
Wilder (TV series)

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1348:: Rosa to Barbara: Manfred was focussed on Abou, but took no inappropriate action. Jakob and Jenny have sex. Manfred suspended pending shooting investigation. Martin confesses to Sophie why he's fixing car. Martin hid Amina's condition to protect project. Manfred translates Amina's mumbling: “someone's following me”. Amina sketched "pirate" from Armon's picture. Rosa believes Amina ran from Armon's killer, into forest and arrived at roadway. Sophie advises Martin not to confess. Rosa finds evidence of car collision. Rosa, Res and Manfred inform Barbara of car's involvement. Nicole urges Daniel to convince Robert of Béatrice's residential care. Rosa's parents do not recognise "pirate". When teenager, Rosa's parents coerced her to abort foetus. Paul punches Urs. Denise stops Bruno beating Jakob. Denise returns Robert's camera. Sophie swaps number plates between hotel's cars. Manfred: Martin ordered new car parts. Martin to Rosa: Rashad returned damaged car. Nicole finds evidence of Franz and Robert's covering up avalanche payouts. Martin confesses to car accident. Barbara resolves case: Rashad blamed for Armon's death; Amina uncharged, Martin hit deer. Karim continues resort project. Nicole sees Daniel and Rosa having sex. 2019:: Mattias: Hanpi's hospitalised, in coma, but dies. Lukas arranges meeting. Christian: approached online by unnamed man seeking examples of police brutality. Christian provided files on three victims; man claimed police caused traffic accident. Rosa releases Christian. Martin approaches Lukas, but he's thwarted by Fabienne's presence. Peter forbids Manfred re-investigating Lola's death. Rosa: investigate accidental deaths when Hanpi was policeman. Rosa and Manfred ask Jenny to create fake news: Hanpi's recovering. Lukas attempts reconciliation with Sabine. Rosa and team monitor hospital, hoping to lure killer. Jakob warns Jenny: leave hospital. Rosa checks laundry workers. Martin accesses ventilation system; sets off alarm. Jenny photographs emergency response. Martin poses as fireman, attacks police guard. Rosa chases him into car park, commandeers car but crashes into Jakob. Martin's injured, escapes. Manfred discovers where Martin held victims. Manfred's knocked out. Jakob's seriously injured. Lukas recalls driving car, causing two deaths. Ruth tends Martin's wound. Manfred wakes in cellar, strapped to wheelchair. Michael to Lukas: keep calm; will be okay. Lukas wants to confess. Michael kills Lukas. 2109:: Martin and Ruth had sex. Rosa and Manfred suspect Martin. Michael: not enough evidence. Ruth knows about Martin's revenge. He promises to return. Max sorts through Lukas' diaries: recalls Martin's taillight. Ruth lies to Rosa: Martin quit, days ago. Martin views Michael's video. Max checks Martin. Police and Michael find Max knocked out. Michael trails Martin in snow. Rosa and Martin follow. Martin knocks Michael down. Martin distracted by hallucination. Michael shoots Martin, dead. Michael's injured, finds memory card. Max recovers. Michael leaves by ambulance. Jakob to Jenny: do not give up, now. Justice Department confirms Lola's case closure. denies Jenny's claim of systemic corruption; issues fully investigated. Manfred: who was Martin's major victim? Sabine displays photo to Max: Michael was Lukas' friend. Mattias: Martin not Lukas' killer. Max sees Rosa and Michael kissing. Michael takes Rosa into huge house. Max shows photo to Manfred. Manfred searches for Rosa and Michael. Rosa deduces Michael's involved in Lukas' death; Michael confesses. Manfred enters house; Rosa asks Michael to run, but he submits. Max arrests Michael. Rosa considers retirement. 1391:: Robert's files show Franz withdrew protests about Neratom after Robert's payout. Res investigates Robert. Prakash's cousin Rohan saw Rashad in Bern, when Rashad allegedly killed Armon. Rosa hypothesises: Neratom caused avalanche. Franz refuses to answer Rosa. Robert to Rosa and Res: local businesses supported Franz to prevent town's bad publicity. Res closes Rosa's investigation. Amina's phone contains Robert's photo. Robert deduces Nicole leaked files. Res arrests Robert for Armon's murder. Robert: Jakob used Amina's mobile for photo. Jakob and Jenny have Rohan confirm Rashad's alibi. Manfred needs court order to search Neratom's offices. Nicole leaves Daniel. Sifting through Franz' files Manfred finds photo of "pirate". Inside Armon's picture: "pirate"'s glass eye, which Manfred researches. Jenny gives USB to Rosa. Police diver recovers Amina's mobile. Res accuses Robert of bribing Jakob. Glass eye belonged to anarchist, David Sutter. Jakob: followed Amina to return phone but lost her in forest. Jakob encountered Robert near weir. Denise: Robert is Jakob's father. Res releases Robert; police imprison Jakob. Old protest photo shows David, Armon and Barbara. 1222:: Daniel relates Béatrice's trauma; Rosa recalls Markus. Bruno leads prayers for dead children. Rosa greets Armon, who arranges to meet later. Armon's cabin has pirate portrait. Rosa views her old ultrascan. Welcoming party greet Karim. Robert meets Barbara. Martin takes Karim to hotel. Manfred to Barbara: will find proof of Rashad's terrorism. Amina leaves scarf in Urs' toilet. Armon's memorial artwork has 13 fountains. Manfred copies Rashad's laptop. Paul protests against resort project. Manfred removes Paul; Barbara drives Paul home. Nicole to Robert: Béatrice's missing. Manfred to associate: decrypt Rashad's files. Jakob films Amina arguing with Rashad. Armon sketches flowers for Rosa. Jakob films Jenny. Jakob follows Amina from hotel. Rosa discovers Armon's corpse. Amina's missing. Rosa prevents Rashad from entering cabin. Murder weapon has black fibres, matching Amina's gloves. Res: Armon had cancer. Barbara informs Karim: police seek Amina. Barbara appoints Manfred to lead investigation. Rosa directs search for Amina. Urs burns effigy, scrawls graffiti against resort. 1713:
and Manfred approach Toni; he runs off. Manfred catches Toni. Leo has alibi for murders. He's charged with abuse of authority; fired from police. Toni: assaulted Edina but not others; Corinne argued with Charles. Manfred searches Corinne's jewellery box. Charles to Rosa: Corinna heard of sawmill sackings. Corinne had robbed her clients. Charles denies SchĂĽrch's death related to Corinne. Both Leo and Helene cheated on each other; Leo leaves. Sophie recalls: repeatedly raped by Alfons. Charles shot Alfons dead. Sophie blamed SchĂĽrch. Corinne read Sophie's diaries; blackmailed Charles. Rosa accuses Charles of murdering Corinne. Sophie dies in her sleep. Helene and Martin argue about Charles. Rolf refuses to sign witness statement. Simon discovers Manfred's file on rapist. While interviewing Corinne's client, Manfred notices photo: Lenny drove taxis. Manfred discovers files scattered; Simon's missing. Martin wrecks Charles' office. Rolf admits to burning his own car. Simon returns to Laura. Paul and Christine argue. Simon hears Martin's car beeping.
