
John Speed

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1609: 1633: 1597: 40: 1724: 549: 174: 1304: 1621: 958: 621: 1387: 1432: 407: 290: 1447: 1402: 880: 2057: 1320: 1575:, printed by John Dawson for George Humble. This was the first world atlas produced by an Englishman. The principal sheets included the continents of 3, Asia, 5, Affrica, 7, Europe, 9, America; with the following domains, 11, Greece; 13, The Romane Empire; 15, Germanie; 17, Bohemia; 19, France; 21, Belgia; 23, Spaine; 25, Italia; 27, Hungarie; 29, Denmarke; 31, Poland; 33, Persia; 35, Turkish Empire; 37, Kingdom of China; 39, Tartarie; 41, Sommer Islands (Bermudas). With it were also included the County and Kingdom maps from the 1350: 2069: 1417: 1551: 217: 1536: 728:, written in the years before publication, asking for assistance in gathering necessary materials. Speed acknowledged gratefully that Sir Robert's cabinets were unlocked and his library set open, to supply the "chiefest garnishments" of this work, such as antique altars and trophies, and ancient coins, seals and medals: that the books and collections of John Barkham were similarly brought to his assistance; and that William Smith, Rouge Dragon, had particularly helped in matters of heraldry. 346:
still outstanding. A new term of 31 years as from Christmas 1614 was approved. Speed then purchased an adjacent garden and plot of taynter to enlarge his own grounds, and in 1618 (after inspection by the Master and Wardens) obtained the Company's permission to annex it and to enclose it with a wall, together with another new lease. As the lease of the premises was later renewed to his heirs, it appears that this house and grounds remained John Speed's residence until his death.
448: 1462: 1521: 1335: 1506: 1491: 1365: 704: 1800:. It is described as a tomb brass representing a full-length male figure, 62.7 cm tall, facing three-quarters to the right , his hands joined in prayer. He has short hair with a trimmed beard and moustache, and wears a gown and cape over a buttoned tunic surmounted by a ruff. The expression "tomb brass" suggests that this figure may have belonged to a group set into the covering slab of a stone 306:; which, with great Expedition and Labour, he perfected in XIV. years..." In 1611–1612 the first collated edition of Speed's celebrated atlas and history of Great Britain was published, his son perhaps assisting Speed in preparing surveys of English towns. At the same time, with royal consent, his Sacred Genealogies became incorporated into the first editions of the King James Bible. 1816:, and all clearly refer to the wall monument and inscriptions depicted by Smith and now remaining in restored form. If, however, the attribution of this brass to a tomb monument for John Speed is correct, it may enlarge the view of the original appearance of Speed's monument as it stood on the south side of the chancel of St Giles. The brass is on display in the Burrell Collection. 434:), "and by his directions grown very Skilfull in them". Owing to the censure of puritan doctrines, Broughton recruited John Speed to see the work through the press, and from this collaboration arose the abstract of sacred genealogies first issued in Speed's name in 1592. In around 1595 the two men brought out an index to that work. To that period belongs Speed's first 1946:) that Speed was referring specifically to Shakespeare, or (if he was), that he intended to associate Shakespeare directly with Robert Persons and his Catholic sympathies, has long been debated. Possibly, Speed was referring to the author of a different play in which the Oldcastle figure appeared by name. A summary of the argument was presented by 479:. The royal patent enabled Speed to have the profit of it in reward for his various great labours. Speed is said to have admitted, for this reason, that "Mr Broughton was a means under God of great Blessings to him, and his Children, for worldly comforts": he also reputedly confessed to having burned a great quantity of Broughton's manuscripts. 521:, with lengthy textual explanations, in twelve chapters, for the descents shown in his diagrams or family trees. The first issue was printed by John Beale for Daniel Speed: (Daniel was presumably the stationer who had licence to marry Matilda Garrett in February 1617/18). Beale printed a second edition in 1620, with a dedication to 185:, and in 1580 he obtained the freedom of the Merchant Taylors' Company by patrimony. He had married Susanna (born c. 1557/58), daughter of Thomas Draper of London, in 1571 or 1572, and began to raise a family. Most sources state that they had twelve sons and six daughters, of whom the most famous to reach maturity was John Speed, 1875:, and the references to the Lollard martyr Oldcastle are in the third part of the work. Speed is saying that Persons the Catholic author had infamously falsified the historical character of Oldcastle the Lollard martyr by representing him as the cowardly rebel portrayed in the late Elizabethan stage plays. Thomas Fuller, in his 1808:
representing a wife. The squared edge of the brass plate below the foot possibly rested against another brass plate bearing an inscription. The descriptions by Newcourt, Strype and Granger of Speed's monument agree with the text (including the words "On the other side of him" to introduce the inscription for Susanna) given in
Genealogies, who, after he had lived 77 years, not so much defeated by illness as wearied out by the burden of Mortality, arose from the Body on 28 July 1629, and, being borne aloft in the joyous desire of his Redeemer, he laid down his flesh here in keeping, to be received anew when Christ shall come.
Theatrum Imperii Magnæ Britanniæ: exactam regnorum Angliæ Scotiæ Hiberniæ et insularum adiacentium geographia ob oculos ponens: una cum comitatibus, centurijs, urbibus et primarijs comitatum oppidis intra regnum Angliæ, divisis et descriptis. Opus, nuper quidem à Iohanne Spédo cive Londinensi Anglicè
Also of his sweetest Susannah, who after she had borne him twelve sons and six daughters, lived jointly in companionship with him for fifty seven years; she encouraged her children in their duty to God by serious and frequent exhortation; she shone brightly in the daily work of piety and charity, and
Susannae suae suavissimae, quae postquam duodecim illi filios, & sex filias pepererat quinquaginta septem annos junctis utriusque solatiis, cum illo vixerat; liberos gravi et frequenti hortamine, ad Dei cultum solicitaverat; Pietatis et Charitatis opere quotidiano praeluxerat, emori demum erudiit
my purpose... in this Island (besides other things) is to shew the situation of every Citie and Shire-town only... The Shires divisions into Lathes, Hundreds, Wapentakes and Cantreds, according to their ratable and accustomed manner, I have separated, and under the same title that the record beareth,
Mr Fulke Greville has just brought me word of Her Majesty's pleasure that I should write you that there is a waiter's room of the Custom-house fallen in, which she has long determined might be bestowed upon John Speed, who has presented her with divers maps; she therefore desires you will bestow the
The pedigree for "Speed of Southampton", as prepared by the antiquary Benjamin Wyatt Greenfield in 1896, has the marriage of John Speed and Susanna daughter of Thomas Draper, Esq., of London, at its head, and shows the descendants of their son John. Although stating that Speed was born in 1542, and
In 1615 Speed requested of the Company the renewal and extension of the lease on a garden and tenement, granted by them in 1594 to George Sotherton, which Speed had since held and upon which he had built "a fayer house", but which he had afterwards surrendered to them with nine years of his tenure
Johannis Speed, Civis Londinensis Mercatorum Scissorum Fratris, servi fidelissimi Religiarum Majestatum, Eliz., Jacobi & Caroli nunc superstitis: Terrarum nostrarum Geographi accurati, & fidi Antiquitatis Britannicæ Historiographi, Genealogii sacræ elegantissimi delineatoris, qui postquam
contributed one of the commendatory verses of the work to Speed, "being very sicke", and wrote that his "...cruell symptomes, and these thirteene yeers assay / For thy deare country, doth thy health & strength decay." (This dates the commencement of the project to about 1598, as Degory Wheare
He was by then a scholar with a highly developed pictorial faculty. In 1600 he presented three maps of his own making to the Merchant Taylors, who hung them in their Hall or Parlour and made provision for them to be protected by curtains. This gift was remembered in 1601 when Speed sought a lease
of John Speed, Citizen of London of the Brethren of Merchant Taylors, a very faithful servant of their Devout Majesties Elizabeth, James and Charles that now is: the accurate Geographer of our Lands, reliable Historiographer of the Antiquity of Britain, and most elegant delineator of the sacred
John Speed's fame today rests, in popular estimation, upon his work as map-maker, but this should not be held separate from his important contributions as a historian, chronologer, and scriptural genealogist. Many of his publications reached their definitive form in 1611. The succession of King
The latten is torn away at the toe, suggesting a forceful detachment, but the rivet-holes by which the brass was originally attached to its stone matrix are neatly preserved, suggesting careful removal. The position of the figure indicates that there was once a corresponding, facing plate
1586), and upon Stow and other late chroniclers, in so vast an undertaking (for which Speed considered his own powers quite insufficient), while at the same time revising, improving, verifying and subjecting to scholarly scrutiny all that he could, and where possible obtaining new expert
1611-1633, and a third appeared in 1628 printed by Felix Kyngston for Edward Blackmore, Speed's son-in-law. Speed's distinctive style of genealogical diagram, with the names contained in circular bubbles linked in chains, later appeared in the royal genealogies in the 1623 edition of the
described the monument to John Speede at St Giles without Cripplegate. "...the famous Chronologer and Historiographer John Speed, lies buried here, and hath a Monument on the South-side of the Chancel, with this inscription on one side for him, and on the other for his Wife":
The History of Great Britaine under the conquests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Their Originals, Manners, Warres, Coines, and Seales: with ye Successions, Lives, Acts, & Issues of the English Monarchs from Julius Caesar, to our most gracious soueraigne King
His maps were used in high-income circles, and therefore Speed's influence was long-lasting and far-reaching. In 1673 and 1676 long after his death, other maps were published under his name obviously being counterfeits abusing the brand to represent the British Isles, the
in 1637. "He having travell'd over all Great Britain, read diligently all our own Historians, and those of our neighbour Nations, together with a diligent search in the Publick Offices, Rolls, Monuments, and Ancient Writings, or Charters, built up a Splendid and Admired
in their due places distinguished: wherein by help of the tables annexed, any Citie, Towne, Borough, Hamlet, or Place of Note may readily be found, and whereby safely may be affirmed, that there is not any one Kingdome in the World so exactly described, as is this our
1692:, are: "Gules, on a chief or, two swifts volant proper". Crest: "On a wreath or and gules a swift volant proper." His monument, in the escutcheon within the broken pediment above the niche, shows these arms impaling "Azure a chevron Ermine between three estoiles Or." 141:
into them, and he was the surveyor and originator of many of the town or city plans inset within them. His work helped to define early modern concepts of British national identity. His Biblical genealogies were also formally associated with the first edition of the
Speed is admired also for his detailed plans of principal British towns, several of which are the earliest-known depictions of those places and provide valuable topographical insights. Most, but not all, of the county maps have town plans inset; those showing a
The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine: Presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Iles Adioyning: with the Shires, Hundreds, Cities and Shire-townes, within ye kingdome of England, divided and described by Iohn
In the Introduction to his "well affected and favourable reader", Speed acknowledged that he had "copied, adapted and compiled the work of others" rather than making an entirely new survey. He took various existing maps as his models, crediting five to
804:, and that those which Speed derived from Saxton's maps were mostly so corrected or amended as to supersede any attribution to Saxton. The County descriptions printed on the reverse of the maps were mainly adapted from those of William Camden. Speed's 467:. For many years, this work (which had its own title-page) was bound into all copies of the Authorised Version, and it was reprinted for that purpose many times during the 17th century. It contained some now-famous illustrations, including an image of 1002:
are a collection of proof impressions from the engraved copper plates, taken during the process of checking the detail before the publication of 1611. In describing his intentions Speed admitted the possibility of errors despite his best endeavours:
shows how the panels carrying the inscriptions were originally disposed as if forming the opened hinged doors of a cabinet. The church's website notes that it was "one of the few memorials that survived the bombing" of this church during the London
Annos 77. superaverat, non tam Morbo confectus, quam Mortalitatis taedio lassatus, Corpore se levavit, Julii 28. 1629. & jucundissimo Redemptoris sui desiderio sursum elatus carnem hic in custodiam posuit, denuo cum Christus venerit recepturus.
and Historical work. In the issue of 1614 and the second, revised and augmented edition (of 1623) the whole work is introduced as being in ten Chapters, of which the first four (the "Chorographicall Part") are the maps, arranged as:
954:, to whom Speed's project was recommended by Camden, and with whom Speed collaborated from 1606 until Hondius's sudden death in 1612. The maps were printed by William Hall and John Beale, and sold by John Sudbury and George Humble. 765:
and many others, presenting an erudite voice and a discursive historical method, while preserving the structure and chronology relating to the seven kingdoms, and illustrating coins and other materials in true antiquarian fashion.
