
Tomás Frías

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1635:. The column was exiting the city, marching on Juan de Dios Street, when the battalion encountered them and fired. Carlos Villegas, the commander general of Cochabamba, tried to suppress the rebels but was captured and incarcerated. General Quevedo, who was on his way back from fulfilling his duties as a deputy in Sucre, negotiated with the insurgents and obtained the release of Villegas. Although pacified, the battalion demanded that their wages, not paid for over five months, be paid in full. On 1 December, the municipal bank loaned 4,000 pesos to the authorities, who used the money to pay the battalion's arrears. At 10:30, on 2 December, the same battalion declared itself in mutiny, yet again, and proclaimed General Daza as president. Quevedo again pacified the battalion, proclaiming himself superior military chief and commander of the Department of Cochabamba until a commission could decide how to best amend the situation. Thus, by 4 December, Quevedo was officially in charge of the Department and had named Miguel Aguirre as Prefect. After Quevedo appointed sub-prefects, he led the battalion out of Cochabamba on 7 December. When Frías became aware of the mutiny, he sent Daza and the first battalion to deal with the situation. On 9 December, the President passed a supreme decree which ordered the circulation of the powers which had been granted to the government by virtue of Article 20 of the Constitution. This Article gave the government emergency powers whenever facing a major rebellion and suspended some liberties. On 21 December, with the news of Daza's approach, the third battalion was completely dispersed. The following day, he entered Cochabamba and found the revolution completely extinguished. 1351:
municipalities had to account for their expenditures, requiring them to report and seek the approval of the National Assembly for any extraordinary expense. This was met with resistance from the municipal governments, namely that of La Paz, which claimed the new law to be unconstitutional and a violation of the autonomy that had been granted to municipalities for decades. The municipal authorities of the city of Cochabamba protested against this law as well. After the complaints issued from several municipalities, a council of ministers deemed it to be an adequate law and promulgated it, being officially made legislation on 8 April, regardless of all the resistance the decree had met. Newspapers in La Paz condemned the government, inciting further dissidence and encouraging the rebelliousness of General Daza. In order to pacify the young General, Frías called Daza to Sucre. When he refused, the President headed to Oruro to offer him the Ministry of War. Although Daza had turned down the offer, Frías returned to Sucre and passed a supreme decree on 13 May, making Daza his Minister of War. By doing so, the President hoped to pacify the country and prevent a civil war, one which Daza might have sparked. Many criticized the President for this action, since it gave power and legitimacy to a man that had tirelessly conspired against the government. However, Frías saw this as his only option, separating Daza from his center of power and taking him far away to Sucre. Nonetheless, this appointment had serious implications for the future, ominously setting the stage for the final rebellion which dethroned Frías in coming years.
elections. During the session of the 22 and 24 of August, the Assembly presented a report which rejected the proposed reform. Those who opposed the government, claiming that popular democracy had not been at play when Frías assumed the Presidency, believed that a Vice President should be the heir in case of an emergency. Nonetheless, the reform of Article 70 of the Constitution was rejected after General Quevedo declared himself against it. The discussion moved to the reform of Article 62, which required any government official to have been born in Bolivia. It was proposed that this only apply to the position of President and deputy. This proposal was rejected, and no further discussion was held on the matter. Another proposed reform involved Article 40, which stipulated that the National Assembly was to meet every 6 August in the capital. The proposal stated that the President be able to choose another city in case of extraordinary circumstances. Some proposed that a capital finally be chosen, since, for decades, the Assembly had met in many different cities. This reform was rejected as well. The reform of Article 12, which stipulated that a debtor could not be imprisoned, was also discussed; it was proposed that this Article be changed. The reasons stated generally pointed to the harm the Article had caused to the economy, the mining industry, and commerce. This reform led to a long and arduous discussion which was finalized on 2 September, with the majority failing to achieve the two thirds necessary for a constitutional reform to take place.
1808:, a candidate in the elections, renounced his candidature, hastily meeting with Daza in his home, declaring he would support a coup against the government. Thus, the revolution started, with the government either frozen or impartial about the events. With the threat of an attack on the Government Palace in Sucre, Frías and his ministers were determined to remain inside and stand their ground. At 11:30, military trumpets and drums began to play outside the Palace, with sentinels being sent to block every exit. All of this for the imprisonment of four unarmed civilians. Frías tried to exit the building, only to be stopped by a sentinel. When stopped, Frías uttered the words: "I know you for some time now; you have known me; I am the president". After a long silence, a group of soldiers began to chant: "Long live the President of the Republic!", to which Frías replied: "That is me!". Immediately after this, an even louder cheer came from outside: "Long live General Daza!". Then, the sentinels at the door crossed their bayonets on Frías' chest, after which the president withdrew to his desk. Eventually, all ministers and the President were separated and guarded individually for the rest of the night. The next day, 5 May, all ministers were released except for Daniel Calvo and Mariano Baptista. Agustín Aspiazu, who had been appointed by Frías as Minister of War only recently, was allowed to leave since he was allied to Daza and had participated in the coup. Frías was then relocated to the Recoleta Convent, where President 1221:. Morales, afraid of a revolution, placed General Sanjinés in charge of all the ministries, convinced that Corral would lead an insurrection against the government. The President is said to have been neurotic and incoherent, sitting on the benches outside the Government Palace and muttering about his two greatest concerns: the closure of the National Assembly and the conspiracies which were unfolding. At 21:45, Morales called one of his aides-de-camp into his office, immediately attacking him. Federico La Faye, aide-de-camp and nephew to the President, tried to calm his uncle down. Then, the President summoned Colonel Nicanor Lavadenz. Punching Colonel Lavadenz twice, Morales said: "Colonel, I hear that you are among those who ruthlessly conspire against me. Go ahead, start a revolution. I authorize you!". Lavadenz replied: "My general, how could I start a revolution against you?"; Morales struck Lavadenz yet again. Then, La Faye, begging his uncle to stop, was struck. Outraged, La Faye asked: "Uncle, how could you disrespect me too!"; he is struck again by the irate President, who retired to his desk. Indignant, La Faye stated: "No one disrespects me"; then, he proceeded to shoot his uncle once. After receiving the first shot, Morales uttered: "You to me, Federico?"; his nephew replied: "Yes, me to you", shooting him five more times. After the dramatic events that unfolded on the night of 27 November, Frías was named President by Congress. 1207:
attempting to make me seem a felon. They are the ones who cause the misfortunes of our country, a nation that had been destined to be great and today finds itself in poverty, covered with rags and misery. But, gentlemen, what could be expected from men who have come to occupy these benches for their own interest; of men without work, who have nothing else to eat but the sweat of the poor? Which of them has a position? Parasitic plants! You know them, and you know well that there are not even six of them that are not hungry for power… You know that I have been accused of being a thief! Me! Me! By those ruffians that have wanted to usurp your rights. You know me well; I am proud to have been born among you and under this sky. Taking the leadership of this country after our great revolution, I have wanted nothing more than justice and I have had no other intention than that in my conscience. I, gentlemen, have not stolen… the chief magistrate of the nation is poor like the people, and he has not been a Balthasar: he barely has enough to live in misery… By getting rid of these perfidious traitors, who have no conscience nor dignity, I have enthroned justice and liberty. That very freedom which is so great and so beautiful that it is the very happiness of the peoples; that freedom and that justice that these men do not know.
who had left Bolivia earlier, had been inciting rebellion from Peru, and returned after he was elected deputy during the legislative election of May 1874. Corral's return to La Paz was worrisome for the government since his very home had become a place of daily anti-government meetings. This greatly troubled the public, which feared that a conspiracy was unfolding. The night of 7 September, the Prefect of La Paz ordered the conspirators at Corral's house to disperse. Corral followed the instruction, however, the following morning an even larger number of plotters met at his house. A mob began forming in the streets of La Paz, being serenaded by Corral from one of his windows. At 8:00, the Prefect sent the police to disperse the crowd. Refusing the Prefect's demand to disperse and give up weapon, Corral's denial was followed by a loud applause from the crowd. Then, the chief of police, Espectador Rivas, ordered Corral's house to be surrounded. Corral shut his door, however, it was forcefully opened by the police, who captured him and 26 other conspirators. This controversy created a nationwide debate on whether Corral should be tried for treason or not. Nonetheless, on 23 October, Frías decreed a general amnesty to the conspirators involved in Corral's plot.
were from the opposition, including General Quevedo. The general opposition against Frías began to rise, with many newspapers throughout the country publishing anti-government propaganda. Nonetheless, Frías and his government called the Assembly to meet, eager to discuss issues concerning the national budget, with the President determined to carry out a General Audit in said upcoming session. The discussion about the economic condition of the country began with the burdensome Valdeavellano loan, an agreement made during the administration of President Morales. 500,000 pesos were borrowed, with an interest rate of 8% per annum, at an initial rate of 5%. The loan could only be cancelled six months after the initial agreement and was renewable for three months after its termination, considering that the lender be paid with the same percentage of interest for every semester thereafter. By 1874, the debt had increased to 673,000 pesos, requiring 90,000 pesos annually at an interest rate of 18% per annum, causing a massive burden on the national economy. On 24 July, the Assembly decided to pay the entirety of the debt.
1559:. President Achá had been reluctant to join, since Spain had recognized Bolivian independence and the two countries had good relations ever since. However, his stance was not seen favorably by the public, which embraced Frías' criticisms of the government's inaction. However, Achá's reluctance was also based on the major disadvantages the allies would face against Spain. The war would be a maritime one and, with the inferiority of the allied navy, the Spanish could only be defeated if they were starved and had no port to refuel and equip themselves. Bolivian neutrality provided the Spanish with said ports, threatening the American Union. As such, in 1866, the Chilean government sent Aniceto Vergara Albano to negotiate with Melgarejo. Reaching and agreement with Vergara, Melgarejo scrapped the casus belli against Chile, issued in 1863 by the National Assembly, and signed a treaty in March of that year. On 10 August, Juan Ramón Muñoz, Bolivian Minister Plenipotentiary to Chile, consolidated the agreement with the Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1387:
The Ministry of Finance presented that the government had, in the previous year, a total income of 3,447,785.88 pesos; total expenditures of 3,660,679.69 pesos; and a déficit of 212,993.81 pesos. The Ministry of Public Instruction presented evidence of its strict adherence to the Law of Free Teaching, enacted on 22 November 1872. This law stipulated the following principles: the promotion public instruction; the practice free teaching at the municipal level; and the acknowledgement of instructors as the representatives of their communities. The Ministry of War assured the Assembly of the army's continued support for the current administration. Moreover, it presented to the Assembly that there was 1,789 active military personnel in the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented that an agreement had been finally reached with Chile regarding the border conflict; that Chile and Bolivia had finally reached the conclusion of the unfinished treaty signed in 1866 under Melgarejo.
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conscription was based on his belief that Bolivia had found itself in constant anarchy since its birth because of the army; that because the army had not been constitutionally conscripted, anarchic and revolutionary ideals arbitrarily abounded in the army. He added that the arbitrary recruitment of soldiers, a practice that had dominated the country since independence, had been unconstitutional and therefore had to be amended. After all, it was the Bolivian Army that was in charge of defending the laws and the constitution which dictated them; that was their purpose, defend democracy and liberty, not work for their own personal gain. Regarding municipalities, Frías believed that each municipality had to submit their deliberations which were to be examined and discussed by the National Assembly. Without much debate, the Assembly agreed with this proposal.
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massive fire. By 15:00, the third floor was completely engulfed in flames; by 17:00, the second floor was consumed by the fire. Hours earlier, Colonel Granier had been informed of the assault, and had begun his march on the city. Around 18:00, Granier's troops had entered La Paz, at which time Calvo and Baptista had chosen to arm themselves and, alongside a small group, opened the gates and fire upon the enemies. The small group made its way to the Monastery of the Concepcionistas, seeking refuge, sustaining heavy fire and losing a few men. Rushing into the main plaza, the revolutionaries claimed victory, only to be surprised by Granier and his men. The rebels were defeated, bringing an end to the bloody and ferocious combat which had ensued for hours. The next day, 130 bodies were recovered. The burning of the
now tasked to choose among the three candidates with the most votes. The first round concluded with 31 votes for Ballivián, 20 for Corral, and 6 for Quevedo. The second round, contested between Ballivián and Corral, finalized with the former obtaining 41 votes and the latter 19. Thus, Ballivián defeated both Corral and Quevedo and was proclaimed President of Bolivia. Both Corral and Quevedo, as they had promised prior to their respective candidatures, accepted and acknowledged the victor of the elections as the legitimate successor to Frías. The entirety of this short first term was dedicated to presiding over these elections in the most transparent way possible. Through intense scrutiny, Frías conducted, by far, the cleanest elections in 19th century Bolivia.
1266:. Corral had already announced, in his memorandum to the Assembly of 1872, that negotiations were under way to smooth out these difficulties. However, two stipulations were contested vehemently by the Assembly. The first was the division of the guano deposits and profits between the two nations; the second regarded the export rights of the metals extracted from the territory between the parallels 23º and 25º. These issues would not cease to be a hotbed of tension for the two nations in the future. Corral reported he had reached an agreement with Chile and was ordered to submit a transcript of the negotiations, to be presented for discussion for the next extraordinary Assembly, to be convened on 23 April 1873. Foreign relations with the 1692:
aggressive advance of the government forces on enemy lines was firm and organized. Frías'charge was so forceful that, after sustaining a 25-minute fire, it was able to break the enemy line, only to find the rebel forces completely dispersed and defeated. Very few casualties were inflicted on the government forces. Among the dead were: Colonel Jacinto Matos, who was in the vanguard as captain, and two soldiers from the first battalion; Casto Eizaguirre, of the same company, and Lieutenant Colonel Rudesindo Niño de Guzmán: and 8 soldiers. Quevedo's troops suffered 100 casualties, and only 583 prisoners, out of the thousands of rebel soldiers present at the battle, were taken since many of them had fled at the beginning of the battle.
however, Frías opted to maintain the same ministers as he had done after the death of Morales. It was no surprise to the general public that Frías found himself as President yet again. It was known for some months that Ballivián was severely ill. Although at first there were no challenges to the new administration, soon discontent spread throughout the nation. Especially in the Departments of La Paz and Cochabamba, a robust opposition against Frías formed, questioning the legitimacy of his accession to the Presidency. Paradoxically, during the administration of Ballivián, Frías was believed to have been the rightful and truly constitutional successor of Morales. Now that Ballivián was dead, his legitimacy was vehemently questioned.
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music, according to available resources. The teaching of the Spanish and Latin languages and religion will be as extensive as possible, while the other subjects will be only elementary. According to Article 2, there will be six courses for the study of these subjects; the content will be expanded in higher-level courses, and students will be required to carry out exercises and analyses.—Article 15: The teachers will meet once a week at the home of the rector to report on their observations and the state of the classes, improvements possible in teaching methods and procedures, and the measures to be adopted for discipline. The agreements and results will be recorded in the book kept by the rector.
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Bolivia and the guiding principles of social order; obedience to the statutes of the University and the laws governing Public Instruction. Article 45— The University Council is composed of ten members, selected from the heads of colleges, deans, and professors of the faculties. The decree issued on 15 October 1845, titled "Method of Teaching," organized secondary schools. Among the bases of the decree, it is established that instruction in higher professional studies should be separated from the subjects taught in secondary schools, following the decree of 25 August of the same year, because the school teaches preparatory subjects for professions. The decree stated the following:
1178:, singing chants which were intended to disrupt the deliberations of the National Assembly, which was in session that night with most of the country's elite politicians, including Frías. Minutes later, a military band entered the Palace and stormed the room where the Assembly met, hurling insults and threats to the politicians who were congregated there. The Palace guard had been overrun by the mob, having resisted the attack but to no avail. Panic filled the room; deputies fleeing the building through any available exit, fearing to be killed. One deputy, Jacinto Villamil, fractured his foot jumping out of a window. The President of the National Assembly, 1083:(Red Party) in the 1870s. Positions in prefectures and key administrative and judicial roles were filled by individuals who embraced Linares' "regenerative" ideology, believing that the nation required a substantial overhaul to overcome the perceived chaos. Frías, as a member of Linares' cabinet, was influential in the creation of the financial framework of Bolivia's economy. During this tenure, he was very clear and restrictive regarding the administration of the national budget, mainly with regard to the salaries and expenses of officials. The nation's financial situation, in a state of disarray, experienced a rapid turnaround due to the stringent 1254: 1597:, and any further guano to be discovered in the future, were to be divided in half by the two countries. The rights to exploit minerals in the condominial territory was not to increase the quota on what was already being charged at the time. Furthermore, Chilean people and industries could not be levied any further taxes for 25 years after the signing of the treaty. Any Chilean imports entering the Bolivian Litoral through the condominial territory would not be subject to duties nor tariffs. This would apply for Bolivia in the territory between the 24° and 25° parallels. Finally, Chile officially renounced its rights to Mejillones and 1442:, an engineer hired for this enterprise, appealed to British tribunals in hopes of resuming the construction, hoping to also obtain aid from British investors with shares in the company. The issue was barely debated during the November sessions of the National Assembly, with only a single deputy denouncing the irregularities of the company. However, to the majority it seemed clear that the potential benefits of this enterprise were far too great to abandon. As such, the majority voted in favor of the company, and on 25 November, the Assembly passed a law with the following provisions: Of the funds withheld in the 1665:
revolution, promising to maintain order in La Paz after the city witnessed three days of chaos that had left many dead. As promised, on the 25 and 26 of December, the revolutionary cuirassiers cleaned the city of looters and murderers. On 5 January 1875, Quevedo entered the city, paradoxically only months after he had voted in favor of Frías at the National Assembly, helping the President to solve the question of legitimacy with his vote. Although Quevedo had resources, he did not have the approval of the masses and lacked popularity, an issue which he had to solve in order to carry out his revolution.
which the loan should be served; the liability of the companies in case the work is not carried out; the term in which the work of the railway must begin and end, and the way in which the companies must communicate with the government during the operations of the company; and finally the mortgage of the proceeds of the railway and of the shipping company for the amortization of the loan. In case the company cannot continue construction due to lack of additional capital or the guarantees that the new contractors must provide, the former executive will be subject to the law issued on 5 November 1873.
disabled, absent or dead, the president of the Council of State would be called to carry out the executive power until the end of the constitutional term. Frías refused to finish the remainder of Morales' term, calling for elections. Accepting the President's compromise, the National Assembly proposed that Article 70 be changed. As per the proposal, the president of the Council of State would still be called to carry out the executive power, however, within thirty days would have to set a date for elections, convening the Assembly for three months after this decree had been promulgated.
