
Republic of Vietnam Airborne Division

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1272:) on Route 1 and then attacked their position. Although outnumbered, the Airborne held back the assault until midday when it blew the highway bridge and then withdrew onto Ca Dau mountain to the east. At 02:00 on 16 April an RVNAF EC-47 intercepted a PAVN radio transmission indicating an armored attack on Phan Rang would start at 05:00. A-37 aircraft were launched to attack PAVN positions along Route 1 and at 03:00 reconnaissance reported a large PAVN force moving through the Du Long Pass. Meanwhile, VC forces began attacking the base perimeter and on Ca Dau Mountain. At 05:00 the PAVN artillery bombardment commenced and this was soon followed by an armored spearhead of 20 tanks and armored personnel carriers of the 4th Battalion, 203rd Tank Brigade supported by truck-mounted infantry of the 101st Regiment and anti-aircraft guns. While the lead tank was destroyed by an ARVN rocket, the PAVN force quickly cut through the 3rd Airborne platoon holding Kien Kien. The RVNAF at the base mounted numerous airstrikes on the armored column destroying vehicles, taking losses from the antiaircraft fire and by 08:00 the armored vehicles were on the outskirts of the city. However the truck-mounted infantry had dispersed to avoid the airstrikes and the anti-aircraft vehicles had not kept up with the advance, leaving the 101st Regiment vulnerable to further air attacks which destroyed or damaged another 16 vehicles and killing numerous PAVN soldiers. The PAVN 3rd Division then attacked the Airborne troops on Ca Dau Mountain and allowed the 101st Regiment to resume its advance. After overcoming a Regional Force roadblock on the outskirts of the city for the loss of two tanks and many infantry, the PAVN pushed into the city capturing the Provincial Headquarters. By 09:30 the PAVN had captured the port and a bridge on Route 1 south of the city sealing off all sea and land escape routes. At 08:45 a battalion-sized PAVN mechanized force attacked along Route 11 towards the base. While one element attacked the 5th Regiment defending Route 11, the other moved around it to attack the base directly and at the same time, the 25th Regiment attacked the north of the base. The 5th Regiment soon broke and ran allowing the PAVN to attack the base's main gate while the 25th Regiment penetrated the north perimeter with explosives and captured the bomb storage area. The Airborne attempted a counterattack against the 25th Regiment, but were forced back and then squeezed between the PAVN and by 09:30 the PAVN had captured the base. Lieutenant general 1074:
66th Regiments, the next day surrounded the 5th Airborne Battalion which was reduced by casualties to 20 percent strength. The 3rd Airborne Brigade was deployed in depth from Chu Kroa Mountain south for about 15 km along the high ground over the Route 21. Heavy PAVN fire knocked out five of 14 armored personnel carriers supporting the brigade and the three 105 mm. howitzer batteries in the force had to move to the rear, setting up near Buon Ea Thi, beyond supporting range of the forward Airborne positions. The collapse of the Airborne defense proceeded very rapidly afterward. At Buon Ea Thi elements of the 10th Division outflanked Airborne positions along the road and struck the 6th Airborne Battalion. Although the troopers knocked out three T-54 tanks, they could not hold. With the brigade split at Buon Ea Thi, a rapid withdrawal was imperative to conserve what was left of the decimated force. The 3rd Airborne Brigade, less than one-fourth of its soldiers still in ranks, marched back through
979:, while the Marine Division would deploy to the east from Highway 1 to the coast. Quảng Trị City would be in the division's operational area, but the plan called for the city to be bypassed so as to concentrate on the destruction of PAVN forces. On 28 June the South Vietnamese advance began and quickly ran into strong PAVN resistance and helicopter assaults were launched to land troops behind PAVN positions. By 7 July the division had reached the southern outskirts of Quảng Trị City, but then President Thiệu intervened in the operation. Trưởng had planned to bypass the city and push on quickly to the Cua Viet River, thereby isolating any PAVN defenders. Thiệu, however, now demanded that Quảng Trị be taken immediately, seeing the city as "a symbol and a challenge" to his authority. The division's assault bogged down in the outskirts and the PAVN, apprised of the plans for the offensive, moving the 673:, the 3rd Troop and the 7th Battalion of the Airborne task force rolled out of their base area in an armored convoy onto Highway 1. A PAVN blocking force stopped the ARVN relief force about 400 meters short of the Citadel wall. Unable to force their way through the enemy positions, the Airborne asked for assistance. The 2nd Airborne Battalion then reinforced the convoy, and the ARVN finally penetrated the lines and entered the Citadel in the early morning hours of 1 February. The cost had been heavy: the ARVN suffered 131 casualties including 40 dead and lost four of the 12 armored personnel carriers in the convoy. The ARVN claimed to have killed 250 PAVN, captured five prisoners, and recovered 71 individual and 25 crew-served weapons. The ARVN would attempt to regain the Citadel while the Marines regained the new city south of the 329: 805:, to "buddy up US and ARVN units to conduct combined operations ... maximize the effectiveness of both forces achieve in 2, 3, or 4 months a quantum jump in ARVN and RF/PF performance." The Airborne, now a complete nine-battalion division with three regimental and one division headquarters, artillery and supporting services, was still part of the general reserves under the supervision of the Joint General Staff, Saigon had never employed the force as an entire division and was still parceling it out in small multi-battalion task forces that continued to suffer more than their share of wear and tear. In contrast, other elements of the Airborne force, including the division headquarters and many of the support units, had seen little action in the field, rarely moving from their Tan Son Nhut base camp. 1041:
Airborne Division could participate in the offensive to retake Ban Me Thuot. Viên told Trưởng that, if possible, two battalions of the new 468th Marine Brigade and a Ranger group would be sent north to replace the Airborne Division. To adjust to the loss of the Airborne Division, Trưởng decided to pull the Marine Division out of Quảng Trị and northern Thua Thien Provinces and shift it south to cover Phú Lộc District and Da Nang. I Corps was to defend Huế and Da Nang, even if it had to give up Quang Tri, Quang Tin, and Quang Ngai Provinces. Trưởng and General Thi agreed, however, that their ability to hold Huế after the Marine Division moved south was questionable indeed. Trưởng flew to Saigon on 13 March to participate in a secret meeting with Thiệu, Prime Minister
31st, the battered 812th Regiment decided to withdraw, though clashes continued throughout the night. Quảng Trị was clear of PAVN/VC troops by midday on 1 February, and ARVN units with U.S. air support had cleared Tri Buu Village of PAVN troops. The remnants of the 812th, having been hit hard by ARVN defenders and US airpower and ground troops on the outskirts of the city, particularly artillery and helicopters broke up into small groups, sometimes mingling with crowds of fleeing refugees, and began to exfiltrate the area, trying to avoid further contact with Allied forces. Between 31 January and 6 February, the Allies killed an estimated 914 PAVN/VC and captured another 86 in and around Quang Tri.
