
Michel Maffesoli

Source đź“ť

1059:, vol. 26, n°12, p. 166-170 : "Maffesoli attempts to hide behind a thin veneer of scholarly objectivity, but his own political predilections shine through nonetheless. But more problematic than this patent inconsistency is Maffesoli's failure to be self-reflexive in a manner that might have helped him better understand how his own social and political position informs his reading of the "signs of the times" (…) Of course, the idea that one can, from the lofty perch afforded by the Sorbonne, capture and capitulate our "epoch" is on its face absurd. (Armchair sociology is not an unfair characterization of MaVesoli's approach to social analysis.)". 31: 1362:", 3 December 2007 : "La communautĂ© des sociologues par le biais de ses institutions reprĂ©sentatives (AFS, ASES) dĂ©plore qu'un tiers des nominations effectuĂ©es par le Ministère Ă  la 19e section du CNU (sociologie, dĂ©mographie) ait Ă©tĂ© employĂ© au profit d'une seule Ă©cole de pensĂ©e; elle demande au CNU d'ĂŞtre particulièrement vigilant pour les qualifications et de s'assurer que les candidats aient fait la dĂ©monstration d'une maitrise du lien entre problĂ©matisation thĂ©orique et mise en oeuvre d'un corpus systĂ©matisĂ© de donnĂ©es empiriques." 1342: : ": … il est pour le moins Ă©tonnant de voir nommer comme reprĂ©sentant des disciplines " Homme et SociĂ©tĂ© " Michel Maffesoli, un universitaire bien connu pour ses prises de position anti-rationalistes et anti-scientifiques. Pourquoi nommer quelqu’un qui a suscitĂ©, il y a peu, la rĂ©probation de l'ensemble de la communautĂ© scientifique en commettant une grave faute : l'attribution du titre de docteur en sociologie Ă  une astrologue, Elizabeth Teissier, dont la thèse faisait l'apologie de l'astrologie ?" 1242:, vol. XL, n°122, pp.42-65, 2002 : "En toute honnĂŞtetĂ©, lequel d'entre nous, directeur de thèse n'a pas laissĂ© passer de tels "dĂ©rapages" ? (…) Il ne faudrait pas que cette thèse serve de prĂ©texte Ă  un nouveau règlement de compte contre une des diverses manières d'envisager la sociologie. (…) Est ce que cette thèse n'est pas un simple prĂ©texte pour marginaliser un courant sociologique, et disons le crĂ»ment, pour faire une chasse Ă  l'homme, en la matière contre moi-mĂŞme ?" 1285:" (4 May 2001) : "J'admire le courage de M. Maffesoli car je suppose qu'il est suffisamment bon tacticien pour savoir que ce qui lui ouvrirait les portes de la renommĂ©e mĂ©diatique lui sculpterait en mĂŞme temps l'image sublime du bouc Ă©missaire. Et, s'il est dans la disposition d'esprit que je suppose, c'est au volume de vente de ses livres (c'est pas cher, c'est nouveau, mais c'est abondant) qu'il mesurera les rĂ©sultats de son action.". 583:
In late 2007, when Maffesoli was appointed to the Conseil National des Universités (CNU), section 19 (Sociology, Demography), the Association des Sociologues Enseignants du Supérieur (ASES) and the Association Française de Sociologie (AFS) protested against this decision, as well as many other social
A petition entitled "Un conseil d'administration du CNRS doublement inacceptable!" was launched after Maffesoli's appointment. The petitioners protested both against the non-respect for parity and the appointment of Michel Maffesoli, deemed as disrespectful of "the need for scientific credibility of
journal. The article was deliberately incoherent and plastered with liberal quotes and references to Maffesoli and other postmodern thinkers, positing that in self-service cars in Paris, the signs of masculinity had been erased and corrected, in order to "give way to an oblong maternity - no longer
of Maffesoli's works is often questioned, especially since the furore concerning the thesis of Elizabeth Teissier "created great controversy within the community , and has led many sociologists to intervene in order to challenge its legitimacy". On this issue, Maffesoli presented arguments on his
600:, in August 2008. This decree was the subject of a controversy over the appointment of people not selected by juries from the institute, including Maffesoli. According to economist Élie Cohen, president of the jury, Maffesoli "would be never accepted by the jury even if there were more places". 504:
A discussion-meeting entitled "La thèse de sociologie, questions épistémologiques et usages après l'affaire Teissier" was held at the Sorbonne on 12 May 2001 by the Association des sociologues enseignants du supérieur (ASES). Maffesoli was present at this meeting and attended the accounts by
A symposium entitled "Raisons et Sociétés" was organized at the Sorbonne on 18 December 2002 to discuss and propose a theoretical answer to criticism. Several intellectuals and scientists participated in the meeting to bring the debate on scientific issues raised by the controversy.
