
Xian (Taoism)

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6249: 6335: 6317: 4751:—'To the East of the Gulf of Chih-li, who knows how many thousands and millions of miles, there is a deep ravine, a valley truly without bottom; and its bottomless underneath is named "The Entry to the Void". The waters of the eight corners and the nine regions, the stream of the Milky Way, all pour into it, but it neither shrinks nor grows. Within it there are five mountains, called Tai-yü, Yüan-chiao, Fang-hu, Ying-chou and P'eng-Iai. These mountains are thirty thousand miles high, and as many miles round; the tablelands on their summits extend for nine thousand miles. It is seventy thousand miles from one mountain to the next, but they are considered close neighbours. The towers and terraces upon them are all gold and jade, the beasts and birds are all unsullied white; trees of pearl and garnet always grow densely, flowering and bearing fruit which is always luscious, and those who eat of it never grow old and die. The men who dwell there are all of the race of immortal sages, who fly, too many to be counted, to and from one mountain to another in a day and a night. Yet the bases of the five mountains used to rest on nothing; they were always rising and falling, going and returning, with the ebb and flow of the tide, and never for a moment stood firm. The immortals found this troublesome, and complained about it to God. God was afraid that they would drift to the far West and he would lose the home of his sages. So he commanded Yü-ch'iang to make fifteen giant turtles carry the five mountains on their lifted heads, taking turns in three watches, each sixty thousand years long; and for the first time the mountains stood firm and did not move. 6376: 6671: 6568: 2604: 6950: 6553: 6047: 4270: 5400: 6986: 6970: 1309: 6762: 6027: 6496: 2349: 2889: 6822: 2904: 6011: 5960: 4611: 3826: 6869: 3801: 4285: 6686: 6701: 6188: 6276: 5485: 5929: 6935: 4885:"...blow on water and it will flow against its own current for several paces; blow on fire, and it will be extinguished; blow at tigers or wolves, and they will crouch down and not be able to move; blow at serpents, and they will coil up and be unable to flee. If someone is wounded by a weapon, blow on the wound, and the bleeding will stop. If you hear of someone who has suffered a poisonous insect bite, even if you are not in his presence, you can, from a distance, blow and say in incantation over your own hand (males on the left hand, females on the right), and the person will at once be healed even if more than a hundred li away. And if you yourself are struck by a sudden illness, you have merely to swallow pneumas in three series of nine, and you will immediately recover. 5497: 5363: 6431: 6295: 6170: 6066: 6392: 6785: 6834: 6208: 6459: 5951: 4753:'But there was a giant from the kingdom of the Dragon Earl, who came to the place of the five mountains in no more than a few strides. In one throw he hooked six of the turtles in a bunch, hurried back to his country carrying them together on his back, and scorched their bones to tell fortunes by the cracks. Thereupon two of the mountains, Tai-yü and Yüan-chiao, drifted to the far North and sank in the great sea; the immortals who were carried away numbered many millions. God was very angry, and reduced by degrees the size of the Dragon Earl's kingdom and the height of his subjects. At the time of Fu-hsi and Shen-nung, the people of this country were still several hundred feet high.' 4134:"Well, then—mind‑nourishment!" said Big Concealment. "You have only to rest in inaction and things will transform themselves. Smash your form and body, spit out hearing and eyesight, forget you are a thing among other things, and you may join in great unity with the deep and boundless. Undo the mind, slough off spirit, be blank and soulless, and the ten thousand things one by one will return to the root—return to the root and not know why. Dark and undifferentiated chaos—to the end of life none will depart from it. But if you try to know it, you have already departed from it. Do not ask what its name is, do not try to observe its form. Things will live naturally end of themselves." 5995: 3569: 6853: 4243:
on a tub and singing—this is going too far, isn't it?" Chuang Tzu said, "You're wrong. When she first died, do you think I didn't grieve like anyone else? But I looked back to her beginning and the time before she was born. Not only the time before she was born, but the time before she had a body. Not only the time before she had a body, but the time before she had a spirit. In the midst of the jumble of wonder and mystery a change took place and she had a spirit. Another change and she had a body. Another change and she was born. Now there's been another change and she's dead. It's just like the progression of the four seasons, spring, summer, fall, winter."
6475: 6518: 6085: 6637: 6116: 6408: 6601: 6656: 6530: 6143: 6583: 1308: 4713:
nor love, yet immortals and sages serve him as ministers. He inspires no awe, he is never angry, yet the eager and diligent act as his messengers. He is without kindness and bounty, but others have enough by themselves; he does not store and save, but he himself never lacks. The Yin and Yang are always in tune, the sun and moon always shine, the four seasons are always regular, wind and rain are always temperate, breeding is always timely, the harvest is always rich, and there are no plagues to ravage the land, no early deaths to afflict men, animals have no diseases, and ghosts have no uncanny echoes.
2210: 6621: 5008:"The sexual behaviors between a man and woman are identical to how the universe itself came into creation. Like Heaven and Earth, the male and female share a parallel relationship in attaining an immortal existence. They both must learn how to engage and develop their natural sexual instincts and behaviors; otherwise the only result is decay and traumatic discord of their physical lives. However, if they engage in the utmost joys of sensuality and apply the principles of yin and yang to their sexual activity, their health, vigor, and joy of love will bear them the fruits of longevity and immortality. 2375: 6803: 6884: 6744: 7009: 4600: 5066: 6230: 1756: 4949: 4825: 5457: 6357: 4306: 5840:). Below is a wooden netsuke, made in the 18th century. It represents a perplexed old man with one hand based on the curve of a snag, and the other hand is rubbing his head with concern. He is looking somewhere in the sky and tucked up the right leg. This position was commonly used for art of Sennin Tekkay, whose soul has found the second life in the body of the lame beggar. In shape the beggarly old man this legendary personality portrayed prominent carver of the early period Jobun. A similar humorous depiction of 2313: 5815: 5473: 5976: 6919: 6903: 1959: 3194: 333: 6248: 6716: 139: 10762: 43: 5020:"A female can completely restore her youthfulness and attain immortality if she refrains from allowing just one or two men in her life from stealing and destroying her essence, which will only serve in aging her at a rapid rate and bring about an early death. However, if she can acquire the sexual essence of a thousand males through absorption, she will acquire the great benefits of youthfulness and immortality." 3550: 6730: 2868:)- "Lords Who Control the Earth" - A heavenly decree ordered them to "disperse all subordinate junior demons, whether high or low , that have cause afflictions and injury owing to blows or offenses against the Motion of the Year, the Original Destiny, Great Year, the Kings of the Soil or the establishing or breaking influences of the chronograms of the tome. Annihilate them all." This level was also 241: 2516:) —"Human Immortals": Humans have an equal balance of yin and yang energies, so they have the potential of becoming either a ghost or immortal. Although they continue to hunger and thirst and require clothing and shelter like a normal human, these immortals do not suffer from aging or sickness. Human immortals do not leave the realm of humans. There are many sub-classes of human immortals. 2131:
people who perform the proper religious practices or have the right kind of destiny. Some immortals also live in grottoes underneath the sacred mountains. They can freely change their appearance: sometimes they appear in the everyday world looking like ordinary men, to test young immortal aspirants. They move very swiftly and fly though the air, sometimes using wings. (1989:73-98)
4269: 365: 84: 2592:) —"Celestial Immortals" also known as "Heavenly Immortals" : Spirit immortals who are summoned to heaven are given the minor office of water realm judge. Over time, they are promoted to oversee the earth realm and finally become administrators of the celestial realm. These immortals have the power to travel back and forth between the earthly and celestial realms. 4941:, hunters in the Zhongnan Mountains saw a person who wore no clothes, his body covered with black hair. Upon seeing this person, the hunters wanted to pursue and capture him, but the person leapt over gullies and valleys as if in flight, and so could not be overtaken. to feel neither hunger nor thirst; in winter was not cold, in summer was not hot.'] 6334: 6316: 2540:) — "Earthly Immortals": When the yin is transformed into the pure yang, a true immortal body will emerge that does not need food, drink, clothing or shelter and is not affected by hot or cold temperatures. Earth immortals do not leave the realm of earth. These immortals are forced to stay on earth until they shed their human form. 5036:
sexual activity according to their nature. These arts are based on the theory that the more females a man copulates with, the greater benefit he will derive from the act. Men who are ignorant of this art, copulating with only one or two females during their life, will only suffice to bring about their untimely and early death.
2564:) —"Spirit Immortals" also known as "Divine Immortals": The immortal body of the earthbound class will eventually change into vapor through further practice. They have supernatural powers and can take on the shape of any object. These immortals must remain on earth, acquiring merit by teaching mankind about the 6949: 5429:(immortals) were spirits of human origin and that they could become them. It was believed that they could become immortals by refining their bodies throughout their lives by taking drugs and/or performing the correct amount of good deeds and repentant acts to make up for bad deeds throughout their lives. 4943:
The hunters took the woman back in. They offered her grain to eat. When she first smelled the stink of grain, she vomited, and only after several days could she tolerate it. After little more than two years of this , her body hair fell out; she turned old and died. Had she not been caught by men, she
Chuang Tzu's wife died. When Hui Tzu went to convey his condolences, he found Chuang Tzu sitting with his legs sprawled out, pounding on a tub and singing. "You lived with her, she brought up your children and grew old," said Hui Tzu. "It should be enough simply not to weep at her death. But pounding
Big Concealment said, "If you confuse the constant strands of Heaven and violate the true form of things, then Dark Heaven will reach no fulfillment. Instead, the beasts will scatter from their herds, the birds will cry all night, disaster will come to the grass and trees, misfortune will reach even
However, this is not a true form of immortality. For each misdeed a person commits, the Director of allotted life spans subtracts days and sometimes years from their allotted life span. This method allows a person to live out the entirety of their allotted lifespan and avoid the agents of death. But
They are immune to heat and cold, untouched by the elements, and can fly, mounting upward with a fluttering motion. They dwell apart from the chaotic world of man, subsist on air and dew, are not anxious like ordinary people, and have the smooth skin and innocent faces of children. The transcendents
Legends of so-called immortals were widely accepted by the ancient Chinese. Although the concept of immortals was not exactly the same through the ages, some general images persisted. Immortals usually live in clean and pure places such as high mountains; they do not eat cereals; they appear only to
The Ku-ye mountains stand on a chain of islands where the Yellow River enters the sea. Upon the mountains there lives a Divine Man, who inhales the wind and drinks the dew, and does not eat the five grains. His mind is like a bottomless spring, his body is like a virgin's. He knows neither intimacy
Lieh Tzu could ride the wind and go soaring around with cool and breezy skill, but after fifteen days he came back to earth. As far as the search for good fortune went, he didn't fret and worry. He escaped the trouble of walking, but he still had to depend on something to get around. If he had only
The true sage is a quail at rest, a little fledgling at its meal, a bird in flight who leaves no trail behind. When the world has the Way, he joins in the chorus with all other things. When the world is without the Way, he nurses his Virtue and retires in leisure. And after a thousand years, should
Some sects thought they were more worthy to venerate than gods because of their admirable qualities or their being more powerful in only few specific ways, such as comprehension of some heavenly powers and/or the spiritual location they live in, while acknowledging their lack of strength and their
which is meant to entertain, disturb, and exalt us, not to be taken as literal hagiography. Then and later, the philosophical Taoists were distinguished from all other schools of Taoism by their rejection of the pursuit of immortality. As we shall see, their books came to be adopted as scriptural
The [immortals] Dark Girl and Plain Girl compared sexual activity as the intermingling of fire [yang/male] and water [yin/female], claiming that water and fire can kill people but can also regenerate their life, depending on whether or not they know the correct methods of
and there are many kinds, that is, heaven gods/celestials(天神), earth spirits(地祇), wuling(物灵, animism, the spirit of all things, netherworld gods(地府神灵), gods of human body(人体之神), gods of human ghost(人鬼之神)etc. Among these "gods" such as heaven gods/celestials(天神), earth spirits(地祇), netherworld
Many conclusions can be reached on the basis of this story, but it seems that death is regarded as a natural part of the ebb and flow of transformations which constitute the movement of Dao. To grieve over death, or to fear one's own death, for that matter, is to arbitrarily evaluate what is
are often bird-human and reptile-human hybrids, depicted as "liminal but spiritually empowered figures" who accompanied a deceased person's soul to paradise, "transient figures moving through an intermediate realm" where they are often joined by deer, tigers, dragons, birds, heavenly horses
are frequently depicted with "secondary characteristics" including androgyny, large ears, long hair, exaggerated nonhuman faces, tattoo-like markings, and nudity; many of these traits also appear in depictions of foreigners, who also lived outside the Chinese cultural and spiritual sphere.
as "transcendent, sylph (a being who, through alchemical, gymnastic and other disciplines, has achieved a refined and perhaps immortal body, able to fly like a bird beyond the trammels of the base material world into the realms of aether, and nourish himself on air and dew.)" Schafer noted
5433:, and therefore, status as an immortal, was also thought to be accessible through being an unenlightened soul in the afterlife that is prayed for in the collective salvation prayers of Taoist temple worshippers, who pray in the hope that souls will reach a better status in their death. 6046: 4204:
He said that there is a Holy Man living on faraway Ku-she Mountain, with skin like ice or snow, and gentle and shy like a young girl. He doesn't eat the five grains, but sucks the wind, drinks the dew, climbs up on the clouds and mist, rides a flying dragon, and wanders beyond the
6375: 5959: 5893:
among commoners who belonged to no specific religious tradition, the desire to become an immortal, imported from China and Korean Taoist sects, mostly manifested itself in the wish for merely longer life instead of living forever. Peaks and valleys were commonly named after the
and becoming them were quite popular. Chinese folk religion practitioners in the Tang dynasty when Chinese religious traditions were more entrenched drew symbols of immortality and paintings with Taoist symbolism on tombs so their family members could have a chance at becoming
6026: 5640:"just off-planet" and explore various places in the universe to perform "various actions and miracles." A Confucian cosmology that had immortals in it viewed them as beings of a "heavenly world", which was "above the earthly world" that was distinct "from a dark underworld". 2716:) - "Escaped-by-means-of-a-stimulated-corpse-simulacrum Immortal", literally "Corpse Untie Immortal" - The lowest level. This is considered the lowest form of immortality since a person must first "fake" their own death by substituting a bewitched object like a bamboo pole, 8696: 8002:
Carlson, Kathie; Flanagin, Michael N.; Martin, Kathleen; Martin, Mary E.; Mendelsohn, John; Rodgers, Priscilla Young; Ronnberg, Ami; Salman, Sherry; Wesley, Deborah A. (2010). Arm, Karen; Ueda, Kako; Thulin, Anne; Langerak, Allison; Kiley, Timothy Gus; Wolff, Mary (eds.).
Holmes Welch analyzed the beginnings of Daoism, sometime around the 4th–3rd centuries BCE, from four separate streams: philosophical Daoism (Laozi, Zhuangzi, Liezi), a "hygiene school" that cultivated longevity through breathing exercises and yoga, Chinese alchemy and
mounted on the truth of Heaven and Earth, ridden the changes of the six breaths, and thus wandered through the boundless, then what would he have had to depend on? Therefore, I say, the Perfect Man has no self; the Holy Man has no merit; the Sage has no fame. (1)
3671:"mountain") phonetic. For a character analysis, Schipper interprets "'the human being of the mountain,' or alternatively, 'human mountain'. The two explanations are appropriate to these beings: they haunt the holy mountains, while also embodying nature." 6670: 6567: 2312: 5725:, beliefs about death that included them were notable among ordinary Chinese than Buddhist counterparts, and some who were inclined towards Taoism or were part of a Taoist religious organization and also thought Buddhist deities existed believed 6761: 6552: 5387:
as a holy human being, who could be good or evil, who went to heaven by following a path that would make the soul stay in the body permanently, along with making the body disappear from Earth, popular among folk religious practitioners.
Cloud Chief said, "The Heavenly Master has favored me with this Virtue, instructed me in this Silence. All my life I have been looking for it, and now at last I have it!" He bowed his head twice, stood up, took his leave, and went away.
6985: 6969: 6821: 8689:"In representing the bodies of one gives them a plumage, and their arms are changed into wings with which they poise in the clouds. This means an extension of their lifetime. They are believed not to die for a thousand years. " 4180:
imagery to describe individuals with superhuman powers, such as flying in the clouds. For example, Chapter 1, within the circa 3rd century BCE "Inner Chapters", has two portrayals. First is this description of Liezi (below).
6495: 6430: 2160:
were thought of as "personal gods" who were formerly humans, a human who ascended through ascetics, scholarly pursuits and the warrior art's". Taoists would venerate them, and emulate their example in everyday life.
6868: 6010: 5898:, and Buddhist principles were also sometimes thought to be important to becoming one in Korea and art communities in Korea often approved of paintings of Taoist immortals and others depicting Buddhist symbolism. 2838:) - "Agents Above the Earth" - Are given magic talismans which prolong their lives (but not indefinitely) and allow them to heal the sick and exorcize demons and evil spirits from the earth. This level was 2603: 5928: 4887:
But the most essential thing is fetal breathing. Those who obtain fetal breathing become able to breathe without using their nose or mouth, as if in the womb, and this is the culmination of the way ."
