
Auschwitz concentration camp

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of a small hole in the ceiling. There was nothing more that the people inside could do. And so they only screamed in bitter, lamentable voices. Others complained in voices full of despair, and others still sobbed spasmodically and sent up a dire, heart-rending weeping. ... And in the meantime, their voices grew weaker and weaker ... Because of the great crowding, people fell one atop another as they died, until a heap arose consisting of five or six layers atop the other, reaching a height of one meter. Mothers froze in a seated position on the ground embracing their children in their arms, and husbands and wives died hugging each other. Some of the people made up a formless mass. Others stood in a leaning position, while the upper parts, from the stomach up, were in a lying position. Some of the people had turned completely blue under the influence of the gas, while others looks entirely fresh, as if they were asleep.
1800: 3026: 3318: 2831: 1762: 1406: 955: 4660:, 2000): "June 14 : The first transport of Polish political prisoners arrived from the Tarnów prison: 728 men sent to Auschwitz by the commander of the Sipo u. SD (Security Police and Security Service) in Cracow. These prisoners were given camp serial numbers 31 to 758. The transport included many healthy young men fit for military service, who had been caught trying to cross the Polish southern border in order to make their way to the Polish Armed Forces being formed in France. The organizers of this illegal emigration operation were also in this transport, along with resistance organizers, political and community activists, members of the Polish intelligentsia, Catholic priests, and Jews, arrested in the 'AB' (Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion) operation organized by 1027: 2859: 3720: 4718:, Oxford University Press, 2012): "Gunter Faerber, for example, recalled the moment in February 1942 when the Jews of Beuthen (Bytom in Polish), where his grandmother lived, were brought through Bedzin on their way to Auschwitz. ... Two large army trucks of Jewish women from Beuthen were brought 'straight to the station, they were queuing at the station ... I was still given a chance to say goodbye because we knew already ... that the women of Beuthen are arriving' ... I went down to the station, I saw the long queue of women.' Faerber asked permission of a Gestapo guard to go up to his grandmother, who was with her sister, 'and I said goodbye, and that was the last I saw of them and the whole transport was moved out by train ...'" 2880:. A rail spur leading to crematoria II and III in Auschwitz II was completed that May, and a new ramp was built between sectors BI and BII to deliver the victims closer to the gas chambers (images top right). On 29 April the first 1,800 Jews from Hungary arrived at the camp. From 14 May until early July 1944, 437,000 Hungarian Jews, half the pre-war population, were deported to Auschwitz, at a rate of 12,000 a day for a considerable part of that period. The crematoria had to be overhauled. Crematoria II and III were given new elevators leading from the stoves to the gas chambers, new grates were fitted, and several of the dressing rooms and gas chambers were painted. Cremation pits were dug behind crematorium V. The incoming volume was so great that the 2170:, had escaped; following an escape in 1941, a group of prisoners was picked out from the escapee's barracks and sent to block 11 to be starved to death. After roll call, prisoners retired to their blocks for the night and received their bread rations. Then they had some free time to use the washrooms and receive their mail, unless they were Jews: Jews were not allowed to receive mail. Curfew ("nighttime quiet") was marked by a gong at nine o'clock. Inmates slept in long rows of brick or wooden bunks, or on the floor, lying in and on their clothes and shoes to prevent them from being stolen. The wooden bunks had blankets and paper mattresses filled with wood shavings; in the brick barracks, inmates lay on straw. According to 4248: 3476: 3281: 3299: 4472: 4452: 1599: 2913: 3907: 2538: 1532:
the walls and numbered pegs for clothing. Victims would be led from these rooms to a five-yard-long narrow corridor, which in turn led to a space from which the gas chamber door opened. The chambers were white inside, and nozzles were fixed to the ceiling to resemble showerheads. The daily capacity of the crematoria (how many bodies could be burned in a 24-hour period) was 340 corpses in crematorium I; 1,440 each in crematoria II and III; and 768 each in IV and V. By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the
1980: 2424: 4812:(1986), Levi wrote that the concentration camps represented the epitome of the totalitarian system: "ever has there existed a state that was really "totalitarian" ... Never has some form of reaction, a corrective of the total tyranny, been lacking, not even in the Third Reich or Stalin's Soviet Union: in both cases, public opinion, the magistrature, the foreign press, the churches, the feeling for justice and humanity that ten or twenty years of tyranny were not enough to eradicate, have to a greater or lesser extent acted as a brake. Only in the Lager was the restraint from below nonexistent, and the power of these small 1392: 2112: 98: 2026: 2597: 528: 2565:
wrong, the flogging resumed from the beginning. Punishment by "the post" involved tying prisoners' hands behind their backs with chains attached to hooks, then raising the chains so the prisoners were left dangling by the wrists. If their shoulders were too damaged afterwards to work, they might be sent to the gas chamber. Prisoners were subjected to the post for helping a prisoner who had been beaten, and for picking up a cigarette butt. To extract information from inmates, guards would force their heads onto the stove, and hold them there, burning their faces and eyes.
2130: 3789: 3454:. The British reticence stemmed from a Foreign Office concern that the public might pressure the government to respond or provide refuge for the Jews, and that British actions on behalf of the Jews might affect its relationships in the Middle East. There was similar reticence in the United States, and indeed within the Polish government-in-exile and the Polish resistance. According to Fleming, the scholarship suggests that the Polish resistance distributed information about the Holocaust in Auschwitz without challenging the Allies' reluctance to highlight it. 783: 2041:(old Jewish ramp), part of the Oświęcim freight railway station, was used from 1942 to 1944 for Jewish transports. Located between Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II, arriving at this ramp meant a 2.5 km journey to Auschwitz II and the gas chambers. Most deportees were forced to walk, accompanied by SS men and a car with a Red Cross symbol that carried the Zyklon B, as well as an SS doctor in case officers were poisoned by mistake. Inmates arriving at night, or who were too weak to walk, were taken by truck. Work on a new railway line and ramp 2956: 2806: 3889: 2845: 2224: 2070: 87: 3977:. Local volunteers helped until the Red Cross team arrived from Kraków in early February. In Auschwitz II, the layers of excrement on the barracks floors had to be scraped off with shovels. Water was obtained from snow and from fire-fighting wells. Before more help arrived, 2,200 patients there were looked after by a few doctors and 12 PCK nurses. All the patients were later moved to the brick buildings in Auschwitz I, where several blocks became a hospital, with medical personnel working 18-hour shifts. 1865:, about 6,335 people (6,161 of them men) worked for the SS at Auschwitz over the course of the camp's existence; 4.2 percent were officers, 26.1 percent non-commissioned officers, and 69.7 percent rank and file. In March 1941, there were 700 SS guards; in June 1942, 2,000; and in August 1944, 3,342. At its peak in January 1945, 4,480 SS men and 71 SS women worked in Auschwitz; the higher number is probably attributable to the logistics of evacuating the camp. Female guards were known as SS supervisors ( 2408:—paid RM 150 each for 150 female inmates from Auschwitz (the camp had asked for RM 200 per woman), who were transferred to a Bayer facility to test an anesthetic. A Bayer employee wrote to Rudolf Höss: "The transport of 150 women arrived in good condition. However, we were unable to obtain conclusive results because they died during the experiments. We would kindly request that you send us another group of women to the same number and at the same price." The Bayer research was led at Auschwitz by 2900:
and superficial inspection by an SS doctor not to be fit for work. Practically any fault—scars, bandages, boils and emaciation—might provide reason enough to be deemed unfit. Children might be made to walk toward a stick held at a certain height; those who could walk under it were selected for the gas. Inmates unable to walk or who arrived at night were taken to the crematoria on trucks; otherwise, the new arrivals were marched there. Their belongings were seized and sorted by inmates in the
2822:; they were ordered to undress outside, then were locked in the building and gassed. After its decommissioning as a gas chamber, the building was converted to a storage facility and later served as an SS air raid shelter. The gas chamber and crematorium were reconstructed after the war. Dwork and van Pelt write that a chimney was recreated; four openings in the roof were installed to show where the Zyklon B had entered; and two of the three furnaces were rebuilt with the original components. 2374: 1436: 3611: 1203: 4428: 3361: 4542:—one that had been used during the pope's mass—behind block 11 to commemorate 152 Polish inmates shot by the Germans in 1941. After a long dispute, Pope John Paul II intervened and the nuns moved the convent elsewhere in 1993. The cross remained, triggering the "War of the Crosses", as more crosses were erected to commemorate Christian victims, despite international objections. The Polish government and Catholic Church eventually agreed to remove all but the original. 2058:
had to service thousands of prisoners. In sectors BIa and BIb in Auschwitz II, two buildings containing latrines and washrooms were installed in 1943. These contained troughs for washing and 90 faucets; the toilet facilities were "sewage channels" covered by concrete with 58 holes for seating. There were three barracks with washing facilities or toilets to serve 16 residential barracks in BIIa, and six washrooms/latrines for 32 barracks in BIIb, BIIc, BIId, and BIIe.
2238: 4486: 765: 1041: 4030: 2576:). Split into four sections, each section measured less than 1.0 m (11 sq ft) and held four prisoners, who entered it through a hatch near the floor. There was a 5 cm × 5 cm (2 in × 2 in) vent for air, covered by a perforated sheet. Strzelecka writes that prisoners might have to spend several nights in cell 22; Wiesław Kielar spent four weeks in it for breaking a pipe. Several rooms in block 11 were deemed the 3931:(also part of the Red Army) arrived in Auschwitz I and II around 3 pm. They found 7,000 prisoners alive in the three main camps, 500 in the other subcamps, and over 600 corpses. Items found included 837,000 women's garments, 370,000 men's suits, 44,000 pairs of shoes, and 7,000 kg of human hair, estimated by the Soviet war crimes commission to have come from 140,000 people. Some of the hair was examined by the Forensic Science Institute in 2925:). SS officers told the victims they had to take a shower and undergo delousing. The victims undressed in the dressing room and walked into the gas chamber; signs said "Bade" (bath) or "Desinfektionsraum" (disinfection room). A former prisoner testified that the language of the signs changed depending on who was being killed. Some inmates were given soap and a towel. A gas chamber could hold up to 2,000; one former prisoner said it was around 3,000. 1009: 4702:, 2000): "February 15, 1942: "The first transport of Jews arrested by the Stapo (State Police) in Katowice and fated to die at Auschwitz arrived from Beuthen. They were unloaded at the ramp on the camp railroad siding and ordered to leave their baggage there. The camp SS flying squad received the Jews from the Stapo and led the victims to the gas chamber in the camp crematorium. There, they were killed with the use of Zyklon B gas." 1591:
line of exhausted inmates walking through the town of Oświęcim might harm German-Polish relations, the inmates were told to shave daily, make sure they were clean, and sing as they walked. From late July they were taken to the factory by train on freight wagons. Given the difficulty of moving them, including during the winter, IG Farben decided to build a camp at the plant. The first inmates moved there on 30 October 1942. Known as
16792: 1902: 16804: 4234: 2254:, arrived on 26 March 1942. Classified as criminal, asocial and political, they were brought to Auschwitz as founder functionaries of the women's camp. Rudolf Höss wrote of them: "It was easy to predict that these beasts would mistreat the women over whom they exercised power ... Spiritual suffering was completely alien to them." They were given serial numbers 1–999. The women's guard from Ravensbrück, 1551: 1465:, about three kilometers from Auschwitz I. The initial plan was that Auschwitz II would consist of four sectors (Bauabschnitte I–IV), each consisting of six subcamps (BIIa–BIIf) with their own gates and fences. The first two sectors were completed (sector BI was initially a quarantine camp), but the construction of BIII began in 1943 and stopped in April 1944, and the plan for BIV was abandoned. 3816:
from the concentration camps falls alive into the hands of the enemy." The plundered goods from the "Kanada" barracks, together with building supplies, were transported to the German interior. Between 1 December 1944 and 15 January 1945, over one million items of clothing were packed to be shipped out of Auschwitz; 95,000 such parcels were sent to concentration camps in Germany.
3531:(no. 6438), and Józef Lempart (no. 3419)—escaped successfully on 20 June 1942. After breaking into a warehouse, three of them dressed as SS officers and stole rifles and an SS staff car, which they drove out of the camp with the fourth handcuffed as a prisoner. They wrote later to Rudolf Höss apologizing for the loss of the vehicle. On 21 July 1944, Polish inmate 3407: 2086:: for example, there is the good Häftling , portrayed stripped to the waist, about to diligently soap his sheared and rosy cranium, and the bad Häftling, with a strong Semitic nose and a greenish colour, bundled up in his ostentatiously stained clothes with a beret on his head, who cautiously dips a finger into the water of the washbasin. Under the first is written: " 4797:, "Höss neither protected anyone nor evaded his own responsibility. His stance came as a surprise to many, especially those who viewed him as a bloodthirsty beast. Instead, he viewed his crimes in terms of the technical obstacles and challenges with which he had to cope. Höss stated that he led the killings in Auschwitz on express orders of Reichsführer Himmler." 2321:
ragged clothes, which never came off our bodies, thus adding to the horror of our existence by the terrible smell that surrounded us like a cloud. The latrine consisted of a deep ditch with planks thrown across it at certain intervals. We squatted on those planks like birds perched on a telegraph wire, so close together that we could not help soiling one another.
3962:: "They think that I am provoking them. They begin to hide. And only when I said to them: 'Do not be afraid, I am a colonel of Soviet Army and a Jew. We have come to liberate you' ... Finally, as if the barrier collapsed ... they rushed toward us shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs." 3953:
or submit to, some outrage: the shame the Germans did not know, that the just man experiences at another man's crime; the feeling of guilt that such a crime should exist, that it should have been introduced irrevocably into the world of things that exist, and that his will for good should have proved too weak or null, and should not have availed in defence.
depended on the officers' mood, and whether there had been escapes or other events attracting punishment. Guards might force the prisoners to squat for an hour with their hands above their heads or hand out beatings or detention for infractions such as having a missing button or an improperly cleaned food bowl. The inmates were counted and re-counted.
1325:(RSHA). On 30 March the first RHSA transport arrived from France. "Selection", where new arrivals were chosen for work or the gas chamber, began in April 1942 and was conducted regularly from July. Piper writes that this reflected Germany's increasing need for labour. Those selected as unfit for work were gassed without being registered as prisoners. 1520:" ("to disinfection"). A second brick cottage, the "little white house" or bunker 2, was converted and operational by June 1942. When Himmler visited the camp on 17 and 18 July 1942, he was given a demonstration of a selection of Dutch Jews, a mass-murder in a gas chamber in bunker 2, and a tour of the building site of Auschwitz III, the new 1165:, Poland. They were given serial numbers 31 to 758. In a letter on 12 July 1940, Höss told Glücks that the local population was "fanatically Polish, ready to undertake any sort of operation against the hated SS men". By the end of 1940, the SS had confiscated land around the camp to create a 40-square-kilometer (15 sq mi) "zone of interest" ( 2451:, and those with hereditary disease, Mengele set up a kindergarten in barracks 29 and 31 for children he was experimenting on, and for all Romani children under six, where they were given better food rations. From May 1944, he would select twins and dwarfs from among the new arrivals during "selection", reportedly calling for twins with " 2787:, which warned that the remaining family-camp inmates would be gassed soon. The BBC also became aware of the report; its German service broadcast news of the family-camp murders during its women's programme on 16 June 1944, warning: "All those responsible for such massacres from top downwards will be called to account." The Red Cross 2753:, beginning on 8 September 1943 with a transport of 2,293 male and 2,713 female prisoners. Placed in sector BIIb as a "family camp", they were allowed to keep their belongings, wear their own clothes, and write letters to family; they did not have their hair shaved and were not subjected to selection. Correspondence between 4503:
moved to Warsaw to be used on building sites. Dwork and van Pelt write that, in addition, Auschwitz I played a more central role in the persecution of the Polish people, in opposition to the importance of Auschwitz II to the Jews, including Polish Jews. An exhibition opened in Auschwitz I in 1955, displaying prisoner
4589:, wrote that Cywiński had experienced "50 days of incessant hatred". After discussions with Israel's prime minister, amid international concern that the new law would stifle research, the Polish government adjusted the amendment so that anyone accusing Poland of complicity would be guilty only of a civil offence. 4049:, female SS officers were treated more harshly than male; of the 17 women sentenced, four received the death penalty and the others longer prison terms than the men. He writes that this may have been because there were only 200 women overseers, and therefore they were more visible and memorable to the inmates. 3066:
least 2,500,000 people had been gassed there, and that another 500,000 had died of starvation and disease. He testified that the figure of over two million had come from Eichmann. In his memoirs, written in custody, Höss wrote that Eichmann had given the figure of 2.5 million to Höss's superior officer
2017:, overlaid by a second triangle if they also belonged to a second category. The nationality of the inmate was indicated by a letter stitched onto the cloth. A racial hierarchy existed, with German prisoners at the top. Next were non-Jewish prisoners from other countries. Jewish prisoners were at the bottom. 2604:
The courtyard between blocks 10 and 11, known as the "death wall", served as an execution area, including for Poles in the General Government area who had been sentenced to death by a criminal court. The first executions, by shooting inmates in the back of the head, took place at the death wall on 11
units). Other SS staff worked in the medical or political departments, or in the economic administration, which was responsible for clothing and other supplies, including the property of dead prisoners. The SS viewed Auschwitz as a comfortable posting; being there meant they had avoided the front and
Earlier estimates of the death toll were higher than Piper's. Following the camp's liberation, the Soviet government issued a statement, on 8 May 1945, that four million people had been murdered on the site, a figure based on the capacity of the crematoria. Höss told prosecutors at Nuremberg that at
It would be difficult to even imagine that so many people would fit in such a small . Anyone who did not want to go inside was shot  or torn apart by the dogs. They would have suffocated from the lack of air within several hours. Then all the doors were sealed tight and the gas thrown in by way
in Auschwitz I. The building proved unsuitable, so gassings were conducted instead in crematorium I, also in Auschwitz I, which operated until December 1942. There, more than 700 victims could be killed at once. Tens of thousands were killed in crematorium I. To keep the victims calm, they were told
arrived on 26 February that year. There had been a small number of Romani inmates before that; two Czech Romani prisoners, Ignatz and Frank Denhel, tried to escape in December 1942, the latter successfully, and a Polish Romani woman, Stefania Ciuron, arrived on 12 February 1943 and escaped in April.
were responsible for the prisoners' behaviour while they worked, as was an SS escort. Much of the work took place outdoors at construction sites, gravel pits, and lumber yards. No rest periods were allowed. One prisoner was assigned to the latrines to measure the time the workers took to empty their
The day began at 4:30 am for the men (an hour later in winter), and earlier for the women, when the block supervisor sounded a gong and started beating inmates with sticks to make them wash and use the latrines quickly. There were few latrines and there was a lack of clean water. Each washhouse
removed goods and corpses from the incoming trains, guided victims to the dressing rooms and gas chambers, removed their bodies afterwards, and took their jewelry, hair, dental work, and any precious metals from their teeth, all of which was sent to Germany. Once the bodies were stripped of anything
writes, the inmates were "reduced to walking skeletons". Deaths and transfers to the gas chambers at Auschwitz II reduced the population by nearly a fifth each month. Site managers constantly threatened inmates with the gas chambers, and the smell from the crematoria at Auschwitz I and II hung heavy
freight station to the Auschwitz II gas chamber, then buried in a nearby meadow. The gas chamber was located in what prisoners called the "little red house" (known as bunker 1 by the SS), a brick cottage that had been turned into a gassing facility; the windows had been bricked up and its four rooms
They did not greet us, nor did they smile; they seemed oppressed not only by compassion but by a confused restraint, which sealed their lips and bound their eyes to the funereal scene. It was that shame we knew so well, the shame that drowned us after the selections, and every time we had to watch,
published a report describing Birkenau, writing that "prisoners call this supplementary camp 'Paradisal', presumably because there is only one road, leading to Paradise". Reporting that inmates were being killed "through excessive work, torture and medical means", it noted the gassing of the Soviet
who were dentists; anyone overlooking dental work might themselves be cremated alive. The gold was sent to the SS Health Service and used by dentists to treat the SS and their families; 50 kg had been collected by 8 October 1942. By early 1944, 10–12 kg of gold was being extracted monthly
The crematoria consisted of a dressing room, gas chamber, and furnace room. In crematoria II and III, the dressing room and gas chamber were underground; in IV and V, they were on the ground floor. The dressing room had numbered hooks on the wall to hang clothes. In crematorium II, there was also a
In early 1942, mass exterminations were moved to two provisional gas chambers (the "red house" and "white house", known as bunkers 1 and 2) in Auschwitz II, while the larger crematoria (II, III, IV, and V) were under construction. Bunker 2 was temporarily reactivated from May to November 1944, when
32, and barracks 31 became a school and kindergarten. The somewhat better living conditions were nevertheless inadequate; 1,000 members of the family camp were dead within six months. Two other groups of 2,491 and 2,473 Jews arrived from Theresienstadt in the family camp on 16 and 20 December 1943.
suggests that the Germans set up the camp to cast doubt on reports, in time for a planned Red Cross visit to Auschwitz, that mass murder was taking place there. The women and girls were placed in odd-numbered barracks and the men and boys in even-numbered. An infirmary was set up in barracks 30 and
was gassed on arrival because of illness, as was a second group of 1,035 on 25 May 1943. The SS tried to liquidate the camp on 16 May 1944, but the Roma fought them, armed with knives and iron pipes, and the SS retreated. Shortly after this, the SS removed nearly 2,908 from the family camp to work,
Eight hundred to a thousand people were crammed into the superimposed compartments of each barracks. Unable to stretch out completely, they slept there both lengthwise and crosswise, with one man's feet on another's head, neck, or chest. Stripped of all human dignity, they pushed and shoved and bit
Measuring 270 m × 490 m (890 ft × 1,610 ft), the camp was larger than Auschwitz I. By the end of 1944, it housed 60 barracks measuring 17.5 m × 8 m (57 ft × 26 ft), each with a day room and a sleeping room containing 56 three-tiered wooden
Plans for crematoria II and III show that both had an oven room 30 by 11.24 m (98.4 by 36.9 ft) on the ground floor, and an underground dressing room 49.43 by 7.93 m (162.2 by 26.0 ft) and gas chamber 30 by 7 m (98 by 23 ft). The dressing rooms had wooden benches along
The escapees included 396 Polish men and 10 Polish women; 164 men from the Soviet Union (including 50 prisoners of war), and 15 women; 112 Jewish men and three Jewish women; 36 Romani/Sinti men and two women; 22 German men and nine women; 19 Czech men and four women; two Austrian men; one Yugoslav
According to Polish historian Andrzej Strzelecki, the evacuation of the camp was one of its "most tragic chapters". Himmler ordered the evacuation of all camps in January 1945, telling camp commanders: "The Führer holds you personally responsible for ... making sure that not a single prisoner
who worked in the crematoria were witnesses to the mass murder and were therefore regularly murdered themselves. On 7 October 1944, following an announcement that 300 of them were to be sent to a nearby town to clear away rubble—"transfers" were a common ruse for the murder of prisoners—the group,
Around one in six Jews murdered in the Holocaust died in Auschwitz. By nation, the greatest number of Auschwitz's Jewish victims originated from Hungary, accounting for 430,000 deaths, followed by Poland (300,000), France (69,000), Netherlands (60,000), Greece (55,000), Protectorate of Bohemia and
The Zyklon B was delivered to the crematoria by a special SS bureau known as the Hygiene Institute. After the doors were shut, SS men dumped in the Zyklon B pellets through vents in the roof or holes in the side of the chamber. The victims were usually dead within 10 minutes; Rudolf Höss testified
During "selection" on arrival, those deemed able to work were sent to the right and admitted into the camp (registered), and the rest were sent to the left to be gassed. The group selected to die included almost all children, women with small children, the elderly, and others who appeared on brief
There was one latrine for thirty to thirty-two thousand women and we were permitted to use it only at certain hours of the day. We stood in line to get in to this tiny building, knee-deep in human excrement. As we all suffered from dysentry, we could barely wait until our turn came, and soiled our
Auschwitz inmates began working at the plant, known as Buna Werke and IG-Auschwitz, in April 1941, demolishing houses in Monowitz to make way for it. By May, because of a shortage of trucks, several hundred of them were rising at 3 am to walk there twice a day from Auschwitz I. Because a long
On 24 December 1941, the resistance groups representing the various prisoner factions met in block 45 and agreed to cooperate. Fleming writes that it has not been possible to track Pilecki's early intelligence from the camp. Pilecki compiled two reports after he escaped in April 1943; the second,
Flogging during rollcall was common. A flogging table called "the goat" immobilised prisoners' feet in a box, while they stretched themselves across the table. Prisoners had to count out the lashes—"25 mit besten Dank habe ich erhalten" ("25 received with many thanks")— and if they got the figure
8.9 million, his plans called for each barracks to hold 550 prisoners, but he later changed this to 744 per barracks, which meant the camp could hold 125,000, rather than 97,000. There were 174 barracks, each measuring 35.4 by 11.0 m (116 by 36 ft), divided into 62 bays of 4 m
4773:, which estimated that up to one million Jews had died in the camp. In 1983 French scholar George Wellers was one of the first to use German data on deportations to calculate the death toll; he arrived at a figure of 1,471,595 deaths, including 1.35 million Jews and 86,675 non-Jewish Poles. 4502:
On 2 July 1947, the Polish government passed a law establishing a state memorial to remember "the martyrdom of the Polish nation and other nations in Oswiecim". The museum established its exhibits at Auschwitz I; after the war, the barracks in Auschwitz II-Birkenau had been mostly dismantled and
A second roll call took place at seven in the evening, in the course of which prisoners might be hanged or flogged. If a prisoner was missing, the others had to remain standing until the absentee was found or the reason for the absence discovered, even if it took hours. On 6 July 1940, roll call
The first transport of political prisoners to Auschwitz consisted almost exclusively of Poles. It was for them that the camp was founded, and the majority of prisoners were Polish for the first two years. They died of starvation, brutal mistreatment, beating, and sickness, and were executed and
lived separately from the other prisoners, although this rule was not applied to the non-Jews among them. Their quality of life was further improved by their access to the property of new arrivals, which they traded within the camp, including with the SS. Nevertheless, their life expectancy was
Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940. Initially intended not for mass murder but for prisoners who had been executed or had otherwise died in the camp, the crematorium was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the
were given nicknames that reflected their sadism: "Bloody", "Iron", "The Strangler", "The Boxer". Based on the 275 extant reports of punishment in the Auschwitz archives, Strzelecka lists common infractions: returning a second time for food at mealtimes, removing one's gold teeth to buy bread,
The prisoners implore the Polish Government to have the camp bombed. The destruction of the electrified barbed wire, the ensuing panic and darkness prevailing, the chances of escape would be great. The local population will hide them and help them to leave the neighbourhood. The prisoners are
An estimated 4,500 Polish political prisoners were executed at the death wall, including members of the camp resistance. An additional 10,000 Poles were brought to the camp to be executed without being registered. About 1,000 Soviet prisoners of war died by execution, although this is a rough
Prisoners received half a litre of coffee substitute or a herbal tea in the morning, but no food. A second gong heralded roll call, when inmates lined up outside in rows of ten to be counted. No matter the weather, they had to wait for the SS to arrive for the count; how long they stood there
Beginning on 17 January, some 58,000 Auschwitz detainees (about two-thirds Jews)—over 20,000 from Auschwitz I and II and over 30,000 from the subcamps—were evacuated under guard, at first heading west on foot, then by open-topped freight trains, to concentration camps in Germany and Austria:
Although the factory had been expected to begin production in 1943, shortages of labour and raw materials meant start-up was postponed repeatedly. The Allies bombed the plant in 1944 on 20 August, 13 September, 18 December, and 26 December. On 19 January 1945, the SS ordered that the site be
sign, where they were tattooed, shaved, disinfected, and given a striped prison uniform. Built between 1942 and 1944, the center contained a bathhouse, laundry, and 19 gas chambers for delousing clothing. The prisoner reception center of Auschwitz I became the visitor reception center of the
2896:, of the 1,095,000 Jews deported to Auschwitz, around 205,000 were registered in the camp and given serial numbers; 25,000 were sent to other camps; and 865,000 were murdered soon after arrival. Adding non-Jewish victims gives a figure of 900,000 who were murdered without being registered. 2455:" ("twins step forward!"). He and other doctors (the latter prisoners) would measure the twins' body parts, photograph them, and subject them to dental, sight and hearing tests, x-rays, blood tests, surgery, and blood transfusions between them. Then he would have them killed and dissected. 1878:
from other countries, including Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and the Baltic states, joined the SS at Auschwitz. Not all were ethnically German. Guards were also recruited from Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Camp guards, around three quarters of the SS personnel, were members of the
885:. The first gassing at Auschwitz—of a group of Soviet prisoners of war—took place around August 1941. By the end of that year, during what most historians regard as the first phase of the Holocaust, 500,000–800,000 Soviet Jews had been murdered in mass shootings by a combination of German 1582:
and Monowice (Monowitz in German), about 7 km (4.3 mi) east of Auschwitz I. Tax exemptions were available to corporations prepared to develop industries in the frontier regions under the Eastern Fiscal Assistance Law, passed in December 1940. In addition to its proximity to the
4736:, Volume V, 2000): "March 26, 1942: Nine hundred ninety-nine Jewish women from Poprad in Slovakia arrived, and were assigned numbers 1000–1998. This was the first registered transport sent to Auschwitz by RSHA IV B4 (the Jewish Office, directed by SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann)." 2791:
in June 1944 and were persuaded by the SS that no one was being deported from there. The following month, about 2,000 women from the family camp were selected to be moved to other camps and 80 boys were moved to the men's camp; the remaining 7,000 were gassed between 10 and 12 July.
4761:, 2002): "This figure has been endorsed by all serious, professional historians who have studied the complex history of Auschwitz in some detail, by the Holocaust research institute at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, and by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C." 2676: 2162:) three times. The evening meal was 300 grams of bread, often moldy, part of which the inmates were expected to keep for breakfast the next day, with a tablespoon of cheese or marmalade, or 25 grams of margarine or sausage. Prisoners engaged in hard labour were given extra rations. 2629:, "ome of these walking skeletons had spent months in the stinking cells, where not even animals would be kept, and they could barely manage to stand straight. And yet, at that last moment, many of them shouted 'Long live Poland', or 'Long live freedom'." The dead included Colonel 3042:
in 1991, used timetables of train arrivals combined with deportation records to calculate that, of the 1.3 million sent to the camp, 1,082,000 had died there, a figure (rounded up to 1.1 million) that Piper regarded as a minimum. That figure came to be widely accepted.
of Auschwitz I. A second group of 600 Soviet prisoners of war and around 250 sick Polish prisoners were gassed on 3–5 September. The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people. Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling.
1725:, was a farming subcamp where prisoners worked 12-hour days in the fields, tending animals, and making compost by mixing human ashes from the crematoria with sod and manure. Incidents of sabotage to decrease production took place in several subcamps, including Charlottengrube, 2008:
or IBV)'s and pink for gay men, who were mostly German. An estimated 5,000–15,000 gay men prosecuted under German Penal Code Section 175 (proscribing sexual acts between men) were detained in concentration camps, of whom an unknown number were sent to Auschwitz. Jews wore a
4216:. Fischer, one of the highest-ranking SS physicians in the camp, had personally selected at least 75,000 men, women, and children to be gassed. He was arrested in 1965. The following year, he was convicted of crimes against humanity, sentenced to death, and executed by 1944:(special squad). These were mostly Jews but they included groups such as Soviet POWs. In 1940–1941 when there was one gas chamber, there were 20 such prisoners, in late 1943 there were 400, and by 1944 during the Holocaust in Hungary the number had risen to 874. The 3403:
prisoners of war and Polish inmates in Auschwitz I in September 1941, the first gassing in the camp. It said: "It is estimated that the Oswiecim camp can accommodate fifteen thousand prisoners, but as they die on a mass scale there is always room for new arrivals."
2997:, where workers found tiny coins with Greek letters on some of the braids, possibly from some of the 50,000 Greek Jews deported to Auschwitz in 1943. When they liberated the camp in January 1945, the Red Army found 7,000 kg of human hair in bags ready to ship. 2311:
Conditions in the women's camp were so poor that when a group of male prisoners arrived to set up an infirmary in October 1942, their first task, according to researchers from the Auschwitz Museum, was to distinguish the corpses from the women who were still alive.
3317: 1489:, starvation or exhaustion within a few weeks. Some 10,000 Soviet prisoners of war arrived at Auschwitz I between 7 and 25 October 1941, but by 1 March 1942 only 945 were still registered; they were transferred to Auschwitz II, where most of them had died by May. 1097:, Germany, to inspect it. Around 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) long and 400 metres (1,300 ft) wide, Auschwitz consisted at the time of 22 brick buildings, eight of them two-story. A second story was added to the others in 1943 and eight new blocks were built. 4185:
from 20 December 1963 to 20 August 1965, tried 22 defendants, including two dentists, a doctor, two camp adjudants and the camp's pharmacist. The 700-page indictment, presenting the testimony of 254 witnesses, was accompanied by a 300-page report about the camp,
Georgii Elisavetskii, a Soviet soldier who entered one of the barracks, said in 1980 that he could hear other soldiers telling the inmates: "You are free, comrades!" But they did not respond, so he tried in Russian, Polish, German, Ukrainian. Then he used some
3550:(no. 27273, registered as Jerzy Wesołowski) and Roman Cieliczko (no. 27089), both Polish prisoners, escaped on 19 November 1943; Tabeau made contact with the Polish underground and, between December 1943 and early 1944, wrote what became known as the 3000:
Just before cremation, jewelry was removed, along with dental work and teeth containing precious metals. Gold was removed from the teeth of dead prisoners from 23 September 1940 onwards by order of Heinrich Himmler. The work was carried out by members of the
The resistance sent out the first oral message about Auschwitz with Aleksander Wielkopolski, a Polish engineer who was released in October 1940. The following month the Polish underground in Warsaw prepared a report on the basis of that information,
1935:(trusties). Wielding tremendous power over other prisoners, the functionaries developed a reputation as sadists. Very few were prosecuted after the war, because of the difficulty of determining which atrocities had been performed by order of the SS. 3033:
At least 1.3 million people were sent to Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945, and at least 1.1 million died. Overall 400,207 prisoners were registered in the camp: 268,657 male and 131,560 female. A study in the late 1980s by Polish historian
Sunday was not a workday, but prisoners had to clean the barracks and take their weekly shower, and were allowed to write (in German) to their families, although the SS censored the mail. Inmates who did not speak German would trade bread for help.
dressed in an SS uniform and, using a faked pass, managed to cross the camp's gate with his Jewish girlfriend, Cyla Cybulska, pretending that she was wanted for questioning. Both survived the war. For having saved her, Bielecki was recognized by
1528:. Use of bunkers I and 2 stopped in spring 1943 when the new crematoria were built, although bunker 2 became operational again in May 1944 for the murder of the Hungarian Jews. Bunker I was demolished in 1943 and bunker 2 in November 1944. 529: 3947:
described seeing the first four soldiers on horseback approach Auschwitz III, where he had been in the sick bay. They threw "strangely embarrassed glances at the sprawling bodies, at the battered huts and at us few still alive ...":
for nine- to eleven-hour shifts from each worker. In 1943–1944, about 35,000 inmates worked at the plant; 23,000 (32 a day on average) were killed through malnutrition, disease, and the workload. Within three to four months at the camp,
8822: 1987:
Uniquely at Auschwitz, prisoners were tattooed with a serial number, on their left breast for Soviet prisoners of war and on the left arm for civilians. Categories of prisoner were distinguishable by triangular pieces of cloth (German:
2204:. No watches, calendars, or clocks were permitted in the camp. Only two Jewish calendars made in Auschwitz survived to the end of the war. Prisoners kept track of the days in other ways, such as obtaining information from newcomers. 1477:(43 sq ft). The bays were divided into "roosts", initially for three inmates and later for four. With personal space of 1 m (11 sq ft) to sleep and place whatever belongings they had, inmates were deprived, 1130:
on their prison clothing. Brought to the camp as functionaries, this group did much to establish the sadism of early camp life, which was directed particularly at Polish inmates, until the political prisoners took over their roles.
