
Varangian runestones

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11556: 23: 5091: 14298: 640:. When the basement collapsed, the runestone was splintered into a great number of minor and major pieces of which the top part was the largest one. A fragment of the stone was discovered in the field on the property of Lissby. All in all, no less than 70 pieces were reassembled, and in 1931, the repaired stone was raised in the garden of Hagby. The stone is in granite and it is 2.60 m tall and 1.5 m wide. The inscription is damaged and especially in its beginning and end. It refers to several stones and one of them was probably the runestone 8172: 6923: 3923: 969:. It was discovered together with U 151 and U 153 in a collapsed basement under the eastern part of the foundation of the main building of the farm Lissby. When it was discovered, it was still standing but it had been crushed and it crumbled into 50 pieces when it was removed from the wall. It was reassembled but the upper part had been lost and could not be retrieved. In 1931, it was raised in the garden of Hagby. The stone is dark and it is 1.23 m tall and 0.3 m wide. The inscription is damaged in several places. 3318: 3073: 11468: 6543: 3883: 5022: 14058: 4271: 3307: 11666: 7180: 4611: 1774: 11360: 10181: 6196: 6188: 5389: 10599: 1431: 1384: 11477:, p. 60: "These two original centres of Rus were Staraja Ladoga and Rurikovo Gorodishche, two points on the ends of an axis, the Volkhov, a river running for 200 km between two lakes, from the Ilmen in the south to the Ladoga in the north. This was the territory that most probably was originally called by the Norsemen Gardar, a name that long after Viking Age was given much wider content and become Gardariki, a denomination for whole Old Russian State." 12246: 3682: 4841: 350: 364: 336: 6953: 10864: 9503: 13030: 387: 7441: 14326: 7867: 2063: 13050: 11432: 11384: 8856: 7481: 2700: 954: 617: 13158: 13146: 6980:, the name may refer to the same person on the two runestones. Unfortunately, the Sparlösa Runestone is damaged in several places and although it mentions a battle and although there are images like birds hovering above the rigging of a ship, scholars cannot be certain that it refers to a chieftain who had fallen in battle. The identification between the name Eivísl on the two runestones will remain a hypothesis. 1160: 1476: 14250: 6554:, when stones were removed from a field. It is a lightly reddish stone which is granular and finely textured. The surface of the inscription is even but it is damaged due to flaking, making parts of the inscription difficult to read. It is 2.27 m tall, 0.9 m wide and 0.33 m thick. It is of note that the inscription when discovered still carried traces of its original colouring, which was determined to be of 327: 318: 309: 300: 291: 282: 273: 264: 255: 246: 237: 228: 219: 210: 201: 192: 183: 174: 165: 156: 147: 138: 129: 120: 111: 102: 93: 84: 75: 66: 57: 48: 39: 30: 13078: 14074: 11654: 12894: 13230: 12275: 10052: 11408: 13167:, p. 443: "This theory was criticized by the eminent Swedish archaeologist Ture J. Arne, who declared that a Viking cheftain would have been incapable making the journey to Khwārizm, south of the estuary of the Amu Darya at the Aral Sea as late as about 1040. Such an enterprise would have been possible only during the time of Ibn Fadlān’s expedition of 922." 12035: 12287: 11271: 13087:, section Inscription, English: "§A Ketill and Bjǫrn, they raised this stone in memory of Þorsteinn, their father; Ǫnundr in memory of his brother and the housecarls in memory of the just(?) (and) Ketiley in memory of her husbandman. These brothers were the best of men in the land and abroad in the retinue, held their housecarls well." 13130: 13965: 13066: 11444: 11582: 11480: 14091: 12327: 13994: 13061:· ketil : auk + biorn + þaiʀ + raistu + stain + þin + at + þourstain : faþur + sin + anuntr + at + bruþur + sin + auk : hulaʀ + hifiʀ + iafna + ketilau at + buanta sin · ¶ bruþr uaʀu þaʀ bistra mana : a : lanti auk : i liþi : uti : h(i)(l)(t)u sini huska(r)la : ui- + 5978:· ketil : auk + biorn + þaiʀ + raistu + stain + þin + at + þourstain : faþur + sin + anuntr + at + bruþur + sin + auk : hulaʀ + hifiʀ + iafna + ketilau at + buanta sin · ¶ bruþr uaʀu þaʀ bistra mana : a : lanti auk : i liþi : uti : h(i)(l)(t)u sini huska(r)la : ui- + 12284:, section Inscription, English: "Rúna had the landmark made in memory of Spjallboði and in memory of Sveinn and in memory of Andvéttr and in memory of Ragnarr, sons of her and Helgi/Egli/Engli; and Sigríðr in memory of Spjallboði, her husbandman. He died in Holmgarðr in Ólafr's church. Œpir carved the runes." 5981:{} Kætill {} ok {} Biorn {} þæiʀ {} ræistu {} stæin {} þenna {} at {} Þorstæin, {} faður {} sinn, {} Anundr {} at {} broður {} sinn {} ok {} huskarlaʀ {} æftiʀ(?) {} iafna, {} Kætiløy at {} boanda sinn. {} {} Brøðr vaʀu þæiʀ bæstra manna, {} a {} landi ok {} i liði {} uti, {} heldu sina huskarla {} ve. {} 12918: 12539: 12803: 12263: 10033:
roþuisl : auk : roþalf : þau : litu : raisa : staina : eftir : sy-... ... þria : þina : eftir : roþfos : han : siku : blakumen : i : utfaru kuþ : hialbin : sial : roþfoaʀ kuþ : suiki : þa :
was made in the 9th century when the Varangians played a central role in what would become Russia and Ukraine. This vast area was a rich source of pelts, hides and people, and it was an important component in the contemporary Swedish economy. Its Old Norse name meant 'land of fortresses' and was
roþuisl : auk : roþalf : þau : litu : raisa : staina : eftir : sy-… … þria : þina : eftir : roþfos : han : siku : blakumen : i : utfaru kuþ : hielbin : sial : roþfoaʀ kuþ : suiki : þa :
11336: 5984:
Ketill and Bjǫrn, they raised this stone in memory of Þorsteinn, their father; Ǫnundr in memory of his brother and the housecarls in memory of the just(?) (and) Ketiley in memory of her husbandman. These brothers were the best of men in the land and abroad in the retinue, held their housecarls
14103: 13310: 11520: 11372: 6558:
but without any noticeable traces of binding material. The nuance appears to have been the same the one used by the Department of Runes when repainting runes in modern days. The stone is of historic note as it mentions the construction of a bridge on the old trail from Badelunda and lake
13696: 11802: 13656: 13982: 12387: 11678: 11602: 13684: 12506: 11690: 11500: 11280:, p. 267: "This was that Yngvar the Widefarer whose exploits in the east entered Norse legend - and Norse history inasmuch as twenty-five east Swedish memorial stones of the early mid-eleventh century tell of men who took the eastern road to Serkland and fell with Yngvar's host". 12567: 12315: 12063: 2685:
Runa {} let gæra {} mærki at {} Spiallbuða {} ok {} at {} Svæin {} ok {} at {} Andvett {} ok at {} Ragnar, {} syni {} sina {} ok {} Hælga/Ægla/Ængla, {} ok {} Sigrið {} at {} Spiallbuða, {} bonda sinn. Hann vaʀ {} dauðr {} i Holmgarði {} i Olafs {} kirkiu. {} Øpiʀ {} risti {}
This runestone is located at a path called Tjuvstigen ('thief trail') and is carved in runestone style KB. This is the classification for inscriptions with a cross that is bordered by the runic text. The runic text states that it was raised in memory of two brothers who were
13576: 12579: 2689:
Rúna had the landmark made in memory of Spjallboði and in memory of Sveinn and in memory of Andvéttr and in memory of Ragnarr, sons of her and Helgi/Egli/Engli; and Sigríðr in memory of Spjallboði, her husbandman. He died in Holmgarðr in Ólafr's church. Œpir carved the
13327: 13724: 9514:
tell about the same family, and there is also an additional runestone about the same people, G 136. These runestones tell of a common situation for Scandinavian families in the 11th century: one son was killed through treason in the South, possibly as a member of the
12599: 13339: 13075:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§A Kætill ok Biorn þæiʀ ræistu stæin þenna at Þorstæin, faður sinn, Anundr at broður sinn ok huskarlaʀ æftiʀ(?) iafna, Kætiløy at boanda sinn. Brøðr vaʀu þæiʀ bæztra manna, a landi ok i liði uti, heldu sina huskarla ve." 12163: 11905: 14003:, section Inscription, English: "Hróðvísl and Hróðelfr, they had the stones raised in memory of (their) three sons. This (one) in memory of Hróðfúss. Wallachians betrayed him on a voyage. May God help Hróðfúss' soul. May God betray those who betrayed him." 6934:
is dated to the 9th century. It is the oldest inscription that mentions a Viking chieftain leading an expedition eastwards, and many other chieftains would follow in his wake. Unfortunately, it does not tell the exact destination of the Viking expedition.
form of Khwarezm would have been. Moreover, Pritsak notes that Arne was wrong in his claim that it would have been impossible for Ingvar to go to Kwarezm at the time. On the contrary, there were no obstacles for such a voyage during the period 1035–1041.
11324: 12415: 13616: 13587:: kuli : rsþi : stin : þesi : eftiʀ : rþr : kunu : sinaʀ : esburn : ok : iula : treka : hrþa : kuþa : ian : þiʀ : urþu : tuþiʀ : i : lþi : ustr : 7851:: kuli : rsþi : stin : þesi : eftiʀ : rþr : kunu : sinaʀ : esburn : ok : iula : treka : hrþa : kuþa : ian : þiʀ : urþu : tuþiʀ : i : lþi : ustr : 11983: 11865: 632:. It was discovered in 1930 in the basement under the main building of the old estate Lissby which had been demolished in the late 19th century. It had been inserted in the basement wall with the engraved side visible together with the runestones 14071:) - one of the members of the expedition, Rafn, lost his life. South of the Rvanyj Kamin’ the “brothers” erected a gravemarker for this man, and upon their return home they had a memorial stone erected in their Gotland fatherland in his memory." 13672: 11618: 13712: 13604: 12627: 12819: 12272:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Runa let gæra mærki at Spiallbuða ok at Svæin ok at Andvett ok at Ragnar, syni sina ok Hælga/Ægla/Ængla, ok Sigrið at Spiallbuða, bonda sinn. Hann vaʀ dauðr i Holmgarði i Olafs kirkiu. Øpiʀ risti runaʀ." 10037:
Hroðvisl {} ok {} Hroðælfʀ {} þaun {} letu {} ræisa {} stæina {} æftiʀ {} sy þria. {} Þenna {} æftiʀ {} Hroðfoss. {} Hann {} sviku {} blakumenn {} i {} utfaru. Guð {} hialpin {} sial {} Hroðfosaʀ. Guð {} sviki {} þa, {} eʀ {} hann {} sviku.
3335: 14366: 6895:
taf : lit : risa : estn : þina : hitiʀ : kri(m)ut ~ uas : farin : sun : (u)iþfast-- : aust:arla ulfr : auk : uibiurn : -... kitilas : krþi : b-...(u) · (o) :
11345:, section Inscription, English: "These brothers were the best of men in the land and abroad in the retinue, held their housecarls well. He fell in battle in the east in Garðar (Russia), commander of the retinue, the best of landholders." 14214: 12934: 12699: 12303: 14112:, section Inscription, English: "Hegbjǫrn raised this stone glaring (and his) brothers Hróðvísl, Eysteinn, <-muar>, who have had stones raised in memory of Hrafn south of Rofstein. They came far and wide in Eifor. Vífill bade …" 13321:
taf : lit : risa : estn : þina : hitiʀ : kri(m)ut ~ uas : farin : sun : (u)iþfast-- : aust:arla ulfr : auk : uibiurn : -… kitilas : krþi : b-…(u) · (o) :
12555: 14354: 14115: 12203: 2159:
suggests that Spjallboði died in a fire that destroyed the church in c. 1070–1080. Jansson, on the other hand, attributes the death of Spjallboði in a church to the fact that many of the medieval churches were defensive structures.
The estate that was bought was probably the farm Veda, where the inscription is located. The inscription is of note as it indicates that the riches that were acquired in Eastern Europe had led to the new procedure of legally buying
12775: 12087: 12347: 13246: 13592: 13485: 13525: 12257:
runa ' lit kiara ' mirki at ' sbialbuþa ' uk ' at ' suain ' uk ' at · antuit ' uk at ' raknaʀ ' suni ' sin ' uk ' ekla ' uk ' siri(þ) ' at ' sbialbuþa ' bonta sin an uaʀ ' tauþr ' i hulmkarþi ' i olafs · kriki ' ubiʀ · risti '
11630: 6252:
and that it tells where the Ingvar expedition ultimately ended in 1041. The archaeologist Ture J. Arne criticized this analysis claiming that although a Viking chieftain could arrive to the Caspian Sea in 922, when Vikings met
runa ' lit kiara ' mirki at ' sbialbuþa ' uk ' at ' suain ' uk ' at · antuit ' uk at ' raknaʀ ' suni ' sin ' uk ' ekla ' uk ' siri(þ) ' at ' sbialbuþa ' bonta sin an uaʀ ' tauþr ' i hulmkarþi ' i olafs · kriki ' ubiʀ · risti '
and it is raised by a woman named Rúna in memory of her four sons who had died. She had it made together with her daughter-in-law Sigríðr who was the widow of Spjallboði. They added that the place where Spjallboði had died was
12946: 14085:
biarfaa : statu : sis stain ¶ hakbiarn : bruþr ¶ ruþuisl : austain : imuar ¶ is af : stn : stata : aft : raf ¶ su furi : rustaini : kuamu ¶ uit i aifur : uifil ¶ uþ
12147: 10570:
biarfaa : statu : sis stain ¶ hakbiarn : bruþr ¶ ruþuisl : austain : imuar ¶ is af : stn : stata : aft : raf ¶ su furi : rustaini : kuamu ¶ uit i aifur : uifil ¶ uþ
12403: 11726: 13693:, section Inscription, English: "Herþrúðr raised this stone in memory of her son Smiðr, a good valiant man. Halfborinn, his brother, sits in Garðar (Russia). Brandr cut rightly, therefore (one) can interpret (the runes)." 12970: 13766: 13274: 12727: 14286: 11893: 15399: 10041:
Hróðvísl and Hróðelfr, they had the stones raised in memory of (their) three sons. This (one) in memory of Hróðfúss. Wallachians betrayed him on a voyage. May God help Hróðfúss' soul. May God betray those who betrayed
13006: 12831: 14270: 10574:
Biartfann {} staddu {} þenna(?) stæin {} Hægbiorn brøðr Roðvisl, {} Øystæinn, {} <-muar>, {} es hafa {} stæina {} stadda {} aft {} Rafn {} suðr fyriʀ {} Rufstæini. {} Kvamu {} vitt i Æifur. {} Vifill {} bauð
12576:, section Inscription, English: "Holmfríðr (and) <ilin--r>, they had the stone cut in memory of Áskell, their father. He engaged in battle on the eastern route, before the people's commander wrought his fall." 11826: 12324:, section Inscription, English: "Áli/Alli and Jǫfurfast had the landmark made in memory of Jarl, their father, and in memory of Gísl and in memory of Ingimundr. He, Jarl's son, was killed in the east. Œpir carved." 12011: 3337: 14504: 11540: 13846: 14394: 13090: 12107: 13733:, section Inscription, English: "Herþrúðr raised this stone in memory of her son Smiðr, a good valiant man. His halfbrother Brandr sits in Garðir. Cut rightly into, therefore (one) can interpret (the runes)." 6968:. The name of the deceased, Eyvindr, is a common name in Swedish runic inscriptions, but not Eivísl, the name of the chieftain of the expedition. The only other secure attestation appears on the contemporary 14230: 13991:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Hroðvisl ok Hroðælfʀ þau letu ræisa stæina æftiʀ sy þria. Þenna æftiʀ Hroðfos. Hann sviku blakumenn i utfaru. Guð hialpin sial Hroðfosaʀ. Guð sviki þa, eʀ hann sviku." 13644: 12994: 14100:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Biartfann staddu þis(?) stæin Hægbiorn brøðr Roðvisl, Øystæinn, <-muar>, es hafa stæin stadda aft Rafn suðr fyriʀ Rustæini. Kvamu vitt i Æifur. Vifill bauð …" 13405: 14198: 13018: 10578:
Hegbjǫrn raised this stone glaring (and his) brothers Hróðvísl, Eysteinn, <-muar>, who have had stones raised in memory of Hrafn south of Rofstein. They came far and wide in Eifor. Vífill bade ...
14382: 12467: 12375: 11999: 11675:, p. 233: "Denna runsten stod vid anträffandet ännu upprätt i den forna källarväggen, men var krossad och föll, då den togs fram, sönder i o. 50 större och mindre delar, som sedan måste sammanfogas. " 11396: 11932: 11843: 11841: 11742: 13118: 13218: 13552: 12615: 12427: 12135: 11838: 13632: 12715: 13262: 14143: 13348:, section Inscription, English: "Taf(?) had this stone raised in memory of Grímmundr. The son of Viðfastr travelled to the east. Ulfr and Vébjǫrn … Ketilas(?)/Ketilhǫss(?) made the bridge at …" 12739: 12443: 12424:, section Inscription, English: "Styrlaugr and Holmr raised the stones next to the path in memory of their brothers. They met their end on the eastern route, Þorkell and Styrbjǫrn, good Þegns." 7854:{} Gulli/Kolli {} ræisti {} stæin {} þennsi {} æftiʀ {} brøðr {} konu {} sinnaʀ, {} Æsbiorn {} ok {} Iula, {} drængia {} harða {} goða. {} En {} þæiʀ {} urðu {} dauðiʀ {} i {} liði {} austr. {} 6899:
Taf(?) {} let {} ræisa {} stæin {} þenna {} æftiʀ {} Grimmund. {} Vaʀ {} farinn, {} sunn {} Viðfast, {} austarla. Ulfʀ {} ok {} Vibiorn {} ... Kætilas(?)/Kætilhôss(?) {} gærðu {} bu {} a {} ...
12791: 12610:
fiuriʀ : kirþu : at : faþur : kuþan : tyrþ : trikela : at : tumara : miltan : urþa uk : mataʀ kuþan : þat · (u)-(h)---(u)--(u)(k)(þ)
11369:, p. 232: "Stenen anträffades liksom den föregående år 1930 i en källare under östra delen av grunden till den gamla mangårdsbyggnaden i Lissby, som skall ha rivits vid slutet av 1800-talet. " 4542:
fiuriʀ : kirþu : at : faþur : kuþan : tyrþ : trikela : at : tumara : miltan : urþa uk : mataʀ kuþan : þat · (u)-(h)---(u)--(u)(k)(þ)
13782: 13540: 11714: 14170: 13501: 4867:
According to Jansson, the runestone testifies to the unrest that could appear in the important marketplace of Novgorod, and it was not only the captain who died, but also the entire crew.
Ali/Alli {} ok {} Iofurfast {} letu {} gæra {} mærki {} æftiʀ Iarl, faður sinn, {} ok {} at {} Gisl {} ok {} at {} Ingimund. Hann {} vaʀ {} drepinn {} austr, {} sunn {} Iarls. Øpiʀ risti.
13794: 11881: 13457: 12363: 11920: 11754: 8825:
Hærþruðr {} ræisti {} stæin {} þennsa {} æftiʀ {} sun {} sinn {} Smið, {} dræng {} goðan. {} Halfborinn, {} broðiʀ hans, {} sitr {} Garðum {} Brandr. {} Rett {} hiogg, þy raða {} kann.
13862: 12636:, section Inscription, English: "§A Four (sons) made the magnificence in memory of (their) good father, valiantly in memory of Dómari/the judge, gentle in speech and free with food … " 11333:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Brøðr vaʀu þæiʀ bæztra manna, a landi ok i liði uti, heldu sina huskarla ve. Hann fioll i orrustu austr i Garðum, liðs forungi, landmanna bæztr." 8500:
Hærþruðr {} ræisti {} stæin {} þennsa {} æftiʀ {} sun {} sinn {} Smið, {} dræng {} goðan. {} Halfborinn, {} broðiʀ hans, {} sitr {} Garðum. {} Brandr {} rett {} hiogg, þy raða {} kann.
13886: 8891:
holds the first view to be the correct one, since having been to a neighbouring parish hardly merits a mention on a runestone. It is probably from the first half of the 11th century.
Herþrúðr raised this stone in memory of her son Smiðr, a good valiant man. Halfborinn, his brother, sits in Garðar (Russia). Brandr cut rightly, for whoever can interpret (the runes).
3334: 12843: 4258:
Holmfriðr, {} <ilin--r>, {} þaʀ {} letu {} haggva {} stæin {} æftiʀ Æskel, {} faður {} sinn. {} Hann {} draug {} orrustu {} i {} austrvegi, aðan {} folksgrimʀ {} falla {} orði.
11786: 4261:
Holmfríðr (and) <ilin--r>, they had the stone cut in memory of Áskell, their father. He engaged in battle on the eastern route, before the people's commander wrought his fall.
which is the supposed Old Norse rendition of the Slavic name Ustia (or Zarub) located on a hill at the mouth of the river Trubež, where a major ford over the Dnieper was situated."
14182: 13433: 3052:Áli/Alli and Jǫfurfast had the landmark made in memory of Jarl, their father, and in memory of Gísl and in memory of Ingimundr. He, Jarl's son, was killed in the east. Œpir carved. 14131: 13613:, section Inscription, English: "Gulli/Kolli raised this stone in memory of his wife's brothers Ásbjǫrn and Juli, very good valiant men. And they died in the east in the retinue." 13513: 12312:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Ali/Alli ok Iofurfast letu gæra mærki æftiʀ Iarl, faður sinn, ok at Gisl ok at Ingimund. Hann vaʀ drepinn austr, sunn Iarls. Øpiʀ risti." 13336:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Taf(?) let ræisa stæin þenna æftiʀ Grimmund. Vaʀ farinn, sunn Viðfast, austarla. Ulfʀ ok Vibiorn … Kætilas(?)/Kætilhǫss(?) gærðu bu a …" 11393:, p. 232: "Då källaren rasade samman, krossades stenen i en mängd större och mindre stycken. Fotstycket stod ännu kvar på sin plats; det största stycket var därjämte toppen. " 7874:
This runestone is raised on the cemetery of the church of Dalum. It was raised in memory of a two brothers, one of whom died in the west while the other one died in the east.