usual aggressiveness had been stifled. Vicious PAVN anti-aircraft fire made reinforcement and resupply of the firebase impossible. Đống then ordered elements of the 17th Armored Squadron to advance north from A Loui to reinforce the base. The armored force never arrived, due to conflicting orders that halted the armored advance several kilometers south of FSB 31. On 25 February the PAVN deluged the base with artillery fire and then launched a conventional armored/infantry assault. Smoke, dust, and haze precluded observation by an American forward air control (FAC) aircraft, which was flying above 4,000 feet (1,200 m) to avoid anti-aircraft fire. When a U.S. Air Force
830:, constantly patrolled their jungle zones. In December the Cavalry's 2nd Brigade began a similar program with the 1st Airborne Brigade east of War Zone C, in the Phước Bình border area. Ewell reinforced the Vietnamese and advisory communications systems with US forward observers, special liaison teams, and extra radios. This assistance, together with the overlapping artillery support and the close proximity of US airmobile infantry battalions, ensured that he could quickly aid the Vietnamese units should strong enemy forces be encountered, but despite Ewell's concern, such occasions never arose, and the Airborne operations were relatively uneventful. 344: 1231:), meanwhile the 5th Airborne Battalion secured the area around Phan Rang AB and cleared Route 11. On 11 April the 5th Airborne Battalion was withdrawn to Saigon and on 12 April the rest of the 2nd Airborne Brigade was ordered to withdraw to Saigon. On 13 April the 31st Rangers arrived by air from Bien Hoa while the ARVN 4th and 5th Regiments of the reformed 2nd Division arrived by road from Phan Thiết to replace the Airborne. The 31st Rangers deployed to Du Long to replace the 11th Airborne Battalion on the evening of 13 April. The PAVN meanwhile had decided to eliminate Phan Rang and at 05:30 on 14 April the PAVN 1236:
quickly defeating the Regional Forces there and outflanking the 31st Rangers at the pass. Reinforcements from the 52nd Rangers were sent to support the 31st Rangers but they were unable to break through and at 16:00 the 31st Rangers were ordered to withdraw with only 80 Rangers successfully returning to Phan Rang AB. At the same time as the attack on Du Long, the PAVN 25th Regiment infiltrated to attack Phan Rang AB. Despite helicopter gunship fire they successfully penetrated the base and headed for the hangar area where they were met by the 11th Airborne Battalion awaiting transport back to Saigon and four
685:, killing over 700 PAVN/VC by 4 February. On 5 February Trưởng exchanged the Airborne with the 4th Battalion, which had become stalled. On 11 February the Vietnamese Marines Task Force A comprising the 1st and 5th Battalions, began to be lifted by helicopter into Mang Ca to replace the Airborne, however, due to poor weather this deployment would not be completed until 13 February. The ARVN Airborne had withdrawn from the eastern wall of the Citadel when the Vietnamese Marines began to arrive at Mang Ca and the PAVN defenders had used this opportunity to reoccupy several blocks and reinforce their defenses. 104: 44: 291: 826:
and a supporting artillery battery were staggered between 1st Brigade firebases, making US artillery support readily available. Initially, the commanders matched each Airborne battalion with a Cavalry unit, and Cavalry personnel gave Airborne troops and their advisers' elementary instruction in combat air assaults, extractions, and resupply. But the Cavalry units had relatively little to do with the day-to-day ground operations of the Airborne. Each Airborne battalion had its own area of operation and, supported by helicopters of the US
770:, the VC 3rd Battalion, 272nd Regiment attacked Firebase Buell II. After a 600 round mortar barrage, the infantry attacked the base but were easily repulsed leaving 76 dead for no U.S. losses. The VC retreated west taking refuge in a hamlet southwest of Tây Ninh where they were engaged late that day by the 2nd Airborne Battalion who killed 150 VC for the loss of 9 dead and 17 wounded. After midnight on 20 September the 1st Battalion, 272nd Regiment, attacked a Regional Forces outpost in Phước Tân hamlet, 20 km west of 817:
brigade/regimental levels but felt that integrated operations at the battalion level were unnecessary. Presumably, the Airborne battalions were experienced enough to take care of themselves, but the Airborne brigade and division staffs needed much work. The Cavalry would have to make helicopters available and supply certain airmobile and communications equipment that the Vietnamese lacked. With these exceptions, the Vietnamese were to be in charge of their own operations, including their logistical needs.
division, receiving on average two awards for valor per tour; over the years, they were able to build and maintain a good working relationship with their Vietnamese counterparts and airborne units, a situation unfortunately not always found in other ARVN formations. U.S. officers were paired with their Vietnamese counterparts, from the Brigade/Division commander down to company commanders, as well as with principal staff officers at all levels. U.S. NCOs assisted the staff and company advisors.
Some of the battalion pushed into Phu Thu District east of Huế. The 8th Airborne Battalion, reinforced with two companies of the 1st Battalion, 54th Infantry, and a troop of armored cavalry, moved against the PAVN battalion and badly mauled and dispersed it. On the same day, PAVN artillery-supported infantry assaults were launched against the 3rd Division, Airborne Division and territorial positions from Đại Lộc to Quế Sơn. Nearly all these assaults were repelled with heavy PAVN losses.
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resistance stalled the battalion's assault on the Citadel and the city. By 04:20, the PAVN's heavy pressure and overwhelming numbers forced the surviving Airborne soldiers to pull back into the city, and the 814th attacked and attempted to enter the Citadel unsuccessfully. At the same time the PAVN K6 Battalion, 812th Regiment encountered the Airborne forces in the cemetery south of the city preventing an attack on the ARVN 1st Infantry Regiment, 1st Division's
356: 943:'s birthday. The attack was broken up by U.S. air support and an ambush by the Airborne. After the attacks of 11 and 12 May the PAVN directed its main efforts to cut off any more relief columns. However, by 9 June this proved ineffective, and the defenders were able to receive the injection of manpower and supplies needed to sweep the surrounding area of PAVN and by 18 June the battle was over and the 1st Airborne Brigade was released to Division command. 774:, losing 35 killed in the brief assault. The 1st Marine Battalion was deployed to Phước Tân later that day to defend against any renewed assault. That evening the 271st Regiment attacked, the assault was repelled with air and artillery support, killing 128 VC with 6 captured. The 8th Airborne Battalion was also deployed to Phước Tân and on the night of 27 September the 272nd Regiment attacked again losing 150 killed. 834:
to run extended operations well beyond their normal supply and support capabilities. However, the Airborne never operated as an entire division. Because the division commander, General Đống, failed to establish a tactical command post and rarely took to the field, his staff and support units benefited little. Americans still considered Đống a problem child and felt that the Airborne had significant weaknesses that
March the base's six 105 mm and six 155 mm howitzers had been put out of action. In an attempt to relieve the firebase, ARVN armor and infantry of the 17th Cavalry moved out to save their comrades. Following the conclusion of the operation the Airborne were kept in I Corps instead of returning to their base in Saigon, presumably to prevent them spreading stories of the losses suffered in the operation.
