
Mount Zion Cemetery, Jerusalem

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798: 434: 1165:, usurped a site in the designated area for the city walls park outside of Mount Zion Cemetery. The Nature and Parks Authority announced to proceed against them but so far without any visible success. The members of Diaspora Yeshiva, illegally holding the new site, have no chance to get regular access to electricity and water supply. Therefore, in autumn 2007 they installed, without authorisation, a water pipe and electricity cable crossing graves on Mount Zion Cemetery connecting to their premise at David's tomb, as members of the board of cemetery had to realise at a cemetery inspection on 12 October of the same year. The board then commissioned the legal advisor of the Anglican Church in Jerusalem to officially protest that intrusion. However, Diaspora Yeshiva did not remove its illegal installations. 1634: 1044: 696: 824:, Archdeacon for Palestine, Syria and Trans-Jordan between 1926 and 1943, suggested to acquire land together with the mandate government for a new municipal cemetery on Mount Scopus next to the British Jerusalem War Cemetery, allowing each different congregation to use a specific section for its burials. If the mandate government was not to be gained for this project, the burial board should establish there a new Protestant cemetery, offering also the Scottish Presbyterians to join the burial board. Due to the shortage of space the Evangelical board members asked to deny the mandate government its request to bury also non-members of the two congregations on Mount Zion cemetery, and welcomed a new Protestant cemetery including the Presbyterians. 1607: 477: 1651: 1538: 844: 267: 556:, Anglican bishop of Jerusalem between 1887 and 1914, announced to consecrate the extended cemetery following the Anglican rite. This aroused again concerns of the Evangelical Protestants whether this would not exclude them from burying there, and put again the separation of the joint cemetery on the agenda. Carl Schlicht (1855–1930), then Evangelical pastor in Jerusalem, however, came out in favour of the continued cemeterial community and Blyth assured, an Anglican consecration would not exclude non-Anglicans from being buried. 430:. They lived in a house directly at the cemetery and improved their livelihood with cows and other livestock. Jerusalemites of all background took a fancy to their European style butter, and other dairy products they produced. So their house outside the city walls attracted visitors who bought and also immediately consumed at their kind of an inn. After they quit their post Maria Katharina's brother Friedrich Wilhelm Großsteinbeck (1821–1858) succeeded them. However, Consul Finn prompted his dismissal after half a year in 1853. 576:
This improvement was very welcome to the Evangelical congregation, since the cemetery had had no orderly revenues so far. Henri Baldensperger (1823–1896), employed at Bishop Gobat School, had volunteered as gravedigger. Blyth employed Eno G. Hensman as inspector to succeed Baldensperger and to guard the cemetery. So Hoppe expressed the agreement of the Evangelical congregation but remarked that cemetery rules applying for both congregations should be decided upon by both of them.
amortisation. The prior military conflict and the German defeat did not impair the joint administration of the cemetery. To the opposite, as Alt's successor Hans Wilhelm Hertzberg described, the Anglican clergy and missionaries socialised with their Evangelical counterparts in an overly friendly way. In 1924 all the German seats in the burial board were staffed again. In the annual report season 1925/26 Provost Hertzberg initiated that the burial board bought a
1032:. On 28 April 1981 the board assessed that Mount Zion Cemetery were in a good condition, the ongoing excavations, leaving the enclosing walls damaged, left their traces on the cemetery and exposed it to vandalism. In March 1983 the German embassy offered to contribute in an eventual renovation. In 1986 several newspapers published articles and letters to the editors expressing concerns because of the decay of the cemetery. In early 1986 the Mayor of Jerusalem, 3340: 1198: 3328: 3352: 3376: 3364: 3080: 580: 1087:
cancelled, noticed that another firm unilaterally commissioned by the Anglican side continued the constructions. So the originally commissioned architects took recourse against the board for breach of contract. Provost Karl-Heinz Ronecker, vice-chairman of the board, then negotiated a compensation of £1,943.67 ($ 3,000) for the architects, which the board confirmed on 26 August 1994.
action. So in 1903 the Church Missionary Society again announced its interest in the reserve land, adjacent to Bishop Gobat School, and offered to acquire in return for the reserve land an even bigger tract of land, southerly adjacent to the existing cemetery. Hoppe, since 1898 elevated to the rank of provost, agreed and so on 25 January 1904 Blyth convened the two consuls,
1300:, German ambassador in London, stated "that the Royal Government takes it for granted that the use of the churchyard for its proper purpose by both Communities on equal footing as well as the equal right of the clergymen of each to perform the proper service shall continue until a possible agreement shall have been arrived at by the two Communities." 608:
for both congregations. This would clear the long disputed relation of the Evangelical congregation to the cemetery and was thus most acceptable to them. Since the extension, which the CMS was to buy, measured a four times bigger area than the reserve land to be ceded, the parties agreed upon contributing to the purchase price.
representatives of the congregations or only reluctantly allowing passage to Mount Zion Cemetery through the site of the college. In 1995 the Anglican Church in Jerusalem readvised the college that representatives of Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation have right of free access to the cemetery at any time.
In 1993 Mount Zion Cemetery comprised 80 empty grave plots, while an additional 50 were planned to be gained at terracing the slopes, which was never finished. After 1994 the Evangelical congregation of German language allowed several burials of Protestant non-parishioners. However, under Israeli law
On 12 May, the same year, Blyth had rejected Hoppe's demand for a bilateral accord, claiming the cemetery would be an Anglican cemetery, where an interference by Lutherans could not be accepted. The dispute gained sharpness so that the two consuls intervened which made Blyth and Hoppe more conciliant
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission offered to fill the crater at its own expenses, however, without recovering the precipitated graves and their headstones, which would be a dangerous effort. The Evangelical congregation accepted and decided to commission new headstones. The War Graves Commission
In the following days and weeks three graves precipitated completely or partially into the crater, a fourth grave is moderately endangered. Although Provost Gräbe and the Evangelical board administrator immediately alarmed all competent authorities the water was only turned off on 9 April. Members of
The Evangelical congregation of German language feared to lose its equal say and therefore proposed to form two burial boards, one like the then existing bipartite for Mount Zion Cemetery and one quinquepartite for the new Protestant cemetery. The Anglican representatives, however, preferred a single
participated in the board's continued settlement of the cemetery debts. In order to settle them Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language stepped in, which netted its holdings of similar amount with the afore-mentioned bank with the cemetery's debts, thus defraying its share in the debt
When Provost Wilhelm Bussmann, who had succeeded Hoppe in 1904, took the latter's seat in the ongoing negotiations, he proposed to legally divide the cemetery extension among the two congregations. This was opposed by Blyth, who offered in return an institutionalised joint administration and usufruct
On 24 October 1902 Blyth informed that with only 30 remaining empty cemetery plots it would be time for both congregations to search for new cemeteries, separate ones for each congregation. The Evangelical congregation answered, referring to the still existing reserve land, there would be no need for
recovered £100 and later private British donators another £46.2.0, while Prussians did not specifically contribute to the project at that time. Mount Zion Cemetery replaced the old cemetery West of Jaffa Gate. So Gobat transferred the graves from there to the new cemetery on Mount Zion. By the end of
Furthermore, there are graves of British and German diplomats and officials, of officials and policepersons of the British Mandate government – among them victims of anti-British terrorism – and of their family members. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is taking care of 144 graves of Palestine
In the recent years the board of cemetery paid again some attention to its neglected Jarmaleh Cemetery. The enclosing fence of the Jarmaleh Cemetery has mostly collapsed. Almost all headstones there have been destroyed in wanton vandalism. The graves are overgrown and partially covered with rubbish.
The commissioned Israeli architects started construction works in 1989. Already in the next year the board administrator asked them to stop all constructions, arguing the board's plans for the future of the cemetery were still unclear. In May 1993 the architects, whose contract had not been formally
977:. "The Board shall be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the Jarmale Cemetery and of the British-German cemetery on Mount Zion." The board of cemetery in its new composition held regular meetings until 1994, then again once in June 1998 and resumed regular meetings in September 2007. 809:
addressed the burial board with the request, to allow them also burying members of government authorities and armed forces, who had not been Anglicans or Evangelical Protestants. The growing number of British casualties killed in service for the mandate government by anti-British terrorists became a
Furthermore, the deed states that the site had been bought using monies of the bishop, while it claims that the British government funds were used to actually prepare the site as a cemetery (levelling and enclosure). This formulation obviously was meant to forestall claims, that the cemetery were to
fraction. Blyth wanted to maintain good relations with the Orthodox churches, and therefore preferred missioning Jews and Muslims, however, the latter were forbidden to convert and to be missioned by Ottoman law. Zeller, a son-in-law of Gobat, and the Church Missionary Society again were proponents
and the Jerusalem Anglican congregation had strongly grown. So between 1925 and 1932 the number of Anglican burials amounted to 75 (parishioners and other Anglicans), 42 of British and 28 of Arabic background, while 27 Evangelical Protestants had been buried, nine of whom were Germans and 12 Arabs.