were newly presented as a Second, revised Edition, in 1623. In his last years, Speed was working on further revisions and adaptations of his atlas in other formats, and on the materials for his world atlas, which took shape as his
1860:, is more befitting the pen of his slanderous report, than the credit of the judicious, being only grounded from this papist and his poet, of like conscience for lies, the one ever feigning and the other ever falsifying the truth. 974:, reckoned at five feet imperial) were surveyed by Speed himself. On the back of the maps a text in English appears, describing the areas shown: a rare 1616 edition of the British maps has the text in Latin, in a translation by 1953:
John Speed's maps and associated commentaries are sometimes employed for the interpretation of William Shakespeare's plays. Speed's historiography employs "theatrical metaphors" and makes use of medieval mythical content.
merits to me-ward I do acknowledge, in setting this hand free from the daily employments of a manual trade, and giving it his liberty thus to express the inclination of my mind, himself being the procurer of my present
he is a man of very rare and ingenious capacitie in drawing and setting forthe of mapps and genealogies and other very excellent inventions... three severall mappes of his own invention, which he freely gave unto this
to country folk. Speed drew historical maps as well as those depicting present times, showing (for instance) invasions of England and Ireland, or the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy, a subject previously attempted (probably by
A direction to finde all those names expressed in that large table of genealogies of Scripture lately gathered by I.S. whereof the first number serueth for the side margentes, and the later answerable to the highest
514:. But the version of this map which includes portraits of More and Speed was engraved after the Great Fire of London (1666), in which the original plates were destroyed (according to a text within the later map). 632:(died 1605, also a Merchant Taylor), Speed's elder contemporary, from 1562 sought to disentangle the confused order of the English Chronicles, finding much fault in "the ignorant handling of ancient affairs" by 330:
thought.) But it was as a very renowned person that in 1614 Speed negotiated for the Merchant Taylors the renewal of their lease of the gardens and "tayntor" grounds (racks for the drying of dyed cloths) in the
792:(1611), following the "Proem", the historical text begins as page 155 of the whole work, to which the maps of that edition are counted as occupying the preceding page-numbers, and presented separately as 3983:
Although "grandparents" might be included in the Latin term "parentes", the meaning here is probably "parents" as this inscription was apparently already in existence in 1633, within 4 years of Speed's
A Clowd of Witnesses and They the Holy Genealogies of the Sacred Scriptures. Confirming unto us the truth of the histories in Gods most holy word, and the humanitie of Christ Iesus. The second addition.
1608: 1757:
at last gave instruction by her example of how to surrender life. Who as a septuagenarian placidly fell asleep in Christ and received the reward of her faith on 28 March, in the Year of Our Lord 1628.
1657:. He married Margaret, daughter of Bartholomew Warner, M.D., of St John's College (Professor of Physic). John died testate in 1640 and is buried in the chapel of St John's College. Their sons: 840:(7) The Saxon Kings and English Monarchs, from the downfall of Britain and the origins and arrival of the Saxons, through the Heptarchy, from Hengest (sect. 13) to Edmund Ironside (sect. 45). 3829: 121:
in London, he rose from his family occupation to accept the task of drawing together and revising the histories, topographies and maps of the Kingdoms of Great Britain as an exposition of
This work was not merely an ornamental adjunct to the Bible, but had the serious intellectual purpose of expounding a resolution (or at least an explanation) of the differing descents of
2046:, and other locations. With these printings and many others, Speed's maps became the basis for world maps until at least the mid-eighteenth century: his British maps formed an important 2898:
R. Leech, "Documentary evidence - Temple Fee and the Rack Closes", in K. Colls, 'The Avon Floodplain at Bristol: Excavations at Templar House, Temple Way, in Bristol 2004 and 2005',
A Cloud of Witnesses: and they the holy genealogies of the sacred scriptures. Confirming unto us the truth of the histories in Gods most holie word; and the humanitie of Christ Iesus
1303: 129:. He accomplished this with remarkable success, with the support and assistance of the leading antiquarian scholars of his generation. He drew upon and improved the shire maps of 3258:
As "Matthaeus Westmonasteriensis" (Thomas Marsh, London 1573) (with Florentius Wigorniensis) (Typis Wechelianis apud Claudium Marnium et heredes Ioannis Aubrii, Frankfurt 1601)
in c. 1551/52. Various families of Speed dwelt in that neighbourhood, but John's relation to them is not precisely established. His father John Speed gained the freedom of the
The Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures according to euery family and tribe with the line of Our Sauior Jesus Christ obserued from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Mary
is Speed's "Catalogue of the Religious Houses, Colledges, and Hospitals Sometimes in England and Wales", appended to the reign of Henry VIII, said to have been compiled by
The Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures according to euery family and tribe with the line of Our Sauior Jesus Christ obserued from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Mary
4474: 1596: 321:, as reward for Ingram's good service as Master of the Customs House - which was granted, "to the prejudice" of their brother John Speed. In the 1611 conclusion of his 4524: 942:, five to John Horden, two to William Smith, one to Philip Symonson (Kent) and others to John Harrington (Rutland), William White, Thomas Durham, James Burrell, and 4099:
The Third Part of A Treatise Intituled: of Three Conversions of England, conteyninge. an examen of the Calendar or Catalogue of Protestant Saints... . By N. D.
of 1940–1941: a modern plaque records that the monument was restored in 1971 by the Merchant Taylors' Company, in which John Speed was a citizen and brother.
The many coins, seals and other antiquities illustrated in Speed's text were cut by the Swiss wood-engraver Christoph Schweitzer. An important feature of the
609:. Their interests were rooted in early-medieval English antiquities. But (after the abolition of that college by James I in 1607) Speed's work came together, 4457:"Published in John Speed's 'Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine' between 1611 & 1676 and Henry Overton's 'England Described' from c.1713 to c.1756", 3394:
Anecdotes of British Topography: Or, an Historical Account of What has been Done for Illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland
Anecdotes of British Topography: Or, an Historical Account of What Has Been Done For Illustrating The Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland
2171: 1632: 978:, thought to have been produced for the Continental market. His maps of English and Welsh counties were often bordered with costumed figures ranging from 1672:
Samuel Speed, Merchant Taylor of London, who married Joan, daughter of Richard Joyner, alias Lloyd, of Abingdon, and had a son Samuel who died in 1633
1319: 2774: 4619: 1978:); an "honest and impartial historian... who was furnished with the best materials from some of the most considerable persons in this kingdom" (by 1653:
John Speed (1595-1640), M.D. (1628), studied at Merchant Taylor's School (1603-04), and was Scholar (1612), B.A. (1616), M.A. (1620) and Fellow of
Early Mapping of Southeast Asia: The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who First Mapped the Regions Between China and India
4504: 3294:
Britannia, sive Florentissimorum Regnorum, Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae et Insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate Chorographica descriptio
2735:"Quosinter clarissimum virum Johannem Speedaeum, principe loco, Historiae Britannicae studioso commendare nullus dubitem", etc, in D. Wheare, 1994:
observed, "his History of Great Britain was in its kind incomparably more complete than all the histories of his predecessors put together."
suo exemplo. Quae septuagenaria placide in Christo obdormivit, et Fidei suae mercedem habuit, Martii vigesimo octavo, Anno Domini MDCXXVIII.
725: 586: 2056: 692: 3220: 2136:
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland: Described and Abridged with Ye Historic Relation of Things Worthy Memory: from a Farr Larger Voulume
834:(5) The Site, Names, Ancient Inhabitants, Manners, Government, Governors, Costume and Appearance of Great Britain and the Ancient British. 39: 4614: 4609: 602: 656:
in the 1607 edition (with county maps) was his chorographical precedent. Stow announced a (much larger) forthcoming History of Britain,
4644: 3281:
Opera Bedae Venerabilis Presbyteri, Anglosaxonis: Viri in Diuinis atque Humanis Literis Exercitatissimi: omnia in octo tomos distincta
778:"was enriched with some valuable records and digested with a more discriminating judgement than had been brought to the task before." 378:
John Speed died in July 1629 at the age of 77 or 78. He was buried alongside his wife (who had died in the previous year) in London's
4649: 4565: 4050:], died 1629)", Burrell Collection: European Bronzes and Brasswares (except Statuary), ID 5-6.142. View image and description in 1695:
From their funeral monument, it appears that John and Susanna Speed had 12 sons and 6 daughters in all. Speed's descendants included
as the ruler in whom the distinct Kingdoms of the British Isles had been brought together under one rule in such a way as to form an
1997:"And thus" (says Thomas Fuller), "we take our leaves of Father Speed, truly answering his name, in both the acceptions thereof, for 4639: 4634: 3964: 817:(1) Describing the whole Kingdome in generall, with those Shires, Cities, and Shire-townes which are properly accounted for English 3357:, 1st Edition (Imprinted by William Hall and Iohn Beale for John Sudbury and George Humble, cum Privilegio, London 1611), text at 1982:), a "faithful Chronologer" (in a text of 1656), and "our Cheshire historian...a scholar...a distinguished writer on history" (by 1620: 4471: 4575: 3801: 190: 163: 118: 577:
monarchy of Great Britain. Speed's historical researches under the patronage of Fulke Greville were stimulated or assisted by
C. Ivic, "Mapping British identities: Speed's 'Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine'," in D. J. Baker and W. Maley (eds),
2255: 1700: 858: 4491: 2415: 3600:
Andrew, "Speed maps now in the Cambridge Digital Library" Cambridge University Library Special Collections, 23 March 2015.
1590:, its circulation was limited to wealthier sort of customers, and to libraries, where many copies are nowadays preserved. 1401: 1012:
of Great Britaine... In shewing these things, I have chiefly sought to give satisfaction to all, without offence to any...
3816:"America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings, 1626". View 3 copies at the 2645:
J. Taylor, "John Speed's 'Canaan' and British Travel to Palestine", in D. G. Burke, J. F. Kutsko and P. H. Towner (eds),
The Survey of London; contayning the Orignall, Increase, Moderne Estate and Government of that Citie, begun by Iohn Stow
1723: 4629: 4051: 3232:
G.J.R. Parry, 'John Stow's unpublished "Historie of this Iland": amity and enmity amongst sixteenth-century scholars',
696:(a primary text for the early medieval history of England) was in volume III of the Hervagius (Johannes Herwagen) 1563 4415: 4115: 3340: 2557: 2511: 170:
in the City of London in January 1555/56. From this it is inferred that Speed's birth-mother died during his infancy.
4032: 3817: 2983: 2461: 2356: 2311: 2303: 2295: 4390: 4015: 3932:
Will of Doctor John Speede, Doctor of Physic, Doctor in Medicine of University of Oxford (PCC 1640, Coventry quire).
3379:(William Hall for Iohn Sudbury & Georg Humble, London 1611/1612); full text (with county descriptions, etc), at 3323: 3190: 3146:, The Oxford History of the British Empire series, vol. 1 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, reprint) pp. 1-2 2808:
K. Macfarlane, 'The Biblical Genealogies of the King James Bible (1611): Their Purpose, Sources, and Significance',
2706: 2574: 2498: 2441: 2323:
A full coloured original set of Speed's British maps, with their descriptive texts in the Latin 1616 edition of the
3469: 2723: 2399: 2206: 606: 339: 310: 206: 3998: 3481:"Catalogus Religiosarum Ædium ex Anglico Ioannis Speed, Latinus", in N. Harpsfield and E. Campion, ed. R. Gibbon, 3335:
J. Spedding, 'Preface to the History of the Reign of Henry VII', in J. Spedding, R.L. Ellis and D.D. Heath (eds),
2756: 1649:
giving other dates which conflict with variant sources, it presents the names of six children. They are shown as:
679: 4213:(F.C. and J. Rivington, etc., London 1820), XVI, Note to Henry IV Part 1, p. 193 and note 3 and pp. 410-19, note 1966:(who recited Speed's text to his map of the Isle of Wight) referred to him as "summus et eruditus Antiquarius" ( 843:(8) The Danish rulers, with their origins and first assaults, and in detail from Cnut to Harold II (7 sections). 826:(4) Containing the Kingdome of Ireland – a general plan, and maps of Munster, Leinster, Connaught and Ulster (5) 648:(1592, 1601, 1605), which itself lists a very wide range of sources, were the immediate predecessors to Speed's 617:
to which Speed contributed his sacred genealogies. This English Bible was promulgated in the same year of 1611.
