
Château de Meudon

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2906:, consists of an immense block, unfortunately, dilapidated. It nevertheless retains some traces of its past splendor... my guide informed me that it included farms, plains, etc., all within 500 acres, to which 10,000 acres of forest. He also told us that the walls were once partly collapsed, on the orders of the late king, in order to give the game the possibility of escape, but that these had since been repaired. He also pointed out that the estate comprised 29 water bodies of various sizes, leading me immediately to one of them, with a capacity of about 9 acres. The latter was walled and partly surrounded by a wooded landscape, but its shape offered, from a distance, a pleasant rendering. It was also necessary to take into account the presence of some fish, hares and rabbits, as well as a reasonable number of partridges on the estate. On the other hand, all the pheasants had been slaughtered. The whole of the castle, as I said before, is now in ruins, and to entirely shave it would entail considerable expense, the cement of these old buildings being particularly solid. But from the point of view of its extent and its proximity to the capital, Meudon would undoubtedly constitute a precious acquisition (...) 2842: 2800: 3227: 4691:"As he was about to enter the room, the Princess of Conti, who had had time to run to Monseigneur's in that short interval of the table-out, presented herself to prevent him from entering the room. She even pushed him away, and told him that he must no longer think of anything but himself. Then the king, almost in weakness of so sudden and complete a reversal, let himself go on a couch which was at the entrance of the door of the closet by which he had entered, which gave into the room. He asked all that came out of it for news, and hardly anyone dared to reply. Madame de Maintenon, hastening to the king, sat on the same sofa and tried to weep. She was trying to take the king, whose carriages were already ready in the courtyard, but there was no way of making him realize that the Monseigneur had expired. This unconscious agony lasted nearly an hour after the king was in the closet. The Duchess and the Princess de Conti divided themselves between the care of the dying man and of the king, to whom they frequently returned, while the confused Faculty, the distraught valets, the buzzing courtesan, pushed each other and walked without ever changing place". 7229: 5401: 2524:. From the castle we were led to see the new apartment It is very lovely and very agreeable, but less handsome than the first. From the castles to the village which is at the foot of the mountain, one sees only parterres and gardens of a charming cleanliness and arrangement. We saw the orangeries, the greenhouses. They are far from being as beautiful as those of Versailles. From there we ascended by a superb staircase to the top of the mountain, where you find the most beautiful alleys of trees, with beautiful pools of water. Going through the woods on the side of Sèvres, you find a basin of prodigious expanse, at the top of the mountain, beside a green meadow with a very gracious view. The alleys and gardens of Meudon have no beautiful statues as at the park at Versailles. The castles themselves do not approach the richness of that of Versailles but the location of Meudon...provides a beautiful view...The stables there are not beautiful. After seeing all that there was to see, we were dined at Meudon in the village... For dinner for three, including me, I paid three 3679: 5982: 7092: 6003: 2828: 3151: 7899: 3169: 2814: 4496: 6604: 3215: 6628: 6509: 1353: 1961: 6018: 4995: 3188: 3000: 3203: 7839: 2037: 7104: 7480: 6616: 3368: 3093: 5663: 2114: 7145: 3403: 7630: 6449: 2580: 4511: 2982: 2699:, his mistress. This castle is in a proportion which would render it suitable to every nobleman in a position to spend from 2 to 300,000 livres a year. It is not the same with the old castle. This palace, which M. de Louvois had enlarged, embellished with a magnificence as indecent as it is incredible, would still very easily be a truly royal residence. All the ceilings are painted in arabesque, as if the reigning taste had presided over their order. The cornices, the chimneys, the parquets of superb woodwork, nothing would need to be modernized. There is, in a turret, a cabinet painted also in arabesque on a background of gold, which is as fresh of paint as if it came from the hands of one of our best artists. It is a question of making this beautiful castle the home of all the summers, if we do not feel the sorrow of losing this prince." 6051: 4526: 2718: 1365: 1510:; Two were already completed. At one end of the gallery there was a drawing-room, in which the table and the whole panel between the two windows were lined with mirror glass, and the opening of the doors was so great that, from afar, one could almost see the whole gallery. There is, moreover, a profusion of very large and beautiful mirrors. The furniture was very fine, but not of a peculiar taste. Every winter they were removed because of soil moisture. Beneath, in M. de Louvois's own room, there were three pipes of copper that permitted heat to pass at will. This heat came from a copper stove placed in the chimney of the neighboring room. A ventilation pipe passing under the vestibule arrived at this chimney, and then distributed the heat, when the window of this chamber was opened (like the "heat-making machine" at Versailles). 2874: 6808: 7207: 4138: 6497: 4641: 4625:"Has this interior really existed? Is it not surprising that the chimney, the paneling to the left of the door and the desk, that is to say, most of the elements of the decoration, are identical to the engraved work of Berain? Would not the painter, whose career is still obscure, have had recourse to the plates published by the draftsman to reconstruct a framework worthy of the personages whom he represented? The inventory of the furnishings of the crown mentions in the year 1695: " 1615 - An upholstery of red and yellow satin velvet, embroidered and silver lined, listed before No. 783, Which has been upgraded and furnished to serve Monseigneur le Dauphin at Meudon, now consisting of a full bed, four armchairs, eight folding seats, two panes, two doors, six sheets of screens, a business chair and two tapestries". 7265: 504: 4110: 6640: 4013: 7157: 2951: 7887: 6291: 7757: 1325: 5908: 3012: 3239: 7690: 5482: 6378: 1451: 7614: 7193: 4676:
of ground gold (...). As with the two previous rooms, Audran decorated with arabesques the ceiling: "Having come to Meudon on April 22, 1699, the king left on the 24th; Two days later, on the 25th of April, Mansart received orders from Monsignor to have the paintings of the ceiling of his corner cabinet erased, to print it with three layers of white, and to paint a base Grotesque like that in the room of the Dauphin. " The ceiling which was then erased can only be that realized by Charles de La Fosse for Louvois, whose subject is Pandora, and whose modello has been identified by Clémentine Gustin-Gomez. In 1702 twas found: "In the Grand Cabinet of Monseigneur: Five Porcelains, 630 Louis; Two Bronzes 180 Louis. Stéphane Castelluccio identified these two bronzes as the
1631: 3759: 1377: 706: 7169: 3723: 5199: 6652: 3906: 5627: 6366: 1973: 2021: 7181: 5786: 4710: 5651: 2568: 6715: 5571: 1709: 6437: 2730: 5014: 6473: 5970: 5466: 718: 6852: 3136: 3608: 7733: 5801: 2933: 5389: 3485: 8229: 2970: 5454: 2556: 4927: 5353: 2856: 2009: 8237: 6350: 3028: 7287: 6394: 5691: 4327: 3984: 5377: 1068: 5365: 4654: 1997: 1791: 4203: 5211: 6402: 3870: 1080: 5187: 5242: 4231: 7851: 4083: 1685: 7341: 7709: 1721: 6676: 5639: 3771: 5748: 1985: 6338: 1389: 5846: 5540: 3735: 6747: 5675: 2156: 7602: 7432: 3747: 2602: 1669: 6173: 4891: 5831: 4903: 4050: 1292: 7745: 5231: 4867: 3921: 3109: 5766: 7353: 3894: 4350: 6664: 4032: 3509: 4879: 3632: 4943: 2706: 5417: 5171: 6763: 3819: 1114: 3124: 1619:; The King told him that he would give him 400,000 of his return, and Choisy, whom he counted for 100,000 francs, if that were agreeable to Madame de Louvois; That he charged him to go and learn of her, but that he did not ask her for any complacency; That he wished that she should treat with him as with a private person, and should think only of his interests. M. de Barbezieux went to Paris to find his mother, who is pleased with the king's offer, and to whom the exchange is well suited. The contract will be signed on the first day; We started talking about business only in the morning, and it was finished in the evening." The castle, valued at 500,000 6779: 1757: 5958: 6252: 1337: 1126: 694: 7463: 1946: 7064: 3855: 1643: 7399: 6485: 3596: 7052: 6580: 7424: 5877: 5286: 7387: 7365: 1280: 6461: 3783: 7118: 5052: 4764: 3461: 5816: 5028: 3620: 3535: 5119: 7863: 5947: 2453: 6874: 4966: 3255: 6568: 4484: 6524: 6233: 4915: 3356: 6143: 4780: 6218: 4698: 4722: 6897: 5314: 4126: 5865: 6592: 1460: 7329: 7578: 7076: 6102: 3882: 6556: 6316:"At two leagues from Paris is Meudon, where is seen in the wood an admirable and wonderful grotto, enriched with supports and damping of cut stone, small turrets turned and massed in the ass of a lamp, paved with a pavement Of porphire bastard, speckled with white, red, green, gray spots and of a hundred different colors, noughed by esgouts made with gargoyles and lyon muffles. There are columns, figures and statues of marble, grotesque paintings, compartimens and images of gold and azure, and other couleurs. The frontispiece has large fluted and roughened columns, trimmed with bases, 6260: 4000: 7590: 5555: 7134: 5064: 4662: 4257: 2138: 6540: 2618: 3843: 3937: 1775: 7985: 2102: 2090: 2126: 7247: 6727: 5442: 9340: 7037: 8153: 8081: 7496: 9283: 8093: 8213: 8129: 8105: 6110: 4788: 4069: 3795: 8141: 5710: 4295: 1733: 8117: 8009: 5528: 6700: 6070: 8201: 8189: 8177: 8057: 8045: 8033: 8021: 3584: 8165: 5081: 7997: 7782: 8069: 1524:, in the middle, in front of the cave that I have drawn, is very nice, so the two "embroidery" in the center in front of the house, with two marble vases and marble statues around the oval basin, hand-built as tiles did not do a bad effect. I also drew the boxes of the orange trees there, taking them separately. This garden is surrounded, as well as the park, by a wall at least seven miles in circumference. At the bottom of the garden was another large pleasure-house, which M. de Louvois had bought for life for M. Honoré Courtin Courtin." 3666: 3831: 6908:, large alcove supported on pilasters. Two paintings above the doors, painted on canvas, each 4 feet 9 inches wide by 3 feet 3 inches high. One represents a golden vase filled with different flowers, set on a marble ledge. In the background are two columns surrounded by garlands of flowers. The other represents a golden vase with a handle filled with different flowers, placed on a stone stack, beside another alabaster vase. And on the other side an end of drapery that falls over the edge of the plinth. These two paintings are by 3391: 1745: 3807: 4058: 2299: 7875: 1697: 682: 7721: 262: 5330: 5255: 5145: 3691: 6128: 6188: 4569:« D'ailleurs l'on peut réduire ces ouvrages à des nuages avec des Génies, & à quelques belle grisaille qui en forme les extrémités; décoration préférable à ces riches, mais peu vraisemblables peintures grotesques, dont on voit d'ingénieux desseins d'Audran, & qui sont exécutées avec un succès étonnant dans quelques appartements de Meudon, aussi bien que dans les plafonds & sur les lambris du Château de la Ménagerie: seul bâtiment où ce genre de peinture soit convenable ». 6203: 4469:; Height 3 feet 10 inches; Width 3 feet. It is a question of "Hercules returning to Admetus his wife Alceste that he brings back from the Underworld", a picture brought to Meudon by Antoine Coypel himself. The painting was placed before May 1700, according to a memoir cited by F. Engerand Charles-Antoine Coypel, the painter's son, showed the novelty of these literary subjects. To execute the painting of Meudon, Antoine Coypel had translated by M Dacier the fifth act of the tragedy of 5100: 3473: 4617:, marble serancolin fireplace, the top in violet brown marble, the whole very ornamented with bronze gilded of ground gold. (...) Two paintings above doors of 3 feet 5 inches by 4 feet 1 inch wide representing fruits painted by Batiste ". It is in this room that Monseigneur died on April 14, 1711. This chimney excited the curiosity of the researchers: the famous little painting preserved at Versailles, representing "the Regent in his Cabinet of work with the Duke of Chartres" by 7488: 3643: 2276: 5040: 1307: 1098: 5003: 4599: 4979: 6158: 4545: 2397:. The King replied that the matter was decided, which obliged him to cease. Only for a few moments: for he again returned to the charge, and represented to the King, interrupting a second time, the expense which he would be obliged to make, and the injustice which was done to him. The King then told the captain of his guards to take him out of the room. It was ordered to the officer of the guards who commanded Meudon not to let him enter the chamber of the 7926: 1931:, where angels held the coat of arms of the Dauphin. Inside, a succession of apartments opened onto a large central corridor. The interior decoration, which highlighted the collections of the Dauphin, was composed of woodwork panels varnished or painted in pastel colors, enhanced by gilding. A ceremonial apartment was planned for Monseigneur, since Louis XIV retained his usual accommodation in the Château-Vieux, despite the new construction. 7319:, for the owner of the estate Abel Servien, superintendent of finance under Louis XIV. Open to the south through eight high windows on either side of a monumental entrance, the orangery is intended to house the park's orange trees during the cold season. During the summer, orange trees were displayed on its floor around a rectangular basin, as well as on the grounds of the castle and cave. The orangery extends eastward with a crude bastion. 6819:, comme pour toutes les autres pièces de l'appartement, ce qui uniformisait le décor, à savoir : "A golden vase with two handles, surrounded by a garland of fruit, placed on a table of porphire, which is furnished with grapes; On the right, a basket filled with Italian grapes, cucumber, pomegranate and flowers; on the left, a crimson curtain, behind which are several golden basins, one of which is surrounded by a garland of flowers." 745: 2787:
drawing, or mathematics, who were called upon to create an entirely new technique. Conté had to approach the elements of the different sciences, for this new teaching had to embrace everything: chemistry, physics, mechanics. Conté, by giving both theoretical and practical lessons, Conté had the models he gave, the instruments he imagined, executed by the hands of his pupils, spending his nights preparing drawings for his lessons,
5732: 9304: 25: 66: 4340:. This painting is preserved in the Louvre, where it is called "Bacchus and Ariane". It is also named in the ancient inventories as ‘’Bacchus and Ariane’’, ‘’Bacchus and Erigone’’ or ‘’Bacchus, Flora and Ceres’’. Sent to the Central Museum at the end of the year II, it lost its attribution but remained at the Louvre, where it was found among the anonymous members of the French school. It is to be restored. 9316: 9328: 936:(the grotto), of so extraordinary an amplitude that it recalled the baths of antiquity, because of the infinite number and size of its galleries, staircases, and public and private apartments. The construction of this cave was spread out over time, starting with the grotto itself and the two ramps of the staircase (circa 1552–1555), and then, in a second stage, the two pavilions (1559). The lower 6328:, cornices and moldings of good grace And just proportion: the vase and taillour sustained on the tests of virtues, approaching the average proportion of the colossi, enriched with leaves of acanthus and ursine branch to sustain the fullness of the stock, Very well conducted and completed; But the troubles have made there irreparable ruins, and especially to the pipes which have been broken". 184: 133: 6795:
marble pedestal, with a garland falling in festoons, and fruits. On the pedestal are limes, grenades and grapes, crimson curtain and sky background, the other represents a golden bronze vaze, surrounded by a garland of flowers posed on a fullte of green marble, beside is a vase Of silver overturned with a figure of a woman in the form of an anchor. These two paintings are from
6829:"Room illuminated by a cross in the Levant, paneled high, scultée, gilded and varnished on wood, cornice in plaster scultée and gilded idem. The chimney of green-campan. (...) Two paintings above the doors, painted on canvases, each of width on height. The first one represents Apollo and Daphne, this god pursues this nymph who takes refuge in the arms of his father's river 6708:
exits: 1. a dog, and a greyhound, on the front in the middle of the game, scattered on the ground ducks partridges beccasses and hare in the middle A game-bag has a tree "; 2. a "hare that is attached to a tree by its left foot, on the left a dog at the feet of which are four partridges and a pheasant, on the front of the table a gun and its supply".
Antechamber of Louis XIV 14. Church of Louis XIV 15. Passage 16. Cabinet of the king's mirrors 17. Garde-meuble 1 18. Housing 19. Monseigneur's wardrobe. 20. View of Paris. 21. Games antechamber 22. Gameroom 23. Passage 24. Salon of the Petit Pont 25. Housing 26. Lodging of the first doctor 27. Garde-robe of the king 28, 29 & 30. Dwellings
6002: 7228: 1481:"The most remarkable in the house was the ceiling painted in oils directly on the vault by M. de La Fosse. At the four corners of the composition, simulating stucco, two seated figures and two standing figures were painted: in the corners and between the statues, the ceiling was painted in oils directly on the vault by 8741:, volume 17, Lacroix & Co., 1877, p. 155) suggests that the Regent ceded the castle of Meudon to his daughter on learning she was pregnant: a prolonged stay at Meudon would allow the young widow to wait out this new pregnancy and give birth with discretion, away from the prying eyes of courtiers and gossipmongers. 8788:(Complete Works), 1821, Vol.6, p.369) "she wasted no time after giving birth". The "fertile Berry" (one of her sobriquets in the satirical poems embroidering her illegitimate pregnancies) apparently again became pregnant during her convalescence at Meudon, the month following her very arduous labor at the Luxembourg. 6017: 6050: 4684:, for which Monseigneur certainly commanded their rich 'feet of marquetry'. Finally, the inventory of the royal furniture indicates under the number: "1768 - Four couty mats striped with two strands of wool, with their threads of several colors, for the windows of the cabinet of Monseigneur at Meudon." 7414:
A third building was used for the conservation of shrubs during the winter. The "greenhouse" was located immediately below the bastion of the Orangery of the old castle in Meudon. There is still the wall at the bottom, enclosed, as well as a buttress. The rest of this building adjoins the back of the
The chateau was reached by the upper vestibule on the forest side. It was Italian, pierced by an opening, which made it possible to clear its space. The door-tops were carved with children representing the four seasons, the representation of which is preserved by photographs of plaster models, molded
Behind these large reception rooms, the Prince was given a "small fresh apartment", which consisted of an antechamber and another room. As well as a cabinet, it was enlivened by miniatures painted by Jean Cotelle the Elder, representing the gardens of Versailles. These three rooms were all wooded at
The inventory of 1775 indicates that the room was adorned with "Wall panels with large gold frames, golden cornice, gilded ceiling with arabesques painted by Audran. Chimney of violet breccia marble, the top decorated in marble of all the height with bronzes very rich in children and ornaments gilded
would be "current" for the former Polish king and "possible" for Louis XV. On 18 January 1737, Leszczyński handed the seals to the new Chancellor, who swore an oath to the King of Poland. The ceremony took place in the large vestibule of the Château Vieux, on the ground floor of the central pavilion.
and wanted to swap it for Meudon. She was then the first lady of the court of France, and both cousin and aunt to the young unmarried king. The Regent eventually agreed to the exchange effective 30 October 1718. The Duchess of Berry, who was then pregnant, gave the management of this new residence to
and a balance. In the memoirs of the Marquis de Dangeau, on Wednesday, June 1, 1695: "In the morning, the king proposed to M. de Barbezieux the exchange of Choisy with Meudon; He asked her how much Madame de Louvois had taken Meudon in her share; M. de Barbezieux told him that she had taken him for a
Borne to one of the sides of the stable by pillars of stones or buttresses, the house is externally in very bad condition. The site is rugged to the possible but nevertheless very pleasant. The central aisle below in the garden in front of the terraces, is covered with turf and 70 yards wide.Then, in
After the Salon des Maures a series of reception rooms served as rooms for games, and, as it were, for so-called "apartment" evenings, as at Versailles. The first room after the oval salon was square and had two windows on the side of the pit. Monseigneur the dauphin hung on the wall the tapestry of
4218:, which are the kinds of tables on which are made the counts, and of which the bottom receives during the day the beds in which the guards rest during the night. These rooms must be spacious, very high, have large chimneys, and be decorated with simplicity. See those of Versailles, of Meudon, of the 3711:
Although the Château-Vieux was destroyed, it still retains much of its splendor. In fact, 40% of the surface area of the original buildings, (the remains of the Château-Neuf, orangerie, communes, etc), still exists. One can still admire the avenue of the castle traced by Louvois, the guardhouses and
all around were completely gilded. The adjoining room must also have been painted by M. de La Fosse. Above, in the oval room, the mirrors made a very good impression. They were arranged circularly and were as tall as the five windows. There was only a woodwork halfway up the wall. In each panel were
wrote May 21, 1706, that being at Marly, "the king worked in the morning with Mansart, who showed him the plans of the buildings that M. M. wants to make at Meudon at the place where the grotto is." Monseigneur wished this building to house the courtiers he received at Meudon, and the king aimed at
to create luxurious ceremonial rooms. The entire annex then took the name of "Wing of the Marronniers". The large reception rooms extend the width of the Terrasse des Marronniers. A small, luxurious apartment, the "Small Fresh Apartment", was also arranged behind these large rooms, no doubt for the
as on the side of the forest. It was composed of three pavilions crowned with roofs with ridge terrace, connected by building wings. This sober architecture, which was not to overshadow the architectural character of the neighboring Château-Vieux, was nevertheless enriched by fine sculptures on the
tapestry of wool and silk, enhanced with gold and silver, manufactured in Paris at the Gobelins Manufactory and designed by Audran. It represents the divinities who preside over the twelve months of the year on twelve bands of daffodil, under grotesque porticoes of different shapes, accompanied by
In 1775, the piece is described in the following way: "Antechamber or dining room in suitte. Room illuminated by two windows in the Levant, paneling of apui, cornice carved. Chimney of white marble vene (...) Two paintings above the doors, painted on canvas. One represents a golden vase, set on a
marble chimney, the top of the mantelpiece decorated with marble of any height with gold-bronze ornamentation of ground gold, the mirror in two parts, the first 52 inches wide by 96 inches high, the second 52 inches by 26 inches high. Two paintings above the doors of each 3 feet 6 inches wide by 2
Over the years, vegetation has encircled the Orangery, making it inaccessible. The destruction of the old village of Meudon after the war, and the reconstruction of the city center, has removed the once picturesque setting of multiple roofs at the foot of the old castle. The notion of heritage did
at least from 1651 to 1659. The castle was richly furnished and decorated. The central section was replaced by an octagonal pavilion, surmounted by a high roof shaped like a truncated pyramid. In the center of the pavilion was a large double spiral staircase. A large staircase, adorned with twelve
This central room overlooked the flower beds through three rectangular windows (preserved bays). At its creation, it was lined with molded woodwork. On the mantelpiece was a copy of the David of Dominiquin. Louis XIV was particularly fond of this painting. Two paintings were ordered from the side
under the cornice, which the 1733 inventory describes: "In the same salon there are twelve paintings painted in grisaille representing the twelve months of the year by games of children, they are of damoiselet , and can not raise the place being all maroufles, two feet high, 6 feet 5 inches wide.
