
Christopher Columbus

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1180: 1257: 1892: 1354: 2332: 2430: 3332: 62: 2577: 3188:, not Columbus, and that there is no mention, in the primary sources, of punishment by cutting off hands for failing to pay. Columbus had an economic interest in the enslavement of the Hispaniola natives and for that reason was not eager to baptize them, which attracted criticism from some churchmen. Consuelo Varela, a Spanish historian, stated that "Columbus's government was characterized by a form of tyranny. Even those who loved him had to admit the atrocities that had taken place." Other historians have argued that some of the accounts of the brutality of Columbus and his brothers have been exaggerated as part of the 2996: 1937:
people under the Spanish yoke." These men, in his absence, raped women, took men captive to be servants, and stole from the indigenous people. A number of Spanish were killed in retaliation. By the time Columbus returned from exploring Cuba, the four primary leaders of the Arawak people in Hispaniola were gathering for war to try to drive the Spanish from the Island. Columbus assembled a large number of troops, and joined with his one native ally, chief , met for battle. The Spanish, even though they were largely outnumbered, won this battle, and over the next 9 months Columbus continued to wage war on the native
3146: 1312:, who had united several kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula by marrying and now ruled together. On 1 May 1486, permission having been granted, Columbus presented his plans to Queen Isabella, who, in turn, referred it to a committee. The learned men of Spain, like their counterparts in Portugal, replied that Columbus had grossly underestimated the distance to Asia. They pronounced the idea impractical and advised the Catholic Monarchs to pass on the proposed venture. To keep Columbus from taking his ideas elsewhere, and perhaps to keep their options open, the sovereigns gave him an allowance, totaling about 14,000 2815:'s design. This representation of Columbus's triumph and the Native's recoil is a demonstration of supposed white superiority over savage, naive Natives. As recorded during its unveiling in 1844, the sculpture extends to "represent the meeting of the two races", as Persico captures their first interaction, highlighting the "moral and intellectual inferiority" of Natives. Placed outside the U.S. Capitol building where it remained until its removal in the mid-20th century, the sculpture reflected the contemporary view of whites in the U.S. toward the Natives; they are labeled "merciless Indian savages" in the 2866: 2057:
brothers". The document also describes how Columbus put down native unrest and revolt: he first ordered a brutal suppression of the uprising in which many natives were killed, and then paraded their dismembered bodies through the streets in an attempt to discourage further rebellion. Columbus vehemently denied the charges. The neutrality and accuracy of the accusations and investigations of Bobadilla toward Columbus and his brothers have been disputed by historians, given the anti-Italian sentiment of the Spaniards and Bobadilla's desire to take over Columbus's position.
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promoted the genocide of the Taino people... Disease, only in combination with this cycle of brutal colonial violence, could produce the death toll that we see on the island of Española. Therefore, at best, the theory that disease did the business of killing and not the invaders can only be seen as a gratuitous colonizer apologetic designed to absolve the guilt of the continued occupation and exploitation of the indigenous people of this continent. However, the truth of the matter is much worse and should be called by its appropriate name: American holocaust denial.
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on the same level with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln by Americans who prefer mythology to facts. Early in our history, he became a unifying symbol to the struggling English colonies when Puritan preachers began to use his life as an exemplum of the developing American spirit. On the eve of the American Revolution, poems, songs, sermons, and polemic essays in which Columbus was idealized as the discoverer of a new land for a new people flowed from New England. Such veneration culminated in a movement to name the nation "Columbia."
13714: 664: 1453: 10996:
rejoinder comes not just from the hold of the familiar — Columbus already discovered America, so what's new — but from the appeal of a more exclusive familiarity evoked by a shift of location — he only "discovered" it for Europe, not for "us". It is as if we viewed Columbus's arrival from two perspectives, his own, and that of the natives. When we want to privilege "our" special viewpoint, we claim as ours the standpoint of the original Americans, the view not from the foreign ship but from our "native" land.
580: 2122: 2735: 3353: 2541: 796: 2414: 2114: 1788: 2273: 1528: 1982: 300: 1461: 731: 13880: 2780: 13733: 1993:. The fleet called at Madeira and the Canary Islands, where it divided in two, with three ships heading for Hispaniola and the other three vessels, commanded by Columbus, sailing south to the Cape Verde Islands and then westward across the Atlantic. It is probable that this expedition was intended at least partly to confirm rumors of a large continent south of the Caribbean Sea, that is, South America. 1046: 1507:, published following his first return to Spain, he claimed that he had reached Asia, as previously described by Marco Polo and other Europeans. Over his subsequent voyages, Columbus refused to acknowledge that the lands he visited and claimed for Spain were not part of Asia, in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. This might explain, in part, why the American continent was named after the 3047: 4244: 1146:) that "six parts are habitable and the seventh is covered with water." He was also aware of Marco Polo's claim that Japan (which he called "Cipangu") was some 2,414 km (1,500 mi) to the east of China ("Cathay"), and closer to the equator than it is. He was influenced by Toscanelli's idea that there were inhabited islands even farther to the east than Japan, including the mythical 1275:. The king submitted Columbus's proposal to his advisors, who rejected it, correctly, on the grounds that Columbus's estimate for a voyage of 2,400 nmi was only a quarter of what it should have been. In 1488, Columbus again appealed to the court of Portugal, and John II again granted him an audience. That meeting also proved unsuccessful, in part because not long afterwards 1287: 1428:, alleging that the Crown had illegally reneged on its contractual obligations to Columbus and his heirs. The Columbus family had some success in their first litigation, as a judgment of 1511 confirmed Diego's position as viceroy but reduced his powers. Diego resumed litigation in 1512, which lasted until 1536, and further disputes initiated by heirs continued until 1790. 2823:, who proposed the sculpture, described it as representing "the great discoverer when he first bounded with ecstasy upon the shore, ail his toils past, presenting a hemisphere to the astonished world, with the name America inscribed upon it. Whilst he is thus standing upon the shore, a female savage, with awe and wonder depicted in her countenance, is gazing upon him." 6091:
on the assumptions behind it, noting that Columbus had underestimated the distance to China. And then in December 1488 Bartolomeu Dias returned from his voyage around the Cape of Good Hope. Certain now that they had found the sea route to India and the east, João II and his advisers had no further interest in what probably seemed to them a hare-brained and risky plan.
3389:, which has been reproduced in many textbooks. It agrees with descriptions of Columbus in that it shows a large man with auburn hair, but the painting dates from 1519 so cannot have been painted from life. Furthermore, the inscription identifying the subject as Columbus was probably added later, and the face shown differs from that of other images. 10701:... Alfred Crosby, a scholar with the mind of a scientist and the heart of a humanist. He writes that "the major initial effect of the Columbian voyages was the transformation of America into a charnel house." The cataclysmic loss of native life, largely to imported diseases, "was surely the greatest tragedy in the history of the human species. 3876:
with her nails that I wished I had never begun. But—to cut a long story short—I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought that she had been brought up in a school for whores.
2044:, to investigate the accusations of brutality made against the Admiral. Arriving in Santo Domingo while Columbus was away, Bobadilla was immediately met with complaints about all three Columbus brothers. He moved into Columbus's house and seized his property, took depositions from the Admiral's enemies, and declared himself governor. 1236:. In the mapmaking shop where he worked with his brother Bartholomew, Columbus also had ample opportunity to hear the stories of old seamen about their voyages to the western seas, but his knowledge of the Atlantic wind patterns was still imperfect at the time of his first voyage. By sailing due west from the Canary Islands during 3068:, but this is a popular misconception which can be traced back to 17th-century Protestants campaigning against Catholicism. In fact, the spherical shape of the Earth had been known to scholars since antiquity, and was common knowledge among sailors, including Columbus. Coincidentally, the oldest surviving globe of the Earth, the 2072:. The sovereigns expressed indignation at the actions of Bobadilla, who was then recalled and ordered to make restitutions of the property he had confiscated from Columbus. The royal couple heard the brothers' pleas; restored their freedom and wealth; and, after much persuasion, agreed to fund Columbus's fourth voyage. However, 4076:
time, to customary legal restrictions on matters of marriage and extramarital relations. The Alphonsine laws forbade extramarital relations of concubinage for "illustrious people" (king, princes, dukes, counts, marquis) with plebeian women, if they themselves were or their forefathers had been of inferior social condition.
1748:, probably dispatched to the Spanish court upon arrival in Lisbon, was instrumental in spreading the news throughout Europe about his voyage. Almost immediately after his arrival in Spain, printed versions began to appear, and word of his voyage spread rapidly. Most people initially believed that he had reached Asia. The 1597:, verified the sight of land and alerted Columbus. Columbus later maintained that he had already seen a light on the land a few hours earlier, thereby claiming for himself the lifetime pension promised by Ferdinand and Isabella to the first person to sight land. Columbus called this island (in what is now the Bahamas) 3297:, says the available evidence suggests "slavery has emerged as major killer" of the indigenous populations of the Caribbean between 1492 and 1550 more so than diseases such as smallpox, influenza and malaria. He says that indigenous populations did not experience a rebound like European populations did following the 2322:. Because he had been relieved of his duties as governor, the Crown did not feel bound by that contract and his demands were rejected. After his death, his heirs sued the Crown for a part of the profits from trade with America, as well as other rewards. This led to a protracted series of legal disputes known as the 1703:, the only natives who offered violent resistance during this voyage. The Ciguayos refused to trade the amount of bows and arrows that Columbus desired; in the ensuing clash one Ciguayo was stabbed in the buttocks and another wounded with an arrow in his chest. Because of these events, Columbus called the inlet the 4043:
mentioned in the only other record of Columbus's solicitude for her: a letter to Diego, written in 1502, just before departure on the fourth Atlantic crossing, in which the explorer enjoins his son to 'take Beatriz Enriquez in your care for love of me, as you your own mother'. Varela, Cristóbal Colón, p. 309.
Colón was directly responsible for instituting this cycle of violence, murder, and slavery... This cycle of violence, intentionally created to maximize the extraction of wealth from the islands, in combination with the epidemic diseases that were running rampant through the Taino population, together
Thinking back in spring 1692 to "the antiquities of New England," Cotton Mather came upon a crucial connection, as he saw it, between the voyage of Columbus two centuries before and the Puritans' Great Migration. Considered together, the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the landing at San
It is also known that wind patterns and water currents in the Atlantic were crucial factors for launching an outward passage from the Canaries: Columbus understood that his chance of crossing the ocean was significantly greater just beyond the Canary calms, where he expected to catch the northeastern
The date of Fernando's birth, November 1488, gives a terminus ante quem early in that year for the start of Columbus's liaison with Beatriz Enríquez. She was of peasant parentage, but, when Columbus met her, was the ward of a well-to-do relative in Cordoba. A meat business gave her income of her own,
While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked—as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me
published in late 2020 suggests that smaller figures are more likely, perhaps as low as 10,000–50,000 for Hispaniola and Puerto Rico combined. Based on the previous figures of a few hundred thousand, some have estimated that a third or more of the natives in Haiti were dead within the first two years
Historians have traditionally argued that Columbus remained convinced until his death that his journeys had been along the east coast of Asia as he originally intended (excluding arguments such as Anderson's). On his third voyage he briefly referred to South America as a "hitherto unknown" continent,
The Boal Mansion Museum, founded in 1951, contains a collection of materials concerning later descendants of Columbus and collateral branches of the family. It features a 16th-century chapel from a Spanish castle reputedly owned by Diego Colón which became the residence of Columbus's descendants. The
Columbus's expeditions inaugurated a period of exploration, conquest, and colonization that lasted for centuries, thus bringing the Americas into the European sphere of influence. The transfer of plants, animals, precious metals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the
he encountered. The extent to which he was aware the Americas were a wholly separate landmass is uncertain; he never clearly renounced his belief he had reached the Far East. As a colonial governor, Columbus was accused by some of his contemporaries of significant brutality and removed from the post.
Christopher Columbus did not discover a new world, nor did he ever set foot on the North American continent. Rather, he established continuous contact between two continents, each with major populations. But he became a national hero for the United States, and, as such, he has frequently been placed
Bobadilla was prejudiced in advance by what he heard, or what the monarchs relayed, from Columbus detractors. HIs brief was to conduct a judicial inquiry into Columbus' conduct, an unjust proceeding, in the Admiral's submission, since Bobadilla had a vested interest in an outcome that would keep him
in 1488 Columbus returned to Portugal and once again put his project to João II. Again it was rejected. In historical hindsight this looks like a fatally missed opportunity for the Portuguese crown, but the king had good reason not to accept Columbus's project. His panel of experts cast grave doubts
Constructed on a framework of latitude and longitude, the Ptolemy-revival map projections revealed the extent of the known world in relation to the whole. Typically, they displayed a Eurasian landmass extending through 180° of longitude from a prime meridian in the west (variously the Canary Islands
Some writers have suggested that it was during this visit to Iceland that Columbus heard of land in the west. Keeping the source of his information secret, they say, he concocted a plan to sail westward. Certainly the knowledge was generally available without attending any saga-telling parties. That
Columbus never married Beatriz. When he returned from the first voyage, he was given the greatest of honors and elevated to the highest position in Spain. Because of his discovery, he became one of the most illustrious persons at the Spanish court and had to submit, like all the great persons of the
has argued that while Columbus "brought the entrepreneurial form of slavery to the New World", this "was a phenomenon of the times", further arguing that "we have to be very careful about applying 20th-century understandings of morality to the morality of the 15th century." In a less popular defense
In the first century after his endeavors, Columbus's figure largely languished in the backwaters of history, and his reputation was beset by his failures as a colonial administrator. His legacy was somewhat rescued from oblivion when he began to appear as a character in Italian and Spanish plays and
in the late 19th century took form with the commemoration of the 4th centenary on 12 October 1892 (in which the figure of Columbus was extolled by the Conservative government), eventually becoming the very same national day. Several monuments commemorating the "discovery" were erected in cities such
The figure of Columbus was not ignored in the British colonies during the colonial era: Columbus became a unifying symbol early in the history of the colonies that became the United States when Puritan preachers began to use his life story as a model for a "developing American spirit". In the spring
In 1877, a priest discovered a lead box at Santo Domingo inscribed: "Discoverer of America, First Admiral". Inscriptions found the next year read "Last of the remains of the first admiral, Sire Christopher Columbus, discoverer." The box contained bones of an arm and a leg, as well as a bullet. These
peoples. Noting their gold ear ornaments, Columbus took some of the Arawaks prisoner and insisted that they guide him to the source of the gold. Columbus did not believe he needed to create a fortified outpost, writing, "the people here are simple in war-like matters ... I could conquer the whole of
While most of the other epidemics in history however were confined to a single pathogen and typically lasted for less than a decade, the Americas differed in that multiple pathogens caused multiple waves of virgin soil epidemics over more than a century. Those who survived influenza, may later have
over the past millennia were concentrated into the span of decades." A third of the natives forced to work in gold and silver mines died every six months. Within three to six decades, the surviving Arawak population numbered only in the hundreds. The indigenous population of the Americas overall is
The American Columbus myth was reconfigured later in the century when he was enlisted as an ethnic hero by immigrants to the United States who were not of Anglo-Saxon stock, such as Jewish, Italian, and Irish people, who claimed Columbus as a sort of ethnic founding father. Catholics unsuccessfully
From April to August 1494, Columbus explored Cuba and Jamaica, then returned to Hispaniola. Before leaving on this exploration to Cuba, Columbus had ordered a large amount of men, under Pedro Margarit, to "journey the length and breadth of the island, enforcing Spanish control and bringing all the
to take them captive. They should be good and intelligent servants, for I see that they say very quickly everything that is said to them; and I believe they would become Christians very easily, for it seemed to me that they had no religion. Our Lord pleasing, at the time of my departure I will take
conveys better the idea of the political journey that has brought us to the reality of today, spanning the five hundred years since 1492... These historical and political milestones are valuable because they relate the present to both the past and the future. It was inevitable that history written
Based on his sources, Columbus estimated a distance of 2,400 nmi (4,400 km; 2,800 mi) from the Canary Islands west to Japan; the actual distance is 10,600 nmi (19,600 km; 12,200 mi). No ship in the 15th century could have carried enough food and fresh water for such a
When referring to the conquest, Venezuelans tend to side with the original "Indians" inhabiting the territory, even though "we" are generally careful to distinguish ourselves from them, and above all from their contemporary descendants. This tactical identification suggests that the force of this
disputes whether it is appropriate to use the term "genocide" when the atrocities were not Columbus's intent, but resulted from his decrees, family business goals, and negligence. Other scholars defend Columbus's actions or allege that the worst accusations against him are not based in fact while
and Mark Freedman, Columbus was responsible for creating a cycle of "murder, violence, and slavery" to maximize exploitation of the Caribbean islands' resources, and that Native deaths on the scale at which they occurred would not have been caused by new diseases alone. Further, they describe the
beginning in the 10th century. Norsemen are believed to have then set sail from Greenland and Iceland to become the first known Europeans to reach the North American mainland, nearly 500 years before Columbus reached the Caribbean. The 1960s discovery of a Norse settlement dating to c. 1000 AD at
to stop at the island of Santa Maria in the Azores. Half of his crew went ashore to say prayers of thanksgiving in a chapel for having survived the storm. But while praying, they were imprisoned by the governor of the island, ostensibly on suspicion of being pirates. After a two-day standoff, the
1211:, which would prove to be the key to his successful navigation of the Atlantic Ocean. He planned to first sail to the Canary Islands before continuing west with the northeast trade wind. Part of the return to Spain would require traveling against the wind using an arduous sailing technique called 1742:. After spending more than a week in Portugal, Columbus set sail for Spain. Returning to Palos on 15 March 1493, he was given a hero's welcome and soon afterward received by Isabella and Ferdinand in Barcelona. To them he presented kidnapped Taínos and various plants and items he had collected. 2056:
to govern Hispaniola. Testimony recorded in the report stated that Columbus congratulated his brother Bartholomew on "defending the family" when the latter ordered for a woman to be paraded naked through the streets and then had her tongue cut because she had "spoken ill of the admiral and his
in 1477, though many scholars doubt this. It is known that in the autumn of 1477, he sailed on a Portuguese ship from Galway to Lisbon, where he found his brother Bartholomew, and they continued trading for the Centurione family. Columbus based himself in Lisbon from 1477 to 1485. In 1478, the
Biographers and historians have a wide range of opinions about Columbus's expertise and experience navigating and captaining ships. One scholar lists some European works ranging from the 1890s to 1980s that support Columbus's experience and skill as among the best in Genoa, while listing some
this knowledge reached Columbus seems unlikely, however, for later, when trying to get backing for his project, he went to great lengths to unearth even the slightest scraps of information that would add to the plausibility of his scheme. Knowledge of the Norse explorations could have helped.
worth of enslaved Indians. He renewed his effort to get supplies to Columbus, and was working to organize a fleet when he suddenly died in December. On 10 March 1496, having been away about 30 months, the fleet departed La Isabela. On 8 June the crew sighted land somewhere between Lisbon and
According to historian Emily Berquist Soule, the immense Portuguese profits from the maritime trade in African slaves along the West African coast served as an inspiration for Columbus to create a counterpart of this apparatus in the New World using indigenous American slaves. Historian
succumbed to smallpox, while those who survived both, may then have caught a later wave of measles. Hence, there were documented disease outbreaks in the Americas that killed 30% of the remaining indigenous population over 50 years after initial contact, i.e. between 1568 CE and 1605 CE
2987:, Félix Fernández-Shaw argues that the word "discovery" prioritizes European explorers as the "heroes" of the contact between the Old and New World. He suggests that the word "encounter" is more appropriate, being a more universal term which includes Native Americans in the narrative. 2251:
For six months Columbus and 230 of his men remained stranded on Jamaica. Diego Méndez de Segura, who had shipped out as a personal secretary to Columbus, and a Spanish shipmate called Bartolomé Flisco, along with six natives, paddled a canoe to get help from Hispaniola. The governor,
samples were taken from the remains in Seville, as well as those of Columbus's brother Diego and younger son Fernando. Initial observations suggested that the bones did not appear to match Columbus's physique or age at death. DNA extraction proved difficult; only short fragments of
confirmed Eratosthenes's results by comparing stellar observations at two separate locations. These measurements were widely known among scholars, but Ptolemy's use of the smaller, old-fashioned units of distance led Columbus to underestimate the size of the Earth by about a third.
Some historians such as H. Micheal Tarver and Emily Slape, as well as medical doctors such as Arnett and Antonio Rodríguez Cuartero, believe that Columbus had such a form of reactive arthritis, but according to other authorities, this is "speculative", or "very speculative".
I saw some who had marks of wounds on their bodies and I made signs to them asking what they were; and they showed me how people from other islands nearby came there and tried to take them, and how they defended themselves; and I believed and believe that they come here from
Las Casas, Bartolomé, Las Casas on Columbus: Background and the 2nd and 4th Voyages (consisting of a section of History of the Indies by Las Casas, and commentary), Translated and Edited by Nigel Griffen, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium, 1999 (original work: 1535), pg
American works over a similar timeframe that portray the explorer as an untrained entrepreneur, having only minor crew or passenger experience prior to his noted journeys. According to Morison, Columbus's success in utilizing the trade winds might owe significantly to luck.
sailed into the hurricane. Columbus's ships survived with only minor damage, while 20 of the 30 ships in the governor's fleet were lost along with 500 lives (including that of Francisco de Bobadilla). Although a few surviving ships managed to straggle back to Santo Domingo,
792:, in July 1488, named for the monarch of Aragon. Columbus recognized the boy as his offspring. Columbus entrusted his older, legitimate son Diego to take care of Beatriz and pay the pension set aside for her following his death, but Diego was negligent in his duties. 1162:
long voyage, and the dangers involved in navigating through the uncharted ocean would have been formidable. Most European navigators reasonably concluded that a westward voyage from Europe to Asia was unfeasible. The Catholic Monarchs, however, having completed the
The diseases that devastated the Native Americans came in multiple waves at different times, sometimes as much as centuries apart, which would mean that survivors of one disease may have been killed by others, preventing the population from recovering. Historian
built on ancient intellectual foundations. In modern Latin America, the non-Native populations of some countries often demonstrate an ambiguous attitude toward the perspectives of indigenous peoples regarding the so-called "discovery" by Columbus and the era of
and that these beliefs motivated his quest for Asia in a variety of ways. Columbus often wrote about seeking gold in the log books of his voyages and writes about acquiring it "in such quantity that the sovereigns... will undertake and prepare to go conquer the
In June 1495, the Spanish crown sent ships and supplies to Hispaniola. In October, Florentine merchant Gianotto Berardi, who had won the contract to provision the fleet of Columbus's second voyage and to supply the colony on Hispaniola, received almost 40,000
trade winds—although, as some authors have pointed out, "westing" from the Canaries, instead of dipping farther south, was hardly an optimal sailing choice, since Columbus's fleet was bound to lose, as soon it did, the northeasterlies in the mid-Atlantic.
of Columbus's governorship. Contributors to depopulation included disease, warfare, and harsh enslavement. Indirect evidence suggests that some serious illness may have arrived with the 1,500 colonists who accompanied Columbus' second expedition in 1493.
In October 1499, Columbus sent two ships to Spain, asking the Court of Spain to appoint a royal commissioner to help him govern. By this time, accusations of tyranny and incompetence on the part of Columbus had also reached the Court. The sovereigns sent
of Porto Santo until, by a letter of 1 November 1446 from Infante Henrique, he became the first donatary captain of the island, a privilege that continued until the 19th century, with the last donatary captain Manuel da Câmara Bettencourt Perestrello in
points out that Columbus briefly described South America as an unknown continent after seeing the mainland for the first time. Vespucci seems to have modeled his naming of the "new world" after Columbus's description of this discovery. Further, mapmaker
argued that Columbus must have known of the North American continent before he started his voyage of discovery. Most modern scholars doubt Columbus had knowledge of the Norse settlements in America, with his arrival to the continent being most likely an
After his arrival to Sanlúcar from his fourth voyage (and Queen Isabella's death), an ill Columbus settled in Seville in April 1505. He stubbornly continued to make pleas to the Crown to defend his own personal privileges and his family's. He moved to
and environmental destruction began to compete with the then predominant discourse of Columbus as Christ-bearer, scientist, or father of America. This narrative features the negative effects of Columbus' conquests on native populations. Exposed to
Bobadilla's 48-page report, derived from the testimonies of 23 people who had seen or heard about the treatment meted out by Columbus and his brothers—had originally been lost for centuries, but was rediscovered in 2005 in the Spanish archives in
2064:, the caravel on which Bobadilla had arrived at Santo Domingo. They were returned to Spain, and languished in jail for six weeks before King Ferdinand ordered their release. Not long after, the king and queen summoned the Columbus brothers to the 2027:
On 19 August, Columbus returned to Hispaniola. There he found settlers in rebellion against his rule, and his unfulfilled promises of riches. Columbus had some of the Europeans tried for their disobedience; at least one rebel leader was hanged.
and other fevers, bleeding from the eyes, temporary blindness and prolonged attacks of gout. The attacks increased in duration and severity, sometimes leaving Columbus bedridden for months at a time, and culminated in his death 14 years later.
On 7 October, the crew spotted "mmense flocks of birds". On 11 October, Columbus changed the fleet's course to due west, and sailed through the night, believing land was soon to be found. At around 02:00 the following morning, a lookout on the
by sailing west. Columbus supposedly wrote to Toscanelli in 1481 and received encouragement, along with a copy of a map the astronomer had sent Afonso implying that a westward route to Asia was possible. Columbus's plans were complicated by
eventually retracted his naming of the continent after Vespucci, seemingly after it came to light that a claim that Vespucci visited the mainland before Columbus had been falsified. In his new map, Waldseemüller labelled the continent as
De Cuneo, Michele. "Michel de Cuneo's Letter on the Second Voyage, 28 October 1495." Journal and other Documents in the Life of Christopher Columbus. Edited and Translated by Samuel Eliot Morison. New York: The Heritage Press, 1963. pg
Columbus has been criticized both for his brutality and for initiating the depopulation of the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean, whether by imported diseases or intentional violence. According to scholars of Native American history,
1215:, during which progress is made very slowly. To effectively make the return voyage, Columbus would need to follow the curving trade winds northeastward to the middle latitudes of the North Atlantic, where he would be able to catch the " 1799:
with 17 ships, and supplies to establish permanent colonies in the Americas. He sailed with nearly 1,500 men, including sailors, soldiers, priests, carpenters, stonemasons, metalworkers, and farmers. Among the expedition members were
Contemporary descriptions of Columbus, including those by his son Fernando and Bartolomé de las Casas, describe him as taller than average, with light skin (often sunburnt), blue or hazel eyes, high cheekbones and freckled face, an
2676:, depicting Columbus, Queen Isabella and others in various stages of his several voyages. The policies related to the celebration of the Spanish colonial empire as the vehicle of a nationalist project undertaken in Spain during the 3276:
According to Noble David Cook, "There were too few Spaniards to have killed the millions who were reported to have died in the first century after Old and New World contact." He instead estimates that the death toll was caused by
1950:, a Spanish labor system that rewarded conquerors with the labor of conquered non-Christian people. It is also recorded that punishments to both Spaniards and natives included whippings and mutilation (cutting noses and ears). 13265:. Vol. 2. London : Printed by assignment from Messrs. Churchill for John Walthoe ..., Tho. Wotton ..., Samuel Birt ..., Daniel Browne ..., Thomas Osborn ..., John Shuckburgh ... and Henry Lintot ... pp. 501–624. 2172:
on 29 June, but was denied port, and the new governor Francisco de Bobadilla refused to listen to his warning that a hurricane was approaching. Instead, while Columbus's ships sheltered at the mouth of the Rio Jaina, the first
2256:, detested Columbus and obstructed all efforts to rescue him and his men. In the meantime Columbus, in a desperate effort to induce the natives to continue provisioning him and his hungry men, won their favor by predicting a 1953:
Columbus and the colonists enslaved many of the indigenous people, including children. Natives were beaten, raped, and tortured for the location of imagined gold. Thousands committed suicide rather than face the oppression.
during the 19th century. O'Gorman argues that to assert Columbus "discovered America" is to shape the facts concerning the events of 1492 to make them conform to an interpretation that arose many years later. For him, the
Columbus was widely celebrated in the centuries after his death, but public perception fractured in the 21st century due to greater attention to the harms committed under his governance, particularly the beginning of the
spanned 180° longitude, rather than the actual 130° (to the Chinese mainland) or 150° (to Japan at the latitude of Spain). Columbus believed an even higher estimate, leaving a smaller percentage for water. In d'Ailly's
appointed Columbus as the official viceroy of the Crown, which entitled him, by virtue of royal concession, to all the honors and jurisdictions accorded the conquerors of the Canaries. Usage of the terms "to discover"
3774:. It contained an account of Columbus's seven-year reign as the first governor of the Indies. Consuelo Varela, a Spanish historian, states: "Even those who loved him had to admit the atrocities that had taken place." 1957:
In February 1495, Columbus rounded up about 1,500 Arawaks, some of whom had rebelled, in a great slave raid. About 500 of the strongest were shipped to Spain as slaves, with about two hundred of those dying en route.
10860: 3134: 445:, agreed to sponsor a journey west. Columbus left Castile in August 1492 with three ships and made landfall in the Americas on 12 October, ending the period of human habitation in the Americas now referred to as the 9612:
Christopher Columbus: his life, his works, his remains: as revealed by original printed and manuscript records, together with an essay on Peter Martyr of Anghera and Bartolomé de las Casas, the first historians of
1389:, who argued that Columbus would take his ideas elsewhere, and offered to help arrange the funding. Isabella then sent a royal guard to fetch Columbus, who had traveled 2 leagues (over 10 km) toward Córdoba. 3192:, a historical tendency towards anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic sentiment in historical sources dating as far back as the 16th century, which they speculate may continue to taint scholarship into the present day. 3099:) being nearest Heaven and upon which was centered the Earthly Paradise. Although Columbus's later readings were incorrect, 20th-century satellite data happens to indicate that the Earth has a slight pear shape. 11115:
from a Eurocentric standpoint should speak in terms of discovery and it is equally inevitable that, as history has now come to be seen in universal terms, we should have adopted so evocative a term as encounter.
Salvador held the key to a great design. To begin with, Columbus's voyage was one of three shaping events of the modern age, all of which occurred in rapid succession at the turn of the sixteenth century: (1) "
1816:; and Columbus's youngest brother Diego. The fleet stopped at the Canary Islands to take on more supplies, and set sail again on 7 October, deliberately taking a more southerly course than on the first voyage. 1404:
and Governor of all the new lands he might claim for Spain. He had the right to nominate three persons, from whom the sovereigns would choose one, for any office in the new lands. He would be entitled to 10%
The Americanization of the figure of Columbus began in the latter decades of the 18th century, after the revolutionary period of the United States, elevating the status of his reputation to a national myth,
Columbus was not a scholarly man. Yet he studied these books, made hundreds of marginal notations in them and came out with ideas about the world that were characteristically simple and strong and sometimes
described Columbus's voyage as one of three shaping events of the modern age, connecting Columbus's voyage and the Puritans' migration to North America, seeing them together as the key to a grand design.