3105: 3020:
The Works of the Great Albionean Divine: Renown'd in Many Nations for Rare Skill in Salems & Athens Tongues
1804:(as opposed to a floor matrix), an inference supported by the comparatively unworn condition of the engraving. 3087:(By John Beale for Daniel Speed, in Pauls Church Yard at the sign of the Blazing Starre, 1616): page views at 2675:
W. Goffart, "The First Venture into 'Medieval Cartography" in J. A. Roberts, J. L. Nelson and M. Godden (eds)
4624: 4255:
King John (Mis)Remembered: The Dunmow Chronicle, the Lord Admiral's Men, and the Formation of Cultural Memory
A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World: Together with that Large Theater of Great Brittaines Empire
3380: 3358: 2663: 2093: 1660:
John Speed was a student of St John's College, Oxford in 1652, and was Mayor of Southampton in 1681 and 1694.
1386: 459:
In October 1610 Speed was granted a royal patent by King James to publish his genealogical work. In 1611, as
in 1627. He continued to maintain his annals, though by April 1626 he had become blind and suffered from the
The Theatre of The Empire of Great Britaine, Presenting an exact geography of England, Scotland, and Ireland
4546: 4432: 4402: 3447:"In Catalogo Monasteriorum (a Gulielmo Burton (ut accepi) collecto, et apud Spedum edito)...": H. Spelman, 2535: 2514:: variant sources give 1575. Susanna died in 1628 after 57 years of marriage to John, according to her M.I. 1987: 1764: 1716: 1654: 1446: 1431: 999: 861:. The list was published in Latin in 1622 as "Catalogus ex Anglico Ioannis Speed, Latinus", as appendix to 379: 194: 173: 122: 74: 45: 3041: 3003: 2771: 2129: 2113: 1848:
martyr in Henry V's time, was falsely represented in the theatres as a stock buffoon and rogue. He wrote,
846:(9) The Norman rulers and their origins, continued from William I to the end of Elizabeth I (24 sections). 548: 4380:, 3rd Edition, with additions and improvements (J. Rivington and Sons, etc., London 1779), vol. 2, p. 320 4211:
The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators
See, e.g., a 1636 printing bound in with a 1637 Robert Barker bible in the British Library, digitized at
1550: 797: 552:
Dynastic representation of King James by John Speed, by 1612. The tree ascends to Henry, Prince of Wales.
20: 1349: 4068: 2813: 236:, and developing their work on the genealogies of Jesus Christ. By 1595 he published a map of biblical 3951: 3711: 2633: 2478: 735:
a fresh approach is afoot. Speed dispenses with the full list of pseudo-historic rulers stemming from
During the same period Speed greatly enlarged his work on the sacred chronologies and genealogies, as
2393: 2200: 914:
was granted to George Humble in April 1608. The collection developed cumulatively, together with his
801: 393:
A monument to John Speed was soon afterwards erected on the south side of the chancel of the church.
138: 3624:
conscriptum: nunc verò, à Philemone Hollando, apud Coventrianos medicinæ doctore, Latinitate donatum
2649:(Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013), pp. 103ff., at pp. vi, 102, 104–119, 121, 159, 182. 1416: 264:
from the company on a property in Fenchurch Street, a request which failed owing to a higher claim:
A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently collected, abridged, and continued unto... 1598
The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St John the Baptist, London
The King James Version at 400: Assessing Its Genius as Bible Translation and Its Literary Influence
The Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St John the Baptist, London
1939: 1535: 1334: 1177: 613:, as an instrument of the unification of British kingship in the person of King James, much as the 594: 526: 435: 220: 213:
has it), thereafter made him an allowance to enable him to devote his whole attention to research:
167: 3339:, vol. 6: Literary and Professional Works, vol. 1, New Edition (Longmans & Co., London 1870), 2068: 957: 430:. John Speed, "by acquaintance with Mr. Broughton, grown very studious in the scriptures" (wrote 598: 582: 3318:
J. Stow, "The race of the Kings of Brytaine after the received opinion since Brute, &c", in
Biblical Scholarship in an Age of Controversy: The Polemical World of Hugh Broughton (1549-1612)
751:. Coming into the Saxon narrative, marginal references identify the sources of information from 4445: 3544: 3435: 2860: 2856: 1943: 566: 241: 4539: 4085: 3452: 3431: 3362: 3058: 2936: 2229: 620: 4599: 4349: 4333:
A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Misdemeanors
J.-C. Mayer "This Papist and his Poet': Shakespeare's Lancastrian kings and Robert Parsons's
The Oldcastle Controversy: "Sir John Oldcastle, Part 1" and "The Famous Victories of Henry V"
3397: 3247:
Florentii Wigorniensis monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis ab initio mundi usque ad Ann. Dom. 1118
3173: 3071: 3023: 2821: 1833: 1664: 1520: 1201: 757: 671: 661: 522: 4364:
A new and accurate history and survey of London, Westminster, Southwark, and Places Adjacent
3626:(T. Snodham apud Ioann Sudbury et Geo. Humble, London 1616) Bibliothèque Nationale Française 3486: 3414: 3088: 4604: 4458: 3560:(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002), at pp. ix, 135, 138, 141, 150, 162, 248. 1505: 1490: 1461: 771: 740: 558: 507: 491: 441: 406: 289: 4562: 3144:
The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century
and repeated by Stow, and instead touches upon the Trojan theory in his discussion of the
in April 1556, and is supposed to be the same John Speed who married Elizabeth Cheynye at
8: 4583: 4520: 3969: 2531: 1979: 1829: 884: 862: 675: 562: 383: 367: 209:: Greville, "perceiving how his wide soul was stuffed with too narrow an occupation" (as 4362: 3845:
See also a coloured example at the Norman B. Leventhal Map Center, Boston Public Library
3002:(Richard Watkins for Gabriell Simson and William White, London 1588/1589), full text at 2328: 2271: 2103: 1974:"; "a person of extraordinary industry and attainments in the study of antiquities" (by 1763:
Although the monument was damaged by enemy action in 1940–1941, an engraving of 1791 by
879: 4556: 4161:(Oxford, UK: Manchester University Press, 2003), pp. 116-29, at pp. 116, 127, 128, 236. 4112:
The Church-history of Britain from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the Year M.DC.XLVIII
3740:'bastard Normans, Norman bastards': anomalous identities in 'The Life of Henry the Fift 2244: 1856:
hath made Oldcastle a ruffian, a robber and a rebel, and his authority, taken from the
1837: 1793: 1481: 1452: 1364: 939: 762: 712: 666: 614: 186: 130: 126: 3543:, Gardner Collection, digitized images of the collection (Classmark: Atlas 2.61.1) at 800:, who noted that these were the first maps in which all the counties are divided into 4142:
Penitent Brothellers: Grace, Sexuality, and Genre in Thomas Middleton's City Comedies
2979: 2903: 2307: 2299: 2291: 2251: 1971: 1963: 1785: 495: 159: 59: 3842: 325:
Speed wrote of "my disease growne dangerous, and life held in suspence." His friend
297:"I shall not fear to commend in the first place, that famous Man John Speed", wrote 3411:
History of Great Britaine Under the Conquests of Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans
History of Great Britaine Under the Conquests of Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans
A. Baynton-Williams, 'John Speed': Relocated since 17 Sept 2012 at as
2176: 2110:
History of Great Britaine Under the Conquests of Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans
1975: 1906:, and yet a Coward to boot, contrary to the credit of all Chronicles, owning him a 1836:
parish, of which John Speed was a parishioner. In his account of the reign of King
1789: 1340: 1121: 988: 975: 943: 830:
The work then proceeds to the "Historicall Part", Books 5-10, arranged as follows:
464: 314: 245: 143: 4552: 2720:
The Workes of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed
2188: 4569: 4478: 4253: 4238: 4223: 3760: 3746: 3696: 3639:(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002, reprint), pp. xi, 231–232, 238. 3305:'XXXI: John Speed the Historian to Sir Robert Cotton' (etc.), in H. Ellis (ed.), 2973: 2778: 2615: 2588: 2392: 2199: 2169:
Bendall, Sarah (2008) . "Speed, John (1551/2–1629), historian and cartographer".
2035: 1983: 1781: 1541: 1496: 1285: 1237: 1221: 1209: 1141: 1105: 1097: 984: 951: 633: 574: 427: 253:
place upon him, whom she takes to be a very sufficient man to discharge the same.
3804:, "John Speed: A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World" ( 894:(1611, 1616, 1623), which attempted a complete set of individual county maps of 4029:
An Account of the Church and Parish of St Giles, without Cripplegate, in London
3591:(London: British Library, reprint, 2016, originally published in 1988) pp. 7–15 2739:, etc. pp. 114-15 John George Cotta edition (Tubingen 1700) 1637 Latin original 2388: 2195: 2180: 2031: 2015: 1872: 1841: 1809: 1689: 1289: 1288:
reprinted this collection of maps of the British Isles with an introduction by
1253: 1241: 1225: 1193: 1133: 1113: 1085: 927: 919: 767: 736: 578: 570: 472: 431: 419: 326: 233: 2816:(academic.oup). See also '3. From Chronology to Genealogy', in K. Macfarlane, 1684:
Anne Speed, who married Benjamin Wesley, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London
in a double hemisphere projection. A facsimile edition was published in 1966.
216: 4593: 3502:(Batsford 2017), pp. 9–10, 13, 15–16. Nicolson's introduction is at pp. 7-15. 1991: 1947: 1935: 1556: 1233: 1217: 1205: 1181: 1149: 1109: 1089: 1041: 590: 476: 318: 298: 274: 210: 4282:
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland
3858:(facsimile), Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 3rd Series, volume VI (Amsterdam 1966) 3189:
2nd edition (Felix Kyngston for Ralphe Newbery, London 1601), page views at
2952: 2371:
Date calculated from Memorial Inscription formerly in St Giles, Cripplegate.
Speed naturally drew extensively on the work of his predecessors, including
developed his study of Old Testament chronology and concordance in his work
4014:, 3 vols (Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, and Jones, London 1819), II, 3449:
Concilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones in Re Ecclesiarum Orbis Britannici
The Chronicles of England from Brute Unto this Present Yeare of Christ 1580
A Clowd of Witnesses and They the Holy Genealogies of the Sacred Scriptures
2919:(Longman, Brown, Green, Longman, & Roberts, London 1858) p. 308, no. 72 2678: 2592:(London: W. Richardson and S. Clark, 1768, reprinted in 2014), pp. 184, 448 2552:
B.W. Greenfield, 'Pedigree of Speed of Southampton', in J.J. Howard (ed.),
1245: 1173: 1137: 1117: 1093: 1016:
The maps, in two-folio spreads, represented: Fol. 1, The British Isles; 3,
483: 468: 447: 426:
in editions of 1588/89 and 1590, with illustrations said to be engraved by
387: 244:. As a reward for these efforts, Elizabeth granted Speed the position of a 4348:(C. Hulbert, Shrewsbury and Providence Grove/H. Washbourne, London 1838), 1942:
model, under a different name, the inference drawn by some editors (since
Speed represented Wales as a separate province from England but not as an
By his own account, Speed followed in his father's mercantile business in
4579: 4403:
1676 John Speed and F. Lamb Map of Virginia and Maryland (Chesapeake Bay)
A Biographical History of England from Egbert the Great to the Revolution
4131:, The Revels Plays Companion Library (Manchester University Press, 1991). 3856:
John Speed. A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World. London 1627
3765:(New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 17, 21, 23, 36, 40, 44–53. 3515:, vol. 3 (T. Davies, etc., London 1774) p. 234 referring to vol. 1 p. 503 2753:
The Method and Order of Reading both Civill and Ecclesiasticall Histories
2027: 1696: 1229: 1197: 1185: 1169: 1101: 809: 716: 134: 114: 97: 78: 3451:, 3 vols (R. Badger, for Ph. Stepani and Ch. Meredith, London 1636), I, 642:
Chronicles of England from Brute unto this present yeare of Christ, 1580
God Speed the Plough: The Representation of Agrarian England, 1500–1660
N. Nicolson, "Introduction", in John Speed, ed. Nicolson and Hawkyard,
N. Canny, 'The Origins of Empire: An Introduction', in N. Canny (ed.),
2837:, 2 vols (Harrison and Sons, London 1888), I, p. 333 (Internet Archive) 2047: 1801: 1310: 1249: 1189: 1161: 1153: 1145: 1125: 487: 335: 331: 205:
Speed came to the attention of learned individuals, among whom was Sir
vol. 10 (London: Printed for multiple individuals, 1762), pp. 454–455.
