
Eustoquio Díaz Vélez

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autoridad, los hizo mudar a todos y se marcho, sin que auxilio alguno protejiese la propiedad atacada. (...) Estos malditos indios como encuentren a qualesquiera solo en el campo, lo desnudan y roban. Quando llegan a las Estancias por necesidad y sino por fuerza tienen que dar las Potrancas y lleguas para que se mantengan y para que lleben á sus toldos, bajo la pena que de no hacerlo asi se ven amenazados por ellos los propietarios y odiados y expuestos a que les arreen las manadas del campo. En una palabra somos feudatarios de ellos, sea por temor o por que no hay quien apolle la fuerza que se les podria oponer. Ellos nos repiten que estan autorizados para hacer todo esto por el mismo gobernador (sabemos que esto es falso) (...)
1163:, was delivered on March 4, 1826, the Capitalization Law declaring the city of Buenos Aires as the capital of the State and increased its perimeter at the expense of an important superficice of the territory of the campaign of the province of Buenos Aires. A few days later, on March 7, a second law was sanctioned, dissolving the powers of the province of Buenos Aires, which was made by the provincial government to cease in the exercise of their functions. In practice, their resources were nationalized, so that the proceeds of the customs and port, among others, became national. On September 12 of that year another bill divided the rest of the province into two new provinces: at the north, the Paraná, with its capital in 323: 1307: 748:
thirty-nine wagons loaded with arms, ammunition, some of the guns and hundreds of prisoners. Then he took the measure of replicating successful the infantry neatly into the town of San Miguel de Tucumán, placing it in the pits and trenches that had opened there. With the help of troops from the reserve and also taking the wounded, became strong in the city. He also reorganized the artillery and bet shooters on ceilings and corners, making San Miguel in an impregnable square. Encased in it, protected by moats, Díaz Vélez waited expectantly as the winner because in large part, by his actions, he decided the victory of the revolution weapons that day.
them all move and left, without any help protected the attacked property. (...) These damned indians as find anybody alone in the field, they undress him and steal. When they reach the estancias by necessity and but by force must give the fillies and mares to remain and to take to their tents, under the penalty of not doing so are threatened the owners and hated and exposed to arreen them the herds of the field. In one word we are the feudatories of them, either out of fear or because no one support force that could oppose them. They repeat that we are authorized to do all this for the same governor (we know that this is false) (...)
39: 1064: 338: 568: 947:-at that time in command of an army sent to Santa Fe to fight against Artigas- and the head of the local militia, Francisco Candioti, peacefully took over the government by appointment of the cabildo, ushering in the era of Santa Fe as an autonomous province. On April 26, 1815, the appointment of Candioti was ratified by a popular election. This stage was short, since Candioti was ill and on June 25 he was temporarily supplanted by Pedro Tomás de Larrechea, dying Candioti on August, 27. 1441:... l enemigo buscó un nuevo ultraje al día siguiente ... vencido como estaba, sin artillería, municiones ni bagaje, tuvo el atrevimiento de intimar rendición al pueblo, donde se había retirado la infantería con parte de la caballería ... el mayor general, D. Eustoquio Díaz Vélez, que la mandaba, era uno de esos hombres cuya existencia siempre había estado unida a la de la patria ... con su respuesta enérgica, deshizo su débil esperanza y lo obligó a una confusa y vergonzosa retirada. 757:... he enemy sought a new outrage the following day. ... defeated as it was, without artillery, ammunition and baggage, had the audacity to intimate the surrender of the town, where the infantry with part of the cavalry had retired. ... Major General, D. Eustoquio Díaz Vélez, who commanded it, was one of those men whose existence had always been attached to the homeland ... with its strong response, undid his faint hope and made him a confused and shameful retreat. 1244:
who was understood with Braulio Costa and Félix Álzaga to confer and seek a reconciliation with the governor Balcarce and his remarkables, convened for the purpose. Although Balcarce agreed in principle to resign the charge, he finally did not inluenciated by his minister, General Enrique Martínez. Finally, before the advance of the troops of General Agustin de Pinedo, head of the revolutionary movement, Balcarce resigned to the legislature on November 3, 1833.
burn down the city, Díaz Vélez vehemently replied, inviting him to dare, as the patriotic troops were victorious and inside were 354 prisoners, 120 women, 18 ox carts, all rifle ammunition and cannon, 8 guns, 32 officers and 3 chaplains taken to the royal army. He added that, if necessary, slit the prisoners throat, among whom were four colonels. Tristán dared not fulfill his threat and recognizing his defeated situation he retired up to Salta.
estorbarse la entrada se facilitó con prodigalidad á todos los que presentaron su esquela con el signo ó señal convenida entre los patriotas; mientras que del otro lado se dejaba entrar sólo a los personajes muy conocidos por su posición oficial, oponiendo dificultades y observaciones insuperables á todos aquellos que podían tomarse como desconocidos ó por personas de posición inferior, sobre todo, si eran europeos.
1319: 990:
counter Antonio Pósiga- to the government of the Province of Santa Fe to agree on terms for a ceasefire, "authorized to bargain with the chief of that territory the transaction of the unfortunately existing differences between the two territories". He left the santafesino land on August 31, 1816 taking with his troops and on behalf of the Directory, the bell of the city cabildo of Santa Fe.
clogged it lavishly provided to all who submitted their note with the sign or signal agreed between the patriots, while at the other side was allowed to enter only the personages well known for his official position, opposing difficulties and insurmountable observations to all those who could be taken as strangers or persons of lower position, especially if they were Europeans.
1203:. Dorrego also created the Commission of Landowners, formed with the leading provincial landowners, which intended to restore order and tranquility in the campaign and the drafting of a police regulation. To do this, on 28 September of that year, Díaz Vélez was elected commissioner of the campaign along with Manuel Luzuriaga and Francisco Piñeyro. 1117:, the Law of Oblivion, dated on September 27, 1821, which allowed the return of political exiles and cemented peace in the province. Thanks to it Díaz Vélez returned to Buenos Aires and in October of that year, was tabled to active duty being comprised in the provisions of the Military Reform Law, so he retired on February 26, 1822 with full pay. 1268:
time was six hundred people was reduced to two dozen neighbors. Echeverria sought help from the General Ramírez leading a large force advancing on Chascomús, the part was received by the Colonel Aguilera who in a forced march reached the fort, which was abandoned by the Indians who took thousands of cattle from the area.
