
John Spilsbury (Baptist minister)

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purchase his people; a Prophet to teach and instruct that people; and a King to protect and defend the said people in their obedience to the truth, revealed by him as a Prophet, and by him as a King commanded to be obeyed; And as this is to be knowne and believed of such as expect life by him: even so it is to be confessed, by a professed subjection to him in the same. The Rule of which professed subjection and confession, is the instituted order and administration of Christ's Testament; for no other confession doth he approve of but that which holds him forth to be Jesus Christ, the Sonne of God, come in the flesh, dead, and risen againe, ascended, and exalted at Gods right hand, to the throne of his Father David; and so to be Lord of Lord, and King of Kings. And submission to the instituted order and administration of Christ's Testament, is an ordained confession of this believing in him, in a professed subjection to him. This confession doth Christ therefore require of such as believe in him, and ownes no believing unto salvation in his new Testament, once confirmed by his death, where this is refused….If there be no baptising into Christ, then is there not confession of Christ, according to his appointment, then no faith to salvation by Christ, expresly owned.
works faith in the hearts of all such to believe in Christ, and his righteousness, only for justification. And thus they are made righteous before God in Christ, and so conformable to the will of God the Father through the Son; and also made holy through the work of regeneration, and the holy Spirit of grace dwelling in them; yet all such have still, as long as they live here in the flesh, remaining in them, an old man, that original corruption, the flesh that wars against the spirit, which hinders them in their obedience both to God and to man, and many times draws them to that which is evil, and contrary to their intentions; yet all of them shall through Christ overcome, and safely be brought to glory at last.
shake it, and God hath said, that he will be a wall of fire round about, and the glory in the midst of it, and that he will keep it, and watch over it by night and by day, that nothing shall hurt it; and as God hath built himself a house after his own mind, and is a guard to the same; even so he is also said to beautify the same with salvation, and to make the place of his feet glorious, and that he will lay all her stones with fair colours, and her foundations with Sapphires, and her windows of Agars, and her gates of Carbuncles, and all her boarders of pleasant stones, and all her children taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of her children.
exception, and for such as have been one in God's love, so as approved of by him in Christ for salvation, and in the Covenant of Grace, and for such to fall so as to be damned eternally, and all of the like nature, I do believe is a doctrine from beneath, and not from above, and the teachers of it from Satan, and not from God, and to be rejected as such that oppose Christ and his Gospel.
3 nights in his grave, from whence he arose the third day by the power of his Godhead, for the justification of all for whose sins he died, and that in the same body Christ died, he arose from the death, and afterwards ascended into heaven, the place of glory, where he was before, and there to remain until he comes at the last day to judge the world in righteousness.
I believe that God made man in his own Image, an upright and perfect creature, consisting of soul and body: which body God framed of the earth, and breathed into the same the breath of life, and man became a living soul. To whom God gave a law, upon his keeping of which depends all his happiness, and
Spilsbury said that this leads to the third "constituting cause" of a church. The believers so fitted by the Word now covenant to be a body of believers joined by "free and mutual consent and agreement upon the practice of that truth so by God revealed, and by faith received." This voluntary covenant
Spilsbury said that all participation in the positive provisions of the old covenant was only a shadow of the spiritual reality of the new. An infant's exclusion from the positive ordinance of baptism forbids to him, or her, no spiritual blessing. The new covenant assumes the effectual working of the
I believe that God in the fullness of his own time, did send his son, the 2d. person, who in the womb of the virgin Mary, assumed mans nature, and in the same he suffered death upon the cross, only as he was man, to satisfy his Fathers justice, for the sins of his elect, & that he lay 3 days and
I believe God out of the counsel of his will, did, before he made the world, elect and choose some certain number of his foreseen fallen creatures, and appointed them to eternal life in his Son, for the glory of his grace: which number so elected shall be saved, come to glory, & the rest left in
Spilsbury considered this as necessary, not just convenient and for the well-being of the church, but for the being of the church. Spilsbury declared in no uncertain terms that saving faith must be manifest in the hearty approval and assertion of a body of propositional truths. No church, and thus
I do believe the resurrection of the dead, that all shall rise and come to judgment, and every one give account of himself to God, and receive according to the things done in their bodies, whether they be good or bad; therefore no conscience ought to be forced in the matters of Religion, because no
obedience is in faith performed, there Christ makes this His ordinance a means of unspeakable benefit to the believing soul, Acts 2:38, 22:16; Rom. 6:3, 4; 1 Pet.3:21. And a true believer that here sees the command of Christ lying upon him, cannot allow himself in disobedience thereunto, Acts 24:16.
