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discovers Damien's hand sticking out of the ground. She tells Buddy, causing him to drug her and go dig up the body and move it. Ashlee offers Buddy $ 20,000 to convince Alden to marry her right away, so she can have access to his money. Buddy encourages Alden to "surprise" Ashlee by turning their engagement party into a wedding ceremony. Shortly after, Alexa tells Buddy that Kurt is drinking again, and she wants to run away with Buddy to Mexico. Later, Alden's wedding ceremony is in progress when Buddy gets a text from Alexa, saying she's in an airport hangar and in trouble. Buddy arrives and pulls a gun on Kurt. In the ensuing conversation, Buddy learns that Kurt is still sober, and that Alexa concocted the scene to get Buddy to kill Kurt in a justifiable homicide so she can inherit his money. She then shoots and kills Kurt herself. Seeing the dark side of Alexa, Buddy backs off, leaving Alexa to flee alone in her car. As the episode closes, Buddy hears sirens in the distance.
mask, and steal the watch from Alden. Ray has blown up Buddy's car instead of burning the church, and has taken Alexa hostage. Buddy, now having the watch, has to decide if he will save Alexa or Dora. Instead, Buddy gives the watch to Ray to free Alexa, then points Jasmine in the direction of Ray's motel room. Jasmine kills Ray and takes the watch, which saves Dora from her threat. Meanwhile, Jeremy makes a move on Dora, saying he is getting a divorce, but in the heat of their passion, it becomes clear that he is staying with his wife. Dora soon learns that Jeremy was only going to ask her to prom because he lost a bet, forcing him to ask out the geekiest girl in school. Russell's request to take Dora to prom was thus an act of kindness, intended to spare Dora from embarrassment. At the end of the episode, FBI Agent Landecker (
shoes are on the corpse. Figuring Hyde stole both the watch and Damien's boots, Buddy plans to see him, but Jasmine shows up and puts a gun to his head. Jasmine says that she will hurt "the redhead" that lives in Buddy's house if he doesn't come up with the watch, while Ray threatens to burn down the church if Alexa doesn't give him the stolen $ 20,000. Elsewhere, Dora runs into Jeremy, a former high school crush, at a country fair, and he comments on how good she looks. Flashbacks show a nerdy-looking Dora in high school having an obvious crush on Jeremy. She learns that Jeremy would have asked her to prom, but Russell stepped in and asked Dora first. Russell later says that he simply didn't want to go to prom alone, angering Dora.
1526:), which is the same judge that sentenced Austin to juvenile detention. Sheriff Graham tells Buddy she hooked herself up to the same lie detector that he was on, and it worked fine, so she now knows his baseline questions about who he is and where he is from were lies. As her case crosses with Buddy's when he tries to make a phony deal with the judge, Sheriff Graham is eventually told by Landecker that Buddy is a Federal agent, forcing her to back off. Elsewhere, Dora finds a bra in Buddy's bed and doesn't know what to make of it, while Alden proposes to Ashlee immediately after his divorce from Hilva is final. At the end of the episode, Buddy and Alexa are conversing when a man walks in, claiming to be Alexa's husband. 1283:
that he's divorcing Hilva and moving into a small apartment. Thinking Alden is hurting rather than happy, Russell follows him around and tries to comfort him. Just as Dora is considering breaking up with Lovello because they have little in common, she catches him snooping around Buddy's office. Lovello later calls a phone number he found in Buddy's drawer, but Buddy answers it as his FBI agent persona, having anticipated Lovello's snooping. To help Alexa, Buddy goes to the track and bets the $ 5,000 on a horse named Buddy's Prayer. The horse wins and Buddy cashes in $ 22,000, but he is accosted in the parking lot and the money is stolen. Buddy is later approached by the thief, a woman named Jasmine (
behind the incident, and pays Ashlee to get a fake passport made for him. Buddy also inadvertently helps Alden's daughter realize her fiancΓ©e is not right for her, which inspires Alden to tell Hilva about Ashlee. During Buddy's next sermon, Damien shows up in the back of the church. While Russell creates a distraction, Buddy rushes home to collect his passport and some personal items before fleeing the country. He is met at the door by Lovello and Hyde who, acting on information that Barlow's credit card was recently used, place Buddy under arrest.
703:), tries to intervene, but winds up accidentally falling to his own death. Buddy gets in the man's car and decides to assume Jonathan's identity. He finds out the man was on his way to a new job in a small town. When he arrives, Buddy learns Jonathan was not only supposed to be the new pastor at the town's Lutheran church but also was gay. Buddy hopes to keep up the ruse only long enough to empty Jonathan's bank account. However, he is inspired to stay after helping both a local mom and the son of Alden Schmidt, the skeptical church president. 1071:
Barlow's personal items arrives, and Buddy learns from an itemized list that Barlow's passport is in a jacket he has just given to Russell. When Russell says he gave the jacket to a seamstress, Buddy breaks into the old woman's house wearing a mask, which causes concerns in Ladner that a serial rapist is on the loose. Dora is afraid and stays with Buddy that night, but Buddy sneaks out to visit Alexa when he learns that she may have Barlow's passport. The woman sent by Damien breaks into Buddy's home wearing a mask, but only Dora is there.
Alden for slapping him when he really wants to gather evidence on Damien. In the process, he tries to break out of his anklet, which alerts the detectives. Buddy's attempted escape culminates in being caught by Damien and driven to a remote area of the nearby forest, where Damien has already dug Buddy's grave. He tries to distract Damien by throwing dirt in his captor's face but misses, and the episode ends with Damien about to shoot Buddy. Meanwhile, Alden learns the truth about Ashlee but still sees hope for redemption in her.
to convince the bishop that the Ladner faith community still needs Buddy. Meanwhile, Sheriff Rashida Graham, a local deputy, confronts Buddy over possible connections to the death of Ray Florez, whose body was found in the motel room not long after Buddy's car was blown up. The deputy also has video evidence of Florez visiting Alexa's boutique and talking to her in a threatening manner. Alexa confronts Buddy about his true identity, and reveals she is the one who shot Damien.
