEDRS, and I probably wouldn't
LONDON, December 10 (Rec. 9 a.m.).—When Mr L. P. Lee, of 195 The Terrace, Wellington, read in a Jersey newspaper that Mr William C. Kerr, M.A., of St Helier, had discovered a cure for stammering he decided to get a year’s leave of absence from the Lands and Survey Department and to work his way to
Whether the Israelis act intentionally or not, "the result is effectively the erasure of a heritage and a history. Symbolically, this is important because this is one of the ways in which people are attached to their territory," warned Benoît Tadié, former cultural adviser to the French consulate
Further: However, a group of Christchurch subscribers did purchase ‘Pleasure garden’, and presented it to the Robert McDougall Art Gallery in 1949. The painting was rejected ‘on its merits’. Controversy ensued and, when the work was again offered to Christchurch City Council in July 1951, it was
Das Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) hat die Verfassungsbeschwerde eines mit einem bundesweiten Stadionverbot belegten Fußballfans als unbegründet zurückgewiesen (Beschl. v. 11.04.2018, Az. 1 BvR 3080/09). Die Verbote dürften aber mit Blick auf das Gleichheitsgebot nicht willkürlich festgesetzt
I think that's a better hook, but I'm not sure if it will pass scrutiny. DYK usually wants quotes in quote hooks to be attributed whenever possible, but adding an attribution to the hook would probably weaken the article's punch. It might be a good idea to seek opinions from other editors who are
I do think the original hook is interesting, I only mentioned the suggestion above so that it could be offered as an option. It's probably best for a reviewer to make the final decision. I've slightly modified the original hook to give Trotsky's full name since not all readers may know who he is.
Okay, you could have just asked: we're all volunteers here. I think that when I first reviewed you were only partway through the reviews, so I figured that it probably wasn't time yet. QPQs do look done now; going to leave this to another reviewer to pick the hook. Personally I think ALT0a sounds
I have rewritten the lead. Plot sections of articles about works of fiction do not require citations; it is accepted that the book itself is the source. That Oesterheld included himself as a character within the first two stories he wrote does not need to be referenced either, for similar reasons
the late William Kerr, a roving unlicensed speech therapist from the Isle of Jersey On the first day we were gathering at the motel and going through the ritual of introductions. One man put his hand out to me and said, 'My name is ... uh ... actually . .. my name is Jim." Afterwards one of the
One of her tasks was to invite high-profile speakers to address the Union. Around this time, New Zealand was making headlines for its refusal to let potentially nuclear-armed American warships into its waters. Somebody joked that she should invite David Lange, the firebrand Prime Minister of New
from July 1975, clearly evinces that it was a struggle just to get the notes to paper. (By this point, he could only write by having his left hand support his right.) Meyer is by far the most informative source on this cryptic work... but, unfortunately, he leaves a number of questions dangling.
The "Kerr method" refers to a method of speaking taught by W. C. Kerr in a two-week course, as a "cure" for stuttering. The method essentially involves a standardized temporal ordering (time-on/time-off sequence) of speech. Each word is syllabilized and there are split second pauses between each
I think you are applying the standards of mainstream journalism to the esports field, which I feel is unfair. AFAIK, these events are not covered by traditional mainstream media, so it's unreasonable to expect a byline or editorial oversight on all the sources used. The claims made here are not
I already use a citation highlighting script and it did/does not flag any sources in the article as unreliable, apart from the YouTube video. Based on your suggestion, I have removed Techtimes and AFK Gaming and FWIW, the facts in ALT1 are not unrelated, as most of the earnings came from Dota 2
I spent three intense weeks on the British Isle of Jersey at a 'school for stutterers' run by a scoundrel. Dr. William C. Kerr, Ph.D., as he insisted on calling himself, had steel-blue eyes and a ferocious temperament. He promised to cure his class of stutterers "in a fortnight," and indeed, he
To indicate the result of the review (i.e., whether the nomination passes, fails, or needs some minor changes), leave a signed comment on the page. Please begin with one of the 5 review symbols that appear at the top of the edit screen, and then indicate all aspects of the article that you have
Launchballer already gave an ultimatum for your open nominations: provide a QPQ within 24 hours of the messages, or they will be closed. If you do not think it will be feasible to complete them all in time then it may be better to just let them go for now and try to avoid this repeating in the
Source: Overlaid with gleaming 21st-century filigree, this esthetic delight hints at pattern and order, embedded in randomness. “They are Henry Markram’s neurons – or rather, from his rat brains,” explains Segev, “and we at ELSC had the idea of this neuron trellis wrapping round the building.”
I have no objections to a second opinion from another reviewer, but Knowledge guidelines do not apply differently based on the topic area. I'm not saying that any of the information here is exceptional and requires featured article–quality sources; when it comes to web content of any kind, the
There is another major concern: the lack of a QPQ. Per a recent discussion, the guidelines have changed so a QPQ should now be provided at the time of the nomination, rather than up to a week afterwards. As such, please provide a QPQ as soon as possible, as the nomination may be failed without
that's a reasonable point, though this was what I deemed to be the most interesting "factoid" in the article. And even if it really were the case (that this is "actually not uncommon"), how many times have such hooks appeared on DYK? It sure can't beat the river-related hooks of yesteryear 😆
Although Thorpe was a highly accomplished and iconic athlete of his era, I'm not actually sure if most Americans today know who he is or at least recognize his name (speaking as a non-American). In addition, I don't know if Thorpe is a name that is known internationally. As such, the hook as
Source: "Finally, a word may be said about Prolss' "Law of Re-entry" as it bears upon the matter of act-intermissions. Briefly the law is this: Characters leaving the stage at the end of a scene to reappear at another locality are, to avoid confusion, not permitted to re-enter immediately" —
You have to either a) ping and sign in the same edit or b) ping in the edit summary, which is what I did. Again, for that hook to be considered unusual, you need to know what The Leapfrog Group is. Following that link shows me that there are probably about twelve different patient safety
8228:"Presenter Duranga Manika (Michelle Torres) describes her fascination with white people and their customs and explains how she spent six months living with a ‘typical white family’" "Elsewhere Manika describes the football match as ritualised violence and betting at the TAB as a religion" 9558:
The article was new enough and long enough at the time of the nomination. It is properly sourced; as all the sources are offline I am assuming good faith on verification here. ALT0 has a sourcing issue: the reference backing it up comes at the end of the relevant paragraph; according to
I checked the article's refs and they all seem to use the pseudonym, at least in their titles. But if we don't want to use the pseudonym, then the surname Vainikka should be used instead of the given name Jesse. (I left this comment here, because it affects this nomination's caption.)
16636:'it was not desirable to retain with fighting units' were to be sent to the Middlesex Regiment base depot at Etaples. Apart from the Russians, they were to be posted to the Middlesex Infantry Labour Companies ... This enabled three more Middlesex Labour companies to be formed." from: 2045: 8246:: Per DYK guidelines, there is a two day eligibility window following a week after creation so it should fall within this window. Thank you for the reviewer for your time in advance! ALT1 is a bit lengthy, so I am open to any ways for it to be shortened while keeping the hook-iness. 20539:
Source: "Mr. Irwin Smith has demonstrated conclusively that all the apparent exceptions to the "Law of Reentry" be explained and justified in one way or another. His thesis, which I take to be unexceptionable, provides the clinching proof that Macbeth is not the Third Murderer" —
While I have some questions about the focus of the article and whether it should really be about Meyer's work and how it was inspired by an uncomposed Shostakovich, if the reviewer is happy with it as is, I have no problems with alt1. I would object to alt0 on being too difficult.
other men in the group who had a highly noticeable stutter shook his head and said, in an aside to me, "What a fool! I'd rather stammer my head off than avoid like that. It looks ridiculous. People must think he's crazy' The simplest way to conceal stuttering is to avoid speaking.
27666:, but that source say Dr Long drown in the Willamette River at Oregon City (vice Clackamas River, which also flows through Oregon City). As a result, I decided not to name the river in the hook … instead of just said "river", which applies regardless of which river he drowned in. 27866:"In 1970, during the 35th Venice Biennale, Ruscha delivered just such an unexpected encounter in Chocolate Room, his only installation work to date... Unfortunately, in an ironic twist of fate, an army of ants invaded the room, causing the premature demise of the installation." 12015:, I failed to notice the reason you mentioned in the template. Instead I looked at the edit summary, which made me add more supporting references. It would have been helpful if you had also mentioned the time index issue in the DYK nom, rather than just linking to the diff. 8626: 2052:
worked with me and seven other stutterers for twenty days, eight to twelve hours a day. As long as he held us in his intimidating gaze, we dared not stutter. Unfortunately, he was not for rent and did not travel. When I returned to the United States, I was still stuttering.
19716:). And by "long-neglected", there are no kind words for how much this got dragged across the mud over the first 18 years of its existence, suffering the slings and arrows of IPs and vandals with no substantial improvement--or serious research--in sight. To the point where 16671:
Source: "Only in September 1916 did one of the battalions (perhaps in ignorance of the second) become the focus of sarcastic press attention. Headlined 'The Kaiser's Own', the London Evening Standard ran an article about the 'Queerest Battalion in the British Army'" from:
Source: Telma Tadeusz. Pierwsze wybory do Rady Miejskiej m. Łodzi, in Rocznik Łódzki, Vol. 11 (14). Państwowe Wydawnictwu Naukowe, 1966. pp. 134, 138-146, Antoni Goerne. Wybory do Rady Miejskiej w Lodzi w styczniu 1917, in Informator m Lodzi z kalendarzem na rok 1919. pp.
Açılışını Sağlık Bakanı İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra’nın yaptığı ... Kadınlar Satranç Şampiyonası çekişmeli ve heyecanlı bir şekilde sona erdi./The Women's Chess Championship, which was opened by the Minister of Health İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra ... ended in a competitive and exciting
During our many exchanges, we discovered that (in the 1960's) we had both attended a two weeks course in Jersey (a small island located between the UK and France), run by the late Dr Bill Kerr (from Scotland). With his typical frankness, Marty often referred to Kerr as a
the Noken system, which is not provided for by any state laws or regulations,..what is significant from this case is not the court's approval of a fresh round of elections, but rather its acceptance of local (Papua) customs and practices in local elections (ie the Noken
6963: 6934: 16041:
As a non-Jew myself, I just thought that the actual concept was interesting by itself. It might not be as obvious to observant Jews of course since they may take it for granted, but especially to people from places where Jews are not very visible it might be unusual.
I went back and forth on the wording of the sentence, but with the 200 characters cap it is difficult to get all nuances and factoids included. For me "only five" implies that it is less than proportional, but a rewording could be to replace "five seats" with "8%".
I really have doubts about this angle to be honest. It's a rather exceptional claim and thus needs exceptional sourcing, and I can't imagine that the hook is actually all that accurate, especially when Harry Potter exists. The term "few" in this case is also vague.
I partially agree with you. But, I find Alt1 interesting because, AFAIK no one has used 16mm film to recreate the look of 1980s South Indian cinema, especially considering it was done by a cinematographer who is not based in India. An alternative to Alt1 could be -
for one such example - however hook interestingness does not depend on topic, so if it isn't good enough for Gigi, it won't be good enough for Sailor Song. I've taken the liberty of renumbering your ALT0a to ALT1 as it introduces new information, and would suggest
11566:?" Also fits within the character limit and mentions that its a charitable auction, which I think is also one of the interesting parts. Changes it from "someone really wanted this gaming chair" to "gaming chairs can be competitive in charitable auctions", kind of. 18782:
More of a comment than a review, but while I do think the hook is marginally interesting, I imagine theater actors being offered roles in plays they'd never seen before is actually not uncommon. As such, I wonder if additional hook angles could be proposed here.
18357: 20245:
named after, although the article does not mention this either. Some new hook options are needed. As an administrative point, there is now somewhat of a consensus that QPQs should be included with nominations, so there is a need to carry it out here soon. Best,
5693:. The wording "boosted his career" is subjective, and differs from the article which states "resulted in a number of higher-profile commissions". Receiving more commissions does not necessarily mean "boosting" one's career. This will be likely be challenged at 21365:
and Lt. Joseph Castner is talking about his exploration of the pass as part of the Glenn expedition of the Copper River Basin in 1898. "Alaska Alps" is referring to the Alaska Range, and that term seems to be an idiolect of his. Would something like "... that
I'm not taking on the review, but just leaving a comment, as I'm puzzled. Without context, this may not be hook-notable I believe. The question left unaddressed is five seats out of how many. If it is five seats out of 15, this would seen rather non-notable.
fine, but I like ALT1 a lot (the exact phrasing might not be perfectly, but I think it's interesting): maybe if it was split, ALT0a could be used without Gigi Perez bolded, and then ALT1 for the second DYK? Otherwise, if they are not split, ALT0a seems good.
Pings don't work if you add them after you sign. I can tell you that ALT0/1 is only interesting if you know what Timmy's Playroom/The Leapfrog Group are and being from a particular place isn't unusual or intriguing. (I should say that I haven't yet seen the
Arekia Bennett throws herself into a chair in front of a dark red accent wall and rattles off a list of positions she hopes to fill as quickly as possible at Mississippi Votes, the nonprofit she has led as executive director for almost a year. <break:
20636:: Since this article deals with something governing the way characters exit and enter the stage in English Renaissance plays, I'm not actually sure if any of these run afoul of the "must focus on a real-world fact" thing, so I've provided a lot of hooks. 2063: 14868:第48屆香港國際電影節本月28日開幕,由獨立電影導演陳果執導的《去年煙花特別多》突然被取消放映,改為放映同由陳果執導的《墮胎師》。主辦方在電影節節目及訂票手冊中稱「因找不到合適拷貝而未能放映」。陳果昨回覆本報稱,對於《去》未能放映感可惜,近日才接獲電影節通知稱沒有菲林拷貝而取消放映,不清楚是否涉其他原因。翻查資料,《去》曾於2017年在香港藝術中心古天樂電影院放映,當年主辦方與今屆電影節主辦方同為香港國際電影節協會(HKIFF)。《去》2021年也曾在兆基創意書院放映室放映,播放的是35mm菲林拷貝。 8613: 6395:: I hope the hooks and article are carefully NPOV. Reliable sources usually mention that the legislature and ballot board are Republican-led, since gerrymandering is about partisanship. Fwiw, Issue 1 proponents are described in the press as bipartisan. 5688:
The proposed hook is supported by two consecutive sentences, not just one sentence as quoted above. Specifically, the name of the magazine and a new building are both mentioned in a sentence without a citation. Both sentences require a citation as per
England. Lee had been stammering all his life and he felt that Mr Kerr could help him. He worked as engineer’s steward in the Trojan Star, arrived in England on November 13 and 18 minutes after seeing Mr Kerr on November 18 he was speaking normally.
I'm rather stunned at the idea that Thorpe isn't well known enough. I don't really see any other good options with the article as well. Would changing the hook so that it does not mention Thorpe, but still has that aspect, work? – I.e. something like
3552:, which came up on the parent service's "Hot Network Questons" feed one day during my perusal at GIS.SE (I'm currently engaged in a comeback geofictional project). First of two DYK nominations from yours truly today; stay tuned in a few hours for the 11474:
Partial review here: ALT2 seems the most interesting to me, seconded by ALT1; ALT0 is not as interesting without much esports context. Article is new enough, long enough, and written by the nominator. (Don't plan to review rest, just dropping in)
I don't think the sourcing is there to describe Kerr's treatment as something that can cure a stutter in a month in Knowledge's voice. Rather than continue to discuss it, could I invite you to either ping another editor or maybe post a notice to
Great hooks. I think I prefer ALT0 the most followed by ALT1. The nomination was made in time and the hooks all seem to be verified from the sources. The article meets the size requirements and uses in-line citations where necessary. There is a
13938: 1716:
Add a transclusion of the template back to this page so that reviewers can see it. It goes under the date that it was first created/expanded/listed as a GA. You may need to add back the day header for that date if it had been removed from this
prep and queue sets, but not more than six weeks in advance. The proposed occasion must be deemed sufficiently special by reviewers. The timeline limitations, including the six week maximum, may be waived by consensus, if a request is made at
1684:. Then save the page. This has the effect of wrapping up the discussion on the DYK nomination subpage in a blue archive box and stating that the nomination was unsuccessful, as well as adding the nomination to a category for archival purposes. 21906:
Source: "Ansorge hotel". Ferry County Historical Society. "When the "revenuers" were staying at the Ansorge the propriators placed a red light in a second floor corner window to notify the bootleggers that barrel retrieval in town was not
Thanks. That's a better hook, but it would be good to get something very specific. Rather than the broad history of the Commonwealth, I would prefer an alt that specifically mentions the machinations of the Sjem (if somewhat dramatised).
My point is that many electoral systems intentionally or not result in disproportionate seats for certain parties at the expense of others, thus it cannot really be a surprising fact that this particular electoral system has that result.
day because they don't really help would, maybe removing the year would add to the intrigue, and removing the city of Madison because very few will know it. Maybe then there's space to add in that it was stuck in a snowstorm in the way?
Page citation is good. However, unless I am still missing it on page 44, I do not see the words "random" or "erratic" as descriptions of the typhoon's movement. I see "most unusual," which is not the same thing as either of those words.
scepticism and' opposition. But I’ve had 90 per cent success with 50 cases. I’m not a doctor but I believe I have a mission and I am making this my life’s work. I charge a fee which I shall reduce as I get more patients,” stated Mr Kerr.
11198: 23720:
Source: "The national press reported that his body was "shattered to fragments" by the blast ... There are those, however, who witnessed Bodycote's horse and cart hurled high into the air, the horse being practically uninjured." from:
3744: 3658: 9754:
Meyer seems to imply in the transcript of his 1974 visit to Shostakovich and in his 2014 interview that the quartet was never even sketched. However, in the latter he also states ambiguously (emphasis mine): "las, was not able to
are you sure it's correct to say that Sun "founded" the university? The article doesn't quite state it in that way. It seems that technically the university was established by the first edict of the Guangxu Emperor as part of the
10849:: Many thanks to Aibo22 for creating an article about a topic I had previously written an article about, but which was deleted at AfD 9+ years ago. Oasis Live '25 Tour is a 5x expansion of an article created less than a week ago. 9939:
conjectural idea of the work. That he, as a close friend and one of the great scholars of Shostakovich, did not utilize any of the composer's material is telling. It should be noted, too, that Henny van der Groep's title for his
5672:, with a citation to Houser, as is linked here. And there's no requirement hooks be identical to the article body; I feel "boosted" is a perfectly fine summary of "resulted in a number of higher-profile commissions for his firm". 18358:
8187:"Mitch Torres was SBS’s first Indigenous presenter (1988) and went on to do her journalism cadetship with ABC TV news, later becoming the first presenter and field journalist for GWN’s long-running magazine program Millbindi." 23578:
Please note that per a recent rule change, a QPQ must be provided at the time of the nomination or at most immediately after. The nomination may be failed without further warning if a QPQ is not provided as soon as possible.
These later election hooks will probably need a lot of scrutiny due to political polarization. This one has a clause that frames Josh Hawley as treasonous. The NYT source there says his publisher dropped him for support of
26045:"Family stories say that he was exiled out of the court back to Panyu because he spoke Cantonese in the presence of the emperor, one of those southern, nationalistic claims to resisting the “foreign,” Manchurian dynasty." 9138:
This is not intended to be a full review and I have no plans of giving this a full review, but a quick look at the article suggests that this is in need of a copyedit. In addition, the current hook probably does not meet
Not a huge fan of the hook angle given that being an assistant minority leader doesn't seem as impressive being an actual minority leader. There do seem to be some other possible alternatives in the article so here they
14816:原定在第四十八屆香港國際電影節中放映的《去年煙花特別多》日前突然取消,主辦方指「因找不到合適拷貝而未能放映」,改爲放映電影《墮胎師》。該電影由本港獨立電影導演陳果執導,他回覆本報查詢說,對於《去年》未能放映感到可惜,又稱近日才接獲電影節通知指沒有菲林拷貝而取消放映,不清楚是否涉及其他原因。《去年》於1998年上映,與《香港製造》及《細路祥》合稱「九七三部曲」,以香港主權移交及華裔英兵故事作爲背景,電影中亦穿插主權移交及解放軍入城等片段。 4836:
we could change it to alleged embezzlement scandal or something like that if that would be more suitable. She hasn't been convicted of anything yet, but nevertheless it is a fact she was expelled from government for it.
Don't know what to say next...other than I may need another cooldown from WP eventually. (Besides, I'm trying to get a long-gestating NaNoWriMo project of mine rejuvenated off-WP today or tomorrow.) Or maybe not, as my
16343: 13407:"Last year, U.S. indie label Topshelf, a crucial fourth-wave emo outlet, dropped a double-LP reissue of Come In, and the whole run of 2,000 sold out—if you want a pristine copy, be prepared to pony up $ 100 on Discogs." 14334:
electoral systems worked in Germany (and as you've written here, applied to occupied territories), but the average reader doesn't. So I think if you are going to take that angle, it needs to be more clear in the hook.
14007: 22337:: Very popular Georgian trans model who has been murdered the day after the country's parliament passed an anti-LGTBI propaganda law, shocking the country. Article was created 3 days ago and is short, but have 2,027. 14915: 11892:
absolute bare minimum for source reliability is an editorial review or attribution to a subject-matter expert such as a qualified academic (which likely wouldn't apply here). It's also important to remember that the
A reviewer should check before ticking it off, but I've added a note anyway. As for adding an additional QPQ, there's probably just enough room for "that after Liam and Noel Gallagher's band Oasis announced for 2025
14834:. It sets against the backdrop of Hong Kong's sovereignty handover and stories of Chinese-ethnic British soldiers. The film also features segments about the handover and the arrival of the People's Liberation Army.] 1710:
Add a new icon on the nomination subpage to cancel the previous tick and leave a comment after it explaining that the hook was removed from the prep area or queue, and why, so that later reviewers are aware of this
18652: 21338:— I found nothing in the source correlating to the hook, plus there is no such thing as the "Alaska Alps". I doubt a preponderance of sources exist which make a connection to the term existing as a colloquialism. 18513: 22800:
I don't see the hook in the article. It is OR to interpret labelling one's enemy "Amalek" as applying biblical command to "spare no one". I haven't checked the sources, but the article does not support the hook.
Regarding "believed", the is what the New York Times states. It is extremely unlikely there are any other living French vets of the American landings on D-Day. I'll change it to "was" if there are no objections.
have this whole bag of tricks now. It has served me so well. ¶ "But I do Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman and I still have to go to the toilet for a couple of minutes before to compose myself like Bill Kerr told me."
I considered this when making the nomination, but Thorpe is one of the most famous athletes of all time. Books are written about him nearly every year and we still have articles from the past few months such as
11438: 10746: 2821: 20085:
The 5x expansion checks out and the hook fact is verified. The nomination is timely and there are no copyright issues or other problems. I guess it could be more simply put as the following but I still approve
The article is a new translation and plenty long enough. There are a variety of issues with the content that need tidying up. For a start, the year and place of birth are unreferenced, which is a violation of
23549: 21933:
NRHP catalogue page 5 of nomination form "The guest register for july 31, 1917 bears the signature of a "Henry Ford, Detroit Mich." and local residents agree that this was the Ford of the Ford Motor Company"
16364: 11235: 8786: 8655: 7942: 25236: 15379: 9532:
For what it's worth, my preference for these ALTs are in reverse order, with ALT2 being my most preferred. Also, is it possible to run this DYK on September 25, for the 118th anniversary of Shostakovich's
6943: 1652:
Open the DYK nomination subpage of the hook you would like to remove. (It's best to wait several days after a reviewer has rejected the hook, just in case someone contests or the article undergoes a large
10541: 14696: 12967: 12249: 22967:(11. April 2018) “Mit Schreiben vom 18. April 2006 sprach die Beklagte daraufhin gegenüber dem Beschwerdeführer ein bundesweites Stadionverbot für die Dauer vom 18. April 2006 bis zum 30. Juni 2008 aus” 24405: 11451:
I don't think it affects the nomination's caption/hook, as I have used both his real name and his in-game name. Let the reviewer decide if the article/hook needs further clarity regarding the surname.
Source: "Courts rejected two congressional maps and five sets of Statehouse maps as gerrymandered. Amid the court disputes, Ohio’s elections were allowed to proceed last year under the flawed maps."
26091: 6622: 5340: 20284: 12041: 22776: 13922: 1892:
I could go either way on this, but anyone else a little uncomfortable with sourcing a medical story claim to a 1950 newspaper? It's not a MEDRS claim, but it's not an uncontroversial one, either.
25790: 6697: 2143:, and while the part you quoted makes Kerr's treatment sound outright abusive, the following paragraph also makes it sound like it was ultimately helpful, perhaps life changing, for the patient: 18066:
As far as your DYK skills are concerned, you're starting to get there, and with two go-rounds in this arena so far, I'll forgive you for that. Wishing you luck next time, and best of editing! --
could not be screened. He mentioned that he only recently received notification from the festival that there were no film copies available, and he is unsure if there are other reasons involved.
Given that the nominator deleted their talk page messages regarding their nomination and has not responded to BM's comment, it appears they are no longer interested in pursuing this nomination.
from the original on November 19, 2022. Retrieved August 28, 2023.: "During his years at Boston College, he saw its enrollment greatly expand, supervised the construction of 15 new buildings..."
23785: 20337: 18500: 16608: 15417: 8818: 8698: 23539:
Source: Abu Khalaf 1983, p. 182: "Nowadays the Khan is almost demolished, but the front part, which consists of the fac;ade including the gateway and the Mosque with its minaret still stands."
The Spokesman-Review 7/14/1911 "The Ansorge Hotel, across the street, was badly scorched, but owing to the metal covering was saved. The heat broke all of the windows and scorched the casings"
Could you elaborate what you mean? Dairy restaurants are kosher. That is the entire point of them. The laws say not to mix milk and meat, that's why there isn't any meat at a dairyrestaurant.
Don't; it should not ever be necessary, and will break some links which will later need to be repaired. Even if you change the title of the article, you don't need to move the nomination page.
25907: 24088: 20877: 19522:
period - and I am a bit busy IRL so for the first time I delayed QPQ. And then this happens. Sigh. You know you can trust me do to my QPQs, no? It's not like I will drop noms here and run. --
13381:"The album as a whole is set up like my webcomic which I sort of based things from the album on along with my own life. The character Agatha is from that comic and same with Oswald and Ines." 9421: 4908: 8622: 4815:
we should avoid unduly focusing on negative aspects of living persons in hooks. I have never been entirely certain what "unduly" means, but I think this falls on the wrong side of the line.
4634: 25690: 22138: 18040:
Promising factoid, but with no provided citation to back it up here. Article was created 15 days ago (on September 3)—a week and change beyond the normal eligibility deadline—but became an
16799: 5482: 1809:¶ Mr Kerr took a recording of Lee stammering the date and time before instructing him. He took a second recording 18 minutes later with Lee now stating the date and time without stammering. 6564: 2845: 26389:? - "While Holmes came first in mineralogy .. he came second overall, Latin apparently letting him down. Walter Campbell Smith was awarded the post and stayed there all his working life" 24777:
Source: "What binds them is their having a two-track existence that allows them to preserve their marriage while having a more fulfilling relationship. They are monogamous to two men." -
23467:, I've just got off the phone with the PA Veterans Museum where the Inquirer got the photo from and they confirmed that the photo is an official military photo and in the public domain. ~ 23184:
Zealand. She took the joke seriously. “I’d known David Lange before I left (New Zealand),” she says. “We’d met in the anti-apartheid movement.” So she wrote to him, and he agreed to come.
Alt1 isn't about justification, rather inspiration. Leaving aside Luther's arguably genocidal stated beliefs about Jewish people, something along the lines of your hook may be better. (
8763: 5783: 23445:
Thanks, give me a ping when you hear back and I'll pop back to complete the review. As you say the photo is almost certainly taken for official purposes but good to have confirmation -
As much as I really like the "doesn't exist" angle, it seems that the sourcing and circumstances just aren't strong enough to justify it, so regrettably it may have to be dropped. Maybe
8672: 21069: 14556:
Source: In 2011, the company would change its identity twice. First to International Resources Enterprise Limited in April, and then to Nan Nan Resources Enterprise Limited in October.
9074: 8433: 7929: 3877: 27261: 22079: 21621:– I would be very surprised if the vast majority of people don't recognize his name. I feel like it may lose some of its 'punch', but if really necessary, we could say something like 19674: 17986: 17902: 23436:
I'll get confirmation from the PA Veterans Museum that it is a USMC image but all evidence suggests it being an official portrait. I've placed and sourced more into on the nickname.~
21521: 14683: 6879: 1878:
Sorry for the delay. All but one of those sources are paywalled from where I am, but since the one that isn't describes the cited paper as "well-known", we'll take your word for it.
24392: 21941: 11816:: I've gone ahead and removed the image as well. However, some of the sources you've introduced to replace the old ones also seem to have issues. What makes,, and 8069: 19179: 17745:
Source: in his honor: Buckley, Samuel Botsford (1860). "Description of Several New Species of Plants". Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. 12 (published 1861): 443–445 – via JSTOR.
Source: "Believed to be the last surviving Frenchman to wade ashore with Americans, he was attached to an Army unit that stormed Utah Beach and helped drive Germans out of France."
26078: 22572: 3267:- The NYT source does not support the hook as written because it only covers the US landings but there were British and Canadian beaches on D-Day too. A claim of first/last is a 26053: 25486: 20422: 11415:), in which case the whole pseudonym is used. For people well known by one-word names, nicknames, or pseudonyms, but who often also use their legal names professionally – e.g., 2263: 11615: 2822:
27342: 27224: 26625: 25441: 24481: 22748: 20760: 15457: 15175: 12963: 4695: 17476: 23772: 21037: 14003: 12807:
Not a full review, but I'd recommend brainstorming new hooks. The second hook seems to namedrop names likely to be unfamilar to the reader, and the first hook runs afoul of
10123: 9520: 7171: 16595: 15404: 3377: 26972: 26717: 24940: 24075: 20864: 17030: 16759: 13343: 12877: 12851: 12773: 12685:
Note I've nominated the image for deletion. There are other images on Commons that could be used and I'm happy to check licensing if you'd like to swap something else in.
9102: 9010: 21125: 19441:
Which policy allows such a speedy closure? I was under the impression QPQ can be done several days or even weeks later, while the nom is on hold. For now, have one here:
became an "internet phenomenon" during the COVID-19 pandemic for his lectures on YouTube covering "the last 3,000 years of Western intellectual history” recorded in 1992?
to cope with grief? - but you will still need a new reviewer for that. I do however wonder if it's worth leaving 'not a democracy' out of ALT0 and running the rest, i.e.
6952: 5670:
This design was widely publicized into architectural press, and resulted in a number of higher-profile commissions for his firm, especially with educational institutions.
Images for the lead slot must be freely licensed. Fair-use images are not permitted. Images loaded on Commons that appear on the Main Page are automatically protected by
27976: 24141: 23054: 18998: 18439: 17706: 13979: 13709: 7857:
Thank you, good idea, I’ll create a new column. I thought you wouldn’t need a citation for articles on Knowledge since that makes them non-contestable, but that is just
7734: 6839: 1824:: Alternate hooks could talk about his map projections (and could include map pictures, if a picture is needed), but this story seemed like a better human interest hook. 22957: 9408: 4895: 26942: 26926: 26599: 16840:
Is there another hook that can be proposed here? Politicians being appointed to or elected to positions after losing previously is very common and not at all unusual.
15044: 11434: 1488:
At the bottom under "Credits", to the right of each article should have the link "View nom subpage" ; if not, a subpage parameter will need to be added to the DYKmake.
Article is interesting and the hook is captivating and not too baity. I removed the picture of Sakowicz, because it clearly isn't him and the picture isn't from 1939.
Note from author: Would appreciate some guidance on how many wikilinks should be added, it seems like DYKs have more of those but I'm not sure exactly how much more.
3383: 27081: 26812: 20324: 19034: 17350: 15924: 15445: 8324: 6354: 6251: 5300: 3545: 2516:
The hook reads as quite unspecific and vague, the meaning is not clear to a reader with no background. It would be better to have a more specific and concrete fact.
358: 353: 25807:
Source: "went on to establish another craft industry, Clare Embroidery ... examples of their work were purchased by both Queen Victoria and the princess of Wales "
14925: 14316:
Now at the time the principle 1 citizen 1 vote was not universal by any means, but for present-day readers this is certainly something that would raise eyebrows. --
6539:, defense attorney Brian Steel was jailed after refusing to reveal the source of information about an alleged secret meeting between the judge and the prosecution? 26183: 24996:‘Pleasure garden’ was the first work by Hodgkins to be acquired for the collection and remains one of the most controversial acquisitions in the Gallery’s history. 22925: 22066: 17973: 17889: 17264: 16953:. I wouldn't put it in the lead sentence, but it seems fine to me for DYK. If there are objections, though, I don't mind withdrawing the nomination. I also piped 13455:"Mio is a character from a webcomic I made back in 2016-2017 I used Mio on the album cover cause I drew inspiration from the webcomic when I was making the album" 11323: 10708: 8189:"AFTRS Honorary Degrees For Lynette Wallworth, Cherie Romaro and Mitch Torres". Australian Film Television and Radio School. 21 May 2021. Retrieved 30 August 2024. 4549:
I'm not sure about these hooks either: #1 are very common reasons for political activism in the US and #2 is a commonly cited inspiration for voter registration. (
4032: 26146: 18323: 15145:
Source: MacGowan, Carl (May 9, 2004). "1 museum $ 68M = Science City, Thanks to Alan Friedman, the future is bright at expanding Hall of Science". Newsday. p. G06
Source: MacGowan, Carl (May 9, 2004). "1 museum $ 68M = Science City, Thanks to Alan Friedman, the future is bright at expanding Hall of Science". Newsday. p. G06
Source: MacGowan, Carl (May 9, 2004). "1 museum $ 68M = Science City, Thanks to Alan Friedman, the future is bright at expanding Hall of Science". Newsday. p. G06
26325: 25009: 18932: 18144: 6655:
terms like "Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations" and "Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis" and quotes. There's not really anything to change.
