
Louisa Ulrika of Prussia

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1018:, presented Louisa Ulrika with an note, which she was made to reply with a letter of regret. The declaration stated that "she had forgotten her duty to God, her consort and the Kingdom of Sweden and that she was responsible for the blood of the recently executed". She officially replied to the note from the Riksdag with gratitude for the reprimands on the behalf of the good of the nation and herself, and assured "that she had wished no evil upon the Kingdom": Troilius reported that "only God knows if it was said by heart, though one should hope for the best". The Archbishop reported, that he observed "tears of rage and sorrow" in her eyes. In private, Louisa Ulrika regarded the reprimand as a humiliating insult, and wrote to her brother Frederick the Great, that during the interview she attempted to display "all the coldness, all the contempt possible to make in a demonstration In my hardest moments I remind myself that I am the sister of Frederick the Great", and that she regretted nothing but that her revolution had failed. At the same time the King also had a statement read for him by a delegation from the Riksdag, stating that he would be deposed if such an incident was ever to occur again. 775: 1186:. She became very upset and ordered Prince Charles to investigate if this were true, as his inheritance to the throne would be endangered by "the common offspred of a common nobleman". Charles talked to Munck, Munck talked to King Gustav, Gustav talked to Charles who claimed the whole thing was the fault of the Queen Mother, which resulted in a great conflict between mother and son. When the son of the King was born in 1778, rumours circulated that he was the son of Munck. Louisa Ulrika accused the King of having another man father his child. A great scandal erupted, during which the King even threatened to exile her to Pomerania. In the following conflict, her youngest children, Sofia Albertina and Frederick, who had always been her favourites, took her side against the King. Louisa Ulrika was forced to make a formal statement, during which she withdrew her accusation. The statement was signed by the entire adult royal family except the royal couple; two princes, the princess, the Duchess, and six members of parliament. The relationship with Gustav was not repaired until she was on her deathbed. She died in 692:. The Crown Prince's court was dominated by Carl Gustaf Tessin, who escorted Louisa Ulrika to Sweden and remained an influential favorite during her years as Crown Princess. Adolf Frederick never cared much for Tessin, but Louisa Ulrika had him appointed marshal at court and eventually royal governor of her son Prince Gustav. Tessin was behind many amusements in the circle of the Crown Princess, and it was said that he was only too eager to please Louisa Ulrika in any way possible. There were unconfirmed rumors that Tessin was the lover of Louisa Ulrika during her tenure as Crown Princess. Her son Gustav III later addressed these rumors, that although Count Tessin had been in love with her, his feelings were one-sided and not answered by his mother, as a love affair with a noble contradicted the "natural contempt" which Louisa Ulrika herself as a royal felt for every subject, noble or not. Her circle at court included 766:. With the support of Tessin and Frederick the Great, Louisa Ulrika and the Hats party agreed to change the constitution in favor of more royal power, should the king die when the Russians were engaged in the war and unable to react. Louisa Ulrika agreed to let the Riksdag keep their power over the laws, while the monarch should be given power of the army, treasury and the foreign policy. The coup was aborted with the peace of the war and the recovery of Frederick I. In foreign policy, she was loyal to Prussia. Her brother Frederick the Great had given her the task to break the alliance between Sweden and Russia in favor of an alliance with Prussia: she made an alliance with Tessin, the Prussian ambassador and the Hats party, convinced Adolf Frederick to state his support for a Prussian alliance, and though she failed in the 1745 vote, the parliament voted for an alliance between Sweden, Prussia and France in 1747. 871:
King was a mere decoration. This greatly displeased the Queen, herself born in an absolute monarchy. She could not understand nor condone the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag. For her, it was not acceptable for a royal person to have to receive peasants in the royal salons, as she was forced to do with the peasant's representatives from the Riksdag. She was further enraged when the Riksdag forced the King to give up his claims on the throne of Holstein-Gottorp. To display her contempt, she humiliated the representatives of the Riksdag by using the etiquette of the royal court: she stopped their carriages at the Palace gates, forced them to wait for hours while she let those who arrived after them be received, and let them sit on smaller chairs to humiliate them. In the court theatres, the French theatre troupe and the Italian opera company performed plays encouraging the King to take control of his kingdom.
677:, where their second wedding ceremony was performed the same day, followed by a ball, a court reception and the consummation of the marriage. Louisa Ulrika and Adolf Frederick reportedly had a mutually good impression of each other at their first meeting, and their personal relationship is described as mutually happy and harmonious. Adolf Frederick is described as introverted, gentle, and submissive. Reportedly, Louisa Ulrika was pleased with him because she immediately felt secure in the fact that she was his superior. Already during their first day together, she informed him that her brother Frederick the Great had plans for the alliance between Sweden, Russia and Prussia, and asked him to raise the subject with the Prussian envoy, which he also agreed to. 999:
was finally forced to agree to present them to inventory on 22 June. To prevent this, she and her followers within the Hovpartiet, Hård, Horn and Brahe, planned to stage the coup before that day, despite the protests of king Adolf Frederick. The plan was to bribe members of the public to create riots in the capital. The supporters of Hovpartiet would then take control of the Stockholm guard and garrison, which were also to be prepared through bribes. When the military was called out to deal with the riots, it would seize control over the capital's military headquarters: the Riksdag would be closed and the opposition arrested and a new Riksdag would be summoned, which would be made to approve of a new constitution, reintroducing absolute monarchy.
961:, a candidate selected by the Riksdag, an appointment which was enforced even after the candidate had been refused by the Queen. In 1755, the Riksdag presented their decision to rectify the loop holes in the constitution which Louisa Ulrika had used to claim that the King had greater constitutional power than the Riksdag had allowed him to practice. They stated that the loop holes in the constitution allowing for royal power would be removed, and that the monarch would no longer be allowed to refuse his signature: if he did so, a stamp with his name would be used. At the same time, a commission of the state begun to investigate political crimes. This resulted in a persecution of the followers of Louisa Ulrika within the 808:
of the King's death on 25 March, Tessin instead presented Adolf Frederick with a statement of a royal oath to sign before being acknowledged as king. On 26 March 1751, Adolf Frederick made an oath to the Riksdag of the Estates to respect the constitution before being acknowledged as king, in the presence of Louisa Ulrika. Prior to their coronation, Louisa Ulrika, in collaboration with her brother Frederick the Great, tried to prove that the constitution allowed the monarch more power than what the Riksdag had stated, and made clear that she was considering to refuse to allow Adolf Frederick sign the oath. On the day before the coronation, she was eventually forced to allow Adolf Frederick to sign it.
