
Carbon pricing in Australia

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mechanism." However the article also articulated her position on that term of government. "While any carbon price would not be triggered until after the 2013 election... She would legislate the carbon price next term if sufficient consensus existed", and the federal opposition accused the government of breaking an election promise to not introduce a carbon tax. Julia Gillard responded to these accusations by saying that circumstances changed following the 2010 election. Then opposition leader Tony Abbott criticised the carbon pricing policy on economic grounds referring to it as "toxic" and likening it to an octopus embracing the whole of the economy. He pledged to repeal the tax after the 18 clean energy bills passed through the House of Representatives and stated that the next election would be a referendum on the "carbon tax".
640:. Gillard, therefore, remained prime minister and Abbott remained in Opposition. One of the conditions for Greens support was that the formation of a cross-party parliamentary committee to determine policy on climate change. Gillard honoured that agreement and on 27 September 2010 the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee (MPCCC) was formed, its terms of reference including that it was to report to Cabinet on ways to introduce a carbon price. The MPCCC agreed on the introduction of a fixed carbon price commencing 1 July 2012, transitioning to a flexible-price cap-and-trade ETS on 1 July 2015. Initially the price of permits is fixed and the quantity unlimited i.e. there is no cap; the scheme thus functions similarly, and is popularly referred to as a tax. 308:
reached $ 520 million in 2010–2011. Falls in carbon emissions were observed following implementation of this policy. It was noted that emissions from sectors subject to the pricing mechanism were 1.0% lower and nine months after the introduction of the pricing scheme, Australia's carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation had fallen to a 10-year low, with coal generation down 11% from 2008 to 2009. However, attribution of these trends to carbon pricing have been disputed, with Frontier Economics claiming trends are largely explained by factors unrelated to the carbon tax. Electricity demand had been falling and in 2012 was at the lowest level seen since 2006 in the
1560: 22: 1472:"The end result of the introduction of the new biogas technology will not only be a saving of millions of dollars in energy and carbon costs, but also an opportunity for the company to be positioned at the cutting edge of renewable energy technology in the rendering industry, Mr Kassulke said." "It means companies are now looking at ways to use less energy which equates to less cost and a subsequent reduction in the tax that is being levied."That has been the intention of the tax and clearly from that perspective it is working and working well". 5511: 1670:(ACCC) reported it was investigating about 100 cases where customers had possibly been misled into paying excessive price rises falsely claimed to be as a result of the carbon tax. By the middle of June, the commission was investigating about 200 cases. The consumer watchdog also set up a phone hotline and online form for complaints regarding excess pricing claimed to be due to the carbon tax. The ACCC had forecast that home construction costs would be at the lower end of the 0.7% to 1.8% range predicted by building companies. The 1817: 1486: 110: 548:(CPRS) (also known as Australia's ETS), outlining the intended design of the scheme. The CPRS was criticised by those who were both for and against action to mitigate climate change. Environmental lobby groups protested that the emissions reductions targets were too low, and that the level of assistance to polluters was too high. Industry and business lobby groups however argued for more permits and assistance to offset the economic impacts of the scheme on many enterprises, particularly during the 5799: 5449: 1789: 5829: 5819: 5809: 1803: 5461: 3116: 502:, who had by then deposed Beazley as leader, famously describing climate change as "the great moral challenge of our generation". Labor differentiated itself from the government by promising an ETS with an earlier start date of 2010 rather than the 2012 timeframe advocated by Howard. It also promised ratification of the 580:
disagreement with various details including the timing of implementation of the scheme, timing of the vote on the relevant legislation and on the level of assistance to be provided to polluting industries. The Opposition was able to negotiate greater compensation for polluters affected by the scheme in November 2009.
979:, a statutory agency, was created to advise the government on the setting of carbon pollution caps, to conduct periodic reviews of the carbon pricing process, and to report on progress towards meeting national targets. These pollution caps were to form the basis for the cap-and-trade structure to commence in 2015. 742:(CER). This was called the Liable Entities Public Information Database or LEPID. The LEPID for 2012–13 was updated on 12 July 2013 and the companies which were the fifteen largest payers of carbon tax in 2012–13 are shown in the summary below (related companies are grouped together where identifiable). 730:
Agricultural emissions were exempt due to difficulty in tracking emissions and the related complexity of administering such a scheme. Households and business use of light vehicles did not incur a carbon price. However, changes to the fuel tax regime were proposed to effectively impose a carbon tax on
for 21 August 2010. During the election campaign Gillard stated that she supported a price on carbon emissions and that she would prosecute the case for action for as long as she needed to win community support. However, she also indicated that she would not introduce carbon pricing until there was a
Abbott announced a new Coalition policy on carbon emission reduction in February 2010, which committed the Coalition to a 5% reduction in emissions by 2020. Abbott proposed the creation of an 'emissions reduction fund' to provide 'direct' incentives to industry and farmers to reduce carbon emissions.
for their preferred model, the government entered negotiations with Turnbull, and in the lead up to the Copenhagen Conference, presented an amended CPRS scheme, with the support of Turnbull. The Turnbull-led Opposition supported the CPRS scheme in principle, although at times over 2009 they indicated
Under the Carbon Farming Initiative, farmers and graziers would have been able to plant trees to earn carbon credits, which could have been on-sold to companies liable to pay a carbon price. The Clean Technology Investment Program was touted as helping the manufacturing sector to support investments
estimated an average new house would experience a price increase of between 0.8% and 1.7% due to the carbon price. Housing construction was expected to be significantly impacted by the carbon tax because new homes require cement, bricks, aluminium, and glass, which are all typically energy-intensive
Because the Australian carbon tax did not apply to all fossil fuels usage, it only had an effect on some of the emitters of greenhouse gases. Among those emitters to which it applied, emissions were significantly lower after introduction of the tax. According to the Investor Group on Climate Change,
Overall in 2012–13 under the 'Jobs and Competitiveness Program', there were 104 million free carbon units issued to 123 applicants, valued at approximately $ 2.4 billion. The fifteen largest recipients of free carbon units in 2012–13, with related companies grouped together where identifiable, were:
indicated that this scheme would cost twice as much as the Clean Energy Futures Plan. Abbott was unable to find an Australian economist who supported his policy, although he did cite international economists who are supportive. Tony Abbott's "Direct Action Plan" has been criticised because there is
replaced Turnbull as leader of the Liberal Party. Abbott immediately called a secret ballot on support for the ETS among coalition MPs, which was overwhelmingly rejected. The Coalition then withdrew their support for the carbon pricing policy and joined the Greens and Independents in voting against
However, there is a five-year trend for emissions from the electricity generation sector in Australia to decline. Electricity emissions peaked at 38% of the national total in September quarter 2008, coinciding with the start of the Global Financial Crisis. In December 2012, electricity emissions
In a survey conducted by the Economic Society of Australia, 60% of economists thought the carbon pricing proposal was sound economic policy, while 25% disagreed. A number of public protests both in support of and against the carbon price (or tax) were held in the run up to its introduction. These
David Kassulke, the manager of AJ Bush & Sons, expressed grave concerns over the carbon tax during the lead up to its implementation. However, he later stated the carbon tax has had a positive impact on the business. The company expects to cut carbon emissions from 85,000 to 30,000 tonnes per
produced compared to a more efficient black coal-fired power station. The list of companies which received the free units was published by the Clean Energy Regulator. Nine power stations qualified – the big four brown coal plants in Victoria, and five other much smaller plants. The four big brown
In effect, the scope of the scheme meant that only a small number of large electricity generators and larger industrial plants were subject to the carbon price scheme. The tax was payable by surrendering carbon units, which had been either purchased (at $ 20 per tonne in 2012–13) or acquired free
Since the carbon tax was introduced, wholesale electricity prices in the National Electricity market increased significantly. The Energy Users Association of Australia in its June 2013 paper said that electricity generators have been able to pass through more than 100% of the cost of the carbon
to report on the steps taken by eight major economies to address climate change. In June 2011, the report found that more than 1,000 climate policies were already enacted across the globe. It also supported a market-based carbon price as being the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions. The
reported that Clean Energy Future carbon price scheme had not deterred new investment in the coal industry, as spending on exploration had increased by 62% in 2010–2011, more than any other mineral commodity. The government agency Geoscience Australia reported that investment in coal prospecting
claimed that the Australian coal industry would lose jobs to overseas competitors and mines will be closed. Despite the announcement of the scheme, spending on mineral exploration in the March quarter was the highest ever at $ 1.086 billion. The impact on the LNG industry in Australia was
The introduction of a carbon price in Australia was controversial. The day before the 2010 federal election, Prime Minister, Julia Gillard sent out a message regarding carbon pricing, stating "I don't rule out the possibility of legislating a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, a market-based
On the supply side of the business, the most significant strategic development was the decision to buy the Loy Yang A power station. ... The Board also recognised that coal fired generation would be required for decades to come if the demand from Australian households and businesses for
On 1 July 2012 the Australian Federal government introduced a carbon price scheme. To offset the impact of the tax on some sectors of society, the government reduced income tax (by increasing the tax-free threshold) and increased pensions and welfare payments slightly to cover expected price
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stated that in June 2013 only 260 entities were subject to the scheme, of which approximately 185 were liable to pay for carbon units. Domestic aviation did not face the carbon price scheme, but was subject to an additional fuel excise levy of approximately 6 cents per liter.
in December 2009. Prime Minister Rudd said in response that it would be "an act of absolute political cowardice, an absolute failure of leadership not to act on climate change until other nations had done so" and the government pursued the early introduction of the Scheme.