997:, created at the initiative of José de San Martín, who tried to remedy his discredit, trying vainly to make resurgence after the fall of the Director Alvear. The new lodge, called "Grand Lodge" or "Ministerial Lodge", was directed by the Supreme Director Pueyrredón, his minister Gregorio García de Tagle and General 821:, on February 20, 1813, Díaz Vélez directed an Argentina cavalry wing and although was badly wounded, the coontation was a new and major victory for the patriot weapons. Belgrano took that occasion to name him military governor of the Intendencia de Salta del Tucumán (Province of Salta del Tucumán) of the 1083:
January 31 and it was decided that the ex Supreme Director Pueyrredón along with another group of people were exiled from the country against the concrete danger that ran their individual security. Congress also appointed Supreme Director substitute alcade of first vote Juan Pedro Aguirre, by 15 votes.
Brave as it had been throughout his life, Díaz Vélez, not only did not leave his estancia, but he supplied in it giving refuge and shelter to the gauchos and peasants of the region and prepared, with the few weapons that he possessed, to defend. The aborigines, who know of his bravery, did not attack
After the Battle of Salta, in which first flamed the homeland sign in an act of war, the flag was placed on the balcony of the Cabildo by Eustoquio Díaz Vélez and the trophies took away to the realists located in the Chapter House. As the military governor of Salta, Díaz Vélez was the first authority
Pío Tristán, fearing what his troops could expect into the city, chose to threaten a pair of entrances, but ordered the withdrawal before the first enemy shots. His last attempt was using diplomatic channels: under the intimation of surrender within two hours made by the realistic chief threatened to
formed in Buenos Aires, called for his release, although previously he sent the reinforcements he was able to, to Díaz Vélez when he knew of the movements of Colonel Picoaga royalist forces. Díaz Vélez routed royalist Colonel Barreda at the action of Cangrejillos and, on January 12, 1812 he fought,
forces forward ever would Perú. He complained of the ignorance and unpatriotic Upper Peruvian peoples and stated that those provinces were possessed of selfishness and servile spirit they had inherited from their elders. Díaz Vélez warned in mid -1811- the difficulty that the "bottom" provinces would
and other conspirators who managed the resignation of its members and demanded that the cabildo "proceeds with other election in persons that may merit the confidence of the people, course that do not deserve the ones that constitute the present Board, believing that will be the means of calming the
During the provisional government of General Viamonte, through Decree 1183 of September 26, 1829, the Minister Secretary of Government Tomás Guido designed once Díaz Vélez member of the commission of fifteen landowners to file a police regulation of the campaign. The commission was composed, besides
The most important police reforms were: the creation of a single command for operation, the implementation of the "security ticket" or identity record of the persons, the transfer of the administration of the lottery game which was in private hands and the lamentation of the abolition of flogging to
Díaz Vélez returned to Buenos Aires but quickly joined the Army of Observation formed by 3,000 men under General Juan José Viamonte, who returned to Santa Fe and influenced the local cabildo, which on September 2, 1815, restored the dependency to the government of Buenos Aires, naming Juan Francisco
His contribution was of vital importance in the preparations of the shock to be fought on September 24, 1812. He was at the meeting where Belgrano was persuaded by Bernabé, Pedro Miguel and Cayetano Aráoz -the most powerful family in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán who were his maternal relatives-
But as these guards were composed of the body of the patricians who was most touched by the insurrectionary spirit, and as they were under the command of Captain Don Eustaquio Díaz Vélez, who was one of the boldest officers and most developed in the riot, the result was that so far from the entrance
Although the Fort Independence surrendered without a fight to the revolutionaries on November 10, 1839 and they took over the town for several days, the defeat of the revolutionaries in the Battle of Chascomús, which occurred a few days earlier, signed the failure of the revolution. Quickly arrived
Produced the "Revolution of the Restorers" -which pitted the "federal schismatics" of General Juan Ramón González de Balcarce, Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, and the "federal apostolic", followers of Rosas- General Díaz Vélez joined Gervasio Rosas (who was a personal friend of Balcarce),
A few days after the pact was unknown, Governor Vera attacked the city of Santa Fe and managed to reconquer it, Díaz Vélez was forced to leave because of unsuccessful efforts of the Commissioners (Commission of Real Strange) -lawyers doctors Alejo Castex and Miguel Mariano de Villegas, next to the
with the white party, led by Rosas ally, Manuel Oribe, it was produced in 1843 the Big Site of Montevideo. To help the defence of the city, General Díaz Vélez formed on 16 February of that same year the Argentina Legion, composed of more than five hundred Argentine volunteers, whose officers were
with many Indian allies. The latter, seeing how unprotected was the place, proceeded to loot and destroy it being saved a walled area where Echeverría took refuge with a group of soldiers. The men who not escaped were wounded with spears and women and children captured. The population that at that
The Indians parade as owners by our fields considered masters of every thing is in it, so that the other day an Indian chief arrived at the Díaz Vélez estancia and having resisted the foreman to give horses to 60 and so may indians who accompanied him, that collected herds from his authority, made
Díaz Vélez assumed on March 31, 1814 and occupied the city politically and militarily. He devoted himself to send all he could, by hook or by crook, the Army of the North. His government did not have the sympathy of the people, mainly for not being santafesino but also for not respecting the local
Los Indios se pasean como dueños por nuestros campos considerandose amos de todo quanto hay en ella, de tal modo que el otro dia llego un casique ala estancia de Diaz Velez y habiendose resistido el capataz a darle caballos a 60 y tantos indios que lo acompañaban, aquel recojio las manadas de su
and in front of the war against the littoral, the chief of the Military Staff, Saavedra, on 28 January 1820 urged the sovereign Congress to adopt strong measures to remedy the precarious state of the army. Díaz Vélez also asked Congress to urgently meet in secret session. The meeting was held on
The victories of Tucumán and Salta allowed the recovery of the Upper Peru by the revolutionaries. Díaz Vélez, as head of the advanced victorious army, triumphantly entered the city of Potosí, on May 7, 1813. Upon arrival, he tried to convince the Upper Peruvian people that their enemies were the
he signed -the day 9- with the commander of the naval forces of Santa Fe the Santo Tomé pact, by which the Army of Observation deposed interim director Ignacio Álvarez Thomas, transferred its headquarters to Díaz Vélez, replacing Belgrano and agreed that a final peace should be ratified by both
Pero como esas guardias se componían del cuerpo de los patricios que era el más tocado por el espíritu insurreccional, y como estaban a las órdenes del capitán don Eustaquio Díaz Vélez que era uno de los oficiales más audaces y más adelantados en el alboroto, el resultado fue que tan lejos de
Inasmuch as attending the distinguished services, adherence to a system of freedom, military talents, proven value and known ability of Colonel of the Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers D. José de San Martín, came to confer employment of Major-General of the Heplper Army of Perú, that served in
Although Belgrano had been dragged by the disbanding of a section of his troop offstage action, the field was left to the infantry patriot. Díaz Vélez, noting that it was alone and without cavalry troops, cautious and steady as usual, managed to take the park of Brigadier Pío Tristán, with
In the area of Fort Independence the revolution had a lot of support. The general had great recognition and influence over the gauchos and countrymen. They were also part of the uprising Egaña, Miguens, Córdoba, Vazquez, Díaz, Arroyo, Miró, Abiaga, Zárate, Zelarrayán, among others.
and Narciso Domínguez headed towards the estancia "El Carmen", of Díaz Vélez, located fifty kilometers inside the border line, asking the old General, in his capacity as head of militias, to provide protection to the defenseless people. In the meantime, the few villagers fled to
On March 20, 1815 artiguistas forces commanded by Manuel Francisco Artigas, Eusebio Hereñú and Luis Lanche river flotilla landed in Santa Fe and, on March 24, the population demanded to give the control to the local cabildo, three days later, Díaz Vélez had to leave the city.
