
Yield surface

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10507: 2887: 9859: 2447: 10502:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}c_{1}=&\left({\cfrac {\sigma _{t}-\sigma _{c}}{(\sigma _{t}+\sigma _{c})}}\right)\left({\cfrac {4\sigma _{b}^{2}-\sigma _{b}(\sigma _{c}+\sigma _{t})+\sigma _{c}\sigma _{t}}{4\sigma _{b}^{2}+2\sigma _{b}(\sigma _{t}-\sigma _{c})-\sigma _{c}\sigma _{t}}}\right)\\c_{2}=&\left({\cfrac {1}{(\sigma _{t}+\sigma _{c})}}\right)\left({\cfrac {\sigma _{b}(3\sigma _{t}-\sigma _{c})-2\sigma _{c}\sigma _{t}}{4\sigma _{b}^{2}+2\sigma _{b}(\sigma _{t}-\sigma _{c})-\sigma _{c}\sigma _{t}}}\right)\\c_{0}=&c_{1}\sigma _{c}-c_{2}\sigma _{c}^{2}\end{aligned}}} 2882:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}\sigma _{1}\\\sigma _{2}\\\sigma _{3}\end{bmatrix}}={\tfrac {1}{\sqrt {3}}}{\begin{bmatrix}\xi \\\xi \\\xi \end{bmatrix}}+{\sqrt {\tfrac {2}{3}}}~\rho ~{\begin{bmatrix}\cos \theta \\\cos \left(\theta -{\tfrac {2\pi }{3}}\right)\\\cos \left(\theta +{\tfrac {2\pi }{3}}\right)\end{bmatrix}}={\tfrac {1}{\sqrt {3}}}{\begin{bmatrix}\xi \\\xi \\\xi \end{bmatrix}}+{\sqrt {\tfrac {2}{3}}}~\rho ~{\begin{bmatrix}\cos \theta \\-\sin \left({\tfrac {\pi }{6}}-\theta \right)\\-\sin \left({\tfrac {\pi }{6}}+\theta \right)\end{bmatrix}}\,.} 7307: 10750: 10742: 6301: 3337: 1429: 848: 10513: 9330: 3680: 3672: 14383: 6983: 9338: 13900: 6694: 6002: 3986: 17: 3077: 8679: 3628:), no matter how much it is compressed or stretched. However, when one of the principal stresses becomes smaller (or larger) than the others the material is subject to shearing. In such situations, if the shear stress reaches the yield limit then the material enters the plastic domain. Figure 2 shows the Tresca–Guest yield surface in two-dimensional stress space, it is a cross section of the prism along the 1042: 15518: 3994: 15066: 7302:{\displaystyle 3\,I_{2}'=\left\{{\begin{array}{ll}\displaystyle {\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}\,{\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{2}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{2}}},&I_{1}>-d\,\sigma _{\mathrm {+} }\\\displaystyle {\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }^{2}}{(1-\gamma _{1}-\gamma _{2})^{2}}},&I_{1}\leq -d\,\sigma _{\mathrm {+} }\end{array}}\right.} 14050: 13888: 9021: 13870: 5986: 8293: 6296:{\displaystyle 3\,I_{2}'=\left\{{\begin{array}{ll}\displaystyle {\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}\,{\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }+\gamma _{1}\,I_{1}}{1+\gamma _{1}}},&I_{1}>0\\\displaystyle {\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }}{1-\gamma _{1}}}\,{\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }}{1+\gamma _{1}}},&I_{1}\leq 0\end{array}}\right.} 2283: 5208: 3332:{\displaystyle {\begin{bmatrix}\sigma _{1}\\\sigma _{2}\\\sigma _{3}\end{bmatrix}}={\tfrac {1}{\sqrt {3}}}{\begin{bmatrix}\xi \\\xi \\\xi \end{bmatrix}}+{\tfrac {\rho }{\sqrt {2}}}~{\begin{bmatrix}\cos \theta -{\tfrac {\sin \theta }{\sqrt {3}}}\\{\tfrac {2\sin \theta }{\sqrt {3}}}\\-{\tfrac {\sin \theta }{\sqrt {3}}}-\cos \theta \end{bmatrix}}\,.} 1424:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{1}&={\text{Tr}}({\boldsymbol {\sigma }})=\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{2}+\sigma _{3}\\J_{2}&={\tfrac {1}{2}}{\boldsymbol {s}}:{\boldsymbol {s}}={\tfrac {1}{6}}\left\\J_{3}&=\det({\boldsymbol {s}})={\tfrac {1}{3}}({\boldsymbol {s}}\cdot {\boldsymbol {s}}):{\boldsymbol {s}}=s_{1}s_{2}s_{3}\end{aligned}}} 7520: 10521: 14378:{\displaystyle (3I_{2}')^{3}{\frac {1+c_{3}\cos 3\theta +c_{6}\cos ^{2}3\theta }{1+c_{3}+c_{6}}}=\displaystyle \left({\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}\right)^{6-l-m}\,\left({\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{2}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{2}}}\right)^{l}\,\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }^{m}} 5556: 13060: 8759: 6973:) is shown for comparison. C - uniaxial compression, Cc - biaxial compression in the stress relation 1:2, CC - equibiaxial compression, CCC - hydrostatic compression, S or TC - shear, T - uniaxial tension, Tt - biaxial tension in the stress relation 1:2, TT - equibiaxial tension, TTT - hydrostatic tension. 13069: 4276: 13647: 10737:
The cross-section of the surface when viewed along its axis is a smoothed triangle (unlike Mohr–Coulomb). The Willam–Warnke yield surface is convex and has unique and well defined first and second derivatives on every point of its surface. Therefore, the Willam–Warnke model is computationally robust
has developed a family of yield functions for constitutive modelling of plastic anisotropy. Among them, Yld2000-2D yield criteria has been applied for a wide range of sheet metals (e.g., aluminum alloys and advanced high-strength steels). The Yld2000-2D model is a non-quadratic type yield function
12005: 11008: 9683: 14717:
describe the position of the intersection points of the yield surface with hydrostatic axis (space diagonal in the principal stress space). These intersections points are called hydrostatic nodes. In the case of materials which do not fail at hydrostatic pressure (steel, brass, etc.) one gets
8002: 2022: 5734: 13878:
This criterion represents a smooth and convex surface, which is closed both in hydrostatic tension and compression and has a drop-like shape, particularly suited to describe frictional and granular materials. This criterion has also been generalized to the case of surfaces with corners.
3555: 13420: 8687: 14636: 5018: 1884: 129:. Further deformation of the material causes the stress state to remain on the yield surface, even though the shape and size of the surface may change as the plastic deformation evolves. This is because stress states that lie outside the yield surface are non-permissible in 5361: 15266: 12282: 11285: 15280: 3898: 7318: 3937:
of infinite length with its axis inclined at equal angles to the three principal stresses. Figure 4 shows the von Mises yield surface in two-dimensional space compared with Tresca–Guest criterion. A cross section of the von Mises cylinder on the plane of
4649: 14036: 15061: 5367: 7774: 9016:{\displaystyle {\bigg (}{\frac {m-1}{2}}{\bigg )}(\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{2}+\sigma _{3})+{\bigg (}{\frac {m+1}{2}}{\bigg )}{\sqrt {\frac {(\sigma _{1}-\sigma _{2})^{2}+(\sigma _{2}-\sigma _{3})^{2}+(\sigma _{3}-\sigma _{1})^{2}}{2}}}=S_{yc}} 1643: 12926: 13865:{\displaystyle \underbrace {M>0,~p_{c}>0,~c\geq 0,~0<\alpha <2,~m>1} _{{\mbox{defining}}~\displaystyle {F(p)}},~~~\underbrace {0\leq \beta \leq 2,~0\leq \gamma <1} _{{\mbox{defining}}~\displaystyle {g(\theta )}},} 3013: 9366: 8288:{\displaystyle {\frac {m+1}{2}}\max {\Big (}|\sigma _{1}-\sigma _{2}|+K(\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{2})~,~~|\sigma _{1}-\sigma _{3}|+K(\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{3})~,~~|\sigma _{2}-\sigma _{3}|+K(\sigma _{2}+\sigma _{3}){\Big )}=S_{yc}} 4121: 2278:{\displaystyle \xi ={\tfrac {1}{\sqrt {3}}}~I_{1}={\sqrt {3}}~p~;~~\rho ={\sqrt {2J_{2}}}={\sqrt {\tfrac {2}{3}}}~q~;~~\cos(3\theta )=\left({\tfrac {r}{q}}\right)^{3}={\tfrac {3{\sqrt {3}}}{2}}~{\cfrac {J_{3}}{J_{2}^{3/2}}}} 12758:
The criteria of PodgĂłrski and Rosendahl describe single surfaces in principal stress space without any additional outer contours and plane intersections. Note that in order to avoid numerical issues the real part function
line, but usually selected by convention to be those in the compression regime. Another choice is to intersect the Mohr–Coulomb yield surface at four vertices on both axes (uniaxial fit) or at two vertices on the diagonal
5981:{\displaystyle 3I_{2}'{\frac {1+c_{3}\cos 3\theta +c_{6}\cos ^{2}3\theta }{1+c_{3}+c_{6}}}={\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}{\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{2}I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{2}}}} 11852: 10855: 5720: 3373: 16513:
Novozhilov, V.V. (1951). On the principles of the statical analysis of the experimental results for isotropic materials (in Russ.: O prinzipakh obrabotki rezultatov staticheskikh ispytanij izotropnykh materialov).
