
Lindt Cafe siege

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1595: 1150: 1825:(ASIO) had conducted a thorough review of Monis in 2008/9 and found that he was not involved in politically motivated violence, nor had significant contact with groups of security concern. After receiving 18 calls from the public, ASIO reviewed Monis's Facebook page, which was considered not to indicate a threat. None of the calls related to any pending attack. The review found that there was no credible information that would indicate an attack. Monis had been granted bail while charged with several violent offences. However, bail laws had since been tightened in this regard. Monis obtained his firearm illegally and was never granted a license. 1767: 1540: 1759: 1751: 1466: 1142: 59: 2204: 1410: 1134: 570: 739: 1568: 1394: 9963: 1528: 1516: 2327: 47: 1504: 898:
consultant for NSW Police. The psychiatrist gave forensic advice that Monis was probably undertaking a grandiose act to be recognised as a figure of great infamy rather than wishing to hurt anyone. He doubted that Monis actually represented ISIS because he did not have the correct flag, nor that his actions were politically motivated. The psychiatrist warned that "a wounded narcissist is a dangerous specimen" as none of Monis's demands were met.
9951: 2341: 578: 9975: 1668:, Obama praised the "Australian public's embrace of #illridewithyou and the Muslim leaders who have disavowed the actions of the hostage taker", and "Australia's rejection of any violence taken in the name of religion and the fear this violence seeks to stoke." The President also conveyed the United States' willingness to provide assistance in the aftermath of the situation. United States Secretary of State, 9929: 1324:
was also almost entirely consumed in his own self-importance. ... By 2014, he owned no property, was in debt, and had developed no employment skills. His attempts to develop a personal, religious following ... had failed. ... He was facing future serious criminal charges... he had made no public impact of note on the Australian political scene". Monis may have felt that he had "little left to live for".
1672:, said the United States stood ready to provide Australia with any assistance required in "determining the facts of the case, assisting the victims and holding accountable anyone and everyone responsible for this act of terror". Citing this event, the United States issued a global travel alert to its citizens, to be alert for possible terrorist attacks within public venues. 1366:, addressed the media during the stand-off, and stated "we are being tested today... in Sydney. The police are being tested, the public is being tested, but whatever the test we will face it head on and we will remain a strong democratic, civil society. I have full confidence in the Police Commissioner and the incredible work of the NSW police force. 711:. However, Mikhael stated that no such negotiation took place. Habib said that he called both the NSWPF and the Attorney General twice during the raid, but they did not return his calls. Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione confirmed during the siege that "we're not dealing directly with him ... we do not have direct contact with the offender." 7170: 1355:
of being themselves. Australia is a peaceful, open, and generous society. Nothing should ever change that and that's why I would urge all Australians today to go about their business as usual", and "Australians should be reassured by the way our law enforcement and security agencies responded to this brush with terrorism."
1867:, began as scheduled on the 29th January 2015, presided over by the State Coroner, Michael Barnes. A Coronial Inquest is mandatory whenever people die in a police operation. The stated aim was "to determine how the deaths occurred, the factors that contributed to them and whether they could have been prevented". 1961:
was that his lack of ties to any movement did not preclude his being a terrorist as it is "an inclusive club". Another commentator said, "There can be also no doubt that his attack was a terrorist act, as defined under Australia's Criminal Code Act 1995" and that, "he was a terrorist, clearly influenced by IS".
On the morning of 16 December, after police declared the crisis to be over, a makeshift memorial began to take shape in Martin Place. From the first bunch of lilies, tributes developed into a field of flowers that "you can smell before you can see" and which was extensively reported and photographed.
to give briefings on the situation and said "Australians should be reassured that our law enforcement and security agencies are well trained and equipped and are responding in a thorough and professional manner." He later said, "The whole point of politically motivated violence is to scare people out
Jeremy Gormly SC, counsel assisting the inquest, summarised Monis as "a complex, disturbed individual desperate for recognition and status but completely lacking the skills or achievements to bring that dream to life". Gormly summarised that "Monis could be plausible, courteous and controlled, but he
The following day, NSW and Federal Police raided three homes of people who had been contacted in the attempt to source the flag. Kay assumes that her conversations had been monitored. Kay said she would help police in another crisis, but "with this incident they have not built trust at all. You don't
Monis was shot in the head. TOU Officer A stated that "I watched the (Carbine) laser ... from the centre of his chest go to his head and his head exploded and he fell". Officer A fired a total of 17 rounds, and Officer B fired 5 additional rounds. Some fragments of those rounds killed hostage Katrina
had allowed Monis to be granted bail sparked calls to further tighten the law; however, a review had already been conducted in the wake of earlier controversial bail releases, with the new law set "to take effect next year" (that is, on 28 January 2015). Former director of public prosecutions in New
Katrina Dawson died from a fragment of a police bullet, and other hostages appear to have been hit by bullets that ricocheted off the concrete building. It was unclear why 22 shots were fired by police, of which 13 hit Monis. Police have been criticised for both the high powered weapons used and the
Monis had entered the cafe without an ISIS flag. ASIO's previous investigations had found no links between Monis and any terrorist group. When a News reporter met him before the crisis she thought Monis was "lost and confused" and "harmless". Habib said Monis was "sick and disturbed" and desperately
The difference between terrorism and terrorising acts was noted in one analysis as "enormously important"—it added that in Monis's case, terrorism "was clearly an element, but he was coming to the end of his rope with a variety of legal processes; there was clearly some mental instability." One view
The review found that the judgements made by government agencies were reasonable. It suggested only modest changes to laws and procedures, taking the view that "introducing substantial further controls involves a larger choice about the sort of society we wish to live in and is properly the province
that Australian Muslim leaders were meeting online for discussions as to how the Muslim community could help with the situation. He added, "Regardless, we have a hostage situation. Whether he is someone who belongs to the Australian Muslim community or not, we are still waiting for information to be
A third negotiator later said that he did not have the Christmas lights turned off because he had to have reassurance that the hostage taker would not carry out his threat to kill Win Pe. He said there was some "step-by-step" process to have the hostages released (after nineteen hours). Jenkins says
Monis demanded to speak to the Australian Prime Minister live on radio, but this demand was rejected. This was relayed by hostage Marcia Mikhael, who said that she "lost it" when told that the Prime Minister was too busy, saying, "I don't care what is doing right now...I'm sure there's nothing more
The security services have been criticised for not recognising that Monis was a threat, and for taking him off their watch list in 2008. This may have been because they overlooked key evidence, or it may have been because there was simply no evidence to collect. The federal-state joint review found
flag for Monis, before obtaining their own. The police later raided several houses of people contacted by Ms Kay who was attempting to find an ISIL flag. Ms Kay assumed that the phone calls had been monitored, and that the request had been solely to find out who she would contact, lowering trust in
It has been suggested that the police treatment of the siege as a terrorist attack may have led to errors such as making no attempt to negotiate with the gunman as would have been normal practice in other hostage situations. One commentator, Guy Rundle, questioned whether the police may have used a
as a lot of people with mental problems do, and now, if they say they're a terrorist, if they say they're somehow associated with ISIS or Al Qaeda, it becomes a major event that shuts down the city and gets international attention. This was a person with a mental problem who tried to gain attention
The findings of the Federal–State joint review were released on 22 February 2015. The report covered Monis's earlier interactions with the government, his access to firearms, and the government response to Monis including problems correlating his various aliases. The report's terms of reference did
began clearing the flowers on 22 December after consultation with the families, because rain was expected. It was announced that the condolence books would be bound in several volumes and one complete copy provided to each family. The messages on the many cards were to be digitised. During the week
The first negotiator was not told that the Grand Mufti of Australia and a barrister who represented Monis had offered to help negotiate with Monis. He only found out about Monis's demand for the ABC to broadcast that Australia was under attack after a Facebook post from one of the hostages was read
pm, the head of the Tactical Operations Unit attempted to persuade the other commanders to take a "Deliberate Action" plan and storm the cafe. This plan was overruled by Task Force Pioneer commanders and Assistant Commissioner Mark Jenkins due to the danger to the hostages and police officers. TOU
His comments followed the airing of a two-part Four Corners investigation into the Lindt Cafe siege featuring former hostages, and the families of victims Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson. Both families expressed extreme frustration at the refusal of NSW Police to take earlier action to resolve the
Conversely, Yassir Morsi, a researcher at the Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding in Australia, suggested that "before he flew the black flag, Monis was just a desperate man with a violent past" and that "he was just another gunman. ... the symbol (flag) rewrote Monis's violent past and
criminologist Mark Lauchs said it was important to not describe the siege as a "terrorist attack". Lauchs said Monis was simply a deranged person running a hostage situation. "This incident was not about religion and neither was it a terrorist attack, but given that perception by the paraphernalia
their bus/train route and suggesting that they would be willing to "ride with" anyone who might feel threatened. More than 150,000 people indicated their support of the concept by using the hashtag. The campaign was initially inspired by a Facebook status update about offering to walk with a woman
A magistrate who had granted Monis bail and the lawyers who had represented him in his court appearances received death threats in the days after the attack. This reaction was described by the Bar Association as "understandable but wrong-headed", as magistrates have to deal with cases as they come
Three hostages and TOU Officer B were wounded by police crossfire during the raid. The three hostages were Marcia Mikhael, who was shot in the leg; Robyn Hope, a 75-year-old woman who was shot in the shoulder; and Louisa Hope, her 52-year-old daughter, who was shot in the foot. All three were in a
The NSW Police Force followed a "contain and negotiate" strategy to avoid any direct action unless a hostage was killed or injured. They decided that this strategy could deliver a "peaceful negotiated outcome" because Monis had not harmed any hostages, despite having threatened to do so. Monis had
7160: 2116:(DPP) urging them to challenge the bail decision for Monis, but a commissioned officer did not pass it on to the DPP. Michael Esposito, writing for the Law Society of South Australia, noted that the shocking nature of the Sydney siege had the power to prompt reviews of bail laws across Australia. 1870:
The hearings were divided into blocks of a couple of weeks. The first, which started on 25 May 2015, queried people who knew Monis to get background information. The second started on 17 August 2015 to consider Monis' bail application. Further blocks that investigate how the police dealt with the
During and immediately following the incident, some in the community expressed concern about an increased potential for violence or intimidation directed at Muslims in Australia. For example, the head of the Australian Muslim Women's Association told the media there was an increase in anti-Muslim
The Negotiation Unit leader did not think Monis would hurt anyone because Monis had told people inside the cafe that everyone would go home once Prime Minister Tony Abbott called. The team leader later conceded that Abbott was never going to call. An unnamed civilian Forensic Psychologist was the
All such offers were rejected by the police because they had no control over what the untrained negotiators might say or do. However, Mikhael said that after the request to speak to the Prime Minister was refused: "It was then that I knew that there was not going to be any negotiation and we were
did not realise that he and Boroujerdim, who had sought help in 1997, were the same man until they went back through their records. In the absence of hard evidence, suggestions that Monis represented a growing trend of systemic failure, rather than being an aberration, were noted as dangerous to
said he knew Monis well and offered to help the NSWPF negotiate with him. He believed that Monis was "sick and disturbed" over his failure to gain access to his children, and said Monis could trust him to get his message out. Lawyer Manny Conditsis had represented Monis and had also offered help
said the attack "was very different from first-generation or second-generation terrorist attacks—but it was terrorism, and terrorism of a brutal and more unpredictable sort." Another view was that describing the gunman as a terrorist was misplaced and would only serve the interests of ISIL. The
During the early stages of the siege, the Australian Government and the NSW authorities did not label the event as a terrorist attack; However, as the siege continued, NSW Police authorised the engagement of the state's counter-terrorism task force, treating the incident as an act of terrorism.
Monis was bearded, wearing a black cap and wearing a black headband with the inscription, in Arabic: "We are ready to sacrifice for you, O Mohammad." He was carrying a blue sports bag, and armed with a sawed-off pump-action shotgun. The shotgun was old but could fire four shots in five seconds.
Authorities did not release an estimate of the number of hostages inside the cafĂ© during the siege. After the siege, a total of 18 hostages was confirmed—eight staff and ten customers of the cafĂ© including lawyers and Westpac employees with offices close by. Initial estimates varied, with some
During the siege, no significant effort was made to negotiate with Monis, as would normally be expected in a hostage situation in order to build a relationship with a gunman and persuade them to surrender. Instead, Monis received no encouragement or assistance from trained police negotiators.
was evacuated after a suspicious package was found; however, reports were unconfirmed by police. The US Consulate General in Sydney, located in Martin Place, was evacuated. Some Sydney schools were put in "white level lockout" due to the hostage situation, which meant that no school group was
am, Operational Commander Mick Fuller approved negotiations for the release of half of the 18 hostages in return for Monis being allowed to talk on ABC radio. However, the Negotiation Commander decided not to do so because it conflicted with a standing policy to not negotiate with terrorists.
Belinda Neil, who was a negotiator for the NSW Police, stated that in negotiations, "e want to try and talk to the hostage-taker. ...e want to find out why he's there, why is he doing this, and we don't just go into this situation hoping to resolve it in half an hour." This approach would be
Commentators considered Monis's history of domestic violence, with a family violence expert arguing that it should have been considered when bail was given. A columnist noted that while his behaviour highlighted an "epidemic" of violence towards women, the media focus remained on terrorism.
said that none of the alleged devices were found during searches. Monis also demanded that a hostage ask all media to broadcast that "this is an attack on Australia by the Islamic State". In addition, he demanded that an Islamic State flag be delivered to him, although the request was never
Operational Commander Mick Fuller approves negotiations for the release of half of the 18 hostages in return for Monis being allowed to talk on ABC radio. However, the negotiation commander decided not to do so because it conflicted with a standing policy not to negotiate with terrorists.
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not reacted violently to the escape of five hostages on two separate occasions, or due to none of his demands being met. Further, Monis claimed to have a bomb, and "if the bomb was triggered, all of those inside the cafe and those attempting a rescue were not likely to survive". At 8:20
1264: 2112:, said he was not sure that the amended law would have changed anything in Monis's case, saying that "There will always be, unfortunately, some exceptional events which laws and controls put in place before the event could not have prevented". Homicide detectives sent a letter to the 1401:
Thousands of people visited the site in the first few days after the incident to pay tribute to the victims. Among them were members of the families of Dawson and Johnson. Johnson's father was accompanied by rabbis Levi Wolff and Zalmen Kastel, Hindu priest Pandit Ramachandra, the
Police declared the siege over soon after, later confirming that Monis was killed in the hostage rescue. Two hostages had died, and another three were injured by police bullets. TOU Officer B, whose face was grazed by a police bullet, was discharged from hospital later in the day.
out on radio 2GB. Monis had also demanded that the Christmas lights be turned off. The first negotiator thought that doing this would have provided an opportunity to bargain with Monis, but did not hear back from commanders as to whether it was possible so "discarded" the option.
pm on 15 December, police contacted Rebecca Kay, a member of the Muslim community, and asked her to help source an ISIS flag for Monis. Kay contacted many people in the Muslim community but ultimately the police sourced their own flag. However, the flag was never given to Monis.
rounds. Carbine rounds could have "dangerous effects in a dense and enclosed environment." It was initially unclear why 22 shots were fired by police, of which 13 hit Monis. The rounds were continuously fired in the belief that the hostage taker could reach for a bomb trigger.
An anonymous call was made to Australia's anti-terrorism hotline 48 hours before the siege, raising concerns about the content of Monis's website. On his website, Monis had pledged allegiance to "the caliph of the Muslims", believed to be referring to Islamic State leader
495:(TOU) stormed the café. Hostage Tori Johnson was killed by Monis and hostage Katrina Dawson was killed by a police bullet ricochet in the subsequent raid. Monis was also killed. Three other hostages and a police officer were injured by police gunfire during the raid. 2215:. Memorial plaques were placed inside the reopened Lindt café. A permanent memorial to the victims of the siege incorporated the flowers from Martin Place, which were to be mulched and incorporated into its garden element. The memorial was opened in December, 2017. 4277: 5882: 4425: 1981:
said that this hostage-incident exhibits many of the elements associated with grassroots terrorism. A criminologist said that the event "was not about religion and neither was it a terrorist attack but given that perception by the paraphernalia Monis used."
4773: 3604: 1732:, a magazine published by the ISIL editorialised on Monis's actions and attempted to claim him as one of their own, in a response that an expert described as "absolutely predictable". The magazine lauded Monis's actions and their effect on the city. The 539:. Condolence books were set up in other Lindt cafés and the community turned Martin Place into a "field of flowers." The Martin Place Lindt café was severely damaged during the police raid, closed afterwards, then renovated for reopening in March 2015. 2468: 1807:
home of Monis's partner Amirah Droudis, and removed property. Her bail was revoked after a hearing on 22 December 2014. Investigations by Australian security agencies and monitoring of suspects following the siege revealed increased "terror chatter".
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Police have been criticised over their handling of the siege for not taking proactive action earlier, for the deaths of hostages at the end of the siege, and for the lack of negotiation during the siege. Hostage Marcia Mikhael called radio station
2073:"crude rule" that "we don't negotiate with terrorists" that affected their procedures. It might also explain the choice of weapon in a small enclosure against a lone gunman. These factors may have directly led to the deaths of Johnson and Dawson. 1301:. However, on 12 December 2013, Magistrate William Pierce said "It is a weak case" and granted Monis bail. In November 2016, Amirah Droudis was found guilty, in a judge-only trial, of the murder of Monis's ex-wife and sentenced to 44 years' jail. 725:
am Tori Johnson texted his family "He's increasingly agitated, walks around when he hears a noise outside with a hostage in front of him. Wants to release one person in good faith, tell police." This was reported to the police ten minutes later.
He was then relieved by a second negotiator, but did not tell him about the demand that the Christmas lights be turned off. Hostage Selina Win Pe told the second negotiator Monis wanted to know why it hadn't happened. It was later revealed an
Monis was unaware that Jieun Bae and Elly Chen had escaped. Jarrod Morton-Hoffman made noise to cover their exit and persuaded Monis that media reports of five hostages escaping were wrong. After the escape, Monis threatened to kill hostages.
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At the inquest, Counsel assisting the coroner, Jeremy Gormley SC, said, "No shot fired by Mr Monis, other than the one that struck and killed Mr Johnson, struck anyone." Mitchell McAlister, who was a TAG East assaulter with the 2nd Commando
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am, four minutes after the Tactical operations teams were ordered in, Monis shot Tori Johnson in the back of the head, killing him. The execution was witnessed by TOU sniper Sierra 3-1, who reported a hostage down. TOU Operators armed with
528:, live on radio. Monis was described by Abbott as having indicated a "political motivation," but the eventual assessment was that the gunman was "a very unusual case—a rare mix of extremism, mental health problems and plain criminality." 4637: 3821: 4225: 1993:
In 2016, Monis was cited as one of a number of recent violent attackers who were mentally disturbed and operated under the justification of Islamist ideas or slogans. Other examples include the as-of-yet unidentified perpetrator of the
La Salle pump-action shotgun, was more than 50 years old. Police believe the weapon was imported in the 1950s, when no registration was required. Monis had 23 shotgun cartridges of different brands on him, between 15 and 20 years old.
