
The Beast (Revelation)

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627: 1804:
convenient, there is no consensus. Given that numbers are used figuratively throughout the book of Revelation, idealists interpret this number figuratively as well. The common suggestion is that because seven is a number of completeness and is associated with the divine, that six is incomplete and the three sixes mean completely incomplete. Other scholars focus not on incompleteness but on the beast's ability to imitate perfection, that is, to appear authentic. Since the number six is one short of the perfect number seven, the beast's number bears "most of the hallmarks of truth, and so it can easily deceive".
78: 5078: 1030: 5090: 838:) whereas the beast of the sea is not described as being ridden, and is given "power and great authority." The seven heads represent both seven mountains and seven kings, and the ten horns are ten kings who have not yet received kingdoms. Of the seven kings, five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come. The beast itself is an eighth king who is of the seven and "was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition." 2026: 651: 25: 792:"Authority to act for forty-two months was given to him" (Rev 13:5). He received authority over "the saints" and over all people (Rev 13:7). The 11th horn of Daniel 7 will "wear down the saints of the Highest One ... and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time" (Dan 7:25). It has been argued that the 42 months are equal to the "time, times, and half a time." (3½ times = 3½ years = 42 months) 3629: 994:
saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
1199:"In my travels, which have been wider than ever man yet accomplished, I have seen man, many wild beasts of Arabia and India; but this beast, that is commonly called a Tyrant, I know not how many heads it has, nor if it be crooked of claw, and armed with horrible fangs. ...And of wild beasts you cannot say that they were ever known to eat their own mother, but Nero has gorged himself on this diet." 1654:", "Viceregent of the Son of God"; the numerical value of which title is just six hundred and sixty-six. The most plausible supposition we have ever seen on this point is that here we find the number in question. It is the number of the beast, the papacy; it is the number of his name, for he adopts it as his distinctive title; it is the number of a man, for he who bears it is the " 1776:, noting that in Daniel 7:17 that the beasts are revealed as kingdoms. Therefore, given that the beast of Revelation 13 is a composite of the beasts of Daniel, one should similarly interpret this beast as a kingdom, more specifically a composite of all kingdoms. Similarly, in some idealist circles, it is suggested that the beast represents different social injustices, such as 782:"They worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast" (Rev 13:4). "Worship" is perhaps the key word in Revelation 13. It appears many times. In Revelation 14, three angels warn the world to worship the Creator alone. The end-time may be understood as a crisis over who to worship. 827:), implying that these three are of the same species. Since there are also seven heads and ten horns among the four animals of Daniel 7, and since the animals of Daniel 7 exist until Christ's return, the seven heads and ten horns of the beasts in Revelation imply that they are related to the animals of Daniel 7. 789:"There was given to him — a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies... he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle" (Rev 13:5-6). The 11th horn of Daniel 7 similarly has "a mouth uttering great boasts." "He will speak out against the Most High." (Dan 7:20, 25) 1800:
all times of history. In his commentary, Michael Wilcock says "Religion, indeed is too narrow an identification of the second beast. He is, in modern parlance, the ideology – whether religious, philosophical, or political which 'gives breath to' any human social structure organized independently of God."
805:. He speaks like a dragon commanding the people of the Earth to make an image "to" the beast that was wounded by a sword (the Sea Beast). It is declared that anyone who does not worship the Sea Beast or its image would be killed. This lamb-horned beast from the earth also causes all people to receive the 3613:
The first beast comes up from the sea ... It is given 'all authority and power over every tribe, every people, every tongue, and every nation' (13:7). All who dwell on earth worship it. Political power could hardly, I think, be more expressly described, for it is this power which has authority, which
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. And I
Futurism interprets the beast from the sea to represent a revived Roman empire that will oppose Christians in the last days. Futurists would admit the symbolic ties to Rome and would interpret that the recovery from the fatal head wound would refer to a revival of this empire in the last days. It is
The Idealist interpretation of the beast from the earth is that it represents religious, cultural and economic powers within society which work to compel people to give their allegiance to the state or governmental powers. This was first expressed in the imperial cult of Rome but finds expression at
on the Book of Revelation. Some Idealist interpretations identify none of the book's symbols with particular historical events while some idealists like Beale take a more eclectic approach which see that the book portrays events throughout history while also predicting some future events such as the
is seen to be riding this beast, the beast is the seat of operation of the whore from where she is expressed, and by whom her dominion is exercised. This corresponds to Revelation 13 where the power exercised by this beast was completely that of the dragon. This brings to light the scriptural fact
And what this beast is, though it requires a more careful investigation, yet it is not inconsistent with the true faith to understand it of the ungodly city itself, and the community of unbelievers set in opposition to the faithful people and the city of God. For to this beast belong not only the
The Beast from the Earth is primarily described in Revelation chapter thirteen. This beast comes out of the earth whose overall appearance is not described, other than having "two horns like a lamb", and speaking "like a dragon". His purpose is to promote the authority of the Sea Beast with the
It rises out of the sea (Rev 13:1). The four animals of Daniel 7 also arise from the sea, explained as four kingdoms arising from the earth (Dan 7:3, 17). In Revelation, the "many waters" on which the harlot sits are explained as "peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues" (Rev 17:1, 15).
having the same features of the lion, bear and leopard. Thus the beast represents the kingdoms that will bear rule over the world from Adam until the second coming of Christ. While in the spirit, this beast is seen as a personality as in Revelation 19:20, in the physical he is represented at
The Idealist perspective on the number of the beast rejects gematria, envisioning the number not as a code to be broken, but a symbol to be understood. Because there are so many names that can come to 666 and that most systems require converting names to other languages or adding titles when
Those who dwell on the earth are deceived into making an image of the Sea Beast as a means to worship its authority. The false prophet breathes life into the "image of the beast", so that the image becomes alive and is able to speak. It also declares death to anyone who does not worship the
The Idealist interpretation in which the beast finds expression in the socio-cultural, economic and political arena of all human activities since the existence of man best describes the scriptural perspective of the beast. This position was annunciated by Chike Udolisa is his book. In this
1180:(or Chrestians) broke out: "And their death was aggravated with mockeries, insomuch that, wrapped in the hides of wild beasts, they were torn to pieces by dogs, or fastened to crosses to be set on fire, that when the darkness fell they might be burned to illuminate the night." 1513:, the "image to the beast" represents Protestant churches which will form an alliance with the papacy, and the "mark of the beast" refers to a future universal Sunday law. Adventists have interpreted the number of the beast, 666, as corresponding to a Latin title 1985:
which featured the Brussels-based supercomputer. This ad campaign consisted of make-believe newspapers containing "reports" on various aspects of the movie. Musser speculates that stories subsequently run in an unnamed Pennsylvania newspaper and a 1976 issue of
is required on everyone's forehead or right hand. (Rev 13:16-17). It speaks blasphemous words against God, will rule the world for 42 months (Revelation 13:5-7), and is described as resembling a leopard, a lion, and a bear, which are three of the animals in
1079:) who would have overseen the political and religious operations of the area from his capital in Ephesus or the High Priest of the provincial imperial cult. The imperial cult in Ephesus was set up by Domitian in AD 89. (Ephesus is the location of one of the 597:
In their fight against God, the Sea Beast and the False Prophet ally with the Dragon to persecute the "saints" and those who do not "worship the image of the beast " and influence earthly kings through three unclean spirits to gather for the battle of
Apart from giving authority to the Sea Beast, the Dragon does nothing in Revelation 13. All the work is done by the Sea Beast, the Earth Beast, and the Image of the Beast. So, the people worship the Beast directly but the Dragon only indirectly.
In this view, the beast from the sea is interpreted as the state or any human kingdom that is in opposition to God. This would include the Roman Empire but would broadly apply to all empires. Scholars take their cue from the parallels between
1886:, identify this beast not as the individual ruler but as the revived Roman empire, noting that the reference to Rome's seven hills and the connection to the beasts in Daniel seven indicate that the beast represents a kingdom. 779:"The whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast" (Rev 13:4). Similarly, in Revelation 17, when the beast comes out of the abyss, "those who dwell on the earth... will wonder when they see the beast" (Rev 13:8; 17:8). 1246:, to the surprise of the world, "the empire which for a long time had been unsettled and, as it were, drifting through the usurpation and violent death of three emperors, was at last taken in and given stability by the 1726:
The Historicist interpretation has fallen out of favor with modern commentaries on Revelation, partially because it has failed to form a consensus on how the outline of the book of Revelation corresponds with history.
perspective, the image of the four kingdoms that were to rule the world as shown to Nebuchadnezzar were equated to the four beasts revealed to Daniel, and to the seven-headed beast revealed to John. The records of
says that the beast would continue for 42 months. The Neronic persecution was instituted in AD 64 and lasted until his death in June AD 68, which is three and a half years, or 42 months. Nero was even called
594:, comes "out of the earth," exercises all the authority of the Sea Beast, forces everyone on earth to worship the Sea Beast, and convinces the people, through signs and wonders, to make an image of the Sea Beast. 1006:" and the rest are killed. In chapter twenty, after the dragon is freed from the abyss and deceives the nations, the dragon is thrown into the lake of fire, where the beast and the false prophet are and will be 1145:
and his name. Inscriptions have been found in Ephesus in which Nero is called "Almighty God" and "Savior". In verse 4, the beast is worshiped by the world alongside the dragon that gave it authority. Nero and
show this beast to represent the kings of the earth. Furthermore, the revelation in Daniel 7 of four beasts comprising a lion, bear and leopard also correlates with the seven-headed beast as shown to John in
of the Bible, especially the Books of Daniel and Revelation, by reference to events that had already happened. Preterist academic scholars generally identify the first beast from the sea with the
as actual historical events and identifies symbolic beings with historical persons or societies in the history of the church. This interpretation was favored by the Protestant reformers such as
5732: 760:
The beast "was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion" (Rev 13:2). These are the first three animals in Daniel 7, but in reverse order.
The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text – New International Greek Testament Commentary Series (1999), G. K. Beale Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, pp. 721–722.
Interpretation of the mark or number of the beast is similar to the idealist view suggesting that the number six refers to imperfection, falling short of the divine number seven.
960:'The Roman numeral for 666, DCLXVI, has exactly one occurrence of all symbols whose value is less than 1000 in decreasing order (D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1).' 1454: 1094:) and that Nero, is the sixth king "who is", who was possibly alive and the emperor reigning at the time John was writing the book. The five kings who have fallen are seen as 847:
authority of the Sea Beast. Those who are killed for not conforming to the authority of the Sea Beast are blessed through the "first resurrection" that allows them to rule in
that the governments of the nations are puppets in the hands of this beast, consistent with the truth that the whole world system is under the dragon, the god of this world.
5737: 2707: 1962:, 20th-century evangelicalism in America tended to regard labor unions as the mark of the beast, although evangelicals originally worked to eliminate class distinctions. 1723:, an Adventist scholar, has noted that Seventh-day Adventist teaching is moving away from historicism towards a more symbolic interpretation of the mark of the beast. 1839:
avowed enemies of the name of Christ and His most glorious city, but also the tares which are to be gathered out of His kingdom, the Church, in the end of the world.
1713:; and the government of the United States of America (this is the view of the Seventh-day Adventist Church). This interpretation was introduced by Adventist pioneer 1889:
Futurism interprets the beast from the earth, or false prophet, as the future head of the apostate church or as a future expression of false religion in general.
3240: 6178: 5622: 4530: 3869: 3826: 118: 3795: 2941: 859:
has no power over these individuals who were victorious over the beast by not being deceived, even though they lost their lives on Earth by his authority.
3660: 1150:"abandoned all reserve" in promoting emperor worship—they were the only two who demanded divine honors while still alive. Nero claimed to be the sun-god 2266: 766:"I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain" (Rev 13:3). Revelation 17 describes these heads as representing kings and also mountains on which the 672: 665: 4923: 2654: 2410: 820:
mentions another beast described as "a scarlet coloured beast", although it is most likely the same as the Sea Beast mentioned in Revelation 13.
