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Carasso (possibly a pseudonym). Carasso was involved in the setting up of the Young Turk Society in Thessaloniki (which was then under Turkish rule - now in Greece) with Turkish nationalists (see Arai in References). Strangely, Carasso was also involved in another project called “] Resurrected”. Although many details remain classified, some believe that the headquarters of the Young Turk Movement and the ] Resurrected movement were identical, and that ] intelligence was implicated in both of these projects. Although circumstantial information for this exists, no solid proof of this particular allegation has appeared at this time. What is certain is the ] role in the setting up of the Young Turks and the Macedonia Resurrected project (an anti-] movement since its inception). There are striking parallels between the “] Resurrected” and the subsequent “Greater ]” movements.
350:] super state (see also ], 2001, ], 1995, ] 1960 and ], 1962 in References). ] pan-Turanist activists go even further. They have proposed that the entire ] landmass between ] and ] in Europe to ] and ] was once an ] known as “Turania”. Apart from non-scholastic websites, no ], anthropological and archeological evidence for such an empire exists. Pan-Turanian racialists and historians would beg to differ. They are impervious to logical explanations even in the face of hard ]. (G. Richards, 1997 and J. Searle-White, 2001). Pan-Turanism, like ] “racial sciences”, or Stalinist “History”, has failed to convince the majority of western scholars to its cause, and has been as equally unsuccessful in Eastern Europe, with the exception of ] and the Republic of ]. 1038:'''''' ], Language & Race. Turkish racialists fail to make any distinction between facts on the ground today with past history. Simply put, this is the logic that if Turkish speakers reside in a particular area “X” today, then the ] of that ] must have been “Turkish” for time immemorial. This means that any race that has ever lived in Central Asia, Anatolia and Northern Iran for thousands of years before the historical Turkish arrivals have always been “Turks”. There is no acknowledgement of the fact that the Turks arrived as invaders who displaced or linguistically assimilated already resident populations. 1803:
references). The re-interpretation and ] of past history began with full vigor during the first decades of the newly independent Turkish Republic''''''. This educational objective led to the First ] Congress in ] in 1932. The majority of the leading “]” who attended the congress hailed from political backgrounds with little or no formal ] graduate training as historians, anthropologists, archaeologists or linguists ''''''. It is noteworthy that The Turkish History Research ] (The Turkish Historical Society) was in fact a branch of the CHF (Republican People’s Party)''''''.
the historical sense: By the time they had arrived in the ] and ] in the 11th century AD, all of the civilizations they claim to have founded had long since vanished. Turkish expansions began in the 6th Century AD – important pockets such as the ], ] and ] had already penetrated Europe a few hundred years earlier. ] ] (esp. Oghuzz West Turkic) spread very rapidly across Central Asia, the Caucasus, northern Persia and Anatolia. This was done through the process of Elite Dominance; the spread of a language by way of a small minority of ] upon alien populations.
also overseen by a Dutchman by the name of Jacob Kann. Kann was intimately connected to the ] government; he conducted the personal banking of the king and queen of ]. The economics editor of another Young Turk newspaper, The Turkish Homeland, was overseen by Alexander Helphand Parvus (1869-1924), reputed to have been a double agent (Russian and British). There has been speculation of Parvus being involved in arms smuggling for the Turkish army during the Balkan wars (before World War One). See Zeman & Scharlau in references for further details.
number of these characters appear. The head of the whole operation is identified by Buchan as having been a certain “Aubrey Herbert”. Aubrey Herbert (1880-1923) was in fact one of the key intelligence officers operating in the ] during World War One, fought in the doomed Gallipoli invasion of ] in 1915, and was fluent in both ] and ]. TE Lawrence, the key foreign instigator of the anti-Turkish ] revolt, is reputed to have noted of Herbert’s complicity in helping the rise of the short-lived Young Turk movement in ].
2069:'''''' Key political figures Agaoglu, Gokalp, and Akcura both believed in the need for close cooperation between the ] and historical societies. For an insight into the activities of Akcura in this regard see F. Georgeon, Aux Origines du Nationalisme Turc: Yusuf Akcura (1876-1935) (Paris: Institut d’Etudes Anatoliennes, 1980), p.234-236. Agaoglu’s activities can be examined in Frank Tachau, “The Search for ] ] Among the Turks’, Die Welt Des Islams, vol.8, no.3, 1963, p.174. 290:
promote a nefarious and self-serving economic agenda. Pan-Turanian activists, supported by politically motivated western academic outlets, are literally re-narrating world ], and in this quest, have tragically misled many well-intentioned but naïve individuals. Many believe in a series of facts, events and a past history that never was. Veracity is falling victim to racialism, especially in the inherent anti-] agenda propelled by geopolitical Petroleum diplomacy.
