
High Card

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distraction to hijack her car, which happens to have Chelsea in the backseat. Meanwhile, Ban uses his own card's power to completely wipe out a police checkpoint stalling Chris, telling him the cards deserve to be used for their own sake. Finn and Chelsea deduce that Chris is taking Michel to the ferris wheel from their last date, but Nhat wrecks their car and forces them to flee. Chelsea gets wounded while escaping with Finn, but Wendy arrives, possessed by Love-P, to fight Nhat in his place. With help from Sugar and Greg providing a distraction, Love-P scores a major hit on Nhat, before Greg knocks Love-P out with some falling debris. Chris finally takes Michel to the ferris wheel and begins playing the X-Hand of all 5s to trade his life for hers. Finn gets a ride from Bernard, and Leo uses his Never No Dollars power to build a bridge directly to the wheel, but runs out of money before they can reach it, forcing Finn to use his Neo New Nambu to fire a shot all the way through the window of Chris's car and knock one of the cards out of his X-Hand. Three days later, martial law has been lifted from Shield, Chris finds out that the three-card X-Hand was able to partially heal his sister at the expense of half of his life, rather than all of it. Both Finn and Chris are re-hired at Pinochle, but Chris is demoted under Finn as punishment. Elsewhere, Nhat is impaled on the sword of a black knight.
One month later, a pickpocket named Finn steals items from multiple people. After overhearing that the landlord is planning to wipe out the Sun Fields Orphanage where he grew up to build luxury apartments, Finn tries to raise funds quickly, only to find that the pawn shop owner won't fence his stolen goods, except for a special 2 of Spades card that Finn refuses to part with. So Finn hitches a ride to Bell Land and hits a casino, winning at the poker table, until a card sharp named Lucky Lunchman cleans him out of his winnings. A casino pit boss takes both Finn and Lucky into a dark room, suspecting them of cheating. Suddenly, one of the guards unveils a 3 of Diamonds and transforms it into a pair of gloves that turn anything he grabs into marbles. The man threatens to kill Lucky's family until he releases his own card, the 10 of Diamonds. However, a car salesman with the 5 of Hearts appears and begins fighting with the fake guard. Finn steals the 10 of Diamonds and escapes in the confusion by stealing a car, only to find both men chasing after him. All three men manage to survive the fiery crash, but the marble man takes out the car salesman and demands Finn give him his card. Finn decides to test out his 2 of Spades, and summons a loaded revolver that pierces both the marble and the attacker's arm. However, the car salesman appears alive, as both he and Finn point their guns at each other.
Chinese restaurant, local police arrive and arrest all four of them. Finn and the boy walk out of the police station, and the other two are broken out of their cell by their sister, Nix. Finn tries to appeal to the rich boy by buying him a hot dog and taking him on a ride on the Shield Underground, but the two of them are taken prisoner by Nix who wields the 7 of Clubs power, "Lethal Scoville", able to create flames of different size and power. While the kidnappers are busy praying to their fire god, Finn uses a key he stole from Jake to unlock their handcuffs, and uses his Nambu to bury the brothers under a pile of scrap metal. However, Nix is able to melt Finn's bullets before they reach her. Suddenly, Chris arrives on the scene and tosses a suitcase filled with a million dollars in cash at the boy. The boy turns out to be another High Card member named Leo, and he uses his 7 of Diamonds power, "Never No Dollars", to swap most of the cash for a bazooka that punches through the flame and takes out Nix. However, the explosion also knocks over the giant scrap metal idol, with Finn saving Leo before he is crushed under it with Nix. The next day, Finn discovers that Leo is actually the son of the Pinochle President and the head of their Old Maid office. Leo later delivers Nix's card to Owen, as his father ignores him while leaving the room.
the group to head to different states of Fourland. However, Finn has locked himself in his room for two weeks after the events at Sun Fields, so Chris tries to persuade him to join him on the mission to Polostick. Finn is not interested at first, but later decides to join Chris to take his mind off recent events. Meanwhile, two members of the Klondike family are tipped off to Chris and Finn's mission. Jasper Libera boards the train and uses his 2 of Clubs power, "Metallical Parade", to threaten Chris and Finn, boasting about a mole in High Card and his plan to take their cards. His partner Alex will use his own card's power to drop a large rock on the rails and crush everyone on board. However, Chris responds that Jasper would also die in that scenario, and says that he doesn't care if he kills Finn either, because Chris would gain both their cards after reviving with Calories High. In desperation, Jasper rips off the train car's roof and swings a metal chain-sickle at Finn. Chris kicks Finn off the train into the river below, then gets Jasper to stop the train by holding him off the side. Jasper then wraps a metal chain around Chris' leg. Meanwhile, an unconscious Finn is found by a dark-skinned woman and her dog.
she refuses to release the connection until she finds her soulmate, and won't fall for Chris's words. Back at Finn's room, Finn has a nightmare about being attacked by a knight in black armor. The next morning, Chris takes Finn along to his "date", which turns out to be spending time with his younger sister Michel. Michel thinks that Finn and Chris are a couple from their hands, but Finn plays along. When they stop at a nearby cafe, the two accidentally meet Chelsea again, working there part-time. Michel asks Chelsea to come with them, and Chelsea plays along to expose Chris's facade. However, she ends up enjoying her time with Michel. Michel suddenly collapses in the street, and Chelsea releases the card's power so Chris can rush her to the hospital. At the hospital, Chris finds out that Michel was actually in hospice care, but snuck out of the hospital to visit her brother one last time. Chelsea promises to give her card to Chris when she finds her soulmate. The next night, Chris and Finn find out Chelsea has become a waitress at their Crazy Eights bar.
completing their own missions. Arya tells Finn that she used to be a member of High Card herself, working under Theodore with Chris' father, Tyler and other agents. However, Arya grew upset with Theodore's callousness, and one day Arya went against Theodore's orders to help Tyler use an X-Hand with all the 5 cards to save Chris' life, but the strain of doing so cost him his own. After that day, Arya left High Card and drifted around Fourland before settling down in a remote cabin in the mountains. Soon after telling the story, Arya hands her card, the Jack of Clubs, to Finn, but suddenly the two of them are attacked by Alex, who seeks to take both their cards. Arya gets her card back and uses its power, "Coming Home", to attract several large objects towards her and crush Alex, but Alex uses his own "G Round" power to block the attacks. Suddenly, Chris arrives on the scene, having escaped Jasper, and helps Finn and Arya defeat Alex. However, after taking the 5 of Clubs from Alex, Chris shoots Finn, saying he didn't want him to find out about his past.
Redgrave, is about to kill Finn when Bernard receives a call from the Pinochle President and decides to give Finn a chance to prove himself. After being introduced to the other members of the dealership working with High Card, Finn is soon hired as an apprentice car seller and assigned to work under Chris. The next morning, Finn is quickly thrown into his first assignment when a bulletproof monster is robbing an armored truck. Chris and Finn confront the man, but quickly find their powers are useless against "Rockin Rock", the power of the 3 of Hearts. Chris baits the attacker into attacking him through the windshield of his car, and drives them both into the river. The attacker releases his card's power before he drowns, while Finn uses his own focus to fire a few shots through the car's window allowing Chris to escape the sunken car. Afterwards, the President tells Bernard that Finn will be fired if he doesn't continue showing results, while the other High Card members mock Finn for having a weak card.
family if he is given witness protection. Sugar hands John off to another detective while she begins to stake out the Pinochle dealership and the people who work there, but can't get any leads. A few nights later, veteran detective Greg Young attends a charity event held by Ban Klondike, and Sugar arrests Finn for pointing a gun at her. Greg watches Ban unveil a captive John Doe, and slowly snaps his neck in front of the assembled crowd without touching him. Meanwhile, a woman from the Klondike family crushes Sugar's police car under a bus using some telekinetic power, and nearly makes Finn shoot Sugar, but aims away at the last second, claiming that this was a warning. As the rain stops, Finn warns Sugar not to continue the investigation. Greg tries to find out from Ban what happened to the X-Playing cards over the past month, and Ban only tells him about "X-Blind." The next day, Sugar claims she can't let her investigation go, while Greg informs her of John Doe's death.