4304:- "Cases" seem to be a magnet for otherwise irrelevant abortion stories that hit the news for one or two days. Perhaps it would be better to remove that section. 3824:
It also has to be noted that the "by a British author" is not supported by the article or quote either, so unless that's resolved then ALT1b fails verification.
3418: 25791:
13909: 8642: 6693: 6033:
Thanks for adding the inline citation. However, since that is a 96 page PDF, there should be citations to specific pages at each inline use, for example, using
Most storms are just like all other storms, so (while I get that they're a popular topic with a devoted following) there's usually not much to say that will be
3385: 3327:
The QPQ has been done and the ALT1 hook seems ok. I raised the issue of translation at WT:DYK but, iirc, most responders didn't seem to be bothered about this.
Kerr really did have a stammering clinic in Jersey for decades, apparently with significant success, with people coming from all over the world to work with him
1688: 27701: 26967: 26663: 26216: 25729: 25468: 25380: 24922: 24796: 24070: 23244: 21485: 19830:
will quickly prove; I feel like taking a stab at a couple of pre-queue efforts before this week's over. Once again, see you back soon with another kidlit pick.
18509: 16693: 6987: 1766: 26716:
The gold-plated piece dates back to 1663 and is the oldest clock in the world with an anchor escapement – the part of the clock that makes it go “tick-tock”.
23108: 21361:
I should have probably been more specific in the comment. I'm new to this and still getting the hang of things. It's in the last paragraph before the section
21141: 17366: 16798:"The opportunity for me to become a senator ... I was appointed to this job at a joint sitting of the two houses of the federal parliament on 5 May 1981" and 13918: 12903: 11094:
I've covered everything in that review, so I've adjusted this nomination. For what it's worth, I'm planning on swapping the double nom for the two singles at
7938: 25473: 24441: 22907: 21968: 21447: 21250: 21223: 20659: 20409: 20151: 20014: 19161: 18126: 17884: 17246: 16980: 16741: 14435: 11214: 11095: 11065:
As long as the Abortion in Africa QPQ is already a complete review and you plan on reusing the current QPQ in a future nomination, it shouldn't be an issue.
11035: 10515: 8429: 6615: 6589: 4405: 22186: 19812:, and hope for the best. And you can easily guess what happened next till this Monday and beyond--complete with official exclamation mark, and proof of its 19350:
about the struggles of Polish immigrants in the USA was in the 1950s briefly criticized by the Polish communist censors for "glorifying the United States"?
10665: 6425: 3376:
the last survivor. On the other hand, I've found plenty of sources (both American and French) which equivocate with "believed to be", "one of", or similar.
2077: 1844:
I added some examples of other high impact books/papers which have cited and discussed Lee's paper (the claim in the article was that it was influential). –
1335: 27676: 27329: 27211: 26731: 25655: 24542: 24468: 23642: 23182: 22735: 21177: 20747: 19175: 16818: 16238: 15293: 14503: 13691: 13325: 12898: 12783: 12445: 11144: 11039: 10840: 10133: 8631: 8472: 8230:
Matthews, Kate. "Babakiueria: 'This strange and fascinating people'". National Film and Sound Archive. Government of Australia. Retrieved 1 September 2024.
7917: 6892: 6380: 5727: 4635:
4606:“In 2017, started to test this theory of what it means to do mass voter registration in the same ways that folks did during Freedom Summer,” says Bennett. 4526:“In 2017, started to test this theory of what it means to do mass voter registration in the same ways that folks did during Freedom Summer,” says Bennett. 3990: 3526: 2783: 26541:: I don't want the hook to be too long, but I feel that most people don't know who Erich Honecker is. I think I lean toward ALT2 but I want your thoughts. 24048: 16795: 14692: 10756: 9790:
has some more ideas on how to move forward. ALT0 is probably acceptable, but honestly not as good and I doubt it would get as much interest from readers.
1728: 26406: 24661: 24401: 22610: 22273: 22041: 21024: 20677: 20333: 18760: 16570: 14882:"Karena Lam on the lack of gender equality in the local film industry, and her ambassadorships with French May and Hong Kong International Film Festival" 14607: 14521: 12344: 11338:" Vainikka auctioned his Team Liquid gaming chair for €5,300 to benefit the charity, Save the Children, surpassing auction prices of signed jerseys from 7880: 7608: 6565:
6289: 5435: 2846:
2250: 27760: 26087: 24611:
Source: "In 1968, we went to the World Bank meeting. The South Africans were there and we invited the South African Finance Minister to our hotel room."
24084: 21436: 20873: 14891: 11202: 9417: 7211: 6684: 4682: 1339: 26982: 26577: 25763: 25747: 25576: 25334: 24927: 23262: 23018:: I’m open to alternative hooks, as the case is somewhat complicated and other aspects may be more interesting to an international audience. Thank you! 22029: 20169: 19907: 19595: 16998: 16746: 12253: 10500: 8866: 8129: 7512: 7030: 6929: 6420: 6323:
Source: the Board's summary "describes the amendment, which is specifically intended to prevent partisan gerrymandering, as specifically requiring it."
6179: 6161: 5417: 5282: 4890: 4351: 3972: 3400: 3085: 2204:, would you consider making a Knowledge article about Kerr himself? It seems like a worthy subject and you've already done significant research here. – 194: 189: 21313:: Expansion has been on and off since March 2024, due to my limited time & travel. The most recent and fruitful push has been since September 2024 20453:
Source: "FRENCH luxury label Louis Vuitton (LV) will be partnering the School of the Arts (Sota) to develop a visual arts programme for its students."
13330: 8810: 8690: 7158: 4904: 27719: 27617: 27109: 23781: 23041: 21931:
Exploring Washingtons Past pg32 "The Ansorges greatest glory came in 1917 when Henry Ford chekced in while visiting relatives who lived in the area."
19847: 17693: 16604: 15413: 15221: 11239: 9075:
8518: 8238: 8193:"We chat to self-proclaimed damper destroyer Mitch (pictured, right) about family cooking rivalries, top-secret ingredients and living off the land." 3149: 3056:, a Los Angeles-based cinematographer, partly used super 16mm film stock to capture the look of 1980s Indian cinema in the critically acclaimed film 2765: 2245: 1748: 1393: 17: 27946: 22150:. Not sure I like his left hand gesture. Meanwhile I will locate the original photo of the Chief with three feathers and include that in the article 17898: 13696: 12343:
Apologies, I should have said "not a review (and I review oldest first so would not get to this any time soon)". (Not sure why I forgot, I say that
11460: 11442: 10423:
Sources added. The birthdates and CFL debut years are at the CFL profiles, and the other sources are self-explanatory. Thanks for the quick review.
8997: 2083:
It feels weird to attribute a near-miracle cure to a man that so many folks seemed to say just intimidated people into shutting up for a bit. Also,
27831: 26397: 24742: 24580: 22387: 21404: 21094: 20504: 17948: 17080: 16514: 16374: 14717:
canceled the screening of a politically themed film due to the "inability to locate suitable copies", despite the film being showcased 3 years ago?
disproportionally favoured the non-socialist Jewish parties? Now ALT2 would require a bit of a rewrite in article and need another image though. --
13818: 13511: 11403:, they should be subsequently referred to by their pseudonymous surnames, unless they do not include a recognizable surname in the pseudonym (e.g. 8972: 7233: 6438: 4369: 1920: 223: 218: 23096: 19701:
The initials of this block's home network once stood for "The Learning Channel", but as you shall soon see, there's a reason they also stand for "
15031: 14988: 14026: 14011: 8962: 8186: 7721: 6826: 2307: 26234: 25868: 25482: 23494: 21986: 21838: 21121: 18976: 18619: 18542: 18249: 17337: 16425: 13860: 12463: 10802: 8284: 7048: 4727: 3379: 3103: 346: 341: 27661: 24477: 22075: 20756: 17982: 15911: 12953: 10589: 8755: 4639:
More specifically, they focus on people ages 18 to 35 as well as young queer people and people who have experienced the juvenile justice system.
2217: 27958: 27793: 26894: 25822: 25280: 22912: 22494: 21079: 21033: 20418: 20058: 19970: 19327: 18852: 18710: 18670: 17440: 17251: 13891: 13475:
moved it into the mainspace. This is my first DYK nomination and first time building up an article, please let me know if I did anything wrong!
11162: 8147: 8018: 2592:
The fact that the Comite de Reformadores was the first liberalist party needs an end-of-sentence citation. See that link for what that means.--
182: 177: 27338: 25304: 24936: 19474: 16755: 13339: 10698: 5287: 247: 242: 26312: 25065: 23146: 23050: 21268: 19758:"Tagged for notability since 2013. Program blocks are far less likely to be notable on their own, and I see no reason for this one to be so." 18131: 17213:
Wait, please... I have an image of the monk's statue, and I’m trying to find it in my iCloud. I will upload it to Wiki Commons soon. Thanks!
16716: 16474: 15800: 12992: 8586: 8030: 7167: 6835: 3405: 2259: 1720:
If you removed the hook from a queue, it is best to either replace it with another hook from one of the prep areas, or to leave a message at
27942: 27220: 22744: 12000:. You can't expect anybody to spend an hour and a half watching the entire video to find the statements that support the cited statement. 4691: 27471: 27151: 27113: 26771: 26650: 26448: 25367: 23195: 22230:
Source: Brown, Quinn Russell (2023-05-07). "Alfredo Arreguín, Painter of Myth and Memory, Dies at 88". Hyperallergic. Retrieved 2023-05-09.
Source: Kettle River Journal 7/15/1911 "The Ansorge Hotel across the street was badly scorched, but owing to the metal covering was saved."
21472: 17477:
17346: 17312: 15311: 15000: 12984: 12913: 12719: 11319:, became the highest-earning individual player in esports in 2018 after winning two consecutive The International titles with OG in Dota 2? 10201: 7964: 6871: 5296: 469: 146: 141: 129: 124: 27008: 22964: 16805:"In 1961, she conducted her first electoral campaign, as the Liberal candidate for the Federal seat of Bonython, in South Australia." and 15253: 12659:
before it can technically be used. QPQ has been done. All in all, there's a wee bit of tidy up work to do but it shouldn't take you long,
9006: 2700: 2677: 27771:) "Eddie Sheldrake, a longtime friend of Wooden, was a sophomore in his first year on the Bruins varsity the season the coach arrived." ( 26526: 26504: 26480: 25947: 23747: 20001: 18310: 17702: 16985: 16256: 15878: 14921: 13705: 7730: 6374: 6145:
The parts of the article that support the hook still say "erratic" and "random." Once those are corrected, the hook will be ready to go.
5268: 4143: 26718:
26107: 21618: 18319: 16943: 15040: 12878:
9641: 9103:
8420: 6524: 6502: 4346: 3696:
ALT1 as currently written is inaccurate: there are countless examples from anime and manga alone, let alone other genres of literature.
27281: 26930: 25642: 24064: 23629: 21112: 19797:, I was astonished there was no article on the block, only to learn it had been deleted some time ago. Plan of action: Search it up at 19166: 17810: 17763:
had an oak species named in his honor by an assistant in 1860, who then stymied Shumard's reappointment by Texas Governor Sam Houston?
15920: 14738: 14713: 10585: 9042: 4181: 4149: 2136: 2035: 1753: 22921: 22095: 17722: 17395:
Source: Sanders, Craig (2006). Amtrak in the Heartland. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p. 184. ISBN 978-0-253-34705-3
17260: 14422: 10505: 10476: 5723: 3414: 2396:
Long enough, new enough. QPQ done. Earwig highlights a couple of phrases, but I can't think of another way of wording them so calling
26321: 24648: 24426: 22958:
22606: 22597: 22260: 22182: 22147: 21544: 20664: 19442: 18591:
I have now added what I think is a better image of the neuron screen. I can come up with another hook if this one is not good enough.
18140: 17869:
Hi, why is no one interested in viewing this DYK for a long time? Please let me know how many days the review process usually takes.
Among the new suggestions provided, ALT3 is probably the best option and also accurate, but it needs to be reflected in the article.
regarding ALT1 as both are knowledgeable about quirky hooks and their suitability. If ALT1 is unsuitable, only ALT0 will be approved.
8910: 8195:
Hegarty, Siobhan (29 January 2015). "18 minutes with Mitch Torres". SBS Food. Special Broadcasting Service. Retrieved 30 August 2024.
Thanks for everybody's patience. The lead has been improved. No problems with the plot! The ALT still needs to be tweaked. Again, he
6799: 6734: 6542: 5180: 4944: 4874: 4860: 4846: 4824: 235: 230: 26659: 25376: 24104: 21481: 20165: 20141: 18807: 14594: 14508: 10752: 10092: 10050: 9926: 9901: 9859: 9829: 9814: 9601: 8227: 5714: 4125: 4018: 3977: 1762: 26564: 26270: 26162: 26123: 25734: 23621: 23603: 23249: 22724: 22173: 21793: 20156: 20010: 19894: 19582: 19501: 17934: 14431: 12112: 11124: 11089: 11018: 10976: 10947: 10924: 10511: 10115: 8835: 8736: 8713: 5391: 5367:
Frankly, not a very interesting or unusual hook. It is not uncommon for tropical cyclones to damage ships, even with such numbers.
3022: 2842:, chose to shoot parts of the film on super 16mm film stock to authentically capture the essence of the 1980s South Indian cinema? 2770: 2759: 2735: 1325: 27765:) "This Angeleno is something of an oddity in basketbalL, as it is played these days, for he is a little runt of five feet-nine" ( 25651: 25616: 24956: 23638: 22660: 21760: 21714: 21689: 21644: 21607: 19591: 16994: 15446:
10718: 10129: 9284: 8391: 8377: 7867: 6355:
6276: 5422: 4865:
Then I'm not sure what the point is, it is not like I am making defamatory claims. Would you be able to suggest any alternatives?
3986: 2779: 27706: 27604: 25431: 24657: 23599: 22720: 22269: 21756: 21685: 21603: 20673: 19956:, including: "A word of advice to Mr. Neal before we part. If he venture to place his foot again on our soil, we say — Critic! 19568: 19497: 19134: 18803: 16939: 16860: 16228: 16165: 16062: 16008: 14603: 14517: 13659: 13606: 11537: 11266: 11085: 10972: 10920: 10088: 10046: 9897: 9855: 9810: 9637: 9597: 9402: 9398: 9280: 9225: 9167: 9163: 8373: 7876: 7657: 7530: 6326: 6285: 5431: 5387: 5249: 4595: 4511: 4070: 3952: 3948: 3918: 3848: 3844: 3819: 3815: 3789: 3716: 3609: 3605: 3077: 2986: 2108:
include the claim myself, but I don't think a meta-analysis is necessary to support the details of one person's life experience.
1901: 1887: 375: 370: 26978: 26573: 25743: 23258: 19903: 18833: 18080: 15208: 14389: 14247: 14226: 13951: 11944: 11926: 11886: 11867: 11807: 11669: 11648: 11575: 11541: 10442: 10205: 10020: 9779: 8081: 7498: 6175: 6166: 2945: 27818: 27715: 27613: 26843: 24729: 24567: 22547: 22374: 21391: 21383: 21356: 20491: 19291: 17739:
named an oak species in his honor, but then foiled his reinstatement after he was let go by newly-elected Governor Sam Houston?
17067: 17042: 16970: 16864: 16232: 16185: 16169: 16126: 16066: 16028: 16012: 15243: 15217: 14752: 14629: 13679: 13663: 13626: 13610: 11000:
criticised some fans for ageism and sexism?", so you might get lucky. I should probably write the third article first though.--
8514: 8073: 7978: 7661: 7477: 7431: 7265: 6781: 6754: 6714: 4603: 4523: 2911: 2546: 2525: 1868: 1260: 27827: 26873: 24738: 24576: 23440: 22383: 21614: 21400: 20500: 19572: 19534: 17878: 17222: 17076: 16510: 16501: 15060: 13814: 13805: 13507: 13498: 12057: 11970: 11060: 8505: 8085: 6994: 6434: 4365: 2652: 2624: 2610: 2587: 2573: 2479: 2465: 2442: 2428: 2382: 2364: 27374: 26679: 26230: 26221: 26038: 25864: 25855: 25129: 23833: 23802: 23490: 23481: 22998: 22556: 22002: 21982: 21973: 21834: 21825: 21807: 21203: 20800: 20354: 18972: 18963: 18615: 18606: 16684: 16665: 16648: 16625: 16464: 16421: 16299: 15498: 15434: 14973: 13427:"I used the headphone mic because I didn’t have a better one and thought I could do without one."Album liner notes (viewable 12873: 12847: 12769: 12459: 12437: 12379: 12365: 12334: 12316: 11824:
makes no mention of editorial oversight — the typical mark of reliability for web content from Knowledge's perspective — nor
11188: 9378:
I will be frank: that hook fact sounds less like a hooky fact and more like an advertisement or otherwise being promotional.
8410: 8280: 7044: 6702: 6373:
after 5 redistricting maps by the Republican-led legislature were rejected by the Ohio Supreme Court -- and flawed maps were
5706: 5683: 5520: 4790: 4772: 4676: 3099: 26890: 25276: 24778: 23724: 22544:
Source: "Sculptor: Moelwyn Merchant ... the artist described it as "like a tulip bud with the front leaf pulled out"" from:
22490: 19323: 18848: 18706: 18518: 18118: 17436: 16412: 12450: 12405: 11158: 9371: 9344: 9316: 9192: 8312: 8143: 6988:
4356: 3720: 3634: 2117: 1437: 1306: 26881: 25267: 25061: 24368: 24117: 24060: 24044: 23142: 22481: 22213:
Source: Marmor, Jon (September 2001). "For Alfredo Arreguin, art blooms from adversity". University of Washington Magazine.
21264: 20992: 20933: 20899: 20118: 19727: 19314: 19138: 18839: 18697: 18048: 17685: 17661: 17427: 15796: 13927: 13315: 13288: 13258: 13231: 12656: 12370:
Oh, no worries - I review the same way. I didn't even think of requesting IAR, which is what "I'd love that" refers to.  —
10001: 9978: 9959: 9740: 9695: 9661: 9498: 9471: 9442: 9242: 7947: 5152: 4961: 4925: 2959: 2861: 2065: 2006: 27467: 27147: 26767: 26444: 20314: 20299: 20254: 15307: 12909: 12715: 11597: 11149: 10492: 9676: 8438: 8271: 7035: 6153: 6140: 6118: 6100: 6079: 6051: 6043:. I did a quick control-F search in that PDF and "erratic" does not come up, so citation to a specific page is necessary. 5411: 4976: 4406:
3342: 3090: 1851: 1238: 25943: 25052: 24995: 24916: 24887: 24858: 24520: 23471: 23454: 23133: 21255: 20905: 19457: 19429: 19306: 19285: 18490: 18454: 18433: 18300: 18264: 18243: 17748:
see also: p.144 (p2 of pdf): Young, Keith (1994-01-01). "The Shumards in Texas". Earth Sciences History. 13 (2): 143–153.
16785: 16252: 15128: 11484: 10666:
9717: 8550: 7713: 7686: 5230: 5201: 2173: 1399:
Hook must be stated in both the article and source (which must be cited at the end of the article sentence where stated).
1353: 1294: 480: 329: 324: 293: 288: 170: 165: 25981: 25207: 25158: 24695: 24386: 21765:
I also have never heard of Jim Thorpe, although that may be because I know little about sports in general. I quite like
21520:(Thorpe said " was my football idol and in our scrub games with the homemade football I always tried to emulate him") / 19184: 18600: 17806: 17238: 17208: 17190: 17155:
This will not be a full review but DYK hooks need to be factual. If we run with this hook, we need to do something like
15787: 15577: 15545: 15520: 13458:"The album as a whole is set up like my webcomic which I sort of based things from the album on along with my own life." 13164: 12698: 12676: 12633: 12615: 12076: 12024: 12007: 11991: 11841:, which are unsuitable for use in articles. Another way to demostrate the reliability of these sources was if they were 8461: 8134: 7152: 6381:
4653: 4565: 4540: 4454: 4201: 4104: 2155: 2102: 1646: 1276:
The top of the page includes a list of the DYK criteria. Check the article to ensure it meets all the relevant criteria.
27458: 27138: 26758: 26435: 21787: 21018: 21012: 19423: 19279: 18484: 18427: 18294: 18237: 18112: 16890: 15571: 15514: 14701: 13282: 13252: 13225: 12516: 12431: 12359: 12310: 12091: 11118: 11054: 11012: 10941: 10109: 9711: 9365: 9338: 9310: 8906: 7460: 6017: 5328: 4622: 4175: 4098: 3016: 2694: 2673: 2646: 2604: 2567: 2497: 2459: 2422: 2358: 2000: 27046: 25636: 24410: 20456: 20342: 15536:
QPQ done, also source appears to be reliable as it cites Alana Christensen of "United Youth Media" and has a picture.
15298: 12706: 12128: 12108: 11203:"In 2005, he was injured in an attack at the Karni crossing on the Gaza border, when terrorists infiltrated the place" 8167: 8123: 7848: 26096: 25934: 25723: 24093: 20882: 16912:) "She made Australian political history on August 20, 1996 when she became the first woman President of the Senate." 16387: 15779: 15753: 15165: 11262: 10209: 9426: 7682: 7526: 6923: 3754: 3668: 3585:; as such, it will either need to be revised with additional real-world context, or a new hook needs to be proposed. 3394: 3313:
Have your concerns been addressed, and does this hook work? If not, what else needs to be done to get this approved?
3040:, a Los Angeles-based cinematographer, recreated the essence of 1980s Indian cinema in the critically acclaimed film 2233: 2211: 2191: 2130: 1968: 1930: 476: 264: 259: 117: 112: 25018: 16243: 8450: 3361: 1423: 24614:
Ngiam, Tong Dow. A Mandarin and the Making of Public Policy: Reflections by Ngiam Tong Dow. ISBN: 978-9971-69-350-3
22887: 22866: 22364: 22108: 19857: 18075: 18003: 17923: 17797: 16461:
became a Member of the Order of Australia "for significant service to veterans and their families, and to rowing"?
12221: 12166: 11289:" Vainikka was the first Dota 2 player to reach four consecutive Valve Major finals, achieving this milestone with 10876: 5992: 5225: 5175: 4913: 4768: 4054:
Not surprising or interesting, most abortion laws focus on prosecuting abortion providers rather than recipients. (
3913: 3784: 441: 317: 312: 27287: 27170:
was convicted in 2024 for 39 sexual offences committed against his teenage female students in the 1970s and 1980s?
23790: 22843: 19779: 19097:
wrote to 10 members of the US Congress urging them to declare Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a federal holiday?
16613: 15422: 14939: 14310: 13453: 12890: 12826: 6676: 6642: 3452: 3322: 2867: 2055: 27986: 27778: 26802:
Source: Lin, Xiaoqing Diana (2005). Peking University: Chinese Scholarship and Intellectuals, 1898–1937. pp 15-27
25553: 25518: 25305:
It is then not surprising if in several districts the turnout rates reached 100 percent on the fnal tally results
25197: 25110: 24805: 24056: 24040: 23211:, hence she's asked me whether I would like to see this through the DYK process. I'm only too happy to oblige as 22810: 21351: 17907: 16344:
Who actually coined the nickname “Funnyback” about the mismatched face and back designs may never be pinpointed.
14372: 14351: 14325: 14263: 12564: 7103: 6474: 4484: 4438:
How is this surprising or interesting? Many people who go into politics or advocacy don't have polisci degrees. (
4395: 4139: 4043: 2860:, began his career in Asia due to limited opportunities in Los Angeles after graduating with his MFA degree from 27900: 22289: 21167: 19197: 14405: 14280: 13551: 10547: 7988: 3301:. If this is a definite fact, as it should be, then we should state it as such without such tentative language. 2928:
anti-pattern. It would be nice to fix that issue before this hits the main page. (not particularly required for
In my defense, that was added after I approved this. I already fixed what I considered to be the worst errors.--
27981: 26744: 25781: 25627:
for catching the infelicities in the hook, and for comments; I have now fixed the MoS points you raise as well.
25624: 25081: 24260: 24149:: Image not essential, but will certainly add visual appeal. If not, then the quirky slot would be appropriate. 23964: 23097:
Source: Ghost towns of the Pacific Northwest pg65 "The Ansorge claimed Henry Ford as one of its guests in 1917"
20273: 19018: 17586: 16958: 16886: 15663: 14989:
14103: 13094: 11742: 11301: 10349: 8963:
8552: 7348: 6553: 6535: 6517: 6491: 6455: 5873: 5602: 5084: 4279: 3236: 25491: 24178: 21130: 19353: 19155: 16919:
interesting to a broad audience than just merely losing an election then winning/being appointed again later.
12099: 10803:
8897: 4492: 27749: 25540: 25503: 24602: 24486: 22403: 22084: 20945: 20765: 20443: 20359: 19693: 18167:, was "highly regarded novel in its time", and inspired another novel by another writer half a decade later? 17991: 16558: 16328:: ... that the 1928 US$ 1 note was 30% smaller than the previous $ 1 note but people thought the reverse was 14881: 12954:
10686: 10640: 10606: 10590:
10577: 8192: 7195: 6776: 2669: 2535: 2291: 2280: 1273:
Click the "Review or comment" link at the top of the nomination. You will be taken to the nomination subpage.
305: 300: 25507:
and contemporaries became known as "Caesar's Praetorian Guard" as an irreverent reference to their teacher,
21042: 20427: 11253: 10529: 10068:
I'm honestly not sure. I think it would be better to ask for a second opinion regarding ALT0's suitability.
9070: 8756:"At least 16 cemeteries in Gaza have been desecrated by Israeli forces, satellite imagery and videos reveal" 7992: 27577: 27410: 27360: 27347: 27275: 27242: 24985: 24945: 24503: 24268: 24208: 23972: 23912: 23239: 23208: 22983: 22941: 22899: 22876: 22832: 22823: 22765: 22123: 20825: 20781: 20137: 18748: 17594: 17534: 17300: 16764: 16272: 15671: 15611: 14340: 14299: 14111: 14046: 13725: 13348: 13102: 13042: 12649: 11750: 11701: 11103: 10699:
10472: 10357: 10297: 9143:
as not being likely to be perceived as unusual or intriguing. A new hook will be needed here, in any case.
8668: 7356: 7296: 7084: 5881: 5832: 5610: 5550: 5264: 5092: 5032: 4856: 4820: 4716: 4554: 4443: 4287: 4239: 4059: 3244: 3196: 27513:
Source: (accessible via ProQuest), this one’s available as a link, otherwise you can access via ProQuest
27487: 24297: 24001: 23059: 21534:... raced back and forth over the empty field, zigging here, zagging there, trying to emulate his idol.") 18554: 17611: 15824: 15700: 14128: 13119: 11763: 11042:. I was wondering if you objected to me swapping out the double I've provided for this with that triple?-- 10386: 7517: 7373: 7176: 6995:
6844: 5894: 5627: 5109: 4309: 3381: 3258: 3137: 2268: 27886: 27258: 27229: 25808: 25535: 25508: 23685:
Source: "The area has been much landscaped in the construction of the South Derbyshire Ski Centre" from:
23595: 22815:
Well, the original hook I was thinking of is ALT1 below but I wasn't sure if it would be accepted either.
22753: 22716: 21752: 21681: 21599: 21062: 20608: 20591: 19866: 19564: 19493: 19130: 18799: 16935: 16856: 16806: 16224: 16161: 16142: 16100: 16058: 16004: 14489: 13655: 13602: 11533: 11099: 11081: 10968: 10916: 10872: 10084: 10042: 9893: 9851: 9806: 9766: 9633: 9593: 9508:
Source: Ibid; "Fifty Years Ago: April–September 1974" by Krzysztof Meyer (translated by Bryan Rowell) in
9394: 9276: 9159: 8369: 7653: 7189: 5383: 5245: 4700: 3944: 3840: 3811: 3712: 3601: 2982: 2755: 2731: 2404: 2169: 211: 206: 105: 100: 67: 27772: 24333: 23658: 18737: 17355: 16675: 14181: 13848: 13764: 7113: 6788: 5939: 5305: 27013: 26919:
was a cultural coordinator for the 2002 FIFA World Cup in Tokyo and the 2012 Summer Olympics in London?
24976: 22965:
21379: 21322: 19109:
addressed the nation from the Iowa State Capitol following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.?
18024: 17413: 16881: 16776: 15254:
14769: 13791: 13441: 13417: 13405: 13393: 13365: 11917: 11858: 11639: 9087: 9055: 9027: 9015: 8795: 8754:
Diamond, Jeremy; Darwish, Muhammad; Salman, Abeer; Brown, Benjamin; Mezzofiore, Gianluca (2024-01-20).
8573: 8544: 7768: 4131: 4081: 4039: 2113: 1897: 1864: 1743: 1206: 1201: 401: 396: 276: 271: 39: 26386: 21154: 20832: 18922: 17711: 16341:
In an effort to lower manufacturing costs, all Federal Reserve notes are made about 30 percent smaller
15346: 14934: 13714: 9965:(Source: "Shostakovich and the 'Sixteenth Quartet'" by Krzysztof Meyer and Henny van der Groep in the 7907: 7739: 27941:, but requests are not always successful. Discussion clarifying the hold criteria can be found here: 27643: 26740: 26550: 25610: 24158: 23084: 23078: 22246: 21854: 21296: 19827: 19741: 18645: 18328: 17759: 17735: 15049: 14580: 13750: 9481:
Source: "Shostakovich and the 'Sixteenth Quartet'" by Krzysztof Meyer and Henny van der Groep in the
8480:: Northern Cypriot DYKs are very rare, and I haven't done one of these before. Hope I did this right. 7820: 7804: 7751: 6977: 6856: 6525:
6241: 6215: 4326:- People discussing in which circumstances a law may or may not be applicable happens with basically 3541: 3338: 2907: 1707:
the edit where the hook was promoted, and revert to that version to make the nomination active again.
Edit the prep area or queue where the hook is and remove the hook and the credits associated with it.
27657: 26612:
Source: Shambaugh, David (1994). "Harold C. Hinton Remembered (1924–93)". The China Quarterly. 137.
26173: 26137: 22638: 21526:(" was particularly taken with the team's star runner, an Indian boy named Chauncey Archiquette ... 20620:
ending with a monologue, and for the insertion of speeches or even scenes otherwise unnecessary." —
15929: 15348: 13431:) "Honorable mention to the hands-free mic attached to my headphones which I recorded this album on" 10586:
The Philippine revolution and martial law, which both signify the ideology was used in revolutions.
27444: 24634: 24382: 24377:(I wanted to work "turned out to be a bust" into the hook but it ended up sounding too strained.) — 24237: 24197: 23941: 23901: 23119: 22930: 20477: 20395: 20046: 19721: 19203: 17677: 17563: 17523: 17496: 17466: 17269: 17096: 16639: 15640: 15600: 15154: 15139: 15117: 15095: 15077: 14951: 14659: 14080: 14035: 13071: 13031: 12927: 11718: 11690: 10952:
Apologies for not noticing! Just make it clear in the nomination so that a reviewer will be aware.
10434: 10326: 10286: 10259: 10241: 10183: 8883: 8221: 7325: 7285: 6763: 6593: 5849: 5821: 5732: 5579: 5539: 5061: 5021: 4256: 4228: 3423: 3213: 3185: 1443:
Completed Prep area number sets will be promoted by an administrator to corresponding Queue number.
26330: 22615: 22191: 20128:
The hook is bog-standard: long term plans/visions are a dime a dozen in politics. I don't find it
18149: 15370: 10770: 6543:
5743: 4945:
3434:... that depending on the edition, a fairy or a gremlin grants wishes to the titular character of 1697:
Go to the hook's nomination subpage (there should have been a link to it in the credits section).
27583: 26823: 26668: 26636: 25385: 25353: 23027: 21490: 20645: 20310: 20250: 20174: 20133: 18868: 18830: 18771: 17456: 17384: 16137: 16088: 15945: 15897: 15862: 15279: 11960: 11380: 10765: 10468: 10233: 10171: 10016: 9922: 9825: 9775: 9542: 8932: 7494: 7473: 7261: 7107: 7070: 7016: 5678: 5493: 5317: 5260: 4870: 4852: 4842: 4831: 4816: 4786: 4740: 4021:
For this legal journalist, the Guinean penal code cannot condemn a woman who has had an abortion.
2521: 1798: 1771: 27929:
began; indicate in the nomination any request for a specially timed appearance on the main page.
25799:: ... that Queen Victoria purchased twelve smocked dresses for her grandchildren decorated with 24127:
Source: "No mammals were recorded during the one known survey of the island conducted in 2004."
20019: 19702: 15868: 14964: 13586:
is, a minor reword (perhaps changing the term to something more accessible) may be needed here.
12938:... that following criticism from far-right conservative Christian communities over a lyric in " 10524: 3742:
Wotton, Joy; Auchmuty, Rosemary, eds. (2000). "Skelton Kuppord (Pseudonym for Sir John Adams)".
Wotton, Joy; Auchmuty, Rosemary, eds. (2000). "Skelton Kuppord (Pseudonym for Sir John Adams)".
1215: 27882: 27766: 27124: 27017: 26996: 26953: 26869: 26839: 25660: 25038: 24817: 24553: 23647: 23617: 23580: 23560: 23510: 23404: 22978: 22946: 22701: 22680: 22661:
22443: 21782: 21737: 21733: 21666: 21658: 21584: 21458: 21007: 20964:: Had to find an alternate source that I could easily link to as the article uses a book source 20114: 20069: 19987: 19923: 19600: 19549: 19516: 19478: 19418: 19274: 19143: 19115: 18816: 18784: 18479: 18422: 18289: 18232: 18107: 17874: 17858: 17666:
I'm not sure. I couldn't find a 2024 media guide to make the other thing over 30 years anyway.
