
World of A Song of Ice and Fire

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who owned land was allowed to vote for their leaders. The Valyrians also used slaves to mine the Fourteen Flames, a series of volcanoes rich with ore. They subjugated the Ghiscari and the Rhoynar and established all of the Free Cities, save Braavos. They did this through their knowledge of dragonlore. Twoscore noble dynasties, known as dragonlords, rode and controlled dragons. Eventually, an event known as the Doom of Valyria, apparently involving a violent eruption of the Fourteen Flames, destroyed the Freehold and made Valyria an archipelago in the newly-formed Smoking Sea. The Targaryens are descendants of Old Valyria who escaped after Daenys the Dreamer's dream foretold of the eruption. The other noble families of Valyria mocked them, believing Daenys to be mad. Her father, Aenar Targaryen, believed her and successfully relocated the family to Dragonstone, an island on the east coast of Westeros, making them the only surviving dragonlords after the Doom.
2236: 2259:
connect Dorne with the rest of the continent are the Stone Way Pass and the Prince's Pass. The Prince's Pass leads to the Reach, while the Stone Way exits the mountains near Summerhall. The southern coast of the continent is bordered by the Summer Sea. Described as tropical in climate by George R. R. Martin, Dorne has the highest temperatures of any kingdom in Westeros, and is arid, with a rocky, mountainous, terrain that includes the only desert on the continent. Its rivers provide some fertile lands and during a long summer there is enough rain and other supplies of water to keep Dorne habitable. Inland water is almost as valuable as gold, and wells are jealously guarded. Notable locations of Dorne are Starfall, the seat of House Dayne, and Yronwood, the seat of House Yronwood, the most powerful of the Martell bannermen. Planky Town is a trade port town at the mouth of the River Greenblood.
1592:, one of the oldest lines of Andal nobility and formerly Kings of Mountain and Vale. Their seat, the Eyrie, is a castle high in the mountains, small but considered unassailable. The only way to reach the Vale is by a mountain road teeming with animals called 'shadowcats', rock slides, and dangerous mountain clans. The mountain road ends at the Vale's sole entrance, the Bloody Gate: a pair of twin watchtowers, connected by a covered bridge, on the rocky mountain slopes over a very narrow path. The protection of the surrounding mountains gives the Vale itself a temperate climate, fertile meadows, and woods. The snowmelt from the mountains and a constant waterfall that never freezes, named Alyssa's Tears, provide plentiful water. The Vale has rich black soil, wide slow-moving rivers, and hundreds of small lakes. Illegitimate children born in the Vale are given the surname Stone. 2212:, the city proved to share many characteristics with the fictional capital: it had a well-preserved medieval look, with high walls and the sea at its side. According to David Benioff, executive producer of the show, "King's Landing might be the single most important location in the entire show, and it has to look right", and "The minute we started walking around the city walls we knew that was it. You read the descriptions in the book and you come to Dubrovnik and that's what the actual city is. It has the sparkling sea, sun and beautiful architecture." Co-Executive Producer D.B. Weiss added "To find a full-on, immaculately preserved medieval walled city that actually looks uncannily like King's Landing where the bulk of our show is set, that was in and of itself such an amazing find". The Tourney of the Hand in season 1 was filmed in 2279:, "There were three sorts of Dornishmen . There were the salty Dornishmen who lived along the coasts, the sandy Dornishmen of the deserts and long river valleys, and the stony Dornishmen who made their fastnesses in the passes and heights of the Red Mountains. The salty Dornishmen had the most Rhoynish blood, the stony Dornishmen the least. All three sorts seemed well represented in Doran’s retinue. The salty Dornishmen were lithe and dark, with smooth olive skin and long black hair streaming in the wind. The sandy Dornishmen were even darker, their faces burned brown by the hot Dornish sun. They wound long bright scarfs around their helms to ward off sunstroke. The stony Dornishmen were biggest and fairest, sons of the Andals and the First Men, brownhaired or blond, with faces that freckled or burned in the sun instead of browning." 2967:. At another time, Jorah Mormont tells Daenerys of great kingdoms to the east of the Red Waste, and lists Asshai by the Shadow as one of the cities full of wonders there. According to Martin, all ship travels between Westeros and Asshai go via the Summer Sea and the Jade Sea through the straits at Qarth, and that the common folk still believe the world to be flat. However, according to Martin, "Asshai is not nearly important to trade as Yi Ti, and the rich port cities of Yi Ti (and Leng) and more easily reached via Qarth." Quaithe of the Shadow prophesies Daenerys in Qarth that "To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow." When Daenerys interprets this to mean she must go to Asshai, Quaithe says she would find the truth there. 1493:
its own 'eighth' kingdom of the Seven Kingdoms. Centrally located between the Westerlands, the Crownlands, the Vale, and the North and lacking the natural defenses of other regions, they have seen frequent warfare. The first ruler to unite the Riverlands was Benedict Justman, but the Justman dynasty died out three centuries later. The Durrandons conquered the Riverlands, but lost rule of it to Harwyn "Hardhand" Hoare, King of the Iron Islands. At the time of Aegon's conquest, the Riverlands were ruled by Harwyn's grandson, Harren the Black, king of the Iron Islands, and the Tullys were local nobles who rebelled against him by joining Aegon the Conqueror. As with Westerosi customs to give bastards a surname showing their origins, illegitimate children born in the Riverlands are given the surname Rivers.
2044:, as he had discovered with Jon Arryn. Dragonstone became his main seat. He returned there after the disastrous Battle of the Blackwater. His councilor, the red priestess Melisandre of Asshai, tried to convince him to let her raise the "stone dragon" of the castle through blood magic, but Lord Davos Seaworth convinced Stannis to go north to the Wall to help the Night's Watch instead. After Stannis abandoned Dragonstone, leaving the Bastard of Nightsong Rolland Storm as castellan, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister dispatched a fleet to barricade it. However, Ser Loras Tyrell, impatient to free the fleet to protect his home castle of Highgarden, attacked Dragonstone directly. He took the castle but lost a thousand men and was himself reportedly gravely wounded. As of 2838:
burned the trees to starve out Daenerys's army. The city has architecture similar to that of its neighbors, but it is made of bricks of many colors. Its landscape is dominated by a massive pyramid, named the Great Pyramid, and the Temple of Graces, which is capped by a golden dome. Meereen is unique among the Ghiscari cities in that it is filled with many temples and pyramids. The slavers of Meereen are known as the Great Masters. It is built on the banks of the river Skahadhazan. After Daenerys conquers the city she continues to rule it has its queen to learn how to rule. The city eventually becomes under siege by an alliance of various city-states led by Yunkai, while a resistance known as the Sons of the Harpy rise up within.
1982: 2448:. Every courtesan has her own barge and servants to work them. The beauty of famed courtesans has inspired many a song. They are showered with gifts from goldsmiths and craftsmen beg for their custom. Nobility and rich merchants pay the courtesans large amounts of money to appear alongside them at events, and bravos are known to kill each other in their names. The character Syrio Forel, former first sword of the Sealord of Braavos, introduces Arya Stark to a unique form of Braavosi sword fighting, called Water Dancing. The style is a refined form of fencing in which the practitioner stands sideways and wields a slender blade. Pugnacious bravos fill the city, frequently dueling to display their skill. 2104: 2500:
spared much of the raiding and invasions by paying tribute to their khals. Men from Pentos wear dyed and forked beards. Unlike in most other Free Cities, slavery is outlawed and Pentos is forbidden from participating in the slave trade due to terms set by the victorious Braavosi in a past war. However, Pentos only heeds these terms on a surface level: servants of the wealthy and powerful are still treated as slaves, collared in bronze and branded without the financial means of refusing their masters, and influential Pentoshi figures such as Magister Illyrio Mopatis still deal covertly in the slave trade.
wealthiest banks in the known world. Braavos is also known for its swordsmen known as 'bravos', and its mysterious assassins, the Faceless Men. It is also famed for the Titan of Braavos, both a fortress and a statue. The ruler of Braavos is known as the Sealord and it is from the sea that the city's power and wealth flows. The hulls of Braavosi ships are painted purple and their merchant ships sail to many distant lands and bring their trade and wealth back home. Braavos has many moneylenders and the Iron Bank of Braavos lends money to foreign nations, especially The Crown, which has borrowed millions.
1616:, the Eyrie is the seat of House Arryn. It is situated on the Giant's Lance and reachable only by a narrow mule trail, guarded by the Gates of the Moon and three small castles, titled Stone, Snow, and Sky. Travelers must enter the Gates of the Moon and its upper bailey before reaching the narrow path up the mountain. The steps up the Giant's Lance starts directly behind the Gates of the Moon. The Eyrie clings to the mountain and is six hundred feet above Sky. The last part of the climb to the Eyrie is something of a cross between a chimney and a stone ladder, which leads to the Eyrie's cellar entrance. 2622:, a coastal city-state ruled by an Archon, is infamous for its avarice. Traders deal extensively in slaves, Tyroshi pear brandy and dyes of many colors. The city features an abundance of pleasure houses, but they are not as highly regarded as those in Lys. Tyroshi master armorsmiths make intricate armor in fantastic shapes. Tyrosh is a popular center for the hiring of sellswords. The city is often drawn into the ongoing conflicts over the Disputed Lands and the Stepstones. The Tyroshi often wear forked beards and pointed mustaches dyed in bright colors. The character Daario Naharis is from Tyrosh. 1453: 2126:
conquest. The main city is surrounded by a wall, which is manned by the City Watch of King's Landing, which is nicknamed the gold cloaks, after the cloaks they wear. Within the walls, the city's natural landscape is dominated by three hills, named after Aegon and his two sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya. Poorer smallfolk (commoners) build shanty settlements outside the city. King's Landing is described as extremely populous but unsightly and dirty. The stench of the city's waste can be smelled far beyond its walls and there is a vast divide between the city's poor and the wealthy elite.
2344:, the Summer Islands are a group of tropical islands situated to the south of Westeros, with a local fauna of talking birds, apes, and monkeys. The novels describe the island natives as dark-skinned people who speak their own language. They wear colored feathery clothes and live on fruit and fish. From their port city named Tall Trees Town, the Summer Isles export rare goods to Westeros such as wine, spices, feathers, but also a special kind of wood from which bows are made that have a longer range than most others. People of the Seven Kingdoms call the Summer Islanders' great vessels 2923:
defenses. Three principal merchant groups battle amongst themselves and against the Pureborn for dominance of the city: the Thirteen, the Ancient Guild of Spicers, and the Tourmaline Brotherhood. Qarth's warlocks, whose lips are turned blue from a potion called "the shade of the evening", are said to brood over these factions; they are still feared although their power and prestige have waned over the years. Qarth is also home to the Sorrowful Men, a guild of assassins named so for whispering "I am so sorry," before killing their victims. Daenerys leaves Qarth again at the end of
Stannis to take the island stronghold. After a storm destroyed the royalist fleet, the Targaryen garrison tried to betray Viserys and his newborn sister, Daenerys, to Stannis (the queen had died in childbirth). But Targaryen loyalists led by Ser Willem Darry took the children away. Stannis conquered Dragonstone easily, and King Robert granted him ownership of the castle. Stannis felt slighted because his younger brother Renly then inherited Storm's End, the ancient seat of House Baratheon. Ser Axell Florent, one of the uncles of Stannis' wife Selyse Florent, acted as castellan.
1735: 1330:. The composite set (with both exteriors and interiors) consisted of a large section of Castle Black including the courtyard, the ravenry, the mess hall, and the barracks, and used the stone wall of the quarry as the basis for the ice wall that protects Westeros from the dangers that dwell beyond. They also made a functional elevator to lift the rangers to the top of the Wall. A castle with real rooms and a working elevator were built near a cliff 400 feet (120 m) high. "Working construction lifts were discovered at a nearby work site and rise 18 feet; 1930:, commanding the defense, refused to yield and his men were reduced to eating rats. A smuggler named Davos ran the blockade to resupply the castle and Stannis rewarded him by knighting him and giving him lands, thus founding House Seaworth, but he also cut off the fingertips of his left hand as punishment for all his previous smuggling. After the war, Stannis was furious when his brother Robert, now king, gave the castle to their younger brother Renly and placed Stannis in command of Dragonstone. This led to many years of bitterness on Stannis' part. 2794:, Daenerys experiences it as an ancient and dilapidated city that has long passed its glory days. The city is dominated by its red brick architecture, and Arstan Whitebeard explains to Daenerys that the saying "Brick and blood built Astapor, ... and brick and blood her people" refers to the slaves who make the bricks. Astapor's stepped pyramids, its fighting pits, streets, the surrounding walls and the Plaza of Pride are all made of red bricks. The so-called Plaza of Punishment at Astapor's main gates is even larger than the Plaza of Pride. 2431:, the Rhoyne originates from the conjunction of two of its tributaries, the Upper Rhoyne and the Little Rhoyne, southeast of the ruins of Ghoyan Drohe. The headwaters of the Upper Rhoyne lie in Andalos, the homeland of the Andals between Braavos and Pentos. The Rhoyne's course runs southeast to turn due south after Dagger Lake, where river pirates hide on and around the many lake islands. The Rhoyne gains in width considerably as it gets fed by more tributaries, until it opens into the Summer Sea in a delta near the Free City of Volantis. 2798:
slaves, fieldhands, scribes, craftsmen, and tutors. The Unsullied require a huge investment in both time and money by the Astapori who raise and train them, but they earn the most profitable of returns for the Good Masters of Astapor. The Unsullied wear spiked bronze hats, and they obey at all costs, even if it demands their death. They are given new slave names each day to be reminded of their worthlessness. In times of attack, unsold Unsullied are deployed to the massive, crumbling red-brick walls that the Astapori no longer man.
2255:, as Hand of the King, turns the historical enmity of House Martell and Dorne into an alliance by sending King Joffrey's middle sibling and sister, Myrcella Baratheon, as the betrothed future bride to Trystane, the youngest child of Prince Doran, who is about her own age. The eldest child of Prince Doran, Arianne, is heir to House Martell, Sunspear and the rule of Dorne. The wealth of Dorne comes from their famous Sand Steeds, purebred horses of endurance, speed, and grace, and from spices, wines, fishing, fabrics, and textiles. 1903:
a rage her parents sent vast storms to shatter his keep and kill his wedding guests and family; whereupon Durran declared war against the gods and raised several castles over Shipbreaker Bay, each larger and more formidable than the last. Finally, the seventh castle stayed in place and resisted the storms. Some believe the Children of the Forest took a hand in its construction; others suggest that Brandon Stark, the builder of the Wall, advised Durran on its construction. The truth of the matter is unknown.
1693:. According to popular legend, the hero known as Lann the Clever tricked the Casterlys into giving up the Rock, and took it for himself. The Rock is renowned as the wealthiest region due to its abundance of gold deposits, and it is one of the strongest castles of the Seven Kingdoms as it's a completely hollowed out mountain taller than even the Wall. It has never been taken in battle, despite attacks by the Iron Islanders and the plans of Robb Stark in the War of the Five Kings. It was held by Lord 1634:
of the Vale, the Mountains of the Moon, or the waterfall. The Maiden's Tower is the easternmost of the seven slender towers, so all the Vale can be seen from its windows and balconies. The apartments of the Lady of the Eyrie open over a small garden planted with blue flowers and ringed by white towers, containing grass and scattered statuary, with the central statue of a weeping woman believed to be Alyssa Arryn, around low, flowering shrubs. The lord's chambers have doors of solid oak, and plush
1223: 2488: 2093: 1991: 2251:
Rhaegar Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. They had two children, a daughter, Rhaenys, and a son, Aegon. During the Sack of King's Landing at the end of Robert's Rebellion, Princess Elia was raped and murdered by Gregor Clegane, a House Lannister bannerman (vassal). Her children were also killed in front of her. Prince Doran and his wife, Princess Mellaria, have three children, Arianne, Quentyn and Trystane. During the War of the Five Kings,
1601: 1344: 8722: 1807: 2024:. A century before the Doom, the Targaryen family moved to Dragonstone. When the Doom came upon Valyria, House Targaryen survived along with the last of the Valyrian dragons. Another century later, Aegon Targaryen and his sisters Rhaenys and Visenya launched a massive campaign of conquest from the island and eventually conquered all of Westeros except for Dorne, and North of the Wall. Aegon's progeny reigned as kings of the Seven Kingdoms for centuries. 1678: 8734: 2903:, the warlock Pyat Pree describes his city as the center of the world and as a gateway of commerce and culture between the east and west, and the north and south. The reader learns through Daenerys's eyes that the city is surrounded by three graded walls of thirty to fifty feet in height, respectively engraved with portraits of animals, war, and lovemaking. The city's buildings are of many colors, including rose, violet, and 1025:, the Targaryen armies subdued six of the Seven Kingdoms through conquest or treaty, wiping out three of the seven ruling houses that refused to bend their knees, replacing house Durrandon with house Baratheon, house Gardener with house Tyrell, and house Hoare with houses Tully (in the Riverlands) and Greyjoy (on the Iron Islands). Only the defiant Dorne remained independent for almost another two hundred years through 2959:, lying on the far east of the known world. Martin is unsure if the books will ever take the readers to Asshai, but said that readers may learn more through the POV character Melisandre (who originates from Asshai) or through the memories and mentions of other characters. Jorah Mormont describes Asshai as a port city far to the south of the Dothraki sea, at the end of the known world. Asshai exports such goods as black 2133:. The Keep holds the Iron Throne. Aegon commissioned the throne's construction from the swords of his defeated enemies. According to legend, he kept the blades sharp because he believed that no ruler should ever sit comfortably. Centuries later, kings still cut themselves on the throne. It is a common belief that one who cuts himself on the throne has been "rejected" by the throne and is therefore not fit to rule. 890:. One by one, kingdoms of the First Men south of the Neck fell to the Andals, and only the North remained unconquered. The Children of the Forest were slaughtered and disappeared from Andal lands. Over time, seven relatively stable feudal kingdoms were forged across Westeros, although their territories fluctuated over the next few thousand years through constant warfare, and no kingdom remained dominant for long: 2549:, who are elected every year by free landholders of Volantis, and defended by slave soldiers called the "Tiger cloaks". Volantis is incredibly important to the slave market, and in the city there are five slaves to every free man. All Volantene slaves have facial tattoos denoting their profession: for instance, sex slaves have tears tattooed on their faces, and the tiger cloaks have tiger stripes. The worship of 83: 2267:. Dorne was the only kingdom in Westeros to successfully resist Aegon's conquest, even killing one of his dragons during the war. It was conquered by Daeron I over a century after the Targaryen invasion, but rose against him leading to his death. Finally under Daeron's cousin Daeron II they joined through marriage. This accomplishment has allowed Dorne to retain a measure of independence. Lords of the ruling 2782:
appear alike to Daenerys as "thick fleshy men with amber skin, broad noses, dark eyes. Their wiry hair was black or a dark red, or that queer mixture of red and black that was peculiar to Ghiscari". Only the freeborn men of Astapor are permitted to wear garments called tokars, whose fringes display their status. Many Astapori women veil their face for the dust. The Astapori are drenched in sweet perfumes.
