
Henry Metcalfe (military officer)

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should be kept of the work and reports made daily to the central office, so that the superintending department should be kept thoroughly informed as to what is taking place throughout the works, and at the same time no work could be done in the works without proper authority. The details of the system have been very largely modified as time went on, and a consecutive plan, such as Mr. Metcalfe proposed, would have been of great assistance to us in carrying out our system. There are certain points, however, in Mr. Metcalfe's plan, which I think our experience shows to be somewhat objectionable. He issues to each of the men a book, something like a check-book, containing sheets which they tear out and return to the office after stating on them the work which they have done. We have found that any record which passes through the average workman's hands, and which he holds for any length of time, is apt either to be soiled or torn. We have, therefore, adopted the system of having our orders sent from the central office to the small offices in the various departments of the works, in each of which there is a clerk who takes charge of all orders received from, and records returned to, the central office, as well as of all records kept in the department...
480: 840: 926:
appraised by weight ; while it is evident that, like fret work, the less they weigh often the more they cost. Then, supposing that by any means the gross cost of a job is known, there is usually a remainder in the drawings, patterns, &c, useful for further work of the same kind, which would enable estimates for such work to be made at a lower figure than if the whole work had to be done anew. Or else the cost of some individual component of the product may be required to be separated from the gross cost, as when parts are to be made for repairs, or are to be omitted, or combined. Then, further operations may change; work on some components formerly done by hand may now be done at a less cost by machine ; or labor at a different rate may be employed, the effect of which changes on the whole cost may be required to be anticipated.
848: 859: 770: 279: 303: 291: 746: 267: 788: 758: 606: 552: 544: 823:
accompanied materials. On them, each department foreman placed the time and wages expanded, as well as the machines and materials used on that order while it was in his department. The completed set of slips thus provided a record of the costs of labor and materials used to complete each order. They also gave an accurate account of the cost of operating each department. In addition, the ticket acted as an authority to do work and to requisition materials. It also became a "roll call or time check" on the working force.
pertinent statements are made as to the art of administration, and its dependence upon the application of certain principles which make up what may be called the science of administration. In arguing that men intrusted with executive positions be freed from burdensome details, he says: "There is a certain economy of attention by which the more active a man's work, the less he is able of contemplation. Foremen's heads may be put to better purposes than having to bear a constant burden of solicitude about clerical work."
75: 971: 946:... Captain Metcalfe's book supplies a link between the shops and the office, a link which has been too long missing. The link is in the form of a constant current of data composed of independent cards; each one bearing unmistakable evidence of the purpose of the expenditure which it records. These cards dispense with all books but those of final record, and, besides the " correspondence card"... consist of two essential kinds: 1. The Service card. 2. The Material card... 140: 348: 917:
way and to let the records take care of themselves. On the side of the offices there is a contrary tendency, requiring constant knowledge of how things are going and how similar results, when obtained under different circumstances, compare. These tendencies conflict, so that the office is always asking for more specific information than the shop is able to supply, except by guess.
would be very different work if I were sure that an order once given would go of itself through the works, leaving a permanent trail by which I could follow it and decide positively where and by whom it was stopped. As it is, I spend so much of my time in "shooing" along my orders like a flock of sheep that I have but little left for the serious duties of my position.
33: 1038:
have had the experience, during the past ten years, of organizing a system very similar to that of Mr. Metcalfe. The chief idea in our system, as in his, is, that the authority for doing all kinds of work should proceed from one central office to the various departments, and that there proper records
explained, that "the card may be passed around among several persons, and serves as an efficient 'tracer.' No one who has passed on it need be troubled again with the same question. The originator draws the line through his own name. If the first one 'gives it up' he, carries the line horizontally to
For every act or name to be recorded, there shall be a separate card; so that the cards being combined or classified, the acts or names they represent will be so too. For this purpose I propose the use of single cards for all initial records, and their gradual consolidation by the simplest mechanical
Metcalfe himself noted that "as an illustration of what this amounted to, I have in mind an establishment employing not many more than 100 men, where the books required to transact the morning's business number 18 and weigh about 60 lbs. This includes only those carried to and from the office more or
I would divide the Arsenal into three general departments, each independent of the other, but all directly dependent upon the Commanding Officer. Several functions might be united in the same person, and in the smaller arsenals the Commanding Officer might perform them all, as he does now in strictly
Since the operations of good administration are in their nature gradual, and for their successful issue depend rather upon uniform attention to their progress than upon occasional violent efforts to adjust them to the current of affairs, it will be seen that the most useful teachings are those gained
This is an exhaustive and elaborate treatise on the order, stock-room, and cost-accounting methods employed in arsenal work. The author, at the close of the work, gives a list of such parts of. the treatise as he considers general in their application. In an introductory chapter certain very sane and
The trouble is not foreseeing necessities, nor in starting the work to meet them; but in constantly running over the back track to see that nothing ordered has been overlooked, and in settling disputes as to whether such and such an order was or was not actually given and received. Superintendence...