Château-Vieux around 1705. Legend: 1.Small Bridge 2. Chapel 3.Cellars 4.Large hallway 5. West ramp 6. East ramp 7. Apartment of the Duke of Burgundy 8. Apartment of the Duchess of Burgundy 9. Monseigneur's wardrobe 10. Mezzanine of Monseigneur 11. Cabinet of Monseigneur 12. Salon of the Moors 13.
painted for the Cardinal of Lorraine for his Chateau de Meudon a cave made up of several rooms, among others that of the pavilion where there were a number of frescoed figures in the ceiling; We destroyed this cave by building the new Castle in the time of Monseigneur the Dauphin ayeul du Roy. "
In 1705, space still lacked to accommodate all the courtiers, who were {more and more numerous. At any moment, Monseigneur might become the next king of France, through the death of the aging Louis XIV. The Dauphin then decided to demolish the grotto, which was out of fashion, and to build a new
However, as regards the part of the domain accessible to the public, the State has signed a management agreement for the national domain of Meudon with the town of Meudon, which now manages it. Financially, the State still plays its role as owner and manages the pruning and maintenance work. It
was, together with several other scientists, in charge of these military and scientific experiments at Meudon, where he was given direction of the aerostation school established there. Conté had under his orders a confused gathering of young men in all professions, without any dye of chemistry,
A pyramid of fruit resting on a marble table, on which is a melon hung next to a pomegranate; On the right, on the same table, an orange tree in a porcelain vase; On the same table, on the left, a large golden vase surrounded by a garland of flowers, at the foot of which is another silver vase
and the nymph Egle, for whom he promised to sing. The two satyrs seized Silenus, whom they bound with ivy, while the beautiful Egle blushed her face with blackberries, which she crushed in order to snatch from her threat the fulfillment of her promise. Measurements: 4 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 1
Outside, Louvois had extensive hydraulic works to power the waterways of the park, and allow the spectacular water jets. The upper park was developed, while Le Nôtre worked on the gardens continually throughout the 1680s and created practically all of the lower gardens, invented new groves and
2914:, in charge of the landscaping at Meudon under Louis XVI, came to draw the demolition site in 1804. The Château-Vieux was destroyed in 1803. In 1805, a small part of the Château-Vieux (southwestern pavilion) and the chapel remained, as indicated by François Collet Duclos in his report of 3 1814:. Over sixteen years, at least three million livres were spent embellishing and maintaining the estate, a colossal sum. The prince redecorated the apartments to his liking. The Dauphin allowed Meudon to express his own artistic conceptions, breaking with the sometimes compassed aspect of the 1418:. Louvois obtained the superintendence for the buildings in 1683, then embarked on a series of grandiose rearrangements. He enriched the façade of the château with busts and balconies on columns of gray marble. He sumptuously redecorated the whole interior. He had woodwork installed in 1684. 7641:
The low gardens were mainly developed by Louvois, and then embellished by Monseigneur and Louis XIV. Their different levels and the different points of view made the charm, as well as the presence of many water bodies and thousands of topiaries. It was accessed from the "Grand Carré" basin:
1879:, the Dauphin liked to find a relaxed and warm atmosphere in Meudon with chosen companions. To accommodate this large entourage, the Dauphin undertook extensive additions. In 1702, space at the Château-Vieux soon proved inadequate. He had the chestnut tree wing, the former courtyard of the 898:, the famous "Grotto of Meudon," based on drawings by Primaticcio from between 1552 and 1560, and decorated with compositions by the artist. It forms a small palace under a platform of arcades, sheltered from view by a hill that visually separates it from the castle, as shown on a print by 7470:
The gardens of Meudon were of great magnificence. There were high gardens and low gardens, not to mention the Grande Perspective. The Meudon Way describes the itinerary for discovering Meudon's points of view at the end of the reign of Louis XIV. They are classified as "slope gardens".
7613: 4556:
The former "dining room of Monseigneur", which had this function in 1695, became a real antechamber with the enlargement of the apartment. The inventory of 1775 indicates: "Room lighted by two windows, paneling with gold frames, gilded cornice, ceiling in gilt arabesque and painted by
2567: 5266:, for several oval-shaped canvases had been placed in the corners, copies reinterpreted from the master's work. The architecture of the room, with its niches adorned with mirrors and its domed ceiling, was inspired directly by the Cabinet of the medals of Louis XIV at Versailles. 3367: 6425:
After nearly two hundred years, a fire ravaged the building on January 31, 1871. The ruins were left to the inclement weather, and probably also looted, until 1879 when a law enacted the choice of Meudon as an observatory. Restoration of the ruins was then begun by the architect
The project to reconstitute the Great Perspective of Meudon was launched as early as the 1980s, but has made little progress to date. Nevertheless, it continues, in consultation with the parties concerned. Indeed, three quarters of this major landscape axis of Ile-de-France, by
5400: 4709: 4687:
Saint-Simon, describing the death of the Grand Dauphin, tells us that it is in this room, on the evening of April 14, 1711, that the famous scene of the comings and goings takes place between the corner cabinet of the king, and the adjoining room where Monseigneur was dying:
The Regent's strategy failed: even in the final months of her pregnancy, the Duchess did not give up her daily rounds of entertainments and sensual debauchery, overindulging in copious suppers washed down with much wine and liquor. On 28 March, her labor pains began at her
is a utilitarian building that retains a strong element of monumental composition, constituted here by the terrace, the Castle-Vieux and the loggia. Its dimensions determine the magnitude of the great perspective that extends from the castle to the plateau of Villacoublay.
placed three ice sheets, about 6 qv. High and, when you were in the center of the panel, you could see each other in the three windows at once. The gallery was nicely decorated with a number of tables of jasper, busts, etc., and all the King's actions were to be painted by
3226: 524:
of the king and husband of Jeanne de Gaillonnel, holder of the castle's fief, sold the castle with his wife's consent to the wealthy Augustin Isbarre, banker and jeweller. In 1422, Isbarre, whose family had performed financial services for the royal family, was appointed
The Great Perspective is the monumental axis that organizes all the area of Meudon. It is perfectly rectilinear over a distance of 3.5 km, despite the unevenness of the terrain. It was created on both sides of the Château-Vieux, a place occupied from the beginning.
parterres, including the one in front of the Grotto. Louvois also arranged a large vegetable garden along the avenue of the castle. In short, he built everything at Meudon that Louis XIV did, in a more spectacular way still, at Versailles at the same time. And he asked
queen of France. To better accommodate his mistress, Francis financed an addition of two square pavilions on either side of the initial body and two wings that ended with identical pavilions. These extensions mirrored the style of the main building. In the style of the
Today all of these buildings are assigned to the Observatoire de Paris, which prevents access to all visitors. The commons have a total area of 5,000 m² (2,500 m² on each of the two levels). To this must be added also the area of the adjoining guard-house, of 850 m².
2999: 3716:, and one can imagine the terraced gardens below the observatory, as well as the pond of Chalais and the green carpet. And above all, the large terrace, the most impressive achievement, is perfectly preserved. The orangery of Meudon was completely restored in 2012. 4495: 6421:
A long corridor serves all the apartments: this was not unusual for the time. What was much more so was the systematization of the typical dwelling of the courtier, since the whole of the Château-Neuf can be compared to a "hotel" in the modern sense of the word.
2036: 4020:
No excavation has ever been undertaken on the site of the Château-Vieux. However, the demolition records are formal: all the cellars and ditches remain under the current lawn. An archaeological campaign could make it possible to highlight this hidden heritage.
The cardinal replied that the king's affairs were not in a position to make such graces, which did not prevent him from taking the time that the cardinal was with the king to speak to him in the presence of His Majesty and His Eminence told him the same thing.
5435:'s apartment consisted of an antechamber, a bedroom, and a closet in the center of the east wing, as well as a balcony with a view of Paris. In the cabinet of Maintenon, there was a painting above the door of David and Abigail, painted by Louis de Boullogne. 431:
Castle to Meudon Castle. The Château-Vieux (Old Castle) burned down in 1795 and was rebuilt as the Château-Neuf (New Castle), which in turn burned down in 1871. Demolition was considered, but most of the castle was preserved and became an observatory with an
Plan of the apartment of the chestnut trees, circa 1703 (ADY). Caption: 1. communication gallery; 2. Large Oval Cabinet; 3. Large Corner Cabinet; 4. Large Living Room; 5. Dining room; 6. Buffet cabinet; 7. Antechamber of the Small Apartment Fresh; 8. House;
6313:, who is its architect and, as it were, the chief decorator. There is also an interesting description of a traveler from the mid-17th century, preserved in the manuscripts of the Saint-Germain fonds, no. 944, as given by the "Lettres écrites de la Vendée": 5981: 7886: 7144: 6932:, all in silver, the top and bottom borders like narrow bands, with silver shells and dolphins, the curtain containing 9 aunes 1/8 of course on 3 aunes ¼ high, made expressly for the Monseigneur's chamber, in his apartment in the new castle in Meudon." 2169:(King's Buildings) administered it. Nevertheless, until the death of Louis XIV, no member of the royal family returned to Meudon, as a result of the remarks made by Louis XIV the day after the death of Monseigneur his son, wishing that the new Dauphin, 7446:
The three inner courtyards connect through a clear central passage for horses. The stables have only one floor, attic, so as not to obstruct the view of Paris from the Pond of Bel Air above. Abundant dwellings for the castle staff furnish this floor.
5662: 6508: 5969: 2841: 2799: 4415:: Height 4 ft 10in; L. 3 ft 5 in; oval. For this work Charles de La Fosse was paid 600 livres in 1700, and 200 livres more in 1701, "for the perfect payment of 800 livres for the picture he made at Meudon, representing Hercules". 1572:), "accompany the greater part of the Princes and Lords of the Court," come to Meudon, where Louvois treated the King and the whole Court was given a magnificent collation, during which the violins and oboes of the Opera played melodies by 5304:
At the end of the 19th century, Louis XIV's apartment consisted of an antechamber, a royal chamber, a small passageway to the rear, That of a "cabinet of the mirrors of the King", which had a balcony allowing to admire the view on Paris.
8728:, it will be as good as any other: I am confident that you lacked paper in order to profit from this écu, to give yourself the means to drink to the health of the prince with your comrades." Journal de la Régence, Jean Buvat, 17 May 1717 8707:
on the way back from the château de Meudon, where he was said to have desired to take saddle, and being on a pierced chair, asked for paper from the valet who had brought it to him; the latter having none to give him, the prince used an
7075: 2885:
In 1795, a fire, linked to the technical research of the occupants, ravaged the chestnut tree wing and damaged the west wing of the Château-Vieux. The castle remained in this condition for nearly a decade. Many English visitors such as
6377: 2729: 2227:
nevertheless retained his salary. On 2 November 1718, the Duchess went to Meudon to choose her apartments. On 8 February and 24 March 1719, the Regent came to Meudon to have supper with his daughter, by then just about to give birth.
8945: 7937:, and thence reached that of Versailles. The elevation of the terrain, the dense forest, the numerous ponds, the great plains situated on the heights are the main features of this park in the 17th and 18th centuries. These included: 1960: 7206: 3550:
artillery was installed there in 1870. The new castle caught fire on 31 January 1871 and burned for almost three days. Hypotheses on the cause included either a deliberate fire set by the Prussians as they left, or a bombardment by
2579: 7091: 4510: 4214:: "In the House of Guards, in a Royal House, is called a large room where the Guards of the Prince are held, and against the panels of which are attached carabiners, To lay down their arms; They also place in these sorts of places 8637:
Weigert, Roger-Armand (1932). "Notes et documents. Notes de Nicodème Tessin le Jeune relatives à son séjour à Paris en 1687" [Notes and documents. Nicodemus notes Tessin the Younger relating to his stay in Paris in 1687].
7732: 2969: 2113: 7898: 7756: 576:. He was previously associated with the former owner, Augustin Isbarre, a provost of the merchants of Paris from 1429 to 1431. It seems that he built a manor on the site of the old castle. He died in Paris on 14 February 1441. 6543:
Layout of the Château-Neuf in 1709. Legend: 1. Upper vestibule 2.Corridor 3.Large staircase 4.Salle des Gardes (Guardroom) 5.First antechamber 6.Second antechamber 7.Monsignor's parade hall 8. Gallery 9.Cabinet 10.Arrangement
2601: 3168: 1489:, through which the sky could be seen. Beside the figures and to make them stand out all the better, rich rugs of different colors, and between the first and the other corner, large ovals, in the center of which was depicted 7793:. The gardens consisted of a labyrinthine network of walkways, embellished with numerous bodies of water. Unlike the low gardens, the high gardens were mainly flat, since they were planted on the hill of Meudon. There were: 1201:
dated 31 August 1657 bear "permission to extend the park of Meudon, enclose it in walls, even though the acquired inheritances are in the neighborhood of the pleasures of His Majesty," or in other words, of the neighboring
monastery at Meudon, where we heard mass. The church there is not unusual, but their garden is very beautiful. From there we ascended the terrace of Meudon to the château, which is situated on a mountain from which all of
1844:. His main apartment was located the length of the ground floor in the east wing of the Château-Vieux. He also had the parade apartment in the Château-Neuf, as well as a "small fresh apartment" in the chestnut tree wing. 3092: 6448: 5586:. However, the chapel of Meudon was completed a decade before that of Versailles. Like the latter, it has a barrel-vaulted nave ending in a cul-de-four above the sanctuary. Above the high altar is a large painting of 4525: 3484: 4473:. The painting is preserved in the Cholet Museum of Art and History. The work was formerly titled "Hercules Freeing Theseus"! In May 1700, Antoine Coypel came to Meudon himself to install his barely completed work. 3214: 3150: 7850: 2644:
drew up an inventory dated October 10, 1775, which enumerates the "mirrors, marbles, paintings and other effects belonging to the King" in the castle. In the margin are drawn overall diagrams of all the mirrors.
7689: 7103: 6639: 3699:
not gain traction in French society until the 1970s and 1980s. The entire estate is now registered as a historic monument, though this was done very late for such a historic site, while similar large estates in
3187: 2932: 2942: 3722: 6603: 2008: 6627: 5337:
Above the fireplace in the king's chamber hung the original of "Charity" by Andrea del Sarto, then a copy of this painting. This work can be interpreted as an allegory of the transmission of royal power.
4841:"a golden vase, or rather an agathic manner, whose handles are of gold, filled with all kinds of flowers, a carpet behind which is embroidered with gold, with two parrots, one blue and the other yellow." 4585:
In this antechamber, the dauphin placed the collection of paintings offered to Louis XIV in 1693 by André Le Nôtre and which the king put at the disposal of his son. These works are now preserved in the
2981: 3905: 3238: 2417:, "S. M. goes there at least once a week since the king and queen of Poland live there." On 30 September 1736, King Stanislas secretly signed the Declaration of Meudon under pressure from Louis XV and 5638: 5321:
This room without woodwork had three windows on the side of the floor and two French windows on the side of the courtyard allowing access to the balcony. The mantelpiece was of Campanian green marble.
3202: 9120: 2235:
in Paris, to which she had travelled from Meudon. On 22 July 1719, a few hours after her death, seals were affixed to her properties: the Palace of Luxembourg and her castles of La Muette and Meudon.
The 1775 inventory indicates the following decorations in the parade chamber:: The room is illuminated by two windows on the east, wooden panelling, varnished and gilded on wood, sculpted and gilded
Restoration sketch of the bedroom of Monseigneur, in the "Grand Appartement" on the ground floor of the east wing of the château-vieux in Meudon. Circa 1700–1711. (Mirror dimensions based on sources)
Photographic recreation of the Grande Perspective at Meudon, facing south. 2015. Today this perspective is blocked from the formal garden in the foreground to the pond visible here in the background.
the middle of an alley of sand of eight yards wide, are spruces and other trees; Then, on two sides, a new lawn of nine yards, and again a sandy alley with trees eight yards wide. The parterre of M.
The new commons still exist today, perfectly preserved. They are located at the entrance of the estate, at the top of the avenue to the castle. They were built by extending an earlier building, the
This corner room was one of the two salons framing the gallery. It had access to the "Petit Pont" (small bridge), which led directly to the high gardens. Alexander's porphyry bust was placed there.
in his "Chant pastoral sur les noces de Charles, duc de Lorraine et Madame Claude, fille du roi" (Pastoral Song on the Wedding of Charles, Duke of Lorraine and Madame Claude, Daughter of the King).
7708: 6496: 5785: 4137: 1891:, one of the favorite painters of the Dauphin, painted the altar painting, the "Resurrection", a monumental painting, and the "Annunciation", much smaller in size. The sculptures were realized by 8771:, refused to administer the Holy sacraments. On April 2, Berry delivered a stillborn child, and was thus relieved of her "dangerous indigestion" (as the official version of her "illness" put it). 7744: 6714: 6365: 3011: 1883:, rearranged so as to connect it to the château by a hanging gallery. He arranged a large reception hall on the ground floor. He also built a new commons, which is still visible. He entrusted to 5845: 2827: 7577: 6615: 6337: 5765: 2918:
13 (February 22, 1805). The whole was the subject of excavation works until about 1808. Some ornaments were recovered, including the stone columns nowadays located in the small rotunda of the
5118: 2520:. There is only one altar, whose painting represents the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it is one of the most beautiful pictures that can be seen, and is said to be of Raphael by 2318:
died at Versailles. "As soon as he was dead, the Duke of Orléans returned to Meudon to inform the King of this news, who begged him to take charge of all the conduct of affairs, declared him
2950: 2813: 2306:
On the 17 April 1723, the King went to Meudon, went through the apartments of the château, and gave orders for the stay of his Majesty. Indeed, from 4 June to 13 August 1723, Louis XV, the "
Frédéric d’Agay (éd.), Journal de voyage de l’abbé Cavalier de Fréjus à Paris et Versailles (février-juin 1748). Unpublished annotated document online at, 1 September 2008 (
Schéma de la Grande Perspective de Meudon, 2015. Légende : 1.Avenue du château; 2.Grande Terrasse du château; 3. Orangerie; 4.Partie toujours bouchée; 5.Étang de Chalais; 6.Tapis Vert.