1334: 1063: 1797: 1793:. Nonetheless, Daza controlled the army and his support grew exponentially. There were numerous rumors of a conspiracy which was unfolding against the government, and the administration was well aware. Fearing the worst, Frías sent a memorandum to the garrisons throughout the country ensuring their loyalty and securing equipment in case Daza did launch a coup. The memorandum was intercepted by Daza, who was furious after reading the contents. Regardless of this incident, Daza pledged his allegiance to the government, referring to Frías as his "father". 1162: 6531: 1446:, 83% of the loan contracted by Colonel Church, on behalf of the Republic of Bolivia, will continue to be applied exclusively to the construction of the Madeira-Mamoré railway; after the construction of the railway is completed, the shipping company will be required to pay the additional capital needed for the completion of the work, with negotiated funds from its account; the government will lend all its support to the company, ensuring its success; the formation of a special commission to settle the pending lawsuits before the 1687:
guns, their smoke darkening the atmosphere for a moment. Their projectiles fell two meters away from the government army's line, which, throwing a general hurrah, continued marching forward. Colonel Ramon González advanced with his company, fighting with "recklessness and courage"; Colonel Juan Granier entered the fight on foot at the head of his company. Even President Frias participated in the early stages of the battle. He remained in the action even after the combat began to grow more ferocious and, with his ministers
68: 1735:, leading to Frías' decision to march on Cochabamba regardless of his inferior numbers. It was during his march to Cochabamba that yet another revolution exploded in La Paz, where Ministers Calvo and Baptista, alongside Colonel Juan Granier, had been left in charge. An attack on the Government Palace of La Paz was expected, leading to the fortification of the building by government forces. On 20 March, at 10:00, revolutionaries gathered in the remote outskirts of the city, and began to march upon the main plaza. 1669:
revolutionaries. However, Corral's declaration carried no weight, as he truly intended to take over the revolution instead of preventing the fall of the government. As such, on 5 January, Corral and Quevedo met, and the two caudillos came to an agreement which was published on 9 January as a revolutionary manifesto. Corral, who had earned his popularity by rebelling against Melgarejo and playing a leading role the revolution that ousted him. However, he was now allied to one of the most prominent
1547: 1376: 5396: 1296: 5379: 1644: 1235: 1774: 1474: 1830: 5406: 1111:. Frías also promoted the liberalization of other sectors of the national economy such as textiles and minerals (with the exception of silver). He strove to normalize Bolivian monetary policy by refinancing the foreign debt on the one hand and on the other by reminting silver coins in Potosí. Coins were introduced into circulation to address the issues caused by the circulation of a weak currency, and these coins were named 1739:, head of the police at the time, gathered some men to defend the San Francisco square, suffering a total and complete defeat. Led by Colonels Carlos Resini and Modesto Moscoso, a massive mob fought ferociously for eight hours against the government forces barricaded in the Palace. By midnight, Colonel Manuel Othón Jofré attempted to break the siege, however, the charge failed and ended with the Colonel seriously injured. 1194:
President took this as a challenge, interpreting the demands to be humiliating. As such, he became determined to shut down the Assembly himself. At 15:00, Morales met his ministers and aides-de-camp, announcing the following: "I shall close Congress. Whoever wants to follow me, follow me; whoever does not, do not". The Bolivian Army, stationed in front of the Government Palace, saluted Morales when he entered, singing the
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the same condominial territory. Bolivia was obligated to open a customs office in Mejillones, and it was to be the only fiscal office which could deal with the production of guano and the exportation rights of the metals in the condominial territory. Between the 24° and 25° parallels, Chile had complete sovereignty and all the rights to import and export without having to declare through customs.
1708:. Juan de Dios Ribera had put himself at the head of the revolution in Cobija after the government authorities were completely expelled from the region. However, when they learned of Quevedo's defeat at Chacoma on 18 January, they submitted themselves to the government and requested guarantees. The government agreed and allowed them leave the country. By 3 February, the ring leaders had fled to 898: 1095:. In order to enforce this, he created the Central Fund for Payments, which centralized and organized the national economy after more than twenty years of administrative anarchy. It also created a budget dedicated solely and exclusively to education with which it was possible to buy books, pay salaries and rents and even grant credits and subsidies to schools and universities. 1859:
1892, a regulatory decree was issued providing that the departments of Potosí and Oruro were independent of the Chancellery of Chuquisaca and La Paz respectively. On 3 February 1893, the University Council of Potosi was installed, under the leadership of chancellor and president Nicanor Careaga. By an act issued on 29 November 1924 (enacted on 2 December 1924) by President
1050:, being appointed as a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice. In that capacity, he was part of the council which articulated the Civil Code of 1855. Moreover, Córdova appointed him Prefect of Potosí, however, only temporarily since the country was engulfed in a political crisis as a result of the controversial general election of 1855. Under the command of General 924:. In addition to these stages, Frías considered private teaching lyceums for certain branches of sciences and arts and also envisioned the foundation of state-sponsored schools, which remained only on paper. Frías's decrees brought unity to Bolivia's educational action through the three established stages, including university. These decrees placed great importance on 913:, a bolivian educator, remarks on this, stating: "There were no methods or plans in education. The best-oriented was Tomás Frías, who provided a true statute of instruction with the Organic Decree of the Universities, proposing the division of the Republic into three university districts, with the authority to direct and inspect education at all its levels". 1422:
On 5 October, the Land Ex-entailment Law was decreed, which indicated the right of ownership of the lands inherited by the ancestors to the indigenous people and for whose legalization only the possession of the title is needed, which was issued at the cost of 10 cts. and gave absolute rights and legal certainty to the indigenous over their properties.
university is the assembly or corporation of professors, directors, and officials dedicated to teaching in the faculties, colleges, lyceums, institutions, boarding schools, and public or private schools of the district. Article 3— Bolivia is divided into three districts corresponding to the three Universities: Sucre, which includes the
1538:, seized the Mejillones Bay. Negotiations were opened between the two governments, ending on 2 September 1861, with no results. Retaking Mejillones became a priority of the government, such that the National Assembly which met in Oruro in 1863 authorized the declaration of war with Chile if negotiations reached a dead end. 1601:, for which Bolivia had to provide monetary compensation. The treaty and its stipulations were presented by Frías to the National Assembly, which had met on 21 August. A debate ensued and engulfed Bolivian politics for months to come. Finally, on 5 November, a proposal to renegotiate was presented and, on 9 November, the 1686:
Quevedo stationed his army at the ranch of Chacoma, a place that was dominated by a gentle slope from the East, which was exactly where Frías was coming from. On 18 January, the government forces arrived and, catching the rebels by surprise, attacked. At first, there was heavy fire from rebel machine
and to reconstitute the contract, granting new deeds, in which the guarantees that must be provided by the navigation company, or by any new ones, will be recorded; the recruitment of contractors for the construction of the railway. Furthermore, negotiations will take place to determine the manner in
by the Spanish, the indigenous inhabitants had been in charge of their communal lands. A fact which was changed when Melgarejo seized these lands and redistributed them. This was reverted in 1871, but had not materialized yet, leaving it up to the National Assembly of 1874 to solve the issue at hand.
On 10 August, the Assembly met to discuss two proposals which the President wanted to introduce for debate. After his introductory speech, Frías presented them. In summary, his proposals were the introduction of an organic law of military conscription and a municipal reform. His proposal for military
People! As the first magistrate of Bolivia, I have come to close this Assembly, whose benches today are deserted by a group of treacherous, infamous, and perfidious men, who, far from fulfilling their mission, have abused their power and authority to disrupt and hinder the progress of the government,
According to the Statute of the Base of Education, part of the decree of 25 August 1845, Frías promulgated the following: Article 33— All classes of all grades will have as their basis: the precepts of the Catholic Religion; fidelity to the Republic and its Constitution, which preserves the unity of
and Gregorio Pérez, attempted to break the siege by taking Frías by surprise and engage in direct combat. However, they were repelled, defeated, and completely dispersed. The President then entered the city triumphantly and declared the victory of the constitutionalist cause. In order to ensure the
Casimiro Corral had been living in Puno for the past months when the revolutions of Cochabamba and La Paz took place. Regardless of his opposition to Frías, on 1 January, he declared himself in favour of the government in a lengthy manifesto, where he decried the violence committed in La Paz by the
and had continued conspiring to take power by any means. An hour after the second battalion had seized the city, a representative of Quevedo entered the city and accepted the revolution in the name of the General. On 24 December, Generals Gregorio Pérez and Gonzalo Lanza declared themselves for the
had been made captain-general of what became Chile, the range of the territory was to be between the 27° and 41° parallels. Centuries later, the Royal Ordinance of Intendants of 1782, decreed by the metropole, announced the Atacama Province was invariably and permanently attached to the Province of
Finally, the time to discuss the most important concern in the minds of the anxious deputies had come. The questioned legality of the Frías administration was put to discussion, and it was agreed by the majority, and a revision committee, that the President was indeed serving constitutionally. Even
The continued resistance from the municipalities was deemed unconstitutional and resulted in a council of ministers having to officially approve the law and enforce it. As a result of this bureaucratic insubordination, Frías ordered each ministry to present their official reports for the year 1873.
As per the Constitution, legislative elections were to be held that year. In La Paz, out of the four possible deputies, not a single ally of the current administration had won. In fact, all the winners belonged to the opposition and included Casimiro Corral. In Cochabamba, three out of four winners
The top three candidates of the election were Ballivián, Corral, and Quevedo, receiving 6,442; 5,352; and 3,313 votes respectively. There was a total of 16,674 votes, and none of the candidates achieved the majority necessary as stipulated by the Constitution, meaning that the National Assembly was
Article 19: The teaching in the schools will include: Spanish, Latin, and French; English and German languages; Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and rectilinear trigonometry; Geography and history; Elements of natural history and physics; Religion. Philosophy and ancillary subjects: drawing, singing,
The Organic Decree of Universities, dated 25 August 1845, aimed to remedy the "chaos and contradictions in the legal norms" and established the following provisions: Article 1— The universities are responsible for the direction and supervision of the general education of the country. Article 2— The
Of his many ministerial positions, the first Frías held was that of Minister of Public Instruction. Throughout the tenure of this first position, Frías carried out wide and sweeping reforms in Bolivian education, establishing statutes and promulgating decrees that played a major role in the country
and spent the rest of his days there. It is said that, sensing his death, he asked the manager of the hotel he lived in to prepare a warm bath for him. After washing, he is said to have uttered: "Now let us wait for death". He died on 10 May 1884. Days after his death, his remains were transported
was concluded, yet never ratified. The treaty stipulated that the 24° parallel would serve as the border between the two nations; the territory between the 23° and 25° parallels would be mutually exploited and profits divided between the two countries; and the right to export the minerals found in
The majority of the Army had been stationed in La Paz toward the end of Ballivián's term. Severino Zapata had been named commander of the army present there and the prefecture of La Paz was left to José Iriondo, while Belisario Salinas was in Sucre exercising his duties as deputy. Casimiro Corral,
One of the first administrative acts of the newly formed government was to conclude a diplomatic agreement that was signed on 5 December between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Casimiro Corral, and the Minister Plenipotentiary of Chile, Santiago Lindsay. The purpose of the agreement was to settle
Thus, on 28 November 1872, he assumed the presidency, immediately calling for elections. Instead of forming a new cabinet, he chose to maintain his predecessor's cabinet. Article 70 of the Constitution dictated that if, in the middle of a presidential term, the president resigned or was dismissed,
With the speech concluded, Morales invested himself with dictatorial powers, which was met with opposition from his own ministers. On 26 November, his entire cabinet resigned. Casimiro Corral, a member of the cabinet, had a turbulent meeting with Morales that culminated with the President throwing
newspapers because of his past refusal to collaborate with Belzu. As such, although not officially exiled, he left the country yet again. Throughout the Belzu administration, Frías would constantly clash with the President and his supporters. This did not mean Frías was critical of the regime but.
Only a few days after the forceful closure of the Assembly, Morales was assassinated. That day, Frías was appointed president of the Council of State. According to the Constitution, and with the approval of Congress, Frías became president, hastily calling elections and refusing to remain in power
Copia de los documentos de Pedro Lopez Gama subdito del imperio del Brasil, La Paz, Febrero 16 de 1871, o sea su espediente sobre reclamacion al gobierno de Bolivia por el cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraidas a favor de aquel como contratista para la esplotacion y esportacion de huanos del
an opportunity to spread revolutionary ideas against the government. On 23 December, at 11:00, the second battalion, which was stationed in La Paz, mutinied. The signal was given by a sentinel who fired a shot and shouted: "Long live Quevedo!"; 25 minutes later, the battalion had seized the city.
With the question of legitimacy solved, the most important concern now was Article 70 of the Constitution and whether it should be changed or not. As had been proposed earlier, when a succession crisis occurs, the president of the Council of State was to assume the interim presidency and call for
and withdraw to private life. However, on 24 November, a revolution against Melgarejo was ignited. Frías' home was surrounded by his neighbors, calling him to assume the Prefecture of La Paz. On 25 November, Colonel Agustín Morales approached the city and had a private meeting with Frías. In said
Consequently, the national credit improved from its previously deplorable condition. Despite facing a significant deficit of 115,417 pesos in the 1860 expenditure budget, which totaled 2,339,704 pesos, Frías successfully balanced expenses and revenues in a short period. To curb spending, the army
is named after him. Officially created by the Supreme Decree issued on 15 October 1892, it was initially known as the University of Potosí. However, where the university stood, a Free Faculty of Law had already been operating in 1876, subordinated to the Chancellery of Chuquisaca. On 30 November
was approved and promulgated with the proposed modifications made by the National Assembly. Frías was aware that the clause on mineral rights was considered unjust, as such, he created the Mining Code which emphasized the adjudication of inorganic or nonmetallic substances. The violation of this
On 14 February 1874, Ballivián died. Frías had been exercising the executive power, as acting president, since 31 January, when Ballivián no longer had the strength to continue with his administrative roles. The entire ministerial cabinet which had served under Ballivián offered its resignation,
1,000,000 peso compensation was in order. In order to pay such a figure, the State was forced to auction off the estaca-mines of Aullagas to the highest bidder. López, who purchased the majority of said mines, would end up the sole remaining owner of the Bolivian mining interests in the Atacama.