2319:. Ruins have been found on the Isle of Tears, the Isle of Toads, and Ax Island. The Isle of Tears is the largest island, with steep valleys and black bogs. It was conquered by the Ghiscari and it was called Gorgai for two centuries, until the dragonlords of Valyria captured it and renamed it Gorgossos. It was used as a prison by the Freehold, a place where they sent their most despicable criminals. 2419:, though gaps in the mountain range provide the Dothraki people some access to the Free Cities. The Free Cities were colonies built by the ancient Valyrian Freehold, and later declared independence after the Doom of Valyria. An exception to this is Braavos, which was founded by refugees fleeing Valyrian expansion, escaped slaves and other rabble. The languages of the Free Cities are derivatives of 2597:, and fine carpets. Similar to the Dornish the Myrmen are descended from Rhoynar and possess dark eyes and olive skin. Myrmen are also similar to Norvosi and Pentoshi in that they are ruled by magisters that are known to pay tribute to passing Dothraki khalasars. Myr is a hub of trade in both slaves and their signature green nectar wines. Myr frequently fights over control of the Disputed Lands. 1285:'s chapters describe it as approximately 300 miles (480 km) long and 700 feet (210 m) high in general, rising up to a perceived 900 feet (270 m) in spots due to huge foundation blocks. The top is wide enough for a dozen mounted knights to ride abreast (approximately 30 ft or 10 m), while the base is so thick that the Wall's gates are more like tunnels through the ice. 1910:, 100 feet (30 m) tall and 40 feet (12 m) thick on its thinnest side, nearly 80 feet (24 m) thick on its seaward side. The wall consists of a double course of stones with an inner core of sand and rubble. The wall is smooth and curving, the stones so well placed that the wind cannot enter. On the seaward side, there is a 150-foot (46 m) drop below the wall into the sea. 595:). The illustrator and cartographer Jonathan Roberts drew the maps, based on drafts by Martin. The twelve maps in the set are entitled "The Known World", "The West", "Central Essos", "The East", "Westeros", "Beyond The Wall", "The Free Cities", "Slaver's Bay", "The Dothraki Sea", "King's Landing", "Braavos", and "Journeys". The latter tracks the paths taken by the novels' characters. 1968:
Stormlands. The Crownlands form the entire coastline of Blackwater Bay, and include the original Targaryen homeland on the island of Dragonstone, at the Narrow Sea entrance to Blackwater Bay. Besides King's Landing, which is the largest city in Westeros, the Crownlands include many towns and castles. The illegitimate children born in the Crownlands are given the surname Waters.
1577: 653: 2604:
climate is fairly mild. Norvosi can be recognized by their dyed and upswept mustaches. The city is run by a council of magisters that are known to pay tribute to passing Dothraki khalasars. It is also home to a group of bearded priests that train elite guardsmen. These guardsmen swear oaths of duty and consider themselves wedded to their distinctive long axes.
buildings instead of red. The slavers of Yunkai are known as the Wise Masters. Because of the city's lack of Unsullied, it relies on a mixed professional and slave army of approximately 4,000 with at least 1,000 mercenaries. Typical for Ghiscari, Yunkai soldiers wear impractical armor and oiled hair teased into enormous shapes, limiting their effectiveness.
they are much larger and more splendid than cities in the west. According to Colloquo Votar there are three older cities buried beneath every YiTish city. The capital of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti is Yin, along the Jade Sea. Martin is unsure "to what extent those peoples will ever enter this present story, however... their lands are very far away."
Arryn, took her sickly child, Robin, and fled to the Eyrie. Lysa refused to align herself with any of the claimants during the War of the Five Kings, but eventually pretends to a possible alliance with House Lannister after Lord Petyr Baelish agrees to marry her. Later Baelish kills Lysa after she attempts to murder her niece, Sansa Stark. As of
their arts openly in Asshai, while shadowbinders and bloodmages worked terrible sorceries in the black of night". There are also Westerosi maesters in Asshai. The mages of Asshai teach others their healing powers, but also their spells requiring blood sacrifice. Ancient books of Asshai record the Azor Ahai prophecy followed by members of the
1510:. At the start of the War of the Five Kings, the castle is in ruin, with only a fraction of it habitable, and held by Lady Shella Whent, the last of her House, who is stripped of Harrenhal when the Lannisters seize her castle. The castle changes hands repeatedly over the course of the novels, many of those holding it meeting unpleasant ends. 1660:
The Paint Hall, occupying one of the four soundstages there. Martin acknowledged that the set differed significantly from its presentation in the books: "In the books, the room is long and rectangular. But had essentially a square space, which they chose to put a round hall in, with a staircase curving up to a throne that was high above."
1842:, but late in the war the Ironborn under King Euron Greyjoy launched a massive raid along the coast, conquering the Shield Islands and parts of the Arbor before trying to blockade the mouth of the Honeywine. An attempt to attack the city harbor was repulsed by the city's defenders. Oldtown remains under threat from the Ironborn. 3059:, a striped mount that can withstand much more than average horse. The Jogos Nhai do not fight among themselves and live in small clans bound by blood. They live in a state of perpetual war with outsiders and had been raiding many YiTish cities and have reduced around a hundred towns to ruin. Each tribe is commanded by a 2781:
Present inhabitants of the bay are a mixed race that no longer speak the old Ghiscari tongue but variations of High Valyrian with a characteristic growl. The ancient folk of Ghis, who name themselves the harpy's sons in Astapor, are said to have bristly red-black hair. The Good Masters of Astapor all
2227:. The floor was from the Pantheon in Rome." Martin said that "Our throne room is a spectacular throne room – we actually redressed a throne room built for film. And again, it occupied a quarter of the Paint Hall, so it's very big, but in my mind , it's Westminster Abbey, it's St. Paul's Cathedral." 2036:
During the War of the Usurper, before the sack of King's Landing, the Targaryen Queen Rhaella, who was pregnant, and her son Viserys were sent to Dragonstone along with part of the Targaryen fleet and a garrison of loyal soldiers. But after King's Landing fell, Robert Baratheon dispatched his brother
During the War of the Five Kings, Storm's End supported Renly when he attempted to usurp the crown, and was besieged by Stannis. When the castellan, Cortnay Penrose, refused to yield even after Renly's death, he was killed by Stannis' ally, the priestess Melisandre, and the castle surrendered. Later,
of the Mander (the largest river in Westeros) and the Honeywine. It is the second-largest of the kingdoms in terms of geographical area (behind only the North) and is the most fertile and heavily populated region of Westeros. The wealth and power of the Reach comes from its warm, sunny climate, which
The Eyrie was held by Lord Jon Arryn, who fostered Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon prior to Robert's Rebellion (also known as the War of the Usurper). After the war, Lord Arryn served as King Robert I Baratheon's Hand of the King (prime minister). After Lord Arryn was assassinated, his wife, Lady Lysa
curtains covering windows of small rhomboid panes of glass. The High Hall has a blue silk carpet leading to the carved weirwood thrones of the Lord and Lady Arryn. The floors and walls are of milk-white marble veined with blue. Daylight enters down through high narrow arched windows along the eastern
are used to raise and lower them. Winter snows can make supplying the fortress impossible. The Eyrie's dungeons, known as "sky cells", are left open to the sky on one side and have sloping floors that put prisoners in danger of slipping or rolling off the edge. Executions in the Eyrie are carried out
Harrenhal is an enormous ruined castle and is the site of many important events in the novels. Harrenhal was built by Harren the Black, after his conquest of the Riverlands, intending to make it the largest fortification ever built in Westeros. The castle has been described as so large that an entire
At the novel's beginning, the majority of Westeros is united under the rule of a single king, whose seat is the "Iron Throne" in the city of King's Landing. The king has a large number of minor direct vassals in area known as the Crownlands, surrounding King's Landing; while each of the other regions
The largest of the three slaver cities, Meereen has a population equaling that of Astapor and Yunkai combined. The city is also the wealthiest, as besides slaves it produces wine, with a metallic taste, the lands surrounding it have massive deposits of copper, and it grows olives, before the slavers
The smallest of the three cities, Yunkai, like Meereen, does not trade in Unsullied but is known for its fighting pits and its pleasure houses, both of which turn out slaves at a brisk pace. The city is similar to Astapor in architecture except for its smaller size and its use of yellow brick in its
and unique culture. The Dothraki live in hordes called khalasars, each led by a chief called a khal. Khalasars are broken into groups, called khas, which are each led by one of the khal's captains, called kos. Each khal and his khalasar owe fealty to a ruling council of royal priestesses, called the
Pentos is a major trading port on a bay of the western coast. Dominated by an architecture of square brick towers, it is headed by a Prince who is chosen by the de facto rulers of the city, known as Magisters. Khalasars occasionally make their way this far from the Dothraki Sea, but the Pentoshi are
Dorne is bordered by the Sea of Dorne to the north, the islands known as the Stepstones to the east, and stretches from the high mountains of the Dornish marches, the Red Mountains, separating Dorne from the remainder of the Seven Kingdoms by land. The two major passes through the Red Mountains that
Storm's End is the seat of House Baratheon and, before them, the ancestral seat of the Storm Kings extending back many thousands of years. According to legend, the first Storm King in the age of the First Men was Durran, who married Elenei, the daughter of the sea god and the goddess of the wind. In
which extends some 800 feet (240 m) into the sky and is topped by a huge beacon which can be seen for many miles out to sea. Oldtown is ruled from the Hightower by House Hightower. Originally kings in their own right, they later swore fealty to the Gardeners of Highgarden, and became vassals of
Oldtown is the second most important port in the Seven Kingdoms after King's Landing: trading ships from the Summer Islands, the Free Cities, the eastern cities, and the rest of Westeros constantly crowd into its harbors. The city itself is described as stunningly beautiful with a warm climate. Many
and one of the great ports and cities of Westeros. The Westerlands are rich in precious metals, mostly gold, which is the source of their wealth. Keeping with Westerosi customs to give bastards a surname showing their origins, illegitimate children born in the Westerlands are given the surname Hill.
in China, but because the landscape base plates were shot in Northern Ireland, using Meteora resulted in a better option. Set designer Gemma Jackson said, "A lot of the mosaics in the Eyrie were based on a beautiful chapel I visited in Rome." The interior of the High Hall of the Arryns was filmed at
The Riverlands are the populous and fertile areas surrounding the forks of the river Trident on Westeros. While they form one of the nine regions of Westeros, the Riverlands' central location and geographic features made the region an inter-kingdom battle zone that changed hands rather than becoming
fills in the rest to make the wall appear 700 feet high." The area around the elevator was painted white to make it look like ice. Martin was surprised by the height and thought: "Oh I may have made the wall too big!" Martin observed: "It's a pretty spectacular, yet miserable location. It is wet and
from their castle at Winterfell. The North is sparsely populated, but nearly as big as the other six southern kingdoms combined. Martin compared the North to Scotland. The climate is cold overall, with hard winters and mild snows common regardless of the season. Beyond the wall in the far north, the
566:, seven maps of the fictional world are available in the books. Martin said in 2003 that complete world maps were not made available so that readers may better identify with people of the real Middle Ages who were uneducated about distant places. He also did not "subscribe to the theory put forth in 3038:
mention that a grey plague has hit Yi Ti. The god of the people of Yi Ti is called the Lion of Night. Daenerys sees people of Yi Ti as bright-eyed men in monkey-tail hats in the markets of Vaes Dothrak. Yi Ti has more cities than any other land in the known world, and according to Lomas Longstrider
Daenerys decides to buy all of Astapor's trained and untrained Unsullied, over 8600 in number, and tells them to kill all adult Astapori slavers and soldiers when she leaves the city. She gives the power over Astapor to a council of former slaves led by a healer, a scholar and a priest, and tens of
were also originally horsemen of the steppes, not unlike the Alans, Huns, and the rest." He also noted that "In general, though, while I do draw inspiration from history, I try to avoid direct one-for-one transplants, it would not be correct to say that the Dothraki are Mongols." There are several
Valyria is a peninsula in South-Central Essos, west of Slaver's Bay. Before the Doom of Valyria, it was the seat of the Valyrian Freehold, a massive empire thousands of years old. The Valyrians are characterized by their silver hair and violet eyes. Valyria was called the Freehold because every man
sits astride a series of southern islands. Unlike most inhabitants of the Free Cities the Lysene are homogenously Valyrian and thus have fair skin, hair, and eyes similar to the Targaryens. Lys is well known for its pleasure houses, training slaves in the arts of love and selling them as concubines
Across the Narrow sea on the western side of Essos lie the nine Free Cities, independent city-states that are mostly on islands or along the coast. They are Lys, Myr, Pentos, Braavos, Lorath, Norvos, Qohor, Volantis and Tyrosh. Although most Free Cities are named early in the first novel, the books
2393:. The north coast of the mainland is separated from the polar cap by the Shivering Sea. To the south, across the Summer Sea, lies the uncharted jungle continent of Sothoryos. Much of the fictional history of Essos relates to Valyria, a city located on a peninsula in southern Essos and the origin of 2250:
Dorne is the southernmost and least populated land of Westeros. The capital, Sunspear, is the seat of the ruling House Martell. As of the first five books, Doran Nymeros Martell is the Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear. Doran's sister, Princess Elia, was married in a political alliance to Prince
as the ruler of Westeros, the Reach is the second wealthiest region in the Seven Kingdom, behind only the mine-rich Westerlands. During the War of the Five Kings, in a significant political maneuver during the civil war, House Tyrell provides the starving populace of King's Landing with hundreds of
The Eyrie is made of pale stone and primarily decorated with the blue and white colors of House Arryn. Elegant details provide warmth and comfort through plentiful fireplaces, carpets, and luxurious fabrics. Many of the chambers have been described to be warm and comfortable, with magnificent views
Riverrun is the ancestral stronghold of House Tully. The castle is located along one of the "forks" of the Trident and controls access to the interior of Westeros. The castle is bordered on two sides by the Tumblestone River and the Red Fork. The third side fronts on a massive manmade ditch. It was
Since then, the ruins of the castle have been occupied by a variety of houses, all of which eventually became extinct. As a result, the people of Westeros believe the castle is cursed. The logistical and economic difficulties inherent in keeping such an enormous castle maintained and garrisoned has
faith. Daenerys heard that dragons themselves originated from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai and the islands of the Jade Sea, and they possibly still live there. Bran dreams of flying Dragons in Asshai. The petrified dragon eggs Illyrio gives to Daenerys are said to come from the Shadow Lands. The
Lhazar is an area of the semi-arid lands south of the Dothraki Sea. A region of pastures and hills, it is inhabited by the Lhazareen, a peaceful people with bronze skin, flat faces, and almond eyes. They are predominantly shepherds, called the Lamb Men by the Dothraki, who frequently prey on them.
Naath, also known as the Isle of Butterflies, is an island off the north-west coast of Sothoryos that lies west of the Basilisk Isles. The Naathi people have dark skin and golden eyes. They practice extreme pacifism, making music instead of war and refusing to eat meat, only fruit. This makes them
and lord's chambers in the same structure. Although never taken in battle, Storm's End has endured several sieges and battles in recent history. The last Storm King, Argilac the Arrogant, abandoned his impressive defenses to meet the Targaryen commander, Orys Baratheon, in open battle during Aegon
Oldtown is primarily known as the location of the Citadel, home of the order of Maesters who serve as councillors, doctors, scientists, and postmasters for the Seven Kingdoms. The city's Starry Sept was the seat of the Faith of the Seven until the construction of the Great Sept of Baelor in King's
The Westerlands are the Westerosi lands to the west of the Riverlands and north of the Reach. They are ruled by House Lannister of Casterly Rock, formerly Kings of the Rock. People of this region are often called "Westermen." Lannisport, lying hard by Casterly Rock, is the chief town of the region
of Pyke, the isles are described as bare and barren, with the local weather being "windy and cold, and damp". The members of this seafaring nation are known in the rest of Westeros as Ironmen, and to themselves as Ironborn. Illegitimate children born in the Iron Islands are given the surname Pyke.
emerged from the Land of Always Winter, the northernmost part of Westeros, during the decades-long winter known as "The Long Night". The Children of the Forest and the First Men allied to repel the Others, and then built the Wall barring passage from the far north. The region north of the Wall was
Ibben is a collection of islands north of Essos in the Bay of Whales. The largest of these islands is Ib, which contains the cities Port of Ibben and Ib Nor. Until the Doom of Valyria, Ibben was ruled by a God-King. Now power is held by the Shadow Council, which is made up of nobles, priests, and
There are many tales about the Shadow Lands, though how much truth they hold is unclear. The Dothraki believe that ghost grass covers the Shadow Lands, with stalks that glow in the dark and grow taller than a man on horseback. Daenerys heard that "spellsingers, warlocks, and aeromancers practiced
and tiger fur", with the women wearing gowns that leave one breast bare, while the men sport beaded silk skirts. Daenerys perceives them as "nothing if not polite". Slaves serve their needs. The Pureborn, descendants of the city's ancient kings and queens, govern Qarth and also command the city's
The Plaza of Pride, which has a red-brick fountain and a huge bronze harpy statue in its center, serves as an open air slave market and a marshaling area for the Unsullied, elite eunuch spearmen known for discipline and effectiveness. Astapor is the only city to sell Unsullied, but also sells bed
The Dothraki have only one permanent city, called Vaes Dothrak, which serves as their capital. The Dosh Khaleen hold the city as their seat. It is filled with statues stolen from other cities the Dothraki conquered or raided. There is a law that no Dothraki may shed blood within the boundaries of
is situated on the main continent, in the vast Forest of Qohor. It is known for its fine tapestries and its smiths, who have the rare ability to reforge Valyrian steel, even directly infusing the metal with a variety of different colors. The Black Goat is a prominent god in the city. Qohor's city
Volantis is a port on the southern coast of Essos, and is the oldest and proudest of the Free Cities. A fortification known as the Black Wall protects the oldest parts of the city. The Black Wall is inhabited entirely by the wealthiest citizens who can claim unbroken descent from Old Valyria. The
Unique among the Free Cities, Braavos was not a Valyrian colony, but a secret refuge from Valyrian expansion. It is a city spread over hundreds of tiny islands in a lagoon on the northwestern end of Essos, where the Narrow Sea and Shivering Sea meet. Braavos is home to the 'Iron Bank', one of the
also shows the north tip of a landmass named "Ulthos" to the south of Essos and east of Sothoryos. Asked whether this was another continent, Martin replied, "Well, it's a large landmass. I am a little unclear on the formal definition of 'continent' as opposed to 'big island.' Also on the size of
Oldtown is one of the largest cities in Westeros and is by far the oldest, built by the First Men before the Andal Invasion. It survived the invasion by welcoming the Andals rather than resisting them. The city is located in the southwestern part of Westeros, at the mouth of the River Honeywine,
sits on the main continent in two parts, one atop a high hill and the other beside a low river. The city has three large bells, each with its own name and distinctive voice, that are rung frequently. The surrounding area is a land of rolling hills, terraced farms, and white-stucco villages. The
still style themselves "Prince" and "Princess" in the Rhoynish fashion. Unlike most of the rest of Westeros, illegitimate children born in Dorne are treated nearly the same as legal offspring and given the surname Sand, as with Westerosi customs to give bastards a surname showing their origins.
King's Landing is the royal capital of Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms. King's Landing has an estimated population of half a million people, making it the most populous city in Westeros. It is situated on the Blackwater river on the spot where Aegon the Conqueror landed in Westeros to begin his
at the southeastern end of the continent and gradually spread to the entire continent. The First Men's attempts to chop down forests and cultivate the land led to a millennia-long war with the Children of the Forest, that eventually was settled by an agreement known as "The Pact". This was the
an army lands in the Stormlands led by Jon Connington and a young man claiming to be Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell and heir to the Iron Throne. To attract support, Aegon plans to conquer Storm's End and raise the banner of House Targaryen above the battlements.
would feel, not knowing what threats might come from the north. This experience was so profound that a decade later, in 1991, he wanted to "write a story about the people guarding the end of the world", and ultimately "the things that come out of the north are a good deal more terrifying than
The cities were built from the rubble of Old Ghis, an ancient rival of Valyria that was crushed by Valyria thousands of years before the series' events. The economies of the cities are largely based on slave labor and the slave trade. Treatment of slaves is often harsh, while citizens live in
can sustain a small household for a year or more. The Eyrie does not keep livestock on hand; all dairy produce, meats, fruits, vegetables, etc., must be brought from the Vale below. Its cellars hold six great winches with long iron chains to draw supplies and occasionally guests from below.
The Crownlands are the lands in Westeros surrounding King's Landing, ruled directly by the crown of the Iron Throne. The Targaryen kings consolidated this as one of the nine regions of Westeros, after their conquest of the Seven Kingdoms, from sparsely populated pieces of the Riverlands and
to cover its walls using both magic and masonry. The castle's lower levels are warmed by residual volcanic activity deep below the keep. There is a small port and town outside of the castle. Additionally, in a cave at the beachfront of the castle, huge deposits of Dragonglass can be found.