1128: 1108:, whom he finally married in 1766, instead of marrying a Prussian bride selected by her, which he viewed as a way for her to keep her influence over him and the family. This was illustrated by the Queen's harassment of the Crown Princess when she arrived in Sweden. After the Riksdag of 1766, it was no longer her, but her son the Crown Prince, who became the leader of the followers of absolute monarchy. In 1767, when the French ambassador sketched a suggestion of a Swedish coup d'état, it was, for the first time, the Crown Prince rather than the Queen who was regarded as the natural center figure of the coup. 1049: 296: 321: 606:
goodhearted and more suitable for Sweden, while Louisa Ulrika was arrogant, temperamental and a plotting intriguer. It has been suggested that Fredrick's judgment was given because he believed that Anna Amalia would be easier to control as a Prussian agent in Sweden than the strong willed and dominant Louisa Ulrika. After having consulted Adolf Frederick, however, the Swedes chose Louisa Ulrika, and her brother gave his consent on 1 March 1744. She was given tuition about Sweden, was advised not to get involved in politics, and converted to Lutheranism on 28 June.
36: 2207: 930: 1007:. On 22 June 1756, the King and Queen left the capital for Ulriksdal Palace to avoid being present during the inventory of the Crown Jewels. That same day, Ernst Angel, Christiernin, Stålsvärd, Puke, Angel and a number of others were arrested. During the interrogation, Ernst Angel revealed the whole plot. When the King and Queen returned to the capital that night, the streets were patrolled by militia. The members of Hovpartiet were arrested or fled to avoid arrest. In July 1756, seven members of the Queen's followers were executed. 787: 949:; and second, when he had betrayed her plans of a coup at the accession of her spouse. The relation between Louisa Ulrika and Tessin was never well seen by Adolf Frederick. Contemporary witnesses state the Tessin was in love with her and "was not always able to conceal his feelings for the Crown Princess". It is unknown whether there was ever any physical relationship between the Queen and Tessin, but Louisa Ulrika herself mention in her memoirs that she had been offended somehow in that aspect. According to 1026:
potential Swedish defeat was seen by her as a good opportunity for a coup d'état in favor of absolute monarchy, as a defeat would discredit the Riksdag. Therefore, she successfully asked her brother Frederick the Great to ask for her as a mediator in future peace negotiations. When the moment arose in 1760, she could not use it as she lacked necessary funds for bribes. In 1761, however, she managed to secure funds from Great Britain and Prussia, and made an alliance through bribes with the
627: 1115:, the King refused to sign a state document, and a Riksdag was summoned to handle the situation.The royalists discussed a coup d'état to deposed the Riksdag and reintroduce absolute monarchy. Louisa Ulrika did not support a coup at that point, but her view was disregarded and the Crown Prince was instead seen as the leader of the opposition: the coup d'état was aborted because the Hats party broke an agreement rather than because of the Queen's opposition to it. 97: 615: 2188: 1147:, her son succeeded where she had failed in 1756 by reinstating absolute monarchy, and his revolution was of great satisfaction to her. Louisa Ulrika wrote to Gustav III to congratulate him on the coup about which she said: "Yes, you are my son, and you deserve to be". At the time of the coup, she was in Berlin with her daughter. She was present in 1182:, visited her. They claimed all women at court had lovers, and that with the exception of their mother, they could not think of even one who did not. Louisa Ulrika suggested that surely the Queen must also be an exception. In reply, her sons laughed and asked her if she had not heard of the rumors that Sophia Magdalena had an affair with 681:
culture. Carl Gustaf Tessin described her as "the wisdom of a god in the image of an angel",. Despite French being her native language, she was tutored in Swedish by Carl Jesper Benzelius and mastered it well after only two years. She studied Swedish literature and gathered a Swedish language library, she corresponded with the
Her arrogance, her political views and her conflicts with the Riksdag made her less and less liked during her tenure as Queen. Carl Gustaf Tessin once said about her: "It seems undeniable, that our Queen would have been the most staunch of republicans, had she been born a subject; but God has let her
to prepare for a successful reform in favor of absolute monarchy. She took the part of a mediator between to the two parties to unite them on which constitution to agree upon before the Riksdag was summoned. To prepare foreign powers for a new political system in Sweden, she founded a secret cabinet,
Immediately after the coronation, Louisa Ulrika prepared a new coup in favor of absolute monarchy. Queen Louisa Ulrika strongly dominated her husband and the court, and she would likely had been the real ruler during her spouse's reign had Sweden been an absolute monarchy: at this point, however, the
The Riksdag of the Estates was well aware that Queen Louisa Ulrika was responsible for the attempted coup d'état, and there were discussions as how to deal with the Queen's guilt. In the end, however, no action was taken against her, possibly with consideration to foreign powers. On 4 August 1756, a
were to be selected for the Swedish match. The Swedish envoy in Berlin, Carl Rudenschöld, inspected them and recommended that the proposal be made to Louisa Ulrika. Frederick the Great himself preferred Anna Amalia for the Swedish marriage: he described Anna Amalia for the Swedish representatives as
The powerful position of Queen Louisa Ulrika deteriorated with the declining health of her spouse, King Adolf Frederick, and the growing maturity of her son, Crown Prince Gustav. She recognized this threat, and when her son was declared an adult in 1762, she unsuccessfully opposed him taking a seat
appointed official ambassador of Sweden in Prussia. She secured the support of Russia, France and Great Britain, but failed in securing the necessary funds for bribes to the coming Riksdag. In November 1764, the unity between the Caps and Hats parties was broken due to the suspicions of France (who
In exchange for her service during the war, she demanded the 1756 reform of the constitution be retracted. It was decided that a special Riksdag of the states should be summoned to discuss a revised constitution: it was eventually set to take place in 1764. During the two years prior, Louisa Ulrika
In April 1756, the Riksdag demanded to inventory the Crown Jewels. The queen replied that she refused to allow them to see the Crown Jewels as she regarded them as her private property. At this point, the King was taken ill, and she was thereby given the time to send for the jewels from Berlin. She
wrote in 1769, that Tessin had made Louisa Ulrika "suggestions far from the reverence one is expected to show toward a sovereign." The Queen felt her pride offended and informed the King, who surprised Tessin on his knees before the Queen. This incident led to the King's animosity toward Tessin and
to deprive them of French support in the future conflict she and the Hovpartiet expected with the Hats in the constitution issue by claiming that she did not wish to change the constitution, merely attempting to prove that it did in fact allow for greater royal power than the Riksdag was willing to
To investigate the preparations of the royal council, Louisa Ulrika personally contacted her favorite, Councillor Carl Gustaf Tessin, in his bed chamber that night. However, Tessin refused to inform her of the plans of the council, and further refused to support her plans of a coup. Upon the moment
and other members of her personal circle of friends, and through her court connections, she made an alliance with the Hats (party). Her strategy was to affect the votes in the parliament of the Riksdag through bribes. After the birth of her eldest son in 1746, she accompanied the Crown Prince on an
from the moment it was explained to her. She also disliked the system of legal justice. When she, at one point, thought herself exposed to a plot, she wrote: "The laws are so strange, and one does not dare to arrest someone on mere suspicion without proof, which benefit the individual more than the