17281: 17234: 17218: 17204: 17144: 17003: 16920: 16841: 16209: 16146: 16043: 15989: 15566: 15509: 15270:: My first DYK nomination, I'm confident I did this right but I'm still welcome to suggestions! 14485: 14440: 13640: 13587: 13277: 13247: 13220: 12980: 12426: 12354: 12305: 11518: 11113: 11066: 11049: 11025: 11007: 10953: 10936: 10901: 10860: 10787:... that following the announcement that Liam Gallagher and Noel Gallagher were to reunite for 10732: 10147: 10142: 10104: 10069: 10027: 9933: 9912: 9878: 9836: 9791: 9749: 9706: 9618: 9578: 9379: 9360: 9333: 9305: 9261: 9199: 9144: 8406: 8354: 8257: 8163: 7697: 7668: 7638: 7427: 7244: 6136: 6096: 6075: 6013: 5794: 5470: 5368: 5351: 5236: 4649: 4536: 4427: 4170: 4093: 3995: 3929: 3825: 3796: 3697: 3586: 3011: 2973: 2788: 2746: 2745:
I think a new review is required given the maintenance banner and the odd phrasing of the hook
2722: 2689: 2641: 2620: 2599: 2583: 2562: 2542: 2475: 2454: 2438: 2417: 2378: 2353: 2318: 1995: 93: 88: 25432:
24666: 22510: 22278: 20682: 18341: 14612: 14526: 14159:- The licensing is incorrect, at issue is not the photograph copyright but the poster itself ( 13236:
Also, I have no idea what you mean by "QPQs are coming up" - I've done everything required by
is now 5904, which is a 4.5x expansion. I'd IAR that. You'd need a second QPQ for it though.--
11558:" Vainikka sold at a charitable auction for €5,300, surpassing prices of signed jerseys from 10775: 9503: 8959:
was created after the creator wondered if a meal he was eating outdoors would get rained out?
8017:: if approved, this will have to appear no later than September 23 or be held until after the 7885: 6327:
6294: 5440: 2026:" is true, but when I dig through sources, many of them make his treatment sound ineffective: 1408:
Try to select a funny, quirky or otherwise upbeat hook for the last or bottom hook in the set.
1254: 27572: 27315: 26991: 26861: 26582: 26367: 26342: 26064: 25752: 25396: 25253: 23278: 23267: 22360: 22346: 22052: 21803: 21725: 21710: 21640: 21555: 21375: 21318: 20277: 20191: 19912: 19710:
Yet another revamp of yet another long-neglected kidvid article (after last month's stint on
18895: 18162: 18061: 18055: 18020: 17409: 16902: 15122: 14765: 13787: 12401: 12375: 12330: 12279: 11907: 11848: 11842: 11657: 11629: 10481:☛ Offering to review alternative hooks, if the original reviewer has to step back for a bit. 9787: 9238: 9213: 9092: 8599: 8491: 8387: 8335: 8217: 8216:
played the role of a reporter following the lives of a "‘typical’ white family", described a
7824: 7808: 7678: 7619: 6935:
Aviation Accidents in Japan Involving U.S. Military and Government Aircraft Post-World War II
6574: 6184: 4672: 4625:
for Mississippi citizens including young queer people and children who have gone through the
3868: 3732: 3646: 3458: 3437: 2939: 2109: 2084: 1893: 1883: 1860: 388: 382: 63: 27861: 27724: 27622: 26353: 25984:
If You Advance, You Will Be a High Official; If You Retreat, You Will Be a Famous Scholar].
If You Advance, You Will Be a High Official; If You Retreat, You Will Be a Famous Scholar].
If You Advance, You Will Be a High Official; If You Retreat, You Will Be a Famous Scholar].
22897:... that Israeli leaders have described their enemies in the current Gaza war as targets of 21619:"On this day in history, May 28, 1888, Jim Thorpe, 'greatest athlete in the world,' is born" 20386:: The verification for the claim can be found on the "Environment" tab of the source linked. 19945: 18940:: A biography of the first woman in Germany who became famous for her political caricatures. 15226: 14639: 11303: 8523: 6347:, sued the Republican-led Ballot Board for a summary that claimed the 2024 initiative would 4604:
3743: 3657: 3451: 1591:
is against a pale blue background (nothing outside) and there are no stray characters, like
27926: 27836: 27303: 26696: 26546: 25420: 25401: 24747: 24684: 24585: 24264: 24154: 23968: 23874: 23351: 22419: 22392: 22242: 21771: 21701: 21627: 21502: 21409: 20699: 20509: 20228: 19880: 19851: 19387: 19243: 18391: 18201: 18072: 17590: 17161: 17108: 17085: 16950: 16519: 15667: 15194: 15129:
Mehdi, Anisa (May 9, 1982). "A 2d chance for Hall of Science". New York Daily News. p. 381.
14978: 14576: 14107: 13823: 13516: 13098: 12808: 12645: 12574: 12072: 12020: 11987: 11940: 11882: 11803: 11746: 11665: 11593: 11456: 11369: 10984: 10814: 10789: 10353: 9221: 9122: 8983: 8791: 8664: 8660: 8041: 8026: 7419: 7352: 6464: 6443: 6262: 5877: 5702: 5606: 5516: 5088: 4812: 4764: 4374: 4283: 3910: 3781: 3582: 3565: 3478: 3334: 3308: 3240: 3073: 2955: 2903: 2886: 2340: 1783: 1336:
when the number of available approved nominations exceeds 120 we switch to two sets per day
434: 26239: 25873: 23499: 21991: 21843: 20801:
18981: 18624: 16465:
16430: 12874:,_were_the_nualas
12539: 12468: 8289: 7053: 6738: 3108: 1471:
If it's the lead (first) hook, paste the image where indicated at the top of the template.
1249: 1229: 8: 27922: 27647: 27557: 27440: 27197: 26899: 25841: 25285: 25030: 24630: 24378: 23842: 23225: 23115: 22499: 22467: 22431: 22116:
war bonnet so that it would fit on the 1899 United States five-dollar Silver Certificate?
21345: 21098: 20919: 20850: 20526: 20473: 20391: 20098: 20031: 19717: 19712: 19649: 19332: 18949: 18857: 18715: 18596: 18580: 17667: 17492: 17445: 17053: 16300:
This series was given the Funny Back moniker due both to the reverse coloration and font.
15775: 14655: 13887: 13484: 13311: 13160: 13004: 12692: 12670: 12627: 12609: 12591: 12396:. Also noting that the text on the original paragraph was trimmed by ~150 characters.  — 12087: 11571: 11480: 11231: 11167: 10676: 10647: 10613: 10567: 10454: 10424: 10255: 9996: 9983: 9954: 9917:
Give me a few hours to finish some work, then I'll respond. Thanks for bearing with me! —
9735: 9690: 9651: 9493: 9476: 9437: 8879: 8152: 7974: 7789: 7148: 7132: 6636: 5197: 4994: 4480: 4391: 3553: 3538:(as a handful online have nicknamed the 1957 version for almost a decade and a half now). 3512: 2925: 2534:...that the first liberalist party in the Philippines ended from government suppression? 2230: 2208: 2152: 2127: 1965: 1927: 1848: 1833: 1389:
Check the article history for any substantive changes since it was nominated or reviewed.
414: 25608:
is done. No evidence of copyvio, BLP or other serious concerns, and no images to check.
worked for emperors, warlords, and republicans, before leaving politics to focus on art?
25070: 24128: 23151: 22224: 22203: 21273: 15805: 9726:
Thank you all for bearing with me. QPQ is done. May I suggest the following amended ALT?
Eddie Canales, who set up nearly 200 water stations along U.S.-Mexico border, dead at 76
6304:... that the Republican-led Ohio Ballot Board was sued because its official summary for 5771: 1916: 27938: 27476: 27156: 27033: 26854: 26819: 26776: 26632: 26453: 26421: 26298: 26202: 25894: 25719: 25672: 25632: 25587: 25349: 23807: 23714: 23671: 23363: 23023: 22827:
has been cited as an inspiration by the Crusaders, Rwandan Hutu, and Israeli leaders? (
21420: 20997: 20641: 20306: 20261: 20246: 19935: 18823: 18767: 17832: 17783: 16966: 16829: 16581: 16487: 16181: 16122: 16024: 15976: 15893: 15316: 15275: 14460: 13675: 13622: 13571: 13209: 13180: 12940: 12922: 12724: 12295: 12263: 12204: 12134: 12054: 12004: 11967: 10900:
Since this is a double nomination, you will need to provide an additional QPQ. Thanks.
10222: 10160: 10012: 9918: 9872: 9821: 9771: 9658: 9538: 9060: 8062: 8014: 7970: 7858: 7710: 7490: 7469: 7446: 7257: 7012: 6903: 6812: 6406: 5756: 5674: 5489: 5408: 4977:
4866: 4851:
That's not the point: we try not to focus on negative aspects of living people at DYK.
4838: 4802: 4782: 4736: 4117: 4007: 3873:
as "a very diverting amalgam of a fairy tale and an ordinary story of schoolboy life"?
3391: 3052: 3036: 2856: 2832: 2800: 2517: 2187: 2098: 1721: 1293:
After the nomination is approved, a bot will automatically list the nomination page on
1247: 1221: 26711:
Source: "One of its most valuable pieces is a clock made in London by William Clement.
25952: 21705:? (I'd need to add the quote to the article, but Thorpe has widely been called that.) 19209: 16441: 16261: 10996: 10826: 10795: 8843: 8721: 7212:"El Eternauta: la inmortal historieta de Héctor Oesterheld, el guionista desaparecido" 27804: 27120: 27066: 26949: 26865: 26835: 26793: 26691: 26035: 25703: 25454: 25126: 25034: 24912: 24883: 24854: 24825: 24813: 24696:
24678: 24549: 23758: 23613: 23573: 23556: 23468: 23450: 23437: 23421: 23400: 23359: 22995: 22860: 22676: 22653: 22631: 22583: 22553: 22310: 22302: 22159: 21777: 21729: 21454: 21236: 21002: 20733: 20694: 20594:
could not leave the stage at the end of a scene and immediately reenter in the next?
20560: 20293: 20220: 20111: 20065: 19983: 19798: 19687: 19528: 19512: 19451: 19436: 19413: 19379: 19300: 19269: 19235: 19015: 18997:
was the first African American in an Iowa major political party to be elected as the
18683: 18474: 18448: 18417: 18383: 18284: 18258: 18227: 18193: 18102: 17959: 17870: 17854: 17815: 17657: 17323: 17230: 17214: 17200: 17140: 16909: 16781: 16727: 16681: 16645: 16398: 16132: 15949:
in the Bronx but refused to tip, and waiters retaliated by burning him with hot soup?
15561: 15531: 15504: 15390: 14675: 14624: 14546: 14331: 13895: 13879: 13295: 13272: 13242: 13215: 12976: 12479: 12421: 12349: 12300: 12154: 11838: 11623: 11493:
ALT2 is above the 200 character limit and needs to be trimmed. Maybe something like:
11108: 11044: 11031: 11002: 10990: 10931: 10895: 10856: 10820: 10728: 10458: 10228: 10166: 10099: 9701: 9672: 9355: 9328: 9300: 8402: 8253: 7900: 7842: 7423: 7240: 6973: 6919: 6652: 6365: 6339: 6306: 6133: 6093: 6072: 6028: 6010: 5978: 5790: 5690: 5456: 5347: 4645: 4532: 4423: 4165: 4088: 3751: 3737:
was one of the few school stories by a British author to feature fantasy in its plot?
3665: 3499: 3357: 3162: 3125: 3065: 3006: 2721:
Hook may need rewording before promotion because ALT0 just doesn't flow as it should
2684: 2659: 2636: 2617: 2594: 2580: 2557: 2539: 2472: 2449: 2435: 2412: 2397: 2375: 2348: 2331: 2314: 2017: 1990: 23298:
was known as "Father Foxhole" for his insistence on being on the front lines of the
and either having only ALT2 for consideration for now, or trying a different angle.
I have solved the tag by yeeting the whole section and several others, that one per
is scheduled to open in 2025, even though it was first planned to be opened in 2008?
14571:: This is my first ever DYK nomination. Please give feedback to help make it better. 12517:
11505:" Vainikka sold at an auction for €5,300, surpassing prices of signed jerseys from 8942: 8915: 2447:
I'm not seeing where in the article the hook is spelt out, unless I'm going blind.--
27687: 27531: 27311: 27058: 27027: 26594: 26250: 26060: 26021: 25801: 25776: 25424:
are sometimes known as "living card games", but the latter term, while popular, is
25249: 24965: 24715: 24454: 23838: 23355: 23339: 23291: 22872: 22828: 22789: 22697: 22524: 22356: 22342: 22048: 21954: 21799: 21732:. In any case, I'd suggest dropping any hook that directly mentions Jim Thorpe per 21706: 21636: 21580: 21573: 21551: 20893: 20820: 20268: 20186: 20129: 19929: 19864:
from mid-November 2004 with only two edits to their name, both page creations: for
19644: 19619: 19613: 17649: 17183: 17019: 16548: 15749: 15541: 15468: 15166:
Burby, Liza N. (November 22, 2004). "New exhibits, inside and out". Newsday. p. 74.
15103: 15072: 14336: 14295: 14173: 14163: 13583: 13456: 13447: 13425: 13379: 13359: 12996: 12886: 12819: 12796: 12397: 12371: 12326: 12275: 12117: 11932: 11897: 11404: 11390:
After the initial mention, a person should generally be referred to by surname only
10868: 10562: 10558: 10488: 10464: 9234: 9140: 8595: 8487: 8383: 8348: 8331: 8119: 8103: 8093: 7674: 7632: 7615: 7592: 7199: 6229: 6201: 5694: 5398:
perceived as unusual or intriguing by readers with no special knowledge or interest
4668: 4550: 4439: 4194: 4055: 3491: 3294: 2969: 2933: 2809: 2805: 2665: 2552: 2410:
template should be resolved. Could you talk me through the sourcing for the hook?--
2295: 1919:, which can nowadays be rented by tourists. There are a couple of pictures of Kerr 1879: 1856: 25186:: ... that, when China needed to standardize its railway terminology, it sent for 23863:: This is my first nomination, so I apologize if things are formatted incorrectly. 22228:
has represented both the United States and Mexico in the international art world?
21193: 16694:"Middlesex Regiment, 30th Battalion : Volume 91: debated on Thursday 8 March 1917" 15438:
in 2014 was controversial because a fish that was caught was mutilated by a shark?
13428: 11271: 9353:
Main page readers would not have access to that article before reading the hook.--
7535: 5192:
I agree with your proposed hook, as it is easier to understand than what I wrote.
4011:, but an interpretation of the law says that receiving an abortion is not illegal? 27740: 27634: 27416: 27177: 26029: 25677: 25323: 25120: 24783: 24421: 24322: 23870: 23687: 22806: 22648: 22320: 20975: 20713: 20224: 19876: 19805: 19787: 19771: 19383: 19239: 18387: 18197: 18091: 18067: 17646:
When he remained unsigned in the fall of 1994, I hung up my scout’s hat for good.
16905: 16536: 15336: 15335:
first book, written while he faced severe financial hardship, won him a prize of
15238: 15190: 15159: 15017: 14541: 14401: 14368: 14321: 14276: 14259: 14150: 14022: 13990: 13541: 13533: 13237: 12988: 12068: 12016: 11998:
The source is a video that's over an hour long. This needs a specific time index
11983: 11936: 11878: 11874: 11813: 11799: 11661: 11589: 11452: 11365: 9230: 9217: 9188: 9178: 9118: 8979: 8564: 8535: 8455: 8058: 8037: 8022: 7562: 7456: 6258: 5988: 5928: 5698: 5663: 5512: 5220: 5187: 5170: 4806: 4758: 3905: 3776: 3630: 3620: 3561: 3318: 3069: 2999: 2951: 2921: 2882: 2493: 2088: 427: 27051:
International Journal of Heritage Architecture: Studies, Repairs and Maintenance
23366:, was known as "Father Foxhole" for his insistence on being on the front lines? 20938:
was intended to be a political statement akin to "hanging the flag upside down"?
19960:! or you may reap that reward for your vile labors, which you so richly merit." 19085:
worked as an insurance agent and a real estate agent prior to entering politics?
worked as an insurance agent and a real estate agent prior to entering politics?
15846: 10193: 8010: 1301: 27906: 27849: 27386: 27193: 26520: 26498: 26470: 26410: 26376: 25920: 25837: 25026: 24907:, encouraged women to "give up junk food love and find a naturally sweet man"? 24903: 24874: 24845: 24763: 24597: 24248: 24174: 23952: 23847: 23803:
broke into the Lac qui Parle County Courthouse and started physically moving it
23221: 22463: 22436: 22408: 21425: 21339: 20846: 20613: 20611:
include "speeches or even scenes otherwise unnecessary" to avoid violating the
20586: 20554: 20530: 20521: 19809: 19794: 19745: 19151: 19045: 18945: 18592: 18576: 18534:
Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
17574: 17290: 17166: 17113: 17049: 16897: 16873:
Actually, looking at the article, I'm surprised the following wasn't proposed:
16531: 16361:
was the first first small-size silver certificate issued by the United States?
15771: 15739: 15651: 14271:
poster wanted that a reader catch the number 5 clearly even from a distance. --
14091: 13883: 13835: 13769: 13528: 13480: 13472: 13307: 13265: 13156: 13082: 13000: 12687: 12665: 12660: 12622: 12604: 12587: 12083: 12037: 11730: 11567: 11476: 11420: 11227: 10337: 9560: 8109: 8089: 7812: 7785: 7756: 7336: 7144: 7128: 6861: 6631: 6370: 6344: 6314: 5861: 5590: 5193: 5072: 4990: 4626: 4617: 4591: 4586: 4515: 4506: 4475: 4386: 4267: 3886: 3861: 3470: 3224: 2227: 2205: 2162: 2149: 2124: 2013: 1983: 1962: 1924: 1845: 1829: 1738: 1283:
If you are the first person to comment on the nomination, there will be a line
1245: 27423:
Quantic, David (May 29, 2007). "Serving Seconds: The Making of Eating Out 2".
focuses on a gay man who pretends to be straight so he can seduce another man?
Template:Did you know nominations/Have I Got News for You (American game show)
23372: 23312: 22126: 16949:
now) but only included the major one so as not to emphasize this too much per
16310:: ... that America's first small-size silver certificate was referred to as a 13639:
Or you could just replace "terza rima" with "rhyming verse form" in the hook.
12869: 12843: 12765: 12565:
10623: 10197: 9456:
Source: "The Thirteen-ness of the Thirteenth Quartet" by Iain Strachan in the
Destruction of cultural heritage during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip
7598: 6475:
6310:, designed to improve redistricting, stated instead that the initiative would 5505: 3773:(Emphasis on the nationality this time; apologies if I didn't sign last time.) 1243: 27970: 27069: 27062: 26417: 26340:... that in retirement and after a long career of military and civil service 26294: 26255: 26198: 25989: 25885: 25715: 25628: 25583: 25244:: Yes, I know ALT1 is a bit out there. It might be worth an April Fools slot. 25237:
Template:Did you know nominations/1961 Pittsburg State Gorillas football team
25215: 25166: 23712:: ... that a mine worker was "shattered to fragments" by a 1911 explosion at 23525: 23515: 23204: 22015: 21916: 21897: 21867: 21721: 21057: 20438: 19861: 19817: 19749: 19735: 19105: 19093: 19081: 19069: 18993: 18635: 18097: 18041: 17779: 17171: 17118: 16962: 16825: 16577: 16483: 16454: 16176: 16117: 16019: 15972: 15380:
Template:Did you know nominations/Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Source: "Michael Sugrue, 66, Dies; His Talks on Philosophy Were a YouTube Hit
13670: 13617: 13615:
Seems fair, maybe we should add the phrase "rhyming verse form" afterwards?
13567: 13552:
13170: 12550: 12529: 12500: 12051: 12012: 12001: 11979: 11964: 11893: 10655: 10237: 10179: 10175: 9655: 9612: 9568: 8301: 8176: 7989:
7707: 7588: 7098: 7065: 6899: 6808: 6671: 6585: 6402: 6146: 6111: 6086: 6044: 6003: 5405: 4711: 3549: 3502: 3495: 3388: 3120: 2929: 2814: 26613: 22994:. NomosStudium (in German) (1. Auflage ed.). Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 56–58. 20209:: QPQ pending. This is my article translated by another editor from pl wiki. 18169:
Source: see Makuch (2013), Kuliczkowska (1959, 1973) as cited in the article
Template:Did you know nominations/Abduction of Jonila Castro and Jhed Tamano
Didn't notice the character limit on ALT2. ALT2a/ALT2b are both fine by me.
11416: 10097:
ALT0 depends on having heard of his monogram. I don't find it interesting.--
6194:... that Ogeretsu Tanaka wanted to draw a manga series featuring scenery in 1436:
For hooks held for specific dates, refer to "Local update times" section on
27800: 26915: 26266: 25969: 25812: 25699: 25450: 25316: 25297: 24908: 24879: 24850: 24821: 24509: 23754: 23462: 23446: 23431: 23347: 23172: 22856: 22635:
seducing hundreds of young girls by portraying himself as the next Buddha?
22626: 22579: 22530: 22155: 21371: 21232: 21159: 20790: 20729: 20289: 20216: 19683: 19524: 19468: 19447: 19406: 19375: 19354:
19345: 19296: 19262: 19231: 18908: 18881: 18727: 18679: 18444: 18410: 18379: 18254: 18220: 18189: 18044:
graduate on the 13th, so at least we're good here. Said article also has a
17955: 17918: 17653: 17461: 17319: 16723: 16394: 15940: 15386: 14451: 13875: 11619: 11563: 11559: 11510: 11506: 11396: 11343: 11339: 11294: 11183: 9944: 9668: 9608: 9564: 8811:"'We were baptised here and we will die here': Gaza's oldest church bombed" 8691:"'We were baptised here and we will die here': Gaza's oldest church bombed" 8212: 8171: 7896: 7838: 7580: 6915: 6037: 4493:
3898: 3766: 3680: 3369: 3353: 3158: 1285::* <!-- REPLACE THIS LINE TO WRITE FIRST COMMENT, KEEPING  :* --: --> 27555:
Baker, Erin; Knapman, Chris (22 January 2011). "4WD Ferrari FF revealed".
is cited as an explanation for a character's abrupt exit off the stage in
20369: 19403:
I will be closing this in 24 hours if I don't see a valid QPQ before then
I will be closing this in 24 hours if I don't see a valid QPQ before then
I will be closing this in 24 hours if I don't see a valid QPQ before then
I will be closing this in 24 hours if I don't see a valid QPQ before then
14384: 14242: 14234: 13959: 13422:
was recorded on a hands-free microphone attached to a pair of headphones?
10812:: ... that after Liam and Noel Gallagher's band Oasis announced for 2025 " 8681:
Source: The information in the hook is drawn from a few different sources:
Does the above address your concerns? If not, what else needs to be done?
Template:Did you know nominations/Meteorological history of Cyclone Freddy
At-a-glance instructions on how to promote an approved hook to a prep area
27745: 27683: 27527: 26931:
Beth Kempton: 'Wabi Sabi: Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life'
26603: 25188: 25146: 25094: 24711: 24450: 23299: 23212: 23168: 23163: 22881: 22837: 22785: 21950: 21285: 21172: 20909: 20816: 20776: 20093: 20036: 19638: 18916: 18468: 18351: 18347: 18278: 17835:
at his monastery and commanded his forces to burn down several villages?
17459:' all-time leading tackler over 30 years after his college career ended, 17176: 17124: 16203: 15857: 15835: 15817: 15745: 15555: 15537: 15487: 15464: 14345: 14304: 13303: 13213:" received criticism from far-right conservative Christian communities?-- 13142: 12882: 12812: 12792: 12743: 12415: 11470: 11424: 11384: 11290: 10864: 10600: 10482: 10064: 9071:
8397: 8206: 8113: 8097: 7993:
7958: 6064: 5903:- The hook is located under Analysis, which contains no inline citations. 5255: 5157: 5147: 4966: 4956: 4930: 4667:
Full review needed now that multiple alternate hooks have been proposed.
4663: 4559: 4448: 4187: 4159: 4064: 3924: 2741: 2615:
The sentence uses the same citation as the rest, but added just in case.
2201: 2181: 2140: 2092: 1975: 1656:
In the window where the DYK nomination subpage is open, replace the line
15956: 12968:
Template:Did you know nominations/Queer advocacy in the Israel–Hamas War
12229: 12174: 11798:
Championships. Alt 2b seems fine to me, so I have struck the remaining.
was told that becoming a manga artist would be "absolutely impossible"?
unsual happened. If not, then maybe it's just not a good fit for DYK.
27500: 27167: 26788: 26515: 26493: 26465: 23530: 23416: 23074: 23070: 22802: 22769:
has been applied to Native Americans, Rwandan Tutsi, and Palestinians?
22692: 22022:
and his brother both medaled in the same event at the 2024 Paralympics?
21924: 21632: 21615:"Thorpe was and still is the greatest athlete in the history of sports" 21507: 21053: 20971: 20598: 20574: 20570: 20541: 20124: 18555:
18036: 17014: 16340: 16141:
specialize in food that accommodate the kosher Jewish dietary rules on
15840: 15360: 15328: 15013: 14733: 14397: 14364: 14358: 14317: 14272: 14255: 14018: 13986: 13741: 13537: 13200: 13186: 13151: 12946: 12862: 12836: 12758: 12753: 12736: 11982:, I have added two more sources to support the existing primary source. 11829: 11408: 10448: 9650:
I strongly prefer ALT1; the others are just too complicated. Also see
9447: 9207: 9184: 8569: 8540: 8053: 7452: 6558: 6512: 6486: 6460: 5984: 4796: 3626: 3314: 2992: 2485: 1788: 1334:
When promoting hooks intended for a particular date, keep in mind that
Template:Did you know nominations/Booby Island (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
25408: 20621: 18732: 15246:
by 280 votes, and has filed multiple lawsuits challenging the results?
6729: 6725: 2075: 1331:
Promoters should not promote their own nomination or their own review.
applies to gameplay, but in case it does I included ALT1 as a backup.
26910: 26017: 26012: 25972:
scholars, but these were not published until decades after his death?
25964: 25916: 25425: 24898: 24869: 24840: 24758: 24170: 22139:
Template:Did you know nominations/Deutscher Kurzwellensender Atlantik
21194:"Jugoslavija i hrana: Kako je Titov kuvar stvorio Karađorđevu šniclu" 20812: 20786: 19783: 19399: 19255: 19147: 19041: 18403: 18213: 17838: 16354: 16330: 16312: 16285: 14537: 14455: 14245:-based electoral system used by German occupation authorities in the 13765:
12228:(in Chinese). China South Publishing & MediaGroup. Archived from 12173:(in Chinese). China South Publishing & MediaGroup. Archived from 12046: 11603: 11400: 10838:
Template:Did you know nominations/Sebastian Zouberbuhler (double nom)
Top: Sophie Anderson in July 2022. Bottom: Rebecca More in July 2021.
9256: 9032: 6759: 6719: 5483:
Template:Did you know nominations/Church of St John of the Collachium
5161: 4970: 4934: 4752: 4186:
This won't be a full review but the point of lawyers is to disagree.
3298: 2177: 1874: 1418:
In one tab, open the nomination page of the hook you want to promote.
1380: 1363: 22986:
could obligate certain private actors to follow constitutional law?
Template:Did you know nominations/1917 Łódź City Council election ‎
18571:: I am trying to find a better image to illustrate the neuron screen 17648:. So if it were to be added to the WP page, it would seem to need 11222:: Nominated on behalf of an IP editor who has also provided the QPQ. 6496: 5784:
Template:Did you know nominations/50 YouTubers Fight for $ 1,000,000
24768: 21198: 20833:
20081: 19836: 19813: 19801: 19731: 19660: 19626: 19114:
Most partial to ALT1/ALT1a myself but I'll leave it to a reviewer.
17827: 16283:... that people referred to the 1928 US$ 1 silver certificate as a 16092: 14850: 14826:
was released in 1998 and is part of the "1997 Trilogy," along with
14802: 13737: 11412: 8656:
cultural heritage sites damaged during the Israeli invasion of Gaza
8108:" If a hook is approved here, it may be wise to get some eyes from 7908:
Eddie Canales, who campaigned to prevent migrant deaths, dies at 76
6969: 6657: 6611: 6581: 6235: 6226:: ... that Ogeretsu Tanaka was inspired to create the manga series 6195: 5921:
Image is freely licensed, used in the article, and clear at 100px.
5400:. This one reached category 5 and made landfall so I would assume 5208: 3057: 3041: 2898: 2838: 2630: 1375: 1358: 27658:"Oregon Secretaries of State, Biographical Sketches, 1841-Present" 25599: 24521:"Manowar founder recalls heavy metal recordings with Orson Welles" 23688:"Monument record MDR7950 - Granville Colliery (No. 1) Swadlincote" 23216:
Zealander knows one of the lines that he delivered in that speech.
22849: 22207:
has been called the "dean of Latino art in the Pacific Northwest"?
21567: 21297:
20240: 19675:
Template:Did you know nominations/Virginia Beach Police Department
17381:... that Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had a commuter train nicknamed the 15480: 12639: 12325:
Oh, I'd love that. I can rework this tomorrow as a double nom.  —
11845:, which I haven't found to be the case with some quick searching. 11199:"Shahar Milfelder and Salah Shaheen won a Paralympic bronze today" 10170:
were both born on March 29, 1999, were both named second-team all-
9554: 9134: 8080:
negative, mocking Hawley for initially supporting the mob before "
7831: 6605: 6242:
5363: 4330:
laws. In special laws about controversial stuff, such as abortion.
3577: 2392: 27956:
April Fools' Day hooks are exempted from the timeline limit; see
have been repeatedly damaged by Israeli invasion and bombardment?
26128: 26113: 25897:
images to practice his art before rendering them on the streets?
25314:: ... that the Constitutional Court of Indonesia approved of the 25301:
used for voting in parts of Indonesia produces turnouts of 100%?
finally taken into the Robert McDougall Art Gallery’s collection.
24497: 24129:
Important Bird Areas in the Caribbean: Key Sites for Conservation
has been called "one of the best passes through the Alaska Alps"?
Karađorđeva šnicla with fries, tartar sauce, and a slice of lemon
20698:, a German woman, dedicated her life to the early development of 20285:
Template:Did you know nominations/Ava–Hanthawaddy War (1401–1403)
attribution, but is this opinion all that notable for inclusion?—
17286: 16540: 16096: 15492:. Also, assuming "" is reliable, proposing 14396:
disproportionately favoured the non-socialist Jewish parties?" --
13399: 10659: 8955: 8927: 8070:
attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election
6728:(Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda requested the ban on the website); 4479:
turned to civic activism due to her political concerns regarding
turned to civic activism due to her political concerns regarding
was one of the few school stories to feature fantasy in its plot?
and prefers shooting in real locations over studio environments?
462: 25691:
Template:Did you know nominations/Maximiliano Hernández Martínez
Source: Margolis (2005), or Wilczewski (2009), or Guesnet (2003)
Template:Did you know nominations/Black Eagle Silver Certificate
Template:Did you know nominations/Randrianasolo's sportive lemur
currently written may not be broadly interesting enough to meet
falls short of being really satisfying? would make an excellent
while an un-shaved version of himself plays backing instruments?
inspired by the history of Poland, published from 2004 to 2017?
and might as well be addressed ASAP. To the editor now known as
was renovated in the 1980s, all but three employees were fired?
7811:, values, and morals, and have been termed "walking libraries"? 3581:
Note that the hook as currently written might possibly not meet
reviewed; your comment should look something like the following:
nominate articles in this section—nominate all articles in the
27639: 27248: 26054:
Template:Did you know nominations/Atsuko Tanaka (voice actress)
ruling on the permissibility of a nationwide 2-year stadium ban
pressed tin siding likely saved the hotel from burning in 1911?
From one of this block's fellow viewers in the Commonwealth of
had not even seen the musical when she was offered the role of
in Jerusalem is a screen based on the circuitry of a rat brain?
has a force larger than that of Richmond, the state's capital?
16386:: there are other images as well that are square like this one 14886: 13191: 13169:
Hello. You can definitely split up a nomination post hoc - see
12558: 12491: 12291: 12213: 12197: 12145: 11821: 7827:, values, and morals, and have been termed "walking libraries"? 7584: 6743:
The Supreme Court... dismissed the case over legal formalities.
Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda sem fóru fram á lögbannið á vefnum
and was speaking normally after just 18 minutes of instruction?
position were both doctors who died by drowning in a river at
Template:Did you know nominations/Fisheries in the Philippines
Template:Did you know nominations/Genocide in the Hebrew Bible
has won the most Emmys for any comedy series in a single year?
to debate the moral indefensibility of nuclear weapons at the
Smartbook Grundrechte: ein hybrides Lehrbuch mit 67 Lernvideos
18159:... that the Polish adventure and travel novel for the youth, 16895:(Source: "Rising Above the Genteel Rumble of the Pink Palace" 16623:... that during the First World War the British army deployed 15988:
the Jewish dairy restaurant is the elephant in the room here.
Template:Did you know nominations/Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
Template:Did you know nominations/Church of St Peter, Draycott
were working class, they only got 10 out of 60 seats due to a
in the United States, not sure about Poland)—then you can use
Template:Did you know nominations/Battle of Tinzaouaten (2024)
Source: see above. On the parties to the lawsuit itself, see:
3269: 1250: 1176: 1164: 1152: 1140: 1127: 1114: 1101: 1088: 1075: 1062: 1049: 1036: 1023: 1010: 997: 984: 971: 958: 945: 932: 26864:? If it is correct, was he the sole founder or a co-founder? 26372: 22647:: ... that in hopes of gaining good luck, young girls in the 22546:
Noszlopy, George Thomas; Waterhouse, Fiona (1 January 2005).