492: 3542: 2225: 4821: 1207:: "If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if any one kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed." According to 610::18–20, while Satan, the dragon, is imprisoned in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. After being released from the bottomless pit after the 3740: 3164:
Christopher R. Smith, "Reclaiming the Social Justice Message of Revelation: Materialism, Imperialism and Divine Judgement in Revelation 18",
2441: 754:
The beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev 13:1), equal to the total number of heads and horns in Daniel 7, indicating some relationship.
5151: 3131: 1759: 5752: 2998: 2973: 3874: 747:
The description of the Sea Beast is found in Revelation chapters thirteen and seventeen. Chapter thirteen gives the fullest description.
2898: 2871: 5665: 3977: 2803: 2513: 1250:
family". This may be a reference to the mortal wound on one of the heads of the beast "inflicted by the sword" which was later healed (
5716: 1822:
different ages throughout the period of human existence as different kingdoms. The importance of this interpretation is that as the
6662: 6652: 5790: 4980: 4918: 715: 5757: 3653: 998:
The beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gather to prepare for war against them. The beast is taken, along with the
687: 2845: 2715: 2790: 1385:
The variant number 616 found in some manuscripts of the Greek text of Revelation may represent the alternative Hebrew spelling
2927:. Inspiration Books East, Incorporated:, U.S.A (1984), p. 559 Note: the book is originally published in 1888 under the title 4059: 3633: 3606: 3312: 3250: 3143: 3057: 3032: 2951: 2908: 2881: 2523: 2451: 2393: 2366: 2250: 5747: 694: 6642: 5833: 3997: 1955: 3073:
Beale, G. K., The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text – New International Greek Testament Commentary Series
6113: 6106: 4552: 3992: 3891: 2343: 2332: 2321: 2192: 2170: 2148: 2137: 1255: 1204: 1119: 1091: 835: 485: 254: 2214: 2203: 2181: 2159: 1690:), disagree with the above argument because, "although Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666, is not a title of the pope". 1251: 1157: 1138: 1087: 824: 5637: 5581: 4952: 3646: 5742: 701: 6586: 5848: 5653: 3972: 3488: 3461: 3434: 3391: 3370: 3349: 3256: 892: 734: 64: 5627: 5171: 5144: 4537: 4233: 1736: 145: 3451: 2477: 6637: 6248: 5526: 4584: 4081: 4054: 3685: 1067:. Sometimes there is a particular identification with a personage such as a chief administrator of Roman rule in 683: 347: 2683: 1127: 3942: 956:
In Roman Numerals, in use when the Book of Revelation was written, the mark of the beast in Revelation 17:9 is
478: 801:
ability to perform great signs, even making fire come down out of Heaven. This Earth Beast is also called the
6067: 4332: 4238: 3690: 2274: 2080: 999: 591: 1509:
The identification with the papacy is a viewpoint echoed by Seventh-day Adventist writers. According to the
to have any difficulty identifying the beast, since they could simply calculate the meaning of this number.
6484: 5843: 5783: 4985: 4382: 4282: 3181: 1510: 1480: 567:
However, many interpretations exist among diverse Christian beliefs regarding what these beasts represent.
approach, is an interpretation of the book of Revelation that sees the imagery of the book as non-literal
6647: 5889: 5818: 5460: 5137: 5116: 4865: 4064: 4014: 3478: 2485: 1809: 372: 614:, Satan deceives the nations one last time, ultimately ending in Satan being defeated and thrown in the 6433: 6351: 6346: 6213: 6073: 4525: 4377: 4352: 3762: 3575:""The Beast", a supercomputer in Belgium, is being used to track every human being on Earth – Fiction!" 2416: 1818: 1813: 1470: 113: 1395:
form "Nero Caesar". The variant probably existed to keep consistent the meaning of Nero as the beast.
6157: 6120: 5586: 4995: 4928: 4771: 4503: 4498: 4372: 4202: 4044: 3831: 3550: 2039: 1177: 925: 626: 312: 213: 3134:
Who rides the beast?: prophetic rivalry and the rhetoric of crisis in the churches of the apocalypse
2060: 6262: 5475: 5101: 4990: 4885: 4811: 4638: 4267: 3967: 3669: 2823:. Battle Creek, Michigan: Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association (1884), 4th edition, p. 224. 2107:
Charting the End Times: A Visual Guide to Understanding Bible Prophecy by Tim Lahaye and Thomas Ice
Heaven opens and a figure on a white horse appears, followed by "the armies which were in heaven".
943: 412: 392: 183: 708: 6525: 6387: 6148: 6059: 5999: 5949: 5776: 5617: 5596: 5450: 5096: 4665: 4520: 3816: 3424: 1849: 1502:
According to this interpretation, the beast and false prophet were most commonly identified with
661: 452: 242: 128: 874: 509: 46: 6127: 5566: 5111: 4945: 4892: 4786: 4454: 3812: 3225:
Christopher C. Rowland, "The Book of Revelation, Introduction, Commentary, and Reflections" in
3002: 2977: 1777: 1080: 5969: 5828: 3302: 1118:
is the one who "has not yet come, but when he does come, he must remain for a little while". (
964: 84:(the dragon; on the left) gives to the beast of the sea (on the right) power represented by a 6566: 6418: 5994: 5480: 5341: 4515: 4327: 3789: 3750: 3596: 2383: 2356: 1855: 1666:
also adopted this view. Uriah Smith maintained his interpretation in the various editions of
1476: 1260: 1045: 978: 575: 99: 3574: 2800: 2672:. Vol. 160, no. 639. Dallas, Texas: Dallas Theological Seminary. pp. 337–348. 6601: 6321: 6227: 6099: 6044: 6029: 5974: 5914: 5838: 5495: 4880: 4677: 4579: 4444: 4406: 4156: 3960: 3854: 3519: 3107: 1902: 929:, give the number of the beast as χιϛ or χιϲ (transliterable in Arabic numerals as "616") ( 269: 261: 2075: 957: 8: 6657: 6510: 6079: 6009: 5984: 5874: 5823: 5556: 5465: 5021: 4801: 4672: 4594: 4192: 4138: 4086: 4049: 4039: 3745: 2031: 1994: 1781: 1720: 1714: 1274: 1192: 1123: 1064: 868: 806: 579: 468: 402: 89: 77: 1211:, Nero was the first to assail the Christian sect with the imperial sword. He committed 856: 6530: 6331: 6206: 6171: 5954: 5934: 5869: 5417: 5371: 5160: 4724: 4719: 4697: 4682: 4574: 4362: 4342: 4292: 4255: 4245: 4096: 3933: 2668:
Wong, Daniel K. (July–September 2003). "The Beast from the sea in Revelation 13".
2648: 2054: 1859: 1831: 1687: 1514: 971: 888: 574::1–10, the beast of the sea rises "out of the sea" and is given authority and power by 523: 266: 6474: 6306: 6241: 6234: 6092: 5959: 5944: 5909: 4957: 4858: 4653: 4461: 4426: 4387: 4337: 4228: 4212: 3955: 3918: 3896: 3881: 3864: 3782: 3602: 3484: 3457: 3430: 3387: 3366: 3345: 3308: 3246: 3139: 3053: 3028: 2947: 2904: 2877: 2849: 2519: 2447: 2389: 2362: 2246: 1970: 1936: 1906: 1871: 1698: 938: 362: 188: 170: 133: 1642:
was the first to propose the interpretation to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In
1258:). D. K. Wong (2003) wrote that the "healing of the wound" alludes to the so-called 634: 6616: 6596: 6546: 6438: 6423: 6392: 6377: 6326: 6141: 5964: 5904: 5879: 5601: 5591: 5445: 5440: 5106: 5041: 4870: 4848: 4692: 4660: 4648: 4624: 4250: 4197: 4187: 4146: 4076: 4071: 3800: 3708: 2796: 1924: 1823: 1710: 1678: 831: 767: 447: 432: 249: 225: 220: 175: 3511: 3098: 1218:
After Nero's death in AD 68, Rome saw a quick succession of short-lived emperors (
6561: 6428: 6397: 6336: 6316: 6291: 6220: 6039: 6024: 5919: 5853: 5511: 4935: 4776: 4347: 4207: 4123: 4111: 4091: 3987: 3777: 3757: 3680: 3229:, ed. Leander E. Keck (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon, 1998), 12:501–743, at 659. 2807: 2498:
The consensus among 20th century scholars is that John wrote during the reign of
2006: 1793: 1247: 1183: 631:
The Revelation of St John: 12. The Sea Monster and the Beast with the Lamb's Horn
5077: 3614:
controls military force, and which compels adoration (i.e., absolute obedience).
3086:, Discipleship on the Edge: An Expository Journey Through the Book of Revelation 2750: 2312:, note on verse 13:18 of Revelation, p. 750: "the numeral 616 was also read ..." 1238:
eventually took control in AD 69. The Roman Empire destabilized so greatly that
6382: 6296: 5989: 5894: 5658: 5576: 5430: 4913: 4853: 4838: 4791: 4687: 4633: 4493: 4151: 4128: 4101: 4019: 4009: 3911: 3906: 3772: 3723: 2242: 2002: 1882:, though some refer to the beast as the Antichrist. Futurist scholars, such as 1867: 1863: 1789: 1298: 1277:, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six" 1131: 1130:) and Revelation was a warning about events that were "shortly" to take place ( 1049: 900: 763:"The dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority" (Rev 13:2). 578:. It persecutes God's people in the 2nd part of Revelation 13, and its name or 357: 208: 165: 40: 35: 3278: 6631: 6571: 6551: 6311: 6034: 6019: 6014: 5929: 5884: 5551: 5546: 5541: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5275: 5270: 5265: 5260: 5255: 5250: 5245: 5240: 5235: 5230: 5176: 5056: 4940: 4897: 4843: 4831: 4816: 4806: 4729: 4643: 4619: 4614: 4488: 4483: 4478: 4394: 3982: 3923: 3886: 3838: 3592: 2125: 1998: 1966: 1910: 1883: 1785: 1769: 1754: 1663: 1492: 1095: 1034: 852: 817: 802: 611: 607: 571: 560: 457: 442: 437: 417: 397: 382: 352: 342: 327: 289: 158: 3638: 6341: 6269: 6004: 5813: 5536: 5521: 5225: 5220: 5215: 5210: 5205: 5200: 5195: 5190: 5185: 5082: 5016: 4748: 4734: 4589: 4399: 4367: 4357: 4260: 4106: 4004: 3950: 3859: 3718: 2579: 2048: 1974: 1959: 1496: 1484: 1462: 1165: 1053: 1003: 977:
The mark of the beast is interpreted differently in the four main views of
615: 603: 377: 2298:, Nestle and Aland, 1991, footnote to verse 13:18 of Revelation, p. 659: " 1693:
The beast from the earth has also been interpreted as the Islamic prophet
The pope wears upon his pontifical crown in jeweled letters, this title: "
1264:("revival of Nero" myth). A rumour said that Nero had just disappeared to 1242:
reported: "Many believed the end of the empire was at hand". According to
This interpretation is based upon the angel's explanation of the beast in
1029: 1007: 823:
Just like the Dragon and the Sea Beast, it has seven heads and ten horns (
The beast in Revelation 17 also suffers a severe fatal wound to the head.
