
Vivir de amor

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to escape from the law and Rebeca can take revenge on Angelli. At the funeral, Angelli forgives Rebeca for making her life miserable and wishes she had come to her senses before doing wrong. Misael leaves a farewell letter apologizing for killing Dulce and the damage he did to the company. Rebeca wakes up three meters underground and begs Brayan to dig her up. He decides to take Rebeca out first but mistakenly digs up Misael instead. Lacking oxygen, Rebeca takes her last breath and dies. Upon opening Misael's coffin, Brayan finds his corpse wrapped in money and decides to steal it, but Misael wakes up and pulls out a gun, Brayan tries to stop him from doing something and they struggle. Misael is shot dead in the coffin surrounded by his money and Brayan, escaping from the law, suffers an accident and dies. After so much suffering caused by Rebeca and Misael, Angelli agrees to marry José Emilio and in front of the altar, they swear that their love will be eternal.
wants his freedom and assures José Emilio that he will hand over everything. Rebeca calls the restaurant to say goodbye to her mother, but Sandy reveals that she is busy with Angelli's wedding, so she and Misael decide to cancel their trip. Rebeca arrives at Angelli's wedding to congratulate her sister, but Angelli slaps her and unmasks her for the trap she set at the hotel and warns her that she will not allow her to hurt her son. Santiago threatens Misael with revealing to the Rivero Cuellar family who paid him to commit the robbery and who was responsible for Dulce's death.
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amnesia and accept that killed Alma. Mónica reveals to Cristina and Adolfo that Misael's biological father is Mauricio and confesses that she made the whole family believe that she was expecting Adolfo's child in order to marry him; Misael overhears the conversation. Mónica has a heated argument with Cristina and makes evident the resentment she has for her sister, who was always the perfect daughter and preferred by their parents. Mauricio does not forgive Mónica for agreeing to murder Mauricio.
to Elena that he is in love with Rebeca, Elena assures him that she is willing to support them in everything even if Angelli and Santiago are against it. Cristina receives the results of her medical exams and confirms that she has cancer, the doctor recommends her to start treatment as soon as possible. Bruno arrives at his apartment and notices that Mónica is injured, but when he tries to revive her he is surprised by the police, he assures them that he is innocent.
sly, Angelli shows him that she received an invitation supposedly from him and they both confirm that Rebeca set them up. Fátima announces to the family that more than half of the harvest that was destined to pay for the extra orders was lost, Misael is upset and assures that she should never have been in charge of the farm. Iker presents a report where he proves that the payments of the corporation were manipulated and reveals that the only guilty party is Bruno.
one is there. Monica visits Rebeca in the hospital to demand that she sign the succession of shares as they had agreed, otherwise she will make public the photos that prove she was the one who kidnapped Angelli. José Emilio is surprised that Pedrito is in his grandfather's house, Cristina and Don Emilio share the news that he is Misael's son. Agent Corral informs Rebeca that she will be detained while the investigation into what happened with Alma is carried out.
company with the money he stole. Misael, knowing that he is about to be caught, decides to flee the country, but first he proposes to Rebeca, who takes advantage of his carelessness to steal the evidence against him. Agent Corral shows José Emilio and the family images of the person who killed Mónica, they confirm that it is Rebeca and let Misael know. After what happened to her brother Santiago, Angelli files a complaint against Rebeca for having kidnapped her.
grandson. Wanda cannot believe that she has finally found her son; however, she keeps silent that she is Pedrito's mother because Mónica has discredited her. Angelli fears that she has lost her baby after the fall she suffered, but during a check-up she and José Emilio hear her baby's heart for the first time. Rebeca is confused and says her name is Frida Del Olmo, the doctor informs Elena that her daughter lost her memory after the blow to her head.
confess that Mónica was the one who set her up so she wouldn't reveal the truth about Rebeca and also pressured her on the day of the shareholders meeting. Misael arrives at Bruno's apartment and upon entering the bedroom finds him in bed with Mónica. José Emilio delivers an image to agent Corral as proof of Angelli's disappearance, she assures him that it is the proof they needed and details that Rebeca will soon be transferred to prison.
she is beginning to lose her hair, Cristina decides to shave it off. When Pedrito learns that a woman was to blame for separating him from Wanda, he forgives her; Misael asks his son to forgive him as well. Cristina takes advantage of the family's reunion to announce that she has cancer, José Emilio and Fátima give her all their support and affection, Misael admires his aunt's strength.
her. Misael swears to Mónica that the person who hurt her will go to jail, she does not hesitate to ask for forgiveness and assures him that she is a vulnerable woman, but she always wanted him to see her strong. Mónica begs Misael to beware of the vultures because they only want to take what belongs to her, she begins to feel ill and the doctors are unable to revive her.
uncomfortable at Alma's funeral because she is not well received by all the neighbors. Rebeca discovers that Brayan is investigating the farm and suspects that he is trying to burglarize it, so she offers her help. Rebeca surprises Angelli in the office and threatens to hurt her, since she will not allow the child she is expecting to be born, much less denounce her.
confesses to José Emilio that she likes him very much and is sure that he could be the man who makes her trust in love again. Rebeca assures Misael that she can denounce him since she witnessed Dulce's death. Rebeca receives a call from her lawyer to inform her that because she cheated on José Emilio, she will not receive any financial benefit from her divorce.
her to be her ally in bringing Rebeca down. Rebeca arrives at Angelli's house to make fun of the fact that José Emilio is going to seek comfort in another woman, Doris defends Angelli and reveals that Rebeca never slept with José Emilio. Maty and her brother organize a romantic evening for Luciano so that he will declare his love again to Fátima.
Cristina and to stay away from Misael. After a heated argument with Rebeca, Angelli manages to escape from the house where she was being held hostage but suffers a fall, José Emilio finds her and asks for help to rescue her. Rebeca flees with Brayan to avoid being arrested, but during the chase they suffer an accident; Brayan abandons Rebeca.
drink with a substance that made her lose her mind. Cristina arrives at Mónica's room and finds her kissing Adolfo, she leaves so as not to interrupt them, but Adolfo tries to give her an explanation. José Emilio sees Renato again and thanks him for not marrying Angelli, Renato assures him that Angelli would never have been happy by his side.
Rebeca is sure that it was Mónica who sent them. José Emilio demands an explanation from Misael about the mortgage payments since the only thing he is causing is the interest to multiply. Romina complains to Bruno about the kiss he gave Mónica. Mónica makes it clear to Romina that Bruno only used her to get to know Rebeca's movements.
will pay for it with Misael's life. Alma challenges Rebeca by assuring her that she is no longer afraid of her, but regrets that no one in her family wants to be by her side, Rebeca warns her that it will be the last day she sees her. Angelli begs her mother to denounce Rebeca because she can't let her continue hurting more people.
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Misael to return him to Don Emilio because he is happy with him and assures him that he does not want to live with him and even less with Rebeca. Bruno asks José Emilio for help and in exchange he is willing to provide him with information about Misael's loan. Misael returns to live with Rebeca at his grandfather's house.
doesn't get her out of jail, she will send a recording where he confesses to having killed Mauricio. On Rebeca's orders, Brayan's accomplices burn down the cooperative; Angelli notices, but cannot escape the fire. Rebeca swears to Elena that she is innocent, but her mother assures her that justice will take care of her.
Wanda takes Loly and Pedrito to visit Don Emilio, but when they arrive, they meet Mónica who does not hesitate to treat them with disdain. Angelli arrives at the cabin where José Emilio is staying and finds him kissing Julia. Luciano lends his card to Maty to buy a video game online, but it is all a set-up by Brayan.
on how to be a good father. Brayan unmasks Rebeca with the supposed idea that she has lost her memory and informs her that the police suspect that she is linked to Angelli's disappearance. Angelli has the evidence to prove that Rebeca harmed Alma, as well as Elena and Mauricio, so she is willing to send her in jail.
by his side, she reveals to him that she did not marry Renato and is willing to win back his love. Gigi shows Doris the result of the DNA test where she confirms that Armando is her father, but Doris rejects him. Mónica meets with Rufino and demands him to confirm if Pedrito is the same child his grandmother raised.
that José Emilio be removed from the presidency and claims that she is the best qualified person to replace him as president, but Mónica teases her by saying that she only has experience selling tomatoes and onions. Don Emilio remembers everything and blames Misael for having committed fraud against the company.
Elena apologizes to Angelli for always believing Rebeca more than her, but Angelli knows how much it hurt her mother to have lost Frida and they forgive each other. Rebeca and Misael take an eternal sleep potion to make the family believe that they died on their wedding day, but in reality they do it
Brayan confirms to Rebeca that it was a light-eyed man who ran over her, she concludes that it was Misael. Rebeca has another hallucination and swears that if she couldn't be a mother, she won't let Angelli be one either. Angelli gives birth to her son and Rebeca escapes from the psychiatric hospital
Don Emilio convinces his family to trust Rebeca again, since there is a possibility that she is innocent of everything she is accused of, and she is the only person close to his grandson Misael. Rebeca calls Pedrito by name, Misael confirms that she faked her amnesia to deceive everyone. Pedrito begs
Misael confesses to Rebeca that he has a son and that now that they are together, he wants to give Pedrito a family. Bruno swears to Misael that he is innocent since he did not murder Mónica, but Agent Corral informs him that there is a witness who testified about the threat that Mónica received from
Rebeca threatens Mónica with giving evidence to the Rivero Cuéllars that Misael was the one who killed Dulce, Mónica makes her a deal and asks her to meet her at Bruno's apartment. Rebeca gives the documents to Mónica, but knowing she is in danger, she defends herself and shoots her. Misael confesses
Mónica looks for Misael to clarify what happened with Bruno, he despises her and assures her that he denies that a woman like her is his mother. Misael decides to cut his fringe, which was a symbol of union between Mónica and him, Don Emilio, seeing that there is a distance between them, asks them to
Angelli asks Rebeca to come to her senses and let her return home since her whole family must be looking for her, Rebeca opposes and threatens to hurt her and her child. During the search for Angelli, José Emilio finds the envelope with the pregnancy test and confirms that she is expecting his child.
Angelli tries to escape to safety, but Rebeca threatens to shoot her and puts her in Brayan's truck against her will. José Emilio notices that Angelli is late in returning to the office and begins to look for her, Rebeca gets rid of her sister's cell phone so that it will not be traced. Rebeca leaves
Mónica decides to see the contents of Romina's safe and discovers that Bruno is cheating on her. José Emilio warns Rebeca not to try to hurt Angelli, she assures him that she is not afraid of him and plans to seek Elena's forgiveness. Doris contacts Rebeca to inform her that Alma was found passed out
Julia, upon learning that Angelli has arrived to be with Emilio, asks her to help her save him. Don Emilio shares with Cristina and Mónica that he has a special connection with Pedrito since he sees him as if he were his great-grandson. José Emilio manages to feel better and discovers that Angelli is
Elena asks Rebeca to do everything she can to get along with Santiago and Angelli, otherwise, it will not be convenient for her to stay at the restaurant. José Emilio, feeling unwell because of his fever, confuses Julia with Angelli, but she does not contradict him and asks him to fight for his life.