Now, administration without records is like music without notes--by ear. Good as far as it goes--which is but a little way--it bequethes nothing to the future. Except in the very rudest industries, carried on as if from hand to mouth, all recognize that the present must prepare for the demands of the
The card system of shop returns invented and introduced as a complete system by Captain Henry Metcalfe, U. S. A., in the government shops of the Frankford Arsenal represents another such distinct advance in the art of management. The writer appreciates the difficulty of this undertaking as he was at
Metcalfe's correspondence card did not receive much more media attention. An exception is William Kent (1918), who even listed this card as forth basic card of Metcalfe's system. He acknowledged, that "the card system proposed by Capt. Metcalfe has been generally adopted in Government shops, but, as
This card, forming no essential part of the system proposed, is used as a very convenient means of asking and answering the thousand and one little questions constantly arising between the different departments of any large administration, concerning which it is not so essential to have an immediate
But in workshop accounts it is difficult for the accountant to apportion properly the gross sums with which he deals among the different objects on which they have been expended. There is a tendency on the side of the shops, in which the knowledge must originate, simply to work in the most efficient
Metcalfe also issued each worker bound pads of service cards, printed with his name, hourly rate of pay, and payroll number. For each task, foremen inscribed the order number along with a brief work description, then later certified the time expended. These tickets were "as good as money," for their
Building on locomotive shop practice, Metcalfe developed three classes of cards: the shop order, a "service" or labor record, and a materials receipt. The order card authorized the work and listed the steps necessary. Foremen handed it to workers, who returned it upon task completion. Forwarded from
The special waist belt was integrated by Metcalfe in a special designed Soldiers' accoutrements, which he patented in 1876 (see images). Metcalfe claimed, that the cartridge—block device would increase the rapidity of fire. Although this claim was seriously questioned, the Springfield armory adopted
The main body of the work is devoted to a description and criticism of old systems of arsenal accounting (which will be found even to-day to correspond to methods used in many shops), together with the results of the author's study in devising better methods of organization and accounting. The card
The key element in Metcalfe's new system is the "continuous record of events." Chatfield, (1996) explained, that in that time and place "the usual production records were informal memorandum books carried by shop foremen, only the most cursory data were kept on job orders, which were often verbally
just ahead of the lock... This cartridge block was affixed to the weapon by means of a special lock mechanism inletted into the stock. Several of these blocks, filled with cartridges, were to be carried on a special waist belt using a clip carrier made of spring steel with a leather fastening strap
The messenger always takes the card to the person whose abbreviated title is nearest to the end of the line. Blank spaces are left for the insertion of such special names as may not be on the printed list. The same arrangement is used in forwarding other cards requiring action by different sets of
The Executive Officer; responsible for both units and values, accounting for the former by the Current service return, and for the latter by properly balanced statements of the cost of articles fabricated or otherwise transformed. The former accountability is cared for by the Stock Clerk, and the
Suppose that the total cost of a year's expenses be known, the office may want to divide them among the yearly products by some better method than that of an average based, as is sometimes done, on their weights, or on some other remote relation to their cost. Stoves, and even harness, are often
To continue the course of the card, as is often necessary, so that question and answer may explain each other, the recipient continues the line horizontally towards the left to his own title and then obliquely again to the next in order of receipt, and so on. To designate the originator of the
for firearms, which was called "Means of Attaching Magazines to Fire-Arms" from 1875. McChristian (2006) explained, that in those years many ammunition-carrying devices were developed but "the looped cartridge belt remained the average soldier's preference. But, it seemed that the army, in its
To remedy this, foremen are often required to keep "little books," which can never cover all the ground of subsequent investigation, and which, just so far as they do cover it, turn these foremen into accountants, forcing them into work for which few are fitted, and taking from them time and
Each order, after it was accepted by the factory, received a number. That number was then put on what were essentially routing slips prepared at the plant's office. These indicated which departments the order would pass through and what parts were to be fabricated and assembled. These slips
When Metcalfe was appointed Officer in charge at Frankford Arsenal, one specific concern was "being unable to account for costs within the workshops." One main reason was the lack of written records. Metcalfe (1886) was principally against this phenomenon, and explained in general terms:
The independence of a representative unit of record is the basis of system I propose, combined with the use of a nomenclature by which all acts and their purposes may be set forth by the actors in such form as to be intelligible to those whose proper office it is to enroll and classify
One side is blank and the other bears a double column of the titles and their abbreviations belonging to the persons most apt to correspond. One column is headed " From " and the other " To," so that a line drawn obliquely across the space between serves both as a signature and an
It is safe to say that each of these steps in analysis is often attempted, and as often fails from lack of trustworthy data. If the accountant had the data he might classify them ; but they are known only to the shop; and then only from day to day forgotten as new works comes
After an analysis of the existing organization of the Arsenal, Metcalfe proposes a new organization and a system of administration of shop orders. It involved the participation of the foremen, storekeeper and clerks, and consisted of the following books and papers to be kept:
731:... These facilities may be either in charge of certain foremen, the costs of whose management we wish to compare, or may be too general in their nature to be assigned to any one department. The first are called departmental, and the second, general, standing orders... 913:
It is almost an axiom that bookkeeping consists in the classification of accounts. In commercial bookkeeping these accounts are relatively simple, and the heads of accounts being easily recognized, the balances between classes may be determined by positive
418:. Metcalfe was appointed Officer in charge of the gun-making workshop, and worked directly under the Commanding Officer of the Frankford Arsenal. In managing the metalworking Metcalfe had at any time "about a hundred orders under way, of different kinds." 174:
the next year. On August 28, 1886 Metcalfe was appointed Ordnance and Gunnery Instructor at the West Point Military Academy, and published the "Course of Ordnance and Gunnery for the Instruction of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy." in 1890.
954:. These data is used "data to determine for each department the 'indirect expenses' or overhead costs as weIl as the 'direct expenses' or prime costs. His procedures for computing the former appear to be more sophisticated than those used hy the 47:, inventor and early organizational theorist, known for his 1873 invention of a detachable magazine for small arms, for his work on modern management accounting, the development of the "time card" and his theory on the role of middle management. 318:
determination to resist the belt, would go to almost any length to find an alternative. The most eccentric of these alternatives was a cartridge—block device submitted to the board by Lieutenant Henry Metcalfe of the Ordnance Department.
