
Talk:Gender-affirming surgery/Archive 1

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seen that. I've always seen the good ol' boy medical profession (though there are exceptions) as not wanting to let anyone into their private little clubhouse. I think it's shameful the lack of consideration that FTM patients seem to be given. The only reason any significant effort has been put forth on surgical techniques is precisely for applications for cismen, which is part of why they have never been adequately adapted for SRS. (Do you think the disparity is due to the left-over "male privilege" from that little M on transwomen's birth certificates? That would be ironic...and sad.) I only said the procedures were decades behind, because they are historically. Back when Christine Jorgenson was making headlines, transmen weren't being taken seriously at all. In fact, until fairly recently, MTF were the only ones usually talked about, and transmen were treated as a footnote. I guess I just think it's something that needs to be talked about. I feel that as long as my brothers aren't being treated equally, then no transsexual is being treated fairly. I know it seems silly and even counterproductive to divide the sections in order for us to support each other, so what do you think? Any suggestions? If you think it's fine the way it is, that's okay too. Thanks,
that of the opposite sex," then how are non-TG readers supposed to understand a person seeking SRS who isn't a transsexual? It's confusing. Either one of those definitions needs to be changed or some explanation should be given. Your life and your TG-identification is a very specific circumstance which places you as a minority (post-op TG) within a minority (TG), which probably warrants an in-depth discussion, right? Personally, I would find it much more apealing if you wrote a full paragraph explaining that under whichever article you choose, SRS, TG or TS. Readers will probably be interested in hearing WHY some choose the indentifiers they choose, don't you think? However, as it stands now, it only reduces the clarity of the definitions. My revision wasn't intended to be POV, it was purely 100% editorial.
no means a special case. Transmen who do not identify as transsexual and who had upper surgery are quite common, not only in Germany (and being a founder of the only German association of transmen, I know many), but also, from what I hear, in other countries, including the US. It is therefore extremely annoying if one keeps reading that surgery=transsexual equation, which simply isn't one. I also know it's more common among transwomen to make that equation, although, from what I can observe, it is by no means as widespread as it used to be. This is not just a modifier, either, but an essential information. And it
that surgery, they are probably the only ones who can tell you what is possible in your particular case. Of course, if you are really messed up, there might currently be no option for any bottom surgery. I know that sounds tough, but a lot of transmen also do not opt for bottom surgery because they do not like the results. We might not have what we want, but those of us who do not opt for surgery at least right now do consider what we have better or at least safer than anything surgery might produce. I really do recomment vontacting a transmen group near you. Many have already seen intersex people, too. --
the first private surgeon, Dr. Gohrbandt, began to practice early forms of sexual-reassignment in Berlin. These initial attempts at SRS were incomplete, usually entailing simply the removal of the sexual organs of the patient. Further enhancements to the procedure were developed in the following years. Most notable were the first attempts at vaginoplasty. Initially vaginoplasty was performed using skin grafts from the legs and/or lower abdomen. In 1923 the first MtF sexual-reassignment operation was performed in Europe (don't know who, but perhaps the patient that was referred by Hirschfeld in 1920).
31: 1524:"Sex reassignment surgery (initialized as SRS; also known as gender reassignment surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery, sex realignment surgery or sex-change operation) is a term for the surgical procedures by which a person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of the other sex." 521:
anatomy, at least) as exists for every transman and in fact every cisman who lost his crown jewels. Those do not include any donor tissues, as there are far too many complications involved, particularly with tissue rejections. Check with the nearest transmen group, they will know what kind of surgery is available in your country and what to expect as a result.
endocrinologist wants me to do some research into what centers may be be able to help me. I also recently sent a letter to the Intersex Society of North America in search of information, but have not yet received any. Would you happen to know of any centers in the US that may be able to help me? And thank you, by the way. -- Stef M
40-years, much of it driven by social politics. I recall when this procedure was called a "sex change". Was "change" changed/reassigned to "reassignment" for any particular reason? Would acknowledging that sex is "assigned" in the first place also be an acknowledgement of a "Creator"? I ask half in jest, but I truly am curious.--
1121:) It is also a function of gender rather than sex; it is quite rude to ask someone "what anatomy is in your pants?, or as you suggest, "what is the nature of your karyotype?" when seeking to refer to them as a Mr. or Mrs. You don't do that in normal life, do you? and if you are worried that transsexual people do not " 227:. So perhaps this could be said in a different way, as the current edit offers readers no additional info, but simply removes clarity from the factual points. What do you think? (Also, I'm going to do an HBIGDA page, hopefully today, and I'll move most of it, but this still needs to be worked out first) Thanks, 112:. It is just a much more complicated thing to do - as doctors say, "It's easier to make a hole than to build a pole!". After all, remember, the transmen techniques have been developed to give cismen back theirs when they have lost it. You can safely assume therefore that just as much research is being done ;-p 2747:
Comparing transsexual and biological individuals of the same gender, trans women had a similar sexual satisfaction with biological women, while trans men had a lower level of sexual satisfaction with biological men. For the sex satisfaction differences between trans men and trans women, trans men had
and per COMMONNAME, F2R is bang on we shouldn't start moving articles & christ knows else what all because some doc's got another name for it, "Sex reassignment surgery" is far more known than "Gender Confirmation Surgery" ...., The caps aren't brilliant either but couldn't really careless about
This is an imperfect redirect target. Indeed, the topic of Urethraplasty is allied to, yet different from sex reassignment surgery. It is a general surgical technique, one performed, generally, by a specialist plastic surgeon. Please will a knowledgeable editor create an embryo Urethraplasty article?