13235: 14471: 6971: 6490: 5203:{\displaystyle {\frac {\sigma _{-}}{\sigma _{+}}}={\frac {1}{1-\gamma _{1}-\gamma _{2}}},\qquad {\bigg (}{\sqrt {3}}\,{\frac {\tau _{*}}{\sigma _{+}}}{\bigg )}^{2}={\frac {1}{(1-\gamma _{1})(1-\gamma _{2})}}} 8387: 13195: 1716: 14957:
For the anisotropic materials, depending on the direction of the applied process (e.g., rolling) the mechanical properties vary and, therefore, using an anisotropic yield function is crucial. Since 1989
Kolupaev, V.A., Moneke M., Becker F. (2004). Stress appearance during creep. Calculation of plastic parts (in German: Spannungsausprägung beim Kriechen: Berechnung von Kunststoffbauteilen). Kunststoffe
5219: 3069: 5728:
The Burzyński-Yagn criterion is well suited for academic purposes. For practical applications, the third invariant of the deviator in the odd and even power should be introduced in the equation, e.g.:
328: 15513:{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{l}\Phi '={\left|{{{X'}_{1}}+{{X'}_{2}}}\right|^{a}}\\\Phi ''={\left|{2{{X''}_{2}}+{{X''}_{1}}}\right|^{a}}+{\left|{2{{X''}_{1}}+{{X''}_{2}}}\right|^{a}}\end{array}}\ } 12755:. The isogonal dodecagons of the multiplicative ansatz criterion of hexagonal symmetry containing the Ishlinsky-Ivlev criterion (regular dodecagon) cannot be described by the Rosendahl criterion. 4713: 12036: 11039: 5635: 10827: 9864: 9238:; it can be chosen to intersect the Mohr–Coulomb yield surface in different number of vertices. One choice is to intersect the Mohr–Coulomb yield surface at three vertices on either side of the 1485: 1047: 195: 4457: 16289: 4799: 4554: 3744: 14769: 7599: 4390: 7934: 16956:, (in Polish: Hipotezy Wytężeniowe i Relacje Konstytutywne Materiałów z Uwzględnieniem Efektów Degradacji), Praca Doctorska, Wydział Inąynierii Lądowej Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa. 13636: 13482: 7820: 6854: 6797: 4888: 6643: 6577: 9360:
that uses three parameters, and has additional terms for materials that yield under hydrostatic compression. In terms of the principal stresses, this yield criterion may be expressed as
7515:{\displaystyle \nu _{-}^{\mathrm {in} }=-{\frac {-1+\gamma _{1}^{2}+\gamma _{2}^{2}-\gamma _{1}\,\gamma _{2}}{(-2+\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2})\,(-1+\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2})}}={\frac {1}{2}}} 9080: 6897: 16338: 10732: 6740: 4329: 733: 11843:. The isogonal (equiangular) hexagons of the Haythornthwaite criterion containing the Schmidt-Ishlinsky criterion (regular hexagon) cannot be described with the PodgĂłrski ctiterion. 10673: 9279: 426: 10562: 9320: 9236: 8728: 8673: 4973: 4035: 3976: 3721: 3666: 1919: 1507: 966: 14688: 7644: 6349: 2006: 8749:
is similar to the von Mises yield criterion, with provisions for handling materials with differing tensile and compressive yield strengths. This criterion is most often used for
7889: 12753: 12639: 12550: 12502: 12457: 12409: 11755: 11707: 11662: 11614: 11569: 11521: 11476: 7853: 9739: 1668: 1582: 1560: 1032: 252: 15101: 14802: 7677: 4562: 1707: 12858: 12819: 6688: 12591: 11796: 11428: 5006: 4921: 2372: 15151: 9189: 8496: 4114: 4079: 12888: 12705: 12672: 5551:{\displaystyle \nu _{-}^{\mathrm {in} }=-{\frac {-1+\gamma _{1}^{2}+\gamma _{2}^{2}-\gamma _{1}\,\gamma _{2}}{(-2+\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2})\,(-1+\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2})}}} 2313: 543: 16754:
Memhard, D,., Andrieux, F., Sun, D.-Z., Häcker, R. (2011) Development and verification of a material model for prediction of containment safety of exhaust turbochargers,
14715: 12364: 12331: 11387: 11354: 9851: 9824: 9797: 7964: 2436: 1006: 683: 493: 355: 13514: 11841: 6526: 6419: 759: 13055:{\displaystyle \sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }\rightarrow {\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}\,I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}\qquad {\mbox{with}}\qquad \gamma _{1}\in [0,\,1[,} 7984:
is similar to the Tresca criterion, with additional provisions for materials with different tensile and compressive yield strengths. This model is often used to model
14889: 7685: 15126: 14857: 14831: 10847: 6382: 4835: 4493: 2396: 2337: 1704: 1590: 909: 833: 9143: 9113: 8633: 8603: 8450: 8420: 3588: 14921: 14443: 14416: 13948: 12918: 9766: 8573: 8546: 7550: 3928: 3615: 1950: 940: 889: 813: 786: 623: 596: 453: 99: 72: 45: 14463: 13923: 13227: 13090: 12028: 11308: 11031: 10772: 9323: 869: 14947: 569: 17094: 16696:, Auszug aus Antrittsvorlesung des Verfassers vom 11. Juli, 1980 Vom Konstrukteur und den Festigkeitshypothesen. Inst. fĂĽr Maschinenkonstruktionslehre, Karlsruhe 12780: 8519: 1970: 643: 16743:
3D-Creep Behaviour of Parts Made of Non-Reinforced Thermoplastics (in German: Dreidimensionales Kriechverhalten von Bauteilen aus unverstärkten Thermoplasten)
2898: 15158: 9678:{\displaystyle S_{yc}={\tfrac {1}{\sqrt {2}}}\left^{1/2}-c_{0}-c_{1}~(\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{2}+\sigma _{3})-c_{2}~(\sigma _{1}+\sigma _{2}+\sigma _{3})^{2}} 4271:{\displaystyle 3I_{2}'={\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{1}I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{1}}}{\frac {\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }-\gamma _{2}I_{1}}{1-\gamma _{2}}}} 17328: 9198:. Figure 8 shows Drucker–Prager yield surface in two-dimensional space. The elliptical elastic domain is a cross section of the cone on the plane of 12000:{\displaystyle \sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }={\sqrt {3\,I_{2}'}}\,{\frac {\Omega _{6}(\theta ,\beta _{6},\chi _{6})}{\Omega _{6}(0,\beta _{6},\chi _{6})}},} 11003:{\displaystyle \sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }={\sqrt {3\,I_{2}'}}\,{\frac {\Omega _{3}(\theta ,\beta _{3},\chi _{3})}{\Omega _{3}(0,\beta _{3},\chi _{3})}},} 16913:
Rosendahl, P. L., Kolupaev, V A., Altenbach, H. (2019). Extreme Yield Figures for Universal Strength Criteria, in Altenbach, H., Ă–chsner, A., eds.,
Capurso, M. (1967). Yield conditions for incompressible isotropic and orthotropic materials with different yield stress in tension and compression,
Huber, M. T. (1904). Specific strain work as a measure of material effort (in Polish: Właściwa praca odkształcenia jako miara wytężenia materyału),
are the yield (failure) stresses of the material in uniaxial compression and tension, respectively. The formula reduces to the Tresca criterion if
The Huber criterion and the modified Huber criterion should be preferred to the von Mises criterion since one obtains safer results in the region
5646: 3624:
of six sides and having infinite length. This means that the material remains elastic when all three principal stresses are roughly equivalent (a
3550:{\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}{\max(|\sigma _{1}-\sigma _{2}|,|\sigma _{2}-\sigma _{3}|,|\sigma _{3}-\sigma _{1}|)=S_{sy}={\tfrac {1}{2}}S_{y}}\!} 13415:{\displaystyle F(p)=\left\{{\begin{array}{ll}-Mp_{c}{\sqrt {(\phi -\phi ^{m})}},&\phi \in ,\\+\infty ,&\phi \notin ,\end{array}}\right.} 16640:
Bolchoun, A., Kolupaev, V. A., Altenbach, H. (2011) Convex and non-convex yield surfaces (in German: Konvexe und nichtkonvexe Fließflächen),
14631:{\displaystyle c_{6}={\frac {1}{4}}(2+c_{3}),\qquad c_{6}={\frac {1}{4}}(2-c_{3}),\qquad c_{6}\geq {\frac {5}{12}}\,c_{3}^{2}-{\frac {1}{3}},} 8521:
determines the inclination angle of conical surface. Figure 6 shows Mohr–Coulomb yield surface in two-dimensional stress space. In Figure 6
Piccolroaz, A. and Bigoni, D. (2009), Yield criteria for quasibrittle and frictional materials: a generalization to surfaces with corners,
14969: 6902: 17087: 16939:
Altenbach, H., Kolupaev, V. A. (2024). Reviewing yield criteria in plasticity theory, in Altenbach, H., Hohe, J., Mittelsted, Ch., eds.,
Zienkiewicz O.C., Pande, G.N. (1977), Some useful forms of isotropic yield surfaces for soil and rock mechanics. In: Gudehus, G. (ed.)
6424: 17053:
Altenbach, H., Bolchoun, A., Kolupaev, V.A. (2013). Phenomenological Yield and Failure Criteria, in Altenbach, H., Ă–chsner, A., eds.,
1879:{\displaystyle p={\tfrac {1}{3}}~I_{1}~:~~q={\sqrt {3~J_{2}}}=\sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }~;~~r=3\left({\tfrac {1}{2}}\,J_{3}\right)^{1/3}} 8304: 13111: 5356:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }={\frac {-1+2(\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2})-3\gamma _{1}\gamma _{2}}{-2+\gamma _{1}+\gamma _{2}}}} 3021: 264: 17080: 5996:
The Huber criterion consists of the Beltrami ellipsoid and a scaled von Mises cylinder in the principal stress space, see also
13102: 12277:{\displaystyle \Omega _{6}(\theta ,\beta _{6},\chi _{6})=\cos \left\right)\right],\qquad \beta _{6}\in ,\quad \chi _{6}\in .} 11280:{\displaystyle \Omega _{3}(\theta ,\beta _{3},\chi _{3})=\cos \left\right)\right],\qquad \beta _{3}\in ,\quad \chi _{3}\in .} 16614:
Altenbach, H., Kolupaev, V.A. (2014) Classical and Non-Classical Failure Criteria, in Altenbach, H., Sadowski, Th., eds.,
are the uniaxial yield stresses in compression and tension respectively. The formula reduces to the von Mises equation if
is continuously differentiable. The criterion represents the "classical view" with respect to inelastic material behavior:
4654: 4281:
represents the general equation of a second order surface of revolution about the hydrostatic axis. Some special case are:
Figure 5 shows Mohr–Coulomb yield surface in the three-dimensional space of principal stresses. It is a conical prism and
5567: 3893:{\displaystyle {(\sigma _{1}-\sigma _{2})^{2}+(\sigma _{2}-\sigma _{3})^{2}+(\sigma _{3}-\sigma _{1})^{2}=2{S_{y}}^{2}}\!} 14771:. Otherwise for materials which fail at hydrostatic pressure (hard foams, ceramics, sintered materials, etc.) it follows 10787: 1437: 147: 4398: 17384: 16504:. Dissertation, Universität zu Göttingen. Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, Heft 303, VDI, Berlin 15529: 4721: 4498: 16991:
Bigoni, D. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: Bifurcation Theory and Material Instability. Cambridge University Press, 2012 .
14721: 7555: 4337: 16996: 7897: 3367:(MSST) and the Tresca–Guest (TG) criterion. In terms of the principal stresses the Tresca criterion is expressed as 13522: 13428: 8753:
where both normal and shear stresses can determine failure. The Drucker–Prager yield criterion may be expressed as
7782: 6802: 6745: 4840: 9194:
Figure 7 shows Drucker–Prager yield surface in the three-dimensional space of principal stresses. It is a regular
6585: 6531: 3933:
Figure 3 shows the von Mises yield surface in the three-dimensional space of principal stresses. It is a circular
the yield surface is elastic. When the stress state lies on the surface the material is said to have reached its
17355: 13065:
which is sufficient for many applications, e.g. metals, cast iron, alloys, concrete, unreinforced polymers, etc.
Candland C.T. (1975). Implications of macroscopic failure criteria which are independent of hydrostatic stress,
9032: 6859: 6582:
The Huber criterion can be used as a yield surface with an empirical restriction for Poisson's ratio at tension
17768: 17456: 16297: 14641:
which follow from the convexity condition. A more precise formulation of the third constraints is proposed in.
10684: 10592: 9357: 9351: 8740: 6700: 4288: 690: 10604: 9241: 362: 17812: 17201: 16978:
Yu M.-H. (2002). Advances in strength theories for materials under complex stress state in the 20th century,
10580: 10574: 10527: 9285: 9201: 8693: 8638: 4929: 4000: 3941: 3686: 3631: 2009: 1892: 1490: 949: 198: 141: 14647: 14388:
contains a number of other well-known less general criteria, provided suitable parameter values are chosen.
Figure 1 shows the Tresca–Guest yield surface in the three-dimensional space of principal stresses. It is a
17832: 17822: 17403: 17311: 13072:
Basic cross sections described by a circle and regular polygons of trigonal or hexagonal symmetries in the
The modified Huber criterion can be better fitted to the measured data as the Huber criterion. For setting
Versuche ĂĽber den Einfuss der mittleren Hauptspannung auf das Fliessen der Metalle Eisen Kupfer und Nickel
7604: 6309: 3347:
There are several different yield surfaces known in engineering, and those most popular are listed below.