1307:) 19 miles (31 km) south of the base and after cutting through the perimeter fence a large group of RVNAF, ARVN, and South Vietnamese civilians fled the base joining up with the 11th Airborne outside the base. At midnight on 17 April, the Airborne attacked a PAVN force on Route 11, but in the confusion of the attack Nghi and his command group became separated and at 02:00 were captured by the PAVN. 2924: 2786: 2712: 2642: 2516: 2454: 2344: 2319: 2243: 2169: 2119: 2082: 418:. This division had its distinct origins in French-trained paratrooper battalions, with predecessor battalions participating in major battles including Dien Bien Phu and retained distinct uniforms and regalia. With the formation of an independent republic, the colonial paratroopers were dissolved, however regalia and aesthetics alongside the nickname "Bawouans" would be retained. 1046:
was that Da Nang was most important, but that the rest of the region could be sacrificed. He would send the 468th Marine Brigade north to help defend Da Nang as soon as the Airborne Division arrived in Saigon. This division was vital to the defense of III and IV Corps, without which South Vietnam could no longer survive.
was replaced by Lieutenant general Ngô Quang Trưởng, commander of IV Corps and this change of command and reinforcement by forces of the general reserve stabilized the ARVN position in Thừa Thiên Province. The remainder of the Marine Division was deployed to Huế and was given responsibility for north
to support the besieged garrison. After the initial direct assaults on the town had been repulsed, the PAVN bombarded the town and gradually reduced the defensive line, while all the time being battered by US and South Vietnamese airstrikes. On 11 May the PAVN 5th and 9th Divisions launched a massive
tanks destroyed. The Airborne had suffered 155 killed and over 100 captured. the 2nd Battalion at Fire Support Base 30 lasted only about one week longer. Although the steepness of the hill on which the base was situated precluded armored attack, the PAVN artillery bombardment was very effective. By 3
jet was shot down in the area, the FAC left the area of the battle to direct a rescue effort for the downed aircraft crew, sealing the fate of the base. PAVN troops and tanks then overran the position, capturing the ARVN brigade commander in the process. FSB 31 was secured by the PAVN at an estimated
in Laos to serve as tripwires for any PAVN advance into the zone of the ARVN incursion. On 23 February the PAVN began shelling the 3rd Battalion's Fire Support Base 31. Airborne Division commander Đống had opposed stationing his elite paratroopers in static defensive positions and felt that his men's
After several months in the field, Trí rotated other airborne units through the 1st Cavalry Division's "training area" until the program ended in April 1970. The effort was a mixed success. As in similar programs, American air, communications, and logistical support enabled the South Vietnamese units
had been ambushed the previous day and they collected seven survivors and 55 bodies. In the afternoon, as elements of the battalion continued searching the plantation, the VC 271st Regiment started attacking them. Taking advantage of the poor weather conditions that had limited US airstrikes, as well
and Viên during which Trưởng was told about the evacuation from the Central Highlands and ordered to prepare a plan for the eventual evacuation of I Corps. He also was permitted to delay the first airborne brigade's departure to 18 March and the rest of the division until 31 March. Thiệu's reasoning
25 km northwest of Kontum, defended by one company of Airborne and one of Rangers came under attack by the PAVN 52nd Regiment, the assault was repulsed using intensive tactical airstrikes and the PAVN suffered 353 killed. On 21 April the PAVN launched an assault on Firebase Delta by three tanks
supported by tanks forced their way through the 40th Regiment at Khanh Duong the Airborne held their positions. On 30 March the PAVN 10th Division supported by the 40th Artillery Regiment and with two companies of tanks attached, attacked the Airborne positions. On 31 March elements of the 28th and
On 11 March a battalion of the PAVN 6th Regiment infiltrated through Phú Lộc, and two of its companies seized 12 fishing boats, which ferried them across Dam Cau Hai Bay to Vinh Loc Island. There they attacked Vinh Hien Village on the southern tip of the island and swept north to attack Vinh Giang.
and in southern Quảng Trị and northern Thừa Thiên Provinces, and refugees streamed southward, until nearly the entire population of Quảng Trị Province, as many as 100,000, traveled the road to Huế. With tanks and armored personnel carriers, an ARVN task force composed of the 8th Airborne Battalion,
In late February 1972 in response to intelligence reports of a PAVN buildup including tanks and artillery in the Central Highlands, the 2nd Airborne Brigade was placed under the control of II Corps and deployed to secure a string of firebases along a backbone of mountains stretching south-west from
was moving into position to attack Quảng Trị from the northeast, it unexpectedly encountered the 9th ARVN Airborne company in Tri Buu village, which engaged it in a sharp firefight lasting about 20 minutes. The Airborne company was nearly annihilated and an American adviser killed, but its stubborn
along the Cambodian border for combined operations with the 1st Cavalry Division's 1st Brigade. Operating from Tây Ninh City, the two Brigade commanders opened fire support bases across War Zone C for the three participating Airborne battalions. The ARVN bases, each housing one Airborne battalion,
On 12 March, General Trưởng received the JGS order to pull the Airborne Division out of the line and start it moving to Saigon. The deployment was to begin on 17 March. Trưởng immediately called Viên to protest the decision but learned that Thiệu had personally directed the deployment so that the
In October and November representatives of II Field Force and III Corps met in a series of meetings at Trí's Bien Hoa headquarters, and laid out the ground rules for the Cavalry-Airborne Dong Tien operation. Trí emphasized the need for close coordination of commands and staffs at the division and
were landed southeast of Quảng Trị engaging the K6 Battalion from the rear in a heavy firefight, while Airborne troops blocked and attacked it from the direction of the city. US helicopter gunships and artillery hit the K6 Battalion hard causing significant further casualties. By nightfall on the
began an artillery attack on the 31st Rangers at Du Long Pass and the 3rd Airborne at Bà Râu. At 06:30 PAVN tanks and infantry attacked to 31st Rangers' position but were forced back. At 07:00 two A-37s accidentally bombed the Rangers. The PAVN then bypassed the Rangers and attacked Du Long Town
On 15 March, the 14th Ranger Group was to begin the relief of the 369th Marine Brigade in Quảng Trị Province. While one marine brigade would remain in the Song Bo Valley for the defense of Hue, the 369th Marine Brigade would deploy to Đại Lộc District in Quảng Nam Province, and relieve the 3rd
Something had to be done to revitalize this key unit that would someday have to serve as the mobile reserve force for the entire country, and in October 1969 Ewell nominated the US 1st Cavalry Division for the task. Since its arrival in III Corps in late 1968, the 1st Cavalry Division had been
units the Airborne was assigned a U.S. military advisory element, originally the Airborne Brigade Advisory Detachment, and later redesignated the 162nd Airborne Advisory Detachment or U.S. Airborne Advisory Team 162. About 1,000 American airborne-qualified advisors served with the brigade and
which together with air support from the helicopter gunships and A-37s forced the PAVN back outside the perimeter, killing over 100 for the loss of six ARVN killed and one M113 destroyed. At dawn on 15 April the PAVN shelled the 3rd Airborne Battalion at Bà Râu and Kien Kien
noting that "those of us privileged to serve with them were awestruck by their courage and tactical aggressiveness. The senior officers and non-commissioned officers were extremely competent and battle-hardened." Eight of nine battalions and three headquarters had earned US
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and stopped in a narrow defile where Route 1 edged along the beach below Han Son Mountain, just north of Nha Trang with the 10th Division close behind. On 1 April, PAVN tanks rolled through Dục Mỹ and Ninh Hòa and headed for Nha Trang. The II Corps staff drove south to
of Cambodia. The Airborne played a significant role in the campaign, with battalions participating in most of the individual operations and finding significant caches of supplies, alongside being the sole force dropped behind enemy lines to cut-off a potential retreat.
967:. On 8 May the 2nd Airborne Brigade arrived at Huế and came under the operational control of the Marine Division on the My Chanh Line. The entire division arrived in late May and was given responsibility for a sector between the Marine Division and the 1st Division. 809:
operating along the sparsely populated Cambodian border, engaging regular PAVN forces that ventured south across the frontier. Although the division had conducted a number of minor combined operations with assorted ARVN units, it had remained aloof from the main
killing all four USAF crewmen and 81 soldiers of the 7th Airborne Battalion on board. The remains of the crew and passengers were recovered, but the identities of the Airborne soldiers could not be established and they were kept at the Laboratory at
520:, the 7th Airborne Battalion was landed in Đồng Xoài to reinforce the defenders in the camp. The following day the battalion marched 4 km north into the Thuận Lợi rubber plantation where elements of the 1st Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 987:
to the west to avoid the U.S. airpower that was about to be unleashed upon Quảng Trị. On 27 July, the Marine Division was ordered to relieve the division as the lead element in the battle. The citadel was finally captured on 15 September.