1434:: Rosa and Manfred ask Barbara for search warrant for David's aunt's place. Barbara loads gun. Rosa throws away her foetus' ultrascan. Manfred coaches Silvia to imitate David's aunt. Barbara arrives, but does not enter. Rosa confronts Barbara in evidence room. Barbara leaves. Rosa follows Barbara upstairs to roof. Barbara: blast was to stop Neratom; accidentally killed children. She admits to killing Armon before dropping to her death. Manfred finalises case. Rosa arranges Jakob's release. Paul phones Barbara's mobile, but Manfred answers. Amina regains consciousness. Denise's been bashed; Jakob threatens Bruno. Amina to Manfred: Armon killed by woman. Rosa tells her parents about blast plot. Manfred to Baroudis: Abou and Amina innocent of killing Armon. At church, Rosa describes blast plot to community. Barbara's mobile called Wilders' farm. Rosa finds Armon's drawing in Paul's bin. Paul and Christine to sell farm. Amina recognises Paul's voice. Paul to Rosa: supplied explosives storeroom key. 2320:
Police follow Thomas to reservoir's top. Nora screams upon seeing Thomas. Crowd watches Thomas plummet to his death. Nora accuses Robert: murderer! Kurt asks for bonus; Robert outraged by insensitivity. Manuel inconsolable blames Nora for divorce. Rainer's creditor asks for payment; henchman attacks Rainer. Res and Isabelle: send Elias into care home. Manfred: Thomas suicided because of Koni's death. Manfred wants to bug Räbers. Julie lies: Daniel fathered her baby. Kurt steals mother's jewellery. Nora rereads Thomas' letter. Kurt sees Rainer's finger missing. Rainer refuses jewellery as payment. Rosa visits Daniel; unable to bug his mobile. Rosa kisses Daniel, but does not want more from Daniel. Rainer sees Tim's newspaper photo. Robert offers to help Nora. Her requests: Robert will buy gravel yard, Manu wil work for Räbers. Rainer, brandishing gun, enters car when Paul picks up Tim. Manfred and Rosa meet Räbers; Rainer phones Daniel: he has Tim. Rainer has Paul drive them away.
1621:. Charles reads Sophie's diaries. Jeta and Enver argue about driving Adelina away. Georg and Betim care for ill horse. Publican notices Simon and Adelina's wanted photos. Susann deduces Artan and lover attended Charles' party. Adelina leaves upon discovering Simon's loot. Adelina abducted by Antoine, who phones Simon. During police search, Leo collects Artan's camera. Simon meets Antoine holding Adelina. Tracking Adelina's phone, police approach. Viktor places gun to Simon's head: money left with motorbike. Rosa and Jamel try stoping them, but lower weapons when hostages threatened. Manfred jumps onto Antoine; Rosa disarms Viktor. Simon admits stealing money but denies killings. Rosa suggests DNA testing males party attendees. Charles rejects Frank's pellets proposal. Laura visits Simon. Leo tells Charles about Artan's homosexuality. Manfred sees Rosa's case board, pendant photo. He recalls related rape cases. Rosa dines with parents; Daniel arrives. Rosa and Jamel have sex. 1259:
confirmed. Barbara meets local police team. Manfred and Rosa query Paul. Christine confirms Paul was home all night. Jakob reviews his videos of Amina. Jakob arrives late for work. Denise and Bruno discuss Jakob's work ethic. Nicole searches for BĂ©atrice, who wanders outside. Rosa notes Christine's abrasiveness; Paul tries to pacify Rosa. Rosa checks Urs' store for spray cans to match graffiti. Urs runs off, but Rashad grapples him. Urs admits to graffiti but not Amina's kidnapping. Res finds an anomalous key in Urs' store. Res: shinbone belonged to 20 to 30-year-old male, who died about 30 years ago. Karim and Rashad demand police find Amina. Robert finds BĂ©atrice, returns her home. Rosa stops Manfred's violent questioning of Urs. Manfred and Rosa use key to enter Urs' cabin; Amina's not there. Urs kept files on avalanche: locals blamed Neratom's test drilling. Rosa determines Christine and Urs had affair. Jakob deletes Amina and Armon argument video.
at yard. Rainer demands money and escape car. Paul forces boarded window open. Rosa sees Tim escaping through window. When Rainer opens door, Paul hits him with shovel. Rainer recovers, knocks Paul down. Rainer sees Rosa and shoots; she shoots back: injures Rainer, who runs off. Rainer escapes police; aims gun at Daniel. Kurt and Rainer grapple; shot fired: Rainer's dead. Rosa discovers Tim and Paul; quits case to care for them. Elias stands above road tunnel as Charlotte's bus approaches. Kurt denies ever seeing Rainer. Robert denies any contact. Daniel to Kurt: will pay bonus. Kurt decrypts Robert's USB. Daniel denies cartel's existence. Manuel reads Thomas' letter. Kurt views unedited gravel yard CCTV: Thomas and Robert returned to yard. Robert threatens Koni. Thomas hits Koni. Robert and Thomas place Koni under gravel dump: killing Koni. Kurt messages Daniel. Daniel and Julie have sex. Elias overly sexual with Isabelle; she rebuffs him.
1853:. Attila: do not know Ronny. Police suspect Farouk's revenge on Ronny; Michael issues arrest warrant. USB video: Ronny admits killing Soufjan. Jenny: must publish video. Carla: consult legal department. Rosa interviews Fabian, who confirms Soufjan's accidental death. Farouk asks Nouria for money. Nouria: no idea where Farouk went. Martin eats in police canteen; delivers eggs to Zimmermanns' station. Police squad view Ronny's confession. Police interview Jenny and Carla; request building's CCTV. Rosa and Michael watch Jonas' team. Attila finds Farouk breaking into locker. Rosa and Manfred see that Nouria and Fabian are dating. Farouk: did not kill Ronny. Farouk sees Fabian's uniform. Martin collects eggs from Ruth, who kisses him. Farouk exposes Fabian's identity. Police prevent Farouk assaulting Fabian. Fabian lied to protect reputation. Dan collects Timmi from Rosa and Michael. Martin wears gloves; loads drug into syringe; follows Gerry. 2188:. Birgit describes fight at Sonne's hotel. Julie: Thomas taunted Elias, who jostled Thomas. Paul defended Elias. Betsch took Thomas outside. Elias wades into frigid pool. Rosa visits Thomas' workplace; discovers bloodied coat. Birgit: sends police alert for Thomas. Robert, Daniel and Tim meet Greta atop dam project; pose for publicity shot. Nora: separated year ago, Thomas' became aggressive. Res takes Isabelle to Charlotte's. Mattias: head wound from blunt metal object; Betsch's blood on roadway. Rosa hands over investigation to Manfred. Manuel updates Thomas on police suspicions. Nora to Manfred: Räbers run corrupt business cartel; hounded Koni to death. Kurt meets Rainer, who has Robert's stolen moneybox. Kurt extracts cartel's documents. Rainer and Kurt to blackmail Robert; paying off Kurt's debts. Rosa finds metal star on roadway near crime scene. Elias wears Betsch's cap. 1574:. Rosa and Jamel arrive. Jamel hides in drugmaker's truck. Truck arrives at warehouse. Jamel disables first drugmaker, then fights second. Rosa saves Jamel. Manfred gives Laura €2000. Porto follows Adelina to Simon. Susann: Corinne was Jeanette's friend. Police interview Sophie: Corinne prepared her hair. Charles takes Sophie's diaries; Corinne unearthed their secret. Drugmaker to Jamel: Porto gave drugs to Faton to deliver to France. Simon buys motorbike. Enver slaps Adelina for not wearing headscarf. Georg sends Betim home. Adelina leaves home. Jamel: Porto's looking for missing money. Rosa's frosty to Paul. Adelina visits Simon. Porto learns drugmakers were arrested. He follows Simon and Adelina. Porto discovers Simon's gone with loot. Antoine's henchman Viktor kills Porto. Simon leaves cash for Laura. Simon and Adelina head for France. 2066:, meets Jonas. Rosa informs Peter: Manfred's absent. Files describe Lukas and Hanpi investigated traffic collision. Mattias: not Lukas' shoe print. Rosa's squad seek Martin and Manfred. Martin taunts Michael: where's Jonas? At gunpoint, Martin records Michael describing collision and cover up. Michael admits to killing Lukas. Martin leaves Michael alive. Jonas asks Rosa for Michael, she puts him in Michael's office. Jakob to Rosa: videos filmed in slaughterhouse. Jonas attended ice hockey game with Martin's ticket. Armed police raid slaughterhouse: Manfred's gone. Martin releases Manfred in snowfield. Peter disbands Rosa's squad. Manfred's been found. Ruth looks for Martin; destroys his victim's files. Martin arrives home, still sees Teresa and Aline. Rosa finds chicken feather in slaughterhouse. Martin kisses Ruth. 2230:
things. Daniel to reporter: Robert will handover company. Manfred photographs Robert and Kurt. Rainer recognises Manfred; leaves restaurant. Rainer drives off. Paul's cancer relapsed. Witnesses confirm Betsch wore cap at Sonne's. Thomas to police: admits throwing pig's head, fighting at Sonne's, but not killing Betsch. Rainer to Kurt: spotted detective. Thomas: Betsch threatened to send Elias to asylum. Thomas went home to prepare pig. Manfred to Rosa: signs of local price-fixing cartel. Rosa picks up Tim from Daniel. Kurt sees thugs beat Rainer; ask for money. Rainer refused to allow Kurt to quit arrangement. Charlotte and Paul dine together; his cancer's spreading. Daniel cuddles Julie; she's pregnant. Daniel's unsympathetic, she asks Daniel to leave. Paul finds Julie knocked off her motorcycle; phones for help.