6606: 6556: 6494: 6372: 6255: 6185: 6164: 6134: 5979: 5939: 5924: 5711: 5571: 5561: 5061: 4604: 4599: 4436: 4421: 4297: 4272: 3901: 3821: 3728: 3713: 1927:
claimed that he was the Beast prophesied in Revelation and used the name
1639: 1488: 1458: 916: 602:. These two beasts are ultimately defeated by Christ and thrown into the 427: 422: 5356: 4743: 6520: 6464: 6199: 6049: 5899: 5706: 5701: 5696: 5691: 5686: 5681: 5531: 5306: 5011: 4826: 4796: 4781: 4569: 4557: 4317: 4179: 3805: 1879: 1673: 1655: 1302: 1208: 1072: 599: 549: 387: 332: 322: 317: 235: 2835:
XIV. 6–12, p. 109. 1877 reprint. Cited from Adventist Bible Commentary
6576: 6515: 6402: 6356: 5632: 5336: 5331: 5129: 4753: 4542: 4471: 4416: 4411: 4277: 4118: 4024: 3767: 2621: 1940: 1780:, wealth, the elite, commerce, materialism, and imperialism. Various 1243: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1076: 1041: 1024: 882: 517: 140: 6286: 2515:
A Second Look at the Second Coming: Sorting through the speculations
650: 6192: 5470: 5422: 5407: 5376: 5351: 5311: 5046: 5031: 4562: 4547: 4449: 4287: 3735: 2502:, around 95 A.D., but that some date it earlier. See Beale (1999). 2499: 2044: 1951: 1944: 1914: 1773: 1742: 1706: 1694: 1522: 1319: 1147: 1111: 1107: 1103: 1099: 848: 590:
In Revelation 13:11–18, the beast of the earth, later known as the
584: 367: 294: 3420: 1753:. This is a common viewpoint of modern Christian scholars such as 1525:
where only the letters which refer to Latin numerals are counted.
6581: 6479: 5799: 5506: 5485: 5435: 5326: 5316: 5026: 4875: 4712: 4702: 4510: 4322: 4034: 4029: 3301:
Hays, J. Daniel; Duvall, J. Scott; Pate, C. Marvin (2009-05-26).
2603: 2025: 1878:
usually understood that this revived empire will be ruled by the
1702: 1265: 1239: 1212: 1169: 1068: 407: 230: 85: 2446:. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 4, 240. 2237:
Stewart, Robert B.; Ehrman, Bart D.; Wallace, Daniel B. (2011).
6469: 5402: 5366: 5361: 5346: 5036: 4962: 3628: 3280:
CHURCH FATHERS: City of God, Book XX Chapter IX (St. Augustine)
2069: 1874:
and has become deeply rooted in American Evangelical churches.
1750: 1746: 1306: 1151: 1453: 1164:. Nero was the first of the imperial authorities to persecute 1141:, the beast was given a mouth speaking in blasphemies against 887:) is associated with the Beast in chapter 13, verse 18 of the 6591: 6459: 6301: 5427: 5412: 5397: 5392: 5321: 5168: 4707: 4466: 3023:
Pate, J.; Hays, Daniel; Duvall, J. Scott; Marvin, C. (2009).
2299: 2065: 1392: 1290: 1219: 1161: 1115: 948: 930: 538: 81: 3480:
Fighting for Social Justice: The life story of David Burgess
The manner of Nero's death corresponds with the prophecy of
speaks of the power given to the beast to make war with the
The seven heads of the beast are described in Revelation as
6489: 6454: 5455: 5051: 3483:(autobiography). Wayne State University Press. p. 77. 3075:(1999), Eerdmans Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, p. 48. 1973:. However, author Joe Musser attributes the origin of this 1518: 1503: 1223: 1173: 1057: 5768: 3176: 3174: 1063:
The beast from the earth is generally identified with the
Revelation 12-13 describes these three beasts as follows:
Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel
2273:. National Geographic Society. April 2005. Archived from 1918: 1142: 3543:"Does the 'Beast of Brussels' know everything about us?" 2900:
A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature
A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature
1939:), Greek for "The Great Beast", which adds up to 666 by 1322:, adding the corresponding values yields 666, as shown: 1122:). Moreover, Rome was known in antiquity as the city of 895:, the number of the beast is "six hundred sixty-six" or 3206:. Leicester, England: Inter Varsity Press. p. 127. 3171: 1709:, according to other medieval Christians, particularly 2546:
in "Chrestianos", Chrestians, was later changed to an
The book of Revelation: a commentary on the Greek text
1697:, according to some medieval Christians, particularly 1033:
A coin bearing the Greek name and image of Nero, with
Self-indication assumption doomsday argument rebuttal
takes a more Idealist interpretation when he writes:
522:) may refer to one of three beasts described in the 3796:
Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments
3418: 3050:
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Book of Revelation
3022: 2769: 2767: 2236: 2021: 3569: 3567: 3245:. Florida, United States: Xulon Press. p. 46. 1870:, and global context. This viewpoint is adopted by 1279:(Rev. 13:18). John did not expect that his readers 923:as of 2017), as well as other ancient sources like 88:in a detail of panel III.40 of the medieval French 3450:Crowley, Aleister (1923). Skinner, Stephan (ed.). 3180: 1521:. The number 666 is calculated by using a form of 1195:specifically states that Nero was called a beast: 891:. In most manuscripts of the New Testament and in 3509: 3449: 2846:"CHANGING THE SABBATH (This Rock: December 1993)" 2764: 2714:. Ancient Revelations. 2006-11-14. Archived from 919:(which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the 6629: 4924:List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction 3564: 3403: 1271:Finally, the readers of Revelation were told to 1090:, that the beast's seven heads are seven kings ( 3331:, Revised edition, Eerdmans Publishing, p. 673. 2777:, Revised edition, Eerdmans Publishing, p. 672. 2751:"The Antichrist and The Protestant Reformation" 2574: 2572: 1083:to whom the Book of Revelation was addressed.) 1075:. This is probably the provincial governor (or 4822:List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events 3537: 3535: 3300: 3188:. Exeter: Imprint Academic. pp. 123–126. 757:The beast has crowns on its horns (Rev 13:1). 5784: 5145: 3827:Existential risk from artificial intelligence 3668: 3654: 3601:. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans. pp. 71–74. 3304:Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times 3025:Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times 2943:Critical issues in American religious history 2538:In the earliest extant manuscript containing 2475: 2435: 2433: 2310:Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament 1495:, as well as other prominent figures such as 1475:Historicism is a method of interpretation in 830:The scarlet beast is shown being ridden by a 486: 3048:Campbell, Stan & Bell, James S. (2001). 3047: 2653:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2569: 2267:"Papyrus reveals new clues to ancient world" 2068:, the seven-headed sea serpent or dragon of 1990:magazine were mistakenly based on these ads. 1760:New International Greek Testament Commentary 1386: 1309: 984: 809:"in their right hand or in their forehead." 36:texts from within a religion or faith system 3875:Self-referencing doomsday argument rebuttal 3532: 2551: 834:who "reigns over the kings of the earth", ( 5791: 5777: 5152: 5138: 3978:Climate change and civilizational collapse 3661: 3647: 3088:, Regent College Publishing, 2004, p. 233. 3001:. Archived from 2976:. Archived from 2821:The United States in the Light of Prophecy 2430: 1981:and to an ad campaign promoting the movie 1644:The United States in the Light of Prophecy 493: 479: 5717:Crawford Aramaic New Testament manuscript 1866:as future events in a literal, physical, 776:"His fatal wound was healed" (Rev 13:3). 735:Learn how and when to remove this message 65:Learn how and when to remove this message 4981:Centre for the Study of Existential Risk 4919:Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction 3106:. Internet Archive. April 1987. p.  2946:. Baylor University Press. p. 220. 2939: 2785: 2783: 1506:in its political and religious aspects. 1452: 1028: 625: 76: 3476: 3453:The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley 3238: 3201: 3138:. Oxford University Press. p. 70. 2896: 2869: 2511: 2382:Garrow, Alan John Philip (4 Jan 2002). 1909:, who waged spiritual war against the " 1670:, which was influential in the church. 795: 6630: 5159: 3408:. Baha'i Publishing Trust. p. 71. 2791:Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary 2471: 2469: 2381: 1002:, and they are thrown alive into "the 671:Please improve this article by adding 559:(later revealed in the text to be the 5772: 5133: 3642: 3591: 3027:. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. 2780: 2708:"Oxyrhynchus Papyri P. Oxy. LVI 4499" 2620: 2552:Theißen, Gerd; Merz, Annette (2001). 2478:"The AntiChrist, a historical puzzle" 2439: 2408: 1958:as a "Sign of the Beast". Outside of 1668:Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation 841: 640: 621: 5834:Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn 3998:Tipping points in the climate system 3276: 3129: 2667: 2566:, Christians, is therefore doubtful. 2388:. Taylor & Francis. p. 86. 2354: 2239:The reliability of the New Testament 1956:Congress of Industrial Organizations 1895: 862: 812: 644: 18: 3993:Extinction risk from climate change 3892:New World Order (conspiracy theory) 2903:. W.B. Eerdmans. pp. 211–212. 