21699:... that the "greatest athlete in the world" was inspired by 21663:
don't assume everyone worldwide is familiar with your subject
20703: 16544: 13745: 11554: 11501: 11334: 11315: 11285: 11178: 10232:
were both born on March 29, 1999, both named second-team all-
It appears that the above ping did not work for some reason.
Template:Did you know nominations/El Eternauta: tercera parte
has three movements, including a lyrical middle, ends with a
7575: 7547: 7256:
Looking over this now. Will return with a review shortly... —
7074: 7069:
and other activists led to the discovery that some bodies of
6499:" in his client's name stands for "Truly Humbled Under God"? 1542:
insert a new, separate line containing one of the following:
Check to make sure basic review requirements were completed.
919: 906: 893: 880: 867: 854: 841: 828: 815: 27507:
was, upon its release, the world's fastest four-seating car?
27302:: Under 5 noms, no QPQ required. It doesn't seem to me that 25680:
in his diary, which was eventually published decades later?
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
23725:"The tragic story that led to the name of a Derbyshire road" 22444:
was called the Grande Dame of political cartoons in Germany?
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
14063:- Borderline eligible for "lead needs expansion" cleanup tag 13390:: ... that after the original run sold out, vinyl copies of 13064:
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
5858:- The section titled Analysis is missing an inline citation. 5572:
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
Article is sourced, neutral, and free of copyright problems
when that number drops below 60 we return to one set per day
479:" redirects here. For the list of approved nominations, see 470:
Template:DYK nomination header § Instructions for nominators
27945:; discussion setting the six week limit can be found here: 26205:). Was 1339 bytes, mow 7527 bytes Number of QPQs required: 24142:
Template:Did you know nominations/Westinghouse Atom Smasher
as resembling "a tulip bud with the front leaf pulled out"?
18659: 18639: 18440:
Template:Did you know nominations/List of oral repositories
16382:: I will likely continue to develop parts of this article. 16071:
Ah, yes, I see what you mean. Yeah maybe there could be an
15496:: ... that a shark cost a competitor a silver medal in the 14977:
in 2006, was based on the design of the 1806 naval flag of
Flag of Falcón state, Monument to the Venezuelan Federation
Template:Did you know nominations/Flag of Duluth, Minnesota
12582:: A biography of an unusual and successful woman cartoonist 11825: 11610:, unfortunately. The article references several pages from 5668:
This is confusing to me; the hook is cited in the article?
is believed to have been the last living French veteran of
802: 789: 776: 763: 750: 737: 724: 711: 698: 686: 673: 660: 647: 634: 621: 608: 596: 584: 27082:"Israeli bombs are wiping out Gaza's heritage and history" 26943:
Template:Did you know nominations/Neutron stars in fiction
23523:... that the front façade, gateway, mosque and minaret of 22112:
made the controversial decision to change a Souix chief's
21168:""Kako sam skuvao istoriju": Životna priča Titovog kuvara" 18896:
walked through water to be interviewed for that position?
International Film Festival Suddenly Cancels Screening of
14742:, making her only the second woman to hold this position? 14628:
was originally supposed to be opened in 2008 for when the
9446:, it would have completed a "mathematical version" of his 8787:
historic sites damaged during the Israeli invasion of Gaza
8737:"How Israel has destroyed Gaza's schools and universities" 4115:... that lawyers disagree about which circumstances allow 3928:
That could work, but this would still need a full review.
Have your concerns been addressed? If not, what else does
572: 560: 548: 27862:
27735: 26834:
Interesting article, thanks. I will review this shortly.
was compelled to leave government service after speaking
19786:--which had me wondering about a demographically related 19623: 19035:
Template:Did you know nominations/Articulation (painting)
shares a common temperament with its creator, cartoonist
10692: 10627: 9947:. Of course, I also have new ALTs for your consideration: 8753: 8568:
once said she was "a bit critical of top-level sports in
once said she was "a bit critical of top-level sports in
Template:Did you know nominations/The Right and the Wrong
7468:*Just a moment, please. Looking over the changes now... — 7418:(he's not even the first author who uses that trick, see 6860:
oversaw the construction of 15 buildings as president of
and other YSL defendants were allowed as evidence in the
Template:Did you know nominations/Statue of Dirk Nowitzki
4473:: ...that despite intending to become a physics teacher, 535: 26184:
Template:Did you know nominations/Barry Melbourne Hussey
by a single company, preventing its use by competitors?
25125:. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. 22458:: I personally prefer ALT1, but it's a minor preference. 22420:
21583:. Additional hook suggestions are probably needed here. 20196:
Source: see Mochocki 2017 and 2024, cited in the article
19870:, and the subject of this DYK pitch (which it aired on). 16807:
1961 legislative election results at Adam Carr's archive
third book had the "energy of an epic television show"?
15121:, but the money for the institution instead went to the 14800:— Fruit Chan Expresses Regret: Anything Could Happen.]. 12536:
is a combination of dark melancholy and silly elements?
11660:, I have addressed your concerns regarding the sources. 10709:
Template:Did you know nominations/Sebastian Zouberbuhler
ALT2 could work, but it's cruising for a pruning, as in
once opened the national women's chess championships as
career after he designed the magazine's office building?
Template:Did you know nominations/superseded combination
Template:Did you know nominations/Al-Ma'mun al-Bata'ihi
26405:: Expanded the article from a 2 line stub, prompted by 25010:
Template:Did you know nominations/Mayors in New Zealand
23800:... that on the night of November 12, 1886, 150 people 23718:
but his horse survived being thrown high into the air?
in Derbyshire, England, is now used as a dry ski slope
Public Sculpture of Staffordshire and the Black Country
21895:: ... that a red light in the corner bay window of the 21635:, regarded as one of the greatest athletes in history? 19790:
property, the one I've nominated right now. Looking up
Template:Did you know nominations/Council Working Party
13949:... that whilst socialists got 31% of the votes in the 13943:
Campaign poster for the 1917 Łódź City Council election
Anaïs Gallagher, Oasis Live '25 Tour, Filthy Lucre Tour
Dmitri Shostakovich: The First Hundred Years and Beyond
Rev. Michael Walsh, Headed Fordham During Fiscal Crisis
helped win him his first job as a mineralogist in the
and its subsequent parts linked in the article as refs
Template:Did you know nominations/History of chocolate
Whoops, I missed that. Thanks for keeping this alive.
19445:. I will try to do QPQs for others later this week. -- 19012:
Outside In: African-American History In Iowa 1838-2000
would be appreciated (not that I think there is any).
13136:- Not a super surprising thing for a songwriter to say 11191:, 19 years after he was injured in a terrorist attack? 7102:
set up nearly 200 water stations along an area of the
Note: There is a japanese wikipedia article about it:
6557:, a drug exchange took place in the courtroom between 46:
Please remove this notice when the backlog is cleared.
27846:... that the original exhibition of art installation 24442:
Template:Did you know nominations/Edinburgh Wild West
Thanks for letting me know. I have done the QPQ now.
Template:Did you know nominations/Brian David Gilbert
has been called "one of the best passes through the '
Template:Did you know nominations/45 East 66th Street
to be on guard should he return to the United States?
16800:"Senator Reid has confidence in 'thriving city' " at 15115:: ... that a nuclear reactor was nearly built at the 12756:, Susanna, Karen, Maria, and Josephine have all been 11215:
Template:Did you know nominations/Poecilia vandepolli
8874:: The choice of image may not work as well with Alt1. 8809:
Gostoli, Ylenia; Abu Riash, Abdelhakim (2023-10-20).
Gostoli, Ylenia; Abu Riash, Abdelhakim (2023-10-20).
Please provide a QPQ as soon as possible. Thank you.
Template:Did you know nominations/Battle of Axspoele
Template:Did you know nominations/Norma Bahia Pontes
was one of the only American academics to study the
25 ans de succès vidéoludiques pour Ubisoft Montréal
In “Secret Loves” (Crown), therapist Sonya Friedman…
Template:Did you know nominations/Abortion in Guinea
agreed! Thanks for new hook but full review needed.
Template:Did you know nominations/Rheinsberg (story)
system used by German occupation authorities in the
replied that her songwriting was "not a democracy"?
Template:Did you know nominations/Tauba Tauba (song)
Template:Did you know nominations/Diplodus argenteus
are individuals trusted with memorising a society's
Template:Did you know nominations/Muhammad Khaznadar
Fixed the improve categories tag, what do you need?
1270:, to find a nomination you would like to comment on. 468:
For instructions on how to nominate an article, see
27047:"Conserving the Palestinian Architectural Heritage" 25577:
Template:Did you know nominations/SDSS J0849+1114 ‎
24290:Hook has been verified by provided inline citation 23994:Hook has been verified by provided inline citation 23109:
Template:Did you know nominations/Hermética (album)
22309:was one of the first transgender public figures in 22042:
Template:Did you know nominations/Battle of Kembogo
20908:, because it referenced the then recently deceased 20575:
Shakespeare's Hand in "The Second Maiden's Tragedy"
19948:includes a long quote from Garrison's piece in the 19210:
Template:Did you know nominations/Hurry Up Tomorrow
putting on art exhibitions in Latino neighborhoods?
Template:Did you know nominations/Des Moines speech
15693:Hook has been verified by provided inline citation 12067:hook and didn't identify any significant problems. 11896:policy applies to the subject of this article, and 10379:Hook has been verified by provided inline citation 8647:
The ruins of Al-Amin Muhammad mosque in Khan Younis
Template:Did you know nominations/Adam Berdichevsky
6775:: ... that only about ten titles have been awarded 5315:... that along with fatalities and damages, 1957's 4384:... that despite graduating with a physics degree, 3527:
Template:Did you know nominations/Takara's Treasure
2924:, the whole article confirms very closely with the 1799:"N.Z. Man Cured Of Stammering By British 'Expert' " 27977:Articles that have been nominated for Did you know 27576: 25335:Template:Did you know nominations/Veto (card game) 25195: 25108: 23834:county seat war in Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota 23371: 23311: 22545: 21060:into a toilet but stopped halfway, later writing " 19637: 16677:Meeting the Enemy: The Human Face of the Great War 16135:it could be shortened to something like "... that 16099:to accommodate the kosher Jewish dietary rules on 14237:system implemented by the German authorities?" or 12254:Template:Did you know nominations/Teodoro Asedillo 10011:Otherwise, I think ALT0 would be best after all. — 8867:Template:Did you know nominations/Victoria Siddall 8836:"Images show major damage to Gaza's oldest mosque" 8714:"Images show major damage to Gaza's oldest mosque" 6732:(Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda is suing the case); 6629:source so you should paraphrase its usage a bit.-- 5156:" uses software to render handmade paintings over 3878:"Messrs. Blackie & Son's Books for the Young: 3477: 3253:- The article was copied from the French Knowledge 1405:Try to vary subject matters within each prep area. 27854:was shut down after attracting an "army of ants"? 27415:featuring a scene where a character has sex in a 27110:Template:Did you know nominations/Abdul Ahad Azad 25670:... that Polish journalist and resistance member 22990:Towfigh, Emanuel V.; Gleixner, Alexander (2022). 19746:put the old version out of its misery by May 2022 19014:. State Historical Society of Iowa. pp. 349–350. 15833:: ... that orange trees once located in front of 12269:but doesn't qualify as it wasn't 5x on the split. 9943:interview places the projected work title within 8943: 3150:Template:Did you know nominations/Israel Del Toro 2902:New enough, (just) long enough, well cited, GTG. 1787:worked his way to England to find a cure for his 1689:How to remove a hook from the prep areas or queue 27968: 27080:Mraffko, Clothilde; Forey, Samuel (2024-02-14). 26398:Template:Did you know nominations/Wilf Perreault 26346:changed his legal name to Walter Campbell-Smith? 26031:The Elegant Gathering: The Yeh Family Collection 24598:purchase of gold from South Africa was completed 23723:Kreft, Helen; Lodge, Matthew (30 October 2021). 21158:was accidentally created as an improvisation of 20896:wanted to change a song title on the 1968 album 20607:: ... that some scholars believe many scenes in 20441:helped to develop the visual arts programme for 19978:: Thanks in advance for reviewing my nomination! 17949:Template:Did you know nominations/Santa (singer) 17644:But it seems to be that one reporter's opinion: 17389:operating between suburban Watertown until 1972? 16375:Template:Did you know nominations/Georgi Romanov 15843:were only for the use of the ruling Portuguese? 15499:spearfishing event at the 2014 Micronesian Games 8973:Template:Did you know nominations/Henry Kailimai 8808: 8688: 7234:Template:Did you know nominations/IMAX Melbourne 6791:(Only about ten titles have achieved such sales) 1939:N.Z. Man Cured Of Stammering By British “Expert” 1582:Also paste the same thing into the edit summary. 1356:that has one of these ticks at the bottom post: 1328:for details on verifying a hook's acceptability. 27280:was inspired by its creator's frustration with 26028:Yeh, Max (2006a). "The Yeh Family Collection". 25980:Yan Jiasen (严家森) Ma Xiao (马潇) (5 August 2003). 25780:featured in the Home Industries section of the 25206:Yan Jiasen (严家森) Ma Xiao (马潇) (5 August 2003). 25157:Yan Jiasen (严家森) Ma Xiao (马潇) (5 August 2003). 22989: 19146:I agree that those are much better. Thank you. 18543:Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences 18501:Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences 18250:Template:Did you know nominations/Psycho Mantis 17765:Source: same as above, trying different wording 17733:... that an assistant to Texas chief geologist 15821:was restored in order to turn it into a hotel? 15244:one of the closest elections in Arizona history 14786: 13861:Template:Did you know nominations/Sophie Scamps 8088:", so any hook will have a hard time balancing 5760:was described as having a "most unusual" track 4728:Template:Did you know nominations/Infant school 2968:In my personal opinion, these hooks don't meet 1474:Copy and paste ALL the credit information (the 43:that requires the attention of willing editors. 27893:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 27794:Template:Did you know nominations/Danton Barto 27538:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 27322:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 27247:, players must keep the rich, the police, and 27204:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 27178: 26690:... that the world's oldest timepiece with an 26557:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 26305:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 25823:Template:Did you know nominations/Jools Lebron 25789:Source: pages 125 & 141 in the catalogue: 24722:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 24641:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 23881:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 23411:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 23034:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 22687:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 22474:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 22353:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 22321: 22253:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 21329:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 21080:Template:Did you know nominations/Aracy Amaral 20982:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20857:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20740:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20714: 20652:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20484:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20402:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 20059:Template:Did you know nominations/Dilaw (song) 19971:Template:Did you know nominations/Ibsen Nelsen 18671:Template:Did you know nominations/Dilaw (song) 18587:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 18031:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 17927:" was recorded in one take on a "tough night"? 17865:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 17790:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 17503:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 17420:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 17285:and fellow members of the artistic collective 17160:that according to legend, after obtaining the 17151:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 16691:and "This unit is not a combatant unit" from: 15983:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 15286:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 14666:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 14587:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 14496:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 14471:acted as nucleation sites for crystallization" 13798:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 13578:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 13491:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 11873:exceptional ones that would require following 10721:edit. I had no idea More was bringing it back. 8019:2024 United States Senate election in Missouri 7702:I provided one as part of the nomination. See 7563: 7139:. Nominator has fewer than 5 past nominations. 3741: 3655: 3044:by partly shooting with super 16mm film stock? 1729:How to move a nomination subpage to a new name 1466:Check that there's a bold link to the article. 27959:Knowledge:April Fool's Main Page/Did You Know 26379:, where he then worked for his whole career? 25320:of voting, despite it having no legal basis? 22729:I understand. How about the news hooks below: 22430:: ... that the creator of the theme song for 21518:Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe 20035:was made by the government itself to fix the 19839:back then (through the Marpin cable service). 16796:Valedictory speech at Parliament of Australia 16717:Template:Did you know nominations/Ivan Palmaw 16475:Template:Did you know nominations/Marie Breen 13962:system implemented by the German authorities? 11376:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 11038:, which I reviewed as part of the triple nom 10717:: Slag Wars 5x expanded on 11 September from 10266:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 9129:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 8587:Template:Did you know nominations/Don Goodwin 8048:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 7803:that in indigenous societies people serve as 7796:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 7023:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 6413:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 5001:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 4781:Thanks. Make any minor changes as nessesary. 4434:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 3853:All that's left among my options is a review: 2893:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 2308:Template:Did you know nominations/Begüm Pusat 1840:. Nominator has less than 5 past nominations. 1347:Check list for nomination review completeness 1287:showing you where you should put the comment. 435: 27554: 27114:Template:Did you know nominations/Sun Jianai 25544:became known as "Caesar's Praetorian Guard"? 25405:focus more on storytelling and cooperation? 24366:ALT1 ... that no mammals have been found on 24115:... that there are apparently no mammals on 23196:Template:Did you know nominations/Sunny Choi 22979:ruling on the permissibility of stadium bans 19639:"Learning Channel Plans Ad-Free Kids' Shows" 17313:Template:Did you know nominations/Lisa Blatt 17229:Photo added. It's good time to full review. 16666:"the queerest battalion in the British Army" 15001:Template:Did you know nominations/Uzun-Hajji 13770: 13358:... that several characters from a webcomic 12290:Not a review, but the copied paragraph from 11904:unless they were by the subject themselves. 11034:and would like to nominate it using the QPQ 10830:criticised some fans for ageism and sexism? 10799:criticised some fans for ageism and sexism? 8220:as "ritualised violence" and betting at the 8009:: Noting that with Missouri's polls opening 7930:Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs 7209: 6870:Source: Clark, Alfred E. (April 24, 1982). " 6730:Félag Hljómplötuframleiðenda sem höfða málið 6561:and a co-defendant, leading to new charges? 2346:tags on this article. Please rectify them.-- 1485:Check your work in the prep's Preview mode. 1448:Copy and paste the hook into a chosen slot. 455: 27921:section above, under the date on which the 25118: 25019:Tim Jones from the Christchurch Art Gallery 23748:Template:Did you know nominations/Superfest 23369: 23309: 21363:Construction of the Valdez Trail, 1898-1906 20525:was cited as proof against the theory that 18638:had only briefly spoken to the frontman of 17727:Oak species named after Benjamin F. Shumard 15879:Template:Did you know nominations/Serekunda 13471:: I created the page in the draftspace and 12870: 12844: 12766: 12602:QPQ is required at the time of nomination. 10624: 9877:Pinging for a response to the above issue. 9820:that unfinished sketches, etc. may exist. — 7759:, and have been termed "walking libraries"? 7599: 6735:" Wins Case. To Re-open May 16th" 27925:was created or moved to mainspace, or the 27578:"The coolest Ferrari ever—drive carefully" 26251:the largest video game studio in the world 24804:: The article was moved to mainspace with 23722: 22437:it was used during American interrogations 19443:Template:Did you know nominations/KAUT-TV 17121:, bringing great wealth to his followers? 16784:20 years after losing an election for the 15152:: ... that for four decades, staff at the 14739:48th Hong Kong International Film Festival 14714:48th Hong Kong International Film Festival 14684:48th Hong Kong International Film Festival 11843:used or approved by other reliable sources 11552:: "... that a gaming chair used by Jesse " 10467:; please suggest a shortened alternative. 9995:: ... that there is no available score to 9577:further warning if one is not given soon. 6789:Aðeins um tíu titlar hafa náð slíkri sölu. 5235:Not sure if you can approve your own hook 4929:" contains lyrics that act as "conceptual 3453:"Books of the Day: 'Hammond's Hard Lines'" 442: 428: 30: 27702:Articles created/expanded on September 29 27375:"Just Desserts - 2004 Out Far! Sensation 26968:Articles created/expanded on September 28 26614: 26217:Articles created/expanded on September 27 26166:the flame was lit under a helium balloon 25811:& the number of "12 smocks" is here: 25730:Articles created/expanded on September 26 25469:Articles created/expanded on September 25 24923:Articles created/expanded on September 24 24393:History of education in Wales before 1701 24071:Articles created/expanded on September 23 23245:Articles created/expanded on September 22 22908:Articles created/expanded on September 21 22148:File:George Frederick Cumming Smillie.jpg 21969:Articles created/expanded on September 20 21545:Template:Did you know nominations/Chesmac 21251:Articles created/expanded on September 19 20660:Articles created/expanded on September 18 20152:Articles created/expanded on September 17 19682:: For this week's factoid, you can thank 19162:Articles created/expanded on September 16 18127:Articles created/expanded on September 15 17885:Articles created/expanded on September 13 17247:Articles created/expanded on September 12 17174:, bringing great wealth to his followers? 16981:Articles created/expanded on September 11 16742:Articles created/expanded on September 10 16637: 14224:"... that while 55% of the voters in the 8554:different experience of top-level sports. 8305:"loves moving people against their will"? 6800:Template:Did you know nominations/UnMetal 4720:in 2019, due to an embezzlement scandal? 4109:How about this kind of similar statement: 1205:Current time is 19:22, 29 September 2024 460: 26163:2024 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony 26124:2024 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony 26079:2024 Summer Paralympics opening ceremony 25813: 25538:was so influential, that a group of his 21904:told rumrunners of revenue men in town? 19816:win back in 1995. (Rehabbed through the 19473:Per a recent rule change as a result of 18642:before the band wrote a song about her? 16239:Articles created/expanded on September 9 15294:Articles created/expanded on September 8 14504:Articles created/expanded on September 7 13692:Articles created/expanded on September 6 13326:Articles created/expanded on September 5 12899:Articles created/expanded on September 4 12446:Articles created/expanded on September 3 11996:That doesn't fix the problem, which was 11622:, meaning this nomination does not meet 11145:Articles created/expanded on September 2 9744:has three movements, but does not exist? 8401:QPQ now provided, waiting for a review. 1326:Knowledge:Did you know/Preparation areas 62:To discuss the content or layout of the 27422: 25768:Irish International Exhibtion catalogue 25119:Andrews, Julia F.; Shen, Kuiyi (2012). 24878:, a hero is more than just a sandwich? 24595:... that Singapore's first and largest 22657:, who claimed to be the future Buddha? 22651:were offering their first virginity to 20930:: ... that the title of the 1968 album 20370: 17170:caused gold and silver to rain down in 17117:caused gold and silver to rain down in 14004:2603:7000:2101:AA00:F804:C954:1D4C:5D11 12840:trio has changed faces over the years? 12419:Full review needed for both articles.-- 11499:... that a gaming chair used by Jesse " 11313:... that Jesse Vainikka, also known as 11236:2603:7000:2101:AA00:1979:BEF5:5AEC:99F4 10158:... that professional football players 9063:twenty-five consecutive times in a row? 6463:, became the longest criminal trial in 1384:needs to be addressed before promoting. 514: 14: 27969: 27282:media coverage of the Israel–Hamas war 26927:How to Live a Perfectly Imperfect Life 24190:Article is new enough and long enough 23894:Article is new enough and long enough 23692:Derbyshire Historic Environment Record 22766:the biblical command to "spare no one" 22146:: Could also use the image of the man 21192:Mitrović, Nemanja (19 February 2023). 20599:The "Act Time" in Elizabethan Theatres 20569:The World as Stage; also discussed in 20522:law in Elizabethan Renaissance theatre 19292:Template:Did you know nominations/KXXV 17516:Article is new enough and long enough 17125: 17043:Template:Did you know nominations/WHOV 16663:: ... that during the First World War 16641:Call to Arms: The British Army 1914-18 15593:Article is new enough and long enough 14753:Template:Did you know nominations/M503 14550:went by three different names in 2011? 13024:Article is new enough and long enough 12744: 11935:. This is how esports coverage looks. 11683:Article is new enough and long enough 10501:Articles created/expanded on August 31 10279:Article is new enough and long enough 8543:" despite being president of both its 8130:Articles created/expanded on August 30 8076:. Criticism of the book is frequently 8074:January 6 United States Capitol attack 7979:January 6 United States Capitol attack 7513:Articles created/expanded on August 29 7278:Article is new enough and long enough 7031:Articles created/expanded on August 28 6930:Articles created/expanded on August 27 6421:Articles created/expanded on August 26 6162:Articles created/expanded on August 25 5814:Article is new enough and long enough 5532:Article is new enough and long enough 5418:Articles created/expanded on August 24 5283:Articles created/expanded on August 23 5014:Article is new enough and long enough 4891:Articles created/expanded on August 21 4352:Articles created/expanded on August 20 4347:Articles created/expanded on August 18 4221:Article is new enough and long enough 3973:Articles created/expanded on August 17 3479:"Review of Books for Backward Readers" 3401:Articles created/expanded on August 14 3178:Article is new enough and long enough 3086:Articles created/expanded on August 11 1261:Knowledge:Did you know/Reviewing guide 1200:Last updated 19:22, 29 September 2024 1198: 453: 27811:. Nominator has 108 past nominations. 27694:. Nominator has 121 past nominations. 27372: 26960:. Nominator has 130 past nominations. 26751:. Nominator has 104 past nominations. 26209:. Nominator has 433 past nominations. 26071:. Nominator has 683 past nominations. 26010:: ... that, according to his family, 25979: 25927:. Nominator has 106 past nominations. 25848:. Nominator has 103 past nominations. 25710:. Nominator has 525 past nominations. 25461:. Nominator has 519 past nominations. 25260:. Nominator has 682 past nominations. 25205: 25156: 25045:. Nominator has 163 past nominations. 24832:. Nominator has 129 past nominations. 24601:in 1968 by comparing two halves of a 24560:. Nominator has 126 past nominations. 24496:... that "Dark Avenger", a song from 23773:Lac qui Parle County seat controversy 23765:. Nominator has 882 past nominations. 23232:. Nominator has 162 past nominations. 22857:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 22796:. Nominator has 252 past nominations. 22590:. Nominator has 881 past nominations. 22552:. Liverpool University Press. p. 44. 22166:. Nominator has 157 past nominations. 22059:. Nominator has 249 past nominations. 21961:. Nominator has 359 past nominations. 21562:. Nominator has 247 past nominations. 21180:from the original on 10 December 2023 21105:. Nominator has 251 past nominations. 20622:What We Know of the Elizabethan Stage 20290:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 20235:. Nominator has 520 past nominations. 19525:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19448:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19394:. Nominator has 523 past nominations. 19297:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19250:. Nominator has 524 past nominations. 19052:. Nominator has 417 past nominations. 19009: 18778:. Nominator has 171 past nominations. 18634:... that Canadian punk rock musician 18445:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 18398:. Nominator has 521 past nominations. 