Thus, Spilsbury might be excluding from salvation anyone who does not go on to believer's baptism. Alternatively, however, the meaning of "expresly owned" is that, apart from volitional submission to the established ordinance, the public confession whereby one says, "I have faith in Christ alone as
Spilsbury believed that once such agreement in conversion and truth was ascertained and the "matter," converted and convinced persons so constituted has covenanted with fully informed consciences to be the people of God, the covenant is sealed with baptism. "Thus being in Covenant with God by faith
And lastly, I do believe that there is an holy and blessed communion of Saints, that God of his grace calls such as belong to life by election, unto the fellowship of his Son by the Gospel, of which matter, God by his word and Spirit joins them together in his Covenant of grace, and so constitutes
I believe that God of his grace, in his own time, effectually calls such as shall be saved to the knowledge of the truth, who is said, of his own will to beget us by the word of truth: in which work of grace, nature is as passive, as a child in the parents begetting of it; and so God by His Spirit
I do believe that there is only one God, who is distinguished in 3 persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost; yet but one in nature, or essence, without divisions, and incommunicable, who made the world, and all things therein, by the word of his power, & governs them by his
Second, Spilsbury said that this same Word so convinces the sinner of its truth that its leaven "seasons and sweetens the whole man." The Word operates like a "fire that breaks forth and discovers itself" with such clarity in "such as have it," that they delineate specific truths from that Word. A
We have a strong City, salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks: which City is said to have a wall both great and high, and built upon twelve foundations; great, that none shall break through, and high, that none shall overtop or get over, and strong in the foundation, that nothing shall
Although a true believer, whether baptized, or unbaptized, be in the state of salvation, and shall certainly be saved: Yet in obedience to the command of Christ every believer ought to desire baptism, and to yield himself to be baptized according to the rule of Christ in His word: And where this
As for the absence of original sin, and power in the will to receive and refuse grace and salvation being generally offered by the Gospel, and Christ dying for all persons universally, to take away sin that stood between them and salvation, and so laid down his life for a ransom for all without
The confession that Christ requires of men so believing, is to confesse him in his Name and Titles that his Father hath honoured him with, and set him out by, viz. To be a sufficient and onely Saviour, and the Mediatour of the new Testament; as King, Priest, and Prophet. A Priest to redeeme and
Their practical subjection to Christ in the said truth, by them received and agreed upon as aforesaid, and this is the Covenant that forms the Church, which ever goes in order before the external administration of any other ordinance than the matters agreement together for orderly practice; for
And as Christ does thus signify unto us the nature of his church both in respect of her matter, her form, her grace, and comely order in him her head; even so he holds forth his love to her, and delight in her, by these and the like expressions of comfort and solace. The Lord hath chosen Zion,
On the other hand, if one applies the statement rigorously, that apart from believer's baptism there is no saving faith, few if any followers can be found in subsequent Baptist history. Perhaps this ambiguity gave rise to article XVI of the appendix to the 1646 edition of the London confession
Spilsbury's arguments for the rightness of believer's baptism found virtually no detractors from within Baptist ranks; it continues to influence both Baptist belief and practice today. His arguments that believer's baptism as a necessity for the public owning of Christ became common doctrine.
I do believe the powers that are, as the civil Magistrates, and so, are of God, to whom God hath committed the Sword of justice, for the punishing of evil doers, and for the good of such as do well, in which respect they ought to be honoured, obeyed, and assisted by all men, and of Christians
Spilsbury said that submission to such constituted the covenantal agreement was necessary before baptism into his doctrine of the church. He further argued that this union must first exist before communion in any other privileges may be enjoyed for the "comfort and well being" of the body.
187:"which is to fit and prepare the matter for the form." The preaching of the Word assaults the pride of man, smooths his "hard and rough turbulent" spirit, aligns his "crooked and Serpent-like nature," and brings him humbly to embrace the "low and mean condition of Christ upon His cross." 307:
upon the contrary attended his misery, which took effect; for he breaking that law, he fell under the curse, and wrath of God lay upon him and all his posterity. By which fall man lost the knowledge of God, and utterly disabled himself of all ability ever to recover the same again.
I believe the holy Scriptures to be the word of God, and have the only authority to bind the conscience to the obedience of all therein contained, and are the all sufficient rule, by the Spirit of God to guide a man in all his obedience both to God and
Spilsbury wanted to disarm those who cast "reproachful clamors ... upon all without exception, that seem to be of my judgment about baptism" by declaring "a word of my faith, what I believe and hold to be truth, and desire to practice the same."
his Church, as I have before showed: And as God hath thus built for himself an holy habitation of such pure matter, and also after so holy a manner, even so hath he provided a way of preservation and safety for the same; as Isa. 26:1.