Romano Valentino, Cail Francesco, Vona Giuseppe, Demaine Andrew, Papiha Surinder, Triantaphyllides Costas, Stefanescu Gheorghe, Hatina Jiri, Belledi Michele, Di Rienzo Anna, Novelletto Andrea, Oppenheim Ariella, Norby Soren, Al-Zaheri Nadia, Santachiara-Benerecetti Silvana, Scozzari Rosaria, Torroni Antonio, & Bandelt Hans Jurgen. (2000). Tracing European founder lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA pool. American Journal of Human Genetics, 67, p.1251-1276.
1977:''''''Robbins notes that the interpretation of history in Turkey is characterized by rigidity, partly a result of the traumatic period between 1918-1923. The success of the new republic which arose from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire and the constant eulogizing of Attaturk and those who fought for Turkish independence. See Philip Robins, Suits and Uniforms: Turkish Foreign Policy Since the ], Hurst & Company, ], p.104. 71: 721:
placing him under house arrest. Even when the Young Turks themselves were overthrown very shortly thereafter, Carasso retained his position of importance: he was in charge of food distribution networks in the Ottoman Empire during the First World ]. Carasso is also reputed to have helped run the Ottoman intelligence services in the ].
1882:'''(a2)''' Rejecting ] as the basis of ] and national ]. This was part of becoming more “]”. This may have been an attempt at offsetting European “Orientalism” (see Edward Said in References) – the need to confront Nordicist notions of Near Eastern “]” ], ], ], etc.) being racially and culturally inferior to the Europeans. 1743:
Pan-Turanism has invented its own version of historical narcissism''''''. One may say that pan-Turanism has produced a “]” that is incredible. Pan-Turanian ] have not only re-narrated a whole new version of world history, but have set new frontiers in the disciplines of ], ], ] and ], one on par with
According to the ], it was this Gray Wolf that awakened the Turks to their ] of ] and ] building. This symbol is often evoked in Turkish political rallies and popular venues (i.e. Soccer games). Grey Wolf activists are attempting to export this ] to foreign countries; especially Northern ] and the ].
Vambery retired as a professor of eastern languages at the ] of ] between 1865-1905. He wrote many books on his travels to ], ], ] and ]. His expertise on languages and ethnology served the British Foreign Office very well indeed: a racialist idea was formed that would allow for the ] manipulation of
What is far less known (or acknowledged) is the role of ] (non-Turkish) interests in the manipulation of the ] to service wider geopolitical interests. It is truly an irony that the idea of a Turanian empire never originated amongst the ] Turks, but by a man of European descent. His name was Arminius
The second problem is that of ]. When did this Gray Wolf roar take place? If true, this must have happened thousands of years ago, virtually at the dawn of human history, as the Turks now claim that the ] (c), Greece-Anatolia (d), ] (e), and so on; all have Turkish ]. The ] however, are newcomers in
Much of the ] of these men has been confined to a select group of historians; not much is known in wider academia, popular knowledge, and especially among the Turks in general. Nevertheless, a British intelligence officer of World War One, John Buchan, has written a novel (see references) in which a
Interestingly, the ] and ] were also promised statehood and independence. Their historical claims however, overlapped with those of the ] ], a fact which contributed to much subsequent bloodshed and tragedy, both during the war and after. Even less known is the role played by an ] national, Emmanuel
Vambery’s thesis was based on the observation that as much of ] used Turkic languages as their main vernacular (except Persian speaking ]), this then necessitated the formation of “Turan”. It has been speculated that Vambery’s mission was to create an anti-] racialist movement among the ] that would
Well what is pan-Turanism exactly? Too simply put it, pan-Turanism is an ] that aims at creating a ] super state stretching from the ] in ], eastwards across ], ] (]), the ], Central Asia up to and including northwest ]. The ] behind this is that all people who speak ] must be incorporated into this
At present, the government of ] has established a number of well funded associations that focus on language and history'''''' (see T. Timur in References). The ] of these institutions is to produce historical narratives and ] validation for pan-Turanian ideologies, (e.g. Mustafa Kemal Attaturk’s “]
Just as pan-Turanism was invented, British intelligence was plotting to disintegrate the ] Empire by encouraging break away movements among its many nationalities. Although not generally reported, the ] Empire had wanted to appropriate Turkish oil assets in Mesopotamia for at least a decade before
Equally as interesting is the role played by Wilfred Blunt, known by some as the “great-grandfather” of pan-Arabism (of the later ] Office of ] Intelligence), who was also one of the first to advocate a “Young Turk” movement. The Blunts are reputed to have been the founders of the ] of ]. Arnold J.