4441:", and both reflect Daoist ideas from the Han period. "Though unoriginal in theme," says Hawkes, "its description of air travel, written in a pre-aeroplane age, is exhilarating and rather impressive." 4254:
inevitable. Of course, this reading is somewhat ironic given the fact that much of the subsequent Daoist tradition comes to seek longevity and immortality, and bases some of their basic models on the
were also thought by some Taoists to be synonymous with the gods inside the body, and as beings that would sometimes cause mortals problems but could be fought with martial virtue and martial arts.
6169: 6187: 4292: 2192:
were thought to have powers linked to their tools that were ultimately of a single nature that can add to or subtract the lifespan of humans depending on the human's level of their discretion.
6934: 6636: 5419:
gods(阴府神灵), gods of human body(人体之神) exist innately. "Xian" (Immortal) is acquired the cultivation of the Tao,persons with vast supernatural powers, unpredictable changes and immortality.
6294: 6407: 4245:"Now she's going to lie down peacefully in a vast room. If I were to follow after her bawling and sobbing, it would show that I don't understand anything about fate. So I stopped. (18) 5399: 6084: 8224: 6275: 5383:
were deceased noblemen, such as emperors and ancestors who were nobles, as well as commoner "worthies". However, Taoism changed that belief eventually by making the Taoist view of a
conception) seeker who takes refuge in immortality (longevity for the realization of divinity); transcended person recoded by the "higher self"; divine soul; fully established being
2880:, who was eventually murdered by evil spirits because he lost his book of magic talismans. However, some immortals are written to have used this method in order to escape execution. 5414:
Taoism is polytheistic religion. The gods and immortals(神仙) believed in by Taoism can be roughly divided into two categories, namely "gods" and "xian" (immortals). "Gods" refers to
6115: 6149: 6122: 6095: 4004:
They are usually found in Taoist texts, although some Buddhist sources mention them. Chinese folk religion and writings on it also use them, such as in Northeast China with the
6784: 5803:, "the esoteric sounds of the heavens", and "the beginning of the universe". The language also represented the harmonious relation between the gods, who Brahmā ruled over, and 3109:, which assigned everyone else to "gloomy underworld jails", "a fiery underworld", and/or a mundane role in the afterlife depending on how positively one viewed the afterlife 6706: 5666:
if they died after performing certain rituals or living a certain way and gain the ability to explore "heavenly realms". These Taoists' spirits after death would be seen as
2728:(司命 - "Director of allotted life spans", literally "Controller of Fate"). Mortals who choose this route have to protect themselves from heavenly retribution by inacting the 6685: 5994: 2348: 9677: 9285: 6529: 2888: 6474: 6852: 6391: 4813:
authority by those who did practice magic and seek to become immortal. But it was their misunderstanding of philosophical Taoism that was the reason they adopted it.
6833: 5589:, he or she could live for 1,000 years in the human world if he or she chose to, and afterwards, transform his or her body into "pure yang energy and ". 6700: 6620: 6142: 6600: 6207: 6065: 6508: 5422:
Taoists sometimes had the same beliefs as folk religious practitioners about noblemen and noble ancestors, although they invented the ideas that said otherwise.
1847: 6458: 4860:(283–343 CE), Komjathy says, "The received versions of the text contain some 100-odd hagiographies, most of which date from 6th–8th centuries at the earliest." 2903: 6582: 4521:
poem, is usually interpreted as describing ecstatic flights and trance techniques of Chinese shamans. The above three poems are variations describing Daoist
who can offer assistance to "worthy human followers" and whose existence fosters the relationship between the living and the dead. Sometimes, they and other
who could fly through the universe, typically either combinations of a bird's body and a human face, or a human with wings sprouting on their back, i.e., a
1861: 2876:
These titles were usually given to humans who had either not proven themselves worthy of or were not fated to become immortals. One such famous agent was
8571: 5581:, and some Taoist sects held that the "adept of immortality" could get in touch with the "pure energies possessed at birth by every infant" to become a 4796:, or Immortal, is used by Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu, and though they attributed to their idealized individual the magic powers that were attributed to the 6356: 2964:) physically immortal; immortal person; an immortal; saint, one who is aligned with Heaven's mandate and does not suffer earthly desires or attachments. 5795:" was also seen as another sacred language used as a liturgical language, and was frequently confused with Sanskrit. It was thought of as an important 160: 153: 3825: 10489: 4394:" ("Far-off Journey") poem describes a spiritual journey into the realms of gods and immortals, frequently referring to Daoist myths and techniques. 3530:) "'An immortal' ... men and women who attain supernatural abilities; after death they become immortals and deities who can fly through the air" and 287: 4804:
ideal was something they did not believe in—either that it was possible or that it was good. The magic powers are allegories and hyperboles for the
are Taoist, but they are usually associated with Taoist adepts who have ascended to immortality and godhood through spiritual practice and mastery.
6154: 6127: 6100: 9213:; Brewer, Paul; Shaw, Anthony; Chandler, Malcolm; Cheshire, Gerard; Cranfield, Ingrid; Ralph Lewis, Brenda; Sutherland, Joe; Vint, Robert (2003). 7141: 4217:
had a lyrical view of life and death, seeing them as complementary aspects of natural changes. This is antithetical to the physical immortality (
1989: 1557: 8512:
Wu Lu-ch'iang and Tenney L. Davis. 1935. "An Ancient Chinese Alchemical Classic. Ko Hung on the Gold Medicine and on the Yellow and the White",
4610: 10815: 9910: 496: 6229: 5780:
and possibly because some xian were thought of as spirits of Indian origin or ascended humans from the same area or other parts of the world.
4284: 4164:
he weary of the world, he will leave it and ascend to the immortals, riding on those white clouds all the way up to the village of God. (12)
3800: 9117: 6611: 7048:, which is part of a larger genre called cultivation fantasy or cultivation, named after the beings where characters usually seek to become 3934:
techniques for immortality included alchemical recipes, magic plants, rare minerals, herbal medicines, drugs, and dietetic techniques like
1119: 9948: 7432: 4671:(" Master Lie"), which Louis Komjathy says "was probably compiled in the 3rd century CE (while containing earlier textual layers)", uses 6918: 6902: 6517: 3749:
in a line describing dancing may be to denote the height of the leaps. Since, "to live for a long time" has no etymological relation to
2568:. Spirit immortals do not leave the realm of spirits. Once enough merit is accumulated, they are called to heaven by a celestial decree. 6883: 6743: 6481: 1854: 2114:
have been venerated from ancient times to the modern day in a variety of ways across different cultures and religious sects in China.
11432: 10428: 5975: 5799:
language that a Taoist version of Brahmā spoke and that some immortals also spoke to a lesser degree which was the embodiment of the
9904: 7213: 6627: 5484: 3112:(in Daoism and Chinese folk religion) a Daoist who was blessed to become immortal from death onwards and/or a guardian of a village 2724:
into the coffin of a newly departed relative, thus having their name and "allotted life span" deleted from the ledgers kept by the
The Essential Tao: An Initiation Into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-Tzu
live an effortless existence that is best described as spontaneous. They recall the ancient Indian ascetics and holy men known as
10569: 2096:
is also used as a descriptor to refer to often benevolent figures of great historical, spiritual and cultural significance. The
took immortality literally and described esoteric Chinese alchemical techniques for physical longevity, with techniques such as
10244: 9763: 4966:), the two "Immortals of Harmony and Unity", associated with happy marriage, depicted in Changchun Temple, a Taoist temple in 9812: 9771: 9705: 9649: 9342: 9313: 9189: 8944: 8424: 8365: 8201: 8159: 8123: 8051: 8016: 7934: 7902: 7776: 7744: 7620: 7203: 5496: 4776:
on expeditions to find these plants of immortality, but he never returned (although by some accounts, he discovered Japan).
7475: 7017: 9861:"Xiuzhen (Immortality Cultivation) Fantasy: Science, Religion, and the Novels of Magic/Superstition in Contemporary China" 8909: 6655: 5362: 1755: 203: 11379: 10435: 9828: 7116: 3869:
or "feathered person" (later another word for "Daoist" ), and were described with motifs of feathers and flying, such as
1982: 1211: 6802: 175: 11052: 10037: 4781: 4012: 824: 8321: 4238:"live forever and never age") sought by later Daoist alchemists. Consider this famous passage about accepting death.) 10456: 9605: 9551: 9461: 9424: 9396: 9226: 9145: 9089: 9064: 8828: 8614: 8558: 8534: 8298: 8083: 7866: 7837: 7803: 7652: 7540: 7521: 7421: 7399: 7362: 7342: 7327: 4297: 4209:. By concentrating his spirit, he can protect creatures from sickness and plague and make the harvest plentiful. (1) 3706:). "But when they have drunk too much, Their deportment becomes light and frivolous—They leave their seats, and [ 1709: 1139: 317: 222: 120: 70: 9976: 4132:
Cloud Chief said, "Heavenly Master, it has been hard indeed for me to meet with you—I beg one word of instruction!"
3619: 2319: 1433: 1269: 332: 182: 2108:
means during its history, including a metaphorical meaning where the term simply means a good, principled person.
11437: 11147: 10521: 10514: 10400: 9941: 8229: 5757:, and this happened in the Han dynasty as well before some theological ideas that would become popular later on. 2075: 1633: 932: 11272: 10482: 8475: 8448: 2240:
dragons were thought to be the mounts of gods and goddesses or manifestations of the spirit of Taoists such as
1975: 1764: 1654: 1287: 1124: 102: 56: 8583: 5606:
are conventionally held to be beings that bring good fortune and "benevolent spirits". Some Taoists beseeched
11262: 11027: 10449: 10365: 9796: 7092: 7066: 1661: 1114: 809: 189: 17: 9799:; Vallely, Anne; Woo, Terry Tak-ling; Nelson, John K. (2010). Oxtoby, Willard Gurdon; Amore, Roy C. (eds.). 8662: 4808:
powers that come from identification with Tao. Spiritualized Man, P'eng-lai, and the rest are features of a
11267: 8921: 7174: 5950: 3599: 3142:
or an afterlife that combines elements of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, a higher reality (variably a
1668: 1538: 1109: 841: 3568: 10651: 10562: 10184: 7220: 4019:
because of some of their supernatural abilities and could have been considered such. Upon his death, the
3904: 439: 94: 5079: 3841:"immortals; transcendents" can vary following the historical changes in how Daoists viewed immortality. 171: 10032: 9996: 9934: 9366: 7612: 5718: 5682: 5465: 5441: 4784:
philosophy, and those who sought Penglai and elixirs of "immortality". This is what he concludes about
twice, reflecting the disparate origins of the text. These three contexts mention the legendary Daoist
4274: 4048:
powers including the abilities to "walk...through walls or light without casting a shadow."
1626: 1590: 1531: 1412: 1231: 5689:
lifespan like a god. Given that many Taoists believed that their gods and gods belonging to different
or a being of comparable holiness and power over nature to one, or a type of god worshipped in temples
11427: 11417: 11347: 10535: 10507: 10287: 10011: 7821: 7513: 7391: 7184: 4433: 4355: 2611: 2398: 2185: 1684: 1236: 1169: 5878:(金春禅鳳, 1454–1520?). The Japanese legend of Gama Sennin (蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal") is based upon Chinese 4378:(r. 571–545 BCE), who flew away on a giant white bird, became an immortal and was never again seen. 3636:("rise up; ascend") phonetic supposedly because immortals could "ascend into the heavens". (Compare 3154:
and the forces of nature, or existence itself or a being that a deceased person's soul should become
11442: 11032: 10407: 9210: 8187: 2352: 1922: 799: 546: 266: 7273:, a type of ghost that was sometimes thought to be synonymous with the spirits of Taoist immortals 11447: 11422: 11069: 11037: 11000: 10835: 10821: 10528: 10421: 10113: 9991: 9804: 9597: 9543: 9513: 9486: 9453: 9334: 8262: 7858: 7644: 7604: 7159: 7084: 6691: 4983: 2983: 2979: 1346: 1339: 804: 772: 611: 514: 502: 149: 9358: 5087:
manuscript, in a borrowing from Taoist teachings, discusses the characteristics of ten types of
2812:. They are eligible for promotion to earthbound immortality after 280 years of faithful service. 2209: 11127: 10743: 10555: 10343: 10317: 10168: 9971: 7413: 7225: 6772: 4929: 4480:" ("Alas That My Lot Was Not Cast") describes a celestial journey similar to the previous two. 3913: 3482: 3327: 2920: 1716: 1506: 909: 604: 551: 283: 7441: 2776:) - "The 'death' is apparent, the sloughing off of the body's mortality remains to be done." 2720:, or a shoe for their corpse. There are also stories of Taoist cultivators slipping a type of 10748: 10312: 10016: 8609: 8382: 8151: 7681:
Zürcher, Erik (1980). "Buddhist Influence on Early Taoism: A Survey of Scriptural Evidence".
6072: 5826: 5376: 4749:
T'ang asked again: 'Are there large things and small, long and short, similar and different?'
3727: 3098: 1840: 1426: 1387: 1298: 556: 31: 5123: 3119:
and Buddhist-inspired Taoist sects) a kind of deity or spiritual person imported from Taoism
8234: 7354: 7121: 6179: 4938: 4278: 3645:"move; transfer; change" combining this phonetic and the motion radical.) The usual modern 3177: 2998: 2374: 2356: 2067: 1943: 1640: 1351: 1262: 1073: 10965: 5788: 5353:
who "have attained the end" and perfected their awakening through constant transformation.
8: 10442: 10297: 9122: 8397: 8075: 7305:
Daoist ascension to immortality is also called "羽化登升" or "Becoming feather and ascending"
6859: 6793: 6198: 6052: 5808: 5714: 5532: 5489: 5477: 5403: 3105:
who had immortal lifespans and supernatural powers, and were enlightened to the works of
2048: 1929: 1585: 196: 8713: 7460:
Loewe, Michael (1978). "Man and Beast: The Hybrid in Early Chinese Art and Literature".
The Songs of the South: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poems by Qu Yuan and Other Poets
According to John Lagerway, the earliest artistic representations of xian date from the
immortals and magic islands to describe spiritual immortality, sometimes using the word
3518:." Axel Schuessler's etymological dictionary suggests a Sino-Tibetan connection between 11394: 11374: 11364: 11315: 11257: 10793: 10613: 10463: 10292: 10277: 9738: 8546: 8193: 7973: 7969: 7706: 7551:
The Tao of Health, Longevity, and Immortality: The Teachings of Immortals Chung and Lü.
6646: 6539: 6449: 6441: 5769: 5108: 4599: 3224: 3026: 1915: 1789: 1697: 1206: 1196: 1186: 1093: 1058: 491: 420: 292: 62: 9057:
The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon: Taoist Methods for Male Sexual Revitalization
6963:(Immortal) riding a dragon (17th century), Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi 5681:
was often seen as a heroic "quest" in Taoist mythos to either become as powerful as a
was called "Hsien...Taoism". This type of Taoism was also associated with worshipping
5065: 4130:"Ah," said Big Concealment, "you are too far gone! Up, up, stir yourself and be off!" 2275:) (lit. "fox spirit") "fox fairy; vixen; witch; enchantress" has an alternate name of 11015: 10810: 10622: 10586: 10414: 9981: 9957: 9808: 9792: 9767: 9730: 9701: 9655: 9645: 9637: 9629: 9611: 9601: 9557: 9547: 9457: 9430: 9420: 9392: 9338: 9309: 9222: 9185: 9085: 9060: 8940: 8824: 8554: 8530: 8496: 8420: 8416: 8361: 8357: 8294: 8197: 8165: 8155: 8119: 8079: 8047: 8012: 7930: 7898: 7872: 7862: 7833: 7799: 7772: 7740: 7698: 7648: 7616: 7586: 7536: 7517: 7417: 7395: 7358: 7338: 7323: 7179: 6715: 6263: 6239: 5804: 5461: 5052: 4948: 4824: 4635: 4375: 3676: 3531: 3456: 3399: 3016: 2994: 2721: 2615: 2217: 2083: 1936: 1866: 1730: 1723: 1575: 1419: 787: 561: 413: 395: 379: 374: 11064: 6032:
Mural showing heavenly beings riding on chariot driven by dragons, of a tomb of the
5456: 4614:
Mural showing heavenly beings riding on chariot driven by dragons, of a tomb of the
Besides the following major Chinese texts, many others use both graphic variants of
11352: 11306: 11289: 10595: 10229: 10224: 10130: 9882: 9872: 9685: 9293: 8801: 8667: 8282: 8225:"Immortality of the Spirit: Chinese Funerary Art from the Han & Tang Dynasties" 7965: 7926: 7690: 7276: 6214: 6160: 6133: 6106: 6056: 5787:
and was often random in its structure and mixture of the two called "the sounds of
5784: 5734: 5407: 5100: 4829: 4757: 4221: 4096: 4075: 3460: 3116: 3039: 2851: 2821: 2791: 2759: 2733: 2699: 2672: 2648: 2575: 2547: 2523: 2499: 2463: 2432: 2410: 2280: 2258: 2009: 1832: 1801: 1796: 1605: 1550: 1405: 1174: 1083: 1068: 5875: 5600:
in its aspect as "the source of all being, in which life and death are the same."
who achieve transcendence through unceasing recitation of spells and prohibitions.
3463: 11311: 11042: 10988: 10983: 10978: 10891: 10239: 10042: 9920: 9697: 9388: 9305: 7918: 7894: 7573: 7462: 7351:
To Live As Long As Heaven and Earth: Ge Hong's Traditions of Divine Transcendents
7240: 7230: 7169: 7008: 6503: 6259: 5882:, a fabled 10th-century alchemist who learned the secret of immortality from the 5777: 5445: 5092: 5044: 4060: 3871: 3341: 3127: 2970: 2912: 2693: 2165: 2097: 2079: 1963: 1749: 1600: 1255: 1088: 859: 814: 760: 755: 750: 738: 661: 348: 337: 5391:
In 2005, roughly 8% of Chinese folk practitioners believed in "immortal souls".