Spilsbury submitted a personal confession of ten articles for the "Godly reader to judge, what difference there is between him and me, in the main, that men should be so incensed against me, as to seek my life, as some have done."
A truly orthodox confession, arising from true faith, would, according to Spilsbury, certainly culminate in true baptism. Refusal to submit to this ordinance meant the absence of true profession and true faith, "expresly owned."
The issue of the salvation of infants dying in infancy he treated as an area of mystery. He argued that one's answer to that question does not affect the revealed qualifications for those who may legitimately receive
in Jesus Christ, in which their state consists, and so the agreement made, and the covenant passed between them, now the seal is set to. Which is the outward ordinance of Baptism, to confirm the same," he wrote.
From Spilsbury's pastoral doctrine, two issues, expansively developed, received forceful treatment: the constitution of a Christian congregation and the "invincible efficacy" of Christ's work for His people.
347:&c. Pas. 132.13,14; Eph. 2:21,23. Pas. 87.2,3; Gal. 4:26,31. Isa. 2.2; Isa. 62. 1,12, Ezek. 48:35. Rev. 21. 12,14, Zech. 2.5, Isa. 26.3, Isa. 4. 11,12,13. Rev. 21. 11,18,21, Cant. 4.7, Psal. 45.13. 202:
work in knitting and uniting their hearts together in truth. A corporate witness to propositional truths provides the only clear evidence that such a work of the Spirit has, in fact, occurred.
persons must be informed of the truth in judgment, and bound by the same in conscience, and agree upon the practice, before the same can orderly be put into execution.
Somewhat controversially, Spilsbury asserted that any other baptism is not baptism at all but a faulty cornerstone that would "bring down the church." He said that
confession of faith consisting of particular doctrines naturally develops. Others so prepared "come to one and the same mind and judgment in it."
487: 335:
especially, and that out of conscience to God, whose ordinance and ministers they are, and bear not the sword in vain, Rom. 13, I Pet. 2, Tit. 3.
One year later, Spilsbury would join with the other Particular Baptist churches in London in publishing and signing the First London Confession:
177:, also dealt at length with the particular task of fitting and preparing the matter, that is how sinners are made fit for constituting a church. 150:, corresponds to the nature of the new covenant, stands alone as enjoined by the Lord's authority, and alone is practised by the apostles. 139:
Spirit to create a believing community justified by faith in Christ and employs new positive ordinances as the symbols of its character.
452: 135:, the exclusion of infants from the sign of the new does not mean that the new is less encouraging in its privileges than the old. 111:. He approved covenant theology and built his doctrine of the church on the "infallible certainty" of the eternal 235:
no baptism, could exist apart from submission to orthodox evangelicalism embodied in a confession of faith.
In the final analysis, Spilsbury saw four elements that merged in the creation of a "New Testament church".
362: 246:. The confession of Christ, including all the biblical truths about him, must be culminated in baptism. 132: 462: 91:
of the Christian church. Benjamin Coxe transcribed and enlarged the second part of this work.
367: 143: 100: 457: 482: 477: 104: 8: 108: 80:, which he reissued in a second edition in 1652, "Corrected and enlarged by the Author." 372: 88: 331:
man can bear out another in his account to God, if in case he should cause him to sin.
162: 112: 228: 377: 224: 52:
church, which he left in 1633, because of his position on believer's baptism.
25: 471: 157:, therefore, who retained infant baptism kept themselves "in the company of 128: 124: 116: 242:
He summarises the content of a true "Confession of Christ" in part one of
The point must be made clearly and without equivocation that the earliest
written by Mr. Spilsbury's friend and co-laborer, Benjamin Cockes (Cox):
199: 154: 147: 119:
in Christ eliminated the possibility of an infant's participation in it.
184: 165:
or go forward to what he saw as "the true constitution of the church."