her late father and manages to arrive on time. However, Chris finds himself taken hostage in a bank robbery. Wendy decides to rush to the scene as the others follow on their own. Chris gets gunned down trying to shield a couple escaping hostages, but revives with his card's power. Vijay manages to trap the thieves' escape van and Wendy uses her card, the Ace of Spades, and summons "Love and Peace." She manages to knock out the thieves with her sheathed sword, but one of the thieves takes Vijay at knifepoint and reveals himself as another Player: John Doe, with the 4 of Hearts power "Agent S", allowing him to split himself up to four extra bodies at once. Feeling trapped by the clones and the words of her father, Wendy unsheathes the sword and lets the spirit of Love and Peace take over. Love-P easily defeats John Doe, but then starts attacking the other High Card members before Finn manages to knock the sword out of her hands, causing Love-P to sleep again.
earned so much money in a short time, and turns him down. Suddenly, Bobby Ball appears at the party, looking for revenge at Finn. Lindsey gets the orphans out while Bobby Ball sets the building on fire and Finn is forced to cover one of the boys while Bobby flings powerful marbles at Finn. Finn gets the boy off the roof with the other orphans' help, then manages to strike Bobby. Bobby reveals he now has 2 X-Playing cards, and uses "X-Hand" to combine the powers of the 3 of Diamonds and 3 of Spades, turning himself into a monster with extendable marble limbs that regenerates damage from Finn's bullets while mocking him for his family dying in a fire. Bobby is suddenly struck by a small missile from out of nowhere that explodes his whole body. After the attack, Finn realizes the nightmares he had about being attacked by a black knight in a flaming house were actually repressed memories, and wonders if Lindsey was in on the lie.
remained, and the boy used the cards to expel the barbarians from Trapla, allowing him to become the first King of Fourland. The story is told by an auctioneer on a cruise ship as he reveals the auction about to take place, where the main attraction is the X-Playing Card 5 of Diamonds, though the man is unaware of its true power. The CEO of "Who's Who", Norman Kingstat, and his two secretaries have arrived to win the card at the auction. Meanwhile, the members of High Card launch a heist to swap the magical 5 of Diamonds with a fake card. The plan manages to go well at first, until one of Norman's secretaries, Blist, uses his Million Volt power to attack Chris before he can make the switch. As Norman and Leo get involved in a bidding war, the card finally arrives onstage, but Finn's seasickness ruins Leo's chance. However, the card is stolen anyway by the telekinetic woman from Klondike, who escapes in a helicopter.
members of High Card directly guard the Royal Family from the Klondikes. Chris uses Chelsea as a go-between to collect his equipment, but is attacked by police as Theodore has put out an order to shoot Chris on sight. Meanwhile, Ban rallies a group of heavily-armed terrorists to attack the Fourland palace, and sends Nhat to help Chris escape from the police. Back at the Pinochle office, Lindsey pays a visit to Finn and shows that Chris sent him a money order to rebuild the orphanage. Finn soon realizes that Chris saw him as family, and puts together his true motives, rushing to the hospital after Chris has absconded with Michel. Finn begs Chris via phone not to sacrifice his own life for Michel, but Chris speeds out of the hospital and survives a sniper shot from Owen with his Calories High power. Owen then tells Finn he's fired for disobeying Theodore's orders.
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An explosion rocks the capital of Spada as the Klondike family murders Dylan, the Crown Prince of Fourland, in the confusion. After speaking with the King and then Ban about the cards, Theodore orders High Card to immediately collect all known X-Playing Cards, so Bernard makes travel arrangements for
Norman's other personal secretary and bodyguard who sees his obsession with his rival and the X-Playing cards as a waste of time, even as she provides support for him. She is also a Player with the 7 of Spades, "Interceptor", which summons a high performance motorcycle which can be modified on the go
The 14-year-old son of the Pinochle company's CEO, and the manager of the Old Maid office, with an abrasive demeanor that often grates on his colleagues. However, his position in society and his money puts him at the top of High Card. Leo wields the 7 of Diamonds, "Never No Dollars", which allows him
Finn and Chris attempt to take the 2 of Diamonds from a girl named Chelsea, but she uses its power on them instead. The "Love Connection" ability forces Finn and Chris to stick their hands together and they can't remove them, so they chase Chelsea all around Shield to make her remove the power, but
Finn rushes to the rescue of a rich boy being kidnapped in broad daylight by two men named Jake and Carter. The two men blame the boy's father for closing down their factory and leaving them poor, but the boy claims not to know how to contact his father for their ransom demand. After rushing into a
As Finn and the car salesman hold each other at gunpoint, Vijay suddenly speeds onto the scene at his own car and uses his own card's power to tangle Finn in vines. Finn later finds himself waking up in the back room of the Pinochle car dealership on Old Maid Street. The salesman from before, Chris
The royal family of the Kingdom of Fourland holds a secret deck of 52 "X-Playing cards", each of which bestow a superhuman power or ability to whoever uses them. However, the cards were nearly stolen one month ago, and then scattered across the land. In the present, a thief named Finn is struggling
Finn swipes a client from Chris at the Pinochle dealership as Wendy arrives late to work. The following night at the Crazy Eights bar, Chris tells Finn about unwritten rules of their job, which include never letting Wendy get too drunk, or draw her sword. The next day, Wendy remembers the words of
A girl named Iris infiltrates a castle, steals a suitcase from the vault, and escapes with a magic power that allows her to summon several explosives. However, an unseen woman summons a gust of wind that breaks open the case and scatters its contents, a special deck of playing cards, far and wide.
A former member of High Card 25 years ago who was part of a team previously led by Leo and Chris' fathers, Theodore and Tyler. However due to a decision made by Theodore regarding a young Chris, she dishearteningly left the team and exiled herself. Years later, she saves Finn and entrusts him with
The head of the Klondike family, known throughout Fourland as ruthless mafia boss, though he appears to have a softer side when dealing with women and children. Ban seeks the X-Playing cards for his own ends and has a shared history with Theodore and Norman. He has the King of Diamonds, "Round and
Klondike's terrorists storm the palace in waves as the members of High Card continue their defensive battle. Meanwhile, a couple of Pinochle men knock out Finn to keep him from interfering with hunting down Chris. Sugar rushes to the hospital as Owen's men are carrying Finn out, and Finn uses the
A man tells the legend of the land of Trapla, the predecessor to Fourland, locked in war until a mage presented a band of 52 knights with a magic card, which they each used to swear a blood oath to a boy the mage called their True King. Though the knights died in battle, the powers of their cards
A young Klondike executive who serves as a mediating force for inter-family struggles, and manages the search for the X-Playing cards. He has the King of Spades, "San Galgono", which grants him a knight armour and a sword. However the downside is that the card is able to take full control of your
A highly intelligent PhD student at the University of Cribbage and a good cook who manages the systems at Pinochle's Old Maid office, but his aloof personality makes him difficult to approach for most people. He wields the 3 of Clubs, with the power "Green Green", allowing him to communicate with
A flirty womanizer and skilled driver with a sweet tooth. He recruits Finn after seeing his skills first-hand in Bell End, and becomes his mentor at Pinochle's Old Maid branch. He wields the 5 of Hearts, "Calorie's High", allowing him to heal injuries instantly that would otherwise prove fatal by
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Chris reflects on his past and how Finn reminds him of a younger version of himself. Meanwhile, Finn wakes up in the Pinochle office, where he finds out that Chris shot him in the pocket where he kept his indestructible X-Playing Card, saving his life. Finn is ordered to stand by while the other
Finn returns to the Sun Fields orphanage for Lindsey's birthday. However, Lindsey privately tells Finn during the birthday party that the orphanage is slated to close in the Spring. Finn tells Lindsey that he can save the orphanage with money from his new job, but Lindsey is suspicious of how he
Finn wakes up in a cabin to find that Arya saved him. Meanwhile, Jasper tortures Chris for the location of his card after noticing that he wasn't using Calories High to heal his injuries, Alex tries to find Finn and his card, and the other High Card members are forced to remain on standby after
Junior Detective Sugar Peace grows increasingly suspicious of how multiple cases have been closed at the Shield Police Department, and how all Persons of Interest connected to Pinochle are mysteriously let go without any follow-up. John Doe promises to turn state's evidence against the Klondike
Norman's personal secretary and bodyguard. In contrast to his boss, Blist prefers to keep a strictly professional attitude while on the job, constantly reminding Norman about pay and labor regulations even as he works to collect X-Playing cards for him. He is also a Player with the 10 of Clubs,
The newest member of High Card, a skilled pickpocket with great eyesight and focus allowing him to think multiple steps ahead. After trying to quickly raise money to save the orphanage where he grew up, Finn soon found himself embroiled in the battle over the X-Playing cards. He holds the 2 of
The CEO of Pinochle, Leo's father, one of the antagonists and the head of High Card who works directly under the King. His card the Queen of Diamonds, "Balor", grants enhanced vision, allowing him to see the player with the 7 of Hearts which grants invisibility, and possible X-ray
to raise funds for his orphanage before the landlord clears it out. After hitching a ride to a casino, Finn soon finds himself inducted into High Card, a special group tasked by the King to recover all 52 cards, while working undercover as salesmen for the Pinochle car company.