Frías served as a deputy during the National Assembly of 1861, contributing much to the crafting of the Constitution promulgated that year. A year later, during the general election of 1862, Frías participated as a candidate only to withdraw shortly thereafter and declare his support for General
and the construction of a road connecting this point to the Bolivian coast, thus bringing the cities of La Paz, Oruro, and Potosí within reach of the sea. Linares' downfall prevented the realization of the loan, even though the negotiations were nearly concluded at that point. Frías was also the
Tomás Frías was born to a wealthy land-owning family in Potosí on 21 December 1805. He was raised on the family hacienda in Tarapaya, municipality of Mondragón (36 km from Potosí). He was the son of Don José María Frías and Doña Alejandra Ametller. While he was in Chile, he married Raimunda
and closer to the palace. Hoping to smoke out the entrenched defenders, Colonel Resini attempted to burn the palace eight times. Although the first seven times failed to set the building on fire, the eighth attempt sparked a fire which burnt the wooden beams underneath the roof tiles, causing a
left in the country; the right-hand man of Melgarejo. Joining his contender, Corral, Quevedo would organize an army of 1,200 men, and had left La Paz on the morning of 10 January. The President, having heard of the revolution in Cochabamba, was head toward that city and was at the center of the
The governments that followed Melgarejo also acknowledged the treaty, yet it was not put into effect even then. It was only, as aforementioned, on 5 December 1872, that an agreement was reached between the two nation's ministers of the exterior, known as the Lindsay-Corral Agreement. After much
himself onto his minister. Morales was only stopped by those present at the meeting, which included José Morales, his son, General Sanjinés, Julio La Faye, Colonel Daza, and Fernando Valverde. That night, Corral fled to the safety of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States in Bolivia,
assigned Frías as an official to the first foreign delegation in Bolivia's history, which was sent to France. However, in 1841, he became gravely ill, afflicted with a liver condition, and was permitted to take leave in Europe to receive treatment. Finally, in 1843, Frías returned and was named
Illustrious Bishop. — There is a deep commotion in the city. The prelate cannot be indifferent to such a horrible manifestation. Your evangelical mission is to intervene and to put an end to so many deaths. It has been decided to burn down the palace; the situation demands it. A note from you,
On 7 September, the Assembly discussed the municipalities crisis which emerged from the so-called "law of 2 March", placing municipalities under the scrutiny of the government. This had caused the insubordination of several municipal councils and had led to resistance. A passionate and lengthy
A major controversy during his first term was the López Gama affair. The affair started when the entrepreneur Pedro López Gama sued the government for the loss of 200,000 tons of guano, amounting to 2,000,000 pesos. López won the lawsuit against the Bolivian government, the court ruling that a
Great and Good Friend:— I have had the honor to receive the letter which Your Excellency addressed to me on the 1st of December 1872, announcing your accession, under the Constitution of your Country, to the Chief Magistracy of Bolivia, left vacant by the sudden and melancholy death of General
and Captain Luis Eguino, who had led the charge into the Palace; the promotion of Manuel Lavadenz, who had "bravely" stood his ground against the military band; and the discussion of the Aullagas Question, a controversy involving extraordinary expenditures by the President and his cabinet. The
On 14 April 1864, the Chincha Islands, off the coast of Peru, were occupied by Spanish sailors. The Spanish Crown claimed that, since it had not recognized the independence of Peru, only a truce had stopped hostilities for the past decades. These guano-rich islands were coveted by the Spanish
The first act of his second administration was a supreme decree issued on 2 March. The decree stipulated the reduction of funding for municipalities, which had been far too burdensome, and at the expense of the government and the Ministry of Public Instruction. This new law also outlined that
government, and their occupation led to a temporary ceasefire in the hostilities between Chile and Bolivia. Peru and Chile proclaimed an alliance against the Spanish invaders, known as the American Union, which Frías supported. This conflict against their former overlords became known as the
and Daniel Calvo, refused to withdraw to the reserves. His son, Carlos Frías, tried to stop him, warning his father that he could get killed. The 70-year-old President replied: "What does it matter?". He then signalled his troops ahead in the midst of a barrage of bullets. The impetuous and
His first term was mostly devoted to the organization, supervision, and scrutiny of the general election of 1873. His brief first term saw few government acts, the Lindsay-Corral Agreement with Chile being one of few. After the death of President Ballivián on 14 February 1874, Frías was
on 18 April 1828. Frías would accompany the Grand Marshal of Ayacucho during the latter's custody, earning the appreciation of the President. When Sucre left the country, it was the liberator himself that advised Frías to leave his commercial enterprise and enter the world of politics.
1789:. Daza had assumed that the government would support his candidature, and if not, then that of Salinas. He was mistaken, as Frías refused to endorse any candidate. Daza was irate, not only because of the aforementioned fact, but also because he had been replaced as Minister of War by 4280:
The Alsop Claim: Appendix of the Case of the United States of America for and in Behalf of the Original American Claimants in this Case Their Heirs, Assigns, Representatives, and Devisees Versus the Republic of Chile Before His Majesty George V, Under the Protocol of December 1,
1704:, proclaiming Quevedo as the supreme leader of Bolivia. The Prefect of Cobija, Emilio Fernández Costas, was replaced by the collaborator Raimundo Taborga. Fernández sent orders to his men to be stationed near La Chimba, and on 27 January, the rebels occupied the main plaza of 1141:, the provisional President of Bolivia since the overthrow of Linares, won the elections. However, Achá’s tenure was unstable and faced constant rebellions. On 28 December 1864, Mariano Melgarejo led a successful coup against Achá, leading to Frías' exilement to Europe. 1149:
meeting, Frías professed his plans regarding the direction of the revolution, only to be met with disdain from the Colonel. As such, he renounced the Prefecture and continued his support for the revolution until it triumphed on 15 January 1871, when the forces of
On 24 November 1872, with the purpose of celebrating the second anniversary of the triumphant revolution against Melgarejo, the citizens of La Paz crowded the streets, blocking all roads throughout the city. There were bands playing in the main square, the
as acting president from the night of the 27th to the 28th. Why some sources include Bosque and others omit him is unclear, though it is possibly due to the fact that executive power was transferred to him automatically and not through any formal
1727:, Rufino Carrasco. They occupied Cochabamba with ease, leading to mass defections by the garrison of that city. Ultimately, Aguirre and Antezana counted with 500 men. They, however, lacked equipment and planned to sack the municipal branch of the 3930:
Enciclopedia vniversal ilvstrada evropeo-americana: etimologías sánscrito, hebreo, griego, latín, árabe, lenguas indígenas americanas, etc.; versiones de la mayoría de las voces en francés, italiano, inglés, alemán, portugués, catalán, esperanto
twice nonconsecutively from 1872 to 1873 and from 1874 to 1876. Having graduated as a lawyer and worked as a merchant, he soon decided to enter the world of politics. His long political career began in 1831, when he was elected to represent
5041: 5028: 1514:, and even by British tribunals. On 31 October of that same year, Chile declared its ownership of all the guano deposits in the Atacama Province. A year later, the Chilean government officially created the Province of Atacama. 1485:, the Atacama Province, known as Litoral during the Republican era of Bolivia, had been a part of their vast empire. Even once the Spanish colonized the region, the 25° parallel was recognized as the southernmost point of the 821:
While his first term proved to be efficient and stable, though short, his second proved to be the opposite. Facing several military rebellions and conspiracies, the largest and most destabilizing one being led by General
Regulations for joint-stock companies were established, and plans were set in motion to secure a one-million-pound sterling loan in Europe. This loan, negotiated by Frías, aimed at funding the canalization of the
Dicionario biografico Americano. Este volumen contiene los nombres, con los datos biograficos i enumeracion de las obras de todas las personas que se han ilustrado en las letras, les armas ... en el continente
argued that, Frías, having renounced the Presidency in 1873, had also renounced the Presidency of the Council of State and, thus, could not possibly be considered the legal successor of the deceased Ballivián.
Only two years later, José María Linares overthrew General Córdova, and Frías would be appointed Minister of Finance. Under Linares' administration, a group of constitutionalist civilians, referred to as the
1863:, the University of Potosí changed its name to "bear the name of an eminent intellectual born in Potosí, Dr. Tomás Frías Ametller", recognizing his contribution to the organization of Bolivian universities. 1908:
It is agreed by legal records and scholarly sources that Agustín Morales died on 27 November and Tomás Frías assumed office on 28 November. However, some texts in the list of presidents of Bolivia include
1506:, which has since dried out. When guano was discovered in the Litoral during the republican era, foreign companies were invited to exploit the deposits. These companies were assigned the area between the 5301: 5262: 5327: 1627:
rebelled against its leaders on 30 November 1874, embarking upon a disorganized march toward the city of Cochabamba. At 18:30, the authorities of the city, who were celebrating some sort of feast in
5236: 4425: 851:. The couple had three children, although only their eldest son, Carlos Frías Ballivián, survived childhood. Raimunda died on 7 September 1853 while they were in Bolivia. Frías never remarried. 4768: 1320:
party. This faction hoped to retake the lands which had been repatriated to its previous owners, seized by the government of Melgarejo and bestowed to his loyal allies during the regime of the
5015: 5067: 5223: 5080: 4794: 1606:
treaty by General Daza, in 1879, resulted in the occupation of Antofagasta by the Chilean Army and the subsequent declaration of war by the Bolivian National Assembly. Thus, igniting the
5002: 4438: 1103:, which had been overlooked until then. Frías played a crucial role in this by allowing the free export of gold and other metals, along with drafting a mining code for the country. The 936:
distinguished and separated the professional function of university faculties from the humanistic cultural function of colleges or secondary education, which had previously been mixed.
On 25 November, several deputies wrote to Morales, demanding that the situation be amended. The effort was spearheaded by Frías, who presented the following demands to Morales and his
in honor of the minister who designed them. This was part of his plan to improve the feeble currency of the time, and was issued along with the introduction of the pieces of 8 reales.
6731: 4820: 1153:
were defeated. As a member of the National Assembly which met that year, Frías was present when President Morales sent forces inside the Government Palace to forcefully shut it down.
of La Paz gave it its current name. A letter which confirms the events of that day was sent from Colonel Resini to the Bishop of La Paz, Juan de Dios Bosque, and it reads as follows:
782:. It was during Linares' presidency that Frías worked to solve the anarchic state of Bolivia's fiscal framework. Having been exiled in 1849, he was again forced outside Bolivia when 4807: 4742: 4716: 4703: 5054: 880:
In 1831, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, representing Potosí. This was the first of many political positions that Frías would hold throughout his long career. 1837,
6676: 4781: 4976: 1087:
measures implemented to control expenditures. Various measures were taken to boost economic stability, including the reduction of tariffs on imported foreign fabrics through
5249: 4833: 4755: 4690: 4664: 6317: 5516: 1391:
some of his own detractors, such as General Quevedo and his party, accepted the legality of Frías' accession; however, Corral and his partisans vehemently rejected it. The
553: 5901: 4729: 6587: 6575: 6424: 5615: 5574: 5489: 5472: 390: 357: 299: 256: 6716: 6102: 5909: 5596: 5275: 1308:
The date for the general election was set to be on the first Sunday of March, 1873, by a supreme decree issued on 13 December 1872. During the general election of 1873,
was signed, supposedly ending the border conflict between the two nations. The violation of the treaty in 1879 would have serious consequences for Bolivia, sparking the
311: 5106: 6651: 1723:
The uprising in La Paz, staged by Quevedo's allies, was also quelled. Miguel Aguirre and Belisario Antezana rose in revolt soon after and recruited the leader of the
1202:, and several other military officers. Morales entered the empty room and gave a lengthy and passionate speech against the deputies that had supported Frías' efforts: 1128:. Regardless of the many uprisings which Linares faced throughput his term, Frías would remain loyal to the Dictator until the latter's overthrow on 14 January 1861. 4677: 6513: 6305: 1935: 6746: 5314: 1189:: an apology from the President to the members of the National Assembly for the events that took place the previous night; the trial and punishment of Colonel 6011: 1316:
were the most prominent candidates. While the first two candidates represented their own constitutional factions, Quevedo represented the remnants of the old
constitutionally obliged, in his role as President of the Council of State, to complete the remainder of the constitutional term. During his second term, the
6238: 5533: 1760:
Frías continued his march on Cochabamba, sieging and attacking the enemy barricades outside the city. The following day, the rebel forces, led by Generals
565: 6172: 5564: 511: 6751: 1283:
Morales. Permit me to wish you every success in discharging the duties of the high trust which has devolved upon you, and to express the hope that the
and Casimiro Corral, he was unable to maintain stability. Weakened by the constant revolts, Frías was eventually ousted by his former Minister of War,
because he refused to collaborate with his government. Although allowed to return, Belzu distanced Frías from La Paz. For years, Frías would live in
5943: 5916: 5886: 5829: 5688: 1602: 1564: 1263: 811: 222: 6706: 6567: 6398: 6326: 6211: 6075: 5871: 5678: 5645: 5622: 5581: 5504: 5479: 1816:. There, he planned revolts in Cobija and Cochabamba. However, Daza had consolidated his power, forcing Frías to accept defeat and flee to Europe. 910: 407: 179: 6272: 1781:
With elections in the horizon, politicians began preparing for their respective campaign trails. Among the most prominent candidates were General
6756: 6726: 4344: 1743: 1502:
Potosí. On 10 October 1803, the Spanish Crown affirmed that the Viceroyalty of Peru was the rightful owner of the Atacama Province as far as the
Papers and Documents Relating to the Bolivian Loan the National Bolivian Navigation Company, and the Madeira and Mamoré Railway Company, Limited
4094: 3799: 3966:(in Spanish). Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Instituto de Investigación Jurídica, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. 1124:
promoter of laws such as the Invention Rights Law of 1858 or Corporations Law of 1860. Furthermore, he spearheaded the movement to create the
741: 6480: 1018:
His work in the Ministry of Public Instruction had profound effects in the country, making his most important reforms in 1845 and 1846. When
1246:, formed a Council of State and appointed Frías as president so as not to leave the government headless while the political uproar settled. 1812:
had been murdered decades earlier during a coup. After the seizure of power was complete, Frías was allowed to leave in exile, heading to
6671: 5796: 3995:
Memorandum: derechos de D. Pedro López Gama a los huanos de Mejillones de Bolivia o sea la indemnización pactada con el Gobierno Nacional
1631:, formed a column and began marching. Quickly realizing they could not fight the rebels with such a diminutive force, they retreated to 6646: 6139: 6059: 1756:
forcing the resisting troops in the palace to surrender, will end the chaos. To work for charity. Your attentive S. S. — Carlos Resini.
6489: 3810:
Documentos oficiales relativos á los límites entre Chile, Bolivia i la República Arjentina en la rejión de Atacama [1866-1895]
1174:, with fireworks and gunshots accompanying the cheering crowd and fanfare. Suddenly, one of the music bands moved to the front of the 5978: 1510:
and Paposo rivers by minister Hilarión Fernández and Frías on 28 March 1842. The illegal exploitation of guano was prosecuted by the
1046:. In fact, he supported Belzu in 1853, when tensions with Peru were high. In 1855, he returned to the country after the election of 6696: 1079:
and Adolfo Ballivián, both of whom would go on to preside over the country as presidents. Ballivián would assume leadership of the
1030:, where he dedicated himself to mining and began developing plans as to how best exploit and channel Bolivia's mineral-rich lands. 778:
for well over a century. In the following decades, he was to hold several more high positions, namely during the administration of
4451: 6681: 794:
was dethroned, Frías was elected to the National Assembly of 1871, witnessing the violent closure of said apparatus by President
4508: 1854:
Frías had a strong impact in Bolivian history and, for his important role in the development of Bolivia's education system, the
Frías, who was hoping to expand Bolivia's economic horizons with foreign enterprises, held several sessions exclusively for the
6711: 6666: 6641: 1855: 834:. Considered a man of high integrity and a true servant of the state, Frías has been referred to as the "Bolivian Washington". 4846: 4403: 6691: 6686: 4212: 4069: 3971: 3950: 3697: 2659: 6378: 6363: 4989: 4560: 4390: 1841:. Once in Paris, he asked for a wage cut in order to support the war effort. Once his services had concluded, he retired to 655: 1287:
may be no less amicable during your administration than they have happily been in the past.— Your Good Friend,— U.S. Grant.
1120: 17: 6265: 4337: 1945: 1418: 1284: 4963: 4181:
Apuntes para la historia de Bolivia bajo las administraciones de don Adolfo Ballivián I [i.e. y] don Tomás Frías
2660:"DECRETO SUPREMO No 13-12-1872 del 13 de Diciembre de 1872 > D-Lex Bolivia | Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia | Derechoteca" 1837:
When the War of the Pacific began, Frías offered his services and was given the position of Minister Plenipotentiary to
were also a matter of importance during Frías' first term. Upon the death of Morales and the inauguration of Frías, the
5987: 4547: 865: 712: 1438:, reported in a memorandum that the company had been paralyzed after it ceased construction due to a lawsuit. Colonel 6721: 6473: 4113: 3884: 3863: 1660:
Although Quevedo had been defeated in the elections of 1873, he had not surrendered his aspirations of occupying the
1585:. The treaty stipulated that the official border between the two countries was the 24° parallel, stretching from the 31: 1534:, maintaining sovereignty for a decade until it was challenged again. In 1857, José Goñi Prieto, at the helm of the 1238:
Juan de Dios Bosque held the executive power for less than a day, transferring his position to Frías on 28 November.
The decrees promulgated by Ballivián, drafted by Frías, constitute one of the most important body of laws regarding
6505: 6297: 6164: 6003: 5821: 5550: 3212: 455: 806:
would win the 1873 general election, after which Frías resumed his position as President of the Council of State.