When we speak today of the "legacy" of Christopher Columbus, we usually refer to the broadly historic consequences of his famous voyages, meaning the subsequent European conquest and colonization of the
Bobadilla reported to Spain that Columbus once punished a man found guilty of stealing corn by having his ears and nose cut off and then selling him into slavery. He claimed that Columbus regularly used
9067: 7719:
Cólon, Ferdinand. The Life of The Admiral Christopher Columbus by His Son Ferdinand. Edited and translated by Benjamin Keen. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1959 (Originally published 1571), pg
8° north in July and again in August sailing the trade winds 13° north, Columbus reported seeing Polaris with a diurnal motion of 10° in diameter. He accounted for the shift by concluding that Earth's
2087:, with the discovery by archivist Isabel Aguirre of an incomplete copy of the testimonies against them gathered by Francisco de Bobadilla at Santo Domingo in 1500. She found a manuscript copy of this 976:
Columbus had to wait until 1492 for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to support his voyage across the Atlantic to find gold, spices, a safer route to the East, and converts to Christianity.
In 1500, during his third voyage to the Americas, Columbus was arrested and dismissed from his posts. He and his sons, Diego and Fernando, then conducted a lengthy series of court cases against the
1106:(equivalent to 66.2 nautical miles, 122.6 kilometers or 76.2 mi), but he did not realize that this was expressed in the Arabic mile (about 1,830 meters or 1.14 mi) rather than the shorter 484:
and the northern coast of South America in 1498, and the east coast of Central America in 1502. Many names he gave to geographical features, particularly islands, are still in use. He gave the name
2376:(converted Jew) family. "It seems likely that acquired reactive arthritis from food poisoning on one of his ocean voyages because of poor sanitation and improper food preparation", says Arnett, a 10804: 1659:
on an unauthorized expedition in search of an island called "Babeque" or "Baneque", which the natives had told him was rich in gold. Columbus, for his part, continued to the northern coast of
1176:, were eager to obtain a competitive edge over other European countries in the quest for trade with the Indies. Columbus's project, though far-fetched, held the promise of such an advantage. 3697:, renamed from Watling's Island in 1925 in the belief that it was Columbus's San Salvador, is the only island fitting the position indicated by Columbus's journal. Other candidates are the 2972:
explicitly rejects the Columbus discovery myth, arguing that the idea that Columbus discovered America was a misleading legend fixed in the public mind through the works of American author
Though Columbus was wrong about the number of degrees of longitude that separated Europe from the Far East and about the distance that each degree represented, he did take advantage of the
3072:, was made in 1492, just before Columbus's return to Europe from his first voyage. As such it contains no sign of the Americas and yet demonstrates the common belief in a spherical Earth. 7852: 2370:
proposing that Columbus had a form of reactive arthritis; Merrill made the case in that same paper that Columbus was the son of Catalans and his mother possibly a member of a prominent
2213:, seeking a strait in the western Caribbean through which he could sail to the Indian Ocean. Sailing south along the Nicaraguan coast, he found a channel that led into Almirante Bay in 1411:) of all the revenues from the new lands in perpetuity. He also would have the option of buying one-eighth interest in any commercial venture in the new lands, and receive one-eighth ( 6848:). Or "these people are very simple as regards the use of arms ... for with fifty men they can all be subjugated and made to do what is required of them." (Columbus & Toscanelli, 12281: 1030:
However Columbus made several errors in calculating the size of the Earth, the distance the continent extended to the east, and therefore the distance to the west to reach his goal.
9454: 1086: 3064:
Washington Irving's 1828 biography of Columbus popularized the idea that Columbus had difficulty obtaining support for his plan because many Catholic theologians insisted that the
Though Christopher Columbus came to be considered the European discoverer of America in Western popular culture, his historical legacy is more nuanced. After settling Iceland, the
to inquire whether the English crown might sponsor his expedition, but he was captured by pirates en route, and only arrived in early 1491. By that time, Columbus had retreated to
1688:. Columbus took more natives prisoner and continued his exploration. He kept sailing along the northern coast of Hispaniola with a single ship until he encountered Pinzón and the 8367:
in power. Motivated by self-interest or excessive zeal, Bobadilla clapped Columbus in irons with his brothers, gathered depositions against them, and shipped them back to Spain.
6161: 4595:
Language Contact across the North Atlantic: Proceedings of the Working Groups held at the University College, Galway (Ireland), 1992 and the University of Göteborg (Sweden), 1993
2522:, inaugurated in 1992). The authorities in Santo Domingo have never allowed these remains to be DNA-tested, so it is unconfirmed whether they are from Columbus's body as well. 2008:
river. This was the first recorded landing of Europeans on the mainland of South America, which Columbus realized must be a continent. The fleet then sailed to the islands of
1228:('turn of the sea'). Through his marriage to his first wife, Felipa Perestrello, Columbus had access to the nautical charts and logs that had belonged to her deceased father, 11480: 10892: 2291:
of non-believers was one reason for his explorations, and he grew increasingly religious in his later years. Probably with the assistance of his son Diego and his friend the
all races to Christianity. Abbas Hamandi argues that Columbus was motivated by the hope of " Jerusalem from Muslim hands" by "using the resources of newly discovered lands".
10870: 2358:, rather than gout. Reactive arthritis is a joint inflammation caused by intestinal bacterial infections or after acquiring certain sexually transmitted diseases (primarily 16438: 3223:", citing the fact that the first license to ship enslaved Africans to the Caribbean was issued by the Catholic Monarchs in 1501 to the first royal governor of Hispaniola, 13899: 11502: 10389: 3273:
historian and author of a multivolume biography on Columbus, writes, "The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide."
ran aground on 25 December 1492 and had to be abandoned. The wreck was used as a target for cannon fire to impress the native peoples. Columbus was received by the native
2264:'s astronomical charts. Despite the governor's obstruction, Christopher Columbus and his men were rescued on 28 June 1504, and arrived in Sanlúcar, Spain, on 7 November. 3382: 6299: 2470:; Columbus had requested to be buried on the island. By some accounts, in 1793, when France took over the entire island of Hispaniola, Columbus's remains were moved to 1037:
had correctly computed the circumference of the Earth by using simple geometry and studying the shadows cast by objects at two remote locations. In the 1st century BC,
The use of Columbus as a founding figure of New World nations spread rapidly after the American Revolution. This was out of a desire to develop a national history and
estimated that there were three to four million Taínos in Hispaniola, and said 500,000 Lucayans were killed in the Bahamas. Most modern historians reject his figures.
3176:'s account) was cutting off the hands of those without tokens, often leaving them to bleed to death. Other historians dispute such accounts. For example, a study of 9459:
had arrived there carrying the "coffin, bones and fetters of Christopher Columbus" from San Domingo to be re-interred at Havana with "the highest military honours."
describes the depopulation of the indigenous Americans as "neither inadvertent nor inevitable", saying it was the result of both disease and intentional genocide.
3242: 2844: 1652:, who made frequent raids on the Taínos, often capturing their women, although this may have been a belief perpetuated by the Spaniards to justify enslaving them. 3265:
thought to have been reduced by about 90% in the century after Columbus's arrival. Among indigenous peoples, Columbus is often viewed as a key agent of genocide.
3427: 3202: 2535: 9071: 3793: 31: 15568: 2753:" is used to refer to the cultures of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and his European successors. The ensuing Columbian exchange saw the massive 13869: 526: 12929: 12492: 5196: 1322:, and the same year the monarchs furnished him with a letter ordering all cities and towns under their dominion to provide him food and lodging at no cost. 16645: 14054: 9283: 8974: 3165:, Columbus's friend Michele da Cuneo—according to his own account—kept an indigenous woman he captured, whom Columbus "gave to ", then brutally raped her. 2847:
collapsed, and were largely replaced by Europeans and Africans, who brought with them new methods of farming, business, governance, and religious worship.
12630: 4619: 2494:
could be isolated. These matched corresponding DNA from Columbus's brother, supporting that the two men had the same mother. Such evidence, together with
14577: 9572: 4837:[The Perestrellos: A Piacenza family in the Portuguese Empire (16th century)] (in Portuguese). Lisbon: Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. p. 90. 15588: 14503: 12318: 5538: 3826:
recounts his attempt to see these remains, which are apparently briefly displayed in their crypt (behind a sheet of glass) once a year on Columbus Day.
on 30 July. Here Bartholomew found native merchants and a large canoe. On 14 August, Columbus landed on the continental mainland at Punta Caxinas, now
1381:, found Columbus's proposal to reach the Indies implausible. Columbus had left for France when Ferdinand intervened, first sending Talavera and Bishop 13108:
Phillips, Carla Rahn (20 November 2018). "Visualizing Imperium: The Virgin of the Seafarers and Spain's Self-Image in the Early Sixteenth Century *".
10815: 3370:, and blond to reddish hair and beard (until about the age of 30, when it began to whiten). One Spanish commentator described his eyes using the word 1073:, which was possible to deduce from the theory of the relationship between the size of the surfaces of water and the land as held by the followers of 1061:
parameters determined the bounds of Columbus's enterprise: the distance across the ocean between Europe and Asia, which depended on the extent of the
769:. Before 1484, Columbus returned to Porto Santo to find that his wife had died. He returned to Portugal to settle her estate and take Diego with him. 16506: 13802: 4839:
Finally, the most famous son of Filippone, Bartolomeu Perestrello (I), who participated in the rediscovery of the island of Madeira in 1418, and was
and three other vessels. The ships were crewed by 140 men, including his brother Bartholomew as second in command and his son Fernando. He sailed to
1027:, which uses the position of the Sun and the stars in the sky, had long been in use by astronomers and were beginning to be implemented by mariners. 10268:
Boivin, Nicole; Fuller, Dorian Q; Crowther, Alison (September 2012). "Old World globalization and the Columbian exchange: comparison and contrast".
At the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, 71 alleged portraits of Columbus were displayed; most of them did not match contemporary descriptions.
1179: 1091: 9420: 8700:
Nueva luz sobre las capitulaciones de Santa Fe de 1492 concertadas entre los Reyes Católicos y Cristóbal Colón: estudio institucional y diplomático
7389: 7054: 1110:(about 1,480 m) with which he was familiar. Columbus therefore estimated the size of the Earth to be about 75% of Eratosthenes's calculation. 5322: 690:, then ruled by Genoa. In May 1476, he took part in an armed convoy sent by Genoa to carry valuable cargo to northern Europe. He probably visited 16053: 14059: 8725: 421:
Largely self-educated, Columbus was knowledgeable in geography, astronomy, and history. He developed a plan to seek a western sea passage to the
15548: 14095: 3374:, now usually translated as "light blue", but it seems to have indicated light grey-green or hazel eyes to Columbus's contemporaries. The word 1256: 10463: 7844: 3783:
DNA from Columbus's presumed remains in Seville were to be used to conduct further ancestral studies, with results initially expected in 2021.
Some historians have criticized Columbus for initiating the widespread colonization of the Americas and for abusing its native population. On
Columbus also explored the northeast coast of Cuba, where he landed on 28 October. On the night of 26 November, Martín Alonso Pinzón took the
16695: 16511: 15598: 12130: 10161: 2531: 1918:, the local tribe leader, that his men had quarreled over gold and taken women from the tribe, and that after some left for the territory of 538: 5500:"The Evaluation of Columbus' 'India' Project by Portuguese and Spanish Cosmographers in the Light of the Geographical Science of the Period" 2511: 16655: 15203: 14561: 14105: 14100: 14008: 13904: 12271: 4187: 2856: 10646: 4133: 16680: 16675: 3848: 13559: 10897: 6153: 1222:
The navigational technique for travel in the Atlantic appears to have been exploited first by the Portuguese, who referred to it as the
1065:, i.e., the Eurasian land-mass stretching east–west between Spain and China; the circumference of the Earth; and the number of miles or 9120:
Arnett, F.; Merrill, C.; Albardaner, Francesc; Mackowiak, P. (September 2006). "A Mariner with Crippling Arthritis and Bleeding Eyes".
5204: 3150: 2400:, Spain, in March 1506, Columbus moved to that city to persist with his demands. On 20 May 1506, aged 54, Columbus died in Valladolid. 1891: 10139:"Las fiestas del 12 de octubre y las conmemoraciones americanistas bajo la restauración borbónica: España frente a su pasado colonial" 3378:
can mean "blond", "fair", or "ruddy". Although an abundance of artwork depicts Columbus, no authentic contemporary portrait is known.
16705: 16685: 16550: 4482:"Armas e Troféus." Revista de História, Heráldica, Genealogia e Arte. 1994, VI serie – Tomo VI, pp. 5–52. Retrieved 21 November 2011. 4121:
Most researchers however trace the beginning of the early modern era to Christopher Columbus's discovery of the Americas in the 1490s
2816: 2712:. The museum also holds a collection of documents mostly relating to Columbus descendants of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. 1876:. His fleet sailed along the island's southern coast for a whole day, before making landfall on its northwestern coast at the Bay of 11449: 9646: 2342:
During a violent storm on his first return voyage, Columbus, then 41, had suffered an attack of what was believed at the time to be
1143: 956:
than the route around Africa, but Afonso rejected his proposal. In the 1480s, Columbus and his brother proposed a plan to reach the
16418: 15522: 14200: 10407: 10177:"Columbian Exposition Souvenir Sheets", Arago: people, postage & the post, National Postal Museum online, viewed 18 April 2014. 9856: 9315: 5260: 3447: 3289:
to these new diseases and suffered high fatalities. There is also evidence that they had poor diets and were overworked. Historian
there. His ships sustained damage in a storm off the coast of Cuba. Unable to travel farther, on 25 June 1503 they were beached in
1745: 1504: 470: 883:'s notions of the geography of the Atlantic Ocean (shown superimposed on a modern map), which directly influenced Columbus's plans 590:, Italy, an 18th-century reconstruction of the house in which Columbus grew up. The original was likely destroyed during the 1684 16625: 15502: 13934: 12414: 10374: 9893: 3212:
has argued, "Normally we melded with the cultures in America, we stayed there, we spread our language and culture and religion."
2157:. The siege had been lifted by the time they arrived, so the Spaniards stayed only a day and continued on to the Canary Islands. 2000:, the most southerly of the Caribbean islands. On 5 August, Columbus sent several small boats ashore on the southern side of the 574: 9397: 2301:(1502), detailing and documenting the rewards from the Spanish Crown to which he believed he and his heirs were entitled, and a 1353: 2455: 1738:
north of Lisbon to meet King John II of Portugal, who told Columbus that he believed the voyage to be in violation of the 1479
14640: 7688: 6288: 3285:
in 1519. According to some estimates, smallpox had an 80–90% fatality rate in Native American populations. The natives had no
2331: 16670: 16665: 16650: 16640: 16620: 16276: 14387: 13919: 13795: 13646: 13538: 13508: 13484: 13463: 13410: 13388: 13348: 13319: 13298: 13270: 13235: 13214: 13182: 13092: 13053: 12912: 12831: 12670: 12656: 12624: 12584: 12553: 12394: 12173: 11836: 11757: 11730: 11691: 11408:
O'Keefe, J. A., Eckeis, A., and Squires, R. K. (1959). "Vanguard Measurements Give Pear-Shaped Component of Earth's Figure".
11385: 11355: 11316: 11275: 11224: 11207: 11138: 10949: 10922: 10784: 10753: 10726: 10572: 10457: 10424: 10324: 10252: 10198: 10109: 10047: 9951: 9922: 9873: 9839: 9804: 9370: 9254: 9227: 9174: 9001: 8944: 8858: 8782: 8755: 8708: 8681: 8654: 8615: 8588: 8549: 8478: 8451: 8415: 8351: 8313: 8177: 8090: 8063: 8021: 7985: 7958: 7928: 7885: 7808: 7772: 7590: 7494: 7467: 7437: 7293: 7263: 7209: 7150: 7110: 6985: 6958: 6931: 6768: 6737: 6634: 6482: 6428: 6384: 6357: 6327: 6271: 6211: 6083: 6056: 5881: 5825: 5798: 5747: 5720: 5693: 5664: 5633: 5486: 5466: 5428: 5392: 5145: 5118: 5091: 5064: 4976: 4912: 4871: 4800: 4723: 4686: 4649: 4602: 4570: 4529: 4464: 4437: 4393: 4364: 4322: 4215: 4068: 4035: 3982: 1481: 370: 35: 15238: 15107: 14734: 14730: 10063:
Handler, Richard (June 2016). "Mining the time-space matrix: Commemorative postage stamps and US world's fairs, 1893–1915".
7310: 6445: 4715:
In Search of First Contact: The Vikings of Vinland, the Peoples of the Dawnland, and the Anglo-American Anxiety of Discovery
and professor of internal medicine, pathology and laboratory medicine at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston.
16635: 16630: 16371: 16366: 15734: 15140: 14783: 14236: 14023: 13939: 13924: 13617:
Smith, Walter George (1906). "Christopher Columbus: An Address Delivered Before the American Catholic Historical Society".
6577: 3168:
According to some historians, the punishment for an indigenous person, aged 14 and older, failing to pay a hawk's bell, or
2803: 2784: 8305:
Select Letters of Christopher Columbus : With Other Original Documents, Relating to his Four Voyages to the New World
5871: 4945: 16433: 15553: 13929: 11958: 11911: 11861: 2860: 2478:
in 1898, at least some of these remains were moved back to the Seville Cathedral, where they were placed on an elaborate
39: 14422: 13043: 8839:
Méndez, Diego (2020). "VIII: Shipwrecked by Worms, Saved by Canoe: The Last Voyage of Columbus". In Roorda, Paul (ed.).
4790: 16200: 15517: 15453: 15175: 15155: 14630: 14362: 14325: 14072: 14067: 14028: 14018: 13894: 12363: 12334: 9681: 6904: 6877: 4412:
Bibliografia Colombina, 1492–1990: Books, Articles and Other Publications on the Life and Times of Christopher Columbus
2451: 1602: 699: 489: 17: 16565: 15669: 2392:(where the court was at the time) on a mule by early 1506, and, on the occasion of the wedding of King Ferdinand with 1888:, and remained anchored there for two days from 20 to 21 November, filling the water casks of the ships in his fleet. 16266: 16175: 15573: 15117: 14670: 14300: 12733: 11803: 11168: 11025: 10743: 8379: 7697: 7354: 5854: 4141: 4114: 3856: 3000: 1610: 13770: 13195:
Select Letters of Christopher Columbus: With Other Original Documents, Relating to His Four Voyages to the New World
12046: 11106:
gives more emphasis to the peoples who actually "encountered" each other and gave substance to a New World. Whereas
view of the discovery of America sustains systems of domination in ways that favor Europeans. In a 1992 article for
16690: 16466: 15150: 14634: 14412: 14013: 13788: 3852: 2688:
in 1992, a second Columbian issue was released jointly with Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Columbus was celebrated at
as Palos, Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Salamanca, Valladolid and Seville in the years around the 400th anniversary.
2253: 15842: 15777: 2939:
wrote works establishing that the Norse had preceded Columbus in colonizing the Americas. Following this, in 1874
sculpture, depicting Columbus and a cowering Native maiden, was commissioned on 3 April 1837, when U.S. President
299: 16610: 16403: 16195: 15982: 15782: 15331: 15266: 14852: 14754: 13864: 13676: 12968: 12523: 9829: 9483: 5241: 3792:
This same year, dust collected from these remains was placed in a locket, which was placed inside the stern of a
3422: 3294: 2661: 2463: 2458:
in Seville (southern Spain) by the will of his son Diego. They may have been exhumed in 1513 and interred at the
Based on Columbus's lifestyle and the described symptoms, some modern commentators suspect that he suffered from
1573:. Columbus first sailed to the Canary Islands. There he restocked provisions and made repairs then departed from 1493: 1437: 358: 16321: 15837: 15281: 15165: 13695: 12601: 1644:
them with fifty men, and govern them as I pleased." The Taínos told Columbus that another indigenous tribe, the
16700: 16615: 16423: 16361: 16160: 15578: 15291: 15271: 15243: 15160: 15135: 14995: 14803: 14710: 14650: 14617: 14049: 13951: 10809: 9969:"La construcción de Colombeia: Francisco de Miranda y su paso por el Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, 1785–1789" 5413: 4254: 3197: 2835: 2764:
Columbus was subsumed into the Western narrative of colonization and empire building, which invoked notions of
2091:(inquiry) ‌in the Archive of Simancas, Spain, uncatalogued until she and Consuelo Varela published their book, 1447: 849: 497:
and its colonial administrators in America led to his arrest and removal from Hispaniola in 1500, and later to
16386: 16215: 15972: 8745: 8170:
The Classical Tradition and the Americas: European Images of the Americas and the Classical Tradition (2 pts.)
2307:(1505), in which passages from the Bible were used to place his achievements as an explorer in the context of 1914:, where 39 Spaniards had been left during the first voyage. Columbus found the fort in ruins. He learned from 656:, where Domenico took over a tavern. Some modern authors have argued that he was not from Genoa, but from the 16590: 16538: 16516: 16471: 16413: 16391: 16205: 15977: 15659: 15448: 15433: 14518: 14382: 14335: 9564: 6522: 5499: 3844: 3301:
because unlike the latter, a large portion of the former were subjected to deadly forced labor in the mines.
to the Indies as only 68 degrees, equivalent to 3,080 nmi (5,700 km; 3,540 mi) (a 58% error).
15767: 12693: 8887:"Diego Méndez, Secretary of Christopher Columbus and Alguacil Mayor of Santo Domingo: A Biographical Sketch" 8747:
Historia general de Panamá: Tomo 1. Las sociedades originarias; El orden colonial. Tomo 2. El orden colonial
Infidels and Empires in a New World Order: Early Modern Spanish Contributions to International Legal Thought
It is most probable that Columbus visited Bristol, where he was introduced to English commerce with Iceland.
4454: 3680:
to be the most likely location of first contact is the easternmost land touching the top edge of this image.
by Columbus, but not finding a good harbor there, they anchored off a nearby smaller island, which he named
1574: 813:, Portuguese, and Castilian. He read widely about astronomy, geography, and history, including the works of 618:, Giovanni Pellegrino, and Giacomo (also called Diego)—as well as a sister, Bianchinetta. Bartholomew ran a 16408: 16376: 15907: 15772: 15208: 14588: 14397: 14193: 13914: 13060:
Of Columbus, too, none of the familiarly reproduced portraits is thought to have been made in his lifetime.
11559: 10865: 7072: 6977:
Surviving Spanish Conquest: Indian Fight, Flight, and Cultural Transformation in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico
3836: 3398: 3338: 2569: 2194:) of the profits from Hispaniola, equal to 240,000 maravedis, guaranteed by the Catholic Monarchs in 1492. 2060:
In early October 1500, Columbus and Diego presented themselves to Bobadilla, and were put in chains aboard
1804:, a physician who wrote a detailed account of the second voyage; Juan Ponce de León, the first governor of 1676:, who gave him permission to leave some of his men behind. Columbus left 39 men, including the interpreter 16396: 15729: 13071: 8646:
Christopher Columbus's Naming in the 'diarios' of the Four Voyages (1492–1504): A Discourse of Negotiation
Christopher Columbus's Naming in the 'diarios' of the Four Voyages (1492–1504): A Discourse of Negotiation
Christopher Columbus's Naming in the 'diarios' of the Four Voyages (1492–1504): A Discourse of Negotiation
had been in use for natives of the region since antiquity; most scholars believe Columbus was born in the
and historic analyses, led the researchers to conclude that the remains belonged to Christopher Columbus.
1396:", King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella promised Columbus that if he succeeded he would be given the rank of 777: 637:) as his first language, though Columbus probably never wrote in it. His name in 15th-century Genoese was 411: 373:. His expeditions were the first known European contact with the Caribbean and Central and South America. 223: 16381: 16281: 15912: 15364: 15296: 14265: 14090: 13660: 12764: 12662: 10416: 9865: 8119: 7039: 3840: 3153:
in the Baltimore inner harbor area. The statue was thrown into the harbor on 4 July 2020, as part of the
2257: 1477: 773: 381: 15832: 15739: 8840: 8337: 7787:
Koning, Hans. Columbus, His Enterprise: Exploding the Myth. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1976: 83–83.
7379: 7279: 5710: 5312: 3646: 3331: 16316: 15679: 15326: 15213: 15125: 15097: 14724: 14694: 14499: 14330: 14132: 14127: 13844: 12853: 12725: 12611:. History of International Public Health. Vol. 6. Geneva: World Health Organization. p. 236. 12576: 12326: 11158: 11049:
Lazo, Rodrigo (1 December 2013). "The Invention of America Again: On the Impossibility of an Archive".
10627: 10409:
The Legacy of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. New Nations and a Transatlantic Discourse of Empire
The Legacy of Christopher Columbus in the Americas. New Nations and a Transatlantic Discourse of Empire
9019:"Prophecy and Discovery: On the Spiritual Origins of Christopher Columbus's "Enterprise of the Indies"" 8732:
El 14 de agosto de 1502 Cristóbal Colón descubrió Punta Caxinas, hoy Punta Castilla o Cabo de Honduras.
7920: 5213: 3859:(inaugurated in 1905, but whose inception dates to an earlier date and a tentative location in Spanish 3452: 3177: 2952: 2649:
in the early 19th century, inspired by the political project of "Colombeia" developed by revolutionary
2613: 2366:). In 2006, Frank C. Arnett, a medical doctor, and historian Charles Merrill, published their paper in 1233: 1000: 933: 880: 583: 542: 434: 288: 15699: 15654: 10977:(36/38). Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: 315–331. 10341: 7630:
Las Casas, Las Casas on Columbus, Background and the 2nd and 4th Voyages, pg 130-134, 137-138, 147-149
353:; between 25 August and 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506) was an Italian explorer and navigator from the 16235: 16185: 16043: 15942: 15438: 15311: 15276: 15228: 15130: 14742: 14626: 14315: 14285: 14280: 13553: 12823: 12000: 5817:
American Colonies: The Settling of North America (The Penguin History of the United States, Volume 1)
5269: 4941: 2936: 2319: 2245: 2202: 2108: 1594: 1393: 1318:
for the year, or about the annual salary of a sailor. In May 1489, the queen sent him another 10,000
1237: 854: 801: 61: 14860: 10838: 10444: 7644:
or Slavery? The Spanish Crown's Choice of Labor Organization in Sixteenth-Century Spanish America".
4817: 3900: 3173: 3092: 2318:
give him his tenth of all the riches and trade goods yielded by the new lands, as stipulated in the
region of Spain or from Portugal. These competing hypotheses have been discounted by most scholars.
517:. These events and the effects which persist to the present are often cited as the beginning of the 16660: 16180: 16063: 16023: 15962: 15957: 15897: 15316: 15306: 15092: 14795: 14706: 14407: 14123: 13859: 13854: 13849: 13834: 11590: 11531: 10138: 9531:Álvarez-Cubero, M.J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, L.J.; Saiz, M.; Álvarez, J.C.; Lorente, J.A. (June 2010). 5597: 3891:
notes that this is the first recorded instance of sexuality between a European and Native American.
Osborne erroneously cited the bullet as evidence that the remains belonged to Columbus. (England's
3462: 3207: 3020:". Columbus continued to claim in his later writings that he had reached Asia; in a 1502 letter to 2629: 2605: 2475: 1859: 1739: 739: 16560: 15639: 14872: 14392: 12140: 11345: 9621: 7741:
Olson, Julius E. and Edward G. Bourne (editors). "The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985–1503", in
6347: 4676: 3145: 2727:
The voyages of Columbus are considered a turning point in human history, marking the beginning of
2576: 1990: 1279:
returned to Portugal with news of his successful rounding of the southern tip of Africa (near the
30:"Cristoforo Colombo" and "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" redirect here. For his direct descendant, see 16230: 16088: 15932: 15872: 15822: 15724: 15321: 15286: 15233: 14868: 14738: 14702: 14432: 14305: 14290: 14186: 14110: 14033: 13826: 13818: 13754: 13548: 11536: 11347:
Mythical Indies and Columbus's Apocalyptic Letter: Imagining the Americas in the Late Middle Ages
11199: 9697:Álvarez-Cubero, M.J.; Mtnez.-Gonzalez, L.J.; Saiz, M.; Álvarez, J.C.; Lorente, J.A. (June 2010). 9445: 8260: 7559: 5317: 4173: 3634:
Ferdinand later claimed credit for being "the principal cause why those islands were discovered."
3457: 3402:, that includes a depiction of Columbus. The painting was commissioned for a chapel in Seville's 2700:
chapel interior was dismantled and moved from Spain in 1909 and re-erected on the Boal estate at
was forming, so Columbus continued westward, hoping to find shelter on Hispaniola. He arrived at
918: 839: 708: 403: 197: 15423: 11857:"A Modest Proposal for a Moratorium on Grand Generalizations: Some Thoughts on the Black Legend" 10631: 10406:
Bartosik-Vélez, Elise (2014). "The Incorporation of Columbus into the Story of Western Empire".
Bartosik-Vélez, Elise (2014). "The Incorporation of Columbus into the Story of Western Empire".
9744:"Christopher Columbus and His Enterprise to the Indies: Scholarship of the Last Quarter Century" 3651: 3403: 2429: 1801: 16605: 16521: 16093: 16028: 15532: 15418: 15301: 15261: 14905: 14698: 14357: 14347: 13839: 11263: 9617: 7523: 5846: 3130: 3041: 2995: 2685: 2174: 2033: 1813: 1305: 1229: 1012: 922: 788:
was located at intervals. Beatriz, unmarried at the time, gave birth to Columbus's second son,
712: 442: 126: 81: 15664: 12719: 12165:
Constructing the Spanish Empire in Havana: State Slavery in Defense and Development, 1762–1835
11820: 11720: 10714: 10562: 10240: 9939: 9506: 9244: 9164: 8799: 8772: 8698: 8671: 8644: 8578: 8539: 8517:"Castilian Justice and Columbian Injustice. The end of the Columbian Government in Hispaniola" 8441: 8380:"National Association of Scholars – Remembering Columbus: Blinded by Politics by Robert Carle" 8165: 8009: 7975: 7484: 7457: 7199: 7174: 6760: 6754: 6626: 6620: 6317: 6259: 5788: 5681: 5654: 5135: 4713: 4639: 4558: 4312: 4205: 4025: 3924:
Lester, Paul M. (January 1993). "Looks are deceiving: The portraits of Christopher Columbus".