535:, each workman was given a book of cards, and as he moved from job to job, he noted the time spent on each to the nearest quarter day. In this way, a written record of costs literally followed the work through every factory department." 530:
In the new system that Metcalfe proposed, should "each material requisition or transfer be recorded on a separate 'shop order card,' which included spaces for pricing the article and for the job number to which it was charged. To assign
The main difference in the proposed organization is, that the commanding officer gets the full responsibility for the Ordnance storekeeper, which in the old organization reported directly to the Chief of Ordnance of all US Arsenals.
Another feature of Metcalfe's systems of cost accounting was the so-called "Correspondence Card," (see image) which shows how the order will flow around among the persons in the machine shop. The card as such is an early premature
455:(1977) notified more general that "to Metcalfe the basic managerial problems were coordination and control." Metcalfe had illustrated this basic problem in his 1886 article with a quote from a factory owner and manager in a larger 1056:
the same time engaged in the slow evolution of a similar system in the Midvale Steel Works, which, however, was the result of a gradual development instead of a complete, well thought out invention as was that of Captain Metcalfe.
in Philadelphia. Metcalfe superintendented the construction of the U.S. Government Building, took charge of the Ordnance Exhibit, and represented the Executive Departments of the U.S. government as Executive officer of the Board.
of the most Important Mechanical Operations of an Arsenal or Machine Shop (see image). There was further classification of possible transactions, one in the scope of the foremen, and another in the scope of the
This was not a specific problem at the Frankford Arsenal, but a problem of all industries in that time. Yates (1992) recalled, that this was the main reason why Henry Metcalfe, and others in those days as
in great measure should be considered an art. Yet, certain principles of administration could be derived from the "great variety of cases" and turn into a "science of administration." Metcalfe explained:
Metcalfe devices to 1,000 rifles. But there is no record of this device actually being tested. The type of rifle with the Metcalfe's detachable quick loader and cartridge packing box was presented at the
from a continuous record of events... If there be a science correlative to the art of administration, it must, like every other physical science, be founded on the comparison of accumulated observations.
By sharing the services of the stock clerk between these two officers in preparing papers which have so much in common, much work can be saved, and the result of what work is done be made more accurate.
authorized and were sometimes lost track of entirely. Neither the foremen's jottings nor the formal shop ledger seemed a proper mechanism for on-the-spot recording of shop-floor events."
These kind of experiences made Metcalfe come up with a so-called "shop-order system of accounts," which "made it possible to control the flow and improve basic cost accounting."
In the 1870s Metcalfe, by then Lieutenant of the Ordnance Department at Springfield Armory, had come into prominence after construction several improvements to for small
Metcalfe started his military career as assistant ordnance officer at the Ordnance Bureau in Washington, D.C., in early 1869. That year he was sequentially stationed at
The Ordnance Storekeeper; responsible for units of property, for which he accounts on the arsenal Store return and its accompanying papers, prepared by the Stock Clerk.
In simple terms, Metcalfe had designed a rectangular wooden block, bored along its upper edge for eight rifle cartridges, that could be attached to the side of the
shown in some of the testimony given before Congressional Investigating Committees, much yet remains to be done in the way of cutting out unnecessary red tape..."
Over the years Metcalfe's work has kept drawing some attention in the fields of Industrial engineering, and in the field of cost accounting. Nowadays Metcalfe's
Reid, William H. "The Development of Henry Metcalfe's Card System of Shop Returns at Frankford Arsenal, 1880–1881." Journal of Management 12.3 (1986): 415–423.
Typical for the situation in that time is, that the article started with a description of what factory accounting is about, and what problems they are facing:
Metcalfe's new system of administration proposed to use cards instead of books for original entries. Metcalfe (1886) summarized the intention of this system:
278: 170:
In 1885 Metcalfe published the book "The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private," and presented this work to the
1302: 905:
The whole system, introduced in the 1885 publication, was summarized in the 1886 article, entitled "Metcalfe's cost of manufactures" in the journal
962:. He had developed a formula to determine a 'cast factor' based on each department's contribution to the work done by the enterprise as a whole." 1871: 1425: 1861: 1856: 1334: 302: 290: 769: 564:
system is very generally used, and the author illustrates every form used; filled in, in almost every case, as they would be in actual work.
266: 1524: 988:
reply as it is to ask the question or to make the statement while the need of it is fresh in one's mind. They are memoranda set in motion.
983:, although later flowcharts would not picture the people involved but the activities first. Metcalfe (1885) explained the card as follow: 1381: 479: 839: 1881: 870:
Metcalfe presented one of the first fully developed systems of cost accounting. This system of methods was based on multiple elements:
155:. From late 1878 to late 1881 he was also Inspector of contract small-arms ammunition. On March 4, 1879 he was promoted to the rank of 1018:
After of his 1885 book, in 1886 Metcalfe wrote a paper summarizing his system, which he presented at the XIIIth Annual Meeting of the
The Paymaster; responsible for values only, for which he accounts on his cash papers, with which this discussion is not yet concerned.
1356: 1019: 171: 330:
for each block. The blocks were to be made and loaded with cartridges at the army's principal ammunition plant, Frankford Arsenal.