Pardon me if this question has been addressed before or if it’s just too silly, but I was curious as to the semantics for the use of "reassignment" in this case. I understand that the evolution parts of the English language, at least in the United States has accelerated disproportionately in the last
I appreciate your response, I just don't feel your explanation is very... Illuminating. But, as you say, WP should be the last place one should look to for advice on an SRS surgeon (or, frankly, anything having to do with transsexualism whatsoever), so in the end it doesn't much matter. Mostly it was
with information about the German SOCs (which are the ones I know best) because the information is probably not all that relevant to English speaking users, mur merely interesting. The other reason why I only wanted to point out the differences, and for that the HBIGDA-SOCs needed to be written about
Hi Paige! I don't think the line is confusing, and the difference between transsexuals and transgenders can easily be examined from the corrospondung articles. (Although the TS article could, IMO, use a bit of clean-up; maybe I'll do that sometime.) Anyway, my life and being post-op transgender is by
As for the HBIGDA-SOC being placed under the HBIGDA article, it was simply for organization. The two terms a very much linked, and since no one has actually provided any facts on the other SOCs, there isn't enough detail for two separate articles yet. If you could please flesh out your criticism of
Also, I am getting fairly annoyed that the paragraph about transgender people who opt for SRS is constantly edited out. Not only transsexuals have surgery, and not all those who have surgery are transsexuals. Editing this information out invaldidates other people's life -- mine, for example -- and is
The German Standards of Care are explicitly called "Standards of Care", and as far as I know, other some other European SOCs are also called SOCs. So I'd stick to SOC and call the HBIGDA-SOCs explicitly so. Also, I have encountered the term "Standards of Care" many times when other illnesses were the
1) In some paragraphs the sentences aren't always grammatically correct and having spelling mistakes, therefore it feels possibly a bit rushed in areas. (In terms of editing, I made some changes to grammar and spelling within the Physical & Psychological consequences, in an attempt to make them
for reasons why this term is often considered incorrect for referring to SRS. I think better terms for the genital surgery itself would be "genital correction surgery" or "genital reconstruction surgery." The term "sex reassignment" has been used since the 1950's, but "sex change" is the only term
It is my understanding that if a phalloplasty is performed and the clitoris is not retained, then orgasm is almost nonexistent in post-operative transmen having undergone phallo (again, without retaining the clitoris). Someone more knowledgeable on phalloplasty needs to comment on this to confirm or
And all of these, with the possible exception of brain sex, is widely used to define "Sex" - depending on what suits their argument. Transsexuals may define sex as being largely determined by hormonal status and genital phenotype. They may also define it largely by brain sex, or social sex. Intersex
Other than people with sex genes other than XX XY, aren't you alway male or female? Even if you are born with genitalia inconsistent with your genes your genes will clearly definde your sex. I've read some articles on post operative ftm and mtf and they are referred to by their preferred sex. Having
Given that the links to the lists of surgeons took up only a couple of lines in what is a relatively long entry, I don't see how one could possibly argue that they dwarfed the article or were in any way excessive, were not relevant to the article, or detracted from the article in any obvious manner.
I am a college student at South Dakota State U., and I am doing a research/huamn anatomy/awareness paper on sexual reassignment. I ws wondering if anyone could lend me a helping hand. I am looking for reliable sources of information. I haven't found too much,yet, and I have sent out about 50+ emials
As for the HBIGDA article, I think it was quite clear from the information already present in the debate that other SOCs exist. Therefore to write an article that makes it impossible to add this information where it belongs looks quite US-centric to me. And no other information about other SOCs were
No harm was meant. That line simply makes the article confusing. If on Knowledge, "A transsexual is a person who establishes a permanent identity with the opposite gender to his or her birth sex," and SRS is "the surgical procedure by which a person's physical appearance and function is changed to
As far as the Article is concerned, I still think that seperate articles for every procedure would be the best way to go, with the main article only having a list with very short definitions. In the German article I also put transmen first, and then transwomen. After all, it's so often the other way
I was thinking that perhaps MTFs and FTMs should have separate sections since SRS has so many surrounding topics for FTMs. I know both consistently get lumped together, but realistically, the surgical techniques and standards for FTMs are unfortunately decades behind those for MTFs and this is both
of sex reassignment surgery should be at the beginning of the article and not at the end?? It makes more sense for this paragraph to 'set the scene' of the topic in general. By making the structure chronological we, the reader, would consider the article as having a strong structural flow making it
When there is an existing Knowledge article for someone and their sex then changes due to SRS, is there established protocol for how the article is altered? I'm guessing at least a name change needs to occur for the page title with a redirection from the old name. Feel free to point me elsewhere is
The word sic appears in square brackets, is this vandalism? Please see my other comments on the article 'Baptist Medical Center sex reassignment surgery controversy' article, where this same bracketed word appears. possibly the same editor. or perhaps this isn't vandalism at all and only an unknown
Disagree here. Sex change is a term that is (inappropriately) used to describe a lot of things, mostly SRS, but often the whole process of switching gender, sometimes GRS and so on. The article Sex change is simply needed to refute the most common uses, pointing out why the term is inaccurate. That
Sorry, but I can't help you with US adresses, because I am from Germany. Regarding surgery, those are the basic procedures, and as far as I know, there are no others, or they are highly experimental, and therefore probably just as likely to damage nerve endings. I'd just try to talk to people doing
The articles about intersex persons, such as myself, only talk about what has been typically done to us, but it doesn't say a word about surgeries to help reverse prior surgeries. I'm mostly interested in how they would be able to turn the surgeries I have had into something managable for surgeries
I think the line about SRS patients calling themselves TG instead of TS as well as the edits you want about other SOC's are only modifiers of the existing information. Isn't it kind of counterproductive to add modifiers without explaining them or adding any new facts. We should be expanding these
I don't think that's necessary, especially not if there is no extra large article about both directions. After all, one can safely assume that most people looking up SRS on Knowledge are not particularly interested in the latest techniques, but want more of an overview. Also, since most people tend
Post-operative female-to-male transsexual men (after having undergone metoidioplasty, or phalloplasty) generally experience orgasm in the same way as other men, except that those who have had phalloplasty have a pump installed to create an erection, as the neopenis (with either surgical technique)
I don't think Elbe was the first MtF to be operated on. According to R. Muehsam in 'Chirurgische Eingriffe bei Anomalien des Sexuallebens: Therapie der Gegenwart' (67: 451-455) published in 1926, Hirschfeld referred the first male-to-female patient to a surgeon, Dr. Felix Abraham, in 1920. In 1921
Hi Paige! I think the neglect transmen are given is due to a combination of factors. One is that "women" were not been taken so seriously, certainly. OTOH, their "aim" was seen as much more "unterstandable" by a predominantly male profession, so that in practice the rules were often less stricktly
Thank you for your suggestions. However, it is not exactly a contradiction as what it is trying to say is that the papers that have suggested that "very few of the patients have expressed regret" may be flawed and other papers have found that sex change regret might not be as rare as the previous
Most MEDRS journal articles refer to this topic as Gender reassignment. Most current med textbooks that I have consulted also use the same term. Gender is more specific and sex means a lot of things. The popular literature sometimes refers to the procedure as sex reassignment, but not clinicians.