3771: 2928: 11389: 11342: 11294: 11244: 11217: 11207: 11187: 11057: 10393: 10118: 10103: 10057: 9986: 9721:
Vos, Frits (1979). "Tung-fang Shuo, Buffoon and Immortal, in Japan and Korea".
9673: 9482: 9380: 9281: 9218: 9178:
Discovering God: The Origins of the Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief
The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress: Secrets of the Female Taoist Masters
8605: 8470: 8443: 7829: 7791: 7492: 7104: 7023: 6076: 5549: 5528: 5524: 5313:
who achieve transcendence through constant periods of thought and recollection.
White Tigress (Zhuang Li Quan Pure Angelic Metal Ajna Empress "Toppest") Manual
4987: 4881:—"energy"): Breath control and meditation. Those who belong to this school can 4838: 4761: 4689: 4020: 3723: 3062: 2975: 2808:) - "Agents Beneath the Earth" – Are in charge of keeping the peace within the 2394: 2390: 2233: 2135: 2029: 1820: 1808: 1580: 1545: 1164: 1078: 1046: 1013: 1000: 980: 829: 9838: 8040:
Tao Te Ching: The Essential Translation of the Ancient Chinese Book of the Tao
6729: 4641:
In ancient Chinese dynasties such as the Han, various gods were thought to be
I join Wang Qiao as his companion. We send the Xiao Yang in front to guide us;
4305: 11411: 11369: 11359: 11252: 11222: 11112: 11010: 10993: 10973: 10940: 10761: 10689: 10386: 10307: 10272: 10150: 10123: 9914: 9734: 9689: 9681: 9659: 9412: 9297: 9289: 8169: 7736: 7702: 7636: 7509: 7146: 7137: 7078: 7053: 6768: 6749: 6342: 6324: 5845: 5516: 5476:
Detail of a "feathered immortal" (羽人) riding a dragon on a mural from a late
4952: 4769: 4732: 4722: 4031: 3963: 3957: 3758: 3202: 2877: 2750:) - "Numinous Treasure Talisman of the Grand Mystery for Living in Hiding". 1595: 1241: 1191: 1181: 1053: 1018: 894: 782: 765: 745: 710: 256: 9615: 9561: 9434: 7876: 7694: 6607: 6590: 6574: 6302: 5709:
instead of gods, it is likely that some Taoists believed that even a single
communities and their descendants, wanderers, and Taoists who were societal
within some imperial courts and folk religion practice that believes in the
the body still has to be transformed into an immortal one, hence the phrase
11299: 11202: 11197: 11182: 11102: 11005: 10926: 10884: 10698: 10667: 10629: 10302: 10262: 10108: 10098: 9788: 9641: 9509: 9173: 8287:
A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought
8258: 8183: 8043: 8035: 7250: 7189: 7129: 6790: 6776: 6753: 6721: 6543: 6486: 6465: 6421: 6398: 6382: 6362: 6347: 6308: 6283: 6267: 6221: 5814: 5745: 5722: 5578: 5508: 5504: 5448:" and doing rituals to achieve the status of an immortal xian after death. 3553: 3541:"shaman, one who has supernatural abilities, incl travel through the air". 3359: 3143: 3123: 3095: 2607: 2481: 2386: 2382: 2367: 2328: 2063: 1873: 1784: 1680: 1358: 995: 990: 972: 884: 777: 696: 654: 593: 454: 426: 406: 276: 9149: 7486:
Wallace, Leslie V. (2001). "BETWIXT AND BETWEEN: Depictions of Immortals (
5472: 5107:
as portrayed here are of a different and contrasting type of existence in
mountain) sage living high in the mountains; mountain-man; hermit; recluse
11277: 11172: 11167: 11092: 10919: 10912: 10844: 10727: 10338: 10218: 10214: 10062: 8579: 8317: 8148:
Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance–and Why They Fall
7957: 7768: 7582: 6889: 6843: 6642: 6033: 6001: 5966: 5941: 5879: 5741: 5686: 5436:
A form of Taoism that worshipped xian that became popular in roughly the
5001: 4849: 4742: 4627: 4615: 4476: 4146: 3969: 3804: 3736: 3719: 3162: 3006: 2916: 2074:
realms inaccessible to mortals. This is often achieved through spiritual
1813: 1772: 1499: 1129: 962: 957: 871: 682: 675: 599: 9877: 9860: 9742: 8354:
Ancient China: Chinese Civilization from the Origins to the Tang Dynasty
or spiritual power to defy that role, and some Taoists chose to worship
11384: 11326: 11177: 11157: 11107: 11047: 10857: 10209: 10162: 10072: 9887: 7710: 6808: 6559: 6417: 6366: 6175: 5702: 5637: 5468:. In art and literature, immortals are often depicted riding on cranes. 4604: 3909: 3762:, the first important dictionary of Chinese characters, does not enter 3166: 3131: 2908: 2665:) – "Celestial Immortals" or "Heavenly Immortals" - The highest level. 2229: 1777: 1457: 1201: 1144: 967: 947: 942: 889: 819: 616: 522: 30:
This article is about entities in Taoist religion. For other uses, see
8499:(1966), "Thoughts about a Students' Dictionary of Classical Chinese," 5836:
was perpetuated in many legends and art such as miniature sculptures (
5121:("unification of mind"), as their methods differ from the practice of 3595: 3591: 3587: 3084:) immortal ; accomplished person; celestial ; marvelous; extraordinary 11212: 11192: 11152: 11122: 11097: 10933: 10905: 10645: 10475: 10372: 10140: 9181: 8810:, Ian P. McGreal ed., HarperCollins Publishers, 1995, 99–103. p. 100. 8290: 7322:, ed. Livia Kohn. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, pp. 73–98. 7194: 7133: 6735: 6255: 5822: 5690: 4916: 4345: 4206: 3210: 3193: 2489: 2361: 2252: 2177: 1908: 1891: 1647: 1487: 1480: 1005: 985: 937: 904: 876: 703: 668: 9926: 7476:"The Taoist Immortal: Jesters of Light and Shadow, Heaven and Earth" 6827:
Drinking Festival of the Eight Immortals, late 18th century, Japan.
5729:, collectively, were more powerful and relevant than Buddhist gods. 4374:, the legendary inventor of agriculture; and Wang Qiao was a son of 138: 11321: 11227: 10145: 10052: 9833: 7796:
Wandering on the Way: early Taoist tales and parables of Chuang Tzu
7280: 7265: 6893: 6676: 5883: 5796: 5773: 5760:
In Buddhist-inspired Taoism and Buddhist traditions that venerated
5096: 5084: 5048: 4390: 4371: 3808: 3576: 2924: 2896: 2717: 2485: 2332: 2041: 1958: 1475: 1382: 1370: 1101: 1023: 846: 7824:(1999). Spilling, Michael; Williams, Sophie; Dent, Marion (eds.). 5566:天馬), and other animals. These avian, serpentine, and human hybrid 4696:, including this recounting of the above fable about Mount Gushe ( 4498:
Floating on the cloud and mist, we enter the dim height of heaven;
They departed in the flux of change and vanished from men's sight,
and with "everlasting life" that is synonymous with and a part of
11284: 11232: 11162: 11142: 11132: 10954: 10947: 10737: 10659: 10379: 10199: 10047: 8630:
The Spirits Are Drunk: Comparative Approaches to Chinese Religion
8008: 7270: 7164: 7109: 7071: 7044: 7039: 7012: 6037: 5837: 5651: 5625: 5621: 5273:
who constantly practice the inhalation of unadulterated essences.
5117: 5024: 4857: 4619: 4548: 4040: 3927: 3219: 3088: 2809: 2634: 2623: 2488:
because they drain the life essence of the living, much like the
2431:) is a Song dynasty Taoist compendium, following the "Zhong-Lü" ( 1896: 1742: 1513: 1492: 1450: 1375: 1327: 1063: 1032: 952: 924: 914: 836: 724: 717: 647: 485: 447: 8937:
Chinese Myths: From Cosmology and Folklore to Gods and Immortals
5981: 5852:
after death. There were also legends about him in this state in
5848:, a deified Han dynasty scholar who was thought to be a "clown" 4901:—"Diet"): Ingestion of herbal compounds and abstention from the 4451:
There, with the other blessed ones, were Red Pine and Wang Qiao.
4370:). In later Daoist hagiography, Chi Song was Lord of Rain under 3510:
of the Arabian Nights that one wonders whether the Arabic word,
11137: 11117: 10801: 10785: 10777: 10708: 10578: 10467: 10348: 10282: 10234: 10194: 10189: 10077: 10067: 7260: 7235: 6839: 6812: 6194: 5905: 5562: 4650: 4513: 4229: 4104: 4083: 4005: 3935: 3923: 3918: 3894: 3888: 3549: 3478: 3373: 3305: 3289: 3267: 3251: 3158: 3135: 3047: 3002: 2952: 2859: 2829: 2799: 2767: 2741: 2707: 2680: 2656: 2583: 2555: 2531: 2507: 2471: 2451: 2440: 2418: 2288: 2266: 2101: 2087: 2071: 2045: 2017: 1825: 1690: 1363: 919: 899: 628: 586: 577: 570: 462: 356: 8116:
The Heavenly Court Daoist, Temple Painting in China, 1200–1400
6943:(Immortal) water puppet at Vietnam Museum of Ethnology – Hanoi 6877:
with his staff, carver Jobun, 18th century, wood, height 80 mm
became the most famous of these five mythical peaks where the
3237:) as "to get old and not die," and explains it as someone who 11087: 11020: 10898: 10718: 10636: 10322: 10204: 10173: 10135: 10082: 10006: 9672: 9387:. Preface by Denis Judd (First American ed.). Brooklyn: 9280: 8721: 7255: 7207: 7125: 6017: 5890: 5857: 5853: 5761: 5701:
is technically a process that lets a practitioner get enough
5667: 5655: 5437: 5415: 4967: 4920: 4912: 4773: 4765: 4667: 4318: 3830: 3173: 3102: 3031: 2241: 2149: 866: 792: 689: 470: 433: 5198:
who "transform" by constantly ingesting metals and minerals.
5073:", a little pond in Guangzhou's Temple of the Five Immortals 4309:
Two pages from "Li sao" from a 1645 illustrated copy of the
Winged guardian spirit on the side of lacquer coffin in the
3745:"shamanic" dancing. Paper writes, "the function of the term 2429:"Anthology of the Transmission of the Dao from Zhong to Lü " 10863: 10267: 10179: 10157: 10001: 9118:"Religion in China on the Eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics" 8097: 8095: 8001: 7056:
that is either militaristic or fraught with other dangers.
5985: 5792: 5644: 5430: 5333:
who have mastered the stimuli and responses of intercourse.
who constantly practice control of their fluids and saliva.
three times in a conversation set between legendary rulers
4646: 4461:
But then I thought that this immortal life of the blessed,
to the insects. Ah, this is the fault of men who 'govern'!"
3487: 3452: 3181: 3147: 3106: 2957:) spiritually immortal; transcendent human; celestial being 2245: 2224:
Besides enlightened humans and fairy-like humanoid beings,
2082:, or worship by others. This is different from the gods in 1323: 1120:
Way of the Celestial Masters#The Southern Celestial Masters
622: 9786: 7985: 7983: 6254:
Painting of Xiwangmu meeting with a Chinese regent in the
In tomb reliefs from the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 CE),
I heard how once Red Pine had washed the world's dust off:
3696:"dance lightly; hop about; jump around"), and rhymed with 2335:, currently housed in Xu Beihong Memorial Hall in Beijing. 2300: 10604: 10547: 8823:. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 142–4. 5871: 5800: 5694: 5597: 4500:
Riding on the white deer we sport and take our pleasure.
And my body, left tenantless, grew withered and lifeless.
4045: 3151: 2565: 2228:
can also refer to supernatural animals, including foxes,
1903: 400: 364: 9235: 8910:"In search of immortality: provisions for the afterlife" 8514:
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
8092: 7733:
World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts
Akahori, Akira. 1989. "Drug Taking and Immortality", in
7031:(called "adepti" in the game) according to its creators. 5501:
Assembly of Immortals Offering Good Wishes for Long Life
As we rested on the whirlwind, drifting about at random.
We gazed down of the Middle Land with its myriad people
And sought to learn from where the primal spirit issues.
3680:(220/3) contains the oldest occurrence of the character 2327:
Eighty-seven Immortals (八十七神仙), popularly attributed to
10828: 9209: 9037: 8782: 8734: 8618:. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press. p. 134. 7980: 6626:
Drunken Immortal supported and escorted by a demon, by
are also thought to draw power and be created from the
5220: 4871: 4249:
Alan Fox explains this anecdote about Zhuangzi's wife.
2480:) —"Ghost Immortals": A person who cultivates too much 1334: 508: 9419:. Edison, New Jersey: Castle Books. pp. 123–124. 9059:. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books. pp. 99–100. 9013: 8989: 8977: 8953: 5636:
were thought to " feathers" and live in the
and essence through unceasing movement and stillness (
It is my own opinion, therefore, that though the word
The two Masters held zithers tuned in perfect concord:
Then I looked into myself to strengthen my resolution,
realm or a mountain world beyond reality that created
has often been translated into English as "immortal".
9591: 9537: 9259: 9098: 9025: 8882: 8870: 8858: 8846: 8834: 8746: 8564: 8005:
The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images
7852: 5935: 4449:
In this way we came at last to the moor of Shao-yuan:
Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religion) a
conception) immortal being part of a small spiritual
that existed in a mental realm sometimes called "the
2188:, rather than deities. The Eight Immortals and other 2062:
refers to entities who have attained immortality and
9247: 8965: 8770: 8758: 8413:
Chinese Gods: The Unseen World of Spirits and Demons
Professor Ron Epstein's Online Educational Resources
and/or other foreign languages, as it was seen as a
5095:("gods") and that of human beings. This position in 2978:; one who practices longevity techniques by turning 9837:(in Simplified Chinese). 2022-07-27. Archived from 9001: 8635: 8598: 7962:
China: Promise or Threat?: A Comparison of Cultures
6178:no. 257mural of the Nine-colored deer and a deity, 4911:—"Three-Corpses food")—Meats (raw fish, pork, dog, 4584:
Followed the Immortals fluttering through the sky,
Sadly I gaze in the distance, over the empty plain.
I would model myself on the pattern he had left me.