From 7 to 8 April the 2nd Airborne Brigade flew into Phan Rang to replace the remnants of the 3rd Airborne Brigade which moved back to Saigon. On 8 April the 3rd Airborne Battalion cleared Highway 1 and recaptured the villages of Bà Râu
1002:. The Airborne lost 500 dead and more than 2,000 wounded, severely weakening the strength of this elite unit at a crucial time, while PAVN casualties were estimated to exceed 7,000 and the 304th Division was rendered combat ineffective. 939:
all-out infantry and armor assault on An Lộc, suffering severe losses to airstrikes but further squeezing the defenders. Another assault on 12 May failed to take the city. The PAVN launched a final attack on 19 May in honor of
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the 112th and 120th RF Battalions, and the 921st RF Company, succeeded in driving the enemy from nearly all populated areas by afternoon on 9 March. PAVN/VC casualties were heavy and ARVN losses few in this opening phase.
915:. In the first week of March another Airborne Brigade and the division's tactical command post were deployed to defend Kontum city and the south of Kontum Province, these were the last available reserves in South Vietnam. 598:. After a three-day battle ARVN forces found 189 PAVN bodies, large quantities of ammunition and equipment, and a sophisticated regimental command post with training areas and an elaborate mock-up of the Dak Seang Camp. 1027:
The initial PAVN attacks in Quảng Trị Province struck Regional Force outposts and strongpoints in the foothills and the hamlets of the coastal lowlands. By 8 March, PAVN and local VC were in control of seven hamlets in
to recapture Quảng Trị Province. The operational plan called for the Airborne and Marine Divisions to advance abreast to the northwest to the Thạch Hãn River. The division would deploy to the west from the foothills to
with one Airborne company bivouacked in Tri Buu village on the northern edge of the city with elements in the Citadel, and two Airborne companies positioned just south of the city in the area of a large cemetery where
745:. The operation involved nearly every combat unit in III Corps. The operation was a success with allied forces claiming 7645 VC/PAVN killed, however, the operation did not prevent the VC/PAVN from launching their 1053:
On 17 March the 258th Marine Brigade pulled out of Quảng Trị to relieve the 2nd Airborne Brigade in southern Thừa Thiên and on 18 March the 2nd Airborne Brigade moved to the Da Nang docks for shipment to Saigon.
Trí also wanted the Airborne Division to establish a forward headquarters with a full tactical operations center alongside the US division headquarters. Almost immediately the 2nd Airborne Brigade moved into
505:. Headquarters of the Airborne Division was outside of Saigon. The Airborne Division would mobilize anywhere within the four corps at a moment's notice. The main use of the Airborne was to engage and destroy 1612:
The South Vietnamese airborne forces used the standard weaponry and equipment of French and U.S. origin issued to ANV and ARVN units. Paratrooper companies also fielded crew-served heavy weapons, such as
1318:. The brigade made slow progress against a determined PAVN defense and on 19 April the JGS ordered that a general withdrawal from Xuân Lộc. The brigade withdrew through the plantations and jungles toward 525:
as their numerical superiority, the VC broke the battalion into small groups and destroyed many of them. On 12 June, the strength of the 7th Airborne Battalion was reduced from 470 to just 159 soldiers.
with the ARVN 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 5th Regiment, 2nd Division and elements of the US 1st Marine Division fighting elements of the PAVN 21st Regiment and VC 1st Regiment around Hill 141 northwest of
336: 3003:(16 mm color film roll). Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. ca. 1974-5/15/1984. October 20, 1969. 3028:(35 mm color film roll). Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. ca. 1974-5/15/1984. July 10, 1967. 991:
In 1972 Thiệu finally moved Đống out of the division which he had commanded since September 1964, appointing him to command the Capital Military District and replacing him with General
3812: 490:. Most were killed afterward upon capture by the Viet Minh, who regarded them as traitors, rather than bargained as the French had been. They were later reformed into the 1373: 270: 1091:
at 15:00 and all flyable aircraft were flown out. On the morning of 3 April the RVNAF at Phan Rang launched a heliborne operation comprising more than 40 UH-1s and six
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and northwest Thừa Thiên Province, while the 1st Division was given responsibility for the area southwest and south of Huế blocking any further PAVN advance from the
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Program. However, the reduced amount of PAVN activity along the border during the second half of 1969 enabled Ewell to expand the missions of the airmobile unit.
3128: 677:. Within the Citadel the ARVN 1st Battalion, 3rd Regiment, and the 1st Airborne task force cleared out the north and western parts of the Citadel including 643: 1020:
In late December 1974 Trưởng took advantage of the temporary calm to pull the 2nd Airborne Brigade out of the line west of Huế, placing it in reserve in
supported by infantry and by the evening had succeeded in overrunning the base. From 23 to 24 April the PAVN overran the main ARVN bases at Tân Cảnh and
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From 8 February to 25 March 1971 the 2nd Airborne Battalion and the 3rd Airborne Brigade Headquarters and the 3rd Airborne Battalion participated in
992: 410:: 軍力越南共和). The Vietnamese Airborne Division began as companies organized in 1948, prior to any agreement over armed forces in Vietnam. After the 3352: 2037: 1806: 727: 462:
The Airborne Division had its origins in Indochinese-specific units raised under the "jaunissement" program, separating Indochinese members of
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to reestablish South Vietnamese control over the areas immediately around Saigon in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive. On 26 March, east of
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had been unable to address. Nevertheless, the combined effort set the stage for more ambitious undertakings in Cambodia one month later.
From 11 to 18 June the division and the Marine Division conducted probing attacks to test PAVN strength ahead of the launch of Trưởng's
927:. With the loss of these camps, the remaining firebases along Rocket Ridge were abandoned and the PAVN had a clear approach to Kontum. 711: 435: 3306: 2632: 999: 665:
called in reinforcements including the 1st ARVN Airborne Task Force to relieve the pressure on Mang Ca. Responding to the call at
Airborne forces found 128 dead VC who had apparently been killed by air and artillery strikes while moving south towards Saigon.
3446: 3649: 1087:, the defeated remnants of the Airborne, Rangers, Regional and Popular Forces and 40th Regiment followed. The RVNAF evacuated 3158: 328: 3062: 757: 1640: 3797: 3461: 3275: 3212: 3166: 1822: 565: 502: 501:
Vietnamese Airborne Division was among the elite fighting forces in the ARVN and placed as a reserve unit along with the
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ceasefire began on 29 January 1968, but was canceled on 30 January after the VC/PAVN prematurely launched their
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The Fighting First: Combat Operations in Vietnam 1968–69, The First Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment
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During the May Offensive at 10:00 on 5 May the Airborne was engaged by VC north of Tan Son Nhut Air Base.