José Emilio calls Renato to provide him the information of the supplier who can help Angelli, but Renato refuses his help. Alma gives her will to Angelli and asks her to watch out for Rebeca because she was the one who tried to kill her. Luciano discovers that Romina stole his money and orders her to
Don Emilio complains to Rebeca for taking advantage of Cristina's pain to take her shares. Rebeca takes over her position as partner of the company and warns everyone that anyone who doesn't work will be fired. Mónica slaps Rebeca for taking Cristina's shares, but Rebeca is determined to strike back.
Yadhira comes to Cristina's rescue and confronts La Escorpiona to prevent her from hurting her. Angelli tells Gi that she senses that Rebeca has more harm to do. Doris finds a letter and a box of chocolates, but throws them away believing they are from Iker, not imagining that Sebastián left them for
Rebeca accuses Angelli of pushing her down the stairs and fears 'losing' her baby. Angelli swears that Rebeca threw herself down the stairs. José Emilio learns that Rebeca lost the baby and asks the doctor to see the body, but is shocked to see that Rebeca ordered her baby to be cremated. Misael begs
Rebeca seeks out Brayan to ask him to keep an eye on Angelli to find out if she is sneaking around with José Emilio. José Emilio assures Renato that Angelli will never love him, but Angelli demands that he stay out of her life. Mónica confesses to Cristina that she always knew she was Adolfo's lover,
Misael hits Mauricio for what he did to his baby, but Mónica stops him from hurting him. Rebeca suffers from losing her baby, but swears that José Emilio will never know the truth. Angelli agrees to stay by José Emilio's side as long as he is a free man. The doctor informs José Emilio that Rebeca put
José Emilio confronts Renato for kissing Angelli, but Rebeca takes advantage of the moment to complain to her sister for spending the night with her husband. Mónica informs Misael that the company's fraud has been exposed and he is in danger. Rebeca wants to clarify her situation with José Emilio and
Angelli complains to José Emilio about the pain he has caused her and that he will soon receive the divorce documents. Rebeca swears to Misael that she had nothing to do with José Emilio and asks him to continue with his plan. Rebeca suggests to Mónica to buy the shares of Angelli's restaurant to get
Rebeca tells José Emilio that they gave themselves to love and believes she is in love with him, but is shocked by his answer. Mónica learns that Misael embezzled 50 million dollars from the company. Rebeca justifies herself to Angelli for messing with José Emilio, but Angelli doesn't believe her and
Rebeca plans to tell José Emilio that Angelli is hiding the man who killed his sister Dulce. Angelli and José Emilio go on a romantic walk where they promise to be together for a lifetime. Misael invites Rebeca to his apartment and they sleep together. By decision of Don Emilio, José Emilio is chosen
Rebeca goes to Dulce's funeral to offer her condolences to José Emilio; Angelli is surprised to see that they know each other. Misael confesses to Rebeca that he likes her and asks her to invite him to her house; she teases him and they end up kissing. Rebeca asks Doris for help to destroy Santiago's
Monica intrigues against Angelli in front of the family again, but José Emilio puts a stop to it. Doris asks Rebeca to be careful with Angelli because she will not allow her to disrupt her life, but Rebeca is determined to do anything. Misael complains to José Emilio for not taking responsibility for
Rebeca contacts Brayan to begin her revenge, but he asks for a large sum of money to help her. Cristina confronts Misael about the wound he caused when he took Dulce's life, he assures her that he is sorry and if he could turn back time he would give his life. Rebeca manages to disguise herself as a
José Emilio gives Misael and Rebeca the tickets he had intended for his honeymoon since he canceled his wedding with Angelli, but in reality he does it to keep them away so they don't interrupt his wedding. José Emilio asks Bruno for the evidence he says he has against Misael, but in exchange, Bruno
Angelli lets José Emilio know that Bruno hurt Sandy the same night Mónica was killed. Angelli receives an invitation supposedly from José Emilio, but it is actually from Rebeca as she will not allow her sister to remarry him. José Emilio discovers that Angelli and Renato are seeing each other on the
After learning that Rebeca suffered an accident and lost her memory, Doris visits her in the hospital and expresses her support for the great affection she has for her. Misael tears up Wanda's DNA test and threatens to put her in jail so that she will never go near Pedrito. Romina contacts Misael to
Misael takes advantage of Rebeca's amnesia to make her believe that they are a couple, she does not hesitate to ask for his help, but he declines because he does not want problems with his family. Angelli arrives at the hospital to complain to Rebeca for sending her photos of when she was kidnapped,
Mónica surprises Misael by confirming that Pedrito is his son. Pedrito rejects Misael and when he leaves the office he runs into Don Emilio who immediately takes care of him and learns that he is his great-grandson. Wanda confesses to Marisa that Pedrito is her son. Misael asks Don Emilio for advice
Mónica begins to feel ill and is rushed to the hospital. Misael reveals to his father that he had a son, but does not know of his whereabouts since his mother took it upon herself to keep him out of his life. Romina manages to win custody of Maty and Xavi from Luciano. José Emilio and Angelli arrive
José Emilio begins to convulse with a fever. Misael complains to Wanda for leaving and not letting his son grow up by his side, she reveals that Mónica took him from her when he was a newborn. Mónica confirms that Pedrito is her grandson and is determined to get him back before Misael finds out, but
Adolfo tries to talk to Misael about his relationship with Cristina, but his son rejects him for always preferring José Emilio. Rebeca fires Angelli from the restaurant, but Santiago defends her and warns Rebeca that he will not allow her to assault his sister. Rebeca puts a substance in Elena's tea
Rebeca assures that the Rivero Cuellar family paid the redhead to testify against her, but Agent Corral questions her about how she knew about the color of the witness' hair. José Emilio asks Sebastián to return to the company because Rebeca will serve a long sentence. Rebeca warns Misael that if he
Agent Corral arrests Rebeca for the attempted murder of Mauricio; José Emilio announces to the family that there is a witness who saw her the night of the crime. Rebeca swears she is innocent, but José Emilio disowns her and assures her that she will pay for what she did to his father. Later, Rebeca
Elena, advised by Rebeca, asks Angelli to sell her part of the restaurant to her because she is becoming more and more disappointed in her. José Emilio interrogates the woman who witnessed the attack against Mauricio; she confirms that Rebeca ran him over. Misael questions Rebeca about her obsession
José Emilio prevents Mónica from hurting Cristina, but Mónica assures him that his mother is not as good as she seems. Alma seeks out agent Corral to tell her that she deserves to be locked up in jail for stealing Frida del Olmo. Cristina reveals to Don Emilio that José Emilio is not Mauricio's son,
José Emilio tries to convince Angelli to be happy together, but she asks him to focus on his marriage and let her go. Elena complains to Angelli for wanting to destroy Rebeca and assures her that she does not know her as a daughter. Adolfo, tired of Mónica's attacks, assures her that he will divorce
Fátima is so devastated by Mauricio's death that she almost causes an accident. Rebeca kisses José Emilio in front of everyone, but Fátima gets upset and puts a stop to her. Angelli tells Fátima that the only reason José Emilio is still by Rebeca's side is because of love. Rebeca sees José Emilio in
Luciano confesses to Fátima his jealousy at knowing she was with another man and kisses her. Misael surprises Mauricio and kills him in revenge for what he did to his baby. Alma confesses to José Emilio and Angelli that the baby Rebeca is expecting is not his; Brayan prevents her from revealing more
Angelli finds Alma in critical condition; José Emilio arrives and they decide to take her to the hospital. Rebeca arrives at the hospital showing concern for Alma; the doctor informs them that she was poisoned. Agent Corral sends for Rebeca to find out what happened to Alma because someone wanted to
Alma tells Angelli how she found Rebeca and how she brought her back to life. José Emilio does not know what to do after discovering who Rebeca really is, but Cristina asks him to calm down because she knows Rebeca is a good person. José Emilio confronts Rebeca for faking her illness and assures her
Renato, seeing what Angelli is going through, offers to be her support in difficult times. Angelli questions Rebeca about her hatred towards her and Rebeca assures her that she will tear her to pieces because she destroyed her life. Later, Angelli discovers that Rebeca is not really Alma's daughter.
Rebeca messes up the restaurant to force Angelli to do her job. Fátima decides to give her relationship with Luciano a break so that he can think about whether he wants to be with her or with the mother of his children. The notary informs that Don Emilio's signature is legitimate and now José Emilio
José Emilio desperately searches for his grandfather in the city, Angelli finds him in the market. Fátima makes it clear to Bruno that she does not want to marry him; Bruno gets angry and Luciano listens. José Emilio proposes to Angelli to get married as soon as possible because his greatest wish is
Elena thanks Rebeca for saving her life and offers her a job at the restaurant. Misael orders Santiago to rob Don Emilio's house; on his way out of the restaurant, he runs into Rebeca. Fátima discovers that Luciano is married and complains to him for deceiving her. Santiago enters Don Emilio's house
Angelli suffers when she sees her mother grieving for her sister and asks for the miracle of seeing Frida again. Don Emilio reacts, but when he sees José Emilio, he tells him what Misael did. Rebeca deliberately bumps into José Emilio to meet him; upon seeing him, she surprisingly kisses him. Rebeca
The doctor informs Elena that they were able to rescue Rebeca's leg; however, she will limp for the rest of her life. Misael confronts Rebeca about her deceptions and assures her that she will pay dearly for having taken Mónica's life; she learns that she will not be able to walk. After seeing that
Misael follows Rebeca's steps and discovers that she also deceived him, but she does not suspect anything. Misael confronts Rebeca over the phone for having stolen documents from the company and in the face of danger decides to run her over to finish her off. José Emilio confronts Misael for having
When she confirms that there is no evidence that would compromise her with the authorities, Romina is determined to expose Rebeca and Misael, so she writes a letter to José Emilio. José Emilio reads Romina's letter and confirms that Misael is the only one responsible for the fraud since he opened a
Romina fears going to jail for being Rebeca's accomplice, but when she tries to leave her apartment she is arrested for the accident she caused Maty. Misael receives a call to inform him that Mónica is hospitalized because she was the victim of an attack, Rebeca confirms that she was unable to kill
Rebeca denies in front of the authorities that she killed Alma and is sure that Angelli is only accusing her because she does not want her as a sister. Alma's spirit appears to Rebeca and asks her to repent for the evil she has caused before it is too late, she begins to scream and realizes that no
Doris does not allow Rebeca to insult Alma and slaps her. Mónica convinces Bruno to approach Pedrito and obtain a sample for analysis to confirm that the boy is Misael's son. Mónica humiliates Rebeca with her comments, but Rebeca warns her that if she continues to meddle in her personal affairs she
