
1985 Mexico City earthquake

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1229: 1377: 389: 581:, suffered the most damage. In this particular area, 258 buildings completely crumbled, 143 partially collapsed and 181 were seriously damaged. The next seriously affected area was Venustiano Carranza where 83 buildings collapsed, 128 partially collapsed and 2,000 structures were seriously damaged. Damage was localized to the center parts of the city, leaving much of the residential outer rim unscathed, but the damage in the affected area was extensive. Over 720,000 tons of debris was removed during the first six weeks after the event. The Metropolitan Commission for Emergencies of the Federal District reported 2,831 buildings damaged for the entire city: 31% or 880 were completely ruined, 13% were reinhabitable with major repairs and the rest, totaling 1581, were recoverable with minor repairs. This translates to more than 30,000 housing units destroyed and another 68,000 units damaged. 1250: 1179:
the government, who was helped and by how much was determined by one's standing vis-à-vis the PRI. Those belonging to the party received preference and those considered opposition received the runaround. President de la Madrid refused to cut foreign debt payments to use the money to help with the recovery effort. The government's response to the earthquake was widely criticized at various levels of Mexican society, being seen as both authoritarian and incompetent. As most of the collapsed buildings were of recent construction and public works projects, the government was seen at fault due to mismanagement and corruption in these constructions. The government itself realized that it could not handle the crisis alone through already-established institutions and decided to open the process up to "opposition groups".
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refused. Many media outlets expressed support for the popular movements and marches like that of 2 October 1985, demanding that the reconstruction process be more "democratic", meaning the inclusion of non-PRI political organizations into the decision-making process. On 11 October 1985, the President granted a seven-minute audience to the heads of a dozen popular movements, which turned into a 45-minute meeting where de la Madrid was handed a document outlining what would remain the movements' core demands: expropriation of all condemned buildings, followed by a "popular" and "democratic" reconstruction project which would include the active participation of the community movement. De la Madrid conceded some with the expropriation of 5,500 properties in the four most affected boroughs.
integrate and smooth relations between his agency and the community groups. On 16 May 1986, Camacho Solís met with the heads of all the major groups. He offered a commitment to build 48,000 housing units in one year if the groups would all sign a "Convenio de concertación democrática para la reconstrucción de vivienda" (Democratic agreement for the reconstruction of housing). Basically, this document required the cooperation of community groups in exchange for solid commitments from the agency. All sides would compromise in order to get something done. The deal generally worked; movements like CUD moderated their stances and agencies like SEDUE and PRHP made progress in rebuilding housing, regardless of political affiliation.
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up aid stations and scavenging supplies. Rescue workers soon arrived to start digging through the rubble. A second quake made rescue work slower, because of fear of further collapse. Most bodies were identified by personal effects, some by dental records and some were so mangled that they wound up being cremated without ever being identified, due to the lack of morgue facilities. 561 bodies were found and 188 were never identified. 266 were hospital workers and 44 were medical residents. The majority who were rescued were found in the first five days. The number of bodies recovered was high during those first days as well but the numbers dramatically increased between days 17 and 31.
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was of long duration. Ground shaking lasted more than five minutes in places along the coast and parts of Mexico City shook for three minutes, with an average shaking time of 3–4 minutes. It is estimated the movement along the fault was about three metres (9.8 ft). The main tremor was foreshadowed by a quake of magnitude 5.2 on 28 May 1985, and was followed by two significant aftershocks: one on 20 September 1985 of magnitude 7.5 lasting thirteen seconds and the third occurring seven months later on 30 April 1986 with magnitude 7.0 lasting ten seconds. However, at least twelve other minor aftershocks were associated with the seismic event.
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content. Above this is a layer of sand and above this is a layer of sand and rock. The western and northwestern parts of the city are outside the old lakeshores and are located on sands from eroding volcanic cones that surround the Valley of Mexico. The southern part of the city rests on hardened basalt lava flows. The old lakebed, with its high water content, is easily moved or compressed. The old lakeshore area also has a fairly high water content, allowing movement, though not as much as the lakebed. The old lava flows have little water content or movement in comparison and are therefore more stable.
1312:. This group arose from youths who spontaneously volunteered to risk their lives crawling into collapsed buildings to look for survivors. Despite having no equipment, training or knowledge of rescue tactics, these youths were instrumental in saving a number of lives, including the babies rescued from the collapse of the Juárez Hospital. Shortly thereafter, these youths decided to formally band together in February 1986. These "topos" have developed into highly trained specialists in times of disaster, with branches in other parts of Mexico. They are now expertly trained and even have 1261:(PRI). Much of the PRI's authoritarian nature was tolerated because the country had seen four decades of economic expansion of six percent or better. When this disappeared, the PRI's power base began to shrink. Its reputation was damaged further when the government seemed to be deliberately downplaying the number of earthquake victims. President de la Madrid made relatively few public appearances afterwards and during those he did, he received strong heckling, in contrast to the near-reverence that past presidents enjoyed at such events. 499:. Some regulations were passed in that year and more in 1976 after another, stronger earthquake shook the city. However, none of these regulations had an event like 1985's in mind when passed. Most of the seriously damaged buildings were built between 1957 and 1976, when the city was starting to build upwards, in the six-to-fifteen floor range. In second place were buildings from before 1957, possibly because they were weakened by the earlier earthquakes. Structures built between 1976 and 1985 suffered the least damage. 319: 478:
motions. One interesting characteristic was that many buildings had their upper floors collapse, leaving the lower floors relatively undamaged. In many damaged buildings, just one floor had collapsed. In some cases the damage was caused by the top of a lower, adjacent building banging against the walls and the supporting columns of its neighbor. Eventually, the columns gave way. In other cases, the first few floors of buildings were designed as parking garages, open lobbies or large shopping areas. These
1281: 1082:. However, the most commonly cited figures are around 10,000. While high as an absolute number, it compares to other earthquakes of similar strength in Asia and other parts of Latin America where death tolls have run between 66,000 and 242,000 for earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 or above. Part of the explanation for that was the hour in which the earthquake struck, approximately 7:20 am, when people were awake but not in the many schools and office buildings that were severely damaged. 708:, doubled over at the third floor and fell south onto a fourteen-story building. The fall left a huge piece of concrete blocking the road that leads to the Zócalo. People at the scene stated that there was simply no time to run and escape the building's fall. The other three 20-story buildings were closed because of damage, as well as the Metro entrance next door. The building was occupied by family courts and offices of the public defender. The area is now a market. 1416: 1188: 1430: 1070: 503: 380:
low-frequency waves of an earthquake are amplified by the mud of the lakebed, which in turn, is amplified by the building itself. This causes these buildings to shake more violently than the earthquake proper as the earthquake progresses. Many of the older colonial buildings have survived hundreds of years on the lakebed simply because they are not tall enough to be affected by the resonance effect.
Ignacio M. Altamirano, Jesús Terán, Ponciano Arriaga, Niños Héroes and 20 de Noviembre suffered severe damage such as deeply cracked foundations. In the days after the quake, military and police cordoned off ten buildings to keep people out, leading a number of them to sleep on the streets. Twelve buildings in the complex were so badly damaged that they were demolished in the next six months.
People became trapped in stairwells, elevators and their apartments without any way to contact the outside world. At the collapsed building, lines of 50–100 people passed rubble by hand and buckets, trying to reach victims. During these rescue efforts, a nearby building, called Oaxaca, began to creak noisily, causing everyone to run and abandon the site temporarily, but it did not collapse.