West of Casterly Rock is the coastal city of Lannisport. A busy port under the governance of the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, Lannisport thrives as a protected and wealthy city. The city is also home to many lesser Lannisters and other distant cousins with similar surnames, such as Lannys.
at the ports of King's Landing, Braavos, Maidenpool, Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, White Harbour, and the Iron Islands. The novels describe the people of Ibben as squat and hairy; Arya even meets an Ibbenese woman with a mustache. Its implied the people may be Neanderthals. Tyrion and Varys meet
During the first season, the HBO team used places that they could decorate with artificial snow for the north of the Wall, but a bigger landscape was chosen for Season 2. "Primary filming for these scenes, which encompass both the Frostfangs and the Fist of the First Men, occurred at the
2517:, Morocco, to serve as the courtyard of Illyrio's mansion where Daenerys first meets Khal Drogo. When the pilot was delivered, HBO scrapped all of the footage shot in Morocco, and the Pentos scenes were re-shot in Malta. The exterior scenes at Illyrio's mansion in Pentos were shot at 1421:. Benioff said, "We always knew we wanted something shatteringly beautiful and barren and brutal for this part of Jon's journey, because he's in the true North now. It's all real. It's all in camera. We're not doing anything in postproduction to add mountains or snow or anything." 2615:
slave soldiers ever since the Battle of the Three Thousand, when 3,000 Unsullied soldiers successfully defended the city against over 25,000 Dothraki horsemen. Guardsmen tie braids of human hair to their spears to commemorate the Dothraki cutting their braids in salute to Qohor's
The city also holds the Great Sept of Baelor, where the Most Devout convene with the High Septon. It is the holiest sept of the Seven. Since the city was built in a rush, most of it is made of slums called Flea Bottom, where residents are so poor they regularly subsist on
2976:"dour and frightening" Shadow Men cover their bodies in tattoos and wear lacquered wooden masks, and the appearance of the Asshai'i is described as dark and solemn. The Dothraki believe the Asshai'i to be the spawn of shadows. The Asshai'i have a language of their own. 4079: 1391:." In an HBO featurette, Martin stated the lands beyond the wall make up a big part of Westeros, being roughly the size of Canada. The Valley of Thenn is one such location beyond the Wall, and north of that is the Lands of Always Winter, where the Others come from. 1193:
Estates stood in as Winterfell's godswood, an enclosed wooded area where characters can worship the old gods beside trees with faces carved in their bark. A car park stood in for Winterfell's courtyard, and a wine cellar was used to depict the Stark family crypt.
refers to the diseases on Sothoryos in regards to the wealthy but sick Yunkai slave trader Yezzan zo Qaggaz. Victarion describes some people as "squat and hairy as the apes of Sothoros", and some people fighting in Daznak's Pit for Daenerys's entertainment in
as filming location for the lands Beyond the Wall. Martin, who has never been to Iceland, said Beyond the Wall was "considerably larger than Iceland and the area closest to my Wall is densely forested, so in that sense it's more like Canada –
carts of food, ensuring the positive image of House Tyrell foremost, and the alliance for the Iron Throne with House Baratheon as secondary. However, the Tyrells were responsible for the starvation in the first place, as part of their plan to help the
grants bountiful harvests of farm foods and the most sought-after wines. During times of war, the expansive lands of the Reach and its abundance of foods protects their inhabitants from initial famine and sickness. The Reach is considered the home of
Braavosi dress in flashy colors while the very rich and powerful dress in black and in blues that are almost black. Officials of Braavos, called keyholders and justiciars, wear drab coats of brown or grey. The city is also renowned worldwide for its
1647:, Baelish rules in the Eyrie as the Lord Protector and Regent for the sickly, epileptic Lord Robert "Robin" Arryn, and plans for Sansa to marry Harold Harding, who will become heir to the Eyrie and the Vale in the event of young Robin Arryn's death. 2778:
relative luxury. Professional soldiers of all three cities wear outlandish costumes and hairstyles that limit their usefulness in battle. The cities' militaries are highly dependent on additional slave and mercenary armies for the actual fighting.
to represent King's Landing. "Like King's Landing, Mdina is a walled medieval city built upon a hill, but unlike King's Landing, Mdina is an inland city – so the production was limited to interior shots such as side streets and the
Dragonstone is a massive, forbidding fortress, taking up a large portion of the island of the same name. The castle is unique in that the builders and sorcerers of Valyria carved its towers and keeps into the shapes of dragons and made ferocious
Before Aegon's conquest, the Stormlands were ruled by the Storm Kings of House Durrandon founded by the legendary Durran Godsgrief. When Aegon the Conqueror invaded Westeros, his bastard half-brother Orys Baratheon slew the last Storm King in a
The Free Cities span an area characterized by the river Rhoyne, which the local character Yandry describes as "the greatest river in the world". Its banks are the homeland of the Rhoynar, who worship the river as "Mother Rhoyne". As mapped in
The Reach was historically known as the Green Realm, ruled by King of the Reach from House Gardener in Highgarden. During Aegon's conquest, the last Gardener King, Mern IX, was killed along with all his heirs and kins on the Field of Fire.
2385:. The middle of the continent is covered by the flat grasslands of the Dothraki Sea and the arid lands known as the Red Waste to the east. Beyond the Red Waste lies the city of Qarth. The south is dominated by dry rolling hills and has a 4021: 2587:
and bed-slaves. Lys also frequently fights over control of the Stepstones and the Disputed Lands. There appears to be a love goddess whose worship is peculiar to Lys. Dany's handmaiden Doreah and the pirate Salladhor Saan are Lysene.
Dornishmen have a reputation for hot-bloodedness. They differ both culturally and ethnically from other Westerosi due to the historical mass immigration of Rhoynish people. They have adopted many Rhoynish customs as well, including
is functionally controlled by a different major noble house, who all wield significant power in their own lands, while owing fealty to the Iron Throne. Martin here drew inspiration from medieval European history, in particular the
572:... that eventually the characters must visit every place shown on The Map." He conceded, however, that readers may be able to piece together a world map by the end of the series. He was intentionally vague about the size of the 4059: 3910: 1502:
army was needed to garrison it. The Great Hall had 35 hearths and seated thousands. Shortly after the castle was completed, Aegon the Conqueror's dragon slew Harren, his sons, and his entire army by setting the castle alight.
For fierce raids, the Ironmen are titled the "terror of the seas". They worship the Drowned God, who "had made them to reave and rape, to carve out kingdoms and write their names in fire and blood and song". The appendix of
foul-smelling Ibbenese, who "were as fond of axes as they were of each other". Arya sees "a dark brutal axeman from Ib" in her dreams. The Ibbenese are said to speak with low, raspy voices and to have their own language.
summarizes that the Ironmen once ruled over the Riverlands and much of the western coast of Westeros. When Aegon the Conqueror extinguished Harren the Black's line, he chose House Greyjoy as the new rulers of the Ironmen.
1786:, the stewards to House Gardener, surrendered Highgarden to Aegon and were rewarded with both the castle and the position of overlords of the Reach. Illegitimate children born in the Reach are given the surname Flowers. 2761:
Slaver's Bay is a marginal sea of the Summer Sea, lying to the south of the Dothraki Sea, to the west of Lhazar and thousands of leagues to the east of the Free Cities. The climate is very hot. After a first mention in
The novels' legends claim that the First Men, or more specifically Brandon the Builder with the possible help of children of the forest and giants, constructed the Wall some 8,000 years before the events of the series.
339:. Although the characters understand the natural aspects of their world, they do not know or understand its magical elements. Religion, though, has a significant role in the lives of people, and the characters practice 2989:, where Tyrion talks of rumors that mammoths "roam the cold wastes beyond the Port of Ibben". In 2002, Martin said the narrative would "probably not" take readers to Ibben, which he described as a "cold, mountainous, 1650:
For the CGI compositions of the Vale of Arryn in the TV series, as seen in the establishing shot of the Eyrie and from the sky cells, the visual effects team used images and textures from the Greek rock formations of
2141:, a mystery stew that can include the meat of puppies and murder victims. King’s Landing has a temperate, mediterranean climate with long, warm, sunny summers and mild winters although snow does occasionally occur. 1311:, of the nineteen castles built along the wall, only three are still manned: Castle Black with 600 men, and the Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with 200 men each. Parts of Castle Black have fallen into ruin. 2352:
aboard a swan ship, describes the Summer Islander women as wanton, and their gods as strange; they "revered the elderly and celebrated their dead" through sexual intercourse. As a prostitute explains to Tyrion in
The Twins is a large double castle straddling the Green Fork river; the two halves of the castle are connected by a bridge that is the only crossing of the river for hundreds of miles. The Twins is the seat of
Vaes Dothrak and that those who do are cursed. Two gigantic bronze stallions, whose hooves meet midair, form an arch above the entryway to the city. For the first season of the TV adaptation, Sandy Brae in the
Dothraki are expert riders and their horses are of prime importance in their culture, used for food, transportation, raw materials, warfare, and establishing social standing. They regularly raid other peoples.
before the destruction of the Valyrian Empire in an unspecified cataclysm. After the destruction of Valyria, the cities of Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen regained independence and ruled their respective areas as
During the War of the Usurper, Storm's End was besieged for a year by the host of Lord Mace Tyrell, who commanded the landward forces, while Paxter Redwyne's fleet of the Arbor kept the castle cut off by sea.
2357:, the Summer Islanders regard their sexuality as the gods' gift to worship them through mating, and hence many of their highborn youths and maidens serve in pleasure houses for a few years to honor the gods. 2176:
doubled as the great Sept of Baelor," which can be seen when Ned Stark is executed. Various other locations around Malta represent the Red Keep, "including the real-life residence of the president of Malta,
The Iron Islands are a group of seven islands to the west of Westeros – Pyke, Great Wyk, Old Wyk, Harlaw, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde, and Orkmont – in Ironman's Bay off the west coast of the continent. Ruled by
world map and the opening titles of the TV series' second season show Qarth located at a strait between the Summer Sea and the Jade Sea in the south-east of Essos. Upon Daenerys' first visit to Qarth in
rivers and canals crisscross its cobbled streets, and breathtaking stone mansions are common. The city lacks the squalor of King's Landing, which usurped its position as the preeminent city of Westeros.
The Eyrie is the smallest of the great castles in the story, consisting of seven slim towers bunched tightly together. It has no stables, kennels, or smithies, but the towers can house 500 men, and the
at their feet and their swords in their hands. The tombs have been used since the old kings of the North, known as the Kings of Winter, were in power. They ruled since before the arrival of the Andals.
thousands of former slaves join her on her travels to Yunkai. A former butcher named Cleon fends off a scheme to have the Good Masters re-established, and was crowned as the King of Astapor in reward.
the castle was besieged by a strong army under Mace Tyrell, but he abandoned the siege after a few weeks to return to King's Landing after the arrest of his daughter Margaery by the High Septon. As of
4801: 5099: 3868: 1553:, which has grown wealthy by charging a toll of all those who cross for the past six centuries. Because the Freys are both wealthy and numerous, theirs is one of the most powerful houses sworn to 1476:. The sea has worn away much of the rock on which Pyke originally stood, so the castle now consists mostly of a main keep on the main island and smaller towers perched on rocks surrounded by sea. 1147:
and the political capital of the North. Located at the geographical center of the North, it has a cold, subarctic climate with snowy winters and cool summers. The castle was built over a natural
791:, a massive man-made ice wall (allegedly fused with magic) 700 feet in height and spanning east–west for 300 miles from coast to coast. The Seven Kingdoms are further divided into the so-called " 2907:. Slender towers rise throughout the city, fountains adorn every square, and thousands of colored birds, blooming trees and flowers fill the city. The TV adaptation filmed Qarth on the island of 4114: 4033: 5061: 4838: 2745:
They worship a god called the Great Shepherd and believe that all of humanity is part of a single flock. The scenes at the village of the Lamb Men that is sacked by the Dothraki were filmed in
4694: 3081:
To the south of Essos is the continent of Sothoryos (mistakenly spelled Sothoros in early novels). Sothoryos is the third continent of the known world, and is vast, plague-ridden, covered in
commanded by the almost impenetrable stronghold of Moat Cailin, which protected the North from land invasion from the south for thousands of years. The city of White Harbor, located at the
4982: 3900: 1155:
at its northwestern corner. There are several open pools where heated water collects within the godswood. The hot spring also prevents the ground from freezing. The castle has deep
3030:, Yi Ti has not appeared on any maps in the books, but Martin specified that "Yi Ti is to the south east of Qarth, generally, across the Jade Sea." The empire is first mentioned in 3831: 3461: 1560:
When Robb Stark goes to The Twins to repair his alliance with House Frey, the Freys massacre him, his mother, and his army (and in the TV adaptation, his wife): an event known as "
8042: 3085:, and largely unexplored. It is reported to be as large as Essos and described as a "land without end" by Jaenara Belaerys, a Valyrian dragonlord from before the Doom of Valyria. 1870:
known as the Kingswood; from the Reach in the west by the headwaters of the Mander River; and Dorne in the south by the expansive Red Mountains. The southwestern Stormlands are a
2997:) in the Shivering Sea, with the Port of Ibben as the major city; some Ibbenese also live on smaller islands nearby or in colonies on Essos. Ibben is unmapped in the books as of 1484:
Old Wyk is the smallest and holiest island in the Iron Islands. It is where Kingsmoots are held, and where the Grey King slew Nagga, a sea dragon, and made a court of his bones.
takes the story to the lands Beyond the Wall, although the first five books do not explore "what lies really north ... but we will in the last two books". The TV adaptation used
4495: 4672: 8110: 4629: 6509: 2668:
dosh khaleen, whose members are each a former khal's consort, called a khaleesi during the reign of her husband, one who became part of the dosh khaleen following his death.
North of Yi Ti, the Plains of Jogos Nhai are windswept, with rolling hills. They are dominated by a race of mounted warriors called the Jogos Nhai. The Jogos Nhai live in
3376: 580:
so that the maps are available in two versions by James Sinclair and Jeffrey L. Ward, depending on the book. The old maps were redone to match the style of the new ones.
The oldest city in Slaver's Bay. Astapor lies on the banks of the Worm River, a wide, slow, and crooked stream with wooded islands. Entering Astapor at the beginning of
3699: 2732:
of Northern Ireland was chosen to stand in for Vaes Dothrak. The bronze stallions making up the Horse Gate as the main entrance of Vaes Dothrak, were later added using
1036:, forged from the swords of their defeated enemies by dragonfire. They also annexed the land regions of the riverlands and stormlands around the Blackwater Bay as the 7842: 4748: 3522: 3051:
and tents, and are a nomadic people. They are short, squat, and have large heads and small faces. Men and women both have pointed skulls, a result of their custom of
1418: 4718: 3100:, jungly, plague-ridden, and largely unexplored." The novels provide little other information. The swampy nature of Sothoryos is briefly referenced by Victarion in 3121:-skinned half-men from the jungles of Sothoros". Martin said that, unlike other peoples in the novels, the brindled men of Sothoryos were pure fantasy constructs. 2189:
was used for the scenes of Arya Stark chasing cats; and St. Dominic monastery stood in for the scene where Ned Stark confronts Cersei Lannister in the godswood."
3297: 1396: 3605: 867:
beginning of the Age of Heroes, during which the First Men adopted the religion of the Children of the Forest. Those gods later became known in Westeros as the
3338: 3227: 4786: 3274: 5084: 4704: 4436: 3763: 4393: 4353: 3853: 3795: 1292:
The Wall has since been maintained by the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men against threats from beyond, originally the Others, and later against
4191: 4102: 5046: 4823: 4541: 3013:. The Ibbenses are known to chew whale blubber in order to maintain their metabolism in the cold climate. Several characters see Ibbenese whalers and 1956: 1835:
the Tyrells after the Conquest. The Hightowers are known for their loyalty and stalwartness. The current ruler of the city is Lord Leyton Hightower.
beheads the deserter Will. The interior of Winterfell, such as the Tower of the First Keep, the Great Hall, and Catelyn's bedchamber, were filmed at
17: 1540:
surrenders the castle to Jaime Lannister to spare further bloodshed. Riverrun then passed into the hands of Emmon Frey, an ally of House Lannister.
7565: 1071:
climate is polar with heavy snow while further south, it is milder with more rain. The region's northern border is the Gift, a stretch of land 50
4313: 2204:, which allowed for more exterior shots of an authentic walled medieval city." Parts of Season three were filmed there, too, as well as in nearby 1410: 2235: 5277: 879:
since collectively known as the land "Beyond the Wall", and settled by tribal descendants of the First Men known as the Wildlings or Free Folk.
8764: 5469: 5311: 5023: 4972: 1715:, the narrative has not actually taken place in Casterly Rock, yet descriptions of it have been offered by the Lannisters in the POV chapters. 1040:. House Targaryen remained the ruling house of the Seven Kingdoms for almost three centuries until they were overthrown by a rebellion led by 8225: 4472: 3404: 1913:
The castle itself consists of one huge drum tower crowned with formidable battlements, and so large that it can comfortably contain stables,
rainy, and the mud is thick.... really gets the actors in the mood of being at the end of the world in all of this cold and damp and chill."
2223:. Set designer Gemma Jackson said, "When I was thinking about King's Landing, the whole red aspect of it, that immediately made me think of 1823:
Landing. Aegon the Conqueror's reign is dated from his entrance into the city of Oldtown and his acknowledgment as king by the High Septon.
3484: 1588:
The Vale is the area surrounded almost completely by the Mountains of the Moon in the east of Westeros. The Vale is under the rulership of
3158: 2373:, Essos has geography and climate that vary greatly. The western coastline is characterized by green rolling hills, the massive Forest of 1167:
To depict Winterfell, both the pilot and season 1 of the television adaptation used the 16th century clock tower and ancient courtyard of
8737: 3821: 3451: 1952: 1689:
A stronghold carved from a mountain overlooking the harbor city of Lannisport and the sea beyond, Casterly Rock is the ancestral seat of
1032:, until it was finally absorbed under the Iron Throne through a marriage-alliance by King Daeron II in 187 AC. The Targaryens built the 576:
world, omitting a scale on the maps to discourage prediction of travel lengths based on measured distances. A new map artist was used in
8125: 8101: 8094: 7882: 2348:, "for their billowing white sails and for their figureheads, most of which depicted birds". Samwell Tarly, who spends two chapters in 713: 5455: 4662: 4607: 4503: 2870:
The Red Waste is a great desert-like area in the eastern part of Essos. Not much is known about it, since it was only briefly seen in
on one side and a very high range of mountains on the other. Of course, once again this is fantasy, so my mountains are more like the
887: 8311: 2048:, Dragonstone is now controlled by troops loyal to House Tyrell, and theoretically, once again under the control of the Iron Throne. 7720: 4639: 2766:
in relation to slavery, Daenerys Targaryen conquers the three great Slaver's Bay port city-states Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen in
8051: 717: 4874: 3365: 2369:
lies across the Narrow Sea from Westeros, an area comprising the large eastern continent named Essos. Being roughly the size of
Upon Robert's death, Stannis declared himself king of the Seven Kingdoms and condemned the queen's children as bastards born of
Targaryen's War of Conquest, and lost. This led to Orys Baratheon marrying Argilac's daughter and becoming Lord of Storm's End.
8082: 7957: 7950: 7943: 7936: 7929: 7922: 7915: 7908: 1198:
featured prominently in the prologue of the pilot episode and in the pivotal scene where the Starks first find the direwolves.