3802: 3714: 3634: 3519: 1891: 506: 3744: 3679: 2387:"AWM 95-1-4-136 Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force Commander's Diary Annexes E-N 1–31 Jan 1969" 1042: 3704: 3466: 3026:"FLOATING CAMP" 5TH SPECIAL FORCES, 1ST SPECIAL FORCES GROUP, MY AN, KIEN PHONG PROVINCE, SOUTH VIETNAM 1843: 1719: 1704: 1650: 1634: 998:
From August to 3 November 1974 the 1st and 3rd Airborne Brigades fought the PAVN 304th Division in the
976: 971: 897: 862: 827: 689: 635: 3669: 3664: 1169:) from the VC and the 11th Airborne Battalion then deployed by helicopters to recapture Du Long town ( 954:, the 147th and 258th Marine Brigades and the 1st Division established a new defensive line along the 3694: 3659: 3604: 3514: 3195: 3190: 1357: 924: 782: 742: 662: 587: 576: 443: 258: 3734: 2589: 1323: 1315: 904: 654: 343: 3311: 3202: 3185: 1832: 980: 702: 693: 681:
and the Chanh Tay Gate, while the 4th Battalion, 2nd Regiment moved south from Mang Ca towards the
615: 533: 471: 3749: 3709: 3629: 2902: 1311: 1029: 723: 3499: 3336: 3296: 3180: 2152:
United States Army in Vietnam Combat Operations Staying the Course October 1967 to September 1968
1827: 1100: 1070: 619: 550: 529: 487: 3699: 3614: 2015: 1362: 1273: 1099:
to rescue the remnants of the 2nd, 5th and 6th Airborne Battalions that had been cut off at the
1021: 678: 262: 3123: 1232: 738: 682: 638:, to remain at Tan Son Nhut Air Base and the battalion participated in the defense of both the 451: 3759: 3729: 3674: 3534: 3524: 2688:"U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Command History 1972, Annex K. Kontum, 1973. MACV" 959: 3719: 3609: 3569: 3413: 3403: 2576: 2393: 2150: 1096: 1011: 858: 850: 731: 719: 137: 43: 429:
were often regarded as among the most effective units, with former airborne advisor General
3739: 3724: 3564: 3559: 1923: 1767: 1735: 1092: 1057:
While the entire division was to move the Saigon, the 3rd Airborne Brigade was diverted at
1015: 931: 411: 3689: 3554: 3539: 2100: 8: 3644: 3584: 3504: 1812: 1368: 1335: 1075: 802: 767: 631: 623: 438:
of which eight of these were earned by the Airborne between 1967-1968 which included the
399: 384: 373: 348: 266: 242: 221: 213: 164: 31: 3754: 3639: 3594: 3574: 2623: 1352: 301: 254: 3549: 3529: 3494: 3398: 3393: 3378: 3357: 3143: 3105: 2805: 1088: 1084: 846: 778: 753: 698: 561: 422: 3589: 771: 3489: 3471: 3373: 3080: 3072: 3058: 2980: 2955: 2911: 2862: 2812: 2773: 2741: 2664: 2543: 2503: 2441: 2366: 2306: 2268: 2230: 2196: 2156: 2106: 2069: 1995: 1899: 1346: 627: 290: 250: 225: 3509: 2767: 785:. On 15 January 1969 the 1st Marine Battalion replaced the 2nd Airborne Task Force. 580: 569: 3764: 3418: 3388: 2564: 1788: 1758: 1618: 964: 947: 946:
Following the defeat of the ARVN in Quảng Trị Province in the initial phase of the
893: 889: 541: 3544: 360:
A 12-Year Old Child Soldier of the Airborne Division Holds a M79 Grenade Launcher.
3579: 3408: 3101: 1761: 1714: 1614: 590:
the 8th Airborne Battalion was deployed to aid the 1st Battalion, 42nd Regiment,
537: 430: 155: 119: 2738:
Hell in An Loc: The 1972 Easter Invasion and the battle that saved South Vietnam
646:. The 6th Airborne Battalion also late joined the fighting at the JGS Compound. 2471: 1629: 919: 595: 557: 3110: 1276:
ordered his remaining forces to retreat from the base to the Ca Na peninsula (
407: 391: 380: 3791: 3383: 3161: 3136: 2928: 2790: 2716: 2646: 2520: 2458: 2348: 2323: 2247: 2173: 2123: 2086: 2063: 1903: 1866: 1783: 1778: 1667: 1294: 1281: 1259: 1246: 1218: 1205: 1187: 1174: 1156: 1143: 1125: 1112: 746: 674: 650: 611: 495: 442:
period. Airborne commanders were often highly rated, with Airborne Commander
439: 91: 73: 1319: 1645: 794: 707: 549:
for more than 30 years before being interred at the Vietnamese cemetery in
on 15 April 1972, the 1st Airborne Brigade was lifted by helicopters into
2296: 1838: 1662: 1066: 940: 867: 332: 217: 3038: 3013: 1079: 752:
From 20 April to 12 May 1968 the 6th Airborne Battalion participated in
From 8 April to 31 May 1968 the 1st Airborne Task Force participated in
634:(JGS), ordered the 8th Airborne Battalion, which was to deploy north to 556:
From 4–7 March 1966 the 1st and 5th Airborne Battalions participated in
355: 3326: 2807:
Trial By Fire: The 1972 Easter Offensive, America's Last Vietnam Battle
2568: 2434:
The U.S. Army in Vietnam Advice and Support: The Final Years, 1965-1973
2016:"ASN Aircraft accident Fairchild C-123B-18-FA Provider 56-4376 Tuy Hoa" 1817: 1752: 1746: 1677: 1672: 822: 2038:"81 South Vietnamese soldiers who fought with US finally laid to rest" 849:, the 3rd Airborne Brigade together with other US forces crossed into 2102:
Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive, October 1966 to October 1967
1740: 1693: 1682: 1058: 510: 3599: 1622: 1061:
and sent to support the 23rd Division blocking the PAVN advance at
801:(or "Progress Together") Program with III Corps commander, General 447: 1978:
1954–2004: La Bataille de Dien Bien Phu, entre Histoire et Mémoire
on 31 January 1968 the 9th Airborne Battalion was deployed around
which was locked in combat with a PAVN force on a hilltop west of
Army of the Republic of Vietnam 1955-1975, Men-at-arms series 458
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
2772:. History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. 2715:
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
2229:. History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. 2172:
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
2068:. History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. 1773: 1729: 1314:
and began moving north to support the 18th Division fighting the
From 3 December 1968 the 2nd Airborne Task Force participated in
670: 607: 575:
From 20–25 March 1966 the 5th Airborne Battalion participated in
513:(VC) forces, not hold a specific region like the infantry units. 793:
In June 1969 the new II Field Force, Vietnam commander Lt. Gen.
Hinh, Nguyen D. (1979-01-01). "Lam Son 719". Fort Belvoir, VA.
1949:"'The Most Brilliant Commander': Ngo Quang Truong | HistoryNet" 1698: 1687: 1656: 908: 141: 16:"7th Airborne Brigade" redirects here. Not to be confused with 3057:, Men-at-arms series 322, Osprey Publishing Ltd, Oxford 1998. 2769:
U.S. Marines In Vietnam: The War That Would Not End, 1971–1973
as "the most brilliant tactical commander I have ever known".