514:. However, the codes were not designed for seismic activity of the intensity experienced in 1985. The event was one of the most intense ever recorded, and macroseismic waves arrived in the Valley of Mexico with unusually high energy content. Prior to the event, estimates about ground movement on the lakebed were generally accepted and a number of buildings were built on these estimates. 976:
General Hospital of Mexico. In total, the city lost more than 4,000 public hospital beds in the earthquake, severely disrupting these institutions' ability to handle the crisis. In addition, five of the largest private hospitals had to be evacuated. More than 900 patients, physicians, nurses and paramedical workers died in the initial shock.
excavation equipment descended into the city to help with rescue efforts. First Lady Nancy Reagan toured Mexico City with U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, John Gavin, observing the resulting damage of the earthquake. Few countries sent rescue delegations to support these efforts. One of the prominent groups was the delegation of the
299:, more than 350 kilometres (220 mi) away, but the city suffered major damage due to its large magnitude and the ancient lake bed on which Mexico City sits. The event caused between three and five billion USD in damage as 412 buildings collapsed and another 3,124 were seriously damaged in the city. 971:) was considered the most important hospital complex in Latin America with over 2,300 beds and the largest medical library in the country. It had to be evacuated because all of its 25 buildings suffered severe damage. Most of the beds that it lost were dedicated to tertiary, high-technology care. The 651:
The collapse of this factory exposed the deplorable conditions to which many of these women were subjected. The building that collapsed, as well as many others, were found to be decrepit. It came to be known that many of the women had to work extended hours with little or no compensation, and few, if
Those who were rescued first were taken to another building for treatment, as the ambulances were trapped inside the collapsed tower. The hospital did not have an emergency plan but nonetheless, surviving hospital workers and neighbors quickly improvised, under the management of the hospital, setting
To this day, the death toll has been in dispute. About 5,000 bodies were recovered from the debris and represent the total of legally certified deaths but does not include those who were missing and never recovered. Reports have numbered the dead anywhere from 5,000 to 30,000 (claimed by a number of
continued to operate normally. All of the closed stations were in the historic center area, with the exception of the stations of Line 2 south of Pino Suárez. These stations were located above ground. The reason these stations were closed was not due to damage to the Metro proper, but rather because
staff died, including producer Ernesto Villanueva and engineer David Mendoza Córcega, who had just parked at the Televisa building, but had no time to escape from his car. The falling debris also killed street vendors who worked just outside the studio building. Reconstruction of the studio building
and Juan Dosal. As the movement began, it is reported that Llamas grabbed the underside of the desk, and whispering quickly to her colleagues that she hoped no one could see how scared she was. The last image broadcast from the studio was that of Lourdes Guerrero stating "... it's still shaking
The "Torre de Hospitalización" was built in 1970 with the main building being twelve stories tall. It had two wings, one facing north and the other south, with an inpatient capacity of 536 beds. At the top was a helipad. It was also surrounded by a number of other buildings belonging to the hospital
Perez-Campos, X.; Singh, S. K.; Arroyo, D.; Cruz-Atienza, V. M.; Ordaz, M.; Hjorleifsdottir, V.; Iglesias, A. (December 2017). "The deadly Morelos-Puebla, Mexico Intraslab Earthquake of 19 September 2017 (Mw7.1): Was the Earthquake Unexpected and Were the Ground Motions and Damage Pattern in Mexico
The Mexican government, thinking that it could handle the situation after the earthquake by themselves, initially refused any foreign aid. As an aftershock struck on 20 September, the Mexican government then announced that it would be willing to accept help. Heavy machinery, medical supplies, and
declared it would not request aid; it specifically rejected help from the United States. It was also widely reported in the days after the earthquake that the military assisted factory owners in retrieving their machinery rather than in removing the bodies of dead factory workers. At many levels of
It was located at the corner of Balderas and Avenida Juárez in the historic center and completely collapsed within moments of the quake. Shortly after its collapse, it began to burn due to a gas leak, which made it extremely difficult to rescue survivors. Nothing survived of the hotel. The space is
In this school the classes normally started at 7 o'clock in the morning, so the students were already in class. Some data indicate that around 120 people died and some disappeared in this building. Literally this building was split in two, the part that overlooked Humboldt Street stood and the part
However, the most memorable story to come from this event was the rescue of nearly all the newborn babies that were in the nursery at the time. These babies were pulled out of the wreckage mostly unscathed but lost their mothers. The infants were found seven days after the initial event and came to
Heavy machinery was unable to get to the site until five days after the earthquake. Numbers of dead did not include unidentified body parts found. Most of the injured had contusion injuries and many suffered from dehydration, with the severity of the dehydration increasing with those rescued later.
were particularly flexible and tended to collapse after prolonged shaking. Some types of foundations, particularly those involving piles driven into clay and held in place by friction, turned out to be weak. One nine-story building, for example, overturned. Its piles were pulled entirely out of the
area and the deaths of at least 5,000 people. The sequence of events included a foreshock of magnitude 5.2 that occurred the prior May, the main shock on 19 September, and two large aftershocks. The first of these occurred on 20 September with a magnitude of 7.5 and the second occurred seven months
The severe damage in so many buildings, including in many public works construction projects to house the rapidly growing population of Mexico City, was blamed on lax enforcement of building codes. Critics argued that the lack of enforcement of such codes was indicative of corrupt practices in all
was imposed, as well as rescue, sanitary efforts and other, with 1,836 soldiers initially sent in and another 1,500 conscripts sent later. The federal government's first public response was President de la Madrid's declaration of a period of mourning for three days starting from 20 September 1985.
All the buildings suffered damage but along with the collapsed Nuevo León building, buildings such as those called Veracruz, Coahuila, Zacatecas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Jalisco, Churubusco, Guelatao, 2 de Abril, 15 de Septiembre, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, ISSSTE 11, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Ignacio Comonfort,
on the coast at 7:17 am and hit Mexico City, 350 km (220 mi) away, two minutes later at 7:19 am. The 19 September quake was a multiple event with two epicenters and the second movement occurring 26 seconds after the first. Because of multiple breaks in the fault line, the event
which causes the loss of foundation support and contributes to dramatic settlement of large buildings. Mexico City's downtown area mostly lies on the silt and volcanic clay sediments of the bed of the historic Lake Texcoco, which are between seven and thirty-seven meters deep and have a high water
in Mexico. Volatile trenches along the Cocos plate generally have had seismic events every 30 to 70 years before 1985. This subduction zone outside the Michoacán gap was the source of 42 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 or stronger in the 20th century prior to the 1985 event. However, this particular
In March, only weeks after taking office, Camacho Solís changed the charged atmosphere between SEDUE and the community groups. He actively integrated Tlateloloco citizen groups into a new program meant for that area, defusing the most volatile area of the city. Camacho Solís continued to work to
More than 4,000 people were rescued alive. 9,600 injured people received treatment, including 1,879 who needed hospitalization. Despite the loss of 5,000 hospital beds, there was never a shortage of facilities for the injured. Some of the reason for this was that those with postponable care were
hospital for government workers lost 36 percent of its capacity. The 2,158 beds of the Ministry of Health (SSA) were lost, representing 43 percent of its capacity in the city. This included the 700 beds lost with the complete collapse of Juárez Hospital and the gynecology-obstetrics tower of the
stopped service and completely shut down for fear of electrocution. This caused people to get out of the tunnels from wherever they were and onto the street to try to get where they were going. At the time, the Metro had 101 stations, with 32 closed to the public in the weeks after the event. On
The stepping-in of non-PRI organizations to take over where the government could not, also took its toll on PRI's reputation. Burton Kirkwood stated, "Out of the disaster emerged the realization that a viable civil society existed in Mexico. This revelation also caused many to consider why they
CUD and other popular movement representatives met the head of the Secretariat of Urban Development and Ecology (SEDUE) Guillermo Carrillo Arena on 27 September 1985. Carrillo Arena at first insisted that the movements incorporate themselves into the PRI before gaining any concessions. This was
In the Conjunto Urbano, two of the three modules of the building called "Nuevo León", at thirteen stories tall, completely collapsed, while the other one was severely damaged. In other buildings, dozens of people terrified by the event jumped from high windows to their deaths, trying to escape.
and low frequency signals. This lakebed has a natural "pitch" of one cycle every 2.5 seconds making everything built on the bed vibrate at the same frequency. This is the same "pitch" as a number of shallow earthquake waves. This resonance amplifies the effects of the shock waves coming from an
After the government created the Programa de Renovación Habitacional Popular (PRHP) on 14 October to help deal with the crisis, friction between the government and community groups grew again, PRHP used PRI-membership as a requirement to be included into the census of earthquake victims. More
Most of the earthquake damage was to buildings. Two reasons are the resonance in the lakebed sediments and the long duration of the shaking. The buildings most damaged were from 6 to 15 stories in height. These buildings tended to resonate most with the energetic frequency band of the lakebed
reported that by the time rescue workers reached the building, the owners were already in a hurry to demolish it, without trying to rescue or recover the workers trapped inside. About 150 bodies of workers had already been pulled from the wreckage by fellow employees using their bare hands.