1774:, the Liberal Party platform included the removal of the 'Carbon Tax', claiming that the election was in effect a referendum on carbon pricing in Australia. The incoming Liberal government placed removing the carbon pricing scheme at the head of its legislative program. 686:
estimated that the Australian scheme had cut carbon emissions by as much as 17 million tonnes, the biggest annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 24 years of records in 2013 as the carbon tax helped drive a large drop in pollution from the electricity sector.
663:. Windsor made it clear that he would not support the clean energy legislation if it included a carbon tax on transport fuels. He did not want to penalise people who lived in rural areas, where there was no public transport as an alternative to private vehicles. 260:
per year, and which were not in the transport or agriculture sectors, to obtain emissions permits, called carbon units. Carbon units were either purchased from the government or issued free as part of industry assistance measures. As part of the scheme, personal
1384:. "If the outcomes observed in the spot market persist then it can be unequivocally concluded that both fossil fuel generators and renewable generators will have gained as a result of emission pricing, at users' expense. Surely this is not what was intended." 1252:
Under the 'Coal Fired Generation Assistance' for coal-based electricity generating companies the Government gave out 42 million of free carbon units each year, valued at almost $ 5 billion. These were only issued to the generators with the highest amount of
698:, paid by taxpayers from consolidated revenue, which according to RepuTex, a markets consultancy, estimated the government's main climate policy may only meet a third of the emissions reduction challenge if Australia is to cut by 5% of 2000 levels by 2020. 735:
under an industry assistance program. The pricing mechanism was expected to cover 60% of Australia's carbon emissions. 75% of each company's annual obligation were to be paid by 15 June each year with the remaining 25% by the following 1 February.
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The carbon price came into effect on 1 July 2012 and applied to direct emissions from a facility (scope-1 emissions), but not to indirect emissions (scope-2 emissions). The scheme only applied to facilities which emit more than 25,000 tonnes
1544:(CEFC) commenced investment operations from 1 July 2013, with a focus on investments in renewable energy, low-emissions and energy efficiency technology and the manufacturing companies that produce materials used in such technologies. 2245: 592:
on 2 December 2009. As the Rudd government required the support of either the Coalition or the Greens to secure passage of the bill, it was defeated in the Senate. Abbott described Labor's ETS plan as a 'Great big tax on everything'.
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projects would be scrapped as a result of carbon pricing, regardless of industry compensation; it further claimed that, if coupled with compensation, the carbon pricing regime would in fact leave the steel industry better off.
To put this into context, the LEPID list indicated that the total amount of carbon units to be surrendered would be 283 million units for 2012–13. 37% of these were awarded for free under the Jobs and Competitiveness Program.
expected to be minor to moderate. No major projects were expected to be cancelled as a result of the introduction of the carbon pricing scheme. Dairy farmers will be impacted because of higher power costs for milk processing.
in 2014–15, where the available permits will be limited in line with a pollution cap. The scheme primarily applied to electricity generators and industrial sectors. It did not apply to road transport and agriculture. The
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Research by Preston Teeter and Jorgen Sandberg at the University of Queensland revealed that liable organisations responded with very few investments in emissions reduction activities, largely due to the great deal of
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which came into effect on 1 July 2012. Emissions from companies subject to the scheme dropped 7% upon its introduction. As a result of being in place for such a short time, and because the then Opposition leader
were just 33% of national emissions. The decline is due partly to an almost 6% reduction in electricity demand in the National Electricity market since 2008. This fall in electricity demand followed:·
The Government ran several major 'Industry Assistance' programs to reduce the impact of carbon tax for the 185 affected companies. These have the effect of significantly reducing the actual carbon tax raised.
in "energy-efficient capital equipment and low emission technologies, processes and products". Companies in the food sector would also have been able to apply for grants to improve their energy efficiency.
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and were exposed to imports or who trade internationally. There was a list of 48 trade-exposed activities, including business such as steel making, alumina refining, cement making and similar activities.
The majority of big emitters in Australia supported a price on carbon as at July 2012. However business groups and some big emitters, especially in the mining sector, were opposed to the pricing scheme.
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Nine months after the introduction of the pricing scheme, Australia's emissions of carbon dioxide due to electricity generation fell to a 10-year low, with coal generation down 6% from 2008 to 2009.
no disincentive to continue polluting at the same rate, meaning that emissions will increase rather than decrease by 2020. In addition, "under Direct Action it is the public, not polluters who pay."
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The coal industry was expected to be impacted due to the emissions produced as coal is mined, however a similar expense is not expected to be incurred by Australia's coal exporting competitors. The
226:", regulated organizations responded rather weakly, with very few investments in emissions reductions being made. The scheme was repealed on 17 July 2014, backdated to 1 July 2014. In its place the 5758: 3890: 4481: 521:. By ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, Australia committed to keeping emissions to no more than 108% of its 1990 emissions level by 2012. Australia's ratification came into effect on 11 March 2008. 617:
sufficient consensus on the issue, that any carbon price legislated would not come into effect until after the 2013 election, and she specifically ruled out the introduction of a "carbon tax".
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The 'Jobs and Competitiveness Program' was for the non-electricity sector and was targeted at the 'emissions-intensive trade-exposed' activities – that is, companies which emitted a lot of CO
5424: 3758: 3674: 5429: 3413: 3595: 3621: 2372: 4268: 3380: 2159: 2103: 1873: 2782: 3029: 2626: 1731:
Other steps included direct payments into bank accounts beginning in May 2012. The payments, called the Clean Energy Advance, were targeted at low- and middle-income households.
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scenario. The scheme aimed to prevent 160 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere by 2020, as well as generating $ 24 billion over three years.
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With an average emissions intensity of 1.3, that effectively meant there was no carbon tax on the first 20 TWh (or approximately 50%) they collectively produced each year.
Depending on whether a company was 'highly' or 'moderately' emissions intensive, it received 94.5% or 66% of 'average industry carbon costs' supplied as free carbon units.
Six months after the introduction of carbon pricing the Department of Climate Change and Renewable Energy reported a 9% decrease in emissions from electricity generators.
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In April 2010, Rudd deferred attempts to advance the scheme to at least 2013, opting not to present the legislation to the Senate a second time, creating a trigger for a
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The opposition (and since the 2013 election the Abbott government) proposed an alternative "direct-action" carbon emissions reduction scheme. Modelling produced by the
5748: 4102: 3498: 1575:, Australia will be one of around 50 jurisdictions implementing similar schemes worldwide. The starting price of $ 23 per tonne has also been a point of contention. 1374:
The Australian Government said in July 2013 that the carbon tax was a factor in reducing the emissions intensity in the National Electricity Market from 0.92 t of CO
695: 560:, commissioned in April 2007 by Rudd when he was leader of the Opposition, released its final report. Garnaut recommended a price between $ 20 and $ 30 per tonne of 452:
was close to creating an emissions trading scheme, but business lobbying caused the government to stop considering it in September of that year. In October 2006 the
materials. A forecast by the Centre for International Economics predicted the housing construction industry could decline by 12.6% as a result of the carbon price.
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was promised to highly emissions-intensive coal-fired generators. Most of that funding was intended for coal-fired power generators in Victoria. Research by the
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One criticism of the carbon pricing scheme has been that Australia should not proceed with its introduction ahead of other countries. However, according to the
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The carbon tax repeal legislation received Royal Assent on 17 July 2014 and the bills which were part of the package became law, with effect from 1 July 2014.
3279: 4591: 4398: 4509: 2270: 2132: 253:. Compensation to industry and households was funded by the revenue derived from the charge. The scheme required entities which emit over 25,000 tonnes of 2571: 3993: 1345:
Greenhouse emissions from stationary energy (excluding electricity) and transport grew by 4% in the first six months of the carbon tax to December 2012.
3887: 2301: 1277:
coal plants in Victoria received the majority share of free carbon units, around 37 million of the 42 million free carbon units in September each year.
5419: 1572: 294: 1928:"Constraining or Enabling Green Capability Development? How Policy Uncertainty Affects Organizational Responses to Flexible Environmental Regulations" 1326:
emissions from companies subject to the tax went down 7% with the introduction of the tax, and the tax was "the major contributor" to this reduction.
636:. After two weeks of negotiations Gillard had enough support to gain a majority including the support of the Greens and their single MP in the House, 456:
on the effect of climate change on the world's economy was released for the British government. This report recommended a range of measures including
5434: 5231: 3682: 4565: 3577: 2705: 51: 5409: 3090: 2599: 609:
said that the sudden announcement of change of policy on the ETS was a factor that had contributed to a collapse in support for Rudd's leadership.
represented by climate change with the least amount of economic and social disruption. In response to this report and subsequent pressure from the
5241: 5221: 4186: 3966: 1850: 1667: 576: 4421: 4324: 3545: 1454:
When funds from the Steel Transformation Plan are taken into account, the Company does not expect to face a net carbon liability over the period
4923: 2478: 2452: 2149: 5499: 4536: 3599: 2399: 518: 4159: 3625: 2053: 2731: 2526: 5038: 3384: 2876: 1877: 1536:
technology innovation programs. It had funds to provide financial assistance to research, develop, demonstrate, deploy and commercialise
Going into the 2007 federal election, the Labor opposition party presented itself as a "pro-climate" alternative to the Government, with
67: 3037: 2790: 1698:
Because carbon pricing would indirectly flow through to consumers, the Australian government implemented household assistance measures.