3618:"person; human") with two "phonetic" elements (see 2492:. Ghost immortals do not leave the realm of ghosts. 2385:(1368–1644). The immortals are from left to right: 8519: 8320:; Society, Buddhist Text Translation (June 2009). 8072:Dragons, Gods & Spirits from Chinese Mythology 7609:Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China 5988:surrounded by other flying immortals, Han dynasty. 5866:is a common Japanese character name. For example, 5693:and other religions were subject to the roles the 4634:received more popularity than in previous eras of 4496:The White Tiger runs back and forth in attendance. 4463:Was not worth the sacrifice of my home-returning. 4058:Two circa 3rd century BCE "Outer Chapters" of the 3829:Han dynasty relief of feathered Immortals playing 3438:"a flapping dance movement"; and compared Chinese 3358:in Japanese, "immortal person; transcendent", see 2070:abilities later in life, with a connection to the 10490:Notes of the Thatched Abode of Close Observations 9694:Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions 9302:Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions 9084:. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books. p. 48. 4416:And those of past ages who had become Immortals. 4414:I honoured the wondrous powers of the Pure Ones, 4074:). Chapter 11 has a parable about "Cloud Chief" ( 3795: 3544: 2842:eligible for promotion to earthbound immortality. 282:for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriate 11409: 9644:. London: Penguin Random House UK. p. 249. 8576:Association Française des Professeurs de Chinois 8540: 8529:. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. p. 527. 7765:The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eastern Philosophy 5519:, the earliest artistic and textual evidence of 4927:uses this story to illustrate the importance of 4408:In tranquil inaction I gained true satisfaction. 4398:My spirit darted forth and did not return to me, 3386:"immortal woman; female celestial; angel"), and 9764:Korean Overseas Culture and Information Service 8914:Art Journal of the National Gallery of Victoria 8506: 8490: 8192:(Revised and Updated ed.). San Francisco: 7735:(1st paperback ed.). St. Paul, Minnesota: 7142:Legend of the Swordsmen of the Mountains of Shu 5783:A pseudo-Sanskrit language that was mixed with 5662:, and some real Taoists were thought to become 5618:to aid them in life and/or abolish their sins. 5178:who constantly ingest certain herbs and plants. 4517:" ("On Encountering Trouble"), the most famous 4437:" ("Sorrow for Troth Betrayed") resembles the " 4420:Leaving a famous name that endures after them. 3811:, surrounded by winged or feathered Immortals, 3473:Two linguistic hypotheses for the etymology of 3227:that provided word-pun "etymologies", defines 97:for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, or spelling 9907:, Russell Kirkland, The Encyclopedia of Taoism 8553:. Berkeley: University of California. p. 164. 8380: 8316: 6059:and heavenly beings, from Tomb of Yingchengzi. 5410:and heavenly beings, from Tomb of Yingchengzi. 5000:—"Plain Girl"), one of the three daughters of 4856:. Although it was traditionally attributed to 4586:Ate of the Primal Essence to prolong my life. 4582:Drew the Bow of Heaven to shoot at wickedness, 3792:as "appearance of a person on a mountaintop". 10563: 9942: 9075: 9073: 9049: 8813: 8572:"Shi Jing – Le Canon des Poèmes – II.7.(220)" 5540: 5531:. They were depicted as avian and serpentine 5228: 5153: 4995: 4977: 4961: 4956: 4906: 4896: 4876: 4843: 4736: 4726: 4703: 4697: 4680: 4567: 4553: 4541: 4365: 4359: 4349: 4335: 4326: 4195: 4154: 4069: 4064:(" Master Zhuang") use the archaic character 3950: 3864: 3816: 3787: 3781: 3769: 3763: 3740: 3713: 3707: 3701: 3691: 3681: 3666: 3656: 3650: 3640: 3627: 3613: 3607: 3560: 3442: 3433: 3424: 3415: 3391: 3381: 3367: 3349: 3335: 3283: 3242: 3232: 3066: 2932: 2637:, gives some highly detailed descriptions of 2628: 1983: 1263: 8632:. State University of New York Press. p. 55. 8622: 7568: 7566: 7390:. Translated by Graham, A.C. New York City: 6436:Woodblock print of Lü Dongbin confronting a 6397:Zhong Kui subduing a demon, unknown artist, 5016:, a treatise on female sexual yoga, states, 4626:In at least the latter two centuries of the 4459:Gently I floated, inhaling all the essences. 3282:'mountain'). Its historical form is 2689:) – "Earthly Immortals" - The middle level. 2633:" Master Embracing Simplicity"), written by 8794: 8604: 7960:(2017). "Daoism: China's Native Religion". 7785: 7580:. New York City: George G. Harrap & Co. 6858:Zhinü and Niulang, by the Japanese painter 6645:with his Money Toad and string of cash, by 6341:The Immortal Lü Dongbin Appearing over the 5674:, and were often referred to by that name. 4578:Joined in marriage with the Weaving Maiden, 4455:I sang the Qing Shang air to their playing. 3780:"name of an ancient immortal"). It defines 3315: 3299: 3277: 3261: 3130:) an ideal existence often associated with 2893:The Thatched Hut of Dreaming of an Immortal 71:Learn how and when to remove these messages 10594: 10570: 10556: 9949: 9935: 9676:; Warmind, Morten; Hawley, John Stratton; 9587: 9585: 9284:; Warmind, Morten; Hawley, John Stratton; 9070: 8527:ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese 8383:"Using Monkey to Teach Religions of China" 8381:Bradeen, Ryan; Johnson, Jean (Fall 2005). 8360:. pp. 63, 88, 97, 99, 101, 172, 197. 8113: 7891:The Secrets of the Universe in 100 Symbols 7320:Taoist Meditation and Longevity Techniques 6482:Zhong Kui the Demon Queller with Five Bats 5969:stone-relief of Immortal and a deer rider. 5628:inspired myths of "timeless" worlds where 5148:who constantly ingest special food called 4562:"), which Wang Yi's commentary glosses as 4532:poems refer to immortals with synonyms of 4406:In emptiness and silence I found serenity; 4322:("Lyrics of Chu") anthology of poems uses 4128:"Then what should I do?" said Cloud Chief. 3908:("embryonic respiration") breath control, 2923:and accompanied by the three-legged toad, 2455:), which lists five classes of immortals: 1990: 1976: 1855:Universal Church of the Way and its Virtue 1270: 1256: 9886: 9876: 9533: 9531: 9529: 8612:(1956). "History of Scientific Thought". 7820: 7762: 7563: 7096:features a story based on the concept of 7082:, an animated film based on the story of 6416:, unknown artist; formerly attributed to 5764:and/or other Taoist icons, a minority of 4867:, there are four schools of immortality: 4590: 4558:"true person", tr. "Pure Ones" above in " 3201:motifs, shown on the technical treastise 2449:) textual tradition of internal alchemy ( 318:Learn how and when to remove this message 223:Learn how and when to remove this message 121:Learn how and when to remove this message 9019: 8959: 8660: 8356:. Translated by Milan, A.B.A. New York: 8351: 8281: 7430: 7200:Temples of the Five Immortals in China: 7007: 5902:were sometimes viewed as gods in Korea. 5813: 5585:. If a Taoist in these beliefs became a 5495: 5483: 5471: 5455: 5398: 5370: 5361: 5249:, "heaven-travelling immortals") – 5064: 4947: 4823: 4609: 4598: 4484:Far and forlorn, with no hope of return: 4304: 4283: 4268: 3824: 3799: 3567: 3548: 3485:. Wu and Davis suggested the source was 3396:"gods and immortals; divine immortal"). 3192: 2902: 2887: 2602: 2373: 2347: 2208: 2104:had a variety of definitions about what 331: 9582: 9265: 9253: 9104: 9043: 9031: 8711: 8410: 8101: 8069: 8034: 7989: 7680: 7485: 7348: 6323:Immortal Lü Dongbin Appearing over the 5144:, "earth-travelling immortals") – 5115:are not considered true cultivators of 4986:. According to a discourse between the 4848:Biographies of Spirit Immortals") is a 4768:in Japanese legends. The first emperor 4580:Lifted up Heaven's Net to capture evil, 3573:Pavilions in the Mountains of Immortals 3150:that manifests in the real world), the 2484:energy. These immortals are likened to 2034: 14: 11410: 9821: 9754: 9752: 9628: 9526: 9411: 9331:The Desk Encyclopedia of World History 9328: 9276: 9274: 9205: 9203: 9201: 9168: 9166: 8983: 8971: 8888: 8876: 8864: 8852: 8840: 8788: 8776: 8764: 8752: 8740: 8707: 8705: 8438: 8436: 8347: 8345: 8253: 8251: 8065: 8063: 8030: 8028: 7952: 7950: 7948: 7946: 7917: 7730: 7635: 7572: 7504: 7408: 7388:The Book of Lieh-tzǔ: A Classic of Tao 7386: 7100:and spiritual worship and cultivation. 5269:, "all-penetrating immortals") – 5214:, "void-travelling immortals") – 4576:I visited Fu Yue, bestriding a dragon, 4492:I enter into friendship with Red Pine; 4488:Below, I fish in the valley streamlet; 3514:, may not be derived from the Chinese 2872:eligible for promotion to immortality. 2341: 159:Please improve this article by adding 10551: 9956: 9930: 9917:, Topics in Premodern Chinese History 9803:(3rd ed.). Donn Mills, Ontario: 9634:Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind 9575: 9573: 9571: 9504: 9502: 9477: 9475: 9473: 9447: 9241: 9172: 9007: 8995: 8903: 8901: 8899: 8897: 8656: 8654: 8652: 8650: 8641: 8312: 8310: 8219: 8217: 8215: 8213: 8182: 8141: 8139: 8137: 8135: 7956: 7828:(First American ed.). New York: 7816: 7814: 7812: 7758: 7756: 7599: 7597: 7595: 7530: 7459: 7003: 5940:(羽人) figure on a toad stand from the 5466:a symbol of longevity and immortality 5451: 4457:In tranquil calm and quiet enjoyment, 4293:the bronze-drum from Shizhai mountain 9766:. December 1993. pp. 133, 197. 9688:; Campo, Juan; Penner, Hans (1999). 9666: 9622: 9596:(2nd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: 9542:(2nd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: 9296:; Campo, Juan; Penner, Hans (1999). 9221:: Parragon Books. pp. 39, 343. 8939:. London: Amber Books. p. 132. 8907: 8145: 7857:(2nd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: 7726: 7724: 7722: 7720: 7676: 7674: 7672: 7670: 7668: 7666: 7664: 7603: 5811:thought to be transmitted by Laozi. 4645:instead in some retellings of their 3922:exercises (which later evolved into 3217:remains uncertain. The circa 200 CE 3020:) wizard; magician; shaman; sorcerer 2184:were viewed as similar in nature to 2090:, who were inherently supernatural. 234: 132: 77: 36: 10436:Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio 9801:World Religions: Eastern Traditions 9749: 9720: 9594:World Religions: Eastern Traditions 9592:Willard Gurdon Oxtoby, ed. (2002). 9540:World Religions: Eastern Traditions 9538:Willard Gurdon Oxtoby, ed. (2002). 9379: 9271: 9198: 9163: 9143: 9079: 8821:The Taoist Experience: an anthology 8808:Great Thinkers of the Eastern World 8702: 8433: 8342: 8322:"The Shurangama Sutra Volume Seven" 8248: 8060: 8025: 7943: 7925:(First American ed.). Boston: 7883: 7855:World Religions: Eastern Traditions 7853:Willard Gurdon Oxtoby, ed. (2002). 7846: 7826:Illustrated Dictionary of Religions 7117:Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain 6649:, early 16th century, Ming dynasty. 6365:brocade depicting the Moon Goddess 5870:(一角仙人 "One-horned Immortal") was a 5488:Bronze Winged Immortal figure from 4944:would have become a transcendent." 4675:four times, always in the compound 3712:] go elsewhere, They keep [ 3250:Its writing is a combination of 人 ( 3165:, a person who is on the path like 3071:, a compound of the characters for 1212:Taoist Temple (Hanford, California) 27:Immortal person or entity in Taoism 24: 11053:Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 10038:Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 9858: 9568: 9499: 9470: 8934: 8894: 8647: 8307: 8210: 8132: 7809: 7753: 7592: 7357:: University of California Press. 6928:(immortals), 16th century, Vietnam 6912:(immortals), 16th century, Vietnam 6594:, a painting from the Ming dynasty 6464:Three Immortals, unknown artist, 5309:, "illuminated immortals") – 5099:literature is usually occupied by 5058: 5029:The Master Who Embraces Simplicity 4044:stories. They often had "magical" 4008:or "huxian" common in the region. 3718:] dancing and capering." (tr. 3455:"a fairy or supernatural being in 2747:Líng bǎo tài xuán yīn shēng zhī fú 2730:Ling bao tai xuan yin sheng zhi fu 2379:Four Immortals Saluting Longevity, 1754: 825:Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 272:for transliterated languages, and 252:of its non-English content, using 25: 11459: 10457:What the Master Would Not Discuss 9898: 8615:Science and Civilisation in China 7717: 7661: 7299: 7038:are common characters in Chinese 6995:(Immortal) in a museum in Vietnam 6979:(Immortal) in a museum in Vietnam 6381:Female Immortal, unknown artist, 6000:An immortal riding a tortoise. A 5289:, "immortals of the Way") – 4817: 4764:supposedly grew, and is known as 3786:as "live long and move away" and 3598:, which combine the logographic " 3586:is written with three characters 2945:is translatable into English as: 1558:Chinese Folk Temples' Association 1140:Chinese ritual mastery traditions 52:This article has multiple issues. 11433:Deities in Chinese folk religion 10760: 9450:Mythology: A Visual Encyclopedia 8687:(圖仙人之形,體生毛,臂變為翼,行於雲,則年增矣,千歲不死。)( 8289:. Translated by Campbell, G. L. 7506:The Complete works of Chuang Tzu 7490:) in Eastern Han Tomb Reliefs". 7059: 6984: 6968: 6948: 6933: 6917: 6901: 6882: 6867: 6851: 6842:painting of Taoist Immortals by 6832: 6820: 6801: 6783: 6760: 6742: 6728: 6714: 6699: 6684: 6669: 6654: 6635: 6619: 6599: 6581: 6566: 6551: 6528: 6523:Eight Immortals, unknown artist. 