
Honor Bound series

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birth. The loss of his daughter leads him to pull legal and administrative strings to have Frade barred from entering the US to reclaim Cletus. His son James, and James' wife, Martha, then raise Cletus as their own alongside their two daughters. He is an acquaintance of Colonel Graham, and therefore becomes at least partially aware of Cletus's OSS operations from the beginning — in fact, Cletus and Pelosi's first covers in Argentina are as Howell Petroleum employees. Despite his deep distrust and outspoken hatred of "all things Argentine", as Cletus puts it, he begrudgingly changes course and accepts Dorotea into the family when Cletus informs him that he is to be a grandfather. He appears a product of a certain generation, with subtly racial overtones to his opinions (noticeable when he refers to Ettinger as "the Jew").
1048:, Pelosi signed up for the OSS when it became clear to him that engineer work in the Army did not match up to his previous experience in civilian life as a salvage and demolitions contractor. He is selected to join Cletus Frade's team for his explosives knowledge, as one possible way to sink a suspected German submarine replenishment ship. The Navy and OSS instructors assigned to teach him military explosives are amazed at his skill in the subject matter. However, he instead ends up constructing incendiary devices so that an American submarine can locate and sink the ship at night. He is subsequently reassigned as an attache to the embassy in Buenos Aires, while covertly continuing to serve on Cletus's OSS team. He becomes involved with an 207:
out that the money is part of Operation Phoenix, the plan to hide high-ranking Nazis in South America should the Third Reich fall. He also finds out that several officers with access to the "special fund" are using it for personal gain instead, which further revolts him. He decides to reveal to Cletus Frade where a shipment of money is being landed from the new replenishment ship; Cletus dispatches one of the new OSS team's men with a camera to document the landing, and sends Enrico RodrĂ­guez and another retired cavalry sergeant to guard him. However, Enrico recognizes the Germans who ordered the death of el Coronel Frade and his sister on the beach and shoots them both dead, intentionally barely missing Peter von Wachtstein.
point becomes moot when she becomes pregnant and Cletus Frade marries her. She quickly assumes not only the duties and responsibilities of the wife of a highly wealthy socialite and businessman, but also becomes extremely involved in Cletus's work as an OSS agent. She is portrayed as a beautiful woman but is as tough and profane as any man. She is also as well armed with it being mentioned by Cletus that she carries a revolver in her purse. Her intimate knowledge of OSS operations in Argentina concerns Cletus, as well as Colonel Graham and General Donovan at the OSS, but they all agree that she is a more than capable asset to the operation. In
entering the U.S. by Cletus' grandfather. Frade insists that Cletus move out of the MallĂ­n home and into his guest house. Coincidentally, Capitan Duarte's mother, Beatrice, has already sent Peter von Wachtstein to stay there. An awkward moment between two opposing officers turns into a truce, as they find they have more in common with each other than anyone else in Buenos Aires, and they become fast friends. Later, when Cletus's assassination is ordered, Peter warns him, and Cletus is able to defend himself and kill his attackers, but not before they kill the long-time housekeeper, Enrico RodrĂ­guez's sister.
1002:, the elite cavalry formation of the Argentine Army. His complete devotion to el Coronel Frade resulted in him being shot and left for dead during el Coronel Frade's assassination. This, coupled with the death of his sister at the hands of the Germans, has left him deeply committed to killing as many Nazis as he can find, and protecting Cletus and Dorotea, even if it meant his death. He personally avenged his sister and el Coronel Frade when he shot two high-ranking Nazi officers in 960:
purpose in Argentina, but for the most part does not interfere with his operations, since he himself is pro-Allied and anti-German. However, Cletus is acutely aware that if and when MartĂ­n decides that the OSS presence in Argentina does not coincide with the best interests of Argentina, he will take swift action. Frade refers to him as "Cavalry" in OSS communications, but protects his identity. He refers to him as "Jedgar", in reference to
1010:, and is depicted as a well-connected and resourceful old soldier with many friends throughout the Argentine military and the late Coronel Frade's many organizations. In later books he often takes command of ad hoc paramilitary units composed of military veterans who have found employment with the Frade businesses in order to assist Clete and his team in their missions. 609:
officers, and ends up warning Cletus of an attempt on his life. Cletus then assists Peter in moving the Graf's money to Argentine bank accounts. This leads to Peter becoming Cletus's single most valuable source in the German embassy in Argentina, code-named "Galahad". Despite his lineage and heroic service record, he falls under suspicion of being a traitor.
Germany to return to Argentina and marry her. She is not at all displeased to learn that she receives the title "Baroness" following her marriage. She and Dorotea MallĂ­n de Frade are best friends since childhood, which is a convenient way to engineer meetings between Peter and Cletus Frade when necessary. After the assumed death of Peter's father in
to ally themselves with Frade, while not wishing to plunge Argentina into civil war. Von Deitzberg makes moves to acquire the bulk of the illicit funds from ransoming Jews from Germany, but unexpectedly encounters the other officer Gehlen sent to Argentina, who recognizes him and eliminates him. It is strongly hinted that PerĂłn and his paramour,
place him under arrest at which point Cletus kills the commander. The deputy attempts to draw a pistol, whereupon Cletus kills him also. Cletus turns the advancing column over to a man who supports President Rawson and the column return to its home base thus averting a coup d'Ă©tat. The President then deliberates on how best to deal with PerĂłn.
her "El Bitcho", a name that has spread to many of the main characters and their hired staff by the third book. She often appears fascinated with the German officers who visit her estate, and her behavior towards them is sometimes unfavorably compared to that of an animal in heat. Her behavior also sorely tests her mother's patience.