1886: 363:
as the nation's manufactory of small arms ammunition. By the end of the war, the arsenal employed over 1,000 workers. During the
63:. His father was former American Army ordnance officer, and later became professor of institutes and practice of medicine at the 17: 847: 885:, as described above, for the real time control of the order flow, and other real time registration of the daily operations. 858: 1876: 1866: 1412:
Report of the Committee on Awards of the World's Columbian Commission: Special Reports Upon Special Subjects Or Groups,
the left to his own title and then obliquely to the original questioner, or to whomever he may wish to ask about it."
To get a better understanding of how factory accounting could and should work, the article gave an explicit example:
Metcalfe started the description of the present and proposed organization of the arsenal with an illustration of the
44: 745: 449:, made considerable efforts to "developed systems of shop orders to control the flow of orders through factories." 336: 131:
for three months. The next two years he participated in the presentation of the U.S. Ordnance Department at the
1543:. "Evolving information use in firms, 1850–1920: ideology and information techniques and technologies." (1992). 831:
department, from which the system initially radiates, and towards which the system eventually should converge.
787: 68: 182:
from the Sultan of Turkey in 1876. He retired in 1893 after he had suffered an eye injury. He settled down in
757: 221:
to jobs. But Metcalfe had come into prominence in the 1870s for designing improvements for small firearms.
one foreman to another through departments until fully checked off, the order card recycled to the office.
471: 156: 818:(see image), which was a similar card in simpler form. About the whole system Chandler (1977) notified: 1626: 1686: 1436: 1521: 1111: 1798: 1782: 1044: 1023: 60: 736:
Each card of the new Card system for Frankford Arsenal was specially designed to fit its purpose:
375:'s "Emergency Militia" regiments. Among the innovations extensively tested at the Arsenal was the 452: 152: 128: 124: 959: 712:
3. The keeping of an account of stock, in units of material as distinguished from their values.
After efforts to improve the workshop administration at the Frankford Arsenal and tests at the
1326: 1269: 843:
Classification of the most Important Mechanical Operations of an Arsenal or Machine Shop, 1885
1557: 1224: 1035: 190: 183: 132: 1216: 827:
To coordinate this system of shop accounts, Metcalfe proposed one central source, a sort of
In Metcalfe's time at the Arsenal, it served as a major site for the storage of weapons and
1851: 1846: 1631: 569: 446: 895:
on return work (see image); Proposed Daily Costs Sheet; Proposed Daily Credit Sheet; etc.
605: 559:
Hugo Diemer (1904) further summarized the essence of the Metcalfe's 1885 work as follows:
8: 1815: 1091: 678:
less every day, and does not include those kept permanently at either end of the route."
551: 364: 194: 83: 64: 1830: 1313: 1098: 828: 488: 360: 210: 164: 163:
in Benicia, California, and from 1884 to August 1886 Assistant Ordnance Officer at the
113: 1603: 1212: 1087: 1082: 415: 356: 326: 179: 148: 543: 109: 91: 1051:
further clarified his history and acknowledged Metcalfe's contributions, stating:
1. Shop-order tickets, or warrants of expense, and records of expense reported on.
1599: 1528: 1065: 951: 207:
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private,
160: 1490:
Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865–1925.
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private
1. The prompt performance of work by the prominence given to unfinished orders.
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops, Public and Private
442: 438: 314: 254: 214: 74: 1171: 950:
The information from these card system was the input for Metcalfe's system of
1840: 1540: 1236: 1164: 1157: 1150: 1143: 1136: 1129: 631:
4. Requisition books for materials to be purchased or to be drawn from store.
56: 970: 691:
means until they are finally transcribed into the permanent books of record.
In the introduction of Metcalfe started arguing, that the administration of
407: 1552: 1517: 513: 456: 372: 218: 213:, and a new accounting system based on the principle of directly assigning 87: 147:
From late 1877 until late 1881 Metcalfe was Assistant Ordnance Officer at
1622: 1465:
Frederick Taylor and the public administration community: A reevaluation.
Proposed Analysis of Services Performed on Components if Shop Order, 1885
2. The determination of the most probable cost of work and of management.
681: 532: 496: 384: 380: 376: 32: 1558:
Control Through Communication: The Rise of System in American Management
I have read with very great interest Mr. Metcalfe's paper, as we at the
on November 11, 1870. There he developed several improvements for small
The U.S. Army in the West, 1870–1880: Uniforms, Weapons, and Equipment.
980: 901:
of performances, such as service performed on components of shop-order.
403: 139: 59:, where his father Dr. John Thomas Metcalfe was attending physician to 86:
III, at the Military Academy as assistant professor of Spanish and as
1384:, Springfield Armory Museum - Collection Record. Accessed 23.11.2014. 955: 892: 851: 635: 411: 391: 717:
It attains these objects by using three forms of cards, viz. :
151:, where he started developing a new shop order system and conducted 1522:
For the record: The embodiment of organizational memory, 1850-1920.
399: 347: 230: 159:. From late 1881 to late 1884 he was Assistant Ordnance Officer at 1579:
The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business.
The article continued to stipulate the main problem at the time:
572:(see images). About the proposed organization Metcalfe declared: 509: 421: 395: 117: 43:(October 29, 1847 – August 17, 1927) was an officer in the 1433:
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form and Addenda
in Chicago. In the following discussion there was a response by
and Return of Work done in Machine Shop, Frankford Arsenal, 1885
1435:. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Archived from 368: 233:. In those years he received patents for the innovation as the 127:. In 1875, he was inspector at the small arms manufacturing at 359:. This arsenal, which opened in 1816, had developed after the 1028:
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops,
future, and hence records, more or less elaborate, are kept'.