3856:. Fewer than 9,000 remained in the camps, deemed too sick to move. During the marches, the SS shot or otherwise dispatched anyone unable to continue; "execution details" followed the marchers, killing prisoners who lagged behind. 3743:
mostly Jews from Greece and Hungary, staged an uprising. They attacked the SS with stones and hammers, killing three of them, and set crematorium IV on fire with rags soaked in oil that they had hidden. Hearing the commotion, the
writes that Pilecki was instructed to sustain morale, organize food, clothing and resistance, prepare to take over the camp if possible, and smuggle information out to the Polish military. Pilecki called his resistance movement
3804:. The last selection took place on 30 October 1944. On 1 or 2 November 1944, Heinrich Himmler ordered the SS to halt the mass murder by gas. On 25 November, he ordered Auschwitz's gas chambers and crematoria be destroyed. The 2765:
On 8 March 1944, 3,791 of the prisoners (men, women and children) were sent to the gas chambers; the men were taken to crematorium III and the women later to crematorium II. Some of the groups were reported to have sung
3298: 2702:("Gypsy family camp"), was set up in the BIIe sector of Auschwitz II-Birkenau in February 1943. For unknown reasons, they were not subject to selection and families were allowed to stay together. The first transport of 1484:
The prisoners were forced to live in the barracks as they were building them; in addition to working, they faced long roll calls at night. As a result, most prisoners in BIb (the men's camp) in the early months died of
3380:, by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The report said of the Jews in the camp that "scarcely any of them came out alive". According to Fleming, the booklet was "widely circulated amongst British officials". The 1853:
was commandant of Auschwitz III from the point at which it became an autonomous camp in November 1943 until its liquidation. Höss returned to Auschwitz between 8 May and 29 July 1944 as the local SS garrison commander
3062:, that "ll mass graves were to be opened and the corpses burned. In addition, the ashes were to be disposed of in such a way that it would be impossible at some future time to calculate the number of corpses burned." 4310:, in November 1989. In a statement on the 50th anniversary of the liberation, Kohl said that "he darkest and most awful chapter in German history was written at Auschwitz." In January 2020, world leaders gathered at 2036:
Deportees were brought to Auschwitz crammed in wretched conditions into goods or cattle wagons, arriving near a railway station or at one of several dedicated trackside ramps, including one next to Auschwitz I. The
large numbers of Hungarian Jews were gassed. In summer 1944 the combined capacity of the crematoria and outdoor incineration pits was 20,000 bodies per day. A planned sixth facility—crematorium VI—was never built.
It is badly lighted, full of draughts, with the brick floor covered by a layer of mud. The water is not drinkable; it has a revolting smell and often fails for many hours. The walls are covered by curious didactic
12859: 4562:
Museum curators consider visitors who pick up items from the ground to be thieves, and local police will charge them as such; the maximum penalty is a 10-year prison sentence. In 2017 two British youths from the
writes that fewer than one percent of the million Soviet Jews murdered in the Holocaust were murdered in Auschwitz. Of the at least 387 Jehovah's Witnesses who were imprisoned at Auschwitz, 132 died in the camp.
attributes this to the camp's high death toll and "unusual combination of an industrial camp complex and a killing facility", which left behind far more witnesses than single-purpose killing facilities such as
estimated that a quarter of the detainees were thus killed. By December 1944 some 15,000 Jewish prisoners had made it from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, where they were liberated by the British on 15 April 1945.
in London: "the Auschwitz concentration camp ...can accommodate approximately 7,000 prisoners at present, and is to be rebuilt to hold approximately 30,000." Construction of Auschwitz II-Birkenau—called a
From 1942, Jews were being transported to Auschwitz from all over German-occupied Europe by rail, arriving in daily convoys. The gas chambers worked to their fullest capacity from May to July 1944, during the
to Auschwitz consisted almost solely of Poles (for whom the camp was initially established). For the first two years, the majority of inmates were Polish. In May 1940, German criminals brought to the camp as
2146:" ("form work details"), prisoners walked to their place of work, five abreast, to begin a working day that was normally 11 hours long—longer in summer and shorter in winter. A prison orchestra, such as the 2770:
and the Czech national anthem on the way. Before they were murdered, they had been asked to write postcards to relatives, postdated to 25–27 March. Several twins were held back for medical experiments. The
of the camps inspectorate. Höss oversaw the development of the camp and served as its first commandant. The first 30 prisoners arrived on 20 May 1940 from the Sachsenhausen camp. German "career criminals"
were fined in Poland after picking up buttons and shards of decorative glass in 2015 from the "Kanada" area of Auschwitz II, where camp victims' personal effects were stored. The 16 ft (4.9 m)
On 20 January, crematoria II and III were blown up, and on 23 January the "Kanada" warehouses were set on fire; they apparently burned for five days. Crematorium IV had been partly demolished after the
9645: 506: 3438:
According to Fleming, the British press responded, in 1943 and the first half of 1944, either by not publishing reports about Auschwitz or by burying them on the inside pages. The exception was the
who, as "Tomasz Serafiński" (serial number 4859), allowed himself to be arrested in Warsaw and taken to Auschwitz. He was imprisoned there from 22 September 1940 until his escape on 27 April 1943.
in Czechoslovakia. Industries with satellite camps included coal mines, foundries and other metal works, and chemical plants. Prisoners were also made to work in forestry and farming. For example,
6603: 4585:. Staff at the museum were accused by nationalist media in Poland of focusing too much on the fate of the Jews in Auschwitz at the expense of ethnic Poles. The brother of the museum's director, 4581:, making it a criminal offence to violate the "good name" of Poland by accusing it of crimes committed by Germany in the Holocaust, which would include referring to Auschwitz and other camps as 2973:
wearing gas masks dragged the bodies from the chamber. They removed glasses and artificial limbs and shaved off the women's hair; women's hair was removed before they entered the gas chamber at
was taken straight from the station to the Auschwitz II gas chamber, which had just come into operation. On 26 and 28 March, two transports of Slovakian Jews were registered as prisoners in the
8819: 4515:
in 1979. All the museum's directors were, until 1990, former Auschwitz prisoners. Visitors to the site have increased from 492,500 in 2001, to over one million in 2009, to two million in 2016.
9486: 4559:. On 27 January 2015, some 300 Auschwitz survivors gathered with world leaders under a giant tent at the entrance to Auschwitz II to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the camp's liberation. 9994: 1587:
be expelled to make way for skilled laborers; that all Poles able to work remain in the town and work on building the factory; and that Auschwitz prisoners be used in the construction work.
15342: 9389: 4314:
in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary. It was the city's largest-ever political gathering, with over 45 heads of state and world leaders, including royalty. At Auschwitz itself,
3698:(1981) raised similar questions about British inaction. Since the 1990s, other historians have argued that Allied bombing accuracy was not sufficient for Wyman's proposed attack, and that 4929:
Auschwitz is the German name for the Polish city Oświęcim. Oświęcim is located in Poland, approximately 40 miles (about 64 km) west of Kraków. Germany annexed this area of Poland in 1939.
The liberation of Auschwitz received little press attention at the time; the Red Army was focusing on its advance toward Germany and liberating the camp had not been one of its key aims.
3502:. He writes that most escapes were attempted from work sites outside the camp's perimeter fence. Of the 802 escapes, 144 were successful, 327 were caught, and the fate of 331 is unknown. 10067: 16610: 13186: 9463: 5546: 858:, defined as citizens those of "German or related blood who demonstrate by their behaviour that they are willing and suitable to serve the German People and Reich faithfully", and the 2904:, an area of the camp in sector BIIg that housed 30 barracks used as storage facilities for plundered goods; it derived its name from the inmates' view of Canada as a land of plenty. 12545: 10129: 4208:(1968), the first comprehensive study of the camp and the SS. The court convicted 19 of the defendants, giving six of them life sentences and the others between three and ten years. 2813:
The first gassings at Auschwitz took place on September 3, 1941, when around 850 inmates—Soviet prisoners of war and sick Polish inmates—were killed with Zyklon B in the basement of
Known as block 13 until 1941, block 11 of Auschwitz I was the prison within the prison, reserved for inmates suspected of resistance activities. Cell 22 in block 11 was a windowless
13497: 4638:, passed on 7 April 1933, excluded most Jews from the legal profession and civil service. Similar legislation deprived Jewish members of other professions of the right to practise. 881:. The camp at Auschwitz was established in April 1940, at first as a quarantine camp for Polish political prisoners. On 22 June 1941, in an attempt to obtain new territory, Hitler 9617: 4945: 1266:
offered inconsistent accounts after the war, suggesting the extermination began in December 1941, January 1942, or before the establishment of the women's camp in March 1942. In
963: 16637: 1583:
concentration camp, a source of cheap labour, the site had good railway connections and access to raw materials. In February 1941, Himmler ordered that the Jewish population of
843: 11638: 12843: 1294:, transports of Jews unfit for work were sent to the gas chamber at Auschwitz from autumn 1941. The evidence for this and the February 1942 transport was contested in 2015 by 15062: 14306: 12926: 10160: 6647: 2400:
in an effort to glue them shut. Prisoners were infected with spotted fever for vaccination research and exposed to toxic substances to study the effects. In one experiment,
6686: 4555:
of Auschwitz II-Birkenau during a ceremony at the camp below. All three pilots were descendants of Holocaust survivors, including the man who led the flight, Major-General
3521: 1172:
An inmate's first encounter with Auschwitz, if they were registered and not sent straight to the gas chamber, was at the prisoner reception centre near the gate with the
16272: 8274: 2864:
Jewish women and children from Hungary walking toward the gas chamber, Auschwitz II, May/June 1944. The gate on the left leads to sector BI, the oldest part of the camp.
676: 10098: 9584: 14663: 10830:
Haar, Ingo (2009). "Inklusion und Genozid: Raum- und Bevölkerungspolitik im besetzten Polen 1939 bis 1944". In Beer, Mathias; Beyrau, Dietrich; Rauh, Cornelia (eds.).
confidently awaiting the day when Polish planes from Great Britain will enable their escape. This is the prisoners unanimous demand to the Polish Government in London.
4635: 3808:
and other prisoners began the job of dismantling the buildings and cleaning up the site. On 18 January 1945, Engelbert Marketsch, a German criminal transferred from
10036: 3280: 14698: 14653: 12730: 9438: 3418:
in London first reported the gassing of prisoners in Auschwitz on 21 July 1942, and reported the gassing of Soviet POWs and Jews on 4 September 1942. In 1943, the
3324: 2158:
Lunch was three-quarters of a litre of watery soup at midday, reportedly foul-tasting, with meat in the soup four times a week and vegetables (mostly potatoes and
1673:, built factories with their own subcamps. There were around 28 camps near industrial plants, each camp holding hundreds or thousands of prisoners. Designated as 1362:
estimated that up to 10,000 people had been murdered in Auschwitz I. The last inmates gassed there, in December 1942, were around 400 members of the Auschwitz II
14693: 14688: 14673: 1270:, he wrote: "In the spring of 1942 the first transports of Jews, all earmarked for extermination, arrived from Upper Silesia." On 15 February 1942, according to 859: 4177:, one of the suppliers of Zyklon B, were arrested by the British after the war and executed for knowingly supplying the chemical for use on humans. The 180-day 2993:, dried on the brick floor of the crematoria, combed, and placed in paper bags. The hair was shipped to various companies, including one manufacturing plant in 1965:, where three days later they were asked to step forward during roll call. No one did, and because the SS did not have their records, several of them survived. 1643:
concentration camps. The 800 inmates who had been left behind in the Monowitz hospital were liberated along with the rest of the camp on 27 January 1945 by the
14678: 3070:, based on records that had been destroyed. Höss regarded this figure as "far too high. Even Auschwitz had limits to its destructive possibilities," he wrote. 136: 9635: 6204: 4877: 1961:
short; they were regularly murdered and replaced. About 100 survived to the camp's liquidation. They were forced on a death march and by train to the camp at
16662: 16307: 14683: 14658: 14416: 13490: 4538:
nuns founded a convent in 1984 in a former theater outside the camp's perimeter, near block 11 of Auschwitz I, after which a local priest and some survivors
679:, and up to 15,000 others. Those not gassed were murdered via starvation, exhaustion, disease, individual executions, or beatings. Others were killed during 9709: 3241:
Moravia (46,000), Slovakia (27,000), Belgium (25,000), Germany and Austria (23,000), Yugoslavia (10,000), Italy (7,500), Norway (690), and others (34,000).
846:; their businesses were denied access to markets, forbidden from advertising in newspapers, and deprived of government contracts. On 15 September 1935, the 14916: 11238:(2000). "Appendix 3. Notes by Members of the Sonderkommando The Extermination Procedure in the Bunker". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.). 9536: 1156: 12050:; Setkiewicz, Piotr (2000). "The Construction, Expansion and Development of the Camp and its Branches". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.). 11345:
Lasik, Aleksander (2000b). "The Apprehension and Punishment of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Staff". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
9819: 2985:, but at Auschwitz it was done after death. By 6 February 1943, the Reich Economic Ministry had received 3,000 kg of women's hair from Auschwitz and 1216:
crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over. By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours.
9412: 8117: 6629: 6599: 3506: 2722:) shows that 20,946 Roma were registered prisoners, and another 3,000 are thought to have entered unregistered. On 22 March 1943, one transport of 1,700 1595:(Auschwitz III subcamp), and later as the Monowitz concentration camp, it was the first concentration camp to be financed and built by private industry. 1536:
were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day.
14627: 8306: 3990:
on 2 February 1945 but made no mention of Jews; inmates were described collectively as "victims of Fascism". It was when the Western Allies arrived in
3582:(no. 84216) also escaped to Slovakia; the Rosin-Mordowicz report was added to the Vrba-Wetzler and Tabeau reports to become what is known as the 3268: 16438: 15314: 12967: 12919: 9478: 869:
in September 1939, triggering World War II, Hitler ordered that the Polish leadership and intelligentsia be destroyed. The area around Auschwitz was
11578: 9986: 9793: 8571: 2600:
The "death wall" showing the death-camp flag, the blue-and-white stripes with a red triangle signifying the Auschwitz uniform of political prisoners
and kicked each other in an effort to get a few more inches' space on which to sleep a little more comfortably. For they did not have long to sleep.
15420: 13483: 13057: 11141: 3919:
The first in the camp complex to be liberated was Auschwitz III, the IG Farben camp at Monowitz; a soldier from the 100th Infantry Division of the
1282:, Poland), arrived at Auschwitz I and was sent straight to the gas chamber. In 1998 an eyewitness said the train contained "the women of Beuthen". 14622: 12688: 9381: 16023: 9291: 4126:. The trials ended on 22 December 1947, with 23 death sentences, seven life sentences, and nine prison sentences ranging from three to 15 years. 277: 12635: 5043: 3308: 1503:
The first gas chamber at Auschwitz II was operational by March 1942. On or around 20 March, a transport of Polish Jews sent by the Gestapo from
sent to Auschwitz, 1.1 million were murdered. The number of victims includes 960,000 Jews (865,000 of whom were gassed on arrival), 74,000
Iwaszko, Tadeusz (2000a). "Reasons for confinement in the camp and categories of prisoners". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
10059: 3869:
revolt in October, and the rest of it was destroyed later. On 26 January, one day ahead of the Red Army's arrival, crematorium V was blown up.
3152: 14632: 9454: 5543: 2877: 16839: 16642: 14959: 14637: 6258: 4941: 3678:(1984), Wyman argued that, since the IG Farben plant at Auschwitz III had been bombed three times between August and December 1944 by the US 1799: 15425: 15337: 15095: 14712: 12912: 12723: 11888: 10121: 4578: 1938:
Although the SS oversaw the murders at each gas chamber, the forced labor portion of the work was done by prisoners known from 1942 as the
12541: 11963: 4574:
sign over the main camp's gate was stolen in December 2009 by a Swedish former neo-Nazi and two Polish men. The sign was later recovered.
2300:) BIa; it was later extended into BIb, and by October 1943 it held 32,066 women. In 1943–1944, about 11,000 women were also housed in the 16884: 16849: 16341: 16165: 14944: 12621: 11316:
Lasik, Aleksander (2000a). "Organizational Structure of Auschwitz Concentration Camp". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
4916: 3841: 3809: 1962: 1640: 9613: 5249: 3025: 16302: 15229: 14301: 12525: 4614: 4192: 3878: 3641:. Written by Auschwitz prisoners in or around December 1940, the report described the camp's atrocious living conditions and asked the 2292:
Women were at first held in blocks 1–10 of Auschwitz I, but from 6 August 1942, 13,000 inmates were transferred to a new women's camp (
1836: 1747: 648:
established the camp's reputation for sadism. Prisoners were beaten, tortured, and executed for the most trivial of reasons. The first
12823: 12347:
Szabó, Zoltán Tibori (2011). "The Auschwitz Reports: Who Got Them, and When?". In Braham, Randolph L.; vanden Heuvel, William (eds.).
10998: 9694: 4980: 4507:; hair, suitcases, and shoes taken from murdered prisoners; canisters of Zyklon B pellets; and other objects related to the killings. 4388:
survey found that 40 percent of 14-year-olds in Germany did not know what Auschwitz was. The following year a survey organized by the
15100: 14668: 14409: 12838: 11642: 7434: 4664:
in the spring of 1940. At the same time, a further 100 SS men—officers and SS enlisted men—were sent to reinforce the camp garrison."
2347:. Mandl and Hössler were executed after the war. Sterilisation experiments were carried out in barracks 30 by a German gynecologist, 692:
units, consisting of prisoners who operated the gas chambers, launched an unsuccessful uprising. After the Holocaust ended, only 789
15525: 13151: 4087:. Extradited to Poland on 25 May 1946, he wrote his memoirs in custody, first published in Polish in 1951 then in German in 1958 as 16376: 15825: 14909: 13303: 9095: 4303: 3755:, where they hid in the granary of an Auschwitz satellite camp, but the SS pursued and killed them by setting the granary on fire. 3398:, detailed his life in Auschwitz I and estimated that 1.5 million people, mostly Jews, had been murdered. On 1 July 1942, the 2758: 1318: 11038:
Iwaszko, Tadeusz (2000b). "The Housing, Clothing and Feeding of the Prisoners". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
10152: 6643: 1161:
The first mass transport—of 728 Polish male political prisoners, including Catholic priests and Jews—arrived on 14 June 1940 from
Construction of Auschwitz II began the following month, and from 1942 until late 1944 freight trains delivered Jews from all over
16874: 16829: 16724: 16245: 15973: 15368: 15319: 15137: 15034: 14331: 12716: 12679: 7687: 6690: 4552: 4393: 4292: 720: 3384:
based a story on it, writing that "three crematorium furnaces were insufficient to cope with the bodies being cremated", as did
About 30 percent of the registered inmates were female. The first mass transport of women, 999 non-Jewish German women from the
became ubiquitous, and legislation was passed excluding them from certain professions, including the civil service and the law.
15549: 14363: 12743: 10288:
Biddle, Tami Davis (2000). "Allied Air Power: Objectives and Capabilities". In Neufeld, Michael J.; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
4582: 4351:, became a classic of Holocaust literature, an "imperishable masterpiece". Wiesel wrote about his imprisonment at Auschwitz in 3178: 1858:) to oversee the arrival of Hungary's Jews, which made him the superior officer of all the commandants of the Auschwitz camps. 1849:
of Auschwitz II from 22 November 1943, followed by Josef Kramer from 15 May 1944 until the camp's liquidation in January 1945.
14256: 10411:(2000). "A Calendar of the Most Important Events in the History of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp". In Długoborski, Wacław; 3428:
buried notes in the ground, hoping they would be found by the camp's liberators. The group also smuggled out photographs; the
16879: 16859: 16824: 14767: 14261: 12591: 12436: 12391: 12037: 11991: 11938: 11919: 11898: 11606: 11501: 11450: 11431: 11409: 11224: 11079: 10936: 10863: 10790: 10721: 10687: 10633: 10611: 10517: 10371: 10278: 10259: 10214: 10090: 9581: 9326: 3654:
Pierse replied that it was not technically feasible to bomb the camp without harming the prisoners. In May 1944 Slovak rabbi
3424:(Combat Group Auschwitz) was organized within the camp with the aim of sending out information about what was happening. The 2046: 900: 17: 11816:; van Pelt, Robert-Jan (1998) . "The Machinery of Mass Murder at Auschwitz". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 11507: 11322:. Vol. I: The Establishment and Organization of the Camp. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 145–279. 10693: 9510: 3719: 2830: 1909:
Certain prisoners, at first non-Jewish Germans but later Jews and non-Jewish Poles, were assigned positions of authority as
1346:, tens of thousands of Jews were murdered there from France, Holland, Slovakia, Upper Silesia, and Yugoslavia, and from the 15929: 15347: 15187: 14964: 14447: 14402: 13050: 12056:. Vol. I: The Establishment and Organization of the Camp. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 63–138. 4769: 3435:, of events around the gas chambers in Auschwitz II, were smuggled out of the camp in September 1944 in a toothpaste tube. 2858: 870: 563: 181: 12145:
Strzelecka, Irena (2000c). "Women in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
11761:. Vol. I: The Establishment and Organization of the Camp. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 39–62. 11015:. Vol. I: The Establishment and Organization of the Camp. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 11–43. 9901: 3732:, pictured with his wife, Sonia, buried his notebooks near crematorium III. Sonia Gradowski was gassed on 8 December 1942. 1761: 16734: 16567: 16212: 15675: 15415: 14902: 10028: 6822: 4873: 4850: 4099:
opened on 11 March 1947; he was sentenced to death on 2 April and hanged in Auschwitz I on 16 April, near crematorium I.
3532: 2621:
estimate. A Polish government-in-exile report stated that 11,274 prisoners and 6,314 prisoners of war had been executed.
1714: 1405: 13462: 13211: 12401:
Westermann, Edward B. (2004). "The Royal Air Force and the bombing of Auschwitz: first deliberations, January 1941". In
9430: 1169:) patrolled by the SS, Gestapo and local police. By March 1941, 10,900 were imprisoned in the camp, most of them Poles. 739:
wrote memoirs of their experiences, and the camp became a dominant symbol of the Holocaust. In 1947, Poland founded the
16869: 16854: 15763: 15085: 14442: 12481: 12414: 12320: 12288: 12255: 12222: 12189: 12156: 12127: 12094: 12061: 11795: 11766: 11539: 11356: 11327: 11249: 11049: 11020: 10839: 10766: 10747: 10426: 10323: 3783: 3272: 2606: 2481:
was obtained from among a pool of 115 Jewish inmates, chosen for their perceived stereotypical racial characteristics.
1366:, who had been forced to dig up and burn the remains of that camp's mass graves, thought to hold over 100,000 corpses. 218: 11112:
Kitchens, James H. (2000). "The Bombing of Auschwitz Re-examined". In Neufeld, Michael J.; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
1026: 954: 15544: 15289: 12570: 12534: 12372: 12015: 11853: 11829: 11745: 11722: 11695: 11564: 11480: 11388: 11306: 11283: 11205: 11182: 11127: 11102: 10981: 10959: 10885: 10820: 10588: 10495: 10398: 10347: 10301: 10240: 8820:"'From the Heart of Hell'. Publication with manuscripts of Załmen Gradowski, a member of Sonderkommando at Auschwitz" 3845: 2213: 2147: 711:
approached Auschwitz in January 1945, toward the end of the war, the SS sent most of the camp's population west on a
Auschwitz II-Birkenau gatehouse. The train track, in operation from May to October 1944, led toward the gas chambers.
15559: 15495: 14503: 3849: 3833: 2251: 16330: 15787: 15564: 15505: 15480: 15269: 15197: 13993: 6201: 4609: 3995: 3853: 3821: 3260: 2772: 2609:. The 151 accused were led to the wall one at a time, stripped naked and with their hands tied behind their backs. 2496: 1090: 1082: 11682:
Piper, Franciszek (1998a) . "The System of Prisoner Exploitation". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
Neufeld, Michael J. (2000). "Introduction to the Controversy". In Neufeld, Michael J.; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
8278: 3354: 2715:'s most infamous physician, worked in the gypsy family camp from 30 May 1943 when he began his work in Auschwitz. 1046:
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the Auschwitz I camp, 4 April 1944
622: 15408: 15403: 15047: 13043: 9713: 4699: 4657: 4417: 4288: 3801: 1180: 1053:
A former World War I camp for transient workers and later a Polish army barracks, Auschwitz I was the main camp (
1015: 740: 13241: 12283:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 399–418. 12217:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 372–398. 12184:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 347–369. 12151:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 171–200. 11270:(1998a) . "Historical–Sociological Profile of the Auschwitz SS". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 10186: 9528: 8637: 3969:(PCK) set up field hospitals that looked after 4,500 prisoners suffering from the effects of starvation (mostly 2617:" was said the following Sunday on the second floor of Block 4 in Auschwitz I, in a narrow space between bunks. 16225: 16038: 15500: 15020: 14375: 14351: 13146: 11219:. Indiana University Press, in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. pp. 233–234. 10643:
Fleming, Michael (30 August 2016). "Geographies of obligation and the dissemination of news of the Holocaust".
9948: 9815: 4451: 4060:, northern Germany, where he had been working as a farmer under the pseudonym Franz Lang. He was imprisoned in 4041:
Only 789 Auschwitz staff, up to 15 percent, ever stood trial; most of the cases were pursued in Poland and the
3837: 2775:
initiated diplomatic manoeuvers to save the remaining Czech Jews after its representative in Bern received the
German doctors performed a variety of experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. SS doctors tested the efficacy of
836: 16200: 14498: 12122:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 65–70. 12089:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 45–50. 11044:. Vol. II: The Prisoners—Their Life and Work. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 51–63. 10527:
Espín, Oliva M. (Spring 2008). "'The destiny of this people is my own': Edith Stein's paradoxical sainthood".
9404: 8303: 8109: 6625: 4357:(1960) and other works, and became a prominent spokesman against ethnic violence; in 1986, he was awarded the 4247: 3770:
member showed the prosecutors where to dig. The notes were published in several formats, including in 2017 as
to test a cure for tuberculosis. In April 1945, the children were murdered by hanging to conceal the project.
house near the commandant's and administration building, he served as commandant until 11 November 1943, with
After visiting Auschwitz I in March 1941, it appears that Himmler ordered that the camp be expanded, although
16697: 16537: 15700: 15554: 15535: 15515: 15485: 15378: 15042: 14852: 4599: 4016: 3991: 3825: 3669: 3498:, at least 802 prisoners (757 men and 45 women) tried to escape from the camp, according to Polish historian 3475: 3444: 3332: 2666: 2464: 1974: 1660: 1032:
Former prisoner reception center; the building on the far left with the row of chimneys was the camp kitchen.
607: 15607: 13371: 13094: 11293:
Lasik, Aleksander (1998b) . "Rudolf Höss: Manager of Crime". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
Hilberg, Raul (1998) . "Auschwitz and the 'Final Solution'". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
4280: 4130:, an SS doctor who had several former prisoners testify on his behalf, was the only person to be acquitted. 3526: 2004:
or Aso), which included vagrants, prostitutes and the Roma, wore black. Purple was for Jehovah's Witnesses (
916: 704:' failure to act on early reports of mass murder by bombing the camp or its railways remains controversial. 16562: 16125: 15753: 15622: 14508: 13121: 4284: 3752: 2982: 2901: 2537: 1730: 1698: 1014:
Auschwitz I, 2009; the prisoner reception center of Auschwitz I became the visitor reception center of the
928: 129: 16195: 14493: 12770: 11732:
Piper, Franciszek (1998c) . "Gas Chambers and Crematoria". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
11574: 1598: 16744: 16729: 16630: 16476: 16400: 15612: 15569: 15530: 15430: 15264: 15130: 15077: 14343: 13221: 13176: 13166: 13156: 13099: 10621: 9783: 8563: 4212:
also held trials against several former staff members of Auschwitz. One of the defendants they tried was
4042: 3674: 3541: 3349: 2986: 2912: 2614: 2520: 1545: 1070: 920: 371: 357: 15722: 14088: 13590: 13206: 11755:
Piper, Franciszek (2000a). "The Origins of the Camp". In Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942
11153: 6250: 5729: 4471: 4083:. Höss was straightforward about his own role in the mass murder and said he had followed the orders of 1823:
ordered on 27 April 1940 that the camp be established. Living with his wife and children in a two-story
16782: 16602: 16481: 16451: 16370: 16287: 16120: 15758: 15656: 15617: 15574: 15510: 15383: 15259: 14989: 14931: 14872: 14813: 14467: 14371: 14311: 13894: 13457: 13171: 13116: 12997: 12788: 12685: 12664: 12659: 4441: 4178: 4024: 3766:, who kept notes of his time in Auschwitz and buried them near crematorium III; after the war, another 3642: 3429: 3415: 3328: 3013:
river, or used as fertilizer. Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden
2978: 2960: 2736: 2515:
and murdered in August 1943. Brandt and Sievers were executed in 1948 after being convicted during the
2495:(a Nazi research institute), delivered the skeletons to the collection of the Anatomy Institute at the 2478: 2368: 2271: 1979: 1453: 1424: 1322: 1254:
in Berlin on 20 January 1942, the Nazi leadership outlined, in euphemistic language, its plans for the
Historians have disagreed about the date the all-Jewish transports began arriving in Auschwitz. At the
924: 696:
personnel (no more than 15 percent) ever stood trial. Several were executed, including camp commandant
680: 668: 640: 35: 12630: 11192:
Kubica, Helena (1998) . "The Crimes of Josef Mengele". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
9671: 9283: 3906: 1733:. Living conditions in some of the camps were so poor that they were regarded as punishment subcamps. 1631:
evacuated, sending 9,000 inmates, most of them Jews, on a death march to another Auschwitz subcamp at
prohibited marriage and extramarital relations between those with "German or related blood" and Jews.
16240: 16055: 15602: 15579: 15490: 15352: 15204: 15192: 15179: 14974: 14762: 14347: 14038: 13983: 13452: 13181: 13161: 13111: 13017: 12972: 12492: 11399: 7684:"Jewish women and children who have been selected for death, walk in a line towards the gas chambers" 5695:, p. 132, for more on the corpses, p. 140; for 400 prisoners and over 107,000 corpses, see 4808: 4111: 4092: 3999: 3829: 2974: 2634: 2336:, who developed a reputation for cruelty. Höss hired men to oversee the female supervisors, first SS 1923: 1375: 1143: 912: 712: 12808: 9668:"New Survey by Claims Conference Finds Significant Lack of Holocaust Knowledge in the United States" 2412:
of Bayer/IG Farben, who was also an Auschwitz physician and SS captain, and by Auschwitz physicians
16719: 16674: 16220: 16000: 15539: 15520: 15467: 15451: 15398: 15393: 15304: 15294: 15284: 15236: 15219: 15209: 15174: 15169: 15164: 15089: 14793: 14355: 13236: 13133: 13072: 13022: 13007: 12987: 12977: 12962: 12957: 12865: 10339:
The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942
9582:"Simone Veil: Holocaust survivor and first female President of the European Parliament (1927‑2017)" 4971:
Auschwitz-Birkenau, Former German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp - Memorial and Museum.
3924: 3605: 2788: 2703: 1245: 847: 551: 522: 466: 67: 16145: 14185: 10462:
The Nazi concentration Camps: Structure and Aims, the Image of the Prisoner, the Jews in the Camps
Dunin-Wasowicz, Krzysztof (1984). "Forced Labor and Sabotage in the Nazi Concentration Camps". In
4400:, did not know what Auschwitz was, while 22 percent said they had never heard of the Holocaust. A 4220:. Fischer was the highest-ranking SS physician from Auschwitz to ever be tried by a German court. 1057:) and administrative headquarters of the camp complex. Fifty kilometres (31 mi) southwest of 16712: 16702: 16428: 15982: 15710: 15388: 15373: 15299: 15279: 15274: 15254: 15224: 15214: 14803: 14732: 14457: 14291: 13416: 13012: 13002: 12992: 12982: 12935: 12310: 12278: 12245: 12212: 12179: 12146: 12117: 12084: 12051: 11785: 11756: 11346: 11317: 11239: 11169:
Krakowski, Shmuel (1998) . "The Satellite Camps". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
11039: 11010: 10873: 10849: 10416: 9686: 4732: 4694: 4652: 4604: 4069: 3627: 3169: 2723: 2423: 2117:
Auschwitz II brick barracks, sector BI, 2006; four prisoners slept in each partition, known as a
2111: 1872:
Most of the staff were from Germany or Austria, but as the war progressed, increasing numbers of
1623: 1449: 15779: 11955: 4834: 2459:, another German doctor and SS officer, took 20 Polish Jewish children from Auschwitz to use in 1881: 1751: 1336:, wrote that "transport after transport vanished in the Auschwitz crematorium." In the view of 649: 16864: 16423: 16190: 15669: 15247: 15241: 15123: 14513: 14063: 13978: 12873: 12818: 10361: 10357: 9788: 4526:
over the train tracks leading to Auschwitz II-Birkenau on 7 June 1979 and called the camp "the
3699: 3655: 2641:, the Polish long-distance runner, was executed on 15 February that year. In October 1944, 200 2296:
or FKL) in Auschwitz II. This consisted at first of 15 brick and 15 wooden barracks in sector (
2094:" (like this you come to a bad end); and lower down, in doubtful French but in Gothic script: " 771: 701: 660: 15934: 12675: 12112:
Strzelecka, Irena (2000b). "The Working Day for Auschwitz Prisoners". In Długoborski, Wacław;
11821: 11737: 11472: 11298: 11275: 11197: 11094: 10390: 10232: 9314: 8216: 8204: 4908: 1111: 27:
German network of concentration and extermination camps in occupied Poland during World War II
16657: 16282: 16235: 15899: 15650: 15052: 14472: 12364: 12025: 11714: 11687: 11174: 10951: 10780: 10444: 9344:"Realizm w służbie (nieosiągalnego) obiektywizmu. "Dymy nad Birkenau" Seweryny Szmaglewskiej" 5241: 4826: 4680:(Auschwitz commandant from May 1940), the gas chamber at Auschwitz I could hold 1,000 people. 4274:) has been credited with spreading knowledge about the camp to the general public. Historian 4260:
In the decades since its liberation, Auschwitz has become a primary symbol of the Holocaust.
in Italy, it would have been feasible for the other camps or railway lines to be bombed too.
3664: 3563: 3420: 3340:
Information about Auschwitz became available to the Allies as a result of reports by Captain
The corpses were burned in the nearby incinerators, and the ashes were buried, thrown in the
2742: 2049:
between May and early July 1944. The rails led directly to the area around the gas chambers.
in Oranienburg as director of Amt DI, a post that made him deputy of the camps inspectorate.
