
Kronstadt rebellion

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3662: 3155: 3076: 3187:. Fearful of justifying the Bolshevik's accusations, the rebellion leaders took care to refrain from attacking revolutionary symbols and reject assistance that might relate them in any way to the emigrants or counterrevolutionary forces. The rebels demanded reform rather than the demise of the Bolshevik party to eliminate its strong authoritarian and bureaucratic tendency that had grown during the civil war, an opinion held by oppositional currents within the party itself. The rebels maintained that the party had sacrificed its democratic, egalitarian ideals to remain in power. The Kronstadt seamen remained faithful to the ideals of 1917, defending workers' council independence from political party control, free and unrestricted participation for all leftist tendencies, guaranteed worker civil rights, and direct elections by workers in place of government/party appointments. 3716:
Bolsheviks was a mutiny in their own navy at its most strategic outpost, guarding the western approaches to Petrograd. Kronstadt, they feared, might ignite the Russian mainland or become the springboard for another anti-Soviet invasion. There was mounting evidence that Russian emigres were trying to assist the insurrection and to turn it to their own advantage. Not that the activities of the Whites can excuse any atrocities which the Bolsheviks committed against the sailors. But they do make the government's sense of urgency to crush the revolt more understandable. In a few weeks the ice in the Finnish Gulf would melt, and supplies and reinforcements could then be shipped in from the West, converting the fortress into a base for a new intervention. Apart from the propaganda involved, Lenin and Trotsky appear to have been genuinely anxious over this possibility.
2852:'s appointment as commander in chief in June 1920, aimed at increasing the fleet's ability to act and ending tensions, resulted in failure and the sailors met it with hostility. Attempts at reform and increasing discipline led to a change in fleet personnel and produced great dissatisfaction among local party members. Attempts to centralize control displeased most local communists. Raskolnikov also clashed with Zinoviev, as both wished to control political activity in the fleet. Zinoviev attempted to present himself as a defender of the old Soviet democracy and accused Trotsky and his commissioners of being responsible for introducing centralized overreach into the organization of the fleet. Raskolnikov tried to get rid of the strong opposition by expelling a quarter of the fleet's members at the end of October 1920, but failed. 246: 234: 223: 212: 201: 169: 3365: 2657: 2726:, where about 60% of large factories closed in February due to lack of fuel and food supplies had virtually disappeared. As in Moscow, demonstrations and demands were preceded by meetings in factories and workshops. Faced with a shortage of government food rations and despite a ban on trade, workers organized expeditions to fetch supplies in rural areas near cities. They became unhappier when the authorities tried to stop this. In late February, a meeting at the small Trubochny factory decided to increase rations and immediately distribute winter clothes and shoes that were reportedly reserved for Bolsheviks. Workers called a protest the following day. The local Bolshevik-controlled soviet sent cadets to disperse the protesters. 3042:, the former Tsarist officer then responsible for base artillery, although it was in the hands of the Revolutionary Committee. As of March 2, the entire province of Petrograd was subject to martial law and the Defense Committee chaired by Zinoviev had obtained special powers to suppress the protests. There was a hurry to gain control of the fortress before the thawing of the frozen bay, which would have made it impregnable for the land army. Trotsky presented alleged French press articles announcing the revolt two weeks before its outbreak as proof that the rebellion was a plan devised by the emigre and the forces of the Entente. Lenin used the same tactic to accuse the rebels a few days later at the 10th Party Congress. 3545:
seemingly from every window and roof. Fighting proceeded through the streets. Liberated Bolshevik prisoners joined the assault. Women supplied and nursed the defense. A late-afternoon rebel counterattack nearly drove the Bolsheviks from the city when a regiment of Petrograd volunteers arrived as Bolshevik backup. In the early evening, Oranienbaum artillery entered and ravaged the city. Later that evening, the northern cadets captured the Kronstadt headquarters, taking prisoners, and met the southern forces in the center of town. As forts fell, the battle was mostly over by midnight. The government held most structures by noon on March 18 and defeated the last resistance in the afternoon. The Bolsheviks had won.
3191:"semi-anarchist" and "petty-bourgeois" character but, as the concerns of the peasantry and workers reflected, they posed a far greater threat to their government than the White armies. Bolshevik leaders thought that rebel ideals resembled the Russian populism. The Bolsheviks had long criticized the populists, who in their opinion were reactionary and unrealistic in rejecting the idea of a centralized, industrialized state. Such an idea, as popular as it was, according to Lenin, should lead to the disintegration of the country into thousands of separate communes, ending centralized Bolshevik power but, over time, could result in a new, centralist, right-wing regime and thus needed to be suppressed. 3031:
were unsuccessful. Three of them, the president of the local soviet and the commissars of the Kuzmin fleet and the Kronstadt platoon, were arrested by the rebels. The break with the government came about as a rumor spread through the assembly that the government planned to crack down on the assembly and send government troops to the naval base. Immediately a Provisional Revolutionary Committee (PRC) was elected, formed by the five members of the collegiate presidency of the assembly, to manage the island until the election of a new local soviet. The committee enlarged to 15 members two days later. The assembly of delegates became the island's parliament, and met twice on March 4 and 11.
3235:, despite resistance from rebel representatives, an approved resolution called for the end of the rebellion and the return of power to the local Kronstadt Soviet. Arriving late from Siberia via Moscow, Trotsky immediately issued an ultimatum demanding unconditional and immediate rebel surrender. Zinoviev's Petrograd Defense Committee airdropped a leaflet over Kronstadt accusing the rebellion of being orchestrated by the White Army, ordering their surrender, and threatening that those who resisted would be "shot like partridges". Petrograd also ordered the arrest of the rebels' relatives as hostages, a strategy formerly used by Trotsky during the civil war to secure the loyalty of the 3653:(NEP), which was drafted for the Congress's agenda in advance of even the rebel's demands. Rather the rebellion accelerated its adoption. Prior to the rebellion, Lenin recognized a trend of peasant dissatisfaction and feared general revolt during the country's transition, and so conceded that a conciliatory, peasant-focused domestic economic program was more immediately urgent than his ambitions for Western proletariat revolution. The New Economic Policy replaced forced food requisition with a tax in kind, letting peasants spend their surplus as they pleased. This defused peasant discontent with War Communism and freed the Bolsheviks to consolidate power. 3597: 3445:
preparation for a southeast attack on the island the next morning, which failed and resulted in a large number of government casualties. Fog prevented operations for the rest of the day. Bolshevik officers, refusing to wait for reinforcement and mindful that their ice bridge would soon melt, continued to bomb the coast on March 12, causing little damage. Small troop assaults the next two days were driven back with scores of casualties. After March 14, air and artillery attacks continued but the troops waited for a larger push. Several small precursors of mutiny and work stoppage outside Kronstadt were contained during this time.
had orders to shoot defectors. Scores of Red Army soldiers drowned as the ice beneath them was blown out by explosions. Others defected or refused to advance. The few troops who reached the island were forced to withdraw. Artillery attacks resumed when the storm subsided. In the afternoon, Bolshevik aircraft began bombarding the island, but to little effect. The Bolsheviks made premature, triumphalist statements of their imminent victory, but their forces had suffered hundreds of casualties and defections due to insufficient preparation, low morale, and the danger of their unprotected approach by ice.
3467: 3588:, about 8,000 Kronstadt refugees (mostly soldiers) crossed into Finland within a day of Kronstadt's fall, about half of the rebel forces. Petrichenko and members of the Kronstadt Revolutionary Committee were among the first to flee, with 800 arriving before the end of the assault. The sailors' final acts were to sabotage Kronstadt's defenses, removing parts of weapons and equipment. The battleship crews, upon discovering their leaders' desertion, disobeyed their command to destroy the ships and instead arrested their officers and surrendered to the Bolsheviks. 3239:'s ex-tsarist officers and demanded the release of Bolshevik officers detained in Kronstadt. Thus, to the rebel sailors, Trotsky and Zinoviev embodied the Bolshevik malevolence they were protesting. The rebels responded that their prisoners had full liberties and would not be released while Petrograd held families hostage. The hostage tactic also contributed to the failure of the sole attempt at mediation, as Kronstadt and Petrograd disagreed over the composition of a commission that could be sent to observe and mediate Kronstadt's conditions. 3012:
sections in the army, was soon apparent. Equal rations save for those who did the heavier work—rather than the Bolsheviks who enjoyed the best rations—economic freedom and freedom of organization for the workers and peasants, and political amnesty. Those present overwhelmingly endorsed the resolution previously adopted by the Kronstadt seamen. Most of the communists present in the crowd also supported the resolution. The protests of the Bolshevik leaders were rejected, but Kalinin was able to return safely to Petrograd.
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which met with no resistance. The rebels arrested 326 Bolsheviks, about a fifth of the local communists, the rest of whom were left free. In contrast, the Bolshevik authorities executed forty-five sailors in Oranienbaum and took relatives of the rebels hostage. None of the rebel-held Bolsheviks suffered abuse, torture or executions. The prisoners received the same rations as the rest of the islanders and lost only their boots and shelters, which were handed over to the soldiers on duty at the fortifications.
2877: 2760:. The authorities urged workers to return to work to prevent spillage of blood. They granted certain concessions: permission to go to the countryside to bring food to cities, relaxation of controls against speculation, permission to buy coal to alleviate fuel shortages, an end to grain confiscations, and increased rations for workers and soldiers, even at the expense of depleting scarce food reserves. Such measures convinced the workers of Petrograd to return to work at the start of March. 3274: 2840:
the original fleet. Now unable to heat their ships, the sailors were further angered by the fuel shortage and there were fears that even more ships would be lost owing to flaws that made them especially vulnerable in winter. Island supply was also poor, partly due to the highly centralized control system. Many units had not yet received their new uniforms in 1919. Rations decreased in quantity and quality, and towards the end of 1920 the fleet suffered an outbreak of
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of the October Revolution". The Bolsheviks, who had once planned a much more ambitious economic program beyond the sailors' demands, could not tolerate the affront that these political demands represented to their power—they questioned the legitimacy of the Bolsheviks as representatives of the working classes. The old demands that Lenin had defended in 1917 were now considered counterrevolutionary and dangerous to the Soviet government controlled by the Bolsheviks.
returned to the city. The commissioner of Oranienbaum, aware of the facts and fearing the upheaval of his other units, requested Zinoviev's urgent help, armed the local party members, and increased their rations to secure their loyalty. During the early morning hours, an armored cadet and three light artillery batteries arrived in Petrograd, surrounded the barracks of the rebel unit, and arrested the insurgents. After extensive interrogation, 45 of them were shot.
worker council autonomy ("free soviets") and did not entertain direct, democratic soldier election of military officials. Old directors and specialists continued to run the factories instead of the workers. State farms remained in place. Wage labor remained unchanged. Avrich described the aftermath as such: "As in all failed revolts in authoritarian regimes, the rebels realized the opposite of their aims: harsher dictatorship, less popular self-government."
3259:, outclassed that of the most powerful mainland fort but was frozen in disadvantageous position. The base also had eight docked warships, amid other gunboats and tugboats, all rendered inaccessible by ice. Kronstadt had excellent defenses between this weaponry and the protection of vast distances of open ice. With the nearest forts far away, this frightening trek across the ice, unprotected from the island's firepower greatly unnerved the Bolshevik troops. 2460: 2789: 3622: 2613:
a more offensive strategy, the rebels maintained a passive attitude as they waited for the government to take the first step in negotiations. By contrast, the authorities took an uncompromising stance, presenting an ultimatum demanding unconditional surrender on March 5. Once this period expired, the Bolsheviks raided the island several times and suppressed the revolt on March 18 after shooting and imprisoning several thousand rebels.
power to the soviets but not the parties". Disillusioned with the political parties, unions in the uprising advocated for free unions to give economic power back to workers. The sailors, like the revolutionary socialists, defended peasantry interests and showed little interest in matters of large industry, though they rejected the idea of holding a new constituent assembly, one of the pillars of the revolutionary socialist program.
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fleet: protests in cities and the crisis in the countryside over government seizures and a ban on trade personally affected the sailors who temporarily returned to their homes. The sailors had discovered the country's grave situation after months or years of fighting for the government, which triggered a strong sense of disillusionment. The number of desertions increased abruptly during the winter of 1920–1921.
3247:, then a prominent young officer, took command of the 7th Army and the rest of the Petrograd troops. The 7th Army, composed mainly of peasants, was demotivated from having already defended the former capital throughout the civil war, sympathetic for the rebel demands, and reluctant to fight their comrades. Tukhachevsky had to rely on the cadets, Cheka and Bolshevik units to head the attack on the rebel island. 2861:
passed a critical resolution at a party conference with Bolshevik delegates from the Baltic Fleet. This resolution harshly criticized the fleet's administrative policy, accusing it of removing power from the masses and most active officials, and becoming a purely bureaucratic body. It demanded the democratization of party structures and warned that if there were no changes there could be a rebellion.
Bolshevik cadets carried on, charging and retreating with many deaths until they captured the first two forts. Dawn of March 17 broke the fog and cover of night. Exposed, the two sides fought with heavy casualties, mainly by machine gun and grenades. By the afternoon, the Bolsheviks had taken several forts and the cadets had reached Kronstadt's northeast wall. The final northern forts fell by 1 a.m.
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prevent popular discontent. In mid-February, workers began to rally in Moscow; such demonstrations were preceded by workers' meetings in factories and workshops. The workers demanded the end of "war communism" and a return to free labor. The government's representatives could not alleviate the situation, and it quickly decided that the revolts could only be suppressed by armed troops.
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island. The ice around the base was not broken, the warships were not released and the defenses of Petrograd's entrances were not strengthened. Kozlovsky complained about the hostility of the sailors towards the officers, judging the timing of the insurrection as untimely. The rebels were convinced that the Bolshevik authorities would yield and negotiate the stated demands.
but tolerated, were repressed—jailed or exiled—by the end of the year in the name of single party unity. The Bolsheviks tightened soldier discipline and scuttled plans for a peasant and worker army. Lenin wanted to scrap the Baltic Fleet as having an unreliable crew but, per Trotsky, they were instead reorganized and populated with loyal leadership.
early moments of the revolt. They even attended the delegate assembly on March 2. Initially, the rebels sought to show a conciliatory stance with the government, believing that it could comply with Kronstadt's demands. Kalinin, who spoke at the assembly, would have been a valuable hostage for the rebels yet returned to Petrograd without issue.
7490: 4767: 4044: 3453:, which freed the peasant post-tax to use or sell as they wished. In the same period, by mid-March, the rebels' high spirits grew dim with the realization that their cause had not spread and, with supplies dwindling, that no help was forthcoming. Kronstadt's sailors felt this feeling of betrayal long after the city fell. 3146: 3697:. The revolution turned on each of the major Bolshevik leaders involved in Kronstadt: Tukhachevsky, Zinoviev, and Dybenko died in the Great Purge, Trotsky was killed by the Soviet secret police, Raskolnikov killed himself, and many of the congressional delegates who signed up for Kronstadt died in prisons. 3531:
Blanketed by darkness and fog, the northern soldiers silently advanced in two columns towards the island's forts. Despite their camouflage and caution, one column was discovered by spotlight cutting through barbed wire. The rebels unsuccessfully tried to persuade their attackers not to fight, but the
Influenced by various socialist and anarchist groups, but free from their control and initiatives, the rebels made several demands from all these groups in a vague and unclear program that represented much more a popular protest against misery and oppression than it did a coherent government program.