4243:(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006 reprint), pp. 85, 98. 3691:(John Day, London 1568). View Lambarde's Map as re-used by Day in the 3571:
V. Cl. Gulielmi Camdeni et Illustrium Virorum ad G. Camdenum Epistolae
Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society
Relectiones Hyemales, de Ratione et Methodo Legendi Utrasque Historias
came into print in the same period. The standard available edition of
According to his daughter Sarah Blackmore, John Speed was born in the
An Epitome of Mr. John Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain
3871:(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), pp. 138–141, 171, 179–180, 197. 3511:
James Granger, in the '"Corrections and Additions Supplement" of his
1769: 1587: 1355: 1325: 1277: 1165: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1037: 947: 890:
Speed is now best-known as a map-maker, and above all for his atlas,
796:. "This collection makes a noble apparatus to his history", observed 629: 3528:(Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, London 1857) p. 425 2792:
The Fabulous Dark Cloister: Romance in England after the Reformation
Series 3, vol. 2.i, March 1896 (London: Mitchell and Hughes, 1898),
910:. A 21-year royal privilege (franchise) for the printing of Speed's 2755:(M. Flesher for Charles Brome, London 1685), Part 1, Section XXXI, 2569:
E. Kell, 'On the Castle and Other Ancient Remains at Southampton',
2043: 2023: 2019: 1579:, corresponding to the third edition of that work, together with a 1564: 1422: 1273: 1261: 1257: 1157: 1057: 1053: 979: 907: 703: 601:) and others, who during the 1580s together formed the Elizabethan 313:
asked the Merchant Taylors for his lease on the Company's house in
In 1598 he contributed a genealogical and heraldic frontispiece to
155: 4540:
Zoomable digital reproduction of a 1611/12 proof of Speed's atlas
1790 engraving showing the original appearance of Speed's monument
4101:(Imprinted with licence, Anno Dni 1604) pp. 196-99 and pp. 244-55 2128:
1st Edition (London 1616). Second Edition (London 1620), text at
2122:(London 1611). 1636 printing bound into 1637 Robert Barker bible. 2039: 1845: 1797: 1526: 1392: 1269: 1265: 1129: 1081: 1077: 1017: 903: 895: 837:(6) The Monarchs of Great Britain under the Romans (54 sections). 640:(and its abridgement) of 1566/67, several times republished, his 503: 2974:
Christopher Hibbert; Ben Weinreb; John Keay; Julia Keay (2010).
2662:, vol. 267: June 1598 (Longmans, Green & Co., London 1869), 2628:'Speed's description of Warwickshire, section (6)', in W. West, 2226:
The Hibernian Magazine, Or, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge
3652:, pp. xi, 38, 54, 80–81, 83, 105, 112, 123, 201, 203, 443, 471. 3057:(Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, London 1857), 2935:(Bateman, Tooke, Parker, Bowyer and Clements, London 1708), I, 2855:, 6 vols (J. Walthoe, etc., London 1763 edition), vol. 6 pt 1, 2116:. Re-issue (London 1614) Second, Revised Edition (London 1623). 1869: 1511: 1437: 1407: 1281: 1045: 1033: 1029: 752: 237: 182: 4082:
The History of Great Britain Under the Conquests of the Romans
3750:(Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2010), pp. 75–82. 1328:, 1610, with a town plan of Salisbury and a view of Stonehenge 872: 117:, chronologer and historian of Cheshire origins. The son of a 1370: 1213: 1073: 1049: 1021: 899: 519:
A Cloud of Witnesses confirming the Humanity of Christ Ihesus
4405:, Geographicus Rare Antique Maps, 2017. (Commercial website) 3762:
The Recovery of Roman Britain 1586–1906: A Colony So Fertile
3249:(Excudebat Thomas Dausonus pro Ricardo Watkins, London 1592) 2616:
Historical Atlases: The First Three Hundred Years, 1570–1870
In 1616 Speed developed the genealogies into a longer work,
2493:'The loving brother of the Mystery, John Speed', in Clode, 1990:
called him a "celebrated chronologer and historiographer";
In 1627, two years before his death, was published Speed's
1467: 1025: 687: 386:. According to Fuller, his funeral sermon was delivered by 353:(1616, 2nd 1620): and after re-issue in various forms, his 2440:, 2 vols (Harrison and Sons, London 1888), II: The Lives, 2062:
A New And Accvrat Map of the World, 1646 miniature edition
Sarah Speed, who married Edward Blackmore, Esq., of London
In around 1590 Speed was working with the Puritan scholar
197:. It appears that the Speed family was fairly well-to-do. 4576:
John Speed and John Ogilby, 15-16th century cartographers
4046: 3172:(R. Newberie and H. Bynneman, London 1580), full text at 4582:, with a focus on their cartographic works available at 4519:(London, Printed for T. Basset, and R. Chiswell, 1676), 2917:
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Charles I: 1625-1626
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Elizabeth, 1598–1601
475:, and a tree of the nations of the world arising out of 16:
English cartographer and historian (1551 or 1552 – 1629)
John Speed Original 1676 Map "The Province of Mounster"
Shakespeare and Wales: From the Marches to the Assembly
3569:"LXIII. G. Camdenus Jodoco Hondio", in T. Smith (ed.), 3413:, Second, Revised Edition (London 1623); page views at 1614:
A New Mape of Ye XVII Provinces, 1626 (The Netherlands)
510:(who died in 1592), appeared with the date 1611 in the 4258:(New York: Routledge, 2016), pp. 43, 61, 86, 117, 122. 4067:(Elizabeth Purslow for Nicholas Bourne, London 1633), 3526:
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James I: 1603-1610
English Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James I: 1603-1610
2794:(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011), 49. 1792:, stated to be for the cartographer John Speed, among 3709:
The History, Topography and Directory of Warwickshire
British Identities and English Renaissance Literature
3322:(Felix Kyngston for Ralphe Newbery, London 1601), at 3309:(Camden Society, London 1843), p. 104 and pp. 108–113 2630:
The History, Topography and Directory of Warwickshire
The history, topography and directory of Warwickshire
1824: 4431:(T. Payne and Son, and J. Nichols, London 1780), I, 4391:"John Speed: Subsequent Ownership of Speed's Plates" 3689:
Archaionomia, sive De Priscis Anglorum Legibus Libri
3130:, 2nd, revised edition (London 1623) Dedication page 2619:(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003), p. 54. 1678:
Joan Speed, who married John Hayley, Esq., of London
463:, it was incorporated into the first edition of the 146:. He is among the most famous of English mapmakers. 4322:, vol. 1 (London, C. and J. Rivington, 1827) p. 513 4320:
The Lives of the Bishops of Winchester from Birinus
Boudica: Historical Commentaries, Poetry, and Plays
4157:" in R. Dutton, A. G. Findlay and R. Wilson (eds), 4144:(Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2000) p. 181 2722:(Adam Islip for George Bishop, London 1598, 1602), 660:, in 1592, but it never saw the light. Editions of 4346:Cheshire Antiquities, Roman, Baronial and Monastic 3973:. 22 January 2018 – via 3965:"Sir Keith Speed, former Navy minister – obituary" 3908:John Winthrop: America's Forgotten Founding Father 3271:(G. Bishop, R. Nuberie and R. Barker, London 1596) 2243: 1475: 724:contributions. Some letters survive from Speed to 719:as cartographers, William Camden as chorographer ( 565:, and to that of Ireland, upon the death of Queen 3791:London, Printed by John Dawson for G. Humble 1627 3789:A prospect of the most famovs parts of the vvorld 2571:Journal of the British Archaeological Association 1879:(1655), evidently echoes Speed where he remarks: 4591: 4389:See Mapforum Articles, Relocated 2022: Issue 4, 3995:A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster 2933:Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense 2146:A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World 2050:resource long after their original publication. 1840:, John Speed mentions that the character of Sir 1573:A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World 1566:A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World 4237:M. Cordner, P. Holland, and J. Kerrigan (eds), 1739:To the Pious Memory of Most Beloved Parents" – 918:, and was undertaken with the encouragement of 770:, noting the limitations in Speed's account of 137:and others, being the first to incorporate the 4367:(London: Edward and Charles Dilly, 1766), 139. 4284:, vol. 3 (London: John Scott, 1806) pp. 265-66 3910:(New York: Oxford University Press, 2013), 206 2703:Early History of the Guild of Merchant Taylors 2250:. London: Granta Publications. pp. xxvi. 364:Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World 4159:Theatre and Religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare 4012:The History of the County Palatine of Chester 2804: 2802: 2800: 2683:(Woodbridge, UK: D.S. Brewer, 1997) pp. 57–58 2601:Palmer, "The Town of Holt", pp. 421, 425, 429 2286:John Speed, eds N. Nicolson and A. Hawkyard, 2102:, Latin Edition (London 1616). Page views at 451:Speed's portrait, from the version of More's 113:(1551 or 1552 – 28 July 1629) was an English 4505:Map of Huntington both Shire and Shire Towne 4297:(Abel Swall and T. Child, London 1696) p. 13 4147: 4044:"Tomb brass: John Speed (born 1542 [ 3778:(John Dauson for George Humble, London 1627) 3468:(Abell Swall and T. Child, London 1696), I, 3337:The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam 3296:(Cum Privilegio: Ralph Newbery, London 1587) 3206:(Cambridge University Press, 2000) pp. 39-42 3014: 3012: 2947: 2945: 2175:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 1922:in his place, but it matters as little what 781: 471:taking fruit from the forbidden tree in the 4542:The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 3843:Yale University Library digital collections 3828:See Image of title page of 1631 edition at 3707:"Speed's Address to His Readers", in West, 3498:J. Speed, ed. N. Nicolson and A. Hawkyard, 2927: 2925: 2681:on the Occasion of her Sixty-Fifth Birthday 2548: 2546: 2544: 2220: 2218: 2140:The Theatre of The Empire of Great Britaine 2088:(London 1611–12). Full text (including the 892:The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 883:Gold crown of King James, exemplifying the 874:The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 4335:vol. 5 (London: T. C. Hansard, 1816), 827. 