631:, on 19 June 1811, both regiments were almost destroyed without being able to receive help or to assist the rest of the army. Despite the defeat the government recognized him with the title of "bravo" ("brave", in English) because of the value shown on the battlefield. 1371:
He did not lived to see materialized the efforts he had initiated in recomposing the weakened border as recently, on March 15, 1857, with the signing of a peace agreement held between the veteran General Manuel Escalada, chief of the South Border army, and the major
486:, on October 8, 1806, as assistant graduate second lieutenant, taking part in the Reconquista of Buenos Aires. The following year, during the second British Invasion, distinguished himself in the Defense of Buenos Aires with the Patricians under the command of 882:
commission of the same cavalry class Line D. Eustoquio Díaz Vélez, giving him thanks, exemptions and privileges that for this title correspond. Therefore, orders and commands to do, be and recognized by such Major General: to which he did issue this office.
688:, the Battle of Nazareno, against Picoaga. Although the outcome was adverse to the United Provinces' army was key to relieve Spanish pressure against Cochabamba. A few days later, on January 18, 1812 and by Díaz Vélez orders, Güemes recovered 1207:
Manuel Luzuriaga and Francisco Piñeyo, by Lorenzo López, Luis Dorrego, Juan Barrenechea, Braulio Costa, Ramón Villanueva, Nicolás Anchorena, Juan Miller, Ladislao Martínez, Roque del Sar, Benito Lynch, Juan Pedro and Juan Barangot Miguens.
recognized by the Assembly took oath of allegiance to the same to General Belgrano, who then did the same with Díaz Vélez and the rest of the army. As a result of such transcendent act, since then, this river is called also by the name of
837:, who had been the invaders and had seized up sister provinces of the Río de la Plata, their freedoms and their resources -especially its silver production- and that the Buenos Aires army had come to protect them from the royalists. 1032:
and Esteban Augustín Gascón. The policy of the Grand Lodge was characterized by supporting the Supreme Director elected by the Congress of Tucumán, Pueyrredón, who offered his full support to Continental Plan of San Martin and the
559:, whose population sympathized with the revolutionary patriots, beating its garrison and carrying large amount of ammunition to Buenos Aires. By this victory the Primera Junta appointed him lieutenant colonel, to be effective. 700:, who immediately ordered him to rejoin the army taking 300 men from Tarija, 500 rifles and two cannons. Díaz Vélez had to retire to Jujuy at the approach of the main body of Goyeneche troops, that outnumbered the patriots. 969:
In April of that year Díaz Vélez was sent in a third attack to Santa Fe. But, looking to avoid a civil war, and in order that the people of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Corrientes and the Banda Oriental send deputies to the
667:, governor of Chuquisaca, as commander of the Auxiliary Army. The regular troops of this, in October 1811, had been reduced to the division of Diaz Velez, who devoid of weapons, ammunition and supplies reached 607:
the governor of Chuquisaca, Francisco de Paula Sanz the governor of Potosí, and José de Córdoba and Rojas Major General defeated in Suipacha on December 15, 1810. He was promoted to colonel. He was part of the
744:, on September 24, 1812, which was the most important victory of the Argentina War of Independence and sealed the fate of the revolution. Díaz Vélez acted as major-general or second in command of the army. 1294:
exiled for political reasons both unitary and federal. They were identified by the pale blue and white cockade worn on their hats. Two other legions were organized in the city: The Italian Legion, led by
In that way he left the military career to deal with rural activities, tasks performed with great success. Previously he had received a rural establishment in the "Rincon del Toro", on the margins of the
Finally the government decided to replace Belgrano himself in command of the Army of the North -because the general was seriously questioned by his performance- and his replacement by San Martín. In the
Díaz Vélez led the majority opinion of the officers to retire to Potosi before risking again the revolutionary armies but General Belgrano insisted to face the realistic. On November 14, 1813, at the
Díaz Vélez, in a letter sent to the revolutionary authorities in Buenos Aires regarding the causes and responsibilities Huaqui's defeat, dated August 29, 1811, held that anything they did not get the
During the retreat, Belgrano ordered him to chop the rear of the defeated army in their escape to the north, taking many prisoners and also making rescue of some who had made the royalist troops.
1669: 715:
and Tarija. He was supported by these irregular grenadiers who provided their own weapons and horses to the troop. Commanding the cavalry, he was responsible for the rear of the exodus.
that in the interior of the same but because of the large expanses of fields and little existing population in an area exposed to dangers this system did not give the expected results.
In Buenos Aires the Monitoring Board chaired by Juan José Anchorena and the cabildo, who opposed the interim director, readily accepted the resignation of Álvarez Thomas and appointed
936: 902: 1180:
The project was resisted by Díaz Vélez who with Rosas, Juan Nepomuceno Terrero, Nicolás Anchorena and other major landowners, collected about seven hundred signatures against it.
733:, on September 3, 1812, stopping the advance of the royal troops and achieving a victory that managed to reverse the demoralization of the troops and enable further exodus south. 962:
revolted and besieged the city, capitulating Viamonte on March, 21. They Demoted the lieutenant governor and proclaimed the sovereignty of the province and its entry into the
1765: 455:, politician who participated in the war of independence and in the Argentine civil wars; and the eighth offspring of that union, Manuel Díaz Vélez, young lieutenant of the 471:
Diaz Velez joined the Regiment of border's Blandengues of Buenos Aires, a local militia, at a young age. He combined his military duties with trade, gathering some wealth.
and the victory of the federal army against the directorial finally sully the power of the latter. On February 11, the Cabildo of Buenos Aires forced the Supreme Director
1060:, for being the circus in ruinous state and to avoid major evils that could ensue the public. He also revisited on the staff of the Military Staff until the end of 1821. 864:
During the retreat by order of Belgrano, and to cover his back, he tried to blow up the building Potosí Mint but the announcement of a population official avoided it.