2602: 2554:Der historische Jesus: ein Lehrbuch 2466: 1387: 1310: 939:critical editions of the Greek text 16:Character in the Book of Revelation 13: 4953:List of fictional doomsday devices 2974:"ENDTIME ISSUES NEWSLETTER No 145" 2737:The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers 2638: 1013: 537:(later revealed in the text to be 14: 6674: 6587:Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn 5849:Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn 3973:Cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis 3622: 3130:Duff, Paul Brooks (31 May 2001). 3052:. Alpha Books. pp. 212–213. 2426:– via 2061:Events of Revelation (Chapter 13) 893:English translations of the Bible 5089: 5088: 5076: 4234:Decline in amphibian populations 3627: 3510:Bebbington, David (April 1987). 3384:, The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3363:, The Revelation of Jesus Christ 2748: 2558:The Historical Jesus: A textbook 2542:15:44, the second Medicean, the 2361:. Liturgical Press. p. 61. 2024: 1954:, some ministers identified the 1858:that interprets portions of the 1737:Idealism (Christian eschatology) 1314:(Nrwn Qsr). When using standard 1010:day and night forever and ever. 649: 23: 6663:Seven in the Book of Revelation 6653:New Testament words and phrases 6249:The Stratagem and other Stories 5527:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 4585:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 4082:Land surface effects on climate 4055:Human impact on the environment 3686:Future of an expanding universe 3585: 3503: 3470: 3443: 3412: 3397: 3376: 3355: 3334: 3329:A Theology of the new Testament 3321: 3294: 3270: 3232: 3219: 3210: 3195: 3158: 3123: 3091: 3078: 3066: 3041: 3016: 2999:"ENDTIME ISSUES NEWSLETTER 146" 2991: 2966: 2933: 2917: 2890: 2863: 2838: 2826: 2813: 2775:A Theology of the New Testament 2742: 2729: 2700: 2676: 2661: 2632: 2614: 2596: 2532: 2505: 2492: 2402: 2375: 2348: 2337: 2326: 2315: 2289: 2259: 2230: 2219: 2208: 2197: 2186: 1965:Some identify the Beast with a 1905:identifies the Beast to be the 1682:and additional Catholic source 1465:of the New Testament from 1522. 348:Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 3342:The Revelation of Jesus Christ 2876:. W.B. Eerdmans. p. 211. 2833:The Three Angels of Revelation 2639:Gentry, Kenneth L. Jr., Th.D. 2560:] (in German). p. 89. 2518:. Conciliar Press Ministries. 2175: 2164: 2153: 2142: 2131: 2119: 2110: 2101: 2092: 1935:, sometimes shortened to just 1448: 1268:, and would one day reappear. 1: 6068:Aleister Crowley bibliography 4531:Interpretations of Revelation 4333:Cosmological phase transition 4239:Decline in insect populations 3691:Ultimate fate of the universe 3528:– via Internet Archive. 3512:"God made them high or lowly" 3419:Carroll, Robert Todd (2003). 3182:Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre 2081:The horse in Nordic mythology 1856:Christian eschatological view 1046:Christian eschatological view 673:secondary or tertiary sources 548:(commonly interpreted as the 43:that critically analyze them. 5844:Society Ordo Templi Orientis 4986:Future of Humanity Institute 4383:Potentially hazardous object 4283:Interplanetary contamination 2940:Mathisen, Robert R. (2006). 2897:Jeffrey, David Lyle (1992). 2870:Jeffrey, David Lyle (1992). 2308:; for English see Metzger's 1917:, the founder of Islam, and 1741:Idealism, also known as the 1686:, a Catholic newspaper (see 1511:Seventh-day Adventist Church 1305:finds), transliterated into 1056:, particularly with Emperor 1018: 883: 518: 7: 6643:Bible-related controversies 5819:Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica 5798: 4866:Nemesis (hypothetical star) 4015:Global terrestrial stilling 3386:, Moody Publishers (1966), 3365:, Moody Publishers (1966), 3344:, Moody Publishers (1966), 3227:The New Interpreter's Bible 2806:September 27, 2007, at the 2486:Public Broadcasting Service 2409:Clark, David Scott (1921). 2355:Cory, Catherine A. (2006). 2047:, a beast mentioned in the 2017: 1843: 1730: 684:"The Beast" Revelation 92:, produced between 1377-82. 10: 6679: 6214:Little Essays Toward Truth 4378:Asteroid impact prediction 4353:Heat death of the universe 3763:Mutual assured destruction 3477:Burgess, David S. (2000). 3456:. Samuel Weiser. Tunisia. 3103:magazine, April 1987, p.23 2300: 1847: 1734: 1471:Historicism (Christianity) 1468: 1291: 1022: 949: 931: 878: 866: 513: 6539: 6503: 6447: 6411: 6365: 6279: 6158:The Holy Books of Thelema 6121:The Diary of a Drug Fiend 6058: 5862: 5806: 5753:American Standard Version 5725: 5674: 5646: 5610: 5494: 5385: 5299: 5167: 5070: 5004: 4996:Nuclear Threat Initiative 4973: 4929:List of apocalyptic films 4906: 4772:2011 end times prediction 4764: 4504:Prophecy of Seventy Weeks 4499:Abomination of desolation 4435: 4373:Asteroid impact avoidance 4310: 4221: 4203:List of extinction events 4178: 4171: 4137: 4045:Environmental degradation 3941: 3932: 3847: 3832:Technological singularity 3701: 3676: 3670:Global catastrophic risks 3549:. Servers. Archived from 3277:of Hippo, St. Augustine. 3204:The Message of Revelation 3202:Wilcock, Michael (1975). 2801:28:196, November 20, 1866 2040:Abomination of desolation 1301:rendering, documented by 1178:persecution of Christians 985:Fate of the False Prophet 926:Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus 873:The number of the beast ( 313:Abomination of desolation 6263:The Vision and the Voice 4991:Future of Life Institute 4893:Resurrection of the dead 4886:Post-tribulation rapture 4268:Colony collapse disorder 3598:Anarchy and Christianity 3426:The Skeptic's Dictionary 2686:. Encyclopaedia Romana. 2684:"Nero as the Antichrist" 2296:Novum Testamentum Graece 2086: 1215:by the sword at age 30. 965:representing seven hills 944:Novum Testamentum Graece 413:Resurrection of the dead 184:Post-tribulation rapture 6388:Eroto-comatose lucidity 6149:The Equinox of the Gods 5950:Charles Stansfeld Jones 5597:Woman of the Apocalypse 3817:Artificial intelligence 3406:Some Answered Questions 3239:Udolisa, Chike (2013). 2580:"The Mark of the Beast" 2512:Frazier, T. L. (1999). 1850:Futurism (Christianity) 1778:exploitation of workers 1391:(Nrw Qsr) based on the 1281:"who had understanding" 853:one thousand-year reign 453:Woman of the Apocalypse 6638:The Beast (Revelation) 6128:Eight Lectures on Yoga 5587:Three Angels' Messages 5567:Seven churches of Asia 4946:List of disaster films 4787:Apocalyptic literature 3887:Malthusian catastrophe 3813:Synthetic intelligence 2358:The Book of Revelation 2001:, have identified the 1841: 1788:, have associated the 1660: 1466: 1081:Seven Churches in Asia 1038: 996: 851:as priests during the 660:relies excessively on 637: 557:The beast of the earth 93: 5758:World English Version 5532:Four Living Creatures 4328:Coronal mass ejection 3790:Electromagnetic pulse 3751:Kinetic energy weapon 3636:at Wikimedia Commons 3242:The Great Tribulation 2929:The Great Controversy 2753:. 2440:Beale, G. K. (1999). 2412:The Message of Patmos 1836: 1648: 1477:Christian eschatology 1456: 1261:Nero Redivivus legend 1172:records the scene in 1032: 991: 979:Christian eschatology 629: 100:Christian eschatology 80: 39:without referring to 6602:Magical organization 6228:Magick Without Tears 6100:Clouds without Water 6030:Wilfred Talbot Smith 5975:Grady Louis McMurtry 5915:Jeanne Robert Foster 5839:Ordo Templi Orientis 4730:War of Gog and Magog 4407:Near-Earth supernova 4157:Human overpopulation 3961:Mass mortality event 3855:Anthropogenic hazard 3634:Beasts of Revelation 3327:Ladd, George Eldon, 2925:Will America Survive 2773:Ladd, George Eldon. 2009:as the beast in the 1995:Christian anarchists 1979:Behold, a Pale Horse 1943:, the Greek form of 1913:," understood to be 1782:Christian anarchists 1463:Luther's translation 972:built on seven hills 884:Arithmós toû thēríou 796:Beast from the Earth 546:The beast of the sea 262:Johannine literature 47:improve this article 6511:Number of the beast 6412:Ceremony and ritual 6332:Holy Guardian Angel 6081:The Book of the Law 6010:Helen Parsons Smith 5985:Marcelo Ramos Motta 5824:Fraternitas Saturni 5557:Number of the Beast 4802:Blood moon prophecy 4595:Number of the Beast 4193:Holocene extinction 4139:Earth Overshoot Day 4087:Ocean acidification 4050:Habitat destruction 4040:Ecological collapse 3746:Kinetic bombardment 3681:Future of the Earth 3084:Johnson, Darrell W. 2718:on 14 November 2006 2476:White, L. Michael. 2333:Revelation 19:19–21 2322:Revelation 19:11–18 2241:. Minneapolis, MN: 2193:Revelation 13:14–15 2171:Revelation 13:11–16 2032:Christianity portal 1721:Samuele Bacchiocchi 1715:John Nevins Andrews 1481:biblical prophecies 1275:number of the beast 1193:Apollonius of Tyana 1065:Roman imperial cult 1037:symbolizing the sun 869:Number of the beast 469:Christianity portal 403:Number of the Beast 119:Interpretations of 108:Contrasting beliefs 90:Apocalypse Tapestry 6648:Book of Revelation 6531:Unicursal hexagram 6347:Stele of Revealing 6280:Concepts and ideas 6207:Liber Trigrammaton 6172:The Law is for All 6085:Liber AL vel Legis 5955:George Cecil Jones 5935:Lady Frieda Harris 5870:List of Thelemites 5748:King James Version 5161:Book of Revelation 5117:Doomsday scenarios 4683:Beast of the Earth 4575:Book of Revelation 4363:Virtual black hole 4343:False vacuum decay 4293:Pollinator decline 4256:Biological warfare 4246:Biotechnology risk 4097:Resource depletion 3516:Third Way Magazine 3421:"Aleister Crowley" 2739:, Vol. 2., p. 121. 