6598: 6435: 6230: 6094: 5931: 5789: 5523: 5449: 5171: 4911: 4521: 965: 572: 518: 6701: 6258: 4898: 1577:
delay, the treaty was finally signed on 6 August 1874 in Sucre, sealed by the foreign ministers of each nation,
6741: 6281: 6132: 5399: 4924: 4625: 4482: 4330: 1884: 1550:
Vergara negotiated the boundary treaty of 1866 with President Melgarejo in hopes of ending Bolivian neutrality.
1271: 6736: 5184: 5093: 4612: 6539: 6355: 6192: 6031: 5971: 5849: 5409: 5323: 4885: 4599: 1879: 767: 5805: 4586: 1742:
At 14:00, part of the police defected to the revolutionaries, allowing for the rebels to advance toward the
1186: 830:. The former president was to remain exiled for the rest of his life, spending his last years in France and 6466: 5353: 4573: 1099:
underwent a reduction from 5,000 active personnel to just 1,500. Efforts were made to address the internal
6458: 5297: 5258: 5145: 1489:. This fact was evident in the capitulations celebrated between the Crown of Spain and the conquistadores 901:
During the administration of Ballivián, Frías carried out extensive reforms in Bolivia's education system.
6656: 6148: 4495: 1022:
seized power in 1848, Frías retired to private life, and was later exiled, in 1849, by the government of
4842: 4638: 4534: 1765:
end of the revolution, Frías marched to Oruro to put down the last revolt, ending Quevedo's revolution.
1150: 5782: 5158: 4950: 4764: 4651: 1195: 6048: 5956: 4872: 4556: 1518:
and Frías were sent to negotiate with Chile, however, negotiations never took place. In 1847, Chilean
1431: 1138: 6125: 5197: 5063: 1867: 6496: 6117: 4937: 4504: 4447: 4421: 4399: 1736: 1582: 1051: 1019: 593: 6661: 5964: 5774: 5288: 5210: 5132: 1511: 1253: 1054:, the troops of the rebellious General Gregorio Pérez were crushed, securing Córdova's presidency. 757:(21 December 1805 – 10 May 1884) was a Bolivian lawyer and politician who served as the 17th 6250: 5232: 5076: 5037: 5011: 4985: 4959: 4790: 4381: 1715: 873: 6519: 5994: 5378: 4543: 1125: 779: 428: 244: 6332: 5543: 4434: 1870:
after him. In the law issued that date, Baptista refers to Frías as "an illustrious statesman".
1761: 881: 844: 499: 5340: 5119: 790:, coincidentally around the same time the revolution that ousted Melgarejo erupted. After the 4859: 4816: 4469: 4460: 1678:, and departed in pursuit of Quevedo's army on 14 January at the head of an army of 600 men. 1477:
A map of South America depicting the disputed Atacama desert coast between Bolivia and Chile.
985: 961: 941: 345: 5219: 4998: 3821:
The Route to Bolivia Via the River Amazon: A Report to the Governments of Bolivia and Brazil
1560: 1199: 932:, and compliance with laws, which condition justice and good citizen conduct. The so-called 6636: 6631: 6493: 6285: 6152: 5991: 5809: 5750: 5723: 5366: 5167: 4907: 4803: 4517: 4353: 3908:
Los generales de Bolivia (rasgos biográficos) 1825-1925: prólogo de Juan Francisco Bedregal
3635: 1593:. Between the 23° and 24° parallels, the profits from the exploitation of already existing 1023: 906: 758: 80: 67: 4894: 4738: 4712: 1731:
in Cochabamba, taking as much as 40,000 pesos. In Oruro, the revolution had been ended by
1435: 1379: 945: 8: 6288: 5704: 4920: 4478: 4170:
Apuntes para la historia de Bolivia bajo la administración del jeneral D. Agustín Morales
1910: 1556: 1486: 1179: 1062: 886: 541: 487: 378: 333: 6311: 5743: 5733: 5180: 5089: 4699: 4608: 1796: 1515: 1309: 803: 153: 105: 4881: 4372: 4204:
La utopía social conservadora en Bolivia: el gobierno de Manuel Isidoro Belzu 1848-1855
4088: 3793: 1940: 1607: 1439: 1333: 1092: 1027: 815: 5812: 5716: 5050: 5024: 4582: 3855:
Violencia y legitimidad: política y revoluciones en España y América Latina, 1840-1910
1313: 1161: 823: 795: 200: 141: 5349: 4777: 4569: 4412: 4208: 4109: 4065: 3967: 3946: 3880: 3859: 3693: 1860: 1809: 1786: 1498: 1490: 1447: 1218: 977: 949: 859: 783: 5141: 4972: 1833:
Statue erected in memory of Frías in front of the Tomás Frías Autonomous University.
868:. However, Frías dedicated himself to commerce, establishing a route from Potosí to 6387: 6369: 6200: 6155: 5245: 4829: 4686: 4660: 4491: 1790: 1732: 1712:, with General Daza finding the Litoral completely pacified by the time he arrived. 1688: 1578: 1494: 1275: 1076: 953: 676: 287: 5760: 4634: 4530: 4050:
Constitución política de la República de Bolivia, su texto, su historia comentario
1782: 1190: 1047: 872:. For two years, he occupied himself with his enterprise until the mutiny against 827: 117: 5857: 5154: 4946: 4647: 4312: 4301: 4290: 4278: 4267: 4256: 4245: 4234: 4223: 4202: 4190: 4179: 4168: 4157: 4146: 4135: 4126:
Nociones de historia del Salvador: precedidas de un resumen de historia universal
4124: 4103: 4059: 4048: 4037: 4026: 4015: 4004: 3993: 3982: 3961: 3940: 3928: 3917: 3906: 3895: 3874: 3853: 3842: 3830: 3819: 3808: 3774: 3763: 3752: 3741: 3730: 3719: 3708: 3687: 3676: 3665: 3213:"Bolivia - Decreto Supremo No 09-12-1874 del 09 de Diciembre de 1874 | Vobolex +" 1748: 1661: 1443: 1175: 1100: 957: 4868: 4247:
Nueva cuestión de Chile con Bolivia: La infracción del Tratado de agosto de 1874
La legación de Chile en Bolivia desde setiembre de 1867 hasta principios de 1870
Nueva enciclopedia Sopena: diccionario ilustrado de la lengua española, Volume 2
Historia económica de Bolivia de Tupac Katari a Evo Morales: crisis y decadencia
5193: 1400:
discussion ensued, ending indecisively and failing to solve the issue at hand.
1198:. The President entered the legislative salon alongside his ministers, General 921: 730: 4933: 3844:
La hacienda de Bolivia sus obligaciones y sus recursos [by P. Dalence]
Frías's decrees designed the entire School System of Bolivia in three stages:
6625: 5284: 5206: 5128: 4751: 4725: 1805: 1701: 1624: 1586: 1527: 1267: 1171: 1013: 869: 848: 6488: 5420: 4673: 1866:
On 4 October 1895, Presidente Mariano Baptista honored Frías by naming the
1546: 1131: 464: 38: 3876:
Identidad, ciudadanía y participación popular desde la colonia al siglo XX
5336: 5310: 5271: 5115: 5102: 1705: 1632: 1598: 1482: 1375: 1066:
Linares declared himself Dictator of Bolivia, galvanizing the opposition.
4322: 1242:
When Morales was assassinated in 1872, deputies gathered in the city of
892: 770:. This was followed by his first diplomatic posting when he was sent to 5986: 4855: 1643: 1523: 1295: 997: 993: 917: 1674:
government forces, personally leading his troops. Frías would camp in
1234: 6147: 5362: 1773: 1675: 1628: 1507: 1473: 1084: 5804: 2917: 2833: 1829: 1363: 1182:, Napoleón Dalence, and Frías were among the few that did not flee. 1165:
Agustín Morales had a tense relationship with the National Assembly.
763: 651: 6280: 3604: 3342: 3340: 3145: 3073: 1842: 1813: 1530:
on top. The Prefect of Cobija destroyed the fort and dispersed the
any issues which had arisen during the negotiations of the earlier
In 1870, Frías returned to Bolivia, hoping to establish himself in
1104: 981: 969: 929: 925: 672: 3193: 860:
First political, diplomatic, and ministerial positions (1831–1848)
3568: 3460: 3325: 3301: 3253: 3181: 3085: 1709: 1108: 989: 702:
Manuel José María de la Santísima Trinidad Lorenzo Frías González
42: 4028:
Los primeros cien años de la republica de Bolivia ...: 1861-1890
3496: 3448: 3400: 3337: 3025: 2616: 2604: 2592: 2268: 2244: 1695: 1571: 885:
Minister of Public Instruction and Foreign Affairs by President
seized power in 1864. Several years later, in 1870, he moved to
Páginas de sangre: episodios trágicos de la historia de Bolivia
2977: 2749: 2496: 2340: 2304: 2232: 2220: 2157: 2145: 2121: 1986: 1838: 1503: 1243: 1145: 787: 771: 4148:
Los Derechos de Bolivia al mar: antología de juicios eminentes
2881: 2111: 2109: 1038:
Rather, he formed part of a moderate opposition that included
3520: 3133: 2640: 2186: 2184: 1647:
General Quevedo tirelessly conspired against President Frías.
1590: 1088: 831: 3592: 3556: 3508: 3484: 3424: 3376: 3352: 3313: 3289: 3277: 3241: 3229: 3169: 3157: 2460: 2376: 1468: 968:. Article 8— The University will consist of five faculties: 897: 3265: 3121: 3061: 3037: 3013: 2953: 2941: 2905: 2869: 2857: 2821: 2797: 2785: 2737: 2472: 2448: 2424: 2412: 2256: 2133: 2106: 3412: 3388: 3364: 3049: 2628: 2208: 2196: 2181: 2169: 1800:
Tomás Frías on his deathbed in Florence, Italy (May 1884).
1541: 1014:
Administrations of Velasco, Belzu, and Córdova (1848–1857)
Magistrates of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Bolivia
Latin American Serial Documents, a Holdings List: Bolivia
2893: 2544: 2520: 2388: 2364: 2328: 2070: 1107:
bank was abolished, facilitating open and easy export of
973: 920:
education, schools of sciences and arts (secondary), and
3532: 3472: 3436: 3097: 2929: 1257:
The Lindsay-Corral Agreement, signed on 5 December 1872.
Achá, Melgarejo, and Morales administrations (1864–1872)
952:, and the Province of Litoral. La Paz, corresponding to 1976: 1974: 1337:
Ballivián's death brought Frías back to the presidency.
3544: 3109: 3001: 2809: 2725: 2713: 2689: 2677: 2580: 1846:
back to Bolivia and were buried in his native Potosí.
1345: 1278:
wrote the following message to the new administration:
He became lawyer on 13 July 1826, graduating from the
Candidates in the 1855 Bolivian presidential election
3616: 3580: 2989: 2484: 2436: 2400: 2034: 1959: 1651:
In La Paz, news of the mutiny in Cochabamba gave the
1211: 1057: 893:
Reformation of Bolivia's education system (1845–1846)
Bolivia: Su Estructura Y Sus Derechos en El Pacífico
La enseñanza del derecho en América Latina y Bolivia
2773: 2761: 2701: 2556: 2532: 2508: 2094: 2082: 2058: 2046: 1998: 1971: 1403: 3980: 3199: 2965: 2568: 2352: 2316: 2280: 2010: 1777:
General Hilarión Daza in full presidential regalia.
1613: 1156: 5524:Minister of Public Instruction and Foreign Affairs 4155: 3079: 2845: 2292: 1075:, surfaced. This faction involved figures such as 3915: 3900:(in Spanish). Imprenta Int. Central del Ejército. 3761: 3750: 3739: 3728: 3151: 3031: 2983: 2923: 2839: 2274: 2250: 2022: 1992: 1824: 1565:Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia 1522:penetrated Bolivian territory as far back as the 1425: 812:Boundary Treaty of 1874 between Chile and Bolivia 6623: 4258:Desarrollo de la educación boliviana: (historia) 4243: 4232: 3717: 3685: 3502: 3454: 3406: 3346: 3187: 3091: 2755: 2502: 2346: 2310: 2238: 2226: 1936:"Provincia Larecaja: Obispo Juan de Dios Bosque" 1618: 6747:Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies (Bolivia) 4265: 4002: 3610: 2887: 1638: 1285:relations between the United States and Bolivia 49: and the second or maternal family name is 6652:Agustín Morales administration cabinet members 1367:Casimiro Corral, a staunch adversary of Frías. 6717:José Ballivián administration cabinet members 6474: 6266: 6133: 5972: 5790: 4338: 4276: 4101: 4035: 3919:Chile Ante El Arbitro: Su Conducta Desde 1820 3904: 3893: 3574: 3526: 3466: 3331: 3307: 3259: 2622: 2610: 2598: 2466: 2382: 2262: 1719:The Government Palace of La Paz in the 1860s. 1696:Revolution of Cobija and continued dissidence 1572:Agreement and ratification of the 1874 Treaty 1526:, even building a fort there and placing the 5425: 4254: 4133: 3163: 3139: 2163: 2151: 2139: 2127: 2115: 1382:, Minister of Finance between 1873 and 1875. 774:in Bolivia's first ever foreign delegation. 585:16 November 1839 – 16 November 1840 533:28 November 1844 – 23 December 1847 479:25 November 1847 – 23 December 1847 4200: 4196:. Impr. del Mercurio de Tornero y Letelier. 