2002:. According to psychologists and psychiatrists who study radicalisation, jihad propaganda and calls to kill infidels can push mentally-ill individuals to act, even in the absence of direct or personal contact with radical Islamists. 894:
he would have liked the Christmas lights turned off quickly, and was unaware that this had been found to be possible. Jenkins was also not told about the Johnson text near the end of the siege that Monis wanted to release a hostage.
4063: 1385:, released a statement sympathising with the families, commending the work of the police involved, and urging Australians to "unite in our resolve to protect what we value most—our way of life, our care and respect for each other". 8891: 1914:
Scholars and social commentators have debated whether Monis was a terrorist and whether his actions could be classified as an act of terrorism. There is doubt as to whether or not Monis fit the definition of a lone wolf terrorist.
should be undertaken. The review suggested that the gun that Monis used had lawfully entered the country, possibly as early as the 1950s, and had fallen into the "grey market" after not being included in the gun buyback schemes of
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Monis used." The Australian prime minister said, " had a long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability...As the siege unfolded yesterday, he sought to cloak his actions with the symbolism of the
3681: 2608: 7020: 4718: 3225: 4040: 1250:. On the morning of 16 December, road diversions remained in place and Martin Place train station remained closed. In the evening of 16 December, Elizabeth Street, Macquarie Street and Hunter Street were opened to traffic. 6312: 5015: 4828: 4337: 8691: 4922: 9760: 4273: 5874: 2952: 2168:
Debate followed about the difficulty of managing a police operation in the presence of continuous global media coverage as well as the likely damage caused by the spread of rumour. Particular criticism was levelled at
understand...the fear that create, and how they stalk...members of our community..." Lawyer Zali Burrows questioned the purpose of the police contacting Kay in the first place, stating, "Why didn't they just print ?"
6561: 4417: 4097: 3439: 1631:, which had been within the exclusion zone, held a "Service of Remembrance and Reflection" on the afternoon of 19 December. The service was attended by about 400 people, most of them members of the legal profession. 9917:'Officer A' (author's full name subject to a New South Wales Coronial Suppression Order) (October 2022) Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! The Lindt Café Siege. The End Authority Limited, ISBN 9780473655990. Retrieved 2 May 2023. 8124: 5755: 1327:
No weapons were found when police raided his home in 2013. From 1997 to 2000, Monis held a security guard licence, which would have let him carry a pistol between March and June 1997. The weapon that Monis used, a
cited the Sydney siege as an example of what he claimed was deliberate underreporting of terrorist attacks by the media, notwithstanding that the event received "blanket coverage" in local and international news.
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and barrister Stefan Balafoutis, escaped from the front entrance of the building, followed by a third hostage, café employee Paolo Vassallo, who ran out from a fire exit at the side of the building. At around
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in 2011. The letter was, according to Robertson, routine procedure on behalf of a constituent and written in support of Monis's request for a supervised visit with his children on Father's Day despite an
9115: 6343: 4802: 4004: 1582:
of Australia, condemned the incident in a statement released on 15 December. The same afternoon, around fifty Muslim groups issued a joint statement in which they condemned the incident. The Australian
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stable condition after treatment. Paolo Vassallo, one of the five hostages who initially escaped the scene, was hospitalised for a pre-existing condition. The other hostages were identified as
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in response to the unfolding situation with emergency services sent to the staging post to respond to any immediate threats. Evacuees were relocated to the area as a safety precaution.
9346: 9729: 7930: 6281: 5990: 5450: 5041: 4497: 3217: 8735: 8417: 7012: 5968: 5600: 3281: 8032: 6693: 6100: 4714: 4531: 4030: 2854: 5725: 4904: 3130: 2437: 8500: 7767: 6724: 6439: 6304: 5007: 4824: 4329: 1377:, on the morning of 16 December, urged Australians to see this as a "one-off event", stating, "We're an inclusive multicultural community and we need to deal with this together". 1285:
In September 2009, Monis was convicted for criminal use of the postal service to "menace, harass or cause offence", for a campaign protesting the presence of Australian troops in
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snipers could not fire due to "the narrow windows, the moving around of Monis, the risk to hostages if there was a missed shot, (and) the position of the snipers behind glass".
am Monis fired a shot towards the kitchen, and was heard on the police listening device reloading his shotgun. The hostage Fiona Ma then escaped through the front door, and two
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Following the two deaths during the hostage situation, the Katrina Dawson Foundation was established, with the aim of supporting educational opportunities for women. The then
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public confidence; to the separation of powers; to the idea of innocence till proven guilty and also to social cohesion by inviting suspicion of people from the Middle East.
Muslim Association condemned the incident, the national president saying that "such actions are criminal and totally contrary to the teachings of Islam." Egypt's Grand Mufti
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The Prime Minister and NSW Premier were among many in the community to lay flowers at the memorial in a demarcated space. Flowers were also taken to suburban Lindt shops.
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Police investigations include a "critical incident" investigation undertaken by NSW police; headed by Detective Inspector Angelo Memmolo and an enquiry conducted by the
Memorial services for Johnson and Dawson were held on 23 December: Johnson's in the morning at St Stephen's Uniting Church, Sydney, and Dawson's in the afternoon in the
1118:, Stefan Balafoutis, Elly Chen, Jieun Bae, Harriette Denny, Viswakanth Ankireddy, Joel Herat, Fiona Ma, Jarrod Hoffman, Puspendu Ghosh, Selina Win Pe, and Julie Taylor. 7069: 5817: 5098: 8584: 8246: 7574: 6130: 4659: 4247: 3843: 7904: 3900: 1968:... driven by a desire for attention and to be in the spotlight", and his use of the flag was described as "the only way" to instil fear on a global scale. Professor 1289:, by writing letters to the families of soldiers killed there, in which he called the soldiers murderers. On 12 December, three days before the siege, Monis lost his 531:
In the aftermath of the siege, Muslim groups issued a joint statement in which they condemned the incident, and memorial services were held in the city at the nearby
10065: 9304: 9236: 3504: 1312:. On 14 April 2014, Monis was charged with three sexual assault offences against a woman and remanded in custody. He was granted bail on 26 May, six days after the 9369: 8386: 7137: 3718: 1789: 1370: 1157:
After the siege began, a staged exclusion zone was established with thousands of people evacuated from nearby buildings. Including the floors above the café. The
because he said that Monis respected what he had to say to him. Barrister Michael Klooster who had met Monis in the cafe before the siege called the police at 2:17
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just left there. ...They were waiting for him to kill someone or shoot something so they come in. ...There was nothing proactive about that operation, nothing."
followed up on the call by reviewing the website and Monis's posts on social media but found nothing to indicate that he was likely to commit an act of violence.
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released statements about the media coverage after the event. Beyond misinformation, concerns were raised regarding the presentation of crises as entertainment.
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against him. The Department declined Monis's request. As pressure mounted on Robertson to resign as Leader of the Labor Party, and three months away from the
8523: 8276: 6183: 6030: 5691: 4364: 9560: 4864: 4743: 4186: 10060: 5905: 5181: 9076: 7218: 6871: 5851: 3462: 8822: 8220: 7403: 6982: 6061: 9782: 7638: 7192: 6902: 5965:"Sydney siege inquest: Ballistics expert fires sawn-off shotgun used by Man Haron Monis in Lindt Cafe – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)" 2393: 99: 9672: 7866: 6152: 3931: 3400: 2883: 1031:
Assistant Commissioner Mark Jenkins and a "forward commander" hold a teleconference saying they will continue to "contain and (in theory) negotiate".
8553: 5930: 2113: 1797: 1493: 287: 8660: 7823: 7669: 6807: 6659: 5071: 3312: 3091: 3057: 240: 8184: 7510: 4386: 4307: 2538: 1842: 447: 10025: 9205: 7607: 6397: 3369: 2182: 2069:
who had known Monis personally. Habib offered to help negotiate or provide background information to the police. These offers were not taken up.
1657:, strongly condemned the taking of hostages as "inhuman" and also stated that the Australian authorities had been repeatedly warned about Monis. 1043:
Four calls from hostage Win Pe to negotiators go unanswered. She calls 000 and says she will be shot if the Christmas lights are not turned off.
408: 5120: 4490:"Sydney siege: Counter-terrorism specialist questions weapons used by police, says they may have contributed to death of hostage Katrina Dawson" 2705: 9891: 9695: 9011: 8978: 7927:"Sydney Lindt cafe siege: Tony Abbott says protecting the community will mean 'redrawing the line' on individual rights, after review released" 5569: 5270: 5208: 4459: 4150: 4119: 9338: 8629: 4554: 1952:, said, "I don't think this was a lone wolf terrorist, I don't think this was a terrorist at all, I think this was someone who was committing 9721: 5480: 2038:
evaluated the floorplan of the cafe and gave advice to police. Mitchell McAlister, a former member of TAG East, questioned the police use of
1822: 1091:
Tactical Operations Unit breach the cafe. TOU neutralise Monis. Hitting Dawson. Crossfire wounding three other hostages and a TOU Operator.
558: 10055: 9148: 8409: 7926: 6277: 5442: 5342: 5037: 4489: 8725: 8024: 6092: 5964: 5592: 5510: 4523: 3289: 2846: 2264: 759:
pm, two female hostages, both employees, Jieun Bae and Elly Chen, escaped by running from another entrance of the building and were met by
7487: 7427: 6685: 5717: 3122: 2429: 1110:, was killed by crossfire when she was hit by seven police bullet fragments. Dawson was lying behind a chair that was hit by 10 bullets. 9933: 8490: 7908: 7351: 6716: 2260:
and 'Silent Night' in Arabic, was commissioned and premiered by the Song Company at concerts around the first anniversary of the events.
398: 299: 7759: 7047: 6431: 5866: 7312: 6747: 6522: 5778: 2132: 1539: 7382: 6929: 3965: 1933:
that Monis was a loner and had mental health problems, and was desperate to attach himself to something. Clarke suggested that if the
10030: 7259: 5416: 4688: 1999: 1625:
from the "Mass in times of civil disturbance" and a memorial service was held at St Mary's Cathedral, on the morning of 19 December.
9499: 9043: 8945: 8055: 7290: 2671: 2177:
for spreading false information as well as for insensitivity and "gross ethical violations". Commissioner Scipione and chair of the
10015: 9270: 7453: 5151: 2507: 1714:
was a founding member. At his parents' request, a memorial fund for Johnson was used to raise money for mental health organisation
relating to the death of his former wife who was found stabbed eighteen times, and set alight, on 21 April 2013 at a unit block in
8333: 7959: 7703: 3658: 1647:, said, "We urge all Canadians in Sydney to use extra precaution and limit their movements as authorities handle this situation." 334: 7375:"We stand in solidarity with all Australians. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the #SydneySiege yesterday" 6778: 6001: 3786: 1957:
and succeeded, tried to shut down the city and succeeded, merely by putting up a flag that was something like the flag of ISIS."
1846: 1817:
not cover the controversial police actions during the siege itself, such as the nature of the negotiations or the final assault.
1527: 1190: 979:
Negotiators call Monis, answered by hostage Mikhael, indicate they knew Monis' identity. Monis did not like being referred to as
420: 9529: 9163: 4945: 2267:
to provide financial assistance to young women for their university education. The first recipients started university in 2016.
7790: 2128: 1122: 304: 9612: 9171: 6951: 3248: 3194: 3028: 492: 7993: 6499: 5809: 5532: 5094: 1317: 1286: 1106:
Tori Johnson, the 34-year-old manager of the café, died after being shot in the head by Monis. Katrina Dawson, a 38-year-old
7584: 6122: 1320:. On 10 October, he was charged with another 40 sexual assault offences against six more women, and his bail was continued. 774:
in the café during the night. At one point, the device picked up Monis saying that he wanted to kill any escaping hostages.
10020: 8154: 7344:"I was briefed overnight on the siege in Sydney. It's deeply concerning and my thoughts are with all those caught up in it" 2192: 1640: 677: 676:
is the messenger of God"), against the window of the café. Some news reports initially mistook it for the flag used by the
440: 3605:"Criminal lawyer Manny Conditsis left wondering: Would my information have made a difference in Lindt Cafe siege outcome?" 10070: 9410: 9143: 6221: 3496: 2354: 2188: 2145: 1918: 1462:
criticised the campaign for creating "false victims" out of Muslims and thereby taking attention away from the hostages.
who had removed her head covering. The campaign received international attention, including from United States President
377: 8378: 7129: 2195:
aired a two-part broadcast, interviewing former hostages, and the families of deceased Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson.
10045: 5657: 2271: 2119:
Some commentators expressed concerns about immigration and citizenship processes. Monis's "confused agenda" meant that
1485: 718:, they were not published during the siege. The social media profiles of the hostages were also used to relay demands. 1594: 9995: 9901: 6246: 5365: 4361:"Sydney siege over as officers storm Martin Place Lindt Cafe after gunman Man Haron Monis takes hostages – City A.M." 2986: 2160:
Historians of religion and politics also critically reviewed the role of violence committed in the name of religion.
presented a message of support: "May the lights of the festival of Hanukkah bring comfort and warmth to our nation".
am on 16 December, a "very loud bang" was heard as Monis shot towards six hostages fleeing from the building. At 2:11
594: 491:
The Sydney siege led to a 16-hour standoff, after which a gunshot was heard from inside and police officers from the
137: 6398:"Sydney siege: NSW Bar Association concerned about death threats against judiciary, lawyers over Monis bail outcome" 2502: 2500: 2498: 2496: 2494: 586: 2300: 1644: 1588: 1260:
system, which led to criticism. Uber subsequently refunded excessive fares and provided free rides out of the CBD.
1194: 324: 26: 5687: 1948:
confirmed that he believed Monis to be a terrorist. However, former counter-terrorism adviser to the White House,
Following the siege, officers from the New South Wales Police Force and the Australian Federal Police went to the
1449:. This sought to offer solidarity and emotional support to Muslims travelling alone on public transport by people 1055:
Johnson texts family that Monis is becoming increasingly agitated and wants to release one hostage in good faith.
7099: 6838: 2491: 1459: 1149: 520:(IS); Monis later demanded that an IS flag be brought to him. Monis also unsuccessfully demanded to speak to the 433: 372: 252: 5391: 5185: 1564:
provided by police and based on that if there's something the Muslim community can do or assist, we are there."
1125:. Interviews with some of the hostages were later recorded for television and broadcast, amid some controversy. 6863: 5843: 2275: 2135:, had sent a letter which passed on a request made by Monis, a constituent in his Blacktown electorate, to the 1973: 532: 339: 309: 8784: 3787:"Sydney siege: Social media could hamper police operations, being exploited by modern terrorists, expert says" 1906:. The Act means that insurance exclusions for terrorist incidents do not apply if such a declaration is made. 8630:"Sydney siege: Tony Abbott announces urgent review, including looking at Man Haron Monis' access to firearms" 4409: 2249: 1708: 1614: 1378: 1235: 1219: 1206: 7196: 6894: 6160: 2401: 503:
during the siege and said, "They have not negotiated, they've done nothing. They have left us here to die."
9664: 7579: 7165: 2472: 2304: 2174: 1231: 715: 714:
Several hostages made contact with media outlets and relayed Monis' demands to them. At the request of the
618: 349: 92: 9590: 9402: 3370:"Sydney Hostage Crisis : 17-hr Lindt Cafe Siege Ends; 3 Dead, Including Gunman; Indian Hostages Safe" 3218:"Man Haron Monis ordered chocolate cake and a cup of tea before declaring, 'I have a bomb', inquest hears" 1246:, and Harbour Street, and northbound access to the Cahill Expressway, and all traffic was diverted to the 9434: 9398: 5875:"Before the Sydney siege, alleged gunman Man Haron Monis faced sexual assault, murder conspiracy charges" 5533:"Sydney siege: Martin Place Lindt cafe hostage situation leads to road closures and transport diversions" 5063: 3024: 1628: 1599: 1556: 1298: 1067:
Monis moves hostages around the cafe, six hostages take the opportunity to flee. Monis fires first shot.
536: 521: 282: 9077:"Man Haron Monis 'would not have been on bail if domestic violence was taken as seriously as terrorism'" 8884:"Martin Place siege gunman Man Haron Monis: Why Amnesty supported his application for a protection visa" 8692:"A Change.Org Petition For Stronger Bail Laws In NSW Has Secured More Than 42,000 Signatures In One Day" 8176: 4299: 1293:
against his conviction and was sentenced to 300 hours of community service. Monis had been charged with
Monis claimed there were four "devices" located around Sydney. Then New South Wales Police Commissioner
9941: 8979:"Sydney siege: NSW Opposition Leader John Robertson sent letter to DOCS on behalf of Lindt cafe gunman" 7707: 7062: 4031:"Sydney siege aftermath: seven minutes, two bangs, and when the waiting game became a tactical assault" 2601:"Sydney siege gunman Man Haron Monis was on bail for 40 sexual assault charges and accessory to murder" 2211:
A month after the siege, police, ambulance workers, firefighters and others were officially thanked at
2141: 1990:
seeking attention over his grievances with government officials that had nothing to do with terrorism.
1515: 1359: 1202: 598: 367: 8247:"Experts Say Sydney Hostage Taker Man Haron Monis Wasn't A Terrorist, Just A Man With Mental Problems" 5810:"'Spiritual healer' refused bail over alleged 2002 sexual assaults at Wentworthville in Sydney's west" 1664:
called the Prime Minister to express his condolences on behalf of the United States. According to the
Iranian-born Monis was identified as the hostage-taker and named early on the morning of 16 December.
10010: 8950: 8083:"Sydney siege inquest: court not told Monis was on bail at time of alleged assaults – as it happened" 7546: 6631: 6627:"President Obama praises #illridewithyou to Tony Abbott as Liberal MP slams 'hating whitey' campaign" 4035: 2308: 1778: 606: 6305:"Sydney siege victim Tori Johnson's father wants son's death to be 'the beginning of something new'" 5302:"Martin Place hostage Marcia Mikhael records exclusive interview with Channel Seven's Melissa Doyle" 2022:, in May 2017, the NSW Coroner Michael Barnes determined that "The siege was a terrorist incident." 10005: 10000: 5008:"Sydney siege ends: Barrister Katrina Dawson confirmed as 38-year-old woman killed in Martin Place" 4451: 2359: 2240:, who resides less than a kilometre from the Lindt CafĂ©, wrote two works influenced by the events. 2212: 2178: 1837: 1833: 1804: 1650: 1503: 1178: 1174: 1115: 751: 319: 5472: 4919:"Sydney siege inquest: Barrister recounts close call with Man Haron Monis at cafe on day of siege" 1766: 995:
Monis frustrated his message not getting out, hostages suggest uploading to Facebook and YouTube.