In addition, in June 2002 and after the Teissier controversy, Maffesoli himself proposed to delete the CNU, which he deemed "unnecessary". However, he participated in the work of the section 19 of the CNU, including the controversial self-promotion of its own members in June 2009.
on 17 April 2001, and the petition of 30 April 2001 for the President of the Paris V University, and signed by 300 social scientists. Many critical comments were published in the national daily press, along with less radical comments. Beyond sociology, four French
The attribution of a doctorate to Teissier "created great controversy in the community, and led many sociologists to intervene to challenge the legitimacy". The thesis immediately aroused criticism in the field of French sociology, particularly that published by
1002:, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007, p. 261-302 (ch. 7, "La sociologie mise en cause"), and Bernard Lahire, "Une astrologue sur la planète des sociologues ou comment devenir docteur en sociologie sans possĂ©der le mĂ©tier de sociologue ?", in 335:, in 2007. An opposition currently exists between Maffesoli's positions on "sensitive thinking" and supporters of a sociology embedded in the criteria of systematic and transparent scientificity. The conference "Raisons et SociĂ©tĂ©s", held at the 496:
In an email of 23 April 2001 addressed to many sociologists, Maffesoli acknowledged that the thesis included some "slippages". His email minimized the importance of these errors and denounced a fierceness against Élizabeth Teissier and him.
This controversy was sometimes caricatured as an opposition between positivism and phenomenology. However, criticism of Michel Maffesoli came from both research schools, though positivist critics received more publicity.
and Florence Weber. Ironically, and as an effect of the petition having two goals, it remains absolutely unclear whether the petitioners signed against Maffesoli's appointment, or against the non-respect for parity.
caused an outcry in the scientific community. The decree of 5 October 2005 by which the appointment was established stated that the appointment was justified "because of scientific and technological competence".
402:, criticising his work as "incoherent" and "biased". The accounts of books written by foreign sociologists were less forthright, but sometimes stressed that Maffesoli's approach was subjective and had a lack of 493:), and by specialists of pseudo-science (Henri Broch and Jean-Paul Krivine). From this analysis, it appeared that the thesis was not valid from any viewpoint (sociological, astrophysical, or epistemological). 339:
in 2002 following the Teissier controversy to debate the broader issue of methodologies in human sciences, identified differences between the various sociological traditions relating to this case.
Under the name "Jean-Pierre Tremblay", who was given a fictitious background as a Quebec-based sociologist, Quinon and Saint-Martin submitted an intentionally inept and absurd article on the "
The authors of the hoax published an article explaining their aims and methods in March 2015. The hoax article was then quickly withdrawn from the publishing platform on which it appeared.
the phallus and the seminal energy of the sports car, but the 'uterus welcoming shelter-to-Autolib'". The article was duly "reviewed" by two people, before being accepted and published in
1452: 1231: 881: 159:. His work touches upon the issue of community links and the prevalence of "the imaginary" in the everyday life of contemporary societies, through which he contributes to the 1657: 1294: 911: 596:
Maffesoli was one of the persons appointed to the Institut Universitaire de France by a decree issued by the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche,
892: 477:
The scientific, philosophical and sociological aspects of Teissier's thesis were studied by a group of scientists from several disciplines, including members of the
More generally, he has been the subject of several controversies, both scientific and professional, the most widely known of which concerns his supervision of the
Other controversies have led to challenges to Maffesoli's institutional position: the scientific community protested against his appointment to the board of the
In 1972, Maffesoli was co-director of the ESU urban sociology research team in Grenoble. He developed a reflection on space which he continued in his work on
1632: 1473: 104: 1492: 1382: 1558:
M. Tyldesley, 'The Thought of Sorbonne Professor Michel Maffesoli (1944-): Sociologist of Postmodernity' Edwin Mellen Press Lewiston, NY, 2010.