3536: 3534: 3283:(Basileae: Joannes Hervagius 1563) p. 1 ff 2797: 2609: 2607: 2452: 2450: 2138:(London 1627) The "Farr Larger Volume" is 1378: 794:The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain 652:, from the historical aspect, as Camden's 38: 4563:Information about John Speed and his maps 4307:A new and general biographical dictionary 4200:(New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009), 75 4174:(New York: Bloomsbury Publishing 2015) 13 3923:(London: Tuttle Publishing, 2012), p. 512 3573:(Richard Chiswell, London 1691) pp. 87-88 3009: 2942: 2847: 2845: 2843: 2767: 2765: 2747: 2745: 2697: 2695: 2693: 2691: 2689: 2526: 2524: 2522: 2520: 1313:described and divided into hundreds, 1610 823:(3) Scotlands Kingdom in one Generall (1) 820:(2) Containing the Counties of Wales (13) 615:"Authorized Version" of the English Bible 293:John Speed, by Salomon Savery (1594-1683) 4344:C. Hulbert, "The Memoir of John Speed", 4338: 4271:(Edward Story, Cambridge 1670) pp. 42-43 3942: 3940: 3938: 3832:( Select "Zoom in". 3812: 3810: 3583: 3581: 3579: 3307:Original Letters of Eminent Literary Men 3138: 3136: 3104:(John Beale, London 1620): full text at 2967: 2922: 2781:, Shakespeare's England, 10 August 2010. 2541: 2489: 2487: 2383: 2381: 2379: 2377: 2367: 2365: 2347: 2345: 2343: 2341: 2339: 2337: 2215: 1722: 956: 950:at the workshop of the Flemish engraver 878: 702: 619: 547: 498:. His continuation and finishing of the 446: 405: 288: 215: 172: 149: 4620:Burials at St Giles-without-Cripplegate 4116:Book IV, Section II, Chapter 40, p. 168 3531: 3204:Reading History in Early Modern England 2866: 2604: 2447: 2387: 2264: 2194: 2172:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2168: 1706: 1292:and commentaries by Alasdair Hawkyard. 401: 240:, and in 1598 he presented his maps to 4592: 4446:John Speed Maps – Antique 17th Century 4416:"A Map of Russia", c.1676 – John Speed 4269:De Anglorum Gentis Origine Disceptatio 4198:William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 3744:", in P. Schwyzer and W. Maley (eds), 3589:Britain's Tudor Maps: County by County 3500:Britain's Tudor Maps: County by County 3396:(T. Payne and W. Brown, London 1768), 3269:Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam 2840: 2762: 2742: 2686: 2677:Alfred the Wise: Studies in Honour of 2517: 2413: 2353:The History of the Worthies of England 2288:The Counties of Britain: A Tudor Atlas 2241: 2164: 2162: 1295: 737:Brutus the supposed founder of Britain 684:Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam 537: 490:as they are recited in the Gospels of 4172:Shakespeare, Catholicism, and Romance 4052:Glasgow Museums collections navigator 3935: 3807: 3576: 3374:J. Speed, C. Schweitzer, J. Hondius, 3133: 2538:Special Collections, 11 October 2016. 2495:Early History of the Merchant Taylors 2484: 2416:"The Town of Holt, in County Denbigh" 2374: 2362: 2334: 2282: 2280: 2112:, 1st Edition (London 1611), text at 1934:While Shakespeare's character of Sir 1732:Piæ Memoriæ Charissimorum Parentum - 624:John Stow, Chronicler and Topographer 502:originated by a Puritan scholar, the 164:Company of Merchant Taylors of London 4155:Conference about the next Succession 4063:'The Remaines', in A. Munday (ed.), 3946:"Speede, John", in J. Foster (ed.), 3818:Library of Congress digital resource 2554:Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica 2355:(J.G., W.L. and W.G., London 1662), 946:. Much of the engraving was done in 2331:(Bibliothèque Nationale Française). 2159: 2106:(Bibliothèque Nationale Française). 1775: 849:(10) "James, our dread Soueraigne". 373: 13: 4615:17th-century English cartographers 4610:16th-century English cartographers 4494:", 2013–2017. (Commercial website) 4280:T. Park, "Edward, Lord Montague", 3723:Speed, ed. Nicolson and Hawkyard, 3674:Speed, ed. Nicolson and Hawkyard, 2473:"Life of John Speed", in W. West, 2458:London Marriage Licences 1521-1869 2277: 2100:Theatrum Imperii Magnae Britanniae 2079: 1970:), and he was called "our English 1825:John Speed and William Shakespeare 1819: 258:William Killigrew to Lord Burghley 221:Four-page wall map of Canaan, 1595 14: 4661: 4645:17th-century English male writers 4533: 4459:Welland Antique Maps & Prints 3022:(London: Nathaniel Ekins, 1662), 2889:, 1st edition (1611) Front matter 2812:, vol. 19, issue 2, (June 2018), 2573:, Ser.1, XXI (1865), pp. 285-93, 2477:(R. Wrightson, Birmingham 1830), 2460:(Bernard Quaritch, London 1887), 2403:. Vol. 53. pp. 318–320. 2210:. Vol. 53. pp. 318–320. 922:. The entire work, including the 4650:English male non-fiction writers 4510: 4497: 4484: 4464: 4451: 4438: 4421: 4408: 4396: 4383: 4370: 4355: 4325: 4312: 4300: 4287: 4274: 4261: 4246: 4231: 4228:(USA: XLibris, 2010), pp. 83–90. 4216: 4203: 4190: 4185:The Faith of William Shakespeare 4177: 4164: 4134: 4121: 4104: 4091: 4074: 4057: 4038: 4021: 4004: 3987: 3977: 3957: 3926: 3913: 3900: 3887: 3874: 3861: 3483:Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica 3361:; (1614 reissue), page views at 3219:(Clarendon Press, Oxford 1913), 2906:(Society's pdf), at p. 106 p. 35 2820:(Oxford University Press 2021), 2400:Dictionary of National Biography 2207:Dictionary of National Biography 2067: 2055: 1968:a foremost and erudite antiquary 1711: 1631: 1619: 1607: 1595: 1581:New and Accurat Map of the World 1549: 1534: 1519: 1504: 1489: 1460: 1445: 1430: 1415: 1400: 1385: 1363: 1348: 1333: 1318: 1302: 867:Historia Anglicana Ecclesiastica 338:which the Company held from the 191:Merchant Taylors' School, London 4640:17th-century English historians 4635:16th-century English historians 3848: 3835: 3822: 3794: 3781: 3768: 3753: 3730: 3717: 3701: 3681: 3668: 3663:Anecdotes of British Topography 3655: 3642: 3629: 3616: 3611:Anecdotes of British Topography 3603: 3594: 3563: 3550: 3518: 3513:Biographical History of England 3505: 3492: 3475: 3458: 3441: 3420: 3403: 3386: 3368: 3346: 3329: 3312: 3299: 3286: 3274: 3261: 3252: 3239: 3226: 3209: 3196: 3179: 3162: 3159:(Richard Bradocke, London 1598) 3149: 3120: 3111: 3094: 3077: 3064: 3047: 3029: 2992: 2909: 2892: 2879: 2827: 2784: 2729: 2712: 2669: 2652: 2639: 2622: 2595: 2580: 2563: 2504: 2467: 2430: 2407: 2274:, Jan 2022 (www. 1957: 1476:Views of Welsh towns (examples) 745:History of the Kings of Britain 638:Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles 573:to a close and inaugurated the 4295:The English Historical Library 4187:(UK: British Library, 2016) 47 4127:P. Corbin and D. Sedge (eds), 4114:(Iohn Williams, London 1655), 4001:(HRI/University of Sheffield). 3466:The English Historical Library 3040:(London, ?1595), full text at 3026:(Google): cited by Macfarlane. 2978:. Pan Macmillan. p. 762. 2955:. St Giles without Cripplegate 2512:Greenfield's pedigree of Speed 2317: 2235: 2008: 1914:, hath relieved the Memory of 1311:Countie Pallatine of Lancaster 563:the crown of England and Wales 418:The Puritan clergyman scholar 1: 4507:", 2017. (Commercial website) 4418:", 1676. (Commercial website) 3830:The Layton Collection, London 2456:J.L. Chester, ed. J. Foster, 2290:, Thames & Hudson (1989) 2152: 1918:, and of late is substituted 607:London Society of Antiquaries 304:Theatre of the British Empire 123:the union of their monarchies 4547:Cambridge University Library 4481:, 2014. (Commercial website) 4461:(2014). (Commercial website) 4448:, 2017. (Commercial website) 4084:, etc., 2nd edition (1623), 3893:Library of Congress catalog 3880:Library of Congress catalog 3787:Library of Congress catalog 3545:Cambridge University Library 3464:W. Nicolson, "J. Speed", in 3245:W. Howard of Naworth (ed.), 2851:A. Kippis, 'John Speed', in 2536:Cambridge University Library 2351:'John Speed', in T. Fuller, 2189:UK public library membership 1930:, have written against him." 1602:A Newe Mape of Germany, 1626 1000:Cambridge University Library 998:The "Gardner copies" in the 788:In the first edition of his 380:St Giles-without-Cripplegate 200: 168:Christchurch, Newgate Street 75:St Giles-without-Cripplegate 71:1629 (aged 76–77) 46:St Giles-without-Cripplegate 7: 3997:(1720), Book 3, Chapter 6, 3948:Alumni Oxonienses 1500–1714 3869:Sidney to Milton, 1580–1660 3485:(Marcus Wyon, Douai 1622), 3035:H. Broughton and J. Speed, 2876:, 1st edition (1611) p. 897 1898:, whom they have fancied a 1626:The Kingdome of China, 1626 731:From the first page of the 119:citizen and Merchant Taylor 21:John Speed (disambiguation) 10: 4666: 2759:; full text at Umich/eebo. 2327:, can be viewed online at 1938:is evidently based on the 1886:have themselves been very 1832:had near connections with 1812:'s 1633 edition of Stow's 961:William Camden, Clarenceux 808:is from this point a twin 18: 4630:16th-century male writers 4054:(retrieved 12 July 2022). 