
Gustav III

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1032:...has given birth to hatred, hatred to revenge, revenge to persecution, persecution to new revolutions which finally have passed into a period of disease, which has wounded and degraded the whole nation. Ambition and lust for glory on the part of a few people have damaged the realm, and blood has been shed by both parties, and the result of this has been the suffering of the people. The establishment of their own power base has been the sole goal of those ruling, often at the cost of other citizens, and always at the cost of the nation. In times when the law was clear, the law was distorted, and when that was not possible, it was broken. Nothing has been sacred to a populace bent on hatred and revenge, and lunacy has finally reached so far, that it has been assumed that members of parliament are above the law, their not having any other guidance than their own consciences. By this Freedom, the most noble of human rights have been transformed by an unbearable aristocratic despotism in the hands of the ruling party, which in itself has been subdued by few... 1250: 803: 1065: 5803: 703: 1130: 1432: 931: 819: 1284:. Only eight months before, Catherine had declared that "the odious and revolting aggression" of the king of Sweden would be "forgiven" only if he "testified his repentance" by agreeing to a peace granting a general and unlimited amnesty to all his rebels and consenting to a guarantee by the Swedish Riksdag for the observance of peace in the future ("as it would be imprudent to confide in his good faith alone"). The Treaty of Värälä spared Sweden from any such humiliating concession, and in October 1791, Gustav concluded an eight years' defensive alliance with the empress, who thereby bound herself to pay her new ally an annual subsidy of 300,000 rubles. 1721: 694:, who described the assistance provided by Munck, asserted that there is no factual basis for the assumption that Gustav III was homosexual. When his second son was born, there was no doubt as to his legitimacy, and the boy was strong and healthy. King Gustav was especially fond of him and suffered obvious and severe mental and physical reactions to the baby's illness and death. The spring of 1783 has been considered a turning point in the king's personality. After his controversial mother's death in 1782, he found consolation in the birth of the Duke of Småland, but this was followed by severe grief when the child died the following year. 264: 1664: 1184: 1009: 811: 625: 3981: 66: 1310: 759:, where he carried both the court and the city by storm. The poets and the philosophers paid him enthusiastic homage, and distinguished women testified to his superlative merits. With many of them he maintained a lifelong correspondence. His visit to the French capital was, however, no mere pleasure trip; it was also a political mission. Confidential agents from the Swedish court had already prepared the way for him, and the 748:, which mainly represented the interests of the aristocracy and military establishment, refused to redeem the pledges that they had given before the previous elections. "That we should have lost the constitutional battle does not distress us so much", wrote Gustav, in the bitterness of his heart; "but what does dismay me is to see my poor nation so sunk in corruption as to place its own felicity in absolute 831:
was the first time in more than a century that a Swedish king had addressed a Swedish Riksdag in its native tongue. He stressed the need for all parties to sacrifice their animosities for the common good, and volunteered, as "the first citizen of a free people," to be the mediator between the contending factions. A composition committee was actually formed, but it proved illusory from the first: the
860: 916:, the eldest of the king's brothers, would thereupon be forced to mobilize the garrisons of all the southern fortresses hastily, ostensibly to crush the revolt at Kristianstad, but on arriving in front of the fortress, he was to make common cause with the rebels and march upon the capital from the south while Sprengtporten attacked it simultaneously from the east. 652:, Copenhagen, on 1 October 1766 and in person in Stockholm on 4 November 1766. Gustav was first impressed by Sophia Magdalena's beauty, but her silent nature made her a disappointment in court life. The match was not a happy one, owing partly to an incompatibility of temperament, but still more to the interference of Gustav's jealous mother, Queen Louisa Ulrika. 667:, reportedly because of anatomical problems of both spouses. There were also rumors that the queen was made pregnant by Munck, who would then be the true father of the heir Prince Gustav Adolf. Gustav's mother supported rumors that he was not the father of his first son and heir. It was rumored at the time that Gustav was 763:, the retired Chief Minister, resolved to discuss with him the best method of bringing about a revolution in France's ally, Sweden. Before he departed, the French government undertook to pay the outstanding subsidies to Sweden unconditionally, at the rate of one and a half million livres annually. Count 1596:
To dare any possible assassins, the King went out into an open box facing the opera stage. And after roughly ten minutes he said "this would have been an opportunity to shoot. Come, let us go down. The ball seems to be merry and bright." The King with Baron Hans Henrik von Essen by his right arm went
3455: 1584:
Pray, allow an unknown whose pen is guided by tactfulness and the voice of conscience, dare take the liberty to inform You, with all possible sincerity, that certain individuals exist, both in the Provinces and here in the City, that only breathe hatred and revenge against You; indeed to the extreme
Short as the session was, it was long enough for the deputies to realize that their political supremacy was over. They had changed places with the king. He was now indeed their sovereign lord. For all his gentleness, he guarded the royal prerogative fiercely and plainly showed that he would continue
Anckarström stood with Ribbing next to him at the entrance to the corridor holding a knife in his left hand and carrying one pistol in his left inner pocket and another pistol in his right back pocket. They edged themselves behind the King, Anckarström took out the pistol from his left inner pocket
Returning to Sweden, Gustav aroused popular indignation against the mutinous aristocratic officers. Ultimately, he quelled their rebellion and arrested its leaders. Capitalizing on the powerful anti-aristocratic passions thus aroused, Gustav summoned a Riksdag early in 1789, at which he put through
It is such an interesting drama to see a nation create itself, that I – if I now had not been who I am – would go to America to follow up close every phase in the emergence of this new republic. – This perhaps is America's century. The new republic, which hardly has a population put together better
held more power than the monarchy, but the Riksdag was bitterly divided between rival parties, the Hats and Caps. On his return to Sweden, Gustav III tried unsuccessfully to mediate between the two groups. On 21 June 1771, he opened his first Riksdag with a speech that aroused powerful emotions. It
The King, von Essen and Pollet continued through a corridor leading from the foyer towards the opera stage where the dancing took place. On the stage several masked men – some witnesses talked of 20 or 30 men – made it impossible for the king to proceed. Due to the crowd, Pollet receded behind the
It is widely agreed that the contribution and dedication of Gustav III to the performing arts in Sweden, notably the building of the theatre houses and the founding of a national theatre company, has been crucial to the Swedish culture. The era of opera during his time is referred to today as the
They are greatly upset to see this not happening at the last masquerade but they rejoice at the tidings of seeing that there will be a new one today. Bandits do not like lanterns; there is nothing more serviceable for an assassination than darkness and disguise. I dare, then, to appeal to You, by
On the evening of 20 August, heralds roamed the streets proclaiming that the estates were to meet at the palace on the following day; every deputy absenting himself would be regarded as the enemy of his country and his king. On 21 August, the king appeared in full regalia. Taking his seat on the
He acted promptly. On the evening of 18 August, all the officers whom he thought he could trust received secret instructions to assemble in the great square facing the arsenal on the following morning. At ten o'clock on 19 August, Gustav mounted his horse and rode to the arsenal. On the way, his
State interference with his education as a young child caused significant political disruptions within the royal family. Gustav's parents taught him to despise the governors imposed upon him by the Riksdag, and the atmosphere of intrigue and duplicity in which he grew up made him precociously
On 16 August, the Cap leader, Ture Rudbeck, arrived at Stockholm with news of the insurrection in the south, and Gustav found himself isolated in the midst of enemies. Sprengtporten lay weather-bound in Finland, Toll was 800 kilometres (500 miles) away, the Hat leaders were in hiding. Gustav
Even those who were prepared to acquiesce in the change by no means liked it. If the Riksdag of 1778 had been docile, the Riksdag of 1786 was mutinous. The consequence was that nearly all the royal propositions were either rejected outright or so modified that Gustav himself withdrew them.
On 6 August 1772, Toll succeeded in winning the fortress of Kristianstad by sheer bluff, and on 16 August, Sprengtporten succeeded in surprising Sveaborg, but contrary winds prevented him from crossing to Stockholm. Events soon occurred there that made his presence unnecessary in any case.
of the Gustavian era, had told him something that could be interpreted as a prediction of his assassination in 1786, when he visited her anonymously – a coincidence – but she was known to have a large network of informers all over town to help her with her predictions, and she was in fact
The king was carried back to his quarters, and the exits of the Opera were sealed. Anckarström was arrested the following morning and immediately confessed to the murder, although he denied a conspiracy until informed that Horn and Ribbing had also been arrested and had confessed in full.
The King twitched and said "aee" without falling. Anckarström then lost courage, dropped the pistol and knife and shouted fire. People from the King's lifeguard stood some meters away. When they reached the King, they heard him say in French "Aï, je suis blessé" (Ouch, I am wounded).
of 1789 helped increase hatred against the king which had been growing among the nobility ever since the coup d'état of 1772. A conspiracy to have the king assassinated and reform the constitution was created within the nobility in the winter of 1791–92. Among those involved were
Gustav next aimed at forming a league of princes against the revolutionary government in France, and subordinated every other consideration to this goal. His profound knowledge of popular assemblies enabled him, alone among contemporary sovereigns, to gauge the scope of the
Gustav's foreign policy, in contrast, was at first both restrained and cautious. Thus, when the king summoned the estates to assemble at Stockholm on 3 September 1778, he could give a highly positive account of his six years' stewardship. The Riksdag was quite
than Rome had to begin with, may perhaps take advantage of Europe some day, in the same manner as Europe has taken advantage of America for two centuries. No matter what, I cannot help but admire their courage and enthusiastically appreciate their daring.
Gustav's gunshot wound was not initially considered life-threatening; reexamined evidence allows that the sudden serious infection that killed him almost immediately, 13 days into his convalescence, may have been caused chemically by attending surgeon
in Stockholm at midnight on 16 March 1792. Gustav had arrived earlier that evening to enjoy a dinner in the company of friends. During dinner, he received an anonymous letter that described a threat to his life (written by the colonel of the
Although he may be charged with many foibles and extravagances, Gustav III is regarded one of the leading sovereigns of the 18th century for patronage of the arts. He was very fond of the performing and visual arts, as well as literature.