1449: 222:, who were members of his PhD board in 1978. Maffesoli gave space a founding importance in social linkage and in the expression of subjectivity. 1198:
Bernard Lahire, Philippe Cibois, Dominique Desjeux, Jean Audouze, Henri Broch, Jean-Paul Krivine, Jean-Claude Pecker and Jacques Bouveresse, "
470:) also protested against the title of "doctor" awarded to Élizabeth Teissier in a protest letter addressed to the then Minister of Education, 547: 379:). Universities in Brazil, Korea and Italy request him for conferences. He has received a chair that was named after him in Brazil, and a 1228: 878: 1667: 1642: 617:
Manuel Quinon and Arnaud Saint-Martin, two sociologists who were students of Maffesoli in the early 2000s, took inspiration from the
about the ambivalence of the social reception of astrology, highly contentious theory that he directed and whose jury was chaired by
1672: 1637: 1311:
Decree of 5 October 2005 about the appointment to the administration board of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique
908: 369:
or Patrick Watier who regularly cite him. His influence can also be seen in various foreign journals. It is probably his book
350:. On the other hand, Maffesoli's theories have been the subject of counter-inquiries, such as a survey by Laurent Tessier on 853: 889: 1568: 964: 612: 1355: 305: 1371: 995: 347: 167: 1589: 1548:
F. Antonelli, Caos e postmodernitĂ . Un'analisi a partire dalla sociologia di Michel Maffesoli. Philos, Roma, 2007.
1432: 1036: 489:, Denis Savoie), a group of sociologists (Bernard Lahire, Philippe Cibois and Dominique Desjeux), a philosopher ( 1647: 1398: 741: 471: 1662: 1652: 621:
to demonstrate the lack of intellectual rigour in Maffesoli's work, as well as the absence of any serious
1215: 1016: 403: 1379: 1310: 808:
Après la modernitĂ© ? - La conquĂŞte du prĂ©sent, La violence totalitaire, La logique de la domination
1602: 1520:
T.Keller, "Ein französischer Lebenssoziologe : Michel Maffesoli", in S Moebius et L.Peter. :
Regards croisĂ©s sur la franc-maçonnerie : profanes, initiĂ©s, reprĂ©sentations et intersubjectivitĂ©s
526: 428: 262: 156: 77: 1093: 1037:
Michel Maffesoli's Sociology of Modernity and Postmodernity: An Introduction and Critical Assessment
From October 2005 to February 2007, the petition received over 3,000 signatures, including these of
518: 1130: 500:
After this controversy, two symposia were held to discuss the thesis's content and validity :
Maffesoli came to the attention of the general public in April 2001 when he defended the thesis of
73: 1179: 960: 467: 366: 269: 1211: 30: 1627: 1199: 721: 455: 371: 1576: 1415: 597: 943: 563: 420: 182: 1622: 375:(1988, 1991), translated into nine languages, which made his notoriety outside France (see 81: 1390: 478: 8: 1322: 1282: 336: 1391:
Michel Maffesoli Ă  l’Institut universitaire de France : une nomination controversĂ©e
246:, 1978), the "conflictual society" (PhD dissertation, 1981), and the use of the myth of 1085: 567: 559: 506: 490: 482: 442: 152: 1069: 1298: 1150: 1146: 1142: 1138: 769:. Le retour du tragique dans les sociétés postmodernes. Paris, La Table Ronde, (2003) 530: 258: 1402: 406:. One sociologist even stated that Maffesoli's sociology was a "sociology of club". 376: 481:. The thesis was analyzed in detail by a group of astrophysicists and astronomers ( 1229:
Comment devenir docteur en sociologie sans possĂ©der le mĂ©tier de sociologue ?
571: 318:
He has recently appeared on French networks predicting an "age of insurrections."
