
Liz Parker

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asking, she learns that Max suspects the girl to be an alien and that he has to kill her to stop her from being a threat. She asks whether she could go with him to witness it, and he agrees, but as Max was about to commit the act, Liz realizes that the girl is human; she saves the girl from the fire that Max has caused. They head home confused because they do not know who killed Alex and it now looks like they will never know. Max tells Liz and that he has to go back to Antar with Tess, Isabel and Michael because the baby is dying. Liz is heartbroken and angry at the same time at the thought that Max is leaving her. Max discovers the truth about Kyle when he asks Liz if she really slept with Kyle and she tells him no. Upon realizing this he sees the huge mistake he has made with Tess. He wishes he could go back because he has always loved Liz, despite being with Tess. Liz asks him if he loves Tess and Max says, "Not like I love you". What he felt for Tess was only care. He wants things to be different, but he feels that his duty is to his son, and thus has no other choice than to save him. Max and Liz share a passionate kiss. When Liz doesn't have a vision, Max breaks down in tears. He realizes that their futures did not intersect. If he goes with his son, he will never see her again. Liz goes to Maria's cousin, Sean, and declares that Max has broken her heart, but she realizes that it isn't Sean's fault and she can't use him as Max's replacement.
to Maria's house and find her mom remembering about a hostage situation in which they had been. Tess uses an alien power to blank her memory. They confront Maria's mother and she appears fine and seems to forget again. But she then starts to tap the same way that Kyle had done earlier in the day. Liz remembers that Alex used to tap his bass guitar the same way, and she realizes that this isn't a coincidence. They confront Kyle and tell him to look around the room to see whether anything will jerk his memory. When he looks in the mirror, he remembers that Tess killed Alex and that he had been mindwarped by Tess to carry Alex's dead body to the car. Liz and Maria go to the pod chamber just as Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess are about to leave the planet with the granolith. At the last minute, Michael decides he cannot leave Earth because this is his home and he is in love with Maria and can't leave her. As Michael leaves the pod chamber, the door opens and Liz and Maria tell Michael that Tess killed Alex. Max confronts Tess and realizes that it was all a setup and that the baby was a part of the plan. Kivar wasn't Tess and Nasedo's enemy. The truth is that 40 years before, Nasedo had made a deal with Kivar: go home to Antar, delivering Max and his friends to him (that would have killed them) and carry Max's heir in the process.
trying to help him, putting herself in danger, finding and saving a baby. Thinking about Max's serious problem, she hides her inner feelings for most of the season, giving him her support, but then she begins to suffer some side effects towards Max's touch. Whenever Max touches her, a spark appears on her body and causes her pain. This scares her, as she realizes that when Max healed her in the pilot episode, saving her life, he changed her and they don't know whether she is safe or not. Max is scared for her; he wants to contact the FBI, the same people who tortured him in the end of season one, in order to find a way to keep her safe and know what is happening to her. He realizes that what happened with Tess is still hurting Liz and they need to talk about it. But Liz realizes that she needs a little time alone away from Roswell and Max in order to find her balance again and give their love another chance. She decides that she wants to leave Roswell temporarily, so that she can get better and understand what is happening to her, not only the alien aspect but the confusion about her life. Max respects her decision, waiting for her in Roswell. She goes to an all-girl
664:, but his head was cut off in the picture. This leads her to suspect that Alex was murdered, and she begins to try to find the supposed truth by asking the last person who saw him what Alex had said to him. At the funeral gathering in Alex's home, she accuses an alien of killing Alex. This deeply offends Max and the others, more so Isabel who had grown close to Alex. This creates a "them vs. us" scenario and the whole future of the formerly tight group looks bleak. She decides to go to Sweden to find the people with whom Alex was staying, but she receives a call from the Swedish government claiming that the building Alex was standing in front of in the photo, supposedly taken in Sweden, hasn't existed in several years. She comes to the conclusion that Alex never went to Sweden. Her investigations lead her, Maria, and Michael to Las Cruses University. They discover that Alex had been working there on a translation program for the alien book that was given to Max and the others. Liz sees the girl with Alex in the photo at a 728:
Maria is upset by this because she doesn't want to be left in Roswell alone without Michael or Liz. Max proposes to Liz, making the choice to be with her even if they have only 12 days. Liz says yes. They all attend their graduation and when they realize this is where they are supposed to die from one of Liz's flashes they all escape into the desert. Now Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Isabel and Kyle decide to leave together because even though Maria and Kyle were not going to be killed, Kyle wants to be with his own kind when he develops his alien powers from Max's healing and Maria wants to be with Michael. They leave Roswell that night, and go together in a van, deciding to live life using their powers to do good deeds on the road. Liz sends her father her journal, continuing the truth about everything so he can understand why she left and finally know what has been going on in her life. Liz marries Max in a beautiful country church.
to kill her because Max's soul was still alive in him only for her and his memories about her that Clayton got), she tells Maria who doesn't believe her. But they are both in shock when Max (when his body was still taken over by the old millionaire) comes to kill Liz as she is all he thinks about. They are both falling from the top of a building when Max regains control and he saves Liz's life by putting a force field in her path to break her fall. But, realizing that Clayton would kill her, he doesn't let himself hit the ground; he sacrifices his life for her. When Liz wakes up she realizes that Max has died; there is no heartbeat and no breath from him, so she kisses him with a desperate goodbye. Believing Max to be still dead, Liz is shocked as he wakes up and appears to come back to life. They realize that Liz has saved Max's life making him come back with a kiss.