6651: 982:, who accompanied him, lodged at "Sauvat", a house in the village. The next day, the king's condition worsened and he died at Saint-Cloud. Henry of Navarre became King of France, the first 6928:
the attributes of each divinity, grotesques, grooves and ornaments, with the sign of the month. By other narrower stripes, with a purple background, laden with mosaics, and the figures of
6349: 5957: 1996: 661:
and a member of the inner circle of the Duchess of Étampes. The same still-unknown architect likely also headed the expansion of Meudon and Marchais, as well as the neighbouring castle in
The gallery of Meudon had an area of 300 m², and the main room measured 40 meters long. There were also two drawing-rooms, the Salon du Petit Pont, and the Salon des Albane to the north.
7838: 7156: 4629:
In addition, Monseigneur retrieved for his room the small ebony desk encrusted with copper and tortoiseshell which he had bought at Godron, which had a plateau supported by eight bronze
Layout of the Grande Perspective at Meudon, 2015. Legend: 1. Avenue of the château; 2.Grande Terrasse of the château; 3. Orangery; 4. Part still blocked; 5. Chalais pond; 6. Green carpet
3402: 5800: 4621:
as representing the Dauphin at Meudon. Of course, one finds there the type of furniture and decorations that could decorate the castle. But Jerome de La Gorce asks the right question:
3607: 7264: 5626: 3450:. He collected many species of plants and exotic animals, brought back from his travels abroad. Several large receptions were organized at the castle, such as the one in honor of King 3047:. A wing called the "Economat" was erected on the site of a part of the ruins of the chestnut wing. The Emperor, who wanted to make Meudon a "school of kings" in Europe, installed the 2336:
In September 1726, a royal edict brought together Meudon and the Crown Estate with the land that depended on it, with the exception of Chaville Castle and Park, and Castle and farm of
and the surrounding villages can be viewed. All the hills around Meudon are planted in vineyards and well maintained. The castle is superb. I noticed on the main entrance the arms of
2101: 2020: 2064:. To expand Meudon, the Dauphin in 1696 acquired the neighboring estate of Chaville. He thus formed a vast hunting preserve where he and his father, who also liked Meudon, practiced 7180: 6675: 3758: 3734: 3135: 530: 484:
There is little information on the origin of the castle, but it was certainly a small castle with an unknown floor plan. Many records do, however, exist of 12th-century lords whose
4668:(Triumph of Pandora), Charles de La Fosse. Ca. 1685. Private collection. Model for the painted ceiling by Louvois. Monseigneur cancelled this ceiling, preferring the arabesques by 4483: 2717: 6172: 5210: 5650: 2634: 2586: 1228:
Servien died on 17 February 1659 at Meudon itself in his apartment on the ground floor, after having spent a true fortune on Meudon, which was still under construction. His son,
7601: 1972: 8720:
had forbidden him from accepting anything from anyone; on seeing which the Tsar, after having told him several times to take it, threw him, full of villainy to the ground. The
Arabesques on gold background by Claude Audran III, circa 1700. Archives des Arts décoratifs de Paris. For the Ménagerie de Versailles or the apartment of the Dauphin at Meudon
7192: 5739:
This gallery links to the communicating gallery which follows it perpendicularly. A large buffet painted by Fontenay completes the perspective of the small suspended gallery.
2773:, appointed chief commissioner of experiments at Meudon, took possession on behalf of the Minister of Marine, where he had suggested setting up artillery and ammunition tests 3854: 2348: 2073: 8759:
sarcastically describes this perilous childbirth, which provoked a great scandal and was seen as divine punishment for Berry's very sinful life. It seems that she went into
Essai de restitution de la première antichambre de Monseigneur au Château-Neuf, vers 1709–1711. Le Grand Dauphin avait placé au sein du château-neuf de nombreuses toiles de
7168: 6851: 1836:, paintings by great masters and especially his collection of gems. He did not hesitate to redecorate some rooms several times, removing for example the ceiling painted by 1012:, with modifying the castle and extending the gardens. Other work was carried out by Soulignac in 1623, with the construction of a terrace and a staircase near the grotto. 6472: 2761:
quickly took care to remove most of the over-the-door paintings, and carefully disassembled and transferred them to provincial museums, which saved them from destruction.
1984: 6217: 5939:
It was the main room of the apartment of the chestnut trees, with an area of 100 m². The dauphin placed there other pictures from the royal collections, including two by
5690: 4396:
was demolished to create a series of rooms that included the "salon du billard". The 1775 inventory says that the room is "wooded of height, with gilded frames, gilded
3123: 2573:"Dessein de la décoration et du feu d'artifice tiré à Meudon" (Drawing of decorations and fireworks at Meudon) in honor of the Duke of Burgundy, 13 September 1756. AD 92. 2555: 1588:. On August 25, 1689, Louvois again received Philip of Orléans (1640–1701) at dinner in Meudon. On the 29th of June, 1691, two weeks before the sudden death of Louvois, " 3595: 2855: 2137: 7789:
The area of the high gardens is nearly three times larger than that of the low gardens. The hold of these high gardens is still preserved today, occupied mainly by the
Renovated several times in the 19th century, then abandoned until 1980, the parterre of the orangery was restored between 1980 and 1984 to its 17th-century appearance.
6436: 6031: 5895:
Also called the "Salon doré" (golden salon) where hung the "Triumph of Bacchus" by Bon Boullogne. The painting disappeared, but a preparatory drawing, preserved at the
3619: 1229: 932:
wrote enthusiastically about the grotto, whose repute had reached Italy. For the Cardinal of Lorraine, Primaticcio executed many decorations in his great palace called
7051: 6073:
Essai de restitution de la salle à manger de l'aile des marronniers du château de Meudon. Table dressée en 1704 pour recevoir le duc de Bavière, beau-frère du Dauphin.
5830: 3355: 921:
had been brought from Italy and placed in the castle of Meudon, but recent research seems to prove otherwise. This grotto enjoyed immediate success and was praised by
3D rendition of the interior of the gallery of the Château-Neuf de Meudon, with the visual play of the mirrors' reflections. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2014
7063: 5317:
Reconstruction of the antichamber of Louis XIV on the first floor of the château-vieux, used as a council chamber. Circa 1696–1711. As seen leaving the king's chamber
5198: 4697: 4613:
The inventory of 1775 indicates that the chamber of the Dauphin possessed: "Wall panels of gilded frames, gilded cornice, gilded ceiling and painted in arabesques by
The historical library of the city of Versailles preserves a manuscript of the reservoirs of Meudon, embossed with the arms of the Grand Dauphin, dating about 1700.
6746: 5230: 5080: 3818: 3770: 2776:
But Choderlos de Laclos was arrested the next day. The site was transformed by the Convention into a national facility for various tests. It served as a factory for
5815: 5674: 4371:’’, entitled "Silenus," in which Virgil writes: "And as the old man opens his eyes, he blushes his forehead and the temples of the juice Bloody of the blackberry." 4109: 3678: 1576:"(...)" But M. de Louvo was sorry to see that he was pleased the whole time the king was with him." In 1686, a reception was still given at Meudon, in honor of the 2344:- azure, with three lizards of silver laid in pal, to the chief sewn gules charged with three gold stars - which were still on the central pediment - were erased. 8871: 6787: 2654:
himself designed a pavilion called the "Trivaux Pavilion" in 1783, in an Anglo-Chinese style, which was finally correctedin a more French style by the architect
1900: 4454:
and his wife, who gives a dart to her husband. After being deposited at Compiègne, the painting was sent in 1962 to the Musée de Saint-Etienne under the title:
3920: 2497:
in metal. A gallery reigns in beauty outside the windows of this castle, as well as a facade on the side of the garden, charming... I saw two chambers lined in
9402: 7117: 4242:
green marble ...". In 1700, Monseigneur commissioned four different painters to paint "bacchic" subjects. The same artists then adorned the grand salon of the
4125: 5186: 488:
was "Meudon" as well as a mention of a "manor of the Meudon vale" in the 14th century. Marie-Thérèse Herlédan published an account of this period in her book
5465: 4637:. In addition to this desk, the room included a table and two pedestals, the tablets of which were decorated with Chinese grotesques with figures and birds. 1507: 1197:. Through many land purchases, he managed to put through a "Grande Perspective" south of the castle, featuring basins and ponds, including those of Chalais. 5601:
The arms carved above the tribune are royal weapons on the drawing projecting the chapel, but will eventually be realized according to the model of weapons
5453: 4238:
The 1775 inventory indicates that after the additions and other work of 1700, the room was "wooded height of gilded frames, cornice of the same, chimney of
9155: 7768: 7236: 4430:: Latone and the peasants of Lycia. A copy of this work is preserved in the Museum of Art and History of Meudon, another, undoubtedly the original, in the 665:, which are all in the same style. A triumphal arch was also built into the center of the enclosure wall, serving as a majestic entrance to the courtyard. 2648:
An edict of the King, in May 1778, united the domain of Meudon to that of Versailles, "to be governed and administered in the future in the same manner."
1546:, came to visit Meudon, where "Mr. de Louvoy had the honor of serving her" On August 17, 1684, Louvois had a great feast prepared for Meudon in honor of 1410:
For the powerful minister, who called himself "M. de Chaville" in his youth, the site of Meudon was ideal. It was near both Versailles and the Château of
3D rendition of the parade chamber of Monseigneur at the chateau-neuf of Meudon, condition in around 1710–1711. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2014
6762: 6232: 6059:(Dueen addressing soldiers), or "la reine de Saba appuyée sur son trône" (the Queen of Saba leaning on her throne), Nicolas Loir, musée du Louvre, n°8715 2394: 1002: 558: 7862: 6873: 6663: 4994: 4755:(1640–1701), who occupied it until his death in 1701. The dwelling was then occupied by the Duke and the Duchess of Burgundy until their death in 1712. 2231:
From April 12 to May 14, 1719, the duchess was convalescing at Meudon, hoping to recover from her harrowing delivery. She died on July 21, 1719, at her
1603: 1599:
On July 16, 1691, Louvois died suddenly at Versailles. He had reached the point of honors, and the splendor of Meudon symbolized this power materially.
9412: 8755:, allegedly after a carnal night of pleasure and heavy drinking. Ill-prepared by her licentious lifestyle, she found her labour harrowing and lengthy. 7352: 6484: 5506:
In the adjoining cabinet was placed the painting entitled "Venus at the Forges of Lemnos", by the same painter. These three works were commissioned by
5432: 5156: 4926: 4565:
recalls his admiration for these ceilings of arabesques at Meudon, although he condemns the style of the ceiling to decorate the dwelling of a prince:
3508: 9427: 9407: 7328: 5539: 3806: 3746: 3631: 3472: 9353: 9125: 6460: 5602: 5388: 3430:, cousin of the Emperor Napoleon III, often occupied Meudon. In Paris, he owned the famous Pompeian house sheltering his connection with the actress 2125: 1864: 1352: 5170: 4024:
The only unknown parameter is the exact nature of the impact on the subsoil at the Château-Vieux right-of-way during the Prussian occupation in the
3108: 2490: 2223:
her paramour, the Count of Riom, lieutenant of her guards. Riom took possession of the castle the next day, 31 October. But the governor in office,
2072:. Many embellishments were carried out in the gardens. Louis XIV took pleasure in advising his son on them. The King - or his son - even drew up a " 1255: 1165:. He was at the peak of his career, and felt that Meudon should reflect this power. In Paris, Servien lived at the Hôtel de la Roche-Guyon near the 7905: 2877:
Auction completed on September 27, 2016 in Nantes, study COUTON VEYRAC JAMAULT, lot 30. measurements: 59 x 74 cm (without frame) Collection of the
of this ceremony, is from much later, since it dates only from 1778. On 31 March 1737, "the king went today to Meudon bid farewell to the king and
2203:, who visited Meudon two or three times a week all that summer. On the following June 6, a new fireworks display was mounted in honor of the King. 910:, sheltered the grotto. Its prime contractor was Primaticcio himself. The first floor of the central pavilion displayed antiques in a large salon. 7340: 7299:
To protect the orange trees from the cold during the winter, two main orangeries were built at Meudon, the largest of which is the Château-Vieux.
5352: 5099: 2177:
on the 17th of April, 1711 noted that "Meudon was completely emptied and that all the furnishings were taken to the King's furniture storehouse."
1607: 7290:
Restitution 3D of the gallery of the château-neuf in Meudon, as it was circa 1709, when it was created. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2014
7246: 6936: 6299: 5614: 5527: 5131: 1892: 1860: 8886: 8872:"Les collections du département des arts graphiques - Retour de la promenade de Mr le Dauphin au vieux château de Meudon - ISABEY Jean-Baptiste" 7892:
Elévation du cabinet de pierre des jardins hauts de Meudon, du côté de Montafilan (près des Capucins). Nationalmuseum de Stockholm, NMH THC 377.
7479: 5376: 5364: 4850:"A golden vase garnished with all kinds of flowers, among which a poppy falls with one of its leaves to the pedestal on which the vase is laid." 4847:"A vase in the shape of a silver bowl filled with all sorts of flowers placed on a red carpet embroidered with gold with a peacock on the bowl." 3043:
decided in 1807 to make the Château-Neuf an imperial palace. He restored the gardens and refurbished the Château-Neuf, notably by the architect
8910: 8836: 5975:
Essai de restitution de la coupe de la paroi Sud du grand salon des marronniers, around 1705. With paintings placed by Monseigneur the dauphin.
4902: 4157:(1661–1711), son of Louis XIV, on the ground floor of the east wing of the Château-Vieux. It was preserved intact throughout the 18th century. 2504:
Most rooms are covered in mirrors. The gallery leading to the chapel is superb. I saw there a very fine picture of the siege of Mannheim under
2089: 1262:
visited Meudon, and found that "what was renovated on the garden side of the castle in the days of M. Servien is very ruined, particularly the
7364: 6187: 4890: 4866: 2255:, the Regent's family castle. On the night of June 15–16, 1722, the marriage of the daughter of Saint-Simon, Charlotte of Saint-Simon, to the 9417: 7589: 5554: 3881: 2363:
at Meudon was decided at the beginning of May, 1733, in an assembly of doctors held in Versailles, with regard to their health, the death of
2068:. The park of Meudon was thus linked to that of Versailles, and together they made up the Grand Parc de Versailles, extending from Meudon to 9437: 4878: 4065:
The Château-Vieux was the central building of the estate, and the first historical castle at Meudon. It aligned with the Grand Perspective.
8948:, Field-Marshal Count Helmut von Moltke, Clara Bell and Henry W. Fischer trans., Harper and Brothers, 1901, via Library of Congress. p. 125 7629: 6726: 2393:
He did not confine himself to these two rejections, he made the same request on the 21st, at the time when his Majesty was speaking to the
7720: 7398: 6515: 3052: 1818:. Although not for the first time, Meudon systematically used "Capucine" woodwork, carved and varnished strips of wood with gilt accents. 9457: 8823: 6142: 3039:
After deciding in 1803 to demolish the Château-Vieux, which had been burnt down in 1795, and when he was only General Bonaparte, Emperor
1019:: "The garden is moderately large, made of flower beds, borders, open alleyways, surrounded by alleys covered with beautiful trees, with 6127: 4946:
Essai de restitution de l'antichambre des jeux, vers 1700, avec la tapisserie de l'audience du cardinal Chigi, issue de la tenture de l'
3869: 1050:, since the Lorraine princes who owned Meudon had taken the side of the rebellion against royal authority. Thus, beginning in 1649, the 5594:
modelled this composition to undertake the painting of the kiln furnace of the royal chapel of Versailles. Another painting by Coypel,
3830: 3782: 2705: 1539:, to engrave the entire estate, which Silvestre carried out with several very spectacular prints, among the most careful of his work." 1193:
On the garden side, he built a monumental orangerie, still preserved today. He enlarged the park, which had existed since at least the
1161:, who took the title of Baron de Meudon. As soon as the purchase was made, Servien had extensive renovation work done by the architect 448: 6807: 6579: 5582:. This construction, desired by Monseigneur, was aimed at by Louis XIV. This chapel follows the same model as the Royal Chapel at the 3334:
perished. It was the first in France and one of the first in the world. Louis-Philippe I offered the Château-Neuf to treat survivors.
2873: 2658:. This pavilion was situated at the very top of the green carpet of Meudon, towards Meudon-la-Forêt. At Meudon Louis XVI and his wife 2378:, told him that it would cause him some expense, and that he was persuaded that his Eminence wished to treat him like his predecessor 2374:
Their journey was subsequently scheduled for the 21st of the same month and a few days before de Pellevé, speaking of their stay with
3842: 3583: 3460: 3447: 3434:, but it was to Meudon that he came to "sulk" over the protocol at the imperial court, of which he was not fond. He brought his wife 809: 7386: 4830:, transferred there at the very end of the 18th century. The minister also embellished the attic with seven paintings of flowers by 4640: 3971:
The State still owns the entire estate, both the part assigned to the Observatory and that which is managed by the city government.
partially manifested at Meudon. The Dauphin gathered there his rich collections, which attempted to compete with those of the King:
503: 9148: 6811:
Essai de restitution of the antechamber of the château-neuf in Meudon, c. 1709–1711. La pièce était boisée à la Capucine and gilded
6523: 5441: 4914: 4844:"A golden ornamented goderon vase filled with all kinds of flowers - a carpet behind embroidered gold with a red and green parrot". 4838:"a golden vase filled with all kinds of flowers, laid on a blue carpet embroidered with gold - the bottom of the picture is a sky." 4458:, and attributed in error to Bon Boullogne. Its former oval shape is clearly visible. The painting was made and placed in 1700, as 2398: 2211: 1558: 1536: 1364: 781: 9112: 6912:. In this room, under the mirrored piers, are two long green Campan marble tables supported on gilded and sculpted console feet. 6567: 6284: 4962:
The second room was similar to the first, and was also enriched with draperies, the northern bays being clogged for this purpose.
4012: 3427: 8412: 7984: 5899:
Museum (Vienna), and attributed to his brother Louis, allows us to understand what the composition of this work might look like.
This chamber ends the gallery, and it is the pendant of the Salon du Petit Pont, in symmetry. The salon is named for the painter
3965: 1911:. Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Louis XIV collaborated on the project, which was entrusted to the contractors of the chapel and the 1779: 6591: 6290: 4721: 2326:
painted for the King "A vision of Meudon in perspective that includes all the park and the castle, Monseigneur entering there."
did extensive work at Meudon and turned it into his special showplace, spending a sum of one million one hundred forty thousand
6011:(Pithopolis having King Pithès served food of gold), Nicolas Loir, formerly "Cléopâtre qui, dans un festin....", musée de Brou. 5907: 3005:
Schéma du Château-Vieux de Meudon en cours de démolition, 22 February 1805. En rose foncé, ce qu'il reste à démolir. ADY, 2Q 34
2891: 2445:, Queen Catherine of Poland, wife of Stanislas and mother of the French queen, took refuge in Meudon. Stanislas took refuge in 2414: 1935: 1190:
in order to clear the view of the castle, thereby engulfing nearly a third of the village of Meudon, which he moved elsewhere.
9397: 7874: 7150:
Cross-section of half the gallery of Monseigneur at the Château-Neuf in Meudon, condition in 1709. Nationalmuseum de Stockholm
6555: 3313: 788: 8275: 5511: 5481: 2975:
Trois ouvriers déplacent une colonne du château de Meudon. Hubert Robert, circa 1804. Musées de Weimar, Schossmuseum, KK 9110
2248: 906:
backing onto the slope, blending Italian and French styles. The central pavilion, decorated with mosaics, shells, corals and
of brick and stone with a loft floor over a ground floor with ornamented skylights. It was adorned in the Italian style with
8934: 5027: 2314:
and the Court settled in Meudon for a month, time enough to restore Versailles to house the young sovereigns. On August 10,
1630: 1450: 1324: 762: 38: 9392: 8801:
Memoirs of Louis XIV and his court and of the regency : complete Memoirs of Louis XIV and his court and of the regency
8756: 7380:
It was built at the same time as the Château-Neuf, between 1706 and 1708. It was demolished during the reign of Louis XVI.