9138: 5334: 4891:"Lindt siege inquest: Psychiatrist advising police believed Man Monis was seeking 'great infamy'" 3535:"Sydney siege survivor Marcia Mikhael accuses police of bungling the Lindt Cafe rescue operation" 1888: 1828:
The review suggested, in addition to the reforms to the bail laws and "new programmes to counter
1489: 771: 403: 9139:"Islam, Actually: Telling the Truth about Religion and Violence in the Wake of the Sydney Siege" 5502: 9967: 8056:"Sydney siege inquest: Deaths of Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson investigated as inquest opens" 7483: 6886: 4274:"Lindt Cafe siege inquest: Police 'Alpha team' reveal last moments leading to Man Monis' death" 2312: 2227: 2031: 1934: 823: 791: 760: 294: 260: 7343: 3682:"Crisis (hostage) negotiation: current strategies and issues in high-risk conflict resolution" 3432:"NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione's wife and daughter in Lindt cafe before siege began" 469: 10050: 10035: 9530:"Sydney siege memorial unveiled in Martin Place, three years after deadly terrorist incident" 9438: 7043: 4524:"Sydney siege inquest: Katrina Dawson killed by fragments of police bullets – as it happened" 2120: 2043: 1965: 1418: 1403: 1247: 1170: 1166: 8441:"Sydney siege: Welcome to Jihad 3.0, the third wave of terrorism and the most unpredictable" 4770:"Sydney siege inquest: Hostage Stefan Balafoutis consumed by guilt after fleeing Lindt cafe" 3249:"Man Haron Monis: fringe figure whose crime record and erratic behaviour made him notorious" 1937:
had accepted his membership then the siege might not have happened. Roger Shanahan from the
9048: 9016: 8983: 8730: 7795: 7374: 6278:"Sydney siege: Thousands pay tribute to victims killed in Martin Place Lindt cafe shootout" 6247:"Live blog: Siege in Sydney's Martin Place- ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)" 2019: 1930: 1858: 1560: 1351: 1238:
advised people to stay away from the CBD. Road closures prevented southbound access to the
554: 477: 473: 344: 226: 7542:"Sydney siege gunman Man Haron Monis glorified in Islamic State propaganda magazine Dabiq" 7283:"Canada's thoughts and prayers are with our Australian friends. #MartinPlace #SydneySiege" 7252:"Canada's thoughts and prayers are with our Australian friends. #MartinPlace #SydneySiege" 7251: 6686:"Sydney siege: Martin Place deluged with flowers and tributes to Lindt cafe siege victims" 4660:"Sydney siege inquest: Snipers' capabilities 'greatly diminished' during Lindt cafe siege" 3966:"Sydney siege inquest: Dramatic footage shown of final standoff, Monis firing at hostages" 3343:"Lindt cafe siege: shotgun used by Man Monis capable of firing four shots in five seconds" 1758: 1750: 8: 7282: 4634:"Man Monis shot at six hostages as they fled Lindt cafe, Martin Place siege inquest told" 2706:"Sydney siege: Prime Minister Tony Abbott says gunman is 'claiming political motivation'" 2245: 2035: 1995: 1575: 1465: 1294: 1243: 1198: 696: 329: 1141: 9642: 8827: 4330:"Investigation finds Katrina Dawson 'killed by police' during shootout at Martin Place" 3844:"Lindt cafe siege inquest: Siege commander accused of botching 2005 terrorism incident" 3650: 2571: 2369: 2364: 1738: 1607: 1158: 708: 695:
pm. Other Muslim leaders also offered to help, including the Grand Mufti of Australia,
9044:"John Robertson stands down as NSW Opposition Leader following leadership speculation" 6432:"Sydney siege: Police respond to anti-Muslim sentiment in wake of Lindt cafe shootout" 1964:
One terrorism expert, Professor Greg Barton, described Monis's actions as those of a "
9897: 8796: 2289: 1953: 1949: 1829: 1329: 1239: 1224: 1182: 610: 5443:"US Consulate in Sydney near hostage cafe crisis evacuated, security warning issued" 3186: 2878: 2876: 2874: 2872: 2797:"Sydney siege inquest hears Tori Johnson's execution was prompted by hostage escape" 831: 58: 9955: 7699: 6495: 5564: 5038:"Sydney siege inquest: Katrina Dawson was lying behind Monis, reconstruction shows" 2918:"Before he flew the black flag, Monis was just a desperate man with a violent past" 2346: 2109: 1941:
said that if Monis had followed ISIS direction he would have just killed everyone.
1728: 1497:
after the siege, it was estimated that 110,000 bouquets were laid at Martin Place.
8585:"Terrorism 'not even being reported': Trump cites Sydney siege in list of attacks" 6367:"Sydney siege ends: flags to fly at half mast and floral tributes at Martin Place" 2672:"Police say they are in contact with gunman holding hostages in Sydney, Australia" 1972:, Director of the School of International, Political and Strategic Studies at the 1442:. Due to this concern among some local social media users, many started using the 1213:, and "several city legal chambers" were evacuated, as were the facilities of the 9845:"Sydney's Lindt Cafe - scene of deadly 2014 terrorist attack - to close for good" 9305:"Treating the Sydney siege horror as real-time entertainment eroded our humanity" 9300: 9206:"Q&A: how the Sydney siege was reported by the public and news professionals" 7410: 4977:"Sydney siege: Tori Johnson's act of kindness left its mark on Wollongong family" 2869: 2226:
in February 2015 was dedicated to the siege victims and to those who died in the
1785: 1277: 1257: 684:
important happening in Australia...than the lives of the people in this café..."
647: 465: 208: 84: 9237:"Sydney siege: Rupert Murdoch criticised over 'heartless' congratulations tweet" 8146: 5844:"Sydney Hostage Siege Ends With Gunman and 2 Captives Dead as Police Storm Cafe" 5240:"Sydney siege aftermath: stop paid interviews going to air, says former coroner" 1699:
embassy in Australia stated that it stood with Australia in the face of terror.
1133: 569: 464:
was a terrorist attack that occurred on 15–16 December 2014 when a lone gunman,
9469:"Sydney siege aftermath: Emergency workers thanked for efforts in Martin Place" 8860: 7404:"Israeli embassy in Australia closely following hostage crisis at Sydney cafe." 6591: 6554:"How #illridewithyou began with Rachael Jacobs' experience on a Brisbane train" 4689:"Sydney siege inquest : Hostage exchange agreement blocked by negotiators" 4597:"Sydney siege aftermath: Muslims feel 'set up' over Islamic State flag request" 4418:"Police in Sydney: 3 dead in raid to free captives held by Iranian-born gunman" 3619:"Martin Place siege: Officer reassured hostage as Man Manis brandished shotgun" 2257: 2219: 2170: 2046: 1969: 1938: 1871:
siege itself were withheld from the public "in the interests of the families".
1680: 1654: 1618: 1409: 1382: 1309: 1305: 1210: 738: 655: 516:
creed. Initially, many media organisations mistook it for the flag used by the
166: 7791:"Heightened level of terror 'chatter' in wake of Sydney siege: PM Tony Abbott" 7454:"Sydney siege: Katrina Dawson Foundation to raise funds for women's education" 6587:"Readout of the President's Call with Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia" 6336:"Sydney siege: Katrina Dawson's daughter leaves touching note at Martin Place" 6214:"Premier and Commissioner address the media re: Martin Place police operation" 6213: 4865:"Lindt cafe inquest: gunman's lights off demand should've been used by police" 3753:"Police clear Martin Place after gunman holds hostages at Lindt Chocolat Cafe" 3719:"Police divided over strategy during Lindt cafe siege in Martin Place, Sydney" 2203: 9989: 8800: 8460:"Sydney siege: don't call Man Haron Monis a 'terrorist' – it only helps Isis" 6622: 6031:"Lindt Cafe siege survivor stands tall as Man Monis's gun appears at inquest" 2733:"Victims of Sydney siege hailed as heroes after they die protecting hostages" 2288:
The Lindt Café closed in October 2021 due to lack of patronage caused by the
2104: 2066: 1929:
Prof Greg Barton (from Deakin University) and Dr Clarke Jones (ANU) told the
1711: 1688: 1684: 1571:
One day after the siege, police blocked off the area of Martin Place involved
1313: 1214: 742:
Crowds outside the Tiffany & Co. store in Martin Place during the evening
687: 629: 517: 507: 114: 101: 22: 9561:"Lindt cafe siege, Charlie Hebdo victims to be remembered at Sydney concert" 9108:"Martin Place siege puts spotlight on another enemy: violence against women" 9012:"John Robertson: Momentum gathering for NSW leadership spill, Labor MPs say" 7670:"Inquiry after Tony Abbott wrongly claims Sydney siege gunman had a licence" 6175: 4851:"Sydney siege inquest: Lindt cafe manager Tori Johnson's final text message" 4187:"Man Haron Monis executed Tori Johnson with shot to the head, inquest hears" 3818:"Sydney siege inquest: Shocking reason calls from hostages weren't answered" 3157:"Sydney siege: anonymous warning about Man Haron Monis followed up, says PM" 9979: 9334: 7958:. Australian Government and NSW Government. pp. 45, 48. Archived from 6779:"The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney siege: Flowers removed from Martin Place" 6425: 6423: 3495:
Jacques, Owen; Mesner, Kerri-Anne; Weyman-Jones, Laura (17 December 2014).
2332: 2293: 2006: 1945: 1793: 1661: 1622: 1455: 1439: 1397:
Members of the public sign condolence books in Martin Place after the siege
1374: 807: 643:. He had chained and locked the automatic sliding glass doors of the café. 640: 76: 64: 8554:"Global terrorist groups exploit mentally ill people to carry out attacks" 7219:"US issues rare worldwide travel alert, cites Sydney's 'lone-wolf attack'" 5906:"Man Monis granted bail six days after controversial bail laws brought in" 4248:"Lindt cafe siege: Officer watched Man Monis' head explode, inquest hears" 4090:"Man Haron Monis fired a shot but missed before police stormed Lindt cafe" 3463:"Sydney siege over: Lindt cafe gunman forces hostages to appear in videos" 2823:"Lindt cafe siege inquest: Hostage Marcia Mikhael accuses police of lying" 2278:
due to Tori Johnson and his partner of 14 years. Smith later introduced a
Dawson's family created the Katrina Dawson Foundation and scholarships to
of the public and our elected representatives". The review found that the
1567: 1393: 1223:
to suspend transmission. Police established an emergency centre in nearby
streets, bordering Martin Place, to remain indoors and away from windows.
Dawson. Three other hostages and TOU Officer B were injured by crossfire.
9817: 6467: 6389: 3651:"Sydney siege police negotiation insights from former hostage negotiator" 1692: 1665: 1579: 525: 7639:"Sydney siege: Detective Inspector Angelo Memmolo to head investigation" 7070:"Canada closely monitors apparent hostage taking situation in Australia" 6420: 3997:"Sydney siege hostage describes hail of gunfire as they fled Lindt cafe" 2572:"Sydney siege: Man behind siege named as Iranian cleric Man Haron Monis" 9753:"Liberal MP Dean Smith's views on same-sex marriage turned at 30,000ft" 7106:. Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA. 16 December 2014. Archived from 4744:"Sydney siege inquest: primary negotiator 'let down' by police command" 2065:
Help was offered by the Muslim community including the Grand Mufti and
2039: 1899: 1715: 1669: 1363: 1333: 1256:
fares for travel in Sydney surged during the event under the company's
827: 602: 236: 141: 46: 9370:"Lindt Cafe siege police too slow: former SAS commander Andrew Hastie" 8277:"Sydney siege would have been extremely hard to predict, inquest told" 7107: 7100:"Analyst derides Australian government for letting criminal do freely" 3932:"Martin Place siege being treated as terrorist attack, police confirm" 3871:"Martin Place siege: Tony Abbott convenes National Security Committee" 1406:
and Sheikh Wesam Charkawi. Dawson's young daughter left her own note.
am, when Monis forced Tori Johnson, the manager of the café, to phone
9696:"Katrina Dawson's legacy – creating something positive out of horror" 7874:, Commonwealth of Australia, State of New South Wales, January 2015, 7868:
Martin Place Siege : Joint Commonwealth – New South Wales review
4120:"Sydney siege sniper could not see Monis to shoot him, inquest hears" 3282:"Sydney siege: Police in contact with gunman as five hostages escape" 2237: 1584: 1422: 1107: 1019:
Ausgrid team assemble to switch off Christmas lights, but sent home.
485: 162: 8661:"Sydney siege aftermath: why was gunman Man Haron Monis out on bail" 8308:"ASIO boss admits Lindt Cafe gunman Man Haron Monis was a terrorist" 7824:"Terrorist threat: Sydneysiders urged to keep vigilant but carry on" 7044:"Memorial service at St Mary's Cathedral for Sydney hostage victims" 5593:"#SydneySiege: Uber offered free rides after surge pricing stuff-up" 5417:"Sydney Opera House evacuated after reports of a suspicious package" 4064:"Lindt siege: Should police have stormed Martin Place cafe earlier?" 3058:"Sydney siege aftermath: memorial at Martin Place continues to grow" 1784:
Federal and state governments announced a joint review to be led by
9271:"News Corp's siege coverage built on a 'take-no-prisoners' culture" 6983:"Sydney Chabad Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Canceled 'Out of Respect'" 6830: 6062:"Sydney siege shotgun 'fired' in chilling courtroom reconstruction" 1978: 1762:
The Lindt cafe two days after with padding on the shattered windows
1733: 1676: 1263: 673: 8117:"Government declares Martin Place siege 'terrorism' for insurance" 5748:"Murder case against Man Haron Monis and partner weak: magistrate" 4555:"Inquest reveals barrister Katrina Dawson killed by police bullet" 3311:
Davidson, Helen; Walker, Peter; Safi, Michael (16 December 2014).
2634:"Tony Abbott hails response to Australia's 'brush with terrorism'" 1695:
also expressed their concern about the incident. In addition, the
teams were ordered to move very slowly towards the two entrances.
7608:"Sydney siege over: the moment police decided to raid Lindt cafe" 7223: 5931:"Sydney siege gunman's lawyer told Monis: 'Get out of my office'" 2949:"Sydney siege report: Biggest question left unanswered in review" 2543: 2539:"Martin Place, Sydney siege gunman identified as Man Haron Monis" 2508:"LIVE STREAM: Sydney siege hostages 'huddled at one end of cafĂ©'" 1864: 1450: 1443: 1186: 887: 660: 614: 512: 7704:"Joint review ordered into siege and hostage-taker's background" 6660:"Focus of Sydney Christmas is Martin Place, but not by the tree" 5121:"Sydney siege: Sunflowers and sunshine for Tori Johnson funeral" 4452:"An Operator's Perspective on the Sydney Siege (Pt. 4) – SOFREP" 3746: 3744: 2285:
A ceremony unveiling the memorial was held on 16 December 2017.
team had assembled to switch off the lights, but was sent home.
Hostages were forced to hold a copy of this flag against windows
577: 9928: 8495: 8181:
Australian Government – Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation
7953:"Martin Place Siege: Joint Commonwealth-New South Wales Review" 7760:"Sydney siege gunman's partner Amirah Droudis has bail revoked" 7130:"Iran condemns actions of Iranian-born Sydney gunman Man Monis" 5560:"Sydney Siege: Here's What's Happening To The City As A Result" 1696: 1350:
The Prime Minister convened the National Security Committee of
1290: 481: 80: 6496:"Sydney cafe: Australians say to Muslims "I'll ride with you"" 6184:"Five Hostages Flee Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Sydney, Australia" 5271:"Gunman told Sydney siege survivor she had 15 minutes to live" 4825:"Sydney siege inquest: Any 'police failings need to be dealt'" 3092:"Lindt cafe to reopen in March following Sydney siege tragedy" 2081:
During the siege, police asked Muslims in Sydney to source an
1718:. The first donation, of $ 51,000, came from Lindt Australia. 557:, and denounced moderate Islam. It has been reported that the 8110: 8108: 7511:"Inevitable that IS would try to lionise Martin Place gunman" 6808:"Lindt cafe siege memorial unveiled in Sydney's Martin Place" 6463:"#illridewithyou: Twitter sprouts anti-Islamophobia campaign" 5718:"Sydney siege: Man Haron Monis, 'humanitarian' and terrorist" 4905:"Lindt killer a narcissist, not lone wolf, says psychiatrist" 3741: 669: 665: 9722:"Katrina Dawson Foundation scholarship recipients announced" 7575:"Al-Qaeda Blames Australia's Provocation Of Man Haron Monis" 573:
Onlookers in Martin Place during the siege of the Lindt Café
9264: 9262: 9172:"How rumours about the Sydney siege spread on social media" 8823:"Monis proves we need to sort out our immigration mistakes" 6608: 3575:"Mamdouh Habib claims he could have stopped hostage deaths" 2847:"Lindt Chocolate Cafe Hostage Drama in Martin Place Sydney" 2430:"Lindt Cafe hostage drama in Martin Place, Sydney: day two" 2207:
Café reopening approximately three months later, March 2015
2082: 1923: 1774:
A number of organisations announced formal investigations.
1253: 803: 8856:"Sydney siege: Man Haron Monis flew in on a business visa" 8105: 8025:"Date revealed for inquest into Martin Place siege deaths" 3123:"Sydney siege aftermath: Lindt Cafe to reopen this Friday" 2274:, a homosexual Liberal Party member, changed his views on 2095:
that the relevant agencies' analysis had been reasonable.
declared the siege to be a "terrorist incident" under the
The findings of the inquest were released on 24 May 2017.
The police State Technical Investigation Branch planted a
7920: 7918: 7428:"The family of Sydney siege victim Katrina Dawson speaks" 6895:"Sydney Hostage Crisis: Major Police Operation Unfolding" 5779:"Sydney siege gunman's girlfriend found guilty of murder" 5209:"Sydney siege victims reveal details of harrowing ordeal" 3494: 3401:"Inside the siege: How the terror unfolded in Lindt cafe" 1425:
to honour the hostages who lost their lives at the café.
500: 9783:"Australian Senate debates gays rights in marriage bill" 9259: 8524:"Man Haron Monis: The day I met the Sydney siege gunman" 7984:
Barnes, Michael (NSW State Coroner) (16 December 2014).
6523:"Martin Place siege: #illridewithyou hashtag goes viral" 3313:"Two hostages and gunman dead as Sydney cafe siege ends" 1909: 1882: 9592:
Sea Of Flowers From Untitled (Dec 2014) QSO De La Parra
8410:"Expressions of Muslim faith held hostage by criminals" 6864:"Sydney hostage crisis: Live Report – Business Insider" 6748:"Sydney siege: flowers to be removed from Martin Place" 1598:
Order of Service of memorial for Dawson and Johnson in
1458:, although federal National Party member of Parliament 1007:
Mikhael asked for Christmas lighting to be turned off.