1091:, though "within certain limits". The national defences were raised to a "Great Power" scale, and the navy was so enlarged as to become one of the most formidable in Europe. The dilapidated finances were set in good order by the " 1118:, which was in general use among the upper classes from 1778 until his death (and it is still worn by the ladies of the court on state occasions). The king's one great economic blunder was his attempt in 1775 to make the sale of 1616:
The king had not been shot dead; he was alive and continued to function as head of state. The coup was a failure in the short run. However, the wound became infected, and on 29 March, the king finally died with these
Protocoller hållne uti kongl. Maj:ts högste domstol eller justitie-revision med dertil hörande handlingar, rörande det å högstsalig hans May:t Konung Gustaf den III:dje, glorwyrdigst I åminnelse, föröfwade
After parade he reconducted them to the guard-room in the north western wing of the palace where the Guard of Honour had its headquarters and unfolded his plans to them. He told the assembled officers,
The Riksdag of 1786 marks a turning-point in Gustav's history. Henceforth he showed a growing determination to rule without a parliament, a cautious and gradual passage from semi-constitutionalism to
463:, and is often considered one of the most important figures in the history of Swedish art, music and architecture. Gustav III was well liked by the Swedish population and was mourned upon his death. 1416: 1605:
and Ribbing or he pulled the trigger with the gun in Anckarström's hand. Because of the King turning backwards the shot went in at an angle from the third lumbar vertebra towards the hip region.
dressed in the uniform of the Swedish Coastal Navy (Skärgårdsflottan), landing on the quays of Stockholm, returning from the war to offer a twig of peace to the burghers of Stockholm. Statue at
The island's capital still bears the name Gustavia in honour of Gustav III. Though it was sold back to France in 1878, many streets and locations there still carry Swedish names, including the
1076:. The effort to remedy the widespread corruption that had flourished under the Hats and Caps engaged a considerable share of his time and he even found it necessary to put on trial the entire 5892: 3928:"W. Bolts' forslag till kolonisation af en ö….1786–1790", Rigsarkivet, Handel och Sjöfart, 193; cited in Åke W. Essén, "Wilhelm Bolts und die schwedischen Kolonisierungspläne in Asien", 404:
by a gunshot in the lower back during a masquerade ball as part of an aristocratic-parliamentary coup attempt, but managed to assume command and quell the uprising before succumbing to
5668: 1057:
was restricted to a relatively short list of crimes (including murder), and torture was abolished in order to gain confessions, although the "strict death penalty", with torture-like
to acknowledge and reward those Swedes who had contributed to advances in the fields of agriculture, mining and commerce. He was also a patron of many cultural figures, including
619: 1558:. Anckarström was chosen to carry out the murder with pistols and knives, but there has also been evidence suggesting that Ribbing was the one who actually shot Gustav. 1217:
to the south. In embarking on a war of aggression without the consent of the estates, Gustav violated his own constitution of 1772, which led to a serious mutiny, the
5802: 1844:. All of them succeeded in adapting their musical origins to Swedish national dramatic style, a process sometimes overseen by the king (notably in the layout of the 848:
Under the sway of the Cap faction, Sweden seemed in danger of falling prey to the political ambitions of Russia. It appeared on the point of being absorbed into the
5912: 3893:
Kraus was present at the ball where Gustav was shot. Kraus wrote a funeral cantata and the Symphonie funèbre, which were played at the burial ceremony on 13 April.
986:, and everyone signed it without hesitation. It absolved them from their allegiance to the estates, and bound them solely to obey "their lawful king, Gustav III". 3936:
Stockholm, Norstedt, 1885–1905, Del. 2, pp. 492–8; cited in Carl Sprinchorn, "Sjuttonhundratalets och förslag till Svensk Kolonisation i främmande världsdelar",
1821: 1292:
accurately from the first. He was hampered, however, by financial restrictions and lack of support from the other European powers. Then, after the brief Diet of
3060: 2117: 794:, he had guaranteed the integrity of the existing Swedish constitution; he advised the young monarch to play the part of mediator and abstain from violence. 1522: 1249: 1126:. These proved to be unprofitable, and moreover the monopoly was hugely unpopular among the common people, and so Gustav was forced to abolish it in 1786. 2335: 1914: 1098:
Gustav also introduced new national economic policies. In 1775, free trade in grain was promoted and several oppressive export tolls were abolished. The
adherents joined him in little groups, as if by accident, so that by the time he reached his destination he had about two hundred officers in his suite.
on 17 February 1789 with the backing of the three lower estates. This reinforced monarchical authority significantly, although the estates retained the
secured. Then Gustav made a tour of the city and was everywhere received by enthusiastic crowds, who hailed him as a deliverer. A song was composed by
everything that is holy in this world, to postpone this damnable ball, to such times as are more positive for Your present as well as coming benefit...
1280:. The Russians lost one-third of their fleet and 7,000 men. A month later, on 14 August 1790, a peace treaty was signed between Russia and Sweden: the 1221:, among his aristocratic officers in Finland. Denmark declared war in support of its Russian ally, but was soon persuaded to sign a ceasefire through 1072:
Gustav took an active part in every department of business, but relied heavily on extra-official counsellors of his own choosing rather than upon the
4486: 408:
13 days later, a period during which he received apologies from many of his political enemies. Gustav's immense powers were placed in the hands of a
1991:' proposal for an equivalent venture in Nuyts Land (the south-western coast of Australia). The war with Russia caused this venture to be abandoned. 1634: 361:
averted a complete military defeat and signified that Swedish military might was to be countenanced after its major defeats earlier in the century.
3317: 1024:, viewed as one of the masterpieces of Swedish oratory, in which he reproached the estates for their unpatriotic venality and license in the past. 802: 3996: 1570:
Carl Pontus Lilliehorn), but, as the king had received numerous threatening letters in the past, he chose to ignore it. The letter was written in
912:. After some debate, it was agreed that Kristianstad should openly declare against the government a few days after the Finnish revolt had begun. 341:, Gustav spent considerable public funds on cultural ventures, which were controversial among his critics, as well as military attempts to seize 3956:
Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de l'Europe actuellement vivans
1751:, where his own historical dramas were performed, and he promoted the careers of many native singers and actors, among them the dramatic stars 680: 334:
during the Age of Liberty, but at the same time it opened up the government for all citizens, thereby breaking the privileges of the nobility.
3708: 2893: 5675: 4779: 4652: 5922: 3320:. Sweden & The American Revolution. By Adolph B. Benson. Illustrated. 216 pp. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company. 3035: 4005: 875:, a Finnish nobleman, who had incurred the enmity of the Caps, with the prospect of a revolution. He undertook to seize the fortress of 2058: 835:
of neither faction was sufficient for the smallest act of self-denial. The subsequent attempts of the dominant Caps to reduce him to a
706: 4585: 1087:
Measures were also taken to reform the administration and judicial procedures. In 1774, an ordinance was proclaimed providing for the
4709: 4268: 2525: 1855:
It was in the foyer of the opera house that King Gustav III was assassinated. This incident became the basis of an opera libretto by
702: 3172: 1789:
bridge. Until 1788, spoken drama was also performed in the opera house. Gustav then founded a separate entity for spoken drama, the
of 1766 was severely curtailed, however, by amendments in 1774 and 1792, effectively extinguishing independent media. Following the
5857: 5511: 4299: 4184: 2303: 594:
until the age of five, then educated under the care of two governors who were among the most eminent Swedish statesmen of the day:
222: 5947: 5887: 5867: 5852: 4600: 2397: 2277: 2031: 5787: 4704: 4626: 4369: 5847: 5728: 4512: 1272:. At first, the venture seemed headed for disaster before the Swedes successfully broke a blockade by the Russian fleet at the 1213:
refused to abandon her ally Denmark, Gustav declared war on Russia in June 1788, while it was deeply engaged in a war with the
760: 4507: 2211: 1064: 660: 263: 210: 3821: 428:, which definitively established parliament as the dominant political power; this has lasted until the modern day, where the 483: 5877: 5862: 3075: 2361: 1973: 5684: 2771: 2645: 1374: 764: 610:
experienced in the art of dissimulation. Even his most hostile teachers were amazed by his combination of natural gifts.
396:, Gustav pursued an alliance of princes aimed at crushing the insurrection and re-instating his French counterpart, King 4631: 5907: 5897: 5792: 3961:
Genealogy up to the fourth degree inclusive of all the Kings and Princes of sovereign houses of Europe currently living
3423: 2951: 1346: 5446: 4295: 1687: 1296:
on 22 January – 24 February 1792, he fell victim to a widespread political conspiracy among his aristocratic enemies.
5341: 4328: 4105: 4065: 3868: 3844: 3763: 3742: 3722: 3514: 3478: 2583: 2424: 1393: 1269: 671:, a possibility asserted by some writers. The close personal relationships that he formed with two of his courtiers, 663:(1782–1783). For the consummation of the marriage, the king and queen requested actual physical instruction by Count 354: 1201:
At the same time, his foreign policy became more adventurous. At first he sought to gain Russian support to acquire
1129: 5872: 4772: 4354: 3094:
Sweden changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1753, when 17 February was followed by 1 March
1411: 710: 1353: 36: 4359: 1038: 389: 17: 5902: 5782: 4662: 4569: 4559: 4151: 2609: 1331: 5223: 4725: 4605: 4306:, the adoptive heirs of the House of Holstein-Gottorp, who were adoptive heirs of the Palatinate-ZweibrĂĽckens. 4261: 1764: 1562: 276: 5293: 5246: 5229: 1360: 602:. Nonetheless, he perhaps owed most of what shaped him during his early education to the poet and historian 5458: 2179: 1953:, appear in the island's coat of arms along with insignia of the island's two other previous owners: three 1767:, by letting them perform in his plays or in his commissioned operas, respectively. In 1773 he founded the 1431: 930: 479: 3652: 591: 478:. Swedish military forces were engaged by the thousands on the side of the colonists, largely through the 5917: 5882: 5661: 4765: 3012: 2672: 1327: 1273: 1254: 672: 641: 629: 401: 178: 818: 424:
reached adulthood in 1796. The Gustavian autocracy thus survived until 1809, when his son was ousted in
5632: 5626: 5432: 2857: 1695: 1342: 872: 471: 4167: 1547: 5531: 5490: 4460: 3030: 2798: 2456: 2237: 2090: 1805: 1234: 487: 232: 108: 1720: 5937: 5932: 5927: 5065: 4788: 4254: 4145: 2919: 2830: 2731: 2704: 2153: 1663: 1222: 919:
The entire revolutionary enterprise was underwritten with loans procured from the French financier
856:. It seemed to many that only a swift and sudden coup d'Ă©tat could preserve Sweden's independence. 475: 346: 242: 71: 1281: 1163:
Earlier in foreign affairs, however, and privately, Gustav had shown considerable interest in the
5642: 5636: 5361: 3366: 1833: 1514: 1320: 1073: 990: 836: 736:, which mainly represented the interests of the peasantry and clergy, to summon an extraordinary 519: 417: 5942: 5723: 5355: 5286: 5269: 5258: 5212: 5123: 5075: 4636: 4533: 4397: 4387: 4161: 2551: 1790: 1683: 1542: 1195: 913: 901: 853: 741: 726: 714: 676: 645: 466:
In 1777, Gustav III was the first formally neutral head of state in the world to recognise the
448: 338: 331: 327: 904:, another victim of Cap oppression. Toll proposed to raise a second revolt in the province of 298:
Gustav was a vocal opponent of what he saw as the abuse of political privileges seized by the
5496: 5485: 5323: 5160: 4667: 4444: 4439: 3954: 3715: 1966: 1817: 1527: 822:
One of Gustav III's revolution rings in memory of the political revolution of 21 August 1772.