However, only certain types of structures are vulnerable to this resonance effect. Taller buildings have their own frequencies of vibration. Those that are six to fifteen stories tall also vibrate at the 2.5-second cycle, making them act like tuning forks in the event of an earthquake. The
The region's infrastructure was severely affected. The number of people with potable water went from six million to 90,000. as 6,500 metres (4.0 mi) of primary and secondary water and drainage pipes suffered breaks in 163 places, cutting off water and contaminating it. 516,000 m
The area most severely hit by the earthquake had the highest concentration of hospitals. Most of the damage occurred in secondary and tertiary hospitals. Thirteen hospitals of six or more floors were partially or totally destroyed, most of these public institutions. One out of every four
On the other hand, the disaster created an opportunity for political opponents, especially at the grassroots level. Much of the community organizing focused on helping those left homeless by the earthquake. The three largest and most effective organizations were based in Tlatelolco and
In the hours and days immediately after the first shock, there was an enormous response and solidarity among the city population of 18 million people. Ordinary citizens organized brigades to help with rescue efforts and to provide food, clothing and emotional support to the homeless.
Every 19 September, in all public buildings at Mexico City and all the nation the civil protection authorities conduct evacuation drills to evaluate the evacuation response in the case of an earthquake. On 19 September 2017, 32 years after the 1985 earthquake, Mexico City also faced
ordered a news blackout and did not address the situation at all for 39 hours after the event. When the government did give estimates of the number killed, they ranged from 7,000 to 35,000. Consequently, most of the populace believes that the true numbers have never been revealed.
602:, teaching facilities, offices as well as the original convent. At the time of the earthquake, the hospital was 80% full, and it was shift change time for nurses, doctors and residents. Within minutes, the steel-frame structure collapsed, crushing and trapping many people inside. 652:
any, of the labor laws on the books were being followed. This event made the garment industry a labor embarrassment. All that remains of the factory is a small empty lot with a bronze statue of a woman sewing. Apartments were built on the remainder of the property.
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While not on or near any fault like San Francisco or Los Angeles, Mexico City is also vulnerable to earthquakes. The main reason for this is the surface geology of the area, especially the downtown area. The city was originally built on an island in the middle of
Centuries-old structures have been reinforced across the city and new construction must comply with very strict codes. There are several instances of tall buildings in Mexico City incorporating earthquake-resistant engineering. A few notable examples are: the
protests followed on 26 October calling for, among other things, the firing of SEDUE head Carrillo Arena. Things got worse through February 1986, mostly due to the ineffectiveness of SEDUE and PRHP. Finally Carrillo Arena was fired from SEDUE and replaced by
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television network, when the earthquake struck. In the video, movement can be seen, especially in the studio lights above the newscasters. The three newscasters were María Victoria Llamas (in place of Guillermo Ochoa, the principal anchor who was on leave),
To better help deal with major disasters, the Civil Protection Committee was created. This committee organizes drills in cooperation with rescue workers, police, hospital staff and even metro personnel. Affiliated with the Civil Protection Committee is the
Norte #668, covering an area of about two km (0.77 sq mi). It had 102 buildings with seven medical facilities, twenty-two schools and about 500 small businesses, serving the 80,000 people who lived there. Constructed under the presidency of
One of the most visible government institutions to fall in the event was the tower of Hospital Juárez, one of the oldest hospital institutions in Mexico. It was founded in 1847, converting the old convent of San Pablo to treat wounded soldiers from the
A survey by the government of the damage done found that few buildings from one to five stories suffered serious damage; the same was true for buildings over fifteen stories. When the buildings were built seemed to have an effect as well. Before the
886:(5,550,000 sq ft) of asphalt was damaged, and 137 schools collapsed. The number of jobs lost due to the event was estimated at 200,000. Forty percent of the population was without electricity and seventy percent without telephone service. 1392: 832:. Everyone ran from the studio but Llamas and Guerrero stayed, hiding under their anchor desks. After the shaking stopped, they both left the Televisa studios through a back door, and hours later they were back on the air in the studios of 1228: 1269:
needed a centralized state that so obviously could not care for its people. As a consequence, the opposition movements pointed to the government's shortcomings and advanced candidates for the greater goal of defeating the PRI."
1204:, Obrera, Peralvillo, Asturias, Nicolás Bravo among others which housed the working and lower classes. These groups along with the Sindicato Nacional de Costureras united to form the Coordinadora Única de Damnificados (CUD). 1104:
According to government figures, approximately 250,000 people lost their homes directly due to the earthquake. Unofficial sources put that figure much higher. Some sources say that more than 50,000 families lost their homes.
1174:. The crisis was severe enough to have tested the capabilities of wealthier countries, but the government from local PRI bosses to President de la Madrid himself exacerbated the problem aside from the lack of money. The 1125:
Patients had to be moved from damaged hospitals, especially the National Medical Center. Many of these patients were very ill. 1,900 patients were successfully moved from here, without any deaths, in just four hours.
reported feeling as if the cafeteria had been lifted and rocked back and forth, shattering windows and injuring some people but mostly causing panic. A small tsunami caused only mild damage to Lázaro Cárdenas and
In contrast, the network of twenty four community general hospitals with 1,600 beds belonging to the city (federal district) were not affected as these were spread out beyond the city center and the old lakebed.
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Off the coasts of Michoacán and Guerrero, the 19 and 20 September events caused a rupture in the seabed 240 km long and 70 km wide, located between the subduction trench and the coastline. This is an
521:. Despite being 44 stories tall, it survived the 1985 event almost undamaged. It was constructed with two hundred piles extending down over one hundred feet (30 m) into the stable earth stratum. 672:
The Conalep SPP was a building located between the streets of Iturbide and Humboldt, in the Historic Center of Mexico City, which was destroyed by the 8.1 magnitude earthquake of 19 September 1985.
in Guerrero. It was expanded to a similar area on the coast of Oaxaca. An alarm is supposed to go off in Mexico City (similar to an air-raid siren) when an earthquake of 6.0 or higher is detected.
2456: 2355: 638:, was the location of one of the many garment factories in the city center area. Called "Topeka," a garment factory building was destroyed along with approximately 1,200 other workshops. 1106: 1200:. These consisted of families from the "Multifamiliar Juárez" housing project, which completely collapsed and the combined colonias (neighborhoods) of Centro, Morelos, Guerrero, 431:
The energy released during the main event was equivalent to approximately 1,114 nuclear weapons exploding. The earthquake was felt over 825,000 square kilometers, as far away as
discharged, but mostly because the public and private facilities unified de facto during the crisis. There were also people rescued as late as ten days after the initial event.
1,687 school buildings were damaged. Interruption of classes, either to the lack of facilities and/or the need to help with rescue efforts, affected over 1.5 million students.
450:; in parts of Mexico City, it registered the same, even at a distance of about 400 km (249 mi) away. There was no historic record of such a strong quake in Mexico. 696:
structure with its microwave tower. This structure failed, causing the near total collapse of long distance communications between Mexico City and the rest of the world.