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Cost of Manufactures and the Administration of Workshops
1531:" Business and Economic History 19.1 (1990): pages 172–182. 618:... the following books and papers kept by foremen : 1785:
in: Metcalfe, Henry. "The Shop-order system of accounts."
Volume 2. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1901. page 1226
Scranton (2000) explained some more how the system works:
600: 459:, which employed some 1,400 people. He had told Metcalfe: 112:
in 1870, he was appointed executive ordnance assistant at
collation in the office authorized payroll disbursements.
777: 205:
Metcalfe is especially noted for his 1885 publication of
Improvement in Means of Attaching Magazines to Fire-Arms
Improvement in Means of Attaching Magazines to Fire-Arms
in 1863, the arsenal had provided tens of thousands of
186:, where he kept making some inventions over the years. 994:
question he should draw the line through his own name.
The system has three principal objects in view :
Card system for cost accounting and production control
Henry Metcalfe, "The Shop-Order System of Accounts,"
History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia.
A Course of Instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery: Text
Quote in Metcalfe (1886) as cited in Chandler (1977)
538: 1144:
Improvement in Hook Attachment of bans of fire-arms
491:, Metcalfe wrote down his experiences and ideas in 243:
Improvement in Hook Attachment of bans of fire-arms
1814:First 1861 edition was by James Gilchrist Benton ( 609:Metcalfe's Symbolic Tree of Costs in Arsenal, 1885 224: 402:equipment, repair and cleaning of small arms and 321:McChristian (2006) further explained it essence: 1838: 1254:In Search of the Lost Grail of Middle Management 891:of data such as Monthly abstracts of purchases; 1618: 1616: 1382:U.S. RIFLE MODEL 1873 TRAPDOOR .45-70 SN# 31830 284:Means of Attaching Magazines to Fire-Arms, 1875 27:American military officer and business theorist 1316:" at, Accessed 24-11-2014. 1297:"Class of 1868. No 2227. Henry Metcalfe," in: 422:Basic managerial problems at Frankford Arsenal 71:, and was commissioned in the Ordnance Corps. 1687:Bookkeeping and cost accounting for factories 1132:". U.S. Patent No. 120,990. 14 November 1871. 394:pieces, a depot for the repair of artillery, 1613: 1335:United States Army Adjutant General's Office 938:attention which could be fa better employed. 834: 577:military matters. His assistants would be: 67:. Metcalfe graduated on June 15, 1868, from 1573: 1571: 1569: 1567: 1459: 1457: 1394: 1392: 1390: 1153:". U.S. Patent No. 167,006. 24 August 1875. 740:New Card system for Frankford Arsenal, 1886 406:, the manufacture of percussion powder and 120:for which he obtained a series of patents. 1680: 1678: 1500: 1498: 1484: 1482: 1174:". U.S. Patent No. 1,308,437. 1 July 1919. 1160:". U.S. Patent No. 174,696. 14 March 1876. 1146:". U.S. Patent No. 149,141. 31 March 1874. 1064:is recognized as the first modern book on 1763: 1743: 1741: 1739: 1737: 1636:New York, Volume 27. 1904. pages 626–658. 1264: 1262: 1208: 1206: 1204: 1202: 1200: 1139:". U.S. Patent No. 125,604. 9 April 1872. 625:2. Reports of material returned to store. 555:Proposed Organization of an Arsenal, 1885 193:on August 17, 1927. He was buried at the 1709:See also: Alfred Dupont Chandler (1979) 1564: 1454: 1387: 1284: 1282: 1020:American Society of Mechanical Engineers 969: 857: 846: 838: 644:And the following by storekeepers : 604: 550: 547:Present Organization of an Arsenal, 1885 542: 499:(1904) summarized this work as follows: 478: 346: 342: 272:Improvement in Metallic Cartridges, 1871 172:American Society of Mechanical Engineers 138: 73: 31: 1747:"Metcalfe's cost of manufactures," in: 1675: 1495: 1479: 1086:. New York, J. Wiley & Sons. 1885; 601:System of administration of shop orders 14: 1872:United States Military Academy faculty 1839: 1734: 1711:Pioneers in Modern Factory Management. 1405: 1274:Biographical Register of the Officers. 1259: 1197: 1158:Improvement in Soldiers' Accouterments 965: 308:Soldiers' Accoutrements, sheet 2, 1876 296:Soldiers' Accoutrements, sheet 1, 1876 261:Improvements for small firearms, 1870s 251:Improvement in Soldiers' Accouterments 1862:Military personnel from New York City 1857:United States Military Academy alumni 1423: 1279: 1192:Annual Report of the Secretary of War 1190:United States. War Department (1873) 123:On June 23, 1874, he was promoted to 1608:The evolution of management thought, 1508:, 7 (May 1886 meeting), page 440–488 371:and vast supplies of ammunition for 1417: 1167:", US patents 841800, Oct 28, 1905. 