18255:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 18208:. Nominator has 522 past nominations. 17330:. Nominator has 143 past nominations. 16734:. Nominator has 875 past nominations. 16674:Emden, Richard van (15 August 2013). 16673: 16596:Middlesex Regiment alien labour units 16494:. Nominator has 431 past nominations. 16405:. Nominator has 154 past nominations. 15957: 15435:spearfishing at the Micronesian Games 15405:Spearfishing at the Micronesian Games 15201:. Nominator has 673 past nominations. 15024:. Nominator has 398 past nominations. 14974:Monument to the Venezuelan Federation 14940:Monument to the Venezuelan Federation 14858:from the original on 9 September 2024 13997:. Nominator has 396 past nominations. 13902:. Nominator has 142 past nominations. 13011:. Nominator has 250 past nominations. 12620:Ok, I shall review this (after all). 12286:. Nominator has 677 past nominations. 12219: 12164: 12157:and his return to his beloved cousin? 11837:. This leads me to believe these are 11427:("Dr. Drew") – use the legal surname. 11246:. Nominator has 160 past nominations. 10883:. Nominator has 248 past nominations. 10739:. Nominator has 249 past nominations. 8342:. Nominator has 244 past nominations. 8162:... that writer, director, and first 7839:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 7251:. Nominator has 125 past nominations. 6910:. Nominator has 106 past nominations. 5259:Indeed, new review needed for ALT1a. 3169:. Nominator has 139 past nominations. 2766:Articles created/expanded on August 7 2246:Articles created/expanded on August 5 1749:Articles created/expanded on August 4 1402:Hook should make sense grammatically. 27759:to opening an original restaurant" ( 27571: 27131:. Nominator has 80 past nominations. 26973:Old City of Gaza, Old City of Nablus 26830:. Nominator has 81 past nominations. 26643:. Nominator has 82 past nominations. 26428:. Nominator has 10 past nominations. 26385:, 2012, p 51 - google books extract 26027: 25360:. Nominator has 48 past nominations. 24461:. Nominator has 12 past nominations. 24169:Starting review. Updates to follow. 24165:. Nominator has 28 past nominations. 24076:Booby Island (Saint Kitts and Nevis) 23567:. Nominator has 79 past nominations. 23126:. Nominator has 12 past nominations. 21532:I'm going to be as tough as Chauncey 21465:. Nominator has 24 past nominations. 21243:. Nominator has 10 past nominations. 20865:The United States of America (album) 20076:. Nominator has 23 past nominations. 19994:. Nominator has 15 past nominations. 19887:. Nominator has 12 past nominations. 18956:. Nominator has 24 past nominations. 18690:. Nominator has 18 past nominations. 18350:from 1914, inspired by the works of 17966:. Nominator has 75 past nominations. 17060:. Nominator has 74 past nominations. 16836:. Nominator has 23 past nominations. 16638:Messenger, Charles (30 April 2015). 15904:. Nominator has 44 past nominations. 15475:. Nominator has 33 past nominations. 15397:. Nominator has 18 past nominations. 14776:. Nominator has 15 past nominations. 13958:, they only won five seats due to a 12803:. Nominator has 26 past nominations. 12740:were always Nuala, Nuala and Nuala? 12598:. Nominator has 23 past nominations. 12220:Jiang, Xinchen (November 26, 2020). 12165:Jiang, Xinchen (November 26, 2020). 11435:2001:14BA:9C40:0:2898:CC7C:F3E7:9062 11189:Israel at the 2024 Paris Paralympics 10691:in 2020, received coverage from the 10626:, at around 18:34 - we used to have 10182:in August 2022, and both made their 10124:Christian Albright, De'Montre Tuggle 9549:. Nominator has 48 past nominations. 9409:String Quartet No. 16 (Shostakovich) 9212:I have taken the copy edit issue to 8990:. Nominator has 18 past nominations. 8606:. Nominator has 55 past nominations. 8498:. Nominator has 56 past nominations. 8264:. Nominator has 40 past nominations. 7626:. Nominator has 50 past nominations. 6962:... that a secret CIA U-2 spy plane 6819:. Nominator has 53 past nominations. 6269:. Nominator has 59 past nominations. 5801:. Nominator has 17 past nominations. 5500:. Nominator has 76 past nominations. 5358:. Nominator has 16 past nominations. 5153:...Well, Better Than the Alternative 4962:...Well, Better Than the Alternative 4926:...Well, Better Than the Alternative 4896:...Well, Better Than the Alternative 4747:. Nominator has 13 past nominations. 4050:. Nominator has 13 past nominations. 3276:and so needs excellent verification. 3068:, let me know if any of these work. 2862:Dodge College of Film and Media Arts 2325:. Nominator has 11 past nominations. 26: 27526:Improved to Good Article status by 27451:. Nominator has 9 past nominations. 27439:Improved to Good Article status by 26545:Improved to Good Article status by 26521:a deposed East German Head of State 26471:a deposed East German Head of State 26293:Improved to Good Article status by 26191:: Images are there if you want them 25594:. Nominator has 9 past nominations. 25409: 25153:dealt duck head pills in Shanghai? 25117:; leaving politics is supported by 24767:published a book on women who were 24449:Improved to Good Article status by 24153:Improved to Good Article status by 24109:Booby Island, Saint Kitts and Nevis 23373:"Saga of Philly's 'Father Foxhole'" 23370:Fitzpatrick, Frank (Apr 15, 2018). 23313:"Saga of Philly's 'Father Foxhole'" 23310:Fitzpatrick, Frank (Apr 15, 2018). 23167:invited New Zealand prime minister 21231:Improved to Good Article status by 20970:Improved to Good Article status by 20355:2021 tornado in the Chicago suburbs 19769:One night last week, I came across 19202:is one of the earliest examples of 19079:... that Iowa state representative 16588:. Nominator has 5 past nominations. 15162:space capsule there was a replica? 15075:walked through water to become the 14894:from the original on March 29, 2024 12866:trio has had two constant members? 11197:Source: September 1, 2024 article: 11098:and using those on future noms for 10985:the most controversial band reunion 10815:the most controversial band reunion 10654:once released a "gloriously queer" 8890:. Nominator has 5 past nominations. 8878:Improved to Good Article status by 6600:. Nominator has 5 past nominations. 6131:Changed the hook to fit the words. 5983:Please address the above concerns. 4576:Additional alternative hooks below: 3746:The Encyclopaedia of School Stories 3660:The Encyclopaedia of School Stories 3572:. Nominator has 9 past nominations. 2854:: ... that Spanish cinematographer 2836:, who worked on the acclaimed film 2284:was mostly used during revolutions? 2174:Knowledge talk:WikiProject Medicine 1781:... that New Zealand mathematician 1700:View the edit history for that page 1295:Template talk:Did you know/Approved 481:Template talk:Did you know/Approved 24: 27774:John Wooden : An American Treasure 24988:, considerable controversy ensued? 21769:: ... that tacklers "bounced off" 21206:from the original on 17 March 2023 17839: 17289:drove around New York City in his 16891:President of the Australian Senate 14879: 14818:inquiry by expressing regret that 14794:"國際電影節突取消放映《去年煙花特別多》 陳果感可惜:咩都可以發生" 7579:, the younger brother of the late 6722:file sharing website, but failed? 6651:Earwig only scores 40% because of 3331:turns up any issues. More anon... 1859:, have the issues been addressed? 1451:Make sure there's a space between 25: 27998: 27738:and pies, 5-foot-9-inch (1.75 m) 26794:China's first national university 22406:probably didn't have an official 20325:2021 Naperville–Woodridge tornado 20276:, is considered the first Polish 17757:: ... that Texas chief geologist 17455:... that despite still being the 16388:File:US-$ 1-SC-1928-E-Fr.1605.jpg 13190:first began uploading content to 8572:" despite being president of its 8547:and its handball governing body? 8072:, and specifically hedges on the 7077:had been buried in shopping bags? 6343:, an initiative to stop partisan 4584:: ...that voting-rights activist 4504:: ...that voting-rights activist 4409:electoral process,” Bennett said. 4008:Guinea has a law banning abortion 2798:... that Spanish cinematographer 2555:for that party being the first.-- 1587:Check in Preview mode. Make sure 477:Template:Did you know nominations 18:Template:Did you know nominations 27918: 27486: 27419:caused many actors to drop out? 27373:Cohen, Neil (November 2, 2006). 27007: 26678: 26145: 26106: 25830:: Image is only relevant to ALT0 25762: 25676:spent three years recording the 25598: 25080: 24955: 24345: 24337: 24326: 24309: 24301: 24272: 24252: 24241: 24212: 24201: 24103: 24013: 24005: 23976: 23956: 23945: 23916: 23905: 23657: 23509: 23415: 23277: 23073:before his death was a cover of 22848: 22691: 22509: 22288: 22094: 22067:George Frederick Cumming Smillie 22001: 21853: 21775:"as if he were a brick wall"?.-- 21566: 21140: 20239: 20123: 20080: 19398: 19254: 18867: 18528: 18467: 18402: 18277: 18212: 18035: 18004:Virginia Beach Police Department 17974:Virginia Beach Police Department 17890:Nobody Knows (Shawn Mendes song) 17721: 17623: 17615: 17598: 17578: 17567: 17538: 17527: 17365: 17095: 16440: 16321:Source: Same or other in article 16271: 16202: 16145:?" Would that be okay with you? 15865:that resulted in no casualties? 15762: 15712: 15704: 15675: 15655: 15644: 15615: 15604: 15554: 15479: 15059: 14950: 14736:was named the ambassador of the 14193: 14185: 14154: 14140: 14132: 14115: 14095: 14084: 14058: 14050: 14039: 13937: 13724: 13446:was inspired by a webcomic that 13302: 13141: 13131: 13123: 13106: 13086: 13075: 13046: 13035: 12638: 12527:: ... that the graphic style of 12478: 12414: 12195:: ... that the Chinese sculptor 12127: 12045: 11776: 11767: 11754: 11734: 11722: 11705: 11694: 11602: 11469: 10546: 10540: 10447: 10398: 10390: 10361: 10341: 10330: 10301: 10290: 10063: 9953:: ... that you cannot listen to 9553: 9255: 9133: 8641: 8396: 8106:) 01:33, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 8052: 7830: 7393: 7385: 7377: 7360: 7340: 7329: 7300: 7289: 6604: 5951: 5943: 5932: 5907: 5898: 5885: 5865: 5853: 5836: 5825: 5742: 5640: 5631: 5614: 5594: 5583: 5554: 5543: 5504: 5362: 5254: 5207: 5121: 5113: 5096: 5076: 5065: 5036: 5025: 4965:" applies handmade paintings to 4795: 4751: 4662: 4321: 4313: 4299: 4291: 4271: 4260: 4243: 4232: 4158: 3923: 3576: 3288: 3280: 3268: 3262: 3248: 3228: 3217: 3200: 3189: 2991: 2897: 2740: 2629: 2391: 1873: 1379: 1374: 1373:Any outstanding issue following 1362: 1357: 461: 454: 23533:were still standing until 2024? 23069:... that the last recording by 21927:on the night of July 31, 1911? 21429:" was named after a 1971 movie? 19342:... that the 1909 Polish novel 19194:... that the 1913 Polish novel 16091:specialize in food like cheese 15358:: ... that a critic wrote that 15093:: ... that before becoming the 14450:... that researchers speculate 14390:1917 Łódź City Council election 14248:1917 Łódź City Council election 14227:1917 Łódź City Council election 14198:- all you can see is a number 5 13952:1917 Łódź City Council election 13910:1917 Łódź City Council election 12891:13:59, 20 September 2024‎ (UTC) 12261:: Personally I prefer ALT1, as 8821:from the original on 2023-10-28 8766:from the original on 2024-01-20 8701:from the original on 2023-10-28 8204:: ... that in the mockumentary 7210:Daniel Riera (April 27, 2022). 6234:after taking a morning walk in 6198:, which led to the creation of 5452:Pacific Architect & Builder 1539:Just above the line containing 1498:Closing the DYK nomination page 1307:How to promote an accepted hook 27752:'s single-game scoring record? 27744:played basketball under coach 27565: 27548: 26874:11:34, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 26844:09:52, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 26034:. Asian Art Museum. pp. 1–14. 25883:... that Indian street artist 25782:Irish International Exhibition 25724:11:47, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 25637:16:06, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 25617:14:42, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 24917:02:19, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 24888:02:14, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 24859:01:35, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 24771:with two men at the same time? 24387:19:13, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 24179:15:27, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 24065:12:14, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 24049:12:14, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 23622:06:04, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 23604:00:53, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 23472:18:23, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 23455:15:26, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 23441:15:23, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 22950:almost a decade after its end? 22888:03:43, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 22867:05:06, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 22844:02:55, 22 September 2024 (UTC) 22811:17:14, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 22725:07:02, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 22365:14:09, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 21808:15:49, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 21794:15:46, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 21761:11:01, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 21715:23:54, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 21690:23:43, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 21645:14:45, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 21608:11:04, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 21384:01:17, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 21357:20:09, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 21019:22:17, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 20315:04:39, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 20300:04:14, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 20274:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 20266:How about this ALT1: ... that 20255:20:15, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 20142:11:17, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 20119:11:26, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 19573:02:23, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 19535:02:16, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 19502:02:07, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 19458:16:17, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 19430:14:39, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 19307:02:03, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 19286:14:39, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 19156:00:32, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 19139:10:24, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 19103:... that state representative 18834:14:15, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 18808:10:07, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 18601:09:09, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 18491:18:07, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 18455:02:12, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 18434:14:39, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 18301:18:06, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 18265:02:48, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 18244:14:39, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 18119:14:08, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 18081:12:15, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 17879:18:19, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 17686:18:18, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 17662:17:21, 29 September 2024 (UTC) 17239:16:00, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 17223:21:23, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 17209:20:36, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 17191:06:31, 13 September 2024 (UTC) 16971:13:05, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 16959:Women in the Australian Senate 16944:10:23, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 16865:01:08, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 16680:. A&C Black. pp. 246–249. 16233:12:39, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 16186:00:50, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 16170:00:49, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 16127:14:05, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 16067:14:02, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 16029:12:47, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 16013:10:49, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 15780:21:11, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 15754:18:59, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 14873: 14838: 14622:... that the extension to the 14454:forms crystals on sugar while 14406:01:13, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 14373:00:51, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 13730:Two Empirical Labs Distressors 13680:18:31, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 13664:12:14, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 13627:01:17, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 13611:01:04, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 13584:may not know what "terza rima" 13316:18:10, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 13289:17:22, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 12904:Gigi Perez, Sailor Song (song) 12827:01:55, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 12699:05:18, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 12677:05:13, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 12634:04:34, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 12557:has been bending the rules of 12392:Per above, requesting IAR for 12143:... that the Chinese sculptor 12092:21:18, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 12082:same thing as in the article. 12077:15:23, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 12058:12:50, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 12025:15:23, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 12008:12:14, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 11992:06:20, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 11971:23:16, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 11945:04:27, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 11927:20:04, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 11898:self-published sources should 11887:19:42, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 11868:16:22, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 11808:07:21, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 11670:05:42, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 11649:21:48, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 11598:05:00, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 11125:02:43, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 11090:02:27, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 11061:02:17, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 10929:I have. That's a double nom.-- 10493:22:38, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 10477:12:02, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 10116:12:25, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 10093:02:58, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 10051:01:00, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 10021:00:14, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 9927:18:45, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 9902:10:28, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 9403:23:42, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 9372:21:36, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 9345:20:12, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 9317:19:46, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 9285:00:20, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 9243:04:03, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 9226:19:05, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 9193:14:38, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 8411:22:13, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 8124:16:10, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 7849:02:11, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 7499:00:28, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 7478:00:02, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 7461:14:34, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 6924:05:30, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 6762:file sharing website, but the 6677:14:29, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 6643:11:43, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 6554:YSL Records racketeering trial 6536:YSL Records racketeering trial 6518:YSL Records racketeering trial 6492:YSL Records racketeering trial 6456:YSL Records racketeering trial 6426:YSL Records racketeering trial 6154:13:40, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 6141:13:09, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 6119:13:05, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 6101:11:56, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 5707:13:43, 28 September 2024 (UTC) 5684:19:29, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 5521:21:20, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 5412:22:42, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 5392:10:55, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 5269:11:09, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 5250:10:42, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 5231:18:56, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 5202:17:41, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 5181:17:05, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 4875:11:13, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 4861:10:44, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 4847:06:16, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 4825:00:53, 26 September 2024 (UTC) 4677:03:13, 22 September 2024 (UTC) 4202:22:12, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 4182:21:26, 18 September 2024 (UTC) 4150:17:15, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 4105:09:51, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 3953:00:50, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 3919:04:55, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 3849:10:10, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 3820:00:17, 16 September 2024 (UTC) 3790:03:04, 13 September 2024 (UTC) 3721:00:55, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 3395:22:16, 24 September 2024 (UTC) 3362:20:49, 19 September 2024 (UTC) 3343:14:53, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 3323:14:28, 17 September 2024 (UTC) 3078:20:36, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 3023:15:46, 27 September 2024 (UTC) 2987:10:09, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 2760:10:06, 25 September 2024 (UTC) 2736:21:35, 23 September 2024 (UTC) 2701:09:17, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2678:06:34, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2653:11:43, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 2625:11:31, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 2611:11:29, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 2588:11:26, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 2574:10:45, 14 September 2024 (UTC) 2547:08:25, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 2526:08:12, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 2498:05:01, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 2480:04:07, 12 September 2024 (UTC) 2466:09:45, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 2443:03:50, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 2429:23:14, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 2234:05:50, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2212:05:37, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2192:19:07, 22 September 2024 (UTC) 2156:16:29, 22 September 2024 (UTC) 2131:05:32, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2118:05:09, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2103:05:04, 21 September 2024 (UTC) 2007:19:12, 20 September 2024 (UTC) 1969:18:55, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 1935:Here's the full news article: 1931:18:48, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 1902:08:45, 11 September 2024 (UTC) 1888:17:58, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 1869:07:45, 10 September 2024 (UTC) 1427:you intend to add the hook to. 491: 13: 1: 27901:Special occasion holding area 26276:Google-translated from French 25915:Converted from a redirect by 25474:Michael Chisholm (geographer) 25202:. Shanghai: Millard's Review. 25115:. Shanghai: Millard's Review. 24603:United States one-dollar bill 23669:... that part of the site of 21720:experts on wordsmithing like 21453:Converted from a redirect by 21093:Converted from a redirect by 20542:The Third Murderer in Macbeth 20444:School of the Arts, Singapore 20410:School of the Arts, Singapore 20272:, inspired by the history of 17954:Converted from a redirect by 17107:... that after obtaining the 15861:saw an engagement during the 15578:19:25, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 15546:19:20, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 15521:19:05, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 14880:Lo, Zabrina (20 March 2024). 14854:(in Chinese). 10 March 2024. 14846:"「找不到合適拷貝」 國際電影節撤播《去年煙花特別多 》" 14484:Converted from a redirect by 14352:22:53, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 14326:21:50, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 14311:19:19, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 14281:19:28, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 14264:19:23, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 14027:10:37, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 14012:03:51, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 13259:15:18, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 13232:22:41, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 13165:17:29, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 12616:18:49, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 12438:01:32, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12406:01:27, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12380:01:27, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12366:01:24, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12335:01:07, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 12317:00:42, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 11894:biographies of living persons 11576:18:06, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 11542:11:07, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 11485:06:19, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 11461:07:45, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 11443:19:08, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 11423:("J.Lo"); doctor/broadcaster 11019:08:46, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 10977:06:31, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 10948:05:55, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 10925:04:29, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 10687:Slag Wars: The Next Destroyer 10674:: ... that the porn star duo 10641:Slag Wars: The Next Destroyer 10607:Slag Wars: The Next Destroyer 10578:Slag Wars: The Next Destroyer 10530:Slag Wars: The Next Destroyer 10463:the hook is far too long per 10240:in 2022, and both made their 9860:00:54, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 9830:00:26, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 9815:23:30, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 9168:04:32, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 8935:to help predict the forecast? 8392:03:56, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 8378:03:55, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 7819:that in oral cultures people 7714:12:02, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 7687:11:52, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 7662:10:09, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 7432:01:31, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 7153:22:47, 4 September 2024 (UTC) 6965:crash-landed in Japan in 1959 6489:'s lawyer claimed during the 6080:02:18, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 6052:01:53, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 6018:00:08, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 5993:23:37, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 5789:Converted from a redirect by 4791:08:25, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 3635:23:42, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 3004:Please propose another ALT.-- 2383:00:16, 9 September 2024 (UTC) 2365:23:38, 8 September 2024 (UTC) 2313:Converted from a redirect by 2281:liberalism in the Philippines 2251:Liberalism in the Philippines 1852:19:51, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 1724:asking someone else to do so. 1647:How to remove a rejected hook 27889:). Number of QPQs required: 27807:). Number of QPQs required: 27690:). Number of QPQs required: 27663:History of Oregon, Volume II 27534:). Number of QPQs required: 27447:). Number of QPQs required: 27425:Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds 27411:Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds 27361:Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds 27330:Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds 27318:). Number of QPQs required: 27276:The New York Times Simulator 27243:The New York Times Simulator 27212:The New York Times Simulator 27200:). Number of QPQs required: 27127:). Number of QPQs required: 26956:). Number of QPQs required: 26826:). Number of QPQs required: 26747:). Number of QPQs required: 26694:is in the collection of the 26639:). Number of QPQs required: 26553:). Number of QPQs required: 26424:). Number of QPQs required: 26301:). Number of QPQs required: 26067:). Number of QPQs required: 25988:(in Chinese). Archived from 25923:). Number of QPQs required: 25889:, working pseudonymously as 25844:). Number of QPQs required: 25706:). 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Number of QPQs required: 22736:Genocide in the Hebrew Bible 22683:). Number of QPQs required: 22586:). Number of QPQs required: 22470:). Number of QPQs required: 22349:). Number of QPQs required: 22249:). Number of QPQs required: 22162:). Number of QPQs required: 22055:). Number of QPQs required: 21957:). Number of QPQs required: 21558:). Number of QPQs required: 21461:). Number of QPQs required: 21325:). Number of QPQs required: 21239:). Number of QPQs required: 21166:Kalaba, Ana (9 March 2020). 