4188: 3897:Historia del Ejército de Bolivia, 1825-1932 2634: 2214: 2202: 2190: 2175: 1819: 704:Francisca Alejandra Ametller Loma y Mendoza 420:10 November 1858 – 14 January 1861 370:18 October 1841 – 27 December 1841 236:9 December 1857 – 10 November 1858 6481: 6467: 6273: 6259: 6140: 6126: 5979: 5965: 5797: 5783: 5405: 4345: 4331: 4093:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 4057: 3991: 3798:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 3418: 3394: 3370: 2646: 1328: 279:23 December 1847 – 2 January 1848 95:Acting: 31 January 1874 – 14 February 1874 66: 6752:University of Saint Francis Xavier alumni 4352: 4144: 3765:Anuario de Leyes y Supremas Disposiciones 3754:Anuario de Leyes Y Disposiciones Supremas 3743:Anuario de Leyes Y Disposiciones Supremas 3732:Anuario de Leyes Y Disposiciones Supremas 3055: 1469:Border conflict between Bolivia and Chile 1412: 1354: 1229: 192:22 June 1871 – 12 September 1871 4177: 4166: 4078: 3598: 3562: 3538: 3514: 3490: 3478: 3430: 3382: 3358: 3319: 3295: 3283: 3247: 3235: 3175: 3127: 3067: 3043: 3019: 2959: 2947: 2911: 2899: 2875: 2863: 2827: 2803: 2791: 2743: 2719: 2695: 2683: 2586: 2550: 2526: 2478: 2454: 2430: 2418: 2394: 2370: 2334: 2076: 1965: 1828: 1795: 1772: 1714: 1700:On 16 January, a rebellion broke out in 1642: 1545: 1472: 1374: 1362: 1332: 1303: 1294: 1252: 1233: 1160: 1061: 896: 837: 6707:Guilarte administration cabinet members 5646:Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs 4261:(in Spanish). Empresa Editora Universo. 4081:Algunos datos sobre la asamblea de 1874 4024: 3872: 3840: 3786:Verdaderas causas del 4 de mayo de 1876 3772: 3674: 3663: 3550: 3271: 3103: 2815: 2731: 2490: 2442: 2406: 1744:Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace 1542:Chincha Islands War and the 1866 Treaty 1463: 1224: 408:Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs 325:19 March 1844 – 17 August 1844 14: 6757:Velasco administration cabinet members 6727:Linares administration cabinet members 6624: 4317:. Farrar & Rinehart, Incorporated. 4310: 4221: 3828: 3817: 3636:"Bolivia: Ley de 4 de octubre de 1895" 2995: 2040: 2004: 1980: 131:28 November 1872 – 9 May 1873 93:14 February 1874 – 4 May 1876 6612:Manuel Sánchez de Velasco (1840–1841) 6462: 6254: 6121: 5960: 5778: 5424: 4326: 4269:Universidad, una historia sin límites 4122: 4006:Bolivia y sus presidentes: biografías 3959: 3938: 3911:. Imp. Intendencia General de Guerra. 3851: 3806: 3783: 3706: 3622: 3586: 3115: 2935: 2779: 2767: 2707: 2574: 2562: 2538: 2514: 2100: 2088: 2064: 2052: 2016: 1768: 6443:Manuel de la Cruz Méndez (1842–1844) 4299: 4288: 4013: 3942:The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant: 1873 3776:Bolivia ante la Liga de las Naciones 3442: 3007: 2971: 2358: 2322: 2298: 2286: 1681: 847:—on 10 November 1849 in the city of 4314:The Development of Hispanic America 4266:Telleria-Geiger, José Luis (1997). 4173:. El ComercioImp. de "El Comercio". 4156:Sánchez Bustamante, Daniel (1979). 4046: 2851: 1346:Challenges to government legitimacy 1033:In 1853, Frías was targeted by the 854: 24: 6672:Bolivian people of Spanish descent 4306:. U.S. Government Printing Office. 4284:. U.S. Government Printing Office. 4042:. Imprenta Boliviana, H. Heitmann. 4039:Bosquejo de la historia de Bolivia 3926: 3916:Espinosa y Portal, Ismael (1924). 3718:Baptista Gumucio, Mariano (1984). 2028: 1849: 1212:Assassination of President Morales 1058:Linares administration (1857–1861) 866:University of San Francisco Xavier 713:University of Saint Francis Xavier 656:Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 25: 6768: 6647:19th-century Bolivian politicians 4228:. Editorial Exito; J. M. Jackson. 3768:. Imprenta de la Union Americana. 3757:. Imprenta de la Union Americana. 3746:. Imprenta de la Union Americana. 1856:Tomás Frías Autonomous University 1404:Debate over constitutional reform 6529: 6345: 6182: 6021: 5839: 5404: 5395: 5394: 5377: 4272:(in Spanish). Editorial C.E.U.B. 4255:Suárez Arnez, Cristóbal (1970). 4244:Sotomayor Valdés, Ramón (1879). 4233:Sotomayor Valdés, Ramón (1872). 4020:. Librería Editorial "Juventud". 4003:Medina Guerrero, Carlos (1991). 3858:. Ed. Universidad de Cantabria. 3628: 3205: 1614:Quevedo's Revolution (1874–1875) 1157:Closure of the National Assembly 740: 6697:Government ministers of Bolivia 4207:(in Spanish). Plural editores. 4129:. Tall. Gráf. de José Casamajó. 3686:Antezana Ergueta, Luis (2014). 3656: 2652: 6682:Education ministers of Bolivia 6412:Hilarión Fernandez (1841–1843) 5863:Ildefonso Sanjinés (1871–1873) 5450:Minister of Public Instruction 4036:Ordóñez López, Manuel (1912). 4025:Morales, José Agustín (1925). 3667:Drama y comedia en el Congreso 1928: 1902: 1825:Post-presidency and last years 1454: 1432:Madeira-Mamoré Railway Company 1426:Madeira-Mamoré Railway Company 1272:President of the United States 573:Minister of Public Instruction 519:Minister of Public Instruction 13: 1: 6712:Interior ministers of Bolivia 6667:Bolivian expatriates in Italy 6642:19th-century Bolivian lawyers 6379:José María Pérez de Urdininea 6364:José María Pérez de Urdininea 6323:Eusebio Gutierrez (1842–1843) 4391:José María Pérez de Urdininea 4151:. Editorial "América Latina". 4134:Rojas Valdés, Ximena (1970). 3905:Díaz Arguedas, Julio (1929). 3894:Díaz Arguedas, Julio (1940). 3829:Cortés, José Domingo (1875). 3721:Biografía del Palacio Quemado 3710:Historia general y de Bolivia 1890: 1619:Mutiny of the third battalion 6692:Foreign ministers of Bolivia 6687:Finance ministers of Bolivia 6384:José María Silva (1843–1847) 6375:Manuel Zagárnaga (1842–1843) 5939:Mariano Réyes Cardona (1871) 5923:Melchor Terrázas (1871–1873) 4311:Wilgus, Alva Curtis (1941). 4102:Quintero Mesa, Rosa (1968). 4058:Paz Soldán, Edmundo (2007). 3998:. imprenta de "El Progreso". 3981:Library of Congress (1947). 3818:Church, George Earl (1877). 1944:. 2016-04-26. Archived from 1921: 1639:Revolution spreads to La Paz 1448:Court of Chancery of England 843:Ballivián Guerra—a niece of 41:, the first or paternal 32:Tomás Frías (disambiguation) 7: 6067:Manuel Buitrago (1857–1861) 4201:Shchelchkov, A. A. (2011). 4162:. Banco Central de Bolivia. 3873:Delgado, Guillermo (2003). 3841:Dalence, Pantaleon (1878). 1873: 1623:The third battalion of the 1434:. The Minister of Finance, 1299:Ruins of the Aullagas mine. 802:any longer than necessary. 10: 6773: 6553:Maneul Eusebio Ruiz (1839) 6108:Evaristo Valle (1858–1861) 6039:Gregorio Pérez (1857–1858) 4189:Santos Ossa, José (1871). 4145:Salamanca, Daniel (1962). 4079:Quijarro, Antonio (1875). 3992:López Gama, Pedro (1871). 3939:Grant, Ulysses S. (2000). 3922:. Libreria e imprenta Gil. 3762:Bolivian Republic (1876). 3751:Bolivian Republic (1875). 3740:Bolivian Republic (1874). 3729:Bolivian Republic (1864). 617:Manuel Sánchez de Velasco 36: 29: 6597: 6584:José María Dalence (1839) 6566: 6556:Manuel Dorado (1839–1841) 6538: 6527: 6504: 6434: 6415:Manuel Molina (1843–1844) 6397: 6354: 6343: 6296: 6229: 6210: 6191: 6180: 6163: 6103:Lucas Mendoza de la Tapia 6093: 6074: 6058: 6030: 6019: 6002: 5930: 5910:Lucas Mendoza de la Tapia 5900: 5870: 5848: 5837: 5820: 5757: 5748: 5740: 5730: 5721: 5699: 5685: 5676: 5665: 5652: 5643: 5637: 5629: 5620: 5607: 5588: 5579: 5571: 5561: 5548: 5540: 5530: 5521: 5513: 5502: 5496: 5486: 5477: 5464: 5459:Manuel Sánchez de Velasco 5456: 5447: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5390: 5375: 5298:Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada 5259:Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada 5064:Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas 4364: 4360: 4303:Area Handbook for Bolivia 4178:Sanjinés, Jenaro (1902). 4167:Sanjinés, Jenaro (1898). 4108:. University Microfilms. 4064:(in Spanish). Alfaguara. 3681:. Tall. Gráf. Bolivianos. 1885:Cabinet of Tomás Frías II 748: 736: 726: 718: 708: 698: 690: 686:Raimunda Ballivián Guerra 682: 662: 634: 629: 625: 611: 599: 589: 578: 571: 559: 547: 537: 526: 517: 505: 493: 483: 472: 461: 454: 444: 434: 424: 413: 406: 396: 384: 374: 363: 351: 339: 329: 318: 305: 293: 283: 272: 262: 250: 240: 229: 216: 206: 196: 185: 178: 174: 170: 163: 159: 147: 135: 124: 111: 99: 86: 78: 74: 65: 58: 27:17th President of Bolivia 6722:Leaders ousted by a coup 6581:Gregorio Anibarro (1839) 6559:Carlos Medinaceli (1841) 6506:Minister of the Interior 6318:Manuel de la Cruz Méndez 6298:Minister of the Interior 6165:Minister of the Interior 5893:Pedro García (1871–1873) 5551:Minister of the Interior 5517:Manuel de la Cruz Méndez 5426:Offices and distinctions 5324:Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé 4843:José Luis Tejada Sorzano 4300:Weil, Thomas E. (1974). 4250:. Imprenta de la Patria. 3724:. Empresa Editora Siglo. 3675:Alcázar, Moisés (1963). 3664:Alcázar, Moisés (1980). 3200:Library of Congress 1947 1895: 1880:Cabinet of Tomás Frías I 1820:Exile, death, and legacy 1512:Supreme Court of Bolivia 1196:Bolivian National Anthem 942:Department of Chuquisaca 554:Manuel de la Cruz Méndez 456:Minister of the Interior 6599:Minister of Instruction 6588:Miguel María de Aguirre 6576:Miguel María de Aguirre 6436:Minister of Instruction 6425:Miguel María de Aguirre 6231:Minister of Instruction 6095:Minister of Instruction 6060:Minister of Development 5932:Minister of Instruction 5616:Miguel María de Aguirre 5575:Miguel María de Aguirre 5490:Miguel María de Aguirre 5473:Miguel María de Aguirre 3784:Calvo, Eduardo (1882). 3707:Ayala, Alfredo (1965). 3080:Sánchez Bustamante 1979 1603:Boundary Treaty of 1874 1329:Second term (1874–1876) 1264:boundary treaty of 1866 1126:Central Bank of Bolivia 391:Miguel María de Aguirre 358:Miguel María de Aguirre 300:Miguel María de Aguirre 257:Miguel María de Aguirre 6497:José Miguel de Velasco 6004:Minister of Government 5822:Minister of Government 4505:José Miguel de Velasco 4448:José Miguel de Velasco 4422:José Miguel de Velasco 4400:José Miguel de Velasco 4277:United States (1910). 4222:Sopena, Ramón (1953). 4123:Reyes, Rafael (1910). 3987:. Library of Congress. 3852:Dardé, Carlos (2004). 3713:(in Spanish). Gisbert. 3692:(in Spanish). Plural. 3152:Bolivian Republic 1876 3032:Bolivian Republic 1875 2984:Bolivian Republic 1874 2924:Bolivian Republic 1874 2840:Bolivian Republic 1874 2275:Bolivian Republic 1864 2251:Bolivian Republic 1864 1993:Espinosa y Portal 1924 1834: 1801: 1778: 1758: 1737:Daniel Nuñez del Prado 1720: 1648: 1583:Carlos Walker Martínez 1551: 1478: 1413:Land Ex-entailment Law 1383: 1368: 1355:1874 National Assembly 1338: 1312:, Casimiro Corral and 1300: 1289: 1258: 1239: 1230:First term (1872–1873) 1209: 1166: 1067: 1052:Dámaso Bilbao la Vieja 1020:José Miguel de Velasco 1011: 902: 694:Carlos Frías Ballivián 594:José Miguel de Velasco 6742:Presidents of Bolivia 5233:Víctor Paz Estenssoro 5077:Alfredo Ovando Candía 5038:Alfredo Ovando Candía 5012:Víctor Paz Estenssoro 4986:Víctor Paz Estenssoro 4960:Mamerto Urriolagoitía 4817:Carlos Blanco Galindo 4791:Felipe Segundo Guzmán 4765:José Gutiérrez Guerra 4470:Mariano Enrique Calvo 4382:Antonio José de Sucre 4354:Presidents of Bolivia 4014:Mesa, Carlos (1997). 4009:. Producciones Hepta. 3984:Latin American Series 3735:. Imprenta Hernandez. 3503:Baptista Gumucio 1984 3455:Baptista Gumucio 1984 3407:Baptista Gumucio 1984 3347:Baptista Gumucio 1984 3188:Sotomayor Valdés 1879 3092:Sotomayor Valdés 1872 2756:Antezana Ergueta 2014 2503:Antezana Ergueta 2014 2347:Antezana Ergueta 2014 2311:Antezana Ergueta 2014 2239:Antezana Ergueta 2014 2227:Antezana Ergueta 2014 1832: 1799: 1776: 1753: 1718: 1646: 1549: 1481:From the time of the 1476: 1378: 1366: 1336: 1304:1873 general election 1298: 1280: 1256: 1237: 1204: 1164: 1065: 1006: 992:, and the faculty of 986:mathematical sciences 900: 874:Antonio José de Sucre 838:Early life and family 346:Manuel Molina Gorriti 6514:Manuel María Urcullu 6333:Pedro José de Guerra 6306:Manuel María Urcullu 6043:Lorenzo Velasco Flor 5751:President of Bolivia 5724:President of Bolivia 5673:Manuel de la Lastra 5597:Andrés María Torrico 5544:Pedro José de Guerra 5168:Lidia Gueiler Tejada 4908:Gualberto Villarroel 4804:Hernando Siles Reyes 4518:Manuel Isidoro Belzu 4435:Andrés de Santa Cruz 3960:López, Juan (2004). 3779:. Gonzalez y Medina. 3670:. Editorial Gisbert. 3611:Telleria-Geiger 1997 2888:Medina Guerrero 1991 1868:Tomás Frías Province 1762:Gonzalo García Lanza 1487:Peruvian Viceroyalty 1464:1874 Boundary Treaty 1225:President of Bolivia 1024:Manuel Isidoro Belzu 882:Andrés de Santa Cruz 845:Pedro José de Guerra 759:President of Bolivia 755:Tomás Frías Ametller 639:Tomás Frías Ametller 500:Pedro José de Guerra 312:Andrés María Torrico 81:President of Bolivia 30:For other uses, see 18:Tomas Frias Ametller 6702:Governors of Potosí 6568:Minister of Finance 6399:Minister of Finance 6212:Minister of Finance 6076:Minister of Finance 5902:Minister of Justice 5872:Minister of Finance 5705:Juan de Dios Bosque 5679:Minister of Finance 5660:Juan José Ibargüen 5623:Minister of Finance 5582:Minister of Finance 5505:Minister of Finance 5480:Minister of Finance 4017:Historia de Bolivia 3879:. Plural editores. 