587:. For a while she lies to her friends Alex and Maria, but eventually Maria confronts Liz about what is going on. Liz eventually relents to Maria's questions and tells her all she knows about Max, Isabel and Michael. Kyle grows jealous of the growing relationship between her and Max, and a group of his friends beat up Max. She breaks up with Kyle in response to this, causing a rift between them. However, her relationship with Max grows very strong and she finds herself falling in love with him. An incident involving Michael Guerin, however, scares Max away, and he realizes that doesn't want to hurt Liz in any way. He is an alien and doesn't know what is going to happen to him or who might come after him; he wants her to be safe. 652:
never apart again. This upset Tess and she left Roswell. Max and Liz were married in Las Vegas when they were 19 and were together until the end of the world came because when Max's enemies came to earth, Max, Michael, and Isabel were not strong enough in their powers without Tess. So they have to get Tess and Max together to save everyone and rewrite the future. She tries to get Tess to help by attracting Max towards her but it fails when Max catches Liz watching. Liz at the end has to resort to making Max think that she slept with Kyle. This succeeds; as Max walks to the window, he sees Liz talking with Kyle in bed, which breaks Max's heart. Liz has one last dance to her future wedding song, "I Shall Believe" by
693:. Liz and Max come up with a plan to hold up the store and when Liz is holding the shop clerk hostage, Max will go down and check to see whether the ship is there. Max gives Liz a gun and when they hold up the convenience store, Max finds that there is a ship and it is still working, but his time is cut short as the police arrive. They try to escape, but they fail. They are caught after a police chase, and both are arrested and held in the local jail. Max is let out after the police find that nothing was taken from the shop. They couldn't find the weapon, but due to a witness seeing Liz with the gun, Liz is kept in jail. 627:
Royal Four in order for them to return someday to rule again. In their former lives, Max was Zan, the king of Antar. Tess (Ava in a former life) was Zan's wife, Isabel (Vilandra) was Zan's sister and her husband was Michael (Rath), Zan's second in command. After realizing that Max and Tess are destined to be together and the importance of Max to his race, Liz decides to let Max go in order for him to fulfill his destiny, because she now sees he is destined to be with Tess, no matter how much they love each other. As she leaves the cave, Max follows her but Michael stops him, saying, "You have to let her go".
796:"A lot of younger girls, I feel like they look to Liz for guidance, because she's able to say no to a lot of things. That's a really uncommon thing for younger girls. The fact that she can take charge, stand up and voice an opinion, and not be insecure about other people's opinions, it's great. She's a fictional character that's standing up to a boy at points, and there's something to be said for that. That's probably one of the things I'm most proud of. When the show is finished, I'll be feeling good that that character had that stance. She doesn't like being taken advantage of" 856:" Yes. They have always worked. I would not want to analyse because then it could disappear. It's like you started to analyse your first love and notice that feeling is gone. Everything started at that moment when we did get ready for our first filming and Jason arrived to place and watched me and said: "Hi! Nice to meet you!". Then it happened. We did have the chemistry right from the beginning. It surely tells something about our chemistry that people still likes to watch it after a two years." 1688: 370:
controlled. When Max saves her life and she falls in love with him, everything in her life changes; Max is the living proof that people cannot control everything and even science doesn't have all the answers. She understands this, and realizes that she has to follow her heart and live in the moment, because no matter how people try, they can't control everything and they can't choose with whom they fall in love.
762:"I think what really drew me was the writing, It really spoke to me and it is written in a really realistic way, so for people my age, it’s easy to understand. And I got really lucky in working with a really good group of talented young people and so we’re able to work together and bounce ideas off of each other. I think that’s what really appealed me to the entire show." 717:. Max and the others start a vote in order to decide whether they should deliver Tess to the FBI because it was her fault they were suddenly all in danger again. In the end, Liz's final vote is no because she never wants to be a killer like Tess and she can't deliver her to the FBI—that would have done to Tess what they did to Max in the end of season one. 779:"Liz is very interested in learning. She is very innocent, somewhat naive, but with the ability to read what is right or wrong. She has a big crush on this guy but she knows they can’t be together because of the circumstances, but she still hopes. She’s experiencing a whole lot of new things in her life, so it’s exciting to see how she deals with that." 689:
beginning. They are on their date when Max decides to go skinny dipping. As Liz is about to join him, Max gets a vision from his son and begins to drown. Liz saves him. Max realizes that his son is in trouble. They search for a ship that they believe is held in a storage facility in the basement of a convenience store in
Back in Roswell, Max and Liz are shocked when Tess appears with Max's baby. Tess had to return because Kivar betrayed her, trying to kill the baby because he was fully human, as it was the human parts of Max and Tess that made him. Max discovers that the baby is fine and his sickness was another lie.
