
User talk:LAz17/Archive 3

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3378:) 05:31, 23 May 2010 (UTC)). What else can you tell a guy who stalks you other than "fuck off"? I had the same problem the other day, some begger would not stop pestering me. I had no money on me and he was still harassing me. I simply kept walking and when I was near some cops I said PLEASE FUCKEN LEAVE ME ALONE, and they helped remove this trashwad away. It is common in english language to tell someone fuck off when they are simply glued to you and have the intention of harassing you. That is the case that we have here. Again, I ask, what am I supposed to do in such an unbearable situation where a person is doing just about all they can to harass you? Seriously, if someone decides to bother your wife would you just let them? That's the situation in which we are in. The dude was stalking me. My actions are an initiation to nothing - they are a consequence of harassment. ( 2181:
Prihvatam ja kritike, ali nije bio nazi kako tvoj drug zeli zlonamerno da ga prikaze, i ja se borim snjim zbog toga a i zbog prostakluka kojim se ponasa. A ti, ti si mogao da budes uz nas tamo, ili ne, mene to ne interesuje, al da ti se ja svetim, nebudi smesan. Jesi procitao na mojoj strani o mom karakteru? Ja se radje druzim sa finim ljudima sa kojima se uopste neslazem oko mnogih stvari, nego sa prostacima koji se slazu u svemu samnon. Takav sam ja, i kazacu sto mislim ma ko god, i kolko god protivnika imao, uvek, cak i sam, kao sto vidis. Konkretno, oko CZ/RS sam bolje objasnio na Vitridenovoj talk page zasto sam tako glasao, i nadam se da ti je jasno. A sad, putuj i nek ti je sa srecom. I samo jos jednom napisi neku psovku na mojoj srani (smatraj se oprostenim). Nisam ja tvoj pajtos, drugi su.
2213:. On bi da stavi Cetnike i Drazu u isti nivo kao, recimo, NDH i Pavelic, a to je absolutno netacno. Nebranim ja njih, Cetnike i DM, al ne dozvoljavam ni da se preteruje i laze, kao u tom slucaju. Samo to. Nemoram ja da biram tebe ili nekog, niti kakva meni pomoc tamo treba, nego sam hteo da se neko drugi sa tim bakce, kapiras? Zaboravi, sve je tamo pod kontrolom, a tebi da ne pada na pamet da kad ti se negde suprostavim, lupetas stvari kao sto si na Red Star strani, kako ti se ja svetim, ili da ja nemam pojma. Razumes? Ako ja nesto tako mislim, tako mislim, i nece me sigurno presija, ili neko lupetanje uciniti da promenim misljenje, bio ti Papa ili Mike Tyson, ali civilizovano da diskutujemo, na to mozes uvek da racunas. 643:: I'm going by the wording I used when stating the topic ban: "all edits relating to the historical demographics and cartography of Ex-Yugoslavia". I chose that wording at the time because it seemed a safe way to include all edits that I imagined would be likely to have a potential for similar trouble. Obviously the wording does include edits about the historical demographics of individual places. If you want to argue that this is wider than necessary and a significant portion of such edits have always been uncontroversial, we can talk about that and try to tailor the ban more closely to the situation. However, until we sort that out, I would ask you to please stick with the wording as it stands. ā€“ Re 2576:) 07:02, 16 May 2010 (UTC) Shvati molim te jos jednu stvar:direktor nije "Yugoslav nationalist", to je diskutabilno. On se ovde najvise bakce oko branjenja Hrvatskih Dalmatinskih likova protiv Italijana, a u tome nema nista "Partizansko", ili jako malo "Jugoslovenskoga". On nece da prizna, al on je jako anti-Srpski nastrojen. Kako? Tako sto cini sve da umanji ili gazi Srpsku ulogu u 2-om, a kako vidim, i u svim drugim situacijama. A ja nigde nekazem da Cetnici nisu kolaborirali (gde si to video da ja kazem, sem u direktorovoj propagandi?). Ja samo kazem da, sources to nijedne ne tvrde (da je on iskljucivo kolaborator). 3133:, right? Let me quote your block log: 48hrs for disruptive editing; 72hrs for edit warring on a Balkan-related article; 48hrs for attacks; another 48hrs for personal attacks against the same editor; and now this one for personal attacks for 1 week. Every single time in the past you have been advised how to better deal with this type of issue - instead, you continue to attack the other, even as you attempt to request unblock. Knowledge has an escalating series of blocks - you're lucky that this one is only a week: I gurantee your next will be many multiples of that. ( 2621: 31: 1833:, for better references (in English wherever possible) for the club. Please, as you find them, add them to the article. If you're unsure how to integrate them, put the link on the talk page. In my opinion, the article should get a couple of weeks incubation time, and if there's still weak sourcing then, it may be nominated for AfD. Granted, that's my opinion, and nothing restricts other editors from nominating it immediately. I am watching the article to see how it develops. ā€” 2821: 1318: 3837: 1628: 1525: 1213: 1116: 1019: 502: 430: 3029: 2885: 1448: 1735: 903: 806: 3370:- what would you do? Would you sit there helplessly? No, you would do something. It is called the reaction to provocation. That is what is very common in the balkans - nationalists provocating those who are neutral. It is that stalinist method of "you're with me or against me". I have trouble dealing with that- instead of helping deal with this you punish me. The guy was for crying out loud stalking me dude! ( 3692: 3476:
to track me down over there. And you did, good job, all with the purpose to tarnish my image. This is why I said FUCK OFF - had I not, probably nothing would have happened. But you were persistent. It paid off. Congratulations, nazi sympathizer, but you'll never manage to make Draza an angel... he's rotting in hell, along with everyone else from the balkans. (
2432:. Mislim, nema veze, samo ga spominju, a kad sam video stranu, pogledao sam edit history i video sam da si je ti dosta editovao, pa zato ti javljam. Dobro si to uradio, ako se sad zove Kneževo, onda je Kneževo, a izgleda da te i ovaj Hans Adler, sto je tamo odgovorio, podrzava. Nego, sta bi sa Srbinjem/Foče? Na cemu je to ostalo? 1175: 1683: 1268: 2763:
ali samo moram da pokuÅ”am da te zaista uputim na pravi put, tim pre Å”to si tako sjajan učesnik koji je napisao toliko mnogo odličnih članaka. Nadam se da ću tih takvih članaka videti i dalje. Preksutra ću raditi onaj članak na srpskoj wiki o kom smo pričali. Dodaću sve nove podatke. Pozdrav, i kuckamo se!Ā :) --
1580: 106:). This is unacceptable, even if, as it appears, Ceha's work does in fact occasionally contain errors in need of critical review. You have demonstrated in a months-long pattern that you are not willing or not able to exercise this criticism in a constructive fashion. In the present instance, of your fight at 3892: 1078: 1975:
Wanna participate? The problem is that there may be no much time, because the mediator has just accepted the case, so I am not sure in what rhythm he would like to get this going. I am well prepared to dismantel the sources they have to demonstrate that they are not enough for the acusations direktor
He's not banned from Balkan issues in general, he's banned from "edits relating to the historical demographics and cartography of Ex-Yugoslavia". He is welcome to make edits about other topics. I would ask Ceha to make his own contribution to keeping the peace by avoiding unnecessarily crossing paths
LAz, I'll get right to the point: if Čeha really is POV-pushing with these maps, there's probably nothing anybody can do about that. He's free to make any map he likes, and if its accurate, nobody can really tell him to remove it. However, we'll see what he intends to do with the image. If its really
I have difficulty interacting with anyone who goes about harassing and maltreating me. I am a human being, not a machine. I have received barn-stars for my edits towards the balkans. I am a good constructive contributing member to wikipedia. If someone goes up and attempts to rape your wife and kids
Sto se tice uvreda na srpskom vikiju - reko sam ti vec - moje izmene koje su bile pozitivne su bile uklonjene bez razloga. Ja sam uradio nesto iz dobre namere, da popravim stranicu. A ovaj vratio nazad na slabiju. Tu nema opravde, i treba da se taj tip ukloni sa srpske vikipedije, ili da se kazni na
Lazo, sad stvarno, jel ti znas sta je tamo u pitanju? Jer ja se bojim da ti nisi procitao diskusiju na talk page oko ove mediation i zato mesas ovu diskusiju sa nekim tvojim prethodnim... Drugo, ja mislim da ti bas nemas poziciju oko ovog pitanja, pa ni nevidim neku svrhu da ucestvujes da bi navijao
CZ je Crvena Zvezda, naravno... Mnogo komplikujes, nista nisi shvatio, a ukratko sam ti vec bio objasnio, ja samo tvrdim da sve sto direktor pise oko DM nije u njegovim sources i da nemoze da pocne clanak sa: "DM, World War II Axis-collaborator...". To je netacno i nije neutralno, i da nema dovoljne
E pa red je onda da postujes tudje misljenje. A ti em svasta pricas em jos imas obraza da napises ono o nozu u ledja... E kakav si. Ja da te ostavim na miru? Necu vise da te vidim, al nije ovo ni tvoje ni moje dvoriste, pa ima da postujes tudje misljenje hteo, ne hteo, kao sto cu i ja. Idi sad placi
deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Knowledge's policies and guidelines. Lastly, please note that if the page
Ej, hvala ti na obavestenju, prevecu ovih dana. Nego, imam mapu niskog tramvaja iz 1940. godine. Imam i neke lepe slike, tipa dan kada je prebacen prevoz na autobuse. Ne snalazim se najbolje sa pitanjima licence, ne znam da li mogu da uploadujem? Sta bi trebalo da se napise za licencu? Sta da radimo
deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Knowledge's policies and guidelines. Lastly, please note that if the page
deletion, if the page meets the criterion, it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the page that would render it more in conformance with Knowledge's policies and guidelines. Lastly, please note that if the page
I see, apologies. Well lets cut to the chase, in a way. What's your opinion, FPaS? Bosnia is, of course, a very sensitive area as far as ethnic distribution is concerned. Čeha keeps making maps that are generalized in such a way they are perceived as biased, and its perfectly possible his goal is to
That's the same problem over and over again... Ceha makes maps that are not detailed enough to reflect Bosnia's complexity, so they may be viewed as biased. On the other hand, one can't force him to make detailed maps if he does not want to. What can be done? Here's what I recommend you do: write-up
All I can say is I apologize for not being involved lately. I won't pretend I didn't assume you'd get topic-banned or blocked for WP:NPA sooner or later, but I got completely swamped with work during a period. I was at the hospital practically all day, and I had little time for Knowledge. When I got
Your hatred on me regarding the 'betrayal' has led you to harass me as much as possible. This culminated with you following me to the serbian wikipedia. There was nothing on here that indicated precisely what was going on. I do not even have a username there. That means that you searched extra hard
Nemoj lose da me shvatis, al ja stvarno mislim da je sad kasno da ucestvujes. Ja sam te lepo zvao na vreme, nerazumem sto sad hoces da ucestvujes. A vidim da nisi ni shvatio sta je zaista u pitanju. Jesi uopste procitao talk page na Drazinoj strani (ne ovaj zadnji, nego i arhive od pre 3 meseca kad
Lazo, nemozes tamo na mediation da ucestvujes. Vidis da je pitanje dali ce uopste Nuujinn i Isidoradaven, koji su se upisali, moci ucestvovati (ti se nisi ni upisao gde treba). Zato sam te na vreme i pitao dali zelis da ucestvujes ili ne. A sto tamo pricas da sam ja Cetnicki simpatizer??? Ja to pod
You do everything you can to annoy me, and it all stems from the fact that you look at me as a 'betrayer of the serbs' as I know that it is a fact that Draza was a nazi-collaborator. Heh, yeah, come to some serbian churches in chicago and you will see that they have posters in them of wanted signs
Well, you are in other words asking me to leave wikipedia, as that is 99% of what I am doing here. Your question is not fair. I have gotten barnstars for my efforts. And you ask me to totally quit because I over-reacted to a guy stalking and annoying me? Your offer is basically an indefinite ban -
The nature of the circumstances that have taken place now were very different than before. Never before was somebody stalking me like this. I understand what the problem was, and I won't do it again. I would like to be unblocked, or to have my sentance reduced. I do not understand what you mean by
Prijatelju, pa rekao sam ti već na srpskoj Wikipediji da ne možeÅ” da psujeÅ” ljude. Izvini, ali sam morao da ti protivrečim na Wikiquette alerts. Molim te pokuÅ”aj da ne psujeÅ” ljude u budućnosti, jer ćeÅ” tako samo biti blokiran, a niÅ”ta zaista nećeÅ” postići. Molim te izvini ako sam te uvredio ovim,
Moras vise da gledas strane od drugih, to sve kaze o njima (ne mislim na mene, nego inace na vikipediji). Narocito kad diskutujes sa nekim, moras da mu pogledas stranu, da znas sto vise o njemu. Sto se ekipa tice slazem se absolutno sa tobom, mene vise intereseuje da nas fudbal celokupno napreduje
Ma sto se Srbinja tice, nisam ja ni za ni protiv, nego pitam, onako... Oko Broda, ako hoces ja da ga menjam moras da sacekas da to potvrdim, a jedino da uradimo onaj "move request" kao sto je Vitriden uradio z Zvezdu oko imena. Problem isto je sto 3 sajta na strani govore o "Bosanskom Brodu" a 2 o