158: 49: 45: 29: 231:, established their churches by agreement to a confession of faith. 357: 60:
In 1638, Spilsbury founded the first particular Baptist church in
61: 41: 424:
In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story
A Treatise Concerning the Lawfull Subject of Baptisme
English Particular Baptist minister (1593 – c. 1668)
115:; he argued, however, that the spirituality of the 127:ordinances. Though the visible perpetuity of the 413:, The Baptist Standard Bearer, USA, 2001, p. 1091 469: 87:, with a discussion of what he perceived as the 285: 262: 24:(1593 – c. 1668) was an English cobbler and 426:, Mercer University Press, USA, 2008, p. 19 198:He said that the fourth cause follows, the 463:John Spilsbury's Peculiar Interest Book 218: 168: 488:17th-century English Baptist ministers 470: 437:Historical Dictionary of the Baptists 398:Historical Dictionary of the Baptists 94: 85:God's Ordinance, The Saints Privilege 439:, Scarecrow Press, USA, 2009, p. 429 400:, Scarecrow Press, USA, 2009, p. 538 244:Gods Ordinance, the Saints Privilege 411:The Baptist Encyclopedia - Volume 3 40:John Spilsbury was born in 1593 in 13: 32:Baptist church in London in 1638. 14: 499: 458:John Spilsbury and His Confession 446: 89:two Scripturally-based sacraments 67: 183:First, he argued, must come the 175:The Lawfull Subject of Baptisme 429: 416: 403: 390: 48:. He was a member of a London 1: 383: 76:In 1643, Spilsbury published 286:Personal confession of faith 263:Influence on modern Baptists 133:circumcision of male infants 99:Spilsbury's presentation of 35: 7: 363:Southern Baptist Convention 351: 311:sin to glorify his justice. 55: 10: 504: 195:precedes the ordinances. 173:Spilsbury's first work, 161:." They must return to 142:He firmly believed that 283: 256: 212: 28:minister who set up a 435:William H. Brackney, 396:William H. Brackney, 278: 251: 207: 107:of necessity engaged 219:Professions of faith 169:New Testament church 44:He was a cobbler at 422:C. Douglas Weaver, 268:Savior" is absent. 225:Particular Baptists 109:covenantal theology 409:William Cathcart, 373:Baptist ordinances 368:Believer's baptism 144:Believer's baptism 101:believer's baptism 95:Believer's baptism 83:In 1646 he issued 26:Particular Baptist 113:covenant of grace 495: 440: 433: 427: 420: 414: 407: 401: 394: 303:wise providence. 229:General Baptists 503: 502: 498: 497: 496: 494: 493: 492: 468: 467: 449: 444: 443: 434: 430: 421: 417: 408: 404: 395: 391: 386: 378:Baptist offices 354: 288: 265: 221: 171: 97: 70: 58: 38: 17: 12: 11: 5: 501: 491: 490: 485: 480: 466: 465: 460: 455: 453:Funeral sermon 448: 447:External links 445: 442: 441: 428: 415: 402: 388: 387: 385: 382: 381: 380: 375: 370: 365: 360: 353: 350: 349: 348: 344: 340: 336: 332: 328: 324: 320: 316: 312: 308: 304: 287: 284: 264: 261: 220: 217: 170: 167: 148:infant baptism 96: 93: 69: 68:Scholarly work 66: 57: 54: 37: 34: 22:John Spilsbury 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 500: 489: 486: 484: 481: 479: 476: 475: 473: 464: 461: 459: 456: 454: 451: 450: 438: 432: 425: 419: 412: 406: 399: 393: 389: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 356: 355: 345: 341: 337: 333: 329: 325: 321: 317: 313: 309: 305: 301: 300: 299: 296: 292: 282: 277: 273: 269: 260: 255: 250: 247: 245: 240: 236: 232: 230: 227:, as well as 226: 216: 211: 206: 203: 201: 196: 192: 188: 186: 181: 178: 176: 166: 164: 160: 156: 151: 149: 145: 140: 136: 134: 131:included the 130: 126: 120: 118: 114: 110: 106: 102: 92: 90: 86: 81: 79: 74: 65: 63: 53: 51: 47: 43: 33: 31: 27: 23: 19: 436: 431: 423: 418: 410: 405: 397: 392: 297: 293: 289: 279: 274: 270: 266: 257: 252: 248: 243: 241: 237: 233: 222: 213: 208: 204: 197: 193: 189: 182: 179: 174: 172: 152: 141: 137: 129:Old Covenant 125:New Covenant 121: 117:New Covenant 98: 84: 82: 77: 75: 71: 59: 39: 21: 20: 18: 483:1668 deaths 478:1593 births 185:Word of God 155:Protestants 472:Categories 384:References 249:He wrote: 205:He wrote: 159:Antichrist 50:Separatist 46:Aldersgate 105:immersion 36:Biography 30:Calvinist 358:Baptists 352:See also 200:Spirit's 56:Ministry 146:, not 62:London 42:London 323:man. 163:Rome 103:by 64:. 474::


Particular Baptist
two Scripturally-based sacraments
believer's baptism
covenantal theology
covenant of grace
New Covenant
New Covenant
Old Covenant
circumcision of male infants
Believer's baptism
infant baptism
Word of God
Particular Baptists
General Baptists
Southern Baptist Convention
Believer's baptism
Baptist ordinances
Baptist offices
Funeral sermon

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