24: 1307: 1130:Improvement in metallic cartridges 664:And the following by clerks : 410:, and the testing of new forms of 383:that saw extensive service in the 235:Improvement in metallic cartridges 78:National Armory, Springfield, 1878 25: 1898: 1882:People from Cold Spring, New York 1824: 1276:George Cullum (ed.), 2009. p. 378 1112:The Shop-order system of accounts 669:12. Register of orders of supply. 539:Present and proposed organization 209:which presented a new method for 45:United States Army Ordnance Corps 1627:Bibliography of Works Management 786: 768: 756: 744: 301: 289: 277: 265: 1808: 1792: 1776: 1754: 1725: 1716: 1703: 1694: 1666: 1657: 1648: 1639: 1593: 1584: 1546: 1534: 1511: 1470: 1398:Douglas C. McChristian (2006). 1375: 1349: 1071: 355:Late 1870s Metcalfe joined the 225:Improvements for small firearms 1887:Burials at West Point Cemetery 1337:. January 1, 1928. p. 841 1319: 1291: 1246: 1230: 1184: 1001:An 1886 review in the journal 13: 1: 1610:6th edition (2009), page 101. 1227:eds. 1996/2014. pages 269–70. 1178: 1137:Improvement in Scabbard-Frogs 1026:, which was published in the 942:Now the article states that: 253:, 1876. A selection of their 239:Improvement in Scabbard-Frogs 1102:John Wiley & Sons. 1891. 1013: 641:6. All statements of costs. 628:3. Stock books of all kinds. 337:World's Columbian Exposition 50: 7: 1877:American business theorists 1867:United States Army officers 1769:"Correspondence Card," in: 1241:Handbook of Cost Management 1239:, Michael W. Maher (2005). 814:there was also designed an 387:, which lasted until 1890. 69:West Point Military Academy 10: 1903: 1252:Quentin R. Skrabec (2003) 1122: 1043:About fifteen years later 816:Employment of Service Card 661:11 . Teamsters' receipts. 652:8. " Material " day-books. 622:1. Reports of fabrication. 1700:Metcalfe (1886, p. 444–5) 1663:Metcalfe (1885, p. 19–20) 1476:Metcalfe (1886, page 481) 1467:Suny Press, 1989. page 28 1345:– via Google Books. 974:Correspondence Card, 1885 835:System of cost accounting 588:latter by the Cost Clerk. 178:Metcalfe was awarded the 167:in Watervliet, New York. 1799:Frederick Winslow Taylor 1783:Frederick Winslow Taylor 1722:Metcalfe (1886, pge 450) 1645:Metcalfe (1885, page 16) 1577:Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. 1361:Army Cemeteries Explorer 1024:Frederick Winslow Taylor 313:Specially noted was his 61:Bellevue Hospital Center 1731:Metcalfe (1986, p. 442) 1488:Philip Scranton (2000) 1424:Means, Mary C. (1971). 1118:7 (1886): pages 440–86. 1106:Articles, a selection: 649:7. " Stock " day-books. 200: 153:time and motion studies 129:Providence Tool Company 1833:at 1831:Captain Henry Metcalfe 1760:Metcalfe (1885, p. 89) 1672:Metcalfe (1885, p. 20) 1654:Metcalfe (1885, p. 83) 1331:Official Army Register 1314:Captain Henry Metcalfe 1058: 1041: 999: 975: 960:Carnegie's steel works 948: 940: 928: 919: 863: 855: 844: 825: 808: 734: 696: 675: 658:10. Memorandum orders. 610: 594: 566: 556: 548: 524: 506: 484: 466: 434: 352: 332: 144: 79: 41:Captain Henry Metcalfe 37: 36:Captain Henry Metcalfe 18:Captain Henry Metcalfe 1225:Richard Vangermeersch 1053: 1036:Midvale Steel Company 1032: 985: 973: 944: 932: 923: 911: 861: 850: 842: 820: 800: 781:] of Service Card 775:Employement [ 700: 688: 616: 608: 574: 561: 554: 546: 519: 501: 482: 461: 429: 351:The Frankford Arsenal 350: 343:The Frankford Arsenal 323: 191:Cooperstown, New York 184:Cold Spring, New York 143:Benicia Arsenal, 1878 142: 133:Centennial Exposition 77: 55:Metcalfe was born in 35: 1684:William Kent (1918) 1632:Engineering Magazine 1463:Schachter, Hindy L. 1301:United States Army ( 1270:2227. Henry Metcalfe 447:Horace Lucian Arnold 197:on August 20, 1927. 1773:Jan. 1886. page 22. 1426:"Frankford Arsenal" 1223:Michael Chatfield, 1194:. Volume 3, page 91 966:Correspondence Card 899:Sheets for Analysis 570:organization scheme 495:published in 1885. 