6516: 6494: 6473: 6457: 6429: 6406: 6390: 6374: 6355: 6333: 6315: 6293: 6274: 6247: 6228: 6206: 6186: 6168: 6141: 6121:An immortal riding on a dragon, 6114: 6083: 6064: 6045: 6025: 6009: 5993: 5974: 5958: 5949: 5927: 5592:In modern and historical times, 5366:Painting of the Eight Immortals. 4800:in later times, nonetheless the 4490:Above, I seek out holy hermits. 4190:Second is this description of a 3753:, it may be a later accretion." 3620:Chinese character classification 3502:). "The marvelous powers of the 2919:on the right holding one of the 2915:on the left releasing a bat and 2311: 1957: 1539:Lineage associations or churches 1434:Chinese spiritual world concepts 1307: 363: 239: 137: 82: 41: 11148:Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove 10522:The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl 10515:Dong Yong and the Seventh Fairy 9905:"Transcendence and Immortality" 9852: 9780: 9714: 9441: 9405: 9373: 9351: 9322: 9137: 9110: 8928: 8681: 8463: 8404: 8374: 8275: 8230:Fairfield University Art Museum 8176: 8107: 7995: 7911: 7607:(1993). Laznovsky, Bill (ed.). 7335:Taoism: The Road to Immortality 7042:works. There is a genre called 5357: 5349:, "absolute immortals") – 5091:who exist between the world of 4688:Nearly half of Chapter 2 ("The 4603:Han dynasty pictorial brick of 4546:"Maintaining Resolution), uses 3344:"). Other common words include 2974:) alchemist; one who seeks the 2962:in Daoist religion and pantheon 2883: 2202:could be good or evil. Not all 1634:Chinese communal deity religion 933:Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove 60:or discuss these issues on the 10483:Records of the Grand Historian 9385:A Traveller's History of China 8714:"The Trouble with Immortality" 8476:Encyclopedia of Korean Culture 8449:Encyclopedia of Korean Culture 7629: 7533:Taoism: The Parting of the Way 7027:, who was based on the female 5721:. Before and during the early 5713:was more powerful than entire 5345: 5329:, "seminal immortals") – 5325: 5305: 5285: 5265: 5245: 5210: 5194:, "roaming immortals") – 5190: 5170: 5140: 4467: 4234: 4109: 4088: 3796:History and textual references 3545:The character and its variants 3310: 3294: 3272: 3256: 3247:"moves into") the mountains." 3052: 2864: 2834: 2804: 2772: 2746: 2712: 2685: 2661: 2588: 2560: 2536: 2512: 2476: 2445: 2423: 2293: 2271: 2117: 2022: 1675:Main philosophical traditions: 1655:Chinese mother goddess worship 1226:Institutions and organizations 1125:The Northern Celestial Masters 288:multilingual support templates 13: 1: 11263:Way of the Five Pecks of Rice 11028:Three Great Emperor-Officials 10450:In Search of the Supernatural 10366:Classic of Mountains and Seas 9184:. pp. 258–259, 261–262. 8908:Pang, Mae Anna (2013-01-30). 8712:Gershon, Livia (2022-02-22). 8661:Lagerwey, John (2018-05-21). 8070:Sanders, Tao Tao Liu (1980). 7349:Campany, Robert Ford (2002). 7312: 7067:The Legend of Sword and Fairy 6924:Lacquer painting of the four 6908:Lacquer painting of the four 6796:of Four Time Guardians (四值功曹) 6536:The Daoist Immortal He Xiangu 6150:Dengzhou painted stone-relief 6123:Dengzhou painted stone-relief 6096:Dengzhou painted stone-relief 5886:("Three-legged Money Toad"). 5844:in China came in the form of 5632:lived. In many Taoist sects, 5577:were and are associated with 5523:transcendents dates from the 5174:, "flying immortals") – 5069:The supposed "footprint of a 3768:except in the definition for 2355:descends from heavens with a 2153:who possessed similar traits. 2122:Akira Akahori, the author of 2040:) is any manner of immortal, 1662:Northeast China folk religion 1115:Way of the Five Pecks of Rice 810:Three Great Emperor-Officials 161:secondary or tertiary sources 11268:Way of the Celestial Masters 9329:Wright, Edmund, ed. (2006). 8922:National Gallery of Victoria 8114:Gesterkamp, Lennert (2012). 7798:. New York: Bantam. p. 376. 7731:Wilson, Andrew, ed. (1995). 7578:Myths & Legends of China 7480:Journal of Chinese Religions 7221:Kunlun Mountain in mythology 7175:Eight Immortals from Sichuan 6197:on Mogao Cave no.285 mural, 6016:Feathered Immortals playing 5685:or multiple gods or gain an 4982:—"Arts of the Bedchamber"): 4023:was "said to have become" a 3875:(羽化, with "feather; wing"). 3188: 2124:Drug Taking and Immortality, 1765:Salvation churches and sects 1669:Traditional Chinese Medicine 1110:Way of the Celestial Masters 7: 9911:Chapter Seven: Later Daoism 8352:Scarpari, Maurizio (2006). 7832:. pp. 67–68, 70, 121. 7434:Daoist texts in translation 7152: 6414:Lü Dongbin Subduing a Demon 6020:. Han dynasty stone-relief. 5936: 5832:In Japan, the image of the 5425:Many Taoists believed that 4381: 4051: 3837:How Chinese texts describe 1848:Indonesian Confucian Church 1710:Folk ritual masters' orders 10: 11464: 11273:Northern Celestial Masters 10577: 9923:, Encyclopedia of Religion 9367:Collins English Dictionary 9180:(1st ed.). New York: 8150:(1st ed.). New York: 7613:Princeton University Press 7371:DeWoskin, Kenneth. 1990. " 7197:(Queen Mother of the West) 7093:Heaven Official's Blessing 5772:and the wider world spoke 5697:made for them, becoming a 5670:that were synonymous with 4275:Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng 3304:'human') and 遷/䙴 ( 3082:as a metaphorical modifier 2779:There are three levels of 2596: 1759:Zhenkong, "Void of Truth". 1627:Chinese ancestral religion 1532:Associations of good-doing 1413:Chinese gods and immortals 1232:Chinese Taoist Association 29: 11348:Sacred Mountains of China 11335: 11243: 11080: 10964: 10876: 10769: 10758: 10688: 10585: 10536:Mulian Rescues His Mother 10508:Legend of the White Snake 10499: 10357: 10331: 10255: 10091: 10025: 9964: 9859:Ni, Zhange (2020-01-02). 7771:. pp. 13, 224, 352. 7611:. Princeton, New Jersey: 7514:Columbia University Press 7392:Columbia University Press 7185:Old Man of the South Pole 6573:Ming dynasty painting of 6558:Ming dynasty painting of 6213:Female Immortal riding a 5541: 5394: 5340: 5320: 5300: 5280: 5260: 5240: 5229: 5205: 5185: 5165: 5154: 5135: 4996: 4978: 4962: 4957: 4907: 4897: 4877: 4844: 4772:sent his court alchemist 4737: 4727: 4704: 4702:, or Guye, or Miao Gushe 4698: 4681: 4630:, the idea of becoming a 4572:"true immortal person"). 4568: 4554: 4542: 4504: 4424: 4366: 4360: 4350: 4336: 4327: 4225: 4196: 4155: 4100: 4079: 4070: 4038:were a common subject of 3951: 3892:("internal alchemy") and 3865: 3856:texts allegorically used 3817: 3788: 3782: 3770: 3764: 3741: 3714: 3708: 3702: 3692: 3682: 3667: 3657: 3651: 3641: 3628: 3614: 3608: 3561: 3506:are so like those of the 3443: 3434: 3425: 3416: 3392: 3382: 3368: 3350: 3336: 3326:is often used as Chinese 3284: 3243: 3233: 3180:) a being subservient to 3067: 3043: 2933: 2855: 2825: 2795: 2763: 2737: 2703: 2676: 2652: 2641:, listing three classes: 2629: 2612:Old Man of the South Pole 2579: 2551: 2527: 2503: 2467: 2436: 2414: 2305:and levels of achievement 2297:) (lit. "fox immortal"). 2284: 2262: 2013: 1170:Sacred Mountains of China 547:Three Treasures (virtues) 11033:Queen Mother of the West 10408:The Peach Blossom Spring 9454:Barnes & Noble Books 8525:Schuessler, Axel. 2007. 7737:Paragon House Publishers 7645:Barnes & Noble Books 7615:. pp. 90, 147–148. 7535:. Boston: Beacon Press. 7431:Komjathy, Louis (2004). 7292: 7243:, a transformation to a 6752:as painted by Wang Wen, 6236:Immortal Riding a Dragon 5819:Immortal in Splashed ink 4939:Emperor Cheng of the Han 4658: 4653:was one example of this. 4316:The 3rd–2nd century BCE 4262: 3320:'moving into'). 3266:'human') and 山 ( 2955:philosophy and cosmology 2381:by Shang Xi (商喜), early 2214:Immortal riding a Dragon 2126:gives this description: 1923:Vietnamese folk religion 1526:Institutions and temples 800:Queen Mother of the West 11038:King Father of the East 10529:The Magic Lotus Lantern 10422:Investiture of the Gods 9805:Oxford University Press 9762:(9th ed.). Seoul: 9598:Oxford University Press 9544:Oxford University Press 9514:Encyclopedia Britannica 9487:Encyclopedia Britannica 9335:Oxford University Press 8935:Ni, Xueting C. (2023). 8695:; "vol. 7" "chapter 27" 8628:Paper, Jordan D. 1995. 8419:. pp. 53, 66, 70. 8411:Stevens, Keith (1997). 8263:Encyclopedia Britannica 7974:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h29s.12 7923:The Heart of the Dragon 7859:Oxford University Press 7763:Stevenson, Jay (2000). 7695:10.1163/156853280X00039 7474:Robinet, Isabel. 1986. 7416:. Penguin Books. 1985. 7160:Shen (Chinese religion) 7085:The Magic Lotus Lantern 6692:King Father of the East 6242:. Southern Song dynasty 6094:flying in the heavens, 5545:, "feathered person"). 4168:Without using the word 4095:and "Big Concealment" ( 3916:, sexual training, and 3655:, and its rare variant 3622:). The oldest recorded 2397:, and Liu Haichan. The 805:King Father of the East 773:Four heavenly ministers 11438:Deified Chinese people 10344:Peaches of Immortality 10169:Chinese guardian lions 10092:Mythological creatures 8118:. Lennert Gesterkamp. 7641:The Elements of Taoism 7531:Welch, Holmes (1957). 7226:Peaches of Immortality 7136:and based on the 1932 7108:, video game based on 7070:, video game based on 7032: 6542:, early 16th century, 6305:crossing Lake Dongting 5944:of the Warring States. 5829: 5512: 5493: 5481: 5469: 5411: 5367: 5074: 5038: 5022: 5010: 4970: 4946: 4890: 4833: 4815: 4755: 4715: 4623: 4607: 4588: 4502: 4465: 4422: 4313: 4302: 4281: 4260: 4247: 4211: 4188: 4166: 4139: 3898:("external alchemy"). 3834: 3822: 3579: 3565: 3483:Sino-Tibetan languages 3288:: a combination of 人 ( 3206: 3005:methods for attaining 2938: 2921:Peaches of Immortality 2907:Painting of two xian, 2900: 2874: 2844: 2814: 2618: 2402: 2371: 2221: 2155: 2133: 1760: 1737:Devotional traditions: 341: 148:relies excessively on 10429:The Sorcerer's Revolt 10017:Chinese folk religion 9680:; Giarardot, Norman; 9288:; Giarardot, Norman; 8189:The World's Religions 7897:. 2022. p. 105. 7375:Descended: Narrating 7337:. Boston: Shambhala. 7333:Blofeld, John. 1978. 7011: 6610:and Willow Deity, by 6073:Dingjiazha Tomb No. 5 6004:stone-relief rubbing. 5827:Southern Song dynasty 5817: 5733:typical place in the 5499: 5487: 5475: 5459: 5402: 5377:Chinese folk religion 5371:Chinese folk religion 5365: 5068: 5053:Elixir of Immortality 5033: 5018: 5006: 4951: 4937:"During the reign of 4935: 4883: 4827: 4790: 4747: 4710: 4613: 4602: 4574: 4482: 4443: 4396: 4308: 4287: 4272: 4251: 4240: 4202: 4183: 4161: 4123: 3878:Later texts like the 3828: 3803: 3571: 3552: 3495:"genie" (from Arabic 3196: 2906: 2891: 2845: 2815: 2785: 2606: 2407:Zhong Lü Chuan Dao Ji 2377: 2351: 2212: 2144: 2128: 2051:or Chinese folklore. 1841:Holy Confucian Church 1758: 1427:Chinese creation myth 1300:Chinese folk religion 335: 32:Xian (disambiguation) 9977:Godly world concepts 9829:"《原神》小剧场——「璃月雅集」第五期" 8586:on 27 September 2007 8503:25: 197–206. p. 204. 8390:Education About Asia 8235:Fairfield University 6773:peach of immortality 6679:riding on a phoenix. 6589:The Daoist Immortal 6301:The Daoist immortal 6180:Northern Wei dynasty 6036:in Jingbian County, 5529:fourth centuries BCE 4990:and the immortaless 4828:Flying immortals on 4618:in Jingbian County, 4279:Eastern Zhou dynasty 4200:; "divine person"). 4015:had similarities to 3902:techniques included 2424:Zhōng lǚ chuándào jí 2357:Peach of Immortality 1944:Zhuang folk religion 1641:Chinese food therapy 1622:Major cultural forms 1074:Way of the Li Family 250:specify the language 248:This article should 10797:(self-cultivation) 10443:Journey to the West 9878:10.3390/rel11010025 9760:A Handbook of Korea 9244:, pp. 110–111. 9123:Pew Research Center 8819:Kohn, Livia. 1993. 8547:Schipper, Kristofer 8516:70:221–284. p. 224. 8398:Columbia University 8076:Peter Bedrick Books 7287:are sometimes found 7120:, a 1983 Hong Kong 6896:(three legged toad) 6860:Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 6794:Water-Land painting 6199:Western Wei dynasty 6053:Eastern Han dynasty 5809:Buddhist philosophy 5735:celestial hierarchy 5614:, and pantheons of 5490:Eastern Han dynasty 5478:Western Han dynasty 5404:Eastern Han dynasty 4933:"grain avoidance": 4213:The authors of the 3844:Early text such as 2621:The 4th century CE 2343:Zhongli Chuandao ji 1964:Religion portal 1930:Qiang folk religion 1618:Internal traditions 10789:(external alchemy) 10781:(internal alchemy) 10464:Heavenly Questions 10278:Gate of the Ghosts 10033:Gods and immortals 9997:Gods and immortals 9793:Narayanan, Vasudha 9638:Harari, Yuval Noah 9630:Harari, Yuval Noah 9448:Forty, Jo (2004). 9144:武当山道教协会, 武当山道教协会. 8497:Schafer, Edward H. 8358:Barnes & Noble 8331:. pp. 197–207 8194:HarperSanFrancisco 8146:Chua, Amy (2007). 7968:. pp. 75–76. 7553:Boston: Shambhala. 7033: 7004:In popular culture 6991:Ceramic statue of 6975:Ceramic statue of 6959:(Immortal), and a 5830: 5737:being below gods. 5513: 5494: 5482: 5470: 5452:In art and culture 5412: 5368: 5218:who perfect their 5109:Buddhist cosmology 5075: 5027:wrote in his book 4971: 4834: 4692:") comes from the 4685:"immortal sage"). 4624: 4608: 4358:", and Wang Qiao ( 4314: 4303: 4282: 4159:"sagely person"). 3835: 3823: 3686:, reduplicated as 3580: 3566: 3470:"feather; wing"). 