1978: 17524: 17235: 17169: 7858: 4644:{\displaystyle I_{1}={\frac {1}{2}}\,{\bigg (}{\frac {1}{\gamma _{1}}}+{\frac {1}{\gamma _{2}}}{\bigg )}} 12710: 12596: 12507: 12462: 12414: 12369: 11712: 11667: 11619: 11574: 11526: 11481: 11433: 7825: 17827: 16390: 9691: 1651: 1565: 1512: 1015: 204: 16814:
Ivlev, D. D. (1959). The theory of fracture of solids (in Russ.: K teorii razrusheniia tverdykh tel),
15077: 14774: 7649: 17252: 12824: 12785: 6648: 3733: 12555: 11760: 11392: 4978: 4893: 2342: 17817: 17683: 17678: 17561: 17529: 17444: 17184: 17174: 16400: 9148: 8455: 4084: 4049: 17024:
PodgĂłrski, J. (1984). Limit state condition and the dissipation function for isotropic materials.
PodgĂłrski, J. (1984). Limit state condition and the dissipation function for isotropic materials,
are eight parameters of the Barlat's Yld2000-2D model to be identified with a set of experiments.
12863: 12677: 12644: 2291: 500: 258:. Thus we may write the equation of the yield surface (that is, the yield function) in the forms: 17743: 17424: 17340: 17230: 17008:
Bigoni, D. and Piccolroaz, A., (2004), Yield criteria for quasibrittle and frictional materials,
16385: 16375: 14693: 12336: 12290: 11359: 11313: 10584: 9829: 9802: 9775: 7981: 7975: 7769:{\displaystyle d={\frac {\sigma _{-}}{\sigma _{+}}}={\frac {1}{1-\gamma _{1}-\gamma _{2}}}\geq 1} 2401: 971: 648: 458: 333: 16965:
Lagzdin, A. (1997). Smooth convex limit surfaces in the space of symmetric second-rank tensors,
13490: 11801: 6498: 6391: 1638:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {s}}={\boldsymbol {\sigma }}-{\tfrac {I_{1}}{3}}\,{\boldsymbol {I}}} 738: 17323: 17196: 14862: 14031:{\displaystyle \cos 3\theta ={\frac {3{\sqrt {3}}}{2}}{\frac {I_{3}'}{I_{2}'^{\frac {3}{2}}}}} 17728: 17306: 14836: 14810: 10832: 9322:(biaxial fit). The Drucker-Prager yield criterion is also commonly expressed in terms of the 6354: 4807: 4465: 2381: 2322: 1676: 894: 818: 16531:. Proceedings of the ASCE Journal of the Structural Division, vol. 98, no. ST4, pp. 949–954. 9118: 9088: 8635:, respectively, in the formula. It is a cross section of this conical prism on the plane of 8608: 8578: 8425: 8395: 7939: 7312:
consists of the Schleicher ellipsoid with the restriction of Poisson's ratio at compression
3563: 17791: 17465: 17369: 17364: 17335: 17301: 17281: 17266: 17247: 17218: 17159: 16657:, LwĂłw, Organ Towarzystwa Politechnicznego we Lwowie, v. 22. pp. 34-40, 49-50, 61-62, 80-81 16470:
Lode, W. (1925). Versuche ĂĽber den EinfluĂź der mittleren Hauptspannug auf die FlieĂźgrenze.
16415: 16405: 16380: 16355: 14959: 14894: 14421: 14394: 12896: 9744: 8551: 8524: 7528: 3906: 3625: 3593: 1928: 918: 874: 791: 764: 601: 574: 431: 140:
The yield surface is usually expressed in terms of (and visualized in) a three-dimensional
130: 126: 77: 50: 23: 17066:
Kolupaev, V.A. (2018). Equivalent Stress Concept for Limit State Analysis, Springer, Cham.
14448: 13908: 13203: 13075: 12013: 11293: 11016: 10757: 5640:
is important. The application of rotationally symmetric criteria for brittle failure with
This criterion reformulated as the function of the hydrostatic nodes with the coordinates
854: 495:
are the second and third principal invariants of the deviatoric part of the Cauchy stress.
8: 17763: 17615: 17554: 17534: 17350: 17296: 17179: 17138: 17104: 16954:
Strength Hypotheses and Constitutive Relations of Materials Including Degradation Effects
16350: 15131: 14926: 13641:
describing the Lode-dependence of yielding. The seven, non-negative material parameters:
3934: 548: 122: 15106: 12762: 3008:{\displaystyle \sin(3\theta )=~{\tfrac {3{\sqrt {3}}}{2}}~{\cfrac {J_{3}}{J_{2}^{3/2}}}} 17434: 17429: 17213: 8504: 1955: 943: 628: 110: 15261:{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{l}X'=C'.s=L'.\sigma \\X''=C''.s=L''.\sigma \end{array}}} 7012: 6031: 17482: 17419: 17398: 17393: 17318: 17286: 16992: 7993: 16847:, Research Establishment Risö, Engineering Department, Report Risö-M-1801, Roskilde. 3989:
Figure 3: View of Huber–Mises–Hencky yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
17718: 17627: 17620: 17610: 17586: 17451: 16370: 16360: 3621: 16603:
New methods of strength prediction (in Russ.: Novye metody pascheta na prochnost')
10749: 10741: 10512: 9329: 3997:
Figure 4: Comparison of Tresca–Guest and Huber–Mises–Hencky criteria in 2D space (
17733: 17668: 17645: 17581: 17566: 17549: 17499: 17487: 17374: 17345: 17262: 17240: 17223: 17189: 17123: 17118: 9195: 134: 114: 17072: 16435:
Simo, J. C. and Hughes, T,. J. R., (1998), Computational Inelasticity, Springer.
Figure 11: View of Willam–Warnke yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
Figure 9: View of Bresler–Pister yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
Figure 8: View of Drucker–Prager yield surface in 2D space of principal stresses
Figure 7: View of Drucker–Prager yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
8675:. In Figure 6 Rr and Rc are used for Syc and Syt, respectively, in the formula. 3679: 3671: 17738: 17605: 17519: 17477: 17291: 16410: 12893:
A pressure-sensitive extension of the criteria can be obtained with the linear
10588: 9853:
is the yield stress in biaxial compression, the parameters can be expressed as
8746: 13259: 8682:
Figure 5: View of Mohr–Coulomb yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
Figure 1: View of Tresca–Guest yield surface in 3D space of principal stresses
A different definition of the Lode angle can also be found in the literature:
17806: 17786: 17753: 17650: 17514: 16395: 10520: 5715:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }\in ]-1,~\nu _{+}^{\mathrm {el} }\,]} 2441:
The principal stresses and the Haigh–Westergaard coordinates are related by
17758: 17748: 17723: 16895:
Haythornthwaite R.M. (1961). Range of yield condition in ideal plasticity,
16365: 10678:
However, it is more commonly expressed in Haigh–Westergaard coordinates as
3362: 3356: 255: 16789:
Neto, Periç, Owen. (2008), The mathematical Theory of Plasticity. J.Wiley.
cross section when viewed from a direction perpendicular to its axis. If
6693: 17673: 15285: 15163: 5012:
The relations compression-tension and torsion-tension can be computed to
3985: 847: 16767:
DiMaggio, F.L., Sandler, I.S. (1971) Material model for granular soils,
MĂ©moire sur l'Ă©coulement des corps solides soumis Ă  de fortes pressions.
and the isotoxal (equilateral) hexagons of the Capurso criterion with
in the Burzyński-plane: setting according the normal stress hypothesis (
The von Mises yield criterion is expressed in the principal stresses as
17688: 17600: 17439: 17133: 16917:, Advanced Structured Materials STRUCTMAT, Springer, Cham, pp. 259-324. 12707:
and the isotoxal dodecagons of the unified yield criterion of Yu with
11664:) and also the cubic criterion of Sayir (the Ottosen criterion ) with 10779: 5008:(Filonenko-Boroditsch (1960), Gol’denblat-Kopnov (1968), Filin (1975)). 13068: 9337: 8678: 17710: 17700: 17695: 17637: 17544: 17128: 15274:
for principal values of X’ and X”, the model could be expressed as:
15056:{\displaystyle \Phi =\Phi '(X')+\Phi ''(X'')=2{{\bar {\sigma }}^{a}}} 6966:{\displaystyle \nu _{-}^{\mathrm {in} }=\nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }=1/2} 17660: 17571: 17539: 17164: 16928:
From bulk to structural failure: Fracture of hyperelastic materials
Der EinfluĂź der mittleren Hauptspannung auf das FlieĂźen der Metalle
8750: 7985: 5213:
The Poisson's ratios at tension and compression are obtained using
3993: 10738:
and has been used for a variety of cohesive-frictional materials.
17472: 17412: 9769: 7936:. For practical applications the third invariant of the deviator 6485:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }\in \left]-1,\,1/2\right]} 4331:(Maxwell (1865), Huber (1904), von Mises (1913), Hencky (1924)), 3979: 16780:
Khan and Huang. (1995), Continuum Theory of Plasticity. J.Wiley.
16745:, Diss., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle-Saale 8686: 17576: 15153:
are the transformed matrices (by linear transformation C or L):
8382:{\displaystyle m={\frac {S_{yc}}{S_{yt}}};K={\frac {m-1}{m+1}}} 16: 16830:
Sayir, M. (1970). Zur Fließbedingung der Plastizitätstheorie,
For the formulation of the strength criteria the stress angle
13937: 13190:{\displaystyle f(p,q,\theta )=F(p)+{\frac {q}{g(\theta )}}=0,} 109:
is a five-dimensional surface in the six-dimensional space of
17778: 17507: 17274: 15065: 842: 16668:
Drang und Zwang: eine höhere Festigkeitslehre für Ingenieure
10829:, the PodgĂłrski criterion as function of the stress angle 16843:
Ottosen, N. S. (1975). Failure and Elasticity of Concrete,
13409: 7989: 7296: 6351:. The transition between the surfaces in the cross section 6290: 3064:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1}\geq \sigma _{2}\geq \sigma _{3}} 1972:
makes the use of these quantities problematic in practice.
describe the curvature of the meridian. The meridian with
define the shape of the meridian and deviatoric sections.
The Bresler–Pister yield criterion is an extension of the
4392:(Botkin (1940), Drucker-Prager (1952), Mirolyubov (1953)), 1710:
such as rocks, soils, and ceramics. These are defined as
is the first principal invariant of the Cauchy stress and
323:{\displaystyle f(\sigma _{1},\sigma _{2},\sigma _{3})=0\,} 17593: 14963:
based on two linear transformation of the stress tensor:
13899: 13887: 16557:, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 7996:. The Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion may be expressed as: 16915:
State of the Art and Future Trends in Material Modeling
Burzyński, W. (1929). Über die Anstrengungshypothesen.