1391: 1223:, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing 1061:, the site was first suggested in February 1940 as a quarantine camp for Polish prisoners by 855: 832: 317: 313: 97: 13326: 12604: 12273:
Strzelecki, Andrzej (2000b). "Utilization of the Victims' Corpses". In Długoborski, Wacław;
11661:(1991). "Estimating the Number of Deportees to and Victims of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp". 10991: 10812: 16620: 16557: 16140: 15924: 15815: 15793: 15688: 15683: 15664: 14529: 14240: 14125: 13761: 13686: 13630: 11464: 11460: 10333: 9348:
Pamiętnik Literacki. Czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce literatury polskiej
6094:, p. 115; that when the camp was evacuated, 9,054 of the 9,792 inmates were Jews, see 4972: 4531: 4261: 4162: 4115: 3588:. The reports were first published in their entirety in November 1944 by the United States 3575: 3517: 3511: 2389: 2201: 2025: 1832: 1412: 1291: 1287: 1074: 882: 636: 16486: 14367: 14205: 13226: 7430: 4838: 4518:
There have been protracted disputes over the perceived Christianization of the site. Pope
4385: 3579: 2596: 2561:
breaking into the pigsty to steal the pigs' food, putting one's hands into one's pockets.
309: 8: 16707: 16615: 16461: 16048: 15067: 14939: 14579: 14539: 13988: 13811: 13350: 13251: 12828: 12739: 12359:(1998) . "A Site in Search of a Mission". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 12356: 12001: 11813: 11119: 11113: 10481: 10293: 4754: 4512: 4366: 4174: 4080: 3928: 3788: 3714: 3683: 3679: 3623: 3584: 3567: 3470: 3466: 3450: 2776: 2556:
for the slightest infraction of the rules. Polish historian Irena Strzelecka writes that
2512: 2045:
between sectors BI and BII in Auschwitz II, was completed in May 1944 for the arrival of
1644: 1555: 1478: 1359: 744: 724: 430: 15843: 15833: 14589: 13381: 13356: 13316: 12306: 11556: 11550: 10673: 9760: 9343: 9092: 3797: 3751:
into a furnace. After escaping through a fence using wirecutters, they managed to reach
3499: 2588:
cases ("special treatment") for Poles and others regarded as dangerous to Nazi Germany.
2129: 1283: 16844: 16087: 16082: 15589: 14808: 14777: 14564: 14316: 13864: 13801: 13731: 13721: 13640: 13321: 13105: 13081: 12626:. London and New York: Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greystone Press. 12623:
German Occupation of Poland, Extract of note addressed to the allied and neutral powers
12471: 12424: 11089:
Keren, Nili (1998) . "The Family Camp". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.).
11067: 10912: 10660: 10560: 10552: 3812:, became the last prisoner to be assigned a serial number in Auschwitz, number 202499. 3571: 2850:
Crematoria II and III and their chimneys are visible in the background, left and right.
1846: 1295: 1251: 1066: 892: 866: 626: 555: 71: 14857: 14569: 14140: 14078: 13361: 12904: 12797: 11463:(2004). "Operation Barbarossa and the Onset of the Holocaust, June–December 1941". In 10600: 10421:. Vol. V: Epilogue. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 119–231. 7683: 4396:
and others found that 41 percent of 1,350 American adults surveyed, and 66 percent of
4150: 1313:, where they were kept for slave labour; these were the first transports organized by 1100: 782: 16692: 16552: 16383: 16297: 16264: 16178: 15995: 15961: 14832: 14534: 14210: 13937: 13902: 13854: 13696: 13635: 12832: 12775: 12608: 12587: 12566: 12530: 12520: 12500: 12477: 12449:(October 2003). "Indicting Auschwitz? The Paradox of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial". 12432: 12410: 12387: 12368: 12326: 12316: 12294: 12284: 12261: 12251: 12228: 12218: 12195: 12185: 12162: 12152: 12133: 12123: 12100: 12090: 12067: 12057: 12033: 12011: 12005: 11987: 11979: 11915: 11909: 11894: 11884: 11872: 11849: 11843: 11825: 11801: 11791: 11772: 11762: 11741: 11718: 11691: 11670: 11626: 11620: 11602: 11560: 11535: 11528: 11497: 11476: 11446: 11427: 11405: 11384: 11362: 11352: 11351:. Vol. V: Epilogue. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 99–117. 11333: 11323: 11302: 11279: 11255: 11245: 11220: 11201: 11178: 11123: 11098: 11075: 11055: 11045: 11026: 11016: 10977: 10955: 10932: 10916: 10881: 10859: 10835: 10816: 10804: 10786: 10762: 10743: 10717: 10709: 10683: 10664: 10629: 10607: 10584: 10577: 10564: 10544: 10540: 10513: 10491: 10465: 10432: 10422: 10394: 10367: 10343: 10337: 10319: 10297: 10274: 10255: 10236: 10210: 9351: 9322: 4546: 4523: 4492: 4457: 4389: 4358: 4275: 4266: 4154: 3589: 3495: 3290: 3014: 2625:
wrote that "execution orders arrived in an unbroken stream". According to SS officer
2516: 2439:, the "Angel of Death", who worked in Auschwitz II from 30 May 1943, at first in the 2428: 2413: 2255: 2167: 1670: 1132: 896: 878: 686:
At least 802 prisoners tried to escape, 144 successfully, and on 7 October 1944, two
114: 15057: 14742: 14559: 14554: 13560: 12315:. Vol. IV: The Resistance Movement. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 12240:
Strzelecki, Andrzej (2000a). "The Liquidation of the Camp". In Długoborski, Wacław;
11594: 11244:. Vol. IV: The Resistance Movement. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 10832:
Deutschsein als Grenzerfahrung: Minderheitenpolitik in Europa zwischen 1914 und 1950
From the Heart of Hell. Manuscripts of a Sonderkommando Prisoner, Found in Auschwitz
6818: 4586: 4433: 3758:
By the time the rebellion at crematorium IV had been suppressed, 212 members of the
3559: 3488: 3067: 3046:
The Germans tried to conceal how many they had murdered. In July 1942, according to
2171: 1078: 751:. Auschwitz is the site of the largest mass murder in a single location in history. 341: 16669: 16647: 16466: 16456: 16185: 16173: 16155: 16092: 14994: 14599: 14549: 14339: 14160: 14018: 13806: 13796: 13771: 13655: 13645: 13620: 13570: 13411: 13283: 13246: 13231: 12598: 12458: 12446: 12274: 12250:. Vol. V: Epilogue. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. pp. 9–85. 12241: 12208: 12175: 12113: 12080: 12047: 11930: 11658: 11378: 11267: 11137: 10997:. Nuremberg: The International Military Tribunal. 15 April 1946. pp. 396–422. 10904: 10853: 10731: 10652: 10572: 10536: 10412: 4846: 4794: 4676:
writes that, according to post-war testimony from several inmates, as well as from
4673: 4564: 4370: 4343: 4338: 4201: 4084: 4046: 3966: 3936: 3763: 3729: 3304: 3079: 3051: 3035: 2955: 2893: 2504: 2032:
inside Auschwitz II-Birkenau, near the gatehouse, used to transport deportees, 2014
1862: 1850: 1820: 1602: 1571: 1259: 1103: 816: 672: 379: 301: 15838: 15800: 13998: 13968: 13746: 13575: 13406: 13341: 13311: 13293: 10656: 10477: 10187:"Auschwitz Birkenau: German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940–1945)" 4146: 2805: 2727:
and on 2 August 1944 gassed the other 2,897. Ten thousand remain unaccounted for.
2344: 1508: 1306: 16739: 16579: 16572: 16389: 16292: 16150: 16130: 16043: 15879: 15015: 15010: 14867: 14798: 14747: 14727: 14488: 14295: 14225: 14155: 14093: 14083: 14023: 13958: 13826: 13736: 13625: 13610: 13595: 13555: 13421: 13273: 12860:
Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe
Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine and its Underground Water Management System
12783: 12708: 12692: 12639: 11491: 11419: 10677: 10202: 9588: 9514: 9507: 9099: 8826: 8310: 6208: 5550: 4539: 4378: 4170: 4103: 4020: 3857: 3796:
The last mass transports to arrive in Auschwitz were 60,000–70,000 Jews from the
3615: 2670: 2637:, executed on 25 January 1943 with 51 others suspected of resistance activities. 2500: 2486: 2456: 2444: 2193: 2189: 1420: 1301:
Around 20 March 1942, according to Danuta Czech, a transport of Polish Jews from
1241: 904: 903:
to senior Nazis, and from early 1942 freight trains delivered Jews from all over
828: 615: 510: 57: 14737: 14068: 13650: 13530: 13505: 13386: 11523: 10271:
The Holocaust, Religion, and the Politics of Collective Memory: Beyond Sociology
9455:"World Leaders, Gathering to Mark Holocaust, Are Urged to Fight 'Deadly Cancer'" 3888: 2941:) near crematorium III in Auschwitz II. It was found in 1952, signed "A.Y.R.A": 2316:, a Romanian-Jewish gynecologist and inmate of the women's camp, wrote in 1948: 2069: 1768: 1337: 1137: 441:
Auschwitz Birkenau, German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940–1945)
297: 16834: 16796: 16652: 16547: 16446: 16417: 16109: 16073: 16028: 15738: 15645: 14757: 14752: 14584: 14452: 14359: 14281: 14235: 14150: 14048: 14009: 13932: 13791: 13776: 13751: 13691: 13580: 13565: 13545: 13535: 13396: 13288: 12765: 12579: 12402: 11706: 11471:. Lincoln and Jerusalem: University of Nebraska Press and Yad Vashem. pp.  10800: 10311: 9893: 9640: 9426: 6246: 4437: 4353: 4296: 4197: 3738: 3724: 3691: 3638: 3631: 3365: 3341: 3242: 3055: 2844: 2784: 2754: 2750: 2409: 2352: 2278: 2223: 2185: 1940: 1567: 1347: 1342: 1314: 1255: 1219:
The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer
1086: 887: 851: 800: 688: 611: 387: 321: 16033: 15853: 13973: 13781: 13741: 13346: 13216: 12653: 12462: 11876: 10990: 10969: 10782:
We Wept Without Tears: Testimonies of the Jewish Sonderkommando from Auschwitz
10485: 9179: 8222: 8210: 4677: 4053: 4034: 3047: 2622: 1992:) sewn onto on their jackets below their prisoner number. Political prisoners 1812: 1784: 1263: 1114: 697: 16818: 16808: 16542: 16471: 16362: 16230: 16060: 16017: 15863: 15848: 15146: 14954: 14772: 14544: 14285: 14220: 14215: 14200: 14170: 14165: 14135: 14073: 14028: 13942: 13927: 13917: 13912: 13907: 13879: 13869: 13849: 13821: 13711: 13681: 13600: 13585: 13540: 13431: 13401: 13376: 13366: 13336: 13331: 13267: 12949: 12407:
Holocaust. Volume 5: Responses to the persecution and mass murder of the Jews
12330: 12298: 12265: 12232: 12207:
Strzelecka, Irena (2000e). "Punishment and Torture". In Długoborski, Wacław;
12199: 12166: 12137: 12104: 12071: 11839: 11805: 11776: 11674: 11630: 11366: 11337: 11259: 11059: 11030: 10855:
Hanns and Rudolf: The German Jew and the Hunt for the Kommandant of Auschwitz
10548: 10505: 10457: 10436: 9355: 8639:
The Extermination Camps of Auschwitz (Oświęcim) and Birkenau in Upper Silesia
5044:"Auschwitz: a short history of the largest mass murder site in human history" 4842: 4830: 4711: 4315: 4213: 4134: 3981: 3594:
The Extermination Camps of Auschwitz (Oświęcim) and Birkenau in Upper Silesia
3264: 3199: 3174: 3132: 3116: 2712: 2708: 2695: 2679: 2569: 2482: 2460: 2436: 2417: 2393: 2373: 2348: 2014: 1874: 1780: 1584: 1512: 1472:, an architect, was the chief of construction. Based on an initial budget of 1469: 1355: 1275: 1220: 1107: 979: 965: 812: 732: 693: 631: 583: 571: 325: 293: 206: 171: 151: 138: 31: 14175: 12529:. Trans. from the Polish by Barbara Vedder. East Rutherford: Penguin Books. 12079:
Strzelecka, Irena (2000a). "Quarantine on Arrival". In Długoborski, Wacław;
10469: 5068: 4373:, a priest who volunteered to die by starvation in place of a stranger, and 4127: 4002:
in April 1945 that the liberation of the camps received extensive coverage.
3610: 2638: 1435: 86: 16754: 15904: 15889: 15884: 15858: 15811: 15743: 15705: 15455: 14862: 14574: 14381: 14321: 14230: 14195: 14190: 14058: 14043: 13884: 13816: 13786: 13756: 13706: 13676: 13671: 13525: 13426: 13391: 13278: 12632:
Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal
12586:. Trans. from the Polish by Jarek Garlinski. Los Angeles: Aquila Polonica. 12504: 11616: 11235: 10924: 10776: 10408: 10224: 9987:"Auschwitz liberation ceremony will be the last for many survivors present" 9748: 9631: 4764: 4727: 4689: 4647: 4519: 4319: 4300: 4209: 4182: 4142: 4138: 4123: 4119: 3974: 3562:(no. 29162) escaped to Slovakia, carrying detailed information to the 3547: 3386: 2990: 2930: 2884:
resorted to burning corpses in open-air pits as well as in the crematoria.
2610: 2468: 2313: 2267: 2010: 1842: 1828: 1776: 1635:. From Gliwice, prisoners were taken by rail in open freight wagons to the 1411:
Same scene, May/June 1944, with the gate in the background. "Selection" of
1271: 1062: 820: 808: 599: 567: 559: 281: 201: 13716: 12793:
the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park
12612: 11784:
Piper, Franciszek (2000b). Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.).
4427: 3747:
at crematorium II believed that a camp uprising had begun and threw their
3360: 3269:
Responsibility for the Holocaust § Allied knowledge of the atrocities
2581: 1788: 1706: 1202: 16760: 16277: 15894: 15748: 14594: 14130: 14120: 14053: 14033: 13963: 13922: 13859: 13844: 13766: 13726: 13615: 13605: 12813: 11790:. Vol. III: Mass Murder. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 11639:"Permanent exhibition – grounds of former Auschwitz I Concentration Camp" 10908: 9508:"Auschwitz 75 years on: Holocaust Day prompts new anti-Semitism warnings" 5657: 5655: 4397: 4374: 4362: 4334: 4307: 4166: 3659: 3555: 3484: 3059: 2780: 2626: 2508: 2333: 2029: 1816: 1694: 1690: 1486: 1416: 1329: 1094: 874: 736: 591: 345: 337: 333: 329: 10556: 10122:"Poland's Holocaust law triggers tide of abuse against Auschwitz museum" 9614:"Auschwitz-Birkenau: 4 out of 10 German students don't know what it was" 3658:
suggested that the Allies bomb the rails leading to the camp. Historian
2237: 1913:(functionaries), which gave them access to better housing and food. The 16749: 16584: 16357: 16135: 14180: 14145: 13701: 13550: 12802: 12696: 12030:
The Liberation of the Camps: The End of the Holocaust and Its Aftermath
11374: 7916: 7904: 6600:"Tattoos and Numbers: The System of Identifying Prisoners at Auschwitz" 6125: 5973: 5961: 5556: 5025: 5023: 4661: 4556: 4549: 4485: 4460: 4330: 4311: 4217: 4158: 4029: 3944: 3537: 3186: 3039: 2687: 2286: 2059: 1636: 1618: 1473: 824: 764: 728: 353: 305: 289: 285: 10992:"One Hundredth and Eighth Day, Monday, 15 April 1946, Morning Session" 10342:. Lincoln and Jerusalem: University of Nebraska Press and Yad Vashem. 9563: 9479:"Jerusalem hosts largest-ever political gathering for Holocaust forum" 7868: 7507: 7505: 7503: 7078: 7076: 7074: 5652: 3448:
supplement edited by Joel Cang, a former Warsaw correspondent for the
There is also disagreement about how many were gassed in Auschwitz I.
1040: 16589: 16395: 14437: 13874: 13447: 12702: 11911:
Doctors from Hell: the Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans
9382:"General Assembly designates International Holocaust Remembrance Day" 9317:. In Finder, Gabriel N.; Aleksiun, Natalia; Polonsky, Antony (eds.). 9200: 5745: 5376: 4535: 4073: 4057: 3345: 3207: 3195: 2819: 2683: 2630: 2491: 2405: 1886: 1722: 1710: 1609: 1575: 1521: 1462: 1351: 603: 191: 16250: 14462: 14424: 10194: 9956: 5020: 4107: 3932: 3923:
entered the camp around 9 am on Saturday, 27 January 1945. The
in 1978 entitled "Why Auschwitz Was Never Bombed", arguing that the
1702: 1162: 1058: 477: 16115: 15915: 14877: 10227:(1998) . "Gypsies". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 8391: 7592: 7500: 7071: 6227: 6101: 6009: 5949: 4504: 3970: 3940: 3920: 3895: 3395: 3182: 2814: 2767: 2541: 2532: 2448: 2377: 2364: 2270:, this was the first registered transport sent to Auschwitz by the 2159: 1648: 1579: 1559: 1525: 1228: 1224: 1008: 804: 708: 349: 12174:
Strzelecka, Irena (2000d). "Experiments". In Długoborski, Wacław;
First Do No Harm: Medical Ethics in International Humanitarian Law
10742:. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society. pp. 548–564. 8967: 7275: 7273: 6689:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 14 October 2009. Archived from 5781: 5364: 3376:, part of which was published in London in May 1941 in a booklet, 2966:: Women on their way to the gas chamber, Auschwitz II, August 1944 2675: 2150:, was forced to play cheerful music as the workers left the camp. 1901: 11984:
Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer
9858: 9667: 9405:"Kohl visits Auschwitz, vows no repetition of 'unspeakable harm'" 9319:
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 20: Making Holocaust Memory
7784: 4527: 4114:
brought to court 40 former Auschwitz staff, including commandant
3959: 3792:
Ruins of crematorium IV, Auschwitz II, blown up during the revolt
3203: 3010: 2938: 2746: 2471: 2282: 2197: 2073: 1726: 1632: 1504: 1302: 15115: 10679:
The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939–1945
8936:, pp. 27, 36: for "an estimated two-thirds were Jews", see 8463: 7774: 7772: 7321: 5544:"Anniversary of the First Transport of Polish Jews to Auschwitz" 3675:
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941–1945
to Auschwitz. On 27 May 1944, Arnost Rosin (no. 29858) and
on 8 January 1942, the only British news organization to do so.
2380:, Auschwitz I, where medical experiments were performed on women 1452:
notes that, on 10 January 1941, the Polish underground told the
Crematorium I, photographed in 2016, reconstructed after the war
16625: 14949: 13065: 12563:
Auschwitz, Poland, and the Politics of Commemoration, 1945–1979
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Kubica, Helena (2009). "Budy". In Megargee, Geoffrey P. (ed.).
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
10976:. Translated by Constantine FitzGibbon. London: Phoenix Press. 10418:
Auschwitz, 1940–1945. Central Issues in the History of the Camp
10153:"Poland makes partial U-turn on Holocaust law after Israel row" 9736: 9315:"Auschwitz and the Politics of Martyrdom and Memory, 1945–1947" 9228: 8598: 7476: 7285: 7270: 7258: 7128: 7059: 6493: 5393: 5391: 5261: 5259: 4813: 4508: 4405: 4323: 4233: 4096: 4065: 3986: 3191: 2994: 2397: 2385: 2263: 2083: 1824: 1550: 796: 748: 12844:
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine
12596: 11637: 11552:
The Bombing of Auschwitz: Should the Allies Have Attempted It?
The Bombing of Auschwitz: Should the Allies Have Attempted It?
The Literature of Destruction: Jewish Responses to Catastrophe
The Bombing of Auschwitz: Should the Allies Have Attempted It?
9754: 8943: 8059: 8057: 8017: 8015: 8013: 8000: 7998: 6986: 6984: 5134: 5110: 5073:
Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
On 4 September 2003, despite a protest from the museum, three
The Holocaust § Flow of information about the mass murder
essential to the war effort, the German chemical conglomerate
1461:(prisoner-of-war camp) on blueprints—began in October 1941 in 1110:, approved the site in April 1940 on the recommendation of SS- 743:
on the site of Auschwitz I and II, and in 1979 it was named a
15990: 10510:
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust
Resisting the Holocaust: Upstanders, Partisans, and Survivors
9007: 8915: 8893: 8891: 8697: 8586: 7769: 7640: 6877: 6739: 6662: 6565: 6457: 6447: 6445: 6215: 6069: 4745:
This was the third set of serial numbers started in the camp.
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust
designated 27 January, the date of the camp's liberation, as
4061: 3136: 2401: 2076:
in the men's quarantine camp, sector BIIa, Auschwitz II, 2003
or BV) were mostly German and wore green. Asocial prisoners (
1666: 1566:
After examining several sites for a new plant to manufacture
converted into two insulated rooms, the doors of which said "
labor camps and had been deemed unfit for work. According to
1279: 1135:, the first prisoner (who was given serial number 1), became 13506:
Perpetrators, participants, organizations, and collaborators
German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1940–1945)
12542:"Life next to the world's most notorious concentration camp" 10895:
Hayes, Peter (2003). "Auschwitz, Capital of the Holocaust".
8529: 8527: 8487: 7001: 6999: 6729: 6727: 6469: 5388: 5256: 4942:"Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Auschwitz III-Monowitz" 3762:
were still alive and 451 had been killed. The dead included
or Sch), mostly Poles, had a red triangle, while criminals (
891:, ordinary German soldiers, and local collaborators. At the 12669: 11848:. New York: Public Affairs, member of Perseus Books Group. 10734:(1989). "The Czech Transport: A Chronicle of the Auschwitz 9240: 9141: 9034: 8903: 8439: 8403: 8069: 8054: 8027: 8010: 7995: 7892: 7856: 7604: 7309: 7297: 7246: 7198: 7140: 7116: 7088: 7035: 7011: 6981: 5769: 5757: 4952: 4377:, a Jewish convert to Catholicism—were named saints of the 2274:(RSHA) office IV B4, known as the Jewish Office, led by SS 411: 395: 11931:"Auschwitz 70th anniversary: Survivors warn of new crimes" 10974:
Commandant of Auschwitz: The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess
9362: 9070: 8888: 8864: 8793: 8721: 8673: 8661: 8381: 8379: 8351: 8349: 8347: 8192: 7971: 7832: 7702: 7664: 7652: 7210: 7171: 6957: 6889: 6865: 6837: 6799: 6787: 6702: 6700: 6553: 6541: 6529: 6505: 6442: 6418: 6394: 6334: 6322: 5568: 5186: 5122: 1819:
in 1900, was named the first commandant of Auschwitz when
Rosen, Alan (2014). "Tracking Jewish time in Auschwitz".
11573: 10091:"Poland provokes Israeli anger with Holocaust speech law" 9968: 9966: 9569: 9190: 9188: 8955: 8709: 8539: 8524: 8499: 8257: 8255: 8044: 8042: 7961: 7959: 7757: 7719: 7717: 7556: 7488: 7449: 7234: 7222: 7188: 7186: 6996: 6724: 6300: 6298: 6296: 6294: 6292: 6113: 5997: 5985: 5921: 5897: 5861: 5805: 4636:
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
In 2018 the Polish government passed an amendment to its
4401: 3635: 3406: 3100: 2741:
The SS deported around 18,000 Jews to Auschwitz from the
device by administering large doses to female prisoners.
The commandant's and administration building, Auschwitz I
International Youth Meeting Center in Oświęcim/Auschwitz
Piper, Franciszek (1998b) . "The Number of Victims". In
Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews – A History
9129: 8651: 8649: 8366: 8364: 8132: 7820: 7534: 7532: 7466: 7464: 7411: 7353: 7351: 7338: 7336: 7023: 5909: 5793: 5707: 5705: 5592: 5440: 5438: 5436: 5434: 5352: 5222: 3410:
The camp badge for non-Jewish Polish political prisoners
The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland
Roll call in front of the kitchen building, Auschwitz II
14924: 12934: 12340:
London Has Been Informed: Reports by Auschwitz Escapees
12309:(2000). Długoborski, Wacław; Piper, Franciszek (eds.). 10449:
Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz
10185: 9766: 9024: 9022: 8685: 8475: 8451: 8427: 8415: 8376: 8344: 7983: 7616: 6921: 6775: 6751: 6697: 6310: 6173: 6045: 5630: 5628: 5626: 5624: 5622: 5609: 5607: 5580: 5515: 5513: 5294: 5292: 5290: 5210: 5146: 5098: 4891: 4889: 4887: 3630:, arranged for a report to be forwarded to Air Marshal 3254: 860:
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
16508: 12384:
The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial
12363:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11820:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11736:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11713:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11686:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11424:
Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews
11297:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11274:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11217:
Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945. Volume 1
11196:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11173:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  11093:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  10950:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  10811:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  10803:(1998) . "Auschwitz—An Overview". In Gutman, Yisrael; 10389:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  10231:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp.  9963: 9928: 9916: 9846: 9551: 9264: 9185: 9153: 8332: 8285: 8252: 8081: 8039: 7956: 7928: 7880: 7844: 7808: 7796: 7729: 7714: 7375: 7183: 6933: 6712: 6517: 6481: 6430: 6406: 6382: 6370: 6358: 6346: 6289: 5324: 3672:
could and should have attacked Auschwitz. In his book
3249: 2836:
Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz II, May/June 1944
2795: 1141:(camp elder). The others were given positions such as 16780: 11956:"British school students 'stole Auschwitz artefacts'" 11530:
Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers
11152:(315). Warsaw: Towarzystwo WIĘŹ: 5–47. Archived from 10626:
Auschwitz, the Allies and Censorship of the Holocaust
9949:"IAF Pilots Perform Fly-over at Auschwitz Death Camp" 9252: 8995: 8876: 8646: 8361: 7628: 7580: 7568: 7544: 7529: 7517: 7461: 7399: 7387: 7363: 7348: 7333: 7047: 6945: 6577: 5885: 5873: 5849: 5702: 5431: 5403: 5198: 5174: 4133:
Other former staff were hanged for war crimes in the
Several other German industrial enterprises, such as
Auschwitz II-Birkenau gate from inside the camp, 2007
on 27 January 1945, a day commemorated since 2005 as
635:(SS) converted Auschwitz I, an army barracks, into a 12642:. Nuremberg, 14 November 1945 – 1 October 1946. 12046: 11441:
Mais, Yitzchak; Engel, David; Fogelman, Eva (2007).