Angry, Max wants to kill her but then realizes that she is carrying his son so he lets her go in order to save the baby. He regroups with Liz and the others on the mountainside. Max then tells Liz that he was wrong about many things but not about her, that he loves her, and will always love her. They
During the day the aliens have planned to leave, Liz, Maria, Sean and Kyle are at the Crashdown Café talking. Maria and Liz notice that Kyle keeps tapping the table in a peculiar sort of way. When they mentioned this, he says that he has no control over it and doesn't even know he's doing it. They go
Liz returns to Roswell, and she finds out that Tess is pregnant with Max's child, and that he has to leave Earth and go back to Antar. He has to do this because the baby is dying, as he can't survive in the Earth's environment. Max also asks her about the girl at Las Cruses. Wanting to know why he is
In the pilot, while Liz is working at her parents' restaurant, Crashdown Cafe, she is shot accidentally by two men who are having an argument. When Max saves her life by healing her gunshot wound, her life is changed forever. He puts his hand over her wound and miraculously makes the wound and bullet
Later Liz realizes that she now has a power: to see the future. When she touches Max she has visions that she, Max, Isabel, and Michael are going to die. Michael says that Max, Liz and Isabel should leave Roswell separately because the FBI knows who they are and their life in Roswell has to be over.
In the night, Tess realizes that the only way to save her son is to destroy the base with all the proof and kill herself in the process. Amazed at how Liz didn't vote against her, Tess asks for Liz's help, trusting only her in the group. She understands her mistakes and she tells Liz that Max always
It is not long before Liz's life in Roswell catches up with her. While sleeping she suddenly wakes up realizing that Max has died. She is heartbroken and decides to drown her sorrows with alcohol. While drunk she sees Max (whose body has been taken over by an old millionaire named Clayton who wanted
She gets saved by Max, as he is able to bribe the FBI into pulling some strings and getting the case dropped. However, Liz's panic-stricken father forbids her to see Max, and bans Max from coming into the Crashdown Café. She defiantly breaks the rule, and upsets her father on numerous occasions. The
into Max and takes her. When she kisses him, she realizes he is not Max because she has visions of his past. Max, worried about Liz and what Nasedo might do, goes after them. Maria and Alex tell Sheriff Valenti that they are worried because Liz is with Max and she called claiming that she was scared
However, Liz and Max end up falling in love. Max, as an alien, had a profound effect on her, and when they kiss Liz gets images of Max's past, which help Max, Michael and Isabel discover an Alien Orb. This doesn't last long, as Tess Harding arrives in Roswell and begins to influence Max in a strange
created by his alien powers in order to make them even since the same happened when he healed her and he got flashes from her about her life and her inner feelings. In that moment, Liz can see his thoughts, especially about her, and she realizes that he's lonely, he loves her and he does not want to
Liz Parker is portrayed as a typical girl next door, at least from the outside. She is beautiful though she doesn't really realize it. She is smart and very direct about her opinions, sensible, confident and levelheaded. Her home was above the diner her family owns, the Crashdown Café, and until the
However, in the second season Liz becomes a character who is prone to extreme illogical behavior, often engaging in unreasonable accusatory behavior and mixed messages to others in the Roswell group. The second season is perhaps the worst for Liz as a character, and many audiences find the season 2
to contact Max and Isabel's (alien) mother. Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess are the Royal Four of their home planet Antar. They were all killed in their former lives by their enemy Kivar. During their deaths, their alien DNA was mixed with human DNA and sent to earth so their race could preserve the
She shares a deep, mysterious connection with him. It is with her involuntary help that he starts to find more clues about his origins. Also, Liz is able to feel whether Max is in danger or hurt (in the third season she feels when he dies), and they save each other's lives more than once. For this
Liz emerges as the "brain" among the group. She is the one who continuously gets the very core point of their problems and is able to find a solution most of the time - especially if the problem is science related. However, her determination and selfless spirit mixed with her sometimes controlling
Even if Tess' fiasco still did hurt her, Liz takes responsibility for her own mistakes and realizes it wasn't only Max's fault things went that way. She and Max love each other and they don't want to give up on their love no matter what. She understands that Max does need her so she stands by him
At the start of season three, viewers can only see flashes of some moments of the summer when Liz and Max reconcile in order to understand what happened after departure and what brought them to "busted" and then together again. They arrange to go out on a date, a way to start things over from the
band and sing a love song for her. When this transpires she agrees to help Future Max. He goes on to tell her the kind of future present-day Max and she will have if they do not succeed. He tells her that after she and Max made love for the first time, it cemented their relationship and they were
Max has been in love with Liz since the first time he saw her at school, when he was just eight years old (shortly after emerging from the pod). However, he kept himself distanced from her, primarily because of his concerns about being an alien and her being a human, so Liz did not know about his
Liz is a complex character; very sweet and kind overall, yet strong and determined. Control is something very important for her: with it, she can get facts and answers and this makes her feel more safe about herself, those she loves, and life in general. However, her real nature isn't really so
512:"The episodes that I have really found have worked in that way are the pilot episode, which works really well because that’s really, to me, Romeo and Juliet. It’s really about two people meeting and falling in love, but not being able to be together, and I think it grabs you in that way." 659:
Liz attracts the attention of Maria's cousin, and they have a few dates, but nothing serious comes out of it., She is left devastated when she hears that Alex has died in a car crash. She visits the destroyed car that Alex was driving and finds a picture of Alex and a girl he met in
twice, using a green energy that exited from her hands. In "Graduation", she starts to see flashes about the future after touching people. She sees a customer of the Crashdown Café in danger and she and Max save her. While she is making out with Max she gets a flash of Max, herself,
647:", Liz is asked by a future version of Max to help him get the modern-day Max to fall out of love with her. Future Max claims that if they don't do this, the world will end and they will all die. Shocked, she only accepts it when Future Max predicts that Max will turn up with a 697:
reason that her father bans Max is that her father was a wild teenager, and his high school sweetheart died in a car crash because of his drunk driving. Realizing this after her mother tells her, Liz's attitude towards him changes and they begin to reconcile their differences.