The following criterion of isotropic material behavior
Normalized with respect to the uniaxial tensile stress
10328: 10251: 10201: 10189: 10063: 9971: 9921: 9889: 2972: 2953: 2242: 2223: 16194: 16007: 15877: 15814: 15668: 15538: 13832: 13745: 13013: 10331: 10254: 10204: 10192: 10066: 9974: 9924: 9892: 9387: 3524: 3378: 3355:
The Tresca yield criterion is taken to be the work of
3284: 3252: 3226: 3210: 3189: 3157: 3139: 3086: 2975: 2956: 2927: 2845: 2804: 2773: 2747: 2714: 2696: 2663: 2620: 2586: 2560: 2527: 2509: 2456: 2438:
was first given by Novozhilov V.V. in 1951, see also
2245: 2226: 2197: 2172: 2115: 2033: 1835: 1727: 1611: 1346: 1172: 1144: 16300: 15532: 15283: 15161: 15134: 15109: 15080: 14972: 14929: 14897: 14865: 14839: 14813: 14777: 14724: 14696: 14650: 14474: 14451: 14424: 14397: 14183: 14053: 13951: 13911: 13841: 13754: 13650: 13525: 13493: 13431: 13238: 13206: 13114: 13078: 12929: 12899: 12866: 12827: 12788: 12765: 12713: 12680: 12647: 12599: 12558: 12510: 12465: 12417: 12372: 12339: 12293: 12098: 12039: 12016: 12010:
with the shape function of hexagonal symmetry in the
11855: 11804: 11763: 11715: 11670: 11622: 11577: 11529: 11484: 11436: 11395: 11362: 11316: 11296: 11290:
It contains the criteria of von Mises (circle in the
11101: 11042: 11019: 10858: 10835: 10790: 10760: 10687: 10607: 10530: 10524:
Figure 10: Bresler–Pister yield surface in 2D space (
9862: 9832: 9805: 9778: 9747: 9694: 9369: 9288: 9244: 9204: 9151: 9121: 9091: 9035: 8762: 8696: 8641: 8611: 8581: 8554: 8527: 8507: 8458: 8428: 8398: 8307: 8005: 7942: 7900: 7861: 7828: 7785: 7688: 7652: 7607: 7558: 7531: 7321: 7185: 7015: 6986: 6905: 6862: 6805: 6748: 6703: 6651: 6588: 6534: 6501: 6427: 6394: 6357: 6312: 6188: 6034: 6005: 5737: 5649: 5570: 5370: 5222: 5021: 4981: 4932: 4896: 4843: 4810: 4724: 4708:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in ]0,1[,\gamma _{2}<0} 4657: 4565: 4501: 4468: 4401: 4340: 4291: 4124: 4087: 4052: 4003: 3944: 3909: 3747: 3689: 3634: 3596: 3566: 3376: 3080: 3024: 2901: 2450: 2404: 2384: 2345: 2325: 2294: 2025: 1981: 1958: 1931: 1895: 1719: 1679: 1654: 1593: 1568: 1515: 1493: 1440: 1045: 1018: 974: 952: 921: 897: 877: 857: 821: 794: 767: 741: 693: 651: 631: 604: 577: 551: 503: 461: 434: 365: 336: 267: 207: 150: 80: 53: 26: 16529:
Convenient forms of stress invariants for plasticity
with the shape function of trigonal symmetry in the
PodgĂłrski and Rosendahl trigonometric yield surfaces
5630:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }\in {\bigg }} 4804:
hyperboloid of one sheet centered of symmetry plane
in which case the ordered principal stresses (where
11757:. The von Mises - Tresca transition follows with 10822:{\displaystyle \sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }=\sigma _{+}} 1706:), are usually used to describe yield surfaces for 1480:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2},\sigma _{3}} 190:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2},\sigma _{3}} 16730:Equivalent Stress Concept for Limit State Analysis 16592:. Schweizerische Bauzeitung, 94 (21), pp. 259–262. 16332: 16283: 15512: 15260: 15145: 15120: 15095: 15055: 14941: 14915: 14883: 14851: 14825: 14796: 14763: 14709: 14682: 14630: 14457: 14437: 14410: 14377: 14030: 13917: 13864: 13630: 13508: 13476: 13414: 13221: 13189: 13096: 13084: 13054: 12912: 12882: 12852: 12813: 12774: 12747: 12699: 12666: 12633: 12585: 12544: 12496: 12451: 12403: 12358: 12325: 12276: 12022: 11999: 11835: 11790: 11749: 11701: 11656: 11608: 11563: 11515: 11470: 11422: 11381: 11348: 11302: 11279: 11025: 11002: 10841: 10821: 10766: 10726: 10667: 10556: 10501: 9845: 9818: 9791: 9760: 9741:are material constants. The additional parameter 9733: 9677: 9314: 9273: 9230: 9183: 9137: 9107: 9074: 9015: 8722: 8690:Figure 6: Mohr–Coulomb yield surface in 2D space ( 8667: 8627: 8597: 8567: 8540: 8513: 8490: 8444: 8414: 8381: 8287: 7958: 7928: 7883: 7847: 7814: 7768: 7671: 7638: 7593: 7544: 7514: 7301: 6965: 6891: 6848: 6791: 6734: 6682: 6637: 6571: 6520: 6484: 6413: 6376: 6343: 6295: 5980: 5714: 5629: 5550: 5355: 5202: 5000: 4967: 4915: 4882: 4829: 4793: 4707: 4643: 4548: 4487: 4459:(BurzyĹ„ski (1928), Balandin (1937), Torre (1947)), 4452:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in ]0,1[,\gamma _{2}=0} 4451: 4384: 4323: 4270: 4108: 4073: 4029: 3970: 3922: 3892: 3715: 3683:Figure 2: Tresca–Guest yield surface in 2D space ( 3660: 3609: 3582: 3549: 3331: 3063: 3007: 2881: 2430: 2390: 2366: 2331: 2307: 2277: 2000: 1975:Another related set of widely used invariants is ( 1964: 1944: 1925:. However, the possibility of negative values of 1913: 1878: 1698: 1662: 1637: 1576: 1554: 1501: 1479: 1423: 1026: 1000: 968:), and the second and third principal invariants ( 960: 934: 903: 883: 863: 827: 807: 780: 753: 727: 677: 637: 617: 590: 563: 537: 487: 447: 420: 349: 322: 246: 189: 93: 66: 39: 17102: 16618:, in press, Springer, Heidelberg (2014), pp. 1–66 16616:Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials 16605:. Vestnik inzhenerov i tekhnikov, 6, pp. 237–244. 16284:{\displaystyle \left=\left\left,\left=\left\left} 12174: 11177: 8867: 8842: 8790: 8765: 8264: 8029: 5622: 5596: 5133: 5093: 4794:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in ]0,10,\gamma _{1}[} 4636: 4592: 4549:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=-\gamma _{2}\in ]0,1[} 3889: 3546: 17804: 16694:GrundzĂĽge einer allgemeinen Festigkeitshypothese 15069:The Yld2000-2D yield loci for a AA6022 T4 sheet. 14764:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}\in [0,\,\gamma _{1}[} 8024: 7679:follows with the compression / tension relation 7594:{\displaystyle I_{1}=-d\,\sigma _{\mathrm {+} }} 4385:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=\gamma _{2}\in ]0,1[} 3390: 1328: 911:are constant. Plotted in principal stress space. 197:), a two- or three-dimensional space spanned by 101:are constant. Plotted in principal stress space. 12287:It contains the criteria of von Mises (circle, 9345: 8734: 7929:{\displaystyle I_{1}>\sigma _{\mathrm {+} }} 17057:, Serie ASM, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 49–152. 17039:International Journal of Solids and Structures 17010:International Journal of Solids and Structures 10753:Figure 12: Willam–Warnke yield surface in the 10568: 17088: 16769:Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division 13631:{\displaystyle g(\theta )={\frac {1}{\cos}},} 13477:{\displaystyle \phi ={\frac {p+c}{p_{c}+c}},} 10583:is a three-parameter smoothed version of the 9826:is the yield stress in uniaxial tension, and 9799:is the yield stress in uniaxial compression, 7969: 7815:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }=0.48} 6977:The modified Huber criterion, see also, cf. 6849:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}=(1-{\sqrt {5}})/6} 6792:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=(1+{\sqrt {5}})/6} 4883:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=-\gamma _{2}=a\,i} 3342: 16446:Unified strength theory and its applications 14465:-plane. They are subject to the constraints 14445:describe the geometry of the surface in the 12890:is relevant for theoretical investigations. 12742: 12727: 12628: 12613: 12539: 12524: 12491: 12479: 12446: 12431: 12398: 12386: 11744: 11729: 11696: 11684: 11651: 11636: 11603: 11591: 11558: 11543: 11510: 11498: 11465: 11450: 10598:The yield criterion has the functional form 6638:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }\in } 6572:{\displaystyle \nu _{-}^{\mathrm {in} }=1/2} 16527:Nayak, G. C. and Zienkiewicz, O.C. (1972). 13938:Cosine Ansatz (Altenbach-Bolchoun-Kolupaev) 6495:pressure-insensitive material behavior for 4041: 3930:is the yield strength in uniaxial tension. 17095: 17081: 17055:Plasticity of Pressure-Sensitive Materials 16930:, Diss., Technische Universität Darmstadt. 9075:{\displaystyle m={\frac {S_{yc}}{S_{yt}}}} 6892:{\displaystyle \nu _{+}^{\mathrm {in} }=0} 3727: 843:Invariants used to describe yield surfaces 16333:{\displaystyle \alpha _{1}...\alpha _{8}} 14952: 14747: 14673: 14596: 14353: 14311: 14274: 14220: 13042: 12979: 12782:can be introduced to the shape function: 12641:), and also the bicubic criterion with 12316: 12264: 12228: 12188: 12184: 12173: 12159: 12139: 11895: 11879: 11339: 11267: 11231: 11191: 11187: 11176: 11162: 11142: 10898: 10882: 10727:{\displaystyle f(\xi ,\rho ,\theta )=0~.} 7601:. The second setting for the parameters 7578: 7457: 7406: 7279: 7168: 7111: 7079: 7047: 6990: 6735:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=1/{\sqrt {3}}} 6465: 6388:pressure-sensitive material behavior for 6226: 6130: 6098: 6066: 6009: 5708: 5619: 5608: 5601: 5506: 5455: 5105: 4961: 4876: 4589: 4324:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=\gamma _{2}=0} 3325: 2875: 2304: 1997: 1846: 1695: 1629: 728:{\displaystyle f(\xi ,\rho ,\theta )=0\,} 724: 534: 417: 319: 16873:, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 16570:C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. 59, p. 754. 15270:where s is the deviatoric stress tensor. 15064: 13487:describing the pressure-sensitivity and 13105:is a seven-parameter surface defined by 13067: 10748: 10740: 10668:{\displaystyle f(I_{1},J_{2},J_{3})=0~.