10273:. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers. 9834: 9117: 9105: 9058: 9046: 9019: 8829:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 27 February 2018. 8765: 8240: 8228: 7874: 7598: 7511: 7082: 6969: 6239: 6233: 6211:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 10 October 2007. 6191: 6143: 6131: 6107: 6095: 6091: 6057: 6033: 6021: 6015: 5979: 5967: 5955: 5939: 5787: 5751: 5717: 5640: 5619: 5604: 5553:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, 13 February 2006. 5510: 5486: 5382: 5370: 5346: 5287: 4884: 4173:, the owner and chief executive officer of the firm 2809:
A reconstruction of crematorium I, Auschwitz I, 2014
2090:" (like this you are clean), and under the second, " 1956:
Because they were witnesses to the mass murder, the
became commandant of Auschwitz I on 11 May 1944 and
First mass transport to Auschwitz concentration camp
11074:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 9710:"CNN poll reveals depth of anti-Semitism in Europe" 9180:
The International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg 1946
9174:, p. 296; for "Franz Lang" and Flensburg, see 8275:"Ethnic origins and number of victims of Auschwitz" 8223:
The International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg 1946
The International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg 1946
7157: 7155: 6763: 6687:"An Original German Train Car at the Birkenau Ramp" 5498: 4369:, serving from 1979 to 1982. Two Auschwitz victims— 3554:about the situation in the camp. On 27 April 1944, 2552:Prisoners could be beaten and killed by guards and 1893: 715:to camps inside Germany and Austria. Soviet troops 566:(in a portion annexed into Germany in 1939) during 245:
Mainly Jews, Poles, Romani, Soviet prisoners of war
12738: 12349:The Auschwitz Reports and the Holocaust in Hungary 11527: 11443:Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust 10599: 10576: 10385:". In Gutman, Yisrael; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 10029:"Court fines UK teens for stealing from Auschwitz" 9453: 5086: 4784:woman and one man; and 15 other men and one woman. 4411: 4408:poll in 2018 found a similar situation in Europe. 4056:was arrested by the British on 11 March 1946 near 3614:Aerial view of Auschwitz II-Birkenau taken by the 3029:New arrivals, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, May/June 1944 2266:, Slovakia, arrived on the same day. According to 2262:. A second mass transport of women, 999 Jews from 1441:Gate with the camp remains in the background, 2009 12490: 11641:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. Archived from 11440: 10060:"Former neo-Nazi jailed for Auschwitz sign theft" 8758:, pp. 155–156; for three killed SS men, see 8469: 8326: 8277:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. Archived from 5672: 5670: 3800:, some 2,000 from Theresienstadt, and 8,000 from 16816: 14425:Resistance, victims, documentation and technical 12342:. Oświęcim: The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 11426:. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 10878:Industry and Ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi Era 10009: 7152: 4793:In his testimony, according to Polish historian 3566:about the gas chambers. The distribution of the 3050:'s post-war memoir, Höss received an order from 2358: 1186: 16283:Civilians targeted during anti-partisan warfare 12032:. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 11812: 9687:"Holocaust Is Fading From Memory, Survey Finds" 6644:"Persecution of Homosexuals in the Third Reich" 6594: 6592: 5839: 3777: 3622:In January 1941, the Commander-in-Chief of the 3457: 2916:Entrance to crematorium III, Auschwitz II, 2008 2578:Polizei-Ersatz-Gefängnis Myslowitz in Auschwitz 2511:. Ultimately 87 of the inmates were shipped to 2305: 1481:wrote, "of the minimum space needed to exist". 1374:"Birkenau" redirects here. For other uses, see 1235: 11625:. New York: International Universities Press. 11577:. Norwegian Nobel Committee. 14 October 1986. 10455: 10316:Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933–1949 8521:, p. 194; for the rest, pp. 232–233. 6221: 5667: 5006: 5004: 5002: 4970: 3894:Young survivors at the camp, liberated by the 2989:. The hair was first cleaned in a solution of 2686:, Germany, 1943; the children were studied by 2467:near Hamburg, where he injected them with the 2285:.) A third transport of 798 Jewish women from 652:—of Soviet and Polish prisoners—took place in 610:. The camps became a major site of the Nazis' 590:, a concentration and extermination camp with 30:"Auschwitz" redirects here. For the city, see 16643:Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law 15131: 14910: 14410: 13491: 13051: 12920: 12724: 12429:KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps 12386:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 11404:. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. 10761:. Oświęcim: Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 10476: 10443: 9864: 9816:"Auschwitz museum plans traveling exhibition" 9742: 9726: 8493: 7790: 7778: 7646: 5456: 5397: 5318: 5281: 5265: 4958: 4299:visited the site in November 1977, the first 4204:. The report became the basis of their book, 2730: 835:in Germany in 1933, acts of violence against 15096:Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust 12497:Oswiecim, Camp of Death (Underground Report) 11890:Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin 10931:. New Haven; London: Yale University Press. 10254:. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword. 10035:. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 30 March 2017. 7431:"Romani children in an orphanage in Germany" 6681: 6679: 6677: 6589: 4579:Act on the Institute of National Remembrance 4569: 4322:, the presidents of Israel and Poland, laid 1689:(external work detail), camps were built at 1173: 544: 536: 523:[kɔntsɛntʁaˈtsi̯oːnsˌlaːɡɐˈʔaʊʃvɪts] 112: 49: 16342:List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust 13066:Camps, ghettos, execution sites and attacks 12476:. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 12272: 12239: 12206: 12173: 12144: 12111: 12078: 12000: 10672: 10464:. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem. pp. 133–142. 9894:"Rabbi unhappy at Auschwitz cross decision" 9730: 9321:. Liverpool University Press. p. 167. 9306: 9246: 9234: 9088: 9076: 9040: 9013: 8985: 8949: 8933: 8921: 8909: 8897: 8838: 8799: 8739: 8445: 8186: 8075: 8063: 8033: 8021: 8004: 7686:. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 7433:. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 7327: 7315: 7303: 7291: 7279: 7264: 7204: 7146: 7134: 7122: 7094: 7065: 7041: 7017: 6990: 6963: 6915: 6895: 6883: 6855: 6843: 6805: 6793: 6745: 6668: 6646:. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 6602:. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 6571: 6463: 6451: 6167: 6119: 6075: 6003: 5927: 5903: 5811: 5574: 5539: 5248:. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 4999: 4076:to testify for the defense in the trial of 2580:(Auschwitz branch of the police station at 2166:lasted 19 hours because a Polish prisoner, 2063: 1791:, an SS resort near Auschwitz, summer 1944. 1617:bunks. IG Farben paid the SS three or four 15138: 15124: 14917: 14903: 14417: 14403: 13498: 13484: 13089: 13058: 13044: 12927: 12913: 12731: 12717: 12526:This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen 12400: 11144:[Auschwitz: Diary of a prisoner]. 9451: 8667: 8267: 5234: 4615:List of victims and survivors of Auschwitz 4188:Nationalsozialistische Konzentrationslager 4010: 3935:, where it was found to contain traces of 3879:Liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp 2646: 2435:The most infamous doctor at Auschwitz was 2258:, became the first Auschwitz women's camp 1831:as his deputy. Succeeded as commandant by 1748:SS command of Auschwitz concentration camp 1286:wrote that the Beuthen Jews were from the 587: 12874:Białowieża Forest / Belovezhskaya Pushcha 12839:Wooden churches of Southern Lesser Poland 12619: 12603:. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. pp.  12423: 12337: 12305: 11978: 11928: 11555:. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp.  11418: 11168: 11136: 11118:. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp.  10880:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10756: 10730: 10716:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10628:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10292:. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp.  9972: 9431:"Germans Reflect on Meaning of Auschwitz" 9402: 9178:, p. 173; for Höss's testimony, see 9135: 8973: 8961: 8937: 8815: 8811: 8715: 8632: 8604: 8592: 8545: 8533: 8518: 8397: 8338: 7763: 7029: 6733: 6674: 6245: 6051: 5598: 5480: 5168: 5152: 5140: 5128: 5116: 4477:End of the rail track inside Auschwitz II 3357:(ZOW, "Union of Military Organization"). 1539: 931:. Most prisoners were gassed on arrival. 831:". Both during and immediately after the 12469: 12445: 12381: 12355: 11599:Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account 11459: 11111: 11037: 11008: 10785:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 10504: 10490:. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 10332: 10310: 10057: 9984: 9452:Halbfinger, David M. (22 January 2020). 9341: 9270: 8858: 8679: 8561: 8138: 8103: 7751: 7110: 6927: 6911: 6871: 6781: 6757: 6706: 6475: 5775: 5763: 5586: 5562: 5531: 5330: 5314: 5216: 5192: 5164: 5104: 4825:Attendees included the president of the 4028: 3965:The Soviet military medical service and 3787: 3718: 3705: 3609: 3494:From the first escape on 6 July 1940 of 3474: 3405: 3359: 3311:("Auschwitz: Diary of a prisoner"), 1942 3024: 2954: 2911: 2907: 2804: 2674: 2595: 2536: 2422: 2372: 2068: 2024: 2006:Internationale Bibelforscher-Vereinigung 1978: 1968: 1900: 1597: 1549: 1369: 908: 15021:Extraordinary (Soviet) State Commission 12805:Prehistoric Striped Flint Mining Region 12766:Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork 12680:United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 12597:Polish Ministry of Information (1942). 12584:The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery 12539: 12431:. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 12409:. London: Routledge. pp. 195–211. 11593: 11548: 11489: 11445:. New York: Museum of Jewish Heritage. 11234: 10945: 10923: 10848: 10834:(in German). Klartext. pp. 35–59. 10708: 10642: 10620: 10451:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 10381:Cohen, Nathan (1998) . "Diaries of the 10356: 10201: 9876: 9840: 9708:Greene, Richard Allen (November 2018). 9630: 9620:from the original on 28 September 2017. 9526: 8703: 8691: 8620: 8505: 8481: 8457: 8433: 8421: 8409: 8385: 8355: 8322: 8150: 7989: 7622: 7610: 7252: 6939: 6316: 5942:, p. 108; for "IG-Auschwitz", see 5915: 5252:from the original on 14 September 2017. 5228: 5069:"Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away" 4394:United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 4329:Notable memoirists of the camp include 4293:International Holocaust Remembrance Day 3702:is an inherently problematic endeavor. 2526: 2443:. Interested in performing research on 2052: 1837:Business and Administration Head Office 1150: 721:International Holocaust Remembrance Day 14: 16817: 15004:Polish, East German, and Soviet trials 14364:Lithuanian Auxiliary Police Battalions 12560: 12351:. New York: Columbia University Press. 11966:from the original on 10 September 2016 11883: 11783: 11754: 11731: 11704: 11681: 11522: 11344: 11315: 11292: 11266: 11214: 11191: 10799: 10714:The Extermination of the European Jews 10287: 10268: 10249: 10150: 10119: 10088: 9946: 9934: 9922: 9880: 9852: 9707: 9476: 9425: 9392:from the original on 5 September 2018. 9368: 9312: 9222: 9218: 9194: 9171: 9159: 9147: 8989: 8870: 8854: 8787: 8755: 8743: 8727: 8655: 8642:. War Refugee Board. 26 November 1944. 8291: 8261: 8198: 8170: 8166: 8154: 8087: 8048: 7965: 7950: 7946: 7934: 7922: 7910: 7898: 7886: 7862: 7850: 7838: 7826: 7814: 7802: 7747: 7735: 7723: 7708: 7670: 7658: 7482: 7417: 7405: 7393: 7381: 7357: 7342: 7216: 7192: 7177: 7161: 6951: 6907: 6859: 6718: 6650:from the original on 11 September 2018 6583: 6559: 6547: 6535: 6523: 6511: 6499: 6487: 6436: 6424: 6412: 6400: 6388: 6376: 6364: 6352: 6340: 6328: 6304: 6283: 6279: 6202:"The Budy Massacre—A grim anniversary" 6195: 6179: 6163: 6159: 6147: 5991: 5891: 5879: 5867: 5855: 5843: 5827: 5823: 5735: 5711: 5692: 5680: 5676: 5661: 5646: 5535: 5492: 5464: 5460: 5444: 5425: 5421: 5409: 5310: 5298: 5277: 5204: 5041: 5029: 5014: 5010: 4895: 4347:, first published in Italy in 1947 as 2818:they were to undergo disinfection and 2440: 2301: 1779:(Auschwitz commandant from May 1944), 16507: 16328: 15959: 15450: 15449: 15119: 14898: 14398: 13479: 13039: 12908: 12712: 12548:from the original on 15 February 2021 12346: 12024: 11907: 11862: 11657: 11088: 11066: 10894: 10872: 10775: 10597: 10571: 10526: 10407: 10380: 10252:Images of War: Auschwitz and Birkenau 10223: 10132:from the original on 19 February 2019 10039:from the original on 30 December 2019 9781: 9684: 9616:. Deutsche Welle. 28 September 2017. 9600: 9466:from the original on 22 January 2020. 9403:Butturini, Paula (15 November 1989). 9258: 9111: 9028: 9001: 8882: 8842: 8783: 8771: 8759: 8616: 8557: 8370: 8107: 8099: 7977: 7634: 7586: 7574: 7562: 7550: 7538: 7523: 7494: 7470: 7455: 7369: 7240: 7228: 7165: 7053: 7005: 6975: 6819:"Life in the camp: living conditions" 6087: 6063: 6039: 6027: 5943: 5799: 5723: 5696: 5634: 5613: 5519: 5476: 5358: 5342: 5092: 4948:from the original on 22 January 2019. 4880:from the original on 21 January 2019. 4495:standing in front of the "Death Wall" 4306:to do so, followed by his successor, 1890:had access to the victims' property. 1721:, in the Polish village of Budy near 1310: 1227:crystals into their basement cell in 901:Final Solution to the Jewish Question 521: 16840:German extermination camps in Poland 15930:Reich Association of Jews in Germany 11941:from the original on 27 January 2015 11838: 11615: 11581:from the original on 3 November 2013 11510:from the original on 1 February 2023 11397: 11373: 11004:from the original on 9 October 2022. 10968: 10929:The Destruction of the European Jews 10829: 10696:from the original on 1 February 2023 10163:from the original on 3 February 2019 10101:from the original on 8 February 2019 9997:from the original on 1 February 2019 9822:from the original on 21 January 2019 9796:from the original on 31 January 2019 9557: 9539:from the original on 4 February 2019 9489:from the original on 25 January 2020 9206: 9175: 9123: 9064: 9052: 8246: 8234: 8182: 8120:from the original on 3 February 2019 7437:from the original on 1 February 2023 7106: 6769: 6261:from the original on 8 December 2012 5504: 5345:, p. 121; for serial number 1, 5180: 4874:"The unloading ramps and selections" 4770:The Destruction of the European Jews 4463:fly over Auschwitz II-Birkenau, 2003 3255:Camp resistance, flow of information 3224:Total deaths in Auschwitz, 1940–1945 2779:, written by two escaped prisoners, 2660: 2645:were executed for their part in the 1736: 1274:, a transport of Jews from Beuthen, 16735:Armenian genocide and the Holocaust 14925:Aftermath, trials and commemoration 12936:Holocaust in German-occupied Poland 12540:Glenday, James (23 February 2018). 12473:Beyond Justice: The Auschwitz Trial 12361:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11953: 11818:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11734:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11711:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11684:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11295:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11272:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11194:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11171:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 11091:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 10948:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 10809:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 10512:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 10387:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 10229:Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp 10070:from the original on 1 October 2018 10015: 9947:Barkat, Amiram (4 September 2003). 9697:from the original on 18 April 2018. 9674:from the original on 12 April 2018. 9441:from the original on 10 April 2019. 9335: 9294:from the original on 1 October 2022 6821:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 6628:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 4983:from the original on 12 August 2020 4944:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 4851:Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands 3599: 3250:Resistance, escapes, and liberation 2796:Selection and extermination process 2548:the "death wall", Auschwitz I, 2000 2503:. The collection was sanctioned by 1715:Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1122:), the men were known as "greens" ( 656:of Auschwitz I around August 1941. 24: 16885:World War II sites of Nazi Germany 16850:Nazi concentration camps in Poland 16329: 15086:Polish Righteous Among the Nations 12513: 11383:. London: Little, Brown (Abacus). 10858:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 10151:Davies, Christian (27 June 2018). 10058:Paterson, Tom (31 December 2010). 9985:Connolly, Kate (27 January 2015). 9755:Permanent exhibition – Auschwitz I 9477:Holmes, Oliver (22 January 2020). 9415:from the original on 20 July 2019. 9102:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 8574:from the original on 14 April 2019 8313:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. 6825:from the original on 19 March 2016 5042:Arnett, George (27 January 2015). 3784:Death marches during the Holocaust 2304:, as were several thousand in the 2289:, Slovakia, followed on 28 March. 2142:After roll call, to the sound of " 2135:Auschwitz II wooden barracks, 2008 1612:plant in Auschwitz III, July 1942. 1492: 645: 595: 25: 16896: 15145: 14768:Special Prosecution Book – Poland 12647: 12565:. Athens: Ohio University Press. 9904:from the original on 3 March 2020 9648:from the original on 20 July 2019 9636:"German TV Is Sanitizing History" 8110:"Fixing the numbers at Auschwitz" 7690:from the original on 2 March 2020 6914:, p. 55; for the floor, see 6632:from the original on 5 July 2018. 6606:from the original on 13 June 2018 4919:from the original on 13 June 2018 4534:. More controversy followed when 4190:, written by historians from the 3574:in June 1944, helped to halt the 3479:Telegram dated 8 April 1944 from 2950: 1498: 1192: 842:Harassment and economic pressure 16802: 16790: 16298:Polish leaders and intellectuals 15788:Concentration Camps Inspectorate 14945:Population transfers (1944–1946) 13994:Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg 13141: 11575:"The Nobel Peace Prize for 1986" 10541:10.1111/j.1939-3881.2008.00008.x 10318:. New York: St. Martin's Press. 10144: 10120:Davies, Christian (7 May 2018). 10113: 10082: 10051: 10021: 9978: 9940: 9886: 9870: 9818:. Deutsche Welle. 27 July 2017. 9808: 9775: 9720: 9701: 9678: 9660: 9624: 9606: 9594: 9575: 9520: 9501: 9470: 9445: 9419: 9396: 9374: 9276: 9212: 9165: 9082: 8979: 8927: 8848: 8832: 8805: 8777: 8749: 8733: 8626: 8610: 8562:Khaleeli, Homa (11 April 2011). 8551: 8511: 8316: 8297: 8176: 8160: 8144: 8093: 7940: 7875:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 7741: 7676: 7599:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 7512:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 7423: 7100: 7083:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6901: 6849: 6811: 6636: 6618: 6273: 6234:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6192:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6144:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6132:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6108:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6096:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6092:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 6016:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5980:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5968:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5956:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5940:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5788:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5752:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5383:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5371:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 5347:Strzelecka & Setkiewicz 2000 4819: 4800: 4787: 4777: 4748: 4739: 4610:List of Nazi concentration camps 4484: 4470: 4450: 4426: 4246: 4232: 4005: 3905: 3887: 3316: 3297: 3279: 3261:Resistance movement in Auschwitz 2857: 2843: 2829: 2773:Czechoslovak government-in-exile 2396:injected chemicals into women's 2236: 2222: 2128: 2110: 1798: 1760: 1434: 1404: 1390: 1201: 1091:Sachsenhausen concentration camp 1083:Concentration Camps Inspectorate 1069:(security police) and deputy of 1039: 1025: 1007: 953: 844:encouraged Jews to leave Germany 815:, and territorial expansionism, 781: 763: 723:. In the decades after the war, 575: 96: 85: 15048:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 14960:Anti-Jewish violence, 1944–1946 12814:Muskauer Park / Park Mużakowski 12670:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 12338:Świebocki, Henryk, ed. (2002). 11914:. Boulder, Colorado: Sentient. 11601:. New York: Arcade Publishing. 10089:Henley, Jen (1 February 2018). 9782:Curry, Andrew (February 2010). 9685:Astor, Maggie (12 April 2018). 8470:Mais, Engel & Fogelman 2007 6185: 6153: 6137: 6081: 5933: 5833: 5817: 5686: 5565:, pp. 220–221, 396, n. 49. 5525: 5470: 5450: 5415: 5336: 5304: 5271: 5158: 5061: 4721: 4705: 4700:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 4683: 4667: 4658:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 4641: 4628: 4436:, photographed in Auschwitz by 4418:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 4412:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 4289:United Nations General Assembly 4068:for interrogation, part of the 3715:Sonderkommando § Auschwitz 3378:The German Occupation of Poland 2937:, buried his diary (written in 2929:that it took up to 20 minutes. 2800: 2655: 2229:Women in Auschwitz II, May 1944 2207: 1953:burned them in the crematoria. 1578:chose a site near the towns of 1381: 1181:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 1016:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 741:Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum 716: 16875:World Heritage Sites in Poland 16830:1940 establishments in Germany 16226:Attack on the twentieth convoy 16039:1941 pogroms in eastern Poland 14376:Schutzmannschaft Battalion 118 14352:36th Estonian Police Battalion 12892:shared with 17 other countries 12703:Auschwitz-Birkenau photographs 12382:van Pelt, Robert Jan (2016) . 11380:If This is a Man and The Truce 10897:Holocaust and Genocide Studies 10487:Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present 10178: 9570:Norwegian Nobel Committee 1986 5242:"Killing Centers: An Overview" 5035: 4964: 4934: 4901: 4866: 4530:of our age", referring to the 4511:added the camp to its list of 3984:reported on the liberation in 3688:Britain and the Jews of Europe 2892:According to Polish historian 2252:Ravensbrück concentration camp 2214:Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz 2148:Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz 1741: 1127: 939: 895:in Berlin on 20 January 1942, 602:for the chemical conglomerate 13: 1: 15043:Monument to the Ghetto Heroes 14873:Human medical experimentation 11986:. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 11709:; Berenbaum, Michael (eds.). 11142:"Oświęcim. Pamiętnik więźnia" 10657:10.1080/17504902.2016.1209834 10366:. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 9603:; for Kolbe, see p. 139. 8327:Zarembina & Harriman 1944 5842:, pp. 214–215; also see 5826:, pp. 134–136; also see 5013:, pp. 230–231; also see 4600:Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation 4365:was elected President of the 4072:. From there he was taken to 4037:was executed on 16 April 1947 4033:Gallows in Auschwitz I where 4017:End of World War II in Europe 3872: 3670:United States Army Air Forces 3626:and prime minister-in-exile, 3576:deportation of Hungarian Jews 3445:City and East London Observer 3355:Związek Organizacji Wojskowej 3020: 2667:Gypsy family camp (Auschwitz) 2591: 2465:Neuengamme concentration camp 2359:Medical experiments, block 10 2351:, and another German doctor, 2020: 1975:Nazi concentration camp badge 1661:List of subcamps of Auschwitz 1187:Crematorium I, first gassings 754: 653: 515:Konzentrationslager Auschwitz 269:Soviet Union, 27 January 1945 111:Gate to Auschwitz I with its 51:Konzentrationslager Auschwitz 16880:World War II sites in Poland 16860:Registered museums in Poland 16825:Auschwitz concentration camp 16563:Jewish war conspiracy theory 15754:Extermination through labour 10738:". In Roskies, David (ed.). 9517:. BBC News, 27 January 2020. 9342:Morawiec, Arkadiusz (2009). 4876:. Auschwitz-Birkenau State. 4860: 4621: 3778:Evacuation and death marches 2887: 2690:and later sent to Auschwitz. 1593:KL Auschwitz III–Aussenlager 1511:was taken straight from the 1236:First mass transport of Jews 664: 663:to its gas chambers. Of the 502:Auschwitz concentration camp 237:May 1940 – January 1945 7: 16745:Righteous Among the Nations 15960: 15431:Righteous Among the Nations 15078:Righteous Among the Nations 14965:Ministry of Public Security 14344:Belarusian Auxiliary Police 12954:Related articles by country 12499:. New York: Poland Fights. 12447:Wittmann, Rebecca Elizabeth 11622:I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz 10682:. New York: HarperCollins. 10583:. New York: Penguin Books. 10269:Berger, Ronald J. (2017) . 9670:. Claims Conference. 2018. 9527:Simpson, Mona (June 2007). 9091:, pp. 49–50; also see 7925:, p. 169, n. 490. 7913:, p. 169, n. 489. 5840:Pressac & van Pelt 1998 5664:, p. 133, n. 419. 5313:, pp. 52–53; also see 4994:killed in the gas chambers. 4763:Earlier estimates included 4592: 4193:Institut für Zeitgeschichte 4043:Federal Republic of Germany 3912:Eyeglasses of victims, 1945 3542:Righteous Among the Nations 3309:Oświęcim, pamiętnik więźnia 3058:'s office and SS commander 2521:Subsequent Nuremberg trials 2507:and under the direction of 2497:Reichsuniversität Straßburg 2325:Langefeld was succeeded as 2188:tried to keep track of the 2096:La propreté, c'est la santé 1713:, and as far afield as the 1654: 1546:Monowitz concentration camp 1524:plant being constructed at 1321:(the Jewish office) in the 1262:, the Auschwitz commandant 1089:, former commandant of the 1075:Higher SS and Police Leader 1071:Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski 871:annexed to the German Reich 639:. The initial transport of 550:) was a complex of over 40 119:sign ("work sets you free") 10: 16901: 16482:Ukrainian Auxiliary Police 16452:Lithuanian Security Police 16371:Reich Security Main Office 15338:Evidence and documentation 14990:Frankfurt Auschwitz trials 14372:Ukrainian Auxiliary Police 12620:Raczyński, Edward (1941). 12493:Harriman, Florence Jaffray 12470:Wittmann, Rebecca (2005). 11954:Staff (9 September 2016). 10757:Gradowski, Zalmen (2017). 10598:Evans, Richard J. (2008). 9350:(in Polish) (1): 121–143. 8564:"I escaped from Auschwitz" 5483:, pp. 126–127, n. 50. 5032:, p. 116, n. 19. 