8759:"DPP never received police warning on Man Haron Monis" 8726:"Stricter bail laws would be an assault on our rights" 8491:"The Sydney Hostage Incident Was Grassroots Terrorism" 8360:"Let's be honest: Man Haron Monis was an IS terrorist" 7915: 7013:"Chilling terror act brought central Sydney to a halt" 6717:"Sydney siege: It's time to reach out to the grieving" 2767:"Sydney siege inquest: Lindt Cafe deaths investigated" 2699: 2697: 1533:
Floral tributes at the Lindt café in Westfield Miranda
Chalk messages written on Martin Place after the event
9939: 9613:"Review: QSO & Alondra de la Parra (QSO Current)" 8785:"Reviewing bail laws in the wake of the Sydney Siege" 8213:"Man Haron Monis: Why did he carry out Sydney siege?" 7861: 7859: 7857: 7855: 7853: 7851: 7849: 6856: 4715:"Sydney Lindt Cafe siege inquest must be transparent" 4149:
Koubaridis, Andrew; Chang, Charis (29 January 2015).
Fife-Yeomans, Janet; Benns, Matthew (22 March 2016).
3497:"Cafe manager killed while wrestling gun from madman" 2731:
Ensor, Josie; Pearlman, Jonathan (15 December 2014).
Flags on all NSW government buildings, including the
was also closed. Numerous other buildings, including
9500:"Sydney siege: Martin Place memorial plans unveiled" 8379:"Australian expert warns of 'lone wolf' terror risk" 6952:"Egypt's Grand Mufti condemns Sydney hostage crisis" 5064:"Sydney hostage crisis ends; gunman dead after raid" 3018:"St James' Memorial Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson" 2322: 1770:
The cafe with a memorial to the victims on 7 January
601:+11). The cafĂ© was located directly across from the 9863: 8946:"ALP leader John Robertson signed Man Monis letter" 8546: 8047: 5770: 5152:"Sydney siege: memorial service for Katrina Dawson" 3930:Ralston, Nick; Partridge, Emma (15 December 2014). 3901:"Terrorism in Australia: The siege of Martin Place" 3399:Burke, Liz; Koubaridis, Andrew (18 December 2014). 2694: 8915:"Tony Abbott overplays the national security card" 7846: 7735:"Police raid home of Haron partner Amirah Droudis" 7668:Jabour, Bridie; Hurst, Daniel (17 December 2014). 7509:Snow, Deborah; Knott, Matthew (30 December 2014). 6980: 6926:"Ahmadiyya Muslim Community condemns terror siege" 6182:Mitchell, Andrea; Smith, Marc (15 December 2014). 5688:"Casenote: Monis v The Queen [2013] HCA 4" 3310: 3051: 3049: 2127:In the week after the siege, it was revealed that 1977:supervisor of terrorism and security analysis for 1555:During the siege, Sanier Dandan, president of the 1217:, situated directly across from the cafĂ©, forcing 1079:Monis executes hostage Johnson. Fiona Ma escapes. 564: 67:is denoted in blue, towards the centre of the map. 16:Terror hostage-taking in 2014 in Sydney, Australia 8115:Wroe, David; Hutchens, Gareth (15 January 2015). 7161:"وŰČۧ۱ŰȘ ŰźŰ§Ű±ŰŹÙ‡ Ű§ÛŒŰ±Ű§Ù† ÚŻŰ±ÙˆÚŻŰ§Ù†ÚŻÛŒŰ±ÛŒ ŰłÛŒŰŻÙ†ÛŒ ۱ۧ Ù…Ű­Ú©ÙˆÙ… ک۱ۯ" 5904:Hall, Louise; Hasham, Nicole (16 December 2014). 4061: 3751:Levy, Megan; Begley, Patrick (15 December 2014). 3490: 3488: 2628: 2626: 1998:and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the perpetrator of the 1798:New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet 1429:before them on the basis of the law at the time. 10066:Attacks on buildings and structures in Australia 9987: 8147:"Declaration of Terrorist Incident (15/01/2015)" 6802: 6800: 6123:"Abbott reassures Australians over Sydney siege" 5392:"Sydney Siege: Up To 20 Hostages Held – Reports" 5095:"Sydney siege survivors: Who were the hostages?" 4946:"Sydney siege: How the hostage drama played out" 4517: 4515: 3929: 3150: 3148: 733: 8283:. Australian Associated Press. 26 August 2015. 7997:. Government of New South Wales. Archived from 7726: 7502: 7122: 6836: 6053: 4148: 3398: 3046: 2394:"Martin Place transformed as city pays tribute" 1639:During the siege, a spokesman for the Canadian 1475: 9750: 8334:"Let there be no doubt: Monis was a terrorist" 8074: 6024: 6022: 5627:"Sydney siege gunman named as Man Haron Monis" 5231: 5182:"Siege victims remembered at private services" 4738: 4736: 4552: 3812: 3810: 3808: 3528: 3526: 3524: 3522: 3485: 3276: 3274: 2623: 2599:Hall, Louise; Bibby, Paul (16 December 2014). 1316:was rewritten based on recommendations by the 510:against the window of the cafĂ©, featuring the 468:, held ten customers and eight employees of a 10041:Terrorist incidents in Australia in the 2010s 6797: 6181: 4762: 4512: 4185:Hall, Louise; Bibby, Paul (29 January 2016). 4180: 4178: 4176: 3959: 3957: 3923: 3145: 2911: 2909: 2760: 2758: 2730: 2594: 2592: 2025: 1823:Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 1811: 1165:Police advised people in the area bounded by 559:Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 441: 63:Map indicating the location of the incident. 9460: 8756: 8615:"Lindt siege was a terror incident: coroner" 8206: 8204: 8202: 8114: 6241: 6239: 5937:. Australian Associated Press. 29 May 2015. 5711: 5709: 5184:. SBS News. 23 December 2014. Archived from 4483: 4481: 4479: 4477: 4322: 4088:Burke, Liz; Morri, Mark (18 December 2014). 3085: 3083: 2427: 2423: 2421: 2419: 1790:Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 1137:Police blocking Martin Place near Lindt cafĂ© 930:Monis draws a shotgun, orders doors locked. 777: 51:Lindt Chocolate Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney 10061:Attacks on buildings and structures in 2014 9199: 9197: 8652: 7905:"Sydney siege findings must be made public" 7667: 7195:. Yahoo 7. 17 December 2014. Archived from 7005: 6739: 6019: 5658:"Sheik says letters were flowers of advice" 5590: 5366:"Live blog: Siege in Sydney's Martin Place" 5174: 5092: 5086: 4817: 4793: 4791: 4733: 3869:Wroe, David; Cox, Lisa (15 December 2014). 3805: 3519: 3271: 2987:"Live blog: Siege in Sydney's Martin Place" 2980: 2978: 2976: 2974: 2972: 2970: 2884:"Seven in 'lockdown' due to hostage crisis" 2428:Pwell, Rose; Levy, Megan; Ireland, Judith. 2388: 2386: 2384: 2137:Department of Family and Community Services 1432: 1193:closed their CBD branches for the day. The 1128: 8177:"Declared terrorist incident – Lindt Cafe" 7899: 7897: 7895: 6000:. January 2015. p. 45. Archived from 5958: 5956: 5903: 5143: 4683: 4681: 4590: 4588: 4586: 4584: 4582: 4580: 4487: 4173: 4087: 3954: 3750: 3712: 3710: 2906: 2755: 2589: 2280:bill aimed at legalising same-sex marriage 2005:In February 2017, United States President 1721: 1550: 448: 434: 276:Sydney Yugoslav General Trade and Tourist 9744: 9293: 9234: 8943: 8875: 8789:Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia) 8719: 8717: 8683: 8658: 8240: 8238: 8199: 7636: 7508: 6745: 6677: 6581: 6579: 6327: 6296: 6236: 5923: 5776: 5706: 5591:Fitzsimmons, Caitlin (16 December 2014). 5329: 5327: 5200: 5149: 5005: 4999: 4968: 4474: 4449: 4445: 4443: 4184: 4151:"Inquest begins into Sydney siege deaths" 3080: 2703: 2598: 2416: 2265:The Women's College, University of Sydney 2103:After the siege, the revelation that the 2000:2014 shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa 1702: 1103:significantly overestimating the number. 288:Sydney Israeli consulate and Hakoah Club 9433: 9397: 9327: 9299: 9228: 9194: 8976: 8906: 8782: 8659:Whitbourn, Michaela (17 December 2014). 8582: 8016: 7605: 6770: 6708: 6683: 6429: 6275: 5807: 5624: 5206: 5150:Whitbourn, Michaela (23 December 2014). 5006:Whitbourn, Michaela (16 December 2014). 4974: 4911: 4897: 4788: 4628: 4626: 4624: 4622: 4142: 4024: 4022: 3780: 3778: 3568: 3566: 3564: 3562: 3560: 3423: 3392: 3089: 2984: 2967: 2665: 2663: 2661: 2659: 2657: 2655: 2563: 2530: 2381: 2202: 2013: 1893: 1765: 1757: 1754:The crime scene two days after the siege 1749: 1593: 1566: 1464: 1408: 1392: 1262: 1153:Desolated George Street during the siege 1148: 1140: 1132: 737: 576: 568: 9333: 9203: 9169: 9036: 8881: 8820: 8757:Fife-Yeomans, Janet (30 January 2016). 8488: 8432: 8401: 8370: 8357: 8325: 8058:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 7929:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 7924: 7892: 7815: 7788: 7752: 7732: 7698: 7661: 6981:Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu (18 December 2014). 6776: 6714: 6615: 6520: 6358: 6333: 6302: 6093:"Police stand by actions on Monis bail" 5953: 5785:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 5754:. News Limited. AAP. 12 December 2013. 5715: 5625:Pearlman, Jonathan (15 December 2014). 5557: 5368:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 5113: 5093:Worthington, Elise (16 December 2014). 4883: 4799:"Lindt inquest: How the siege unfolded" 4678: 4594: 4577: 4488:Brissenden, Michael (29 January 2015). 4450:McAlister, Mitchell (14 January 2015). 3868: 3707: 3644: 3642: 3640: 3572: 3429: 3367: 3335: 3187:"BBC News – Sydney siege leaves 3 dead" 3114: 3055: 2569: 2198: 1162:permitted to leave the school grounds. 506:Early on, hostages were seen holding a 378:Australian aeroplane terror plot (2017) 10026:Terrorist incidents in Oceania in 2014 9988: 9813:"Senate passes same-sex marriage bill" 9719: 9693: 9665:"Love is always born (Michael Leunig)" 9571:from the original on 24 September 2015 9479:from the original on 24 September 2015 9466: 9268: 9136: 9099: 8912: 8714: 8627: 8607: 8438: 8407: 8376: 8332:Maley, Jacqueline (20 December 2014). 8305: 8235: 8080: 8022: 7983: 7821: 7618:from the original on 24 September 2015 7280: 7158: 7035: 6892: 6727:from the original on 24 September 2015 6658:Maley, Jacqueline (19 December 2014). 6651: 6621: 6576: 6551: 6521:Ruppert, Brittany (16 December 2014). 6364: 5837: 5835: 5690:. Australian Human Rights Commission. 5620: 5618: 5324: 5237: 4440: 4415: 3673: 3532: 3460: 3442:from the original on 24 September 2015 3120: 2951:. No. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2940: 2844: 2292:and ongoing construction work for the 2148:, he stood aside on 23 December 2014. 1606:In Martin Place, the 2014 traditional 1123:Great Hall of the University of Sydney 619:Martin Place underground train station 373:Holsworthy Barracks terror plot (2009) 9793:from the original on 16 November 2017 9763:from the original on 21 February 2015 9552: 9445:. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 9367: 9349:from the original on 31 December 2014 9315:from the original on 22 December 2014 9118:from the original on 23 December 2014 9105: 9087:from the original on 24 December 2014 9074: 9056:from the original on 23 December 2014 9024:from the original on 23 December 2014 8991:from the original on 23 December 2014 8958:from the original on 24 December 2014 8944:Robertson, James (22 December 2014). 8925:from the original on 16 February 2015 8738:from the original on 16 December 2014 8723: 8689: 8534:from the original on 16 December 2014 8521: 8503:from the original on 26 December 2014 8470:from the original on 26 December 2014 8420:from the original on 29 December 2014 8389:from the original on 23 December 2014 8331: 8306:Maiden, Samantha (15 February 2015). 8257:from the original on 30 December 2014 8244: 8210: 8127:from the original on 14 February 2016 7933:from the original on 24 February 2015 7881:from the original on 22 February 2015 7834:from the original on 27 December 2014 7803:from the original on 23 December 2014 7770:from the original on 22 December 2014 7714:from the original on 20 December 2014 7680:from the original on 16 February 2015 7572: 7554:from the original on 30 December 2014 7539: 7521:from the original on 30 December 2014 7490:from the original on 20 December 2014 7464:from the original on 20 December 2014 7445: 7419: 7385:from the original on 29 November 2015 7372: 7313:"Sydney incident disturbing: PM Modi" 7293:from the original on 17 December 2014 7231:from the original on 9 September 2015 7173:from the original on 16 December 2014 7140:from the original on 20 December 2014 7041: 6993:from the original on 24 December 2014 6974: 6962:from the original on 17 December 2014 6905:from the original on 15 December 2014 6874:from the original on 15 December 2014 6818:from the original on 16 December 2017 6785:from the original on 23 December 2014 6758:from the original on 24 December 2014 6696:from the original on 20 December 2014 6657: 6599:from the original on 16 February 2017 6564:from the original on 21 December 2014 6533:from the original on 18 December 2014 6502:from the original on 18 December 2014 6475:from the original on 15 December 2014 6442:from the original on 19 December 2014 6408:from the original on 19 December 2014 6395: 6377:from the original on 21 December 2014 6346:from the original on 8 September 2015 6334:Kembrey, Melanie (19 December 2014). 6315:from the original on 8 September 2015 6303:Kembrey, Melanie (18 December 2014). 6284:from the original on 18 December 2014 6257:from the original on 16 December 2014 6224:from the original on 15 December 2014 6194:from the original on 15 December 2014 6133:from the original on 15 December 2014 6090: 6028: 5897: 5885:from the original on 15 December 2014 5841: 5789:from the original on 19 November 2016 5758:from the original on 12 December 2013 5728:from the original on 21 February 2015 5694:from the original on 16 December 2014 5668:from the original on 23 February 2014 5655: 5637:from the original on 15 December 2014 5513:from the original on 29 November 2015 5483:from the original on 29 November 2015 5423:from the original on 15 December 2014 5372:from the original on 15 December 2014 5363: 5345:from the original on 19 December 2014 5281:from the original on 10 February 2015 5219:from the original on 11 February 2015 5162:from the original on 23 December 2014 5131:from the original on 23 December 2014 5101:from the original on 19 December 2014 5074:from the original on 15 December 2014 5018:from the original on 26 February 2015 4987:from the original on 9 September 2015 4956:from the original on 24 December 2014 4943: 4619: 4428:from the original on 17 December 2014 4397:from the original on 20 February 2015 4310:from the original on 15 December 2014 4215: 4043:from the original on 19 December 2014 4028: 4019: 3963: 3942:from the original on 15 December 2014 3793:from the original on 30 December 2014 3784: 3775: 3763:from the original on 15 December 2014 3648: 3585:from the original on 13 February 2015 3557: 3545:from the original on 23 February 2015 3473:from the original on 16 December 2014 3411:from the original on 17 December 2014 3380:from the original on 15 December 2014 3349:from the original on 4 September 2015 3323:from the original on 15 December 2014 3259:from the original on 25 November 2016 3215: 3197:from the original on 15 December 2014 3167:from the original on 22 December 2014 3102:from the original on 13 February 2015 3056:Kembrey, Melanie (17 December 2014). 