320:. He hopes to keep up the ruse long enough to make the money necessary to flee Ladner, but he is inspired to stay after helping a mother and rebellious son as well as seeing how the townspeople get along peacefully. Over the series, Buddy tries to keep his true life from converging with his false life as various people from his past, plus two detectives who think he killed the pastor, come to town. 866:
suggests she go to a bar to meet someone. She returns home drunk and ruins the dress. Buddy and Alexa are forced to hide in a motel for a night after Buddy enrages Kenny. Alexa admits she and Kenny robbed a bank 12 years ago and says her real name is Christina Burke. In the morning, they lure Kenny to the motel, where Buddy lies and says he called Kenny's
During pre-election speeches, Alden verbally attacks Dora and she responds by physically attacking him, later losing the election. Sheriff Graham has Buddy take a lie detector test, but the results seem to be backward and it is assumed the machine is broken. Russell asks Buddy to help him with his younger brother's "little brother" Austin (
782:). Unprepared for his first sermon, Buddy improvises with some bits he learned while watching late-night TV evangelists. Alden is not pleased, and calls in the area bishop. Meanwhile, Hyde and Lovello, the detectives working on Buddy's disappearance case, discover through DNA that the faceless body they found in the river is not Buddy's. 1238:
Dora begins dating Lovello. At a church staff meeting, Buddy is sent to convince a wealthy elderly woman, who reminds him of a seemingly scary old lady from his childhood, to donate her estate to the church. She convinces Buddy to make love to her in exchange for the donation, but before he does the deed, Buddy tries to scare the
419:. He hoped Alexa would wait for him and feels betrayed she has not. In "Honor Thy Boyfriend's Mother and Father", he is shot and killed after pulling a gun on Buddy, who hides the body in a local lake. Though Kenny's body is found a week later, Buddy and Alexa convince the town that his death was a suicide. 1404:
Bishop Perkins comes to town with news that he is retiring, and shocks everyone by saying he's considering Buddy to be his successor. Alden is originally against the idea, but changes his tune after making a deal with Perkins to allow him to divorce Hilva without repercussions. Dora tries her hardest
Ray Florez threatens Alexa, giving her 24 hours to come up with the stolen $ 20,000 she owes him. Buddy tries to get Ray to take $ 5,000, which is all Alexa has, in exchange for "a good word with the Man upstairs". Ray throws Buddy over a bridge and into the water below. Alden announces to the group
out of her and she dies of a heart attack. He tries to make a handwritten adjustment to the lady's will so he can get a $ 25,000 personal donation, but the lady's maid trades the forged amendment for another one she made to benefit herself. Meanwhile, Alden makes his feelings known to Ashlee, and she
Buddy is saved when an unknown assailant shoots Damien in the head. Lovello and Hyde arrive, and Buddy convinces them to bury the body with him rather than face the consequences of interfering with an FBI investigation. While Buddy deals with the aftermath and tries to figure out who the shooter was,
Buddy steals a ruby necklace from a woman's casket to pay off a gambling debt and, upon learning the ruby is fake, gifts it to Dora. However, the woman's family recognizes it, and he must return it to the casket by morning. Alden becomes smitten with Ashlee, raising tensions in his stagnant marriage.
as Alden Schmidt, president of Ladner Trinity Lutheran Church who often opposes Buddy's unconventional means of managing the congregation. He finds his marriage to his long-time wife has become "bland" and wishes to pursue a relationship with Ashlee, whom he finds out is a sex worker at the start of
Sheriff Graham connects Ray Florez to Kenny Banderas, upon learning they were cellmates in Massachusetts, and has more questions for Buddy and Alexa. Buddy finally levels with Alexa about who Damien was, and the two conspire to get rid of the gun Alexa used to shoot him. After a close call with the
As a storm brews outside, two thugs show up at the pastor's house and throw Buddy into the trunk of a car. After Buddy prays for help, a tree is blown over and falls on the car, killing the thugs. Alden's suspicions are raised when a cop shows up saying there was a scrap of paper in the crushed car
Buddy has a chance to come clean with Alexa on both his identity and sexuality, but instead says he is confused and needs a little time. The two sleep together again, anyway. Despite Hilva's encouragement to go negative on Alden, Dora wants to run a clean campaign in the church president election.
Jasmine begins torturing Buddy for information on Damien's whereabouts, and reveals that Damien was wearing a $ 50,000 watch. Buddy manages to escape after Jasmine gets a phone call and has to leave. Buddy digs up Damien's body and finds the watch missing, while also noticing that Detective Hyde's
agent who witnessed the suicides of both Jonathan Barlow and his true self, so the skeptical detectives give him 24 hours to find Damien, placing a tracking anklet on him. The church staff becomes more suspicious than ever of Buddy's behavior, but he tells them he wants to file a complaint against
Alexa learns that Buddy visited a strip club. Buddy says he went there to "save souls", but Alexa makes it known that she's available if he is secretly interested in women. Hilva becomes convinced that her husband Alden is having an affair with Dora after seeing him coach Dora in archery. A box of
moves to Ladner. Russell and Alexa try to woo the couple away from a rival church, and arrange a meeting with Buddy at Ladner Trinity. Buddy has to pretend to be the church janitor and manages to talk the couple out of becoming members of his church. Damien, a loan shark who is owed $ 32,000 from
Buddy visits Hyde, who is wearing Damien's boots, but says he used the watch to pay for a prostitute while in Ladner. His description of the prostitute matches Ashlee, so Buddy sees her. Ashlee says she gave the watch to Alden as a gift, forcing Buddy to dress up like a robber, complete with ski
Buddy learns that Dora shot an intruder in his house with an arrow, but the intruder escaped. The woman is shown stopped in her car with the arrow in her chest, only to be shot and killed by Damien. Dora is hailed as a town hero but does not enjoy the attention. Buddy realizes Damien is probably
in Boston who hooked up with hardened criminal Kenny, inadvertently assisting him in a bank robbery twelve years earlier. She got a fresh start by changing her name from Christina Burke, married Kurt, an abusive alcoholic, whom she fled from four years before the series. She moves to Ladner for
Alexa admits to Buddy that she is still married to Kurt, saying he was a violent drunk from whom she ran away. But Kurt says he's been sober for three years and is a changed man. Alexa appears willing to give Kurt another chance, disappointing Buddy. Dora is bird watching in the woods when she
police, Buddy and Alexa start making out. Russell tries to get Buddy more involved in the gay community, organizing a protest that almost exposes Buddy's face and false identity to a Portland TV news audience. Meanwhile, an angry Hilva encourages Dora to run against Alden for church president.
Kenny is upset Alexa did not wait for him while he was imprisoned for 12 years and demands she pay back the money he left behind. Alexa insists she did not take any money. Dora prepares a wedding dress for her ex-fiance's wedding. Because she fears she will never have her dream wedding, Buddy
as Buddy Dobbs, a slacker and gambling addict who faked his own death and is now posing as gay Lutheran pastor Jonathan Barlow to hide from loan sharks. Upon assuming this identity, Buddy asks the citizens of Ladner to informally address him as "Buddy," lying and stating that it is a
surprisingly decides to quit prostitution and pursue a relationship with him. Elsewhere, a mysterious man starts following Alexa, eventually approaching her and identifying himself as Ray Florez (Reynaldo Gallegos), Kenny Banderas' associate who was just released from prison.