13681:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Hærþruðr ræisti stæin þennsa æftiʀ sun sinn Smið, dræng goðan. Halfborinn, broðiʀ hans, sitr Garðum. Brandr rett hiogg, þy raða kann." 12564:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Holmfriðr, <ilin--r>, þaʀ letu haggva stæin æftiʀ Æskel, faður sinn. Hann draug orrustu i austrvegi, aðan folksgrimʀ falla orði." 14363:, p. 373: "Kleiber Suggests that Engli may have been a member of Eymundr’s force in Rus’ in the first half of the eleventh century, and was fortunate enough to return home." 13806: 13721:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Hærþruðr ræisti stæin þennsa æftiʀ sun sinn Smið, dræng goðan. Halfborinn broðiʀ hans, sitr Garðum Brandr. Rett hiogg, þy raða kann." 12679: 12482: 3669:
Styrlaugʀ {} ok {} Holmbʀ {} stæina {} ræistu {} at {} brøðr {} sina, {} brautu {} næsta. {} Þæiʀ {} ændaðus {} i {} austrvegi, {} Þorkell {} ok Styrbiorn, þiægnaʀ {} goðiʀ.
14018: 11766: 13106: 12123: 3336: 14034: 13421: 8828:
Herþrúðr raised this stone in memory of her son Smiðr, a good valiant man. His halfbrother Brandr sits in Garðir. Cut rightly into, for whoever can interpret (the runes).
6964:. It is of note that the name appears in such an old runestone as the other runic attestations of the name are considerably younger, and the name was common in medieval 11944: 11639:, section Inscription, English: "Sveinn and Ulfr had the stones raised in memory of Halfdan and in memory of Gunnarr, their brothers. They met their end in the east..." 13601:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Gulli/Kolli ræisti stæin þennsi æftiʀ brøðr konu sinnaʀ, Æsbiorn ok Iula, drængia harða goða. En þæiʀ urðu dauðiʀ i liði austr." 12187: 11702: 9602:
also had the meaning 'pale' which designated the first ruling horde of the Kipchaks who were one of the most important nomadic peoples in the 11th and 12th centuries.
7414:: siksten : let : rasti : stain : þe(n)... : eftiʀ : ikuar : sun : sin : han : uarþ : austr : tauþr : 13155:, p. 6: "Stenarna kommo i dagen sommaren 1938 i samband med att Stora Rytterns kyrkoruin restaurerades. Vs 1 upptäcktes den 22 juni och Vs 2 ett par veckor senare. " 13139:, p. 443: "In one of the eleventh-century stones discovered in 1938 in the church ruins at Stora Rytten (Västmanland) (but which does not mention Ingvarr), the word 12955:, section Inscription, English: "Holmfastr (and) Hróðelfr had the runes carved in memory of … Ingifastr, their sons. They were in the east(?)/west. And Œpir carved." 12412:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Styrlaugʀ ok Holmbʀ stæina ræistu at brøðr sina, brautu næsta. Þæiʀ ændaðus i austrvegi, Þorkell ok Styrbiorn, þiagnaʀ goðiʀ." 13496:: siksten : let : rasti : stain : þe(n)… : eftiʀ : ikuar : sun : sin : han : uarþ : austr : tauþr : 12958: 11663:, p. 233: "Liksom U 151 och U 153 anträffades denna runsten år 1930 i en hoprasad källare under östra delen av grunden till den gamla mangårdsbyggnaden i Lissby. " 6902:
Taf(?) had this stone raised in memory of Grímmundr. The son of Viðfastr travelled to the east. Ulfr and Vébjǫrn ... Ketilas(?)/Ketilhǫss(?) made the bridge at ...
13874: 13283:, section Inscription, English: "Guðleifr placed the staff and these stones in memory of Slagvi, his son, (who) met his end in the east in Garðar(?)/Chorezm(?)." 13243:. As is to be expected, this name is the first word of the inscription. It is tempting to think that this sponsor proudly drew attention to himself in this way." 12494: 11902:, Inscription, English: "Þorsteinn made (the stone) in memory of Erinmundr, his son, and bought this estate and earned (wealth) in the east in Garðar (Russia)." 14295:, p. 372: "Due to this proposition the second inscription can be now fully understood: Þóraldr found death in Vitičev, located between Ustja (Zarub) and Kiev." 12736:, section Inscription, English: "Þjóðulfr (and) Búi, they raised this stone in memory of Farulfr, their father. He met his end in the east in Garðar (Russia)." 12455: 8843:
There are only about ten runestones on Gotland that commemorate men who died in foreign lands, which appears to challenge the common view that the island was "
and it was made in memory of the chieftain of a warband. It is the most verbose of all the Varangian stones, and it was probably made in the mid-11th century.
4856:. The boulder is badly damaged due to weathering, but thanks to a 17th-century drawing scholars know what it said. Three parts of the stone are located in the 3672:
Styrlaugr and Holmr raised the stones next to the path in memory of their brothers. They met their end on the eastern route, Þorkell and Styrbjôrn, good Þegns.
12903:, p. 135: "Of the 46 inscriptions signed by Uppland's most prolific rune-carver, Œpir, only three evidence binds. Interestingly enough, the same bind-rune of 11441:, p. 232: "Ristningen är nedtill svårt skadad, bitar av stenen fattas, och skärvor av ytan ha slagits av. Inskriftens början och slut äro därför fördärvade. " 4618:
This runestone is found in Innberga and it was raised in memory of a man who died in what is today Russia. It is dated to the first half of the 11th century.
harþruþr + raisti + stain + þinsa + aiftiʀ + sun + sin + s(m)iþ + trak + kuþan + halfburin + bruþiʀ ans + sitr + kar¶þum ¶ brantr + rit - × iak þu raþa + khn
harþruþr + raisti + stain + þinsa + aiftiʀ + sun + sin + s(m)iþ + trak + kuþan + halfburin + bruþiʀ ans + sitr + kar¶þum ¶ brantr + rit - × iak þu raþa + khn
13015:, p. 396: "Þōrstæinn must have spent a long time in Rus’ since he managed to accumulate a sizable fortune there (as witnessed by his huge monument, Sö 338)." 11456: 8822:
harþruþr + raisti + stain + þinsa + aiftiʀ + sun + sin + s(m)iþ + trak + kuþan + halfburin + bruþiʀ ans + sitr + kar¶þum ¶ brantr + rit - × iak þu raþa + khn
11835:, p. 396: "Þōrstæinn must have spent a long time in Rus’ since he managed to accumulate a sizable fortune there (as witnessed by his huge monument, Sö 338)" 8497:
harþruþr + raisti + stain + þinsa + aiftiʀ + sun + sin + s(m)iþ + trak + kuþan + halfburin + bruþiʀ ans + sitr + kar¶þum ¶ brantr + rit- × iak þu raþa + khn
12639: 12398:
styrlaugʀ · auk · hulmbʀ · staina · raistu · at · bryþr · sina · brau(t)u · nesta · þaiʀ · entaþus · i · austruiki · þurkil · auk sturbiarn þiaknaʀ · kuþiʀ
12020:, section Inscription, English: "Ketilfastr raised this stone in memory of Ásgautr, his father. He was in the west and in the east. May God help his soul." 3666:
styrlaugʀ · auk · hulmbʀ · staina · raistu · at · bryþr · sina · brau(t)u · nesta · þaiʀ · entaþus · i · austruiki · þurkil · auk sturbiarn þiaknaʀ · kuþiʀ
ali ' uk ' iufurfast · litu ' gera ' merki ' iftiʀ iarl faþur sin ' uk ' at ' kisl ' uk ' at ' ikimunt han ' uaʀ ' trebin ' hustr ' sun ' iarls ybiʀ risti
ali ' uk ' iufurfast · litu ' gera ' merki ' iftiʀ iarl faþur sin ' uk ' at ' kisl ' uk ' at ' ikimunt han ' uaʀ ' trebin ' hustr ' sun ' iarls ybiʀ risti
12840:, section Inscription, English: "Ingifastr had the stone cut in memory of Sigviðr, his father. He fell in Holmgarðr, the ship's leader with the seamen." 11420: 10062:. The inscription testifies to the intense contacts that existed between Gotland and Novgorod, where the Gotlanders had a trading station of their own. 6550:
This runestone is carved in runestone style Fp and was raised in memory of Grímmundr who travelled to the east. It was discovered in 1986 at Jädra near
14403:, section Inscription, English: "Engli raised this stone in memory of Þóraldr, his son, who died in Vitaholmr - between Ustaholmr and Garðar (Russia)." 12710:þiuþulfʀ : bui : þaiʀ : raisþu : stain þansi : at : farulf : faþur : sin : han uas antaþ austr i kaþ(u)(m) 12550:
hu(l)(m)(f)riþ · ilin--r · aʀ · litu · hakua · stain · eftiʀ eskil · faþur · sin · han · trauh · orustu · i · austruhi aþaa · fulks·krimʀ · fala · orþi
4825:þiuþulfʀ : bui : þaiʀ : raisþu : stain þansi : at : farulf : faþur : sin : han uas antaþ austr i kaþ(u)(m) 4255:
hu(l)(m)(f)riþ · ilin--r · aʀ · litu · hakua · stain · eftiʀ eskil · faþur · sin · han · trauh · orustu · i · austruhi aþaa · fulks·krimʀ · fala · orþi
tuki · auk · þiʀ · bryþr · ristu · stin · þesi · eftiʀ : bryþr : sina · eʀ : uarþ · tu(þ)r uestr : en · anar : au(s)tr :
tuki · auk · þiʀ · bryþr · ristu · stin · þesi · eftiʀ : bryþr : sina · eʀ : uarþ · tu(þ)r uestr : en · anar : au(s)tr :
that has been carved into flat bedrock at Veda. It is dated to the mid-11th century. It was ordered by Þorsteinn who enriched himself in the lands of
This runestone was found as a fragment in Aska, but it has disappeared. What remained said that it was made in memory of a man who died in the East.
3084:. It was raised in memory of a man who died in an assembly in the east. It is also possible that it says that the man died in a retinue in the east. 1761:{} Kætilfastr {} ræisti {} stæin {} þenna {} æftiʀ {} Asgaut, {} faður {} sinn. {} Saʀ {} vas {} vestr {} ok {} austr. {} Guð hialpi {} hans {} salu. 381:
Clickable map of the geographic distribution of the Varangian Runestones in southern Scandinavia (modern administrative borders and cities are shown)
It relates of a man who died in a location in Eastern Europe, and there has been some scholarly debate on exactly where. Olsen read the location as
Four (sons) made the magnificence in memory of (their) good father, valiantly in memory of Dómari/the judge, gentle in speech and free with food ...
16073: 14617:
Meijer, Jan (2007). "Punctuation Marks on Viking Age Rune Stones". In Langbroek, Erika; Quak, Arend; Roeleveld, Annelies; Vermeyden, Paula (eds.).
12358:+ gnubha ~ liþ : raisa : stain : þinsa : hibtiʀ : kulaif : bruþur sin han : antaþis : austr : at þikum 3291:+ gnubha ~ liþ : raisa : stain : þinsa : hibtiʀ : kulaif : bruþur sin han : antaþis : austr : at þikum 13257:+ kuþlefʀ + seti : stff : auk : sena : þasi : uftiʀ slakua : sun : sia : etaþr : austr · i · karusm · 13003:, p. 367: "The same Þōrstæinn bought an estate in Uppland for fis son Ærinmundr. Ærinmundr died and his father erected a memorial for him in Veda" 12655: 6527:+ kuþlefʀ + seti : stff : auk : sena : þasi : uftiʀ slakua : sun : sia : etaþr : austr · i · karusm · 14067:, p. 326: "The expedition succeeded in penetrating far into this cataract, but in struggling over the first level - the so-called Rvanyj Kamin’ ( 13653:, section Inscription, English: "Tóki and his brothers raised this stone in memory of their brothers. One died in the west, another in the east." 10058:
This runestone is found in a museum in Gotland. It is a fragment of a runestone made of limestone and it was made in memory of a man who died in
Gulli/Kolli raised this stone in memory of his wife's brothers Ásbjǫrn and Juli, very good valiant men. And they died in the east in the retinue.
11509:, p. 366: "In the older sources, such as the scaldic poetry and the King's sagas, the usual ON name for Rus’ (especially Novgorodian Rus’) was 14391:, section Inscription, Old West Norse: "Engli reisti stein þenna eptir Þórald, son sinn, er varð dauðr í Vitaholmi, miðli Ustaholms ok Garða." 13902: 13027:, p. 396: "He must also have been the one who bought the estate of Veda in Uppland (Angarns sn, Vallentuna hd) that he later gave to his son." 8148:
Toki {} ok {} þæiʀ {} brøðr {} ræistu {} stæin {} þennsi {} æftiʀ {} brøðr {} sina. {} Eʀ {} varð {} dauðr vestr, {} en {} annarr {} austr. {}
15969: 12384:, section Inscription, English: "Gnúpa had this stone raised in memory of Gulleifr, his brother. He met his end in the east at the Assembly." 12008:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Kætilfastr ræisti stæin þenna æftiʀ Asgaut, faður sinn. Saʀ vas vestr ok austr. Guð hialpi hans salu." 11223: 13445: 12943:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Holmfastr, Roðælfʀ, u rista runaʀ a … … Ingifast, syni sina, æiʀ vaʀu austr(?)/vestr. En Øpiʀ risti." 12858: 8183:
and it is raised in memory of a man who either stayed in what is today Russia or in a nearby location. It is dated to the period 1020–1050.
14315:’, on his way to Russia (see also below). It has been conjectured that this otherwise unidentified place-name has some connection with the 13473: 14046: 11417:, p. 232: "Sammanlagt ha icke mindre än o. 70 stycken av stenen hopplockats och sammanfogats. Stenen restes 1931 på gårdsplanen i Hagby. " 1487:
without ornamentations. It is located in Ubby and it was raised in memory of a father who had travelled both in the west and in the east.
22: 13914: 13227:, p. 451: "Contrary to a statement by T. J. Arne, it was only during the years 1035-1041 that a Varangian could have sailed to Khwārizm." 13127:, section Inscription, English: "§B He fell in battle in the east in Garðar (Russia), commander of the retinue, the best of landholders." 12828:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Ingifastr let haggv stæn æftiʀ Sigvið, faðr sinn. Hann fioll i Holmgarði, skæiðaʀ visi með skira." 12144:, section Inscription, English: "Ǫlvé had this stone raised in memory of Arnfastr, his son. He travelled to the east to Garðar (Russia)." 9069:: syniʀ : likna(t)(a)- ... ...(a)rua : merki : kut : ebtir : ailikni : kunu : koþa : moþur : 6530:{} Guðlæifʀ {} satti {} staf {} ok {} stæina {} þasi {} æftiʀ Slagva, {} sun {} sinn, {} ændaðr {} austr {} i {} Garðum(?)/Chorezm(?). {} 5376:
Holmfastr, {} Roðælfʀ, {} u {} rista {} runaʀ {} a ... ... Ingifast, {} syni {} sina, {} æiʀ vaʀu {} austr(?)/vestr. {} En {} Øpiʀ risti.
12624:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§A Fiuriʀ gærðu at faður goðan dyrð drængila at Domara/domara, mildan orða ok mataʀ goðan, þat …" 11941:, section Inscription, English: "Sibbi and Ernmundr and Þórir had the stone raised in memory of … He, Gísmundr's son, died in the east." 15833: 13561:, section Inscription, English: "Brandr raised this stone in memory of Ásmundr(?), his brother; he was killed on the eastern route(?)." 13271:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Guðlæifʀ satti staf ok stæina þasi æftiʀ Slagva, sun sinn, ændaðr austr i Garðum(?)/Chorezm(?)." 12748:, p. 267: "A stone from Estaberg, Södermanland, records of Sigvid: ‘He fell in Holmgard (Novgorod), the ship’s captain with his crew’;" 3934:
and it was made in memory of a man named Áskell who fell in battle in the East. The second sentence of the inscription is in the meter
Sveinn and Ulfr had the stones raised in memory of Halfdan and in memory of Gunnarr, their brothers. They met their end in the east ...
932:...(a)i- × uk × ulf- litu × raisa × stai-(a) × e(f)tiʀ × hlftan · auk · eftiʀ × kunar × bryþr × sina × þaiʀ · antaþus × aust... ...(u)m 587:
are mostly in the Swedish and Danish dialect to facilitate comparison with the inscriptions, while the English translation provided by
13641:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Toki ok þæiʀ brøðr ræistu stæin þennsi æftiʀ brøðr sina. Eʀ varð dauðr vestr, en annarr austr." 12724:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Þiuðulfʀ, Boi, þæiʀ ræisþu stæin þannsi at Farulf, faður sinn. Hann vas ændaðr austr i Garðum." 11959: 10188:
This runestone was found in Pilgårds, but is now located in a museum on Gotland. It was dated to the last half of the 10th century by
9361:: kuþ a-... ... ...(n) : heni : auk : kieruantum : merki : m-... : aʀ : men : sin : 4545:
Fiuriʀ {} gærðu {} at {} faður {} goðan {} dyrð {} drængila {} at {} Domara/domara, {} mildan {} orða ok {} mataʀ goðan, {} þat {} ...
1418:{} Sibbi {} ok {} Ærnmundr {} ok {} Þoriʀ {} letu {} ræisa {} stæin {} æftiʀ {} ... ... ... Hann {} do {} austr, {} sunn {} Gismundaʀ. 1374:Þorsteinn made (the stone) in memory of Erinmundr, his son, and bought this estate and earned (wealth) in the east in Garðar (Russia). 935:
væi {} ok {} Ulf letu {} ræisa {} stæia {} æftiʀ {} Halfdan {} ok {} æftiʀ {} Gunnar, {} brøðr {} sina. {} Þæiʀ {} ændaðus {} aust ...
13777:: syniʀ : likna(t)(a)- … …(a)rua : merki : kut : ebtir : ailikni : kunu : koþa : moþur : 12870: 11850:, p. 396: "It is regrettable that we do not know how the son died; it is possible that he had been in Rus' together with his father." 5379:
Holmfastr (and) Hróðelfr had the runes carved in memory of ... Ingifastr, their sons. They were in the east(?)/west. And Œpir carved.
16063: 13822: 13047:
79). Þōrstæinn must therefore have been the commander of Jaroslav's retinue and died in the early fifties of the eleventh century."
12667: 11453:, p. 233: "I inskriften talas om »stenar». Den andra stenen har sannolikt varit U 155, varav tyvärr endast fragment äro bevarade. " 11627:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "væi ok Ulf letu ræisa stæia æftiʀ Halfdan ok æftiʀ Gunnar, brøðr sina. Þæiʀ ændaðus aust …" 10958:
which would have been how the Norse rendered the Slavic toponym Ustja (Zarub). Ustja was located on a hill near a ford across the
Ingifastr {} let haggv stæn {} æftiʀ {} Sigvið, {} faðr {} sinn. {} Hann {} fioll {} i Holmgarði, {} skæiðaʀ {} visi með {} skira.
3371:', which was a class of retainer, and who died somewhere in the East. This same phrase is used in its singular form on runestones 16038: 15670: 15666: 14179:, p. 371: "The stone of Alstad in Opland fylke has two inscriptions placed there at different times by members of the same clan." 13549:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Brandr ræisti stæin þennsi æftiʀ Asmund(?), broður sinn. Saʀ varð drepinn a austrvegi(?)." 11613:…(a)i- × uk × ulf- litu × raisa × stai-(a) × e(f)tiʀ × hlftan · auk · eftiʀ × kunar × bryþr × sina × þaiʀ · antaþus × aust… …(u)m 14152:, section Inscription, English: "Tosti, Ásviðr's smith, raised this stone in memory of Tófi, his brother, who died in the east." 11489:, p. 37: "In the skaldic poetry of the tenth through the twelfth century, Old Rus is called only by its earliest Old Norse name 3689:
This runestone is found at the cemetery of Husby. Its front side is completely covered in illustrations and it is attributed to
12515:, p. 366: "This inscription preserves an interesting term for the designation of the commander of the retinue (guard = pъlkъ): 11890:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Þorstæinn gærði æftiʀ Ærinmund, sun sinn, ok køypti þennsa by ok aflaði austr i Garðum." 6533:
Guðleifr placed the staff and these stones in memory of Slagvi, his son, (who) met his end in the east in Garðar(?)/Chorezm(?).
4857: 3372: 16068: 13803:, section Inscription, English: "§A The sons of Líknhvatr … the good landmark made in memory of Eilíkn, a good wife, mother …" 12372:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Gnupa let ræisa stæin þennsa æftiʀ Guðlæif, broður sinn. Hann ændaðis austr at þingum." 11929:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Sibbi ok Ærnmundr ok Þoriʀ letu ræisa stæin æftiʀ … … … Hann do austr, sunn Gismundaʀ." 11763:, section Inscription, English: "… had raised … …-fastr and in memory of Geirbjǫrn, (their) brothers … They died in the east." 6257:, such a voyage would not have been possible in the 1040s. Arne instead accepted Jansson's first analysis of the inscription. 4831:Þjóðulfr (and) Búi, they raised this stone in memory of Farulfr, their father. He met his end in the east in Garðar (Russia). 377: 16007: 15863: 15775: 15662: 15658: 15654: 15449: 13857:: kuþ a-… … …(n) : heni : auk : kieruantum : merki : m-… …ua : aʀ : men : sin : 1818:". In runic inscriptions, however, that toponym always appears in the plural dative form, suggesting that the singular form 15506: 14227:
with the name Vitičev (xolm), for which there is no Slavic etymology, and identifies the first Vitaholm with Vitičev xolm."
10974:, the Old Norse name for Kiev. This solution reads the location of Þóraldr's death as "in Vitičev between Ustja and Kiev". 6570:
The Rundata designation for this Västmanland inscription, Vs Fv1988;36, refers to the year and page number of the issue of
15891: 15650: 15646: 15642: 14424:. The Northern World. North Europe and the Baltic c. 400-1700 AD. Peoples, Economies and Cultures. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 13834: 13043:) used in this inscription assign it to sometime around the middle of the eleventh century, probably just after 1050 (cf. 11971: 5373:
hulmfastr ' roþelfr ' ---u ' sta ' run ' a- ... ... (i)kifast ' suni : sina -iʀ ua(ʀ)u · hua^str · i(n) · ybir risti
13442:, section Inscription, English: "§A Stigr/Styggr made these monuments in memory of Eyvindr, his son. He fell in the east" 11994:+ kitil×fastr × risti × stin + þina × iftiʀ × askut × faþur + sin × saʀ × uas × uistr × uk × ustr + kuþ ialbi × as × salu 4828:Þiuðulfʀ, {} Boi, {} þæiʀ {} ræisþu {} stæin þannsi {} at {} Farulf, {} faður {} sinn. {} Hann vas ændaðr austr i Garðum. 1764:
Ketilfastr raised this stone in memory of Ásgautr, his father. He was in the west and in the east. May God help his soul.
1758:+ kitil×fastr × risti × stin + þina × iftiʀ × askut × faþur + sin × saʀ × uas × uistr × uk × ustr + kuþ ialbi × as × salu 2711:
and it is raised in memory of three men, one of whom died in the East. The runic text is signed by the runemaster Öpir.