Whitaker, who later turns out to be a Skin, an enemy of the hybrids. While Liz continues to have strong feelings for Max, she stands by her decision that their relationship stands in the way of his destiny. Max, on the other hand, tries everything he can to be with her.
46: 429:
feelings and did not suspect that her laboratory partner had been secretly in love with her. This secret ends only in the pilot episode when she gets shot at the Crashdown Cafe and he saves her life, risking everything for her and starting the lead plot of the show.
583:, Liz devises a plan to throw him off Max's scent. She is successful and Valenti, though still cautious and wary of Max, lets him go. After this incident, she starts developing deep feelings for Max, despite her current relationship with the sheriff's son 457:"The Max-Liz connection works so well, as is so popular with "Roswell"'s fans, because, in Moore's opinion, "It's very romantic in the classic sense of the word. Max is a young man from another planet, with secrets. He saved her life in the first episode, 417:
would share this opinion, has always been the relationship between Max and Liz. That's where the plot begins. He saved her life and he exposes himself at the same time. The love between those two characters is fundamental to the show's success."
The baby wasn't sick on Earth, this was just another mindwarp by Tess in order to force Max's return to Antar. She had crash-landed on Earth and slaughtered everyone around her ship at the air base. Tess and her son are now being hunted by the
loved only her and all the times that she and Max were together she always got flashes of Liz in his mind. Liz appreciates her sincerity and Tess asks Liz to not let the FBI study her like a laboratory animal.
821:"While Jason and I are looking into each other's eyes I just think about the most pure love possible because their relationship is based strictly on the heart. What they share is what I someday hope to find." 740:
was interviewed many times about her character The actress originally auditioned for all the three female roles in the show (Liz, Maria, Isabel) before finally landing the part of teen heroine Liz Parker.
After Tess' death, Max decides to give up his child for adoption so he can have a safe, normal life. The decision destroys Max's heart, but Liz comforts and supports him, letting him cry in her arms.
last episode, she worked there as a waitress after school. She did well in school, especially in science that had been her passion since she was a child. Her dream was to go into molecular biology at
622:", she goes with Max to the alien pod chamber in the rock formation that was disguised as the alien craft that crashed. Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess' destiny is revealed when they use the alien 611:, Max is grabbed by the FBI and Nasedo grabs Liz. She kisses him and again realizes that he is Nasedo when she gets images from his past. She is deeply heartbroken when Max is abducted by the 546:
In the season two episode "Max in the City", viewers can see her "change" start to develop when she saves Max's life by projecting her image from Roswell to New York with Isabel's help.
are not human. When she confronts Max about everything that had happened to her and his alien cells, Max confesses to her that he is an alien that had been on the alien craft that
Liz does love Max from the first time she gets the chance to see his soul and to really know him. This happens when Max does give her the chance to connect with him through a
nature can also be a character flaw when it leads her into making decisions where she takes too much of the responsibility. This is also a characteristic that she shares with
599:. She forgives him and with her help the group discovers that Tess is not Nasedo but another hybrid like Max, Michael and Isabel and her unique power is to create mindwarps. 527:
After Max Evans heals her in the pilot, he converts her to the alien side and she changes. At the end of the show, she is still human, but has developed some alien powers.
disappear. Realizing that there is something incredibly amazing about Max, she decides to investigate. She takes Max's pencil, which Max had been chewing on, places the
The actress is particularly proud that Liz has always stood by her convictions and she believes that her character can be a positive example for younger girls:
283:. Liz is the main narrator throughout the three seasons and she has been described as the "heart and soul" of the show. She made her first appearance in the 591:
way. Liz sees Max and Tess kiss and is heartbroken, but after hearing Max out she and the others start to believe that Tess could be the fourth alien named
461:. It's a classic set-up. Beyond that, the appeal of their relationship has a great deal to do with the chemistry between Shiri Appleby and Jason Behr." 1719: 504:
called them "Romeo and Juliet against the world", or when Liz herself used the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet into her own tragic speech in the episode
1724: 1447: 268:, Liz is of Mexican descent therefore having the surname Ortecho (like in the original books that preceded both TV series) and is played by 1504: 1465: 1532: 775:
Appleby describes her character as both the innocent and strong-tempered woman that is a result of her evolution through the series.
1485: 336: 1714: 835:"I felt like Jason Behr and I had such a unique chemistry. He just walked in and we started reading together, it was just there" 817:) and her chemistry with the actor, Shiri states that their chemistry was there since the first time they read a scene together 942: 437:
hurt people, so she starts to help him and his friends, from the beginning making the decision to renounce her normality.
being killed by someone. Thanks to this power, they flee Roswell at the end of the series, before the FBI can kill them.
because Max was acting weird. This was done in order to try to find Liz faster. They are found in a theme park. In the
1571: 1665: 265: 1691: 615:
and has to tell the news to Michael and Isabel. With the help of Nasedo, the gang saves Max from the FBI.
Season two begins with Liz returning from a summer away from Roswell. She has a new job as an intern for
446: 316: 17: 656:, with the Future Max, but he disappears because the future has been changed and he no longer exists. 508:
from season two. The producers and writers of the series were not unaware of the parallelism either.
Liz Parker attends Roswell High School, where her favorite subject is science. Her best friends are
1672: 1647: 1060: 644: 619: 74: 1444: 904: 366:
university. However, after the events in the season three finale, Liz's whereabouts are unknown.