1300:. Christine tells Paul: finished with Urs. Rosa and Manfred follow Rashad, who fights Mohammed. Manfred cuffs Mohammed, Rashad runs away. Rosa stops Rashad. Mohammed: took photos for sale to Egyptian press. Karim learns of Rashad's arrest. Rashad: Mohammed blackmailed family over Amina's affair. Rosa visits Räbers for dinner. Manfred to Barbara: Mohammed not kidnapper. Jakob and Prakash provide Jenny with accommodation. Manfred accuses Rashad of terrorism, which he denies. Martin works on hotel's car. Rosa finds Amina's diary in Rashad's room. Rashad released on bail. When confronted with his identity as Abou, Rashad runs off. Manfred and Rashad struggle over Manfred's gun, which kills Rashad. Rosa follows Béatrice into forest. Robert gives new camera to Jakob. Béatrice leads Rosa to hut: Amina's inside. 1668:: Simon's imprisoned. Rosa drives Adelina to Kabashis. Laura refuses Manfred's questions about pendant. Police start DNA tests. Frank reveals Artan's homosexuality. Martin, Rolf and mob travel to Kabashis. Rosa takes Leo's sample. Adelina calls Rosa for help: lynch mob coming. Charles arrives, disciplines Martin, disperses mob as police respond. Leo stops truck driver, takes DNA test. Georg and Betim kill dying horse. Leo swaps DNA samples. Leo to Helene: no affair with Artan. Laura's rapist is Simon's father. Timmi scalded under Paul's supervision. Rosa ejects Paul. Rosa to Manfred: Daniel's Timmi's father. 1760:: Corinne cycles away from Georg. He catches up, tries pacifying her. Faton's car arrives, who orders Georg to release Corinne. George kills all three. Susann claims: never knew Georg found Lenny or about triple murders. Lenny's mother provided information. Charles and Martin argue over Alfons' murder, Sophie's death. Susann goes home. Manfred informs Lenny's mother of death. Paul advises Rosa: tell Daniel. Susann feeds Lenny in underground cell. Rosa and Manfred visit Susann. Manfred noticed Susann cooked for two. Rosa and Manfred suspect Susann imprisoned Lenny; find Susann in barn's cellar. 1676:: Sophie wakes. Simon released on bail. Manfred reviews serial rapist's files. DNA tests negative. Manfred asks Susann about Jeanette's rape case. Rosa and Susann called to motel by witness, who recognised Artan. Jeanette jumped off cliff. Leo celebrates Helene's birthday party. Rosa and Susann review motel's CCTV: Artan with Leo. As Helene answers door to police, Leo runs off. Rosa chases Leo to cliff, who admits loving Artan. Leo arrested for evidence tampering. Rosa meets Georg. Christine: Timmi's in pain; bandages changed. Someone smashes car's windows; sets it alight. 2275:: Res: Isabelle became pregnant at 15 to classmate; baby was adopted. Daniel returns documents to Robert. Cartel meets: Thomas not attending. Robert reneges on announcing retirement. Birgit: gravel yard CCTV's been edited, portion replaced from another night. Rainer rails at Kurt for douments' poor price. Thomas places letter into envelope. Thomas to Manuel; feigns going to Thailand. Manuel remembers Thomas left home on night Koni died. Paul tells Rosa about cancer relapse, but he does not want chemo. Kurt to Rainer: Daniel was bluffing. Elias turns up at Isabelle's. 346:
assisting Robert. Overcome with guilt, Thomas suicides during the reservoir's inauguration. Daniel outwits Rainer and cheaply recovers the stolen documents. Rainer then kidnaps Tim and Paul in order to be paid a ransom. With police closing in, Rainer runs off but is thwarted by Daniel and Kurt. Kurt and Rainer struggle over his gun, which kills Rainer. Thomas' suicide letter provides further accusations against Robert. Manfred begins to search Robert's business property, but his warrant is rescinded through political pressure.
Susann and Georg's daughter. Jeanette later committed suicide. Ten years ago, Lenny's mother revealed her suspicions about Lenny to Susann. Georg and Susan caught Lenny and imprisoned him in an underground cell in their barn. Recently, Corinne had seen Georg with Lenny and ran off. Georg caught up with Corinne, but was stopped from arguing by Faton. Fearing revelation, Georg killed Corinne, Faton and Artan. Susann releases Lenny. Rosa arrests Susann, Manfred considers murdering Lenny but Rosa talks him down.
1967:: Lukas and Max discuss murdered officers. Jakob trails "White Wolf" across darkweb. Michael: cannot contact Patrizia. Jakob accesses Patrizia's confession video posted by Jenny. Jenny questions Peter about higher-level corruption. Martin and Ruth stack eggs. Rosa: killer wants Patrizia to die of cold. Manfred: search cool rooms. Patrizia: tied up, lying on floor. Martin and Ruth dine. At home, Martin reminisces about Teresa and Aline. Patrizia's corpse discovered inside refrigerated truck; has 1904:, same as Ronny. Jakob: second video downloaded. Max notified about killer. Peter: killer targeting police; federal case now. Martin has meal with his family. Ruth visits. Max and Fabienne are cheating on Lukas. Hanpi to Lukas: concerned by police killer. Lukas: unrelated to us. Jakob describes junkie, Reto, who was murdered. Rosa castigates Jakob: unauthorised questioning Marie. Marie to Rosa: Gerry altered report; Reto charged with drug trafficking but not Marie. 334:
down Martin to his farm and inform Michael. While searching the farm, Michael runs after Martin and shoots him, dead. He removes and destroys the camera's memory card. Lukas' wife Sabine sees Michael on TV, she recalls he was Lukas' friend years ago. Sabine finds a photo of all three policemen. Sabine informs Manfred of the connection. Manfred tracks Michael and Rosa, where Michael had confessed to Rosa about killing Lukas. Manfred arrests Michael.