1456: 1386: 1359: 1235: 915: 896: 885: 459: 424: 358: 301: 257:
In 1982, he founded the Centre d'Ă©tudes sur l'actuel et le quotidien (CEAQ) with
231: 1252: 1052: 717:. Maffesoli M. (under the direction of) (1985), Berg International Ed., 175-180. 1380:
Affaire Maffesoli et Institut universitaire de France, l'astrologie Ă  l'origine
1352: 1162: 1113: 1109: 1089: 446: 242:, which shows in his later works, under the themes of the "founding conflict" ( 219: 144: 969: 879:
18 intellectuels et artistes signent une tribune pour défendre Nicolas Sarkozy
1616: 928: 227: 215: 148: 1000:
Le métier de sociologue en France depuis 1945. Renaissance d'une discipline
522: 486: 463: 331:
methods, in particular through a new edition of his epistemological book,
La thèse d'Elizabeth Teissier ravive la fracture au sein de la sociologie
629: 622: 514: 451: 394:, sociologist David Evans concluded that Maffesoli's theories were not a 362: 312: 189: 137: 92: 57: 171: 1299:
Le directeur de thèse d’Elizabeth Teissier nommé administrateur du CNRS
707:. (1985), Paris, Librairie des MĂ©ridiens. Paris ed., Klincksieck, 2007. 618: 395: 351: 239: 235: 160: 1338:"Un conseil d'administration du CNRS doublement inacceptable !", 832:
Le Trésor caché, lettre ouverte aux francs-maçons et à quelques autres
794:« C’est au nom de la morale qu’on massacre les peuples Â» in 591: 578: 193: 61: 1283:
Le hasard, la publicitĂ© et la sociologie ou PitiĂ© pour Husserl !
His reception outside France is ambivalent. In a 1997 article in the
384: 315:, although there is no way to prove that he ever was a member of it. 261:. The CEAQ is a humanities and social science research laboratory at 1493:"Deux sociologues piègent une revue pour dénoncer la 'junk science'" 1536:
Michel Maffesoli. Reliance. Itinerari tra modernitĂ  e postmodernitĂ 
1497: 1478: 1017:
Musiques et fĂŞtes techno : l’exception franco-britannique des
437: 399: 247: 205: 1517:, Ceaq (introduction by Gilbert Durand), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2004. 1323:
Un conseil d’administration du CNRS doublement inacceptable !
775:, Paris, Ed. Table Ronde, Collection Contretemps, 2004, 260 pages. 976: 785:, Ste-Foy, Ed. Presse de l'Université du Québec, 2005, 300 pages. 689:. Thèse d'État, Lille, Service des publications des thèses.(1981) 681:
La Conquête du présent. Pour une sociologie de la vie quotidienne
327: 1543:
Le zone d'ombra. Vita quotidiana e disordine in Michel Maffesoli
725:. Paris, MĂ©ridiens-Klincksieck. (1988), Le Livre de Poche, 1991. 265:, where he led a doctoral seminar until his retirement in 2012. 798:, entretien avec Richard Kitaeff, fĂ©vrier 2008, p. 46-49. 1116:", and Daniel Filâtre, "Affaire Teissier : historique", 705:
La Connaissance ordinaire. Précis de sociologie compréhensive
633: 357:
Maffesoli's work has achieved acclaim from authors including
Le réenchantement du monde - Morales, éthiques, déontologies
Within the scientific community of French sociologists, the
321: 343: 773:
Le rythme de vie - Variation sur l'imaginaire post-moderne
1165:, "De quoi Élizabeth Teissier est-elle coupable ?", 729:
Au creux des apparences. Pour une éthique de l'esthétique
Maffesoli's appointment to the board of Directors of the
178: 1253:
La sociologie au miroir de la thèse d'Elizabeth Teissier
933:, PhD dissertation, University of Bordeaux, 2009, p. 15. 675:
La Violence totalitaire. Essai d'anthropologie politique