1501: 1462: 374:
Liz far behind the sweet girl of the first season and the confident and free Liz of season 3.
1564: 1529: 480: 573: 442: 291: 233: 8: 1626: 1601: 1580: 1482: 810: 398: 379: 346: 305: 280: 256: 201: 35: 714: 409:, stated more than once that Max and Liz represented the heart and soul of the series. 1557: 608: 493: 394: 385:
It is stated that she loves White Roses in the season 2 episode, End of the World.
1536: 1508: 1489: 1469: 1451: 1028: 958: 946: 935: 702: 402: 287: 60: 1032: 939: 1611: 569: 536: 1057:"Is there any Roswell episode that you think is a real top television moment?" 479:
Due to the nature of their relationship and the obvious difference between an
1708: 861: 840: 826: 801: 784: 767: 750: 745:"Well, I actually auditioned for all three of the girl parts numerous times " 737: 665: 636: 603: 595:
using a female appearance and she's influencing Max's thoughts by making him
501: 269: 261: 260:
television series that ran from 1999 to 2002. The character was portrayed by
225: 114: 109: 1658: 1652: 1621: 1616: 1606: 1052: 584: 564:
collected from the pencil tip on a slide, and examines the slide through a
540: 531: 414: 406: 332: 328: 324: 311: 250: 213: 99: 91: 653: 596: 580: 276: 245: 221: 217: 849: 814: 680:
embrace and the season ends with Max saying that he must save his son.
565: 758:
From the same interview she also explains what drew her to the story:
Note: This article is about Liz Parker as the television character of
343: 453:
by both the characters of the story and the creators of the series.
350: 648: 450: 172: 363: 309:
only. Although the two versions are similar the character of the
229: 166: 1631: 661: 623: 592: 561: 331:. At the beginning of the series, she breaks up with boyfriend 487:
girl, Max and Liz's relationship is another modern example of
484: 340: 148: 45: 441:
powerful connection between them and their deep and natural
690: 602:
Feeling that Liz is a threat to his plans, the real Nasedo
through the series by both the characters and the writers.
1549: 612: 579:
With growing suspicion coming from the local sheriff,
192:(biological step-son ; adopted by another family) 848:
When they asked her if the chemistry between her and
of the show is Liz's relationship with the character
1009: 1007: 864:, Sensual Shiri Appleby: From shy student to actress 731: 530:
In the episode "Four Aliens and A Baby", Liz blasts
1528:Sensual Shiri Appleby: From shy student to actress 1043:
Maria DeLuca in the episode "Control", season three
938:, co-executive producer, October 8, 2000, Q&A 1004: 991: 989: 1706: 1264: 973: 971: 522: 459:and they became soulmates across time and space 1074: 1072: 1070: 1068: 986: 388: 297: 1565: 1096: 1094: 1092: 1090: 968: 1344: 1342: 809:Regarding the character's relationship with 517:Jason Katims executive producer and creator, 1375: 1065: 1031:, co-executive producer, November 26, 2001, 1572: 1558: 1191: 1189: 1187: 1139: 1087: 770:, Roswell Press Tour Transcript, July 1999 753:, Roswell Press Tour Transcript, July 1999 401:. The Co-executive producer of the series 1362: 1360: 1339: 916: 914: 912: 413:"Heart and Soul of Roswell, I think that 272:. In the series her name is Liz Ortecho. 1720:American female characters in television 1445:Roswell Press Tour Transcript, July 1999 1309: 290:and remained a core character until the 50:Liz Parker as portrayed by Shiri Appleby 1440: 1438: 1420: 1390: 1184: 1169: 1124: 1109: 1022: 885: 883: 881: 879: 1725:Fictional characters with precognition 1707: 1405: 1357: 909: 829:, Shiri Appleby, Fandemonium Q & A 549: 466:Ron Moore, co-executive producer from 1553: 1500:Shiri Appleby, Fandemonium Q & A 1279: 1249: 1219: 1204: 736:During the time when the show aired, 1435: 1324: 1154: 876: 668:concert but loses her in the crowd. 1294: 1234: 898: 474: 335:and engages in a relationship with 13: 1316:"It's too Late and it's too Bad". 