1933:. By the end of 1494, disease and famine had killed two-thirds of the Spanish settlers there. 1877: 15967: 15377: 15198: 15087: 15026: 14954: 14864: 14565: 14245: 13977: 12902: 12817: 12163: 11967: 11920: 11870: 11375: 11304: 11128: 10939: 10774: 10099: 10013: 9912: 9794: 9360: 8934: 8605: 8405: 8341: 8148: 8080: 8053: 7948: 7914: 7875: 7798: 7762: 7580: 7427: 7253: 7140: 7100: 6975: 6948: 6921: 6894: 6853: 6845: 6727: 6691: 6674: 6666: 6416: 6374: 6201: 6073: 6044: 5815: 5737: 5623: 5452: 5174: 4966: 4900: 4861: 4590: 4517: 4354: 4056: 3600:
Though the modern state of Italy had yet to be established, the Latin equivalent of the term
3386: 3154: 3126: 2955:
and their geographical distribution with narratives that often served to reinforce their own
2945: 2901: 2462:. In about 1536, the remains of both Columbus and his son Diego were moved to a cathedral in 2308: 2288: 2041: 1848: 1776: 1761: 1309: 438: 104: 67: 16501: 15902: 15689: 15649: 15608: 14582: 13498: 12570: 11781: 10912: 10814: 10312: 10188: 10037: 9217: 9166:
The Spanish Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia [2 volumes]: A Historical Encyclopedia
8991: 8886: 8221: 6923:
The Race to the New World: Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and a Lost History of Discovery
6867: 6829: 6231:) were legal cues indicating the goals of Spanish possession through occupancy and conquest. 5005: 4456:
Latin America, 1492–1942: A Guide to Historical and Cultural Development Before World War II
4427: 4410: 3999: 3407: 2865: 2197:
After a brief stop at Jamaica, Columbus sailed to Central America, arriving at the coast of
2129: 1545: 1184:
Christopher Columbus at the gates of the monastery of Santa María de la Rábida with his son
16600: 16595: 16476: 16145: 16108: 16098: 16038: 15937: 15917: 15812: 15443: 14320: 14310: 13992: 13987: 13744: 13690: 13581: 13398: 12944: 12866: 12813: 12463: 7077: 5357: 4950: 3690: 3677: 3290: 3266: 3220: 3189: 2650: 2037: 1536: 1378: 1330: 1326: 1294: 1131: 1024: 937: 615: 611: 591: 562: 277: 263: 16002: 15792: 15714: 9968: 6508:"Columbus's Plana landfall: Evidence for the Plana Cays as Columbus's 'San Salvador'" 3224: 3024:, he asserts that Cuba is the east coast of Asia. On the other hand, in a document in the 2749:
His explorations resulted in permanent contact between the two hemispheres, and the term "
2073: 1386: 1212: 8: 16545: 16301: 16286: 16170: 16150: 16103: 16083: 15887: 15882: 15827: 15797: 15563: 15188: 15145: 15102: 15031: 15000: 14771: 14750: 14716: 14622: 14592: 14523: 14367: 14340: 14240: 14152: 13705: 12849:"Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492" 12452:"Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492" 11371: 10967:"Discovering America Again: The Politics of Selfhood in the Age of Post-Colonial Empires" 9638: 9300: 9098: 6264:
Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: a Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia
5557:"Error calculation of the selected maps used in the Great Voyage of Christopher Columbus" 4356:
On the Other Shore: The Atlantic Worlds of Italians in South America During the Great War
The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That Illuminated the Renaissance
3702: 3694: 3673: 3550: 3542: 3122:
others claim that "he has been blamed for events far beyond his own reach or knowledge".
3050: 2969: 2932: 2745:. The landing of Columbus became a powerful icon of American genesis in the 19th century. 2704:, Pennsylvania. Inside it are numerous religious paintings and other objects including a 2689: 2677: 2669: 2665: 2515: 2503: 2436: 1772: 1272: 1020: 830: 735: 16291: 15992: 13739: 13585: 13440: 13429: 13309: 13193: 12948: 12870: 12658:
Caciques and Cemí idols: the web spun by Taíno rulers between Hispaniola and Puerto Rico
12467: 9610: 5361: 1468:
Between 1492 and 1504, Columbus completed four round-trip voyages between Spain and the
1334: 1290: 682:, Centurione, and Di Negro families of Genoa. Later, he made a trip to the Greek island 16306: 16296: 16271: 16225: 16190: 16048: 15757: 15634: 15507: 15005: 14985: 14645: 14533: 14260: 13946: 13626: 13605: 13245: 13133: 12960: 12790: 12759: 12515: 12247: 12218: 12111: 12051: 12020: 11981: 11934: 11884: 11619: 11599: 11472: 11031: 10986: 10692: 10609: 10293: 10285: 10080: 9771: 9190: 9145: 9046: 8864: 7669: 7661: 7283: 7234: 6950:
America Magica (2nd edition): When Renaissance Europe Thought It Had Conquered Paradise
6013: 5954: 5530: 5281: 5233: 5225: 4771: 4249: 3468: 3442: 3282: 3270: 2983: 2940: 2766: 2754: 2552: 2519: 2467: 2440: 2355: 2324: 2303: 2297: 1930: 1695:
On 13 January 1493, Columbus made his last stop of this voyage in the Americas, in the
First voyage (conjectural). Modern place names in black, Columbus's place names in blue
1485: 1424: 1374: 1264: 1135: 743: 514: 498: 415: 241: 15629: 15558: 11450:"Thief, Slave Trader, Murderer: Christopher Columbus and Caribbean Population Decline" 9389: 9285:
Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe's Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology
9070:(Press release). University of Maryland School of Medicine. 6 May 2005. Archived from 8976:
Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe's Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology
3393: 3343: 2956: 2502:
remains were considered legitimate by physician and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
The two earliest published copies of Columbus's letter on the first voyage aboard the
1570: 16486: 16428: 16261: 16033: 16007: 15997: 15987: 15922: 15877: 15807: 15787: 15762: 15709: 15684: 14949: 14476: 14417: 14372: 14231: 14147: 13982: 13972: 13813: 13709: 13642: 13597: 13534: 13504: 13480: 13459: 13416: 13406: 13384: 13354: 13344: 13315: 13294: 13266: 13256: 13231: 13210: 13178: 13168: 13137: 13125: 13088: 13049: 12908: 12827: 12795: 12729: 12666: 12620: 12580: 12549: 12542: 12519: 12419: 12390: 12359: 12330: 12252: 12169: 12135: 12115: 12024: 12001:"From Africa to the Ocean Sea: Atlantic slavery in the origins of the Spanish Empire" 11832: 11799: 11753: 11726: 11687: 11476: 11391: 11381: 11351: 11312: 11271: 11203: 11193: 11174: 11164: 11134: 11077: 11035: 11021: 10978: 10945: 10918: 10780: 10749: 10722: 10684: 10568: 10453: 10420: 10320: 10248: 10194: 10153: 10105: 10084: 10043: 9990: 9947: 9918: 9869: 9835: 9800: 9763: 9677: 9606: 9366: 9250: 9223: 9170: 9137: 9133: 9102: 9038: 8997: 8940: 8908: 8868: 8854: 8778: 8751: 8704: 8677: 8650: 8611: 8584: 8545: 8484: 8474: 8447: 8411: 8357: 8347: 8319: 8309: 8173: 8086: 8059: 8017: 7981: 7954: 7924: 7881: 7804: 7768: 7693: 7673: 7586: 7490: 7463: 7433: 7360: 7350: 7289: 7259: 7205: 7146: 7106: 6981: 6954: 6927: 6900: 6873: 6785: 6764: 6733: 6630: 6488: 6478: 6424: 6380: 6353: 6323: 6267: 6207: 6079: 6075:
Christopher Columbus and the Enterprise of the Indies: A Brief History with Documents
6052: 6005: 5946: 5877: 5850: 5821: 5794: 5743: 5716: 5689: 5660: 5629: 5568: 5556: 5534: 5522: 5482: 5462: 5424: 5388: 5237: 5166: 5141: 5114: 5087: 5060: 4972: 4908: 4867: 4796: 4763: 4719: 4682: 4645: 4598: 4566: 4525: 4460: 4433: 4389: 4375: 4360: 4318: 4211: 4137: 4110: 4064: 4031: 3978: 3977:(1st ed.). United States of America: Free Press/Simon and Schuster. p. 74. 3941: 3698: 3605: 3522: 3514: 3286: 3021: 2973: 2772: 2719:
celebrates the anniversary of Columbus's arrival in the Americas on 12 October 1492.
2693: 2634: 2617: 2491: 2459: 2423:. The remains in the casket are borne by kings of Castile, Leon, Aragon, and Navarre. 2420: 2133: 1753: 1749: 1649: 1586: 1362: 1280: 1173: 1081: 996: 966: 818: 789: 785: 671: 634: 599: 446: 362: 354: 184: 151: 14507: 12964: 12879: 12848: 12476: 12451: 11644: 9715: 9698: 9549: 9532: 9450:
brought the news to Liverpool in 1796 that while he had been at Havana, the Spanish
Kadir, Djelal (1992). "Chapter VII Making Ends Meet: The Dire Unction of Prophecy".
8308:. Richard Henry Major, Diego Alvarez Chanca. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7950:
The Peoples of the Caribbean: An Encyclopedia of Archaeology and Traditional Culture
Las Casas, Las Casas on Columbus, Background and the 2nd and 4th Voyages, pg 117-118
Las Casas, Las Casas on Columbus, Background and the 2nd and 4th Voyages, pg 118-130
2653:, which was put at the service of the emancipation of continental Hispanic America. 2224:
people in canoes who were wearing gold ornaments. In January 1503, he established a
781: 16118: 16113: 16078: 16058: 15817: 15694: 15593: 15497: 14959: 14799: 14137: 13718: 13653:
The Mysterious History of Columbus: An Exploration of the Man, the Myth, the Legacy
13589: 13117: 13020:, ed. Agustín Millares Carlo, 3 vols. (Mexico City, 1951), book 1, chapter 2, 1:29. 12952: 12930:"The Controversial Skill of Columbus as a Navigator: An Enduring Historical Enigma" 12874: 12785: 12777: 12612: 12507: 12471: 12242: 12232: 12223: 12103: 12012: 11971: 11924: 11874: 11791: 11464: 11413: 11154: 11058: 11013: 10941:
The White Man's Indian: Images of the American Indian, from Columbus to the Present
10676: 10356: 10297: 10277: 10072: 9980: 9938:
Stanford, Jack A.; Hauer, F. Richard; Gregory, Stanley V.; Snyder, Eric B. (2011).
9755: 9710: 9544: 9451: 9149: 9129: 9094: 9030: 8898: 8846: 7653: 7380:"This college donation is truly historic. And it's not just the artifacts involved" 7340: 6797: 5997: 5938: 5514: 5365: 5273: 5217: 4755: 3933: 3576: 3556: 3536: 3528: 3508: 3500: 3252: 3114: 3013: 2808: 2731:
and accompanying demographic, commercial, economic, social, and political changes.
2393: 2315: 2013: 1970: 1925:
Columbus then established a poorly located and short-lived settlement to the east,
1885: 1871: 1820: 1512: 1489: 1473: 1419: 1342: 1245: 876: 720: 652:
In one of his writings, he says he went to sea at 14. In 1470, the family moved to
603: 554: 494: 366: 318: 257: 174: 16496: 14528: 13780: 12016: 9163:
Tarver, H. Micheal; Slape, Emily (2016). Tarver, H. Micheal; Slape, Emily (eds.).
Cohen, Rhaina; Penman, Maggie; Boyle, Tara; Vedantam, Shankar (20 November 2017).
The Wife of Columbus: With Genealogical Tree of the Perestrello and Moniz Families
3937: 1696: 1377:
on the Iberian Peninsula, in January 1492. A council led by Isabella's confessor,
1190: 16561:
Law of coartación (which allowed slaves to buy their freedom, and that of others)
16311: 16251: 16165: 16073: 15947: 15927: 15892: 15674: 15644: 15583: 15193: 15183: 15079: 14964: 14856: 14813: 14573: 14481: 14352: 14167: 14142: 13474: 13453: 13378: 13367: 13288: 13225: 13204: 13172: 13072:"Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus (born about 1446, died 1506)" 12355: 12276: 12099: 12090: 11790:. Primary Sources & Original Works. Vol. 2. Haworth Press. p. 265. 11785: 11747: 11417: 11008:
Nuccetelli, Susana (31 October 2020). "Setting the Scene: The Iberian Conquest".
Art and Empire: The Politics of Ethnicity in the United States Capitol, 1815–1860
10281: 8286: 7318: 7040:"From Contact to Criollos: The Archaeology of Spanish Colonization in Hispaniola" 7031: 6449: 5163:
Iberian Asia: the strategies of Spanish and Portuguese empire building, 1540–1700
5108: 5081: 5054: 4104: 3727: 3432: 3257: 3004: 2909: 2673: 2657: 2545: 2001: 1809: 1550: 1276: 1241: 1123: 1016: 1015:
to the contrary, nearly all educated Westerners of Columbus's time knew that the
962: 834: 663: 630: 477: 410:, and was based in Lisbon for several years. He later took a Castilian mistress, 16220: 12493:"Elite Revisionists and Popular Beliefs: Christopher Columbus, Hero or Villain?" 11787:
Discovery in the Archives of Spain and Portugal: Quincentenary Essays, 1492–1992
11431: 10214: 8961:
The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Renewal: 1300–1500 a Biographical Dictionary
7035: 6585: 5178: 1915: 1369:
Columbus waited at King Ferdinand's camp until Ferdinand and Isabella conquered
579: 16155: 16068: 15952: 15704: 15527: 15512: 15413: 15387: 15372: 15253: 14848: 14842: 14746: 14513: 14427: 14377: 14255: 14209: 14162: 12898: 12237: 12107: 12085: 9985: 9658: 9085:
Hoenig, Leonard J. (1 February 1992). "The Arthritis of Christopher Columbus".
8217: 7800:
Columbus's Outpost Among the Taínos: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493–1498
7758: 6896:
Columbus's Outpost Among the Taínos: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498
Many Columbists ... have doubted that Columbus could ever have gone to Iceland.
4261: 3796:. Two tiny portions of dust from the same source were placed in separate vials. 3582: 3437: 3306: 3216: 3080: 2928: 2820: 2742: 2639: 2261: 2233: 2153:
on the Moroccan coast to rescue Portuguese soldiers said to be besieged by the
New light was shed on the seizure of Columbus and his brother Bartholomew, the
1852: 1677: 1632: 1623:
six of them from here to Your Highnesses in order that they may learn to speak.
on 6 September, for what turned out to be a five-week voyage across the ocean.
1452: 1185: 1155: 992: 987: 941: 926: 750: 679: 558: 546: 407: 236: 14660: 13420: 13203:
Columbus, Christopher; Toscanelli, Paolo (2010) . Markham, Clements R. (ed.).
12956: 11976: 11953: 11929: 11906: 11879: 11856: 11017: 8903: 8850: 8488: 7657: 5518: 5221: 2788:
sculpture, depicting Columbus and a cowering Indian maiden, stood outside the
2229: 1768: 1565: 1126:'s estimate that the longitudinal span of Eurasia was 225° at the latitude of 16584: 15719: 14569: 14486: 14295: 13967: 13662:
Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery
13601: 13530: 13358: 13129: 12847:
Koch, Alexander; Brierley, Chris; Maslin, Mark; Lewis, Simon (1 March 2019).
12773: 12760:"Health conditions before Columbus: paleopathology of native North Americans" 12450:
Koch, Alexander; Brierley, Chris; Maslin, Mark; Lewis, Simon (1 March 2019).
Fernandes, D.M.; Sirak, K.A.; Ringbauer, H.; et al. (23 December 2020).
11902: 11527: 11098:
The encounter between two worlds is a fact that cannot be denied... The word
10982: 10688: 10157: 9994: 9767: 9042: 8912: 8564:
Some scholars, including Sauer, say the fleet sailed 11 May; Cook says 9 May.
8361: 8323: 7349:. Winius, George D. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. p. 173. 6801: 6492: 6009: 5950: 5572: 5526: 5192: 5170: 4767: 4672: 3958: 3945: 3806: 3735: 3367: 3109: 3058: 2873: 2812: 2757:
of animals, plants, fungi, diseases, technologies, mineral wealth and ideas.
2750: 2728: 2646: 2609: 2593: 2169: 1836: 1708: 1497: 1066: 983: 979: 897: 888: 678:
In 1473, Columbus began his apprenticeship as business agent for the wealthy
610:, and owned a cheese stand at which young Christopher worked. His mother was 501:
over the privileges he and his heirs claimed were owed to them by the crown.
395: 13740:
Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
13552: 11954:"The White Legend Revisited: A Reply to Professor Hanke's 'Modest Proposal'" 11395: 11178: 9816:",... (2) the discovery of America, ... and (3) the Protestant Reformation. 9796:
The Rites of Assent: Transformations in the Symbolic Construction of America
William D. Phillips Jr., 'Columbus, Christopher', in David Buisseret (ed.),
4281: 3352: 2295:
monk Gaspar Gorricio, Columbus produced two books during his later years: a
16491: 16481: 16210: 15749: 15603: 15428: 14944: 14720: 14402: 14250: 13336: 12799: 12718:
Aufderheide, Arthur C.; Rodríguez-Martín, Conrado; Langsjoen, Odin (1998).
12382: 12256: 10496:. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. pp. 37, 89, 91, 94, 99, 100, 105. 10245:
The Textbook as Discourse: Sociocultural Dimensions of American Schoolbooks
America Discovers Columbus: How an Italian Explorer Became an American Hero
9743: 9141: 8468: 8226: 7384: 7364: 5458: 5420: 5369: 4835:"Os Perestrello: uma família de Piacenza no Império Português (século XVI)" 4273: 3888: 3823: 3113:
proposition that disease and not genocide caused these deaths as "American
as having a diameter of almost 7°. In 1498, while sailing west through the
2917: 2913: 2905: 2877: 2828: 2789: 2716: 2580: 2507: 2495: 2377: 2335:
The remains of Christopher Columbus preserved in the University Library of
2137: 2125: 2009: 1922:, Caonabo came and burned the fort and killed the rest of the men there. 1559: 1385:
to appeal to the queen. Isabella was finally convinced by the king's clerk
1224: 1034: 844: 795: 762: 15802: 13121: 12781: 11795: 11468: 11325: 10664: 9530: 9475: 9106: 8993:
A Violent Evangelism: The Political and Religious Conquest of the Americas
8750:(in Spanish). Comité Nacional del Centenario de la República. p. 86. 8303: 6472: 4289: 4285: 4172:
Preste, Alfredo; Alessandro Torti; Remo Viazzi (1997). "Casa di Colombo".
3236: 2734: 2656:
To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the landing of Columbus, the 1893
2540: 940:
that sailing west across the Atlantic would be a quicker way to reach the
Columbus's early life is obscure, but scholars believe he was born in the
394:, he went to sea at a young age and travelled widely, as far north as the 15392: 15218: 14787: 14665: 14157: 13638: 13494: 13260: 12511: 12415:"The new book 'The Other Slavery' will make you rethink American history" 11852: 11229: 11062: 10360: 9308:
Boletín de la Real Academia Sevillana de Buenas Letras: Minervae Baeticae
9288:. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. pp. 193–194. 5790:
The World Map, 1300–1492: The Persistence of Tradition and Transformation
3298: 2978: 2961: 2834:
From the 1990s onward, a narrative of Columbus being responsible for the
2601: 2413: 2280: 2182:, the fragile ship carrying Columbus's personal belongings and his 4,000 2121: 2113: 2077: 1863: 1805: 1787: 1673: 1208: 1164: 1103: 1058: 957: 754: 724: 619: 450: 430: 426: 422: 15382: 13630: 11603: 11585: 10990: 10966: 10613: 10289: 10076: 9696: 7344: 7238: 5080:
Echevarría, Roberto Gonzalez; Pupo-Walker, Enrique (13 September 1996).
2801:. His landing became a powerful icon as an "image of American genesis". 2272: 1981: 1964: 1527: 707:
Centuriones sent Columbus on a sugar-buying trip to Madeira. He married
16256: 14990: 14270: 13609: 13569: 12819:
The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America
12616: 11985: 11938: 11888: 11160:
The Conquest of Paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy
10901:. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 915. 10443:
Paul, Heike (2014). "Christopher Columbus and the Myth of Discovery'".
9775: 9050: 9018: 7665: 7201:
The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America, 1492–1493
The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America, 1492–1493
6017: 5985: 5958: 5926: 5408: 5229: 4775: 4743: 4641:
Erikson, Eskimos & Columbus: Medieval European Knowledge of America
4252:; Peck, H. T.; Colby, F. M., eds. (1905). "Columbus, Diego (brother)". 3771: 3748: 3710: 3669: 3622: 3084: 3065: 2709: 2479: 2397: 2292: 2241: 2210: 2161: 2084: 2053: 1946: 1926: 1903: 1840: 1832: 1681: 1660: 1476:. On his first voyage he reached the Americas, initiating the European 1382: 1216: 1107: 1038: 970: 826: 730: 687: 518: 462: 458: 170: 10696: 7743:
The Voyages of the Northmen; The Voyages of Columbus and of John Cabot
The European Discovery of America: The Southern Voyages A.D. 1492–1616
5285: 4415:. National Park Service, Spanish Colonial Research Center. p. ix. 776:
in 1485, where he took a mistress in 1487, a 20-year-old orphan named
15223: 14980: 14880: 14655: 14557: 14491: 13760:
The Letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel Announcing His Discovery
13759: 11586:"Once upon a Genocide: Christopher Columbus in Children's Literature" 11560:"Dozens of Christopher Columbus statues have been removed since June" 11284: 10243:. In Provenzo, Eugene F. Jr.; Shaver, Annis N; Bello, Manuel (eds.). 8470:
Conquistadores : a new history of Spanish discovery and conquest
7845:"An American Secret: The Untold Story Of Native American Enslavement" 6183: 6181: 6179: 4840: 4106:
Cross-Border Labor Mobility: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
3714: 3618: 3260:
writes that "It was as if the suffering these diseases had caused in
population of Hispaniola ranged between 250,000 and two million, but
3185: 3162: 3118: 3054: 2965: 2896: 2840: 2705: 2701: 2625: 2450:
Columbus's remains were first buried at the Chapel of Wonders at the
2363: 2359: 2347: 2232:. Columbus left for Hispaniola on 16 April. On 10 May he sighted the 2220:
As soon as his ships anchored in Almirante Bay, Columbus encountered
2206: 2165: 1880:, early on 19 November. Upon landing, Columbus christened the island 1606: 1516: 1460: 1314: 1099: 1074: 1070: 910: 902: 784:, a gathering place for Genoese merchants and where the court of the 753:
was born. Between 1482 and 1485, Columbus traded along the coasts of
510: 506: 469:. Columbus returned to Castile in early 1493, with captured natives. 454: 13593: 13281:
The Columbian Voyages: the Columbian Exchange, and their Historians.
The Columbus Myth: Did Men of Bristol Reach America Before Columbus?
12717: 11126: 10009:"Bird's-Eye View of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893" 10008: 9759: 9034: 8516: 8346:. Christopher Columbus. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co. p. 186. 6786:"Mobility and Disdain: Columbus and Cannibals in the Land of Cotton" 6001: 5942: 5345: 4759: 4409:
Sánchez, Joseph P.; Gurulé, Jerry L.; Broughton, William H. (1990).
15397: 14275: 13879: 13764: 13727: 13619:
Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia
Mutiny and Its Bounty: Leadership Lessons from the Age of Discovery
12862: 10680: 9421:"Study of Christopher Columbus' DNA set to reveal his true origins" 8979:. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. p. 67. 8730:(in Spanish). Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana. p. 20. 6600: 6507: 5277: 4863:
The Atlantic Connection: A History of the Atlantic World, 1450–1900
4834: 4269: 3810: 3278: 3088: 3069: 2892: 2779: 2621: 2372: 2225: 2198: 2065: 1997: 1824: 1757: 1700: 1645: 1508: 1469: 1358: 1150:, which he thought might lie not much farther to the west than the 1147: 1139: 1095: 1062: 716: 550: 481: 476:
Columbus made three further voyages to the Americas, exploring the
13723: 13023: 10039:
The World's Columbian Exposition: The Chicago World's Fair of 1893
8624: 6176: 5019: 5017: 4086: 4084: 2604:
with fewer ties to Britain. His name was the basis for the female
2514:(in the Colonial City of Santo Domingo) before being moved to the 2510:
as a part of its opening ceremony. These remains were kept at the
2346:. In subsequent years, he was plagued with what was thought to be 2221: 1867: 1796: 1636: 1553:, and under Columbus's direct command. The other two were smaller 1113:
Third, most scholars of the time accepted Ptolemy's estimate that
530: 16555: 16526: 15036: 15021: 14178: 13527:
The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by His Son Ferdinand
6584:. British Virgin Islands: The Columbus Foundation. Archived from 6477:(1st ed.). New York: Random House. pp. 143–44, 186–87. 6296:
Cuadernos Monográficos del Instituto de Historia y Cultural Naval
Hamdani, Abbas (1979). "Columbus and the Recovery of Jerusalem".
The Tragedy of Human Development: A Genealogy of Capital as Power
4336: 4334: 4171: 3706: 3659:('unknown land'), noting that it had been discovered by Columbus. 3261: 3076: 2921: 2589: 2389: 2069: 2049: 2021: 2005: 1941:
on Hispaniola until they surrendered and agreed to pay tribute.
1919: 1844: 1669: 1554: 1540: 1401: 1370: 1244:
of the mid-Atlantic, he risked being becalmed and running into a
1114: 814: 703: 691: 573:
Further information on Columbus's birthplace and background:
534: 533:
people, caused by Old World diseases and mistreatment, including
391: 12387:
The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions
9263: 9119: 8186: 6322:(in Spanish). Editorial CSIC – CSIC Press. p. 175, note 4. 5555:
Khairunnahar; Mahmud, Khandakar Hasan; Islam, Md Ariful (2017).
3032:('West Indies'), which he says "were unknown to all the world". 1858:
On 17 November, Columbus first sighted the eastern coast of the
prisoners were released, and Columbus again set sail for Spain.
15492: 15046: 15041: 14818: 12986: 11130:
North America: The Historical Geography of a Changing Continent
10342:"The Columbian Exchange: A History of Disease, Food, and Ideas" 8407:
Conquistadores: A New History of Spanish Discovery and Conquest
Conquistadores: A New History of Spanish Discovery and Conquest
A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective
5768: 5014: 4985: 4968:
Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern World History, 1453–Present
4081: 3860: 3731: 3668:
This map is based on the premise that Columbus first landed at
3096: 3017: 2715:
In many countries of the Americas, as well as Spain and Italy,
2471: 2214: 2150: 2017: 1731: 1640: 1298: 1151: 1127: 1050: 758: 695: 657: 653: 623: 607: 433:, and Columbus's persistent lobbying in multiple kingdoms, the 13639:
The tropics of empire: Why Columbus sailed south to the Indies
A History of the Life and Actions of Adm. Christopher Columbus
Mary, Mother and Warrior: The Virgin in Spain and the Americas
10118: 9592: 9590: 9068:"Christopher Columbus Suffered From a Fatal Form of Arthritis" 7560:
Teeth Of Columbus's Crew Flesh Out Tale Of New World Discovery
7311:"Early Modern Spain: Introduction to the Letters from America" 6154:"Exploring The Alhambra Palace And Fortress In Granada, Spain" 5873:
The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies
Before Galileo: The Birth of Modern Science in Medieval Europe
4538: 4497: 4331: 4224: 1760:
and the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. They were replaced by the
delivered in 1493, purported to grant overseas territories to
1045: 16533: 14807: 14471: 13206:
The Journal of Christopher Columbus (During His First Voyage)
11831:] (in Spanish). Marcial Pons Historia. pp. 111–118. 11195:
Not So!: Popular Myths about America from Columbus to Clinton
The Art of Ill Will: The Story of American Political Cartoons
9723: 9246:
Psoriatic and Reactive Arthritis: A Companion to Rheumatology
7826: 7824: 7822: 7820: 6319:
Don Diego Colón, almirante, virrey y gobernador de las Indias
4265: 3751:
at the end of his second voyage before sailing back to Spain.
3281:, which may have caused a pandemic only after the arrival of 3046: 2776:
to underline who was considered "civilized" and who was not.
2336: 2186:
in gold was the sole vessel to reach Spain. The gold was his
2154: 1938: 1911: 1685: 1627:
Columbus called the inhabitants of the lands that he visited
1407: 1169: 953: 949: 945: 914: 906: 810: 766: 683: 587: 466: 399: 147: 13755:
Excerpts from the log of Christopher Columbus's first voyage
Fenner F, Henderson DA, Arita I, Ježek Z, Ladnyi ID (1988).
10805:"Why Do We Celebrate Columbus Day and Not Leif Erikson Day?" 8820: 8801:
Archeological Notes on Almirante Bay, Bocas Del Toro, Panama
8473:(1 ed.). New York, New York: Penguin Publishing Group. 8150:
Christopher Columbus: Controversial Explorer of the Americas
6994: 1771:
were donated in 2017 by the Jay I. Kislak Foundation to the
By about 1484, Columbus proposed his planned voyage to King
805:, with his handwritten notes in Latin written in the margins 14876: 14791: 12548:. New York City: Little Brown & Co (T); First edition. 12272:"Ancient DNA shines light on Caribbean history, prehistory" 12088:(January 1992). "Columbus: the bones and blood of racism". 11309:
European Images of the Americas and the Classical Tradition
gives prominence to the heroes of the enterprise; the word
11078:"Five hundred years from now | From Discovery to Encounter" 9587: 9216:
Scott, Ian C.; Galloway, James B.; Scott, David L. (2015).
8222:"Lost document reveals Columbus as tyrant of the Caribbean" 8198: 8128: 7404: 5625:
Overcoming Ptolemy: The Revelation of an Asian World Region
Landing of Columbus at the Island of Guanahaní, West Indies
2343: 1251: 1232:, who had served as a captain in the Portuguese navy under 892: 342: 324: 14769: 13227:
First Voyage to America: From the log of the "Santa Maria"
Columbus, Christopher (1847). Major, Richard Henry (ed.).
Schuman, H.; Schwartz, B.; D'Arcy, H. (28 February 2005).
10717:. In Jayasuriya, Shihan de S.; Pankhurst, Richard (eds.). 9937: 7817: 7723: 7503: 7011: 7009: 6622:
Paradise Found: Nature in America at the Time of Discovery
6545: 6543: 6398: 6396: 5110:
The English Renaissance, Orientalism, and the Idea of Asia
4822:. New York City: Stettinger, Lambert & Co. p. 32. 4402: 2819:. In 1836, Pennsylvania senator and future U.S. President 1286: 1053:
mapmaking workshop of Bartholomew and Christopher Columbus
13748: 13144: 12998: 12907:. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. p. xii. 12602:"The History of Smallpox and its Spread Around the World" 12599: 12490: 10600:
Connell, William J. (2013). "Who's Afraid of Columbus?".