5226: 3830: 3530: 3484: 3438: 2851: 2634: 4789: 1334:
Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions increased by 0.3% in the first six months of the Carbon Tax to December 2012 to 276.5 Mt CO
3313: 3240: 3193: 3068: 2426: 1646: 4298: 472:
established the Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, chaired by Peter Shergold, to advise on the implementation of an
245:, the plan set out to achieve these targets by encouraging Australia's largest emitters to increase energy efficiency and invest in 5414: 5399: 5394: 4728: 2894: 3785: 3155: 1418:
AGL – In relation to its purchase of the Loy Yang brown coal fired power station in 2012, one of the single largest emitters of CO
476:(ETS) in Australia. In opposition, Kevin Rudd called for a cut to greenhouse gas emissions by 60% before 2050. Both the incumbent 123:
of parts of this article (those related to most everything other than the historic as the relevant legislation has been repealed)
5555: 5540: 4673: 2926: 4621: 647:, which the opposition claimed to be a broken election promise. The Liberal Party vowed to overturn the bill if it was elected. 4213: 3812: 1840: 1521: 5865: 5784: 5651: 5465: 4073: 4047: 3459: 5477: 2979: 1532:(ARENA) was established as part of the Clean Energy Fund, and commenced operations on 1 July 2012. It consolidated existing 1408:
we suggest that it cannot be said that pricing emissions has reduced emissions in stationary energy to any meaningful extent
Economy-wide pricing of carbon is the centre piece of any policy designed to reduce emissions at the lowest possible costs.
5919: 5774: 5626: 625: 4110: 3505: 1431:
AdelaideBrighton expects it will significantly mitigate the impact of the carbon tax over the next five years by:·
passed repeal legislation through the Senate to abolish the carbon pricing scheme. In its place the government set up the
5728: 5723: 5692: 671: 4020: 2185: 495:. Following the release of the final Shergold report, the Howard government committed to introduce an ETS in June 2007. 5682: 5386: 5371: 5139: 4916: 4811: 4241: 4133: 1845: 1725: 1529: 230:
set up the Emission Reduction Fund in December 2014. Emissions thereafter resumed their growth evident before the tax.
4705: 5733: 5656: 5598: 5492: 4951: 2349: 1578:
Emissions figures from the 2010–11 financial year suggest the electricity generation sector may be due to pay around
549: 545: 91: 4651: 281:
for the 2012–13 financial year, with unlimited permits being available from the government. The fixed price rose to
5059: 3283: 1771: 1541: 1363:
Other factors contributing to the five-year fall in greenhouse emissions from the electricity sector are:·
613: 492: 43: 4891: 4599: 5550: 5094: 3365: 1977: 731:
business liquid and gaseous fuel emissions. There were plans for heavy on-road vehicles to pay from 1 July 2014.
replaced Rudd as leader of the Labor Party and became prime minister. Factional leader and key Gillard supporter
5939: 5687: 5641: 5578: 5294: 5195: 1724:
receiving the greatest tax reduction. The changes were described as the biggest overhaul of taxation since the
1630: 683: 682:
increases, as well as introducing compensation for some affected industries. On 17 July 2014, a report by the
56: 5779: 5583: 5453: 5289: 5185: 4966: 4956: 4909: 1587: 1537: 1359:
A burst in residential solar PV generation following generous State Government incentives, now all curtailed.
557: 533: 4755: 3908: 2278: 738:
A list of companies which had paid the carbon tax, and the amount which each had paid, was published by the
report's findings were one of the major reasons that support for the carbon tax was provided by independent
506:, investment in clean coal and renewable energy, and slightly more aggressive targets for renewable energy. 5914: 5802: 5646: 5588: 5485: 5023: 2216: 1671: 1660: 208: 4837: 727:-e on selected fossil fuels consumed by major industrial emitters and government bodies such as councils. 5944: 5929: 5738: 5707: 5636: 5330: 5299: 5089: 5013: 3555: 3094: 1830: 1679: 309: 2603: 5924: 5697: 5524: 5376: 5345: 5325: 5279: 5154: 5109: 5084: 5074: 5028: 5008: 4971: 2113:. The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education: 2. 1559: 119: 2767: 2302:"Sliding doors: cabinet papers reveal how close Coalition came to endorsing emissions trading in 2003" 237:
was part of a broad energy reform package called the Clean Energy Futures Plan, which aimed to reduce
5858: 5661: 5404: 5350: 5251: 5159: 4429: 708: 254: 3813:"The Coalition's climate change policy: It's the public, not polluters, who pay | Lisa Caripis" 2482: 1396:
said the reduction in emissions from the electricity sector in the first year of the carbon tax was
5934: 5889: 5593: 5304: 5284: 5236: 5143: 5054: 4486: 3129: 976: 716: 488: 289: 242: 241:
in Australia by 5% below 2000 levels by 2020 and 80% below 2000 levels by 2050. Although Australia
238: 1927: 1553: 5894: 5832: 5608: 5603: 5309: 5134: 1794: 1702: 1655:, convert electricity generation from coal to alternatives and shift economic activity towards a 1564: 1413: 655: 589: 47: 5164: 5104: 5069: 4976: 4452: 3338: 3265: 3218: 1634: 1339: 739: 667: 644: 484: 250: 4482:"Prime Minister Julia Gillard pays out lump sum cash bonuses for families as carbon tax compo" 5666: 5507: 5126: 5018: 2126: 1822: 1743: 1582:. Loans have been made available so that electricity generators can purchase carbon permits. 525: 510: 303: 213: 3834: 2832: 1686:
Household bills were expected to rise by an average of around $ 5 per week. Energy retailer
Reduced economic activity and closure of the Kurri Kurri aluminium smelter in mid-2012; and·
5851: 5573: 5340: 5269: 5246: 5180: 5099: 5064: 4932: 4218: 2376: 1652: 1583: 2104:"Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, December Quarter 2012" 8: 5515: 5355: 5335: 5261: 5079: 5033: 4961: 2242:"Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory December Quarter 2012" 556:
became the new Liberal Opposition Leader on 18 September 2008. On 30 September 2008, the
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Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.
Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.
5822: 5190: 3163: 2504: 2306: 2154: 1950: 1835: 1656: 1367:
An increase in wind generation supported by the Renewable Energy Target subsidies; and·
651: 598: 246: 36: 532:
called for the vote on the government's ETS be delayed until after the United Nations
began negotiating the passage of an ETS through the Parliament. The Opposition led by
5828: 5818: 5808: 5545: 4992: 3706:"Tony Abbott makes a 'blood pledge' to repeal carbon tax after it passes lower house" 3524: 3478: 3432: 3329: 3256: 3209: 2345: 2114: 1954: 1739: 691: 675: 633: 477: 473: 469: 449: 227: 159: 71: 4946: 4895: 4329: 3550: 2335: 1942: 1808: 1734:
Some industries received direct compensation. As part of the Energy Security Fund,
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Shortly before the Senate was due to vote on the carbon bills, on 1 December 2009
5702: 5116: 3949: 3916: 3894: 1599: 1353:
Retail electricity prices rising by approximately 80% over the past five years; ·
621: 1816: 1659:. Its impact on business was forecast to be 0.1 â€“ 0.2% lower than the 5204: 5199: 5149: 4700: 3833:. Department of Energy, Resources and Tourism. 24 February 2012. Archived from 2404: 2271:"Key points: Update Paper 6: Carbon pricing and reducing Australia's emissions" 561: 529: 514: 503: 461: 5843: 3366:
1904:"Carbon-taxed companies cut emissions by 7% in past year, investor group says" 1414:
Significant announcements which have, or may have, relevance to the carbon tax
5908: 5812: 4391:"Carbon Tax Blip: Australia Resource Exploration Spending Still Rises by 35%" 3675:"Tony Abbott Describes Carbon Tax as an Octopus Embracing Australian Economy" 3649:"Julia Gillard fends off accusations she has broken a promise on climate tax" 2118: 1999: 629: 602: 3733:"MPs concerned that Tony Abbott's carbon tax tactics have 'run out of puff'" 2186:"Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc - Federal Government Claims Carbon Price Success" 1946: 288:
The government had announced that the scheme was part of a transition to an
1908: 1254: 660: 606: 453: 441: 234: 3855: 3759:"Tony Abbott's direct action to cost double that of Labor's carbon attack" 5759:
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority
2572:"Shock result as Abbott wins Liberal leadership by one vote ... ETS dead" 584: 569: 541: 465: 219: 2340: 4901: 1591: 1272:
The free units were shared according to their size and the amount of CO
1266: 637: 509:
Labor won the election on 24 November 2007, and on 3 December 2007 the
499: 481: 277:. Initially the price of a permit for one tonne of carbon was fixed at 262: 223: 2331:
The Rudd government Australian Commonwealth administration 2007 – 2010
1969: 4457: 2479:"Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency – Kyoto Protocol" 2008:. Commonwealth of Australia: House of Representatives. p. 11607. 1540:
and related technologies. The government-established but independent
Increasing the use of alternative fuels and cementitious substitutes"
1301: 3943:
Hazelwood closure urged under the solar panels of CERES in Brunswick
1788: 1429:
Adelaide Brighton (Australia’s second largest cement producer) “ –
1388: 1309: 1690:
said the carbon price would result in a 7.1% rise to power bills.
4863: 2658:"Kevin Rudd delays plans for emissions trading scheme until 2013" 2111:
Quarterly Update of Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
2004: 1687: 1609:
airline calculated that the average increase per flight would be
2703: 2373:"Prime Ministers Task Group on Emissions Trading - Final Report" 5754:
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
2627:"Abbott announces emissions plan – Local News – News – General" 1618: 1466: 457: 3383:. Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA). Archived from 2780: 1292:
package for Australia's two steelmakers. In 2012, payments of
4812:"Australia's Carbon Tax And Commercial Electricity Customers" 4354:"Carbon Tax Will Cripple Australian Coal Industry: New Study" 1567:, the OECD's most polluting power station, in September 2009. 1378:
per MWh to 0.87 in the 11 months following its introduction.