2482:'Frontline' online 2277:on 10 January 2008 2245:. pp. 40–41. 2182:Revelation 17:7–18 2011:Book of Revelation 1977:to his 1970 novel 1860:Book of Revelation 1832:Augustine of Hippo 1764:return of Christ. 1688:Vicarius Filii Dei 1684:Our Sunday Visitor 1662:Adventist scholar 1652:Vicarius Filii Dei 1515:Vicarius Filii Dei 1467: 1039: 911:represents 60 and 889:Book of Revelation 879:Ἀριθμὸς τοῦ θηρίου 842:Image of the Beast 641:Beast from the Sea 638: 622:Book of Revelation 524:Book of Revelation 94: 6625: 6624: 6567:Book of Abramelin 6307:Astral projection 6242:One Star in Sight 6093:The Book of Thoth 5960:Richard Kaczynski 5945:Christopher Hyatt 5910:Lon Milo DuQuette 5875:Ankh-af-na-khonsu 5766: 5765: 5127: 5126: 4958:Zombie apocalypse 4859:Postmillennialism 4654:Great Tribulation 4427:Stellar collision 4388:Near-Earth object 4338:Geomagnetic storm 4306: 4305: 4229:Biodiversity loss 4213:Genetic pollution 4167: 4166: 3956:Biodiversity loss 3919:Societal collapse 3897:Nuclear holocaust 3882:Economic collapse 3865:Doomsday argument 3783:Antimatter weapon 3632:Media related to 3608:978-0-8028-0495-2 3314:978-0-310-57104-9 3252:978-1-62839-112-1 3145:978-0-19-803163-5 3059:978-0-02-864238-3 3034:978-0-310-57104-9 2953:978-1-932792-39-3 2910:978-0-8028-3634-2 2883:978-0-8028-3634-2 2797:Review and Herald 2670:Bibliotheca Sacra 2525:978-1-888212-14-3 2453:978-0-8028-2174-4 2395:978-0-203-13308-8 2368:978-0-8146-2885-0 2252:978-0-8006-9773-0 2215:Revelation 20:4–6 2204:Revelation 15:1–4 2057:in Islamic belief 1971:Brussels, Belgium 1907:Umayyad Caliphate 1896:Alternative views 1872:Dispensationalism 1810:Revelation 17:2–3 1699:Pope Innocent III 1636: 1635: 1479:which interprets 1446: 1445: 1383: 1382: 1139:Revelation 13:5–8 863:Mark of the Beast 849:Christ's presence 813:The Scarlet Beast 807:mark of the beast 745: 744: 737: 719: 503: 502: 363:Great Tribulation 189:Dispensationalism 171:Postmillennialism 134:Dispensationalism 75: 74: 67: 41:secondary sources 6670: 6617:Whore of Babylon 6597:Magical alphabet 6547:Abbey of Thelema 6439:Rites of Eleusis 6424:Pentagram Ritual 6378:Ceremonial magic 6327:Hermetic Qabalah 6142:The Blue Equinox 6074:The Book of Lies 5965:Rose Edith Kelly 5905:Marjorie Cameron 5880:Aleister Crowley 5793: 5786: 5779: 5770: 5769: 5743:Wycliffe Version 5666:Textual variants 5592:Whore of Babylon 5507:Abaddon/Apollyon 5154: 5147: 5140: 5131: 5130: 5092: 5091: 5083:World portal 5081: 5080: 5042:Financial crisis 4871:Nibiru cataclysm 4849:Premillennialism 4693:Dhul-Suwayqatayn 4661:Son of perdition 4649:Olivet Discourse 4625:Whore of Babylon 4251:Biological agent 4198:Human extinction 4188:Extinction event 4176: 4175: 4147:Overexploitation 4077:Land consumption 4072:Land degradation 3939: 3938: 3801:Micro black hole 3709:Chemical warfare 3663: 3656: 3649: 3640: 3639: 3631: 3617: 3616: 3589: 3583: 3582: 3579:Truth or Fiction 3571: 3562: 3561: 3559: 3558: 3539: 3530: 3529: 3527: 3526: 3507: 3501: 3500: 3498: 3497: 3474: 3468: 3467: 3447: 3441: 3440: 3416: 3410: 3409: 3401: 3395: 3380: 3374: 3359: 3353: 3340:Walvoord, John, 3338: 3332: 3325: 3319: 3318: 3298: 3292: 3291: 3289: 3287: 3274: 3268: 3267: 3265: 3264: 3255:. Archived from 3236: 3230: 3223: 3217: 3214: 3208: 3207: 3199: 3193: 3192: 3178: 3169: 3168:7 (1990): 28–33. 3162: 3156: 3155: 3153: 3152: 3127: 3121: 3120: 3115: 3114: 3095: 3089: 3082: 3076: 3070: 3064: 3063: 3045: 3039: 3038: 3020: 3014: 3013: 3011: 3010: 2995: 2989: 2988: 2986: 2985: 2970: 2964: 2963: 2961: 2960: 2937: 2931: 2921: 2915: 2914: 2894: 2888: 2887: 2867: 2861: 2860: 2858: 2857: 2848:. Archived from 2842: 2836: 2830: 2824: 2817: 2811: 2787: 2778: 2771: 2762: 2761: 2759: 2758: 2746: 2740: 2733: 2727: 2726: 2724: 2723: 2704: 2698: 2697: 2695: 2694: 2680: 2674: 2673: 2665: 2659: 2658: 2652: 2644: 2636: 2630: 2629: 2618: 2612: 2611: 2600: 2594: 2593: 2591: 2590: 2576: 2567: 2561: 2549: 2545: 2536: 2530: 2529: 2509: 2503: 2496: 2490: 2489: 2473: 2464: 2463: 2461: 2460: 2437: 2428: 2427: 2425: 2424: 2415:. Archived from 2406: 2400: 2399: 2379: 2373: 2372: 2352: 2346: 2344:Revelation 20:10 2341: 2335: 2330: 2324: 2319: 2313: 2303: 2302: 2293: 2287: 2286: 2284: 2282: 2263: 2257: 2256: 2234: 2228: 2226:Revelation 13:18 2223: 2217: 2212: 2206: 2201: 2195: 2190: 2184: 2179: 2173: 2168: 2162: 2157: 2151: 2149:Revelation 19:20 2146: 2140: 2138:Revelation 13:11 2135: 2129: 2123: 2117: 2116:Revelation 19:20 2114: 2108: 2105: 2099: 2096: 2034: 2029: 2028: 1930: 1925:Aleister Crowley 1824:Whore of Babylon 1711:Joachim of Fiore 1679:Catholic Answers 1528: 1527: 1398: 1397: 1390: 1389: 1353: 1352: 1325: 1324: 1316:mispar hechrechi 1313: 1312: 1296: 1295: 1294: 1293: 1230:) and a year of 1205:Revelation 13:10 1120:Revelation 17:10 1092:Revelation 17:10 1048:that interprets 952: 951: 936: 935: 934: 914: 910: 907:represents 600, 906: 898: 886: 880: 836:Revelation 17:18 740: 733: 729: 726: 720: 718: 677: 653: 645: 612:millennial reign 521: 515: 495: 488: 481: 448:Whore of Babylon 433:Son of perdition 250:Pauline Epistles 226:Olivet Discourse 221:Synoptic Gospels 180:Prewrath rapture 176:Premillennialism 96: 95: 70: 63: 59: 56: 50: 27: 26: 19: 6678: 6677: 6673: 6672: 6671: 6669: 6668: 6667: 6628: 6627: 6626: 6621: 6562:Boleskine House 6535: 6499: 6443: 6429:Bornless Ritual 6407: 6398:Obeah and wanga 6361: 6337:Magical formula 6317:English Qaballa 6275: 6221:Magick (Book 4) 6107:Collected Works 6054: 6040:James Wasserman 6025:Phyllis Seckler 5920:J. F. C. Fuller 5858: 5854:Typhonian Order 5802: 5797: 5767: 5762: 5721: 5670: 5642: 5606: 5512:Alpha and Omega 5499: 5490: 5381: 5295: 5174: 5163: 5158: 5128: 5123: 5102:Future problems 5075: 5066: 5000: 4969: 4936:Climate fiction 4902: 4777:2012 phenomenon 4760: 4666:Sheep and Goats 4553:2 Thessalonians 4431: 4348:Gamma-ray burst 4302: 4217: 4208:Genetic erosion 4163: 4133: 4124:Water pollution 4092:Ozone depletion 3988:Desertification 3928: 3843: 3778:Doomsday device 3758:Nuclear warfare 3697: 3672: 3667: 3625: 3620: 3609: 3590: 3586: 3573: 3572: 3565: 3556: 3554: 3541: 3540: 3533: 3524: 3522: 3508: 3504: 3495: 3493: 3491: 3475: 3471: 3464: 3448: 3444: 3437: 3417: 3413: 3402: 3398: 3381: 3377: 3360: 3356: 3339: 3335: 3326: 3322: 3315: 3299: 3295: 3285: 3283: 3275: 3271: 3262: 3260: 3253: 3237: 3233: 3224: 3220: 3215: 3211: 3200: 3196: 3179: 3172: 3163: 3159: 3150: 3148: 3146: 3128: 3124: 3112: 3110: 3097: 3096: 3092: 3083: 3079: 3071: 3067: 3060: 3046: 3042: 3035: 3021: 3017: 3008: 3006: 2997: 2996: 2992: 2983: 2981: 2972: 2971: 2967: 2958: 2956: 2954: 2938: 2934: 2922: 2918: 2911: 2895: 2891: 2884: 2868: 2864: 2855: 2853: 2844: 2843: 2839: 2831: 2827: 2818: 2814: 2808:Wayback Machine 2788: 2781: 2772: 2765: 2756: 2754: 2747: 2743: 2734: 2730: 2721: 2719: 2706: 2705: 2701: 2692: 2690: 2682: 2681: 2677: 2666: 2662: 2646: 2645: 2641:Apocalypse Then 2637: 2633: 2619: 2615: 2601: 2597: 2588: 2586: 2578: 2577: 2570: 2547: 2543: 2537: 2533: 2526: 2510: 2506: 2497: 2493: 2474: 2467: 2458: 2456: 2454: 2438: 2431: 2422: 2420: 2407: 2403: 2396: 2380: 2376: 2369: 2353: 2349: 2342: 2338: 2331: 2327: 2320: 2316: 2294: 2290: 2280: 2278: 2265: 2264: 2260: 2253: 2235: 2231: 2224: 2220: 2213: 2209: 2202: 2198: 2191: 2187: 2180: 2176: 2169: 2165: 2160:Revelation 20:4 2158: 2154: 2147: 2143: 2136: 2132: 2124: 2120: 2115: 2111: 2106: 2102: 2098:Revelation 12:9 2097: 2093: 2089: 2051:(Old Testament) 2030: 2023: 2020: 2007:political power 1933:To Méga Thēríon 1928: 1898: 1852: 1846: 1819:Revelation 13:2 1814:Revelation 13:1 1794:political power 1739: 1733: 1473: 1451: 1350: 1349: 1289: 1288: 1273:"calculate the 1252:Revelation 13:3 1184:Revelation 13:5 1158:Revelation 13:7 1128:Revelation 17:9 1088:Revelation 17:7 1027: 1021: 1016: 1014:Interpretations 987: 958:rendered DCLXVI 932: 915:represents 6). 912: 908: 904: 896: 871: 865: 844: 825:Revelation 17:3 815: 798: 741: 730: 724: 721: 678: 676: 670: 666:primary sources 654: 643: 633:. A woodcut by 624: 499: 463: 462: 308: 300: 299: 285: 277: 276: 255:2 Thessalonians 243:Sheep and Goats 204: 196: 195: 161: 151: 150: 109: 71: 60: 54: 51: 44: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 6676: 6666: 6665: 6660: 6655: 6650: 6645: 6640: 6623: 6622: 6620: 6619: 6614: 6609: 6604: 6599: 6594: 6589: 6584: 6579: 6574: 6569: 6564: 6559: 6554: 6549: 6543: 6541: 6540:Related topics 6537: 6536: 6534: 6533: 6528: 6523: 6518: 6513: 6507: 6505: 6501: 6500: 6498: 6497: 6492: 6487: 6482: 6477: 6472: 6467: 6462: 6457: 6451: 6449: 6445: 6444: 6442: 6441: 6436: 6431: 6426: 6421: 6415: 6413: 6409: 6408: 6406: 6405: 6400: 6395: 6390: 6385: 6383:Enochian magic 6380: 6375: 6369: 6367: 6363: 6362: 6360: 6359: 6354: 6352:Stellar wisdom 6349: 6344: 6339: 6334: 6329: 6324: 6319: 6314: 6309: 6304: 6299: 6294: 6289: 6283: 6281: 6277: 6276: 6274: 6273: 6266: 6259: 6252: 6245: 6238: 6231: 6224: 6217: 6210: 6203: 6196: 6189: 6182: 6175: 6168: 6161: 6154: 6153: 6152: 6145: 6131: 6124: 6117: 6110: 6103: 6096: 6089: 6077: 6070: 6064: 6062: 6060:Thelemic texts 6056: 6055: 6053: 6052: 6047: 6042: 6037: 6032: 6027: 6022: 6017: 6012: 6007: 6002: 5997: 5995:Victor Neuburg 5992: 5990:Nema Andahadna 5987: 5982: 5977: 5972: 5967: 5962: 5957: 5952: 5947: 5942: 5937: 5932: 5927: 5922: 5917: 5912: 5907: 5902: 5897: 5895:William Breeze 5892: 5887: 5882: 