A card shark blessed with incredible luck thanks to the 10 of Diamonds ability, "Unlucky Poky", which granted him preternatural luck and thus prevented him from being harmed. After being threatened into giving up his card, he is soon killed after losing his luck along with the
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A member of the Klondike family who works under Tilt to acquire the X-Playing cards, and is cruel to nearly everyone he meets. He wields the 3 of Diamonds, "Marble Rumble", that lets him turn anything he grabs into marbles, which he can then use as projectile
Leo's butler who serves as an administrator for High Card who does everything from serving tea to servicing cars at Pinochle's Old Maid branch. His card, the 9 of Spades, "Bokka", can summon an impenetrable shield that can transform into any
A social media influencer looking to find her "soulmate." A Player who holds the 2 of Diamonds, "Love Connection", which sticks two people's hands together. After an encounter with Finn and Chris, she later becomes a waitress at their local
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Theodore's personal secretary who carries out his orders faithfully. Owen wields the 8 of Diamonds, "Red Labyrinth" which allows him and other people to step into another dimension that's connected to every single door in
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A veteran Inspector within the Shield Police Department, and one of the few people outside High Card who is aware of its existence as well as the X-Playing cards. Greg is an old friend of both Ban and Theodore.
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The daughter of a master swordsman from the Far East, Wendy handles the accounting for Pinochle's Old Maid office. She wields the Ace of Spades that summons "Love and Peace", a large sword with a mind of its
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The Player with the Ace of Hearts, "Faceless", which allows her to copy the appearance of anyone she makes physical contact with, and allows her to use their X-Playing Card. In a relationship with TILT.
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The Player with the Jack of Diamonds, "Out of Five", which allows him to affect the five senses and cognition of anyone that hears the sound created by scratching his gauntlets on a surface.
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High Card must deal with threats from rival car company "Who's Who" seeking to crush Pinochle, and the Klondike mafia family who wants the X-Playing cards for their own nefarious ends.
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and directed by Junichi Wada, with Kenichi Yamashita, Kazuhiko Inukai, Shingo Nagai, and Naoki Kuroyanagi writing the scripts; Nozomi Kawano designing the characters; and
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on March 26, 2023, which aired from January 8 to March 25, 2024. The opening theme song is "Showdown", again performed by Five New Old, while the ending theme song is "Hakuchūmu"
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The Director of the Sun Fields Orphanage, a good-natured man struggling to keep the orphanage open while having trouble paying rent to an uncaring landlord.
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and other networks. The opening theme song is "Trickster", performed by Five New Old, while the ending theme song is "Squad!", performed by Meychan.
movies, including their decision to put the setting in a fictional kingdom outside of Japan, hoping to appeal to a wider audience across the world.
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The flamboyant and charismatic CEO of "Who's Who" in a one-sided rivalry with his childhood friend Theodore, though he does not reciprocate.
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The agents of High Card. From left to right: Vijay Kumar Singh, Leo Constantine Pinochle, Finn Oldman, Chris Redgrave and Wendy Sato.
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Spades, "Neo New Nambu", which summons a loaded Nambu revolver into his hand, and can summon extra bullets into his free hand.
2304: 2224: 2211: 2198: 4321: 4273: 2866: 2339: 349:, which aired from January to March 2023, with its second season aired from January to March 2024. The project's theme is 4509: 4166: 1161:
Following the final episode of the second season, it was announced that the series would receive a twenty-fifth episode.
4484: 4348: 3752: 3203: 3046: 3010: 353:, with everything from the title to the names of fictional locations referencing some form of playing card game. 4524: 4249: 3984: 3960: 3714: 2834:"Crunchyroll to Stream Technoroid Overmind, High Card, Nijiyon, The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, More Anime" 4514: 2362: 4499: 3840: 3824: 3792: 4504: 3888: 3564: 3427: 3419: 3267: 4534: 4494: 4356: 3760: 3166: 3134: 3071: 2764:"TMS Announces "HIGH CARD" the Multi-Media Series Will be Made into an Original TV Animation in 2023!" 3687: 253: 1116:
television series. The project is done in collaboration with KADOKAWA Co., Ltd. and Sammy Co., Ltd.
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her Card, the J of Spades, "Coming Home" that allows her to pull any in-sight object towards her.
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volumes as of January 6, 2024. The manga is set to end with the release of its third volume.
544: 4340: 2763: 2732:"Kadokawa, TMS, Sammy Reveal High Card Multimedia Project With Planned Anime, Manga, Novels" 3622: 3313: 366: 322: 8: 4464: 3912: 3880: 3586: 845: 2153:
and novel adaptation of the franchise have been announced. The side story manga, titled
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Round", which allows him to rotate anything that his is touching or can't touch.
126: 4388: 4209: 4054: 3968: 3864: 3848: 3800: 3367: 3305: 2331: 671: 454: 257: 220: 2443:"Poker-Themed High Card Anime Reveals Promo Video, Cast, Staff, Opening Theme" 4453: 4428: 4372: 4092: 3920: 3896: 3383: 3283: 1120: 1038: 983: 924: 767: 737:
with various modifications like missile launchers, sidecar, and machine guns.
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Senmetsu Madō no Saikyō Kenja: Musai no Kenja, Madō wo Kiwame Saikyō e Itaru
2555:"High Card Anime Casts Tomokazu Seki, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Chiharu Sawashiro" 4019: 3808: 3706: 3673: 3395: 3375: 3359: 3343: 3327: 1068: 989:
Chris' younger sister. She has a genetic disease inherited from her mother.
730: 226: 2593:"High Card Anime's 2nd Season Reveals New Cast, Opening Theme Song Artist" 4289: 4217: 3944: 3403: 3172: 3140: 3077: 2238: 2158: 1132: 953: 604: 338: 212: 103: 2169: 424: 3556: 3483: 3193: 3035: 2999: 1139: 1083: 484: 37: 2167:
on August 31, 2022. The manga's chapters have been collected into two
4380: 4176: 3435: 2782:"HIGH CARD TV Anime Sets January 9 Premiere with New Visual, Trailer" 2332:"Kakegurui Creator Now Working on High Card, a New Multimedia Series" 2163: 357: 114: 20: 707:"Million Volt", which lets him channel electricity through his body. 4314:
Dead Mount Death Play Gaiden: Kaijin Solitaire no Shinsen Nisejutsu
4144: 4003: 3776: 2255:, the original character designs of which is also provided by Ebimo 1127:
composing the music. It aired from January 9 to March 27, 2023, on
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The Girl I Saved on the Train Turned Out to Be My Childhood Friend
299: 4420: 3252: 2629:"High Card Anime's 2nd Video Unveils More Cast, January 9 Debut" 2517:"High Card Anime Reveals More Cast Members, Opening Song Artist" 491:
to instantly swap nearby cash for an object of equivalent value.
390: 3335: 2363:"HIGH CARD Creators Promise An Exciting Series - The Geekiary" 2241:
adaptation of the franchise was released on December 3, 2021.
2934:"Raon Performs Ending Theme for High Card Anime's 2nd Season" 2900:"Original Anime HIGH CARD Deals Out New Trailer for Season 2" 2283:
Information is taken from the ending credits of each episode.
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Lime-iro Senkitan: The South Island Dream Romantic Adventure
The Greatest Magicmaster's Retirement Plan: The Alternative
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in November 2022, Kawamoto and Muno further explained that
Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaisha
3105:"HIGH CARD -◇9 No Mercy Manga Listed to End in 3rd Volume" 4234:
The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt
2665:"Eiji Hanawa, Shigeru Chiba Join Cast of High Card Anime" 3041:[On Air|TV Anime "High Card" Official Website]. 3647:
Monster Strike: An Encore of Continuance- Pandora's Box
Isshoni Training 026: Bathtime with Hinako & Hiyoko
3005:[Story|TV Anime "High Card" Official Website]. 2801:"Meychan Performs High Card Anime's Ending Theme Song" 2479:"High Card Anime Reveals More Cast, Side Story Manga" 4322:
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten: After the Rain
body, has its own consciousness and it own motives.