1900:: Woman discovers Gerry's corpse. Martin stopped by Lukas: Martin's taillight's broken. Police attend corpse. Mattias: cranial trauma; woman saw van with broken taillight. Nouria forgives Fabian. Jenny receives another USB. Martin cleans bloodied iron; talks to Teresa. USB video: Gerry admits to killing suspect. Bruno advises against broadcasting. Jenny: police are covering up; perpetrator will upload video. Mattias: Gerry drugged with 1525:: Simon was frightened to immediately report to police. He heard strange beeping after shots. Rosa to Manfred: stay out of investigation. Christine collects Paul from prison. Betim helps at horse stable. Rosa meets Frank and Charles. Victims had attended Charles' party, who provides guest list. Police search Corinne's home. Susann describes Corinne: social butterfly, home care nurse. Faton's wife: does not know Simon; nor drugs. Porto: 2062:: Jakob has surgery. Peter to team: next victim; police attend Lukas' corpse. Mattias: second car's tracks, man's shoe prints. Martin drives by, asks Rosa about scene. Sabine recognises Hanpi. Rosa to Michael: Lukas and Hanpi were former police friends. Michael will provide Lukas' files. He hides his shoes; deletes his name from files. Rosa searches Manfred's laptop. Martin posing as 1756:: Police arrest Martin for murder. Adelina refuses to leave with family. Martin claims: at party during murders. Simon remembers car beeping at murder scene. Manfred asks Susann to check similar cars. Susann looks for Georg. Enver sees Artan's photos of Leo. Rosa and Manfred arrive at Walters' home. George admits to killing Lenny, Artan, Faton and Corinne. Kabashis return to Adelina. 295:
Armon out of jealousy. Manfred and Rosa discover that Armon, Barbara and their associate David had set off an explosion, which caused the fatal avalanche. David was also killed in the blast. Armon and Barbra had been assisted by Rosa's father Paul. Armon was murdered to prevent revelation of the secret of the explosion. Rosa has a one-night-stand with Daniel.
sent from Bern. Manfred takes over the case and looks for links to a corrupt business cartel headed by Robert and the death of the gravel yard's owner, Koni. Robert and Daniel are robbed by a criminal, Rainer, who has been blackmailing Robert's accountant Kurt to recover Kurt's gambling debts. Rosa rescinds her retirement to help Manfred and Birgit.
303:. Rosa liaises with French narcotics' policeman, Jamel. Another victim, Artan, had recently had sex. Voluntary DNA tests are conducted on male attendees at a party where all three victims had been earlier. Simon was locked in Faton's car boot during the murders. Manfred assists his sister Laura and Simon. Simon hides the fact that he took Faton's 1712:
Sophie's nightmare: SchĂĽrch grabs her. Rolf claims: arsonist wore white trainers, ran towards river. Manfred suspects Rolf's waiter Toni of being rapist. Betim denies burning Rolf's car. Sophie reads newspaper: Charles' father Alfons allegedly murdered by SchĂĽrch. SchĂĽrch died falling off cliff. Rosa
Martin into believing that he was responsible, with no other car was involved. After Martin kills Hanpi, Lukas wants to confess to authorities. However, Michael kills Lukas and foists the blame onto the serial killer. Martin captures Michael and forces him to confess on camera. Rosa and Manfred track
In November 2017 Rosa travels to her home town of Oberweis to attend the 30th annual memorial for an avalanche, which killed 12 primary school children including her brother. A visiting Egyptian investor, Karim meets local community leaders at Martin's hotel. Among the community are mayor Robert, his
Isabelle dreaming: washing dishes, sees her dead baby. Paul's mobile: no answer. Rainer throws it out window. Räbers and Kurt: kidnapper unknown. Rainer chased by patrol car to gravel yard; locks Tim and Paul in site office. Police surround Rainer's position. Rosa gets closer. Daniel and Kurt arrive
Kurt dream: being discovered. Daniel apologises to Julie for poor attitude. Thomas released on bail. Manfred sends Res home. Rainer phones Daniel: bring 350,000 francs. Julie's shop requires renovation. Robert visits BĂ©atrice's grave; confronts Res for tailing him. Thomas: home when Koni died. Elias
from brain injury. Robert: will pay blackmailer. Charlotte: Elias' usually gentle. Rosa questions Elias, pushes her away, climbs to hayloft. Isabelle coaxes Elias down. Manfred asks Räbers and Kurt about Koni's death. Manfred follows Robert and Kurt to restaurant. Isabelle to Rosa: Elias often takes
BĂ©atrice looks inside hut. Rashad's decrypted files detail Amina and Armon's affair. Rosa disparages Christine's affair with Urs; who is not kidnapper. Rashad promises Karim to find Amina; Karim departs. Franz' dissatisfied with Jakob's poor work. Rosa asks Jakob for party footage. Res and Rosa view
Initially police suspect a kidnap plot. Manfred, who believes Rashad's responsible and investigates his previous life. When Rashad is identified, they fight over Manfred's gun: Rashad is killed. Rosa finds a seriously injured Amina in a hut. Federal prosecutor Barbara determines that Rashad murdered
Isabelle wakes, Elias' gone. Nora shows Thomas' letter to Manfred. Manfred enacts search warrant for Räbers' business. Robert denies cartel's existence or killing Betsch. Daniel asks Greta for help. Rosa, Res and Isabelle search for Elias; discover painted stones. Res finds Betsch's bloodied torch.
Rosa's nightmare: she holds gun; Paul lies dead. Manfred at gravel yard: Thomas left suitcase. Isabelle to Rosa: unaware of Betsch receiving 50,000 francs. Greta begins inauguration of reservoir. Manfred and Rosa follow Thomas' mobile to reservoir. Nora finds Thomas' confession letter, plus money.
About three years later, Rosa has returned from America after her profiler training. She has a baby, Tim. Rosa attends a triple murder near Thallingen. She is assisted by local police, Susann and Leo. Their main witness, Simon, is Manfred's nephew. Initially police suspect a drug-related crime, as
Thomas throws severed pig's head through police window. Res asks Rosa to assist Bergit with Betsch's corpse. He's in overturned police car with anomalous head wound. Prosecutor to Rosa: start investigation. Elias watches crime scene. Manfred appointed: leads investigation. Daniel discovers office
Porto to Antoine: tracking suspected thief; drug deliveries continuing. Antoine: Jamel's after you. Rosa meets Jamel. Mattias: victims killed by gun, but not one found at scene. Artan had sperm in rectum. Kabashis hold Artan's vigil. Jamel: Faton's member of Antoine's syndicate. Simon hides loot.
Simon pops car boot, runs off. Rosa leaves Timmi with Christine. Laura discovers frightened Simon. Rosa drives through Thallingen to crime scene. Susann identifies corpses: Artan, Faton and Corinne. Car had drugs. Corinne wore distinctive mask pendant. Susann: no known connection between victims.