1320: 1207: 3856:
Greg Combet, Penny Wong and Craig Ferguson (17 April 2012).
3381:"Impact of Emission Prices on Electricity Prices in the NEM" 1716:
from 1 July 2015. The changes meant those earning less than
1329: 422:
Source – Australia's National Greenhouse Inventory Dec 2012
3703: 3225: 2954:"Windsor says he'll stop carbon plans if Greens go too far" 2814:
Multi-party climate change committee clean energy agreement
2327: 2079:"Big fall in electricity sector emissions since carbon tax" 1398:'largely explained by factors unrelated to the carbon tax'. 628:
both of the major parties needed to acquire the support of
4269:"Builders warned over carbon rip-offs as complaints mount" 2021:"Starting Emissions Trading on 1 July 2014 Policy Summary" 568:) equivalent with a rise of 4% each year. A more detailed 5749:
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
3007:"Carbon tax bills pass lower house of federal Parliament" 720: 620:
The result of the election left Australia with its first
and tools are available to assist in formatting, such as
2144: 2142: 2018: 1613:. They responded by implementing a surcharge of between 1459: 666:
The Clean Energy Plan was released on 10 July 2011. The
4844:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 11 February 2013 1598:
as a result of the carbon tax. Power generators in the
per year and the tax-free threshold was increased from
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
4696:"Victorian power stations get carbon tax compensation" 4295:"The Carbon Tax and the Residential Building Industry" 3909:"Australian PM campaigns to sell unpopular carbon tax" 3897:. Fairfax Media. Retrieved 8 July 2012. 4109:. World Coal Association. August 2011. Archived from 3030:"Carbon price helped curb emissions, ANU study finds" 2783:"Prime Minister establishes Climate Change Committee" 2139: 1876:. Clean Energy Regulator. 14 May 2012. Archived from 4729:"Research finds carbon tax compensation unjustified" 4676:. Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 4453:"Dairy farmers want help in dealing with carbon tax" 3786:"Think again on carbon tax, Abbott tells economists" 3117:
Fall in greenhouse gas emissions biggest in 24 years
Greg Combet & Jula Gillard (27 September 2010).
2051: 1784: 1442:Reducing reliance on domestic manufacture; · 1283: 4248:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 18 June 2012 4045: 2704:Paul Kelly & Dennis Shanahan (20 August 2010). 1247: 991: 749:
Australian's Top 15 Payers of Carbon Tax in 2012–13
719:or to transport fuels. The carbon price was set at 4628:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 15 May 2012 4598:. Australian Government. July 2012. Archived from 4388: 3061:"Carbon tax is gone: Repeal bills pass the Senate" 2927:"Productivity Commission backs Gillard on climate" 1651:The carbon pricing scheme was intended to improve 1573:Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 1475: 295:Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency 4622:"Coalition takes aim at household assistance ads" 4566:"Carbon tax marks biggest overhaul since the GST" 4422:"Q+A-Australia's carbon tax and the LNG industry" 2397: 2121:. Archived from the original on 13 February 2014. 1015:Top 15 Recipients of Free Carbon Units in 2012–13 125:may be compromised due to out-of-date information 5906: 4753: 2546:"Tony Abbott to demand Liberal leadership spill" 2131:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 1668:Australian Competition & Consumer Commission 1389:Alternative explanations of emissions reductions 678:in November 2011 and was thus brought into law. 540:On 16 July 2008, the Rudd government released a 420:Excludes land use, land use change and forestry 5873: 4479: 3967:"Australia not alone on carbon pricing: Combet" 3888:Majority of big emitters support new tax scheme 3783: 3704:Ben Packham and Lanai Vasek (12 October 2011). 3624:. 27 February 2011. Archived from 3127: 2924: 2680:"The Gillard Coup | Q&A | ABC TV" 1851:New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme 1452:BlueScope (Australia's largest steelmaker) – " 1269:-fired generators in Victoria's Latrobe Valley 982: 752:(account for 70% of total carbon units lodged) 4650:. Department of Human Services. Archived from 4297:. Housing Industry Association. Archived from 4131: 4021:"$ 1b carbon tax write-down for NSW generator" 3952:. News Community Media. Retrieved 8 July 2012. 3130:"Farming and the carbon tax: what's in store?" 2951: 2895:"Productivity Commission backs carbon pricing" 2852:"Tony Abbott calls for election on carbon tax" 2497: 2158:. Australian Associated Press. 12 April 2013. 1925: 701: 643:In February 2011, the government proposed the 572:on the CPRS was released on 15 December 2008. 5859: 5493: 4917: 4838:"9pc drop in emissions from power generators" 4563: 4450: 4363:. Institute of Public Affairs. Archived from 4242:"Consumer watchdog probes carbon price hikes" 3598:. 16 August 2012. Archived from 1998: 1970:"Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions" 1712:on 1 July 2012, and was scheduled to rise to 1425:electricity was to continue to be satisfied" 1315: 519:2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference 4726: 4510:"Carbon tax to push up power bills by 9.1pc" 4322: 3906: 3622:"Yes, I vowed no carbon tax – Julia Gillard" 2211: 2209: 2179: 2177: 1720:received a tax cut with those earning up to 1265:per MWh of energy. These were primarily the 35:, which are uninformative and vulnerable to 4788:. Commonwealth of Australia. Archived from 4537:"It's official, Australia has a carbon tax" 4534: 4211: 4018: 3964: 3864:. Commonwealth of Australia. Archived from 3282:. Commonwealth of Australia. Archived from 3162:. Commonwealth of Australia. Archived from 2789:. Commonwealth of Australia. Archived from 2602:. Commonwealth of Australia. 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(2010). 2206: 2183: 2174: 2002:, Prime Minister (12 October 2011). 1647:Mitigation of global warming in Australia 1330:Continuing growth in greenhouse emissions 92:Learn how and when to remove this message 4931: 4868:Department of the Environment and Energy 4704:. Yahoo!7. 30 March 2012. Archived from 4584: 4325:"Beware the building cost of carbon tax" 4187:"The carbon crunch is only 21 days away" 4184: 4160:"Govt cautions business over carbon tax" 4080:. Melbourne: Fairfax Media. 13 July 2011 4048:"Virgin lifts fares to cover carbon tax" 3004: 2699: 2697: 2624: 2543: 2265: 2263: 2012: 1705:: the tax-free threshold increased from 1621:is raising its ticket prices by between 1558: 265:was reduced for those earning less than 5556:Petroleum industry in Western Australia 5541:Carbon capture and storage in Australia 4804: 4559: 4557: 4318: 4316: 4074:"Economists slam Abbott's carbon plans" 3810: 3543: 3375: 3373: 2980:"Carbon tax gets green light in Senate" 2920: 2918: 2916: 2655: 2594: 2592: 2323: 2321: 2319: 2317: 2244:. Australian Government. Archived from 2026:. Australian Government. Archived from 1967: 1742:suggested that no black coal mining or 624:in 70 years. To form a majority in the 350:Stationary energy excluding electricity 5907: 4419: 4205: 4092: 4012: 3960: 3958: 3849: 3730: 3578:"Julia Gillard's carbon price promise" 3529:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 3483:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 3437:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 2877:"Opposition vows to repeal carbon tax" 2849: 2833:"Gillard unveils Carbon Price Details" 2830: 2774: 2750:"Julia Gillard's carbon price promise" 2706:"Julia Gillard's carbon price promise" 2569: 2398:Peter Van Onselen (27 December 2008). 