This article is no longer free of bias, as it's criticism section and clear references to sexual confusion disorder (I forgot the name, it's what I was trying to look up) have been removed without warrant to do so. This is in violation of Knowledge ethics. You are not allowed to block alternative
Many people who have sex gender surgery claim that they are the same inside. eg a man who has the surgery to become a women is still a man inside etc... So if the man becomes a women and is then attracted to men doesnt that make that man gay? Becoming a women artificially qualifies you as being a
Well, basically, there is no difference there to any other SRS, the options are exactly the same, so I am not sure whether there is any need to mention that seperately. When it comes to bottom surgery, you have exactly the same options (if what was done to you produced basically a "normal" female
Hi Alex, what I meant was possibly cleaning up the current article, just so we're not switching back and forth between procedures so frequently, which I think would be confusing to the uninitiated, and then expanding. And as far as equal effort being put forth for transmen, I just really haven't
I totally agree. I actually searched today for 'Gender confirmation surgery', since I wanted to check on some details on colovaginoplasty, and was a bit surprised to see that the search term did not exist. Then I remembered that the page was very likely still under 'Sex reassignment surgery'. It
A complete discussion of any medical or surgical therapy should include at least a cursory overview of the effectiveness of that therapy in improving the condition being treated. Such a discussion should also discuss any side-effects and any other notable outcomes for the procedure. This article
What isn't made clear is that the process only changes - to a greater or lesser degree - the appearance of sexual identity. The change is superficial, as the new organs are non-functioning. A man will still be a man, even if his penis has been amputated, a hole has been created suggestive of a
to do the opposite. For example, I was given surgeries to force me to be female, but I want to live as a man. I would also like to know if it's possible to get transplants for things like erectile tissue, from a donor, and whether or not it would function more naturally than the prosthetics. (by
3. More detail (studies) and references could be added, it might be useful to add more references just to demonstrate a wider range of evidence and research to provide a better understanding for lay readers. For physical health, you only include self-perceived health ratings, other measures are
I cleaned up the article a bit and removed several bits and pieces that have nothing to do with SRS, like style guides for pronouns, adopting or fostering children after changing gender, and the rather astonishing idea that harassment of trans-people is limited to those without proper paper and
20:31 6 Jun 2003 (UTC) I forgot to add: It was not my intention to keep you or anybody from working at this articles. It is just that I have had the transsexual vs. transgender debate far, far too many times - without ever having seen the point in it in the first place. By now, that may make my
Hm, I would have put the standards in a seperate article, not under the heading of the HBIGDA. The HBIGDA should explain only the HBIGDA; after all, the standards are not the only thing they do. And, on the other hand, an article about SOCs under that heading would have provided the opportunity
I agree that the topic of inter-sex related surgery should be covered in this article, though the layman assumption that SRS would relate to male or female sexes is not unreasonable as the vast majority of such surgery performed would be of this type. I suggest a starting point of including an
Also a link to some of the media portrayal here? (i.e. i think there was a case where 6 pre-op transsexuals sucessfully applied for a US city council top include SRS on their health plan, only to have the media report it as 6000 possible surgeries being funded "by taxpayers" - San Fransisco, I
includes no such discussion whatsoever, and would be much improved by including current research on that topic,including rates of patient satisfaction after undergoing surgery, quality of life outcomes, and change in prevalence or severity of any other comorbidities, such as depression, etc.
the activity. Some people explain the use of GRS as being more inclusive (eg it would be applicable to intersexed people who were transitioning). However, I always felt like it was saying that while you're making the body match the gender, you'll never actually be that sex since you cannot
There are several reasons for this, but the chief of these is that gender confirmation surgery can be more accurately described to be a collection of surgeries related to gender dysphoria, and not specifically the changing of primary sex characteristics such as genitalia. This article should
Good idea. The part about who Harry Benjamin was and what the HBIGDA does doesn't really fit in this article. It would also be interesting to discuss the trends seen in recent revisions of the SOC. And as you say, in many European countries at least the official care providers have their own
You would need to define what is male and female. "Male" and "female" are labels given at birth after the nurses and doctor sees a seemingly "normal" genitalia. If you believe sex cannot be changed, I ask "why not?" What are the things that cannot be changed and why do they even matter? The
Do you want to set up an article specifically about the HBIGDA-SOCs? I'd call it "SOCs for transgender/transsexuals", leaving room for both SOCs about other illnesses in other articles and other SOCs than the HBIGDA for transgender/transsexuals in the same article. Since the Knowledge is an
That may help some, but what was done to me rearranged things enough that typical trans surgery is not able to be performed without severing every single nerve I still have that's able to feel anything at all. I've been recently tranferred to UC San Fancisco for endocrinology, and my new
That's a very interesting question. I think the term "sex reassignment" is used because babies are usually assigned to one sex at birth, by their doctors and/or parents, usually based on the appearance of their genitals. That said, I don't think acknowledgment of an assigned sex is an
Seperate articles would also, if they are done and IMO, make more sense if not lumped together in a transmen and a transwomen article, but seperated by procedure. After all, an article about hysterectomy is not just interesting for transgender people. Same goes for breast enlargement.
The few cases where SRS is recognised in general, but not in specifics (i.e. marriage - as a side note, some people in the US and UK have had their post-transition, heterosexual marriages overrulled, and essentially been told the only legal marriage they can enter into is a same-sex
articles, not just watering them down. By adding the info you keep referring to, you'd be increasing the level of detail, which is the exact opposite of what's happening right now, I think. Either way, I'm done editing this one because I don't want to make people mad. Sorry.
The most politically and grammatically correct term to use is "genital reconstruction surgery" for bottom surgery, as the surgery a) does not change one's sex OR gender; b) turns the existing nerves and tissue on a person to something that resembles another, desired organ.
is 'sex reassignment surgery'. The WHO's website is similarly split in favor of 'sex reassignment surgery'. Some advocates prefer the label 'gender confirmation surgery' because their goal is the opposite of reassigning the gender." We were also clear about the
2103:– I recommend withdrawing this RM and starting over with one that's compliant with normal title styling, which is to use sentence-like capitalization. Also those parenthetical don't fit the usual style of wikipedia title disambiguration. Might be better to say 139:
followed (especially the more stupid rules) at least here in Germany. And of course, because of that, and because we were less obvious and therefore less of a thread, many people were, until a few years ago, quite content with keeping transmen on the side line.
should probably be merged into here since it doesn't have very much information which needs to be separate. At the very most, it should only be a sort-of-disambiguation-page (to show the difference between SRS and "mental" sex changes (such as hormone therapy,
1. This section could have more internal wiki pages or external websites to other pages for the terms such as the face feminization surgery, this will save people's time if they want to look up these terms. (I have linked some of the pages for you already.)
2) The History section is really interesting, as it gives people a background context for the rest of the information, however it may be better if the history section was placed near the start so that the article was read in a kind of chronological order.
The key words in the definition are "a person's physical appearance" are altered to resemble that of the other ". The words "and function of their existing sexual characteristic" is only correct to the extent that the function of existing organs is ended.
first. Also, other standards are not only used in Germany, not even predominantly. In fact, the only country I know where the pure and plain HBIGDA-SOCs are used regulary are the USA, in all other countries I know the guidelines or local SOCs differ.
When the article refers to 'that of the other sex' at the start, it presupposes that there are only two sexes. It also presupposes the idea that the penis and testicles are only for a man and the vagina, ovaries, clitoris etc. are only for a woman.