2927: 2925: 3833:Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School 3194:"トランプ×異能力バトルプロジェクト「HIGH CARD」PV公開、キャストに佐藤元・増田俊樹ら" 4451: 3202:(in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. October 20, 2021. 3000:"Sutōrī|Terebi Anime "Hai Kādo" Kōshiki Saito" 2922: 2698:"High Card Anime's 2nd Season Casts Ayumi Mano" 2106: 2070: 2034: 1998: 1962: 1926: 1890: 1854: 1818: 1782: 1746: 1710: 1627: 1589: 1551: 1151: 1057: 1027: 1001: 972: 942: 913: 884: 819: 789: 756: 719: 689: 660: 623: 593: 563: 533: 503: 473: 443: 413: 3615:Yumeiro Patissiere: Mune Kyun Tropical Island! 3036:"On'ea|Terebi Anime "Hai Kādo" Kōshiki Saito" 1509: 1469: 1431: 1393: 1355: 1317: 1279: 1241: 1203: 1145: 1051: 1021: 995: 966: 936: 907: 878: 813: 783: 750: 713: 683: 654: 617: 587: 557: 527: 497: 467: 437: 407: 4160: 3268: 2515:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (September 30, 2022). 4242:My Friend's Little Sister Has It In for Me! 4012:Assassination Classroom the Movie: 365 Days 2696:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (February 9, 2024). 4167: 4153: 3275: 3261: 2965:"High Card Anime's 25th Episode Green-Lit" 2477:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (August 31, 2022). 2279: 2277: 2275: 2273: 2271: 2269: 36: 4194:The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest 2663:Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 26, 2022). 2586: 2584: 2582: 2307:. Anime News Network. December 29, 2022. 4282:I Kissed My Girlfriend's Little Sister?! 3674:Duel Masters: Curse of the Death Phoenix 2932:Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 2, 2023). 2931: 2729: 2662: 2126: 2090: 2054: 2018: 1982: 1946: 1910: 1874: 1838: 1802: 1766: 1730: 930:A novice detective who works under Greg. 389: 356:During a preview of the anime series at 3102: 3066: 3064: 2962: 2897: 2864: 2788:from the original on November 20, 2022. 2725: 2723: 2658: 2656: 2622: 2620: 2618: 2590: 2529:from the original on September 30, 2022 2266: 1100:On June 9, 2021, it was announced that 398: 4475:AT-X (TV network) original programming 4452: 4365:Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina 3817:Assassination Classroom: Second Season 3602:Isshoni Sleeping: Sleeping with Hinako 3595:Isshoni Training: Training with Hinako 3147:from the original on December 30, 2022 3049:from the original on November 20, 2022 3030: 3028: 2994: 2992: 2813:from the original on December 15, 2022 2695: 2677:from the original on December 26, 2022 2641:from the original on November 20, 2022 2603:from the original on November 30, 2023 2579: 2548: 2546: 2544: 2514: 2510: 2508: 2506: 2476: 2472: 2470: 2436: 2434: 2432: 2398: 2396: 2394: 2392: 2390: 2388: 2311:from the original on December 30, 2022 4148: 3256: 3206:from the original on October 20, 2021 2944:from the original on December 2, 2023 2831: 2798: 2708:from the original on February 9, 2024 2591:Cayanan, Joanna (November 30, 2023). 2567:from the original on October 31, 2022 2440: 2360: 2329: 4274:The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten 4226:The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids 4174: 3159: 3084:from the original on January 5, 2024 3061: 2846:from the original on January 4, 2023 2730:Hodgkins, Crystalyn (June 9, 2021). 2720: 2653: 2615: 2491:from the original on August 31, 2022 2373:from the original on January 9, 2023 4470:2023 anime television series debuts 3025: 2989: 2977:from the original on March 25, 2024 2910:from the original on August 1, 2023 2879:from the original on March 26, 2023 2770:from the original on March 8, 2022. 2626: 2552: 2541: 2503: 2467: 2429: 2402: 2385: 2305:"Aniplus Asia Airs High Card Anime" 2217: 2204: 2191: 13: 3508:Yumeiro Patissiere SP Professional 3013:from the original on March 8, 2022 2963:Cayanan, Joanna (March 25, 2024). 2865:Cayanan, Joanna (March 26, 2023). 2417:from the original on March 8, 2022 2342:from the original on June 21, 2021 1671: 1164: 14: 4546: 3985:Classroom of the Elite 3rd Season 3961:Classroom of the Elite 2nd Season 3282: 3222: 3115:from the original on May 14, 2024 2867:"High Card Anime Gets 2nd Season" 2799:Mateo, Alex (December 15, 2022). 2744:from the original on June 9, 2021 2455:from the original on July 6, 2022 1138:A second season was announced at 4349:The Misfit of Demon King Academy 4131: 4130: 3753:Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! 3639:Monster Strike: Mermaid Rhapsody 3103:Cayanan, Joanna (May 14, 2024). 2898:Dempsey, Liam (August 1, 2023). 2361:Sugah, Jamie (January 9, 2023). 2121: 2116: 2085: 2080: 2049: 2044: 2013: 2008: 1977: 1972: 1941: 1936: 1905: 1900: 1869: 1864: 1833: 1828: 1797: 1792: 1761: 1756: 1725: 1720: 298: 4405:86: Run Through the Battlefront 4250:Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle 3715:Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness 3186: 3127: 3096: 2956: 2891: 2858: 2832:Mateo, Alex (January 4, 2023). 2825: 2792: 2774: 2756: 2689: 2627:Loo, Egan (November 19, 2022). 2330:Cecil, Dyllan (June 10, 2021). 551:nearby plants and control them. 2553:Loo, Egan (October 30, 2022). 2354: 2323: 2297: 2179: 1686: 1679: 1179: 1172: 691:Burisuto Burittsu Burōdohāsuto 345:television series produced by 1: 4490:Card games in anime and manga 2290: 2175: 584:Theodore Constantine Pinochle 385: 16:Japanese multimedia franchise 3841:Magical Girl Raising Project 3825:Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle 3793:Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace 3038:ON AIR|TVアニメ「HIGH CARD」公式サイト 2441:Mateo, Alex (July 6, 2022). 645: 595:Seodōru Konsutantin Pinokuru 364:was heavily inspired by the 7: 3889:Seven Senses of the Reunion 3565:Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl 3428:Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House 3420:Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl 3168:HIGH CARD -♢9 No Mercy 3(完) 3002:STORY|TVアニメ「HIGH CARD」公式サイト 2403:Loo, Egan (March 8, 2022). 