943:(SMIPP), an Argentine petroleum importation firm. His firm represents Howell Petroleum throughout South America and therefore becomes Cletus Frade's host when he first arrives in Argentina under the guise of a Howell Petroleum employee. Cletus's attitude and attention to his daughter, Dorotea, infuriate him. It is revealed in 959:
officer, he finds his duties to be sometimes repugnant and his subordinates at times incompetent. He sides with el Coronel Frade and the military coup, and is promoted to Coronel and retained in service at the BIS following the takeover. He is more or less aware of Cletus Frade's true status and
The political and military situation in Argentina is escalating, as PerĂłn, the German-sympathizing commander of the mountain regiment, and the Germans in the Embassy plan an armed incursion against Cletus Frade, and Coronel Martin, of the Bureau of Internal Security (BIS), and President Rawson choose
Relations between Cletus and his host, Enrico MallĂ­n, are strained, and become even worse when Mallin's daughter, Dorotea, takes an obvious liking to Cletus. Cletus meets his father at long last, and his father is finally able to explain that he did not abandon Cletus willfully; he was prevented from
in Argentine waters. His rekindled relationship with his father assists him in the completion of that mission. When his father is killed by order of the Germans, Cletus inherits his estate and gradually becomes a prominent, powerful member of Argentine society, while still serving covertly as an OSS
Manfred von Deitzberg, who took part in the previous investigations into the mysterious killings, returns to Argentina, in part to locate the Froggers, in part to continue to uncover the traitor or traitors in the Embassy, and finally to continue work on the plan to relocate the Nazi leadership
Peter von Wachtstein reveals to Cletus Frade that Korvettenkapitän Boltitz is now "one of them", and furthermore that Canaris, head of the Abwehr, is confirmed to be unsympathetic to the Nazi cause. Cletus requests that Colonel Graham visit him personally in Argentina to impart this new information,
A young Argentine woman, who when Cletus Frade meets her, is barely nineteen. He privately dubs her the "Virgin Princess", being smitten with her upon first sight, which feeling is entirely reciprocal. Her father, Enrico MallĂ­n, is highly protective of her and fiercely opposes the relationship; the
Owner and chairman of the board of Howell Petroleum, namesake to his grandson, and a key figure in Cletus Frade's life prior to his joining the Marine Corps and the OSS. A tall, thin, sharp-featured septuagenarian, he blames el Coronel Frade for the death of his daughter subsequent to Cletus's
colonel in the Marine Corps who in civilian life is a railroad and shipping magnate, and currently serves as the Assistant Director for Western Hemisphere Operations of the OSS. He is torn between admiration of and frustration with Frade, who he recognizes both as an irreplaceable asset and a loose
and the OSS, tilts him towards the Americans. He substantially aids his son in his mission to sink a German submarine replenishment ship, for which he is targeted for assassination by the Germans. His death has the unintended effect of turning much of the Argentine officer corps against the Germans
in Argentina. While in Buenos Aires, his investigations lead to the discovery of a ransom scheme where Jews living outside Germany can pay for their relatives to be released from concentration camps and emigrated to Argentina. This investigation, codenamed "Lindbergh" by the OSS, becomes a priority
to investigate the shooting of German Embassy officials and to uncover the traitor in the Buenos Aires embassy. He returns later under cover to personally oversee the preparation of safe havens for Nazi leaders in Argentina. While performing these missions, he makes moves to take sole possession of
From this moment on, Peter's duty as an officer and gentleman who is honor-bound to serve Germany, and not the Nazi regime, continually collides with the reality of operating under constant Nazi control and scrutiny. He meets and befriends Cletus Frade in Argentina, despite their status as opposing
Frade started his own private airline in Argentina known as South American Airways. This airline is actually an OSS front allowing Colonel Frade the ability to transport agents and other people and goods around the world without attracting attention as well as allowing him to employ former soldiers
led both Argentine mountain troops and undercover Nazi operatives to the estancia to kill the Froggers. This, coupled with other evidence, leads Cletus Frade to confront PerĂłn and threaten to out him in front of the rest of the Argentine officer corps should the Nazis take any action against him or
Peter von Wachtstein stumbles upon the ransoming operation from his end and is definitely able to confirm to Cletus and the OSS that it exists. Ettinger decides to investigate further and is assassinated, making von Wachtstein the only source of information on the ransoming scheme. Peter finds
Several times during the series, when Graham, Donovan, or other people are considering taking disciplinary action against Cletus, they are at least mindful of the fact that Mr. Howell is a very prominent businessman, with senators, newspaper owners, and other important people in his social circle,
Sister of Alicia Carzino-Cormano de von Wachtstein, and Claudia Carzino-Cormano's older daughter. She was affianced to Capitan Jorge Alejandro Duarte, and chose to cast herself as a grieving almost-widow after his death. Her icy reception of Cletus Frade during their initial meeting led him to dub
A widow who owns Estancia Santa Catalina, the large estate adjacent to that of el Coronel Jorge Guillermo Frade. After the death of their respective spouses, Claudia and el Coronel become lovers and in fact are married in all but name. Cletus Frade finds out later that this is because if
to locate his father's remains and locate his remaining family. Despite what appear to be monumental odds of him surviving this ordeal, he does, and is able to return to Argentina, Alicia, and his new child. Based on eyewitness reports of his father's execution, he ascends to the title of Graf von