Pan-Turanism is perhaps one of the last racialist movements that first began in the 19th century. Traditional ] cites its early origins amongst ] officers and intelligentsia studying and residing in 1870s Imperial Germany. The fact that many Ottoman ] officials were becoming aware of their sense of
Pan-Turanian activists have developed a fascinating mythology with respect to the origins of the ]. This is the ] of a certain “Boz Kurt” (Gray Wolf) who roared out to the ancestors of the Turks and the ] to migrate west from their homelands in ] and ]. The Gray Wolf then allegedly pointed the way
Much of pan-Turanian ideology is similar to pan-] racism and Nazism; philosophies from which the Grey Wolves and pan-Turanian ideologues have drawn much of their inspiration. Like the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s, the pan Turanian Turks envision their Turan super-state, in terms of “lebensraum” (]
Richards Martin, Macaulay Vincent, Hickey Eileen, Vega Emilce, Sykes Bryan, Guida Valentina, Rengo Chiara, Sellitto Daniele, Cruciani Fulvio, Kivisild Toomas, Villerns Richard, Thomas Mark, Rychkov Serge, Rychkov Oksana, Rychkov Yuri, Golge Mukaddes, Dimitrov Dimitar, Hill Emmeline, Bradley Dan,
Vladimir Jacobsky became the editor of the Young Turk Newspaper (the owner of the paper was of course ]). Jacobsky had been educated in ], and despite much hype and speculation, his links with foreign intelligence organizations remain unclear. The editorial content of the Young Turk Newspaper was
It must be noted that Carasso was no mere lowly official. His post in the Young Turk movement was crucial (see photo below-left of a Young Turk parliament session in 1908 Istanbul). It was Carasso who informed Sultan Abdul Hamid (1842-1918) that he had been overthrown, and took the initiative in
Pan-Turanism is a racialist movement that not only threatens ], but ], ], ], ] and even (to a more limited extent) ]. If unchecked, Pan-Turanism may become as dangerous to international peace and stability as ] fundamentalism has became today. Geopolitics and ] diplomacy is using pan-Turanism to
The ] heel of the ] Empire was its multi-] composition. This was adroitly exploited to achieve its destruction from within. The role of TE ] (of Arabia) in this endeavor is popular knowledge, however less known is the role played by ] intelligence in the fomenting of earlier ] nationalism (Lady
Pan-Turanian activists have made significant inroads among many of ]'s highly educated scholars, politicians (e.g. the late Turgut Ozal), businessmen, students and laypeople. The issue is pan-Turanism, not Turks as a people, culture or society. What is being critically examined here is the ] of
Pan-Turanian ideologues have placed a very high priority on re-inventing past history. Much of this is based on the founder of the ] Republic, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk (1881-1938), who stated that: “Writing history is as important as making history”'''''' (see also H. Poulton and P. Robins in
for “living space”) for all ] speaking peoples. The late president of the Republic of ], Abulfazl Elchibey (1938-2000), a Grey Wolf sympathizer himself, is reputed to have stated that “…the road to Turkistan runs through ]”. Tabriz has been an integral part of ] for thousands of years.
240:'''Turanism''', or '''Pan-Turanism''', is a political movement for the union of all Turkic peoples, and as such is equivalent to ]. Georgeon and Landau extended Pan-Turanism, however, to be not only unity of all Turks, but also unity of Turks with Hungarians, Mongolians and Finns. 233:'''Turanism''', or '''Pan-Turanism''', is a political movement for the union of all Turkic peoples, and as such is equivalent to ]. Georgeon and Landau extended Pan-Turanism, however, to be not only unity of all Turks, but also unity of Turks with Hungarians, Mongolians and Finns. 320:
pan-Turanism and its offspring, the racially chauvinistic Grey Wolf movement. It must be made clear that we are equally critical of the futility of other chauvinistic movements such as Nordicist/Neo-Nazi movements, ] chauvinism, Pan-] chauvinism and religious Fundamentalism.