for his cancer. Local policeman, Betsch, has been discovered dead in his overturned car. However, his head wound indicates that he was killed before the car was pushed down an incline. Res had already retired, and the lone policewoman Birgit asks for Rosa's assistance until an investigator can be
The third victim, Corinne had been a thief: stealing jewellery from clients. Manfred investigates a historical serial rapist, Lenny, who had attacked Laura about 20 years ago. Leo is revealed as Artan's lover. Leo tampered with DNA evidence to hide his relationship. Lenny had also raped Jeanette:
on arm. Lukas, Sabine and Fabienne argue about secrets. Sabine confesses affair with Max. Police check former officers with grudge against colleagues. Jakob: identifies Christian as "White Wolf". Rosa: killer used Christian's files to target victims. Martin renews flowers at roadside memorial to
Betsch's wife, Isabelle had killed him after he denigrated her brother Elias and bragged to impregnating Julie, his mistress. Years earlier, Elias and Isabelle's mother Charlotte had killed their baby with the cooperation of Res. Charlotte and Res lied that the baby was put up for adoption. Upon
Another year later, Rosa and Manfred investigate a serial killer, who targets corrupt police. The first victim, Ronny had threatened a suspect's brother, Soufjan by holding him over a balcony. When Soufjan falls to his death, police cover-up and determine he died accidentally. The second victim,
Amina's gloves are burnt. Res and Barbara let Rosa lead local investigation of Armon's murder. Jenny films video news report. Aisha arrives at hotel. Rashad to Manfred: Amina's location unknown. Aisha blames Karim's lax parenting for Amina's wilful ways. Urs holds Amina's scarf. Rashad's alibi
Robert's cartel made huge profits from the building of a nearby reservoir. Koni's sister Nora suspects Robert of Koni's murder and provides accusations to Manfred. Rainer steals secret documents, which detail the cartel's activities. Nora separates from her husband Thomas, whom she suspects of
Martin now pursues three policemen. Ten years ago, their car caused his car to plummet down a mountain side. Martin's wife and daughter died when it caught on fire. Martin was thrown clear. The policemen were Lukas, Hanpi and Michael. Lukas and Michael arranged to investigate the collision and
2410:. Julie leaves Daniel; baby's not his. Daniel to Robert: saw USB video. At cartel meeting, Robert resigns; Daniel kicks Robert out. Julie carries Betsch's baby. Rosa bans Daniel from Tim. Tim's drawing: Isabelle's star belt. At Isabelle's, Rosa finds belt missing a star. 243:
is a Swiss television crime drama and thriller series, which was broadcast from 7 November 2017. It spans four seasons of six episodes each. It was created by Béla Batthyany and Alexander Szombath and directed by Pierre Monnard (2017, 2020), Jan-Eric Mack (2020–2021),
son Daniel and hotelier Martin. Karim's daughter Amina has had a clandestine relationship with former resident and renowned artist Armon. Manfred suspects Amina's bodyguard Rashad is a terrorist. Rosa discovers Armon's corpse, meanwhile Amina has gone missing.
police detective, Paul and Christine's daughter, Markus' younger sister. Armon's former lover: she became pregnant at 15 but had an abortion. Has an affair with Daniel. Tim's mother. Later, dates Michael. Returns to Oberweis to support Paul through his cancer
1849:: Rosa practices shooting. Manfred attends Ronny's corpse: killed in fall. Mattias: Ronny was tied, bruised before death. Manfred unlocks Ronny's mobile. Police discover Farouk at Attila's gym; Farouk assaults Manfred, escapes. Jenny receives 307:
200,000 drug money. Artan's sister Adelina is Simon's girlfriend. Simon and Adelina run off to France, with both gang members and police trailing them. Drug lord, Antoine catches Adelina and Simon, but he is caught by Manfred, Jamel and Rosa.
1430:: Young Armon, Barbara, David prepare explosives on mountainside. David falls; leg trapped between rocks. BĂ©atrice stops bus at roadblock. Others, who set off explosion, cannot hear David. BĂ©atrice yells as avalanche approaches. 324:
leading to disgruntled former police commander, Christian. He supplied the files of the three victims to an anonymous man (later revealed as Martin). Public prosecutor Michael is Rosa's lover and wants her to move in together.
1617:: police analysis: Porto killed by single headshot. Police post alert for Simon. Laura hands Simon's money to Rosa; Simon's location unknown. He's spotted near border. Manfred joins Rosa and Jamel. Frank wants sawmill to make 1972:
Teresa and Aline. Carla suspends Jenny for publishing third video. Lukas confronts Max over betrayal. Rosa, Michael and Jonas dine. Michael offers to buy house to live together with Rosa and Timmi, but Jonas objects. Lukas
Elias stands above road tunnel exit as others approach. Elias points at Res, yells: baby! Charlotte's bus approaches, Elias deliberately falls in front. Charlotte cradles her dead son. Manfred's warrant rescinded by
has vacant stare: Charlotte increased his medication. Isabelle wants more independence for Elias. Robert pays Thomas to leave town. Daniel calls Rainer's bluff, receives documents for 8000, which includes USB drive.
2654: 1296:
Amina and Rashad's argument; Rashad forbids Amina from seeing Armon. Manfred explains Rashad's terrorist links. Rashad denies hiring Mohammed as photographer. Manfred to Rosa: Rashad's group killed engineers in
Sabine. News reports: civil unrest due to police corruption. Hanpi supervises Martin's driving lesson. Martin tries to inject Hanpi, who fends him off. Martin chokes Hanpi, but runs off as witness approaches.
Thomas' nightmare: someone dumps gravel atop him. Rainer phones Daniel: 300000 francs for documents. Rosa assists Manfred. Res: Betsch's cap in Elias' room. Mattias: star looks decorative. Birgit: Elias has
and Mauro Mueller (both 2022). The first season of six episodes was followed by three further seasons of the same length in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The first season's concepts had been developed in 2013 for
as Urs Glutz: mechanic, petrol station owner, had an affair with Christine* Manfred Liechti as Franz Ramser: bar owner, Urs' friend, owns cabin, conspiracy theorist. Jakob and Prakesh's boss
2480: 789: 1768:: Susann let Lenny go. Susann's took poison, dies. Manfred catches Lenny; points gun at him. Rosa talks Manfred down; Lenny's arrested. Rosa tells Daniel: he's Timmi's father. 590:
Emanuela von Frankenberg as Béatrice Räber: Robert's wife, Daniel's mother, former school teacher, survived avalanche but developed severe mental problems. Dies in 2019.
2015:: Martin driving Teresa and Aline; their car's forced off-road by oncoming car. Martin's thrown clear but car catches afire. He sees three men peering down from road. 923: 699: 1529:
200,000 not found. Wife to Porto: police asked about Simon. Rosa refuses to visit Paul. Porto stalks Adelina. Manfred to Rosa: keep me informed. Simon stole loot.
Jonathan Loosli as Daniel Räber: local businessman, Robert's son, Nicole's husband, has an affair with Rosa, works for Robert. Divorced by Nicole. Timmi's father.
472: 1521:: Simon kissing Adelina. Later, he meets Artan and Faton, who put Simon in boot. He hears about five shots. Simon escaped an hour later, saw corpses, ran home. 1013: 686: 1570:
buddy, meets Adelina. Rolf denies sending threatening letter. Leo asks Enver: who's Artan's lover? Envar denies Artan was gay. Drugmakers scramble to clean up
407: 2414:: Isabelle discovers Betsch cheating. He admits his affair; almost hits Elias. Betsch gloats about fathering Julie's baby. Isabelle bashes Betsch to death. 316:
Gerry had beaten a drug-dealer Reto to death, but framed it as a lethal fight between junkies. Each victim has UV writing alluding to the Latin version of "
748: 2184:
trashed. Res and Rosa notify Isabelle. Betsch did not return last night. Robert: folder stolen folder; cartel meeting's minutes. Doctor describes Paul's
1078: 962: 568: 320:" Prison guard, Patrizia, who ignored the frigid conditions of inmate, Lola, becomes the third victim. Rosa and Manfred use IT expert Jakob to trawl the 2601: 871: 2541: 1065: 822: 529: 1039: 516: 452: 350:
being rebuffed by Isabelle and threatened with being sent into a care centre, Elias kills himself by dropping in front of a bus driven by Charlotte.