Cletus's father, el Coronel Jorge Guillermo Frade, fell in love with the daughter of oil magnate Cletus Marcus Howell on a trip to the United States, and married her. Their one child, Cletus Howell Frade, was born following a difficult pregnancy. Against doctor's orders, she became pregnant again,
As the situation intensifies, Dorotea gives birth to a healthy boy, just as Cletus prepares to accompany President Rawson to confront the commander of the mountain regiment, who is leading his unit towards the estancia. The commander and his deputies, when confronted by President Rawson attempt to
Daughter of Claudia Carzino-Cormano, and Peter von Wachtstein's lover (and later wife). She is smitten with Peter at first sight, but his involvement in the war and the specific dangers that he faces terrify her. When she becomes pregnant as the result of a tryst, Peter is recalled from a trip to
Peter von Wachtstein, still under suspicion of being a double agent, is recruited to assist in the landing of yet another shipment of money for Operation Phoenix. Although he is carefully watched during the entire operation and cannot slip away to notify Cletus, he does make note of the fact that
Senior diplomat in the German Embassy in Buenos Aires, and secretly a family friend and ally of the von Wachtsteins. His authority is a great help in deflecting some of the suspicion that falls on Peter von Wachstein, and he helps von Wachtstein smuggle and hide family money into
Special Agent In Charge in Argentina. A middle-aged man who has the appearance of a banker or lawyer, Milton is in fact a highly skilled intelligence operative. Despite the turf war between the OSS and FBI in the Western Hemisphere, he and Cletus Frade often find themselves comparing notes and
himself"), and is an unabashed ladies' man. When he is selected to escort to Argentina the remains of the late Capitan Jorge Alejandro Duarte (who happens to be Cletus Frade's cousin), his father confides in him that the only hope for the German aristocracy to survive postwar is to assassinate
for his airline, and flies one to Portugal, where he picks up two of Gehlen's officers disguised as clergy and returns with them and their families to Argentina. Only later does he realize that one is a Nazi true believer, who Gehlen sent to Argentina to distance him from Operation Valkyrie.
249:, reveals to him that he knows he is the traitor, and directs him to commit suicide by crashing his plane, thereby sparing his father suspicion and possibly death. However, when it is revealed to Boltitz by Ambassador von Lutzenberg that he and Peter share the confidence of Vice Admiral 139:
Cletus and his team are able to identify the replenishment ship, but they realize that there is no way to accomplish their mission without getting killed — the ship is obviously well-armed. When the local OSS station chief accuses him of cowardice, it is only the arrival of the destroyer USS
Father of the late Capitan Jorge Alejandro Duarte, whose remains Peter von Wachtstein escorted home from Europe. He is married to Beatrice Frade de Duarte, el Coronel Frade's sister, who after the death of her son has gone slightly mad and is detached from reality due to her
661:. His team consists of First Lieutenant (later Captain) Madison R. Sawyer III ("Polo"), Technical Sergeant (later Master Sergeant) Jerry Ferris, Staff Sergeant (later Technical Sergeant) Jerry O'Sullivan, and Sergeant (later Staff Sergeant) Sigfried Stein. Their mission is to observe 1127:— head of the OSS, and Graham's boss. He is at turns delighted and frustrated by Cletus Frade's operations in Argentina, as well as how Graham directs those operations, and is under increasing pressure from the president to identify "Galahad", which Frade and Graham refuse to do. 492:, and will be taking a much more aggressive stance towards the Soviets than his predecessor. Clete is given presidential direction to continue the Gehlen smuggling operation in Argentina without assistance until the CIA is fully formed and able to assume guidance of him. 287:, which has a near monopoly on South American air travel. He nevertheless is able to form the airline in relatively short order, but staffs it with Argentine pilots and staff under pressure from the Argentine government, which makes it unlikely to be usable by the OSS. 533:
killing her; Mr. Howell blamed el Coronel Frade for her death and engineered his expulsion from the United States. Cletus was raised by his uncle and aunt, Jim and Martha Howell, on their ranch in Texas, never again meeting his father until his recruitment in the OSS.
1028:)., quite difficult to fool, and usually has a piece or two of sage advice to keep Cletus out of harm's way, and in fact is a highly skilled and experienced combat soldier. His presence near Cletus is a near given; many times he has pointed out that anyone who did 700:. Originally sent to assist in the investigation of a traitor in the German Embassy in Buenos Aires, he realizes that his loyalties do not lie with the Nazi regime and allies himself with Peter von Wachtstein after he discovers that he is a double agent. In 436:
on May 7, 1945. The status quo of many of the characters has changed drastically from the last novel. Cletus has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and has a second son, Cletus Junior; Peter von Wachtstein's father is presumed dead following the failure of the
As often happens with Griffin's many series written over long periods of time, MartĂ­n's first name is subject to a continuity error: it was originally Alejandro Bernando MartĂ­n, but alternated between Alejandro and Bernardo over the course of the series.
785:, this is retconned to suggest he was transferred for misconduct). He became involved in the illicit ransoming of Jews to escape Germany, and the diversion of those funds for personal use. He is seconded back to the Wehrmacht in the uniform of a 156:
at nighttime using incendiary devices dropped from a plane (which Cletus is flying, and from which Pelosi is dropping the incendiaries). This allows a hidden American submarine to enter the bay and destroy the replenishment ship, as well as the
his father had married Claudia, the right of inheritance would go to her rather than to him. Despite this, she and Cletus have a very strong friendship, at times appearing like mother and son. She has two daughters, Alicia and Isabela.