649: 599: 369: 303: 4913: 3627: 1597:
around the theatre once and then into the foyer where they met Captain Carl Fredrik Pollet.
1115: 946:
thereupon resolved to strike the decisive blow without waiting for Sprengtporten's arrival.
440: 5842: 5837: 5480: 5452: 5422: 5334: 5317: 5216: 5108: 4423: 4407: 4392: 4333: 3338: 1909: 1884: 1772: 1555: 1533: 1188: 1088: 1050: 1049:
Gustav worked towards reform in the same direction as other contemporary sovereigns of the
998: 924: 894: 491: 460: 358: 1832:
Notable opera composers under Gustav's reign were three artists originally from Germany:
was secured, he intended to embark for Sweden, join up with the king and his friends near
8: 5832: 5560: 5094: 5007: 4885: 4870: 4814: 4303: 3070: 3065: 1865: 1841: 1837: 1794: 1768: 1733: 1703: 1679: 1445: 1210: 1164: 1058: 1041:, was read to the estates and unanimously accepted by them. The diet was then dissolved. 779: 664: 567: 444: 377: 45: 1935: 1919: 1824:. The Grand Lodge conferred upon him the title "Vicarius Salomonis" (Vicar of Solomon). 1367: 5515: 5417: 5412: 5407: 5365: 5327: 5300: 5262: 5252: 5164: 5085: 4997: 4978: 4922: 4672: 4657: 4349: 4323: 4318: 4287: 4277: 4192: 4054: 4040: 3992: 3322: 3299: 3154: 1946: 1871: 1238: 1226: 994: 983: 595: 551: 385: 350: 315: 307: 5050: 4819: 3454:
in Swedish, P.A. Norstedt & Söners förlag Stockholm, 1920, Vol. I, pp. 366f., 427
1752: 1639: 1262: 1152:
towards the king. "There was no room for a single question during the whole session."
5741: 5580: 5427: 5199: 5195: 5182: 5178: 5172: 5168: 5035: 5023: 4974: 4968: 4962: 4918: 4538: 4364: 4101: 4061: 3864: 3840: 3817: 3759: 3738: 3718: 3510: 3497:, Stockholm 1921 p 138 (reference and page number is for the two preceding sentences) 3474: 3419: 3343: 3055: 3025: 1958: 1691: 1672: 1647: 1289: 1218: 1103: 1077: 964: 755:
Gustav found greater success abroad. From 4 February to 25 March 1771, Gustav was in
733: 523: 515: 511: 393: 201: 165: 5070: 4796: 3610:"54 (Berättelser ur svenska historien / Nionde bandet. Gustaf III. Gustaf IV Adolf)" 1276:
on 9 July 1790. This is regarded as the greatest naval victory ever achieved by the
311: 5734: 5575: 5475: 5017: 4988: 4941: 4908: 4904: 4843: 4595: 4517: 4402: 4032: 3584: 3378: 3291: 1780: 1725: 1567: 1134: 1123: 1008: 864: 718: 633: 456: 299: 151: 4880: 4875: 3466: 3241: 3130: 1856: 967:, then I will risk my life and blood for you and the salvation of the fatherland!" 687: 5776: 5769: 5710: 5605: 5600: 5541: 5090: 5080: 4688: 4621: 4502: 4238: 3755: 3712: 3050: 1779:. A new opera house was built in 1775 and inaugurated in 1782, connected to the 1756: 1744:
Gustav was also active as a playwright. He is largely credited with creating the
1571: 1183: 935: 920: 849: 787: 737: 691: 656: 436: 421: 400:, offering Swedish military assistance as well as his leadership. In 1792 he was 288: 206: 118: 5653: 3940:årg.43, 1923, pp. 153–4; and Robert J. King, "Gustaf III’s Australian Colony", 1809: 1149: 1002: 934:
Photo of Gustav III's uniform worn during the coup d'Ă©tat, 19th of August 1772,
5310: 5279: 5239: 4899: 4889: 4228: 4076: 4023:
Barton, H. Arnold (Autumn 1972). "Gustav III of Sweden and the Enlightenment".
Hedvig Elisabeth Charlottas dagbok / The Diaries of Hedvig Elizabeth Charlotte,
3198: 1879: 1760: 1551: 1518: 1214: 1107: 1081: 791: 768: 749: 603: 555: 507: 435:
A patron of the arts and benefactor of arts and literature, Gustav founded the
373: 319: 284: 80: 41: 1918:
in honor of the Swedish King, in which the first ever female aeronaut, singer
1888:(A Masked Ball), with the specifics changed under the pressure of censorship. 5826: 5387: 5306: 5275: 5235: 5206: 5189: 5012: 5002: 4993: 4946: 4865: 4829: 4291: 4221: 4009:. Vol. 12 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 736–738. 4000: 3987: 3963:] (in French). Bourdeaux: Frederic Guillaume Birnstiel. 1768. p. 29. 3856: 3040: 1988: 1962: 1699: 1477: 1407: 1054: 668: 467: 452: 342: 292: 5029: 3609: 3382: 3242:"Gustav III | King of Sweden, Enlightened Ruler, Assassination | Britannica" 977:"We are willing to sacrifice both blood and life in Your Majesty's service!" 5717: 5703: 5546: 5137: 4481: 1954: 1950: 1860: 1813: 1277: 1012: 909: 881: 810: 745: 730: 559: 425: 413: 31: 4144: 1268:
Throughout 1789 and 1790, Gustav conducted a war with Russia known as the
1241:. In return, Gustav abolished most of the old privileges of the nobility. 502:
Gustav III was known in Sweden and abroad by his royal titles, or styles:
5402: 5372: 5348: 4824: 960: 571: 287:
from 1771 until his assassination in 1792. He was the eldest son of King
252: 744:
in a way that would increase the power of the crown. But the victorious
624: 5748: 5585: 4894: 4554: 4044: 3303: 3045: 1984: 1939: 1729: 1651: 1618: 1334: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1258: 832: 279:
13 January] 1746 – 29 March 1792), also called
95: 4160: 330:
of 1789, which swept away most of the powers exercised by the Swedish
4757: 3018: 1931: 1801: 1715: 1449: 1092: 1021: 890: 772: 587: 397: 323: 134: 4036: 4031:(1). American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ASECS): 1–34. 3439:
Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to World War II
3295: 3282:
Barton, H.A. (1966). "Sweden and the War of American Independence".
3269: 1309: 65: 5762: 5755: 5595: 5590: 4590: 4564: 1845: 1561:
The assassination of the king was enacted at a masked ball at the
1481: 1099: 876: 767:, one of the most prominent French diplomats, was transferred from 365: 4246: 3986:
This article incorporates text from a publication now in the
1293: 527: 4860: 1785: 1626:
Jag känner mig sömnig, några ögonblicks vila skulle göra mig gott
1206: 1122:
a government monopoly, through the establishment of a network of
886: 827: 783: 429: 409: 381: 217: 1949:
which was named after him. Also, the Swedish national arms, the
Sveriges Politiska Historia under Konung Gustaf III:s Regering,
3215: 1492: 1202: 1119: 905: 620:
Wedding of Gustav, Crown Prince of Sweden, and Sophia Magdalena
543: 535: 405: 4078:
A History of Sweden from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
A History of Sweden from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
from France in 1785 (in exchange for French trading rights in
Gustav III's war against Russia and his implementation of the
786:. Frederick bluntly informed his nephew that, in concert with 376:
presence in Sweden, and enacted wide-ranging reforms aimed at
with Russian aid, then a series of attempts to re-capture the
3785: 3783: 1496: 756: 563: 5893:
Honorary members of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences
3022:(Swedish 2011 television series set in Stockholm in 1790–92) 859: 3620: 1905: 1671:
Gustav's funeral took place on 14 May 1792. It was held in
1044: 575: 547: 539: 531: 3932:
Bd.7 (6), 1935, pp. 83–101. See also Clas Theodor Odhner,
Bijdragen voor vaderlandsche Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde,
3780: 1930:
It was under King Gustav III that Sweden gained the small
into Sweden. That year, he named his brother, the Duke of
4851: 4749:
Not Swedish prince by birth, but created prince of Sweden
When the British were preparing to establish a colony in
1111: 778:
On his way home, Gustav paid a short visit to his uncle,
in 1784, Gustav enabled the restoration, if symbolic, of
Gustav first intervened actively in politics during the
322:, he initiated a campaign to restore a measure of royal 4393:
King John II Casimir of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
3670: 3567: 3565: 3563: 3561: 3559: 3557: 3555: 3520: 3159:
Gustavus III. and his contemporaries 1746–1792, 2 Bände
1978: 1912:
in June 1784 launched a new hot air balloon called the
1628:("I feel sleepy, a few moments' rest would do me good") 490:
in America, as well as great personal profits from the
380:, social reform and the restriction, in many cases, of 3691: 3689: 3687: 3685: 3553: 3551: 3549: 3547: 3545: 3543: 3541: 3539: 3537: 3535: 3394: 3392: 993:
and its president, Rudbeck, had been arrested and the
923:, arranged by the Swedish ambassador to France, Count 2118:
Christian August of Holstein-Gottorp, Prince of Eutin
959:"If you follow me, just like your ancestors followed 4388:
King Władysław IV of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
4074: 3838:
Sofia Magdalena : kärlek, revolutioner och mord
Sofia Magdalena : kärlek, revolutioner och mord
679:, were alluded to in that regard. His sister-in-law 3801:
Autopsy protocol in the High Court protocols, 1792.