} 10519: 10511: 9336: 9328: 9274:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1}=-\sigma _{2}} 8685: 8677: 7966:should be considered in these criteria. 6692: 3992: 3984: 3678: 3670: 846: 421:{\displaystyle f(I_{1},J_{2},J_{3})=0\,} 254:) or a version of the three-dimensional 125:and the material is said to have become 15: 16816:J. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16547: 12459:), Schmidt—Ishlinsky (regular hexagon, 10557:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 9315:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1}=\sigma _{2}} 9231:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 8723:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 8668:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 4968:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1,2}=b\pm a\,i} 4030:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 3971:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 3716:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 3661:{\displaystyle \sigma _{1},\sigma _{2}} 3350: 1914:{\displaystyle \sigma _{\mathrm {eq} }} 1656: 1631: 1603: 1595: 1570: 1502:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\sigma }}} 1495: 1380: 1369: 1361: 1335: 1164: 1156: 1076: 1034:) of the Cauchy stress are defined as: 1020: 961:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\sigma }}} 954: 17805: 16735: 14683:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in [0,\,1[} 7982:Mohr–Coulomb yield (failure) criterion 5561:For ductile materials the restriction 17076: 16909: 16907: 16905: 16826: 16824: 16810: 16808: 16756:8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference 16724: 16722: 16720: 16718: 16716: 16714: 16712: 10587:that has similarities in form to the 4559:ellipsoid centered of symmetry plane 4462:ellipsoid centered of symmetry plane 2016:coordinates). These are defined as: 9324:material cohesion and friction angle 7639:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in [0,1[} 6344:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in [0,1[} 3590:is the yield strength in shear, and 2001:{\displaystyle \xi ,\rho ,\theta \,} 17031: 16869:Lemaitre J., Chaboche J.L. (1990). 16542:Theory of Plasticity: Third edition 16534: 16429: 7884:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}=-0.0747} 5725:has not been studied sufficiently. 13: 17002: 16902: 16821: 16805: 16709: 16516:Prikladnaja Matematika i Mekhanika 15364: 15289: 15005: 14980: 14973: 14363: 14360: 14292: 14289: 14201: 14198: 13373: 12960: 12957: 12939: 12936: 12868: 12838: 12799: 12748:{\displaystyle \chi _{6}=\{1,-1\}} 12634:{\displaystyle \chi _{6}=\{1,-1\}} 12552:), Sokolovsky (regular dodecagon, 12545:{\displaystyle \chi _{6}=\{1,-1\}} 12497:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=\{0,1\}} 12452:{\displaystyle \chi _{6}=\{1,-1\}} 12404:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=\{1,0\}} 12041: 11947: 11900: 11865: 11862: 11750:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=\{1,-1\}} 11702:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=\{0,1\}} 11657:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=\{1,-1\}} 11609:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=\{1,0\}} 11564:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=\{1,-1\}} 11516:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=\{0,1\}} 11471:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=\{1,-1\}} 11044: 10950: 10903: 10868: 10865: 10800: 10797: 7848:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}=0.0880} 7800: 7797: 7336: 7333: 7197: 7194: 7092: 7089: 7028: 7025: 6943: 6940: 6920: 6917: 6877: 6874: 6742:and modified Huber criterion with 6603: 6600: 6549: 6546: 6442: 6439: 6238: 6235: 6200: 6197: 6111: 6108: 6047: 6044: 5991: 5928: 5925: 5866: 5863: 5702: 5699: 5664: 5661: 5585: 5582: 5385: 5382: 5237: 5234: 4218: 4215: 4156: 4153: 2339:is called stress angle, the value 1905: 1902: 1801: 1798: 14: 17844: 13893:In 3D space of principal stresses 13103:Bigoni–Piccolroaz yield criterion 12860:. The generalization in the form 9734:{\displaystyle c_{0},c_{1},c_{2}} 7552:-transition in the cross section 1663:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {I}}} 1577:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {s}}} 1555:{\displaystyle s_{1},s_{2},s_{3}} 1027:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {s}}} 851:Surfaces on which the invariants 247:{\displaystyle I_{1},J_{2},J_{3}} 20:Surfaces on which the invariants 16967:Mechanics of Composite Materials 16941:Progress in Structural Mechanics 16555:KAYENTA: Theory and User's Guide 15096:{\displaystyle {\bar {\sigma }}} 14797:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}<0} 13898: 13886: 7672:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}<0} 4801:(Burzynski (1928), Yagn (1931)), 113:. The yield surface is usually 17060: 17047: 17018: 16985: 16972: 16959: 16946: 16933: 16920: 16889: 16876: 16863: 16850: 16845:Danish Atomic Energy Commission 16837: 16792: 16783: 16774: 16761: 16748: 16699: 16686: 16673: 16660: 16647: 16634: 16621: 16608: 16595: 16590:Ăśber die Anstrengungshypothesen 16582: 16573: 16560: 16459:Finite Elements in Geomechanics 14572: 14523: 13931:Bigoni-Piccolroaz yield surface 13097:Bigoni–Piccolroaz yield surface 13019: 13011: 12853:{\displaystyle Re(\Omega _{6})} 12814:{\displaystyle Re(\Omega _{3})} 12238: 12205: 11846:The Rosendahl criterion reads 11478:), Mariotte (regular triangle, 11241: 11208: 6683:{\displaystyle \gamma _{1}\in } 5090: 3617:is the tensile yield strength. 1562:) are the principal values of 915:The first principal invariant ( 133:, though not in some models of 16758:, Strasbourg, May 2011, 11 p. 16521: 16507: 16494: 16477: 16464: 16461:. Wiley, New York, pp. 179–198 16451: 16438: 15087: 15040: 15023: 15012: 14998: 14987: 14758: 14738: 14677: 14664: 14566: 14547: 14517: 14498: 14074: 14054: 13852: 13846: 13765: 13759: 13619: 13616: 13598: 13553: 13535: 13529: 13503: 13497: 13399: 13387: 13360: 13348: 13332: 13320: 13308: 13302: 13299: 13280: 13248: 13242: 13216: 13210: 13172: 13166: 13151: 13145: 13136: 13118: 13046: 13033: 12945: 12847: 12834: 12808: 12795: 12586:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=1/2} 12320: 12307: 12268: 12252: 12232: 12219: 12189: 12170: 12146: 12136: 12082: 12050: 11988: 11956: 11941: 11909: 11830: 11818: 11791:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=1/2} 11423:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=1/2} 11343: 11330: 11271: 11255: 11235: 11222: 11192: 11173: 11149: 11139: 11085: 11053: 10991: 10959: 10944: 10912: 10709: 10691: 10650: 10611: 10393: 10367: 10295: 10266: 10232: 10206: 10128: 10102: 10033: 10007: 9952: 9926: 9666: 9626: 9607: 9568: 9511: 9484: 9472: 9445: 9433: 9406: 9358:Drucker Prager yield criterion 9352:Bresler Pister yield criterion 8981: 8954: 8942: 8915: 8903: 8876: 8834: 8795: 8747:Drucker–Prager yield criterion 8741:Drucker Prager yield criterion 8259: 8233: 8223: 8195: 8179: 8153: 8143: 8115: 8099: 8073: 8063: 8035: 7633: 7621: 7493: 7458: 7454: 7419: 7242: 7209: 6835: 6819: 6778: 6762: 6677: 6665: 6632: 6612: 6338: 6326: 5709: 5673: 5542: 5507: 5503: 5468: 5287: 5261: 5194: 5175: 5172: 5153: 5001:{\displaystyle i={\sqrt {-1}}} 4916:{\displaystyle i={\sqrt {-1}}} 4788: 4769: 4750: 4738: 4683: 4671: 4543: 4531: 4427: 4415: 4379: 4367: 3854: 3827: 3815: 3788: 3776: 3749: 3501: 3497: 3469: 3461: 3433: 3425: 3397: 3393: 2917: 2908: 2367:{\displaystyle \cos(3\theta )} 2361: 2352: 2160: 2151: 1673:A related set of quantities, ( 1487:) are the principal values of 1373: 1357: 1339: 1331: 1293: 1266: 1254: 1227: 1215: 1188: 1080: 1072: 715: 697: 525: 507: 408: 369: 310: 271: 256:Haigh–Westergaard stress space 1: 16943:, Springer, Cham, pp. 19-106. 16666:Föppl, A., Föppl, L. (1920). 16422: 15103:is the effective stress. and 13516:is the "deviatoric" function 11571:), Ivlev (regular triangle, 10581:Willam–Warnke yield criterion 10575:Willam Warnke yield criterion 9184:{\displaystyle S_{yc}=S_{yt}} 8491:{\displaystyle S_{yc}=S_{yt}} 4109:{\displaystyle 1/\gamma _{2}} 4074:{\displaystyle 1/\gamma _{1}} 2010:cylindrical coordinate system 1708:cohesive frictional materials 16871:Mechanics of Solid Materials 14923:is a straight line and with 12883:{\displaystyle \Omega _{3n}} 12700:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=1} 12667:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=0} 12366:), Tresca (regular hexagon, 11389:), Tresca (regular hexagon, 10585:Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion 9346:Bresler–Pister yield surface 8735:Drucker–Prager yield surface 6899:). The von Mises criterion ( 3982:shape of the yield surface. 2308:{\displaystyle \xi -\rho \,} 1952:and the resulting imaginary 538:{\displaystyle f(p,q,r)=0\,} 7: 16642:Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 16343: 14710:{\displaystyle \gamma _{2}} 13229:is the "meridian" function 12359:{\displaystyle \chi _{6}=0} 12326:{\displaystyle \beta _{6}=} 11382:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=0} 11349:{\displaystyle \beta _{3}=} 10569:Willam–Warnke yield surface 9846:{\displaystyle \sigma _{b}} 9819:{\displaystyle \sigma _{t}} 9792:{\displaystyle \sigma _{c}} 9768:gives the yield surface an 2431:{\displaystyle J_{2},J_{3}} 1001:{\displaystyle J_{2},J_{3}} 678:{\displaystyle J_{2},J_{3}} 488:{\displaystyle J_{2},J_{3}} 357:are the principal stresses. 