2442: 1569: 994: 979: 860:, which he had discovered during his travels to Rome. A letter written on 28 December 1552, addressed to his sister-in-law 5051: 3893: 3794: 3574:
Since then most of the estate (high preserved gardens) has been closed to the general public, and remains so to this day.
2691:"I accompanied the ladies to the ambassadors at the chateau de Meudon. The new castle, where we dined at the house of the 1259: 9422: 9141: 6383:
Grotto of Meudon in an imaginairy landscape, Harvard Art Museum, 34.1991 (The roofing of the central pavilion is fictive)
2607:"Vue prise à Meudon" (View from Meudon): the stair of the Petit Pont. Late 18th century by Thiery de Sainte-Colombe, INHA 2323: 1950: 1915:. All the work at Meudon was indeed done by the same artists employed by the King, who worked for the institution of the 9253: 5570: 5144: 4548:
Proposed restoration of the antechamber of the dauphin in the Château-Vieux at Meudon, ca. 1700, with the collection of
Archeology of the Grande Terrasse at Meudon, with a map of part of the former village, demolished to expand the terrace.
1376: 795: 9104: 5668:
Jeton representing the interior of the chapel of the château of Meudon, seen from the tribune, 1703. Private collection
5013: 2549:. The castle was used to accommodate courtiers, and the castle stables served Bellevue, whose stables were very small. 2481: 2042:
Diagram of the third level of the Château-Neuf (known as "le Bel étage", the beautiful floor), by Mariette, around 1715
1856: 7491:
Estampe d'Israël Silvestre représentant la Grande Perspective de Meudon, vers 1685. Vue depuis le haut de l'Orangerie.
the drawings made for Monseigneur. The building was erected on the site of the grotto, previously demolished in 1705.
Game room, c 1700. De nombreuses tables de jeu prenaient place dans cette pièce, pour les soirées dites d'appartement.
3374: 1762:
View of the château de Meudon from the village of Fleury), Israel Silvestre, 1688. Musée d'art et d'histoire de Meudon
1589: 1425:. A cabinet displayed miniatures of the groves of Versailles painted by Jean Cotelle the elder, doubtless a gift from 845:, Cardinal of Lorraine. This ended the Sanguins' presence at Meudon, which had lasted more than a century. The former 9432: 9068:
Translator note: These were not hotels in the English sense of the word, but rather elaborate aristocratic residences
8495: 8228: 7483:
Restitution 3D de la vue depuis le balcon du premier étage du pavillon central du château-vieux de Meudon, vers 1690.
6414: 2438:" (Duke of Luynes). They left Meudon the next day, 1 April. The two castles were then stripped of their furnishings. 828: 239: 114: 52: 3390: 2780:
and became the "castle of the Republic", which served as a place for weapons experimentation to arm the new regime.
2639: 2591: 1708: 705: 8554:"Enchanting, distraction and self-representation: artificial caves between Italy and France during the Renaissance" 8365: 8236: 7286: 6393: 3983: 3964:
The Observatory (Chateau-Neuf), the high gardens, as well as the communes situated at the entrance, come under the
3280: 1577: 777: 96: 8152: 8080: 6823:
reversed, a golden dish, a corner of which is hidden by a purple curtain of the same dimensions as the preceding.
6430:, saving from destruction what remained of the castle, especially the two lower floors, less damaged by the fire. 5872:, Germany, contemporaneous with the Grand Cabinet Ovale, similar in its layout, size and systematic use of mirrors 4653: 4357: 4280:
around him carrying instruments. In the foreground are two children, one mounted on a tiger. On the left one sees
4202: 3712:
common of the Grand Dauphin, the kennel of Louvois, the great prospect of Servien, and the nymphs and orangery of
2696: 2379: 2224: 1922:
The Château-Neuf had five levels, but due to the steep slope, did not have the same appearance on the side of the
1872: 1790: 1750:
Grande Perspective de Meudon, Israël Silvestre, third quarter of 17th century, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Meudon
1433:. The large gallery, which occupies the entire right wing on the first floor, is adorned with twelve paintings by 1027:
visited Meudon, no doubt attracted by the famous decorations of Primaticcio. Above all, 18 May 1643, the union of
875:, in which the cardinal had actively participated, probably in the style being practised in Italy at that time by 717: 8611:
The Society of Princes: The Lorraine-Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth-Century France
8092: 7738:"Meudon. Les 2 châteaux réunis sous un même aspect", drawing by Jean-Baptiste Maréchal, 1785. View from the Ovale 6401: 5719: 5063: 4748: 4462:
commissioned by the same painter. A preparatory drawing is held at the Cabinet des Arts Graphiques in the Louvre.
3439: 3303: 3027: 2663: 2292: 2291:, qui « lui parla souvent de son fort et le mena à toutes les attaques ». Louis XV was the grandson of 2174: 535: 8140: 5241: 4861:
Les termes en marbre de maures et de mauresques, Salon des Maures de Meudon. Aujourd'hui au palais de Compiègne.
Monseigneur ordered for this room a series of paintings above the doors, all of them oval and of the same size:
4230: 4082: 4053:
3D rendition of the château-vieux of Meudon at its apogee, circa 1704. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2012
2692: 2311: 2244: 2215: 2078: 143: 8768: 8320: 8212: 7856:
Quarter of the parterre of the Grotto. Nationalmuseum of Stockholm. Condition of parterre between 1680 and 1708
5747: 5485:
Projet de cheminée du cabinet des miroirs de Meudon, vers 1680 ? Nationalmuseum de Stockholm, NMH THC 1326
4326: 3032: 2754: 2284: 2264: 2260: 1565: 766: 8724:, having heard the account of the valet, told him laughing aloud: "Go on, go, when you will have washed this 8008: 4752: 1547: 1194: 1079: 1067: 867:
The cardinal had the wings on the courtyard side of the gallery surmounted by a terrace, based on drawings by
and properties, the largest of which belonged to persons linked to the owners of the castle. These included:
8128: 8104: 7507:
At its apogee, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, it was composed as follows (from north to south):
7431: 6202: 2341: 2189: 2155: 1623:, and already considerably embellished by succeeding owners, came into its most brilliant period, passing to 1593: 998: 842: 4856:"A gold and silver vase set on a blue and gold carpet whose lining is crimson with a monkey holding a fish." 4803: 4049: 1720: 1580:, who discovered both the gardens and the castle. Louvois was not present to receive them since he was with 864:, says: "I have been at Meudon while I was in Paris... there are no more beautiful houses in this kingdom." 462:
park has been classified as an historical monument since 4 June 2000. It was the first storage facility for
416: 8764: 6834: 6799:". The middle of the room is adorned with "a table of black mastic with flowers and birds in the natural". 6703:
Essai de restitution de la salle des gardes du château-neuf de Meudon, état vers 1709, lors de sa création.
6157: 5489:
Afterwards, the apartment of the Princess of Conti followed and ended with another "Cabinet des mirroirs".
It is inspired directly by the central white marble sculpture of the Latone fountain in the gardens of the
4349: 3529: 1684: 1472: 617: 400: 8465:(Service regional de l'inventaire générale des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France) 2005. 8302: 8056: 8044: 8032: 8020: 7085:, copy of the panneaux pour la tenture réalisée for Meudon. Sotheby's, 18 November 2010, New-York, lot 235 6036: 5416: 4942: 4853:"A golden vase laid on a foot-filled way filled with all kinds of flowers with a peacock behind the vase." 4423:
correctly identified the painting at Meudon as a canvas, now rectangular, in the museum of Nevers in 1872
4031: 2347:
In May 1733, at Versailles, a scene was set up between Louis XV and the governor of the castle of Meudon:
1596:; they made a snack at the château, and walked for a long time in the park and in the gardens "(Dangeau). 1234: 8116: 7910: 6778: 5545: 4783:
Sketch of restoration of the salon from the entrance, by the Grand Escalier (great staircase). Circa 1695
2431: 1668: 594:
The manor was demolished in 1520 by Antoine Sanguin, known as the Cardinal de Meudon, who built a square
Estampe d'Israël Silvestre représentant la Grande Perspective de Meudon depuis le tapis vert. Vers 1685.
6251: 5606: 4562: 3083: 3075: 2516:
in Egyptian marble, is seen as a masterpiece. The chapel of the castle is very agreeable, with a single
1388: 9294: 8799: 7996: 5406:
Restitution 3D du Cabinet des glaces de Louis XIV, Franck Devedjian & Hervé Grégoire, janvier 2013.
Essai de restitution of the Salon du Petit Pont, first floor of the château-vieux in Meudon. Circa 1700
Louvois placed in this salon twelve terms in Moorish and Moorish marble, eight of which are now in the
4381: 3912: 2770: 2633:
The new young king often liked to come and hunt in Meudon. One year after his accession, the architect
2057: 1158: 668:
Francis I stayed at Meudon from 11 July to 5 August 1537 and many more times before his death in 1547.
646: 7462: 6397:
3D rendition of the Château-Neuf at its apogee, around 1709. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2013
Essai de restitution du Grand Cabinet de l'aile des marronniers, with the canvases in place circa 1705
Bronzes of the Crown placed in the gallery at Meudon in the 18th century, with their inventory numbers
3443: 2251:
one of his principal advisers, a considerable honor. Thus, the famous memorialist could stay close to
1945: 1756: 1642: 641:
were also added to the pavilions. The structure was similar to the works undertaken at the château at
605: 9203: 8200: 8188: 8176: 8164: 7423: 6883: 6842: 5876: 5285: 4827: 3338: 3331: 2307: 1434: 1291: 1113: 584: 9248: 9238: 8068: 5039: 4763: 3563:
in 1875. Janssen did not hesitate to raze nearly half the Château-Neuf, and together with architect
2655: 1336: 1221:, now in the Louvre. Servien had this bronze placed at the end of the flowerbed, just above his new 1040: 802: 214: 44: 4305:
Mercury takes flight after having put Bacchus in the hands of the nymphs. The legend of his mother
4116: 3534: 2667: 2319: 2014:
Diagram of the Château-Vieux and of the aile des marronniers (Chestnut tree wing) to the right. ADY
1125: 990: 630: 493: 8661: 8311: 5946: 5644:
Projet non définitif de coupe of the chapel of Meudon. Dessin de Jules Hardouin-Mansart, 1701. AN.
4965: 3996:, are preserved. Only the part between the orangery gardens and the Chalais Pond remains blocked. 3694:
Photograph of the Orangery in Meudon, first half 20th century. Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Meudon
3254: 3175: 2792: 2783: 2452: 2410: 1651: 693: 9208: 8784:(Memoirs) VII, 456) the autopsy found that "the poor princess was pregnant". As Duclos remarked ( 8256: 4779: 4431: 3435: 3381: 3232:
Chanelier in the gallery of the Château-Neuf, c. 1811, gilded bronze, Feuchère, Mobilier National
3142: 2685: 2368: 2315: 2185: 2170: 1852: 1702:
Facade of the parterre side of the Château-Vieux. Circa 1685–1690. Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms 3361
1279: 1028: 955: 755: 206: 9233: 9178: 6896: 5864: 5574:
3D recreation of the interior of the chapel at Meudon. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2014
5313: 4771:
The first floor contained large reception rooms, mainly the "Salon des Moures" and the gallery.
Proposition de restitution of the corner cabinet of the dauphin. Condition between 1700 and 1792
The four oval canvases in the billiard room of Monseigneur in Meudon throughout the 18th century
freely put at his disposal. During his stay in France, he became a friend of the famous General
3099: 3044: 2232: 2219: 150: 84: 7240:(Nero in the midst of a Feast Ordering the Death of Agippinus), Noël Coypel. Museum of Grenoble 6410: 6317: 6276: 5579: 4831: 4393: 4028:
of 1870. Indeed, The Prussians occupied Meudon, to bombard the capital and monitor operations.
2364: 2252: 2119:
Plan for renovation of the parterre of the Hôtel Courtin, lower gardens of Meudon, c. 1710. BNF
1884: 1647: 1543: 1422: 1036: 959: 948: 609: 433: 329:, also known as the Royal Castle of Meudon or Imperial Palace of Meudon, is a French castle in 194: 9188: 8446: 8382: 6101: 3342: 2542: 2337: 1896: 1810:, although the king his father had put it among the royal residences and in the charge of the 850: 492:(Meudon Before the King). Many Meudons held positions at court, such as Robert de Meudon, the 389: 7714:
Detail of the lower gardens on the draft plan for the gardens at Meudon. ADY (78). Circa 1697
7133: 6539: 6325: 6280: 6259: 6255:
3D rendition of the Grotto of Meudon, c. 1690–1700. Franck Devedjian and Hervé Grégoire, 2013
Essai de restitution de la coupe de la paroi Ouest du grand salon des marronniers, circa 1705
5869: 4661: 4256: 3999: 3419: 2887: 2069: 1430: 1016: 1001:
took place in the chapel of the château. In 1618, the Duke of Lorraine tasked his architect,
868: 857: 638: 569: 6923:, nine of which still exist. The inventory of Crown furniture is as follows: "A three-piece 6753: 5777: 5771:
Communicating gallery, Chestnut tree wing, c. 1703. Reconstruction by Franck Devedjian, 2012
5756: 4380:
inches. The picture was substantially cut in the nineteenth century. It is preserved in the
3491: 3451: 2617: 9452: 9263: 8752: 8285: 6929: 5963:
Essai de restitution de la coupe de la paroi Est du grand salon des marronniers, circa 1705
5583: 5507: 4435: 4420: 4154: 3936: 3728:
Aerial view of the Orangery and the remains of the Château-Neuf converted to an observatory
3346: 2740: 2678: 2498: 2107:
One of the two waterfalls framing the "pièce de M. Le Nostre" (piece by Monsieur Le Nostre)
1912: 1829: 1803: 1774: 1690:
Back of the courtyard of the Château-Vieux. Circa 1685–1690. Bibliothèque Mazarine, ms 3361
1624: 1248: 1203: 1007: 654: 563: 521: 437: 420: 385: 354: 9198: 9193: 8622: 8448:
Description de Paris, de Versailles, de Marly, de Meudon, de S. Cloud, de Fontainebleau...
8295: 6283:, a beautiful belvedere which, following additions towards the end of century, became the 4732: 3940:
Schéma showing areas closed to the general public, coming under the Observatoire de Paris.
2878: 2163:
At the death of the Dauphin in 1711, the castle was still perfectly maintained, since the
1611: 943:
At the death of the Cardinal of Lorraine in 1574, the castle remained the property of the
620:, also called the Duchess of Étampes, on 5 September 1527. She had become the mistress of 591:
and became lord of Meudon. Antoine later married Marie Simon and died on 18 October 1500.
8: 8935:
7634: 7530: 7495: 7466:
Restitution 3D du domaine de Meudon, vers 1708. Franck Devedjian et Hervé Grégoire, 2012.
7036: 7011: 6990: 6983: 6962: 6951: 6909: 6816: 6796: 6682: 6095: 5591: 5245:
Draft reconstruction of the view of the chapel from the middle of the gallery, circa 1710
4579: 4549: 4408: 4310: 4251: 4206:
Guardroom of the apartment of Monseigneur in the Château-Vieux of Meudon, circa 1700–1792
4025: 3993: 3559:. The ruins were preserved for several years, until the site was entrusted to astronomer 3270: 3115: 3056: 2903: 2758: 2546: 2435: 2279:
View of the château of Meudon on the parterre side. Engraving by Jacques Rigaud, c. 1730.
2196: 1868: 1837: 1581: 1573: 1521: 1494: 1482: 1459: 1244: 1210: 1039:, was renewed in the chapel of the castle, with the blessing of the Archbishop of Paris, 967: 918: 650: 621: 497: 301: 202: 9223: 9183: 9167: 8451:(in French). Vol. Tome quatrième. Paris: chez Charles Nicolas Poirion. p. 296. 6815:
When the Château-Neuf was finished in 1709, on avait disposé two paintings ordered from
6356: 6343:
Map of the Grotto de Meudon and its surroundings, late 17th century, Archives nationales
6264: 6109: 6105:
Chamber of Monseigneur in the Petit Appartement Frais de l'aile des marronniers, c. 1703
5709: 4787: 4294: 4068: 3316:, stayed there in 1834 and wrote his memoirs there. But in 1842 he died accidentally in 2165: 1916: 1876: 1811: 1675: 1240: 1054:, at the head of the Royal Army, seized Charenton, Saint-Denis, Saint-Cloud and Meudon. 890:
were created around small buildings. These included a small fantasy palace dedicated to
of his father; he died in Paris on 13 November 1468. He had several children, including
View of Paris from Meudon (detail). Langlacé, 1818. Musée d'art et d'histoire de Meudon.
365:"... the most beautiful place in the world, both in its layout and in its location. " - 9447: 9442: 9282: 8904: 8575: 8535: 7831:
The bastion of the Capuchins, which served as a point of view on Paris and Saint-Cloud.
Restitution de la Grande Perspective de Meudon (photo-montage). par Gilles Fiant, 2017.
7220: 7004: 6699: 6645:
Detail of the cornice in the upper vestibule, National museum of Stockholm, NMH CC 1074
6272: 6069: 5888: 5421: 5221: 5217: 5125: 5017:
Draft reconstruction of the cross-section of the gallery of the Château-Vieux of Meudon
4451: 4443: 3567:, between 1880 and 1885 built there an astronomical observatory, later attached to the 3324: 3070:
visited Meudon. On June 30, 1811, Meudon was placed at the disposal of 'Madame Mother'
2898:, Yorkshire, describes the site in a letter written in English, dated August 31, 1802: 2890:, came to Meudon from 1802, and left several descriptions or drawings. English Colonel 2509: 2457: 1966:
Layout of the ground floor of the Château-Vieux in 1695, at the arrival of Monseigneur.
1939: 1585: 1562: 963: 841:
Upon the death of Francis I, Anne de Pisseleu had to sell the Meudon estate in 1552 to
210: 7781: 5425: 5294: 4419:. The painting, painted in 1700, had a format of 3 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 5 inches. 4331: 4261: 4234:
Dining room of Monseigneur, ground floor of the Château-Vieux, east wing, c. 1700–1792
3495: 2468:
The Knight of Fréjus visited Meudon on 5 May 1748. He left the following description:
971: 604:, bands and stone framing. The layout of the castle supposedly influenced that of the 9218: 9164: 8923: 8579: 8491: 8323:, the first of this order installed in France by the care of the Cardinal of Lorraine 7790: 7750:
Restitution 3D des jardins bas, avec la "pièce de M. Le Nostre". Condition circa 1700
7082: 7041: 7029: 7022: 6997: 6969: 6916: 5347:
Le Cabinet des Glaces du Roi, c. 1697 to 1793. Archives nationales, O1 1768 A 1 et 2.
Salon Albane, at the end of the gallery of the Château-Vieux, first floor. Circa 1700
4815: 4669: 4614: 4606: 4558: 3665: 3650: 3568: 3317: 3309:
A studio was then installed below the old gardens at the bottom of Meudon. Under the
3291: 3179: 3157: 3082:, also stayed at Meudon, with Madame Mother. From March 24 to November 14, 1813, the 3071: 3022: 2919: 2422: 2330: 1841: 1833: 1555: 1415: 1343: 1133: 1104: 922: 346: 88: 8508: 7435:
Plan for expanding the kennel and creating the stables, Jules Hardouin-Mansart, 1701
4634: 9320: 9258: 8861:
Inventory preserved in the INHA library, carton 46, file XII, microfilm 24170-24198
8565: 8394: 7763: 7699: 7015: 6958: 6944: 5290: 5263: 4314: 4243: 4219: 4057: 3523: 3295: 3287: 3274: 3079: 2659: 2298: 2256: 2065: 1778:
Reconstruction of the illumination on 27 August 1704, in honor of the birth of the
Louvois chassant à Meudon (Louvois hunting in Meudon), c. 1683. Musée de Versailles
1532: 1179: 1089: 983: 899: 880: 872: 573: 371: 8675: 7979:
Maps of the reservoirs and ponds at Meudon, Bibliothèque historique de Versailles.