The EKD then announced it would demand back the remainder of its contribution amounting to DM 5,700. So in 1998 Provost Ronecker unilaterally repaired the walls for $ 12,000 (£7,289.43). This made the Anglican bishop convene the board in June 1998, whose members developed a fray on how to share the
Although the Abbey finally repaired the enclosing wall, in March 1989 the board of cemetery prohibited Pixner any further excavations on its cemetery. The board started fundraising for a general renovation of the cemetery in order to thoroughly reconstruct the enclosing walls, to terrace slopes for
for Britain the two parties revised the cemetery statute in 1929, replacing the British consul by the Deputy Jerusalem District Commissioner, further increasing the burial fees and introducing limited tenures on grave sites, in order to forestall a run out of space for new burials in the future. In
laid out a section of the cemetery as a non-denominational war cemetery for Austro-Hungarian (5), British (2) and German soldiers (11) of all religious denominations killed in action in the battles close to Jerusalem since 1916 and retrieved by the German medical corps. After the British capture of
In 1890 the Bishop Gobat School intended to acquire the unused reserve land of the cemetery, retained by Gobat in 1853 for its extension. In order to compensate for this loss a tract of land adjacent to the area already used for burials was to be purchased. The Evangelical congregation was asked to
and Bishop Gobat opposed him, the latter even threatening to resign if this cemeterial separation would lead to finally cancel the joint bishopric. Gobat assured that he did not and was not intended to consecrate the cemetery following Anglican rite, on which grounds non-Anglicans could be excluded
separating it from the school ground and garden. Therefore, the cemetery has no direct access to a street, but is reached passing the site of the school. However, in order to enlarge the burial ground again, once a shortage of gravesites would occur, Gobat – on the occasion of separating the school
In May 1984 the Evangelical members of the board of cemetery formally objected by their lawyer for Bishop Kafity had twice overlooked them when inviting for board meetings. The bishop then reconfirmed: "Mount Zion Cemetery is a shared responsibility among the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church,
After Pastor Paul Hoppe had succeeded Schlicht in 1895 Bishop Blyth unilaterally issued cemetery rules including a scale of charges and fees in order to finance the maintenance of the cemetery and pay a superintendent (inspector) for the burial ground, with copies sent to Hoppe on 16 January 1896.
In consequence the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation offered its agreement to ceding reserve land to the Bishop Gobat School, however, asking if this could be compensated. So consul-general Paul von Tischendorf – mediated by Johannes Zeller – arranged the accord that the Church Missionary Society
Protestants. So Blyth stopped the works, however, stating: "The German community will always be most welcome to the privileges of interment which they hitherto enjoyed: but I have no knowledge of 'the German protestants' being 'proprietors of the ground'. The Anglican Bishop is the sole Trustee."
On 13 October 1892 Blyth unilaterally donated most of the reserve land to the Bishop Gobat School, issuing a deed of donation, and added the remainder to the cemetery. He informed Pastor Schlicht about this act on the 21st of the same month and asked his consent. Schlicht presented the sake to the
of the Protestants as mütevelli, but after 1886 the Bishop of Jerusalem was not the spiritual head of all the Protestant waqf beneficiaries any more. In his deed of foundation Gobat, again, had determined his Anglican episcopal successors to be the cemeterial responsible, however, Blyth rejecting
replied: "The Archbishop most readily concurs in the desire expressed in Count Hatzfeldt's letter as to the future harmonious cooperation of the Churches and the continued common use of the churchyard as hitherto." So technically the cemetery continued to be used and administered by the Anglican
The electricity cable, however, continues to cross the cemetery. Members of Diaspora Yeshiva continued repeatedly to enter the cemetery without any authorisation and thus managed to elevate the cable to three meters of height fixing it at trees on the cemetery. Throughout 2008 members of Diaspora
Malsch proposed to the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation to end the cemeterial condominium and to sell the inaccessible Mount Zion Cemetery, both of which the foundation clearly rejected in order to maintain the ecumenical cooperation and the long tradition of this burial ground. The new Provost
On 20 January 1938 Archdeacon Stewart assured Provost Rhein that the Anglican and Evangelical rights in Mount Zion Cemetery would remain untouched also under the board of cemetery enlarged by representatives of Scottish Presbyterians and Arab Protestants. In March 1938 the burial board negotiated
The Evangelical Protestants wanted to keep their equal representation on the burial board, unless the Presbyterians would join, and furthermore also the Arabic Anglican and Lutheran congregations, so that a quinquepartite board would become necessary. The burial board planned to register as legal
and representing the expelled Provost Friedrich Jeremias (1868–1945), presented the annual financial statements for the years of 1914 to 1917, when Britons could not participate in the joint board. The CMS was partially still in arrears with its half of the purchase price and the burial board had
The German embassy, in 1989 so keen to maintain the cemetery, had changed its opinion completely claiming since to be not in charge. Soon later the Anglican administrator of the board of cemetery addressed the German embassy asking for a regular contribution to maintain the cemetery of $ 3,000,
in Jerusalem contributed with 75 Napoléons d'or to the purchase, while Bertha von Braun, the widow of Friedrich von Braun (1850–1904), who after his sudden death had been buried on the cemetery on 31 May 1904, donated another 100 Napoléons d’or, while the Anglican side was still behind with its
cemetery site in Jerusalem. In June of that year he reported that, with the collaboration of Vice-Consul Young, he had located a suitable plot of land on Mount Zion that would meet this need, but that he had postponed closing the deal until matters were clarified about land acquired earlier for
2093:) on 22 June 1889. Its purpose was and is the maintenance of then existing and establishment of new Evangelical institutions in Jerusalem, especially congregations, church buildings, and schools. The Evangelical say in matters and usage of Mount Zion Cemetery was assigned to the new foundation. 1208:
On 6 August 2008 a representative of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, the provost, the Evangelical administrator and the director of Jerusalem University College, who meanwhile has advanced to a guard of the cemetery, inspected the damages in the burial ground. The War Graves Commission
The plan of empty grave plots is not always followed. In 2002 the grave of an Arab parishioner was erected crossing two graves of German soldiers. Burials continue until this very day and for Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language Mount Zion Cemetery is the sole burial place.
For several weeks water poured out of the improperly installed leaking pipe flooding part of the cemetery and thoroughly soaking the earth at the section of the graves of soldiers killed in World War I. On the weekend of 5 and 6 April 2008, the drenched ground imploded into a cavern below the
Today's Israel land registry shows the Church Missionary Trust Association Ltd., London, as the proprietor of Mount Zion Cemetery. Jarmaleh Cemetery, in turn, is registered under the name of the Jarmaleh Cemetery Board, which, however, is not registered as a legal entity so that a government
The crater, the safety barriers, and the signs warning about the danger of collapse at the crater were symptoms of the desolate situation of Mount Zion Cemetery. The cemetery had fallen in decay again, with overgrown graves, dead dry and partially collapsed trees presenting a danger of fire.
The unauthorised burial carried out by members of the adjacent Jerusalem University College in 1989, unconsented with the board of cemetery or any of the enfranchised congregations, aroused their unrest. In a letter of 13 February 1989 to the college the Anglican diocese declared that the
the relations improved again. Representatives of EKD on their visit in Jerusalem emphatically submitted Dawani the necessity to convene the board of cemetery again. Mount Zion Cemetery, being the sole burial ground used by Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language, with that
Before a formal consent arrived in Jerusalem, Rev. Johannes Zeller (1830–1902), Gobat's son-in-law and leader of Bishop Gobat School, started construction works on the land. This fait accompli incited Schlicht to formally protest at Blyth, claiming condominial property for the Evangelical
This was, however, not always aware to the Jerusalem University College, seated since 1967 in the Gobat School building, through the site of which is the only access to the lychgate. Several times newly appointed college directors exchanged the locks, barring entrance for the uninformed
cost. Ronecker proposed to divide the sum in four equal shares to be defrayed by the Anglicans, the Evangelical Protestants, the British government and the German federal government. The latter rejected any contribution, so the Evangelical congregation of Jerusalem shouldered $ 6,000.
recognised in 1959, was not represented on the board, since the new statutes based on a draft already prepared before 1959. Therefore, the Jarmaleh Cemetery Board formed a committee to discuss Malsch's proposal to accept the new church body in the joint administration of the cemetery.
On 14 February 1989 the German embassy in Tel Aviv acknowledged the importance of Mount Zion Cemetery for the ecumenical history of British Anglican and German Evangelical ecclesiastical institutions, also accepting the necessity to finance the maintenance of the cemetery.
With the dissolution of the contract on the joint bishopric in 1886 diplomatic notes were exchanged confirming the status quo ante of the cemetery with its prior ambiguities. So technically the cemetery continued to be used and administered by the now purely English
The resumé of the waqf deed in French language says: "le dit évêque mandant … se constituant Mutevelli du dit Vakouf pendant sa vie et léguant ce droit à tout chef spirituel de la communauté protestante en question après lui." Here quoted after Gottfried Mehnert,
the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the West German War Graves Commission." The board of cemetery followed that statement: "It was affirmed that the Cemetery is an international Protestant cemetery concerning Britain, Germany and local Anglican churches."
1322:. What has always been given has not in any way been interfered with – the right of burying." Furthermore, Gobat's "deed was illegal – it is not possible to alter a Deed of Wakoof after its completion. … As sole trustee of the Ground I cannot, in justice to my 1292:
However, in 1853 Gobat separated a part of the cemetery, which had not yet been used for burials, in order to domicile the Bishop Gobat School (Bischof-Gobat-Schule; est. 1847) there, a clear contravention of the waqf deed, which demanded a use as cemetery.
1036:, uttered his worries and offered the aid of the City of Jerusalem for the preservation of the cemetery. In 1986 the board commissioned an Israeli architectural firm for its expertise on the state of the cemetery and in order to project a general overhaul. 1129:
told Protestant church representatives from Germany on their visit in Jerusalem that he is planning to convert Mount Zion Cemetery into a park. Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language was completely surprised by this unilateral approach.
When Bishop Blyth unilaterally issued cemetery rules by end of 1895 Pastor Hoppe expressed the agreement of the Evangelical congregation but asked for future concerted decisions referring to the condominium of both congregations in Mount Zion Cemetery.