through bribes. At the visit of the Cap's parliamentary Kalsenius, she described him as: "The biggest villain in the world, but I will not leave until I have bribed him. That is the only means by which one can reach the goal one has in mind." Kalsenius is also confirmed to have voted with the Hats
Louisa Ulrika was received with enthusiasm in Sweden as the hope for the salvation of succession crisis. At the birth of her first child in 1745, no children had been born in the Swedish royal house in over 50 years and she gained initial popularity with her beauty, wit and interest in science and
and march toward the capital. This plan was aborted because of the King's illness in April 1755. To finance the coup, the Queen pawned parts of the Crown Jewels in Berlin. In the three months following her coronation, Louisa Ulrika removed 44 diamonds from the Queen's Crown and replaced them with
and the governor Maturin Veyssiére la Croze, both French Huguenots. Her intellectual interests were not opposed by her father who, while disapproving in her brothers interest for learning, did not do so in the case of Louisa Ulrika, who was reportedly a favorite of her father. She and her eldest
and declared war on Prussia, the birth country of Louisa Ulrika. The Queen opposed the act and regarded is as an insult, especially since she assumed that a Swedish victory over Prussia would result in the deposition of Adolf Frederick in favor of Christian of Zweibrucken-Birkenfeld. However, a
to secure support from Russia and its ally Denmark. When the question of the Constitution was finally raised in the Riksdag in August, however, the Caps refused to accept an increased royal power and instead limited the power of the Crown even more. With this, her efforts failed once again.
593:. These plans were revoked when a decision was made to create a triple alliance between Sweden, Russia and Prussia through dynastic marriage. The heir to the Swedish throne was therefore to marry a member of the Prussian royal house, while the heir to the Russian throne was to marry 1041:, a task she performed successfully, and she was officially thanked by the Riksdag for her service to the state in May. As a sign of gratitude for this act, the government paid her debts, which made it possible for her to use her money to affect the voting in the Riksdag through 1002:
The 21 June 1756, the royalist Ernst Angel was overheard talking about the plans of a royal revolution while drunk at a tavern. In parallel, one of the royalist officers, Christiernin, attempted to enlist Corporal Schedvin of the garrison in the coup who, however, informed the
after having made the royal oath to respect the constitution, Adolf Frederick was to take the initiative and, immediately after the King's death, take control of the royal council and declare himself monarch by inheritance rather than to be elected as such by the Riksdag.
when that province gave allegiance to the new constitution. When her brother, the King of Prussia, told her that the neighboring countries would now attack Sweden, she wrote to him that she would defend the province of Pomerania against him with her own blood.
522:. She exchanged letters with her godmother, and it was thought that she would marry a future son by Ulrika Eleonora, as Ulrika Eleonora herself had once been considered as a consort for Louisa Ulrika's father. However, Ulrika Eleonora remained childless. 1095:. The election to the Riksdag of 1765 was won by the Caps party. By demonstrating how she could affect the votes in the parliament through her third party, she was able to secure her alliance with the Caps. She also summoned the Ambassador of Russia to 879:, which opposed her plans of an absolute monarchy. Instead, she formed a new party among the opposition in the Riksdag by promising rewards to her followers in case of a successful coup in favor of royal power. This group was called 720:
Kingdom." She respected the political ability of Carl Gustaf Tessin, and identified him as an ally in her wish to increase royal power. At Christmas 1744, she visited Tessin and gave him a lantern in the guise of the goddess
1159:. She had expected to be the real ruler behind the throne, and when her son made it clear that he would rule independently from her, their relationship worsened. In 1772, he prevented her plans to marry off her second son 1135:
In 1771, the King died and she became Queen Dowager. By this time, Louisa Ulrika was immensely unpopular in Sweden. When the news of the old King's death reached her son, the new King Gustav III of Sweden, who was then in
Tessin was no longer in her favor as a political ally, as he wrote in his diary that she no longer discussed politics with him and "claimed that she took no part in politics". She also broke her earlier alliance with the
In 1751, the night before the death of King Frederick I, Louisa Ulrika prepared a coup d'état with Crown Prince Adolf Frederick and Hans Henrik von Liewen. The plan was, that rather than being confirmed as monarch by the
During the Riksdag of 1765, the Queen attempted to balance the Caps and the Hats by creating a third party of her followers from both parties under her follower Malmstein, which she managed to have elected vice
759:, with the motto of unity. Her plans were opposed by Russia and Great Britain, who in 1746, allied with the Caps (party), attempted to stage a coup through their agents in Sweden against the royal house. 451: 1178:
In 1777–78, the conflict with her son erupted and she was a central figure in the great succession scandal regarding the legitimacy of the Crown Prince. In 1777, her two younger sons, Charles and
The year 1754 was the year of the alienation of Tessin. His favor with the Queen had deteriorated since 1750-51: first, when he used the Riksdag to force her to agree to the engagement between
In February 1748, Louisa Ulrika prepared her first coup d'état to deposed parliamentary rule in favor of absolute monarchy. At that point, the king had taken ill and Russia was engaged in the
party in the exactly the issues interesting to Louisa Ulrika during the votes in the Riksdag. Her goal was to overthrow the constitution and reintroduce the system of absolute monarchy with
Upon her arrival, she was granted Drottningholm Palace as her summer residence, where the "Young Court", as it was called, amused themselves with picnics, masquerades and French language
and arrived in Sweden in Karlskrona, where she was officially welcomed by her spouse, Crown Prince Adolf Frederick of Sweden. On 18 August 1744, they were welcomed by King Frederick I at
The question on the replacement of Tessin as the governor of the Crown Prince placed the Queen in conflict with the Riksdag. Tessin was replaced as governor of the Crown Prince with
brother, the future Frederick the Great, had a reasonably good relationship, sharing their interest in science and culture. Her favorites among her siblings were her younger brother
in the royal council. The tense relationship between her and her son, whom she viewed as a political rival, grew when he opposed her will by insisting to honor his engagement to
In January 1762, her suggestion of peace with Prussia was accepted in the Riksdag through her bought parliamentarians there, in exchange for a promise not to take revenge on the
774: 2455: 619: 1071: 987:
glass, which she pawned in Berlin as security for a loan by the help of her brother August. At this point, rumors reached the Riksdag. A lady-in-waiting of the Queen,
859:, as was the fashion, she did not benefit but rather interrupted the development of the Swedish theater, as she evicted the newly founded Swedish language theater at 525:
Louisa Ulrika was described as beautiful, intelligent, with a fierce temperament and a strong will. She was given an advanced education in accordance with the French
2362: 1075: 816: 425: 345: 2653: 1083: 736: 2465: 791: 2921: 2308: 658:, who was appointed her maid of honor. In Swedish Pomerania, the entourage was welcomed by the Swedish General Governor of the province and the court of the 982:
under the pretext of a visit to Drottningholm Palace. In Uppsala, they would summon the regiments of Närke, Värmland and potentially Uppland as well as the
3727: 1171:
instead. Gustav III paid her debts with the condition that she established her own separate court at Fredrikshof Palace. In 1777, she was forced to sell
2692: 589:. When negotiations were made to arrange a marriage for the newly elected crown prince Adolf Frederick of Sweden, the first candidate for the match was 894: 1219: 685:
and created a nature scientific collection. Her arrogant and haughty demeanor, however, eventually made her less popular outside of the royal court.