1026: 722: 1000: 975: 949: 936: 910: 835: 735: 381: 268: 89: 1052: 809: 2488: 858: 773: 432: 359: 249: 77: 2571: 1387:: Amina sees Armon's drawings of Rosa. Outside, Jakob films Armon breaking up with Amina. Later, someone knocks; Amina hides in back room. 884: 549: 2395: 2725: 2406:: Isabelle outraged by Charlotte's betrayal. Res: struggled with Elias, who struck his head. Charlotte charged with murder; Res with 1513:
When Rolf arrives, Leo takes him home. Susann informs Kabashis of Artan's death. Adelina: Artan and Faton were friends. Leo trashes
2105:: Martin describes three men peering down at burning car. Lukas and Michael adjust Martin's statement; cover up their involvement. 337:
Another year later, Rosa has retired and returned to live in Oberweis with Tim. She has reconciled with Paul, who has undergone
2730: 2720: 2715: 2450: 1924:'s "White Wolf". Rosa and Michael discuss parenting styles. Martin records Patrizia's confession; douses her with cold water. 1845:, seeking Farouk, force entry into apartment. Ronny holds Farouk's brother Soufjan over balcony; Soufjan falls to his death. 1100:
was created by Béla Batthyany and Alexander Szombath and directed by Pierre Monnard (2017, 2020), Jan-Eric Mack (2020–2021),
Ruth Schwegler as Christine Wilder: Paul's wife, Markus and Rosa's mother, had an affair with Urs. Later lives with Rosa.
876: 2271:: Betsch learns Isabelle has damaged uterus by earlier birth. Isabelle will not reveal details. Betsch asks Charlotte. 401:
as Paul Wilder: goat farmer, Christine's husband, Markus and Rosa's father. Develops terminal cancer, he dies in 2022.
2402:: Baby's born, Res yells at Elias for impregnating Isabelle. Res drives Charlotte, who drowns baby; Elias sees them. 928: 794: 719:
Mr Jaeggi or Jean Dumont: egg delivery driver, farmer; hallucinates that his wife and daughter still live with him
1917: 1124:, Jura. Filming took place from September to December 2018 in Jura, including in Vendlincourt and in the city of 477: 317: 814: 2609: 1571: 1218:: BĂ©atrice driving school bus; stops at roadblock. She begins removing blockade; avalanche crashes into bus. 584:
as Kaphiri "Karim" Al-Baroudi: Egyptian investor, Amina's father, Aisha's husband. Planned to build a resort
1912:: Marie leaves, Elisabeth cries. Fabienne sees Max and Sabine having sex. Mattias: UV writing on corpses: 485:
Silas & Noah Meier as Timmi Wilder: Rosa's 2.5 year-old son. Later, 4 year-old shared custody with Dan
2058:: Lukas distracted on mobile, drives on wrong side, forces another car off-road, which catches afire. 704: 630:
Nikola Weisse as Sophie Barth: former maid for Mulligers, Charles' friend, one of Corinne's clients
392: 279: 1018: 691: 578:
as Barbara Rossi: Bern-based Federal Public Prosecutor, former Oberweis resident, Rosa's godmother
2542:"Besuch bei den Dreharbeiten - "Wilder" geht weiter: So wird die neue Staffel der SRF-Krimiserie" 627:
Edon Rizvanolli as Enver Kabashi: restaurateur, Jeta's husband, Artan, Adelina and Betim's father
993: 711: 615:
Sylvie Marinkovic as Adelina Kabashi: Enver and Jeta's 17-year-old daughter, Simon's girlfriend
Gilles Marti as Simon Kägi: Manfred's 18-year-old nephew, Adelina's boyfriend, works at sawmill
412: 374: 264: 248:
and Mauro Mueller (both 2022). The two lead protagonists are Rosa Wilder, who is portrayed by
753: 651:
Anna-Katharina MĂĽller as Helene Mott Mulliger: sawmill accountant, Frank's sister, Leo's wife
Manuela Biedermann as Susann Walter: Thallingen police chief, Georg's wife, Jeanette's mother
546:: Amina's bodyguard. Identified as Jordanian terrorist Abou but dies in struggle with Manfred 467: 799:
as Gerry Engler: Elisabeth's husband, Marie's father, policeman, works in IT alongside Jakob
1842: 1567: 1438:: Paul struck Armon. Barbara used Armina's gloves on hammer's handle. Manfred arrests Paul. 1120:
The second season is set about three years later in the fictitious town of Thallingen near
1083: 967: 732:
as Lukas Zimmermann: Nottingen policeman, Max' brother, Sabine's husband, Fabienne's father
Mark Harvey MĂĽhlemann as Artan Kabashi: Enver and Jeta's older son, Leo's clandestine lover
573: 510:
Vilmar Bieri as Bruno Siegenthaler: Town priest, Denise's husband, raised Jakob as his son
8: 2407: 1517:. Enver displays threatening letter. Rosa and Susann interview Manfred, Simon and Laura. 1070: 827: 624:
Elda Sorra as Jeta Kabashi: restaurateur, Enver's wife, Artan, Adelina and Betim's mother
534: 426: 855:
Stefan Merki as Christian Aeby: former police commander, dismissed for sexual harassment
1044: 786:
Sebastian Krähenbühl as Hans-Peter "Hanpi" Koller: former policeman, driving instructor
521: 457: 645:
Olivia Lina Gasche as Corinne Steiger: community care nurse, Rolf's daughter, murdered
2700: 1901: 1075:
as Koni Lehmann: Nora's brother, Thomas' partner at gravel yard, died three years ago
1031: 727: 618:
Ueli Jäggi as Charles Mulliger: sawmill owner, Frank and Helene's father, Alfons' son
504: 466:, amateur photographer, Denise's son via an affair with Robert. Becomes IT for Bern 1005: 980: 954: 941: 915: 840: 740: 386: 273: 94: 633:
Stéphane Maeder as Georg Walter: stable owner, Susann's husband, Jeanette's father
1850: 1057: 897:
Jasmin Mattei as Patricia Schellenberg: prison guard, allowed prisoner to die of
300: 639:
Doro Müggler as Laura Kägi: Manfred's sister, Simon's mother, former drug addict
Caspar Kaeser as Leo Mott: policeman, Helene's husband, Artan's cladestine lover
2511: 988: 863: 778: 495: 437: 364: 254: 82: 1963:: Prisoner, Lola complains: too cold; Patrizia: turns off monitor. Lola dies. 1101: 832:
as Nouria Hamid: Farouk and Soufjan's sister, hairdresser, Fabian's girlfriend
Aljoscha Mösli as Betim Kabashi: Enver and Jeta's son, works at Georg's stable
245: 59: 2709: 2063: 1973: 889: 554: 498:
as Amina Al-Baroudi: investor's daughter, Armon's lover, art history graduate
as Peter Schwaller/Chef Fedpol: federal police senior officer, Manfred's boss
463: 398: 2548:
Continues: This Is How the New Season of the SRF Crime Series Will Be].
2631: 2185: 1893: 1121: 1109:
and scripts were written within two years. Most of its filming occurred in
581: 338: 1214:: Shinbone, dropped by bird onto Rosa's car, delivered to police station. 696:
as Michael Mettler: Bern head prosecutor, works with Rosa: they are dating
1618: 1337: 1125: 898: 819:
as Fabian Rösch: policeman, Ronny's colleague. Becomes Nouria's boyfriend
Pero Radicic as Hugo "Porto" Portman: drug pusher, Faton's boss, murdered
330: 2694: 596:
Margot Gödrös as Silvia Kägi: Manfred's mother. Later aged care resident
1110: 894:
as Farouk Hamid: criminal, his brother Soufjan died during police raid
Dardan Sadik as Faton Berisha: drug courier, works for Porto, murdered
Sarah Hostettler as Sabine Zimmermann: Lukas' wife, Fabienne's mother
2574:[Start of filming for the second season of the SRF crime series 1514: 513:
Emmanuelle Reymond as Sophie Rindlisbacher: hotelier, Martin's wife
as Robert Räber: town mayor, prominent businessman, Daniel's father
2226: 1921: 1297: 1210:
Amina runs through forest to road; she waves at approaching car.