8246: 7666: 5241: 5205: 4266: 4227: 3686: 2060: 2011: 5135: 868: 340: 8648: 7558: 4763: 3532: 1129: 1033: 3658: 8774: 7988: 5516: 4726: 3568: 2631:
This section covers the Essos locations east of the Free Cities that Daenerys Targaryen passes through on her travels in
4150: 4000: 1955:, Northern Ireland. The scene where Stannis' red priestess Melisandre gave birth to a shadow creature was filmed in the 1866:
known as the Shipbreaker Bay behind the island of Tarth; from King's Landing and the Crownlands in the north by a large
8257: 7849: 592: 6510:"Everything you need to know about the Iron Bank of Braavos, which will be important on 'Game of Thrones' next Sunday" 3964: 3430: 3305: 2656:
The Dothraki Sea is a vast, flat grassland on Essos. It is inhabited by the Dothraki people, a copper-skinned race of
The Wall is a huge structure of stone, ice, and magic on the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. It is home to the
8184: 8164: 8145: 7486: 7458: 7422: 7394: 7366: 7338: 4941: 4911: 3595: 2051:
One scene set at Dragonstone, in which Stannis burns wooden sculptures of the Seven gods, was filmed at the beach of
of ice and old magic separates the Seven Kingdoms from the largely unmapped area to the north. The vast continent of
5919: 5917: 5915: 5913: 5911: 4567: 8687: 7777: 5609: 3328: 1739: 6591: 6120: 2572:
is a port city on a group of northern islands. It is the most isolated and financially the weakest. The character
1981: 8759: 8725: 8193: 7551: 6276: 6274: 5908: 5419: 5417: 3237: 1185: 875: 336: 7192: 7190: 7188: 3946: 3260: 8236: 7856: 7522: 7310: 6245: 6243: 6241: 6239: 6237: 6235: 6233: 4418: 3753: 3179:
The 7 kingdoms usage of course dates from the time of Aegon the conqueror. At that time, there was the King in
3063:, or war chief, and a moonsinger, who is a priestess, healer, and judge. Moonsingers are generally female, and 3052: 568: 316:, Westeros has enjoyed a decade-long summer, and many fear that an even longer and harsher winter will follow. 6271: 6099: 5414: 5354: 5352: 4375: 4335: 3785: 3108:
from Sothoryos is said to be used to build ships. A corsair's road runs along the continent's northern coast.
8680: 8495: 8215: 7979: 7185: 6364: 4183: 3092:(2000), showing the cities of Yeen and Zamettar on it. The narrative itself first refers to the continent in 2240: 604: 281:
along the western edge of Essos. The lands along the southern coastline of Essos are called the Lands of the
6901: 6899: 6230: 50:"Narrow Sea" redirects here. For the body of water historically known as the Narrow Sea or Narrow Seas, see 8779: 6350: 5349: 4529: 3026:
The novels repeatedly describe Yi Ti as an empire with cities full of wonder, lying in the far east. As of
1907: 6824: 6822: 6820: 6818: 6727: 6725: 6723: 6721: 6719: 6704: 6702: 7211: 7209: 7207: 7171: 6896: 6870: 6868: 6866: 6864: 6862: 6860: 6687: 6685: 6683: 6681: 6679: 6677: 6675: 6673: 6644: 6642: 6640: 6638: 6636: 6621: 6619: 6411: 6409: 1159:
called "the crypt", where bodies of deceased Starks are entombed behind statues in their likeness with a
7543: 6845: 6843: 6841: 6839: 4295: 2192:"In season two, filming for King's Landing and the Red Keep shifted from Malta to the historic parts of 8784: 8285: 8137: 7715: 7695: 7444: 6815: 6716: 6699: 6474: 4427: 4384: 4344: 4304: 3069: 2733: 2056: 1331: 1160: 823:. The northern extent of the continent is therefore unknown, although thought to be continuous with a 35: 7228: 7226: 7204: 6857: 6787: 6670: 6633: 6616: 6406: 5267: 1830:
The largest structure in the city, and the tallest structure in Westeros, is the Hightower, a massive
Eight thousand years before the events of the novels, an enigmatic arctic humanoid species called the
8294: 6997: 6995: 6980: 6978: 6836: 6744: 6742: 6572: 6570: 6555: 6553: 6142: 6140: 5483: 3005:
world map gives the island's location as to the north-east of Essos. Martin said that due to a large
East of Naath, the Basilisk Isles have been a festering sore of the Summer Sea, and a safe haven for
area historically contested among the Stormlands, the Reach and Dorne, known as the Dornish Marches.
7268: 7044: 7042: 7040: 6949: 6947: 6761: 6759: 6437: 6324: 6322: 5798: 5796: 5794: 5402: 5400: 5303: 5161: 5015: 273:
is located east of Westeros, across the Narrow Sea. The closest foreign nations to Westeros are the
7894: 7833: 7826: 7819: 7812: 7805: 7798: 7791: 7784: 7223: 6392: 6307: 6305: 5936: 5934: 5695: 5693: 5623: 3758: 2509: 1811: 7254: 7131: 7129: 6992: 6975: 6961: 6932: 6930: 6801: 6773: 6739: 6656: 6567: 6550: 6423: 6137: 5751: 5749: 5664: 5662: 5660: 5658: 5656: 5654: 5366: 4462: 3412: 8769: 8175: 7739: 7240: 7037: 7023: 6944: 6756: 6319: 5791: 5436: 5434: 5397: 3096:(2005). Martin had described Sothoryos in 2002 as "the southern continent, roughly equivalent to 1151:, whose scalding water runs inside the castle walls and warms its halls and rooms as well as the 7157: 7070: 6302: 6185: 5931: 5777: 5690: 5580: 5578: 5385: 5383: 3496: 3034:, talking of rumors that "basilisks infested the jungles of Yi Ti". Sailor stories presented in 2103: 1120:
born of a noble parent and acknowledged by said parent in the North are given the surname Snow.
327:". Martin has also suggested that the world may be larger than the real world planet Earth. The 8156: 7749: 7729: 7579: 7472: 7126: 7112: 7098: 7084: 7056: 6927: 6882: 6536: 6378: 6288: 6257: 6204: 6202: 6018: 6004: 5880: 5866: 5746: 5651: 5597: 5595: 5563: 5561: 4903: 4699: 3527: 3360: 3166: 1862:
in the coastal areas. The region is bordered in the east by the Narrow Sea, especially a large
1775: 1019: 851: 642: 210: 72: 7009: 6216: 6040:"Game Of Thrones: 10 Great Houses Ranked From Poorest To Richest (And How Much They're Worth)" 5962: 5676: 5431: 1452: 7967: 7685: 6913: 6173: 6171: 6154: 6085: 6039: 5810: 5575: 5497: 5380: 4897: 2386: 1891: 1839: 1698: 1605: 1137: 1117: 1094:
ruled by House Reed of Greywater Watch, loyal bannermen of House Stark. The Neck's difficult
832: 7436: 6336: 6199: 6057: 5852: 5707: 5637: 5592: 5558: 3364: 3134:
Ulthos, which after all sits at the edge of the known world. Terra incognita and all that."
George R. R. Martin said "The Dothraki were actually fashioned as an amalgam of a number of
2557: 2283: 1906:
Storm's End has never fallen to either siege or storm. Its outer defenses consist of a huge
Season 2 of the TV adaptation featured scenes set north of the Wall that were filmed on the
8516: 7633: 7408: 7143: 6488: 6071: 5990: 5976: 5948: 5824: 5763: 4597: 3269: 1936: 1722:
George R. R. Martin stated on his blog that he drew inspiration for Casterly Rock from the
1711: 1315: 1293: 1282: 995: 731: 6168: 5838: 5544: 3992:
In Conversation With... George R. R. Martin on Game of Thrones Part 1 – TIFF Bell Lightbox
1414: 858:
anthropoid species who carved the faces of their gods in weirwood trees. Some time later,
8: 8266: 8068: 7643: 7574: 7496: 7468: 7432: 7404: 7376: 7348: 7320: 7292: 5335: 5299: 5263: 5227: 5191: 5157: 5121: 5011: 4938: 4860: 4667: 4563: 4458: 4252: 4213: 3986: 3447: 2264: 2157: 1568:
and incurs enmity throughout the Seven Kingdoms, especially in the Riverlands and North.
1565: 991: 840: 678: 562:
series, has two maps of Westeros. Each new book has added one or two maps so that, as of
332: 215: 146: 94: 7538: 1557:. The castle's strategic position gives House Frey enormous importance in times of war. 1044:
in 283 AC, who then became the first king of the Seven Kingdoms not of House Targaryen.
in a post-magic world where people no longer believe in supernatural things such as the
8655: 8586: 8579: 8404: 8334: 8024: 7997: 6462: 6460: 6458: 6456: 6454: 4977: 3996: 3371: 3223: 2915:
and constructed a set at the Dubac quarry in Croatia to double for the gates of Qarth.
2875: 2522: 2420: 2308: 2197: 2003: 1327: 1026: 735: 4663:"Dragonstone's beautiful beach from Game of Thrones is real – here's how to get there" 2460: 1734: 807:. The land north of the Wall still makes up a large chunk (being roughly the size of 218:
take place is divided into several continents, known collectively as The Known World.
8641: 8355: 8327: 7864: 7653: 7623: 7613: 7593: 7518: 7508: 7504: 7482: 7454: 7418: 7390: 7380: 7362: 7352: 7334: 7306: 7296: 4907: 4864: 2664: 2213: 1927: 1918: 1871: 1863: 1767: 1723: 1682: 1532: 1469: 1468:. The television adaptation filmed the scenes of Pyke's port at Lordsport Harbour in 1246: 1242:, a brotherhood sworn to protect the realms of men from the threats beyond the Wall. 1231: 1029: 844: 667: 611: 588: 118: 44: 6529: 6451: 2894:, the city of Qarth has not yet appeared on any maps in the books. However, the HBO 2503:
In the television adaptation, Daenerys's scenes in the pilot episode were filmed in
8600: 8432: 8418: 8362: 8348: 8033: 7705: 7603: 7324: 6514: 5734: 5732: 5730: 5728: 5726: 5724: 5532: 5530: 2853:, Croatia. In Season 5, Daznak's Pit in the city was shot in the Plaza de Toros in 2850: 2729: 2252: 2178: 2129:
The royal castle, called the Red Keep, sits on Aegon's Hill. It is the seat of the
1851: 1702: 1323: 1250: 1239: 1195: 1076: 1041: 820: 759: 727: 132: 5231: 5125: 4256: 4217: 3961: 3427: 2826: 1854:
between the Blackwater Bay and the Sea of Dorne and the cape's associated western
787:, also known as "the Realm" or the "Sunset Kingdom", located to the south side of 8607: 8446: 8439: 8425: 8341: 8015: 7763: 7500: 7440: 5195: 5090: 5052: 4829: 4792: 4754: 4423: 4380: 4340: 4300: 4141:"Travels to Season 2 and Beyond with Game of Thrones Creator George R. R. Martin" 3968: 3905: 3859: 3694: 3559: 3434: 3333: 3298:"What is the Name of the World in 'Game of Thrones'? George R. R. Martin Answers" 2842: 2680: 2573: 2394: 2186: 2052: 1999: 1883: 1790: 1694: 1690: 1561: 1527: 1519:
built by Ser Axel Tully on land he received from the Andal King Armistead Vance.
1267: 941: 763: 324: 294: 51: 5894: 5721: 5527: 2882:
crossed it. The only known settlement in the region, Vaes Tolorro, is in ruins.
8695: 8509: 8481: 8453: 8390: 8383: 8006: 4463:"So Spake Martin: Kepler's and Cody's Signings (California; November 9 and 11)" 3600: 2846: 2716: 2712: 2518: 2492: 2287: 2220: 2138: 1887: 1859: 1613: 1507: 1207: 955: 816: 6602: 3990: 3554: 1677: 1348: 1079:. However, due to Wildling raids it is filled with abandoned towns and farms. 1066:
The North consists of the northern half of the Seven Kingdoms and is ruled by
8753: 8614: 8593: 8544: 8474: 8411: 8369: 8320: 4695:"World News with Diane Sawyer : WN 4/18: Games of Thrones Author Georg…" 4140: 2487: 2268: 2182: 2153: 1537: 1473: 1465: 1431: 1300: 1278: 1262: 1211: 1072: 975: 945: 824: 780: 767: 743: 617: 169: 2059:
of the show, filming for Dragonstone took place at several locations in the
called "Aegonfort", which later grew into the massive capital city known as
of unpredictable duration that can last for many years. At the beginning of
8662: 8558: 8523: 8502: 8376: 7514: 7478: 7450: 7414: 7386: 7358: 7330: 7302: 5272: 5236: 5200: 5130: 4924: 4869: 4602: 4467: 4261: 4222: 3650: 3456: 2994: 2526: 2064: 2007: 1783: 1778:
of the Faith of the Seven, situated at the mouth of the Honeywine estuary.
1750: 1639:
wall, and there are some fifty high iron sconces where torches may be lit.
1176: 1128:"Winterfell" redirects here. For the episode of the television series, see 1006:
a century prior, invaded the Westerosi mainland and landed his army at the
811:) of Westeros, but remains largely unmapped and unexplored, especially the 739: 688: 4949: 1990: 1371:. And then as you get further and further north, it changes. You get into 1222: 8704: 8572: 7573: 4575: 3826: 3232: 2533:
in Malta, was used for the location of Daenerys's wedding to Khal Drogo.
2399: 2173: 2130: 1589: 1554: 1399: 1199: 1172: 1168: 1144: 1107: 1067: 1048: 1007: 927: 899: 886:
humans from Essos called the Andals invaded Westeros, bringing along the
863: 747: 621: 82: 2020:
Dragonstone was once the westernmost outpost of the ancient Freehold of
via the Moon Door, which opens from the high hall onto a 600-foot drop.
1600: 1343: 1303:(about 150 miles (240 km)) south of the wall, was given to them in 1183:, Scotland, which was previously featured as Castle Anthrax in the film 8565: 8537: 8530: 8488: 8460: 7873: 4145: 3014: 2972: 2707:
tribes ... seasoned with a dash of pure fantasy. So any resemblance to
2704: 2553:
is the most influential religion of Volantis, especially among slaves.
2550: 2514: 2169: 2092: 1855: 1806: 1770:
in the Reach is Oldtown, Westeros's oldest and second largest city and
1759: 1656: 1550: 1523: 1406: 1364: 1304: 1190: 1152: 1148: 1086:
called The Neck separates the North from the South. It is dominated by
965: 903: 859: 755: 751: 278: 2468: 2456: 2006:
was used to represent a beach of the island of Dragonstone (left) and
The TV series' Castle Black and the Wall were filmed in the abandoned
8551: 8467: 3936: 2912: 2806: 2721: 2445: 2329: 2312: 2224: 2193: 2116: 1795: 1706: 1457: 1388: 1376: 1277:
Martin adjusted the size, length, and magical nature of the Wall for
1258: 1203: 1156: 1099: 1087: 987: 931: 917: 855: 812: 703: 628: 55: 2720:
similarities with another group of fearsome, nomadic warriors – the
is a coastal city renowned for their master lenscrafters, intricate
in Guadalajara, Spain, which portrayed the Tower of Joy in Dorne in
in Croatia (bottom) stood in for King's Landing in the TV adaptation
is looked upon with the greatest reverence, and where the rules for
called the Frostfangs, which marks the farthest geographic limit of
4634: 3790: 2964: 2960: 2750: 2700: 2546: 2328:
especially vulnerable to slavers from Essos. Daenerys' interpreter
2029: 1914: 1831: 1755: 1368: 1254: 1180: 1103: 979: 883: 836: 3452:"Future meetings, POVs, Arya's role, Eastern lands, and Assassins" 2415:. Mountains to the east separate the coast from the plains of the 2163:
The first season of the TV adaptation used Malta's former capital
human settlers, known as the First Men, migrated from Essos via a
4012: 3941: 3580: 3118: 3056: 2990: 2810: 2684: 2657: 2504: 2464: 2370: 2205: 2201: 2076: 2021: 1763: 1652: 1621: 1581: 1402: 1359: 1319: 1095: 1091: 1083: 1055: 1011: 800: 775:
The story takes place primarily on an elongated continent called
5456:"Game of Thrones: How grisly Scottish history inspired Westeros" 3366:"Dragons Ascendant: George R. R. Martin and the Rise of Fantasy" 2580:, wearing long hair dyed red on one side and white on the other. 1819:
where it opens onto Whispering Sound and the Sunset Sea beyond.
8397: 3815: 3813: 3159:"Transcript of Chat with George R. R. Martin on March 18, 1999" 3097: 3082: 3010: 2919: 2908: 2676: 2612: 2507:. The production redressed and repainted the Jerusalem sets of 2476: 2452: 2316: 2304: 2149: 2072: 2068: 2041: 1867: 1635: 1380: 1372: 1022: 808: 652: 309: 5517:"Game of Thrones: Westeros Is Actually An Upside Down Ireland" 2536:
When Pentos reappeared in Season 5, it was filmed in Croatia.
In the TV adaptation, scenes in the Stormlands were filmed in
For the TV adaptation, images of the Greek rock formations of
8621: 4496:"Swan Song Dragons: BlueBolt takes on VFX in Game of Thrones" 3006: 2904: 2854: 2746: 2708: 2696: 2692: 2660: 2472: 2164: 2145: 2112: 1384: 1271: 1054:
The southern half of Westeros is based on an inverted map of
796: 5256: 3810: 2947:
Asshai and the Shadow Lands are mysterious locations in the
as well as the home to the Maesters' Citadel and the former
A set of foldout maps was published on October 30, 2012, as
3105: 3048: 3009:
population in the Shivering sea, many of the Ibbenses were
The Qartheen are described as "tall pale folk in linen and
2688: 2594: 2530: 1879: 1771: 1749:
The Reach is the southwestern region of Westeros along the
1626: 1326:, whereas the scenes shot atop the wall were filmed inside 1111: 43:"Dothraki" redirects here. For the fictional language, see 5498:"Game of Thrones: Westeros began 'as upside-down Ireland'" 4899:
Women in Game of Thrones: Power, Conformity and Resistance
1576: 5095: 5057: 4834: 4797: 4759: 4654: 4432: 4389: 4349: 4309: 4110: 3864: 3564: 2463:
In the TV series, locations used as Braavos included the
of the Blackwater Rush. The three assembled a temporary
3822:"46 things we learned from the Game Of Thrones Blu-rays" 3778: 3596:"Just Write It! A fantasy author and his impatient fans" 3555:"Game of Thrones: Season 3 - Inside The Wildlings (HBO)" 1940:, the castle remains in the hands of Stannis Baratheon. 1114:
and the fifth largest settlement in the Seven Kingdoms.
7495: 7431: 5085:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Speaking Dothraki" 4787:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Tourney Standings" 4290: 4288: 4286: 4284: 4022:"George R. R. Martin talks to fans about the making of 3476: 1766:
are the most stringent and managed. The most prominent
A strip of land known as "the Gift", now stretching 50
Martin took the name Westeros from the Scottish region
4711: 4590: 3854:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Delayed Missives" 1460:
in Northern Ireland was redressed as the port of Pyke.
4741: 3894: 3892: 3890: 3888: 3886: 2715:
is coincidental. Well, except to the extent that the
The Red Keep interior are filmed at Belfast's studio
2014:, Spain (right) stood in for Dragonstone in Season 7. 1257:. Looking out over the hills, Martin wondered what a 827:
north of the Shivering Sea known as the White Waste.
5047:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Swarming Horde" 4687: 4281: 4103:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Fresh Recruits" 3901:"Game of Thrones: 10 Secrets About HBO's Adaptation" 3691:
author George R.R. Martin on sex, violence and T.V."
The TV series filmed Illyrio's mansion in Pentos at
born in the Stormlands are given the surname Storm.