5877: 5872: 5866: 5864: 5860: 5859: 5857: 5856: 5851: 5846: 5841: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5821: 5816: 5810: 5808: 5804: 5803: 5796: 5795: 5788: 5781: 5773: 5764: 5763: 5761: 5760: 5755: 5750: 5745: 5740: 5735: 5729: 5727: 5723: 5722: 5720: 5719: 5714: 5709: 5704: 5699: 5694: 5689: 5684: 5678: 5676: 5672: 5671: 5669: 5668: 5663: 5662: 5661: 5659:John of Patmos 5650: 5648: 5644: 5643: 5641: 5640: 5635: 5630: 5625: 5620: 5614: 5612: 5611:Interpretation 5608: 5607: 5605: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5589: 5584: 5579: 5577:Seven trumpets 5574: 5569: 5564: 5559: 5554: 5549: 5544: 5539: 5534: 5529: 5524: 5519: 5514: 5509: 5503: 5501: 5500:Terms/ Phrases 5492: 5491: 5489: 5488: 5483: 5478: 5473: 5468: 5463: 5458: 5453: 5448: 5443: 5438: 5433: 5425: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5405: 5400: 5395: 5389: 5387: 5383: 5382: 5380: 5379: 5374: 5369: 5364: 5359: 5354: 5349: 5344: 5339: 5334: 5329: 5324: 5319: 5314: 5309: 5303: 5301: 5297: 5296: 5294: 5293: 5288: 5283: 5278: 5273: 5268: 5263: 5258: 5253: 5248: 5243: 5238: 5233: 5228: 5223: 5218: 5213: 5208: 5203: 5198: 5193: 5188: 5182: 5180: 5165: 5164: 5157: 5156: 5149: 5142: 5134: 5125: 5124: 5122: 5121: 5120: 5119: 5114: 5109: 5104: 5099: 5097:Apocalypticism 5086: 5071: 5068: 5067: 5065: 5064: 5059: 5054: 5049: 5044: 5039: 5034: 5029: 5024: 5019: 5014: 5008: 5006: 5002: 5001: 4999: 4998: 4993: 4988: 4983: 4977: 4975: 4971: 4970: 4968: 4967: 4966: 4965: 4955: 4950: 4949: 4948: 4941:Disaster films 4938: 4933: 4932: 4931: 4926: 4916: 4914:Alien invasion 4910: 4908: 4904: 4903: 4901: 4900: 4895: 4890: 4889: 4888: 4883: 4873: 4868: 4863: 4862: 4861: 4856: 4854:Amillennialism 4851: 4841: 4839:Millenarianism 4836: 4835: 4834: 4824: 4819: 4814: 4809: 4804: 4799: 4794: 4792:Apocalypticism 4789: 4784: 4779: 4774: 4768: 4766: 4762: 4761: 4759: 4758: 4757: 4756: 4746: 4741: 4740: 4739: 4738: 4737: 4732: 4727: 4717: 4716: 4715: 4710: 4705: 4700: 4695: 4690: 4688:Dhu al-Qarnayn 4685: 4680: 4670: 4669: 4668: 4663: 4658: 4657: 4656: 4646: 4641: 4636: 4634:Great Apostasy 4631: 4630: 4629: 4628: 4627: 4622: 4617: 4612: 4607: 4602: 4597: 4592: 4587: 4572: 4567: 4566: 4565: 4560: 4550: 4545: 4540: 4535: 4534: 4533: 4523: 4513: 4508: 4507: 4506: 4501: 4491: 4481: 4479:Last Judgement 4476: 4475: 4474: 4469: 4459: 4458: 4457: 4452: 4441: 4439: 4437:Eschatological 4433: 4432: 4430: 4429: 4424: 4419: 4414: 4409: 4404: 4403: 4402: 4397: 4392: 4391: 4390: 4380: 4375: 4365: 4360: 4355: 4350: 4345: 4340: 4335: 4330: 4325: 4320: 4314: 4312: 4308: 4307: 4304: 4303: 4301: 4300: 4295: 4290: 4285: 4280: 4275: 4270: 4265: 4264: 4263: 4258: 4253: 4243: 4242: 4241: 4236: 4225: 4223: 4219: 4218: 4216: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4200: 4195: 4190: 4184: 4182: 4173: 4169: 4168: 4165: 4164: 4162: 4161: 4160: 4159: 4152:Overpopulation 4149: 4143: 4141: 4135: 4134: 4132: 4131: 4129:Water scarcity 4126: 4121: 4116: 4115: 4114: 4104: 4102:Sea level rise 4099: 4094: 4089: 4084: 4079: 4074: 4069: 4068: 4067: 4065:on marine life 4062: 4052: 4047: 4042: 4037: 4032: 4027: 4022: 4020:Global warming 4017: 4012: 4010:Global dimming 4007: 4002: 4001: 4000: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3970: 3968:Cascade effect 3965: 3964: 3963: 3953: 3947: 3945: 3943:Climate change 3936: 3930: 3929: 3927: 3926: 3921: 3916: 3915: 3914: 3909: 3904: 3894: 3889: 3884: 3879: 3878: 3877: 3872: 3862: 3857: 3851: 3849: 3845: 3844: 3842: 3841: 3836: 3835: 3834: 3829: 3824: 3810: 3809: 3808: 3803: 3793: 3787: 3786: 3785: 3780: 3775: 3773:Doomsday Clock 3770: 3765: 3755: 3754: 3753: 3743: 3738: 3733: 3732: 3731: 3726: 3724:Cyberterrorism 3721: 3711: 3705: 3703: 3699: 3698: 3696: 3695: 3694: 3693: 3683: 3677: 3674: 3673: 3666: 3665: 3658: 3651: 3643: 3624: 3623:External links 3621: 3619: 3618: 3607: 3593:Ellul, Jacques 3584: 3563: 3531: 3502: 3489: 3469: 3462: 3442: 3435: 3411: 3404:'Abdu'l‑Bahá. 3396: 3382:Walvoord, John 3375: 3361:Walvoord, John 3354: 3352:. pp. 197–198. 3333: 3320: 3313: 3293: 3269: 3251: 3231: 3218: 3209: 3194: 3170: 3166:Transformation 3157: 3144: 3122: 3090: 3077: 3065: 3058: 3040: 3033: 3015: 2990: 2965: 2952: 2932: 2916: 2909: 2889: 2882: 2862: 2837: 2825: 2812: 2794:, p. 223. See 2779: 2763: 2749:Best, Austin. 2741: 2735:Froom, LeRoy. 2728: 2710:. Papyrology. 2699: 2675: 2660: 2631: 2613: 2595: 2568: 2531: 2524: 2504: 2491: 2465: 2452: 2429: 2401: 2394: 2374: 2367: 2347: 2336: 2325: 2314: 2304:" as found in 2288: 2258: 2251: 2243:Fortress Press 2229: 2218: 2207: 2196: 2185: 2174: 2163: 2152: 2141: 2130: 2118: 2109: 2100: 2090: 2088: 2085: 2084: 2083: 2078: 2073: 2063: 2058: 2052: 2042: 2036: 2035: 2019: 2016: 2015: 2014: 1991: 1988:Christian Life 1963: 1960:black churches 1948: 1929:Τὸ Μέγα Θηρίον 1922: 1897: 1894: 1864:Book of Daniel 1854:Futurism is a 1848:Main article: 1845: 1842: 1796:as the beast. 1735:Main article: 1732: 1729: 1634: 1633: 1630: 1627: 1624: 1621: 1618: 1615: 1612: 1609: 1606: 1603: 1600: 1597: 1594: 1591: 1588: 1585: 1581: 1580: 1577: 1574: 1571: 1568: 1565: 1562: 1559: 1556: 1553: 1550: 1547: 1544: 1541: 1538: 1535: 1532: 1469:Main article: 1457:Beast wearing 1450: 1447: 1444: 1443: 1440: 1437: 1434: 1431: 1428: 1425: 1421: 1420: 1417: 1414: 1411: 1408: 1405: 1402: 1381: 1380: 1377: 1374: 1371: 1368: 1365: 1362: 1359: 1355: 1354: 1347: 1344: 1341: 1338: 1335: 1332: 1329: 1303:archaeological 1285:"Neron Kaisar" 1201: 1200: 1132:Revelation 1:1 1023:Main article: 1020: 1017: 1015: 1012: 986: 983: 953:as a variant. 941:, such as the 901:Greek numerals 864: 861: 843: 840: 814: 811: 797: 794: 743: 742: 657: 655: 648: 642: 639: 635:Albrecht Dürer 623: 620: 565: 564: 553: 542: 501: 500: 498: 497: 490: 483: 475: 472: 471: 465: 464: 461: 460: 455: 450: 445: 440: 435: 430: 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 375: 373:Kingdom of God 370: 365: 360: 358:Great Apostasy 355: 350: 345: 340: 335: 330: 325: 320: 315: 309: 306: 305: 302: 301: 298: 297: 292: 286: 284:Pseudepigrapha 283: 282: 279: 278: 275: 274: 273: 272: 259: 258: 257: 247: 246: 245: 240: 239: 238: 233: 218: 217: 216: 205: 203:Biblical texts 202: 201: 198: 197: 194: 193: 192: 191: 186: 181: 173: 168: 166:Amillennialism 162: 159:The Millennium 157: 156: 153: 152: 149: 148: 143: 138: 137: 136: 126: 125: 124: 110: 107: 106: 103: 102: 73: 72: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6675: 6664: 6661: 6659: 6656: 6654: 6651: 6649: 6646: 6644: 6641: 6639: 6636: 6635: 6633: 6618: 6615: 6613: 6610: 6608: 6605: 6603: 6600: 6598: 6595: 6593: 6590: 6588: 6585: 6583: 6580: 6578: 6575: 6573: 6572:Cake of Light 6570: 6568: 6565: 6563: 6560: 6558: 6555: 6553: 6552:Abramelin oil 6550: 6548: 6545: 6544: 6542: 6538: 6532: 6529: 6527: 6524: 6522: 6519: 6517: 6514: 6512: 6509: 6508: 6506: 6502: 6496: 6493: 6491: 6488: 6486: 6483: 6481: 6478: 6476: 6473: 6471: 6468: 6466: 6463: 6461: 6458: 6456: 6453: 6452: 6450: 6446: 6440: 6437: 6435: 6432: 6430: 6427: 6425: 6422: 6420: 6417: 6416: 6414: 6410: 6404: 6401: 6399: 6396: 6394: 6391: 6389: 6386: 6384: 6381: 6379: 6376: 6374: 6371: 6370: 6368: 6364: 6358: 6355: 6353: 6350: 6348: 6345: 6343: 6340: 6338: 6335: 6333: 6330: 6328: 6325: 6323: 6320: 6318: 6315: 6313: 6312:Body of light 6310: 6308: 6305: 6303: 6300: 6298: 6295: 6293: 6290: 6288: 6285: 6284: 6282: 6278: 6272: 6271: 6267: 6265: 6264: 6260: 6258: 6257: 6253: 6251: 6250: 6246: 6244: 6243: 6239: 6237: 6236: 6232: 6230: 6229: 6225: 6223: 6222: 6218: 6216: 6215: 6211: 6209: 6208: 6204: 6202: 6201: 6197: 6195: 6194: 6190: 6188: 6187: 6183: 6181: 6180: 6176: 6174: 6173: 6169: 6167: 6166: 6162: 6160: 6159: 6155: 6151: 6150: 6146: 6144: 6143: 6139: 6138: 6137: 6136: 6132: 6130: 6129: 6125: 6123: 6122: 6118: 6116: 6115: 6111: 6109: 6108: 6104: 6102: 6101: 6097: 6095: 6094: 6090: 6088: 6086: 6082: 6078: 6076: 6075: 6071: 6069: 6066: 6065: 6063: 6061: 6057: 6051: 6048: 6046: 6043: 6041: 6038: 6036: 6035:Leila Waddell 6033: 6031: 6028: 6026: 6023: 6021: 6020:C. F. Russell 6018: 6016: 6015:Theodor Reuss 6013: 6011: 6008: 6006: 6003: 6001: 6000:Sara Northrup 5998: 5996: 5993: 5991: 5988: 5986: 5983: 5981: 5978: 5976: 5973: 5971: 5968: 5966: 5963: 5961: 5958: 5956: 5953: 5951: 5948: 5946: 5943: 5941: 5938: 5936: 5933: 5931: 5930:Kenneth Grant 5928: 5926: 5923: 5921: 5918: 5916: 5913: 5911: 5908: 5906: 5903: 5901: 5898: 5896: 5893: 5891: 5890:Allan Bennett 5888: 5886: 5885:Kenneth Anger 5883: 5881: 5878: 5876: 5873: 5871: 5868: 5867: 5865: 5863:Personalities 5861: 5855: 5852: 5850: 5847: 5845: 5842: 5840: 5837: 5835: 5832: 5830: 5827: 5825: 5822: 5820: 5817: 5815: 5812: 5811: 5809: 5807:Organizations 5805: 5801: 5794: 5789: 5787: 5782: 5780: 5775: 5774: 5771: 5759: 5756: 5754: 5751: 5749: 5746: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5738:Latin Vulgate 5736: 5734: 5731: 5730: 5728: 5724: 5718: 5715: 5713: 5710: 5708: 5705: 5703: 5700: 5698: 5695: 5693: 5690: 5688: 5685: 5683: 5680: 5679: 5677: 5673: 5667: 5664: 5660: 5657: 5656: 5655: 5652: 5651: 5649: 5645: 5639: 5636: 5634: 5631: 5629: 5626: 5624: 5621: 5619: 5616: 5615: 5613: 5609: 5603: 5600: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5588: 5585: 5583: 5580: 5578: 5575: 5573: 5570: 5568: 5565: 5563: 5560: 5558: 5555: 5553: 5552:New Jerusalem 5550: 5548: 5547:Millennialism 5545: 