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While the fault line was located just off the Pacific coast of Mexico, there was relatively little effect on the sea itself. The earthquake did produce a number of
One preparation that was made for any future events was the alert system, Sistema de Alerta Sísmica (SAS), which sends early-warning messages electronically from
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which was originally housed in the huge Hotel Del Prado across the street. That hotel was irreparably damaged in the earthquake and subsequently demolished.
At the time of the earthquake, Mexico was in its fourth year of a foreign debt crisis, and a contracting economy causing serious political problems for the
be known as the "Miracle Babies" or the "Miracle of Hospital Juárez", having survived without nourishment, water, warmth or human contact during that time.
348:) in response to major periodic flooding. The near surface geology of this area is classified into three sections: the old lake bed which is soft clay from 665: 2938: 704:
One of the most spectacular building collapses was that of the Conjunto Pino Suárez, which was a complex of five steel-frame buildings. A 20-story tower,
1916: 2727:
Bodin, Paul; Terrie Klinger (5 September 1986). "Coastal Uplift and Mortality of Intertidal Organisms Caused by the September 1985 Mexico Earthquakes".
1013: 164: 1362:), nearly two hours after the earthquake drills took place and on 19 September 2022, 37 years after the 1985 earthquake and 5 after the 2017 one, the 342:, and Aztec rulers built dikes to prevent flooding while Spanish colonial rulers later drained the lakes in a massive hydraulic project (known as the 2464: 2351: 2679: 1907:
Anderson, J.G.; J.N. Brune; J. Prince; S.K. Singh; R. Quaas & M. Onate (1986). "Strong Ground Motion from the Michoacán, Mexico, Earthquake".
3259: 1663: 510:
At the time of the earthquake, Mexico City had one of the most stringent building codes, based on experience gained from earthquakes in 1957 and
2163: 1029:, Jalisco, where about 60 percent of the buildings were destroyed, with about 50 dead. Some damage also occurred as far away as the states of 388: 363:
On the bed of the historic lake, the prevailing silt and volcanic clay sediments amplify seismic shaking. Damage to structures is worsened by
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Buildings A1, B2 and C3 of the Multifamiliar Juárez complex partially collapsed with a total of nine structures eventually being demolished.
764:. Together, these apartment complexes were a large percentage of the 30,000 units lost, with the city losing about 30% of its living space. 689: 2912: 1716: 1608: 1253:
Mexico City - Collapsed upper stories and construction equipment at work at the Ministry of Telecommunications and Transportation building.
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were widely criticized for what was perceived as an inefficient response to the emergency, including an initial refusal of foreign aid.
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and it is one of the most active trenches in the world. Each year more than 90 tremors above magnitude 4.0 are recorded in this zone.
3570: 2021: 56: 622: 3575: 2316: 1321: 530: 44: 2536: 2051: 1334:
In 2005, there were still two camps where approximately eighty families are still waiting for relocation from the earthquake.
2807: 1753: 549:. The damage area corresponds to the western part of the lake zone within two to four kilometres (1.2 to 2.5 mi) of the 2609:
Medina, Carlos A.; Manuel Noguez (20 September 1985). "Dramaticos Momentos Para 80,000 habitantes de la Unidad Tlatelolco".
had bent over and crushed parts of Televisa's buildings that were located on Niños Héroes and Dr. Río de la Loza Streets in
3494: 223: 996:, Guerrero and Michoacán suffered only mild to moderate damage. Landslides caused damage at Atenquique, Jalisco, and near 3484: 3252: 753: 330:
Much of Mexico's volcanic and seismic activity stems from the movement of the North American Plate against the Cocos and
Shortly after the event, the PRI began to face serious challenges at the polls, resulting in attempts to rig elections.
These earthquakes created many political difficulties for the then-ruling Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) or
3428: 1519: 821:), but we must take it calmly. We will wait just a second so we can keep talking." Then the broadcast got interrupted. 78: 2411:"Los buenos los malos y las feas cifras y realidades del terremoto segun un libro de un brigadista de Plácido Domingo" 1009: 443: 3585: 3123: 2995:
Torres, G.F.; Castillo, S.; Mora, I.; Leonardo, M.; Hernández, F.; Dávalos, R.; Álvarez, J.L.; Rodríguez, M. (2012).
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The Israeli Rescue Delegation under the command of Col. Avner Shmuelevitz (with the yellow helmet and green uniform).
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but they were small, ranging between one and three metres (3 ft 3 in and 9 ft 10 in) in height.
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Nuevo León apartment building; part of the structure was only slightly damaged, while another part of it collapsed.
92: 3565: 3469: 3403: 2291: 1061:
and the event caused widespread mortality in a number of species living in the area such as algae and shellfish.
3245: 1175: 1079: 1025:. Some fishing boats were reported missing but these reports were never confirmed. One exceptional case was in 676:
that overlooked Iturbide Street collapsed falling floor to floor and pulling the building towards that street.
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Despite warnings and predictions, in 2005, an estimated 32 million people live in the high-risk lakebed area.
3545: 3368: 3297: 3268: 1467: 3282: 3116: 1096:
The main reason that the figures have been disputed is the government's response to the tragedy. President
Bronze statue of a seamstress at corner of Manuel J Othón and San Antonio Abad at site of collapsed factory
3524: 3313: 1478: 1363: 1138: 3580: 3145: 3142: 3139: 1462: 1457: 757: 550: 469: 3443: 3398: 2778:
Velasco Molina, Carlos (20 September 1985). "Estricto Patrullaje Militar Para Garantizar paz: Aguirre".
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coast. Coastal and most inland damage was moderated by the fact that most of the west of Mexico sits on
511: 3413: 3171: 2492: 857: 67: 2856: 1653: 139: 35: 3555: 3353: 3287: 3204: 3162: 534: 1402:
as a recognition to his contributions to 1985 Mexico City earthquake victims and his artistic works.
558: 3519: 3489: 3479: 3474: 3433: 3388: 3373: 3363: 3343: 3318: 3210: 951: 943: 931: 915: 903: 733: 594:. It originally was called San Pablo Hospital but its name was changed to Juárez Hospital in 1872. 591: 488: 1973: 660: 3560: 3550: 3499: 3423: 3348: 3323: 3156: 2410: 1285: 767: 749: 729: 554: 517:
Several notable buildings were relatively untouched by the quake. One significant example is the
2916: 2433: 1720: 1651: 1627: 1383: 1213: 1073:
Eight-story frame structure with brick infill walls broken in two. The foundation also came off.
3514: 3509: 3504: 3464: 3459: 3438: 3408: 3393: 3383: 3378: 3358: 3338: 3333: 3292: 3177: 2459:[Testimony of the earthquake of ’85: Francisco, 36 hours under the rubble of Conalep]. 1484: 1472: 1355: 833: 635: 496: 279: 97: 20: 2996: 1241:(IDF), which was enthusiastically welcomed and hosted by the Jewish community of Mexico City. 781: 761: 542: 3183: 3098: 2587:
Gomez Moreno, Ricardo (20 September 1985). "Una voz bajo escombros del Edificio Nuevo León".
2387: 1793:
Ohmachi, Tatsuo; Kawamura, Makoto; Yasuda, Susumu; Mimura, Chojiro; Nakamura, Yutaka (1988).
1449: 1343: 1339: 1325: 518: 323: 296: 84: 2837:
Orme, William A. (8 November 1986). "Playing with Loaded Dice: Mexico's political machine".