3601:, pp. 262–264. 3517:, pp. 254–256. 3493:, pp. 241–250. 3469:, pp. 396–401. 3445:, pp. 337–349. 3433:, pp. 233–237. 3385:, pp. 228–232. 3361:, pp. 225–227. 3322:, pp. 219–220. 3310:, pp. 395–396. 3298:, pp. 207–211. 3286:, pp. 217–218. 3274:, pp. 367–368. 3250:, pp. 203–207. 3238:, pp. 199–203. 3178:, pp. 181–190. 3130:, pp. 177–180. 3070:, pp. 172–176. 3022:, pp. 191–193. 2962:, pp. 162–171. 2950:, pp. 134–139. 2926:, pp. 172–173. 2914:, pp. 139–161. 2878:, pp. 131–133. 2866:, pp. 127–130. 2842:, pp. 236–237. 2830:, pp. 122–127. 2806:, pp. 119–122. 2794:, pp. 109–115. 2746:, pp. 105–109. 2481:, pp. 220–224. 2457:, pp. 218–220. 2433:, pp. 217–218. 2421:, pp. 216–217. 1911:Juan de Dios Bosque 1557:Chincha Islands War 1180:Juan de Dios Bosque 1151:José María Calderón 768:Chamber of Deputies 521:and Foreign Affairs 212:Manuel de la Lastra 180:Minister of Finance 6737:People from Potosí 6657:Bolivian diplomats 6520:José María Linares 6338:José Ugarte (1847) 6239:Domingo Delgadillo 6049:José María de Achá 5995:José María Linares 5713:Title last held by 5670:Title last held by 5657:Title next held by 5612:Title last held by 5593:Title next held by 5534:Domingo Delgadillo 5469:Title last held by 5444:Office established 5437:Political offices 5220:Hernán Siles Zuazo 4999:Hernán Siles Zuazo 4882:Carlos Quintanilla 4557:José María de Achá 4544:José María Linares 4193:litoral de Bolivia 4047:Paz, Luis (1912). 3613:, p. 218–221. 3577:, p. 220–221. 3575:Díaz Arguedas 1940 3565:, p. 259–262. 3527:Díaz Arguedas 1940 3467:Ordóñez López 1912 3334:, p. 630–631. 3332:Díaz Arguedas 1940 3308:Ordóñez López 1912 3262:, p. 394–395. 3260:Ordóñez López 1912 3046:, p. 163–166. 3010:, pp. 17–153. 2938:, p. 144–145. 2649:, p. 100–105. 2625:, p. 330–334. 2623:United States 1910 2613:, p. 319–329. 2611:United States 1910 2601:, p. 305–309. 2599:United States 1910 2467:Díaz Arguedas 1929 2383:Díaz Arguedas 1940 2263:Quintero Mesa 1968 2166:, p. 105–106. 2154:, p. 104–105. 2130:, p. 103–104. 1835: 1802: 1779: 1769:Daza's coup (1876) 1721: 1649: 1608:War of the Pacific 1561:Álvaro Covarrubias 1552: 1479: 1440:George Earl Church 1384: 1369: 1339: 1301: 1259: 1240: 1200:Ildefonso Sanjinés 1167: 1139:José María de Achá 1068: 907:Bolivian education 903: 816:War of the Pacific 780:José María Linares 606:Office established 566:Domingo Delgadillo 450:Juan José Ibargüen 429:José María Linares 402:Hilarión Fernandez 245:José María Linares 6619: 6618: 6456: 6455: 6248: 6247: 6115: 6114: 6012:Ruperto Fernández 5954: 5953: 5772: 5771: 5767: 5766: 5758:Succeeded by 5731:Succeeded by 5686:Succeeded by 5630:Succeeded by 5562:Succeeded by 5531:Succeeded by 5487:Succeeded by 5457:Succeeded by 5418: 5417: 5386: 5385: 4895:Enrique Peñaranda 4778:Bautista Saavedra 4739:Eliodoro Villazón 4713:José Manuel Pando 4570:Mariano Melgarejo 4413:Pedro Blanco Soto 4214:978-99954-1-326-2 4137:don adolfo ibanez 4071:978-84-204-7292-8 3973:978-99905-58-33-3 3952:978-0-8093-2277-0 3927:EV, IV-A (1924). 3813:. Imprenta Mejía. 3699:978-99954-1-556-3 3164:Rojas Valdés 1970 3154:, pp. 85–87. 3140:Rojas Valdés 1970 3118:, pp. 10–12. 3106:, pp. 37–44. 3082:, pp. 60–70. 3058:, pp. 34–39. 2553:, pp. 23–24. 2529:, pp. 21–23. 2397:, pp. 18–19. 2373:, pp. 16–18. 2337:, pp. 14–15. 2164:Suárez Arnez 1970 2152:Suárez Arnez 1970 2140:Suárez Arnez 1970 2128:Suárez Arnez 1970 2116:Suárez Arnez 1970 2079:, pp. 13–14. 1861:Bautista Saavedra 1787:Belisario Salinas 1749:Government Palace 1682:Battle of Chacoma 1499:Pedro de Valdivia 1491:Francisco Pizarro 1436:Pantaleón Dalence 1380:Pantaleón Dalence 1219:Leopold Markbreit 1176:Government Palace 978:political science 784:Mariano Melgarejo 752: 751: 621: 620: 16:(Redirected from 6764: 6533: 6532: 6483: 6476: 6469: 6460: 6459: 6388:Eusebio Guilarte 6370:Eusebio Guilarte 6349: 6348: 6312:Casimiro Olañeta 6275: 6268: 6261: 6252: 6251: 6201:Eusebio Guilarte 6186: 6185: 6156:Eusebio Guilarte 6142: 6135: 6128: 6119: 6118: 6025: 6024: 5981: 5974: 5967: 5958: 5957: 5843: 5842: 5799: 5792: 5785: 5776: 5775: 5744:Adolfo Ballivián 5741:Preceded by 5734:Adolfo Ballivián 5710: 5694: 5638:Preceded by 5602: 5572:Preceded by 5556: 5541:Preceded by 5514:Preceded by 5497:Preceded by 5442:Preceded by 5434: 5433: 5422: 5421: 5408: 5407: 5398: 5397: 5381: 5361: 5348: 5335: 5322: 5309: 5296: 5283: 5270: 5257: 5246:Jaime Paz Zamora 5244: 5231: 5218: 5205: 5192: 5181:Luis García Meza 5179: 5166: 5153: 5140: 5127: 5114: 5101: 5090:Juan José Torres 5088: 5075: 5062: 5049: 5036: 5023: 5010: 4997: 4984: 4971: 4958: 4945: 4932: 4919: 4906: 4893: 4880: 4867: 4854: 4841: 4830:Daniel Salamanca 4828: 4815: 4802: 4789: 4776: 4763: 4750: 4737: 4724: 4711: 4700:Severo Fernández 4698: 4687:Mariano Baptista 4685: 4672: 4661:Gregorio Pacheco 4659: 4646: 4633: 4620: 4609:Adolfo Ballivián 4607: 4594: 4581: 4568: 4555: 4542: 4529: 4516: 4503: 4492:Eusebio Guilarte 4490: 4477: 4468: 4461:Sebastián Ágreda 4459: 4446: 4433: 4420: 4411: 4398: 4389: 4380: 4371: 4362: 4361: 4347: 4340: 4333: 4324: 4323: 4318: 4307: 4296: 4285: 4273: 4262: 4251: 4240: 4239:. Impr. Chilena. 4229: 4218: 4197: 4185: 4174: 4163: 4152: 4141: 4130: 4119: 4098: 4092: 4084: 4075: 4054: 4043: 4032: 4021: 4010: 3999: 3988: 3977: 3956: 3935: 3923: 3912: 3901: 3890: 3869: 3848: 3837: 3825: 3814: 3803: 3797: 3789: 3780: 3773:Brissot (1919). 3769: 3758: 3747: 3736: 3725: 3714: 3703: 3682: 3671: 3650: 3649: 3647: 3646: 3632: 3626: 3620: 3614: 3608: 3602: 3596: 3590: 3584: 3578: 3572: 3566: 3560: 3554: 3548: 3542: 3536: 3530: 3524: 3518: 3512: 3506: 3500: 3494: 3488: 3482: 3476: 3470: 3464: 3458: 3452: 3446: 3440: 3434: 3428: 3422: 3416: 3410: 3404: 3398: 3392: 3386: 3380: 3374: 3368: 3362: 3356: 3350: 3344: 3335: 3329: 3323: 3317: 3311: 3305: 3299: 3293: 3287: 3281: 3275: 3269: 3263: 3257: 3251: 3245: 3239: 3233: 3227: 3226: 3224: 3223: 3209: 3203: 3197: 3191: 3190:, pp. 5–12. 3185: 3179: 3173: 3167: 3161: 3155: 3149: 3143: 3142:, p. 88–95. 3137: 3131: 3125: 3119: 3113: 3107: 3101: 3095: 3094:, p. 42–47. 3089: 3083: 3077: 3071: 3065: 3059: 3053: 3047: 3041: 3035: 3029: 3023: 3017: 3011: 3005: 2999: 2993: 2987: 2981: 2975: 2969: 2963: 2957: 2951: 2945: 2939: 2933: 2927: 2921: 2915: 2909: 2903: 2902:, p. 29–41. 2897: 2891: 2885: 2879: 2873: 2867: 2861: 2855: 2849: 2843: 2837: 2831: 2825: 2819: 2813: 2807: 2801: 2795: 2789: 2783: 2777: 2771: 2765: 2759: 2753: 2747: 2741: 2735: 2729: 2723: 2717: 2711: 2705: 2699: 2693: 2687: 2681: 2675: 2674: 2672: 2671: 2656: 2650: 2644: 2638: 2635:Santos Ossa 1871 2632: 2626: 2620: 2614: 2608: 2602: 2596: 2590: 2584: 2578: 2572: 2566: 2560: 2554: 2548: 2542: 2536: 2530: 2524: 2518: 2512: 2506: 2500: 2494: 2488: 2482: 2476: 2470: 2464: 2458: 2452: 2446: 2440: 2434: 2428: 2422: 2416: 2410: 2404: 2398: 2392: 2386: 2380: 2374: 2368: 2362: 2356: 2350: 2344: 2338: 2332: 2326: 2320: 2314: 2308: 2302: 2296: 2290: 2284: 2278: 2272: 2266: 2260: 2254: 2248: 2242: 2236: 2230: 2224: 2218: 2215:Shchelchkov 2011 2212: 2206: 2203:Shchelchkov 2011 2200: 2194: 2191:Shchelchkov 2011 2188: 2179: 2176:Shchelchkov 2011 2173: 2167: 2161: 2155: 2149: 2143: 2137: 2131: 2125: 2119: 2113: 2104: 2098: 2092: 2086: 2080: 2074: 2068: 2062: 2056: 2050: 2044: 2043:, pp. 1247. 2038: 2032: 2031:, pp. 1278. 2026: 2020: 2014: 2008: 2002: 1996: 1990: 1984: 1978: 1969: 1963: 1957: 1956: 1954: 1953: 1932: 1915: 1906: 1791:Eliodoro Camacho 1733:Eliodoro Camacho 1689:Mariano Baptista 1591:Andes cordillera 1579:Mariano Baptista 1516:Casimiro Olañeta 1495:Diego de Almagro 1419:conquest of Peru 1310:Adolfo Ballivián 1276:Ulysses S. Grant 1137:Gregorio Pérez. 1077:Mariano Baptista 855:Political career 804:Adolfo Ballivián 744: 677:Kingdom of Italy 669: 649:21 December 1805 648: 646: 630:Personal details 614: 602: 583: 562: 550: 531: 508: 496: 477: 447: 437: 418: 399: 387: 368: 354: 342: 323: 308: 296: 288:Eusebio Guilarte 277: 265: 253: 234: 219: 209: 190: 161: 160: 154:Adolfo Ballivián 150: 138: 129: 114: 106:Adolfo Ballivián 102: 91: 70: 56: 55: 21: 6772: 6771: 6767: 6766: 6765: 6763: 6762: 6761: 6662:Bolivian exiles 6622: 6621: 6620: 6615: 6593: 6562: 6540:Minister of War 6534: 6530: 6525: 6500: 6487: 6457: 6452: 6430: 6393: 6356:Minister of War 6350: 6346: 6341: 6292: 6279: 6249: 6244: 6225: 6206: 6193:Minister of War 6187: 6183: 6178: 6173:Basilio Cuéllar 6159: 6146: 6116: 6111: 6089: 6070: 6054: 6032:Minister of War 6026: 6022: 6017: 5998: 5985: 5955: 5950: 5944:Casimiro Corral 5926: 5917:Casimiro Corral 5896: 5887:Casimiro Corral 5866: 5858:Narciso Campero 5850:Minister of War 5844: 5840: 5835: 5830:Casimiro Corral 5816: 5813:Agustín Morales 5803: 5773: 5768: 5763: 5754: 5746: 5736: 5727: 5717:Agustín Morales 5714: 5711: 5708: 5707: 5695: 5692: 5691: 5689:Casimiro Corral 5682: 5671: 5658: 5649: 5641: 5633: 5626: 5613: 5600: 5599: 5594: 5585: 5577: 5567: 5565:Basilio Cuéllar 5558: 5554: 5553: 5546: 5536: 5527: 5519: 5508: 5500: 5492: 5483: 5470: 5460: 5453: 5445: 5427: 5419: 5414: 5382: 5373: 5372: 5359: 5346: 5333: 5320: 5307: 5294: 5281: 5268: 5255: 5242: 5229: 5216: 5203: 5190: 5177: 5164: 5155:Alberto Natusch 5151: 5138: 5125: 5112: 5099: 5086: 5073: 5060: 5051:René Barrientos 5047: 5034: 5025:René Barrientos 5021: 5008: 4995: 4982: 4969: 4956: 4947:Enrique Hertzog 4943: 4930: 4917: 4904: 4891: 4878: 4865: 4852: 4839: 4826: 4813: 4800: 4787: 4774: 4761: 4748: 4735: 4722: 4709: 4696: 4683: 4670: 4657: 4648:Narciso Campero 4644: 4631: 4618: 4605: 4592: 4583:Agustín Morales 4579: 4566: 4553: 4540: 4527: 4514: 4501: 4488: 4475: 4466: 4457: 4444: 4431: 4418: 4409: 4396: 4387: 4378: 4369: 4356: 4351: 4321: 4215: 4140:. Andres Bello. 4116: 4086: 4085: 4072: 4061:Palacio Quemado 3974: 3953: 3887: 3866: 3791: 3790: 3700: 3659: 3654: 3653: 3644: 3642: 3634: 3633: 3629: 3621: 3617: 3609: 3605: 3597: 3593: 3585: 3581: 3573: 3569: 3561: 3557: 3549: 3545: 3537: 3533: 3525: 3521: 3513: 3509: 3501: 3497: 3489: 3485: 3477: 3473: 3465: 3461: 3453: 3449: 3441: 3437: 3429: 3425: 3419:Paz Soldán 2007 3417: 3413: 3405: 3401: 3395:Paz Soldán 2007 3393: 3389: 3381: 3377: 3371:Paz Soldán 2007 3369: 3365: 3357: 3353: 3345: 3338: 3330: 3326: 3318: 3314: 3306: 3302: 3294: 3290: 3282: 3278: 3270: 3266: 3258: 3254: 3246: 3242: 3234: 3230: 3221: 3219: 3211: 3210: 3206: 3198: 3194: 3186: 3182: 3174: 3170: 3162: 3158: 3150: 3146: 3138: 3134: 3126: 3122: 3114: 3110: 3102: 3098: 3090: 3086: 3078: 3074: 3066: 3062: 3054: 3050: 3042: 3038: 3034:, pp. 201. 3030: 3026: 3018: 3014: 3006: 3002: 2994: 2990: 2982: 2978: 2970: 2966: 2958: 2954: 2946: 2942: 2934: 2930: 2922: 2918: 2910: 2906: 2898: 2894: 2890:, pp. 102. 2886: 2882: 2874: 2870: 2862: 2858: 2854:, pp. 458. 2850: 2846: 2838: 2834: 2826: 2822: 2818:, pp. 5–6. 2814: 2810: 2802: 2798: 2790: 2786: 2778: 2774: 2766: 2762: 2754: 2750: 2742: 2738: 2730: 2726: 2718: 2714: 2706: 2702: 2694: 2690: 2682: 2678: 2669: 2667: 2658: 2657: 2653: 2647:López Gama 1871 2645: 2641: 2633: 2629: 2621: 2617: 2609: 2605: 2597: 2593: 2585: 2581: 2573: 2569: 2561: 2557: 2549: 2545: 2537: 2533: 2525: 2521: 2513: 2509: 2501: 2497: 2489: 2485: 2477: 2473: 2469:, pp. 217. 2465: 2461: 2453: 2449: 2441: 2437: 2429: 2425: 2417: 2413: 2405: 2401: 2393: 2389: 2381: 2377: 2369: 2365: 2357: 2353: 2345: 2341: 2333: 2329: 2321: 2317: 2309: 2305: 2297: 2293: 2285: 2281: 2273: 2269: 2261: 2257: 2249: 2245: 2237: 2233: 2225: 2221: 2213: 2209: 2201: 2197: 2189: 2182: 2174: 2170: 2162: 2158: 2150: 2146: 2138: 2134: 2126: 2122: 2114: 2107: 2099: 2095: 2087: 2083: 2075: 2071: 2063: 2059: 2051: 2047: 2039: 2035: 2027: 2023: 2019:, pp. 136. 2015: 2011: 2007:, pp. 188. 2003: 1999: 1995:, pp. 118. 1991: 1987: 1983:, pp. 482. 