3682: 3532: 3389: 3173:"Brawl In The Baltic Sea: The Battle of Svensksund" 897:to accept a new constitution dictated by the king. 4126: 4053: 3418:. St. Martin's Griffin; 1st edition. p. 556. 3339:"Sanningen om det svenska slaveriet (SvD Premium)" 900:At this juncture, the plotters were reinforced by 5683: 3812:Lindqvist, Herman; Fersen, Hans Axel von (2010). 3413: 3061:List of coups d'Ă©tat and coup attempts by country 2336:Christina Magdalena of the Palatinate-ZweibrĂĽcken 1987:, the Government of Gustav III agreed to sponsor 1554:, Claes Fredrik Horn, Carl Pontus Lilliehorn and 1027:Part of the speech by Gustav III to the Estates: 841:(a powerless king), encouraged him to consider a 5824: 3367:"Sweden, the Slave Trade and Slavery, 1784-1847" 1925: 1585:of wanting to shorten Your days, through murder. 1244: 357:. Nonetheless, his successful leadership in the 4804: 4403:John Albert, Prince-Bishop of Warmia and KrakĂłw 4056:Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era, 1760–1815 3917:Joseph Martin Kraus und die Gustavianische Oper 3816:(in Swedish). Stockholm: Fischer. p. 138. 3811: 697: 4060:. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1675:, which had been decorated in a grand manner. 1167:and had this to say about it in October 1776: 5669: 4955: 4773: 4262: 1706:under the direction of the composer himself. 852:sought by the Russian vice-chancellor, Count 4487:Prince Frederick Adolf, Duke of Ă–stergötland 3125: 3123: 3121: 3119: 3117: 3115: 3113: 3111: 1601:King, who bent backwards to talk to Pollet. 1053:. Criminal justice became more lenient, the 394:uprising against the French monarchy in 1789 5913:People of the Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790) 4370:Prince Charles Philip, Duke of Södermanland 4016:Gustavus III and His Contemporaries, 2 vols 3884:. St. Louis, Mo: Missouri Lodge of Research 1709: 581: 5676: 5662: 4780: 4766: 4269: 4255: 3628:"Gustav III - Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon" 3441:. Robert Aldrich Garry Wotherspoon, p. 194 3318:"Sweden's Part in the American Revolution" 2894:George William, Duke of Brunswick-LĂĽneburg 2059:Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp 1430: 826:At the time of his accession, the Swedish 740:from which he hoped for the reform of the 709:; Gustav III (left) and his two brothers, 707:King Gustav III of Sweden and his Brothers 64: 5568: 4745:Lost his title due to an unequal marriage 4653:Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten 3416:Catherine the Great: Love, sex, and power 3409: 3407: 3161:London: Kegan Paul, Trench, TrĂĽbner, 1894 3108: 2526:Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg 1579:To the King — with the greatest humility. 1394:Learn how and when to remove this message 1114:. Gustav even designed and popularized a 1061:preceding the execution, was maintained. 908:, and to secure the southern fortress of 506:Gustav, by the Grace of God, King of the 310:. Seizing power from the government in a 5524: 5468: 5395: 5153: 5116: 5058: 4114: 4095: 4086: 3495:Gustav III; Hans Liv, Person och Gärning 3465: 3336: 3196: 3036:Gustav III of Sweden's coffee experiment 2304:Frederick VII, Margrave of Baden-Durlach 1719: 1662: 1436:Gustav's outfit during the assassination 1248: 1182: 1178: 1128: 1063: 1045:Between constitutionalism and absolutism 1007: 929: 858: 817: 809: 801: 797: 701: 623: 4586:Prince Carl Oscar, Duke of Södermanland 4408:Prince Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Opole 2398:Frederick III, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp 2278:Friedrich VI, Margrave of Baden-Durlach 2032:Frederick III, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp 1686:that was performed by the solo singers 14: 5825: 4787: 4286:The generations indicate descent from 4051: 4022: 3653:"kronobränneri - Uppslagsverk -" 3404: 3281: 2873: 2751: 2747: 2735: 2625: 2505: 2501: 2497: 2487: 2377: 2257: 2253: 2241: 2133: 2021: 2017: 2013: 1682:composed a funeral march to a text of 590:. He was placed under the tutelage of 5657: 4761: 4250: 3711:18 October 1776 published in 1992 by 3364: 3170: 2949: 2939: 2935: 2923: 2917: 2907: 2891: 2881: 2877: 2861: 2855: 2845: 2828: 2818: 2814: 2802: 2796: 2786: 2769: 2759: 2755: 2729: 2719: 2702: 2692: 2688: 2676: 2670: 2660: 2643: 2633: 2629: 2613: 2607: 2597: 2581: 2571: 2567: 2555: 2549: 2539: 2523: 2513: 2509: 2481: 2471: 2454: 2444: 2440: 2428: 2422: 2412: 2395: 2385: 2381: 2365: 2359: 2349: 2333: 2323: 2319: 2307: 2301: 2291: 2275: 2265: 2261: 2235: 2225: 2209: 2199: 2195: 2183: 2177: 2167: 2151: 2141: 2137: 2121: 2115: 2105: 2088: 2078: 2074: 2062: 2056: 2046: 2029: 2025: 1133:Coronation portrait of Gustav III by 683:implied as much in her famous diary. 4710:Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland 4705:Prince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland 4627:Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland 4013: 3991: 3754:Gustaf III Mannen bakom myten, 1992 3695: 3676: 3571: 3526: 3398: 3337:Harrison, Dick (24 September 2016). 2362:Albertina Frederica of Baden-Durlach 1979:Plan to colonise Australia 1786–1787 1332:adding citations to reliable sources 1303: 1080:, the superior court of justice, in 655:The marriage produced two children: 613: 451:built. In 1772 he founded the Royal 4741:Also prince of Poland and Lithuania 4534:Crown Prince Gustav, Prince of Vasa 4508:Prince Carl Gustav, Duke of SmĂĄland 4329:Prince Magnus, Duke of Ă–stergötland 4276: 3861:Ekot av ett skott - öden kring 1792 2772:Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover 2646:Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover 2212:Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-LĂĽneburg 661:Prince Carl Gustav, Duke of SmĂĄland 211:Prince Carl Gustav, Duke of SmĂĄland 24: 5923:Swedish monarchs of German descent 4668:Prince Carl Johan, Duke of Dalarna 4601:Prince Carl, Duke of Västergötland 3645: 1187:Portrait of Gustav III in 1786 by 25: 5959: 5812:Heirs who succeeded are shown in 4637:Prince Carl, Duke of Ă–stergötland 4360:Prince John, Duke of Ă–stergötland 4137: 3365:Ekman, Ernst (7 September 1975). 3171:Piper, Grant (4 September 2023). 2584:Louise Henriette of Orange-Nassau 2425:Augusta Marie of Holstein-Gottorp 1974:Slave trade under King Gustav III 1793:, with a new building behind the 729:, when he compelled the dominant 432:is Sweden's supreme legislature. 5801: 4632:Prince Erik, Duke of Västmanland 4296:Houses of Palatinate-ZweibrĂĽcken 4117:Den gustavianska tiden 1772–1809 3979: 3076:Swedish-Algerian War (1791–1792) 1904:Following Gustav III's visit to 1574:, and in translation it stated: 1308: 1299: 1020:throne, he delivered his famous 262: 90:12 February 1771 – 29 March 1792 27:King of Sweden from 1771 to 1792 5858:Sweden during the Gustavian era 4673:Prince Lennart, Duke of SmĂĄland 4658:Prince Sigvard, Duke of Uppland 4132:. Stockholm: Anders Zetterberg. 3971: 3947: 3922: 3909: 3896: 3887: 3874: 3850: 3830: 3805: 3794: 3769: 3748: 3728: 3701: 3602: 3577: 3500: 3487: 3459: 3444: 3432: 3358: 3330: 3310: 3267:Sweden – America's First Friend 1702:, choir and orchestra from the 1655:interrogated about the murder. 1319:needs additional citations for 806:Gustav's coronation in May 1772 190: 5948:18th-century murders in Sweden 5888:Early modern history of Sweden 5868:Burials at Riddarholmen Church 5853:18th-century murdered monarchs 4663:Prince Bertil, Duke of Halland 4570:Prince August, Duke of Dalarna 4560:Prince Gustaf, Duke of Uppland 4152:New International Encyclopedia 3944:vol. 27, no. 2, 2005, pp. 3–20 3284:The William and Mary Quarterly 3275: 3259: 3234: 3208: 3190: 3164: 3148: 3088: 2610:Frederick William I of Prussia 1667:The decorations at the funeral 1532:, Carl Pontus Lilliehorn, and 1093:currency realization ordinance 972:A young ensign then spoke up: 497: 13: 1: 5848:18th-century Swedish monarchs 5685:Heirs to the throne of Sweden 4805: 4596:Prince Oscar, Duke of Gotland 4075:Cronholm, Neander N. (1902). 