journals, as well as a member of the editorial board of
1137:, 19 April 2001; Articles published by the AFIS : 541: 268:
Maffesoli was awarded the Grand Prix des Sciences de l'
Association française pour l'information scientifique
731:.(1990), Paris, Plon. Reed. (1993) Le Livre de Poche, 1658:
Members of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
L'homme en clair-obscur. Lecture de Michel Maffesoli
L’Autolib’, révélatrice de la sociologie postmoderne
230:, a conservative political theorist and follower of 226:
In 1978, Maffesoli became the teaching assistant of
précis de subversion postmoderne, Flammarion (2002)
Appointment to the Institut Universitaire de France
Appointment to the Conseil National des Universités
1268:D. Filâtre, "Affaire Teissier : historique", 414: 1614: 1216:Analyse de la thèse de Madame Elizabeth Teissier 1200:Analyse de la thèse de Madame Elizabeth Teissier 757:. Paris, Le Livre de Poche, Biblio-Essais,(1997) 737:(La Table Ronde, 1992), Le Livre de Poche, 1995. 701:, (1984) Paris, Librairie MĂ©ridiens/Klincksieck. 570:, Bernard Lahire, Louis Pinto, Alain Trautmann, 1194: 1192: 971:Michel Maffesoli pour "L'ère des soulèvements" 687:La Dynamique sociale. La sociĂ©tĂ© conflictuelle 238:. Freund offered him to host the Institute of 1555:. Les Presses de l'UniversitĂ© de Laval, 2007. 1416:Quelques considĂ©rations sur la grippe aviaire 826:La matrimonium : De la nature des choses 1633:Academic staff of Paris Descartes University 1590:"To Each his Tribes - From Contract to Pact" 1515:DĂ©rive autour de l'Ĺ“uvre de Michel Maffesoli 1189: 625:in one of the two journals that he directs. 548:Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1068:For the full history, see Daniel Filâtre, " 810:, Paris, CNRS ed., coll. Compendium, 2008. 699:Essai sur la violence banale et fondatrice 533:among others were present at this meeting. 199: 29: 1006:, Paris, La DĂ©couverte, 2007, p. 351-387. 322:Reception within the scientific community 1450:" Michel Maffesoli visĂ© par un canular " 802:Iconologies. Nos idol@tries postmodernes 1401:", 9 October 2008; Baptiste Coulmont, " 998:, 2008, p. 117; cf. GĂ©rald Houdeville, 755:Du nomadisme. Vagabondages initiatiques 311:Maffesoli is sometimes associated with 210:Du Nomadisme, Vagabondages initiatiques 1615: 1433:L’économiste Elie Cohen " scandalisĂ© " 1131:La sociologie, l'antithèse de Teissier 1094:La sociologie sous une mauvaise Ă©toile 1603:"The Savage Mind of Michel Maffesoli" 1522:Französische Soziologie der Gegenwart 1240:Revue EuropĂ©enne de Sciences Sociales 854:"Mauvais thème astral Ă  l'universitĂ©" 695:(1982), Le Livre de Poche, reed. 1991 1202:", April 2001. Retrieved 2008-01-06. 542:Appointment to the board of the CNRS 306:French presidential election of 2012 136:(born 14 November 1944) is a French 1378:, 6 October 2008; Sylvestre Huet, " 1372:Mauvais thème astral Ă  l’universitĂ© 1114:Liste des signatures de la pĂ©tition 944:Le trĂ©sor cachĂ© de Michel Maffesoli 613:List of scholarly publishing hoaxes 346:and against his appointment at the 166:Maffesoli has been a member of the 13: 1508: 1397:, 9 October 2008; Denis Colombi, " 1070:Affaire Teissier : historique 1043:, vol. 45, n°2, pp. 220-243, 1997. 781:(14p.) dans Pierre Delorme (dir.) 673:, Paris. PUF. (1979) Reed. (1994) 170:since September 2008, following a 14: 1684: 1562: 1531:, Uvk Verlags GmbH Konstanz 2006. 