14452: 14279:, p. 372: "Kleiber interprets Garðar, the well-known Old Norse designation for Rus', as Kiev (probably a short form of 7417:{} Sigstæinn {} let {} ræisa {} stæin {} þenn {} æftiʀ {} Ingvar, {} sun {} sinn. {} Hann {} varð {} austr {} dauðr. {} 3294:{} Gnupa {} let {} ræisa {} stæin {} þennsa {} æftiʀ {} Guðlæif, {} broður sinn. Hann {} ændaðis {} austr {} at þingum. 2150: 14140:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Tosti resþi sten þænsi æft Tofa, æs warþ døþr østr, broþur sin, smiþr Aswiþaʀ." 12929:
hulmfastr ' roþelfr ' ---u ' sta ' run ' a- … … (i)kifast ' suni : sina -iʀ ua(ʀ)u · hua^str · i(n) · ybir risti
was spread in Old Norse, while in the thirteenth century it was practically no longer used having been substituted by
This runestone was discovered in 1938 in the ruins of the church of Stora Rytterne. It forms a monument together with
Ingifastr had the stone cut in memory of Sigviðr, his father. He fell in Holmgarðr, the ship's leader with the seamen.
15438: 15388: 15364: 14652: 14628: 14565: 14473: 14429: 13522:, section Inscription, English: "Sigsteinn had this stone raised in memory of Ingvarr, his son. He died in the east." 13510:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Sigstæinn let ræisa stæin þenn æftiʀ Ingvar, sun sinn. Hann varð austr dauðr." 13239:, p. 86: "A special case is Stora Ryttern (Vs 1), where the sponsor's name is preceded and followed by a cross: 11203:
Engli raised this stone in memory of Þóraldr, his son, who died in Vitaholmr - between Ustaholmr and Garðar (Russia).
Tosti {} resþi {} sten {} þænsi {} æft {} Tofa, {} æs {} warþ {} døþr {} østr, {} broþur {} sin, {} smiþr {} Aswiþaʀ.
5113:. It was made in memory of two men who were in the east. The runic text is signed by the runemaster Öpir, and uses a 11200:{} Engli {} reisti stein þenna eptir {} Þórald, son sinn, er varð dauðr {} í Vitaholmi, miðli Ustaholms ok Garða. {} 12800:, p. 369: "The following is in fornyrðislag meter: He fell in Hōlmgarðr (Novgorod), the ship's captain with crew." 9511: 6296:, which is the first word in the inscription, is preceded and followed by a cross, perhaps done to draw attention. 4852:
This runestone is a boulder that was found in Esta, and it was made in memory of the captain of a ship who died in
15452:(in Swedish). Swedish Institute for Linguistics and Heritage (Institutet för språk och folkminnen). Archived from 467:. In addition, there were also voyages to Western Europe mentioned on runestones that are treated in the articles 15690: 15406:(in Swedish). VI: Upplands Runinskrifter del 1. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 14126:
tusti ⁑ risþi ⁑ stin ¶ þonsi ⁑ ift ⁑ tufa ⁑ is ¶ uarþ (:) tuþr : ustr : burþu¶r ⁑ sin ⁑ smiþr ⁑ osuiþaʀ
12491:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "<sumuʀ> haggva stæin, sum eʀ dauð austr i <tuna> <asu>." 11197:× ikli × reisti stein þana eftir × þoral(t)... sun sin is uarþ tauþr × i uitahol(m)(i) miþli ustaulms auk karþa × 10837:
tusti ⁑ risþi ⁑ stin ¶ þonsi ⁑ ift ⁑ tufa ⁑ is ¶ uarþ (:) tuþr : ustr : burþu¶r ⁑ sin ⁑ smiþr ⁑ osuiþaʀ
487: 15674: 14511:(in Swedish). XIII: Västmanlands Runinskrifter. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 12132:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Alvi let ræisa stæin þenna at Arnfast, sun sinn. Hann for austr i Garða." 11823:
209) from the middle of the 11th century refer to the activity of a retinue commander Þōrstæinn, active in Rus’"
16058: 15638: 15634: 14607: 14586: 14544: 14525: 13430:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§A Stiguʀ/Stygguʀ gærði kumbl þau aft Øyvind, sunu sinn. Sa fioll austr" 8151:
Tóki and his brothers raised this stone in memory of their brothers. One died in the west, another in the east.
14377:× ikli × reisti stein þana eftir × þoral(t) sun sin is uarþ tauþr × i uitahol(m)(i) miþli ustaulms auk karþa × 13115:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§B Hann fioll i orrustu austr i Garðum, liðs forungi, landmanna bæztr." 11381:, p. 232: "Liksom U 152 och U 154 har även denna runsten varit inbyggd i källarväggen med ristningen synlig. " 7468:
Brandr {} ræisti {} stæin {} þennsi {} æftiʀ Asmund(?), {} broður sinn. {} Saʀ varð drepinn {} a austrvegi(?).
15767: 15678: 15630: 15626: 15622: 15618: 15614: 15610: 15606: 15602: 15545: 5140: 464: 15598: 13791:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§A Syniʀ Liknhvata … ærva mærki gott æftiʀ Æilikni, konu goða, moður" 7496:
and it is raised in memory of a brother who died as a warrior in the east. He may have been a member of the
3327: 15907: 15867: 15829: 15755: 15686: 15682: 8847:
international trade center of the Viking Age". Four of these runestones mention East European place names.
Gnúpa had this stone raised in memory of Gulleifr, his brother. He met his end in the east at the Assembly.
12967:, p. 267: "The memorial can be full and verse-adorned, like this to Thorstein at Turinge, Södermanland..." 11591:, p. 368: "There are two equally likely possibilities for the reconstruction of Halfdan's place of death: 15903: 14259:, p. 372: "As to the second Vitaholm, Kleiber suggests that the first part of the name has to be read as 11687:, p. 233: "Upptill på v. sidan saknades ett större stycke med inskrift, som icke har kunnat återfinnas. " 2050:
Alvi {} let {} ræisa {} stæin {} þenna {} at {} Arnfast, {} sun sinn. {} Hann {} for {} austr {} i Garða.
15920: 15875: 15791: 15289: 15270: 15251: 15232: 15213: 15194: 15175: 15156: 15137: 15118: 15099: 15080: 15061: 15042: 15023: 15004: 14985: 14966: 14947: 14928: 14909: 14890: 14871: 14852: 14833: 14814: 14795: 14776: 14757: 14738: 14719: 14700: 14681: 14662: 14447:. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages. Vol. 2. Turnhout: Brepols N.V. pp. 279–280. 1421:
Sibbi and Ernmundr and Þórir had the stone raised in memory of ... He, Gísmundr's son, died in the east.
identifies this Þorsteinn with Þorsteinn, the former commander of a retinue, who is commemorated on the
218: 7488:
This runestone was raised in the cemetery of the church of Smula, but has been moved to the grounds of
2053:Ǫlvé had this stone raised in memory of Arnfastr, his son. He travelled to the east to Garðar (Russia). 1371:Þorstæinn {} gærði æftiʀ Ærinmund, {} sun sinn, ok køypti þennsa by {} ok {} aflaði {} austr i Garðum. 272: 15816: 13883:, section Inscription, English: "§C God … be gracious to her and those making the landmark … who men" 12503:, section Inscription, English: "<sumuʀ> cut the stone, who died in the east in <tuna> …" 7471:
Brandr raised this stone in memory of Ásmundr(?), his brother; he was killed on the eastern route(?).
6976:. Since the name appears on two runestones from roughly the same time and in two districts that were 6218:
Jansson, who was the first scholar to publish an analysis of the inscription, suggested in 1940 that
15314: 12464:, section Inscription, English: "… had the stone raised … Rysja(?), his brother. He … east. Balli …" 6167:
He fell in battle in the east in Garðar (Russia), commander of the retinue, the best of landholders.
1150:... had raised ... ...-fastr and in memory of Geirbjǫrn, (their) brothers ... They died in the east. 15499: 15480:
An English Dictionary of Runic Inscriptions of the Younger Futhark, at the university of Nottingham
13871:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§C Guð o(?) … n(?) hænni ok gærvandum mærki … … eʀ mænn sen" 11876:þurtsain × kiarþi| |if×tiʀ irinmunt × sun sin auk| |kaubti þinsa bu × auk × aflaþi × austr i karþum 1368:þurtsain × kiarþi| |if×tiʀ irinmunt × sun sin auk| |kaubti þinsa bu × auk × aflaþi × austr i karþum 460: 16078: 15928: 15704: 1391:
This runestone was located at the estate of Torsåker but it has disappeared. It was presumably in
317: 263: 254: 245: 200: 191: 182: 173: 164: 155: 146: 137: 15887: 9072:{} Syniʀ {} Liknhvata ... ærva {} mærki {} gott {} æftiʀ {} Æilikni, {} konu {} goða, {} moður {} 6164:
Hann {} fioll {} i {} orrustu {} austr {} i {} Garðum, {} liðs {} forungi, {} landmanna {} bæstr.
3910:<sumuʀ> {} haggva {} stæin, {} sum eʀ {} dauð {} austr {} i {} <tuna> {} <asu>. 308: 299: 290: 281: 236: 128: 119: 110: 101: 92: 83: 74: 65: 56: 47: 38: 29: 15940: 15808: 15717: 14343:
XI, 271), which is probably mentioned in G 135, in which it is said of the commemorated that he
12452:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "… let ræisa st … Rysiu(?), bro sinn. Ha … austr. Balli …" 11699:, p. 233: "Stenen lagades och restes 1931 i parken till Hagby, o. 40 m. bakom flygelbyggnaden. " 326: 227: 209: 15567: 14440: 11465:, p. 279: "Garðar or Garðaríki is Novgorod (Hólmgarðr) and its territory in north-west Russia." 10843:
Tosti, Ásviðr's smith, raised this stone in memory of Tófi, his brother, who died in the east.
1144:...r × lit × rai... ... · auk × at × (k)aiʀbiarn × bruþ- ... ...i(ʀ) · (t)o a(u)s... × 15985: 15540: 11751:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "… let ræi … …fast ok at Gæiʀbiorn, brøð … iʀ dou aus." 11213: 10607: 9075:
The sons of Líknhvatr ... the good landmark made in memory of Eilíkn, a good wife, mother ...
This runestone was found as fragments at Gådersta and has disappeared but it was probably in
476: 15965: 14578:
Ships and Men in the Late Viking Age: The Vocabulary of Runic Inscriptions and Skaldic Verse
9364:{} Guð o(?) ... n(?) {} hænni {} ok {} gærvandum {} mærki {} ... ... {} eʀ {} mænn {} sen {} 6969: 4845: 2707:
This is not properly a runestone but a runic inscription on flat bedrock at Norby. It is in
15936: 15895: 15825: 15712: 10871:
This runic inscription is found on the same stone as N 61, and they tell of the same clan.
prince in the first half of the 11th century. The second half of the inscription is in the
14307:, p. 90: "The secondary inscription on the Alstad stone (N 62) records the death of a man 6956:, thus represents two letters at the same time. The runes represent the common Norse name 5006:(i)nk(i)f(a)tr · l(t) (h)(a)ku... st(a)...n · eftiʀ · sihuiþ · faþ-r · siul(m)þ · ski...ra 8: 16083: 15492: 6207:
Vs 2, and it was raised in memory of a son who died either in what is today Russia or in
5415: 3961: 641: 633: 448: 15722: 5090: 4286:
and it is raised in memory of a man who fell in what is today Russia. It is composed in
gives the names in the de facto standard dialect (the Icelandic and Norwegian dialect):
derived from the chains of fortresses that had been constructed along the trade routes.
16021: 15989: 15846: 15799: 15751: 15535: 11218: 7430: 6973: 3697: 3379:
from Gunderup. About fifty memorial runestones describe the deceased as being a thegn.
3376: 472: 407: 15945: 15812: 15804: 15795: 15763: 10872: 4871:, on the other hand, thinks that the deceased had probably died in the service of the 2153:'. Otto von Friesen's interpretation has since then been the accepted interpretation. 15957: 15899: 15859: 15787: 15727: 15582: 15572: 15529: 15434: 15407: 15384: 15360: 15331: 14648: 14624: 14603: 14582: 14561: 14540: 14521: 14469: 14448: 14425: 12096:, p. 371: "Only one Swedish inscription (from about 1020-1060) has the singular form 11251:, in runic inscriptions, poetry of skalds and sagas. The name was then superseded by 9587: 9487:...(ʀ) : i : karþum : aʀ : uaʀ : ui(u)(e) meʀ :: (h)... 7448:
This runestone has disappeared but was found in the village of Hassla. It was in the
6931: 6912: 6249: 3870:... {} let {} ræisa {} st ... Rysiu(?), {} bro {} sinn. {} Ha ... austr. {} Balli ... 1184: 1147:... {} let {} ræi ... {} ok {} at {} Gæiʀbiorn, {} brøð ... iʀ {} dou aus. {} 468: 452: 436: 15479: 14335:, p. 90: "There may or may not be some connection between this and the place called 14323:
I, 155-7), that is mentioned by Wulfstan in the late ninth century (Lund 1984, 23)."
12814:(i)nk(i)f(a)tr · l(t) (h)(a)ku… st(a)…n · eftiʀ · sihuiþ · faþ-r · siul(m)þ · ski…ra 12788:, “longship,” probably died in the service of the Novgorodian prince (before 1050)." 12336:, p. 358: "... “he met his end in the east during the thing” (or: “in the retinue,” 11553:
was created by those Icelanders who wrote down sagas from the late twelfth century."
9548:. This theory was proposed in 1929 by Akeksej I. Sobolevskij, and he suggested that 7489: 490:
of the 11th century when the making of runestones was fashionable, but notably, the
15961: 15924: 15912: 15883: 15871: 15779: 15771: 15759: 15732: 15577: 15374: 15350: 11007: 10880: 9578: 7420:
Sigsteinn had this stone raised in memory of Ingvarr, his son. He died in the east.
2138: 966: 948: 674: 629: 611: 440: 15949: 15296:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15277:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15258:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15239:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15220:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15201:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15182:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15163:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15144:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15125:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15106:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15087:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15068:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15049:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15030:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 15011:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14992:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14973:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14954:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14935:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14916:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14897:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14878:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14859:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14840:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14821:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14802:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14783:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14764:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14745:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14726:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14707:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14688:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 14669:(in Swedish and English). Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University 13911:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§D … i Garðum/Garde, eʀ vaʀ Vivi(?) meðr …" 12118:
alui · lit · risa · stn · þtin · at · arfast · sun sin · hn · fur · ausʀ · i karþa
11795:, p. 396: "Þōrstæinn, then, was a commander (forungi) of a retinue (lið) in Rus’ ( 7100:
Stigr/Styggr made this monument in memory of Eyvindr, his son. He fell in the east
6922: 2047:
alui · lit · risa · stn · þtin · at · arfast · sun sin · hn · fur · ausʀ · i karþa
15932: 15916: 15841: 15453: 15428: 14642: 14638: 14618: 14597: 14576: 14555: 14463: 14419: 13897:…(ʀ) : i : karþum : aʀ : uaʀ : ui(u)(e) meʀ :: (h)… 13454:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§B með Æivisli. Vikingʀ faði ok Grimulfʀ." 10207: 10189: 9541: 9516: 8888: 7497: 6265: 5403: 5110: 4868: 3922: 2156: 1176: 506:
and the message of many of the inscriptions can be summarized with a poem in the
503: 444: 13482:, section Inscription, English: "§B with Eivísl. Víkingr coloured and Grímulfr." 11737:…r × lit × rai… … …fast · auk × at × (k)aiʀbiarn × bruþ- … …i(ʀ) · (t)o a(u)s… × 5396:
This is a runestone raised in the church of Turinge. It is in sandstone, in the
4876: 4297: 4288: 3936: 3930:
This runestone is a runic inscription on flat bedrock in Fagerlöt. It is in the
3867:... · lit · raisa · st... ... rysu · br(o)... · sin · ha... ... austr · bali ... 3062: 508: 15993: 15461: 15310: 11011: 8880: 8875: 8171: 5420: 5411: 5026: 3890:
This runestone has disappeared but was located in Bönestad. It was made in the
3072: 2098: 1833: 1815: 1787: 1189: 1172: 662: 425: 420: 14055:, section Inscription, English: "… Oddgeirr/Bótgeirr. He died in Holmgarðir …" 6177: 16052: 15953: 15411: 15335: 13923:, section Inscription, English: "§D … in Garðir/Garde, he was with Vivi(?) …" 13101:
han + fial + i + urustu + austr + i + garþum + lis + furugi + lanmana + bestr
11248: 10959: 10926:
has no Slavic etymology, and so Kleiber suggested that its original name was
10907: 6551: 6281: 6161:
han + fial + i + urustu + austr + i + garþum + lis + furugi + lanmana + bestr
3931: 3882: 3690: 1402:. It was raised by three men in memory of a fourth who had died in the east. 15322: 12676:, section Inscription, English: "§B He(?) fell(?) in(?) Garðar(?) (Russia) … 12156:, p. 370: "The place of Spjallbuðis’ death, specified in the inscription as 6572: 10978: 10893: 10876: 10192:. The runestone was raised in memory of men led by Vífil who navigated the 8884: 6542: 6245: 4293: 2170:, who was active during the late 11th and early 12th centuries in Uppland. 2126: 2116: 14043:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "… ddgæiʀ/tgæiʀ. Eʀ do i Holmga … …" 7097:
Styguʀ/Stygguʀ {} gærði kumbl þau aft Øyvind, sunu sinn. {} Sa fioll austr
3873:... had the stone raised ... Rysja(?), his brother. He ... east. Balli ... 15783: 15700: 10598: 10222:), Rafn was killed and the crew raised stones in his memory south of it. 10165:... ...tkaiʀ : aʀ : to i : hulmka-... ...iþ(i) : -... 7191:
and it was raised in memory of a man named Ingvarr who died in the East.
6961: 6204: 4270: 3306: 456: 432: 403: 12879:, section Inscription, English: "Óttarr and … met his end in the east …" 12664:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§B Hann(?) fiall(?) Garðum(?) …" 7452:
and it was raised in memory of a brother who died on the eastern route.
7179: 5021: 4610: 1773: 16031: 15737: 13831:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "§B … ok Gæiʀhvataʀ ok Liknviaʀ." 13143:
appears, a term hitherto unknown in the runic inscriptions (Vs 1-2)..."
10180: 6555: 6254: 6195: 6187: 5388: 5099: 4278:
This runestone is found near a homestead named Hagstugan. It is either
3694: 3352: 2164: 2078: 2071: 1430: 1396: 1383: 560: 483: 15879: 14421:
Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe
6560: 15515: 13039:, p. 396: "Certain characteristics of the Old Swedish language (e.g. 10996: 10915: 10611: 9520: 7449: 6244:'). However, in 1946, he discovered that it may refer to Khwarezm in 6241: 5410:, who bought an estate for his son with money earned in the lands of 5397: 5114: 5106: 4861: 4283: 3941: 3913:<sumuʀ> cut the stone, who died in the east in <tuna> ... 3891: 2708: 2082: 1484: 1439: 1392: 1198: 1168: 962: 625: 584: 499: 399: 15378: 15354: 12438:… · lit · raisa · st… … rysu · br(o)… · sin · ha… … austr · bali · … 9367:
God ... be gracious to her and those making the landmark ... who men
9163:...(s) : auk : kaiʀuataʀ : auk : liknuiaʀ : 8180: 4840: 3681: 447:. Other runestones that deal with Varangian expeditions include the 14484: 12340:
33). Unfortunately we do not know in which “east” the given thing (
12216:, “in Ólafr's church,” in 1907, and this has since been accepted." 11000: 10863: 10059: 9555: 9532: 7493: 7188: 6952: 6208: 4872: 4853: 4279: 3965: 3957: 3081: 1782: 386: 14602:. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Nordiska Språk. 13817:…(s) : auk : kaiʀuataʀ : auk : liknuiaʀ : 11405:, p. 232: "Ett fragment av stenen hittades i åkern invid Lissby. " 9596:
and it concerns an event in 1164. Moreover, Pritsak notes that ON
8161: 5109:
on a large boulder. It is located outside the railroad station in
2094:, and several scholars have discussed the meaning of these runes. 1442:. It was raised in memory of a man who died on the eastern route. 16026: 14644:
The Origin of Rus': Old Scandinavian Sources Other than the Sagas
14207:, p. 372: "... according to Magnus Olsen the second inscription ( 13953: 13416:
stikuʀ (') karþi kubl þ(a)^(u) aft auint sunu sin ' sa fial austr
12867:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "Ottarr ok … … ðis austr …" 11493:. In the runic inscriptions of the eleventh century, the toponym 11257:, which first appeared in Icelandic sagas in the twelfth century. 10992: 10987: 10588: 9502: 8838: 7440: 7094:
stikuʀ (') karþi kubl þ(a)^(u) aft auint sunu sin ' sa fial austr
6564: 6261: 5414:. He suggests that Þorsteinn was the commander of the retinue of 1785:. It is raised in memory of a son named Arnfast who travelled to 1183:. He suggests that Þorsteinn was the commander of the retinue of 600: 588: 580: 14191:, p. 371: "Bjørn Hougen established that the first inscription ( 11968:, section Inscription, Runic Swedish: "… vaʀ dauðr i austrveg …" 7866: 5102: 2167: 2074: 2062: 15821: 14029:… …tkaiʀ : aʀ : to i : hulmka-… …iþ(i) : -… 12344:
assembly)(cf. OR сънемъ) took place or what its character was."
11980:, section Inscription, English: "… died on the eastern route …" 10963: 10911: 10853: 10614:
and it was raised in memory of a brother who died in the east.
10193: 9545: 9537: 9524: 8855: 7480: 6965: 6947: 6288:
The inscription is somewhat unusual in that the sponsor's name
6212: 2699: 953: 616: 13843:, section Inscription, English: "§B and Geirhvatr and Líknvé." 12784:, p. 369: "The Södermanlander Sigviðr from Esta, captain of a 12519:“prince of the people” (“people” meaning company or retinue)." 12084:‘Constantinople’, the second serving as a designation of Rus." 11853: 9530:
The men who betrayed Hróðfúss were according to the runestone
1475: 1159: 15484: 11247:
was the original name for the lands of Rus', particularly of
10201: 10196:
cataracts, and tried to pass the most dangerous of them, the
9591: 9490:... {} i {} Garðum/Garde, {} eʀ {} vaʀ {} Vivi(?) meðr {} ... 3368: 14599:
Bind-Runes: an Investigation of Ligatures in Runic Epigraphy
130) is composed in fornyrðislag meter and is in honor of a
11723:, p. 233: "Ristningsytan är på flera ställen svårt skadad. " 1167:
This is not properly a runestone but a runic inscription in
Below follows a presentation of the runestones based on the
15855: 13286: 13194: 10903: 6977: 1837: 13943: 13941: 13756: 13754: 13741: 13739: 12596:
active in Rus’ in the first half of the eleventh century".
and Boris Kleiber, provided a solution. They discovered a
A reading of the runestone Sö 34's text in Old East Norse.