7745:. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906), pp. 369–383. 6716:, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, online edition 2012). 5965: 5292: 5036: 5034: 5032: 3617:
In an account of his fourth voyage, Columbus wrote that "
2486: 2097:
The fall of Christopher Colón: the judgement of Bobadilla
333: 13442:
Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
Archaeology at La Isabela: America's First European Town
Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and modern historians
11244: 10317:
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Latin American Culture
9342: 9340: 8808: 8703:(in Spanish). Editorial CSIC – CSIC Press. p. 201. 8505:, vol.4, p. 254. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1996. 8424: 8336: 8241: 8099: 8030: 7842: 7767:. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. p. 69. 7429:
Archaeology at La Isabela: America's First European Town
6940: 6560: 6558: 6024: 3243:
Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas
3095:, with the 'stalk' portion (comparing this to a woman's 2616:, in use since the 1730s with reference to the original 2205:. He spent two months exploring the coasts of Honduras, 2076:
was to replace Bobadilla and be the new governor of the
On the evening of 3 August 1492, Columbus departed from
in 1453, the Silk Road was closed to Christian traders.
901:, Europeans had long enjoyed a safe land passage on the 780:. It is likely that Beatriz met Columbus when he was in 13767:(overview of monuments for Columbus all over the world) 13473:
Phillips, William D. Jr.; Phillips, Carla Rahn (1992).
12846: 12449: 12301: 12299: 12216: 11907:"The Black Legend Revisited: Assumptions and Realities" 11663: 10473: 9565:"Countdown begins to discover where Columbus came from" 9236: 7894: 7138: 7006: 6697: 6643: 6540: 6393: 6289:"Cristóbal Colón en presencia de la muerte (1505–1506)" 6253: 6251: 6121: 5554: 4744:"Columbus and the North: England, Iceland, and Ireland" 4667: 4665: 3428:
List of monuments and memorials to Christopher Columbus
Around the turn of the 21st century, estimates for the
List of monuments and memorials to Christopher Columbus
1812:, a cartographer who is credited with making the first 1134:, have suggested that he followed the statement in the 982:
and other commentators have argued that Columbus was a
A Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World
Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492–1650
12066: 11700: 11443: 11441: 11429: 10581: 10564:
Red, White, and Blue Letter Days: An American Calendar
10542: 9894:"The Invention of Christopher Columbus, American Hero" 9701:[New applications in genetic identification]. 9535:[New applications in genetic identification]. 8607:
Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492–1650
Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492–1650
The Great Explorers: The European Discovery of America
7145:. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. p. 33. 6236: 5906: 5894: 5653:
Zacher, Christian K. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.).
5029: 4408: 4295: 4161:] (in Italian). Genoa: Sagep Editrice. p. 14. 3809:, a subsequent infamous explorer, took the ball of an 2850: 1839:. Other islands named by Columbus on this voyage were 1631:(Spanish for "Indians"). He initially encountered the 602:
between 25 August and 31 October 1451. His father was
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, northernmost France
The fall of Christopher Columbus: the Bobadilla trial
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura
9337: 9325: 9243:
Ritchlin, Christopher T.; FitzGerald, Oliver (2007).
Stirling, Matthew Williams; Stirling, Marion (1964).
8791: 7574: 7572: 7421: 7419: 7026: 7024: 6967: 6555: 6515:
DIO – the International Journal of Scientific History
Ferdinand Columbus: Renaissance Collector (1488–1539)
5079: 4782: 4485: 4386:
Vocabulary of Ligurian Speech: Specialized Vocabulary
2506:, who suggested in 1913 that they travel through the 2145:
On 9 May 1502, Columbus left Cádiz with his flagship
to buy new clothes and instructions to return to the
1219:" that blow eastward to the coast of Western Europe. 345: 321: 12296: 11380:(1st ed.). New York: W. W. Norton. p. 52. 10914:
Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest: Updated Edition
10267: 9848: 9524: 7803:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. p. 62. 7172: 6366: 6248: 6036: 4662: 4017: 2474:, Cuba. After Cuba became independent following the 1261:
Columbus offers his services to the King of Portugal
457:. He then visited the islands now known as Cuba and 359:
four Spanish-based voyages across the Atlantic Ocean
339: 330: 13810: 13570:"Columbus and Iceland: New Light on an Old Problem" 13434:. Vol. 1. New York: Little, Brown and Company. 11825:
La caída de Cristóbal Colón: el juicio de Bobadilla
11438: 11088:(5, Rediscovering 1492). UNESCO Digital Library: 45 11069: 10399: 10187:Bedini, Silvio A. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.). 9942:. In Benke, Arthur C.; Cushing, Colbert E. (eds.). 9887: 9885: 8973:Kadir, Djelal (1992). "IV: Charting the Conquest". 8771:Bedini, Silvio A. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.). 8670:Bedini, Silvio A. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.). 8541:
La caída de Cristóbal Colón: el juicio de Bobadilla
8111: 7489:. Oxford University Press. pp. 440, 448, 449. 7456:Bedini, Silvio A. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.). 6947:Magasich-Airola, Jorge; Beer, Jean-Marc de (2007). 6946: 6133: 6096: 5756: 4958: 4880: 4644:. Johns Hopkins University Press+ORM. p. 247. 4582: 4426:Bedini, Silvio A. (2016). Bedini, Silvio A. (ed.). 3488:
There are no known authentic portraits of Columbus.
monuments of Christopher Columbus have been removed
La caída de Cristóbal Colón: el juicio de Bobadilla
1808:and Florida; the father of Bartolomé de las Casas; 1348: 336: 327: 13202: 12721:The Cambridge encyclopedia of human paleopathology 12541: 12203:Keegan, William F., "Destruction of the Taino" in 12182: 11712: 11620:"Examining the reputation of Christopher Columbus" 10310: 9242: 9215: 9209: 9113: 8636: 8544:(in Spanish). Marcial Pons Historia. p. 175. 8531: 8503:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 8433: 7569: 7416: 7021: 6849: 6670: 6262:. In Kaufman, Will; Francis, John Michael (eds.). 6065: 5412: 5083:The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature 1989:On 30 May 1498, Columbus left with six ships from 1699:in northeast Hispaniola. There he encountered the 734:Portrait of Christopher Columbus preserved in the 12904:American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World 11719:Deagan, Kathleen A.; Cruxent, José María (2002). 11645:"Pre-Columbian Hispaniola – Arawak/Taino Indians" 11434:(Report) (4th ed.). United States Air Force. 10529:. University of Nebraska Press. 2000. p. 96. 10241:"Representation of Columbus in History Textbboks" 10101:A History of America in Thirty-six Postage Stamps 10029: 9362:Seville, Cordoba, and Granada: A Cultural History 9298: 9269: 8118:Morison, Samuel Eliot; Obregón, Mauricio (1964). 8047: 8045: 7977:The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus 7873: 7797:Deagan, Kathleen A.; Cruxent, José María (2008). 7764:American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World 7451: 7449: 7426:Deagan, Kathleen A.; Cruxent, José María (2008). 7278: 7191: 6625:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp.  6470: 6118:vol. vi, "The Reformation". Chapter XIII, p. 260. 5346:"An astrolabe from Passa Pau, Cape Verde Islands" 4816:Freitas, Antonio Maria de; Maney, Regina (1893). 4788: 4023: 3760:The tribute system had all but collapsed by 1497. 2267: 1464:The voyages of Christopher Columbus (conjectural) 921:, which were sources of valuable goods. With the 32:Cristóbal Colón de Carvajal, 18th Duke of Veragua 16582: 13563:. Vol. 6 (11th ed.). pp. 741–746. 13472: 13283:Washington, DC: American Historical Association. 13029: 12891: 12219:"A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean" 11377:Death By Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries 10515:: 95–97. November 1844 – via Google Books. 10509:The United States Magazine and Democratic Review 10232: 9882: 9699:"Nuevas aplicaciones en identificación genética" 9533:"Nuevas aplicaciones en identificación genética" 9473: 9384: 9382: 9191:"Esclarecen causas de muerte de Cristóbal Colón" 9183: 9156: 8983: 8880: 8878: 8797: 8583:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 121–122. 8397: 8192: 7942: 7940: 7836: 7753: 7751: 7225:Catz, Rebecca (1990). "Columbus in the Azores". 7070: 6973: 6732:. University of Oklahoma Press. pp. 67–69. 6606: 6419:. In Horodowich, Elizabeth; Markey, Lia (eds.). 6257: 6187: 6042: 5774: 5591: 5589: 5481:"Marco Polo et le Livre des Merveilles", p. 37. 5304: 5023: 4991: 4826: 4809: 4681:. Council on National Literatures. p. 140. 4671: 4633: 4631: 4544: 4503: 4340: 4230: 4152: 4090: 3172:, worth of gold dust every six months (based on 3028:(1502), Columbus refers to the New World as the 2016:, reaching the latter on 14 August, and sighted 2004:in what is now Venezuela, near the mouth of the 513:that followed his first voyage are known as the 15068: 12694:"Deadly Diseases: Epidemics throughout history" 12389:. London, England: Windmill Books. p. 70. 12352:1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created 11337: 11127:Thomas F. McIlwraith; Edward K. Muller (2001). 11001: 9834:. University Press of New England. p. 41. 9786: 7346:Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415–1580 7092: 6408: 6372: 6341: 6339: 5641:or Cape Verde) to a location in the "Far East." 4964: 4593:. In Ureland, P. Sture; Clarkson, Iain (eds.). 4379: 4248: 4134:Colonial Spanish America: A Documentary History 2920:'s subsequent exploration of a place he called 2314:In his later years, Columbus demanded that the 1730:Another storm forced Columbus into the port at 1488:. His role in history is thus important to the 629:His native language is presumed to have been a 145:between 25 August and 31 October 1451 11447: 11307:. In Haase, Wolfgang; Meyer, Reinhold (eds.). 11305:"Classical Geography and Discovery of America" 11075: 10931: 10776:Norse Greenland: Viking Peasants in the Arctic 10766: 10567:. Cornell University Press. pp. 119–120. 10405: 10304: 10180: 9966: 9854: 8764: 8717: 8663: 8212: 8210: 8168:. In Haase, Wolfgang; Meyer, Reinhold (eds.). 8117: 8072: 8055:Terra Cognita: The Mental Discovery of America 8042: 7689:Spain and Portugal in the New World, 1492–1700 7585:. University of New Mexico Press. p. 62. 7521: 7446: 7377: 6859: 6746: 6719: 6421:The New World in Early Modern Italy, 1492–1750 6071: 4707: 4705: 4703: 4701: 3747:Omitted from this image, Columbus returned to 3358:Close-up for Fernández's depiction of Columbus 1823:; the first island they encountered was named 1515:—who received credit for recognizing it as a " 1361:, where Columbus received permission from the 1304:Columbus sought an audience with the monarchs 1006: 365:, opening the way for the widespread European 14713:, a northernmost portion of Brazilian Amazon) 14194: 13796: 13479:. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 13383:. Lexicon, KY: University Press of Kentucky. 13343:(1st ed.). New York: Henry Holt and Co. 13101: 12757: 12155: 12045:Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo (8 October 2000). 11818: 11718: 10735: 10438: 10436: 9379: 9275: 8875: 8572: 8570: 8537: 8003: 8001: 7999: 7997: 7937: 7877:Amerigo: The Man Who Gave His Name to America 7796: 7748: 7578: 7425: 7285:Amerigo: The Man Who Gave His Name to America 7204:. University of Oklahoma Press. p. 341. 7030: 6612: 6474:Amerigo: The Man Who Gave His Name to America 6286: 5977: 5586: 5350:International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 4628: 4518:"Navigation and Ships in the Age of Columbus" 4459:. Scarecrow Reprint Corporation. p. 71. 3642: 3640: 3570: 3564: 2990: 2908:, partially corroborates accounts within the 2532:List of places named for Christopher Columbus 2040:, a patron of Columbus and a close friend of 14388:Independence of Spanish continental Americas 13905:Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact theories 13771:"But for Columbus There Would Be No America" 13293:. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. 11296: 11010:An Introduction to Latin American Philosophy 10958: 10904: 10706: 10539:Congressional Globe, 28 April 1836, p. 1316. 10056: 10035: 9821: 9365:. Oxford University Press, USA. p. 73. 9122:The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 8990:Rivera, Luis N.; Pagán, Luis Rivera (1992). 8842:The Ocean Reader: History, Culture, Politics 8649:. University of Toronto Press. p. 185. 8446:. University of Toronto Press. p. 179. 7432:. Yale University Press. p. xxxix (5). 7064: 6336: 6193: 5628:. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 77–78. 5385:The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe 5310: 5185: 4833:Alessandrini, Nunziatella (1 January 2012). 4832: 4815: 4550: 4048: 3961:Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 2857:Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact theories 2645:Columbus's name was given to the newly born 2620:, and also a historical name applied to the 2368:The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2102: 1782: 1663:, where he landed on 6 December. There, the 16646:Spanish exploration in the Age of Discovery 13065: 13035: 12758:Martin, Debra L.; Goodman, Alan H. (2002). 11617: 11350:. Liverpool University Press. p. 293. 10665:"Moral Reflections on the Columbian Legacy" 10656: 10554: 10238: 10042:. University of Illinois Press. p. 7. 9633: 9631: 9412: 9219:Inflammatory Arthritis in Clinical Practice 9162: 8989: 8832: 8597: 8207: 8157: 7980:. Princeton University Press. p. 158. 7867: 7476: 7198:Dunn, Oliver; Kelley, James E. Jr. (1989). 7179:. London: Hakluyt Society. pp. 159–160 7105:. University of Toronto Press. p. 96. 6980:. University of Alabama Press. p. 55. 6913: 6886: 6777: 6726:Dunn, Oliver; Kelley, James E. Jr. (1989). 6373:Specht, Joshua; Stockland, Etienne (2017). 6309: 5702: 5491: 5106: 4965:Davidann, Jon; Gilbert, Marc Jason (2019). 4892: 4853: 4718:. Duke University Press. pp. 226–227. 4698: 4524:. Mercer University Press. pp. 90–91. 4346: 4243: 4197: 4186:(in Italian). Genova: Grafiche Frassicomo. 3991: 3849:Monument to Isabella the Catholic (Granada) 3662: 2708:with fragments of wood supposedly from the 1976: 1795:On 24 September 1493, Columbus sailed from 1522: 1202: 1019:, a concept that had been understood since 385: 14201: 14187: 13803: 13789: 13451: 12377: 12375: 12210: 12199: 12197: 11819:Varela, Consuelo; Aguirre, Isabel (2006). 11448:Tinker, George E.; Freeland, Mark (2008). 11343: 11007: 10433: 10313:"Pre-Columbian and colonial Latin America" 10136: 10124: 9967:Zeuske, Michael; Otálvaro, Andrés (2017). 9931: 9904: 9792: 9010: 8996:. Westminster John Knox Press. p. 5. 8966: 8926: 8737: 8690: 8642: 8610:. Cambridge University Press. p. 46. 8567: 8538:Varela, Consuelo; Aguirre, Isabel (2006). 8501:Noble, David Cook. "Nicolás de Ovando" in 8439: 8153:. Cavendish Square Publishing. p. 78. 8058:. Transaction Publishers. pp. 90–91. 7994: 7967: 7906: 7880:. New York: Random House. pp. 54–55. 7245: 7197: 7098: 7000: 6725: 6423:. Cambridge University Press. p. 23. 6414: 6206:. Cambridge University Press. p. 53. 6072:Symcox, Geoffrey; Sullivan, Blair (2016). 5918: 5845:(2nd ed.). Lexington, Massachusetts: 5807: 5646: 5548: 5444: 5298: 5205:Comparative Studies in Society and History 5086:. Cambridge University Press. p. 63. 5040: 4611: 4446: 4419: 4102: 3966: 3637: 2512:Basilica Cathedral of Santa María la Menor 1337:, where the Spanish crown sent him 20,000 1196: 1049:"Columbus map", drawn c. 1490 in the 1033:First, as far back as the 3rd century BC, 757:, reaching the Portuguese trading post of 493:Columbus's strained relationship with the 60: 27:Italian navigator and explorer (1451–1506) 16507:Colonial universities in Hispanic America 13452:Murphy, Patrick J.; Coye, Ray W. (2013). 13255: 13087:. University of Texas Press. p. 46. 12878: 12789: 12562: 12475: 12246: 12236: 11975: 11928: 11878: 11042: 10937: 10772: 10485: 10340:Nunn, Nathan; Qian, Nancy (Spring 2010), 10319:. Cambridge University Press. p. 9. 10091: 9984: 9735: 9714: 9690: 9548: 9476:"DNA verifies Columbus' remains in Spain" 9352: 9249:. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 132. 8902: 8885:Vigneras, Louis André (1 November 1978). 8723: 8508: 8466: 8403: 8078: 8051: 8016:. U of Nebraska Press. pp. 180–181. 7692:. University of Minnesota Press. p. 164. 7218: 7129:(Camden, International Marine, 1987) 173. 6865: 6714:The Oxford Companion to World Exploration 6505: 6258:González Sánchez, Carlos Alberto (2006). 5863: 5780: 5729: 5673: 5598:"Columbus's Geographical Miscalculations" 5595: 5337: 5007:The Christian Century in Japan, 1549–1650 4997: 4946:"Columbus' Confusion About the New World" 4795:. 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A 2128:granted to Christopher Columbus and the 2120: 2112: 1980: 1890: 1786: 1526: 1459: 1451: 1352: 1285: 1255: 1252:Quest for financial support for a voyage 1178: 1044: 875: 794: 729: 662: 606:, a wool weaver who worked in Genoa and 578: 15503:Free Company of Volunteers of Catalonia 13567: 13547: 13500:A People's History of the United States 13397: 13335: 13150: 13004: 12992: 12539: 12372: 12305: 12270:Dutchen, Stephanie (23 December 2020). 12269: 12194: 12128: 12072: 11999:Soule, Emily Berquist (23 April 2017). 11812: 11739: 11706: 11669: 11583: 11503:"Five myths about Christopher Columbus" 11302: 11262: 10964: 10910: 10885: 10839:"History – Leif Erikson (11th century)" 10745:Testimonies from the Columbian Lawsuits 10712: 10599: 10587: 10375:"Columbus and the Labyrinth of History" 10372: 10062: 9891: 9827: 9729: 9605: 9507:"Young bones lay Columbus myth to rest" 9469: 9467: 9465: 9078: 9062: 9060: 8939:. 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New York: Dodd, Mead. 4061:The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia 3997: 3575: 3549: 3535: 3507: 3448:Columbus's letter on the first voyage 3075:In 1492, Columbus correctly measured 3057:in homage to Christopher Columbus in 3035: 2287:Columbus had always claimed that the 1902:On 22 November, Columbus returned to 1746:Columbus's letter on the first voyage 1718:, but a storm separated him from the 1505:Columbus's letter on the first voyage 1472:, each voyage being sponsored by the 1325:Columbus also dispatched his brother 1154:, and the distance westward from the 698:, Ireland, where he may have visited 453:, known by its native inhabitants as 449:. His landing place was an island in 36:Christopher Columbus (disambiguation) 16696:Explorers from the Republic of Genoa 14784:Captaincy General of the Philippines 14276:New Laws in favour of the indigenous 13493: 13082: 12927: 12568: 12349: 12188: 11951: 11901: 11752:. 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Some historians, such as 1007:Geographical considerations 715:, a Portuguese nobleman of 553:, the Canadian province of 529:of Hispaniola's indigenous 10: 16722: 15783:Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar 15768:Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada 15670:Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca 14832: 14568:), Western United States ( 14461: 14331:Portuguese Restoration War 13773:, Tiziano Thomas Dossena, 13568:Ruddock, Alwyn A. (1970). 13160: 12854:Quaternary Science Reviews 12726:Cambridge University Press 12661:(. ed.). Tuscaloosa: 12577:Cambridge University Press 12569:Cook, Noble David (1998). 12456:Quaternary Science Reviews 12327:Greenwood Publishing Group 12238:10.1038/s41586-020-03053-2 12108:10.1177/030639689203300303 11270:. New York City: Praeger. 10965:Coronil, Fernando (1989). 10773:Nedkvitne, Arnved (2018). 10247:. 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According to historian 802:The Travels of Marco Polo 778:Beatriz Enríquez de Arana 719:origin, who had been the 412:Beatriz Enríquez de Arana 306: 294: 284: 273: 250: 229: 224:Beatriz Enríquez de Arana 219: 191: 180: 157: 141: 136: 132: 120: 110: 98: 87: 79: 75: 59: 49: 16492:Quito painting tradition 16482:Cusco painting tradition 15843:García López de Cárdenas 15833:Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera 15740:Felipe González de Ahedo 15660:Pedro Menéndez de Avilés 14237:Conquest of the Americas 14101:North American timelines 13765:Columbus Monuments Pages 13574:The Geographical Journal 13549:Beazley, Charles Raymond 13328:Fuson, Robert H. (1992) 13016:Bartolomé de Las Casas, 12748:Crosby (1972) pp. 39, 47 12655:Oliver, José R. (2009). 12500:Public Opinion Quarterly 11303:Randles, W.G.L. (2011). 11192:Boller, Paul F. (1995). 10561:Dennis, Matthew (2018). 9359:Nash, Elizabeth (2005). 8338:Felipe Fernández-Armesto 6920:Hunter, Douglas (2012). 6802:10.1215/00141801-2821644 6619:Nicholls, Steve (2009). 6051:. Springer. p. 97. 5680:Dilke, O. A. W. (2016). 4907:. Springer. p. 24. 4742:Quinn, David B. (1992). 4618:Graves, Charles (1949). 4557:Vigneras, L. A. (2016). 4380:Consulta Ligure (1982). 4155:Una Giornata nella Città 3647:Felipe Fernández-Armesto 3475: 3463:Peopling of the Americas 3406:(House of Trade) in the 3178:Spanish archival sources 2804:The Discovery of America 2785:The Discovery of America 2630:Columbia, South Carolina 2606:national personification 2328:("Columbian lawsuits"). 2117:Columbus's fourth voyage 1996:On 31 July they sighted 1977:Third voyage (1498–1500) 1791:Columbus's second voyage 1734:. From there he went to 1523:First voyage (1492–1493) 1398:Admiral of the Ocean Sea 740:United States of America 614:. He had three brothers— 51:Admiral of the Ocean Sea 16691:Italian Roman Catholics 16277:Comuneros (New Granada) 16054:Balearic Islands (1558) 15773:Hernán Pérez de Quesada 15700:Ruy López de Villalobos 15655:Miguel López de Legazpi 15569:García de Toledo Osorio 14433:Western Sahara conflict 14423:Independence of Morocco 14363:Treaty of Madrid (1750) 14306:Piracy in the Caribbean 14291:French Wars of Religion 14096:North America by period 13935:Portuguese colonization 13819:History of the Americas 13659:Winsor, Justin (1891). 13560:Encyclopædia Britannica 13372:. A.K. Newman & Co. 13314:. Madison Press Books. 13083:Hall, Linda B. (2004). 12995:, pp. 59, 198–199. 11537:Encyclopedia Britannica 11412:, 129 (3348), 565–566. 11264:Russell, Jeffrey Burton 11200:Oxford University Press 10898:Encyclopædia Britannica 10748:. Brepols. p. 25. 10492:Fryd, Vivienne (2001). 10315:. In King, John (ed.). 10219:Encyclopædia Britannica 9944:Rivers of North America 9222:. 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Cambridge, England: 12323:The Columbian Exchange 11821:"La venta de esclavos" 11584:Bigelow, Bill (1992). 11432:Geodesy for the Layman 10713:Houbert, Jean (2003). 10663:Axtell, James (1992). 10632:"Christopher Columbus" 10507:"Persico's Columbus". 9940:"Columbia River Basin" 9911:Dewey, Donald (2007). 9674:In Search of a Kingdom 9270:Cuartero y Huerta 1988 8580:The Early Spanish Main 8261:"Columbus Controversy" 7919:. Cambridge, England: 7528:Latin American Studies 7001:Murphy & Coye 2013 6376:The Columbian Exchange 5847:D.C. Heath and Company 5787:Edson, Evelyn (2007). 