5590:, four meters high, eighty-five by three wide, which features the "Resurrection". 4504:(Hercules Between Voluptuousness and Virtue), Charles de La Fosse, musée de Nevers 4489:
Latone et les paysans de Lycie, Jean Jouvenet, Musée d'art et d'histoire in Meudon
2404: 2144:
Overall map of the domains of Meudon and Chaville, by Alexandre Lemoine, ADY. 1723
8594: 6783: 6686: 6427: 5928: 5135: 4807: 3564: 3515: 3244:
Furniture piece from the gallery of the Château-Neuf de Meudon, Mobilier National
3074:. In April 1812, the King of Rome came to stay at Meudon. During the summer, the 2895: 2464:. Displayed in 18th century in the Salon du Petit Pont, at one end of the gallery 2418: 2375: 2181: 1847:
The Dauphin liked to surround himself at Meudon with his family, his friends and
1815: 1732: 1316: 1214: 1183: 1024: 642: 261: 80: 8716:
instead, presenting it afterwards to the valet, who declined it saying that the
8553: 6915:
Originally, the alcove was decorated with 12 "grotesque" tapestries designed by
Cutaway of the guard room. Mariette. Shows positioning of the table of Desportes
5329: 5254: 4160:
In its final configuration, beginning in 1701, it was composed successively of:
3690: 3431: 2333:, who married Louis XV on September 4, came to visit Meudon for the first time. 9332: 6864: 6838: 6306: 6271:
The cave of Meudon is the twin sister of this "House of the Theater" begun for
5610: 5587: 5519: 5493: 5109: 5090: 4344: 3299: 3298:. In the autumn of 1831 he spent some time at the Château-Neuf, an estate King 2521: 2360: 2002:
Cutaway of the Château-Vieux, with the chapel, after 1702. East-west axis, 2013
1888: 1795: 1726:
Layout of the first floor of the Château-Vieux after the death of Louvois, 1695
1198: 944: 937: 929: 876: 861: 613: 596: 459: 334: 7278: 7216: 6371:
Décor project for the Grotto, c. 1685. Not carried out. Jules Hardouin-Mansart
It was situated between the Grand Vestibule and the apartment of Monseigneur.
3426:, he did not visit the property. On the contrary, from 1860 to 1870, his son, 3345:. But these grandiose projects, one of which was established by the architect 3258:
Photograph of Château-Neuf in 1850 taken by Louis-Auguste Martin (1811–1875).
Uncompleted plan for a dome for the central pavilion of the Château-Vieux, by
Financial constraints finally forced Louis-Francois Servien to sell Meudon to
1051: 681: 9386: 9368: 9355: 9344: 9308: 9271: 9267: 9213: 8704: 8327:
All these buildings and gardens were visible from the castle or its gardens.
6733: 5940: 5151: 4618: 4587: 4427: 4321: 4299: 4289: 3968:
and are assigned to the Observatory of Paris. They are closed to the public.
3700: 3560: 3539: 3310: 2960: 2923: 2911: 2413:, after abdicating in April, temporarily settled at Meudon. According to the 1696: 1486: 658: 366: 8398: 5759:, commissioned for the chamber, and which would make the painter's success. 3740:
Aerial view of the terrace with the avenue of the château, towards the north
9243: 8849: 8760: 8232:
View of the Château-Vieux and of the village of Meudon below. 18th century.
7537: 7487: 7316: 5994: 4795: 4741: 4100: 4096: 3713: 3683: 3642: 3423: 3060: 2991: 2625:
du Globe at Meudon in 1779. Jean Pierre Bocquet (Paris 1751 - Paris 1817).
On the 5th of May 1748, the first Sunday of the month, I went to Meudon by
2426: 2275: 1807: 1744: 1620: 1395: 1166: 1162: 1154: 914: 412: 92: 9133: 8888:
Le général Choderlos de Laclos, auteur des liaisons dangereuses, 1741–1803
8570: 8515:
The reception of the Diane de Versailles from the 16th to the 18th century
Third level of the Château-Neuf ("le bel étage"), by Mariette, around 1715
It was demolished in 1705 to build the Château-Neuf in the same location.
This small room had two small basins, from which flowed streams of water.
created this oval room, centerpiece of the castle, which looks out on the
Schéma of the ceiling of the corner cabinet, erased by the dauphin in 1699
Meudon, taken from the walls of the stud farm, by Bergeron. Ca. 1825. BNF.
6737: 6502:
La grille basse du Château-Neuf, c. 1708 Musée-promenade de Marly-le-Roi.
6310: 5002: 4978: 4609:, Museum of the Louvre, work placed in the chamber of Monseigneur in 1705 3625:
Photograph of the lower vestibule of the Château-Neuf after the 1871 fire
3556: 3266: 3048: 1178:
salon, opening onto the gardens, similar to the one built at the time by
975: 453: 381: 7274: 5997:
from the queen's apartment in Versailles, repurposed in the Grand Salon.
4544: 4313:, and herdownfall by lightning was engineered by Jupiter’s jealous wife 4273: 4174:
Billiard room, adorned with four oval canvases of mythological subjects;
3931: 3193: 3017:
Columns from the château, taken to the rotonda of the Senate by Chalgrin
548: 8713: 7315:
The orangery was probably built between 1655 and 1659 by the architect
6321: 5920: 5333:
Cutaway of the chamber of Louis XIV, château-vieux de Meudon, ca. 1700.
leaves it to the City to manage the site located within its territory.
Great dome of the observatory, built on the remains of the Château-Neuf
Photograph of the Château-Neuf after the fire, 1871. Private collection
Napoleon : Meudon, Imperial Palace of the King of Rome (1807–1815)
2736: 2674: 2206: 1465:
Madame de Louvois in Meudon. At the back is the parterre and the Grotto
in 1688 to thank his minister for the perfect completion of the marble
1414:, where the family property was located. It was rebuilt by his father, 1032: 769: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 485: 358: 7925: 7409: 7109:
Projet (ultérieur ?) de décor pour l'alcôve (non Versailles), BNF
Design of the chamber woodwork. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, NMH CC 2300
Cutaway of the upper vestibule, which functions as an Italianate salon
6026:(Queen Giving Audience to an Old Man), by Nicolas Loir, also known as 5075:
The four statues placed in the niches of the gallery under Monseigneur
3978: 3613:
View of Meudon after the war of 1871. Hubert Clerget, Musée Carnavalet
Meudon from the upper terrace. "Paris dans sa splendeur". Chapuis del.
3220:Écran à glace, bois de frêne, gilded bronze, mirror, Mobilier National 3055:. To this end, numerous orders were made to furnish the palace of the 2915: 1821: 1485:. In the corners and between the statues, there was something like an 1306: 1097: 978:. The king reassured him about his health. Henry went back to Meudon. 962:
barely had the time to visit Meudon. It was at Meudon that the future
to the king. He died in Paris on 27 August 1425 and was buried at the
404: 266:
Virtual recreation of the Château-Vieux de Meudon that was demolished.
Coupe of the parade chamber in the Château-Neuf of Meudon, circa 1709
6042: 5896: 5298: 4819: 4751:
settled in Meudon in 1695 he gave this dwelling, next to his own, to
4630: 4598: 4534:, Louis de Boullogne le Jeune, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Saint-Étienne. 4470: 3377: 3330:
On May 8, 1842, a railway catastrophe took place in Meudon, in which
3259: 2791:
Military aérostats at the château in Meudon. Watercolors on paper by
2651: 2626: 2585:
West wing of the Château-Vieux de Meudon, 1773. Drawing by architect
2513: 2505: 2494: 2383: 2159:
The cour d'honneur of the Château-Vieux at Meudon in the 18th century
2061: 1848: 1714:
Layout of the ground floor of Meudon after the death of Louvois, 1695
1551: 1426: 1187: 887: 856:
The cardinal then renovated the castle, drawing inspiration from the
846: 674:
Rendition of Château de Meudon during period between 1520's to 1550's
580: 526: 7607:
Vue aérienne par drône de l'avenue du château, en direction du nord.
Cross-section of the Grand Vestibule (great vestibule), 1658 to 1803
Layout of the third level of the Château-Neuf under Napoleon I, 1812
2477: 2259:, was celebrated at the chateau. The blessing was given by the Abbé 1769: 1148: 895: 744: 8700: 8517:] (Masters). University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, HAL Science 7934: 7798: 7450:
All the stalls were rebuilt in the 19th century. Some still exist.
7308: 7270: 7253: 7069:
Elévation du fond de la chambre de parade, circa 1708, with the bed
4799: 4368: 4181: 3951: 3860: 3323:
Louis-Philippe also made available the castle of Meudon to Marshal
3067: 3040: 2777: 2622: 2538: 2288: 2200: 2027: 1928: 1923: 1411: 1405: 1297: 1222: 1171: 1020: 907: 903: 662: 601: 463: 444: 428: 408: 8444: 5915:
The Dauphin had some prestigious paintings in this room, including
5731: 4131:
Cross-section of the Grand Escalier (great staircase) 1658 to 1803
3283:, son of Charles X, went to Meudon to hunt between 1815 and 1820. 1887:, the architect of all these works, the construction of a chapel. 1661:
Views of Château de Meudon during the period between 1679 and 1695
was particularly well painted. The vault stretched over the upper
734: 8677:
Recueil des Plans, Elevations, et Veües du Château de Petit-Bourg
6920: 6905: 6119: 5883: 4602: 4540:
Antechamber (former dining room of the Dauphin from 1695 to 1699)
4397: 4375:, asleep in a cave after his usual drinking, is surprised by two 4372: 4281: 4215: 4168: 3863:
of the terrace of the old parterre of the château de Meudon, 2013
3547: 2764: 1501:, and the shadow below made a very good effect. The large stucco 1498: 1490: 1263: 1060:
Views of Chateau de Meudon during period between 1550's to 1650's
517: 516:
On 17 July 1413, Jean de Montrevel, known as the Hermit, lord of
Martyrs and Murderers, The Guise Family and the Making of Europe
The day after the feasts of Pentecost (the day of the arrest of
8434:] (in French). Presses Universitaires de France. p. 60. 5718:
The old "Cour des Offices", or "Basse Cour", was transformed by
Coupe de la tribune of the chapel of the château de Meudon, 1701
1871 Château-Neuf fire and takeover by the Observatoire de Paris
The pond called Meudon was not created until the 20th century.
7440: 6976: 6858: 6830: 4811: 4578:
feet 9 inches high, representing fruit and flowers, painted by
4574: 4364: 4306: 4277: 4239: 3955: 3669:
Timeline showing the successive owners of the château of Meudon
3658: 3546:
Because the site was strategic, dominating Paris, a battery of
3249: 2673:
In 1791, the castle still served as a holiday home for the new
2473: 2461: 2405:
Queen's parents: the visit of Stanislas Leszczyński (1736–1737)
2056:(Royal House of Meudon), dated 1703, even compared them to the 1502: 1175: 1047: 634: 579:
Jean Sanguin, known as the "Bastard of Sanguin", inherited the
554: 393: 330: 8924:"Demolition of the Château of Meudon", Getty Museum Collection 8804:. Vol. 13. Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation. 8725: 8709: 8364:
Robert, Louis Eugène (1843). "Chapter 2 Détails historiques".
Remains of the Château-Neuf, converted to an observatory. 2014
representing the Château-Neuf of Meudon under Louis-Philippe.
Layout of the first floor of the Château-Vieux in Meudon, 1700
Meudon, in poor condition, was bought on 12 September 1654 by
974:. He went the very same day to see the wounded king in nearby 947:, who held it as one of their fiefs, along with the castle of 337:. At the edge of a wooded plateau, the castle offers views of 8291: 7785:
Traité des Eaux de Meudon, 1699, par Nyon. Les jardins hauts.
Balustrade in gilded wood from the parade chamber, circa 1708
The chapel was completed at the end of 1702, on the plans of
The dauphin will place there the great bronzes of L'Algarde,
The apartment named "of the Duke and the Duchess of Burgundy"
4376: 4148: 3341:, plans were made to make Meudon the new headquarters of the 2486: 2421:. According to the terms of the agreement, possession of the 2131:
The park and the gardens of the château, Mariette, circa 1715
1825: 1616: 891: 357:, in the heart of a hunting reserve, the castle has an ideal 350: 342: 338: 8510:
La réception dela Diane de Versaille du XVI au XVIIIe siècle
The axis ended at an alley drawn on the plateau of Trivaux.
Traditionally, in French castles since the 18th century, an
Taque foyère aux armes du dauphin, Château-Neuf, vers 1708.
It was in this hall that the Bishop invited guests to dine.
4834:. The 1733 inventory of paintings of Meudon describes them: 3911:
Porte dauphine, 1703, before the Grande Perspective, today.
3413: 2283:
On 27 September 1722, at the request of the young king, the
2083:" a guide in the style of the texts written for Versailles. 1638:(Louvois Hunting at Meudon). Musée de Versailles, circa 1683 1475:
noted the following during his visit to the castle in 1687.
to modify the central pavilion of the Vieux-Château. c. 1655
Plan définitif of the chapel of Meudon, circa 1775–1780. AN
Octagonal pedestals placed in the gallery. Abbey of Chaalis
Aerial view of the terrace at Meudon, with the Bel Air pond
returned to Europe and settled in France with the title of
Console by Maigret, ash and white marble, Mobilier National
2612: 2532: 2517: 2446: 588: 7661:
Below, the "play of M. Le Nostre", framed by two cascades;
Schéma de l'élévation de la galerie, Stockholm NMH CC 2855
Cross-section of half the gallery. Stockholm, NMH THC 5953
Grand salon, c. 1705. With paintings placed by Monseigneur
canvasses commissioned for the communicating gallery, 1703
4744:, who died there in his room on the ground floor in 1659. 3538:
View from the terrace at Meudon's château-neuf during the
3196:, gilt bronze ash wood and white marble, Mobilier National 3031:
View from the base of the bastion des Capucins at Meudon,
Fireworks for the Dauphin at Meudon 3 September 1735". BNF
645:, then owned by Nicolas de Longueval, Count of Bossut and 8367:
Histoire et description naturelle de la commune de Meudon
Cabinet of the "Petit appartement frais", circa 1703–1711
5341: 4810:, and is similar, although slightly smaller in size. The 4225: 3673: 2748: 2386:
remained there, and to grant him the same gratification.
of Meudon and the statue of "Mercury and Psyche", c. 1660
The Chateau de Meudon during period between 1654 and 1679
in 1679. Already, a year earlier in 1678, members of the
In 1639, Jacques Dubreuil boasted of Meudon's stairs and
158: 8798:
de Rouvroy Saint-Simon, Louis (2006). "Chapter XCVIII".
of the Grotto, then parterre of the Château-Neuf in 1708
Courtyard of the Château-Vieux, known as the royal court
Front yard (on the right, terrace of the chestnut trees)
communicating gallery, chestnut tree wing, c. 1703–1711.
Sculptures and furniture placed in the gallery at Meudon
4633:, with, in the middle of the marquetry, one cupid on an 4465:
Antoine Coypel], then the youngest painter of the four:
Layout of the ground floor of the Château-Vieux in 1700.
376:, Cours d'Architecture ..., 1773, volume 4, p. 132. 154: 8468: 7726:
Le bassin de l'Ovale, jardins bas de Meudon. Circa 1690
The parterre of the Orangerie, with a rectangular basin
5854:(A Boar Chased by Eight Dogs), François Desportes. 1703 5533:
Psyché découvrant l'Amour endormi, Antoine Coypel, 1701
The inventory of 1775 adds that there is also a "green
Layout of the ground floor of the Château-Vieux in 1700
Aerial view of the Grande Perspective towards the south
Aérostat au campement sous sa tente de protection (5/5)
View of Meudon from Fleury. Jacques Rigaud, ca. 1730-40
8797: 8640:
Bulletin de la Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français
8370:(in French). Paris: Paulin, Libraire. pp. 27–144. 6409:
We owe the plans of the Château-Neuf to the architect
Pithopolis faisant servir des mets en or au roi Pithès
Canvases in the apartment of the Princess of Conti by
4802:. This salon was built at the same time as the one at 4090: 3098:
Drawing for the terrace refusing under Napoleon I, by
Above the doors were floral paintings in the style of
The grotto in the state where Servien found it in 1654
1247:, kept the estate for twenty years. On 2 August 1665, 479: 9292: 7567:
The pavilion of Trivaux (under Louis XVI) (destroyed)
L'orangerie of Meudon, 17th century. Restored in 2012
Levels 2 and 4 of the Château-Neuf. Mariette, c. 1715
Parterre of the Grotto, seen from the central salon.
5476: 5324: 4519:, Antoine Coypel, Musée d'art et d'histoire de Cholet 3944:
Today, the domain of Meudon is divided in two parts.
Legal status: a divided and partly inaccessible space
Panoramic view of the Grande Terrasse at Meudon, 2013
Ruins of Château-Neuf and surroundings, February 1871
Arthelon waterfall, lower gardens of Meudon. ca. 1700
Evolution of Meudon by Abel Servien between 1654-1659
Sketch of the castle entrance and the village c. 1654
Sanguin family and the Duchesse d'Étampes (1426–1552)
Construction of the Observatoire de Paris at Meudon.