2997:from the original on 15 December 2014 2985:Franklin, Daniel (15 December 2014). 2955:from the original on 25 February 2015 2946: 2928:from the original on 17 December 2014 2915: 2894:from the original on 15 December 2014 2857:from the original on 15 December 2014 2840: 2838: 2836: 2834: 2832: 2743:from the original on 16 December 2014 2724: 2712:from the original on 15 December 2014 2682:from the original on 15 December 2014 2669: 2652: 2611:from the original on 17 December 2014 2551:from the original on 18 December 2014 2518:from the original on 15 December 2014 2440:from the original on 15 December 2014 2030:During the siege, an Australian Army 1910:Debate on status as a terrorist event 1883:Designation of the event as terrorism 1621:, invoked the special prayers in the 1318:New South Wales Law Reform Commission 901: 9889: 9825:from the original on 10 January 2018 9510:from the original on 13 January 2015 9491: 9235:Alexander, Ella (16 December 2014). 9170:Hermida, Alfred (16 December 2014). 9009: 8977:Williams, Kylie (22 December 2014). 8913:Gordon, Michael (16 February 2014). 8853: 8835:from the original on 5 February 2015 8640:from the original on 9 February 2016 8595:from the original on 7 February 2017 8451: 8439:Wesley, Michael (20 December 2014). 8245:Simon, Benjamin (16 December 2014). 8211:Debra, Killalea (17 December 2014). 8187:from the original on 15 January 2015 8062:from the original on 29 January 2015 8053: 7822:Koziol, Michael (27 December 2014). 7649:from the original on 5 February 2016 7637:Partridge, Emma (18 December 2014). 7451: 7425: 7323:from the original on 5 February 2016 7281:Harper, Stephen (15 December 2014). 7262:from the original on 29 January 2015 7159:Afkham, Marzieh (15 December 2014). 7050:from the original on 12 January 2015 6839:"Sydney hostage crisis: Live Report" 6746:Partridge, Emma (23 December 2014). 6684:Williams, Kylie (17 December 2014). 6430:Simmonds, Kylie (17 December 2014). 6059: 5962: 5842:Innis, Michelle (16 December 2014). 5312:from the original on 19 January 2015 5268: 5262: 5250:from the original on 24 January 2015 4750:from the original on 8 February 2017 4721:from the original on 9 December 2018 4607:from the original on 13 January 2015 4521: 4387:"How the Sydney cafe siege unfolded" 4340:from the original on 11 January 2015 4197:from the original on 27 January 2016 4161:from the original on 29 January 2015 4100:from the original on 31 October 2015 3994: 3729:from the original on 15 January 2015 3637: 3461:Begley, Patrick (16 December 2014). 3368:Variyar, Mugdha (15 December 2014). 3246: 3228:from the original on 29 January 2015 3154: 3068:from the original on 20 January 2015 3015: 3009: 2704:Griffiths, Emma (15 December 2014). 2469:"Martin Place siege – victim update" 2463: 2461: 2459: 2457: 2455: 2089: 2086:the NSW Police Force among Muslims. 678:Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant 664:in white Arabic letters (an Islamic 9751:Knott, Matthew (20 February 2015). 9623:from the original on 9 October 2015 9558: 9497: 9411:Australian Broadcasting Corporation 9339:"Free emotions come with price tag" 9281:from the original on 6 January 2015 9269:Muller, Dennis (19 December 2014). 9247:from the original on 1 January 2015 9216:from the original on 1 January 2015 9204:Posetti, Julie (16 December 2014). 9182:from the original on 1 January 2015 9151:from the original on 4 January 2015 9075:Davey, Melissa (17 December 2014). 8894:from the original on 9 January 2015 8783:Esposito, Michael (February 2015). 8583:Davidson, Helen (7 February 2017). 8522:Habib, Rashell (16 December 2014). 8489:Stewart, Scott (18 December 2014). 8457: 7925:Bennett, James (22 February 2015). 7789:Woodley, Naomi (23 December 2014). 7606:Visentin, Lisa (15 December 2014). 7573:Yenko, Anthena (30 December 2014). 7540:Knott, Matthew (30 December 2014). 7341: 7249: 7104:IRNA – Islamic Republic News Agency 7092: 7080:from the original on 9 January 2015 6552:Jacobs, Rachel (16 December 2014). 6493: 6460: 6365:Hasham, Nicole (16 December 2014). 6041:from the original on 5 October 2015 5971:from the original on 5 October 2015 5832: 5777:MacMillan, Jade (3 November 2016). 5615: 5558:Thomsen, Simon (15 December 2014). 5299: 4975:Visentin, Lisa (16 December 2014). 4937: 3716: 3090:Visentin, Lisa (12 February 2015). 2845:Fallon, Daniel (15 December 2014). 2764: 2570:Knowles, Lorna (16 December 2014). 2536: 2355:List of mass shootings in Australia 2189:Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2098: 1919:Queensland University of Technology 1308:, aggravated indecent assault, and 1304:Monis also had numerous charges of 654:Hostages were ordered to hold up a 624:The hostage situation began at 9:44 589:at 53 Martin Place, Sydney, at 8:33 13: 9896:. Allen & Unwin. p. 328. 9883: 9675:from the original on 25 April 2017 9540:from the original on 15 March 2017 9467:Hasham, Nicole (16 January 2015). 9455:Background Information, Transcript 9422:Background Information, Transcript 9137:Milani, Milad (29 December 2014). 8854:Bita, Natasha (19 December 2014). 8821:Sheehan, Paul (18 December 2014). 8408:Bhatti, Maria (30 December 2014). 8358:Lehmann, John (17 December 2014). 8287:from the original on 30 March 2016 8035:from the original on 31 March 2015 8023:Olding, Rachel (14 January 2015). 7994:Coroner's Court of New South Wales 6923: 6777:Cormack, Lucy (23 December 2014). 6715:Feneley, John (19 December 2014). 6159:. 15 December 2014. Archived from 6153:"Incident in Martin Place, Sydney" 6103:from the original on 3 August 2016 6060:Safi, Michael (2 September 2015). 5963:Kidd, Jessica (2 September 2015). 5872: 5820:from the original on 15 April 2014 5716:Feneley, Rick (20 December 2014). 5238:Hasham, Nicole (22 January 2015). 5207:Visentin, Lisa (8 February 2015). 5056: 4553:Staff Reporter (29 January 2015). 4416:Murphy, Brian (15 December 2014). 4218:"Katrina's final moments of agony" 4007:from the original on 25 April 2016 3573:Feneley, Rick (31 December 2014). 3430:Ralston, Nick (20 December 2014). 3304: 3288:. 15 December 2014. Archived from 3247:Safi, Michael (16 December 2014). 3155:Safi, Michael (21 December 2014). 3133:from the original on 19 March 2015 2916:Morsi, Yassir (17 December 2014). 2829: 2670:Booth, Andrea (15 December 2014). 2475:. 16 December 2014. Archived from 2400:. 17 December 2014. Archived from 1201:stores, executive offices for the 855: 409:Designated terrorist organisations 325:Queanbeyan stabbing attacks (2017) 14: 10082: 10056:Attacks on coffeehouses and cafĂ©s 9921: 9732:from the original on 5 March 2016 9106:Price, Jenna (22 December 2014). 8671:from the original on 16 July 2015 8628:Norman, Jane (18 December 2014). 8564:from the original on 10 June 2016 8377:Fraser, Jill (18 December 2014). 8157:from the original on 1 March 2015 8093:from the original on 10 June 2016 8081:Jabour, Bridie (17 August 2015). 7733:Higgins, Ean (16 December 2014). 7426:Duff, Eamonn (21 December 2014). 7373:Razak, Najib (16 December 2014). 7354:from the original on 13 July 2015 7042:Kerin, Lindy (19 December 2014). 6396:Kerin, Lindy (19 December 2014). 6157:Prime Minister of Australia Media 6091:Trute, Peter (2 September 2015). 6072:from the original on 5 March 2016 5941:from the original on 7 March 2016 5854:from the original on 5 March 2017 5568:. BI Intelligence. Archived from 5503:"State Library of NSW on Twitter" 5269:Sier, Jessica (23 January 2015). 5044:from the original on 29 June 2016 4944:Dumas, Daisy (21 December 2014). 4871:from the original on 29 June 2016 4831:from the original on 14 June 2016 4776:from the original on 14 June 2016 4695:from the original on 13 June 2016 4666:from the original on 24 June 2016 4640:from the original on 26 June 2016 4595:Feneley, Rick (11 January 2015). 4565:from the original on 3 April 2016 4534:from the original on 5 March 2016 4522:Safi, Michael (29 January 2015). 4462:from the original on 1 March 2016 4280:from the original on 16 July 2016 4254:from the original on 16 July 2016 4228:from the original on 10 July 2016 4029:Levey, Megan (18 December 2014). 3911:from the original on 6 March 2016 3881:from the original on 4 March 2016 3850:from the original on 28 June 2016 3785:Duffy, Conor (16 December 2014). 3649:Sales, Leigh (16 December 2014). 3533:Byrnes, Holly (8 February 2015). 3507:from the original on 5 April 2016 2803:from the original on 17 June 2016 2452: 2282:to the Senate, which became law. 1745: 605:television studios, and near the 547: 404:Anti-terrorism legislation (2005) 399:Anti-terrorism legislation (2004) 10031:Terrorist incidents in Australia 9973: 9961: 9949: 9927: 9837: 9805: 9775: 9713: 9694:Davies, Lisa (5 December 2015). 9687: 9657: 9635: 9605: 9583: 9559:Tan, Su-Lin (14 February 2015). 9522: 9427: 9391: 9361: 9130: 9068: 9003: 8970: 8937: 8882:Feneley, Rick (6 January 2015). 8847: 8814: 8776: 8750: 8724:Barns, Greg (18 December 2014). 8690:Heber, Alex (16 December 2014). 8621: 8576: 8515: 8482: 8351: 8299: 8269: 8169: 8139: 7977: 7945: 7782: 7692: 7630: 7599: 7566: 7533: 7476: 7397: 7366: 7335: 7305: 7274: 7243: 7211: 7185: 7152: 7023:from the original on 12 May 2017 6944: 6917: 6893:Kedmey, Dan (14 December 2014). 6545: 6514: 6487: 6454: 6269: 6206: 6145: 6115: 6084: 6029:Bibby, Paul (2 September 2015). 5983: 5801: 5740: 5680: 5664:. Special Broadcasting Service. 5649: 5603:from the original on 4 June 2016 5584: 5551: 5525: 5495: 5465: 5453:from the original on 31 May 2016 5435: 5409: 5364:Royes, Luke (15 December 2014). 4925:from the original on 29 May 2016 4500:from the original on 29 May 2016 4358: 4130:from the original on 7 July 2016 3824:from the original on 28 May 2016 3121:Olding, Rachel (17 March 2015). 2947:Kenny, Mark (23 February 2015). 2777:from the original on 25 May 2015 2339: 2325: 1634: 1545:Lindt's response to the shooting 1538: 1526: 1514: 1502: 1471:Martin Place on 19 December 2014 709:Behavioral Change Stairway Model 668:declaring: "There is no God but 340:Melbourne stabbing attack (2018) 310:Endeavour Hills stabbings (2014) 300:Turkish consulate bombing (1986) 57: 45: 10016:December 2014 crimes in Oceania 9052:. Australia. 23 December 2014. 9010:Dole, Nick (23 December 2014). 7452:Ryan, Brad (20 December 2014). 7227:. Melbourne. 20 December 2014. 6635:. Fairfax Media. Archived from 6461:Law, James (15 December 2014). 5384: 5357: 5335:"Map: Location of Sydney siege" 5293: 5030: 4857: 4843: 4805:from the original on 5 May 2017 4707: 4652: 4546: 4379: 4352: 4292: 4266: 4240: 4209: 4112: 4081: 4055: 3995:Safi, Michael (30 March 2016). 3988: 3976:from the original on 7 May 2016 3893: 3862: 3836: 3661:from the original on 2 May 2017 3625:from the original on 2 May 2016 3611: 3597: 3454: 3361: 3240: 3209: 3179: 3016:Head, Ivan (19 December 2014). 2815: 2789: 2114:Director of Public Prosecutions 1691:, and Malaysian Prime Minister 565:Hostage-taking and negotiations 305:French consulate bombing (1995) 8560:. Agence France. 12 May 2016. 8458:Aly, Anne (16 December 2014). 8054:Ryan, Brad (28 January 2015). 7250:Key, John (15 December 2014). 4216:Salna, Karlis (27 June 2016). 2276:same-sex marriage in Australia 2254:Love Is Always Born (December) 2056: 2042:with 5.56 mm rounds over 1974:Australian National University 1742:also praised Monis's actions. 1271: 1267:Monis in an undated photograph 421:Counter-terrorism raids (2014) 350:Wakeley church stabbing (2024) 1: 9720:Davies, Lisa (5 March 2016). 9498:Han, Misa (11 January 2015). 7076:. Toronto. 15 December 2014. 6276:ABC News (17 December 2014). 5300:Han, Misa (15 January 2015). 3964:Marks, Lucy (29 March 2016). 2375: 2250:Queensland Symphony Orchestra 1986:gave grammar to his attack." 1615:Catholic Archbishop of Sydney 1379:Governor-General of Australia 838: 826:questioned the police use of 734:Escape of first five hostages 295:Russell Street bombing (1986) 184:3 (including the perpetrator) 7580:International Business Times 7166:Iranian Students News Agency 3679:Gregory M. Vecchi 'et al.', 3374:International Business Times 2765:Box, Dan (29 January 2015). 2473:New South Wales Police Force 2305:New South Wales Police Force 2076: 1904:Terrorism Insurance Act 2003 1877: 1388: 1340: 1232:Martin Place railway station 1145:Road closures on King Street 716:New South Wales Police Force 368:Sydney terrorism plot (2005) 283:Sydney Hilton bombing (1978) 7: 10021:Hostage taking in Australia 9890:Snow, Deborah (July 2018). 9368:Kenny, Mark (30 May 2017). 7193:"World leaders support AUS" 5991:"Martin Place Siege Review" 3539:News Corp Australia Network 3216:Hall, Louise; Bibby, Paul. 2318: 2244:was premiered by conductor 2151: 1726:Two weeks after the siege, 1675:New Zealand Prime Minister 1641:Minister of Foreign Affairs 1591:also condemned the attack. 1557:Lebanese Muslim Association 1314:Bail Act in New South Wales 1097: 522:Prime Minister of Australia 345:Wieambilla shootings (2022) 10: 10087: 10071:Sieges involving Australia 9934:2014 Sydney hostage crisis 8696:Business Insider Australia 5808:ABC News (14 April 2014). 5656:Staff (6 September 2013). 5419:. TVNZ. 15 December 2014. 2301:2024 March Bravery Honours 2142:apprehended violence order 2026:Police weapons and tactics 1886: 1856: 1852: 1812:Federal–State joint review 1679:, Canadian Prime Minister 1360:Premier of New South Wales 1345: 1275: 1205:, criminal courts for the 1203:New South Wales Parliament 967:Two more hostages escape. 810:as they stormed the cafĂ©. 