2244: 2232: 1987:February 26, 2024 1951:February 19, 2024 1915:February 12, 2024 1490:February 27, 2023 1450:February 20, 2023 1412:February 13, 2023 1152: 1058: 1028: 1002: 973: 943: 914: 885: 820: 790: 757: 741: 720: 690: 661: 624: 594: 564: 534: 504: 474: 444: 414: 10: 4551: 4510:Kadokawa Dwango franchises 4341:Murciélago Byproduct Araña 3761:Danganronpa: The Animation 1879:February 5, 2024 1843:January 29, 2024 1807:January 22, 2024 1771:January 15, 2024 1374:February 6, 2023 1336:January 30, 2023 1298:January 23, 2023 1260:January 16, 2023 1119:The series is produced by 305:Anime and manga portal 288: 18: 4332: 4185: 4128: 4107: 4030: 3995: 3744: 3737: 3698: 3688:The Stranger by the Shore 3665: 3534: 3396:Duel Masters Sacred Lands 3297: 3290: 2186: 2183: 2161:'s online manga magazine 2157:, began serialization in 2112: 2076: 2040: 2004: 1968: 1932: 1896: 1860: 1824: 1788: 1752: 1735:January 8, 2024 1716: 1705: 1702: 1699: 1696: 1693: 1685: 1678: 1661: 1633: 1619: 1595: 1581: 1557: 1543: 1515: 1501: 1475: 1461: 1437: 1423: 1399: 1385: 1361: 1347: 1323: 1309: 1285: 1271: 1247: 1233: 1222:January 9, 2023 1209: 1198: 1195: 1192: 1189: 1186: 1178: 1171: 1146: 1052: 1022: 996: 967: 937: 908: 879: 869: 814: 784: 751: 714: 684: 655: 618: 588: 558: 528: 498: 468: 438: 408: 296: 281: 267: 237: 208: 198: 188: 165: 157: 152: 144: 133: 121: 109: 99: 91: 83: 76: 71: 47: 35: 30: 4202:By the Grace of the Gods 4093:Given: On the Other Hand 3769:Unbreakable Machine-Doll 3484:Charger Girl Ju-den Chan 3167: 3136:HIGH CARD -♢9 No Mercy 1 3135: 3073:HIGH CARD -♢9 No Mercy 2 3072: 3037: 3001: 2259: 2178: 2144: 2131:March 25, 2024 2095:March 18, 2024 2059:March 11, 2024 1706:Original air date  1650:March 27, 2023 1608:March 20, 2023 1570:March 13, 2023 1199:Original air date  1095: 1090: 475:Reo Konsutantin Pinokuru 464:Leo Constantine Pinochle 337:series, a novel series, 227:Plus Media Networks Asia 19:For the poker hand, see 4485:Bandai Namco franchises 3977:After-School Hanako-kun 3937:Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 3785:Assassination Classroom 3516:Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun 2023:March 4, 2024 1532:March 6, 2023 773:One of the antagonists. 373: 153:Anime television series 4525:Square Enix franchises 4357:Subete Hai ni Natte mo 4306:The Diofield Chronicle 4298:High Card -♢9 No Mercy 3857:Classroom of the Elite 3723:Puzzle & Dragons Z 3412:Nerima Daikon Brothers 3321:Tantei Shounen Kageman 2184:Japanese release date 2155:High Card -♢9 No Mercy 1703:Storyboarded by  1196:Storyboarded by  1011:Voiced by: Eiji Hanawa 680:Blist Blitz Broadhurst 395: 78:High Card -♢9 No Mercy 4515:Mass media franchises 4429:Sabikui Bisco: Part 2 4373:Sabikui Bisco: Part 1 1158:, performed by Raon. 1135:licensed the series. 393: 3623:Land of the Lustrous 3360:Happy Lesson Advance 3314:Taro the Space Alien 2336:Comic Book Resources 1110:multimedia franchise 974:Misheru Reddogureibu 399:Pinochle (High Card) 323:multimedia franchise 4500:Gangan Comics manga 4085:Fate/Grand Carnival 3913:Astra Lost in Space 3881:Hakumei and Mikochi 3587:Amuri in Star Ocean 3376:Duel Masters Charge 1753:"Truth of the Hero" 1112:, which include an 1104:, Hikaru Muno, and 846:Yoshitsugu Matsuoka 721:Burandi Burūmentāru 589:セオドール・コンスタンティン・ピノクル 445:Kurisu Reddogureivu 333:. It consists of a 329:, Hikaru Muno, and 92:Illustrated by 4505:Japanese webcomics 4115:Larx Entertainment 3492:Yumeiro Patissiere 3452:Venus Versus Virus 3247:Anime News Network 3109:Anime News Network 2970:Anime News Network 2938:Anime News Network 2872:Anime News Network 2839:Anime News Network 2806:Anime News Network 2737:Anime News Network 2702:Anime News Network 2670:Anime News Network 2634:Anime News Network 2597:Anime News Network 2560:Anime News Network 2522:Anime News Network 2484:Anime News Network 2448:Anime News Network 2410:Anime News Network 1969:"Lala Valdenklein" 1825:"Once Upon a Time" 1697:Directed by  1519:Hidetoshi Watanabe 1409:Tomohiro Matsukawa 1403:Tomohiro Matsukawa 1213:Tomohiro Matsukawa 1190:Directed by  1108:were working on a 896:Toshiyuki Morikawa 801:Toshiyuki Toyonaga 685:ブリスト・ブリッツ・ブロードハースト 662:Nōman Kingusutatto 635:Nobunaga Shimazaki 396: 4535:TMS Entertainment 4495:Crunchyroll anime 4447: 4446: 4413:Selection Project 4142: 4141: 4103: 4102: 4063:Koro Sensei Quest 4039:Carnival Phantasm 3953:Rumble Garanndoll 3745:Television series 3733: 3732: 3655:Tekken: Bloodline 3390: 3352:Lime-iro Senkitan 3298:Television series 2252:Kawagoe Boys Sing 2230: 2229: 2225:978-4-7575-9282-7 2212:978-4-7575-8994-0 2199:978-4-7575-8337-5 2142: 2141: 2128: 2123: 2118: 2092: 2087: 2082: 2056: 2051: 2046: 2041:"Winner or Loser" 2020: 2015: 2010: 1984: 1979: 1974: 1948: 1943: 1938: 1912: 1907: 1902: 1876: 1871: 1866: 1840: 1835: 1830: 1804: 1799: 1794: 1789:"Answer the Door" 1768: 1763: 1758: 1732: 1727: 1722: 1700:Written by  1669: 1668: 1638:Shinichiro Kimura 1602:Kenichi Yamashita 1482:Kenichi Yamashita 1438:"Love & Fake" 1330:Kenichi Yamashita 1216:Kenichi Yamashita 1193:Written by  1106:TMS Entertainment 963:Michelle Redgrave 831:Chiharu Sawashiro 710:Brandy Blumenthal 701:Shunsuke Takeuchi 535:Vijai Kumāru Shin 524:Vijay Kumar Singh 461:burning calories. 331:TMS Entertainment 310: 309: 175:Kenichi Yamashita 100:Published by 63:TMS Entertainment 4542: 4437:Do It Yourself!! 