5370:10.1006/ijna.2002.1021 5299:Murphy & Coye 2013 5041:Murphy & Coye 2013 4860:Suranyi, Anna (2015). 4559:"Columbus in Portugal" 4207:Ferdinand and Isabella 4109:. Palgrave Macmillan. 4000:"Christopher Columbus" 3901:Bartolomé de las Casas 3878: 3587:Christophorus Columbus 3586: 3571: 3565: 3560: 3546: 3532: 3504: 3313:Navigational expertise 3174:Bartolomé de las Casas 3158: 3131:murder of George Floyd 3061: 3042:Myth of the flat Earth 3008: 2888: 2793: 2746: 2686:Columbus Quincentenary 2668:issued the first U.S. 2584: 2573: 2549: 2464:Colonial Santo Domingo 2339: 2284: 2175:Spanish treasure fleet 2142: 2118: 2034:Francisco de Bobadilla 1986: 1899: 1866:, known to its native 1792: 1625: 1532: 1465: 1457: 1375:last Muslim stronghold 1366: 1306:Ferdinand II of Aragon 1301: 1291:Monastery of La Rábida 1268: 1230:Bartolomeu Perestrello 1193: 1054: 995:" in a fulfillment of 923:fall of Constantinople 884: 864: 806: 746: 713:Bartolomeu Perestrello 675: 595: 387:Christophorus Columbus 386: 127:Francisco de Bobadilla 82:Governor of the Indies 34:. For other uses, see 16701:16th-century diarists 16616:1492 in North America 15680:Vasco Núñez de Balboa 15640:Juan Sebastián Elcano 14955:Council of the Indies 14316:Spanish–Moro conflict 14286:Ottoman–Habsburg wars 14246:Treaty of Tordesillas 14106:Mesoamerica by period 13920:European colonization 13900:Indigenous population 13399:Morison, Samuel Eliot 13377:Lopez, Barry (1990). 13122:10.1353/ren.2008.0864 13110:Renaissance Quarterly 12782:10.1136/ewjm.176.1.65 11968:Duke University Press 11921:Duke University Press 11871:Duke University Press 11796:10.1300/J269v02n01_09 11746:Koning, Hans (1976). 11469:10.1353/wic.2008.0002 11311:. Walter de Gruyter. 10014:World Digital Library 9732:, pp. 89–90, 92. 8172:. Walter de Gruyter. 7341:Diffie, Bailey Wallys 7315:King's College London 7252:Kamen, Henry (2014). 5814:Taylor, Alan (2002). 5451:Freely, John (2013). 5383:Ridpath, Ian (2001). 5313:"Mariner's Astrolabe" 4522:The World of Columbus 4516:Lyon, Eugene (1992). 3873: 3674:The island considered 3387:Sebastiano del Piombo 3235:Further information: 3155:George Floyd protests 3148: 3133:in 2020, many public 3103:Criticism and defense 3093:figure is pear-shaped 3049: 3040:Further information: 2998: 2946:independent discovery 2941:Rasmus Bjørn Anderson 2868: 2831:in the 19th century. 2782: 2737: 2579: 2555: 2543: 2530:Further information: 2466:, in the present-day 2334: 2309:Christian eschatology 2277:The death of Columbus 2275: 2240:" after the numerous 2124: 2116: 1984: 1944:Columbus implemented 1929:, in the present-day 1894: 1790: 1777:Coral Gables, Florida 1762:Treaty of Tordesillas 1615: 1530: 1463: 1455: 1356: 1310:Isabella I of Castile 1289: 1259: 1182: 1132:Samuel Eliot Morison 1048: 879: 859: 798: 772:He left Portugal for 733: 666: 582: 499:protracted litigation 168:20 May 1506 (aged 54) 105:Isabella I of Castile 68:Sebastiano del Piombo 16591:Christopher Columbus 16477:Mesoamerican Codices 16201:Comuneros (Paraguay) 16039:Siege of Castelnuovo 15625:Christopher Columbus 15444:Consulate of the Sea 15424:Casa de Contratación 15015:Titles and positions 14408:Spanish–American War 14398:Liberal constitution 14241:Asia and the Pacific 14111:Mesoamerica timeline 14024:Indigenous languages 13940:British colonization 13925:Spanish colonization 13910:Christopher Columbus 13865:Andean South America 13745:Samuel Eliot Morison 13682:Christopher Columbus 13308:Dyson, John (1991). 13279:Crosby, A.W. (1987) 13177:. Penguin Group US. 13042:Wilson, Ian (1991). 12529:on 26 February 2020. 12440:Crosby (1972) p. 45. 11682:Cohen, J.M. (1969). 11372:Tyson, Neil deGrasse 11198:. New York, Oxford: 10382:The Wilson Quarterly 10361:10.1257/jep.24.2.163 10098:West, Chris (2014). 8291:. Prabhat Prakashan. 7833:, pp. 183, 190. 7522:Antonio de la Cova. 7078:Smithsonian Magazine 6582:The Niña & Pinta 6227:) and "to acquire" ( 5990:Mathematics Magazine 5931:Mathematics Magazine 5736:Butel, Paul (2002). 5247:on 26 February 2020. 4951:Smithsonian Magazine 4931:, vol. 1, pp. 24–25. 4204:Edwards, J. (2014). 3794:silver model caravel 3691:Samuel Eliot Morison 3678:Samuel Eliot Morison 3652:Martin Waldseemüller 3404:Casa de Contratación 3267:Samuel Eliot Morison 2870:Discovery of America 2670:commemorative stamps 2651:Francisco de Miranda 2647:Republic of Colombia 2476:Spanish–American War 2443:, Dominican Republic 2228:at the mouth of the 2038:Beatriz de Bobadilla 1705:Golfo de Las Flechas 1595:Martín Alonso Pinzón 1537:Palos de la Frontera 1379:Hernando de Talavera 1365:for his first voyage 1331:Henry VII of England 1295:Palos de la Frontera 1025:celestial navigation 1023:. The techniques of 938:Afonso V of Portugal 612:Susanna Fontanarossa 592:bombardment of Genoa 563:District of Columbia 557:, the American city 378:Christopher Columbus 313:Christopher Columbus 278:Bartholomew Columbus 264:Susanna Fontanarossa 54:Christopher Columbus 16206:Cartagena de Indias 15828:Diego de Mazariegos 15798:Pere Fages i Beleta 15665:Sebastián de Ocampo 15146:Provincias Internas 15118:Captaincies General 15032:Municipal president 15001:School of Salamanca 14772:Spanish East Indies 14751:Misiones Orientales 14623:Spanish West Indies 14587:, Central America ( 14534:Pyrénées-Orientales 14487:Union with Portugal 14378:Napoleonic invasion 14358:War of Jenkins' Ear 14153:Classical Antiquity 13930:French colonization 13586:1970GeogJ.136..177R 13369:History of Trinidad 13246:Columbus, Ferdinand 12949:2009JNav...62..417P 12871:2019QSRv..207...13K 12468:2019QSRv..207...13K 11905:(1 November 1969). 11855:(1 February 1971). 11651:. 15 September 2001 11528:Flint, Valerie I.J. 11507:The Washington Post 10873:on 26 February 2014 10810:National Geographic 10669:The History Teacher 10127:, pp. 135–138. 10077:10.14318/hau6.1.017 9618:G. P. Putnam's Sons 9074:on 23 January 2018. 8959:Clayton J., Drees, 8936:The First Americans 8933:Hakim, Joy (2002). 8343:Columbus on himself 7413:, pp. 498–501. 7309:Ife, Barry (1992). 7036:Cruxent, José Maria 6578:"The Original Niña" 5362:2002IJNAr..31...99S 4311:King, Ross (2021). 4103:Caf Dowlah (2020). 4027:Columbus on Himself 3926:Visual Anthropology 3695:San Salvador Island 3519:Cristoffa C(or)ombo 3410:and remains there. 3322:Physical appearance 3151:the Columbus statue 3125:As a result of the 3051:Columbus Lighthouse 3030:Indias Occidentales 2933:Carl Christian Rafn 2666:U.S. Postal Service 2516:Columbus Lighthouse 2504:John Eugene Osborne 2437:Columbus Lighthouse 2404:Location of remains 1773:University of Miami 1740:Treaty of Alcáçovas 1392:In the April 1492 " 1273:John II of Portugal 1267:, 17th century 1077:in medieval times. 965:'s rounding of the 831:Sir John Mandeville 799:Columbus's copy of 736:Library of Congress 488:("Indians") to the 16502:Academia Antártica 16457:Other civil topics 15823:Pánfilo de Narváez 15725:Sebastián Vizcaíno 15690:Andrés de Urdaneta 15650:Juan Ponce de León 15635:Ferdinand Magellan 15609:Bernardo de Gálvez 15508:Indian auxiliaries 15006:Trial of residence 14986:Laws of the Indies 14770:Asia and Oceania ( 14631:Dominican Republic 14055:Indigenous peoples 13947:Columbian Exchange 13895:Indigenous peoples 13257:Churchill, Awnsham 13169:Bergreen, Lawrence 12899:Stannard, David E. 12512:10.1093/poq/nfi001 12052:The New York Times 11082:The UNESCO Courier 11063:10.1093/alh/ajt049 11012:. pp. 16–17. 10482:, pp. 58, 60. 9607:Thacher, John Boyd 8829:, p. 330–332. 8137:, pp. 284–85. 7759:Stannard, David E. 7732:, pp. 482–85. 7512:, pp. 423–27. 7227:Portuguese Studies 6609:, pp. 146–47. 6452:on 29 October 2013 6298:(50). Madrid: 51. 6190:, pp. 131–32. 6130:, pp. 86, 92. 5974:, pp. 198–99. 5843:Renaissance Europe 5423:. pp. 34–35. 4057:"Beatriz de Arana" 3505:Cristoforo Colombo 3469:Lugares colombinos 3443:Ferdinand Columbus 3408:Alcázar of Seville 3271:Harvard University 3215:British historian 3198:William J. Connell 3159: 3129:that followed the 3127:protests and riots 3062: 3036:Shape of the Earth 3026:Book of Privileges 3009: 2984:The UNESCO Courier 2902:L'Anse aux Meadows 2889: 2794: 2792:from 1844 to 1958. 2767:translatio imperii 2747: 2585: 2574: 2550: 2520:Santo Domingo Este 2468:Dominican Republic 2441:Santo Domingo Este 2356:reactive arthritis 2340: 2325:pleitos colombinos 2304:Book of Prophecies 2298:Book of Privileges 2285: 2281:L. Prang & Co. 2143: 2119: 1987: 1931:Dominican Republic 1900: 1793: 1533: 1486:Columbian exchange 1466: 1458: 1425:pleitos colombinos 1415:) of the profits. 1367: 1302: 1269: 1194: 1055: 1017:Earth is spherical 936:suggested to King 885: 807: 747: 744:Aliprando Caprioli 676: 668:Colombo giovinetto 643:Cristoforo Colombo 596: 515:Columbian exchange 490:indigenous peoples 471:Word of his voyage 414:, who bore a son, 406:, who bore a son, 116:Office Established 18:Cristoforo Colombo 16578: 16577: 16574: 16573: 16447: 16446: 16352:Spanish conquests 16342: 16341: 16338: 16337: 16334: 16333: 16330: 16329: 16127: 16126: 15808:Pedro de Alvarado 15793:Gaspar de Portolà 15788:Pedro de Valdivia 15763:Francisco Pizarro 15715:Nicolás de Ovando 15710:Alonso de Ercilla 15685:Alonso de Salazar 15518:Ships of the line 15466: 15465: 15462: 15461: 15344: 15343: 15340: 15339: 15059: 15058: 15055: 15054: 14918: 14917: 14914: 14913: 14890: 14889: 14847:Northern Africa ( 14843:Equatorial Guinea 14827: 14826: 14764: 14763: 14679: 14678: 14602: 14601: 14593:Spanish Caribbean 14566:Spanish Louisiana 14542: 14541: 14477:Crown of Castille 14441: 14440: 14418:Spanish Civil War 14393:Adams–Onís Treaty 14373:Nootka Convention 14321:Thirty Years' War 14311:Eighty Years' War 14232:Catholic Monarchs 14222:Timeline–immersed 14176: 14175: 14148:Pre-Columbian era 13973:Pre-Columbian era 13710:Project Gutenberg 13677:Library resources 13647:978-0-262-23264-7 13540:978-0-313-20175-2 13510:978-0-06-052837-9 13486:978-0-521-35097-6 13465:978-0-300-17028-3 13412:978-0-316-58478-4 13390:978-0-8131-1742-3 13350:978-0-8050-7603-5 13321:978-0-670-83725-0 13300:978-0-8061-2934-1 13272:978-0-665-33298-2 13237:978-0-486-26844-6 13216:978-1-108-01284-3 13184:978-1-101-54432-7 13153:, pp. 47–48. 13094:978-0-292-70595-1 13055:978-0-671-71067-5 13032:, pp. 85–86. 13007:, pp. 43–45. 12914:978-0-19-983898-1 12833:978-0-547-64098-3 12672:978-0-8173-5515-9 12626:978-92-4-156110-5 12586:978-0-521-62730-6 12579:. pp. 9–14. 12555:978-0-316-58356-5 12420:Los Angeles Times 12396:978-1-78609-003-4 12354:. New York City: 12319:Crosby, Alfred W. 12231:(7844): 103–110. 12175:978-0-8071-7464-7 12136:The Ottawa Herald 11838:978-84-96467-28-6 11759:978-0-85345-600-1 11732:978-0-300-09041-3 11693:978-0-14-044217-5 11387:978-0-393-06224-3 11357:978-1-78284-037-4 11318:978-3-11-087024-4 11277:978-0-275-95904-3 11209:978-0-19-509186-1 11155:Sale, Kirkpatrick 11140:978-0-7425-0019-8 10951:978-0-394-72794-3 10924:978-0-19-753729-9 10786:978-1-351-25958-3 10755:978-2-503-51028-6 10728:978-0-86543-980-1 10602:Italian Americana 10574:978-1-5017-2370-4 10551:, pp. 63–64. 10459:978-3-8394-1485-9 10426:978-0-8265-1953-5 10326:978-0-521-63651-3 10270:World Archaeology 10254:978-1-136-86063-8 10200:978-1-349-12573-9 10111:978-1-250-04368-9 10049:978-0-252-07081-5 9953:978-0-08-045418-4 9924:978-0-8147-1985-5 9875:978-0-8265-1953-5 9841:978-0-87451-576-3 9806:978-1-317-79619-0 9372:978-0-19-518204-0 9256:978-0-323-03622-1 9229:978-1-4471-6648-1 9176:978-1-61069-422-3 9003:978-0-664-25367-7 8946:978-0-19-515319-4 8860:978-1-4780-0745-6 8784:978-1-349-12573-9 8757:978-9962-02-581-8 8710:978-84-00-05961-3 8683:978-1-349-12573-9 8656:978-1-4426-6825-6 8617:978-0-521-62730-6 8590:978-0-521-08848-0 8551:978-84-96467-28-6 8480:978-1-101-98126-9 8453:978-1-4426-6825-6 8417:978-1-101-98128-3 8353:978-1-60384-317-1 8315:978-0-511-70808-4 8220:(7 August 2006). 8179:978-3-11-011572-7 8092:978-1-101-98128-3 8065:978-0-7658-0987-2 8023:978-0-8032-1015-8 7987:978-1-4008-8717-0 7960:978-1-57607-701-6 7930:978-0-521-62730-6 7887:978-1-4000-6281-2 7810:978-0-300-13389-9 7774:978-0-19-983898-1 7592:978-0-8263-2871-7 7496:978-0-19-504222-1 7469:978-1-349-12573-9 7439:978-0-300-13391-2 7295:978-1-4000-6281-2 7265:978-1-317-75500-5 7211:978-0-8061-2384-4 7152:978-0-89950-696-8 7112:978-1-4426-6825-6 7003:, pp. 31–32. 6987:978-0-8173-1946-5 6960:978-1-84331-292-5 6933:978-0-230-34165-4 6770:978-0-395-66921-1 6739:978-0-8061-2384-4 6636:978-0-226-58340-2 6484:978-1-4000-6281-2 6444:Cohen, Jonathan. 6430:978-1-108-50923-7 6386:978-1-351-35121-8 6359:978-0-7141-2644-9 6329:978-84-00-05156-3 6273:978-1-85109-421-9 6213:978-1-108-49826-5 6085:978-1-137-08059-2 6058:978-1-349-12573-9 6033:, pp. 68–70. 5883:978-0-262-23264-7 5827:978-0-14-200210-0 5800:978-0-8018-8589-1 5749:978-1-134-84305-3 5722:978-0-19-501377-1 5695:978-1-349-12573-9 5682:"Marinus of Tyre" 5666:978-1-349-12573-9 5635:978-1-4985-9014-3 5487:978-2-35404-007-9 5468:978-1-4683-0850-1 5457:. New York City: 5430:978-0-3945-0294-6 5419:. New York City: 5394:978-0-8230-2512-1 5147:978-0-300-18984-1 5120:978-0-230-10622-2 5093:978-0-521-34069-4 5066:978-1-78348-715-8 4978:978-0-429-75924-6 4942:Morgan, Edmund S. 4914:978-1-349-12573-9 4873:978-1-317-50066-7 4802:978-0-19-215898-7 4725:978-0-8223-5286-0 4688:978-0-918680-33-4 4651:978-0-8018-7547-2 4621:Ireland Revisited 4604:978-3-11-092965-2 4572:978-1-349-12573-9 4531:978-0-86554-414-7 4466:978-0-8108-0595-8 4439:978-1-349-12573-9 4395:978-8-8705-8044-0 4366:978-1-4962-2958-8 4324:978-0-8021-5853-6 4217:978-1-317-89345-5 4159:A Day in the City 4070:978-1-349-12573-9 4037:978-1-60384-317-1 3984:978-1-4391-0237-4 3738:of all languages. 3606:Republic of Genoa 3547:Cristóvão Colombo 3287:acquired immunity 3225:Nicolás de Ovando 3022:Pope Alexander VI 3001:Columbus Monument 2974:Washington Irving 2773:translatio studii 2635:Columbia Rediviva 2618:Thirteen Colonies 2492:mitochondrial DNA 2460:Seville Cathedral 2421:Seville Cathedral 2134:Pope Alexander VI 2074:Nicolás de Ovando 1882:San Juan Bautista 1754:Pope Alexander VI 1750:Bulls of Donation 1684:, in present-day 1587:Rodrigo de Triana 1569:, piloted by the 1484:, as well as the 1387:Luis de Santángel 1363:Catholic Monarchs 1281:Cape of Good Hope 1174:Iberian Peninsula 997:Biblical prophecy 967:Cape of Good Hope 944:(Spice) Islands, 891:'s hegemony over 825:, the travels of 809:Columbus learned 790:Fernando Columbus 786:Catholic Monarchs 672:Giulio Monteverde 645:, and in Spanish 639:Cristoffa Corombo 600:Republic of Genoa 447:pre-Columbian era 443:King Ferdinand II 435:Catholic Monarchs 363:Catholic Monarchs 361:sponsored by the 355:Republic of Genoa 310: 309: 289:Maritime explorer 185:Seville Cathedral 152:Republic of Genoa 16:(Redirected from 16713: 16453: 16452: 16419:Chibchan Nations 16348: 16347: 16317:Santiago de Cuba 16176:Guadalupe Island 16136: 16135: 15863: 15862: 15856: 15855: 15818:Diego de Almagro 15695:Antonio de Ulloa 15599:Ambrosio Spinola 15594:Pedro de Zubiaur 15564:Alfonso d'Avalos 15554:Antonio de Leyva 15498:Army of Flanders 15483: 15482: 15472: 15471: 15361: 15360: 15350: 15349: 15076: 15075: 15065: 15064: 14935: 14934: 14924: 14923: 14892: 14891: 14865:Peñón of Algiers 14829: 14828: 14766: 14765: 14681: 14680: 14604: 14603: 14586: 14544: 14543: 14458: 14457: 14447: 14446: 14368:Seven Years' War 14341:Queen Anne's War 14218: 14217: 14203: 14196: 14189: 14180: 14179: 14138:Three-age system 13882: 13817: 13816: 13805: 13798: 13791: 13782: 13781: 13735: 13734: 13719:Internet Archive 13666: 13634: 13613: 13564: 13556: 13544: 13529:. Translated by 13514: 13490: 13469: 13446: 13435: 13424: 13394: 13373: 13362: 13325: 13304: 13276: 13253: 13241: 13220: 13199: 13188: 13154: 13148: 13142: 13141: 13105: 13099: 13098: 13080: 13074: 13069: 13063: 13062: 13039: 13033: 13027: 13021: 13014: 13008: 13002: 12996: 12990: 12984: 12983: 12981: 12979: 12973: 12967:. Archived from 12934: 12925: 12919: 12918: 12895: 12889: 12888: 12882: 12844: 12838: 12837: 12814:Reséndez, Andrés 12810: 12804: 12803: 12793: 12755: 12749: 12746: 12740: 12739: 12715: 12709: 12708: 12706: 12704: 12690: 12684: 12683: 12681: 12679: 12652: 12646: 12645: 12643: 12641: 12635: 12606: 12597: 12591: 12590: 12566: 12560: 12559: 12547: 12537: 12531: 12530: 12528: 12522:. Archived from 12497: 12488: 12482: 12481: 12479: 12447: 12441: 12438: 12432: 12431: 12429: 12427: 12410: 12401: 12400: 12379: 12370: 12369: 12347: 12341: 12340: 12315: 12309: 12303: 12294: 12293: 12291: 12289: 12267: 12261: 12260: 12250: 12240: 12214: 12208: 12201: 12192: 12186: 12180: 12179: 12159: 12153: 12152: 12150: 12148: 12139:. Archived from 12126: 12120: 12119: 12091:Race & Class 12082: 12076: 12070: 12064: 12063: 12061: 12059: 12042: 12036: 12035: 12033: 12031: 12005:Atlantic Studies 11996: 11990: 11989: 11979: 11949: 11943: 11942: 11932: 11899: 11893: 11892: 11882: 11849: 11843: 11842: 11816: 11810: 11809: 11777: 11771: 11770: 11768: 11766: 11743: 11737: 11736: 11716: 11710: 11704: 11698: 11697: 11679: 11673: 11667: 11661: 11660: 11658: 11656: 11641: 11635: 11634: 11632: 11630: 11615: 11609: 11607: 11581: 11575: 11574: 11572: 11570: 11555: 11549: 11548: 11546: 11544: 11530:(26 July 1999). 11524: 11518: 11517: 11515: 11513: 11498: 11492: 11491: 11485: 11457:Wíčazo Ša Review 11454: 11445: 11436: 11435: 11427: 11421: 11406: 11400: 11399: 11368: 11362: 11361: 11341: 11335: 11329: 11323: 11322: 11300: 11294: 11288: 11282: 11281: 11260: 11254: 11248: 11242: 11241: 11239: 11237: 11220: 11214: 11213: 11189: 11183: 11182: 11151: 11145: 11144: 11124: 11118: 11117: 11095: 11093: 11073: 11067: 11066: 11046: 11040: 11039: 11005: 10999: 10998: 10962: 10956: 10955: 10935: 10929: 10928: 10908: 10902: 10889: 10883: 10882: 10880: 10878: 10869:. Archived from 10857: 10851: 10850: 10848: 10846: 10835: 10829: 10828: 10826: 10824: 10819:on 7 August 2019 10818: 10813:. Archived from 10800: 10791: 10790: 10770: 10764: 10763: 10739: 10733: 10732: 10710: 10704: 10703: 10660: 10654: 10653: 10651: 10636: 10624: 10618: 10617: 10597: 10591: 10585: 10579: 10578: 10558: 10552: 10546: 10540: 10537: 10531: 10530: 10523: 10517: 10516: 10504: 10498: 10497: 10489: 10483: 10477: 10471: 10470: 10468: 10451: 10440: 10431: 10430: 10414: 10403: 10397: 10396: 10394: 10379: 10370: 10364: 10363: 10346: 10337: 10331: 10330: 10308: 10302: 10301: 10265: 10259: 10258: 10236: 10230: 10229: 10227: 10225: 10211: 10205: 10204: 10184: 10178: 10175: 10169: 10168: 10166: 10143: 10134: 10128: 10122: 10116: 10115: 10095: 10089: 10088: 10060: 10054: 10053: 10033: 10027: 10026: 10024: 10022: 10005: 9999: 9998: 9988: 9964: 9958: 9957: 9935: 9929: 9928: 9908: 9902: 9901: 9889: 9880: 9879: 9863: 9852: 9846: 9845: 9825: 9819: 9818: 9790: 9784: 9783: 9739: 9733: 9727: 9721: 9720: 9718: 9694: 9688: 9687: 9669: 9663: 9662: 9656: 9654: 9635: 9626: 9625: 9603: 9597: 9594: 9585: 9584: 9582: 9580: 9561: 9555: 9554: 9552: 9528: 9522: 9521: 9519: 9517: 9502: 9496: 9495: 9493: 9491: 9471: 9460: 9452:ship of the line 9442: 9436: 9435: 9433: 9431: 9416: 9410: 9409: 9407: 9405: 9386: 9377: 9376: 9356: 9350: 9344: 9335: 9329: 9323: 9322: 9320: 9305: 9296: 9290: 9289: 9279: 9273: 9267: 9261: 9260: 9240: 9234: 9233: 9213: 9207: 9206: 9204: 9202: 9187: 9181: 9180: 9160: 9154: 9153: 9117: 9111: 9110: 9082: 9076: 9075: 9064: 9055: 9054: 9014: 9008: 9007: 8987: 8981: 8980: 8970: 8964: 8957: 8951: 8950: 8930: 8924: 8923: 8921: 8919: 8906: 8882: 8873: 8872: 8836: 8830: 8824: 8818: 8812: 8806: 8805: 8795: 8789: 8788: 8768: 8762: 8761: 8741: 8735: 8734: 8721: 8715: 8714: 8694: 8688: 8687: 8667: 8661: 8660: 8640: 8634: 8628: 8622: 8621: 8601: 8595: 8594: 8574: 8565: 8562: 8556: 8555: 8535: 8529: 8528: 8512: 8506: 8499: 8493: 8492: 8464: 8458: 8457: 8437: 8431: 8428: 8422: 8421: 8401: 8395: 8394: 8392: 8390: 8376: 8370: 8369: 8334: 8328: 8327: 8299: 8293: 8292: 8282: 8273: 8272: 8270: 8268: 8257: 8251: 8245: 8239: 8238: 8236: 8234: 8214: 8205: 8202: 8196: 8190: 8184: 8183: 8161: 8155: 8154: 8144: 8138: 8132: 8126: 8125: 8115: 8109: 8103: 8097: 8096: 8076: 8070: 8069: 8049: 8040: 8034: 8028: 8027: 8005: 7992: 7991: 7971: 7965: 7964: 7944: 7935: 7934: 7910: 7904: 7898: 7892: 7891: 7871: 7865: 7864: 7862: 7860: 7840: 7834: 7828: 7815: 7814: 7794: 7788: 7785: 7779: 7778: 7755: 7746: 7739: 7733: 7727: 7721: 7717: 7711: 7707: 7701: 7684: 7678: 7677: 7637: 7631: 7628: 7622: 7619: 7613: 7610: 7604: 7603: 7601: 7599: 7576: 7567: 7566:. 20 March 2009. 7556: 7550: 7546: 7540: 7539: 7537: 7535: 7519: 7513: 7507: 7501: 7500: 7480: 7474: 7473: 7453: 7444: 7443: 7423: 7414: 7408: 7402: 7401: 7399: 7397: 7375: 7369: 7368: 7337: 7331: 7330: 7328: 7326: 7321:on 24 April 2021 7317:. Archived from 7306: 7300: 7299: 7276: 7270: 7269: 7249: 7243: 7242: 7222: 7216: 7215: 7195: 7189: 7188: 7186: 7184: 7170: 7164: 7163: 7161: 7159: 7136: 7130: 7123: 7117: 7116: 7096: 7090: 7089: 7087: 7085: 7068: 7062: 7061: 7059: 7044: 7032:Deagan, Kathleen 7028: 7019: 7013: 7004: 6998: 6992: 6991: 6971: 6965: 6964: 6944: 6938: 6937: 6917: 6911: 6910: 6890: 6884: 6883: 6863: 6857: 6838: 6832: 6823: 6806: 6805: 6781: 6775: 6774: 6750: 6744: 6743: 6723: 6717: 6710: 6704: 6701: 6695: 6684: 6678: 6659: 6653: 6647: 6641: 6640: 6616: 6610: 6604: 6598: 6597: 6595: 6593: 6574: 6568: 6562: 6553: 6547: 6538: 6537: 6535: 6533: 6527: 6512: 6503: 6497: 6496: 6468: 6462: 6461: 6459: 6457: 6441: 6435: 6434: 6412: 6406: 6400: 6391: 6390: 6370: 6364: 6363: 6343: 6334: 6333: 6313: 6307: 6306: 6304: 6293: 6284: 6278: 6277: 6255: 6246: 6240: 6234: 6233: 6197: 6191: 6185: 6174: 6173: 6171: 6169: 6149: 6143: 6137: 6131: 6125: 6119: 6112: 6106: 6100: 6094: 6093: 6069: 6063: 6062: 6040: 6034: 6028: 6022: 6021: 5981: 5975: 5969: 5963: 5962: 5922: 5916: 5910: 5904: 5898: 5892: 5891: 5867: 5861: 5860: 5838: 5832: 5831: 5811: 5805: 5804: 5784: 5778: 5772: 5766: 5760: 5754: 5753: 5733: 5727: 5726: 5706: 5700: 5699: 5677: 5671: 5670: 5650: 5644: 5643: 5619: 5613: 5612: 5610: 5608: 5593: 5584: 5583: 5581: 5579: 5552: 5546: 5545: 5543: 5504: 5495: 5489: 5479: 5473: 5472: 5448: 5442: 5441: 5439: 5437: 5418: 5405: 5399: 5398: 5380: 5374: 5373: 5341: 5335: 5334: 5332: 5330: 5308: 5302: 5296: 5290: 5289: 5255: 5249: 5248: 5246: 5240:. Archived from 5201: 5195:(8 March 2006). 5189: 5183: 5182: 5158: 5152: 5151: 5131: 5125: 5124: 5104: 5098: 5097: 5077: 5071: 5070: 5050: 5044: 5038: 5027: 5021: 5012: 5011: 5001: 4995: 4989: 4983: 4982: 4962: 4956: 4955: 4944:(October 2009). 4938: 4932: 4925: 4919: 4918: 4896: 4890: 4884: 4878: 4877: 4857: 4851: 4850: 4830: 4824: 4823: 4813: 4807: 4806: 4786: 4780: 4779: 4739: 4730: 4729: 4709: 4696: 4695: 4669: 4660: 4659: 4635: 4626: 4625: 4615: 4609: 4608: 4586: 4580: 4579: 4554: 4548: 4542: 4536: 4535: 4513: 4507: 4501: 4495: 4489: 4483: 4481: 4477: 4471: 4470: 4450: 4444: 4443: 4423: 4417: 4416: 4406: 4400: 4399: 4378: 4373: 4370: 4350: 4344: 4338: 4329: 4328: 4308: 4302: 4299: 4293: 4259: 4246: 4245: 4240: 4234: 4228: 4222: 4221: 4201: 4195: 4194: 4192: 4185: 4169: 4163: 4162: 4150: 4144: 4130: 4124: 4123: 4100: 4094: 4088: 4079: 4078: 4052: 4046: 4045: 4021: 4015: 4014: 4012: 4010: 3995: 3989: 3988: 3970: 3964: 3956: 3950: 3949: 3932:(3–4): 211–227. 