1133:- One of the two direct reports to Donovan in the OSS (the other is Graham). Dulles is equally as supportive to Frade as Graham is, and in later books becomes a mentor to him and assists him with European connections to his missions. 644:. In Germany, nobility and titles (except for most reigning titles) were always inherited equally by all legitimate descendants of a nobleman. Hence Peter would always have been a Graf (Count) rather than a Freiherr (Baron)). 1076:
into the OSS when his radio skills are required to complete the sinking of the replenishment ship. He ends up left ashore in Argentina when his ship sails. To hide in plain sight, he affects the garb and mannerisms of a
secret from Donovan or the President for fear of compromise to the Soviets, despite the fact that they all are outside the chain of command and risking their careers (in what could be potentially called treason).
following a military coup that he is planning. He is the father of Cletus Howell Frade, but has not seen him since shortly after his birth. He owns several estancias, large ranches, in Argentina and neighboring
in order to claim his inheritance. When he does return to Argentina and begin to make preparations for his father's funeral, he discovers that as a result of one of their very few trysts, Dorotea is pregnant.
The German commercial attache to the Buenos Aires embassy, Wilhelm Frogger, and his wife desert their post when ordered back to Germany. They pass into Cletus Frade's control, and he smuggles them to a small
for Frade's team, and is confirmed by von Wachtstein. Ettinger is assassinated by order of the Germans when he disobeys Frade's orders and leaves the safety of the estancia to investigate further.
1106:— Perón is introduced as el Coronel Frade's best friend; however, Cletus Frade dislikes him, both because he sympathizes with Nazi Germany, and for his proclivity for young girls. His portrayal in the 931:
she effectively operates as Cletus's second-in-command, even copiloting his aircraft. She gives birth to his son, Jorge Howell Frade, near the end of the fifth novel. Her OSS codename is "Cowgirl".
342:, as the Argentine mountain troops assault Cletus Frade's mountain estancia in Tandil and Cletus confronts PerĂłn. Immediately following this, another unsuccessful attempt is made on Cletus's life. 464:
seems determined to uncover the Gehlen personnel that Clete has been smuggling out of Europe via his airline, potentially compromising all the intelligence they have so far provided concerning
operative. He also meets and marries Dorotea MallĂ­n, the daughter of one of his grandfather's business associates in Argentina, and in the fifth novel of the series, fathers a child with her.
390:, and is willing to share it with the Americans in exchange for American assistance in relocating his men and their families to Argentina, in the same way the Nazi party leadership envisions. 318:
Later, when the mountain estancia is attacked and it seems the Froggers were killed, Enrico RodrĂ­guez reveals that he spirited them away safely. He also provides photographic evidence that
cannon. In most appearances during the series, he is either defending Frade to Wild Bill Donovan or trying to rein him in, sometimes with harsh verbal haranguing. He identifies himself as
status will very probably lead to his execution. In the two subsequent novels he is treated more as a supporting character, as the series focuses more closely on Cletus. He resurfaces in
to eliminate Adolf Hitler. Peter is ordered back to Argentina when it becomes apparent that he has gotten Alicia Carzina-Cormano pregnant. When Peter returns, one of the investigators,
are ransoming Jews in concentration camps, accepting bribe money from their overseas families for their safe passage out of Germany. The OSS orders the team to verify this information.
Forces are set into motion to assume control of the OSS, and specifically Clete's operations, and Clete himself is cornered into returning to the US and appears to be headed for
in the German embassy. Peter is among those singled out for suspicion and is ordered back to Germany. While in Germany, he is reunited with his father and with his old friend
and speaks Spanish fluently. He is by his own admission not a brave man, and abhors the thought of parachuting behind the lines or infiltrating Argentina by rubber boat.
medications. He is also the managing director of the Anglo-Argentine Bank, which proves invaluable to both Cletus and Peter in the pursuit of several of their missions.
74:, a German replenishment ship posing as a neutral freighter; he will also try to reestablish contact with his estranged father, who is among the most powerful men in 657:
Then Captain Ashton (codename "Snoopy", and later "Bacardi") is in command of a second OSS team which Cletus Frade infiltrates into Argentina during the events of
1156:, Rawson remains President. While in reality Rawson only served for a period of days before Ramírez replaced him, in these books he remains President for months. 1162:— Cletus Frade meets the future First Lady and later inadvertently introduces her to her future husband, el Coronel Juan Domingo Perón, during the events of 1081:, hundreds of which work and live on Cletus Frade's estancia. However, he is frightened of horses, instead choosing to ride in one of the estate's ancient 1194:, the German military Intelligence service. The series gradually begins to reveal Canaris' (historically accurate) opposition to the Nazi regime; by 192:(Outline Blue), the planned military coup against the Castillo government. They contact Cletus and are relieved when he willingly passes it to them. 841:, as well as interests in vineyards, radio stations, and various other enterprises. He is at first sympathetic to the Germans, having attended the 1176:— The movie mogul and famous aviation pioneer is revealed to be not only a close family friend of Cletus Frade, but also working with the OSS, in 955:
Head of the Ethical Standards Office of the Bureau of Internal Security (BIS), Argentina's intelligence and counterintelligence service. A former
Meanwhile, the officers allied with el Coronel Frade are panicked, for among the belongings passing to Cletus Frade is the operations order for
Cletus finds himself tasked with two difficult missions — infiltrate a second OSS team and their radar set from Brazil; and fly an airplane (a
283:. Donovan hopes the assets of the airline will be available for OSS use; Cletus Frade suspects the President is trying to put pressure on 108:
pilot, is selected to escort the remains of the late Capitan Jorge Alejandro Duarte back to Argentina. A neutral observer attached to the
176:, Cletus Frade is contacted by Colonel Graham and informed that his father has been assassinated. Instead of returning to Argentina as a 819:, and a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany. He is attached to Cletus Frade's OSS team as a radioman, but also for his ties to the growing 59: 457:
warns Clete and his men that the OSS is on borrowed time and might be disestablished at any moment. Equally troubling is that current
and the fall of Nazi Germany. He accompanies Clete to Germany on a subsequent mission and insists on infiltrating into Soviet-held
300: 308: 1290: 458: 299:
lieutenant colonel, may have information on the plot to eliminate Hitler. Cletus travels to the States (under guise of acquiring
Cletus Frade and Dorotea MallĂ­n are married, and it turns into a grand affair that encompasses most of Argentine upper society.