held an emergency meeting and sent a delegation to the city to investigate and inform Kronstadt about the protests. Upon returning two days later, the delegation informed the crews about the strikes and protests in Petrograd and the government repression. The sailors decided to support the protesters
Troop morale was low, with sailors discouraged by inactivity, supply and ammunition shortages, the administrative crisis, and the impossibility of leaving the service. The temporary increase in sailors' licenses following the end of fighting with anti-Soviet forces has also undermined the mood of the
By January 1921, Raskolnikov had lost real control of fleet management because of his disputes with Zinoviev and held his position only formally. The sailors revolted in Kronstadt, officially deposing Raskolnikov from office. On February 15, 1921, an opposition group within the Bolshevik party itself
The organization of the fleet had changed dramatically since 1917. The Tsentrobalt central committee took control after the October Revolution and progressively centralized its organization. This process accelerated in January 1919 with Trotsky's visit to Kronstadt following a disastrous naval attack
The composition of the naval base, however, had changed during the civil war. While many of its former sailors had been sent to various other parts of the country during the conflict and had been replaced by Ukrainian peasants less favorable to the Bolshevik government, most of the sailors present in
New demonstrations by Trubochny workers followed and this time spread throughout the city, in part because of rumors about the repression of the previous demonstration. Faced with growing protests, the local soviet closed factories with high concentrations of protesters, which further intensified the
reported 155 peasant uprisings across Russia. The workers in Petrograd were also involved in a series of strikes, caused by the reduction of bread rations by one third over a ten-day period. With this information and already stoked discontent, the revolt at the Kronstadt naval base began as a protest
Convinced of the popularity of the reforms they were fighting for (which they partially tried to implement during the revolt), the Kronstadt seamen waited in vain for the support of the population in the rest of the country and rejected aid from the emigres. Although the council of officers advocated
emigres. Trotsky signed the order to crush the rebellion which outlined a series of operational measures including a warning to the sailors to stop the rebellion in advance of a Red Army assault. However, he did not personally participate in the military operations or repressions which were organized
Soviet Russia in 1921 was not the Leviathan of recent decades. It was a young and insecure state, faced with a rebellious population at home and implacable enemies abroad who longed to see the Bolsheviks ousted from power. More important still, Kronstadt was in Russian territory; what confronted the
would confirm in an April 1921 report that there had indeed been White agents based in Petrograd plotting a coup of the Soviet government in February and March 1921, but he also reported that the Kronstadt revolt was "not the actions of the organizations" and that the revolt "occurred spontaneously
to the north sought to weaken the island's defenses and enable an infantry attack, which followed the next day before dawn. Amid a blinding snowstorm, Tukhachevsky's units attacked from the north and south with cadets at the forefront, followed by select Red Army units and Cheka machine gunners, who
The rebels implemented a series of administrative changes during the uprising. Changes to the rationing system led to all citizens receiving equal rations, save for children and the sick, who received special rations. Schools closed and a curfew was set. Departments and commissariats were abolished,
The rebels justified the uprising as an attack on Bolshevik "commissiocracy". According to them, the Bolsheviks had betrayed the principles of the October Revolution, making the Soviet government a bureaucratic autocracy sustained by Cheka terror. According to the rebels, a "third revolution" should
On March 2, the delegates of warships, military units, and unions met to prepare for reelection of the local soviet. About 300 delegates joined in to renew the soviet as decided at the previous day's assembly. The leading Bolshevik representatives tried to dissuade the delegates through threats, but
provided food and clothing and some worked in public works. Finland wanted the refugees to settle in other countries while Bolsheviks sought their repatriation, promising amnesty. Instead, those who returned were arrested and sent to prison camps. Most of the émigrés had left Finland within several
The 13 were sentenced to execution two days after the fall of Kronstadt. Hundreds of rebel prisoners were killed in Kronstadt and when Petrograd jails were full, hundreds more rebels were removed and shot. The rest moved to Cheka mainland prisons and forced labor camps, where many died of hunger or
There were no public trials. Of the 2,000 prisoners, 13 were tried in private as the rebellion's leaders and tried in the press as a counterrevolutionary conspiracy. None belonged to the Kronstadt Revolutionary Committee, of which four members were known to be in Bolshevik custody, or the "military
Dybenko, a Bolshevik officer in the Kronstadt assault, was given full power to purge dissent as the Kronstadt Fort's new commander. In place of the Kronstadt Soviet, a troika of Kronstadt's former Bolshevik Party leaders assisted him. The battleships and city square were renamed and both unreliable
On March 4, as delegates returned from the mainland reporting that the Bolsheviks had suppressed the real character of the revolt and instead were spreading news of a White uprising in the naval base, the assembly approved the extension of the PRC and the delivery of weapons to citizens to maintain
and the revolutionary socialists attempted to launch a fundraising campaign to help the sailors, but the PRC refused aid, convinced that the revolt would spread throughout the country, with no need for foreign aid. The Mensheviks, for their part, were sympathetic to the rebel demands but not to the
Neither the rebels nor the government expected the Kronstadt protests to trigger a rebellion. Many of the local members of the Bolshevik party did not see in the rebels and their demands the supposedly counterrevolutionary character denounced by the Moscow leaders. Local communists even published a
Despite the intransigence of the government and the willingness of the authorities to crush the revolt by force, many communists supported the sailors' demanded reforms and preferred a negotiated resolution to end the conflict. In reality, the initial attitude of the Petrograd government was not as
Although the rebels did not expect a military confrontation with the government, tensions in Kronstadt grew after the arrest and disappearance of a delegation sent by the naval base to Petrograd to investigate the situation of strikes and protests in the city. Some of the base's communists began to
Among the main rebel demands were new, free elections (as stipulated by the constitution) for the Soviets, the right to freedom of expression, and total freedom of action and trade. According to the resolution's proponents, the elections would result in the defeat of the Bolsheviks and the "triumph
The Baltic Fleet had been shrinking since the summer of 1917, when it had eight battleships, nine cruisers, more than fifty destroyers, about forty submarines, and hundreds of auxiliary vessels. In 1920, only two battleships, sixteen destroyers, six submarines, and a minesweeper fleet remained from
Since 1917, anarchist sympathies held a strong influence on Kronstadt. The inhabitants of the island favored the local soviet autonomy won in the revolution, and considered central government interference undesirable and unnecessary. Displaying a radical support for the Soviets, Kronstadt had taken
Lenin announced two conclusions from Kronstadt: political rank closure within the party, and economic ingratiation for the peasantry. Lenin used Kronstadt to consolidate the Bolsheviks' power and dictatorial rule. Dissidents were expelled from the party. Oppositional leftist parties, once harassed
suffered casualties from direct hits. The effects were more psychological, on rebel morale, than physical. The bombing ended by night and, like prior attacks, the rebels anticipated foot soldiers, who arrived before dawn. Most of the Bolshevik troops concentrated south of the island to attack from
led over a quarter of congressional delegates to volunteer, mainly to boost soldier morale, which was difficult in light of the Bolshevik strategy of sending minor, futile attempts at overtaking the island. On March 10, planes bombed Kronstadt, and coastal batteries fired at the island at night in
Despite this setback, the rebels continued their passive stance and rejected the advice of the "military experts"—a euphemism used to designate the tsarist officers employed by the Soviets under the surveillance of the commissars—to attack various points of the continent rather than staying on the
Several leftist tendencies participated in the revolt. The anarchist rebels demanded, in addition to individual freedoms, the self-determination of workers. The Bolsheviks feared that mass spontaneous social movement could fall into the hands of reaction. For Lenin, Kronstadt's demands displayed a
troops to Kozlovsky and began an unsuccessful campaign to gain the support of the powers. No power agreed to provide military support to the rebels, and only France tried to facilitate the arrival of food on the island. Aid from the Finnish "kadetes" did not arrive in time. Even as anti-Bolsheviks
Some of the government troops sent to suppress the revolt, upon learning that the island's rule by commissioners had been eliminated, instead defected to the rebellion. The government had serious problems with the regular troops sent to suppress the uprising, and resorted to using cadets and Cheka
The authorities falsely accused the revolt of being a counterrevolutionary plan. The rebels did not expect attacks from the authorities nor did they launch attacks against the continent—rejecting Kozlovsky's advice—nor did the island's communists denounce any kind of collusion by the rebels in the
Part of the Kronstadt Bolsheviks hastily left the island. A group of them, led by the fortress commissioner, tried to crush the revolt but, lacking support, eventually ran away. During the early hours of March 2, the town, fleet boats and island fortifications were already in the hands of the PRC,
negotiations, continued unabated. The greater threat to Bolsheviks was a wider revolt and the rebels' only potential for success, as went the unheeded advice of the rebels' military specialists, was in an immediate mainland offensive before the government could respond. In this way, the Kronstadt
from rebel searchlights, who were then able to overpower the rebels in the south of the city but were then met by the other forts' machine guns and artillery. Caught in the open, rebel reinforcements forced the Bolsheviks to retreat. More than half of the 79th Infantry Brigade had died, including
Kronstadt, meanwhile, reinforced its defenses with 2,000 civilian recruits atop the 13,000-man garrison. The city itself had a thick wall and across the island's forts and ships were 135 cannons and 68 machine guns. The 15 forts had turrets and thick armor. Artillery on Kronstadt's main warships,
In the few mainland places supporting the rebels, the Bolsheviks promptly suppressed revolt. In the capital, a delegation from the naval base was arrested trying to convince an icebreaker's crew to join the rebellion. Most island delegates sent to the continent were arrested. Unable to spread the
resolution. There they received unanimous support from the 1st Naval Air Squadron. That night, the Kronstadt PRC sent a 250-man detachment to Oranienbaum but was driven back by machine gun fire. Three delegates that the Oranienbaum air squadron had sent to Kronstadt were arrested by Cheka as they
were the closest political group to support these positions. Their program was similar to the revolutionary slogans of 1917, which remained popular during the time of the uprising: "all land for the peasants", "all factories for the workers", "all bread and all products for the workers", and "all
The National Center separately plotted a Kronstadt uprising in which the "kadetes", with Wrangel's troops, would turn the city into a new center of anti-Bolshevik resistance, but the rebellion occurred independent of this plan. The Kronstadt rebels had little contact with the emigrants during the
The rebels' claim of a "third revolution" to uphold ideals of 1917 and limit the Bolshevik government's power risked undermining and dividing popular support for the Bolshevik party. To maintain credulity, the Bolsheviks made the revolt appear counterrevolutionary, explaining their uncompromising
To abolish the Bolshevik fighting detachments in all branches of the Army, as well as the Bolshevik guards kept on duty in mills and factories. Should such guards or military detachments be found necessary, they are to be appointed in the Army from the ranks, and in the factories according to the
estimated 10,000 Bolsheviks dead, wounded, or missing, including 15 Congress delegates. Finland asked Russia to remove the bodies on the ice, fearing a public health hazard after the thaw. There are no reliable reports for rebel deaths, but one report estimated 600 dead, 1,000 wounded, and 2,500
wrote that the rebels had scant chance of success, even if the ice melted to their favor and aid had arrived. Kronstadt was unprepared, ill-timed, and outmatched against a government that had just won a civil war of greater magnitude. Petrichenko, chair of the Kronstadt Revolutionary Committee,
None of the Kronstadt rebellion's demands were met. The Bolsheviks did not restore freedom of speech and assembly. They did not release socialist and anarchist political prisoners. Rival left-wing groups were suppressed rather than brought into coalition governance. The Bolsheviks did not adopt
as a speaker, while Zinoviev did not dare to go to the island. But the attitude of the present crowd, which demanded free elections for the soviets, freedom of speech and the press for leftist anarchists and socialists, and all workers and peasants, freedom of assembly, suppression of political
Despite military victory and stabilized foreign relations, Russia faced a serious social and economic crisis. As foreign troops began to withdraw, Bolshevik leaders continued to sustain tight control of the economy through the policy of war communism. Discontent grew among the Russian populace,
2953:(political bureaus) because no party should be given special privileges in the propagation of its ideas or receive the financial support of the Government for such purposes. Instead there should be established educational and cultural commissions, locally elected and financed by the Government; 2718:
Protests followed a January 1921 announcement in which the government reduced bread rations by one third for inhabitants of all cities. While this decision was forced, between heavy snow and fuel shortages preventing stored food transport in Siberia and the Caucasus, this justification did not
and the continued lack of freedom and reforms led to increased discontent among their own followers and reinforced the opposition. In their eagerness to secure their power, the Bolsheviks caused the growth of their own opposition. The centralism and bureaucracy of "war communism" added to the
The column attacking Petrograd Gate from the east, however, was successful. One group breached the city walls north of the gate, followed by another group's march through the gate itself. Their losses had been great outside the city walls but inside they found a "veritable hell" with bullets
participated in the fighting against the White Army between 1918 and 1920. Despite participating in major conflicts alongside the Bolsheviks and being among the most active troops in government service, sailors from the outset were wary of the possibility of centralization of power and
for the working class. Trotsky would later argue that the attitudes and social composition of the Kronstadt sailors had changed over the course of the Civil War. He also argued that the isolated location of the naval fortress would have enabled finances to flow between Kronstadt and
criticised the Western representation of Trotsky's role in the Kronstadt rebellion, which he argued had falsely presented Trotsky as the principal figure that led and was responsible for the repression. Broue also disputed the historical assessments by modern historians such as
2836:. Until the revolt, the naval base still considered itself in favor of the Bolsheviks and several party affiliates. However, Rogovin found that only 1,650 members of the 26,687 Kronstadt sailors were members and candidate members of the Bolshevik party at the beginning of 1921. 2680:'s anti-communist White Army, and was militarily equipped to suppress outstanding peasant insurrections, but faced mass disillusionment from unbearable living conditions—famine, disease, cold, and weariness—induced by the years of war and exacerbated by the Bolshevik policy of 3448:
In the period awaiting a unified attack, the mood shifted. News from Moscow's 10th Congress announced the end of War Communism. In particular, Bolshevik peasant soldiers were pleased by the cornerstone policy change, from forced requisition of all peasant surplus produce to a
The larger southern group timed its assault to follow the northern group's lead by an hour. Three columns with machine guns and light artillery approached Kronstadt's harbour while a fourth column approached the island's vulnerable Petrograd Gate. Darkness and fog hid the
specialists" who advised the rebel military. In practice, despite the government's continued insistence that White Army generals were behind the Kronstadt rebellion, former tsarist officers were far more prominent among the Bolsheviks than the rebels. White Colonel
Kronstadt during the revolt—about three quarters—were veterans of 1917. At the beginning of 1921, the island had a population of about 50,000 civilians and 26,000 sailors and soldiers. It had been the main base of the Baltic Fleet since the evacuation of
revolt and rejecting Soviet authorities demands to end the rebellion, the rebels adopted a defensive strategy of administrative reforms on the island and waiting for the spring thaw, which would increase their natural defenses against being detained.
on Tallinn. A government-appointed Revolutionary Military Committee now controlled the fleet and the naval committees were abolished. Attempts to form a new body of Bolshevik naval officers to replace the few tsarists still running the fleet failed.
emergency food and medicine, Tukhachevsky's reinforced army of 50,000 prepared to take the island and its 15,000 rebels. Compared with prior attempts, the attackers enjoyed better numbers, morale, and leaders, including prominent Bolshevik officers
councils, eliminate union bureaucracy, and begin the implantation of a new socialism that would serve as an example for the whole world. The citizens of Kronstadt, however, did not want the holding of a new constituent assembly or the return of
by gas shells and balloons against Kronstadt if the resistance continued. The plan had been drawn up by a group of students at the Higher Chemical High School. Trotsky would late create The Society of Chemical Defence and defend the use of
Critics of the government, including some communists, accused it of betraying the ideals of the 1917 revolution and implementing a violent, corrupt and bureaucratic regime. In part, the various opposition groups within the party itself—the
News of the protests in Petrograd, coupled with disquieting rumors of a harsh crackdown on these demonstrations, increased tensions among fleet members. In late February, in response to the events in Petrograd, the crews of the ships
years. Petrichenko, chair of the Kronstadt Revolutionary Committee, remained respected among the Finnish refugees. He later joined pro-Soviet groups. During World War II, he was repatriated and died soon after in a prison camp.
8169: 6944:(No Later than 19 April 1921), Доклад резидента Б.В. Савинкова в Прибалтике и Финляндии генерала Г.Е. Эльвенгрена руководству РЭК (РПК) в Польше о событиях в Петрограде и Кронштадте в феврале — марте 1921 г. , in 3752:
an event that triggered one's disenchantment with Soviet Communism, as in the phrase, "I had my Kronstadt when ...". For some intellectuals, this was the Kronstadt rebellion itself but for others it was the
With speeches emphasizing land collectivization, freedom, popular will and participation, and the defense of a decentralized state, the rebels' ideas were comparable with anarchism. Besides the anarchists, the
2748:. There was a hurry to gain control of the fortress before the thawing of the frozen bay, which would have made it impregnable for the land army. The Bolsheviks started a detention campaign, carried out by the 3242:
On March 7, the extended deadline expired for accepting Trotsky ultimatum. During the wait, the government bolstered its forces and prepared an attack plan with Red Army commanders, cadets, and Cheka units.
A series of minor skirmishes against Kronstadt took place in the days following the failed opening salvo. While the Bolsheviks prepared additional troops with less emotional investment (cadet regiments,
tried to appeal to the sailors by saying that they had been misled by certain counterrevolutionary agents. Moscow's attitude, however, from the outset was far harsher than that of the Petrograd leaders.
To give the peasants full freedom of action in regard to their land, and also the right to keep cattle, on condition that the peasants manage with their own means; that is, without employing hired labor;
8216: 1472: 1462: 2710:
and Petrograd—where strikes and demonstrations took place—in early 1921. Due to the maintenance and reinforcement of "war communism", living conditions worsened even more after the fighting ended.
2694:, the forced seizure of large portions of the peasants' grain crop used to feed urban dwellers). In resistance of these policies, peasants began refusing to till their farms. In February 1921, the 3705:
shared this retrospective criticism. Assistance from the White Army's General Wrangel would have taken months to mobilize. Avrich summed up the whole context in the introduction of his book
In view of the fact that the present Soviets do not express the will of the workers and peasants, immediately to hold new elections by secret ballot, the pre-election campaign to have full
379: 3661: 2620:
and counter-revolution". The Bolshevik response to the revolt caused great controversy and was responsible for the disillusionment of several supporters of the Bolshevik regime, such as
3016: 2684:. Peasants had started to resent government requisitions of grain, with seizures of their already meager harvest being coupled with cutbacks on bread rations and a fuel shortage. 3039: 2740:
movement. The economic demands became political in nature, which was of great concern to the Bolsheviks. To definitively end the protests, the authorities flooded the city with
3519:. Tukhachevsky's plan consisted of a six-column approach from the north, south, and east preceded by intense artillery bombing, which began in the early afternoon. Both the 3557:
had discussed the possible use of gas shells and balloons from Petrograd to end the Kronstadt rebellion. Russia had shared a common interest in chemical weapons with other
3154: 2702:
The arrival of winter and the maintenance of "war communism" and various deprivations by Bolshevik authorities led to increased tensions in the countryside (as in the
7835: 3741:, wrote that Kronstadt showed Bolshevik terror as Lenin's legacy, beginning what Stalin would continue. As of 2008, their rehabilitation has not been updated in the 3681:
measures never expired. Though the rebellion did not appear decisive or influential at the time, it later symbolized a fork in Russian history that turned away from
3441: 3067:—agreed with such criticisms, even though their leaders did not support the revolt, but members of the latter two groups would still help to suppress the revolt. 7908: 557: 311: 3075: 2932:
To call a nonpartisan Conference of the workers, Red Army soldiers and sailors of Petrograd, Kronstadt, and of Petrograd Province, no later than March 10, 1921;
established a "Defense Committee" with special powers to end the protests; similar structures were created in the various districts of the city in the form of
3805:. Rogovin has disputed the idealized representation of the Kronstadt armed rebels and noted the fact they had imprisoned 500 communists and had sentenced the 3204:
replaced by union delegates' boards, and revolutionary troikas were formed to implement the PRC measures in all factories, institutions, and military units.
8117: 352: 2558:. For sixteen days in March 1921, rebels in Kronstadt's naval fortress rose in opposition to the Soviet government they had helped to consolidate. Led by 8159: 2768:
existing logistical difficulties. With the end of the civil war, opposition groups emerged within the Bolshevik party itself. One of the more left-wing,
This article is about rebellion of Russian sailors against the Bolshevik government in 1921. For the rebellions of Russian sailors in 1904 and 1917, see
2583:, economic freedom for peasants and workers, dissolution of the bureaucratic governmental organs created during the civil war, and the restoration of 2573:
himself had praised earlier as the "adornment and pride of the revolution"—demanded a series of reforms: reduction in Bolshevik power, newly elected
89: 3440:, Cheka forces, and non-Russians), Zinoviev made concessions to the people of Petrograd to keep the peace. Trotsky's closed session report to the 3423:
Bolshevik military operations against the island began the morning of March 7. Some 60,000 troops took part in the attack. Artillery strikes from
The Kronstadt rebels also had their difficulties, lacking the ammunition, winter clothing, food reserves, and fuel to fend off a prolonged siege.
7847: 3677:—the rural, traditional, spontaneous, preindustrial uprisings. It clarified an authoritarian streak in the Bolshevik approach in which emergency 3196: 2699:
over the plight of the country. Agricultural and industrial production had been drastically reduced and the transport system was disorganized.