That's a great overview. Although there's also the internal reproductive organs and tissues (vas deferens, bulbourethral gland, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and prostate vs. vaginal canal, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and fimbria.). Look at
Hi, this is a really interesting section to read, this section has a great potential in providing lots of intriguing information. I have copyedited this for you as I have found some minor mistakes. Below are some points that you may consider:
Reassignment Surgery". After all, one does not have one's "sexual" reassigned (although I must admit that "gastric resection" and "arterial graft" follow the same grammatical pattern). And then there's the folks in Montreal who prefer "GRS".
1907: 1558:
I think most people would say that there are only two sexes. However that isn't really the point here, for sexual reassignment implies changing from one to another, i.e. male to female or vice versa. There is no room for an alternative.
And I am thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to put SOCs into a seperate article altogether. It is not directly related to surgery, and a seperate article would also provide the opportunity to cover the different standards better.
with just a few responses. I am looking for surgical procedures with pictures along with any pathological porblems that may occur with these types of reassignments. I would really appreciate any help that any of you have to give. Thanks.
round. It also has a list first, and then short explanations, because I had too much to do to write long articles about each. I am also not exactly a specialist for surgery, because I am quite content with my own top-surgery only.
1) Dhejne, C., Lichtenstein, P., Boman, M., Johansson, A. L., Långström, N., & Landén, M. (2011). Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignment surgery: cohort study in Sweden. PloS one, 6(2), e16885.
2927:, we read in one sentence that "very few of the patients have expressed regret", and in another, we read "Sex change regret is not rare." I am not an expert on this issue, but this section aught to be examined by someone who is. 90:
relevant here and a topic which needs greater attention. Agree/disagree? I would love to see some one with better firsthand knowledge do this, but I suppose I could try to do it if no one else stepped forward. Any thoughts?
In my site I have images from a sex reassignment surgery. I think the images are of great value especially for someone who has to undergo such an operation. If you think so too feel free to add it in the external links section
Wierckx, K., Van Caenegem, E., Elaut, E., Dedecker, D., Van, d. P., Toye, K., et al. (2011). Quality of life and sexual health after sex reassignment surgery in transsexual men. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(12), 3379-3388.
2317:, I don't know where you are getting the idea that "gender reassignment surgery" is the more accepted term in the medical literature and that "sex reassignment surgery" is more so a matter of "popular literature," but I 644:
In short, your quote does not seem overly relevant. Mind you, in the end I could care less if the links are included or not, I'm just curious as to how those specific links could possibly be "not the role of wikipedia".
4) It may also be interesting to include a section about the other things that go on alongside sex reassignment surgery, such as the hormone therapy that is undergone by a lot of people who have sexual reassignment.
The current section on results metnions that people who take the surgery cannot reproduce, but it doesn't say anything about how the genital nerves are affected and whether and how post-ops can enjoy sex. Some info?
Not wanting to repeat, I do agree with previous reviews suggesting a separation between physical and sexual health for clarity - this would definitely allow readers to follow the information with ease and without
the just the odd specificity of the removal (why were only those specific links "not the role of wikipedia", yet the others are apparently okay?) and the, to my ear, rather ominious reason given for removing them.
Why are links to lists of SRS surgeons, which have been removed, "not the role of wikipedia"? That explanation has more than a few disturbing possible motivations, and not a single logical one I can come up with.
Doesn't bother me, either. I was just pointing out what I believed to be the rationale (I didn't make the edit). If I was looking for a list of SRS surgeons, however, I don't think WP would be where I'd look -
This is a really interesting topic - I think that when writing my own page I will definitely consider including a history section as your article has pointed out to me how important it is to consider the past
It seems that the two spellings are used 'somewhat interchangeably'. The more common is with the 'o', not the 'a'. I have changed the redirect target to be the article you have most kindly found. Thank you.
1888: 2104: 1918:
Masumori, N. (2012). Status of sex reassignment surgery for gender identity disorder in japan. International Journal of Urology : Official Journal of the Japanese Urological Association, 19(5), 402-414.
De Cuypere, G., T'Sjoen, G., Beerten, R., Selvaggi, G., De Sutter, P., Hoebeke, P., et al. (2005). Sexual and physical health after sex reassignment surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(6), 679-690.
because it makes sense to write about the HBIGDA-SOCs first, since they are the most widespread ones, and they can very well be used as reference. And I have to admitt that I did not see the need to
heading. Currently a description of a cross-sectional study introduces the concept. To do this, could perhaps give a brief description followed by examples of physical consequences that may occur.
1883: 261:
Alex, would you agree with this solution? It sure seems like a good one to me. Please let us know what you think so I can set up the HBIGDA article and move some of this there, okay? Thanks,
to think of transwomen only if they think about transgender, I fear that that would lead to people reading the transwomen article and then stop. Counter-productive from my point of view ;-)
3003: 2541:. I have removed the links and they are just words now. I would suggest that as there are not Wiki pages for these two topics that your article should provide a brief explanation of each. 1478:
Should this article be titled "Sex reassignment surgery" or should it be titled "Gender reassignment surgery"? (Either way, the title we don't choose will redirect to the title we do.) --
2185:. The closer of this discussion will most likely be aware of the inappropriateness of the capitalization. If not, they would be aware of it by statements in this section regarding it. 2354:
when it comes to the "reassignment" aspect. And as the Gender article shows, gender means a lot of things as well. I really don't see what is left for me to state you on this topic.
in that long section too. I just did an internet search of Transsexual + Orgasm, there isn't anything really new or conclusive, IMO. Doctors & patients may tend to exaggerate.
I would in fact agree that SRS is more body modification than transformation. But then, I am female despite what my gonads decided at birth, under instruction from my XY karyotype.
and was written for the express purpose of rebutting the HBIGDA document. Can you cite an example of another set of guidlines that uses this title? Also, it should be noted that
2181:-compliant source, and one surgeon's views do not trump what is prevalent in the medical literature. As for over-capitalization, editors can simply ignore that since it's against 3021: 3017: 2634:
Oh I see that the proposal was formally rejected. Bummer. At least it would make sense to redirect it the other way, i.e. Gender confirmation surgery → Sex reassignment surgery.
Olsson, S., & Möller, A. (2006). Regret after sex reassignment surgery in a male-to-female transsexual: A long-term follow-up. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35(4), 501-6. doi:
What's involved, what procedures are offered (Basic, but including different styles, oophorectomy vs hysterectomy vs phalloplasty with testicular prosthesis vs clitoral release (
1473: 1453: 802:
I think there's an old picture of one of the first peno-scrotal flap vaginoplasties floating around the support site - if anyone can see if it's fair use that would be helpful
414: 1487: 1328:
Post-operative male-to-female transsexual women (having undergone vaginoplasty) generally experience full orgasm, involving any combination of the clitoris, vagina and labia.
2770: 2667:
3) The 'At Birth' section is very short and lacking information. Therefore this would be a good area to expand on, and maybe even expand on what 'intersex' at birth means.