He integrated the resistance focus to the brand-new Government Board of May 24 for being consists with the ex viceroy. That night, he met at Rodriguez Peña home, with
Because of his prestige he was appointed President of the Landowners Commission of the province of Buenos Aires and recovered all his lands and much of his estate.
Both defeats marked the end of the Second helper expedition to Upper Peru and although the royal army was not defeated the revolution managed to stay at the south.
resigned and also shall cease power in the hands of the Cabildo. Local authorities also demanded the dissolution of the Congress. National authorities had ceased.
governments and also be accepted by Artigas. Artigas's refusal to sign a final peace agreement led to the non-participation of representatives santafesinos in the
1360:. By then, it was usual that, due to the large distances to cover and the lack of suitable communication, the national guard arrived late to the scene, when the 1453:
Habitantes del Alto Perú: Los vencedores de Tucumán y Salta, vuestros hermanos, han venido a protegeros contra los tiranos de Lima que nos tenían esclavizados.
579:(Spanish: Ejército del Norte) that the Board of Buenos Aires had sent to military aid the Intendencias of the Upper Peru and participated in the defeated of 524:
of May 22, Colonel Cornelio Saavedra appointed him as head of the Patricians guards that enabled the assembly meeting that expressed the will of the people.
Inhabitants of the Upper Peru: The winners of Tucumán and Salta, your brothers, have come to protect you against the tyrants of Lima that have enslaved us.
1760: 1177:
in the province organized a general protest against this policy and revolted in Chascomús, put in prison, he was released quickly due to popular pressure.
Because of his prestige, he was charged to reorganize, in November 1812, the Regiment N° 6 of "Black and Browns Patricians", consisting of 782 soldiers of
He returned to Buenos Aires where he married Carmen Guerrero y Obarrio, on March 18, 1814. With her he had three children: Carmen, Manuela and Eustoquio.
In 1839 he supported the revolution called the "Freemen of the South" against the policies of Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas from his estancia of Tandil.
Prisoner and isolated with his family for a period of nine months, he was released and allowed to go to Montevideo because of his personal reputation.
Díaz Vélez had good relations with the conspirators who, before 1810, sought to achieve the independence of his country. He actively supported the
627:, commanding their regiments, were sent as advance parties toward the border. When the bulk of the royalist army launched a massive attack in the 620: 1429:
El señor Díaz Vélez sale sin tropa alguna corriendo a caballo por el frente y pasa a la retaguardia por la izquierda de la línea de batalla ...
to end the War of Independence of Chile, again dominated by the royalists, restore the independent government and end the Spanish rule in the
1001:, friend and confidant of San Martín. It was conformed by a heterogeneous group of prominent personalities but as Vicente López y Planes, the 1755: 497:
of January 1, 1809, he fought on the side of Liniers loyalists and was wounded. That earned him a promotion to lieutenant colonel graduated.
Linked with the Tandil taking, Díaz Vélez was arrested. His house in current 230 Avenida Belgrano, located in Buenos Aires, was sacked by
1693: 769:
as "Generala Army" that made General Belgrano because of the battle occurred on September 24, the day that marks the popular devotion to
924:. The clear purpose of the Directory was to not increase the influence of Artigas at failure obtained by previous lieutenant governors. 402: 822: 341: 1698: 1750: 783:, beside which managed to occupy the city. They had to evacuate it on early October, when it was occupied by the army of Tristán. 1310:
Eustoquio Díaz Vélez. Oil on canvas portrait painted by Benjamín Franklin Rawson. Provincial Museum Complex "Enrique Udaondo".
The Chamber of Representatives of the Province of Buenos Aires sanctioned immediately after the assumption of Governor General
1306: 1298:, comprising six hundred men and the French Legion, directed by Juan Chisóstomo Thiebaut, comprising seven thousand soldiers. 490:, and submitted the English in the "House of the Widow Virreyna (Viceroy)", between 2 and 7 July. He was promoted to captain. 976: 378: 636:
Mr. Díaz Vélez exit without troop running any horse in the front and goes to the rear to the left of the line of battle ...
He was the seventh child of a total of twelve. Among his brothers deserve to be named the second child of the marriage, Dr.
243: 475: 854:, on October 1, 1813, he led the patriot cavalry. The fight resulted in a straightforward victory for the Spanish troops. 1160: 1721: 1128:
Subsequently, he took advantage of the rivadaviana Emphyteusis Law and he populated a lot of lands. He founded several
780: 1341:
Díaz Vélez, "full of years and of glory" as "meritorious General of the Republic", refused to participate in politics.
1110: 1247:
During the period between 1833 and 1835 Díaz Vélez was the largest seller of cattle in the territory of the province.
that served as economic centers of commerce and communication. The best known were the famous "El Carmen" (located in
1609: 1595: 1581: 1553: 1539: 1525: 1503: 1489: 1214:
of Chascomús, whose patron was Our Lady of Mercy. The work was entrusted to engineer Felipe Senillosa, who printed a
Catriel, other caciques as Cachul, their families and other chieftains, Tandil region recovered a temporary peace.
Díaz Vélez was involved in civil wars or outside the years that followed. Instead he went to work his estancias or
as "Protector of the Free Peoples" ignoring the dependence of Santa Fe and establishing, in fact, the autonomy of
and created a body of cavalry called the "Patriots Determined" composed of volunteers and gauchos from Jujuy, the
The battle was a disaster for the United Provinces' army and, lacking any support, groups of soldiers crossed the
seconded the General Belgrano in command of the defeated Army of the North. The dispatch ordered the following:
patriot forces commanded by Belgrano were again defeated by the royal army. Díaz Vélez guided again the cavalry.
1311: 664: 456: 1616:
Del campo a las tabladas. El comercio de vacunos en Buenos Aires, 1830-1840. Estructura y dinámica del sistema
In March 1819 he requested the removal from Governor, keeping only the functions of Police General Intendant.
1025: 517: 452: 1272: 680: 410: 1164: 513: 983: 776:
Since then Díaz Vélez, like many other patriots, began to wear at his chest the scapular of his Generala.
660: 1745: 1122: 765:
Díaz Vélez assisted, as an officer and unarmed, to the religious and patriotic act of designation of the
who was former chapter of Buenos Aires Cabildo, and María Petrona Sánchez Araoz de Lamadrid, a native of
697: 1709: 1021: 779:
A few days later he was sent to take Salta, before the enemy army got there. Freed from prison Colonel
802: 944: 940: 163: 1029: 811: 798: 719: 171: 1379:
Among other points agreed, twenty Indians were employed to work on the "El Carmen" of Díaz Vélez.
located on the border bonaerense becoming a powerful landowner with great prestige in the people.