455:(erected in honor or memory of those who travelled to the 16:
Runestones in Scandinavia that mention voyages to the East
13371: 13369: 13356: 13354: 12529: 12527: 12525: 12212:, p. 370: "Otto von Friesen first propounded the reading 10902:. In 1961, an archaeological excavation in Vitičev, near 8863:
This runestone refers to a man who was in a place called
1399: 15466:
Uppsala University, Department of Scandinavian Languages
12236: 12234: 12196:, p. 370: "... Adolf Noreen (1904) connected it with ON 10892:('Vitaholm, between Vitaholm and Garðar'), but in 1933, 10051: 14445:
Poetry from the Kings' Sagas 2: From c. 1035 to c. 1300
13938: 13926: 13751: 13736: 13564: 13298: 13206: 13170: 12882: 11565:, p. 233: "Slutet av inskriften kan förmodas ha varit: 11529:, p. 38: "... in the late tenth century the place-name 11314: 11312: 11310: 4848:
that has preserved the message of the runic inscription
15383:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Göteborgs universitet, CLTS. 15359:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Göteborgs universitet, CLTS. 14647:. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 14623:(in German and English). Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 14468:(in Swedish). Oxford, Philadelphia: Natur och Kultur. 14339:, on the coast of Kúrland, directly opostite Gotland ( 14319:, on the east side of the mouth of the River Vistula ( 14160: 14158: 14006: 13393: 13381: 13366: 13351: 12763: 12751: 12522: 12219: 11711:, p. 233: "Mörk stenart. Höjd 1,23 m., bredd 0,80 m. " 10867:
The Alstad runestone with the inscriptions N 61 and 62
project retains Khwarezm as an equal possibility, and
451:(dealing with expeditions to the Middle East) and the 12231: 12180:“Greece,” while Sophus Bugge (1891) read the word as 11295: 3700:
in memory of someone's brother who died in the East.
Götarnas riken: upptäcktsfärder till Sveriges enande
Wessén, Elias; Jansson, Sven Birger Fredrik (1943).
11307: 11283: 10168:... ddgæiʀ/tgæiʀ. {} Eʀ {} do i {} Holmga ... {} ... 14520:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Svenska turistföreningen. 14211:) was made in the sixties of the eleventh century." 14155: 13182: 12023: 11642: 7187:This runestone is found at Skjorstad. It is in the 3950:('cruel') in the sense "commander". Áskell's title 11348: 9586:), but the first mention of the Wallachians is in 9536:('black men') and most scholars interpret them as 3080:This runestone is located in Skåäng and it is the 1781:This stone is found at Låddersta and it is in the 14239:, p. 372: "In his opinion, the Scandinavian term 12588:, p. 367: "The entire inscription from Hagstuga ( 12056:, “in” and by the word explaining the direction: 12048:“Rus’” always appears in the plural dative form ( 9554:was connected to a Central European name for the 4300:. It is from the first half of the 11th century. 418:), or to more specific eastern locations such as 16050: 15523:Western route and unspecified expeditions abroad 14461: 11859: 11579:(cf. Sö 338 and D 2:116 Veda, Ångarns parish).]" 11429:, p. 232: "Granit. Höjd 2,60 m., bredd 1,50 m. " 10946:. Kleiber analysed the first part of the second 10171:... Oddgeirr/Bótgeirr. He died in Holmgarðir ... 9493:... in Garðir/Garde, he was with Vivi(?) ... ... 5406:identifies this Þorsteinn with Þorsteinn of the 4844:Runestone Sö 171 in the 17th-century drawing by 3940:, and it contains a virtually unique use of the 1791:. Arnfast is also mentioned on the stone U 635. 14441:"Arnórr jarlaskáld Þórðarson, Haraldsdrápa 17'" 11252: 11242: 10897: 10887: 9597: 9571: 9549: 8883:), and another view is that the name refers to 8868: 6290: 6270: 6235: 6228: 6220: 5133: 5126: 5119: 3956:may be the title that the commander had in the 3951: 3945: 3362: 2143: 2131: 2120: 2110: 2103: 2088: 1827: 1820: 1809: 1803: 1796: 667: 656: 649: 524: 390:A map of the main routes east from Scandinavia. 15174: 14560:. New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 14485:"The Image of Old Rus in Old Norse Literature" 14439:Gade, Kari Ellen; Whaley, Diana, eds. (2009). 13345: 13333: 13316: 13292: 12160:has been the subject of scholarly speculation" 10991:, a historical region on the east side of the 647:The last runes may be reconstructed as either 15500: 15397: 11720: 11708: 11696: 11684: 11672: 11660: 11573:(jfr Sö 338 och D 2:116 Veda, Ångarns sn). um 11562: 11450: 11438: 11426: 11414: 11402: 11390: 11378: 11366: 11224:Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks 10914:which had given fire signals to Kiev, and in 9544:, argue in favour of a theory that they were 9166:... {} ok {} Gæiʀhvataʀ {} ok {} Liknviaʀ. {} 5117:to combine the a-rune and s-rune in the word 5098:This runestone is a runic inscription by the 431:There are also many additional runestones in 14620:Amsterdamer Beiträge Zur älteren Germanistik 14243:was adapted in Slavic in a suffixed form as 12991:209) from the middle of the 11th century..." 12080:(plural), the first being a shortening from 11783:209) from the middle of the 11th century..." 11006:Kleiber suggests that Engli was a member of 9576:date to the period 1016–1017 in the case of 8179:This runestone is raised on the cemetery of 6576:in which the runestone was first described. 5418:and that his son Erinmundr may have died in 1187:and that his son Erinmundr may have died in 463:). There is also a separate article for the 14462:Harrison, Dick; Svensson, Kristina (2007). 12172:, p. 370: "Richard Dybeck (1857) explained 11014:during the first half of the 11th century. 7170:with Eivísl. Víkingr coloured and Grímulfr. 5078:Ottarr {} ok {} ... ... ðis {} austr {} ... 4601:He(?) fell(?) in(?) Garðar(?) (Russia) ..." 15834:Uppland Rune Inscriptions 101, 143 and 147 15507: 15493: 15330:. Swedish National Heritage Board: 34–38. 14438: 11462: 9582:and to 1122 concerning the Berroa battle ( 5081:Óttarr and ... met his end in the east ... 5025:Runestone Sö 216, 19th-century drawing by 1802:. One interpretation is that it means "to 1483:This runestone is an early inscription in 435:that talk of eastward voyages such as the 16032:Runic inscriptions online interactive map 13895:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§D 13855:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§C 13815:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§B 13775:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§A 13466:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§B 13414:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§A 13099:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§B 13059:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§A 12648:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§B 12608:, section Inscription, Rune reading: "§A 7167:með Æivisli. {} Vikingʀ faði ok Grimulfʀ. 3894:in memory of a man who died in the East. 2125:, which means 'retinue'. Later, in 1904, 1434:Runestone U 366 in a 17th-century drawing 1387:Runestone U 283 in a 17th-century drawing 15447: 15373: 15349: 15288: 15269: 15250: 15117: 15022: 15003: 14984: 14965: 14946: 14927: 14908: 14889: 14149: 14137: 14121: 13705:, section Inscription, , Rune reading: " 13650: 13638: 13622: 13610: 13598: 13582: 13558: 13546: 13531: 13468:miʀ aiuisli ' uikikʀ faþi auk| |krimulfʀ 13124: 13112: 13096: 13084: 13072: 13056: 12952: 12940: 12924: 12876: 12864: 12849: 12837: 12825: 12809: 12733: 12721: 12705: 12673: 12661: 12645: 12633: 12621: 12605: 12573: 12561: 12545: 12500: 12488: 12473: 11342: 11330: 11301: 11289: 11010:'s warband which fought in the lands of 10862: 10597: 10179: 10050: 9558:(Qipčaq) Polovcians (Qūmans), which was 9501: 8867:. One view holds that the place name is 8854: 8170: 7865: 7479: 7439: 7178: 7164:miʀ aiuisli ' uikikʀ faþi auk| |krimulfʀ 6921: 6541: 6248:. He proposed that it may be one of the 6194: 6186: 5387: 5089: 5020: 4839: 4609: 4269: 3921: 3881: 3680: 3305: 3071: 2698: 2061: 1772: 1474: 1429: 1382: 1158: 952: 615: 385: 16074:Runestones in memory of Viking warriors 16039:Runic transliteration and transcription 15426: 15231: 15212: 15098: 15079: 15060: 15041: 14870: 14851: 14832: 14813: 14794: 14775: 14756: 14737: 14718: 14699: 14680: 14661: 14637: 14595: 14534: 14515: 14502: 14482: 14360: 14292: 14276: 14256: 14236: 14220: 14204: 14188: 14176: 14109: 14097: 14080: 14064: 14052: 14040: 14024: 14012: 14000: 13988: 13971: 13959: 13947: 13932: 13920: 13908: 13892: 13880: 13868: 13852: 13840: 13828: 13812: 13800: 13788: 13772: 13760: 13745: 13730: 13718: 13702: 13690: 13678: 13662: 13570: 13519: 13507: 13491: 13399: 13387: 13375: 13360: 13224: 13212: 13200: 13176: 13164: 13152: 13136: 13036: 13024: 13012: 13000: 12976: 12900: 12888: 12797: 12781: 12769: 12757: 12685: 12585: 12533: 12512: 12461: 12449: 12433: 12421: 12409: 12393: 12381: 12369: 12353: 12333: 12321: 12309: 12293: 12281: 12269: 12252: 12240: 12225: 12209: 12193: 12169: 12153: 12141: 12129: 12113: 12093: 12069: 12052:), usually preceded by the preposition 12044:, p. 366: "In the Swedish inscriptions 12041: 12029: 12017: 12005: 11989: 11977: 11965: 11950: 11938: 11926: 11911: 11899: 11887: 11871: 11847: 11832: 11808: 11792: 11772: 11760: 11748: 11732: 11648: 11636: 11624: 11608: 11588: 11549:, p. 37: "According to Braun, the name 11546: 11526: 11506: 11486: 11354: 11318: 9570:. All the Old Norse information on the 1826:may have referred to a particular town 16051: 15193: 15155: 15136: 14616: 14417: 14400: 14388: 14375:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 14372: 14164: 14124:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 14083:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 14027:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13974:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13665:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13625:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13585:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13534:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13494:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13479: 13463: 13451: 13439: 13427: 13411: 13319:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13280: 13268: 13255:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 13252: 13236: 13188: 12927:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12852:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12812:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12708:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12696:114 are also old (surely before 1050)" 12548:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12476:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12436:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12396:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12356:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12296:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12255:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12116:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 12104:636) which probably was used for Kiev" 11992:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11953:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11914:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11874:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11735:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11611:, section Inscription, Rune reading: " 11474: 10896:suggested that the second toponym was 4858:Swedish Museum of National Antiquities 15488: 15420: 15309: 14574: 14553: 14535:Jansson, Sven Birger Fredrik (1987). 14516:Jansson, Sven Birger Fredrik (1980). 14503:Jansson, Sven Birger Fredrik (1964). 14332: 14304: 13304: 12964: 12745: 11277: 10606:This runestone is found in Kolind in 5125:, which is tentatively translated as 12979:, p. 367: "Two stones with the name 11811:, p. 367: "Two stones with the name 3328:Styrlaugʀ ok Holmbʀ stæina ræistu... 518: 15433:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Atlantis. 12907:is found twice in his work (U 485: 11599:“among Greeks,” i.e. in Byzantium." 11569:(jfr U 136 och 140) eller möjligen 10889:Vitaholmi, miðli Vitaholms ok Garða 498:All of the stones were engraved in 414:) or the Eastern route (Old Norse: 13: 10879:dated N 62 to the 1060s. It is in 9519:, and another son died in Vindau ( 4292:and the last line, which contains 3316: 1463:... vaʀ {} dauðr {} i austrveg ... 406:that mention voyages to the East ( 349: 14: 16095: 15473: 6199:The accompanying image stone Vs 2 1466:... died on the eastern route ... 583:project. The transcriptions into 363: 14581:. Woodbrige: The Boydell Press. 13977:aʀ : han : suiu : 11575:(cf. U 136 and 140) or possibly 10034:aʀ : han : suiu : 9566:and a translation of the Slavic 7424: 6951: 5424:while serving under his father. 3351:Problems playing this file? See 3332: 2163:The runic text is signed by the 1193:while serving under his father. 362: 348: 334: 325: 316: 307: 298: 289: 280: 271: 262: 253: 244: 235: 226: 217: 208: 199: 190: 181: 172: 163: 154: 145: 136: 127: 118: 109: 100: 91: 82: 73: 64: 55: 46: 37: 28: 21: 11236: 6906: 6537: 4598:Hann(?) fiall(?) Garðum(?) ... 3056: 2151:Saint Olaf's Church in Novgorod 2137:, meaning 'hook', but in 1907, 567:in the east in Garðar (Russia), 443:, and inscriptions left by the 15514: 15380:Särkland och dess källmaterial 15356:Ingvarståget och dess monument 14195:) was made about 1000-1030..." 6938:In the inscription, the runes 6171: 2115:meaning 'Greece', but in 1891 673:('among Greeks', i.e. 'in the 1: 14410: 8166: 5131:('east'). Öpir used the same 2141:proposed that the runes read 465:Baltic expeditions runestones 15830:Hargs bro runic inscriptions 14223:, p. 372: "Kleiber connects 11860:Harrison & Svensson 2007 11264: 11192: 11184: 11176: 11168: 11160: 11152: 11144: 11136: 11128: 11120: 11112: 11104: 11096: 11088: 11080: 11072: 11064: 11056: 11048: 11040: 11032: 11024: 10875:dated N 61 to 1000-1030 and 10832: 10824: 10816: 10808: 10800: 10792: 10784: 10776: 10768: 10760: 10752: 10744: 10736: 10728: 10720: 10712: 10704: 10696: 10688: 10680: 10672: 10664: 10656: 10648: 10640: 10632: 10624: 10565: 10558: 10550: 10542: 10534: 10526: 10518: 10510: 10502: 10494: 10486: 10478: 10470: 10462: 10454: 10446: 10438: 10430: 10422: 10414: 10406: 10398: 10390: 10382: 10374: 10366: 10358: 10350: 10342: 10334: 10326: 10318: 10311: 10303: 10296: 10288: 10280: 10272: 10264: 10256: 10248: 10240: 10232: 10160: 10152: 10144: 10136: 10128: 10120: 10112: 10104: 10096: 10088: 10080: 10072: 10028: 10020: 10012: 10004: 9996: 9988: 9980: 9972: 9964: 9956: 9948: 9940: 9932: 9924: 9916: 9908: 9900: 9892: 9884: 9876: 9868: 9860: 9852: 9844: 9836: 9828: 9820: 9812: 9804: 9796: 9788: 9780: 9772: 9764: 9756: 9748: 9740: 9732: 9724: 9716: 9708: 9700: 9692: 9684: 9676: 9668: 9660: 9652: 9644: 9636: 9628: 9620: 9612: 9592: 9482: 9474: 9466: 9458: 9450: 9442: 9434: 9426: 9418: 9410: 9402: 9394: 9386: 9378: 9356: 9348: 9340: 9332: 9324: 9316: 9308: 9300: 9292: 9284: 9276: 9268: 9260: 9252: 9244: 9236: 9228: 9220: 9212: 9204: 9196: 9188: 9180: 9158: 9150: 9142: 9134: 9126: 9118: 9110: 9102: 9094: 9086: 9064: 9056: 9048: 9040: 9032: 9024: 9016: 9008: 9000: 8992: 8984: 8976: 8968: 8960: 8952: 8944: 8936: 8928: 8920: 8912: 8904: 8817: 8809: 8801: 8793: 8785: 8777: 8770: 8762: 8754: 8746: 8738: 8730: 8722: 8714: 8706: 8698: 8690: 8682: 8674: 8666: 8658: 8650: 8642: 8634: 8626: 8618: 8610: 8602: 8594: 8586: 8578: 8570: 8562: 8554: 8546: 8538: 8530: 8522: 8514: 8492: 8484: 8476: 8468: 8460: 8452: 8444: 8436: 8428: 8420: 8412: 8404: 8396: 8388: 8380: 8372: 8364: 8356: 8348: 8340: 8332: 8324: 8316: 8308: 8300: 8292: 8284: 8276: 8268: 8260: 8252: 8244: 8236: 8228: 8220: 8212: 8204: 8196: 8140: 8132: 8124: 8116: 8108: 8100: 8092: 8084: 8076: 8068: 8060: 8052: 8044: 8036: 8028: 8020: 8012: 8004: 7996: 7988: 7980: 7972: 7964: 7956: 7948: 7940: 7932: 7924: 7916: 7908: 7900: 7892: 7884: 7846: 7838: 7830: 7822: 7814: 7806: 7798: 7790: 7782: 7774: 7766: 7758: 7750: 7742: 7734: 7726: 7718: 7710: 7702: 7694: 7686: 7678: 7670: 7662: 7654: 7646: 7638: 7630: 7622: 7614: 7606: 7598: 7590: 7582: 7574: 7566: 7558: 7550: 7542: 7534: 7526: 7518: 7510: 7461: 7409: 7401: 7393: 7385: 7377: 7369: 7361: 7353: 7345: 7337: 7329: 7321: 7313: 7305: 7297: 7289: 7281: 7273: 7265: 7257: 7249: 7241: 7233: 7225: 7217: 7209: 7201: 7159: 7151: 7143: 7135: 7127: 7119: 7111: 7089: 7081: 7073: 7065: 7057: 7049: 7041: 7033: 7025: 7017: 7009: 7001: 6993: 6978:culturally closely connected 6960:, which was in use all over 