3372:"immortal's palm; 3225:Chinese dictionary 3207: 3065:for the character 3027:Chinese literature 2939: 2901: 2810:Chinese underworld 2619: 2403: 2372: 2222: 2172:, and the role of 2168:are an example of 1916:Miao folk religion 1833:Confucian churches 1790:Maitreya teachings 1761: 1704:Ritual traditions: 1207:Cebu Taoist Temple 1197:White Cloud Temple 1059:Way of the Taiping 342: 172:"Xian" Taoism 101:You can assist by 11405: 11404: 11016:Tianhuang Emperor 10756: 10755: 10678: 10677: 10545: 10544: 10415:The Four Journeys 9958:Chinese mythology 9814:978-0-19-542676-2 9773:978-1-56591-022-5 9707:978-0-87779-044-0 9696:. United States: 9686:Pelikan, Jaroslav 9651:978-0-09-959008-8 9640:; Purcell, John; 9413:Cleary, Thomas F. 9344:978-0-7394-7809-7 9315:978-0-87779-044-0 9294:Pelikan, Jaroslav 9191:978-0-06-117389-9 9080:Hsi, Lai (2001). 8998:, pp. 88–97. 8946:978-1-83886-263-3 8791:, pp. 191–2. 8743:, pp. 122–3. 8426:978-1-85028-409-3 8417:Collins and Brown 8367:978-0-7607-8379-5 8283:Eberhard, Wolfram 8203:978-0-06-250811-9 8161:978-0-385-51284-8 8125:978-90-04-19023-8 8104:, pp. 52–60. 8053:978-0-670-02498-8 8046:. pp. ix–x. 8018:978-3-8365-1448-4 7936:978-0-395-35336-3 7904:978-0-7858-4142-5 7822:Wilkinson, Philip 7778:978-0-02-863820-1 7746:978-1-55778-723-1 7643:. United States: 7622:978-0-691-07417-7 7587:Project Gutenberg 7549:Wong, Eva. 2000. 7512:. New York City: 6767:Silk tapestry of 6264:Emperor Wu of Han 5550:second century BC 5462:red-crowned crane 5111:to asuras. These 5085:Mahayana Buddhist 4974:Fángzhōng Zhī Shù 4863:According to the 4536:. For instance, " 4376:King Ling of Zhou 4121:("dance; jump"): 3734:was cognate with 3677:Classic of Poetry 3532:Classical Tibetan 3457:Persian mythology 3400:Edward H. Schafer 3318: 3302: 3280: 3264: 3184:that helps humans 3017:Chinese mythology 2941:The Chinese word 2722:Death certificate 2401:riding the crane. 2364:Birthday greeting 2251:The mythological 2084:Chinese mythology 2044:being within the 2000: 1999: 1937:Yao folk religion 1886:Related religions 1731:Chinese shamanism 1724:Nuo folk religion 1717:Jitong mediumship 1507:Jitong mediumship 1420:Chinese mythology 1280: 1279: 1237:Celestial Masters 788:Tianhuang Emperor 396:Taoist philosophy 340:Crossing the Sea" 328: 327: 320: 310: 309: 290:may also be used. 233: 232: 225: 207: 131: 130: 123: 75: 16:(Redirected from 11455: 11428:Buddhist deities 11418:Taoist immortals 11353:Wudang Mountains 10764: 10686: 10685: 10663:(transformation) 10640:(eight trigrams) 10592: 10591: 10572: 10565: 10558: 10549: 10548: 10500:Other folk tales 10230:Nine-headed Bird 10225:Peng (mythology) 10131:Four Holy Beasts 10026:Major personages 9951: 9944: 9937: 9928: 9927: 9893: 9892: 9890: 9880: 9856: 9850: 9849: 9847: 9846: 9825: 9819: 9818: 9784: 9778: 9777: 9756: 9747: 9746: 9729:(1/2): 189–203. 9718: 9712: 9711: 9700:. p. 1067. 9670: 9664: 9663: 9636:. Translated by 9626: 9620: 9619: 9589: 9580: 9577: 9566: 9565: 9535: 9524: 9523: 9521: 9520: 9506: 9497: 9496: 9494: 9493: 9479: 9468: 9467: 9445: 9439: 9438: 9409: 9403: 9402: 9377: 9371: 9370: 9355: 9349: 9348: 9326: 9320: 9319: 9308:. p. 1065. 9278: 9269: 9263: 9257: 9251: 9245: 9239: 9233: 9232: 9207: 9196: 9195: 9170: 9161: 9160: 9158: 9157: 9148:. Archived from 9141: 9135: 9134: 9132: 9131: 9114: 9108: 9102: 9096: 9095: 9077: 9068: 9055:Hsi, Lai. 2002. 9053: 9047: 9046:, pp. 22–3. 9041: 9035: 9029: 9023: 9017: 9011: 9005: 8999: 8993: 8987: 8986:, pp. 97–8. 8981: 8975: 8969: 8963: 8957: 8951: 8950: 8932: 8926: 8925: 8905: 8892: 8886: 8880: 8874: 8868: 8862: 8856: 8850: 8844: 8838: 8832: 8817: 8811: 8798: 8792: 8786: 8780: 8774: 8768: 8762: 8756: 8750: 8744: 8738: 8732: 8731: 8729: 8728: 8709: 8700: 8685: 8679: 8678: 8676: 8675: 8658: 8645: 8639: 8633: 8626: 8620: 8619: 8602: 8596: 8595: 8593: 8591: 8582:. Archived from 8578:. Translated by 8568: 8562: 8544: 8538: 8523: 8517: 8510: 8504: 8501:Monumenta Serica 8494: 8488: 8487: 8485: 8484: 8467: 8461: 8460: 8458: 8457: 8440: 8431: 8430: 8408: 8402: 8401: 8387: 8378: 8372: 8371: 8349: 8340: 8339: 8337: 8336: 8326: 8314: 8305: 8304: 8279: 8273: 8272: 8270: 8269: 8255: 8246: 8245: 8243: 8242: 8221: 8208: 8207: 8180: 8174: 8173: 8143: 8130: 8129: 8111: 8105: 8099: 8090: 8089: 8067: 8058: 8057: 8032: 8023: 8022: 7999: 7993: 7992:, pp. 30–1. 7987: 7978: 7977: 7954: 7941: 7940: 7927:Houghton Mifflin 7919:Clayre, Alasdair 7915: 7909: 7908: 7887: 7881: 7880: 7850: 7844: 7843: 7818: 7807: 7789: 7783: 7782: 7767:. Indianapolis: 7760: 7751: 7750: 7728: 7715: 7714: 7678: 7659: 7658: 7633: 7627: 7626: 7601: 7590: 7583:Available online 7581: 7570: 7546: 7527: 7508:. Translated by 7501: 7471: 7456: 7454: 7452: 7446: 7440:. Archived from 7439: 7427: 7412:. Translated by 7405: 7381:Taoist Resources 7379:among Mortals." 7368: 7306: 7303: 7277:Zhiguai xiaoshuo 6988: 6972: 6952: 6937: 6921: 6905: 6886: 6871: 6855: 6836: 6824: 6805: 6787: 6764: 6746: 6732: 6718: 6703: 6688: 6673: 6658: 6639: 6623: 6603: 6585: 6570: 6555: 6532: 6520: 6498: 6477: 6461: 6446:The Flying Sword 6433: 6410: 6394: 6378: 6359: 6343:Yueyang Pavilion 6337: 6325:Yueyang Pavilion 6319: 6297: 6278: 6251: 6232: 6210: 6190: 6172: 6161:Liu Song dynasty 6158: 6145: 6134:Liu Song dynasty 6131: 6118: 6107:Liu Song dynasty 6104: 6087: 6068: 6057:scholar-official 6049: 6029: 6013: 5997: 5978: 5962: 5953: 5939: 5931: 5544: 5543: 5408:scholar-official 5347: 5342: 5327: 5322: 5307: 5302: 5287: 5282: 5267: 5262: 5247: 5242: 5232: 5231: 5212: 5207: 5192: 5187: 5172: 5167: 5157: 5156: 5142: 5137: 5127:("meditation"). 4999: 4998: 4981: 4980: 4965: 4964: 4960: 4959: 4910: 4909: 4900: 4899: 4880: 4879: 4847: 4846: 4830:Liu Song dynasty 4758:Penglai Mountain 4740: 4739: 4730: 4729: 4707: 4706: 4701: 4700: 4684: 4683: 4636:Chinese religion 4571: 4570: 4557: 4556: 4545: 4544: 4369: 4368: 4363: 4362: 4353: 4352: 4339: 4338: 4330: 4329: 4301: 4236: 4235:Chángshēng bùlǎo 4227: 4199: 4198: 4176:passages employ 4158: 4157: 4141:Chapter 12 uses 4113:) that uses the 4111: 4102: 4090: 4081: 4073: 4072: 4013:Three Sovereigns 3955:) occurs in the 3954: 3953: 3868: 3867: 3820: 3819: 3807:stone-relief of 3791: 3790: 3785: 3784: 3775: 3774: 3767: 3766: 3744: 3743: 3717: 3716: 3711: 3710: 3705: 3704: 3695: 3694: 3685: 3684: 3670: 3669: 3660: 3659: 3654: 3653: 3644: 3643: 3631: 3630: 3617: 3616: 3611: 3610: 3564: 3563: 3447:"feathered man; 3446: 3445: 3437: 3436: 3428: 3427: 3419: 3418: 3395: 3394: 3385: 3384: 3371: 3370: 3353: 3352: 3339: 3338: 3319: 3316: 3312: 3303: 3300: 3296: 3287: 3286: 3281: 3278: 3274: 3265: 3262: 3258: 3246: 3245: 3236: 3235: 3176:Taoist-inspired 3117:Chinese Buddhism 3070: 3069: 3054: 3045: 2936: 2935: 2866: 2857: 2836: 2827: 2806: 2797: 2774: 2765: 2748: 2739: 2714: 2705: 2687: 2678: 2663: 2654: 2632: 2631: 2590: 2581: 2562: 2553: 2538: 2529: 2514: 2505: 2478: 2469: 2447: 2438: 2425: 2416: 2315: 2295: 2286: 2273: 2264: 2076:self-cultivation 2038: 2026: 2015: 1992: 1985: 1978: 1962: 1961: 1862:Phoenix churches 1802:Tianxian miaodao 1797:Tiandi teachings 1648:Chinese geomancy 1551:Ancestral shrine 1514:Precious scrolls 1406:Chinese theology 1311: 1301: 1293: 1290: 1282: 1281: 1272: 1265: 1258: 1175:Wudang Mountains 1084:Chongxuan School 1069:Shangqing School 612:Sexual practices 367: 344: 343: 323: 316: 305: 302: 296: 281: 275: 271: 265: 261: 255: 243: 242: 235: 228: 221: 217: 214: 208: 206: 165: 141: 133: 126: 119: 115: 112: 106: 86: 85: 78: 67: 45: 44: 37: 21: 11463: 11462: 11458: 11457: 11456: 11454: 11453: 11452: 11443:Chinese deities 11408: 11407: 11406: 11401: 11331: 11239: 11076: 11043:Eight Immortals 11001:Four Sovereigns 10989:Lingbao Tianzun 10984:Yuanshi Tianzun 10979:Three Pure Ones 10960: 10872: 10816:Three Treasures 10765: 10752: 10684: 10674: 10581: 10576: 10546: 10541: 10495: 10353: 10327: 10293:Kunlun Mountain 10251: 10240:Nine-tailed fox 10087: 10043:Eight Immortals 10021: 9965:Overview topics 9960: 9955: 9901: 9896: 9857: 9853: 9844: 9842: 9827: 9826: 9822: 9815: 9807:. p. 316. 9797:Singh, Pashaura 9787:Amore, Roy C.; 9785: 9781: 9774: 9758: 9757: 9750: 9723:Oriens Extremus 9719: 9715: 9708: 9698:Merriam-Webster 9678:Reynolds, Frank 9674:Carrasco, David 9671: 9667: 9652: 9627: 9623: 9608: 9600:. p. 395. 9590: 9583: 9578: 9569: 9554: 9546:. p. 392. 9536: 9527: 9518: 9516: 9508: 9507: 9500: 9491: 9489: 9481: 9480: 9471: 9464: 9456:. p. 200. 9446: 9442: 9427: 9410: 9406: 9399: 9389:Interlink Books 9381:Haw, Stephen G. 9378: 9374: 9357: 9356: 9352: 9345: 9337:. p. 365. 9327: 9323: 9316: 9306:Merriam-Webster 9286:Reynolds, Frank 9282:Carrasco, David 9279: 9272: 9264: 9260: 9252: 9248: 9240: 9236: 9229: 9208: 9199: 9192: 9171: 9164: 9155: 9153: 9142: 9138: 9129: 9127: 9116: 9115: 9111: 9103: 9099: 9092: 9078: 9071: 9054: 9050: 9042: 9038: 9030: 9026: 9018: 9014: 9006: 9002: 8994: 8990: 8982: 8978: 8970: 8966: 8958: 8954: 8947: 8933: 8929: 8906: 8895: 8887: 8883: 8875: 8871: 8863: 8859: 8851: 8847: 8839: 8835: 8818: 8814: 8799: 8795: 8787: 8783: 8775: 8771: 8763: 8759: 8751: 8747: 8739: 8735: 8726: 8724: 8710: 8703: 8686: 8682: 8673: 8671: 8659: 8648: 8640: 8636: 8627: 8623: 8606:Needham, Joseph 8603: 8599: 8589: 8587: 8570: 8569: 8565: 8551:The Taoist Body 8545: 8541: 8524: 8520: 8511: 8507: 8495: 8491: 8482: 8480: 8469: 8468: 8464: 8455: 8453: 8442: 8441: 8434: 8427: 8409: 8405: 8385: 8379: 8375: 8368: 8350: 8343: 8334: 8332: 8324: 8315: 8308: 8301: 8293:. p. 179. 8280: 8276: 8267: 8265: 8257: 8256: 8249: 8240: 8238: 8223: 8222: 8211: 8204: 8196:. p. 219. 8181: 8177: 8162: 8144: 8133: 8126: 8112: 8108: 8100: 8093: 8086: 8068: 8061: 8054: 8033: 8026: 8019: 8011:. p. 280. 8000: 7996: 7988: 7981: 7958:Helle, Horst J. 7955: 7944: 7937: 7916: 7912: 7905: 7895:Chartwell Books 7889: 7888: 7884: 7869: 7861:. p. 401. 7851: 7847: 7840: 7819: 7810: 7792:Mair, Victor H. 7790: 7786: 7779: 7761: 7754: 7747: 7729: 7718: 7679: 7662: 7655: 7634: 7630: 7623: 7602: 7593: 7571: 7564: 7543: 7524: 7450: 7448: 7444: 7437: 7424: 7402: 7365: 7315: 7310: 7309: 7304: 7300: 7295: 7290: 7241:Shijie (Taoism) 7231:Xianxia (genre) 7170:Eight Immortals 7155: 7062: 7006: 7001: 7000: 6999: 6996: 6989: 6980: 6973: 6964: 6953: 6944: 6938: 6929: 6922: 6913: 6906: 6897: 6887: 6878: 6872: 6863: 6856: 6847: 6837: 6828: 6825: 6816: 6806: 6797: 6788: 6779: 6765: 6756: 6747: 6738: 6733: 6724: 6719: 6710: 6704: 6695: 6689: 6680: 6674: 6665: 6659: 6650: 6640: 6631: 6630:, Ming dynasty. 6624: 6615: 6604: 6595: 6586: 6577: 6571: 6562: 6556: 6547: 6533: 6524: 6521: 6512: 6511:, Ming dynasty. 6499: 6490: 6478: 6469: 6462: 6453: 6434: 6425: 6411: 6402: 6395: 6386: 6379: 6370: 6360: 6351: 6338: 6329: 6320: 6311: 6298: 6289: 6279: 6270: 6260:King Mu of Zhou 6252: 6243: 6233: 6224: 6211: 6202: 6191: 6182: 6173: 6164: 6152: 6148:Two immortals, 6146: 6137: 6125: 6119: 6110: 6098: 6088: 6079: 6069: 6060: 6050: 6041: 6030: 6021: 6014: 6005: 5998: 5989: 5979: 5970: 5963: 5954: 5945: 5932: 5920: 5778:sacred language 5748:, the ideas of 5717:of the various 5668:divine entities 5654:and/or seen as 5454: 5397: 5373: 5360: 5080:Śūraṅgama Sūtra 5063: 5060:Śūraṅgama Sūtra 4942: 4886: 4822: 4752: 4750: 4717:Chapter 5 uses 4663: 4597: 4585: 4583: 4581: 4579: 4577: 4509: 4499: 4497: 4495: 4493: 4491: 4489: 4487: 4485: 4472: 4462: 4460: 4458: 4456: 4454: 4452: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4429: 4419: 4417: 4415: 4413: 4411: 4409: 4407: 4405: 4403: 4401: 4399: 4386: 4295: 4267: 4244: 4219:changshengbulao 4135: 4133: 4131: 4129: 4127: 4122: 4056: 3987:Caizhong langji 3798: 3547: 3451:" with English 3411:was cognate to 3342:Eight Immortals 3191: 3128:three teachings 3056:) is fairyland) 2991:or by extension 2971:Chinese alchemy 2913:Eight Immortals 2886: 2835:Dìshàng zhǔ zhě 2601: 2399:longevity deity 2346: 2339: 2338: 2337: 2325:as depicted on 2321: 2316: 2307: 2234:Chinese dragons 2166:Eight Immortals 2142:archetype as: 2120: 2098:Quanzhen School 2058:Traditionally, 1996: 1956: 1949: 1948: 1887: 1879: 1878: 1750:Wang Ye worship 1619: 1611: 1610: 1571: 1563: 1562: 1527: 1519: 1518: 1471: 1463: 1462: 1440:Model humanity: 1401: 1393: 1392: 1319: 1299: 1288: 1285: 1276: 1247: 1246: 1227: 1219: 1218: 1160: 1152: 1151: 1136: 1106: 1089:Quanzhen School 1049: 1039: 1038: 1028: 1010: 977: 929: 881: 862: 852: 851: 815:Eight Immortals 761:Lingbao Tianzun 756:Yuanshi Tianzun 751:Three Pure Ones 741: 731: 730: 642: 634: 633: 542: 534: 533: 497:Three Treasures 391: 338:Eight Immortals 324: 313: 312: 311: 306: 300: 297: 291: 279: 273: 269: 267:transliteration 263: 259: 253: 244: 240: 229: 218: 212: 209: 166: 164: 158: 154:primary sources 142: 127: 116: 110: 107: 100: 87: 83: 46: 42: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 11461: 11451: 11450: 11448:Korean deities 11445: 11440: 11435: 11430: 11425: 11423:Taoist deities 11420: 11403: 11402: 11400: 11399: 11398: 11397: 11392: 11390:Tong Jee Teung 11387: 11382: 11377: 11367: 11362: 11357: 11356: 11355: 11345: 11343:Grotto-heavens 11339: 11337: 11333: 11332: 11330: 11329: 11324: 11319: 11309: 11304: 11303: 11302: 11292: 11287: 11282: 11281: 11280: 11275: 11265: 11260: 11255: 11249: 11247: 11241: 11240: 11238: 11237: 11230: 11225: 11220: 11218:Zhang Guoxiang 11215: 11210: 11208:Wang Chongyang 11205: 11200: 11195: 11190: 11188:Cheng Xuanying 11185: 11180: 11175: 11170: 11165: 11160: 11155: 11150: 11145: 11140: 11135: 11130: 11125: 11120: 11115: 11110: 11105: 11100: 11095: 11090: 11084: 11082: 11078: 11077: 11075: 11074: 11067: 11062: 11061: 11060: 11058:Yellow Emperor 11050: 11045: 11040: 11035: 11030: 11025: 11024: 11023: 11018: 11013: 11008: 10998: 10997: 10996: 10991: 10986: 10976: 10970: 10968: 10962: 10961: 10959: 10958: 10951: 10944: 10937: 10930: 10923: 10916: 10909: 10902: 10895: 10888: 10880: 10878: 10874: 10873: 10871: 10870: 10869: 10868: 10855: 10847: 10842: 10841: 10840: 10832: 10826: 10813: 10808: 10807: 10806: 10805:(calisthenics) 10790: 10782: 10773: 10771: 10767: 10766: 10759: 10757: 10754: 10753: 10751: 10746: 10741: 10734: 10733: 10732: 10723:(spontenaity) 10714: 10704: 10694: 10692: 10683: 10682: 10679: 10676: 10675: 10673: 10672: 10664: 10656: 10648: 10643: 10642: 10641: 10633: 10627: 10626:(non-polarity) 10609: 10600: 10598: 10589: 10583: 10582: 10575: 10574: 10567: 10560: 10552: 10543: 10542: 10540: 10539: 10532: 10525: 10518: 10511: 10503: 10501: 10497: 10496: 10494: 10493: 10486: 10479: 10472: 10460: 10453: 10446: 10439: 10432: 10425: 10418: 10411: 10404: 10397: 10394:Shenxian Zhuan 10390: 10383: 10376: 10369: 10361: 10359: 10358:Literary works 10355: 10354: 10352: 10351: 10346: 10341: 10335: 10333: 10329: 10328: 10326: 10325: 10320: 10315: 10310: 10305: 10300: 10295: 10290: 10285: 10280: 10275: 10270: 10265: 10259: 10257: 10253: 10252: 10250: 10249: 10242: 10237: 10232: 10227: 10222: 10219:Four Evildoers 10212: 10207: 10202: 10197: 10192: 10187: 10182: 10177: 10171: 10166: 10160: 10155: 10154: 10153: 10148: 10143: 10138: 10128: 10127: 10126: 10121: 10119:Vermilion Bird 10116: 10111: 10106: 10104:Black Tortoise 10095: 10093: 10089: 10088: 10086: 10085: 10080: 10075: 10070: 10065: 10060: 10058:Yellow Emperor 10055: 10050: 10045: 10040: 10035: 10029: 10027: 10023: 10022: 10020: 10019: 10014: 10009: 10004: 9999: 9994: 9992:Shenmo fiction 9989: 9984: 9979: 9974: 9968: 9966: 9962: 9961: 9954: 9953: 9946: 9939: 9931: 9925: 9924: 9918: 9908: 9900: 9899:External links 9897: 9895: 9894: 9851: 9820: 9813: 9779: 9772: 9748: 9713: 9706: 9682:Neusner, Jacob 9665: 9650: 9621: 9606: 9581: 9567: 9552: 9525: 9498: 9469: 9462: 9440: 9425: 9404: 9397: 9391:. p. 89. 