350:{\displaystyle \sigma _{i}} 131:rate-independent plasticity 117:and the state of stress of 10: 17849: 13509:{\displaystyle g(\theta )} 11836:{\displaystyle \chi _{3}=} 10572: 9349: 8738: 7973: 7970:Mohr–Coulomb yield surface 6521:{\displaystyle I_{1}<0} 6414:{\displaystyle I_{1}>0} 4718:hyperboloid of two sheets 3731: 3359:. It is also known as the 3343:Examples of yield surfaces 754:{\displaystyle \xi ,\rho } 17777: 17709: 17659: 17636: 17498: 17261: 17147: 17111: 16980:Applied Mechanics Reviews 16926:Rosendahl, P. L. (2020). 16741:Kolupaev, V. A., (2006). 16681:Schweizerische Bauzeitung 4926:hyperboloid of one sheet 3734:von Mises yield criterion 2378:and the relation between 2315:plane is also called the 17445:Compact tension specimen 17165:Conservation of momentum 16899:, EM6, 87, pp. 117–133. 16897:Proc ASCE J Eng Mech Div 16670:. R. Oldenbourg, MĂĽnchen 14884:{\displaystyle l+m<6} 7525:and a cylinder with the 4042:BurzyĹ„ski-Yagn criterion 2374:is sometimes called the 1670:is the identity matrix. 17525:Navier–Stokes equations 17425:Material failure theory 17413:Material failure theory 16728:Kolupaev, V.A. (2018). 16627:Beljaev, N. M. (1979). 16540:Chakrabarty, J., 2006, 16491:, vol. 36, pp. 913–939. 16386:Hosford yield criterion 14852:{\displaystyle m\geq 0} 14826:{\displaystyle l\geq 0} 10842:{\displaystyle \theta } 6377:{\displaystyle I_{1}=0} 4830:{\displaystyle I_{1}=0} 4488:{\displaystyle I_{1}=0} 3728:von Mises yield surface 2391:{\displaystyle \theta } 2332:{\displaystyle \theta } 1699:{\displaystyle p,q,r\,} 904:{\displaystyle \theta } 835:is the stress angle or 828:{\displaystyle \theta } 761:are scaled versions of 571:are scaled versions of 17197:Conservation of energy 17028:, 36 (3), pp. 323–342. 16588:BurzyĹ„ski, W. (1929). 16544:, Elsevier, Amsterdam. 16334: 16285: 15514: 15262: 15147: 15122: 15097: 15070: 15057: 14953:Barlat's Yield Surface 14943: 14917: 14885: 14853: 14827: 14798: 14765: 14711: 14684: 14632: 14459: 14439: 14412: 14379: 14032: 13919: 13866: 13632: 13510: 13478: 13416: 13223: 13191: 13093: 13086: 13056: 12914: 12884: 12854: 12815: 12776: 12749: 12701: 12668: 12635: 12587: 12546: 12498: 12453: 12405: 12360: 12327: 12278: 12024: 12001: 11837: 11792: 11751: 11703: 11658: 11610: 11565: 11517: 11472: 11424: 11383: 11350: 11304: 11281: 11027: 11004: 10843: 10823: 10776: 10768: 10746: 10728: 10669: 10565: 10558: 10517: 10503: 9847: 9820: 9793: 9762: 9735: 9679: 9342: 9334: 9316: 9275: 9232: 9185: 9139: 9138:{\displaystyle S_{yt}} 9109: 9108:{\displaystyle S_{yc}} 9076: 9017: 8731: 8724: 8683: 8669: 8629: 8628:{\displaystyle S_{yc}} 8599: 8598:{\displaystyle S_{yt}} 8569: 8542: 8515: 8492: 8446: 8445:{\displaystyle S_{yt}} 8416: 8415:{\displaystyle S_{yc}} 8383: 8289: 7960: 7959:{\displaystyle I_{3}'} 7930: 7885: 7849: 7816: 7770: 7673: 7640: 7595: 7546: 7516: 7303: 6974: 6967: 6893: 6850: 6793: 6736: 6684: 6639: 6573: 6522: 6486: 6415: 6378: 6345: 6297: 5982: 5716: 5631: 5552: 5357: 5204: 5002: 4969: 4917: 4884: 4831: 4795: 4709: 4645: 4550: 4489: 4453: 4386: 4325: 4272: 4110: 4075: 4038: 4031: 3990: 3972: 3924: 3894: 3724: 3717: 3676: 3662: 3611: 3584: 3583:{\displaystyle S_{sy}} 3551: 3333: 3065: 3009: 2883: 2432: 2392: 2368: 2333: 2309: 2279: 2002: 1966: 1946: 1915: 1880: 1700: 1664: 1639: 1578: 1556: 1503: 1481: 1425: 1028: 1002: 962: 936: 912: 905: 885: 865: 829: 809: 782: 755: 729: 679: 639: 619: 592: 565: 539: 489: 449: 422: 351: 324: 248: 191: 102: 95: 68: 41: 17562:Archimedes' principle 17530:Bernoulli's principle 17026:Archives of Mechanics 16982:, 55(5), pp. 169-218. 16818:, 23(3), pp. 884-895. 16800:Archives of Mechanics 16655:Czasopismo Techniczne 16629:Strength of Materials 16601:Yagn, Yu. I. (1931). 16553:Brannon, R.M., 2009, 16335: 16286: 15515: 15263: 15148: 15123: 15098: 15068: 15058: 14944: 14918: 14916:{\displaystyle l=m=0} 14886: 14854: 14828: 14799: 14766: 14712: 14685: 14633: 14460: 14440: 14438:{\displaystyle c_{6}} 14413: 14411:{\displaystyle c_{3}} 14380: 14033: 13920: 13867: 13633: 13511: 13479: 13417: 13224: 13192: 13087: 13071: 13057: 12915: 12913:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 12885: 12855: 12816: 12777: 12750: 12702: 12669: 12636: 12588: 12547: 12499: 12454: 12406: 12361: 12328: 12279: 12025: 12002: 11838: 11793: 11752: 11704: 11659: 11611: 11566: 11518: 11473: 11425: 11384: 11351: 11305: 11282: 11028: 11005: 10844: 10824: 10769: 10752: 10744: 10729: 10670: 10559: 10523: 10515: 10504: 9848: 9821: 9794: 9763: 9761:{\displaystyle c_{2}} 9736: 9680: 9340: 9332: 9317: 9276: 9233: 9186: 9140: 9110: 9077: 9018: 8725: 8689: 8681: 8670: 8630: 8600: 8570: 8568:{\displaystyle R_{c}} 8543: 8541:{\displaystyle R_{r}} 8516: 8493: 8447: 8417: 8384: 8290: 7961: 7931: 7886: 7850: 7817: 7771: 7674: 7641: 7596: 7547: 7545:{\displaystyle C^{1}} 7517: 7304: 6968: 6894: 6851: 6794: 6737: 6697:Huber criterion with 6696: 6685: 6640: 6574: 6523: 6487: 6416: 6379: 6346: 6298: 5983: 5717: 5632: 5553: 5358: 5205: 5003: 4970: 4918: 4885: 4832: 4796: 4710: 4646: 4551: 4490: 4454: 4387: 4326: 4273: 4111: 4076: 4032: 3996: 3988: 3973: 3925: 3923:{\displaystyle S_{y}} 3895: 3718: 3682: 3674: 3663: 3612: 3610:{\displaystyle S_{y}} 3585: 3552: 3334: 3066: 3010: 2884: 2433: 2393: 2369: 2334: 2310: 2280: 2003: 1967: 1947: 1945:{\displaystyle J_{3}} 1916: 1881: 1701: 1665: 1640: 1579: 1557: 1504: 1482: 1426: 1029: 1003: 963: 937: 935:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 906: 886: 884:{\displaystyle \rho } 866: 850: 830: 810: 808:{\displaystyle J_{2}} 783: 781:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 756: 730: 680: 640: 620: 618:{\displaystyle J_{2}} 593: 591:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 566: 540: 490: 450: 448:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 423: 352: 325: 249: 192: 96: 94:{\displaystyle J_{3}} 69: 67:{\displaystyle J_{2}} 42: 40:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 19: 17813:Plasticity (physics) 17792:William Prager Medal 17370:Rock mass plasticity 17267:Structural mechanics 17160:Conservation of mass 17148:Laws and Definitions 16406:Stress concentration 16401:Stress–energy tensor 16381:Hill yield criterion 16356:Plasticity (physics) 16298: 15530: 15281: 15159: 15132: 15107: 15078: 14970: 14927: 14895: 14863: 14837: 14811: 14775: 14722: 14694: 14648: 14472: 14458:{\displaystyle \pi } 14449: 14422: 14395: 14051: 13949: 13918:{\displaystyle \pi } 13909: 13648: 13523: 13491: 13429: 13236: 13222:{\displaystyle F(p)} 13204: 13112: 13085:{\displaystyle \pi } 13076: 12927: 12897: 12864: 12825: 12786: 12763: 12711: 12678: 12645: 12597: 12556: 12508: 12463: 12415: 12370: 12337: 12291: 12037: 12023:{\displaystyle \pi } 12014: 11853: 11802: 11761: 11713: 11668: 11620: 11575: 11527: 11482: 11434: 11393: 11360: 11314: 11303:{\displaystyle \pi } 11294: 11040: 11026:{\displaystyle \pi } 11017: 10856: 10833: 10788: 10767:{\displaystyle \pi } 10758: 10685: 10605: 10528: 9860: 9830: 9803: 9776: 9745: 9692: 9367: 9286: 9242: 9202: 9149: 9119: 9089: 9033: 8760: 8694: 8639: 8609: 8579: 8552: 8525: 8505: 8456: 8426: 8396: 8305: 8003: 7940: 7898: 7859: 7826: 7783: 7686: 7650: 7605: 7556: 7529: 7319: 6984: 6903: 6860: 6803: 6746: 6701: 6649: 6586: 6532: 6499: 6425: 6392: 6355: 6310: 6003: 5735: 5647: 5568: 5368: 5220: 5019: 4979: 4930: 4894: 4841: 4808: 4722: 4715:(Schleicher (1926)), 4655: 4563: 4499: 4466: 4399: 4338: 4289: 4122: 4085: 4050: 4001: 3942: 3907: 3745: 3687: 3632: 3626:hydrostatic pressure 3594: 3564: 3374: 3351:Tresca yield surface 3078: 3022: 2899: 2448: 2402: 2382: 2343: 2323: 2292: 2023: 1979: 1956: 1929: 1893: 1717: 1677: 1652: 1591: 1566: 1513: 1491: 1438: 1043: 1016: 972: 950: 919: 895: 875: 864:{\displaystyle \xi } 855: 819: 792: 765: 739: 691: 649: 629: 602: 575: 549: 501: 459: 432: 363: 334: 265: 205: 148: 78: 51: 24: 17833:Structural analysis 17823:Continuum mechanics 17535:Poiseuille equation 17312:Membrane elasticity 17297:Transverse isotropy 17139:Rigid body dynamics 17105:continuum mechanics 16886:11(3), pp. 540–543. 16860:2(2), pp. 118--125. 16834:39(6), pp. 414-432. 16802:36(3), pp. 323-342. 16644:, 75 (2), pp. 73–92 16631:. Mir Publ., Moscow 16566:Tresca, H. (1864). 16376:Mohr–Coulomb theory 16351:Yield (engineering) 15146:{\displaystyle X''} 14942:{\displaystyle l=0} 14807:The integer powers 14611: 14373: 14072: 14025: 14000: 11892: 10895: 10494: 10350: 10330: 10253: 10203: 10191: 10085: 10065: 9993: 9973: 9923: 9891: 8392:and the parameters 7976:Mohr–Coulomb theory 7955: 7805: 7392: 7374: 7341: 7207: 7003: 6948: 6925: 6882: 6608: 6554: 6447: 6022: 5753: 5707: 5669: 5590: 5441: 5423: 5390: 5242: 4140: 2999: 2974: 2955: 2269: 2244: 2225: 2008:) which describe a 564:{\displaystyle p,q} 17684:Electrorheological 17679:Magnetorheological 17435:Fracture mechanics 17202:Entropy inequality 16952:Szwed, A. (2000). 16448:. Springer, Berlin 16444:Yu, M.