2822: 1743: 553:. Nearly all the buildings that collapsed were located in this lake zone that extended from 2736: 1920: 1806: 1542: 1238: 919: 412: 2025: 295:
later on 30 April 1986 with a magnitude of 7.0. They were located off the coast along the
8: 3029: 1386:
presides over a minute of silence for the earthquake victims at the 30-year commemoration
1309: 1097: 776: 693: 479: 303: 291: 2740: 2320: 1924: 1810: 1546: 538: 3075: 2760: 2228: 2203: 2157: 2122: 1944: 935: 643: 19:"Mexico City earthquake" redirects here. For the 2017 earthquake near Mexico City, see 2882: 2540: 2047: 1399: 1316:
to help them. They have gained international fame as they have helped in disasters in
3042: 3034: 2803: 2752: 2233: 2105:
Peterson, Ivars (18 January 1986). "Mexico City's Earthquake: Lessons in the Ruins".
2082: 2000: 1936: 1886: 1856: 1824: 1749: 1619: 911: 898: 803:
One of the most famous images of the event is the recording of the live broadcast of
724:, gourmet restaurant and a small but luxurious cinema with wide reclining armchairs. 364: 1948: 939: 716:
The Hotel Regis was built in the beginning of the 20th century as a luxury hotel in
The earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the Mexican state of
2764: 2744: 2457:"Testimonios del sismo del '85: Francisco, 36 horas bajo los escombros del Conalep" 2223: 2215: 2114: 1928: 1814: 1667: 1201: 1049:, which serves to transmit the shockwaves without amplifying them. La Villita, and 927: 829: 813: 562: 2748: 1932: 1026: 876:
Hotel D'Carlo, which were located in the Alameda Central area near the Hotel Regis
318: 1301: 1289: 1110: 1058: 1050: 1030: 825: 404: 863: 1819: 1794: 1143: 1042: 923: 641:"Topeka" was one of three buildings that collapsed on this block. The magazine 631: 752:
to the north of the historic center that became major scenes of disaster, the
3539: 3061:. Commerce Department, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). 3046: 3038: 2086: 2004: 1890: 1860: 1828: 1623: 1435: 997: 717: 492: 331: 179: 166: 55:
Main shock and aftershocks of 1985 Mexico City earthquake - M 3.0 or greater(
424: 420:
section of the subduction zone had not had an event for a much longer time.
Maps of Seismic Intensity in the Metropolitan Area Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
2756: 1940: 1421: 1317: 1280: 1197: 1147: 1005: 947: 907: 784:, it was considered the most important complex of its kind in the country. 737: 688:
and Xola Avenue, at the southern end of the lake-bed zone was (and is) the
372: 349: 339: 3108: 2853:"Centro de Instrumentación y Registro Sísmico, A. C., CIRES – MÉXICO" 2237: 2219: 1292:, a monument was made honoring the victims and rescuers of the earthquake. 400:, a distance of more than 350 km (220 mi) from the city, in the 397: 2204:"The Health Care Reform in Mexico: Before and After the 1985 Earthquakes" 1652:
National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS) (1972),
1347: 1053:, near the coast, were superficially damaged and undamaged respectively. 1022: 867: 685: 432: 408: 401: 40: 3237: 3079: 3067: 2735:(4768). American Association for the Advancement of Science: 1071–1073. 1513: 533:. Eighty percent of the earthquake damage was confined to four of them: 2126: 1151: 599: 2915:(in Spanish). Mexico City: Televisa. 19 September 2005. Archived from 1187: 967:
The National Medical Center of the Mexican Social Security Institute (
344: 2485: 1906: 1671: 1313: 446:, near the epicenter, the 19 September event registered as IX on the 407:, specifically in a section of the fault line known as the Michoacán 353: 278:
struck in the early morning of 19 September at 07:17:50 (CST) with a
2939:"Mexican elite earthquake rescue team, Los Topos, departs for Italy" 2562: 2317:"Cumplen 20 años "niños" rescatados terremoto 1985 Ciudad de México" 2118: 1795:"Damage due to the 1985 Mexico earthquake and the ground conditions" 1481:- earthquake affecting Mexico's Pacific coast exactly 37 years later 1415: 1320:, Taiwan, in the countries of the rim of the Indian Ocean after the 566: 2682:(in Spanish). Mexico City: Terra. 19 September 1998. Archived from 2319:(in Spanish). Mexico City: Terra. 18 September 2005. Archived from 2292:"El Terremoto de 1985 en el Hospital Juárez de la Ciudad de México" 1531: 1085:
However, the death toll was great enough to require the use of the
1038: 808: 416: 2802:. Westport, CT, US: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. p. 203. 1535:
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, Abstract #S33G-2950
1475:- earthquake near Mexico City that occurred exactly 32 years later 1109:
reports that 700,000 people in Mexico City and the suburbs in the
There were two apartment complexes in the area of the city called
3056:"Engineering Aspects of the September 19, 1985 Mexico Earthquake" 2705: 2490:[Debris from the collapsed Conalep knocked on the door]. 1159: 1069: 1046: 1034: 989: 721: 458: 454: 436: 1297: 1191:
Housing project by CUD on Dr Andrade Street in Colonia Doctores
1163: 1090: 1017: 1001: 993: 972: 502: 371:
Another factor is that the old lakebed resonates with certain
Angélica Navarrete; Gamaliel Valderrama (16 September 2015).
1310:"Brigada de Topos de Tlatelolco" (Mole Brigade of Tlatelolco) 1150:
of the United States (right) with U.S. Ambassador to Mexico,
Apartment Complex Pino Suárez, in the wake of the earthquake.
ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue (1900–2009)
415:, primarily along the coasts of the states of Michoacán and 1792: 357: 2994: 2852: 1342:, one of the first buildings in Mexico City to do so, the 836:
to broadcast live what was happening. Some members of the
3004:. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Lisbon 2521:
Manueco Guzman, Hector (20 September 1985). "Desastres".
Hardman, Chris (July–August 2004). "A Damper on Quakes".
1367: 1359: 208: 3094: 2633:(in Spanish). Mexico City. 14 September 2005. p. 2. 1877:
Svitil, Kathy A. (April 2003). "Earth's Deadly Pulses".
1000:, Nayarit. Rockslides were reported along highways near 461:
reported the highest waves of 60 cm (2.0 ft).
less than 2,500 years old, and an old river delta area.
2488:"Los escombros del colapsado Conalep tocaban la puerta" 2202:
Soberon, Guillermo Julio; Jaime Sepulveda (June 1986).
The military was deployed to patrol streets to prevent
Boraiko, Allen A. (May 1986). "Earthquake in Mexico".