356: 14: 1736: 1545: 961:'s DVD commentary of the episode 732:Shiri Appleby about her character 244:is a fictional character and the 1687: 1686: 1431:. Season 3. Episode 13. The UPN. 1105:. Season 3. Episode 18. The UPN. 1083:. Season 3. Episode 17. The UPN. 1018:. Season 3. Episode 14. The UPN. 925:. Season 3. Episode 12. The UPN. 423:Ron Moore, co-executive producer 44: 1522: 1513: 1494: 1475: 1456: 1416:. Season 3. Episode 9. The UPN. 1401:. Season 3. Episode 5. The UPN. 1386:. Season 3. Episode 3. The UPN. 1371:. Season 3. Episode 1. The UPN. 1353:. Season 2. Episode 21. The WB. 1335:. Season 2. Episode 19. The WB. 1320:. Season 2. Episode 18. The WB. 1305:. Season 2. Episode 17. The WB. 1290:. Season 2. Episode 16. The WB. 1275:. Season 2. Episode 12. The WB. 1215:. Season 1. Episode 20. The WB. 1200:. Season 1. Episode 21. The WB. 1180:. Season 1. Episode 18. The WB. 1165:. Season 1. Episode 17. The WB. 1150:. Season 1. Episode 13. The WB. 1046: 1037: 982:. Season 1. Episode 16. The WB. 683: 500:Most notable examples are when 393:The important premise and core 1715:Roswell (TV series) characters 1260:. Season 2. Episode 5. The WB. 1245:. Season 2. Episode 2. The WB. 1230:. Season 2. Episode 1. The WB. 1135:. Season 1. Episode 9. The WB. 1120:. Season 1. Episode 3. The WB. 1000:. Season 2. Episode 9. The WB. 951: 929: 894:. Season 1. Episode 1. The WB. 1: 869: 630: 554: 523:Effect of Max's powers on Liz 1161:"Tess, Lies and Videotape". 1079:"Four Aliens & a Baby". 275:Liz is considered to be the 170:(at Roswell High; graduated) 7: 1579: 905:Liz Parker credits 787:, XPOSÉ Magazine, year 2000 618:In the season one finale, " 389:Relationship with Max Evans 298:Fictional character summary 18:Liz Parker (disambiguation) 10: 1741: 574:crashed in Roswell in 1947 491:, with many references to 353:of the television series. 279:of the series, along with 15: 1682: 1640: 1589: 843:, Lula Magazine Interview 209: 197: 178: 162: 154: 144: 134: 126: 121: 105: 83: 69: 55: 43: 33: 28: 1256:"The End of the World". 96:Developed for Television 1519:Lula Magazine Interview 568:. She can see that his 122:In-universe information 1382:"Significant Others". 1014:"Chant Down Babylon". 867: 846: 832: 807: 790: 773: 756: 520: 506:"The End of the World" 472: 449:, they are considered 426: 349:, which serves as the 242:Elizabeth "Liz" Parker 130:Elizabeth Parker Evans 1481:Life Beyond Roswell, 854: 852:worked she answered: 833: 819: 804:, Life Beyond Roswell 794: 777: 760: 743: 510: 455: 411: 182:Jeffrey "Jeff" Parker 645:The End of the World 317:alternative universe 234:Molecular combustion 16:For other uses, see 1666:Roswell, New Mexico 1627:Sheriff Jim Valenti 1271:"We Are a Family". 1226:"Skins and Bones". 1055:about the question 996:"Max in the city". 550:Fictional biography 434:reversed connection 202:Maxwell "Max" Evans 167:High school student 23:Fictional character 1535:2008-04-13 at the 1507:2008-04-12 at the 1488:2008-07-20 at the 1468:2008-04-12 at the 1450:2008-04-12 at the 1211:"The White Room". 1116:"Leaving Normal". 978:"Sexual Healing". 945:2008-05-09 at the 1702: 1701: 1412:"Samuel Rising". 1349:"The Departure". 1331:"Baby It's You". 1301:"Cry Your Name". 1286:"Heart of Mine". 921:"Ch-Ch-Changes". 315:is considered an 239: 238: 138:Liz (by everyone) 1732: 1690: 1689: 1648:List of episodes 1574: 1567: 1560: 1551: 1550: 1539: 1526: 1520: 1517: 1511: 1498: 1492: 1479: 1473: 1460: 1454: 1442: 1433: 1432: 1424: 1418: 1417: 1409: 1403: 1402: 1394: 1388: 1387: 1379: 1373: 1372: 1364: 1355: 1354: 1346: 1337: 1336: 1328: 1322: 1321: 1313: 1307: 1306: 1298: 1292: 1291: 1283: 1277: 1276: 1268: 1262: 1261: 1253: 1247: 1246: 1238: 1232: 1231: 1223: 1217: 1216: 1208: 1202: 1201: 1193: 1182: 1181: 1173: 1167: 1166: 1158: 1152: 1151: 1143: 1137: 1136: 1128: 1122: 1121: 1113: 1107: 1106: 1098: 1085: 1084: 1076: 1063: 1050: 1044: 1041: 1035: 1026: 1020: 1019: 1011: 1002: 1001: 993: 984: 983: 975: 966: 955: 949: 933: 927: 926: 918: 907: 902: 896: 895: 887: 865: 844: 830: 805: 788: 771: 754: 705:to start fresh. 