1979: 1972: 1964: 1960: 1951: 1949: 1934: 1933: 1929: 1924: 1919: 1918: 1907: 1903: 1898: 1893: 1876: 1852: 1850:Memorialization 1827: 1822: 1804:On 4 May 1876, 1771: 1698: 1684: 1662:Palacio Quemado 1641: 1621: 1616: 1574: 1544: 1471: 1466: 1457: 1444:Bank of England 1428: 1417:Ever since the 1415: 1406: 1357: 1348: 1331: 1314:Quintín Quevedo 1306: 1232: 1227: 1214: 1159: 1134: 1060: 1016: 922:primary schools 895: 862: 857: 840: 824:Quintín Quevedo 796:Agustín Morales 703: 671: 667: 650: 644: 642: 641: 640: 612: 600: 584: 579: 560: 548: 532: 527: 520: 512:Basilio Cuéllar 506: 494: 478: 473: 468: 445: 435: 419: 414: 397: 385: 369: 364: 352: 340: 324: 319: 306: 294: 278: 273: 263: 251: 235: 230: 223:Casimiro Corral 217: 207: 201:Agustín Morales 191: 186: 166: 148: 142:Agustín Morales 136: 130: 125: 112: 100: 94: 92: 87: 61: 54: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6770: 6760: 6759: 6754: 6749: 6744: 6739: 6734: 6729: 6724: 6719: 6714: 6709: 6704: 6699: 6694: 6689: 6684: 6679: 6674: 6669: 6664: 6659: 6654: 6649: 6644: 6639: 6634: 6617: 6616: 6614: 6613: 6610: 6603: 6601: 6595: 6594: 6592: 6591: 6585: 6582: 6579: 6572: 6570: 6564: 6563: 6561: 6560: 6557: 6554: 6551: 6544: 6542: 6536: 6535: 6528: 6526: 6524: 6523: 6517: 6510: 6508: 6502: 6501: 6486: 6485: 6478: 6471: 6463: 6454: 6453: 6451: 6450: 6444: 6440: 6438: 6432: 6431: 6429: 6428: 6422: 6416: 6413: 6410: 6403: 6401: 6395: 6394: 6392: 6391: 6385: 6382: 6376: 6373: 6367: 6360: 6358: 6352: 6351: 6344: 6342: 6340: 6339: 6336: 6330: 6327:Pedro Buitrago 6324: 6321: 6315: 6309: 6302: 6300: 6294: 6293: 6289:José Ballivián 6278: 6277: 6270: 6263: 6255: 6246: 6245: 6243: 6242: 6235: 6233: 6227: 6226: 6224: 6223: 6216: 6214: 6208: 6207: 6205: 6204: 6197: 6195: 6189: 6188: 6181: 6179: 6177: 6176: 6169: 6167: 6161: 6160: 6145: 6144: 6137: 6130: 6122: 6113: 6112: 6110: 6109: 6106: 6099: 6097: 6091: 6090: 6088: 6087: 6080: 6078: 6072: 6071: 6069: 6068: 6064: 6062: 6056: 6055: 6053: 6052: 6046: 6040: 6036: 6034: 6028: 6027: 6020: 6018: 6016: 6015: 6008: 6006: 6000: 5999: 5984: 5983: 5976: 5969: 5961: 5952: 5951: 5949: 5948: 5940: 5936: 5934: 5928: 5927: 5925: 5924: 5921: 5913: 5906: 5904: 5898: 5897: 5895: 5894: 5891: 5883: 5876: 5874: 5868: 5867: 5865: 5864: 5861: 5854: 5852: 5846: 5845: 5838: 5836: 5834: 5833: 5826: 5824: 5818: 5817: 5802: 5801: 5794: 5787: 5779: 5770: 5769: 5765: 5764: 5759: 5756: 5747: 5742: 5738: 5737: 5732: 5729: 5720: 5712: 5703: 5697: 5696: 5687: 5684: 5675: 5669: 5663: 5662: 5656: 5651: 5642: 5639: 5635: 5634: 5631: 5628: 5619: 5611: 5605: 5604: 5592: 5587: 5578: 5573: 5569: 5568: 5563: 5560: 5547: 5542: 5538: 5537: 5532: 5529: 5520: 5515: 5511: 5510: 5501: 5498: 5494: 5493: 5488: 5485: 5476: 5468: 5462: 5461: 5458: 5455: 5446: 5443: 5439: 5438: 5432: 5429: 5428: 5416: 5415: 5413: 5412: 5402: 5391: 5388: 5387: 5384: 5383: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5370: 5357: 5344: 5331: 5318: 5305: 5292: 5279: 5266: 5253: 5240: 5227: 5214: 5201: 5194:Celso Torrelio 5188: 5175: 5162: 5149: 5142:Wálter Guevara 5136: 5123: 5110: 5097: 5084: 5071: 5058: 5045: 5032: 5019: 5006: 4993: 4980: 4973:Hugo Ballivián 4967: 4954: 4941: 4928: 4921:Néstor Guillén 4915: 4902: 4889: 4876: 4863: 4850: 4837: 4824: 4811: 4798: 4785: 4772: 4759: 4746: 4733: 4720: 4707: 4694: 4681: 4668: 4655: 4642: 4629: 4616: 4603: 4590: 4577: 4564: 4551: 4538: 4525: 4512: 4499: 4486: 4479:José Ballivián 4473: 4464: 4455: 4442: 4429: 4416: 4407: 4394: 4385: 4376: 4366: 4365: 4358: 4357: 4350: 4349: 4342: 4335: 4327: 4320: 4319: 4308: 4297: 4286: 4274: 4263: 4252: 4241: 4230: 4219: 4213: 4198: 4186: 4175: 4164: 4153: 4142: 4131: 4120: 4114: 4099: 4076: 4070: 4055: 4044: 4033: 4022: 4011: 4000: 3989: 3978: 3972: 3957: 3951: 3936: 3924: 3913: 3902: 3891: 3885: 3870: 3864: 3849: 3838: 3826: 3815: 3807:Chile (1898). 3804: 3781: 3770: 3759: 3748: 3737: 3726: 3715: 3704: 3698: 3683: 3672: 3660: 3658: 3655: 3652: 3651: 3627: 3625:, p. 161. 3615: 3603: 3591: 3589:, p. 211. 3579: 3567: 3555: 3553:, pp. 63. 3543: 3541:, p. 258. 3531: 3529:, p. 631. 3519: 3507: 3505:, p. 156. 3495: 3483: 3481:, p. 233. 3471: 3459: 3457:, p. 173. 3447: 3435: 3423: 3421:, p. 225. 3411: 3409:, p. 169. 3399: 3397:, p. 229. 3387: 3375: 3373:, p. 228. 3363: 3351: 3349:, p. 147. 3336: 3324: 3312: 3300: 3288: 3276: 3264: 3252: 3240: 3228: 3204: 3202:, pp. 67. 3192: 3180: 3168: 3166:, p. 100. 3156: 3144: 3132: 3120: 3108: 3096: 3084: 3072: 3060: 3056:Salamanca 1962 3048: 3036: 3024: 3012: 3000: 2998:, p. 102. 2988: 2976: 2974:, p. 398. 2964: 2952: 2940: 2928: 2916: 2904: 2892: 2880: 2868: 2856: 2844: 2832: 2820: 2808: 2796: 2784: 2782:, p. 2–4. 2772: 2770:, p. 200. 2760: 2758:, p. 152. 2748: 2736: 2734:, p. 115. 2724: 2712: 2710:, p. 143. 2700: 2688: 2676: 2651: 2639: 2637:, p. 132. 2627: 2615: 2603: 2591: 2579: 2567: 2565:, p. 199. 2555: 2543: 2541:, p. 198. 2531: 2519: 2517:, p. 197. 2507: 2505:, p. 150. 2495: 2493:, pp. 33. 2483: 2471: 2459: 2447: 2445:, pp. 32. 2435: 2423: 2411: 2409:, pp. 31. 2399: 2387: 2385:, p. 721. 2375: 2363: 2361:, p. 315. 2351: 2349:, p. 138. 2339: 2327: 2325:, p. 152. 2315: 2313:, p. 135. 2303: 2291: 2289:, p. 334. 2279: 2277:, p. 186. 2267: 2255: 2253:, p. 237. 2243: 2241:, p. 134. 2231: 2229:, p. 133. 2219: 2217:, p. 195. 2207: 2205:, p. 261. 2195: 2193:, p. 270. 2180: 2178:, p. 112. 2168: 2156: 2144: 2142:, p. 104. 2132: 2120: 2118:, p. 103. 2105: 2103:, p. 206. 2093: 2091:, p. 205. 2081: 2069: 2067:, p. 209. 2057: 2055:, p. 201. 2045: 2033: 2021: 2009: 1997: 1985: 1970: 1958: 1926: 1925: 1923: 1920: 1917: 1916: 1900: 1899: 1897: 1894: 1892: 1889: 1888: 1887: 1882: 1875: 1872: 1851: 1848: 1826: 1823: 1821: 1818: 1770: 1767: 1729:Banco Nacional 1697: 1694: 1683: 1680: 1640: 1637: 1620: 1617: 1615: 1612: 1573: 1570: 1543: 1540: 1524:Mejillones Bay 1470: 1467: 1465: 1462: 1456: 1453: 1427: 1424: 1414: 1411: 1405: 1402: 1356: 1353: 1347: 1344: 1330: 1327: 1305: 1302: 1231: 1228: 1226: 1223: 1213: 1210: 1158: 1155: 1133: 1130: 1059: 1056: 1044:ballivianistas 1015: 1012: 911:Roberto Zapata 894: 891: 887:José Ballivián 861: 858: 856: 853: 839: 836: 750: 749: 746: 745: 738: 734: 733: 731:Roman Catholic 728: 724: 723: 720: 716: 715: 710: 706: 705: 700: 696: 695: 692: 688: 687: 684: 680: 679: 670:(aged 78) 664: 660: 659: 638: 636: 632: 631: 627: 626: 623: 622: 619: 618: 615: 609: 608: 603: 597: 596: 591: 587: 586: 576: 575: 569: 568: 563: 557: 556: 551: 545: 544: 542:José Ballivián 539: 535: 534: 524: 523: 515: 514: 509: 503: 502: 497: 491: 490: 488:José Ballivián 485: 481: 480: 470: 469: 462: 459: 458: 452: 451: 448: 442: 441: 438: 432: 431: 426: 422: 421: 411: 410: 404: 403: 400: 394: 393: 388: 382: 381: 379:José Ballivián 376: 372: 371: 361: 360: 355: 349: 348: 343: 337: 336: 334:José Ballivián 331: 327: 326: 316: 315: 309: 303: 302: 297: 291: 290: 285: 281: 280: 270: 269: 266: 260: 259: 254: 248: 247: 242: 238: 237: 227: 226: 220: 214: 213: 210: 204: 203: 198: 194: 193: 183: 182: 176: 175: 172: 171: 168: 167: 164: 157: 156: 151: 145: 144: 139: 133: 132: 122: 121: 115: 109: 108: 103: 97: 96: 84: 83: 76: 75: 72: 71: 63: 62: 59: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6769: 6758: 6755: 6753: 6750: 6748: 6745: 6743: 6740: 6738: 6735: 6733: 6730: 6728: 6725: 6723: 6720: 6718: 6715: 6713: 6710: 6708: 6705: 6703: 6700: 6698: 6695: 6693: 6690: 6688: 6685: 6683: 6680: 6678: 6675: 6673: 6670: 6668: 6665: 6663: 6660: 6658: 6655: 6653: 6650: 6648: 6645: 6643: 6640: 6638: 6635: 6633: 6630: 6629: 6627: 6611: 6608: 6605: 6604: 6602: 6600: 6596: 6589: 6586: 6583: 6580: 6577: 6574: 6573: 6571: 6569: 6565: 6558: 6555: 6552: 6549: 6548:Manuel Dorado 6546: 6545: 6543: 6541: 6537: 6521: 6518: 6515: 6512: 6511: 6509: 6507: 6503: 6498: 6495: 6491: 6484: 6479: 6477: 6472: 6470: 6465: 6464: 6461: 6448: 6445: 6442: 6441: 6439: 6437: 6433: 6426: 6423: 6420: 6417: 6414: 6411: 6408: 6405: 6404: 6402: 6400: 6396: 6389: 6386: 6383: 6380: 6377: 6374: 6371: 6368: 6365: 6362: 6361: 6359: 6357: 6353: 6337: 6334: 6331: 6328: 6325: 6322: 6319: 6316: 6313: 6310: 6307: 6304: 6303: 6301: 6299: 6295: 6290: 6287: 6283: 6276: 6271: 6269: 6264: 6262: 6257: 6256: 6253: 6240: 6237: 6236: 6234: 6232: 6228: 6221: 6218: 6217: 6215: 6213: 6209: 6202: 6199: 6198: 6196: 6194: 6190: 6174: 6171: 6170: 6168: 6166: 6162: 6157: 6154: 6150: 6143: 6138: 6136: 6131: 6129: 6124: 6123: 6120: 6107: 6104: 6101: 6100: 6098: 6096: 6092: 6085: 6082: 6081: 6079: 6077: 6073: 6066: 6065: 6063: 6061: 6057: 6050: 6047: 6044: 6041: 6038: 6037: 6035: 6033: 6029: 6013: 6010: 6009: 6007: 6005: 6001: 5996: 5993: 5989: 5982: 5977: 5975: 5970: 5968: 5963: 5962: 5959: 5946: 5945: 5941: 5938: 5937: 5935: 5933: 5929: 5922: 5919: 5918: 5914: 5911: 5908: 5907: 5905: 5903: 5899: 5892: 5889: 5888: 5884: 5881: 5878: 5877: 5875: 5873: 5869: 5862: 5859: 5856: 5855: 5853: 5851: 5847: 5831: 5828: 5827: 5825: 5823: 5819: 5814: 5811: 5807: 5800: 5795: 5793: 5788: 5786: 5781: 5780: 5777: 5762: 5761:Hilarión Daza 5753: 5752: 5745: 5739: 5735: 5726: 5725: 5719: 5718: 5706: 5702: 5698: 5690: 5681: 5680: 5674: 5668: 5664: 5661: 5655: 5648: 5647: 5636: 5625: 5624: 5618: 5617: 5610: 5606: 5603: 5598: 5591: 5584: 5583: 5576: 5570: 5566: 5557: 5552: 5545: 5539: 5535: 5526: 5525: 5518: 5512: 5507: 5506: 5499:Manuel Molina 5495: 5491: 5482: 5481: 5475: 5474: 5467: 5463: 5452: 5451: 5440: 5435: 5430: 5423: 5411: 5403: 5401: 5393: 5392: 5389: 5380: 5368: 5364: 5358: 5355: 5351: 5345: 5342: 5338: 5332: 5329: 5325: 5319: 5316: 5312: 5306: 5303: 5299: 5293: 5290: 5286: 5285:Jorge Quiroga 5280: 5277: 5273: 5267: 5264: 5260: 5254: 5251: 5247: 5241: 5238: 5234: 5228: 5225: 5221: 5215: 5212: 5208: 5207:Guido Vildoso 5202: 5199: 5195: 5189: 5186: 5182: 5176: 5173: 5169: 5163: 5160: 5156: 5150: 5147: 5143: 5137: 5134: 5130: 5129:David Padilla 5124: 5121: 5117: 5111: 5108: 5104: 5098: 5095: 5091: 5085: 5082: 5078: 5072: 5069: 5065: 5059: 5056: 5052: 5046: 5043: 5039: 5033: 5030: 5026: 5020: 5017: 5013: 5007: 5004: 5000: 4994: 4991: 4987: 4981: 4978: 4974: 4968: 4965: 4961: 4955: 4952: 4948: 4942: 4939: 4935: 4929: 4926: 4922: 4916: 4913: 4909: 4903: 4900: 4896: 4890: 4887: 4883: 4877: 4874: 4870: 4864: 4861: 4857: 4851: 4848: 4844: 4838: 4835: 4831: 4825: 4822: 4818: 4812: 4809: 4805: 4799: 4796: 4792: 4786: 4783: 4779: 4773: 4770: 4766: 4760: 4757: 4753: 4752:Ismael Montes 4747: 4744: 4740: 4734: 4731: 4727: 4726:Ismael Montes 4721: 4718: 4714: 4708: 4705: 4701: 4695: 4692: 4688: 4682: 4679: 4675: 4669: 4666: 4662: 4656: 4653: 4649: 4643: 4640: 4636: 4635:Hilarión Daza 4630: 4627: 4623: 4617: 4614: 4610: 4604: 4601: 4597: 4591: 4588: 4584: 4578: 4575: 4571: 4565: 4562: 4558: 4552: 4549: 4545: 4539: 4536: 4532: 4531:Jorge Córdova 4526: 4523: 4519: 4513: 4510: 4506: 4500: 4497: 4493: 4487: 4484: 4480: 4474: 4471: 4465: 4462: 4456: 4453: 4449: 4443: 4440: 4436: 4430: 4427: 4423: 4417: 4414: 4408: 4405: 4401: 4395: 4392: 4386: 4383: 4377: 4374: 4373:Simón Bolívar 4368: 4367: 4363: 4359: 4355: 4348: 4343: 4341: 4336: 4334: 4329: 4328: 4325: 4316: 4315: 4309: 4305: 4304: 4298: 4294: 4293: 4289:V.A. (1873). 4287: 4283: 4282: 4275: 4271: 4270: 4264: 4260: 4259: 4253: 4249: 4248: 4242: 4238: 4237: 4231: 4227: 4226: 4220: 4216: 4210: 4206: 4205: 4199: 4195: 4194: 4187: 4183: 4182: 4176: 4172: 4171: 4165: 4161: 4160: 4154: 4150: 4149: 4143: 4139: 4138: 4132: 4128: 4127: 4121: 4117: 4115:9780835205191 4111: 4107: 4106: 4100: 4096: 4090: 4082: 4077: 4073: 4067: 4063: 4062: 4056: 4053:. M. Pizarro. 4052: 4051: 4045: 4041: 4040: 4034: 4030: 4029: 4023: 4019: 4018: 4012: 4008: 4007: 4001: 3997: 3996: 3990: 3986: 3985: 3979: 3975: 3969: 3965: 3964: 3958: 3954: 3948: 3945:. SIU Press. 3944: 3943: 3937: 3934:Espasa-Calpe. 3933: 3932: 3925: 3921: 3920: 3914: 3910: 3909: 3903: 3899: 3898: 3892: 3888: 3886:9789990575125 3882: 3878: 3877: 3871: 3867: 3865:9788481023763 3861: 3857: 3856: 3850: 3846: 3845: 3839: 3835: 3834: 3827: 3823: 3822: 3816: 3812: 3811: 3805: 3801: 3795: 3787: 3782: 3778: 3777: 3771: 3767: 3766: 3760: 3756: 3755: 3749: 3745: 3744: 3738: 3734: 3733: 3727: 3723: 3722: 3716: 3712: 3711: 3705: 3701: 3695: 3691: 3690: 3684: 3680: 3679: 3673: 3669: 3668: 3662: 3661: 3641: 3637: 3631: 3624: 3619: 3612: 3607: 3600: 3599:Sanjinés 1902 3595: 3588: 3583: 3576: 3571: 3564: 3563:Sanjinés 1902 3559: 3552: 3547: 3540: 3539:Sanjinés 1902 3535: 3528: 3523: 3516: 3515:Sanjinés 1902 3511: 3504: 3499: 3492: 3491:Sanjinés 1902 3487: 3480: 3479:Sanjinés 1902 3475: 3468: 3463: 3456: 3451: 3444: 3439: 3432: 3431:Sanjinés 1902 3427: 3420: 3415: 3408: 3403: 3396: 3391: 3384: 3383:Sanjinés 1902 3379: 3372: 3367: 3360: 3359:Sanjinés 1902 3355: 3348: 3343: 3341: 3333: 3328: 3321: 3320:Sanjinés 1902 3316: 3309: 3304: 3297: 3296:Sanjinés 1902 3292: 3285: 3284:Sanjinés 1902 3280: 3273: 3268: 3261: 3256: 3249: 3248:Sanjinés 1902 3244: 3237: 3236:Sanjinés 1902 3232: 3218: 3214: 3208: 3201: 3196: 3189: 3184: 3177: 3176:Sanjinés 1902 3172: 3165: 3160: 3153: 3148: 3141: 3136: 3129: 3128:Sanjinés 1902 3124: 3117: 3112: 3105: 3100: 3093: 3088: 3081: 3076: 3069: 3068:Sanjinés 1902 3064: 3057: 3052: 3045: 3044:Sanjinés 1902 3040: 3033: 3028: 3021: 3020:Sanjinés 1902 3016: 3009: 3004: 2997: 2992: 2986:, p. 12. 