609:, the headquarters of the 320:Parramatta shooting (2015) 10046:Hostage rescue operations 9726:The Sydney Morning Herald 9700:The Sydney Morning Herald 9504:The Sydney Morning Herald 9473:The Sydney Morning Herald 9374:The Sydney Morning Herald 9343:The Sydney Morning Herald 9309:The Sydney Morning Herald 9112:The Sydney Morning Herald 8951:The Sydney Morning Herald 8919:The Sydney Morning Herald 8888:The Sydney Morning Herald 8665:The Sydney Morning Herald 8414:The Sydney Morning Herald 8338:The Sydney Morning Herald 8121:The Sydney Morning Herald 8029:The Sydney Morning Herald 7828:The Sydney Morning Herald 7643:The Sydney Morning Herald 7612:The Sydney Morning Herald 7547:The Sydney Morning Herald 7515:The Sydney Morning Herald 7432:The Sydney Morning Herald 6752:The Sydney Morning Herald 6721:The Sydney Morning Herald 6664:The Sydney Morning Herald 6632:The Sydney Morning Herald 6527:The Sydney Morning Herald 6371:The Sydney Morning Herald 6097:The Sydney Morning Herald 5910:The Sydney Morning Herald 5722:The Sydney Morning Herald 5275:The Sydney Morning Herald 5244:The Sydney Morning Herald 5213:The Sydney Morning Herald 5156:The Sydney Morning Herald 5125:The Sydney Morning Herald 4601:The Sydney Morning Herald 4300:"Police storm Lindt cafe" 4191:The Sydney Morning Herald 4036:The Sydney Morning Herald 3757:The Sydney Morning Herald 3723:The Sydney Morning Herald 3579:The Sydney Morning Herald 3467:The Sydney Morning Herald 3436:The Sydney Morning Herald 3222:The Sydney Morning Herald 3127:The Sydney Morning Herald 3096:The Sydney Morning Herald 3062:The Sydney Morning Herald 2851:The Sydney Morning Herald 2471:(Press release). Sydney: 2434:The Sydney Morning Herald 2311:service were awarded the 2309:New South Wales Ambulance 2256:, with original words by 1779:Australian Federal Police 1521:Outside Selborne Chambers 1509:From the NSW Police Force 1438:messages being posted on 778:Breach and hostage rescue 607:Reserve Bank of Australia 542: 335:Mill Park stabbing (2018) 232: 222: 214: 204: 196: 188: 180: 172: 156: 148: 130: 91: 72: 56: 44: 39: 9996:2014 crimes in Australia 9565:The SydneyMorning Herald 7409:15 December 2014 at the 6494:BBC (15 December 2014). 3025:St James' Church, Sydney 2360:2015 Parramatta shooting 2179:Australian Press Council 2163: 1683:, Indian Prime Minister 1660:United States President 1651:Iranian Foreign Ministry 1433:#illridewithyou campaign 1129:Evacuations and closures 792:Tactical Operations Unit 761:Tactical Operations Unit 493:Tactical Operations Unit 152:Cafe staff and customers 5473:"NSW Police on Twitter" 2053:number of shots fired. 1889:Definition of terrorism 1722:Terrorist organizations 1551:Religious organisations 1490:State Emergency Service 1230:Trains did not stop at 955:Three hostages escape. 918:Monis enters the cafe. 772:covert listening device 639:Monis used hostages as 597:) on 15 December 2014 ( 315:Lindt Cafe siege (2014) 115:33.867944°S 151.21111°E 27:Infobox civilian attack 20: 9403:"The Siege – Part One" 5597:Business Review Weekly 2708:. ABC News. ABC News. 2313:Group Bravery Citation 2208: 2044:Heckler & Koch MP5 2032:Tactical Assault Group 1771: 1763: 1755: 1703:Charitable foundations 1603: 1572: 1472: 1414: 1398: 1268: 1154: 1146: 1138: 824:Tactical Assault Group 806:carbines threw eleven 743: 593:am Sydney local time ( 582: 574: 261:Terrorism in Australia 136:9:44am â€“ 2:44am ( 32:considered for merging 9757:Sydney Morning Herald 6837:Post Publishing PCL. 4950:Sydney Morning Herald 3936:Sydney Morning Herald 3789:. No. ABC News. 2206: 2133:NSW Opposition leader 2121:Amnesty International 2014:The coroner's finding 1894:Insurance declaration 1887:Further information: 1769: 1761: 1753: 1597: 1570: 1468: 1419:Sydney Harbour Bridge 1412: 1396: 1266: 1248:Sydney Harbour Tunnel 1234:during the incident. 1152: 1144: 1136: 865:pm and again at 11:35 741: 580: 572: 330:Brighton siege (2017) 278:Agency bombing (1972) 120:-33.867944; 151.21111 9936:at Wikimedia Commons 9871:"Australian Gazette" 9439:"The Siege Part Two" 9337:(22 December 2014). 9303:(22 December 2014). 9241:The Independent (UK) 7766:. 21 December 2014. 7702:(17 December 2014). 7136:. 16 December 2014. 7019:. 16 December 2014. 6958:. 15 December 2014. 6870:. 15 December 2014. 6814:. 16 December 2017. 6625:(18 December 2014). 6595:. 17 December 2014. 6220:. 15 December 2014. 6129:. 15 December 2014. 5449:. 15 December 2014. 5341:. 16 December 2014. 5127:. 23 December 2014. 5070:. 15 December 2014. 4393:. 16 December 2014. 4306:. 15 December 2014. 3907:. 15 December 2014. 3501:Sunshine Coast Daily 3193:. 15 December 2014. 2890:. 15 December 2014. 2303:, 32 members of the 2252:in May 2015. Chan's 2213:NSW Government House 2199:Memorials and legacy 2020:Sydney siege inquest 1859:Sydney siege inquest 1834:immigration policies 1832:", that a review of 1687:, UK Prime Minister 1484:Volunteers from the 1371:Lord Mayor of Sydney 707:consistent with the 587:Lindt Chocolate CafĂ© 555:Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 470:Lindt Chocolate CafĂ© 227:Sydney siege inquest 134:15–16 December 2014 9671:. 23 October 2015. 9644:Love Is Always Born 8763:The Daily Telegraph 8702:on 18 December 2014 8364:The Daily Telegraph 8312:The Daily Telegraph 8183:. 15 January 2015. 8153:. 19 January 2015. 8004:on 23 December 2014 7911:on 5 February 2016. 7587:on 30 December 2014 7416:. 15 December 2014. 7199:on 17 December 2014 6932:on 17 December 2014 6639:on 28 December 2014 6163:on 15 December 2014 5572:on 15 December 2014 5188:on 24 December 2014 4367:on 15 December 2014 4336:. 11 January 2015. 4068:The Daily Telegraph 3292:on 15 December 2014 3034:on 28 December 2014 2246:Alondra de la Parra 2146:2015 state election 2036:Holsworthy Barracks 1996:Munich knife attack 1966:lone wolf terrorist 1736:-produced magazine 1602:on 19 December 2014 1576:Ibrahim Abu Mohamed 1404:Reverend Bill Crews 1295:accessory to murder 697:Ibrahim Abu Mohamed 533:St Mary's Cathedral 111: /  8828:The Canberra Times 7317:The Times of India 7074:The Globe and Mail 5848:The New York Times 5539:. 15 December 2014 3875:The Canberra Times 2737:The Telegraph (UK) 2640:. 16 December 2014 2479:on 5 February 2016 2370:Islam in Australia 2365:Crime in Australia 2209: 1944:The chief of ASIO 1772: 1764: 1756: 1604: 1573: 1486:Rural Fire Service 1476:"Field of flowers" 1473: 1469:"Field of Flowers" 1460:George Christensen 1415: 1399: 1269: 1159:Sydney Opera House 1155: 1147: 1139: 902:Timeline of events 750:pm, two hostages, 744: 585:Monis entered the 583: 575: 9932:Media related to 9851:. 21 October 2021 9536:. 16 March 2017. 9386:deadly stand-off. 7700:Grattan, Michelle 6609:National Archives 4636:. 22 March 2016. 2290:COVID-19 pandemic 2090:Lack of detection 1954:suicide by police 1950:Richard A. Clarke 1838:visa applications 1830:violent extremism 1240:Cahill Expressway 1236:Transport for NSW 1183:Commonwealth Bank 1095: 1094: 611:Commonwealth Bank 458: 457: 387:Counter-terrorism 246: 245: 241:NSW State Coroner 218:Islamic extremism 10078: 10011:Murder in Sydney 9978: 9977: 9976: 9966: 9965: 9964: 9954: 9953: 9952: 9945: 9931: 9914: 9912: 9910: 9878: 9877: 9875: 9867: 9861: 9860: 9858: 9856: 9841: 9835: 9834: 9832: 9830: 9809: 9803: 9802: 9800: 9798: 9779: 9773: 9772: 9770: 9768: 9748: 9742: 9741: 9739: 9737: 9717: 9711: 9710: 9708: 9706: 9691: 9685: 9684: 9682: 9680: 9661: 9655: 9654: 9653: 9651: 9639: 9633: 9632: 9630: 9628: 9609: 9603: 9602: 9601: 9599: 9587: 9581: 9580: 9578: 9576: 9556: 9550: 9549: 9547: 9545: 9526: 9520: 9519: 9517: 9515: 9495: 9489: 9488: 9486: 9484: 9464: 9458: 9457: 9452: 9450: 9431: 9425: 9424: 9419: 9417: 9395: 9389: 9388: 9382: 9380: 9365: 9359: 9358: 9356: 9354: 9331: 9325: 9324: 9322: 9320: 9301:Vanstone, Amanda 9297: 9291: 9290: 9288: 9286: 9275:The Conversation 9266: 9257: 9256: 9254: 9252: 9232: 9226: 9225: 9223: 9221: 9210:The Conversation 9201: 9192: 9191: 9189: 9187: 9176:The Conversation 9167: 9161: 9160: 9158: 9156: 9134: 9128: 9127: 9125: 9123: 9103: 9097: 9096: 9094: 9092: 9072: 9066: 9065: 9063: 9061: 9040: 9034: 9033: 9031: 9029: 9007: 9001: 9000: 8998: 8996: 8974: 8968: 8967: 8965: 8963: 8941: 8935: 8934: 8932: 8930: 8910: 8904: 8903: 8901: 8899: 8879: 8873: 8872: 8870: 8868: 8851: 8845: 8844: 8842: 8840: 8818: 8812: 8811: 8809: 8807: 8780: 8774: 8773: 8771: 8769: 8754: 8748: 8747: 8745: 8743: 8721: 8712: 8711: 8709: 8707: 8698:. Archived from 8687: 8681: 8680: 8678: 8676: 8656: 8650: 8649: 8647: 8645: 8625: 8619: 8618: 8611: 8605: 8604: 8602: 8600: 8580: 8574: 8573: 8571: 8569: 8550: 8544: 8543: 8541: 8539: 8519: 8513: 8512: 8510: 8508: 8486: 8480: 8479: 8477: 8475: 8455: 8449: 8448: 8436: 8430: 8429: 8427: 8425: 8405: 8399: 8398: 8396: 8394: 8374: 8368: 8367: 8355: 8349: 8348: 8346: 8344: 8329: 8323: 8322: 8320: 8318: 8303: 8297: 8296: 8294: 8292: 8273: 8267: 8266: 8264: 8262: 8242: 8233: 8232: 8230: 8228: 8219:. Archived from 8208: 8197: 8196: 8194: 8192: 8173: 8167: 8166: 8164: 8162: 8143: 8137: 8136: 8134: 8132: 8112: 8103: 8102: 8100: 8098: 8078: 8072: 8071: 8069: 8067: 8051: 8045: 8044: 8042: 8040: 8020: 8014: 8013: 8011: 8009: 8003: 7990: 7981: 7975: 7974: 7972: 7970: 7965:on 11 March 2015 7964: 7957: 7949: 7943: 7942: 7940: 7938: 7922: 7913: 7912: 7907:. Archived from 7901: 7890: 7889: 7888: 7886: 7880: 7873: 7863: 7844: 7843: 7841: 7839: 7819: 7813: 7812: 7810: 7808: 7786: 7780: 7779: 7777: 7775: 7756: 7750: 7749: 7747: 7745: 7730: 7724: 7723: 7721: 7719: 7708:The Conversation 7696: 7690: 7689: 7687: 7685: 7665: 7659: 7658: 7656: 7654: 7634: 7628: 7627: 7625: 7623: 7603: 7597: 7596: 7594: 7592: 7583:. Archived from 7570: 7564: 7563: 7561: 7559: 7537: 7531: 7530: 7528: 7526: 7506: 7500: 7499: 7497: 7495: 7480: 7474: 7473: 7471: 7469: 7449: 7443: 7442: 7440: 7438: 7423: 7417: 7401: 7395: 7394: 7392: 7390: 7370: 7364: 7363: 7361: 7359: 7342:Cameron, David. 7339: 7333: 7332: 7330: 7328: 7309: 7303: 7302: 7300: 7298: 7278: 7272: 7271: 7269: 7267: 7247: 7241: 7240: 7238: 7236: 7215: 7209: 7208: 7206: 7204: 7189: 7183: 7182: 7180: 7178: 7156: 7150: 7149: 7147: 7145: 7126: 7120: 7119: 7117: 7115: 7110:on 17 March 2017 7096: 7090: 7089: 7087: 7085: 7066: 7060: 7059: 7057: 7055: 7039: 7033: 7032: 7030: 7028: 7009: 7003: 7002: 7000: 6998: 6978: 6972: 6971: 6969: 6967: 6956:Daily News Egypt 6948: 6942: 6941: 6939: 6937: 6928:. Archived from 6921: 6915: 6914: 6912: 6910: 6890: 6884: 6883: 6881: 6879: 6868:Business Insider 6860: 6854: 6853: 6851: 6849: 6834: 6828: 6827: 6825: 6823: 6804: 6795: 6794: 6792: 6790: 6774: 6768: 6767: 6765: 6763: 6743: 6737: 6736: 6734: 6732: 6712: 6706: 6705: 6703: 6701: 6681: 6675: 6674: 6672: 6670: 6655: 6649: 6648: 6646: 6644: 6619: 6613: 6612: 6606: 6604: 6583: 6574: 6573: 6571: 6569: 6549: 6543: 6542: 6540: 6538: 6518: 6512: 6511: 6509: 6507: 6491: 6485: 6484: 6482: 6480: 6458: 6452: 6451: 6449: 6447: 6427: 6418: 6417: 6415: 6413: 6393: 6387: 6386: 6384: 6382: 6362: 6356: 6355: 6353: 6351: 6331: 6325: 6324: 6322: 6320: 6300: 6294: 6293: 6291: 6289: 6273: 6267: 6266: 6264: 6262: 6243: 6234: 6233: 6231: 6229: 6210: 6204: 6203: 6201: 6199: 6179: 6173: 6172: 6170: 6168: 6149: 6143: 6142: 6140: 6138: 6119: 6113: 6112: 6110: 6108: 6088: 6082: 6081: 6079: 6077: 6057: 6051: 6050: 6048: 6046: 6026: 6017: 6016: 6014: 6012: 6007:on 11 March 2015 6006: 5995: 5987: 5981: 5980: 5978: 5976: 5960: 5951: 5950: 5948: 5946: 5927: 5921: 5920: 5918: 5916: 5901: 5895: 5894: 5892: 5890: 5870: 5864: 5863: 5861: 5859: 5839: 5830: 5829: 5827: 5825: 5805: 5799: 5798: 5796: 5794: 5774: 5768: 5767: 5765: 5763: 5744: 5738: 5737: 5735: 5733: 5713: 5704: 5703: 5701: 5699: 5684: 5678: 5677: 5675: 5673: 5653: 5647: 5646: 5644: 5642: 5622: 5613: 5612: 5610: 5608: 5588: 5582: 5581: 5579: 5577: 5565:Business Insider 5555: 5549: 5548: 5546: 5544: 5529: 5523: 5522: 5520: 5518: 5499: 5493: 5492: 5490: 5488: 5469: 5463: 5462: 5460: 5458: 5439: 5433: 5432: 5430: 5428: 5413: 5407: 5406: 5404: 5402: 5388: 5382: 5381: 5379: 5377: 5361: 5355: 5354: 5352: 5350: 5331: 5322: 5321: 5319: 5317: 5297: 5291: 5290: 5288: 5286: 5266: 5260: 5259: 5257: 5255: 5235: 5229: 5228: 5226: 5224: 5204: 5198: 5197: 5195: 5193: 5178: 5172: 5171: 5169: 5167: 5147: 5141: 5140: 5138: 5136: 5117: 5111: 5110: 5108: 5106: 5090: 5084: 5083: 5081: 5079: 5060: 5054: 5053: 5051: 5049: 5034: 5028: 5027: 5025: 5023: 5003: 4997: 4996: 4994: 4992: 4972: 4966: 4965: 4963: 4961: 4941: 4935: 4934: 4932: 4930: 4915: 4909: 4908: 4901: 4895: 4894: 4887: 4881: 4880: 4878: 4876: 4861: 4855: 4854: 4847: 4841: 4840: 4838: 4836: 4821: 4815: 4814: 4812: 4810: 4795: 4786: 4785: 4783: 4781: 4766: 4760: 4759: 4757: 4755: 4740: 4731: 4730: 4728: 4726: 4711: 4705: 4704: 4702: 4700: 4685: 4676: 4675: 4673: 4671: 4656: 4650: 4649: 4647: 4645: 4630: 4617: 4616: 4614: 4612: 4592: 4575: 4574: 4572: 4570: 4550: 4544: 4543: 4541: 4539: 4519: 4510: 4509: 4507: 4505: 4485: 4472: 4471: 4469: 4467: 4447: 4438: 4437: 4435: 4433: 4413: 4407: 4406: 4404: 4402: 4383: 4377: 4376: 4374: 4372: 4356: 4350: 4349: 4347: 4345: 4326: 4320: 4319: 4317: 4315: 4296: 4290: 4289: 4287: 4285: 4270: 4264: 4263: 4261: 4259: 4244: 4238: 4237: 4235: 4233: 4213: 4207: 4206: 4204: 4202: 4182: 4171: 4170: 4168: 4166: 4146: 4140: 4139: 4137: 4135: 4116: 4110: 4109: 4107: 4105: 4085: 4079: 4078: 4076: 4074: 4059: 4053: 4052: 4050: 4048: 4026: 4017: 4016: 4014: 4012: 3992: 3986: 3985: 3983: 3981: 3961: 3952: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3927: 3921: 3920: 3918: 3916: 3897: 3891: 3890: 3888: 3886: 3866: 3860: 3859: 3857: 3855: 3840: 3834: 3833: 3831: 3829: 3814: 3803: 3802: 3800: 3798: 3782: 3773: 3772: 3770: 3768: 3748: 3739: 3738: 3736: 3734: 3714: 3705: 3703: 3701: 3699: 3693: 3687:. Archived from 3686: 3677: 3671: 3670: 3668: 3666: 3646: 3635: 3634: 3632: 3630: 3615: 3609: 3608: 3601: 3595: 3594: 3592: 3590: 3570: 3555: 3554: 3552: 3550: 3530: 3517: 3516: 3514: 3512: 3492: 3483: 3482: 3480: 3478: 3458: 3452: 3451: 3449: 3447: 3427: 3421: 3420: 3418: 3416: 3396: 3390: 3389: 3387: 3385: 3365: 3359: 3358: 3356: 3354: 3339: 3333: 3332: 3330: 3328: 3308: 3302: 3301: 3299: 3297: 3278: 3269: 3268: 3266: 3264: 3244: 3238: 3237: 3235: 3233: 3213: 3207: 3206: 3204: 3202: 3183: 3177: 3176: 3174: 3172: 3152: 3143: 3142: 3140: 3138: 3118: 3112: 3111: 3109: 3107: 3087: 3078: 3077: 3075: 3073: 3053: 3044: 3043: 3041: 3039: 3033: 3027:. Archived from 3022: 3013: 3007: 3006: 3004: 3002: 2982: 2965: 2964: 2962: 2960: 2944: 2938: 2937: 2935: 2933: 2913: 2904: 2903: 2901: 2899: 2880: 2867: 2866: 2864: 2862: 2842: 2827: 2826: 2819: 2813: 2812: 2810: 2808: 2793: 2787: 2786: 2784: 2782: 2762: 2753: 2752: 2750: 2748: 2728: 2722: 2721: 2719: 2717: 2701: 2692: 2691: 2689: 2687: 2667: 2650: 2649: 2647: 2645: 2630: 2621: 2620: 2618: 2616: 2596: 2587: 2586: 2584: 2582: 2567: 2561: 2560: 2558: 2556: 2534: 2528: 2527: 2525: 2523: 2504: 2489: 2488: 2486: 2484: 2465: 2450: 2449: 2447: 2445: 2425: 2414: 2413: 2411: 2409: 2390: 2349: 2347:Australia portal 2344: 2343: 2342: 2335: 2330: 2329: 2328: 2222:'s choral piece 2218:The premiere of 2110:Nicholas Cowdery 2099:Law and politics 1709:Governor-General 1629:St James' Church 1608:Hanukkah menorah 1600:St James' Church 1542: 1530: 1518: 1506: 1220:The Morning Show 1087: 1075: 1063: 1051: 1039: 1027: 1015: 1003: 991: 975: 963: 951: 938: 926: 914: 908: 907: 876: 868: 864: 846: 800: 789: 785: 758: 749: 724: 694: 627: 592: 537:St James' Church 462:Lindt CafĂ© siege 450: 443: 436: 248: 247: 239:Michael Barnes, 176:Sawn-off shotgun 126: 125: 123: 122: 121: 116: 112: 109: 108: 107: 104: 61: 49: 40:Lindt Cafe siege 37: 36: 10086: 10085: 10081: 10080: 10079: 10077: 10076: 10075: 10006:Crime in Sydney 10001:2010s in Sydney 9986: 9985: 9984: 9974: 9972: 9968:New South Wales 9962: 9960: 9950: 9948: 9940: 9924: 9908: 9906: 9904: 9886: 9884:Further reading 9881: 9873: 9869: 9868: 9864: 9854: 9852: 9843: 9842: 9838: 9828: 9826: 9811: 9810: 9806: 9796: 9794: 9781: 9780: 9776: 9766: 9764: 9749: 9745: 9735: 9733: 9718: 9714: 9704: 9702: 9692: 9688: 9678: 9676: 9663: 9662: 9658: 9649: 9647: 9641: 9640: 9636: 9626: 9624: 9611: 9610: 9606: 9597: 9595: 9589: 9588: 9584: 9574: 9572: 9557: 9553: 9543: 9541: 9528: 9527: 9523: 9513: 9511: 9496: 9492: 9482: 9480: 9465: 9461: 9448: 9446: 9437:(29 May 2017). 