by Colonel Graham. His mission is twofold; posing as an employee of Howell Petroleum, he and his team will attempt to sink the
A powerful Argentine landowner, prominent former military officer, and businessman who is clearly in line to become the next
While Enrico appears to be slow and sleepy to the uninformed observer, he is usually heavily armed (usually with his prized
1152:— a sharp eye will catch references to "President Ramírez" instead of "President Rawson". However, in the following book, 1305: 1170:
she appears as a now-steady romantic interest of PerĂłn, and assists in the appropriation of ill-gotten gains from the SS.
593: 145: 229:
The Nazi regime decides to investigate the killings of their operatives in Argentina; it seems possible that there is a
867: 1226: 1300: 980:
Lifelong friend and servant of el Coronel Jorge Guillermo Frade, and after his death, of Cletus Frade. He joined the
The German Embassy in Buenos Aires is still reeling from the implications of the defection of the Froggers. A senior
1180:. His familiarity with Cletus Frade is retconned back to the first meeting between Cletus and Graham (as related in 1310: 820: 355: 128:. To this end he sends considerable amounts of money with Peter as he escorts the casket to Argentina. Peter meets 90: 1264: 1141: 851: 401:
after the German commercial attache's wife becomes mentally unstable and violent. He then takes delivery of three
211: 901: 303:
for himself and his pilots) and is key in getting Oberstleutnant Frogger to cooperate with his American captors.
30:, whose latest three volumes were co-authored with his son, William E. Butterworth IV. It takes place mostly in 1198:
it is known to most of the key characters that he is one of what Cletus Frade calls the "Good Germans", and in
637: 536:
Cletus is placed in charge of an OSS team, whose mission in Argentina is to destroy a ship replenishing German
433: 1110:
series is undoubtedly influenced by Griffin's own political beliefs, and those of his Argentine father-in-law.
1325: 1320: 1315: 1295: 526: 280: 109: 67: 489: 38:
as the war escalates. Griffin based the books on historical events and his own experiences in Argentina.
1090: 589: 284: 181: 769:, head of the SS. Von Deitzberg's family fell from aristocratic privilege following reparations after 947:
that he keeps a mistress, Maria-Teresa Alberghoni, who becomes involved with Lieutenant Tony Pelosi.
816: 842: 553: 546: 1120:
Adolf Hitler; in the series, he turns out to be close friends of the von Wachtstein family.
appear to be assisting the Nazis who deliver the shipment. He relates this to Cletus afterward.
1124: 1113: 1045: 833: 402: 370: 234: 83: 1145: 1052:
girl, who turns out to be Enrico Mallin's mistress; she ends up marrying him sometime between
1285: 450: 279:
would like Cletus to set up a civilian airline in Argentina, using surplus aircraft from the
272: 850:(with the conspicuous exception of Coronel Juan Domingo PerĂłn), and accelerates the planned 665:
by radar to detect German replenishment ships or submarines. Ashton is later exfiltrated to
377:, Graham's OSS counterpart in Europe, meet with Canaris' deputy, who offers the services of 124:, reveals that he is one of a group of officers that is duty-bound to pursue the removal of 1025: 1018: 518: 461: 144:
and the intervention of Colonel Graham that save the mission. The OSS team is augmented by
121: 488:. However, President Truman reveals to Clete that he has decided to revive the OSS as the 66:
tour. However, when he reaches the United States, he is approached and recruited into the
8: 879:
as one of two OSS officers to whom Donovan would potentially pass leadership of the OSS.
477: 1144:
of the Argentine government. His resignation and the subsequent transition to President
due to the fact that his estranged father is one of the most powerful men in Argentina.
242: 1203: 1049: 1041: 1014: 812: 374: 359: 276: 238: 706: 662: 214:
proceeds as planned (however accelerated due to el Coronel Frade's death) and General
985: 577: 557: 473: 196: 845:
while in the service, but his reunion with his son, who is a serving officer in the
Oscar Schultz, the ship's chief radioman, who deliberately misses the boat when the
79: 790:
the illicit ransoming funds, but is eliminated. It is strongly hinted that Coronel
766: 398: 27: 900:
Ostensibly a legal attache to the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, he is in fact the
and probably would bring his considerable influence to bear in protecting Cletus.
350: 1230: 1187: 961: 906: 905:
sharing information. He is referred to by Cletus Frade in OSS communications as "
846: 719: 697: 677: 641: 525:
tour. However, he is approached by Colonel Alejandro Fredrico Graham to join the
446: 442: 383: 363: 250: 117: 113: 811:
Codenamed "Sarnoff", Dave Ettinger is a former counterintelligence agent in the
86:. His team members are Tony Pelosi (demolitions) and David Ettinger (radioman). 993: 981: 855: 726:
it is revealed that he is in a serious relationship with Clete's sister, Beth.
379: 312: 218:
becomes the new President of Argentina, with no small help from Cletus Frade.
in uniform, he will assume the cover story of having been discharged from the
against the rules of neutral observation and was shot down. Peter's father, a
1279: 1173: 1137: 778: 573: 485: 346: 326: 215: 177: 791: 612:
Peter falls in love with and marries Alicia Carzino-Cormano near the end of
421: 319: 129: 1223: 1130: 1117: 786: 704:
he is reassigned as the naval attache in Buenos Aires, with a promotion to
670: 625: 617: 602: 495: 469: 465: 454: 438: 387: 296: 230: 125: 98: 94: 23: 988:, and later retired with him, after serving as the commanding officer and 411: 358:. Meanwhile, back in Europe, the plan to eliminate Hitler (referred to as 259: 1159: 770: 173: 161:
alongside her. Cletus and Pelosi are shot down but are promptly rescued.