4027:See also J. J. Baddeley, 3954:(British History Online). 3802:Issue 03 (Relocated 2022) 3236:, CII (1987), pp. 633–47. 3234:English Historical Review 2018:region, and specifically 1877:Church-History of Britain 1655:St John's College, Oxford 1643: 790:History of Great Britaine 783:History of Great Britaine 506:minister and chronologer 284: 195:St John's College, Oxford 104: 93: 86: 67: 52: 37: 30: 3428:History of Great Britain 2976:The London Encyclopaedia 2298:: Pavilion Books (1992) 926:, was dedicated to King 859:the elder William Burton 658:A Historie of this Iland 527:Archbishop of Canterbury 396: 279:Works of Geffrey Chaucer 44:Memorial to John Speed, 4578:, a guide to Speed and 4031:(Author, London 1888), 3800:See Mapforum articles, 2420:Archaeologia Cambrensis 2272:"Biography: John Speed" 2242:Hewitt, Rachel (2010). 1910:of merit. The best is, 1796:donated to the city of 1786:Constance, Lady Burrell 1410:, 1610; an 1896 reprint 1379:Town inserts (examples) 698:Opera Bedae Venerabilis 599:Rouge Dragon Pursuivant 583:Clarenceux King of Arms 4472:John Speed County Maps 4222:C.A. Matza Jr. (ed.), 3524:M. A. E. Green (ed.), 3320:The Annales of England 3187:The Annales of England 3000:A Concent of Scripture 2772:The Maps of John Speed 2658:M. A. E. Green (ed.), 2575:at pp. 289–290, note 2 2532:A Theatre of Treasures 2224:"Life of John Speed", 2181:10.1093/ref:odnb/26093 1932: 1890:with, and others very 1862: 1761: 1748: 1728: 1663:Samuel Speed, D.D. of 1014: 962: 887: 708: 693:Historia Ecclesiastica 646:The Annales of England 625: 603:College of Antiquaries 553: 456: 455:re-engraved after 1666 424:A Concent of Scripture 415: 317:to be renewed for Sir 294: 271: 261: 230: 223: 178: 4568:22 April 2019 at the 4503:Baumann Rare Books, " 4444:Antique Maps Online, 4010:See also G. Ormerod, 3541:Theatre of the Empire 2853:Biographia Britannica 2777:12 April 2016 at the 2414:Palmer, A.N. (1907). 1881: 1866:The Three Conversions 1854:The Three Conversions 1850: 1834:St Giles, Cripplegate 1749: 1730: 1726: 1688:His arms, granted by 1665:Christ Church, Oxford 1005: 960: 906:and a general map of 902:, as well as maps of 882: 758:De Excidio Britanniae 706: 672:William of Malmesbury 662:Florence of Worcester 623: 605:, predecessor of the 569:in 1603, brought the 551: 450: 409: 351:A Clowde of Witnesses 340:Chapter of St. Paul's 292: 266: 250: 248:(a customs officer): 225: 219: 176: 150:Family and early life 4625:People from Cheshire 4477:6 April 2017 at the 3854:R.A. Skelton (ed.), 3725:Britain's Tudor Maps 3676:Britain's Tudor Maps 3053:M.A.E. Green (ed.), 3018:J. Lightfoot (ed.), 1707:Monument and epitaph 741:Geoffrey of Monmouth 559:James VI of Scotland 402:Biblical genealogies 19:For other uses, see 4584:Stanford University 4521:Library of Congress 4435:(Internet Archive). 4071:(Internet Archive). 4035:(Internet Archive). 4018:(Internet Archive). 3970:The Daily Telegraph 3895:newe mape of Poland 2577:(Internet Archive). 2560:(Internet Archive). 2501:(Internet Archive). 2444:(Internet Archive). 2394:"Speed, John"  2359:(Internet Archive). 2201:"Speed, John"  1980:Stephen Hyde Cassan 1830:William Shakespeare 1782:Sir William Burrell 1296:Counties (examples) 995:published in 1568. 885:Union of the crowns 863:Nicholas Harpsfield 774:, allowed that his 676:Henry of Huntingdon 127:King James I and VI 4572:from Antique Maps. 4557:Occidental College 4429:British Topography 4097:(Robert Persons), 3727:(2017), pp. 6–152. 3714:(Internet Archive) 3693:Acts and Monuments 3678:(2017), pp. 18–21. 3650:Historical Atlases 3434:(Google); (1623), 3343:(Internet Archive) 3326:(Internet Archive) 2861:at p. 3774, note E 2726:(Internet Archive) 2709:(Internet Archive) 2666:(Internet Archive) 2636:(Internet Archive) 2464:(Internet Archive) 1894:at, the memory of 1729: 1482:independent entity 1020:(General); 5, The 963: 940:Christopher Saxton 888: 763:Widukind of Corvey 713:Christopher Saxton 709: 678:and others in Sir 667:Flores Historiarum 626: 554: 512:King James Version 457: 444:) in four sheets. 416: 336:Moorfields, London 295: 281:, reprinted 1602. 277:'s edition of the 224: 179: 177:Sir Fulke Greville 139:hundred-boundaries 131:Christopher Saxton 4555:Online maps from 4209:E. Malone (ed.), 3993:J. Strype (ed.), 3950:(Oxford, 1891), 3867:M. Wynne-Davies, 2718:T. Speght (ed.), 2257:978-1-84708-254-1 2187:(Subscription or 1964:Robert Sheringham 1928:malicious Papists 1916:Sr John Oldcastle 1912:Sr John Falstaffe 1896:Sr John Oldcastle 1765:John Thomas Smith 726:Sir Robert Cotton 707:Sir Robert Cotton 597:, William Smith ( 189:, who studied at 125:in the person of 108: 107: 88:Scientific career 4657: 4527: 4514: 4508: 4501: 4495: 4488: 4482: 4468: 4462: 4455: 4449: 4442: 4436: 4425: 4419: 4412: 4406: 4400: 4394: 4387: 4381: 4374: 4368: 4359: 4353: 4342: 4336: 4329: 4323: 4316: 4310: 4304: 4298: 4291: 4285: 4278: 4272: 4265: 4259: 4250: 4244: 4235: 4229: 4220: 4214: 4207: 4201: 4194: 4188: 4181: 4175: 4168: 4162: 4151: 4145: 4138: 4132: 4125: 4119: 4108: 4102: 4095: 4089: 4078: 4072: 4061: 4055: 4042: 4036: 4025: 4019: 4008: 4002: 3991: 3985: 3981: 3975: 3974: 3961: 3955: 3944: 3933: 3930: 3924: 3917: 3911: 3904: 3898: 3891: 3885: 3878: 3872: 3865: 3859: 3852: 3846: 3839: 3833: 3826: 3820: 3814: 3805: 3798: 3792: 3785: 3779: 3772: 3766: 3757: 3751: 3743: 3739: 3734: 3728: 3721: 3715: 3705: 3699: 3685: 3679: 3672: 3666: 3659: 3653: 3646: 3640: 3633: 3627: 3620: 3614: 3607: 3601: 3598: 3592: 3585: 3574: 3567: 3561: 3554: 3548: 3538: 3529: 3522: 3516: 3509: 3503: 3496: 3490: 3479: 3473: 3462: 3456: 3445: 3439: 3424: 3418: 3407: 3401: 3390: 3384: 3372: 3366: 3350: 3344: 3333: 3327: 3316: 3310: 3303: 3297: 3290: 3284: 3278: 3272: 3265: 3259: 3256: 3250: 3243: 3237: 3230: 3224: 3215:C.L. Kingsford, 3213: 3207: 3200: 3194: 3191:Internet Archive 3183: 3177: 3166: 3160: 3153: 3147: 3140: 3131: 3124: 3118: 3115: 3109: 3098: 3092: 3081: 3075: 3068: 3062: 3051: 3045: 3033: 3027: 3016: 3007: 2996: 2990: 2989: 2971: 2965: 2964: 2962: 2960: 2949: 2940: 2929: 2920: 2915:J. Bruce (ed.), 2913: 2907: 2902:CXXVIII (2010), 2896: 2890: 2883: 2877: 2870: 2864: 2849: 2838: 2831: 2825: 2806: 2795: 2788: 2782: 2769: 2760: 2749: 2740: 2733: 2727: 2716: 2710: 2699: 2684: 2673: 2667: 2656: 2650: 2643: 2637: 2626: 2620: 2611: 2602: 2599: 2593: 2584: 2578: 2567: 2561: 2550: 2539: 2528: 2515: 2508: 2502: 2491: 2482: 2471: 2465: 2454: 2445: 2434: 2428: 2427: 2426:: 389–434 (425). 2411: 2405: 2404: 2396: 2385: 2372: 2369: 2360: 2349: 2332: 2321: 2315: 2284: 2275: 2268: 2262: 2261: 2249: 2239: 2233: 2222: 2213: 2211: 2203: 2192: 2184: 2166: 2071: 2059: 1988:Richard Newcourt 1976:William Nicolson 1962:In later years, 1814:Survey of London 1794:their collection 1790:monumental brass 1776:Monumental brass 1717:Richard Newcourt 1635: 1623: 1611: 1599: 1553: 1538: 1523: 1508: 1493: 1464: 1449: 1434: 1419: 1404: 1389: 1367: 1352: 1341:Northamptonshire 1337: 1322: 1306: 1268:(General); 139, 1264:(General). 137, 1216:(General); 101, 1182:Durham-Bishopric 1122:Northamptonshire 989:William Lambarde 976:Philemon Holland 944:Geradus Mercator 465:King James Bible 374:Death and legacy 315:Fenchurch Street 259: 144:King James Bible 42: 28: 27: 4665: 4664: 4660: 4659: 4658: 4656: 4655: 4654: 4590: 4589: 4570:Wayback Machine 4536: 4531: 4530: 4515: 4511: 4502: 4498: 4489: 4485: 4479:Wayback Machine 4469: 4465: 4456: 4452: 4443: 4439: 4426: 4422: 4414:C.E. Puckett, " 4413: 4409: 4401: 4397: 4388: 4384: 4375: 4371: 4360: 4356: 4343: 4339: 4330: 4326: 4317: 4313: 4305: 4301: 4292: 4288: 4279: 4275: 4267:R. Sheringham, 4266: 4262: 4252:I. Djordjevic, 4251: 4247: 4236: 4232: 4221: 4217: 4208: 4204: 4195: 4191: 4182: 4178: 4169: 4165: 4152: 4148: 4139: 4135: 4126: 4122: 4109: 4105: 4096: 4092: 4079: 4075: 4062: 4058: 4043: 4039: 4026: 4022: 4009: 4005: 3992: 3988: 3982: 3978: 3963: 3962: 3958: 3945: 3936: 3931: 3927: 3919:Thomas Suarez, 3918: 3914: 3905: 3901: 3892: 3888: 3879: 3875: 3866: 3862: 3853: 3849: 3840: 3836: 3827: 3823: 3815: 3808: 3799: 3795: 3786: 3782: 3773: 3769: 3758: 3754: 3741: 3737: 3735: 3731: 3722: 3718: 3706: 3702: 3686: 3682: 3673: 3669: 3660: 3656: 3647: 3643: 3634: 3630: 3621: 3617: 3608: 3604: 3599: 3595: 3586: 3577: 3568: 3564: 3555: 3551: 3539: 3532: 3523: 3519: 3510: 3506: 3497: 3493: 3480: 3476: 3463: 3459: 3446: 3442: 3425: 3421: 3408: 3404: 3391: 3387: 3373: 3369: 3351: 3347: 3334: 3330: 3317: 3313: 3304: 3300: 3291: 3287: 3279: 3275: 3266: 3262: 3257: 3253: 3244: 3240: 3231: 3227: 3214: 3210: 3201: 3197: 3184: 3180: 3167: 3163: 3154: 3150: 3141: 3134: 3125: 3121: 3116: 3112: 3099: 3095: 3082: 3078: 3069: 3065: 3052: 3048: 3034: 3030: 3017: 3010: 2997: 2993: 2986: 2972: 2968: 2958: 2956: 2951: 2950: 2943: 2930: 2923: 2914: 2910: 2897: 2893: 2884: 2880: 2871: 2867: 2850: 2841: 2832: 2828: 2807: 2798: 2789: 2785: 2779:Wayback Machine 2770: 2763: 2750: 2743: 2734: 2730: 2717: 2713: 2700: 2687: 2674: 2670: 2657: 2653: 2644: 2640: 2627: 2623: 2612: 2605: 2600: 2596: 2585: 2581: 2568: 2564: 2551: 2542: 2529: 2518: 2509: 2505: 2492: 2485: 2472: 2468: 2455: 2448: 2435: 2431: 2412: 2408: 2389:Pollard, Albert 2386: 2375: 2370: 2363: 2350: 2335: 2322: 2318: 2285: 2278: 2269: 2265: 2258: 2246:Map of a Nation 2240: 2236: 2223: 2216: 2196:Pollard, Albert 2186: 2167: 2160: 2155: 2082: 2080:Published works 2075: 2072: 2063: 2060: 2036:Peter the Great 2034:(then ruled by 2011: 1984:Charles Hulbert 1960: 1940:stage-Oldcastle 1827: 1822: 1820:Interpretations 1778: 1753: 1742: 1736: 1733: 1714: 1709: 1697:Sir Keith Speed 1667:, died in 1674. 