2201: 411:. The Cocos Plate pushes against and slides under the 988:
Although much closer to the epicenter, the states of
indicates earthquake resulting in at least 30 deaths
Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training-ADST
1411: 743: 423:
Shockwaves from the earthquake hit the mouth of the
2726: 2608: 2268:Haber, Paul Lawrence (1995). "Earthquake of 1985". 1917:
American Association for the Advancement of Science
1719:(in Spanish). Mexico City: Televisa. Archived from 1093:, using ice to conserve bodies for identification. 356:area, much of which is capped by 5 to 30 meters of 1786: 692:(Ministry of Communication and Transportation), a 2913:"A 20 años de terremoto: Los topos de Tlatelolco" 870:events scheduled for that weekend were cancelled. 3537: 2346: 2344: 2342: 2340: 2338: 736:on the north side of the park houses a mural by 679: 565:in the west and to a short distance east of the 3033:. Vol. 169, no. 5. pp. 654–675. 2883:"Preparation saves lives in Mexican Earthquake" 955:of surface rescue work and clearing of debris. 824:The transmission ended because a nearby 10-ton 3230:indicates the deadliest earthquake of the year 2777: 2520: 1606: 853:Los Televiteatros (now Centro Cultural Telmex) 572: 3253: 3124: 2642: 2640: 2384:"Misa en honor de costureras muertas en 1985" 2352:"¿Más de 40 mil muertos en el sismo de 1985?" 2335: 2272:. Taylor & Frances Ltd. pp. 179–184. 1618:(3). Universidad Nacional de Colombia: 5–19. 1487:- deadliest in Mexico's history prior to 1985 524: 322:Map showing regional tectonic plates and the 2876: 2874: 2782:(in Spanish). Mexico City. pp. 1a, 22a. 2624: 2622: 2620: 2586: 2263: 2261: 2259: 2257: 2255: 2253: 2251: 2249: 2247: 1741: 1346:, built before the 1985 earthquake, and the 1154:observing the damage done by the earthquake. 3138: 2793: 2791: 2789: 2629:"Suicidios in Tlatelolco:Sismo en Mexico". 2197: 2195: 2193: 2100: 2098: 2096: 2040: 2022:"SNN Mexican National Seismological Centre" 1902: 1900: 1078:citizens' groups) to 45,000 claimed by the 3260: 3246: 3131: 3117: 2649:"Terremoto de la Ciudad de Mexico de 1985" 2637: 2516: 2514: 2512: 2510: 2191: 2189: 2187: 2185: 2183: 2181: 2179: 2177: 2175: 2173: 2162:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 1748:. Water Resources Publication. p. 6. 1735: 690:Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes 290:). The event caused serious damage to the 34: 3267: 2968:[Mexican Topos travel to Haiti]. 2871: 2674: 2672: 2670: 2617: 2604: 2602: 2600: 2598: 2294:(in Spanish). Secretaría de Salud, Mexico 2244: 2227: 2144: 2142: 2140: 2138: 2136: 1968: 1966: 1964: 1962: 1960: 1958: 1872: 1870: 1842: 1840: 1838: 1818: 1710: 1708: 1706: 1704: 1702: 1700: 1602: 1600: 1598: 1596: 1594: 1592: 1590: 1588: 1586: 1584: 1582: 1580: 1578: 1576: 1507: 1505: 1503: 1501: 1244: 140: 2964:del Toro, Evangelina (14 January 2010). 2963: 2907: 2905: 2903: 2797: 2786: 2613:(in Spanish). Mexico City. pp. 39a. 2582: 2580: 2311: 2309: 2285: 2283: 2281: 2279: 2104: 2093: 2073:"Mexican quake made small sea ripples". 1897: 1698: 1696: 1694: 1692: 1690: 1688: 1686: 1684: 1682: 1680: 1574: 1572: 1570: 1568: 1566: 1564: 1562: 1560: 1558: 1556: 1279: 1248: 1227: 1186: 1137: 1068: 934:, there was no service between stations 766: 659: 621: 501: 468: 387: 317: 3026: 2832: 2830: 2771: 2507: 2381: 2377: 2375: 2373: 2170: 2066: 1846: 850:Televicentro (now Televisa Chapultepec) 699: 308:Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) 3538: 3065: 2880: 2667: 2595: 2591:(in Spanish). Mexico City. p. 15. 2425: 2358:from the original on 26 September 2008 2133: 2054:from the original on 29 September 2008 2016: 2014: 1988: 1955: 1876: 1867: 1835: 1767: 1765: 1714: 1498: 1223: 983: 3241: 3112: 2957: 2900: 2859:from the original on 8 September 2009 2845: 2720: 2646: 2577: 2555: 2529: 2454: 2306: 2289: 2276: 2267: 1715:Campus, Yunnven (19 September 2005). 1677: 1553: 2881:Peters, Gretchen (24 January 2003). 2836: 2827: 2698: 2680:"Terremoto de 1985: 13 años despues" 2370: 1607:Moreno Murillo, Juan Manuel (1995). 892: 2931: 2152:. Mexico City. 1999. pp. 8–28. 2011: 1762: 1645: 1511: 906:, there was no service in stations 844: 798: 775:Nonoalco Tlatelolco was located on 754:Conjunto Urbano Nonoalco Tlatelolco 13: 3095:International Seismological Centre 3020: 2647:Cuchi, Giana (19 September 2005). 2431: 2413:(in Spanish). Mexico City: Proceso 1520:International Seismological Centre 1366:struck Mexico at 13:05 CDT (18:05 807:then the morning news cast in the 584: 14: 3597: 3087: 3053: 2408: 2354:(in Spanish). 19 September 2008. 2290:Rojas, Enriquez (November 1987). 1745:Hydraulics of Dams and Reservoirs 1259:Institutional Revolutionary Party 1172:Institutional Revolutionary Party 880: 841:began in 1995 and ended in 2000. 744:Apartment complexes in Tlatelolco 634:neighborhood, near Metro station 617: 448:Modified Mercalli intensity scale 3571:Megathrust earthquakes in Mexico 2966:"Viajan Topos mexicanos a Haití" 1974:"El terremoto en Mexico de 1985" 1660:National Geophysical Data Center 1442: 1428: 1414: 1391: 1375: 630:Manuel José Othón Street in the 3576:September 1985 events in Mexico 2988: 2816: 2479: 2448: 2402: 1999:. 5 October 1985. p. 214. 1655:Significant Earthquake Database 577:Cuauhtémoc, which includes the 216: 2270:Concise Encyclopedia of Mexico 1525: 1080:National Seismological Service 964:then-available beds was lost. 711: 655: 1: 2749:10.1126/science.233.4768.1071 2563:"Museo Mural de Diego Rivera" 2382:Notimex (19 September 2005). 1933:10.1126/science.233.4768.1043 1491: 1468:List of earthquakes in Mexico 1133: 1064: 897:On the day of the quake, the 680:Central Communications Center 383: 352:with a high water content, a 2972:(in Spanish). Archived from 2651:(in Spanish). Archived from 2386:(in Spanish). Archived from 2024:(in Spanish). Archived from 1717:"A 20 años del sismo del 85" 1609:"The 1985 Mexico Earthquake" 1182: 958: 819:sigue temblando un poquitito 529:Mexico City is divided into 240:Up to 3 m (9.8 ft) 7: 2525:(in Spanish). pp. 14a. 2455:Array (16 September 2015). 1463:List of earthquakes in 2017 1458:List of earthquakes in 1985 1407: 1398:A statue in Mexico City to 1358:at around 13:14 CDT (18:14 1176:Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1116: 1014:Universidad de las Américas 573:Building damage in the city 506:Aftermath of the earthquake 392:USGS ShakeMap for the event 276:1985 Mexico City earthquake 107:19 September 1985 29:1985 Mexico City earthquake 10: 3602: 2048:"Earthquakes and Tsunamis" 1820:10.3208/sandf1972.28.3_149 1288:, located adjacent to the 950:and Balderas were closed. 