him in "Honor Thy Boyfriend's Mother and Father". Despite Russell's fears, his parents ultimately accept the revelation with minimal conflict and express their happiness when Russell pretends he and Buddy are in a monogamous relationship. His name is based on that of actress
Russell to Russell's parents. To help the parents adjust to the revelation, Buddy agrees to have dinner with them, only to learn Russell told them he and Buddy are in a monogamous relationship. Though Russell's parents are happy about the relationship, his father, a retired
31: 1485:) from the Big Brothers program. Buddy gives Austin bad advice, leading the boy to commit vandalism and get sentenced to two years in a juvenile facility. At the end of the episode, Buddy is apprehended by FBI Agent Landecker, with the agent saying, "we know who you are." 434:
Reynaldo Gallegos as Ray Florez, a longtime cellmate of Kenny Banderas. He is released from prison in season 2 and tracks down Alexa for the stolen money. He is shot and killed by Jasmine (after being set up by Buddy) in the season 2 episode "Sins of the Past-or Part
Kenny pulls a gun on Buddy and is shot and killed in the ensuing struggle. Unable to simply leave the body, Buddy dumps Kenny in a local lake. While doing so, Alden spots him from a distance, and Buddy pretends he is performing a baptism. Buddy later inadvertently
as Dora Winston, Buddy's conservative, perpetually cheerful assistant. She hides her feelings, choosing to acquiesce to others, saying of herself, "My face says nothing about my feelings." She admits she is a pushover. Dora and Russell Kerry are former high school
as Kenny Banderas, Alexa's ex-boyfriend described by Alexa as "violent" and "mentally unstable." He and Alexa met in Boston, and the two robbed a bank with Alexa acting as the getaway driver. Kenny was arrested and served twelve years in prison before receiving
as Detectives Lovello and Hyde, two officers investigating Buddy's disappearance and apparent suicide. They are unsuccessful in their dealings with Leeane; Lovello is more interested in flirting, and Hyde is tactless and unskilled as he is an officer through
as Alexa Cummings, the beautiful and highly intelligent treasurer of Trinity Lutheran and owner of a local fashion boutique. She rivals Russell for Buddy's romantic attention. Over the series, is revealed that she was born Christina Burke. She was a teenaged
974:, but struggles to contact her without alerting anyone to his attempt at an affair. The discovery of Kenny's body has Alden suspicious of Buddy. However, Buddy points out to Alden that his presence at the lake at the time of the murder, lack of a strong 499:
then joined the series as Alden Schmidt, the church president who is suspicious of Buddy. Mike Kosinski was the last actor cast in the series regular role of Russell Kerry, the young secretary who is excited about the arrival of a gay pastor.
were cast in the series, with Monroe cast in the role of Alexa Cummings, the gorgeous treasurer who finds herself attracted to Buddy. Garcia was tapped to play the role of LeeAnne, Buddy's bartender ex-girlfriend, that he left behind.
should he go to police. Buddy and Alexa then convince Alden that Kenny committed suicide. Buddy plants Kenny's gun in the lake, Alden anonymously tips the police, and the police reach the same conclusion. Lovello and Hyde, through
An eleven-year-old boy takes a photo of Buddy having sex with Ashlee and uses it to blackmail Buddy into helping him fondle Dora's breasts. Ashlee leaves her phone number on the note Alden wrote to her. Alden buys a
agent, scares Buddy by running a background check on Barlow, forcing Buddy to break up the fake relationship and thus negate the need for the check. When an erotic novel that opens with a vividly-detailed female
as Leeane, a bartender and Buddy's ex-girlfriend. She believes he committed suicide. Though she admits at his memorial service that she loves Buddy, she believes that the pair are still not right for one
Threatened by loan sharks and having been dumped by his girlfriend Leeane, slacker and gambling addict Buddy Dobbs decides to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. A passing motorist, Jonathan Barlow
Mike Kosinski as Russell Kerry, secretary of Ladner Trinity Lutheran Church. He is gay and rivals Alexa for Buddy's romantic attention. His parents are unaware that he is gay until Buddy inadvertently
2320: 2290: 2208: 2181: 2154: 2344: 2265: 2235: 2128: 2103: 2081: 2018: 1992: 1938: 1912: 1885: 2059: 2041: 1965: 1195:
Lovello and Hyde cuff Buddy and lock him in their car, only to be pursued by Damien. After they narrowly escape, Buddy tries to convince the detectives that he is an undercover
2776: 870:. Buddy gives him two choices: stay and get arrested or leave town and outrun the police. Kenny takes a third option and starts fighting Buddy. A single gunshot is heard. 778:
Dora catches Buddy in bed with someone she assumes is a man under the covers, and Buddy lets her believe it, even though it is really a female prostitute, Ashlee (
1615: 2796: 2330: 2298: 2212: 2185: 2158: 2465: 2354: 2275: 2243: 2132: 2107: 511:
for a second season, which premiered on September 28, 2016. On December 13, 2016, one week after the second season ended, TV Land canceled the series.
1713: 1595:
wastes a talented cast on a story that feels like one long, badly written joke straining for controversy without delivering a decent punchline." On
2791: 2786: 1852: 1028:
addiction, but she winds up fueling Buddy's addiction in the process. Alden spends more time with Ashlee. A rich couple from Barlow's previous
2781: 741:
with the pastor's address on it. Later, Buddy learns that Leeane is holding a memorial service for him, and he sneaks in to see who attends.
2821: 822:
Alexa holds her annual charity fashion show and hurts Dora by mistaking her hand-knit ponchos for tablecloths. To Alexa's dismay, Kenny (
2089: 2026: 1996: 1942: 1916: 1889: 2067: 2045: 1969: 2816: 441:
as Jasmine, an associate of Damien's. She locates Buddy shortly after Damien's death, wanting to know what happened to her colleague.
1787: 2806: 1690: 2458: 1739: 1645: 2801: 2477: 1591:
the series has a rating of 33%, based on 18 reviews, with an average rating of 5.5/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "
attached to pen the script and executive produce alongside Eric Tannenbaum and Kim Tannenbaum via The Tannenbaum Company and
as Damien, the loan shark from whom Buddy is trying to hide. He is shot and killed in the season 2 episode "Guardian Angel".
2510: 1668: 486:
was the next actor cast in the series regular role of Dora, a gossip and the assistant to the pastor. Shortly afterwards,
2811: 2748: 2658: 2451: 1764: 2548: 1196: 1172: 677: 468: 269: 51: 364:
another fresh start, where she later murders a man, starts having sex with her pastor, then murders another man.
1805: 1623: 2321:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.30.2016 - Showbuzz Daily" 2345:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 12.7.2016 - Showbuzz Daily" 2266:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.9.2016 - Showbuzz Daily" 1824: 1717: 2520: 2588: 1599:, the series has a score of 49 out of 100, based on 18 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". 1522:
Agent Landecker, assuming Buddy is "deep undercover", asks for his help in collaring a corrupt judge (
2753: 2718: 1862: 922:
scene becomes popular, Alexa learns that Dora has never masturbated. On Alexa's advice, Dora buys a
930:, which Alden inadvertently activates during a book club meeting. Fishermen discover Kenny's body. 1367:) is visiting Hyde's precinct, and Hyde lets it slip that he met Landecker's "friend" in Ladner. 2578: 2490: 472: 202: 2688: 2558: 2291:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.16.2016" 2236:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 11.2.2016" 2129:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.5.2016" 2104:"UPDATED: SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 150 Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 9.28.2016" 276:, who also serves as executive producer alongside Vane, Eric Tannenbaum and Kim Tannenbaum. 2738: 8: 2708: 2668: 360: 178: 1829: 979: 927: 284:. The series was renewed for a second season which began airing on September 28, 2016. 2728: 2429: 2349: 2325: 2270: 2082:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 9.16.2015" 2019:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 8.19.2015" 1993:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 8.12.2015" 1939:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 7.29.2015" 1913:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 7.22.2015" 1886:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 7.15.2015" 482:
first to be cast, in the role of Buddy Dobbs, the gambling, pot-smoking protagonist.