1646: 1639: 1636: 1627: 1624: 1615: 1612: 1603: 1600: 1569: 1560: 1554: 1545: 1539: 1530: 1524: 1515: 1509: 1500: 1494: 1478: 1471: 1465: 1456: 1450: 1441: 1435: 1426: 1420: 1411: 1405: 1396: 1390: 1381: 1374: 1368: 1359: 1353: 1344: 1338: 1329: 1323: 1314: 1307: 1298: 1286:British Library 1284:. In 2016, the 1238:Montgomeryshire 1222:Carmarthenshire 1210:Channel Islands 1200:; 93, Islands ( 1142:Nottinghamshire 1106:Gloucestershire 1098:Buckinghamshire 985:Laurence Nowell 968:Scale of Passes 952:Jodocus Hondius 877: 786: 749:Name of Britain 634:Richard Grafton 628:The chronicler 575:House of Stuart 546: 428:Jodocus Hondius 410:Opening of the 404: 399: 376: 287: 260: 257: 242:Queen Elizabeth 203: 152: 82: 72: 63: 57: 48: 33: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4663: 4653: 4652: 4647: 4642: 4637: 4632: 4627: 4622: 4617: 4612: 4607: 4602: 4588: 4587: 4573: 4560: 4559:, Los Angeles. 4550: 4535: 4534:External links 4532: 4529: 4528: 4509: 4496: 4483: 4463: 4450: 4437: 4420: 4407: 4395: 4393:( 4382: 4369: 4354: 4337: 4324: 4318:S. H. Cassan, 4311: 4299: 4286: 4273: 4260: 4245: 4240:English Comedy 4230: 4215: 4202: 4189: 4183:G. Holderness 4176: 4170:V.B. Richmond 4163: 4146: 4133: 4120: 4103: 4090: 4073: 4056: 4037: 4020: 4003: 3986: 3976: 3956: 3934: 3925: 3912: 3899: 3886: 3873: 3860: 3847: 3834: 3821: 3806: 3793: 3780: 3767: 3752: 3729: 3716: 3700: 3680: 3667: 3654: 3641: 3628: 3615: 3602: 3593: 3575: 3562: 3549: 3530: 3517: 3504: 3491: 3474: 3457: 3440: 3419: 3402: 3385: 3367: 3345: 3328: 3311: 3298: 3285: 3273: 3260: 3251: 3238: 3225: 3223:(Hathi Trust). 3208: 3195: 3178: 3161: 3155:e.g. J. Stow, 3148: 3132: 3119: 3110: 3093: 3076: 3063: 3046: 3028: 3008: 2998:H. Broughton, 2991: 2984: 2966: 2941: 2921: 2908: 2891: 2878: 2865: 2839: 2826: 2796: 2783: 2761: 2741: 2728: 2711: 2685: 2668: 2651: 2638: 2621: 2603: 2594: 2579: 2562: 2540: 2516: 2503: 2483: 2466: 2446: 2429: 2406: 2373: 2361: 2333: 2316: 2306:; (pbk, 1995) 2276: 2263: 2256: 2234: 2214: 2193:; superseding 2157: 2156: 2154: 2151: 2150: 2149: 2143: 2133: 2123: 2117: 2107: 2097: 2081: 2078: 2077: 2076: 2073: 2066: 2064: 2061: 2054: 2032:Russian Empire 2016:Chesapeake Bay 2010: 2007: 1959: 1956: 1924:petulant Poets 1904:jovial Royster 1873:Robert Persons 1864:The author of 1852:The author of 1842:John Oldcastle 1826: 1823: 1821: 1818: 1810:Anthony Munday 1777: 1774: 1713: 1710: 1708: 1705: 1690:William Camden 1686: 1685: 1682: 1679: 1676: 1673: 1670: 1669: 1668: 1661: 1645: 1642: 1641: 1640: 1637: 1630: 1628: 1625: 1618: 1616: 1613: 1606: 1604: 1601: 1594: 1568: 1563: 1562: 1561: 1555: 1548: 1546: 1540: 1533: 1531: 1525: 1518: 1516: 1510: 1503: 1501: 1495: 1488: 1477: 1474: 1473: 1472: 1466: 1459: 1457: 1451: 1444: 1442: 1436: 1429: 1427: 1421: 1414: 1412: 1406: 1399: 1397: 1391: 1384: 1380: 1377: 1376: 1375: 1369: 1362: 1360: 1354: 1347: 1345: 1339: 1332: 1330: 1324: 1317: 1315: 1308: 1301: 1297: 1294: 1290:Nigel Nicolson 1254:Carnarvonshire 1242:Merionethshire 1226:Glamorganshire 1194:Northumberland 1134:Leicestershire 1114:Worcestershire 1086:Cambridgeshire 1024:Heptarchy; 7, 920:William Camden 876: 871: 851: 850: 847: 844: 841: 838: 835: 828: 827: 824: 821: 818: 810:Chorographical 785: 780: 768:James Spedding 611:Cum Privilegio 579:William Camden 545: 536: 473:Garden of Eden 432:John Lightfoot 420:Hugh Broughton 403: 400: 398: 395: 375: 372: 327:Alexander Gill 286: 283: 255: 234:Hugh Broughton 207:Fulke Greville 202: 199: 151: 148: 106: 105: 102: 101: 95: 91: 90: 84: 83: 73: 69: 65: 64: 58: 54: 50: 49: 43: 35: 34: 31: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4662: 4651: 4648: 4646: 4643: 4641: 4638: 4636: 4633: 4631: 4628: 4626: 4623: 4621: 4618: 4616: 4613: 4611: 4608: 4606: 4603: 4601: 4598: 4597: 4595: 4585: 4581: 4577: 4574: 4571: 4567: 4564: 4561: 4558: 4554: 4551: 4548: 4544: 4543: 4538: 4537: 4525: 4522: 4518: 4513: 4506: 4500: 4493: 4487: 4480: 4476: 4473: 4467: 4460: 4454: 4447: 4441: 4434: 4430: 4424: 4417: 4411: 4404: 4399: 4392: 4386: 4379: 4373: 4366: 4365: 4358: 4351: 4347: 4341: 4334: 4328: 4321: 4315: 4308: 4303: 4296: 4293:W. Nicolson, 4290: 4283: 4277: 4270: 4264: 4257: 4256: 4249: 4242: 4241: 4234: 4227: 4226: 4219: 4212: 4206: 4199: 4193: 4186: 4180: 4173: 4167: 4160: 4156: 4150: 4143: 4140:H.J. Heller, 4137: 4130: 4124: 4118:(Umich/eebo). 4117: 4113: 4107: 4100: 4094: 4087: 4083: 4077: 4070: 4069:at pp. 776-77 4066: 4060: 4053: 4049: 4048: 4041: 4034: 4030: 4024: 4017: 4013: 4007: 4000: 3996: 3990: 3980: 3972: 3971: 3966: 3960: 3953: 3952:pp. 1394–1422 3949: 3943: 3941: 3939: 3929: 3922: 3916: 3909: 3906:F.J. Bremer, 3903: 3896: 3890: 3883: 3877: 3870: 3864: 3857: 3851: 3844: 3838: 3831: 3825: 3819: 3813: 3811: 3803: 3797: 3790: 3784: 3777: 3771: 3764: 3763: 3756: 3749: 3748: 3733: 3726: 3720: 3713: 3710: 3704: 3698: 3694: 3690: 3687:W. Lambarde, 3684: 3677: 3671: 3665:pp. 595, 608. 3664: 3658: 3651: 3645: 3638: 3632: 3625: 3619: 3612: 3606: 3597: 3590: 3584: 3582: 3580: 3572: 3566: 3559: 3553: 3546: 3542: 3537: 3535: 3527: 3521: 3514: 3508: 3501: 3495: 3488: 3484: 3478: 3471: 3467: 3461: 3454: 3450: 3444: 3437: 3436:pp. 1059–1105 3433: 3430:(1611/1614), 3429: 3423: 3416: 3412: 3406: 3399: 3395: 3389: 3382: 3378: 3371: 3364: 3360: 3356: 3349: 3342: 3338: 3332: 3325: 3321: 3315: 3308: 3302: 3295: 3289: 3282: 3277: 3270: 3264: 3255: 3248: 3242: 3235: 3229: 3222: 3218: 3212: 3205: 3199: 3192: 3188: 3182: 3175: 3171: 3165: 3158: 3152: 3145: 3139: 3137: 3129: 3123: 3114: 3107: 3103: 3097: 3090: 3086: 3080: 3073: 3067: 3060: 3056: 3050: 3043: 3039: 3032: 3025: 3021: 3015: 3013: 3005: 3001: 2995: 2987: 2985:9780230738782 2981: 2977: 2970: 2954: 2948: 2946: 2938: 2934: 2931:R. 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Clode, 2433: 2425: 2421: 2417: 2410: 2402: 2401: 2395: 2390: 2384: 2382: 2380: 2378: 2368: 2366: 2358: 2354: 2348: 2346: 2344: 2342: 2340: 2338: 2330: 2326: 2320: 2313: 2312:1-85793-612-4 2309: 2305: 2304:1-85145-131-5 2301: 2297: 2296:0-500-25104-5 2293: 2289: 2283: 2281: 2273: 2267: 2259: 2253: 2248: 2247: 2238: 2231: 2228:, July 1782, 2227: 2221: 2219: 2209: 2208: 2202: 2197: 2190: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2173: 2165: 2163: 2158: 2148:(London 1627) 2147: 2144: 2141: 2137: 2134: 2131: 2127: 2124: 2121: 2118: 2115: 2111: 2108: 2105: 2101: 2098: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2084: 2083: 2074:Jamaica, 1676 2070: 2065: 2058: 2053: 2052: 2051: 2049: 2048:topographical 2045: 2041: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2017: 2006: 2004: 2000: 1995: 1993: 1992:James Granger 1989: 1985: 1981: 1977: 1973: 1969: 1965: 1955: 1951: 1949: 1948:Edmond Malone 1945: 1944:Nicholas Rowe 1941: 1937: 1936:John Falstaff 1931: 1929: 1925: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1902:Companion, a 1901: 1897: 1893: 1889: 1885: 1880: 1878: 1874: 1871: 1867: 1861: 1859: 1858:stage players 1855: 1849: 1847: 1843: 1839: 1835: 1831: 1817: 1815: 1811: 1805: 1803: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1787: 1783: 1773: 1771: 1766: 1760: 1758: 1747: 1745: 1740: 1725: 1721: 1718: 1712:Wall monument 1704: 1703:(1934–2018). 1702: 1698: 1693: 1691: 1683: 1680: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1666: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1656: 1652: 1651: 1650: 1634: 1629: 1622: 1617: 1610: 1605: 1598: 1593: 1592: 1591: 1589: 1584: 1582: 1578: 1574: 1567: 1558: 1552: 1547: 1543: 1537: 1532: 1528: 1522: 1517: 1513: 1507: 1502: 1498: 1492: 1487: 1486: 1485: 1483: 1469: 1463: 1458: 1454: 1448: 1443: 1439: 1433: 1428: 1424: 1418: 1413: 1409: 1403: 1398: 1394: 1388: 1383: 1382: 1372: 1366: 1361: 1357: 1351: 1346: 1342: 1336: 1331: 1327: 1321: 1316: 1312: 1305: 1300: 1299: 1293: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1247: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1234:Cardiganshire 1231: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1218:Pembrokeshire 1215: 1211: 1207: 1206:Farne Islands 1203: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1187: 1183: 1179: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1150:Staffordshire 1147: 1143: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1127: 1123: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1110:Herefordshire 1107: 1103: 1099: 1095: 1091: 1090:Hertfordshire 1087: 1083: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1043: 1042:Isle of Wight 1039: 1035: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1013: 1011: 1004: 1001: 996: 994: 990: 986: 981: 977: 973: 969: 959: 955: 953: 949: 945: 941: 935: 933: 929: 925: 921: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 897: 893: 886: 881: 875: 870: 868: 864: 860: 856: 848: 845: 842: 839: 836: 833: 832: 831: 825: 822: 819: 816: 815: 814: 811: 807: 803: 799: 798:Richard Gough 795: 791: 784: 779: 777: 773: 769: 764: 760: 759: 754: 750: 746: 742: 739:, drawn from 738: 734: 729: 727: 722: 718: 714: 705: 701: 699: 695: 694: 689: 685: 681: 677: 673: 669: 668: 663: 659: 655: 651: 647: 643: 639: 635: 631: 622: 618: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 592: 591:Henry Spelman 588: 587:Robert Cotton 584: 580: 576: 572: 571:Tudor dynasty 568: 564: 560: 550: 544: 540: 535: 533: 528: 524: 520: 515: 513: 509: 505: 501: 500:Map of Canaan 497: 493: 489: 485: 480: 478: 474: 470: 466: 