1901: 1841:Economics of climate change mitigation 1754: 1640: 5847: 5785:Photovoltaic engineering in Australia 5652:Greenhouse gas emissions by Australia 5481: 4905: 4782:"Clean Technology Investment Program" 4774: 4762:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 4735:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 4720: 4502: 4461:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 4260: 4222:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 4027:. 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The scheme was administered by the 222:indicated he intended to repeal "the 5775:Energy Policy Institute of Australia 5627:Asia-Pacific Emissions Trading Forum 5460: 4830: 4747: 4688: 4666: 4640: 4554: 4528: 4473: 4444: 4345: 4313: 4287: 4234: 4125: 4046:Matt O'Sullivan (28 February 2012). 3994:"Power firms face $ 4bn carbon slug" 3900: 3831:"Australian Renewable Energy Agency" 3750: 3370: 3148: 3128:Sarah Collerton (14 February 2012). 2945: 2913: 2850:Hudson, Phillip (26 February 2011). 2732:"Gillard cautious on climate change" 2589: 2314: 2234: 2054:"Carbon tax fails to slow coal boom" 1980:from the original on 17 January 2020 1921: 1919: 1897: 1895: 1479: 1465:year with the construction of a new 1288:The Steel Transformation Plan was a 612:Shortly afterwards Gillard called a 575:Unable to secure the support of the 487:opposition promised to implement an 318:Australia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions 103: 15: 5729:Australian Energy Market Commission 5724:Australian Atomic Energy Commission 5693:Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission 4614: 4413: 4389:Vittorio Hernandez (18 June 2012). 4382: 4214:"Watchdog warns of carbon tax cons" 4178: 4152: 4134:"Carbon tax won't kill the economy" 4066: 4039: 3985: 3955: 3923:from the original on 24 August 2012 3731:Hudson, Phillip (30 October 2012). 3272: 3115:Sydney Morning Herald, 05/05/2015, 2952:Phillip Coorey (28 February 2011). 2625:Mclennan, David (2 February 2010). 2570:Coorey, Phillip (1 December 2009). 2184:Economics, Frontier (1 June 2013). 1602:also face substantial write-downs. 672:Australian House of Representatives 534:climate change summit in Copenhagen 243:does not levy a direct carbon price 42:Please consider converting them to 13: 5683:Anti-nuclear movement in Australia 5657:Mandatory renewable energy targets 4451:Kath Sullivan (22 December 2011). 3005:Johnston, Matt (12 October 2011). 1968:Jericho, Greg (28 February 2019). 1863: 1846:List of climate change initiatives 1530:Australian Renewable Energy Agency 205:carbon pricing scheme in Australia 14: 5956: 5734:Australian Energy Market Operator 5599:Solar thermal energy in Australia 4894:archived on 7 August 2013 by the 4885: 4754:Timothy McDonald (22 June 2012). 4428:. Thomson Reuters. Archived from 3596:"Abbott moves to censure Gillard" 3027: 2656:Gillham, Alexis (27 April 2010). 2162:from the original on 27 June 2013 1916: 1892: 1701:The measures included changes to 1594:the value of its assets by about 1342:grew at a rate of 2.5% per year. 1284:Steel Transformation Plan package 546:Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme 209:Gillard Labor minority government 5827: 5817: 5807: 5798: 5797: 5509: 5459: 5448: 5447: 4856: 4480:Samantha Maiden (8 April 2012). 4420:Kebede, Rebekah (11 July 2011). 3811:Caripis, Lisa (20 August 2013). 2986:. Fairfax Media. 8 November 2011 2831:Leslie, Tim (24 February 2011). 2300:Hurst, Daniel (1 January 2024). 1815: 1801: 1787: 1772:2013 Australian federal election 1542:Clean Energy Finance Corporation 1484: 1370:Fuel switching from coal to gas. 1261:intensity, above 1.0 tonne of CO 1248:Coal Fired Generation Assistance 1236:Source – Clean Energy Regulator 992:Jobs and Competitiveness Program 588:the relevant legislation in the 108: 20: 5551:Electricity sector in Australia 4727:Simon Cullen (30 August 2011). 4535:Alison Rehn (8 November 2011). 3935: 3880: 3858:"Release of CEFC Expert Review" 3804: 3784:Jeremy Thompson (1 July 2011). 3724: 3666: 3647:Kelly, Joe (25 February 2011). 3640: 3614: 3588: 3570: 3537: 3491: 3445: 3399: 3359: 3345: 3298: 3178: 3109: 3083: 3058: 3052: 3021: 2998: 2925:Jeremy Thompson (9 June 2011). 2869: 2843: 2824: 2805: 2760: 2742: 2724: 2672: 2649: 2618: 2519: 2471: 2391: 2365: 2293: 2277:. 17 March 2011. Archived from 2005:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1902:Taylor, Lenore (7 March 2014). 1693: 1476:Political and industry response 715:per year, and did not apply to 513:signed the ratification of the 191:Source: Clean Energy Regulator 5688:Australian Uranium Association 5642:Energy Efficient Homes Package 5579:Green electricity in Australia 5196:Australian Securities Exchange 4564:Clancy Yeates (23 June 2012). 3992:Sid Maher (29 February 2012). 3757:Sid Maher (3 September 2011). 3544:Corbett, Gary (6 March 2013). 2427:"PM puts off emissions target" 2334:. Acton, A.C.T.: ANU E Press. 2096: 2071: 2045: 2019:Department of Climate Change. 1992: 1961: 1631:No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics 684:Australian National University 46:to ensure the article remains 1: 5780:Garnaut Climate Change Review 5584:Renewable energy in Australia 4132:Julian Turecek (5 May 2011). 4019:Liz Foschia (17 April 2012). 3941:John Englart (14 June 2012). 2275:Garnaut Climate Change Review 1935:British Journal of Management 1856: 1590:owned electricity generator, 1588:Government of New South Wales 1538:renewable energy in Australia 558:Garnaut Climate Change Review 550:financial crisis of 2007–2008 5647:Feed-in tariffs in Australia 5589:Solar hot water in Australia 5435:Australia–United Kingdom FTA 5039:Australian Capital Territory 4395:International Business Times 4323:Paul Bidwell (8 June 2012). 4166:. Fairfax Media. 1 June 2012 3907:James Grubel (2 July 2012). 3679:International Business Times 2901:. Fairfax Media. 9 June 2011 2193:Frontier Economics Bulletins 1672:Housing Industry Association 1605:Modelling undertaken by the 983:Industry assistance programs 968:Source – LEPID 12 July 2013 723:$ 23 per tonne of emitted CO 7: 5920:Climate change in Australia 5875:Carbon pricing in the World 5739:Australian Energy Regulator 5708:Uranium mining in Australia 5637:Climate change in Australia 5632:Carbon pricing in Australia 5410:Australia–United States FTA 5300:National Electricity Market 4352:Hugh Tobin (15 June 2012). 4212:Lindy Kerin (11 May 2012). 4103:"Australian Carbon Pricing" 3965:Adam Morton (9 June 2012). 1831:Climate change in Australia 1780: 1680:Institute of Public Affairs 702:Scope and covered emissions 314: 310:National Electricity Market 147: 10: 5961: 5698:Nuclear power in Australia 5525:Energy policy of Australia 5155:Minerals Resource Rent Tax 4816:Energy Matters (Australia) 4592:"Who will get assistance?" 4267:Sid Maher (13 June 2012). 3886:David Wroe (7 July 2012). 3280:"Climate Change Authority" 3091:"Emissions Reduction Fund" 2682:. 