3921: 3904: 3898: 3892: 3885: 3879: 3870: 3864: 3833: 3827: 3820: 3814: 3803: 3797: 3790: 3784: 3781: 3775: 3767: 3761: 3758: 3752: 3745: 3739: 3724: 3718: 3687: 3681: 3666: 3660: 3644: 3635: 3632: 3626: 3615: 3609: 3598: 3592: 3579: 3574: 3568: 3553: 3539: 3525: 3511: 3495: 3489: 3486: 3355: 3334: 3253:genetic analysis 3250: 3211: 3203:María Jesús Figa 3180:showed that the 3115:holocaust denial 3014:Earthly Paradise 2970:Edmundo O'Gorman 2886: 2883: 2809:Martin Van Buren 2690:Seville Expo '92 2432: 2416: 2394:Germaine of Foix 2316:Crown of Castile 2279:, lithograph by 1971:Cape St. Vincent 1886:John the Baptist 1831:, now a part of 1821:Windward Islands 1513:Amerigo Vespucci 1490:Age of Discovery 1474:Crown of Castile 1335:La Rábida Friary 1329:to the court of 1246:tropical cyclone 1238:hurricane season 1122:, Columbus read 721:donatary captain 604:Domenico Colombo 555:British Columbia 545:, including the 495:Crown of Castile 439:Queen Isabella I 389: 352: 351: 348: 347: 344: 341: 338: 335: 332: 329: 326: 323: 302: 258:Domenico Colombo 220:Domestic partner 213: 211: 187:, Seville, Spain 167: 165: 137:Personal details 123: 113: 101: 92: 64: 47: 46: 21: 16721: 16720: 16716: 16715: 16714: 16712: 16711: 16710: 16661:Columbus family 16581: 16580: 16579: 16570: 16546:Old inquisition 16458: 16443: 16353: 16326: 16282:Trinidad (1797) 16252:La Noche Triste 16240: 16236:San Juan (1797) 16186:San Juan (1595) 16123: 16012: 15852:Notable battles 15847: 15813:Martín de Ursúa 15744: 15675:Alonso de Ojeda 15645:Juan de la Cosa 15630:Pinzón brothers 15613: 15584:John of Austria 15559:Martín de Goiti 15537: 15477: 15458: 15402: 15355: 15336: 15248: 15244:Terra Australis 15239:Río de la Plata 15184:Castilla de Oro 15170: 15112: 15108:Río de la Plata 15070: 15051: 15010: 14969: 14965:Santa Hermandad 14929: 14910: 14906:Terra Australis 14897: 14886: 14853:Spanish Morocco 14834: 14823: 14814:Northern Taiwan 14775: 14760: 14731:Río de la Plata 14686: 14675: 14609: 14608:Central America 14598: 14580: 14549: 14538: 14482:Crown of Aragon 14463: 14452: 14437: 14353:Bourbon Reforms 14223: 14212: 14207: 14177: 14172: 14143:Ancient history 14115: 14079: 14038: 13997: 13956: 13883: 13874: 13845:Central America 13821: 13811: 13809: 13732: 13702: 13701: 13700: 13685: 13684: 13680: 13673: 13594:10.2307/1796276 13541: 13525: 13522: 13520:Further reading 13517: 13511: 13487: 13466: 13413: 13391: 13351: 13322: 13301: 13273: 13238: 13217: 13185: 13163: 13158: 13157: 13149: 13145: 13106: 13102: 13095: 13081: 13077: 13070: 13066: 13056: 13040: 13036: 13028: 13024: 13015: 13011: 13003: 12999: 12991: 12987: 12977: 12975: 12971: 12932: 12926: 12922: 12915: 12896: 12892: 12845: 12841: 12834: 12811: 12807: 12756: 12752: 12747: 12743: 12736: 12728:. p. 205. 12716: 12712: 12702: 12700: 12692: 12691: 12687: 12677: 12675: 12673: 12665:. p. 192. 12653: 12649: 12639: 12637: 12633: 12627: 12604: 12598: 12594: 12587: 12567: 12563: 12556: 12538: 12534: 12526: 12495: 12489: 12485: 12448: 12444: 12439: 12435: 12425: 12423: 12411: 12404: 12397: 12380: 12373: 12366: 12356:Alfred A. Knopf 12348: 12344: 12337: 12316: 12312: 12304: 12297: 12287: 12285: 12277:Harvard Gazette 12268: 12264: 12215: 12211: 12202: 12195: 12187: 12183: 12176: 12160: 12156: 12146: 12144: 12127: 12123: 12100:SAGE Publishers 12086:Davidson, Basil 12083: 12079: 12071: 12067: 12057: 12055: 12043: 12039: 12029: 12027: 11997: 11993: 11950: 11946: 11900: 11896: 11850: 11846: 11839: 11817: 11813: 11806: 11778: 11774: 11764: 11762: 11760: 11744: 11740: 11733: 11717: 11713: 11705: 11701: 11694: 11680: 11676: 11668: 11664: 11654: 11652: 11643: 11642: 11638: 11628: 11626: 11616: 11612: 11582: 11578: 11568: 11566: 11556: 11552: 11542: 11540: 11525: 11521: 11511: 11509: 11499: 11495: 11483: 11452: 11446: 11439: 11428: 11424: 11407: 11403: 11388: 11369: 11365: 11358: 11342: 11338: 11330: 11326: 11319: 11301: 11297: 11289: 11285: 11278: 11261: 11257: 11249: 11245: 11235: 11233: 11221: 11217: 11210: 11190: 11186: 11171: 11152: 11148: 11141: 11125: 11121: 11091: 11089: 11074: 11070: 11047: 11043: 11028: 11006: 11002: 10963: 10959: 10952: 10936: 10932: 10925: 10909: 10905: 10890: 10886: 10876: 10874: 10859: 10858: 10854: 10844: 10842: 10837: 10836: 10832: 10822: 10820: 10801: 10794: 10787: 10771: 10767: 10756: 10740: 10736: 10729: 10711: 10707: 10661: 10657: 10649: 10634: 10628:Armitage, David 10625: 10621: 10598: 10594: 10586: 10582: 10575: 10559: 10555: 10547: 10543: 10538: 10534: 10525: 10524: 10520: 10506: 10505: 10501: 10490: 10486: 10478: 10474: 10466: 10460: 10449: 10441: 10434: 10427: 10412: 10404: 10400: 10392: 10377: 10371: 10367: 10344: 10338: 10334: 10327: 10309: 10305: 10266: 10262: 10255: 10237: 10233: 10223: 10221: 10213: 10212: 10208: 10201: 10185: 10181: 10176: 10172: 10164: 10146:Jerónimo Zurita 10141: 10135: 10131: 10125:Marcilhacy 2011 10123: 10119: 10112: 10096: 10092: 10061: 10057: 10050: 10034: 10030: 10020: 10018: 10007: 10006: 10002: 9965: 9961: 9954: 9936: 9932: 9925: 9909: 9905: 9890: 9883: 9876: 9861: 9853: 9849: 9842: 9826: 9822: 9807: 9791: 9787: 9760:10.2307/2947272 9740: 9736: 9728: 9724: 9695: 9691: 9684: 9670: 9666: 9652: 9650: 9637: 9636: 9629: 9604: 9600: 9595: 9588: 9578: 9576: 9571:. 19 May 2021. 9563: 9562: 9558: 9529: 9525: 9515: 9513: 9503: 9499: 9489: 9487: 9472: 9463: 9443: 9439: 9429: 9427: 9417: 9413: 9403: 9401: 9396:. 3 June 2003. 9388: 9387: 9380: 9373: 9357: 9353: 9345: 9338: 9330: 9326: 9318: 9303: 9297: 9293: 9280: 9276: 9268: 9264: 9257: 9241: 9237: 9230: 9214: 9210: 9200: 9198: 9189: 9188: 9184: 9177: 9161: 9157: 9118: 9114: 9083: 9079: 9066: 9065: 9058: 9035:10.2307/1860749 9015: 9011: 9004: 8988: 8984: 8971: 8967: 8958: 8954: 8947: 8931: 8927: 8917: 8915: 8883: 8876: 8861: 8837: 8833: 8825: 8821: 8813: 8809: 8796: 8792: 8785: 8769: 8765: 8758: 8742: 8738: 8722: 8718: 8711: 8695: 8691: 8684: 8668: 8664: 8657: 8641: 8637: 8629: 8625: 8618: 8602: 8598: 8591: 8575: 8568: 8563: 8559: 8552: 8536: 8532: 8513: 8509: 8500: 8496: 8481: 8465: 8461: 8454: 8438: 8434: 8429: 8425: 8418: 8402: 8398: 8388: 8386: 8378: 8377: 8373: 8354: 8335: 8331: 8316: 8300: 8296: 8283: 8276: 8266: 8264: 8259: 8258: 8254: 8250:, pp. 283. 8246: 8242: 8232: 8230: 8218:Tremlett, Giles 8215: 8208: 8203: 8199: 8191: 8187: 8180: 8162: 8158: 8145: 8141: 8133: 8129: 8116: 8112: 8104: 8100: 8093: 8077: 8073: 8066: 8050: 8043: 8035: 8031: 8024: 8006: 7995: 7988: 7972: 7968: 7961: 7945: 7938: 7931: 7911: 7907: 7899: 7895: 7888: 7872: 7868: 7858: 7856: 7841: 7837: 7829: 7818: 7811: 7795: 7791: 7786: 7782: 7775: 7756: 7749: 7740: 7736: 7728: 7724: 7718: 7714: 7708: 7704: 7685: 7681: 7638: 7634: 7629: 7625: 7620: 7616: 7611: 7607: 7597: 7595: 7593: 7577: 7570: 7557: 7553: 7547: 7543: 7533: 7531: 7520: 7516: 7508: 7504: 7497: 7481: 7477: 7470: 7454: 7447: 7440: 7424: 7417: 7409: 7405: 7395: 7393: 7376: 7372: 7357: 7338: 7334: 7324: 7322: 7307: 7303: 7296: 7277: 7273: 7266: 7250: 7246: 7223: 7219: 7212: 7196: 7192: 7182: 7180: 7171: 7167: 7157: 7155: 7153: 7137: 7133: 7125:Fuson, Robert. 7124: 7120: 7113: 7097: 7093: 7083: 7081: 7069: 7065: 7057: 7042: 7029: 7022: 7014: 7007: 6999: 6995: 6988: 6972: 6968: 6961: 6945: 6941: 6934: 6918: 6914: 6907: 6891: 6887: 6880: 6864: 6860: 6839: 6835: 6824: 6809: 6782: 6778: 6771: 6751: 6747: 6740: 6724: 6720: 6711: 6707: 6702: 6698: 6685: 6681: 6660: 6656: 6648: 6644: 6637: 6617: 6613: 6605: 6601: 6591: 6589: 6576: 6575: 6571: 6563: 6556: 6548: 6541: 6531: 6529: 6525: 6510: 6504: 6500: 6485: 6469: 6465: 6455: 6453: 6442: 6438: 6431: 6413: 6409: 6401: 6394: 6387: 6371: 6367: 6360: 6344: 6337: 6330: 6314: 6310: 6302: 6291: 6285: 6281: 6274: 6256: 6249: 6241: 6237: 6214: 6198: 6194: 6186: 6177: 6167: 6165: 6150: 6146: 6138: 6134: 6126: 6122: 6113: 6109: 6101: 6097: 6086: 6070: 6066: 6059: 6041: 6037: 6029: 6025: 6002:10.2307/2691445 5982: 5978: 5970: 5966: 5943:10.2307/2691445 5923: 5919: 5911: 5907: 5899: 5895: 5884: 5868: 5864: 5857: 5849:. p. 341. 5839: 5835: 5828: 5812: 5808: 5801: 5785: 5781: 5773: 5769: 5761: 5757: 5750: 5734: 5730: 5723: 5707: 5703: 5696: 5678: 5674: 5667: 5651: 5647: 5636: 5620: 5616: 5606: 5604: 5594: 5587: 5577: 5575: 5553: 5549: 5541: 5502: 5496: 5492: 5480: 5476: 5469: 5449: 5445: 5435: 5433: 5431: 5406: 5402: 5395: 5381: 5377: 5342: 5338: 5328: 5326: 5309: 5305: 5297: 5293: 5256: 5252: 5244: 5199: 5190: 5186: 5159: 5155: 5148: 5132: 5128: 5121: 5105: 5101: 5094: 5078: 5074: 5067: 5051: 5047: 5039: 5030: 5022: 5015: 5002: 4998: 4990: 4986: 4979: 4963: 4959: 4939: 4935: 4926: 4922: 4915: 4901:"Beatriz Arana" 4897: 4893: 4885: 4881: 4874: 4858: 4854: 4831: 4827: 4814: 4810: 4803: 4787: 4783: 4760:10.2307/2947273 4740: 4733: 4726: 4710: 4699: 4689: 4670: 4663: 4652: 4636: 4629: 4616: 4612: 4605: 4587: 4583: 4573: 4555: 4551: 4543: 4539: 4532: 4514: 4510: 4502: 4498: 4490: 4486: 4480:(in Portuguese) 4479: 4478: 4474: 4467: 4451: 4447: 4440: 4424: 4420: 4407: 4403: 4396: 4371: 4367: 4351: 4347: 4339: 4332: 4325: 4309: 4305: 4300: 4296: 4278:Behind the Name 4241: 4237: 4229: 4225: 4218: 4202: 4198: 4190: 4183: 4170: 4166: 4151: 4147: 4131: 4127: 4117: 4101: 4097: 4089: 4082: 4071: 4053: 4049: 4038: 4022: 4018: 4008: 4006: 3996: 3992: 3985: 3971: 3967: 3957: 3953: 3922: 3918: 3913: 3908: 3907: 3899: 3895: 3886: 3882: 3871: 3867: 3834: 3830: 3821: 3817: 3813:in the Indies.) 3804: 3800: 3791: 3787: 3782: 3778: 3768: 3764: 3759: 3755: 3746: 3742: 3725: 3721: 3688: 3684: 3667: 3663: 3657:Terra Incognita 3645: 3638: 3633: 3629: 3616: 3612: 3599: 3595: 3533:Cristóbal Colón 3496: 3492: 3487: 3483: 3478: 3433:Egg of Columbus 3419: 3394:Alejo Fernández 3363: 3362: 3361: 3360: 3359: 3356: 3348: 3347: 3344:Alejo Fernández 3335: 3324: 3315: 3291:Andrés Reséndez 3258:Charles C. Mann 3248: 3245: 3239: 3233: 3205: 3143: 3105: 3053:, a Museum and 3044: 3038: 3007:, New York City 3005:Columbus Circle 2993: 2910:Icelandic sagas 2884: 2863: 2855:Main articles: 2853: 2799:homo americanus 2725: 2674:Columbian Issue 2546:Columbian Issue 2538: 2528: 2448: 2447: 2446: 2445: 2444: 2433: 2425: 2424: 2417: 2406: 2270: 2236:, naming them " 2111: 2105: 2002:Paria Peninsula 1991:Sanlúcar, Spain 1979: 1810:Juan de la Cosa 1785: 1736:Vale do Paraíso 1722:and forced the 1571:Pinzón brothers 1551:Juan de la Cosa 1525: 1494:Western history 1450: 1440: 1434: 1422:, known as the 1420:Castilian crown 1351: 1277:Bartolomeu Dias 1254: 1242:horse latitudes 1205: 1199: 1124:Marinus of Tyre 1069:in a degree of 1009: 963:Bartolomeu Dias 874: 869: 840:Natural History 765:in present-day 694:, England, and 647:Cristóbal Colón 631:Genoese dialect 577: 571: 478:Lesser Antilles 465:in what is now 461:, establishing 320: 316: 269: 246: 215: 207: 203: 200: 169: 163: 161: 146: 121: 111: 99: 93: 88: 71: 55: 52: 43: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 16719: 16709: 16708: 16703: 16698: 16693: 16688: 16683: 16678: 16673: 16668: 16663: 16658: 16653: 16648: 16643: 16638: 16633: 16628: 16623: 16618: 16613: 16608: 16603: 16598: 16593: 16576: 16575: 16572: 16571: 16569: 16568: 16563: 16558: 16553: 16548: 16543: 16542: 16541: 16531: 16530: 16529: 16519: 16514: 16509: 16504: 16499: 16494: 16489: 16484: 16479: 16474: 16469: 16463: 16460: 16459: 16449: 16448: 16445: 16444: 16442: 16441: 16436: 16431: 16426: 16421: 16416: 16411: 16406: 16401: 16400: 16399: 16394: 16389: 16384: 16374: 16369: 16364: 16362:Canary Islands 16358: 16355: 16354: 16344: 16343: 16340: 16339: 16336: 16335: 16332: 16331: 16328: 16327: 16325: 16324: 16319: 16314: 16309: 16304: 16299: 16294: 16289: 16284: 16279: 16274: 16269: 16264: 16259: 16254: 16248: 16246: 16242: 16241: 16239: 16238: 16233: 16228: 16223: 16218: 16216:Túpac Amaru II 16213: 16208: 16203: 16198: 16193: 16188: 16183: 16178: 16173: 16168: 16163: 16161:Bogotá savanna 16158: 16153: 16148: 16142: 16140: 16133: 16129: 16128: 16125: 16124: 16122: 16121: 16116: 16111: 16106: 16101: 16096: 16091: 16086: 16081: 16076: 16071: 16069:Spanish Armada 16066: 16061: 16056: 16051: 16046: 16041: 16036: 16031: 16026: 16020: 16018: 16014: 16013: 16011: 16010: 16005: 16000: 15995: 15990: 15985: 15980: 15975: 15970: 15965: 15963:White Mountain 15960: 15958:Cape Celidonia 15955: 15953:English Armada 15950: 15945: 15940: 15935: 15930: 15925: 15920: 15915: 15910: 15905: 15900: 15895: 15890: 15885: 15880: 15875: 15869: 15867: 15860: 15853: 15849: 15848: 15846: 15845: 15840: 15835: 15830: 15825: 15820: 15815: 15810: 15805: 15800: 15795: 15790: 15785: 15780: 15775: 15770: 15765: 15760: 15754: 15752: 15746: 15745: 15743: 15742: 15737: 15732: 15730:Juan Fernández 15727: 15722: 15717: 15712: 15707: 15705:Diego Columbus 15702: 15697: 15692: 15687: 15682: 15677: 15672: 15667: 15662: 15657: 15652: 15647: 15642: 15637: 15632: 15627: 15621: 15619: 15615: 15614: 15612: 15611: 15606: 15601: 15596: 15591: 15586: 15581: 15576: 15571: 15566: 15561: 15556: 15551: 15545: 15543: 15539: 15538: 15536: 15535: 15533:Army of Africa 15530: 15525: 15520: 15515: 15513:Spanish Armada 15510: 15505: 15500: 15495: 15489: 15487: 15479: 15478: 15468: 15467: 15464: 15463: 15460: 15459: 15457: 15456: 15451: 15446: 15441: 15436: 15431: 15426: 15421: 15416: 15414:Manila galleon 15410: 15408: 15404: 15403: 15401: 15400: 15395: 15390: 15385: 15380: 15375: 15369: 15367: 15357: 15356: 15346: 15345: 15342: 15341: 15338: 15337: 15335: 15334: 15329: 15324: 15319: 15314: 15309: 15304: 15299: 15294: 15289: 15284: 15279: 15274: 15269: 15264: 15258: 15256: 15250: 15249: 15247: 15246: 15241: 15236: 15231: 15226: 15221: 15216: 15211: 15206: 15201: 15196: 15191: 15186: 15180: 15178: 15172: 15171: 15169: 15168: 15163: 15158: 15153: 15148: 15143: 15138: 15133: 15128: 15122: 15120: 15114: 15113: 15111: 15110: 15105: 15100: 15095: 15090: 15084: 15082: 15072: 15071: 15061: 15060: 15057: 15056: 15053: 15052: 15050: 15049: 15044: 15039: 15034: 15029: 15024: 15018: 15016: 15012: 15011: 15009: 15008: 15003: 14998: 14993: 14988: 14983: 14977: 14975: 14971: 14970: 14968: 14967: 14962: 14957: 14952: 14947: 14941: 14939: 14931: 14930: 14928:Administration 14920: 14919: 14916: 14915: 14912: 14911: 14909: 14908: 14902: 14899: 14898: 14888: 14887: 14885: 14884: 14849:Western Sahara 14845: 14839: 14836: 14835: 14825: 14824: 14822: 14821: 14816: 14811: 14780: 14777: 14776: 14762: 14761: 14759: 14758: 14747:Banda Oriental 14728: 14714: 14691: 14688: 14687: 14677: 14676: 14674: 14673: 14668: 14663: 14658: 14653: 14648: 14643: 14638: 14620: 14614: 14611: 14610: 14600: 14599: 14597: 14596: 14562:Coastal Alaska 14554: 14551: 14550: 14540: 14539: 14537: 14536: 14531: 14526: 14521: 14516: 14511: 14496: 14495: 14494: 14489: 14484: 14479: 14468: 14465: 14464: 14454: 14453: 14443: 14442: 14439: 14438: 14436: 14435: 14430: 14425: 14420: 14415: 14410: 14405: 14400: 14395: 14390: 14385: 14380: 14375: 14370: 14365: 14360: 14355: 14350: 14345: 14344: 14343: 14333: 14328: 14323: 14318: 14313: 14308: 14303: 14298: 14293: 14288: 14283: 14278: 14273: 14268: 14263: 14258: 14253: 14248: 14243: 14234: 14228: 14225: 14224: 14214: 14213: 14210:Spanish Empire 14206: 14205: 14198: 14191: 14183: 14174: 14173: 14171: 14170: 14165: 14163:Modern history 14160: 14155: 14150: 14145: 14140: 14135: 14130: 14120: 14117: 14116: 14114: 14113: 14108: 14103: 14098: 14093: 14087: 14085: 14081: 14080: 14078: 14077: 14076: 14075: 14070: 14062: 14057: 14052: 14046: 14044: 14040: 14039: 14037: 14036: 14031: 14026: 14021: 14016: 14011: 14005: 14003: 13999: 13998: 13996: 13995: 13990: 13985: 13980: 13975: 13970: 13964: 13962: 13958: 13957: 13955: 13954: 13952:Decolonization 13949: 13944: 13943: 13942: 13937: 13932: 13927: 13917: 13912: 13907: 13902: 13897: 13891: 13889: 13885: 13884: 13877: 13875: 13873: 13872: 13867: 13862: 13857: 13852: 13847: 13842: 13837: 13831: 13829: 13823: 13822: 13808: 13807: 13800: 13793: 13785: 13779: 13778: 13768: 13762: 13757: 13752: 13736: 13721: 13712: 13699: 13698: 13693: 13687: 13686: 13675: 13674: 13672: 13671:External links 13669: 13668: 13667: 13656: 13649: 13635: 13625:(4): 374–398. 13614: 13580:(2): 177–189. 13565: 13545: 13539: 13531:Keen, Benjamin 13521: 13518: 13516: 13515: 13509: 13491: 13485: 13470: 13464: 13449: 13448: 13447: 13436: 13411: 13395: 13389: 13374: 13363: 13349: 13333: 13326: 13320: 13305: 13299: 13284: 13277: 13271: 13242: 13236: 13221: 13215: 13200: 13189: 13183: 13164: 13162: 13159: 13156: 13155: 13143: 13100: 13093: 13075: 13064: 13054: 13034: 13022: 13009: 12997: 12985: 12974:on 5 July 2020 12943:(3): 417–425. 12920: 12913: 12890: 12839: 12832: 12826:. p. 17. 12805: 12750: 12741: 12734: 12710: 12685: 12671: 12647: 12625: 12592: 12585: 12561: 12554: 12532: 12483: 12442: 12433: 12402: 12395: 12371: 12365:978-0307278241 12364: 12358:. p. 12. 12342: 12336:978-0837172286 12335: 12329:. p. 47. 12310: 12295: 12262: 12209: 12193: 12181: 12174: 12154: 12143:on 24 May 2021 12121: 12077: 12065: 12037: 11991: 11944: 11903:Keen, Benjamin 11894: 11844: 11837: 11811: 11804: 11772: 11758: 11738: 11731: 11711: 11699: 11692: 11674: 11672:, p. 417. 11662: 11636: 11610: 11598:(2): 106–121. 11591:Social Justice 11576: 11550: 11519: 11493: 11437: 11422: 11401: 11386: 11363: 11356: 11336: 11324: 11317: 11295: 11283: 11276: 11255: 11253:, p. 244. 11243: 11215: 11208: 11184: 11169: 11146: 11139: 11119: 11068: 11041: 11026: 11000: 10957: 10950: 10930: 10923: 10903: 10884: 10852: 10830: 10792: 10785: 10765: 10754: 10734: 10727: 10705: 10681:10.2307/494350 10675:(4): 407–425. 10655: 10619: 10608:(2): 136–147. 10592: 10580: 10573: 10553: 10541: 10532: 10518: 10499: 10484: 10472: 10458: 10432: 10425: 10419:. p. 45. 10398: 10365: 10355:(2): 163–188, 10332: 10325: 10303: 10276:(3): 452–469. 10260: 10253: 10231: 10215:"Columbus Day" 10206: 10199: 10179: 10170: 10129: 10117: 10110: 10090: 10071:(1): 296–300. 10055: 10048: 10028: 10000: 9959: 9952: 9930: 9923: 9903: 9881: 9874: 9847: 9840: 9820: 9805: 9785: 9754:(2): 254–277. 9734: 9722: 9705:(in Spanish). 9689: 9683:978-0062875358 9682: 9664: 9627: 9598: 9586: 9556: 9539:(in Spanish). 9523: 9497: 9461: 9437: 9411: 9378: 9371: 9351: 9349:, p. 196. 9336: 9334:, p. 194. 9324: 9291: 9274: 9262: 9255: 9235: 9228: 9208: 9182: 9175: 9155: 9112: 9093:(2): 274–277. 9077: 9056: 9009: 9002: 8982: 8965: 8963:, 2001, p. 511 8952: 8945: 8925: 8874: 8859: 8831: 8819: 8817:, p. 330. 8807: 8790: 8783: 8763: 8756: 8736: 8716: 8709: 8689: 8682: 8662: 8655: 8635: 8623: 8616: 8596: 8589: 8566: 8557: 8550: 8530: 8507: 8494: 8479: 8459: 8452: 8432: 8423: 8416: 8396: 8371: 8352: 8329: 8314: 8294: 8274: 8252: 8240: 8206: 8197: 8195:, p. 125. 8185: 8178: 8156: 8139: 8127: 8110: 8108:, p. 258. 8098: 8091: 8071: 8064: 8041: 8039:, p. 249. 8029: 8022: 7993: 7986: 7966: 7959: 7936: 7929: 7923:. p. 36. 7905: 7903:, p. 497. 7893: 7886: 7866: 7835: 7816: 7809: 7789: 7780: 7773: 7747: 7734: 7722: 7712: 7702: 7679: 7652:(4): 842–859. 7632: 7623: 7614: 7605: 7591: 7568: 7551: 7541: 7514: 7502: 7495: 7475: 7468: 7445: 7438: 7415: 7403: 7370: 7355: 7332: 7301: 7294: 7271: 7264: 7244: 7217: 7210: 7190: 7165: 7151: 7131: 7118: 7111: 7091: 7063: 7020: 7018:, p. 145. 7005: 6993: 6986: 6966: 6959: 6939: 6932: 6912: 6906:978-0300133899 6905: 6885: 6879:978-1438108315 6878: 6858: 6833: 6807: 6776: 6769: 6745: 6738: 6718: 6705: 6696: 6679: 6654: 6652:, p. 226. 6642: 6635: 6611: 6599: 6588:on 26 May 2015 6569: 6567:, p. 102. 6554: 6552:, p. 228. 6539: 6498: 6483: 6463: 6436: 6429: 6407: 6405:, p. 381. 6392: 6385: 6365: 6358: 6335: 6328: 6308: 6279: 6272: 6247: 6245:, p. 662. 6235: 6212: 6192: 6175: 6144: 6132: 6120: 6107: 6095: 6084: 6064: 6057: 6035: 6023: 5976: 5964: 5937:(4): 219–225. 5917: 5915:, p. 314. 5905: 5903:, p. 132. 5893: 5882: 5862: 5855: 5833: 5826: 5806: 5799: 5779: 5777:, p. 110. 5767: 5755: 5748: 5728: 5721: 5701: 5694: 5672: 5665: 5645: 5634: 5614: 5585: 5547: 5490: 5474: 5467: 5461:. p. 36. 5443: 5429: 5400: 5393: 5375: 5336: 5303: 5301:, p. 244. 5291: 5278:10.2307/598947 5250: 5193:Delaney, Carol 5184: 5153: 5146: 5126: 5119: 5099: 5092: 5072: 5065: 5045: 5028: 5026:, p. 227. 5013: 4996: 4994:, p. 108. 4984: 4977: 4957: 4933: 4920: 4913: 4891: 4879: 4872: 4852: 4825: 4808: 4801: 4781: 4754:(2): 278–297. 4731: 4724: 4697: 4687: 4673:Paolucci, Anne 4661: 4650: 4627: 4610: 4603: 4591:"Introduction" 4581: 4571: 4549: 4537: 4530: 4508: 4496: 4484: 4472: 4465: 4445: 4438: 4418: 4401: 4394: 4365: 4345: 4330: 4323: 4303: 4294: 4235: 4223: 4216: 4196: 4164: 4145: 4125: 4115: 4095: 4093:, p. 126. 4080: 4069: 4047: 4036: 4016: 3990: 3983: 3965: 3951: 3915: 3914: 3912: 3909: 3906: 3905: 3893: 3880: 3865: 3828: 3815: 3798: 3785: 3776: 3762: 3753: 3740: 3719: 3682: 3661: 3636: 3627: 3610: 3593: 3591: 3590: 3580: 3554: 3540: 3526: 3512: 3490: 3480: 3479: 3477: 3474: 3473: 3472: 3465: 3460: 3455: 3450: 3445: 3440: 3438:Diego Columbus 3435: 3430: 3425: 3418: 3415: 3357: 3350: 3349: 3336: 3329: 3328: 3327: 3326: 3325: 3323: 3320: 3314: 3311: 3307:David Stannard 3232: 3229: 3217:Basil Davidson 3142: 3139: 3104: 3101: 3081:diurnal motion 3066:Earth was flat 3037: 3034: 2992: 2989: 2957:preconceptions 2852: 2849: 2843:diseases, the 2821:James Buchanan 2743:John Vanderlyn 2724: 2721: 2694:Genoa Expo '92 2640:Columbia River 2527: 2524: 2485:In June 2003, 2434: 2427: 2426: 2418: 2411: 2410: 2409: 2408: 2407: 2405: 2402: 2378:rheumatologist 2269: 2266: 2262:Abraham Zacuto 2234:Cayman Islands 2217:on 5 October. 2130:House of Colon 2107:Main article: 2104: 2101: 2042:Queen Isabella 1978: 1975: 1910:in modern-day 1853:Virgin Islands 1802:Alvarez Chanca 1784: 1781: 1692:on 6 January. 1678:Luis de Torres 1524: 1521: 1436:Main article: 1433: 1430: 1400:and appointed 1350: 1347: 1253: 1250: 1198: 1195: 1156:Canary Islands 1082:Pierre d'Ailly 1059:cosmographical 1057:Second, three 1008: 1005: 993:Holy Sepulcher 988:apocalypticist 927:Ottoman Empire 873: 870: 868: 867:Quest for Asia 865: 862:wrong ... 