293:. The latter is the former home of the ancestors of 6592:"The Dothraki and the Scythians: a game of clones?" 5470:"How Scottish history has inspired Game of Thrones" 5006: 5004: 5002: 5000: 4824:"Dispatches From The Seven Kingdoms: Genre Bending" 4184:"38 amazing Game of Thrones locations: in pictures" 3547: 3353: 3153: 3151: 2172:, which can be seen when Ned Stark arrives. Nearby 1810:The Hightower of Oldtown bears similarities to the 1742:in CĂłrdoba, Spain, which represented Highgarden in 1214:said, "Winterfell was based on a Scottish castle." 998:Visenya and Rhaenys, whose ancestors migrated from 5186: 5184: 5182: 4719:"HBO series to be filmed in Dubrovnik and Trsteno" 4451: 3930: 3928: 3883: 3680: 3678: 3676: 2402:. The area is known in the books as Slaver's Bay. 221:Most of the story takes place on the continent of 4064:Exclusive! George R. R. Martin Talks Season Two, 986:Three hundred years before the novels begin, the 610:. For the "Westeros the Series" viral video, see 305:, which in the narrative are largely unexplored. 229:. Those kingdoms are spread across nine regions: 8751: 7403: 7274: 7260: 7246: 7232: 7196: 7104: 6576: 6542: 6480: 6466: 6429: 6356: 5643: 5292: 5150: 5114: 4997: 4556: 4530:"Q&A Time: Author George R. R. Martin Talks 4487: 4413: 4411: 4053: 4051: 3747: 3745: 3743: 3741: 3739: 3737: 3642: 3440: 3398: 3396: 3394: 3289: 3148: 3001:, but similar to Martin's descriptions, the HBO 850:The first inhabitants of the continent were the 603:"Westeros" redirects here. For the website, see 5484:"Mapping Game Of Thrones - it's actually Kerry" 5179: 5076: 5038: 4931: 4026:and what inspired his best-selling book series" 3925: 3735: 3733: 3731: 3729: 3727: 3725: 3723: 3721: 3719: 3717: 3673: 3523:"An Interview with George R. R. Martin, Part I" 2985:wealthy guildsmen. Ibben is first mentioned in 2845:, many of the scenes in Meereen were filmed in 2282:In the show, Dornish scenes were filmed in the 1882:and married the latter's daughter to establish 1307:thousands of years earlier for cultivation. In 4853: 4598:"The Citadel: So Spake Martin, August 5, 2005" 4247: 4245: 3846: 3754:"Where HBO's hit 'Game of Thrones' was filmed" 3625: 3623: 3216: 2942: 1584:were used for the composite views of the Vale. 297:. To the south of Essos are the continents of 27:Fictional world created by George R. R. Martin 7559: 7375: 7347: 7291: 7215: 7177: 7163: 7149: 7118: 7090: 7076: 7062: 7048: 7029: 7015: 6984: 6967: 6919: 6905: 6828: 6807: 6793: 6779: 6765: 6748: 6731: 6708: 6691: 6662: 6648: 6625: 6608: 6559: 6494: 6443: 6415: 6398: 6370: 6342: 6294: 6280: 6263: 6249: 6222: 6208: 6191: 6160: 6146: 6105: 6091: 6063: 6024: 6010: 5982: 5968: 5923: 5900: 5886: 5872: 5858: 5844: 5830: 5816: 5802: 5783: 5769: 5755: 5738: 5713: 5699: 5682: 5668: 5629: 5584: 5567: 5550: 5536: 5440: 5423: 5406: 5389: 5372: 5358: 5341: 4816: 4778: 4408: 4178: 4176: 4174: 4172: 4170: 4168: 4048: 3684: 3516: 3514: 3391: 3320: 1798:Renly Baratheon contend for the Iron Throne. 274: 225:and in a large political entity known as the 7467: 7319: 7135: 7001: 6953: 6936: 6888: 6874: 6849: 6530:"Braavos - Game of Thrones Wiki Guide - IGN" 6384: 6328: 6311: 6177: 6077: 5996: 5954: 5940: 5615: 5601: 4889: 4328: 4257:"Bywater, River Kings, and Dornish Heraldry" 4206: 3714: 2611:guard has been composed solely of Unsullied 2455:, Italy. It was filmed in Croatian towns of 2389:, with a coastline along the Summer Sea and 1530:and the site of his crowning. By the end of 1102:, restricting the only dryland passage to a 4896:Frankel, Valerie Estelle (April 14, 2014). 4523: 4521: 4368: 4242: 4094: 3620: 2405: 2144:Martin compared King's Landing to medieval 1245:The Wall was inspired by Martin's visit to 323:story in an alternative world to Earth, a " 7753:(2022, co-written by GarcĂ­a and Antonsson) 7566: 7552: 5620:, Appendix: The King in the North, p. 985. 4165: 3511: 3326: 3228:"George R. R. Martin on magic vs. science" 3222: 2770:. She stays in Meereen throughout most of 1655:. Initially they had been considering the 1202:, meanwhile, served as the location where 5220: 4622: 4134: 4132: 3934: 3587: 3329:"GRRM Interview Part 4: Personal History" 3261:"EW interview: George R. R. Martin talks 3252: 3088:The continent is first named on a map in 6121:"A Song of Ice and Fire - House Martell" 4518: 4019: 3981: 3979: 3977: 3937:"A Conversation With George R.R. Martin" 3819: 3402: 2521:, the 16th century summer palace of the 2486: 2234: 1805: 1733: 1676: 1599: 1575: 1451: 1342: 1221: 1110:of the White Knife river, is a thriving 616:. For similarly sounding locations, see 5928:, Appendix: House Greyjoy, pp. 827–828. 5486:. July 31, 2016 – via 4970: 4895: 4057: 4020:Ippolito, Toni-Marie (March 13, 2012). 3751: 3685:Browning-Blas, Kristen (June 3, 2012). 3648: 3405:"An Interview With George R. R. Martin" 3258: 3042: 1015: 439: 14: 8752: 7721:Elio M. GarcĂ­a Jr. and Linda Antonsson 5314:from the original on November 20, 2012 5298: 5262: 5226: 5190: 5156: 5120: 5082: 5044: 5010: 4859: 4784: 4562: 4475:from the original on September 4, 2014 4457: 4251: 4212: 4129: 4117:from the original on December 18, 2010 4100: 3593: 3482: 3446: 3295: 3184: 2937:§ World and fictional history §§ Essos 2736:on two pedestals erected on location. 2377:, and extensive island chains such as 2200:, Bokar, and Lovrijenac fortresses in 1456:For the TV adaptation, the harbour of 1367:or the Canadian forests just north of 1143:Winterfell is the ancestral castle of 923: 242: 8765:Fictional elements introduced in 1996 7547: 5244:from the original on January 27, 2013 5102:from the original on October 10, 2011 4877:from the original on January 18, 2013 4660: 4544:from the original on October 22, 2012 4138: 3974: 3949:from the original on January 11, 2012 3898: 3871:from the original on December 6, 2010 3520: 3341:from the original on January 14, 2012 3200: 2805:The TV show used the coastal town of 2416: 2411:only provide a map of this region in 2390: 1409:, Iceland, followed by shooting near 1189:, was also used for exterior scenes. 1090:and is home to short, marsh-dwelling 909: 512: 483: 286: 234: 6110:, The Princess in the Tower, p. 855. 5428:, Appendix: House Targaryen, p. 832. 4985:from the original on January 6, 2012 4964: 4675:from the original on January 2, 2017 4610:from the original on August 26, 2014 4527: 4493: 3913:from the original on August 17, 2016 3820:Jennings, Mike (February 29, 2012). 3798:from the original on August 17, 2016 3327:Poniewozik, James (April 20, 2011). 3188: 3142: 2563: 2556:The TV adaptation used locations in 1886:, which has ruled the Stormlands as 1758:in Westeros, and is the place where 1701:, but after his death, Queen Regent 1571: 1564:", which violates native customs of 1075:wide given to the possession of the 937: 532: 461: 246: 6285:, Samwell IV, pp. 740–741, 751–752. 5280:from the original on March 14, 2011 5064:from the original on March 15, 2012 4804:from the original on March 15, 2012 4661:Smith, Oliver (23 September 2016). 4316:from the original on March 26, 2015 4153:from the original on April 13, 2012 4082:from the original on March 31, 2012 3661:from the original on March 17, 2012 3571:from the original on March 29, 2019 3359: 3277:from the original on March 27, 2012 3204: 3196: 3067:are mostly male. (Paraphrased from 2951:world. They are first mentioned in 1424: 1037: 1018:. Aided by their three formidable 951: 913: 815:region north and west of a massive 277:, a collection of nine independent 258: 250: 238: 226: 24: 8258:A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying 6375:, Samwell IV, pp. 740–741, 751–75. 5363:, Appendix: House Martell, p. 830. 5329: 5208:from the original on June 20, 2012 5138:from the original on June 21, 2012 5026:from the original on March 7, 2016 4937: 4785:Cogman, Bryan (October 13, 2010). 4269:from the original on June 28, 2012 4230:from the original on June 20, 2012 4194:from the original on June 21, 2015 3935:MacLaurin, Wayne (November 2000). 3834:from the original on March 4, 2012 3702:from the original on June 17, 2012 3608:from the original on April 5, 2012 3211:, which was ruled by a prince (7). 2930: 2639:before moving on to Slaver's Bay. 1681:Casterly Rock was inspired by the 1663: 1338: 25: 8796: 8185:Game of Thrones: Winter Is Coming 7532: 6254:, Cat of the Canals, pp. 722–728. 5514: 5083:Cogman, Bryan (9 December 2010). 4841:from the original on May 16, 2012 4003:from the original on May 29, 2012 3766:from the original on June 9, 2012 3464:from the original on July 7, 2012 3403:Zadravec, Goran (December 2003). 2335: 2298: 2185:doubled as the Red Keep's gates; 2152:. It was inspired by the view of 2082: 1962: 1845: 1487: 1098:terrain is infested by predatory 208:The fictional world in which the 18:Riverrun (A Song of Ice and Fire) 8732: 8721: 8720: 6584: 6522: 6502: 5045:Cogman, Bryan (August 5, 2010). 4703:. April 18, 2014. Archived from 4630:"Game of Thrones hits the beach" 4528:Ryan, Maureen (April 13, 2011). 4439:from the original on May 5, 2012 4396:from the original on May 5, 2012 4356:from the original on May 5, 2012 4101:Cogman, Bryan (6 October 2010). 4068:, and Real-World Influences for 4058:Roberts, Josh (March 26, 2012). 4018:Transcript summary available by 3786:"Medieval keep becomes film set" 3594:Miller, Laura (April 11, 2011). 3259:Hibberd, James (July 12, 2011). 3165:. March 18, 1999. Archived from 2860: 2626: 2102: 2091: 1989: 1980: 1838:Oldtown remained aloof from the 1672: 1003: 783:. The continent is home to the 651: 81: 8733: 8194:Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms 7539:Wiki of Ice and Fire, Geography 7285: 7201:, The Iron Suitor, pp. 744–746. 6113: 6032: 5508: 5490: 5476: 5462: 5448: 4973:"A Heroic Fantasy for Skeptics" 4971:Itzkoff, Dave (April 8, 2010). 4139:Duecy, Erica (March 26, 2012). 3752:Roberts, Josh (April 1, 2012). 3521:Harte, Bryant (July 12, 2011). 3379:from the original on 2022-01-02 2756: 2651: 1186:Monty Python and the Holy Grail 779:, which is roughly the size of 657:A map of the Westeros continent 558:, the first installment of the 308:The planet experiences erratic 282: 7883:A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms 7182:, The Queenmaker, pp. 425–426. 6910:, Daenerys VIII, pp. 707, 710. 4725:. July 4, 2012. Archived from 3999:. Event occurs at 13:00 min. 3483:Redman, Bridgette (May 2006). 3296:Whalen, Andrew (15 May 2017). 3192: 3180: 2825:Yunkish scenes were filmed in 1971: 1897: 1612:Based on the German castle of 1522:The castle is the location of 961: 954:, ruled by House Durrandon of 895: 792: 569:The Tough Guide To Fantasyland 491: 391: 298: 254: 230: 192: 13: 1: 6361:, The Griffin Reborn, p. 801. 3899:Lacob, Jace (April 4, 2011). 3137: 3053:binding the heads of newborns 2293: 1850:The Stormlands are the large 1608:, on which the Eyrie is based 1123: 964:, ruled by House Gardener of 788: 266: 222: 182: 7989:The Bear and the Maiden Fair 6879:, Daenerys III, pp. 575–577. 6833:, Daenerys III, pp. 234–235. 6736:, Daenerys III, pp. 368–369. 6713:, Daenerys III, pp. 371–373. 5232:"Eastern Cities and Peoples" 5016:"Re: Dear George R R Martin" 3630:"Interview: George Martin". 3076: 2993:-sized island" (i.e. 40,000 2943:Asshai and the Shadow Lands 2865: 2378: 1959:, also in Northern Ireland. 1814:(3D reconstruction pictured) 1729: 1595: 1543: 1496: 1061: 999: 924:Kingdom of Mountain and Vale 487: 319:George R. R. Martin set the 290: 7: 7716:The World of Ice & Fire 7446:The World of Ice & Fire 7220:, The Iron Captain, p. 365. 6854:, Daenerys II, pp. 422–426. 6798:, Daenerys IV, pp. 573–574. 6696:, Daenerys II, pp. 311–320. 6653:, Daenerys II, pp. 322–323. 6630:, Daenerys II, pp. 329–330. 6420:, Daenerys II, pp. 102–104. 3485:"George R. R. Martin Talks 2813:to film scenes in Astapor. 2539: 2156:from his childhood home in 1740:Castle of AlmodĂłvar del RĂ­o 1513: 1217: 598: 302: 197: 37:The World of Ice & Fire 10: 8801: 8775:Fictional populated places 8138:A Game of Thrones: Genesis 7696:The Princess and the Queen 5268:"Geographical Information" 3208: 2936: 2934: 2832: 2829:, Morocco in the TV show. 2785: 2642: 2434: 2374: 1801: 1479: 1379:and it becomes more of an 1127: 971: 916:, ruled by House Hoare of 626: 602: 270: 262: 187: 90:"A Map of The Known World" 49: 42: 29: 8715: 8672: 8631: 8310: 8277: 8205: 8124: 8077: 8066: 7893: 7772: 7761: 7676: 7665: 7587: 7477:(US hardcover ed.). 7449:(US hardcover ed.). 7413:(US hardcover ed.). 7385:(US paperback ed.). 7357:(US paperback ed.). 7329:(US paperback ed.). 7301:(US paperback ed.). 6485:, Tyrion IV, pp. 187–189. 6448:, The Queenmaker, p. 436. 5634:, Catelyn V, pp. 633–635. 4749:"In Production – Croatia" 4218:"Strength of the regions" 4107:Making of Game of Thrones 3967:February 4, 2012, at the 3433:February 4, 2012, at the 3131:The Lands of Ice and Fire 3124: 3070:The World of Ice and Fire 2957:The Lands of Ice and Fire 2955:and were first mapped in 2816: 2749:, at the farming town of 2739: 2482: 2406:Free Cities and vicinity 2365:Part of the narrative in 2340:As indicated on a map in 2210:the Pearl of the Adriatic 1253:close to the border with 723: 709: 699: 694: 684: 674: 662: 650: 640: 635: 585:The Lands of Ice and Fire 175: 165: 160: 152: 142: 104: 80: 70: 65: 7006:, Davos I, pp. 148, 150. 6403:, Daenerys I, pp. 30–31. 6151:, Tyrion V, pp. 520–521. 5377:, Bran VII, pp. 737–739. 4296:"Interactive viewer map" 3649:Patrick (May 17, 2006). 3207:(6), and the kingdom of 3021: 2979: 2885: 2451:Braavos was inspired by 2382: 2360: 2322: 2230: 1812:Lighthouse of Alexandria 1705:made one of her cousins 1606:castle of Neuschwanstein 1472:, in Northern Ireland's 1234:in the North of England. 341:many different religions 8176:Reigns: Game of Thrones 8052:Live Concert Experience 6989:, Daenerys VII, p. 672. 6972:, Daenerys III, p. 226. 6958:, Daenerys III, p. 583. 6812:, Daenerys VI, pp. 982. 6784:, Daenerys III, p. 381. 6753:, Daenerys III, p. 377. 6667:, Daenerys VII, p. 667. 6564:, Arya IV, pp. 530–531. 6333:, Theon I, pp. 172–173. 5945:, Theon I, pp. 165–166. 5807:, Jon III, pp. 184–186. 5411:, Bran IV, pp. 239–240. 4904:McFarland & Company 4494:Williams, Mark London. 2545:city is ruled by three 2075:, and Muriola Beach in 2063:of Spain: the islet of 1506:made it something of a 1447: 1230:series was inspired by 1136:. For the company, see 854:, a nature-worshipping 695:In-universe information 346: 161:In-universe information 8760:A Song of Ice and Fire 8157:Game of Thrones Ascent 8111:Awards and nominations 7980:The Rains of Castamere 7750:The Rise of the Dragon 7730:The Sons of the Dragon 7580:A Song of Ice and Fire 7279:, Daenerys IX, p. 693. 7053:, Daenerys VI, p. 587. 7034:, Daenerys II, p. 104. 6770:, Daenerys II, p. 117. 6316:, Prologue, pp. 20–21. 6196:, Brienne III, p. 300. 5788:, Jon IV, pp. 405–406. 5704:, Eddard I, pp. 42–43. 5162:"Maps! Maps!! Maps!!!" 4700:ABC World News Tonight 4426:Viewer's Guide â€“ 4383:Viewer's Guide â€“ 4343:Viewer's Guide â€“ 4303:Viewer's Guide â€“ 4070:A Song of Ice and Fire 3867:. September 23, 2010. 