5543: 5542:Last Judgment 5540: 5538: 5535: 5533: 5530: 5528: 5525: 5523: 5520: 5518: 5515: 5513: 5510: 5508: 5505: 5504: 5502: 5497: 5493: 5487: 5484: 5482: 5479: 5477: 5474: 5472: 5469: 5467: 5464: 5462: 5459: 5457: 5454: 5452: 5449: 5447: 5444: 5442: 5439: 5437: 5434: 5432: 5429: 5426: 5424: 5421: 5419: 5416: 5414: 5411: 5409: 5406: 5404: 5401: 5399: 5396: 5394: 5391: 5390: 5388: 5384: 5378: 5375: 5373: 5370: 5368: 5365: 5363: 5360: 5358: 5355: 5353: 5350: 5348: 5345: 5343: 5340: 5338: 5335: 5333: 5330: 5328: 5325: 5323: 5320: 5318: 5315: 5313: 5310: 5308: 5305: 5304: 5302: 5298: 5292: 5289: 5287: 5284: 5282: 5279: 5277: 5274: 5272: 5269: 5267: 5264: 5262: 5259: 5257: 5254: 5252: 5249: 5247: 5244: 5242: 5239: 5237: 5234: 5232: 5229: 5227: 5224: 5222: 5219: 5217: 5214: 5212: 5209: 5207: 5204: 5202: 5199: 5197: 5194: 5192: 5189: 5187: 5184: 5183: 5181: 5178: 5177:New Testament 5173: 5170: 5166: 5162: 5155: 5150: 5148: 5143: 5141: 5136: 5135: 5132: 5118: 5115: 5113: 5112:Risk analysis 5110: 5108: 5105: 5103: 5100: 5098: 5095: 5094: 5087: 5085: 5084: 5079: 5073: 5072: 5069: 5063: 5060: 5058: 5057:Social crisis 5055: 5053: 5050: 5048: 5045: 5043: 5040: 5038: 5035: 5033: 5030: 5028: 5025: 5023: 5020: 5018: 5015: 5013: 5010: 5009: 5007: 5003: 4997: 4994: 4992: 4989: 4987: 4984: 4982: 4979: 4978: 4976: 4974:Organizations 4972: 4964: 4961: 4960: 4959: 4956: 4954: 4951: 4947: 4944: 4943: 4942: 4939: 4937: 4934: 4930: 4927: 4925: 4922: 4921: 4920: 4917: 4915: 4912: 4911: 4909: 4905: 4899: 4898:World to come 4896: 4894: 4891: 4887: 4884: 4882: 4879: 4878: 4877: 4874: 4872: 4869: 4867: 4864: 4860: 4857: 4855: 4852: 4850: 4847: 4846: 4845: 4844:Millennialism 4842: 4840: 4837: 4833: 4832:Messianic Age 4830: 4829: 4828: 4825: 4823: 4820: 4818: 4817:Gog and Magog 4815: 4813: 4810: 4808: 4807:Earth Changes 4805: 4803: 4800: 4798: 4795: 4793: 4790: 4788: 4785: 4783: 4780: 4778: 4775: 4773: 4770: 4769: 4767: 4763: 4755: 4752: 4751: 4750: 4747: 4745: 4742: 4736: 4733: 4731: 4728: 4726: 4723: 4722: 4721: 4718: 4714: 4711: 4709: 4706: 4704: 4701: 4699: 4696: 4694: 4691: 4689: 4686: 4684: 4681: 4679: 4676: 4675: 4674: 4671: 4667: 4664: 4662: 4659: 4655: 4652: 4651: 4650: 4647: 4645: 4644:New Jerusalem 4642: 4640: 4637: 4635: 4632: 4626: 4623: 4621: 4620:War in Heaven 4618: 4616: 4615:Two witnesses 4613: 4611: 4608: 4606: 4603: 4601: 4598: 4596: 4593: 4591: 4588: 4586: 4583: 4582: 4581: 4578: 4577: 4576: 4573: 4571: 4568: 4564: 4561: 4559: 4556: 4555: 4554: 4551: 4549: 4546: 4544: 4541: 4539: 4536: 4532: 4529: 4528: 4527: 4524: 4522: 4519: 4518: 4517: 4514: 4512: 4509: 4505: 4502: 4500: 4497: 4496: 4495: 4492: 4490: 4487: 4486: 4485: 4484:Second Coming 4482: 4480: 4477: 4473: 4470: 4468: 4465: 4464: 4463: 4460: 4456: 4453: 4451: 4448: 4447: 4446: 4443: 4442: 4440: 4438: 4434: 4428: 4425: 4423: 4420: 4418: 4415: 4413: 4410: 4408: 4405: 4401: 4398: 4396: 4393: 4389: 4386: 4385: 4384: 4381: 4379: 4376: 4374: 4371: 4370: 4369: 4366: 4364: 4361: 4359: 4356: 4354: 4351: 4349: 4346: 4344: 4341: 4339: 4336: 4334: 4331: 4329: 4326: 4324: 4321: 4319: 4316: 4315: 4313: 4309: 4299: 4296: 4294: 4291: 4289: 4286: 4284: 4281: 4279: 4276: 4274: 4271: 4269: 4266: 4262: 4259: 4257: 4254: 4252: 4249: 4248: 4247: 4244: 4240: 4237: 4235: 4232: 4231: 4230: 4227: 4226: 4224: 4220: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4204: 4201: 4199: 4196: 4194: 4191: 4189: 4186: 4185: 4183: 4181: 4177: 4174: 4170: 4158: 4155: 4154: 4153: 4150: 4148: 4145: 4144: 4142: 4140: 4136: 4130: 4127: 4125: 4122: 4120: 4117: 4113: 4110: 4109: 4108: 4105: 4103: 4100: 4098: 4095: 4093: 4090: 4088: 4085: 4083: 4080: 4078: 4075: 4073: 4070: 4066: 4063: 4061: 4058: 4057: 4056: 4053: 4051: 4048: 4046: 4043: 4041: 4038: 4036: 4033: 4031: 4028: 4026: 4023: 4021: 4018: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4008: 4006: 4003: 3999: 3996: 3995: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3983:Deforestation 3981: 3979: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3966: 3962: 3959: 3958: 3957: 3954: 3952: 3949: 3948: 3946: 3944: 3940: 3937: 3935: 3931: 3925: 3924:World War III 3922: 3920: 3917: 3913: 3910: 3908: 3905: 3903: 3900: 3899: 3898: 3895: 3893: 3890: 3888: 3885: 3883: 3880: 3876: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3867: 3866: 3863: 3861: 3858: 3856: 3853: 3852: 3850: 3846: 3840: 3839:Transhumanism 3837: 3833: 3830: 3828: 3825: 3823: 3820: 3819: 3818: 3814: 3811: 3807: 3804: 3802: 3799: 3798: 3797: 3794: 3791: 3788: 3784: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3766: 3764: 3761: 3760: 3759: 3756: 3752: 3749: 3748: 3747: 3744: 3742: 3739: 3737: 3734: 3730: 3727: 3725: 3722: 3720: 3717: 3716: 3715: 3712: 3710: 3707: 3706: 3704: 3702:Technological 3700: 3692: 3689: 3688: 3687: 3684: 3682: 3679: 3678: 3675: 3671: 3664: 3659: 3657: 3652: 3650: 3645: 3644: 3641: 3637: 3635: 3630: 3615: 3610: 3604: 3600: 3599: 3594: 3588: 3580: 3576: 3570: 3568: 3553:on 2009-06-15 3552: 3548: 3544: 3538: 3536: 3521: 3517: 3513: 3506: 3492: 3490:0-8143-2899-7 3486: 3482: 3481: 3473: 3465: 3463:0-87728-856-9 3459: 3455: 3454: 3446: 3438: 3436:0-471-27242-6 3432: 3428: 3427: 3422: 3415: 3407: 3400: 3393: 3392:0-8024-7309-1 3389: 3385: 3379: 3372: 3371:0-8024-7309-1 3368: 3364: 3358: 3351: 3350:0-8024-7309-1 3347: 3343: 3337: 3330: 3324: 3316: 3310: 3307:. Zondervan. 3306: 3305: 3297: 3282: 3281: 3273: 3259:on 2020-05-05 3258: 3254: 3248: 3244: 3243: 3235: 3228: 3222: 3213: 3205: 3198: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3177: 3175: 3167: 3161: 3147: 3141: 3137: 3136: 3133: 3126: 3119: 3109: 3105: 3104: 3100: 3094: 3087: 3081: 3074: 3069: 3061: 3055: 3051: 3044: 3036: 3030: 3026: 3019: 3005:on 2011-01-26 3004: 3000: 2994: 2980:on 2011-01-26 2979: 2975: 2969: 2955: 2949: 2945: 2944: 2936: 2930: 2926: 2923:E. G. White, 2920: 2912: 2906: 2902: 2901: 2893: 2885: 2879: 2875: 2874: 2866: 2852:on 2011-01-22 2851: 2847: 2841: 2834: 2829: 2822: 2819:Uriah Smith, 2816: 2809: 2805: 2802: 2799: 2798: 2793: 2792: 2786: 2784: 2776: 2770: 2768: 2752: 2745: 2738: 2732: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2703: 2689: 2685: 2679: 2671: 2664: 2656: 2650: 2642: 2635: 2627: 2623: 2617: 2609: 2605: 2599: 2585: 2581: 2575: 2573: 2565: 2559: 2555: 2541: 2535: 2527: 2521: 2517: 2516: 2508: 2501: 2495: 2487: 2483: 2479: 2472: 2470: 2455: 2449: 2445: 2444: 2436: 2434: 2419:on 2012-07-01 2418: 2414: 2413: 2405: 2397: 2391: 2387: 2386: 2378: 2370: 2364: 2360: 2359: 2351: 2345: 2340: 2334: 2329: 2323: 2318: 2311: 2307: 2301:-σιοι δέκα ἕξ 2297: 2292: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2262: 2254: 2248: 2244: 2240: 2233: 2227: 2222: 2216: 2211: 2205: 2200: 2194: 2189: 2183: 2178: 2172: 2167: 2161: 2156: 2150: 2145: 2139: 2134: 2127: 2126:Revelation 16 2122: 2113: 2104: 2095: 2091: 2082: 2079: 2077: 2074: 2071: 2067: 2064: 2062: 2059: 2056: 2055:Dābbat al-Arḍ 2053: 2050: 2046: 2043: 2041: 2038: 2037: 2033: 2027: 2022: 2012: 2008: 2004: 2000: 1996: 1992: 1989: 1984: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1967:supercomputer 1964: 1961: 1957: 1953: 1949: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1934: 1926: 1923: 1920: 1916: 1912: 1911:two witnesses 1908: 1904: 1900: 1899: 1893: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1884:John Walvoord 1881: 1875: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1861: 1857: 1851: 1840: 1835: 1833: 1828: 1825: 1820: 1815: 1811: 1805: 1801: 1797: 1795: 1791: 1787: 1786:Jacques Ellul 1783: 1779: 1775: 1771: 1770:Revelation 13 1765: 1762: 1761: 1756: 1755:Gregory Beale 1752: 1748: 1744: 1738: 1728: 1724: 1722: 1718: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1696: 1691: 1689: 1685: 1681: 1680: 1675: 1671: 1669: 1665: 1664:J. 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Andrews 1659: 1657: 1653: 1647: 1645: 1641: 1631: 1628: 1625: 1622: 1619: 1616: 1613: 1610: 1607: 1604: 1601: 1598: 1595: 1592: 1589: 1586: 1583: 1582: 1578: 1575: 1572: 1569: 1566: 1563: 1560: 1557: 1554: 1551: 1548: 1545: 1542: 1539: 1536: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1526: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1512: 1507: 1505: 1500: 1498: 1494: 1493:Martin Luther 1490: 1486: 1482: 1478: 1472: 1464: 1460: 1455: 1441: 1438: 1435: 1432: 1429: 1426: 1423: 1422: 1418: 1415: 1412: 1409: 1406: 1403: 1400: 1399: 1396: 1394: 1378: 1375: 1372: 1369: 1366: 1363: 1360: 1357: 1356: 1348: 1345: 1342: 1339: 1336: 1333: 1330: 1327: 1326: 1323: 1321: 1317: 1308: 1304: 1300: 1286: 1282: 1278: 1276: 1269: 1267: 1263: 1262: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1229: 1225: 1221: 1216: 1214: 1210: 1206: 1198: 1197: 1196: 1194: 1190: 1185: 1181: 1179: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1155: 1153: 1149: 1144: 1140: 1135: 1133: 1129: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1084: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1061: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1043: 1036: 1035:radiant crown 1031: 1026: 1011: 1009: 1005: 1001: 1000:false prophet 995: 990: 982: 980: 975: 973: 968: 966: 961: 959: 954: 946: 945: 940: 928: 927: 922: 918: 902: 894: 890: 885: 876: 870: 860: 858: 854: 850: 839: 837: 833: 828: 826: 821: 819: 818:Revelation 17 810: 808: 804: 803:false prophet 793: 790: 787: 783: 780: 777: 774: 771: 