379:, an early form of 365:Gettysburg Campaign 195:West Point Cemetery 84:Rock Island Arsenal 65:New York University 1527:2013-05-14 at the 1442:on January 4, 2014 1170:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1165:Road map exhibitor 1163:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1156:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1149:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1142:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1135:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1128:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1110:Metcalfe, Henry. " 1030:Taylor explained: 976: 864: 856: 845: 829:production control 726:3. Material cards. 698:And more general: 611: 557: 549: 489:Watervliet Arsenal 485: 361:American Civil War 353: 211:production control 165:Watervliet Arsenal 145: 114:Springfield Armory 80: 38: 1789:7 (1886): p. 475. 1604:Arthur G. Bedeian 1357:"Metcalfe, Henry" 1299:Cullums Register. 1213:Michael Chatfield 1080:Metcalfe, Henry. 723:2. Service cards. 672:13. Invoice book. 655:9. Stock ledgers. 357:Frankford Arsenal 327:Springfield rifle 189:Metcalfe died in 180:Order of Osmanieh 149:Frankford Arsenal 90:of Major-General 16:(Redirected from 1894: 1819: 1812: 1806: 1796: 1790: 1780: 1774: 1767: 1761: 1758: 1752: 1745: 1732: 1729: 1723: 1720: 1714: 1707: 1701: 1698: 1692: 1682: 1673: 1670: 1664: 1661: 1655: 1652: 1646: 1643: 1637: 1620: 1611: 1597: 1591: 1588: 1582: 1575: 1562: 1550: 1544: 1538: 1532: 1515: 1509: 1502: 1493: 1486: 1477: 1474: 1468: 1461: 1452: 1451: 1449: 1447: 1441: 1430: 1421: 1415: 1409: 1403: 1396: 1385: 1379: 1373: 1372: 1370: 1368: 1353: 1347: 1346: 1344: 1342: 1323: 1317: 1311: 1305: 1295: 1289: 1286: 1277: 1266: 1257: 1250: 1244: 1234: 1228: 1210: 1195: 1188: 1172:Pocket Memo-Case 1096:Henry Metcalfe. 790: 772: 760: 748: 483:Title page, 1885 305: 293: 281: 269: 249:, 1875; and the 125:first lieutenant 110:leave of absence 107: 106: 102: 99: 92:Henry W. Halleck 21: 1902: 1901: 1897: 1896: 1895: 1893: 1892: 1891: 1837: 1836: 1827: 1822: 1813: 1809: 1803:Shop Management 1797: 1793: 1781: 1777: 1768: 1764: 1759: 1755: 1746: 1735: 1730: 1726: 1721: 1717: 1708: 1704: 1699: 1695: 1683: 1676: 1671: 1667: 1662: 1658: 1653: 1649: 1644: 1640: 1621: 1614: 1600:Wren, Daniel A. 1598: 1594: 1589: 1585: 1576: 1565: 1551: 1547: 1539: 1535: 1529:Wayback Machine 1516: 1512: 1503: 1496: 1487: 1480: 1475: 1471: 1462: 1455: 1445: 1443: 1439: 1428: 1422: 1418: 1410: 1406: 1397: 1388: 1380: 1376: 1366: 1364: 1355: 1354: 1350: 1340: 1338: 1325: 1324: 1320: 1312: 1308: 1296: 1292: 1287: 1280: 1267: 1260: 1251: 1247: 1235: 1231: 1211: 1198: 1189: 1185: 1181: 1125: 1074: 1066:cost accounting 1049:Shop management 1016: 995: 992: 989: 968: 952:cost accounting 936: 915: 889:Overview sheets 837: 804: 794: 791: 782: 773: 764: 761: 752: 751:Shop Order Card 749: 692: 684: 603: 541: 477: 424: 345: 309: 306: 297: 294: 285: 282: 273: 270: 255:patent drawings 227: 203: 161:Benicia Arsenal 104: 100: 97: 95: 53: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 1900: 1890: 1889: 1884: 1879: 1874: 1869: 1864: 1859: 1854: 1849: 1835: 1834: 1826: 1825:External links 1823: 1821: 1820: 1807: 1791: 1775: 1762: 1753: 1733: 1724: 1715: 1702: 1693: 1674: 1665: 1656: 1647: 1638: 1612: 1592: 1583: 1581:(1977), p. 287 1563: 1545: 1533: 1510: 1494: 1478: 1469: 1453: 1416: 1404: 1386: 1374: 1348: 1318: 1306: 1290: 1278: 1258: 1245: 1229: 1217:Henri Metcalfe 1196: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1176: 1175: 1168: 1161: 1154: 1147: 1140: 1133: 1124: 1121: 1120: 1119: 1104: 1103: 1094: 1073: 1070: 1015: 1012: 967: 964: 903: 902: 896: 886: 879: 875:Classification 836: 833: 796: 795: 792: 785: 783: 774: 767: 765: 762: 755: 753: 750: 743: 741: 733: 732: 729: 728: 727: 724: 721: 715: 714: 713: 710: 683: 680: 674: 673: 670: 667: 666: 665: 659: 656: 653: 650: 647: 646: 645: 639: 632: 629: 626: 623: 602: 599: 590: 589: 585: 582: 540: 537: 476: 470: 443:John Tregoning 439:Henry R. Towne 423: 420: 344: 341: 311: 310: 307: 300: 298: 295: 288: 286: 283: 276: 274: 271: 264: 262: 226: 223: 215:material costs 202: 199: 52: 49: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1899: 1888: 1885: 1883: 1880: 1878: 1875: 1873: 1870: 1868: 1865: 1863: 1860: 1858: 1855: 1853: 1850: 1848: 1845: 1844: 1842: 1832: 1829: 1828: 1817: 1811: 1804: 1800: 1795: 1788: 1784: 1779: 1772: 1766: 1757: 1750: 1744: 1742: 1740: 1738: 1728: 1719: 1712: 1706: 1697: 1690: 1688: 1681: 1679: 1669: 1660: 1651: 1642: 1635: 1633: 1628: 1624: 1619: 1617: 1609: 1605: 1601: 1596: 1587: 1580: 1574: 1572: 1570: 1568: 1560: 1559: 1554: 1549: 1542: 1541:Yates, JoAnne 1537: 1530: 1526: 1523: 1519: 1514: 1507: 1501: 1499: 1491: 1485: 1483: 1473: 1466: 1460: 1458: 1438: 1434: 1427: 1420: 