1529:Michel Maffesoli: eine EinfĂĽhrung 814:La RĂ©publique des bons sentiments 715:Une anthropologie des turbulences 667:. Paris, Champ Urbain Ed. (1978). 645:without any substantial editing. 383:doctorate from the University of 281:Cahiers EuropĂ©ens de l'imaginaire 279:Maffesoli is the director of the 1668:French people of Italian descent 1643:Grenoble Alpes University alumni 1026:, vol. 44, n°1, pp. 63-91, 2003. 851: 745:(1993), Le Livre de Poche, 1996. 603: 409: 348:Institut Universitaire de France 168:Institut Universitaire de France 1673:Knights of the Legion of Honour 1638:University of Strasbourg alumni 1485: 1466: 1442: 1425: 1408: 1365: 1345: 1332: 1315: 1304: 1288: 1275: 1262: 1245: 1221: 1205: 1172: 1156: 1123: 1103: 1079: 1062: 1046: 918:, 28 August 2012 (now removed). 791:, Paris, Table Ronde ed., 2007. 735:La Transfiguration du politique 677:. Paris, MĂ©ridiens/Klincksieck. 651: 274:La transfiguration du politique 113: 1029: 1009: 984: 953: 936: 921: 902: 871: 845: 415:Élizabeth Teissier controversy 1: 1399:Le vrai problème de Michel M. 1281:E.g. : Pierre Tripier, " 1053:Account by Jason Ryan MacLean 1024:Revue française de sociologie 838: 1569:Maffesoli's curriculum vitae 1545:. Ombre Corte, Verona, 2007. 1524:EVK verlag . Konstanz, 2004. 992:La pratique de la sociologie Le blog maçonnique 834:, Editions LĂ©o Scheer, 2015. 804:, Paris, Albin Michel, 2008. 250:as "regenerating disorder" ( 234:, while he was lecturing in 7: 909:Interview by Emmanuel Tugny 888:", 4 May 2012 (archived on 749:Eloge de la raison sensible 632:", a small rentable car in 214:His work was influenced by 181:dissertation of astrologer 10: 1689: 610: 429:Paris Descartes University 294:Sociologia Internationalis 263:Paris Descartes University 157:Paris Descartes University 16:French sociologist (1944-) 1534:S.Curti et L.F.Clemente, 742:La Contemplation du monde 333:La connaissance ordinaire 308:, which he later denied. 212:, La Table ronde, 1997). 123: 98: 88: 69: 40: 28: 21: 1538:. Mimesis, Milano, 2007. 779:Pouvoir des hauts lieux 711:La sociĂ©tĂ© est plusieurs 658:Logique de la domination 172:controversial nomination 143:He is a former pupil of 74:University of Strasbourg 35:Michel Maffesoli in 2012 1212:Analysis by Henri Broch 751:. Paris, Grasset.(1996) 671:La Violence totalitaire 468:Pierre-Gilles de Gennes 367:Philippe-Joseph Salazar 354:in France and England. 200:Professional activities 828:, CNRS Éditions, 2010. 822:, CNRS Éditions, 2009. 816:, Le Rocher ed., 2008. 665:La violence fondatrice 519:Jean-Marc LĂ©vy-Leblond 456:Claude Cohen-Tannoudji 372:The Time of the Tribes 244:La violence fondatrice 188:Maffesoli was born in 78:University of Grenoble 1353:Feuille d'Info Rapide 1004:L'esprit sociologique 365:, Patrick Tacussel, 1472:Baptiste Coulmont, " 1389:", 6 October 2008; " 1351:Source : AFS, " 683:. Paris, PUF. (1979) 660:, Paris, PUF. (1976) 300:Maffesoli supported 1663:French male writers 1653:French sociologists 1648:People from HĂ©rault 1414:Michel Maffesoli, " 1405:", 12 October 2008. 1076:, 30 December 2001. 1041:Sociological Review 722:Le Temps des tribus 693:L'Ombre de Dionysos 392:Sociological Review 252:L’Ombre de Dionysos 1577:"Erotic Knowledge" 1455:2016-03-03 at the 1439:, 27 October 2008. 1422:, April–June 2002. 