Mónica shows Misael an image of his son Pedro and assures him that he lives in the same neighborhood as Wanda. When Sebastián learns that Doris only used him to get information about José Emilio, he kicks her out of his house and warns her that he wants nothing to do with her. Misael arrives at the
Pedro asks for a miracle so that Wanda can soon be with her son and he can be reunited with his mother. Angelli and José Emilio discover that Julia was stung by a scorpion and they must find the antidote to save her. Rebeca argues with Santiago and threatens to destroy him, Elena listens to her and
Julia congratulates José Emilio for saving the wounded man. Misael announces to Don Emilio that he is determined to defend his family from Rebeca's attacks and to make him trust him, he gives up his shares in the company. Mónica takes advantage of the situation Romina is going through and convinces
Renato confesses to Angelli that José Emilio sacrificed his love in exchange for her not going to jail. Renato announces that his wedding to Angelli has been cancelled, Rebeca calls him unmanly but he assures her that he doesn't care what she thinks. Misael can't get over Rebeca's betrayal and gets
Rebeca tells Elena that it was Santiago who stole the money and that there is a witness that can confirm it. José Emilio finds Rebeca in Misael's arms and he tells her that they are dating; José Emilio complains to him for trusting someone like her. José Emilio makes it clear to Rebeca that he will
Rebeca tells Misael that it is not the right time to get married. Elena apologizes to Angelli for mistrusting her and asks her to get closer to Rebeca. Brayan is released from prison ready to take revenge against those who betrayed him. Pedrito does not want to see Wanda because he does not forgive
Rebeca spoils Renato's food in order to confront him and make it clear who is the owner of the restaurant. Rebeca complains to Angelli for upsetting her mother; Elena supports her by telling Angelli that she is the one who hurts her the most. Gi recognizes Mauricio at the restaurant and reveals, in
Rebeca takes Santiago to play poker at a casino and he gambles again with large amounts of money. Angelli suffers for having broken up with José Emilio and thinks she may never forget him despite being with Renato. Rebeca believes that José Emilio is still with Angelli and looks for proof among his
Angelli wants to question Alma to find out the truth, but, not finding out anything, she looks for clues from Rebeca's past. Angelli finds Alma's newspaper clippings and steals them; upon seeing them, she finds a ribbon from Frida's doll and accepts that Rebeca is her sister. Alma catches Rebeca in
Misael informs Mónica that the baby Rebeca is expecting is his; Mónica is upset, but Misael complains to her about the past. Mauricio demands the blackmail money from Rebeca, but she refuses to give it to him and takes the opportunity to run him over. José Emilio receives notice of the divorce that
Mónica sells her shares to Angelli, who takes the opportunity to put Rebeca in her place. Fatima regrets breaking up with Luciano and asks to get back together with him. Cristina surprises Rebeca with a piece of jewelry; Fátima is upset to see her mother's affection for Rebeca. Rebeca surprises all
Angelli questions Rebeca about her friendship with José Emilio; Rebeca lies to her and Angelli remembers Renato's words. José Emilio tries to save the life of Azabache, his horse, but seeing his poor condition, he decides to put him out of his misery. Rebeca gets José Emilio drunk to seduce him and
Alma prays for Rebeca's health, because she knows that she has been diagnosed with a mental disorder since she was a child. Antonio tells Alma that Rebeca has already found her family and dies. Lupita confronts Rebeca for causing Antonio's death, but Alma defends her. Fátima and Luciano carve their
Angelli tries to make José Emilio understand her innocence, but he assures her that their relationship is over. Don Emilio and Cristina try to open José Emilio's eyes, but he is determined to hate Angelli. Angelli learns that José Emilio has gone to live at the farm and fears losing him forever, so
Luciano thanks Fátima for what she did to protect his family against the wolves, but Maty rejects her for making her father forget her mother. Rebeca asks Misael to confide in her and he unburdens himself by revealing what happened to Dulce. Luciano tells Fátima that his relationship with Romina is
Alma tries to make Rebeca understand all the love she and Antonio have given her since she was a child, but Rebeca disowns them. Antonio shows Rebeca some clippings of the del Olmo family and assures her that he believes she is Frida. Rebeca visits the places where she was last with her parents and
Don Emilio convinces Misael that Wanda should have a closer relationship with Pedrito, so he agrees to let her stay at the house for a few days. Adolfo begs Misael to put the conflicts they had behind them because he wants to make up for lost time and what he wants most is to see him happy. Rebeca
Misael surprises Rebeca when he tells her that he accepted her custody because of his love for her and it is time to start being happy, she asks him to forgive her if she hurt him. Rebeca seeks out Angelli and José Emilio with the intention of apologizing, they demand that she stop lying about her
Rebeca enjoys all the pain she is causing Angelli, she asks her to let her go and in exchange, she will not press charges against her. Mónica manipulates Rebeca into revealing what she did to Angelli, but in exchange for her silence, she asks her to give her the shares of the company she took from
Romina obtains important information about Mónica and gives it to Rebeca, who will take advantage of the fact that there are no family members in the house to put her new plan into action. Rebeca arrives at the Rivero Cuellar house ready to find the evidence that could link Misael to Dulce's death.
José Emilio challenges Angelli to marry Renato if she really loves him and seeing her hesitant, he begs her to run away. Mónica implores Misael to forget about Rebeca as he needs to regain credibility with his grandfather, Misael criticizes her for only caring about the company and not him. During
Adolfo asks Misael to stay away from Rebeca because, when he least realizes it, she will betray him and leave him with nothing. Rebeca calls on the partners of the company to remove José Emilio from the presidency because his management has been dangerous. Rebeca manages to get the notary to agree
José Emilio swears to Rebeca that she will pay for her crimes and he, Cristina and Don Emilio demand that she never return to their house again. Elena confronts Rebeca for having lied to her and confesses the disappointment she feels when she learned who she really is. Angelli hugs José Emilio for
The investigator informs Angelli that some lighters and traces of a liquid were found in the cooperative, confirming that someone started the fire. With Cristina's help, José Emilio obtains a video that proves that Rebeca threw herself down the stairs on purpose. José Emilio notifies Rebeca of the
Cristina reveals to Adolfo that when they separated she was pregnant and he is José Emilio's real father. Agent Corral shows José Emilio that a red-haired woman ran over Mauricio; he does not hesitate to think it was Rebeca. Rebeca gets tired of Angelli trying to take José Emilio away from her and
Rebeca demands Angelli to stay away from José Emilio for good or she will pay for it. Adolfo notifies Cristina that her raincoat and the gun were used by the murderer to take Mauricio's life and for this she could spend a long prison sentence. Rebeca proposes José Emilio a deal to be in peace; she
Sebastián informs José Emilio that there is no more money to pay the employees; José Emilio confronts Misael for not doing anything about it. The police arrive with a search warrant to check Cristina's house because she is suspected of Mauricio's death. Renato decides to reveal his past to Angelli
Rebeca asks Doris for help to find someone who can give them a baby to trick José Emilio. Angelli has a new house and Renato helps her paint it and fix it up. José Emilio asks Angelli for a chance, but she makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with him because now she has Renato by her side.
Elena announces to the family that Rebeca will return to work at the restaurant, so Angelli decides to quit. Mauricio tells Cristina that Mónica and Misael made an attempt on his life and holds them responsible if anything happens to him. Alma wakes up from her coma. Angelli tells Renato about her
José Emilio talks to Rebeca about the future of their relationship and tells her that he does not plan to stay by her side. Rebeca surprises her siblings when she arrives at their house and confesses that they will now live together, but Angelli is not convinced. José Emilio learns that Rebeca has
Angelli refuses to get back together with José Emilio because he is still married and is going to be a father. Elena tells Angelli that if she doesn't give Rebeca a chance, she will put Alma in prison. Angelli reluctantly agrees to attend the dinner Elena arranged for Rebeca. At the family dinner,
Misael warns Romina that if she continues to get involved in matters unrelated to her, he will put her in jail. Don Emilio makes his grandson see that Santiago is innocent, José Emilio regrets not believing Angelli. Rebeca confirms that she is expecting a child and confesses to Doris that she will
Misael confesses to Mónica all his crimes and she swears that she will help him not to be discovered. Angelli swears to José Emilio that she will stop looking for him until Santiago's innocence is cleared up. Luciano questions José Emilio and makes him see his mistake in rejecting Angelli. Angelli
Angelli and José Emilio celebrate their honeymoon on the beach, where they toast to their feelings. José Emilio finds Rebeca's letter and questions Angelli if it is true that Santiago killed Dulce. José Emilio complains to Angelli for hiding from him what Santiago did and for being his accomplice,
Rebeca justifies herself to Elena for failing her at work and asks for another chance. Rebeca listens to Santiago when he confronts Misael for killing Dulce and will use the information to her advantage. Angelli goes to the casino to pay Santiago's gambling debt, but he makes her believe it is the
Rebeca looks for Elena to reveal her identity, but Angelli interrupts them. The doctor informs Sebastián that Dulce has died; Cristina and José Emilio are shocked by the news. José Emilio says goodbye to Dulce, assuring Sebastián and Cristina that he will find the person responsible for her death.
Don Emilio confesses to Misael that he wants to forgive him, but the best thing to do is to stay away from him because he does not know how long it will take him to get over this pain. Rebeca will no longer be imprisoned for the homicide against Alma, since the judge ruled that she suffers from a
Misael calls hospital security to prevent Rebeca from kidnapping his Angelli's baby; Rebeca claims it is her son. Angelli arrives at the hospital where her brother is to share the news of the birth of her baby, Santiago wakes up from his coma when he feels her presence. Santiago confesses to José
Rebeca bursts into tears when she learns that Alma has passed away and blames the doctors for not saving her life. Misael gives Bruno the documents for the supposed loan they will ask for from the stock company, but in reality it will be to launder the money from the fraud he committed. Rebeca is
Misael warns Rebeca that he will not fall into her traps and that she only serves to satisfy his pleasures. Rebeca visits her mother in the hospital, but when she enters her room she finds out that Angelli and José Emilio are together. Alma and Doris arrive at the hospital ready to reveal all the
After saying goodbye to Angelli and José Emilio, the Monarch of the community announces that Angelli is pregnant. Elena confesses to Gigi that she is sorry for hurting Angelli and fears she will never see her again, Angelli surprises her at the hospital. Elena tells Angelli that Rebeca spiked her
rid of her clothes, but not before warning that her time has come. Angelli arrives at Sebastián's apartment looking for José Emilio, who reveals that he left with the missionaries. Romina informs Rebeca that her contract was stopped because Don Emilio did not authorize the salary she promised her.