55: 1103: 858:. After his death, his estate is inherited completely by Cletus Frade. 563: 514: 35: 1032:
see him at Cletus's side might presume that some treachery was afoot.
1006:, led the counterattack against a raiding party of SS troops in 774: 629: 588:) Karl-Friedrich von Wachtstein, who serves on the staff of the 569: 105: 75: 58:
and crashlands. After he recovers, he learns he has been awarded the
31: 773:; consequently, he sought rapid promotion by transferring from the 636:(Hans-Peter's title is a case of the authors confusing the British 522: 394: 292: 63: 1148:
within the timespan of the books is only referred to obliquely in
Cletus Frade's immediate superior in the OSS, codename "Aggie", a
1082: 1021: 956: 912: 838: 78:
and is the architect of the impending military coup to overthrow
Originally a Chief Petty Officer, Chief Radioman aboard the USS
760: 1191: 1078: 998: 872: 794:
assumes possession of a great deal of this money subsequently.
711: 693: 689: 669:
and returns officially as a military attache to the embassy in
666: 537: 362:), secretly picks up speed, even as the Nazis plan and execute 246: 200: 158: 132:, who introduces him to the Duartes and their extended family. 975: 1096: 585: 581: 964:
when he is not quoting him as an intelligence source (as of
Despite his very American-sounding name, Ashton is actually
Wachstein, and Alicia becomes the new Grafin (or Countess).
Sociedad Mercantil de ImportaciĂłn de Productos PetrolĂ­feros
729: 624:
as a POW in the US, where he fled after the failure of the
jumps ahead in the narrative timeline to shortly after the
sails. Cletus and his team devise a plan to illuminate the
827: 295:
in the mountains. It turns out that their son, a captured
1259: 739:, she is referred to as "Countess" rather than "Grafin". 508: 414:, come into possession of a large portion of this money. 1246:, dedication and pp 469–470. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2008. 861: 564:
Major Hans-Peter von Wachtstein, Graf von Wachtstein
Cletus Frade is forced to move his operations to an
to Argentina for the use of the rebelling officers.
476:. Dulles, Graham and Clete have agreed to keep the 1184:), when the latter asks Cletus if he knows Hughes. 1035: 1140:— Cletus Frade assists General Rawson during the 1277: 806: 683: 549:submachine guns around presumably for security. 268:which confirms information developed in Europe. 34:, but also deals with internal struggles in the 875:and speaks fluent Spanish. He is identified in 271:Colonel Graham then reveals to Cletus that the 1063: 913:Ambassador Manfred Alois Graf von Lutzenberger 386:, who has been collecting intelligence on the 104:Meanwhile, Hans-Peter von Wachtstein, a young 882: 761:BrigadefĂĽhrer-SS Ritter Manfred von Deitzberg 354:to Argentina in the event of setbacks on the 54:Cletus Frade returns from a flying sortie on 1089:he is given a battlefield commission in the 976:Suboficial Mayor (Retired) Enrico RodrĂ­guez 950: 62:and is being sent home to participate in a 1097:Historical figures appearing in the series 921: 751: 742: 652: 441:, and Peter is himself in US custody as a 797: 710:. In OSS communications his codename is " 164: 1202:he is shown playing a prominent role in 730:Alicia Carzina-Cormano de von Wachtstein 647: 828:Coronel (Retired) Jorge Guillermo Frade 499:(2012) (with William E. Butterworth IV) 425:(2011) (with William E. Butterworth IV) 330:(2009) (with William E. Butterworth IV) 263:(2008) (with William E. Butterworth IV) 172:On leave at his grandfather's house in 1278: 580:and therefore speaks Spanish. He is a 509:Lieutenant Colonel Cletus Howell Frade 221: 199:) that he has never flown before from 1217: 46: 984:to serve as el Coronel Frade's 895: 521:to the States, ostensibly to join a 572:pilot who previously served in the 13: 1260:The official W.E.B Griffin Website 1224:Author Biography at 1116:— architect of the failed plan to 616:, despite his misgivings that his 503: 449:bends to pressure from within the 14: 1337: 1253: 862:Colonel Alejandro Fredrico Graham 934: 594:Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1036:First Lieutenant Anthony Pelosi 854:against the sitting president, 592:. He is also the holder of the 584:, son to Generalleutnant Graf ( 517:pilot who is returned from the 1291:Novels set during World War II 1236: 692:officer who now works for the 364:the rescue of Benito Mussolini 93:refugees living in and around 1: 1269:series page at 1210: 807:Staff Sergeant David Ettinger 684:Korvettenkapitän Karl Boltitz 560:. His OSS codename is "Tex." 1093:and promoted to Lieutenant. 