643:In the episode " 609:house of mirrors 518: 494:Romeo and Juliet 489:forbidden lovers 475:Recurring Themes 470: 424: 254:book series and 56:First appearance 48: 26: 25: 1740: 1739: 1735: 1734: 1733: 1731: 1730: 1729: 1705: 1704: 1703: 1698: 1678: 1636: 1585: 1578: 1548: 1543: 1542: 1537:Wayback Machine 1527: 1523: 1518: 1514: 1509:Wayback Machine 1499: 1495: 1490:Wayback Machine 1480: 1476: 1470:Wayback Machine 1461: 1457: 1452:Wayback Machine 1443: 1436: 1426: 1425: 1421: 1411: 1410: 1406: 1396: 1395: 1391: 1381: 1380: 1376: 1366: 1365: 1358: 1348: 1347: 1340: 1330: 1329: 1325: 1315: 1314: 1310: 1300: 1299: 1295: 1285: 1284: 1280: 1270: 1269: 1265: 1255: 1254: 1250: 1240: 1239: 1235: 1225: 1224: 1220: 1210: 1209: 1205: 1195: 1194: 1185: 1176:"Four Square". 1175: 1174: 1170: 1160: 1159: 1155: 1145: 1144: 1140: 1131:"The Balance". 1130: 1129: 1125: 1115: 1114: 1110: 1100: 1099: 1088: 1078: 1077: 1066: 1051: 1047: 1042: 1038: 1029:Ronald D. Moore 1027: 1023: 1013: 1012: 1005: 995: 994: 987: 977: 976: 969: 959:Ronald D. Moore 956: 952: 947:Wayback Machine 936:Ronald D. Moore 934: 930: 920: 919: 910: 903: 899: 889: 888: 877: 872: 866: 860: 845: 839: 831: 825: 806: 800: 789: 783: 772: 766: 755: 749: 734: 703:boarding school 686: 633: 557: 552: 525: 519: 516: 477: 471: 465: 425: 422: 403:Ronald D. Moore 391: 359: 357:Characteristics 300: 204: 193: 191: 189: 187: 185: 183: 171: 169: 139: 113: 98: 94: 90: 78: 70:Last appearance 64: 51: 24: 21: 12: 11: 5: 1738: 1728: 1727: 1722: 1717: 1700: 1699: 1697: 1696: 1683: 1680: 1679: 1677: 1676: 1669: 1662: 1655: 1650: 1644: 1642: 1638: 1637: 1635: 1634: 1629: 1624: 1619: 1614: 1612:Michael Guerin 1609: 1604: 1599: 1593: 1591: 1587: 1586: 1577: 1576: 1569: 1562: 1554: 1547: 1546:External links 1544: 1541: 1540: 1521: 1512: 1493: 1474: 1463:XPOSÉ Magazine 1455: 1434: 1419: 1404: 1389: 1374: 1356: 1338: 1323: 1308: 1293: 1278: 1263: 1248: 1233: 1218: 1203: 1183: 1168: 1153: 1146:"Blind Date". 1138: 1123: 1108: 1101:"Graduation". 1086: 1064: 1045: 1036: 1021: 1003: 985: 967: 950: 928: 908: 897: 874: 873: 871: 868: 858: 837: 823: 798: 781: 764: 747: 733: 730: 685: 682: 632: 629: 556: 553: 551: 548: 524: 521: 514: 476: 473: 463: 420: 415:Jason (Katims) 390: 387: 358: 355: 321: 320: 312:original books 299: 296: 237: 236: 211: 207: 206: 199: 195: 194: 180: 176: 175: 164: 160: 159: 156: 152: 151: 146: 142: 141: 136: 132: 131: 128: 124: 123: 119: 118: 107: 103: 102: 85: 81: 80: 79:(episode 3.18) 71: 67: 66: 65:(episode 1.01) 57: 53: 52: 49: 41: 40: 31: 30: 22: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1737: 1726: 1723: 1721: 1718: 1716: 1713: 1712: 1710: 1695: 1694: 1685: 1684: 1681: 1674: 1670: 1668: 1667: 1663: 1661: 1660: 1656: 1654: 1651: 1649: 1646: 1645: 1643: 1639: 1633: 1630: 1628: 1625: 1623: 1620: 1618: 1615: 1613: 1610: 1608: 1605: 1603: 1600: 1598: 1595: 1594: 1592: 1588: 1584: 1583: 1575: 1570: 1568: 1563: 1561: 1556: 1555: 1552: 1538: 1534: 1531: 1525: 1516: 1510: 1506: 1503: 1497: 1491: 1487: 1484: 1478: 1471: 1467: 1464: 1459: 1453: 1449: 1446: 1441: 1439: 1430: 1423: 1415: 1408: 1400: 1393: 1385: 1378: 1370: 1363: 1361: 1352: 1345: 1343: 1334: 1327: 1319: 1312: 1304: 1297: 1289: 1282: 1274: 1267: 1259: 1252: 1244: 1237: 1229: 1222: 1214: 1207: 1199: 1192: 1190: 1188: 1179: 1172: 1164: 1157: 1149: 1142: 1134: 1127: 1119: 1112: 1104: 1097: 1095: 1093: 1091: 1082: 1075: 1073: 1071: 1069: 1062: 1058: 1054: 1049: 1040: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1017: 1010: 1008: 999: 992: 990: 981: 974: 972: 964: 960: 954: 948: 944: 941: 937: 932: 924: 917: 915: 913: 906: 901: 893: 886: 884: 882: 880: 875: 863: 862:Shiri Appleby 857: 853: 851: 842: 841:Shiri Appleby 836: 828: 827:Shiri Appleby 822: 818: 816: 812: 803: 802:Shiri Appleby 797: 793: 786: 785:Shiri Appleby 780: 776: 769: 768:Shiri Appleby 763: 759: 752: 751:Shiri Appleby 746: 742: 739: 738:Shiri Appleby 729: 725: 722: 718: 716: 710: 706: 704: 698: 694: 692: 681: 677: 673: 669: 667: 666:Nelly Furtado 663: 657: 655: 650: 646: 641: 638: 637:Congresswoman 628: 625: 621: 616: 614: 610: 605: 600: 598: 594: 588: 586: 582: 577: 575: 571: 567: 563: 547: 544: 542: 538: 533: 528: 513: 509: 507: 503: 502:Maria De Luca 498: 496: 495: 490: 