9435:Ferguson, Sarah 9432: 9428: 9415: 9413: 9401:(22 May 2017). 9399:Ferguson, Sarah 9396: 9392: 9378: 9376: 9366: 9362: 9352: 9350: 9332: 9328: 9318: 9316: 9298: 9294: 9284: 9282: 9267: 9260: 9250: 9248: 9233: 9229: 9219: 9217: 9202: 9195: 9185: 9183: 9168: 9164: 9154: 9152: 9135: 9131: 9121: 9119: 9104: 9100: 9090: 9088: 9073: 9069: 9059: 9057: 9042: 9041: 9037: 9027: 9025: 9008: 9004: 8994: 8992: 8975: 8971: 8961: 8959: 8942: 8938: 8928: 8926: 8911: 8907: 8897: 8895: 8880: 8876: 8866: 8864: 8852: 8848: 8838: 8836: 8819: 8815: 8805: 8803: 8781: 8777: 8767: 8765: 8755: 8751: 8741: 8739: 8722: 8715: 8705: 8703: 8688: 8684: 8674: 8672: 8657: 8653: 8643: 8641: 8626: 8622: 8613: 8612: 8608: 8598: 8596: 8581: 8577: 8567: 8565: 8552: 8551: 8547: 8537: 8535: 8520: 8516: 8506: 8504: 8487: 8483: 8473: 8471: 8456: 8452: 8437: 8433: 8423: 8421: 8406: 8402: 8392: 8390: 8383:Anadolou Agency 8375: 8371: 8356: 8352: 8342: 8340: 8330: 8326: 8316: 8314: 8304: 8300: 8290: 8288: 8275: 8274: 8270: 8260: 8258: 8243: 8236: 8226: 8224: 8223:on 2 April 2015 8209: 8200: 8190: 8188: 8175: 8174: 8170: 8160: 8158: 8145: 8144: 8140: 8130: 8128: 8113: 8106: 8096: 8094: 8079: 8075: 8065: 8063: 8052: 8048: 8038: 8036: 8021: 8017: 8007: 8005: 8001: 7988: 7986:"Press Release" 7982: 7978: 7968: 7966: 7962: 7955: 7951: 7950: 7946: 7936: 7934: 7923: 7916: 7903: 7902: 7893: 7884: 7882: 7878: 7871: 7865: 7864: 7847: 7837: 7835: 7820: 7816: 7806: 7804: 7787: 7783: 7773: 7771: 7758: 7757: 7753: 7743: 7741: 7731: 7727: 7717: 7715: 7697: 7693: 7683: 7681: 7666: 7662: 7652: 7650: 7635: 7631: 7621: 7619: 7604: 7600: 7590: 7588: 7571: 7567: 7557: 7555: 7538: 7534: 7524: 7522: 7507: 7503: 7493: 7491: 7486:. Beyond Blue. 7482: 7481: 7477: 7467: 7465: 7450: 7446: 7436: 7434: 7424: 7420: 7411:Wayback Machine 7402: 7398: 7388: 7386: 7371: 7367: 7357: 7355: 7340: 7336: 7326: 7324: 7311: 7310: 7306: 7296: 7294: 7279: 7275: 7265: 7263: 7248: 7244: 7234: 7232: 7217: 7216: 7212: 7202: 7200: 7191: 7190: 7186: 7176: 7174: 7157: 7153: 7143: 7141: 7128: 7127: 7123: 7113: 7111: 7098: 7097: 7093: 7083: 7081: 7068: 7067: 7063: 7053: 7051: 7040: 7036: 7026: 7024: 7011: 7010: 7006: 6996: 6994: 6979: 6975: 6965: 6963: 6950: 6949: 6945: 6935: 6933: 6924:Sharif, Mirza. 6922: 6918: 6908: 6906: 6891: 6887: 6877: 6875: 6862: 6861: 6857: 6847: 6845: 6835: 6831: 6821: 6819: 6806: 6805: 6798: 6788: 6786: 6775: 6771: 6761: 6759: 6744: 6740: 6730: 6728: 6713: 6709: 6699: 6697: 6682: 6678: 6668: 6666: 6656: 6652: 6642: 6640: 6620: 6616: 6602: 6600: 6585: 6584: 6577: 6567: 6565: 6550: 6546: 6536: 6534: 6519: 6515: 6505: 6503: 6492: 6488: 6478: 6476: 6459: 6455: 6445: 6443: 6428: 6421: 6411: 6409: 6394: 6390: 6380: 6378: 6363: 6359: 6349: 6347: 6332: 6328: 6318: 6316: 6301: 6297: 6287: 6285: 6274: 6270: 6260: 6258: 6245: 6244: 6237: 6227: 6225: 6212: 6211: 6207: 6197: 6195: 6180: 6176: 6166: 6164: 6151: 6150: 6146: 6136: 6134: 6121: 6120: 6116: 6106: 6104: 6089: 6085: 6075: 6073: 6058: 6054: 6044: 6042: 6027: 6020: 6010: 6008: 6004: 5993: 5989: 5988: 5984: 5974: 5972: 5961: 5954: 5944: 5942: 5929: 5928: 5924: 5914: 5912: 5902: 5898: 5888: 5886: 5879:Washington Post 5873:Holley, Peter. 5871: 5867: 5857: 5855: 5840: 5833: 5823: 5821: 5806: 5802: 5792: 5790: 5775: 5771: 5761: 5759: 5746: 5745: 5741: 5731: 5729: 5714: 5707: 5697: 5695: 5686: 5685: 5681: 5671: 5669: 5654: 5650: 5640: 5638: 5623: 5616: 5606: 5604: 5589: 5585: 5575: 5573: 5556: 5552: 5542: 5540: 5531: 5530: 5526: 5516: 5514: 5501: 5500: 5496: 5486: 5484: 5471: 5470: 5466: 5456: 5454: 5441: 5440: 5436: 5426: 5424: 5415: 5414: 5410: 5400: 5398: 5390: 5389: 5385: 5375: 5373: 5362: 5358: 5348: 5346: 5333: 5332: 5325: 5315: 5313: 5298: 5294: 5284: 5282: 5267: 5263: 5253: 5251: 5236: 5232: 5222: 5220: 5205: 5201: 5191: 5189: 5180: 5179: 5175: 5165: 5163: 5148: 5144: 5134: 5132: 5119: 5118: 5114: 5104: 5102: 5091: 5087: 5077: 5075: 5062: 5061: 5057: 5047: 5045: 5036: 5035: 5031: 5021: 5019: 5004: 5000: 4990: 4988: 4973: 4969: 4959: 4957: 4942: 4938: 4928: 4926: 4917: 4916: 4912: 4903: 4902: 4898: 4889: 4888: 4884: 4874: 4872: 4863: 4862: 4858: 4849: 4848: 4844: 4834: 4832: 4823: 4822: 4818: 4808: 4806: 4797: 4796: 4789: 4779: 4777: 4768: 4767: 4763: 4753: 4751: 4742: 4741: 4734: 4724: 4722: 4713: 4712: 4708: 4698: 4696: 4687: 4686: 4679: 4669: 4667: 4658: 4657: 4653: 4643: 4641: 4632: 4631: 4620: 4610: 4608: 4593: 4578: 4568: 4566: 4551: 4547: 4537: 4535: 4520: 4513: 4503: 4501: 4486: 4475: 4465: 4463: 4448: 4441: 4431: 4429: 4422:Washington Post 4414: 4410: 4400: 4398: 4385: 4384: 4380: 4370: 4368: 4357: 4353: 4343: 4341: 4328: 4327: 4323: 4313: 4311: 4298: 4297: 4293: 4283: 4281: 4272: 4271: 4267: 4257: 4255: 4246: 4245: 4241: 4231: 4229: 4214: 4210: 4200: 4198: 4183: 4174: 4164: 4162: 4147: 4143: 4133: 4131: 4126:. 6 July 2016. 4118: 4117: 4113: 4103: 4101: 4086: 4082: 4072: 4070: 4060: 4056: 4046: 4044: 4027: 4020: 4010: 4008: 3993: 3989: 3979: 3977: 3962: 3955: 3945: 3943: 3928: 3924: 3914: 3912: 3899: 3898: 3894: 3884: 3882: 3867: 3863: 3853: 3851: 3842: 3841: 3837: 3827: 3825: 3816: 3815: 3806: 3796: 3794: 3783: 3776: 3766: 3764: 3749: 3742: 3732: 3730: 3717:Feneley, Rick. 3715: 3708: 3697: 3695: 3694:on 2 April 2015 3691: 3684: 3680: 3678: 3674: 3664: 3662: 3647: 3638: 3628: 3626: 3617: 3616: 3612: 3603: 3602: 3598: 3588: 3586: 3571: 3558: 3548: 3546: 3531: 3520: 3510: 3508: 3493: 3486: 3476: 3474: 3459: 3455: 3445: 3443: 3428: 3424: 3414: 3412: 3397: 3393: 3383: 3381: 3366: 3362: 3352: 3350: 3341: 3340: 3336: 3326: 3324: 3309: 3305: 3295: 3293: 3280: 3279: 3272: 3262: 3260: 3245: 3241: 3231: 3229: 3214: 3210: 3200: 3198: 3185: 3184: 3180: 3170: 3168: 3153: 3146: 3136: 3134: 3119: 3115: 3105: 3103: 3088: 3081: 3071: 3069: 3054: 3047: 3037: 3035: 3031: 3020: 3014: 3010: 3000: 2998: 2983: 2968: 2958: 2956: 2945: 2941: 2931: 2929: 2914: 2907: 2897: 2895: 2882: 2881: 2870: 2860: 2858: 2843: 2830: 2821: 2820: 2816: 2806: 2804: 2795: 2794: 2790: 2780: 2778: 2763: 2756: 2746: 2744: 2729: 2725: 2715: 2713: 2702: 2695: 2685: 2683: 2668: 2653: 2643: 2641: 2638:Financial Times 2632: 2631: 2624: 2614: 2612: 2597: 2590: 2580: 2578: 2568: 2564: 2554: 2552: 2537:Ralston, Nick. 2535: 2531: 2521: 2519: 2506: 2505: 2492: 2482: 2480: 2467: 2466: 2453: 2443: 2441: 2426: 2417: 2407: 2405: 2404:on 4 March 2016 2392: 2391: 2382: 2378: 2345: 2340: 2338: 2331: 2326: 2324: 2321: 2299:As part of the 2201: 2166: 2154: 2101: 2092: 2079: 2059: 2047:submachine guns 2028: 2016: 1912: 1896: 1891: 1885: 1880: 1861: 1855: 1814: 1786:Michael Thawley 1748: 1724: 1705: 1637: 1553: 1546: 1543: 1534: 1531: 1522: 1519: 1510: 1507: 1478: 1470: 1447:#illridewithyou 1435: 1391: 1348: 1343: 1280: 1278:Man Haron Monis 1274: 1258:dynamic pricing 1131: 1100: 1085: 1073: 1061: 1049: 1037: 1025: 1013: 1001: 989: 973: 961: 949: 936: 924: 912: 904: 874: 866: 862: 858: 856:Police strategy 844: 841: 798: 787: 783: 780: 756: 747: 736: 722: 692: 658:flag, with the 648:Andrew Scipione 625: 590: 567: 550: 545: 472:hostage in the 466:Man Haron Monis 454: 425: 382: 354: 290:bombings (1982) 289: 277: 267:Notable attacks 209:Man Haron Monis 159: 135: 119: 117: 113: 110: 105: 102: 100: 98: 97: 85:New South Wales 68: 52: 35: 17: 12: 11: 5: 10084: 10074: 10073: 10068: 10063: 10058: 10053: 10048: 10043: 10038: 10033: 10028: 10023: 10018: 10013: 10008: 10003: 9998: 9983: 9982: 9970: 9958: 9938: 9937: 9923: 9922:External links 9920: 9919: 9918: 9915: 9902: 9885: 9882: 9880: 9879: 9862: 9836: 9804: 9774: 9743: 9712: 9686: 9656: 9634: 9604: 9582: 9551: 9521: 9490: 9459: 9426: 9390: 9360: 9326: 9292: 9258: 9227: 9193: 9162: 9129: 9098: 9067: 9035: 9002: 8969: 8936: 8905: 8874: 8861:The Australian 8846: 8813: 8775: 8749: 8713: 8682: 8651: 8620: 8617:. 24 May 2017. 8606: 8575: 8545: 8514: 8481: 8450: 8445:The Australian 8431: 8400: 8369: 8350: 8324: 8298: 8268: 8234: 8198: 8168: 8138: 8104: 8073: 8046: 8015: 7976: 7944: 7914: 7891: 7845: 7814: 7781: 7751: 7739:The Australian 7725: 7691: 7660: 7629: 7598: 7565: 7532: 7501: 7475: 7444: 7418: 7414:Jerusalem Post 7396: 7365: 7334: 7304: 7273: 7242: 7210: 7184: 7151: 7121: 7091: 7061: 7034: 7017:The Australian 7004: 6973: 6943: 6916: 6885: 6855: 6829: 6796: 6769: 6738: 6707: 6676: 6650: 6623:Bourke, Latika 6614: 6575: 6558:Brisbane Times 6544: 6513: 6486: 6453: 6419: 6388: 6357: 6326: 6295: 6268: 6235: 6205: 6174: 6144: 6114: 6083: 6052: 6018: 5982: 5967:. 5952: 5922: 5896: 5865: 5831: 5816:. 5800: 5769: 5752:The Australian 5739: 5705: 5679: 5648: 5614: 5583: 5550: 5524: 5494: 5464: 5434: 5408: 5383: 5356: 5323: 5292: 5261: 5230: 5199: 5173: 5142: 5112: 5085: 5055: 5029: 4998: 4967: 4936: 4910: 4896: 4882: 4856: 4842: 4816: 4787: 4761: 4732: 4706: 4677: 4651: 4618: 4576: 4545: 4511: 4473: 4439: 4408: 4391:The Australian 4378: 4363:Archived from 4351: 4321: 4291: 4265: 4239: 4208: 4172: 4141: 4111: 4080: 4054: 4018: 3987: 3953: 3922: 3892: 3861: 3835: 3804: 3774: 3740: 3706: 3672: 3636: 3610: 3596: 3556: 3518: 3484: 3453: 3422: 3391: 3360: 3334: 3303: 3270: 3239: 3208: 3178: 3144: 3113: 3079: 3045: 3008: 2966: 2939: 2905: 2868: 2828: 2814: 2788: 2771:The Australian 2754: 2723: 2693: 2651: 2622: 2588: 2562: 2529: 2490: 2451: 2415: 2379: 2377: 2374: 2373: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2357: 2351: 2350: 2336: 2320: 2317: 2258:Michael Leunig 2242:Sea of Flowers 2224:Street Requiem 2220:Jonathon Welch 2200: 2197: 2171:Rupert Murdoch 2165: 2162: 2153: 2150: 2129:John Robertson 2100: 2097: 2091: 2088: 2078: 2075: 2058: 2055: 2027: 2024: 2018:Following the 2015: 2012: 1970:Michael Wesley 1939:Lowy Institute 1911: 1908: 1895: 1892: 1884: 1881: 1879: 1876: 1857:Main article: 1854: 1851: 1813: 1810: 1747: 1746:Investigations 1744: 1723: 1720: 1704: 1701: 1681:Stephen Harper 1655:Marzieh Afkham 1636: 1633: 1619:Anthony Fisher 1552: 1549: 1548: 1547: 1544: 1537: 1535: 1532: 1525: 1523: 1520: 1513: 1511: 1508: 1501: 1477: 1474: 1434: 1431: 1390: 1387: 1383:Peter Cosgrove 1347: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1310:common assault 1306:sexual assault 1276:Main article: 1273: 1270: 1211:Downing Centre 1130: 1127: 1099: 1096: 1093: 1092: 1089: 1081: 1080: 1077: 1069: 1068: 1065: 1057: 1056: 1053: 1045: 1044: 1041: 1033: 1032: 1029: 1021: 1020: 1017: 1009: 1008: 1005: 997: 996: 993: 985: 984: 977: 969: 968: 965: 957: 956: 953: 945: 944: 940: 932: 931: 928: 920: 919: 916: 903: 900: 857: 854: 843:At around 2:00 840: 837: 779: 776: 746:At around 3:37 735: 732: 656:Black Standard 566: 563: 549: 548:Prior to event 546: 544: 541: 456: 455: 453: 452: 445: 438: 430: 427: 426: 424: 423: 412: 411: 406: 401: 392: 389: 388: 384: 383: 381: 380: 375: 370: 364: 361: 360: 356: 355: 353: 352: 347: 342: 337: 332: 327: 322: 317: 312: 307: 302: 297: 292: 285: 280: 272: 269: 268: 264: 263: 257: 256: 244: 243: 234: 230: 229: 224: 220: 219: 216: 212: 211: 206: 202: 201: 198: 194: 193: 190: 186: 185: 182: 178: 177: 174: 170: 169: 167:hostage taking 160: 157: 154: 153: 150: 146: 145: 132: 128: 127: 95: 89: 88: 74: 70: 69: 62: 54: 53: 50: 42: 41: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10083: 10072: 10069: 10067: 10064: 10062: 10059: 10057: 10054: 10052: 10049: 10047: 10044: 10042: 10039: 10037: 10034: 10032: 10029: 10027: 10024: 10022: 10019: 10017: 10014: 10012: 10009: 10007: 10004: 10002: 9999: 9997: 9994: 9993: 9991: 9981: 9971: 9969: 9959: 9957: 9947: 9946: 9943: 9935: 9930: 9926: 9925: 9916: 9905: 9903:9781760296933 9899: 9895: 9894: 9888: 9887: 9872: 9866: 9850: 9846: 9840: 9824: 9820: 9819: 9814: 9808: 9792: 9788: 9787:NY Daily News 9784: 9778: 9762: 9758: 9754: 9747: 9731: 9727: 9723: 9716: 9701: 9697: 9690: 9674: 9670: 9666: 9660: 9646: 9645: 9638: 9622: 9618: 9614: 9608: 9594: 9593: 9586: 9570: 9566: 9562: 9555: 9539: 9535: 9531: 9525: 9509: 9505: 9501: 9494: 9478: 9474: 9470: 9463: 9456: 9444: 9440: 9436: 9430: 9423: 9412: 9408: 9404: 9400: 9394: 9387: 9375: 9371: 9364: 9348: 9344: 9340: 9336: 9335:Gittins, Ross 9330: 9314: 9310: 9306: 9302: 9296: 9280: 9276: 9272: 9265: 9263: 9246: 9242: 9238: 9231: 9215: 9211: 9207: 9200: 9198: 9181: 9177: 9173: 9166: 9150: 9146: 9145: 9140: 9133: 9117: 9113: 9109: 9102: 9086: 9082: 9078: 9071: 9055: 9051: 9050: 9045: 9039: 9023: 9019: 9018: 9013: 9006: 8990: 8987:. Australia. 8986: 8985: 8980: 8973: 8957: 8953: 8952: 8947: 8940: 8924: 8920: 8916: 8909: 8893: 8889: 8885: 8878: 8863: 8862: 8857: 8850: 8834: 8830: 8829: 8824: 8817: 8802: 8798: 8794: 8790: 8786: 8779: 8764: 8760: 8753: 8737: 8733: 8732: 8727: 8720: 8718: 8701: 8697: 8693: 8686: 8670: 8666: 8662: 8655: 8639: 8635: 8631: 8624: 8616: 8610: 8594: 8590: 8586: 8579: 8563: 8559: 8558:Straits Times 8555: 8549: 8533: 8529: 8525: 8518: 8502: 8498: 8497: 8492: 8485: 8469: 8465: 8461: 8454: 8446: 8442: 8435: 8419: 8415: 8411: 8404: 8388: 8384: 8380: 8373: 8365: 8361: 8354: 8339: 8335: 8328: 8313: 8309: 8302: 8286: 8282: 8278: 8272: 8256: 8252: 8248: 8241: 8239: 8222: 8218: 8214: 8207: 8205: 8203: 8186: 8182: 8178: 8172: 8156: 8152: 8148: 8142: 8126: 8122: 8118: 8111: 8109: 8092: 8088: 8084: 8077: 8061: 8057: 8050: 8034: 8030: 8026: 8019: 8000: 7996: 7995: 7987: 7980: 7961: 7954: 7948: 7932: 7928: 7921: 7919: 7910: 7906: 7900: 7898: 7896: 7877: 7870: 7869: 7862: 7860: 7858: 7856: 7854: 7852: 7850: 7833: 7829: 7825: 7818: 7802: 7798: 7797: 7792: 7785: 7769: 7765: 7761: 7755: 7740: 7736: 7729: 7713: 7709: 7705: 7701: 7695: 7679: 7675: 7671: 7664: 7648: 7644: 7640: 7633: 7617: 7613: 7609: 7602: 7586: 7582: 7581: 7576: 7569: 7553: 7549: 7548: 7543: 7536: 7520: 7516: 7512: 7505: 7489: 7485: 7484:"In memoriam" 7479: 7463: 7459: 7455: 7448: 7433: 7429: 7422: 7415: 7412: 7408: 7405: 7400: 7384: 7380: 7376: 7369: 7353: 7349: 7345: 7338: 7322: 7318: 7314: 7308: 7292: 7288: 7284: 7277: 7261: 7257: 7253: 7246: 7230: 7226: 7225: 7220: 7214: 7198: 7194: 7188: 7172: 7168: 7167: 7162: 7155: 7139: 7135: 7131: 7125: 7109: 7105: 7101: 7095: 7079: 7075: 7071: 7065: 7049: 7045: 7038: 7022: 7018: 7014: 7008: 6992: 6988: 6984: 6977: 6961: 6957: 6953: 6947: 6931: 6927: 6920: 6904: 6900: 6896: 6889: 6873: 6869: 6865: 6859: 6844: 6840: 6833: 6817: 6813: 6809: 6803: 6801: 6784: 6780: 6773: 6757: 6753: 6749: 6742: 6726: 6722: 6718: 6711: 6695: 6691: 6687: 6680: 6665: 6661: 6654: 6638: 6634: 6633: 6628: 6624: 6618: 6610: 6598: 6594: 6593: 6588: 6582: 6580: 6563: 6559: 6555: 6548: 6532: 6528: 6524: 6517: 6501: 6497: 6490: 6474: 6470: 6469: 6464: 6457: 6441: 6437: 6433: 6426: 6424: 6407: 6403: 6399: 6392: 6376: 6372: 6368: 6361: 6345: 6342:. Melbourne. 