479: 422: 334: 299: 273: 64: 2060:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 9.9.2015" 2042:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 9.2.2015" 1966:"SHOWBUZZDAILY's Top 100 Wednesday Cable Originals (& Network Update): 8.5.2015" 2628: 2608: 2598: 797: 317: 2368: 2434: 1588: 302:), a fugitive and hard-core gambling addict who, in order to hide from a pair of 1587:
has received a range of generally unfavorable to mixed reviews from critics. On
2678: 2568: 2500: 2443: 984: 867: 428: 394: 2770: 2618: 1482: 1364: 672: 487: 444: 355: 307: 156: 105: 74: 2648: 1523: 1167: 1025: 971: 919: 841: 779: 700: 496: 491: 408:
as Ashlee, a sex worker hired by Buddy who later captures Alden's affection
405: 386: 373: 348: 79: 1788:"'The Jim Gaffigan Show' & 'Impastor' Renewed For Season 2 By TV Land" 2538: 2438: 2390: 1669:"'Smallville's' Michael Rosenbaum returning to TV with comedy 'Impastor'" 310: 2423: 507:, which premiered on July 15, 2015. On August 31, 2015, TV Land renewed 2416: 1596: 303: 1714:"Mircea Monroe, Aimee Garcia Join Michael Rosenbaum in TV Land Pilot" 1284: 1258: 945: 923: 823: 438: 411: 287:
On December 13, 2016, TV Land canceled the series after two seasons.
95: 2638: 483: 399: 341: 69: 2474: 1619: 1239: 987:, identify Barlow's body. They still believe the death a suicide. 460: 281: 226: 1287:) who worked with Damien and wants to know what happened to him. 503:
On October 1, 2014, TV Land placed a 10-episode series order on
who was relocating to Ladner, a small-town community outside of
30: 1857: 1029: 909: 416: 368: 313: 265: 41: 975: 2209:"Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.12.2016" 2182:"Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.12.2016" 2155:"Wednesday Cable Originals & Network Finals: 10.12.2016" 1033:
Buddy, sends a mysterious woman on a mission to find him.
914: 1765:"TV Land Picks Up 'Impastor' & 'Teachers' To Series" 1691:"Sara Rue To Co-Star In TV Land Comedy Pilot 'Impastor'" 306:, ends up stealing the identity of a recently deceased 2777:
2010s American LGBTQ-related comedy television series
as Hilva Schmidt, Alden's cold and overbearing wife
530: 2768: 2473: 1531: 1490: 1448: 1410: 1372: 1330: 1292: 1248: 1205: 1157: 1076: 478:Casting announcements began in June 2014, with 450:Saidah Arrika Ekulona as Sheriff Rashida Graham 1759: 1757: 1608: 1038: 992: 935: 875: 831: 787: 746: 708: 662: 2459: 1455:"My Little Brother's Little Brother's Keeper" 454: 2131:. Showbuzz Daily. 2016-10-06. Archived from 2106:. Showbuzz Daily. 2016-09-29. Archived from 1754: 1552: : Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland 2797:American English-language television shows 2466: 2452: 1806:"'Impastor' Season 2 Release Date Updated" 826:), a man from her past, reenters her life. 533: 29: 1666: 1024:Dora asks Buddy to help her overcome her 882:"Honor Thy Boyfriend's Father and Mother" 2282: 1822: 1785: 1740:"Development Update: Thursday, August 7" 1711: 463:placed a cast-contingent pilot order on 2792:2016 American television series endings 2288: 2233: 2206: 2179: 2152: 2039: 1990: 1963: 1936: 1910: 1883: 1646:"Development Update: Tuesday, April 15" 2787:2015 American television series debuts 2769: 1823:Halloway, Daniel (December 13, 2016). 2447: 1850: 1712:Mitovich, Matt Webb (July 23, 2014). 582: 546: 527: 2782:2010s American single-camera sitcoms 2511:Sit Down Comedy with David Steinberg 2289:Metcalf, Mitch (November 17, 2016). 1786:Andreeva, Nellie (August 31, 2015). 978:, and a burner phone may make him a 586: 550: 2234:Metcalf, Mitch (November 3, 2016). 2207:Metcalf, Mitch (October 26, 2016). 2180:Metcalf, Mitch (October 19, 2016). 2153:Metcalf, Mitch (October 13, 2016). 1667:Bucksbaum, Sydney (June 18, 2014). 13: 2822:Religious comedy television series 1991:Metcalf, Mitch (August 12, 2015). 1742:. The Futon Critic. August 7, 2014 1648:. The Futon Critic. April 15, 2014 1503:Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland 1218:Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland 1116: 1051:Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland 759:Alan R. Cohen & Alan Freedland 621: 519: 14: 2833: 2408: 1964:Metcalf, Mitch (August 6, 2015). 1851:Swift, Andy (December 13, 2016). 380: 2817:Television series by CBS Studios 2044:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 2040:Metcalf, Mitch (July 29, 2015). 1995:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 1968:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 1941:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 1937:Metcalf, Mitch (July 29, 2015). 1915:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 1911:Metcalf, Mitch (July 23, 2015). 1888:. Showbuzz Daily. Archived from 1884:Metcalf, Mitch (July 16, 2015). 