8413:"Bibliographie de Paris au Moyen Age : La Base" 8316:
House of Bastide, then house of Bailly. (Demolished)
The pond of Chalais (on the right, the carp channel)
Here is the list of the gods attached to the months
Décor of the upper vestibule. Stockholm, NMH CC 1074
Décor of the upper vestibule. Stockholm, NMH CC 1078
6088: 5735:
Still life with profile of Diana by Blin de Fontenay
Schéma of the gallery of the Château-Vieux in Meudon
Beginning in 1700, the old staircase by Louvois and
in 1811, under the responsibility of his governess,
2868: 2806:
Découpage des toiles pour composer des fuseaux (1/5)
Duchess of Berry, daughter of the Regent (1718–1719)
The gardens were not to be outdone. The poem titled
On the proposal of Louis XIV, the widow of Louvois,
Layout of the ground floor of the old castle c. 1659
871:. The interiors were decorated with scenes from the 8983: 8981: 7929:
The windmills of Villebon, on the heights of Meudon
Avenue du château (planted with four rows of trees)
7415:garden of the Museum of Art and History of Meudon. 7410:
The greenhouse below the Orangerie du Château-Vieux
Details of the cheminée et des consoles NMH CC 1105
5411: 4767:
Ground floor of the Château-Vieux of Meudon in 1700
4467:'Hercules bringing back Alceste from the underworld 4354:
Silenus smeared with blackberries by the nymph Eglé
4330:‘’Venus, Bacchus and Ceres’’, Bon Boullogne, 1701. 4260:The triumph of Bacchus, Charles de la Fosse, 1701. 3979:
The rehabilitation project of the Great Perspective
Orangerie de Meudon, 17th century, restored in 2012
2528:... have not eaten elsewhere pigeons so fat (...) 2214:, Duchess of Berry, eldest daughter of the Regent, 966:(Henry of Navarre) learned of the assassination of 466:in the world and is one of the few still standing. 8463:Joinville: le château du Grand Jardin: Haute-Marne 7637:for the Ovale. Nationalmuseum of Stockholm, Sweden 5931:. These canvases come from the royal collections. 5280: 5192:Bust of the painter Raphaël, by Alessandro Rondoni 4593: 2848:Étalage du vernis et vérification des joints (4/5) 2355:"Stay of the Children of France in Meudon in 1733. 1859:, his daughter-in-law, the Princess of Conti, and 7828:The gardens of Montafilan, with the stone cabinet 7555:The water grid, with 10 jets of water (destroyed) 7375: 7174:Plan of half the gallery, Stockholm, NMH THC 5954 6621:Pedestal of the vestibule. Stockholm, NMH CC 1073 6490:Grilles du Château-Neuf de Meudon. Mariette, A.F. 6466:Cutaway of the Château-Neuf, circa 1720. Mariette 6442:Château-Neuf from the parterre. Mariette, c. 1715 5022:Van der Meulen canvases for the gallery in Meudon 4791:Salon des Maures (Salon of the Moors). Circa 1690 3277:used Meudon as a hunting ground near Versailles. 2192:, visited Meudon and rode horses in the gardens. 1794:View of the château de Meudon from the entrance, 1770:The apogee: Louis XIV and Monseigneur (1695–1711) 1149:Abel Servien and the marquis de Sablé (1654–1679) 902:representing the grotto. It was made up of three 75:contains too many pictures for its overall length 9384: 8978: 7844:The parterre of the Grotto, engraved by Mariette 7595:Vue aérienne de la Grande Perspective de Meudon. 7549:The basin known as the "Grand Carré" (destroyed) 7526:The Château-Vieux (destroyed, cellars preserved) 7235:Néron au milieu d'un festin ordonnant la mort d' 6226:(The Interior of the Labyrinth), Jean II Cotelle 6181:(The Entrance of the Labyrinth), Jean II Cotelle 6094:the Capucine, and adorned with the door-tops by 5794:(Stag Pursued by Dogs), François Desportes, 1703 5560:Vénus aux forges de Lemnos, Antoine Coypel. 1701 3682:View of Paris from the terrace at Meudon, 1889, 3327:, who stayed there several times in the summer. 1406:Louvois and his wife, Anne de Souvré (1679–1695) 1213:came to France, she offered Servien a bronze by 8690:Mémoires du marquis de Sourches, 17 avril 1711. 8652:According to the "Mercure Galant" of July 1681. 8596:Vies des peintres, sculpteurs et architectes... 6891: 6768:A hare tied to a tree, François Desportes, 1709 5755:This room is decorated with large paintings by 5609:, cites as an example, with the chapels of the 5204:Bust of Annibal Carrache, by Alessandro Rondoni 4954:the History of the King, to please his father. 4937: 4099:rebuilt the central pavilion of the castle for 4061:Ground floor of the château-vieux, c. 1700. BNF 3887:Grande Perspective at Meudon, condition in 2010 2757:, the fate of the castle became uncertain. The 2666:, who died on June 4, 1789, a month before the 1861:Louise Francoise de Bourbon, Duchess of Bourbon 1674:View of the entrance of the château de Meudon, 735:Cardinal of Lorraine and the Guises (1552–1654) 616:. Antoine Sanguin gave the castle to his niece 511: 443:The Château de Meudon has been classified as a 8680:(in French). Bibliothèque nationale de France. 8244:The village of Meudon was made up of numerous 7546:Lawn, with a white marble statue, unidentified 7427:Aerial view of the old stables. September 2015 6826:The inventory of 1775 indicates that it is a: 3589:Château-Neuf after the fire of 31 January 1871 3555:, a naval cannon, placed in bastion 74 of the 3408:19th-century stall from the stables at Meudon. 2902:The castle of Meudon, originally residence of 2460:type, known as '"Alexandre Mazarin". Musée du 1865:Louis-Antoine de Pardaillan de Gondrin D'Antin 1256:François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois 1174:, precedes it. The first floor housed a large 687:Location of castle of Antoine Sanguin, c. 1520 9403:Demolished buildings and structures in France 9149: 9032:Inventories of the Royal Tablets, Paris, 1899 7868:Recreated view from the "Parasol", circa 1700 7302: 6669:Reconstruction, seen from the upper vestibule 6196:(The Fountain of the Dragon), Jean II Cotelle 5839:(Death of the wolf), François Desportes, 1703 4153:This was the principal dwelling in Meudon of 2939:Le Château-Vieux de Meudon en ruines, en 1802 2287:came to Meudon voir le fortin construit pour 500:. His title was mentioned in a deed in 1305. 213:. Please discuss this issue on the article's 153:. Consider transferring direct quotations to 8996:(Invitation Villot, n° 4538, 1m 20 x 1m 09). 8599:(in French). Paris: J. Tessier. p. 183. 7880:South semi-circle of the Bel Air basin, 2010 7664:In the background, the vertugadin, going up. 6388: 6080: 5824:(Hounds of Monseigneur), 1703, Musée de Gien 5620:It will be destroyed between 1805 and 1808. 4989: 4758: 4190:Small wooden wardrobe in the Capucine style; 3578:Drawings and photographs, Château-Neuf ruins 3384:, Galerie des Assiettes (Gallery of Plates). 3250:Meudon under the Restoration and the Orleans 2441:In the summer of 1743, facing the threat of 2270: 1934:It was imitated some ten years later by the 9163: 9105:The Web page about the "Château de Meudon" 8673: 8488:Queens and Mistresses of Renaissance France 8445:Jean Aymar de Piganiol de la Force (1742). 7358:Orangery of Meudon before restoration, 2010 5809:(Death of a deer), François Desportes, 1703 5492:In the Princess room were two paintings by 4363:The theme comes from episode number six of 4007: 3349:, did not in the end see the light of day. 2723:Death of the Dauphin in Meudon, 4 June 1789 1285:Castle at the death of Abel Servien in 1659 1186:. Servien had a large terrace built in the 53:Learn how and when to remove these messages 9156: 9142: 8909:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 8884: 4517:Hercules Bringing Alceste Out of the Hells 4272:, who is carried on an elephant, with his 4167:Dining room enlivened by four canvases of 3156:Pendulum of Study or Meditation, c. 1810, 3141:Seating ordered by Napoleon I for Meudon, 2322:, and was sworn in on the following day". 2238: 568:for 2000 livres. Sanguin was the valet of 260: 9413:Former buildings and structures in France 8826:at, archived 18 February 2019. 8569: 7767:(Ariane Sleeping), known at the time as " 7655:The wood of Guenegaud, with its pavilion; 7520:Second ditches (buried under the terrace) 7215:(Cyrus questioning the king of Armenia), 6802: 6118:Miniatures of the gardens of Versailles, 4180:Bedroom of the Dauphin, where he died of 4016:Map of the archeological ruins at Meudon. 3958:and are freely accessible to the public. 3414:Second Empire: hideout of Prince Napoleon 3053:Louise Charlotte Françoise de Montesquiou 2879:museum of the Domain Department of Sceaux 2735:Retour de la promenade de Mr le Dauphin ( 1840:to give expression to the light style of 829:Learn how and when to remove this message 240:Learn how and when to remove this message 115:Learn how and when to remove this message 8885:Emile Dard (1905). Perrin et cie (ed.). 8850: 8824:"Château de Meudon: Stanislaus à Meudon" 8819: 8817: 8815: 8813: 8811: 8235: 8227: 8223: 7924: 7780: 7628: 7494: 7486: 7478: 7474: 7461: 7430: 7422: 7370:Inside the bastion of the orangery, 2014 7285: 7132: 7040:The months of September and of October, 7035: 6895: 6806: 6777: 6773: 6698: 6538: 6400: 6392: 6309:speaks of the Grotto when he approaches 6289: 6258: 6250: 6108: 6100: 6068: 5945: 5906: 5875: 5863: 5746: 5742: 5730: 5726: 5708: 5569: 5480: 5415: 5328: 5312: 5284: 5253: 5240: 5012: 5001: 4993: 4977: 4964: 4941: 4786: 4778: 4762: 4660: 4652: 4639: 4597: 4543: 4348: 4325: 4293: 4255: 4229: 4201: 4081: 4067: 4056: 4048: 4030: 4011: 3998: 3982: 3935: 3848:View of the commons of the château. 2009 3752:Aerial view of the old stables of Meudon 3703:had been declared historic well before. 3689: 3677: 3664: 3641: 3533: 3253: 3063:decoration), furnishings, silks, etc.). 3026: 2957:La démolition du Château-Vieux de Meudon 2943:Musée du Domaine départemental de Sceaux 2872: 2616: 2613:Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette in Meudon 2533:Château de Bellevue preferred after 1750 2451: 2297: 2274: 2154: 1949:Château de Meudon from the entrance, by 1944: 1789: 1773: 1641: 1629: 1584:and the King, to follow the work on the 1266:of the central pavilion," (P.V.I. 193). 502: 436:in 1878, which was then attached to the 79:Relevant discussion may be found on the 9081: 8893:General Choderlos de Laclos, author of 8636: 8551: 8540:de Ronsard évoquant la Grotte de Meudon 8474: 7968:The farm of Vilbon, with the watermills 7904:View from the bastion of the Capucins, 7649:On the left, the channel of the shadow; 6957:"March under the protection of the god 6833:. The second represents the triumph of 5902: 4740:These rooms were the main apartment of 4039: 3502:of the Château-Neuf (former upper vesti 3418:Although Meudon was assigned to Prince 3174:Gilded bronze firedogs, c. 1810–1811, 2629:Museum, inv. 12591. Gouache, 22 x 29 cm 2480:and from Sèvres we went upriver to the 380:It had many successive owners from the 9428:Monuments historiques of Île-de-France 9408:Châteaux with formal gardens in France 9385: 8899:] (in French). Paris. p. 516. 8592: 8506: 8425: 8363: 7933:The park of Meudon extended as far as 6534: 5699:, by Antoine Coypel. Estampe de Drevet 5459:Chamber of Mme de Maintenon, 1700–1711 5447:Antechamber of M de Maintenon, c. 1700 5342:The cabinet of the mirrors of the king 5308: 4973: 4226:Dining room of the Dauphin (from 1700) 3674:The 20th century: a gradual renovation 2749:19th century: between pomp and decline 1785: 989:Meudon became one of the seats of the 711:Additions by Anne of Pisseleu, c. 1540 9137: 8808: 8380: 8307:Gallyot hotel in Fleury, (demolished) 7679:The Small Grotto of the Hotel Courtin 6837:. The first of these paintings is by 6285:Château-Neuf de Saint-Germain-en-Laye 6024:Reine donnant audience à un vieillard 5859: 5704: 3035:, 1813, Museum of Copenhagen KMS 1623 2988:Démolition du Château-Vieux de Meudon 2243:After the death of his daughter, the 1871:. He also lodged there his mistress, 1863:, (1673–1743), her two half-sisters, 1119:The church of Meudon, c. early 1600's 1073:View of the castle of Meudon, c. 1600 388:. It should not be confused with the 144:too many or overly lengthy quotations 9418:Astronomical observatories in France 9121:Engravings of the Château de Meudon. 9094:, (Philadelphia Museum of Art) 1943. 8507:Franco, Floriane (8 December 2014). 7990:Binding with the arms of the dauphin 6241:(The Water Theatre), Jean II Cotelle 5891:. Albertina Museum, Vienna (Austria) 4502:Hercule entre la Volupté et la Vertu 2765:"Castle of the Republic" (1793–1795) 2677:, as represented by a watercolor by 2456:17th century Italian statue, of the 2443:Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine 2329:On December 14, 1725, the new queen 2173:, make no more trips to Meudon. The 1570:Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine 995:Francois de Bourbon, Prince of Conti 993:. On July 24, 1605, the marriage of 980:Maximilien de Bethune, Duke of Sully 853:, where she died in September 1580. 767:adding citations to reliable sources 738: 177: 126: 89:indiscriminate collections of images 59: 18: 8387:Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes 8240:Église Saint-Martin in Meudon today 7213:Cyrus interrogeant le roi d'Arménie 7003:"September under the protection of 6516:Musée d'art et d'histoire de Meudon 6246: 5723:Dauphin to receive his mistresses. 5684:by Antoine Coypel, chapel of Vernon 5249: 5089:(Fidelity), following a drawing by 4774: 4091:Grand Vestibule and Great Staircase 3706: 3314:Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans 2684:In his "Journal," on June 8, 1788, 1542:In July 1681, the Queen of France, 1437:on the great battles of the reign. 1046:The domain was plundered under the 480:Lords of Meudon (12th century–1413) 474: 13: 9458:Palaces and residences of Napoleon 8763:and seemed about to die. The Abbé 8252:Saint Martin's Church, (preserved) 7698:(The Lower Gardens of Meudon), by 7404:Interior of Orangery, Château-Neuf 7258:, Noël Coypel. Musée de Versailles 7081:Six des douze mois grotesques, de 7028:"December under the protection of 7021:"November under the protection of 6950:"February under the protection of 6136:(Neptune's Basin), Jean II Cotelle 6064: 5852:Un sanglier chassé par huit chiens 5477:Apartment of the Princess of Conti 5471:Cabinet of M de Maintenon, c. 1700 5325:The bedroom of Louis XIV in Meudon 5216:Jupiter and Junon, bronzes by the 4442:Latone et les paysans lyciens: By 4193:A small Capucine mezzanine, wooded 3686:, Musée des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux 2739:) at the vieux château in Meudon, 2512:which is inestimable. Another, of 2047: 1857:Marie-Anne of Bourbon (1666- 1739) 1610:agreed to exchange Meudon for the 14: 9469: 9438:Ancien Régime French architecture 9098: 8428:Meudon: étude d'évolution urbaine 7920: 7771:", copy placed in the low gardens 7682:The parterre of the Hôtel Courtin 7010:"October under the protection of 6943:"January under the protection of 6752:A sleeping dog, and a greyhound, 6549:on the originals (Vente Sardou). 6415:Philippe de Courcillon de Dangeau 4648: 2869:Château-Vieux fire and demolition 1568:, Monsieur (Orléans) and Madame ( 1443:Louvois and his wife and vignette 940:was then built in a third phase. 34:This article has multiple issues. 16:Historic palace in Meudon, France 9338: 9326: 9314: 9302: 9281: 9254:Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye 8946:The Franco-German War of 1870-71 8490:. Yale University Press, p. 177 8211: 8199: 8187: 8175: 8163: 8151: 8139: 8127: 8115: 8103: 8091: 8079: 8067: 8055: 8043: 8031: 8019: 8007: 7995: 7983: 7897: 7885: 7873: 7861: 7849: 7837: 7755: 7743: 7731: 7719: 7707: 7688: 7624: 7612: 7600: 7588: 7576: 7397: 7385: 7363: 7351: 7346:The nymphaeum above the orangery 7339: 7327: 7263: 7245: 7227: 7205: 7191: 7179: 7167: 7155: 7143: 7116: 7102: 7090: 7074: 7062: 7050: 6996:"August under the protection of 6872: 6850: 6761: 6745: 6725: 6713: 6694: 6674: 6662: 6650: 6638: 6626: 6614: 6602: 6590: 6578: 6566: 6554: 6522: 6507: 6495: 6483: 6471: 6459: 6447: 6435: 6405:Facade of the Château-Neuf, 2013 6376: 6364: 6348: 6336: 6231: 6216: 6201: 6186: 6171: 6156: 6141: 6126: 6049: 6016: 6001: 5980: 5968: 5956: 5844: 5829: 5814: 5799: 5792:Un cerf poursuivi par des chiens 5784: 5764: 5689: 5673: 5661: 5649: 5637: 5625: 5553: 5538: 5526: 5498:Psyche discovering Sleeping Love 5464: 5452: 5440: 5412:Apartment of Madame de Maintenon 5399: 5387: 5375: 5363: 5351: 5229: 5209: 5197: 5185: 5169: 5143: 5117: 5098: 5079: 5062: 5050: 5038: 5026: 4932:Terme masculin, C38.121 MR 2493. 4925: 4913: 4908:Terme masculin, C38.122 MR 2497. 4901: 4889: 4877: 4865: 4814:received no painted decoration. 