459: 3645:
During the 10th Party Congress, concurrent with the rebellion, Kronstadt symbolized the swelling peasant unrest towards the party's unpopular
7244: 3909: 3046:
uncompromising as it seemed; Kalinin himself assumed that the demands were acceptable and should undergo only a few changes, while the local
1487: 3038:
The government accused opponents of being French-led counterrevolutionaries and claimed that the Kronstadt rebels were commanded by General
of Socialist parties, as well as all workers, peasants, soldiers, and sailors imprisoned in connection with the labor and peasant movements;
8112: 8084: 7940: 1390: 469: 449: 347: 174: 8729: 8719: 8709: 4153: 2752:, resulting in thousands of arrests: thousands of students and intellectuals, about 500 workers and union leaders, and a few anarchists, 2489: 1584: 304: 7363: 7325: 4126: 8189: 2385: 386: 342: 3096:
military campaign and stance. The Bolsheviks tried to present themselves as the sole legitimate defenders of working class interests.
5502: 2880:
The resolution taken by the Kronstadt seamen, containing demands such as the election of free soviets and freedom of speech and press
3364: 2624:. While the revolt was suppressed and the rebels' political demands were not met, it served to accelerate the implementation of the 7604: 2656: 8201: 8144: 7886: 3492: 3008: 2887: 2794: 2601:, organizers of the Kronstadt rebellion had established contact with emigre circles in Western Europe such as the exiled leader, 420: 8256: 8047: 3581:. The Military Revolutionary Council would also discuss the need for sleeping gas in the aftermath of the Kronstadt rebellion. 3092:
agents. The high-ranking Bolshevik leaders responsible for the operation had to return from the 10th Party Congress in Moscow.
1437: 493: 297: 7726: 7707: 7677: 7650: 7500: 7473: 7448: 7403: 7357: 7302: 7277: 6981: 6863: 4777: 4120: 4081: 4054: 4027: 3970: 3781:. The Kronstadt events are idealized in early Soviet period historiography as an example of "legitimate" popular expression. 1840: 1519: 638: 6853: 2893: 2303: 1658: 3110:, Mensheviks, and revolutionary socialists maintained their differences and did not collaborate to support the rebellion. 8238: 3766: 3568:
decided to attack the Kronstadt forts through means of chemical shells and balloons. Trotsky and his commander-in-chief,
3273: 1973: 1913: 3817:
had reached Russia with documented gold with instructions for him to travel to Krondstadt and perform underground work.
8608: 7843: 7793: 7387:
Uprising in East Germany, 1953: The Cold War, the German Question, and the First Major Upheaval behind the Iron Curtain
1509: 525: 510: 3944: 3119:
to supply the island and begin fundraising for the rebels. Wrangel, whom the French continued to supply, promised his
8694: 7577: 7535: 4185: 500: 3986: 2999:
The following day, March 1, about fifteen thousand people attended a large assembly convened by the local soviet in
8674: 8179: 7933: 7900: 977: 3649:
policy and the need for reform, but Kronstadt had no influence on Lenin's plans to replace War Communism with the
8246: 8074: 7805: 3778: 3106: 2482: 2248: 1963: 474: 403: 8628: 8525: 8497: 8325: 8278: 8226: 8149: 3104:
The various groups of emigres and government opponents were too divided to make a joint-effort for the rebels.
3060: 2812: 2777: 2605:, who called for the dissolution of the Soviet government. Petrichenko himself would later attempt to join the 2253: 530: 2963:
To equalize the rations of all who work, with the exception of those employed in trades detrimental to health;
ministers, the Constituent Assembly dissolution, and the civil war. More than forty thousand sailors from the
8464: 8273: 8020: 7994: 7869:
A Kramer, "Kronstadt: Trotsky Was Right! New Material from Soviet Archives Confirms the Bolsheviks' Position"
3872: 3770: 2753: 2318: 2293: 1776: 1695: 606: 427: 8684: 8679: 8603: 8184: 8079: 8064: 7602:
Daniels, Robert V. (December 1951). "The Kronstadt Revolt of 1921: A Study in the Dynamics of Revolution".
3894: 3840: 3762: 3721: 2298: 2163: 2123: 1748: 1367: 997: 779: 545: 479: 464: 444: 393: 54:
Loyalist soldiers of the Red Army attack the island fortress of Kronstadt on the ice of the Gulf of Finland
Supporters saw the rebels as revolutionary martyrs while the authorities saw the rebels as "agents of the
8069: 7926: 7768: 6836: 6807: 6790: 6737: 3855: 3827: 3561: 2355: 2313: 1826: 1375: 704: 398: 6300: 3596: 3548:
Both sides suffered casualties on par with the civil war's deadliest battles. The American consulate at
1771: 8714: 8699: 8648: 8623: 8290: 8221: 7557: 5169: 3924: 2732: 2475: 2425: 2288: 2013: 1729: 1618: 1544: 520: 454: 7466:
Trotsky: a biographer's problems. In The Trotsky reappraisal. Brotherstone, Terence; Dukes, Paul,(eds)
3056: 1303: 8618: 7719:
The Origin of the Communist Autocracy Political Opposition in the Soviet State; First Phase 1917–1922
the memory of the rebels and denounced the Bolshevik suppression of the rebellion. Its commissioner,
3164: 2308: 2203: 1599: 1594: 1395: 1062: 1037: 987: 922: 850: 805: 665: 369: 24: 2844:. Protests demanding improvements in soldier food rations went ignored and agitators were arrested. 8633: 8613: 8035: 8025: 7759: 7553: 3919: 3180: 2218: 2178: 2128: 1993: 1724: 1673: 1589: 1514: 1503: 1380: 1158: 902: 535: 437: 7234: 5276: 4017: 3022:, anarchist sailor who chaired the Provisional Revolutionary Committee during the Kronstadt revolt 2898:
of the capital by passing a resolution with fifteen demands that would be sent to the government:
2636:, the crisis was the most critical the Bolsheviks had yet faced, "undoubtedly more dangerous than 1193: 8724: 8689: 8669: 8030: 3998: 3865: 3734: 3116: 2833: 2516: 2340: 1978: 1948: 1893: 1888: 1766: 1385: 697: 677: 3629:
Those who escaped to Finland were put in refugee camps, where life was bleak and isolating. The
The Bolshevik Party's 10th Congress (delegates pictured) overlapped with the Kronstadt rebellion
1238: 8643: 8099: 3115:
revolt itself. The Paris-based Russian Union of Industry and Commerce secured support from the
2773: 2263: 2198: 2133: 2058: 2038: 2033: 1878: 1868: 1643: 1405: 1400: 1288: 1002: 992: 982: 927: 753: 731: 709: 7562:
The Russian Revolution, Volume II: 1918–1921: From the Civil War to the Consolidation of Power
7440: 7267: 6971: 4147: 3960: 8638: 8315: 8122: 8059: 7861: 7349:
The Conservative Turn: Lionel Trilling, Whittaker Chambers, and the lessons of anti-communism
7347: 7319: 4175: 4110: 3814: 3682: 2580: 2415: 2173: 2153: 2113: 2098: 1943: 1923: 1579: 1554: 1497: 1447: 1278: 1072: 1017: 882: 872: 867: 616: 505: 413: 7819: 7206: 3813:, to death before the intervention of the Red Army. Rogovin also stated that an agent from 3403: 3350: 3244: 2332: 2268: 2258: 2243: 2233: 2183: 2138: 2118: 2068: 2048: 2043: 2023: 2018: 2003: 1998: 1983: 1968: 1953: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1883: 1873: 1863: 1858: 1853: 1719: 1419: 1178: 1148: 1138: 820: 626: 621: 432: 250: 7777: 5494: 8: 8535: 8285: 8211: 7974: 7897:, English edition No. 59, 2006 (International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)) 7868: 3650: 3466: 2922: 2816: 2625: 2405: 2238: 2228: 2213: 2193: 2188: 2168: 2148: 2143: 2108: 2103: 2093: 2073: 2028: 2008: 1928: 1918: 1848: 1734: 1701: 1690: 1492: 1467: 1432: 1318: 1208: 1090: 1077: 830: 825: 736: 660: 564: 550: 408: 3402:
Red Army commander and prominent officers of the final attack, clockwise from top left:
8704: 8553: 8477: 7989: 7949: 7700:
The Russian Revolution and the Baltic Fleet: War and Politics, February 1917–April 1918
7629: 7417: 7409: 4822: 3914: 3899: 3882: 3742: 3738: 3585: 3064: 3019: 2943: 2936: 2904: 2849: 2808: 2688:
particularly the peasantry, who felt disadvantaged by government grain requisitioning (
2559: 2223: 2208: 2088: 2083: 2078: 2053: 1988: 1938: 1933: 1713: 1679: 1633: 1559: 1549: 1452: 1293: 1218: 590: 337: 238: 193: 20: 7883: 4625: 2562:, it was the last major revolt against Bolshevik rule on Russian territory during the 1163: 8520: 8449: 8366: 8343: 8042: 8015: 7953: 7789: 7732: 7722: 7703: 7683: 7673: 7656: 7646: 7621: 7583: 7573: 7541: 7531: 7496: 7469: 7444: 7421: 7399: 7353: 7298: 7273: 6977: 6859: 6466: 5633: 4814: 4773: 4181: 4116: 4077: 4050: 4023: 3966: 3850: 3802: 3790: 3678: 3228:
security in the city and free up soldiers and sailors for the defense of the island.
3208: 2911: 2665: 2645: 2594: 2563: 2435: 2365: 2158: 2063: 1958: 1707: 1427: 1248: 1118: 1052: 912: 795: 765: 714: 574: 569: 364: 323: 41: 7413: 7385: 6838:
The Red Army : the Red Army, 1918 to 1945, the Soviet Army, 1946 to the present
The Red Army : the Red Army, 1918 to 1945, the Soviet Army, 1946 to the present
The Red Army : the Red Army, 1918 to 1945, the Soviet Army, 1946 to the present
5328: 3132:
revolt, although some rebels joined Wrangel's forces after the insurrection failed.
8548: 8444: 8414: 8381: 8164: 8094: 8089: 7918: 7613: 7565: 7391: 6941: 6855:
Popular Perceptions of Soviet Politics in the 1920s: Disenchantment of the Dreamers
4806: 3860: 3610: 3573: 3565: 3232: 3184: 3047: 2915: 2764: 2727: 2641: 2574: 2551: 2507: 2453: 2345: 1816: 1801: 1685: 1627: 1564: 1539: 1482: 1457: 1308: 1253: 1168: 1067: 1027: 937: 932: 810: 748: 741: 692: 687: 682: 670: 650: 540: 486: 289: 227: 8583: 8434: 7984: 7890: 7526: 5034: 4071: 3987:
3707: 3487: 3004: 2703: 2690: 2547: 2463: 2395: 1653: 1604: 1477: 1328: 1228: 1223: 1203: 1173: 1128: 1123: 1113: 1007: 887: 726: 719: 655: 515: 284:
Second assault: 527–1,412; a much higher number if the first assault is included.
7852: 5391: 5256: 3605:
sailors and the Bolshevik infantry alike were dispersed throughout the country.
the south and east, while a smaller contingent of cadets gathered to the north.
3477: 3167:, became enemies of Kronstadt after dropping an accusative leaflet over the city 2876: 2776:, aimed to take control of the party leadership. Another wing of the party, the 1283: 1103: 8563: 8487: 8482: 8472: 8439: 8424: 8404: 8353: 8338: 8307: 8154: 7751: 7239: 3835: 3806: 3725: 3569: 3120: 3111: 2617: 2606: 2602: 2410: 2400: 1796: 1791: 1781: 1534: 1183: 1098: 1032: 962: 917: 897: 892: 205: 7736: 7569: 4810: 3801:
to present the notion of ideological continuity and reinforce the position of
troops, tried to close even more protest-affiliated factories, and proclaimed
8663: 8573: 8543: 8515: 8505: 8429: 8386: 8376: 8371: 8361: 7999: 7856: 7695: 7687: 7625: 7230: 4818: 3877: 3845: 3774: 3758: 3733:
rebels 50 years prior. Seventy years later, a 1994 Russian government report
3730: 3690: 3666: 3646: 3512: 3411: 3000: 2681: 2677: 2637: 2629: 2598: 2543: 1811: 1756: 1574: 1524: 1442: 1343: 1298: 1263: 1243: 1198: 1153: 972: 967: 947: 104: 91: 79: 7660: 4140: 8568: 8510: 8454: 8419: 8217:
Group of forces in battle with the counterrevolution in the South of Russia
8206: 8196: 7801: 7763: 7591: 7587: 3810: 3785: 3578: 3558: 3554: 3537: 3516: 3415: 3207:
On the afternoon of March 2, Kronstadt delegates crossed the frozen sea to
2926: 2621: 2584: 2570: 2569:
Disappointed in the direction of the Bolshevik government, the rebels—whom
2555: 2527: 2360: 2350: 1821: 1786: 1638: 1348: 1273: 1213: 1188: 1133: 942: 877: 216: 159: 5529: 4313: 3720:
Soviet international diplomacy concurrent with the rebellion, such as the
3669:, in Kronstadt's Anchor Square, with the Naval Cathedral in the background 2973:
To request all branches of the Army, as well as our comrades the military
8578: 8558: 8409: 8333: 7912: 7545: 7521: 7395: 5919: 5735: 3904: 3701: 3694: 3553:
imprisoned, though more were killed in vengeance as the battle subsided.
3450: 3424: 3128:'s assistance, no help came to the island during the two-week rebellion. 2769: 2745: 1806: 1761: 1353: 1323: 1313: 1268: 1143: 1047: 957: 815: 6007: 5809: 5495:"The Truth about Kronstadt: A Translation and Discussion of the Authors" 5471: 5365: 5363: 5228: 4380: 2722:
When the situation seemed to calm down in Moscow, protests broke out in
2459: 8396: 8266: 8261: 8054: 7633: 7594: 6570: 6384: 6038: 5605: 5312: 3798: 3508: 3407: 2980:
To demand that the press give the fullest publicity to our resolutions;
To elect a Commission to review the cases of those held in prisons and
2669: 2589: 2535: 2390: 2375: 2370: 1663: 1338: 1042: 1012: 907: 800: 374: 5891: 5176: 4826: 4794: 3145: 3003:. The authorities tried to appease the spirit of the crowd by sending 2960:(Bolshevik units armed to suppress traffic and confiscate foodstuffs); 2788: 7979: 5455: 5439: 5423: 5360: 5109: 5018: 4954: 4899: 4728: 4681: 4510: 3985:
Kronstadt Rebellion, Kronstädter Aufstand In: Dictionary of Marxism,
3794: 3754: 3686: 3630: 3503: 3125: 2804: 2757: 2723: 2660:
Prior to 1917, Kronstadt sailors revolted in 1905 (depicted) and 1906
2539: 2430: 2380: 1648: 1233: 1057: 952: 598: 75: 7874: 7617: 6973:
Opening the Door?: Immigration and Integration in the European Union
6240: 3748:
In popular American intellectual usage, the term "Kronstadt" became
3621: 3163:
Zinoviev, chair of the Petrograd council, and Trotsky, chair of the
for workers and peasants, for Anarchists and left Socialist parties;
8174: 7815: 5093: 3437: 3428: 3236: 2829: 2741: 2673: 1668: 1258: 1022: 770: 49: 7437:
Telling October: Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution
2449: 7809: 7564:. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 430–450. 5668: 3749: 3384: 2825: 2531: 2420: 862: 758: 7827: 7085: 3549: 3393: 2841: 2736:. The provincial Bolsheviks mobilized to deal with the crisis. 2707: 1569: 1108: 83: 4152:. Vol. xii. CUP Archive. p. 448. GGKEY:Q5W2KNWHCQB. 3015: 2780:, advocated for the decentralization of power to the soviets. 2609:
but was turned away due to his previous Bolshevik membership.
8251: 7039: 7037: 7024: 7022: 6976:. Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies. p. 421. 6134: 6132: 4194: 2749: 2695: 2633: 1333: 7492:
Stalin's Terror of 1937-1938: Political Genocide in the USSR
5545: 5083: 5081: 4769:
Stalin's Terror of 1937-1938: Political Genocide in the USSR
4303: 4301: 4046:
Stalin's Terror of 1937–1938: Political Genocide in the USSR
Stalin's Terror of 1937–1938: Political Genocide in the USSR
3373: 7782:, 1921, published by the Socialist Revolutionary newspaper 7702:. Studies in Russian and East European History. Macmillan. 7097: 7049: 5763: 7211: 7133: 7073: 7034: 7019: 6990: 6951: 6911: 6899: 6816: 6770: 6702: 6690: 6639: 6586: 6546: 6522: 6510: 6498: 6400: 6348: 6273: 6216: 6180: 6144: 6129: 6117: 6105: 6093: 6054: 6028: 6026: 5995: 5983: 5971: 5947: 5879: 5852: 5830: 5828: 5799: 5797: 5795: 5782: 5780: 5778: 5751: 5701: 5699: 5658: 5656: 5593: 4920: 4918: 4889: 4887: 4885: 4872: 4870: 4838: 4836: 4560: 4558: 4556: 4440: 4438: 4425: 4423: 4370: 4368: 3685:
and towards bureaucratic repression and what would become
On March 16, as Kronstadt accepted a proposal for Russian
part in important revolutionary period events such as the
7189: 7187: 7162: 7160: 7009: 7007: 7005: 6877: 6875: 6719: 6717: 6671: 6669: 6656: 6654: 6629: 6627: 6625: 6456: 6454: 6417: 6415: 6290: 6288: 6263: 6261: 6259: 6083: 6081: 5869: 5867: 5078: 4749: 4747: 4706: 4704: 4702: 4700: 4603: 4601: 4599: 4597: 4298: 4262: 4237: 4235: 4233: 4218: 2990:(individual small scale) production by one's own efforts. 5569: 4090: 7643:
A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution
6360: 6336: 6192: 6066: 6023: 5840: 5825: 5792: 5775: 5723: 5711: 5696: 5653: 5621: 5581: 5411: 5348: 5244: 5216: 5192: 5149: 5066: 5054: 5006: 4994: 4970: 4942: 4930: 4915: 4882: 4867: 4857: 4855: 4853: 4851: 4833: 4669: 4645: 4613: 4582: 4553: 4541: 4531: 4529: 4498: 4474: 4435: 4420: 4396: 4365: 4341: 4286: 3600:
Petrichenko and other Kronstadt rebels in Finnish exile
7721:. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 7184: 7172: 7157: 7145: 7121: 7109: 7061: 7002: 6923: 6887: 6872: 6758: 6746: 6714: 6666: 6651: 6622: 6610: 6598: 6558: 6534: 6451: 6439: 6427: 6412: 6372: 6324: 6285: 6256: 6228: 6204: 6168: 6156: 6078: 5959: 5935: 5907: 5864: 5379: 5125: 4982: 4744: 4716: 4697: 4594: 4252: 4250: 4230: 3665:
Monument to the Victims of Revolutions, containing an
Around 1,000 killed in battle and 1,200–2,168 executed
The Kronstadt Uprising: A View from within the Revolt
Ostermann, Christian F; Byrne, Malcolm, eds. (2001).