6890: 6882: 6874: 6866: 6858: 6850: 6842: 6834: 6826: 6818: 6810: 6802: 6794: 6786: 6778: 6770: 6762: 6754: 6746: 6738: 6730: 6722: 6714: 6706: 6698: 6690: 6682: 6674: 6666: 6658: 6650: 6642: 6634: 6626: 6618: 6610: 6602: 6594: 6586: 6522: 6514: 6506: 6498: 6490: 6482: 6474: 6466: 6458: 6450: 6442: 6434: 6426: 6418: 6410: 6402: 6394: 6386: 6378: 6370: 6362: 6354: 6346: 6338: 6330: 6322: 6314: 6306: 6156: 6148: 6140: 6132: 6124: 6116: 6108: 6100: 6092: 6084: 6076: 6068: 6060: 6052: 6044: 6036: 6028: 6020: 6012: 6004: 5996: 5973: 5965: 5957: 5949: 5941: 5933: 5925: 5917: 5909: 5901: 5893: 5885: 5877: 5869: 5861: 5853: 5845: 5837: 5829: 5821: 5813: 5805: 5797: 5789: 5781: 5773: 5765: 5757: 5749: 5741: 5733: 5725: 5717: 5709: 5701: 5693: 5685: 5677: 5669: 5661: 5653: 5645: 5637: 5629: 5621: 5613: 5605: 5597: 5589: 5581: 5573: 5565: 5557: 5549: 5541: 5533: 5525: 5517: 5509: 5501: 5493: 5485: 5477: 5469: 5461: 5453: 5445: 5437: 5368: 5360: 5352: 5344: 5336: 5328: 5320: 5312: 5304: 5296: 5289: 5281: 5273: 5265: 5257: 5249: 5241: 5233: 5225: 5217: 5209: 5201: 5193: 5185: 5177: 5169: 5161: 5153: 5071: 5063: 5055: 5047: 5001: 4993: 4985: 4977: 4969: 4961: 4953: 4945: 4937: 4929: 4921: 4913: 4905: 4897: 4889: 4820: 4812: 4804: 4796: 4788: 4780: 4772: 4764: 4756: 4748: 4740: 4732: 4724: 4716: 4708: 4700: 4692: 4684: 4676: 4668: 4660: 4652: 4644: 4636: 4628: 4590: 4582: 4575: 4567: 4559: 4537: 4529: 4521: 4513: 4505: 4497: 4489: 4481: 4473: 4465: 4457: 4449: 4441: 4433: 4425: 4417: 4409: 4401: 4393: 4385: 4377: 4369: 4361: 4353: 4345: 4337: 4329: 4321: 4313: 4250: 4242: 4234: 4226: 4218: 4210: 4202: 4194: 4186: 4178: 4170: 4162: 4154: 4146: 4138: 4130: 4122: 4114: 4106: 4098: 4090: 4082: 4074: 4066: 4058: 4050: 4042: 4034: 4026: 4018: 4010: 4002: 3994: 3986: 3978: 3903: 3862: 3854: 3846: 3838: 3830: 3822: 3814: 3806: 3798: 3790: 3782: 3774: 3766: 3758: 3750: 3742: 3734: 3726: 3718: 3710: 3661: 3653: 3645: 3637: 3629: 3621: 3613: 3605: 3597: 3589: 3581: 3573: 3565: 3557: 3549: 3541: 3533: 3525: 3517: 3509: 3501: 3493: 3485: 3477: 3469: 3461: 3453: 3445: 3437: 3429: 3421: 3413: 3405: 3397: 3389: 3286: 3278: 3270: 3262: 3254: 3246: 3238: 3230: 3222: 3214: 3206: 3198: 3190: 3182: 3174: 3166: 3158: 3150: 3142: 3134: 3126: 3118: 3110: 3102: 3094: 3041: 3033: 3025: 3017: 3009: 3001: 2993: 2985: 2977: 2969: 2961: 2953: 2945: 2937: 2929: 2921: 2913: 2905: 2897: 2889: 2881: 2873: 2865: 2857: 2849: 2841: 2833: 2825: 2817: 2809: 2801: 2793: 2785: 2777: 2769: 2761: 2753: 2745: 2737: 2729: 2721: 2676: 2668: 2660: 2652: 2644: 2636: 2628: 2620: 2612: 2604: 2596: 2588: 2580: 2572: 2564: 2556: 2548: 2540: 2532: 2524: 2516: 2508: 2500: 2492: 2484: 2476: 2468: 2460: 2452: 2444: 2436: 2428: 2420: 2412: 2404: 2396: 2388: 2380: 2372: 2364: 2356: 2348: 2340: 2332: 2324: 2316: 2308: 2300: 2292: 2284: 2276: 2268: 2260: 2252: 2244: 2236: 2228: 2220: 2212: 2204: 2196: 2188: 2180: 2042: 2034: 2026: 2018: 2010: 2002: 1994: 1986: 1978: 1970: 1962: 1954: 1946: 1938: 1930: 1922: 1914: 1906: 1898: 1890: 1882: 1874: 1866: 1858: 1850: 1753: 1745: 1737: 1729: 1721: 1713: 1705: 1697: 1689: 1681: 1673: 1665: 1657: 1649: 1641: 1633: 1625: 1617: 1609: 1601: 1593: 1585: 1577: 1569: 1561: 1553: 1545: 1537: 1529: 1521: 1513: 1505: 1497: 1456: 1411: 1363: 1355: 1347: 1339: 1331: 1323: 1315: 1307: 1299: 1291: 1283: 1275: 1267: 1259: 1251: 1243: 1235: 1227: 1219: 1211: 1139: 1131: 1123: 1115: 1107: 1099: 1091: 1083: 1075: 1067: 1059: 1051: 1043: 1035: 1027: 1019: 1011: 1003: 995: 987: 979: 927: 919: 911: 903: 895: 887: 879: 871: 863: 855: 847: 839: 831: 823: 815: 807: 799: 791: 783: 775: 767: 759: 751: 743: 735: 727: 719: 711: 703: 695: 687: 335: 7: 15462:"Samnordisk runtextdatabas" 11207: 10938:would originally have been 10918:such a beacon was called a 10208:Constantine Porphyrogenitus 1180: 513: 10: 16100: 16069:Runestones in Södermanland 16064:Runestones in Östergötland 15546:Gunnar's bridge runestones 14418:Duczko, Wladyslaw (2004). 12200:“hook,” “bend,” “corner,”" 10942:, a suffixed borrowing of 10851: 10586: 10582: 10202: 8836: 8832: 8159: 7428: 6910: 6291: 6271: 6229: 6221: 6175: 5407: 5134: 5120: 4595:h^a l^f {} kirþu <o> 3060: 2144: 2132: 2104: 2089: 2077:, is found at Sjusta near 2070:This stone, signed by the 1821: 1797: 1794:There are two readings of 946: 668: 650: 637: 609: 598: 594: 557:and abroad in the retinue, 16014: 16002: 15978: 15840: 15817:Snottsta and Vreta stones 15746: 15699: 15591: 15554: 15522: 15468:(in Swedish and English). 15450:"Nordisk Runnamnslexikon" 15427:Larsson, Mats G. (2002). 14483:Jackson, Tatjana (2003). 13962:, pp. 344, 345, 373. 11721:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11709:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11697:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11685:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11673:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11661:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11563:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11451:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11439:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11427:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11415:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11403:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11391:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11379:Wessén & Jansson 1943 11367:Wessén & Jansson 1943 10985:may be related either to 10847: 10593: 9169:and Geirhvatr and Líknvé. 7861: 7475: 7435: 5383: 5139:bind rune in inscription 5085: 5016: 4835: 4605: 4265: 3917: 3877: 1814:", i.e. "to the lands of 661:', i.e. 'in the lands of 571:the best of landholders. 569:commander of the retinue, 491: 15400:"Sveriges Runinskrifter" 14557:A History of the Vikings 14505:"Sveriges Runinskrifter" 11595:“in Garðar” (Rus’), and 11229: 10966:. According to Kleiber, 10214:). When they arrived at 10175: 10046: 9497: 8887:not far from the stone. 8850: 8155: 7174: 4535:(u)-(h)---(u)--(u)(k)(þ) 3676: 3301: 3067: 2694: 2057: 1768: 1470: 1425: 1378: 1154: 942: 605: 514:Turinge Runestone Sö 338 492:Kälvesten Runestone Ög 8 461:Ingvar the Far-Travelled 15448:Peterson, Lena (2002). 14596:MacLeod, Mindy (2002). 12650:h^a l^f kirþu <o> 11577:þaiʀ · antaþus × austum 11571:þaiʀ · antaþus × austum 11567:þaiʀ · antaþus × austum 11253: 11243: 11189: 11181: 11173: 11165: 11157: 11149: 11141: 11133: 11125: 11117: 11109: 11101: 11093: 11085: 11077: 11069: 11061: 11053: 11045: 11037: 11029: 11021: 11017:The inscription reads: 10970:is a shortened form of 10898: 10888: 10858: 10829: 10821: 10813: 10805: 10797: 10789: 10781: 10773: 10765: 10757: 10749: 10741: 10733: 10725: 10717: 10709: 10701: 10693: 10685: 10677: 10669: 10661: 10653: 10645: 10637: 10629: 10621: 10617:The inscription reads: 10563: 10555: 10547: 10539: 10531: 10523: 10515: 10507: 10499: 10491: 10483: 10475: 10467: 10459: 10451: 10443: 10435: 10427: 10419: 10411: 10403: 10395: 10387: 10379: 10371: 10363: 10355: 10347: 10339: 10331: 10323: 10315: 10308: 10300: 10293: 10285: 10277: 10269: 10261: 10253: 10245: 10237: 10229: 10225:The inscription reads: 10157: 10149: 10141: 10133: 10125: 10117: 10109: 10101: 10093: 10085: 10077: 10069: 10065:The inscription reads: 10025: 10017: 10009: 10001: 9993: 9985: 9977: 9969: 9961: 9953: 9945: 9937: 9929: 9921: 9913: 9905: 9897: 9889: 9881: 9873: 9865: 9857: 9849: 9841: 9833: 9825: 9817: 9809: 9801: 9793: 9785: 9777: 9769: 9761: 9753: 9745: 9737: 9729: 9721: 9713: 9705: 9697: 9689: 9681: 9673: 9665: 9657: 9649: 9641: 9633: 9625: 9617: 9609: 9605:The inscription reads: 9598: 9572: 9550: 9479: 9471: 9463: 9455: 9447: 9439: 9431: 9423: 9415: 9407: 9399: 9391: 9383: 9375: 9353: 9345: 9337: 9329: 9321: 9313: 9305: 9297: 9289: 9281: 9273: 9265: 9257: 9249: 9241: 9233: 9225: 9217: 9209: 9201: 9193: 9185: 9177: 9155: 9147: 9139: 9131: 9123: 9115: 9107: 9099: 9091: 9083: 9061: 9053: 9045: 9037: 9029: 9021: 9013: 9005: 8997: 8989: 8981: 8973: 8965: 8957: 8949: 8941: 8933: 8925: 8917: 8909: 8901: 8894:The inscription reads: 8869: 8859:Runestone G 114, side C 8814: 8806: 8798: 8790: 8782: 8774: 8767: 8759: 8751: 8743: 8735: 8727: 8719: 8711: 8703: 8695: 8687: 8679: 8671: 8663: 8655: 8647: 8639: 8631: 8623: 8615: 8607: 8599: 8591: 8583: 8575: 8567: 8559: 8551: 8543: 8535: 8527: 8519: 8511: 8489: 8481: 8473: 8465: 8457: 8449: 8441: 8433: 8425: 8417: 8409: 8401: 8393: 8385: 8377: 8369: 8361: 8353: 8345: 8337: 8329: 8321: 8313: 8305: 8297: 8289: 8281: 8273: 8265: 8257: 8249: 8241: 8233: 8225: 8217: 8209: 8201: 8193: 8186:The inscription reads: 8137: 8129: 8121: 8113: 8105: 8097: 8089: 8081: 8073: 8065: 8057: 8049: 8041: 8033: 8025: 8017: 8009: 8001: 7993: 7985: 7977: 7969: 7961: 7953: 7945: 7937: 7929: 7921: 7913: 7905: 7897: 7889: 7881: 7877:The inscription reads: 7843: 7835: 7827: 7819: 7811: 7803: 7795: 7787: 7779: 7771: 7763: 7755: 7747: 7739: 7731: 7723: 7715: 7707: 7699: 7691: 7683: 7675: 7667: 7659: 7651: 7643: 7635: 7627: 7619: 7611: 7603: 7595: 7587: 7579: 7571: 7563: 7555: 7547: 7539: 7531: 7523: 7515: 7507: 7503:The inscription reads: 7459: 7455:The inscription reads: 7406: 7398: 7390: 7382: 7374: 7366: 7358: 7350: 7342: 7334: 7326: 7318: 7310: 7302: 7294: 7286: 7278: 7270: 7262: 7254: 7246: 7238: 7230: 7222: 7214: 7206: 7198: 7194:The inscription reads: 7156: 7148: 7140: 7132: 7124: 7116: 7108: 7086: 7078: 7070: 7062: 7054: 7046: 7038: 7030: 7022: 7014: 7006: 6998: 6990: 6983:The inscription reads: 6930:The Kälvesten stone in 6917: 6887: 6879: 6871: 6863: 6855: 6847: 6839: 6831: 6827:Kætilas(?)/Kætilhôss(?) 6823: 6815: 6807: 6799: 6791: 6783: 6775: 6767: 6759: 6751: 6743: 6735: 6727: 6719: 6711: 6703: 6695: 6687: 6679: 6671: 6663: 6655: 6647: 6639: 6631: 6623: 6615: 6607: 6599: 6591: 6583: 6579:The inscription reads: 6519: 6511: 6503: 6495: 6487: 6479: 6471: 6463: 6455: 6447: 6439: 6431: 6423: 6415: 6407: 6399: 6391: 6383: 6375: 6367: 6359: 6351: 6343: 6335: 6327: 6319: 6311: 6303: 6299:The inscription reads: 6236: 6182: 6153: 6145: 6137: 6129: 6121: 6113: 6105: 6097: 6089: 6081: 6073: 6065: 6057: 6049: 6041: 6033: 6025: 6017: 6009: 6001: 5993: 5970: 5962: 5954: 5946: 5938: 5930: 5922: 5914: 5906: 5898: 5890: 5882: 5874: 5866: 5858: 5850: 5842: 5834: 5826: 5818: 5810: 5802: 5794: 5786: 5778: 5770: 5762: 5754: 5746: 5738: 5730: 5722: 5714: 5706: 5698: 5690: 5682: 5674: 5666: 5658: 5650: 5642: 5634: 5626: 5618: 5610: 5602: 5594: 5586: 5578: 5570: 5562: 5554: 5546: 5538: 5530: 5522: 5514: 5506: 5498: 5490: 5482: 5474: 5466: 5458: 5450: 5442: 5434: 5427:The inscription reads: 5365: 5357: 5349: 5341: 5333: 5325: 5317: 5309: 5301: 5294: 5286: 5278: 5270: 5262: 5254: 5246: 5238: 5230: 5222: 5214: 5206: 5198: 5190: 5182: 5174: 5166: 5158: 5150: 5146:The inscription reads: 5127: 5068: 5060: 5052: 5044: 5039: 5035:The inscription reads: 4998: 4990: 4982: 4974: 4966: 4958: 4950: 4942: 4934: 4926: 4918: 4910: 4902: 4894: 4886: 4882:The inscription reads: 4817: 4809: 4801: 4793: 4785: 4777: 4769: 4761: 4753: 4745: 4737: 4729: 4721: 4713: 4705: 4697: 4689: 4681: 4673: 4665: 4657: 4649: 4641: 4633: 4625: 4621:The inscription reads: 4587: 4579: 4572: 4564: 4556: 4534: 4526: 4518: 4510: 4502: 4494: 4486: 4478: 4470: 4462: 4454: 4446: 4438: 4430: 4422: 4414: 4406: 4398: 4390: 4382: 4374: 4366: 4358: 4350: 4342: 4334: 4326: 4318: 4310: 4303:The inscription reads: 4247: 4239: 4231: 4223: 4215: 4207: 4199: 4191: 4183: 4175: 4167: 4159: 4151: 4143: 4135: 4127: 4119: 4111: 4103: 4095: 4087: 4079: 4071: 4063: 4055: 4047: 4039: 4031: 4023: 4015: 4007: 3999: 3991: 3983: 3975: 3971:The inscription reads: 3952: 3946: 3901: 3897:The inscription reads: 3859: 3851: 3843: 3835: 3827: 3819: 3811: 3803: 3795: 3787: 3779: 3771: 3763: 3755: 3747: 3739: 3731: 3723: 3715: 3707: 3703:The inscription reads: 3693:. It was carved by the 3658: 3650: 3642: 3634: 3626: 3618: 3610: 3602: 3594: 3586: 3578: 3570: 3562: 3554: 3546: 3538: 3530: 3522: 3514: 3506: 3498: 3490: 3482: 3474: 3466: 3458: 3450: 3442: 3434: 3426: 3418: 3410: 3402: 3394: 3386: 3382:The inscription reads: 3363: 3283: 3275: 3267: 3259: 3251: 3243: 3235: 3227: 3219: 3211: 3203: 3195: 3187: 3179: 3171: 3163: 3155: 3147: 3139: 3131: 3123: 3115: 3107: 3099: 3091: 3087:The inscription reads: 3038: 3030: 3022: 3014: 3006: 2998: 2990: 2982: 2974: 2966: 2958: 2950: 2942: 2934: 2926: 2918: 2910: 2902: 2894: 2886: 2878: 2870: 2862: 2854: 2846: 2838: 2830: 2822: 2814: 2806: 2798: 2790: 2782: 2774: 2766: 2758: 2750: 2742: 2734: 2726: 2718: 2714:The inscription reads: 2673: 2665: 2657: 2649: 2641: 2633: 2625: 2617: 2609: 2601: 2593: 2585: 2577: 2569: 2561: 2553: 2545: 2537: 2529: 2521: 2513: 2505: 2497: 2489: 2481: 2473: 2465: 2457: 2449: 2441: 2433: 2425: 2417: 2409: 2401: 2393: 2385: 2377: 2369: 2361: 2353: 2345: 2337: 2329: 2321: 2313: 2305: 2297: 2289: 2281: 2273: 2265: 2257: 2249: 2241: 2233: 2225: 2217: 2209: 2201: 2193: 2185: 2177: 2173:The inscription reads: 2121: 2111: 2039: 2031: 2023: 2015: 2007: 1999: 1991: 1983: 1975: 1967: 1959: 1951: 1943: 1935: 1927: 1919: 1911: 1903: 1895: 1887: 1879: 1871: 1863: 1855: 1847: 1843:The inscription reads: 1828: 1810: 1804: 1750: 1742: 1734: 1726: 1718: 1710: 1702: 1694: 1686: 1678: 1670: 1662: 1654: 1646: 1638: 1630: 1622: 1614: 1606: 1598: 1590: 1582: 1574: 1566: 1558: 1550: 1542: 1534: 1526: 1518: 1510: 1502: 1494: 1490:The inscription reads: 1453: 1449: 1445:The inscription reads: 1409: 1405:The inscription reads: 1360: 1352: 1344: 1336: 1328: 1320: 1312: 1304: 1296: 1288: 1280: 1272: 1264: 1256: 1248: 1240: 1232: 1224: 1216: 1208: 1204:The inscription reads: 1136: 1128: 1120: 1112: 1104: 1096: 1088: 1080: 1072: 1064: 1056: 1048: 1040: 1032: 1024: 1016: 1008: 1000: 992: 984: 976: 972:The inscription reads: 924: 916: 908: 900: 892: 884: 876: 868: 860: 852: 844: 836: 828: 820: 812: 804: 796: 788: 780: 772: 764: 756: 748: 740: 732: 724: 716: 708: 700: 692: 684: 680:The inscription reads: 657: 534:heldu sina huskarla ve. 525: 486:were raised during the 415: 411: 15568:Baltic area runestones 15404:Sveriges Runinskrifter 14575:Jesch, Judith (2001). 14539:. Stockholm: Gidlund. 14509:Sveriges Runinskrifter 12688:, p. 366: "The stones 11463:Gade & Whaley 2009 10868: 10603: 10185: 10055: 9540:, but others, such as 9507: 8860: 8176: 7871: 7492:. It is carved in the 7485: 7445: 7184: 6927: 6547: 6546:Runestone Vs Fv1988;36 6226:was a misspelling for 6200: 6192: 5393: 5095: 5029: 4849: 4615: 4275: 3927: 3887: 3686: 3321: 3311: 3077: 2704: 2109:represented Old Norse 2067: 1778: 1480: 1435: 1388: 1175:in memory of his son. 1164: 958: 621: 549: 522: 391: 16059:Runestones in Uppland 15986:Jarlabanke Runestones 15705:Battle of Fýrisvellir 15541:Hakon Jarl runestones 11513:, the plural form of 10962:, a tributary of the 10866: 10608:Syddjurs Municipality 10601: 10183: 10054: 9584:Saint Olaf's miracles 9510:The stones G 134 and 9505: 8858: 8174: 7869: 7483: 7443: 7182: 6925: 6545: 6515:Garðum(?)/Chorezm(?). 6198: 6190: 5391: 5093: 5024: 4843: 4613: 4273: 3925: 3885: 3684: 3320: 3309: 3075: 2702: 2065: 1776: 1478: 1433: 1386: 1162: 965:and it is one of the 956: 619: 477:Hakon Jarl Runestones 389: 15826:Broby bro Runestones 15809:Färentuna Runestones 15718:Hällestad Runestones 15562:Varangian runestones 14554:Jones, Gwyn (1968). 14345:--rþ tauþr a ui(t)au 11497:is used nine times." 10954:, a genitive of an * 10610:, Denmark. It is in 2129:interpreted them as 536:Hann fioll i orrustu 396:Varangian Runestones 378:class=notpageimage| 15979:Runestone monuments 13203:, pp. 443–445. 6563:to the district of 5416:Yaroslav I the Wise 3962:Yaroslav I the Wise 967:runestones in Hagby 630:runestones in Hagby 551:These brothers were 528:þæiʀ bæzstra manna, 512:style found on the 449:Serkland Runestones 16022:List of runestones 15990:Hunnestad Monument 15847:Old Norse religion 15536:England runestones 15421:General References 13346:Runor Vs Fv1988;36 13334:Runor Vs Fv1988;36 13317:Runor Vs Fv1988;36 13293:Runor Vs Fv1988;36 11219:List of runestones 11214:Berezan' Runestone 10869: 10604: 10186: 10056: 9508: 8861: 8177: 7872: 7486: 7446: 7185: 6970:Sparlösa Runestone 6942:are to be read as 6928: 6548: 6280:which is what the 6201: 6193: 5394: 5096: 5030: 4850: 4846:Johan Peringskiöld 4616: 4276: 3928: 3888: 3687: 3375:from Hjälstad and 3322: 3312: 3078: 2705: 2068: 1779: 1481: 1436: 1389: 1165: 961:This runestone in 959: 624:This runestone in 622: 473:England Runestones 392: 16046: 16045: 15728:Karlevi Runestone 15583:Ingvar runestones 15573:Greece runestones 15530:Viking runestones 15375:Thunberg, Carl L. 15351:Thunberg, Carl L. 13307:, pp. 35–38. 