-H. (2004), 16330: 16281: 16275: 16183: 15993: 15863: 15803: 15654: 15510: 15505: 15258: 15256: 15143: 15121:{\displaystyle X'} 15118: 15093: 15071: 15053: 14939: 14913: 14881: 14849: 14823: 14794: 14761: 14707: 14680: 14628: 14597: 14455: 14435: 14408: 14375: 14374: 14354: 14060: 14028: 14001: 13988: 13915: 13862: 13858: 13856: 13836: 13828: 13771: 13769: 13749: 13741: 13628: 13506: 13474: 13412: 13407: 13219: 13187: 13094: 13082: 13052: 13017: 12910: 12880: 12850: 12811: 12775:{\displaystyle Re} 12772: 12745: 12697: 12664: 12631: 12583: 12542: 12494: 12449: 12401: 12356: 12323: 12274: 12197: 12020: 11997: 11880: 11833: 11788: 11747: 11699: 11654: 11606: 11561: 11513: 11468: 11420: 11379: 11346: 11300: 11277: 11200: 11023: 11000: 10883: 10839: 10819: 10777: 10764: 10747: 10724: 10665: 10566: 10554: 10518: 10499: 10497: 10480: 10420: 10336: 10325: 10236: 10198: 10155: 10071: 10060: 9979: 9956: 9918: 9843: 9816: 9789: 9758: 9731: 9675: 9398: 9343: 9335: 9312: 9271: 9228: 9181: 9135: 9105: 9072: 9013: 8732: 8720: 8684: 8665: 8625: 8595: 8565: 8538: 8511: 8488: 8442: 8412: 8379: 8285: 7994:granular materials 7956: 7943: 7926: 7881: 7845: 7812: 7786: 7766: 7669: 7636: 7591: 7542: 7512: 7378: 7360: 7322: 7299: 7294: 7257: 7188: 7146: 6991: 6975: 6963: 6929: 6906: 6889: 6863: 6846: 6789: 6732: 6680: 6635: 6589: 6569: 6535: 6518: 6482: 6428: 6411: 6374: 6341: 6293: 6288: 6267: 6165: 6010: 5978: 5741: 5712: 5688: 5650: 5627: 5571: 5548: 5427: 5409: 5371: 5353: 5223: 5200: 4998: 4965: 4913: 4880: 4827: 4791: 4705: 4641: 4556:(Beltrami (1885)), 4546: 4485: 4449: 4382: 4321: 4268: 4128: 4106: 4071: 4039: 4027: 3991: 3968: 3920: 3890: 3725: 3713: 3677: 3658: 3607: 3580: 3547: 3533: 3387: 3329: 3319: 3303: 3274: 3245: 3200: 3179: 3150: 3129: 3061: 3005: 3001: 2977: 2969: 2945: 2879: 2869: 2854: 2813: 2756: 2736: 2707: 2686: 2677: 2634: 2569: 2549: 2520: 2499: 2428: 2388: 2364: 2329: 2305: 2275: 2271: 2247: 2239: 2215: 2181: 2124: 2044: 1998: 1962: 1942: 1911: 1876: 1844: 1736: 1696: 1660: 1635: 1627: 1574: 1552: 1499: 1477: 1421: 1419: 1355: 1181: 1153: 1024: 998: 958: 932: 913: 901: 881: 861: 825: 805: 778: 751: 725: 675: 635: 615: 588: 561: 535: 485: 445: 418: 347: 320: 244: 187: 103: 91: 64: 37: 17828:Materials science 17800: 17799: 17483:Bending of plates 17457:Johnson-Holmquist 17420:Drucker stability 17394:Contact mechanics 17341:Cauchy elasticity 17319:Equation of state 16732:, Springer, Cham. 16692:Kuhn, P. (1980). 16500:Lode, W. (1928). 16483:Lode, W. (1926). 16474:5(2), pp. 142–144 15509: 15090: 15043: 14623: 14594: 14545: 14496: 14341: 14250: 14178: 14026: 14022: 13984: 13978: 13840: 13835: 13808: 13786: 13784: 13783: 13780: 13777: 13753: 13748: 13727: 13706: 13691: 13669: 13653: 13651: 13623: 13580: 13567: 13469: 13335: 13176: 13016: 13009: 12168: 12107: 11992: 11893: 11171: 11110: 10995: 10896: 10720: 10661: 10422: 10329: 10252: 10238: 10202: 10190: 10157: 10064: 9972: 9958: 9922: 9890: 9625: 9567: 9397: 9396: 9070: 8995: 8994: 8863: 8786: 8514:{\displaystyle K} 8377: 8342: 8193: 8190: 8184: 8113: 8110: 8104: 8022: 7758: 7717: 7510: 7497: 7252: 7141: 7077: 6833: 6776: 6730: 6645:, which leads to 6262: 6224: 6160: 6096: 5976: 5914: 5849: 5687: 5617: 5546: 5351: 5198: 5128: 5103: 5085: 5044: 4996: 4911: 4632: 4612: 4587: 4266: 4204: 3532: 3386: 3302: 3301: 3273: 3272: 3244: 3243: 3204: 3199: 3198: 3149: 3148: 3071:) are related by 3003: 2973: 2954: 2949: 2944: 2938: 2925: 2853: 2812: 2767: 2761: 2757: 2755: 2706: 2705: 2676: 2633: 2580: 2574: 2570: 2568: 2519: 2518: 2273: 2243: 2224: 2219: 2214: 2208: 2180: 2144: 2141: 2135: 2129: 2125: 2123: 2108: 2086: 2083: 2077: 2071: 2067: 2048: 2043: 2042: 2014:Haigh–Westergaard 1965:{\displaystyle r} 1923:equivalent stress 1843: 1818: 1815: 1809: 1787: 1776: 1762: 1759: 1753: 1740: 1735: 1626: 1354: 1180: 1152: 1070: 645:is a function of 638:{\displaystyle r} 199:stress invariants 17840: 17621:Combined gas law 17616:Gay-Lussac's law 17587:Capillary action 17452:Damage mechanics 17097: 17090: 17083: 17074: 17073: 17067: 17064: 17058: 17051: 17045: 17035: 17029: 17022: 17016: 17006: 17000: 16989: 16983: 16976: 16970: 16969:, 3(2), 119-127. 16963: 16957: 16950: 16944: 16937: 16931: 16924: 16918: 16911: 16900: 16893: 16887: 16884:Int. J. Fracture 16880: 16874: 16867: 16861: 16854: 16848: 16841: 16835: 16832:Ingenieur-Archiv 16828: 16819: 16812: 16803: 16796: 16790: 16787: 16781: 16778: 16772: 16771:, 97(3), 935-950 16765: 16759: 16752: 16746: 16739: 16733: 16726: 16707: 16703: 16697: 16690: 16684: 16677: 16671: 16664: 16658: 16651: 16645: 16638: 16632: 16625: 16619: 16612: 16606: 16599: 16593: 16586: 16580: 16577: 16571: 16564: 16558: 16551: 16545: 16538: 16532: 16525: 16519: 16518:, XV(6):709–722. 16511: 16505: 16498: 16492: 16481: 16475: 16468: 16462: 16455: 16449: 16442: 16436: 16433: 16371:von Mises stress 16339: 16337: 16336: 16331: 16329: 16328: 16310: 16309: 16290: 16288: 16287: 16282: 16280: 16276: 16272: 16271: 16270: 16256: 16255: 16254: 16240: 16239: 16238: 16224: 16223: 16222: 16208: 16207: 16206: 16188: 16184: 16148: 16128: 16106: 16096: 16069: 16059: 16037: 16017: 15998: 15994: 15990: 15989: 15988: 15983: 15982: 15967: 15966: 15965: 15960: 15959: 15944: 15943: 15942: 15937: 15936: 15921: 15920: 15919: 15914: 15913: 15898: 15897: 15896: 15891: 15890: 15868: 15864: 15860: 15859: 15858: 15844: 15843: 15842: 15828: 15827: 15826: 15808: 15804: 15778: 15774: 15748: 15744: 15713: 15709: 15683: 15679: 15659: 15655: 15651: 15650: 15649: 15644: 15643: 15628: 15627: 15626: 15621: 15620: 15605: 15604: 15603: 15598: 15597: 15582: 15581: 15580: 15575: 15574: 15559: 15558: 15557: 15552: 15551: 15519: 15517: 15516: 15511: 15507: 15506: 15502: 15501: 15500: 15495: 15491: 15490: 15489: 15488: 15483: 15482: 15468: 15467: 15466: 15461: 15460: 15436: 15435: 15434: 15429: 15425: 15424: 15423: 15422: 15417: 15416: 15402: 15401: 15400: 15395: 15394: 15370: 15358: 15357: 15356: 15351: 15347: 15346: 15345: 15344: 15339: 15338: 15324: 15323: 15322: 15317: 15316: 15295: 15267: 15265: 15264: 15259: 15257: 15247: 15230: 15219: 15201: 15184: 15173: 15152: 15150: 15149: 15144: 15142: 15127: 15125: 15124: 15119: 15117: 15102: 15100: 15099: 15094: 15092: 15091: 15083: 15062: 15060: 15059: 15054: 15052: 15051: 15050: 15045: 15044: 15036: 15022: 15011: 14997: 14986: 14948: 14946: 14945: 14940: 14922: 14920: 14919: 14914: 14890: 14888: 14887: 14882: 14858: 14856: 14855: 14850: 14832: 14830: 14829: 14824: 14803: 14801: 14800: 14795: 14787: 14786: 14770: 14768: 14767: 14762: 14757: 14756: 14734: 14733: 14716: 14714: 14713: 14708: 14706: 14705: 14689: 14687: 14686: 14681: 14660: 14659: 14637: 14635: 14634: 14629: 14624: 14616: 14610: 14605: 14595: 14587: 14582: 14581: 14565: 14564: 14546: 14538: 14533: 14532: 14516: 14515: 14497: 14489: 14484: 14483: 14464: 14462: 14461: 14456: 14444: 14442: 14441: 14436: 14434: 14433: 14417: 14415: 14414: 14409: 14407: 14406: 14384: 14382: 14381: 14376: 14372: 14367: 14366: 14352: 14351: 14346: 14342: 14340: 14339: 14338: 14322: 14321: 14320: 14310: 14309: 14297: 14296: 14295: 14281: 14273: 14272: 14255: 14251: 14249: 14248: 14247: 14231: 14230: 14229: 14219: 14218: 14206: 14205: 14204: 14190: 14179: 14177: 14176: 14175: 14163: 14162: 14146: 14136: 14135: 14126: 14125: 14101: 14100: 14084: 14082: 14081: 14068: 14037: 14035: 14034: 14029: 14027: 14024: 14023: 14015: 14009: 13996: 13987: 13985: 13980: 13979: 13974: 13968: 13924: 13922: 13921: 13916: 13902: 13890: 13871: 13869: 13868: 13863: 13857: 13855: 13838: 13837: 13833: 13829: 13824: 13806: 13781: 13778: 13775: 13770: 13768: 13751: 13750: 13746: 13742: 13737: 13725: 13704: 13689: 13679: 13678: 13667: 13637: 13635: 13634: 13629: 13624: 13622: 13594: 13593: 13581: 13573: 13568: 13560: 13542: 13515: 13513: 13512: 13507: 13483: 13481: 13480: 13475: 13470: 13468: 13461: 13460: 13450: 13439: 13421: 13419: 13418: 13413: 13411: 13408: 13336: 13298: 13297: 13279: 13277: 13276: 13228: 13226: 13225: 13220: 13196: 13194: 13193: 13188: 13177: 13175: 13158: 13091: 13089: 13088: 13083: 13061: 13059: 13058: 13053: 13029: 13028: 13018: 13014: 13010: 13008: 13007: 13006: 12990: 12989: 12988: 12978: 12977: 12965: 12964: 12963: 12949: 12944: 12943: 12942: 12919: 12917: 12916: 12911: 12909: 12908: 12889: 12887: 12886: 12881: 12879: 12878: 12859: 12857: 12856: 12851: 12846: 12845: 12820: 12818: 12817: 12812: 12807: 12806: 12781: 12779: 12778: 12773: 12754: 12752: 12751: 12746: 12723: 12722: 12706: 12704: 12703: 12698: 12690: 12689: 12674:or equally with 12673: 12671: 12670: 12665: 12657: 12656: 12640: 12638: 12637: 12632: 12609: 12608: 12592: 12590: 12589: 12584: 12579: 12568: 12567: 12551: 12549: 12548: 12543: 12520: 12519: 12503: 12501: 12500: 12495: 12475: 12474: 12458: 12456: 12455: 12450: 12427: 12426: 12410: 12408: 12407: 12402: 12382: 12381: 12365: 12363: 12362: 12357: 12349: 12348: 12332: 12330: 12329: 12324: 12303: 12302: 12283: 12281: 12280: 12275: 12248: 12247: 12215: 12214: 12201: 12196: 12192: 12169: 12161: 12158: 12157: 12126: 12125: 12108: 12100: 12081: 12080: 12068: 12067: 12049: 12048: 12029: 12027: 12026: 12021: 12006: 12004: 12003: 11998: 11993: 11991: 11987: 11986: 11974: 11973: 11955: 11954: 11944: 11940: 11939: 11927: 11926: 11908: 11907: 11897: 11894: 11888: 11875: 11870: 11869: 11868: 11842: 11840: 11839: 11834: 11814: 11813: 11797: 11795: 11794: 11789: 11784: 11773: 11772: 11756: 11754: 11753: 11748: 11725: 11724: 11708: 11706: 11705: 11700: 11680: 11679: 11663: 11661: 11660: 11655: 11632: 11631: 11615: 11613: 11612: 11607: 11587: 11586: 11570: 11568: 11567: 11562: 11539: 11538: 11522: 11520: 11519: 11514: 11494: 11493: 11477: 11475: 11474: 11469: 11446: 11445: 