3585:"Gustav III:s statskupp 1772" 3197:Cronholm, Neander N. (1902). 3101: 1926:Saint-BarthĂ©lemy and Gustavia 1765:Christoffer Christian Karsten 1644:who was his known adversary. 1245:Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790) 1138: 871:Gustav III was approached by 482:. Through the acquisition of 37:Gustave III, ou Le bal masquĂ© 4983:descendant of Inge the Elder 4927:descendant of Inge the Elder 4294:, and continues through the 3371:Outre-Mers. Revue d'histoire 2952:Eleonore d'Esmier d'Olbreuse 2180:Frederikke Amalie of Denmark 1994: 1804:in 1780, and introduced the 1270:Russo-Swedish War of 1788–90 698:Politics of an heir apparent 420:until his son and successor 326:. This was completed by the 7: 5878:Deaths by firearm in Sweden 5863:Assassinated Swedish people 5224:Bengt Jönsson (Oxenstierna) 4726:Prince Oscar, Duke of SkĂĄne 4606:Prince Eugen, Duke of Närke 4513:Crown Prince Charles August 4127:Swedish High Court (1792). 3013:Absolute Monarchy in Sweden 3006: 2673:Sophia Charlotte of Hanover 1908:, the aeronautics pioneers 1425:Assassination of Gustav III 982:Gustav then dictated a new 630:Sophia Magdalena of Denmark 179:Sophia Magdalena of Denmark 10: 5964: 5294:Jöns Bengtsson Oxenstierna 5247:Jöns Bengtsson Oxenstierna 5230:Nils Jönsson (Oxenstierna) 4052:Barton, H. Arnold (1986). 4025:Eighteenth-Century Studies 3915:Engländer, Richard : 3790:High Court protocols, 1792 3450:Cecilia af Klercker, ed., 3414:Virginia Rounding (2008). 3385:– via 2867: 2858:Sophia Dorothea of Hanover 2749: 2741: 2619: 2503: 2499: 2371: 2255: 2247: 2127: 2019: 2015: 1971: 1899: 1775:under the umbrella of his 1713: 1696:Kristofer Kristian Karsten 1658: 873:Jacob Magnus Sprengtporten 713:and Prince Charles, later 617: 318:, in 1772, that ended the 29: 5908:People murdered in Sweden 5898:House of Holstein-Gottorp 5810: 5799: 5691: 5618: 5559: 5510: 5445: 5386: 5136: 5107: 5049: 4940: 4842: 4795: 4734: 4718: 4697: 4681: 4645: 4614: 4578: 4547: 4526: 4495: 4469: 4453: 4432: 4416: 4380: 4342: 4311: 4284: 4235: 4226: 4218: 4213: 4185:House of Holstein-Gottorp 4178: 4115:Stavenow, Ludvig (1925). 3904:Opera pĂĄ Stockholmsoperan 3031:The Funeral of Gustav III 2937: 2929: 2901: 2879: 2875: 2839: 2816: 2808: 2799:George I of Great Britain 2780: 2757: 2753: 2713: 2690: 2682: 2654: 2631: 2627: 2591: 2569: 2561: 2533: 2511: 2507: 2465: 2457:Marie Elisabeth of Saxony 2442: 2434: 2406: 2383: 2379: 2343: 2321: 2313: 2285: 2263: 2259: 2238:Adolf Frederick of Sweden 2219: 2197: 2189: 2161: 2139: 2135: 2099: 2091:Marie Elisabeth of Saxony 2076: 2068: 2040: 2023: 1806:Rite of Strict Observance 1510: 1502: 1487: 1471: 1463: 1455: 1441: 1429: 1424: 1235:Act of Union and Security 1102:was amended, and limited 657:Crown Prince Gustav Adolf 592:Hedvig Elisabet Strömfelt 492:transatlantic slave trade 488:Swedish overseas colonies 258: 248: 238: 233:Adolf Frederick of Sweden 228: 216: 200: 172: 158: 141: 128: 124: 114: 104: 94: 86: 79: 63: 58: 4398:Prince Alexander Charles 4355:Gustav, Prince of Uglich 4014:Bain, R. Nisbet (1894). 3882:10,000 Famous Freemasons 3880:Denslow, Wm. R. (1958). 3493:Oswald Kuylenstierna in 3473:. Norstedt. p. 61. 3135:Encyclopaedia Britannica 3081: 2920:Sophia Dorothea of Celle 2732:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 2154:Frederick III of Denmark 1863:in 1833 under the title 1827: 1710:Contributions to culture 1116:Swedish national costume 1106:was proclaimed for both 1039:Instrument of Government 1037:A new constitution, the 640:Gustav married Princess 582:Early life and education 390:Freedom of the Press Act 347:Swedish Baltic dominions 302:since the death of King 243:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 5873:Crown princes of Sweden 4168:The American Cyclopædia 4100:. Stockholm: Norstedt. 4096:Lönnroth, Erik (1986). 4087:Hennings, Beth (1957). 4006:Encyclopædia Britannica 3383:10.3406/outre.1975.1827 2003:Ancestors of Gustav III 1834:Johann Gottlieb Naumann 1759:and the operatic stars 1548:Jacob Johan Anckarström 1515:Jacob Johan Anckarstrom 1412:Infobox civilian attack 1405: 1074:Privy Council of Sweden 863:Gustav III in 1772, by 520:Grand Prince of Finland 480:French expedition force 418:Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm 5356:Sten Sture the Younger 5287:Kettil Karlsson (Vasa) 5270:Kettil Karlsson (Vasa) 5213:Christopher of Bavaria 3902:Sällström, Ă…ke : 3758:Gunnar von Proschwitz 3508:Gustaf III en biografi 2552:Frederick I of Prussia 1791:Royal Dramatic Theatre 1737: 1684:Carl Gustaf af Leopold 1668: 1594: 1543:Union and Security Act 1417:considered for merging 1265: 1191: 1144: 1069: 1016: 938: 902:Johan Christopher Toll 868: 823: 815: 807: 727:December Crisis (1768) 722: 715:Charles XIII of Sweden 711:Prince Frederick Adolf 646:Frederick V of Denmark 637: 579: 449:Royal Dramatic Theatre 339:enlightened absolutism 332:Riksdag of the estates 328:Union and Security Act 275:(24 January [ 40:. For the unfinished 5903:People from Stockholm 4737:Also prince of Norway 4518:King Charles XIV John 4162:"Gustavus III."  4146:"Gustavus III."  3847:pp. 306-307 & 314 3836:Claes Rainer 2021 in 3734:Claes Rainer 2021 in 3716:Gunnar von Proschwitz 3709:Countess de Boufflers 1967:Knights of Saint John 1822:Grand Lodge of Sweden 1723: 1666: 1576: 1252: 1186: 1179:Increased royal power 1132: 1067: 1011: 1003:Toast to King Gustav! 933: 862: 821: 813: 805: 798:Reign and coup d'Ă©tat 705: 673:Count Axel von Fersen 650:Christiansborg Palace 627: 600:Carl Fredrik Scheffer 504: 5335:Sten Sture the Elder 5318:Sten Sture the Elder 5217:House of Wittelsbach 4689:King Carl XVI Gustaf 4622:King Gustaf VI Adolf 4503:King Gustav IV Adolf 4461:King Adolf Frederick 4365:King Gustav II Adolf 4190:Cadet branch of the 3938:Historisk Tidskrift, 2484:Gustav III of Sweden 1910:Montgolfier brothers 1885:Un ballo in maschera 1816:), to the office of 1773:Royal Swedish Ballet 1556:Carl Fredrik Pechlin 1534:Carl Fredrik Pechlin 1328:improve this article 1274:Battle of Svensksund 1255:Battle of Svensksund 1189:Per Krafft the Elder 1089:liberty of the press 1051:Age of Enlightenment 999:Carl Michael Bellman 677:Baron Gustav Armfelt 472:war for independence 461:Carl Michael Bellman 359:Battle of Svensksund 5008:Sverker the Younger 3993:Bain, Robert Nisbet 3863:, Bra Böcker 1986, 3679:, pp. 737–738. 3529:, pp. 736–737. 