6486: 5684: 5557: 5517: 4167: 2798:
during the March 1917 Baltic Fleet riot of March 1917
2521: 7948: 5300: 5204: 5137: 4848: 4657: 4570: 4526: 4486: 4462: 4450: 4408: 4353: 4329: 4274: 4177:
Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union
2855: 319: 7837:
Book Three. Struggle for the Real Social Revolution
Kronstadt 1917–1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy
4247: 4206: 3673:The Kronstadt rebellion was the last major Russian 7756:, archive of the newspaper published by the rebels 7884:"Kronstadt 1921 Bolshevism vs. Counterrevolution" 3999:"Leon Trotsky: Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt (1938)" 3729:rebels repeated the same fatal hesitation of the 8661: 7558:"The Crisis of War Communism: Kronstadt and NEP" 2672:presided over a nation in ruin. Their communist 7530:. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 7468:. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 19, 20. 7295:Up Society's Ass, Copper: Rereading Philip Roth 7259: 6841:. New York : Harcourt, Brace. p. 385. 6812:. New York : Harcourt, Brace. p. 385. 6742:. New York : Harcourt, Brace. p. 385. 6687:Two columns from the north, four from the south 3954: 3952: 7383: 7297:. University of Wisconsin Press. p. 237. 6788: 3625:Captured Kronstadt sailors summarily executed. 2550:, Kronstadt defended the former capital city, 7934: 7243:. Vol. 69, no. 50. pp. 64–83. 2983:To appoint a Traveling Commission of Control; 2483: 305: 7339: 6963: 6834: 6805: 6735: 3949: 3700:In his analysis of the rebellion, historian 531:Spring 1919 counteroffensive of the Red Army 7772:archives about suppression of the rebellion 7311: 6946:Кронштадтская трагедия 1921 года. Документы 6795:. New York, F.A. Praeger. pp. 105–106. 4795:"The Baltic Fleet and the Kronstadt Mutiny" 4102: 2868: 2554:(now Saint Petersburg), as the base of the 7941: 7927: 7552: 7265: 6851: 6580: 6472: 6394: 6310: 6150: 6048: 6001: 5815: 5615: 5477: 5318: 5234: 5087: 4631: 4516: 4386: 4323: 4307: 4268: 4224: 4200: 4096: 4076:. Princeton University Press. p. 95. 3027:arm themselves while others abandoned it. 2490: 2476: 2386:Definition of anarchism and libertarianism 312: 298: 7672:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 6948:, Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1999, V. 2, pp. 61-67. 3958: 7716: 7694: 7605:American Slavic and East European Review 7352:. Harvard University Press. p. 79. 7292: 6480: 6318: 5929: 5901: 5745: 5647: 5481: 5354: 5342: 5294: 5250: 5238: 5198: 5186: 5103: 5060: 5048: 5012: 5000: 4976: 4964: 4948: 4936: 4924: 4909: 4893: 4876: 4842: 4792: 4738: 4691: 4639: 4564: 4429: 4390: 4374: 4180:. Harvard University Press. p. 91. 4108: 3660: 3620: 3595: 3541:delegates from the 10th Party Congress. 3099: 3074: 3070: 3014: 2875: 2787: 2655: 8202:Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine 8145:Provisional Committee of the State Duma 7667: 7601: 7488: 7345: 7229: 6969: 6366: 6342: 6314: 6250: 6198: 6072: 6032: 6017: 5897: 5846: 5834: 5819: 5803: 5786: 5769: 5729: 5717: 5705: 5662: 5643: 5627: 5587: 5551: 5539: 5535: 5465: 5449: 5433: 5405: 5401: 5385: 5373: 5338: 5322: 5290: 5286: 5270: 5266: 5167: 5131: 5119: 5044: 5028: 4988: 4960: 4905: 4765: 4753: 4734: 4722: 4710: 4687: 4635: 4607: 4241: 4173: 4042: 4015: 3962:Mutiny: A History of Naval Insurrection 3793:in which he argued had falsely equated 3088:manifesto in the island's new journal. 3009:All-Russian Central Executive Committee 2538:government in the Russian port city of 526:Spring 1919 offensive of the White Army 8662: 8257:Russian Social Democratic Labour Party 7520: 7463: 7434: 7317: 7217: 7193: 7178: 7166: 7151: 7139: 7127: 7115: 7103: 7091: 7079: 7067: 7055: 7043: 7028: 7013: 6996: 6957: 6929: 6917: 6905: 6893: 6881: 6822: 6776: 6764: 6752: 6723: 6708: 6696: 6675: 6660: 6645: 6633: 6616: 6604: 6592: 6576: 6564: 6552: 6540: 6528: 6516: 6504: 6460: 6445: 6433: 6421: 6406: 6390: 6378: 6354: 6330: 6306: 6294: 6279: 6267: 6246: 6234: 6222: 6210: 6186: 6174: 6162: 6138: 6123: 6111: 6099: 6087: 6060: 6044: 6013: 5989: 5977: 5965: 5953: 5941: 5925: 5913: 5885: 5873: 5858: 5757: 5741: 5690: 5674: 5639: 5611: 5599: 5575: 5563: 5523: 5461: 5445: 5429: 5417: 5397: 5369: 5334: 5306: 5282: 5262: 5222: 5210: 5182: 5155: 5143: 5115: 5099: 5072: 5040: 5024: 4861: 4675: 4663: 4651: 4619: 4588: 4576: 4547: 4504: 4492: 4480: 4468: 4456: 4444: 4414: 4402: 4359: 4347: 4335: 4319: 4292: 4280: 4256: 4212: 4069: 3965:. Naval Institute Press. p. 174. 3265: 3183:, but the return of power to the free 1438:Spanish Regional Federation of the IWA 7922: 7640: 7390:. Central European University Press. 7272:. Rough Guides Limited. p. 283. 7247:from the original on October 24, 2020 6492: 6476: 5678: 4535: 4520: 293: 8085:Armenian–Azerbaijani war (1918–1920) 7877:Kronstadt and the Russian Revolution 7439:. Cornell University Press. p.  7205:Quoted in Introduction, pp. 4–5, of 5505:from the original on 10 January 2017 3486:Bolshevik artillery on the shore of 3174:restore power to the freely elected 2783: 16:1921 anti-Bolshevik revolt in Russia 8048:Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic 7495:. Mehring Books. pp. 359–365. 7489:Rogovin, Vadim Zakharovich (2009). 7324:. Plunkett Lake Press. p. 26. 4766:Rogovin, Vadim Zakharovich (2009). 4043:Rogovin, Vadim Zakharovich (2009). 4016:Rogovin, Vadim Zakharovich (2009). 3336: 3308: 3135: 13: 8730:Uprisings of the Russian Civil War 8720:Massacres of the Russian Civil War 8710:Petrograd in the Russian Civil War 8170:Council of the People's Commissars 7853:John Clare, "The Kronstadt Mutiny" 6835:Liddell Hart, Basil Henry (1956). 6806:Liddell Hart, Basil Henry (1956). 6736:Liddell Hart, Basil Henry (1956). 3564:. A military commission headed by 2597:. According to Russian historian, 14: 8741: 7745: 3294: 3280: 2856:Growing discontent and opposition 8180:Military Revolutionary Committee 7812:'s "Hue and Cry Over Kronstadt". 7806:"Leon Trotsky Protests Too Much" 7482: 7457: 7428: 7377: 7286: 7269:The Rough Guide to St Petersburg 7223: 7199: 6935: 6845: 6828: 6799: 6782: 6729: 6681: 4149:The New Cambridge Modern History 4112:Lenin and the Russian Revolution 3476: 3465: 3392: 3383: 3372: 3363: 3335: 3322: 3321: 3307: 3293: 3279: 3272: 3153: 3144: 2772:-aligned opposition groups, the 2706:) and in the cities, especially 2458: 2448: 1473:International Conference of Rome 1463:International Conference of Rome 605: 244: 232: 221: 210: 199: 187: 167: 149: 48: 8075:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 7366:from the original on 2021-01-19 7328:from the original on 2021-01-19 5487: 5161: 4786: 4759: 4156:from the original on 2020-04-30 4129:from the original on 2020-04-30 3945:Kronstadt and Petrograd in 1917 3779:dissolution of the Soviet Union 3456: 3231:At a tumultuous meeting of the 2977:, to concur in our resolutions; 2907:among the workers and peasants; 8609:German Revolution of 1918–1919 8150:Russian Provisional Government 4772:. Mehring Books. p. 359. 4063: 4049:. Mehring Books. p. 361. 4036: 4009: 3991: 3979: 3959:Guttridge, Leonard F. (2006). 3938: 2778:Group of Democratic Centralism 2581:socialist and anarchist groups 1585:Australian Anarchist Centenary 1510:German Revolution of 1918–1919 1: 8274:Socialist Revolutionary Party 8021:Ukrainian War of Independence 7513: 6792:The Red Army, a short history 4070:Avrich, Paul (14 July 2014). 3873:Explosion in Leontievsky Lane 2668:wound down in late 1920, the 2651: 1772:Decentralized planned economy 501:Czechoslovak Legionary Revolt 271:Second assault: 25,000–30,000 8185:Russian Constituent Assembly 8080:Red Army invasion of Georgia 8065:Estonian War of Independence 3895:Chilean naval mutiny of 1931 3841:Hungarian Revolution of 1956 3722:Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement 3591: 2534:, and civilians against the 998:Proletarian internationalism 7: 8629:Workers' Councils in Poland 8227:Ukrainian People's Republic 8070:Latvian War of Independence 5168:Berkman, Alexander (1922). 3856:Soviet Republic of Naissaar 3820: 3584:Faced with the prospect of 2956:To abolish immediately all 2811:, the assassination of the 2522: 1520:1919 United States bombings 353:Central Powers intervention 10: 8746: 8649:Belarusian-Soviet conflict 8291:General Jewish Labour Bund 8160:Pro-independence movements 7717:Schapiro, Leonard (1965). 7435:Corney, Frederick (2018). 6789:O'Ballance, Edgar (1964). 4174:Hosking, Geoffrey (2006). 3925:Spithead and Nore mutinies 3771:Khrushchev's Secret Speech 2929:and peasant organizations; 2713: 2523:Kronshtadtskoye vosstaniye 2426:Situationist International 1730:Self-managed social center 1545:Spanish Revolution of 1936 18: 8619:Hungarian Soviet Republic 8596: 8534: 8496: 8463: 8395: 8352: 8324: 8306: 8299: 8237: 8137: 8008: 7995:Kerensky–Krasnov uprising 7967: 7960: 7779:The Truth About Kronstadt 7668:Getzler, Israel (2002) . 7570:10.1515/9781400858705-024 7554:Chamberlin, William Henry 7346:Kimmage, Michael (2009). 5170:"The Kronstadt Rebellion" 4811:10.1080/09668137308410887 4115:. Heinemann. p. 56. 3656: 3165:Revolutionary War Council 2832:after the signing of the 2756:, and key leaders of the 2754:Socialist Revolutionaries 2511: 1600:Really Really Free Market 1595:1999 Seattle WTO protests 1063:Temporary autonomous zone 988:Permanent autonomous zone 923:Consensus decision-making 333: 275: 258: 180: 141: 58: 47: 39: 34: 25:Kronstadt Uprising (band) 23:. For the punk band, see 8695:Anti-Bolshevik uprisings 8614:Bavarian Soviet Republic 8604:Revolutions of 1917–1923 7318:Lourie, Richard (2019). 7266:Richardson, Dan (2008). 7094:, pp. 218, 221–222. 6858:. Springer. p. 41. 4109:Phillips, Steve (2000). 3931: 3920:Royal Indian Navy mutiny 3181:representative democracy 2967:judgment of the workers; 1827:Workers' self-management 1725:Radical environmentalism 1674:Independent Media Center 1590:Carnival Against Capital 1515:Bavarian Soviet Republic 1504:Manifesto of the Sixteen 903:Autonomous social center 536:Great Siberian Ice March 8675:20th-century rebellions 8031:Kiev Bolshevik Uprising 7795:The Kronstadt Rebellion 7641:Figes, Orlando (1997). 7464:Broue., Pierre (1992). 7293:Shechner, Mark (2003). 6852:Velikanova, O. (2013). 4793:Mawdsley, Evan (1973). 3866:West Siberian rebellion 3809:, the commissar of the 3767:intervention in Hungary 3117:French Foreign Ministry 2958:zagryaditelniye otryadi 2834:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 2512:Кронштадтское восстание 1767:Cost the limit of price 8644:Slovak Soviet Republic 8624:Hungarian–Romanian War 8326:Provisional Government 7832:The Unknown Revolution 7808:, 1938, a response to 7753:The Kronstadt Izvestia 3718: 3670: 3626: 3601: 3124:called on the Russian 3080: 3061:Democratic Centralists 3023: 2993: 2881: 2813:Provisional Government 2799: 2661: 2579:(councils) to include 1914:Bosnia and Herzegovina 1003:Propaganda of the deed 993:Prefigurative politics 983:Participatory politics 928:Conscientious objector 470:Armenia and Azerbaijan 266:Second assault: 17,961 181:Commanders and leaders 8316:Nicholas II of Russia 7844:"Kronstadt Rebellion" 7821:The Kronstadt Commune 7321:Sakharov: A Biography 7233:(February 14, 1994). 6970:Novotny, V’t (2012). 3713: 3689:totalitarianism, the 3683:libertarian socialism 3664: 3624: 3599: 3100:Opposition activities 3078: 3071:Reaction in Petrograd 3018: 2900: 2879: 2791: 2659: 2416:Libertarian socialism 1580:Kate Sharpley Library 1555:Red inverted triangle 1498:High Treason Incident 1488:Congress of Amsterdam 1073:Voluntary association 883:Anti-authoritarianism 873:Anarchist criminology 868:Anarchist Black Cross 276:Casualties and losses 269:First assault: 10,073 264:First assault: 11,000 105:60.01250°N 29.73361°E 8634:Polish–Ukrainian War 8036:Polish–Ukrainian War 8026:Ukrainian–Soviet War 7645:. New York: Viking. 7414:10.7829/j.ctv280b6bh 7396:10.7829/j.ctv280b6bh 7106:, pp. 220, 224. 7058:, pp. 225, 227. 6309:, pp. 138–139; 6016:, pp. 164–165; 5928:, pp. 125–126; 5744:, pp. 182–183; 5554:, pp. 217, 227. 5542:, pp. 217, 227. 3910:Mutiny in the Indies 3763:East German uprising 3351:class=notpageimage| 3245:Mikhail Tukhachevsky 2905:freedom of agitation 2299:Fictional characters 1720:Radical cheerleading 433:Ukrainian-Soviet War 251:Mikhail Tukhachevsky 8685:Anarchist uprisings 8680:Anarchism in Russia 8286:Union of October 17 8105:Kronstadt rebellion 8100:Workers' Opposition 7975:February Revolution 7235:"The Exile Returns" 7220:, pp. 219–220. 7142:, pp. 231–232. 7082:, pp. 220–222. 7046:, pp. 226–227. 7031:, pp. 225–226. 6999:, pp. 216–217. 6960:, pp. 215–216. 6920:, pp. 213–214. 6908:, pp. 209–210. 6825:, pp. 211–212. 6779:, pp. 210–211. 6711:, pp. 204–206. 6699:, pp. 202–204. 6648:, pp. 202–203. 6595:, pp. 198–200. 