1825:"'Impastor' Canceled by TV Land" 2383: 2361: 2337: 2313: 2258: 2227: 2211:. ShowBuzzDaily. Archived from 2200: 2184:. ShowBuzzDaily. Archived from 2173: 2157:. ShowBuzzDaily. Archived from 2146: 2121: 2096: 2074: 2052: 2033: 2011: 1984: 1957: 1930: 1904: 1877: 1853:"Impastor Cancelled at TV Land" 1844: 1816: 1767:. October 1, 2014 1164:"The Devil Went Down to Ladner" 999:"Bingo Tell It on the Mountain" 942:"The Body of Kenny Compels You" 280:premiered on July 15, 2015, on 2807:Television shows set in Oregon 1798: 1779: 1732: 1705: 1683: 1660: 1638: 1131: 1124: 636: 629: 131: 120: 1: 1602: 2802:TV Land original programming 2391:"Impastor: Season 1 reviews" 1693:. July 2, 2014 1616:"Impastor: The Wrong Pastor" 1579: 1337:"Sins of the Past-or Part 2" 1299:"Sins of the Past-or Part 1" 1177:September 28, 2016 1092:September 16, 2015 597:September 28, 2016 571:September 16, 2015 328: 199:TV Land Original Productions 7: 1506:November 30, 2016 1464:November 16, 2016 1054:September 9, 2015 1008:September 2, 2015 514: 393:Matthew Kevin Anderson and 10: 2838: 2812:Fiction about Christianity 2530:TV Land: Myths and Legends 1555:December 7, 2016 1426:November 9, 2016 1388:November 2, 2016 1346:October 26, 2016 1308:October 19, 2016 1266:October 12, 2016 607:December 7, 2016 455:Development and production 447:as Federal Agent Landecker 2484: 1569: 1547: : Christopher Vane 1537: 1520: 1496: 1478: 1454: 1440: 1416: 1402: 1378: 1360: 1336: 1322: 1298: 1280: 1254: 1235: 1221:October 5, 2016 1211: 1193: 1163: 1150: 1147: 1144: 1141: 1138: 1130: 1123: 1106: 1082: 1068: 1044: 1022: 998: 967: 953:August 26, 2015 941: 905: 891:August 19, 2015 881: 863: 849:August 12, 2015 837: 819: 793: 776: 752: 738: 714: 696: 668: 655: 652: 649: 646: 643: 635: 628: 596: 593: 560: 557: 541: 538: 232: 222: 217: 192: 184: 174: 146: 141: 130: 119: 111: 101: 91: 57: 47: 37: 28: 21: 1716:. TVLine. Archived from 805:August 5, 2015 762:July 29, 2015 724:July 22, 2015 682:July 15, 2015 561:July 15, 2015 323: 290: 2752:(2020, simulcast with 2589:How'd You Get So Rich? 794:"Thou Shalt Not Steal" 473:CBS Television Studios 207:The Tannenbaum Company 203:CBS Television Studios 2689:The Jim Gaffigan Show 2048:on September 4, 2015. 1538:"Thy Neighbor's Wife" 1045:"Flings & Arrows" 715:"On the Third Day..." 298:follows Buddy Dobbs ( 2478:original programming 2301:on November 17, 2016 1865:on December 15, 2016 1189:0.473 (Nick at Nite) 193:Production companies 2549:High School Reunion 2491:ALF's Hit Talk Show 2246:on November 4, 2016 2215:on October 28, 2016 2188:on October 21, 2016 2161:on October 14, 2016 459:On April 15, 2014, 272:. The series stars 147:Executive producers 2559:She's Got the Look 1999:on August 15, 2015 1720:on August 16, 2015 1626:on August 15, 2015 1423:Lauren Caltagirone 1379:"The Bish Is Back" 980:person of interest 838:"Ex Communication" 352:the second season. 2764: 2763: 2749:One Day at a Time 2371:. Rotten Tomatoes 2369:"Impastor (2015)" 1972:on August 8, 2015 1577: 1576: 1343:Gracie Glassmeyer 1148:Original air date 1114: 1113: 1005:Gracie Glassmeyer 653:Original air date 618: 617: 480:Michael Rosenbaum 423:Bonita Friedericy 335:Michael Rosenbaum 300:Michael Rosenbaum 274:Michael Rosenbaum 257: 256: 167:Michael Rosenbaum 112:Original language 102:Country of origin 65:Michael Rosenbaum 2829: 2757: 2743: 2733: 2723: 2713: 2703: 2693: 2683: 2673: 2663: 2653: 2643: 2633: 2629:Happily Divorced 2623: 2613: 2609:Harry Loves Lisa 2603: 2599:Hot in Cleveland 2593: 2583: 2573: 2563: 2553: 2543: 2533: 2525: 2515: 2505: 2495: 2468: 2461: 2454: 2445: 2444: 2420: 2419: 2417:Official website 2403: 2402: 2400: 2398: 2387: 2381: 2380: 2378: 2376: 2365: 2359: 2358: 2353:. Archived from 2341: 2335: 2334: 2329:. Archived from 2317: 2311: 2310: 2308: 2306: 2297:. Archived from 2286: 2280: 2279: 2274:. Archived from 2262: 2256: 2255: 2253: 2251: 2242:. Archived from 2231: 2225: 2224: 2222: 2220: 2204: 2198: 2197: 2195: 2193: 2177: 2171: 2170: 2168: 2166: 2150: 2144: 2143: 2141: 2140: 2125: 2119: 2118: 2116: 2115: 2100: 2094: 2093: 2088:. Archived from 2078: 2072: 2071: 2066:. Archived from 2056: 2050: 2049: 2037: 2031: 2030: 2025:. Archived from 2015: 2009: 2008: 2006: 2004: 1988: 1982: 1981: 1979: 1977: 1961: 1955: 1954: 1952: 1950: 1945:on July 30, 2015 1934: 1928: 1927: 1925: 1924: 1919:on July 24, 2015 1908: 1902: 1901: 1899: 1897: 1892:on July 18, 2015 1881: 1875: 1874: 1872: 1870: 1861:. Archived from 1848: 1842: 1841: 1839: 1837: 1820: 1814: 1813: 1812:. June 22, 2016. 