So in November 1905 Bussmann proposed to institutionalise the administration and financing of the burial ground by a statute of Mount Zion Cemetery, which met consensual agreement, so that the mixed body executed the statute on 25 November 1905. The
526:, relaunched the cemeterial issue in order to institutionalise the cemeterial community. He proposed to either reach equal rights as to Mount Zion Cemetery for both sides or to legally divide the cemetery. Generally Goßler suggested to establish an 405:"Only in spring of 1848 did the British consul general in Constantinople and his colleague in Jerusalem, receive a firman to purchase a cemetery plot for the Protestant community." Prepared by Nicolayson, later buried there, and with the support of 852:
entity in order to get the cemetery assigned as property of that entity. The new law established under British mandate provided for legal entities as proprietors of real estate. However, until 1936 the purchase of a new cemetery did not progress.
After 1998 any cooperation came to a halt. Without convening the board of cemetery the two congregations started to bury their deceased without informing the other side (three Evangelical burials one each in 1999, 2000 and 2001). In 2005 Bishop
Eventual deficits were to be halved among the parties, and it turned out that the stipulated burial fees did not cover the running expenses for inspector and maintenance. Because deficits repeated the burial board decided to collect once a year
Barkai, Gabriel; Schiller, Eli (August 2013). "Land of Israel Researchers Buried in the Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion" (in Hebrew) (203 – First Researches and Travelers to Jerusalem and the Land of Israel). Ariel Publishing: 26. Danacode
966:, succeeding Johannes Doering, whose time in office included a British internment in Palestine between end of May 1940 and summer 1945. The board of cemetery convened again including Weigelt as representative of the Evangelical congregation. 997:
Hansgeorg Köhler championed this opinion. So negotiations concentrated on the proposal to form two separate subcommittees for each of the cemeteries, with the option to include the Arab Lutherans in the administrations of Jarmaleh Cemetery.
The constructions were continued by the new contractors for a while but never finished. Somewhat more than DM 17,000 of the EKD's share had been expended at that time. In 1992 and 1995 the official celebrations of the German embassy on
consented to rescue the precipitated graves and to close the crater. However, the financing of this difficult operation was completely unclear. Diaspora Yeshiva, which is responsible for the damage, so far did not make up for it.
as enemy aliens by the British mandate government by mid-1940. After the Second World War anti-British terrorism in Palestine strengthened again entailing the burials of the casualties also on Mount Zion Cemetery. There are
in December 1845. However, because of the proximity to the Muslim cemetery and all the problems this entailed, the small British community in the city was forced to find a new site. In January 1844, during negotiations with
393:, where other Christian burial grounds were situated." The other Christian burial grounds on Mount Zion are an Armenian, a Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Franciscan cemetery, the latter containing also the grave of 311: 499:(1835–1909) instigated Gobat to execute a formal deed of foundation of the cemetery, issued on 18 September 1874, dedicating Mount Zion Cemetery for the burials of Anglicans and congregants of the Protestant churches of 1181:
Diaspora Yeshiva did not remove their installations, but climbed again over the enclosing wall trying to repair the wrecked pipe. At the instigation of the representative for the non-Jewish religions in Jerusalem Mayor
to convene the board in order to commission a reconstruction of the walls. The Anglican side refused arguing the maintenance of cemetery walls would be – according to the law – an obligation of the city of Jerusalem.
personally promised the provost on 13 April, to take care of the issue. Several officials of the city administration tried to find a solution until August 2008. They finally reached the removal of the water pipe.
615:), Bussmann, Dickson, Schmidt and H. Sykes (CMS) signed the protocol determining the purchase, obliging the British and German governments to provide each for a quarter of the price amounting altogether to 1,440 1121:
denied again. The Anglican administrator claims that the German government had committed themselves for regular contributions, an obligation neither documented with the embassy nor the Evangelical congregation.
1381: 425:
Between early 1850 and September 1852 Gustav Thiel (1825–1907) and his wife Maria Katharina Großsteinbeck (1826–1862) were employed as gardeners and guards of Mount Zion Cemetery at an annual income of 75
of Lutheran and Reformed congregations, until 1886, the Jerusalem Lutheran congregation preserved a right to bury congregants there also after the Jerusalem Bishopric had become a solely Anglican diocese.
Montefiore Windmill against the background of Mount Zion with Bishop Gobat School and Cemetery with its extension of 1904 (indicated by the bright protruding wall, upper centre right; photo of 1 May 1948)
4,500 (at par with the British £) according to its expected share in the overall burials. This objection was most probably advanced because of their shortage of locally achievable funds combined with the
Samuel Gobat, Evangelischer Bischof in Jerusalem – Sein Leben und sein Wirken meist nach seinen eigenen Aufzeichnungen: mit Gobat's und seiner Frau Bildern in Stahlstich und 8 Landschaften in Holzschnitt
1932 Provost Ernst Rhein (1885–1969) estimated that with the then number of annual burials the cemetery would reach its maximal capacity in 1939. So the burial board started planning for a new cemetery.
2085: 651: 637: 175: 1225:, asked and was allowed to enter with a colleague through the insecure crater into the cavern underneath in order to explore the excavation tunnel presumably to be assigned to Bliss and Dickey. 920:
in the years between 1939 and 1948. Also the number of Anglicans had sharply decreased with the withdrawal of the Britons until 1948. While the remaining Anglican Britons continued to live in
366:"He later requested and received approval from the Foreign Office in London to build walls around the site. Among those buried in this cemetery were Ewald’s wife in January 1844 and Bishop 1108:
With the discontinued constructions the enclosing walls had never been properly renovated. So between 1994 and 1998 the administrator of Mount Zion Cemetery appealed several times at Bishop
350 (= 4,200 French francs) for the land, its enclosure and levelling. Gobat financed the expenses with private funds earlier donated by Britons, Germans and Swiss, of which by December the
Last not least Austro-Hungarian, British, and German soldiers killed in action or else deceased in service in the Holy Land were laid to rest. The afore-mentioned two British and sixteen
Confession. Thus Münchhausen considered Alten's concerns and objections against the joint cemetery to be obsolete and ended any attempt to dissolve the cemeterial ecumenical community.
458: 1614:
The burial fees – e.g., as fixed in July 1983 – are considerably lower for parishioners of the congregations holding the joint cemetery than for other faithful of the two respective
had convened the burial board and only two Evangelical representatives could take part, due to the flight or the expulsion of many German citizens from the Holy Land by the British
from being buried. Furthermore, a bill had been entered to Westminster parliament to generally open Anglican consecrated cemeteries for believers of other Protestant denominations.
gaining additional grave sites, and to repair the paths. Furthermore, all graves were to be refurbished and a viewing platform to be erected to develop the cemetery for tourists.
1750: 969:
The board resumed its negotiations on a revision of the cemetery statutes as started in the 1930s. On 13 February 1962, the board of cemetery, with, among others, Archbishop
On Mount Zion Cemetery a number of Bishops of Jerusalem have been buried, such as Michael Solomon Alexander, Joseph Barclay, Samuel Gobat, and George Francis Graham Brown.
489: 1376: 879:
in 1939 the Anglicans had to maintain the cemetery alone, because the Evangelical seats on the board remained vacant, since most of the Christian Germans were interned in
3084: 17: 2051:
After the contract of bishopric had been dissolved in 1886 Britain repaid the Prussian share in its original endowment capital in 1889. Combining the repaid £21,500 (=
597: 1296:
With the dissolution of the contract on the joint bishopric in 1886 diplomatic notes were exchanged confirming the status quo of the cemetery with its ambiguities.
again. Blyth and Hoppe adopted the point of view, that the waqf was no property in the sense of western law, with both congregations only being its beneficiaries.
601: 523: 332: 2788:
George Francis Popham Blyth in a letter of 12 May 1896 to Pastor Paul Hoppe. Additions in edged brackets not in the original. Here cited after Gottfried Mehnert,
would pay a compensation, however, Bishop Blyth, who maintained an uneasy relationship with Zeller, opposed that, so the reserve land remained with the cemetery.
Uwe Gräbe (c), "Die Entwicklung des protestantischen Zionsfriedhofs in Jerusalem 1848 bis 2008" (a revised online version – now offline – of Gräbe's articles in
1826: 1626:
limited tenures on grave sites, as introduced in 1929, are not allowed any more, so that Mount Zion Cemetery will definitely reach its maximal capacity one day.
1568:(architect), Gustav-Ernst Schultz (Prussian consul, Egyptologist), Anglican and Lutheran clergy, e.g. the first Arab Protestant pastor Bechara Canaan (father of 1526: 1304: 981: 865: 1143:
congregation growing, would need to return to an orderly administration as provided for by the statutes. So Dawani convened the board again on 12 October 2007.
1894:. Among them were also Maria Katharina's brothers Friedrich Wilhelm and Johann Adolf Großsteinbeck (1832–1913), the latter becoming in 1902 the grandfather of 1174: 732:
in February 1918. A total of 104 British soldiers were buried here, of which 100 were later reburied at the War Cemetery, although four who died between the
Der Englisch-Deutsche Zionsfriedhof in Jerusalem und die Deutsche Evangelische Gemeinde Jerusalem. Ein Beitrag zur Ökumenischen Kirchengeschichte Jerusalems
signalled its wish to include the school garden of the Jerusalem University College, seated in the former Bishop Gobat School, into a public park along the
543: 1257:. As stated by the original deed in Arabic and French, issued on the occasion of the land acquisition in 1848, Mount Zion Cemetery was converted into an 627:, subscribed each for 180 Napoléons d’or, thus covering the German share. The cession of the reserve land had been negotiated by a bipartite mixed body. 2723:
Samuel Gobat in a letter of 20 March 1872 to Georg Friedrich August von Alten, German consul-general in Jerusalem, here quoted after Gottfried Mehnert,
then succeeded to acquire another site for the cemetery: "It is a Parallelogram of 156 feet (48 m) long and 60 feet (18 m) broad – It is 335
Gustaf Dalman in a letter of 30 July 1921 to the board of trustees of the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation in Berlin, here after Gottfried Mehnert,
766:, which was in the process of liquidation after the expropriation of German property abroad for war reparations to the World War I allies (except the 3130: 1499: 302:, had very complicated access to the cemetery then located in what was West Jerusalem. So in those years a further ecumenical Protestant cemetery in 207: 2141:
While Gobat had resorted to proselytising among Christians of other, mostly Orthodox denominations, which the Ottoman government had legalised by a
cemetery forming a crater of 5 meter width and 5 meter depth. The cavern most likely forms a part of an excavation tunnel dug by the archaeologists
1218: 797: 93: 3001:
Uwe Gräbe (b), "Begraben auf dem Zion – und der Jarmaleh-Friedhof" (supplement to Die Entwicklung des protestantischen Zionsfriedhofs ...), in:
Bishopric of Jerusalem and the old-Prussian Evangelical Church, represented by the Evangelical pastor of Jerusalem (ranked provost since 1898).