244: 1509: 1385: 840: 2594: 2511: 2429: 918: 732: 3532: 2804: 2026:
Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de l'Europe actuellement vivans
1168: 968: 902: 578: 2506: 418: 1631: 2646: 1096: 946: 815:
in Stockholm 26 November 1751. As Queen, Louisa Ulrika had some significance as a patron of culture and science. In 1753, she founded the
2450: 1037:. She was given the official assignment from the Riksdag to handle the peace negotiations with Prussia and secure that Sweden could keep 890: 3021: 2496: 2460: 2408: 2301: 2266: 590: 3682: 2937: 2547: 2403: 2192: 1265: 295: 2662: 2372: 586: 411: 366: 1087:
supported the Hats) and Great Britain (who supported the Caps), which deprived Louisa Ulrika of her alliance with the Hats party.
3707: 2639: 2620: 2424: 1225: 394: 249: 971:, fled to Norway to avoid arrest. Reportedly, this provocation triggered the Queen's plan of a coup d'état, known in history as 3732: 3283: 559: 2974: 3162: 2578: 2294: 921:, but the plan was aborted when Ekeblad refused. She unsuccessfully tried to convince France to retract their support of the 3657: 2367: 1183: 399: 361: 3687: 3662: 3647: 3476: 2942: 2573: 2557: 2377: 1689: 1323: 539: 374: 697: 3677: 3652: 3154: 3137: 2871: 2718: 2552: 2387: 2346: 2031:
Genealogy up to the fourth degree inclusive of all the Kings and Princes of sovereign houses of Europe currently living
and not a supporter of absolute monarchy, reportedly informed the Riksdag that parts of the Crown Jewels were missing.
535: 389: 384: 2162: 2110: 2079: 2052: 1164: 909:. In 1753, she planned to stage a coup against the royal council to overthrow the constitution in collaboration with 682: 71: 666:: she kept only her lady-in-waiting Wilhelmine von der Knesebeck and a couple of footmen of her Prussian entourage. 3452: 2713: 1179: 659: 642:
in Berlin, with her favorite brother August Wilhelm as proxy for the absent groom. She was escorted from Berlin to
551: 3717: 3103: 3087: 2837: 716: 602: 3712: 3692: 3672: 3030: 3014: 2911: 1349: 763: 499: 471: 328: 274: 1078:
in the position of her "foreign minister". She appointed Anders Rudolf Du Rietz as her informal ambassador to
3468: 3460: 2697: 2527: 2470: 832: 17: 954:
the exile of Count and Countess Tessin from court. The queen only remarked that she missed Countess Tessin.
From the moment she arrived in Sweden, Louisa Ulrika engaged in political activity. Her political ideal was
3697: 2894: 2542: 2532: 848: 663: 3722: 3702: 3516: 3404: 3218: 2799: 2599: 2434: 2276: 1412: 1105: 942: 755: 566:
with the prospect of becoming a reigning princess-abbess in 1743, a future of which she did not approve.
was, in fact, intended as a form of scientific experiment. She also acted as patron for artists such as
3484: 2491: 1595: 898: 693: 503: 284: 910: 740: 705: 3559: 3550: 3500: 3054: 3007: 2859: 2842: 2257: 1536: 582: 515: 475: 203: 3070: 886: 3346: 2615: 2501: 1657: 601:) who had been selected by Prussia. In accordance with this agreement, Louisa Ulrika or her sister 102: 44: 1127: 3667: 3387: 3329: 3300: 3062: 2198: 594: 117: 3145: 3128: 1048: 3593: 3202: 2327: 1291: 1213: 1160: 1112: 800: 750: 507: 2157:]. Litteratur, teater, film, 0347-7770 ; N.S., 20 (in Swedish). Stockholm: Atlantis. 3492: 3412: 3274: 3226: 3170: 2317: 2221: 2024: 1012: 958: 914: 570: 312: 264: 3120: 3642: 3637: 3186: 1207: 1172: 950: 938: 824: 674: 555: 526: 320: 1140:, he wrote that the Queen Mother be protected, as "I know how little loved my mother is". 731:. Her favorite Henrika Juliana von Liewen was a prominent sympathizer of the Hats, as was 8: 3436: 3395: 3362: 3321: 3291: 2687: 2168: 2137: 2116: 2085: 1079: 1022: 744:
official tour through the country, during which she gathered agents among members of the
598: 530: 511: 356: 190: 3428: 3045: 2206: 988: 3585: 3541: 3524: 3420: 3338: 3266: 3242: 3210: 3111: 3079: 3041: 2916: 2820: 2672: 2243: 1144: 1092: 647: 162: 2047: 1187: 467: 178: 3577: 3250: 3234: 2888: 2537: 2158: 2106: 2075: 1568: 1444: 1148: 1038: 929: 906: 721: 712: 643: 581:. This plans discontinued when Christian lost the election to the Russian candidate, 563: 226: 50: 820: 724:
with the inscription: "Made only to shed light on the political system of the day".