Vau, kakav si ti car. Elem, ako jos jednom ovo uradis, prijavicu te za blok, mada vidim da ti nece biti prvi put. Pozdrav i postuj tudje misljenje ako zelis da te iko shvati kao bilo sta drugo do iskompleksiranog idiota koji je upao u trip da je opasna faca posto moze da menja clanke na vikipediji
edit, you have again continued your wild accusations and personal attacks against Ceha, despite the topic ban that was explicitly designed to stop you from doing this, and despite my recent warning that the topic ban was valid for all namespaces including user talk pages. Of course you are free to
I really donĀ“t care about you, but I wanĀ“t avoid articles just because you propose some changes I disagree on them. Btw, you are the one lying about all this "betrayel story", I will repeat, I donĀ“t want your help, neither I wanted. I am not even a 100% Serb... You still didnĀ“t even read the talk
3776: 3631:
I gotta oppose you on one thing though... the chetnik stuff - I think that there should be a third category on the page that says allied and axis, instead of clumping them into one or the other. I guess when one is on the middle ground one gets shit from both sides, not just one... kinda a rough
I have said "fuck off" to an annoying user because he was stalking me. I felt very bothered by his stalking, which is why I said what I said. I am sorry. I understand the mistake that I made and will not repeat it in the case that he stalks me in the future, or in any other similar circumstance.
Laz, really, do you know what is in question over there? Is because, IĀ“m affraid that you havenĀ“t read the discussion on the talk page regarding this mediation, and that you are mixing up this discussion with some previous that you had... Another issue is that I feel that you donĀ“t really have a
Eto, ja sam se rodio u BG, odrastao u Meksiku, kratko vreme ziveo u New York-u, opet malo u Bg-u, pa sad vec zivim vise od 20 godina u Lisabonu, u Portugalu. Cesto zbog posla skacem i u Madrid, a kad god mogu dodjem u moj omiljeni grad gde sam se rodio, a ponekad i na more u Hrvatsku, al sad bas
You can't just change name, after dozens of people have said their reasons for the English name. I think the name should be FK Crvena zvezda as well, but there is a way to make that change (propose the move again, and then wait for the results of the discussion), and this isn't that way, so I am
This is not really important (CZ or RS), at least not like some other issues where I think we agree (DM, but not Deutsche Mark). Anyway, you will find me expressing my trouth opinion in all ocasions, despite what who (friends or enemies) think... I already said to Vitriden on his talk page why I
103:, which you have continued despite several warnings, leaves me no choice but to intervene. You have again met Ceha's work with rude accusations, insults and assumptions of bad faith ("What kind of joke are you?", "bullshit piece of crap"; "your on purpose switching of dates to try to confuse me" 248:
Just saw this, and I'm afraid I have to intervene here: sorry Direktor, but this wasn't good advice. LAz is banned from making such posts. That goes for all namespaces, including WP:ANI. Sorry, he's had enough chances to raise his concern in such a brief and neutral and polite way. If he didn't
Ti mene em nisi pomogao, em si meni zabio noz u ledja, i to upravo sad, na CZ strani sa DM. Ja sam mislio da se slazes oko toga, a ti ne, ti si odabrao da se pajtas sa drustvom sto zeli da nazifikuje coveka koji se borio kako je znao i mogao. Ti meni hteo da drzis neke lekcije o DM i istoriji?
You had your chance to apologise, now, please avoid any further contact with me, and if we get to be present on some discussion on some article, please comment on content, not on me. Please, donĀ“t post comments ever again on my talk page either. IĀ“ll report any further lack of respect on your
argue about your sanction or appeal against it, but if you can't do even that without insulting your opponent, then it's really no use. I am blocking you again for another 48 hours. If I find you attacking Ceha one more time, no matter on what page (including this), you will be indef-blocked.
nego samo jedna ekipa, makar to bila moja. Sa ovim, ocu da kazem, da mislim isto kao i ti, trebala bi OFK-a, ili Vosa da pobede. Eto, meni ove sezone bilo zao Vose, dosta je ulozila u igrace i sve, pa nista nije uradila... Jesi ti inace iz Hrvatske ili Bosne? Moji od mame su iz Sarajeva.
3259:). Basically, the community needs to be informed about the WP:RM or it will be voted down for political reasons since most people on teh article (except Bazonka) are Albanian (which is understandable, since the article is about the foreign relations of the Albanian state in Kosovo). -- 2679:
position regarding the questions there, so I donĀ“t see the point of having you cheering for the draw, see? IĀ“m affraid youĀ“re not going to understand this in the right way, but I really donĀ“t understand why you want to participate, rather then just for "participating".
article (and I probably won't be able to do that either, I can edit maybe on average once or twice a week). Apologies, again, and thanks for bringing such issues to my attention. Rest assured I shall investigate as soon as I can get a few days away from the hospital.
2568:. To sam ti vec bar 2 puta ponovio, a ti uporno neshavatas. Ja cak smatram da treba drugi da ucestvuju jer ja nisam najbolji da ih branim! Zasto? Zato sto nisam simpatizer njihov!!! Razumes??? Ajde sad to idi popravi, ili skini, jer si totalno pogresio, bar o meni! 646:, your touchiness is still troubling, and I consider the sock accusation quite patently baseless. Please refrain from making such accusations. I know Ceha goes on your nerves; if he does, please just don't respond at all, because we know it's not going to end well. 2564:
jedan nisam (Deda mi je bio partizan i putovao sa Titom), a vec sam ti 100 puta rekao da se ja samo tamo suprostavljam nacinu kako ga direktor prikazuje... Sto me sad zajebavas, nisam ja nigde njih branio, to je bas direktor pokusao da prikaze, a nije tacno:
neki nacin. Ko sto je sam kazo, vredja ga da bude slicno ko sa engleskom verzijom... sta moze iko da odgovori na tu logiku? Nije bitno ipak, mislim da je sad tamo resen problem. Zahvaljujuci tebi nemoze vise da vraca na onu staru verziju, a nova ostaje.Ā :) (
Fkp, jeli se to meni čini ili ti laganini mičeÅ” sve usere za koje misliÅ” da bi ti možda mogli proturječit? Ohladi malo i pusti ljude na miru: hoće li neko sudjelovat je između njega i mediatora. Malo se previÅ”e posesivno ponaÅ”aÅ” prema ovoj medijaciji.