917: 603:, Díaz Vélez complied with the execution in the main square of Potosí of the royalist authorities 1699:
1087: 910: 875: 740:
Partly for these conversations and Díaz Vélez victory in Las Piedras, Belgrano dared to give the
672: 1145: 1048:
and on November 13, 1818 he was appointed interim Intendant Governor of Buenos Aires, replacing
Ratto, Silvia. Relaciones fronterizas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
1395: 552: 483: 1394:
in the family vault, declared a National Historic Landmark, by decree no. 3039 of 1946 of the
1063: 1049: 1038: 971: 921: 459:
who died as a result of injuries suffered in the baptism of fire against the royalists in the
206: 194: 1357: 1210:
In the years 1831 and 1832 he was a member of the commission for the construction of the new
887: 730: 460: 268: 624: 623:, but subsequent events showed that neither of them intended to abide by it. Díaz Vélez and 600: 1740: 1735: 1200: 1174: 1114: 1057: 906: 851: 414: 140: 79: 1275:-armed police organization loyalists seized Rosas- and like all his goods and properties. 741: 67: 8: 1286: 1282: 726: 693: 613: 479: 424:
according to his baptismal certificate) but usually is cited, incorrectly, as Eustaquio.
38: 959: 725:
When the patriots were engaged by a detachment of 600 royalist troops sent by Brigadier
494: 1295: 1199:, through a decree dated on January 2, 1828 named Díaz Vélez, for that year, Chascomús 871: 584: 540: 131: 51: 1335: 909:, with the clear objective to prevent its secession because in 1813, the commander of 1605: 1591: 1577: 1549: 1535: 1521: 1499: 1485: 1391: 1331: 1323: 1211: 1034: 858: 806: 609: 587:, first win rioplatenses revolutionary arms, which allowed the rise of the cities of 576: 487: 90: 83: 1618:, Mundo agrario. Revista de estudios rurales. N° 21, 2do. sem. 2010. ISSN 1515-5994. 1364:
had looted the town and the countryside, taking everything that was useful to them.
1017: 707:
took over the Army of the North. Díaz Vélez participated in the organization of the
1290: 1159:
Constituted the General Congress of 1824 and designated Rivadavia President of the
1153: 1141: 1045: 628: 55: 1005: 1156:). It became the largest single owner of fields in the province of Buenos Aires. 1079: 818: 805:
and Díaz Vélez, as Major General, who, in addition to driving the blue and white
770: 766: 704: 599:, opening the patriots all the Upper Peru. By order of the Board representative, 567: 75: 26: 23: 1091: 657:
have to spread the revolutionary ideas making their way through the Upper Peru.
1615: 1196: 1133: 1013: 1009: 556: 551:
of Government, it entrusted his first military mission to occupy the square of
536: 506: 406: 998: 1729: 1226: 1149: 1137: 994: 604: 548: 1482:
Eustoquio Díaz Vélez. Soldado de la Independencia y la Organización Nacional
337: 1644:
Registro oficial de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Gobierno.
1640:. Libro quinto. Año de 1825–28. Imprenta de la Independencia. Buenos Aires. 1351:
attacked Tandil again, therefore the members of the Municipal Corporation
1215: 1053: 963: 955: 791: 708: 521: 394: 264: 239: 63: 59: 1168: 825:, a position he held between 13 March and 13 September of that same year. 729:
and began to withdraw, Díaz Vélez responded quickly and face them at the
676: 1264: 1144:
Partidos-), "Díaz Velez Fields" and "White Dunes" (located south of the
1098: 432:
His parents were Francisco José Díaz Vélez, a wealthy merchant born in
71: 993:
Díaz Vélez returned to Buenos Aires, where he was part of the renewed
441: 1352: 1219: 1044:
On 1817 Díaz Vélez was appointed Assistant Commandant General of the
Under pressure from the royalist armies had to withdraw from Potosí.
712: 646: 642: 580: 445: 398: 368: 345: 247: 98: 1710:
and was part of the troops that were beaten off by the royalists at
588: 1129: 914: 685: 302: 1348: 1373: 1361: 954:
However, in the town of Añapiré, on March 2, 1816, the caudillos
787: 544:
agitation and excitement that was renovated between people.... "
510: 1706:
Ensayo de la historia civil de Buenos Aires, Tucumán y Paraguay
1318: 1002: 689: 668: 596: 433: 1518:
Buenos Aires, esa desconocida; sus calles, plazas y monumentos
The Second helper expedition to Upper Peru began when General
509:, participating in the meetings that decided the dismissal of 1189: 797:
On 13 February 1813 the Army of the North at the edge of the
679:, fearing a loss and wanting to play a political role in the 653: 592: 437: 328: 1387:
Eustoquio Díaz Vélez died in Buenos Aires on April 1, 1856.