4169: 4162: 4155: 4146: 4145: 4134: 4133: 3929:Radiant Season 2 3742: 3741: 3579:Sumomomo, Momomo 3468:Net Ghost PiPoPa 3444:Sumomomo, Momomo 3388: 3295: 3294: 3277: 3270: 3263: 3254: 3253: 3237: 3234: 3233: 3231:Official website 3216: 3215: 3213: 3211: 3190: 3184: 3183: 3181: 3179: 3163: 3157: 3156: 3154: 3152: 3131: 3125: 3124: 3122: 3120: 3100: 3094: 3093: 3091: 3089: 3068: 3059: 3058: 3056: 3054: 3032: 3023: 3022: 3020: 3018: 2996: 2987: 2986: 2984: 2982: 2960: 2954: 2953: 2951: 2949: 2929: 2920: 2919: 2917: 2915: 2895: 2889: 2888: 2886: 2884: 2862: 2856: 2855: 2853: 2851: 2829: 2823: 2822: 2820: 2818: 2796: 2790: 2789: 2778: 2772: 2771: 2760: 2754: 2753: 2751: 2749: 2727: 2718: 2717: 2715: 2713: 2693: 2687: 2686: 2684: 2682: 2660: 2651: 2650: 2648: 2646: 2624: 2613: 2612: 2610: 2608: 2588: 2577: 2576: 2574: 2572: 2550: 2539: 2538: 2536: 2534: 2512: 2501: 2500: 2498: 2496: 2474: 2465: 2464: 2462: 2460: 2438: 2427: 2426: 2424: 2422: 2400: 2383: 2382: 2380: 2378: 2358: 2352: 2351: 2349: 2347: 2327: 2321: 2320: 2318: 2316: 2301: 2284: 2281: 2181: 2176: 2138: 2136: 2102: 2100: 2066: 2064: 2030: 2028: 1994: 1992: 1958: 1956: 1922: 1920: 1897:"Hold Your Hand" 1886: 1884: 1850: 1848: 1814: 1812: 1778: 1776: 1742: 1740: 1688: 1681: 1676: 1675: 1657: 1655: 1615: 1613: 1577: 1575: 1539: 1537: 1497: 1495: 1457: 1455: 1419: 1417: 1400:"Take Back Five" 1381: 1379: 1343: 1341: 1305: 1303: 1267: 1265: 1229: 1227: 1181: 1174: 1169: 1168: 1157: 1155: 1149: 1148: 1086: 1071: 1063: 1061: 1055: 1054: 1041: 1033: 1031: 1025: 1024: 1012: 1007: 1005: 999: 998: 986: 978: 976: 970: 969: 956: 948: 946: 944:Cherushī Hamondo 940: 939: 927: 919: 917: 911: 910: 898: 890: 888: 882: 881: 862: 860:Miyuki Sawashiro 848: 833: 825: 823: 817: 816: 803: 795: 793: 787: 786: 770: 762: 760: 754: 753: 733: 725: 723: 717: 716: 703: 695: 693: 687: 686: 674: 666: 664: 658: 657: 651:Norman Kingstadt 637: 629: 627: 621: 620: 607: 599: 597: 591: 590: 577: 569: 567: 561: 560: 547: 545:Yūichirō Umehara 539: 537: 531: 530: 517: 515:Haruka Shiraishi 509: 507: 501: 500: 487: 479: 477: 471: 470: 469:レオ・コンスタンティン・ピノクル 457: 449: 447: 441: 440: 427: 419: 417: 411: 410: 321:) is a Japanese 303: 302: 292: 289:List of episodes 277: 273: 272:January 9, 2023 238:Original network 229: 224: 209:Licensed by 172:Naoki Kuroyanagi 158:Directed by 139: 42:Anime key visual 40: 28: 27: 4550: 4549: 4545: 4544: 4543: 4541: 4540: 4539: 4450: 4449: 4448: 4443: 4328: 4181: 4173: 4143: 4138: 4124: 4099: 4026: 3991: 3729: 3694: 3661: 3530: 3286: 3281: 3249:'s encyclopedia 3235: 3229: 3228: 3225: 3220: 3219: 3209: 3207: 3192: 3191: 3187: 3177: 3175: 3171:(in Japanese). 3169: 3165: 3164: 3160: 3150: 3148: 3139:(in Japanese). 3137: 3133: 3132: 3128: 3118: 3116: 3101: 3097: 3087: 3085: 3076:(in Japanese). 3074: 3070: 3069: 3062: 3052: 3050: 3045:(in Japanese). 3039: 3034: 3033: 3026: 3016: 3014: 3009:(in Japanese). 3003: 2998: 2997: 2990: 2980: 2978: 2961: 2957: 2947: 2945: 2930: 2923: 2913: 2911: 2896: 2892: 2882: 2880: 2863: 2859: 2849: 2847: 2830: 2826: 2816: 2814: 2797: 2793: 2780: 2779: 2775: 2762: 2761: 2757: 2747: 2745: 2728: 2721: 2711: 2709: 2694: 2690: 2680: 2678: 2661: 2654: 2644: 2642: 2625: 2616: 2606: 2604: 2589: 2580: 2570: 2568: 2551: 2542: 2532: 2530: 2513: 2504: 2494: 2492: 2475: 2468: 2458: 2456: 2439: 2430: 2420: 2418: 2401: 2386: 2376: 2374: 2359: 2355: 2345: 2343: 2328: 2324: 2314: 2312: 2303: 2302: 2298: 2293: 2288: 2287: 2282: 2267: 2262: 2247: 2235: 2208:January 6, 2024 2147: 2134: 2132: 2098: 2096: 2062: 2060: 2026: 2024: 1990: 1988: 1954: 1952: 1918: 1916: 1882: 1880: 1846: 1844: 1810: 1808: 1774: 1772: 1738: 1736: 1690: 1682: 1674: 1672:Season 2 (2024) 1665: 1653: 1651: 1640: 1623: 1611: 1609: 1599:Masaru Kanamori 1585: 1573: 1571: 1564:Kazuhiko Inukai 1561:Masaki Kitamura 1547: 1535: 1533: 1522: 1521:Zhuzhou Wonzhao 1520: 1505: 1493: 1491: 1486: 1465: 1453: 1451: 1444:Kazuhiko Inukai 1427: 1415: 1413: 1389: 1377: 1375: 1368:Kazuhiko Inukai 1351: 1339: 1337: 1327:Noriyuki Nomata 1313: 1301: 1299: 1275: 1263: 1261: 1254:Kazuhiko Inukai 1248:"Make a Choice" 1237: 1225: 1223: 1183: 1175: 1167: 1165:Season 1 (2023) 1143: 1102:Homura Kawamoto 1098: 1093: 1081: 1066: 1049: 1036: 1029:Rakkī Ranchiman 1019: 1010: 993: 981: 964: 951: 934: 933:Chelsea Hammond 922: 905: 893: 876: 872: 857: 843: 828: 811: 798: 781: 765: 748: 744: 728: 711: 698: 681: 669: 652: 648: 632: 615: 602: 585: 575:Kazuhiro Yamaji 572: 565:Bānādo Shimonzu 555: 542: 525: 512: 495: 482: 465: 452: 435: 422: 405: 401: 388: 376: 327:Homura Kawamoto 297: 286: 275: 271: 233: 230: 225: 219: 184: 178:Kazuhiko Inukai 166:Written by 138:August 31, 2022 137: 87:Homura Kawamoto 84:Written by 67: 55:Homura Kawamoto 48:Created by 43: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4548: 4538: 4537: 4532: 4527: 4522: 4517: 4512: 4507: 4502: 4497: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4477: 4472: 4467: 4462: 4445: 4444: 4442: 4441: 4433: 4425: 4417: 4409: 4401: 4393: 4389:Demon and Song 4385: 4377: 4369: 4361: 4353: 4345: 4336: 4334: 4330: 4329: 4327: 4326: 4318: 4310: 4302: 4294: 4286: 4278: 4270: 4262: 4254: 4246: 4238: 4230: 4222: 4214: 4210:My Isekai Life 4206: 4198: 4189: 4187: 4183: 4182: 4172: 4171: 4164: 4157: 4149: 4140: 4139: 4129: 4126: 4125: 4123: 4122: 4117: 4111: 4109: 4105: 4104: 4101: 4100: 4098: 4097: 4089: 4081: 4075: 4067: 4059: 4055:Monster Musume 4051: 4047:Fate/Prototype 4043: 4034: 4032: 4028: 4027: 4025: 4024: 4016: 4008: 3999: 3997: 3993: 3992: 3990: 3989: 3981: 3973: 3969:World Dai Star 3965: 3957: 3949: 3941: 3933: 3925: 3917: 3909: 3901: 3893: 3885: 3877: 3873:Kino's Journey 3869: 3865:Konohana Kitan 3861: 3853: 3845: 3837: 3829: 3821: 3813: 3805: 3801:Monster Musume 3797: 3789: 3781: 3773: 3765: 3757: 3748: 3746: 3739: 3735: 3734: 3731: 3730: 3728: 3727: 3719: 3711: 3702: 3700: 3696: 3695: 3693: 3692: 3684: 3678: 3669: 3667: 3663: 3662: 3660: 3659: 3651: 3643: 3635: 3631:Monster Strike 3627: 3619: 3611: 3605: 3599: 3591: 3583: 3575: 3569: 3561: 3553: 3545: 3538: 3536: 3532: 3531: 3529: 3528: 3527:(2023–present) 3520: 3512: 3504: 3500:Weiß Survive R 3496: 3488: 3480: 