He has made inaccurate things in the past, hence my reasonable concern. I trust that you and FPaS will keep him in line. If there is one thing, it is that I respect your opinion and what you tell me. I will listen to you. Ti si moj batica.Ā :)
That big map is kinda silly. If you generalize like that all of Bosnia was populated by Muslims. That's unacceptable, unless the 1910 census generalized like that. Did the 1910 census generalize that way? (nothing I can do about the colors)
I thought the Serbian medal was a nice touch. The intentions for the maps were good but the outcome was terrible. Especially when the "heavenly blue" discussion came about; however I can't blame you though, Karadzic did the same. :P
be moved by simply redirecting them. You need to move the entire page, which includes its edit history, for the page to be compliant with the GDFL and CC licenses. Please do not do this in the future; instead file a request at
1749:, because the article appears to be about a club, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the 917:, because the article appears to be about a club, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the 3456:
Btw, I didnĀ“t. I read your comment on another users talk page, right here on english wiki. I also have an account on Serbian wiki, so it wouldnĀ“t be so strange, anyway... So, that was the reason of all this insults?
Ti kazes da ja nemam veze sa clankom o Srpskom fudbalu, jesi ti video cime se ja masovno ovde na bavim? A sad kad bolje pogledam, kakve ti veze imas sa fudbalskim clankom? Ti si totalni vanzemaljac u tome...
the "tone of my request" - am I supposed to cry? Rule no.1 on wikipedia is to be bold. That I am, and I understand that it is not acceptable to say such rude things. I have understood the problem, and would fix it.
Lolzers. Things are alright I guess. I have used this time wisely to contemplate how to raise hell after I come back. I plan to poke my finger into the eye of everyone who I can. Muahaha. Kidding, of course.Ā :)
has been putting on him, but you may be very usefull to also help in further clarifiying his role. Anyway, kazi sta mislis, jer sam video da si vec ucestvovao u nekim diskusijama u 1om talk archives... Poz!Ā :)
Nisam u toku o Brodu, al znam da se zove "Bosanski" da bi se razlikovao od "Slavonskog", bitno je kako se zvanicno zove grad sada. Ako su ga promenili u samo Brod, onda treba da bude "Brod (city)", nema sta.
1803: 971: 870: 3353:
I do not have difficulty. Others do. I am merely the victim of nationalist aggression. This last user feels that I am a betrayer because I do not hold the same view that our hero was a nazi collaborator.
Should each club have it's own page or should the USD page be a larger/more complex entity? Too many pages will be difficult to maintain going forward. Then again, there is precedent with KK, HK, and RK?
Ako pogledaÅ” bolje, članak je iz 2004. i piÅ”e da će zagreb dobiti metro za 5 godinaĀ :) Sad je proÅ”lo 6., joÅ” uvijek smo na tramvajima, i tako će biti vjerojatno narednih 20 godina. Trenutačno je
I'm not familiar with, but on the surface, I'd say that shows they've entered the 2010 Dutch Open. Since they're competing at the international level, that should show notability. ā€”
2036:...", but I will keep my vote because I think so. Nego, svasta si tamo bezveze rekao, si siguran da neces nesto da popravis tamo, ili skines (mene uopste ne briga dali me podrzavas ili ne...) 1108: 824:) or web content, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is important or significant: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the 3492:
page on what you want to participate, and you still donĀ“t even understand what I stand for there, or you just ignore it, so you can say all this silly talk you have been saying about me.
with LAz, and I would ask LAz to avoid playing narrowly around the edges of the topic ban. LAz, I notice you did make some edits about the ethnic demographics of individual towns, as at
1639: 776:, I barely edit, and what little time I can spare is completely taken-up trying to keep a bunch of Croat nationalists from vandalizing one of the few good ex-Yugoslavia articles, the 177:
The point is, does the 1910 census present the information for the kotars, or merely for the districts? If only the information for the six districts exists, then the map is fine. --
Hahaha which ever way you wish to interpret it. Do watch the language though, I already lost my other nemesis Aradic and I can't afford to lose the one that got me my first block.
3276: 540:" link (it is located at the very top of any Knowledge page when you are logged in), and then selecting "File" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free images not used in any 468:" link (it is located at the very top of any Knowledge page when you are logged in), and then selecting "File" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free images not used in any 1620: 1959:
What is in question is weather can DM be considered simply as "WWII Axis collaborator", the obvious consequent text he has edited on the "Collaboration" sections of both DM and
Most of the debating has been done initially by J.J.Georges and direktor and then by me and BoDu vs direktor and AlasdairGreen27, having all this ended with a mediation request
882: 513: 3304:
Would you agree to an indefinite topic ban for all Balkan-related topics and articles and a restriction that you must only post in English (which you should be doing anyway)?
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of "file" pages you have edited by clicking on the "
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of "file" pages you have edited by clicking on the "
1442: 1224: 494: 1483:
If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their license and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following
That whole exchange was completely unacceptable. The tone of your request and your history of blocks for this exact behavior make it seem like an unblock is a poor idea.
653: 3337:
No, it's just you seem to have difficulty interacting with users within the Balkan world. It's not my opinion, it's your block log. You're welcome to decline my offer.
1536: 1455: 1205: 392:
Heh, fala lipa na povjerenju. One thing, though: stop talking about this, stop posting about this, just forget it for now. You will get blocked for good if you don't. --
878: 2300:
You are extremely ill-mannered, and you refer to the Ignore all rules policy. Then you say I should follow the rules. Do you really think everyone else is an idiot?--
1517: 1200: 441: 113:
indicates you have little factual basis for your shrill accusations, because nothing of what you said actually warrants a description of the map as factually wrong.
Your vendetta against me has nothing to do with any moving pages - it simply has to do with me not backing you regarding the nazi collaborator fascist leader Draza.