While interior quarrels somewhat jam the Anglican engagement for the cemetery, new projects demand the board of cemetery to take decisions. The
3060: 962:. East Jerusalem's Anglicans, Lutherans and Presbyterians then used Jarmaleh Cemetery. In March 1954 Provost Joachim Weigelt assumed office at 2072: 1013:
took the effort to renovate and repair Mount Zion Cemetery in 1968. Since then the board of cemetery resumed burying on Mount Zion Cemetery.
719:, thus leaving the joint administration of Mount Zion Cemetery to the Evangelical Protestants of German nationality. Until January 1917 the 1829: 3401: 2614: 2403:
Ernst Rhein in a letter of 23 May 1933 to the board of trustees of the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation, here after Gottfried Mehnert,
1556:, Jerusalem), the deaconesses Charlotte Pilz, Bertha Harz, and Najla Moussa Sayegh (Talitha Kumi Girls School, Jerusalem until 1948, now 3411: 1407: 1370: 1307: 963: 758: 2647: 2076: 2672: 494: 433: 1289:, i.e. administrator, trustee). A waqf may have beneficiaries, who take usufruct of it, but nobody may dispose of it as property. 1005:
The discussion on a participation of the Arab Lutherans had not been concluded when the Israeli conquest of East Jerusalem in the
3431: 1633: 1552:
There are a number of graves of educators, who built up educational institutions in the Holy Land, like Johann Ludwig Schneller (
1043: 749: 683:
in favour of the cemetery in both congregations, starting on Sunday 24 November 1912, and then annually on the 25th Sunday after
3416: 2557:
for details, section "4. Die Friedhofsrestaurierung 1989 bis 1994 und das vorläufige Ende des Friedhofskomitees 1998 bis 2006".
600:(1847–1906) and Edmund Schmidt (1855–1916), both later buried in the cemetery, two representatives of the CMS, a pastor of the 239: 699:
Memorial listing the names of the Jerusalemites of all faiths killed in WWI fighting in the German or Austro-Hungarian forces.
3123: 861: 1726:(1839–1899), German pediatric surgeon who opened and ran the first pediatric hospital in the Holy Land between 1872 and 1899 1213:
Criminals and drug addicts again and again climb over the walls and leave their traces, while dogs are straying around too.
3421: 3100: 1693: 1432: 1329:
On 2 June 1896 Hoppe pointed out, that Blyth was not to be accepted as the mütevelli, because the waqf deed determined the
2699: 1890:
On 4 February 1850 they had arrived in Jerusalem and belonged to a group of Protestant German settlers coming mostly from
463: 1418:, responsible for the cemeteries on Mount Zion and in Beit Safafa (Jarmaleh cemetery), comprised the following members: 1101:) were held on Mount Zion Cemetery. In the following years youth groups from German Protestant congregations and of the 3094: 2979:
Seht, wir gehen hinauf nach Jerusalem!: Festschrift zum 150jährigen Jubiläum von Talitha Kumi und des Jerusalemsvereins
1487: 1010: 893: 827:
The Evangelical board members proposed that each congregation should contribute to the purchase price of approximately
737: 695: 2854:
Bishop Kafity in a letter of 27 July 1984 to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, here quoted after Uwe Gräbe (c),
3139: 3037: 2986: 2972: 2913: 1949: 1928: 1907: 1147: 2981:, Almut Nothnagle (ed.) on behalf of Jerusalemsverein, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2001, pp. 96–121. 1599:
bought grave plots for two deceased of their fellow faithful, before they opened a Templer cemetery of their own in
in 1957. ּBetween 1948 and 1967 the congregations using the cemetery, with most of their congregants living in then
3406: 3200: 3116: 2762:
George Francis Popham Blyth in a letter of 16 April 1896 to Pastor Paul Hoppe, here cited after Gottfried Mehnert,
2610:(04/2008), the printed version of the journal of Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language. Cf. Also 2521: 1448: 724:
Jerusalem on 9 December 1917 the British army also buried its soldiers on Mount Zion Cemetery, before the separate
406: 1576:, and many other parishioners of the Anglican and Lutheran congregations of Arabic, English, and German language. 3190: 3045: 1561: 1048: 508: 286:
The cemetery is located on the southwestern slope of Mount Zion in Jerusalem, southerly surrounded by the street
1595:' soldiers killed in action are buried in a special section in the centre of the cemetery. As another exception 950:
Between 1948 and 1967, the Evangelical congregation buried most of its deceased on the Lutheran cemetery of the
3307: 3221: 1596: 725: 2736:
Paul von Hatzfeldt in a letter of 4 December 1886 to Stafford Northcote, here cited after Gottfried Mehnert,
2316: 1080: 1072: 733: 623:, or = £1,152). The CMS would defray the other half of the price. The Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation and 530:
on the site of the Bishop Gobat School as to free access to the cemetery. His proposals remained unrealised.
468:(1815–1882) aimed at dissolving the Anglican-Protestant ecumenical cemeterial community, however, the German 247: 290:. Mount Zion Cemetery is reached passing the site of the former Bishop Gobat School, since 1967 housing the 3426: 2749:
Stafford Northcote in a letter of 8 January 1887 to Baron von Plessen, here cited after Gottfried Mehnert,
2026: 1318:
Blyth then replied that the cemetery, "is not given either to the English or to the Germans by the Deed of
1222: 1201: 1139: 1064: 291: 215: 86: 2977:
Ruth Felgentreff, "Bertha Harz und Najla Moussa Sayegh: Zwei Diakonissen – eine Aufgabe, ein Dienst", in:
of Jerusalem, Zarif Pasha, Bishop Gobat acquired the tract of land on Mount Zion in the same year, paying
2905: 1687: 1615: 1191: 993:
Smith declared for the Anglican side their opposition to the admission of the Jordanian Lutheran Church.
909: 553: 445:(Bischof-Gobat-Schule; est. 1847, erected between 1853 and 1856 on that site) thereto, taken over by the 251: 2332: 912:
brought about the partitioning of Jerusalem with Mount Zion Cemetery being located in the territory of
624: 441:
In 1853 Gobat separated a part of the cemetery, which had not yet been used for burials, and moved the
Bishop Blyth in a letter of 30 November 1892 to Pastor Schlicht, here quoted after Gottfried Mehnert,
1606: 1194:– crossing the cemetery – and the Nature and Parks Authority does not get them evicted from the plot. 763: 3043:
Brian Schultz, "The Archaeological Heritage of the Jerusalem Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion", in:
Uwe Gräbe (a), "Die Entwicklung des protestantischen Zionsfriedhofs in Jerusalem 1848 bis 2008", in:
1659: 1542: 1511: 1393: 790: 446: 367: 2946: 1622:
responsibility for all burials is with the Anglican bishop as well as with the Evangelical provost.
Der protestantische Zionsfriedhof … in der Tradition des preußisch-anglikanischen Bistums 1841–1886
1572:), deaconesses running the Protestant German Hospital, Adalbert Einsler, doctor at Lepers Hospital 1387: 1068: 940: 612: 469: 382: 3065:, Jerusalem: leaflet of Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language, March/April 2009 1277:; i.e. Protestants) as its beneficiaries, represented by their respective spiritual head (French: 1059:
The fundraising succeeded with £10,000 donated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, £5,758 (
be exclusively owned by the Anglican diocese because its purchase were financed by British funds.
3297: 3287: 1126: 1102: 970: 632: 3022:, (= Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Beihefte; vol. XV), Leiden: Brill, 1971. 2965:
Der deutsche Beitrag zum Aufstieg Jaffas 1850–1914: Zur Geschichte Palästinas im 19. Jahrhundert
1650: 1537: 836:
only very reluctantly allowing German missions to buy foreign exchange for mostly inconvertible
476: 3292: 1891: 1735: 1708:(Danish born Hans Nicolajsen; 1803–1856), reverend, missionary, founder of the English Hospital 1021: 927:
and Israeli West Jerusalem, Evangelical Germans lived only in East Jerusalem after the last 50
897: 542:, represented by the pastor of Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language (ranked 522:, the Prussian Minister of Cult and Education, Gustav von Goßler (1838–1902), in charge of the 2637:
for details, section "6. Noch einmal: "Begraben auf dem Zion“ – und der "Jarmaleh-Friedhof“…".
2611: 916:. The number of Evangelical Germans had severely shrunk due to emigration and relocation from 2933: 2064: 1684:(1799–1879), Bishop of Jerusalem between 1846 and 1879, and his wife Marie Zeller (1813–1879) 1665: 1170: 454:
ground from the cemetery – recorded a pursuant clause protocolled by the British consulate.