63: 634:
the First World War (see William Engdahl in References). The ] Empire was one of the major geopolitical obstacles to the intended projection of ] ], ] and ] primacy into the ] Gulf. The other “obstacle” was (and potentially is) ], present-day Iran.
157: 931:
The first problem is that of logic. No major human population movement has ever been led by an animal such as a Gray Wolf, for the simple reason that ] are not able to reason as ] do and do not understand notions such as nation-building or
Pan-Turanism, like ] “racial sciences”, or Stalinist “History”, has failed to convince the majority of western scholars to its cause, and has been as equally unsuccessful in Eastern Europe, with the exception of ] and the Republic of ].
2000:'''''' This quote follows the preface of Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, The Speech, translated and abridged by Onder Renkliyildirim (Istanbul: Metro Publishers), p.4. Also cited in Robins, Philip, 2003, Suits and Uniforms, p.93. 498:
Vambery was in the employ of Lord Palmerston of the ] Foreign office. It was during his tenure at the Sultan’s court when Vambery first made mention of the fiction of a pan-Turanian superstate to his Turkish hosts in ]:
2357: 1921:
The final objective is to conclusively “prove” that virtually all great civilizations of the past'''''' such as ] (see c), the ], ], ] (see h-j, l-m) are either Turkish in ] or have been founded by the
Language Theory”). These efforts are propelled by the aforementioned Turkish Historical Society, which has spawned a “] History Thesis and Sun Language Theory” (originally proposed in the 1932 ])''''''.
Paksoy, H.B. (1991). ‘Basmachi’: TurkestanNational Liberation Movement 1916-1930s. In Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union (Vol 4). Florida: Academic International Press.
15: 2202:“racial sciences”, or Stalinist “History”, has failed to convince the majority of western scholars to its cause, and has been as equally unsuccessful in Eastern Europe, with the exception of 903:
Archival research, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and academia in general have failed to provide historical veracity for the Gray Wolf myth. There are two general problems as well.
Dunham) and ] nationalism (Noel Buxton). The ] were also mobilized and by 1905, a “map of ]” soon appeared in ]. Even today, ] officials suspect ] complicity behind Kurdish separatism.
Zeman, Zbynek & Scharlau, Winfried (1965), The merchant of revolution. The life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus). London: Oxford University Press. See especially pages 125-144.
518:"…they (the ]) could form a political entity stretching from the Altai Mountains in Eastern ] to the Bosphorus…" ] and the ], Florida: Academic International Press, 1991, Vol. 4]. 2046:'''''' The phenomenon of ] acting as historians first occurred during the Young Turk movement. Notable are figures such as Ahmed Agaoglu, Yusuf Akcura, Ziya Gokalp, Fuad Korpulu. 100: 2241: 2115:'''''' ] of this “]” had already been incorporated into various school textbooks since 1929. See also Poulton, H. Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent, 1997, P.101. 2342: 2307: 2092:'''''' Taner Timur, “The Ottoman heritage” in Irvin C. Schick and Ertugrul Ahmet Tonak (eds.), Turkey in Transition (Oxford University Press, 1987), p.6. 2190:. Georgeon and Landau extended Pan-Turanism, however, to be not only unity of all Turks, but also unity of Turks with Hungarians, Mongolians and Finns. 2317: 2231: 469:(Hermann) Vambery (1832-1913), a Hungarian Professor, philologist and traveler who worked an as advisor to the Ottoman Sultan between 1857-1863 2332: 2236: 200: 140: 2292: 2425:
Toynbee, A.J. (1917). Report on the Pan-Turanian Movement. London: Intelligence Bureau Department of Information, Admiralty, L/MIL/17/16/23.
440:“Turkishness” is beyond doubt of course, and the role of subsequent nationalists, such as Ziya Gokalp is fully established historically. 175: 2246: 547:
divert the ] from the “Great ]” which they were playing against ] in ] and Central Asia (see also S. A. Zenkovsky in References).
164: 2399:
Poulton, H. (1997). Top Hat, Grey Wolf, and Crescent: Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic. London, England: Hurst.