Mónica goes crazy when she learns that José Emilio is Adolfo's son and tries to attack Cristina. Yadhira betrays Rebeca out of loyalty to Cristina and delivers her into the clutches of La Escorpiona, who beats her up. The witness changes her statement and denies that Rebeca ran over Mauricio; the
Angelli wakes up in the hospital and thanks Renato for saving her from the fire, but he does not tell her that it was actually José Emilio who saved her. Rebeca is transferred to prison, where she runs into La Escorpiona, who shows her who is in charge. Adolfo informs Rebeca that José Emilio will
Angelli tries to approach Elena, but her mother rejects her and does not want to talk to her. Misael complains to Rebeca for hiring Romina, but she tells him that she needs her to carry out her plan to take down José Emilio. José Emilio discovers that Angelli has not called the supplier who could
José Emilio asks Renato to take good care of Angelli because she is a great woman. One of the guards, with the help of a prisoner, steals Cristina's shoes and now she will have to walk barefoot in prison. Mónica asks Misael to teach Cristina a lesson in prison so that Adolfo can be in love with a
Angelli suffers as Elena believes more in Rebeca and accuses her of being a murderer. A nurse informs José Emilio that several witnesses saw Angelli push Rebeca and are determined to testify to put her in jail. Angelli believes that Rebeca could accuse her of ending her baby's life. Rebeca learns
José Emilio confronts Rebeca for making him believe that he is the father of her baby and assures her that he will give her a paternity test. Rebeca, knowing that José Emilio and Angelli are seeing each other secretly, promises to make Angelli regret everything she has done to her. Romina assures
Elena asks Angelli to stop thinking about herself because she believes that the most important thing is that Frida is back in their lives. Rebeca receives an anonymous letter unmasking her and, being cornered by José Emilio, she has no choice but to confess that she is Frida del Olmo. José Emilio
José Emilio refuses to let his father live at home again, but Cristiana reveals to him that Mauricio is very ill. Rebeca prevents Misael from kissing her, as she fears they will be discovered by the family; however, Mauricio witnesses their encounter. José Emilio arrives at the courthouse to find
José Emilio suffers at the thought that because of him Angelli almost died and swears to love her forever. Luciano reveals to José Emilio that he is in love with his sister. Santiago survives the attack, but Misael needs to get him out of prison to stop him from talking. Rebeca swears to Alma and
Frida gets careless and is kidnapped by a couple; Elena and Ulises desperately search for her. Alma and Antonio rescue Frida, but Alma thinks she is Rebeca, the daughter she recently lost. Years later, José Emilio tells Angelli that he wants to be with her for the rest of his life, so he proposes
After being threatened by Santiago, Misael is determined to get him out of the way, so he asks Rufino to take charge. Adolfo informs the family that Mónica was murdered by a woman, as Bruno arrived at her apartment after the police received the alert call. Misael pays Rufino for his work and the
Angelli is interrogated by the authorities if she saw the faces of the people who were holding her captive, she remembers Rebeca's threat and denies that she was deprived of her freedom. Mónica arrives at the neighborhood ready to take Pedrito because she has the documents proving that he is her
Don Emilio assures Rebeca that, as long as he lives, she will never run his company. José Emilio tells Rebeca that he will get back what belongs to him and Cristina shows her support for her son. José Emilio cannot stand the idea of Angelli joining her life to Renato's. Misael disowns Adolfo for
Pedrito thanks José Emilio for his intention to adopt him, but he wants to stay in the neighborhood because his mother might come back for him. Rebeca demands Angelli tell José Emilio that she is marrying Renato for love and congratulates her on her upcoming wedding. Wanda picks up a rattle that
While Cristina is transferred to prison, Mónica is afraid of being discovered and asks Misael to find another culprit for Mauricio's death. Angelli finds Santiago in the casino; she confronts him for so many lies and asks him to go to a specialist. Brayan takes advantage of Lucas visiting him in
Angelli asks Renato for forgiveness because she cannot marry him without love, but promises to do everything to make it happen. Mónica visits Cristina in jail to tease her and assure her that she will stay with the man she loves. José Emilio looks for Renato to tell him what Angelli means to him
Adolfo tells Mónica that their marriage was a big mistake and she blames Cristina for her suffering. José Emilio has a dream where Angelli is locked up in jail begging for her freedom. Renato confronts José Emilio for the harm he has caused Angelli and orders him to stop Rebeca from hurting her.
José Emilio is determined to do anything to talk to Angelli, but she refuses to listen to him. José Emilio begins to get sick from being in the rain. Rebeca, seeing Angelli asleep in José Emilio's arms, pulls out a gun determined to kill her sister. Renato and Angelli enjoy the fair together; he
Romina tries to seduce Luciano to revive their marriage, but he rejects her because he only sees her as the mother of his children. Rebeca pours poison into one of Alma's utensils so that the police suspect it was an accident and not an attempted murder. José Emilio looks for Angelli in Valle de
Mónica suggests that Rebeca bribe the doctor to say that her health is in danger and thus secure José Emilio. Rebeca apologizes to José Emilio for everything that has happened, because she has loved him from the first moment she saw him. Cristina asks José Emilio to take responsibility and marry
Rebeca warns Brayan that if he tries to hurt her she will report him and makes it clear that she will not give him any money. Rebeca assures Angelli that there can't be two bosses in the restaurant, so she gives her the option of working in the kitchen as a dishwasher or to fire her. José Emilio
Mónica tells Rebeca that she will help her become José Emilio's wife in exchange for getting Angelli out of their lives. Rebeca tells José Emilio that Angelli helped Santiago escape. José Emilio blames Angelli for being Santiago's accomplice and asks her to stay away from him. Elena complains to
Twenty years ago, Elena's family falls apart when her daughter Frida is kidnapped and presumed dead, leaving her with just Angelli, her youngest daughter. Meanwhile, Alma and Antonio mourn the death of their daughter, but just after burying her, they find Frida and pass her off as their daughter
Rebeca asks Doris to investigate José Emilio's whereabouts, she opposes and Rebeca threatens her. Elena confronts Santiago for lying to her and discovering that he returned to gambling, he denies all accusations and assures her that Rebeca is the only one to blame since she has manipulated her.
Rebeca tells José Emilio that if he doesn't want to be by her side, it would be best to terminate her pregnancy. Angelli does not feel safe living in the same house with Rebeca and discovers the damage she did to her bedroom. Mauricio takes revenge on Rebeca by giving her a substance to end her
Fátima asks José Emilio to make sure that the baby Rebeca is expecting is his, since she heard Mónica and Misael talking about it. Mauricio returns to Cristina's side, but when Rebeca sees him, she is shocked. José Emilio asks Rebeca for a paternity test of the baby. Luciano asks Fátima to stop
Rebeca initiates the plan to get Alma out of the way by adding a dangerous substance to her food. José Emilio and Rebeca get married in a civil wedding, but Angelli comes to tell José Emilio that his wife is an impostor. Rebeca complains to Angelli for having had a life full of luxury while she
José Emilio suggests Angelli to escape to the farm to be alone and surprises her with a romantic evening, they both decide to resume their honeymoon. Rebeca finds Angelli and José Emilio's divorce papers signed and is happy to see that he is available. Mauricio tells Mónica that he has proof of
José Emilio swears to Cristina that he will get her out of jail even if he has to take the blame for Mauricio's death. Brayan asks his accomplices to convince Lucas to go see him in jail to set a trap and kill him once and for all. Rebeca, Misael and Monica celebrate that Cristina will pay for
Rebeca threatens José Emilio with killing herself if he insists on abandoning her and the baby; he eventually gives in. Angelli slaps José Emilio when she learns that he has already reconciled with Rebeca. Rebeca threatens Angelli with harm if she continues looking for José Emilio, but Angelli
José Emilio finds Angelli in the river and saves her life. José Emilio manages to get Angelli to respond; she is happy to see that he is by her side. Rebeca begs Misael to get Santiago out of jail immediately or Angelli will ruin the whole plan by testifying. Misael, with Bruno's help, sends a
Santiago blackmails Angelli and she tells José Emilio that the wedding must be called off. Despite knowing the truth, Angelli agrees to marry José Emilio. Renato consoles Angelli as he sees her sad on her wedding day, but José Emilio sees them and confronts them. After the wedding, José Emilio
Doris reveals to Angelli that the son Rebeca lost was Misael's, but she lied to remain with José Emilio. Don Emilio informs all the shareholders that Misael will remain in the company, Rebeca refuses, but he assures her that as a majority shareholder he has the right to make decisions. Julia
Mauricio tells Cristina how much he misses her and how good it makes him feel to be by her side. Angelli is shocked to see the bouquet of flowers that José Emilio sent her; Rebeca is upset to with the gesture. José Emilio discovers that Gabriela was responsible for the fraud and notifies the
Rebeca gets Petra to take Mauricio's watch so that she can be framed for his death. Renato is anxious to join his life to Angelli's and questions her about the date she wants to get married. Rebeca signs Cristina's power of attorney to take ownership of her shares in the family business. La
not allow her to take his shares from him. Although Fátima reveals José Emilio's sacrifice, Renato is not willing to let Angelli out of his life. While José Emilio suffers for not being able to be near Angelli, she throws away the rings he gave her and is determined to let him go forever.
kisses him and he is carried away by passion. Angelli receives a video of Rebeca kissing José Emilio and decides to accept Renato's marriage proposal. Cristina remembers the day Mauricio accused Mónica and Misael of attempted murder; she tells Adolfo and they both vow to find the culprit.
José Emilio explains to Angelli what really happened with Rebeca and assures her that he is the love of her life. Mauricio confronts Mónica because he knows that she and Rebeca planned the attack against Cristina. Adolfo asks José Emilio to give Mauricio a chance, but he is firm with his
with José Emilio and she accepts that she loves him as she has never loved anyone before. Cristina reveals to Elena all the evil Rebeca has done to the Rivero Cuellar family. Angelli refuses to sell her shares in the restaurant to Elena and instead decides to give them to her for free.
fix their problems. After it is proven that Rebeca has amnesia, the judge grants her bail so that she can carry out her legal process in freedom. Rebeca is convinced that her mother will accept her legal custody; however, Elena assures her that she needs the help of a professional.
The healer congratulates Angelli and José Emilio on the arrival of their first child, Rebeca cannot believe that her sister is pregnant. Alma tells Elena that Rebeca has always criticized the family she was raised in because she never forgave them for taking her away from her real
stolen from the company for his own benefit, but tries to justify himself. Despite discovering Misael's betrayal, Don Emilio does not intend to abandon him and continues to believe in his innocence. Elena prays for Rebeca's health, while her life is at stake in the operating room.
to control her and keep her on her side. Misael takes advantage of the fact that Rebeca is now a free woman to show her an engagement ring and beg her to be his wife. Adolfo tries to talk to José Emilio, but he tells him that he will always see him as a father and they embrace.
neighborhood where Pedrito lives and confirms what Mónica said, Wanda always knew about his son's whereabouts and only lied to him to get closer to him. Misael complains to Rebeca for betraying him, she asks him for a chance, but he is determined to get her out of his way.
plans to get Wanda out of her way. Misael demands that Mónica reveal his son's whereabouts; Wanda implores for a miracle to find her son. The Monarch of the community links the souls of José Emilio and Angelli through a ritual where the two once again vow eternal love.
helping her unmask Rebeca, but Renato sees them. Rebeca asks Romina for help to get money to strip José Emilio of his shares. Renato confronts José Emilio for wanting to get Angelli back, but Don Emilio puts a stop to him for disturbing the peace in his house.
divorce proceedings and reveals that there is a video that proves that she threw herself down the stairs. Cristina reveals to José Emilio that Adolfo is his real father. Rebeca pays Yadhira to protect her in jail and asks her to teach La Escorpiona a lesson.
José Emilio informs the police that it was Santiago who killed Dulce and demands justice. José Emilio chases Santiago to make him pay for what he did to Dulce; the police arrive and arrest him. Rebeca, to make Angelli suffer more, tries to murder her own
Luciano that if he does not go with her to Monterrey and try to recover his marriage, she will return to the city with everything and her children. Rebeca complains to Angelli for kissing José Emilio, but in the argument Rebeca rolls down the stairs.
clown to kidnap José Emi, Angelli asks her not to hurt him; however, she abandons her nephew to repeat the story of her childhood. Misael asks Rebeca to forget about her revenge against Angelli and José Emilio, so he proposes to run away with him.
Emilio that he was present the night Dulce lost her life and the only one to blame is Misael. After learning that Misael is to blame for Dulce's death, José Emilio confronts him for murdering his sister, Don Emilio is disappointed in his grandson.
mental disorder. Misael tells José Emilio that he is sorry for all the damage he caused to the family and assures him that he will pay back all the money he stole. Three years later, Rebeca surprises Angelli and José Emilio at their son's school.