3312: 3205: 2902:
Jerusalem!: Festschrift zum 150jährigen Jubiläum von Talitha Kumi und des Jerusalemsvereins
Cf. Samuel Gobat's annual episcopal report of 30 October 1848, published in: Samuel Gobat,
1775: 1754: 1744: 1447:
two representatives of the Presbyterian congregation of Jerusalem, one being the pastor of
to carry out archeological excavations on Mount Zion Protestant Cemetery searching for the
843: 821: 720: 620: 504: 360: 340: 271: 2967:, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997, (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins; vol. 22). 1071:, £3,939 (DM 13,000) by the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation, £3,030 (DM 10,000) by the 8: 3436: 3356: 3282: 1711: 1638: 1553: 1541:
Headstone on the graves of Conrad Schick and Friederike Dobler, with headstone on Bishop
1477: 1400: 1217:
intended to fill the crater during November 2008. However, before that the archaeologist
888: 806: 667: 500: 2445: 2160:
British Interest in Palestine 1800–1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise
1471: 680: 266: 3247: 3195: 2155: 1518: 1297: 1151: 1083:, and £4,255.19 (₪ 14,200) by Jerusalem's Evangelical congregation of German language. 1076: 880: 814: 418: 390: 287: 279: 2584:
for details, section "5. Neubeginn seit 2006 – Perspektiven und neue Schwierigkeiten".
ended the division of Jerusalem. So with free access by all Jerusalem congregants the
3302: 3272: 3262: 3090: 3033: 2982: 2968: 2909: 2306: 1945: 1924: 1903: 1258: 917: 481: 243: 3344: 3169: 2052: 1282: 1029: 876: 672: 616: 352: 1702:(1799–1878), businessman in Jerusalem, and his wife Mary Fua Meshullam (1809–1882) 1105:
helped maintaining graves and cemetery while staying in a holiday camp in Israel.
218:, opened the cemetery and dedicated it as ecumenical graveyard for congregants of 3277: 3257: 3252: 3242: 2867:
Cf. minute of 29 March 1985, board of cemetery, here quoted after Uwe Gräbe (c),
2618: 2525: 2320: 1705: 1444:
two representatives of the Evangelical congregation of German language, Jerusalem
1270: 1237:
In January 2023, 30 graves in the cemetery were vandalised by two teenagers. The
Yeshiva continued to supply their illegal outpost on the site designated for the
1182: 1162: 958:
authorities registered the land bought at Mar Elias Monastery as property of the
936: 828: 744: 427: 394: 328: 227: 184: 1618:. Between 1982 and 1993 only four interments took place on Mount Zion Cemetery. 3380: 3267: 3185: 1895: 1732:(1822–1901), architect in Jerusalem, and his wife Friederike Dobler (1826–1902) 1723: 1699: 1675: 1592: 1254: 1250: 1093: 990: 985: 924: 767: 716: 684: 519: 449:(CMS) in 1877. The actual burial ground was then demarked by a new wall with a 414: 372: 299: 2549: 2547: 2545: 2543: 2541: 157: 3395: 3332: 1729: 1717: 1569: 1565: 1334:
that deed, still claimed the task as trustee being connoted with his office.
1326:, acknowledge the validity of this Deed, which is against the law of land …" 1238: 1060: 1017: 754: 708: 386: 108: 95: 410: 389:
for a permit to buy a plot of land for a cemetery on Mount Zion outside the
3368: 2538: 2029:), adapted its name several times to denominational or territorial changes. 2022: 1681: 1515: 1109: 1033: 872: 833: 811: 778: 771: 729: 712: 356: 254: 235: 211: 152: 137: 3108: 931:
Germans had been expelled from Israel until 1950, among them the last two
Statut für die Verwaltung des Protestantischen Zionsfriedhofs in Jerusalem
3226: 3032:, Rebecca Toueg (trl.), Elizabeth Yodim (ed.), London: Frank Cass, 2003. 2566:
The alternative sums are calculated by conversion rates of December 1989.
2150: 2146: 1600: 1323: 1006: 884: 856:
quinquepartite board, now called board of cemetery, for both cemeteries.
Grave of William Ewing (1857–1932), Scottish military chaplain and author
704: 344: 307: 303: 2893:
for details, section "3. Eckpunkte der gemeinsamen Friedhofsverwaltung".
for details, section "3. Eckpunkte der gemeinsamen Friedhofsverwaltung".
for details, section "3. Eckpunkte der gemeinsamen Friedhofsverwaltung".
2518: 1362:(renamed to board of cemetery in 1929) comprised the following persons: 2753:
for details, p. 16. The addition in edged brackets not in the original.
2576: 2574: 2572: 2132:
for details, p. 18. The addition in edged brackets not in the original.
837: 348: 192: 73: 1836:
for details, pp. 65 and 88. Additions in brackets not in the original.
1197: 903: 2302: 2300: 2298: 2296: 1584: 1557: 951: 932: 231: 196: 77: 2569: 2519:
Jerusalem's Essene Gateway: Where the Community Lived in Jesus' Time
2776: 1465:
Evangelical provost at Redeemer Church, Jerusalem, as vice-chairman
Evangelical provost at Redeemer Church, Jerusalem, as vice-chairman
527: 450: 223: 219: 200: 133: 129: 2310: 2293: 1521:
was under discussion but never decided. Between 1981 and 1985 the
against the background of the trees on Mount Zion Cemetery (2009).
Grave of Carl Christian Olsen (1815–1892), formerly pastor at the
3351: 2145:
in 1850 issued under the pressure of the Protestant powers. Such
1669: 944: 928: 675:
5,000 (= 6,250 Francs; = £250) for the purposes of the cemetery.
2904:, Almut Nothnagle (ed.) on behalf of Jerusalemsverein, Leipzig: 2648:"More than 30 Christian graves vandalised in Jerusalem cemetery" 1960: 1958: 1438:
two representatives of the Arab Anglican congregation, Jerusalem
690: 3079: 2629: 2627: 2594: 2142: 2063:
of £26,500 (= ℳ 530,000; collected between 1869 and 1888) King
Headstone on the graves of Conrad Schick and Friederike Dobler.
With the new Provost Uwe Gräbe (as of 2006) and the new Bishop
955: 921: 913: 783: 579: 377: 1852:
for details, p. 65. Additions in brackets not in the original.
had a seat without a vote in the board, and its successor the
2885: 2883: 2881: 2879: 2877: 1955: 789:
Due to the altered political situation in Palestine with the
In 1883, while negotiating the succession of the late Bishop
3104:, compiled by Brian Schultz, contributed by Deborah Millier. 2926: 2624: 1342:
dispossession would legally be easily possible at any time.
984:(name extension as of 2005), which had been established and 3030:
British mission to the Jews in nineteenth-century Palestine
In this a waqf is similar to the legal construction of the
2326: 1583:
During the mandatory period the Anglican population in the
Policemen, who died in service during the British Mandate.
German Protestant Institute of Archaeology of the Holy Land
1319: 1262: 2874: 2700:"Christian cemetery vandalized on Mount Zion in Jerusalem" 1739: 982:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan (and the Holy Land)
indicated its interest to join the cemeterial community.
Both parties could freely bury the deceased. In 1906 the
2472: 602:
London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews
Cf. Article 3 (statute), here after Gottfried Mehnert,
Cf. Article 1 (statute), here after Gottfried Mehnert,
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land
1502:(since January 1989, unclear if without or with a vote) 1495:
administrator of the Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation
rising problem for the government. The congregation of
registration in August 1921 remained maintained there.
1690:(1891–1942), Bishop of Jerusalem between 1932 and 1942 1678:(1831–1881), Bishop of Jerusalem between 1879 and 1881 1662:(1799–1845), Bishop of Jerusalem between 1841 and 1845 2446:"Palestinian Lutheran Church Mourns Its First Bishop" 2415: 2413: 2368: 2366: 2230: 2228: 2226: 2199: 2197: 2183: 2181: 2162:, London: Oxford University Press, 1961, pp. 237–255. 2025:, comprising Prussia's pre-1866 territory (so-called 1738:(1828–1888), US lawyer and hymnologist and author of 973:
and Provost Carl Malsch (1916–2001), decided the new
Evangelical State Church of Prussia's older Provinces
2673:"Dozens of Christian graves vandalised in Jerusalem" 1978: 1976: 1974: 1795: 1793: 422:
November 1848 it was completely enclosed by a wall.