819:Pierre d'Ailly 711:, daughter of 641:, in Italian, 570: 567: 559:Columbus, Ohio 547:South American 357:who completed 308: 307: 304: 303: 296: 292: 291: 286: 282: 281: 275: 271: 270: 268: 267: 261: 254: 252: 248: 247: 245: 244: 239: 233: 231: 227: 226: 221: 217: 216: 205: 201: 196: 195: 193: 189: 188: 182: 178: 177: 159: 155: 154: 143: 139: 138: 134: 133: 130: 129: 124: 118: 117: 114: 108: 107: 102: 96: 95: 85: 84: 77: 76: 73: 72: 65: 57: 56: 53: 50: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 16718: 16707: 16704: 16702: 16699: 16697: 16694: 16692: 16689: 16687: 16684: 16682: 16679: 16677: 16674: 16672: 16669: 16667: 16664: 16662: 16659: 16657: 16654: 16652: 16649: 16647: 16644: 16642: 16639: 16637: 16634: 16632: 16629: 16627: 16624: 16622: 16619: 16617: 16614: 16612: 16609: 16607: 16606:1490s in Cuba 16604: 16602: 16599: 16597: 16594: 16592: 16589: 16588: 16586: 16567: 16564: 16562: 16559: 16557: 16554: 16552: 16549: 16547: 16544: 16540: 16537: 16536: 16535: 16532: 16528: 16525: 16524: 16523: 16520: 16518: 16515: 16513: 16510: 16508: 16505: 16503: 16500: 16498: 16497:Tapada limeña 16495: 16493: 16490: 16488: 16485: 16483: 16480: 16478: 16475: 16473: 16470: 16468: 16465: 16464: 16461: 16454: 16450: 16440: 16437: 16435: 16432: 16430: 16427: 16425: 16422: 16420: 16417: 16415: 16412: 16410: 16407: 16405: 16402: 16398: 16395: 16393: 16390: 16388: 16385: 16383: 16380: 16379: 16378: 16375: 16373: 16370: 16368: 16365: 16363: 16360: 16359: 16356: 16349: 16345: 16323: 16320: 16318: 16315: 16313: 16310: 16308: 16305: 16303: 16300: 16298: 16295: 16293: 16290: 16288: 16285: 16283: 16280: 16278: 16275: 16273: 16270: 16268: 16265: 16263: 16260: 16258: 16255: 16253: 16250: 16249: 16247: 16243: 16237: 16234: 16232: 16229: 16227: 16224: 16222: 16219: 16217: 16214: 16212: 16209: 16207: 16204: 16202: 16199: 16197: 16194: 16192: 16189: 16187: 16184: 16182: 16179: 16177: 16174: 16172: 16169: 16167: 16164: 16162: 16159: 16157: 16154: 16152: 16149: 16147: 16144: 16143: 16141: 16137: 16134: 16130: 16120: 16117: 16115: 16112: 16110: 16107: 16105: 16102: 16100: 16097: 16095: 16092: 16090: 16089:Montes Claros 16087: 16085: 16082: 16080: 16077: 16075: 16072: 16070: 16067: 16065: 16062: 16060: 16057: 16055: 16052: 16050: 16047: 16045: 16042: 16040: 16037: 16035: 16032: 16030: 16029:Vienna (1529) 16027: 16025: 16022: 16021: 16019: 16015: 16009: 16006: 16004: 16001: 15999: 15996: 15994: 15991: 15989: 15986: 15984: 15981: 15979: 15976: 15974: 15971: 15969: 15966: 15964: 15961: 15959: 15956: 15954: 15951: 15949: 15946: 15944: 15941: 15939: 15936: 15934: 15931: 15929: 15926: 15924: 15921: 15919: 15916: 15914: 15911: 15909: 15906: 15904: 15901: 15899: 15896: 15894: 15891: 15889: 15886: 15884: 15881: 15879: 15876: 15874: 15871: 15870: 15868: 15864: 15861: 15857: 15854: 15850: 15844: 15841: 15839: 15836: 15834: 15831: 15829: 15826: 15824: 15821: 15819: 15816: 15814: 15811: 15809: 15806: 15804: 15801: 15799: 15796: 15794: 15791: 15789: 15786: 15784: 15781: 15779: 15776: 15774: 15771: 15769: 15766: 15764: 15761: 15759: 15758:Hernán Cortés 15756: 15755: 15753: 15751: 15750:Conquistadors 15747: 15741: 15738: 15736: 15733: 15731: 15728: 15726: 15723: 15721: 15720:Juan de Ayala 15718: 15716: 15713: 15711: 15708: 15706: 15703: 15701: 15698: 15696: 15693: 15691: 15688: 15686: 15683: 15681: 15678: 15676: 15673: 15671: 15668: 15666: 15663: 15661: 15658: 15656: 15653: 15651: 15648: 15646: 15643: 15641: 15638: 15636: 15633: 15631: 15628: 15626: 15623: 15622: 15620: 15616: 15610: 15607: 15605: 15602: 15600: 15597: 15595: 15592: 15590: 15587: 15585: 15582: 15580: 15577: 15575: 15574:Duke of Savoy 15572: 15570: 15567: 15565: 15562: 15560: 15557: 15555: 15552: 15550: 15547: 15546: 15544: 15540: 15534: 15531: 15529: 15526: 15524: 15521: 15519: 15516: 15514: 15511: 15509: 15506: 15504: 15501: 15499: 15496: 15494: 15491: 15490: 15488: 15484: 15480: 15473: 15469: 15455: 15452: 15450: 15447: 15445: 15442: 15440: 15437: 15435: 15432: 15430: 15427: 15425: 15422: 15420: 15417: 15415: 15412: 15411: 15409: 15405: 15399: 15396: 15394: 15391: 15389: 15386: 15384: 15381: 15379: 15376: 15374: 15373:Dollar (Peso) 15371: 15370: 15368: 15366: 15362: 15358: 15351: 15347: 15333: 15332:Santo Domingo 15330: 15328: 15325: 15323: 15320: 15318: 15315: 15313: 15310: 15308: 15305: 15303: 15300: 15298: 15295: 15293: 15290: 15288: 15285: 15283: 15280: 15278: 15275: 15273: 15270: 15268: 15265: 15263: 15260: 15259: 15257: 15255: 15251: 15245: 15242: 15240: 15237: 15235: 15232: 15230: 15227: 15225: 15222: 15220: 15217: 15215: 15212: 15210: 15209:New Andalusia 15207: 15205: 15202: 15200: 15197: 15195: 15192: 15190: 15187: 15185: 15182: 15181: 15179: 15177: 15173: 15167: 15164: 15162: 15159: 15157: 15156:Santo Domingo 15154: 15152: 15149: 15147: 15144: 15142: 15139: 15137: 15134: 15132: 15129: 15127: 15124: 15123: 15121: 15119: 15115: 15109: 15106: 15104: 15101: 15099: 15096: 15094: 15091: 15089: 15086: 15085: 15083: 15081: 15080:Viceroyalties 15077: 15073: 15066: 15062: 15048: 15045: 15043: 15040: 15038: 15035: 15033: 15030: 15028: 15025: 15023: 15020: 15019: 15017: 15013: 15007: 15004: 15002: 14999: 14997: 14994: 14992: 14989: 14987: 14984: 14982: 14979: 14978: 14976: 14972: 14966: 14963: 14961: 14958: 14956: 14953: 14951: 14948: 14946: 14943: 14942: 14940: 14936: 14932: 14925: 14921: 14907: 14904: 14903: 14900: 14893: 14882: 14878: 14874: 14870: 14866: 14862: 14858: 14854: 14850: 14846: 14844: 14841: 14840: 14837: 14830: 14820: 14817: 14815: 14812: 14809: 14805: 14801: 14797: 14793: 14789: 14785: 14782: 14781: 14778: 14773: 14767: 14756: 14752: 14748: 14744: 14740: 14736: 14732: 14729: 14726: 14722: 14718: 14715: 14712: 14708: 14704: 14700: 14696: 14693: 14692: 14689: 14685:South America 14682: 14672: 14669: 14667: 14664: 14662: 14659: 14657: 14654: 14652: 14649: 14647: 14644: 14642: 14639: 14636: 14632: 14628: 14624: 14621: 14619: 14616: 14615: 14612: 14605: 14594: 14590: 14584: 14579: 14575: 14571: 14570:Spanish Texas 14567: 14563: 14559: 14556: 14555: 14552: 14548:North America 14545: 14535: 14532: 14530: 14529:Franche-Comté 14527: 14525: 14522: 14520: 14517: 14515: 14512: 14509: 14505: 14501: 14497: 14493: 14490: 14488: 14485: 14483: 14480: 14478: 14475: 14474: 14473: 14470: 14469: 14466: 14459: 14455: 14448: 14444: 14434: 14431: 14429: 14426: 14424: 14421: 14419: 14416: 14414: 14411: 14409: 14406: 14404: 14401: 14399: 14396: 14394: 14391: 14389: 14386: 14384: 14381: 14379: 14376: 14374: 14371: 14369: 14366: 14364: 14361: 14359: 14356: 14354: 14351: 14349: 14346: 14342: 14339: 14338: 14337: 14334: 14332: 14329: 14327: 14324: 14322: 14319: 14317: 14314: 14312: 14309: 14307: 14304: 14302: 14299: 14297: 14294: 14292: 14289: 14287: 14284: 14282: 14279: 14277: 14274: 14272: 14269: 14267: 14264: 14262: 14259: 14257: 14254: 14252: 14249: 14247: 14244: 14242: 14238: 14235: 14233: 14230: 14229: 14226: 14219: 14215: 14211: 14204: 14199: 14197: 14192: 14190: 14185: 14184: 14181: 14169: 14166: 14164: 14161: 14159: 14156: 14154: 14151: 14149: 14146: 14144: 14141: 14139: 14136: 14134: 14131: 14129: 14125: 14122: 14121: 14118: 14112: 14109: 14107: 14104: 14102: 14099: 14097: 14094: 14092: 14089: 14088: 14086: 14082: 14074: 14073:South America 14071: 14069: 14068:North America 14066: 14065: 14063: 14061: 14058: 14056: 14053: 14051: 14048: 14047: 14045: 14041: 14035: 14032: 14030: 14027: 14025: 14022: 14020: 14017: 14015: 14012: 14010: 14007: 14006: 14004: 14000: 13994: 13991: 13989: 13986: 13984: 13981: 13979: 13976: 13974: 13971: 13969: 13968:Paleo-Indians 13966: 13965: 13963: 13959: 13953: 13950: 13948: 13945: 13941: 13938: 13936: 13933: 13931: 13928: 13926: 13923: 13922: 13921: 13918: 13916: 13913: 13911: 13908: 13906: 13903: 13901: 13898: 13896: 13893: 13892: 13890: 13886: 13881: 13871: 13868: 13866: 13863: 13861: 13860:South America 13858: 13856: 13855:Latin America 13853: 13851: 13848: 13846: 13843: 13841: 13838: 13836: 13835:North America 13833: 13832: 13830: 13828: 13824: 13820: 13815: 13806: 13801: 13799: 13794: 13792: 13787: 13786: 13783: 13776: 13772: 13769: 13766: 13763: 13761: 13758: 13756: 13753: 13750: 13746: 13742: 13741: 13737: 13729: 13725: 13722: 13720: 13716: 13713: 13711: 13707: 13704: 13703: 13697: 13694: 13692: 13689: 13688: 13683: 13678: 13664: 13663: 13657: 13654: 13650: 13648: 13644: 13640: 13636: 13632: 13628: 13624: 13620: 13615: 13611: 13607: 13603: 13599: 13595: 13591: 13587: 13583: 13579: 13575: 13571: 13566: 13562: 13561: 13555: 13550: 13546: 13542: 13536: 13532: 13528: 13524: 13523: 13512: 13506: 13502: 13501: 13496: 13492: 13488: 13482: 13478: 13477: 13471: 13467: 13461: 13457: 13456: 13450: 13444: 13443: 13437: 13433: 13432: 13426: 13425: 13422: 13418: 13414: 13408: 13404: 13400: 13396: 13392: 13386: 13382: 13381: 13375: 13371: 13370: 13364: 13360: 13356: 13352: 13346: 13342: 13338: 13337:Horwitz, Tony 13334: 13331: 13327: 13323: 13317: 13313: 13312: 13306: 13302: 13296: 13292: 13291: 13285: 13282: 13278: 13274: 13268: 13264: 13263: 13258: 13251: 13247: 13243: 13239: 13233: 13229: 13228: 13222: 13218: 13212: 13208: 13207: 13201: 13197: 13196: 13190: 13186: 13180: 13176: 13175: 13170: 13166: 13165: 13152: 13147: 13139: 13135: 13131: 13127: 13123: 13119: 13115: 13111: 13104: 13096: 13090: 13086: 13079: 13073: 13068: 13061: 13057: 13051: 13047: 13046: 13038: 13031: 13026: 13019: 13013: 13006: 13001: 12994: 12989: 12970: 12966: 12962: 12958: 12954: 12950: 12946: 12942: 12938: 12931: 12924: 12916: 12910: 12906: 12905: 12900: 12894: 12887: 12881: 12876: 12872: 12868: 12864: 12860: 12856: 12855: 12850: 12843: 12835: 12829: 12825: 12821: 12820: 12815: 12809: 12801: 12797: 12792: 12787: 12783: 12779: 12775: 12771: 12767: 12766: 12761: 12754: 12745: 12737: 12735:0-521-55203-6 12731: 12727: 12723: 12722: 12714: 12699: 12695: 12689: 12674: 12668: 12664: 12660: 12659: 12651: 12632: 12628: 12622: 12618: 12614: 12610: 12603: 12596: 12588: 12582: 12578: 12574: 12573: 12565: 12557: 12551: 12546: 12545: 12536: 12525: 12521: 12517: 12513: 12509: 12505: 12501: 12494: 12487: 12478: 12473: 12469: 12465: 12461: 12457: 12453: 12446: 12437: 12422: 12421: 12416: 12409: 12407: 12398: 12392: 12388: 12384: 12383:Hickel, Jason 12378: 12376: 12367: 12361: 12357: 12353: 12346: 12338: 12332: 12328: 12324: 12320: 12314: 12307: 12302: 12300: 12283: 12279: 12278: 12273: 12266: 12258: 12254: 12249: 12244: 12239: 12234: 12230: 12226: 12225: 12220: 12213: 12206: 12200: 12198: 12190: 12185: 12177: 12171: 12168:. LSU Press. 12167: 12166: 12158: 12142: 12138: 12137: 12132: 12125: 12117: 12113: 12109: 12105: 12101: 12097: 12093: 12092: 12087: 12081: 12075:, p. 84. 12074: 12069: 12054: 12053: 12048: 12041: 12026: 12022: 12018: 12014: 12010: 12006: 12002: 11995: 11987: 11983: 11978: 11973: 11969: 11965: 11961: 11960: 11955: 11948: 11940: 11936: 11931: 11926: 11922: 11918: 11914: 11913: 11908: 11904: 11898: 11890: 11886: 11881: 11876: 11872: 11868: 11864: 11863: 11858: 11854: 11848: 11840: 11834: 11830: 11826: 11822: 11815: 11807: 11805:9781560246435 11801: 11797: 11793: 11789: 11788: 11783: 11776: 11761: 11755: 11751: 11750: 11742: 11734: 11728: 11724: 11723: 11715: 11709:, p. 69. 11708: 11703: 11695: 11689: 11685: 11678: 11671: 11666: 11650: 11646: 11640: 11625: 11621: 11614: 11605: 11601: 11597: 11593: 11592: 11587: 11580: 11565: 11561: 11554: 11539: 11538: 11533: 11529: 11523: 11508: 11504: 11497: 11490: 11482: 11478: 11474: 11470: 11466: 11462: 11458: 11451: 11444: 11442: 11433: 11426: 11419: 11415: 11411: 11405: 11397: 11393: 11389: 11383: 11379: 11378: 11373: 11367: 11359: 11353: 11349: 11348: 11340: 11333: 11332:Morison 1942b 11328: 11320: 11314: 11310: 11306: 11299: 11292: 11291:Morison 1942a 11287: 11279: 11273: 11269: 11265: 11259: 11252: 11251:Bergreen 2011 11247: 11232: 11231: 11226: 11219: 11211: 11205: 11201: 11197: 11196: 11188: 11180: 11176: 11172: 11170:0-452-26669-6 11166: 11162: 11161: 11156: 11150: 11142: 11136: 11132: 11131: 11123: 11116: 11113: 11109: 11105: 11101: 11087: 11083: 11079: 11072: 11064: 11060: 11056: 11052: 11045: 11037: 11033: 11029: 11027:9781107705562 11023: 11019: 11015: 11011: 11004: 10997: 10992: 10988: 10984: 10980: 10976: 10972: 10968: 10961: 10953: 10947: 10943: 10942: 10934: 10926: 10920: 10916: 10915: 10907: 10900: 10899: 10894: 10888: 10872: 10868: 10867: 10862: 10856: 10840: 10834: 10817: 10812: 10811: 10806: 10799: 10797: 10788: 10782: 10778: 10777: 10769: 10762: 10757: 10751: 10747: 10746: 10738: 10730: 10724: 10720: 10716: 10709: 10702: 10698: 10694: 10690: 10686: 10682: 10678: 10674: 10670: 10666: 10659: 10648: 10644: 10640: 10639:History Today 10633: 10629: 10623: 10615: 10611: 10607: 10603: 10596: 10590:, p. 80. 10589: 10584: 10576: 10570: 10566: 10565: 10557: 10550: 10545: 10536: 10528: 10522: 10514: 10510: 10503: 10495: 10488: 10481: 10476: 10465: 10461: 10455: 10448: 10447: 10439: 10437: 10428: 10422: 10418: 10415:. Nashville: 10411: 10410: 10402: 10391: 10387: 10383: 10376: 10369: 10362: 10358: 10354: 10350: 10343: 10336: 10328: 10322: 10318: 10314: 10307: 10299: 10295: 10291: 10287: 10283: 10279: 10275: 10271: 10264: 10256: 10250: 10246: 10242: 10235: 10220: 10216: 10210: 10202: 10196: 10192: 10191: 10183: 10174: 10163: 10159: 10155: 10151: 10147: 10140: 10133: 10126: 10121: 10113: 10107: 10103: 10102: 10094: 10086: 10082: 10078: 10074: 10070: 10066: 10059: 10051: 10045: 10041: 10040: 10032: 10016: 10015: 10010: 10004: 9996: 9992: 9987: 9982: 9978: 9974: 9970: 9963: 9955: 9949: 9945: 9941: 9934: 9926: 9920: 9916: 9915: 9907: 9899: 9895: 9888: 9886: 9877: 9871: 9868:. p. 2. 9867: 9864:. Nashville: 9860: 9859: 9851: 9843: 9837: 9833: 9832: 9824: 9817: 9815: 9808: 9802: 9798: 9797: 9789: 9782: 9777: 9773: 9769: 9765: 9761: 9757: 9753: 9749: 9745: 9738: 9731: 9726: 9717: 9712: 9708: 9704: 9700: 9693: 9685: 9679: 9675: 9668: 9660: 9648: 9644: 9640: 9634: 9632: 9623: 9619: 9615: 9614: 9608: 9602: 9593: 9591: 9574: 9570: 9566: 9560: 9551: 9546: 9542: 9538: 9534: 9527: 9512: 9508: 9501: 9485: 9481: 9477: 9470: 9468: 9466: 9458: 9457: 9453: 9449: 9448: 9441: 9426: 9422: 9415: 9399: 9395: 9391: 9385: 9383: 9374: 9368: 9364: 9363: 9355: 9348: 9343: 9341: 9333: 9328: 9317: 9313: 9309: 9302: 9295: 9287: 9286: 9278: 9272:, p. 74. 9271: 9266: 9258: 9252: 9248: 9247: 9239: 9231: 9225: 9221: 9220: 9212: 9196: 9192: 9186: 9178: 9172: 9168: 9167: 9159: 9151: 9147: 9143: 9139: 9135: 9131: 9127: 9123: 9116: 9108: 9104: 9100: 9096: 9092: 9088: 9081: 9073: 9069: 9063: 9061: 9052: 9048: 9044: 9040: 9036: 9032: 9028: 9024: 9020: 9013: 9005: 8999: 8995: 8994: 8986: 8978: 8977: 8969: 8962: 8956: 8948: 8942: 8938: 8937: 8929: 8914: 8910: 8905: 8900: 8896: 8892: 8888: 8881: 8879: 8870: 8866: 8862: 8856: 8852: 8848: 8844: 8843: 8835: 8828: 8827:Bergreen 2011 8823: 8816: 8815:Bergreen 2011 8811: 8803: 8802: 8794: 8786: 8780: 8776: 8775: 8767: 8759: 8753: 8749: 8748: 8740: 8733: 8729: 8728: 8720: 8712: 8706: 8702: 8701: 8693: 8685: 8679: 8675: 8674: 8666: 8658: 8652: 8648: 8647: 8639: 8632: 8631:Bergreen 2011 8627: 8619: 8613: 8609: 8608: 8600: 8592: 8586: 8582: 8581: 8573: 8571: 8561: 8553: 8547: 8543: 8542: 8534: 8526: 8522: 8518: 8511: 8504: 8498: 8490: 8486: 8482: 8476: 8472: 8471: 8463: 8455: 8449: 8445: 8444: 8436: 8427: 8419: 8413: 8409: 8408: 8400: 8385: 8381: 8375: 8368: 8363: 8359: 8355: 8349: 8345: 8344: 8339: 8333: 8325: 8321: 8317: 8311: 8307: 8306: 8298: 8290: 8289: 8281: 8279: 8262: 8256: 8249: 8248:Bergreen 2011 8244: 8229: 8228: 8223: 8219: 8213: 8211: 8201: 8194: 8189: 8181: 8175: 8171: 8167: 8160: 8152: 8151: 8143: 8136: 8135:Bergreen 2011 8131: 8123: 8122: 8114: 8107: 8106:Bergreen 2011 8102: 8094: 8088: 8084: 8083: 8075: 8067: 8061: 8057: 8056: 8048: 8046: 8038: 8037:Bergreen 2011 8033: 8025: 8019: 8015: 8011: 8004: 8002: 8000: 7998: 7989: 7983: 7979: 7978: 7970: 7962: 7956: 7952: 7951: 7943: 7941: 7932: 7926: 7922: 7918: 7917: 7909: 7902: 7897: 7889: 7883: 7879: 7878: 7870: 7854: 7850: 7846: 7839: 7832: 7827: 7825: 7823: 7821: 7812: 7806: 7802: 7801: 7793: 7784: 7776: 7770: 7766: 7765: 7760: 7754: 7752: 7744: 7738: 7731: 7726: 7716: 7706: 7699: 7698:0-8166-1218-8 7695: 7691: 7690: 7683: 7675: 7671: 7667: 7663: 7659: 7655: 7651: 7647: 7643: 7636: 7627: 7618: 7609: 7594: 7588: 7584: 7583: 7575: 7573: 7565: 7561: 7555: 7545: 7529: 7525: 7518: 7511: 7506: 7498: 7492: 7488: 7487: 7479: 7471: 7465: 7461: 7460: 7452: 7450: 7441: 7435: 7431: 7430: 7422: 7420: 7412: 7407: 7391: 7387: 7386: 7381: 7374: 7366: 7362: 7358: 7356:0-8166-0782-6 7352: 7348: 7347: 7342: 7336: 7320: 7316: 7312: 7305: 7297: 7291: 7287: 7286: 7281: 7275: 7267: 7261: 7257: 7256: 7248: 7240: 7236: 7232: 7228: 7221: 7213: 7207: 7203: 7202: 7194: 7178: 7177: 7169: 7154: 7148: 7144: 7143: 7135: 7128: 7122: 7114: 7108: 7104: 7103: 7095: 7080: 7079: 7074: 7067: 7056: 7052: 7048: 7041: 7037: 7033: 7027: 7025: 7017: 7012: 7010: 7002: 6997: 6989: 6983: 6979: 6978: 6970: 6962: 6956: 6952: 6951: 6943: 6935: 6929: 6925: 6924: 6916: 6908: 6902: 6898: 6897: 6889: 6881: 6875: 6871: 6870: 6862: 6855: 6851: 6847: 6843: 6837: 6831: 6827: 6822: 6820: 6818: 6816: 6814: 6812: 6803: 6799: 6795: 6791: 6787: 6780: 6772: 6766: 6762: 6758: 6757: 6749: 6741: 6735: 6731: 6730: 6722: 6715: 6709: 6700: 6693: 6689: 6683: 6676: 6672: 6668: 6664: 6658: 6651: 6646: 6638: 6632: 6628: 6624: 6623: 6615: 6608: 6603: 6587: 6583: 6579: 6573: 6566: 6561: 6559: 6551: 6546: 6544: 6524: 6520: 6516: 6509: 6502: 6494: 6490: 6486: 6480: 6476: 6475: 6467: 6451: 6447: 6440: 6432: 6426: 6422: 6418: 6411: 6404: 6399: 6397: 6388: 6382: 6378: 6377: 6369: 6361: 6355: 6351: 6350: 6342: 6340: 6331: 6325: 6321: 6320: 6312: 6301: 6297: 6290: 6283: 6275: 6269: 6265: 6261: 6254: 6252: 6244: 6239: 6232: 6230: 6226: 6221: 6215: 6209: 6205: 6204: 6196: 6189: 6184: 6182: 6180: 6163: 6159: 6155: 6148: 6142:, p. 92. 6141: 6136: 6129: 6124: 6117: 6114:Durant, Will 6111: 6105:, p. 84. 6104: 6099: 6092: 6087: 6081: 6077: 6076: 6068: 6060: 6054: 6050: 6046: 6039: 6032: 6027: 6019: 6015: 6011: 6007: 6003: 5999: 5995: 5991: 5987: 5980: 5973: 5968: 5960: 5956: 5952: 5948: 5944: 5940: 5936: 5932: 5928: 5921: 5914: 5909: 5902: 5897: 5890: 5885: 5879: 5875: 5874: 5866: 5858: 5856:9780669200072 5852: 5848: 5844: 5837: 5829: 5823: 5819: 5818: 5810: 5802: 5796: 5792: 5791: 5783: 5776: 5771: 5764: 5759: 5751: 5745: 5741: 5740: 5732: 5724: 5718: 5714: 5713: 5705: 5697: 5691: 5687: 5683: 5676: 5668: 5662: 5658: 5657: 5649: 5642: 5637: 5631: 5627: 5626: 5618: 5603: 5602:IEEE Spectrum 5599: 5592: 5590: 5574: 5570: 5566: 5562: 5558: 5551: 5540: 5536: 5532: 5528: 5524: 5520: 5516: 5512: 5508: 5501: 5494: 5488: 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4647: 4643: 4642: 4634: 4632: 4623: 4622: 4614: 4606: 4600: 4596: 4592: 4585: 4578: 4574: 4568: 4564: 4560: 4553: 4547:, p. 93. 4546: 4541: 4533: 4527: 4523: 4519: 4512: 4506:, p. 85. 4505: 4500: 4493: 4492:Davidson 1997 4488: 4476: 4468: 4462: 4458: 4457: 4449: 4441: 4435: 4431: 4430: 4422: 4414: 4413: 4405: 4397: 4391: 4388:]. Sage. 4387: 4383: 4377: 4368: 4362: 4358: 4357: 4349: 4343:, p. 96. 4342: 4337: 4335: 4326: 4320: 4316: 4315: 4307: 4298: 4291: 4287: 4283: 4279: 4275: 4272:, along with 4271: 4267: 4263: 4257: 4256: 4251: 4250:Gilman, D. C. 4239: 4233:, p. 91. 4232: 4227: 4219: 4213: 4209: 4208: 4200: 4189: 4181: 4177: 4176: 4168: 4160: 4156: 4149: 4143: 4142:0-8420-2573-1 4139: 4135: 4129: 4122: 4118: 4116:9783030365066 4112: 4108: 4107: 4099: 4092: 4087: 4085: 4077: 4072: 4066: 4062: 4058: 4051: 4044: 4039: 4033: 4029: 4028: 4020: 4005: 4001: 3994: 3986: 3980: 3976: 3969: 3963: 3962: 3955: 3947: 3943: 3939: 3935: 3931: 3927: 3920: 3916: 3902: 3897: 3890: 3884: 3877: 3872:Cuneo wrote, 3869: 3862: 3858: 3854: 3850: 3846: 3842: 3838: 3832: 3825: 3819: 3812: 3808: 3807:Francis Drake 3802: 3795: 3789: 3780: 3773: 3766: 3757: 3750: 3744: 3737: 3736:mother tongue 3733: 3729: 3726:Torres spoke 3723: 3716: 3712: 3708: 3704: 3700: 3696: 3692: 3689:According to 3686: 3679: 3675: 3671: 3665: 3658: 3653: 3648: 3643: 3641: 3631: 3624: 3620: 3614: 3607: 3603: 3597: 3588: 3584: 3581: 3578: 3573: 3567: 3562: 3558: 3555: 3552: 3548: 3544: 3541: 3538: 3534: 3530: 3527: 3524: 3520: 3516: 3513: 3510: 3506: 3502: 3499: 3498: 3494: 3485: 3481: 3471: 3470: 3466: 3464: 3461: 3459: 3456: 3454: 3451: 3449: 3446: 3444: 3441: 3439: 3436: 3434: 3431: 3429: 3426: 3424: 3421: 3420: 3414: 3411: 3409: 3405: 3401: 3400: 3395: 3390: 3388: 3384: 3379: 3377: 3373: 3369: 3368:aquiline nose 3354: 3345: 3341: 3340: 3333: 3319: 3310: 3308: 3302: 3300: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3283:Hernán Cortés 3280: 3274: 3272: 3268: 3263: 3259: 3254: 3249:pre-Columbian 3244: 3238: 3228: 3226: 3222: 3218: 3213: 3209: 3204: 3199: 3193: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3166: 3164: 3156: 3152: 3147: 3138: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3123: 3120: 3117:". Historian 3116: 3111: 3110:George Tinker 3100: 3098: 3094: 3090: 3086: 3082: 3078: 3073: 3071: 3067: 3060: 3059:Santo Domingo 3056: 3052: 3048: 3043: 3033: 3031: 3027: 3023: 3019: 3015: 3006: 3002: 2997: 2988: 2986: 2985: 2980: 2975: 2971: 2967: 2963: 2958: 2954: 2949: 2947: 2942: 2938: 2934: 2930: 2925: 2923: 2919: 2915: 2911: 2907: 2903: 2898: 2894: 2879: 2875: 2874:Faroe Islands 2871: 2867: 2862: 2858: 2848: 2846: 2842: 2837: 2832: 2830: 2824: 2822: 2818: 2814: 2813:Luigi Persico 2810: 2806: 2805: 2800: 2791: 2787: 2786: 2781: 2777: 2775: 2774: 2769: 2768: 2762: 2758: 2756: 2752: 2751:pre-Columbian 2744: 2740: 2736: 2732: 2730: 2729:globalization 2720: 2718: 2713: 2711: 2707: 2703: 2697: 2695: 2691: 2687: 2682: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2663: 2659: 2654: 2652: 2648: 2643: 2641: 2637: 2636: 2631: 2627: 2623: 2619: 2615: 2611: 2610:United States 2607: 2603: 2602:founding myth 2598: 2595: 2594:Cotton Mather 2591: 2582: 2578: 2571: 2567: 2563: 2559: 2554: 2547: 2542: 2537: 2533: 2526:Commemoration 2523: 2521: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2505: 2499: 2497: 2496:anthropologic 2493: 2488: 2483: 2481: 2477: 2473: 2469: 2465: 2461: 2457: 2453: 2442: 2438: 2431: 2422: 2415: 2401: 2399: 2395: 2391: 2385: 2381: 2379: 2375: 2374: 2369: 2365: 2361: 2357: 2352: 2349: 2345: 2338: 2333: 2329: 2327: 2326: 2321: 2317: 2312: 2310: 2306: 2305: 2300: 2299: 2294: 2290: 2282: 2278: 2274: 2265: 2263: 2259: 2255: 2249: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2235: 2231: 2227: 2223: 2218: 2216: 2212: 2208: 2204: 2200: 2195: 2193: 2189: 2185: 2181: 2176: 2171: 2170:Santo Domingo 2167: 2163: 2158: 2156: 2152: 2148: 2140: 2139: 2135: 2131: 2127: 2123: 2115: 2110: 2100: 2098: 2094: 2090: 2086: 2081: 2079: 2075: 2071: 2067: 2063: 2058: 2055: 2051: 2045: 2043: 2039: 2035: 2029: 2025: 2023: 2019: 2015: 2011: 2007: 2003: 1999: 1994: 1992: 1983: 1974: 1972: 1967: 1966: 1959: 1955: 1951: 1949: 1948: 1942: 1940: 1934: 1932: 1928: 1923: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1897: 1893: 1889: 1887: 1883: 1879: 1875: 1874: 1869: 1865: 1861: 1856: 1854: 1850: 1846: 1842: 1838: 1837:Marie-Galante 1834: 1830: 1826: 1822: 1817: 1815: 1811: 1807: 1803: 1798: 1789: 1780: 1778: 1774: 1770: 1765: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1728: 1725: 1721: 1717: 1712: 1710: 1709:Bay of Arrows 1706: 1702: 1698: 1697:Bay of Rincón 1693: 1691: 1687: 1683: 1679: 1675: 1672: 1671: 1666: 1662: 1658: 1653: 1651: 1647: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1624: 1621: 1614: 1612: 1608: 1604: 1600: 1596: 1592: 1588: 1584: 1578: 1576: 1572: 1568: 1567: 1562: 1561: 1556: 1552: 1548: 1547: 1542: 1538: 1529: 1520: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1501: 1499: 1498:human history 1495: 1491: 1487: 1483: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1462: 1454: 1449: 1445: 1444:§ Legacy 1439: 1429: 1427: 1426: 1421: 1416: 1414: 1410: 1409: 1403: 1399: 1395: 1390: 1388: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1364: 1360: 1355: 1346: 1344: 1343:Spanish court 1340: 1336: 1332: 1328: 1323: 1321: 1317: 1316: 1311: 1307: 1300: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1284: 1282: 1278: 1274: 1266: 1262: 1258: 1249: 1247: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1226: 1220: 1218: 1214: 1210: 1204: 1192: 1191:Benet Mercadé 1188: 1187: 1181: 1177: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1166: 1159: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1129: 1125: 1121: 1116: 1111: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1088: 1083: 1078: 1076: 1072: 1068: 1064: 1060: 1052: 1047: 1043: 1040: 1036: 1031: 1028: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1014: 1004: 1002: 998: 994: 989: 985: 981: 980:Carol Delaney 977: 974: 972: 968: 964: 959: 955: 951: 947: 943: 939: 935: 930: 928: 924: 920: 916: 912: 908: 904: 900: 899: 898:Pax Mongolica 894: 890: 889:Mongol Empire 882: 878: 863: 858: 856: 855:Edmund Morgan 852: 851: 846: 842: 841: 836: 832: 828: 824: 820: 816: 812: 804: 803: 797: 793: 791: 787: 783: 779: 775: 770: 768: 764: 760: 756: 752: 745: 741: 737: 732: 728: 726: 722: 718: 714: 710: 705: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 673: 669: 665: 661: 659: 655: 650: 648: 644: 640: 636: 632: 627: 625: 621: 617: 613: 609: 605: 601: 593: 589: 585: 581: 576: 566: 564: 560: 556: 552: 548: 544: 540: 536: 532: 528: 522: 520: 516: 512: 508: 502: 500: 496: 491: 487: 483: 479: 474: 472: 468: 464: 460: 456: 452: 448: 444: 440: 436: 432: 428: 424: 419: 417: 413: 409: 405: 401: 397: 396:British Isles 393: 388: 384:of the Latin 383: 382:anglicisation 379: 374: 372: 368: 364: 360: 356: 350: 314: 305: 301: 297: 293: 290: 287: 283: 279: 276: 272: 265: 262: 259: 256: 255: 253: 249: 243: 240: 238: 235: 234: 232: 228: 225: 222: 218: 199: 194: 190: 186: 183: 181:Resting place 179: 176: 172: 160: 156: 153: 149: 144: 140: 135: 131: 128: 125: 119: 115: 109: 106: 103: 97: 91: 86: 83: 78: 74: 69: 63: 58: 48: 45: 41: 37: 33: 19: 16472:Architecture 16367:The Americas 16231:Newfoundland 16221:Túpac Katari 16211:Cuerno Verde 16146:Tenochtitlan 15978:Valenciennes 15735:Luis Fajardo 15624: 15604:Blas de Lezo 15549:Duke of Alba 15429:Spanish Road 15267:Buenos Aires 15176:Governorates 14945:Ayuntamiento 14938:Organization 14403:Carlist Wars 14251:Italian Wars 13909: 13774: 13738: 13681: 13661: 13652: 13622: 13618: 13577: 13573: 13558: 13526: 13499: 13495:Zinn, Howard 13475: 13454: 13441: 13430: 13402: 13379: 13368: 13340: 13329: 13310: 13289: 13280: 13261: 13249: 13226: 13205: 13194: 13173: 13151:Morison 1991 13146: 13113: 13109: 13103: 13084: 13078: 13067: 13059: 13044: 13037: 13025: 13017: 13012: 13005:Morison 1991 13000: 12993:Morison 1991 12988: 12976:. Retrieved 12969:the original 12940: 12936: 12923: 12903: 12893: 12884: 12858: 12852: 12842: 12818: 12808: 12769: 12763: 12753: 12744: 12720: 12713: 12701:. Retrieved 12697: 12688: 12676:. Retrieved 12657: 12650: 12638:. Retrieved 12608: 12595: 12571: 12564: 12543: 12535: 12524:the original 12503: 12499: 12486: 12459: 12455: 12445: 12436: 12424:. Retrieved 12418: 12386: 12351: 12345: 12322: 12313: 12306:Horwitz 2008 12286:. Retrieved 12275: 12265: 12228: 12222: 12212: 12204: 12191:, p. 5. 