at nearby Colonel Echeverría, loyal to the government, from
1052:, who was ill. In January 1819 he ordered the abolition of 901:
He was promoted to general. He was immediately sent by the
834: 1225:
He started the peaceful business with the friendly border
1659:“ Separata de Historia y Cultura número 10, La Paz, 1986. 1588:
Historia de los gobernadores de las Provincias Argentinas
Castelli signed an armistice with the Spanish commander
1008:, Antonio Feliciano Chiclana, Anchorena, Felipe Arana, 890:, on January 30, 1814, occurred the transfer of power. 850:
Under the leadership of Belgrano, during the battle of
58:, Jesús de Machaca, Cangrejos, Quebrada del Nazareno, 1104: 583:. Weeks later, on November 7, 1810, he fought in the 1631:, número 19, Buenos Aires, 29 de septiembre de 1828. 1567:
Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina
1766:People from the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 1496:Buenos Aires. Calles conocidas, soldados olvidados 1338:that overthrew Rosas regime, on February 3, 1852. 1167:and at the south, the Salado, with its capital in 829:in Salta who hoisted the sky blue and white flag. 718:He also had the cooperation of the Upper Peruvian 675:. Pueyrredón, after taking the treasure of Potosi 1629:El Lucero, diario político, literario y mercantil 1314:. Provincia de Buenos Aires. República Argentina. 1222:of 1832 and the construction took fifteen years. 1727: 616:. He was later promoted to the rank of colonel. 397:, November 2, 1782 – id., April 1, 1856) was an 1676:Gaceta Ministerial del Gobierno de Buenos Aires 1075:which they were subjected children in schools. 1330:Díaz Vélez returned to Buenos Aires after the 1289:, that faced in Uruguay the Colorado Party of 801:sworn in allegiance to the sovereignty of the 1690:La amistad entre Belgrano y San Martín Nota I 1678:. Ed. Facsimilar. Vol. I. Buenos Aires. 1910. 1638:Registro oficial del Gobierno de Buenos Aires 1625:, Talleres Gráficos La Minerva, Tandil, 1954. 1623:Historia de la Parroquia de Tandil hasta 1896 1560:La guerra de la independencia en el Alto Perú 1195:The governor of the province of Buenos Aires 172:Interim Intendentant Governor of Buenos Aires 671:. Díaz Vélez was assisted by the cavalry of 50:1st and 2nd helper expedition to Upper Peru 1761:People of the Argentine War of Independence 1600:Tarragó, Griselda B. y Barriera, Darío G., 722:who passed directly from Jujuy to Tucumán. 692:who had been occupied by supporters of the 1621:Suárez García, José - Ortíz, Juan Manuel, 1604:, tomo 4, Ed. Prohistoria, Rosario, 2006. 111:13 March 1813 – 13 September 1813 1067:Proclamation of Don Eustoquio Díaz Vélez. 516:, attending the one of May 19, called by 184:13 November 1818 – 16 March 1819 1664:Buenos Aires en el centenario/1810-1834. 1317: 1305: 1301: 1062: 566: 476:British invasions of the Río de la Plata 466: 403:British invasions of the Río de la Plata 401:military officer who fought against the 823:United Provinces of the Río de la Plata 342:United Provinces of the Río de la Plata 121:Esteban Agustín Gascón Civil governator 1728: 1657:“Cochabambinos y porteños. 1810-1813”. 1511:Nuevo diccionario biográfico argentino 1322:Tomb of the General Díaz Vélez in the 1250: 1024:, Cornelio Saavedra, Manuel Belgrano, 562: 153:31 March 1814 – 23 March 1815 91:Major-General of the Army of the North 1562:, Ed. Círculo Militar, Bs. As., 1979. 1097:XX Year Anarchy exiled Díaz Vélez in 977:Argentine Declaration of Independence 913:, Eusebio Hereñú, had recognized the 684:in the gorge located along the river 500: 379:Spanish American wars of independence 1756:Military personnel from Buenos Aires 1548:, Tomo I, Ed. Emecé, Bs. As., 2004. 1232:In September 1831 Díaz Vélez wrote: 1650:La Gaceta mercantil de Buenos Aires 1218:style. The cornerstone was laid on 1161:United Provinces of the River Plate 448:from an important colonial family. 427: 213:Meritorious General of the Republic 13: 1105:Presidency of Bernardino Rivadavia 951:Tarragona as lieutenant governor. 244:Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata 14: 1777: 1576:, Ed. Plus Ultra, Bs. As., 1986. 1520:, Ed. Corregidor, Bs. As., 2003. 1183: 1513:, Ed. Elche, Bs. As., 1968–1985. 893: 781:Juan Antonio Álvarez de Arenales 336: 321: 37: 1751:Burials at La Recoleta Cemetery 1666:Crisis de gobierno (1832-1834). 1474: 907:Lieutenant Governor of Santa Fe 141:Lieutenant Governor of Santa Fe 1534:, Ed. Aguilar, Bs. As., 2005. 1498:, Ed. Edivérn, Bs. As., 2001. 1457: 1445: 1433: 1421: 1408: 457:Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers 1: 1569:, Ed. Estrada, Bs. As., 1947. 1546:Campañas militares argentinas 1484:, Ed. Selene, Bs. As., 1986. 1086:On February 1 was fought the 986:as the new interim director. 294:Carmen, Manuela and Eustoquio 1646:Libro octavo. Año 1892–1830. 1516:Canido Borges, Jorge Oscar, 979:in the Congress of Tucumán. 514:Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros 391:Eustoquio Antonio Díaz Vélez 31:Eustoquio Antonio Díaz Vélez 7: 1722:Fundación Carlos Díaz Vélez 1716: 10: 1782: 1692:, La Nueva 1602:Nueva historia de Santa Fe 1165:San Nicolás de los Arroyos 645:as they could, fleeing to 541:Feliciano Antonio Chiclana 482:and was discharged in the 1590:, Ed, Hyspamérica, 1987. 