1934: 2787:
3) Apart from using self-perceived ratings, individuals' actual health was difficult to measure as the nature of these studies could not closely follow their health life.
1468: 2722: 2639: 2621: 1337:
Some transwomen experience female ejaculation, which can be from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and/or Cowper's glands, which are not removed during vaginoplasty.
There is nothing wrong with adding a list of content-relevant links to an article; however, excessive lists can dwarf articles and detract from the purpose of Knowledge.
It would be nice if the article stayed that way with regard to SOCs, and not get changed back again to a US-centric view. In many European Countries, the HBIGDA-SOC are
2806: 2583:
It might be relevant to consider changing the title of this article to 'Gender confirmation surgery' and changing 'Sex reassignment surgery' to redirect to this page.
1443: 1263: 355:
my "US-centric" focus on the HBIGDA-SOC with some details about other guidlines, protocols or SOC's, instead of just knocking what I wrote, it would solve the problem.
2643: 2578: 2548:
section to include a section of how this treatment can become more available to these individuals - and therefore improving the populations psychological well being.
2287: 1778: 1774: 1748: 295: 1663: 1509: 656: 593: 2682: 2363: 1542:
inter-sex sub-section to address the topic which would require careful sourcing, preferably from peer-reviewed articles or well-cited books from leading authors.
1267: 2847:
In regards to references, I thought that the information provided was relevant and interesting, however more supporting references may be beneficial for readers.
2601: 1974: 1420: 2635: 2617: 2544:
I like the fact that each topic is equally weighted on this article in comparison to its importance in the world. I would suggest however, that you expand the
1384: 980: 941:
The earliest genital masculinization surgery was in 1882, the patient being Herman Karl. Then came Dr. Alan Hart in 1917-1918 who underwent a hysterectomy. --
919: 2625: 2263: 2194: 2164: 1615: 1237: 963: 394:
As for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I apologise. Not only is English not my first language, for some reason I usually write in the middle of the night.
I would also suggest linking other Wiki pages using key words, for readers wishing to delve deeper into the subject - I have made this edit when discussing
2305: 1862:
2) Hunt, D. D., & Hampson, J. L. (1980). Follow-up of 17 biologic male transsexuals after sex-reassignment surgery. The American journal of psychiatry.
945: 607: 2388: 683: 630: 2239: 820:
The pros and Con's of the various flap phalloplasties - If anyone can supply pictures of THE DONOR SITE (not the recipient site, lol) that would be useful
2715: 2342:
is used in the case of "sex reassignment surgery," people know what it means; the sexual characteristics are being changed, not the gender, which is why
1840: 1823: 1194: 1165: 891:
Any other comments or suggestions? I do think the article need cleaning up and verification, and it could quite possibly jump a class if we get onto it.
652: 589: 2491: 2447: 2222: 3069: 2608:
makes at least some sense to redirect one term to the other. Note that the list of other surgeries (besides genitalia) is present on the two subpages,
2466: 2137: 1757: 1690: 685: 2526:
The introduction to this article is clear and informative. It is easy to read and simple to understand which are both essential for Wiki introductions
1513: 1370: 1732: 472: 366: 299: 262: 228: 125: 91: 2983: 2952: 2651: 2086: 1222: 1082:
Internal Gender Identity (Feminine gender vs. masculine gender) ("Brain Sex") (That internal, fixed, and congenital sense of one's own gender; see
863: 2865:
This is a really interesting topic, I have made a few minor edits, but definitely enjoyed reading the article. I hope my suggestions are helpful!
757: 2896:
However, it might be difficult to divide transmen and transwomen into two parts as findings from different studies might be difficult to compare.
2116: 1804: 1988: 2573: 380:
not much further explanation, because, as I said, if people want to know the difference, the articles about TS and TG are only one click away.
2041: 1698: 1089:
Percieved external Gender (Feminine vs. Masculine) (Social Sex) (What people percieve you as; your function in society; a function of Gender)
966: 513: 2329:
also told you, "At PubMed, I get 389 hits on the quoted phrase 'sex reassignment surgery' and only 79 on 'gender reassignment surgery'. The
2318: 906: 2854:
could be taken further in terms of providing an example, or case study, and the result of a sex reassignment surgery taking place at birth.
2703: 2699: 2587:
encompass these surgeries more broadly, with more specific descriptions either contained within or linked out to other pages as necessary.
2278: 2936: 1401: 763: 307:
saying something about other SOCs. Plus, the information that SOCs for other illnesses exist have nothing whatever to do with the HBIGDA.
2924: 1958:
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. Editors desiring to contest the closing decision should consider a
2) It would be difficult to compare transmen and transwomen from different studies so I did not separate them further into two sections.
2613: 2609: 2060: 2020: 2009: 1618: 1602: 1447: 1225: 2999:
When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
2706:, so it may be more effective to read the two relevant articles rather than adding another section which has already been covered. ( 2248: 1651: 2874: 2425: 1873: 1752: 1667: 1297: 746: 632: 333:
Can you please expound upon that line so it becomes clear to non-TG readers at least? (Please double check the grammar as well.
76: 71: 66: 2912: 1551: 490:. Since gender is in one's mind, personality and behavior, it can not be reassigned by surgery and GRS is an incorrect term. 1358:
has limited natural erection capability. Due to the lack of the necessary glands, they do not have the ability to ejaculate.
1183: 1492: 1439: 1259: 1021:
Hormonal status (Primarily circulating testosterone vs. Oestrogen and Progesterones) (Hormonal Sex) (Can be mucked up; see
242:(as I did above) to describe other standards than the HBIGDA SOCs. At least, that's what it is called in the Netherlands. 2379:: we don't move the article because of an official name change until it clearly becomes more common than the older form. 1940: 1784: 1770: 1744: 1030: 2766: 2151:
to the appropriate way to handle moves in these cases, I still oppose the move since "sex reassignment surgery" is the
1659: 1505: 660: 597: 2025: 2014: 1219: 976:
chromosomes cannot be changed, but why does that matter and where does that leave those that are neither XX or XY? --
I think the SRS surgeon's list should stay. It's not a place to look for advise, but, certainly a place for resource.
2520: 1672: 1117:
system where they were defined as homosexual or heterosexual types regarding from their previous social gender. (See
Famous first surgeries; in 1940, the first transsexual surgery, in 1953(?) first in the UK, in 1960s, first in the US
2975: 2883:
We have already divided the part into two sections: 'Quality of life and physical health' and 'Sexual satisfaction'.
2281: 1460: 902:
Uhh, how do you do an article on this without mentioning when the surgery was first done, who by, & on whom?
2958: 2487: 1037: 845: 3020:
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
1853: 280:
international project, I think those other Standards would be best put together with the most influential ones.
2918: 1118: 1375:
The current article regarding orgasm is not cited and, as a post-op TS is, IMO, mis-leading, I rarely climax.
of a specific document, so changing that is kind of like saying "Other countries use their own version of the
1056: 47: 17: 2533:
section - that there are a few tagged articles that try to lead to pages that haven't been written yet e.g.