7: 1188:Vizeadmiral Wilhelm Canaris 1125:William "Wild Bill" Donovan 1064:Lieutenant Oscar J. Schultz 909:", after the FBI Director. 714:", later "Johnpaul" (as of 10: 1342: 1306:Novels set in Buenos Aires 883:Cletus Marcus Howell, Esq. 590:Oberkommando der Wehrmacht 285:Pan American-Grace Airways 253:, Peter's life is spared. 60:Distinguished Flying Cross 1017:Shotgun and an Argentine 939:Managing director of the 817:Counterintelligence Corps 765:First Deputy Adjutant to 545:and keep weapons such as 338:overlaps with the end of 237:, who relates to him the 1301:American thriller novels 1044:platoon leader from the 1024:pistol plus a snubnosed 951:Coronel Alejandro MartĂ­n 554:Texas A&M University 472:who have penetrated the 89:Ettinger discovers from 41: 26:thriller book series by 1311:Novels set in Argentina 999:HĂşsares de PuerryrredĂłn 922:Dorotea MallĂ­n de Frade 752:Isabela Carzino-Cormano 743:Claudia Carzino-Cormano 653:Major Maxwell Ashton IV 403:Lockheed Constellations 1233:, accessed 2008-07-05. 1136:General and President 1114:Claus von Stauffenberg 1046:82nd Airborne Division 834:President of Argentina 798:Humberto Valdez Duarte 235:Claus von Stauffenberg 112:, Duarte was flying a 84:President of Argentina 648:Supporting characters 519:Battle of Guadalcanal 301:Air Transport Ratings 1026:Colt Police Positive 245:Karl Boltitz of the 1326:Fiction set in 1944 1321:Fiction set in 1943 1316:Fiction set in 1942 1296:American spy novels 1146:Pedro Pablo RamĂ­rez 718:), in reference to 478:Gehlen Organization 468:, especially their 277:"Wild Bill" Donovan 146:Chief Petty Officer 1229:2008-07-06 at the 1204:Operation Valkryie 1200:The Honor Of Spies 1190:— The head of the 1182:The Honor Of Spies 1168:The Honor Of Spies 1154:The Honor Of Spies 1142:military overthrow 1131:Allen Welsh Dulles 1123:Brigadier General 1104:Juan Domingo PerĂłn 1072:. He is recruited 1015:Remington Model 11 966:The Honor Of Spies 929:The Honor Of Spies 783:The Honor Of Spies 716:The Honor Of Spies 638:system of peerages 459:Treasury Secretary 360:Operation Valkyrie 336:The Honor of Spies 328:The Honor of Spies 1050:Italian-Argentine 896:Milton Liebermann 847:U.S. Marine Corps 737:Victory and Honor 724:Victory and Honor 622:Victory and Honor 578:Spanish Civil War 558:Tulane University 474:Manhattan Project 430:Victory and Honor 423:Victory and Honor 349: operative, 334:The beginning of 197:Lockheed Lodestar 82:, the pro-German 1333: 1247: 1242:Griffin, W.E.B. 1240: 1234: 1221: 1019:Ballester–Molina 990:suboficial mayor 821:Jewish community 767:Heinrich Himmler 497:Empire and Honor 462:Henry Morgenthau 447:President Truman 434:German surrender 399:Mendoza Province 351:BrigadefĂĽhrer-SS 243:Korvettenkapitän 28:W. E. B. Griffin 1341: 1340: 1336: 1335: 1334: 1332: 1331: 1330: 1276: 1275: 1256: 1251: 1250: 1244:Death and Honor 1241: 1237: 1231:Wayback Machine 1222: 1218: 1213: 1196:Death and Honor 1178:Death and Honor 1150:Death and Honor 1099: 1087:Death and Honor 1066: 1058:Death and Honor 1038: 1008:Death and Honor 1004:Blood and Honor 978: 962:J. Edgar Hoover 953: 937: 924: 915: 898: 885: 877:Death and Honor 864: 830: 809: 800: 763: 754: 745: 732: 720:John Paul Jones 707:Kapitän zur See 702:Death and Honor 698:Wilhelm Canaris 686: 663:SamborombĂłn Bay 659:Blood and Honor 655: 650: 566: 552:Frade attended 511: 506: 504:Main characters 501: 443:prisoner of war 427: 384:Reinhard Gehlen 340:Death And Honor 332: 309:mountain troops 265: 261:Death and Honor 251:Wilhelm Canaris 227: 170: 166:Blood and Honor 154:Reine de la Mer 118:Generalleutnant 114:Fieseler Storch 72:Reine de la Mer 52: 44: 12: 11: 5: 1339: 1329: 1328: 1323: 1318: 1313: 1308: 1303: 1298: 1293: 1288: 1274: 1273: 1272: 1271: 1255: 1254:External links 1252: 1249: 1248: 1235: 1215: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1208: 1207: 1185: 1171: 1157: 1134: 1128: 1121: 1111: 1098: 1095: 1065: 1062: 1040:Previously an 1037: 1034: 994:sergeant major 982:Argentine Army 977: 974: 952: 949: 936: 933: 923: 920: 914: 911: 897: 894: 884: 881: 863: 860: 856:Ramon Castillo 829: 826: 808: 805: 799: 796: 762: 759: 753: 750: 744: 741: 731: 728: 685: 682: 654: 651: 649: 646: 565: 562: 510: 507: 505: 502: 500: 494: 426: 420: 380:Oberstleutnant 356:European front 331: 325: 313:Argentine Army 281:Army Air Corps 273:U.S. President 264: 258: 226: 220: 169: 163: 80:RamĂłn Castillo 51: 45: 43: 40: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1338: 1327: 1324: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1312: 1309: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1299: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1283: 