9593:Chronikē diēgesis 9588:Niketas Choniates 6250:Ingvar Runestones 4296:, was decoded by 3338: 2445:Hælga/Ægla/Ængla, 1832:, i.e. either to 1185:Yaroslav the Wise 1181:Turinge Runestone 577: 576: 565:He fell in battle 542:landmanna bæzstr. 469:Viking Runestones 453:Ingvar Runestones 437:Greece Runestones 16091: 15970:Thorwald's Cross 15747:Viking Age women 15733:Egtved Runestone 15723:Sjörup Runestone 15578:Italy runestones 15509: 15502: 15495: 15486: 15485: 15469: 15457: 15444: 15415: 15394: 15370: 15346: 15344: 15342: 15319: 15304: 15302: 15301: 15285: 15283: 15282: 15266: 15264: 15263: 15247: 15245: 15244: 15228: 15226: 15225: 15209: 15207: 15206: 15190: 15188: 15187: 15171: 15169: 15168: 15152: 15150: 15149: 15133: 15131: 15130: 15114: 15112: 15111: 15095: 15093: 15092: 15076: 15074: 15073: 15057: 15055: 15054: 15038: 15036: 15035: 15019: 15017: 15016: 15000: 14998: 14997: 14981: 14979: 14978: 14962: 14960: 14959: 14943: 14941: 14940: 14924: 14922: 14921: 14905: 14903: 14902: 14886: 14884: 14883: 14867: 14865: 14864: 14848: 14846: 14845: 14829: 14827: 14826: 14810: 14808: 14807: 14791: 14789: 14788: 14772: 14770: 14769: 14753: 14751: 14750: 14734: 14732: 14731: 14715: 14713: 14712: 14696: 14694: 14693: 14677: 14675: 14674: 14658: 14639:Pritsak, Omeljan 14634: 14613: 14592: 14571: 14550: 14531: 14512: 14499: 14497: 14496: 14489:Middelalderforum 14479: 14458: 14435: 14404: 14398: 14392: 14386: 14380: 14370: 14364: 14358: 14352: 14330: 14324: 14302: 14296: 14290: 14284: 14274: 14268: 14263:, a genitive of 14254: 14248: 14234: 14228: 14218: 14212: 14202: 14196: 14186: 14180: 14174: 14168: 14162: 14153: 14147: 14141: 14135: 14129: 14119: 14113: 14107: 14101: 14095: 14089: 14078: 14072: 14062: 14056: 14050: 14044: 14038: 14032: 14022: 14016: 14010: 14004: 13998: 13992: 13986: 13980: 13969: 13963: 13957: 13951: 13945: 13936: 13930: 13924: 13918: 13912: 13906: 13900: 13890: 13884: 13878: 13872: 13866: 13860: 13850: 13844: 13838: 13832: 13826: 13820: 13810: 13804: 13798: 13792: 13786: 13780: 13770: 13764: 13758: 13749: 13743: 13734: 13728: 13722: 13716: 13710: 13700: 13694: 13688: 13682: 13676: 13670: 13660: 13654: 13648: 13642: 13636: 13630: 13620: 13614: 13608: 13602: 13596: 13590: 13580: 13574: 13568: 13562: 13556: 13550: 13544: 13538: 13529: 13523: 13517: 13511: 13505: 13499: 13489: 13483: 13477: 13471: 13461: 13455: 13449: 13443: 13437: 13431: 13425: 13419: 13409: 13403: 13397: 13391: 13385: 13379: 13373: 13364: 13358: 13349: 13343: 13337: 13331: 13325: 13314: 13308: 13302: 13296: 13290: 13284: 13278: 13272: 13266: 13260: 13250: 13244: 13234: 13228: 13222: 13216: 13210: 13204: 13198: 13192: 13186: 13180: 13174: 13168: 13162: 13156: 13150: 13144: 13134: 13128: 13122: 13116: 13110: 13104: 13094: 13088: 13082: 13076: 13070: 13064: 13054: 13048: 13034: 13028: 13022: 13016: 13010: 13004: 12998: 12992: 12974: 12968: 12962: 12956: 12950: 12944: 12938: 12932: 12922: 12916: 12898: 12892: 12886: 12880: 12874: 12868: 12862: 12856: 12847: 12841: 12835: 12829: 12823: 12817: 12807: 12801: 12795: 12789: 12779: 12773: 12767: 12761: 12755: 12749: 12743: 12737: 12731: 12725: 12719: 12713: 12703: 12697: 12683: 12677: 12671: 12665: 12659: 12653: 12643: 12637: 12631: 12625: 12619: 12613: 12603: 12597: 12583: 12577: 12571: 12565: 12559: 12553: 12543: 12537: 12531: 12520: 12510: 12504: 12498: 12492: 12486: 12480: 12471: 12465: 12459: 12453: 12447: 12441: 12431: 12425: 12419: 12413: 12407: 12401: 12391: 12385: 12379: 12373: 12367: 12361: 12351: 12345: 12331: 12325: 12319: 12313: 12307: 12301: 12291: 12285: 12279: 12273: 12267: 12261: 12250: 12244: 12238: 12229: 12223: 12217: 12207: 12201: 12191: 12185: 12167: 12161: 12151: 12145: 12139: 12133: 12127: 12121: 12111: 12105: 12091: 12085: 12067: 12061: 12039: 12033: 12027: 12021: 12015: 12009: 12003: 11997: 11987: 11981: 11975: 11969: 11963: 11957: 11948: 11942: 11936: 11930: 11924: 11918: 11909: 11903: 11897: 11891: 11885: 11879: 11869: 11863: 11857: 11851: 11845: 11836: 11830: 11824: 11806: 11800: 11790: 11784: 11775:, p. 367: "... ( 11770: 11764: 11758: 11752: 11746: 11740: 11730: 11724: 11718: 11712: 11706: 11700: 11694: 11688: 11682: 11676: 11670: 11664: 11658: 11652: 11646: 11640: 11634: 11628: 11622: 11616: 11606: 11600: 11586: 11580: 11560: 11554: 11544: 11538: 11524: 11518: 11504: 11498: 11484: 11478: 11472: 11466: 11460: 11454: 11448: 11442: 11436: 11430: 11424: 11418: 11412: 11406: 11400: 11394: 11388: 11382: 11376: 11370: 11364: 11358: 11352: 11346: 11340: 11334: 11328: 11322: 11316: 11305: 11299: 11293: 11287: 11281: 11275: 11258: 11256: 11249:Novgorodian Rus' 11246: 11240: 10999:on the coast of 10901: 10891: 10881:short-twig runes 10602:Runestone DR 108 10205: 10204: 9601: 9595: 9575: 9553: 8872: 7870:Runestone Vg 197 7484:Runestone Vg 184 7444:Runestone Vg 135 6955: 6294: 6293: 6274: 6273: 6239: 6232: 6231: 6224: 6223: 5408:Veda inscription 5392:Runestone Sö 338 5137: 5136: 5130: 5123: 5122: 5094:Runestone Sö 308 4614:Runestone Sö 148 4274:Runestone Sö 130 3995:<ilin--r>, 3955: 3949: 3926:Runestone Sö 126 3886:Runestone Sö 121 3366: 3340: 3339: 3319: 2147: 2146: 2139:Otto von Friesen 2135: 2134: 2124: 2114: 2107: 2106: 2092: 2091: 1831: 1824: 1823: 1813: 1807: 1800: 1799: 1395:and made by the 949:Hagby Runestones 675:Byzantine Empire 671: 670: 660: 653: 652: 612:Hagby Runestones 544: 519: 488:Christianization 441:Italy Runestones 366: 365: 352: 351: 338: 337: 329: 320: 311: 302: 293: 284: 275: 266: 257: 248: 239: 230: 221: 212: 203: 194: 185: 176: 167: 158: 149: 140: 131: 122: 113: 104: 95: 86: 77: 68: 59: 50: 41: 32: 25: 16099: 16098: 16094: 16093: 16092: 16090: 16089: 16088: 16049: 16048: 16047: 16042: 16034: 16010: 15998: 15974: 15943: 15911:Cursed stones: 15910: 15878: 15845: 15842:Norse mythology 15836: 15819: 15813:Hillersjö stone 15805:Gerlög and Inga 15802: 15742: 15713:Högby Runestone 15695: 15587: 15550: 15518: 15513: 15476: 15460: 15441: 15423: 15418: 15391: 15367: 15340: 15338: 15317: 15311:Strid, Jan Paul 15299: 15297: 15280: 15278: 15261: 15259: 15242: 15240: 15223: 15221: 15204: 15202: 15185: 15183: 15166: 15164: 15147: 15145: 15128: 15126: 15109: 15107: 15090: 15088: 15071: 15069: 15052: 15050: 15033: 15031: 15014: 15012: 14995: 14993: 14976: 14974: 14957: 14955: 14938: 14936: 14919: 14917: 14900: 14898: 14881: 14879: 14862: 14860: 14843: 14841: 14824: 14822: 14805: 14803: 14786: 14784: 14767: 14765: 14748: 14746: 14729: 14727: 14710: 14708: 14691: 14689: 14672: 14670: 14655: 14631: 14610: 14589: 14568: 14547: 14537:Runes in Sweden 14528: 14494: 14492: 14476: 14455: 14432: 14413: 14408: 14407: 14399: 14395: 14387: 14383: 14371: 14367: 14359: 14355: 14331: 14327: 14309:i uitahol(m)(i) 14303: 14299: 14291: 14287: 14275: 14271: 14255: 14251: 14235: 14231: 14219: 14215: 14203: 14199: 14187: 14183: 14175: 14171: 14163: 14156: 14148: 14144: 14136: 14132: 14120: 14116: 14108: 14104: 14096: 14092: 14079: 14075: 14063: 14059: 14051: 14047: 14039: 14035: 14023: 14019: 14011: 14007: 13999: 13995: 13987: 13983: 13970: 13966: 13958: 13954: 13946: 13939: 13931: 13927: 13919: 13915: 13907: 13903: 13891: 13887: 13879: 13875: 13867: 13863: 13851: 13847: 13839: 13835: 13827: 13823: 13811: 13807: 13799: 13795: 13787: 13783: 13771: 13767: 13759: 13752: 13744: 13737: 13729: 13725: 13717: 13713: 13701: 13697: 13689: 13685: 13677: 13673: 13661: 13657: 13649: 13645: 13637: 13633: 13621: 13617: 13609: 13605: 13597: 13593: 13581: 13577: 13569: 13565: 13557: 13553: 13545: 13541: 13530: 13526: 13518: 13514: 13506: 13502: 13490: 13486: 13478: 13474: 13462: 13458: 13450: 13446: 13438: 13434: 13426: 13422: 13410: 13406: 13398: 13394: 13386: 13382: 13374: 13367: 13359: 13352: 13344: 13340: 13332: 13328: 13315: 13311: 13303: 13299: 13291: 13287: 13279: 13275: 13267: 13263: 13251: 13247: 13235: 13231: 13223: 13219: 13211: 13207: 13199: 13195: 13187: 13183: 13175: 13171: 13163: 13159: 13151: 13147: 13135: 13131: 13123: 13119: 13111: 13107: 13095: 13091: 13083: 13079: 13071: 13067: 13055: 13051: 13035: 13031: 13023: 13019: 13011: 13007: 12999: 12995: 12975: 12971: 12963: 12959: 12951: 12947: 12939: 12935: 12923: 12919: 12899: 12895: 12887: 12883: 12875: 12871: 12863: 12859: 12848: 12844: 12836: 12832: 12824: 12820: 12808: 12804: 12796: 12792: 12780: 12776: 12768: 12764: 12756: 12752: 12744: 12740: 12732: 12728: 12720: 12716: 12704: 12700: 12684: 12680: 12672: 12668: 12660: 12656: 12644: 12640: 12632: 12628: 12620: 12616: 12604: 12600: 12584: 12580: 12572: 12568: 12560: 12556: 12544: 12540: 12532: 12523: 12511: 12507: 12499: 12495: 12487: 12483: 12472: 12468: 12460: 12456: 12448: 12444: 12432: 12428: 12420: 12416: 12408: 12404: 12392: 12388: 12380: 12376: 12368: 12364: 12352: 12348: 12332: 12328: 12320: 12316: 12308: 12304: 12292: 12288: 12280: 12276: 12268: 12264: 12251: 12247: 12239: 12232: 12224: 12220: 12208: 12204: 12192: 12188: 12168: 12164: 12152: 12148: 12140: 12136: 12128: 12124: 12112: 12108: 12092: 12088: 12076:(singular) and 12068: 12064: 12040: 12036: 12028: 12024: 12016: 12012: 12004: 12000: 11988: 11984: 11976: 11972: 11964: 11960: 11949: 11945: 11937: 11933: 11925: 11921: 11910: 11906: 11898: 11894: 11886: 11882: 11870: 11866: 11858: 11854: 11846: 11839: 11831: 11827: 11807: 11803: 11791: 11787: 11771: 11767: 11759: 11755: 11747: 11743: 11731: 11727: 11719: 11715: 11707: 11703: 11695: 11691: 11683: 11679: 11671: 11667: 11659: 11655: 11647: 11643: 11635: 11631: 11623: 11619: 11607: 11603: 11587: 11583: 11561: 11557: 11545: 11541: 11525: 11521: 11505: 11501: 11485: 11481: 11473: 11469: 11461: 11457: 11449: 11445: 11437: 11433: 11425: 11421: 11413: 11409: 11401: 11397: 11389: 11385: 11377: 11373: 11365: 11361: 11353: 11349: 11341: 11337: 11329: 11325: 11317: 11308: 11300: 11296: 11288: 11284: 11276: 11272: 11267: 11262: 11261: 11241: 11237: 11232: 11210: 11205: 11195: 11187: 11179: 11171: 11163: 11155: 11147: 11139: 11131: 11123: 11115: 11107: 11099: 11091: 11083: 11075: 11067: 11059: 11051: 11043: 11035: 11027: 10861: 10856: 10850: 10845: 10835: 10827: 10819: 10811: 10803: 10795: 10787: 10779: 10771: 10763: 10755: 10747: 10739: 10731: 10723: 10715: 10707: 10699: 10691: 10683: 10675: 10667: 10659: 10651: 10643: 10635: 10627: 10596: 10591: 10585: 10580: 10568: 10561: 10553: 10545: 10537: 10529: 10521: 10513: 10505: 10497: 10489: 10481: 10473: 10465: 10457: 10449: 10441: 10433: 10425: 10417: 10409: 10401: 10393: 10385: 10377: 10369: 10361: 10353: 10345: 10337: 10329: 10321: 10313: 10306: 10298: 10291: 10283: 10275: 10267: 10259: 10251: 10243: 10235: 10190:Wolfgang Krause 10184:Runestone G 280 10178: 10173: 10163: 10155: 10147: 10139: 10131: 10123: 10115: 10107: 10099: 10091: 10083: 10075: 10049: 10044: 10031: 10023: 10015: 10007: 9999: 9991: 9983: 9975: 9967: 9959: 9951: 9943: 9935: 9927: 9919: 9911: 9903: 9895: 9887: 9879: 9871: 9863: 9855: 9847: 9839: 9831: 9823: 9815: 9807: 9799: 9791: 9783: 9775: 9767: 9759: 9751: 9743: 9735: 9727: 9719: 9711: 9703: 9695: 9687: 9679: 9671: 9663: 9655: 9647: 9639: 9631: 9623: 9615: 9542:Omeljan Pritsak 9517:Varangian Guard 9506:Runestone G 134 9500: 9495: 9485: 9477: 9469: 9461: 9453: 9445: 9437: 9429: 9421: 9413: 9405: 9397: 9389: 9381: 9373: 9369: 9359: 9351: 9343: 9335: 9327: 9319: 9311: 9303: 9295: 9287: 9279: 9271: 9263: 9255: 9247: 9239: 9231: 9223: 9215: 9207: 9199: 9191: 9183: 9175: 9171: 9161: 9153: 9145: 9137: 9129: 9121: 9113: 9105: 9097: 9089: 9081: 9077: 9067: 9059: 9051: 9043: 9035: 9027: 9019: 9011: 9003: 8995: 8987: 8979: 8971: 8963: 8955: 8947: 8939: 8931: 8923: 8915: 8907: 8899: 8889:Omeljan Pritsak 8853: 8841: 8835: 8830: 8820: 8812: 8804: 8796: 8788: 8780: 8772: 8765: 8757: 8749: 8741: 8733: 8725: 8717: 8709: 8701: 8693: 8685: 8677: 8669: 8661: 8653: 8645: 8637: 8629: 8621: 8613: 8605: 8597: 8589: 8581: 8573: 8565: 8557: 8549: 8541: 8533: 8525: 8517: 8509: 8505: 8495: 8487: 8479: 8471: 8463: 8455: 8447: 8439: 8431: 8423: 8415: 8407: 8399: 8391: 8383: 8375: 8367: 8359: 8351: 8343: 8335: 8327: 8319: 8311: 8303: 8295: 8287: 8279: 8271: 8263: 8255: 8247: 8239: 8231: 8223: 8215: 8207: 8199: 8191: 8175:Runestone Öl 28 8169: 8164: 8158: 8153: 8143: 8135: 8127: 8119: 8111: 8103: 8095: 8087: 8079: 8071: 8063: 8055: 8047: 8039: 8031: 8023: 8015: 8007: 7999: 7991: 7983: 7975: 7967: 7959: 7951: 7943: 7935: 7927: 7919: 7911: 7903: 7895: 7887: 7864: 7859: 7849: 7841: 7833: 7825: 7817: 7809: 7801: 7793: 7785: 7777: 7769: 7761: 7753: 7745: 7737: 7729: 7721: 7713: 7705: 7697: 7689: 7681: 7673: 7665: 7657: 7649: 7641: 7633: 7625: 7617: 7609: 7601: 7593: 7585: 7577: 7569: 7561: 7553: 7545: 7537: 7529: 7521: 7513: 7498:Varangian Guard 7478: 7473: 7464: 7438: 7433: 7427: 7422: 7412: 7404: 7396: 7388: 7380: 7372: 7364: 7356: 7348: 7340: 7332: 7324: 7316: 7308: 7300: 7292: 7284: 7276: 7268: 7260: 7252: 7244: 7236: 7228: 7220: 7212: 7204: 7183:Runestone Ög 30 7177: 7172: 7162: 7154: 7146: 7138: 7130: 7122: 7114: 7106: 7102: 7092: 7084: 7076: 7068: 7060: 7052: 7044: 7036: 7028: 7020: 7012: 7004: 6996: 6988: 6920: 6915: 6909: 6904: 6893: 6885: 6877: 6869: 6861: 6853: 6845: 6837: 6829: 6821: 6813: 6805: 6797: 6789: 6781: 6773: 6765: 6757: 6749: 6741: 6733: 6725: 6717: 6709: 6701: 6693: 6685: 6677: 6669: 6661: 6653: 6645: 6637: 6629: 6621: 6613: 6605: 6597: 6589: 6540: 6535: 6525: 6517: 6509: 6501: 6493: 6485: 6477: 6469: 6461: 6453: 6445: 6437: 6429: 6421: 6413: 6405: 6397: 6389: 6381: 6373: 6365: 6357: 6349: 6341: 6333: 6325: 6317: 6309: 6266:Omeljan Pritsak 6185: 6180: 6174: 6169: 6159: 6151: 6143: 6135: 6127: 6119: 6111: 6103: 6095: 6087: 6079: 6071: 6063: 6055: 6047: 6039: 6031: 6023: 6015: 6007: 5999: 5991: 5987: 5976: 5968: 5960: 5952: 5944: 5936: 5928: 5920: 5912: 5904: 5896: 5888: 5880: 5872: 5864: 5856: 5848: 5840: 5832: 5824: 5816: 5808: 5800: 5792: 5784: 5776: 5768: 5760: 5752: 5744: 5736: 5728: 5720: 5712: 5704: 5696: 5688: 5680: 5672: 5664: 5656: 5648: 5640: 5632: 5624: 5616: 5608: 5600: 5592: 5584: 5576: 5568: 5560: 5552: 5544: 5536: 5528: 5520: 5512: 5504: 5496: 5488: 5480: 5472: 5464: 5456: 5448: 5440: 5432: 5404:Omeljan Pritsak 5386: 5381: 5371: 5363: 5355: 5347: 5339: 5331: 5329:austr(?)/vestr. 5323: 5315: 5307: 5299: 5292: 5284: 5276: 5268: 5260: 5252: 5244: 5236: 5228: 5220: 5212: 5204: 5196: 5188: 5180: 5172: 5164: 5156: 5088: 5083: 5074: 5066: 5058: 5050: 5042: 5019: 5014: 5004: 4996: 4988: 4980: 4972: 4964: 4956: 4948: 4940: 4932: 4924: 4916: 4908: 4900: 4892: 4869:Omeljan Pritsak 4838: 4833: 4823: 4815: 4807: 4799: 4791: 4783: 4775: 4767: 4759: 4751: 4743: 4735: 4727: 4719: 4711: 4703: 4695: 4687: 4679: 4671: 4663: 4655: 4647: 4639: 4631: 4608: 4603: 4593: 4585: 4577: 4570: 4562: 4554: 4550: 4540: 4532: 4524: 4516: 4508: 4500: 4492: 4484: 4476: 4468: 4460: 4452: 4444: 4436: 4428: 4420: 4412: 4404: 4396: 4388: 4380: 4372: 4364: 4356: 4348: 4340: 4332: 4324: 4316: 4308: 4268: 4263: 4253: 4245: 4237: 4229: 4221: 4213: 4205: 4197: 4189: 4181: 4173: 4165: 4157: 4149: 4141: 4133: 4125: 4117: 4109: 4101: 4093: 4085: 4077: 4069: 4061: 4053: 4045: 4037: 4029: 4021: 4013: 4005: 3997: 3989: 3981: 3920: 3915: 3906: 3880: 3875: 3865: 3857: 3849: 3841: 3833: 3825: 3817: 3809: 3801: 3793: 3785: 3777: 3769: 3761: 3753: 3745: 3737: 3729: 3721: 3713: 3685:Runestone Sö 92 3679: 3674: 3664: 3656: 3648: 3640: 3632: 3624: 3616: 3608: 3600: 3592: 3584: 3576: 3568: 3560: 3552: 3544: 3536: 3528: 3520: 3512: 3504: 3496: 3488: 3480: 3472: 3464: 3456: 3448: 3440: 3432: 3424: 3416: 3408: 3400: 3392: 3358: 3357: 3349: 3347: 3346: 3345: 3344: 3341: 3333: 3330: 3323: 3317: 3310:Runestone Sö 34 3304: 3299: 3289: 3281: 3273: 3265: 3257: 3249: 3241: 3233: 3225: 3217: 3209: 3201: 3193: 3185: 3177: 3169: 3161: 3153: 3145: 3137: 3129: 3121: 3113: 3105: 3097: 3076:Runestone Sö 33 3070: 3065: 3059: 3054: 3044: 3036: 3028: 3020: 3012: 3004: 2996: 2988: 2980: 2972: 2964: 2956: 2948: 2940: 2932: 2924: 2916: 2908: 2900: 2892: 2884: 2876: 2868: 2860: 2852: 2844: 2836: 2828: 2820: 2812: 2804: 2796: 2788: 2780: 2772: 2764: 2756: 2748: 2740: 2732: 2724: 2703:Runestone U 898 2697: 2692: 2679: 2671: 2663: 2655: 2647: 2639: 2631: 2623: 2615: 2607: 2599: 2591: 2583: 2575: 2567: 2559: 2551: 2543: 2535: 2527: 2519: 2511: 2503: 2495: 2487: 2479: 2471: 2463: 2455: 2447: 2439: 2431: 2423: 2415: 2407: 2399: 2391: 2383: 2375: 2367: 2359: 2351: 2343: 2335: 2327: 2319: 2311: 2303: 2295: 2287: 2279: 2271: 2263: 2255: 2247: 2239: 2231: 2223: 2215: 2207: 2199: 2191: 2183: 2157:Omeljan Pritsak 2101:suggested that 2066:Runestone U 687 2060: 2055: 2045: 2037: 2029: 2021: 2013: 2005: 1997: 1989: 1981: 1973: 1965: 1957: 1949: 1941: 1933: 1925: 1917: 1909: 1901: 1893: 1885: 1877: 1869: 1861: 1853: 1777:Runestone U 636 1771: 1766: 1756: 1748: 1740: 1732: 1724: 1716: 1708: 1700: 1692: 1684: 1676: 1668: 1660: 1652: 1644: 1636: 1628: 1620: 1612: 1604: 1596: 1588: 1580: 1572: 1564: 1556: 1548: 1540: 1532: 1524: 1516: 1508: 1500: 1479:Runestone U 504 1473: 1468: 1459: 1451: 1428: 1423: 1414: 1381: 1376: 1366: 1358: 1350: 1342: 1334: 1326: 1318: 1310: 1302: 1294: 1286: 1278: 1270: 1262: 1254: 1246: 1238: 1230: 1222: 1214: 1177:Omeljan Pritsak 1163:Runestone U 209 1157: 1152: 1142: 1134: 1126: 1118: 1110: 1102: 1094: 1086: 1078: 1070: 1062: 1054: 1046: 1038: 1030: 1022: 1014: 1006: 998: 990: 982: 957:Runestone U 154 951: 945: 940: 930: 922: 914: 906: 898: 890: 882: 874: 866: 858: 850: 842: 834: 826: 818: 810: 802: 794: 786: 778: 770: 762: 754: 746: 738: 730: 722: 714: 706: 698: 690: 620:Runestone U 153 614: 608: 603: 597: 573: 570: 568: 566: 564: 558: 556: 554: 553:the best of men 552: 546: 541: 539: 538:austr i Garðum, 537: 535: 533: 531: 529: 527: 504:Younger Futhark 445:Varangian Guard 384: 383: 382: 380: 374: 373: 372: 371: 367: 359: 358: 357: 353: 345: 344: 343: 339: 331: 330: 322: 321: 313: 312: 304: 303: 295: 294: 286: 285: 277: 276: 268: 267: 259: 258: 250: 249: 241: 240: 232: 231: 223: 222: 214: 213: 205: 204: 196: 195: 187: 186: 178: 177: 169: 168: 160: 159: 151: 150: 142: 141: 133: 132: 124: 123: 115: 114: 106: 105: 97: 96: 88: 87: 79: 78: 70: 69: 61: 60: 52: 51: 43: 42: 34: 33: 17: 12: 11: 5: 16097: 16087: 16086: 16081: 16076: 16071: 16066: 16061: 16044: 16043: 16036: 16035: 16029: 16024: 16018: 16016: 16012: 16011: 16006: 16004: 16000: 15999: 15997: 15996: 15994:Jelling stones 15982: 15980: 15976: 15975: 15973: 15972: 15851: 15849: 15838: 15837: 15750: 15748: 15744: 15743: 15741: 15740: 15735: 15730: 15725: 15720: 15715: 15709: 15707: 15697: 15696: 15694: 15693: 15595: 15593: 15592:Other journeys 15589: 15588: 15586: 15585: 15580: 15575: 15570: 15565: 15558: 15556: 15552: 15551: 15549: 15548: 15543: 15538: 15533: 15526: 15524: 15520: 15519: 15512: 15511: 15504: 15497: 15489: 15483: 15482: 15475: 15474:External links 15472: 15471: 15470: 15458: 15456:on 2011-02-25. 