72: 182: 2023:'''''' Poulton, H. Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent, 1997, P.110-114. Robins, Philip, 2003, Suits and Uniforms, p.93-95. 111: 152: 93: 31: 28: 605:
Toynbee’s report to ] intelligence regarding the Young Turk movement is also revealing (see Toynbee in References).
1058:'''Gray Wolves''' (Also... Some alternate names are aliases, other are names for specific subgroups or cells). 171: 2430:
Zenkovsky, S. A. (1960). Pan-Turkism and Islam in Russia. Cambridge-Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
148: 89: 1703:'''Source:''' This was taken from CIA, Interpol, EuroTer sources on the Gray Wolves organization. 990:'''Gray Wolf activists and pan-Turanian ideologues in general, habitually confuse the following:''' 2448: 2389:
Lewis, B. (1998). The Multiple identities of the Middle East. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
2327: 107: 1862:'''(a1)''' ]-building along European parameters – Turkey was to become a west European state. 2347: 66: 2186:, is a political movement for the union of all Turkic peoples, and as such is equivalent to 1195:
Fascist/right wing terrorist organization, that frequently carries out terrorist acts on its
Richards, G. (1997). ‘Race’, Racism and Psychology: Towards a Reflexive History. Routledge.
8: 2297: 2258: 1683:
portion of its public activity in general, is dedicated to spreading anti-Kurdish hatred.
and the elderly are murdered at random. Shops and houses are set on fire. A significant
Smallarms, explosives and all variety of military equipment. Excellent training (German
organizations of the MHP abroad. The Turkish state has made it its goal to estrange the
guerrilla throw bombs to the exit of the University of Istanbul and open fire upon the
indirectly from GSG-9. They also maintain ties with MIT (Turkish Intelligence) and are
No known ties to other terrorist organizations, although the MHP does receive training
Farrokh, Kaveh (2005) Pan-Turanianism takes aim at Azerbaijan: A geopolitical agenda.
2352: 2302: 1478:
European population from the Kurdish national liberation struggle and the democratic
The "Hollanda Turk Federasyon" which organized a congress, is one of the many cover-
Lewis, B. (1962). The Emergence of Modern Turkey. London: Oxford Univer­sity Press.
seeming random acts they have cost the live of thousands of people. Women, children
16: 1650:
the MHP attacks are jointly organized by the MHP, MIT and the contra-guerrilla, in
workers were shot by fascists and driven over by armored cars, more than 200 other
own ideology against mainly Kurdish targets. Although centered in Turkey it has 80
132: 2369:
Atabaki, Touraj (2000). Azerbaijan: Ethnicity and the Struggle for Power in Iran.
people with machineguns. 6 democrats die and 50 students are wounded. A number of
Thousands of acts of political assassination, random murders, and attacks against
Landau, J.M. (1995). Pan-Tukism: From Irredentism to Cooperation. London: Hurst.
workers were wounded. On March 10, 1978 MHP-fascists and agents from the contra-
mostly Kurdish targets. A common attack occurred in May of 1977, in Istanbul. 39
GSG-9) and training facilities. Excellent intelligence and support from Turkish
rm copyvio from
2442: 2337: 1489:
forces of Turkey. The Grey Wolves control a segment of the Turkish political
west and south: presumably against ], ], the ], the ], ], ], the ], ] and ].
47: 2420:
Searle-White, J. (2001). The Psychology of Nationalism. Palgrave Macmillan.
2312: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2187: 2207: 1414:
of agriculture, forests and natural resources, Erdal Emanet , commander
2287: 2322: 1902:'''(a3)''' Turks are to be presented as the heirs of nearly all ]. 2203: 133:→‎'''The Myth of the Grey Wolf''' 1843:'''The “]” has been founded on three basic ideological ]:''' 1392:
Alparslan Turkes , founder, Azmi Karamahmutoglu , President,
A democracy overseen by a leader and a variety of ministers.
2199: 1764:'''Here are some descriptions of some of their beliefs.''' 1403:
Mehmet Aslan , President in Cyprus, Kenan Akin , minister
Said, E. (1979). Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books.
54: 1009:'''''' ] and ]. (Azerbaijanis are Turkic by race). 420:'''A Brief Note on the Origins of Pan-Turanianism.''' 208:(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) 1744:
the “] Physics” of the ] regime of ] (1920s-1940s).