1281: 1270: 1268: 1263: 1262: 1261: 1258: 1257: 1245: 1239: 1232: 1228: 1225: 1220: 1216: 1205: 1201: 1197: 1193: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1179: 1175: 1174:Howard Hughes 1172: 1169: 1165: 1161: 1158: 1155: 1151: 1147: 1143: 1139: 1138:Arturo Rawson 1135: 1132: 1129: 1126: 1122: 1119: 1115: 1112: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1100: 1094: 1092: 1091:Naval Reserve 1088: 1084: 1080: 1075: 1071: 1070:Alfred Thomas 1061: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1043: 1033: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1020: 1016: 1011: 1009: 1005: 1001: 1000: 995: 991: 987: 983: 973: 969: 967: 963: 958: 948: 946: 942: 935:Enrico MallĂ­n 932: 930: 919: 910: 908: 903: 893: 889: 880: 878: 874: 869: 859: 857: 853: 852:military coup 848: 844: 840: 835: 825: 822: 818: 814: 804: 795: 793: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 768: 758: 749: 740: 738: 727: 725: 721: 717: 713: 709: 708: 703: 699: 695: 691: 681: 679: 674: 672: 668: 664: 660: 645: 643: 642:German titles 639: 634: 631: 627: 623: 619: 615: 610: 606: 604: 599: 596:("awarded by 595: 591: 587: 583: 579: 575: 574:Condor Legion 571: 561: 559: 555: 550: 548: 542: 539: 534: 530: 528: 524: 520: 516: 498: 493: 491: 487: 486:court-martial 482: 479: 475: 471: 467: 463: 460: 456: 452: 448: 444: 440: 435: 431: 424: 419: 415: 413: 407: 404: 400: 396: 391: 389: 385: 382: 381: 376: 373:, Graham and 372: 367: 365: 361: 357: 352: 348: 343: 341: 337: 329: 324: 321: 316: 314: 310: 304: 302: 298: 294: 288: 286: 282: 278: 274: 269: 262: 257: 254: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 224: 219: 217: 216:Arturo Rawson 213: 212:military coup 208: 204: 202: 198: 193: 191: 186: 183: 179: 178:naval attache 175: 167: 162: 160: 155: 151: 147: 143: 142:Alfred Thomas 137: 133: 131: 127: 123: 122:General Staff 119: 115: 111: 110:Eastern Front 107: 102: 100: 96: 92: 87: 85: 81: 77: 73: 69: 65: 61: 57: 49: 39: 37: 33: 29: 25: 21: 20: 1286:Novel series 1266: 1243: 1238: 1219: 1199: 1195: 1181: 1177: 1167: 1164:Secret Honor 1163: 1153: 1149: 1107: 1086: 1073: 1069: 1067: 1057: 1054:Secret Honor 1053: 1039: 1029: 1012: 1007: 1003: 997: 989: 979: 970: 965: 954: 944: 940: 938: 928: 925: 916: 899: 890: 886: 876: 865: 843:Kriegsschule 831: 810: 801: 787:Generalmajor 782: 764: 755: 746: 736: 733: 723: 715: 705: 701: 687: 675: 671:Buenos Aires 658: 656: 635: 626:20 July plot 621: 618:double agent 614:Secret Honor 613: 611: 607: 603:Adolf Hitler 597: 567: 551: 543: 535: 531: 512: 496: 483: 466:Soviet Union 455:Allen Dulles 451:Joint Chiefs 439:20 July Plot 429: 428: 422: 416: 408: 392: 378: 375:Allen Dulles 368: 344: 339: 335: 333: 327: 323:his family. 317: 305: 297:Afrika Korps 289: 270: 266: 260: 255: 231:double agent 228: 223:Secret Honor 222: 209: 205: 194: 190:Esquema Azul 189: 187: 182:Marine Corps 171: 165: 153: 149: 141: 138: 134: 126:Adolf Hitler 103: 95:Buenos Aires 88: 71: 53: 47: 24:World War II 22:series is a 18: 17: 15: 1267:Honor Bound 1160:Evita PerĂłn 1118:assassinate 1108:Honor Bound 1085:trucks. In 1074:ad hoc 945:Honor Bound 918:Argentina. 771:World War I 576:during the 174:New Orleans 56:Guadalcanal 48:Honor Bound 19:Honor Bound 1280:Categories 1211:References 792:Juan PerĂłn 678:half-Cuban 598:der FĂĽhrer 320:Juan PerĂłn 130:Juan PerĂłn 36:Nazi Party 996:) of the 813:U.S. Army 775:Wehrmacht 688:A former 630:Pomerania 570:Luftwaffe 523:war bonds 445:; and as 311:from the 106:Luftwaffe 97:that the 76:Argentina 64:war bonds 32:Argentina 1227:Archived 1102:Coronel 1042:engineer 568:A young 547:Thompson 513:A young 395:estancia 371:Portugal 293:estancia 1083:Model T 1022:.45 ACP 957:cavalry 873:Tex-Mex 868:reserve 839:Uruguay 777:to the 640:, with 538:U-boats 388:Soviets 120:in the 1192:Abwehr 1079:gaucho 986:batman 907:Hoover 712:Popeye 696:under 694:Abwehr 690:U-boat 667:Brazil 515:Marine 470:agents 247:Abwehr 225:(1999) 201:Brazil 168:(1996) 159:U-boat 150:Thomas 91:Jewish 50:(1993) 1166:. In 722:. In 586:Count 582:baron 412:Evita 99:Nazis 42:Books 1265:The 1056:and 781:(in 556:and 275:and 239:plan 210:The 16:The 1030:not 968:). 902:FBI 815:'s 527:OSS 490:CIA 397:in 369:In 68:OSS 1282:: 1060:. 779:SS 673:. 605:. 453:, 366:. 347:SS 1206:. 992:(


World War II
W. E. B. Griffin
Nazi Party
Distinguished Flying Cross
war bonds
RamĂłn Castillo
President of Argentina
Buenos Aires
Eastern Front
Fieseler Storch
General Staff
Adolf Hitler
Juan PerĂłn
Chief Petty Officer
New Orleans
naval attache
Marine Corps
Lockheed Lodestar
military coup
Arturo Rawson

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