21101:). Number of QPQs required: 20993:the United States of America 20978:). Number of QPQs required: 20934:The United States of America 20900:The United States of America 20853:). Number of QPQs required: 20748:White Noise (Will Wood song) 20736:). Number of QPQs required: 20648:). Number of QPQs required: 20480:). Number of QPQs required: 20398:). Number of QPQs required: 20231:). Number of QPQs required: 20072:). Number of QPQs required: 19990:). Number of QPQs required: 19883:). 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Number of QPQs required: 10236:in 2020, both waived by the 9545:). Number of QPQs required: 9125:). Number of QPQs required: 8986:). Number of QPQs required: 8886:). Number of QPQs required: 8842:. 2023-12-08. Archived from 8720:. 2023-12-08. Archived from 8602:). Number of QPQs required: 8494:). Number of QPQs required: 8338:). Number of QPQs required: 8260:). Number of QPQs required: 8044:). Number of QPQs required: 7969:was his second published by 7792:). Number of QPQs required: 7622:). Number of QPQs required: 7247:). Number of QPQs required: 7135:). Number of QPQs required: 7019:). Number of QPQs required: 6972:mystery and cover-up, later 6906:). Number of QPQs required: 6815:). Number of QPQs required: 6782:Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda 6755:Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda 6715:Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda 6685:Félag hljómplötuframleiðenda 6596:). Number of QPQs required: 6511:: ... that song lyrics from 6409:). Number of QPQs required: 6369:was created to end partisan 6265:). Number of QPQs required: 5797:). Number of QPQs required: 5496:). Number of QPQs required: 5354:). Number of QPQs required: 4997:). Number of QPQs required: 4743:). Number of QPQs required: 4717:Second Adrian Hasler cabinet 4683:Second Adrian Hasler cabinet 4491:Additional source for ALT1: 4465:Two alternative hooks below: 4430:). Number of QPQs required: 4046:). Number of QPQs required: 3568:). Number of QPQs required: 3165:). Number of QPQs required: 2889:). Number of QPQs required: 2321:). Number of QPQs required: 1923:, and some other patients. – 1836:). Number of QPQs required: 1703:Go back to the last version 7: 27638:and his predecessor in the 25678:deaths of tens of thousands 25342:: Other hook ideas welcome! 25196:Powell, J. B., ed. (1925). 25109:Powell, J. B., ed. (1925). 24973:... that when the painting 24427:educate the people of Wales 24352: 24283: 24223: 24183: 24024: 23987: 23927: 23887: 23694:. Derbyshire County Council 22900:divinely commanded genocide 21657:I'll probably have to cite 21025:Talk Talk (Charli XCX song) 20702:, a national university in 20571:Their Exits and Reentrances 19867:Peep and the Big Wide World 18540:... that the facade of the 18049:more sources needed section 17825:... that the Buddhist monk 17630: 17549: 17509: 15886:: Other hook ideas welcome! 15723: 15686: 15626: 15586: 14330:I know a bit about how pre- 14201: 14066: 13582:Given that general readers 13270:Please address the above.-- 13057: 13017: 11783: 11676: 11100:Talk Talk (Charli XCX song) 10443:14:41, 30 August 2024 (UTC) 10409: 10372: 10312: 10272: 9780:21:20, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 9718:15:35, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 9677:11:41, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 9662:10:13, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 9642:08:04, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 9602:08:02, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 8953:: ... that the weather app 8031:00:31, 30 August 2024 (UTC) 7583:, led a team archiving the 7401: 7311: 7271: 7266:19:20, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 7214:(in Spanish). Big Bang News 7190:El Eternauta: tercera parte 7159:El Eternauta: tercera parte 5962: 5914: 5807: 5647: 5565: 5525: 5129: 5047: 5007: 4773:18:14, 27 August 2024 (UTC) 4654:01:44, 30 August 2024 (UTC) 4566:02:40, 29 August 2024 (UTC) 4541:01:39, 29 August 2024 (UTC) 4455:13:48, 27 August 2024 (UTC) 4333: 4214: 4086:Please address the above.-- 4071:06:27, 17 August 2024 (UTC) 3610:23:16, 29 August 2024 (UTC) 3540:Filler project in light of 3387:so we should do the same. 3171: 2960:05:47, 28 August 2024 (UTC) 2946:03:38, 28 August 2024 (UTC) 2912:11:28, 16 August 2024 (UTC) 2553:an end-of-sentence citation 2170:Knowledge talk:Did you know 1413:Steps to add a hook to prep 1216:Instructions for nominators 500: 68:Knowledge talk:Did you know 10: 28003: 27904: 27427:. Ariztical Entertainment. 27045:Awad, Jihad (2017-01-15). 27014:Church of Saint Porphyrius 26409:who added the category of 25968:compiled 171 portraits of 24928:Pleasure Garden (painting) 24057:Theodor Langhorne Franklin 24041:Theodor Langhorne Franklin 23346:, who participated in the 22434:laughed when he found out 20584:: ... that because of the 19198:The Cross and the Crescent 18915:sarcastically caricatured 16747:Margaret Reid (politician) 14806:(in Chinese). 9 March 2024 14363:Please address the above. 13956:(campaign poster pictured) 13331:Come In (Weatherday album) 12345:literally every other time 11397:reliable secondary sources 9326:organisations in the US.-- 9183:Please address the above. 9088:AdventHealth Daytona Beach 9059:has won an "A" grade from 9056:AdventHealth Daytona Beach 9028:AdventHealth Daytona Beach 8998:AdventHealth Daytona Beach 8574:National Olympic Committee 8545:National Olympic Committee 7202:, even though he was dead? 4133:Vigilant Cosmic Penguin 🐧 3625:Please address the above. 2578:What do you mean by that? 1421:In a second tab, open the 1268:Template talk:Did you know 1258: 1255:Instructions for reviewers 1239:Frequently asked questions 1219: 474: 467: 66:page itself, please go to 27642:provisional government’s 26987:( Article history links: 25986:Southern Metropolis Daily 25534:: ... that Cambridge don 25212:Southern Metropolis Daily 25163:Southern Metropolis Daily 24849:, men are just desserts? 23378:The Philadelphia Inquirer 23318:The Philadelphia Inquirer 23289:... that Marine chaplain 23085:Hixtape: Vol. 3: Difftape 23042:Hixtape: Vol. 3: Difftape 22527:described his 1982 piece 22294:Kesaria Abramidze in 2020 22007:Portal at the Paralympics 21859:The Ansorge Hotel in 2007 20609:English Renaissance plays 19944:Source: Pages 568–569 of 19091:... that Iowa politician 19067:... that Iowa politician 18999:Assistant Minority Leader 17760:Benjamin Franklin Shumard 17736:Benjamin Franklin Shumard 17694:Benjamin Franklin Shumard 17101:Statue of Shin Iza Gawna. 14930:( Article history links: 13697:Empirical Labs Distressor 13198:: ... that the lyrics of 12918:( Article history links: 10761:( Article history links: 10520:( Article history links: 10138:( Article history links: 8925:... that the weather app 8021:, to November 6. Thanks, 7973:, after being dropped by 7722:List of oral repositories 6978:Soviet Air Defence Forces 6827:Michael P. Walsh (Jesuit) 6752:: ... that in 2007–2008, 6337:: ... that advocates for 4514:effort in Mississippi on 3542:higher-priority AFC tasks 1354:approved nominations page 423: 407: 395: 381: 369: 364: 352: 340: 335: 323: 311: 299: 287: 282: 270: 258: 253: 241: 229: 217: 205: 200: 188: 176: 164: 152: 140: 135: 123: 111: 99: 87: 82: 77: 27734:... that before selling 27656:Source: On p. 11 of the 27063:10.2495/ha-v1-n3-451-460 26684:The Irish Museum of Time 26256:a former textile factory 26000:– via Guangdong Library. 23207:wrote the bio but she's 23079:Ships That Don't Come In 21066:" about her experience? 20358:had over four times the 20099:a plan to improve itself 19204:military science fiction 19001:of the Democratic House? 16786:House of Representatives 16138:Jewish dairy restaurants 16089:Jewish dairy restaurants 15158:believed that a genuine 15155:New York Hall of Science 15140:New York Hall of Science 15118:New York Hall of Science 15102:director, the physicist 15096:New York Hall of Science 15078:New York Hall of Science 15032:New York Hall of Science 13398:were put up for sale on 12294:was 1311 characters and 12153:to commemorate both the 11616:designated as unreliable 10559:the first drag girl band 10206:Albright waived by Bears 10184:Canadian Football League 9031:is the home of the 10th 7196:Héctor Germán Oesterheld 6764:Supreme Court of Iceland 5748:The track of Typhoon Nat 4118:legal abortion in Guinea 3887:The Christmas Bookseller 3496:10.1080/0156655570030308 2670:Nineteen Ninety-Four guy 2087:why do you say it's not 1482:templates) at the bottom 1266:Look through this page, 27650:just three years apart? 27584:The Wall Street Journal 26368:Walter Campbell Smith's 25228:(via Guangdong Library) 25122:The Art of Modern China 24508:, is narrated by actor 23081:" on the tribute album 21530:, Thorpe told himself, 20130:"unusual or intriguing" 17338:Cannonball (MILW train) 16535:published a trilingual 15946:Jewish dairy restaurant 15912:Jewish dairy restaurant 15863:1959 Viqueque rebellion 15071:... that the physicist 14971:, first hoisted at the 13150:: "... that songwriter 12657:Volunteer Response Team 11961:Special:Diff/1247579253's about page 11620:WikiProject Video games 11187:won a bronze medal for 10843:(triple nom, see below) 10574:who went on to present 10172:Mid-American Conference 9976:: ... that there is no 9469:: ... that there is no 8933:satellite constellation 8800:Source: Multiple again: 8382:I will do it tomorrow. 8112:to look it over after. 8057:Copying a comment from 8013:and in accordance with 7977:for his support of the 7595:as a tribute to Aaron? 7551:is the face behind the 7108:undocumented immigrants 7071:undocumented immigrants 6712:... that in 2007–2008, 5288:Typhoon Virginia (1957) 3546:this August 2024 filing 3484:The Slow Learning Child 2551:Better, but you'd need 2216:Here's another source, 2135:I clicked through your 1595:, at the top or bottom. 1352:Select a hook from the 27987:Knowledge Did you know 27310:Moved to mainspace by 27018:Katib al-Wilaya Mosque 26818:Moved to mainspace by 26381:Source: Cherry Lewis, 25397:collectible card games 23869:Moved to mainspace by 23753:Moved to mainspace by 23399:Moved to mainspace by 23220:Moved to mainspace by 22913:Stadionverbot Decision 22578:Moved to mainspace by 22154:Moved to mainspace by 22100:Chief Running Antelope 21550:Moved to mainspace by 19924:William Lloyd Garrison 19862:single-purpose account 18076:egg-throwing coleslaw? 17282:Charles Biasiny-Rivera 17279:... that photographer 17252:Charles Biasiny-Rivera 16393:Moved to mainspace by 13985:Moved to mainspace by 13874:Moved to mainspace by 13786:Moved to mainspace by 13479:Moved to mainspace by 13402:for as much as $ 100? 12975:Moved to mainspace by 12752:: ... that Anne, Sue, 12548:: ... that cartoonist 11933:self-published sources 11839:self-published sources 11399:refer to persons by a 11030:I have just published 10873:TheBestEditorInEngland 10727:Moved to mainspace by 10637:: ... that the future 10210:Tuggle waived by Bears 9506:, and does not exist? 8594:Moved to mainspace by 8486:Moved to mainspace by 8458:' Minister of Health? 8175:is a "self-proclaimed 8036:Moved to mainspace by 7637:Please provide a QPQ. 7239:Moved to mainspace by 6898:Moved to mainspace by 6551:: ... that during the 6533:: ... that during the 5321:also damaged 14 ships? 4714:was expelled from the 4038:Moved to mainspace by 3914:egg-throwing coleslaw? 3890:. December 1894. p. 11 3785:egg-throwing coleslaw? 3368:I can't find a single 2804:drew inspiration from 1803:Greymouth Evening Star 1541: 1432: 1282: 408:To ping the DYK admins 83:Introduction and rules 57: 27982:Main Page discussions 26343:Walter Campbell Smith 26313:Walter Campbell Smith 25421:expandable card games 25402:expandable card games 25395:... that compared to 23663:Swadlincote ski slope 22404:Guantanamo Bay prison 20906:band of the same name 20362:it reasonably needed? 20278:collectible card game 20192:collectible card game 20134:~~ AirshipJungleman29 19764:Not for long, though. 19752:. Quoting the former: 19696:) for influencing me. 18472:Full review needed.-- 18282:Full review needed.-- 18132:Od Warszawy do Ojcowa 17465:never made it to the 16961:if that's alright. – 16780:was appointed to the 15559:Full review needed.-- 15137:: ... that after the 14962:... that the current 14905:Miriam Yeung in 2011. 14632:was being bidded for? 13751:the same effects unit 13536:poet to write in the 11658:User:TechnoSquirrel69 10681:(pictured separately) 10652:(pictured separately) 10618:(pictured separately) 10572:(pictured separately) 10565:took their name from 10469:~~ AirshipJungleman29 10002:String Quartet No. 16 9979:String Quartet No. 16 9960:String Quartet No. 16 9741:String Quartet No. 16 9696:String Quartet No. 16 9499:String Quartet No. 16 9472:String Quartet No. 16 9443:String Quartet No. 16 8166:on-air presenter for 8164:Indigenous Australian 7821:serve as repositories 7106:to save the lives of 6990:(Click on "page 151") 6777:multi-platinum status 6768:Source: Same as above 6575:Thomas Bertrand-Hudon 5261:~~ AirshipJungleman29 5126:- See comments below. 4853:~~ AirshipJungleman29 4817:~~ AirshipJungleman29 4594:, Mississippi's 1964 4163:Full review needed.-- 4082:Vigilantcosmicpenguin 4040:Vigilantcosmicpenguin 3882:. By Skelton Kuppord" 3459:The Liverpool Mercury 3297:and/or expression of 2484:that's not "mostly". 1540: 1431: 1281: 125:Reviewer instructions 64:Template:Did you know 56: 27389:on February 24, 2007 27379:is Back for Seconds" 26862:Hundred Days' Reform 26697:Irish Museum of Time 26651:Irish Museum of Time 25625:UndercoverClassicist 25612:UndercoverClassicist 25501:... that geographer 25368:Expandable card game 24261:copyright violations 23965:copyright violations 23337:: ... that Chaplain 22940:... that the German 21772:Chauncey Archiquette 21702:Chauncey Archiquette 21628:Chauncey Archiquette 21503:Chauncey Archiquette 21473:Chauncey Archiquette 20700:Jamia Millia Islamia 20109:Sure, looks better. 19010:Silag, Bill (2001). 18919:like no one before? 18873:Marie Marcks in 2006 18163:From Warsaw to Ojców 18054:banner, which fails 17587:copyright violations 16115:A bit long perhaps? 15664:copyright violations 14979:Francisco de Miranda 14965:flag of Falcón state 14956:Flag of Falcón state 14935:Flag of Falcón state 14104:copyright violations 13868:: Alt hooks welcome! 13095:copyright violations 12575:Moses Benjamin Wulff 12232:on September 1, 2024 12177:on September 1, 2024 11743:copyright violations 10568:a pair of porn stars 10350:copyright violations 9091:was originally from 8661:Great Mosque of Gaza 8451:İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra 8421:İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra 8082:running for his life 7975:Simon & Schuster 7349:copyright violations 7063:... that efforts by 6766:dismissed the case? 5874:copyright violations 5772:Hong Kong Government 5603:copyright violations 5160:footage of musician 5085:copyright violations 4280:copyright violations 3880:Hammond's Hard Lines 3869:Hammond's Hard Lines 3733:Hammond's Hard Lines 3647:Hammond's Hard Lines 3513:Taylor & Francis 3490:(3): 173–183. 1957. 3438:Hammond's Hard Lines 3406:Hammond's Hard Lines 3237:copyright violations 1784:Laurence Patrick Lee 1754:Laurence Patrick Lee 219:Prepper instructions 27558:The Daily Telegraph 26523:stay in his house? 26501:stay in his house? 24984:was offered to the 23240:Current nominations 22696:Neither hook meets 20592:Elizabethan theatre 20096:'s government made 20002:AmBisyon Natin 2040 19713:The Book of Virtues 19652:. 1992-08-23. p. F2 19650:New York Daily News 18311:Czarodziejski okręt 17936:American Songwriter 17162:philosopher's stone 17109:philosopher's stone 17017:gets naked in her " 16626:companies of aliens 16551:dictionary in 1587? 11395:When a majority of 11096:The Cock Destroyers 11036:Abortion in Senegal 10994:", Noel's daughter 10824:", Noel's daughter 10790:Oasis Live '25 Tour 10771:Oasis Live '25 Tour 10695:after going viral? 10677:The Cock Destroyers 10648:The Cock Destroyers 10614:The Cock Destroyers 10603:once described the 10592:for everything else 10525:The Cock Destroyers 10506:The Cock Destroyers 10174:in 2020, were both 9997:Dmitri Shostakovich 9984:Dmitri Shostakovich 9955:Dmitri Shostakovich 9736:Dmitri Shostakovich 9691:Dmitri Shostakovich 9494:Dmitri Shostakovich 9477:Dmitri Shostakovich 9438:Dmitri Shostakovich 7200:viewpoint character 6758:tried to close the 6718:tried to close the 6459:, involving rapper 4481:reproductive rights 4392:reproductive rights 3750:. Ashgate. p. 211. 3664:. Ashgate. p. 211. 3462:. 1901-12-12. p. 10 2336:There are multiple 1493:Save the Prep page. 1302:Advanced procedures 142:Nominate an article 27034:Old City of Nablus 27025:... that both the 26997:Old City of Nablus 26527:Christianity Today 26505:Christianity Today 26481:Christianity Today 26473:stay in his house? 26407:User: P.d.gunstone 26160:: ... that at the 25895:Google Street View 25673:Kazimierz Sakowicz 25643:Kazimierz Sakowicz 25199:Who's Who in China 25112:Who's Who in China 24868:that according to 24839:that according to 24269:close paraphrasing 23973:close paraphrasing 23808:Madison, Minnesota 23715:Granville Colliery 23672:Granville Colliery 23630:Granville Colliery 22523:... that sculptor 21421:Tyler, the Creator 21374:'" be more clear? 21347:Talk to me, Billy 21155:Karađorđeva šnicla 21113:Karađorđeva šnicla 20986:Not a review, but 20132:in the slightest. 19950:Newburyport Herald 19703:tender loving care 19167:Krzyż i półksiężyc 17595:close paraphrasing 17375:in Milwaukee, 1966 16174:Sure sounds good. 15672:close paraphrasing 15183:: More hooks later 14824:The Longest Summer 14820:The Longest Summer 14798:The Longest Summer 14423:Tempered chocolate 14112:close paraphrasing 13538:rhyming verse form 13103:close paraphrasing 12928:Sailor Song (song) 12394:Zhuhai Fisher Girl 12296:Zhuhai Fisher Girl 12264:Zhuhai Fisher Girl 12205:Zhuhai Fisher Girl 12135:Zhuhai Fisher Girl 12042:this earwig report 11751:close paraphrasing 11381:Responding to this 11332:: ... that Jesse " 11040:Abortion in Africa 10841:Abortion in Africa 10793:, Noel's daughter 10358:close paraphrasing 10223:Christian Albright 10194:Albright at 10161:Christian Albright 10143:Christian Albright 9061:The Leapfrog Group 8669:university library 7918:Cosmetic Playlover 7357:close paraphrasing 6914:I'll review this. 6876:The New York Times 5882:close paraphrasing 5715:Typhoon Nat (1991) 5611:close paraphrasing 5093:close paraphrasing 4832:AirshipJungleman29 4602:Source for ALT2a: 4596:voter registration 4590:aimed to recreate 4512:voter registration 4510:based a 2017 mass 4288:close paraphrasing 3978:Abortion in Guinea 3548:at the Literature 3293:- "Believed" is a 3245:close paraphrasing 3053:Dani Sanchez-Lopez 3037:Dani Sanchez-Lopez 2857:Dani Sanchez-Lopez 2833:Dani Sanchez-Lopez 2771:Dani Sanchez-Lopez 2405:improve categories 1515:{{subst:DYKsubpage 1503:At the upper left 517:Count of DYK Hooks 342:... by nominations 231:Admin instructions 101:General discussion 27883:Rollinginhisgrave 27429: 27290: 26692:anchor escapement 26529: 26507: 26390: 26176: 26140: 26127:featured dancing 26046: 26040:978-0-939117-33-8 25992:on 12 August 2022 25900: 25815: 25793: 25683: 25434: 25412: 25327: 25308: 25229: 25218:on 12 August 2022 25180: 25169:on 12 August 2022 25131:978-0-520-23814-5 24649:The Bear season 2 24363: 24362: 24319: 24318: 24282: 24281: 24238:Adequate sourcing 24222: 24221: 24035: 24034: 24031:: None required. 24023: 24022: 23986: 23985: 23942:Adequate sourcing 23926: 23925: 23740: 23389: 23006: 23000:978-3-7489-1119-7 22663: 22641: 22629:religious figure 22598:Khun Tan (mystic) 22558:978-0-85323-989-5 22446: 22303:Kesaria Abramidze 22261:Kesaria Abramidze 22231: 22109:portrait engraver 22013:... that swimmer 21934: 21908: 21523:Carlisle Vs. Army 21216: 21072: 20835: 20695:Gerda Philipsborn 20665:Gerda Philipsborn 20624: 20601: 20578: 20197: 19946:this dissertation 19846:Wikitrivia note: 19778:status report at 19627:children's lineup 19622:'s answer to the 19517:Narutolovehinata5 19356: 19212: 19144:Narutolovehinata5 18925: 18817:Narutolovehinata5 18663: 18360: 18170: 18079: 17841: 17833:Pyusawhti militia 17831:founded an armed 17766: 17641: 17640: 17637:: None required. 17608: 17607: 17564:Adequate sourcing 17548: 17547: 17127: 16910:Knowledge Library 16782:Australian Senate 16709: 16686:978-1-4088-3981-2 16669:did no fighting? 16650:978-1-78022-759-7 16644:. Orion. p. 121. 16467: 16367: 16346: 16322: 15871: 15849: 15827: 15734: 15733: 15722: 15721: 15685: 15684: 15641:Adequate sourcing 15625: 15624: 15372: 15168: 15146: 15131: 15109: 15087: 14828:Made in Hong Kong 14745: 14676:Yumeshima Station 14625:Yumeshima Station 14595:Yumeshima Station 14547:Nan Nan Resources 14509:Nan Nan Resources 14486:Rollinginhisgrave 14394:(poster pictured) 14332:German Revolution 14252:(poster pictured) 14231:(poster pictured) 14212: 14211: 14125: 14124: 14081:Adequate sourcing 13459: 13432: 13408: 13116: 13115: 13072:Adequate sourcing 13056: 13055: 12956: 12880: 12854: 12776: 12746: 12651:Los Angeles Times 12567: 12542: 12242: 12155:handover of Macau 11925: 11866: 11794: 11793: 11790:: None required. 11719:Adequate sourcing 11715: 11714: 11647: 11614:, which has been 11352: 11325: 11305: 11032:Filthy Lucre Tour 11026:Narutolovehinata5 10991:Filthy Lucre Tour 10821:Filthy Lucre Tour 10805: 10776:Filthy Lucre Tour 10701: 10668: 10631: 10630:about the episode 10620:as "terrifying"? 10593: 10420: 10419: 10416:: None required. 10408: 10407: 10371: 10370: 10327:Adequate sourcing 10311: 10310: 10202:2020 All-MAC team 10008: 9989: 9970: 9934:Narutolovehinata5 9913:Narutolovehinata5 9750:Narutolovehinata5 9699:does not exist?-- 9513: 9486: 9200:Narutolovehinata5 8965: 8855: 8830: 8801: 8579: 8556: 8465: 8231: 7910: 7901:Shinichi Ishizuka 7868:Shinichi Ishizuka 7805:oral repositories 7752:oral repositories 7698:Narutolovehinata5 7669:Narutolovehinata5 7601: 7412: 7411: 7370: 7369: 7326:Adequate sourcing 7310: 7309: 7194:kept its creator 7117: 6792: 6769: 6746: 6623:potential copyvio 6567: 6545: 6527: 6505: 6467:'s state history? 6383: 6357: 6277:2024 Ohio Issue 1 6244: 5973: 5972: 5961: 5960: 5850:Adequate sourcing 5846: 5845: 5682: 5658: 5657: 5624: 5623: 5580:Adequate sourcing 5564: 5563: 5457:Albert Bumgardner 5423:Albert Bumgardner 5140: 5139: 5136:: None required. 5106: 5105: 5062:Adequate sourcing 5046: 5045: 4979: 4973:through EBsynth? 4633:Source for ALT3: 4522:Source for ALT2: 4485:electoral process 4396:electoral process 4344: 4343: 4257:Adequate sourcing 4253: 4252: 4147: 3917: 3788: 3214:Adequate sourcing 3210: 3209: 3066:User:Launchballer 2869: 2848: 2824: 1744:Older nominations 1604: 1603: 1213: 1212: 1209: 452: 451: 354:... by promotions 336:List of users ... 154:Awaiting approval 51: 50: 16:(Redirected from 27994: 27597: 27596: 27594: 27592: 27580: 27575:(2 April 2011). 27569: 27563: 27562: 27552: 27490: 27428: 27420: 27398: 27396: 27394: 27385:. Archived from 27285: 27099: 27093: 27092: 27077: 27028:Old City of Gaza 27011: 26992:Old City of Gaza 26858: 26705: 26682: 26595:Harold C. Hinton 26565:Harold C. Hinton 26524: 26502: 26380: 26171: 26151:Paralympic flame 26149: 26135: 26110: 26044: 26025: 26022:Emperor of China 26020:in front of the 26001: 25999: 25997: 25898: 25806: 25802:Clare embroidery 25788: 25777:Clare embroidery 25766: 25735:Clare embroidery 25681: 25602: 25504:Michael Chisholm 25429: 25406: 25321: 25302: 25227: 25225: 25223: 25203: 25193: 25178: 25176: 25174: 25154: 25135: 25116: 25084: 24966:Frances Hodgkins 24959: 24532: 24530: 24528: 24353: 24349: 24348: 24344:Clear at 100px: 24341: 24340: 24330: 24329: 24313: 24312: 24305: 24304: 24284: 24276: 24275: 24256: 24255: 24245: 24244: 24224: 24216: 24215: 24205: 24204: 24184: 24107: 24025: 24017: 24016: 24009: 24008: 23988: 23980: 23979: 23960: 23959: 23949: 23948: 23928: 23920: 23919: 23909: 23908: 23888: 23839:Johannes B. Wist 23810:, 15 miles away? 23739: 23737: 23735: 23719: 23703: 23701: 23699: 23661: 23590: 23587: 23584: 23577: 23513: 23466: 23435: 23419: 23388: 23386: 23384: 23375: 23367: 23340:Francis W. Kelly 23328: 23326: 23324: 23315: 23292:Francis W. Kelly 23281: 23250:Francis W. Kelly 23004: 22987: 22884: 22863: 22852: 22840: 22711: 22708: 22705: 22695: 22658: 22636: 22562: 22525:Moelwyn Merchant 22513: 22441: 22292: 22229: 22225:Alfredo Arreguín 22204:Alfredo Arreguín 22174:Alfredo Arreguín 22098: 22005: 21928: 21923:may have hosted 21905: 21873: 21857: 21792: 21747: 21744: 21741: 21726:Theleekycauldron 21676: 21673: 21670: 21631:was the idol of 21594: 21591: 21588: 21577: 21570: 21376:Subarcticsensing 21354: 21348: 21342: 21319:Subarcticsensing 21215: 21213: 21211: 21189: 21187: 21185: 21163: 21144: 21067: 21017: 20894:Columbia Records 20830: 20775:... that in the 20618: 20595: 20590:, characters in 20567: 20566: 20296: 20265: 20243: 20195: 20157:Veto (card game) 20127: 20117: 20084: 19954:American Writers 19930:American Writers 19895:American Writers 19792:Ready Set Learn! 19777: 19664: 19658: 19657: 19645:Orlando Sentinel 19641: 19614:Ready Set Learn! 19583:Ready Set Learn! 19559: 19556: 19553: 19531: 19520: 19488: 19485: 19482: 19472: 19454: 19440: 19428: 19410: 19402: 19351: 19303: 19284: 19266: 19258: 19207: 19125: 19122: 19119: 19024: 18920: 18871: 18828: 18826:KINGofLETTUCE 👑 18820: 18794: 18791: 18788: 18643: 18532: 18489: 18471: 18451: 18432: 18414: 18406: 18355: 18299: 18281: 18261: 18242: 18224: 18216: 18168: 18117: 18095: 18070: 18065: 18062:PhoenixCaelestis 18053: 18047: 18039: 18021:SSBelfastFanatic 17836: 17764: 17725: 17682: 17674: 17671:~WikiOriginal-9~ 17631: 17627: 17626: 17619: 17618: 17602: 17601: 17582: 17581: 17571: 17570: 17550: 17542: 17541: 17531: 17530: 17510: 17410:Central Corridor 17369: 17187: 17180: 17122: 17099: 16930: 16927: 16924: 16913: 16851: 16848: 16845: 16708: 16706: 16704: 16690: 16670: 16654: 16462: 16444: 16365:First small note 16362: 16338: 16320: 16275: 16219: 16216: 16213: 16206: 16184: 16156: 16153: 16150: 16125: 16053: 16050: 16047: 16027: 15999: 15996: 15993: 15866: 15858:a fort in Baguia 15844: 15822: 15818:a fort in Baguia 15769: 15766: 15765: 15743: 15724: 15716: 15715: 15708: 15707: 15687: 15679: 15678: 15659: 15658: 15648: 15647: 15627: 15619: 15618: 15608: 15607: 15587: 15576: 15558: 15535: 15519: 15491: 15483: 15368: 15366: 15334: 15163: 15144: 15126: 15107: 15104:Alan J. Friedman 15101: 15085: 15083: 15073:Alan J. Friedman 15063: 14954: 14908: 14907: 14901: 14899: 14877: 14871: 14870: 14865: 14863: 14842: 14836: 14835: 14813: 14811: 14790: 14766:Prince of Erebor 14743: 14362: 14348: 14307: 14202: 14197: 14196: 14192:Clear at 100px: 14189: 14188: 14178: 14172: 14168: 14162: 14158: 14157: 14144: 14143: 14136: 14135: 14119: 14118: 14099: 14098: 14088: 14087: 14067: 14062: 14061: 14057:Other problems: 14054: 14053: 14043: 14042: 13941: 13788:The Midnite Wolf 13728: 13678: 13650: 13647: 13644: 13625: 13597: 13594: 13591: 13451: 13423: 13403: 13372: 13306: 13299: 13287: 13269: 13257: 13230: 13206: 13145: 13135: 13134: 13127: 13126: 13110: 13109: 13090: 13089: 13079: 13078: 13058: 13050: 13049: 13039: 13038: 13018: 12951: 12867: 12841: 12823: 12816: 12763: 12741: 12695: 12690: 12673: 12668: 12642: 12630: 12625: 12612: 12607: 12562: 12537: 12509: 12482: 12436: 12418: 12364: 12315: 12241: 12239: 12237: 12217: 12186: 12184: 12182: 12131: 12049: 11922: 11915: 11914: 11912: 11910:TechnoSquirrel69 11863: 11856: 11855: 11853: 11851:TechnoSquirrel69 11835: 11784: 11780: 11779: 11771: 11770: 11758: 11757: 11738: 11737: 11726: 11725: 11709: 11708: 11698: 11697: 11677: 11644: 11637: 11636: 11634: 11632:TechnoSquirrel69 11606: 11528: 11525: 11522: 11473: 11419:("André 3000"), 11348: 11321: 11299: 11123: 11076: 11073: 11070: 11059: 11029: 11017: 10963: 10960: 10957: 10946: 10911: 10908: 10905: 10899: 10800: 10696: 10683:, who presented 10663: 10621: 10583: 10550: 10544: 10485: 10462: 10451: 10439: 10431: 10428:~WikiOriginal-9~ 10410: 10402: 10401: 10394: 10393: 10373: 10365: 10364: 10345: 10344: 10334: 10333: 10313: 10305: 10304: 10294: 10293: 10273: 10229:De'Montre Tuggle 10198:Tuggle at 10167:De'Montre Tuggle 10148:De'Montre Tuggle 10114: 10079: 10076: 10073: 10067: 10037: 10034: 10031: 10006: 9987: 9964: 9937: 9916: 9888: 9885: 9882: 9876: 9846: 9843: 9840: 9801: 9798: 9795: 9788:Theleekycauldron 9753: 9716: 9628: 9625: 9622: 9616: 9588: 9585: 9582: 9557: 9530:QPQ coming soon. 9507: 9480: 9389: 9386: 9383: 9370: 9343: 9315: 9271: 9268: 9265: 9259: 9211: 9203: 9182: 9154: 9151: 9148: 9137: 9033:Timmy's Playroom 8960: 8854: 8852: 8851: 8833: 8829: 8827: 8826: 8807: 8799: 8774: 8772: 8771: 8750: 8748: 8747: 8732: 8730: 8729: 8709: 8707: 8706: 8645: 8578:Source: As above 8577: 8548: 8459: 8400: 8364: 8361: 8358: 8352: 8225: 8116: 8100: 8056: 7905: 7845: 7834: 7701: 7672: 7648: 7645: 7642: 7636: 7596: 7593:Internet Archive 7450: 7402: 7397: 7396: 7392:Other problems: 7389: 7388: 7381: 7380: 7364: 7363: 7344: 7343: 7333: 7332: 7312: 7304: 7303: 7293: 7292: 7272: 7223: 7221: 7219: 7111: 7104:US-Mexico border 6857:Michael P. Walsh 6786: 6767: 6745: 6737:. Archived from 6723: 6675: 6674: 6668: 6667: 6664: 6661: 6619: 6608: 6562: 6540: 6522: 6500: 6378: 6352: 6351:gerrymandering? 6239: 6230:Happy of the End 6208: 6202:Happy of the End 6167:Happy of the End 6150: 6139: 6115: 6099: 6090: 6078: 6069: 6063: 6048: 6042: 6036: 6032: 6016: 6007: 5982: 5963: 5955: 5954: 5950:Clear at 100px: 5947: 5946: 5936: 5935: 5915: 5911: 5910: 5902: 5901: 5889: 5888: 5869: 5868: 5857: 5856: 5840: 5839: 5829: 5828: 5808: 5754:... that 1991's 5746: 5673: 5671: 5667: 5648: 5644: 5643: 5635: 5634: 5618: 5617: 5598: 5597: 5587: 5586: 5566: 5558: 5557: 5547: 5546: 5526: 5508: 5462: 5378: 5375: 5372: 5366: 5318:Typhoon Virginia 5258: 5242: 5239: 5211: 5191: 5130: 5125: 5124: 5117: 5116: 5100: 5099: 5080: 5079: 5069: 5068: 5048: 5040: 5039: 5029: 5028: 5008: 4974: 4835: 4810: 4799: 4761: 4755: 4666: 4627:juvenile justice 4598:drive, in 2017? 