3064: 2421: 2148: 1694: 1022: 167:
the SOCs usually used, but local SOCs exist. The HBIGDA-SOC would be a real improvement there, believe me!
returns just over 170k. However, there is no mention of sex reassignment surgery at the existing article.
PS, and do sign your edits on any discussion page, please. Just type -- ~~~~ at the end of a posting. --
2275: 455:
That's the way I heard it too. For now, I've made a redirect from "Sex reassignment surgery" to here. --
If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
2987: 2974:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 2790:
4) I also removed the last part of physical consequences as it might not that closely relevant to the .
4. Might be better to separate the paragraph into two subheadings : Physical Health and Sexual Health.
Thanks for your suggestions. I would like to address the comments that are relevant to my contribution.
2335: 1113:
They are reffered to their preffered sex only recently; it has been deemed far less confusing than the
38: 2501: 2032:– The medical terminology has changed from "Sex Reassignment Surgery to Gender Confirmation Surgery 2003: 1949: 1126: 956: 897: 962:
SRS doesn't actually change your sex, it only modifies your body to resemble the sex you desire. --
2967: 2359: 2259: 2190: 2182: 2160: 1998: 1416: 1380: 1280: 850:
What countries give birth certificates, what countries/states/cities are known not to recognise SRS
And the resultant legal issues when a lesbian MTF wishes to impregnate her female partner, perhaps?
1) We separated 'Quality of life and physical health' and 'Sexual satisfaction' into two sections.
Overall, I think this article is a very interesting read, however I have a few comments to make:
That section does indeed have many problems. I have removed more of the unsourced claims from it.
506: 223:) is a term used throughout the medical industry for all types of topics, with a special focus on 3055: 2943:
studies have suggested it to be. I have already edited the paragraph to make this point clearer.
2417: 2301: 1519: 775:
As one inevitably led to the other, and "SRS" is still practiced on intersex infants, although a
Just a heads up: I'd like to start improving this page. Several things that I'd like to include:
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
3040: 2890: 2762: 2678: 2384: 1848: 1531:
Intersexuals are not simply 'between' sexes, they constitute a range of at least 3 more sexes:
1397: 1207: 733: 3027: 2511: 2235: 2152: 1959: 799:
Functional outcome (there are a few medical articles on this, but they are not great quality)
I think the adjectival form is used simply to avoid any confusion between a person's sex and
2476:– overly PC, not the COMMONNAME, and HuffPost is a terrible source to base a medical RM on. 401:
reactions more brusque that necessary in that particular stuation. No offense was indented.
3047: 2870: 2754: 2413: 1878: 1819: 1766: 1682: 1501: 1464: 1435: 1255: 648: 585: 575: 2833:
Further to the point above, may also consider implementing a further divide consisting of
8: 2993: 2812: 2483: 2443: 2355: 2255: 2205: 2186: 2173: 2156: 1483: 1412: 1376: 1710:. And name changes have pretty much nothing to do with surgery, genital or otherwise.-- 3006:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 2569: 2462: 2314: 2297: 2133: 2112: 1835: 1799: 1726: 1648: 1596: 1306:
The following is what existed prior to it being deleted on June 2, 2006 in the article
1234: 1187: 1015: 903: 817:
Functional outcome (which as I understand canbe quite poor, with considerable morbidity
780: 294:
Alex and Kimiko, if you have a chance, please check out the changes I made and the new
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
1920: 1902: 1252:
That site is no longer functioning. There ain't nothin there but a placeholder now.
2758: 2674: 2597: 2380: 2326: 2321:
that you are incorrect. It is incorrect to state that clinicians do not use the term
2080: 1984: 1608: 1426: 1393: 1014:
Gonad type (Ovaries Vs. Testies) (Gonadal Sex) (can be indeterminate or missing; see
5. Last two sentences of the last paragraph could be moved to Sexual Satisfaction."
I feel that SRS surgeons can be listed on the page. why not? I'm adding some myself.
2948: 2932: 2908: 2802: 2711: 2231: 1930: 1869: 1738: 1624:
acknowledgement of a creator. A person's sex is "reassigned" when they go through
916: 870:(SRS is giving in to the dictomatous gender paradigm), any others worth mentioning? 212: 204: 2886:
I have also added an introductory paragraph for the physical consequences section.
2375:- How ridiculous and PC are things getting these days? - Either way, this is like 2971: 2866: 2735:
2. It may be clearer if you separate transmen and transwomen into two subtopics.
2178: 2037: 1815: 1706:
I know this question is super old but: However the person identifies themselves.
1367: 1292: 1191: 977: 942: 1547: 1048:.) (But then there are bearded women and boobless women - and beardless men and 997:. Each of these is defined in various ways. For instance, Sex can be defined as: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
2692: 2564:
I have also done some minor editing regarding grammar and sentence structure -
2478: 2439: 2210: 1913: 1895: 1642: 1479: 1083: 867: 3012:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 2510:
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page or in a
1532: 417:, which seemed to me a more appropriate place. Please continue over there. -- 145: 2565: 2458: 2251: 2129: 2108: 1830: 1811: 1794: 1786: 1711: 1625: 1584: 1579: 1158: 1049: 811: 776: 680: 627: 427:
changed genitals. I will try to work the first two bits into the TS-article.
207:," you know? A Google search returns only one other document using the term 2330: 2593: 1980: 1707: 1408: 448: 3013: 2944: 2928: 2904: 2798: 2707: 1926: 1865: 1686: 743: 499: 456: 418: 251: 220: 211:
that deals with GID, and that it also from the US, by a group called the
200: 196: 181: 1810:
May not have to. Urethraplasty gives <900 results on Google, whereas
and it would be preferable if the independent clause did not begin with
2695:, I think I am not going to expand the content in another page for now. 2403: 2398: 2033: 1637: 1287: 754: 738: 549: 525: 428: 402: 397: 313: 282: 224: 172: 148: 113: 1543: 2988:
The 'At Birth' section was removed because of the similar content in
2376: 1578:
infinite room for alternatives. Please remember to end your nonsense
1125:" as a member of their gender, or that there is often ambiguity, see 1101:
people may disagree that there is any binary structure they fit into.
1008: 772:
History of intersex procedures and History of Transsexual procedures
Reassignment Surgery" to be odd? I'd always heard "SRS" rendered as "
560: 2748:
a lower satisfaction in their sexual life than that of trans women.
1076: 1060: 915:
I haved added a History section and some information on Lili Elbe.
than the appearance of the external genitals. See the article on
women? Being born a man and liking men makes you gay (correct) ?