1802: 1796: 1795: 1783: 1777: 1776: 1774: 1772: 1761: 1752: 1751: 1749: 1747: 1736: 1730: 1729: 1727: 1725: 1709: 1703: 1702: 1700: 1698: 1687: 1681: 1680: 1678: 1676: 1664: 1658: 1657: 1655: 1653: 1642: 1636: 1635: 1633: 1631: 1622:. Archived from 1612: 1562: 1560: 1513: 1511: 1471: 1469: 1461:Christopher Vane 1433: 1431: 1395: 1393: 1353: 1351: 1315: 1313: 1305:Christopher Vane 1273: 1271: 1255:"Buddy's Prayer" 1228: 1226: 1212:"Guardian Angel" 1184: 1182: 1173:Christopher Vane 1133: 1126: 1121: 1120: 1099: 1097: 1061: 1059: 1015: 1013: 960: 958: 898: 896: 856: 854: 846:Christopher Vane 812: 810: 798:Victor Nelli Jr. 769: 767: 731: 729: 721:Christopher Vane 689: 687: 678:Christopher Vane 638: 631: 626: 625: 614: 612: 604: 602: 591: 590: 589: 578: 576: 568: 566: 555: 554: 553: 534:Originally aired 525: 524: 469:Christopher Vane 318:Portland, Oregon 270:Christopher Vane 253: 251: 246:December 7, 2016 243: 241: 218:Original release 153:Christopher Vane 133: 122: 52:Christopher Vane 33: 19: 18: 2837: 2836: 2832: 2831: 2830: 2828: 2827: 2826: 2767: 2766: 2765: 2760: 2746: 2736: 2726: 2716: 2706: 2696: 2686: 2676: 2666: 2656: 2646: 2636: 2626: 2616: 2606: 2596: 2586: 2576: 2566: 2556: 2546: 2536: 2528: 2521:I Pity the Fool 2518: 2508: 2498: 2488: 2480: 2472: 2415: 2414: 2411: 2406: 2396: 2394: 2389: 2388: 2384: 2374: 2372: 2367: 2366: 2362: 2343: 2342: 2338: 2319: 2318: 2314: 2304: 2302: 2287: 2283: 2264: 2263: 2259: 2249: 2247: 2232: 2228: 2218: 2216: 2205: 2201: 2191: 2189: 2178: 2174: 2164: 2162: 2151: 2147: 2138: 2136: 2127: 2126: 2122: 2113: 2111: 2102: 2101: 2097: 2080: 2079: 2075: 2058: 2057: 2053: 2038: 2034: 2017: 2016: 2012: 2002: 2000: 1989: 1985: 1975: 1973: 1962: 1958: 1948: 1946: 1935: 1931: 1922: 1920: 1909: 1905: 1895: 1893: 1882: 1878: 1868: 1866: 1849: 1845: 1835: 1833: 1821: 1817: 1804: 1803: 1799: 1784: 1780: 1770: 1768: 1763: 1762: 1755: 1745: 1743: 1738: 1737: 1733: 1723: 1721: 1710: 1706: 1696: 1694: 1689: 1688: 1684: 1674: 1672: 1665: 1661: 1651: 1649: 1644: 1643: 1639: 1629: 1627: 1614: 1613: 1609: 1605: 1589:Rotten Tomatoes 1582: 1573: 1558: 1556: 1548: 1527: 1509: 1507: 1486: 1467: 1465: 1444: 1429: 1427: 1406: 1391: 1389: 1368: 1349: 1347: 1340:Joe D'Augustine 1326: 1311: 1309: 1302:Richard Coleman 1288: 1269: 1267: 1244: 1224: 1222: 1201: 1188: 1187:0.320 (TV Land) 1180: 1178: 1152: 1135: 1127: 1119: 1117:Season 2 (2016) 1110: 1095: 1093: 1072: 1057: 1055: 1034: 1011: 1009: 988: 956: 954: 931: 894: 892: 871: 852: 850: 827: 808: 806: 783: 765: 763: 742: 727: 725: 704: 685: 683: 657: 640: 632: 624: 622:Season 1 (2015) 619: 610: 608: 600: 598: 585: 584: 583: 574: 572: 564: 562: 549: 548: 547: 522: 520:Series overview 517: 457: 383: 331: 326: 293: 264:is an American 249: 247: 245: 239: 237: 213: 170: 161:Eric Tannenbaum 87: 17: 16:American sitcom 12: 11: 5: 2835: 2825: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2762: 2761: 2759: 2758: 2744: 2734: 2724: 2714: 2704: 2694: 2684: 2679:Jennifer Falls 2674: 2664: 2654: 2644: 2634: 2624: 2614: 2604: 2594: 2584: 2574: 2569:Family Foreman 2564: 2554: 2544: 2534: 2526: 2516: 2506: 2501:Chasing Farrah 2496: 2485: 2482: 2481: 2471: 2470: 2463: 2456: 2448: 2442: 2441: 2432: 2421: 2410: 2409:External links 2407: 2405: 2404: 2382: 2360: 2357:on 2016-12-10. 2336: 2333:on 2016-12-02. 2312: 2295:Showbuzz Daily 2281: 2278:on 2016-11-11. 2257: 2240:Showbuzz Daily 2226: 2199: 2172: 2145: 2120: 2095: 2092:on 2015-09-18. 2073: 2070:on 2015-09-11. 2051: 2032: 2029:on 2015-08-21. 2010: 1983: 1956: 1929: 1903: 1876: 1843: 1815: 1797: 1778: 1753: 1731: 1704: 1682: 1659: 1637: 1606: 1604: 1601: 1581: 1578: 1575: 1574: 1570: 1567: 1566: 1563: 1553: 1542: 1539: 1536: 1533: 1529: 1528: 1521: 1518: 1517: 1514: 1504: 1501: 1498: 1495: 1492: 1488: 1487: 1479: 1476: 1475: 1472: 1462: 1459: 1456: 1453: 1450: 1446: 1445: 1441: 1438: 1437: 1434: 1424: 1421: 1418: 1415: 1412: 1408: 1407: 1403: 1400: 1399: 1396: 1386: 1385:Jack Bernstein 1383: 1380: 1377: 1374: 1370: 1369: 1361: 1358: 1357: 1354: 1344: 1341: 1338: 1335: 1332: 1328: 1327: 1323: 1320: 1319: 1316: 1306: 1303: 1300: 1297: 1294: 1290: 1289: 1281: 1278: 1277: 1274: 1264: 1261: 1256: 1253: 1250: 1246: 1245: 1236: 1233: 1232: 1229: 1219: 1216: 1213: 1210: 1207: 1203: 1202: 1194: 1191: 1190: 1185: 1175: 1170: 1165: 1162: 1159: 1155: 1154: 1149: 1146: 1143: 1140: 1137: 1129: 1118: 1115: 1112: 1111: 1107: 1104: 1103: 1100: 1090: 1087: 1084: 1081: 1078: 1074: 1073: 1069: 1066: 1065: 1062: 1052: 1049: 1046: 1043: 1040: 1036: 1035: 1023: 1020: 1019: 1016: 1006: 1003: 1000: 997: 994: 990: 989: 985:dental records 968: 965: 964: 961: 951: 948: 943: 940: 937: 933: 932: 906: 903: 902: 899: 889: 886: 883: 880: 877: 873: 872: 868:parole officer 864: 861: 860: 857: 847: 844: 839: 836: 833: 829: 828: 820: 817: 816: 813: 803: 800: 795: 792: 789: 785: 784: 777: 774: 773: 770: 760: 757: 754: 753:"Bird of Pray" 751: 748: 744: 743: 739: 736: 735: 732: 722: 719: 716: 713: 710: 706: 705: 697: 694: 693: 690: 680: 675: 670: 667: 664: 660: 659: 654: 651: 648: 645: 642: 634: 623: 620: 616: 615: 605: 595: 592: 580: 579: 569: 559: 556: 544: 543: 540: 536: 535: 532: 529: 523: 521: 518: 516: 513: 456: 453: 452: 451: 448: 442: 436: 432: 429:Colin Lawrence 426: 420: 409: 403: 395:Jonathon Young 391: 382: 381:Recurring cast 379: 378: 377: 365: 353: 346: 339: 330: 327: 325: 322: 292: 289: 255: 254: 234: 230: 229: 224: 220: 219: 215: 214: 212: 211: 208: 205: 200: 196: 194: 190: 189: 186: 182: 181: 176: 172: 171: 169: 168: 165: 164:Kim Tannenbaum 162: 159: 154: 150: 148: 144: 143: 139: 138: 135: 128: 127: 124: 117: 116: 113: 109: 108: 103: 99: 98: 93: 89: 88: 