1329: 872: 666: 3069:
Angels in Red Hats: Paratroopers of the Second Indochina War
The Vietnam Experience South Vietnam on Trial: Mid-1970-1972
3031: 3006: 1801: 1724: 1621:, whilst divisional artillery batteries were provided with 1395: 1310:
On 11 April the 1st Airborne Brigade was deployed south of
1065:.The 3rd Airborne Brigade dug in on the high ground in the 876: 718:
From 11 March to 7 April 1968 the division participated in
710:. In the afternoon two companies of the US 1st Battalion, 1326:, where it would defend until South Vietnam capitulated. 306: 2392:. Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force. Archived from 1440:
3rd Vietnamese Parachute Engineers Company (3ére CPGVN)
394:: 兵種趂𢂎越南共和) was one of the earliest components of the 958:
northwest of Huế. On 3 May I Corps commander General
653:, after resisting the initial PAVN/VC attacks on its 494:
and restructured upon the expulsion of the French by
Military units and formations disestablished in 1975
The Vietnamese Airborne Division and Their Advisors
1892:"Opinion | The Forgotten South Vietnamese Airborne" 2804: 3808:Military units and formations established in 1948 2502:. United States Army Center of Military History. 2155:. Center of Military History United States Army. 2105:. United States Army Center of Military History. 3789: 1980:, Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 2004 657:headquarters on the morning of 31 January 1968, 2537: 2226:U.S. Marines in Vietnam: 1968 The Defining Year 1389: 861:. The two battalions developed firebases along 3071:, Goshen, KY: Harmony House Publishers, 1995. 2974: 2950:Rottman, Gordon Rottman; Volstad, Ron (1990). 2949: 2065:U.S. Marines in Vietnam: An Expanding War 1966 1807:Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces 626:deployed his forces to defend Saigon. General 446:once described by former Airborne-adviser and 3144: 2859:Black April The Fall of South Vietnam 1973–75 2303:United States Army Center of Military History 1450:Headquarters & Headquarters Company (HHC) 1384: 568:fighting the PAVN 21st Regiment northwest of 516:On the afternoon of 10 June, 1965 during the 36:Binh chủng Nhảy dù Quân lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa 3779:South Vietnamese military ranks and insignia 1924:"Ragged Edge of Vietnamization | HistoryNet" 1437:7th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (7e BPVN) 1434:6th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (6e BPVN) 1431:5th Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (5e BPVN) 1428:3rd Vietnamese Parachute Battalion (3e BPVN) 1413:1st Indochinese Parachute Company (1ére CIP) 2538:Fulgham, David; Maitland, Terrence (1984). 2298:The War in the Northern Provinces 1966–1968 2098: 2092: 1992:Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War 1954–1965 1784:M102 105 mm light towed field howitzer 1720:Browning M1919A4 .30 Cal Medium machine gun 1103:successfully evacuating over 800 soldiers. 486:who were airdropped into combat during the 3151: 3137: 2945: 2943: 2941: 2939: 2937: 2533: 2531: 2529: 2290: 2288: 2286: 2284: 2144: 2142: 2140: 2138: 2136: 2134: 2132: 1422:7th Indochinese Parachute Company (7e CIP) 1419:5th Indochinese Parachute Company (5e CIP) 1416:3rd Indochinese Parachute Company (3e CIP) 1330:Airborne brigade and divisional commanders 1069:, behind the 40th Regiment. When the PAVN 741:to continue pressure on PAVN/VC forces in 436:Presidential Unit Citation (United States) 378:Sư đoàn Nhảy dù Quân lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa 3018: 2975:Rottman, Gordon; Bujeiro, Ramiro (2010). 2852: 2850: 2848: 2761: 2759: 2757: 2617: 2615: 2613: 2611: 2609: 2607: 2605: 2603: 2601: 2599: 2426: 2424: 2422: 2420: 2418: 2416: 2414: 2258: 2256: 2222: 2061: 1889: 1598:Airborne Reconnaissance Company/Battalion 1050:Airborne Brigade for movement to Saigon. 3307:Civilian Irregular Defense Group program 2896: 2894: 2892: 2890: 2888: 2886: 2884: 2882: 2880: 2878: 2846: 2844: 2842: 2840: 2838: 2836: 2834: 2832: 2830: 2828: 2661:Kontum: The Battle to Save South Vietnam 2631:. U.S. Army Center of Military History. 2440:. U.S. Army Center of Military History. 2335: 2218: 2216: 2214: 2212: 2186: 2184: 2182: 1607: 354: 342: 327: 2934: 2802: 2796: 2682: 2680: 2658: 2652: 2526: 2493: 2491: 2360: 2294: 2281: 2148: 2129: 2057: 2055: 1779:M101A1 105 mm towed field howitzer 1725:Browning M2HB .50 Cal Heavy machine gun 1475:Headquarters & Headquarters Company 1425:1st Airborne Guard Company (1ére CPGVN) 845:(Total Victory), an early phase of the 3790: 2910:. US Army Center of Military History. 2904:Vietnam from ceasefire to capitulation 2900: 2765: 2754: 2731: 2729: 2727: 2725: 2596: 2497: 2430: 2411: 2262: 2253: 470:forming separate battalions under the 3132: 3039: 3014: 2993: 2979:. Osprey Publishing Ltd. p. 23. 2875: 2856: 2825: 2638:from the original on August 13, 2020. 2329: 2209: 2190: 2179: 1989: 781:under the operational control of the 701:. As the 600-man VC 814th Battalion, 421:The Airborne Division, alongside the 307:Republic of Vietnam Airborne Division 305: 48:Vietnamese Airborne Division insignia 26:Republic of Vietnam Airborne Division 3001:STAND DOWN, 3D BDE, 82D ABN DIVISION 2677: 2562: 2488: 2052: 1983: 1861: 1859: 950:, on 2 May 1972 the remnants of the 389:Binh chủng Nhảy dù Việt Nam Cộng hòa 2740:. University of North Texas Press. 2735: 2722: 2621: 2379: 2336:Thompson, A.W. (14 December 1968). 1823:Republic of Vietnam Military Forces 1601:Airborne Engineer Company/Battalion 883: 841:On 1 May 1970 as part of Operation 726:with the Marine Brigade and the US 503:Republic of Vietnam Marine Division 492:Republic of Vietnam Military Forces 468:French Far East Expeditionary Corps 396:Republic of Vietnam Military Forces 13: 3097:The War: Belfries & Red Berets 3055:The French Indochina War 1946-1954 3053:Martin Windrow and Mike Chappell, 3047: 2365:. Allen & Unwin. p. 199. 1890:McCaffrey, Barry R. (2017-08-08). 