3528:Indigo Books and Music 3199:King (5), the King of 2691:, certainly, but also 2576:poses as a Lorathi in 2496: 2367:A Song of Ice and Fire 2247: 1815: 1746: 1686: 1609: 1585: 1526:'s great victory over 1461: 1383:environment. You have 1352: 1235: 852:Children of the Forest 643:A Song of Ice and Fire 606:A Song of Ice and Fire 560:A Song of Ice and Fire 416:The South of Westeros 314:A Song of Ice and Fire 211:A Song of Ice and Fire 73:A Song of Ice and Fire 32:A Song of Ice and Fire 7719:(2014, co-written by 7686:Tales of Dunk and Egg 7237:, Daenerys V, p. 395. 7168:, Daenerys X, p. 799. 7140:, Tyrion VII, p. 452. 7081:, Catelyn IV, p. 169. 6941:, Daenerys I, p. 192. 6893:, Daenerys V, p. 884. 6389:, Tyrion III, p. 238. 6029:, Alayne, Chapter 41. 6015:, Catelyn IX, p. 649. 5891:, Tyrion III, p. 206. 5877:, Samwell V, p. 1077. 5760:, Samwell II, p. 450. 5673:, Catelyn VI, p. 369. 5302:(November 15, 2012). 4461:(November 11, 2000). 4216:(February 28, 2002). 3651:"George R. R. Martin" 2843:HBO television series 2490: 2387:Mediterranean climate 2238: 1892:illegitimate children 1890:afterwards. Highborn 1840:War of the Five Kings 1809: 1737: 1709:of the castle. As of 1699:War of the Five Kings 1680: 1657:Zhangjiajie Mountains 1603: 1579: 1455: 1346: 1225: 1210:studio. Set designer 1138:Winterfell Industries 1118:Illegitimate children 972:Principality of Dorne 627:Further information: 392:The North of Westeros 7634:A Dance with Dragons 7497:Martin, George R. R. 7469:Martin, George R. R. 7433:Martin, George R. R. 7410:A Dance with Dragons 7405:Martin, George R. R. 7377:Martin, George R. R. 7349:Martin, George R. R. 7321:Martin, George R. R. 7293:Martin, George R. R. 7276:A Dance with Dragons 7265:, Tyrion XI, p. 756. 7262:A Dance with Dragons 7248:A Dance with Dragons 7234:A Dance with Dragons 7198:A Dance with Dragons 7123:, Jaime III, p. 296. 7106:A Dance with Dragons 7095:, Brienne V, p. 521. 7067:, Tyrion II, p. 122. 6581:, Tyrion, Chapter 5. 6578:A Dance with Dragons 6544:A Dance with Dragons 6482:A Dance with Dragons 6468:A Dance with Dragons 6434:, Tyrion IV, p. 182. 6431:A Dance with Dragons 6358:A Dance with Dragons 6299:, Tyrion II, p. 121. 6268:, Samwell V, p. 965. 5973:, Tyrion IV, p. 439. 5687:, Catelyn II, p. 58. 5645:A Dance with Dragons 5445:, Cersei VI, p. 600. 5300:Martin, George R. R. 5264:Martin, George R. R. 5228:Martin, George R. R. 5194:(November 9, 2002). 5192:Martin, George R. R. 5160:(November 1, 2012). 5158:Martin, George R. R. 5122:Martin, George R. R. 5014:(February 5, 2012). 5012:Martin, George R. R. 4939:Martin, George R. R. 4863:(February 7, 1999). 4861:Martin, George R. R. 4564:Martin, George R. R. 4459:Martin, George R. R. 4253:Martin, George R. R. 4214:Martin, George R. R. 3794:. October 23, 2009. 3499:on November 20, 2012 3448:Martin, George R. R. 3415:on December 23, 2011 3270:Entertainment Weekly 3263:A Dance With Dragons 3115:A Dance with Dragons 3110:A Dance with Dragons 3102:A Dance with Dragons 3043:Plains of Jogos Nhai 3028:A Dance with Dragons 2999:A Dance with Dragons 2772:A Dance with Dragons 2703:, and various other 2429:A Dance with Dragons 2413:A Dance with Dragons 2216:, Northern Ireland. 2046:A Dance with Dragons 1945:A Dance with Dragons 1937:A Dance with Dragons 1789:During the reign of 1712:A Dance with Dragons 1464:Pyke is the seat of 1175:, Northern Ireland. 1030:guerrilla resistance 962:Kingdom of the Reach 910:Kingdom of the Isles 896:Kingdom of the North 882:Sometime later, the 578:A Dance with Dragons 564:A Dance with Dragons 34:companion book, see 8780:Fictional universes 8267:Battles of Westeros 8250:(role-playing game) 8069:House of the Dragon 7644:The Winds of Winter 7575:George R. R. Martin 7437:GarcĂ­a Jr., Elio M. 7251:, Tyrion X, p. 628. 7020:, Bran III, p. 163. 6227:, Sansa II, p. 294. 6165:, Sansa II, p. 302. 6096:, Tyrion V, p. 528. 5821:, Bran III, p. 550. 5606:, Bran III, p. 329. 5589:, Bran III, p. 546. 5394:, Jon VIII, p. 656. 5126:"Trade with Asshai" 5124:(August 26, 2000). 4066:The Winds of Winter 3987:George R. R. Martin 3363:(August 12, 2011). 3308:on 29 November 2022 3224:Schweitzer, Darrell 3129:The map collection 2890:First mentioned in 2529:, on the island of 2265:equal primogeniture 2115:in Malta (top) and 2071:, Itzurun Beach in 1351:glacier in Iceland. 992:Aegon the Conqueror 938:Kingdom of the Rock 841:Albigensian Crusade 795:" and "South" by a 679:George R. R. Martin 216:George R. R. Martin 147:George R. R. Martin 95:George R. R. Martin 8656:Valyrian languages 8587:Rhaenyra Targaryen 8580:Daenerys Targaryen 8405:Tormund Giantsbane 8335:Myrcella Baratheon 7998:Light of the Seven 7505:Silverberg, Robert 6924:, Sansa V, p. 833. 6596:The British Museum 6213:, Prologue, p. 11. 6082:, Davos I, p. 161. 6068:, Prologue, p. 12. 6001:, Theon I, p. 169. 5959:, Theon I, p. 917. 5863:, Eddard I, p. 46. 5718:, Bran IV, p. 770. 5572:, Eddard I, p. 41. 5266:(March 26, 2002). 4978:The New York Times 4942:"Magic in Morocco" 4707:on April 27, 2014. 4606:. August 5, 2005. 3997:TIFF Bell Lightbox 3989:(March 12, 2012). 3567:. March 26, 2013. 3450:(April 15, 2008). 3372:The New York Times 3169:on October 5, 2000 3117:are described as " 2876:Daenerys Targaryen 2564:Other Free Cities 2523:president of Malta 2497: 2284:Alcázar of Seville 2248: 2004:County Londonderry 1832:stepped lighthouse 1816: 1747: 1687: 1610: 1586: 1462: 1353: 1328:Paint Hall Studios 1236: 888:Faith of the Seven 833:Hundred Years' War 736:Daenerys Targaryen 8785:Fictional planets 8747: 8746: 8642:Dothraki language 8356:Stannis Baratheon 8328:Joffrey Baratheon 8306: 8305: 8287:A Game of Thrones 8248:A Game of Thrones 8238:A Game of Thrones 8217:A Game of Thrones 8120: 8119: 8062: 8061: 7865:After the Thrones 7654:A Dream of Spring 7624:A Feast for Crows 7614:A Storm of Swords 7594:A Game of Thrones 7382:A Feast for Crows 7354:A Storm of Swords 7298:A Game of Thrones 7217:A Feast for Crows 7179:A Feast for Crows 7165:A Game of Thrones 7151:A Storm of Swords 7120:A Storm of Swords 7109:, Jon IX, p. 585. 7092:A Feast for Crows 7078:A Game of Thrones 7064:A Game of Thrones 7050:A Game of Thrones 7031:A Game of Thrones 7017:A Game of Thrones 6986:A Game of Thrones 6969:A Game of Thrones 6921:A Storm of Swords 6907:A Game of Thrones 6830:A Game of Thrones 6809:A Storm of Swords 6795:A Storm of Swords 6781:A Storm of Swords 6767:A Storm of Swords 6750:A Storm of Swords 6733:A Storm of Swords 6710:A Storm of Swords 6693:A Storm of Swords 6664:A Game of Thrones 6650:A Storm of Swords 6627:A Storm of Swords 6610:A Game of Thrones 6561:A Game of Thrones 6547:, Davos, pp. 194. 6496:A Game of Thrones 6445:A Feast for Crows 6417:A Game of Thrones 6400:A Game of Thrones 6372:A Feast for Crows 6347:, Prologue, p. 8. 6344:A Feast for Crows 6296:A Game of Thrones 6282:A Feast for Crows 6265:A Feast for Crows 6251:A Feast for Crows 6224:A Game of Thrones 6210:A Feast for Crows 6193:A Feast for Crows 6182:, Arya II, p. 86. 6162:A Game of Thrones 6148:A Storm of Swords 6107:A Feast for Crows 6093:A Storm of Swords 6065:A Storm of Swords 6026:A Feast for Crows 6012:A Game of Thrones 5987:, Jon VI, p. 664. 5984:A Storm of Swords 5970:A Storm of Swords 5925:A Game of Thrones 5902:A Feast for Crows 5888:A Game of Thrones 5874:A Storm of Swords 5860:A Game of Thrones 5846:A Storm of Swords 5835:, Jon IX, p. 784. 5832:A Game of Thrones 5818:A Storm of Swords 5804:A Game of Thrones 5785:A Storm of Swords 5774:, Jon VI, p. 520. 5771:A Game of Thrones 5757:A Storm of Swords 5740:A Storm of Swords 5715:A Storm of Swords 5701:A Game of Thrones 5684:A Game of Thrones 5670:A Game of Thrones 5631:A Game of Thrones 5586:A Storm of Swords 5569:A Game of Thrones 5552:A Game of Thrones 5538:A Game of Thrones 5442:A Feast for Crows 5425:A Game of Thrones 5408:A Game of Thrones 5391:A Game of Thrones 5374:A Game of Thrones 5360:A Game of Thrones 5343:A Game of Thrones 5230:(June 12, 2002). 5196:"Ibben and Armor" 4837:. July 29, 2010. 4766:on March 21, 2012 4568:"Coming to Spain" 3535:on April 20, 2012 3203:, who also ruled 3191:(3), the King of 3187:(2), the King of 3185:Mountain and Vale 3183:(1), the King of 3143:Secondary sources 3094:A Feast for Crows 3090:A Storm of Swords 3055:. They also ride 3036:A Feast for Crows 3032:A Game of Thrones 2987:A Game of Thrones 2953:A Game of Thrones 2935:For Valyria, see 2892:A Game of Thrones 2792:A Storm of Swords 2768:A Storm of Swords 2764:A Game of Thrones 2633:A Game of Thrones 2510:Kingdom of Heaven 2350:A Feast for Crows 2342:A Storm of Swords 2277:A Storm of Swords 1928:Stannis Baratheon 1864:semi-enclosed bay 1768:population center 1724:Rock of Gibraltar 1683:Rock of Gibraltar 1572:The Vale of Arryn 1533:A Feast for Crows 1470:Ballintoy Harbour 1441:A Game of Thrones 1309:A Game of Thrones 845:Wars of the Roses 821:human settlements 773: 772: 668:A Game of Thrones 613:Zondag met Lubach 556:A Game of Thrones 553: 552: 289:and the ruins of 206: 205: 119:A Game of Thrones 45:Dothraki language 16:(Redirected from 8792: 8740: 8736: 8735: 8728: 8724: 8723: 8708: 8699: 8690: 8683: 8665: 8658: 8651: 8644: 8624: 8617: 8610: 8603: 8601:Brienne of Tarth 8596: 8589: 8582: 8575: 8568: 8561: 8554: 8547: 8540: 8533: 8526: 8519: 8512: 8505: 8498: 8491: 8484: 8477: 8470: 8463: 8456: 8449: 8442: 8435: 8433:Tyrion Lannister 8428: 8421: 8419:Cersei Lannister 8414: 8407: 8400: 8393: 8386: 8379: 8372: 8365: 8363:Tommen Baratheon 8358: 8351: 8349:Robert Baratheon 8344: 8337: 8330: 8323: 8299: 8296:A Clash of Kings 8290: 8270: 8261: 8252: 8242: 8230: 8221: 8207: 8198: 8188: 8179: 8170: 8160: 8151: 8141: 8127: 8113: 8104: 8097: 8090: 8085: 8075: 8074: 8055: 8046: 8037: 8034:Catch the Throne 8028: 8019: 8010: 8001: 7992: 7983: 7974: 7960: 7953: 7946: 7939: 7932: 7925: 7918: 7911: 7904: 7886: 7877: 7868: 7859: 7852: 7845: 7836: 7829: 7822: 7815: 7808: 7801: 7794: 7787: 7780: 7770: 7769: 7754: 7744: 7740:Fire & Blood 7734: 7724: 7710: 7706:The Rogue Prince 7700: 7690: 7674: 7673: 7668: 7658: 7648: 7638: 7628: 7618: 7608: 7604:A Clash of Kings 7598: 7568: 7561: 7554: 7545: 7544: 7528: 7492: 7474:Fire & Blood 7464: 7441:Antonsson, Linda 7428: 7400: 7372: 7344: 7326:A Clash of Kings 7316: 7280: 7272: 7266: 7258: 7252: 7244: 7238: 7230: 7221: 7213: 7202: 7194: 7183: 7175: 7169: 7161: 7155: 7154:, Arya I, p. 51. 7147: 7141: 7137:A Clash of Kings 7133: 7124: 7116: 7110: 7102: 7096: 7088: 7082: 7074: 7068: 7060: 7054: 7046: 7035: 7027: 7021: 7013: 7007: 7003:A Clash of Kings 6999: 6990: 6982: 6973: 6965: 6959: 6955:A Clash of Kings 6951: 6942: 6938:A Clash of Kings 6934: 6925: 6917: 6911: 6903: 6894: 6890:A Clash of Kings 6886: 6880: 6876:A Clash of Kings 6872: 6855: 6851:A Clash of Kings 6847: 6834: 6826: 6813: 6805: 6799: 6791: 6785: 6777: 6771: 6763: 6754: 6746: 6737: 6729: 6714: 6706: 6697: 6689: 6668: 6660: 6654: 6646: 6631: 6623: 6614: 6606: 6600: 6599: 6588: 6582: 6574: 6565: 6557: 6548: 6540: 6534: 6533: 6526: 6520: 6519: 6515:Business Insider 6506: 6500: 6499:, Jon V, p. 447. 6492: 6486: 6478: 6472: 6464: 6449: 6441: 6435: 6427: 6421: 6413: 6404: 6396: 6390: 6386:A Clash of Kings 6382: 6376: 6368: 6362: 6354: 6348: 6340: 6334: 6330:A Clash of Kings 6326: 6317: 6313:A Clash of Kings 6309: 6300: 6292: 6286: 6278: 6269: 6261: 6255: 6247: 6228: 6220: 6214: 6206: 6197: 6189: 6183: 6179:A Clash of Kings 6175: 6166: 6158: 6152: 6144: 6135: 6134: 6132: 6131: 6117: 6111: 6103: 6097: 6089: 6083: 6079:A Clash of Kings 6075: 6069: 6061: 6055: 6054: 6052: 6051: 6036: 6030: 6022: 6016: 6008: 6002: 5998:A Clash of Kings 5994: 5988: 5980: 5974: 5966: 5960: 5956:A Clash of Kings 5952: 5946: 5942:A Clash of Kings 5938: 5929: 5921: 5906: 5898: 5892: 5884: 5878: 5870: 5864: 5856: 5850: 5849:, Jon V, p. 557. 5842: 5836: 5828: 5822: 5814: 5808: 5800: 5789: 5781: 5775: 5767: 5761: 5753: 5744: 5736: 5719: 5711: 5705: 5697: 5688: 5680: 5674: 5666: 5649: 5641: 5635: 5627: 5621: 5617:A Clash of Kings 5613: 5607: 5603:A Clash of Kings 5599: 5590: 5582: 5573: 5565: 5556: 5555:, Bran I, p. 14. 5548: 5542: 5534: 5525: 5524: 5512: 5506: 5505: 5494: 5488: 5487: 5480: 5474: 5473: 5472:. 26 April 2016. 5466: 5460: 5459: 5458:. 12 April 2019. 5452: 5446: 5438: 5429: 5421: 5412: 5404: 5395: 5387: 5378: 5370: 5364: 5356: 5347: 5346:, Arya I, p. 71. 5339: 5324: 5323: 5321: 5319: 5296: 5290: 5289: 5287: 5285: 5260: 5254: 5253: 5251: 5249: 5224: 5218: 5217: 5215: 5213: 5188: 5177: 5176: 5174: 5172: 5154: 5148: 5147: 5145: 5143: 5118: 5112: 5111: 5109: 5107: 5080: 5074: 5073: 5071: 5069: 5042: 5036: 5035: 5033: 5031: 5008: 4995: 4994: 4992: 4990: 4968: 4962: 4961: 4959: 4957: 4952:on July 21, 2011 4948:. Archived from 4935: 4929: 4928: 4922: 4920: 4893: 4887: 4886: 4884: 4882: 4857: 4851: 4850: 4848: 4846: 4820: 4814: 4813: 4811: 4809: 4782: 4776: 4775: 4773: 4771: 4762:. Archived from 4745: 4739: 4738: 4736: 4734: 4715: 4709: 4708: 4691: 4685: 4684: 4682: 4680: 4658: 4652: 4651: 4649: 4647: 4642:on April 6, 2012 4638:. Archived from 4626: 4620: 4619: 4617: 4615: 4594: 4588: 4587: 4585: 4583: 4578:on March 4, 2012 4574:. Archived from 4566:(May 29, 2008). 4560: 4554: 4553: 4551: 4549: 4525: 4516: 4515: 4513: 4511: 4502:. Archived from 4491: 4485: 4484: 4482: 4480: 4455: 4449: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4415: 4406: 4405: 4403: 4401: 4372: 4366: 4365: 4363: 4361: 4332: 4326: 4325: 4323: 4321: 4292: 4279: 4278: 4276: 4274: 4255:(May 22, 1999). 4249: 4240: 4239: 4237: 4235: 4210: 4204: 4203: 4201: 4199: 4180: 4163: 4162: 4160: 4158: 4136: 4127: 4126: 4124: 4122: 4098: 4092: 4091: 4089: 4087: 4055: 4046: 4045: 4043: 4041: 4036:on April 4, 2012 4032:. Archived from 4016: 4010: 4008: 3983: 3972: 3962:approved by GRRM 3958: 3956: 3954: 3932: 3923: 3922: 3920: 3918: 3896: 3881: 3880: 3878: 3876: 3850: 3844: 3843: 3841: 3839: 3817: 3808: 3807: 3805: 3803: 3782: 3776: 3775: 3773: 3771: 3749: 3712: 3711: 3709: 3707: 3682: 3671: 3670: 3668: 3666: 3646: 3640: 3639: 3627: 3618: 3617: 3615: 3613: 3591: 3585: 3584: 3578: 3576: 3551: 3545: 3544: 3542: 3540: 3531:. Archived from 3518: 3509: 3508: 3506: 3504: 3495:. Archived from 3480: 3474: 3473: 3471: 3469: 3444: 3438: 3428:approved by GRRM 3424: 3422: 3420: 3411:. Archived from 3400: 3389: 3388: 3386: 3384: 3368: 3357: 3351: 3350: 3348: 3346: 3324: 3318: 3317: 3315: 3313: 3304:. Archived from 3293: 3287: 3286: 3284: 3282: 3256: 3250: 3249: 3247: 3245: 3236:. Archived from 3226:(May 24, 2007). 