3848: 1030: 3093: 2949: 422: 3829: 1718: 1011: 561: 262:
push a Croatian nationalist POV (Ceha no offense, trying to be objective). On the other hand, his maps are accurate for the most part on their level of detail.
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nedolazim puno, ipak gledam da kad imam vremena odem i do nekih drugih mesta. Evo sad zadnje sam ponovo bio u Maroku, ziva zajebancija i kulijana.
1414: 111: 104: 3519:
And on all of this you stalk me. And the administration lets you get away with it, by punishing the victim. What we have now is what is known as
Well if he was, you just report him and provide links, you don't tell him to "go fuck himself" or whatever...Ā :) You just get instantly blocked,
1811: 1723: 979: 860: 3589:
Sorry I couldn't come sooner, but you know that as a respected member of this community I cannot be seen to associate with the likes of you. xD
for draza. The good ol' chetnik chruches glorify the man's crimes. He was a hero afteral. You hate me for feeling that Draza was with the Nazis.
I have little hope that this situation will improve as long as you are free to pursue your feud. As I warned you earlier, you are therefore now
is missinterpreting and exagerating the sources he has been using for the statements he has been making in the article, specially the lead one.
1819: 891: 794: 987: 545: 473: 3616:
But, I sniffed out something that might be interesting - territorial subdivisions of Krajina. I suppose it might piss off people, but if the
2765: 2646: 2606: 2553: 2538: 2523: 2489: 2475: 2457: 2370: 2190: 2151: 2117: 2087: 2060: 2045: 2019: 2000: 658:
Without to much talk, sorry. I did not mean to offend anybody just checking if something changed while I was away. It won't happen again. --
3643: 3511: 2703: 2418: 1968: 1942: 2265: 682: 249:
manage to do that in over a year, why would he now? Direktor, you are quite welcome to raise the issue yourself if you find it important.
3817: 3795: 3769: 3744: 2588: 2508: 2441: 2323: 2309: 2295: 2281: 750: 736: 719: 311: 243: 185: 164: 3565: 3547: 3532: 3505: 3485: 3466: 3450: 3387: 2661:
za izjednacenje, razumes? Bojim se da ces lose da me shvatis, al ja stvarno neznam zasto hoces da ucestvujes, sem zbog "ucestvovanja".
2638: 2250: 1844: 854: 813: 799: 749:
In addition to apparently being in trouble about those railway templates, you also have broken your existing topic ban, with this edit
3672: 3654: 3292: 3233: 3215: 2750: 1896:
Caos, vidi... (ajde na Engleskom da neki ne razmisljaju sta pricamo...) I was wandering if you had noteced what is really going on on
400: 354: 218:
maps because he wants to depict Bosnia as "more Croatian", but then again the map is his and it is accurate on the more general level.
3407: 3363: 3348: 3331: 1864: 131: 2788: 644: 641: 2775:
Nevidim nista lose na tim altertovima. Sta god je tu za mene, takodje je za ovog fkpa. To sto si napiso tamo je neutralno i uredu.
2430: 762: 618: 2424: 2210: 1964: 3426:) 11:13, 23 May 2010 (UTC) Also, could you please provide some evidence for you acusation that I am a "nationalist"? Thank you. 583: 1991:
Lazo, nemoras bre meni da pricas istoriju, samo sam te pitao jel oces da ucestvujes ili ne i ukratko ti rekao u cemu je stvar.
1807: 1724: 1127: 975: 892: 874: 795: 1946: 2233: 1348: 120:
from all edits relating to the historical demographics and cartography of Ex-Yugoslavia. This sanction will be logged under
1938: 1878: 772:
Sincere apologies for my belated response, LAz. Unfortunately, I am overwhelmed with work. As you can probably see from my
2878: 3162: 3005: 2861: 1491: 759: 650: 632: 589:
I did not attack him at all if you read my post carefully. I only stated what happened and what he does. It's all true. (
580: 253: 128: 2236:
aktualno. Nisu u stanju poboljŔati prigradsku željeznicu, niti izgraditi prugu do Samobora, a kamo li izgraditi metro.--
There is no use in intelligent users like you getting blocked for incivility so I will ignore your comments about me on
3069: 2925: 3852:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 3607: 2688: 2670: 1643:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 1540:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 1228:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 1131:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 1034:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 517:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 445:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 3628:- though note how the population of Zac changed. Something really messed up has been going on with the census data... 2480:
Dobro, to si uradio. Ja bi im eventualno ostavio one sajtove, al odvojene od ovog zvanicnog, al nema veze. Dobro je.
2222: 1985: 1886: 1434: 3435: 3041:
Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the
Other administrators may also review this block, but should not override the decision without good reason (see the
2809: 2358: 3315: 701: 3685: 3441:
You followed me to the serbian wikipedia, looking at what others wrote on my talk page and followed my trails. (
3267: 3201: 3152: 3394: 3146: 1472: 756: 647: 629: 577: 250: 125: 3865: 2650: 2634: 1656: 1553: 1381: 1241: 1144: 1047: 1006: 789: 530: 458: 1758: 1364: 1344: 926: 2995: 2729: 3712: 3617: 3418:
Just as curiosity, could you please be able to provide evidence and say exactly where am I "stalking you"?
3087: 2943: 2873: 2769: 3056: 2912: 2403: 2374: 572: 138:
back you guys spread the "feud" out before settling the Bosnian map so I felt discouraged, sorry again. --
3722: 3244: 3064: 2920: 2849: 2384:
I thought about saying something about Fkp, but I figured its probably best to let you see for yourself.
2245: 1766: 934: 833: 3052: 2908: 38: 3398:] That rests my case. I get into trouble sporadically when some nationalist won't stop bothering me. ( 3078: 2934: 235:
Its quite the dilemma, so be careful to present it in an objective and brief way. That's my advice. --
3042: 2898: 2828: 2346: 1909: 86: 81: 76: 64: 59: 1484: 3638: 3636: 3248: 3036: 2892: 2738:
Frankly I am not a fan of rap/rnb stuff. This is one of the few such songs that I can listen to...
1882: 1359: 1340: 2715: 3097: 3074: 2953: 2930: 2865: 755:
Since I already warned you the other day, I can hardly let this one pass now. Blocked for 24hrs.