11429: 11427: 11426: 11421: 11416: 11405: 11404: 11388: 11386: 11385: 11380: 11372: 11371: 11355: 11353: 11352: 11347: 11326: 11325: 11309: 11307: 11306: 11301: 11286: 11284: 11283: 11278: 11251: 11250: 11218: 11217: 11204: 11199: 11195: 11172: 11164: 11161: 11160: 11129: 11128: 11111: 11103: 11084: 11083: 11071: 11070: 11052: 11051: 11032: 11030: 11029: 11024: 11009: 11007: 11006: 11001: 10996: 10994: 10990: 10989: 10977: 10976: 10958: 10957: 10947: 10943: 10942: 10930: 10929: 10911: 10910: 10900: 10897: 10891: 10878: 10873: 10872: 10871: 10848: 10846: 10845: 10840: 10828: 10826: 10825: 10820: 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11322: 11318: 11297: 11274: 11268: 11264: 11261: 11258: 11252: 11247: 11243: 11238: 11232: 11228: 11225: 11219: 11214: 11210: 11205: 11201: 11196: 11188: 11184: 11181: 11178: 11168: 11165: 11157: 11153: 11146: 11143: 11136: 11133: 11130: 11125: 11121: 11117: 11113: 11107: 11104: 11098: 11094: 11091: 11088: 11080: 11076: 11072: 11067: 11063: 11059: 11056: 11048: 11036: 11035: 11034: 11020: 10997: 10986: 10982: 10978: 10973: 10969: 10965: 10962: 10954: 10939: 10935: 10931: 10926: 10922: 10918: 10915: 10907: 10892: 10888: 10884: 10879: 10874: 10860: 10852: 10851: 10850: 10836: 10814: 10810: 10806: 10792: 10761: 10751: 10743: 10739: 10721: 10715: 10712: 10706: 10703: 10700: 10697: 10694: 10688: 10681: 10680: 10679: 10662: 10656: 10653: 10645: 10641: 10637: 10632: 10628: 10624: 10619: 10615: 10608: 10601: 10600: 10599: 10596: 10594: 10590: 10586: 10582: 10576: 10549: 10545: 10541: 10536: 10532: 10522: 10514: 10490: 10485: 10481: 10475: 10471: 10467: 10462: 10458: 10452: 10448: 10442: 10437: 10433: 10424: 10414: 10410: 10404: 10400: 10396: 10388: 10384: 10380: 10375: 10371: 10362: 10358: 10354: 10351: 10346: 10341: 10337: 10333: 10319: 10315: 10309: 10305: 10301: 10298: 10290: 10286: 10282: 10277: 10273: 10269: 10261: 10257: 10245: 10240: 10227: 10223: 10219: 10214: 10210: 10194: 10183: 10177: 10172: 10168: 10159: 10149: 10145: 10139: 10135: 10131: 10123: 10119: 10115: 10110: 10106: 10097: 10093: 10089: 10086: 10081: 10076: 10072: 10068: 10054: 10050: 10044: 10040: 10036: 10028: 10024: 10020: 10015: 10011: 10002: 9998: 9994: 9989: 9984: 9980: 9976: 9965: 9960: 9947: 9943: 9939: 9934: 9930: 9912: 9908: 9904: 9899: 9895: 9883: 9877: 9872: 9868: 9856: 9855: 9854: 9838: 9834: 9811: 9807: 9784: 9780: 9771: 9753: 9749: 9726: 9722: 9718: 9713: 9709: 9705: 9700: 9696: 9670: 9660: 9656: 9652: 9647: 9643: 9639: 9634: 9630: 9618: 9614: 9610: 9602: 9598: 9594: 9589: 9585: 9581: 9576: 9572: 9560: 9556: 9552: 9547: 9543: 9539: 9534: 9530: 9526: 9521: 9515: 9505: 9501: 9497: 9492: 9488: 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6169: 6162: 6154: 6150: 6146: 6143: 6136: 6132: 6125: 6121: 6117: 6103: 6090: 6086: 6082: 6079: 6072: 6068: 6061: 6057: 6053: 6039: 6027: 6023: 6019: 6015: 6011: 6006: 5999: 5998: 5997: 5970: 5966: 5962: 5959: 5952: 5948: 5942: 5938: 5934: 5920: 5908: 5904: 5900: 5897: 5890: 5886: 5880: 5876: 5872: 5858: 5851: 5843: 5839: 5835: 5830: 5826: 5822: 5819: 5814: 5811: 5808: 5803: 5799: 5793: 5789: 5785: 5782: 5779: 5776: 5773: 5768: 5764: 5760: 5757: 5750: 5746: 5742: 5738: 5731: 5730: 5729: 5726: 5693: 5689: 5682: 5679: 5676: 5670: 5655: 5651: 5643: 5642: 5641: 5614: 5611: 5605: 5602: 5591: 5576: 5572: 5564: 5563: 5562: 5537: 5533: 5529: 5524: 5520: 5516: 5513: 5510: 5498: 5494: 5490: 5485: 5481: 5477: 5474: 5471: 5461: 5457: 5450: 5446: 5442: 5437: 5432: 5428: 5424: 5419: 5414: 5410: 5406: 5403: 5400: 5394: 5391: 5376: 5372: 5364: 5345: 5341: 5337: 5332: 5328: 5324: 5321: 5318: 5311: 5307: 5301: 5297: 5293: 5290: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5269: 5265: 5258: 5255: 5252: 5249: 5243: 5228: 5224: 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3145: 3141: 3135: 3130: 3122: 3118: 3108: 3104: 3094: 3090: 3083: 3074: 3073: 3072: 3056: 3052: 3048: 3043: 3039: 3035: 3030: 3026: 2995: 2991: 2987: 2982: 2978: 2963: 2959: 2941: 2935: 2930: 2920: 2914: 2911: 2905: 2902: 2895: 2894: 2893: 2876: 2870: 2863: 2859: 2856: 2850: 2847: 2840: 2836: 2833: 2830: 2822: 2818: 2815: 2809: 2806: 2799: 2795: 2792: 2789: 2782: 2779: 2776: 2770: 2762: 2752: 2749: 2742: 2737: 2731: 2724: 2717: 2711: 2702: 2698: 2692: 2687: 2680: 2673: 2669: 2666: 2659: 2656: 2652: 2648: 2645: 2637: 2630: 2626: 2623: 2616: 2613: 2609: 2605: 2602: 2595: 2592: 2589: 2583: 2575: 2565: 2562: 2555: 2550: 2544: 2537: 2530: 2524: 2515: 2511: 2505: 2500: 2492: 2488: 2478: 2474: 2464: 2460: 2453: 2444: 2443: 2442: 2439: 2423: 2419: 2415: 2410: 2406: 2385: 2377: 2358: 2355: 2349: 2346: 2326: 2318: 2301: 2298: 2295: 2265: 2261: 2257: 2252: 2248: 2233: 2229: 2211: 2205: 2200: 2193: 2188: 2183: 2177: 2174: 2168: 2163: 2157: 2154: 2148: 2145: 2136: 2130: 2120: 2117: 2110: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2090: 2087: 2078: 2072: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2050: 2039: 2035: 2029: 2026: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2015: 2011: 1994: 1991: 1988: 1985: 1982: 1973: 1959: 1937: 1933: 1924: 1897: 1871: 1867: 1863: 1858: 1852: 1848: 1840: 1837: 1830: 1825: 1822: 1819: 1810: 1793: 1789: 1782: 1778: 1771: 1766: 1763: 1754: 1746: 1742: 1732: 1729: 1723: 1720: 1713: 1712: 1711: 1709: 1692: 1689: 1686: 1683: 1680: 1671: 1623: 1618: 1614: 1607: 1599: 1587: 1586: 1585: 1547: 1543: 1539: 1534: 1530: 1526: 1521: 1517: 1472: 1468: 1464: 1459: 1455: 1451: 1446: 1442: 1412: 1408: 1402: 1398: 1392: 1388: 1384: 1376: 1365: 1351: 1348: 1342: 1325: 1323: 1316: 1312: 1303: 1297: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1274: 1270: 1263: 1258: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1235: 1231: 1224: 1219: 1209: 1205: 1201: 1196: 1192: 1184: 1177: 1174: 1168: 1160: 1149: 1146: 1140: 1138: 1131: 1127: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1104: 1100: 1096: 1091: 1087: 1083: 1064: 1062: 1055: 1051: 1039: 1037: 1036: 1035: 1011: 993: 989: 985: 980: 976: 945: 944:Cauchy stress 927: 923: 898: 878: 858: 849: 838: 822: 800: 796: 773: 769: 748: 745: 742: 721: 718: 712: 709: 706: 703: 700: 694: 687: 670: 666: 662: 657: 653: 632: 610: 606: 583: 579: 558: 555: 552: 531: 528: 522: 519: 516: 513: 510: 504: 497: 480: 476: 472: 467: 463: 440: 436: 414: 411: 403: 399: 395: 390: 386: 382: 377: 373: 366: 359: 342: 338: 316: 313: 305: 301: 297: 292: 288: 284: 279: 275: 268: 261: 260: 259: 257: 239: 235: 231: 226: 222: 218: 213: 209: 200: 182: 178: 174: 169: 165: 161: 156: 152: 143: 138: 136: 132: 128: 124: 120: 116: 112: 108: 107:yield surface 86: 82: 59: 55: 32: 28: 18: 17674:Smart fluids 17567:Pascal's law 17399:Frictionless 17379: 17248:Large strain 17236:Small strain 17062: 17054: 17049: 17044:, 3587–3596. 17041: 17038: 17033: 17025: 17020: 17015:, 2855–2878. 17012: 17009: 17004: 16987: 16979: 16974: 16966: 16961: 16953: 16948: 16940: 16935: 16927: 16922: 16914: 16896: 16891: 16883: 16878: 16870: 16865: 16857: 16852: 16844: 16839: 16831: 16815: 16799: 16794: 16785: 16776: 16768: 16763: 16755: 16750: 16742: 16737: 16729: 16706:94(11):79–82 16701: 16693: 16688: 16680: 16675: 16667: 16662: 16654: 16649: 16641: 16636: 16628: 16623: 16615: 16610: 16602: 16597: 16589: 16584: 16575: 16567: 16562: 16554: 16549: 16541: 16536: 16528: 16523: 16515: 16509: 16501: 16496: 16488: 16484: 16479: 16471: 16466: 16458: 16453: 16445: 16440: 16431: 16366:Henri Tresca 16293: 15522: 15273: 14956: 14806: 14643: 14640: 14390: 14387: 14043: 14040: 13941: 13877: 13874: 13640: 13486: 13199: 13100: 13064: 12892: 12757: 12286: 12009: 11845: 11289: 11012: 10783: 10736: 10677: 10597: 10578: 9687: 9355: 9193: 9084: 9025: 8744: 8575:is used for 8500: 8391: 8297: 7979: 7893: 7778: 7524: 7311: 6976: 6581: 6305: 5995: 5727: 5724: 5639: 5560: 5212: 5011: 4280: 4045: 3932: 3902: 3737: 3619: 3559: 3363:shear stress 3360: 3357:Henri Tresca 3354: 3346: 3017: 2891: 2440: 2375: 2319:. The angle 2316: 2287: 2013: 1974: 1922: 1888: 1672: 1647: 1433: 1009: 914: 836: 139: 118: 106: 104: 17689:Ferrofluids 17606:Boyle's law 17292:Hooke's law 17231:Deformation 17208:Definitions 14644:Parameters 14391:Parameters 9770:ellipsoidal 7822:it follows 4395:paraboloid 123:yield point 17807:Categories 17744:Gay-Lussac 17711:Scientists 17601:Atmosphere 17466:Structures 17440:J-integral 17404:Frictional 17365:Plasticity 17302:Orthotropy 17282:Elasticity 17185:Archimedes 17180:Poiseuille 17134:Vibrations 17103:Topics in 16423:References 3980:elliptical 1010:deviatoric 837:Lode angle 17719:Bernoulli 17701:Rheometer 17696:Rheometry 17638:Acoustics 17550:Newtonian 17545:Viscosity 17175:Bernoulli 17129:Acoustics 17112:Divisions 16858:Meccanica 16322:α 16303:α 16264:α 16248:α 16232:α 16216:α 16200:α 16143:− 16123:− 16101:− 16091:− 16064:− 16054:− 16032:− 16012:− 15852:α 15836:α 15820:α 15765:− 15735:− 15700:− 15365:Φ 15290:Φ 15252:σ 15206:σ 15088:¯ 15085:σ 15041:¯ 15038:σ 15006:Φ 14981:Φ 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yield point
rate-independent plasticity
principal stress
stress invariants
Haigh–Westergaard stress space

Cauchy stress
cohesive frictional materials
cylindrical coordinate system
Henri Tresca
shear stress
hydrostatic pressure

von Mises yield criterion

Mohr–Coulomb theory
Mohr–Coulomb yield (failure) criterion

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