6555:, pp. 196–197. 6531:, pp. 194–196. 6519:, pp. 193–194. 6507:, pp. 152–155. 6409:, pp. 145–147. 6357:, pp. 139–141. 6282:, pp. 137–138. 6225:, pp. 157–158. 6189:, pp. 171–172. 6141:, pp. 191–192. 6126:, pp. 190–191. 6114:, pp. 170–171. 6102:, pp. 161–162. 6063:, pp. 162–163. 5992:, pp. 127–128. 5980:, pp. 126–127. 5956:, pp. 116–118. 5888:, pp. 123–125. 5861:, pp. 114–115. 5772:, pp. 246–247. 5760:, pp. 101–102. 5602:, pp. 186–187. 4326:, p. 432, 440. 4203:, pp. 430–432. 3651:New Economic Policy 3442:10th Party Congress 3266:Attack on Kronstadt 3211:to disseminate the 3040:Alexander Kozlovsky 2944:concentration camps 2937:political prisoners 2923:freedom of assembly 2820:bureaucratization. 2817:Soviet Baltic Fleet 2774:Workers' Opposition 2626:New Economic Policy 2530:of Soviet sailors, 2504:Kronstadt rebellion 2406:Left-libertarianism 1702:No gods, no masters 1530:Kronstadt rebellion 1468:Trial of the Thirty 1433:Revolutions of 1848 348:Allied intervention 343:Left-wing uprisings 130:Uprising suppressed 101: /  35:Kronstadt rebellion 8554:Stepan Petrichenko 8478:Alexander Kerensky 7990:October Revolution 7950:Russian Revolution 7889:2013-08-02 at the 7862:A People's Tragedy 7770:The New York Times 5642:, pp. 95–96; 5464:, pp. 85–86; 5448:, pp. 83–84; 5432:, pp. 80–81; 5372:, pp. 78–79; 5337:, pp. 78–79; 5285:, pp. 76–77; 5185:, pp. 73–74; 5118:, pp. 71–72; 5027:, pp. 70–71; 3915:Revolt of the Lash 3900:Invergordon Mutiny 3883:26 Baku Commissars 3743:Kronstadt Fortress 3739:Aleksandr Yakovlev 3671: 3627: 3614:against wishes." 3602: 3586:summary executions 3496:during the assault 3490:and damage to the 3081: 3065:Workers Opposition 3024: 3020:Stepan Petrichenko 3007:, chairman of the 2882: 2850:Fyodor Raskolnikov 2809:October Revolution 2800: 2662: 2560:Stepan Petrichenko 2356:Anti-globalization 2289:Anarcho-punk bands 1974:Dominican Republic 1714:Property is theft! 1680:The Internationale 1634:Anarchist bookfair 1560:Labadie Collection 1550:Barcelona May Days 1453:Cantonal rebellion 780:Without adjectives 639:Schools of thought 338:October Revolution 239:Kliment Voroshilov 194:Stepan Petrichenko 110:60.01250; 29.73361 21:Kronstadt mutinies 8715:March 1921 events 8700:Conflicts in 1921 8657: 8656: 8639:Polish–Soviet War 8592: 8591: 8526:Alexander Antonov 8521:Maria Spiridonova 8450:Felix Dzerzhinsky 8367:Alexander Kolchak 8344:Alexander Guchkov 8133: 8132: 8060:Polish–Soviet War 8043:Finnish Civil War 8016:Russian Civil War 7790:Alexander Berkman 7774:, March 11, 1921. 7760:Kronstadt Archive 7728:978-0-674-64451-9 7709:978-1-349-03761-2 7679:978-0-521-89442-5 7652:978-0-670-85916-0 7502:978-1-893638-04-4 7475:978-0-7486-0317-6 7450:978-1-5017-2703-0 7405:978-963-9241-17-6 7359:978-0-674-05412-7 7304:978-0-299-19354-6 7279:978-1-84836-326-7 6983:978-2-930632-11-7 6865:978-1-137-03075-7 5578:, pp. 86–87. 5420:, pp. 80–81. 5225:, pp. 75–76. 5172:. pp. 10–11. 5158:, pp. 72–74. 5075:, pp. 67–68. 4779:978-1-893638-04-4 4678:, pp. 62–63. 4654:, pp. 58–59. 4622:, pp. 33–34. 4591:, pp. 49–50. 4550:, pp. 47–48. 4507:, pp. 42–44. 4483:, pp. 38–39. 4447:, pp. 37–38. 4405:, pp. 36–37. 4350:, pp. 35–36. 4295:, pp. 35–37. 4122:978-0-435-32719-4 4083:978-1-4008-5908-5 4056:978-1-893638-04-4 4029:978-1-893638-04-4 4022:. Mehring Books. 3972:978-1-59114-348-2 3851:Russian anarchism 3803:counter-communism 3791:Dmitri Volkogonov 3784:French historian 3562:since World War I 2912:freedom of speech 2784:Fleet composition 2666:Russian Civil War 2628:, which replaced 2595:Felix Dzerzhinsky 2564:Russian Civil War 2520: 2500: 2499: 2436:Spontaneous order 2366:Anti-war movement 2309:Jewish anarchists 1708:Popular education 1428:French Revolution 1053:Spontaneous order 913:Classless society 838: 837: 796:Counter-economics 583: 582: 325:Russian Civil War 288: 287: 155:Kronstadt rebels 137: 136: 127:Bolshevik victory 42:Russian Civil War 8737: 8549:Maria Nikiforova 8445:Nikolai Bukharin 8415:Grigory Zinoviev 8382:Nikolai Yudenich 8304: 8303: 8165:Petrograd Soviet 8095:Tambov Rebellion 8090:Left SR uprising 7965: 7964: 7943: 7936: 7929: 7920: 7919: 7905: 7740: 7713: 7691: 7664: 7637: 7598: 7549: 7507: 7506: 7486: 7480: 7479: 7461: 7455: 7454: 7432: 7426: 7425: 7381: 7375: 7374: 7372: 7371: 7343: 7337: 7336: 7334: 7333: 7315: 7309: 7308: 7290: 7284: 7283: 7263: 7257: 7256: 7254: 7252: 7227: 7221: 7215: 7209: 7207:'Kronstadt 1921' 7203: 7197: 7191: 7182: 7176: 7170: 7164: 7155: 7149: 7143: 7137: 7131: 7125: 7119: 7113: 7107: 7101: 7095: 7089: 7083: 7077: 7071: 7065: 7059: 7053: 7047: 7041: 7032: 7026: 7017: 7011: 7000: 6994: 6988: 6987: 6967: 6961: 6955: 6949: 6939: 6933: 6927: 6921: 6915: 6909: 6903: 6897: 6891: 6885: 6879: 6870: 6869: 6849: 6843: 6842: 6832: 6826: 6820: 6814: 6813: 6803: 6797: 6796: 6786: 6780: 6774: 6768: 6762: 6756: 6750: 6744: 6743: 6733: 6727: 6721: 6712: 6706: 6700: 6694: 6688: 6685: 6679: 6673: 6664: 6658: 6649: 6643: 6637: 6631: 6620: 6614: 6608: 6602: 6596: 6590: 6584: 6574: 6568: 6562: 6556: 6550: 6544: 6538: 6532: 6526: 6520: 6514: 6508: 6502: 6496: 6490: 6484: 6470: 6464: 6458: 6449: 6443: 6437: 6431: 6425: 6419: 6410: 6404: 6398: 6388: 6382: 6376: 6370: 6364: 6358: 6352: 6346: 6340: 6334: 6328: 6322: 6304: 6298: 6292: 6283: 6277: 6271: 6265: 6254: 6244: 6238: 6232: 6226: 6220: 6214: 6208: 6202: 6196: 6190: 6184: 6178: 6172: 6166: 6160: 6154: 6148: 6142: 6136: 6127: 6121: 6115: 6109: 6103: 6097: 6091: 6085: 6076: 6070: 6064: 6058: 6052: 6042: 6036: 6030: 6021: 6011: 6005: 5999: 5993: 5987: 5981: 5975: 5969: 5963: 5957: 5951: 5945: 5939: 5933: 5923: 5917: 5911: 5905: 5895: 5889: 5883: 5877: 5871: 5862: 5856: 5850: 5844: 5838: 5832: 5823: 5813: 5807: 5801: 5790: 5784: 5773: 5767: 5761: 5755: 5749: 5739: 5733: 5727: 5721: 5715: 5709: 5703: 5694: 5688: 5682: 5672: 5666: 5660: 5651: 5637: 5631: 5625: 5619: 5609: 5603: 5597: 5591: 5585: 5579: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5555: 5549: 5543: 5533: 5527: 5521: 5515: 5514: 5512: 5510: 5491: 5485: 5475: 5469: 5459: 5453: 5443: 5437: 5427: 5421: 5415: 5409: 5395: 5389: 5383: 5377: 5367: 5358: 5352: 5346: 5332: 5326: 5316: 5310: 5304: 5298: 5280: 5274: 5260: 5254: 5248: 5242: 5232: 5226: 5220: 5214: 5208: 5202: 5196: 5190: 5180: 5174: 5173: 5165: 5159: 5153: 5147: 5141: 5135: 5129: 5123: 5113: 5107: 5097: 5091: 5085: 5076: 5070: 5064: 5058: 5052: 5038: 5032: 5022: 5016: 5010: 5004: 4998: 4992: 4986: 4980: 4974: 4968: 4958: 4952: 4946: 4940: 4934: 4928: 4922: 4913: 4903: 4897: 4891: 4880: 4874: 4865: 4859: 4846: 4840: 4831: 4830: 4790: 4784: 4783: 4763: 4757: 4751: 4742: 4732: 4726: 4720: 4714: 4708: 4695: 4685: 4679: 4673: 4667: 4661: 4655: 4649: 4643: 4629: 4623: 4617: 4611: 4605: 4592: 4586: 4580: 4574: 4568: 4562: 4551: 4545: 4539: 4533: 4524: 4514: 4508: 4502: 4496: 4490: 4484: 4478: 4472: 4466: 4460: 4454: 4448: 4442: 4433: 4427: 4418: 4412: 4406: 4400: 4394: 4384: 4378: 4372: 4363: 4357: 4351: 4345: 4339: 4333: 4327: 4317: 4311: 4305: 4296: 4290: 4284: 4278: 4272: 4266: 4260: 4254: 4245: 4239: 4228: 4222: 4216: 4210: 4204: 4198: 4192: 4191: 4171: 4165: 4164: 4162: 4161: 4144: 4138: 4137: 4135: 4134: 4106: 4100: 4094: 4088: 4087: 4067: 4061: 4060: 4040: 4034: 4033: 4013: 4007: 4006: 3995: 3989: 3983: 3977: 3976: 3956: 3947: 3942: 3861:Tambov Rebellion 3611:Georg Elfvengren 3574:chemical warfare 3566:Sergei Sheydeman 3480: 3469: 3396: 3387: 3376: 3367: 3339: 3338: 3325: 3324: 3311: 3310: 3297: 3296: 3283: 3282: 3276: 3233:Petrograd Soviet 3185:workers councils 3157: 3148: 3136:Rebel activities 3048:Petrograd Soviet 2935:To liberate all 2792:The crew of the 2765:authoritarianism 2728:Grigori Zinoviev 2525: 2515: 2513: 2492: 2485: 2478: 2462: 2454:Anarchism portal 2452: 2346:Anti-consumerism 2341:Anti-corporatism 1817:Social ownership 1802:Market socialism 1777:Free association 1686:Jewish anarchism 1628:A las Barricadas 1540:Amakasu Incident 1483:Strandza Commune 1458:Haymarket affair 1078:Workers' council 1068:Union of egoists 1028:Security culture 938:Decentralization 933:Critique of work 671:Total liberation 645: 644: 609: 586: 585: 328: 326: 314: 307: 300: 291: 290: 254: 249: 248: 247: 237: 236: 235: 228:Grigory Zinoviev 226: 225: 224: 215: 214: 213: 204: 203: 202: 192: 191: 190: 173: 171: 170: 154: 153: 152: 116: 115: 113: 112: 111: 106: 102: 99: 98: 97: 94: 66:March 1–18, 1921 60: 59: 52: 32: 31: 8745: 8744: 8740: 8739: 8738: 8736: 8735: 8734: 8660: 8659: 8658: 8653: 8588: 8584:Peter Kropotkin 8530: 8492: 8459: 8435:Semyon Budyonny 8391: 8348: 8320: 8295: 8233: 8222:Tsentralna Rada 8129: 8004: 7985:Kornilov affair 7956: 7947: 7903: 7891:Wayback Machine 7748: 7743: 7729: 7710: 7680: 7653: 7618:10.2307/2492031 7595:chapter/1621439 7580: 7538: 7527:Kronstadt, 1921 7516: 7511: 7510: 7503: 7487: 7483: 7476: 7462: 7458: 7451: 7433: 7429: 7406: 7382: 7378: 7369: 7367: 7360: 7344: 7340: 7331: 7329: 7316: 7312: 7305: 7291: 7287: 7280: 7264: 7260: 7250: 7248: 7228: 7224: 7216: 7212: 7204: 7200: 7192: 7185: 7177: 7173: 7165: 7158: 7150: 7146: 7138: 7134: 7126: 7122: 7114: 7110: 7102: 7098: 7090: 7086: 7078: 7074: 7066: 7062: 7054: 7050: 7042: 7035: 7027: 7020: 7012: 7003: 6995: 6991: 6984: 6968: 6964: 6956: 6952: 6942:Elvengren, G.E. 6940: 6936: 6928: 6924: 6916: 6912: 6904: 6900: 6892: 6888: 6880: 6873: 6866: 6850: 6846: 6833: 6829: 6821: 6817: 6804: 6800: 6787: 6783: 6775: 6771: 6763: 6759: 6751: 6747: 6734: 6730: 6722: 6715: 6707: 6703: 6695: 6691: 6686: 6682: 6674: 6667: 6659: 6652: 6644: 6640: 6632: 6623: 6615: 6611: 6603: 6599: 6591: 6587: 6581:Chamberlin 1987 6579:, p. 198; 6575: 6571: 6563: 6559: 6551: 6547: 6539: 6535: 6527: 6523: 6515: 6511: 6503: 6499: 6491: 6487: 6479:, p. 763; 6475:, p. 443; 6473:Chamberlin 1987 6471: 6467: 6459: 6452: 6444: 6440: 6432: 6428: 6420: 6413: 6405: 6401: 6395:Chamberlin 1987 6393:, p. 144; 6389: 6385: 6377: 6373: 6365: 6361: 6353: 6349: 6341: 6337: 6329: 6325: 6317:, p. 242; 6313:, p. 442; 6311:Chamberlin 1987 6305: 6301: 6293: 6286: 6278: 6274: 6266: 6257: 6249:, p. 158; 6245: 6241: 6233: 6229: 6221: 6217: 6209: 6205: 6197: 6193: 6185: 6181: 6173: 6169: 6161: 6157: 6151:Chamberlin 1987 6149: 6145: 6137: 6130: 6122: 6118: 6110: 6106: 6098: 6094: 6086: 6079: 6071: 6067: 6059: 6055: 6049:Chamberlin 1987 6047:, p. 181; 6043: 6039: 6031: 6024: 6012: 6008: 6002:Chamberlin 1987 6000: 5996: 5988: 5984: 5976: 5972: 5964: 5960: 5952: 5948: 5940: 5936: 5924: 5920: 5912: 5908: 5900:, p. 237; 5896: 5892: 5884: 5880: 5872: 5865: 5857: 5853: 5845: 5841: 5833: 5826: 5818:, p. 443; 5816:Chamberlin 1987 5814: 5810: 5802: 5793: 5785: 5776: 5768: 5764: 5756: 5752: 5740: 5736: 5728: 5724: 5716: 5712: 5704: 5697: 5689: 5685: 5673: 5669: 5661: 5654: 5646:, p. 244; 5638: 5634: 5626: 5622: 5616:Chamberlin 1987 5614:, p. 187; 5610: 5606: 5598: 5594: 5586: 5582: 5574: 5570: 5562: 5558: 5550: 5546: 5538:, p. 244; 5534: 5530: 5522: 5518: 5508: 5506: 5493: 5492: 5488: 5480:, p. 442; 5478:Chamberlin 1987 5476: 5472: 5460: 5456: 5444: 5440: 5428: 5424: 5416: 5412: 5404:, p. 243; 5396: 5392: 5384: 5380: 5368: 5361: 5353: 5349: 5341:, p. 216; 5333: 5329: 5321:, p. 441; 5319:Chamberlin 1987 5317: 5313: 5305: 5301: 5293:, p. 215; 5289:, p. 243; 5281: 5277: 5269:, p. 243; 5261: 5257: 5249: 5245: 5237:, p. 440; 5235:Chamberlin 1987 5233: 5229: 5221: 5217: 5209: 5205: 5197: 5193: 5181: 5177: 5166: 5162: 5154: 5150: 5142: 5138: 5130: 5126: 5114: 5110: 5098: 5094: 5088:Chamberlin 1987 5086: 5079: 5071: 5067: 5059: 5055: 5047:, p. 242; 5039: 5035: 5023: 5019: 5011: 5007: 4999: 4995: 4987: 4983: 4975: 4971: 4963:, p. 205; 4959: 4955: 4947: 4943: 4935: 4931: 4923: 4916: 4908:, p. 210; 4904: 4900: 4892: 4883: 4875: 4868: 4860: 4849: 4841: 4834: 4791: 4787: 4780: 4764: 4760: 4752: 4745: 4737:, p. 226; 4733: 4729: 4721: 4717: 4709: 4698: 4690:, p. 242; 4686: 4682: 4674: 4670: 4662: 4658: 4650: 4646: 4638:, p. 242; 4634:, p. 440; 4632:Chamberlin 1987 4630: 4626: 4618: 4614: 4606: 4595: 4587: 4583: 4575: 4571: 4563: 4554: 4546: 4542: 4534: 4527: 4519:, p. 440; 4517:Chamberlin 1987 4515: 4511: 4503: 4499: 4491: 4487: 4479: 4475: 4467: 4463: 4455: 4451: 4443: 4436: 4428: 4421: 4413: 4409: 4401: 4397: 4389:, p. 432; 4387:Chamberlin 1987 4385: 4381: 4373: 4366: 4358: 4354: 4346: 4342: 4334: 4330: 4324:Chamberlin 1987 4318: 4314: 4308:Chamberlin 1987 4306: 4299: 4291: 4287: 4279: 4275: 4269:Chamberlin 1987 4267: 4263: 4255: 4248: 4240: 4231: 4225:Chamberlin 1987 4223: 4219: 4211: 4207: 4201:Chamberlin 1987 4199: 4195: 4188: 4172: 4168: 4159: 4157: 4146: 4145: 4141: 4132: 4130: 4123: 4107: 4103: 4097:Chamberlin 1987 4095: 4091: 4084: 4073:Kronstadt, 1921 4068: 4064: 4057: 4041: 4037: 4030: 4014: 4010: 3997: 3996: 3992: 3984: 3980: 3973: 3957: 3950: 3943: 3939: 3934: 3929: 3888:Naval mutinies: 3870: 3823: 3708:Kronstadt, 1921 3659: 3594: 3572:, had