80:(access through Jerusalem University College campus) 1860: 1858: 1825:William Tanner Young in a letter of 30 May 1844 to 904:
From the foundation of Israel until the Six-Day War
671:payments. In 1907 Bertha von Braun donated another 312:
Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies
282:(close to remnants of former walls in rose colour). 2410: 2363: 2223: 2194: 2178: 2149:had been criticised by proponents of the Anglican 1844: 1842: 1672:district commissioner, murdered by Arab terrorists 1000: 954:Arab Lutheran congregation. On 4 August 1953, the 242:was maintained as a joint venture of the Anglican 2002: 1971: 1790: 1480:of the Anglican St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalem 208:Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and The Middle East 3393: 3056:, Jerusalem: Jerusalem University College, 1998. 1855: 1776:"Protestant Cemetery | Cemeteries of Mount Zion" 1133: 660: 147:Church Missionary Trust Association Ltd., London 3054:The Jerusalem Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion 2920: 2606:Arbel published a report on his exploration in 1839: 1483:pastor of the Anglican Christ Church, Jerusalem 1441:pastor of the Anglican Christ Church, Jerusalem 306:, Jarmaleh Cemetery, was opened on the road to 1492:treasurer of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem 1353: 1253:law corporations could not own land, but only 3124: 2399: 2397: 2395: 2334:CWGC Cemetery Report, Jerusalem War Cemetery. 1047:Graves on Mount Zion Cemetery, headstone for 691:During the World Wars and the British mandate 327:"Early attempts were already made in 1839 by 1830:George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen 1428:Anglican bishop in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria 864:on the purchase of a tract of land near the 409:, British consul-general for Syria, and the 3138: 3013:Jerusalem. Gemeindebrief – Stiftungsjournal 3003:Jerusalem. Gemeindebrief – Stiftungsjournal 2993:Jerusalem. Gemeindebrief – Stiftungsjournal 2608:Jerusalem. Gemeindebrief – Stiftungsjournal 2073:old-Prussian united Protestant state church 2059:of £11,000 (= ℳ 220,000) and the Jerusalem 1720:(1815–1858), German zoologist and traveller 238:faith. Since its original beneficiary, the 18:Mount Zion Cemetery, Jerusalem (Protestant) 3131: 3117: 3085:Mount Zion Protestant Cemetery (Jerusalem) 2392: 1898:. Cf. Ejal Jakob Eisler (איל יעקב איזלר), 1433:St. George's Collegiate Church (cathedral) 1431:one representative of the congregation of 1308:Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh 1229:The last burial there dates back to 2003. 759:German Protestant Institute of Archaeology 2593:Cf. "ונדליזם בקברי חיילים גרמניים" , in: 2077:Supreme Governor of the Church of England 2067:(also German Emperor) in his function as 550:contribute a third of the incurred cost. 437:Tympanon of the lychgate to the cemetery. 1649: 1632: 1605: 1536: 1462:Anglican bishop of Jerusalem as chairman 1422:Anglican bishop of Jerusalem as chairman 1366:Anglican bishop of Jerusalem as chairman 1196: 1042: 842: 796: 694: 578: 475: 432: 265: 204:Church Missionary Trust Association Ltd. 171:Jerusalem Mount Zion Protestant Cemetery 939:lepers' hospital "Jesushilfe" (today's 750:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 296:American Institute of Holy Land Studies 14: 3394: 2463:Statutes of the Jarmale Cemetery Board 1529:is currently trying to regain a seat. 1474:of the German embassy in Tel Aviv-Yafo 1456:Mount Zion and Jarmaleh Cemetery Board 1244: 1016:In 1977 the board of cemetery allowed 975:Statutes of the Jarmale Cemetery Board 3112: 2021:In the 19th century the old-Prussian 1832:, here after Yaron Perry (ירון פרי), 1532: 1523:Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan 1454:Later the composition of the renamed 2963:Ejal Jakob Eisler (איל יעקב איזלר), 1944:for details, footnote 220 on p. 56. 1940:Ejal Jakob Eisler (איל יעקב איזלר), 1919:Ejal Jakob Eisler (איל יעקב איזלר), 1902:for details, footnote 203 on p. 50. 1458:changed, since 1988 it consists of: 663:), equally representing both sides. 564:in Berlin and recommended to agree. 2908:, 2001, pp. 78–95, here pp. 86–94. 1468:British consul-general in Jerusalem 1274: 1067:, £4,242 (DM 14,000) by the German 188: 24: 3402:Burials at Mount Zion (Protestant) 3095:Commonwealth War Graves Commission 2482:for details, section "2. Wurzeln". 2312:Commonwealth War Graves Commission 2081:Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation 1747:(1895–1938), British archaeologist 1645: 1488:Commonwealth War Graves Commission 1011:Commonwealth War Graves Commission 611:On 4 June 1904 Blyth, Rev. Brown ( 562:Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation 540:Evangelical Jerusalem's Foundation 25: 3448: 3412:Anglicanism in Palestine (region) 3072: 2890: 2868: 2855: 2842: 2829: 2816: 2803: 2789: 2763: 2750: 2737: 2724: 2697: 2634: 2581: 2554: 2517:Pixner, Bargil. 1997, May/June. " 2505: 2492: 2479: 2466: 2433: 2420: 2404: 2386: 2373: 2357: 2344: 2287: 2274: 2261: 2248: 2235: 2217: 2204: 2188: 2172: 2129: 2116: 2103: 2039: 2009: 1996: 1983: 1965: 1941: 1920: 1899: 1878: 1849: 1833: 1813: 1800: 1714:(1853–1942), British Egyptologist 274:of Jerusalem with the Protestant 3374: 3362: 3350: 3338: 3326: 3078: 2465:, here after Gottfried Mehnert, 1696:(1863–1947), Scottish evangelist 1486:Jerusalem representative of the 960:Society of the Jarmaleh Cemetery 459:Georg Friedrich August von Alten 355:which is in the vicinity of the 3191:Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery 3046:Palestine Exploration Quarterly 2957: 2896: 2861: 2848: 2835: 2822: 2809: 2795: 2782: 2769: 2756: 2743: 2730: 2717: 2691: 2665: 2640: 2600: 2587: 2560: 2511: 2498: 2485: 2455: 2439: 2426: 2379: 2350: 2337: 2307:"Jerusalem Protestant Cemetery" 2280: 2267: 2254: 2241: 2210: 2165: 2135: 2122: 2109: 2096: 2091:Evangelische Jerusalemsstiftung 2045: 2032: 2015: 1989: 1934: 1868:, Basel: Spittler, 1884, p. 302 1757:KCMG, CB, MA, RE (Pasha Watson) 1562:William Matthew Flinders Petrie 1506:The accession of the pastor of 1049:William Matthew Flinders Petrie 1001:From the Six-Day War until 2007 322: 3432:Protestant Reformed cemeteries 3222:Jerusalem British War Cemetery 2727:for details, pp. 3, 10 and 13. 2530:Biblical Archaeological Review 1913: 1884: 1871: 1819: 1806: 1768: 738:Imperial War Graves Commission 703:Between 1914 and 1917, during 189:בית הקברות הפרוטסטנטי בהר ציון 42:בית הקברות הפרוטסטנטי בהר ציון 13: 1: 3417:History of Palestine (region) 3049:136.1 (2004), pp. 57–75. 1761: 1500:Episcopal Church in Jerusalem 1449:St Andrew's Church, Jerusalem 1358:When established in 1906 the 1157:In early 2007 members of the 1134:New beginning since 2006–2007 1081:Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem 1073:Evangelical Church in Germany 734:Armistice of 11 November 1918 591:(centre right), view in 1903. 583:In the centre of Mount Zion: 536:Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem 400: 339:However, British Vice-Consul 288:Ma'alei haShalom (מעלי השלום) 248:Evangelical Church in Prussia 206:, London, represented by the 199:, is a cemetery owned by the 1751:Lady Genevieve (Cook) Watson 1545:'s grave (background right). 1223:Israel Antiquities Authority 1202:Jerusalem University College 1161:, seated in the building of 1140:Suheil Salman Ibrahim Dawani 1065:German War Graves Commission 834:Nazi dictatorship in Germany 509:Utrecht Union (old Catholic) 385:, Nicolayson also asked the 292:Jerusalem University College 7: 3422:Anglican cemeteries in Asia 3005:(04/2008), pp. 46–47. 2995:(03/2008), pp. 17–27. 