858:Hilton Mexico City Reforma 525:Localization of the damage 313: 252:  20 September 1985 18: 3452: 3306: 3275: 3220: 3152: 2887:Christian Science Monitor 2798:Kirkwood, Burton (2000). 1479:2022 Michoacán earthquake 1364:2022 Michoacán earthquake 1275: 464: 262: 244: 236: 215: 203: 195: 158: 150: 134: 126: 118: 103: 90: 77: 66: 51: 45:Hospital Juárez de México 33: 3586:1985 disasters in Mexico 1995:"Mexican quake update". 873:Hotel Continental Hilton 734:Museo Mural Diego Rivera 3066:Leiken, Robert (1988). 2081:(8). 22 February 1986. 1286:Plaza de la Solidaridad 730:Plaza de la Solidaridad 154:20 km (12 mi) 3566:History of Mexico City 3068:"Earthquake in Mexico" 2945:. Mexico. 6 April 2009 2432:Flores, Miguel Angel. 1485:1920 Xalapa earthquake 1473:2017 Puebla earthquake 1293: 1265:levels of government. 1254: 1245:Political consequences 1233: 1192: 1155: 1074: 834:Canal de las Estrellas 772: 720:style. It had its own 669: 627: 559:Viaducto Miguel Alemán 507: 474: 439:in the United States. 393: 327: 258:  30 April 1986 21:2017 Puebla earthquake 3495:2014 Mexico–Guatemala 3269:Earthquakes in Mexico 3072:The National Interest 2706:"Terremoto en cifras" 2436:(in Spanish). Proceso 2220:10.2105/AJPH.76.6.673 1799:Soils and Foundations 1742:Fuat Şentürk (1994). 1450:Earth sciences portal 1344:Torre Ejecutiva Pemex 1340:Torre Latinoamericana 1326:2010 Haiti earthquake 1324:, and in the January 1322:tsunami there in 2004 1283: 1252: 1231: 1190: 1146:of Mexico (left) and 1141: 1072: 1008:and ground cracks in 770: 663: 625: 519:Torre Latinoamericana 505: 497:earthquake resistance 472: 391: 376:earthquake far away. 324:Middle America Trench 321: 297:Middle America Trench 282:of 8.0 and a maximal 3546:1980s in Mexico City 3485:2012 Guerrero–Oaxaca 3470:2010 Baja California 3404:1979 Imperial Valley 3195:(8.1, September 19) 2919:on 18 September 2008 2655:on 23 September 2008 1616:Geofisica Colombiana 1384:Miguel Ángel Mancera 1239:Israel Defence Force 1214:Manuel Camacho Solís 1089:baseball field as a 758:Multifamiliar Juárez 700:Conjunto Pino Suárez 592:Mexican–American War 413:North American Plate 16:Earthquake in Mexico 3429:1995 Colima–Jalisco 3143:Earthquakes in 1985 3030:National Geographic 2741:1986Sci...233.1071B 2323:on 18 February 2009 1925:1986Sci...233.1043A 1811:1988SoFou..28..149O 1547:2017AGUFM.S33G2950P 1224:Foreign rescue help 1098:Miguel de la Madrid 984:Outside Mexico City 782:Adolfo López Mateos 777:Paseo de la Reforma 762:Metro Centro Médico 694:reinforced concrete 535:Venustiano Carranza 304:Miguel de la Madrid 292:Greater Mexico City 176: /  73:1985-09-19 13:17:50 30: 3581:Tsunamis in Mexico 3369:1959 Coatzacoalcos 3298:1892 Laguna Salada 3213:(6.9, December 23) 3103:authoritative data 2976:on 18 January 2010 2708:(in Spanish). UNAM 2543:on 13 October 2008 2467:on 3 February 2019 2434:"Zona de Desastre" 2390:on 22 October 2008 1356:another earthquake 1300:along the coastal 1294: 1255: 1234: 1193: 1156: 1113:lost their homes. 1075: 1012:. Students at the 916:Isabel la Católica 773: 670: 628: 598:complex such as a 508: 475: 394: 328: 284:Mercalli intensity 266:5,000–45,000 dead 207:$ 5 billion (1985 28: 3533: 3532: 3283:1475 Tenochtitlan 3235: 3234: 3207:(5.8, October 13) 3186:(7.4, August 23) 3159:(6.2, January 26) 2809:978-0-313-00243-4 2800:History of Mexico 1755:978-0-918334-80-0 1533:City Abnormal?". 1350:, built in 2003. 1004:, Guerrero, with 893:Mexico City Metro 579:historic downtown 547:Gustavo A. Madero 365:soil liquefaction 272: 271: 3593: 3556:1985 earthquakes 3419:1985 Mexico City 3262: 3255: 3248: 3239: 3238: 3133: 3126: 3119: 3110: 3109: 3083: 3062: 3060: 3054:Stone, William. 3050: 3014: 3013: 3011: 3009: 3003: 2992: 2986: 2985: 2983: 2981: 2961: 2955: 2954: 2952: 2950: 2935: 2929: 2928: 2926: 2924: 2909: 2898: 2897: 2895: 2893: 2878: 2869: 2868: 2866: 2864: 2849: 2843: 2842: 2834: 2825: 2820: 2814: 2813: 2795: 2784: 2783: 2775: 2769: 2768: 2724: 2718: 2717: 2715: 2713: 2702: 2696: 2695: 2693: 2691: 2676: 2665: 2664: 2662: 2660: 2644: 2635: 2634: 2626: 2615: 2614: 2606: 2593: 2592: 2584: 2575: 2574: 2572: 2570: 2559: 2553: 2552: 2550: 2548: 2539:. Archived from 2533: 2527: 2526: 2518: 2505: 2504: 2502: 2500: 2483: 2477: 2476: 2474: 2472: 2463:. Archived from 2452: 2446: 2445: 2443: 2441: 2429: 2423: 2422: 2420: 2418: 2409:Ponce, Roberto. 2406: 2400: 2399: 2397: 2395: 2379: 2368: 2367: 2365: 2363: 2348: 2333: 2332: 2330: 2328: 2313: 2304: 2303: 2301: 2299: 2287: 2274: 2273: 2265: 2242: 2241: 2231: 2199: 2168: 2167: 2161: 2153: 2146: 2131: 2130: 2102: 2091: 2090: 2070: 2064: 2063: 2061: 2059: 2044: 2038: 2037: 2035: 2033: 2018: 2009: 2008: 1992: 1986: 1985: 1983: 1981: 1970: 1953: 1952: 1904: 1895: 1894: 1874: 1865: 1864: 1844: 1833: 1832: 1822: 1790: 1784: 1783: 1781: 1779: 1769: 1760: 1759: 1739: 1733: 1732: 1730: 1728: 1723:on 27 April 2006 1712: 1675: 1674: 1672:10.7289/V5TD9V7K 1649: 1643: 1642: 1640: 1638: 1632: 1626:. Archived from 1613: 1604: 1551: 1550: 1529: 1523: 1522: 1518:, Version 1.05, 1509: 1452: 1447: 1446: 1445: 1438: 1433: 1432: 1431: 1424: 1419: 1418: 1395: 1379: 1051:Infiernillo Dams 845:Other structures 830:Colonia Doctores 814:Lourdes Guerrero 799:Televisa studios 636:San Antonio Abad 563:Chapultepec Park 557:in the north to 495:with respect to 491:, there were no 280:moment magnitude 232: 230: 218: 191: 190: 188: 187: 186: 181: 180:18.35°N 102.39°W 177: 174: 173: 172: 169: 145: 114: 112: 38: 31: 27: 3601: 3600: 3596: 3595: 3594: 3592: 3591: 3590: 3536: 3535: 3534: 3529: 3448: 3414:1981 Playa Azul 3302: 3271: 3266: 3236: 3231: 3226: 3216: 3180:(6.3, April 18) 3165:(8.0, March 3) 3148: 3137: 3105:for this event. 