3071:Swedish slave trade 3066:Marstrand Free Port 1922:, took to the air. 1842:Joseph Martin Kraus 1838:Georg Joseph Vogler 1795:Royal Swedish Opera 1769:Royal Swedish Opera 1734:Johan Tobias Sergel 1704:Royal Swedish Opera 1680:Joseph Martin Kraus 1259:Stockholm Cathedral 1211:Catherine the Great 1165:American Revolution 1059:corporal punishment 914:Duke Charles (Karl) 780:Frederick the Great 644:, daughter of King 586:Gustav was born in 445:Royal Swedish Opera 426:another coup d'Ă©tat 388:. The much-praised 378:economic liberalism 368:, Gustav legalised 353:through the failed 154:, Stockholm, Sweden 5918:Swedish Freemasons 5883:Deaths from sepsis 5366:House of Oldenburg 5328:House of Oldenburg 5301:Erik Axelsson Tott 5263:House of Oldenburg 5253:Erik Axelsson Tott 5165:House of Estridsen 4979:House of Estridsen 4969:Eric "IX" the Holy 4923:House of Estridsen 4914:Ragnvald Knaphövde 4789:Monarchs of Sweden 4193:House of Oldenburg 3323:The New York Times 3155:Robert Nisbet Bain 1872:Saverio Mercadante 1749:(Kungliga Teatern) 1738: 1669: 1523:Claes Fredrik Horn 1266: 1253:Trophies from the 1239:power of the purse 1192: 1145: 1124:crown distilleries 1070: 1017: 984:oath of allegiance 939: 869: 824: 816: 808: 723: 638: 596:Carl Gustaf Tessin 552:Schleswig-Holstein 412:under his brother 386:capital punishment 351:Great Northern War 316:Swedish Revolution 308:Great Northern War 5820: 5819: 5651: 5650: 5627:Norwegian monarch 5622:Lineage uncertain 5614: 5613: 5555: 5554: 5506: 5505: 5441: 5440: 5382: 5381: 5200:House of Griffins 5183:House of Griffins 5173:House of Griffins 5132: 5131: 5103: 5102: 5045: 5044: 4984: 4963:Sverker the Elder 4936: 4935: 4928: 4852:c. 1060 – c. 1130 4838: 4837: 4755: 4754: 4482:King Charles XIII 4245: 4244: 4236:Succeeded by 3942:The Great Circle, 3823:978-91-85183-92-0 3344:Svenska Dagbladet 3265:Anna Klerkäng in 3056:History of Sweden 3026:Culture of Sweden 3003: 3002: 2999: 2998: 2831:Sophia of Hanover 2705:Sophia of Hanover 1965:representing the 1692:Franziska Stading 1678:For the funeral, 1673:Riddarholmskyrkan 1648:Ulrica Arfvidsson 1563:Royal Opera House 1539: 1538: 1446:Royal Opera House 1404: 1403: 1396: 1378: 1290:French Revolution 1257:brought into the 1219:Anjala Conspiracy 1120:alcoholic spirits 1104:religious liberty 965:Gustavus Adolphus 659:(1778–1837), and 614:Marriage and sons 270: 269: 166:Riddarholm Church 30:For the opera by 16:(Redirected from 5955: 5805: 5678: 5671: 5664: 5655: 5654: 5576:Charles XIV John 5566: 5565: 5522: 5521: 5512:Holstein-Gottorp 5476:Charles X Gustav 5466: 5465: 5462: 5393: 5392: 5151: 5150: 5114: 5113: 5056: 5055: 4982: 4953: 4952: 4926: 4909:Inge the Younger 4849: 4848: 4807: 4802: 4801: 4782: 4775: 4768: 4759: 4758: 4445:King Frederick I 4440:King Charles XII 4350:King Sigismund I 4300:Holstein-Gottorp 4271: 4264: 4257: 4248: 4247: 4219:Preceded by 4209: 4202: 4176: 4175: 4172: 4164: 4156: 4148: 4133: 4120: 4111: 4098:Den stora rollen 4092: 4082: 4071: 4059: 4048: 4019: 4010: 3985: 3983: 3982: 3965: 3964: 3951: 3945: 3926: 3920: 3913: 3907: 3906:. Stockholm 1977 3900: 3894: 3891: 3885: 3878: 3872: 3854: 3848: 3834: 3828: 3827: 3809: 3803: 3798: 3792: 3787: 3778: 3776:Svärdström, 1967 3773: 3767: 3752: 3746: 3732: 3726: 3705: 3699: 3693: 3680: 3674: 3668: 3667: 3665: 3663: 3649: 3643: 3642: 3640: 3638: 3624: 3618: 3617: 3606: 3600: 3599: 3597: 3595: 3581: 3575: 3569: 3530: 3524: 3518: 3504: 3498: 3491: 3485: 3484: 3471:Den stora rollen 3463: 3457: 3448: 3442: 3436: 3430: 3429: 3411: 3402: 3396: 3387: 3386: 3377:(226): 221–231. 3362: 3356: 3355: 3353: 3351: 3334: 3328: 3327: 3314: 3308: 3307: 3279: 3273: 3263: 3257: 3256: 3254: 3252: 3238: 3232: 3231: 3229: 3227: 3212: 3206: 3204: 3194: 3188: 3187: 3185: 3183: 3168: 3162: 3152: 3146: 3145: 3143: 3141: 3127: 3095: 3092: 2009: 2008: 2000: 1999: 1936:Saint-BarthĂ©lemy 1920:Élisabeth Thible 1781:Stockholm Palace 1726:Apollo Belvedere 1643: 1531: 1434: 1422: 1421: 1399: 1392: 1388: 1385: 1379: 1377: 1336: 1312: 1304: 1282:Treaty of Värälä 1143: 1140: 1135:Alexander Roslin 893:, and force the 879:in Finland by a 865:Alexander Roslin 761:Duke of Choiseul 719:Alexander Roslin 642:Sophia Magdalena 634:Alexander Roslin 484:Saint BarthĂ©lemy 457:Alexander Roslin 441:national costume 402:mortally wounded 349:lost during the 266: 223:Holstein-Gottorp 194: 192: 152:Stockholm Palace 148: 68: 56: 55: 21: 5963: 5962: 5958: 5957: 5956: 5954: 5953: 5952: 5938:1790s in Sweden 5933:1780s in Sweden 5928:1770s in Sweden 5823: 5822: 5821: 5816: 5806: 5797: 5687: 5682: 5652: 5647: 5610: 5606:Carl XVI Gustaf 5601:Gustaf VI Adolf 5551: 5542:Gustav IV Adolf 5532:Adolf Frederick 5502: 5491:Ulrika Eleonora 5456: 5455: 5448: 5437: 5428:Gustav II Adolf 5378: 5147: 5145: 5128: 5099: 5041: 4932: 4853: 4834: 4820:Olof Skötkonung 4791: 4786: 4756: 4751: 4747: 4743: 4739: 4730: 4719:16th generation 4714: 4698:15th generation 4693: 4682:14th generation 4677: 4646:13th generation 4641: 4615:12th generation 4610: 4579:11th generation 4574: 4555:King Charles XV 4548:10th generation 4543: 4522: 4491: 4477:King Gustav III 4465: 4449: 4428: 4424:King Charles XI 4412: 4376: 4338: 4334:King Charles IX 4307: 4280: 4278:Swedish princes 4275: 4241: 4239:Gustav IV Adolf 4232: 4224: 4203: 4201:24 January 1746 4197: 4196: 4188: 4181: 4159: 4143: 4140: 4123: 4108: 4083:ch 37 pp 203–19 4068: 4037:10.2307/3031560 3980: 3978: 3974: 3969: 3968: 3953: 3952: 3948: 3927: 3923: 3914: 3910: 3901: 3897: 3892: 3888: 3879: 3875: 3855: 3851: 3835: 3831: 3824: 3814:Axel von Fersen 3810: 3806: 3799: 3795: 3788: 3781: 3774: 3770: 3756:Swedish Academy 3753: 3749: 3733: 3729: 3713:Swedish Academy 3706: 3702: 3694: 3683: 3675: 3671: 3661: 3659: 3651: 3650: 3646: 3636: 3634: 3626: 3625: 3621: 3608: 3607: 3603: 3593: 3591: 3583: 3582: 3578: 3570: 3533: 3525: 3521: 3506:Leif LandĂ©n in 3505: 3501: 3492: 3488: 3481: 3464: 3460: 3449: 3445: 3437: 3433: 3426: 3412: 3405: 3397: 3390: 3363: 3359: 3349: 3347: 3335: 3331: 3316: 3315: 3311: 3296:10.2307/1919238 3280: 3276: 3264: 3260: 3250: 3248: 3240: 3239: 3235: 3225: 3223: 3214: 3213: 3209: 3195: 3191: 3181: 3179: 3169: 3165: 3153: 3149: 3139: 3137: 3129: 3128: 3109: 3104: 3099: 3098: 3093: 3089: 3084: 3051:Gustavian style 3009: 3004: 1997: 1981: 1976: 1928: 1902: 1894:Gustavian Opera 1830: 1757:Lars Hjortsberg 1753:Fredrique Löwen 1718: 1712: 1688:Caroline MĂĽller 1661: 1637: 1525: 1474: 1437: 1420: 1400: 1389: 1383: 1380: 1337: 1335: 1325: 1313: 1302: 1263:Pehr Hilleström 1247: 1196:semi-absolutism 1181: 1141: 1108:Roman Catholics 1068:Medal from 1777 1047: 989:Meanwhile, the 936:Livrustkammaren 921:Nicolas Beaujon 850:Northern Accord 814:Coronation coin 800: 700: 692:Swedish Academy 622: 616: 584: 500: 437:Swedish Academy 422:Gustav IV Adolf 355:war with Russia 289:Adolf Frederick 209: 207:Gustav IV Adolf 196: 193: 1766) 188: 184: 181: 168: 163: 150: 146: 133: 132:24 January 1746 119:Gustav IV Adolf 109:Adolf Frederick 75: 52: 28: 23: 22: 18:King Gustav III 15: 12: 11: 5: 5961: 5951: 5950: 5945: 5940: 5935: 5930: 5925: 5920: 5915: 5910: 5905: 5900: 5895: 5890: 5885: 5880: 5875: 5870: 5865: 5860: 5855: 5850: 5845: 5840: 5835: 5818: 5817: 5811: 5808: 5807: 5800: 5798: 5796: 5795: 5790: 5785: 5780: 5773: 5766: 5759: 5752: 5745: 5738: 5731: 5726: 5721: 5714: 5707: 5700: 5692: 5689: 5688: 5681: 5680: 5673: 5666: 5658: 5649: 5648: 5646: 5645: 5643:king of Poland 5639: 5637:Danish monarch 5629: 5623: 5619: 5616: 5615: 5612: 5611: 5609: 5608: 5603: 5598: 5593: 5588: 5583: 5578: 5572: 5570: 5563: 5557: 5556: 5553: 5552: 5550: 5549: 5544: 5539: 5534: 5528: 5526: 5519: 5508: 5507: 5504: 5503: 5501: 5500: 5493: 5488: 5483: 5478: 5472: 5470: 5463: 5443: 5442: 5439: 5438: 5436: 5435: 5430: 5425: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5405: 5399: 5397: 5390: 5384: 5383: 5380: 5379: 5377: 5376: 5369: 5359: 5352: 5345: 5342:Svante Nilsson 5338: 5331: 5321: 5314: 5311:House of Bonde 5304: 5297: 5290: 5283: 5280:House of Bonde 5273: 5266: 5256: 5243: 5240:House of Bonde 5233: 5220: 5210: 5207:Charles (VIII) 5203: 5193: 5190:Charles (VIII) 5186: 5176: 5157: 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Uppsala 1943 3908: 3895: 3886: 3873: 3849: 3829: 3822: 3804: 3793: 3779: 3768: 3747: 3727: 3700: 3698:, p. 738. 3681: 3669: 3644: 3619: 3601: 3576: 3574:, p. 737. 3531: 3519: 3499: 3486: 3479: 3467:Lönnroth, Erik 3458: 3443: 3431: 3425:978-0312378639 3424: 3403: 3401:, p. 736. 3388: 3357: 3329: 3326:. 3 July 1927. 3309: 3290:(3): 408–430. 