9372: 9350: 9343: 9321: 9314: 9290:Neusner, Jacob 9270: 9258: 9246: 9234: 9227: 9219:Bath, Somerset 9197: 9190: 9162: 9136: 9109: 9097: 9090: 9069: 9048: 9036: 9024: 9012: 9000: 8988: 8976: 8964: 8952: 8945: 8927: 8893: 8891:, p. 318. 8881: 8879:, p. 266. 8869: 8867:, p. 240. 8857: 8855:, p. 239. 8845: 8843:, p. 194. 8833: 8812: 8793: 8781: 8769: 8757: 8755:, p. 130. 8745: 8733: 8701: 8680: 8646: 8644:, pp. 91. 8634: 8621: 8597: 8563: 8539: 8518: 8505: 8489: 8462: 8432: 8425: 8403: 8373: 8366: 8341: 8306: 8299: 8274: 8247: 8209: 8202: 8175: 8160: 8154:. p. 65. 8131: 8124: 8106: 8091: 8084: 8078:. p. 73. 8059: 8052: 8024: 8017: 7994: 7979: 7942: 7935: 7929:. p. 43. 7910: 7903: 7882: 7867: 7845: 7838: 7808: 7784: 7777: 7752: 7745: 7739:. p. 20. 7716: 7660: 7653: 7647:. p. 89. 7637:Palmer, Martin 7628: 7621: 7591: 7574:Werner, E.T.C. 7561: 7555: 7554: 7547: 7541: 7528: 7522: 7510:Watson, Burton 7502: 7493:Ars Orientalis 7483: 7472: 7457: 7447:on 26 May 2005 7428: 7422: 7406: 7400: 7384: 7369: 7363: 7346: 7331: 7314: 7311: 7308: 7307: 7297: 7296: 7294: 7291: 7289: 7288: 7283:stories where 7274: 7268: 7263: 7258: 7253: 7248: 7238: 7233: 7228: 7223: 7218: 7217: 7216: 7211: 7198: 7192: 7187: 7182: 7177: 7172: 7167: 7162: 7156: 7154: 7151: 7150: 7149: 7113: 7105:Xuanyuan Sword 7101: 7089: 7075: 7061: 7058: 7024:Genshin Impact 7005: 7002: 6998: 6997: 6990: 6983: 6981: 6974: 6967: 6965: 6954: 6947: 6945: 6939: 6932: 6930: 6923: 6916: 6914: 6907: 6900: 6898: 6888: 6881: 6879: 6873: 6866: 6864: 6857: 6850: 6848: 6838: 6831: 6829: 6826: 6819: 6817: 6807: 6800: 6798: 6789: 6782: 6780: 6766: 6759: 6757: 6748: 6741: 6739: 6734: 6727: 6725: 6720: 6713: 6711: 6705: 6698: 6696: 6690: 6683: 6681: 6675: 6668: 6666: 6664:riding dragons 6660: 6653: 6651: 6641: 6634: 6632: 6625: 6618: 6616: 6614:, Ming dynasty 6605: 6598: 6596: 6587: 6580: 6578: 6572: 6565: 6563: 6557: 6550: 6548: 6534: 6527: 6525: 6522: 6515: 6513: 6500: 6493: 6491: 6479: 6472: 6470: 6463: 6456: 6454: 6440:-dragon, from 6435: 6428: 6426: 6412: 6405: 6403: 6396: 6389: 6387: 6380: 6373: 6371: 6369:and Attendants 6361: 6354: 6352: 6339: 6332: 6330: 6328:, Song dynasty 6321: 6314: 6312: 6299: 6292: 6290: 6288:, Song dynasty 6280: 6273: 6271: 6253: 6246: 6244: 6234: 6227: 6225: 6212: 6205: 6203: 6192: 6185: 6183: 6174: 6167: 6165: 6147: 6140: 6138: 6120: 6113: 6111: 6089: 6082: 6080: 6077:Northern Liang 6070: 6063: 6061: 6051: 6044: 6042: 6031: 6024: 6022: 6015: 6008: 6006: 5999: 5992: 5990: 5980: 5973: 5971: 5964: 5957: 5955: 5948: 5946: 5933: 5926: 5923: 5922: 5921: 5919: 5906:Depictions of 5904: 5453: 5450: 5446:household gods 5396: 5393: 5372: 5369: 5359: 5356: 5355: 5354: 5334: 5314: 5294: 5274: 5254: 5234: 5199: 5179: 5159: 5062: 5057: 5047:", literally " 4988:Yellow Emperor 4925:Shenxian zhuan 4865:Shenxian zhuan 4839:Shenxian zhuan 4821: 4819:Shenxian zhuan 4816: 4762:elixir of life 4690:Yellow Emperor 4662: 4657: 4596: 4589: 4508: 4503: 4471: 4466: 4428: 4423: 4385: 4380: 4291:(羽人) found on 4266: 4261: 4145:when mythical 4094: 4055: 4050: 4021:Yellow Emperor 3985:occurs in the 3880:Shenxian zhuan 3797: 3794: 3546: 3543: 3522:(Old Chinese * 3429:"remove", and 3330:, such as the 3190: 3187: 3186: 3185: 3170: 3167:Gautama Buddha 3155: 3120: 3113: 3110: 3092: 3085: 3078: 3063:folk etymology 3057: 3030:) genie; elf, 3021: 3011: 3010: 3009: 2993:) alchemical, 2976:elixir of life 2965: 2958: 2937:), circa 1760. 2909:Iron-crutch Li 2885: 2882: 2818:Dìshàng zhǔzhě 2773:Xiān sǐhòu tuō 2600: 2595: 2594: 2593: 2569: 2541: 2517: 2493: 2395:Iron-Crutch Li 2370:, Qing dynasty 2345: 2340: 2318: 2317: 2310: 2309: 2308: 2306: 2299: 2138:describes the 2136:Victor H. Mair 2119: 2116: 1998: 1997: 1995: 1994: 1987: 1980: 1972: 1969: 1968: 1967: 1966: 1951: 1950: 1947: 1946: 1940: 1939: 1933: 1932: 1926: 1925: 1919: 1918: 1912: 1911: 1906: 1900: 1899: 1894: 1888: 1885: 1884: 1881: 1880: 1877: 1876: 1870: 1869: 1864: 1858: 1857: 1851: 1850: 1844: 1843: 1829: 1828: 1823: 1821:Zaili teaching 1817: 1816: 1811: 1805: 1804: 1799: 1793: 1792: 1787: 1781: 1780: 1775: 1753: 1752: 1746: 1745: 1734: 1733: 1727: 1726: 1720: 1719: 1713: 1712: 1701: 1700: 1694: 1693: 1688: 1672: 1671: 1665: 1664: 1658: 1657: 1651: 1650: 1644: 1643: 1637: 1636: 1630: 1629: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1613: 1612: 1609: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1578: 1572: 1569: 1568: 1565: 1564: 1561: 1560: 1554: 1553: 1548: 1546:Chinese temple 1542: 1541: 1535: 1534: 1528: 1525: 1524: 1521: 1520: 1517: 1516: 1510: 1509: 1503: 1502: 1496: 1495: 1490: 1484: 1483: 1478: 1472: 1469: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1461: 1460: 1454: 1453: 1448: 1437: 1436: 1430: 1429: 1423: 1422: 1416: 1415: 1409: 1408: 1402: 1399: 1398: 1395: 1394: 1391: 1390: 1385: 1379: 1378: 1373: 1367: 1366: 1361: 1355: 1354: 1349: 1343: 1342: 1337: 1331: 1330: 1320: 1317: 1316: 1313: 1312: 1304: 1303: 1295: 1294: 1278: 1277: 1275: 1274: 1267: 1260: 1252: 1249: 1248: 1245: 1244: 1242:Taoist priests 1239: 1234: 1228: 1225: 1224: 1221: 1220: 1217: 1216: 1215: 1214: 1209: 1204: 1199: 1189: 1184: 1179: 1178: 1177: 1167: 1165:Grotto-heavens 1161: 1158: 1157: 1154: 1153: 1150: 1149: 1148: 1147: 1135: 1134: 1133: 1132: 1127: 1122: 1117: 1105: 1104: 1099: 1098: 1097: 1086: 1081: 1079:Lingbao School 1076: 1071: 1066: 1061: 1056: 1050: 1045: 1044: 1041: 1040: 1037: 1036: 1027: 1026: 1021: 1016: 1014:Zhang Guoxiang 1009: 1008: 1003: 1001:Wang Chongyang 998: 993: 988: 983: 981:Cheng Xuanying 976: 975: 970: 965: 960: 955: 950: 945: 940: 935: 928: 927: 922: 917: 912: 907: 902: 897: 892: 887: 880: 879: 874: 869: 863: 858: 857: 854: 853: 850: 849: 844: 839: 834: 833: 832: 830:Yellow Emperor 822: 817: 812: 807: 802: 797: 796: 795: 790: 785: 780: 770: 769: 768: 763: 758: 748: 742: 737: 736: 733: 732: 729: 728: 721: 714: 707: 700: 693: 686: 679: 672: 665: 658: 651: 643: 640: 639: 636: 635: 632: 631: 626: 619: 614: 609: 597: 590: 583: 582: 581: 574: 564: 559: 554: 549: 543: 540: 539: 536: 535: 532: 531: 520: 519: 518: 511: 506: 494: 489: 482: 474: 467: 459: 451: 444: 436: 431: 430: 429: 417: 410: 403: 398: 392: 389: 388: 385: 384: 383: 382: 377: 369: 368: 360: 359: 353: 352: 326: 325: 308: 307: 286:. Knowledge's 247: 245: 238: 231: 230: 145: 143: 136: 129: 128: 90: 88: 81: 76: 50: 49: 47: 40: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 11460: 11449: 11446: 11444: 11441: 11439: 11436: 11434: 11431: 11429: 11426: 11424: 11421: 11419: 11416: 11415: 11413: 11396: 11393: 11391: 11388: 11386: 11383: 11381: 11378: 11376: 11373: 11372: 11371: 11368: 11366: 11363: 11361: 11360:Mount Penglai 11358: 11354: 11351: 11350: 11349: 11346: 11344: 11341: 11340: 11338: 11336:Sacred places 11334: 11328: 11325: 11323: 11320: 11317: 11313: 11310: 11308: 11305: 11301: 11298: 11297: 11296: 11293: 11291: 11288: 11286: 11283: 11279: 11276: 11274: 11271: 11270: 11269: 11266: 11264: 11261: 11259: 11256: 11254: 11251: 11250: 11248: 11246: 11242: 11236: 11235: 11231: 11229: 11226: 11224: 11223:Zhang Sanfeng 11221: 11219: 11216: 11214: 11211: 11209: 11206: 11204: 11201: 11199: 11196: 11194: 11191: 11189: 11186: 11184: 11181: 11179: 11176: 11174: 11171: 11169: 11166: 11164: 11161: 11159: 11156: 11154: 11151: 11149: 11146: 11144: 11141: 11139: 11136: 11134: 11131: 11129: 11126: 11124: 11121: 11119: 11116: 11114: 11113:Zhang Daoling 11111: 11109: 11106: 11104: 11101: 11099: 11096: 11094: 11091: 11089: 11086: 11085: 11083: 11079: 11073: 11072: 11071:Other deities 11068: 11066: 11063: 11059: 11056: 11055: 11054: 11051: 11049: 11046: 11044: 11041: 11039: 11036: 11034: 11031: 11029: 11026: 11022: 11019: 11017: 11014: 11012: 11011:Ziwei Emperor 11009: 11007: 11004: 11003: 11002: 10999: 10995: 10994:Daode Tianzun 10992: 10990: 10987: 10985: 10982: 10981: 10980: 10977: 10975: 10974:Hongjun Laozu 10972: 10971: 10969: 10967: 10963: 10957: 10956: 10952: 10950: 10949: 10945: 10943: 10942: 10941:Qingjing Jing 10938: 10936: 10935: 10931: 10929: 10928: 10924: 10922: 10921: 10917: 10915: 10914: 10910: 10908: 10907: 10903: 10901: 10900: 10896: 10894: 10893: 10889: 10887: 10886: 10882: 10881: 10879: 10875: 10866: 10865: 10861: 10860: 10859: 10856: 10854:(immortality) 10853: 10852: 10848: 10846: 10843: 10838: 10837: 10833: 10830: 10827: 10824: 10823: 10819: 10818: 10817: 10814: 10812: 10809: 10804: 10803: 10799: 10798: 10796: 10795: 10791: 10788: 10787: 10783: 10780: 10779: 10775: 10774: 10772: 10768: 10763: 10750: 10747: 10745: 10744:Five Precepts 10742: 10740: 10739: 10735: 10730: 10729: 10725: 10724: 10722: 10721: 10720: 10715: 10712: 10711: 10710: 10705: 10702: 10701: 10700: 10695: 10693: 10691: 10687: 10681: 10680: 10670: 10669: 10665: 10662: 10661: 10657: 10655:(five phases) 10654: 10653: 10649: 10647: 10644: 10639: 10638: 10634: 10631: 10628: 10625: 10624: 10620: 10619: 10617: 10616: 10615: 10610: 10607: 10606: 10602: 10601: 10599: 10597: 10593: 10590: 10588: 10584: 10580: 10573: 10568: 10566: 10561: 10559: 10554: 10553: 10550: 10538: 10537: 10533: 10531: 10530: 10526: 10524: 10523: 10519: 10517: 10516: 10512: 10510: 10509: 10505: 10504: 10502: 10498: 10492: 10491: 10487: 10485: 10484: 10480: 10478: 10477: 10473: 10471: 10469: 10465: 10461: 10459: 10458: 10454: 10452: 10451: 10447: 10445: 10444: 10440: 10438: 10437: 10433: 10431: 10430: 10426: 10424: 10423: 10419: 10417: 10416: 10412: 10410: 10409: 10405: 10403: 10402: 10398: 10396: 10395: 10391: 10389: 10388: 10387:Liexian Zhuan 10384: 10382: 10381: 10377: 10375: 10374: 10370: 10368: 10367: 10363: 10362: 10360: 10356: 10350: 10347: 10345: 10342: 10340: 10337: 10336: 10334: 10330: 10324: 10321: 10319: 10316: 10314: 10311: 10309: 10306: 10304: 10301: 10299: 10296: 10294: 10291: 10289: 10288:Jade Mountain 10286: 10284: 10281: 10279: 10276: 10274: 10273:Eight Pillars 10271: 10269: 10266: 10264: 10261: 10260: 10258: 10254: 10248: 10247: 10243: 10241: 10238: 10236: 10233: 10231: 10228: 10226: 10223: 10220: 10216: 10213: 10211: 10208: 10206: 10203: 10201: 10198: 10196: 10193: 10191: 10188: 10186: 10183: 10181: 10178: 10175: 10172: 10170: 10167: 10164: 10161: 10159: 10156: 10152: 10151:Spirit turtle 10149: 10147: 10144: 10142: 10139: 10137: 10134: 10133: 10132: 10129: 10125: 10124:Yellow Dragon 10122: 10120: 10117: 10115: 10112: 10110: 10107: 10105: 10102: 10101: 10100: 10097: 10096: 10094: 10090: 10084: 10081: 10079: 10076: 10074: 10071: 10069: 10066: 10064: 10061: 10059: 10056: 10054: 10051: 10049: 10046: 10044: 10041: 10039: 10036: 10034: 10031: 10030: 10028: 10024: 10018: 10015: 10013: 10010: 10008: 10005: 10003: 10000: 9998: 9995: 9993: 9990: 9988: 9985: 9983: 9980: 9978: 9975: 9973: 9972:Creation myth 9970: 9969: 9967: 9963: 9959: 9952: 9947: 9945: 9940: 9938: 9933: 9932: 9929: 9922: 9919: 9916: 9915:Gregory Smits 9912: 9909: 9906: 9903: 9902: 9889: 9884: 9879: 9874: 9870: 9866: 9862: 9855: 9841:on 2022-07-28 9840: 9836: 9835: 9830: 9824: 9816: 9810: 9806: 9802: 9798: 9794: 9790: 9789:Hussain, Amir 9783: 9775: 9769: 9765: 9761: 9755: 9753: 9744: 9740: 9736: 9732: 9728: 9724: 9717: 9709: 9703: 9699: 9695: 9691: 9690:Wendy Doniger 9687: 9683: 9679: 9675: 9669: 9661: 9657: 9653: 9647: 9643: 9642:Watzman, Haim 9639: 9635: 9631: 9625: 9617: 9613: 9609: 9607:0-19-541521-3 9603: 9599: 9595: 9588: 9586: 9576: 9574: 9572: 9563: 9559: 9555: 9553:0-19-541521-3 9549: 9545: 9541: 9534: 9532: 9530: 9515: 9511: 9505: 9503: 9488: 9484: 9478: 9476: 9474: 9465: 9463:0-7607-5518-3 9459: 9455: 9451: 9444: 9436: 9432: 9428: 9426:0-7858-0905-8 9422: 9418: 9414: 9408: 9400: 9398:1-56656-257-0 9394: 9390: 9386: 9382: 9376: 9368: 9364: 9360: 9354: 9346: 9340: 9336: 9332: 9325: 9317: 9311: 9307: 9303: 9299: 9298:Wendy Doniger 9295: 9291: 9287: 9283: 9277: 9275: 9268:, p. 79. 