1270:believed to have ties to Islamic fundamentalists. 1500:organization namely the National Movement Party. 2440: 2193: 1723:== '''Some of the Beliefs of Pan-Turanism.''' == 2138:'''''' Robins, Philip, 2003, Suits and ], p.93. 126: 1155:'''Type:'''Political terrorist organization 2441: 2175:Revision as of 07:03, 2 December 2005 817:== '''The Myth of the Grey Wolf''' == 576:the ] for a very long time to come. 149:Revision as of 07:03, 2 December 2005 90:Revision as of 06:48, 2 December 2005 2252: 80: 46: 268:== What is Pan-Turanism exactly? == 261:== What is Pan-Turanism exactly? == 207: 199: 194: 163: 146: 139: 125: 99: 87: 13: 2177: 1573:'''Suspected Criminal Activity:''' 1080:'''The National Movement Party''' 35: 2460: 1124:'''Milliyetci Calisma Partisi''' 1091:'''Milliyetci Hareket Partisi''' 1: 2363: 2358:Niyazi Yıldırım Gençosmanoğlu 2194:What is Pan-Turanism exactly? 2173: 2134: 2111: 2088: 2065: 2042: 2019: 1996: 1973: 1963: 1938: 1929: 1917: 1909: 1898: 1889: 1878: 1869: 1858: 1850: 1839: 1830: 1818: 1810: 1798: 1790: 1779: 1771: 1760: 1751: 1739: 1730: 1719: 1710: 1699: 1690: 1679: 1668: 1657: 1646: 1635: 1624: 1613: 1602: 1591: 1580: 1569: 1560: 1549: 1538: 1527: 1516: 1507: 1496: 1485: 1474: 1463: 1452: 1445:'''Legitimate Connections:''' 1441: 1432: 1421: 1410: 1399: 1388: 1377: 1369: 1358: 1347: 1339: 1328: 1317: 1308: 1297: 1286: 1277: 1266: 1255: 1244: 1233: 1224: 1213: 1202: 1191: 1180: 1171: 1162: 1151: 1142: 1131: 1120: 1113:'''National Workers Party''' 1109: 1098: 1087: 1076: 1065: 1054: 1045: 1034: 1025: 1016: 1005: 997: 986: 977: 968: 956: 947: 939: 927: 918: 910: 899: 891: 882: 870: 861: 853: 841: 833: 824: 813: 804: 795: 786: 774: 766: 758: 746: 737: 728: 716: 708: 699: 687: 678: 670: 658: 649: 641: 629: 620: 612: 600: 591: 583: 571: 562: 554: 542: 534: 525: 514: 506: 494: 485: 476: 464: 456: 447: 435: 427: 416: 407: 396: 387: 375: 366: 357: 345: 336: 327: 315: 306: 297: 285: 220: 18:Browse history interactively 7: 2225: 1783:The ] of ], ] and ] were ]. 1069:'''National Action Party''' 10: 2465: 130: 2141: 2118: 2095: 2072: 2049: 2026: 2003: 1980: 1961: 1945: 1934: 1925: 1913: 1905: 1894: 1885: 1874: 1865: 1854: 1846: 1835: 1826: 1814: 1806: 1794: 1786: 1775: 1767: 1756: 1747: 1735: 1726: 1715: 1706: 1695: 1686: 1675: 1664: 1653: 1642: 1631: 1620: 1609: 1598: 1587: 1576: 1565: 1556: 1545: 1534: 1523: 1512: 1503: 1492: 1481: 1470: 1459: 1448: 1437: 1428: 1417: 1406: 1395: 1384: 1373: 1365: 1354: 1343: 1335: 1324: 1313: 1304: 1293: 1282: 1273: 1262: 1251: 1240: 1229: 1220: 1209: 1198: 1187: 1176: 1167: 1158: 1147: 1138: 1127: 1116: 1105: 1094: 1083: 1072: 1061: 1050: 1041: 1030: 1021: 1012: 1001: 993: 982: 973: 964: 952: 943: 935: 923: 914: 906: 895: 887: 878: 866: 857: 849: 837: 829: 820: 809: 800: 791: 782: 770: 762: 754: 742: 733: 724: 712: 704: 695: 683: 674: 666: 654: 645: 637: 625: 616: 608: 596: 587: 579: 567: 558: 550: 538: 530: 521: 510: 502: 490: 481: 472: 460: 452: 443: 431: 423: 412: 403: 392: 383: 371: 362: 353: 341: 332: 323: 311: 302: 293: 225: 215: 212: 145: 86: 183:Extended confirmed users 400:==History of Turanism== 85: 1425:of the special forces. 