1544:Ruiz Moreno, Isidoro J., 984:Antonio González Balcarce 817:A few days later, at the 803:Assembly of the Year XIII 665:Juan Martín de Pueyrredón 661:Antonio González Balcarce 520:. On the occasion of the 384: 374: 363: 355: 313: 308: 298: 290: 286:Carmen Guerrero y Obarrio 282: 274: 254: 226: 221: 217: 212: 200: 188: 177: 169: 157: 146: 138: 125: 115: 104: 97:Military Governor of the 96: 89: 49: 45: 36: 21: 1688:Martí, Gerardo Marcelo, 1532:Batallas por la libertad 1401: 1396:National Executive Power 1390:His remains rest in the 1382: 1334:decisive victory of the 935:On April 2 fell the new 720:Juana Azurduy de Padilla 698:José Fernando de Abascal 663:was replaced by Colonel 621:José Manuel de Goyeneche 420:His name was Eustoquio ( 1683:La Revolución Argentina 1480:Rodríguez Bosch, Raúl, 737:to face the royalists. 673:Martin Miguel de Guemes 1681:López, Vicente Fidel, 1614:Infesta, María Elena, 1464: 1452: 1440: 1428: 1415: 1327: 1315: 1241: 1068: 964:League of Free Peoples 945:Ignacio Álvarez Thomas 943:, by the rebellion of 941:Carlos María de Alvear 845: 760: 639: 572: 553:Colonia del Sacramento 533: 518:Nicolás Rodríguez Peña 484:Regiment of Patricians 453:José Miguel Díaz Vélez 405:, participated in the 164:Ignacio Álvarez Thomas 74:, El Volcán, Yatasto, 1652:1823–1852. Volumen 2. 1321: 1309: 1302:Return and last years 1234: 1066: 918:José Gervasio Artigas 839: 754: 731:Battle of Las Piedras 633: 571:Eustoquio Díaz Vélez. 570: 526: 467:The British invasions 461:Battle of San Lorenzo 356:Years of service 269:State of Buenos Aires 1574:Historia de Santa Fe 1201:Justice of the Peace 1175:Juan Manuel de Rosas 1146:Quequén Grande River 1115:Bernardino Rivadavia 870:On December 16, the 852:Battle of Vilcapugio 415:Argentine civil wars 99:Intendencia de Salta 1708:. Segunda edición. 1572:Gianello, Leoncio, 1368:the fortification. 1283:Uruguayan Civil War 1281:As a result of the 1251:Opposition to Rosas 1050:Juan Ramón Balcarce 1039:Viceroyalty of Perú 1014:Antonio Luis Beruti 972:Congress of Tucumán 874:ruled that Colonel 575:He was part of the 563:Upper Peru Campaign 480:Santiago de Liniers 411:war of independence 207:Juan Ramón Balcarce 195:Juan Ramón Balcarce 1746:Argentine generals 1685:, Tomo III: 21–22. 1565:Mitre, Bartolomé, 1494:Giberti, Hugo A., 1328: 1316: 1296:Giuseppe Garibaldi 1069: 876:José de San Martín 872:Second Triumvirate 625:Juan José Viamonte 601:Juan José Castelli 585:Battle of Suipacha 573: 501:The May Revolution 132:Feliciano Chiclana 1704:Funes, Gregorio. 1662:Saldías, Adolfo, 1655:Roca, José Luis, 1558:Bidondo, Emilio, 1509:Cutolo, Vicente, 1392:Recoleta Cemetery 1332:Battle of Caseros 1324:Recoleta Cemetery 1152:-in the current 1113:and his minister 1035:Army of the Andes 859:Battle of Ayohuma 771:Our Lady of Mercy 742:Battle of Tucumán 681:First Triumvirate 610:Army of the North 577:Army of the North 488:Cornelio Saavedra 422:Eustochio Antonio 388: 387: 333: 16:Argentine general 1773: 1586:Zinny, Antonio, 1530:Camogli, Pablo, 1468: 1461: 1455: 1449: 1443: 1437: 1431: 1425: 1419: 1412: 1347:In 1855 native 1291:Fructuoso Rivera 1239: 1154:Necochea Partido 1136:-in the current 1111:Martín Rodríguez 1088:Battle of Cepeda 1020:, Pedro Agrelo, 960:Estanislao López 937:Supreme Director 903:Supreme Director 888:Posta de Yatasto 843: 758: 727:Juan Pío Tristán 637: 629:Battle of Huaqui 531: 495:Mutiny of Álzaga 428:Birth and family 340: 331: 327: 325: 324: 309:Military service 261: 236: 234: 222:Personal details 203: 191: 182: 160: 151: 134:Civil governator 128: 118: 109: 70:, Yaraicoragua, 41: 19: 18: 1781: 1780: 1776: 1775: 1774: 1772: 1771: 1770: 1726: 1725: 1719: 1477: 1472: 1471: 1462: 1458: 1450: 1446: 1438: 1434: 1426: 1422: 1413: 1409: 1404: 1385: 1304: 1253: 1236: 1186: 1107: 1080:Arequito Revolt 1026:Marcos Balcarce 896: 841: 819:Battle of Salta 767:Virgin of Mercy 756: 705:Manuel Belgrano 694:viceroy of Perú 635: 565: 528: 503: 469: 430: 351: 322: 320: 275:Political party 263: 259: 238: 237:2 November 1782 232: 230: 201: 189: 183: 178: 158: 152: 147: 126: 116: 110: 105: 66:, Las Piedras, 32: 29: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1779: 1769: 1768: 1763: 1758: 1753: 1748: 1743: 1738: 1718: 1715: 1714: 1713: 1702: 1696: 1686: 1679: 1673: 1667: 1660: 1653: 1647: 1641: 1635: 1632: 1626: 1619: 1612: 1598: 1584: 1570: 1563: 1556: 1542: 1528: 1514: 1507: 1492: 1476: 1473: 1470: 1469: 1456: 1444: 1432: 1420: 1406: 1405: 1403: 1400: 1384: 1381: 1303: 1300: 1252: 1249: 1197:Manuel Dorrego 1185: 1184:The estanciero 1182: 1106: 1103: 1046:Military Staff 1018:Juan José Paso 1010:Domingo French 966:, of Artigas. 928:town council. 895: 892: 564: 561: 557:Banda Oriental 537:Domingo French 507:May Revolution 502: 499: 468: 465: 429: 426: 407:May Revolution 386: 385: 382: 381: 376: 372: 371: 365: 361: 360: 357: 353: 352: 350: 349: 334: 317: 315: 311: 310: 306: 305: 300: 296: 295: 292: 288: 287: 284: 280: 279: 276: 272: 271: 262:(aged 73) 256: 252: 251: 228: 224: 223: 219: 218: 215: 214: 210: 209: 204: 198: 197: 192: 186: 185: 175: 174: 167: 166: 161: 155: 154: 144: 143: 136: 135: 129: 123: 122: 119: 113: 112: 102: 101: 94: 93: 87: 86: 47: 46: 43: 42: 34: 33: 30: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1778: 1767: 1764: 1762: 1759: 1757: 1754: 1752: 1749: 1747: 1744: 1742: 1739: 1737: 1734: 1733: 1731: 1724: 1723: 1711: 1707: 1703: 1700: 1697: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1684: 1680: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1668: 1665: 1661: 1658: 1654: 1651: 1648: 1645: 1642: 1639: 1636: 1633: 1630: 1627: 1624: 1620: 1617: 1613: 1611: 1610:987-22462-7-0 1607: 1603: 1599: 1597: 1596:950-614-685-3 1593: 1589: 1585: 1583: 1582:950-21-0150-2 1579: 1575: 1571: 1568: 1564: 1561: 1557: 1555: 1554:950-04-2675-7 1551: 1547: 1543: 1541: 1540:987-04-0105-8 1537: 1533: 