Rufino sends Mónica the evidence that Rebeca has kidnapped Angelli, so now she plans to unmask her to get her out of her way. José Emilio begins the search to find Angelli, so he starts screaming her name, she hears him, but cannot communicate.
the ranch, but Fátima offers to work there to prove who she is. Fátima's car breaks down and Luciano arrives to help her. Elena and Angelli visit Frida's grave, but Rebeca follows them and suffers when she sees that she is presumed dead.
Pedrito dropped and is shocked to see that it is the same one her baby boy had the day Mónica took him from her. José Emilio demands that Rebeca leave him alone, but she complains to him for continuing to see Angelli on the sly.
assures her that she will stop the process to recognize her as her daughter Frida. Rebeca gives Elena some drops that make her hallucinate, she leaves the house and is run over. Angelli senses that her mother is in danger.
Angelli a tarantula so that she won't feel alone in the house where she has kidnapped her. Mónica wishes that Rebeca deprived Angelli of her freedom, as this will be the only way she will be able to get her hands on her.
divorce her, but Rebeca makes it clear that if he insists on the plan, she and Angelli will be in jail together. Angelli assures Jimena that even if José Emilio divorces Rebeca, she will never get back together with him.
Cristina confesses to José Emilio and Fátima what Mauricio did years ago to end up in prison. Angelli thanks Renato for all his patience and love and promises him that she will do everything to make their relationship
and that thanks to the fact that she was taken to the hospital, her life was saved. José Emilio prevents Rebeca from hitting Angelli and they request a restraining order to keep Rebeca away from the Del Olmo family.
help her and fears that Renato has not given her his contact. Sebastián declares his love to Doris and gives her a kiss, but she surprises him with a passionate one. Renato asks Angelli to marry him in a month.
Angelli filed for and suffers when he learns that they are no longer husband and wife. José Emilio takes Rebeca to the hospital; she asks him to take care of her baby and to marry her if everything goes well.
make José Emilio believe that he is the father. Mónica accepts in front of Angelli that she bought the restaurant, but in exchange for not firing her, she asks that she never goes near her family again.
but that she kept quiet and took him away from her to get revenge on her. Santiago suggests to Renato to propose marriage to Angelli so that she can get away from José Emilio and fall in love with him.
Renato embracing Angelli, he is filled with jealousy and demands that he stay away from his wife. Mónica and Rebeca join forces to hurt Cristina, but in reality Mónica wants Rebeca away from her plans.
running away and let themselves be carried away by the love they feel. Rebeca, upon discovering that Alma is planning to reveal her secret, spikes her drink with a substance to shut her up for good.
assures Rebeca that he will not stop looking for Angelli, she advises him not to beg her anymore. Cristina accepts that Mauricio be reunited with his children, the first to see him is José Emilio.
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informs Misael that his accounts will be reviewed by José Emilio. Brayan succeeds and destroys the harvest, Gabriel confirms to Maty that the employee they just hired is planning to rob the farm.
her for touching his things; Alma scolds him for treating people badly. Romina manages to get into the company's account and notifies Rebeca, who orders her to transfer everything to her account.
complains to Rebeca for hiding her identity; she tries to blame Angelli for everything, but José Emilio doesn't believe her. Bruno flirts with Monica and she ends up kissing him passionately.
Rebeca. Years later, Rebeca discovers her true origin and decides to take revenge when she learns that, while she grew up in great poverty, her sister Angelli has lived surrounded by luxury.
and fears that she will reject him when she learns that he dated Rebeca. The police find the gun in Cristina's room and arrest her for Mauricio's death; Cristina swears she is innocent.
left home and does not intend to fall into her game, so he calls her to demand a divorce. Rebeca can't help but feel hatred for Angelli and begins to destroy her sister's room.
her, but she makes it clear that he will not see a penny of her money. Renato serenades Angelli and surprises her with an engagement ring; José Emilio is shocked to see them.
front of Cristina, that he and Mónica had a relationship in the past. Mauricio apologizes to his children for abandoning them; they accept and embrace him, but ask for time.
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Mauricio's death; the police report that everything incriminates her. Adolfo confesses to Cristina that he could never love Mónica because the one he really loves is her.
take him to bed; Angelli enters and is shocked to see them together. José Emilio wakes up after getting drunk and is shocked to see that he spent the night with Rebeca.
is moved to see José Emilio visit her in the police station, but he swears that she will never see him again. Angelli and Renato agree to get married over the weekend.
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fires her from the restaurant. José Emilio tries to explain to Angelli what happened with Rebeca, but she rejects him and tells him that it is best to get a divorce.
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he makes it clear that he does not love her. Renato advises Angelli to forget about José Emilio and believes that the best option is to give him a chance at love.
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judge orders Rebeca to be released. Rebeca insults Doris for believing more in Angelli, but Doris is not willing to remain her friend and ends their friendship.
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resignation and confesses to feeling emotionally drained. Angelli gathers her things and leaves her home; Elena makes her see that Rebeca is the only victim.
Misael's arms and, upon hearing that the baby is his, confronts her daughter. After being threatened by Alma, Rebeca is determined to get her out of her way.
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him. Rebeca summons the Rivero Cuellar family to inform them that she is worried about Misael, he begins to investigate who is guilty of Mónica's death.
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will be president of the company. Alma confronts Rebeca for deceiving the Del Olmo's and demands her to tell them the truth or she will do it herself.
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kill her. Lupita learns that Alma is fighting for her life and, in front of José Emilio and Angelli, confronts Rebeca for what she did to her aunt.
assaults her, but Angelli fights back. Renato informs Elena of his marriage to Angelli and takes the opportunity to tell her who Rebeca really is.
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relives the day she was separated from her family. Rebeca arrives at the del Olmo house just as Angelli is leaving and an accident almost occurs.
Angelli visits the grave of the real Rebeca and upon seeing the date of her death, she discovers that Alma stole Frida and Rebeca is her sister.
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suffered in poverty. Elena judges Angelli for interrupting Rebeca's wedding and judging her without knowing everything she suffered as a child.
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the wedding, the priest asks Angelli if she accepts to marry Renato, she remains silent and Renato takes advantage of her silence to say no.
Rebeca to run away with him. José Emilio defends Angelli from Rebeca's accusations and assures her that the best thing to do is to separate.
Rebeca, but he rejects the idea. The doctor performs an ultrasound on Rebeca so that she and José Emilio can listen to the baby's heartbeat.
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pregnancy; Rebeca suffers when she learns that she lost the baby. Rebeca asks Misael to kill Mauricio for causing her to lose her baby.
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had begun pre-production on his upcoming telenovela. Filming of the telenovela began on 6 November 2023 and concluded in April 2024.
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the Del Olmo's by revealing that she is expecting José Emilio's child; Angelli tells him that it would be best to break up for good.
over; she thinks their love can't be, but they end up kissing. Angelli sees Santiago's tattoo and confronts him about killing Dulce.
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that he will end their marriage. José Emilio seeks out Angelli to apologize for having doubted her because Rebeca is an impostor.
authorities to arrest her. José Emilio gives Angelli the signed divorce complaint, but she agrees to get back together with him.
misdeeds that Rebeca has committed against her family, Angelli is sure that her sister does not deserve to carry her last name.
Angelli suffers from not being able to get a supplier to distribute her products, not imagining that José Emilio will help her.
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Rebeca tells José Emilio that if he insists on getting a divorce, she will denounce Angelli for pushing her down the stairs.
Angelli demands that Rebeca tell everyone what she was looking for by approaching them without revealing her true identity.
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Escorpiona, with the help of the warden, look for the best moment to confront Cristina and send her a message from Mónica.
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finally puts a stop to her. Elena gives Rebeca a credit card and Rebeca swears that this is the beginning of her revenge.
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of Rebeca's secrets. José Emilio wants to alert Angelli about Rebeca, but she blocks him from having contact with her.
but Adolfo's son. Mónica and Bruno kiss passionately, but Adolfo catches them and forces Mónica to sign the divorce.
rid of her once and for all. Angelli is shocked to discover that Rebeca bought most of the shares of the restaurant.
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leave the house immediately. Mónica decides to kill Cristina with her own hands for ruining her marriage to Adolfo.
her. Angelli is shocked to find her house destroyed by Rebeca's orders, who sent her a welcome to the neighborhood.
because she is the woman he loves most in life. Fátima finds Misael coming out of Rebeca's room and confronts them.
marked woman. José Emilio discovers that Pedrito is living on the street and proposes to adopt him to protect him.
life and thus end Angelli. Cristina is heartbroken over Dulce's death; Adolfo sees her and offers his affection.
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that she be his wife. Rebeca hears Alma and Antonio say that she is not their real daughter and confronts them.
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first time it has happened. Mónica swears to Misael that she will not let Angelli take what belongs to them.
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that there are videos of her accident and believes that José Emilio is afraid that she will report Angelli.
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preferring José Emilio. José Emilio surprises Angelli at her wedding and begs her not to marry Renato.
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to always be by her side. Luciano is bitten by wolves after defending his children from the attack.
4991: 4721: 5116: 4539:"Kimberly Dos Ramos y Emmanuel Palomares: la pareja de venezolanos que protagonizará en Televisa" 4287:"Destapan a los protagonistas y antagonistas de la telenovela de TelevisaUnivision Vivir de amor" 4052:
ready to ruin her happy moment. Misael realizes that José Emilio and Angelli's baby is in danger.
saves her from slipping and takes the opportunity to kiss her in front of José Emilio and Rebeca.
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Misael's embezzlement and that if she doesn't give him money, he will send them both to jail.
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police find Santiago's body, Elena is worried as she does not know anything about her son.
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Angelli's arms and decides to take revenge on him, accusing Cristina of Mauricio's death.
Antonio that they will pay for kidnapping her; Antonio faints and Rebeca enjoys his pain.
Angelli swears that she tried to tell him the truth and apologizes for what Santiago did.
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gets stranded on the road and, while trying to return in the rain, falls into the river.
469: 5151: 4984: 4908: 666: 662: 654: 587: 433: 421: 391: 387: 134: 124: 5047: 499: 382: 54: 5123: 4756: 4652: 688: 658: 565: 377: 311: 4567: 4399:"Vida y Milagros | Vienen sorpresas en los próximos elencos de telenovelas y series" 2076:
Lupe informs Rebeca that Alma woke up and wants to see her; Alma fears for her life.
626: 454: 373: 275: 152: 4943: 4825: 2102:
things, without imagining that she would find the papers that prove Misael's crime.
surprises Angelli with a romantic room covered with rose petals and they make love.
4880: 4618:"Vivir de Amor: ¡Disfruta este viernes el preestreno digital del primer capítulo!" 32: 5061: 5054: 5026: 4714: 650: 638: 463: 448: 160: 147: 4901: 4790: 602: 197: 5272: 4866: 4763: 4177: 3246:
in town to communicate with their families and announce their reconciliation.
is determined to get Angelli out of her way and orchestrates a plan to do so.
493: 395: 326: 193: 4839: 4818: 4811: 4591:"Gala Montes 'muere' y arrasa con el rating en el final de 'Vivir de Amor'" 4511:"Emmanuel Palomares protagonizará la nueva telenovela de TelevisaUnivision" 1010:
to take charge of the company, despite the opposition of Mónica and Misael.
646: 481: 301: 5199: 4929: 4646: 670: 427: 129: 4372:"Jackie Sauza habla del reto de darle vida a 'Julia' en 'Vivir de amor'" 4936: 4543: 4430: 369: 43: 4319:"Vivir de amor: ¿De qué trata la nueva telenovela de Salvador Mejía?" 4455:"Vivir de amor llega a su fin; así fue el último día de grabaciones" 4694: 642: 475: 4575: 4346:"Vivir de Amor ya tiene fecha de su final y aquí te lo revelamos" 932:
Cristina cries as she remembers the moments she spent with Dulce.