486: 482: 469: 462: 460: 454: 452: 448: 447:compatibility 444: 438: 435: 430: 419: 416: 410: 408: 405:, along with 404: 400: 396: 386: 383: 381: 375: 371: 367: 365: 354: 352: 348: 345: 342: 338: 334: 330: 326: 318: 314: 313: 308: 307: 302: 301: 295: 293: 292:series finale 289: 288:pilot episode 286: 282: 278: 273: 271: 270:Jeanine Mason 267: 263: 262:Shiri Appleby 259: 258: 253: 252: 247: 243: 235: 231: 227: 226:Psychic power 223: 219: 215: 212: 208: 203: 200: 196: 181: 177: 174: 168: 165: 161: 157: 153: 150: 147: 143: 137: 133: 129: 125: 120: 117:(2019 series) 116: 115:Jeanine Mason 112:(1999 series) 111: 110:Shiri Appleby 108: 104: 101: 97: 93: 89: 86: 82: 76: 72: 68: 62: 58: 54: 47: 42: 38: 37: 32: 27: 19: 1692: 1673:Here with Me 1664: 1659:Roswell High 1657: 1653:Melinda Metz 1622:Tess Harding 1617:Kyle Valenti 1607:Maria DeLuca 1596: 1581: 1524: 1515: 1496: 1477: 1458: 1428: 1422: 1413: 1407: 1398: 1392: 1383: 1377: 1368: 1350: 1332: 1326: 1317: 1311: 1302: 1296: 1287: 1281: 1272: 1266: 1257: 1251: 1242: 1241:"Ask Not!". 1236: 1227: 1221: 1212: 1206: 1197: 1177: 1171: 1162: 1156: 1147: 1141: 1132: 1126: 1117: 1111: 1102: 1080: 1056: 1053:Jason Katims 1048: 1039: 1024: 1015: 997: 979: 965:, season two 962: 953: 931: 922: 900: 891: 855: 847: 834: 820: 808: 795: 791: 778: 774: 761: 757: 744: 735: 726: 723: 719: 711: 707: 699: 695: 687: 684:Season Three 678: 674: 670: 658: 642: 634: 617: 601: 589: 585:Kyle Valenti 578: 558: 545: 532:Tess Harding 529: 526: 511: 505: 499: 492: 488: 478: 467: 458: 456: 439: 433: 431: 427: 412: 407:Jason Katims 392: 384: 376: 372: 368: 360: 333:Kyle Valenti 329:Maria DeLuca 325:Alex Whitman 322: 310: 304: 284: 274: 255: 251:Roswell High 249: 241: 240: 214:Premonitions 186:Nancy Parker 106:Portrayed by 100:Jason Katims 95: 92:Melinda Metz 87: 34: 1472:, year 2000 1427:"Panacea". 1397:"Control". 1367:"Busted!". 1196:"Destiny". 1033:Dec Starlog 654:Sheryl Crow 604:shapeshifts 597:hallucinate 581:Jim Valenti 468:Dec Starlog 277:protagonist 246:protagonist 222:Pyrokinesis 218:Telekinesis 140:Lizzy, Beth 1709:Categories 1597:Liz Parker 1590:Characters 1061:BBC Online 870:References 850:Jason Behr 815:Jason Behr 631:Season Two 566:microscope 555:Season One 483:boy and a 163:Occupation 84:Created by 75:Graduation 29:Liz Parker 1602:Max Evans 963:"Ask Not" 890:"Pilot". 811:Max Evans 451:soulmates 399:Max Evans 380:Max Evans 347:Max Evans 281:Max Evans 266:CW reboot 264:. In the 210:Abilities 205:(husband) 127:Full name 88:Character 39:character 1693:Category 1533:Archived 1505:Archived 1486:Archived 1466:Archived 1448:Archived 943:Archived 859:—  838:—  824:—  799:—  782:—  765:—  748:—  649:Mariachi 515:—  464:—  443:affinity 421:—  319:version. 188:(mother) 184:(father) 173:Waitress 135:Nickname 1641:Related 1582:Roswell 1429:Roswell 1414:Roswell 1399:Roswell 1384:Roswell 1369:Roswell 1351:Roswell 1333:Roswell 1318:Roswell 1303:Roswell 1288:Roswell 1273:Roswell 1258:Roswell 1243:Roswell 1228:Roswell 1213:Roswell 1198:Roswell 1178:Roswell 1163:Roswell 1148:Roswell 1133:Roswell 1118:Roswell 1103:Roswell 1081:Roswell 1016:Roswell 998:Roswell 980:Roswell 923:Roswell 892:Roswell 620:Destiny 537:Michael 364:Harvard 306:Roswell 285:Roswell 257:Roswell 248:of the 230:Healing 145:Species 36:Roswell 1632:Nasedo 662:Sweden 593:Nasedo 562:saliva 541:Isabel 344:hybrid 232:, and 198:Spouse 179:Family 158:Female 155:Gender 957:From 570:cells 485:human 481:alien 341:human 337:alien 149:Human 61:Pilot 715:Army 691:Utah 624:orbs 539:and 445:and 395:plot 351:crux 327:and 190:Zan 613:FBI 1711:: 1437:^ 1359:^ 1341:^ 1186:^ 1089:^ 1067:^ 1059:, 1006:^ 988:^ 970:^ 911:^ 878:^ 576:. 382:. 294:. 228:, 224:, 220:, 216:, 1675:" 1671:" 1573:e 1566:t 1559:v 813:( 339:- 77:" 73:" 63:" 59:" 20:.


Liz Parker (disambiguation)

Melinda Metz
Jason Katims
Shiri Appleby
Jeanine Mason
High school student
Maxwell "Max" Evans
Psychic power
Molecular combustion
Roswell High
Shiri Appleby
CW reboot
Jeanine Mason
Max Evans
pilot episode
series finale

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