995:who had performed well at An Lộc. 14: 3824: 3090: 3035:National Archives at College Park 3010:National Archives at College Park 2952:Vietnam Airborne, Elite series 29 2340:. Headquarters Pacific Air Force. 2040:. NBC News Today. 27 October 2019 1856: 1581:10th Airborne Battalion (10 TDND) 1550:11th Airborne Battalion (11 TDND) 1508:Airborne Combat Support Battalion 1465:Airborne Combat Support Battalion 3160: 2922: 2784: 2710: 2663:. University Press of Kentucky. 2640: 2514: 2452: 2342: 2317: 2241: 2167: 2117: 2080: 1570:3rd Airborne Artillery Battalion 1553:2nd Airborne Artillery Battalion 1536:1st Airborne Artillery Battalion 766:On 13 September 1968 during the 366:The Vietnamese Airborne Division 289: 102: 84: 66: 42: 2968: 2556: 2464: 2354: 2265:Battle Story Tet Offensive 1968 1641:MAS-35-S pistol (7.65mm Longue) 1578:4th Airborne Battalion (4 TDND) 1567:6th Airborne Battalion (6 TDND) 1564:3rd Airborne Battalion (3 TDND) 1561:2nd Airborne Battalion (2 TDND) 1547:7th Airborne Battalion (7 TDND) 1544:5th Airborne Battalion (5 TDND) 1533:9th Airborne Battalion (9 TDND) 1530:8th Airborne Battalion (8 TDND) 1527:1st Airborne Battalion (1 TDND) 1519:U.S. Airborne Advisory Team 162 1503:8th Airborne Battalion (8 TDND) 1500:5th Airborne Battalion (5 TDND) 1497:3rd Airborne Battalion (3 TDND) 1489:7th Airborne Battalion (7 TDND) 1486:6th Airborne Battalion (6 TDND) 1483:1st Airborne Battalion (1 TDND) 1462:6th Airborne Battalion (6 TDND) 1459:5th Airborne Battalion (5 TDND) 1456:3rd Airborne Battalion (3 TDND) 1453:1st Airborne Battalion (1 TDND) 1238:M113 armored personnel carriers 536:#56-4376 crashed en route from 416:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 318:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 110:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 2193:The Battle for Saigon Tet 1968 2030: 2008: 1994:. Cambridge University Press. 1966: 1941: 1916: 1883: 547:Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam 498:following the Geneva Accords. 57:1 January 1948 – 30 April 1975 1: 2542:. Boston Publishing Company. 1849: 1710:M1918A2 BAR Light machine gun 2625:The Easter offensive of 1972 2099:MacGarrigle, George (1998). 1774:3.5 inch M20A1 Super Bazooka 1663:M1A1 Thompson submachine gun 1390:Airborne Advisory Detachment 728:199th Light Infantry Brigade 644:Joint General Staff Compound 586:On 4 August 1967 as part of 18:7th Airborne Assault Brigade 7: 3124:Family photos of Red Berets 3116:Red Berets of South Vietnam 1795: 1651:Smith & Wesson Model 39 1635:Smith & Wesson Model 10 1575:4th Task Force/Brigade HHC 1558:3rd Task Force/Brigade HHC 1541:2nd Task Force/Brigade HHC 1524:1st Task Force/Brigade HHC 871:cost of 250 killed, and 11 699:Highway 1 crosses Route 555 10: 3829: 3798:Divisions of South Vietnam 2622:Ngo, Quang Truong (1980). 1844:Weapons of the Vietnam War 1705:FM 24/29 light machine gun 1595:Airborne Medical Battalion 1592:Airborne Support Battalion 1385:Structure and organization 1009: 918:On the morning of 3 April 898:Second Battle of Quang Tri 887: 828:11th Combat Aviation Group 788: 457: 414:, it became a part of the 404:Quân lực Việt Nam Cộng hòa 347:Recruitment poster of the 15: 3773: 3480: 3427: 3366: 3345: 3289: 3211: 3173: 3167:Military of South Vietnam 2954:. Osprey Publishing Ltd. 2498:Nguyen, Duy Hinh (1979). 2295:Pearson, Willard (1975). 2018:. Aviation Safety network 1732:Anti-tank rocket launcher 1589:Airborne Signal Battalion 783:1st Australian Task Force 669:base 17 km north of 312: 285: 280: 236: 231: 209: 201: 193: 181: 147: 133: 125: 115: 97: 79: 61: 53: 41: 30: 25: 2901:Le Gro, William (1985). 2766:Melson, Charles (1991). 2659:McKenna, Thomas (2011). 2431:Clarke, Jeffrey (1998). 2223:Shulimson, Jack (1997). 2062:Shulimson, Jack (1982). 1833:Vietnamese National Army 1402: 1200:) and the Du Long Pass ( 749:attacks against Saigon. 507:People's Army of Vietnam 472:Vietnamese National Army 464:French paratrooper units 189:(Angels Kill Communists) 3337:Combined Action Program 2263:Rawson, Andrew (2013). 1972:Jean-Jacques Arzalier, 1828:Royal Lao Army Airborne 1512:Airborne Division units 1005: 620:II Field Force, Vietnam 601: 564:and elements of the US 551:Westminster, California 530:United States Air Force 474:. Among these are the 172:(Angels in Red Berets) 3037:, catalog entry here: 3012:, catalog entry here: 2857:Veith, George (2012). 2803:Andrade, Dale (1995). 2584:Cite journal requires 2149:Villard, Erik (2017). 1646:Colt.45 M1911A1 pistol 1516:Headquarters Battalion 1471:Airborne Brigade units 739:Operation Toan Thang I 528:On 11 December 1965 a 488:Siege of Dien Bien Phu 452:Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. 388: 377: 362: 352: 340: 337:5th Airborne Battalion 35: 3650:Nguyễn Phước Vĩnh Lộc 2500:Operation Lam Sơn 719 2361:McAulay, Lex (1991). 2338:The Defense of Saigon 2267:. The History Press. 2191:Nolan, Keith (1996). 1608:Weapons and equipment 1012:1975 Spring Offensive 888:Further information: 859:Operation Lam Son 719 851:Kampong Cham Province 720:Operation Quyet Thang 640:Tan Son Nhut Air Base 562:37th Ranger Battalion 358: 346: 335:Hoàng Ngọc Giao (the 331: 2811:. Hippocrene Books. 2736:Lam, Thi Q. (2009). 1990:Moyar, Mark (2006). 1867:"Angels in Red Hats" 1768:M67 recoilless rifle 1736:M79 grenade launcher 1446:Airborne Group units 1016:Hue-Da Nang Campaign 1000:Battle of Thượng Đức 972:Operation Lam Son 72 758:1st Cavalry Division 712:5th Cavalry Regiment 688:At the start of the 412:partition of Vietnam 3067:Michael N. Martin, 2861:. Encounter Books. 1974:Les Pertes Humaines 1813:First Indochina War 1791:Airboat patrol boat 1694:M16A1 Assault rifle 1295:11.3455°N 108.877°E 1291: /  1260:11.704°N 109.0595°E 1256: /  1215: /  1184: /  1153: /  1126:11.7188°N 109.063°E 1122: /  768:Phase III Offensive 690:Battle of Quang Tri 632:Joint General Staff 624:Frederick C. Weyand 566:1st Marine Division 518:Battle of Đồng Xoài 450:commanding General 349:Republic of Vietnam 222:Cambodian Civil War 214:First Indochina War 186:Thiên Thần Sát Cộng 3803:Airborne divisions 3774:Ranks and insignia 3332:Presidential Guard 3106:Barry R. McCaffrey 3102:Angels in Red Hats 2569:10.21236/ada324683 2195:. Presidio press. 