1385:2008-10-12 at the 1358:2008-11-13 at the 1301:", 9 November 2005 1234:2008-05-25 at the 1086:Christian Baudelot 1057:Critical Sociology 914:2015-09-09 at the 895:2015-04-02 at the 884:2012-05-08 at the 877:Le Lab/Europe 1, " 796:Spectacle du Monde 783:La ville autrement 568:Jean-Louis Fabiani 564:François de Singly 562:, StĂ©phane Beaud, 560:Christian Baudelot 509:and Lucien Karpik. 507:Christian Baudelot 491:Jacques Bouveresse 483:Jean-Claude Pecker 443:Christian Baudelot 421:Élizabeth Teissier 270:AcadĂ©mie Française 183:Élizabeth Teissier 153:emeritus professor 1609:No.42, June 2010. 1431:Sylvestre Huet, " 1329:, 19 October 2005 1227:Bernard Lahire, " 1218:", 6 August 2001. 927:Fabien Bertrand, 852:Huet, Sylvestre. 767:L'instant Ă©ternel 761:La part du diable 531:Franco Ferrarotti 479:Collège de France 328:scientific nature 289:Space and Culture 259:Georges Balandier 131: 130: 1680: 1601: 1588: 1575: 1502: 1501:, 10 March 2015. 1489: 1483: 1470: 1464: 1463:, 10 March 2015. 1448:Sylvestre Huet, 1446: 1440: 1429: 1423: 1412: 1406: 1369: 1363: 1349: 1343: 1336: 1330: 1319: 1313: 1308: 1302: 1292: 1286: 1279: 1273: 1266: 1260: 1249: 1243: 1225: 1219: 1209: 1203: 1196: 1187: 1176: 1170: 1160: 1154: 1129:Alain Bourdin, " 1127: 1121: 1107: 1101: 1100:, 17 April 2001. 1083: 1077: 1074:Lettre de l'ASES 1066: 1060: 1050: 1044: 1033: 1027: 1013: 1007: 988: 982: 981: 957: 951: 950:, 13 March 2015. 940: 934: 925: 919: 906: 900: 875: 869: 868: 866: 865: 849: 598:ValĂ©rie PĂ©cresse 296: 223: 134:Michel Maffesoli 117: 115: 54: 51:14 November 1944 50: 48: 33: 23:Michel Maffesoli 19: 18: 1688: 1687: 1683: 1682: 1681: 1679: 1678: 1677: 1613: 1612: 1599: 1586: 1573: 1565: 1511: 1509:Further reading 1506: 1505: 1491:BenoĂ®t Floc'h, 1490: 1486: 1482:, 9 March 2015. 1471: 1467: 1457:Wayback Machine 1447: 1443: 1430: 1426: 1413: 1409: 1387:Wayback Machine 1370: 1366: 1360:Wayback Machine 1350: 1346: 1337: 1333: 1320: 1316: 1309: 1305: 1293: 1289: 1280: 1276: 1267: 1263: 1250: 1246: 1236:Wayback Machine 1226: 1222: 1210: 1206: 1197: 1190: 1177: 1173: 1161: 1157: 1128: 1124: 1108: 1104: 1084: 1080: 1067: 1063: 1055:in the journal 1051: 1047: 1034: 1030: 1014: 1010: 989: 985: 968: 965:Wayback Machine 958: 954: 941: 937: 926: 922: 916:Wayback Machine 907: 903: 897:Wayback Machine 886:Wayback Machine 876: 872: 863: 861: 850: 846: 841: 663:avec Pessin A. 654: 615: 609: 594: 581: 544: 460:Jean-Marie Lehn 425:Serge Moscovici 417: 412: 359:Serge Moscovici 324: 302:Nicolas Sarkozy 292: 232:Vilfredo Pareto 213: 202: 119: 116: 1969) 111: 107: 76: 70:Alma mater 65: 55: 52: 46: 44: 36: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1686: 1676: 1675: 1670: 1665: 1660: 1655: 1650: 1645: 1640: 1635: 1630: 1625: 1611: 1610: 1597: 1584: 1571: 1564: 1563:External links 1561: 1560: 1559: 1556: 1549: 1546: 1539: 1532: 1525: 1518: 1510: 1507: 1504: 1503: 1484: 1465: 1441: 1424: 1407: 1364: 1344: 1331: 1314: 1303: 1287: 1274: 1261: 1259:, 15 mai 2001. 1251:HervĂ© Morin, " 1244: 1220: 1204: 1188: 1178:HervĂ© Morin, " 1171: 1169:, 22 May 2001. 1163:Alain Touraine 1155: 1122: 1102: 1090:Roger Establet 1078: 1061: 1045: 1035:David Evans, " 1028: 1008: 990:Serge Paugam, 983: 952: 935: 920: 901: 870: 843: 842: 840: 837: 836: 835: 829: 823: 817: 811: 805: 799: 792: 786: 776: 770: 764: 758: 752: 746: 738: 732: 726: 718: 708: 702: 696: 690: 684: 678: 668: 661: 653: 650: 608: 602: 593: 590: 580: 577: 543: 540: 535: 534: 510: 447:Roger Establet 416: 413: 411: 408: 323: 320: 220:Jean Duvignaud 201: 198: 145:Gilbert Durand 129: 128: 125: 121: 120: 109: 103: 102: 100: 96: 