28 June 2010 1644: 1522:Department of the Treasury 1406:(EUAA) said in June 2013 " 1316:Effect of the carbon price 429: 5881: 5793: 5767: 5716: 5675: 5662:Solar Cities in Australia 5617: 5564: 5531: 5522: 5443: 5425:Trans-Pacific Partnership 5405:Australia–New Zealand FTA 5385: 5364: 5351:Social class in Australia 5318: 5260: 5214: 5173: 5160:Passenger Movement Charge 5125: 5047: 5001: 4985: 4939: 4570:The Sydney Morning Herald 4164:The Sydney Morning Herald 4138:The Sydney Morning Herald 4052:The Sydney Morning Herald 3971:The Sydney Morning Herald 3337:Cite uses generic title ( 3264:Cite uses generic title ( 3217:Cite uses generic title ( 2984:The Sydney Morning Herald 2958:The Sydney Morning Herald 2881:The Sydney Morning Herald 2768:"Greens, Labor seal deal" 2736:The Sydney Morning Herald 2576:The Sydney Morning Herald 2531:The Sydney Morning Herald 2431:The Sydney Morning Herald 2083:The Sydney Morning Herald 2058:The Sydney Morning Herald 1765: 1493:This section needs to be 1338:equiv, while Australia's 1234: 1013: 966: 747: 419: 255:carbon dioxide equivalent 193:* per tonne of emitted CO 190: 5594:Solar power in Australia 5285:Energy efficiency rating 5140:Goods & Services Tax 2459:. Melbourne. 3 June 2007 1728:was introduced in 2000. 1556:surrounding the scheme. 977:Climate Change Authority 674:in October 2011 and the 626:House of Representatives 601:election. In June 2010, 489:emissions trading scheme 474:emissions trading scheme 290:emissions trading scheme 239:greenhouse gas emissions 5609:Wind power in Australia 5604:Wave power in Australia 5430:Indonesia–Australia FTA 3546:"Carbon tax turnaround" 2400:"Rule of reckless vows" 1947:10.1111/1467-8551.12188 1795:Renewable energy portal 1565:Hazelwood Power Station 1106:Nickel, copper, alumina 696:Emission Reduction Fund 656:Productivity Commission 590:Parliament of Australia 4977:Snowy Mountains Scheme 4952:Banking crisis of 1893 4674:"Energy Security Fund" 4648:"Clean Energy Advance" 1726:Goods and Services Tax 1635:Say Yes demonstrations 1568: 1422:in Australia states “ 1340:gross domestic product 1132:Iron & steelmaking 1080:Iron & steelmaking 957:Electricity generation 944:Electricity generation 918:Iron & steelmaking 905:Electricity generation 892:Electricity generation 866:Electricity generation 853:Electricity generation 840:Electricity generation 827:Electricity generation 814:Electricity generation 801:Electricity generation 788:Electricity generation 775:Electricity generation 740:Clean Energy Regulator 668:Clean Energy Bill 2011 438: 301:In February 2012, the 251:Clean Energy Regulator 207:was introduced by the 5940:Climate change policy 5667:The Transition Decade 3673:Hernandez, Vittorio. 1874:"About the mechanism" 1823:Global warming portal 1744:liquefied natural gas 1645:Further information: 1562: 1032:in 2012–13 (million) 766:in 2012–13 (million) 690:On 17 July 2014, the 493:2007 federal election 434: 304:Sydney Morning Herald 214:Clean Energy Act 2011 5574:Biofuel in Australia 5341:Poverty in Australia 4933:Economy of Australia 4487:The Sunday Telegraph 3948:26 June 2012 at the 3602:on 18 September 2012 2533:. 15 September 2009. 2507:. ABC. 28 April 2010 2222:. Frontier Economics 1584:Macquarie Generation 850:Stanwell Corporation 798:Macquarie Generation 764:Carbon units lodged 380:Industrial processes 340:Energy – Electricity 5915:Energy in Australia 5516:Energy in Australia 5420:Japan–Australia FTA 5415:China–Australia FTA 5400:Australia–Korea FTA 5395:Australia–Chile FTA 5356:Wealth in Australia 5336:Income in Australia 5319:Economic conditions 5215:Regulatory agencies 5174:Banking and Finance 4962:Four pillars policy 4892:Clean Energy Future 4596:Clean Energy Future 4541:The Daily Telegraph 4370:on 27 February 2015 3893:8 July 2012 at the 3868:on 12 November 2012 3862:Joint media release 3387:on 23 February 2014 3160:Clean Energy Future 2787:Joint media release 2770:. 1 September 2010. 2485:on 2 September 2012 2341:10.22459/RG.12.2010 1755:Emissions reduction 1641:Effects and impacts 183:1 July 2014 onwards 5945:2012 introductions 5930:Gillard government 5242:Corporations power 5191:Official cash rate 5095:Telecommunications 4401:on 16 October 2012 3685:on 25 January 2013 3628:on 10 January 2013 3355:. 9 December 2020. 2637:on 6 February 2010 2631:The Canberra Times 2307:Guardian Australia 2155:Business Spectator 1836:Energy development 1657:low carbon economy 1569: 1554:policy uncertainty 1394:Frontier Economics 1184:Petroleum refining 1171:Petroleum refining 1067:Alumina, aluminium 1054:Alumina, aluminium 1041:Alumina, aluminium 1030:Free carbon units 652:Gillard government 599:double dissolution 370:Fugitive emissions 247:sustainable energy 5925:Emissions trading 5902: 5901: 5841: 5840: 5546:Coal in Australia 5475: 5474: 5295:Green electricity 5024:Western Australia 4993:Australian dollar 4191:Sunday Herald Sun 3584:. 20 August 2010. 3156:"Transport fuels" 2883:. 2 October 2011. 2820:, 9 December 2020 2756:. 20 August 2010. 2505:"The 7.30 Report" 2248:on 14 August 2013 1770:Heading into the 1740:Grattan Institute 1666:In May 2012, the 1661:business as usual 1653:energy efficiency 1514: 1513: 1241: 1240: 1145:Cement & lime 1119:Cement & lime 1116:Adelaide Brighton 973: 972: 811:Delta Electricity 692:Abbott government 676:Australian Senate 645:Clean Energy Bill 491:(ETS) before the 478:Howard government 470:Howard government 450:Howard Government 427: 426: 228:Abbott government 201: 200: 144: 143: 102: 101: 94: 52:Several templates 5952: 5868: 5861: 5854: 5845: 5844: 5833:Renewable energy 5831: 5821: 5811: 5801: 5800: 5565:Renewable energy 5514: 5513: 5512: 5502: 5495: 5488: 5479: 5478: 5463: 5462: 5451: 5450: 5387:Trade agreements 5290:Geothermal power 5186:Financial system 4967:Great Depression 4957:Economic history 4947:Australian pound 4926: 4919: 4912: 4903: 4902: 4896:Internet Archive 4879: 4878: 4876: 4874: 4860: 4854: 4853: 4851: 4849: 4834: 4828: 4827: 4825: 4823: 4818:. 4 January 2012 4808: 4802: 4801: 4799: 4797: 4778: 4772: 4771: 4769: 4767: 4751: 4745: 4744: 4742: 4740: 4724: 4718: 4717: 4715: 4713: 4708:on 24 April 2012 4692: 4686: 4685: 4683: 4681: 4670: 4664: 4663: 4661: 4659: 4644: 4638: 4637: 4635: 4633: 4618: 4612: 4611: 4609: 4607: 4588: 4582: 4581: 4579: 4577: 4561: 4552: 4551: 4549: 4547: 4532: 4526: 4525: 4523: 4521: 4506: 4500: 4499: 4497: 4495: 4477: 4471: 4470: 4468: 4466: 4448: 4442: 4441: 4439: 4437: 4417: 4411: 4410: 4408: 4406: 4397:. Archived from 4386: 4380: 4379: 4377: 4375: 4369: 4358: 4349: 4343: 4342: 4340: 4338: 4330:The Courier-Mail 4320: 4311: 4310: 4308: 4306: 4291: 4285: 4284: 4282: 4280: 4264: 4258: 4257: 4255: 4253: 4238: 4232: 4231: 4229: 4227: 4209: 4203: 4202: 4200: 4198: 4182: 4176: 4175: 4173: 4171: 4156: 4150: 4149: 4147: 4145: 4129: 4123: 4122: 4120: 4118: 4099: 4090: 4089: 4087: 4085: 4070: 4064: 4063: 4061: 4059: 4043: 4037: 4036: 4034: 4032: 4016: 4010: 4009: 4007: 4005: 3989: 3983: 3982: 3980: 3978: 3962: 3953: 3939: 3933: 3932: 3930: 3928: 3904: 3898: 3884: 3878: 3877: 3875: 3873: 3853: 3847: 3846: 3844: 3842: 3827: 3821: 3820: 3808: 3802: 3801: 3799: 3797: 3781: 3775: 3774: 3772: 3770: 3754: 3748: 3747: 3745: 3743: 3728: 3722: 3721: 3719: 3717: 3701: 3695: 3694: 3692: 3690: 3681:. Archived from 3670: 3664: 3663: 3661: 3659: 3644: 3638: 3637: 3635: 3633: 3618: 3612: 3611: 3609: 3607: 3592: 3586: 3585: 3574: 3568: 3567: 3565: 3563: 3554:. Archived from 3551:Beaudesert Times 3541: 3535: 3534: 3528: 3520: 3518: 3516: 3510: 3504:. Archived from 3503: 3495: 3489: 3488: 3482: 3474: 3472: 3470: 3464: 3458:. Archived from 3457: 3449: 3443: 3442: 3436: 3428: 3426: 3424: 3418: 3412:. Archived from 3411: 3403: 3397: 3396: 3394: 3392: 3377: 3368: 3363: 3357: 3356: 3349: 3343: 3342: 3335: 3333: 3325: 3323: 3321: 3312:. Archived from 3302: 3296: 3295: 3293: 3291: 3276: 3270: 3269: 