All four seasons were available on Play Suisse and on Netflix as
321: 1023:
as Thomas Zingg: Nora's separated husband, gravel plant operator
1114: 985:
as Isabelle Betschart: Betsch's wife, Res' niece, Tim's teacher
1625:: Leo threatens Artan when he suggests revealing relationship. 1036:
as Manuel Zingg: Nora and Thomas' son, apprentice IT at Räbers
Christoph Gaugler as Rolf Steiger: innkeeper, Corinne's father
Adrian Fähndrich as Roland "Roli" Huber: town police constable
1106: 501:
Uygar Tamer as Aisha Al-Baroudi: Karim's wife, Amina's mother
205: 764:
Cheyenne Tanner as Aline Jesch: Martin and Teresa's daughter
Pascal Ulli as Frank Mulliger: sawmill foreman, Charles' son
2572:"Drehstart zur zweiten Staffel der SRF-Krimiserie «Wilder»" 1526: 664: 442:
as Jenny Langenegger: Oberland TV camera operator. Becomes
370: 304: 260: 946:
Charlotte Tanner: bus driver, Elias and Isabelle's mother
Lucy Wirth as Teresa Jesch: Martin's wife, Aline's mother
Vincent Aubert as Antoine Korday: drug lord, Porto's boss
1664:: Laura chased until caught, rapist wears mask pendant. 1344:: Martin's distracted answering mobile; car hits Amina. 933:
as Tim Wilder: Rosa and Daniel's son; primary school age
Jorik Wenger as Jonas: Michael's son, ice hockey player
as Max Zimmermann: policeman, Lukas' brother, unmarried
Peter Hottinger as Mattias Gruber: forensic pathologist
2283:: Robert burns documents and USB. Thomas loads rifle. 1908:: Elisabeth and Gerry banish Reto. Gerry kills Reto. 1088:
as Greta Hollenstein: councillor, curated dam project
Daniel Frei as Lenny SchĂĽrch: Max' son, serial rapist
Peter Zumstein as Toni Amberg: waiter, works for Rolf
1920:" Manfred: three more victims? Manfred searches for 1752:: Lenny forced into forest at gunpoint; shot fired. 1010:
as Julie Kuster: Sonne hotel's owner, Daniel's lover
as Denise Siegenthaler: Jakob's mother, Bruno's wife
as Res BĂĽhler: town police sergeant. Later, retired.
as Martin Rindlisbacher: hotelier, Sophie's husband
1672:: accused murderer SchĂĽrch hunted to cliff edge. 972:as Rainer Strunz: nightclub owner, local criminal 868:as Elisabeth Engler: Gerry's wife, Marie's mother 758:as Ruth Bolliger: farmer, supplies eggs to Martin 587:Nina Mariel Kohler as Nicole Räber: Daniel's wife 2707: 2362: 2325: 2288: 2235: 2193: 2152: 2071: 2024: 1981: 1929: 1858: 1811: 1718: 1681: 1630: 1336:Amina's hospitalised with serious injuries and 997:Lehmann): Thomas' separated wife, Koni's sister 667:-based French narcotics policeman, assists Rosa 1579: 1534: 1481: 1396: 1353: 1305: 1264: 1227: 1179: 2642:| Play Swiss] (in German). 30 March 2022. 2487:(in German). 16 November 2017. Archived from 2451:"SRF Serie: "Wilder", aber nicht wild genug" 395:investigator, Laura's brother, Simon's uncle 2422:: Rosa, Tim and Manfred visit Paul's grave. 559:as Prakash Kumarasami: chef, Jakob's mentor 2444: 2442: 2440: 2438: 1049:as Urs "Betsch" Betschart: local policeman 2509: 2448: 2279:: Isabelle pens symbol on their wrists. 2539: 2503: 2435: 959:Elias Tanner: Charlotte's son, farmhand 783:as Fabienne Zimmermann: Lukas' daughter 2708: 2533: 353: 2483:[Filming on the Urnerboden]. 2449:Schwartz, Claudia (6 November 2017). 1764:: Corinne finds Georg feeding Lenny. 992: 716: 710: 42:BĂ©la Batthyany and Alexander Szombath 2652: 2510:Luchtman, Kelly (14 February 2023). 920:as Kurt Liechti: Robert's accountant 680: 657:Dani Mangisch as Edi: sawmill worker 1062:as Birgit Schmid: local policewoman 904: 663:Raphael Roger Levy as Jamel Jaoui: 267:police detective and Manfred Kägi ( 13: 1918:sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 1117:from November 2016 to March 2017. 600: 593:Thomas Douglas as Chefarzt: doctor 543: 489: 14: 2742: 2688: 2540:Roebuck, Lory (6 November 2018). 2481:"Dreharbeiten auf dem Urnerboden" 318:but who will guard the guardians? 2726:German-language television shows 1566:Porto, pretending to be Artan's 1138: 2653:Mähl, Julia (23 January 2024). 2377:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2340:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2303:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2250:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2208:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2167:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1873:BĂ©la Batthyany, Alexander Seibt 1775: 1594:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1549:BĂ©la Batthyany, Alexander Seibt 1411:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1368:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1320:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1279:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1242:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 1194:Andreas Stadler, BĂ©la Batthyany 2646: 2624: 2594: 2582:(in German). 11 September 2018 2564: 2473: 2131: 2124: 2116: 1790: 1783: 1460: 1453: 1158: 1151: 542:Samir Fuchs as Rashad Rahmani 165: 154: 1: 2731:Swiss crime television series 2721:2020s Swiss television series 2716:2010s Swiss television series 2429: 1730:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1693:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1642:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1591:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1546:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1493:Pierre Monnard, Jan-Eric Mack 1445: 1143: 1092: 802:Lena Lessing as Carla Henze: 2544:[Visiting the Filming - 2457:, but not Wild Enough]. 2418:: Manfred arrests Isabelle. 562:Anina Mutter as Sara Berisha 7: 2673:on Netflix] (in German) 2608:(in German). Archived from 2516:Review: Secrets Don't Keep" 1892:: Gerry beats suspect with 10: 2747: 2374:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 2337:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 2300:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 2247:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 2205:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 2164:Claudio Fäh, Mauro Mueller 1736:11 February 2020 1613:: Leo and Artan have sex. 1414:12 December 2017 1323:28 November 2017 1282:21 November 2017 1245:14 November 2017 881:as Attila Benko: gym owner 790:Hanspeter MĂĽller-Drossaart 299:one victim, Faton carried 285: 2391: 2380:8 February 2022 2368: 2354: 2343:1 February 2022 2331: 2317: 2306:25 January 2022 2294: 2264: 2253:18 January 2022 2241: 2222: 2211:11 January 2022 2199: 2181: 2158: 2147: 2144: 2141: 2138: 2130: 2123: 2100: 2089:9 February 2021 2077: 2053: 