2906:Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2819:for details, pp. 23 et seq. 2436:for details, pp. 41 et seq. 2407:for details, pp. 38 et seq. 1688:George Francis Graham Brown 1560:), scientists and artists, 1512:Auguste Victoria Foundation 1392:missionary director of the 1377:British consul in Jerusalem 1354:The joint board of cemetery 1265:endowment in favour of the 862:Greek Orthodox patriarchate 777:Dalman's successor Provost 554:George Francis Popham Blyth 544:provost at Redeeemer Church 336:residential construction." 331:to acquire some land for a 261: 10: 3453: 2450:Lutheran World Information 2071:(supreme governor) of the 1753:(1854–1936), Widow of Sir 1637:Headstone on the grave of 1610:Gravesites in the cemetery 1382:German consul in Jerusalem 1371:Redeemer Church, Jerusalem 1148:Nature and Parks Authority 964:Redeemer Church, Jerusalem 659:; for its composition see 625:William II, German Emperor 353:that Turkish Burial-ground 317: 3321: 3235: 3214: 3178: 3162: 3146: 1827:British Foreign Secretary 1740:"It is Well with My Soul" 1660:Michael Solomon Alexander 1543:Michael Solomon Alexander 1394:Church Missionary Society 791:League of Nations mandate 447:Church Missionary Society 151: 143: 124: 85: 67: 59: 54: 50: 39: 34: 3028:Yaron Perry (ירון פרי), 2061:Church Construction Fund 2027:Altpreußen (Old Prussia) 1881:for details, pp. 2 and 4 1848:Yaron Perry (ירון פרי), 1812:Yaron Perry (ירון פרי), 1388:Christ Church, Jerusalem 1232: 619:(= 28,800 Francs of the 613:Christ Church, Jerusalem 490:Thankmar von Münchhausen 3407:Cemeteries in Jerusalem 3357:Christianity portal 3298:Tomb of the Virgin Mary 3288:Tomb of Simeon the Just 3140:Cemeteries in Jerusalem 2524:19 January 2015 at the 1514:and of a pastor of the 1416:Jarmaleh Cemetery Board 1386:pastor of the Anglican 1369:Evangelical provost at 1127:Riah Hanna Abu El-Assal 1103:Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe 971:Angus Campbell MacInnes 910:1947–1949 Palestine war 894:Commonwealth war graves 764:Deutsche Palästina-Bank 743:On 26 July 1921 Bishop 72:Aravna haYevusi No. 3, 3293:Tombs of the Sanhedrin 2941:Cite journal requires 2090: 1999:for details, pp. 6seq. 1736:Horatio Gates Spafford 1655: 1642: 1611: 1546: 1286: 1278: 1205: 1052: 1022:Hagia Maria Sion Abbey 898:Palestine Police Force 896:of 73 officers of the 848: 802: 726:Jerusalem War Cemetery 700: 656: 642: 592: 485: 438: 351:and 182 paces East of 283: 240:Bishopric of Jerusalem 180: 3201:Shaare Zedek Cemetery 2617:12 March 2012 at the 2154:of Gobat's line. Cf. 2065:William II of Prussia 1666:Lewis Yelland Andrews 1653: 1636: 1609: 1540: 1498:administrator of the 1200: 1171:Frederick Jones Bliss 1099:people’s mourning day 1046: 937:Unity of the Brethren 846: 800: 698: 582: 479: 436: 269: 27:Cemetery in Jerusalem 3345:Palestine portal 3313:Tomb of the Prophets 3147:Christian cemeteries 3087:at Wikimedia Commons 2319:18 June 2010 at the 1923:for details, p. 51. 1755:Charles Moore Watson 1745:James Leslie Starkey 935:running Jerusalem's 881:Bethlehem in Galilee 822:Weston Henry Stewart 721:German Imperial Army 711:expelled Britons as 621:Latin Monetary Union 359:, North West of the 341:William Tanner Young 128:Protestant cemetery 3427:Lutheran cemeteries 3283:Tomb of Benei Hezir 3215:Military cemeteries 3154:Mount Zion Cemetery 3018:Gottfried Mehnert, 2845:for details, p. 25. 2841:Gottfried Mehnert, 2832:for details, p. 24. 2828:Gottfried Mehnert, 2815:Gottfried Mehnert, 2806:for details, p. 13. 2792:for details, p. 14. 2766:for details, p. 13. 2740:for details, p. 16. 2508:for details, p. 50. 2504:Gottfried Mehnert, 2495:for details, p. 47. 2491:Gottfried Mehnert, 2469:for details, p. 44. 2432:Gottfried Mehnert, 2423:for details, p. 39. 2419:Gottfried Mehnert, 2389:for details, p. 38. 2385:Gottfried Mehnert, 2376:for details, p. 37. 2372:Gottfried Mehnert, 2347:for details, p. 36. 2343:Gottfried Mehnert, 2290:for details, p. 35. 2286:Gottfried Mehnert, 2277:for details, p. 33. 2264:for details, p. 34. 2260:Gottfried Mehnert, 2251:for details, p. 33. 2238:for details, p. 31. 2234:Gottfried Mehnert, 2220:for details, p. 30. 2216:Gottfried Mehnert, 2207:for details, p. 29. 2203:Gottfried Mehnert, 2191:for details, p. 21. 2187:Gottfried Mehnert, 2175:for details, p. 20. 2171:Gottfried Mehnert, 2119:for details, p. 17. 2115:Gottfried Mehnert, 2106:for details, p. 16. 2102:Gottfried Mehnert, 2079:), established the 2057:Jerusalem Alms Fund 2042:for details, p. 15. 2038:Gottfried Mehnert, 2008:Gottfried Mehnert, 1995:Gottfried Mehnert, 1982:Gottfried Mehnert, 1968:for details, p. 13. 1877:Gottfried Mehnert, 1816:for details, p. 64. 1803:for details, p. 43. 1799:Gottfried Mehnert, 1712:Sir Flinders Petrie 1639:Sir Flinders Petrie 1245:Ownership and usage 1241:are investigating. 866:Mar Elias Monastery 728:was inaugurated on 589:Mount Zion Cemetery 585:Bishop Gobat School 505:Helvetic (Reformed) 501:Augsburg (Lutheran) 443:Bishop Gobat School 357:Upper Pool of Gihon 276:Mount Zion Cemetery 216:Bishop of Jerusalem 167:Mount Zion Cemetery 158:Mount Zion Cemetery 109:31.7704°N 35.2281°E 105: /  35:Mount Zion Cemetery 3381:Judaism portal 3308:Tombs of the Kings 3248:Cave of the Ramban 3196:Sanhedria Cemetery 3163:Islamic cemeteries 2360:for details, p. 36 2156:Abdul Latif Tibawi 2055:430,000) with the 2012:for details, p. 4. 1986:for details, p. 8. 1656: 1643: 1612: 1547: 1533:Graves and burials 1519:Church of Scotland 1373:, as vice-chairman 1298:Paul von Hatzfeldt 1206: 1152:walls of Jerusalem 1075:(EKD), £5,393.90 ( 1053: 849: 815:Church of Scotland 807:mandate government 803: 757:, director of the 701: 645:) established the 604:(LJS), and Hoppe. 593: 488:Alten's successor 486: 439: 419:British Government 284: 3389: 3388: 3333:Israel portal 3303:Tomb of Zechariah 3273:Silwan necropolis 3263:Herod Family Tomb 3179:Jewish cemeteries 3083:Media related to 2612:Yo'av Arbel, C.V. 2461:Article 4 of the 1305:Foreign Secretary 918:Mandate Palestine 770:'s successor the 661:board of cemetery 482:Nore Stave Church 381:for building the 252:united Protestant 244:Church of England 163: 162: 16:(Redirected from 3444: 3379: 3378: 3377: 3369:Islam portal 3367: 3366: 3365: 3355: 3354: 3343: 3342: 3341: 3331: 3330: 3329: 3170:Mamilla Cemetery 3133: 3126: 3119: 3110: 3109: 3091:Cemetery details 3082: 3068: 3059:Kaja Wieczorek, 3025: 3008: 2998: 2951: 2950: 2944: 2939: 2937: 2929: 2924: 2918: 2900: 2894: 2891:see Bibliography 2887: 2872: 2869:see Bibliography 2865: 2859: 2856:see Bibliography 2852: 2846: 2843:see Bibliography 2839: 2833: 2830:see Bibliography 2826: 2820: 2817:see Bibliography 2813: 2807: 2804:see Bibliography 2799: 2793: 2790:see Bibliography 2786: 2780: 2773: 2767: 2764:see Bibliography 2760: 2754: 2751:see Bibliography 2747: 2741: 2738:see Bibliography 2734: 2728: 2725:see Bibliography 2721: 2715: 2714: 2712: 2710: 2698:staff, T. 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I. 2695: 2689: 2688: 2686: 2684: 2679:. 4 January 2023 2669: 2663: 2662: 2660: 2658: 2644: 2638: 2635:see Bibliography 2631: 2622: 2604: 2598: 2591: 2585: 2582:see Bibliography 2578: 2567: 2564: 2558: 2555:see Bibliography 2551: 2536: 2515: 2509: 2506:see Bibliography 2502: 2496: 2493:see Bibliography 2489: 2483: 2480:see Bibliography 2476: 2470: 2467:see Bibliography 2459: 2453: 2443: 2437: 2434:see Bibliography 2430: 2424: 2421:see Bibliography 2417: 2408: 2405:see Bibliography 2401: 2390: 2387:see Bibliography 2383: 2377: 2374:see Bibliography 2370: 2361: 2358:see Bibliography 2354: 2348: 2345:see Bibliography 2341: 2335: 2330: 2324: 2304: 2291: 2288:see Bibliography 2284: 2278: 2275:see Bibliography 2271: 2265: 2262:see Bibliography 2258: 2252: 2249:see Bibliography 2245: 2239: 2236:see Bibliography 2232: 2221: 2218:see Bibliography 2214: 2208: 2205:see Bibliography 2201: 2192: 2189:see Bibliography 2185: 2176: 2173:see Bibliography 2169: 2163: 2139: 2133: 2130:see Bibliography 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114:31.7704; 35.2281 110: 106: 103: 102: 101: 98: 32: 31: 21: 3452: 3451: 3447: 3446: 3445: 3443: 3442: 3441: 3392: 3391: 3390: 3385: 3375: 3373: 3363: 3361: 3349: 3339: 3337: 3327: 3325: 3317: 3278:Tomb of Absalom 3243:Cave of Nicanor 3231: 3210: 3174: 3158: 3142: 3137: 3075: 3066: 3052:Brian Schultz, 3023: 3006: 2996: 2960: 2955: 2954: 2942: 2940: 2931: 2930: 2925: 2921: 2901: 2897: 2889:Uwe Gräbe (c), 2888: 2875: 2866: 2862: 2853: 2849: 2840: 2836: 2827: 2823: 2814: 2810: 2800: 2796: 2787: 2783: 2779:, or dead hand. 2774: 2770: 2761: 2757: 2748: 2744: 2735: 2731: 2722: 2718: 2708: 2706: 2696: 2692: 2682: 2680: 2671: 2670: 2666: 2656: 2654: 2646: 2645: 2641: 2633:Uwe Gräbe (c), 2632: 2625: 2619:Wayback Machine 2605: 2601: 2597:, 9 April 2008. 