4426:"Vivir de amor comienza grabaciones en esta emblemática mansión" 5299:
Mexican television series based on Portuguese television series
4693: 673:
and Josh Gutiérrez being cast as the antagonists of the story.
she decides to travel to the farm to bring him to his senses.
3541:"No voy a permitir que Rebeca recargue su odio contra ti" 1998:
her life in danger, but that the baby is safe and sound.
Angelli for causing Santiago's arrest and disappearance.
were announced as part of the cast. On 11 October 2023,
4482:"Primeros confirmados para la telenovela Vivir de amor" 906:
with Misael's help, but Misael betrays him in the end.
Bravo to talk about their love, but she rejects him.
was confirmed in the lead role. On 17 October 2023,
669:was announced to star opposite of Palomares, with 584:Josselyn Garciglia as Dulce Aranda Rivero Cuéllar 430:as Rebeca Sánchez Trejo / Frida del Olmo Sandoval 5270: 4417: 4135: 4109: 4083: 4057: 4031: 4005: 3979: 3953: 3927: 3901: 3875: 3849: 3823: 3797: 3771: 3745: 3719: 3693: 3667: 3641: 3615: 3589: 3563: 3537: 3511: 3485: 3459: 3433: 3407: 3381: 3355: 993:"Quiero que estemos juntos siempre, José Emilio" 380:. It is based on the 2010 Portuguese telenovela 4531: 3827:"Tengo información sobre el préstamo de Misael" 3329: 3303: 3277: 3251: 3225: 3199: 3173: 3147: 3121: 3095: 3069: 3043: 3017: 2991: 2965: 2939: 2913: 2887: 2861: 2835: 2809: 2783: 2757: 2731: 2705: 2679: 2653: 2627: 2601: 2575: 2549: 2523: 2497: 2471: 2445: 2419: 2393: 2367: 2341: 2315: 2289: 2263: 2237: 2211: 2185: 2159: 2133: 2107: 2081: 2055: 2029: 2003: 1977: 1951: 1925: 1899: 1873: 1847: 1821: 1795: 1769: 1743: 1717: 1691: 1665: 1639: 1613: 1587: 1561: 1535: 1509: 1483: 1457: 1431: 1405: 1383:"Le haré creer a José Emilio que él es el papá" 1379: 1353: 1327: 1301: 1275: 1249: 1223: 1197: 1171: 1145: 1119: 1093: 1067: 1041: 1015: 4424:Rojas, Otto; Canaán, Nayib (6 November 2023). 2267:"De ti depende que Angelli esté libre o presa" 989: 963: 937: 911: 885: 859: 833: 807: 781: 4679: 4280: 4278: 3879:"La boda de José Emilio y Angelli se canceló" 1851:"El destino se empeña en que estemos juntos" 1513:"Quiero volver a confiar en ti, José Emilio" 572: 4423: 3645:"O te olvidas de ella o te retiro mi apoyo" 2761:"Por fin vas a pagar el daño que has hecho" 2735:"Lo mejor es cortar los lazos que nos unen" 1669:"Frida está viva y nos ha engañado a todos" 1175:"Nuestra historia de amor terminó, Angelli" 526:Fidel Zizumbo as Santiago del Olmo Sandoval 386:, created by Pedro Lopes. The series stars 4686: 4672: 4656: 4453:Monjaraz, Carlos Alfredo (26 April 2024). 4275: 4087:"Me voy a vengar de Angelli y José Emilio" 3359:"No eres digna de llevar nuestro apellido" 1435:"Esta fue tu idea, no lo vayas a arruinar" 487:Isadora González as Gildarda "Gi" Corcuera 31: 4254: 3749:"Me tengo que deshacer de las evidencias" 2492:prison to take revenge for betraying him. 625:On 31 August 2023, it was announced that 4565: 4508: 4479: 4452: 4284: 4200: 4113:"Si te atrapan no te voy a poder ayudar" 3099:"Rebeca nunca se acostó con José Emilio" 2579:"Rebeca nos va a hacer un daño terrible" 1591:"Mauricio no nos va a volver a molestar" 1296:initials in a tree to cement their love. 1123:"Te vas a pudrir en la cárcel, Santiago" 532:Alessio Valentini as Lucas Farías Méndez 517:Marco León as Sebastián Briseño del Olmo 4615: 4588: 4343: 4316: 4061:"Tu primo fue quien le disparó a Dulce" 3931:"Es a Santiago al que tengo que callar" 2189:"Al final, Rebeca se salió con la suya" 529:Renata Chacón as Matilde Garza Castillo 505:Adanely Núñez as Guadalupe Méndez Trejo 445:Josh Gutiérrez as Misael Rivero Cuéllar 5289:2024 Mexican television series endings 5271: 4396: 4312: 4310: 4255:Maldonado, Vanessa (25 October 2023). 4231:"Living for Love | Televisa Univision" 2891:"Deja de hacerte el héroe con Angelli" 2865:"Que Rebeca sea liberada de inmediato" 2059:"Quiero darme una oportunidad contigo" 1773:"¿Cuáles son tus intenciones, Rebeca?" 1539:"Vamos a retomar nuestra luna de miel" 1019:"Nos vamos a casar este fin de semana" 398:from 29 January 2024 to 26 July 2024. 5284:2024 Mexican television series debuts 4667: 4616:Mobarak, Santiago (25 January 2024). 4317:Mobarak, Santiago (15 January 2024). 4201:González, Moisés (16 February 2024). 3333:"Su amor ya engendró su primer fruto" 2813:"Bienvenida al reclusorio de mujeres" 2501:"En la vida siempre hay una solución" 1487:"¿Qué te hice para que me odies así?" 1253:"Te quiero fuera de mi vida, Angelli" 863:"Yo voy a ser tu esposa, José Emilio" 699: 696: 693: 686: 683: 511:Mauricio García Muela as Iker Beltrán 4509:González, Moisés (12 October 2023). 4480:González, Moisés (11 October 2023). 4397:Origel, Juan José (31 August 2023). 4285:González, Moisés (18 October 2023). 3619:"Usted queda en calidad de detenida" 3489:"Angelli no aparece por ningún lado" 3411:"Esa mujer atentó contra mi persona" 3281:"Merezco llevar mi verdadero nombre" 2553:"La nueva accionista Rivero Cuéllar" 2527:"Voy a hacer de tu vida un infierno" 559:Emi Ducoing as Javier Garza Castillo 436:as José Emilio Aranda Rivero Cuéllar 5131:El extraño retorno de Diana Salazar 4307: 4194: 4170: 4139:"Quiero vivir de amor para siempre" 1721:"Soy la hermana perdida de Angelli" 967:"La suerte está del lado de Rebeca" 13: 5145:Fugitivas, en busca de la libertad 4698:telenovelas and series (2020–2024) 4589:Mobarak, Santiago (29 July 2024). 4009:"Quedaste coja de por vida Rebeca" 2709:"Poco te va a durar esa felicidad" 2085:"Esta vez el final será diferente" 1877:"No me importa morir si es por ti" 1695:"Ya sé que eres Frida, mi hermana" 1305:"Quiero ser tu mujer, José Emilio" 1218:message to Santiago to keep quiet. 1149:"Quiero salvar nuestro matrimonio" 599:Manuel Riguezza as Carmelo Jiménez 514:Krizia Preciado as Romina Castillo 14: 5320: 4640: 4344:Mobarak, Santiago (3 July 2024). 2241:"La culpa es una cruz muy pesada" 1617:"La vida de Rebeca corre peligro" 1045:"Nada puede detener nuestro amor" 18:2024 Mexican TV series or program 3957:"Te voy a encontrar traicionera" 3905:"Ya no voy a pasarte ni una más" 3801:"Encuentra al verdadero asesino" 3229:"Angelli y yo nos reconciliamos" 2839:"¡Adolfo es tu verdadero padre!" 2683:"Le voy a quitar la presidencia" 2007:"No vas a poder conmigo, Rebeca" 1331:"Quiero el divorcio José Emilio" 1279:"Me quedé huérfana, José Emilio" 1201:"No puedo vivir sin ti, Angelli" 1097:"Te perdí la confianza, Angelli" 837:"Le voy a quitar todo a Angelli" 538:Paola Hasany as Sandra Fernández 535:Mateo Camacho as Gabriel Álvarez 520:Patricio José as Renato Esquivel 5279:2020s Mexican television series 4609: 4582: 4559: 4502: 4473: 4446: 4176:Premiered early online through 3723:"¿Soy hijo de Mauricio Aranda?" 3593:"¡Vas a ir a la cárcel Rebeca!" 3047:"La respuesta de Angelli es no" 1565:"Estoy embarazada, José Emilio" 547:Emilio Palacios as Ramiro López 508:Roberto Romano as Bruno Fonseca 472:as Fátima Aranda Rivero Cuéllar 4390: 4364: 4337: 4248: 4223: 3255:"¡Esas deben ser las pruebas!" 2293:"Rebeca te contagió su locura" 2163:"El bebé de Rebeca no es tuyo" 2033:"No cabemos en un mismo lugar" 1955:"No mereces ser madre, Rebeca" 1825:"Si fuiste tú, lo vas a pagar" 769: 620: 593:Enrique Montaño as Luis Farias 460:Bárbara Islas as Doris Mendoza 249: 238: 1: 5207:Las hijas de la señora García 4566:@TUPrensa (30 January 2024). 4547:(in Spanish). 17 October 2023 4187: 4035:"Nadie va a poder separarnos" 3697:"Necesitas ayuda profesional" 3671:"Bruno te está jugando sucio" 2969:"Rompo mi compromiso contigo" 2787:"Se va a desatar un infierno" 2215:"Lo que sigue es el divorcio" 1929:"Nuestro matrimonio se acabó" 1227:"¿No tienes corazón, Rebeca?" 785:"Le robamos la vida a Rebeca" 615: 541:Leo Casta as Brayan Maldonado 258: 5304:Spanish-language telenovelas 3853:"¿Qué podría decirte Bruno?" 3385:"Esto se acabó para siempre" 2397:"¿Te quieres casar conmigo?" 2111:"Brindar por una larga vida" 1747:"Voy a anular el matrimonio" 1071:"Los declaro marido y mujer" 596:Perla Corona as Agent Corral 523:Mirta Renée as Marisa García 490:Isabel Madow as Wanda Carmín 424:as Angelli del Olmo Sandoval 7: 4574:) (in Spanish) – via 4180:website on 26 January 2024. 