3262: 3260: 3252: 3250: 3248: 3239:. Archived from 3229: 3223: 3222: 3215: 3213: 3205: 3203: 3201: 3192:. Archived from 3182: 3176: 3175: 3173: 3171: 3152: 3146: 3145: 3143: 3141: 3125: 3119: 3113: 3107: 3106: 3104: 3102: 3093:. Archived from 3087: 3081: 3080: 3078: 3076: 3067:. Archived from 3056: 3050: 3049: 3047: 3045: 3036:. Archived from 3025: 3019: 3018: 3016: 3014: 3002: 2996: 2995: 2993: 2991: 2976: 2970: 2969: 2967: 2965: 2949: 2943: 2942: 2940: 2938: 2922: 2911: 2910: 2908: 2906: 2891: 2885: 2884: 2873: 2867: 2866: 2864: 2862: 2847: 2841: 2840: 2828: 2822: 2821: 2819: 2809: 2803: 2802: 2800: 2798: 2793:on 17 March 2012 2778: 2772: 2771: 2764: 2758: 2757: 2746: 2740: 2739: 2728: 2722: 2721: 2719: 2717: 2701: 2692: 2691: 2689: 2687: 2676: 2670: 2669: 2667: 2665: 2653: 2647: 2646: 2644: 2642: 2633:. Archived from 2622: 2616: 2615: 2613: 2611: 2600:"Carbon pricing" 2596: 2587: 2586: 2584: 2582: 2567: 2561: 2560: 2558: 2556: 2541: 2535: 2534: 2523: 2517: 2516: 2514: 2512: 2501: 2495: 2494: 2492: 2490: 2481:. Archived from 2475: 2469: 2468: 2466: 2464: 2449: 2443: 2442: 2440: 2438: 2423: 2417: 2416: 2414: 2412: 2395: 2389: 2388: 2386: 2384: 2375:. Archived from 2369: 2363: 2362: 2360: 2358: 2343: 2325: 2312: 2311: 2297: 2291: 2290: 2288: 2286: 2281:on 21 April 2013 2267: 2258: 2257: 2255: 2253: 2238: 2232: 2231: 2229: 2227: 2221: 2213: 2204: 2203: 2201: 2199: 2190: 2181: 2172: 2171: 2169: 2167: 2146: 2137: 2136: 2130: 2122: 2108: 2100: 2094: 2093: 2091: 2089: 2075: 2069: 2068: 2066: 2064: 2049: 2043: 2042: 2040: 2038: 2033:on 9 August 2013 2032: 2025: 2016: 2010: 2009: 1996: 1990: 1989: 1987: 1985: 1965: 1959: 1958: 1932: 1923: 1914: 1913: 1899: 1890: 1889: 1887: 1885: 1870: 1825: 1820: 1819: 1811: 1809:Australia portal 1806: 1805: 1804: 1797: 1792: 1791: 1737: 1723: 1719: 1715: 1711: 1710: 1624: 1616: 1612: 1607:Virgin Australia 1597: 1581: 1534:renewable energy 1509: 1506: 1500: 1488: 1487: 1480: 1307: 1299: 1295: 1291: 1225:Industrial Gases 1197:Alumina refining 1158:Ammonium nitrate 1142:Cement Australia 1064:Tomago Aluminium 1011: 1010: 931:Alumina refining 824:Energy Australia 745: 744: 632:, including the 614:federal election 554:Malcolm Turnbull 444: 315: 284: 280: 276: 272: 268: 258:greenhouse gases 148: 139: 136: 130: 120:factual accuracy 112: 111: 104: 97: 90: 86: 83: 77: 75: 64: 24: 23: 16: 5960: 5959: 5955: 5954: 5953: 5951: 5950: 5949: 5935:Rudd government 5905: 5904: 5903: 5898: 5877: 5872: 5842: 5837: 5789: 5763: 5712: 5703:Uranium Council 5671: 5619: 5613: 5566: 5560: 5533: 5527: 5518: 5510: 5508: 5506: 5476: 5471: 5439: 5381: 5377:Labour movement 5360: 5346:Property bubble 5326:Government debt 5314: 5256: 5210: 5200:S&P/ASX 200 5169: 5121: 5043: 5029:South Australia 5009:New South Wales 5002:State economies 4997: 4981: 4935: 4930: 4888: 4883: 4882: 4872: 4870: 4862: 4861: 4857: 4847: 4845: 4836: 4835: 4831: 4821: 4819: 4810: 4809: 4805: 4795: 4793: 4792:on 20 June 2012 4780: 4779: 4775: 4765: 4763: 4752: 4748: 4738: 4736: 4725: 4721: 4711: 4709: 4694: 4693: 4689: 4679: 4677: 4672: 4671: 4667: 4657: 4655: 4654:on 11 June 2012 4646: 4645: 4641: 4631: 4629: 4620: 4619: 4615: 4605: 4603: 4602:on 24 June 2012 4590: 4589: 4585: 4575: 4573: 4572:. Fairfax Media 4562: 4555: 4545: 4543: 4533: 4529: 4519: 4517: 4508: 4507: 4503: 4493: 4491: 4478: 4474: 4464: 4462: 4449: 4445: 4435: 4433: 4432:on 5 March 2016 4418: 4414: 4404: 4402: 4387: 4383: 4373: 4371: 4367: 4356: 4350: 4346: 4336: 4334: 4321: 4314: 4304: 4302: 4293: 4292: 4288: 4278: 4276: 4265: 4261: 4251: 4249: 4240: 4239: 4235: 4225: 4223: 4210: 4206: 4196: 4194: 4183: 4179: 4169: 4167: 4158: 4157: 4153: 4143: 4141: 4140:. Fairfax Media 4130: 4126: 4116: 4114: 4113:on 5 March 2016 4101: 4100: 4093: 4083: 4081: 4072: 4071: 4067: 4057: 4055: 4054:. Fairfax Media 4044: 4040: 4030: 4028: 4017: 4013: 4003: 4001: 3990: 3986: 3976: 3974: 3973:. Fairfax Media 3963: 3956: 3950:Wayback Machine 3940: 3936: 3926: 3924: 3917:Thomson Reuters 3905: 3901: 3895:Wayback Machine 3885: 3881: 3871: 3869: 3854: 3850: 3840: 3838: 3829: 3828: 3824: 3809: 3805: 3795: 3793: 3782: 3778: 3768: 3766: 3755: 3751: 3741: 3739: 3729: 3725: 3715: 3713: 3702: 3698: 3688: 3686: 3671: 3667: 3657: 3655: 3645: 3641: 3631: 3629: 3620: 3619: 3615: 3605: 3603: 3594: 3593: 3589: 3576: 3575: 3571: 3561: 3559: 3558:on 22 July 2013 3542: 3538: 3522: 3521: 3514: 3512: 3508: 3501: 3499:"Archived copy" 3497: 3496: 3492: 3476: 3475: 3468: 3466: 3462: 3455: 3453:"Archived copy" 3451: 3450: 3446: 3430: 3429: 3422: 3420: 3416: 3409: 3407:"Archived copy" 3405: 3404: 3400: 3390: 3388: 3379: 3378: 3371: 3364: 3360: 3351: 3350: 3346: 3336: 3327: 3326: 3319: 3317: 3304: 3303: 3299: 3289: 3287: 3286:on 1 April 2012 3278: 3277: 3273: 3263: 3254: 3253: 3246: 3244: 3231: 3230: 3226: 3216: 3207: 3206: 3199: 3197: 3184: 3183: 3179: 3169: 3167: 3154: 3153: 3149: 3139: 3137: 3126: 3122: 3114: 3110: 3100: 3098: 3097:on 20 June 2016 3089: 3088: 3084: 3074: 3072: 3071:on 26 July 2014 3057: 3053: 3043: 3041: 3040:on 26 July 2014 3028:Peter, Hannam. 3026: 3022: 3012: 3010: 3003: 2999: 2989: 2987: 2978: 2977: 2973: 2963: 2961: 2960:. Fairfax Media 2950: 2946: 2936: 2934: 2923: 2914: 2904: 2902: 2893: 2892: 2888: 2875: 2874: 2870: 2860: 2858: 2848: 2844: 2829: 2825: 2817: 2811: 2810: 2806: 2796: 2794: 2779: 2775: 2766: 2765: 2761: 2748: 2747: 2743: 2738:. 24 June 2010. 2730: 2729: 2725: 2715: 2713: 2702: 2695: 2685: 2683: 2678: 2677: 2673: 2663: 2661: 2654: 2650: 2640: 2638: 2623: 2619: 2609: 2607: 2606:on 17 June 2012 2598: 2597: 2590: 2580: 2578: 2568: 2564: 2554: 2552: 2542: 2538: 2525: 2524: 2520: 2510: 2508: 2503: 2502: 2498: 2488: 2486: 2477: 2476: 2472: 2462: 2460: 2451: 2450: 2446: 2436: 2434: 2425: 2424: 2420: 2410: 2408: 2396: 2392: 2382: 2380: 2371: 2370: 2366: 2356: 2354: 2352: 2326: 2315: 2298: 2294: 2284: 2282: 2269: 2268: 2261: 2251: 2249: 2240: 2239: 2235: 2225: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2214: 2207: 2197: 2195: 2188: 2182: 2175: 2165: 2163: 2148: 2147: 2140: 2124: 2123: 2106: 2102: 2101: 2097: 2087: 2085: 2077: 2076: 2072: 2062: 2060: 2050: 2046: 2036: 2034: 2030: 2023: 2017: 2013: 1997: 1993: 1983: 1981: 1966: 1962: 1930: 1924: 1917: 1900: 1893: 1883: 1881: 1872: 1871: 1864: 1859: 1821: 1814: 1807: 1802: 1800: 1793: 1786: 1783: 1768: 1757: 1735: 1721: 1717: 1713: 1708: 1706: 1696: 1649: 1643: 1623:$ 1.50 and 5.50 1622: 1615:$ 1.00 and 5.00 1614: 1610: 1600:La Trobe Valley 1595: 1579: 1510: 1504: 1501: 1498: 1489: 1485: 1478: 1469:plant in 2013. 