696:, who immediately became her favorite among her ladies-in-waiting; the intellectual 3568: 3258: 2865: 2475: 983: 864: 786: 655: 442: 569:
In 1743, an election was held to appoint a crown prince to the Swedish throne, as
3194: 3178: 2631: 2331: 2155:
Sweet encounters and tender conversations: about love and friendship in the 1700s
1015: 689: 631: 574: 550:. Several dynastic marriages were considered for her from 1732 onward, including 455: 3444: 2286: 836: 753:
in Sweden. Her plans were internationally noted already by her creation of the
3631: 3371: 3354: 2033:] (in French). Bourdeaux: Frederic Guillaume Birnstiel. 1768. p. 16. 1156: 614: 626: 1062: 1058: 1034: 1027: 1004: 992: 972: 922: 876: 828: 823:, who was given the responsibility for the nature scientific collection at 811:
Adolf Frederick and Louisa Ulrika were crowned King and Queen of Sweden at
779: 745: 728: 479: 239: 2202: 727:
In the circle of her own court, she was surrounded by sympathizers of the
2999: 856: 852: 844: 701: 651: 639: 3379: 3095: 963: 881: 812: 577:, suggested a marriage between Louisa Ulrika and the French candidate: 547: 483: 234: 132: 96: 2072:
Music in Sweden. 2, The Age of liberty and the Gustavian Age 1720-1810
860: 519: 2172: 2141: 2120: 2089: 543: 1972: 1970: 670: 979: 259: 2151:
Ljuva möten och ömma samtal: om kärlek och vänskap på 1700-talet
Louisa Ulrika could, however, never settle with the position of
On 17 July 1744, Louisa Ulrika and Adolf Frederick were married
2187: 1967: 1958: 1956: 1954: 495: 463: 158: 2068:
Musiken i Sverige. 2, Frihetstid och gustaviansk tid 1720-1810
885:(English: 'The Royal Court Party'), the leading members being 562:, but none came to fruition. She was appointed co-adjutrix of 56:
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Victoria Margaret, Princess Heinrich XXXIII Reuss of Köstritz
Princess Louise Margaret, Duchess of Connaught and Strathearn
1981: 1137: 1042: 867:, which was only a benefit for those who could speak French. 2574:
Viktoria Luise, Duchess of Brunswick and Princess of Hanover
1951: 662:
under the leadership of her Mistress of the Robes, countess
Hadenius, Stig; Nilsson, Torbjörn; Åselius, Gunnar (1996).
2136:] (in Swedish). Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand. 1119:
be born in a position, where one is wary of one's power".
546:, with whom she engaged in a lifelong correspondence, and 2005: 1993: 1070:, to handle her private foreign policy, appointing first 817:
Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
Princess Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp
Philippine Charlotte, Duchess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Philippine Charlotte, Duchess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Generations are numbered from the daughters-in-law of
2096: 1030:
to affect the Riksdag in favor of peace with Prussia.
514:. She was given the Swedish name Ulrika because Queen 1942: 1940: 1938: 1936: 1934: 1932: 1930: 1928: 1926: 1924: 1922: 1920: 1918: 1916: 1914: 1912: 1910: 1908: 1906: 1904: 1902: 1900: 1898: 1896: 1894: 1892: 1890: 1888: 1886: 1884: 1882: 1880: 1878: 1876: 1874: 1872: 1870: 1868: 1866: 1864: 1862: 1860: 1858: 1856: 1854: 1852: 1850: 1848: 1846: 1844: 1842: 1840: 1838: 1836: 1834: 1832: 1830: 1828: 1826: 1824: 1822: 1820: 1818: 1816: 1814: 1812: 1810: 1808: 1806: 1804: 1802: 1800: 1798: 1796: 1794: 1792: 1790: 1788: 1786: 1784: 1782: 1780: 1778: 1776: 1774: 1772: 1770: 1768: 978:
The first plan was for the royal couple to travel to
Alexandrine, Duchess William of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Lindgärde, Valborg; Mansén, Elisabeth, eds. (1999).
1766: 1764: 1762: 1760: 1758: 1756: 1754: 1752: 1750: 1748: 542:. At the court of her mother, she was introduced to 2368:
Friederike Luise, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Luise Dorothea, Hereditary Princess of Hesse-Kassel
2326:The generations are numbered from the ascension of 2103:
The History of Sweden: What every Swede should know
945:, when she herself had wished to engage her son to 362:
Friederike Luise, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach
2661: 2497:Louise, Landgravine of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfel 2456:Alexandrine, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 2378:Sophia Dorothea, Margravine of Brandenburg-Schwedt 2065: 1976: 618:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia as the goddess Aurora by 375:Sophia Dorothea, Margravine of Brandenburg-Schwedt 2471:Elisabeth, Princess Charles of Hesse and by Rhine 1745: 3629: 2553:Elisabeth, Hereditary Grand Duchess of Oldenburg 2507:Charlotte, Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Meiningen 2316: 2800:Princess Sophia Magdalena of Denmark and Norway 2425:Frederica Charlotte, Duchess of York and Albany 2148: 1962: 573:was childless, and the French de facto regent, 3533:Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp 1169:Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp 346:Wilhelmine, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth 3015: 2647: 2461:Louise, Princess Frederick of the Netherlands 2363:Wilhemine, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth 2302: 2105:] (in Swedish). Stockholm: Bonnier Alba. 419: 2533:Viktoria, Princess Adolf of Schaumburg-Lippe 2099:Sveriges historia: vad varje svensk bör veta 947:Margravine Philippine of Brandenburg-Schwedt 2127: 2011: 1999: 1987: 1946: 863:and replaced it with a French Theatre, the 579:Christian IV, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken 390:Anna Amalie, Princess-Abbess of Quedlinburg 3728:Children of Frederick William I of Prussia 3029: 3022: 3008: 2654: 2640: 2309: 2295: 2205: 1632:George William, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg 426: 412: 95: 2938:Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 2066:Jonsson; Ivarsdotter, Anna, eds. (1993). 