2985: 2980: 2973: 2968: 2961: 2960:Sanjinés 1902 2956: 2949: 2948:Sanjinés 1902 2944: 2937: 2932: 2925: 2920: 2913: 2912:Sanjinés 1902 2908: 2901: 2900:Quijarro 1875 2896: 2889: 2884: 2877: 2876:Sanjinés 1902 2872: 2865: 2864:Sanjinés 1902 2860: 2853: 2848: 2841: 2836: 2829: 2828:Sanjinés 1902 2824: 2817: 2812: 2805: 2804:Sanjinés 1902 2800: 2793: 2792:Sanjinés 1902 2788: 2781: 2776: 2769: 2764: 2757: 2752: 2745: 2744:Sanjinés 1902 2740: 2733: 2728: 2722:, p. 94. 2721: 2720:Sanjinés 1902 2716: 2709: 2704: 2698:, p. 92. 2697: 2696:Sanjinés 1902 2692: 2686:, p. 28. 2685: 2684:Sanjinés 1902 2680: 2665: 2661: 2655: 2648: 2643: 2636: 2631: 2624: 2619: 2612: 2607: 2600: 2595: 2589:, p. 27. 2588: 2587:Sanjinés 1902 2583: 2577:, p. 43. 2576: 2571: 2564: 2559: 2552: 2551:Sanjinés 1902 2547: 2540: 2535: 2528: 2527:Sanjinés 1902 2523: 2516: 2511: 2504: 2499: 2492: 2487: 2480: 2479:Sanjinés 1898 2475: 2468: 2463: 2456: 2455:Sanjinés 1898 2451: 2444: 2439: 2432: 2431:Sanjinés 1898 2427: 2420: 2419:Sanjinés 1898 2415: 2408: 2403: 2396: 2395:Sanjinés 1902 2391: 2384: 2379: 2372: 2371:Sanjinés 1902 2367: 2360: 2355: 2348: 2343: 2336: 2335:Sanjinés 1902 2331: 2324: 2319: 2312: 2307: 2301:, p. 25. 2300: 2295: 2288: 2283: 2276: 2271: 2265:, p. 15. 2264: 2259: 2252: 2247: 2240: 2235: 2228: 2223: 2216: 2211: 2204: 2199: 2192: 2187: 2185: 2177: 2172: 2165: 2160: 2153: 2148: 2141: 2136: 2129: 2124: 2117: 2112: 2110: 2102: 2097: 2090: 2085: 2078: 2077:Sanjinés 1902 2073: 2066: 2061: 2054: 2049: 2042: 2037: 2030: 2025: 2018: 2013: 2006: 2001: 1994: 1989: 1982: 1977: 1975: 1968:, p. 13. 1967: 1966:Sanjinés 1902 1962: 1948:on 2021-10-07 1947: 1943: 1942: 1937: 1931: 1927: 1912: 1905: 1901: 1886: 1883: 1881: 1878: 1877: 1871: 1869: 1864: 1862: 1857: 1847: 1844: 1840: 1831: 1817: 1815: 1811: 1807: 1806:Jorge Oblitas 1798: 1794: 1792: 1788: 1784: 1783:Hilarión Daza 1775: 1766: 1763: 1757: 1752: 1750: 1745: 1740: 1738: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1717: 1713: 1711: 1707: 1703: 1693: 1690: 1679: 1677: 1672: 1671:melgarejistas 1666: 1663: 1658: 1654: 1645: 1636: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1625:Bolivian Army 1611: 1609: 1604: 1600: 1596: 1592: 1589:coast to the 1588: 1584: 1580: 1569: 1566: 1562: 1558: 1548: 1539: 1537: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1517: 1513: 1509: 1505: 1500: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1484: 1475: 1461: 1452: 1449: 1445: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1423: 1420: 1410: 1401: 1397: 1394: 1388: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1365: 1361: 1352: 1343: 1335: 1326: 1323: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1297: 1293: 1288: 1286: 1279: 1277: 1273: 1269: 1268:United States 1265: 1255: 1251: 1247: 1245: 1236: 1222: 1220: 1208: 1203: 1201: 1197: 1192: 1191:Hilarión Daza 1188: 1183: 1181: 1177: 1173: 1172:Plaza Murillo 1163: 1154: 1152: 1147: 1142: 1140: 1129: 1127: 1122: 1116: 1114: 1110: 1106: 1102: 1096: 1094: 1090: 1086: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1064: 1055: 1053: 1049: 1048:Jorge Córdova 1045: 1041: 1036: 1031: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1010: 1005: 1001: 999: 995: 991: 987: 983: 979: 975: 971: 967: 963: 959: 955: 951: 947: 943: 937: 935: 931: 927: 923: 919: 914: 912: 908: 899: 890: 888: 883: 878: 875: 871: 867: 852: 850: 846: 835: 833: 829: 828:Hilarión Daza 825: 819: 817: 813: 807: 805: 799: 797: 793: 789: 785: 781: 775: 773: 769: 765: 760: 756: 747: 743: 739: 735: 732: 729: 725: 721: 717: 714: 711: 707: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 678: 674: 665: 661: 658:(now Bolivia) 657: 653: 637: 633: 628: 624: 616: 610: 607: 604: 598: 595: 592: 588: 582: 577: 574: 570: 567: 564: 558: 555: 552: 546: 543: 540: 536: 530: 525: 522: 516: 513: 510: 504: 501: 498: 492: 489: 486: 482: 476: 471: 467: 466: 460: 457: 453: 449: 443: 439: 433: 430: 427: 423: 417: 412: 409: 405: 401: 395: 392: 389: 383: 380: 377: 373: 367: 362: 359: 356: 350: 347: 344: 338: 335: 332: 328: 322: 317: 313: 310: 304: 301: 298: 292: 289: 286: 282: 276: 271: 267: 261: 258: 255: 249: 246: 243: 239: 233: 228: 224: 221: 215: 211: 205: 202: 199: 195: 189: 184: 181: 177: 173: 169: 165:Other offices 162: 158: 155: 152: 146: 143: 140: 134: 128: 123: 120:(provisional) 119: 118:Hilarión Daza 116: 110: 107: 104: 98: 90: 85: 82: 77: 73: 69: 64: 57: 52: 48: 44: 40: 33: 19: 6606: 6547: 6446: 6418: 6406: 6219: 6083: 6042: 5942: 5915: 5885: 5879: 5749: 5722: 5715: 5700: 5677: 5672: 5666: 5659: 5653: 5644: 5621: 5614: 5608: 5595: 5589: 5580: 5549: 5522: 5503: 5478: 5471: 5465: 5448: 5367:2020–present 5350:Jeanine Áñez 4869:Germán Busch 4674:Aniceto Arce 4621: 4595: 4313: 4302: 4291: 4279: 4268: 4257: 4246: 4235: 4224: 4203: 4191: 4180: 4169: 4158: 4147: 4136: 4125: 4104: 4080: 4060: 4049: 4038: 4027: 4016: 4005: 3994: 3983: 3962: 3941: 3929: 3918: 3907: 3896: 3875: 3854: 3843: 3831: 3820: 3809: 3785: 3775: 3764: 3753: 3742: 3731: 3720: 3709: 3688: 3677: 3666: 3657:Bibliography 3643:. Retrieved 3639: 3630: 3618: 3606: 3594: 3582: 3570: 3558: 3551:Alcázar 1963 3546: 3534: 3522: 3510: 3498: 3486: 3474: 3462: 3450: 3438: 3426: 3414: 3402: 3390: 3378: 3366: 3354: 3327: 3315: 3303: 3291: 3279: 3272:Morales 1925 3267: 3255: 3243: 3231: 3220:. Retrieved 3216: 3207: 3195: 3183: 3171: 3159: 3147: 3135: 3123: 3111: 3104:Brissot 1919 3099: 3087: 3075: 3063: 3051: 3039: 3027: 3015: 3003: 2991: 2979: 2967: 2955: 2943: 2931: 2919: 2907: 2895: 2883: 2871: 2859: 2847: 2835: 2823: 2816:Dalence 1878 2811: 2799: 2787: 2775: 2763: 2751: 2739: 2732:Delgado 2003 2727: 2715: 2703: 2691: 2679: 2668:. Retrieved 2666:(in Spanish) 2663: 2654: 2642: 2630: 2618: 2606: 2594: 2582: 2570: 2558: 2546: 2534: 2522: 2510: 2498: 2491:Alcázar 1980 2486: 2474: 2462: 2450: 2443:Alcázar 1980 2438: 2426: 2414: 2407:Alcázar 1980 2402: 2390: 2378: 2366: 2354: 2342: 2330: 2318: 2306: 2294: 2282: 2270: 2258: 2246: 2234: 2222: 2210: 2198: 2171: 2159: 2147: 2135: 2123: 2096: 2084: 2072: 2060: 2048: 2036: 2024: 2012: 2000: 1988: 1961: 1950:. Retrieved 1946:the original 1939: 1930: 1904: 1865: 1853: 1836: 1810:Pedro Blanco 1803: 1780: 1759: 1754: 1741: 1728: 1724: 1722: 1699: 1685: 1670: 1667: 1656: 1652: 1650: 1622: 1594: 1575: 1563:. Thus, the 1553: 1535: 1531: 1528:Chilean flag 1519: 1504:Paposo River 1480: 1458: 1429: 1416: 1407: 1398: 1392: 1389: 1385: 1370: 1358: 1349: 1340: 1321: 1318:melgarejista 1317: 1307: 1290: 1281: 1260: 1248: 1241: 1215: 1205: 1184: 1168: 1143: 1135: 1117: 1112: 1097: 1081:Partido Rojo 1080: 1072: 1069: 1043: 1039: 1034: 1032: 1017: 1007: 1002: 938: 933: 915: 904: 879: 863: 841: 820: 808: 800: 791: 776: 754: 753: 668:(1884-05-10) 613:Succeeded by 605: 580: 561:Succeeded by 528: 507:Succeeded by 474: 463: 446:Succeeded by 415: 398:Succeeded by 365: 353:Succeeded by 320: 307:Succeeded by 274: 264:Succeeded by 231: 218:Succeeded by 187: 149:Succeeded by 126: 113:Succeeded by 88: 50: 46: 39:Spanish name 6637:1884 deaths 6632:1804 births 6609:(1839–1840) 6607:Tomás Frías 6590:(1839–1841) 6522:(1839–1841) 6499:(1839–1841) 6449:(1844–1847) 6447:Tomás Frías 6427:(1844–1847) 6419:Tomás Frías 6407:Tomás Frías 6366:(1841–1842) 6335:(1845–1847) 6329:(1843–1845) 6308:(1841–1842) 6291:(1841–1847) 6241:(1847–1848) 6222:(1847–1848) 6220:Tomás Frías 6203:(1847–1848) 6175:(1847–1848) 6158:(1847–1848) 6105:(1857–1858) 6086:(1857–1861) 6084:Tomás Frías 6051:(1858–1861) 6014:(1857–1861) 5997:(1857–1861) 5880:Tomás Frías 5832:(1871–1873) 5815:(1871–1872) 5337:Evo Morales 5311:Carlos Mesa 5272:Hugo Banzer 5116:Juan Pereda 5103:Hugo Banzer 4934:Tomás Monje 4622:Tomás Frías 4596:Tomás Frías 4415:(1828–1829) 4384:(1825–1828) 4031:. Bolivia . 3824:. Waterlow. 2996:Church 1877 2041:Sopena 1953 2005:Cortés 1875 1981:Wilgus 1941 1706:Antofagasta 1657:corralistas 1653:quevedistas 1633:Quillacollo 1599:Antofagasta 1455:Corral Plot 1393:corralistas 1121:Desaguadero 1113:pesos-Frías 1101:public debt 666:10 May 1884 601:Preceded by 549:Preceded by 495:Preceded by 436:Preceded by 386:Preceded by 341:Preceded by 295:Preceded by 252:Preceded by 208:Preceded by 137:Preceded by 101:Preceded by 60:Tomás Frías 6626:Categories 5755:1874–1876 5728:1872–1873 5650:1858–1861 5627:1857–1858 5586:1847–1848 5528:1844–1847 5454:1839–1840 4856:David Toro 3645:2024-01-19 3623:López 2004 3587:Ayala 1965 3222:2022-11-02 3116:Chile 1898 2936:Dardé 2004 2780:Calvo 1882 2768:Ayala 1965 2708:Dardé 2004 2670:2022-10-30 2575:Grant 2000 2563:Ayala 1965 2539:Ayala 1965 2515:Ayala 1965 2101:Ayala 1965 2089:Ayala 1965 2065:Ayala 1965 2053:Ayala 1965 2017:Reyes 1910 1952:2021-10-25 1914:processes. 1891:References 1725:Montoneros 1040:linaristas 998:philosophy 994:humanities 966:Santa Cruz 962:Cochabamba 934:Plan Frías 918:university 849:Valparaíso 719:Profession 645:1805-12-21 6494:President 6286:President 6153:President 5992:President 5810:President 5363:Luis Arce 5354:2019–2020 5341:2006–2019 5328:2005–2006 5315:2003–2005 5302:2002–2003 5289:2001–2002 5276:1997–2001 5263:1993–1997 5250:1989–1993 5237:1985–1989 5224:1982–1985 5198:1981–1982 5185:1980–1981 5172:1979–1980 5133:1978–1979 5107:1971–1978 5094:1970–1971 5081:1969–1970 5055:1966–1969 5029:1964–1966 5016:1960–1964 5003:1956–1960 4990:1952–1956 4977:1951–1952 4964:1949–1951 4951:1947–1949 4938:1946–1947 4912:1943–1946 4899:1940–1943 4886:1939–1940 4873:1937–1939 4860:1936–1937 4847:1934–1936 4834:1931–1934 4821:1930–1931 4808:1926–1930 4795:1925–1926 4782:1921–1925 4769:1917–1920 4756:1913–1917 4743:1909–1913 4730:1904–1909 4717:1899–1904 4704:1896–1899 4691:1892–1896 4678:1888–1892 4665:1884–1888 4652:1880–1884 4639:1876–1879 4626:1874–1876 4613:1873–1874 4600:1872–1873 4587:1871–1872 4574:1864–1871 4561:1861–1864 4548:1857–1861 4535:1855–1857 4522:1848–1855 4496:1847–1848 4483:1841–1847 4452:1839–1841 4439:1829–1839 4295:. Dunlop. 4089:cite book 3836:. Lahure. 3833:Americano 3794:cite book 3443:Mesa 1997 3008:V.A. 1873 2972:Mesa 1997 2359:Mesa 1997 2323:Weil 1974 2299:Weil 1974 2287:Mesa 1997 1941:El Diario 1922:Footnotes 1676:Calamarca 1595:guanerias 1536:Esmeralda 1322:caudillo. 1085:austerity 798:in 1872. 737:Signature 709:Education 699:Parent(s) 590:President 581:In office 538:President 529:In office 484:President 475:In office 425:President 416:In office 375:President 366:In office 330:President 321:In office 284:President 275:In office 241:President 232:In office 197:President 188:In office 127:In office 89:In office 79:17th 5400:Category 4083:. Sucre. 3788:. Sucre. 2852:Paz 1912 1874:See also 1843:Florence 1814:Arequipa 1629:Calacala 1532:guaneros 1520:guaneros 1035:belcista 1028:Corocoro 982:medicine 970:theology 930:religion 926:morality 792:caudillo 727:Religion 691:Children 673:Florence 314:(acting) 225:(acting) 51:Ametller 37:In this 6490:Cabinet 6282:Cabinet 6149:Cabinet 5988:Cabinet 5806:Cabinet 5640:Himself 5632:Himself 2029:EV 1924 1710:Iquique 1587:Pacific 1497:. 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Tomas Frias Ametller
Tomás Frías (disambiguation)
Spanish name

President of Bolivia
Adolfo Ballivián
Hilarión Daza
Agustín Morales
Adolfo Ballivián
Minister of Finance
Agustín Morales
Casimiro Corral
José María Linares
Miguel María de Aguirre
Eusebio Guilarte
Miguel María de Aguirre
Andrés María Torrico
José Ballivián
Manuel Molina Gorriti
Miguel María de Aguirre
José Ballivián
Miguel María de Aguirre
Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs
José María Linares
Minister of the Interior
José Ballivián
Pedro José de Guerra
Basilio Cuéllar

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.