4720: 4708: 4696: 4524: 4509: 4494: 4482: 4413:Hercules between Vice and Virtue 4149:"Grand Apartment" of Monseigneur 4136: 4124: 4108: 4044: 3919: 3904: 3892: 3880: 3868: 3853: 3841: 3829: 3817: 3805: 3793: 3788:Aerial view of Paris from Meudon 3781: 3769: 3757: 3745: 3733: 3721: 3630: 3618: 3606: 3594: 3582: 3507: 3483: 3471: 3459: 3428:Prince Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte 3401: 3389: 3366: 3354: 3281:Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry 3237: 3225: 3213: 3201: 3186: 3167: 3149: 3134: 3122: 3107: 3091: 3010: 2998: 2980: 2968: 2949: 2931: 2854: 2840: 2826: 2812: 2798: 2728: 2716: 2704: 2600: 2578: 2566: 2554: 2340:. On this occasion, the arms of 2212:Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans 2136: 2124: 2112: 2100: 2088: 2035: 2026:Château-Neuf on the side of the 2019: 2007: 1995: 1983: 1971: 1959: 1927:side pavilions, and the central 1755: 1743: 1731: 1719: 1707: 1695: 1683: 1667: 1458: 1449: 1387: 1375: 1363: 1351: 1335: 1323: 1305: 1290: 1278: 1124: 1112: 1096: 1078: 1066: 954:Meudon was plundered during the 743: 716: 704: 692: 680: 197:to read and navigate comfortably 182: 131: 97:Manual of Style on use of images 64: 23: 9062: 9053: 9044: 9035: 9026: 9017: 9008: 8999: 8990: 8969: 8960: 8951: 8939: 8928: 8917: 8878: 8864: 8855: 8842: 8829: 8791: 8774: 8744: 8731: 8693: 8684: 8667: 8655: 8646: 8630: 8616: 8603: 8586: 8545: 8529: 8500: 8432:Meudon: urban development study 7804:The Cradles, simplified in 1708 7776: 7667:On the left, Cleopatra's grove; 6968:"April under the protection of 6529:Photograph Château-Neuf, c 1860 6057:Reine s'adressant à des soldats 5281:The apartment said of Louis XIV 4920:Terme masculin, C38.97 MR 2496. 4896:Terme féminin, C38.129 MR 2495. 4884:Terme masculin, C38.98 MR 2492. 4872:Terme féminin, C38.120 MR 2494. 4594:Bedchamber of the Grand Dauphin 4276:in his right hand, and several 4077: 3800:View of Paris from Meudon, 2013 2695:, was built by Monseigneur for 2664:Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France 2324:Pierre-Denis Martin (1663–1742) 2199:organized a fireworks show for 2150: 1951:Pierre-Denis Martin (1663–1742) 1143: 754:needs additional citations for 531:Convent of the Grands Augustins 399:Famous past residents include: 42:or discuss these issues on the 8480: 8455: 8438: 8419: 8405: 8374: 8357: 8337: 7376:The Orangery of the new castle 6989:"July under the protection of 6982:"June under the protection of 5934: 5605:. The architectural theorist, 4095:These rooms were created when 3966:Ministry of National Education 3466:Château-Neuf de Meudon c. 1860 3086:made another visit to Meudon. 2501:tapestry of admirable beauty. 2371:having frightened the others. 2261:Jean-Baptiste Languet de Gergy 1650:for Louvois, circa 1685–1691. 1550:(1640–1701). On July 2, 1685, 1260:Académie Royale d'Architecture 543: 1: 8350: 8281:Castle of Fleury (demolished) 7294: 6975:"May under the protection of 6597:Autumn, upper vestibule, 1708 6585:Summer, upper vestibule, 1708 6573:Spring, upper vestibule, 1708 6561:Winter, upper vestibule, 1708 4358:Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims 3396:Stables at Meudon, preserved. 2697:Marie Émilie de Joly de Choin 2508:, and a bust of Alexander of 2380:Hyacinthe de Gauréault Dumont 2225:Hyacinthe de Gauréault Dumont 1873:Marie-Émilie de Joly de Choin 999:Louise Marguerite de Lorraine 91:or adjusting images that are 8957:Louvre Museum, INV No. 4537. 8765:Jean-Joseph Languet de Gergy 7652:On the right, the half-moon; 7552:New lawn, shorter than first 7392:Orangery of the Château-Neuf 6892:Monseigneur's Parade Chamber 5880:Preparatory drawing for the 5394:Elévation de la paroi Ouest. 4957: 4938:The antechamber called games 4727:Other decorations by Audran. 4400:, chimney of gryot marble". 4382:Museum of Fine Arts of Reims 4197: 3286:After his abdication of the 2820:Assemblage des fuseaux (2/5) 2216:Philippe II, Duke of Orléans 1953:, 1723. Musée de Versailles. 1473:Nicodemus Tessin the Younger 699:Rendition of castle, c. 1520 512:Augustin Isbarre (1413–1425) 7: 9393:14th-century fortifications 8703:), the Tsar passed through 8343:Sometimes written "Ysbarre" 8268:Hotel Tourmont, (preserved) 5925:Moses saved from the waters 5358:Elévation de la paroi Nord. 5180:of Mazarin. Musée du Louvre 4302:, 1701. Private collection. 3440:Louis Bonaparte (1864–1932) 3262:Museum, FotoGLV2000/13822/7 3114:Château de Meudon c. 1812, 2834:Préparation du vernis (3/5) 2635:Louis Le Dreux de la Châtre 2587:Louis Le Dreux de La Châtre 1548:Philippe I, Duke of Orléans 858:Italian architectural style 205:content into sub-articles, 10: 9474: 9423:Royal residences in France 9398:Châteaux in Hauts-de-Seine 9092:The Creation of the Rococo 9086:. Oxford University Press. 9075: 8780:According to Saint-Simon ( 8674:Chaufourier, Jean (1730). 8613:. Routledge. (2016) p. 272 8486:Wellman, Kathleen (2013). 8262:Hotel Bellon, (demolished) 8257:Henri du Plessis-Guénégaud 7822:The Grove of the Cloisters 7457: 7418: 7303:Orangery of the old castle 7128: 5382:Elévation de la paroi Sud. 5370:Elévation de la paroi Est. 4804:Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte 4298:‘’The Birth of Bacchus’’, 3950:The large terrace and the 3913:Museum of Fine Arts, Reims 3527: 2771:Pierre Choderlos de Laclos 2058:Hanging Gardens of Babylon 1159:Superintendent of Finances 647:Superintendent of Finances 469: 417:François Michel Le Tellier 9279: 9174: 8642:(in French) (2): 220–279. 8303:Jean-François Jacqueminot 8265:Hotel Richer, (preserved) 7947:The pond of the Fountains 7696:Les jardins bas de Meudon 7658:The basin of the octagon; 6389:Château-Neuf (new castle) 6279:and continued in 1559 by 6224:L'intérieur du labyrinthe 6081:The cabinet of the buffet 5565: 5510:for the apartment of his 5134:, following a drawing by 5108:, following a drawing by 4990:Gallery of the old castle 4759:Rooms on the ground floor 4356:. Antoine Coypel, 1701. 4210:Blondel specifies in his 3288:Imperial throne of Brazil 2711:Pavillon de Trivaux, 1783 2493:, and below the image of 2271:Louis XV and his children 2247:made Meudon available to 2180:On 17 May 1717, the Tsar 2074:Manière de montrer Meudon 1875:. Like his father at the 1855:the Duchess of Burgundy, 1636:Louvois chassant à Meudon 1594:Madame Princesse de Conti 1435:Adam Frans van der Meulen 1103:The grotto of Meudon, by 585:Antoine Sanguin de Meudon 572:and the treasurer of the 419:, Marquis of Louvois and 401:Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly 320: 316: 308: 299: 295: 287: 279: 271: 259: 254: 9433:Ruined castles in France 9082:Carroll, Stuart (2009). 8839:, Musée Lorrain website. 8835:Pierre-Hippolyte Pénet, 8593:Vasari, Giorgio (1842). 8552:Frommel, Sabine (2020). 8330: 6740:, copy above the chimney 5607:Jacques-François Blondel 5502:Psyche abandoned by Love 5138:, Jardins de Versailles. 4563:Jacques-François Blondel 4338:Venus, Bacchus and Ceres 4309:says she was beloved by 4008:Archaeological potential 3530:Siege of Paris (1870–71) 3438:and her three children, 2668:storming of the Bastille 2184:, accompanied by Prince 2030:. Mariette, around 1715. 1219:Mercury Abducting Psyche 1023:." In 1641, the painter 886:Terraced gardens and an 494:Grand Panetier of France 349:valley. Located between 151:summarize the quotations 9209:Palace of Fontainebleau 8837:"Déclaration de Meudon" 8624:Mercure enlevant Psyché 8399:10.3406/bec.1927.452416 7941:The pond of the Garenne 7540:, with a circular basin 7529:The floor, designed by 6689:, upper vestibule, 1867 6089:"Small Fresh Apartment" 5822:La meute de Monseigneur 5112:, Jardins de Versailles 5093:, Jardins de Versailles 4432:Palace of Fontainebleau 4212:Françoise Architecture 4103:between 1655 and 1658. 3436:Marie-Clotilde of Savoy 3382:Palace of Fontainebleau 3143:Palace of Fontainebleau 2990:, Hubert Robert, 1806. 2743:, 1791. Musée du Louvre 2316:Cardinal William Dubois 2263:, the parish priest of 2239:Saint-Simon (1719–1722) 2171:Louis, Duke of Burgundy 2054:Maison royale de Meudon 1853:Marie-Adelaide of Savoy 1828:vases, Indian fabrics, 1634:Detail of the painting 1029:Gaston, Duke of Orleans 956:French Wars of Religion 606:Château du Grand Jardin 95:in accordance with the 9249:Château de Saint-Cloud 9239:Château de Rambouillet 9041:Tome II, pp. 434, 1697 8426:Gérard, Jules (1926). 8241: 8233: 7953:The Renault Fosse pond 7930: 7807:The floor of the Globe 7786: 7673:The Arthelon waterfall 7646:The floor of the Oval; 7638: 7500: 7492: 7484: 7467: 7436: 7428: 7291: 7138: 7045: 6901: 6812: 6803:The second antechamber 6791: 6704: 6545: 6411:Jules Hardouin-Mansart 6406: 6398: 6295: 6294:Interior of the Grotto 6268: 6256: 6179:L'entrée du labyrinthe 6114: 6106: 6074: 6032:Musée Hyacinthe-Rigaud 5951: 5912: 5892: 5873: 5868:Chamber of mirrors in 5807:La mort d'un chevreuil 5752: 5736: 5715: 5580:Jules Hardouin-Mansart 5575: 5548:, Antoine Coypel, 1701 5486: 5429: 5334: 5318: 5301: 5259: 5246: 5018: 5007: 4999: 4983: 4970: 4950: 4832:Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer 4792: 4784: 4768: 4672: 4666:Le triomphe de Pandore 4658: 4645: 4627: 4610: 4571: 4553: 4394:Jules Hardouin Mansart 4361: 4335: 4303: 4270:The triumph of Bacchus 4264: 4235: 4220:Chateau des Thuileries 4207: 4087: 4074: 4062: 4054: 4036: 4017: 4004: 3988: 3941: 3695: 3687: 3670: 3662: 3543: 3332:Jules Dumont d'Urville 3263: 3036: 2882: 2656:Jean-François Heurtier 2630: 2545:that he had built for 2530: 2465: 2432:François-André Vincent 2303: 2280: 2160: 1954: 1885:Jules Hardouin-Mansart 1799: 1782: 1655: 1648:Jules Hardouin-Mansart 1639: 1544:Maria Theresa of Spain 1423:Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer 1394:Unfinished project by 1230:Louis-François Servien 1041:Jean-François de Gondi 1037:Marguerite of Lorraine 960:Henry I, Duke of Guise 949:Joinville, Haute-Marne 557:was bought in 1426 by 508: 434:astronomical telescope 384:until the fall of the 378: 8627:, Louvre Collections. 8571:10.4000/artefact.5272 8321:Capuchin Friars Minor 8312:Pierre-Joseph Redouté 8284:The country house of 8239: 8231: 8224:The village of Meudon 7928: 7810:The parterre des Bois 7784: 7632: 7498: 7490: 7482: 7475:The Grand Perspective 7465: 7434: 7426: 7289: 7281:. Musée de Versailles 7136: 7039: 6899: 6886:, Musée de Versailles 6867:. Musée de Versailles 6810: 6790:conservées au Louvre. 6781: 6774:The first antechamber 6702: 6542: 6404: 6396: 6293: 6281:Francesco Primaticcio 6263:Grotte and parterre, 6262: 6254: 6194:La fontaine du dragon 6112: 6104: 6072: 6030:(The Queen of Saba), 5949: 5910: 5879: 5870:Charlottenburg Palace 5867: 5750: 5743:Communicating gallery 5734: 5727:Small hanging gallery 5712: 5573: 5484: 5420:David et Abigail, by 5419: 5332: 5316: 5288: 5257: 5244: 5016: 5005: 4997: 4981: 4968: 4945: 4790: 4782: 4766: 4664: 4656: 4643: 4623: 4601: 4567: 4547: 4352: 4329: 4297: 4259: 4233: 4205: 4085: 4071: 4060: 4052: 4034: 4015: 4002: 3986: 3939: 3693: 3681: 3668: 3645: 3537: 3257: 3176:Jean-Jacques Feuchère 3030: 2922:, that the architect 2876: 2793:Nicolas-Jacques Conté 2784:Nicolas-Jacques Conté 2769:On November 4, 1793, 2620: 2470: 2455: 2411:Stanislas Leszczyński 2301: 2278: 2158: 2070:Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1948: 1793: 1777: 1652:Bibliothèque Mazarine 1645: 1633: 1431:Trianon de porcelaine 869:Francesco Primaticcio 653:. He was governor of 506: 447:since 12 April 1972. 363: 9369:48.80500°N 2.23111°E 9264:Palace of Versailles 9234:Château de la Muette 9204:Château de Compiègne 8895:Liaisons dangeureses 8753:Palais du Luxembourg 8381:Mirot, Léon (1927). 8286:Madame de La Fayette 8158:the different levels 8086:Pond of the fonceaux 6134:Le bassin de Neptune 5903:Large corner cabinet 5584:Palace of Versailles 5297:. In the chamber of 5045:La prise de Fribourg 4818:produced the twelve 4436:Palace of Versailles 4155:Louis, Grand Dauphin 4040:Detail of the domain 3347:Hector-Martin Lefuel 3100:Jean-Baptiste Lepère 3045:Jean-Baptiste Lepère 2741:Jean-Baptiste Isabey 2686:Marquis de Bombelles 2679:Jean-Baptiste Isabey 2382:had been, while the 2233:Château de la Muette 1913:Palace of Versailles 1804:Louis, Grand Dauphin 1625:Louis, Grand Dauphin 1592:went to Meudon with 1535:, drawing master of 1249:Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1204:Palace of Versailles 970:on 1 August 1589 by 763:improve this article 612:, a property of the 587:, who inherited the 490:Meudon, Avant le Roy 438:Observatory of Paris 421:Louis, Grand Dauphin 386:Second French Empire 361:for large gardens. 345:, as well as of the 85:improve this article 9365: /  9189:Château de Chambord 8767:, parish priest of 8609:Spangler, Jonathan 8383:"Études Lucquoises" 8146:Etang du loup pendu 8098:Pond of the garenne 7702:, 17th century, BNF 6683:Louis I of Portugal 6535:The upper vestibule 6277:Philibert de l'Orme 6096:Jean-Baptiste Belin 5598:completes the set. 5592:Charles de La Fosse 5433:Madame de Maintenon 5309:Council antechamber 4974:Salon du Petit Pont 4828:Palace of Compiègne 4580:Jean-Baptiste Belin 4448:Cephale and Procris 4409:Charles de La Fosse 4252:Charles de La Fosse 4026:Franco-Prussian War 3954:are managed by the 3514:Meudon kennels and 3343:École polytechnique 3084:Queen of Westphalia 3076:Queen of Westphalia 3066:On April 22, 1811, 2926:was able to reuse. 2904:Madame de Pompadour 2759:National Convention 2547:Madame de Pompadour 2543:Château de Bellevue 2359:The sojourn of the 2285:Maréchal de Villars 2197:Madame de Ventadour 2175:Marquis de Sourches 1897:François Lespingola 1869:Madame de Montespan 1838:Charles de La Fosse 1786:Works of the prince 1582:Madame de Maintenon 1574:Jean-Baptiste Lully 1483:Charles de La Fosse 1245:Jean de La Fontaine 1211:Christine of Sweden 968:Henry III of France 919:Diana of Versailles 778:"Château de Meudon" 723:View from mouth of 445:historical monument 390:Château de Bellevue 302:Monument historique 9113:Châteaux de Meudon 8987:(CBR t IV col 675) 8739:Histoire de France 8276:Countess of Verrue 8242: 8234: 7950:The pond of Vilbon 7931: 7787: 7676:The chestnut grove 7670:The Arthelon canal 7639: 7558:Other lawn, longer 7536:The Orangerie, of 7501: 7493: 7485: 7468: 7437: 7429: 7292: 7221:Museum of Grenoble 7139: 7046: 6902: 6813: 6792: 6754:François Desportes 6705: 6546: 6407: 6399: 6296: 6269: 6257: 6122:by Jean II Cotelle 6115: 6107: 6075: 5952: 5913: 5893: 5889:Louis de Boullogne 5874: 5860:Large oval cabinet 5778:François Desportes 5757:François Desportes 5753: 5737: 5716: 5705:Chestnut Tree Wing 5617:"Perfect models". 5611:Châteaux de Sceaux 5596:The Annunciation, 5576: 5487: 5430: 5422:Louis de Boullogne 5335: 5319: 5302: 5260: 5247: 5222:Wallace Collection 5019: 5008: 5000: 4984: 4971: 4951: 4793: 4785: 4769: 4673: 4659: 4646: 4611: 4554: 4532:Céphale et Procris 4452:Cephalus of Phocis 4444:Louis de Boullogne 4362: 4336: 4304: 4265: 4236: 4208: 4184:on April 14, 1711; 4088: 4075: 4063: 4055: 4037: 4018: 4005: 3989: 3942: 3899:Bel Air pond today 3875:High terrace today 3696: 3688: 3671: 3663: 3544: 3492:Luís I of Portugal 3452:Luís I of Portugal 3339:revolution of 1848 3325:Jean-de-Dieu Soult 3290:on April 7, 1831, 3264: 3037: 2883: 2688:described Meudon: 2631: 2466: 2458:Athena Giustiniani 2349:Marquis de Pellevé 2304: 2281: 2186:Francis II Rákóczi 2161: 1955: 1940:Petit-Bourg castle 1800: 1783: 1656: 1640: 1313:Mercury and Psyche 1195:Duchesse d'Étampes 1182:at the château of 1170:columns of marble 1086:The Cave of Meudon 725:ruelle de Beauvais 509: 407:; the Cardinal of 392:, also located in 9374:48.80500; 2.23111 9290: 9289: 9229:Château de Meudon 9219:Luxembourg Palace 9199:Palais de la Cité 9194:Château de Choisy 9179:Château d'Amboise 8975:INV. D.872. 2. 5. 8296:Jean-Jacques Huvé 8218:Binding with arms 8014:Villacouplay pond 7956:The Tronchet pond 7825:The Bel Air Basin 7791:Paris Observatory 7083:Claude Audran III 7044:. Parade chamber. 7042:Claude Audran III 6917:Claude Audran III 6835:Acis and Galathea 6211:, Jean II Cotelle 6166:, Jean II Cotelle 6151:, Jean II Cotelle 6149:L'arc de triomphe 5917:Renaud and Armide 5057:La prise de Condé 4816:Gabriel Blanchard 4753:Philip of Orleans 4670:Claude Audran III 4615:Claude Audran III 4607:Leonardo da Vinci 4460:David and Abigail 4456:Venus and Adonis 3651:Paris Observatory 3569:Paris Observatory 3318:Neuilly-sur-Seine 3292:Pedro I of Brazil 3180:Mobilier National 3158:Mobilier National 3072:Letizia Bonaparte 2920:Luxembourg Palace 2423:Duchy of Lorraine 2331:Marie Leszczynska 2220:Château d'Amboise 2195:On May 16, 1718, 1834:Chinese porcelain 1612:Château de Choisy 1416:Michel Le Tellier 1344:Claude Chastillon 1243:and protector of 1134:Claude Chastillon 1105:Claude Chastillon 1003:Gabriel Soulignac 923:Pierre de Ronsard 839: 838: 831: 813: 624:, and almost the 559:Guillaume Sanguin 427:, who linked the 327:Château de Meudon 324: 323: 283:Paris, Versailles 255:Château de Meudon 250: 249: 242: 232: 231: 176: 175: 125: 124: 117: 57: 9465: 9380: 9379: 9377: 9376: 9375: 9370: 9366: 9363: 9362: 9361: 9358: 9343: 9342: 9341: 9331: 9330: 9329: 9319: 9318: 9317: 9307: 9306: 9305: 9298: 9285: 9259:Tuileries Palace 9224:Château de Marly 9184:Château of Blois 9168:royal residences 9158: 9151: 9144: 9135: 9134: 9130: 9117: 9109: 9087: 9069: 9066: 9060: 9057: 9051: 9048: 9042: 9039: 9033: 9030: 9024: 9021: 9015: 9012: 9006: 9003: 8997: 8994: 8988: 8985: 8976: 8973: 8967: 8964: 8958: 8955: 8949: 8943: 8937: 8932: 8926: 8921: 8915: 8914: 8908: 8900: 8882: 8876: 8875: 8868: 8862: 8859: 8853: 8846: 8840: 8833: 8827: 8821: 8806: 8805: 8795: 8789: 8786:Œuvres complètes 8778: 8772: 8748: 8742: 8735: 8729: 8697: 8691: 8688: 8682: 8681: 8671: 8665: 8659: 8653: 8650: 8644: 8643: 8634: 8628: 8620: 8614: 8607: 8601: 8600: 8590: 8584: 8583: 8573: 8549: 8543: 8533: 8527: 8526: 8524: 8522: 8504: 8498: 8484: 8478: 8477:, p. 88-89. 