1114: 1072: 1068: 2840:
It may be helpful to provide an introductory sentence under the
1628:, but most transsexual people consider there to be much more to 191:
Thanks, Alex and Kimiko. My only problem with that is that the
2350: 1633: 1307: 1133: 990: 471:
reproduce. I don't really like the term GRS for that reason.
410: 881:
if there are any significant movement people should know about
is not the same as an article on SRS (or GRS, or whatever). --
498:(ie. genitals and/or other body parts) that is reassigned. -- 415:
Talk:Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association
1064: 1045: 1041: 2691:
3) As the information was removed due to a duplication with
points of view, especially not ones scientifically proven!
84: 1137: 1122: 1026: 2978:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
2147:: While I appreciate Tho97 starting this discussion after 2817:
Overall a well-written piece, I focused primarily on the
2344: 1908:
2. Psychological consequences of sex reassignment surgery
List of relevant studies that may be added to the article
this is not the appropriate place to ask this question.
1629: 994: 296:
Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association
Sex reassignment surgery or gender reassignment surgery
with ~~~~ so that it can be attributed to you. Thanks
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a
2058: 606:
I saw it had happened but kinda agreed with it. From
1. Physical consequences of sex reassignment surgery
3016:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 2723:
Peer review and copy edit for Physical consequences
1962:. No further edits should be made to this section. 1454:
I draw your attention to line 5, section 'History'
277:subject, hearth attacks, for example, or diabetes. 2514:. No further edits should be made to this section. 2061:"'Gender Confirmation Surgery': What's in a Name?" 1921: 1903: 494:RS is the correct term since it is actually one's 180:protocols that are way behind the HBIGDA SOCs. -- 2825:sections, of which were informative and concise. 2778:Hello, thanks for copyediting the article for us. 2128:of a talk page, so things remain in time order. 1136:" is not the appropriate term for transsexuals. " 108:I disagree with transmen technique being so much 2899:Thank you for helping us to improve the article! 2698:4) there are separate pages on hormone therapy, 878:Where it is and not considered "merely cosmetic" 764:Clean-up, citations, and new section suggestions 3002:This message was posted before February 2018. 2793:Once again, thank you for your contribution! 2704:Hormone replacement therapy (male-to-female) 2700:Hormone replacement therapy (female-to-male) 2579:Name change to 'Gender confirmation surgery' 2085:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2026:Gender Confirmation Surgery (female-to-male) 2015:Gender Confirmation Surgery (male-to-female) 844:With, of course, a link to the main article 2124:please put new section such as this at the 1914: 1896: 1533: 894:Cheers, Lwollert 00:47, 1 March 2007 (UTC) 2457:- Agree with Flyer22, not yet commonname. 2105:Male-to-female gender confirmation surgery 1948:The following is a closed discussion of a 1758:Treatment Efficacy and Long-term outcomes? 989:Once again, there is a difference between 337:needs to be plural to match the number of 2966:I have just modified 2 external links on 2614:Sex_reassignment_surgery_(female-to-male) 2610:Sex_reassignment_surgery_(male-to-female) 2021:Sex reassignment surgery (female-to-male) 2010:Sex reassignment surgery (male-to-female) 2837:, again for clarity and structural flow. 2652:Peer Review - Human Sexuality Assignment 1011:(Chromosomal sex) (can be indeterminate) 866:(SRS is evil and a blight on feminism), 2612:(under 'Other related procedures') and 793:What's involved (Basics - not detailed) 312:definitely a violation of the NPOV! -- 14: 435:Am I the only one who finds the term " 246:can also refer to anything, just like 203:," or "Other religions have their own 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 2531:Differences between males and females 1641:known by many people unfamiliar with 2059:Schechter, M.D., F.A.C.S., Loren S. 1967:The result of the move request was: 1563:uterus, and he has breast implants. 1233:Warning: Explicit surgical images. 25: 2529:It may be wise to note that in the 1031:Hormone replacement therapy (trans) 796:What procedures have been developed 486:RS means literally reassignment of 23: 1537:Can someone please fix that bias? 1184:persistent müllerian duct syndrome 24: 3080: 2970:. Please take a moment to review 1110:In terms of SRS and transsexuals; 814:, etc.) (don't forget mastectomy) 1038:Secondary sexual characteristics 29: 2992:Corrected formatting/usage for 846:legal aspects of transsexualism 2551:I would also suggest that the 2052: 1603:10:27, 13 September 2012 (UTC) 1407:Thx for cleaning up all those 1119:Classification of transsexuals 1057:Primary sexual characteristics 1040:(Phenotypal sex) (Put simply, 13: 1: 2602:04:14, 21 December 2015 (UTC) 1935:16:04, 18 February 2016 (UTC) 1874:00:53, 18 February 2016 (UTC) 1779:08:52, 31 December 2014 (UTC) 1514:03:11, 4 September 2012 (UTC) 1469:17:07, 23 November 2010 (UTC) 907:16:01, 21 February 2007 (UTC) 18:Talk:Gender-affirming surgery 2880:Thanks for your suggestions! 1699:07:54, 28 October 2012 (UTC) 1668:14:42, 12 January 2013 (UTC) 1552:10:42, 20 January 2011 (UTC) 1493:This Article Has Been Ruined 1268:05:27, 8 December 2008 (UTC) 1238:16:56, 6 November 2006 (UTC) 1226:15:06, 6 November 2006 (UTC) 1023:5-alpha reductase deficiency 836:Ovarian Tissue Banking (FTM) 507:What about intersex surgery? 409:I copied the discussion re: 7: 2409:07:07, 6 March 2016 (UTC) 2396:: Per all above arguments. 