769: 764: 761: 758: 755: 752: 748: 739: 736: 728: 717: 714: 710: 707: 703: 700: 696: 693: 689: 686: –  685: 681: 680:Find sources: 674: 668: 667: 663: 658:This article 656: 652: 647: 646: 636: 632: 628: 619: 617: 613: 609: 608:Revelation 19 606:mentioned in 605: 601: 595: 593: 592:false prophet 588: 586: 581: 577: 573: 572:Revelation 13 568: 562: 561:False Prophet 558: 554: 551: 547: 543: 540: 536: 532: 531: 530: 527: 525: 520: 511: 507: 496: 491: 489: 484: 482: 477: 476: 474: 473: 470: 467: 466: 459: 458:World to come 456: 454: 451: 449: 446: 444: 443:War in Heaven 441: 439: 438:Two witnesses 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 418:Second Coming 416: 414: 411: 409: 406: 404: 401: 399: 398:New Jerusalem 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 383:Last Judgment 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 356: 354: 353:Gog and Magog 351: 349: 346: 344: 343:False prophet 341: 339: 336: 334: 331: 329: 328:Apocatastasis 326: 324: 321: 319: 316: 314: 311: 310: 304: 303: 296: 293: 291: 288: 287: 281: 280: 271: 268: 265: 264: 263: 260: 256: 253: 252: 251: 248: 244: 241: 237: 234: 232: 229: 228: 227: 224: 223: 222: 219: 215: 214:Seventy Weeks 212: 211: 210: 207: 206: 200: 199: 190: 187: 185: 182: 179: 178: 177: 174: 172: 169: 167: 164: 163: 160: 155: 154: 147: 144: 142: 139: 135: 132: 131: 130: 127: 123: 122: 117: 116: 115: 112: 111: 105: 104: 101: 98: 97: 91: 87: 83: 79: 69: 66: 58: 48: 42: 38: 37: 32:This article 30: 21: 20: 6611: 6526:Tree of Life 6434:Gnostic Mass 6342:Night of Pan 6270:White Stains 6268: 6261: 6254: 6247: 6240: 6233: 6226: 6219: 6212: 6205: 6198: 6191: 6184: 6177: 6170: 6163: 6156: 6147: 6140: 6133: 6126: 6119: 6112: 6105: 6098: 6091: 6084: 6080: 6072: 6005:Jack Parsons 5638:by John Foxe 5537:Lake of Fire 5522:Book of Life 5516: 5357:Philadelphia 5186:Revelation 1 5074: 5017:Cyberwarfare 4735:Third Temple 4609: 4590:Lake of fire 4400:Rogue planet 4368:Impact event 4358:Proton decay 4311:Astronomical 4261:Bioterrorism 4107:Supervolcano 4005:Flood basalt 3951:Anoxic event 3860:Collapsology 3848:Sociological 3719:Cyberwarfare 3626: 3612: 3597: 3587: 3578: 3555:. Retrieved 3551:the original 3546: 3545:. IT Myths. 3523:. Retrieved 3515: 3505: 3494:. Retrieved 3479: 3472: 3452: 3445: 3425: 3414: 3405: 3399: 3383: 3378: 3362: 3357: 3341: 3336: 3328: 3323: 3303: 3296: 3284:. Retrieved 3279: 3272: 3261:. Retrieved 3257:the original 3241: 3234: 3226: 3221: 3212: 3203: 3197: 3189: 3185: 3165: 3160: 3149:. Retrieved 3135: 3132: 3125: 3117: 3111:. Retrieved 3102: 3099: 3093: 3085: 3080: 3072: 3068: 3049: 3043: 3024: 3018: 3007:. Retrieved 3003:the original 2993: 2982:. Retrieved 2978:the original 2968: 2957:. Retrieved 2942: 2935: 2928: 2924: 2919: 2899: 2892: 2872: 2865: 2854:. Retrieved 2850:the original 2840: 2832: 2828: 2820: 2815: 2795: 2789: 2774: 2755:. Retrieved 2744: 2736: 2731: 2720:. Retrieved 2716:the original 2711: 2702: 2691:. Retrieved 2687: 2678: 2669: 2663: 2640: 2634: 2625: 2616: 2607: 2598: 2587:. Retrieved 2583: 2563: 2562:The reading 2557: 2553: 2539: 2534: 2514: 2507: 2494: 2481: 2457:. Retrieved 2442: 2421:. Retrieved 2417:the original 2411: 2404: 2384: 2377: 2357: 2350: 2339: 2328: 2317: 2309: 2305: 2295: 2291: 2279:. Retrieved 2275:the original 2270: 2261: 2238: 2232: 2221: 2210: 2199: 2188: 2177: 2166: 2155: 2144: 2133: 2121: 2112: 2103: 2094: 2010: 1987: 1982: 1978: 1975:urban legend 1932: 1903:Bahá'í Faith 1891: 1888: 1876: 1853: 1837: 1829: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1766: 1758: 1740: 1725: 1719: 1692: 1683: 1677: 1672: 1667: 1661: 1651: 1649: 1643: 1637: 1508: 1501: 1497:Isaac Newton 1485:John Wycliff 1474: 1384: 1318:encoding of 1315: 1292:Νερων Καισαρ 1284: 1280: 1272: 1270: 1259: 1217: 1202: 1188: 1182: 1166:Christianity 1156: 1136: 1085: 1062: 1054:Roman Empire 1040: 1004:lake of fire 997: 992: 988: 976: 969: 962: 955: 942: 937:), not 666; 924: 920: 872: 857:second death 845: 829: 822: 816: 799: 791: 788: 784: 781: 778: 775: 772: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 749: 746: 731: 722: 712: 705: 698: 691: 679: 659: 630: 616:lake of fire 604:lake of fire 596: 589: 569: 566: 556: 545: 534: 528: 505: 504: 378:Lake of fire 337: 120: 61: 52: 45:Please help 33: 6607:Solar deity 6557:Agape Lodge 6495:Harpocrates 6373:Abrahadabra 6256:Thoth Tarot 6186:Liber Aleph 6165:Konx Om Pax 6135:The Equinox 6114:Confessions 6045:Sam Webster 5980:Mogg Morgan 5940:Leah Hirsig 5925:Karl Germer 5675:Manuscripts 5623:Historicist 5572:Seven seals 5562:Seven bowls 5093:Categories 5062:Survivalism 4749:Zoroastrian 4605:Seven seals 4600:Seven bowls 4526:Historicism 4422:Solar flare 4298:Overfishing 4273:Defaunation 4060:coral reefs 3822:AI takeover 3741:Nanoweapons 3729:Cybergeddon 3714:Cyberattack 2564:Christianos 1983:The Rapture 1950:During the 1868:apocalyptic 1743:allegorical 1640:Uriah Smith 1489:John Calvin 1459:papal tiara 1449:Historicism 1124:seven hills 917:Papyrus 115 875:Koinē Greek 510:Koinē Greek 428:Seven seals 423:Seven bowls 114:Historicism 6658:Numerology 6632:Categories 6521:Rose Cross 6465:Heru-ra-ha 6419:Liber Resh 6322:Great Work 6200:Liber Resh 6050:Jane Wolfe 5970:James Lees 5900:Mary Butts 5733:Greek Text 5682:Papyrus 18 5654:Authorship 5582:Son of Man 5307:Armageddon 5022:Depression 5012:Ransomware 4827:Messianism 4797:Armageddon 4782:Apocalypse 4570:Antichrist 4558:Man of sin 4455:Three Ages 4318:Big Crunch 4180:Extinction 4172:Biological 3934:Ecological 3806:Strangelet 3577:. Rumors. 3557:2009-08-27 3525:2014-04-30 3518:. p.  3496:2014-04-30 3263:2014-03-30 3190:Revelation 3151:2014-04-30 3113:2014-04-30 3009:2014-04-30 2984:2014-04-30 2959:2014-04-30 2856:2010-10-23 2757:2014-04-30 2722:2014-04-30 2693:2014-04-30 2589:2014-04-30 2459:2014-04-30 2423:2012-06-29 2385:Revelation 1997:, such as 1880:Antichrist 1784:, such as 1674:Jimmy Akin 1656:man of sin 1646:he wrote, 1504:the papacy 1404:Samech (ס) 1331:Samech (ס) 1232:civil wars 1209:Tertullian 1073:Asia Minor 1050:prophecies 921:Revelation 867:See also: 725:March 2021 695:newspapers 662:references 600:Armageddon 576:the dragon 550:Antichrist 535:The dragon 388:Man of sin 333:Armageddon 323:Apocalypse 318:Antichrist 267:Revelation 236:Matthew 24 121:Revelation 55:April 2024 6612:The Beast 6577:Choronzon 6516:Pentagram 6504:Symbolism 6403:Sex magic 6357:True Will 6235:Moonchild 6179:Liber 777 5633:Preterist 5337:Jerusalem 5332:Euphrates 4907:Fictional 4754:Saoshyant 4639:New Earth 4610:The Beast 4543:Preterism 4516:Christian 4472:Kali Yuga 4417:Micronova 4412:Hypernova 4278:Dysgenics 4119:Verneshot 4025:Hypercane 3768:Dead Hand 3429:. Wiley. 3394:. p. 210. 3373:. p. 205. 3286:6 October 3101:Third Way 2649:cite book 2626:Vespasian 2622:Suetonius 2608:Histories 1941:isopsephy 1707:Antipopes 1638:In 1866, 1244:Suetonius 1236:Vespasian 1228:Vitellius 1189:the beast 1176:when the 1077:proconsul 1042:Preterism 1025:Preterism 1019:Preterism 1008:tormented 970:Rome was 506:The Beast 393:New Earth 338:The Beast 307:Key terms 141:Preterism 6448:Godforms 6193:Liber OZ 5628:Idealist 5618:Futurist 5602:Wormwood 5471:Naphtali 5461:Manasseh 5423:Issachar 5408:Benjamin 5377:Thyatira 5352:Pergamum 5342:Laodicea 5172:chapters 5047:Pandemic 5032:Epidemic 5027:Droughts 4881:Prewrath 4812:End time 4678:Al-Qa'im 4563:Katechon 4548:2 Esdras 4538:Idealism 4521:Futurism 4450:Maitreya 4445:Buddhist 4288:Pandemic 3736:Gray goo 3595:(1988). 3184:(2010). 2804:Archived 2610:. 4:5:4. 2500:Domitian 2281:31 March 2076:Mušḫuššu 2070:Ugaritic 2045:Behemoth 2018:See also 1999:J. Ellul 1993:Various 1952:New Deal 1945:gematria 1915:Muhammad 1862:and the 1844:Futurism 1774:Daniel 7 1747:symbolic 1731:Idealism 1703:Saracens 1695:Muhammed 1523:gematria 1413:Resh (ר) 1343:Resh (ר) 1328:Resh (ר) 1320:gematria 1311:נרון קסר 1148:Caligula 1112:Claudius 1108:Caligula 1104:Tiberius 1100:Augustus 585:Daniel 7 368:Katechon 295:2 Esdras 270:(Events) 146:Idealism 129:Futurism 6582:Dianism 6480:Babalon 6475:Therion 5800:Thelema 5726:Sources 5647:Related 5486:Zebulun 5466:Michael 5436:Jezebel 5386:Persons 5327:Ephesus 5317:Babylon 5107:Hazards 5005:General 4876:Rapture 4725:Messiah 4713:Sufyani 4703:Israfil 4673:Islamic 4511:Messiah 4489:1 Enoch 4323:Big Rip 4035:Ecocide 4030:Ice age 2604:Tacitus 2540:Annales 1937:Therion 1757:in his 1751:symbols 1517:of the 1416:Nun (נ) 1410:Vav (ו) 1407:Qof (ק) 1401:Resh(ר) 1388:נרו קסר 1346:Nun (נ) 1340:Vav (ו) 1337:Nun (נ) 1334:Qof (ק) 1266:Parthia 1248:Flavian 1240:Tacitus 1213:suicide 1170:Tacitus 1069:Ephesus 947:, note 709:scholar 519:Thērion 408:Rapture 290:1 Enoch 231:Mark 13 86:sceptre 6470:Aiwass 6393:Goetia 6366:Magick 5829:O∴A∴A∴ 5496:Events 5481:Simeon 5476:Reuben 5446:Joseph 5431:Christ 5403:Balaam 5367:Smyrna 5362:Sardis 5347:Patmos 5300:Places 5037:Famine 4963:Zombie 4765:Others 4720:Jewish 4698:Dajjal 4580:Events 4494:Daniel 4395:winter 4222:Others 4112:winter 3912:winter 3907:famine 3902:cobalt 3605:  3487:  3460:  3433:  3390:  3369:  3348:  3311:  3249:  3142:  3118:beast. 3056:  3031:  2950:  2907:  2880:  2628:. 1:1. 2550:; cf. 2522:  2450:  2392:  2365:  2249:  2128::13–16 2049:Tanakh 1579:TOTAL 1491:, and 1419:TOTAL 1307:Hebrew 1234:until 1226:, and 1162:saints 1152:Apollo 1096:Julius 855:. 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