approved 3500: 3499: 3498: 3497: 3488:Gulf of Finland 3483: 3482: 3481: 3472: 3471: 3470: 3459: 3438:Communist Youth 3421: 3420: 3419: 3418: 3399: 3398: 3397: 3389: 3388: 3379: 3378: 3377: 3369: 3368: 3357: 3356: 3355: 3353: 3347: 3346: 3345: 3344: 3340: 3332: 3331: 3330: 3326: 3318: 3317: 3316: 3312: 3304: 3303: 3302: 3298: 3290: 3289: 3288: 3284: 3268: 3171: 3170: 3169: 3168: 3160: 3159: 3158: 3150: 3149: 3138: 3102: 3073: 3057:Left Communists 3005:Mikhail Kalinin 2986:To permit free 2949:To abolish all 2874: 2858: 2786: 2716: 2704:Tambov Uprising 2691:prodrazvyorstka 2654: 2632:. According to 2548:Gulf of Finland 2496: 2464:Politics portal 2441: 2440: 2396:Labour movement 2336: 2335: 2324: 2323: 2284: 2283: 2274: 2273: 1844: 1843: 1832: 1831: 1752: 1751: 1740: 1739: 1654:Escuela Moderna 1622: 1621: 1610: 1609: 1605:Occupy movement 1478:Ferrer movement 1423: 1422: 1411: 1410: 1371: 1370: 1359: 1358: 1094: 1093: 1082: 1081: 1008:Refusal of work 893:Anti-militarism 888:Anti-capitalism 859: 858: 840: 839: 806:Insurrectionary 642: 641: 584: 579: 438:Western Ukraine 380:Eastern Karelia 329: 324: 322: 321:Theaters of the 320: 318: 270: 265: 253: 245: 243: 242: 241: 233: 231: 230: 222: 220: 219: 211: 209: 208: 200: 198: 188: 186: 168: 166: 150: 148: 133: 109: 107: 103: 100: 95: 92: 90: 88: 87: 86: 53: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 8743: 8733: 8732: 8727: 8725:Naval mutinies 8722: 8717: 8712: 8707: 8702: 8697: 8692: 8690:Anti-anarchism 8687: 8682: 8677: 8672: 8670:1921 in Russia 8655: 8654: 8652: 8651: 8646: 8641: 8636: 8631: 8626: 8621: 8616: 8611: 8606: 8600: 8598: 8594: 8593: 8590: 8589: 8587: 8586: 8581: 8576: 8571: 8566: 8564:Semen Karetnyk 8561: 8556: 8551: 8546: 8540: 8538: 8532: 8531: 8529: 8528: 8523: 8518: 8513: 8508: 8502: 8500: 8494: 8493: 8491: 8490: 8488:Boris Sokoloff 8485: 8483:Boris Savinkov 8480: 8475: 8473:Viktor Chernov 8469: 8467: 8461: 8460: 8458: 8457: 8452: 8447: 8442: 8440:Yakov Sverdlov 8437: 8432: 8427: 8425:Mikhail Frunze 8422: 8417: 8412: 8407: 8405:Vladimir Lenin 8401: 8399: 8393: 8392: 8390: 8389: 8384: 8379: 8374: 8369: 8364: 8358: 8356: 8354:White movement 8350: 8349: 8347: 8346: 8341: 8339:Pavel Milyukov 8336: 8330: 8328: 8322: 8321: 8319: 8318: 8312: 8310: 8301: 8297: 8296: 8294: 8293: 8288: 8283: 8282: 8281: 8271: 8270: 8269: 8264: 8254: 8249: 8243: 8241: 8235: 8234: 8232: 8231: 8230: 8229: 8219: 8214: 8209: 8204: 8199: 8194: 8193: 8192: 8182: 8177: 8172: 8167: 8162: 8157: 8155:White movement 8152: 8147: 8141: 8139: 8135: 8134: 8131: 8130: 8128: 8127: 8126: 8125: 8120: 8118:Central Powers 8115: 8109:Interventions 8107: 8102: 8097: 8092: 8087: 8082: 8077: 8072: 8067: 8062: 8057: 8052: 8051: 8050: 8040: 8039: 8038: 8033: 8028: 8018: 8012: 8010: 8006: 8005: 8003: 8002: 7997: 7992: 7987: 7982: 7977: 7971: 7969: 7962: 7958: 7957: 7946: 7945: 7938: 7931: 7923: 7917: 7916: 7906: 7901:Kronstadt 1921 7898: 7881: 7872: 7866: 7850: 7841: 7825: 7813: 7799: 7787: 7775: 7766: 7757: 7747: 7746:External links 7744: 7742: 7741: 7727: 7714: 7708: 7696:Mawdsley, Evan 7692: 7678: 7665: 7651: 7638: 7612:(4): 241–254. 7599: 7578: 7550: 7536: 7517: 7515: 7512: 7509: 7508: 7501: 7481: 7474: 7456: 7449: 7427: 7404: 7376: 7358: 7338: 7310: 7303: 7285: 7278: 7258: 7240:The New Yorker 7231:Remnick, David 7222: 7210: 7198: 7196:, p. 219. 7183: 7181:, p. 216. 7171: 7169:, p. 218. 7156: 7154:, p. 220. 7144: 7132: 7130:, p. 228. 7120: 7118:, p. 229. 7108: 7096: 7084: 7072: 7070:, p. 227. 7060: 7048: 7033: 7018: 7016:, p. 225. 7001: 6989: 6982: 6962: 6950: 6934: 6932:, p. 214. 6922: 6910: 6898: 6896:, p. 209. 6886: 6884:, p. 215. 6871: 6864: 6844: 6827: 6815: 6798: 6781: 6769: 6767:, p. 210. 6757: 6755:, p. 208. 6745: 6728: 6726:, p. 207. 6713: 6701: 6689: 6680: 6678:, p. 206. 6665: 6663:, p. 204. 6650: 6638: 6636:, p. 203. 6621: 6619:, p. 202. 6609: 6607:, p. 200. 6597: 6585: 6583:, p. 445. 6569: 6567:, p. 197. 6557: 6545: 6543:, p. 196. 6533: 6521: 6509: 6497: 6495:, p. 767. 6485: 6483:, p. 304. 6465: 6463:, p. 151. 6450: 6448:, p. 150. 6438: 6436:, p. 149. 6426: 6424:, p. 148. 6411: 6399: 6397:, p. 443. 6383: 6381:, p. 143. 6371: 6369:, p. 227. 6359: 6347: 6345:, p. 242. 6335: 6333:, p. 139. 6323: 6321:, p. 303. 6299: 6297:, p. 138. 6284: 6272: 6270:, p. 137. 6255: 6253:, p. 240. 6239: 6237:, p. 158. 6227: 6215: 6213:, p. 168. 6203: 6201:, p. 238. 6191: 6179: 6177:, p. 171. 6167: 6165:, p. 192. 6155: 6153:, p. 441. 6143: 6128: 6116: 6104: 6092: 6090:, p. 182. 6077: 6075:, p. 235. 6065: 6053: 6051:, p. 441. 6037: 6035:, p. 234. 6022: 6020:, p. 234. 6006: 6004:, p. 442. 5994: 5982: 5970: 5968:, p. 119. 5958: 5946: 5944:, p. 116. 5934: 5932:, p. 299. 5918: 5916:, p. 125. 5906: 5904:, p. 304. 5890: 5878: 5876:, p. 123. 5863: 5851: 5849:, p. 254. 5839: 5837:, p. 253. 5824: 5822:, p. 248. 5808: 5806:, p. 248. 5791: 5789:, p. 247. 5774: 5762: 5750: 5748:, p. 305. 5734: 5732:, p. 250. 5722: 5720:, p. 249. 5710: 5708:, p. 245. 5695: 5683: 5681:, p. 760. 5677:, p. 96; 5667: 5665:, p. 244. 5652: 5650:, p. 303. 5632: 5630:, p. 241. 5620: 5618:, p. 442. 5604: 5592: 5590:, p. 240. 5580: 5568: 5556: 5544: 5528: 5516: 5486: 5484:, p. 303. 5470: 5468:, p. 244. 5454: 5452:, p. 217. 5438: 5436:, p. 243. 5422: 5410: 5408:, p. 216. 5400:, p. 80; 5390: 5388:, p. 243. 5378: 5376:, p. 243. 5359: 5357:, p. 303. 5347: 5345:, p. 302. 5327: 5325:, p. 243. 5311: 5299: 5297:, p. 302. 5275: 5273:, p. 215. 5265:, p. 76; 5255: 5253:, p. 302. 5243: 5241:, p. 303. 5227: 5215: 5203: 5201:, p. 307. 5191: 5189:, p. 301. 5175: 5160: 5148: 5136: 5134:, p. 213. 5124: 5122:, p. 212. 5108: 5106:, p. 301. 5102:, p. 71; 5092: 5090:, p. 440. 5077: 5065: 5063:, p. 519. 5053: 5051:, p. 518. 5043:, p. 71; 5033: 5031:, p. 242. 5017: 5015:, p. 521. 5005: 5003:, p. 518. 4993: 4991:, p. 212. 4981: 4979:, p. 517. 4969: 4967:, p. 300. 4953: 4951:, p. 299. 4941: 4939:, p. 516. 4929: 4927:, p. 515. 4914: 4912:, p. 514. 4898: 4896:, p. 511. 4881: 4879:, p. 507. 4866: 4847: 4845:, p. 506. 4832: 4805:(4): 506–521. 4799:Soviet Studies 4785: 4778: 4758: 4756:, p. 205. 4743: 4741:, p. 509. 4727: 4725:, p. 207. 4715: 4713:, p. 242. 4696: 4694:, p. 296. 4680: 4668: 4656: 4644: 4642:, p. 299. 4624: 4612: 4610:, p. 252. 4593: 4581: 4569: 4567:, p. 298. 4552: 4540: 4538:, p. 763. 4525: 4523:, p. 760. 4509: 4497: 4485: 4473: 4461: 4449: 4434: 4432:, p. 297. 4419: 4407: 4395: 4393:, p. 296. 4379: 4377:, p. 296. 4364: 4352: 4340: 4328: 4322:, p. 35; 4312: 4310:, p. 432. 4297: 4285: 4273: 4271:, p. 431. 4261: 4246: 4244:, p. 241. 4229: 4227:, p. 430. 4217: 4205: 4193: 4186: 4166: 4139: 4121: 4101: 4099:, p. 445. 4089: 4082: 4062: 4055: 4035: 4028: 4008: 3990: 3978: 3971: 3948: 3936: 3935: 3933: 3930: 3928: 3927: 3922: 3917: 3912: 3907: 3902: 3897: 3891: 3885: 3880: 3875: 3869: 3868: 3863: 3858: 3853: 3848: 3843: 3838: 3836:Makhnovshchina 3833: 3824: 3822: 3819: 3807:Nikolai Kuzmin 3750:a stand-in for 3726:Treaty of Riga 3658: 3655: 3593: 3590: 3570:Sergey Kamenev 3485: 3484: 3475: 3474: 3473: 3464: 3463: 3462: 3461: 3460: 3458: 3455: 3401: 3400: 3391: 3390: 3382: 3381: 3380: 3371: 3370: 3362: 3361: 3360: 3359: 3358: 3354:St. Petersburg 3349: 3348: 3342: 3341: 3334: 3333: 3328: 3327: 3320: 3319: 3314: 3313: 3306: 3305: 3300: 3299: 3292: 3291: 3286: 3285: 3278: 3277: 3271: 3270: 3269: 3267: 3264: 3162: 3161: 3152: 3151: 3143: 3142: 3141: 3140: 3139: 3137: 3134: 3121:Constantinople 3112:Victor Chernov 3101: 3098: 3072: 3069: 2992: 2991: 2984: 2981: 2978: 2971: 2968: 2964: 2961: 2954: 2947: 2940: 2933: 2930: 2919: 2908: 2873: 2867: 2857: 2854: 2785: 2782: 2715: 2712: 2653: 2650: 2603:Viktor Chernov 2532:naval infantry 2498: 2497: 2495: 2494: 2487: 2480: 2472: 2469: 2468: 2467: 2466: 2456: 2443: 2442: 2439: 2438: 2433: 2428: 2423: 2418: 2413: 2411:Libertarianism 2408: 2403: 2401:Left communism 2398: 2393: 2388: 2383: 2378: 2373: 2368: 2363: 2358: 2353: 2348: 2343: 2337: 2333:Related topics 2331: 2330: 2329: 2326: 2325: 2322: 2321: 2316: 2311: 2306: 2301: 2296: 2291: 2285: 2281: 2280: 2279: 2276: 2275: 2272: 2271: 2266: 2261: 2256: 2251: 2249:United Kingdom 2246: 2241: 2236: 2231: 2226: 2221: 2216: 2211: 2206: 2201: 2196: 2191: 2186: 2181: 2176: 2171: 2166: 2161: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2141: 2136: 2131: 2126: 2121: 2116: 2111: 2106: 2101: 2096: 2091: 2086: 2081: 2076: 2071: 2066: 2061: 2056: 2051: 2046: 2041: 2036: 2031: 2026: 2021: 2016: 2011: 2006: 2001: 1996: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1971: 1966: 1964:Czech Republic 1961: 1956: 1951: 1946: 1941: 1936: 1931: 1926: 1921: 1916: 1911: 1906: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1866: 1861: 1856: 1851: 1845: 1839: 1838: 1837: 1834: 1833: 1830: 1829: 1824: 1819: 1814: 1809: 1804: 1799: 1797:Labour voucher 1794: 1792:Give-away shop 1789: 1784: 1782:General strike 1779: 1774: 1769: 1764: 1759: 1753: 1747: 1746: 1745: 1742: 1741: 1738: 1737: 1732: 1727: 1722: 1717: 1710: 1705: 1698: 1693: 1688: 1683: 1676: 1671: 1666: 1661: 1656: 1651: 1646: 1641: 1636: 1631: 1623: 1617: 1616: 1615: 1612: 1611: 1608: 1607: 1602: 1597: 1592: 1587: 1582: 1577: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1552: 1547: 1542: 1537: 1535:Makhnovshchina 1532: 1527: 1522: 1517: 1512: 1507: 1500: 1495: 1490: 1485: 1480: 1475: 1470: 1465: 1460: 1455: 1450: 1448:Hague Congress 1445: 1440: 1435: 1430: 1424: 1418: 1417: 1416: 1413: 1412: 1409: 1408: 1403: 1398: 1393: 1388: 1383: 1378: 1372: 1366: 1365: 1364: 1361: 1360: 1357: 1356: 1351: 1346: 1341: 1336: 1331: 1326: 1321: 1316: 1311: 1306: 1301: 1296: 1291: 1286: 1281: 1276: 1271: 1266: 1261: 1256: 1251: 1246: 1241: 1236: 1231: 1226: 1221: 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1196: 1194:González Prada 1191: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 1166: 1161: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1126: 1121: 1116: 1111: 1106: 1101: 1095: 1089: 1088: 1087: 1084: 1083: 1080: 1075: 1070: 1065: 1060: 1055: 1050: 1045: 1040: 1038:Social ecology 1035: 1033:Self-ownership 1030: 1025: 1020: 1015: 1010: 1005: 1000: 995: 990: 985: 980: 975: 970: 965: 963:Horizontalidad 960: 955: 950: 945: 940: 935: 930: 925: 920: 918:Class struggle 915: 910: 905: 900: 898:Affinity group 895: 890: 885: 880: 875: 870: 865: 860: 857: 856: 853: 847: 846: 845: 842: 841: 836: 835: 834: 833: 828: 823: 818: 813: 808: 803: 798: 790: 789: 785: 784: 783: 782: 777: 776: 775: 774: 773: 763: 762: 761: 746: 745: 744: 739: 729: 724: 723: 722: 717: 707: 702: 701: 700: 695: 690: 685: 675: 674: 673: 668: 666:Social ecology 663: 653: 643: 637: 636: 635: 632: 631: 630: 629: 624: 619: 611: 610: 602: 601: 595: 594: 581: 580: 578: 577: 572: 567: 561: 560: 554: 553: 548: 543: 538: 533: 528: 523: 518: 513: 508: 503: 497: 496: 490: 489: 484: 483: 482: 477: 467: 462: 457: 455:South Caucasus 452: 447: 442: 441: 440: 435: 424: 423: 417: 416: 411: 406: 401: 396: 390: 389: 383: 382: 377: 372: 367: 361: 360: 356: 355: 350: 345: 340: 334: 331: 330: 317: 316: 309: 302: 294: 286: 285: 282: 278: 277: 273: 272: 267: 261: 260: 256: 255: 206:Vladimir Lenin 196: 183: 182: 178: 177: 164: 163: 162: 144: 143: 139: 138: 135: 134: 132: 131: 128: 124: 122: 118: 117: 74: 72: 68: 67: 64: 56: 55: 45: 44: 37: 36: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8742: 8731: 8728: 8726: 8723: 8721: 8718: 8716: 8713: 8711: 8708: 8706: 8703: 8701: 8698: 8696: 8693: 8691: 8688: 8686: 8683: 8681: 8678: 8676: 8673: 8671: 8668: 8667: 8665: 8650: 8647: 8645: 8642: 8640: 8637: 8635: 8632: 8630: 8627: 8625: 8622: 8620: 8617: 8615: 8612: 8610: 8607: 8605: 8602: 8601: 8599: 8597:International 8595: 8585: 8582: 8580: 8577: 8575: 8574:Viktor Bilash 8572: 8570: 8567: 8565: 8562: 8560: 8557: 8555: 8552: 8550: 8547: 8545: 8544:Nestor Makhno 8542: 8541: 8539: 8537: 8533: 8527: 8524: 8522: 8519: 8517: 8516:Mark Natanson 8514: 8512: 8509: 8507: 8506:Yakov Blumkin 8504: 8503: 8501: 8499: 8495: 8489: 8486: 8484: 8481: 8479: 8476: 8474: 8471: 8470: 8468: 8466: 8462: 8456: 8453: 8451: 8448: 8446: 8443: 8441: 8438: 8436: 8433: 8431: 8430:Joseph Stalin 8428: 8426: 8423: 8421: 8418: 8416: 8413: 8411: 8408: 8406: 8403: 8402: 8400: 8398: 8394: 8388: 8387:Lavr Kornilov 8385: 8383: 8380: 8378: 8377:Pyotr Krasnov 8375: 8373: 8372:Anton Denikin 8370: 8368: 8365: 8363: 8362:Pyotr Wrangel 8360: 8359: 8357: 8355: 8351: 8345: 8342: 8340: 8337: 8335: 8332: 8331: 8329: 8327: 8323: 8317: 8314: 8313: 8311: 8309: 8305: 8302: 8298: 8292: 8289: 8287: 8284: 8280: 8277: 8276: 8275: 8272: 8268: 8265: 8263: 8260: 8259: 8258: 8255: 8253: 8250: 8248: 8245: 8244: 8242: 8240: 8236: 8228: 8225: 8224: 8223: 8220: 8218: 8215: 8213: 8210: 8208: 8205: 8203: 8200: 8198: 8195: 8191: 8188: 8187: 8186: 8183: 8181: 8178: 8176: 8173: 8171: 8168: 8166: 8163: 8161: 8158: 8156: 8153: 8151: 8148: 8146: 8143: 8142: 