1266:Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg 72:Learn how and when to remove this message 2548:Marie, Princess Albert of Saxe-Altenburg 2074:] (in Swedish). Stockholm: Fischer. 1126: 1047: 1011:delegation from the Riksdag, led by the 928: 785: 773: 625: 613: 506:, and was thus a younger sister of both 2843:Princess Josephine, Duchess of Galliera 2621:Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington 250:Sophia Albertina, Abbess of Quedlinburg 218: 1744; died 1771) 14: 3630: 2922:Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia 2698:Princess Christina of Holstein-Gottorp 1611: 1489: 1485: 1475: 1365: 1255: 1251: 1167:, and in 1774, Charles was married to 3003: 2635: 2290: 1687: 1677: 1673: 1661: 1655: 1645: 1629: 1619: 1615: 1599: 1593: 1583: 1566: 1556: 1552: 1540: 1534: 1524: 1507: 1497: 1493: 1469: 1459: 1442: 1432: 1428: 1416: 1410: 1400: 1383: 1373: 1369: 1353: 1347: 1337: 1321: 1311: 1307: 1295: 1289: 1279: 1263: 1259: 1241:Ancestors of Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 245:Frederick Adolf, Duke of Östergötland 2986:*also princess of Norway by marriage 2528:Charlotte, Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen 2430:Wilhelmine, Queen of the Netherlands 1057:negotiated with members of both the 29: 3477:Hedwig Eleonora of Holstein-Gottorp 2600:Princess Cecilie, Mrs. Clyde Harris 2466:Frederica, Duchess of Anhalt-Dessau 1510:Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover 1386:Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover 540:Princess Sophia Dorothea of Prussia 24: 2872:Princess Therese of Saxe-Altenburg 2860:Princess Louise of the Netherlands 2693:Countess Palatine Maria of Simmern 2041: 991:, who was a loyal follower of the 536:Prince Augustus William of Prussia 25: 3744: 2784:Princess Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 2502:Anna, Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel 2409:Louise, Princess Antoni Radziwiłł 2180: 2053:Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon 1324:Louise Henriette of Orange-Nassau 1165:Philippine of Brandenburg-Schwedt 683:Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 609: 27:Queen of Sweden from 1751 to 1771 3683:Swedish people of German descent 2991:also princess of Sweden by birth 2186: 1122: 1052:Medal of the king and queen 1762 855:theater built: however, being a 698:Cathérine Charlotte De la Gardie 552:Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales 319: 294: 127:25 March 1751 – 12 February 1771 34: 2838:Princess Louise Amelie of Baden 1199:She had the following children: 717:Swedish constitutional monarchy 603:Princess Anna Amalia of Prussia 215: 204:Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden 3708:Burials at Riddarholmen Church 2912:Princess Margaret of Connaught 2663:Swedish princesses by marriage 2543:Margaret, Landgravine of Hesse 2492:Louise, Grand Duchess of Baden 2404:Wilhelmina, Princess of Orange 2383:Louisa Ulrika, Queen of Sweden 2017: 1977:Jonsson & Ivarsdotter 1993 1350:Frederick William I of Prussia 1131:Louisa Ulrika as Queen Dowager 764:War of the Austrian Succession 500:Frederick William I of Prussia 474:1751-1771. She was married to 380:Louisa Ulrika, Queen of Sweden 275:Frederick William I of Prussia 13: 1: 3733:Mothers of Norwegian monarchs 3469:Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg 3461:Christina of Holstein-Gottorp 2538:Sophia, Queen of the Hellenes 2059: 833:Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht 489: 106: 2895:Princess Ingeborg of Denmark 2451:Charlotte, Empress of Russia 2318:Prussian princesses by birth 1082:in Russia, and she also had 1021:In 1757, Sweden entered the 849:Drottningholm Palace Theater 790:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia by 778:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia by 353:Princess Charlotte Albertine 240:Charles XIII, King of Sweden 7: 3658:18th-century Swedish people 3517:Sophia Magdalena of Denmark 3405:Catherine of Saxe-Lauenburg 3219:Helena Pedersdatter Strange 2714:Archduchess Anna of Austria 2435:Augusta, Electress of Hesse 1963:Lindgärde & Mansén 1999 1690:Éléonore Desmier d'Olbreuse 1413:Sophia Charlotte of Hanover 1232: 1193: 1106:Sophia Magdalena of Denmark 943:Sophia Magdalena of Denmark 646:by the Swedish envoy count 10: 3749: 3688:Crown princesses of Sweden 3663:18th-century Swedish women 3648:18th-century German people 3485:Ulrika Eleonora of Denmark 2889:Princess Victoria of Baden 2128:Jägerskiöld, Olof (1945). 1605: 1596:Sophia Dorothea of Hanover 1487: 1359: 1253: 933:Medal of the queen in 1751 694:Henrika Juliana von Liewen 620:Francois-Adrien Latinville 591:Princess Louise of Denmark 504:Sophia Dorothea of Hanover 494:Louisa Ulrika was born in 371:Prince Ludwig Karl Wilhelm 285:Sophia Dorothea of Hanover 235:Gustav III, King of Sweden 3678:House of Holstein-Gottorp 3653:18th-century German women 3605: 3560:Louise of the Netherlands 3551:Josephine of Leuchtenberg 3493:Frederick of Hesse-Kassel 3275:Margareta Valdemarsdotter 3055:Aud Haakonsdottir of Lade 3037: 2983: 2967: 2951: 2930: 2904: 2881: 2852: 2830: 2813: 2792: 2776: 2760: 2744: 2728: 2706: 2680: 2669: 2608: 2587: 2566: 2520: 2484: 2443: 2417: 2396: 2355: 2339: 2324: 2273: 2264: 2249: 2242: 2217:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 2215: 1675: 1667: 1639: 1617: 1613: 1577: 1554: 1546: 1537:George I of Great Britain 1518: 1495: 1491: 1453: 1430: 1422: 