3274: 3258: 3233: 3207: 3189: 3163: 3147: 3106: 3105: 3103: 3100: 3097: 3096: 3086: 3085: 3083: 3080: 3079: 3078: 3073: 3068: 3063: 3058: 3053: 3048: 3043: 3038: 3033: 3028: 3023: 3015: 3008: 3005: 3001: 3000: 2997: 2996: 2994: 2992: 2990: 2988: 2986: 2984: 2982: 2980: 2978: 2976: 2974: 2972: 2970: 2968: 2966: 2964: 2961: 2960: 2958: 2955: 2954: 2948: 2945: 2944: 2941: 2940: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2931: 2930: 2928: 2925: 2924: 2922: 2916: 2913: 2912: 2909: 2908: 2906: 2903: 2902: 2900: 2897: 2896: 2890: 2887: 2886: 2883: 2882: 2880: 2878: 2876: 2874: 2872: 2869: 2868: 2866: 2863: 2862: 2860: 2854: 2851: 2850: 2847: 2846: 2844: 2841: 2840: 2838: 2835: 2834: 2827: 2824: 2823: 2820: 2819: 2817: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2809: 2807: 2804: 2803: 2801: 2795: 2792: 2791: 2788: 2787: 2785: 2782: 2781: 2779: 2776: 2775: 2768: 2765: 2764: 2761: 2760: 2758: 2756: 2754: 2752: 2750: 2748: 2746: 2743: 2742: 2740: 2737: 2736: 2734: 2728: 2725: 2724: 2721: 2720: 2718: 2715: 2714: 2712: 2709: 2708: 2701: 2698: 2697: 2694: 2693: 2691: 2689: 2687: 2684: 2683: 2681: 2678: 2677: 2675: 2669: 2666: 2665: 2662: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2655: 2653: 2650: 2649: 2642: 2639: 2638: 2635: 2634: 2632: 2630: 2628: 2626: 2624: 2621: 2620: 2618: 2615: 2614: 2612: 2606: 2603: 2602: 2599: 2598: 2596: 2593: 2592: 2590: 2587: 2586: 2580: 2577: 2576: 2573: 2572: 2570: 2568: 2566: 2563: 2562: 2560: 2557: 2556: 2554: 2548: 2545: 2544: 2541: 2540: 2538: 2535: 2534: 2532: 2529: 2528: 2522: 2519: 2518: 2515: 2514: 2512: 2510: 2508: 2506: 2504: 2502: 2500: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2492: 2489: 2488: 2486: 2480: 2477: 2476: 2473: 2472: 2470: 2467: 2466: 2464: 2461: 2460: 2453: 2450: 2449: 2446: 2445: 2443: 2441: 2439: 2436: 2435: 2433: 2430: 2429: 2427: 2421: 2418: 2417: 2414: 2413: 2411: 2408: 2407: 2405: 2402: 2401: 2394: 2391: 2390: 2387: 2386: 2384: 2382: 2380: 2378: 2376: 2373: 2372: 2370: 2367: 2366: 2364: 2358: 2355: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2348: 2345: 2344: 2342: 2339: 2338: 2332: 2329: 2328: 2325: 2324: 2322: 2320: 2318: 2315: 2314: 2312: 2309: 2308: 2306: 2300: 2297: 2296: 2293: 2292: 2290: 2287: 2286: 2284: 2281: 2280: 2274: 2271: 2270: 2267: 2266: 2264: 2262: 2260: 2258: 2256: 2254: 2252: 2249: 2248: 2246: 2243: 2242: 2240: 2234: 2231: 2230: 2227: 2226: 2224: 2221: 2220: 2218: 2215: 2214: 2208: 2205: 2204: 2201: 2200: 2198: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2190: 2188: 2185: 2184: 2182: 2176: 2173: 2172: 2169: 2168: 2166: 2163: 2162: 2160: 2157: 2156: 2150: 2147: 2146: 2143: 2142: 2140: 2138: 2136: 2134: 2132: 2129: 2128: 2126: 2123: 2122: 2120: 2114: 2111: 2110: 2107: 2106: 2104: 2101: 2100: 2098: 2095: 2094: 2087: 2084: 2083: 2080: 2079: 2077: 2075: 2073: 2070: 2069: 2067: 2064: 2063: 2061: 2055: 2052: 2051: 2048: 2047: 2045: 2042: 2041: 2039: 2036: 2035: 2028: 2026: 2024: 2022: 2020: 2018: 2016: 2014: 2012: 2005: 2004: 1998: 1996: 1993: 1980: 1977: 1927: 1924: 1901: 1898: 1880:Giuseppe Verdi 1848:for the opera 1829: 1826: 1761:Elisabeth Olin 1711: 1708: 1660: 1657: 1630: 1629: 1552:Adolph Ribbing 1537: 1536: 1519:Adolph Ribbing 1512: 1508: 1507: 1504: 1500: 1499: 1489: 1485: 1484: 1475: 1472: 1469: 1468: 1465: 1461: 1460: 1457: 1453: 1452: 1443: 1439: 1438: 1435: 1427: 1426: 1402: 1401: 1316: 1314: 1307: 1301: 1298: 1261:, painting by 1246: 1243: 1215:Ottoman Empire 1180: 1177: 1176: 1175: 1046: 1043: 1035: 1034: 1015:and Gustav III 980: 979: 970: 969: 799: 796: 769:Constantinople 717:. Painting by 699: 696: 648:, by proxy in 618:Main article: 615: 612: 604:Olof von Dalin 583: 580: 499: 496: 364:An admirer of 337:A believer in 320:Age of Liberty 285:King of Sweden 268: 267: 260: 256: 255: 250: 246: 245: 240: 236: 235: 230: 226: 225: 220: 214: 213: 204: 198: 197: 186: 182: 177: 176: 174: 170: 169: 164: 160: 156: 155: 149:(aged 46) 143: 139: 138: 130: 126: 125: 122: 121: 116: 112: 111: 106: 102: 101: 98: 92: 91: 88: 84: 83: 81:King of Sweden 77: 76: 69: 61: 60: 42:Giuseppe Verdi 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5960: 5949: 5946: 5944: 5943:Sons of kings 5941: 5939: 5936: 5934: 5931: 5929: 5926: 5924: 5921: 5919: 5916: 5914: 5911: 5909: 5906: 5904: 5901: 5899: 5896: 5894: 5891: 5889: 5886: 5884: 5881: 5879: 5876: 5874: 5871: 5869: 5866: 5864: 5861: 5859: 5856: 5854: 5851: 5849: 5846: 5844: 5841: 5839: 5836: 5834: 5831: 5830: 5828: 5815: 5809: 5804: 5794: 5791: 5789: 5786: 5784: 5781: 5779: 5778: 5774: 5772: 5771: 5767: 5765: 5764: 5760: 5758: 5757: 5753: 5751: 5750: 5746: 5744: 5743: 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4317: 4316: 4314: 4310: 4305: 4301: 4297: 4293: 4292:House of Vasa 4289: 4283: 4279: 4272: 4267: 4265: 4260: 4258: 4253: 4252: 4249: 4240: 4231: 4230: 4223: 4222:Adolf Fredrik 4217: 4212: 4208:29 March 1792 4207: 4200: 4195: 4194: 4187: 4186: 4177: 4170: 4169: 4163: 4158: 4154: 4153: 4147: 4142: 4141: 4131: 4125: 4124: 4118: 4113: 4109: 4107:91-1-863652-7 4103: 4099: 4094: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4079: 4073: 4069: 4067:0-8166-1392-3 4063: 4058: 4057: 4050: 4046: 4042: 4038: 4034: 4030: 4026: 4021: 4017: 4012: 4008: 4007: 4002: 3998: 3997:Gustavus III. 3994: 3989: 3988:public domain 3977: 3976: 3962: 3958: 3957: 3950: 3943: 3939: 3935: 3931: 3925: 3918: 3912: 3905: 3899: 3890: 3883: 3877: 3870: 3869:91-7752-124-2 3866: 3862: 3858: 3857:Alf Henrikson 3853: 3846: 3845:9789198624915 3842: 3839: 3833: 3825: 3819: 3815: 3808: 3802: 3797: 3791: 3786: 3784: 3777: 3772: 3765: 3764:91-7119-079-1 3761: 3757: 3751: 3744: 3743:9789198624915 3740: 3737: 3731: 3724: 3723:91-7119-079-1 3720: 3717: 3714: 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561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 537: 533: 529: 525: 521: 517: 513: 509: 503: 495: 493: 489: 485: 481: 477: 476:Great Britain 473: 469: 468:United States 464: 462: 458: 454: 453:Order of Vasa 450: 446: 442: 438: 433: 431: 427: 423: 419: 415: 411: 407: 403: 399: 395: 391: 387: 383: 379: 375: 371: 367: 362: 360: 356: 352: 348: 344: 340: 335: 333: 329: 325: 321: 317: 314:, called the 313: 309: 305: 301: 296: 294: 293:Louisa Ulrika 290: 286: 282: 278: 274: 265: 261: 257: 254: 251: 247: 244: 241: 237: 234: 231: 227: 224: 221: 219: 215: 212: 208: 205: 203: 199: 180: 175: 171: 167: 161: 157: 153: 145:29 March 1792 144: 140: 136: 131: 127: 123: 120: 117: 113: 110: 107: 103: 99: 97: 93: 89: 85: 82: 78: 73: 67: 62: 57: 54: 50: 48: 43: 39: 38: 33: 19: 5813: 5775: 5770:Gustaf Adolf 5768: 5761: 5754: 5747: 5740: 5733: 5716: 5711:Gustav Adolf 5709: 5702: 5696: 5695: 5547:Charles XIII 5536: 5495: 5459:Hesse-Kassel 5457: 5453:Wittelsbach) 5371: 5362:Christian II 5354: 5347: 5340: 5333: 5316: 5307:Charles VIII 5299: 5292: 5285: 5276:Charles VIII 5268: 5251: 5245: 5236:Charles VIII 5228: 5222: 5205: 5188: 5141: 5138:Kalmar Union 5034: 5022: 4967: 4945: 4748: 4744: 4740: 4736: 4539:King Oscar I 4476: 4227: 4205: 4198: 4191: 4183: 4166: 4150: 4128: 4116: 4097: 4088: 4077: 4055: 4028: 4024: 4015: 4004: 3960: 3955: 3949: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3929: 3924: 3916: 3911: 3903: 3898: 3889: 3881: 3876: 3860: 3852: 3837: 3832: 3813: 3807: 3800: 3796: 3789: 3775: 3771: 3750: 3735: 3730: 3703: 3672: 3660:. Retrieved 3656: 3647: 3635:. Retrieved 3631: 3622: 3613: 3604: 3592:. Retrieved 3588: 3579: 3522: 3507: 3502: 3494: 3489: 3470: 3461: 3451: 3446: 3438: 3434: 3415: 3374: 3370: 3360: 3348:. Retrieved 3342: 3332: 3321: 3312: 3287: 3283: 3277: 3266: 3261: 3249:. Retrieved 3245: 3236: 3224:. Retrieved 3222:(in Swedish) 3219: 3210: 3199: 3192: 3180:. Retrieved 3176: 3166: 3158: 3150: 3138:. Retrieved 3134: 3131:"Gustav III" 3090: 3017: 2483: 1982: 1951:three crowns 1944: 1929: 1913: 1903: 1893: 1890: 1883: 1875: 1864: 1861:Daniel Auber 1854: 1852:from 1786). 