2592: 2588: 2580:Uwe Gräbe (c), 2579: 2570: 2565: 2561: 2553:Uwe Gräbe (c), 2552: 2539: 2526:Wayback Machine 2516: 2512: 2503: 2499: 2490: 2486: 2478:Uwe Gräbe (c), 2477: 2473: 2460: 2456: 2452:(03/2007), p. 6 2444: 2440: 2431: 2427: 2418: 2411: 2402: 2393: 2384: 2380: 2371: 2364: 2355: 2351: 2342: 2338: 2331: 2327: 2321:Wayback Machine 2305: 2294: 2285: 2281: 2272: 2268: 2259: 2255: 2246: 2242: 2233: 2224: 2215: 2211: 2202: 2195: 2186: 2179: 2170: 2166: 2140: 2136: 2127: 2123: 2114: 2110: 2101: 2097: 2084: 2050: 2046: 2037: 2033: 2020: 2016: 2007: 2003: 1994: 1990: 1981: 1972: 1963: 1956: 1939: 1935: 1918: 1914: 1889: 1885: 1876: 1872: 1863: 1856: 1847: 1840: 1824: 1820: 1811: 1807: 1798: 1791: 1781: 1779: 1774: 1773: 1769: 1764: 1706:John Nicolayson 1648: 1646:Notable burials 1535: 1414:Since 1962 the 1356: 1255:natural persons 1247: 1235: 1192:city walls park 1183:Uri Lupolianski 1136: 1079:18,000) by the 1063:19,000) by the 1003: 956:Royal Jordanian 906: 745:Rennie MacInnes 736:and the end of 693: 650: 636: 492: 461: 457:Consul-General 403: 395:Oskar Schindler 329:John Nicolayson 325: 320: 264: 174: 165:The Protestant 113: 111: 107: 104: 99: 96: 94: 92: 91: 81: 46: 43: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3450: 3440: 3439: 3434: 3429: 3424: 3419: 3414: 3409: 3404: 3387: 3386: 3384: 3383: 3371: 3359: 3347: 3335: 3322: 3319: 3318: 3316: 3315: 3310: 3305: 3300: 3295: 3290: 3285: 3280: 3275: 3270: 3268:Holy Sepulchre 3265: 3260: 3255: 3250: 3245: 3239: 3237: 3233: 3232: 3230: 3229: 3224: 3218: 3216: 3212: 3211: 3209: 3208: 3203: 3198: 3193: 3188: 3186:Har HaMenuchot 3182: 3180: 3176: 3175: 3173: 3172: 3166: 3164: 3160: 3159: 3157: 3156: 3150: 3148: 3144: 3143: 3136: 3135: 3128: 3121: 3113: 3107: 3106: 3102:List of graves 3098: 3088: 3074: 3073:External links 3071: 3070: 3069: 3057: 3050: 3041: 3026: 3016: 3009: 2999: 2989: 2975: 2959: 2956: 2953: 2952: 2943:|journal= 2919: 2895: 2873: 2860: 2847: 2834: 2821: 2808: 2794: 2781: 2768: 2755: 2742: 2729: 2716: 2690: 2664: 2639: 2623: 2599: 2586: 2568: 2559: 2537: 2510: 2497: 2484: 2471: 2454: 2438: 2425: 2409: 2391: 2378: 2362: 2349: 2336: 2325: 2292: 2279: 2266: 2253: 2240: 2222: 2209: 2193: 2177: 2164: 2134: 2121: 2108: 2095: 2044: 2031: 2014: 2001: 1988: 1970: 1954: 1933: 1912: 1896:John Steinbeck 1883: 1870: 1854: 1838: 1818: 1805: 1789: 1778:. 25 June 2016 1766: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1759: 1758: 1748: 1742: 1733: 1727: 1724:Max Sandreczky 1721: 1715: 1709: 1703: 1700:John Meshullam 1697: 1694:William Irvine 1691: 1685: 1679: 1676:Joseph Barclay 1673: 1663: 1647: 1644: 1593:Central Powers 1534: 1531: 1504: 1503: 1496: 1493: 1490: 1484: 1481: 1475: 1469: 1466: 1463: 1452: 1451: 1445: 1442: 1439: 1436: 1429: 1426: 1423: 1412: 1411: 1404: 1397: 1390: 1384: 1379: 1374: 1367: 1355: 1352: 1331:chef spirituel 1279:chef spirituel 1246: 1243: 1234: 1231: 1177:in the 1890s. 1135: 1132: 1094:Volkstrauertag 1069:Foreign Office 1026:Essene Gateway 1002: 999: 925:East Jerusalem 905: 902: 768:Russian Empire 717:Ottoman Empire 692: 689: 685:Trinity Sunday 617:Napoléons d’or 520:Joseph Barclay 470:Foreign Office 402: 399: 373:Constantinople 333:London Society 324: 321: 319: 316: 300:East Jerusalem 263: 260: 161: 160: 155: 149: 148: 145: 141: 140: 126: 122: 121: 89: 83: 82: 71: 69: 65: 64: 61: 57: 56: 52: 51: 48: 47: 40: 37: 36: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3449: 3438: 3435: 3433: 3430: 3428: 3425: 3423: 3420: 3418: 3415: 3413: 3410: 3408: 3405: 3403: 3400: 3399: 3397: 3382: 3372: 3370: 3360: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3346: 3336: 3334: 3324: 3323: 3320: 3314: 3311: 3309: 3306: 3304: 3301: 3299: 3296: 3294: 3291: 3289: 3286: 3284: 3281: 3279: 3276: 3274: 3271: 3269: 3266: 3264: 3261: 3259: 3256: 3254: 3251: 3249: 3246: 3244: 3241: 3240: 3238: 3234: 3228: 3225: 3223: 3220: 3219: 3217: 3213: 3207: 3204: 3202: 3199: 3197: 3194: 3192: 3189: 3187: 3184: 3183: 3181: 3177: 3171: 3168: 3167: 3165: 3161: 3155: 3152: 3151: 3149: 3145: 3141: 3134: 3129: 3127: 3122: 3120: 3115: 3114: 3111: 3105: 3103: 3099: 3096: 3092: 3089: 3086: 3081: 3077: 3076: 3064: 3063: 3058: 3055: 3051: 3048: 3047: 3042: 3039: 3038:0-7146-5416-7 3035: 3031: 3027: 3021: 3017: 3014: 3010: 3004: 3000: 2994: 2990: 2988: 2987:3-374-01863-7 2984: 2980: 2976: 2974: 2973:3-447-03928-0 2970: 2966: 2962: 2961: 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3253:David's Tomb 3153: 3101: 3061: 3053: 3044: 3029: 3019: 3012: 3002: 2992: 2978: 2964: 2958:Bibliography 2934:cite journal 2922: 2903: 2898: 2863: 2850: 2837: 2824: 2811: 2797: 2784: 2771: 2758: 2745: 2732: 2719: 2707:. 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In 1848 193:Mount Zion 100:35°13′41″E 97:31°46′13″N 74:Mount Zion 2709:4 January 2683:4 January 2677:France 24 2657:4 January 2086:‹See Tfd› 1585:Holy Land 1558:Beit Jala 1287:mütevelli 952:Bethlehem 922:Jordanian 860:with the 715:from the 652:‹See Tfd› 638:‹See Tfd› 407:Hugh Rose 368:Alexander 232:Calvinist 197:Jerusalem 176:‹See Tfd› 169:(a.k.a., 78:Jerusalem 2777:Mortmain 2652:Sky News 2615:Archived 2522:Archived 2317:Archived 2089:German: 1597:Templers 1303:British 1275:إنجيليون 889:Wilhelma 885:Waldheim 820:In 1933 753:(OETA). 655:German: 641:German: 538:and the 528:easement 484:, Norway 451:lychgate 272:Old City 262:Location 246:and the 228:Reformed 224:Lutheran 220:Anglican 201:Anglican 179:German: 144:Owned by 134:Lutheran 130:Anglican 68:Location 2595:Ma'ariv 1782:4 April 1670:Galilee 1283:Turkish 1251:Ottoman 1020:of the 986:royally 945:Talbiya 929:Gentile 873:Germany 633:statute 318:History 55:Details 3097:. data 3036:  2985:  2971:  2912:  2448:, in: 2314:(CWGC) 2309:, on: 2143:Ferman 1948:  1927:  1906:  1320:Wakoof 1271:Arabic 1249:Under 914:Israel 871:Since 784:hearse 707:, the 383:church 378:firman 234:) and 185:Hebrew 136:, and 3236:Tombs 2075:(cf. 1324:Trust 1233:2020s 991:Canon 497:] 466:] 428:taler 345:paces 191:) on 3034:ISBN 2983:ISBN 2969:ISBN 2947:help 2910:ISBN 2711:2023 2685:2023 2659:2023 1946:ISBN 1925:ISBN 1904:ISBN 1784:2023 1478:dean 1263:waqf 1173:and 980:The 908:The 887:and 805:The 681:alms 507:and 361:City 270:The 250:, a 125:Type 63:1848 2528:." 1510:at 947:). 774:). 363:." 195:in 3398:: 3093:. 2938:: 2936:}} 2932:{{ 2876:^ 2702:. 2675:. 2650:. 2626:^ 2571:^ 2540:^ 2533:23 2412:^ 2394:^ 2365:^ 2295:^ 2225:^ 2196:^ 2180:^ 2158:, 1973:^ 1957:^ 1857:^ 1841:^ 1792:^ 1603:. 1285:: 1273:: 1154:. 1061:DM 943:, 900:. 883:, 868:. 840:. 786:. 687:. 503:, 495:de 464:de 397:. 314:. 226:, 222:, 214:, 187:: 183:; 173:, 132:, 76:, 3132:e 3125:t 3118:v 3040:. 3015:) 2949:) 2945:( 2916:. 2713:. 2687:. 2661:. 2621:. 2083:( 2053:ℳ 1952:. 1931:. 1910:. 1786:. 1641:. 1269:( 1097:( 1077:₪ 673:ℳ 649:( 635:( 415:£ 230:( 20:)


Mount Zion Cemetery, Jerusalem (Protestant)
Mount Zion
31°46′13″N 35°13′41″E / 31.7704°N 35.2281°E / 31.7704; 35.2281
Find a Grave
Mount Zion Cemetery
‹See Tfd›
Mount Zion
Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and The Middle East
Samuel Gobat
Bishop of Jerusalem
old Catholic
Bishopric of Jerusalem
Church of England
Evangelical Church in Prussia
united Protestant

Old City

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