1394: 1371: 1367: 1331: 1309: 1301: 1273: 1257: 819:, and acted as patron of 664:Hedvig Elisabet Strömfelt 516:Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden 462:), born 24 July, 1720 in 400:Prince Augustus Ferdinand 290: 280: 270: 258: 225: 197: 185: 168: 145: 141: 131: 123: 116: 94: 89: 3509:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 3347:Christina Abrahamsdotter 2866:Princess Sofia of Nassau 2719:Princess Maria Elizabeth 2199:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 2193:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 2048:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 1738: 1658:Sophia Dorothea of Celle 1569:Sophia of the Palatinate 1472:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 1445:Sophia of the Palatinate 769: 669:The entourage left from 560:Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt 466:, died 16 July, 1782 at 439:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 350:Prince Friedrich William 90:Louisa Ulrika of Prussia 3388:Christina Gyllenstierna 3330:Dorothea of Brandenburg 3301:Dorothea of Brandenburg 3121:Ragnhild Halstensdotter 3063:Estrid of the Obotrites 2917:Lady Louise Mountbatten 2476:Marie, Queen of Bavaria 2267:Queen consort of Sweden 1113:December Crisis of 1768 1076:Nils Filip Gyldenstolpe 911:Anders Johan von Höpken 741:Anders Johan von Höpken 715:, and she disliked the 706:Anders Johan von Höpken 595:Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst 385:Prince Augustus William 118:Queen consort of Sweden 43:This article cites its 3718:Conservatism in Sweden 3203:Ingegerd Birgersdotter 3163:Christina Björnsdatter 3071:Gunnhildr Sveinsdóttir 3031:Swedish royal consorts 1292:Frederick I of Prussia 1214:Charles XIII of Sweden 1132: 1084:Carl Julius von Bohlen 1072:Carl Wilhelm von Düben 1053: 934: 887:Carl Gustaf Löwenhielm 801:Riksdag of the Estates 795: 783: 751:enlightened absolutism 737:Hans Henrik von Liewen 635: 623: 508:Wilhelmine of Bayreuth 459: 446: 342:Prince Frederick Louis 3713:Age of Liberty people 3693:Swedish queen mothers 3673:House of Hohenzollern 3617:also Queen of Denmark 3413:Margaret Leijonhufvud 3322:Catherine Karlsdotter 3284:Richardis of Schwerin 3227:Catherine Sunesdotter 3195:Benedicta Ebbesdotter 3179:Christina Stigsdatter 3171:Brigida Haraldsdotter 2222:House of Hohenzollern 1130: 1051: 1013:Archbishop of Uppsala 959:Carl Fredrik Scheffer 932: 915:Carl Fredrik Scheffer 792:Carl Fredrich Brander 789: 777: 756:L'Ordre de l'Harmonie 654:and his wife's niece 629: 617: 571:Frederick I of Sweden 313:House of Hohenzollern 3611:also Queen of Norway 3315:Merete Lydekedatter 3187:Cecilia Johansdotter 3146:Ulvhild Håkansdotter 3129:Ulvhild Håkansdotter 2595:Princess Alexandrine 2388:Princess Anna Amalia 2195:at Wikimedia Commons 1208:Gustav III of Sweden 1173:Drottningholm Palace 827:. Her "adoption" of 825:Drottningholm Palace 675:Drottningholm Palace 556:Charles III of Spain 527:Age of Enlightenment 482:during the reign of 476:King Adolf Frederick 3698:Prussian princesses 3437:Catherine Jagiellon 3396:Isabella of Austria 3363:Christina of Saxony 3292:Philippa of England 3050:(late 10th century) 2688:Catherine Jagiellon 1990:, pp. 271–274. 1175:to her son Gustav. 1080:Catherine the Great 951:Crown Prince Gustav 939:Crown Prince Gustav 847:. She also had the 599:Catherine the Great 531:Marthe de Roucoulle 512:Frederick the Great 498:as the daughter of 329:Frederick William I 191:Riddarholmen Church 3723:Daughters of kings 3703:People from Berlin 3586:Louise Mountbatten 3525:Frederica of Baden 3421:Catherine Stenbock 3339:Elin Gustavsdotter 3309:Karin Karlsdotter 3267:Beatrix of Bavaria 3243:Helvig of Holstein 3235:Sophia Eriksdotter 3211:Rikissa of Denmark 3112:Ingegerd of Norway 3080:Astrid Njalsdotter 3042:Sigrid the Haughty 2943:Lillian May Davies 2673:Gustav I of Sweden 2254:Title last held by 1204:(Stillborn) (1745) 1145:Revolution of 1772 1133: 1068:Secret de la Reine 1054: 935: 796: 784: 648:Carl Gustaf Tessin 636: 624: 163:Kingdom of Prussia 3625: 3624: 3594:Silvia Sommerlath 3578:Victoria of Baden 3251:Märta Eriksdotter 3155:Richeza of Poland 3138:Richeza of Poland 2997: 2996: 2629: 2628: 2285: 2284: 2274:Succeeded by 2191:Media related to 1735: 1734: 1731: 1730: 1149:Swedish Pomerania 1039:Swedish Pomerania 907:Gustaf Jacob Horn 713:absolute monarchy 644:Swedish Pomerania 630:Lovisa Ulrika by 564:Quedlinburg Abbey 529:by the governess 436: 435: 302: 301: 82: 81: 74: 49:does not provide 16:(Redirected from 3740: 3569:Sophia of Nassau 3496:(1718/1719–1720) 3464:(1599/1604–1611) 3429:Karin Månsdotter 3259:Blanche of Namur 3230:(1243/1244–1250) 3198:(1196–1199/1200) 3182:(1163/1164–1167) 3024: 3017: 3010: 3001: 3000: 2656: 2649: 2642: 2633: 2632: 2311: 2304: 2297: 2288: 2287: 2277:Sophia Magdalena 2238: 2231: 2213: 2212: 2209: 2190: 2176: 2145: 2124: 2093: 2035: 2034: 2021: 2015: 2012:Jägerskiöld 1945 2009: 2003: 2000:Jägerskiöld 1945 1997: 1991: 1988:Jägerskiöld 1945 1985: 1979: 1974: 1965: 1960: 1949: 1947:Jägerskiöld 1945 1944: 1247: 1246: 1238: 1237: 1226:Sophia Albertine 1023:Seven Years' War 989:Ulrika Strömfelt 895:Nils Adam Bielke 865:Du Londel Troupe 704:, and the witty 700:, the scientist 656:Charlotta Sparre 587:Holstein-Gottorp 454: 428: 421: 414: 323: 307:Prussian Royalty 304: 303: 298: 219: 217: 175: 155: 153: 137:26 November 1751 111: 108: 99: 87: 86: 77: 70: 66: 63: 57: 38: 37: 30: 21: 3748: 3747: 3743: 3742: 3741: 3739: 3738: 3737: 3628: 3627: 3626: 3621: 3601: 3501:Ulrika Eleonora 3453:Anne of Austria 3033: 3028: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2979: 2975:Sofia Hellqvist 2968:15th generation 2963: 2952:14th generation 