12184: 12164: 12157: 12145:. Retrieved 12141:the original 12134: 12124: 12095: 12089: 12080: 12073:Horwitz 2008 12068: 12056:. Retrieved 12050: 12040: 12028:. Retrieved 12011:(1): 16–39. 12008: 12004: 11994: 11963: 11957: 11947: 11916: 11910: 11897: 11866: 11860: 11853:Hanke, Lewis 11847: 11828: 11824: 11814: 11786: 11775: 11763:. Retrieved 11748: 11741: 11721: 11714: 11707:Horwitz 2008 11702: 11683: 11677: 11670:Morison 1991 11665: 11653:. Retrieved 11648: 11639: 11627:. Retrieved 11623: 11613: 11595: 11589: 11579: 11569:26 September 11567:. Retrieved 11563: 11553: 11541:. Retrieved 11535: 11522: 11510:. Retrieved 11506: 11496: 11487: 11460: 11456: 11425: 11409: 11404: 11376: 11366: 11346: 11339: 11327: 11308: 11298: 11286: 11267: 11258: 11246: 11234:. Retrieved 11228: 11218: 11194: 11187: 11159: 11149: 11129: 11122: 11111: 11107: 11103: 11099: 11097: 11090:. Retrieved 11085: 11081: 11071: 11054: 11050: 11044: 11009: 11003: 10994: 10974: 10970: 10960: 10940: 10933: 10913: 10906: 10896: 10887: 10875:. Retrieved 10871:the original 10864: 10855: 10843:. Retrieved 10833: 10821:. Retrieved 10816:the original 10808: 10775: 10768: 10759: 10744: 10737: 10718: 10708: 10700: 10672: 10668: 10658: 10642: 10638: 10622: 10605: 10601: 10595: 10588:Wilford 1991 10583: 10563: 10556: 10544: 10535: 10526: 10521: 10512: 10508: 10502: 10493: 10487: 10475: 10445: 10408: 10401: 10388:(4): 79–80. 10385: 10381: 10368: 10352: 10348: 10335: 10316: 10306: 10273: 10269: 10263: 10244: 10234: 10222:. Retrieved 10218: 10209: 10189: 10182: 10173: 10149: 10145: 10132: 10120: 10100: 10093: 10068: 10064: 10058: 10038: 10031: 10019:. Retrieved 10012: 10003: 9976: 9972: 9962: 9943: 9933: 9913: 9906: 9897: 9857: 9850: 9830: 9823: 9813: 9810: 9795: 9788: 9779: 9751: 9747: 9737: 9730:Horwitz 2008 9725: 9706: 9702: 9692: 9673: 9667: 9657:– via 9651:. Retrieved 9643:Evening Star 9642: 9616:. New York: 9611: 9601: 9577:. Retrieved 9568: 9559: 9540: 9536: 9526: 9514:. Retrieved 9511:The Guardian 9510: 9500: 9488:. Retrieved 9479: 9455: 9447:Lord Stanley 9446: 9440: 9428:. Retrieved 9424: 9414: 9402:. Retrieved 9394:The Guardian 9393: 9361: 9354: 9327: 9311: 9307: 9294: 9284: 9277: 9265: 9245: 9238: 9218: 9211: 9199:. Retrieved 9195:El Universal 9194: 9185: 9165: 9158: 9125: 9121: 9115: 9090: 9086: 9080: 9072:the original 9026: 9022: 9012: 8992: 8985: 8975: 8968: 8960: 8955: 8935: 8928: 8916:. Retrieved 8894: 8890: 8841: 8834: 8822: 8810: 8800: 8793: 8773: 8766: 8746: 8739: 8731: 8726: 8719: 8699: 8692: 8672: 8665: 8645: 8638: 8626: 8606: 8599: 8579: 8560: 8540: 8533: 8524: 8520: 8510: 8502: 8497: 8469: 8462: 8442: 8435: 8426: 8406: 8399: 8387:. Retrieved 8383: 8374: 8365: 8342: 8332: 8304: 8297: 8287: 8265:. Retrieved 8255: 8243: 8231:. Retrieved 8227:The Guardian 8225: 8200: 8188: 8169: 8159: 8149: 8142: 8130: 8120: 8113: 8101: 8081: 8074: 8054: 8032: 8013: 7976: 7969: 7949: 7915: 7908: 7901:Morison 1991 7896: 7876: 7869: 7857:. Retrieved 7848: 7838: 7799: 7792: 7783: 7763: 7742: 7737: 7730:Morison 1991 7725: 7715: 7705: 7687: 7682: 7649: 7645: 7641: 7635: 7626: 7617: 7608: 7596:. Retrieved 7581: 7564:ScienceDaily 7563: 7554: 7544: 7532:. Retrieved 7527: 7517: 7510:Morison 1991 7505: 7485: 7478: 7458: 7428: 7411:Morison 1991 7406: 7394:. Retrieved 7385:Miami Herald 7383: 7373: 7345: 7335: 7323:. Retrieved 7319:the original 7314: 7304: 7284: 7274: 7254: 7247: 7230: 7226: 7220: 7200: 7193: 7181:. Retrieved 7175: 7168: 7156:. Retrieved 7141: 7134: 7126: 7121: 7101: 7094: 7082:. Retrieved 7076: 7066: 7050: 7046: 7016:Morison 1991 6996: 6976: 6969: 6949: 6942: 6922: 6915: 6895: 6888: 6868: 6861: 6836: 6793: 6790:Ethnohistory 6789: 6779: 6755: 6748: 6728: 6721: 6713: 6708: 6699: 6682: 6657: 6650:Morison 1991 6645: 6621: 6614: 6602: 6590:. Retrieved 6586:the original 6581: 6572: 6550:Morison 1991 6530:. Retrieved 6521:(1): 13–32. 6518: 6514: 6501: 6473: 6466: 6454:. Retrieved 6450:the original 6439: 6420: 6410: 6403:Morison 1991 6375: 6368: 6348: 6318: 6311: 6295: 6282: 6263: 6243:Morison 1991 6238: 6228: 6224: 6219: 6217: 6202: 6195: 6166:. Retrieved 6157: 6147: 6135: 6123: 6115: 6110: 6098: 6089: 6074: 6067: 6048: 6038: 6031:Morison 1991 6026: 5993: 5989: 5979: 5972:Morison 1991 5967: 5934: 5930: 5920: 5913:Morison 1991 5908: 5901:Morison 1991 5896: 5887: 5872: 5865: 5842: 5836: 5816: 5809: 5789: 5782: 5770: 5763:Morison 1991 5758: 5739:The Atlantic 5738: 5731: 5711: 5704: 5685: 5675: 5655: 5648: 5639: 5624: 5617: 5605:. Retrieved 5601: 5576:. Retrieved 5564: 5560: 5550: 5510: 5506: 5493: 5477: 5459:Abrams Books 5453: 5446: 5434:. Retrieved 5421:Random House 5414: 5403: 5384: 5378: 5353: 5349: 5339: 5327:. Retrieved 5316: 5306: 5294: 5265: 5259: 5253: 5242:the original 5209: 5203: 5187: 5162: 5156: 5136: 5129: 5109: 5102: 5082: 5075: 5055: 5048: 5006: 4999: 4987: 4967: 4960: 4949: 4936: 4928: 4923: 4904: 4894: 4882: 4862: 4855: 4844: 4838: 4828: 4818: 4811: 4791: 4784: 4751: 4747: 4714: 4692: 4677: 4655: 4640: 4620: 4613: 4594: 4584: 4576: 4562: 4552: 4540: 4521: 4511: 4499: 4494:, p. 3. 4487: 4475: 4455: 4448: 4428: 4421: 4411: 4404: 4385: 4381: 4355: 4348: 4313: 4306: 4297: 4277: 4260:– The names 4253: 4238: 4226: 4206: 4199: 4179: 4174: 4167: 4158: 4154: 4148: 4128: 4120: 4105: 4098: 4074: 4060: 4050: 4041: 4026: 4019: 4007:. Retrieved 4003: 3993: 3974: 3968: 3960: 3954: 3929: 3925: 3919: 3896: 3889:Tony Horwitz 3883: 3874: 3868: 3831: 3824:Tony Horwitz 3818: 3801: 3788: 3779: 3765: 3756: 3743: 3722: 3685: 3664: 3656: 3630: 3613: 3601: 3596: 3493: 3484: 3467: 3412: 3397: 3391: 3380: 3375: 3371: 3364: 3337: 3316: 3303: 3275: 3246: 3231:Depopulation 3214: 3194: 3190:Black Legend 3181: 3169: 3167: 3160: 3124: 3106: 3074: 3063: 3029: 3025: 3010: 2982: 2950: 2926: 2918:Leif Erikson 2914:Erik the Red 2906:Newfoundland 2890: 2878:Leif Erikson 2869: 2833: 2829:canonization 2825: 2802: 2798: 2795: 2790:U.S. Capitol 2783: 2771: 2765: 2763: 2759: 2748: 2738: 2726: 2717:Columbus Day 2714: 2698: 2683: 2658:World's Fair 2655: 2644: 2633: 2599: 2586: 2581:Columbus Day 2565: 2561: 2557: 2556:Replicas of 2508:Panama Canal 2500: 2484: 2449: 2386: 2382: 2371: 2367: 2353: 2341: 2323: 2313: 2302: 2296: 2286: 2276: 2250: 2238:Las Tortugas 2237: 2219: 2196: 2191: 2187: 2183: 2179: 2159: 2146: 2144: 2138:motu proprio 2136: 2126:Coat of arms 2096: 2092: 2088: 2082: 2061: 2059: 2046: 2030: 2026: 2010:Chacachacare 1995: 1988: 1985:Third voyage 1963: 1960: 1956: 1952: 1945: 1943: 1935: 1924: 1916:Guacanagaríx 1907: 1901: 1895: 1881: 1872: 1857: 1849:Saint Martin 1829:Mariagalante 1828: 1818: 1794: 1766: 1744: 1735: 1729: 1723: 1719: 1715: 1713: 1704: 1694: 1689: 1668: 1664: 1656: 1654: 1628: 1626: 1620:tierra firme 1619: 1616: 1599:San Salvador 1598: 1590: 1582: 1579: 1564: 1558: 1544: 1534: 1502: 1500:writ large. 1467: 1423: 1417: 1412: 1406: 1397: 1391: 1368: 1338: 1324: 1319: 1313: 1303: 1270: 1260: 1225:volta do mar 1223: 1221: 1206: 1183: 1163: 1160: 1119: 1112: 1104:Arabic miles 1085: 1079: 1056: 1035:Eratosthenes 1032: 1029: 1010: 978: 975: 931: 913:, including 896: 886: 860: 848: 845:Pope Pius II 838: 822: 808: 800: 771: 763:Guinea coast 748: 677: 667: 651: 646: 642: 638: 628: 622:workshop in 597: 527:depopulation 523: 503: 485: 475: 429:. After the 420: 377: 375: 312: 311: 122:Succeeded by 100:Appointed by 89: 44: 16601:1506 deaths 16596:1451 births 16439:Philippines 16404:El Salvador 16024:Capo d'Orso 15908:St. Quentin 15883:Rome (1527) 15542:Strategists 15292:Guadalajara 15219:New Navarre 15214:New Castile 15199:La Luisiana 15151:Puerto Rico 15141:Philippines 15098:New Granada 14788:Philippines 14749:(Uruguay), 14745:(Bolivia), 14695:New Granada 14635:Puerto Rico 14581: [ 14451:Territories 14271:Encomiendas 14158:Middle Ages 13915:Exploration 13840:Mesoamerica 12703:25 December 12678:25 December 12617:10665/39485 12506:(1): 2–29. 12205:Archaeology 11970:: 336–355. 11923:: 703–719. 11873:: 112–127. 11236:5 September 10152:: 135–138. 9620:. pp.  9456:San Lorenzo 7598:28 February 7396:22 February 7183:28 February 7158:28 February 6828:, pp.  6796:(1): 1–15. 6045:"Diogo Cão" 5507:Imago Mundi 5436:20 February 5409:Sagan, Carl 3959:"Columbus" 3346:(1531–1536) 3299:Black Death 3221:slave trade 3206: [ 2979:Eurocentric 2962:colonialism 2885: 1000 2741:(1846), by 2678:Restoration 2624:and to the 2566:Santa María 2242:sea turtles 2230:Belén River 2147:Santa María 2099:) in 2006. 2078:West Indies 1864:Puerto Rico 1835:and called 1806:Puerto Rico 1775:library in 1674:Guacanagari 1665:Santa María 1603:the natives 1546:Santa María 1478:exploration 1327:Bartholomew 1265:Chodowiecki 1209:trade winds 1165:Reconquista 1120:Imago Mundi 1087:Imago Mundi 958:East Indies 909:, parts of 823:Imago Mundi 755:West Africa 725:Porto Santo 620:cartography 616:Bartholomew 549:country of 539:Many places 451:the Bahamas 431:Granada War 427:spice trade 423:East Indies 367:exploration 112:Preceded by 16585:Categories 16109:Somosierra 16099:Manila Bay 15973:Nördlingen 15913:Gravelines 15393:Columnario 15365:Currencies 15282:Concepción 15254:Audiencias 15229:New Toledo 15194:La Florida 15027:Corregidor 14991:Papal bull 14896:Antarctica 14804:Micronesia 14261:Golden Age 14084:Chronology 14064:Conflicts 14060:Population 13888:Settlement 13421:1154365097 13116:(3): 816. 11092:8 February 11057:(4): 755. 10971:Dispositio 10845:12 October 10823:12 October 9898:The Nation 9516:26 October 9430:3 February 9347:Dyson 1991 9332:Dyson 1991 9201:2 February 9128:(3): 125. 8918:26 January 8897:(4): 680. 8489:1258043161 7831:Dyson 1991 7642:Encomienda 7325:15 January 7084:24 January 6840:Columbus ( 6592:12 October 6565:Dyson 1991 6140:Dyson 1991 6128:Dyson 1991 6103:Dyson 1991 5996:(4): 224. 5216:: 260–92. 5165:(Thesis). 4887:Dyson 1991 3911:References 3772:Valladolid 3749:Guadeloupe 3711:Samana Cay 3703:Cat Island 3699:Grand Turk 3670:Plana Cays 3623:Mount Sion 3543:Portuguese 3383:a portrait 3241:See also: 3085:true north 2710:True Cross 2480:catafalque 2398:Valladolid 2293:Carthusian 2289:conversion 2211:Costa Rica 2162:Martinique 2085:Adelantado 2068:palace in 2054:mutilation 1947:encomienda 1927:La Isabela 1908:La Navidad 1904:Hispaniola 1870:people as 1841:Montserrat 1833:Guadeloupe 1682:La Navidad 1661:Hispaniola 1629:Los Indios 1605:called it 1509:Florentine 1442:See also: 1383:Diego Deza 1217:westerlies 1201:See also: 1136:apocryphal 1108:Roman mile 1092:Alfraganus 1039:Posidonius 1001:converting 971:Cape Route 887:Under the 881:Toscanelli 872:Background 827:Marco Polo 688:Aegean Sea 569:Early life 519:modern era 459:Hispaniola 285:Profession 171:Valladolid 164:1506-05-20 16414:Nicaragua 16392:Guatemala 16302:Pichincha 16287:Chacabuco 16226:Pensacola 16171:Mataquito 16151:Cajamarca 16132:New World 16104:Trafalgar 16008:Alhucemas 15888:Landriano 15873:Comuneros 15859:Old World 15803:Joan Orpí 15523:Royalists 15297:Guatemala 15224:New Spain 15161:Venezuela 15136:Guatemala 15093:New Spain 15088:Columbian 14981:Exequatur 14881:Cape Juby 14735:Argentina 14558:New Spain 14492:Gibraltar 14256:Habsburgs 14133:By region 14128:By period 14029:Epidemics 14019:Geography 13961:Societies 13850:Caribbean 13602:0016-7398 13497:(2003) . 13401:(1991) . 13359:180989602 13230:. Dover. 13138:233339652 13130:0034-4338 12865:: 13–36. 12776:: 65–68. 12520:145447081 12462:: 13–36. 12189:Zinn 2003 12116:145462012 12102:: 17–25. 12025:218620874 11543:9 January 11477:159481939 11463:(1): 37. 11374:(2014) . 11157:(1991) . 11112:encounter 11108:discovery 11104:encounter 11100:discovery 11036:234937836 10983:0734-0591 10761:Americas. 10689:0018-2745 10645:(5): 55. 10549:Paul 2014 10480:Paul 2014 10158:0044-5517 10085:159668550 9995:0120-2456 9768:0043-5597 9653:15 August 9490:15 August 9043:0002-8762 9029:(1): 92. 8913:0018-2168 8869:241132438 8362:794493189 8324:889952068 8267:12 August 7674:155030781 7233:: 19–21. 6826:Zinn 2003 6493:608082366 6225:descubrir 6010:0025-570X 5951:0025-570X 5607:9 January 5578:9 January 5573:1682-7422 5535:129588714 5527:0308-5694 5513:(1): 50. 5272:: 39–48. 5238:144148903 5179:304693901 5171:892835540 4768:0043-5597 4009:2 January 3946:0894-9468 3730:and some 3715:Mayaguana 3619:Jerusalem 3566:Cristòfol 3561:Cristòfor 3186:Guarionex 3182:cascabela 3170:cascabela 3163:St. Croix 3141:Brutality 3119:Kris Lane 3055:Mausoleum 2966:monograph 2897:Greenland 2841:Old World 2706:reliquary 2702:Boalsburg 2626:New World 2592:preacher 2588:of 1692, 2364:gonorrhea 2360:chlamydia 2348:influenza 2207:Nicaragua 2166:hurricane 2014:Margarita 1965:maravedís 1906:to visit 1764:of 1494. 1650:cannibals 1607:Guanahani 1517:New World 1511:explorer 1339:maravedis 1320:maravedis 1315:maravedis 1100:longitude 1075:Aristotle 1071:longitude 1021:antiquity 911:East Asia 903:Silk Road 511:New World 507:Old World 480:in 1493, 455:Guanahani 416:Ferdinand 376:The name 295:Signature 280:(brother) 274:Relatives 242:Ferdinand 94:1492–1499 90:In office 16424:Colombia 16409:Honduras 16322:Asomante 16307:Ayacucho 16297:Carabobo 16272:Curalaba 16049:Ceresole 15943:Gembloux 15903:Mühlberg 15618:Mariners 15476:Military 15398:Doubloon 15383:Maravedí 15327:Santiago 15234:Paraguay 14960:Germania 14800:Caroline 14755:Malvinas 14739:Paraguay 14699:Colombia 14641:Trinidad 14508:Sardinia 14348:Bourbons 13870:Genetics 13728:LibriVox 13631:44208924 13551:(1911). 13339:(2008). 13259:(1732). 13248:(1571). 13171:(2011). 12965:59570444 12901:(1993). 12863:Elsevier 12816:(2016). 12800:11788545 12640:29 April 12631:Archived 12385:(2018). 12321:(1972). 12282:Archived 12257:33361817 12058:9 August 12030:29 March 11749:Columbus 11604:29766680 11564:CBS News 11512:4 August 11481:Archived 11396:70265574 11266:(1991). 11179:23940970 10991:41491365 10877:22 March 10647:Archived 10630:(1992). 10614:41933001 10527:Out West 10464:Archived 10390:Archived 10290:42003541 10162:Archived 9647:Archived 9609:(1904). 9573:Archived 9484:Archived 9404:20 March 9398:Archived 9316:Archived 9142:16969141 8340:(2010). 7853:Archived 7761:(1993). 7390:Archived 7343:(1977). 7282:(2007). 7239:41104900 7055:Archived 7038:(1993). 6686:Lopez, ( 6661:Lopez, ( 6532:16 March 6523:Archived 6456:10 April 6300:Archived 6162:Archived 5539:Archived 5411:(1980). 5323:Archived 5175:ProQuest 4792:Columbus 4270:cognates 4188:Archived 3855:(1893), 3851:(1892), 3847:(1892), 3843:(1892), 3839:(1888), 3811:arquebus 3515:Ligurian 3417:See also 3279:smallpox 3089:doldrums 3070:Erdapfel 2755:exchange 2684:For the 2622:Americas 2614:Columbia 2548:of 1893. 2435:Tomb in 2419:Tomb in 2373:converso 2260:, using 2226:garrison 2199:Honduras 2089:pesquisa 2066:Alhambra 2062:La Gorda 1998:Trinidad 1825:Dominica 1758:Portugal 1701:Ciguayos 1563:and the 1555:caravels 1470:Americas 1359:Alhambra 1148:Antillia 1140:2 Esdras 1096:latitude 1063:oikumene 1011:Despite 895:and the 635:Ligurian 551:Colombia 543:his name 482:Trinidad 463:a colony 266:(mother) 260:(father) 230:Children 80:1st 16556:Asiento 16527:Mustang 16387:Yucatán 16382:Chiapas 16262:Tucapel 16094:Passaro 16044:Algiers 16034:Preveza 16003:Tetouan 15998:Vitoria 15988:Bitonto 15928:Antwerp 15923:Lepanto 15878:Bicocca 15354:Economy 15277:Charcas 15272:Caracas 15166:Yucatán 15037:Regidor 15022:Alcalde 14950:Cabildo 14857:Tripoli 14796:Mariana 14743:Charcas 14719:(Peru, 14703:Ecuador 14666:Bonaire 14661:Curazao 14646:Jamaica 14574:Florida 14034:Slavery 14014:Culture 14002:Related 13827:History 13777:, 2012. 13717:at the 13610:1796276 13582:Bibcode 13161:Sources 12945:Bibcode 12867:Bibcode 12791:1071659 12464:Bibcode 12426:21 June 12248:7864882 12147:16 July 11986:2512479 11939:2511162 11889:2512616 11655:29 July 11629:29 July 11410:Science 10298:3285807 10021:17 July 9979:: 177. 9776:2947272 9709:(1–2). 9613:America 9569:AP News 9543:(1–2). 9425:El País 9150:6358022 9107:1472175 9051:1860749 8527:(2): 9. 8389:18 June 7666:2123819 7534:10 July 7365:3488742 6627:103–104 6018:2691445 5959:2691445 5358:Bibcode 5230:3879352 4841:captain 4776:2947273 4282:Giacomo 4262:Giacomo 3887:Author 3707:Rum Cay 3602:Italian 3557:Catalan 3529:Spanish 3501:Italian 3262:Eurasia 3083:around 3077:Polaris 2922:Vinland 2608:of the 2590:Puritan 2572:in 1893 2390:Segovia 2141:in 1502 2070:Granada 2050:torture 2022:Grenada 2006:Orinoco 1920:Caonabo 1873:Borikén 1845:Antigua 1670:cacique 1633:Lucayan 1541:carrack 1432:Voyages 1402:Viceroy 1371:Granada 1213:beating 1172:in the 1115:Eurasia 1067:leagues 925:to the 815:Ptolemy 782:Córdoba 774:Castile 761:at the 738:of the 717:Lombard 704:Iceland 692:Bristol 686:in the 680:Spinola 674:, Genoa 535:slavery 392:Liguria 380:is the 251:Parents 214:​ 206:​ 202:​ 175:Castile 16534:Castas 16292:Boyacá 16267:Guiana 16257:Iguape 16181:Recife 16119:Mactan 16114:Annual 16079:Rocroi 16074:Leiden 16059:Djerba 15993:Bailén 15948:Ostend 15933:Azores 15528:Legión 15493:Tercio 15486:Armies 15388:Escudo 15317:Panamá 15312:Mexico 15307:Manila 15262:Bogotá 15047:Vecino 15042:Syndic 14873:Béjaïa 14833:Africa 14819:Tidore 14707:Panama 14671:Belize 14578:Mexico 14504:Sicily 14500:Naples 14462:Europe 14168:Future 13988:Muisca 13751:format 13679:about 13645:  13629:  13608:  13600:  13537:  13507:  13483:  13462:  13419:  13409:  13387:  13357:  13347:  13318:  13297:  13269:  13234:  13213:  13181:  13136:  13128:  13091:  13052:  12978:4 July 12963:  12911:  12830:  12798:  12788:  12732:  12669:  12623:  12583:  12552:  12518:  12393:  12362:  12333:  12288:27 May 12255:  12245:  12224:Nature 12172:  12114:  12023:  11984:  11937:  11887:  11835:  11802:  11756:  11729:  11690:  11602:  11475:  11394:  11384:  11354:  11315:  11274:  11206:  11177:  11167:  11137:  11034:  11024:  10989:  10981:  10948:  10921:  10783:  10752:  10725:  10697:494350 10695:  10687:  10612:  10571:  10456:  10423:  10323:  10296:  10288:  10251:  10224:5 July 10197:  10156:  10108:  10083:  10046:  10017:. 1893 9993:  9950:  9921:  9872:  9838:  9803:  9774:  9766:  9680:  9622:570–73 9579:21 May 9369:  9314:: 74. 9253:  9226:  9173:  9148:  9140:  9105:  9049:  9041:  9000:  8943:  8911:  8867:  8857:  8781:  8754:  8707:  8680:  8653:  8614:  8587:  8548:  8487:  8477:  8450:  8414:  8360:  8350:  8322:  8312:  8233:16 May 8176:  8089:  8062:  8020:  7984:  7957:  7927:  7884:  7859:25 May 7807:  7771:  7696:  7672:  7664:  7589:  7493:  7466:  7436:  7363:  7353:  7292:  7262:  7237:  7208:  7149:  7109:  7053:: 73. 6984:  6957:  6930:  6903:  6876:  6767:  6736:  6633:  6491:  6481:  6427:  6383:  6356:  6326:  6270:  6210:  6168:24 May 6158:Forbes 6082:  6055:  6016:  6008:  5957:  5949:  5880:  5853:  5824:  5797:  5746:  5719:  5692:  5663:  5632:  5571:  5533:  5525:  5485:  5465:  5427:  5415:Cosmos 5391:  5329:5 July 5286:598947 5284:  5236:  5228:  5177:  5169:  5144:  5117:  5090:  5063:  4975:  4911:  4870:  4845:feitor 4799:  4774:  4766:  4722:  4685:  4648:  4601:  4569:  4528:  4463:  4436:  4392:  4363:  4321:  4288:, and 4247:  4214:  4182:] 4140:  4113:  4067:  4034:  3981:  3944:  3861:Havana 3732:Arabic 3728:Hebrew 3376:rubios 3372:garzos 3097:breast 3018:Orient 2723:Legacy 2692:, and 2672:, the 2664:. The 2472:Havana 2283:, 1893 2215:Panama 2209:, and 2192:décimo 2151:Asilah 2018:Tobago 1884:after 1878:Añasco 1860:island 1851:, the 1732:Lisbon 1720:Pinta, 1646:Caribs 1641:Arawak 1639:, and 1557:, the 1543:, the 1496:, and 1446:, and 1413:ochavo 1408:diezmo 1373:, the 1299:Huelva 1152:Azores 1128:Rhodes 1051:Lisbon 942:Maluku 843:, and 759:Elmina 696:Galway 658:Aragon 654:Savona 624:Lisbon 608:Savona 486:indios 192:Spouse 70:, 1519 16429:Chile 16397:Petén 16372:Aztec 16191:Bahia 16166:Penco 16156:Cusco 16084:Downs 16064:Tunis 15983:Ceuta 15968:Breda 15918:Malta 15898:Tunis 15893:Pavia 15407:Trade 15322:Quito 15287:Cusco 15126:Chile 14861:Tunis 14808:Palau 14725:Chile 14656:Aruba 14651:Haiti 14585:] 14514:Milan 14472:Spain 14043:Lists 13978:Aztec 13627:JSTOR 13606:JSTOR 13134:S2CID 12972:(PDF) 12961:S2CID 12933:(PDF) 12634:(PDF) 12605:(PDF) 12527:(PDF) 12516:S2CID 12496:(PDF) 12112:S2CID 12021:S2CID 11982:JSTOR 11935:JSTOR 11885:JSTOR 11827:[ 11765:1 May 11600:JSTOR 11484:(PDF) 11473:S2CID 11453:(PDF) 11032:S2CID 10987:JSTOR 10841:. 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1080:From 954:India 950:Japan 946:China 915:China 907:India 835:Pliny 811:Latin 767:Ghana 751:Diego 684:Chios 588:Genoa 531:Taíno 467:Haiti 408:Diego 400:Ghana 237:Diego 208:( 204: 148:Genoa 16434:Inca 16377:Maya 16312:Guam 16245:Lost 16017:Lost 15938:Mons 15378:Real 15302:Lima 15189:Cuba 15131:Cuba 15103:Perú 14879:and 14877:Ifni 14869:Oran 14792:Guam 14721:Acre 14717:Peru 14627:Cuba 14506:and 14009:Maps 13993:Inca 13983:Maya 13643:ISBN 13598:ISSN 13535:ISBN 13505:ISBN 13481:ISBN 13460:ISBN 13417:OCLC 13407:ISBN 13385:ISBN 13355:OCLC 13345:ISBN 13316:ISBN 13295:ISBN 13267:ISBN 13232:ISBN 13211:ISBN 13179:ISBN 13126:ISSN 13089:ISBN 13050:ISBN 12980:2020 12909:ISBN 12828:ISBN 12796:PMID 12730:ISBN 12705:2017 12680:2017 12667:ISBN 12642:2021 12621:ISBN 12581:ISBN 12550:ISBN 12428:2019 12391:ISBN 12360:ISBN 12331:ISBN 12290:2021 12253:PMID 12170:ISBN 12149:2021 12060:2018 12032:2022 11833:ISBN 11800:ISBN 11767:2015 11754:ISBN 11727:ISBN 11688:ISBN 11657:2009 11631:2009 11571:2020 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Cristoforo Colombo
Cristóbal Colón de Carvajal, 18th Duke of Veragua
Christopher Columbus (disambiguation)
Cristoforo Colombo (disambiguation)

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Governor of the Indies
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Francisco de Bobadilla
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Seville Cathedral
Filipa Moniz Perestrelo
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