4415: 4179:Frankfurt Auschwitz trials 4025:Frankfurt Auschwitz trials 4014: 3876: 3781: 3712: 3643:Polish government-in-exile 3603: 3572:publication of parts of it 3464: 3416:Polish government-in-exile 3329:Polish government-in-exile 3258: 2737:Theresienstadt family camp 2734: 2731:Theresienstadt family camp 2664: 2613:noted that a "clandestine 2530: 2479:Jewish skeleton collection 2369:Nazi human experimentation 2362: 2306:Theresienstadt family camp 2272:Reich Security Head Office 2211: 2144:Arbeitskommandos formieren 1972: 1745: 1658: 1543: 1496: 1454:Polish government-in-exile 1373: 1323:Reich Security Head Office 1239: 1190: 1154: 431:UNESCO World Heritage Site 36:Auschwitz (disambiguation) 29: 16870:Tourism in Eastern Europe 16855:Nazi war crimes in Poland 16698:Books and other resources 16685: 16601: 16530: 16526: 16503: 16437: 16409: 16350: 16337: 16324: 16263: 16211: 16164: 16101: 16071: 16009: 15981: 15972: 15968: 15955: 15913: 15872: 15824: 15810: 15772: 15731: 15631: 15588: 15466: 15462: 15445: 15361: 15330: 15230:Bulgarian-occupied Greece 15157: 15153: 15076: 15033: 15003: 14982: 14973: 14930: 14894: 14845: 14825: 14786: 14763:Sobibor perpetrator album 14720: 14711: 14646: 14615: 14608: 14522: 14481: 14430: 14394: 14348:Estonian Auxiliary Police 14330: 14274: 14249: 14113: 14106: 14007: 13951: 13893: 13835: 13664: 13518: 13511: 13475: 13458:Human medical experiments 13440: 13302: 13260: 13199: 13132: 13080: 13071: 13035: 13031: 12942: 12882: 12852: 12784:Historic Centre of Warsaw 12750: 12561:Huener, Jonathan (2003). 12463:10.1191/0266355403gh294oa 11929:Staff (27 January 2015). 11893:. New York: Basic Books. 11401:The Drowned and the Saved 9865:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 9784:"Can Auschwitz Be Saved?" 9743:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 9727:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 9313:Huener, Jonathan (2007). 8400:, pp. 68–69, n. 115. 8108:Stets, Dan (7 May 1992). 7791:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 7779:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 7647:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 5457:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 5398:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 5319:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 5282:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 5266:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 4959:Dwork & van Pelt 2002 4809:The Drowned and the Saved 4253:Auschwitz II gate in 1959 4223: 4141:, including camp leaders 4112:Supreme National Tribunal 4102:On 25 November 1947, the 4093:Supreme National Tribunal 3939:, the main ingredient of 3400:Polish Fortnightly Review 3382:Polish Fortnightly Review 3327:", a paper issued by the 2607:National Independence Day 2489:, general manager of the 2294:Frauenkonzentrationslager 1376:Birkenau (disambiguation) 1340:, one of the Auschwitz I 944: 495: 491: 483: 473: 461: 453: 445: 437: 428: 424: 406: 363: 273: 265: 261:At least 1.1 million 257: 253:At least 1.3 million 249: 241: 233: 225: 213: 197: 187: 177: 167: 128: 78: 66: 45: 16288:People with disabilities 16221:Aid and Rescue Committee 15011:Auschwitz trial (Poland) 14356:Latvian Auxiliary Police 14089:Karl Eberhard Schöngarth 13591:Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger 12866:Bieszczady National Park 12798:Krakow's Historic Centre 12771:Centennial Hall, Wrocław 12600:The Black Book of Poland 12544:. ABC News (Australia). 12010:. New York: Ecco Press. 11871:(2). Yad Vashem: 11–46. 11845:Auschwitz: A New History 11534:. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 11490:Mehring, Sigrid (2015). 10579:The Third Reich in Power 10334:Browning, Christopher R. 10193:. UNESCO. Archived from 9587:21 November 2019 at the 8976:, pp. 335, 597–598. 8825:29 December 2019 at the 8560:, p. 150; also see 8185:, p. 188; also see 8153:, p. 958; also see 8106:, p. 109; also see 7949:, p. 162; also see 6502:, pp. 180–181, 184. 6207:26 February 2020 at the 5738:, pp. 144, 155 for 4239:Barracks at Auschwitz II 3696:Auschwitz and the Allies 3606:Auschwitz bombing debate 3483:reporting the escape of 2718:The Auschwitz registry ( 2694:A separate camp for the 2605:November 1941, Poland's 1931:(barracks orderly), and 1246:Beuthen Jewish Community 934: 883:invaded the Soviet Union 827:became obsessed by the " 788:Auschwitz I, II, and III 487:Europe and North America 372:Man's Search for Meaning 16429:Order Police battalions 15101:Garden of the Righteous 14853:Identification in camps 14846:Technical and logistics 14292:Order Police battalions 9513:28 January 2020 at the 8786:, p. 44; also see 7485:, p. 55, note 145. 5549:14 January 2020 at the 4605:Censorship in Auschwitz 4206:Anatomy of the SS State 4091:. His trial before the 4089:Kommandant in Auschwitz 4070:British occupation zone 4011:Trials of war criminals 3522:Stanisław Gustaw Jaster 3153:Soviet prisoners of war 3127:74,000 (70,000–75,000) 2759:International Red Cross 1358:ghettos. Against this, 1268:Kommandant in Auschwitz 1065:, the inspector of the 677:Soviet prisoners of war 629:in September 1939, the 16278:Soviet urban residents 15369:International response 15343:Contemporary knowledge 14514:Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 13979:Heinrich Klaustermeyer 12809:Medieval Town of Toruń 11908:Spitz, Vivien (2005). 10602:The Third Reich at War 10460:; Saf, Avital (eds.). 10445:Didi-Huberman, Georges 10209:. New York: ABC-CLIO. 9591:. European Commission. 9098:5 January 2020 at the 5246:Holocaust Encyclopedia 4759:The Case for Auschwitz 4570: 4264:'s 1945 autobiography 4196:in Germany, including 4118:, women's camp leader 4064:, then transferred to 4038: 3955: 3793: 3772:From the Heart of Hell 3733: 3700:counterfactual history 3662:published an essay in 3656:Michael Dov Weissmandl 3652: 3619: 3516:(serial number 8502), 3505:Four Polish prisoners— 3491: 3440:Polish Jewish Observer 3411: 3368: 3307:report from Auschwitz 3030: 2967: 2948: 2917: 2810: 2789:visited Theresienstadt 2691: 2601: 2549: 2432: 2431:, Nuremberg, 1946–1947 2427:Defendants during the 2381: 2329:in October 1942 by SS 2323: 2181: 2100: 2077: 2033: 1984: 1917:(camp elite) included 1906: 1787:(first commandant) in 1783:(camp physician), and 1613: 1563: 1540:Auschwitz III–Monowitz 1423:, taken by the camp's 1174: 1147:and block supervisor. 911:in Poland: Auschwitz, 799:combined elements of " 772:German-occupied Europe 661:German-occupied Europe 623:initiated World War II 596:Auschwitz III-Monowitz 545: 537: 514: 358:Władysław Bartoszewski 182:German-occupied Poland 113: 50: 34:. For other uses, see 16725:Memorials and museums 16663:Reparations Agreement 16658:Holocaust restitution 16236:Le Chambon-sur-Lignon 15759:Human experimentation 15598:Auschwitz II-Birkenau 15053:Majdanek State Museum 14186:Karl-Friedrich Höcker 13090:Auschwitz II-Birkenau 12789:Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 12779:in Jawor and Świdnica 12686:"The Auschwitz Album" 11465:Browning, Christopher 11398:Levi, Primo (2017) . 10606:. New York: Penguin. 9712:. CNN. Archived from 8706:, pp. 4–5, 9–10. 8304:"Jehovah's Witnesses" 6626:"System of triangles" 6251:"Picturing Auschwitz" 6146:, pp. 103, 119; 5740:Kriegsgefangenenlager 5424:, pp. 121, 133; 5143:, pp. 41, 67–69. 5119:, pp. 32–35, 41. 4827:World Jewish Congress 4540:erected a large cross 4032: 4015:Further information: 3950: 3791: 3782:Further information: 3722: 3713:Further information: 3647: 3613: 3564:Slovak Jewish Council 3558:(no. 44070) and 3552:Polish Major's report 3478: 3465:Further information: 3421:Kampfgruppe Auschwitz 3409: 3374:The camp in Auschwitz 3363: 3076:Nationality/ethnicity 3028: 3006:from victims' teeth. 2958: 2943: 2915: 2908:Inside the crematoria 2808: 2743:Theresienstadt ghetto 2724:Polish Sinti and Roma 2700:Zigeunerfamilienlager 2678: 2599: 2540: 2426: 2376: 2340:Paul Müller, then SS 2318: 2281:. (Office IV was the 2176: 2155:bladders and bowels. 2079: 2072: 2028: 1982: 1973:Further information: 1969:Tattoos and triangles 1904: 1835:, Höss joined the SS 1659:Further information: 1601: 1562:, and nearby subcamps 1553: 1497:Further information: 1459:Kriegsgefangenenlager 1370:Auschwitz II-Birkenau 1240:Further information: 1191:Further information: 1155:Further information: 856:Reich Citizenship Law 833:Nazi seizure of power 770:Camps and ghettos in 588:Auschwitz II-Birkenau 318:Tadeusz Pietrzykowski 152:50.03583°N 19.17833°E 18:Auschwitz II Birkenau 15925:Jewish Ghetto Police 15794:Politische Abteilung 15689:Risiera di San Sabba 15550:Natzweiler-Struthof 14530:Mordechai Anielewicz 14241:Elisabeth Volkenrath 14126:Jenny-Wanda Barkmann 13762:Arthur Liebehenschel 13687:Hermine Braunsteiner 13631:Arthur Seyss-Inquart 12740:World Heritage Sites 12691:17 July 2018 at the 12638:28 June 2011 at the 12491:Zarembina, Natalia; 12357:van Pelt, Robert-Jan 12007:Auschwitz: A History 12002:Steinbacher, Sybille 11814:Pressac, Jean-Claude 11072:Doctors Under Hitler 10482:van Pelt, Robert Jan 10250:Baxter, Ian (2017). 10197:on 22 November 2019. 9716:on 27 November 2018. 9221:, pp. 296–297; 9150:, pp. 108, 113. 8607:, p. 12–13, 23. 7980:, pp. 529, 531. 7901:, pp. 166, 168. 7865:, pp. 162, 169. 7330:, pp. 382, 384. 6198:, pp. 233–234. 5463:, pp. 157–158; 4973:"Poles in Auschwitz" 4845:, the film director 4835:Bronisław Komorowski 4583:"Polish death camps" 4553:performed a fly-over 4532:crucifixion of Jesus 4513:World Heritage Sites 4262:Seweryna Szmaglewska 4175:Tesch & Stabenow 4163:Elisabeth Volkenrath 4116:Arthur Liebehenschel 4078:SS-Obergruppenführer 3518:Kazimierz Piechowski 3234:1,080,000–1,085,000 2878:Holocaust in Hungary 2635:Edward Gött-Getyński 2527:Punishment, block 11 2202:weekly Torah portion 2053:Life for the inmates 1882:SS-Totenkopfverbände 1833:Arthur Liebehenschel 1752:SS-Totenkopfverbände 1292:Christopher Browning 1288:Organization Schmelt 1151:First mass transport 637:prisoner-of-war camp 16703:Days of remembrance 16616:Holocaust survivors 16611:Depopulated shtetls 16462:Rollkommando Hamann 16308:Jehovah's Witnesses 16126:Kamianets-Podilskyi 15188:Bohemia and Moravia 15068:March of the Living 14940:Holocaust survivors 14804:Vrba–Wetzler report 14580:Alexander Pechersky 14540:Mordechai Tenenbaum 13989:Alexander Palfinger 13812:Johann Schwarzhuber 13372:Międzyrzec Podlaski 13351:Lviv pogroms (1941) 13252:Sonderaktion Krakau 12895:shared with Belarus 12889:shared with Ukraine 12886:shared with Germany 12655:Drone footage, 2015 12425:Wachsmann, Nikolaus 10191:World Heritage List 9867:, pp. 369–370. 9769:World Heritage List 9429:(28 January 1995). 9388:. 1 November 2005. 9371:, pp. 382–383. 9284:"Wollheim Memorial" 9237:, pp. 138–139. 9225:, pp. 296–297. 9209:, Publisher's Note. 8873:, pp. 173–174. 8746:, pp. 153–154. 8730:, pp. 181–187. 8595:, pp. 203–204. 8412:, pp. 131–132. 8309:1 June 2019 at the 8281:on 2 February 2019. 8201:, pp. 210–213. 8102:, pp. 49–103; 7841:, pp. 109–110. 7793:, pp. 341–343. 7711:, pp. 161–162. 7673:, pp. 159–160. 7661:, pp. 157–159. 7613:, pp. 231–232. 7565:, pp. 190–191. 7497:, pp. 449–450. 7458:, pp. 447–448. 7294:, pp. 384–385. 7282:, pp. 373–376. 7267:, pp. 371–372. 7255:, pp. 161–163. 7243:, pp. 232–234. 7231:, pp. 124–125. 7219:, pp. 323–324. 7180:, pp. 320–323. 7137:, pp. 114–115. 7068:, pp. 172–173. 7008:, pp. 143–144. 6693:on 25 January 2019. 6562:, pp. 188–189. 6550:, pp. 180–181. 6538:, pp. 190–191. 6514:, pp. 170–171. 6478:, pp. 519–520. 6427:, pp. 272–273. 6403:, pp. 323–324. 6343:, pp. 153–157. 6331:, pp. 294–295. 6222:Dunin-Wasowicz 1984 6134:, pp. 103–104. 5994:, pp. 151–152. 5982:, pp. 111–112. 5970:, pp. 109–110. 5870:, pp. 165–166. 5802:, pp. 138–139. 5778:, pp. 122–123. 5766:, pp. 118–119. 5428:, pp. 158–159. 5361:, pp. 121–122. 4841:, German President 4837:, French President 4833:, Polish president 4755:Robert Jan van Pelt 4733:Auschwitz 1940–1945 4695:Auschwitz 1940–1945 4653:Auschwitz 1940–1945 4367:European Parliament 4349:Se questo è un uomo 4272:Smoke over Birkenau 4081:Ernst Kaltenbrunner 3929:1st Ukrainian Front 3684:Bernard Wasserstein 3680:Fifteenth Air Force 3585:Auschwitz Protocols 3568:Vrba-Wetzler report 3471:Auschwitz Protocols 3467:Vrba-Wetzler report 3460:Auschwitz Protocols 3451:Manchester Guardian 3289:pamphlet (1942) by 3090:Unregistered deaths 2902:"Kanada" warehouses 2777:Vrba-Wetzler report 2584:). There were also 2513:Natzweiler-Struthof 2463:experiments at the 2276:Obersturmbannführer 2013:, the shape of the 1719:Wirtschaftshof Budy 1645:1st Ukrainian Front 1509:Zagłębie Dąbrowskie 1499:§ Gas chambers 1479:Robert-Jan van Pelt 1468:SS-Sturmbannführer 1360:Jean-Claude Pressac 1334:SS-Unterscharführer 1307:Zagłębie Dąbrowskie 1193:§ Gas chambers 1112:Obersturmbannführer 980:50.0275°N 19.2050°E 975: /  960:Auschwitz I, 2013 ( 909:extermination camps 873:, as part of first 745:World Heritage Site 681:medical experiments 641:political detainees 556:extermination camps 278:Auschwitz prisoners 148: /  16686:History and memory 16590:Forced euthanasia 16538:Nazi racial policy 16241:Danish underground 16088:Operation Reinhard 16083:Wannsee Conference 14983:West German trials 14778:Wannsee Conference 14565:Itzhak Katzenelson 14317:General Government 13802:Franz Reichleitner 13732:Fritz Hartjenstein 13722:Maximilian Grabner 13641:Bruno Streckenbach 13453:Grossaktion Warsaw 13106:Operation Reinhard 12819:Old City of Zamość 12758:Auschwitz-Birkenau 11980:Stangneth, Bettina 11865:Yad Vashem Studies 11663:Yad Vashem Studies 10909:10.1093/hgs/dcg005 10805:Berenbaum, Michael 10710:Gerlach, Christian 9900:. 27 August 1998. 9691:The New York Times 9529:"If This Is a Man" 9460:The New York Times 9435:The New York Times 8952:, pp. 27, 29. 8494:Didi-Huberman 2008 7750:, pp. 12–13; 7109:, pp. 32–33; 6078:, pp. 52, 56. 5280:, pp. 52–53; 5167:, pp. 24–26; 4491:Italian president 4122:, and camp leader 4039: 3794: 3734: 3628:Władysław Sikorski 3620: 3492: 3412: 3369: 3031: 2995:Bremen-Bluementhal 2968: 2933:, a member of the 2918: 2811: 2757:'s office and the 2692: 2602: 2550: 2433: 2382: 2078: 2034: 1985: 1983:Auschwitz clothing 1921:(barracks clerk), 1911:Funktionshäftlinge 1907: 1894:Functionaries and 1847:Fritz Hartjenstein 1681:(extension camp), 1614: 1564: 1296:Nikolaus Wachsmann 1252:Wannsee Conference 1067:Sicherheitspolizei 893:Wannsee Conference 665:1.3 million people 608:dozens of subcamps 574:. It consisted of 474:Reference no. 157:50.03583; 19.17833 72:extermination camp 68:Nazi concentration 16778: 16777: 16774: 16773: 16770: 16769: 16621:Sh'erit ha-Pletah 16568:Jewish emigration 16558:Hitler's prophecy 16553:Haavara Agreement 16499: 16498: 16495: 16494: 16487:Ypatingasis būrys 16384:Sicherheitsdienst 16320: 16319: 16316: 16315: 16259: 16258: 16179:Bielski partisans 15951: 15950: 15947: 15946: 15943: 15942: 15782:Totenkopfverbände 15441: 15440: 15113: 15112: 15109: 15108: 15029: 15028: 14890: 14889: 14886: 14885: 14841: 14840: 14833:Sonderaktion 1005 14707: 14706: 14390: 14389: 14368:Ypatingasis būrys 14270: 14269: 14211:Johanna Langefeld 14206:Hildegard Lächert 14102: 14101: 13938:Alfred Trzebinski 13903:Franz von Bodmann 13855:Lorenz Hackenholt 13697:Theodor van Eupen 13636:Jakob Sporrenberg 13471: 13470: 13195: 13194: 12902: 12901: 12776:Churches of Peace 12592:978-1-60772-010-2 12521:Borowski, Tadeusz 12438:978-0-374-11825-9 12393:978-0-253-02298-1 12307:Świebocki, Henryk 12275:Piper, Franciszek 12242:Piper, Franciszek 12209:Piper, Franciszek 12176:Piper, Franciszek 12114:Piper, Franciszek 12081:Piper, Franciszek 12048:Strzelecka, Irena 12039:978-0-300-20457-5 11993:978-0-307-95967-6 11921:978-1-59181-032-2 11900:978-0-465-00239-9 11659:Piper, Franciszek 11608:978-1-61145-011-8 11503:978-90-04-27916-2 11496:. Leiden: Brill. 11452:978-0-9716859-2-5 11433:978-0-19-280436-5 11411:978-1-5011-6763-8 11268:Lasik, Aleksander 11226:978-0-253-35328-3 11140:(January 1985) . 11138:Krahelska, Halina 11081:978-0-8078-4858-6 11068:Kater, Michael H. 10938:978-0-300-09592-0 10865:978-1-4767-1184-3 10792:978-0-300-13198-7 10732:Gradowski, Zalmen 10723:978-0-521-88078-7 10689:978-0-06-019043-9 10674:Friedländer, Saul 10645:Holocaust Studies 10635:978-1-139-91727-8 10613:978-0-14-311671-4 10573:Evans, Richard J. 10519:978-0-19-967925-6 10413:Piper, Franciszek 10373:978-0-547-34888-9 10280:978-1-4128-5255-5 10261:978-1-47385-687-5 10216:978-1-61069-878-8 9560:, pp. 35–36. 9328:978-1-80034-534-8 9016:, pp. 47–48. 8924:, pp. 41–42. 8682:, pp. 80–81. 8508:, pp. 63–65. 7877:, pp. 97–98. 7420:, pp. 89–90. 6886:, pp. 68–69. 6874:, pp. 60–61. 6862:, pp. 20–21. 6748:, pp. 65–66. 6671:, pp. 31–32. 6574:, pp. 90–91. 6466:, pp. 35–36. 6249:(17 March 2008). 6182:, pp. 17–18. 5918:, pp. 81–82. 5754:, pp. 80–83. 5385:, pp. 72–73. 5231:, pp. 84–85. 5195:, p. xxxiii. 5183:, pp. 41–46. 5131:, pp. 38–39. 5017:, pp. 71–72. 4839:François Hollande 4571:Arbeit Macht Frei 4547:Israeli Air Force 4493:Sergio Mattarella 4458:Israeli Air Force 4390:Claims Conference 4386:Körber Foundation 4359:Nobel Peace Prize 4276:Timothy D. Snyder 4267:Dymy nad Birkenau 4155:Friedrich Entress 3618:on 23 August 1944 3590:War Refugee Board 3580:Czesław Mordowicz 3507:Eugeniusz Bendera 3496:Tadeusz Wiejowski 3331:addressed to the 3291:Natalia Zarembina 3238: 3237: 3085:Registered deaths 2921:dissection room ( 2661:Gypsy family camp 2453:Zwillinge heraus! 2441:gypsy family camp 2414:Friedrich Entress 2302:Gypsy family camp 2256:Johanna Langefeld 2168:Tadeusz Wiejowski 2062:described a 1944 1905:Auschwitz I, 2009 1737:Life in the camps 1685:(labor camp), or 1677:(external camp), 1671:Siemens-Schuckert 1175:Arbeit macht frei 1133:Bruno Brodniewicz 897:Reinhard Heydrich 879:Gau Upper Silesia 578:, the main camp ( 499: 498: 310:Fritz Löhner-Beda 250:Number of inmates 115:Arbeit macht frei 16:(Redirected from 16892: 16807: 16806: 16805: 16795: 16794: 16793: 16786: 16670:Holocaust denial 16648:Nuremberg trials 16638:Postwar violence 16593: 16528: 16527: 16505: 16504: 16467:Special Brigades 16457:Nederlandsche SS 16424:Police Regiments 16348: 16347: 16326: 16325: 16186:Ghetto uprisings 16174:Jewish partisans 16121:Harvest Festival 16093:Holocaust trains 15979: 15978: 15970: 15969: 15957: 15956: 15822: 15821: 15718: 15696: 15678: 15659: 15641: 15464: 15463: 15447: 15446: 15155: 15154: 15140: 15133: 15126: 15117: 15116: 14995:Treblinka trials 14980: 14979: 14919: 14912: 14905: 14896: 14895: 14794:Graebe affidavit 14787:Witness accounts 14733:Frank memorandum 14718: 14717: 14613: 14612: 14600:Szmul Zygielbojm 14590:Frumka Płotnicka 14550:Leon Feldhendler 14535:Icchak Cukierman 14489:Ghetto uprisings 14419: 14412: 14405: 14396: 14395: 14340:Schutzmannschaft 14161:Feodor Fedorenko 14111: 14110: 14019:Wolfgang Birkner 13807:Heinrich Schwarz 13797:Josef Oberhauser 13772:Heinrich Matthes 13656:Dieter Wisliceny 13646:Richard Thomalla 13621:Heinz Reinefarth 13571:Heinrich Himmler 13516: 13515: 13500: 13493: 13486: 13477: 13476: 13441:Other atrocities 13078: 13077: 13060: 13053: 13046: 13037: 13036: 13033: 13032: 12929: 12922: 12915: 12906: 12905: 12868: 12835:Royal Salt Mines 12794: 12780: 12762: 12733: 12726: 12719: 12710: 12709: 12656: 12627: 12616: 12576: 12557: 12555: 12553: 12508: 12487: 12466: 12442: 12420: 12397: 12378: 12352: 12343: 12334: 12302: 12269: 12236: 12203: 12170: 12141: 12108: 12075: 12043: 12021: 11997: 11975: 11973: 11971: 11950: 11948: 11946: 11925: 11904: 11880: 11859: 11835: 11809: 11780: 11751: 11728: 11701: 11678: 11654: 11652: 11650: 11634: 11612: 11590: 11588: 11586: 11570: 11545: 11533: 11519: 11517: 11515: 11486: 11461:Matthäus, Jürgen 11456: 11437: 11420:Longerich, Peter 11415: 11394: 11370: 11341: 11312: 11289: 11263: 11230: 11211: 11188: 11165: 11163: 11161: 11156:on 9 August 2017 11133: 11108: 11085: 11063: 11034: 11005: 11003: 10996: 10987: 10965: 10942: 10920: 10891: 10869: 10845: 10826: 10796: 10772: 10753: 10727: 10705: 10703: 10701: 10668: 10639: 10622:Fleming, Michael 10617: 10605: 10594: 10582: 10568: 10523: 10501: 10473: 10452: 10440: 10404: 10377: 10353: 10329: 10307: 10284: 10265: 10246: 10220: 10203:Bartrop, Paul R. 10198: 10173: 10172: 10170: 10168: 10148: 10142: 10141: 10139: 10137: 10117: 10111: 10110: 10108: 10106: 10086: 10080: 10079: 10077: 10075: 10055: 10049: 10048: 10046: 10044: 10025: 10019: 10013: 10007: 10006: 10004: 10002: 9982: 9976: 9970: 9961: 9960: 9959:on 19 June 2018. 9955:. Archived from 9944: 9938: 9932: 9926: 9920: 9914: 9913: 9911: 9909: 9890: 9884: 9874: 9868: 9862: 9856: 9850: 9844: 9838: 9832: 9831: 9829: 9827: 9812: 9806: 9805: 9803: 9801: 9779: 9773: 9764: 9758: 9752: 9746: 9745:, p. 364ff. 9740: 9734: 9731:Steinbacher 2005 9724: 9718: 9717: 9705: 9699: 9698: 9682: 9676: 9675: 9664: 9658: 9657: 9655: 9653: 9634:(9 April 2018). 9628: 9622: 9621: 9610: 9604: 9598: 9592: 9579: 9573: 9567: 9561: 9555: 9549: 9548: 9546: 9544: 9524: 9518: 9505: 9499: 9498: 9496: 9494: 9474: 9468: 9467: 9457: 9449: 9443: 9442: 9423: 9417: 9416: 9400: 9394: 9393: 9378: 9372: 9366: 9360: 9359: 9339: 9333: 9332: 9310: 9304: 9303: 9301: 9299: 9280: 9274: 9268: 9262: 9256: 9250: 9247:Steinbacher 2005 9244: 9238: 9235:Steinbacher 2005 9232: 9226: 9216: 9210: 9204: 9198: 9192: 9183: 9182:, p. 396ff. 9169: 9163: 9157: 9151: 9145: 9139: 9133: 9127: 9121: 9115: 9109: 9103: 9089:Strzelecki 2000a 9086: 9080: 9077:Strzelecki 2000a 9074: 9068: 9062: 9056: 9050: 9044: 9041:Strzelecki 2000b 9038: 9032: 9026: 9017: 9014:Strzelecki 2000a 9011: 9005: 8999: 8993: 8986:Strzelecki 2000a 8983: 8977: 8971: 8965: 8959: 8953: 8950:Strzelecki 2000a 8947: 8941: 8934:Strzelecki 2000a 8931: 8925: 8922:Strzelecki 2000a 8919: 8913: 8910:Friedländer 2007 8907: 8901: 8898:Strzelecki 2000a 8895: 8886: 8880: 8874: 8868: 8862: 8852: 8846: 8839:Steinbacher 2005 8836: 8830: 8809: 8803: 8800:Strzelecki 2000a 8797: 8791: 8781: 8775: 8769: 8763: 8753: 8747: 8740:Friedländer 2007 8737: 8731: 8725: 8719: 8713: 8707: 8701: 8695: 8689: 8683: 8677: 8671: 8665: 8659: 8653: 8644: 8643: 8630: 8624: 8614: 8608: 8602: 8596: 8590: 8584: 8583: 8581: 8579: 8555: 8549: 8543: 8537: 8531: 8522: 8515: 8509: 8503: 8497: 8491: 8485: 8479: 8473: 8467: 8461: 8455: 8449: 8446:Steinbacher 2005 8443: 8437: 8431: 8425: 8419: 8413: 8407: 8401: 8395: 8389: 8383: 8374: 8368: 8359: 8353: 8342: 8336: 8330: 8320: 8314: 8301: 8295: 8289: 8283: 8282: 8271: 8265: 8259: 8250: 8244: 8238: 8232: 8226: 8220: 8214: 8208: 8202: 8196: 8190: 8187:Friedländer 2007 8180: 8174: 8164: 8158: 8148: 8142: 8136: 8130: 8129: 8127: 8125: 8097: 8091: 8085: 8079: 8076:Strzelecki 2000b 8073: 8067: 8064:Strzelecki 2000b 8061: 8052: 8046: 8037: 8034:Strzelecki 2000b 8031: 8025: 8022:Strzelecki 2000b 8019: 8008: 8005:Strzelecki 2000b 8002: 7993: 7987: 7981: 7975: 7969: 7963: 7954: 7944: 7938: 7932: 7926: 7920: 7914: 7908: 7902: 7896: 7890: 7884: 7878: 7872: 7866: 7860: 7854: 7848: 7842: 7836: 7830: 7829:, p. 103ff. 7824: 7818: 7812: 7806: 7800: 7794: 7788: 7782: 7776: 7767: 7761: 7755: 7745: 7739: 7733: 7727: 7721: 7712: 7706: 7700: 7699: 7697: 7695: 7680: 7674: 7668: 7662: 7656: 7650: 7644: 7638: 7632: 7626: 7620: 7614: 7608: 7602: 7596: 7590: 7584: 7578: 7572: 7566: 7560: 7554: 7548: 7542: 7536: 7527: 7521: 7515: 7509: 7498: 7492: 7486: 7480: 7474: 7468: 7459: 7453: 7447: 7446: 7444: 7442: 7427: 7421: 7415: 7409: 7403: 7397: 7391: 7385: 7379: 7373: 7367: 7361: 7355: 7346: 7340: 7331: 7328:Strzelecka 2000e 7325: 7319: 7316:Strzelecka 2000e 7313: 7307: 7304:Strzelecka 2000e 7301: 7295: 7292:Strzelecka 2000e 7289: 7283: 7280:Strzelecka 2000e 7277: 7268: 7265:Strzelecka 2000d 7262: 7256: 7250: 7244: 7238: 7232: 7226: 7220: 7214: 7208: 7205:Friedländer 2007 7202: 7196: 7190: 7181: 7175: 7169: 7159: 7150: 7147:Strzelecka 2000d 7144: 7138: 7135:Steinbacher 2005 7132: 7126: 7123:Strzelecka 2000c 7120: 7114: 7104: 7098: 7095:Strzelecka 2000c 7092: 7086: 7080: 7069: 7066:Strzelecka 2000c 7063: 7057: 7051: 7045: 7042:Strzelecka 2000c 7039: 7033: 7027: 7021: 7018:Strzelecka 2000c 7015: 7009: 7003: 6994: 6991:Strzelecka 2000c 6988: 6979: 6973: 6967: 6964:Steinbacher 2005 6961: 6955: 6949: 6943: 6937: 6931: 6925: 6919: 6916:Strzelecka 2000b 6905: 6899: 6896:Strzelecka 2000b 6893: 6887: 6884:Strzelecka 2000b 6881: 6875: 6869: 6863: 6856:Steinbacher 2005 6853: 6847: 6844:Strzelecka 2000b 6841: 6835: 6834: 6832: 6830: 6815: 6809: 6806:Steinbacher 2005 6803: 6797: 6794:Strzelecka 2000b 6791: 6785: 6779: 6773: 6767: 6761: 6755: 6749: 6746:Strzelecka 2000b 6743: 6737: 6731: 6722: 6716: 6710: 6704: 6695: 6694: 6683: 6672: 6669:Steinbacher 2005 6666: 6660: 6659: 6657: 6655: 6640: 6634: 6633: 6622: 6616: 6615: 6613: 6611: 6596: 6587: 6581: 6575: 6572:Steinbacher 2005 6569: 6563: 6557: 6551: 6545: 6539: 6533: 6527: 6521: 6515: 6509: 6503: 6497: 6491: 6485: 6479: 6473: 6467: 6464:Steinbacher 2005 6461: 6455: 6452:Strzelecka 2000a 6449: 6440: 6434: 6428: 6422: 6416: 6410: 6404: 6398: 6392: 6386: 6380: 6374: 6368: 6362: 6356: 6350: 6344: 6338: 6332: 6326: 6320: 6314: 6308: 6302: 6287: 6277: 6271: 6270: 6268: 6266: 6243: 6237: 6231: 6225: 6219: 6213: 6189: 6183: 6177: 6171: 6168:Steinbacher 2005 6157: 6151: 6141: 6135: 6129: 6123: 6120:Steinbacher 2005 6117: 6111: 6105: 6099: 6085: 6079: 6076:Steinbacher 2005 6073: 6067: 6061: 6055: 6049: 6043: 6037: 6031: 6025: 6019: 6013: 6007: 6004:Steinbacher 2005 6001: 5995: 5989: 5983: 5977: 5971: 5965: 5959: 5953: 5947: 5937: 5931: 5928:Steinbacher 2005 5925: 5919: 5913: 5907: 5904:Steinbacher 2005 5901: 5895: 5889: 5883: 5877: 5871: 5865: 5859: 5853: 5847: 5837: 5831: 5821: 5815: 5812:Steinbacher 2005 5809: 5803: 5797: 5791: 5785: 5779: 5773: 5767: 5761: 5755: 5749: 5743: 5733: 5727: 5721: 5715: 5709: 5700: 5690: 5684: 5674: 5665: 5659: 5650: 5644: 5638: 5632: 5617: 5611: 5602: 5596: 5590: 5584: 5578: 5575:Friedländer 2007 5572: 5566: 5560: 5554: 5540:Steinbacher 2005 5529: 5523: 5517: 5508: 5502: 5496: 5490: 5484: 5474: 5468: 5454: 5448: 5442: 5429: 5419: 5413: 5407: 5401: 5395: 5386: 5380: 5374: 5368: 5362: 5356: 5350: 5340: 5334: 5328: 5322: 5308: 5302: 5296: 5285: 5275: 5269: 5263: 5254: 5253: 5238: 5232: 5226: 5220: 5214: 5208: 5202: 5196: 5190: 5184: 5178: 5172: 5162: 5156: 5150: 5144: 5138: 5132: 5126: 5120: 5114: 5108: 5102: 5096: 5090: 5084: 5083: 5081: 5079: 5065: 5059: 5058: 5056: 5054: 5039: 5033: 5027: 5018: 5008: 4997: 4996: 4990: 4988: 4968: 4962: 4956: 4950: 4949: 4938: 4932: 4931: 4926: 4924: 4905: 4899: 4893: 4882: 4881: 4870: 4854: 4847:Steven Spielberg 4823: 4817: 4804: 4798: 4795:Aleksander Lasik 4791: 4785: 4781: 4775: 4752: 4746: 4743: 4737: 4725: 4719: 4709: 4703: 4687: 4681: 4674:Franciszek Piper 4671: 4665: 4645: 4639: 4632: 4573: 4488: 4474: 4454: 4442:Erkennungsdienst 4430: 4371:Maximilian Kolbe 4361:. Camp survivor 4344:If This is a Man 4339:Tadeusz Borowski 4250: 4236: 4202:Helmut Krausnick 4110:, when Poland's 4085:Heinrich Himmler 4052:Camp commandant 4047:Aleksander Lasik 3967:Polish Red Cross 3937:hydrogen cyanide 3909: 3891: 3764:Zalmen Gradowski 3730:Zalmen Gradowski 3600:Bombing proposal 3530: 3520:(no. 918), 3515: 3500:Henryk Świebocki 3320: 3305:Halina Krahelska 3301: 3283: 3080:Franciszek Piper 3073: 3072: 3052:Heinrich Himmler 3036:Franciszek Piper 2894:Franciszek Piper 2861: 2847: 2833: 2586:Sonderbehandlung 2505:Heinrich Himmler 2461:pseudoscientific 2342:Hauptsturmführer 2240: 2226: 2132: 2114: 1998:Berufsverbrecher 1994:(Schutzhäftlinge 1867:SS-Aufseherinnen 1863:Aleksander Lasik 1856:Standortältester 1851:Heinrich Schwarz 1821:Heinrich Himmler 1802: 1764: 1603:Heinrich Himmler 1572:synthetic rubber 1554:Detailed map of 1518:Zur Desinfektion 1438: 1425:Erkennungsdienst 1415:for work or the 1408: 1394: 1319:department IV B4 1284:Saul Friedländer 1260:Franciszek Piper 1205: 1177: 1167:Interessengebiet 1120:Berufsverbrecher 1104:Heinrich Himmler 1043: 1029: 1011: 999: 998: 996: 995: 994: 992: 987: 986: 985:50.0275; 19.2050 981: 976: 973: 972: 971: 968: 957: 817:Richard J. Evans 795:The ideology of 785: 767: 717:entered the camp 669:non-Jewish Poles 548: 540: 533: 532: 531: 525: 520: 509: 420: 417: 415: 413: 380:If This Is a Man 314:Irène Némirovsky 302:Maximilian Kolbe 163: 162: 160: 159: 158: 153: 149: 146: 145: 144: 141: 118: 100: 89: 62: 61: 53: 43: 42: 21: 16900: 16899: 16895: 16894: 16893: 16891: 16890: 16889: 16815: 16814: 16813: 16803: 16801: 16791: 16789: 16781: 16779: 16766: 16681: 16597: 16591: 16580:Madagascar Plan 16573:Kindertransport 16522: 16521: 16491: 16433: 16405: 16390:Ordnungspolizei 16346: 16333: 16312: 16255: 16207: 16160: 16131:Maly Trostenets 16102:Mass executions 16097: 16067: 16005: 15964: 15939: 15909: 15868: 15806: 15768: 15727: 15716: 15694: 15676: 15657: 15639: 15627: 15584: 15458: 15437: 15357: 15348:Hidden children 15326: 15184:Czechoslovakia 15149: 15144: 15114: 15105: 15072: 15025: 15016:Stutthof trials 14999: 14969: 14926: 14923: 14882: 14868:Holocaust train 14837: 14821: 14809:Witold's Report 14799:Gerstein Report 14782: 14748:Katzmann Report 14728:Auschwitz Album 14703: 14642: 14604: 14570:Michał Klepfisz 14518: 14477: 14426: 14423: 14386: 14326: 14296:Ordnungspolizei 14266: 14245: 14226:Erich Muhsfeldt 14156:Margot Dreschel 14141:Alexander Bülow 14098: 14094:Udo von Woyrsch 14084:Hermann Schaper 14079:Emanuel Schäfer 14064:Josef Meisinger 14024:Helmut Bischoff 14003: 13959:Heinz Auerswald 13947: 13889: 13837: 13831: 13827:Christian Wirth 13737:Gottlieb Hering 13660: 13626:Julian Scherner 13611:Georg Michalsen 13596:Franz Kutschera 13556:Odilo Globocnik 13507: 13504: 13467: 13436: 13298: 13256: 13237:Kielce cemetery 13191: 13128: 13067: 13064: 13027: 12938: 12933: 12903: 12898: 12878: 12864: 12848: 12792: 12778: 12760: 12746: 12737: 12693:Wayback Machine 12654: 12650: 12645: 12640:Wayback Machine 12580:Pilecki, Witold 12573: 12551: 12549: 12516: 12514:Further reading 12511: 12484: 12439: 12417: 12403:Cesarani, David 12394: 12375: 12323: 12291: 12258: 12225: 12192: 12159: 12130: 12097: 12064: 12040: 12018: 11994: 11969: 11967: 11944: 11942: 11922: 11901: 11885:Snyder, Timothy 11856: 11832: 11798: 11769: 11748: 11725: 11707:Gutman, Yisrael 11698: 11648: 11646: 11609: 11595:Nyiszli, Miklós 11584: 11582: 11567: 11542: 11513: 11511: 11504: 11483: 11453: 11434: 11412: 11391: 11359: 11330: 11309: 11286: 11252: 11227: 11208: 11185: 11159: 11157: 11130: 11105: 11082: 11052: 11023: 11001: 10994: 10984: 10962: 10939: 10888: 10866: 10850:Harding, Thomas 10842: 10823: 10801:Gutman, Yisrael 10793: 10769: 10750: 10724: 10699: 10697: 10690: 10636: 10614: 10591: 10520: 10498: 10458:Gutman, Yisrael 10429: 10401: 10374: 10350: 10326: 10312:Cesarani, David 10304: 10281: 10262: 10243: 10217: 10181: 10176: 10166: 10164: 10149: 10145: 10135: 10133: 10118: 10114: 10104: 10102: 10087: 10083: 10073: 10071: 10064:The Independent 10056: 10052: 10042: 10040: 10033:The Jewish News 10027: 10026: 10022: 10014: 10010: 10000: 9998: 9983: 9979: 9971: 9964: 9945: 9941: 9933: 9929: 9921: 9917: 9907: 9905: 9892: 9891: 9887: 9875: 9871: 9863: 9859: 9851: 9847: 9839: 9835: 9825: 9823: 9814: 9813: 9809: 9799: 9797: 9780: 9776: 9765: 9761: 9753: 9749: 9741: 9737: 9729:, p. 364; 9725: 9721: 9706: 9702: 9683: 9679: 9666: 9665: 9661: 9651: 9649: 9629: 9625: 9612: 9611: 9607: 9599: 9595: 9589:Wayback Machine 9580: 9576: 9568: 9564: 9556: 9552: 9542: 9540: 9525: 9521: 9515:Wayback Machine 9506: 9502: 9492: 9490: 9475: 9471: 9450: 9446: 9427:Kinzer, Stephen 9424: 9420: 9409:Chicago Tribune 9401: 9397: 9380: 9379: 9375: 9367: 9363: 9340: 9336: 9329: 9311: 9307: 9297: 9295: 9282: 9281: 9277: 9269: 9265: 9257: 9253: 9245: 9241: 9233: 9229: 9217: 9213: 9205: 9201: 9193: 9186: 9170: 9166: 9158: 9154: 9146: 9142: 9134: 9130: 9122: 9118: 9110: 9106: 9100:Wayback Machine 9087: 9083: 9075: 9071: 9063: 9059: 9051: 9047: 9039: 9035: 9027: 9020: 9012: 9008: 9000: 8996: 8984: 8980: 8972: 8968: 8960: 8956: 8948: 8944: 8932: 8928: 8920: 8916: 8908: 8904: 8896: 8889: 8881: 8877: 8869: 8865: 8857:, p. 173; 8853: 8849: 8841:, p. 109; 8837: 8833: 8827:Wayback Machine 8810: 8806: 8798: 8794: 8782: 8778: 8770: 8766: 8754: 8750: 8742:, p. 581; 8738: 8734: 8726: 8722: 8714: 8710: 8702: 8698: 8694:, pp. 1–2. 