3567:"Su hija perdió la memoria" 3307:"¿Por qué me traicionaste?" 3151:"No le hagan daño a Rebeca" 2917:"Quiero que seas mi esposa" 2631:"Enferma de odio y envidia" 2423:"Hablar de hombre a hombre" 1799:"Todo se paga en esta vida" 761: 10: 5325: 5034:Gloria Trevi: Ellas soy yo 4958:Travesuras de la niña mala 4798:¿Qué le pasa a mi familia? 3515:"Has hecho que yo te odie" 1386:29 February 2024 1360:28 February 2024 1334:27 February 2024 1308:26 February 2024 1282:23 February 2024 1256:22 February 2024 1230:21 February 2024 1204:20 February 2024 1178:19 February 2024 1152:16 February 2024 1126:15 February 2024 1100:14 February 2024 1074:13 February 2024 1048:12 February 2024 676: 632: 553:André Sebastián as Pedrito 478:as Elena Sandoval del Olmo 451:as Cristina Rivero Cuéllar 5216: 5182: 5092: 4967: 4856: 4833:S.O.S me estoy enamorando 4773: 4704: 4378:(in Spanish). 30 May 2024 4153: 4138: 4127: 4112: 4101: 4086: 4075: 4060: 4049: 4034: 4023: 4008: 3997: 3982: 3971: 3956: 3945: 3930: 3919: 3904: 3893: 3878: 3867: 3852: 3841: 3826: 3815: 3800: 3789: 3774: 3763: 3748: 3737: 3722: 3711: 3696: 3685: 3670: 3659: 3644: 3633: 3618: 3607: 3592: 3581: 3566: 3555: 3540: 3529: 3514: 3503: 3488: 3477: 3462: 3451: 3436: 3425: 3410: 3399: 3384: 3373: 3358: 3347: 3332: 3321: 3306: 3295: 3280: 3269: 3254: 3243: 3228: 3217: 3202: 3191: 3176: 3165: 3150: 3139: 3124: 3113: 3098: 3087: 3073:"Lo siento mucho Angelli" 3072: 3061: 3046: 3035: 3021:"Vengo a impedir la boda" 3020: 3009: 2995:"Nos va a dar el zarpazo" 2994: 2983: 2968: 2957: 2942: 2931: 2916: 2905: 2890: 2879: 2864: 2853: 2838: 2827: 2812: 2801: 2786: 2775: 2760: 2749: 2734: 2723: 2708: 2697: 2682: 2671: 2656: 2645: 2630: 2619: 2605:"Te vas a hundir tú sola" 2604: 2593: 2578: 2567: 2552: 2541: 2526: 2515: 2500: 2489: 2474: 2463: 2448: 2437: 2422: 2411: 2396: 2385: 2370: 2359: 2344: 2333: 2318: 2307: 2292: 2281: 2266: 2255: 2240: 2229: 2214: 2203: 2188: 2177: 2162: 2151: 2136: 2125: 2110: 2099: 2084: 2073: 2058: 2047: 2032: 2021: 2006: 1995: 1981:"Rebeca sigue embarazada" 1980: 1969: 1954: 1943: 1928: 1917: 1902: 1891: 1876: 1865: 1850: 1839: 1824: 1813: 1798: 1787: 1772: 1761: 1746: 1735: 1720: 1709: 1694: 1683: 1668: 1657: 1642: 1631: 1616: 1605: 1590: 1579: 1564: 1553: 1538: 1527: 1512: 1501: 1486: 1475: 1460: 1449: 1434: 1423: 1408: 1397: 1382: 1371: 1356: 1345: 1330: 1319: 1304: 1293: 1278: 1267: 1252: 1241: 1226: 1215: 1200: 1189: 1174: 1163: 1148: 1137: 1122: 1111: 1096: 1085: 1070: 1059: 1044: 1033: 1022:9 February 2024 1018: 1007: 996:8 February 2024 992: 981: 970:7 February 2024 966: 955: 944:6 February 2024 940: 929: 918:5 February 2024 914: 903: 892:2 February 2024 888: 877: 866:1 February 2024 862: 851: 840:31 January 2024 836: 825: 814:30 January 2024 810: 799: 788:29 January 2024 784: 776: 773: 768: 732:29 January 2024 725: 722: 715: 712: 707: 704: 573:Recurring and guest stars 562:Alessandro Islas as David 332: 322: 317: 307: 297: 289: 281: 271: 266: 248: 237: 229: 221: 213: 203: 186: 169: 117: 100: 93:Carolina Mejía Lartilleux 80: 63: 49: 39: 30: 23: 5083:Se llamaba Pedro Infante 4978:Perdona nuestros pecados 4874:Los ricos también lloran 4163: 3463:"Ese hijo debió ser mío" 2943:"¡Detengan esta guerra!" 2475:"¡Bienvenida a prisión!" 2449:"Acepto casarme contigo" 1409:"¿Quién es éste hombre?" 568:as Emilio Rivero Cuéllar 466:as Mónica Rivero Cuéllar 442:as Luciano Garza Treviño 5117:El amor no tiene receta 3983:"Te tengo en mis manos" 3177:"No me casé con Renato" 2657:"Pagar por los pecados" 2504:30 April 2024 2478:29 April 2024 2452:26 April 2024 2426:25 April 2024 2400:24 April 2024 2374:23 April 2024 2371:"Condenada al infierno" 2348:22 April 2024 2322:19 April 2024 2296:18 April 2024 2270:17 April 2024 2244:16 April 2024 2218:15 April 2024 2192:12 April 2024 2166:11 April 2024 2140:10 April 2024 2137:"Venganza por despecho" 1932:29 March 2024 1906:28 March 2024 1880:27 March 2024 1854:26 March 2024 1828:25 March 2024 1802:22 March 2024 1776:21 March 2024 1750:20 March 2024 1724:19 March 2024 1698:18 March 2024 1672:15 March 2024 1646:14 March 2024 1620:13 March 2024 1594:12 March 2024 1568:11 March 2024 1357:"La nueva dueña soy yo" 889:"Eres un ángel, Rebeca" 811:"Yo soy Frida del Olmo" 726:Mon–Fri 4:30 p.m. 608:Milia Nader as La Pinky 544:Orlando Santana as Memo 415: 410: 401: 70:Katia Rodríguez Estrada 5193:Papás por conveniencia 4743:La mexicana y el güero 4142:26 July 2024 4116:25 July 2024 4090:24 July 2024 4064:23 July 2024 4038:22 July 2024 4012:19 July 2024 3986:18 July 2024 3960:17 July 2024 3934:16 July 2024 3908:15 July 2024 3882:12 July 2024 3856:11 July 2024 3830:10 July 2024 3622:28 June 2024 3596:27 June 2024 3570:26 June 2024 3544:25 June 2024 3518:24 June 2024 3492:21 June 2024 3466:20 June 2024 3440:19 June 2024 3414:18 June 2024 3388:17 June 2024 3362:14 June 2024 3336:13 June 2024 3310:12 June 2024 3284:11 June 2024 3258:10 June 2024 3203:"¿Dónde está mi hijo?" 2114:9 April 2024 2088:8 April 2024 2062:5 April 2024 2036:4 April 2024 2010:3 April 2024 1984:2 April 2024 1958:1 April 2024 1542:8 March 2024 1516:7 March 2024 1490:6 March 2024 1464:5 March 2024 1438:4 March 2024 1412:1 March 2024 745:26 July 2024 550:Yael Fernández as Axel 440:Juan Diego Covarrubias 140:Juan Diego Covarrubias 4992:Eternamente amándonos 3804:9 July 2024 3778:8 July 2024 3752:5 July 2024 3726:4 July 2024 3700:3 July 2024 3674:2 July 2024 3648:1 July 2024 3232:7 June 2024 3206:6 June 2024 3180:5 June 2024 3154:4 June 2024 3128:3 June 2024 3125:"Me gustas muchísimo" 3102:31 May 2024 3076:30 May 2024 3050:29 May 2024 3024:28 May 2024 2998:27 May 2024 2972:24 May 2024 2946:23 May 2024 2920:22 May 2024 2894:21 May 2024 2868:20 May 2024 2842:17 May 2024 2816:16 May 2024 2790:15 May 2024 2764:14 May 2024 2738:13 May 2024 2712:10 May 2024 611:Jackie Sauza as Julia 579:Christian de la Campa 496:as Armando Cienfuegos 5309:Televisa telenovelas 5166:Juegos interrumpidos 5138:La historia de Juana 4923:María Félix: La Doña 4847:Mi fortuna es amarte 2686:9 May 2024 2660:8 May 2024 2634:7 May 2024 2608:6 May 2024 2582:3 May 2024 2556:2 May 2024 2530:1 May 2024 2319:"Adiós para siempre" 1461:"Perdóname, Angelli" 915:"La muerte de Dulce" 556:Regis as Loli García 179:Juan Carlos Calderón 170:Theme music composer 5173:El precio de amarte 5013:Tierra de esperanza 4951:Mi camino es amarte 4916:La mujer del diablo 4750:Imperio de mentiras 1903:"Yo a ti no te amo" 1643:"¡Frida es Rebeca!" 941:"Me gustas, Rebeca" 637:On 9 October 2023, 285:Laura Mezta Cordero 217:Álvaro Trespalacios 5159:El ángel de Aurora 5152:Mi amor sin tiempo 5103:Tu vida es mi vida 4985:El amor invencible 4909:Vencer la ausencia 3775:"Perdóname Misael" 667:Kimberly Dos Ramos 663:Emmanuel Palomares 655:Francisco Gattorno 590:as Antonio Sánchez 588:Francisco Gattorno 581:as Ulises del Olmo 457:as Adolfo Pastrana 434:Emmanuel Palomares 422:Kimberly Dos Ramos 392:Emmanuel Palomares 388:Kimberly Dos Ramos 308:Production company 272:Executive producer 135:Emmanuel Palomares 125:Kimberly Dos Ramos 5266: 5265: 5124:Marea de pasiones 4805:Diseñando tu amor 4784:Te acuerdas de mí 4757:Vencer el desamor 4516:People en Español 4487:People en Español 4292:People en Español 4208:People en Español 4161: 4160: 3437:"Yo no nací mala" 777:Original air date 759: 758: 659:Eric del Castillo 566:Eric del Castillo 378:TelevisaUnivision 357: 356: 312:TelevisaUnivision 230:Original language 222:Country of origin 207:"Gloria y Sergio" 5316: 5294:2024 telenovelas 4888:Corazón guerrero 4826:Vencer el pasado 4729:Como tú no hay 2 4688: 4681: 4674: 4665: 4664: 4660: 4634: 4633: 4631: 4629: 4613: 4607: 4606: 4604: 4602: 4586: 4580: 4579: 4563: 4557: 4556: 4554: 4552: 4535: 4529: 4528: 4526: 4524: 4506: 4500: 4499: 4497: 4495: 4477: 4471: 4470: 4468: 4466: 4450: 4444: 4443: 4441: 4439: 4421: 4415: 4414: 4412: 4410: 4394: 4388: 4387: 4385: 4383: 4368: 4362: 4361: 4359: 4357: 4341: 4335: 4334: 4332: 4330: 4314: 4305: 4304: 4302: 4300: 4282: 4273: 4272: 4270: 4268: 4252: 4246: 4245: 4243: 4241: 4227: 4221: 4220: 4218: 4216: 4198: 4181: 4174: 4149: 4147: 4123: 4121: 4097: 4095: 4071: 4069: 4045: 4043: 4019: 4017: 3993: 3991: 3967: 3965: 3941: 3939: 3915: 3913: 3889: 3887: 3863: 3861: 3837: 3835: 3811: 3809: 3785: 3783: 3759: 3757: 3733: 3731: 3707: 3705: 3681: 3679: 3655: 3653: 3629: 3627: 3603: 3601: 3577: 3575: 3551: 3549: 3525: 3523: 3499: 3497: 3473: 3471: 3447: 3445: 3421: 3419: 3395: 3393: 3369: 3367: 3343: 3341: 3317: 3315: 3291: 3289: 3265: 3263: 3239: 3237: 3213: 3211: 3187: 3185: 3161: 3159: 3135: 3133: 3109: 3107: 3083: 3081: 3057: 3055: 3031: 3029: 3005: 3003: 2979: 2977: 2953: 2951: 2927: 2925: 2901: 2899: 2875: 2873: 2849: 2847: 2823: 2821: 2797: 2795: 2771: 2769: 2745: 2743: 2719: 2717: 2693: 2691: 2667: 2665: 2641: 2639: 2615: 2613: 2589: 2587: 2563: 2561: 2537: 2535: 2511: 2509: 2485: 2483: 2459: 2457: 2433: 2431: 2407: 2405: 2381: 2379: 2355: 2353: 2345:"¡Soy inocente!" 