95: 90: 86: 85: 71: 67: 66: 56: 42: 38: 37: 34: 26: 25: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1685: 1674: 1671: 1669: 1666: 1664: 1661: 1659: 1656: 1654: 1651: 1649: 1646: 1644: 1641: 1639: 1636: 1634: 1631: 1629: 1628:Living people 1626: 1624: 1621: 1620: 1618: 1608: 1605:(interview), 1604: 1598: 1595: 1591: 1585: 1582: 1578: 1572: 1570: 1567: 1566: 1557: 1554: 1551:P. Le QuĂ©au, 1550: 1547: 1544: 1540: 1537: 1533: 1530: 1526: 1523: 1519: 1516: 1513: 1512: 1500: 1499: 1494: 1488: 1481: 1480: 1475: 1469: 1462: 1458: 1454: 1451: 1445: 1438: 1434: 1428: 1421: 1417: 1411: 1404: 1400: 1396: 1392: 1388: 1384: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1368: 1361: 1357: 1354: 1348: 1341: 1335: 1328: 1324: 1318: 1312: 1307: 1300: 1296: 1291: 1284: 1278: 1271: 1265: 1258: 1254: 1248: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1230: 1224: 1217: 1213: 1208: 1201: 1195: 1193: 1186:, 4 May 2001. 1185: 1181: 1175: 1168: 1164: 1159: 1152: 1148: 1144: 1140: 1136: 1132: 1126: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1106: 1099: 1095: 1091: 1087: 1082: 1075: 1071: 1065: 1058: 1054: 1049: 1042: 1038: 1032: 1025: 1021: 1020: 1012: 1005: 1001: 997: 993: 987: 979: 978: 973: 972: 966: 962: 956: 949: 945: 939: 932: 931: 924: 917: 913: 910: 905: 898: 894: 891: 887: 883: 880: 874: 859: 855: 848: 844: 833: 830: 827: 824: 821: 818: 815: 812: 809: 806: 803: 800: 797: 793: 790: 787: 784: 780: 777: 774: 771: 768: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 750: 747: 744: 743: 739: 736: 733: 730: 727: 724: 723: 719: 716: 712: 709: 706: 703: 700: 697: 694: 691: 688: 685: 682: 679: 676: 672: 669: 666: 662: 659: 656: 655: 649: 646: 644: 639: 635: 631: 626: 624: 620: 614: 606: 601: 599: 589: 585: 576: 573: 572:LoĂŻc Wacquant 569: 565: 561: 556: 552: 549: 539: 532: 528: 524: 520: 516: 511: 508: 503: 502: 501: 498: 494: 492: 488: 484: 480: 475: 473: 469: 465: 461: 457: 453: 448: 444: 440: 439: 432: 430: 426: 422: 410:Controversies 407: 405: 401: 398:sociological 397: 393: 388: 386: 382: 381:honoris causa 378: 374: 373: 368: 364: 360: 355: 353: 349: 345: 340: 338: 334: 329: 319: 316: 314: 309: 307: 303: 298: 295: 290: 286: 282: 277: 275: 271: 266: 264: 260: 255: 253: 249: 245: 241: 237: 233: 229: 228:Julien Freund 224: 221: 217: 216:Pierre Sansot 211: 207: 197: 195: 191: 186: 184: 180: 175: 173: 169: 164: 162: 158: 154: 150: 149:Julien Freund 146: 141: 139: 135: 126: 122: 106: 105:HĂ©lène Strohl 101: 97: 94: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 72: 68: 63: 59: 53:(age 79) 43: 39: 32: 27: 20: 1606: 1600:(in English) 1593: 1587:(in English) 1580: 1574:(in English) 1552: 1542: 1535: 1528: 1521: 1514: 1496: 1487: 1477: 1468: 1460: 1444: 1436: 1427: 1419: 1410: 1403:Le noyautage 1394: 1375: 1367: 1347: 1339: 1334: 1326: 1317: 1306: 1290: 1277: 1269: 1264: 1256: 1247: 1239: 1223: 1207: 1183: 1174: 1166: 1158: 1134: 1125: 1117: 1105: 1097: 1081: 1073: 1064: 1056: 1048: 1040: 1031: 1023: 1019:free parties 1018: 1015:L. 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University of Strasbourg
University of Grenoble
Hélène Strohl
Gilbert Durand
Julien Freund
emeritus professor
Paris Descartes University
Institut Universitaire de France
controversial nomination
Élizabeth Teissier
Pierre Sansot
Jean Duvignaud
Julien Freund
Vilfredo Pareto
Georges Balandier
Paris Descartes University

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