4562: 4451: 4334: 4325: 4324: 4317: 4316: 4303: 4302: 4298:Other problems: 4295: 4294: 4275: 4274: 4264: 4263: 4247: 4246: 4236: 4235: 4215: 4198: 4191: 4180: 4162: 4148: 4137: 4136: 4103: 4085: 4067: 3939: 3936: 3933: 3927: 3908: 3903: 3902: 3896: 3895: 3835: 3832: 3829: 3806: 3803: 3800: 3779: 3774: 3771: 3770: 3764: 3763: 3749: 3707: 3704: 3701: 3685: 3684: 3678: 3677: 3663: 3624: 3596: 3593: 3590: 3580: 3516: 3510: 3509: 3481: 3474: 3468: 3467: 3455: 3312: 3292: 3291: 3287:Other problems: 3284: 3283: 3272: 3266: 3265: 3252: 3251: 3232: 3231: 3221: 3220: 3204: 3203: 3193: 3192: 3172: 3021: 3003: 2995: 2979: 2976: 2942: 2901: 2865: 2843: 2819: 2812:for his work on 2810:Emmanuel Lubezki 2806:Andrei Tarkovsky 2752: 2749: 2744: 2728: 2725: 2699: 2663: 2651: 2633: 2623: 2609: 2586: 2572: 2545: 2489: 2478: 2464: 2441: 2427: 2409: 2403: 2395: 2381: 2363: 2345: 2339: 2335: 2184: 2166: 2110:theleekycauldron 2095: 2085:theleekycauldron 2021: 2005: 1987: 1979: 1894:theleekycauldron 1877: 1861:theleekycauldron 1683: 1682: 1677: 1676: 1671: 1670: 1661: 1660: 1641: 1636: 1631: 1626: 1621: 1616: 1611: 1594: 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1531: 1530: 1525: 1524: 1517: 1516: 1511: 1510: 1481: 1477: 1383: 1378: 1366: 1361: 1312: 1311: 1286: 1251: 1232: 1199: 512: 511: 465: 458: 444: 437: 430: 419: 413: 397:Main Page errors 383:On the Main Page 371:Scripts and bots 243:Main Page errors 207:Preps and queues 75: 74: 54:DYK queue status 37:This page has a 34: 33: 27: 21: 28002: 28001: 27997: 27996: 27995: 27993: 27992: 27991: 27967: 27966: 27909: 27903: 27894: 27867: 27843: 27841: 27837:Article history 27821: 27812: 27786: 27741:Eddie Sheldrake 27731: 27729: 27725:Article history 27709: 27707:Eddie Sheldrake 27704: 27695: 27669: 27635:Frederick Prigg 27629: 27627: 27623:Article history 27607: 27605:Frederick Prigg 27602: 27601: 27600: 27590: 27588: 27570: 27566: 27553: 27549: 27539: 27516: 27495: 27494: 27493: 27483: 27481: 27477:Article history 27461: 27452: 27417:portable toilet 27401: 27392: 27390: 27354: 27352: 27348:Article history 27332: 27323: 27266: 27236: 27234: 27230:Article history 27214: 27205: 27182: 27163: 27161: 27157:Article history 27141: 27132: 27102: 27090: 27088: 27079: 27044: 27022: 27021: 27020: 27004: 27003: 27001: 26975: 26970: 26961: 26935: 26906: 26904: 26900:Article history 26884: 26852: 26831: 26805: 26783: 26781: 26777:Article history 26761: 26752: 26722: 26703: 26687: 26686: 26685: 26675: 26673: 26669:Article history 26653: 26644: 26618: 26600:Communist China 26589: 26587: 26583:Article history 26567: 26558: 26547:HistoryTheorist 26494:a German pastor 26485: 26466:a German pastor 26460: 26458: 26454:Article history 26438: 26429: 26416:5x expanded by 26383:The Dating Game 26359: 26337: 26335: 26331:Article history 26315: 26306: 26279: 26246: 26244: 26240:Article history 26224: 26219: 26210: 26197:5x expanded by 26154: 26153: 26152: 26118: 26117: 26116: 26103: 26101: 26097:Article history 26081: 26072: 26041: 26004: 25995: 25993: 25959: 25957: 25953:Article history 25937: 25928: 25880: 25878: 25874:Article history 25858: 25849: 25771: 25770: 25769: 25759: 25757: 25753:Article history 25737: 25732: 25711: 25698:5x expanded by 25667: 25665: 25661:Article history 25645: 25595: 25569: 25541:former students 25528: 25498: 25496: 25492:Article history 25476: 25471: 25462: 25392: 25390: 25386:Article history 25370: 25361: 25292: 25290: 25286:Article history 25270: 25261: 25221: 25219: 25172: 25170: 25138: 25132: 25089: 25088: 25087: 25077: 25075: 25071:Article history 25055: 25046: 25002: 24977:Pleasure Garden 24970: 24969: 24968: 24962:Pleasure Garden 24952: 24950: 24946:Article history 24930: 24925: 24833: 24789: 24784:Chicago Tribune 24754: 24752: 24748:Article history 24732: 24723: 24700: 24673: 24671: 24667:Article history 24651: 24642: 24615: 24592: 24590: 24586:Article history 24570: 24561: 24548:5x expanded by 24535: 24526: 24524: 24519: 24493: 24491: 24487:Article history 24471: 24462: 24422:Oliver Cromwell 24417: 24415: 24411:Article history 24395: 24346: 24338: 24334:Used in article 24327: 24323:Freely licensed 24310: 24302: 24273: 24253: 24242: 24213: 24202: 24166: 24155:Thebiguglyalien 24134: 24112: 24111: 24110: 24100: 24098: 24094:Article history 24078: 24073: 24014: 24006: 23977: 23957: 23946: 23917: 23906: 23882: 23823: 23797: 23795: 23791:Article history 23775: 23766: 23733: 23731: 23729:Derbyshire Live 23706: 23697: 23695: 23686: 23666: 23665: 23664: 23654: 23652: 23648:Article history 23632: 23588: 23585: 23582: 23571: 23568: 23542: 23520: 23519: 23518: 23506: 23504: 23500:Article history 23484: 23460: 23429: 23412: 23382: 23380: 23331: 23322: 23320: 23300:Pacific Theater 23286: 23285: 23284: 23274: 23272: 23268:Article history 23252: 23247: 23242: 23233: 23188: 23158: 23156: 23152:Article history 23136: 23127: 23101: 23066: 23064: 23060:Article history 23044: 23035: 23001: 22970: 22937: 22935: 22931:Article history 22915: 22910: 22882: 22865: 22861: 22838: 22797: 22760: 22758: 22754:Article history 22738: 22709: 22706: 22703: 22688: 22622: 22620: 22616:Article history 22600: 22591: 22565: 22559: 22520: 22519: 22518: 22506: 22504: 22500:Article history 22484: 22475: 22462:5x expanded by 22424: 22399: 22397: 22393:Article history 22377: 22368: 22354: 22325: 22297: 22296: 22295: 22285: 22283: 22279:Article history 22263: 22254: 22243:ProfessorBeaver 22241:5x expanded by 22216: 22198: 22196: 22192:Article history 22176: 22167: 22131: 22103: 22102: 22101: 22091: 22089: 22085:Article history 22069: 22060: 22047:5x expanded by 22034: 22010: 22009: 22008: 21998: 21996: 21992:Article history 21976: 21971: 21962: 21949:5x expanded by 21914:: ... that the 21887: 21871: 21862: 21861: 21860: 21850: 21848: 21844:Article history 21828: 21776: 21745: 21742: 21739: 21734:WP:DYKHOOKSTYLE 21674: 21671: 21668: 21659:WP:DYKHOOKSTYLE 21592: 21589: 21586: 21571: 21563: 21537: 21497: 21495: 21491:Article history 21475: 21466: 21440: 21416: 21414: 21410:Article history 21394: 21352: 21346: 21340: 21330: 21317:5x expanded by 21301: 21280: 21278: 21274:Article history 21258: 21253: 21244: 21209: 21207: 21191: 21183: 21181: 21165: 21149: 21148: 21147: 21137: 21135: 21131:Article history 21115: 21106: 21087:: Drive-by nom. 21049: 21047: 21043:Article history 21027: 21001: 20983: 20950: 20924: 20889: 20887: 20883:Article history 20867: 20858: 20805: 20772: 20770: 20766:Article history 20750: 20741: 20718: 20689: 20687: 20683:Article history 20667: 20662: 20653: 20640:5x expanded by 20564: 20552:: ... that the 20546: 20516: 20514: 20510:Article history 20494: 20485: 20458: 20434: 20432: 20428:Article history 20412: 20403: 20374: 20349: 20347: 20343:Article history 20327: 20298: 20294: 20259: 20236: 20181: 20179: 20175:Article history 20159: 20154: 20110: 20092:: ... that the 20077: 20064:5x expanded by 20051: 20026: 20024: 20020:Article history 20004: 19995: 19963: 19919: 19917: 19913:Article history 19897: 19888: 19875:5x expanded by 19775: 19772:Kenny the Shark 19667: 19655: 19653: 19636: 19607: 19605: 19601:Article history 19585: 19557: 19554: 19551: 19533: 19529: 19510: 19486: 19483: 19480: 19475:this discussion 19466: 19456: 19452: 19434: 19412: 19404: 19395: 19339: 19337: 19333:Article history 19317: 19305: 19301: 19268: 19260: 19251: 19191: 19189: 19185:Article history 19169: 19164: 19123: 19120: 19117: 19053: 19027: 19021: 18988: 18986: 18982:Article history 18966: 18957: 18900: 18876: 18875: 18874: 18864: 18862: 18858:Article history 18842: 18824: 18814: 18792: 18789: 18786: 18779: 18753: 18722: 18720: 18716:Article history 18700: 18691: 18631: 18629: 18625:Article history 18609: 18588: 18559: 18537: 18536: 18535: 18525: 18523: 18519:Article history 18503: 18473: 18453: 18449: 18416: 18408: 18399: 18335: 18333: 18329:Article history 18313: 18283: 18263: 18259: 18226: 18218: 18209: 18156: 18154: 18150:Article history 18134: 18129: 18101: 18089: 18059: 18051: 18045: 18032: 17998: 17996: 17992:Article history 17976: 17967: 17941: 17914: 17912: 17908:Article history 17892: 17887: 17866: 17822: 17820: 17816:Article history 17800: 17791: 17749: 17730: 17729: 17728: 17718: 17716: 17712:Article history 17696: 17678: 17668: 17624: 17616: 17599: 17579: 17568: 17539: 17528: 17504: 17481: 17452: 17450: 17446:Article history 17430: 17421: 17398: 17378: 17377: 17376: 17362: 17360: 17356:Article history 17340: 17331: 17305: 17276: 17274: 17270:Article history 17254: 17249: 17185: 17178: 17152: 17104: 17103: 17102: 17092: 17090: 17086:Article history 17070: 17061: 17035: 17010: 17008: 17004:Article history 16988: 16983: 16928: 16925: 16922: 16894: 16849: 16846: 16843: 16837: 16824:5x expanded by 16811: 16771: 16769: 16765:Article history 16749: 16744: 16735: 16702: 16700: 16692: 16687: 16657: 16651: 16620: 16618: 16614:Article history 16598: 16589: 16563: 16526: 16524: 16520:Article history 16504: 16495: 16449: 16448: 16447: 16437: 16435: 16431:Article history 16415: 16406: 16352:: ... that the 16304: 16280: 16279: 16278: 16268: 16266: 16262:Article history 16246: 16241: 16217: 16214: 16211: 16180: 16154: 16151: 16148: 16121: 16095:and vegetarian 16051: 16048: 16045: 16023: 15997: 15994: 15991: 15984: 15961: 15936: 15934: 15930:Article history 15914: 15905: 15812: 15810: 15806:Article history 15790: 15767: 15763: 15737: 15713: 15705: 15676: 15656: 15645: 15616: 15605: 15560: 15529: 15503: 15485: 15476: 15450: 15429: 15427: 15423:Article history 15407: 15398: 15364: 15352: 15332: 15323: 15321: 15317:Article history 15301: 15296: 15287: 15274:5x expanded by 15258: 15239:Abraham Hamadeh 15233: 15231: 15227:Article history 15211: 15209:Abraham Hamadeh 15202: 15189:5x expanded by 15160:Project Mercury 15099: 15081: 15068: 15067: 15066: 15056: 15054: 15050:Article history 15034: 15025: 14993: 14959: 14958: 14957: 14947: 14946: 14944: 14918: 14913: 14912: 14911: 14897: 14895: 14878: 14874: 14861: 14859: 14844: 14843: 14839: 14809: 14807: 14792: 14791: 14787: 14777: 14726: 14708: 14706: 14702:Article history 14686: 14667: 14644: 14619: 14617: 14613:Article history 14597: 14588: 14577:DarthCloakedGuy 14559: 14542:holding company 14533: 14531: 14527:Article history 14511: 14506: 14497: 14474: 14447: 14445: 14441:Article history 14425: 14356: 14346: 14305: 14194: 14186: 14182:Used in article 14176: 14170: 14166: 14160: 14155: 14151:Freely licensed 14141: 14133: 14116: 14096: 14085: 14059: 14051: 14040: 13998: 13972: 13946: 13945: 13944: 13934: 13932: 13928:Article history 13912: 13903: 13851: 13830: 13828: 13824:Article history 13808: 13799: 13772: 13733: 13732: 13731: 13721: 13719: 13715:Article history 13699: 13694: 13674: 13648: 13645: 13642: 13621: 13595: 13592: 13589: 13579: 13556: 13523: 13521: 13517:Article history 13501: 13492: 13384: 13370: 13355: 13353: 13349:Article history 13333: 13328: 13293: 13271: 13263: 13241: 13214: 13204: 13132: 13124: 13107: 13087: 13076: 13047: 13036: 13012: 12935: 12934: 12932: 12906: 12901: 12821: 12814: 12804: 12731: 12729: 12725:Article history 12709: 12693: 12688: 12671: 12666: 12628: 12623: 12610: 12605: 12599: 12521: 12507: 12487: 12486: 12485: 12475: 12473: 12469:Article history 12453: 12448: 12420: 12348: 12299: 12287: 12235: 12233: 12189: 12180: 12178: 12140: 12139: 12138: 12124: 12122: 12118:Article history 12102: 11918: 11908: 11905: 11859: 11849: 11846: 11833: 11777: 11768: 11755: 11735: 11723: 11706: 11695: 11640: 11630: 11627: 11526: 11523: 11520: 11377: 11282:... that Jesse 11278: 11276: 11272:Article history 11256: 11247: 11207: 11174: 11172: 11168:Article history 11152: 11147: 11107: 11074: 11071: 11068: 11043: 11023: 11001: 10997:Anaïs Gallagher 10961: 10958: 10955: 10930: 10909: 10906: 10903: 10893: 10884: 10827:Anaïs Gallagher 10796:Anaïs Gallagher 10783: 10782: 10780: 10766:Anaïs Gallagher 10749: 10740: 10554: 10553: 10552: 10537: 10536: 10534: 10508: 10503: 10483: 10452: 10435: 10425: 10399: 10391: 10362: 10342: 10331: 10302: 10291: 10267: 10244:debuts in 2023? 10214: 10186:debuts in 2023? 10155: 10154: 10152: 10126: 10098: 10077: 10074: 10071: 10035: 10032: 10029: 9931: 9910: 9886: 9883: 9880: 9870: 9844: 9841: 9838: 9799: 9796: 9793: 9747: 9700: 9626: 9623: 9620: 9606: 9586: 9583: 9580: 9550: 9463: 9433: 9431: 9427:Article history 9411: 9387: 9384: 9381: 9354: 9327: 9299: 9269: 9266: 9263: 9205: 9197: 9176: 9152: 9149: 9146: 9130: 9107: 9079: 9047: 9022: 9020: 9016:Article history 9000: 8991: 8947: 8922: 8920: 8916:Article history 8900: 8891: 8849: 8847: 8834: 8824: 8822: 8779: 8769: 8767: 8745: 8743: 8735: 8727: 8725: 8712: 8704: 8702: 8650: 8649: 8648: 8638: 8636: 8632:Article history 8616: 8607: 8565:Filomena Fortes 8536:Filomena Fortes 8530: 8528: 8524:Article history 8508: 8506:Filomena Fortes 8499: 8456:Northern Cyprus 8445: 8443: 8439:Article history 8423: 8362: 8359: 8356: 8346: 8343: 8330:5x expanded by 8317: 8296: 8294: 8290:Article history 8274: 8265: 8239:Dorothy Stanley 8224:as a religion? 8196: 8159: 8157: 8153:Article history 8137: 8132: 8114: 8098: 8059:this discussion 8049: 7997: 7954: 7952: 7948:Article history 7932: 7892: 7890: 7886:Article history 7870: 7847: 7843: 7797: 7770: 7757:oral traditions 7746: 7744: 7740:Article history 7724: 7695: 7666: 7646: 7643: 7640: 7630: 7627: 7567: 7542: 7540: 7536:Article history 7520: 7515: 7444: 7394: 7386: 7378: 7361: 7341: 7330: 7301: 7290: 7252: 7226: 7217: 7215: 7183: 7181: 7177:Article history 7161: 7140: 7090: 7060: 7058: 7054:Article history 7038: 7033: 7024: 6997: 6959: 6957: 6953:Article history 6937: 6932: 6911: 6885: 6851: 6849: 6845:Article history 6829: 6820: 6741:on 2018-02-28. 6733: 6709: 6707: 6703:Article history 6687: 6670: 6665: 6662: 6659: 6658: 6656: 6609: 6601: 6479: 6450: 6448: 6444:Article history 6428: 6423: 6414: 6329: 6301: 6299: 6295:Article history 6279: 6270: 6220: 6206: 6191: 6189: 6185:Article history 6169: 6164: 6148: 6132: 6113: 6092: 6084: 6071: 6067: 6061: 6046: 6040: 6034: 6026: 6009: 6001: 5976: 5952: 5944: 5940:Used in article 5933: 5929:Freely licensed 5908: 5899: 5886: 5866: 5854: 5837: 5826: 5802: 5776: 5751: 5750: 5749: 5739: 5737: 5733:Article history 5717: 5697:. Best wishes. 5669: 5661: 5641: 5632: 5615: 5595: 5584: 5555: 5544: 5501: 5475: 5460: 5447: 5445: 5441:Article history 5425: 5420: 5376: 5373: 5370: 5359: 5333: 5312: 5310: 5306:Article history 5290: 5285: 5240: 5237: 5228: 5185: 5178: 5122: 5114: 5097: 5077: 5066: 5037: 5026: 5002: 4955:: ... that the 4949: 4920: 4918: 4914:Article history 4898: 4893: 4829: 4800: 4759: 4748: 4707: 4705: 4701:Article history 4685: 4640: 4607: 4560: 4527: 4496: 4449: 4435: 4412: 4381: 4379: 4375:Article history 4359: 4354: 4349: 4322: 4314: 4300: 4292: 4272: 4261: 4244: 4233: 4196: 4189: 4164: 4130: 4128: 4087: 4079: 4065: 4051: 4025: 4002: 4000: 3996:Article history 3980: 3975: 3937: 3934: 3931: 3893: 3891: 3876: 3874: 3833: 3830: 3827: 3804: 3801: 3798: 3772: 3761: 3759: 3757: 3739: 3705: 3702: 3699: 3675: 3673: 3671: 3653: 3618: 3594: 3591: 3588: 3573: 3519: 3507: 3505: 3476: 3465: 3463: 3450: 3430: 3428: 3424:Article history 3408: 3403: 3309:Andrew Davidson 3306: 3289: 3281: 3263: 3249: 3229: 3218: 3201: 3190: 3170: 3140: 3115: 3113: 3109:Article history 3093: 3088: 3005: 2997: 2977: 2974: 2940: 2904:Maury Markowitz 2894: 2795: 2793: 2789:Article history 2773: 2768: 2750: 2747: 2726: 2723: 2683: 2657: 2635: 2616: 2593: 2579: 2556: 2538: 2487: 2471: 2448: 2434: 2411: 2407: 2401: 2374: 2347: 2343: 2337: 2329: 2326: 2300: 2275: 2273: 2269:Article history 2253: 2248: 2182: 2160: 2093: 2011: 1989: 1981: 1973: 1917:"Barge Aground" 1841: 1812: 1778: 1776: 1772:Article history 1756: 1751: 1746: 1741: 1731: 1691: 1680: 1679: 1674: 1673: 1664: 1663: 1658: 1657: 1649: 1644: 1639: 1634: 1629: 1624: 1619: 1614: 1609: 1605: 1592: 1575: 1570: 1565: 1560: 1555: 1550: 1545: 1528: 1527: 1522: 1521: 1514: 1513: 1508: 1507: 1479: 1475: 1433: 1317: 1309: 1304: 1284: 1263: 1257: 1252: 1246: 1241: 1236: 1235: 1228: 1224: 1218: 519: 510: 509: 484: 473: 466: 459: 448: 417: 411: 391: 58: 55: 31: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 28000: 27990: 27989: 27984: 27979: 27965: 27964: 27952: 27951: 27947:Six week limit 27932: 27931: 27902: 27899: 27898: 27897: 27880: 27879: 27878: 27877: 27876: 27865: 27864: 27857: 27856: 27855: 27850:Chocolate Room 27840: 27839: 27834: 27824: 27822: 27820: 27819:Chocolate Room 27817: 27816: 27815: 27798: 27797: 27796: 27785: 27784: 27768:Press-Telegram 27762:Press-Telegram 27755: 27754: 27753: 27728: 27727: 27722: 27712: 27710: 27708: 27705: 27703: 27700: 27699: 27698: 27681: 27680: 27679: 27668: 27667: 27653: 27652: 27651: 27626: 27625: 27620: 27610: 27608: 27606: 27603: 27599: 27598: 27564: 27546: 27545: 27544: 27543: 27542: 27525: 27524: 27523: 27515: 27514: 27510: 27509: 27508: 27491: 27485: 27484: 27480: 27479: 27474: 27464: 27462: 27460: 27457: 27456: 27455: 27441:PanagiotisZois 27438: 27437: 27436: 27430: 27400: 27399: 27368: 27367: 27366: 27351: 27350: 27345: 27335: 27333: 27331: 27328: 27327: 27326: 27309: 27308: 27307: 27297: 27291: 27265: 27264: 27254: 27253: 27252: 27233: 27232: 27227: 27217: 27215: 27213: 27210: 27209: 27208: 27191: 27190: 27189: 27181: 27180: 27173: 27172: 27171: 27160: 27159: 27154: 27144: 27142: 27140: 27137: 27136: 27135: 27118: 27117: 27116: 27101: 27100: 27078: 27040: 27039: 27038: 27012: 27006: 27005: 27000: 26999: 26994: 26988: 26986: 26976: 26974: 26971: 26969: 26966: 26965: 26964: 26947: 26946: 26945: 26934: 26933: 26922: 26921: 26920: 26903: 26902: 26897: 26887: 26885: 26883: 26880: 26879: 26878: 26877: 26876: 26847: 26846: 26817: 26816: 26815: 26804: 26803: 26799: 26798: 26797: 26780: 26779: 26774: 26764: 26762: 26760: 26757: 26756: 26755: 26738: 26737: 26736: 26735: 26734: 26721: 26720: 26713: 26712: 26708: 26707: 26706: 26683: 26677: 26676: 26672: 26671: 26666: 26656: 26654: 26652: 26649: 26648: 26647: 26630: 26629: 26628: 26617: 26616: 26609: 26608: 26607: 26586: 26585: 26580: 26570: 26568: 26566: 26563: 26562: 26561: 26544: 26543: 26542: 26536: 26530: 26508: 26499:Erich Honecker 26484: 26483: 26476: 26475: 26474: 26457: 26456: 26451: 26441: 26439: 26437: 26434: 26433: 26432: 26415: 26414: 26413: 26411:Artists Rifles 26400: 26391: 26377:British Museum 26358: 26357: 26349: 26348: 26347: 26334: 26333: 26328: 26318: 26316: 26314: 26311: 26310: 26309: 26292: 26291: 26290: 26289: 26288: 26274: 26273: 26262: 26261: 26260: 26243: 26242: 26237: 26227: 26225: 26223: 26220: 26218: 26215: 26214: 26213: 26196: 26195: 26194: 26193: 26192: 26186: 26150: 26144: 26143: 26142: 26141: 26111: 26105: 26104: 26100: 26099: 26094: 26084: 26082: 26080: 26077: 26076: 26075: 26058: 26057: 26056: 26047: 26039: 26003: 26002: 25982:" 进则为达官,退亦是名士" 25975: 25974: 25973: 25956: 25955: 25950: 25940: 25938: 25936: 25933: 25932: 25931: 25914: 25913: 25912: 25911: 25910: 25877: 25876: 25871: 25861: 25859: 25857: 25854: 25853: 25852: 25835: 25834: 25833: 25832: 25831: 25825: 25816: 25767: 25761: 25760: 25756: 25755: 25750: 25740: 25738: 25736: 25733: 25731: 25728: 25727: 25726: 25697: 25696: 25695: 25694: 25693: 25664: 25663: 25658: 25648: 25646: 25644: 25641: 25640: 25639: 25620: 25619: 25581: 25580: 25579: 25568: 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24730:Sonya Friedman 24728: 24727: 24726: 24709: 24708: 24707: 24699: 24698: 24691: 24690: 24689: 24670: 24669: 24664: 24654: 24652: 24650: 24647: 24646: 24645: 24631:BenTanXiaoMing 24628: 24627: 24626: 24625: 24624: 24613: 24612: 24608: 24607: 24606: 24589: 24588: 24583: 24573: 24571: 24569: 24568:Ngiam Tong Dow 24566: 24565: 24564: 24547: 24546: 24545: 24534: 24533: 24515: 24514: 24513: 24490: 24489: 24484: 24474: 24472: 24470: 24467: 24466: 24465: 24448: 24447: 24446: 24445: 24444: 24432: 24431: 24414: 24413: 24408: 24398: 24396: 24394: 24391: 24390: 24389: 24379:David Eppstein 24374: 24373: 24361: 24360: 24351: 24350: 24342: 24331: 24317: 24316: 24315: 24314: 24306: 24292: 24291: 24280: 24279: 24278: 24277: 24257: 24246: 24232: 24231: 24220: 24219: 24218: 24217: 24206: 24192: 24191: 24182: 24181: 24152: 24151: 24150: 24144: 24133: 24132: 24124: 24123: 24122: 24108: 24102: 24101: 24097: 24096: 24091: 24081: 24079: 24077: 24074: 24072: 24069: 24068: 24067: 24052: 24051: 24033: 24032: 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13702: 13700: 13698: 13695: 13693: 13690: 13689: 13688: 13687: 13686: 13685: 13684: 13683: 13682: 13632: 13631: 13630: 13629: 13565: 13564: 13563: 13555: 13554: 13547: 13546: 13545: 13532:was the first 13529:Moses da Rieti 13520: 13519: 13514: 13504: 13502: 13500: 13499:Moses da Rieti 13497: 13496: 13495: 13478: 13477: 13476: 13466: 13460: 13433: 13409: 13383: 13382: 13375: 13374: 13373: 13352: 13351: 13346: 13336: 13334: 13332: 13329: 13327: 13324: 13323: 13322: 13321: 13320: 13319: 13318: 13261: 13234: 13138: 13137: 13128: 13114: 13113: 13112: 13111: 13091: 13080: 13066: 13065: 13054: 13053: 13052: 13051: 13040: 13026: 13025: 13016: 13015: 12974: 12973: 12972: 12971: 12970: 12931: 12930: 12925: 12919: 12917: 12907: 12905: 12902: 12900: 12897: 12896: 12895: 12894: 12893: 12855: 12790: 12789: 12788: 12787: 12786: 12777: 12728: 12727: 12722: 12712: 12710: 12708: 12705: 12704: 12703: 12702: 12701: 12680: 12679: 12636: 12618: 12585: 12584: 12583: 12577: 12568: 12543: 12520: 12519: 12512: 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22885: 22878: 22874: 22870: 22869: 22868: 22864: 22858: 22851: 22847: 22845: 22842: 22841: 22834: 22830: 22826: 22825: 22820: 22817: 22814: 22812: 22808: 22804: 22799: 22798: 22795: 22791: 22787: 22778: 22774: 22771: 22770: 22768: 22767: 22762: 22761: 22755: 22752: 22750: 22746: 22743: 22742: 22728: 22727: 22726: 22722: 22721:contributions 22718: 22714: 22713: 22699: 22694: 22690: 22689: 22686: 22682: 22678: 22668: 22665: 22662: 22656: 22655: 22650: 22649:Alantaya area 22646: 22643: 22642: 22640: 22634: 22633: 22628: 22625:... that the 22624: 22623: 22617: 22614: 22612: 22608: 22605: 22604: 22593: 22592: 22589: 22585: 22581: 22574: 22570: 22567: 22566: 22560: 22555: 22551: 22550: 22543: 22542: 22537: 22534: 22533: 22532: 22526: 22522: 22521: 22517: 22512: 22501: 22498: 22496: 22492: 22489: 22488: 22477: 22476: 22473: 22469: 22465: 22457: 22454: 22451: 22448: 22445: 22439: 22438: 22433: 22429: 22426: 22425: 22421: 22417: 22416: 22411: 22410: 22405: 22401: 22400: 22394: 22391: 22389: 22385: 22382: 22381: 22370: 22369: 22366: 22362: 22358: 22352: 22348: 22344: 22336: 22333: 22330: 22327: 22326: 22322: 22318: 22317: 22312: 22308: 22305: 22304: 22299: 22298: 22291: 22280: 22277: 22275: 22271: 22268: 22267: 22256: 22255: 22252: 22248: 22244: 22236: 22233: 22227: 22226: 22221: 22218: 22217: 22212: 22211: 22206: 22205: 22200: 22199: 22193: 22190: 22188: 22184: 22181: 22180: 22169: 22168: 22165: 22161: 22157: 22149: 22145: 22142: 22140: 22136: 22133: 22132: 22128: 22125: 22121: 22120: 22115: 22111: 22110: 22105: 22104: 22097: 22086: 22083: 22081: 22077: 22074: 22073: 22062: 22061: 22058: 22054: 22050: 22043: 22039: 22036: 22035: 22031: 22027: 22026: 22021: 22018: 22017: 22016:Kylian Portal 22012: 22011: 22004: 21993: 21990: 21988: 21984: 21981: 21980: 21974:Kylian Portal 21964: 21963: 21960: 21956: 21952: 21943: 21939: 21936: 21926: 21922: 21919: 21918: 21917:Ansorge Hotel 21913: 21910: 21903: 21900: 21899: 21898:Ansorge Hotel 21894: 21891: 21890: 21889: 21888: 21882: 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21408: 21406: 21402: 21399: 21398: 21385: 21381: 21377: 21373: 21369: 21364: 21360: 21359: 21358: 21355: 21349: 21343: 21337: 21334: 21332: 21331: 21328: 21324: 21320: 21312: 21309: 21306: 21303: 21302: 21298: 21294: 21293: 21288: 21287: 21282: 21281: 21275: 21272: 21270: 21266: 21263: 21262: 21246: 21245: 21242: 21238: 21234: 21225: 21221: 21218: 21217: 21205: 21201: 21200: 21195: 21179: 21175: 21174: 21169: 21161: 21157: 21156: 21152:... that the 21151: 21150: 21143: 21132: 21129: 21127: 21123: 21120: 21119: 21108: 21107: 21104: 21100: 21096: 21086: 21083: 21081: 21077: 21074: 21073: 21071: 21065: 21064: 21059: 21058:George Daniel 21055: 21051: 21050: 21044: 21041: 21039: 21035: 21032: 21031: 21020: 21016: 21015: 21011: 21010: 21006: 21005: 20999: 20995: 20994: 20989: 20985: 20984: 20981: 20977: 20973: 20963: 20960: 20957: 20954: 20953: 20952: 20951: 20947: 20943: 20942: 20937: 20936: 20935: 20929: 20926: 20925: 20921: 20917: 20916: 20911: 20907: 20903: 20902: 20901: 20895: 20891: 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19909: 19905: 19902: 19901: 19890: 19889: 19886: 19882: 19878: 19871: 19868: 19865: 19863: 19859: 19856: 19853: 19849: 19844: 19841: 19838: 19834: 19833: 19829: 19824: 19823: 19819: 19815: 19811: 19807: 19803: 19800: 19796: 19793: 19789: 19785: 19781: 19774: 19773: 19768: 19767: 19763: 19762: 19759: 19756: 19755: 19751: 19747: 19743: 19740: 19737: 19733: 19729: 19726: 19723: 19719: 19715: 19714: 19709: 19708: 19704: 19700: 19699: 19695: 19692: 19689: 19685: 19681: 19678: 19676: 19672: 19669: 19668: 19662: 19651: 19647: 19646: 19640: 19634: 19633: 19628: 19625: 19621: 19617: 19616: 19615: 19609: 19608: 19602: 19599: 19597: 19593: 19590: 19589: 19574: 19570: 19569:contributions 19566: 19562: 19561: 19546: 19545: 19544: 19543: 19542: 19541: 19536: 19532: 19526: 19518: 19514: 19509: 19508: 19507: 19506: 19503: 19499: 19498:contributions 19495: 19491: 19490: 19476: 19470: 19465: 19464: 19459: 19455: 19449: 19444: 19438: 19433: 19432: 19431: 19427: 19426: 19422: 19421: 19417: 19416: 19408: 19401: 19397: 19396: 19393: 19389: 19385: 19381: 19377: 19367: 19364: 19361: 19358: 19357: 19355: 19349: 19348: 19347: 19341: 19340: 19334: 19331: 19329: 19325: 19322: 19321: 19308: 19304: 19298: 19293: 19289: 19288: 19287: 19283: 19282: 19278: 19277: 19273: 19272: 19264: 19257: 19253: 19252: 19249: 19245: 19241: 19237: 19233: 19224:: QPQ pending 19223: 19220: 19217: 19214: 19213: 19211: 19205: 19201: 19200: 19199: 19193: 19192: 19186: 19183: 19181: 19177: 19174: 19173: 19157: 19153: 19149: 19145: 19142: 19140: 19136: 19135:contributions 19132: 19128: 19127: 19113: 19108: 19107: 19106:June Franklin 19102: 19099: 19096: 19095: 19094:June Franklin 19090: 19087: 19084: 19083: 19082:June Franklin 19078: 19075: 19072: 19071: 19070:June Franklin 19066: 19063: 19062: 19061: 19060: 19055: 19054: 19051: 19047: 19043: 19036: 19032: 19029: 19028: 19022: 19017: 19013: 19006: 19005: 19000: 18996: 18995: 18994:June Franklin 18990: 18989: 18983: 18980: 18978: 18974: 18971: 18970: 18964:June Franklin 18959: 18958: 18955: 18951: 18947: 18939: 18936: 18934: 18930: 18927: 18924: 18918: 18914: 18911: 18910: 18905: 18902: 18901: 18897: 18893: 18892: 18887: 18884: 18883: 18878: 18877: 18870: 18859: 18856: 18854: 18850: 18847: 18846: 18835: 18832: 18829: 18827: 18818: 18813: 18812: 18809: 18805: 18804:contributions 18801: 18797: 18796: 18781: 18780: 18777: 18773: 18769: 18768:Kingoflettuce 18762: 18758: 18755: 18754: 18750: 18746: 18745: 18740: 18739: 18734: 18730: 18729: 18724: 18723: 18717: 18714: 18712: 18708: 18705: 18704: 18693: 18692: 18689: 18685: 18681: 18672: 18668: 18665: 18664: 18661: 18660:archived copy 18657: 18655: 18650: 18648: 18641: 18637: 18636:Talli Osborne 18633: 18632: 18626: 18623: 18621: 18617: 18614: 18613: 18607:Talli Osborne 18602: 18598: 18594: 18590: 18589: 18586: 18582: 18578: 18570: 18567: 18564: 18561: 18560: 18556: 18551: 18550: 18545: 18544: 18539: 18538: 18531: 18520: 18517: 18515: 18511: 18508: 18507: 18492: 18488: 18487: 18483: 18482: 18478: 18477: 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252: 249: 246: 244: 240: 237: 234: 232: 228: 225: 222: 220: 216: 213: 210: 208: 204: 199: 196: 193: 191: 187: 184: 181: 179: 178:April 1 hooks 175: 172: 169: 167: 163: 160: 157: 155: 151: 148: 145: 143: 139: 134: 131: 128: 126: 122: 119: 116: 114: 110: 107: 104: 102: 98: 95: 92: 90: 86: 81: 78:Did you know? 76: 71: 69: 65: 60: 59: 47: 42: 41: 36: 29: 28: 19: 27957: 27955: 27935: 27914: 27912: 27890: 27872: 27848: 27847: 27808: 27789: 27780:Citizen-News 27779: 27773: 27767: 27761: 27739: 27691: 27672: 27662: 27633: 27591:11 September 27589:. Retrieved 27582: 27567: 27556: 27550: 27535: 27519: 27504: 27499: 27448: 27432: 27424: 27409: 27408: 27404: 27393:February 20, 27391:. Retrieved 27387:the original 27382: 27376: 27359: 27358: 27319: 27299: 27293: 27274: 27273: 27269: 27241: 27240: 27239:... that in 27201: 27185: 27128: 27121:Onceinawhile 27105: 27095: 27089:. Retrieved 27085: 27073: 27054: 27050: 27032: 27026: 26957: 26950:Silver seren 26938: 26916:Beth Kempton 26914: 26882:Beth Kempton 26866:Onceinawhile 26836:Onceinawhile 26827: 26808: 26787: 26748: 26727: 26700: 26695: 26640: 26621: 26593: 26554: 26538: 26532: 26514: 26510: 26492: 26488: 26464: 26425: 26402: 26393: 26382: 26366: 26362: 26341: 26302: 26284: 26275: 26267:Radio-Canada 26254: 26206: 26188: 26179: 26167: 26161: 26157: 26131: 26122: 26068: 26049: 26030: 26011: 26007: 25996:23 September 25994:. Retrieved 25990:the original 25985: 25970:Qing dynasty 25963: 25924: 25903: 25893:, would use 25890: 25884: 25845: 25827: 25818: 25800: 25796: 25784: 25775: 25707: 25686: 25671: 25611: 25609: 25605: 25591: 25572: 25539: 25531: 25502: 25458: 25437: 25419: 25415: 25400: 25357: 25339: 25330: 25317:noken system 25315: 25311: 25298:noken system 25296: 25268:Noken system 25257: 25241: 25232: 25222:23 September 25220:. Retrieved 25216:the original 25211: 25198: 25187: 25183: 25173:23 September 25171:. Retrieved 25167:the original 25162: 25150: 25145: 25141: 25121: 25111: 25098: 25093: 25042: 25035:Manymanydogs 25014: 25005: 24981: 24975: 24974: 24961: 24902: 24894: 24873: 24865: 24844: 24836: 24829: 24814:Silver seren 24801: 24792: 24782: 24762: 24719: 24703: 24683: 24677: 24638: 24620: 24596: 24557: 24550:Cambalachero 24538: 24525:. Retrieved 24510:Orson Welles 24504:Battle Hymns 24502: 24501: 24458: 24437: 24425: 24369:Booby Island 24367: 24356: 24287: 24227: 24187: 24162: 24146: 24137: 24118:Booby Island 24116: 24028: 23991: 23931: 23891: 23878: 23860: 23854: 23846: 23832: 23828: 23801: 23762: 23743: 23734:16 September 23732:. Retrieved 23728: 23713: 23709: 23698:22 September 23696:. Retrieved 23691: 23676: 23670: 23614:Onceinawhile 23581: 23574:Onceinawhile 23564: 23557:Onceinawhile 23545: 23524: 23469:Darth Stabro 23438:Darth Stabro 23422:Darth Stabro 23408: 23401:Darth Stabro 23392: 23383:21 September 23381:. Retrieved 23377: 23348:World War II 23343: 23338: 23334: 23323:21 September 23321:. Retrieved 23317: 23295: 23290: 23229: 23200: 23191: 23173:Oxford Union 23162: 23123: 23104: 23083: 23082: 23031: 23015: 23009: 22991: 22977: 22973: 22945: 22898: 22894: 22880: 22836: 22822: 22818: 22793: 22772: 22764: 22702: 22684: 22677:Hteiktinhein 22666: 22652: 22644: 22630: 22587: 22568: 22548: 22535: 22531:Growing Form 22529: 22528: 22516:Growing Form 22515: 22482:Growing Form 22471: 22455: 22449: 22435: 22427: 22407: 22350: 22334: 22328: 22306: 22301: 22250: 22234: 22223: 22219: 22202: 22163: 22143: 22134: 22113: 22107: 22056: 22037: 22019: 22014: 21958: 21937: 21920: 21915: 21911: 21901: 21896: 21892: 21874: 21866: 21798:That works. 