537: 465: 3299: 3661: 3584: 2845: 1772:
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If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding
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Is it worth getting feedback from the community? Ceha seems "within his rights", as it were. --
of Kosovo" since "Kosovo" ā‰  "Republic of Kosovo", and needs a well-publicized requested move (
3060: 2916: 1897: 1419: 1393: 820:, because the article appears to be about about a person, organization (band, club, company, 3543: 3501: 3462: 3431: 3423: 2839: 2684: 2666: 2655: 2602: 2584: 2573: 2549: 2534: 2519: 2504: 2485: 2471: 2453: 2437: 2414: 2218: 2186: 2147: 2113: 2083: 2056: 2041: 2015: 1996: 1981: 1928: 1917: 1754: 1459: 922: 829: 555: 94: 2499:
Dobro je, dobro je... nemoj samo da im skidas zvezdice, od sada cemo samo da dodajemo!Ā ;)
8: 3520: 3083: 2939: 2795: 2354: 1891: 1397: 3538:
Yes, youĀ“re right, thatĀ“s your best evidence of stocking by me that youĀ“ll ever have...
1458:. However, it currently is missing information on its copyright status. Knowledge takes 3809: 3787: 3761: 3736: 3704: 3322:
why would someone take something that is worse? You offer me something that is worse. (
3134: 2805: 2335: 2319: 2305: 2291: 2277: 2261: 1430: 732: 715: 697: 1750: 918: 825: 3923: 3910: 3668: 3650: 3561: 3528: 3481: 3446: 3403: 3383: 3375: 3359: 3343: 3327: 3310: 3288: 3211: 3130: 2784: 2746: 1791:(just below the existing speedy deletion or "db" tag), coupled with adding a note on 1765:. You may also wish to consider using a Wizard to help you create articles - see the 1714: 1701: 1611: 1598: 1407: 1377: 1308: 1299: 1286: 1196: 1099: 992: 959:(just below the existing speedy deletion or "db" tag), coupled with adding a note on 933:. You may also wish to consider using a Wizard to help you create articles - see the 858:(just below the existing speedy deletion or "db" tag), coupled with adding a note on 832:. You may also wish to consider using a Wizard to help you create articles - see the 744: 687: 594: 483: 350: 3884:
I will remove the request for deletion if the file is used in an article once again.
can exist, I figure why shouldn't this also exist. I'm also gonna make the page for
1829:, based on the assertion that they won a 2003 European championship. I've asked, on 1675:
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I will remove the request for deletion if the file is used in an article once again.
I will remove the request for deletion if the file is used in an article once again.
3857: 3171: 3014: 2855: 2814: 2620: 2614: 2409:
A, gde ja to tebe, kao, pratim, majke ti? Likove kao ti ja obicno samo ispracam...
1860: 1840: 1648: 1545: 1233: 1136: 1039: 708: 522: 450: 214:, and make it clear. You feel the map is biased and that User:Ceha is making these 121: 2368:
Ma, ubiću te!Ā :) Nemoj mi tražiti, nagrade se ne traže! niÅ”ta se ti ne sekiraj! --
3906: 3539: 3497: 3458: 3427: 3419: 2680: 2662: 2598: 2580: 2569: 2545: 2530: 2515: 2500: 2481: 2467: 2449: 2433: 2410: 2214: 2182: 2143: 2109: 2079: 2052: 2037: 2011: 1992: 1977: 1872: 1777: 1697: 1594: 1477: 1282: 1002: 945: 844: 777: 566: 549: 47: 17: 1746: 1745:
requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under
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Da ti mene nisi sa nekim pobrkao? Kakve ja veze imam sa tim Faust Vrančićem?
1953: 1913: 1669: 1566: 1426: 1254: 1157: 1060: 961: 783: 728: 711: 693: 394: 305: 267: 237: 179: 158: 140: 3919: 3853: 3338: 3305: 3280: 3256: 2820: 2709: 2363: 2286:
Ali, ja sam samo ignorisao sva pravila. Aaaa, sad ti se ne svidja, je li?--
1921: 1710: 1644: 1607: 1541: 1497: 1403: 1295: 1229: 1192: 1132: 1095: 1035: 518: 478: 446: 628:; please note that those, strictly speaking, do fall under the topic ban. 3679: 1931: 1855: 1835: 773: 3664: 3646: 3557: 3524: 3477: 3442: 3399: 3379: 3371: 3355: 3323: 3284: 3207: 3047: 2903: 2780: 2742: 2566:
Ja samo tvrdim da oni nisu NAZI kako direktor ih prikazuje, nista vise!
2379: 1373: 1317: 998: 625: 590: 346: 1332:
This reward is for his hard work on giving informations about Croatia
I will remove the request for deletion if the file is used once again.
I will remove the request for deletion if the file is used once again.
2983: 2237: 1916:
editing of the article in the "Draza, a WWII Axis collaborator" way.
1905: 1826: 1787: 1742: 1728: 659: 608: 100: 3243:
When you get back, I've got an issue that you may be interested in.
very seriously. It may be deleted soon, unless we can determine the
1447: 3625: 3592: 1960: 1734: 955: 910: 902: 896: 805: 3621: 1937:
You can see all the discussions in the Draza talk page (archives
behalve. Good editing (oh!, sorry, you are blocked... be cool!)
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3275: 2464: 1682:
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Hej, samo da ti javim, ako vec ne znas, da je to ovde na ANI:
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3251:). The article should be entitled "Foreign Relations of the 2641:
at any timeĀ by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.
articles, and also, important, the inclusion of them in the
explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for
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see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable
explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for
see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable
Please chill out. I am generally supportive of you on this.
3691: 2800:
I would like not to have any contact with you. Ever. Bye.--
Aww bro, come visit me more often here in this doghouse.Ā :(
605: 3881:, and will therefore not be able to answer your questions. 1672:, and will therefore not be able to answer your questions. 1569:, and will therefore not be able to answer your questions. 1257:, and will therefore not be able to answer your questions. 303:
controversial I'll issue an RfC. You STAY AWAY or else. --
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Meni pomogao oko "Italijanskog Hrvata"? O cemu pricas?
and can be appealed through the means described there.
The provoker has been banned more lately than I have.