1849: 1831: 1818:Grand Master 1814:Charles XIII 1810:Södermanland 1800:He became a 1799: 1784: 1776: 1748: 1745: 1743: 1739: 1677: 1670: 1646: 1635:Daniel ThĂ©el 1631: 1625: 1615: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1589: 1588: 1583: 1582: 1578: 1577: 1560: 1540: 1511:Perpetrators 1410: 1390: 1381: 1371: 1364: 1357: 1350: 1343:"Gustav III" 1338: 1326:Please help 1321:verification 1318: 1286: 1278:Swedish Navy 1267: 1231: 1200: 1193: 1171: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1146: 1097: 1086: 1078:Göta Hovrätt 1071: 1048: 1036: 1031: 1026: 1018: 1013:Pope Pius VI 1001:called the " 988: 981: 976: 971: 958: 952: 948: 944: 940: 918: 910:Kristianstad 899: 882:coup de main 880: 870: 854:Nikita Panin 847: 842: 838:roi fainĂ©ant 837: 825: 777: 765:de Vergennes 754: 742:constitution 724: 685: 654: 639: 628:Portrait of 608: 585: 560:Dithmarschen 526:, Prince of 505: 501: 465: 443:and had the 439:, created a 434: 363: 336: 297: 281:Gustavus III 280: 272: 271: 147:(1792-03-29) 72:Lorens Pasch 70:Portrait by 53: 46: 35: 32:Daniel Auber 5843:1792 deaths 5838:1746 births 5788:Carl Philip 5777:Carl Gustaf 5729:Karl August 5497:Frederick I 5486:Charles XII 5449:ZweibrĂĽcken 5447:Palatinate- 5349:Eric Trolle 5259:Christian I 5109:Mecklenburg 4989:Charles VII 4825:Anund Jacob 3745:pp. 313-314 3662:30 December 3637:30 December 3594:23 December 3350:23 December 1882:in 1859 as 1876:Il Reggente 1874:in 1843 as 1866:Gustave III 1850:Gustav Wasa 1638: [ 1568:Life Guards 1526: [ 1473:Attack type 1406:‹ The 1384:August 2018 1229:diplomacy. 1142: 1777 1095:" of 1776. 961:Gustav Vasa 843:coup d'Ă©tat 665:Adolf Munck 572:Delmenhorst 498:Royal title 470:during its 414:Prince Carl 312:coup d'Ă©tat 304:Charles XII 295:of Sweden. 253:Lutheranism 162:14 May 1792 105:Predecessor 100:29 May 1772 47:Gustavo III 44:opera, see 5833:Gustav III 5827:Categories 5735:Carl Johan 5586:Charles XV 5569:since 1818 5561:Bernadotte 5537:Gustav III 5481:Charles XI 5423:Charles IX 5373:Gustav (I) 5086:Eric "XII" 5071:Magnus III 5030:Knut LĂĄnge 4895:Blot-Sweyn 4815:Eric "VII" 4304:Bernadotte 4302:; and the 4233:1771–1792 4180:Gustav III 4089:Gustav III 3972:References 3707:Letter to 3251:24 October 3226:24 October 3182:24 October 3140:18 January 3102:References 3046:Gustavians 1985:Botany Bay 1972:See also: 1940:Gothenburg 1934:island of 1730:Skeppsbron 1724:Gustav as 1714:See also: 1619:last words 1467:Gustav III 1354:newspapers 1156:to do so. 1150:obsequious 833:patriotism 686:Professor 669:homosexual 522:, Duke of 291:and Queen 273:Gustav III 96:Coronation 59:Gustav III 5633:Norwegian 5525:1751–1818 5516:Oldenburg 5469:1654–1751 5433:Christina 5418:Sigismund 5396:1523–1654 5196:Eric XIII 5179:Eric XIII 5169:Eric XIII 5154:1389–1523 5117:1364–1389 5091:Magnus IV 5081:Magnus IV 5059:1250–1364 5036:Eric "XI" 5024:Eric "XI" 4975:Magnus II 4854:1160–1161 4290:, of the 3995:(1911). " 3696:Bain 1911 3677:Bain 1911 3572:Bain 1911 3527:Bain 1911 3399:Bain 1911 3019:Anno 1790 1995:Ancestors 1932:Caribbean 1878:, and by 1802:Freemason 1716:Bollhuset 1450:Stockholm 1415:is being 1082:Jönköping 1022:philippic 891:Stockholm 773:Stockholm 746:Hat party 681:Charlotte 588:Stockholm 568:Oldenburg 524:Pomerania 398:Louis XVI 324:autocracy 259:Signature 135:Stockholm 115:Successor 5793:Victoria 5596:Gustaf V 5591:Oscar II 5413:John III 5408:Eric XIV 5403:Gustav I 5161:Margaret 5144:indicate 5066:Valdemar 5013:Eric "X" 4998:Boleslaw 4919:Magnus I 4288:Gustav I 3469:(1986). 3007:See also 1846:libretto 1820:for the 1771:and the 1482:shooting 1442:Location 1419:. â€ş 1408:template 1227:Prussian 1100:poor law 877:Sveaborg 556:Stormarn 514:and the 370:Catholic 366:Voltaire 300:nobility 249:Religion 137:, Sweden 5814:italics 5581:Oscar I 5324:John II 5146:regents 5142:Italics 4944:· 4942:Sverker 4886:Halsten 4871:Halsten 4861:Stenkil 4844:Stenkil 4171:. 1879. 4155:. 1905. 4045:3031560 4003:(ed.). 3990::  3304:1919238 3216:"Start" 1947:airport 1915:Gustave 1900:Balloon 1859:set by 1812:(later 1797:house. 1786:Norrbro 1783:by the 1659:Funeral 1493:pistols 1488:Weapons 1368:scholar 1223:British 1209:. When 1207:Denmark 895:estates 887:Finland 885:. Once 828:Riksdag 792:Denmark 784:Potsdam 750:anarchy 734:faction 690:of the 636:in 1775 430:Riksdag 410:regency 382:torture 306:in the 195:​ 187:​ 183:​ 49:(Verdi) 5783:Bertil 5763:Gustaf 5724:Gustav 5697:Gustav 5124:Albert 5095:Haakon 5076:Birger 5051:Bjälbo 5018:John I 4905:Philip 4204:  4104:  4064:  4043:  3999:". In 3984:  3867:  3843:  3820:  3766:p. 465 3762:  3741:  3725:p. 149 3721:  3513:  3477:  3422:  3302:  3270:Ă–rebro 3177:Medium 1961:and a 1959:France 1652:medium 1572:French 1503:Deaths 1495:and a 1464:Target 1370:  1363:  1356:  1349:  1341:  1203:Norway 925:Creutz 906:Scania 788:Russia 544:Norway 536:Wismar 510:, the 508:Swedes 406:sepsis 374:Jewish 343:Norway 283:, was 239:Mother 229:Father 173:Spouse 159:Burial 74:, 1777 34:, see 5756:Oscar 5742:Oscar 5641:Also 5631:Also 5625:Also 4797:Munsö 4206:Died: 4199:Born: 4041:JSTOR 3959:[ 3517:p. 61 3300:JSTOR 3205:ch 37 3082:Notes 2833:(=27) 2774:(=26) 2707:(=29) 2648:(=28) 2459:(=17) 2400:(=16) 2093:(=23) 2034:(=22) 1828:Opera 1642:] 1530:] 1497:knife 1375:JSTOR 1361:books 1294:Gävle 1205:from 995:fleet 782:, at 757:Paris 564:Count 528:RĂĽgen 516:Vends 512:Goths 474:from 218:House 202:Issue 189:( 185: 87:Reign 5749:Carl 5718:Karl 5704:Karl 5635:and 5388:Vasa 5167:) / 4947:Eric 4130:mord 4102:ISBN 4062:ISBN 3865:ISBN 3841:ISBN 3818:ISBN 3760:ISBN 3739:ISBN 3719:ISBN 3664:2021 3639:2021 3596:2017 3511:ISBN 3475:ISBN 3420:ISBN 3352:2017 3272:1958 3253:2023 3228:2023 3184:2023 3142:2019 2950:31. 2918:15. 2892:30. 2829:29. 2797:14. 2770:28. 2703:27. 2671:13. 2644:26. 2582:25. 2550:12. 2524:24. 2455:23. 2423:11. 2396:22. 2334:21. 2302:10. 2276:20. 2210:19. 2152:18. 2089:17. 2030:16. 1906:Lyon 1840:and 1763:and 1755:and 1698:and 1456:Date 1347:news 1225:and 1112:Jews 1110:and 963:and 790:and 738:diet 675:and 598:and 576:etc. 570:and 558:and 548:Duke 546:and 540:Heir 532:Lord 530:and 459:and 447:and 416:and 384:and 372:and 277:O.S. 142:Died 129:Born 4994:Kol 4033:doi 3379:doi 3292:doi 2856:7. 2730:3. 2608:6. 2482:1. 2360:5. 2236:2. 2178:9. 2116:4. 2057:8. 1942:). 1870:by 1732:by 1330:by 1233:an 771:to 752:." 731:Cap 566:of 550:of 542:to 534:of 5829:: 5250:/ 5227:/ 5093:/ 4996:/ 4981:, 4925:, 4907:/ 4888:/ 4806:c. 4298:, 4165:. 4149:. 4039:. 4027:. 3859:, 3782:^ 3684:^ 3655:. 3630:. 3612:. 3587:. 3534:^ 3406:^ 3391:^ 3375:62 3373:. 3369:. 3341:. 3298:. 3288:23 3286:. 3244:. 3218:. 3175:. 3157:: 3133:. 3110:^ 1969:. 1896:. 1836:, 1694:, 1690:, 1640:sv 1621:: 1550:, 1528:sv 1521:, 1517:, 1491:2 1480:, 1448:, 1198:. 1139:c. 1137:, 1084:. 1005:" 927:. 845:. 775:. 606:. 574:, 562:, 554:, 538:, 518:, 494:. 191:m. 5677:e 5670:t 5663:v 5518:) 5514:( 5451:( 5368:) 5364:( 5330:) 5326:( 5313:) 5309:( 5282:) 5278:( 5265:) 5261:( 5242:) 5238:( 5219:) 5215:( 5202:) 5198:( 5185:) 5181:( 5175:) 5171:( 5163:( 4985:) 4977:( 4929:) 4921:( 4781:e 4774:t 4767:v 4270:e 4263:t 4256:v 4119:. 4110:. 4091:. 4081:. 4070:. 4047:. 4035:: 4029:6 4018:. 3871:. 3826:. 3666:. 3641:. 3616:. 3598:. 3483:. 3428:. 3381:: 3354:. 3306:. 3294:: 3255:. 3230:. 3203:. 3186:. 3144:. 1868:, 1736:. 1506:1 1397:) 1391:( 1386:) 1382:( 1372:· 1365:· 1358:· 1351:· 1324:. 867:. 721:. 51:. 20:)


King Gustav III
Daniel Auber
Gustave III, ou Le bal masqué
Giuseppe Verdi
Gustavo III (Verdi)

Lorens Pasch
King of Sweden
Adolf Frederick
Gustav IV Adolf
Stockholm Palace
Riddarholm Church
Sophia Magdalena of Denmark
Gustav IV Adolf
Prince Carl Gustav, Duke of SmĂĄland
Adolf Frederick of Sweden
Louisa Ulrika of Prussia
Gustav III's signature
King of Sweden
Adolf Frederick
Louisa Ulrika
Charles XII

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