21788: 21783: 21778: 21770: 21766: 21738: 21730:Launchballer 21700: 21696: 21667: 21662: 21626: 21622: 21585: 21559: 21540: 21531: 21527: 21522: 21517: 21501: 21462: 21455:TheNuggeteer 21443: 21424: 21367: 21362: 21335: 21326: 21310: 21304: 21284: 21240: 21219: 21210:13 September 21208:. Retrieved 21197: 21184:13 September 21182:. Retrieved 21171: 21160:chicken Kiev 21153: 21102: 21084: 21075: 21061: 21013: 21008: 21003: 20998:April Fools' 20991: 20987: 20979: 20961: 20955: 20932: 20931: 20927: 20898: 20897: 20854: 20838: 20824: 20815:claims that 20808: 20780: 20737: 20721: 20693: 20649: 20633: 20627: 20612: 20604: 20585: 20581: 20559: 20553: 20549: 20520: 20481: 20463: 20442: 20399: 20383: 20377: 20353: 20267: 20232: 20206: 20200: 20185: 20097: 20089: 20073: 20066:TheNuggeteer 20054: 20030: 19991: 19984:Dugan Murphy 19975: 19966: 19957: 19953: 19952:reacting to 19949: 19928: 19927: 19884: 19869: 19854: 19845: 19791: 19770: 19757: 19738: 19724: 19711: 19690: 19679: 19670: 19654:. Retrieved 19643: 19612: 19611: 19550: 19513:Launchballer 19479: 19437:Launchballer 19424: 19419: 19414: 19391: 19365: 19359: 19346:Bloody Bread 19344: 19343: 19315:Krwawy chleb 19280: 19275: 19270: 19247: 19221: 19215: 19196: 19195: 19116: 19104: 19100: 19092: 19088: 19080: 19076: 19068: 19064: 19049: 19030: 19011: 18992: 18953: 18937: 18928: 18917:gender roles 18912: 18909:Marie Marcks 18907: 18903: 18885: 18882:Marie Marcks 18880: 18840:Marie Marcks 18825: 18785: 18775: 18756: 18736: 18728:Nathania Ong 18726: 18698:Nathania Ong 18687: 18666: 18654:Toronto Star 18653: 18646: 18584: 18568: 18562: 18541: 18485: 18480: 18475: 18428: 18423: 18418: 18395: 18369: 18363: 18346:is a Polish 18340: 18339: 18295: 18290: 18285: 18238: 18233: 18228: 18205: 18179: 18173: 18161: 18160: 18113: 18108: 18103: 18028: 18010: 18002: 17963: 17944: 17935: 17924:Nobody Knows 17922: 17919:Shawn Mendes 17871:Hteiktinhein 17862: 17855:Hteiktinhein 17844: 17826: 17787: 17769: 17758: 17754: 17734: 17679: 17670: 17669: 17645: 17634: 17553: 17513: 17500: 17484: 17462:Danton Barto 17460: 17428:Danton Barto 17417: 17401: 17383: 17382: 17372: 17327: 17308: 17280: 17231:Hteiktinhein 17215:Hteiktinhein 17201:Hteiktinhein 17184: 17177: 17165: 17157: 17156: 17148: 17141:Hteiktinhein 17130: 17112: 17057: 17038: 17018: 16954: 16921: 16896: 16889:to serve as 16880: 16876: 16842: 16833: 16814: 16801: 16775: 16731: 16712: 16701:. Retrieved 16697: 16676: 16664: 16660: 16640: 16624: 16585: 16566: 16530: 16491: 16470: 16458: 16453: 16402: 16383: 16379: 16370: 16358: 16353: 16349: 16334: 16329: 16325: 16316: 16311: 16307: 16289: 16284: 16210: 16175: 16147: 16136: 16116: 16086: 16072: 16044: 16018: 15990: 15980: 15964: 15944: 15941:Leon Trotsky 15901: 15883: 15874: 15856: 15852: 15834: 15830: 15816: 15727: 15690: 15630: 15590: 15572: 15567: 15562: 15532:Launchballer 15515: 15510: 15505: 15497: 15493: 15472: 15453: 15433: 15394: 15375: 15359: 15355: 15327: 15283: 15267: 15261: 15237: 15198: 15180: 15171: 15153: 15149: 15138: 15134: 15116: 15112: 15094: 15090: 15076: 15021: 15005: 14996: 14972: 14968: 14963: 14903: 14896:. Retrieved 14885: 14875: 14867: 14860:. Retrieved 14849: 14840: 14831: 14827: 14823: 14819: 14815: 14808:. Retrieved 14801: 14797: 14788: 14773: 14757: 14748: 14737: 14729: 14712: 14674: 14670: 14663: 14647: 14623: 14584: 14568: 14562: 14545: 14493: 14477: 14459: 14452:cocoa butter 14393: 14388: 14380: 14344: 14303: 14251: 14246: 14238: 14230: 14225: 14221: 14205: 14070: 13994: 13975: 13955: 13950: 13899: 13865: 13856: 13834: 13795: 13777: 13754: 13749: 13669: 13641: 13616: 13588: 13575: 13559: 13527: 13488: 13468: 13462: 13440: 13439: 13435: 13416: 13415: 13411: 13392: 13391: 13387: 13364: 13363: 13296:Launchballer 13283: 13278: 13273: 13253: 13248: 13243: 13226: 13221: 13216: 13208: 13199: 13195: 13185: 13179: 13178:: that the " 13175: 13147: 13061: 13021: 13008: 12977:Launchballer 12959: 12945: 12939: 12861: 12857: 12835: 12831: 12820: 12813: 12800: 12779: 12757: 12749: 12735: 12686: 12664: 12650: 12621: 12603: 12595: 12579: 12570: 12554: 12549: 12545: 12533: 12528: 12524: 12504: 12499: 12495: 12432: 12427: 12422: 12393: 12360: 12355: 12350: 12311: 12306: 12301: 12283: 12268: 12262: 12258: 12245: 12236:September 1, 12234:. Retrieved 12230:the original 12225: 12209: 12203: 12202: 12201:created the 12196: 12192: 12181:September 1, 12179:. Retrieved 12175:the original 12170: 12150: 12144: 12133: 12069:Jeraxmoira🐉 12017:Jeraxmoira🐉 11997: 11984:Jeraxmoira🐉 11937:Jeraxmoira🐉 11919: 11909: 11879:Jeraxmoira🐉 11860: 11850: 11830: 11817: 11800:Jeraxmoira🐉 11787: 11680: 11662:Jeraxmoira🐉 11641: 11631: 11611: 11607: 11590:Jeraxmoira🐉 11564:Wayne Rooney 11560:Lionel Messi 11553: 11549: 11519: 11511:Wayne Rooney 11507:Lionel Messi 11500: 11496: 11453:Jeraxmoira🐉 11394: 11393: 11389: 11388: 11373: 11355: 11350: 11344:Wayne Rooney 11340:Lionel Messi 11333: 11329: 11328: 11314: 11312: 11308: 11283: 11281: 11243: 11219: 11210: 11184:Saleh Shahin 11182: 11150:Saleh Shahin 11119: 11114: 11109: 11067: 11055: 11050: 11045: 11013: 11008: 11003: 10995: 10989: 10983: 10954: 10942: 10937: 10932: 10902: 10896:Launchballer 10880: 10857:Launchballer 10846: 10837: 10833: 10825: 10819: 10813: 10809: 10794: 10788: 10786: 10736: 10729:Launchballer 10714: 10711:(double nom) 10704: 10685: 10684: 10680: 10675: 10671: 10651: 10646: 10639: 10638: 10634: 10617: 10612: 10605: 10604: 10596: 10576: 10575: 10571: 10566: 10459:TheNuggeteer 10436: 10427: 10426: 10413: 10376: 10316: 10276: 10263: 10247: 10227: 10221: 10217: 10165: 10159: 10110: 10105: 10100: 10070: 10028: 10000: 9992: 9977: 9973: 9969:(July 2014)) 9967:DSCH Journal 9966: 9958: 9950: 9945:sneer quotes 9941:DSCH Journal 9940: 9879: 9837: 9792: 9767:Viola Sonata 9761: 9756: 9739: 9731: 9712: 9707: 9702: 9694: 9686: 9619: 9579: 9546: 9529: 9525: 9516: 9510:DSCH Journal 9509: 9504:double fugue 9497: 9489: 9483:DSCH Journal 9482: 9470: 9466: 9458:DSCH Journal 9457: 9441: 9380: 9366: 9361: 9356: 9339: 9334: 9329: 9311: 9306: 9301: 9262: 9145: 9126: 9110: 9093:Ormond Beach 9086: 9082: 9054: 9050: 9026: 8987: 8968: 8954: 8950: 8926: 8887: 8871: 8862: 8848:. Retrieved 8844:the original 8839: 8823:. Retrieved 8814: 8790:include the 8785: 8781: 8768:. Retrieved 8759: 8744:. Retrieved 8740: 8726:. Retrieved 8722:the original 8717: 8703:. Retrieved 8694: 8665:ancient port 8659:include the 8654: 8603: 8582: 8563: 8559: 8534: 8495: 8477: 8468: 8449: 8403:JuniperChill 8355: 8339: 8320: 8300: 8261: 8254:Ornithoptera 8243: 8234: 8213:Mitch Torres 8211: 8205: 8201: 8172:Mitch Torres 8170: 8135:Mitch Torres 8077: 8066: 8045: 8006: 8000: 7963: 7962: 7913: 7899: 7897:manga artist 7816: 7800: 7793: 7775: 7750: 7703: 7639: 7623: 7604: 7581:Aaron Swartz 7574: 7570: 7552: 7546: 7486: 7467: 7424:Cambalachero 7405: 7398:- See below. 7315: 7275: 7255: 7248: 7241:Cambalachero 7229: 7216:. Retrieved 7188: 7187: 7136: 7120: 7097: 7093: 7064: 7020: 7002: 6964: 6907: 6888: 6875: 6855: 6816: 6795: 6785:in Iceland? 6780: 6772: 6753: 6749: 6742: 6739:the original 6713: 6637: 6632: 6630: 6626: 6597: 6570: 6552: 6548: 6534: 6530: 6516: 6508: 6490: 6482: 6454: 6410: 6392: 6386: 6375:used in 2022 6366:Ohio Issue 1 6364: 6360: 6348: 6340:Ohio Issue 1 6338: 6334: 6311: 6307:Ohio Issue 1 6305: 6266: 6247: 6228: 6227: 6223: 6200: 6199: 6147: 6112: 6045: 6029:TheNuggeteer 5979:TheNuggeteer 5966: 5918: 5811: 5798: 5791:TheNuggeteer 5779: 5761: 5755: 5651: 5569: 5529: 5510:Reviewing... 5509: 5497: 5478: 5455: 5451: 5401: 5397: 5369: 5355: 5348:TheNuggeteer 5336: 5316: 5216: 5212: 5151: 5143: 5133: 5051: 5011: 4998: 4982: 4960: 4952: 4931:red herrings 4924: 4744: 4723: 4715: 4646:CaptainAngus 4616: 4612: 4585: 4581: 4558: 4533:CaptainAngus 4505: 4501: 4474: 4470: 4447: 4431: 4424:CaptainAngus 4415: 4385: 4337: 4327: 4218: 4195: 4188: 4176: 4171: 4166: 4132: 4116: 4112: 4099: 4094: 4089: 4063: 4047: 4028: 4020: 4006: 3930: 3899:Google Books 3892:. Retrieved 3885: 3879: 3867: 3866: 3860: 3856: 3826: 3797: 3767:Google Books 3760:. Retrieved 3745: 3731: 3730: 3726: 3725: 3698: 3681:Google Books 3674:. Retrieved 3659: 3645: 3644: 3640: 3639: 3587: 3569: 3535: 3531: 3522: 3506:. Retrieved 3487: 3483: 3464:. Retrieved 3457: 3436: 3435: 3433: 3373: 3273: 3175: 3166: 3145: 3119: 3070:Jeraxmoira🐉 3051: 3047: 3035: 3031: 3017: 3012: 3007: 2952:Jeraxmoira🐉 2934: 2890: 2872: 2855: 2851: 2837: 2831: 2827: 2813: 2799: 2695: 2690: 2685: 2660:Launchballer 2647: 2642: 2637: 2605: 2600: 2595: 2568: 2563: 2558: 2531: 2460: 2455: 2450: 2423: 2418: 2413: 2359: 2354: 2349: 2332:TheNuggeteer 2322: 2315:TheNuggeteer 2303: 2279: 2221: 2200:By the way, 2144: 2070: 2059: 2050: 2040: 2030: 2023: 2018:Launchballer 2001: 1996: 1991: 1951: 1945: 1938: 1837: 1821: 1815: 1806: 1802: 1782: 1704: 1666: 1659:{{DYKsubpage 1588: 1509:{{DYKsubpage 1460: 1456: 1452: 1422: 1267: 1177:September 29 1165:September 28 1153:September 27 1141:September 26 1128:September 25 1115:September 24 1102:September 23 1089:September 22 1076:September 21 1063:September 20 1050:September 19 1037:September 18 1024:September 17 1011:September 16 998:September 15 985:September 14 972:September 13 959:September 12 946:September 11 933:September 10 516: 505: 501: 496: 492: 487: 325:Hall of Fame 306:WP:DYKAWARDS 283:Just for fun 190:Holding area 158: 153: 89:Introduction 61: 45: 38: 27919:nominations 27881:Created by 27799:Created by 27746:John Wooden 27682:Created by 27648:Oregon City 27407:: ... that 27312:Wasianpower 27272:: ... that 27192:Created by 27119:Created by 27086:Le 26948:Created by 26739:Created by 26631:Created by 26604:McCarthyism 26513:: ... that 26491:: ... that 26371:ability in 26365:: ... that 26061:Crisco 1492 26059:Created by 25836:Created by 25606:needs to be 25582:Created by 25449:Created by 25426:trademarked 25418:: ... that 25348:Created by 25250:Crisco 1492 25248:Created by 25147:Ye Gongchuo 25144:: ... that 25095:Ye Gongchuo 25086:Ye Gongchuo 25053:Ye Gongchuo 25025:Created by 24812:Created by 24710:Created by 24629:Created by 24209:Long enough 23913:Long enough 23555:Created by 23352:Guadalcanal 23350:battles of 23213:Jeya Wilson 23169:David Lange 23164:Jeya Wilson 23134:Jeya Wilson 23114:Created by 23022:Created by 22821:: ... that 22784:Created by 22675:Created by 22343:Alsoriano97 22341:Created by 22222:: ... that 22106:... that a 22049:BeanieFan11 21800:BeanieFan11 21707:BeanieFan11 21637:BeanieFan11 21574:BeanieFan11 21552:BeanieFan11 21372:Alaska Alps 21368:Isabel Pass 21286:Isabel Pass 21256:Isabel Pass 21173:NOVA portal 20990:: ... that 20910:Che Guevara 20845:Created by 20826:White Noise 20821:cure cancer 20817:white noise 20811:: ... that 20791:shaved head 20782:White Noise 20777:music video 20728:Created by 20573:, p. 9 and 20519:... that a 20472:Created by 20390:Created by 20352:... that a 20215:Created by 20094:Philippines 20047:jerky sauce 20037:Philippines 19982:Created by 19958:gardez bien 19374:Created by 19230:Created by 19040:Created by 18944:Created by 18906:: ... that 18766:Created by 18678:Created by 18575:Created by 18378:Created by 18352:Jules Verne 18348:robinsonade 18188:Created by 18019:Created by 17853:Created by 17778:Created by 17535:Long enough 17491:Created by 17408:Created by 17318:Created by 17164:, the monk 17139:Created by 17111:, the monk 17048:Created by 16722:Created by 16576:Created by 16482:Created by 15971:Created by 15892:Created by 15855:: ... that 15788:Baguia Fort 15770:Thank you! 15612:Long enough 15484:QPQ needed 15463:Created by 15385:Created by 15012:Created by 14898:7 September 14887:Tatler Asia 14862:7 September 14810:7 September 14764:Created by 14732:: ... that 14654:Created by 14575:Created by 14047:Long enough 13566:Created by 13438:: ... that 13429:on Bandcamp 13414:: ... that 13210:Sailor Song 13181:Sailor Song 13043:Long enough 12941:Sailor Song 12860:: ... that 12834:: ... that 12791:Created by 12586:Created by 12276:Crisco 1492 12274:Created by 11959:Please see 11702:Long enough 11548:What about 11425:Drew Pinsky 11385:MOS:SURNAME 11364:Created by 11291:Team Liquid 11226:Created by 10855:Created by 10611:presenters 10601:Matty Healy 10599:: ... that 10298:Long enough 10254:Created by 10220:: ... that 9734:: ... that 9689:: ... that 9537:Created by 9512:(July 2024) 9492:: ... that 9485:(July 2014) 9298:article.)-- 9235:BlueMoonset 9117:Created by 8978:Created by 8784:: ... that 8596:Miraclepine 8562:: ... that 8488:Miraclepine 8384:BeanieFan11 8349:BeanieFan11 8332:BeanieFan11 8252:Created by 8207:BabaKiueria 8179:destroyer"? 8015:WP:DYKELECT 7959:Josh Hawley 7859:WP:Circular 7784:Created by 7675:Fluddsskark 7633:Fluddsskark 7616:Fluddsskark 7614:Created by 7573:: ... that 7553:NotLikeThis 7297:Long enough 7127:Created by 7096:: ... that 7011:Created by 6807:Created by 6580:Created by 6485:: ... that 6401:Created by 6363:: ... that 6257:Created by 5833:Long enough 5757:Typhoon Nat 5681:) (it/she) 5551:Long enough 5488:Created by 5346:Created by 5248:· she/her) 5238:Dimensional 5206:Okay, then 5158:live action 5148:music video 5033:Long enough 4989:Created by 4969:footage of 4967:live action 4957:music video 4763:(she/her • 4735:Created by 4669:BlueMoonset 4422:Created by 4240:Long enough 3560:Created by 3295:weasel word 3197:Long enough 3157:Created by 3050:: ... that 3034:: ... that 2985:▪ she/her) 2975:Dimensional 2881:Created by 2830:: ... that 2758:· she/her) 2748:Dimensional 2734:▪ she/her) 2724:Dimensional 2664:This fails 2341:page needed 2116:• she/her) 1900:• she/her) 1880:Daniel Case 1867:• she/her) 1857:Daniel Case 1828:Created by 1739:Nominations 1529:|passed=yes 1476:{{DYKmake}} 1463:at the end. 1259:Main page: 920:September 9 907:September 8 894:September 7 881:September 6 868:September 5 855:September 4 842:September 3 829:September 2 816:September 1 530:# Verified 265:WP:DYKSTATS 201:Preparation 183:WP:DYKAPRIL 136:Nominations 27971:Categories 27905:See also: 27748:and broke 27505:(pictured) 27501:Ferrari FF 27492:Ferrari FF 27459:Ferrari FF 27377:Eating Out 27168:Dick Caine 27139:Dick Caine 27091:2024-09-29 27057:(3): 454. 26789:Sun Jianai 26759:Sun Jianai 26701:(pictured) 26516:Uwe Holmer 26463:... that 26436:Uwe Holmer 26168:(pictured) 26132:(pictured) 25785:(pictured) 25623:Thank you 25536:Gus Caesar 25509:Gus Caesar 25151:(pictured) 25099:(pictured) 24982:(pictured) 24769:monogamous 24265:plagiarism 24198:New enough 23969:plagiarism 23902:New enough 23871:Cedar Tree 23677:(pictured) 23531:Gaza Strip 23344:(pictured) 23296:(pictured) 23209:a tad busy 23075:Joe Diffie 23071:Toby Keith 22862:reply here 22536:(pictured) 22307:(pictured) 22114:(pictured) 22020:(pictured) 21925:Henry Ford 21921:(pictured) 21902:(pictured) 21875:(pictured) 21633:Jim Thorpe 21508:Jim Thorpe 21341:RadioKAOS 21054:Charli XCX 20561:Richard II 20295:reply here 20283:QPQ done: 20225:Oliwiasocz 19877:Slgrandson 19848:Short27265 19799:WP:Library 19656:2024-09-18 19530:reply here 19453:reply here 19384:Oliwiasocz 19302:reply here 19290:QPQ done: 19240:Oliwiasocz 19020:0890330131 18913:(pictured) 18886:(pictured) 18450:reply here 18438:QPQ done: 18388:Oliwiasocz 18260:reply here 18248:QPQ done: 18198:Oliwiasocz 18092:Slgrandson 18068:Slgrandson 17591:plagiarism 17524:New enough 17385:Cannonball 17373:Cannonball 17015:Tate McRae 16906:1016152950 16629:to France? 16459:(pictured) 16359:(pictured) 16335:(pictured) 16317:(pictured) 16290:(pictured) 16133:WP:DYKTRIM 15841:East Timor 15668:plagiarism 15601:New enough 15361:Tore Skeie 15329:Tore Skeie 15299:Tore Skeie 15191:Epicgenius 15084:director? 14969:(pictured) 14734:Karena Lam 14379:How about 14108:plagiarism 14036:New enough 13755:(pictured) 13742:Kali Uchis 13448:Weatherday 13360:Weatherday 13201:Gigi Perez 13187:Gigi Perez 13152:Gigi Perez 13146:Proposing 13099:plagiarism 13032:New enough 12947:Gigi Perez 12923:Gigi Perez 12863:The Nualas 12837:The Nualas 12737:The Nualas 12707:The Nualas 12653:Book Prize 12555:(pictured) 12534:(pictured) 12505:(pictured) 12496:The Artist 12494:character 12210:(pictured) 11831:TalkEsport 11820:reliable? 11818:TalkEsport 11814:Jeraxmoira 11747:plagiarism 11691:New enough 11624:WP:DYKCITE 11612:AFK Gaming 11409:Snoop Dogg 11366:Jeraxmoira 10658:video for 10628:an article 10354:plagiarism 10287:New enough 9231:Catfurball 9218:Catfurball 9179:Catfurball 9119:Catfurball 9085:: ...that 9053:: ...that 8980:Johnson524 8931:created a 8850:2024-06-26 8825:2024-04-01 8815:Al Jazeera 8770:2024-04-04 8746:2024-05-25 8741:Al Jazeera 8728:2024-06-26 8705:2024-04-01 8695:Al Jazeera 8673:cemeteries 8570:Cape Verde 8551:Fortes + 8541:Cape Verde 8084:" like a " 8038:Bobby Cohn 8023:Bobby Cohn 8011:October 23 7844:reply here 7353:plagiarism 7286:New enough 7218:August 29, 6653:WP:LIMITED 6559:Young Thug 6513:Young Thug 6495:that the " 6487:Young Thug 6461:Young Thug 6259:Lullabying 5878:plagiarism 5822:New enough 5762:(pictured) 5699:Flibirigit 5691:WP:DYKCRIT 5664:Flibirigit 5607:plagiarism 5540:New enough 5513:Flibirigit 5221:Ivanvector 5215:with hook 5188:Ivanvector 5171:Ivanvector 5089:plagiarism 5022:New enough 4923:... that " 4807:Sammi Brie 4760:Sammi Brie 4615:: ...that 4284:plagiarism 4229:New enough 3906:Slgrandson 3894:2024-09-19 3777:Slgrandson 3762:2024-09-08 3676:2024-09-08 3621:Slgrandson 3562:Slgrandson 3508:2024-08-20 3466:2024-08-20 3241:plagiarism 3186:New enough 3000:Jeraxmoira 2926:prose-line 2922:Jeraxmoira 2883:Jeraxmoira 2398:WP:LIMITED 2137:first link 2042:charlatan. 1681:|passed=no 1669:DYKsubpage 1589:everything 1480:{{DYKnom}} 1394:KrinkleBot 527:# of Hooks 504:Go to top 415:DYK admins 330:WP:DYK/HoF 260:Statistics 118:WP:DYKCRIT 113:Guidelines 27927:expansion 27644:secretary 27632:... that 27587:. p. D.10 27573:Neil, Dan 27357:... that 27194:Ibjaja055 27166:... that 27070:2058-833X 26911:self-help 26909:... that 26786:... that 26592:... that 26249:... that 26018:Cantonese 26013:Ye Yanlan 25965:Ye Yanlan 25962:... that 25935:Ye Yanlan 25838:Lajmmoore 25787:in 1907? 25774:... that 25552:"Source: 25307:(page 80) 25092:... that 25027:Schwede66 24899:self-help 24870:self-help 24841:self-help 24806:this edit 24759:self-help 24757:... that 24500:'s album 24424:tried to 24420:... that 23837:inspired 23222:Schwede66 23161:... that 22763:... that 22698:WP:DYKBLP 22464:Based5290 22402:... that 22300:... that 22201:... that 21625:... that 21581:WP:DYKINT 21500:... that 21419:... that 21283:... that 21095:Jackedano 21063:Talk Talk 21052:... that 20892:... that 20847:Koopastar 20813:Will Wood 20787:Will Wood 20692:... that 20437:... that 20184:... that 20112:🍗TheNugg 20029:... that 19936:John Neal 19934:and told 19922:... that 19828:AFC queue 19820:process.) 19804:, invoke 19795:InPrivate 19788:Discovery 19784:TV Tropes 19780:this page 19610:... that 18991:... that 18946:Munfarid1 18879:... that 18725:... that 18593:Simxaraba 18577:Simxaraba 18338:... that 17921:'s song " 17917:... that 17650:WP:INTEXT 17050:MaranoFan 17013:... that 16879:... that 16774:... that 16703:26 August 16529:... that 16452:... that 16355:Funnyback 16313:Funnyback 16286:Funnyback 16244:Funnyback 16087:... that 15939:... that 15815:... that 15772:Lajmmoore 15740:Lajmmoore 15432:... 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27286:Source: 27257:Source: 27186:Reviewed 27176:Source: 27106:Reviewed 27043:Source: 27031:and the 27016:and the 26939:Reviewed 26925:Source: 26809:Reviewed 26796:in 1898? 26792:founded 26728:Reviewed 26622:Reviewed 26533:Reviewed 26525:Source: 26503:Source: 26479:Source: 26418:Chaiten1 26394:Reviewed 26352:Source: 26295:WikiFouf 26285:Reviewed 26265:Source: 26199:Hawkeye7 26180:Reviewed 26172:Source: 26136:Source: 26112:Dancing 26050:Reviewed 26026:Source: 25978:Source: 25904:Reviewed 25899:Source: 25819:Reviewed 25716:Marcelus 25687:Reviewed 25629:Chaiten1 25584:Chaiten1 25573:Reviewed 25517:Source: 25438:Reviewed 25430:Source: 25407:Source: 25331:Reviewed 25322:Source: 25303:Source: 25233:Reviewed 25194:Source: 25155:Source: 25006:Reviewed 24994:Source: 24793:Reviewed 24704:Reviewed 24694:Source: 24685:The Bear 24621:Reviewed 24539:Reviewed 24518:Source: 24438:Reviewed 24359:: Done. 24259:Free of 24188:General: 24138:Reviewed 23963:Free of 23892:General: 23855:Reviewed 23816:Source: 23744:Reviewed 23546:Reviewed 23393:Reviewed 23368:Source: 23364:Iwo Jima 23308:Source: 23205:DrThneed 23192:Reviewed 23181:Source: 23105:Reviewed 23095:Source: 23010:Reviewed 22988:Source: 22956:Source: 22773:Reviewed 22667:Reviewed 22659:Source: 22654:Khun Tan 22637:Source: 22632:Khun Tan 22569:Reviewed 22450:Reviewed 22442:Source: 22418:Source: 22409:playlist 22357:_-_Alsor 22329:Reviewed 22319:Source: 22235:Reviewed 22135:Reviewed 22122:Source: 22038:Reviewed 22028:Source: 21938:Reviewed 21722:RoySmith 21541:Reviewed 21516:Source: 21510:'s idol? 21444:Reviewed 21435:Source: 21305:Reviewed 21295:Source: 21220:Reviewed 21204:Archived 21199:BBC News 21178:Archived 21164:Source: 21076:Reviewed 21068:Source: 20956:Reviewed 20944:Source: 20918:Source: 20839:Reviewed 20831:Source: 20799:Source: 20722:Reviewed 20712:Source: 20706:, India? 20628:Reviewed 20464:Reviewed 20378:Reviewed 20368:Source: 20360:helicity 20201:Reviewed 20055:Reviewed 20045:Source: 19967:Reviewed 19860:) was a 19858:contribs 19837:Dominica 19814:CableACE 19806:WP:THREE 19802:ProQuest 19742:contribs 19728:contribs 19694:contribs 19671:Reviewed 19661:ProQuest 19635:Source: 19548:future. 19360:Reviewed 19352:Source: 19216:Reviewed 19208:Source: 19031:Reviewed 18929:Reviewed 18921:Source: 18894:Source: 18757:Reviewed 18747:Source: 18667:Reviewed 18644:Source: 18563:Reviewed 18364:Reviewed 18356:Source: 18174:Reviewed 18073:How's my 18011:Reviewed 17945:Reviewed 17933:Source: 17845:Reviewed 17837:Source: 17828:U Wasawa 17798:U Wasawa 17780:ProfGray 17770:Reviewed 17585:Free of 17514:General: 17485:Reviewed 17475:Source: 17402:Reviewed 17309:Reviewed 17301:NY Times 17299:Source: 17131:Reviewed 17123:Source: 17039:Reviewed 17029:Source: 16963:Reidgreg 16903:ProQuest 16826:Reidgreg 16815:Reviewed 16794:Source: 16713:Reviewed 16578:Andrevan 16567:Reviewed 16557:Source: 16484:Hawkeye7 16471:Reviewed 16463:Source: 16371:Reviewed 16363:Source: 16339:Source: 16298:Source: 16093:blintzes 15973:Andrevan 15965:Reviewed 15955:Source: 15875:Reviewed 15867:Source: 15847:page 314 15845:Source: 15823:Source: 15730:: Done. 15662:Free of 15591:General: 15454:Reviewed 15444:Source: 15376:Reviewed 15369:Source: 15345:Source: 15339:100,000? 15262:Reviewed 15252:Source: 15172:Reviewed 15164:Source: 15127:Source: 14997:Reviewed 14987:Source: 14892:Archived 14856:Archived 14851:Ming Pao 14803:Ming Pao 14749:Reviewed 14744:Source: 14723:Source: 14648:Reviewed 14638:Source: 14563:Reviewed 14478:Reviewed 14461:tempered 14208:: Done. 14102:Free of 13976:Reviewed 13857:Reviewed 13849:NY Times 13778:Reviewed 13763:Source: 13738:Maroon 5 13568:Andrevan 13560:Reviewed 13550:Source: 13463:Reviewed 13452:Source: 13424:Source: 13404:Source: 13378:Source: 13238:WP:DYKRI 13093:Free of 13022:General: 12960:Reviewed 12952:Source: 12868:Source: 12842:Source: 12780:Reviewed 12764:Source: 12742:Source: 12571:Reviewed 12563:Source: 12538:Source: 12515:Source: 12246:Reviewed 12218:Source: 12163:Source: 12052:RoySmith 12013:RoySmith 12002:RoySmith 11965:RoySmith 11875:WP:ECREE's 11741:Free of 11681:General: 11608:Rejected 11413:the Edge 11356:Reviewed 11349:Source: 11322:Source: 11300:Source: 11211:Reviewed 10834:Reviewed 10801:Source: 10705:Reviewed 10697:Source: 10664:Source: 10622:Source: 10584:Source: 10348:Free of 10277:General: 10248:Reviewed 10192:Source: 9757:complete 9656:RoySmith 9613:RoySmith 9569:RoySmith 9517:Reviewed 9111:Reviewed 9101:Source: 9069:Source: 9041:Source: 8969:Reviewed 8961:Source: 8941:Source: 8863:Reviewed 8840:BBC News 8819:Archived 8794:and the 8764:Archived 8718:BBC News 8699:Archived 8583:Reviewed 8549:Source: 8469:Reviewed 8460:Source: 8321:Reviewed 8311:Source: 8235:Reviewed 8226:Source: 8185:Source: 8001:Reviewed 7987:Source: 7961:'s book 7914:Reviewed 7906:Source: 7776:Reviewed 7708:paul2520 7704:Reviewed 7605:Reviewed 7597:Source: 7561:Source: 7408:: Done. 7347:Free of 7276:General: 7230:Reviewed 7208:Source: 7121:Reviewed 7112:Source: 7083:Source: 7003:Reviewed 6986:Source: 6970:Cold War 6900:Ergo Sum 6889:Reviewed 6880:Archived 6809:Muhandes 6796:Reviewed 6787:Source: 6724:Source: 6571:Reviewed 6563:Source: 6541:Source: 6523:Source: 6501:Source: 6473:Source: 6403:ProfGray 6387:Reviewed 6248:Reviewed 6240:Source: 6236:Shinjuku 6214:Source: 6196:Shinjuku 6149:Ergo Sum 6114:Ergo Sum 6087:Ergo Sum 6047:Ergo Sum 6004:Ergo Sum 5969:: Done. 5872:Free of 5812:General: 5780:Reviewed 5770:Source: 5654:: Done. 5601:Free of 5530:General: 5479:Reviewed 5469:Source: 5454:boosted 5406:RoySmith 5337:Reviewed 5327:Source: 5213:approved 5083:Free of 5012:General: 4983:Reviewed 4975:Source: 4943:Source: 4724:Reviewed 4629:system? 4483:and the 4416:Reviewed 4404:Source: 4394:and the 4340:: Done. 4278:Free of 4219:General: 4144:contribs 4124:Source: 4029:Reviewed 4017:Source: 3911:How's my 3875:Source: 3782:How's my 3740:Source: 3654:Source: 3523:Reviewed 3449:Source: 3389:RoySmith 3235:Free of 3176:General: 3146:Reviewed 3138:NY Times 3058:Mahanati 3042:Mahanati 2873:Reviewed 2866:Source: 2844:Source: 2839:Mahanati 2820:Source: 2304:Reviewed 2290:Source: 2089:WP:MEDRS 1816:Reviewed 1797:Source: 1675:|passed= 1653:change.) 1523:|passed= 1459:, and a 1424:prep set 1222:Shortcut 573:August 7 561:August 5 549:August 4 376:WP:DYKSB 359:WP:DYKPC 347:WP:DYKNC 236:WP:DYKAI 171:WP:DYKNA 166:Approved 130:WP:DYKRI 27923:article 27907:WP:SOHA 27828:Comment 27801:Bagumba 27716:Comment 27614:Comment 27561:. p. 9. 27468:Comment 27339:Comment 27300:Comment 27221:Comment 27148:Comment 26979:Comment 26913:author 26891:Comment 26768:Comment 26660:Comment 26574:Comment 26539:Comment 26445:Comment 26403:Comment 26322:Comment 26231:Comment 26189:Comment 26129:phryges 26114:phryges 26088:Comment 25944:Comment 25865:Comment 25828:Comment 25744:Comment 25700:Piotrus 25652:Comment 25483:Comment 25451:Piotrus 25377:Comment 25340:Comment 25325:system) 25277:Comment 25242:Comment 25062:Comment 25015:Comment 24937:Comment 24909:Thriley 24880:Thriley 24851:Thriley 24822:Thriley 24802:Comment 24739:Comment 24658:Comment 24577:Comment 24498:Manowar 24478:Comment 24402:Comment 24249:Neutral 24228:Policy: 24147:Comment 24085:Comment 23953:Neutral 23932:Policy: 23861:Comment 23845:in the 23782:Comment 23755:Dumelow 23639:Comment 23529:in the 23491:Comment 23463:Dumelow 23447:Dumelow 23432:Dumelow 23360:Okinawa 23259:Comment 23201:Comment 23143:Comment 23051:Comment 23016:Comment 22944:made a 22922:Comment 22745:Comment 22607:Comment 22580:Dumelow 22491:Comment 22456:Comment 22384:Comment 22335:Comment 22311:Georgia 22270:Comment 22183:Comment 22156:Bruxton 22144:Comment 22076:Comment 21983:Comment 21835:Comment 21528:One day 21482:Comment 21401:Comment 21336:Comment 21311:Comment 21265:Comment 21233:Vacant0 21122:Comment 21085:Comment 21034:Comment 21000:hook.-- 20962:Comment 20904:by the 20874:Comment 20757:Comment 20730:Raydann 20674:Comment 20634:Comment 20529:is the 20527:Macbeth 20501:Comment 20419:Comment 20384:Comment 20334:Comment 20217:Piotrus 20207:Comment 20166:Comment 20115:eteer🍗 20011:Comment 19976:Comment 19904:Comment 19810:WP:RFUD 19684:Thriley 19680:Comment 19592:Comment 19469:Piotrus 19407:Piotrus 19376:Piotrus 19366:Comment 19324:Comment 19263:Piotrus 19232:Piotrus 19222:Comment 19176:Comment 18973:Comment 18938:Comment 18849:Comment 18733:Éponine 18707:Comment 18680:Bridget 18616:Comment 18569:Comment 18510:Comment 18411:Piotrus 18380:Piotrus 18370:Comment 18320:Comment 18221:Piotrus 18190:Piotrus 18180:Comment 18141:Comment 17983:Comment 17956:CatchMe 17899:Comment 17807:Comment 17703:Comment 17654:Bagumba 17575:Neutral 17554:Policy: 17437:Comment 17347:Comment 17320:Thriley 17287:En Foco 17261:Comment 17077:Comment 16995:Comment 16756:Comment 16724:Dumelow 16698:Hansard 16605:Comment 16549:Italian 16541:Aramaic 16511:Comment 16422:Comment 16395:Bruxton 16380:Comment 16253:Comment 16097:borscht 15921:Comment 15884:Comment 15869:page 32 15825:page 71 15797:Comment 15652:Neutral 15631:Policy: 15414:Comment 15387:Kimikel 15308:Comment 15268:Comment 15218:Comment 15181:Comment 15041:Comment 15006:Comment 14922:Comment 14758:Comment 14693:Comment 14604:Comment 14569:Comment 14518:Comment 14432:Comment 14174:PD-scan 14164:PD-1923 14092:Neutral 14071:Policy: 13919:Comment 13892:Etyuxdy 13890:), and 13876:Thriley 13866:Comment 13815:Comment 13706:Comment 13508:Comment 13469:Comment 13450:wrote? 13442:Come In 13418:Come In 13400:Discogs 13394:Come In 13366:Come In 13340:Comment 13083:Neutral 13062:Policy: 12999:), and 12910:Comment 12716:Comment 12689:Schwede 12667:Schwede 12624:Schwede 12606:Schwede 12580:Comment 12460:Comment 12267:is new 12259:Comment 12151:Reunion 12109:Comment 12038:WP:CLOP 11902:be used 11731:Neutral 11263:Comment 11220:Comment 11159:Comment 10871:), and 10847:Comment 10753:Comment 10715:Comment 10660:Netflix 10512:Comment 10338:Neutral 10317:Policy: 10178:by the 10130:Comment 9669:Kingsif 9652:T371948 9609:Kingsif 9565:Kingsif 9561:WP:DYKG 9526:Comment 9418:Comment 9007:Comment 8956:MyRadar 8928:MyRadar 8907:Comment 8898:MyRadar 8872:Comment 8623:Comment 8515:Comment 8478:Comment 8463:manner. 8430:Comment 8281:Comment 8244:Comment 8144:Comment 8110:WP:BLPN 8090:WP:NPOV 8007:Comment 7971:Regnery 7965:Manhood 7939:Comment 7877:Comment 7765:Source: 7731:Comment 7591:to the 7527:Comment 7337:Neutral 7316:Policy: 7168:Comment 7045:Comment 6976:by the 6944:Comment 6916:Thriley 6836:Comment 6694:Comment 6625:from a 6465:Georgia 6435:Comment 6393:Comment 6349:require 6312:require 6286:Comment 6176:Comment 6137:eteer🍗 6097:eteer🍗 6091:Hello? 6076:eteer🍗 6014:eteer🍗 5862:Neutral 5724:Comment 5591:Neutral 5570:Policy: 5432:Comment 5297:Comment 5073:Neutral 5052:Policy: 4905:Comment 4692:Comment 4366:Comment 4268:Neutral 3987:Comment 3865:viewed 3532:Comment 3515:Online. 3415:Comment 3354:Thriley 3274:Redflag 3225:Neutral 3159:Thriley 3100:Comment 2780:Comment 2621:eteer🍗 2584:eteer🍗 2543:eteer🍗 2476:eteer🍗 2439:eteer🍗 2379:eteer🍗 2260:Comment 1822:Comment 1789:stammer 1763:Comment 1520:Change 1506:Change 536:July 28 524:Section 294:WP:DYKW 277:WP:DYKA 254:History 212:T:DYK/Q 195:WP:SOHA 159:WP:DYKN 40:backlog 27939:WT:DYK 27684:Orygun 27640:Oregon 27251:happy? 27249:Israel 26602:under 25189:a poet 25033:) and 24820:) and 24712:Mjks28 24451:Llewee 24267:, and 24131:p. 276 23971:, and 23589:hinata 23583:Naruto 23459:Howdy 23356:Tarawa 22883:buidhe 22839:buidhe 22786:Buidhe 22710:hinata 22704:Naruto 22432:Barney 21951:Kevmin 21907:safe." 21746:hinata 21740:Naruto 21675:hinata 21669:Naruto 21661:here: 21593:hinata 21587:Naruto 20223:) and 20032:a plan 19750:WP:NTV 19730:) and 19659:– via 19558:hinata 19552:Naruto 19487:hinata 19481:Naruto 19382:) and 19238:) and 19124:hinata 19118:Naruto 18793:hinata 18787:Naruto 18656:, 2015 18386:) and 18196:) and 18098:WP:DUE 17593:, and 17179:Bremps 17158:ALT1: 16929:hinata 16923:Naruto 16850:hinata 16844:Naruto 16547:, and 16537:Hebrew 16218:hinata 16212:Naruto 16155:hinata 16149:Naruto 16052:hinata 16046:Naruto 15998:hinata 15992:Naruto 15836:a fort 15746:Sahaib 15744:done. 15670:, and 15538:Sahaib 15488:Sahaib 15465:Sahaib 14540:based 14385:curiae 14347:buidhe 14306:buidhe 14243:curiae 14235:curiae 14110:, and 13960:curiae 13744:, and 13668:Sure. 13649:hinata 13643:Naruto 13596:hinata 13590:Naruto 13534:Hebrew 13192:TikTok 13101:, and 12993:MC-123 12883:Bogger 12815:Bremps 12793:Bogger 12759:Nualas 12559:comics 12492:comics 12292:Zhuhai 12214:Zhuhai 12198:Pan He 12146:Pan He 12100:Pan He 12055:(talk) 12040:; see 12005:(talk) 11968:(talk) 11749:, and 11527:hinata 11521:Naruto 11383:: Per 11234:) and 11181:rower 11075:hinata 11069:Naruto 10962:hinata 10956:Naruto 10910:hinata 10904:Naruto 10865:Aibo22 10645:hosts 10356:, and 10176:waived 10078:hinata 10072:Naruto 10036:hinata 10030:Naruto 9887:hinata 9881:Naruto 9845:hinata 9839:Naruto 9800:hinata 9794:Naruto 9659:(talk) 9627:hinata 9621:Naruto 9587:hinata 9581:Naruto 9533:birth? 9388:hinata 9382:Naruto 9270:hinata 9264:Naruto 9153:hinata 9147:Naruto 8671:, and 8363:hinata 8357:Naruto 8177:damper 8063:WT:DYK 7647:hinata 7641:Naruto 7585:USENET 7355:, and 6588:) and 6008:Done. 5919:Image: 5880:, and 5609:, and 5409:(talk) 5377:hinata 5371:Naruto 5241:Fusion 5144:ALT1a: 5091:, and 4561:buidhe 4450:buidhe 4286:, and 4190:Bremps 4066:buidhe 3938:hinata 3932:Naruto 3897:– via 3834:hinata 3828:Naruto 3805:hinata 3799:Naruto 3765:– via 3727:ALT1b: 3706:hinata 3700:Naruto 3679:– via 3595:hinata 3589:Naruto 3511:– via 3469:– via 3392:(talk) 3335:Andrew 3243:, and 2978:Fusion 2950:Done. 2751:Fusion 2727:Fusion 2373:Done. 2202:Rjjiii 2141:Rjjiii 1976:Rjjiii 1722:WT:DYK 1711:issue. 1705:before 1667:subst: 1338:, and 301:Awards 106:WT:DYK 94:WP:DYK 27528:750h+ 26373:Latin 24897:that 24298:Cited 24288:Hook: 24002:Cited 23992:Hook: 22803:Srnec 21728:, or 20972:Iostn 20779:for " 20704:Delhi 20086:ALT0: 19926:read 19077:ALT1a 17612:Cited 17172:Pagan 17119:Pagan 16955:women 16908:(via 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