6341: 6337: 6330: 6314: 6311:. Melbourne. 6310: 6306: 6299: 6283: 6279: 6272: 6256: 6252: 6248: 6242: 6240: 6223: 6219: 6215: 6209: 6193: 6189: 6185: 6178: 6162: 6158: 6154: 6148: 6132: 6128: 6124: 6118: 6102: 6098: 6094: 6087: 6071: 6067: 6063: 6056: 6040: 6036: 6032: 6025: 6023: 6003: 5999: 5992: 5986: 5970: 5966: 5959: 5957: 5940: 5936: 5932: 5926: 5911: 5907: 5900: 5884: 5880: 5876: 5869: 5853: 5849: 5845: 5838: 5836: 5819: 5815: 5811: 5804: 5788: 5784: 5780: 5773: 5757: 5753: 5749: 5743: 5727: 5723: 5719: 5712: 5710: 5693: 5689: 5683: 5667: 5663: 5659: 5652: 5636: 5632: 5628: 5621: 5619: 5602: 5598: 5594: 5587: 5571: 5567: 5566: 5561: 5554: 5538: 5534: 5528: 5512: 5508: 5504: 5498: 5482: 5478: 5474: 5468: 5452: 5448: 5444: 5438: 5422: 5418: 5412: 5397: 5393: 5387: 5371: 5367: 5360: 5344: 5340: 5336: 5330: 5328: 5311: 5308:. Melbourne. 5307: 5303: 5296: 5280: 5276: 5272: 5265: 5249: 5245: 5241: 5234: 5218: 5214: 5210: 5203: 5187: 5183: 5177: 5161: 5157: 5153: 5146: 5130: 5126: 5122: 5116: 5100: 5096: 5089: 5073: 5069: 5065: 5059: 5043: 5039: 5033: 5017: 5014:. Melbourne. 5013: 5009: 5002: 4986: 4983:. Melbourne. 4982: 4978: 4971: 4955: 4951: 4947: 4940: 4924: 4920: 4914: 4906: 4900: 4892: 4886: 4870: 4866: 4860: 4852: 4846: 4830: 4826: 4820: 4804: 4800: 4794: 4792: 4775: 4771: 4765: 4749: 4745: 4739: 4737: 4720: 4716: 4710: 4694: 4690: 4684: 4682: 4665: 4661: 4655: 4639: 4635: 4629: 4627: 4625: 4623: 4606: 4602: 4598: 4591: 4589: 4587: 4585: 4583: 4581: 4564: 4560: 4556: 4549: 4533: 4529: 4525: 4518: 4516: 4499: 4495: 4491: 4484: 4482: 4480: 4478: 4461: 4457: 4453: 4446: 4444: 4427: 4423: 4419: 4412: 4396: 4392: 4388: 4382: 4366: 4362: 4355: 4339: 4335: 4331: 4325: 4309: 4305: 4301: 4295: 4279: 4275: 4269: 4253: 4249: 4243: 4227: 4223: 4219: 4212: 4196: 4192: 4188: 4181: 4179: 4177: 4160: 4156: 4152: 4145: 4129: 4125: 4121: 4115: 4099: 4095: 4091: 4084: 4069: 4065: 4058: 4042: 4038: 4037: 4032: 4025: 4023: 4006: 4002: 3998: 3991: 3975: 3971: 3967: 3960: 3958: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3926: 3910: 3906: 3905:The Economist 3902: 3896: 3880: 3876: 3872: 3865: 3849: 3845: 3839: 3823: 3819: 3813: 3811: 3809: 3792: 3788: 3781: 3779: 3762: 3758: 3754: 3747: 3745: 3728: 3724: 3720: 3713: 3711: 3690: 3683: 3676: 3660: 3656: 3652: 3645: 3643: 3641: 3624: 3620: 3614: 3606: 3600: 3584: 3580: 3576: 3569: 3567: 3565: 3563: 3561: 3544: 3540: 3536: 3529: 3527: 3525: 3523: 3506: 3502: 3498: 3491: 3489: 3472: 3468: 3464: 3457: 3441: 3437: 3433: 3426: 3410: 3406: 3402: 3395: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3364: 3348: 3344: 3338: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3307: 3291: 3287: 3283: 3277: 3275: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3243: 3227: 3223: 3219: 3212: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3182: 3166: 3162: 3158: 3151: 3149: 3132: 3128: 3124: 3117: 3101: 3097: 3093: 3086: 3084: 3067: 3063: 3059: 3052: 3050: 3030: 3026: 3019: 3012: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2981: 2979: 2977: 2975: 2973: 2971: 2954: 2950: 2943: 2927: 2923: 2919: 2912: 2910: 2893: 2889: 2885: 2879: 2877: 2875: 2873: 2856: 2852: 2848: 2841: 2839: 2837: 2835: 2833: 2824: 2818: 2802: 2798: 2792: 2776: 2772: 2768: 2761: 2759: 2742: 2738: 2734: 2727: 2711: 2707: 2700: 2698: 2681: 2677: 2673: 2666: 2664: 2662: 2660: 2658: 2656: 2639: 2635: 2629: 2627: 2610: 2607:. Melbourne. 2606: 2602: 2595: 2593: 2577: 2573: 2566: 2550: 2547:. Melbourne. 2546: 2545: 2540: 2533: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2503: 2501: 2499: 2497: 2495: 2478: 2474: 2470: 2464: 2462: 2460: 2458: 2456: 2439: 2435: 2431: 2424: 2422: 2420: 2403: 2399: 2395: 2389: 2387: 2385: 2380: 2371: 2368: 2366: 2363: 2361: 2358: 2356: 2353: 2352: 2348: 2337: 2334: 2323: 2316: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2302: 2297: 2295: 2291: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2277: 2273: 2268: 2266: 2261: 2259: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2234: 2232: 2230: 2229:Charlie Hebdo 2225: 2221: 2216: 2214: 2205: 2196: 2194: 2190: 2186: 2184: 2183:Julian Disney 2180: 2176: 2172: 2161: 2158: 2149: 2147: 2143: 2138: 2134: 2130: 2125: 2122: 2117: 2115: 2111: 2108:South Wales, 2106: 2096: 2087: 2084: 2074: 2070: 2068: 2067:Mamdouh Habib 2063: 2054: 2050: 2048: 2045: 2041: 2040:M4A1 carbines 2037: 2034:East team at 2033: 2023: 2021: 2011: 2008: 2003: 2001: 1997: 1991: 1987: 1983: 1980: 1975: 1971: 1967: 1962: 1958: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1942: 1940: 1936: 1932: 1927: 1926:death cult." 1925: 1920: 1916: 1907: 1905: 1901: 1890: 1875: 1872: 1868: 1866: 1860: 1850: 1848: 1844: 1839: 1835: 1831: 1826: 1824: 1818: 1809: 1806: 1801: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1787: 1782: 1780: 1775: 1768: 1760: 1752: 1743: 1741: 1740: 1735: 1731: 1730: 1719: 1717: 1713: 1712:Quentin Bryce 1710: 1700: 1698: 1694: 1690: 1689:David Cameron 1686: 1685:Narendra Modi 1682: 1678: 1673: 1671: 1667: 1663: 1658: 1656: 1653:spokeswoman, 1652: 1648: 1646: 1642: 1635:International 1632: 1630: 1626: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1611: 1609: 1601: 1596: 1592: 1590: 1586: 1581: 1577: 1569: 1565: 1562: 1558: 1541: 1536: 1529: 1524: 1517: 1512: 1505: 1500: 1499: 1498: 1495: 1491: 1487: 1482: 1467: 1463: 1461: 1457: 1452: 1448: 1445: 1441: 1430: 1426: 1424: 1420: 1411: 1407: 1405: 1395: 1386: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1367: 1365: 1361: 1356: 1353: 1338: 1335: 1331: 1325: 1321: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1307: 1302: 1300: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1265: 1261: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1228: 1226: 1222: 1221: 1216: 1215:Seven Network 1212: 1208: 1207:Supreme Court 1204: 1200: 1196: 1195:State Library 1192: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1168: 1163: 1160: 1151: 1143: 1135: 1126: 1124: 1119: 1117: 1111: 1109: 1104: 1090: 1083: 1082: 1078: 1071: 1070: 1066: 1059: 1058: 1054: 1047: 1046: 1042: 1035: 1034: 1030: 1023: 1022: 1018: 1011: 1010: 1006: 999: 998: 994: 987: 986: 982: 978: 971: 970: 966: 959: 958: 954: 947: 946: 941: 934: 933: 929: 922: 921: 917: 910: 909: 906: 899: 895: 891: 889: 883: 879: 871: 853: 849: 836: 833: 829: 828:M4A1 carbines 825: 819: 815: 811: 809: 808:stun grenades 805: 795: 793: 775: 773: 768: 764: 762: 753: 740: 731: 727: 719: 717: 712: 710: 704: 700: 698: 689: 688:Mamdouh Habib 685: 681: 679: 675: 671: 667: 663: 662: 657: 652: 649: 644: 642: 641:human shields 637: 633: 631: 622: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 588: 579: 571: 562: 560: 556: 540: 538: 534: 529: 527: 523: 519: 518:Islamic State 515: 514: 509: 508:Jihadist flag 504: 502: 496: 494: 489: 487: 483: 479: 475: 471: 467: 463: 451: 446: 444: 439: 437: 432: 431: 429: 428: 422: 419: 418: 417: 416: 410: 407: 405: 402: 400: 397: 396: 395: 391: 390: 386: 385: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 365: 363: 362: 359:Notable plots 358: 357: 351: 348: 346: 343: 341: 338: 336: 333: 331: 328: 326: 323: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 308: 306: 303: 301: 298: 296: 293: 291: 286: 284: 281: 279: 274: 273: 271: 270: 266: 265: 262: 259: 258: 254: 250: 249: 242: 238: 235: 231: 228: 225: 221: 217: 213: 210: 207: 203: 199: 195: 191: 187: 183: 179: 175: 171: 168: 164: 161: 155: 151: 147: 143: 139: 133: 129: 124: 96: 94: 90: 86: 82: 78: 75: 71: 66: 60: 55: 48: 43: 38: 33: 29: 28: 24: 19: 10051:2010s sieges 10036:Martin Place 9907:. Retrieved 9892: 9865: 9853:. Retrieved 9848: 9839: 9827:. Retrieved 9816: 9807: 9795:. Retrieved 9786: 9777: 9765:. Retrieved 9756: 9746: 9734:. Retrieved 9725: 9715: 9703:. Retrieved 9699: 9689: 9677:. Retrieved 9668: 9659: 9648:, retrieved 9643: 9637: 9625:. Retrieved 9616: 9607: 9596:, retrieved 9591: 9585: 9573:. Retrieved 9564: 9554: 9542:. Retrieved 9533: 9524: 9512:. Retrieved 9503: 9493: 9481:. Retrieved 9472: 9462: 9454: 9447:. Retrieved 9443:Four Corners 9442: 9429: 9421: 9414:. Retrieved 9407:Four Corners 9406: 9393: 9384: 9377:. Retrieved 9373: 9363: 9351:. Retrieved 9342: 9329: 9317:. Retrieved 9308: 9295: 9283:. Retrieved 9274: 9249:. Retrieved 9240: 9230: 9218:. Retrieved 9209: 9184:. Retrieved 9175: 9165: 9153:. Retrieved 9142: 9132: 9120:. Retrieved 9111: 9101: 9089:. Retrieved 9081:The Guardian 9080: 9070: 9058:. Retrieved 9047: 9038: 9026:. Retrieved 9015: 9005: 8993:. Retrieved 8982: 8972: 8960:. Retrieved 8949: 8939: 8927:. Retrieved 8918: 8908: 8896:. Retrieved 8887: 8877: 8865:. Retrieved 8859: 8849: 8837:. Retrieved 8826: 8816: 8804:. Retrieved 8795:(1): 24–25. 8792: 8788: 8778: 8766:. Retrieved 8762: 8752: 8740:. Retrieved 8729: 8704:. Retrieved 8700:the original 8695: 8685: 8673:. Retrieved 8664: 8654: 8642:. Retrieved 8633: 8623: 8609: 8597:. Retrieved 8589:The Guardian 8588: 8578: 8566:. Retrieved 8557: 8548: 8536:. Retrieved 8527: 8517: 8505:. Retrieved 8494: 8484: 8472:. Retrieved 8464:The Guardian 8463: 8453: 8444: 8434: 8422:. Retrieved 8413: 8403: 8391:. Retrieved 8382: 8372: 8363: 8353: 8341:. Retrieved 8337: 8327: 8315:. Retrieved 8311: 8301: 8289:. Retrieved 8281:The Guardian 8280: 8271: 8259:. Retrieved 8250: 8225:. Retrieved 8221:the original 8216: 8189:. Retrieved 8180: 8171: 8159:. Retrieved 8150: 8141: 8129:. Retrieved 8120: 8095:. Retrieved 8087:The Guardian 8086: 8076: 8064:. Retrieved 8049: 8037:. Retrieved 8028: 8018: 8006:. Retrieved 7999:the original 7992: 7979: 7967:. Retrieved 7960:the original 7947: 7935:. Retrieved 7909:the original 7883:, retrieved 7867: 7836:. Retrieved 7827: 7817: 7805:. Retrieved 7794: 7784: 7772:. Retrieved 7763: 7754: 7742:. Retrieved 7738: 7728: 7716:. Retrieved 7694: 7682:. Retrieved 7674:The Guardian 7673: 7663: 7651:. Retrieved 7642: 7632: 7620:. Retrieved 7611: 7601: 7589:. Retrieved 7585:the original 7578: 7568: 7556:. Retrieved 7545: 7535: 7523:. Retrieved 7514: 7504: 7492:. Retrieved 7478: 7466:. Retrieved 7457: 7447: 7435:. Retrieved 7431: 7421: 7413: 7399: 7387:. Retrieved 7378: 7368: 7356:. Retrieved 7347: 7337: 7325:. Retrieved 7316: 7307: 7295:. Retrieved 7286: 7276: 7264:. Retrieved 7255: 7245: 7233:. Retrieved 7222: 7213: 7201:. Retrieved 7197:the original 7187: 7175:. Retrieved 7164: 7154: 7142:. Retrieved 7133: 7124: 7112:. Retrieved 7108:the original 7103: 7094: 7082:. Retrieved 7073: 7064: 7052:. Retrieved 7037: 7025:. Retrieved 7016: 7007: 6995:. Retrieved 6987:Jewish Press 6986: 6976: 6964:. Retrieved 6955: 6946: 6934:. Retrieved 6930:the original 6919: 6907:. Retrieved 6898: 6888: 6876:. Retrieved 6867: 6858: 6846:. Retrieved 6843:Bangkok Post 6842: 6832: 6820:. Retrieved 6812:The Guardian 6811: 6787:. Retrieved 6772: 6760:. Retrieved 6751: 6741: 6729:. Retrieved 6720: 6710: 6698:. Retrieved 6689: 6679: 6667:. Retrieved 6663: 6653: 6641:. Retrieved 6637:the original 6630: 6617: 6607:– via 6601:. Retrieved 6590: 6566:. Retrieved 6557: 6547: 6535:. Retrieved 6526: 6516: 6504:. Retrieved 6489: 6477:. Retrieved 6466: 6456: 6444:. Retrieved 6435: 6410:. Retrieved 6401: 6391: 6379:. Retrieved 6370: 6360: 6348:. Retrieved 6339: 6329: 6317:. Retrieved 6308: 6298: 6286:. Retrieved 6271: 6259:. Retrieved 6250: 6226:. Retrieved 6217: 6208: 6196:. Retrieved 6187: 6177: 6165:. Retrieved 6161:the original 6156: 6147: 6135:. Retrieved 6126: 6117: 6105:. Retrieved 6096: 6086: 6074:. Retrieved 6066:The Guardian 6065: 6055: 6043:. Retrieved 6034: 6009:. Retrieved 6002:the original 5997: 5985: 5973:. Retrieved 5943:. Retrieved 5935:The Guardian 5934: 5925: 5913:. Retrieved 5909: 5899: 5887:. Retrieved 5878: 5868: 5856:. Retrieved 5847: 5822:. Retrieved 5813: 5803: 5791:. Retrieved 5782: 5772: 5760:. Retrieved 5751: 5742: 5730:. Retrieved 5721: 5696:. Retrieved 5682: 5670:. Retrieved 5661: 5651: 5639:. Retrieved 5630: 5605:. Retrieved 5596: 5586: 5574:. Retrieved 5570:the original 5563: 5553: 5541:. Retrieved 5536: 5527: 5515:. Retrieved 5506: 5497: 5485:. Retrieved 5476: 5467: 5455:. Retrieved 5446: 5437: 5425:. Retrieved 5411: 5399:. Retrieved 5395: 5386: 5374:. Retrieved 5359: 5347:. Retrieved 5338: 5314:. Retrieved 5305: 5295: 5283:. Retrieved 5274: 5264: 5252:. Retrieved 5243: 5233: 5221:. Retrieved 5212: 5202: 5190:. Retrieved 5186:the original 5176: 5164:. Retrieved 5155: 5145: 5133:. Retrieved 5124: 5115: 5103:. Retrieved 5097:. ABC News. 5088: 5076:. Retrieved 5067: 5058: 5046:. Retrieved 5032: 5020:. Retrieved 5011: 5001: 4989:. Retrieved 4980: 4970: 4958:. Retrieved 4949: 4939: 4927:. Retrieved 4913: 4899: 4885: 4873:. Retrieved 4859: 4845: 4833:. Retrieved 4819: 4807:. Retrieved 4778:. Retrieved 4764: 4752:. Retrieved 4723:. Retrieved 4709: 4697:. Retrieved 4668:. Retrieved 4654: 4642:. Retrieved 4609:. Retrieved 4600: 4567:. Retrieved 4558: 4548: 4536:. Retrieved 4528:the Guardian 4527: 4502:. Retrieved 4493: 4464:. Retrieved 4455: 4430:. Retrieved 4421: 4411: 4399:. Retrieved 4390: 4381: 4369:. Retrieved 4365:the original 4354: 4342:. Retrieved 4333: 4324: 4312:. Retrieved 4303: 4294: 4282:. Retrieved 4268: 4256:. Retrieved 4242: 4230:. Retrieved 4221: 4211: 4199:. Retrieved 4190: 4163:. Retrieved 4154: 4144: 4132:. Retrieved 4123: 4114: 4102:. Retrieved 4093: 4083: 4071:. Retrieved 4067: 4057: 4045:. Retrieved 4034: 4009:. Retrieved 4001:The Guardian 4000: 3990: 3978:. Retrieved 3969: 3944:. Retrieved 3935: 3925: 3913:. Retrieved 3904: 3895: 3883:. 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Infobox civilian attack
considered for merging

Martin Place
Martin Place
New South Wales
33°52â€Č04.6″S 151°12â€Č40″E / 33.867944°S 151.21111°E / -33.867944; 151.21111
hostage taking
Man Haron Monis
Sydney siege inquest
NSW State Coroner
a series
Terrorism in Australia
Sydney Yugoslav General Trade and Tourist
Agency bombing (1972)

Sydney Hilton bombing (1978)
Sydney Israeli consulate and Hakoah Club
bombings (1982)

Russell Street bombing (1986)
Turkish consulate bombing (1986)
French consulate bombing (1995)
Endeavour Hills stabbings (2014)
Lindt Cafe siege (2014)
Parramatta shooting (2015)

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