15445: 15439: 15422: 15419: 15417: 15416: 15395: 15389: 15371: 15365: 15347: 15315:"Runfynd 1986" 15306: 15305: 15286: 15267: 15248: 15229: 15210: 15191: 15176:"Vs Fv1988;36" 15172: 15153: 15134: 15115: 15096: 15077: 15058: 15039: 15020: 15001: 14982: 14963: 14944: 14925: 14906: 14887: 14868: 14849: 14830: 14811: 14792: 14773: 14754: 14735: 14716: 14697: 14678: 14659: 14653: 14635: 14629: 14614: 14608: 14593: 14587: 14572: 14566: 14551: 14545: 14532: 14526: 14513: 14500: 14480: 14474: 14459: 14454:978-2503518978 14453: 14436: 14430: 14414: 14412: 14409: 14406: 14405: 14393: 14381: 14365: 14353: 14325: 14297: 14285: 14269: 14249: 14229: 14213: 14197: 14181: 14169: 14154: 14142: 14130: 14114: 14102: 14090: 14073: 14057: 14045: 14033: 14017: 14005: 13993: 13981: 13964: 13952: 13950:, p. 373. 13937: 13935:, p. 345. 13925: 13913: 13901: 13885: 13873: 13861: 13845: 13833: 13821: 13805: 13793: 13781: 13765: 13763:, p. 346. 13750: 13748:, p. 344. 13735: 13723: 13711: 13695: 13683: 13671: 13655: 13643: 13631: 13615: 13603: 13591: 13575: 13573:, p. 353. 13563: 13551: 13539: 13524: 13512: 13500: 13484: 13472: 13456: 13444: 13432: 13420: 13404: 13392: 13380: 13365: 13350: 13338: 13326: 13309: 13297: 13285: 13273: 13261: 13245: 13229: 13217: 13215:, p. 450. 13205: 13193: 13181: 13179:, p. 443. 13169: 13157: 13145: 13129: 13117: 13105: 13089: 13077: 13065: 13049: 13029: 13017: 13005: 12993: 12969: 12957: 12945: 12933: 12917: 12893: 12891:, p. 135. 12881: 12869: 12857: 12842: 12830: 12818: 12802: 12790: 12774: 12762: 12750: 12738: 12726: 12714: 12698: 12678: 12666: 12654: 12638: 12626: 12614: 12598: 12578: 12566: 12554: 12538: 12536:, p. 366. 12521: 12505: 12493: 12481: 12466: 12454: 12442: 12426: 12414: 12402: 12386: 12374: 12362: 12346: 12326: 12314: 12302: 12286: 12274: 12262: 12245: 12230: 12228:, p. 371. 12218: 12202: 12186: 12162: 12146: 12134: 12122: 12106: 12086: 12062: 12034: 12022: 12010: 11998: 11982: 11970: 11958: 11943: 11931: 11919: 11904: 11892: 11880: 11864: 11852: 11837: 11825: 11801: 11785: 11765: 11753: 11741: 11725: 11713: 11701: 11689: 11677: 11665: 11653: 11641: 11629: 11617: 11601: 11581: 11555: 11539: 11519: 11499: 11479: 11467: 11455: 11443: 11431: 11419: 11407: 11395: 11383: 11371: 11359: 11347: 11335: 11323: 11306: 11294: 11282: 11269: 11268: 11266: 11263: 11260: 11259: 11234: 11233: 11231: 11228: 11227: 11226: 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Retrieved 15327: 15321: 15298:. Retrieved 15293: 15279:. Retrieved 15274: 15260:. Retrieved 15255: 15241:. Retrieved 15236: 15222:. Retrieved 15217: 15203:. Retrieved 15198: 15184:. Retrieved 15179: 15165:. Retrieved 15160: 15146:. Retrieved 15141: 15127:. Retrieved 15122: 15108:. Retrieved 15103: 15089:. Retrieved 15084: 15070:. Retrieved 15065: 15051:. Retrieved 15046: 15032:. Retrieved 15027: 15013:. Retrieved 15008: 14994:. Retrieved 14989: 14975:. Retrieved 14970: 14956:. Retrieved 14951: 14937:. Retrieved 14932: 14918:. Retrieved 14913: 14899:. Retrieved 14894: 14880:. Retrieved 14875: 14861:. Retrieved 14856: 14842:. Retrieved 14837: 14823:. Retrieved 14818: 14804:. Retrieved 14799: 14785:. Retrieved 14780: 14766:. Retrieved 14761: 14747:. Retrieved 14742: 14728:. Retrieved 14723: 14709:. Retrieved 14704: 14690:. Retrieved 14685: 14671:. Retrieved 14666: 14643: 14619: 14598: 14577: 14556: 14536: 14517: 14508: 14493:. Retrieved 14488: 14464: 14444: 14420: 14396: 14384: 14376: 14368: 14361:Pritsak 1981 14356: 14348: 14344: 14340: 14336: 14328: 14320: 14316: 14312: 14308: 14300: 14293:Pritsak 1981 14288: 14280: 14277:Pritsak 1981 14272: 14264: 14260: 14257:Pritsak 1981 14252: 14244: 14240: 14237:Pritsak 1981 14232: 14224: 14221:Pritsak 1981 14216: 14208: 14205:Pritsak 1981 14200: 14192: 14189:Pritsak 1981 14184: 14177:Pritsak 1981 14172: 14150:Runor DR 108 14145: 14138:Runor DR 108 14133: 14125: 14122:Runor DR 108 14117: 14105: 14093: 14084: 14076: 14068: 14065:Pritsak 1981 14060: 14048: 14036: 14028: 14020: 14013:Jansson 1980 14008: 13996: 13984: 13975: 13967: 13960:Pritsak 1981 13955: 13948:Pritsak 1981 13933:Pritsak 1981 13928: 13916: 13904: 13896: 13888: 13876: 13864: 13856: 13848: 13836: 13824: 13816: 13808: 13796: 13784: 13776: 13768: 13761:Pritsak 1981 13746:Pritsak 1981 13726: 13714: 13706: 13698: 13686: 13674: 13666: 13658: 13651:Runor Vg 197 13646: 13639:Runor Vg 197 13634: 13626: 13623:Runor Vg 197 13618: 13611:Runor Vg 184 13606: 13599:Runor Vg 184 13594: 13586: 13583:Runor Vg 184 13578: 13571:Pritsak 1981 13566: 13559:Runor Vg 135 13554: 13547:Runor Vg 135 13542: 13535: 13532:Runor Vg 135 13527: 13515: 13503: 13495: 13487: 13475: 13467: 13459: 13447: 13435: 13423: 13415: 13407: 13400:Jansson 1987 13395: 13388:Jansson 1987 13383: 13376:Jansson 1987 13361:Jansson 1987 13341: 13329: 13320: 13312: 13300: 13288: 13276: 13264: 13256: 13248: 13240: 13232: 13225:Pritsak 1981 13220: 13213:Pritsak 1981 13208: 13201:Pritsak 1981 13196: 13184: 13177:Pritsak 1981 13172: 13165:Pritsak 1981 13160: 13153:Jansson 1964 13148: 13140: 13137:Pritsak 1981 13132: 13125:Runor Sö 338 13120: 13113:Runor Sö 338 13108: 13100: 13097:Runor Sö 338 13092: 13085:Runor Sö 338 13080: 13073:Runor Sö 338 13068: 13060: 13057:Runor Sö 338 13052: 13044: 13040: 13037:Pritsak 1981 13032: 13025:Pritsak 1981 13020: 13013:Pritsak 1981 13008: 13001:Pritsak 1981 12996: 12988: 12984: 12980: 12977:Pritsak 1981 12972: 12960: 12953:Runor Sö 308 12948: 12941:Runor Sö 308 12936: 12928: 12925:Runor Sö 308 12920: 12912: 12908: 12904: 12901:MacLeod 2002 12896: 12889:MacLeod 2002 12884: 12877:Runor Sö 216 12872: 12865:Runor Sö 216 12860: 12853: 12850:Runor Sö 216 12845: 12838:Runor Sö 171 12833: 12826:Runor Sö 171 12821: 12813: 12810:Runor Sö 171 12805: 12798:Pritsak 1981 12793: 12785: 12782:Pritsak 1981 12777: 12770:Jansson 1980 12765: 12758:Jansson 1987 12753: 12741: 12734:Runor Sö 148 12729: 12722:Runor Sö 148 12717: 12709: 12706:Runor Sö 148 12701: 12693: 12689: 12686:Pritsak 1981 12681: 12674:Runor Sö 130 12669: 12662:Runor Sö 130 12657: 12649: 12646:Runor Sö 130 12641: 12634:Runor Sö 130 12629: 12622:Runor Sö 130 12617: 12609: 12606:Runor Sö 130 12601: 12593: 12589: 12586:Pritsak 1981 12581: 12574:Runor Sö 126 12569: 12562:Runor Sö 126 12557: 12549: 12546:Runor Sö 126 12541: 12534:Pritsak 1981 12517:folks grimmR 12516: 12513:Pritsak 1981 12508: 12501:Runor Sö 121 12496: 12489:Runor Sö 121 12484: 12477: 12474:Runor Sö 121 12469: 12457: 12445: 12437: 12429: 12417: 12405: 12397: 12389: 12377: 12365: 12357: 12349: 12341: 12337: 12334:Pritsak 1981 12329: 12317: 12305: 12297: 12289: 12277: 12265: 12256: 12248: 12241:Jansson 1980 12226:Pritsak 1981 12221: 12213: 12210:Pritsak 1981 12205: 12197: 12194:Pritsak 1981 12189: 12181: 12177: 12173: 12170:Pritsak 1981 12165: 12157: 12154:Pritsak 1981 12149: 12137: 12125: 12117: 12109: 12101: 12097: 12094:Pritsak 1981 12089: 12081: 12077: 12073: 12070:Jackson 2003 12065: 12057: 12053: 12049: 12045: 12042:Pritsak 1981 12037: 12025: 12013: 12001: 11993: 11985: 11973: 11961: 11954: 11946: 11934: 11922: 11915: 11907: 11895: 11883: 11875: 11867: 11855: 11848:Pritsak 1981 11833:Pritsak 1981 11828: 11820: 11816: 11812: 11809:Pritsak 1981 11804: 11796: 11793:Pritsak 1981 11788: 11780: 11776: 11773:Pritsak 1981 11768: 11756: 11744: 11736: 11728: 11716: 11704: 11692: 11680: 11668: 11656: 11644: 11632: 11620: 11612: 11604: 11596: 11592: 11589:Pritsak 1981 11584: 11576: 11570: 11566: 11558: 11550: 11547:Jackson 2003 11542: 11534: 11530: 11527:Jackson 2003 11522: 11514: 11510: 11507:Pritsak 1981 11502: 11494: 11490: 11487:Jackson 2003 11482: 11470: 11458: 11446: 11434: 11422: 11410: 11398: 11386: 11374: 11362: 11350: 11343:Runor Sö 338 11338: 11331:Runor Sö 338 11326: 11319:Jansson 1980 11297: 11292:, p. 6. 11285: 11273: 11238: 11202: 11199: 11196: 11016: 11005: 10986: 10982: 10979:Judith Jesch 10976: 10971: 10967: 10955: 10951: 10947: 10943: 10939: 10935: 10931: 10928:Vitičev xolm 10927: 10923: 10919: 10894:Lis Jacobsen 10885: 10877:Magnus Olsen 10873:Bjørn Hougen 10870: 10842: 10839: 10836: 10616: 10605: 10577: 10573: 10569: 10224: 10219: 10215: 10211: 10197: 10187: 10170: 10167: 10164: 10064: 10057: 10040: 10036: 10032: 9604: 9583: 9577: 9567: 9563: 9559: 9531: 9529: 9509: 9492: 9489: 9486: 9366: 9363: 9360: 9168: 9165: 9162: 9074: 9071: 9068: 8926:likna(t)(a)- 8893: 8885:Garda Parish 8874: 8864: 8862: 8844: 8842: 8827: 8824: 8821: 8502: 8499: 8496: 8185: 8178: 8150: 8147: 8144: 7876: 7873: 7856: 7853: 7850: 7502: 7487: 7470: 7467: 7465: 7454: 7447: 7419: 7416: 7413: 7193: 7186: 7169: 7166: 7163: 7099: 7096: 7093: 6982: 6957: 6944:auk krimulfʀ 6943: 6939: 6937: 6932:Östergötland 6929: 6913:Östergötland 6907:Östergötland 6901: 6898: 6894: 6578: 6571: 6569: 6549: 6538:Vs Fv1988;36 6532: 6529: 6526: 6298: 6289: 6287: 6277: 6269: 6259: 6246:Central Asia 6227: 6219: 6217: 6202: 6166: 6163: 6160: 5983: 5980: 5977: 5426: 5419: 5402: 5395: 5378: 5375: 5372: 5145: 5132: 5118: 5097: 5080: 5077: 5075: 5034: 5031: 5011: 5008: 5005: 4881: 4877:fornyrðislag 4866: 4851: 4830: 4827: 4824: 4620: 4617: 4600: 4597: 4594: 4547: 4544: 4541: 4302: 4298:Elias Wessén 4294:cipher runes 4289:fornyrðislag 4287: 4282:or possibly 4277: 4260: 4257: 4254: 3970: 3937:fornyrðislag 3935: 3929: 3912: 3909: 3907: 3904:<asu>. 3896: 3889: 3872: 3869: 3866: 3702: 3688: 3671: 3668: 3665: 3381: 3359: 3350: 3296: 3293: 3290: 3086: 3079: 3063:Södermanland 3057:Södermanland 3051: 3048: 3045: 2713: 2706: 2688: 2684: 2680: 2172: 2162: 2155: 2142: 2130: 2127:Adolf Noreen 2117:Sophus Bugge 2102: 2096: 2087: 2069: 2052: 2049: 2046: 1842: 1819: 1795: 1793: 1786: 1780: 1763: 1760: 1757: 1489: 1482: 1465: 1462: 1460: 1444: 1437: 1420: 1417: 1415: 1404: 1390: 1373: 1370: 1367: 1203: 1195: 1188: 1166: 1149: 1146: 1143: 971: 960: 937: 934: 931: 679: 666: 648: 646: 623: 578: 550: 523: 509:fornyrðislag 507: 497: 482:Most of the 481: 430: 419: 395: 393: 16079:Kievan Rus' 15701:Jomsvikings 14491:(1–2). Oslo 14110:Runor G 280 14098:Runor G 280 14081:Runor G 280 14053:Runor G 220 14041:Runor G 220 14025:Runor G 220 14001:Runor G 134 13989:Runor G 134 13972:Runor G 134 13921:Runor G 114 13909:Runor G 114 13893:Runor G 114 13881:Runor G 114 13869:Runor G 114 13853:Runor G 114 13841:Runor G 114 13829:Runor G 114 13813:Runor G 114 13801:Runor G 114 13789:Runor G 114 13773:Runor G 114 13731:Runor Öl 28 13719:Runor Öl 28 13703:Runor Öl 28 13691:Runor Öl 28 13679:Runor Öl 28 13663:Runor Öl 28 13520:Runor Ög 30 13508:Runor Ög 30 13492:Runor Ög 30 13241:+ kuþlefʀ + 13237:Meijer 2007 12909:‘inkifa^st’ 12462:Runor Sö 92 12450:Runor Sö 92 12434:Runor Sö 92 12422:Runor Sö 34 12410:Runor Sö 34 12394:Runor Sö 34 12382:Runor Sö 33 12370:Runor Sö 33 12354:Runor Sö 33 12322:Runor U 898 12310:Runor U 898 12294:Runor U 898 12282:Runor U 687 12270:Runor U 687 12253:Runor U 687 12142:Runor U 636 12130:Runor U 636 12114:Runor U 636 12030:Runor U 636 12018:Runor U 504 12006:Runor U 504 11990:Runor U 504 11978:Runor U 366 11966:Runor U 366 11951:Runor U 366 11939:Runor U 283 11927:Runor U 283 11912:Runor U 283 11900:Runor U 209 11888:Runor U 209 11872:Runor U 209 11761:Runor U 154 11749:Runor U 154 11733:Runor U 154 11649:Runor U 154 11637:Runor U 153 11625:Runor U 153 11609:Runor U 153 11475:Duczko 2004 11355:Runor U 153 11086:þoral(t)... 10934:. The name 10922:. The name 9546:Polovtsians 8675:Halfborinn, 8357:Halfborinn, 7519:Gulli/Kolli 6962:Scandinavia 6744:(u)iþfast-- 6268:notes that 6205:image stone 6178:Västmanland 6172:Västmanland 5931:h(i)(l)(t)u 4911:(h)(a)ku... 4873:Novgorodian 4216:fulks·krimʀ 3953:folksgrimmr 2509:Spiallbuða, 2149:, i.e. 'in 2081:. It is in 1503:kitil×fastr 1073:(k)aiʀbiarn 559:held their 555:in the land 457:Caspian Sea 433:Scandinavia 404:Scandinavia 16084:Varangians 16053:Categories 15738:Aars stone 15516:Runestones 15323:Fornvännen 15300:2023-09-17 15281:2023-09-17 15262:2023-09-17 15243:2023-09-17 15224:2023-09-17 15205:2023-09-17 15186:2023-09-17 15167:2023-09-17 15148:2023-09-17 15129:2023-09-17 15110:2023-09-17 15091:2023-09-17 15072:2023-09-17 15053:2023-09-12 15034:2023-09-17 15015:2023-09-17 14996:2023-09-17 14977:2023-09-17 14958:2023-09-17 14939:2023-09-17 14920:2023-09-17 14901:2023-09-17 14882:2023-09-17 14863:2023-09-17 14844:2023-09-17 14825:2023-09-17 14806:2023-09-17 14787:2023-09-17 14768:2023-09-17 14749:2023-09-17 14730:2023-09-17 14711:2023-09-17 14692:2023-09-17 14673:2023-09-17 14609:9150615343 14588:0851158269 14546:917844067X 14527:9171560157 14495:2023-10-04 14465:Vikingaliv 14411:References 14401:Runor N 62 14389:Runor N 62 14373:Runor N 62 14333:Jesch 2001 14305:Jesch 2001 14281:Kœnugarðar 14165:Runor N 62 13480:Runor Ög 8 13464:Runor Ög 8 13452:Runor Ög 8 13440:Runor Ög 8 13428:Runor Ög 8 13412:Runor Ög 8 13305:Strid 1988 13281:Runor Vs 1 13269:Runor Vs 1 13253:Runor Vs 1 13189:Runor Vs 1 12965:Jones 1968 12911:; Sö 338: 12746:Jones 1968 12082:Miklagarðr 11278:Jones 1968 11153:Vitaholmi, 10972:Kœnugarðar 10852:See also: 10587:See also: 10479:Rufstæini. 10198:Nenasytec' 10134:hulmka-... 9933:Hroðfosaʀ. 9538:Walachians 9258:kieruantum 9119:Gæiʀhvataʀ 8837:See also: 8167:Öl 28 (58) 8160:See also: 7429:See also: 6940:aukrimulfʀ 6911:See also: 6573:Fornvännen 6556:iron oxide 6255:Ibn Fadlan 6222:i · karusm 6176:See also: 5947:huska(r)la 5154:Holmfastr, 5143:in Marma. 5111:Södertälje 5100:runemaster 4219:folksgrimʀ 4195:austrvegi, 3979:Holmfriðr, 3695:runemaster 3638:Styrbiorn, 3598:austrvegi, 3353:media help 3061:See also: 2245:Spiallbuða 2165:runemaster 2079:Skokloster 2072:runemaster 1506:Kætilfastr 1412:Gismundaʀ. 1397:runemaster 1076:Gæiʀbiorn, 599:See also: 561:housecarls 526:Brøðr vaʀu 484:runestones 400:runestones 356:Copenhagen 16015:Resources 15858:hallow": 15412:0562-8016 15341:17 August 15336:1404-9430 14518:Runstenar 14347:‘died in 14313:Vitaholmr 12913:‘hua^str’ 11551:Garðaríki 11535:Garðaríki 11265:Citations 11254:Garðaríki 11169:Ustaholms 10948:Vitaholmi 10932:Vitaholmi 10916:Old Norse 10612:style RAK 10335:Øystæinn, 10233:Biartfann 9845:blakumenn 9797:Hroðfoss. 9573:blökumenn 9551:blökumenn 9533:blökumenn 9521:Ventspils 9261:gærvandum 9151:Liknviaʀ. 9116:kaiʀuataʀ 8942:...(a)rua 8929:Liknhvata 8876:Garðaríki 8672:halfburin 8354:halfburin 7450:style RAK 7210:Sigstæinn 7160:Grimulfʀ. 7157:|krimulfʀ 6763:austarla. 