3472: 3464: 3460:Moonlight Mile 3456: 3448: 3440: 3432: 3424: 3416: 3408: 3400: 3392: 3380: 3372: 3368:Grandpa Danger 3364: 3356: 3348: 3340: 3332: 3324: 3318: 3310: 3306:Sensual Phrase 3301: 3299: 3292: 3288: 3287: 3280: 3279: 3272: 3265: 3257: 3251: 3250: 3238: 3224: 3223:External links 3221: 3218: 3217: 3185: 3158: 3126: 3095: 3060: 3024: 2988: 2955: 2921: 2890: 2857: 2824: 2791: 2773: 2755: 2719: 2688: 2652: 2614: 2578: 2540: 2502: 2466: 2428: 2384: 2353: 2322: 2295: 2294: 2292: 2289: 2286: 2285: 2264: 2263: 2261: 2258: 2257: 2256: 2246: 2243: 2234: 2231: 2228: 2227: 2222: 2219: 2215: 2214: 2209: 2206: 2202: 2201: 2196: 2193: 2189: 2188: 2187:Japanese ISBN 2185: 2182: 2146: 2143: 2140: 2139: 2129: 2124: 2119: 2114: 2111: 2108: 2104: 2103: 2093: 2088: 2083: 2078: 2075: 2072: 2068: 2067: 2057: 2052: 2047: 2042: 2039: 2036: 2032: 2031: 2021: 2016: 2011: 2006: 2003: 2000: 1996: 1995: 1985: 1980: 1975: 1970: 1967: 1964: 1960: 1959: 1949: 1944: 1939: 1934: 1931: 1928: 1924: 1923: 1913: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1895: 1892: 1888: 1887: 1877: 1872: 1867: 1862: 1859: 1856: 1852: 1851: 1841: 1836: 1831: 1826: 1823: 1820: 1816: 1815: 1805: 1800: 1795: 1790: 1787: 1784: 1780: 1779: 1769: 1764: 1759: 1754: 1751: 1748: 1744: 1743: 1733: 1728: 1723: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1708: 1707: 1704: 1701: 1698: 1695: 1692: 1684: 1673: 1670: 1667: 1666: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1648: 1645: 1642: 1635: 1632: 1629: 1625: 1624: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1606: 1603: 1600: 1597: 1594: 1591: 1587: 1586: 1582: 1579: 1578: 1568: 1565: 1562: 1559: 1556: 1553: 1549: 1548: 1544: 1541: 1540: 1530: 1527: 1524: 1517: 1516:"By Your Side" 1514: 1511: 1507: 1506: 1502: 1499: 1498: 1488: 1483: 1480: 1477: 1474: 1471: 1467: 1466: 1462: 1459: 1458: 1448: 1447:Hideki Okamoto 1445: 1442: 1439: 1436: 1433: 1429: 1428: 1424: 1421: 1420: 1410: 1407: 1404: 1401: 1398: 1395: 1391: 1390: 1386: 1383: 1382: 1372: 1369: 1366: 1363: 1360: 1357: 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Retrieved 3197: 3188: 3176:. Retrieved 3161: 3149:. Retrieved 3129: 3117:. Retrieved 3108: 3098: 3086:. Retrieved 3051:. Retrieved 3042: 3015:. Retrieved 3006: 2979:. Retrieved 2968: 2958: 2946:. Retrieved 2937: 2912:. Retrieved 2903: 2893: 2881:. Retrieved 2870: 2860: 2848:. Retrieved 2837: 2827: 2817:December 15, 2815:. Retrieved 2804: 2794: 2776: 2758: 2746:. Retrieved 2735: 2712:February 16, 2710:. Retrieved 2701: 2691: 2681:December 26, 2679:. Retrieved 2668: 2645:November 19, 2643:. Retrieved 2632: 2605:. Retrieved 2596: 2569:. Retrieved 2558: 2531:. Retrieved 2520: 2493:. Retrieved 2482: 2457:. Retrieved 2446: 2419:. Retrieved 2408: 2375:. Retrieved 2367:The Geekiary 2366: 2356: 2344:. Retrieved 2335: 2325: 2315:December 30, 2313:. Retrieved 2299: 2250: 2236: 2221:July 5, 2024 2168: 2162: 2154: 2148: 2077:"Sweet Home" 2005:"Coming Day" 1861:"Look at Me" 1717:"Knightmare" 1694:Title  1647:Junichi Wada 1644:Shingo Nagai 1526:Shingo Nagai 1406:Shingo Nagai 1362:"Power Game" 1292:Shingo Nagai 1286:"Crazy Rich" 1219:Junichi Wada 1187:Title  1160: 1137: 1118: 1099: 1069:Takako Honda 1003:Rinjī Bettsu 992:Lindsey Betz 968:ミシェル・レッドグレイブ 747:Ban Klondike 731:Mie Sonozaki 656:ノーマン・キングスタット 619:オーウェン・オールデイズ 614:Owen Alldays 415:Fin Ōrudoman 381: 377: 365: 361: 355: 313: 312: 311: 268:Original run 181:Shingo Nagai 161:Junichi Wada 134:Original run 125: 113: 77: 25: 4440:(2022–2023) 4432:(2021–2022) 4424:(2021–2022) 4416:(2021–2022) 4408:(2021–2022) 4400:(2020–2024) 4392:(2019–2020) 4384:(2019–2023) 4376:(2019–2021) 4368:(2018–2024) 4360:(2018–2020) 4352:(2018–2021) 4344:(2018–2020) 4290:Engage Kiss 4218:Beast Tamer 4078:Escha Chron 4066:(2016–2017) 4058:(2016–2017) 4042:(2011–2012) 4004:Fw:Hamatora 3945:Idoly Pride 3932:(2019–2020) 3908:(2018–2019) 3849:Scum's Wish 3699:Video games 3634:(2015−2016) 3503:(2009−2010) 3495:(2009–2010) 3471:(2008−2009) 3447:(2006−2007) 3404:Happy Seven 3399:(2005−2006) 3379:(2004−2006) 3371:(2004−2005) 3347:(2002−2003) 3339:(2002−2005) 3323:(2001−2002) 3317:(2000−2001) 3309:(1999−2000) 3245:(anime) at 3173:Square Enix 3141:Square Enix 3078:Square Enix 3053:January 10, 3017:January 10, 2948:December 4, 2904:Crunchyroll 2607:December 1, 2571:October 30, 2377:January 17, 2346:January 17, 2159:Square Enix 2113:"Last Shot" 1933:"Prisoners" 1641:Yōhei Fukui 1605:Hitomi Ezoe 1567:Yui Umemoto 1479:Ippei Ichii 1441:Yōhei Fukui 1133:Crunchyroll 1082:Voiced by: 1067:Voiced by: 1037:Voiced by: 982:Voiced by: 954:Yurika Kubo 952:Voiced by: 923:Voiced by: 904:Sugar Peace 894:Voiced by: 858:Voiced by: 844:Voiced by: 829:Voiced by: 799:Voiced by: 766:Voiced by: 729:Voiced by: 699:Voiced by: 670:Voiced by: 633:Voiced by: 605:Daisuke Ono 603:Voiced by: 573:Voiced by: 543:Voiced by: 513:Voiced by: 483:Voiced by: 453:Voiced by: 439:クリス・レッドグレイヴ 423:Voiced by: 404:Finn Oldman 325:created by 213:Crunchyroll 122:Demographic 104:Square Enix 59:Hikaru Muno 4465:2022 manga 4454:Categories 3557:Netrun-mon 3088:January 5, 2850:January 4, 2495:August 31, 2291:References 2135:2024-03-25 2099:2024-03-18 2063:2024-03-11 2027:2024-03-04 1991:2024-02-26 1955:2024-02-19 1919:2024-02-12 1883:2024-02-05 1847:2024-01-29 1811:2024-01-22 1775:2024-01-15 1739:2024-01-08 1654:2023-03-27 1612:2023-03-20 1574:2023-03-13 1536:2023-03-06 1523:John Smith 1494:2023-02-27 1454:2023-02-20 1416:2023-02-13 1378:2023-02-06 1371:Arata Mita 1365:Arata Mita 1340:2023-01-30 1333:Moe Sasaki 1302:2023-01-23 1295:Arata Mita 1289:Arata Mita 1264:2023-01-16 1257:Moe Sasaki 1251:Moe Sasaki 1226:2023-01-09 1210:"One Shot" 1140:AnimeJapan 1084:Ayumi Mano 1059:Aya Tawawa 1048:Aya Tawawa 1023:ラッキー・ランチマン 938:チェルシー・ハモンド 915:Shugā Pīsu 875:Greg Young 810:Bobby Ball 559:バーナード・シモンズ 505:Wendi Satō 494:Wendy Sato 485:Shun Horie 409:フィン・オールドマン 386:Characters 4381:SINoALICE 4177:Manga Up! 4031:OVAs/ONAs 3524:High Card 3436:Tsuyokiss 3242:High Card 3210:March 17, 2981:March 26, 2914:August 1, 2883:March 26, 2748:March 17, 2421:March 17, 2164:Manga Up! 1476:"Heat Up" 821:Bobī Bōru 752:バン・クロンダイク 646:Who's Who 641:Fourland. 