462: 454: 453:Map of Canaan 449: 445: 443: 439: 438: 437:Map of Canaan 433: 429: 425: 421: 413: 408: 394: 391: 389: 385: 381: 371: 369: 365: 360: 356: 352: 347: 343: 341: 337: 333: 328: 324: 320: 319:Arthur Ingram 316: 312: 307: 305: 300: 299:Degory Wheare 291: 282: 280: 276: 275:Thomas Speght 270: 265: 254: 249: 247: 243: 239: 235: 229: 222: 218: 214: 212: 211:Thomas Fuller 208: 198: 196: 192: 188: 184: 175: 171: 169: 165: 161: 157: 147: 145: 140: 136: 132: 128: 124: 120: 116: 112: 103: 99: 96: 92: 89: 85: 80: 76: 70: 66: 61: 55: 51: 47: 41: 36: 29: 26: 22: 4600:1550s births 4541: 4516: 4512: 4499: 4486: 4466: 4453: 4440: 4428: 4423: 4410: 4398: 4385: 4377: 4376:J. Granger, 4372: 4363: 4357: 4345: 4340: 4332: 4331:T.B. Howell 4327: 4319: 4314: 4306: 4302: 4294: 4289: 4281: 4276: 4268: 4263: 4254: 4248: 4239: 4233: 4224: 4218: 4210: 4205: 4197: 4192: 4184: 4179: 4171: 4166: 4158: 4154: 4149: 4141: 4136: 4128: 4123: 4111: 4106: 4098: 4093: 4081: 4076: 4064: 4059: 4045: 4040: 4028: 4023: 4011: 4006: 3994: 3989: 3979: 3968: 3959: 3947: 3928: 3920: 3915: 3907: 3902: 3894: 3889: 3881: 3876: 3868: 3863: 3855: 3850: 3837: 3824: 3796: 3788: 3783: 3775: 3770: 3761: 3759:R. Hingley, 3755: 3745: 3732: 3724: 3719: 3712:at pp. 38–41 3708: 3703: 3692: 3688: 3683: 3675: 3670: 3662: 3657: 3649: 3644: 3636: 3631: 3622: 3618: 3610: 3605: 3596: 3588: 3570: 3565: 3557: 3552: 3540: 3525: 3520: 3512: 3507: 3499: 3494: 3482: 3477: 3465: 3460: 3453:p. 215, Note 3448: 3443: 3427: 3422: 3410: 3405: 3393: 3388: 3375: 3370: 3353: 3348: 3336: 3331: 3319: 3314: 3306: 3301: 3293: 3288: 3280: 3276: 3268: 3263: 3254: 3246: 3241: 3233: 3228: 3216: 3211: 3203: 3202:D.R. Woolf, 3198: 3186: 3181: 3169: 3164: 3156: 3151: 3143: 3127: 3122: 3113: 3101: 3096: 3084: 3079: 3066: 3054: 3049: 3036: 3031: 3019: 2999: 2994: 2975: 2969: 2959:17 September 2957:. Retrieved 2932: 2916: 2911: 2899: 2894: 2886: 2881: 2873: 2868: 2857:pp. 3773–775 2852: 2834: 2833:C.M. Clode, 2829: 2817: 2809: 2791: 2790:T.J. Werth, 2786: 2752: 2736: 2731: 2719: 2714: 2702: 2679:Janet Bately 2676: 2671: 2659: 2654: 2646: 2641: 2629: 2624: 2614: 2613:W. Goffart, 2597: 2587: 2582: 2570: 2565: 2553: 2530:A. Taylor, " 2506: 2494: 2474: 2469: 2457: 2437: 2432: 2423: 2419: 2409: 2398: 2352: 2324: 2319: 2287: 2266: 2245: 2237: 2225: 2205: 2170: 2145: 2139: 2135: 2125: 2119: 2109: 2099: 2089: 2085: 2012: 2002: 1998: 1996: 1967: 1961: 1958:Appreciation 1952: 1950:'s editors. 1933: 1927: 1923: 1919: 1915: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1887: 1883: 1882: 1876: 1865: 1863: 1857: 1853: 1851: 1828: 1813: 1806: 1779: 1762: 1755: 1750: 1741: 1738: 1731: 1715: 1694: 1687: 1675:Nathan Speed 1647: 1638:Italia, 1626 1585: 1580: 1576: 1572: 1570: 1565: 1479: 1246:Denbighshire 1178:East Ridings 1138:Lincolnshire 1118:Warwickshire 1094:Bedfordshire 1015: 1009: 1006: 997: 993:Archaionomia 992: 971: 967: 964: 936: 931: 923: 915: 911: 891: 889: 873: 866: 854: 852: 829: 805: 793: 789: 787: 782: 775: 756: 748: 744: 732: 730: 720: 710: 697: 691: 683: 680:Henry Savile 665: 657: 653: 649: 645: 641: 637: 627: 610: 595:John Barkham 555: 542: 538: 531: 523:George Abbot 518: 516: 511: 499: 484:Jesus Christ 481: 469:Adam and Eve 460: 458: 452: 436: 423: 417: 411: 392: 388:Josias Shute 377: 363: 358: 354: 350: 348: 344: 322: 311:Prince Henry 309:In May 1612 308: 303: 296: 278: 272: 267: 262: 251: 231: 226: 204: 180: 153: 115:cartographer 110: 109: 87: 56:1551 or 1552 25: 4605:1629 deaths 4580:John Ogilby 4470:Mapseeker, 4361:J. Entick, 4110:T. Fuller, 3432:pp. 787-802 3292:W. Camden, 3267:H. Savile, 3117:(Worldcat). 2814:pp. 131–158 2810:The Library 2757:pp. 164-168 2751:D. Wheare, 2422:. 6th ser. 2028:East Indies 2009:Persistence 1908:Martial man 1884:Stage-poets 1788:included a 1230:Radnorshire 1202:Holy Island 1198:Isle of Man 1186:Westmorland 1170:West Riding 1102:Oxfordshire 806:magnum opus 717:John Norden 412:Genealogies 384:Fore Street 269:Companie... 158:village of 135:John Norden 98:Cartography 79:Cripplegate 4594:Categories 4553:John Speed 4545:, held by 4427:R. Gough, 4196:H. Bloom, 4080:J. Speed, 3882:The ilands 3487:pp. 741-79 3470:pp. 194-95 3409:J. Speed, 3392:R. Gough, 3381:Umich/eebo 3359:Umich/eebo 3352:J. Speed, 3174:Umich/eebo 3126:J. Speed, 3106:Umich/eebo 3100:J. Speed, 3083:J. Speed, 3042:Umich/eebo 3004:Umich/eebo 2953:"Heritage" 2904:pp. 73-120 2822:pp. 85-111 2707:pp. 332-33 2586:R. Gough, 2191:required.) 2153:References 2130:Umich/eebo 2114:Umich/eebo 2094:Umich/eebo 1926:, as what 1802:table tomb 1557:St David's 1542:Montgomery 1250:Flintshire 1190:Cumberland 1162:Lancashire 1154:Shropshire 1146:Derbyshire 1126:Huntingdon 644:, and his 492:St Matthew 488:King David 477:Noah's Ark 382:church on 332:prebendary 111:John Speed 62:, Cheshire 32:John Speed 4523:catalog, 4433:pp. 91-92 4350:pp. 62–65 4088:(Google). 4033:pp. 90-92 3999:pp. 85-86 3774:J. Speed 3736:C. Ivic, 3648:Goffart, 3635:A. McRae 3489:(Google). 3472:(Google). 3455:(Google). 3438:(Google). 3400:(Google). 3324:pp. 11-21 3185:J. Stow, 3168:J. Stow, 3061:(Google). 2939:(Google). 2863:(Google). 2824:(Google). 2558:pp. 18–25 2481:(Google). 2479:pp. 36–37 2462:Col. 1265 2232:(Google). 1588:shillings 1356:Hampshire 1278:Connaught 1166:Yorkshire 1070:Middlesex 1066:Berkshire 1062:Wiltshire 1038:Hampshire 948:Amsterdam 772:Henry VII 761:), Bede, 733:Histories 721:Britannia 670:, and of 654:Britannia 636:: Stow's 630:John Stow 567:Elizabeth 508:John More 334:lands at 201:Patronage 100:, history 4566:Archived 4475:Archived 3841:View at 2775:Archived 2724:frontis. 2634:at p. 43 2510:1572 in 2391:(1898). 2198:(1898). 2044:Barbados 2024:Maryland 2020:Virginia 1999:celerity 1972:Mercator 1920:Buffoone 1868:was the 1780:In 1944 1423:Monmouth 1393:Bedforde 1326:Wilshire 1274:Leinster 1262:Scotland 1258:Anglesey 1158:Cheshire 1058:Somerset 1054:Cornwall 980:nobility 908:Scotland 802:hundreds 776:Historie 442:Montanus 256:—  156:Cheshire 81:, London 4490:Ebth, " 3609:Gough, 3426:Speed, 3341:at p. 4 3038:fygures 3024:Preface 2887:History 2885:Speed, 2874:History 2872:Speed, 2701:Clode, 2329:gallica 2325:Theatre 2104:gallica 2090:History 2040:Jamaica 2003:success 1846:Lollard 1838:Henry V 1798:Glasgow 1577:Theatre 1527:Cardiff 1470:, 1611 1453:Redding 1408:Dubline 1280:; 145, 1276:; 143, 1272:; 141, 1270:Munster 1266:Ireland 1260:. 131, 1256:; 123, 1252:; 121, 1248:; 119, 1244:; 117, 1240:; 115, 1236:; 113, 1232:; 111, 1228:; 109, 1224:; 105, 1220:; 103, 1212:). 99, 1156:; 73 , 1130:Rutland 1082:Norfolk 1078:Suffolk 1052:; 21 , 1018:England 970:(i.e., 928:James I 924:History 916:History 912:Theatre 904:Ireland 896:England 855:History 650:History 585:), Sir 543:Theatre 539:History 532:History 504:Norwich 496:St Luke 440:(after 359:Theatre 355:History 323:History 228:estate. 160:Farndon 60:Farndon 4086:p. 804 4016:p. 406 3984:death. 3884:London 3661:Gough 3415:Google 3363:Google 3221:p. 268 3089:Google 3072:Google 3059:p. 639 2982:  2937:p. 356 2705:, II, 2497:, II, 2442:p. 332 2357:p. 184 2310:  2302:  2294:  2254:  2230:p. 348 2185: 2042:, and 2030:, the 2026:, the 1870:Jesuit 1644:Family 1586:At 40 1559:, 1610 1544:, 1610 1529:, 1610 1514:, 1610 1512:Brecon 1499:, 1610 1497:Bangor 1455:, 1610 1440:, 1610 1438:Oxford 1425:, 1610 1395:, 1611 1373:, 1610 1358:, 1610 1343:, 1610 1282:Ulster 1208:, the 1204:, the 1192:; 89, 1188:; 87, 1184:; 85, 1180:; 83, 1172:; 81, 1168:; 79, 1164:; 77, 1160:; 75, 1152:; 71, 1148:; 69, 1140:; 65, 1136:; 63, 1132:; 61, 1128:; 59, 1124:; 57, 1120:; 55, 1116:; 53, 1112:; 51, 1108:; 49, 1104:; 47, 1100:; 45, 1096:; 43, 1092:; 41, 1088:; 39, 1084:; 37, 1080:; 35, 1076:; 33, 1072:; 31, 1068:; 29, 1064:; 27, 1060:; 25, 1056:; 23, 1048:; 19, 1046:Dorset 1044:; 17, 1040:; 15, 1036:; 13, 1034:Surrey 1032:; 11, 1030:Sussex 1010:Island 987:) for 932:Empire 753:Gildas 664:, the 589:, Sir 414:, 1611 285:Career 246:Waiter 238:Canaan 183:London 94:Fields 3613:p. 42 3398:p. 42 3377:Speed 3355:Iames 2664:p. 62 2092:) at 1892:merry 1770:Blitz 1371:Wales 1214:Wales 1174:North 1074:Essex 1050:Devon 1028:; 9, 1022:Saxon 972:Paces 900:Wales 486:from 397:Works 368:stone 3897:1611 2980:ISBN 2961:2012 2308:ISBN 2300:ISBN 2292:ISBN 2252:ISBN 2022:and 2001:and 1900:boon 1888:bold 1844:, a 1784:and 1468:York 1309:The 1196:; , 1176:and 1144:; , 1026:Kent 898:and 715:and 688:Bede 541:and 494:and 357:and 193:and 187:M.D. 68:Died 53:Born 4047:sic 3695:at 2534:", 2177:doi 2038:), 2005:." 1986:). 991:'s 934:. 865:'s 743:'s 690:'s 682:'s 561:to 342:. 4596:: 3967:. 3937:^ 3809:^ 3578:^ 3533:^ 3135:^ 3011:^ 2944:^ 2924:^ 2859:, 2842:^ 2799:^ 2764:^ 2744:^ 2688:^ 2606:^ 2543:^ 2519:^ 2486:^ 2449:^ 2418:. 2397:. 2376:^ 2364:^ 2336:^ 2279:^ 2217:^ 2204:. 2161:^ 1701:MP 1699:, 1484:. 869:. 700:. 674:, 593:, 534:. 525:, 390:. 370:. 133:, 77:, 4586:. 4549:. 4526:. 4352:. 3742:' 3738:" 3547:. 3417:. 3383:. 3365:. 3193:. 3176:. 3108:. 3091:. 3074:. 3044:. 3006:. 2988:. 2963:. 2424:7 2314:. 2260:. 2212:. 2183:. 2179:: 2142:. 2132:. 2096:. 1759:) 1754:( 1746:) 1737:( 755:( 581:( 23:.


John Speed (disambiguation)

St Giles-without-Cripplegate
St Giles-without-Cripplegate
citizen and Merchant Taylor
the union of their monarchies
King James I and VI
Christopher Saxton
John Norden
King James Bible
Company of Merchant Taylors of London
Christchurch, Newgate Street

Merchant Taylors' School, London
St John's College, Oxford
Fulke Greville
Thomas Fuller

Four-page wall map of Canaan, 1595
Hugh Broughton

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