9267: 9262: 9256:, pp. 1. 9255: 9250: 9243: 9238: 9230: 9228:0-75258-227-5 9224: 9220: 9216: 9215:World History 9212: 9211:Black, Jeremy 9206: 9204: 9202: 9193: 9187: 9183: 9179: 9175: 9174:Stark, Rodney 9169: 9167: 9152:on 2024-01-26 9151: 9147: 9140: 9125: 9124: 9119: 9113: 9107:, p. 31. 9106: 9101: 9093: 9091:0-89281-868-9 9087: 9083: 9076: 9074: 9066: 9065:0-89281-963-4 9062: 9058: 9052: 9045: 9040: 9034:, p. 21. 9033: 9028: 9022:, p. 43. 9021: 9020:Komjathy 2004 9016: 9010:, p. 95. 9009: 9004: 8997: 8992: 8985: 8980: 8974:, p. 35. 8973: 8968: 8962:, p. 36. 8961: 8960:Komjathy 2004 8956: 8948: 8942: 8938: 8931: 8923: 8919: 8915: 8911: 8904: 8902: 8900: 8898: 8890: 8885: 8878: 8873: 8866: 8861: 8854: 8849: 8842: 8837: 8830: 8829:0-7914-1579-1 8826: 8822: 8816: 8809: 8805: 8804: 8797: 8790: 8785: 8779:, p. 33. 8778: 8773: 8767:, p. 32. 8766: 8761: 8754: 8749: 8742: 8737: 8723: 8719: 8715: 8708: 8706: 8698: 8694: 8690: 8684: 8670: 8669: 8664: 8657: 8655: 8653: 8651: 8643: 8638: 8631: 8625: 8617: 8616: 8611: 8607: 8601: 8585: 8581: 8577: 8573: 8567: 8560: 8559:0-520-08224-9 8556: 8552: 8548: 8543: 8536: 8535:0-8248-1111-9 8532: 8528: 8522: 8515: 8509: 8502: 8498: 8493: 8478: 8477: 8472: 8466: 8451: 8450: 8445: 8439: 8437: 8428: 8422: 8418: 8414: 8407: 8399: 8395: 8391: 8384: 8377: 8369: 8363: 8359: 8355: 8348: 8346: 8330: 8323: 8319: 8313: 8311: 8302: 8300:0-203-03877-0 8296: 8292: 8288: 8284: 8278: 8264: 8260: 8254: 8252: 8236: 8232: 8231: 8226: 8220: 8218: 8216: 8214: 8205: 8199: 8195: 8191: 8190: 8185: 8184:Smith, Huston 8179: 8171: 8167: 8163: 8157: 8153: 8149: 8142: 8140: 8138: 8136: 8127: 8121: 8117: 8110: 8103: 8098: 8096: 8087: 8085:0-87226-922-1 8081: 8077: 8073: 8066: 8064: 8055: 8049: 8045: 8041: 8037: 8036:Minford, John 8031: 8029: 8020: 8014: 8010: 8006: 7998: 7991: 7986: 7984: 7975: 7971: 7967: 7963: 7959: 7953: 7951: 7949: 7947: 7938: 7932: 7928: 7924: 7920: 7914: 7906: 7900: 7896: 7892: 7886: 7878: 7874: 7870: 7868:0-19-541521-3 7864: 7860: 7856: 7849: 7841: 7839:0-7894-4711-8 7835: 7831: 7827: 7823: 7817: 7815: 7813: 7805: 7804:0-553-37406-0 7801: 7797: 7793: 7788: 7780: 7774: 7770: 7766: 7759: 7757: 7748: 7742: 7738: 7734: 7727: 7725: 7723: 7721: 7712: 7708: 7704: 7700: 7696: 7692: 7688: 7684: 7677: 7675: 7673: 7671: 7669: 7667: 7665: 7656: 7654:0-7607-1078-3 7650: 7646: 7642: 7638: 7632: 7624: 7618: 7614: 7610: 7606: 7605:Dean, Kenneth 7600: 7598: 7596: 7588: 7584: 7579: 7575: 7569: 7567: 7562: 7560: 7559: 7552: 7548: 7544: 7542:0-8070-5973-0 7538: 7534: 7529: 7525: 7523:0-231-03147-5 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Retrieved 9839:the original 9832: 9823: 9800: 9782: 9759: 9726: 9722: 9716: 9693: 9668: 9633: 9624: 9593: 9539: 9517:. Retrieved 9490:. Retrieved 9449: 9443: 9416: 9407: 9384: 9375: 9362: 9353: 9333:. New York: 9330: 9324: 9301: 9266:Wallace 2001 9261: 9254:Wallace 2001 9249: 9237: 9214: 9177: 9154:. Retrieved 9150:the original 9139: 9128:. Retrieved 9126:. 2008-05-01 9121: 9112: 9105:Campany 2002 9100: 9081: 9056: 9051: 9044:Campany 2002 9039: 9032:Campany 2002 9027: 9015: 9003: 8991: 8979: 8967: 8955: 8936: 8930: 8917: 8913: 8884: 8872: 8860: 8848: 8836: 8820: 8815: 8807: 8802: 8796: 8784: 8772: 8760: 8748: 8736: 8725:. Retrieved 8717: 8692: 8688: 8683: 8672:. Retrieved 8666: 8637: 8629: 8624: 8613: 8600: 8588:. Retrieved 8584:the original 8575: 8566: 8550: 8542: 8526: 8521: 8513: 8508: 8500: 8492: 8481:. Retrieved 8474: 8465: 8454:. Retrieved 8447: 8412: 8406: 8393: 8389: 8376: 8353: 8333:. Retrieved 8328: 8318:Epstein, Ron 8286: 8277: 8266:. Retrieved 8239:. Retrieved 8228: 8188: 8178: 8147: 8115: 8109: 8102:Campany 2002 8074:. New York: 8071: 8044:Viking Press 8042:. New York: 8039: 8004: 7997: 7990:Campany 2002 7961: 7922: 7913: 7893:. New York: 7890: 7885: 7854: 7848: 7825: 7795: 7787: 7764: 7732: 7689:(1/3): 109. 7686: 7682: 7640: 7631: 7608: 7577: 7557: 7556: 7550: 7532: 7505: 7497: 7491: 7487: 7479: 7470:(2): 97–117. 7467: 7461: 7449:. Retrieved 7442:the original 7433: 7409: 7387: 7380: 7376: 7372: 7350: 7334: 7319: 7301: 7284: 7251:Yama-no-Kami 7244: 7214:In Guangzhou 7140: 7132:directed by 7130:fantasy film 7124: 7122:supernatural 7115: 7103: 7097: 7091: 7083: 7077: 7065: 7049: 7043: 7035: 7034: 7028: 7022: 7016: 6992: 6976: 6960: 6956: 6940: 6925: 6909: 6874: 6791:Ming dynasty 6777:Ming dynasty 6754:Ming dynasty 6722:Zhang Guolao 6661: 6588: 6544:Ming dynasty 6535: 6501: 6487:Ming dynasty 6480: 6466:Ming dynasty 6445: 6437: 6422:Ming dynasty 6413: 6399:Yuan dynasty 6383:Yuan dynasty 6363:Song dynasty 6348:Yuan dynasty 6340: 6322: 6309:Song dynasty 6300: 6284:Zhang Guolao 6281: 6268:Song dynasty 6235: 6222:Song dynasty 6215: 6091: 5915: 5911: 5907: 5899: 5895: 5888: 5867: 5863: 5862: 5849: 5841: 5833: 5831: 5818: 5782: 5770:Mount Kunlun 5765: 5759: 5754: 5749: 5746:Tang dynasty 5739: 5731: 5726: 5723:Tang dynasty 5710: 5706: 5698: 5678: 5676: 5671: 5663: 5659: 5647: 5642: 5633: 5629: 5620: 5615: 5611: 5607: 5603: 5602: 5593: 5591: 5586: 5582: 5579:yin and yang 5574: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5556: 5554: 5547: 5536: 5520: 5514: 5509:Qing dynasty 5500: 5435: 5426: 5424: 5421: 5413: 5390: 5384: 5380: 5374: 5358:In religions 5350: 5346:Juéxíng xiān 5344: 5336: 5330: 5324: 5316: 5310: 5304: 5296: 5290: 5286:Dàoxíng xiān 5284: 5276: 5270: 5264: 5256: 5250: 5244: 5236: 5225: 5219: 5215: 5209: 5201: 5195: 5191:Yóuxíng xiān 5189: 5181: 5175: 5171:Fēixíng xiān 5169: 5161: 5149: 5145: 5139: 5131: 5122: 5116: 5112: 5104: 5088: 5078: 5076: 5070: 5059: 5040: 5039: 5034: 5028: 5023: 5019: 5013: 5011: 5007: 4991: 4973: 4972: 4936: 4928: 4924: 4902: 4892: 4891: 4884: 4870: 4869: 4864: 4862: 4853: 4837: 4835: 4832:stone-relief 4818: 4809: 4805: 4801: 4797: 4793: 4791: 4785: 4778: 4756: 4748: 4718: 4716: 4711: 4693: 4687: 4676: 4672: 4666: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4642: 4640: 4631: 4625: 4592: 4591:Han dynasty 4575: 4564:zhen xianren 4563: 4559: 4547: 4537: 4533: 4529: 4527: 4522: 4518: 4512: 4510: 4505: 4483: 4475: 4473: 4468: 4444: 4438: 4432: 4430: 4425: 4397: 4389: 4387: 4382: 4341: 4332: 4323: 4317: 4315: 4310: 4288: 4263: 4255: 4252: 4248: 4241: 4233: 4218: 4214: 4212: 4203: 4191: 4189: 4184: 4177: 4173: 4169: 4167: 4162: 4150: 4149:describes a 4142: 4140: 4124: 4118: 4114: 4108: 4087: 4065: 4059: 4057: 4052: 4039: 4035: 4029: 4024: 4016: 4010: 4003: 3998: 3994: 3990: 3986: 3982: 3978: 3974: 3968: 3962: 3956: 3946: 3942: 3940: 3931: 3917: 3903: 3899: 3893: 3887: 3883: 3879: 3877: 3870: 3861: 3857: 3853: 3849: 3845: 3843: 3838: 3836: 3812: 3777: 3757: 3755: 3750: 3746: 3735: 3731: 3697: 3687: 3675: 3673: 3662: 3646: 3637: 3633: 3623: 3603: 3583: 3581: 3572: 3557: 3554:Stroke order 3538: 3534: 3527: 3523: 3519: 3515: 3511: 3507: 3503: 3499: 3496: 3492: 3486: 3474: 3472: 3467: 3448: 3439: 3430: 3421: 3412: 3408: 3403: 3398: 3387: 3377: 3364:xiānrénzhăng 3363: 3360:Xianren Cave 3355: 3345: 3331: 3323: 3322: 3309: 3293: 3271: 3255: 3249: 3238: 3228: 3218: 3214: 3208: 3198: 3139: 3124:Confucianism 3096:Tang dynasty 3081: 3074: 3060: 3051: 3035: 3024: 3014: 2990: 2968: 2961: 2950: 2942: 2940: 2929:Soga Shōhaku 2892: 2884:Translations 2875: 2869: 2863: 2847: 2846: 2839: 2833: 2817: 2816: 2803: 2787: 2786: 2780: 2778: 2771: 2755: 2752: 2745: 2729: 2725: 2713:Shī jiě xiān 2711: 2692: 2691: 2684: 2668: 2667: 2660: 2644: 2643: 2638: 2622: 2620: 2610:painting of 2608:Ming dynasty 2597: 2587: 2571: 2559: 2543: 2535: 2519: 2511: 2495: 2475: 2459: 2450: 2444: 2428: 2422: 2406: 2404: 2383:Ming dynasty 2378: 2368:Jin Tingbiao 2360: 2342: 2329:Tang dynasty 2326: 2322: 2302: 2292: 2276: 2270: 2253: 2250: 2237: 2225: 2223: 2213: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2194: 2189: 2181: 2173: 2169: 2163: 2157: 2156: 2148: 2145: 2139: 2134: 2129: 2123: 2121: 2111: 2110: 2105: 2093: 2092: 2064:supernatural 2059: 2057: 2052: 2035: 2033: 2023: 2021: 2004: 2003: 2001: 1874:Taigu school 1831: 1830: 1809:Xia teaching 1785:Luo teaching 1763: 1762: 1736: 1735: 1703: 1702: 1681:Confucianism 1674: 1673: 1621: 1500:Wu shamanism 1445: 1439: 1438: 1187:Mount Kunlun 1031: 991:Zhang Boduan 973:Tao Hongjing 885:Heshang Gong 778:Jade Emperor 723: 716: 709: 702: 697:Sanhuangjing 695: 688: 681: 674: 667: 660: 655:Tao Te Ching 653: 646: 621: 603: 592: 585: 576: 569: 557:Ten Precepts 527: 523: 513: 501: 484: 477: 476: 469: 466:(non-action) 461: 453: 446: 438: 427:Yin and yang 419: 412: 405: 329: 314: 298: 284:ISO 639 code 280:}} 274:{{ 270:}} 264:{{ 260:}} 254:{{ 249: 219: 210: 200: 193: 186: 179: 167: 147: 117: 108: 95:copy editing 93:may require 92: 68: 61: 55: 54:Please help 51: 11395:White Cloud 11316:Dragon Gate 11173:Kou Qianzhi 11168:Bao Jingyan 11093:Zhuang Zhou 10913:Taipingjing 10731:(plainness) 10713:(nonaction) 10703:(integrity) 10671:(reversion) 10618:(ultimate) 10596:Metaphysics 10401:Shenyi Jing 10215:Four Perils 10114:White Tiger 10063:Yan Emperor 9888:10919/96386 8984:Graham 1960 8972:Graham 1960 8889:Hawkes 1985 8877:Hawkes 1985 8865:Hawkes 1985 8853:Hawkes 1985 8841:Hawkes 1985 8800:Fox, Alan. 8789:Watson 1968 8777:Watson 1968 8765:Watson 1968 8753:Watson 1968 8741:Watson 1968 8718:JSTOR Daily 8580:James Legge 8479:(in Korean) 8452:(in Korean) 7769:Alpha Books 6955:Statues of 6892:carrying a 6844:Kim Hong-do 6771:stealing a 6643:Liu Haichan 6612:Gu Jianlong 6509:Zhang Chong 6193:Deity with 6153: [ 6126: [ 6099: [ 6034:Xin dynasty 6002:Han dynasty 5967:Han dynasty 5942:Chu kingdom 5742:Han dynasty 5677:Becoming a 5610:, multiple 5141:Dìxíng xiān 5002:Hsi Wang Mu 4984:Sexual yoga 4903:Sān Shī Fàn 4850:hagiography 4743:Xia dynasty 4628:Han dynasty 4616:Xin dynasty 4528:Some other 4477:Ai shi ming 4469:Ai shi ming 4296: [ 4147:Emperor Yao 4030:During the 3970:Qian fu lun 3805:Han dynasty 3756:The 121 CE 3720:James Legge 3420:"soar up", 3163:boddhisatva 3132:cult images 3025:in popular 3007:immortality 2917:Liu Haichan 2783:immortals: 2230:fox spirits 2178:folk heroes 2118:Description 1867:Xuanyuanism 1814:Xiantiandao 1773:De teaching 1685:state rites 1130:Zhengyi Dao 1094:Dragon Gate 963:Kou Qianzhi 958:Bao Jingyan 872:Zhuang Zhou 676:Taipingjing 11412:Categories 11385:Louguantai 11178:Lu Xiujing 11158:Wei Huacun 11108:Wei Boyang 10811:Meditation 10587:Philosophy 10318:Weak River 10210:Fox spirit 9845:2022-07-28 9519:2023-04-23 9492:2023-04-23 9452:. London: 9242:Loewe 1978 9156:2024-01-28 9130:2023-06-19 9008:Welch 1957 8996:Welch 1957 8727:2023-05-27 8674:2023-04-23 8642:Welch 1957 8610:Wang, Ling 8483:2023-06-25 8471:"성도교(性道敎)" 8456:2023-06-25 8444:"각세도(覺世道)" 8415:. London: 8335:2023-05-06 8268:2023-05-22 8241:2023-05-05 7683:T'oung Pao 7383:1.2:21–27. 7313:References 7180:Fu Lu Shou 6608:Lü Dongbin 6591:Lü Dongbin 6575:Lü Dongbin 6560:Li Tieguai 6442:Deng Zhimo 6418:Li Gonglin 6303:Lü Dongbin 6176:Mogao Cave 5934:Lacquered 5652:worshipped 5638:atmosphere 4344:immortals 4172:, several 3910:meditation 3649:character 3626:character 3134:made from 3094:(in early 3034:; nymph; ( 2865:Zhì de jūn 2490:fox spirit 2030:Wade–Giles 1835:and sects: 1778:Jiugongdao 1591:Jiuhuangye 1458:Wen and wu 1202:Louguantai 1145:Yao Taoism 968:Lu Xiujing 948:Wei Huacun 943:Sun Hanhua 890:Wei Boyang 629:Priesthood 562:Meditation 481:(immortal) 458:(reversal) 183:newspapers 150:references 103:editing it 57:improve it 11307:Chongxuan 11290:Shangqing 11253:Huang–Lao 11213:Qiu Chuji 11203:Sun Bu'er 11193:Chen Tuan 11153:Guo Xiang 11123:Zhang Jue 11098:Lie Yukou 10934:Huahujing 10906:Huainanzi 10825:(essence) 10794:Yangsheng 10646:Feng shui 10632:(duality) 10476:Huainanzi 10373:Shi Yi Ji 10313:Red River 10163:Huli jing 10141:Fenghuang 9982:Astrology 9871:(1): 25. 9865:Religions 9735:0030-5197 9660:910498369 9510:"zhenren" 9182:HarperOne 8291:Routledge 8259:"Huangdi" 8170:123079516 8152:Doubleday 7703:0082-5433 7558:Footnotes 7500:: 73–101. 7394:. 1990 . 7204:In Shiyan 7195:Xi Wangmu 7134:Tsui Hark 6736:He Xiangu 6606:Immortal 6504:Immortals 6485:from the 6286:at Repose 6258:, likely 6256:Jade Pond 6071:Xiwangmu 6055:mural of 5823:Liang Kai 5715:pantheons 5511:painting. 5406:mural of 5379:believed 4953:Hé and Hé 4917:scallions 4741:) of the 4731:) of the 4719:xiansheng 4677:xiansheng 4647:mythology 4331:once and 4207:Four Seas 4117:compound 4089:Yún jiāng 3930:), while 3661:, have a 3582:The word 3211:etymology 3189:Etymology 3036:xian jing 2848:Zhìdì jūn 2805:Dìxià zhǔ 2788:Dìxià zhǔ 2614:riding a 2362:Jade Pond 2301:Types of 1909:Dongbaism 1892:Benzhuism 1581:Zhongyuan 1570:Festivals 1488:Feng shui 1481:Jingxiang 1470:Practices 1352:Xian ling 1054:Huang–Lao 1006:Qiu Chuji 996:Sun Bu'er 986:Chen Tuan 938:Guo Xiang 905:Zhang Jue 877:Lie Yukou 704:Huahujing 669:Huainanzi 541:Practices 492:True form 63:talk page 11312:Quanzhen 11300:Jingming 11228:Zhu Quan 11128:Zhang Lu 10920:Xiang'er 10892:Zhuangzi 10839:(spirit) 10831:(breath) 10770:Practice 10146:Yinglong 10053:Shennong 9834:bilibili 9743:43383385 9632:(2015). 9616:46661540 9562:46661540 9435:39243466 9415:(1998). 9383:(1998). 9176:(2007). 9146:"道教神仙分类" 8803:Zhuangzi 8549:. 1993. 8400:: 40–41. 8285:(2006). 8186:(1991). 8038:(2018). 8007:. 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