499:ウェンディ・サトー 362:High Card 358:Anime NYC 341:, and an 339:drama CDs 314:High Card 254:KBS Kyoto 140:– present 115:Manga Up! 31:High Card 21:High card 4333:Finished 4136:Category 3535:OVA/ONAs 3204:Archived 3178:June 25, 3151:June 18, 3145:Archived 3113:Archived 3082:Archived 3047:Archived 3011:Archived 2975:Archived 2942:Archived 2908:Archived 2877:Archived 2844:Archived 2811:Archived 2786:Archived 2768:Archived 2742:Archived 2706:Archived 2675:Archived 2639:Archived 2601:Archived 2565:Archived 2527:Archived 2489:Archived 2453:Archived 2415:Archived 2371:Archived 2340:Archived 2309:Archived 2245:See also 2239:drama CD 2233:Drama CD 2170:tankōbon 1153:Daydream 997:リンジー・ベッツ 909:シュガー・ピース 880:グレッグ・ヤング 837:weapons. 742:Klondike 425:Gen Satō 367:Kingsman 319:all caps 282:Episodes 262:TV Aichi 246:Tokyo MX 110:Magazine 4480:Aniplus 4421:Sakugan 4186:Current 4108:Related 3905:Radiant 3119:May 15, 2459:July 6, 2133: ( 2122:Unknown 2117:Unknown 2097: ( 2086:Unknown 2081:Unknown 2061: ( 2050:Unknown 2045:Unknown 2025: ( 2014:Unknown 2009:Unknown 1989: ( 1978:Unknown 1973:Unknown 1953: ( 1942:Unknown 1937:Unknown 1917: ( 1906:Unknown 1901:Unknown 1881: ( 1870:Unknown 1865:Unknown 1845: ( 1834:Unknown 1829:Unknown 1809: ( 1798:Unknown 1793:Unknown 1773: ( 1762:Unknown 1757:Unknown 1737: ( 1726:Unknown 1721:Unknown 1683:overall 1652: ( 1610: ( 1596:"Chris" 1572: ( 1534: ( 1492: ( 1452: ( 1414: ( 1376: ( 1338: ( 1300: ( 1262: ( 1224: ( 1176:overall 1053:アーヤ・タワワ 815:ボビー・ボール 611:vision. 145:Volumes 4325:(2023) 4317:(2023) 4309:(2022) 4301:(2022) 4293:(2022) 4285:(2022) 4277:(2022) 4269:(2020) 4261:(2020) 4253:(2020) 4245:(2019) 4237:(2019) 4229:(2019) 4221:(2019) 4213:(2018) 4205:(2017) 4197:(2017) 4180:series 4120:Hinako 4096:(2021) 4088:(2021) 4080:(2018) 4074:(2017) 4050:(2011) 4023:(2020) 4015:(2016) 4007:(2015) 3988:(2024) 3980:(2023) 3972:(2023) 3964:(2022) 3956:(2021) 3948:(2021) 3940:(2020) 3924:(2019) 3916:(2019) 3900:(2018) 3892:(2018) 3884:(2018) 3876:(2017) 3868:(2017) 3860:(2017) 3852:(2017) 3844:(2016) 3836:(2016) 3828:(2016) 3820:(2016) 3812:(2015) 3804:(2015) 3796:(2015) 3788:(2015) 3780:(2014) 3772:(2013) 3764:(2013) 3756:(2011) 3738:Lerche 3726:(2013) 3718:(2013) 3710:(2003) 3691:(2020) 3683:(2010) 3677:(2005) 3658:(2022) 3650:(2016) 3642:(2016) 3626:(2013) 3618:(2010) 3610:(2010) 3604:(2010) 3598:(2009) 3590:(2008) 3582:(2007) 3574:(2007) 3568:(2006) 3560:(2004) 3552:(2004) 3544:(1991) 3519:(2017) 3511:(2010) 3487:(2009) 3479:(2009) 3463:(2007) 3455:(2007) 3439:(2006) 3431:(2006) 3423:(2006) 3415:(2006) 3407:(2005) 3363:(2003) 3355:(2003) 3336:Mirmo! 3331:(2002) 3291:Hibari 1691:season 1634:"Finn" 1184:season 870:Others 791:Tiruto 199:Studio 127:Shōnen 4020:Given 3996:Films 3921:Given 3681:Junod 3666:Films 3542:Izumo 3384:Major 2260:Notes 2151:manga 2145:Print 1114:anime 1096:Anime 1091:Media 1078:Chloe 1045:card. 854:Burst 840:Zenon 581:shape 351:poker 343:anime 335:manga 95:Ebimo 72:Manga 3212:2022 3180:2024 3153:2023 3121:2024 3090:2024 3055:2023 3019:2023 2983:2024 2950:2023 2916:2023 2885:2023 2852:2023 2819:2022 2750:2022 2714:2024 2683:2022 2647:2022 2609:2023 2573:2022 2535:2022 2497:2022 2461:2022 2423:2022 2379:2023 2348:2023 2317:2022 1129:AT-X 960:bar. 785:ティルト 780:Tilt 521:own. 374:Plot 250:BS11 242:AT-X 2180:No. 2127:TBA 2091:TBA 2055:TBA 2019:TBA 1983:TBA 1947:TBA 1911:TBA 1875:TBA 1839:TBA 1803:TBA 1767:TBA 1731:TBA 1687:No. 1680:No. 1180:No. 1173:No. 1147:白昼夢 285:24 258:SUN 221:SEA 4456:: 3196:. 3143:. 3111:. 3107:. 3080:. 3063:^ 3027:^ 2991:^ 2973:. 2967:. 2940:. 2936:. 2924:^ 2906:. 2902:. 2875:. 2869:. 2842:. 2836:. 2809:. 2803:. 2784:. 2766:. 2740:. 2734:. 2722:^ 2704:. 2700:. 2673:. 2667:. 2655:^ 2637:. 2631:. 2617:^ 2599:. 2595:. 2581:^ 2563:. 2557:. 2543:^ 2525:. 2519:. 2505:^ 2487:. 2481:. 2469:^ 2451:. 2445:. 2431:^ 2413:. 2407:. 2387:^ 2369:. 2365:. 2338:. 2334:. 2268:^ 2237:A 2149:A 2110:12 2107:24 2074:11 2071:23 2038:10 2035:22 1999:21 1963:20 1927:19 1891:18 1855:17 1819:16 1783:15 1747:14 1711:13 1689:in 1631:12 1628:12 1593:11 1590:11 1555:10 1552:10 1182:in 1150:, 1056:, 1026:, 1000:, 971:, 941:, 912:, 883:, 818:, 788:, 755:, 718:, 688:, 659:, 622:, 592:, 562:, 532:, 502:, 472:, 442:, 412:, 274:– 260:, 256:, 252:, 248:, 244:, 4168:e 4161:t 4154:v 3387:( 3276:e 3269:t 3262:v 3214:. 3182:. 3155:. 3123:. 3092:. 3057:. 3021:. 2985:. 2952:. 2918:. 2887:. 2854:. 2821:. 2752:. 2716:. 2685:. 2649:. 2611:. 2575:. 2537:. 2499:. 2463:. 2425:. 2381:. 2350:. 2319:. 2218:3 2205:2 2192:1 2137:) 2101:) 2065:) 2029:) 2002:9 1993:) 1966:8 1957:) 1930:7 1921:) 1894:6 1885:) 1858:5 1849:) 1822:4 1813:) 1786:3 1777:) 1750:2 1741:) 1714:1 1656:) 1614:) 1576:) 1538:) 1513:9 1510:9 1496:) 1473:8 1470:8 1456:) 1435:7 1432:7 1418:) 1397:6 1394:6 1380:) 1359:5 1356:5 1342:) 1321:4 1318:4 1304:) 1283:3 1280:3 1266:) 1245:2 1242:2 1228:) 1207:1 1204:1 1156:) 1144:( 1062:) 1050:( 1032:) 1020:( 1006:) 994:( 977:) 965:( 947:) 935:( 918:) 906:( 889:) 877:( 824:) 812:( 794:) 782:( 761:) 749:( 724:) 712:( 694:) 682:( 665:) 653:( 628:) 616:( 598:) 586:( 568:) 556:( 538:) 526:( 508:) 496:( 478:) 466:( 448:) 436:( 418:) 406:( 291:) 287:( 223:: 148:2 23:.


High card

Homura Kawamoto
TMS Entertainment
Square Enix
Manga Up!
Ryo Takahashi
Studio Hibari
Plus Media Networks Asia
Tokyo MX
KBS Kyoto
TV Aichi
List of episodes
Anime and manga portal
all caps
multimedia franchise
Homura Kawamoto
TMS Entertainment
drama CDs
Studio Hibari

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