2042:2 February 2021 2030: 2010: 1999:26 January 2021 1987: 1958: 1947:19 January 2021 1935: 1887: 1876:12 January 2021 1864: 1840: 1817: 1806: 1803: 1800: 1797: 1789: 1782: 1747: 1724: 1710: 1699:4 February 2020 1687: 1659: 1648:28 January 2020 1636: 1608: 1597:21 January 2020 1585: 1563: 1552:14 January 2020 1540: 1510: 1487: 1476: 1473: 1470: 1467: 1459: 1452: 1425: 1402: 1382: 1371:5 December 2017 1359: 1334: 1311: 1293: 1270: 1256: 1233: 1208: 1197:7 November 2017 1185: 1174: 1171: 1168: 1165: 1157: 1150: 211: 201: 196: 188: 180: 175: 164: 153: 130: 122: 71: 46: 38: 30: 23: 2170:4 January 2022 1829:5 January 2021 1499:7 January 2020 16:Swiss crime drama series 462:as Jakob Siegenthaler: 700:Michael Neuenschwander 192:C-Films, Panimage GmbH 2580:SRG 473:Daniel Ludwig (actor) 449:s criminal journalist 34:Crime drama, thriller 1916:from Latin phrase, " 924:Linus MĂĽller (actor) 806:editor, Jenny's boss 189:Production companies 2520:Foreign Crime Drama 2491:on 16 November 2017 2485:Luzerner 2408:aiding and abetting 2398:. Robert released. 1135:from January 2024. 427:Pierre Siegenthaler 354:Cast and characters 113:Pierre Siegenthaler 2612:on 1 February 2020 1014:Klaus Brömmelmeier 749:Annina Butterworth 687:Andreas Grötzinger 131:Original languages 2453:[SRF Series: 2427: 2426: 2148:Original air date 2114: 2113: 1807:Original air date 1773: 1772: 1750:Ten years earlier 1477:Original air date 1443: 1442: 1175:Original air date 1079:Regula Grauwiller 963:Sebastian Rudolph 845:as Bruno Spadin: 709:as Martin Jesch ( 681:Season three only 569:Sabina Schneebeli 505:Rebecca Indermaur 464:kitchen assistant 391:as Manfred Kägi: 236: 235: 123:Country of origin 2738: 2683: 2682: 2680: 2678: 2650: 2644: 2643: 2628: 2622: 2621: 2619: 2617: 2598: 2592: 2591: 2589: 2587: 2568: 2562: 2561: 2559: 2557: 2537: 2531: 2530: 2528: 2526: 2507: 2501: 2500: 2498: 2496: 2477: 2471: 2470: 2468: 2466: 2446: 2387: 2385: 2350: 2348: 2313: 2311: 2260: 2258: 2218: 2216: 2177: 2175: 2133: 2126: 2121: 2120: 2096: 2094: 2049: 2047: 2006: 2004: 1954: 1952: 1883: 1881: 1847:Four years later 1836: 1834: 1792: 1785: 1780: 1779: 1743: 1741: 1706: 1704: 1655: 1653: 1604: 1602: 1559: 1557: 1506: 1504: 1462: 1455: 1450: 1449: 1421: 1419: 1378: 1376: 1330: 1328: 1289: 1287: 1252: 1250: 1212:12 hours earlier 1204: 1202: 1160: 1153: 1148: 1147: 1087: 1074: 1066:Philippe Schuler 1061: 1048: 1035: 1022: 1009: 996: 984: 971: 958: 945: 932: 919: 905:Season four only 893: 880: 867: 851: 844: 831: 823:Nastassja Tanner 818: 798: 782: 757: 744: 731: 718: 714: 708: 695: 577: 558: 545: 538: 530:Ernst C. 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Retrieved 2670: 2667:Buried Truth 2666: 2663:auf Netflix" 2660: 2657:Buried Truth 2656: 2648: 2639: 2633: 2626: 2616:14 September 2614:. Retrieved 2610:the original 2603: 2596: 2586:14 September 2584:. Retrieved 2579: 2575: 2566: 2554:. Retrieved 2549: 2545: 2535: 2523:. Retrieved 2519: 2513: 2505: 2493:. Retrieved 2489:the original 2484: 2475: 2463:. Retrieved 2458: 2454: 2419: 2415: 2411: 2403: 2399: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2186:chemotherapy 2106: 2102: 2064:talent scout 2059: 2055: 2016: 2012: 1968: 1964: 1960: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1897: 1889: 1846: 1843:Armed police 1776:Season three 1765: 1761: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1673: 1669: 1665: 1661: 1622: 1619:wood pellets 1614: 1610: 1522: 1518: 1435: 1431: 1427: 1388: 1384: 1345: 1341: 1219: 1215: 1211: 1133:Buried Truth 1132: 1130: 1122:Vendlincourt 1119: 1097: 1096: 1053:Monika Varga 847:The Reporter 846: 810:Martin Klaus 804:The Reporter 803: 582:Ercan Durmaz 444:The Reporter 443: 348: 344: 339:chemotherapy 336: 327: 314: 310: 297: 293: 289: 239: 238: 237: 225:January 2022 181:Running time 24: 18: 2556:4 September 2552:(in German) 2525:4 September 2495:4 September 2465:4 September 2461:(in German) 2142:Directed by 2117:Season four 1801:Directed by 1541:"Parasites" 1471:Directed by 1338:hypothermia 1236:(SchlĂĽssel) 1169:Directed by 1102:Claudio Fäh 1082: [ 1069: [ 1056: [ 1043: [ 1030: [ 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1144:Season one 1111:Urnerboden 1093:Production 885:Nabil Rafi 550:Kay Kysela 219:2017-11-07 176:Production 157:of seasons 39:Created by 2412:Flashback 2400:Flashback 2371:(Schande) 2277:Flashback 2269:Flashback 2103:Flashback 2056:Flashback 2033:(Prozess) 2031:"Process" 2013:Flashback 1969:custodiet 1961:Flashback 1906:Flashback 1890:Flashback 1762:Flashback 1758:Flashback 1725:"Revenge" 1670:Flashback 1662:Flashback 1623:Flashback 1611:Flashback 1519:Flashback 1436:Flashback 1428:Flashback 1405:(Abgrund) 1385:Flashback 1342:Flashback 1216:Flashback 1188:(Knochen) 715:Lauener) 378:treatment 2604:Wilder 2 2334:(Schuss) 2200:"Gravel" 1990:(Keller) 1988:"Cellar" 1914:sed quis 1688:"Cursed" 1572:meth lab 1568:football 1515:SIM card 1360:"Pirate" 375:cantonal 265:cantonal 72:Starring 2578:]. 2416:Present 2404:Present 2382: ( 2345: ( 2308: ( 2297:(Dampf) 2295:"Steam" 2281:Present 2273:Current 2255: ( 2244:(Scham) 2242:"Shame" 2227:aphasia 2213: ( 2172: ( 2128:overall 2107:Present 2091: ( 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1163:season 1115:Glarus 1098:Wilder 717:a.k.a. 544:a.k.a. 331:gaslit 240:Wilder 146:Arabic 140:French 137:German 25:Wilder 2665:[ 2638:[ 2161:(Sau) 2159:"Sow" 2139:Title 1798:Title 1468:Title 1234:"Key" 1166:Title 1086:] 1073:] 1060:] 1047:] 1034:] 1021:] 1008:] 983:] 970:] 957:] 944:] 931:] 918:] 892:] 879:] 866:] 850:' 843:] 830:] 817:] 797:] 781:] 756:] 743:] 730:] 707:] 694:] 576:] 557:] 537:] 524:] 480:] 460:] 447:' 440:] 415:] 389:] 367:] 278:), a 276:] 257:] 206:SRF 1 97:] 85:] 31:Genre 2701:IMDb 2679:2024 2669:aka 2618:2024 2588:2024 2558:2024 2527:2024 2497:2024 2467:2024 1894:iron 1126:Biel 1113:and 665:Lyon 371:Bern 261:Bern 2699:at 2132:No. 2125:No. 1851:USB 1791:No. 1784:No. 1461:No. 1454:No. 1159:No. 1152:No. 1107:SRF 994:nĂ©e 166:No. 155:No. 2712:: 2518:. 2437:^ 2363:24 2326:23 2289:22 2236:21 2194:20 2153:19 2134:in 2072:18 2025:17 1982:16 1930:15 1896:. 1859:14 1812:13 1793:in 1719:12 1682:11 1631:10 1463:in 1340:. 1161:in 1128:. 1084:de 1071:de 1058:de 1045:de 1032:de 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Claudio Fäh
Sarah Spale
Marcus Signer
Claudio Fäh
Sarah Spale
Marcus Signer
federal police
but who will guard the guardians?
Sarah Spale
Marcus Signer
federal police
Andreas Matti
László I. Kish

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