3220: 3214: 3213: 3201:the Iron Islands 3176: 3174: 3155: 2931:Unvisited lands 2925:A Clash of Kings 2901:A Clash of Kings 2872:A Clash of Kings 2851:Fortress of Klis 2730:Mourne Mountains 2637:A Clash of Kings 2578:A Clash of Kings 2355:A Clash of Kings 2253:Tyrion Lannister 2179:San Anton Palace 2139:"bowls of brown" 2106: 2095: 1993: 1984: 1858:, named for the 1703:Cersei Lannister 1425:The Iron Islands 1419:HöfĂ°abrekkuheiĂ°i 1397:SvĂ­nafellsjökull 1356:A Clash of Kings 1324:Northern Ireland 1251:North of England 1226:The Wall in the 1196:Tollymore Forest 1042:Robert Baratheon 760:Cersei Lannister 728:Tyrion Lannister 663:First appearance 655: 633: 632: 513:The Iron Islands 351: 350: 235:the Iron Islands 156:Novel/Television 133:Winter Is Coming 105:First appearance 85: 63: 62: 21: 8800: 8799: 8795: 8794: 8793: 8791: 8790: 8789: 8750: 8749: 8748: 8743: 8731: 8719: 8711: 8702: 8693: 8686: 8679: 8668: 8661: 8654: 8647: 8640: 8627: 8620: 8613: 8608:Margaery Tyrell 8606: 8599: 8592: 8585: 8578: 8571: 8564: 8557: 8550: 8543: 8536: 8529: 8522: 8515: 8508: 8501: 8494: 8487: 8480: 8473: 8466: 8459: 8452: 8447:Arianne Martell 8445: 8440:Tywin Lannister 8438: 8431: 8426:Jaime Lannister 8424: 8417: 8410: 8403: 8396: 8389: 8382: 8375: 8368: 8361: 8354: 8347: 8342:Renly Baratheon 8340: 8333: 8326: 8319: 8302: 8293: 8284: 8273: 8264: 8255: 8245: 8235: 8224: 8214: 8201: 8191: 8182: 8173: 8166:Game of Thrones 8163: 8154: 8147:Game of Thrones 8144: 8135: 8116: 8109: 8100: 8093: 8088: 8081: 8058: 8049: 8040: 8031: 8022: 8016:Me Traicionaste 8013: 8004: 7995: 7986: 7977: 7969:Game of Thrones 7965: 7956: 7949: 7942: 7935: 7928: 7921: 7914: 7907: 7902: 7889: 7880: 7871: 7862: 7855: 7848: 7841: 7832: 7825: 7818: 7811: 7804: 7797: 7790: 7783: 7776: 7764:Game of Thrones 7757: 7747: 7737: 7727: 7713: 7703: 7693: 7683: 7661: 7651: 7641: 7631: 7621: 7611: 7601: 7591: 7583: 7572: 7535: 7525: 7501:The Sworn Sword 7489: 7461: 7425: 7397: 7369: 7341: 7313: 7288: 7283: 7273: 7269: 7259: 7255: 7245: 7241: 7231: 7224: 7214: 7205: 7195: 7186: 7176: 7172: 7162: 7158: 7148: 7144: 7134: 7127: 7117: 7113: 7103: 7099: 7089: 7085: 7075: 7071: 7061: 7057: 7047: 7038: 7028: 7024: 7014: 7010: 7000: 6993: 6983: 6976: 6966: 6962: 6952: 6945: 6935: 6928: 6918: 6914: 6904: 6897: 6887: 6883: 6873: 6858: 6848: 6837: 6827: 6816: 6806: 6802: 6792: 6788: 6778: 6774: 6764: 6757: 6747: 6740: 6730: 6717: 6707: 6700: 6690: 6671: 6661: 6657: 6647: 6634: 6624: 6617: 6607: 6603: 6590: 6589: 6585: 6575: 6568: 6558: 6551: 6541: 6537: 6532:. 5 April 2012. 6528: 6527: 6523: 6508: 6507: 6503: 6493: 6489: 6479: 6475: 6465: 6452: 6442: 6438: 6428: 6424: 6414: 6407: 6397: 6393: 6383: 6379: 6369: 6365: 6355: 6351: 6341: 6337: 6327: 6320: 6310: 6303: 6293: 6289: 6279: 6272: 6262: 6258: 6248: 6231: 6221: 6217: 6207: 6200: 6190: 6186: 6176: 6169: 6159: 6155: 6145: 6138: 6129: 6127: 6119: 6118: 6114: 6104: 6100: 6090: 6086: 6076: 6072: 6062: 6058: 6049: 6047: 6038: 6037: 6033: 6023: 6019: 6009: 6005: 5995: 5991: 5981: 5977: 5967: 5963: 5953: 5949: 5939: 5932: 5922: 5909: 5899: 5895: 5885: 5881: 5871: 5867: 5857: 5853: 5843: 5839: 5829: 5825: 5815: 5811: 5801: 5792: 5782: 5778: 5768: 5764: 5754: 5747: 5737: 5722: 5712: 5708: 5698: 5691: 5681: 5677: 5667: 5652: 5648:, Jon I, p. 53. 5642: 5638: 5628: 5624: 5614: 5610: 5600: 5593: 5583: 5576: 5566: 5559: 5549: 5545: 5535: 5528: 5515:Healy, Alison. 5513: 5509: 5504:. May 11, 2019. 5496: 5495: 5491: 5482: 5481: 5477: 5468: 5467: 5463: 5454: 5453: 5449: 5439: 5432: 5422: 5415: 5405: 5398: 5388: 5381: 5371: 5367: 5357: 5350: 5340: 5336: 5332: 5330:Primary sources 5327: 5317: 5315: 5297: 5293: 5283: 5281: 5261: 5257: 5247: 5245: 5225: 5221: 5211: 5209: 5189: 5180: 5170: 5168: 5155: 5151: 5141: 5139: 5119: 5115: 5105: 5103: 5091:Game of Thrones 5081: 5077: 5067: 5065: 5053:Game of Thrones 5043: 5039: 5029: 5027: 5009: 4998: 4988: 4986: 4969: 4965: 4955: 4953: 4936: 4932: 4918: 4916: 4914: 4894: 4890: 4880: 4878: 4858: 4854: 4844: 4842: 4830:Game of Thrones 4822: 4821: 4817: 4807: 4805: 4793:Game of Thrones 4783: 4779: 4769: 4767: 4755:Game of Thrones 4747: 4746: 4742: 4732: 4730: 4729:on July 6, 2012 4717: 4716: 4712: 4693: 4692: 4688: 4678: 4676: 4659: 4655: 4645: 4643: 4628: 4627: 4623: 4613: 4611: 4596: 4595: 4591: 4581: 4579: 4561: 4557: 4547: 4545: 4532:Game of Thrones 4526: 4519: 4509: 4507: 4506:on May 29, 2011 4492: 4488: 4478: 4476: 4456: 4452: 4442: 4440: 4424:Game of Thrones 4417: 4416: 4409: 4399: 4397: 4381:Game of Thrones 4374: 4373: 4369: 4359: 4357: 4341:Game of Thrones 4334: 4333: 4329: 4319: 4317: 4301:Game of Thrones 4294: 4293: 4282: 4272: 4270: 4250: 4243: 4233: 4231: 4211: 4207: 4197: 4195: 4182: 4181: 4166: 4156: 4154: 4137: 4130: 4120: 4118: 4099: 4095: 4085: 4083: 4062:Game of Thrones 4056: 4049: 4039: 4037: 4024:Game of Thrones 4017: 4006: 4004: 3985: 3984: 3975: 3969:Wayback Machine 3959: 3952: 3950: 3933: 3926: 3916: 3914: 3906:The Daily Beast 3897: 3884: 3874: 3872: 3860:Game of Thrones 3852: 3851: 3847: 3837: 3835: 3818: 3811: 3801: 3799: 3784: 3783: 3779: 3769: 3767: 3750: 3715: 3705: 3703: 3695:The Denver Post 3689:Game of Thrones 3683: 3674: 3664: 3662: 3647: 3643: 3629: 3628: 3621: 3611: 3609: 3592: 3588: 3574: 3572: 3560:Game of Thrones 3553: 3552: 3548: 3538: 3536: 3519: 3512: 3502: 3500: 3481: 3477: 3467: 3465: 3445: 3441: 3435:Wayback Machine 3425: 3418: 3416: 3401: 3392: 3382: 3380: 3358: 3354: 3344: 3342: 3325: 3321: 3311: 3309: 3294: 3290: 3280: 3278: 3257: 3253: 3243: 3241: 3240:on June 4, 2012 3221: 3217: 3172: 3170: 3157: 3156: 3149: 3145: 3140: 3127: 3079: 3045: 3024: 2982: 2945: 2940: 2933: 2888: 2868: 2863: 2835: 2819: 2788: 2759: 2742: 2681:plains cultures 2654: 2645: 2629: 2566: 2542: 2485: 2461:Kaštel Gomilica 2437: 2408: 2395:House Targaryen 2363: 2338: 2336:Summer Islands 2332:is from Naath. 2325: 2301: 2296: 2245:Game of Thrones 2241:Castle of Zafra 2233: 2187:Fort St. Angelo 2181:. The gates of 2123: 2122: 2121: 2120: 2109: 2108: 2107: 2098: 2097: 2096: 2085: 2053:Downhill Strand 2018: 2017: 2016: 2015: 2000:Downhill Strand 1996: 1995: 1994: 1986: 1985: 1974: 1965: 1957:Cushendun Caves 1900: 1884:House Baratheon 1860:severe weathers 1848: 1804: 1791:House Baratheon 1744:Game of Thrones 1732: 1695:Tywin Lannister 1691:House Lannister 1675: 1666: 1664:The Westerlands 1645:Feast for Crows 1598: 1574: 1562:The Red Wedding 1546: 1528:House Lannister 1516: 1499: 1490: 1482: 1450: 1427: 1341: 1339:Beyond the Wall 1259:Roman centurion 1220: 1141: 1132:Game of Thrones 1126: 1064: 942:House Lannister 764:Jaime Lannister 658: 631: 625: 601: 533:The Free Cities 462:Beyond the Wall 349: 325:secondary world 295:House Targaryen 247:the Westerlands 202: 138: 100: 99: 66:The Known World 59: 52:English Channel 48: 41: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 8798: 8788: 8787: 8782: 8777: 8772: 8770:Fantasy worlds 8767: 8762: 8745: 8744: 8742: 8741: 8729: 8716: 8713: 8712: 8710: 8709: 8700: 8696:Targaryendraco 8691: 8684: 8676: 8674: 8670: 8669: 8667: 8666: 8659: 8652: 8645: 8637: 8635: 8629: 8628: 8626: 8625: 8618: 8611: 8604: 8597: 8590: 8583: 8576: 8569: 8562: 8555: 8548: 8541: 8534: 8527: 8520: 8513: 8510:Davos Seaworth 8506: 8499: 8492: 8485: 8482:Daario Naharis 8478: 8471: 8464: 8457: 8454:Oberyn Martell 8450: 8443: 8436: 8429: 8422: 8415: 8408: 8401: 8394: 8391:Sandor Clegane 8387: 8384:Gregor Clegane 8380: 8373: 8366: 8359: 8352: 8345: 8338: 8331: 8324: 8316: 8314: 8308: 8307: 8304: 8303: 8301: 8300: 8291: 8281: 8279: 8275: 8274: 8272: 8271: 8262: 8253: 8243: 8233: 8232: 8231: 8227:Second Edition 8211: 8209: 8203: 8202: 8200: 8199: 8189: 8180: 8171: 8161: 8152: 8142: 8132: 8130: 8122: 8121: 8118: 8117: 8115: 8114: 8107: 8106: 8105: 8098: 8086: 8078: 8072: 8064: 8063: 8060: 8059: 8057: 8056: 8047: 8043:For the Throne 8038: 8029: 8020: 8011: 8007:Power Is Power 8002: 7993: 7984: 7975: 7963: 7962: 7961: 7954: 7947: 7940: 7933: 7926: 7919: 7912: 7899: 7897: 7891: 7890: 7888: 7887: 7878: 7869: 7860: 7857:Title sequence 7853: 7846: 7839: 7838: 7837: 7830: 7823: 7816: 7809: 7802: 7795: 7788: 7773: 7767: 7759: 7758: 7756: 7755: 7745: 7735: 7725: 7711: 7701: 7691: 7680: 7678: 7671: 7663: 7662: 7660: 7659: 7649: 7639: 7629: 7619: 7609: 7599: 7588: 7585: 7584: 7571: 7570: 7563: 7556: 7548: 7542: 7541: 7534: 7533:External links 7531: 7530: 7529: 7523: 7493: 7487: 7465: 7459: 7429: 7423: 7401: 7395: 7373: 7367: 7345: 7339: 7317: 7311: 7287: 7284: 7282: 7281: 7267: 7253: 7239: 7222: 7203: 7184: 7170: 7156: 7142: 7125: 7111: 7097: 7083: 7069: 7055: 7036: 7022: 7008: 6991: 6974: 6960: 6943: 6926: 6912: 6895: 6881: 6856: 6835: 6814: 6800: 6786: 6772: 6755: 6738: 6715: 6698: 6669: 6655: 6632: 6615: 6601: 6583: 6566: 6549: 6535: 6521: 6501: 6487: 6473: 6450: 6436: 6422: 6405: 6391: 6377: 6363: 6349: 6335: 6318: 6301: 6287: 6270: 6256: 6229: 6215: 6198: 6184: 6167: 6153: 6136: 6112: 6098: 6084: 6070: 6056: 6031: 6017: 6003: 5989: 5975: 5961: 5947: 5930: 5907: 5893: 5879: 5865: 5851: 5837: 5823: 5809: 5790: 5776: 5762: 5745: 5720: 5706: 5689: 5675: 5650: 5636: 5622: 5608: 5591: 5574: 5557: 5543: 5526: 5507: 5502:Irish Examiner 5489: 5475: 5461: 5447: 5430: 5413: 5396: 5379: 5365: 5348: 5333: 5331: 5328: 5326: 5325: 5304:"Re: Question" 5291: 5255: 5219: 5178: 5149: 5113: 5075: 5037: 4996: 4963: 4930: 4912: 4906:. p. 47. 4888: 4852: 4815: 4777: 4740: 4710: 4686: 4653: 4621: 4589: 4555: 4534:(and Endings)" 4517: 4500:Below the Line 4486: 4450: 4407: 4367: 4327: 4280: 4241: 4205: 4164: 4128: 4093: 4047: 3973: 3924: 3882: 3845: 3809: 3777: 3713: 3672: 3641: 3638:: 19–21. 2005. 3619: 3601:The New Yorker 3586: 3546: 3510: 3475: 3439: 3390: 3352: 3319: 3288: 3251: 3215: 3205:the riverlands 3146: 3144: 3141: 3139: 3136: 3126: 3123: 3078: 3075: 3044: 3041: 3023: 3020: 3003:Viewer's Guide 2981: 2978: 2944: 2941: 2932: 2929: 2896:Viewer's Guide 2887: 2884: 2867: 2864: 2862: 2859: 2834: 2831: 2818: 2815: 2787: 2784: 2758: 2755: 2741: 2738: 2653: 2650: 2644: 2641: 2628: 2625: 2624: 2623: 2617: 2605: 2598: 2588: 2581: 2565: 2562: 2541: 2538: 2519:Verdala Palace 2493:Verdala Palace 2484: 2481: 2436: 2433: 2407: 2404: 2362: 2359: 2337: 2334: 2324: 2321: 2300: 2299:Basilisk Isles 2297: 2295: 2292: 2288:Seville, Spain 2232: 2229: 2221:The Paint Hall 2214:Shane's Castle 2160:, New Jersey. 2111: 2110: 2101: 2100: 2099: 2090: 2089: 2088: 2087: 2086: 2084: 2083:King's Landing 2081: 2012:Basque Country 1998: 1997: 1988: 1987: 1979: 1978: 1977: 1976: 1975: 1973: 1970: 1964: 1963:The Crownlands 1961: 1943:At the end of 1899: 1896: 1888:lord paramount 1847: 1846:The Stormlands 1844: 1803: 1800: 1776:religious seat 1731: 1728: 1674: 1671: 1665: 1662: 1614:Neuschwanstein 1597: 1594: 1573: 1570: 1545: 1542: 1515: 1512: 1508:white elephant 1498: 1495: 1489: 1488:The Riverlands 1486: 1481: 1478: 1449: 1446: 1426: 1423: 1340: 1337: 1247:Hadrian's Wall 1232:Hadrian's Wall 1219: 1216: 1208:The Paint Hall 1125: 1122: 1063: 1060: 1020:fire-breathing 1016:King's Landing 984: 983: 968: 958: 948: 934: 920: 906: 817:mountain range 785:Seven Kingdoms 771: 770: 725: 721: 720: 718:Seven Kingdoms 714:King's Landing 711: 707: 706: 701: 697: 696: 692: 691: 686: 682: 681: 676: 672: 671: 664: 660: 659: 656: 648: 647: 638: 637: 600: 597: 593:978-0345538543 551: 550: 547: 544: 542: 539: 537: 535: 529: 528: 526: 524: 521: 519: 517: 515: 509: 508: 505: 502: 500: 498: 496: 494: 480: 479: 476: 473: 471: 468: 466: 464: 458: 457: 454: 452: 450: 448: 445: 443: 440:King's Landing 436: 435: 432: 429: 426: 423: 420: 417: 413: 412: 409: 406: 403: 400: 397: 394: 388: 387: 380: 375: 370: 365: 360: 355: 348: 345: 259:the Crownlands 251:the Stormlands 239:the Riverlands 227:Seven Kingdoms 204: 203: 201: 200: 195: 190: 185: 179: 177: 173: 172: 167: 163: 162: 158: 157: 154: 150: 149: 144: 140: 139: 137: 136: 129: 123: 115: 108: 106: 102: 101: 98: 97: 91: 87: 86: 78: 77: 68: 67: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8797: 8786: 8783: 8781: 8778: 8776: 8773: 8771: 8768: 8766: 8763: 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8254: 8251: 8249: 8244: 8241: 8239: 8234: 8229: 8228: 8223: 8222: 8220: 8218: 8213: 8212: 8210: 8208:​ games 8204: 8196: 8195: 8190: 8187: 8186: 8181: 8178: 8177: 8172: 8168: 8167: 8162: 8159: 8158: 8153: 8149: 8148: 8143: 8140: 8139: 8134: 8133: 8131: 8129: 8128:​ games 8123: 8112: 8108: 8103: 8099: 8096: 8092: 8091: 8087: 8084: 8080: 8079: 8076: 8073: 8071: 8070: 8065: 8054: 8053: 8048: 8045: 8044: 8039: 8036: 8035: 8030: 8026: 8021: 8017: 8012: 8008: 8003: 7999: 7994: 7990: 7985: 7981: 7976: 7972: 7970: 7964: 7959: 7955: 7952: 7948: 7945: 7941: 7938: 7934: 7931: 7927: 7924: 7920: 7917: 7913: 7910: 7906: 7905: 7901: 7900: 7898: 7896: 7892: 7885: 7884: 7879: 7876: 7875: 7870: 7867: 7866: 7861: 7858: 7854: 7851: 7847: 7844: 7840: 7835: 7831: 7828: 7824: 7821: 7817: 7814: 7810: 7807: 7803: 7800: 7796: 7793: 7789: 7786: 7782: 7781: 7779: 7775: 7774: 7771: 7768: 7766: 7765: 7760: 7752: 7751: 7746: 7742: 7741: 7736: 7732: 7731: 7726: 7722: 7718: 7717: 7712: 7708: 7707: 7702: 7698: 7697: 7692: 7688: 7687: 7682: 7681: 7679: 7675: 7672: 7670: 7669:​ media 7664: 7656: 7655: 7650: 7646: 7645: 7640: 7636: 7635: 7630: 7626: 7625: 7620: 7616: 7615: 7610: 7606: 7605: 7600: 7596: 7595: 7590: 7589: 7586: 7582: 7581: 7576: 7569: 7564: 7562: 7557: 7555: 7550: 7549: 7546: 7540: 7537: 7536: 7526: 7520: 7516: 7512: 7511: 7506: 7502: 7498: 7494: 7490: 7488:9781524796280 7484: 7480: 7476: 7475: 7470: 7466: 7462: 7460:9780553805444 7456: 7452: 7448: 7447: 7442: 7438: 7434: 7430: 7426: 7424:9780002247399 7420: 7416: 7412: 7411: 7406: 7402: 7398: 7396:9780553582024 7392: 7388: 7384: 7383: 7378: 7374: 7370: 7368:9780553573428 7364: 7360: 7356: 7355: 7350: 7346: 7342: 7340:9780553579901 7336: 7332: 7328: 7327: 7322: 7318: 7314: 7308: 7304: 7300: 7299: 7294: 7290: 7289: 7278: 7277: 7271: 7264: 7263: 7257: 7250: 7249: 7243: 7236: 7235: 7229: 7227: 7219: 7218: 7212: 7210: 7208: 7200: 7199: 7193: 7191: 7189: 7181: 7180: 7174: 7167: 7166: 7160: 7153: 7152: 7146: 7139: 7138: 7132: 7130: 7122: 7121: 7115: 7108: 7107: 7101: 7094: 7093: 7087: 7080: 7079: 7073: 7066: 7065: 7059: 7052: 7051: 7045: 7043: 7041: 7033: 7032: 7026: 7019: 7018: 7012: 7005: 7004: 6998: 6996: 6988: 6987: 6981: 6979: 6971: 6970: 6964: 6957: 6956: 6950: 6948: 6940: 6939: 6933: 6931: 6923: 6922: 6916: 6909: 6908: 6902: 6900: 6892: 6891: 6885: 6878: 6877: 6871: 6869: 6867: 6865: 6863: 6861: 6853: 6852: 6846: 6844: 6842: 6840: 6832: 6831: 6825: 6823: 6821: 6819: 6811: 6810: 6804: 6797: 6796: 6790: 6783: 6782: 6776: 6769: 6768: 6762: 6760: 6752: 6751: 6745: 6743: 6735: 6734: 6728: 6726: 6724: 6722: 6720: 6712: 6711: 6705: 6703: 6695: 6694: 6688: 6686: 6684: 6682: 6680: 6678: 6676: 6674: 6666: 6665: 6659: 6652: 6651: 6645: 6643: 6641: 6639: 6637: 6629: 6628: 6622: 6620: 6612: 6611: 6605: 6597: 6593: 6587: 6580: 6579: 6573: 6571: 6563: 6562: 6556: 6554: 6546: 6545: 6539: 6531: 6525: 6517: 6516: 6511: 6505: 6498: 6497: 6491: 6484: 6483: 6477: 6470: 6469: 6463: 6461: 6459: 6457: 6455: 6447: 6446: 6440: 6433: 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2318: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2291: 2289: 2285: 2280: 2278: 2275:According to 2273: 2270: 2269:House Martell 2266: 2260: 2256: 2254: 2246: 2242: 2237: 2228: 2226: 2222: 2217: 2215: 2211: 2207: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2190: 2188: 2184: 2183:Fort Ricasoli 2180: 2175: 2171: 2166: 2161: 2159: 2155: 2154:Staten Island 2151: 2147: 2142: 2140: 2134: 2132: 2127: 2118: 2114: 2105: 2094: 2080: 2078: 2074: 2070: 2066: 2062: 2061:Basque region 2058: 2054: 2049: 2047: 2043: 2038: 2034: 2031: 2025: 2023: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1992: 1983: 1969: 1960: 1958: 1954: 1949: 1946: 1941: 1939: 1938: 1931: 1929: 1923: 