86: 85: 82: 77: 72: 67: 61: 59: 55: 54: 49: 45: 44: 39: 35: 34: 26: 25: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2834: 2823: 2820: 2818: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2793: 2790: 2788: 2785: 2783: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2774: 2772: 2755: 2751: 2750: 2745: 2741: 2740: 2735: 2731: 2730: 2725: 2721: 2720: 2715: 2711: 2710: 2705: 2701: 2700: 2695: 2691: 2690: 2685: 2681: 2680: 2675: 2671: 2670: 2665: 2661: 2660: 2659:Forever Young 2655: 2651: 2650: 2645: 2641: 2640: 2635: 2631: 2630: 2625: 2621: 2620: 2619:Retired at 35 2615: 2611: 2610: 2605: 2601: 2600: 2595: 2591: 2590: 2585: 2581: 2580: 2575: 2571: 2570: 2565: 2561: 2560: 2555: 2551: 2550: 2545: 2541: 2540: 2535: 2531: 2527: 2523: 2522: 2517: 2513: 2512: 2507: 2503: 2502: 2497: 2493: 2492: 2487: 2486: 2483: 2479: 2476: 2469: 2464: 2462: 2457: 2455: 2450: 2449: 2446: 2440: 2436: 2433: 2431: 2427: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2413: 2412: 2392: 2386: 2370: 2364: 2356: 2352: 2351: 2346: 2340: 2332: 2328: 2327: 2322: 2316: 2300: 2296: 2292: 2285: 2277: 2273: 2272: 2267: 2261: 2245: 2241: 2237: 2230: 2214: 2210: 2203: 2187: 2183: 2176: 2160: 2156: 2149: 2135:on 2016-10-06 2134: 2130: 2124: 2110:on 2016-10-02 2109: 2105: 2099: 2091: 2087: 2083: 2077: 2069: 2065: 2061: 2055: 2047: 2043: 2036: 2028: 2024: 2020: 2014: 1998: 1994: 1987: 1971: 1967: 1960: 1944: 1940: 1933: 1918: 1914: 1907: 1891: 1887: 1880: 1864: 1860: 1859: 1854: 1847: 1832: 1831: 1826: 1819: 1811: 1807: 1801: 1793: 1789: 1782: 1766: 1760: 1758: 1741: 1735: 1719: 1715: 1708: 1692: 1686: 1670: 1663: 1647: 1641: 1625: 1621: 1617: 1611: 1607: 1600: 1598: 1594: 1590: 1586: 1568: 1564: 1554: 1551: 1546: 1543: 1540: 1534: 1530: 1525: 1519: 1515: 1505: 1502: 1499: 1493: 1489: 1484: 1483:Griffin Gluck 1477: 1473: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1451: 1447: 1439: 1435: 1425: 1422: 1420:Rob Greenberg 1419: 1413: 1409: 1401: 1397: 1387: 1384: 1382:Rob Greenberg 1381: 1375: 1371: 1366: 1365:Adrian Holmes 1359: 1355: 1345: 1342: 1339: 1333: 1329: 1321: 1317: 1307: 1304: 1301: 1295: 1291: 1286: 1279: 1275: 1265: 1262: 1260: 1257: 1251: 1247: 1241: 1234: 1230: 1220: 1217: 1214: 1208: 1204: 1198: 1192: 1186: 1176: 1174: 1171: 1169: 1166: 1160: 1156: 1122: 1105: 1101: 1091: 1088: 1085: 1079: 1075: 1067: 1063: 1053: 1050: 1047: 1041: 1037: 1031: 1027: 1021: 1017: 1007: 1004: 1001: 995: 991: 986: 981: 977: 973: 966: 962: 952: 949: 947: 944: 938: 934: 929: 925: 921: 916: 911: 904: 900: 890: 887: 884: 878: 874: 869: 862: 858: 848: 845: 843: 840: 834: 830: 825: 818: 814: 804: 801: 799: 796: 790: 786: 781: 775: 771: 761: 758: 756:Rob Greenberg 755: 749: 745: 737: 733: 723: 720: 718:Rob Greenberg 717: 711: 707: 702: 695: 691: 681: 679: 676: 674: 673:Rob Greenberg 671: 665: 661: 627: 606: 588: 581: 570: 552: 545: 537: 526: 512: 510: 506: 501: 498: 493: 489: 488:Mircea Monroe 485: 481: 476: 474: 470: 466: 462: 449: 446: 445:Adrian Holmes 443: 440: 437: 433: 430: 427: 424: 421: 418: 413: 410: 407: 404: 401: 396: 392: 388: 385: 384: 375: 370: 366: 362: 357: 356:Mircea Monroe 354: 350: 347: 343: 340: 336: 333: 332: 321: 319: 315: 312: 309: 305: 301: 297: 288: 285: 283: 279: 275: 271: 267: 263: 262: 236:July 15, 2015 235: 231: 228: 225: 221: 216: 209: 206: 204: 201: 198: 197: 195: 191: 187: 183: 180: 179:Single-camera 177: 173: 166: 163: 160: 158: 157:Rob Greenberg 155: 152: 151: 149: 145: 140: 136: 129: 125: 118: 114: 110: 107: 106:United States 104: 100: 97: 94: 90: 84:Mike Kosinski 83: 81: 78: 76: 75:Mircea Monroe 73: 71: 68: 66: 63: 62: 60: 56: 53: 50: 46: 43: 40: 36: 32: 27: 24: 20: 2747: 2737: 2727: 2717: 2707: 2698: 2697: 2687: 2677: 2667: 2657: 2649:The Soul Man 2647: 2637: 2627: 2617: 2607: 2597: 2587: 2577: 2567: 2557: 2547: 2537: 2529: 2519: 2509: 2499: 2489: 2424: 2395:. Retrieved 2393:. Metacritic 2385: 2373:. Retrieved 2363: 2355:the original 2348: 2339: 2331:the original 2324: 2315: 2305:November 21, 2303:. Retrieved 2299:the original 2294: 2284: 2276:the original 2269: 2260: 2248:. Retrieved 2244:the original 2239: 2229: 2217:. Retrieved 2213:the original 2202: 2190:. Retrieved 2186:the original 2175: 2163:. Retrieved 2159:the original 2148: 2137:. Retrieved 2133:the original 2123: 2112:. Retrieved 2108:the original 2098: 2090:the original 2085: 2076: 2068:the original 2063: 2054: 2046:the original 2035: 2027:the original 2022: 2013: 2001:. Retrieved 1997:the original 1986: 1974:. Retrieved 1970:the original 1959: 1947:. Retrieved 1943:the original 1932: 1921:. Retrieved 1917:the original 1906: 1894:. Retrieved 1890:the original 1879: 1869:December 13, 1867:. Retrieved 1863:the original 1856: 1846: 1836:December 13, 1834:. Retrieved 1828: 1818: 1809: 1800: 1791: 1781: 1769:. Retrieved 1744:. Retrieved 1734: 1722:. Retrieved 1718:the original 1707: 1695:. Retrieved 1685: 1673:. Retrieved 1671:. 