1896:The New York Times 1494:2nd Task Force HQ 1480:1st Task Force HQ 1324:Phước Tuy Province 1316:Battle of Xuân Lộc 1219:11.793°N 109.092°E 1188:11.781°N 109.078°E 1089:Nha Trang Air Base 1085:Phan Rang Air Base 905:Tân Cảnh Base Camp 847:Cambodian Campaign 779:Operation Goodwood 754:Operation Delaware 661:commander General 636:Quảng Trị Province 423:Vietnamese Rangers 363: 353: 341: 3785: 3784: 3695:Nguyễn Viết Thanh 3655:Nguyễn Trọng Luật 3346:ARVN Sub-branches 1955:. 15 October 2007 1690:Bolt-action rifle 1619:recoilless rifles 1312:Xuân Lộc District 1157:11.68°N 109.038°E 1030:Hải Lăng District 724:Gia Định Province 588:Operation Greeley 553:in October 2019. 383:: 師團趂𢂎軍力越南共和 or 325: 324: 297: 296: 226:Laotian Civil War 3820: 3745:Trần Thiện Khiêm 3740:Trần Thanh Phong 3725:Phan Trọng Chinh 3700:Nguyễn Vĩnh Nghi 3680:Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 3660:Nguyễn Văn Chuân 3620:Nguyễn Đức Thắng 3615:Nguyễn Chánh Thi 3605:Ngô Quang Trưởng 3165: 3164: 3153: 3146: 3139: 3130: 3129: 3041: 3029: 3022: 3016: 3004: 2997: 2991: 2990: 2972: 2966: 2965: 2947: 2932: 2926: 2925: 2921: 2909: 2898: 2873: 2872: 2854: 2823: 2822: 2810: 2800: 2794: 2788: 2787: 2783: 2763: 2752: 2751: 2733: 2720: 2714: 2713: 2709: 2707: 2705: 2699: 2693:. Archived from 2692: 2684: 2675: 2674: 2656: 2650: 2644: 2643: 2639: 2637: 2630: 2619: 2594: 2593: 2587: 2582: 2580: 2572: 2560: 2554: 2553: 2535: 2524: 2518: 2517: 2513: 2495: 2486: 2485: 2483: 2482: 2472:"Cambodia PSYOP" 2468: 2462: 2456: 2455: 2451: 2439: 2428: 2409: 2408: 2406: 2404: 2398: 2391: 2383: 2377: 2376: 2358: 2352: 2346: 2345: 2341: 2333: 2327: 2321: 2320: 2316: 2292: 2279: 2278: 2260: 2251: 2245: 2244: 2240: 2220: 2207: 2206: 2188: 2177: 2171: 2170: 2166: 2146: 2127: 2121: 2120: 2116: 2096: 2090: 2084: 2083: 2079: 2059: 2050: 2049: 2047: 2045: 2034: 2028: 2027: 2025: 2023: 2012: 2006: 2005: 1987: 1981: 1970: 1964: 1963: 1961: 1960: 1945: 1939: 1938: 1936: 1935: 1920: 1914: 1913: 1911: 1910: 1887: 1881: 1880: 1878: 1877: 1863: 1789:Hurricane Aircat 1759:Brandt mle 27/31 1586:Division Troops 1363:Nguyễn Chánh Thi 1306: 1305: 1303: 1302: 1301: 1300:11.3455; 108.877 1296: 1292: 1289: 1288: 1287: 1284: 1274:Nguyễn Vĩnh Nghi 1271: 1270: 1268: 1267: 1266: 1265:11.704; 109.0595 1261: 1257: 1254: 1253: 1252: 1249: 1230: 1229: 1227: 1226: 1225: 1220: 1216: 1213: 1212: 1211: 1208: 1199: 1198: 1196: 1195: 1194: 1189: 1185: 1182: 1181: 1180: 1177: 1168: 1167: 1165: 1164: 1163: 1158: 1154: 1151: 1150: 1149: 1146: 1137: 1136: 1134: 1133: 1132: 1131:11.7188; 109.063 1127: 1123: 1120: 1119: 1118: 1115: 1043:Trần Thiện Khiêm 1022:Phú Lộc District 948:Easter Offensive 932:Battle of An Lộc 925:Đắk Tô Base Camp 894:Battle of Kontum 890:Battle of An Loc 884:Easter Offensive 679:Tây Lộc Airfield 663:Ngô Quang Trưởng 655:Mang Ca Garrison 542:Tuy Hoa Air Base 444:Ngô Quang Trưởng 303: 302: 293: 263:Nguyễn Chánh Thi 170:Thiên thần mũ đỏ 108: 106: 105: 90: 88: 87: 72: 70: 69: 46: 23: 22: 3828: 3827: 3823: 3822: 3821: 3819: 3818: 3817: 3788: 3787: 3786: 3781: 3769: 3760:Trần Quang Khôi 3730:Phan Xuân Nhuận 3715:Phạm Quốc Thuần 3685:Nguyễn Văn Toàn 3675:Nguyễn Văn Minh 3670:Nguyễn Văn Mạnh 3665:Nguyễn Văn Hiếu 3645:Nguyễn Khoa Nam 3635:Nguyễn Hữu Hạnh 3625:Nguyễn Hợp Đoàn 3565:Lê Nguyên Khang 3482: 3476: 3429: 3423: 3362: 3341: 3322:Regional Forces 3285: 3207: 3169: 3159: 3157: 3093: 3050: 3048:Further reading 3045: 3044: 3024: 3023: 3019: 2999: 2998: 2994: 2987: 2973: 2969: 2962: 2948: 2935: 2923: 2918: 2907: 2899: 2876: 2869: 2855: 2826: 2819: 2801: 2797: 2785: 2780: 2764: 2755: 2748: 2734: 2723: 2711: 2703: 2701: 2700:on 3 March 2016 2697: 2690: 2686: 2685: 2678: 2671: 2657: 2653: 2641: 2635: 2628: 2620: 2597: 2585: 2583: 2574: 2573: 2561: 2557: 2550: 2536: 2527: 2515: 2510: 2496: 2489: 2480: 2478: 2470: 2469: 2465: 2453: 2448: 2437: 2429: 2412: 2402: 2400: 2399:on 5 March 2016 2396: 2389: 2385: 2384: 2380: 2373: 2359: 2355: 2343: 2334: 2330: 2318: 2313: 2293: 2282: 2275: 2261: 2254: 2242: 2237: 2221: 2210: 2203: 2189: 2180: 2168: 2163: 2147: 2130: 2118: 2113: 2097: 2093: 2081: 2076: 2060: 2053: 2043: 2041: 2036: 2035: 2031: 2021: 2019: 2014: 2013: 2009: 2002: 1988: 1984: 1971: 1967: 1958: 1956: 1947: 1946: 1942: 1933: 1931: 1930:. 10 April 2017 1922: 1921: 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1348: 1345: 1343: 1342:Nguyễn Văn Vỹ 1340: 1337: 1334: 1333: 1327: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1308: 1304: 1275: 1269: 1239: 1234: 1228: 1197: 1166: 1135: 1104: 1102: 1098: 1094: 1090: 1086: 1081: 1077: 1072: 1071:10th Division 1068: 1064: 1060: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1044: 1038: 1034: 1031: 1025: 1023: 1017: 1013: 1003: 1001: 996: 994: 989: 986: 982: 978: 973: 968: 966: 961: 957: 953: 949: 944: 942: 937: 933: 928: 926: 921: 916: 914: 910: 906: 899: 895: 891: 881: 878: 874: 869: 864: 860: 855: 852: 848: 844: 843:Toan Thang 43 839: 837: 831: 829: 824: 818: 814: 812: 806: 804: 800: 796: 786: 784: 780: 775: 773: 772:Tay Ninh City 769: 764: 761: 759: 755: 750: 748: 747:May Offensive 744: 740: 735: 733: 729: 725: 721: 716: 713: 709: 704: 700: 695: 691: 686: 684: 680: 676: 675:Perfume River 672: 668: 664: 660: 656: 652: 651:Battle of Hue 647: 645: 641: 637: 633: 629: 625: 621: 617: 613: 612:Tet Offensive 609: 599: 597: 593: 592:22nd Division 589: 584: 582: 578: 573: 571: 567: 563: 559: 554: 552: 548: 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7th Airborne Assault Brigade

South Vietnam
South Vietnam
Army of the Republic of Vietnam
Airborne forces
Tan Son Nhut
First Indochina War
Vietnam War
Cambodian Civil War
Laotian Civil War
Đỗ Cao Trí
Nguyễn Văn Vỹ
Cao Văn Viên
Nguyễn Khánh
Dư Quốc Đống
Nguyễn Chánh Thi
Nguyễn Khoa Nam
Đoàn Văn Quảng
Lê Quang Lưỡng

Army of the Republic of Vietnam

5th Airborne Battalion

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.