1920: 1916: 1911: 1909: 1904: 1895: 1893: 1889: 1885: 1881: 1875: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1861: 1857: 1853: 1843: 1841: 1836: 1833: 1828: 1824: 1820: 1813: 1808: 1799: 1797: 1792: 1787: 1785: 1779: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1765: 1761: 1757: 1752: 1745: 1741: 1736: 1727: 1725: 1720: 1716: 1714: 1713: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1696: 1692: 1684: 1679: 1673:Casterly Rock 1670: 1661: 1658: 1654: 1648: 1646: 1640: 1637: 1631: 1628: 1623: 1617: 1615: 1607: 1602: 1593: 1591: 1583: 1578: 1569: 1567: 1563: 1558: 1556: 1552: 1541: 1539: 1538:Brynden Tully 1535: 1534: 1529: 1525: 1520: 1511: 1509: 1503: 1494: 1485: 1477: 1475: 1474:County Antrim 1471: 1467: 1466:House Greyjoy 1459: 1454: 1445: 1442: 1436: 1433: 1432:House Greyjoy 1422: 1420: 1416: 1412: 1408: 1404: 1401: 1398: 1392: 1390: 1386: 1382: 1378: 1374: 1370: 1366: 1361: 1357: 1350: 1345: 1336: 1333: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1312: 1310: 1306: 1302: 1297: 1295: 1290: 1286: 1284: 1280: 1275: 1273: 1269: 1264: 1263:Mediterranean 1260: 1256: 1252: 1248: 1243: 1241: 1240:Night's Watch 1233: 1229: 1224: 1215: 1213: 1212:Gemma Jackson 1209: 1205: 1201: 1197: 1192: 1188: 1187: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1170: 1165: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1150: 1146: 1139: 1135: 1133: 1121: 1119: 1115: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1080: 1078: 1077:Night's Watch 1074: 1069: 1059: 1057: 1052: 1050: 1045: 1043: 1039: 1035: 1031: 1028: 1024: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1009: 1005: 1001: 997: 993: 989: 981: 977: 976:House Martell 973: 969: 967: 963: 959: 957: 953: 952:Storm Kingdom 949: 947: 946:Casterly Rock 943: 939: 935: 933: 929: 925: 921: 919: 915: 911: 907: 905: 901: 897: 893: 892: 891: 889: 885: 880: 877: 872: 870: 865: 861: 857: 853: 848: 846: 842: 838: 834: 828: 826: 825:polar ice cap 822: 818: 814: 810: 806: 802: 798: 794: 790: 786: 782: 781:South America 778: 769: 768:Theon Greyjoy 765: 761: 757: 753: 749: 745: 744:Catelyn Stark 741: 737: 733: 729: 726: 722: 719: 715: 712: 708: 705: 702: 698: 693: 690: 687: 683: 680: 677: 673: 670: 669: 665: 661: 654: 649: 645: 644: 639: 634: 630: 623: 619: 615: 614: 609: 607: 596: 594: 590: 586: 581: 579: 575: 571: 570: 565: 561: 557: 548: 545: 543: 540: 538: 536: 534: 531: 530: 527: 525: 522: 520: 518: 516: 514: 511: 510: 506: 503: 501: 499: 497: 495: 493: 489: 485: 482: 481: 477: 474: 472: 469: 467: 465: 463: 460: 459: 455: 453: 451: 449: 446: 444: 441: 438: 437: 433: 430: 427: 424: 421: 418: 415: 414: 410: 407: 404: 401: 398: 395: 393: 390: 389: 385: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 356: 353: 352: 344: 342: 338: 334: 331:narrative is 330: 326: 322: 317: 315: 311: 306: 304: 300: 296: 292: 288: 284: 280: 276: 272: 268: 264: 260: 256: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 228: 224: 219: 217: 213: 212: 199: 196: 194: 191: 189: 186: 184: 181: 180: 178: 174: 171: 170:Fantasy world 168: 164: 159: 155: 151: 148: 145: 141: 134: 130: 127: 124: 121: 120: 116: 113: 110: 109: 107: 103: 96: 92: 89: 88: 84: 79: 75: 74: 69: 64: 61: 57: 53: 46: 39: 38: 33: 30:For the 2014 19: 8703: 8694: 8663:White Walker 8632: 8559:Rickon Stark 8524:High Sparrow 8503:Ellaria Sand 8377:Roose Bolton 8295: 8286: 8265: 8256: 8247: 8240:(board game) 8237: 8226: 8216: 8192: 8183: 8174: 8165: 8155: 8146: 8136: 8067: 8050: 8041: 8032: 8025:Jenny's Song 7968: 7881: 7872: 7863: 7762: 7748: 7738: 7728: 7714: 7704: 7694: 7684: 7652: 7642: 7632: 7622: 7612: 7602: 7592: 7578: 7515:Random House 7509: 7479:Bantam Books 7473: 7451:Bantam Books 7445: 7415:Bantam Books 7409: 7387:Bantam Books 7381: 7359:Bantam Books 7353: 7331:Bantam Books 7325: 7303:Bantam Books 7297: 7286:Bibliography 7275: 7270: 7261: 7256: 7247: 7242: 7233: 7216: 7197: 7178: 7173: 7164: 7159: 7150: 7145: 7136: 7119: 7114: 7105: 7100: 7091: 7086: 7077: 7072: 7063: 7058: 7049: 7030: 7025: 7016: 7011: 7002: 6985: 6968: 6963: 6954: 6937: 6920: 6915: 6906: 6889: 6884: 6875: 6850: 6829: 6808: 6803: 6794: 6789: 6780: 6775: 6766: 6749: 6732: 6709: 6692: 6663: 6658: 6649: 6626: 6609: 6604: 6595: 6586: 6577: 6560: 6543: 6538: 6524: 6513: 6504: 6495: 6490: 6481: 6476: 6467: 6444: 6439: 6430: 6425: 6416: 6399: 6394: 6385: 6380: 6371: 6366: 6357: 6352: 6343: 6338: 6329: 6312: 6295: 6290: 6281: 6264: 6259: 6250: 6223: 6218: 6209: 6192: 6187: 6178: 6161: 6156: 6147: 6128:. Retrieved 6124: 6115: 6106: 6101: 6092: 6087: 6078: 6073: 6064: 6059: 6048:. Retrieved 6046:. 2019-10-05 6043: 6034: 6025: 6020: 6011: 6006: 5997: 5992: 5983: 5978: 5969: 5964: 5955: 5950: 5941: 5924: 5901: 5896: 5887: 5882: 5873: 5868: 5859: 5854: 5845: 5840: 5831: 5826: 5817: 5812: 5803: 5784: 5779: 5770: 5765: 5756: 5739: 5714: 5709: 5700: 5683: 5678: 5669: 5644: 5639: 5630: 5625: 5616: 5611: 5602: 5585: 5568: 5551: 5546: 5537: 5520: 5510: 5501: 5492: 5478: 5464: 5450: 5441: 5424: 5407: 5390: 5373: 5368: 5359: 5342: 5337: 5318:November 16, 5316:. Retrieved 5307: 5294: 5282:. Retrieved 5271: 5258: 5246:. Retrieved 5235: 5222: 5210:. Retrieved 5199: 5171:November 16, 5169:. Retrieved 5165: 5152: 5140:. Retrieved 5129: 5116: 5104:. Retrieved 5088: 5078: 5066:. Retrieved 5050: 5040: 5028:. Retrieved 5019: 4987:. Retrieved 4976: 4966: 4954:. Retrieved 4950:the original 4945: 4933: 4925:Google Books 4923:– via 4917:. Retrieved 4898: 4891: 4879:. Retrieved 4868: 4855: 4843:. Retrieved 4827: 4818: 4806:. Retrieved 4790: 4780: 4768:. Retrieved 4764:the original 4752: 4743: 4731:. Retrieved 4727:the original 4722: 4713: 4705:the original 4698: 4689: 4677:. Retrieved 4666: 4656: 4644:. Retrieved 4640:the original 4633: 4624: 4612:. Retrieved 4601: 4592: 4580:. Retrieved 4576:the original 4571: 4558: 4546:. Retrieved 4537: 4531: 4508:. Retrieved 4504:the original 4499: 4489: 4477:. Retrieved 4466: 4453: 4441:. Retrieved 4422: 4398:. Retrieved 4379: 4370: 4358:. Retrieved 4339: 4330: 4318:. Retrieved 4299: 4271:. Retrieved 4260: 4232:. Retrieved 4221: 4208: 4196:. Retrieved 4187: 4155:. Retrieved 4144: 4119:. Retrieved 4106: 4096: 4084:. Retrieved 4075: 4069: 4065: 4061: 4038:. Retrieved 4034:the original 4029: 4023: 4011:– via 4005:. Retrieved 3991: 3951:. Retrieved 3940: 3915:. Retrieved 3904: 3873:. Retrieved 3857: 3848: 3836:. Retrieved 3825: 3800:. Retrieved 3789: 3780: 3768:. Retrieved 3757: 3704:. Retrieved 3693: 3688: 3663:. Retrieved 3654: 3644: 3635: 3631: 3610:. Retrieved 3599: 3589: 3579:– via 3573:. Retrieved 3558: 3549: 3539:February 15, 3537:. Retrieved 3533:the original 3526: 3501:. Retrieved 3497:the original 3492: 3487:Ice and Fire 3486: 3478: 3466:. Retrieved 3455: 3442: 3417:. Retrieved 3413:the original 3408: 3381:. Retrieved 3370: 3355: 3343:. Retrieved 3332: 3322: 3310:. Retrieved 3306:the original 3301: 3291: 3279:. Retrieved 3268: 3262: 3254: 3242:. Retrieved 3238:the original 3231: 3218: 3178: 3171:. Retrieved 3167:the original 3162: 3130: 3128: 3114: 3109: 3101: 3093: 3089: 3087: 3080: 3068: 3064: 3060: 3046: 3035: 3031: 3027: 3025: 3002: 2998: 2995:square miles 2986: 2983: 2969: 2956: 2952: 2949:Ice and Fire 2948: 2946: 2924: 2917: 2900: 2895: 2891: 2889: 2879: 2871: 2869: 2840: 2836: 2824: 2820: 2804: 2800: 2796: 2791: 2789: 2780: 2776: 2771: 2767: 2763: 2760: 2743: 2726: 2674: 2670: 2665:own language 2655: 2646: 2636: 2632: 2630: 2619: 2607: 2600: 2590: 2583: 2577: 2574:Jaqen H'ghar 2569: 2555: 2543: 2535: 2527:Azure Window 2508: 2502: 2498: 2450: 2442: 2438: 2428: 2425: 2417:Dothraki Sea 2412: 2409: 2391:Slaver's Bay 2366: 2364: 2354: 2349: 2345: 2341: 2339: 2326: 2302: 2281: 2276: 2274: 2261: 2257: 2249: 2244: 2218: 2209: 2208:. "Known as 2191: 2162: 2143: 2135: 2128: 2124: 2065:Gaztelugatxe 2050: 2045: 2039: 2035: 2026: 2019: 2008:Gaztelugatxe 1966: 1950: 1944: 1942: 1935: 1932: 1924: 1912: 1908:curtain wall 1905: 1901: 1876: 1849: 1837: 1829: 1825: 1821: 1817: 1788: 1784:House Tyrell 1780: 1748: 1743: 1721: 1717: 1710: 1688: 1667: 1649: 1644: 1641: 1632: 1618: 1611: 1587: 1559: 1547: 1531: 1521: 1517: 1504: 1500: 1491: 1483: 1463: 1440: 1437: 1428: 1415:VĂ­k Ă­ MĂ˝rdal 1393: 1355: 1354: 1318:Quarry near 1316:Magheramorne 1313: 1308: 1298: 1291: 1287: 1276: 1244: 1237: 1228:Ice and Fire 1227: 1184: 1177:Doune Castle 1166: 1153:glass garden 1142: 1131: 1130:Winterfell ( 1116: 1100:lizard-lions 1081: 1065: 1053: 1046: 996:sister-wives 994:and his two 985: 881: 873: 849: 829: 804: 784: 776: 774: 740:Eddard Stark 689:High fantasy 666: 641: 612: 605: 584: 582: 577: 574:Ice and Fire 573: 567: 563: 559: 555: 554: 484:Slaver's Bay 383: 377: 372: 367: 362: 357: 329:Ice and Fire 328: 321:Ice and Fire 320: 318: 313: 307: 287:Slaver's Bay 285:and include 267:massive wall 220: 209: 207: 125: 117: 111: 71: 60: 36: 31: 8705:MultiVersus 8649:Iron Throne 8573:Sansa Stark 8219:(card game) 8089:Soundtracks 7903:Soundtracks 7689:(1998–2015) 5284:October 20, 5068:January 14, 4865:"Geography" 4845:December 4, 4419:"Harrenhal" 3960:(Interview 3953:January 21, 3875:December 4, 3827:Den of Geek 3665:January 21, 3503:January 21, 3426:(Interview 3419:January 21, 3383:January 21, 3345:January 21, 3281:January 21, 3244:January 21, 3233:Weird Tales 2965:dragonglass 2663:with their 2400:city-states 2174:Fort Manoel 2131:royal court 1972:Dragonstone 1898:Storm's End 1856:hinterlands 1697:before the 1685:(pictured). 1604:The German 1590:House Arryn 1566:guest right 1555:House Tully 1411:Smyrlabjörg 1349:Vatnajökull 1200:Cairncastle 1173:County Down 1169:Castle Ward 1145:House Stark 1068:House Stark 1049:Wester Ross 1034:Iron Throne 1004:Dragonstone 990:dragonlord 974:, ruled by 956:Storm's End 940:, ruled by 928:House Arryn 926:, ruled by 900:House Stark 898:, ruled by 864:land bridge 748:Sansa Stark 622:Wester Ross 279:city-states 275:Free Cities 8754:Categories 8566:Robb Stark 8538:Bran Stark 8531:Arya Stark 8489:Night King 8461:Melisandre 8312:Characters 8197:(canceled) 8083:Characters 7874:Thronecast 7850:Characters 7524:0345456440 7510:Legends II 7312:0553573403 6130:2024-08-31 6050:2020-11-05 6044:ScreenRant 4989:January 7, 4946:Not a Blog 4808:January 8, 4614:August 25, 4479:August 28, 4336:"Riverrun" 3917:January 9, 3632:Deep Magic 3361:Orr, David 3312:24 January 3138:References 3077:Sothoryos 2866:Red Waste 2705:Amerindian 2616:defenders. 2515:Ouarzazate 2446:courtesans 2346:swan ships 2313:sellswords 2294:Summer Sea 1872:borderland 1760:knighthood 1551:House Frey 1524:Robb Stark 1407:Skaftafell 1377:ice fields 1365:Hudson Bay 1305:perpetuity 1191:Saintfield 1149:hot spring 1124:Winterfell 1092:crannogmen 1088:swamplands 1062:The North 1038:Crownlands 1027:asymmetric 966:Highgarden 904:Winterfell 860:Bronze Age 843:, and the 756:Bran Stark 752:Arya Stark 724:Characters 675:Created by 283:Summer Sea 214:novels by 143:Created by 126:Television 112:Literature 8552:Ned Stark 8468:Missandei 7667:Franchise 7499:(2004). " 6125:TV Tropes 4548:April 12, 4157:April 12, 4086:March 27, 4040:March 22, 3802:April 11, 3770:April 18, 3612:April 23, 3197:the Storm 3193:the Reach 3181:the North 2961:amethysts 2913:Dubrovnik 2857:, Spain. 2807:Essaouira 2722:Scythians 2560:, Spain. 2495:in Malta. 2330:Missandei 2225:Rajasthan 2194:Dubrovnik 2170:town gate 2117:Dubrovnik 2030:gargoyles 1953:Larrybane 1796:pretender 1730:The Reach 1707:castellan 1596:The Eyrie 1544:The Twins 1497:Harrenhal 1458:Ballintoy 1389:Himalayas 1281:demands; 1261:from the 1249:, in the 1204:Ned Stark 1157:catacombs 988:Targaryen 932:the Eyrie 918:Harrenhal 856:Stone Age 813:ice field 710:Locations 704:Continent 629:Heptarchy 599:Westeros 492:Sothoryos 442:city map 299:Sothoryos 255:the Reach 231:the North 193:Sothoryos 176:Locations 56:North Sea 8726:Category 8517:Jon Snow 8095:Season 1 7909:Season 1 7785:Season 1 7778:Episodes 7471:(2018). 7443:(2014). 7407:(2011). 7379:(2005). 7351:(2000). 7323:(1998). 7295:(1996). 5312:Archived 5278:Archived 5242:Archived 5212:June 20, 5206:Archived 5142:June 19, 5136:Archived 5100:Archived 5062:Archived 5024:Archived 4983:Archived 4919:June 11, 4881:June 19, 4875:Archived 4839:Archived 4802:Archived 4770:April 2, 4679:July 21, 4673:Archived 4646:April 2, 4635:UTV News 4608:Archived 4582:June 27, 4542:Archived 4473:Archived 4437:Archived 4428:Season 2 4394:Archived 4385:Season 2 4354:Archived 4345:Season 2 4314:Archived 4305:Season 2 4273:June 19, 4267:Archived 4234:June 19, 4228:Archived 4198:June 16, 4192:Archived 4151:Archived 4115:Archived 4080:Archived 4007:April 1, 4001:Archived 3965:Archived 3947:Archived 3911:Archived 3869:Archived 3838:March 1, 3832:Archived 3796:Archived 3791:BBC News 3764:Archived 3759:ABC News 3706:June 12, 3700:Archived 3659:Archived 3606:Archived 3575:March 7, 3569:Archived 3462:Archived 3431:Archived 3377:Archived 3339:Archived 3275:Archived 3189:the Rock 2880:khalasar 2878:and her 2849:and the 2841:For the 2751:Manikata 2701:Cheyenne 2547:triarchs 2540:Volantis 2475:town of 2471:and the 2467:town of 2465:Croatian 2196:and the 2057:Season 7 1915:barracks 1764:tourneys 1756:chivalry 1514:Riverrun 1369:Michigan 1294:wildling 1283:Jon Snow 1268:Scotsmen 1255:Scotland 1218:The Wall 1181:Stirling 1161:direwolf 1134:episode) 1104:causeway 980:Sunspear 912:and the 884:Iron Age 869:Old Gods 837:Crusades 805:the Neck 789:the Wall 777:Westeros 732:Jon Snow 646:location 636:Westeros 618:VästerĂĄs 243:the Vale 223:Westeros 183:Westeros 135:" (2011) 76:location 8738:Outline 7507:(ed.). 5521:TodayFM 5106:June 8, 5089:Making 5051:Making 4956:May 26, 4828:Making 4791:Making 4753:Making 4733:July 5, 4510:May 26, 4146:Fodor's 4121:May 26, 4013:YouTube 3942:SF Site 3858:Making 3581:YouTube 3173:June 9, 3125:Ulthos 3119:brindle 3083:jungles 3011:whalers 2991:Iceland 2973:R'hllor 2833:Meereen 2811:Morocco 2786:Astapor 2685:Mongols 2658:warlike 2643:Valyria 2558:CĂłrdoba 2551:R'hllor 2505:Morocco 2473:Spanish 2469:Ĺ ibenik 2457:Ĺ ibenik 2435:Braavos 2379:Braavos 2371:Eurasia 2317:outlaws 2309:slavers 2305:pirates 2206:Trsteno 2202:Croatia 2198:MinÄŤeta 2158:Bayonne 2077:Barrika 2022:Valyria 2010:in the 1802:Oldtown 1751:valleys 1653:Meteora 1622:granary 1582:Meteora 1480:Old Wyk 1403:glacier 1400:calving 1360:Iceland 1320:Belfast 1301:leagues 1296:raids. 1096:wetland 1084:isthmus 1073:leagues 1056:Ireland 1023:dragons 1012:bastion 1000:Valyria 803:called 801:isthmus 488:Valyria 310:seasons 291:Valyria 8688:Themes 8681:Fandom 8398:Gendry 8278:Comics 8169:(2014) 8150:(2012) 7843:Awards 7743:(2018) 7733:(2017) 7709:(2014) 7699:(2013) 7637:(2011) 7627:(2005) 7617:(2000) 7607:(1998) 7597:(1996) 7521:  7503:". 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Riverrun (A Song of Ice and Fire)
The World of Ice & Fire
Dothraki language
English Channel
North Sea
A Song of Ice and Fire

George R. R. Martin
A Game of Thrones
Winter Is Coming
George R. R. Martin
Fantasy world
A Song of Ice and Fire
George R. R. Martin
Seven Kingdoms
the North
the Iron Islands
the Riverlands
the Vale
the Westerlands
the Stormlands
the Reach
the Crownlands
massive wall

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