3127:"The provoker has been banned more lately than I have" 1877:
Tell to other side not to call me someone's puppet!--
File copyright problem with File:JeseniceMuniFlag.gif
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921:, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please 828:, such articles may be deleted at any time. Please 2844:. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to 2314:Da, svi su glupi, samo si ti pametan. Aj zdravo.-- 544:will be deleted after seven days, as described on 472:will be deleted after seven days, as described on 108:Talk:Demographic history of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1900:article. Well, IĀ“ll just make you a fast resume: 1825:I've declined the request for speedy deletion of 1518:Orphaned non-free image File:JeseniceMuniFlag.gif 3189:? I know what you're dealing with, but did you 423:Orphaned non-free image File:KHLMedvescakII.gif 3830:Orphaned non-free image File:CeljeMuniFlag.gif 3800:Sad when we can't even agree on colors. lol -- 2848:. If you would like to be unblocked, you may 1747:section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion 1012:Orphaned non-free image File:Graz99ersLogo.gif 915:section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion 818:section A7 of the criteria for speedy deletion 1788:the page that has been nominated for deletion 956:the page that has been nominated for deletion 855:the page that has been nominated for deletion 3510:You are a harasser, as is proven with this, 1388:Demographic history vs historical demography 3635:So tell me, does this intrigue you at all? 2463:"Brodu". Jel to onaj zadnji link, evo ovaj 2010:defend Red Star (see if you want). Poz!Ā :) 2514:Pa lepo pise na mojoj strani. Nisi video? 1810:the page or have a copy emailed to you. 978:the page or have a copy emailed to you. 877:the page or have a copy emailed to you. 2256:reverting it back to Red Star Belgrade.-- 604:Weren't you blocked from balkan issuesĀ ? 3690: 3193:to get blocked?? See ya in a week. :P -- 2626:Hello, LAz17. You have new messages at 1920:has been fully supporting direktor, and 3129:is some sort of defence? You have read 2714:Loved the linkĀ :), here's one for you: 2349:if you think a page needs to be moved. 2211:Template:Yugoslav Axis collaborationism 1965:Template:Yugoslav Axis collaborationism 14: 3898:To opt out of these bot messages, add 3660:What d'you think of Europe's new map? 2721:, e s ovom stvari se slažem 100%... -- 1689:To opt out of these bot messages, add 1586:To opt out of these bot messages, add 1315: 1274:To opt out of these bot messages, add 1183:To opt out of these bot messages, add 1128:File:BlocPartyLittleThoughtsTulips.JPG 1086:To opt out of these bot messages, add 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 3273:Bro, need your help... could you put 1930:that was accepted and finally, today 1494:. Thanks again for your cooperation. 1404:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1339:this WikiAward was given to LAz17 by 3688:but I forgot. This was my reaction: 1396:describes a specific concept, while 110:, your latest answer to my question 25: 2209:sources da ubaci Drazu i Cetnike u 23: 3856:. However, the image is currently 3835: 3027: 2883: 2819: 2619: 2466:, zvanicna internet strana grada? 2251:Red Star Belgrade/FK Crvena zvezda 1802:does get deleted, you can contact 1733: 1647:. However, the image is currently 1626: 1544:. However, the image is currently 1523: 1446: 1232:. However, the image is currently 1211: 1135:. However, the image is currently 1114: 1038:. However, the image is currently 1017: 970:does get deleted, you can contact 901: 869:does get deleted, you can contact 804: 521:. However, the image is currently 500: 449:. However, the image is currently 428: 24: 3938: 1400:is a generic disambig article. -- 3274: 1952:What I basically defend is that 1640:File:BelarusianExtraligaLogo.gif 1316: 99:LAz17, your continued feud with 29: 2860:below, but you should read our 2846:make constructive contributions 2741:You like punk or rock at all? ( 2425:Kneževo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2386:Å ta možeÅ”... lik me prati okolo 2032:I said, "this is not important 1187:to somewhere on your talk page. 1090:to somewhere on your talk page. 1949:beside the current talk page). 1492:media copyright questions page 1326:The Croatian Barnstar of Merit 13: 1: 3895:to file an un-delete request. 3866:our policy for non-free media 2832:from editing for a period of 1686:to file an un-delete request. 1657:our policy for non-free media 1583:to file an un-delete request. 1554:our policy for non-free media 1271:to file an un-delete request. 1242:our policy for non-free media 1178:to file an un-delete request. 1145:our policy for non-free media 1081:to file an un-delete request. 1048:our policy for non-free media 1007:04:05, 15 February 2010 (UTC) 988:03:11, 15 February 2010 (UTC) 887:02:50, 15 February 2010 (UTC) 599:06:45, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 584:06:33, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 562:03:14, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 531:our policy for non-free media 514:File:KranjskaGoraMuniFlag.gif 490:06:01, 12 December 2009 (UTC) 459:our policy for non-free media 401:11:25, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 355:06:17, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 312:05:43, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 274:00:16, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 257:00:04, 15 December 2009 (UTC) 244:19:17, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 186:12:03, 14 December 2009 (UTC) 165:13:16, 11 December 2009 (UTC) 147:00:53, 11 December 2009 (UTC) 132:00:03, 11 December 2009 (UTC) 3185:Oh for heaven's sake man... 1751:criteria for speedy deletion 1170:If you recieved this notice 1073:If you recieved this notice 919:criteria for speedy deletion 826:criteria for speedy deletion 790:13:58, 22 January 2010 (UTC) 763:13:33, 20 January 2010 (UTC) 670:22:23, 13 January 2010 (UTC) 654:21:34, 13 January 2010 (UTC) 636:18:27, 13 January 2010 (UTC) 619:16:21, 13 January 2010 (UTC) 546:criteria for speedy deletion 474:criteria for speedy deletion 7: 3887:If you receive this notice 3642:You probably missed this - 3245:Foreign Relations of Kosovo 3039:, who declined the request. 2895:, who declined the request. 1678:If you receive this notice 1575:If you receive this notice 1369:22:52, 30 March 2010 (CET) 1263:If you receive this notice 1225:File:Partizan-hokej-grb.jpg 737:18:40, 4 January 2010 (UTC) 720:17:47, 4 January 2010 (UTC) 702:17:45, 4 January 2010 (UTC) 10: 3943: 2395:. Summer's coming...Ā ;) -- 1865:04:33, 28 April 2010 (UTC) 1845:22:42, 27 April 2010 (UTC) 1820:20:11, 27 April 2010 (UTC) 1719:00:33, 19 April 2010 (UTC) 1616:00:27, 19 April 2010 (UTC) 1513:21:31, 17 April 2010 (UTC) 1349:20:53, 29 March 2010 (UTC) 1304:00:17, 27 March 2010 (UTC) 1201:14:01, 13 March 2010 (UTC) 1104:08:20, 13 March 2010 (UTC) 203:a post on WP:ANI. Make it 3721:The "crybabywhiners" are 3223:Å”to vidimo iz priloženoga 3163:guide to appealing blocks 3006:guide to appealing blocks 2862:guide to appealing blocks 2347:Knowledge:Requested moves 1924:"je njihov, al kao nije". 