8140: 8136: 8124: 8121: 8119: 8116: 8114: 8111: 8110: 8108: 8106: 8103: 8101: 8098: 8096: 8093: 8091: 8088: 8086: 8083: 8081: 8078: 8076: 8073: 8071: 8068: 8066: 8063: 8061: 8058: 8056: 8053: 8049: 8046: 8045: 8044: 8041: 8037: 8034: 8032: 8029: 8027: 8024: 8023: 8022: 8019: 8017: 8014: 8013: 8011: 8007: 8001: 8000:Junker mutiny 7998: 7996: 7993: 7991: 7988: 7986: 7983: 7981: 7978: 7976: 7973: 7972: 7970: 7966: 7963: 7959: 7955: 7951: 7944: 7939: 7937: 7932: 7930: 7925: 7924: 7921: 7914: 7910: 7907: 7902: 7899: 7896: 7892: 7888: 7885: 7882: 7879: 7878: 7875:Abbie Bakan, 7873: 7870: 7867: 7864: 7863: 7858: 7857:Orlando Figes 7854: 7851: 7849: 7848:Anarchist FAQ 7845: 7842: 7839: 7838: 7833: 7829: 7826: 7823: 7822: 7817: 7814: 7811: 7807: 7803: 7800: 7797: 7796: 7791: 7788: 7785: 7781: 7780: 7776: 7773: 7771: 7767: 7765: 7761: 7758: 7755: 7754: 7750: 7749: 7738: 7734: 7730: 7724: 7720: 7715: 7711: 7705: 7701: 7697: 7693: 7689: 7685: 7681: 7675: 7671: 7666: 7662: 7658: 7654: 7648: 7644: 7639: 7635: 7631: 7627: 7623: 7619: 7615: 7611: 7607: 7606: 7600: 7596: 7593: 7589: 7585: 7581: 7579:0-691-05493-2 7575: 7571: 7567: 7563: 7559: 7555: 7551: 7547: 7543: 7539: 7537:0-691-08721-0 7533: 7529: 7528: 7523: 7519: 7518: 7504: 7498: 7494: 7493: 7485: 7477: 7471: 7467: 7460: 7452: 7446: 7442: 7438: 7431: 7423: 7419: 7415: 7411: 7407: 7401: 7397: 7393: 7389: 7388: 7380: 7365: 7361: 7355: 7351: 7350: 7342: 7327: 7323: 7322: 7314: 7306: 7300: 7296: 7289: 7281: 7275: 7271: 7270: 7262: 7246: 7242: 7241: 7236: 7232: 7226: 7219: 7214: 7208: 7202: 7195: 7190: 7188: 7180: 7175: 7168: 7163: 7161: 7153: 7148: 7141: 7136: 7129: 7124: 7117: 7112: 7105: 7100: 7093: 7088: 7081: 7076: 7069: 7064: 7057: 7052: 7045: 7040: 7038: 7030: 7025: 7023: 7015: 7010: 7008: 7006: 6998: 6993: 6985: 6979: 6975: 6974: 6966: 6959: 6954: 6947: 6943: 6938: 6931: 6926: 6919: 6914: 6907: 6902: 6895: 6890: 6883: 6878: 6876: 6867: 6861: 6857: 6856: 6848: 6840: 6839: 6831: 6824: 6819: 6811: 6810: 6802: 6794: 6793: 6785: 6778: 6773: 6766: 6761: 6754: 6749: 6741: 6740: 6732: 6725: 6720: 6718: 6710: 6705: 6698: 6693: 6684: 6677: 6672: 6670: 6662: 6657: 6655: 6647: 6642: 6635: 6630: 6628: 6626: 6618: 6613: 6606: 6601: 6594: 6589: 6582: 6578: 6573: 6566: 6561: 6554: 6549: 6542: 6537: 6530: 6525: 6518: 6513: 6506: 6501: 6494: 6489: 6482: 6481:Schapiro 1965 6478: 6474: 6469: 6462: 6457: 6455: 6447: 6442: 6435: 6430: 6423: 6418: 6416: 6408: 6403: 6396: 6392: 6387: 6380: 6375: 6368: 6363: 6356: 6351: 6344: 6339: 6332: 6327: 6320: 6319:Schapiro 1965 6316: 6312: 6308: 6303: 6296: 6291: 6289: 6281: 6276: 6269: 6264: 6262: 6260: 6252: 6248: 6243: 6236: 6231: 6224: 6219: 6212: 6207: 6200: 6195: 6188: 6183: 6176: 6171: 6164: 6159: 6152: 6147: 6140: 6135: 6133: 6125: 6120: 6113: 6108: 6101: 6096: 6089: 6084: 6082: 6074: 6069: 6062: 6057: 6050: 6046: 6041: 6034: 6029: 6027: 6019: 6015: 6010: 6003: 5998: 5991: 5986: 5979: 5974: 5967: 5962: 5955: 5950: 5943: 5938: 5931: 5930:Schapiro 1965 5927: 5922: 5915: 5910: 5903: 5902:Schapiro 1965 5899: 5894: 5887: 5882: 5875: 5870: 5868: 5860: 5855: 5848: 5843: 5836: 5831: 5829: 5821: 5817: 5812: 5805: 5800: 5798: 5796: 5788: 5783: 5781: 5779: 5771: 5766: 5759: 5754: 5747: 5746:Schapiro 1965 5743: 5738: 5731: 5726: 5719: 5714: 5707: 5702: 5700: 5693:, p. 96. 5692: 5687: 5680: 5676: 5671: 5664: 5659: 5657: 5649: 5648:Schapiro 1965 5645: 5641: 5636: 5629: 5624: 5617: 5613: 5608: 5601: 5596: 5589: 5584: 5577: 5572: 5566:, p. 86. 5565: 5560: 5553: 5548: 5541: 5537: 5532: 5526:, p. 85. 5525: 5520: 5504: 5500: 5496: 5490: 5483: 5482:Schapiro 1965 5479: 5474: 5467: 5463: 5458: 5451: 5447: 5442: 5435: 5431: 5426: 5419: 5414: 5407: 5403: 5399: 5394: 5387: 5382: 5375: 5371: 5366: 5364: 5356: 5355:Schapiro 1965 5351: 5344: 5343:Schapiro 1965 5340: 5336: 5331: 5324: 5320: 5315: 5309:, p. 76. 5308: 5303: 5296: 5295:Schapiro 1965 5292: 5288: 5284: 5279: 5272: 5268: 5264: 5259: 5252: 5251:Schapiro 1965 5247: 5240: 5239:Schapiro 1965 5236: 5231: 5224: 5219: 5213:, p. 75. 5212: 5207: 5200: 5199:Schapiro 1965 5195: 5188: 5187:Schapiro 1965 5184: 5179: 5171: 5164: 5157: 5152: 5146:, p. 72. 5145: 5140: 5133: 5128: 5121: 5117: 5112: 5105: 5104:Schapiro 1965 5101: 5096: 5089: 5084: 5082: 5074: 5069: 5062: 5061:Mawdsley 1978 5057: 5050: 5049:Mawdsley 1978 5046: 5042: 5037: 5030: 5026: 5021: 5014: 5013:Mawdsley 1978 5009: 5002: 5001:Mawdsley 1978 4997: 4990: 4985: 4978: 4977:Mawdsley 1978 4973: 4966: 4965:Schapiro 1965 4962: 4957: 4950: 4949:Schapiro 1965 4945: 4938: 4937:Mawdsley 1978 4933: 4926: 4925:Mawdsley 1978 4921: 4919: 4911: 4910:Mawdsley 1978 4907: 4902: 4895: 4894:Mawdsley 1978 4890: 4888: 4886: 4878: 4877:Mawdsley 1978 4873: 4871: 4864:, p. 68. 4863: 4858: 4856: 4854: 4852: 4844: 4843:Mawdsley 1978 4839: 4837: 4828: 4824: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4808: 4804: 4800: 4796: 4789: 4781: 4775: 4771: 4770: 4762: 4755: 4750: 4748: 4740: 4739:Mawdsley 1978 4736: 4731: 4724: 4719: 4712: 4707: 4705: 4703: 4701: 4693: 4692:Schapiro 1965 4689: 4684: 4677: 4672: 4666:, p. 62. 4665: 4660: 4653: 4648: 4641: 4640:Schapiro 1965 4637: 4633: 4628: 4621: 4616: 4609: 4604: 4602: 4600: 4598: 4590: 4585: 4579:, p. 49. 4578: 4573: 4566: 4565:Schapiro 1965 4561: 4559: 4557: 4549: 4544: 4537: 4532: 4530: 4522: 4518: 4513: 4506: 4501: 4495:, p. 41. 4494: 4489: 4482: 4477: 4471:, p. 39. 4470: 4465: 4459:, p. 38. 4458: 4453: 4446: 4441: 4439: 4431: 4430:Schapiro 1965 4426: 4424: 4417:, p. 37. 4416: 4411: 4404: 4399: 4392: 4391:Schapiro 1965 4388: 4383: 4376: 4375:Schapiro 1965 4371: 4369: 4362:, p. 36. 4361: 4356: 4349: 4344: 4338:, p. 35. 4337: 4332: 4325: 4321: 4316: 4309: 4304: 4302: 4294: 4289: 4283:, p. 25. 4282: 4277: 4270: 4265: 4258: 4253: 4251: 4243: 4238: 4236: 4234: 4226: 4221: 4214: 4209: 4202: 4197: 4189: 4187:9780674021785 4183: 4179: 4178: 4170: 4155: 4151: 4150: 4143: 4128: 4124: 4118: 4114: 4113: 4105: 4098: 4093: 4085: 4079: 4075: 4074: 4066: 4058: 4052: 4048: 4047: 4039: 4031: 4025: 4021: 4020: 4012: 4004: 4000: 3994: 3988: 3982: 3974: 3968: 3964: 3963: 3955: 3953: 3946: 3941: 3937: 3926: 3923: 3921: 3918: 3916: 3913: 3911: 3908: 3906: 3903: 3901: 3898: 3896: 3893: 3892: 3890: 3889: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3878:Kontrrazvedka 3876: 3874: 3871: 3867: 3864: 3862: 3859: 3857: 3854: 3852: 3849: 3847: 3846:Prague Spring 3844: 3842: 3839: 3837: 3834: 3832: 3831: 3826: 3825: 3818: 3816: 3812: 3808: 3804: 3800: 3796: 3792: 3787: 3782: 3780: 3776: 3775:Prague Spring 3772: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3759:Moscow Trials 3756: 3751: 3746: 3744: 3740: 3736: 3735:rehabilitated 3732: 3731:Paris Commune 3727: 3723: 3717: 3712: 3710: 3709: 3703: 3698: 3696: 3692: 3691:Moscow Trials 3688: 3684: 3680: 3679:Civil War-era 3676: 3668: 3667:eternal flame 3663: 3654: 3652: 3648: 3647:War Communism 3643: 3639: 3635: 3632: 3623: 3619: 3615: 3612: 3606: 3598: 3589: 3587: 3582: 3580: 3575: 3571: 3567: 3563: 3560: 3556: 3551: 3546: 3542: 3539: 3533: 3529: 3526: 3525:Petropavlovsk 3522: 3518: 3514: 3513:Pavel Dybenko 3510: 3505: 3495: 3494: 3493:Petropavlovsk 3489: 3479: 3468: 3454: 3452: 3446: 3443: 3439: 3433: 3430: 3426: 3417: 3413: 3409: 3405: 3395: 3386: 3375: 3366: 3352: 3275: 3263: 3260: 3258: 3254: 3253:Petropavlovsk 3248: 3246: 3240: 3238: 3234: 3229: 3225: 3221: 3217: 3214: 3213:Petropavlovsk 3210: 3205: 3201: 3198: 3192: 3188: 3186: 3182: 3177: 3166: 3156: 3147: 3133: 3129: 3127: 3122: 3118: 3113: 3109: 3108: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3077: 3068: 3066: 3062: 3058: 3052: 3049: 3043: 3041: 3036: 3032: 3028: 3021: 3017: 3013: 3010: 3006: 3002: 3001:Anchor Square 2997: 2989: 2985: 2982: 2979: 2976: 2972: 2969: 2965: 2962: 2959: 2955: 2952: 2948: 2945: 2941: 2938: 2934: 2931: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2917: 2913: 2910:To establish 2909: 2906: 2902: 2901: 2899: 2896: 2895: 2890: 2889: 2888:Petropavlovsk 2878: 2871: 2870:Petropavlovsk 2866: 2862: 2853: 2851: 2845: 2843: 2837: 2835: 2831: 2827: 2821: 2818: 2814: 2810: 2806: 2797: 2796: 2795:Petropavlovsk 2790: 2781: 2779: 2775: 2771: 2766: 2761: 2759: 2755: 2751: 2747: 2743: 2737: 2735: 2734: 2729: 2725: 2720: 2711: 2709: 2705: 2700: 2697: 2693: 2692: 2685: 2683: 2682:war communism 2679: 2678:Pyotr Wrangel 2676:had defeated 2675: 2671: 2667: 2658: 2649: 2647: 2643: 2639: 2635: 2631: 2630:war communism 2627: 2623: 2619: 2614: 2610: 2608: 2604: 2600: 2599:Vadim Rogovin 2596: 2591: 2586: 2582: 2578: 2577: 2572: 2567: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2549: 2545: 2544:Kotlin Island 2542:. Located on 2541: 2537: 2533: 2529: 2526:) was a 1921 2524: 2518: 2509: 2505: 2493: 2488: 2486: 2481: 2479: 2474: 2473: 2471: 2470: 2465: 2461: 2457: 2455: 2451: 2447: 2446: 2445: 2444: 2437: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2422: 2419: 2417: 2414: 2412: 2409: 2407: 2404: 2402: 2399: 2397: 2394: 2392: 2389: 2387: 2384: 2382: 2379: 2377: 2374: 2372: 2369: 2367: 2364: 2362: 2359: 2357: 2354: 2352: 2349: 2347: 2344: 2342: 2339: 2338: 2334: 2328: 2327: 2320: 2317: 2315: 2312: 2310: 2307: 2305: 2302: 2300: 2297: 2295: 2292: 2290: 2287: 2286: 2278: 2277: 2270: 2267: 2265: 2262: 2260: 2257: 2255: 2254:United States 2252: 2250: 2247: 2245: 2242: 2240: 2237: 2235: 2232: 2230: 2227: 2225: 2222: 2220: 2217: 2215: 2212: 2210: 2207: 2205: 2202: 2200: 2197: 2195: 2192: 2190: 2187: 2185: 2182: 2180: 2177: 2175: 2172: 2170: 2167: 2165: 2162: 2160: 2157: 2155: 2152: 2150: 2147: 2145: 2142: 2140: 2137: 2135: 2132: 2130: 2127: 2125: 2122: 2120: 2117: 2115: 2112: 2110: 2107: 2105: 2102: 2100: 2097: 2095: 2092: 2090: 2087: 2085: 2082: 2080: 2077: 2075: 2072: 2070: 2067: 2065: 2062: 2060: 2057: 2055: 2052: 2050: 2047: 2045: 2042: 2040: 2037: 2035: 2032: 2030: 2027: 2025: 2022: 2020: 2017: 2015: 2014:French Guiana 2012: 2010: 2007: 2005: 2002: 2000: 1997: 1995: 1992: 1990: 1987: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1977: 1975: 1972: 1970: 1967: 1965: 1962: 1960: 1957: 1955: 1952: 1950: 1947: 1945: 1942: 1940: 1937: 1935: 1932: 1930: 1927: 1925: 1922: 1920: 1917: 1915: 1912: 1910: 1907: 1905: 1902: 1900: 1897: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1870: 1867: 1865: 1862: 1860: 1857: 1855: 1852: 1850: 1847: 1846: 1842: 1836: 1835: 1828: 1825: 1823: 1820: 1818: 1815: 1813: 1812:Mutual credit 1810: 1808: 1805: 1803: 1800: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1780: 1778: 1775: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1758: 1757:Communization 1755: 1754: 1750: 1744: 1743: 1736: 1733: 1731: 1728: 1726: 1723: 1721: 1718: 1715: 1711: 1709: 1706: 1703: 1699: 1697: 1694: 1692: 1689: 1687: 1684: 1682: 1681: 1677: 1675: 1672: 1670: 1667: 1665: 1662: 1660: 1657: 1655: 1652: 1650: 1647: 1645: 1642: 1640: 1637: 1635: 1632: 1630: 1629: 1625: 1624: 1620: 1614: 1613: 1606: 1603: 1601: 1598: 1596: 1593: 1591: 1588: 1586: 1583: 1581: 1578: 1576: 1573: 1571: 1568: 1566: 1563: 1561: 1558: 1556: 1553: 1551: 1548: 1546: 1543: 1541: 1538: 1536: 1533: 1531: 1528: 1526: 1525:Biennio Rosso 1523: 1521: 1518: 1516: 1513: 1511: 1508: 1506: 1505: 1501: 1499: 1496: 1494: 1491: 1489: 1486: 1484: 1481: 1479: 1476: 1474: 1471: 1469: 1466: 1464: 1461: 1459: 1456: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1444: 1443:Paris Commune 1441: 1439: 1436: 1434: 1431: 1429: 1426: 1425: 1421: 1415: 1414: 1407: 1404: 1402: 1399: 1397: 1394: 1392: 1389: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1376:Animal rights 1374: 1373: 1369: 1363: 1362: 1355: 1352: 1350: 1347: 1345: 1342: 1340: 1337: 1335: 1332: 1330: 1327: 1325: 1322: 1320: 1317: 1315: 1312: 1310: 1307: 1305: 1302: 1300: 1297: 1295: 1292: 1290: 1287: 1285: 1282: 1280: 1277: 1275: 1272: 1270: 1267: 1265: 1262: 1260: 1257: 1255: 1252: 1250: 1247: 1245: 1242: 1240: 1237: 1235: 1232: 1230: 1227: 1225: 1222: 1220: 1217: 1215: 1212: 1210: 1207: 1205: 1202: 1200: 1197: 1195: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1170: 1167: 1165: 1162: 1160: 1157: 1155: 1152: 1150: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1130: 1127: 1125: 1122: 1120: 1117: 1115: 1112: 1110: 1107: 1105: 1102: 1100: 1097: 1096: 1092: 1086: 1085: 1079: 1076: 1074: 1071: 1069: 1066: 1064: 1061: 1059: 1056: 1054: 1051: 1049: 1046: 1044: 1041: 1039: 1036: 1034: 1031: 1029: 1026: 1024: 1021: 1019: 1016: 1014: 1011: 1009: 1006: 1004: 1001: 999: 996: 994: 991: 989: 986: 984: 981: 979: 976: 974: 971: 969: 968:Individualism 966: 964: 961: 959: 956: 954: 951: 949: 948:Direct action 946: 944: 941: 939: 936: 934: 931: 929: 926: 924: 921: 919: 916: 914: 911: 909: 906: 904: 901: 899: 896: 894: 891: 889: 886: 884: 881: 879: 876: 874: 871: 869: 866: 864: 861: 854: 852: 849: 848: 844: 843: 832: 829: 827: 824: 822: 819: 817: 814: 812: 809: 807: 804: 802: 799: 