1413: 1408: 1401: 1395: 1393: 1391: 1383: 1378: 1367:September 14, 1362: 1358: 1352: 1336: 1332: 1328: 1322: 1315: 1310: 1303: 1300: 1294: 1285: 1283: 1275: 1271: 1265: 1263: 1255: 1249: 1242: 1238: 1237:Roman L. Weil 1233: 1226: 1222: 1218: 1214: 1209: 1207: 1205: 1203: 1201: 1193: 1187: 1183: 1173: 1169: 1166: 1162: 1159: 1155: 1152: 1148: 1145: 1141: 1138: 1134: 1131: 1127: 1126: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1108: 1107: 1101: 1100: 1095: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1084: 1079: 1078: 1077: 1069: 1067: 1063: 1057: 1052: 1050: 1046: 1040: 1037: 1031: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1011: 1007: 1004: 998: 984: 982: 972: 963: 961: 957: 953: 947: 943: 939: 931: 927: 922: 918: 910: 908: 900: 897: 894: 890: 887: 884: 880: 876: 873: 872: 871: 869: 860: 853: 849: 841: 832: 830: 824: 819: 817: 813: 812:Service Card, 807: 799: 793:Material Card 789: 784: 780: 779: 771: 766: 759: 754: 747: 742: 739: 738: 737: 730: 725: 722: 719: 718: 716: 711: 708: 707: 705: 704: 703: 699: 695: 687: 679: 671: 668: 663: 662: 660: 657: 654: 651: 648: 643: 642: 640: 637: 633: 630: 627: 624: 621: 620: 619: 615: 607: 598: 593: 586: 583: 580: 579: 578: 573: 571: 565: 560: 553: 545: 536: 534: 528: 523: 518: 515: 511: 505: 500: 498: 494: 490: 481: 474: 469: 465: 460: 458: 454: 450: 448: 444: 440: 433: 428: 419: 417: 413: 409: 405: 401: 397: 393: 388: 386: 382: 378: 374: 370: 366: 362: 358: 349: 340: 338: 331: 328: 322: 319: 316: 304: 299: 292: 287: 280: 275: 268: 263: 260: 259: 258: 256: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 222: 220: 216: 212: 208: 198: 196: 192: 187: 185: 181: 176: 173: 168: 166: 162: 158: 154: 150: 141: 137: 134: 130: 126: 121: 119: 115: 111: 93: 89: 85: 76: 72: 70: 66: 62: 58: 57:New York City 48: 46: 42: 34: 30: 19: 1810: 1802: 1801:(1903/2004) 1794: 1786: 1778: 1770: 1765: 1756: 1751:May 15, 1886 1748: 1727: 1718: 1710: 1705: 1696: 1685: 1668: 1659: 1650: 1641: 1630: 1607: 1595: 1586: 1578: 1556: 1553:JoAnne Yates 1548: 1536: 1513: 1505: 1489: 1472: 1464: 1444:. Retrieved 1437:the original 1432: 1419: 1411: 1407: 1399: 1377: 1365:. Retrieved 1360: 1351: 1339:. Retrieved 1330: 1327:"Casualties" 1321: 1309: 1298: 1293: 1273: 1253: 1248: 1240: 1232: 1220: 1191: 1186: 1115: 1105: 1097: 1092:3rd ed. 1907 1088:2nd ed. 1890 1081: 1075: 1072:Publications 1061: 1059: 1054: 1048: 1047:in his 1903 1042: 1033: 1027: 1017: 1008: 1002: 1000: 986: 977: 949: 945: 941: 933: 929: 924: 920: 912: 906: 904: 898: 888: 882: 878:storekeeper. 874: 867: 866:In his 1885 865: 826: 821: 815: 811: 809: 801: 797: 776: 763:Service Card 735: 701: 697: 689: 685: 676: 617: 612: 595: 591: 575: 567: 562: 558: 529: 525: 520: 507: 502: 492: 486: 472: 467: 462: 457:machine shop 451: 435: 430: 425: 389: 373:Pennsylvania 354: 333: 324: 320: 312: 250: 246: 245:, 1874; the 242: 241:, 1872; the 238: 237:, 1871; the 234: 228: 219:labour costs 206: 204: 188: 177: 169: 146: 122: 88:aide-de-camp 81: 54: 40: 39: 29: 1852:1927 deaths 1847:1847 births 1623:Hugo Diemer 1363:. U.S. Army 883:Card system 810:Beside the 533:labor costs 497:Hugo Diemer 408:Minié balls 385:Indian Wars 381:machine gun 377:Gatling Gun 1841:Categories 1771:Mechanics, 1749:Mechanics, 1446:January 3, 1402:page 185–6 1179:References 981:flow chart 907:Mechanics. 636:time books 512:and other 416:time fuses 94:. After a 1561:. page 12 1518:Yates, J. 1243:. p. 736. 1014:Reception 1003:Mechanics 956:railroads 893:Time Book 852:Time Book 514:workshops 412:gunpowder 404:harnesses 392:artillery 339:in 1893. 51:Biography 1805:. p. 111 1713:page 445 1525:Archived 1492:page 100 1256:. page 4 991:address. 510:arsenals 453:Chandler 400:infantry 231:firearms 118:firearms 1691:page 93 1629:." in: 1555:(1993) 1341:May 17, 1219:," in: 1123:Patents 1076:Books: 634:5. 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Captain Henry Metcalfe

United States Army Ordnance Corps
New York City
Bellevue Hospital Center
New York University
West Point Military Academy

Rock Island Arsenal
Henry W. Halleck
leave of absence
Springfield Armory
first lieutenant
Providence Tool Company
Centennial Exposition

Frankford Arsenal
time and motion studies
Benicia Arsenal
Watervliet Arsenal
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Order of Osmanieh
Cold Spring, New York
Cooperstown, New York
West Point Cemetery
production control
material costs

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.