8690: 8686: 8678: 8674: 8668:Westermann 2004 8666: 8662: 8654: 8647: 8636: 8631: 8627: 8615: 8611: 8603: 8599: 8591: 8587: 8577: 8575: 8556: 8552: 8544: 8540: 8532: 8525: 8517:For Wiejowski, 8516: 8512: 8504: 8500: 8492: 8488: 8480: 8476: 8468: 8464: 8456: 8452: 8444: 8440: 8432: 8428: 8420: 8416: 8408: 8404: 8396: 8392: 8384: 8377: 8369: 8362: 8354: 8345: 8337: 8333: 8325:, p. 194; 8321: 8317: 8311:Wayback Machine 8302: 8298: 8290: 8286: 8273: 8272: 8268: 8260: 8253: 8245: 8241: 8233: 8229: 8221: 8217: 8209: 8205: 8197: 8193: 8181: 8177: 8165: 8161: 8149: 8145: 8137: 8133: 8123: 8121: 8114:Chicago Tribune 8098: 8094: 8086: 8082: 8074: 8070: 8062: 8055: 8047: 8040: 8032: 8028: 8020: 8011: 8003: 7996: 7988: 7984: 7976: 7972: 7964: 7957: 7945: 7941: 7933: 7929: 7921: 7917: 7909: 7905: 7897: 7893: 7885: 7881: 7873: 7869: 7861: 7857: 7849: 7845: 7837: 7833: 7825: 7821: 7813: 7809: 7801: 7797: 7789: 7785: 7777: 7770: 7762: 7758: 7746: 7742: 7734: 7730: 7722: 7715: 7707: 7703: 7693: 7691: 7682: 7681: 7677: 7669: 7665: 7657: 7653: 7645: 7641: 7633: 7629: 7621: 7617: 7609: 7605: 7597: 7593: 7585: 7581: 7573: 7569: 7561: 7557: 7549: 7545: 7537: 7530: 7522: 7518: 7510: 7501: 7493: 7489: 7481: 7477: 7469: 7462: 7454: 7450: 7440: 7438: 7429: 7428: 7424: 7416: 7412: 7404: 7400: 7392: 7388: 7380: 7376: 7368: 7364: 7356: 7349: 7341: 7334: 7326: 7322: 7314: 7310: 7302: 7298: 7290: 7286: 7278: 7271: 7263: 7259: 7251: 7247: 7239: 7235: 7227: 7223: 7215: 7211: 7203: 7199: 7191: 7184: 7176: 7172: 7164:, p. 319; 7160: 7153: 7145: 7141: 7133: 7129: 7121: 7117: 7105: 7101: 7093: 7089: 7081: 7072: 7064: 7060: 7052: 7048: 7040: 7036: 7028: 7024: 7016: 7012: 7004: 6997: 6989: 6982: 6974: 6970: 6962: 6958: 6950: 6946: 6938: 6934: 6926: 6922: 6906: 6902: 6894: 6890: 6882: 6878: 6870: 6866: 6854: 6850: 6842: 6838: 6828: 6826: 6817: 6816: 6812: 6804: 6800: 6792: 6788: 6780: 6776: 6768: 6764: 6756: 6752: 6744: 6740: 6732: 6725: 6717: 6713: 6705: 6698: 6685: 6684: 6675: 6667: 6663: 6653: 6651: 6642: 6641: 6637: 6624: 6623: 6619: 6609: 6607: 6598: 6597: 6590: 6582: 6578: 6570: 6566: 6558: 6554: 6546: 6542: 6534: 6530: 6522: 6518: 6510: 6506: 6498: 6494: 6486: 6482: 6474: 6470: 6462: 6458: 6450: 6443: 6435: 6431: 6423: 6419: 6411: 6407: 6399: 6395: 6387: 6383: 6375: 6371: 6363: 6359: 6351: 6347: 6339: 6335: 6327: 6323: 6315: 6311: 6303: 6290: 6282:, p. 288; 6278: 6274: 6264: 6262: 6247:Wilkinson, Alec 6244: 6240: 6232: 6228: 6220: 6216: 6209:Wayback Machine 6194:, p. 106; 6190: 6186: 6178: 6174: 6158: 6154: 6142: 6138: 6130: 6126: 6118: 6114: 6106: 6102: 6090:, p. 367; 6086: 6082: 6074: 6070: 6062: 6058: 6050: 6046: 6038: 6034: 6026: 6022: 6014: 6010: 6002: 5998: 5990: 5986: 5978: 5974: 5966: 5962: 5954: 5950: 5938: 5934: 5926: 5922: 5914: 5910: 5902: 5898: 5890: 5886: 5878: 5874: 5866: 5862: 5854: 5850: 5838: 5834: 5822: 5818: 5810: 5806: 5798: 5794: 5786: 5782: 5774: 5770: 5762: 5758: 5750: 5746: 5734: 5730: 5722: 5718: 5710: 5703: 5691: 5687: 5675: 5668: 5660: 5653: 5645: 5641: 5633: 5620: 5612: 5605: 5597: 5593: 5585: 5581: 5573: 5569: 5561: 5557: 5551:Wayback Machine 5542:, p. 107; 5534:, p. 145; 5530: 5526: 5518: 5511: 5503: 5499: 5491: 5487: 5479:, p. 142; 5475: 5471: 5459:, p. 292; 5455: 5451: 5443: 5432: 5420: 5416: 5408: 5404: 5396: 5389: 5381: 5377: 5369: 5365: 5357: 5353: 5341: 5337: 5329: 5325: 5309: 5305: 5297: 5288: 5276: 5272: 5264: 5257: 5240: 5239: 5235: 5227: 5223: 5215: 5211: 5203: 5199: 5191: 5187: 5179: 5175: 5163: 5159: 5151: 5147: 5139: 5135: 5127: 5123: 5115: 5111: 5103: 5099: 5091: 5087: 5077: 5075: 5067: 5066: 5062: 5052: 5050: 5040: 5036: 5028: 5021: 5009: 5000: 4986: 4984: 4969: 4965: 4957: 4953: 4940: 4939: 4935: 4922: 4920: 4907: 4906: 4902: 4894: 4885: 4872: 4871: 4867: 4863: 4858: 4857: 4824: 4820: 4805: 4801: 4792: 4788: 4782: 4778: 4753: 4749: 4744: 4740: 4726: 4722: 4710: 4706: 4688: 4684: 4672: 4668: 4646: 4642: 4633: 4629: 4624: 4619: 4595: 4500: 4499: 4498: 4497: 4496: 4489: 4480: 4479: 4478: 4475: 4466: 4465: 4464: 4455: 4446: 4445: 4444: 4431: 4420: 4414: 4379:Catholic Church 4258: 4257: 4256: 4255: 4254: 4251: 4242: 4241: 4240: 4237: 4226: 4171:Karl Weinbacher 4151:Vinzenz Schöttl 4104:Auschwitz trial 4045:. According to 4027: 4021:Auschwitz trial 4013: 4008: 3917: 3916: 3915: 3914: 3913: 3910: 3901: 3900: 3899: 3898:in January 1945 3892: 3881: 3875: 3858:Peter Longerich 3786: 3780: 3717: 3711: 3608: 3602: 3524: 3509: 3473: 3463: 3350:Michael Fleming 3336: 3321: 3312: 3302: 3293: 3284: 3275: 3257: 3252: 3228:200,000–205,000 3190: 3175:Soviet citizens 3173: 3091: 3086: 3077: 3038:, published by 3023: 2953: 2910: 2890: 2869: 2868: 2867: 2866: 2865: 2862: 2853: 2852: 2851: 2848: 2839: 2838: 2837: 2834: 2803: 2798: 2739: 2733: 2673: 2671:Romani genocide 2665:Main articles: 2663: 2658: 2594: 2535: 2529: 2501:Alsace-Lorraine 2487:Wolfram Sievers 2457:Kurt Heissmeyer 2445:identical twins 2371: 2363:Main articles: 2361: 2338:Obersturmführer 2248: 2247: 2246: 2245: 2244: 2241: 2232: 2231: 2230: 2227: 2216: 2210: 2194:Jewish holidays 2190:Hebrew calendar 2140: 2139: 2138: 2137: 2136: 2133: 2124: 2123: 2122: 2115: 2092:So gehst du ein 2088:So bist du rein 2055: 2023: 1977: 1971: 1899: 1810: 1809: 1808: 1807: 1806: 1803: 1794: 1793: 1792: 1765: 1754: 1746:Main articles: 1744: 1739: 1663: 1657: 1627:over the camp. 1548: 1542: 1501: 1495: 1493:Crematoria II–V 1446: 1445: 1444: 1443: 1442: 1439: 1430: 1429: 1428: 1421:Auschwitz Album 1409: 1400: 1399: 1398: 1395: 1384: 1379: 1372: 1258:. According to 1248: 1242:Bytom Synagogue 1238: 1213: 1212: 1211: 1210: 1209: 1206: 1195: 1189: 1159: 1153: 1128:green triangles 1101:Reichsführer-SS 1051: 1050: 1049: 1048: 1047: 1044: 1035: 1034: 1033: 1030: 1021: 1020: 1019: 1012: 1003: 1002: 1001: 990: 988: 984: 982: 978: 977: 974: 969: 966: 964: 962: 961: 958: 947: 942: 937: 905:occupied Europe 829:Jewish question 793: 792: 791: 790: 789: 786: 777: 776: 775: 768: 757: 627:invading Poland 616:Jewish question 564:occupied Poland 527: 526: 518: 505: 433: 410: 402: 274:Notable inmates 156: 154: 150: 147: 142: 139: 137: 135: 134: 124: 106: 105: 104: 103: 102: 101: 92: 91: 90: 55: 48: 47: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 16898: 16888: 16887: 16882: 16877: 16872: 16867: 16862: 16857: 16852: 16847: 16842: 16837: 16832: 16827: 16812: 16811: 16799: 16776: 16775: 16772: 16771: 16768: 16767: 16765: 16764: 16757: 16752: 16747: 16742: 16737: 16732: 16727: 16722: 16717: 16716: 16715: 16705: 16700: 16695: 16689: 16687: 16683: 16682: 16680: 16679: 16678: 16677: 16675:trivialization 16667: 16666: 16665: 16655: 16653:Eichmann trial 16650: 16645: 16640: 16635: 16634: 16633: 16628: 16623: 16613: 16607: 16605: 16599: 16598: 16596: 16595: 16587: 16582: 16577: 16576: 16575: 16565: 16560: 16555: 16550: 16548:Nuremberg Laws 16545: 16540: 16534: 16532: 16531:Early elements 16524: 16523: 16520: 16519: 16516: 16513: 16512:Early elements 16509: 16501: 16500: 16497: 16496: 16493: 16492: 16490: 16489: 16484: 16479: 16474: 16469: 16464: 16459: 16454: 16449: 16447:Arajs Kommando 16443: 16441: 16435: 16434: 16432: 16431: 16426: 16421: 16418:Einsatzgruppen 16413: 16411: 16407: 16406: 16404: 16403: 16398: 16393: 16387: 16381: 16380: 16379: 16368: 16360: 16354: 16352: 16345: 16344: 16338: 16335: 16334: 16331:Responsibility 16322: 16321: 16318: 16317: 16314: 16313: 16311: 16310: 16305: 16300: 16295: 16290: 16285: 16280: 16275: 16269: 16267: 16261: 16260: 16257: 16256: 16254: 16253: 16248: 16243: 16238: 16233: 16228: 16223: 16217: 16215: 16209: 16208: 16206: 16205: 16204: 16203: 16198: 16193: 16183: 16182: 16181: 16170: 16168: 16162: 16161: 16159: 16158: 16153: 16148: 16143: 16138: 16133: 16128: 16123: 16118: 16113: 16110:Einsatzgruppen 16105: 16103: 16099: 16098: 16096: 16095: 16090: 16085: 16079: 16077: 16074:Final Solution 16069: 16068: 16066: 16065: 16064: 16063: 16053: 16052: 16051: 16046: 16036: 16031: 16026: 16021: 16013: 16011: 16007: 16006: 16004: 16003: 15998: 15993: 15987: 15985: 15976: 15966: 15965: 15953: 15952: 15949: 15948: 15945: 15944: 15941: 15940: 15938: 15937: 15935:Ústredňa Židov 15932: 15927: 15921: 15919: 15911: 15910: 15908: 15907: 15902: 15900:Theresienstadt 15897: 15892: 15887: 15882: 15876: 15874: 15870: 15869: 15867: 15866: 15861: 15856: 15851: 15846: 15841: 15836: 15830: 15828: 15819: 15808: 15807: 15805: 15804: 15797: 15790: 15785: 15776: 15774: 15770: 15769: 15767: 15766: 15761: 15756: 15751: 15746: 15741: 15739:Einsatzgruppen 15735: 15733: 15729: 15728: 15726: 15725: 15720: 15713: 15708: 15703: 15698: 15691: 15686: 15681: 15672: 15667: 15662: 15653: 15648: 15643: 15635: 15633: 15629: 15628: 15626: 15625: 15620: 15615: 15610: 15605: 15600: 15594: 15592: 15586: 15585: 15583: 15582: 15577: 15572: 15567: 15562: 15557: 15552: 15547: 15545:Mittelbau-Dora 15542: 15533: 15528: 15526:Kraków-Płaszów 15523: 15518: 15513: 15508: 15503: 15498: 15493: 15488: 15483: 15478: 15472: 15470: 15460: 15459: 15443: 15442: 15439: 15438: 15436: 15435: 15434: 15433: 15428: 15423: 15416:Rescue of Jews 15413: 15412: 15411: 15406: 15401: 15396: 15391: 15386: 15381: 15376: 15365: 15363: 15359: 15358: 15356: 15355: 15350: 15345: 15340: 15334: 15332: 15328: 15327: 15325: 15324: 15323: 15322: 15317: 15309: 15308: 15307: 15302: 15297: 15287: 15282: 15277: 15272: 15267: 15262: 15257: 15252: 15251: 15250: 15239: 15234: 15233: 15232: 15222: 15217: 15212: 15207: 15202: 15201: 15200: 15195: 15190: 15182: 15177: 15172: 15167: 15161: 15159: 15151: 15150: 15143: 15142: 15135: 15128: 15120: 15111: 15110: 15107: 15106: 15104: 15103: 15098: 15093: 15082: 15080: 15074: 15073: 15071: 15070: 15065: 15060: 15058:Sobibór Museum 15055: 15050: 15045: 15039: 15037: 15031: 15030: 15027: 15026: 15024: 15023: 15018: 15013: 15007: 15005: 15001: 15000: 14998: 14997: 14992: 14986: 14984: 14977: 14971: 14970: 14968: 14967: 14962: 14957: 14952: 14947: 14942: 14936: 14934: 14928: 14927: 14922: 14921: 14914: 14907: 14899: 14892: 14891: 14888: 14887: 14884: 14883: 14881: 14880: 14875: 14870: 14865: 14860: 14855: 14849: 14847: 14843: 14842: 14839: 14838: 14836: 14835: 14829: 14827: 14823: 14822: 14820: 14819: 14815:Sonderkommando 14811: 14806: 14801: 14796: 14790: 14788: 14784: 14783: 14781: 14780: 14775: 14770: 14765: 14760: 14758:Posen speeches 14755: 14753:Korherr Report 14750: 14745: 14743:Höfle telegram 14740: 14735: 14730: 14724: 14722: 14715: 14709: 14708: 14705: 14704: 14702: 14701: 14696: 14691: 14686: 14681: 14676: 14671: 14666: 14661: 14656: 14650: 14648: 14644: 14643: 14641: 14640: 14635: 14630: 14625: 14619: 14617: 14610: 14606: 14605: 14603: 14602: 14597: 14592: 14587: 14585:Witold Pilecki 14582: 14577: 14572: 14567: 14562: 14560:Henryk Iwański 14557: 14555:Paweł Frenkiel 14552: 14547: 14542: 14537: 14532: 14526: 14524: 14520: 14519: 14517: 14516: 14511: 14506: 14501: 14496: 14491: 14485: 14483: 14479: 14478: 14476: 14475: 14470: 14465: 14460: 14455: 14450: 14445: 14440: 14434: 14432: 14428: 14427: 14422: 14421: 14414: 14407: 14399: 14392: 14391: 14388: 14387: 14385: 14384: 14379: 14360:Arajs Kommando 14336: 14334: 14328: 14327: 14325: 14324: 14319: 14314: 14309: 14304: 14299: 14289: 14282:Einsatzgruppen 14278: 14276: 14272: 14271: 14268: 14267: 14265: 14264: 14259: 14253: 14251: 14247: 14246: 14244: 14243: 14238: 14236:Alice Orlowski 14233: 14228: 14223: 14218: 14213: 14208: 14203: 14198: 14193: 14188: 14183: 14178: 14173: 14168: 14163: 14158: 14153: 14151:John Demjanjuk 14148: 14143: 14138: 14133: 14128: 14123: 14117: 14115: 14108: 14104: 14103: 14100: 14099: 14097: 14096: 14091: 14086: 14081: 14076: 14071: 14066: 14061: 14056: 14051: 14049:Gerhard Flesch 14046: 14041: 14036: 14031: 14026: 14021: 14015: 14013: 14010:Einsatzgruppen 14005: 14004: 14002: 14001: 13996: 13991: 13986: 13981: 13976: 13971: 13966: 13961: 13955: 13953: 13952:Ghetto command 13949: 13948: 13946: 13945: 13940: 13935: 13933:Horst Schumann 13930: 13925: 13920: 13915: 13910: 13905: 13899: 13897: 13891: 13890: 13888: 13887: 13882: 13877: 13872: 13867: 13862: 13857: 13852: 13847: 13841: 13839: 13833: 13832: 13830: 13829: 13824: 13819: 13814: 13809: 13804: 13799: 13794: 13792:Johann Niemann 13789: 13784: 13779: 13777:Hermann Michel 13774: 13769: 13764: 13759: 13754: 13752:Karl-Otto Koch 13749: 13744: 13739: 13734: 13729: 13724: 13719: 13714: 13709: 13704: 13699: 13694: 13692:Irmfried Eberl 13689: 13684: 13679: 13674: 13668: 13666: 13662: 13661: 13659: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13638: 13633: 13628: 13623: 13618: 13613: 13608: 13603: 13598: 13593: 13588: 13583: 13581:Fritz Katzmann 13578: 13573: 13568: 13566:Arthur Greiser 13563: 13561:Richard Glücks 13558: 13553: 13548: 13546:Ludwig Fischer 13543: 13538: 13536:Adolf Eichmann 13533: 13528: 13522: 13520: 13513: 13509: 13508: 13503: 13502: 13495: 13488: 13480: 13473: 13472: 13469: 13468: 13466: 13465: 13460: 13455: 13450: 13444: 13442: 13438: 13437: 13435: 13434: 13429: 13424: 13419: 13414: 13409: 13404: 13399: 13394: 13389: 13384: 13379: 13374: 13369: 13364: 13359: 13354: 13344: 13339: 13334: 13329: 13324: 13319: 13314: 13308: 13306: 13300: 13299: 13297: 13296: 13291: 13286: 13281: 13276: 13271: 13264: 13262: 13258: 13257: 13255: 13254: 13249: 13244: 13239: 13234: 13229: 13224: 13219: 13214: 13209: 13203: 13201: 13200:Mass shootings 13197: 13196: 13193: 13192: 13190: 13189: 13187:Danzig-Matzkau 13184: 13179: 13174: 13169: 13164: 13159: 13154: 13152:Kraków-Płaszów 13149: 13144: 13138: 13136: 13130: 13129: 13127: 13126: 13125: 13124: 13119: 13114: 13102: 13097: 13092: 13086: 13084: 13075: 13069: 13068: 13063: 13062: 13055: 13048: 13040: 13029: 13028: 13026: 13025: 13020: 13015: 13010: 13005: 13000: 12995: 12990: 12985: 12980: 12975: 12970: 12965: 12960: 12955: 12952: 12947: 12943: 12940: 12939: 12932: 12931: 12924: 12917: 12909: 12900: 12899: 12897: 12896: 12893: 12890: 12887: 12883: 12880: 12879: 12877: 12876: 12871: 12870: 12869: 12856: 12854: 12850: 12849: 12847: 12846: 12841: 12836: 12826: 12821: 12816: 12811: 12806: 12800: 12795: 12786: 12781: 12773: 12768: 12763: 12754: 12752: 12748: 12747: 12736: 12735: 12728: 12721: 12713: 12707: 12706: 12700: 12683: 12673: 12667: 12662: 12649: 12648:External links 12646: 12644: 12643: 12628: 12617: 12594: 12577: 12571: 12558: 12537: 12517: 12515: 12512: 12510: 12509: 12488: 12483:978-0674016941 12482: 12467: 12457:(4): 505–532. 12451:German History 12443: 12437: 12421: 12416:978-0415318716 12415: 12398: 12392: 12379: 12373: 12353: 12344: 12335: 12322:978-8385047872 12321: 12303: 12290:978-8385047872 12289: 12270: 12257:978-8385047872 12256: 12237: 12224:978-8385047872 12223: 12204: 12191:978-8385047872 12190: 12171: 12158:978-8385047872 12157: 12142: 12129:978-8385047872 12128: 12109: 12096:978-8385047872 12095: 12076: 12063:978-8385047872 12062: 12044: 12038: 12022: 12016: 11998: 11992: 11976: 11951: 11926: 11920: 11905: 11899: 11881: 11860: 11854: 11840:Rees, Laurence 11836: 11830: 11810: 11797:978-8385047872 11796: 11781: 11768:978-8385047872 11767: 11752: 11746: 11729: 11723: 11702: 11696: 11679: 11655: 11635: 11613: 11607: 11591: 11571: 11565: 11546: 11541:978-1566632713 11540: 11520: 11502: 11487: 11481: 11457: 11451: 11438: 11432: 11416: 11410: 11395: 11389: 11371: 11358:978-8385047872 11357: 11342: 11329:978-8385047872 11328: 11313: 11307: 11290: 11284: 11264: 11251:978-8385047872 11250: 11232: 11225: 11212: 11206: 11189: 11183: 11166: 11134: 11128: 11109: 11103: 11086: 11080: 11064: 11051:978-8385047872 11050: 11035: 11022:978-8385047872 11021: 11006: 10988: 10982: 10966: 10960: 10943: 10937: 10921: 10903:(2): 330–350. 10892: 10886: 10870: 10864: 10846: 10841:978-3837500974 10840: 10827: 10821: 10797: 10791: 10773: 10768:978-8377042465 10767: 10754: 10749:978-0827603141 10748: 10736:Sonderkommando 10728: 10722: 10706: 10688: 10670: 10651:(1–2): 59–75. 10640: 10634: 10618: 10612: 10595: 10589: 10569: 10535:(1): 117–148. 10524: 10518: 10506:Fulbrook, Mary 10502: 10496: 10478:Dwork, Debórah 10474: 10453: 10441: 10428:978-8385047872 10427: 10405: 10399: 10383:Sonderkommando 10378: 10372: 10358:Carroll, James 10354: 10348: 10330: 10325:978-1250000835 10324: 10308: 10302: 10285: 10279: 10266: 10260: 10247: 10241: 10221: 10215: 10199: 10182: 10180: 10177: 10175: 10174: 10143: 10112: 10081: 10050: 10020: 10008: 9977: 9973:BBC News 2015a 9962: 9939: 9937:, p. 167. 9927: 9925:, p. 166. 9915: 9885: 9883:, p. 166. 9869: 9857: 9855:, p. 165. 9845: 9833: 9807: 9774: 9759: 9747: 9735: 9733:, p. 132. 9719: 9700: 9677: 9659: 9641:Foreign Policy 9623: 9605: 9593: 9574: 9562: 9550: 9519: 9500: 9469: 9444: 9418: 9395: 9373: 9361: 9334: 9327: 9305: 9275: 9263: 9261:, p. 744. 9251: 9249:, p. 140. 9239: 9227: 9211: 9199: 9197:, p. 296. 9184: 9164: 9162:, p. 110. 9152: 9140: 9136:Wachsmann 2015 9128: 9126:, p. 262. 9116: 9104: 9081: 9069: 9067:, p. 188. 9057: 9055:, p. 187. 9045: 9043:, p. 410. 9033: 9018: 9006: 9004:, p. 230. 8994: 8992:, p. 174. 8988:, p. 44; 8978: 8974:Wachsmann 2015 8966: 8964:, p. 415. 8962:Longerich 2010 8954: 8942: 8940:, p. 415. 8938:Longerich 2010 8926: 8914: 8912:, p. 648. 8902: 8887: 8885:, p. 227. 8875: 8863: 8861:, p. 747. 8847: 8845:, p. 655. 8831: 8816:Gradowski 2017 8812:Gradowski 1989 8804: 8792: 8790:, p. 187. 8776: 8764: 8748: 8732: 8720: 8718:, p. 548. 8716:Gradowski 1989 8708: 8696: 8684: 8672: 8670:, p. 197. 8660: 8645: 8635:, p. 58; 8633:Świebocki 2002 8625: 8623:, p. 230. 8619:, p. 94; 8609: 8605:Świebocki 2002 8597: 8593:Świebocki 2000 8585: 8550: 8548:, p. 192. 8546:Świebocki 2000 8538: 8536:, p. 233. 8534:Świebocki 2000 8523: 8519:Świebocki 2000 8510: 8498: 8486: 8484:, p. 124. 8474: 8462: 8460:, p. 135. 8450: 8448:, p. 116. 8438: 8436:, p. 133. 8426: 8424:, p. 132. 8414: 8402: 8398:Świebocki 2000 8390: 8388:, p. 210. 8375: 8373:, p. 177. 8360: 8358:, p. 131. 8343: 8339:Krahelska 1985 8331: 8315: 8296: 8294:, p. 275. 8284: 8266: 8264:, p. 383. 8251: 8249:, p. 194. 8239: 8237:, p. 193. 8227: 8225:, p. 397. 8215: 8213:, p. 415. 8203: 8191: 8189:, p. 404. 8175: 8173:, p. 214. 8169:, p. 67; 8159: 8157:, p. 214. 8143: 8141:, p. 109. 8131: 8092: 8090:, p. 171. 8080: 8078:, p. 406. 8068: 8066:, p. 400. 8053: 8051:, p. 171. 8038: 8036:, p. 411. 8026: 8024:, p. 409. 8009: 8007:, p. 408. 7994: 7992:, p. 357. 7982: 7970: 7968:, p. 170. 7955: 7953:, p. 170. 7939: 7937:, p. 169. 7927: 7915: 7903: 7891: 7889:, p. 241. 7879: 7867: 7855: 7853:, p. 111. 7843: 7831: 7819: 7817:, p. 229. 7807: 7805:, p. 227. 7795: 7783: 7781:, p. 338. 7768: 7766:, p. 407. 7764:Longerich 2010 7756: 7754:, p. 421. 7740: 7738:, p. 175. 7728: 7726:, p. 174. 7713: 7701: 7675: 7663: 7651: 7649:, p. 363. 7639: 7637:, p. 203. 7627: 7625:, p. 215. 7615: 7603: 7591: 7589:, p. 439. 7579: 7577:, p. 194. 7567: 7555: 7553:, p. 428. 7543: 7541:, p. 429. 7528: 7526:, p. 185. 7516: 7499: 7487: 7475: 7473:, p. 448. 7460: 7448: 7422: 7410: 7398: 7386: 7384:, p. 102. 7374: 7372:, p. 139. 7362: 7347: 7332: 7320: 7318:, p. 381. 7308: 7306:, p. 389. 7296: 7284: 7269: 7257: 7245: 7233: 7221: 7209: 7207:, p. 505. 7197: 7195:, p. 325. 7182: 7170: 7168:, p. 178. 7151: 7149:, p. 362. 7139: 7127: 7125:, p. 176. 7115: 7113:, p. 133. 7099: 7097:, p. 174. 7087: 7070: 7058: 7056:, p. 155. 7046: 7044:, p. 172. 7034: 7030:Stangneth 2014 7022: 7020:, p. 177. 7010: 6995: 6993:, p. 171. 6980: 6968: 6956: 6944: 6932: 6920: 6910:, p. 21; 6900: 6888: 6876: 6864: 6858:, p. 33; 6848: 6836: 6810: 6798: 6786: 6774: 6762: 6750: 6738: 6736:, p. 408. 6734:Longerich 2010 6723: 6721:, p. 162. 6711: 6696: 6673: 6661: 6635: 6617: 6588: 6576: 6564: 6552: 6540: 6528: 6526:, p. 189. 6516: 6504: 6492: 6490:, p. 180. 6480: 6468: 6456: 6441: 6439:, p. 285. 6429: 6417: 6415:, p. 273. 6405: 6393: 6391:, p. 274. 6381: 6379:, p. 299. 6369: 6367:, p. 282. 6357: 6355:, p. 314. 6345: 6333: 6321: 6319:, p. 100. 6309: 6307:, p. 154. 6288: 6286:, p. 154. 6272: 6255:The New Yorker 6238: 6236:, p. 104. 6226: 6224:, p. 139. 6214: 6184: 6172: 6166:, p. 45; 6162:, p. 18; 6152: 6136: 6124: 6112: 6110:, p. 115. 6100: 6098:, p. 113. 6080: 6068: 6066:, p. 364. 6056: 6052:Krakowski 1998 6044: 6042:, p. 359. 6032: 6030:, p. 353. 6020: 6018:, p. 112. 6008: 5996: 5984: 5972: 5960: 5958:, p. 108. 5948: 5946:, p. xii. 5932: 5920: 5908: 5896: 5894:, p. 164. 5884: 5882:, p. 159. 5872: 5860: 5858:, p. 143. 5848: 5846:, p. 138. 5832: 5830:, p. 161. 5816: 5804: 5792: 5780: 5768: 5756: 5744: 5728: 5726:, p. 335. 5716: 5714:, p. 144. 5701: 5699:, p. 165. 5685: 5683:, p. 133. 5679:, p. 31; 5666: 5651: 5639: 5637:, p. 144. 5618: 5616:, p. 143. 5603: 5601:, p. 707. 5599:Wachsmann 2015 5591: 5589:, p. 357. 5579: 5577:, p. 359. 5567: 5555: 5538:, p. 61; 5524: 5522:, p. 142. 5509: 5507:, p. 148. 5497: 5485: 5481:Świebocki 2002 5469: 5467:, p. 117. 5449: 5447:, p. 128. 5430: 5414: 5412:, p. 121. 5402: 5400:, p. 364. 5387: 5375: 5363: 5351: 5335: 5323: 5317:, p. 51; 5303: 5286: 5284:, p. 166. 5270: 5268:, p. 362. 5255: 5233: 5221: 5219:, p. 244. 5209: 5207:, p. 117. 5197: 5185: 5173: 5171:, p. 144. 5169:Longerich 2010 5157: 5153:Longerich 2010 5145: 5141:Longerich 2010 5133: 5129:Longerich 2010 5121: 5117:Longerich 2010 5109: 5107:, p. 424. 5097: 5085: 5060: 5034: 5019: 4998: 4963: 4961:, p. 166. 4951: 4933: 4900: 4898:, p. 230. 