2947: 2931:13th generation 2926: 2905:12th generation 2900: 2882:11th generation 2877: 2853:10th generation 2848: 2826: 2809: 2788: 2772: 2756: 2740: 2724: 2702: 2676: 2665: 2660: 2630: 2625: 2609:10th generation 2604: 2583: 2562: 2516: 2480: 2439: 2413: 2392: 2351: 2335: 2332:King in Prussia 2320: 2315: 2281: 2278: 2270: 2259: 2258:Ulrika Eleonora 2255: 2244:Swedish royalty 2232: 2226: 2225: 2218: 2183: 2165: 2113: 2082: 2062: 2044: 2042:Further reading 2039: 2038: 2023: 2022: 2018: 2010: 2006: 1998: 1994: 1986: 1982: 1975: 1968: 1961: 1952: 1945: 1746: 1741: 1736: 1235: 1220:Frederick Adolf 1196: 1180:Frederick Adolf 1125: 1016:Samuel Troilius 967:, one of whom, 772: 690:amateur theater 632:Gustaf Lundberg 612: 583:Adolf Frederick 575:Cardinal Fleury 538:and her sister 492: 484:King Gustav III 472:Queen of Sweden 468:Svartsjö Palace 450: 432: 254: 221: 213: 209: 206: 193: 177: 173: 157: 151: 149: 112: 109: 84: 78: 67: 61: 58: 55: 51:page references 39: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3746: 3736: 3735: 3730: 3725: 3720: 3715: 3710: 3705: 3700: 3695: 3690: 3685: 3680: 3675: 3670: 3668:Swedish queens 3665: 3660: 3655: 3650: 3645: 3640: 3623: 3622: 3620: 3619: 3613: 3606: 3603: 3602: 3600: 3599: 3597:(1976–present) 3591: 3583: 3575: 3566: 3557: 3548: 3539: 3530: 3522: 3514: 3506: 3498: 3490: 3482: 3474: 3466: 3458: 3450: 3445:Gunilla Bielke 3442: 3434: 3426: 3418: 3410: 3402: 3393: 3385: 3377: 3369: 3360: 3352: 3344: 3336: 3327: 3319: 3313: 3307: 3298: 3289: 3281: 3272: 3264: 3256: 3248: 3240: 3232: 3224: 3216: 3208: 3200: 3192: 3184: 3176: 3168: 3160: 3152: 3143: 3135: 3126: 3118: 3109: 3101: 3093: 3085: 3077: 3068: 3060: 3052: 3038: 3035: 3034: 3027: 3026: 3019: 3012: 3004: 2995: 2994: 2984: 2981: 2980: 2978: 2977: 2971: 2969: 2965: 2964: 2962: 2961: 2955: 2953: 2949: 2948: 2946: 2945: 2940: 2934: 2932: 2928: 2927: 2925: 2924: 2919: 2914: 2908: 2906: 2902: 2901: 2899: 2898: 2892: 2885: 2883: 2879: 2878: 2876: 2875: 2869: 2863: 2856: 2854: 2850: 2849: 2847: 2846: 2840: 2834: 2832: 2831:9th generation 2828: 2827: 2825: 2824: 2817: 2815: 2814:8th generation 2811: 2810: 2808: 2807: 2802: 2796: 2794: 2793:7th generation 2790: 2789: 2787: 2786: 2780: 2778: 2777:6th generation 2774: 2773: 2771: 2770: 2764: 2762: 2761:5th generation 2758: 2757: 2755: 2754: 2748: 2746: 2745:4th generation 2742: 2741: 2739: 2738: 2732: 2730: 2729:3rd generation 2726: 2725: 2723: 2722: 2716: 2710: 2708: 2707:2nd generation 2704: 2703: 2701: 2700: 2695: 2690: 2684: 2682: 2681:1st generation 2678: 2677: 2670: 2667: 2666: 2659: 2658: 2651: 2644: 2636: 2627: 2626: 2624: 2623: 2618: 2612: 2610: 2606: 2605: 2603: 2602: 2597: 2591: 2589: 2588:9th generation 2585: 2584: 2582: 2581: 2576: 2570: 2568: 2567:8th generation 2564: 2563: 2561: 2560: 2555: 2550: 2545: 2540: 2535: 2530: 2524: 2522: 2521:7th generation 2518: 2517: 2515: 2514: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2494: 2488: 2486: 2485:6th generation 2482: 2481: 2479: 2478: 2473: 2468: 2463: 2458: 2453: 2447: 2445: 2444:5th generation 2441: 2440: 2438: 2437: 2432: 2427: 2421: 2419: 2418:4th generation 2415: 2414: 2412: 2411: 2406: 2400: 2398: 2397:3rd generation 2394: 2393: 2391: 2390: 2385: 2380: 2375: 2370: 2365: 2359: 2357: 2356:2nd generation 2353: 2352: 2350: 2349: 2343: 2341: 2340:1st generation 2337: 2336: 2325: 2322: 2321: 2314: 2313: 2306: 2299: 2291: 2283: 2282: 2275: 2272: 2263: 2253: 2247: 2246: 2240: 2239: 2219: 2216: 2211: 2210: 2203:DigitaltMuseum 2196: 2182: 2181:External links 2179: 2178: 2177: 2163: 2146: 2125: 2111: 2094: 2080: 2061: 2058: 2057: 2056: 2043: 2040: 2037: 2036: 2016: 2014:, p. 273. 2004: 2002:, p. 274. 1992: 1980: 1966: 1950: 1743: 1742: 1740: 1737: 1733: 1732: 1729: 1728: 1726: 1724: 1722: 1720: 1718: 1716: 1714: 1712: 1710: 1708: 1706: 1704: 1702: 1699: 1698: 1696: 1693: 1692: 1686: 1683: 1682: 1679: 1678: 1676: 1674: 1672: 1669: 1668: 1666: 1663: 1662: 1660: 1654: 1651: 1650: 1647: 1646: 1644: 1641: 1640: 1638: 1635: 1634: 1628: 1625: 1624: 1621: 1620: 1618: 1616: 1614: 1612: 1610: 1607: 1606: 1604: 1601: 1600: 1598: 1592: 1589: 1588: 1585: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1578: 1576: 1573: 1572: 1565: 1562: 1561: 1558: 1557: 1555: 1553: 1551: 1548: 1547: 1545: 1542: 1541: 1539: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1526: 1525: 1523: 1520: 1519: 1517: 1514: 1513: 1506: 1503: 1502: 1499: 1498: 1496: 1494: 1492: 1490: 1488: 1486: 1484: 1481: 1480: 1477: 1476: 1474: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1461: 1460: 1458: 1455: 1454: 1452: 1449: 1448: 1441: 1438: 1437: 1434: 1433: 1431: 1429: 1427: 1424: 1423: 1421: 1418: 1417: 1415: 1409: 1406: 1405: 1402: 1401: 1399: 1396: 1395: 1393: 1390: 1389: 1382: 1379: 1378: 1375: 1374: 1372: 1370: 1368: 1366: 1364: 1361: 1360: 1358: 1355: 1354: 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Louisa Ulrika
page references
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Lorens Pasch
Queen consort of Sweden
Kingdom of Prussia
Riddarholmen Church
Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden
Gustav III, King of Sweden
Charles XIII, King of Sweden
Frederick Adolf, Duke of Östergötland
Sophia Albertina, Abbess of Quedlinburg
Frederick William I of Prussia
Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
Louisa Ulrika of Prussia's signature
House of Hohenzollern

Frederick William I
Wilhelmine, Margravine of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
Frederick II
Friederike Luise, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Philippine Charlotte, Duchess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

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