797: 794: 793: 792: 791: 787: 786: 781: 778: 772: 769: 768: 767: 764: 760: 757: 756: 755: 752: 751: 750: 747: 743: 740: 738: 735: 734: 733: 730: 728: 725: 721: 718: 716: 713: 712: 711: 708: 706: 703: 699: 698:Philosophical 696: 694: 691: 689: 686: 684: 681: 680: 679: 678:Individualist 676: 672: 669: 667: 664: 662: 659: 658: 657: 654: 652: 649: 648: 647: 646: 640: 634: 633: 628: 625: 623: 620: 618: 615: 614: 613: 612: 608: 604: 603: 600: 597: 596: 592: 588: 587: 576: 573: 571: 568: 566: 563: 562: 559: 558:Central Asian 556: 555: 552: 549: 547: 544: 542: 539: 537: 534: 532: 529: 527: 524: 522: 519: 517: 514: 512: 509: 507: 504: 502: 499: 498: 495: 492: 491: 488: 485: 481: 478: 476: 473: 472: 471: 468: 466: 463: 461: 458: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 443: 439: 436: 434: 431: 430: 429: 426: 425: 422: 419: 418: 415: 412: 410: 407: 405: 402: 400: 397: 395: 392: 391: 388: 385: 384: 381: 378: 376: 373: 371: 368: 366: 363: 362: 358: 357: 354: 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Retrieved 7348: 7341: 7330:. Retrieved 7320: 7313: 7294: 7288: 7268: 7261: 7249:. Retrieved 7238: 7225: 7213: 7201: 7174: 7147: 7135: 7123: 7111: 7099: 7087: 7075: 7063: 7051: 6992: 6972: 6965: 6953: 6945: 6937: 6925: 6913: 6901: 6889: 6854: 6847: 6837: 6830: 6818: 6808: 6801: 6791: 6784: 6772: 6760: 6748: 6738: 6731: 6704: 6692: 6683: 6641: 6612: 6600: 6588: 6572: 6560: 6548: 6536: 6524: 6512: 6500: 6488: 6468: 6441: 6429: 6402: 6386: 6374: 6367:Getzler 2002 6362: 6350: 6343:Getzler 2002 6338: 6326: 6315:Getzler 2002 6302: 6275: 6251:Getzler 2002 6242: 6230: 6218: 6206: 6199:Getzler 2002 6194: 6182: 6170: 6158: 6146: 6119: 6107: 6095: 6073:Getzler 2002 6068: 6056: 6040: 6033:Getzler 2002 6018:Getzler 2002 6009: 5997: 5985: 5973: 5961: 5949: 5937: 5921: 5909: 5898:Getzler 2002 5893: 5881: 5854: 5847:Daniels 1951 5842: 5835:Daniels 1951 5820:Daniels 1951 5811: 5804:Daniels 1951 5787:Daniels 1951 5770:Daniels 1951 5765: 5753: 5737: 5730:Daniels 1951 5725: 5718:Daniels 1951 5713: 5706:Daniels 1951 5686: 5670: 5663:Daniels 1951 5644:Daniels 1951 5635: 5628:Getzler 2002 5623: 5607: 5595: 5588:Getzler 2002 5583: 5571: 5559: 5552:Getzler 2002 5547: 5540:Getzler 2002 5536:Daniels 1951 5531: 5519: 5507:. 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Retrieved 4148: 4142: 4131:. Retrieved 4111: 4104: 4092: 4072: 4065: 4045: 4038: 4018: 4011: 4002: 3993: 3981: 3961: 3940: 3887: 3886: 3829: 3811:Baltic Fleet 3786:Pierre Broue 3783: 3747: 3719: 3714: 3706: 3699: 3674: 3672: 3644: 3640: 3636: 3628: 3616: 3607: 3603: 3583: 3579:smoke screen 3559:Great Powers 3555:Tukhachevsky 3547: 3543: 3538:shock troops 3534: 3530: 3524: 3520: 3517:Vitovt Putna 3501: 3491: 3457:Final attack 3447: 3434: 3422: 3404:Tukhachevsky 3261: 3256: 3252: 3249: 3241: 3230: 3226: 3222: 3218: 3212: 3206: 3202: 3193: 3189: 3175: 3172: 3130: 3105: 3103: 3094: 3090: 3086: 3082: 3053: 3044: 3037: 3033: 3029: 3025: 2998: 2994: 2987: 2974: 2957: 2950: 2927:labor unions 2892: 2886: 2883: 2869: 2863: 2859: 2846: 2838: 2822: 2801: 2793: 2762: 2738: 2731: 2721: 2717: 2701: 2689: 2686: 2663: 2622:Emma Goldman 2615: 2611: 2585:civil rights 2575: 2571:Leon Trotsky 2568: 2556:Baltic Fleet 2528:insurrection 2503: 2501: 2361:Anti-statism 2351:Anti-fascism 2204:South Africa 1822:Wage slavery 1787:Gift economy 1678: 1639:Anarcho-punk 1626: 1529: 1502: 1391:Love and sex 1279:Pi i Margall 943:Deep ecology 878:Anationalism 821:Relationship 754:Collectivist 710:Postcolonial 551:Yakut revolt 445:South Russia 370:North Russia 217:Leon Trotsky 175:Russian SFSR 160:Baltic Fleet 147: 142:Belligerents 40:Part of the 29: 8579:Fanya Baron 8559:Lev Chernyi 8410:Lev Kamenev 8334:Georgy Lvov 8308:Monarchists 7913:CrimethInc. 7855:, notes on 7218:Avrich 1970 7194:Avrich 1970 7179:Avrich 1970 7167:Avrich 1970 7152:Avrich 1970 7140:Avrich 1970 7128:Avrich 1970 7116:Avrich 1970 7104:Avrich 1970 7092:Avrich 1970 7080:Avrich 1970 7068:Avrich 1970 7056:Avrich 1970 7044:Avrich 1970 7029:Avrich 1970 7014:Avrich 1970 6997:Avrich 1970 6958:Avrich 1970 6930:Avrich 1970 6918:Avrich 1970 6906:Avrich 1970 6894:Avrich 1970 6882:Avrich 1970 6823:Avrich 1970 6777:Avrich 1970 6765:Avrich 1970 6753:Avrich 1970 6724:Avrich 1970 6709:Avrich 1970 6697:Avrich 1970 6676:Avrich 1970 6661:Avrich 1970 6646:Avrich 1970 6634:Avrich 1970 6617:Avrich 1970 6605:Avrich 1970 6593:Avrich 1970 6577:Avrich 1970 6565:Avrich 1970 6553:Avrich 1970 6541:Avrich 1970 6529:Avrich 1970 6517:Avrich 1970 6505:Avrich 1970 6461:Avrich 1970 6446:Avrich 1970 6434:Avrich 1970 6422:Avrich 1970 6407:Avrich 1970 6391:Avrich 1970 6379:Avrich 1970 6355:Avrich 1970 6331:Avrich 1970 6307:Avrich 1970 6295:Avrich 1970 6280:Avrich 1970 6268:Avrich 1970 6247:Avrich 1970 6235:Avrich 1970 6223:Avrich 1970 6211:Avrich 1970 6187:Avrich 1970 6175:Avrich 1970 6163:Avrich 1970 6139:Avrich 1970 6124:Avrich 1970 6112:Avrich 1970 6100:Avrich 1970 6088:Avrich 1970 6061:Avrich 1970 6045:Avrich 1970 6014:Avrich 1970 5990:Avrich 1970 5978:Avrich 1970 5966:Avrich 1970 5954:Avrich 1970 5942:Avrich 1970 5926:Avrich 1970 5914:Avrich 1970 5886:Avrich 1970 5874:Avrich 1970 5859:Avrich 1970 5758:Avrich 1970 5742:Avrich 1970 5691:Avrich 1970 5675:Avrich 1970 5640:Avrich 1970 5612:Avrich 1970 5600:Avrich 1970 5576:Avrich 1970 5564:Avrich 1970 5524:Avrich 1970 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2219:Switzerland 2179:Puerto Rico 2164:Philippines 2129:New Zealand 2124:Netherlands 1994:El Salvador 1807:Mutual bank 1762:Cooperative 1691:Lifestylism 1493:Tragic Week 1396:Nationalism 1048:Somatherapy 958:Freethought 826:Syndicalist 816:Platformism 788:Methodology 661:Primitivist 108: / 8664:Categories 8536:Anarchists 8397:Bolsheviks 8267:Mensheviks 8262:Bolsheviks 8212:Red Guards 8055:Heimosodat 7968:Revolution 7895:Spartacist 7737:1068959664 7514:References 7370:2021-01-18 7332:2021-01-07 7251:January 7, 6493:Figes 1997 6477:Figes 1997 5679:Figes 1997 4536:Figes 1997 4521:Figes 1997 4160:2016-03-18 4133:2016-03-18 3799:Trotskyism 3693:, and the 3675:buntarstvo 3521:Sevastopol 3509:Ivan Fedko 3257:Sevastopol 2988:kustarnoye 2921:To secure 2894:Sevastopol 2872:resolution 2763:Bolshevik 2758:Mensheviks 2670:Bolsheviks 2652:Background 2607:White Army 2590:White Army 2391:Dual Power 2376:Autonomism 2371:Autarchism 1979:East Timor 1949:Costa Rica 1894:Bangladesh 1889:Azerbaijan 1664:Freeganism 1381:Capitalism 1174:Feyerabend 1043:Sociocracy 1013:Revolution 978:Mutual aid 908:Black bloc 801:Illegalism 475:Azerbaijan 450:Bessarabia 375:Heimosodat 96:29°44′01″E 93:60°00′45″N 8705:Kronstadt 8465:Right SRs 8190:elections 8009:Civil War 7980:July Days 7954:Civil War 7688:248926485 7626:1049-7544 7556:(1987) . 7422:246342371 4819:0038-5859 3795:Stalinism 3777:, or the 3755:Holodomor 3687:Stalinist 3631:Red Cross 3618:disease. 3592:Aftermath 3504:Red Cross 3301:Petrograd 3287:Kronstadt 3126:Red Cross 2805:July Days 2724:Petrograd 2552:Petrograd 2540:Kronstadt 2536:Bolshevik 2517:romanized 2431:Socialism 2381:Communism 2314:Musicians 2264:Venezuela 2199:Singapore 2134:Nicaragua 2059:Indonesia 2039:Hong Kong 2034:Guatemala 1879:Australia 1869:Argentina 1841:By region 1749:Economics 1735:Symbolism 1649:DIY ethic 1386:Education 1304:Santillán 1254:Malatesta 1224:Kropotkin 1204:Guillaume 1058:Squatting 1018:Rewilding 953:Free love 831:Synthesis 766:Communist 737:Christian 732:Religious 705:Mutualism 599:Anarchism 516:2nd Kazan 511:1st Kazan 409:Petrograd 404:Lithuania 76:Kronstadt 8498:Left SRs 8279:Left SRs 8175:Red Army 8123:Siberian 7887:Archived 7816:Ida Mett 7698:(1978). 7661:36496487 7524:(1970). 7364:Archived 7326:Archived 7245:Archived 5503:Archived 4154:Archived 4127:Archived 3830:Potemkin 3821:See also 3745:Museum. 3429:Lisy Nos 3329:Lisy Nos 3237:Red Army 3063:and the 2975:kursanti 2830:Helsinki 2742:Red Army 2674:Red Army 2642:Yudenich 2174:Portugal 2154:Paraguay 2114:Mongolia 2099:Malaysia 1944:Colombia 1924:Bulgaria 1669:Infoshop 1570:May 1968 1406:Violence 1401:Religion 1289:Proudhon 1249:Maksimov 1229:Landauer 1179:Giovanni 1129:Bookchin 1023:Sabotage 855:Practice 811:Pacifist 771:Magonism 693:Naturist 651:Feminist 617:Glossary 591:a series 589:Part of 575:Basmachi 546:Mongolia 521:1st Perm 421:Southern 359:Northern 259:Strength 71:Location 8300:Figures 8239:Parties 7915:, 2021. 7880:, 2003. 7871:, 2003. 7865:(1996). 7840:, 1947. 7824:, 1938. 7810:Trotsky 7798:, 1922. 7634:2492031 7588:1124141 3815:Entente 3412:Dybenko 3107:Kadetes 2826:Tallinn 2733:troikas 2714:Preface 2664:As the 2646:Kolchak 2638:Denikin 2618:Entente 2576:soviets 2546:in the 2519::  2508:Russian 2421:Marxism 2269:Vietnam 2259:Uruguay 2244:Ukraine 2234:Tunisia 2184:Romania 2139:Nigeria 2119:Morocco 2069:Ireland 2049:Iceland 2044:Hungary 2024:Germany 2019:Georgia 2004:Finland 1999:Estonia 1984:Ecuador 1969:Denmark 1954:Croatia 1909:Bolivia 1904:Belgium 1899:Belarus 1884:Austria 1874:Armenia 1864:Andorra 1859:Algeria 1854:Albania 1696:May Day 1619:Culture 1420:History 1349:Yarchuk 1324:Tolstoy 1319:Thoreau 1314:Stirner 1309:Spooner 1274:Parsons 1199:Graeber 1189:Goldman 1149:Durruti 1134:Chomsky 1124:Bonanno 1119:Berkman 1114:Bakunin 863:Anarchy 759:Parecon 715:African 627:Outline 622:History 565:Bukhara 506:Siberia 494:Eastern 480:Armenia 465:Georgia 460:Ossetia 428:Ukraine 394:Estonia 387:Western 365:Finland 8247:Kadets 8138:Groups 8113:Allied 7961:Events 7828:Voline 7735:  7725:  7706:  7686:  7676:  7659:  7649:  7632:  7624:  7586:  7576:  7544:  7534:  7499:  7472:  7447:  7420:  7412:  7402:  7356:  7301:  7276:  6980:  6862:  4827:150800 4825:  4817:  4776:  4184:  4119:  4080:  4053:  4026:  3969:  3773:, the 3657:Legacy 3550:Vyborg 3515:, and 3176:Soviet 2842:scurvy 2708:Moscow 2644:, and 2239:Turkey 2229:Taiwan 2214:Sweden 2194:Serbia 2189:Russia 2169:Poland 2149:Panama 2144:Norway 2109:Monaco 2104:Mexico 2094:Latvia 2074:Israel 2029:Greece 2009:France 1929:Canada 1919:Brazil 1849:Africa 1368:Issues 1354:Zerzan 1344:Warren 1329:Tucker 1299:Rocker 1294:Reclus 1284:Pouget 1264:Michel 1244:Makhno 1219:Kōtoku 1209:He-Yin 1184:Godwin 1169:Ferrer 1139:Cleyre 1104:Armand 1099:Alston 1091:People 851:Theory 749:Social 742:Jewish 688:Market 683:Egoist 487:Tambov 414:Poland 399:Latvia 172:  121:Result 84:Russia 8252:Nabat 7762:, at 7630:JSTOR 7546:67322 7418:S2CID 7410:JSTOR 5509:6 May 4823:JSTOR 3932:Notes 3416:Putna 3408:Fedko 2916:press 2750:Cheka 2696:Cheka 2634:Lenin 2304:Films 2294:Books 2282:Lists 2224:Syria 2209:Spain 2089:Korea 2084:Japan 2079:Italy 2054:India 1989:Egypt 1939:China 1934:Chile 1659:Films 1565:Provo 1334:Volin 1239:Magón 1214:Kanno 1164:Faure 1159:Ervin 1154:Ellul 727:Queer 720:Black 656:Green 570:Khiva 541:Chita 7952:and 7733:OCLC 7723:ISBN 7704:ISBN 7684:OCLC 7674:ISBN 7657:OCLC 7647:ISBN 7622:ISSN 7584:OCLC 7574:ISBN 7542:OCLC 7532:ISBN 7497:ISBN 7470:ISBN 7445:ISBN 7400:ISBN 7354:ISBN 7299:ISBN 7274:ISBN 7253:2021 6978:ISBN 6860:ISBN 5511:2018 4815:ISSN 4774:ISBN 4182:ISBN 4117:ISBN 4078:ISBN 4051:ISBN 4024:ISBN 3967:ISBN 3797:and 3724:and 3523:and 3427:and 3255:and 2925:for 2914:and 2891:and 2828:and 2502:The 2159:Peru 2064:Iran 1959:Cuba 1644:Arts 1339:Ward 1269:Most 1259:Mett 63:Date 7859:'s 7614:doi 7566:doi 7441:251 7392:doi 4807:doi 2593:by 1575:LIP 1234:Liu 1144:Day 973:Law 8666:: 7911:, 7893:, 7846:, 7834:. 7830:, 7818:, 7804:, 7792:, 7731:. 7682:. 7655:. 7628:. 7620:. 7610:10 7608:. 7590:. 7582:. 7572:. 7560:. 7540:. 7443:. 7416:. 7408:. 7398:. 7362:. 7237:. 7186:^ 7159:^ 7036:^ 7021:^ 7004:^ 6874:^ 6716:^ 6668:^ 6653:^ 6624:^ 6453:^ 6414:^ 6287:^ 6258:^ 6131:^ 6080:^ 6025:^ 5866:^ 5827:^ 5794:^ 5777:^ 5698:^ 5655:^ 5501:. 5497:. 5362:^ 5080:^ 4917:^ 4884:^ 4869:^ 4850:^ 4835:^ 4821:. 4813:. 4803:24 4801:. 4797:. 4746:^ 4699:^ 4596:^ 4555:^ 4528:^ 4437:^ 4422:^ 4367:^ 4300:^ 4249:^ 4232:^ 4125:. 4001:. 3951:^ 3769:, 3765:, 3761:, 3757:, 3711:: 3511:, 3414:, 3410:, 3406:, 3059:, 2807:, 2640:, 2566:. 2514:, 2510:: 1109:Ba 593:on 82:, 78:, 7942:e 7935:t 7928:v 7786:. 7739:. 7712:. 7690:. 7663:. 7636:. 7616:: 7597:. 7568:: 7548:. 7505:. 7478:. 7453:. 7424:. 7394:: 7373:. 7335:. 7307:. 7282:. 7255:. 6986:. 6868:. 5513:. 4829:. 4809:: 4782:. 4190:. 4163:. 4136:. 4086:. 4059:. 4032:. 4005:. 3975:. 2946:; 2506:( 2491:e 2484:t 2477:v 1716:" 1712:" 1704:" 1700:" 313:e 306:t 299:v 27:.


Kronstadt mutinies
Kronstadt Uprising (band)
Russian Civil War

Kotlin Island
60°00′45″N 29°44′01″E / 60.01250°N 29.73361°E / 60.01250; 29.73361
Baltic Fleet
Russian SFSR
Stepan Petrichenko
Vladimir Lenin
Leon Trotsky
Grigory Zinoviev
Kliment Voroshilov
Mikhail Tukhachevsky
Russian Civil War
October Revolution
Left-wing uprisings
Allied intervention
Central Powers intervention
North Russia
Eastern Karelia

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.