4883: 4864: 4862: 4859: 4856: 4855: 4818: 4799: 4786: 4776: 4767:'s 1961 work, 4747: 4738: 4720: 4704: 4682: 4666: 4640: 4626: 4625: 4623: 4620: 4618: 4617: 4612: 4607: 4602: 4596: 4594: 4591: 4587:Piotr Cywiński 4490: 4483: 4482: 4481: 4476: 4469: 4468: 4467: 4456: 4449: 4448: 4447: 4440:of the camp's 4438:Wilhelm Brasse 4434:Czesława Kwoka 4432: 4425: 4424: 4423: 4422: 4421: 4416:Main article: 4413: 4410: 4297:Helmut Schmidt 4287:. In 2005 the 4252: 4245: 4244: 4243: 4238: 4231: 4230: 4229: 4228: 4227: 4225: 4222: 4198:Martin Broszat 4012: 4009: 4007: 4004: 3911: 3904: 3903: 3902: 3893: 3886: 3885: 3884: 3883: 3882: 3877:Main article: 3874: 3871: 3867:Sonderkommando 3846:Dora-Mittelbau 3806:Sonderkommando 3779: 3776: 3768:Sonderkommando 3760:Sonderkommando 3745:Sonderkommando 3739:Sonderkommando 3725:Sonderkommando 3710: 3707:Sonderkommando 3704: 3692:Martin Gilbert 3639:Bomber Command 3632:Richard Pierse 3604:Main article: 3601: 3598: 3560:Alfréd Wetzler 3533:Jerzy Bielecki 3489:Alfréd Wetzler 3462: 3456: 3431:Sonderkommando 3426:Sonderkommando 3366:Witold Pilecki 3344:of the Polish 3342:Witold Pilecki 3338: 3337: 3333:United Nations 3322: 3315: 3313: 3303: 3296: 3294: 3285: 3278: 3256: 3253: 3251: 3248: 3243:Timothy Snyder 3236: 3235: 3232: 3229: 3226: 3220: 3219: 3218:10,000–15,000 3216: 3213: 3210: 3165: 3164: 3161: 3158: 3155: 3149: 3148: 3145: 3142: 3139: 3129: 3128: 3125: 3122: 3119: 3113: 3112: 3109: 3106: 3103: 3097: 3096: 3093: 3088: 3083: 3068:Richard Glücks 3056:Adolf Eichmann 3022: 3019: 3003:Sonderkommando 2971:Sonderkommando 2962:Sonderkommando 2952: 2951:Use of corpses 2949: 2935:Sonderkommando 2909: 2906: 2889: 2886: 2882:Sonderkommando 2863: 2856: 2855: 2854: 2849: 2842: 2841: 2840: 2835: 2828: 2827: 2826: 2825: 2824: 2802: 2799: 2797: 2794: 2785:Alfred Wetzler 2755:Adolf Eichmann 2751:Czechoslovakia 2735:Main article: 2732: 2729: 2662: 2659: 2657: 2654: 2648:Sonderkommando 2643:Sonderkommando 2593: 2590: 2531:Main article: 2528: 2525: 2519:, part of the 2517:Doctors' trial 2429:Doctors' trial 2410:Helmuth Vetter 2404:—then part of 2360: 2357: 2353:Horst Schumann 2331:Oberaufseherin 2279:Adolf Eichmann 2242: 2235: 2234: 2233: 2228: 2221: 2220: 2219: 2218: 2217: 2209: 2206: 2186:Observant Jews 2172:Miklós Nyiszli 2134: 2127: 2126: 2125: 2116: 2109: 2108: 2107: 2106: 2105: 2054: 2051: 2047:Hungarian Jews 2039:Altejudenrampe 2022: 2019: 1970: 1967: 1958:Sonderkommando 1951:Sonderkommando 1949:valuable, the 1946:Sonderkommando 1941:Sonderkommando 1919:Blockschreiber 1915:Lagerprominenz 1898: 1896:Sonderkommando 1892: 1804: 1797: 1796: 1795: 1766: 1759: 1758: 1757: 1756: 1755: 1743: 1740: 1738: 1735: 1687:Aussenkommando 1656: 1653: 1544:Main article: 1541: 1538: 1534:Sonderkommando 1494: 1491: 1440: 1433: 1432: 1431: 1413:Hungarian Jews 1410: 1403: 1402: 1401: 1396: 1389: 1388: 1387: 1386: 1385: 1383: 1380: 1371: 1368: 1364:Sonderkommando 1348:Theresienstadt 1343:Sonderkommando 1315:Adolf Eichmann 1256:Final Solution 1237: 1234: 1207: 1200: 1199: 1198: 1197: 1196: 1188: 1185: 1152: 1149: 1106:, head of the 1087:Walter Eisfeld 1081:, head of the 1079:Richard Glücks 1045: 1038: 1037: 1036: 1031: 1024: 1023: 1022: 1013: 1006: 1005: 1004: 959: 952: 951: 950: 949: 948: 946: 943: 941: 938: 936: 933: 888:Einsatzgruppen 877:and from 1941 867:invaded Poland 852:Nuremberg Laws 801:racial hygiene 787: 780: 779: 778: 769: 762: 761: 760: 759: 758: 756: 753: 707:As the Soviet 689:Sonderkommando 621:After Germany 612:Final Solution 497: 496: 493: 492: 489: 488: 485: 481: 480: 475: 471: 470: 463: 459: 458: 455: 451: 450: 447: 443: 442: 439: 435: 434: 429: 426: 425: 422: 421: 408: 404: 403: 401: 400: 392: 384: 376: 367: 365: 361: 360: 342:Alfréd Wetzler 322:Witold Pilecki 275: 271: 270: 267: 263: 262: 259: 255: 254: 251: 247: 246: 243: 239: 238: 235: 231: 230: 227: 223: 222: 215: 211: 210: 199: 195: 194: 189: 185: 184: 179: 175: 174: 169: 165: 164: 132: 126: 125: 107: 95: 94: 93: 84: 83: 82: 81: 80: 79: 76: 75: 64: 63: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 16897: 16886: 16883: 16881: 16878: 16876: 16873: 16871: 16868: 16866: 16865:The Holocaust 16863: 16861: 16858: 16856: 16853: 16851: 16848: 16846: 16843: 16841: 16838: 16836: 16833: 16831: 16828: 16826: 16823: 16822: 16820: 16810: 16800: 16798: 16788: 16787: 16784: 16762: 16758: 16756: 16753: 16751: 16748: 16746: 16743: 16741: 16738: 16736: 16733: 16731: 16728: 16726: 16723: 16721: 16718: 16714: 16711: 16710: 16709: 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16355: 16353: 16351:Organizations 16349: 16343: 16340: 16339: 16336: 16332: 16327: 16323: 16309: 16306: 16304: 16301: 16299: 16296: 16294: 16293:Romani people 16291: 16289: 16286: 16284: 16281: 16279: 16276: 16274: 16271: 16270: 16268: 16266: 16262: 16252: 16249: 16247: 16246:Working Group 16244: 16242: 16239: 16237: 16234: 16232: 16231:Kastner train 16229: 16227: 16224: 16222: 16219: 16218: 16216: 16214: 16210: 16202: 16199: 16197: 16194: 16192: 16189: 16188: 16187: 16184: 16180: 16177: 16176: 16175: 16172: 16171: 16169: 16167: 16163: 16157: 16154: 16152: 16149: 16147: 16144: 16142: 16139: 16137: 16134: 16132: 16129: 16127: 16124: 16122: 16119: 16117: 16114: 16112: 16111: 16107: 16106: 16104: 16100: 16094: 16091: 16089: 16086: 16084: 16081: 16080: 16078: 16075: 16070: 16062: 16059: 16058: 16057: 16054: 16050: 16047: 16045: 16042: 16041: 16040: 16037: 16035: 16032: 16030: 16027: 16025: 16022: 16020: 16019: 16018:Kristallnacht 16015: 16014: 16012: 16008: 16002: 15999: 15997: 15994: 15992: 15989: 15988: 15986: 15984: 15980: 15977: 15975: 15971: 15967: 15963: 15958: 15954: 15936: 15933: 15931: 15928: 15926: 15923: 15922: 15920: 15918: 15917: 15912: 15906: 15903: 15901: 15898: 15896: 15893: 15891: 15888: 15886: 15883: 15881: 15878: 15877: 15875: 15871: 15865: 15862: 15860: 15857: 15855: 15852: 15850: 15847: 15845: 15842: 15840: 15837: 15835: 15832: 15831: 15829: 15827: 15823: 15820: 15817: 15813: 15809: 15803: 15802: 15801:Sanitätswesen 15798: 15796: 15795: 15791: 15789: 15786: 15784: 15783: 15778: 15777: 15775: 15771: 15765: 15764:Death marches 15762: 15760: 15757: 15755: 15752: 15750: 15747: 15745: 15742: 15740: 15737: 15736: 15734: 15730: 15724: 15721: 15719: 15714: 15712: 15709: 15707: 15704: 15702: 15699: 15697: 15692: 15690: 15687: 15685: 15682: 15680: 15679: 15673: 15671: 15668: 15666: 15663: 15661: 15660: 15654: 15652: 15649: 15647: 15644: 15642: 15637: 15636: 15634: 15630: 15624: 15621: 15619: 15616: 15614: 15611: 15609: 15606: 15604: 15601: 15599: 15596: 15595: 15593: 15591: 15590:Extermination 15587: 15581: 15578: 15576: 15573: 15571: 15568: 15566: 15565:Sachsenhausen 15563: 15561: 15558: 15556: 15553: 15551: 15548: 15546: 15543: 15541: 15537: 15534: 15532: 15529: 15527: 15524: 15522: 15519: 15517: 15514: 15512: 15509: 15507: 15506:Herzogenbusch 15504: 15502: 15499: 15497: 15494: 15492: 15489: 15487: 15484: 15482: 15481:Bergen-Belsen 15479: 15477: 15474: 15473: 15471: 15469: 15468:Concentration 15465: 15461: 15457: 15453: 15448: 15444: 15432: 15429: 15427: 15424: 15422: 15419: 15418: 15417: 15414: 15410: 15407: 15405: 15404:United States 15402: 15400: 15397: 15395: 15392: 15390: 15387: 15385: 15382: 15380: 15377: 15375: 15372: 15371: 15370: 15367: 15366: 15364: 15360: 15354: 15351: 15349: 15346: 15344: 15341: 15339: 15336: 15335: 15333: 15329: 15321: 15318: 15316: 15313: 15312: 15310: 15306: 15303: 15301: 15298: 15296: 15293: 15292: 15291: 15288: 15286: 15283: 15281: 15278: 15276: 15273: 15271: 15268: 15266: 15263: 15261: 15258: 15256: 15253: 15249: 15246: 15245: 15244:and colonies 15243: 15240: 15238: 15235: 15231: 15228: 15227: 15226: 15223: 15221: 15218: 15216: 15213: 15211: 15208: 15206: 15203: 15199: 15196: 15194: 15191: 15189: 15186: 15185: 15183: 15181: 15178: 15176: 15173: 15171: 15168: 15166: 15163: 15162: 15160: 15156: 15152: 15148: 15147:The Holocaust 15141: 15136: 15134: 15129: 15127: 15122: 15121: 15118: 15102: 15099: 15097: 15094: 15091: 15087: 15084: 15083: 15081: 15079: 15075: 15069: 15066: 15064: 15061: 15059: 15056: 15054: 15051: 15049: 15046: 15044: 15041: 15040: 15038: 15036: 15032: 15022: 15019: 15017: 15014: 15012: 15009: 15008: 15006: 15002: 14996: 14993: 14991: 14988: 14987: 14985: 14981: 14978: 14976: 14972: 14966: 14963: 14961: 14958: 14956: 14955:Kielce pogrom 14953: 14951: 14948: 14946: 14943: 14941: 14938: 14937: 14935: 14933: 14929: 14920: 14915: 14913: 14908: 14906: 14901: 14900: 14897: 14893: 14879: 14876: 14874: 14871: 14869: 14866: 14864: 14861: 14859: 14856: 14854: 14851: 14850: 14848: 14844: 14834: 14831: 14830: 14828: 14824: 14818: 14816: 14812: 14810: 14807: 14805: 14802: 14800: 14797: 14795: 14792: 14791: 14789: 14785: 14779: 14776: 14774: 14773:Stroop Report 14771: 14769: 14766: 14764: 14761: 14759: 14756: 14754: 14751: 14749: 14746: 14744: 14741: 14739: 14736: 14734: 14731: 14729: 14726: 14725: 14723: 14719: 14716: 14714: 14713:Documentation 14710: 14700: 14697: 14695: 14692: 14690: 14687: 14685: 14682: 14680: 14677: 14675: 14672: 14670: 14667: 14665: 14662: 14660: 14657: 14655: 14652: 14651: 14649: 14645: 14639: 14636: 14634: 14631: 14629: 14626: 14624: 14621: 14620: 14618: 14614: 14611: 14607: 14601: 14598: 14596: 14593: 14591: 14588: 14586: 14583: 14581: 14578: 14576: 14573: 14571: 14568: 14566: 14563: 14561: 14558: 14556: 14553: 14551: 14548: 14546: 14545:Marek Edelman 14543: 14541: 14538: 14536: 14533: 14531: 14528: 14527: 14525: 14521: 14515: 14512: 14510: 14507: 14505: 14502: 14500: 14497: 14495: 14492: 14490: 14487: 14486: 14484: 14480: 14474: 14471: 14469: 14466: 14464: 14461: 14459: 14456: 14454: 14451: 14449: 14446: 14444: 14441: 14439: 14436: 14435: 14433: 14431:Organizations 14429: 14420: 14415: 14413: 14408: 14406: 14401: 14400: 14397: 14393: 14383: 14380: 14377: 14373: 14369: 14365: 14361: 14357: 14353: 14349: 14345: 14341: 14338: 14337: 14335: 14333: 14332:Collaboration 14329: 14323: 14320: 14318: 14315: 14313: 14310: 14308: 14305: 14303: 14300: 14297: 14293: 14290: 14287: 14283: 14280: 14279: 14277: 14275:Organizations 14273: 14263: 14260: 14258: 14255: 14254: 14252: 14248: 14242: 14239: 14237: 14234: 14232: 14229: 14227: 14224: 14222: 14221:Eduard Lorenz 14219: 14217: 14216:Anton Lechner 14214: 14212: 14209: 14207: 14204: 14202: 14201:Josef Kollmer 14199: 14197: 14194: 14192: 14189: 14187: 14184: 14182: 14179: 14177: 14174: 14172: 14171:Kurt Gerstein 14169: 14167: 14166:Hans Hoffmann 14164: 14162: 14159: 14157: 14154: 14152: 14149: 14147: 14144: 14142: 14139: 14137: 14136:Juana Bormann 14134: 14132: 14129: 14127: 14124: 14122: 14119: 14118: 14116: 14112: 14109: 14105: 14095: 14092: 14090: 14087: 14085: 14082: 14080: 14077: 14075: 14074:Erich Naumann 14072: 14070: 14067: 14065: 14062: 14060: 14057: 14055: 14052: 14050: 14047: 14045: 14042: 14040: 14037: 14035: 14032: 14030: 14029:Lothar Beutel 14027: 14025: 14022: 14020: 14017: 14016: 14014: 14012: 14011: 14006: 14000: 13999:Jürgen Stroop 13997: 13995: 13992: 13990: 13987: 13985: 13982: 13980: 13977: 13975: 13972: 13970: 13969:Josef Blösche 13967: 13965: 13962: 13960: 13957: 13956: 13954: 13950: 13944: 13943:Eduard Wirths 13941: 13939: 13936: 13934: 13931: 13929: 13928:Josef Mengele 13926: 13924: 13921: 13919: 13918:Horst Fischer 13916: 13914: 13913:Karl Gebhardt 13911: 13909: 13908:Carl Clauberg 13906: 13904: 13901: 13900: 13898: 13896: 13892: 13886: 13883: 13881: 13880:Ludwig Plagge 13878: 13876: 13873: 13871: 13870:Herbert Lange 13868: 13866: 13863: 13861: 13858: 13856: 13853: 13851: 13850:Kurt Bolender 13848: 13846: 13843: 13842: 13840: 13834: 13828: 13825: 13823: 13822:Gustav Wagner 13820: 13818: 13815: 13813: 13810: 13808: 13805: 13803: 13800: 13798: 13795: 13793: 13790: 13788: 13785: 13783: 13780: 13778: 13775: 13773: 13770: 13768: 13765: 13763: 13760: 13758: 13755: 13753: 13750: 13748: 13747:Franz Hössler 13745: 13743: 13740: 13738: 13735: 13733: 13730: 13728: 13725: 13723: 13720: 13718: 13715: 13713: 13712:Karl Fritzsch 13710: 13708: 13705: 13703: 13700: 13698: 13695: 13693: 13690: 13688: 13685: 13683: 13682:Wilhelm Boger 13680: 13678: 13675: 13673: 13670: 13669: 13667: 13663: 13657: 13654: 13652: 13649: 13647: 13644: 13642: 13639: 13637: 13634: 13632: 13629: 13627: 13624: 13622: 13619: 13617: 13614: 13612: 13609: 13607: 13604: 13602: 13601:Erwin Lambert 13599: 13597: 13594: 13592: 13589: 13587: 13586:Wilhelm Koppe 13584: 13582: 13579: 13577: 13576:Hermann Höfle 13574: 13572: 13569: 13567: 13564: 13562: 13559: 13557: 13554: 13552: 13549: 13547: 13544: 13542: 13541:Theodor Eicke 13539: 13537: 13534: 13532: 13529: 13527: 13524: 13523: 13521: 13517: 13514: 13510: 13501: 13496: 13494: 13489: 13487: 13482: 13481: 13478: 13474: 13464: 13461: 13459: 13456: 13454: 13451: 13449: 13446: 13445: 13443: 13439: 13433: 13430: 13428: 13425: 13423: 13420: 13418: 13415: 13413: 13410: 13408: 13405: 13403: 13400: 13398: 13395: 13393: 13390: 13388: 13385: 13383: 13380: 13378: 13375: 13373: 13370: 13368: 13365: 13363: 13360: 13358: 13355: 13352: 13348: 13345: 13343: 13340: 13338: 13335: 13333: 13330: 13328: 13325: 13323: 13320: 13318: 13315: 13313: 13310: 13309: 13307: 13305: 13301: 13295: 13292: 13290: 13287: 13285: 13282: 13280: 13277: 13275: 13272: 13269: 13266: 13265: 13263: 13259: 13253: 13250: 13248: 13245: 13243: 13242:Aktion Krakau 13240: 13238: 13235: 13233: 13230: 13228: 13225: 13223: 13220: 13218: 13215: 13213: 13212:Bloody Sunday 13210: 13208: 13205: 13204: 13202: 13198: 13188: 13185: 13183: 13180: 13178: 13175: 13173: 13170: 13168: 13165: 13163: 13160: 13158: 13155: 13153: 13150: 13148: 13145: 13143: 13140: 13139: 13137: 13135: 13134:Concentration 13131: 13123: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13113: 13110: 13109: 13108: 13107: 13103: 13101: 13098: 13096: 13093: 13091: 13088: 13087: 13085: 13083: 13082:Extermination 13079: 13076: 13074: 13070: 13061: 13056: 13054: 13049: 13047: 13042: 13041: 13038: 13034: 13030: 13024: 13021: 13019: 13016: 13014: 13011: 13009: 13006: 13004: 13001: 12999: 12996: 12994: 12991: 12989: 12986: 12984: 12981: 12979: 12976: 12974: 12971: 12969: 12966: 12964: 12961: 12959: 12956: 12953: 12951: 12950:The Holocaust 12948: 12945: 12944: 12941: 12937: 12930: 12925: 12923: 12918: 12916: 12911: 12910: 12907: 12894: 12891: 12888: 12885: 12884: 12881: 12875: 12872: 12867: 12863: 12862: 12861: 12858: 12857: 12855: 12851: 12845: 12842: 12840: 12837: 12834: 12830: 12827: 12825: 12822: 12820: 12817: 12815: 12812: 12810: 12807: 12804: 12801: 12799: 12796: 12790: 12787: 12785: 12782: 12777: 12774: 12772: 12769: 12767: 12764: 12759: 12756: 12755: 12753: 12749: 12745: 12741: 12734: 12729: 12727: 12722: 12720: 12715: 12714: 12711: 12705:by Bill Hunt. 12704: 12701: 12698: 12694: 12690: 12687: 12684: 12681: 12677: 12674: 12671: 12668: 12666: 12663: 12661: 12657: 12652: 12651: 12641: 12637: 12634: 12633: 12629: 12625: 12624: 12618: 12614: 12610: 12606: 12602: 12601: 12595: 12593: 12589: 12585: 12581: 12578: 12574: 12572:0-8214-1506-9 12568: 12564: 12559: 12547: 12543: 12538: 12536: 12535:0-14-018624-7 12532: 12528: 12527: 12522: 12519: 12518: 12506: 12502: 12498: 12494: 12489: 12485: 12479: 12475: 12474: 12468: 12464: 12460: 12456: 12452: 12448: 12444: 12440: 12434: 12430: 12426: 12422: 12418: 12412: 12408: 12404: 12399: 12395: 12389: 12385: 12380: 12376: 12374:0-253-32684-2 12370: 12366: 12362: 12358: 12354: 12350: 12345: 12341: 12336: 12332: 12328: 12324: 12318: 12314: 12313: 12308: 12304: 12300: 12296: 12292: 12286: 12282: 12281: 12276: 12271: 12267: 12263: 12259: 12253: 12249: 12248: 12243: 12238: 12234: 12230: 12226: 12220: 12216: 12215: 12210: 12205: 12201: 12197: 12193: 12187: 12183: 12182: 12177: 12172: 12168: 12164: 12160: 12154: 12150: 12149: 12143: 12139: 12135: 12131: 12125: 12121: 12120: 12115: 12110: 12106: 12102: 12098: 12092: 12088: 12087: 12082: 12077: 12073: 12069: 12065: 12059: 12055: 12054: 12049: 12045: 12041: 12035: 12031: 12027: 12023: 12019: 12017:0-06-082581-2 12013: 12009: 12008: 12003: 11999: 11995: 11989: 11985: 11981: 11977: 11965: 11961: 11957: 11952: 11940: 11936: 11932: 11927: 11923: 11917: 11913: 11912: 11906: 11902: 11896: 11892: 11891: 11886: 11882: 11878: 11874: 11870: 11866: 11861: 11857: 11855:1-58648-303-X 11851: 11847: 11846: 11841: 11837: 11833: 11831:0-253-32684-2 11827: 11823: 11819: 11815: 11811: 11807: 11803: 11799: 11793: 11789: 11788: 11782: 11778: 11774: 11770: 11764: 11760: 11759: 11753: 11749: 11747:0-253-32684-2 11743: 11739: 11735: 11730: 11726: 11724:0-253-32684-2 11720: 11716: 11712: 11708: 11703: 11699: 11697:0-253-32684-2 11693: 11689: 11685: 11680: 11676: 11672: 11668: 11664: 11660: 11656: 11645:on 1 May 2014 11644: 11640: 11636: 11632: 11628: 11624: 11623: 11618: 11617:Perl, Gisella 11614: 11610: 11604: 11600: 11596: 11592: 11580: 11576: 11572: 11568: 11566:0-312-19838-8 11562: 11558: 11554: 11553: 11547: 11543: 11537: 11532: 11531: 11525: 11524:Müller, Filip 11521: 11509: 11505: 11499: 11495: 11494: 11488: 11484: 11482:0-8032-1327-1 11478: 11474: 11470: 11466: 11462: 11458: 11454: 11448: 11444: 11439: 11435: 11429: 11425: 11421: 11417: 11413: 11407: 11403: 11402: 11396: 11392: 11390:0-349-10013-6 11386: 11382: 11381: 11376: 11372: 11368: 11364: 11360: 11354: 11350: 11349: 11343: 11339: 11335: 11331: 11325: 11321: 11320: 11314: 11310: 11308:0-253-32684-2 11304: 11300: 11296: 11291: 11287: 11285:0-253-32684-2 11281: 11277: 11273: 11269: 11265: 11261: 11257: 11253: 11247: 11243: 11242: 11237: 11236:Langfus, Leib 11233: 11228: 11222: 11218: 11213: 11209: 11207:0-253-32684-2 11203: 11199: 11195: 11190: 11186: 11184:0-253-32684-2 11180: 11176: 11172: 11167: 11155: 11151: 11148:(in Polish). 11147: 11143: 11139: 11135: 11131: 11129:0-312-19838-8 11125: 11121: 11117: 11116: 11110: 11106: 11104:0-253-32684-2 11100: 11096: 11092: 11087: 11083: 11077: 11073: 11069: 11065: 11061: 11057: 11053: 11047: 11043: 11042: 11036: 11032: 11028: 11024: 11018: 11014: 11013: 11007: 11000: 10993: 10989: 10985: 10983:1-84212-024-7 10979: 10975: 10971: 10970:Hoess, Rudolf 10967: 10963: 10961:0-253-32684-2 10957: 10953: 10949: 10944: 10940: 10934: 10930: 10926: 10925:Hilberg, Raul 10922: 10918: 10914: 10910: 10906: 10902: 10898: 10893: 10889: 10887:0-521-78110-8 10883: 10879: 10875: 10871: 10867: 10861: 10857: 10856: 10851: 10847: 10843: 10837: 10833: 10828: 10824: 10822:0-253-32684-2 10818: 10814: 10810: 10806: 10802: 10798: 10794: 10788: 10784: 10783: 10778: 10777:Greif, Gideon 10774: 10770: 10764: 10760: 10755: 10751: 10745: 10741: 10737: 10733: 10729: 10725: 10719: 10715: 10711: 10707: 10695: 10691: 10685: 10681: 10680: 10675: 10671: 10666: 10662: 10658: 10654: 10650: 10646: 10641: 10637: 10631: 10627: 10623: 10619: 10615: 10609: 10604: 10603: 10596: 10592: 10590:1-59420-074-2 10586: 10581: 10580: 10574: 10570: 10566: 10562: 10558: 10554: 10550: 10546: 10542: 10538: 10534: 10530: 10529:CrossCurrents 10525: 10521: 10515: 10511: 10507: 10503: 10499: 10497:0-393-32291-2 10493: 10489: 10488: 10483: 10479: 10475: 10471: 10467: 10463: 10459: 10454: 10450: 10446: 10442: 10438: 10434: 10430: 10424: 10420: 10419: 10414: 10410: 10409:Czech, Danuta 10406: 10402: 10400:0-253-32684-2 10396: 10392: 10388: 10384: 10379: 10375: 10369: 10365: 10364: 10359: 10355: 10351: 10349:0-8032-1327-1 10345: 10341: 10340: 10335: 10331: 10327: 10321: 10317: 10313: 10309: 10305: 10303:0-312-19838-8 10299: 10295: 10291: 10286: 10282: 10276: 10272: 10267: 10263: 10257: 10253: 10248: 10244: 10242:0-253-32684-2 10238: 10234: 10230: 10226: 10225:Bauer, Yehuda 10222: 10218: 10212: 10208: 10204: 10200: 10196: 10192: 10188: 10184: 10183: 10162: 10158: 10154: 10147: 10131: 10127: 10123: 10116: 10100: 10096: 10092: 10085: 10069: 10065: 10061: 10054: 10038: 10034: 10030: 10024: 10017: 10012: 9996: 9992: 9988: 9981: 9974: 9969: 9967: 9958: 9954: 9950: 9943: 9936: 9931: 9924: 9919: 9903: 9899: 9895: 9889: 9882: 9878: 9873: 9866: 9861: 9854: 9849: 9842: 9837: 9821: 9817: 9811: 9795: 9791: 9790: 9785: 9778: 9771: 9770: 9763: 9756: 9751: 9744: 9739: 9732: 9728: 9723: 9715: 9711: 9704: 9696: 9692: 9688: 9681: 9673: 9669: 9663: 9647: 9643: 9642: 9637: 9633: 9632:Posener, Alan 9627: 9619: 9615: 9609: 9602: 9597: 9590: 9586: 9583: 9578: 9571: 9566: 9559: 9554: 9538: 9534: 9530: 9523: 9516: 9512: 9509: 9504: 9488: 9484: 9480: 9473: 9465: 9461: 9456: 9448: 9440: 9436: 9432: 9428: 9422: 9414: 9410: 9406: 9399: 9391: 9387: 9383: 9377: 9370: 9365: 9357: 9353: 9349: 9345: 9338: 9330: 9324: 9320: 9316: 9309: 9293: 9289: 9285: 9279: 9272: 9271:Wittmann 2005 9267: 9260: 9255: 9248: 9243: 9236: 9231: 9224: 9220: 9215: 9208: 9203: 9196: 9191: 9189: 9181: 9177: 9173: 9168: 9161: 9156: 9149: 9144: 9138:, p. 10. 9137: 9132: 9125: 9120: 9114:, p. 46. 9113: 9108: 9101: 9097: 9094: 9090: 9085: 9079:, p. 48. 9078: 9073: 9066: 9061: 9054: 9049: 9042: 9037: 9031:, p. 45. 9030: 9025: 9023: 9015: 9010: 9003: 8998: 8991: 8987: 8982: 8975: 8970: 8963: 8958: 8951: 8946: 8939: 8935: 8930: 8923: 8918: 8911: 8906: 8900:, p. 30. 8899: 8894: 8892: 8884: 8879: 8872: 8867: 8860: 8859:Cesarani 2016 8856: 8851: 8844: 8840: 8835: 8828: 8824: 8821: 8817: 8813: 8808: 8802:, p. 54. 8801: 8796: 8789: 8785: 8780: 8774:, p. 44. 8773: 8768: 8762:, p. 43. 8761: 8757: 8752: 8745: 8741: 8736: 8729: 8724: 8717: 8712: 8705: 8700: 8693: 8688: 8681: 8680:Kitchens 2000 8676: 8669: 8664: 8658:, p. 36. 8657: 8652: 8650: 8641: 8640: 8634: 8629: 8622: 8618: 8613: 8606: 8601: 8594: 8589: 8573: 8569: 8565: 8559: 8554: 8547: 8542: 8535: 8530: 8528: 8520: 8514: 8507: 8502: 8496:, p. 16. 8495: 8490: 8483: 8478: 8472:, p. 73. 8471: 8466: 8459: 8454: 8447: 8442: 8435: 8430: 8423: 8418: 8411: 8406: 8399: 8394: 8387: 8382: 8380: 8372: 8367: 8365: 8357: 8352: 8350: 8348: 8340: 8335: 8328: 8324: 8319: 8312: 8308: 8305: 8300: 8293: 8288: 8280: 8276: 8270: 8263: 8258: 8256: 8248: 8243: 8236: 8231: 8224: 8219: 8212: 8207: 8200: 8195: 8188: 8184: 8179: 8172: 8168: 8163: 8156: 8152: 8147: 8140: 8139:van Pelt 2016 8135: 8119: 8115: 8111: 8105: 8104:van Pelt 2016 8101: 8096: 8089: 8084: 8077: 8072: 8065: 8060: 8058: 8050: 8045: 8043: 8035: 8030: 8023: 8018: 8016: 8014: 8006: 8001: 7999: 7991: 7986: 7979: 7974: 7967: 7962: 7960: 7952: 7948: 7943: 7936: 7931: 7924: 7919: 7912: 7907: 7900: 7895: 7888: 7883: 7876: 7871: 7864: 7859: 7852: 7847: 7840: 7835: 7828: 7823: 7816: 7811: 7804: 7799: 7792: 7787: 7780: 7775: 7773: 7765: 7760: 7753: 7752:Browning 2004 7749: 7744: 7737: 7732: 7725: 7720: 7718: 7710: 7705: 7689: 7685: 7679: 7672: 7667: 7660: 7655: 7648: 7643: 7636: 7631: 7624: 7619: 7612: 7607: 7601:, p. 97. 7600: 7595: 7588: 7583: 7576: 7571: 7564: 7559: 7552: 7547: 7540: 7535: 7533: 7525: 7520: 7514:, p. 96. 7513: 7508: 7506: 7504: 7496: 7491: 7484: 7479: 7472: 7467: 7465: 7457: 7452: 7436: 7432: 7426: 7419: 7414: 7408:, p. 89. 7407: 7402: 7396:, p. 87. 7395: 7390: 7383: 7378: 7371: 7366: 7360:, p. 79. 7359: 7354: 7352: 7345:, p. 77. 7344: 7339: 7337: 7329: 7324: 7317: 7312: 7305: 7300: 7293: 7288: 7281: 7276: 7274: 7266: 7261: 7254: 7249: 7242: 7237: 7230: 7225: 7218: 7213: 7206: 7201: 7194: 7189: 7187: 7179: 7174: 7167: 7163: 7158: 7156: 7148: 7143: 7136: 7131: 7124: 7119: 7112: 7111:van Pelt 1998 7108: 7103: 7096: 7091: 7085:, p. 88. 7084: 7079: 7077: 7075: 7067: 7062: 7055: 7050: 7043: 7038: 7032:, p. 22. 7031: 7026: 7019: 7014: 7007: 7002: 7000: 6992: 6987: 6985: 6978:, p. 18. 6977: 6972: 6966:, p. 34. 6965: 6960: 6954:, p. 21. 6953: 6948: 6942:, p. 25. 6941: 6936: 6930:, p. 55. 6929: 6928:Iwaszko 2000b 6924: 6918:, p. 70. 6917: 6913: 6912:Iwaszko 2000b 6909: 6904: 6898:, p. 69. 6897: 6892: 6885: 6880: 6873: 6872:Iwaszko 2000b 6868: 6861: 6857: 6852: 6846:, p. 67. 6845: 6840: 6824: 6820: 6814: 6808:, p. 33. 6807: 6802: 6796:, p. 66. 6795: 6790: 6784:, p. 60. 6783: 6782:Iwaszko 2000b 6778: 6772:, p. 45. 6771: 6766: 6760:, p. 56. 6759: 6758:Iwaszko 2000b 6754: 6747: 6742: 6735: 6730: 6728: 6720: 6715: 6709:, p. 17. 6708: 6707:Iwaszko 2000a 6703: 6701: 6692: 6688: 6682: 6680: 6678: 6670: 6665: 6649: 6645: 6639: 6631: 6627: 6621: 6605: 6601: 6595: 6593: 6586:, p. 20. 6585: 6580: 6573: 6568: 6561: 6556: 6549: 6544: 6537: 6532: 6525: 6520: 6513: 6508: 6501: 6496: 6489: 6484: 6477: 6476:Wittmann 2003 6472: 6465: 6460: 6454:, p. 49. 6453: 6448: 6446: 6438: 6433: 6426: 6421: 6414: 6409: 6402: 6397: 6390: 6385: 6378: 6373: 6366: 6361: 6354: 6349: 6342: 6337: 6330: 6325: 6318: 6313: 6306: 6301: 6299: 6297: 6295: 6293: 6285: 6281: 6276: 6260: 6256: 6252: 6248: 6242: 6235: 6230: 6223: 6218: 6212: 6210: 6206: 6203: 6197: 6193: 6188: 6181: 6176: 6170:, p. 58. 6169: 6165: 6161: 6156: 6150:, p. 17. 6149: 6145: 6140: 6133: 6128: 6122:, p. 57. 6121: 6116: 6109: 6104: 6097: 6093: 6089: 6084: 6077: 6072: 6065: 6060: 6054:, p. 57. 6053: 6048: 6041: 6036: 6029: 6024: 6017: 6012: 6006:, p. 53. 6005: 6000: 5993: 5988: 5981: 5976: 5969: 5964: 5957: 5952: 5945: 5941: 5936: 5930:, p. 49. 5929: 5924: 5917: 5912: 5906:, p. 45. 5905: 5900: 5893: 5888: 5881: 5876: 5869: 5864: 5857: 5852: 5845: 5841: 5836: 5829: 5825: 5820: 5814:, p. 94. 5813: 5808: 5801: 5796: 5790:, p. 87. 5789: 5784: 5777: 5776:van Pelt 1998 5772: 5765: 5764:van Pelt 1998 5760: 5753: 5748: 5741: 5737: 5732: 5725: 5720: 5713: 5708: 5706: 5698: 5694: 5689: 5682: 5678: 5673: 5671: 5663: 5658: 5656: 5649:, p. 62. 5648: 5643: 5636: 5631: 5629: 5627: 5625: 5623: 5615: 5610: 5608: 5600: 5595: 5588: 5587:Browning 2004 5583: 5576: 5571: 5564: 5563:Fulbrook 2012 5559: 5552: 5548: 5545: 5541: 5537: 5533: 5532:van Pelt 1998 5528: 5521: 5516: 5514: 5506: 5501: 5495:, p. 61. 5494: 5489: 5482: 5478: 5473: 5466: 5462: 5458: 5453: 5446: 5441: 5439: 5437: 5435: 5427: 5423: 5418: 5411: 5406: 5399: 5394: 5392: 5384: 5379: 5373:, p. 71. 5372: 5367: 5360: 5355: 5349:, p. 65. 5348: 5344: 5339: 5333:, p. 15. 5332: 5331:Iwaszko 2000a 5327: 5321:, p. 166 5320: 5316: 5315:Iwaszko 2000b 5312: 5307: 5301:, p. 16. 5300: 5295: 5293: 5291: 5283: 5279: 5274: 5267: 5262: 5260: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5237: 5230: 5225: 5218: 5217:Matthäus 2004 5213: 5206: 5201: 5194: 5193:Cesarani 2016 5189: 5182: 5177: 5170: 5166: 5165:Browning 2004 5161: 5155:, p. 60. 5154: 5149: 5142: 5137: 5130: 5125: 5118: 5113: 5106: 5105:Browning 2004 5101: 5094: 5089: 5074: 5070: 5064: 5049: 5045: 5038: 5031: 5026: 5024: 5016: 5012: 5007: 5005: 5003: 4995: 4982: 4978: 4974: 4967: 4960: 4955: 4947: 4943: 4937: 4930: 4918: 4914: 4910: 4904: 4897: 4892: 4890: 4888: 4879: 4875: 4869: 4865: 4852: 4848: 4844: 4843:Joachim Gauck 4840: 4836: 4832: 4831:Ronald Lauder 4828: 4822: 4815: 4811: 4810: 4803: 4796: 4790: 4780: 4774: 4772: 4771: 4766: 4760: 4756: 4751: 4742: 4735: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4717: 4713: 4712:Mary Fulbrook 4708: 4701: 4697: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4679: 4675: 4670: 4663: 4659: 4655: 4654: 4649: 4644: 4637: 4631: 4627: 4616: 4613: 4611: 4608: 4606: 4603: 4601: 4598: 4597: 4590: 4588: 4584: 4580: 4575: 4572: 4566: 4560: 4558: 4554: 4551: 4548: 4543: 4541: 4537: 4533: 4529: 4525: 4521: 4516: 4514: 4510: 4506: 4494: 4487: 4473: 4462: 4459: 4453: 4443: 4439: 4435: 4429: 4419: 4409: 4407: 4403: 4399: 4395: 4391: 4387: 4382: 4380: 4376: 4372: 4368: 4364: 4360: 4356: 4355: 4350: 4346: 4345: 4340: 4336: 4332: 4327: 4325: 4321: 4317: 4316:Reuven Rivlin 4313: 4309: 4305: 4302: 4298: 4294: 4290: 4286: 4282: 4277: 4273: 4269: 4268: 4263: 4249: 4235: 4221: 4219: 4215: 4214:Horst Fischer 4211: 4207: 4203: 4199: 4195: 4194: 4189: 4184: 4180: 4176: 4172: 4168: 4164: 4160: 4157:; and guards 4156: 4152: 4148: 4147:Franz Hössler 4144: 4140: 4136: 4135:Dachau Trials 4131: 4129: 4125: 4121: 4117: 4113: 4109: 4105: 4100: 4098: 4094: 4090: 4086: 4082: 4079: 4075: 4071: 4067: 4063: 4059: 4055: 4050: 4048: 4044: 4036: 4031: 4026: 4022: 4018: 4006:After the war 4003: 4001: 3997: 3996:Bergen-Belsen 3993: 3989: 3988: 3983: 3982:Boris Polevoi 3978: 3976: 3972: 3968: 3963: 3961: 3954: 3949: 3946: 3942: 3938: 3934: 3930: 3926: 3922: 3908: 3897: 3890: 3880: 3870: 3868: 3862: 3859: 3855: 3854:Sachsenhausen 3851: 3847: 3843: 3839: 3835: 3831: 3827: 3823: 3822:Bergen-Belsen 3817: 3813: 3811: 3807: 3803: 3799: 3790: 3785: 3775: 3773: 3769: 3765: 3761: 3756: 3754: 3750: 3746: 3741: 3740: 3731: 3727: 3726: 3721: 3716: 3708: 3703: 3701: 3697: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3676: 3671: 3667: 3666: 3661: 3657: 3651: 3646: 3644: 3640: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3625: 3617: 3612: 3607: 3597: 3595: 3591: 3587: 3586: 3581: 3577: 3573: 3569: 3565: 3561: 3557: 3553: 3549: 3545: 3543: 3539: 3534: 3528: 3523: 3519: 3513: 3508: 3503: 3501: 3497: 3490: 3486: 3482: 3477: 3472: 3468: 3461: 3455: 3453: 3452: 3447: 3446: 3441: 3436: 3434: 3432: 3427: 3423: 3422: 3417: 3408: 3404: 3401: 3397: 3391: 3389: 3388: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3367: 3362: 3358: 3356: 3351: 3347: 3343: 3334: 3330: 3326: 3319: 3314: 3310: 3306: 3300: 3295: 3292: 3288: 3287:Camp of Death 3282: 3277: 3276: 3274: 3270: 3266: 3265:Witold Report 3262: 3247: 3244: 3233: 3230: 3227: 3225: 3222: 3221: 3217: 3214: 3212:10,000–15,000 3211: 3209: 3205: 3201: 3197: 3193: 3188: 3184: 3180: 3179:Byelorussians 3176: 3171: 3167: 3166: 3162: 3159: 3156: 3154: 3151: 3150: 3146: 3143: 3140: 3138: 3134: 3131: 3130: 3126: 3123: 3120: 3118: 3115: 3114: 3110: 3107: 3104: 3102: 3099: 3098: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3081: 3075: 3074: 3071: 3069: 3063: 3061: 3057: 3053: 3049: 3044: 3041: 3037: 3027: 3018: 3016: 3012: 3007: 3004: 2998: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2965: 2963: 2957: 2947: 2942: 2940: 2936: 2932: 2926: 2924: 2914: 2905: 2903: 2897: 2895: 2885: 2883: 2879: 2873: 2860: 2846: 2832: 2823: 2821: 2816: 2807: 2793: 2790: 2786: 2782: 2778: 2774: 2769: 2763: 2760: 2756: 2752: 2748: 2744: 2738: 2728: 2725: 2721: 2716: 2714: 2713:the Holocaust 2710: 2709:Josef Mengele 2705: 2701: 2697: 2689: 2685: 2681: 2677: 2672: 2668: 2653: 2651: 2649: 2644: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2628: 2624: 2618: 2616: 2615:Catholic mass 2612: 2608: 2598: 2589: 2587: 2583: 2579: 2575: 2571: 2570:standing cell 2566: 2562: 2559: 2555: 2547: 2543: 2539: 2534: 2524: 2522: 2518: 2514: 2510: 2506: 2502: 2498: 2494: 2493: 2488: 2484: 2483:Rudolf Brandt 2480: 2475: 2473: 2470: 2466: 2462: 2458: 2454: 2450: 2446: 2442: 2438: 2437:Josef Mengele 2430: 2425: 2421: 2419: 2418:Eduard Wirths 2415: 2411: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2395: 2394:Carl Clauberg 2391: 2390:sterilization 2387: 2379: 2375: 2370: 2366: 2356: 2354: 2350: 2349:Carl Clauberg 2346: 2345:Franz Hössler 2343: 2339: 2335: 2332: 2328: 2327:Lagerführerin 2322: 2317: 2315: 2309: 2307: 2303: 2299: 2295: 2290: 2288: 2284: 2280: 2277: 2273: 2269: 2265: 2261: 2260:Lagerführerin 2257: 2253: 2239: 2225: 2215: 2205: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2191: 2187: 2180: 2175: 2173: 2169: 2163: 2161: 2156: 2153: 2149: 2145: 2131: 2120: 2113: 2104: 2099: 2097: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2075: 2071: 2067: 2065: 2064:Auschwitz III 2061: 2050: 2048: 2044: 2040: 2031: 2027: 2018: 2016: 2015:Star of David 2012: 2007: 2003: 1999: 1995: 1991: 1981: 1976: 1966: 1964: 1959: 1954: 1952: 1947: 1943: 1942: 1936: 1934: 1930: 1926: 1925: 1920: 1916: 1912: 1903: 1897: 1891: 1888: 1884: 1883: 1877: 1876: 1875:Volksdeutsche 1870: 1868: 1864: 1861:According to 1859: 1857: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1840: 1838: 1834: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1818: 1814: 1801: 1790: 1786: 1782: 1781:Josef Mengele 1778: 1774: 1773:left to right 1770: 1763: 1753: 1749: 1734: 1732: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1676: 1672: 1668: 1662: 1652: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1628: 1625: 1620: 1611: 1607: 1606:(second left) 1604: 1600: 1596: 1594: 1588: 1586: 1581: 1577: 1573: 1569: 1561: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1537: 1535: 1529: 1527: 1523: 1519: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1500: 1490: 1488: 1482: 1480: 1475: 1471: 1470:Karl Bischoff 1466: 1464: 1460: 1455: 1451: 1437: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1414: 1407: 1393: 1377: 1367: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1344: 1339: 1335: 1331: 1326: 1324: 1320: 1316: 1312: 1308: 1304: 1299: 1297: 1293: 1289: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1276:Upper Silesia 1273: 1269: 1265: 1261: 1257: 1253: 1247: 1243: 1233: 1230: 1226: 1222: 1221:Karl Fritzsch 1217: 1204: 1194: 1184: 1182: 1176: 1170: 1168: 1164: 1158: 1148: 1146: 1145: 1140: 1139: 1134: 1129: 1125: 1121: 1116: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1102: 1098: 1096: 1092: 1088: 1084: 1080: 1077:for Silesia. 