1662: 1650:. Retrieved 1640: 1628:. Retrieved 1624:the original 1610: 1592: 1584: 1583: 1549: 1544: 1541:Clark Mathis 1524:John Kapelos 1500:Clark Mathis 1215:Clark Mathis 1168:Clark Mathis 1086:Clark Mathis 1048:Clark Mathis 972:burner phone 950:Rob Sheridan 920:masturbation 888:Ryan Raddatz 885:Clark Mathis 842:Clark Mathis 780:Lindsey Gort 701:Michael Bean 508: 504: 502: 497:David Rasche 492:Aimee Garcia 477: 464: 458: 406:Lindsey Gort 387:Aimee Garcia 374:Keri Russell 349:David Rasche 295: 294: 286: 277: 260: 259: 258: 185:Running time 175:Camera setup 80:David Rasche 22: 2742:(2017–2018) 2539:The Big 4-0 2250:November 3, 2219:October 27, 2192:October 20, 2165:October 14, 1810:ReleaseDate 1550:Teleplay by 1497:"Judge Not" 1142:Directed by 647:Directed by 539:First aired 345:classmates. 304:loan sharks 268:created by 210:All In Vane 134:of episodes 2771:Categories 2579:The Cougar 2397:August 27, 2375:August 27, 2139:2016-10-08 2114:2016-09-30 1923:2015-07-26 1771:October 4, 1746:October 4, 1724:October 4, 1697:October 4, 1675:October 4, 1652:October 4, 1630:August 14, 1603:References 1597:Metacritic 1559:2016-12-07 1510:2016-11-30 1468:2016-11-16 1430:2016-11-09 1392:2016-11-02 1350:2016-10-26 1312:2016-10-19 1270:2016-10-12 1263:Chris Case 1225:2016-10-05 1181:2016-09-28 1153:(millions) 1151:US viewers 1145:Written by 1096:2015-09-16 1058:2015-09-09 1012:2015-09-02 957:2015-08-26 926:-operated 895:2015-08-19 853:2015-08-12 809:2015-08-05 802:Tod Himmel 766:2015-07-29 728:2015-07-22 686:2015-07-15 658:(millions) 656:US viewers 650:Written by 611:2016-12-07 601:2016-09-28 575:2015-09-16 565:2015-07-15 542:Last aired 250:2016-12-07 240:2015-07-15 188:20 minutes 142:Production 123:of seasons 48:Created by 2732:(2016–17) 2722:(2016–19) 2712:(2015–19) 2702:(2015–16) 2692:(2015–16) 2672:(2013–14) 2652:(2012–16) 2642:(2011–15) 2632:(2011–13) 2622:(2011–12) 2602:(2010–15) 2592:(2009–10) 2562:(2008–10) 2552:(2008–10) 2532:(2007–08) 2514:(2005–07) 2003:August 7, 1976:August 7, 1949:August 7, 1580:Reception 1458:Fred Goss 1285:Mekia Cox 1259:Fred Goss 1089:Adam Barr 1002:Jay Karas 946:Jay Karas 924:Bluetooth 824:Hal Ozsan 669:"Genesis" 439:Mekia Cox 412:Hal Ozsan 338:nickname. 329:Main cast 96:Danny Lux 2739:Nobodies 2719:Teachers 2699:Impastor 2639:The Exes 2435:Impastor 2425:Impastor 1896:July 18, 1792:Deadline 1593:Impastor 1585:Impastor 1545:Story by 1417:"Ah-Men" 1083:"Exodus" 928:vibrator 531:Episodes 515:Episodes 509:Impastor 505:Impastor 484:Sara Rue 465:Impastor 400:nepotism 390:another. 342:Sara Rue 311:Lutheran 296:Impastor 278:Impastor 261:Impastor 92:Composer 70:Sara Rue 58:Starring 23:Impastor 2709:Younger 2669:Kirstie 2475:TV Land 1830:Variety 1620:TV Land 1557: ( 1508: ( 1466: ( 1428: ( 1390: ( 1348: ( 1310: ( 1268: ( 1240:hiccups 1223: ( 1179: ( 1128:overall 1094: ( 1056: ( 1010: ( 955: ( 893: ( 851: ( 807: ( 764: ( 726: ( 684: ( 633:overall 609: ( 599: ( 573: ( 563: ( 467:, with 461:TV Land 361:runaway 282:TV Land 248: ( 244: β€“ 238: ( 233:Release 227:TV Land 223:Network 115:English 2682:(2014) 2662:(2013) 2612:(2010) 2582:(2009) 2572:(2008) 2542:(2008) 2524:(2006) 2504:(2005) 2494:(2004) 1858:TVLine 1136:season 1030:parish 641:season 528:Season 417:parole 314:pastor 266:sitcom 42:Sitcom 2729:Lopez 1565:0.434 1516:0.383 1474:0.419 1436:0.345 1398:0.392 1356:0.368 1318:0.296 1276:0.336 1231:0.331 1139:Title 1026:bingo 976:alibi 644:Title 38:Genre 2430:IMDb 2399:2015 2377:2015 2307:2016 2252:2016 2221:2016 2194:2016 2167:2016 2005:2015 1978:2015 1951:2015 1898:2015 1871:2016 1838:2016 1773:2014 1748:2014 1726:2014 1699:2014 1677:2014 1654:2014 1632:2015 1102:0.91 1064:0.80 1018:0.45 963:0.99 910:outs 901:0.97 859:0.97 815:0.96 772:1.02 734:1.06 692:1.15 490:and 369:outs 324:Cast 291:Plot 2754:Pop 2437:at 2428:at 1197:FBI 1132:No. 1125:No. 915:FBI 637:No. 630:No. 435:2". 308:gay 132:No. 121:No. 2773:: 2347:. 2323:. 2293:. 2268:. 2238:. 2084:. 2062:. 2021:. 1855:. 1827:. 1808:. 1790:. 1756:^ 1618:. 1535:10 1532:20 1491:19 1449:18 1411:17 1373:16 1331:15 1293:14 1249:13 1206:12 1158:11 1134:in 1080:10 1077:10 639:in 594:10 558:10 475:. 137:20 2756:) 2467:e 2460:t 2453:v 2401:. 2379:. 2309:. 2254:. 2223:. 2196:. 2169:. 2142:. 2117:. 2007:. 1980:. 1953:. 1926:. 1900:. 1873:. 1840:. 1794:. 1775:. 1750:. 1728:. 1701:. 1679:. 1656:. 1634:. 1561:) 1512:) 1494:9 1470:) 1452:8 1432:) 1414:7 1394:) 1376:6 1352:) 1334:5 1314:) 1296:4 1272:) 1252:3 1227:) 1209:2 1183:) 1161:1 1098:) 1060:) 1042:9 1039:9 1014:) 996:8 993:8 959:) 939:7 936:7 897:) 879:6 876:6 855:) 835:5 832:5 811:) 791:4 788:4 768:) 750:3 747:3 730:) 712:2 709:2 699:( 688:) 666:1 663:1 613:) 603:) 587:2 577:) 567:) 551:1 402:. 376:. 252:) 242:) 126:2


Christopher Vane
Michael Rosenbaum
Sara Rue
Mircea Monroe
David Rasche
Danny Lux
United States
Rob Greenberg
CBS Television Studios
TV Land
Christopher Vane
Michael Rosenbaum
TV Land
Michael Rosenbaum
loan sharks
Portland, Oregon
Michael Rosenbaum
Sara Rue
David Rasche
Mircea Monroe
Keri Russell

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