3090: 3058: 3023: 3021:Further reading 3018: 3017: 3007: 3005: 3001: 2993: 2989: 2979: 2977: 2962: 2958: 2948: 2946: 2937: 2936: 2932: 2922: 2920: 2911: 2910: 2901: 2891: 2889: 2879: 2872: 2862: 2860: 2851: 2850: 2846: 2835: 2828: 2821: 2817: 2810: 2796: 2787: 2776: 2772: 2725: 2721: 2711: 2709: 2704: 2703: 2699: 2689: 2687: 2678: 2677: 2668: 2658: 2656: 2645: 2638: 2628: 2627: 2618: 2607: 2596: 2585: 2578: 2568: 2566: 2561: 2560: 2556: 2546: 2544: 2535: 2534: 2530: 2519: 2508: 2498: 2496: 2484: 2480: 2470: 2468: 2453: 2449: 2439: 2437: 2430: 2426: 2416: 2414: 2407: 2403: 2393: 2391: 2380: 2371: 2361: 2359: 2350: 2349: 2336: 2326: 2324: 2315: 2314: 2307: 2297: 2295: 2288: 2277: 2266: 2245: 2200: 2171: 2155: 2154: 2148: 2147: 2134: 2119:10.2307/3970646 2103: 2094: 2072: 2071: 2067: 2057: 2055: 2046: 2045: 2041: 2031: 2029: 2028:on 10 June 2008 2020: 2019: 2012: 1994: 1993: 1989: 1979: 1977: 1972: 1971: 1956: 1905: 1898: 1875: 1868: 1845: 1836: 1791: 1787: 1777: 1775: 1773:"Datasets 1985" 1771: 1770: 1763: 1756: 1740: 1736: 1726: 1724: 1713: 1678: 1650: 1646: 1636: 1634: 1630: 1611: 1605: 1554: 1530: 1526: 1510: 1499: 1494: 1448: 1443: 1441: 1434: 1429: 1427: 1420: 1413: 1410: 1403: 1400:Plácido Domingo 1396: 1387: 1380: 1302:subduction zone 1290:Alameda Central 1278: 1247: 1226: 1185: 1136: 1119: 1111:State of Mexico 1067: 1059:intertidal zone 1010:Lázaro Cárdenas 986: 961: 895: 883: 847: 801: 746: 714: 702: 682: 658: 620: 587: 585:Hospital Juárez 575: 569:or main plaza. 551:Alameda Central 527: 489:1957 earthquake 467: 444:Lázaro Cárdenas 442:In the port of 405:subduction zone 386: 316: 306:and the ruling 302:Then-president 267: 257: 253: 251: 224: 222: 184: 182: 178: 175: 170: 167: 165: 163: 162: 144: 119:Local time 110: 108: 104:Local date 62: 61: 60: 47: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 3599: 3589: 3588: 3583: 3578: 3573: 3568: 3563: 3561:1985 in Mexico 3558: 3553: 3551:1980s tsunamis 3548: 3531: 3530: 3528: 3527: 3525:2022 Michoacán 3522: 3517: 3512: 3507: 3502: 3497: 3492: 3487: 3482: 3477: 3472: 3467: 3462: 3456: 3454: 3450: 3449: 3447: 3446: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3426: 3421: 3416: 3411: 3406: 3401: 3396: 3391: 3386: 3381: 3376: 3371: 3366: 3361: 3356: 3354:1940 El Centro 3351: 3346: 3341: 3336: 3331: 3326: 3321: 3316: 3314:1911 Michoacán 3310: 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Retrieved 1721:the original 1654: 1647: 1635:. Retrieved 1628:the original 1615: 1538: 1534: 1527: 1514: 1512:ISC (2014), 1422:1980s portal 1352: 1336: 1333: 1330: 1318:San Salvador 1306: 1295: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1256: 1235: 1218: 1210: 1206: 1198:Colonia Roma 1194: 1169: 1157: 1148:Nancy Reagan 1128: 1124: 1120: 1103: 1095: 1084: 1076: 1055: 987: 978: 966: 962: 936:Bellas Artes 896: 888: 884: 864:Arena México 837: 823: 818: 804: 802: 794: 790: 786: 774: 747: 738:Diego Rivera 726: 715: 705: 703: 683: 674: 671: 650: 642: 640: 629: 612: 608: 604: 596: 588: 576: 528: 516: 509: 485: 476: 452: 441: 430: 422: 395: 378: 370: 362: 350:volcanic ash 343: 340:Lake Texcoco 336: 329: 301: 287: 275: 273: 226: 204:Total damage 43:– Collapsed 25: 3515:2020 Oaxaca 3510:2018 Oaxaca 3505:2017 Puebla 3465:2010 Oaxaca 3460:2003 Colima 3439:1999 Oaxaca 3409:1980 Oaxaca 3394:1978 Oaxaca 3384:1973 Colima 3379:1965 Oaxaca 3359:1941 Colima 3339:1931 Oaxaca 3334:1920 Xalapa 3293:1887 Sonora 3193:Mexico City 1348:Torre Mayor 1023:Zihuatanejo 912:Pino Suárez 868:lucha libre 760:" near the 712:Hotel Regis 686:Eje Central 656:Conalep SPP 433:Los Angeles 409:seismic gap 402:Cocos Plate 245:Aftershocks 183: / 130:3−4 minutes 81: event 41:Mexico City 3540:Categories 3276:Historical 3172:Rapel Lake 2980:14 January 2970:Yahoo News 2949:14 January 2841:: 483–486. 2839:The Nation 2690:10 October 2569:11 October 2499:2 February 2471:2 February 2440:11 October 2417:11 October 2298:11 October 1919:: 1043–9. 1492:References 1314:scent dogs 1152:John Gavin 1134:Government 1065:Death toll 1016:in nearby 928:Cuauhtémoc 866:. All the 817:a little ( 805:Hoy Mismo, 750:Tlatelolco 732:park. The 706:Tower Four 664:Collapsed 600:blood bank 555:Tlatelolco 539:Cuauhtémoc 425:Río Balsas 384:Earthquake 263:Casualties 111:1985-09-19 70: time 3205:Kayrakkum 3163:Algarrobo 3047:643483454 3039:0027-9358 3008:2 January 2923:4 October 2863:4 October 2780:Excélsior 2712:4 October 2659:9 October 2631:La Prensa 2611:Excélsior 2589:Excélsior 2547:9 October 2523:Excélsior 2394:9 October 2362:9 October 2327:4 October 2158:cite book 2150:Michoacán 2113:(3): 36. 2087:0036-8423 2058:4 October 2032:4 October 2005:0036-8423 1980:4 October 1891:0274-7529 1885:(4): 12. 1861:0379-0940 1829:0385-1621 1778:4 October 1727:4 October 1624:0121-2974 1183:Community 1041:, on the 959:Hospitals 838:Hoy Mismo 756:and the " 398:Michoacán 219:intensity 159:Epicenter 135:Magnitude 3080:24027122 2892:28 March 2857:Archived 2757:17746579 2356:Archived 2052:Archived 1949:34443593 1941:17746576 1915:(4768). 1879:Discover 1855:(4): 4. 1849:Americas 1408:See also 1202:Doctores 1162:after a 1117:Response 1039:Veracruz 940:Taxqueña 924:Balderas 809:Televisa 728:now the 668:building 531:boroughs 483:ground. 455:tsunamis 417:Guerrero 354:piedmont 225:MMI IX ( 171:102°23′W 127:Duration 122:07:17:50 57:map data 3211:Nahanni 3157:Mendoza 3101:and/or 2765:8842155 2737:Bibcode 2729:Science 2238:3706595 2229:1646758 2127:3970646 1921:Bibcode 1909:Science 1807:Bibcode 1543:Bibcode 1298:sensors 1284:In the 1160:looting 1047:bedrock 1035:Morelos 990:Jalisco 826:antenna 722:cabaret 666:Conalep 644:Proceso 459:Ecuador 437:Houston 345:Desagüe 314:Preface 288:Violent 286:of IX ( 237:Tsunami 227:Violent 168:18°21′N 109: ( 3178:Luquan 3097:has a 3078:  3045:  3037:  2806:  2763:  2755:  2236:  2226:  2125:  2085:  2003:  1947:  1939:  1889:  1859:  1827:  1752:  1622:  1382:Mayor 1276:Legacy 1164:curfew 1091:morgue 1031:Mexico 1018:Puebla 1002:Ixtapa 994:Colima 973:ISSSTE 952:Line 4 948:Juárez 944:Line 3 932:Line 2 908:Merced 904:Line 1 567:Zócalo 465:Damage 199:Mexico 98:ComCat 85:516095 3184:Wuqia 3076:JSTOR 3059:(PDF) 3002:(PDF) 2761:S2CID 2461:Pulso 2123:JSTOR 1945:S2CID 1637:2 May 1631:(PDF) 1612:(PDF) 1107:INEGI 946:only 942:. 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2017 Puebla earthquake
Mexico city – Collapsed General Hospital
Mexico City
Hospital Juárez de México
map data
18°21′N 102°23′W / 18.35°N 102.39°W / 18.35; -102.39
MMI IX (Violent)
moment magnitude
Mercalli intensity
Greater Mexico City
Middle America Trench
Miguel de la Madrid
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

Middle America Trench
Pacific Plates
Lake Texcoco
volcanic ash
soil liquefaction
seismic waves

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.