2004:Gender Confirmation Surgery 1941:Requested move 1 March 2016 1371:07:58, 22 August 2006 (UTC) 1298:16:48, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 779:way of putting it would be 160:Regarding Standards of Care 10: 3085: 3033:(last update: 5 June 2024) 2963:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2937:20:00, 30 April 2016 (UTC) 2875:14:06, 16 March 2016 (UTC) 2823:Psychological Consequences 2771:21:33, 15 March 2016 (UTC) 2716:23:39, 16 April 2016 (UTC) 2683:20:04, 16 March 2016 (UTC) 2644:02:26, 20 March 2016 (UTC) 2626:02:22, 20 March 2016 (UTC) 2574:11:42, 15 March 2016 (UTC) 2438:- I agree with Flyer22. -- 2336:sex and gender distinction 2101:Oppose over-capitalization 1195:08:01, 15 April 2007 (UTC) 1166:06:41, 15 April 2007 (UTC) 981:21:19, 14 April 2007 (UTC) 967:09:06, 14 April 2007 (UTC) 946:06:13, 25 March 2007 (UTC) 920:11:48, 24 March 2007 (UTC) 2521:Peer Review and Copy Edit 2492:04:44, 8 March 2016 (UTC) 2467:18:34, 7 March 2016 (UTC) 2448:01:04, 7 March 2016 (UTC) 2389:06:16, 5 March 2016 (UTC) 2364:16:46, 2 March 2016 (UTC) 2306:14:44, 2 March 2016 (UTC) 2288:03:16, 2 March 2016 (UTC) 2264:01:11, 2 March 2016 (UTC) 2240:01:39, 2 March 2016 (UTC) 2223:23:55, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 2195:19:33, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 2165:19:25, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 2138:16:11, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 2117:16:09, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 2042:14:59, 1 March 2016 (UTC) 1989:13:23, 9 March 2016 (UTC) 1743:Why MtF more than FtM?-- 1673:Protocol question for SRS 1652:23:24, 14 July 2006 (UTC) 1619:19:47, 14 July 2006 (UTC) 1448:02:54, 22 July 2009 (UTC) 1421:15:14, 1 April 2009 (UTC) 1402:11:31, 1 April 2009 (UTC) 1385:02:20, 1 April 2009 (UTC) 1152:Hope I could be of help. 758:04:38, 8 April 2006 (UTC) 747:12:32, 6 April 2006 (UTC) 686:20:55, 6 April 2006 (UTC) 633:17:52, 6 April 2006 (UTC) 3070:04:17, 20 May 2017 (UTC) 2968:Sex reassignment surgery 2660:flow slightly better.) 2535:Sigmoid Colon Neo Vagina 2507:Please do not modify it. 2323:sex reassignment surgery 2107:or something like that. 1999:Sex reassignment surgery 1955:Please do not modify it. 1841:08:19, 5 June 2015 (UTC) 1824:22:28, 4 June 2015 (UTC) 1805:20:22, 4 June 2015 (UTC) 1753:10:29, 5 July 2014 (UTC) 1733:18:57, 1 June 2014 (UTC) 1488:15:52, 27 May 2012 (UTC) 552:09:45, 23 Sep 2004 (UTC) 451:00:09 22 Jun 2003 (UTC) 2959:External links modified 2953:14:16, 4 May 2016 (UTC) 2913:10:55, 4 May 2016 (UTC) 2807:10:55, 4 May 2016 (UTC) 875:Medical Funding of SRS 528:05:07, 9 Sep 2004 (UTC) 502:22:38 22 Jun 2003 (UTC) 475:13:50 22 Jun 2003 (UTC) 459:07:41 22 Jun 2003 (UTC) 431:14:45 8 Jun 2003 (UTC) 405:07:42 7 Jun 2003 (UTC) 302:14:37 6 Jun 2003 (UTC) 175:23:56 4 Jun 2003 (UTC) 2919:Apparent contradiction 2891:Sex assignment surgery 2348:is more accurate than 2149:I alerted him (or her) 1574:it doesn't, and there 421:20:41 7 Jun 2003 (UTC) 369:20:04 6 Jun 2003 (UTC) 316:17:12 6 Jun 2003 (UTC) 285:15:58 5 Jun 2003 (UTC) 265:14:30 5 Jun 2003 (UTC) 254:13:54 5 Jun 2003 (UTC) 231:12:20 5 Jun 2003 (UTC) 184:07:22 5 Jun 2003 (UTC) 151:16:13 2 Jun 2003 (UTC) 116:09:07 2 Jun 2003 (UTC) 2842:Physical Consequences 1055:Genital phenotype or 42:of past discussions. 3014:regular verification 2254:to this discussion. 828:Sperm Banking (MTF) 825:Reproductive issues 3004:After February 2018 2850:The section titled 2546:Future Advancements 2230:per reasons above-- 2174:The Huffington Post 3058:InternetArchiveBot 3009:InternetArchiveBot 2835:Gender Differences 2418:Old Naval Rooftops 1188:müllerian agenesis 1036:Body phenotype or 1025:, or even simpler 859:Opposition to SRS 841:Legal recognition 781:genital mutilation 298:article. Thanks, 213:Health Law Project 3034: 2774: 2757:comment added by 2430: 2416:comment added by 2183:WP:Article titles 2067:. Huffington Post 1978: 1975:non-admin closure 1781: 1769:comment added by 1702: 1685:comment added by 1504:comment added by 1438:comment added by 1258:comment added by 957:biological gender 898:Time for a change 665: 651:comment added by 602: 588:comment added by 248:standards of care 217:standards of care 209:Standards of Care 193:Standards of Care 82: 81: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3076: 3068: 3059: 3032: 3031: 3010: 2859:Gender Dysphoria 2773: 2751: 2509: 2429: 2410: 2406: 2401: 2286: 2220: 2215: 2091: 2090: 2084: 2076: 2074: 2072: 2056: 2028: 2017: 2006: 1972: 1957: 1838: 1833: 1802: 1797: 1764: 1729: 1724: 1721: 1718: 1714: 1701: 1679: 1599: 1594: 1593: 1590: 1516: 1450: 1281:Results / Orgasm 1270: 1164: 1161: 1155: 664: 645: 601: 582: 205:Ten Commandments 63: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 3084: 3083: 3079: 3078: 3077: 3075: 3074: 3073: 3062: 3057: 3025: 3018:have permission 3008: 2976:this simple FaQ 2961: 2921: 2815: 2752: 2725: 2654: 2636:Sandra M. Lopes 2618:Sandra M. Lopes 2581: 2556:easier to read. 2523: 2518: 2505: 2411: 2404: 2399: 2272: 2216: 2211: 2096: 2095: 2094: 2078: 2077: 2070: 2068: 2065:Huffington Post 2057: 2053: 2024: 2013: 2002: 1953: 1943: 1910: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1856: 1854:Follow up study 1851: 1836: 1831: 1800: 1795: 1790: 1760: 1741: 1727: 1722: 1719: 1716: 1712: 1680: 1675: 1611: 1597: 1591: 1588: 1586: 1522: 1520:Biased writing: 1499: 1495: 1476: 1456: 1433: 1429: 1283: 1253: 1210: 1159: 1156: 1153: 1059:(Genital Sex) ( 959: 900: 766: 736: 646: 583: 578: 563: 509: 87: 59: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 3082: 3052: 3051: 3044: 2997: 2996: 2990: 2982:Added archive 2960: 2957: 2956: 2955: 2920: 2917: 2901: 2900: 2897: 2894: 2887: 2884: 2881: 2863: 2862: 2855: 2848: 2845: 2838: 2831: 2814: 2811: 2795: 2794: 2791: 2788: 2785: 2782: 2779: 2724: 2721: 2720: 2719: 2696: 2693:Sex assignment 2689: 2653: 2650: 2649: 2648: 2647: 2646: 2629: 2628: 2580: 2577: 2562: 2561: 2557: 2549: 2542: 2527: 2522: 2519: 2517: 2516: 2502:requested move 2496: 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Talk:Gender-affirming surgery
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proper name
Magna Carta
Ten Commandments
Health Law Project
common noun
Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association

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