1529: 1527: 1526:950-05-1493-1 1523: 1519: 1515: 1512: 1508: 1505: 1504:987-96007-9-7 1501: 1497: 1493: 1491: 1490:950-9500-72-0 1487: 1483: 1479: 1478: 1467: 1460: 1454: 1448: 1442: 1436: 1430: 1424: 1418: 1411: 1407: 1399: 1397: 1393: 1388: 1380: 1377: 1375: 1369: 1365: 1363: 1359: 1354: 1350: 1345: 1342: 1339: 1337: 1333: 1325: 1320: 1313: 1308: 1299: 1297: 1292: 1288: 1284: 1279: 1276: 1274: 1269: 1266: 1260: 1256: 1248: 1245: 1240: 1233: 1230: 1228: 1223: 1221: 1217: 1213: 1208: 1204: 1202: 1198: 1193: 1191: 1181: 1178: 1176: 1172: 1170: 1166: 1162: 1157: 1155: 1151: 1150:Argentine Sea 1147: 1143: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1126: 1124: 1118: 1116: 1112: 1102: 1100: 1095: 1093: 1089: 1084: 1081: 1078:Produced the 1076: 1072: 1065: 1061: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1042: 1040: 1036: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1022:Manuel Moreno 1019: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1006:Antonio Sáenz 1004: 1000: 996: 995:Lautaro Lodge 991: 987: 985: 980: 978: 973: 967: 965: 961: 957: 952: 948: 946: 942: 938: 933: 929: 925: 923: 919: 916: 912: 908: 904: 899: 894:The Directory 891: 889: 883: 879: 877: 873: 868: 865: 862: 860: 855: 853: 848: 844: 838: 836: 830: 826: 824: 820: 815: 813: 808: 804: 800: 795: 793: 789: 784: 782: 777: 774: 772: 768: 763: 759: 753: 749: 745: 743: 738: 734: 732: 728: 723: 721: 716: 714: 710: 706: 701: 699: 695: 691: 687: 682: 678: 674: 670: 666: 662: 658: 655: 650: 648: 644: 638: 632: 630: 626: 622: 617: 615: 611: 606: 605:Vicente Nieto 602: 598: 594: 590: 586: 582: 578: 569: 560: 558: 554: 550: 549:Primera Junta 545: 542: 538: 532: 525: 523: 519: 515: 512: 508: 498: 496: 491: 489: 485: 481: 477: 472: 464: 462: 458: 454: 449: 447: 443: 439: 435: 425: 423: 418: 416: 412: 408: 404: 400: 396: 392: 383: 380: 377: 373: 370: 366: 362: 358: 354: 347: 343: 339: 335: 330: 319: 318: 316: 312: 307: 304: 301: 297: 293: 289: 285: 281: 277: 273: 270: 266: 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 229: 225: 220: 216: 211: 208: 205: 199: 196: 193: 187: 181: 176: 173: 168: 165: 162: 156: 150: 145: 142: 139:6th and last 137: 133: 130: 124: 120: 114: 108: 103: 100: 95: 92: 88: 85: 81: 77: 73: 69: 65: 61: 57: 53: 48: 44: 40: 35: 28: 25: 20: 1720: 1705: 1689: 1682: 1675: 1663: 1656: 1649: 1643: 1637: 1628: 1622: 1601: 1587: 1573: 1566: 1559: 1545: 1531: 1517: 1510: 1495: 1481: 1475:Bibliography 1459: 1447: 1435: 1423: 1410: 1389: 1386: 1378: 1370: 1366: 1346: 1343: 1340: 1329: 1280: 1277: 1270: 1261: 1257: 1254: 1246: 1242: 1235: 1231: 1224: 1216:postcolonial 1209: 1205: 1194: 1187: 1179: 1173: 1158: 1127: 1123:Salado River 1119: 1108: 1096: 1092:José Rondeau 1085: 1077: 1073: 1070: 1054:bullfighting 1043: 992: 988: 981: 968: 956:Mariano Vera 953: 949: 934: 930: 926: 900: 897: 884: 880: 869: 866: 863: 856: 849: 846: 840: 833:people from 831: 827: 816: 799:River Pasage 796: 785: 778: 775: 764: 761: 755: 750: 746: 739: 735: 724: 717: 709:Jujuy Exodus 702: 659: 651: 640: 634: 618: 574: 547:Emerged the 546: 534: 527: 522:Open cabildo 504: 492: 478:he assisted 473: 470: 450: 431: 421: 419: 395:Buenos Aires 390: 389: 375:Battles/wars 332:(until 1810) 265:Buenos Aires 260:(1856-04-01) 258:1 April 1856 240:Buenos Aires 202:Succeeded by 179: 148: 127:Succeeded by 106: 60:Jujuy Exodus 1741:1856 deaths 1736:1782 births 1273:the Mazorca 1030:Juan Larrea 999:Tomás Guido 493:During the 474:During the 413:and in the 367:General of 190:Preceded by 159:Preceded by 117:Preceded by 1730:Categories 1336:Great Army 1099:Montevideo 922:Entre Ríos 593:Chuquisaca 314:Allegiance 299:Profession 233:1782-11-02 80:Vilcapugio 72:Cochabamba 1463:Spanish: 1451:Spanish: 1439:Spanish: 1427:Spanish: 1414:Spanish: 1353:Juan Fugl 1287:Great War 1220:Christmas 1169:Chascomús 1130:estancias 1058:El Retiro 794:descent. 647:Humahuaca 643:Altiplano 614:Cotagaita 581:Cotagaita 555:, in the 446:Argentina 409:, in the 399:Argentine 369:Argentina 359:1806–1821 346:Argentina 248:Argentina 180:In office 149:In office 107:In office 78:, Macha, 1717:See also 1265:Tapalqué 1142:Ayacucho 915:caudillo 686:Suipacha 344:(modern 303:Military 291:Children 52:Suipacha 1374:cacique 1362:Mapuche 1358:Dolores 1349:malones 1227:Indians 1190:ranches 792:African 788:mulatto 511:Viceroy 442:Tucumán 278:Patriot 84:Ayohuma 68:Tucumán 24:General 1608:  1594:  1580:  1552:  1538:  1524:  1502:  1488:  1212:church 1134:Tandil 1003:priest 911:Paraná 690:Tarija 669:Tupiza 597:La Paz 589:Potosí 434:Huelva 326:  283:Spouse 56:Huaqui 1402:Notes 1383:Death 1312:Luján 1138:Rauch 654:Jujuy 438:Spain 329:Spain 246:(now 76:Salta 64:Cobos 1606:ISBN 1592:ISBN 1578:ISBN 1550:ISBN 1536:ISBN 1522:ISBN 1500:ISBN 1486:ISBN 1148:the 1140:and 958:and 835:Lima 812:Oath 807:flag 790:and 713:Puna 677:Mint 595:and 364:Rank 255:Died 227:Born 170:7th 1285:or 1056:in 905:as 27:Don 1732:: 1398:. 1171:. 1125:. 1101:. 1041:. 1028:, 1016:, 1012:, 939:, 814:. 773:. 696:, 649:. 591:, 539:, 463:. 444:, 436:, 417:. 267:, 242:, 82:, 62:, 54:, 1712:. 1701:. 1672:. 1506:. 1326:. 393:( 348:) 250:) 235:) 231:(


Portrait of Eustoquio Díaz Vélez
Jujuy Exodus
Major-General of the Army of the North
Intendencia de Salta
Feliciano Chiclana
Lieutenant Governor of Santa Fe
Ignacio Álvarez Thomas
Interim Intendentant Governor of Buenos Aires
Juan Ramón Balcarce
Juan Ramón Balcarce
Buenos Aires
Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
Buenos Aires
State of Buenos Aires

United Provinces of the Río de la Plata

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.