1076: 1072: 1068: 1064: 1060: 1056: 1042: 1028: 1017: 1010: 997: 956: 932: 930: 926: 922: 918: 914: 910: 906: 902: 899:outlined the 898: 894: 890: 889: 884: 880: 876: 872: 868: 865:When Germany 863: 861: 857: 853: 849: 845: 840: 838: 834: 830: 826: 822: 818: 814: 813:pan-Germanism 810: 806: 802: 798: 784: 773: 766: 752: 750: 746: 742: 738: 734: 733:Viktor Frankl 730: 726: 722: 718: 714: 710: 705: 703: 699: 695: 694:Schutzstaffel 691: 690: 684: 682: 678: 674: 670: 666: 662: 657: 655: 651: 647: 646:functionaries 642: 638: 634: 633: 632:Schutzstaffel 628: 624: 619: 617: 613: 609: 605: 601: 597: 593: 589: 585: 581: 577: 573: 572:the Holocaust 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 552:concentration 549: 547: 541: 539: 530: 524: 516: 512: 508: 503: 494: 490: 486: 482: 479: 476: 472: 468: 464: 460: 456: 452: 448: 444: 440: 438:Official name 436: 432: 427: 423: 419: 409: 405: 398: 397: 393: 390: 389: 385: 382: 381: 377: 374: 373: 369: 368: 366: 364:Notable books 362: 359: 355: 351: 347: 343: 339: 335: 331: 327: 326:Liliana Segre 323: 319: 315: 311: 307: 303: 299: 295: 294:Viktor Frankl 291: 287: 283: 279: 276: 272: 268: 264: 260: 256: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 229:Army barracks 228: 224: 221: 220: 216: 212: 209: 208: 207:Schutzstaffel 203: 200: 196: 193: 190: 186: 183: 180: 176: 173: 172:The Holocaust 170: 166: 161: 133: 131: 127: 122: 117: 116: 110: 99: 88: 77: 73: 69: 65: 59: 52: 44: 41: 37: 33: 19: 16755:Yizkor books 16416: 16363: 16108: 16056:in Lithuania 16016: 15914: 15799: 15792: 15781: 15715: 15693: 15674: 15655: 15638: 15597: 15475: 15421:by Catholics 15290:Soviet Union 15158:By territory 14814: 14738:Höcker Album 14721:Nazi sources 14609:Victim lists 14575:Miles Lerman 14382:Trawniki men 14322:Hotel Polski 14231:Detlef Nebbe 14196:Oswald Kaduk 14191:Karl Jeschke 14069:Bruno Müller 14059:Felix Landau 14044:Ernst Damzog 14039:Karl Brunner 14008: 13984:Franz Konrad 13885:Adolf Theuer 13838:executioners 13817:Franz Stangl 13787:Robert Mulka 13757:Josef Kramer 13707:Karl Frenzel 13677:Richard Baer 13672:Hans Aumeier 13665:Camp command 13651:Otto Wächter 13531:Josef Bühler 13526:Viktor Brack 13512:Perpetrators 13104: 12946:Main article 12757: 12665:Google Earth 12631: 12622: 12599: 12583: 12562: 12550:. Retrieved 12524: 12496: 12472: 12454: 12450: 12428: 12406: 12383: 12360: 12348: 12339: 12311: 12279: 12246: 12213: 12180: 12147: 12118: 12085: 12052: 12029: 12006: 11983: 11970:10 September 11968:. Retrieved 11959: 11943:. Retrieved 11934: 11910: 11889: 11868: 11864: 11844: 11817: 11786: 11757: 11733: 11710: 11683: 11666: 11662: 11647:. Retrieved 11643:the original 11621: 11598: 11583:. Retrieved 11551: 11529: 11512:. Retrieved 11492: 11468: 11442: 11423: 11400: 11379: 11347: 11318: 11294: 11271: 11240: 11216: 11193: 11170: 11158:. Retrieved 11154:the original 11149: 11145: 11114: 11090: 11071: 11040: 11011: 10973: 10947: 10928: 10900: 10896: 10877: 10874:Hayes, Peter 10854: 10831: 10808: 10781: 10758: 10739: 10735: 10713: 10698:. Retrieved 10678: 10648: 10644: 10625: 10601: 10578: 10532: 10528: 10509: 10486: 10461: 10448: 10417: 10386: 10382: 10362: 10338: 10315: 10289: 10270: 10251: 10228: 10206: 10195:the original 10190: 10165:. Retrieved 10157:The Guardian 10156: 10146: 10134:. Retrieved 10126:The Guardian 10125: 10115: 10103:. Retrieved 10095:The Guardian 10094: 10084: 10072:. Retrieved 10063: 10053: 10041:. Retrieved 10032: 10023: 10011: 9999:. Retrieved 9991:The Guardian 9990: 9980: 9957:the original 9952: 9942: 9930: 9918: 9906:. Retrieved 9897: 9888: 9877:Carroll 2002 9872: 9860: 9848: 9841:Carroll 2002 9836: 9824:. Retrieved 9810: 9798:. Retrieved 9787: 9777: 9768: 9762: 9750: 9738: 9722: 9714:the original 9703: 9690: 9680: 9662: 9650:. Retrieved 9639: 9626: 9608: 9596: 9577: 9565: 9553: 9541:. Retrieved 9533:The Atlantic 9532: 9522: 9503: 9491:. Retrieved 9483:The Guardian 9482: 9472: 9459: 9447: 9434: 9421: 9408: 9398: 9385: 9376: 9364: 9347: 9337: 9318: 9308: 9296:. Retrieved 9287: 9278: 9273:, p. 3. 9266: 9254: 9242: 9230: 9214: 9202: 9167: 9155: 9143: 9131: 9119: 9107: 9093:"First help" 9084: 9072: 9060: 9048: 9036: 9009: 8997: 8981: 8969: 8957: 8945: 8929: 8917: 8905: 8878: 8866: 8850: 8834: 8807: 8795: 8779: 8767: 8751: 8735: 8723: 8711: 8704:Neufeld 2000 8699: 8692:Neufeld 2000 8687: 8675: 8663: 8638: 8628: 8621:Fleming 2014 8612: 8600: 8588: 8576:. Retrieved 8568:The Guardian 8567: 8553: 8541: 8513: 8506:Fleming 2016 8501: 8489: 8482:Nyiszli 2011 8477: 8465: 8458:Fleming 2014 8453: 8441: 8434:Fleming 2014 8429: 8422:Fleming 2014 8417: 8410:Fleming 2014 8405: 8393: 8386:Bartrop 2016 8356:Fleming 2014 8334: 8323:Fleming 2014 8318: 8299: 8287: 8279:the original 8269: 8242: 8230: 8218: 8206: 8194: 8178: 8162: 8151:Hilberg 1961 8146: 8134: 8122:. Retrieved 8113: 8095: 8083: 8071: 8029: 7990:Langfus 2000 7985: 7973: 7942: 7930: 7918: 7906: 7894: 7882: 7870: 7858: 7846: 7834: 7822: 7810: 7798: 7786: 7759: 7743: 7731: 7704: 7692:. Retrieved 7678: 7666: 7654: 7642: 7630: 7623:Fleming 2014 7618: 7611:Fleming 2014 7606: 7594: 7582: 7570: 7558: 7546: 7519: 7490: 7478: 7451: 7439:. Retrieved 7425: 7413: 7401: 7389: 7377: 7365: 7323: 7311: 7299: 7287: 7260: 7253:Mehring 2015 7248: 7236: 7224: 7212: 7200: 7173: 7142: 7130: 7118: 7102: 7090: 7061: 7049: 7037: 7025: 7013: 6971: 6959: 6947: 6940:Nyiszli 2011 6935: 6923: 6903: 6891: 6879: 6867: 6851: 6839: 6827:. Retrieved 6813: 6801: 6789: 6777: 6765: 6753: 6741: 6714: 6691:the original 6664: 6652:. Retrieved 6638: 6620: 6608:. Retrieved 6579: 6567: 6555: 6543: 6531: 6519: 6507: 6495: 6483: 6471: 6459: 6432: 6420: 6408: 6396: 6384: 6372: 6360: 6348: 6336: 6324: 6317:Harding 2013 6312: 6275: 6263:. Retrieved 6254: 6241: 6229: 6217: 6199: 6187: 6175: 6155: 6139: 6127: 6115: 6103: 6083: 6071: 6059: 6047: 6035: 6023: 6011: 5999: 5987: 5975: 5963: 5951: 5935: 5923: 5916:Hilberg 1998 5911: 5899: 5887: 5875: 5863: 5851: 5835: 5819: 5807: 5795: 5783: 5771: 5759: 5747: 5739: 5731: 5719: 5688: 5642: 5594: 5582: 5570: 5558: 5527: 5500: 5488: 5472: 5452: 5417: 5405: 5378: 5366: 5354: 5338: 5326: 5306: 5273: 5245: 5236: 5229:Gerlach 2016 5224: 5212: 5200: 5188: 5176: 5160: 5148: 5136: 5124: 5112: 5100: 5095:, p. 7. 5088: 5076:. Retrieved 5072: 5063: 5051:. Retrieved 5047: 5037: 4992: 4985:. Retrieved 4976: 4966: 4954: 4936: 4928: 4921:. Retrieved 4912: 4903: 4868: 4821: 4807: 4802: 4789: 4779: 4768: 4765:Raul Hilberg 4762: 4758: 4750: 4741: 4731: 4728:Danuta Czech 4723: 4715: 4707: 4698:, Volume V, 4693: 4690:Danuta Czech 4685: 4669: 4656:, Volume V, 4651: 4648:Danuta Czech 4643: 4630: 4576: 4565:Perse School 4561: 4544: 4520:John Paul II 4517: 4501: 4383: 4352: 4348: 4342: 4328: 4320:Andrzej Duda 4271: 4265: 4259: 4210:East Germany 4205: 4191: 4187: 4183:West Germany 4143:Josef Kramer 4139:Belsen Trial 4132: 4124:Hans Aumeier 4120:Maria Mandel 4101: 4088: 4077: 4051: 4040: 3985: 3979: 3975:tuberculosis 3964: 3956: 3951: 3918: 3866: 3863: 3818: 3814: 3805: 3795: 3771: 3767: 3759: 3757: 3748: 3744: 3737: 3735: 3723: 3706: 3695: 3687: 3673: 3663: 3653: 3648: 3645:to bomb it: 3621: 3593: 3583: 3551: 3548:Jerzy Tabeau 3546: 3504: 3493: 3481:KL Auschwitz 3480: 3459: 3449: 3443: 3439: 3437: 3430: 3425: 3419: 3413: 3399: 3392: 3387:The Scotsman 3385: 3381: 3377: 3373: 3370: 3339: 3286: 3239: 3223: 3117:Ethnic Poles 3064: 3045: 3032: 3008: 3002: 2999: 2991:sal ammoniac 2970: 2969: 2961: 2944: 2934: 2931:Leib Langfus 2927: 2922: 2919: 2898: 2891: 2881: 2874: 2870: 2812: 2801:Gas chambers 2764: 2740: 2719: 2717: 2699: 2693: 2656:Family camps 2647: 2642: 2619: 2611:Danuta Czech 2603: 2585: 2577: 2573: 2567: 2563: 2557: 2553: 2551: 2545: 2490: 2476: 2469:tuberculosis 2452: 2434: 2383: 2341: 2337: 2330: 2326: 2324: 2319: 2314:Gisella Perl 2310: 2298:Bauabschnitt 2297: 2293: 2291: 2275: 2268:Danuta Czech 2259: 2249: 2208:Women's camp 2196:, including 2182: 2177: 2164: 2157: 2151: 2143: 2141: 2118: 2101: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2080: 2056: 2042: 2038: 2035: 2011:yellow badge 2005: 2001: 1997: 1993: 1989: 1986: 1957: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1939: 1937: 1933:Kommandierte 1932: 1929:Stubendienst 1928: 1927:(overseer), 1922: 1918: 1914: 1910: 1908: 1895: 1887:death's head 1880: 1873: 1871: 1866: 1860: 1855: 1843:Richard Baer 1841: 1829:Josef Kramer 1811: 1777:Richard Baer 1772: 1769:Höcker Album 1718: 1686: 1683:Arbeitslager 1682: 1678: 1674: 1664: 1629: 1615: 1605: 1592: 1589: 1570:, a type of 1565: 1533: 1530: 1517: 1502: 1483: 1467: 1458: 1447: 1382:Construction 1363: 1341: 1338:Filip Müller 1333: 1327: 1311:women's camp 1300: 1272:Danuta Czech 1267: 1249: 1218: 1214: 1171: 1166: 1160: 1142: 1138:Lagerälteste 1136: 1126:) after the 1123: 1119: 1099: 1063:Arpad Wigand 1054: 1052: 886: 864: 841: 821:Adolf Hitler 809:antisemitism 794: 706: 687: 685: 658: 630: 620: 592:gas chambers 579: 568:World War II 560:Nazi Germany 558:operated by 546:KZ Auschwitz 543: 538:KL Auschwitz 535: 501: 500: 394: 386: 378: 370: 298:Imre Kertész 282:Adolf Burger 266:Liberated by 226:Original use 217: 205: 202:Nazi Germany 120: 108: 40: 16761:Never again 16592:(Action T4) 16518:Remembrance 16303:Homosexuals 16273:Soviet POWs 16201:Częstochowa 15749:Gas chamber 15560:Ravensbrück 15501:Gross-Rosen 15496:Flossenbürg 15379:Philippines 15311:Yugoslavia 15270:Netherlands 15198:Sudetenland 14858:Gas chamber 14826:Concealment 14817:photographs 14664:Gross-Rosen 14633:Lviv (Lwów) 14595:Roza Robota 14499:Częstochowa 14131:Herta Bothe 14121:Hans Anhalt 14114:Camp guards 14054:Ludwig Hahn 14034:Paul Blobel 13974:Franz Bürkl 13964:Hans Biebow 13923:Fritz Klein 13860:Josef Klehr 13845:Erich Bauer 13836:Gas chamber 13782:Karl Möckel 13767:Maria Mandl 13742:Rudolf Höss 13727:Otto Hantke 13616:Oswald Pohl 13606:Ernst Lerch 13417:Stanisławów 13327:Częstochowa 13217:Bronna Góra 13147:Gross-Rosen 13142:Auschwitz I 12676:"Auschwitz" 12552:25 February 11649:10 February 11375:Levi, Primo 10179:Works cited 10043:30 December 9935:Berger 2017 9923:Berger 2017 9881:Berger 2017 9853:Berger 2017 9789:Smithsonian 9369:Snyder 2010 9223:Lasik 2000a 9219:Lasik 1998b 9195:Lasik 1998b 9172:Lasik 1998b 9160:Lasik 2000b 9148:Lasik 2000b 8990:Piper 2000b 8871:Piper 2000b 8855:Piper 2000b 8788:Piper 2000b 8756:Müller 1999 8744:Müller 1999 8728:Piper 2000b 8656:Biddle 2000 8292:Snyder 2010 8262:Snyder 2010 8199:Piper 2000b 8171:Piper 2000b 8167:Piper 1998b 8155:Piper 2000b 8088:Piper 1998c 8049:Piper 2000b 7966:Piper 2000b 7951:Piper 2000b 7947:Piper 1998c 7935:Piper 2000b 7923:Piper 2000b 7911:Piper 2000b 7899:Piper 1998c 7887:Baxter 2017 7863:Piper 1998c 7851:Piper 2000b 7839:Piper 2000b 7827:Piper 2000b 7815:Piper 2000b 7803:Piper 2000b 7748:Piper 2000b 7736:Piper 1998c 7724:Piper 1998c 7709:Piper 1998c 7671:Piper 1998c 7659:Piper 1998c 7483:Piper 2000b 7418:Piper 2000b 7406:Piper 2000b 7394:Piper 2000b 7382:Piper 2000b 7358:Piper 2000b 7343:Piper 2000b 7217:Kubica 1998 7193:Kubica 1998 7178:Kubica 1998 7162:Kubica 1998 6952:Gutman 1998 6908:Gutman 1998 6860:Gutman 1998 6719:Piper 1998c 6584:Gutman 1998 6560:Piper 2000b 6548:Piper 2000b 6536:Piper 2000b 6524:Piper 2000b 6512:Piper 2000b 6500:Piper 2000b 6488:Piper 2000b 6437:Lasik 1998a 6425:Lasik 1998a 6413:Lasik 1998a 6401:Lasik 2000b 6389:Lasik 1998a 6377:Lasik 2000b 6365:Lasik 1998a 6353:Lasik 2000b 6341:Lasik 2000a 6329:Lasik 1998b 6305:Lasik 2000a 6284:Lasik 2000b 6280:Lasik 1998b 6196:Kubica 2009 6180:Gutman 1998 6164:Piper 1998a 6160:Gutman 1998 6148:Gutman 1998 5992:Lasik 2000a 5892:Piper 2000b 5880:Piper 2000b 5868:Piper 2000b 5856:Piper 2000b 5844:Piper 2000b 5828:Piper 1998c 5824:Piper 2000b 5736:Piper 2000b 5712:Piper 2000b 5693:Piper 2000b 5681:Piper 2000b 5677:Müller 1999 5662:Piper 2000b 5647:Piper 2000a 5536:Piper 2000a 5493:Piper 2000a 5465:Piper 2000b 5461:Piper 1998c 5445:Piper 2000b 5426:Piper 1998c 5422:Piper 2000b 5410:Piper 2000b 5311:Piper 2000a 5299:Gutman 1998 5278:Piper 2000a 5205:Piper 2000b 5030:Lasik 2000b 5015:Piper 1998b 5011:Piper 2000b 4909:"Auschwitz" 4896:Piper 2000b 4849:, and King 4678:Rudolf Höss 4550:F-15 Eagles 4522:celebrated 4461:F-15 Eagles 4398:millennials 4384:In 2017, a 4375:Edith Stein 4363:Simone Veil 4335:Elie Wiesel 4308:Helmut Kohl 4301:West German 4167:Bruno Tesch 4054:Rudolf Höss 4035:Rudolf Höss 3850:Ravensbruck 3838:Gross-Rosen 3834:Flossenburg 3798:Łódź Ghetto 3690:(1979) and 3660:David Wyman 3624:Polish Army 3556:Rudolf Vrba 3525: [ 3510: [ 3485:Rudolf Vrba 3433:photographs 3092:(Auschwitz) 3087:(Auschwitz) 3060:Paul Blobel 3048:Rudolf Höss 2964:photographs 2959:One of the 2781:Rudolf Vrba 2720:Hauptbücher 2704:German Roma 2627:Perry Broad 2623:Rudolf Höss 2509:August Hirt 2334:Maria Mandl 2030:Freight car 1817:Baden-Baden 1813:Rudolf Höss 1785:Rudolf Höss 1742:SS garrison 1727:Gleiwitz II 1695:Jawiszowice 1691:Blechhammer 1675:Aussenlager 1624:Peter Hayes 1608:visits the 1487:hypothermia 1450:Peter Hayes 1419:. From the 1417:gas chamber 1330:Perry Broad 1264:Rudolf Höss 1115:Rudolf Höss 1095:Oranienburg 991:Auschwitz I 983: / 940:Auschwitz I 875:Gau Silesia 854:. One, the 850:passed the 837:German Jews 737:Elie Wiesel 713:death march 698:Rudolf Höss 600:labour camp 576:Auschwitz I 399:(1980–1991) 346:Elie Wiesel 338:Rudolf Vrba 334:Simone Veil 330:Edith Stein 234:Operational 198:Operated by 155: / 130:Coordinates 74:(1940–1945) 16819:Categories 16750:Yad Vashem 16730:Uniqueness 16585:Nisko Plan 16358:Nazi Party 16166:Resistance 16136:Ninth Fort 16001:Vel' d'Hiv 15773:Nazi units 15711:Westerbork 15701:Amersfoort 15555:Neuengamme 15536:Mauthausen 15516:Kaiserwald 15486:Buchenwald 15265:Luxembourg 14181:Irma Grese 14176:Paul Götze 14146:Luise Danz 13895:Physicians 13702:Kurt Franz 13551:Hans Frank 13519:Organizers 13463:Heidelager 12803:Krzemionki 12697:Yad Vashem 12026:Stone, Dan 11945:27 January 11877:1029349665 11669:: 49–103. 10700:25 October 10074:20 January 10001:31 January 9908:27 January 9826:20 January 9800:31 January 9652:20 January 9601:Espín 2008 9543:4 February 9493:24 January 9259:Evans 2008 9112:Stone 2015 9029:Stone 2015 9002:Czech 2000 8883:Czech 2000 8843:Evans 2008 8784:Greif 2005 8772:Greif 2005 8760:Greif 2005 8617:Szabó 2011 8578:30 January 8558:Czech 2000 8371:Czech 2000 8124:2 February 8100:Piper 1991 7978:Cohen 1998 7694:26 January 7635:Czech 2000 7587:Keren 1998 7575:Czech 2000 7563:Czech 2000 7551:Keren 1998 7539:Keren 1998 7524:Czech 2000 7495:Bauer 1998 7471:Bauer 1998 7456:Bauer 1998 7441:2 February 7370:Czech 2000 7241:Spitz 2005 7229:Kater 2000 7166:Czech 2000 7054:Czech 2000 7006:Czech 2000 6976:Rosen 2014 6654:1 February 6610:25 January 6088:Hayes 2001 6064:Hayes 2001 6040:Hayes 2001 6028:Hayes 2001 5944:Hayes 2001 5800:Czech 2000 5724:Hayes 2003 5697:Czech 2000 5635:Czech 2000 5614:Czech 2000 5520:Czech 2000 5477:Czech 2000 5359:Czech 2000 5343:Czech 2000 5093:Evans 2005 4816:absolute." 4662:Hans Frank 4557:Amir Eshel 4331:Primo Levi 4312:Yad Vashem 4304:chancellor 4218:guillotine 4181:, held in 4159:Irma Grese 4128:Hans Münch 3992:Buchenwald 3945:Primo Levi 3873:Liberation 3842:Mauthausen 3826:Buchenwald 3810:Mauthausen 3665:Commentary 3634:, head of 3538:Yad Vashem 3259:See also: 3187:Ukrainians 3040:Yad Vashem 3021:Death toll 2923:Sezierraum 2820:de-lousing 2688:Eva Justin 2682:children, 2639:Józef Noji 2633:and Major 2592:Death wall 2574:Stehbunker 2287:Bratislava 2212:See also: 2200:, and the 2066:washroom: 2060:Primo Levi 2021:Transports 1963:Mauthausen 1815:, born in 1679:Nebenlager 1641:Mauthausen 1637:Buchenwald 1619:Reichsmark 1556:Buna Werke 1055:Stammlager 989: ( 970:19°12′18″E 967:50°01′39″N 907:to German 825:Nazi Party 755:Background 729:Primo Levi 580:Stammlager 519:pronounced 465:1979 (3rd 462:Designated 354:Eddie Jaku 306:Primo Levi 290:Anne Frank 286:Edith Eger 214:Commandant 143:19°10′42″E 140:50°02′09″N 16845:IG Farben 16708:Education 16603:Aftermath 16515:Aftermath 16477:Trawnikis 16401:Wehrmacht 16396:Waffen-SS 16196:Białystok 16024:Bucharest 15996:Marseille 15873:Elsewhere 15834:Białystok 15646:Breendonk 15623:Treblinka 15476:Auschwitz 15260:Lithuania 15035:Memorials 14932:Aftermath 14699:Treblinka 14654:Auschwitz 14509:Treblinka 14494:Białystok 14482:Uprisings 14262:Treblinka 14107:Personnel 13875:Otto Moll 13865:Hans Koch 13717:Amon Göth 13448:Action T4 13412:Sosnowiec 13382:Nowy Sącz 13317:Białystok 13284:Szczuczyn 13232:Erntefest 13222:Bydgoszcz 13207:Białystok 13122:Treblinka 12998:Lithuania 12829:Wieliczka 12523:(1992) . 12331:874233579 12299:929235229 12266:929235229 12233:874337926 12200:874337926 12167:874337926 12138:874337926 12105:874337926 12072:874340863 12004:(2005) . 11806:929235229 11777:929235229 11675:0084-3296 11631:937965417 11597:(2011) . 11585:25 August 11526:(1999) . 11514:2 October 11377:(2001) . 11367:929235229 11338:874340863 11260:874233579 11060:874337926 11031:874340863 10972:(2003) . 10917:144058870 10876:(2001) . 10665:147829212 10565:170628493 10549:0011-1953 10484:(2002) . 10447:(2008) . 10437:929235229 9558:Levi 2017 9356:0031-0514 9298:1 October 9207:Höss 2003 9176:Höss 2003 9124:Rees 2005 9065:Levi 2001 9053:Levi 2001 8247:Höss 2003 8235:Höss 2003 8183:Höss 2003 7107:Perl 1948 6829:3 January 6770:Levi 2001 6265:3 January 6200:Also see 5505:Höss 2003 5181:Haar 2009 4861:Citations 4622:Footnotes 4536:Carmelite 4505:mug shots 4341:. Levi's 4285:Treblinka 4153:; doctor 4106:began in 4074:Nuremberg 4058:Flensburg 3925:60th Army 3458:Escapes, 3346:Home Army 3208:Austrians 3196:Yugoslavs 3170:Europeans 3078:(Source: 2983:Treblinka 2888:Selection 2684:Mulfingen 2631:Jan Karcz 2582:Mysłowice 2492:Ahnenerbe 2406:IG Farben 1789:Solahütte 1767:From the 1723:Brzeszcze 1711:Trzebinia 1707:Mysłowice 1610:IG Farben 1576:IG Farben 1522:IG Farben 1463:Brzezinka 1352:Ciechanow 929:Treblinka 848:Reichstag 725:survivors 675:, 15,000 671:, 21,000 604:IG Farben 507:‹See Tfd› 412:auschwitz 192:IG Farben 168:Known for 46:Auschwitz 16693:Academia 16146:Piaśnica 16116:Babi Yar 16044:Jedwabne 15983:Roundups 15916:Judenrat 15880:Budapest 15651:Mechelen 15613:Majdanek 15570:Stutthof 15531:Majdanek 15426:by Poles 15384:Portugal 15362:Response 15353:Timeline 15331:Overview 15193:Slovakia 15180:Bulgaria 14878:Zyklon B 14694:Trawniki 14689:Stutthof 14674:Majdanek 13422:Tarnopol 13362:Lubartów 13274:Jedwabne 13177:Trawniki 13167:Stutthof 13157:Potulice 13100:Majdanek 13018:Slovakia 12751:Cultural 12689:Archived 12636:Archived 12582:(2012). 12546:Archived 12495:(1944). 12427:(2015). 12277:(eds.). 12244:(eds.). 12211:(eds.). 12178:(eds.). 12116:(eds.). 12083:(eds.). 12028:(2015). 11982:(2014). 11964:Archived 11960:BBC News 11939:Archived 11935:BBC News 11887:(2010). 11842:(2005). 11619:(1948). 11579:Archived 11508:Archived 11422:(2010). 11160:27 April 11070:(2000). 10999:Archived 10927:(1961). 10852:(2013). 10807:(eds.). 10779:(2005). 10712:(2016). 10694:Archived 10676:(2007). 10624:(2014). 10575:(2005). 10557:24461656 10508:(2012). 10470:11889621 10415:(eds.). 10360:(2002). 10336:(2004). 10314:(2016). 10205:(2016). 10161:Archived 10130:Archived 10099:Archived 10068:Archived 10037:Archived 10016:BBC 2016 9995:Archived 9902:Archived 9898:BBC News 9820:Archived 9794:Archived 9767:UNESCO, 9695:Archived 9672:Archived 9646:Archived 9618:Archived 9585:Archived 9537:Archived 9511:Archived 9487:Archived 9464:Archived 9439:Archived 9413:Archived 9390:Archived 9292:Archived 9096:Archived 8823:Archived 8572:Archived 8307:Archived 8118:Archived 7688:Archived 7435:Archived 6823:Archived 6648:Archived 6630:Archived 6604:Archived 6259:Archived 6205:Archived 5547:Archived 5250:Archived 5078:11 April 5053:11 April 4981:Archived 4946:Archived 4917:Archived 4878:Archived 4593:See also 4528:Golgotha 4137:and the 3971:diarrhea 3941:Zyklon B 3921:Red Army 3896:Red Army 3802:Slovakia 3749:Oberkapo 3396:Raport W 3364:Captain 3183:Russians 3111:960,000 2987:Majdanek 2815:block 11 2768:Hatikvah 2542:Block 11 2533:Block 11 2398:uteruses 2378:Block 10 2365:Block 10 2160:rutabaga 2084:frescoes 2002:Asoziale 1699:Jaworzno 1655:Subcamps 1649:Red Army 1585:Oświęcim 1560:Monowitz 1526:Monowitz 1513:Oświęcim 1229:block 11 1225:Zyklon B 921:Majdanek 823:and his 819:writes. 805:eugenics 727:such as 709:Red Army 654:block 11 650:gassings 584:Oświęcim 454:Criteria 449:Cultural 350:Else Ury 219:See list 204:and the 188:Built by 178:Location 32:Oświęcim 16797:Germany 16783:Portals 16720:Lessons 16156:Rumbula 16029:Dorohoi 16010:Pogroms 15962:Victims 15812:Ghettos 15744:Gas van 15732:Methods 15706:Schoorl 15684:Bolzano 15632:Transit 15618:Sobibor 15608:Chełmno 15575:Vaivara 15511:Hinzert 15456:ghettos 15409:Vatican 15315:Croatia 15305:Ukraine 15295:Belarus 15285:Romania 15237:Hungary 15220:Germany 15210:Estonia 15205:Denmark 15175:Belgium 15170:Austria 15165:Albania 14863:Gas van 14679:Sobibór 14616:Ghettos 14523:Leaders 14504:Sobibor 14257:Sobibor 14250:By camp 13397:Siedlce 13304:Ghettos 13289:Tykocin 13261:Pogroms 13247:Palmiry 13172:Szebnie 13117:Sobibor 13095:Chełmno 13023:Ukraine 13008:Romania 12988:Germany 12978:Estonia 12973:Denmark 12968:Croatia 12963:Belgium 12958:Belarus 12853:Natural 12833:Bochnia 12660:YouTube 12505:3899327 12405:(ed.). 11822:183–245 11738:157–182 11473:244–308 11467:(ed.). 11299:288–300 11276:271–287 11198:317–337 11095:428–440 10391:522–534 10233:441–455 10167:9 March 10136:9 March 10105:9 March 9953:Haaretz 9386:UN News 4814:satraps 4324:wreaths 4281:Chełmno 3960:Yiddish 3927:of the 3728:member 3231:880,000 3204:Germans 3163:15,000 3147:21,000 3108:865,000 3015:mortars 3011:Vistula 2979:Sobibór 2939:Yiddish 2747:Terezin 2472:bacilli 2283:Gestapo 2198:Shabbat 2074:Latrine 2043:(right) 1703:Lagisze 1647:of the 1633:Gliwice 1505:Silesia 1303:Silesia 1085:, sent 925:Sobibór 917:Chełmno 614:to the 534:; also 467:session 407:Website 242:Inmates 121:Bottom: 16809:Poland 16626:Bricha 16392:(Orpo) 16265:Others 16251:Żegota 16213:Rescue 16191:Warsaw 16151:Ponary 16061:Kaunas 15864:Warsaw 15849:Lublin 15839:Kraków 15826:Poland 15670:Drancy 15603:Belzec 15580:Warsaw 15491:Dachau 15399:Turkey 15394:Sweden 15320:Serbia 15300:Russia 15280:Poland 15275:Norway 15255:Latvia 15225:Greece 15215:France 14975:Trials 14950:Bricha 14684:Soldau 14669:Izbica 14659:Bełżec 14638:Warsaw 14623:Kraków 14463:Żegota 13432:Warsaw 13407:Słonim 13402:Sambor 13377:Mizocz 13367:Lublin 13342:Kraków 13337:Kielce 13332:Grodno 13312:Będzin 13294:Wąsosz 13270:(1946) 13268:Kielce 13182:Warsaw 13162:Soldau 13112:Belzec 13013:Russia 13003:Norway 12993:Latvia 12983:France 12744:Poland 12613:489805 12611:  12590:  12569:  12533:  12503:  12480:  12435:  12413:  12390:  12371:  12365:93–156 12329:  12319:  12297:  12287:  12264:  12254:  12231:  12221:  12198:  12188:  12165:  12155:  12136:  12126:  12103:  12093:  12070:  12060:  12036:  12014:  11990:  11918:  11897:  11875:  11852:  11828:  11804:  11794:  11775:  11765:  11744:  11721:  11694:  11673:  11629:  11605:  11563:  11538:  11500:  11479:  11449:  11430:  11408:  11387:  11365:  11355:  11336:  11326:  11305:  11282:  11258:  11248:  11223:  11204:  11181:  11126:  11120:80–100 11101:  11078:  11058:  11048:  11029:  11019:  10980:  10958:  10935:  10915:  10884:  10862:  10838:  10819:  10789:  10765:  10746:  10720:  10686:  10663:  10632:  10610:  10587:  10563:  10555:  10547:  10516:  10494:  10468:  10435:  10425:  10397:  10370:  10346:  10322:  10300:  10277:  10258:  10239:  10213:  9354:  9325:  4987:8 July 4923:2 July 4509:UNESCO 4406:ComRes 4337:, and 4224:Legacy 4149:, and 4108:Kraków 4097:Warsaw 4066:Minden 4023:, and 4000:Dachau 3998:, and 3987:Pravda 3973:) and 3933:Kraków 3852:, and 3830:Dachau 3753:Rajsko 3709:revolt 3570:, and 3335:, 1942 3271:, and 3200:French 3192:Czechs 3168:Other 3157:12,000 3141:19,000 3124:10,000 3121:64,000 3105:95,000 3095:Total 3054:, via 2981:, and 2975:Bełżec 2698:, the 2680:Romani 2650:revolt 2546:(left) 2449:dwarfs 2386:X-rays 2264:Poprad 1990:Winkel 1825:stucco 1731:Rajsko 1729:, and 1568:Buna-N 1356:Grodno 1354:, and 1163:Tarnów 1124:Grünen 1073:, the 1059:Kraków 945:Growth 927:, and 913:Bełżec 797:Nazism 774:, 1944 749:UNESCO 735:, and 702:Allies 700:. The 673:Romani 606:; and 511:German 484:Region 391:(1960) 383:(1947) 375:(1946) 258:Killed 58:German 54:  16835:Bayer 16740:Humor 16713:Films 16410:Units 16141:Odesa 15991:Izieu 15905:Vilna 15890:Minsk 15885:Kovno 15859:Radom 15723:Sereď 15540:Gusen 15521:Kauen 15452:Camps 15389:Spain 15374:Japan 15248:Libya 15242:Italy 14647:Camps 14307:RKFDV 13427:Wilno 13392:Radom 13387:Pińsk 13322:Brest 13227:Dynów 13073:Camps 12607:–88. 11715:61–76 11688:34–49 11175:50–60 11002:(PDF) 10995:(PDF) 10952:81–92 10913:S2CID 10661:S2CID 10561:S2CID 10553:JSTOR 10294:35–51 4354:Night 4062:Heide 3529:] 3514:] 3160:3,000 3144:2,000 3137:Sinti 2558:kapos 2554:kapos 2402:Bayer 2388:as a 2152:Kapos 1667:Krupp 1580:Dwory 1332:, an 1280:Bytom 935:Camps 582:) in 388:Night 16631:List 16386:(SD) 16366:(SS) 16049:Lviv 16034:Iași 15974:Jews 15895:Riga 15854:Lwów 15844:Łódź 15816:list 15665:Gurs 15538:and 15454:and 15090:List 14628:Łódź 14448:Bund 14312:VoMi 14302:WVHA 13357:Łódź 13347:Lwów 13279:Lviv 12831:and 12609:OCLC 12588:ISBN 12567:ISBN 12554:2018 12531:ISBN 12501:OCLC 12478:ISBN 12433:ISBN 12411:ISBN 12388:ISBN 12369:ISBN 12327:OCLC 12317:ISBN 12295:OCLC 12285:ISBN 12262:OCLC 12252:ISBN 12229:OCLC 12219:ISBN 12196:OCLC 12186:ISBN 12163:OCLC 12153:ISBN 12134:OCLC 12124:ISBN 12101:OCLC 12091:ISBN 12068:OCLC 12058:ISBN 12034:ISBN 12012:ISBN 11988:ISBN 11972:2016 11947:2015 11916:ISBN 11895:ISBN 11873:OCLC 11850:ISBN 11826:ISBN 11802:OCLC 11792:ISBN 11773:OCLC 11763:ISBN 11742:ISBN 11719:ISBN 11692:ISBN 11671:ISSN 11651:2016 11627:OCLC 11603:ISBN 11587:2013 11561:ISBN 11536:ISBN 11516:2020 11498:ISBN 11477:ISBN 11447:ISBN 11428:ISBN 11406:ISBN 11385:ISBN 11363:OCLC 11353:ISBN 11334:OCLC 11324:ISBN 11303:ISBN 11280:ISBN 11256:OCLC 11246:ISBN 11221:ISBN 11202:ISBN 11179:ISBN 11162:2014 11146:WIĘŹ 11124:ISBN 11099:ISBN 11076:ISBN 11056:OCLC 11046:ISBN 11027:OCLC 11017:ISBN 10978:ISBN 10956:ISBN 10933:ISBN 10882:ISBN 10860:ISBN 10836:ISBN 10817:ISBN 10813:5–33 10787:ISBN 10763:ISBN 10744:ISBN 10718:ISBN 10702:2015 10684:ISBN 10630:ISBN 10608:ISBN 10585:ISBN 10545:ISSN 10514:ISBN 10492:ISBN 10466:OCLC 10433:OCLC 10423:ISBN 10395:ISBN 10368:ISBN 10344:ISBN 10320:ISBN 10298:ISBN 10275:ISBN 10256:ISBN 10237:ISBN 10211:ISBN 10169:2019 10138:2019 10107:2019 10076:2019 10045:2019 10003:2019 9910:2019 9828:2019 9802:2019 9654:2019 9545:2019 9495:2020 9352:ISSN 9323:ISBN 9300:2022 8580:2019 8126:2019 7696:2019 7443:2019 6831:2020 6656:2019 6612:2019 6267:2020 5080:2024 5055:2024 4989:2021 4925:2021 4634:The 4524:mass 4318:and 4200:and 4169:and 4161:and 3736:The 3487:and 3469:and 3442:, a 3414:The 3135:and 3133:Roma 3101:Jews 2783:and 2696:Roma 2669:and 2544:and 2485:and 2416:and 2367:and 2192:and 1924:Kapo 1750:and 1669:and 1639:and 1507:and 1305:and 1244:and 1144:kapo 598:, a 570:and 554:and 446:Type 396:Maus 109:Top: 70:and 15780:SS- 14473:ŻZW 14468:ŻOB 14458:PKB 14443:AOB 12742:in 12658:on 12459:doi 11667:XXI 11557:1–9 11150:1–3 10905:doi 10653:doi 10537:doi 4806:In 4402:CNN 4283:or 4095:in 3694:'s 3686:'s 3636:RAF 3616:RAF 3592:as 3540:as 3215:n/a 2745:in 2652:. 2499:in 2119:buk 2098:" . 1869:). 1775:): 1317:'s 1093:in 803:", 747:by 625:by 562:in 542:or 416:/en 16821:: 15717:sk 15695:nl 15677:it 15658:fr 15640:be 14453:GL 14438:AK 14374:/ 14370:, 14366:, 14362:, 14358:, 14354:, 14350:/ 14346:, 14286:SS 12791:: 12695:. 12678:. 12605:87 12455:21 12453:. 12367:. 12325:. 12293:. 12260:. 12227:. 12194:. 12161:. 12132:. 12099:. 12066:. 11962:. 11958:. 11937:. 11933:. 11869:42 11867:. 11824:. 11800:. 11771:. 11740:. 11717:. 11690:. 11665:. 11559:. 11506:. 11475:. 11361:. 11332:. 11301:. 11278:. 11254:. 11200:. 11177:. 11122:. 11097:. 11054:. 11025:. 10954:. 10911:. 10901:17 10899:. 10815:. 10692:. 10659:. 10649:23 10647:. 10559:. 10551:. 10543:. 10533:58 10531:. 10480:; 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Auschwitz II Birkenau
Auschwitz (disambiguation)
Nazi concentration
extermination camp

Arbeit macht frei
50°02′09″N 19°10′42″E / 50.03583°N 19.17833°E / 50.03583; 19.17833
The Holocaust
German-occupied Poland
IG Farben
Nazi Germany
See list
Auschwitz prisoners
Adolf Burger
Edith Eger
Anne Frank
Viktor Frankl
Imre Kertész
Maximilian Kolbe
Primo Levi
Fritz Löhner-Beda
Irène Némirovsky
Tadeusz Pietrzykowski
Witold Pilecki
Liliana Segre

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.