6760:aust:arla 6683:Grimmund. 6242:Gardariki 6141:landmanna 5702:huskarlaʀ 5574:Þorstæin, 5571:þourstain 5421:Garðaríki 5398:style Pr4 5258:Ingifast, 5255:(i)kifast 5151:hulmfastr 5115:bind rune 5107:style Pr5] 4919:st(a)...n 4890:Ingifastr 4862:Stockholm 4818:kaþ(u)(m) 4629:Þiuðulfʀ, 4588:<o> 4583:Garðum(?) 4284:style Pr1 3942:Old Norse 3892:style RAK 3775:Rysiu(?), 3635:sturbiarn 3595:austruiki 3390:Styrlaugʀ 3387:styrlaugʀ 3367:or 'good 2938:Ingimund. 2754:Iofurfast 2751:iufurfast 2709:style Pr4 2589:Holmgarði 2586:hulmkarþi 2506:sbialbuþa 2242:sbialbuþa 2097:In 1875, 2083:style Pr4 1811:Garðaríki 1808:" or "to 1788:Garðaríki 1485:style RAK 1440:style Pr4 1393:style Pr3 1244:Ærinmund, 1212:Þorstæinn 1199:odal land 1190:Garðaríki 1169:style Pr4 963:style Pr3 626:style Pr3 585:Old Norse 502:with the 500:Old Norse 421:Garðaríki 416:Austrvegr 408:Old Norse 370:Stockholm 15703:and the 15377:(2011). 15353:(2010). 15313:(1988). 15290:"Vg 197" 15271:"Vg 184" 15252:"Vg 135" 15119:"DR 108" 15024:"Sö 338" 15005:"Sö 308" 14986:"Sö 216" 14967:"Sö 171" 14948:"Sö 148" 14929:"Sö 130" 14910:"Sö 126" 14891:"Sö 121" 14641:(1981). 14069:Rufstain 12987:338 and 12692:148 and 11819:338 and 11797:i garþum 11779:338 and 11208:See also 11166:ustaulms 11001:Courland 10995:, or to 10983:Vitaholm 10833:Aswiþaʀ. 10476:rustaini 10319:Roðvisl, 10289:Hægbiorn 10286:hakbiarn 10265:þenna(?) 10220:Rufstain 10142:...iþ(i) 10078:...tkaiʀ 10060:Novgorod 9842:blakumen 9645:Hroðælfʀ 9613:Hroðvisl 9456:ui(u)(e) 9148:liknuiaʀ 9009:Æilikni, 8515:Hærþruðr 8512:harþruþr 8197:Hærþruðr 8194:harþruþr 7494:style Fp 7271:þe(n)... 7189:style Fp 7120:Æivisli. 7023:þ(a)^(u) 6958:Grímulfr 6946:and the 6856:b-...(u) 6747:Viðfast, 6680:kri(m)ut 6552:Västerås 6315:Guðlæifʀ 6237:i garðum 6209:Khwarezm 6125:forungi, 5950:huskarla 5718:æftiʀ(?) 5170:Roðælfʀ, 4999:ski...ra 4983:siul(m)þ 4854:Novgorod 4626:þiuþulfʀ 4568:fiall(?) 4410:drængila 4280:style Fp 4192:austruhi 3966:Novgorod 3958:druzhina 3788:br(o)... 3515:brau(t)u 3199:Guðlæif, 3082:style Fp 2722:Ali/Alli 1947:Arnfast, 1783:style Fp 1241:irinmunt 1209:þurtsain 1129:a(u)s... 757:stai-(a) 685:...(a)i- 16027:Rundata 15944:Other: 15233:"Öl 28" 15214:"Ög 30" 15100:"G 280" 15081:"G 220" 15062:"G 134" 15043:"G 114" 14872:"Sö 92" 14853:"Sö 34" 14834:"Sö 33" 14815:"U 898" 14796:"U 687" 14777:"U 636" 14758:"U 504" 14739:"U 366" 14720:"U 283" 14701:"U 209" 14682:"U 154" 14663:"U 153" 14317:Witland 14245:*vitiča 12060:, east" 11089:Þórald, 10988:Witland 10936:Vitičev 10930:, i.e. 10924:Vitičev 10899:ustaulm 10830:osuiþaʀ 10782:burþu¶r 10589:Denmark 10583:Denmark 10332:austain 10316:ruþuisl 10230:biarfaa 9930:roþfoaʀ 9901:hialpin 9898:hialbin 9877:utfaru. 9610:roþuisl 9556:Kipchak 9459:Vivi(?) 9006:ailikni 8873:, i.e. 8839:Gotland 8833:Gotland 8747:Brandr. 8728:kar¶þum 8413:Garðum. 8410:kar¶þum 8130:au(s)tr 7695:drængia 7647:Æsbiorn 7631:sinnaʀ, 7306:Ingvar, 7207:siksten 7136:Vikingʀ 7117:aiuisli 7042:Øyvind, 6824:kitilas 6803:Vibiorn 6800:uibiurn 6715:farinn, 6565:Dalarna 6561:Mälaren 6419:Slagva, 6312:kuþlefʀ 6292:kuþlefʀ 6278:qarus-m 6262:Rundata 6230:i krþum 6138:lanmana 6093:Garðum, 6045:orrustu 5750:Kætiløy 5747:ketilau 5326:hua^str 5167:roþelfr 5121:hua^str 5105:in the 4954:Sigvið, 4879:meter. 4821:Garðum. 4733:Farulf, 4560:Hann(?) 4407:trikela 4163:orrustu 3992:ilin--r 3646:þiægnaʀ 3643:þiaknaʀ 3614:Þorkell 3566:ændaðus 3563:entaþus 3287:þingum. 3247:ændaðis 3244:antaþis 2978:drepinn 2935:ikimunt 2629:kirkiu. 2474:siri(þ) 2381:Ragnar, 2341:Andvett 1822:i karþa 1798:i karþa 1586:Asgaut, 1364:Garðum. 1281:|kaubti 1233:|if×tiʀ 1225:kiarþi| 1105:...i(ʀ) 925:...(u)m 917:aust... 904:ændaðus 901:antaþus 840:Gunnar, 792:Halfdan 773:e(f)tiʀ 601:Uppland 595:Uppland 589:Rundata 581:Rundata 530:a landi 16008:Sö 113 15966:Vg 119 15954:Ög 181 15950:Ög 136 15946:Sö 154 15941:DR 360 15937:DR 357 15933:DR 338 15929:DR 230 15925:DR 209 15908:DR 120 15896:Sö 111 15888:Vg 113 15884:U 1161 15876:DR 220 15872:DR 209 15868:DR 110 15864:Sö 140 15860:Vg 150 15822:Estrid 15800:DR 143 15796:DR 114 15776:Sr 139 15687:DR 330 15683:DR 259 15663:Sö 360 15659:Sö 333 15655:Sö 174 15639:U 1048 15564:(main) 15532:(main) 15437:  15410:  15387:  15363:  15334:  15195:"Ög 8" 15157:"Vs 1" 15138:"N 62" 14651:  14627:  14606:  14585:  14564:  14543:  14524:  14472:  14451:  14428:  14349:Vindau 14337:Vindau 14209:NYR 62 14193:NYR 61 13141:karusm 12981:Garðar 12594:drængR 12178:Grikk- 12078:Garðar 12050:karþum 12046:Garðar 11813:Garðar 11531:Garðar 11511:Garðar 11495:Garðar 11491:Garðar 11244:Garðar 11193:  11185:Garða. 11137:  11081:  11049:reisti 11046:reisti 11041:  11025:  11008:Eymund 10997:Vindau 10964:Dniepr 10960:Trubež 10940:Vitiča 10912:beacon 10854:Norway 10848:Norway 10825:  10809:  10793:  10785:broþur 10777:  10761:  10745:  10729:  10713:  10697:  10681:  10665:  10649:  10633:  10594:DR 108 10551:  10543:Vifill 10535:  10527:Æifur. 10503:  10487:  10471:  10447:  10431:  10415:  10407:stadda 10399:  10391:stæina 10383:  10359:  10343:  10327:  10281:  10257:  10249:staddu 10241:  10203:άειφόρ 10200:, the 10194:Dniepr 10153:  10137:Holmga 10129:  10105:  10089:  10029:  10021:sviku. 10013:  9997:  9981:  9965:  9949:  9925:  9909:  9893:  9874:utfaru 9869:  9853:  9837:  9821:  9805:  9794:roþfos 9789:  9773:  9757:  9738:sy-... 9733:  9717:  9709:stæina 9706:staina 9701:  9685:  9669:  9653:  9642:roþalf 9637:  9621:  9599:blakkr 9568:Plavci 9564:Blauen 9560:Blawen 9525:Latvia 9480:(h)... 9475:  9451:  9435:  9419:  9408:karþum 9403:  9387:  9376:...(ʀ) 9357:  9341:  9325:  9309:  9285:  9269:  9253:  9237:  9221:  9210:...(n) 9181:  9159:  9143:  9127:  9111:  9095:  9084:...(s) 9065:  9049:  9033:  9017:  9001:  8985:  8969:  8953:  8921:  8905:  8870:Garðar 8865:karþum 8810:  8786:hiogg, 8778:  8755:  8744:brantr 8739:  8731:Garðum 8723:  8707:  8691:broðiʀ 8688:bruþiʀ 8683:  8667:  8659:goðan. 8651:  8635:  8624:s(m)iþ 8619:  8603:  8587:  8576:aiftiʀ 8571:  8563:þennsa 8555:  8539:  8531:ræisti 8528:raisti 8523:  8485:  8461:hiogg, 8453:  8437:  8429:Brandr 8426:brantr 8421:  8405:  8389:  8373:broðiʀ 8370:bruþiʀ 8365:  8349:  8341:goðan. 8333:  8317:  8306:s(m)iþ 8301:  8285:  8269:  8258:aiftiʀ 8253:  8245:þennsa 8237:  8221:  8213:ræisti 8210:raisti 8205:  8181:Gårdby 8141:  8133:austr. 8125:  8117:annarr 8109:  8093:  8085:vestr, 8074:tu(þ)r 8069:  8053:  8037:  8021:  8005:  7989:  7981:þennsi 7973:  7957:  7949:ræistu 7941:  7925:  7909:  7893:  7862:Vg 197 7847:  7839:austr. 7831:  7815:  7799:  7791:dauðiʀ 7783:  7767:  7751:  7735:  7719:  7703:  7687:  7671:  7655:  7644:esburn 7639:  7623:  7607:  7591:  7575:  7567:þennsi 7559:  7543:  7535:ræisti 7527:  7511:  7476:Vg 184 7436:Vg 135 7410:  7402:dauðr. 7394:  7378:  7362:  7346:  7330:  7314:  7298:  7282:  7266:  7250:  7234:  7218:  7202:  7133:uikikʀ 7128:  7066:  7002:  6991:stikuʀ 6966:Norway 6948:k rune 6883:  6867:  6851:  6835:  6811:  6795:  6779:  6755:  6739:  6723:  6707:  6691:  6675:  6659:  6643:  6627:  6611:  6595:  6587:Taf(?) 6523:  6512:karusm 6507:  6491:  6475:  6467:ændaðr 6459:  6443:  6427:  6416:slakua 6403:  6387:  6379:stæina 6371:  6355:  6339:  6323:  6307:  6272:karusm 6240:, 'in 6213:Persia 6157:bæstr. 6149:  6133:  6122:furugi 6117:  6101:  6090:garþum 6085:  6069:  6053:  6042:urustu 6037:  6021:  6005:  5974:  5958:  5926:  5910:  5886:  5862:  5846:  5838:manna, 5830:bæstra 5827:bistra 5798:  5790:  5774:boanda 5771:buanta 5766:  5742:  5734:iafna, 5726:  5710:  5694:  5678:  5662:  5654:broður 5651:bruþur 5646:  5630:  5622:Anundr 5619:anuntr 5614:  5598:  5582:  5566:  5550:  5534:  5518:  5510:ræistu 5507:raistu 5502:  5486:  5470:  5454:  5446:Kætill 5438:  5384:Sö 338 5369:risti. 5353:  5337:  5321:  5310:ua(ʀ)u 5297:  5282:  5266:  5226:  5210:  5194:  5178:  5162:  5086:Sö 308 5064:  5053:a^ustr 5048:  5017:Sö 216 5002:skira. 4994:  4978:  4962:  4951:sihuiþ 4946:  4930:  4898:  4836:Sö 171 4797:ændaðr 4773:  4757:  4741:  4730:farulf 4725:  4709:  4701:þannsi 4685:  4677:ræisþu 4674:raisþu 4669:  4653:  4637:  4606:Sö 148 4573:  4530:  4514:  4506:goðan, 4490:  4466:  4458:mildan 4455:miltan 4450:  4439:tumara 4434:  4418:  4402:  4386:  4370:  4354:  4338:  4322:  4314:Fiuriʀ 4311:fiuriʀ 4266:Sö 130 4243:  4227:  4211:  4187:  4171:  4160:orustu 4155:  4139:  4123:  4107:  4091:  4083:Æskel, 4067:  4051:  4043:haggva 4035:  4019:  4003:  3987:  3947:grimmr 3918:Sö 126 3878:Sö 121 3847:  3839:austr. 3815:  3799:  3783:  3751:  3735:  3719:  3662:goðiʀ. 3654:  3622:  3611:þurkil 3606:  3590:  3574:  3558:  3542:  3534:næsta. 3526:  3518:brautu 3510:  3494:  3478:  3462:  3454:ræistu 3451:raistu 3446:  3438:stæina 3435:staina 3430:  3422:Holmbʀ 3419:hulmbʀ 3414:  3398:  3377:DR 143 3369:thegns 3271:  3255:  3239:  3215:broður 3212:bruþur 3207:  3196:kulaif 3191:  3180:hibtiʀ 3175:  3167:þennsa 3159:  3143:  3127:  3111:  3100:gnubha 3095:  3042:risti. 3026:Iarls. 3018:  3002:  2994:austr, 2986:  2975:trebin 2970:  2954:  2930:  2914:  2898:  2882:  2866:  2850:  2810:  2794:  2778:  2762:  2746:  2730:  2690:runes. 2686:runaʀ. 2677:runaʀ. 2669:  2653:  2637:  2621:  2597:  2573:  2557:  2517:  2501:  2485:  2477:Sigrið 2469:  2453:  2437:  2421:  2405:  2389:  2378:raknaʀ 2373:  2349:  2338:antuit 2333:  2317:  2301:  2285:  2269:  2253:  2237:  2213:  2189:  2043:Garða. 2027:  2011:  1995:  1979:  1955:  1944:arfast 1939:  1923:  1907:  1891:  1875:  1859:  1836:or to 1805:Garðar 1746:  1730:  1722:hialpi 1706:  1698:austr. 1690:  1674:  1658:  1642:  1626:  1610:  1594:  1578:  1562:  1546:  1530:  1522:ræisti 1514:  1498:  1361:karþum 1340:  1332:aflaði 1329:aflaþi 1324:  1308:  1292:þennsa 1284:køypti 1252:  1220:  1140:  1116:  1084:  1068:  1052:  1036:  1009:rai... 1004:  988:  912:  896:  880:  864:  848:  832:  816:  800:  789:hlftan 784:  768:  752:  736:  712:  696:  665:') or 658:Garðar 16003:Other 15962:Vg 63 15921:DR 83 15917:DR 81 15913:Vg 67 15904:DR 48 15900:DR 26 15892:Sö 86 15866:(?), 15854:"May 15792:DR 55 15788:N 225 15780:Vg 67 15772:U 861 15768:U 489 15764:U 455 15760:U 337 15752:Vs 24 15691:N 239 15679:G 207 15675:Sm 48 15671:Vg 81 15667:Vg 40 15651:Sö 49 15647:Sö 47 15643:Sö 16 15631:U 954 15627:U 948 15623:U 925 15615:U 614 15611:U 605 15607:U 258 15603:U 158 15599:Nä 29 15318:(PDF) 15294:Runor 15275:Runor 15256:Runor 15237:Runor 15218:Runor 15199:Runor 15180:Runor 15161:Runor 15142:Runor 15123:Runor 15104:Runor 15085:Runor 15066:Runor 15047:Runor 15028:Runor 15009:Runor 14990:Runor 14971:Runor 14952:Runor 14933:Runor 14914:Runor 14895:Runor 14876:Runor 14857:Runor 14838:Runor 14819:Runor 14800:Runor 14781:Runor 14762:Runor 14743:Runor 14724:Runor 14705:Runor 14686:Runor 14667:Runor 14265:*usti 13041:biorn 12915:)..." 12786:skæið 12198:krikr 12174:kriki 12098:Garðr 12074:Garðr 12058:austr 11515:Garðr 11230:Notes 11182:karþa 11161:miðli 11158:miþli 11129:dauðr 11126:tauþr 11105:sinn, 11073:eptir 11070:eftir 11065:þenna 11057:stein 11054:stein 11033:Engli 10968:Garða 10906:, by 10817:smiþr 10814:smiþr 10769:østr, 10705:Tofa, 10673:þænsi 10670:þonsi 10641:resþi 10638:risþi 10625:Tosti 10622:tusti 10540:uifil 10524:aifur 10495:Kvamu 10492:kuamu 10463:fyriʀ 10404:stata 10348:imuar 10304:brøðr 10301:bruþr 10273:stæin 10270:stain 10246:statu 10212:Eifor 10176:G 280 10047:G 220 9957:sviki 9954:suiki 9829:sviku 9781:æftiʀ 9778:eftir 9765:Þenna 9749:þria. 9725:æftiʀ 9722:eftir 9693:ræisa 9690:raisa 9512:G 135 9498:G 134 9290:m-... 9277:mærki 9274:merki 9229:hænni 9194:a-... 9057:moður 9054:moþur 9041:goða, 8993:æftiʀ 8990:ebtir 8961:mærki 8958:merki 8913:Syniʀ 8910:syniʀ 8851:G 114 8818:kann. 8699:hans, 8656:kuþan 8643:dræng 8627:Smið, 8579:æftiʀ 8560:þinsa 8547:stæin 8544:stain 8493:kann. 8381:hans, 8338:kuþan 8325:dræng 8309:Smið, 8261:æftiʀ 8242:þinsa 8229:stæin 8226:stain 8162:Öland 8156:Öland 8082:uestr 8077:dauðr 8029:sina. 8013:brøðr 8010:bryþr 7997:æftiʀ 7994:eftiʀ 7965:stæin 7946:ristu 7933:brøðr 7930:bryþr 7788:tuþiʀ 7727:goða. 7711:harða 7692:treka 7679:Iula, 7628:sinaʀ 7599:brøðr 7583:æftiʀ 7580:eftiʀ 7551:stæin 7399:tauþr 7386:austr 7383:austr 7338:sinn. 7303:ikuar 7290:æftiʀ 7287:eftiʀ 7258:stæin 7255:stain 7242:ræisa 7239:rasti 7175:Ög 30 7090:austr 7087:austr 7082:fioll 7058:sinn. 7039:auint 7018:kumbl 7010:gærði 7007:karþi 6843:gærðu 6712:farin 6667:æftiʀ 6664:hitiʀ 6651:þenna 6635:stæin 6619:ræisa 6483:austr 6480:austr 6464:etaþr 6451:sinn, 6411:æftiʀ 6408:uftiʀ 6331:satti 6154:bestr 6061:austr 6058:austr 6013:fioll 5985:well. 5934:heldu 5870:landi 5867:lanti 5806:Brøðr 5803:bruþr 5782:sinn. 5731:iafna 5715:hifiʀ 5699:hulaʀ 5606:sinn, 5590:faður 5587:faþur 5542:þenna 5526:stæin 5523:stain 5478:Biorn 5475:biorn 5443:ketil 5366:risti 5290:sina, 5218:runaʀ 5202:rista 5141:U 485 5128:austr 5056:austr 4967:faþ-r 4938:æftiʀ 4935:eftiʀ 4914:haggv 4805:austr 4802:austr 4794:antaþ 4765:sinn. 4749:faður 4746:faþur 4698:þansi 4693:stæin 4690:stain 4580:kirþu 4503:kuþan 4498:mataʀ 4495:mataʀ 4378:goðan 4375:kuþan 4362:faður 4359:faþur 4330:gærðu 4327:kirþu 4251:orði. 4235:falla 4147:draug 4144:trauh 4115:sinn. 4099:faður 4096:faþur 4080:eskil 4075:æftiʀ 4072:eftiʀ 4059:stæin 4056:stain 4040:hakua 3944:word 3855:Balli 3836:austr 3820:ha... 3807:sinn. 3756:st... 3743:ræisa 3740:raisa 3698:Balle 3677:Sö 92 3659:kuþiʀ 3531:nesta 3502:sina, 3486:brøðr 3483:bryþr 3302:Sö 34 3284:þikum 3263:austr 3260:austr 3223:sinn. 3183:æftiʀ 3164:þinsa 3151:stæin 3148:stain 3135:ræisa 3132:raisa 3103:Gnupa 3068:Sö 33 3039:risti 3023:iarls 2991:hustr 2842:sinn, 2834:faður 2831:faþur 2826:Iarl, 2818:æftiʀ 2815:iftiʀ 2802:mærki 2799:merki 2695:U 898 2661:risti 2658:risti 2626:kriki 2613:Olafs 2610:olafs 2565:dauðr 2562:tauþr 2533:sinn. 2525:bonda 2522:bonta 2293:Svæin 2290:suain 2221:mærki 2218:mirki 2202:kiara 2133:krikr 2119:read 2112:Grikk 2105:kriki 2058:U 687 2040:karþa 2019:austr 1971:sinn. 1915:þenna 1899:stæin 1883:ræisa 1829:Garðr 1769:U 636 1754:salu. 1719:ialbi 1666:vestr 1663:uistr 1618:sinn. 1602:faður 1599:faþur 1583:askut 1570:æftiʀ 1567:iftiʀ 1554:þenna 1538:stæin 1519:risti 1471:U 504 1426:U 366 1379:U 283 1348:austr 1345:austr 1289:þinsa 1268:sinn, 1236:æftiʀ 1228:gærði 1155:U 209 1089:bruþ- 943:U 154 872:sina. 856:brøðr 853:bryþr 837:kunar 824:æftiʀ 821:eftiʀ 776:æftiʀ 760:stæia 744:ræisa 741:raisa 655:('in 642:U 155 638:U 154 634:U 152 606:U 153 563:well. 459:with 412:Austr 15958:Öl 1 15856:Thor 15784:N 68 15756:U 15 15635:1028 15435:ISBN 15408:ISSN 15385:ISBN 15361:ISBN 15343:2010 15332:ISSN 14649:ISBN 14625:ISBN 14604:ISBN 14583:ISBN 14562:ISBN 14541:ISBN 14522:ISBN 14470:ISBN 14449:ISBN 14426:ISBN 14321:NlyR 14311:‘in 14261:usta 14241:viti 14225:viti 13322:s--- 12342:þing 12182:grið 11121:varð 11118:uarþ 11062:þana 11030:ikli 11012:Rus' 10956:usti 10952:usta 10944:viti 10920:viti 10904:Kiev 10859:N 62 10801:sin, 10766:ustr 10753:døþr 10750:tuþr 10737:warþ 10734:uarþ 10702:tufa 10657:sten 10654:stin 10559:bauð 10511:vitt 10460:furi 10455:suðr 10439:Rafn 10375:hafa 10158:-... 10042:him. 10018:suiu 10005:hann 9917:sial 9914:sial 9826:siku 9813:Hann 9762:þina 9746:þria 9677:letu 9674:litu 9661:þaun 9467:meðr 9333:mænn 9226:heni 9213:n(?) 9197:o(?) 9038:koþa 9025:konu 9022:kunu 8977:gott 8945:ærva 8881:Rus' 8802:raða 8799:raþa 8763:Rett 8715:sitr 8712:sitr 8640:trak 8611:sinn 8477:raða 8474:raþa 8445:rett 8442:rit- 8397:sitr 8394:sitr 8322:trak 8293:sinn 8114:anar 8061:varð 8058:uarþ 8026:sina 7978:þesi 7962:stin 7917:þæiʀ 7885:Toki 7882:tuki 7836:ustr 7823:liði 7775:urðu 7772:urþu 7759:þæiʀ 7724:kuþa 7708:hrþa 7676:iula 7615:konu 7612:kunu 7564:þesi 7548:stin 7532:rsþi 7516:kuli 7370:varð 7367:uarþ 7354:Hann 7274:þenn 7149:auk| 7144:faði 7141:faþi 7079:fial 7050:sunu 7047:sunu 7015:kubl 6918:Ög 8 6896:s--- 6888:s--- 6840:krþi 6816:-... 6771:Ulfʀ 6768:ulfr 6731:sunn 6648:þina 6632:estn 6616:risa 6395:þasi 6392:þasi 6376:sena 6347:staf 6344:stff 6328:seti 6260:The 6183:Vs 1 6109:liðs 6010:fial 5997:Hann 5942:sina 5939:sini 5918:uti, 5902:liði 5899:liþi 5835:mana 5822:þæiʀ 5814:vaʀu 5811:uaʀu 5670:sinn 5494:þæiʀ 5491:þaiʀ 5412:Rus' 5361:Øpiʀ 5358:ybir 5342:i(n) 5313:vaʀu 5287:sina 5274:syni 5271:suni 5183:---u 5103:Öpir 4970:faðr 4922:stæn 4903:l(t) 4781:Hann 4661:þæiʀ 4658:þaiʀ 4645:Boi, 4474:orða 4471:urþa 4394:dyrð 4391:tyrþ 4248:orþi 4232:fala 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Varangian runestones is located in Southern Sweden
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones
Varangian runestones

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