8472: 8466: 8461:Billat, Hélène. 8459: 8453: 8452: 8442: 8436: 8435: 8423: 8417: 8416: 8409: 8403: 8402: 8378: 8372: 8371: 8361: 8344: 8341: 8215: 8203: 8191: 8179: 8167: 8155: 8143: 8131: 8119: 8107: 8095: 8083: 8071: 8059: 8047: 8035: 8023: 8011: 7999: 7987: 7944:The Triveau pond 7914: 7901: 7889: 7877: 7865: 7853: 7841: 7764:Ariadne endormie 7759: 7747: 7735: 7723: 7711: 7700:Israel Silvestre 7692: 7616: 7604: 7592: 7580: 7564:The Green Carpet 7401: 7389: 7367: 7355: 7343: 7331: 7267: 7249: 7231: 7209: 7195: 7183: 7171: 7159: 7147: 7120: 7106: 7094: 7078: 7066: 7054: 6884:Michel Corneille 6880:Acis and Galatée 6876: 6854: 6841:, the second is 6765: 6749: 6729: 6717: 6678: 6666: 6654: 6642: 6630: 6618: 6606: 6594: 6582: 6570: 6558: 6526: 6511: 6499: 6487: 6475: 6463: 6451: 6439: 6380: 6368: 6357:Israël Silvestre 6352: 6340: 6265:Israël Silvestre 6247:Grotto of Meudon 6239:Le théâtre d'eau 6235: 6220: 6205: 6190: 6175: 6160: 6145: 6130: 6053: 6040: 6028:La reine de Saba 6020: 6005: 5984: 5972: 5960: 5887:, attributed to 5848: 5833: 5818: 5803: 5788: 5768: 5693: 5677: 5665: 5653: 5641: 5629: 5557: 5546:Psyche Abandoned 5542: 5530: 5468: 5456: 5444: 5403: 5391: 5379: 5367: 5355: 5291:Andrea del Sarto 5264:Francesco Albani 5250:The Albane salon 5233: 5213: 5201: 5189: 5173: 5157:Philippe Buyster 5147: 5121: 5102: 5083: 5066: 5054: 5042: 5033:La prise d'Ypres 5030: 4929: 4917: 4905: 4893: 4881: 4869: 4775:Salon des Maures 4724: 4712: 4700: 4528: 4513: 4498: 4486: 4284:on the reverse. 4244:Chateau de Marly 4140: 4128: 4112: 3923: 3908: 3896: 3884: 3872: 3857: 3845: 3833: 3821: 3809: 3797: 3785: 3773: 3761: 3749: 3737: 3725: 3707:The domain today 3653:in the restored 3634: 3622: 3610: 3598: 3586: 3511: 3487: 3475: 3463: 3420:Jérôme Bonaparte 3405: 3393: 3370: 3358: 3296:Duke of Braganza 3241: 3229: 3217: 3205: 3190: 3171: 3153: 3138: 3126: 3111: 3095: 3080:Jerome Bonaparte 3014: 3002: 2984: 2972: 2953: 2941:. James Forbes, 2935: 2896:Thornville-Royal 2858: 2844: 2830: 2816: 2802: 2732: 2720: 2708: 2693:Duke of Harcourt 2660:Marie Antoinette 2643: 2604: 2595: 2582: 2570: 2558: 2476:. We went up to 2430:The painting by 2409:On 4 June 1736, 2401:or the ladies". 2257:Prince de Chimay 2190:Marshal de Tessé 2166:Bâtiments du Roi 2140: 2128: 2116: 2104: 2092: 2082: 2039: 2023: 2011: 1999: 1987: 1975: 1963: 1917:Bâtiments du Roi 1877:Château de Marly 1851:, in particular 1812:Bâtiments du Roi 1780:Duke of Brittany 1759: 1747: 1735: 1723: 1711: 1699: 1687: 1676:Israël Silvestre 1671: 1615:unit of 500,000 1578:Siam ambassadors 1533:Israel Silvestre 1462: 1453: 1391: 1379: 1367: 1355: 1339: 1327: 1309: 1294: 1282: 1251:visited Meudon. 1238: 1180:Nicholas Fouquet 1128: 1116: 1100: 1090:Israel Silvestre 1082: 1070: 1011: 997:(1558–1614) and 900:Israel Silvestre 881:Federigo Zuccaro 873:Council of Trent 851:Château d'Heilly 849:withdrew to the 843:Charles de Guise 834: 827: 823: 820: 814: 812: 771: 747: 739: 720: 708: 696: 684: 631:Château d'Écouen 618:Anne of Pisseleu 574:Duke of Burgundy 567: 539: 475:Late Middle Ages 457: 423:, also known as 375: 264: 252: 251: 245: 238: 227: 224: 218: 186: 185: 178: 171: 168: 162: 135: 134: 127: 120: 113: 109: 106: 100: 93:sandwiching text 68: 67: 60: 49: 27: 26: 19: 9473: 9472: 9468: 9467: 9466: 9464: 9463: 9462: 9383: 9382: 9373: 9371: 9367: 9364: 9359: 9356: 9354: 9352: 9351: 9349: 9339: 9337: 9327: 9325: 9315: 9313: 9303: 9301: 9293: 9291: 9286: 9277: 9266:(including the 9170: 9162: 9128: 9115: 9107: 9101: 9090:Fiske Kimball, 9078: 9073: 9072: 9067: 9063: 9058: 9054: 9049: 9045: 9040: 9036: 9031: 9027: 9022: 9018: 9013: 9009: 9004: 9000: 8995: 8991: 8986: 8979: 8974: 8970: 8965: 8961: 8956: 8952: 8944: 8940: 8933: 8929: 8922: 8918: 8902: 8901: 8883: 8879: 8870: 8869: 8865: 8860: 8856: 8847: 8843: 8834: 8830: 8822: 8809: 8796: 8792: 8779: 8775: 8749: 8745: 8736: 8732: 8712:of one hundred 8698: 8694: 8689: 8685: 8672: 8668: 8660: 8656: 8651: 8647: 8635: 8631: 8621: 8617: 8608: 8604: 8591: 8587: 8550: 8546: 8534: 8530: 8520: 8518: 8505: 8501: 8485: 8481: 8473: 8469: 8460: 8456: 8443: 8439: 8424: 8420: 8411: 8410: 8406: 8379: 8375: 8362: 8358: 8353: 8348: 8347: 8342: 8338: 8333: 8319:Convent of the 8226: 8219: 8216: 8207: 8204: 8195: 8192: 8183: 8180: 8171: 8168: 8159: 8156: 8147: 8144: 8135: 8134:Pond of Chalais 8132: 8123: 8120: 8111: 8110:Pond of Triveau 8108: 8099: 8096: 8087: 8084: 8075: 8072: 8063: 8060: 8051: 8048: 8039: 8036: 8027: 8024: 8015: 8012: 8003: 8000: 7991: 7988: 7923: 7916: 7908: 7902: 7893: 7890: 7881: 7878: 7869: 7866: 7857: 7854: 7845: 7842: 7779: 7772: 7760: 7751: 7748: 7739: 7736: 7727: 7724: 7715: 7712: 7703: 7693: 7627: 7620: 7617: 7608: 7605: 7596: 7593: 7584: 7581: 7477: 7460: 7421: 7412: 7405: 7402: 7393: 7390: 7378: 7371: 7368: 7359: 7356: 7347: 7344: 7335: 7332: 7305: 7297: 7282: 7268: 7259: 7250: 7241: 7232: 7223: 7210: 7199: 7196: 7187: 7184: 7175: 7172: 7163: 7160: 7151: 7148: 7131: 7124: 7121: 7110: 7107: 7098: 7095: 7086: 7079: 7070: 7067: 7058: 7055: 6930:Louis of France 6894: 6887: 6877: 6868: 6855: 6805: 6784:Nicolas Poussin 6776: 6769: 6766: 6757: 6750: 6741: 6730: 6721: 6718: 6697: 6690: 6687:Prince Napoleon 6679: 6670: 6667: 6658: 6655: 6646: 6643: 6634: 6631: 6622: 6619: 6610: 6607: 6598: 6595: 6586: 6583: 6574: 6571: 6562: 6559: 6537: 6530: 6527: 6518: 6512: 6503: 6500: 6491: 6488: 6479: 6476: 6467: 6464: 6455: 6452: 6443: 6440: 6428:Constant Moyaux 6391: 6384: 6381: 6372: 6369: 6360: 6353: 6344: 6341: 6249: 6242: 6236: 6227: 6221: 6212: 6206: 6197: 6191: 6182: 6176: 6167: 6161: 6152: 6146: 6137: 6131: 6091: 6083: 6067: 6065:The dining room 6060: 6054: 6045: 6034: 6021: 6012: 6006: 5988: 5985: 5976: 5973: 5964: 5961: 5937: 5929:Nicolas Poussin 5905: 5862: 5855: 5849: 5840: 5837:La mort du loup 5834: 5825: 5819: 5810: 5804: 5795: 5789: 5772: 5769: 5745: 5729: 5707: 5700: 5694: 5685: 5678: 5669: 5666: 5657: 5654: 5645: 5642: 5633: 5630: 5568: 5561: 5558: 5549: 5543: 5534: 5531: 5479: 5472: 5469: 5460: 5457: 5448: 5445: 5426:musée du Louvre 5414: 5407: 5404: 5395: 5392: 5383: 5380: 5371: 5368: 5359: 5356: 5344: 5327: 5311: 5295:Musée du Louvre 5283: 5252: 5237: 5234: 5225: 5214: 5205: 5202: 5193: 5190: 5181: 5174: 5160: 5148: 5139: 5136:Charles Le Brun 5122: 5113: 5103: 5094: 5084: 5070: 5069:La prise de Lau 5067: 5058: 5055: 5046: 5043: 5034: 5031: 4992: 4976: 4960: 4948:Histoire du Roi 4940: 4933: 4930: 4921: 4918: 4909: 4906: 4897: 4894: 4885: 4882: 4873: 4870: 4808:Nicolas Fouquet 4777: 4761: 4735: 4728: 4725: 4716: 4713: 4704: 4701: 4651: 4596: 4535: 4529: 4520: 4514: 4505: 4499: 4490: 4487: 4421:Frédéric Villot 4332:Musée du Louvre 4262:Musée du Louvre 4228: 4200: 4187:Corner cabinet; 4151: 4144: 4141: 4132: 4129: 4120: 4113: 4093: 4080: 4047: 4042: 4010: 3981: 3962:The upper part: 3948:The lower part: 3934: 3927: 3924: 3915: 3909: 3900: 3897: 3888: 3885: 3876: 3873: 3864: 3858: 3849: 3846: 3837: 3834: 3825: 3822: 3813: 3810: 3801: 3798: 3789: 3786: 3777: 3774: 3765: 3762: 3753: 3750: 3741: 3738: 3729: 3726: 3709: 3676: 3638: 3635: 3626: 3623: 3614: 3611: 3602: 3599: 3590: 3587: 3565:Constant Moyaux 3532: 3526: 3519: 3516:Prince Napoleon 3512: 3503: 3496:Prince Napoléon 3488: 3479: 3476: 3467: 3464: 3416: 3409: 3406: 3397: 3394: 3385: 3371: 3362: 3359: 3252: 3245: 3242: 3233: 3230: 3221: 3218: 3209: 3206: 3197: 3191: 3182: 3172: 3161: 3154: 3145: 3139: 3130: 3127: 3118: 3112: 3103: 3096: 3033:C.W. Eckersberg 3025: 3018: 3015: 3006: 3003: 2994: 2985: 2976: 2973: 2964: 2954: 2945: 2936: 2892:Thomas Thornton 2871: 2864: 2863: 2859: 2850: 2849: 2845: 2836: 2835: 2831: 2822: 2821: 2817: 2808: 2807: 2803: 2767: 2751: 2744: 2733: 2724: 2721: 2712: 2709: 2637: 2615: 2608: 2605: 2596: 2589: 2583: 2574: 2571: 2562: 2559: 2535: 2436:queen of Poland 2419:Cardinal Fleury 2407: 2376:Cardinal Fleury 2273: 2241: 2209: 2182:Peter the Great 2153: 2146: 2145: 2141: 2132: 2129: 2120: 2117: 2108: 2105: 2096: 2093: 2076: 2050: 2048:Hanging gardens 2043: 2040: 2031: 2024: 2015: 2012: 2003: 2000: 1991: 1988: 1979: 1976: 1967: 1964: 1816:Louis XIV style 1788: 1772: 1767: 1766: 1765: 1764: 1763: 1760: 1752: 1751: 1748: 1740: 1739: 1736: 1728: 1727: 1724: 1716: 1715: 1712: 1704: 1703: 1700: 1692: 1691: 1688: 1680: 1679: 1672: 1663: 1662: 1586:Canal de l'Eure 1559:Louis de France 1537:Louis de France 1493:. Beside them, 1470: 1469: 1468: 1467: 1466: 1463: 1455: 1454: 1445: 1444: 1408: 1403: 1402: 1401: 1400: 1399: 1392: 1384: 1383: 1380: 1372: 1371: 1368: 1360: 1359: 1356: 1348: 1347: 1340: 1332: 1331: 1328: 1320: 1319: 1317:Adrien de Vries 1310: 1302: 1301: 1295: 1287: 1286: 1283: 1274: 1273: 1232: 1215:Adrian de Vries 1184:Vaux-le-Vicomte 1151: 1146: 1141: 1140: 1139: 1138: 1137: 1130: 1121: 1120: 1117: 1109: 1108: 1101: 1093: 1092: 1083: 1075: 1074: 1071: 1062: 1061: 1025:Nicolas Poussin 1005: 972:Jacques Clément 917:wrote that the 835: 824: 818: 815: 772: 770: 760: 748: 737: 732: 731: 730: 729: 728: 721: 713: 712: 709: 701: 700: 697: 689: 688: 685: 676: 675: 561: 551: 546: 533: 514: 498:Philip the Fair 482: 477: 472: 451: 369: 304: 267: 246: 235: 234: 233: 228: 222: 219: 200: 187: 183: 172: 166: 163: 157:or excerpts to 148: 136: 132: 121: 110: 104: 101: 78: 69: 65: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 9471: 9461: 9460: 9455: 9450: 9445: 9440: 9435: 9430: 9425: 9420: 9415: 9410: 9405: 9400: 9395: 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3199: 3195: 3189: 3184: 3181: 3177: 3170: 3165: 3164: 3159: 3152: 3147: 3144: 3137: 3132: 3125: 3120: 3117: 3110: 3105: 3101: 3094: 3089: 3088: 3087: 3085: 3081: 3077: 3073: 3069: 3064: 3062: 3058: 3054: 3050: 3046: 3042: 3034: 3029: 3013: 3008: 3001: 2996: 2993: 2989: 2983: 2978: 2971: 2966: 2962: 2961:Hubert Robert 2958: 2952: 2947: 2944: 2940: 2934: 2929: 2928: 2927: 2925: 2924:Jean Chalgrin 2921: 2917: 2913: 2912:Hubert Robert 2905: 2901: 2900: 2899: 2897: 2893: 2889: 2880: 2875: 2857: 2852: 2843: 2838: 2829: 2824: 2815: 2810: 2801: 2796: 2794: 2790: 2789: 2788: 2785: 2781: 2779: 2774: 2772: 2762: 2760: 2756: 2742: 2738: 2731: 2726: 2719: 2714: 2707: 2702: 2701: 2700: 2698: 2694: 2689: 2687: 2682: 2680: 2676: 2671: 2669: 2665: 2661: 2657: 2653: 2649: 2646: 2641: 2636: 2628: 2624: 2619: 2603: 2598: 2593: 2588: 2581: 2576: 2569: 2564: 2557: 2552: 2551: 2550: 2548: 2544: 2540: 2537:As an adult, 2529: 2527: 2523: 2519: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2502: 2500: 2496: 2492: 2488: 2483: 2479: 2475: 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Retrieved 8514: 8509: 8502: 8487: 8482: 8475:Carroll 2009 8470: 8462: 8457: 8447: 8440: 8431: 8427: 8421: 8407: 8390: 8386: 8376: 8366: 8359: 8339: 8326: 8271: 8259:(demolished) 8245: 8243: 7974: 7971: 7962:The new tank 7959:The old tank 7932: 7915:, circa 1730 7788: 7777:High gardens 7762: 7695: 7640: 7570: 7538:Louis Le Vau 7506: 7502: 7469: 7452: 7449: 7445: 7443:of Louvois. 7438: 7413: 7379: 7321: 7317:Louis Le Vau 7314: 7306: 7298: 7252: 7234: 7212: 6934: 6924: 6914: 6903: 6879: 6857: 6828: 6825: 6821: 6814: 6793: 6706: 6547: 6424: 6420: 6408: 6330: 6315: 6305: 6297: 6270: 6238: 6223: 6209:La colonnade 6208: 6193: 6178: 6163: 6148: 6133: 6092: 6084: 6076: 6056: 6027: 6023: 6008: 5995:Nicolas Loir 5993:Canvases by 5938: 5924: 5916: 5914: 5894: 5882:Triomphe de 5881: 5851: 5836: 5821: 5806: 5791: 5754: 5738: 5717: 5696: 5682:Résurrection 5681: 5619: 5600: 5595: 5577: 5505: 5501: 5497: 5491: 5488: 5431: 5428:, inv. 8548. 5336: 5320: 5303: 5289:Charity, by 5274: 5270: 5268: 5261: 5177: 5150: 5124: 5106:La Fourberie 5105: 5086: 5009: 4985: 4961: 4952: 4947: 4825: 4796:Abel Servien 4794: 4770: 4746: 4742:Abel Servien 4739: 4736: 4690: 4686: 4681: 4677: 4674: 4665: 4635:escarpolette 4628: 4624: 4612: 4584: 4572: 4568: 4555: 4531: 4516: 4501: 4466: 4459: 4455: 4447: 4425: 4418: 4412: 4402: 4391: 4353: 4337: 4269: 4268: 4237: 4211: 4209: 4177:Antechamber; 4159: 4152: 4101:Abel Servien 4097:Louis Le Vau 4094: 4078:Ground floor 4064: 4023: 4019: 3990: 3973: 3970: 3961: 3960: 3947: 3946: 3943: 3714:Louis Le Vau 3710: 3697: 3684:Louis Tauzin 3655:Château Neuf 3654: 3646: 3573: 3552: 3545: 3499: 3444:Louis Victor 3432:Rachel Félix 3424:Napoleon III 3417: 3336: 3329: 3322: 3308: 3285: 3279: 3265: 3116:First Empire 3065: 3061:Empire style 3049:King of Rome 3038: 2992:Getty Museum 2987: 2956: 2938: 2910:The painter 2909: 2888:James Forbes 2884: 2782: 2775: 2768: 2752: 2690: 2683: 2672: 2662:lost little 2650: 2647: 2632: 2621:View of the 2536: 2525: 2503: 2471: 2467: 2440: 2427:Duchy of Bar 2408: 2392: 2388: 2373: 2358: 2346: 2338:Villacoublay 2335: 2328: 2305: 2282: 2242: 2230: 2218:, owned the 2210: 2194: 2179: 2164: 2162: 2151:18th century 2053: 2051: 1933: 1921: 1908: 1907:castle, the 1905: 1880: 1846: 1832:tapestries, 1820: 1801: 1635: 1606:and his son 1601: 1598: 1541: 1529: 1471: 1420: 1409: 1396:Louis Le Vau 1315:, bronze by 1312: 1253: 1227: 1218: 1208: 1192: 1167:Palais-Royal 1163:Louis Le Vau 1155:Abel Servien 1152: 1144:Grand Siècle 1085: 1045: 1014: 988: 984:Bourbon king 953: 942: 933: 927: 915:Henri Sauval 912: 885: 866: 855: 840: 825: 816: 806: 799: 792: 785: 773: 761:Please help 756:verification 753: 724: 667: 625: 595: 593: 578: 553:The fief of 552: 515: 489: 483: 442: 424: 413:Abel Servien 398: 379: 364: 326: 325: 291:14th century 280:Nearest city 236: 220: 192: 164: 149:Please help 141: 111: 102: 87:by removing 74: 50: 43: 37: 36:Please help 33: 9453:Napoleon II 9372: / 9129:(in French) 9116:(in French) 9108:(in French) 9059:inv. 5482 B 9050:inv. 5482 A 8966:(Inv. 8608) 8757:Saint-Simon 8393:: 275–314. 8278:(preserved) 8122:Trout canal 7909: [ 7816:The Parasol 7813:The Calotte 7633:Drawing by 7533:(destroyed) 7279:Noël Coypel 7217:Noël Coypel 6925:basse-lisse 6786:, dont les 6738:Domenichino 6311:Primaticius 6275:in 1556 by 6035: [ 5935:Grand Salon 5720:Monseigneur 5603:delphinales 5512:half-sister 5508:Monseigneur 5159:(1595–1688) 5087:La Fidélité 4749:Monseigneur 4164:Guard room; 3861:contreforts 3557:Thiers wall 3500:salon-serre 3454:, in 1867. 3373:Detail of 3267:Louis XVIII 2638: [ 2590: [ 2293:Monseigneur 2253:Saint-Cloud 2249:Saint-Simon 2077: [ 1590:Monseigneur 1233: [ 1209:When Queen 1052:Grand Condé 1006: [ 976:Saint-Cloud 862:Anna d'Este 727:, c. 1550's 570:Charles VII 562: [ 544:Renaissance 534: [ 522:chamberlain 496:under King 452: [ 425:Monseigneur 382:Renaissance 370: [ 211:subheadings 9387:Categories 9357:48°48′18″N 8737:Michelet ( 8351:References 8002:Title page 7295:Orangeries 6937:grotesques 6861:and Daphne 6322:architrave 6267:, c. 1685. 6164:L'Encelade 5921:Dominiquin 5714:9.Cabinet. 4820:grisailles 4552:paintings. 3528:See also: 3337:After the 3304:La Fayette 3078:, wife of 3059:heir (new 2881:since 2016 2737:Louis XVII 1901:Jean Hardy 1849:courtisans 1608:Barbézieux 1566:Maria Anna 1342:Meudon by 1132:Meudon by 1033:Louis XIII 913:Historian 789:newspapers 486:patronymic 359:topography 355:Versailles 309:Designated 207:condensing 159:Wikisource 39:improve it 9448:Louis XVI 9443:Aerostats 9360:2°13′52″E 9321:Astronomy 8905:cite book 8897:1741–1803 8722:concierge 8718:concierge 8580:234605877 8564:: 19–37. 8310:House of 8301:Villa of 8288:in Fleury 7769:Cléopâtre 7237:Agrippine 6843:Corneille 6359:, c. 1685 6043:Perpignan 5897:Albertina 5299:Louis XIV 5178:Alexander 4958:Game room 4631:caryatids 4471:Euripides 4278:Baccantes 4198:Guardroom 4117:vestibule 3571:in 1927. 3553:La Douai 3494:given by 3422:uncle of 3378:porcelain 3271:Charles X 3260:Albertina 3102:, c. 1808 2778:aerostats 2652:Louis XVI 2627:Albertina 2514:Aristotle 2506:Louis XIV 2495:Louis XIV 2062:Semiramis 1942:in Evry. 1929:pediments 1798:, c. 1710 1654:, ms 3361 1552:Louis XIV 1522:Le Nostre 1427:Louis XIV 1346:, c. 1600 1188:forecourt 1172:monoliths 1136:, c. 1600 1021:balusters 934:La Grotte 928:In 1568, 904:pavilions 888:orangerie 847:favourite 655:Champagne 651:Francis I 635:corbelled 622:Francis I 610:Joinville 602:pilasters 581:seigniory 527:cupbearer 464:aerostats 440:in 1927. 215:talk page 203:splitting 201:Consider 155:Wikiquote 142:contains 83:. 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Monument historique
J. F. Blondel

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