1462: 1421: 1416: 1391: 1377: 1337: 1332: 1323: 1318: 1305: 1297: 1293: 1289: 1286: 1275: 1264: 1258: 1250: 1230: 1217: 1202: 1189: 1176: 1163: 1150: 1137: 1124: 1111: 1098: 1090:Woodside Energy 1085: 1077:BlueScope Steel 1072: 1059: 1046: 999: 994: 985: 962: 949: 936: 923: 915:BlueScope Steel 910: 897: 884: 876:Woodside Energy 871: 858: 845: 832: 819: 806: 793: 780: 726: 712: 704: 622:hung parliament 567: 526:Rudd government 511:Rudd government 460:to address the 446: 440: 432: 415: 405: 395: 385: 375: 365: 355: 345: 335: 324: 282: 278: 274: 270: 266: 211:in 2011 as the 196: 157: 155: 140: 134: 131: 128: 113: 109: 98: 87: 81: 78: 66: 55: 41: 25: 21: 12: 11: 5: 5958: 5948: 5947: 5942: 5937: 5932: 5927: 5922: 5917: 5900: 5899: 5897: 5892: 5887: 5882: 5879: 5878: 5871: 5870: 5863: 5856: 5848: 5839: 5838: 5836: 5835: 5825: 5815: 5805: 5794: 5791: 5790: 5788: 5787: 5782: 5777: 5771: 5769: 5765: 5764: 5762: 5761: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5741: 5736: 5731: 5726: 5720: 5718: 5714: 5713: 5711: 5710: 5705: 5700: 5695: 5690: 5685: 5679: 5677: 5673: 5672: 5670: 5669: 5664: 5659: 5654: 5649: 5644: 5639: 5634: 5629: 5623: 5621: 5615: 5614: 5612: 5611: 5606: 5601: 5596: 5591: 5586: 5581: 5576: 5570: 5568: 5562: 5561: 5559: 5558: 5553: 5548: 5543: 5537: 5535: 5529: 5528: 5523: 5520: 5519: 5505: 5504: 5497: 5490: 5482: 5473: 5472: 5470: 5469: 5457: 5444: 5441: 5440: 5438: 5437: 5432: 5427: 5422: 5417: 5412: 5407: 5402: 5397: 5391: 5389: 5383: 5382: 5380: 5379: 5374: 5368: 5366: 5362: 5361: 5359: 5358: 5353: 5348: 5343: 5338: 5333: 5331:Home ownership 5328: 5322: 5320: 5316: 5315: 5313: 5312: 5307: 5302: 5297: 5292: 5287: 5282: 5277: 5275:Carbon pricing 5272: 5266: 5264: 5258: 5257: 5255: 5254: 5249: 5244: 5239: 5234: 5229: 5224: 5218: 5216: 5212: 5211: 5209: 5208: 5205:All Ordinaries 5202: 5193: 5188: 5183: 5177: 5175: 5171: 5170: 5168: 5167: 5162: 5157: 5152: 5150:Luxury Car Tax 5147: 5137: 5131: 5129: 5123: 5122: 5120: 5119: 5114: 5113: 5112: 5102: 5097: 5092: 5090:Superannuation 5087: 5082: 5077: 5072: 5067: 5062: 5057: 5051: 5049: 5045: 5044: 5042: 5041: 5036: 5031: 5026: 5021: 5016: 5011: 5005: 5003: 4999: 4998: 4996: 4995: 4989: 4987: 4983: 4982: 4980: 4979: 4974: 4969: 4964: 4959: 4954: 4949: 4943: 4941: 4937: 4936: 4929: 4928: 4921: 4914: 4906: 4900: 4899: 4887: 4886:External links 4884: 4881: 4880: 4855: 4829: 4803: 4773: 4746: 4719: 4701:Yahoo! Finance 4687: 4665: 4639: 4613: 4583: 4553: 4527: 4501: 4490:. News Limited 4472: 4443: 4412: 4381: 4344: 4333:. News Limited 4312: 4286: 4275:. News Limited 4273:The Australian 4259: 4233: 4204: 4193:. News Limited 4185:Mitchell Toy. 4177: 4151: 4124: 4091: 4065: 4038: 4011: 4000:. News Limited 3998:The Australian 3984: 3954: 3934: 3899: 3879: 3848: 3822: 3803: 3776: 3765:. News Limited 3763:The Australian 3749: 3723: 3712:. News Limited 3710:The Australian 3696: 3665: 3653:The Australian 3639: 3613: 3587: 3582:The Australian 3569: 3536: 3511:on 13 May 2013 3490: 3465:on 15 May 2013 3444: 3398: 3369: 3358: 3344: 3316:on 21 May 2023 3297: 3271: 3243:on 21 May 2023 3224: 3196:on 21 May 2023 3177: 3166:on 14 May 2012 3147: 3120: 3108: 3082: 3051: 3020: 2997: 2971: 2944: 2912: 2886: 2868: 2842: 2823: 2804: 2773: 2759: 2754:The Australian 2741: 2723: 2712:. News Limited 2710:The Australian 2693: 2671: 2648: 2617: 2588: 2562: 2550:The Australian 2536: 2518: 2496: 2470: 2444: 2418: 2405:The Australian 2390: 2379:on 31 May 2007 2364: 2350: 2313: 2292: 2259: 2233: 2217:"Overpowering" 2205: 2173: 2138: 2095: 2070: 2044: 2011: 1991: 1960: 1941:(4): 649–665. 1915: 1891: 1861: 1860: 1858: 1855: 1854: 1853: 1848: 1843: 1838: 1833: 1827: 1826: 1812: 1798: 1782: 1779: 1767: 1764: 1756: 1753: 1695: 1692: 1642: 1639: 1580:A$ 3.9 billion 1512: 1511: 1492: 1490: 1483: 1477: 1474: 1461: 1458: 1450: 1449: 1444: 1439: 1419: 1415: 1412: 1390: 1387: 1375: 1372: 1371: 1368: 1361: 1360: 1357: 1354: 1335: 1331: 1328: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1294:A$ 160 million 1290:A$ 500 million 1285: 1282: 1273: 1262: 1256: 1249: 1246: 1239: 1238: 1232: 1231: 1228: 1226: 1223: 1219: 1218: 1215: 1213: 1210: 1204: 1203: 1200: 1198: 1195: 1191: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1178: 1177: 1174: 1172: 1169: 1165: 1164: 1161: 1159: 1156: 1152: 1151: 1148: 1146: 1143: 1139: 1138: 1135: 1133: 1130: 1126: 1125: 1122: 1120: 1117: 1113: 1112: 1109: 1107: 1104: 1100: 1099: 1096: 1094: 1093:LNG production 1091: 1087: 1086: 1083: 1081: 1078: 1074: 1073: 1070: 1068: 1065: 1061: 1060: 1057: 1055: 1052: 1048: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1035: 1034: 1028: 1025: 1021: 1020: 997: 993: 990: 984: 981: 971: 970: 964: 963: 960: 958: 955: 951: 950: 947: 945: 942: 938: 937: 934: 932: 929: 925: 924: 921: 919: 916: 912: 911: 908: 906: 903: 899: 898: 895: 893: 890: 886: 885: 882: 880: 879:LNG production 877: 873: 872: 869: 867: 864: 860: 859: 856: 854: 851: 847: 846: 843: 841: 838: 834: 833: 830: 828: 825: 821: 820: 817: 815: 812: 808: 807: 804: 802: 799: 795: 794: 791: 789: 786: 782: 781: 778: 776: 773: 769: 768: 762: 759: 755: 754: 724: 710: 703: 700: 654:had asked the 630:cross-benchers 565: 562:carbon dioxide 530:Brendan Nelson 515:Kyoto Protocol 504:Kyoto Protocol 462:market failure 433: 431: 428: 425: 424: 417: 416: 413: 411: 407: 406: 403: 401: 397: 396: 393: 391: 387: 386: 383: 381: 377: 376: 373: 371: 367: 366: 363: 361: 357: 356: 353: 351: 347: 346: 343: 341: 337: 336: 333: 331: 327: 326: 322: 319: 199: 198: 194: 188: 187: 184: 180: 179: 176: 172: 171: 168: 164: 163: 152: 151:Financial year 142: 141: 116: 114: 107: 100: 99: 82:September 2022 44:full citations 28: 26: 19: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5957: 5946: 5943: 5941: 5938: 5936: 5933: 5931: 5928: 5926: 5923: 5921: 5918: 5916: 5913: 5912: 5910: 5896: 5893: 5891: 5888: 5886: 5883: 5880: 5876: 5869: 5864: 5862: 5857: 5855: 5850: 5849: 5846: 5834: 5830: 5826: 5824: 5820: 5816: 5814: 5810: 5806: 5804: 5796: 5795: 5792: 5786: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5776: 5773: 5772: 5770: 5766: 5760: 5757: 5755: 5752: 5750: 5747: 5745: 5742: 5740: 5737: 5735: 5732: 5730: 5727: 5725: 5722: 5721: 5719: 5715: 5709: 5706: 5704: 5701: 5699: 5696: 5694: 5691: 5689: 5686: 5684: 5681: 5680: 5678: 5676:Nuclear power 5674: 5668: 5665: 5663: 5660: 5658: 5655: 5653: 5650: 5648: 5645: 5643: 5640: 5638: 5635: 5633: 5630: 5628: 5625: 5624: 5622: 5616: 5610: 5607: 5605: 5602: 5600: 5597: 5595: 5592: 5590: 5587: 5585: 5582: 5580: 5577: 5575: 5572: 5571: 5569: 5563: 5557: 5554: 5552: 5549: 5547: 5544: 5542: 5539: 5538: 5536: 5530: 5526: 5521: 5517: 5503: 5498: 5496: 5491: 5489: 5484: 5483: 5480: 5468: 5467: 5458: 5456: 5455: 5446: 5445: 5442: 5436: 5433: 5431: 5428: 5426: 5423: 5421: 5418: 5416: 5413: 5411: 5408: 5406: 5403: 5401: 5398: 5396: 5393: 5392: 5390: 5388: 5384: 5378: 5375: 5373: 5370: 5369: 5367: 5363: 5357: 5354: 5352: 5349: 5347: 5344: 5342: 5339: 5337: 5334: 5332: 5329: 5327: 5324: 5323: 5321: 5317: 5311: 5308: 5306: 5303: 5301: 5298: 5296: 5293: 5291: 5288: 5286: 5283: 5281: 5280:Energy policy 5278: 5276: 5273: 5271: 5268: 5267: 5265: 5263: 5259: 5253: 5250: 5248: 5245: 5243: 5240: 5238: 5237:Corporate law 5235: 5233: 5230: 5228: 5225: 5223: 5220: 5219: 5217: 5213: 5206: 5203: 5201: 5197: 5194: 5192: 5189: 5187: 5184: 5182: 5179: 5178: 5176: 5172: 5166: 5163: 5161: 5158: 5156: 5153: 5151: 5148: 5145: 5141: 5138: 5136: 5133: 5132: 5130: 5128: 5124: 5118: 5115: 5111: 5108: 5107: 5106: 5103: 5101: 5098: 5096: 5093: 5091: 5088: 5086: 5083: 5081: 5078: 5076: 5075:Manufacturing 5073: 5071: 5068: 5066: 5063: 5061: 5058: 5056: 5053: 5052: 5050: 5046: 5040: 5037: 5035: 5032: 5030: 5027: 5025: 5022: 5020: 5017: 5015: 5012: 5010: 5007: 5006: 5004: 5000: 4994: 4991: 4990: 4988: 4984: 4978: 4975: 4973: 4972:Privatisation 4970: 4968: 4965: 4963: 4960: 4958: 4955: 4953: 4950: 4948: 4945: 4944: 4942: 4938: 4934: 4927: 4922: 4920: 4915: 4913: 4908: 4907: 4904: 4897: 4893: 4890: 4889: 4869: 4865: 4859: 4843: 4839: 4833: 4817: 4813: 4807: 4791: 4787: 4783: 4777: 4761: 4757: 4750: 4734: 4730: 4723: 4707: 4703: 4702: 4697: 4691: 4675: 4669: 4653: 4649: 4643: 4627: 4623: 4617: 4601: 4597: 4593: 4587: 4571: 4567: 4560: 4558: 4542: 4538: 4531: 4516:. 9 June 2012 4515: 4511: 4505: 4489: 4488: 4483: 4476: 4460: 4459: 4454: 4447: 4431: 4427: 4423: 4416: 4400: 4396: 4392: 4385: 4366: 4362: 4361:Media Release 4355: 4348: 4332: 4331: 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