1910:User:Jean-Jacques Georges 1741:A tag has been placed on 1537:File:JeseniceMuniFlag.gif 1456:File:JeseniceMuniFlag.gif 1435:22:05, 7 April 2010 (UTC) 1415:04:04, 5 April 2010 (UTC) 1382:04:31, 2 April 2010 (UTC) 1322: 909:A tag has been placed on 812:A tag has been placed on 3928:06:01, 3 June 2010 (UTC) 3818:21:57, 8 June 2010 (UTC) 3796:12:30, 1 June 2010 (UTC) 3770:16:44, 31 May 2010 (UTC) 3745:12:43, 31 May 2010 (UTC) 3713:21:51, 30 May 2010 (UTC) 3673:05:33, 29 May 2010 (UTC) 3655:19:45, 28 May 2010 (UTC) 3608:17:04, 28 May 2010 (UTC) 3566:18:47, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3548:18:20, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3533:18:06, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3506:17:47, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3486:17:07, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3467:16:01, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3451:15:56, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3436:15:28, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3408:06:44, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3388:05:43, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3364:05:31, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3349:04:20, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3332:03:45, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3316:03:18, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3293:06:05, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3268:02:10, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3234:01:59, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 3216:22:59, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 3202:22:24, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 3153:10:00, 23 May 2010 (UTC) 2996:23:20, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 2879:22:13, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 2810:03:02, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 2789:21:18, 21 May 2010 (UTC) 2770:21:12, 21 May 2010 (UTC) 2751:03:45, 24 May 2010 (UTC) 2730:19:40, 19 May 2010 (UTC) 2704:19:40, 19 May 2010 (UTC) 2689:02:42, 17 May 2010 (UTC) 2671:02:34, 17 May 2010 (UTC) 2651:01:17, 17 May 2010 (UTC) 2635:22:08, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2607:22:33, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2589:07:19, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2554:06:29, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2539:06:13, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2524:05:59, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2509:05:18, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2490:03:49, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2476:02:52, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2458:02:39, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 2442:06:04, 15 May 2010 (UTC) 2419:03:35, 14 May 2010 (UTC) 2404:23:50, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2375:18:07, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2359:14:45, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2324:15:20, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2310:14:23, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2296:14:06, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2282:09:26, 12 May 2010 (UTC) 2266:12:33, 11 May 2010 (UTC) 2223:05:43, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2191:04:16, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2152:04:00, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2118:03:55, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2088:03:45, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2061:03:37, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2046:03:23, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 2020:03:14, 13 May 2010 (UTC) 1454:Thank you for uploading 3909:and leave a message on 3723:fuckin' with the system 3624:, something similar to 3552:I never accused you of 2246:07:39, 9 May 2010 (UTC) 2001:21:46, 4 May 2010 (UTC) 1986:04:27, 4 May 2010 (UTC) 1934:accepted the mediation. 1887:21:40, 1 May 2010 (UTC) 1700:and leave a message on 1597:and leave a message on 1285:and leave a message on 442:File:KHLMedvescakII.gif 3849:File:CeljeMuniFlag.gif 3841: 3715: 3597:kako stvari u zatvoru? 3032: 2888: 2824: 2624: 1806:to request that they 1738: 1632: 1529: 1478:image description page 1451: 1217: 1120: 1031:File:Graz99ersLogo.gif 1023: 974:to request that they 906: 873:to request that they 809: 506: 434: 3900:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 3846:Thanks for uploading 3839: 3694: 3632:position to be in. :P 3206:He was stalking me. ( 3084:change block settings 3031: 2940:change block settings 2887: 2823: 2623: 1737: 1691:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 1637:Thanks for uploading 1630: 1588:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 1534:Thanks for uploading 1527: 1450: 1394:historical demography 1276:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 1222:Thanks for uploading 1215: 1185:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 1125:Thanks for uploading 1118: 1088:{{bots|deny=DASHBot}} 1028:Thanks for uploading 1021: 905: 808: 511:Thanks for uploading 504: 439:Thanks for uploading 432: 42:of past discussions. 3911:my owner's talk page 2272:kako mu se prohte.-- 1918:User:AlasdairGreen27 1702:my owner's talk page 1599:my owner's talk page 1372:O, hvala hvala! :D ( 1287:my owner's talk page 3862:You may add it back 3521:Blaming the Victims 2858:|Your reason here}} 2852:by adding the text 1804:one of these admins 1653:You may add it back 1550:You may add it back 1398:demographic history 1360:The Nerd from Earth 1341:The Nerd from Earth 1238:You may add it back 1141:You may add it back 1044:You may add it back 972:one of these admins 879:Simon-in-sagamihara 871:one of these admins 527:You may add it back 455:You may add it back 3902:to your talk page. 3842: 3716: 3684:Meant to reply to 3033: 2889: 2825: 2639:remove this notice 2628:Tadija's talk page 2625: 1912:have been oposing 1739: 1693:to your talk page. 1633: 1590:to your talk page. 1530: 1452: 1278:to your talk page. 1218: 1121: 1024: 907: 810: 507: 435: 3854:claim of fair use 3726: 3347: 3314: 2850:appeal this block 2597:je sve pocelo?). 1943:Mediation request 1645:claim of fair use 1542:claim of fair use 1507: 1392:Please note that 1368: 1356: 1355: 1230:claim of fair use 1133:claim of fair use 1036:claim of fair use 668: 617: 519:claim of fair use 447:claim of fair use 92: 91: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3934: 3901: 3844: 3816: 3812: 3805: 3794: 3790: 3783: 3768: 3764: 3757: 3743: 3739: 3732: 3720: 3711: 3707: 3700: 3606: 3604: 3341: 3308: 3278: 3266: 3264: 3232: 3230: 3200: 3198: 3176: 3170: 3149: 3145: 3137: 3103: 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User talk:LAz17
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Talk:Demographic history of Bosnia and Herzegovina

00:03, 11 December 2009 (UTC)
00:53, 11 December 2009 (UTC)
13:16, 11 December 2009 (UTC)
12:03, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
19:17, 14 December 2009 (UTC)
00:04, 15 December 2009 (UTC)
00:16, 15 December 2009 (UTC)

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