1321:'''Operating Since:''' 166:Magister Mathematicae 2206:and the Republic of 1217:branches worldwide. 2298:Sadri Maksudi Arsal 2259:Huseyin Nihal Atsiz 2198:Pan-Turanism, like 1237:'''Affiliations:''' 161: 97: 2328:Reha Oğuz Türkkan 2308:Reha Oguz Turkkan 2303:Zeki Velidi Togan 2253:Key personalities 2242:Elbirliği Derneği 2172: 147: 88: 68: 2456: 2348:Alparslan Türkeş 1520:'''Resources:''' 1351:'''Structure:''' 1290:'''Personnel:''' 197: 189: 179: 160: 155: 137: 136: 135: 128: 120: 115: 96: 69: 60: 59: 57: 52: 50: 42: 39: 21: 19: 2464: 2463: 2459: 2458: 2457: 2455: 2454: 2453: 2439: 2438: 2366: 2343:Fethi Tevetoğlu 2318:Fethi Tevetoglu 2255: 2228: 2222: 2219: 2216: 2213: 2196: 2169: 2162: 2153: 2148: 2139: 2130: 2125: 2116: 2107: 2102: 2093: 2084: 2079: 2070: 2061: 2056: 2047: 2038: 2033: 2024: 2015: 2010: 2001: 1992: 1987: 1978: 1969: 1957: 1952: 1943: 1932: 1923: 1903: 1892: 1883: 1872: 1863: 1844: 1833: 1824: 1804: 1784: 1765: 1754: 1745: 1733: 1724: 1713: 1704: 1693: 1684: 1673: 1662: 1651: 1640: 1629: 1618: 1607: 1596: 1585: 1574: 1563: 1554: 1543: 1532: 1521: 1510: 1501: 1490: 1479: 1468: 1457: 1446: 1435: 1426: 1415: 1404: 1393: 1382: 1363: 1352: 1333: 1322: 1311: 1302: 1291: 1280: 1271: 1260: 1249: 1238: 1227: 1218: 1207: 1196: 1185: 1174: 1165: 1156: 1145: 1136: 1125: 1114: 1103: 1092: 1081: 1070: 1059: 1048: 1039: 1028: 1019: 1010: 991: 980: 971: 962: 950: 933: 921: 904: 885: 876: 864: 847: 827: 818: 807: 798: 789: 780: 752: 740: 731: 722: 702: 693: 681: 664: 652: 635: 623: 606: 594: 577: 565: 548: 528: 519: 500: 488: 479: 470: 450: 441: 421: 410: 401: 390: 381: 369: 360: 351: 339: 330: 321: 309: 300: 291: 281: 276: 269: 262: 253: 248: 241: 234: 223: 203: 198: 195: 193: 192: 191: 187: 185: 169: 167: 162: 156: 151: 143: 141:← Previous edit 138: 131: 129: 124: 123: 122: 118: 105: 103: 98: 92: 84: 83: 82: 81: 79: 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2268:Enver Pasha 2263:Nihal Atsiz 2188:Pan-Turkism 201:Next edit → 32:Next edit → 2364:References 2208:Azerbaijan 2288:Afet Inan 2237:Yüce Erek 1135:'''MCP''' 1102:'''MHP''' 932:conquest. 2443:Category 2323:Riza Nur 2247:Ilterish 2226:See also 2180:Turanism 176:contribs 112:contribs 56:Wikitext 2204:Hungary 216:Line 1: 213:Line 1: 1922:Turks. 1301:26000 188:27,561 67:Inline 49:Visual 2182:, or 190:edits 121:edits 2200:Nazi 1332:1961 172:talk 158:undo 153:edit 108:talk 94:edit 2261:or 2210:. 119:118 2445:: 174:| 110:| 178:) 170:( 127:m 114:) 106:(


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Revision as of 06:48, 2 December 2005
Aryan Khadem
→‎'''The Myth of the Grey Wolf'''
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Revision as of 07:03, 2 December 2005
Magister Mathematicae
Extended confirmed users
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Turanian Army
Yüce Erek
Elbirliği Derneği
Huseyin Nihal Atsiz

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