2329: 2327: 2303: 2301: 2277: 2275: 2251: 2249: 2225: 2223: 2199: 2197: 2173: 2171: 2147: 2145: 2121: 2119: 2095: 2093: 2069: 2067: 2043: 2041: 2017: 2015: 1991: 1989: 1965: 1963: 1939: 1937: 1913: 1911: 1887: 1885: 1861: 1859: 1835: 1833: 1809: 1807: 1783: 1781: 1757: 1755: 1731: 1729: 1705: 1703: 1679: 1677: 1653: 1651: 1627: 1625: 1601: 1599: 1575: 1573: 1549: 1547: 1523: 1521: 1497: 1495: 1471: 1469: 1445: 1443: 1419: 1417: 1393: 1391: 1367: 1365: 1341: 1339: 1315: 1313: 1289: 1287: 1263: 1261: 1237: 1235: 1211: 1209: 1185: 1183: 1159: 1157: 1133: 1131: 1107: 1105: 1081: 1079: 1055: 1053: 1029: 1027: 1003: 1001: 977: 975: 951: 949: 925: 923: 899: 897: 873: 871: 847: 845: 821: 819: 795: 793: 771: 766: 765: 752: 750: 739: 737: 681: 680: 470:Mariluz Bermúdez 364:(English title: 353: 351: 343: 341: 318:Original release 262: 259:list of episodes 251: 240: 110:Sandra Schiffner 73:Doménica Tarello 35: 21: 20: 5324: 5323: 5319: 5318: 5317: 5315: 5314: 5313: 5269: 5268: 5267: 5262: 5261: 5212: 5178: 5088: 5069:La hora marcada 5062:El gallo de oro 5055:Golpe de suerte 5048:Minas de pasión 5027:Vencer la culpa 5020:Senda prohibida 4963: 4852: 4769: 4715:Vencer el miedo 4700: 4692: 4643: 4638: 4637: 4627: 4625: 4614: 4610: 4600: 4598: 4587: 4583: 4564: 4560: 4550: 4548: 4537: 4536: 4532: 4522: 4520: 4507: 4503: 4493: 4491: 4478: 4474: 4464: 4462: 4451: 4447: 4437: 4435: 4422: 4418: 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5286: 5281: 5264: 5263: 5260: 5259: 5254: 5249: 5244: 5239: 5234: 5229: 5224: 5218: 5217: 5214: 5213: 5211: 5210: 5203: 5196: 5188: 5186: 5180: 5179: 5177: 5176: 5169: 5162: 5155: 5148: 5141: 5134: 5127: 5120: 5113: 5106: 5098: 5096: 5090: 5089: 5087: 5086: 5079: 5072: 5065: 5058: 5051: 5044: 5037: 5030: 5023: 5016: 5009: 5006:Más allá de ti 5002: 4995: 4988: 4981: 4973: 4971: 4965: 4964: 4962: 4961: 4954: 4947: 4940: 4933: 4926: 4919: 4912: 4905: 4902:Mujer de nadie 4898: 4891: 4884: 4877: 4870: 4862: 4860: 4854: 4853: 4851: 4850: 4843: 4836: 4829: 4822: 4815: 4808: 4801: 4794: 4791:Fuego ardiente 4787: 4779: 4777: 4771: 4770: 4768: 4767: 4760: 4753: 4746: 4739: 4736:Te doy la vida 4732: 4725: 4718: 4710: 4708: 4702: 4701: 4691: 4690: 4683: 4676: 4668: 4662: 4661: 4642: 4641:External links 4639: 4636: 4635: 4608: 4581: 4558: 4530: 4501: 4472: 4445: 4416: 4389: 4363: 4336: 4306: 4274: 4247: 4222: 4192: 4191: 4189: 4186: 4183: 4182: 4168: 4167: 4165: 4162: 4159: 4158: 4154: 4151: 4150: 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1680: 1670: 1667: 1663: 1662: 1658: 1655: 1654: 1644: 1641: 1637: 1636: 1632: 1629: 1628: 1618: 1615: 1611: 1610: 1606: 1603: 1602: 1592: 1589: 1585: 1584: 1580: 1577: 1576: 1566: 1563: 1559: 1558: 1554: 1551: 1550: 1540: 1537: 1533: 1532: 1528: 1525: 1524: 1514: 1511: 1507: 1506: 1502: 1499: 1498: 1488: 1485: 1481: 1480: 1476: 1473: 1472: 1462: 1459: 1455: 1454: 1450: 1447: 1446: 1436: 1433: 1429: 1428: 1424: 1421: 1420: 1410: 1407: 1403: 1402: 1398: 1395: 1394: 1384: 1381: 1377: 1376: 1372: 1369: 1368: 1358: 1355: 1351: 1350: 1346: 1343: 1342: 1332: 1329: 1325: 1324: 1320: 1317: 1316: 1306: 1303: 1299: 1298: 1294: 1291: 1290: 1280: 1277: 1273: 1272: 1268: 1265: 1264: 1254: 1251: 1247: 1246: 1242: 1239: 1238: 1228: 1225: 1221: 1220: 1216: 1213: 1212: 1202: 1199: 1195: 1194: 1190: 1187: 1186: 1176: 1173: 1169: 1168: 1164: 1161: 1160: 1150: 1147: 1143: 1142: 1138: 1135: 1134: 1124: 1121: 1117: 1116: 1112: 1109: 1108: 1098: 1095: 1091: 1090: 1086: 1083: 1082: 1072: 1069: 1065: 1064: 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It aired on 374:Salvador Mejía 355: 354: 334: 330: 329: 324: 320: 319: 315: 314: 309: 305: 304: 299: 295: 294: 291: 287: 286: 283: 279: 278: 276:Salvador Mejía 273: 269: 268: 264: 263: 253: 246: 245: 242: 235: 234: 231: 227: 226: 223: 219: 218: 215: 211: 210: 209:by Gala Montes 205: 201: 200: 188: 184: 183: 181: 180: 177: 173: 171: 167: 166: 164: 163: 158: 155: 153:René Strickler 150: 145: 144:Josh Gutiérrez 142: 137: 132: 127: 121: 119: 115: 114: 112: 111: 108: 107:Fernando Nesme 104: 102: 98: 97: 95: 94: 91: 88: 84: 82: 78: 77: 75: 74: 71: 67: 65: 61: 60: 59:by Pedro Lopes 51: 47: 46: 41: 37: 36: 28: 27: 17: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5321: 5310: 5307: 5305: 5302: 5300: 5297: 5295: 5292: 5290: 5287: 5285: 5282: 5280: 5277: 5276: 5274: 5258: 5255: 5253: 5250: 5248: 5245: 5243: 5240: 5238: 5235: 5233: 5230: 5228: 5225: 5223: 5220: 5219: 5215: 5209: 5208: 5204: 5202: 5201: 5197: 5195: 5194: 5190: 5189: 5187: 5185: 5181: 5175: 5174: 5170: 5168: 5167: 5163: 5161: 5160: 5156: 5154: 5153: 5149: 5147: 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Retrieved 4211:(in Spanish) 4206: 4196: 4172: 697:First aired 647:Magda Karina 636: 624: 482:Magda Karina 405: 381: 372:produced by 365: 360: 359: 358: 346:26 July 2024 302:Multi-camera 298:Camera setup 204:Ending theme 87:Enna Márquez 64:Developed by 53: 24: 15: 5200:Amor amargo 4895:La herencia 4215:17 February 718:(millions) 710:(millions) 700:Last aired 671:Gala Montes 621:Development 605:as Mauricio 428:Gala Montes 252:of episodes 198:Miguel Bosé 176:Miguel Bosé 130:Gala Montes 101:Directed by 5273:Categories 4937:Mi secreto 4840:Contigo sí 4628:25 January 4551:8 November 4544:TVyNovelas 4523:8 November 4494:8 November 4438:8 November 4431:TVyNovelas 4409:8 November 4329:15 January 4299:8 November 4267:8 November 4188:References 4146:2024-07-26 4120:2024-07-25 4094:2024-07-24 4068:2024-07-23 4042:2024-07-22 4016:2024-07-19 3990:2024-07-18 3964:2024-07-17 3938:2024-07-16 3912:2024-07-15 3886:2024-07-12 3860:2024-07-11 3834:2024-07-10 3808:2024-07-09 3782:2024-07-08 3756:2024-07-05 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amaré" 81:Written by 44:Telenovela 5257:2020–2029 5252:2010–2019 5247:2000–2009 5242:1990–1999 5237:1980–1989 5232:1970–1979 5227:1958–1969 694:Episodes 5222:Complete 5184:Upcoming 4695:Televisa 3454:parents. 1478:refusal. 762:Episodes 643:Amairani 476:Amairani 282:Producer 214:Composer 118:Starring 50:Based on 4601:30 July 4576:Twitter 4356:24 July 4240:11 July 4144: ( 4118: ( 4092: ( 4066: ( 4040: ( 4014: ( 3988: ( 3962: ( 3936: ( 3910: ( 3884: ( 3858: ( 3832: ( 3806: ( 3780: ( 3754: ( 3728: ( 3702: ( 3676: ( 3650: ( 3624: ( 3598: ( 3572: ( 3546: ( 3520: ( 3494: ( 3468: ( 3442: ( 3416: ( 3390: ( 3364: ( 3338: ( 3312: ( 3286: ( 3260: ( 3234: ( 3208: ( 3182: ( 3156: ( 3130: ( 3104: ( 3078: ( 3052: ( 3026: ( 3000: ( 2974: ( 2948: ( 2922: ( 2896: ( 2870: ( 2844: ( 2818: ( 2792: ( 2766: ( 2740: ( 2714: ( 2688: ( 2662: ( 2636: ( 2610: ( 2584: ( 2558: ( 2532: ( 2506: ( 2480: ( 2454: ( 2428: ( 2402: ( 2376: ( 2350: ( 2324: ( 2298: ( 2272: ( 2246: ( 2220: ( 2194: ( 2168: ( 2142: ( 2116: ( 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Laços de Sangue
Kimberly Dos Ramos
Gala Montes
Emmanuel Palomares
Juan Diego Covarrubias
Eugenia Cauduro
René Strickler
Gabriela Spanic
Laura Pausini
Miguel Bosé
list of episodes
Salvador Mejía
Las Estrellas
Salvador Mejía
Laços de Sangue
Kimberly Dos Ramos
Emmanuel Palomares
Las Estrellas
Kimberly Dos Ramos
Gala Montes
Emmanuel Palomares
Juan Diego Covarrubias
Eugenia Cauduro
René Strickler

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.